#tried my best to balance being angry but not Too Angry
tastyflowers · 9 months
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Freelance Inventor Part 2
Dedicated to @jimmysorsprinkles Thank you for enjoying my random dabbles. I saw that you wanted more Dads, Danny/Bruce, who are unknowingly co-parenting, so here it is! (set during the first prompt through the years of Danny just being a dad whenever he's home)
"I just don't know what to do," Bruce admits, watching Dick stomp about in tiny angry circles, muttering in his native tongue under his breath. He's been out there for about a half hour, doing laps in the yard. Danny knows he deliberately chose to do so under the window leading to Bruce's office.
The kid definitely wanted his guardian to know he was mad at him .
It was the fact Dick was unconsciously hunching his shoulders, curling his fist, and even raising his knee slightly higher than he needed for his stomps that were a nod to Bruce whenever the man was upset.
It seemed like Dick had picked up habits from Bruce during his short time here. If anything, Danny thought it rather cute if it weren't for the fact Dick was so upset.
"What happened?" He asked, standing beside Bruce, overlooking the pre-teen throwing a fit.
Bruce's frown is sharp and hinted with just the edge of uncertainty that anyone who didn't know him well would have dismissed. "He was being reckless in one of our extreme sports, and when I rightfully scolded him for it, he took it as me not trusting him."
Danny tilts his head, considering. It's been over three years since he became acquainted with the Waynes, and in that time- between his travels, his inventing, and his general desire to learn all he could in any way he could- he noticed that Dick was very quick to anger as a defensive mechanism.
This clashed horribly with Bruce's own mechanism- which was shutting down or at least emotionally wise. While Dick sneered and raged against the world, Bruce tried his best to forget he was human and detached himself from the situation.
Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't feed into Dick's insecurities or Bruce's anxiety when they both reacted to adverse situations.
He has spoken to Jazz about it, and his sister has given him some advice that has helped him smooth things over with the young boy. Empathizing and paraphrasing the boy's issues was a big step in letting him feel heard and his feelings acknowledged.
For Bruce, he treated him like a ghost who had never seen a human. Plenty of ghosts were never human, were born in the ghost zone, or had been there for so long that they had forgotten what humans were like. Danny took time to explain why someone reacted the way they did- at least, why he thought so- and never made Bruce feel less for needing the help.
It was fun, in a way, to see Bruce's eyes lighten up with understanding and get him to talk about his rooted issues, but having to do so on carefully balanced tones and word choice. Phantom had so much practice de-escalating ghosts that it was a walk in the park with Bruce.
"I'll talk to him," Danny promised, leaning over to rest his hand on Bruce's shoulder and not batting an eye when the taller man landed down to rest his forehead on Danny's shoulder.
Where Bruce couldn't say in words, he yelled in his actions. It reminded him a bit of Wulf.
Bruce took a deep breath before nodding. "Thank you."
Danny hummed, reaching up to pet Bruce's hair like he would soothe Wulf, on days the werewolf would twitch too much at the door slamming, and suddenly his friend was mentally back in Walker's prison. "No problem. But, I will also be speaking to you later, and you are going to listen to Dick's side of the story without interrupting at dinner."
"Yes, Danny"
Alfred threw him an approving smile as he marched outside to meet Dick's rage-filled eyes and nervous hand twitching. He could catch the ending bits of whatever rant the boy was muttering.
"You're right. Bruce is an idiot sometimes." He starts grinning as the boy's eyes narrow further.
"You don't speak Romani."
"I may not understand what you're saying, but trust me, I feel it." Danny chirps, watching Dick's shoulder relax a little. " What did he do this time?"
"You won't even believe it!" Dick snaps, and then he's off, Danny keeping pace with him step by step as the boy works himself into another frenzy.
Later that night, Dick explained that he hated how Bruce made him feel so belittled and unimportant, his voice tight with a itch to fight, and Bruce carefully- with significant prompting from Danny- explained how he didn't mean it that way. He was only worried that he was about to watch Dick die in front of him, and he couldn't live through losing his family again.
Dick looked shocked to be considered family, and Danny swore he helped the boy sneak into Bruce's office, which so happened to have the adoption papers Bruce was hiding. Alfred gave him a large sample of pudding for dessert.
"Hey, kid," Danny whispered, watching Jason tense up momentarily. It's not overly noticeable, but Danny has grown used to seeing little ghost blobs show emotions by how they twisted and twirled over the years, so he could tell what the slight tightening of the fingers around the book meant.
It would be understandable if Jason had been present for another one of Dick's and Bruce's explosive arguments. He came from a household that had an older male figure beat him whenever Willis got in a mood, so while he knew that Bruce or Dick would never hit him, Jason still tried to make himself scarce.
Jazz was the one to point out Jason's usage of escapism in the form of books to comfort himself, and so Danny took whatever time he could manage to read the same books as Jason while on his travels.
"What?" The boy grunted, voice soft but weary.
Danny sits across from him, making sure to stay in Jason's eyesight at all times. He had realized in only his second visit after meeting Jason that the boy did not like having someone too close in his space.
He grew up on the streets where being weary of older men kept him alive- Danny would never fault him for what he had to do to survive.
Unlike Dick, who was always down to talk about why he was upset if only to rant, Jason preferred to have a distraction. So he offers him a smile that he hopes projects You're safe with me and pulls out a book from his bag.
Jason's eyes light up at the cover. "I had some theories on Mr. Darcy being in love with Mr.Bingley before he met Elizabeth, and Bruce won't agree with me. Help me find citations as proof?"
"It's so obvious that he was, how can the old man not see that!" Jason snorts, tilting his head in a cute habit that he picked up from Dick. He really looks up to his big brother no matter how tense things can get.
Danny is glad he's gotten Dick to explain to Jason that he didn't hate him, but he was going through a lot, and Jason as a street kid, understood on some level.
"The old just hate listening to other people's suggestions even when we're right!." Jason leans over to read the book Danny places between them, considering Jane Austin's work while Danny files away the real reason he's upset with Bruce.
Later, after Jason and he present a bemused Bruce with a report on why Mr.Darcy is bi and had feelings for his best friend before meeting his wife, he tells Bruce to explain why he didn't consider Jason's suggestion in their extreme sport.
Jason goes to bed that night with a better answer than "because I said so," and Danny forces Bruce to go up to his room and re-read Pride and Prejudice to connect with his youngest.
Alfred offers them extra blankets and pillows since the two get so caught up reading to each other that Danny just decides sleeping in Bruce's bed is easier than walking down two wings to the guest rooms.
"I'm not going to bed," Tim snapped when Danny knocked on his door. His fingers are flying over the keyboard of his computer, his little face glowing from the computer screen, and Danny is almost reminded of himself whenever he gets caught up in his work.
It may worry Bruce and Alfred, but Danny is a Fenton. He knows what it's like to have his brain run over time and sacrifice sleep or meals to get his ideas into the world.
His mother is the same, his father is the same, his sister is the same, and even Danny's clone is the same. It's fitting that the little boy he caught following Batmam around with a camera is the same since he all but forced Bruce to adopt him.
He hadn't meant to.
He had been testing an air purifier when he returned to Gotham since Bruce and the kids were out of state, and his ghost hearing picked up the sound of a camera click.
Imagine his surprise that when he turned to the roof opposite him, he found the tiny little face of an eleven-year-old staring back, holding a camera, and Batman swinging away in the distance. Danny became attached to Tim that night, even after he chased the boy down to ask if he was safe.
He did not like the implications of his parents always "working" while Tim ran amok in Gotham.
It took almost two weeks of following Tim around Gotham to help him with his photos before the boy allowed him to take him to Wayne Manor. It took three more before Bruce realized that Danny wouldn't allow Tim's parents to win him back, and together, they took the Drakes to court.
Danny has never been more grateful that Bruce was loaded with money and that his inventions gained him contacts in high places that wouldn't mind taking the Drakes down.
Tim was a lot like Bruce- where he shut down- but he needed people to be around him more. Sometimes just sitting in the same room- where Tim could glance up and see him- was enough for the boy to be at ease.
This was great for Bruce, who thought he didn't need to do much to make Tim happy- until Danny reminded him that Tim was a poor boy who was gutted for any form of parental approval.
He had to almost punch Bruce after overhearing him tell Tim he was proud of him, but there was room for improvement. Bruce meant it as helpful, constructive criticism, but Tim- whose parents all but drilled how useless he was- only heard criticism.
Only heard, he was not enough.
So now Tim was going, who knew how many hours without sleep, trying to fix whatever issue he thought he had caused. How a fourteen-year-old could have caused issues at his adoptive dad's multimillion-dollar company was beyond Danny, but it meant a lot to Tim, so he didn't need to understand it.
He just needed to respect it.
"Don't want you to," Danny grunts, throwing himself on Tim's queen-sized bed. "I just wanted to know if I could crash here. Bruce pissed me off."
Tim's fingers pause. "What did he do?"
"He tried to tell me how to handle my inventions' payment. I'm a freelancer! I know how to do that." Danny complains while twisting under the covers. Tim slowly turns around to look at him, but he acts like he doesn't notice. "I know he'll try to talk to me in the guest rooms, but he won't find me here. I just don't want to listen to another "I can do it better" lecture."
After a moment's pause, Tim admits. "He did the same to me and my team."
He means Cassie, Bart, and Conner. The little team of photography buddies Bruce introduced Tim back when they started homeschooling him. Dani suggested pulling Tim out of school is one of the best advice his clone ever gave him.
Tim took the pictures, Cassie and Conner modeled, and Bart made the clothes. Their work was slowly gaining traction online, and Tim seemed to glow whenever the Team was mentioned.
"Course he did." Danny sigh. He leans back into the pillow. "Know why he did it, too. Bruce doesn't want me to be taken advantage of, but it's hard not to hear him think I can't keep up, especially when my family is doing the same thing."
"Yeah," Tim's voice is soft. "It's frustrating that all your hard work is overshadowed or that everything you've done so far doesn't prove that you know you can."
Bingo. Danny discovered Tim's issue; now he just needs to bring it home.
"I know I'm great at what I do. You said so yourself- my past proves I am crazy good at work. I leave other people breathless in awe all the time. I can adapt and overcome so much faster than others. Bruce can see that, but he forgets to praise it." Danny huffs like he's trying not to be forgiving, and it causes a smile to unwillingly appear on Tim's face.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow but today I'm being petty and hiding. Thanks for letting me sleep here"
"You're welcome, Danny." Tim goes back to his typing, but only after a minute or two of Danny asking if he can turn off the light does the boy save his work and shut his computer down.
The room is plunged into darkness but Danny doesn't need the light to see how Tim sinks into his mattress. Tim is smart- crazy smart that every part of him that's Fenton crows with pride- and he can easily see through Danny.
"Thank you Danny" He doesn't say what for but he doesn't need to.
Danny reaches over, grabs the blankets, and makes sure they cover the small shoulder, tucking Tim in properly. "Any time kid"
The next morning, Bruce wakes them up with a powerpoint of all the things he thought were impressive about Tim and his team's last photo session. A powerpoint for Pete's sake.
But it makes Tim smile so much that Danny lets it slide. At least he listened when Danny chewed him out for forgetting to praise Tim.
Alfred offers Danny some of his private tea jars, which according to Dick, means Danny is in for life as Tim, Jason, and Bruce go over the PowerPoint again. Jason has begone to heal for his bitch of a mother's betrayal a few months ago.
Thankfully, Danny was in the area when he called and reminded the lady why she should not mess with Bruce's kids. Dani paying her a visit in her jail cell was just the Fentons' sending their regards.
(His dad gave Dani the ani-creep stick, and his mom hacked the cameras to loop. Jazz just watched hours of her to realize what made the woman scream and cry before sending the clone on her way. It was a good family bonding moment)
No one believed the woman claiming to be haunted that her son was Robin. Honestly, where on earth she got that idea Danny would never know.
His Jason, the sweet school-loving boy who graduated as valedictorian, running around punching criminals? Honestly, what was she going to claim next?
Bruce being Batman?!
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nathaslosthershit · 6 months
Welcome interruptions (Dad!Lando Norris)
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Summary: While streaming, Lando gets interrupted by two very adorable and very welcome guests
With his wife being out of the house for the time being, and the twins down for a nap, Lando had decided to jump on a quick stream for the first time in a while. Being the father of 3 year old twins didn’t leave much time to stream, not that Lando complained much.
User 1: andddd he is back
User 2: father lando gracing us with his presence
User 3: about time sir
“Alright Chat thank you, I get it. I know I have been gone for a while” He flippantly replied.
He hadn’t intended to be on as long as he had. He enjoyed streaming very much but balancing work, family, and his Twitch sidegig wasn’t the easiest. Still, he hadn’t wanted to spend as long as he was doing on the stream. Admittedly, he had lost track of time while playing and chatting. It wasn’t until two guests graced him with their presence that he realized how long it had been.
Tiny footsteps took Lando out of his haze. Turning around, he was met with two disheveled toddlers still rubbing sleep from their eyes. 
“Hello loves” he cooed, “How was your nap?”
The twins both stayed silent as they tried, and failed, to get on their father’s lap. After some assistance from Lando, his daughter finally spoke up.
“Dada, blueberries please” she muttered.
“You both want them?” He asked. Both replied yes as they laid on his chest, facing the screen that had been showing the chat comments whirling by. His son pointed wordlessly, confused at what he was seeing.
His children were by no means a secret, the minute they were born he had all but shouted his newfound father status. But convincing his wife to bring them to the paddock was not an easy task. He knew the risks and why she was uneasy. He respected her wishes to wait, but the minute they got to join him she could see how much this truly meant to him. Since then, Formula 1 fans had become well acquainted with the Norris twins. 
But this was their Twitch debut, so understandably, the viewers were excited. 
“Those are all the people watching, they are saying hi to you both. Can you say hi to chat?” Lando asked. Immediately, his extroverted daughter yelled a greeting, while his son turned his body, hiding as best he could.
“You can certainly tell which one of them got all the social skills.” He joked.
User 4: give the children their blueberries mr.norris
User 5: she certainly is her father’s child. 
User 6: please, i don’t want baby fever
User 7: oh to grow up the child of Lando Norris
“Alright, I shouldn’t torture them anymore. I’m heading off to give these angels their snacks. I will stream… eventually.” The onslaught of angry comments made Lando giggle, he was purposely trying to piss them off. “Kidding everyone, my god. You know it isn’t easy being a father of two. No matter how sweet and adorable they are.” The babies in his lap laughed as he attacked their foreheads with kisses. 
“Goodbye everyone!” Shutting off the stream and then his computer, Lando expertly lifted both his kids up and carried them out.
“Geez you both are getting heavy, either you are growing up too fast or I am getting too weak.” Hearing the giggles he added, “What? You think your father is weak? Is that funny to you two?” He jested. Grabbing them their blueberries and sitting them down at the table, he took a moment to watch his two beautiful creations messily eat. 
After finishing their plates, he cleared them and his kids to the playroom.
Picking a book from the shelf, Lando sat on the couch as his toddlers joined him on his lap.
Kissing their heads as he opened the book, they both muttered a ‘love you Dada’ that made his heart absolutely melt.
Oh what a beautiful life. 
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Pairings: Helion x Reader (platonic); Inner Circle x Reader (platonic)
Summary: Secrets can never be kept for long. Eventually, the truth always comes out, and so do the consequences of it.
Warnings: Mentions of blood/pregnancy/birth/fight/death (nothing too descriptive); there's a flashback scene in the middle.
Words: 7.6k
Author's Note: Hi! So I started writing, and this is what came out (kinda of what happened with 'Never Yours'). I'm exploring my writing at the moment, and that's why this got so long, but I like how this turned out, and I hope you guys do too. Enjoy!
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You are a scholar from Day Court. But you are not just a simple scholar - you are the best.  
You were known for graduating at the top of your class and for your impeccable reputation of never failing a project and never leaving a question unanswered.
You have always been a very curious person, and the fact that you grew up in Day Court gave you the privilege of having access to the best libraries with the best books in Prythian.
That's why books were your life and the fact you liked to have an answer for everything, even though Helion called you a know-it-all from time to time, and even if that irritated you a little, it was true.
Whenever a question arose that you didn't know the answer to, you made it your personal mission to find one. 
Even if it meant having to read dozens, if not hundreds of books, but that part you never care about. Besides, the libraries were your favorite places, especially the one near the pegasus stables.
The only thing you liked more than books was pegasus. You thought they were the most magnificent creatures your eyes had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Your favorite was Meallan, who was also Helion's favorite. It was with him that you learned to ride a pegasus, and he was your favorite partner to fly and enjoy the sky.
Besides being curious, you were also a very adventurous person, and it was your sense of adventure that got you into trouble. 
One day, you decided that it would be a great idea to combine the two things you love most in this world - books and pegasus.  
So you tried flying with Meallan while reading one of your romance books, only to get distracted when the scenery in the book started to heat up and lose your balance.
Your luck? Meallan wasn't flying very high when it happened.  
Your bad luck? A broken leg and a very big and angry lecture from Helion.
When he heard what you did, he banned you from flying with Meallan or any of the other pegasus again for months.
Which led you to focus on books again for a while, which helped a lot during your recovery.
Your reputation caught Rhysand's attention.
The High Lord of the Night Court was in the middle of researching the Cauldron. Rumors about Hybern being in search of it for a new war had reached his ears, and as all High Lords should, he began to prepare for war but the truth is that his library could not be compared with those at Day Court.
Even with the help of the priestesses, he was unable to find almost anything. That's where you entered the equation.
During a meeting between the Night Court and Day Court at Helion's Palace, Rhys mentioned your name.
Helion wasn't surprised. He knew very well what you were capable of, and at that moment, he couldn't hide the pride he felt for you. 
He knew what Rhysand was about to ask of him. He wanted you to join him and his Inner Circle in Velaris and help with the research, and if possible, bring some books from your Court on the subject for them to read as well.
Helion had no problem with you helping them, afterall Rhys was one of his longest friends. 
The only thing he didn't like was putting you in the enemy's attention. If Hybern found out, you'd have a target on your back.
Helion explained his worries to Rhys and his Inner Circle that were seated beside him.
He explained to them how you were not just another citizen of his Court. 
You were important and very close to him. He told them how your mother was one of his best friends for centuries, and when she died, he took you under his care.
The Night Court assured him that they would treat you like family and that they would not let anything bad happen to you.
Before Helion could respond, your voice filled the conference room, “I’ll do it.”
All the heads turned in your direction, Helion leaned back in his chair and ran a hand over his face. "How many times do I have to tell you not to eavesdrop?"
With an innocent smile, you replied, "I wasn't eavesdropping. I was passing by, and I heard my name."
"Really? You were just passing by?" Helion didn't believe you for a second.
The Inner Circle watched the scene unfold in front of them with amusement in their faces.
"Hum hum" was your response.
Helion interlaced his hands and with an amused look - one that you knew very well and that meant he was about to corner you - "And where were you going, if I may ask?"
"I...Hum, I..." You paused to think. "Ah, I was going to the kitchen. Yes, that's where I was going." You finished with pride.
Helion chuckled. "The same kitchen that is on the other side of the palace, and you can't access it from this floor?"
Your smile fell, and you realized you had been caught. 
He was right, this floor was for political purposes only - Helion's office, the conference room they were in now, an armament room and the map room which was mainly used by Helion's General and his soldiers.
Everyone tried to contain their laughter at your expression and when you tried to come up with a quick response and couldn't, you decided to admit defeat "Okay, okay, I wasn't just passing by. What do you want me to say? You know I'm curious."
"Indeed, I do." He gave you a smile. Raising from his seat, he gestured for you to approach him, and when you did, he wrapped you in a side hug. "Y/N, meet the Inner Circle." 
You couldn't help but linger your gaze on the Shadowsinger. He was stupidly handsome, and no one should look that good. 
The laughter caught your attention, and when you looked at them, you noticed that everyone was smiling except Helion. 
Realizing what just happened, you said, "Shit. Did I just say that out loud?" A hand coming to cover your mouth that was starting to form into a nervous smile.
"Unfortunately." Helion replied with a roll of his eyes.
Another thing you were also, besides being curious and adventurous - is being honest. You are not, and you have never been afraid to say what you think and be direct about it. 
Helion has always really liked that trait of yours but not at the moment, especially when you're using it to flirt with the male in front of you.
"Okay, enough." He averted his gaze to Azriel. "Stop looking at her like that before I regret all of this." The Shadowsinger raised his hand in surrender with a smile.
Helion released a sigh before looking at you. "Are you sure about this? You don't have to do it if you don't want to."
You gave him an assured smile. "I'm sure. I can do this. Besides, it's what I was trained for, right?" That led you to another thought. "Oh, can you train me while I'm there?" You asked the General. 
Cassian was surprised by the question. No one ever asked him to train them before, and if they did, it wouldn't be a female. That made him happy, so he had no problem in saying, "Of course." 
"Awesome. I'm going to pack my things." You said with one last smile before exiting the room. 
"Alright. Rhys, I'm trusting you, all of you, with her. So... don't fuck this up, unless you would like to see me angry." Helion warned them with his High Lord voice.
Rhys giggled at his words but he knew the male meant every single one "We won't."
Helion turned his attention to Cassian. "Oh, and Cassian? Be careful when you eventually put a weapon on her hands. She's a little curious and clumsy even though she never lost or ruined a book, which is kinda a surprise, actually."
Cassian laughed, "It can't be that bad."
Helion also laughed before telling them one of your many stories "I once tried to teach her archery because she was interested and when I was teaching her how to shoot an arrow, she got distracted with a butterfly that was flying near her and the arrow that was supposed to go into the target, end up going into one of the gardener's legs. Who, by the way, was on the other side of the garden."
Cassian's smile dropped and he got a little pale.  Everyone else laughed but him.
"Oh, this is going to be fun." Morrigan said with a "I already like her," followed by Amren.
"Careful, got it." Cassian said before starting to re-think about his life's choices. 
You were finishing packing when Helion entered your bedroom chambers.
"Everything okay?" He asked you.
"Yes. I already have everything I need." You turned to look at him and when you saw his look you told him "Don't worry. I'm going to be fine."
"I know." He approached you and held you by your shoulders "Remember, no one can know. It needs to remain a secret." 
"Yes, I know. I'm not going to tell them." You assured him.
"Good. Now, have fun but please be careful with the weapons during training with Cassian. We wouldn't want you to lose a finger."
"Or him." You added, making you and the male giggle.
"Also, don't forget our agreement." Helion reminded you.
You rolled your eyes but with a laugh escaping your lips, "I know."
"Four letters during the week." He said while smiling at your antics, "Deal?"
"Deal." You said with a firm smile.
Everything was going well. 
You had been at the Night Court for about three months now and the research about the Cauldron and Hybern had progressed a lot with your help. 
You loved Velaris and adjusted very well but instead of staying with the Inner Circle, you decided to rent a house near the Sidra so you could explore the City of Starlight at your own pace. 
And because you never lived alone before and decided to try it - 'a new adventure' that's what you wrote to Helion in the letter. He didn't like that.
You also did that, so you had a reason for the Shadowsinger to fly you to the House and then back to yours - but you didn't share that part with Helion.
The library at the House of Wind made you feel at home and helped with your homesickness. 
The priestesses adored you and found your presence comforting. The only thing they didn't like very much was when you disappeared for a few hours and they had to alert the Inner Circle.  
They found you on the last floor of the library drinking tea while talking to Bryaxis much to Cassian's dismay. You almost gave all of them a heart attack.
When they asked you about it you blamed your curiosity. You had heard some priestesses talking about the creature that lived in the library while searching for a book. 
You went to the edge of the stairs and when you looked down, you found nothing, and you needed to know what this creature was like so your feet started moving before you could stop them. 
You end up finding that Bryaxis was really good at telling stories and you thought he was friendly. Cassian didn't like that.
You were doing remarkable work. Rhys had complimented you multiple times for it.
You were respecting the agreement and sending four letters as agreed and Cassian still had all his fingers and toes but the same couldn't be said about the ear he almost lost when you got distracted during sword training. 
Two months without any incident - or almost.
But that changed the day a letter from the Night Court arrived.
Helion never winnowed so fast as he did when he received the letter from Rhysand explaining about what happened to you.
Helion was quick to grab Rhys by the colar of his shirt that he didn't even had time to react "What the fuck happened?" He yelled.
Rhys didn't want to admit it but at that moment he was a little afraid of the male so he told him everything. How you didn't show up in the library this morning and Clotho noticed your absence, how no one had seen you since last night and after checking if you were with Bryaxis which you weren't, they decided to come to your house to check on you, but instead found the door open and when they check the inside...
The house was destroyed. Broken furniture, paintings lying on the floor, shattered objects, torn cushions and then, blood.
Not just yours but also whoever invaded.
Apparently, training with Cassian paid off because you put up a good fight to those males.
And then there were the scents.
The scent of Autumn soldiers, at least five different scents lingered in the air but they were starting to disappear so they suspected you had been taken at least two hours ago.
And when the explanation ended, he finally released his friend's shirt and took a step back.
Helion panicked. He knew what this meant right before he came to Velaris. But he chose not to believe it and just dismissed it. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
But now, with all the evidence in front of his eyes, he couldn't deny it. Not anymore.
He had found out the truth and came for you.
All the emotions started overwhelming Helion - anger, worry, fear, rage.
But he was going to find you, and he was going to bring you home - to him. Even if it meant he would have to destroy Autumn with his bare hands, like he did once, to some beasts, all those centuries ago.
"Don't worry, Helion, we're going to find your scholar." Rhysand promised him.
"She's not just my scholar!" The High Lord of Day shouted - he shouted so loud that the birds that were posing on the trees flew away as fast as their wings allowed. 
Feyre moved forward and placed her hand on Helion's arm, trying to comfort him as much as she could. "What do you mean by that?"
Helion met the High Lady's eyes, and all she found in them was pain and fear. 
His lips trembled, and after taking a few deep breaths, he told her the truth. "She's my daughter." 
The Inner Circle stilled at his words. This was unknown to them, Helion had never mentioned a child of his own.
"Y/N is my daughter, and she's the princess of the Day Court." The High Lord of Day told them. The fear in his voice was noticeable. 
Before any of them had the chance to say something, Helion raised his hand and signaled his second in command to approach him; the male had refused to let his High Lord come alone after reading that letter "Benjen."
Benjen approached him and stood to his full height, ready to receive his orders. "Yes, High Lord?
"I need you to send a letter to Eris, tell him what happened and that he needs to come to Velaris as soon as he can." Helion paused for a second, very well aware of the gazes the Inner Circle were sending his way, "and also tell him not to show the letter to anyone, as soon as he finishes reading it, he must burn it immediately."
"Of course, High Lord." Bejen replied and gave a small nod before leaving to carry out the order that his High Lord entrusted to him.
At the exit of one of his most trusted friends, Helion looked back to the Inner Circle, and he only had a second to breathe before the Shadowsinger spoke.
"Why are you sending a letter to Eris? What does he have to do with Y/N?" He asked him, with worry and confusion on his face. If Autumn had really captured you, he didn't want to waste another minute.
"Everything." Was Helion's only response.
Tired of his riddles, Rhys spoke, from one High Lord to another. "Helion, tell us what's going on. How is Y/N your daughter, and why did I never know about it? How is Eris connected to her? And why was she taken by Autumn soldiers?" 
Helion released a long breath and pitched the bridge of his nose. He approached the High Lord of Night, and with a stern look and a firm voice, he said, "If I tell you, Rhysand, you and your Inner Circle can't tell anyone." 
Rhys looked back, and with the firm nods of his family, he returned his look to Helion before extending his hand for him to shake it. "I promise."
Helion took his hand, and the bargain was made. A tattoo in the shape of the sun appeared on the back of their necks.
Helion gave him a nod before telling him, "Y/N mother didn't die, and she wasn't just a random lover." 
The Inner Circle approached at the sound of the new information the Spell Cleaver was about to share with them.
He continued, "Y/N is the result of an affair that I had eighty-two years ago." Helion paused, aware of what he was about to say. "She's mine and Elowyn's daughter."
The Inner Circle gasped out loud, shock spreading through their features. 
Oh, this was bad - this was very bad.
"You mean..?" Feyre wasn't able to finish her sentence before Helion interrupted her.
"Yes." He said, looking at the High Lady again, "The Lady of Autumn is her mother." Helion sighed, "We kept it a secret all these years so Beron wouldn't find out, but apparently, he has."
Helion took a step back and passed a hand through his long black hair. "That's how Y/N is connected to Eris. He's her brother."
Cassian spoke for the first time since all of this happened. "But how does he know?" 
Helion looked at the General. "Because Eris was the one who brought Y/N to me on the day she was born."
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Eight-two Years Ago
The sun had left a long time ago.
The night had already come with her dark sky, her shiny stars, and her smooth breeze.
The entire Prythian was thankful for it.
Every citizen from every Court just wanted today's day to end.
No one understood or had an explanation for the events of today. 
It didn't make sense. Prythian was in the height of winter - two weeks from the Winter Solstice - to be more precise. 
Even though the Seasonal Courts didn't follow the natural course of Nature, they, too, were affected.
During the entire day, the sun shined like it had never shined before and released a heat that Prythian had never felt.
Not even the Summer Court or the Day Court have had a sun like this before. And these were the two Courts best known for their hot suns.
Even Winter Court, known for their constant cold, and their land always decorated with snow and ice felt uncomfortable with the sun.
Nothing happened differently during the course of today's day to explain this reaction from the sun.
There was no reason for it.
Except, there was, they just didn't know that.
The letter came a few minutes after Helion had finished his dinner.
He, too, was contemplating about the sun's behavior earlier. 
He even made his way to one of his many libraries to see if this event had ever happened before but he found nothing.
It wasn't strange for the sun to shine like it did today. They've had their fair share of hot summers but for the sun to shine like that during the winter? That didn't make sense.
And with all the libraries and even more the books he owned, there had to be an answer somewhere.
The High Lord of Day was in the middle of reading a book when the letter appeared on top of it.
The letter had brown tones with leaf patterns and an intense scent of pine - Autumn.
This was the second strange thing that happened today. Why - of all the Courts - would Autumn be sending him a letter?  
It was then that he noticed that the letter did not come from Beron. The stamped seal did not belong to the High Lord.  
No, the seal was in the shape of a hound. The Heir's beloved creatures and his personal seal.
Eris Vanserra sent him a letter - a personal letter.
Without further hesitation, Helion opened the letter and read the content hidden within. If he was confused before, he is even more now. 
The letter contained three simple instructions: "Meet me at the border between Day and Dawn in twenty minutes. Come alone and don't let anyone see you. Burn the letter once you finish reading it."
Now, this was even stranger than the sun's behavior.
Helion knew that he was most likely making a mistake. 
Meeting alone with Eris at the border could very well be a trap, but on second thought, what reason did the Heir have to ambush him?
The answer is none.  
He knows that Eris is not the cruel and arrogant male he appears to be, he knows that deep down Eris is good, honest and kind and that the rest is nothing more than a mask that he had to create because of Beron.
That's why Helion followed his instructions. He just hopes he doesn't regret it.
As agreed, Eris appears exactly twenty minutes after sending the letter.  
The High Lord of Day decided to arrive a little earlier as a precaution, just to make sure there were no hidden hounds ready to attack his legs, especially today that he was wearing a new robe.
Helion had no idea what this secret meeting was about. He came to think that perhaps the Heir was moments away from asking him for help to take down Beron, but he came to the conclusion that if that were the case, it wasn't him that Eris would ask for help, but the Night Court, so he scrapped that idea and was left with no other.
Therefore, he had no expectations for this meeting - if it could be called that. 
But the last thing he expected was to see Eris Vanserra with a newborn in his arms.
The day was already feeling long, but with the sun shining like this and the unbearable heat that came from it, it only made it seem even longer.
Elowyn, Lady of the Autumn Court, had now been in labor for three hours.
The eighth child of Beron Vanserra and Elowyn was about to come into the world, and like all the other births, Beron was far away from the room where his wife was.  
But Eris was there, just like he was at all the births of his younger brothers, holding his mother's hand like he always did.
Eris loved his mother more than anything, and one of the reasons he wanted to overthrow Beron so much was so she could be free and happy.
He also knew that Lucien was her favorite son, and although it hurt him, he would still do anything for her, but what was unknown to Eris was that he was her favorite son too.
Eris was surprised when his mother announced that she was pregnant again. After all, Lucien was born more than four hundred years ago. Another brother was something the young Heir wasn't expecting.
But he couldn't not be happy, besides he always liked taking care of his brothers when they were younger, and after everything that happened maybe a baby was exactly what they needed.
As his mother pushed again, Eris began to think about all the things he was going to teach the new member of the family - fishing, hunting, fighting because in this world that is also important, reading, writing, camping but most importantly how to control the powers.
That was something Eris didn't have. 
No one taught him how to control and use his fire, and that led the healers to treat a lot of burns because of it, and he wasn't going to let this baby go through what he did.
His mother's scream shook him away from those thoughts, and Eris refocused all his attention on her and made sure to hold her hand tighter, assuring his mother that he wasn't going anywhere. Not until his brother is born.
Two hours later - with screams, pain, and sweat - a baby's cries burst into the room, bringing tears of happiness to the eyes of Elowyn and Eris.
But it was at that moment that the Mother made her first turn of events.
"It's a girl, my Lady." The head healer that was helping with the labor announced "a very healthy baby girl." 
Eris froze, not knowing how to react before this new information.
In over a thousand years, the Vanserra lineage has never had female descendants. 
This couldn't be possible.
"A girl?" Elowyn asked, exhaustion in her voice.
"Yes, my Lady." One of the healers that assisted with the birth and now holding the baby confirmed while walking closer to the bed. "It looks like you've been blessed, my Lady." 
Eris's grip on his mother's hand loosened, and the male stood up from the side of the bed where he had spent the last five hours crouched. Now raised to his full height, Eris saw his baby sister, and his heart stopped. 
And that was when the Mother made her second turn of events.
The baby didn't look like Eris or his mother or anyone in his family. Her hair wasn't red, her eyes weren't russet or brown, and her skin wasn't pale. 
She wasn't a daughter of Autumn. Meaning she wasn't Beron's daughter.
Eris took the baby from the healer's arms before speaking to all of them. "Leave us." 
The head healer asked before making her exit, "Should we announce the birth to the High Lord, my Prince?"
"No." Eris was quick to respond. He looked at the baby in his arms again before meeting the gaze of the female. "I'll tell him myself when he gets back from the meeting. Thank you for your help."
"Of course, my Prince." The healer turned to face Elowyn and bowed one more time before leaving the room "My Lady."
Elowyn gave her a small smile. "Thank you, Lydia." 
Now alone in the room, Eris finally looked at his mother and took a seat on her left side of the bed, and passed the baby to her arms.
At the sight of her daughter, Elowyn cried.
She knew what this meant. Beron was going to kill her and her child.
Her love affair had ended after becoming pregnant with Lucien, but after seeing Helion at the High Lords meeting three years ago, all the feelings that she had buried deep down in her heart came to the surface.
And as always, she wasn't able to stay away from the male she's always loved - the love of her life, her mate, and now the father of two of her children.
Elowyn ran her fingers over the delicate cheek of her daughter - her only daughter - and with tears running down her face, she looked at her firstborn and said to him in a low voice "He's going to kill us, isn't he?" 
It was Eris's turn to have tears in his eyes, but he didn't let them fall.
Placing one of his fingers in front of his little sister, Eris saw the baby wrap her small hand around his finger, and he could have sworn his heart skipped a beat at the gesture. 
He had a gentle smile on his lips as he looked at the newborn now sleeping in his mother's arms. Her hand still wrapped around her big brother's finger.
"She's Helion's, isn't she?" Eris asked without taking his eyes from the baby.
Elowyn's mouth opened in surprise. She never mentioned Helion to anyone, not even to Lydia who wasn't just the Court's head healer but also her dearest friend. "Wha-"
"It's okay, mom. I have known for a while." Eris gave her a small smile, eyes still directed to his sister.
"Since when?"
"Since Lucien." Eris finally looked at his mother. 
Eris gave a long sigh before revealing his opinion to his mother "If you would like to know, I wish you had married him and not Beron," Eris grabbed her hand and give it a tight squeeze before continuing "You deserve to be happy and well treated, mom, and I know that Helion does that and so much more. I've never seen you as happy as on the days you returned from your meetings with him."
Elowyn gave him a genuine smile before murmuring a "Thank you."
Eris chuckled, now putting the two pieces together. "This is why the sun is acting like crazy today, isn't it? Because she's a child of Day.
The same had happened with Lucien but it wasn't as strong as today and Lucien was born in the summer which didn't raise any suspicions.
His mother nodded her head in affirmation before returning her eyes to her daughter, and she gave a small laugh. "She looks just like him."
And it was true. Everything about you screamed Helion - your eyes, your hair, your skin, and even your nose. There was no doubt in it.
Concerned invaded her face, and Elowyn found herself holding the baby tighter to her chest. 
She looked at her son again. "What are we going to do?" 
Eris met her gaze before looking at the peaceful baby again, and his head started to work to come up with a plan. 
Even if you weren't Beron's you were still his sister - his baby sister - and he wasn't going to let that horrible male harm you. 
After a few minutes and after thinking about all the possible ways, Eris understood there was only one option - one that he hated.
But that didn't matter. What mattered was to keep you safe and alive even if it meant to send you away.
The tears returned to his eyes. He had to swallow the lump in his throat because he knew he was about to break his mother's heart.
After breathing a couple of times to calm his heart, he gathered enough courage to tell her, "I have a plan." 
And just like that, the Mother made her third and final turn of events.
The High Lord of Day couldn't believe what was in front of him.
Eris Vanserra with a newborn in his arms? Things had just gotten far more interesting or dangerous.
The Heir of Autumn was walking in his direction and looking at his surroundings while doing it.
When he finally stood in front of the High Lord, Eris asked him, "Are you alone?"
With an annoyed look, Helion raised his arm to gesture around them and couldn't help but reply "Do you see anyone else here, Prince?"
"As far as I'm concerned, you could have soldiers hiding behind the trees ready to attack me at your signal, High Lord." He answered with a sarcastic smile.
Helion reciprocated his smile while adding, "I could say the same about you." 
Eris shrugged his shoulders and concluded, "I suppose that's true." 
Helion winked at him before his eyes moved to the baby in his arms. Trying to act as normal as possible and not let his curiosity take the better of him, Helion asked "Who's this little alone? And why did you bring a baby here?" 
Helion didn't have a good view of you, only of the top of your head since the rest was hidden by the blanket.
At the question, Eris held you tighter in his arms, he looked to the High Lord - who was still busy staring at you, probably trying to get a better look - he wanted to see his reaction when he revealed the truth to him.
"This is my sister. She was born a few hours ago." The Heir said and moved the blanket so Helion could finally see you.
When Eris removed the blanket and Helion finally had a good view of you, he found it strange because he found you familiar, as if he had already seen you before but that was impossible.  
At your sight, confusion settled on the Spell Cleaver's features, and he scoffed before telling him, "She's your sister?" He gave Eris an incredulous look and then continued. "I hate to be the one telling you this, Eris, but she doesn't look li-"
You opened your eyes at the sound of his voice, making the High Lord of Day freeze in his place.
Helion stopped. His heart did, too. Realization entered him as he put the pieces together. 
He raised his head to look at the male in front of him, who only gave a nod of affirmation as his response.
Helion had to blink his eyes several times to make sure that he wasn't dreaming - that this was real.
Now with the new revelation of the Heir of Autumn, his previous thoughts made sense.
You looked just like him. 
"It's not possible." Helion said, more to himself than to the red headed male.
"It is. She's the living proof of that." Eris told him.
"The sun?" Helion asked and received another nod from the red-headed male.
Helion couldn't tear his eyes from. You were looking at him with your golden eyes - his eyes.
He felt weak in his knees. Helion always wanted children, he knew that since the moment he met Elowyn but the world hasn't been kind to them. 
By the Cauldron, he didn't even know Elowyn was pregnant. The last time they had seen each other was a little over ten months ago, but sometimes that happened, it had happened before.
When Beron was around a lot, it was difficult for her to leave without lifting any suspicions, so they would wait until they could.
Sometimes it took weeks, other times mouths, but Helion was patient, he would rather wait than risk her safety at Beron's rage.
But the wait was worthed because when they were together it was like the rest of the world disappeared and it was just the two of them. It was perfect. 
The room was lit by the first rays of the morning sun and a gentle breeze came through the window.
The two lovers were together in bed. After a long night of passion and romance, the two were in each other's arms with nothing but a sheet protecting them from the breeze.
Elowyn laughed again at the tickling sensation. She hit Helion's arm that was holding her against his chest "Stop", but she couldn't stop laughing.
"Why would I do that when I can hear that magnificent sound?" Helion joined her laugh.
But Helion was right. Elowyn only laughed when she was with him, and that was one of the reasons why she loved him so much.
The Lady rested her head on the High Lord's chest and released a long sigh before giving voice to her thoughts. "I wish I woke up like this every morning." She adjusted her head on the male's chest so she could look at him. "With you."
Helion lowered his head to meet her beautiful brown eyes. "Me too." He said with a sad smile. 
"Do you ever think about that? About how our life would be if we were together?" She asked him.
"Of course I do," he placed a hand on her hair and began to caress it as he spoke "The first thing I would do, would be to marry you and after making you my wife, I would make you my High Lady."
A smile began to form on her lips. "What else?" 
He reciprocated the smile and continued, "Afterwards, we would have our honeymoon at the Summer Court because I know how much you would like to visit there. And then, I would show you every place of your new Court. The libraries, the pegasus, the entire Palace and my favorite places" He paused for a second, sadness starting to make its way to his features "I would make you feel like home, and I would make you feel loved, seen and heard every single day. I would give you anything you asked of me, Sunshine."
A tear fell from Elowyn's eyes, and her lip trembled a little. "That sounds perfect. It would be a dream come true." 
Helion wiped her tears and told her "Yes it would be..." he gave her a weak smile. He, too, felt the pain of what they could only imagine."Would you like to hear the best part?"
When she nodded her head, he proceeded "After a few years of being married, if we were blessed enough and if you wanted, of course," he paused, a tear rolled down Helion's cheek "Children."
Elowyn didn't know what to say.  
She had confessed to Helion a long time ago how she wished she had run away from her family and married him instead of her current husband. How she wished she had been strong enough to stand up to her father and how she wished all her sons were his. 
Because this last confession was what held her back in Autumn, she was not capable of abandoning her sons and leaving them at the mercy of Beron. 
She couldn't wait for the day when Eris killed him so she could finally be what she always wanted - Lady of the Day Court but in this case she would be High Lady as Helion had told her and she didn't doubt for a second of his words.
But unlike Helion, the first thing she would do wouldn't be to marry him but to accept the mating bond. That beautiful, golden, and magical mating bond.
She tugged on the bond and a second later Helion did the same, finding the words she was looking for she said to him "Of course I would have children with you, Helion, that's not even a question." She giggled. "Can you imagine? Little versions of you and me running around and causing trouble?"
Helion couldn't hold back the laughter that escaped at her words "They would be troublemakers, wouldn't they?" 
Elowyn laughed even more "Of course they would be." Her laughter quieted and a hint of love adorned her face "Maybe I would finally have my little girl, I always wanted a daughter."
"Me too," Helion confessed, "I would name her after my mother in honor of her."
"Your mother was a remarkable female. It would be an honor to name our little sunshine after her." She said and dropped an arm around his waist.
"It would be my greatest achievement.'' He finished with a kiss on her forehead. 
They spent the rest of the morning in bed talking about the future they wanted more than anything and expressed their love one more time until Elowyn had to leave.
What they didn't know at the moment was that it was the last time they would see each other for a really long time.
The memory surged through Helion's mind like a wave. 
He remembers that day so well after all that day was only ten months ago. What a coincidence that on the last day they were together they talked about their future and their children and now, right in front of him, was their daughter.
Their little sunshine.
With a trembling voice, Helion spoke after a long time in silence "Can I hold her?" 
"Of course." Eris was quick to respond and passed you to your fathers arms. 
And that's when it happened. A moment that neither Helion nor Eris would ever forget.
In the second that you were in Helion's arms, both of your skins started glowing as bright as the sun had just a few hours ago.
The Day Court glow. 
"Wow." Eris whispered, amazed at what was happening.
"Indeed. She really is mine." Without taking his eyes from you, Helion asked "What's her name?"
And once again, the High Lord froze on his spot. He felt overwhelmed with all the emotions he was feeling at once - love, surprise, gratitude, shock and happiness.
Seeing the strange behavior of Helion, Eris spoke "What is it?"
Helion looked at the male with a smile "That's my mother's name. I told Elowyn once how if I ever had a daughter, I would want to name her after her." 
Eris smiled at the kindness of his mother but he wasn't surprised, she was always like that.
"Elowyn." The High Lord of Day whispered.
Locking his gaze with the red-headed male, concern all written in his features at the well-being of the female he had been in love for centuries. He was so focused on you that he didn't remember to ask this earlier, "Elowyn. How is she?"
Eris released a long sigh. "Physically? She's fine but exhausted from the birth. Emotionally?  She's a wreck, but I suppose that's normal considering her only daughter has to be sent away."
"That's why I sent you that letter, Helion. I came to bring her to you." Eris said, a firm look on his face. "She can't stay in Autumn. No matter how much I want." He murmured the last part to himself, but if Helion noticed he didn't show. "And no one can know about her, about who her mother really is, we need to keep this from Beron."
He nodded his head, and he agreed with the young Heir. Of course, you couldn't stay there. He didn't even want to imagine what Beron would do if he found out about you.
At the thought of the horrible male, confusion settled on his face again. "Wait. What about Beron? Certainly, he's going to notice that his supposed child is missing."
"Don't worry about Beron. I took care of it." Eris tried to be as vague as possible.
"You don't want to know besides that's not important right now. She is." He gestured to you, your skin still glowing and now grabbing one of Helion's fingers.
Eris gave a long breath, and then directed his gaze to you just for a second before raising it again to the High Lord "Are you going to take her?"
Helion scoffed, "What kind of question it's that?"
Eris released a long breath of relief, and a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He didn't doubt that the High Lord would refuse you, but he couldn't but be nervous at the same.
The Heir reached for the inside pocket of his coat and removed a letter, and Helion took his gaze from you to look at it.
"My mother wrote this for you. She told me to tell you to only read it once you're back home." He handed him the letter.
Helion's heart ached at the revelation of Elowyn calling his Court 'home'. He accepted the letter and thanked the red-headed male, and started making his way to leave.
But before he could, he stopped at the voice of the Heir calling for him. He turned around and faced him.
"I want to be part of her life." Eris confessed without hesitation. 
"What? We just agreed that no one can know about her, Eris. And that includes you. She can't know you as her brother." Helion explained.
"I know that." Seeing the confused look Helion gave him, it was his turn to explain."She doesn't have to know me as her brother. A friend will be enough." He paused for a second "Beron just nominated me as Autumn's emissary which means I will be the one going to your Court for meetings so I want to take that as an opportunity to get to know her and to see her grow. That's my only condition, I already lost Lucien, and I'm not going to lose her either.'
"Very well. As long as you share those moments with Elowyn. That's my only condition too." Helion replied. 
"Consider it done." Was the Heir's response.
Without further words, the two males parted away. One with a heart full and the other with an empty one. 
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Helion's heart was no longer full. How could it be, when you, the best thing that ever happened to him was missing?
He saw the Inner Circle's face at the big revelation he had just told them.
Rhys broke the silence "Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you."
Helion met his gaze. "I couldn't risk it. Y/N is my number one priority, and she'll always be, so I did everything I had to do in order to keep her safe. I have no regrets."
Feyre interlaced her fingers with Rhysand's and asked the High Lord, "Does she know?"
"Only that she's my daughter. She doesn't know about Elowyn or Eris or the rest of her brothers." Helion answered.
"She never mentioned anything," Mor replied.
"I told her not to. Y/N knows that she's my weakness and that if my enemies knew about her connection to me, they would use it as leverage. So I made sure no one outside of Day knew it, except Eris and Elowyn, not even her other brothers knew it." Helion explained.
"So how did Beron find out?" It was Azriel's turn to say.
"I don't-" Helion began, but before he could continue, the Autumn Heir winnowed to their side.
As soon as Eris' eyes met Helion's, he marched towards him.
The Heir was angry, and he didn't spare a glance at the Inner Circle. 
With a firm voice, Eris demanded, "Where is she? Where is my sister?!"
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Author's Note: Thank you for reading! I didn't put the Helion x LoA pairing because I didn't want to give too much away. These two are one of my favorite ships, and they deserve their happy ending. 😊
Taglist: @emryb @fantasyandshit @azrielover @shadowsingercassia @brieflyclassymortal @lilah-asteria @lure-of-writing @pruvii @olive-main @mybestfriendmademe
the beautiful dividers belong to @cafekitsune
462 notes · View notes
someonegoood · 3 months
MY WHOLE LIFE pt. 1 ✫ mason mount
part 1, part 2, final part.
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in which you have a fat crush on your brother’s best friend, without getting much success. (brother’s best friends troop).
CONTAINS: brother’s best friend troop, angst & fluff ! age gap, arguments...
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this is my first work here but anyways i hope you guys like it ! maybe I'll do a part 2...
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You watch proudly in his shirt as you clap in the game's first minutes, chanting while taking pictures of him.
The first half was pretty equal, with some shots from both teams but neither could score. You could see that Mason was getting nervous. He stopped his movements abruptly when the referee called for a corner and looked at the crowd, his eyes sparkling with tenseness.
He gazed down at where his family (and therefore also yours) was and licked his lips. You couldn't help but wonder what would your brother think of your little —huge— crush on his childhood best friend.
In the 34th minute, he passed the defenders and tried to score with a pass from Ben Chilwell, making the goalkeeper lose his balance and thus scoring.
You celebrated the goal screaming it to your brother's face and he couldn’t help but smile at you, happy that you were having a good time. Your cheeks were red after Mason approached the stands and celebrated the goal, dedicating a kiss to where you were.
And that was the effect that Mason Mount had on people, especially you.
Mason was your brother's best friend, you had known him for years. It was a stupid crush that all your friends grew out of but not you. You had to keep drooling every time he was near you, that being almost every day because your brother had him over to dinner nearly every night.
You remember the day the Mount family moved next to your house, a loud and proud British family— Debbie and Tony, Stacey, Lewis and Mason. The day after they had moved in, Debbie and Tony turned up outside your door, asking if your older brother was interested in playing football with Mason.
It didn’t take long for your brother to become close to Mason, both at the cusp of boyhood. Their friendship only bloomed from there.
After spending almost every weekend watching your brother and Mason training, to spending most afternoons around the Mount house playing, you felt like family.
You always found yourself drawn to the boy next door although he was away a lot of the time, playing different matches and training. Mason’s natural affinity and talent for the game, ensured the quality of his skills.
He was slightly older so no doubt he found you childish and would always moan when his parents made him spend time with you.
—Mom, not again! I don't want to play with her, she's boring! —Mason exclaimed with an expression of obvious annoyance on his face.
Mason's mother was the first to figure out your crush on the boy. She first noticed it when you joined the Mounts at a family dinner when you were around thirteen.
Both families were playing football, as usual, while the adults were preparing supper. When you had the ball you felt your body lean way too far back and Mason tried to act on impulse, stretching his body to catch you in time.
—Hold on to me! —Mason exclaimed, extending his arms towards you. However, the weight of the fall was too much, and in an instant, they were both on the grass, in some sort of mess.
—Mase, God, I'm so sorry! I dragged you with me! —you apologized, feeling the blood rise to your cheeks, turning them crimson red.
He brushed the grass off his jacket with an angry expression. —Well done. First minutes into the game and you're already annoying.
—Thanks for trying! —you laughed, shyly. When there was a long silence, you realized that Mason was not joking and was serious. —Sorry, I…
Debbie looked from afar at the little girl carefully while she kept her eyes glued to her son's. She watched her cute little cheeks tinted red as Mason scoffed and begged you to stay away from him.
Debbie would soon get used to it as she watched you fall in love with her son over the next few years.
Until your first boyfriend. An age difference of three years was not a big deal since it was a common factor among your friend's partners. You had recently turned sixteen years old and you thought that you had met the boy who could take you out of the charm that had her wrapped around Mase.
Lyon was older, he was eighteen years old, like Mason. You had met him at school on a spring afternoon. You walked through the school hallways, books clutched to your chest. A gust of wind caused some of the books to fly out of your hands, scattering them across the hallway floor.
Lyon was passing by and noticed the scene. He approached you with a smile and that is how the story started.
Your brother didn't approve of your new boyfriend. He knew that her sister just wanted to show his best friend that the age difference wasn't that important.
Being with Lyon was great at first. You knew that he was not the love of your life, but for the moment he seemed to play the role quite well, so that was fine with you. It was a Friday night and you and your brother were at a party at the house of one of your brother's friends.
You were downstairs in the kitchen while your friends watched you drink alcohol like there was no tomorrow. They realized something was bothering you, but decided not to mention it.
—Where is the lover boy anyway? —Spoke one of your friends.
Your lack of response was when they realized that Lyon was the reason for the sadness that was painted on their best friend's face. He abandoned you, once again. This seems routine, they thought.
You slammed your empty red glass against the kitchen counter, wiping the drip from your chin as you decided that was enough.
—I'll go look for him.
From the corner of the room, your brother wished you good luck and with courage, you stumbled through the party. The house was huge. Enormous windows covered the entire house. From the kitchen window you could see the river of lights going down to the beach.
And there he sat, on the stairs leading to the illuminated outdoor pool, Lyon. A thin blonde girl was sitting on his lap, probably older than you. She took the cigarette from Lyon's lips and placed it on top of her painted red lips.
Tears welled in your eyes as you returned to the house with your heels in hand. With all the bad luck in the world, as you returned, you heard in the background:
—Baby, relax. —You ignored your boyfriend's call as you made your way through the crowd to return to the kitchen, hoping that your brother was still there.
You made it to the kitchen before your boyfriend grabbed you by the back of your arm and pushed you against the kitchen island.
—Come on, I didn't even do anything—
—She was on your lap.
—It's not that serious, okay?—
—It's a big problem! I'm humiliated! —You shouted back, creating a scene you desperately wanted to avoid. Lyon's grip tightened around your arm as he tried to wriggle out of your grasp.
—Let go of me, you're hurting me. —That only made his grip tighten around your arms.
—Let her go, mate. —Your vision was too blurry to focus on what happened next, but you felt Lyon back away.
—Oh yeah?… and what are you going to do about it, Mount? —That's when the punches were thrown and Lyon was left hunched over holding his split lip. Your now ex-boyfriend was grabbed by someone else before he could lunge at who you assumed was your brother, but when you turned your head you saw Mason shaking your hand out of pain.
His knuckles were red and his eyes were darker than what you were used to.
—Let's go to the car. —Said Mason, you nodding your head. —Get in the car. —He said. His tone was strong, not what she was used to.
Still, the ride to your house was silent, you sitting in the front with Mase, while your brother passed out in the back seat. Faint English music played on the radio as Mason's eyes were firmly fixed on the road.
Mason finally spoke. —You really don't know how to choose them, don’t you? — You could only sob again, unable to answer him mainly because he was right and you were ashamed. When the car stopped, he unbuckled his seat belt and murmured that he would walk you to your door.
Mase rocked on his heels as he watched the moonlight highlight the tear-stained cheeks of his best friend's sister. He thought you looked beautiful that night even though you had been crying for the last half hour, your hair hadn't been brushed, and you were digging through your purse like crazy.
Although he would never admit it.
—I got them! —You laughed, waving your keys in the air before bumping your nose with the keychain. You paused as you pushed the key into the door, turning to look Mason in the eye for the first time since the party.
—Thank you. —Mason didn't want to hear it. You were just her best friend’s sister.
—It's no big deal. —
—No… really thank you, Mason. —you smiled and Mason listened too, mainly because it was probably the first time you had called him Mason and not Mase.
After a moment, you dropped your bag to the floor and wrapped your arms around the boy's waist, your head resting on his chest as he quickly moved his hand and rubbed your back.
—Just... make sure the next one isn't a complete idiot, yeah? —he whispered, his chin resting on the top of your head.
That sentence broke your poor little heart.
439 notes · View notes
improbable-outset · 4 months
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📂 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐎’𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭.𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐞
I think it’s about time I post the SFW version of this HC collection. Just like the NSFW version, I’m going to try and make this as accurate to his character as possible while putting my own input too. I wrote the NSFW back in September so there might be some HC that will be slightly different. My interpretation on Miguel’s character will evolve.
Also since the NSFW alphabet was written with a gn Reader, it’s only fair I do the same here too. Fair warning, going through these head cannons is NOT going to be a walk in the park 😭 just a heads up
𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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📄 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
There’s a lot to cover here but I’m going to try my best to summarise this headcanon. Given the fact that Miguel has experienced a complex family dynamic in the comic books, especially from his mother ridiculing him, I think he’ll have a hard time expressing affection
And on top of that, he’s been isolating himself to keep the multiverse in balance. So having receiving affection like that will be foreign to him since it’s not something he grew up with
I mean you could point out that he showed Gabriella devotion and affection as a father because he didn’t want her to experience the same shitty childhood he did growing up
After the dimension collapse, he’s more closed off and reserved. It’ll take a lot of effort to build that trust in someone again and openly express his emotions
Going back to his background now, even after Miguel tried to fix his relationship with his mother, he was always brushed off and was seen as self-centered. This would definitely reflect in his relationship having grown up being misunderstood
📄 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends heavily on the timeline on when you actually meet him. We’ve all seen the post credit scene in the first movie when he was testing out the gizmo for the first time
I know we've only seen a glimpse of his character but I can’t imagine him being as cold and bleak back then as he is now, after he broke the canon
That being said, I think it would’ve been easier to be friends with him back then. Sure, he would’ve been a sarcastic asshole sometimes (affectionate) but at least he wasn’t closed off and easily irritated as he is now during ATSV
But if you’ve met him after the incident of Gabriellas’s dimensions collapse, let’s just say it’ll be a rocky road. It’ll take a while for him to break that outer shell (do not underestimate when I say a while). I think Jess is probably the only person that could get through to him, possibly Peter too.
It’ll take time. It’ll always take time… you can understand why he’s angry and stressed
📄 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
We can collectively agree that this man is touch starved and I don’t just mean sexually. As much as he hates to admit it
Once you both made your relationship official, it’ll be you that would rest on his chest first whenever you would need comforting. He’s used to being relied on— whether it’s serving his partner or when leading the Spider Society— not the other way around. He can’t bring himself to be dependable on someone just yet
But later on, when he does break down that barrier and swallow his pride for once, you’ll get him to rest on you. Initially he does deny that he needs such comfort but if you coax him enough, he’ll give in
He’ll be stiff at first with his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around him, but with each passing second he slowly relaxes his muscles under your embrace
Sooner or later, he’s melted under you and if you're lucky, he’ll fall asleep. Poor guy needs a break
📄 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Deep down, underneath that hard exterior he secretly desires to settle down with someone. He yearns to come home to someone that will be excited to see him and just be present in his life. I haven’t read the comics yet so I’m basing this off ATSV Miguel but, he hasn’t experienced anything like that. I feel like he has fantasised to be in Peter B Parker’s shoes a few times where he can go home to a family
He’s grown accustomed to coming home to an empty apartment with nothing but his AI assistant to keep him company. But just because he’s used to it, doesn’t mean he likes it that way
After he lost Gabriella, the gravity of his loneliness really hit him. Especially given the fact that it wasn’t his official family, it was his variant’s and he was just replacing him
The grief still stayed though. He knows he’s never going to have that family again and now he’s back to everything being hollow
Once he does finally get to settle down I can imagine him struggling to adjust to his new lifestyle, now that he’s living with his partner
At first he’s barely home, always in HQ and busting his ass keeping everything in order because that’s what he’s used to
But after he realises his old habits, he tries to amend himself. He’ll try and put more effort in domestic tasks just to be around you more. Sure, he still has that underlying stress and he’s still getting used to not being cooped up in his office. But that feeling will subside once his habits change
📄 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think this depends on who’s at fault here, the reason why your relationship has ended. But it’ll highly likely be because of Miguel’s overworking habits and not putting priority on the people he cares about
Sure the multiverse is important but he can get another Spider Person like Jess or Peter to take care of it while he takes a break. But he doesn’t
Throughout your relationship, you try to help him change his habits and his routine so he can live a healthy and more fulfilling life. Even grow a family together if that’s what you want. Unfortunately there’s only so much you can do and everything just feels like one step forward, two steps back— even after you communicate that with him and give him so many chances
He’s probably too blinded by his stress to even realise the harm he’s causing in your relationship. He finally gets that wake up call when he comes home to see you pack your bags
It’s up to you where you want to go from there…
📄 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I know in the comics, he did propose to Dana and as much as I’d love to see him as a husband and be his pretty little housewife, he can’t make that sort of commitment unless he heals from his past
If he wants something solid with a healthy and long lasting marriage, he needs to sort himself out otherwise there will be consequences later on down the line. Unresolved emotional baggage can lead to him being emotionally distant and unexpected outbursts
Even if he doesn’t mean to hurt you, there’s still a part of him that’s still wounded and he’ll bleed onto people that don’t deserve to be on the receiving end of his heated outlet. He needs to be able to be open with his partner if he wants to commit to them
Didn’t expect this sort of turn lol. It will take time but I think Miguel might want to settle down and if he truly wants it to happen, he’ll put in the effort
📄 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Miguel knows that he is a big man and he’s aware of his strength which is why he’s always careful with you. Obviously the last thing he wants is to hurt you physically
However, when it comes to emotional, I think he’s the one that needs to be handled with care. Like I mentioned before, he’s living a post tragedy so it will be hard for him to be vulnerable at first
There are times where he’ll have outbursts but he’ll never in a million years resort to hurting you. He’ll regret even reaching his tipping point afterward though. You don’t deserve that when all you’ve been doing was looking out for him
📄 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I wouldn’t say he’s much of a hugger. Not openly anyways. He’s not good with PDA and would rather show his affection, both physical and emotional, privately
But if you do initiate the hug, he wouldn’t refuse. He probably needs it anyways. He would slowly wrap his arms around you and gently embrace you. I think he does squeeze a little after
With his big broad arms, he can easily wrap around your body. His hugs are warm and they always make you feel secure in his arms. His height makes it easy to envelope you too
📄 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Oh boy….I could see this go either two ways.
One: he’ll either have a barrier around himself that will prevent himself from being emotionally vulnerable to avoid getting hurt. So he would have a hard time expressing his love vocally but will show you through other ways like act of service or being protective over you. He won’t directly say I love you unless you initiate it first.
Or two: he’s so distraught from his grief that the fear of loss still lingers. So he’ll take every chance he can get to remind you that he loves you with all his heart
“Te amo mucho.” “Te quiero.” “Eres el amor de mi vida.”
There’s that underlying fear that he’ll lose you, either by being snatched away from him like Gabriella or you’ll leave him one day. But at least you’ll know how much you mean to him while you were together. That will give him a sense of ease
Either way, both situations are driven by his tragic past. Though personally, I’d prefer the latter
📄 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think Miguel’s jealousy will stem from the fear of loss again and the desire for stability in the relationship. Sure, he has support from his colleagues from the Society but that’s not the same as receiving devotion and love from a romantic partner
And because of that, he’ll be more vigilant about perceived threats to your relationship, driven by the fear of losing you. The vigilance could exhibit as jealousy if it means preserving that special emotional connection you both share and a tinge possessive over you too. It’s possible that this could be a defence mechanism for him after everything he’s been through
Not saying that he doesn’t trust you or anything, but I know that he will give anybody a death glare if they even look at you the wrong way. He knows his height and physique can be intimidating. This does go hand in hand with security that we will cover more on later
📄 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Awhh my absolute favourite prompt. I know Miguel loves kissing his partner on the forehead, giving his height and all. It’s just so sweet and tender and he’ll probably do it throughout the day when he can’t vocally express his love
He loves watching you try kiss his cheek especially if you’re shorter and stuggling to reach. He just finds it so endearing. He’ll bend a little so you could reach his face and peck his cheek of course. He loves your kisses too
The first time you both shared your first kiss was after the third or forth date. He bent over to reach your eye level while you lifted your head up
He held your face gently and titled his head before he leaned in. God bless Kris Anka for giving this man such smoochable lips by the way
📄 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You would think that after he lost his daughter, Miguel would be eager to be a father again. He would love to have children of his own.
Yeah…think again. I don’t think he’ll agree that easily. You can’t tell me that the idea of having children again wouldn’t trigger some sort of relapse. He’ll either think he wouldn’t be a good father or he wouldn’t want to replace Gabriella.
Call me bleak, but he just watched his daughter disappear in his arms (and committed omnicide) and is left emotionally traumatised.
Even if we all know he’s not at fault and he was unaware of the consequences at the time, that’s not going to stop him from blaming himself.
Initially he would probably abstain from having children until you came into his life. Seeing your character, not only as a partner but your personality in general, will probably shift his perspective a little
The thought of being the father to your children will probably motivate him into being better for your sake. He can’t imagine having children with anyone else now especially seeing the way you interact with other babies like Mayday
An added bonus if you’re carrying his child. He will place his hand on your bump to feel the baby kick and I think that momentary bond with his unborn baby will resonate with him.
📄 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Morning routines can be pretty peaceful, especially with you around now. Waking up next to you makes everything better for him ten folds
He’s usually the first to wake up (no surprise) and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the day
By the time you’re up he’s already in the kitchen. Unless you’re an early riser too. Before you got together, he’s breakfast would consist of instant coffee and maybe a toast if he’s lucky
But now with you around, you make sure he has a proper meal before he starts his day. And he has noticed that he’s more alert and aware after a nutritional breakfast. He’ll always be grateful for that
📄 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Night routines aren’t as blissful though. There are some nights where he wouldn’t be home, probably in another dimension tackling an anomaly again. It comes to no surprise being in a relationship with a superhero
But that doesn’t make it any less lonely for you. Your heart does ache for him and you’re always worried about his safety. Some missions take days and it’s hard to predict when he’ll be back home
But when you finally do get to share a night together, things are more content. You would either spend the evening cooking together or watching a movie. Either way, you’re grateful that he’s safe at home
📄 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Initially, Miguel was reluctant on expressing himself with you. He doesn’t want to put his burden on you even though he constantly remind him that you’re his partner. You’re there to support him, yet he still insists that he’s fine
And because he bottles everything in, his behaviour is effected whenever you’re together. Easily irritated, uncharacteristically quiet and only giving one word answers
He quickly realises that keeping everything in is doing your relationship more harm than good and you’re only getting hurt in the process
Slowly but surely, he eventually opens up, revealing layers of himself to you overtime. This could include sharing his past, his fears and his dreams which builds a deeper connection between the two of you
📄 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
You know, the first time I was introduced to Miguel, I saw him as a ticking time bomb. Ready to burst any second. But it didn’t take long to realise his perspective on things
The only reason he was pissed off in the movie was because he was challenged. Imagine busting your ass trying to keep the multiverse in order so you wouldn’t have to repeat one of the biggest mistakes you’ve done and then someone comes in and puts it at risk
Sure, the way he acted out was uncalled for but like I mentioned before, unresolved emotional baggage
However, when if comes to his partner, he’ll put more effort into being more patient with things. Building that trust and intimacy will take time but it’ll be worth it. When it comes to your relationship, he’ll avoid rushing into expectations and let things happen organically
I know he’ll be good when it comes to respecting boundaries, especially the fact that there will be moments where he would want to be alone to collect himself. He will know you would follow through and it’s only fair that he would respect any of your wishes too
📄 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think he’s pretty good when it comes to remembering what you like. I know that later on in the relationship, he’d love to learn more, what makes you tick, the good and the bad, and what will instantly boost your mood. I wouldn’t say he would remember the nitty gritty details about you but he will remember the important things.
It’s the least he can do after everything you’ve done for him and giving him the safe space he needs
However, he’s not very good when it comes to keeping up to date with special events. I’ll get into more details later on so you can understand where I’m coming from
📄 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫.𝐝𝐨𝐜
This is going to sound a little corny but Miguel’s favourite memory with you is when he finally built the courage to be emotionally vulnerable with you for the first time
You can imagine how this was a massive step since it’s all foreign to him. He was hesitant when he was venting to you for the first time, with his head resting on your lap and your hands running through his hair
That was when he felt the weight being lifted from his shoulder. Being a leader and having people rely on him for everything was draining but you saw past all of that. You managed to see the man inside him after unravelling the hard exterior. A momentary bliss in his blaring background noise of his life
That was the first time he realised he had found his person. Someone who saw the gray instead of seeing things as black and white
📄 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Being a superhero and a leader of an elite force, Miguel will naturally be protective over you. His commitment to you also means keeping you safe from any danger not just as a civilian but as a devoted lover too
This also ties in to his fear of loss just as I mentioned earlier about his jealousy. Except this extends beyond mere jealousy with a genuine desire to shield you from harm
There are different ways he will express his protective nature such as creating a safe space for you or anticipating potential threats that could put you at risk before it could even happen
📄 𝐓𝐫𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Does this man put effort into your relationship…
You guys might hate me for making him look like a terrible partner. I’m just trying to be realistic here… but I think he won’t be best when it comes to remembering special events like anniversaries, birthdays and whatnot. It’s not that he doesn’t try
This guy is literally dimension hopping throughout his daily routine at work as well as keeping the Spider Society together.
I know that going to different dimensions is probably gonna fuck up with his internal clock and he’ll lose track of the days very easily
I’m not trying to make excuses for him or anything. He’s a busy man and overworked (like I didn’t reiterate that enough). But if it really upsets you, I think you should really communicate with him. Remind him of those special days because I know it’ll probably slip his mind. If he cares about you he should try to make time for you, right?
But on the other hand, he might even surprise you when you least expect it. You’ll probably assume that he’ll be in another dimension that special day and you come home to see him surprise you with gifts and such. I can imagine that happening too
📄 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Wouldn’t really call this ugly but this is a huge flaw that isn’t talked about enough
After the broken canon incident we already know he’s left traumatised but I think he has some untreated PTSD too and he refuses to get the help he needs
He doesn’t want to be seen as a ‘broken leader’ (his words maybe) when he has so many people from the Society relying on him (toxic perfectionism?)
Unfortunately for him, if he doesn’t tackle these issues now, it will affect his relationship in the long run
📄 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I think we can all agree that Miguel naturally does put effort in his look, whether he’s single or not. He’s clean shaven and his hair is slick back everyday. So I can imagine a morning routine with him making himself look good. And I think he knows he looks good too
But when it comes to going out on dates and stuff, he will definitely put more effort in his appearance
I can see him asking Lyla for advice on what to do on the first date and how to make himself look more presentable, especially if you’re someone he wants to take seriously. He’s a little rusty with these things but he’s a quick learner too
📄 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I can’t see Miguel having the whole “my partner is my other half” belief. I think it’s an overstatement to him.
But if you’re both compatible enough, he will be aware that you bring out the best in him. Whenever he’s on the verge of overworking or overly stressed out, you’re always there to keep him grounded and give him the pep talk he needs to hear. He’s never been supported and loved while simultaneously reprimanded for his bad habits like this
Without you he realises that he’s a mess but now that you’re here, he has that drive to be better not just for the sake of your relationship, but for himself too. He has somebody special to look forward to seeing after work now
So sure, his partner doesn’t make him ‘whole’ but you do make him a better man and that’s all he needs
📄 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Finally, I can say something wholesome about this man. So I know that he has a personal gym near HQ where he would train and keep in shape.
I have a strong feeling that he enjoys it when his partner watches him work out. It’s a serious ego booster for him. At first he was a little weirded out that you would just stare, it wasn’t something he wasnt used to, but now he loves it when you admire him from afar.
It gives him that extra motivational boost to do better. He loves it when you steal quick kisses between each sets too.
Speaking of which, you can’t tell me that one scene in the movie when he flawlessly destroyed those grenades from the vulture that he didn’t do it with a smirk under his mask. He knew he ate that.
📄 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤.𝐝𝐨𝐜
Something that he wouldn’t like in his partner. I can’t lie, it was pretty hard to pinpoint with this one but after brainstorming, I think I know what he wouldn’t like
This might be controversial since this trope is pretty popular but I don’t think the whole sunshine x grumpy trope will work with him
Maybe in a different universe where he’s not responsible for the stability of the multiverse, something that is a life and death situation, while leading the Spider Society and already has a lot on his plate. But unfortunately that’s his life now. He’s given up too much to stop now
The last thing he needs is a partner who’s overly optimistic and doesn’t see from his perspective. The fate of the multiverse is in his hands after all
He’s been misunderstood his whole life. He needs his partner to just be present and listen to him and not tell him to keep his chin up when he’s not in the right state of mind for it. He needs someone who understands the gravity of his responsibilities
📄 𝐙𝐳𝐳.𝐝𝐨𝐜
I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again. Miguel suffers from insomnia and gets repetitive nightmares of the multiverse collapsing one day. Sometimes his mind constantly relives the moment of his daughter fading away in his arms.
He just can’t get a rest from that.
But after being with you, they do eventually calm down. Listening to your steady breathing as you sleep, nestling in his arms or on his chest really helps calm his nerves.
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Call me Miguel’s psychologist the way I yap about his fucked up mental state. I wanna write Miguel having some sort of melt down while reader comforts him but I know no one wants to read that 💀 properly will post it on ao3
Here’s the NSFW version if you’re interested
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬: @patchesofwork @monarchberrysblog @miguelbaby @swiftyangx12 @tarjapearce @smokeywhalee @lazyjellyfish300 @ghost-lantern @jadeloverxd @scaleniusrm @wandasfifthwife @ultravioletrayz @theorphicangel
Anyways, I’m logging off and going to bed
- Ayrus xox
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normspellsman · 1 year
This Time, Let Me Take Care of You
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pairing: neteyam x fem!human!reader
genre: purely fluff
word count: 1.0k+
warning(s): mentions of injury, nete being a sucker for you taking care of him, teyam calling reader angel (blushing frfr), the teeniest tiniest hint of tail shenanigans, & mentions of kissing + cuddling
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @goodiesinthecloset21 @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @universal-s1ut @optimisticblazetrash @amortencjja @liyahsocorro @arminsgfloll @sweetirilly @blushhpeachh @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @ihave500hubbiez @bigdikzaddy @cheyehc @tigermoon3 @httpjiikook
request details: here!
word bank: ikran — four winged creature used for flying + hunting, yawne — beloved, oeyä — my (possessive), tiyawn — love, tanhì — bioluminescence freckle(s); star, & syulang — flower
note: i hope you like it anon! i wanted to keep it short & sweet. let me know if you don’t or had something else in mind :)
The sound of your demanding voice made Neteyam nearly drop to his knees and kiss your feet in apology. He knew that he fucked up. He knew that the words you uttered to him before leaving for the scouting mission was something he was supposed to take seriously, but as always, they flew out the window when Lo’ak dipped and landed his ikran on the battlefield to get a little bit of action.
Your silence following your demand didn’t ease Neteyam’s anxiety one bit. His eyes following your figure as you walked around the healing tent and gathered all the herbs and paste you needed to tend to his wounds. An all too familiar scowl painted onto your face as you did so, muttering curses under your breath.
Before your lover had left on the scouting mission his Father put him on, you told him to be careful, resting your hand above his heart before he kissed your knuckles and promised he would be. Liar, you internally seethed, shaking your head at the thought.
You knew how much Neteyam preferred to put others before himself, often getting in trouble or injured when he did so. You always scolded him on the matter, muttering how he should put himself first for once. It was frustrating to say the least. Really frustrating.
“Ah, yawne, gentle,” Neteyam hissed out, groaning at your rough application of the paste onto his open skin. He knew that you were angry at him for breaking his promise to you. He could practically feel the annoyance radiate off of your skin from behind him. He didn’t blame you for feeling the way you felt. Neteyam was angry at himself too for always thinking of others and taking care of them before himself. Although it was something that frustrated you to no end, you knew that your lover was a naturally caring person and it was instinct for him to do what he does. It was one of the things you loved about him.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, closing your eyes and sighing before dipping two fingers into the white paste and gently lathering it onto Neteyam’s azure skin.
You just wished that Neteyam had an equal balance of both. Of putting others and himself first. You hated seeing him like this, all bruised and bloody from trying to save his brother's ass.
“Oeyä tanhì,” Neteyam whispers, shifting his body to face you, taking your hand into his as he grazed his lips against your knuckles. “I am sorry,” he adds, “I know that I promised you to be careful. But, Lo’ak,” his eyes closed at his brother's name, sighing out a breath.
“I know, tiyawn, I know,” you cut off your boyfriend, understanding what he was trying to say.
You always tried your best at understanding the dynamic between Neteyam and Lo’ak. You didn’t have any siblings of your own, not including Spider who was the closest thing you’d get to a brother. So it was hard at times understanding just why Neteyam would risk his life for his brother and always take the heat from their Father. But, you really did try to grasp how much he cared for Lo’ak and that he’d do anything to make sure his little brother was safe.
All you want from Neteyam is for him to be safe and come back to you in one piece. But it seemed as if that simple request was getting harder and harder to ask for ever since the sky people returned to the planet of Pandora.
“Just…” you started, tears pricking your waterline at the thought of Neteyam not returning to you, especially after this mission, “Please try to be more careful. I would like for you to come home to me in one piece and unharmed.”.
The slight crack of your voice from emotion made Neteyam want to gather your face into his hands and place gentle kisses all over the skin before placing one on your lips, but that stupid mask you had to wear prevented him from doing so. Instead, he placed your hand onto his chest, right above his heart.
“I always do, syulang,” he responded, pushing some of your hair back as it fell in front of your mask. He leaned forward a bit to place a soft peck onto the exposed skin of your hairline where the mask had slightly slipped from.
You only hummed at his reply, quickly gathering yourself before sniffling, motioning for your boyfriend to turn around so you could continue taking care of him. “Turn around,” you ordered, hands pushing his shoulders to aid him in the action, “Let me take care of you.”.
Neteyam let out a small, gentle chuckle at your pushing, turning around so his back faced you. He’d never admit it, but he loved it when you took care of him. Whether that be lathering healing pasted onto his injuries or making sure he ate plenty throughout his day or dragging him to your room whenever he couldn’t sleep, knowing that he only got a full night's rest in your arms. He loved it all.
“After we’re done, we’re going back to my room and you’re taking a nap,” you said, seriousness laced in your words, leaving no room for objection from the blue teen boy sitting in front of you.
He loved how insistent you were to take care of him, pouting when you weren’t able to do so or when he got dragged away by his Father before you could. Neteyam always looked forward to your gentle touches and soft words as you took care of him, massaging his tense muscles or rebraiding his hair when it needed. He often thought about how you would take care of him when he saw you next whenever he got some alone time. He couldn’t wait for you to take care of him for the rest of your lives.
Neteyam smiled at your demand, tail wrapping around your thigh as you continued your task of covering his wounds in the creamy paste you held in your hand. “Of course, angel,” he replied, eager to get into your bed and cuddle up next to your soft and warm body for the rest of the night.
He really couldn’t wait.
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drefear · 10 months
Sister's Mister
Summary: You and your sister are having issues now that Miguel and her are official. Your friends have some opinions, and things finally get heated.
TW: smut, masturbation, drinking, arguing, family issues, pining.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
The world was painful, too bright for your eyes and your heavy hangover. Everything felt achy and your body was like lead. Soft breathing could be heard from the corner of your room and as you looked up, you saw Gianna sleeping in your little lounge chair. You began to nod out of it again when her eyes opened and she moved to sit on the bed with you. She held your hand and smiled. 
“Went too hard last night, right?” She laid her head in your lap and you nodded, barely having the energy to speak. “That’s so unlike you.” 
“Don’t wanna talk about it.” You drawled on, moving the blanket to cover her as well and sleep in the same bed, something you two did often in highschool. Gianna was like having an annoying best friend around 24/7. 
Once you woke up again, Gianna was gone and you were alone in the darkness of your room, your sister having pulled your blinds down to help you sleep off the hangover. Getting up, you blinked and grabbed your doorknob, needing a bit of balance before you could keep going. Practically waddling to the kitchen on sea legs, you squinted towards the fridge, seeing someone already in it. 
“Try again.” The voice gave away who it was and you pouted, agitated that he was the first person you had to see when you woke up. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“Gianna had class, so she asked me to stay and look after you.” Miguel closed the fridge and handed you a cold bottle of water. “She loves you a lot.” 
“I love her too.” You answered in a short manner, not wanting to continue to speak to the massive man in your home. 
“Why’d you get drunk?” He asked and you sighed, turning towards the exit. 
“Because I can.” You spoke as if biting him, harsh and intent on being painful to hear. His face scrunched in a way you could only explain as both confused and angry. 
“No one just gets blackout drunk because they can.” He kept pushing, like a child trying to find their parent’s boundaries. 
“Why are you asking? I’m not the sister you chose.” You walked away before he could press on, and you hurried towards your bedroom, closing the door and locking it. You held the water bottle to your forehead, needing some relief and silence as tears pooled in your eyes. You missed the buzz that the alcohol gave you from last night, warmth making you feel light as a feather. Now, you just felt like hot water sloshed back and forth in your body. You laid on your bed once more to try and fight the massive, tequila induced headache. Nothing felt right and you couldn’t put your finger on it. You memory was hazy, bits and pieces of things coming back as if they weren’t even from your eyes. The last thing you remembered was a stranger touching your face before you yakked on Miles’s grass- 
You quickly grabbed your phone to see all the phone calls you’d missed. Gwen texted you three times and called three times, Miles called twice and left five texts, and Pav, who you don’t remember giving your number to, called twice. The line rang as you called back Miles and he answered on the second ring. 
“Oh my god, you’re ok!” He spoke and you let out a pent out breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Your sister came in last night like a bat out of hell and was screaming for you, and then I saw that big, mean guy from Alchemax carrying you out and when I tried to ask him what he was doing, he told me to be a criminal with someone else, and I-” 
“He said what?” You began to feel a familiar upset grow in your chest as you heard Miles. 
“Who gives a shit? I just wanted to make sure he didn’t, like, kidnap you and sell you to El Chapo or something!” You laughed at his dramatic jokes. You loved Miles like a brother, someone who’d been there when you needed him most and vice versa. 
“No, I’m fine. That’s my sister’s new boyfriend.” You heard quiet on the other line. “Hello?”
“She’s dating that guy? Miguel, right? Didn’t he fuck around with Mrs. Olsen?” He asked and you twirled a piece of your hair in your fingers. 
“Don’t know, don’t care. All I know is he’s got my sister in some fantasy land and I have to listen to the stupid details. ‘Miguel this’ and ‘Miguel that,’ she won’t stop talking about him and-” 
“You like him, don’t you?” Miles asked and you practically choked on the sudden gasp of oxygen you took in, coughing a bit. “Sorry, sorry! Just… sounds like you have something else going on when it comes to him. Is this the guy you used to talk about liking in your chem classes?” 
You didn’t answer, you didn’t need to. Tears broke through your ducts and dribbled down your cheeks as you realized how you felt. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, wiping your eyes on your sleeve. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?” You asked desperately, needing him input. 
“You don’t. You gotta forget it, he’s off limits now. Plus, if he’s as terrible as he seems, you don’t want him in your life anyway.” Miles went on and you knew it was true, but a knock at your door made you almost nervous. “Miles, I gotta go. I’ll text you later.” 
“Yeah, come over later and we can go in the pool. You can clean up all the throw up you left outside.” He laughed as you practically shrank into your blankets, embarrassment turning your cheeks pink. Hanging up, you got up and went to your door to see Miguel standing too tall in the doorframe. 
“Why don’t you know how to act in front of me?” Miguel asked, and your heart stopped. He heard you.
“That was a private conversation. Now, you can tell my sister I’m fine and get the fuck out of my house.” You slammed the door in his face once you were done speaking to him, waiting to make sure he left. After a long few seconds, you heard his hefty footsteps retreat and the front door close. Today was too much. 
You left for Miles’s house later that afternoon, getting there to see your sister’s car outside. Great. You slightly dreaded how intertwined your friend group was getting, all because of Miguel. Another reason to absolutely despise him. You wished you could.
You had on your purple swimsuit, something unique and new that you were excited to wear. Miles had said that he was inviting a few extra friends, and you were hoping one of them was cute, so you had pulled this one out to don in case your hopes came true. Now you had even more reason to push out your chest and be cute, to prove to Miguel that the conversation he heard was actually nothing. He was your sister’s boyfriend, just your sister’s boyfriend. Not the man you pine for in the dark of your room at night, not the name you have to bite your lip not to moan while your fingers circled your clit. 
Walking through his gate to his backyard, you waved at Gwen and MIles, then Hobie and Pav, and Peter. There were a few other faces you didn’t recognize and then there was Miguel and your sister, making out in the pool and looking like the beginning of an amateur porn video. You cringed as you turned away from them, trying not to gawk at their gross display of affection, but you couldn’t blame her. If you were in Gianna’s position, you’d fuck him everywhere you went just to show other women that he was yours and yours alone. 
You shook that thought from your head and tried to listen to what Gwen was saying. 
An hour later, Gwen introduced you to someone named Ben. he was tall, built nice, and seemed to be quite cocky, but you just needed a distraction. The two of you flirted back and forth on the pool ledge as you moved a hand to your waist, pulling you into the water and playfully splashing you. Continuing to soak each other, you felt a presence behind you and suddenly, you were thrown across the pool. Sputtering up to the surface, you looked around and found Miguel smirking, arms folded with a confident roll of his shoulders. 
“What the fuck, Miguel?” You yelled and he just laughed. 
“I wanted to play.” 
“You weren’t invited!” You barked and he rolled his eyes. 
“Don’t be so dramatic, I just wanted that constant screaming to end. It was annoying.” 
“Then maybe use your words, you barbarian.” 
“Oh, ouch! So hurtful, did you learn that word in the library you lock yourself inside of every night?” 
“Are you really making fun of me for being smart?” You didn't realize you were walking closer to him until you were a foot away, and he finally stepped closer to look down at you, making you crane your neck up as he spoke. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” He narrowed his eyes and you couldn’t find the words to answer, hurt pooling in your stomach. You didn’t even realize everyone had started to watch you two arguing until you both stood in silence and felt everyone else’s eyes on you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spoke with sharp words and checked his shoulder as you walked past him, flipping your now soaking wet and messy hair out of your face and stomping to your towel. Your sister moved to grab your arm, but you jerked away from her. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You screamed and saw hurt flash across her face, but you couldn’t see through the seething rage that MIguel had begun to boil inside of you. “You did this, you brought him into my life. As long as you two are together, stay away from me!” You hurried inside of the house and into the bathroom, hearing someone follow you and slamming the door in their face. You sat on the edge of the bathtub and cried. All of the frustration and upset from the past few weeks poured out as you shivered from the AC blowing directly on your wet form, overwhelmed and afraid. 
Meanwhile, the pool area was quiet as Gianna was frozen in place, then looking at Miguel. She got an angry look on her face as he got out of the pool, starting to feel bad. Had he caused a rift between you two? He held his hands up, “Baby, I’m sorry-” 
“Fix this! Now!” Gianna pointed inside and he nodded, just following orders. 
The truth was he didn’t know why you bothered him so much, you just did. Everything about you caused him to be annoyed, and caused a stir in his pants. 
He liked your sister, she was pretty and funny and nice. She was easy. He didn’t mind, he wasn’t used to having a girlfriend either. He didn’t like the feeling that much, it seemed too much of a hassle. 
A few months ago, he’d seen you in his class wearing just a t-shirt and jean shorts, but your soft thighs made his mind go to new places. He’d always chased his own pleasure, not caring much for making the girl’s he bedded orgasm. They always did, but that wasn’t his goal. He just needed to ‘get his and get gone,’ as Ben once said to him. 
Then he saw you, and his first thought was how those thighs would feel on his shoulders, how you’d taste on his tongue with your hands in his hair as you screamed his name. He kept oral sex for relationships, but god he wanted to eat you out so badly, it was driving him mad. 
And then he saw your tits in that low cut top you wore when it started to get warm out, and he lost it. 
He always thought about you as he fucked other girls, railing them from behind and tilting his head back to pretend he was inside of you. He didn’t even know your first name, which was fine by him, and he had planned to keep this going until he met your sister, Gianna. She looked similar to you and that made him satisfied. 
And then he found out she was your sister, and he became hungrier. Being in your house, seeing your family, knew he’d fucked up when he saw you at the club. You were dancing with Hobie and he was feeling up Gianna, but he couldn’t stop sneaking looks at you. The way you swayed your hips, how you held Hobie, how the dress was tight around your chest. He was ging insane and that’s when your sister brought him over to introduce you two. He heard your name and it was like butter on his tongue, smooth and rich. He was hungry for you and the small tastes weren’t enough anymore. 
Dinner at your house was practically painful. He was trying so hard to drown you out of his mind with your sister, wanting nothing more than to have her be what flooded his brain instead. Her hand on his thigh was the only reason he even remembered she was in the room while he watched you eat. 
Arguing with you about Miles fucking Morales got him almost rock hard in his pants, watching you bitch at him, showing him something he’d never seen from you: anger. He saw you shy and awkward, saw you focused in class, but now he saw you spitting words of upset at him and the passion that filled your eyes as you sneered. God, you were like a drug. 
You laid passed out on the grass of Miles’s backyard and he just watched your form for a minute, the rise and fall of your busty chest in that tight top you had on, you were mesmerizing. He made his way to you and bent down. 
“Get up.” 
“Lay down with me.” Those words went straight to his cock, wanting to hear them come out of your mouth in a much different scenario. “Look at the sky.” 
“Your eyes are closed.” He answered, and you hypnotized him with that sweet little laugh. 
“The stars are beautiful.” He couldn't help it, his body moved on its own. He nuzzled your face in his hand, your soft skin feeling like heaven against the callus of his fingers. 
“So are you.” He whispered and sadness filled his chest. He’d made the mistake of entertaining your sister, and now he could never have you. You began tossing up your dinner and your sister came just in time as he waited until you were done, then moving your passed out form into his arms and carrying you out of the house. As he stepped to his car, your sister got into the backseat to hold onto you, but he heard someone shouting. 
“Hey!” It was that Miles kid he couldn’t stand. 
“What?” He asked, moving his arms to tilt your head upward instead of leaned over his arm. 
“She’s not ok, you can’t take her-” 
Miguel was about to bark back, to protect you with every fiber of your being against this stupid law-breaking twerp, but your sister jumped in and started talking to Miles, in which he calmed down. A frown just sat on Miguel’s face, bending to lay you in the car and not saying another word. 
The next day, your sister had left Miguel at the house with you to make sure you were ok while she was gone. Well, he actually volunteered. Which wasn’t weird at all. 
And then there was the phone call her overheard. 
“Miles, it fucking sucks so badly.” You whispered, making Miguel’s heart want to do jumping jacks. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend, ya know? How am I supposed to act?”
This made him almost happy, but conflict began in his head. This was so wrong, so so wrong. 
But then there was the pool, and that gorgeous little bikini you had on, and how you acted with Ben. Fucking Ben. First Miles, then Ben? Were you trying to pick the worst possible choices in men? 
He meant to be playful, just to see that angry spark in your eyes again, but then you both started saying things that couldn’t be taken back. 
“No, I’m saying you’re a loser.” The words tumbled from his lips before he could stop them and suddenly, the world was quiet. Everyone stared at you two and you frantically glanced around with humiliation, but he only watched you. 
“I’d rather be a loser than a whorish prick.” You spat back at him and he stood still, unsure of how to go about everything that had just happened, unsure of how to fix things. 
You and Gianna had harsh words as you ran into Miles’s house crying, and Miguel felt everyone glaring at him, but he couldn’t give a fuck about anyone else. Gianna yelled at Miguel and that’s when he followed you, seeing you run into the bathroom and shut the door. He heard a small thud and knew you were leaning against it, knocking gently. 
“Leave me alone, Gianna.” You sniffled and Miguel sighed. 
“I didn’t mean to say that, I’m sorry-” He started to apologize and the door flew open, your crying face scrunched up at him with a fury he honestly hadn’t seen in anyone but himself. 
“You’re sorry?” Your tone mocked him and he clenched his jaw, nodding. “What are you sorry for? Calling me a loser? Embarrassing me in front of my friends and family? Driving me insane in my own home? Which one?” 
“I didn’t-” He huffed. Miguel wasn’t good with talking about his emotions, and as he heard the laughter from the backyard, he pushed you forward into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. 
“I’m sorry for it all, but it’s your fault too!” 
“What?!” You whisper-yelled and he rolled his eyes, leaning on his shoulder against the wall. 
“Oh, c'mon. You know you’ve been driving me crazy.” He sneered and you glared up at him. 
“I have not-” You stopped short and thought about his words. “How?” You tilted your head to the side. 
“You’re just- you’re so fucking- perfect!” He shouted and put a hand on the wall above your head, bending down to get closer to your face. His eyes burned into yours as he studied your expression. “You’re all I think about.”
“This is wrong…” You breathed out and felt his breath tickle your cheek, eyes fluttering a bit and nose almost touching his. 
“Stop me then.” He whispered and you bit your lip, a constricting feeling in your chest tying itself around your lungs and making you shiver. “Tell me you don’t want this.” He moved his hands to knead the squish of your hips, water dripping down your legs from the still wet bathing suit on your body. 
“Miguel…” Your voice was shaky as he inhaled your scent, moved the tangled mess of damp hair from your shoulder. Loud knocking made you both jump a bit, his hands pulling you closer as his head snapped to the door. He grabbed the doorknob to make sure whoever it was didn’t try to open it, or succeed. Your name rang out in your sister’s voice and your legs wobbled. 
You were in here, being felt up by her boyfriend right after you’d screamed in her face, and she was looking to comfort you still. 
Tears filled your eyes again and the door knob jiggled, Miguel’s hand making sure it didn’t open. Your heart thudded in your chest when she repeated your name, and you tried to clear your throat. 
“G-Go away!” You shouted, trying to still sound upset. Miguel’s other hand stayed on your hip, as if he couldn’t take it off of his own free will. 
“Please, can we just talk? Let me in.” She begged and you broke into tears finally. 
“I said go the hell away!” You screamed, leaning your head into Miguel’s chest and trembling against his large body as he finally let go of your hip and pet your head. 
“I love you, I’m gonna go look for Miguel, ok?” She spoke softly and that made your body heat rise once more. 
“Miguel? You’re going to look for Miguel? Yeah, go fucking chase your boyfriend, go find him, Gianna!” You shouted, Miguel now holding you back with his one arm, pulling you closer to his body to try and calm you down, but you pushed him away and fully faced the door now. “Go fucking find him and tell him that you forgive him and then fuck him and text me about it after! Go, Gianna!” You hit the door with a fist, angry sobs on your lips as everything was quiet. After a second or two, you heard her footsteps walking away from the door. You panted and hung your head. 
“Are you ok?” Miguel’s low voice rubbed your ears in a way that you couldn’t explain. You just shook your head and he released the knob, then cradling you in his arms and holding you tight. “I’ll fix this, I promise.” He whispered, then opened the door and walked out.
Tags: @ihateuguys @spontaneousleo @ginger23 @y2cade @alex110370000 @winteringfalls @neverlandlostchild @haileycannotcometothephonern @loser-alert @idk-sam @bunnyrose01 @minalovesyoubabes @thedevax @arquiiva @freehentai @vonev @rue-ting @darkfairy102190 @iamv1n @teresalesbian @killykstudio @topreice @artyanimi @hrlzy @mikotoguilty @ceoofmiguel @amylasagna
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
kay i'll take advantage of the hyperfixation bc i'm hyperfixated too 😋 this one is quite angsty? Depends on how you wanna do the end bc i'll leave it up to you
u see how in re6 chris asks leon if he will protect ada despite all the damage she did and he says yeah he is? What if instead of chris asking is leon's long term boyfriend since raccoon city?
like reader kinda knows he's still not over ada bc let's say reader went with him to rescue ashley in re4 and well, ada was there and shit.
so with that reader this time KNOWS leon is till not over ada no matter how much time has passed and he feels kinda betrayed bc they had a full ass relationship since raccoon city and it's been YEARS.
ending up to you ofc depending on how interested u are on writing this lmao. bye byee 💖
Ehe- I tried lol
Leon Kennedy x Male!Reader [Angst]
Maybe spoilers if you haven't played/watched re6?
Resident Evil 6
(M/n) almost couldn't believe how awful this vacation was turning out to be.
From shooting the president to chasing after Ada herself, Helena could look at him with an apologetic look in her hazel eyes. (M/n) hasn't explicitly told her that he and Leon were dating, just said they were together on a vacation to relax and unwind a bit from their job on the D.S.O, but the situation had become worse than they initially thought.
And now Ada was involved? Well, when wasn't she honestly, that woman seemed to have some sort of GPS on Leon because she always showed up wherever he was, it was rather odd, still, he didn't question it, coincidences were pretty common in this kind of job.
Just look at it this way, they met with Sherry a while ago and now Chris was here too.
The three of them chased after Ada, Leon in front, and (M/n) right behind him, while Helena did her best to keep up behind them, but she was injured and she was struggling to keep up the pace. (M/n) stopped and made sure she was okay, before realizing how far Leon had run already.
"(M/n), go! I'll... I'll be fine, you go after her," she said gently pushing him away, and (M/n) hesitated for a moment, but Helena's reassuring smile helped him make up his mind.
He continued running after Leon, hearing two more foreign voices echo in the building, his eyes observing how Ada was cornered by two BSAA agents and as one of them pulled the trigger, Leon hit the gun away, immediately getting involved in a fight with the man. (M/n) arrived just in time to catch a stumbling Chris and prevent him from falling when Leon kicked his stomach hard enough to make him lose his balance.
Chris groaned from the pain, even when he was kicked over his bulletproof vest, Leon has always been known for having strong legs after all.
"Here," (M/n) mumbled while standing up and helping Chris get up from the ground, hearing him grunt a small 'thank you', all the while still being pointed by Leon with his pistol, "Leon-"
"Shut up," was all the blond said, making him swallow and nod, standing back whilst Chris and Leon started arguing. About Ada, and why she needed to die. (M/n) saw Leon clench his jaw, tightening his hold on the grip of his pistol, his cold blue eyes staring into Chris', "She's a key witness, we need her."
"A witness? She's the one that did all of this!" Chris replied, angry at what Ada had done, and probably at Leon for stopping him earlier.
"No, it wasn't her, it was Simmons, the National Security Advisor," (M/n) looked at them, hearing Helena's stumbling behind them and he helped her stand up. He wasn't sure what he was expecting the outcome of this discussion would be, but something told him he wasn't gonna like it.
"I lost all of my men because of that woman!" Chris yelled as he approached Leon, who kept a firm stance, not even blinking at his outburst.
"And I lost over seventy thousand people, including the president, because of Simmons!" He replied back with the same tone, followed by a deafening silence, the light of a chopper landing on them through the window.
Chris sighed and looked down, shaking his head before staring back at Leon, "She works for Neo-Umbrella, you know what that means?"
(M/n) watched as Leon sighed, "I do."
Glancing back and forth between the two of them, (M/n) took a deep breath, and took a step forward, slightly covering Chris with his body, he doesn't know what made him do it, maintaining eye contact with Leon's blue eyes, that remained cold and serious.
"After all she did to you, to me, to us... You're still gonna protect her, Leon?" The few seconds of silence that followed made his ears ring, the fact that he had to think about it let him know his answer.
Leon's stare hardened, seemingly unfazed by (M/n)'s words, not caring about the pain in his voice.
"I am."
(M/n) released a dry chuckle, turning around and walking away, "I was scared you were gonna say that," he mumbled as he left, finding another way to go downstairs. While he waited for them, he saw a flash of white, soon followed by Ada's body gracefully flying with her grappling hook.
They made eye contact for an instant before she ran away again, like she always did, never deviating from her mission.
He unzipped his pouch, his fingers wrapping around the velvet box, gripping it tightly as tears began gathering in his eyes. (M/n) had planned this vacation perfectly, wanting to make it special and memorable, after all, he and Leon had been in a relationship for 15 years... Or so he thought, because it seemed like he was the naive one who thought that way, when Leon was clearly smitten to Ada, after everything that happened... Everything he had done to make Leon happy...
(M/n) sighed and rubbed his temple before lowering his hand to grab his pistol, but before he could, he hit one of the pouches around his hips, his world freezing and breaking down piece by piece when he realized what he had kept safe there during this whole ordeal.
All of it had been wasted, maybe... Someone else would appreciate all his efforts?
But who? He has never loved anyone other than Leon, and it's not like he could simply move on to someone else, that wouldn't be fair to the other person.
(M/n) observed the black box in his hand, hearing the footsteps of Leon and Helena approaching his position, and he had to dry away the tears that had managed to run down his face, turning toward them with a hint of a smile, putting the box back and closing the zipper again.
"We have to keep going, let's go," he will figure out what to do when all of this is over, but right now, they had a job to do.
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screeblees · 10 months
Angry ! Yandere x Comfort ! Reader Headcanons
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Angry ! Yandere is Male and Reader is Gender Neutral
I used three quotes from @aonungstoefungus post “Yandere Prompts” you can see here. I really liked all their prompts!
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!! <33
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❥ Angry ! Yandere who spent his life filled with anger always raging just beneath the surface of his skin, resting right under the boiling point.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who blew up rather often in his youth, fighting his peers like there’s no tomorrow, swinging fists and rocks and gripping his opponents hair in his hands. By the time they were pulled apart, the other was almost always left with a black eye or a broken nose at the least.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who tried every breathing exercise, every meditation method, every mindfulness activity, every health coping habit, every anger management program, every “calming” drug he could get, every single thing he could find. Yet nothing, nothing, ever helped.
Until you came along…
❥ Angry ! Yandere who felt a blanket of soothing fall over him the very first time he heard you speak in your almost melodic voice - melodic to him at least, it worked on him so why would anyone else’s opinion matter?
❥ Angry ! Yandere who feels the overwhelming need to be in your presence otherwise risking himself only becoming more irritable (than he normally is). Even if you don’t know he’s there, it still helps to just listen.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who became aware that it isn’t just your voice but you, as a whole; your scent, your voice, your tone, your kind demeanour, your actions, your expressions, just you in your entirety. And he can’t get enough.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who is known for his barbarian behaviour at any perceived slight done towards him. This infamous reputation helping to ensure most steer clear of him, even you, at first. Although you tried to avoid him, it seemed like he was everywhere you went, even places he’d never dared to go before, even out-of-character for him to be in. ( “What’re you lookin’ at?” )
❥ Angry ! Yandere who was pleased when you eventually accepted that he was just everywhere you went and weren’t even cold towards him when he approached you for himself instead of eavesdropping on all your conversations or creepily watching from afar! Or maybe you were just too scared to talk back to him in fear of pissing him off and being at the receiving end of his violence. Oh well, you’d accepted him now.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who realises it isn’t just tranquillity that he feels around you - his heart now feels like it would burst out his chest and for once it wouldn’t be in anger, but in absolute obsession. Of course he’d like to call it love but he knows it is more than that, you are the air he had gone so long without and had now taken a breath of, you are the balance and stability he had never had in his life, in fact, you are his life, his whole world. He’s even waxing poetica in his head for you, that’s how lovesick you make him.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who began recording you talk whenever he’s close enough for a microphone to pick up. Listening to his library of you to keep his head level all day, and to get to sleep at night (among other nightly activities).
❥ Angry ! Yandere who is very forward about wanting to be your friend, inserting himself into conversations and making a point to talk to you at some point every day - the times you speak directly to him helping them feel the most soothed he’d been in a long time.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who’s volatile mood is entirely dependent on you; if you give him your full attention and maybe even a smile then he’ll go about like he’s the most peaceful, untroubled soul around, barely anything will change his mood (other than you, of course) - on the other hand, if you give him minimum attention or he can’t find you, he’ll be twice as furious and violent as his worst day before you came along. So although you could make him seem like a steady, quiet person and bring out the best in him, you also have the potential to turn him into hell’s own with the suffering that will be caused by him for the rest of the day, maybe even the rest of the week.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who scared most of your friends away, leaving you rather isolated from your peers and only more open to him hanging out with you during the school day. Your remaining friends either being entirely online or skittering away at the sight of him, neither of which he really minded as they made way for him.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who was ecstatic to find that you even talk in your sleep, taking great joy in visiting you when you’re deep in REM sleep just to listen to your sleepy mumbles, and if he’s feeling brave he may hold your hand. He found comfort in knowing that no-one else got to listen to you whisper what he likes to call sweet nothings. (They’re for him and only him.)
❥ Angry ! Yandere who seethed when he saw someone take interest in you. Who the fuck did they think they were. The next time you saw them they’d been beaten black and blue and avoided you like you’d give them the plague. (No-one gets to have you but him.)
❥ Angry ! Yandere who eventually realises the only way for him to really have you is to take you.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who follows you home one night and just sweeps you off the street, he’s truly sorry for being rough with you but it was for your own good, you needed to be home with them and there was no way you’d come willingly and you would not want to see how irritated that would make him.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who’s furnished basement was just the perfect place to keep you, he’d cleaned up the place and made sure it was escape-proofed and child-proofed. He wouldn’t want his sole source of comfort going through unnecessary harm (or having the tools to leave him).
❥ Angry ! Yandere who was on a high after bringing you home knocked-out, tied up and blindfolded for extra safety, which broke almost as soon as you woke up. Your scared, timid voice was endearing at first, but he grew irritated once you began screaming and crying and making your throat go hoarse (despite your intense fear).
❥ Angry ! Yandere who had previously planned to be lenient with you realised that was not going to work. Clearly you needed strict rules, boundaries and schedule and so he would supply you that, some of said rules being;
Speak when spoken to
No even trying to escape
Be respectful
Don’t dare hide anything
Speak like you did before
Answer calls on the first ring
If you want something, ask for it
Don’t flinch away
Stop fucking shaking
Accept your punishments
Don’t run.
❥ Angry ! Yandere who grows sharp with you, finding himself having to punish you far more than he’d thought within your first few weeks together. Maybe being even a little sadistic in his retaliation… ( “What, you thought you were just gonna get away with that?” )
❥ Angry ! Yandere who found himself mocking and insulting you in response to your shying away from him or showing your fear of him, especially before and during punishments in which you would shake. ( “Aw, you gonna cry? Go ahead, its not gonna change anything.” )
❥ Angry ! Yandere who always felt much better after taking his anger out on you during punishments, then lovebombed you with his gifts and touch. The gifts could range anywhere from something he stole from your house to something really nice he bought with his own (partially stolen) money. He really enjoys having an arm around your waist or shoulders or a hand on your wrist or thigh (or even your neck), he loves you being in reach of him and it makes him feel secure to grasp onto you, to have you grounding him. (Even if he’s a little strong on the grasping).
❥ Angry ! Yandere who believed himself to have semi-successfully trained you to behave for him, to stop trying to hide and escape and rebel, but still, any hint of your mind straying from being a good soother for him pushed him to the boiling point, spitting threats promises at you of what would happen if you continued that line of thinking. ( “Don’t even fucking look at the door. I am trying to have some faith in you after all.” )
❥ Angry ! Yandere who enjoys spending hours downloading content for you to consume and talk to him about (once you’d accepted your situation). He asks probing questions just to hear you talk more and loves having you as his own personal sleep aid asmr and podcast throughout the day, urging you to rant to him once he comes home each night as he cuddles you in your chosen seating, whether that be the couch, the bed or even the floor. 
❥ Angry ! Yandere who finds classmates remarking on the consistent calmness he presents in himself now that he has you all to himself all safe at home with your melody on speed-dial. After all, you and your calming aura is all for him and only him to enjoy, how much happier could he be…?
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Holaa, can you write about a scenario where the reader makes a diy bracelet for Gavi using beads in his favorite color and with his initial too, as a gift. Gavi really likes it and wears it all the time, and the reader is so happy. However, one day when Gavi is at an international match, the reader sees one of Gavi's teammate's Instagram stories and notices that Gavi is no longer wearing the bracelet. This makes the reader feel hurt and they start to think a lot of negative thoughts. :((
Actually, the reason why Gavi doesn't wear the bracelet anymore is because one of his teammates accidentally pulled it during practice, causing it to break. Gavi tried to fix it himself, but was unable to do so. When Gavi returned home, they tried to make it up to each other. I prefer a lot of fluff after, thank you so much anyway! Te amo 🩷
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"Um..I have something for you Pabs.." you said when he sat down on your couch having just came back from the national team training session absolutely exhausted.
He asked you to fly out and spent his days with him in Madrid while he practices for his first national game and you agreed really missing your best friend in the past few months.
"What's that princesa?" he said using the usual nickname but ever since your crush intensified as you grew older, you started reacting a lot more to it.
"It's for good luck on the nationals..do you like it?" you said putting it around his wrist and he smiled looking at your adorable blushed face. Pablo secretly had a crush on you as well but he didn't want to complicate our life by ever admitting it. Truth be told, he doesn't feel like he deserves you...not with all the negativity people label him as.
"It's pretty. Gracias princesa! I'm always going to wear it!" he said playing with the beads while you looked at him dreamily. He looked so beautiful without trying that you found your eyes focusing on his lips for a little too long.
"Everything okay? Do I have something on my face?" Pablo teased and you looked away shyly shaking your head and continuing to watch the movie on the TV screen.
Since you gave it to him, Pablo really wore it non-stop and started to believe that it was really a lucky charm because he never played better. During trainings he would get praises by coaches, and during games he would never be more efficient and get less yellow cards.
Whenever he would get angry, after being provoked, he would look at his wrist and take a few deep breaths before continuing the game without getting in trouble. Your face would pop into his head and he didn't want you to watch him get in trouble no matter where you were in that moment.
One day during the training, Ansu jumped on his back making him loose balance falling and pulling on his bracelet breaking it in process. Pablo almost cried while collecting the beads packing them up and putting them all into his wallet.
He wasn't home since then, so he couldn't ask you to fix it for him and had to play the next game without it. He was never feeling more nervous feeling like he lost his luck charm. This won't be good..
"What's up with you Gavi?" Ansu asked seeing his friend shaky and anxious standing in the corner alone while the rest of the team chatted like usual before heading to the pitch.
"Your fault cabrón! I don't have my good luck charm now!" Pablo said and his friend rolled his eyes already having apologized thousand times for pushing him and breaking his bracelet.
"Who gave it to you when it's so special?" Ansu teased not thinking that it was anybody in particular but when he saw Pablo's cheeks blush he knew that he poked the right spot.
"Wait! Did Gavi finally get tamed by a girl?? Who is she hermano??" Ansu said and Pablo talked about your long friendship since school and how you've always been there, through everything never leaving his side. Ansu could tell that what Pablo felt for you was something special..something more than simple attraction he had for other girls since the fame arrived.
During the same time, one of Pablo's teammates took a video and posted on his story catching he glimpse of Gavi and Ansu talking. What caught your eye tho is that there was no bracelet on Pablo's wrist..you thought it was because he was still wearing long sleeves?
When he came out on pitch, you realized that he really was not wearing the bracelet..why would he take it off?
You thought about all the recent rumors about him and this other girl from Sevilla who kept hinting their relation and in return gain quite a fame. But Pablo said she is a fame chaser and that he was never with her..maybe he lied? Maybe he found someone else?
Your heart was braking as your eyes kept checking on his wrist hoping that the bracelet would suddenly appear but it never did. Did you really think he would end up with someone like you? you thought to yourself feeling like you wanted to cry.
Close to the end of the game, Spain was still winning but Pablo didn't seem to play as well as he did in the past games. He looked like he was lost on the pitch and he was also easily agitated. In 90th minute someone slid down collecting Pablo's legs and hurting him badly in response.
You gasped moving closer to the screen while they tended to his wounds and carried him off the pitch. You were so worried texting Aurora to see if they had any information. Thankfully it wasn't permanent damage but he will need to miss the next match so he is coming back home.
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Come back stronger hermano! @pablogavi
liked by 50K others
pablogavi: gracias hermano! coming back with my lucky charm ;)
alejandrobalde: we're waiting for you!!
sefutbol: waiting for the Golden Boy! <3
aurorapaezg: proud of you hermanito! <33
pablogavi: <3
pedri: get your but back to the pitch quickly cabrón!! jajaja
pablogavi: look who's talking jajaja only you can cover my position so get to it!!
ansufati: get that luck back ;)
pablogavi: !!
Pablo was partly happy that he was going back home, that was he can get his lucky bracelet fixed and see you while he was there. He really missed your adorable face..
When he came home, you weren't staying with his family like you said you would and Aurora told him that you've left a few days ago..same time he stopped wearing the bracelet. He knew that you must have seen it and he wished that he texted you about to so you don't make assumptions. Mierda Pablito! You're so stupid sometimes!
pablitoo: are you home princesa??
amotcito: i'm not, sorry
pablitoo: don't lie to me. i see you through the window!
You looked through the window smiling involuntarily when you saw that he was indeed standing down there looking up at you while holding his phone.
"What do you want?" you asked through the window
"Let me in princesa" he said pointing at the door and you sighed nodding your head and letting him through nervously waiting for him to arrive to your apartment. He knocked and you opened saddened when you saw his leg being wrapped in gauze.
"Hola princesa.." he said
"Hola.." you moved so he can come in letting him sit down on your couch asking if he needed anything but he shook his head opening his arms signaling that all he wanted was a hug.
"I don't know if we should do that now.." you said gulping using last bits of your strength not to hug after missing him for a whole month.
"What's different now?" he asked and you blushed looking away which made him curious what you were thinking about.
"Um..you have a girl don't you?" you said and he sat up quickly raising his eyebrows wondering where did you get such nonsense from.
"What!? Who told you that?" Pablo said and you met his eyes again wondering if you really assumed everything wrong. But if he wasn't with another girl, why would he take a bracelet off so suddenly??
"Um..you took the bracelet off so I thought.."and Pablo chuckled grabbing your hand and pulling you closer before you were sitting besides him and he pulled you into a hug.
"You're so cute when you make up scenarios like this princesa..but no I don't have a girl..and I did not take the bracelet off" Pablo spoke as you looked up at him with wide eyes.
"But you weren't wearing it on the last game?" you said as he pulled out his walled opening it and reveling the beads inside.
"Ansu jumped on me and I broke it..I couldn't fix it on my own and you weren't there to do it..so I had to save it here until I came back home and let you fix it for me" Pablo explained and you blushed feeling so silly for assuming something so quickly and telling him about it too. Now he must think you were jealous..which wasn't far from the truth..but still..he was just your friend!!!
"I feel so stupid now.." you admit and he raised up your chin making your heart jump in your chest while you looked into each others eyes.
"Don't feel stupid princesita..I think it's cute how you were worried some other girl will take me away from you..but that could never happen" he whispered the last part before finally placing his lips onto yours softly.
When he pulled away you face was bright red and you were in utter shock. Did..did he just kiss you? So he felt the same for you!?
"Would you be a good girl and fix it for me princesa?? I really need my lucky charm back.." he smirked when he saw how stunned you looked and you looked down at the beads nodding and taking his walled form his hands.
Before you could get up to grab what you needed to fix in his hand grabbed your chin again and pecked your lips like it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
"Um here you go Pabs.." you put it back around his hand when it was fixed and he smiled playing with the beads before looking back at you like he expected something else. You knew what he expected but you were too nervous to do it..it was still so fresh and you've been crushing at him for years.
"Come here..I won't bite" he pulled you closer kissing you a few times and you smiled into the kiss finally relaxing into the kisses "unless you beg me to princesa.." he whispered into your lips and you swore you could die in that exact moment.
"Pablo!!" you said hiding your hot face into his neck and he chuckled at how easily you get embarrassed kissing the top of your head and holding you tightly against him.
"I don't just need the bracelet for luck..I need you princesa..so be my girl..and come with me to the next game?" he said and you were so happy you could scream but instead you kissed him passionately letting go off all your nerves.
"Yes! Yes!" you said and he chuckled nodding his head and kissing you back sweetly before pulling you closer and letting you rest your head on his chest while he played with your hair. He was content..you were finally his..he had his lucky bracelet back..and he was ready to win this national league with you by his side!
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My luck is back <3 @y.n.bebe
liked by 100K
gavigavigavira: wait!!!? girlfriend!???
gavipablo: she is his old friend..that's so cute <33. liked by 12K other
pedri: what!?? lucky cabrón ;)
pablogavi: yeahhh ;)
ansufait: glad luck is back hermano!
pablogavi: she is backkk!!
y.n.bebe: hehe <33 liked by pablogavi
alejandrobalde: vamooss españa!! you're girl is beutiful!
pablogavi: yeah MY girl is beautiful jaja liked by y.n.bebe
y.n.bebe: hehe good luck cariño <3
pablogavi: you're here amor..we are winning <33
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My best friend..my campeon <3. @pablogavi
Liked by 50K others
pablogavi amor <33 only won because of you!!
y.n.bebe: te amo cariño!! liked by pablogavi
gaviraaa: i might be sad that he is not single but I'm happy it's with someone who loves him for him and not for his fame <33
gavithebest: yeahh this girl has been his friend for years too
gaviraaa: they are so cute!! <33
aurorapaezg: lindooos! ahhh!
y.n.bebe: you always knew this would happen Rora jajaja
aurorapaezg: my hermanito is head over heels in love with you!!
pablogavi: Rora!!! That was a secret!!
belengavira79: take care of my boy princesa <3
y.n.bebe: promise <33
gavifanss: aweee my heart!! this is so adorable!!
It's longish but I enjoyed writing it A LOT! Hope you like it :)
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Moves & Countermoves (Part 8)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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“Mom!” Everest screams, tearing down the hallway at the sight of her.
“Mommy!” Arista follows.
Causing Y/N to lose her balance, toppling backwards from her crouched position, with both children in her arms. “I missed you.” She murmurs, kissing each of their heads in turn.
Haymitch is a few feet behind, Y/N ran all the way from the train. He picks up pace at the sound of their voices.
“What are you doing down there?” Haymitch chuckles at the sight. “Should I just get on top here?”
“Ahh!” Everest giggles, “he’s gonna crush us.”
“Do not jump.” Y/N warns.
“I think your mother wants me to jump.” Haymitch teases.
“No, dad.”
“Ooof,” Haymitch grunts, carefully joining his family.
“And I’m back to being chopped liver.” Madge laughs at the dog pile forming on the sitting room floor.
“Get in here, Madge.” Y/N insists.
“I’m good.”
“Come on, Madge.” Haymitch says.
“What do you want me to do?” Madge raises a brow, “I’m not holding you.”
“Well someone’s got to.”
“Hold him, Madge.”
“Aunt Madge, Aunt Madge, Aunt Madge!” The kids begin chanting.
“This is ridiculous.” The woman sighs, pushing hair back behind her ears, preparing to mount her sister’s husband.
“There she is.”
“Welcome home.” Madge says, staring down at her sister, the only one facing upward in all the chaos.
It’s odd; the first few weeks of seeing the other houses in victor’s village lit up at night. Odd that there are other victors after being alone for so long.
Katniss falls into her old routine, hunting, visiting the hob and spending time with Prim. Even Gale. She hides her struggles as best she can.
Prim, Everest and Arista play hopscotch on the pathway between their houses. She teaches Y/N and Haymitch’s children to milk her goat and churn the milk into cheese.
Peeta is adjusting to life with a missing limb. The bottom portion of his left leg now replaced with a prosthetic, after the damage done by the mutts was deemed irreversible. Still he bakes and paints, delivering tiny offerings of scones and cookies; to Katniss and his mentors.
“Mmm, mhm.” Haymitch takes a deep whiff of the sweets. “Thank you, Peeta.”
“You’re welcome,” Peeta nods, watching as the older man carts the tray away.
“You can… if you want to stay for dinner. Doesn’t have to be every night,” Y/N knows the relationship with his family is complicated. “Just whenever you want to drop by, you’re welcome to.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“We’d love to have you,” Y/N squeezes his arm. “Come on in.”
“Why not?” He shrugs, with a smile.
Together they walk toward the dining room. Haymitch has plopped the tray down in the center of the table, allowing Everest and Arista to have dessert before dinner.
“We’re not sticklers about the order of things.” Y/N explains, pulling out a chair for him. “Peeta, this is my kid sister, Madge. Madge, this is Peeta.”
“Nice to meet you.” The woman seated beside him holds out her hand.
“Nice to meet you too.”
“Baby, how’s the ham coming?” Y/N calls to her husband, who’s preoccupied taste testing the cookies.
“There’s a ham?” Haymitch mumbles around a mouthful of food.
Y/N’s eyes bulge. “You forgot to put it in?”
“I’m messing with you.” Haymitch swallows, moving behind her chair to check on the main course.
“Terrible,” Y/N swats at him.
Enough time has passed that Y/N watches for the lights in the windows of both Peeta and Katniss’ houses; only concerned when she doesn’t see them now.
President Snow’s retaliation could come at any time. Haymitch tries to put Y/N’s mind at ease, reasoning that if he hasn’t done anything yet, he may not do anything at all. If the districts and the Capitol are invested in the star crossed lover’s story, he has nothing to be angry about.
“The tour is only two months away, maybe he’s waiting until then.” Y/N worries at a loose string on her nightgown.
“When are we gonna talk about this?” Haymitch breathes, they’ve been dancing around it for weeks now.
“Talk about what?” Y/N turns up her chin.
“What’s really going on.”
She hasn’t even begun to process it, can’t accept it, can’t speak about it. “Haymitch.”
“I’m sorry this isn’t what you wanted. But this isn’t going away. We have got to address it.”
The tiny swell of her belly.
“You wanna discuss baby names?”
“I want to discuss this baby.”
Y/N allows tears to pool in her eyes. “I-” she breaks off at the feel of his hand resting against the bump through the thin material.
“You’re not ready to tell anyone and I understand that you need time. I will give you time. Hell, if you wanna pop this sucker out here in a few months, just you and me, great. But you have got to talk to me. Trust me.”
“I do trust you.” She whispers, resting a hand over his.
“Everything is going to be ok. I’m gonna make it ok.”
“Do you want to have another baby with me?” Y/N wonders, though the outcome will not change.
“I want everything with you.” Haymitch assures her.
“I love you. I never want you to think for a second that I don’t. I just wanted a little bit more time.”
“There is no shame in mourning the ability to do this on your terms. This is your body, your life and you deserve-” he stumbles over the words. “You deserve better.”
“So do you.”
The first two times…they’d been asked. A crisp white envelope with instructions inside. There was a warning. The shots from the Capitol stopped. There was understanding, time to prepare themselves. This is different. An ambush, a means to knock them down a peg.
And they can lie there, they can stay down. Or they can get their bearings and stand up.
“One hour until cameras, Peeta and Katniss are defrosting, Vanity should be here any second.” Y/N calls, closing the front door behind her and tossing her coat onto the rack. It’s quiet in their house, alarmingly so. “Haymitch?” She calls up the stairs.
It’s tour day.
“In here,” Haymitch replies.
Y/N follows the sound of his voice down to the living room. Something is off. She fluffs out the edges of her shirt as she walks. Sure to conceal the life growing within her. She is showing, but not enough for anyone to notice at a glance, in a loose fitting top.
Turning the corner, she is greeted by a peacekeeper on either side of the entryway. President Snow is sitting on their couch with the children and Haymitch. Enjoying the tea biscuits from Peeta.
“President Snow,” Y/N greets him with a smile.
“Hello, my dear. I hope you are well.”
He knows. He has to know. “Can’t complain. I hope the trip here was an easy one.”
Snow allows a slow grin to spread across his lips, “it was. So kind of you to ask.”
“Can I get you some tea to go with that?” Y/N motions towards the biscuit.
“I’m afraid I can’t stay long. I am only dropping by to give my best and congratulate you.”
“Congratulate me for what?” She wonders.
Snow cocks his head to the side, “your victors, of course. Speaking of, I really must be off to see Ms. Everdeen.”
“Should I accompany you?” Y/N chokes out against the rapid pounding in her chest.
“That won’t be necessary, after all you need to get ready. Your lovely children have never been on a victory tour. They are very excited.”
Her heart stops, the children were never meant to come. They are to stay here in twelve, with Madge, where it’s safe.
“I will see you all in the Capitol.”
“Of all the last minutes alterations,” Vanity scowls, “I spent years designing these outfits, young lady. Years!”
“I know,” Y/N tries to suck it in, but there’s no way the zipper is going up.
“Can’t we let the seams out a little?” Haymitch asks, the top buttons of his matching ensemble hanging open.
“And you,” Vanity kicks at him. “This is all your fault. I hope you enjoyed yourself.”
“Oh, I did.” Haymitch chuckles, “enjoyed myself very much.”
Y/N smirks at him, shaking her head.
“Vanity?” Arista comes to tug at the bottom of her dress.
“What is it, my love?” She continues fussing over her victor, pinning a bit of fabric to the closure of her gown. They’ll just have to sew her in.
“Something is pinching.”
“Where?” The woman leans down to tend the little girl. Outfits for the children were not on her agenda, but she knows better than to arrive unprepared. Whipping up a dress and suit combination in a matter of minutes.
Arista points toward the right side.
“Oop, see there.” The stylist plucks a wayward sequin from the arm joint of her dress. “All better.”
She dashes off happily.
“She looks just like you.” Vanity gives a smile, gathering her needle and thread.
“Dad, I need help with the tie.” Everest charges in, silken fabric in hand.
“You know we’re just riding on a train, right?” Haymitch reminds V, looping his son’s tie around his neck. “You’re doing all of this for us to sit on a train.”
“Haymitch.” Vanity pinches the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger. “Honestly Y/N, you had your pick of the litter and this is who you chose… just beyond me.”
“You and me both.” Haymitch adds, finally they agree on something.
“All aboard.” Haymitch helps his children over the threshold of the train first.
Madge is accompanying them, to help tend Everest and Arista. Y/N fought her on this of course, but Madge insists. I don’t want them around anyone we don’t trust. Her intentions are good, but Y/N hates that so much of their burden falls to her.
“Here comes my nanny,” Haymitch teases. “The girl on fire, the baker’s boy.”
This goes on for a while until it’s Y/N’s turn to board.
“They always save the best for last,” Haymitch remarks, helping her up.
Y/N kisses his cheek, “thank you.”
When Haymitch turns around, Katniss is right there. “Jesus, sweetheart. Almost gave me a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry, I-” Katniss looks desperately around Haymitch to Y/N. “I need to talk to you.”
“Ok,” Y/N nods. “Haymitch will get everyone settled and we’ll talk,” stepping past her husband. “Come on, let’s go.” Y/N leads her to the back of the train, with the big window.
Katniss takes it all in, the mountains of district twelve illuminated by the setting sun. “It’s beautiful.”
“Best seat in the house.” Y/N agrees, making herself comfortable on the cushioned bench, “in my opinion, anyway.”
When Katniss does find a place next to her, she can’t find the words. “I’m sorry,” is all she can say.
“For what?” Y/N’s brows pull together.
“For the berries, for winning, for Snow taking it out on you.”
“I know you don’t blame me, you’re too good a person.” That’s why it’s always harder to go to Y/N than Haymitch.
“I place blame where it’s due.” Y/N corrects her, “and this is not your fault.” Not her fault that the children must accompany them, not her fault that the Capitol sent placebos instead of contraception.
“He said…the people in the districts don’t believe our love story. He told me I need to make them believe. You’re good at it; making people believe what you say.” That’s why it has to be her. “I thought maybe you could help me.”
Y/N rests a hand on top of Katniss’. When I was your age, I would’ve given anything for someone to help me. “Of course I’ll help you.”
Part 9
Series Taglist: @praline357 @flowercrowns-goodvibes @justheretoparty420 @avocadotoastwithegg @officialjellydoughnut @whoreforfictionalpeople @treehouse-mouse @emo-markie @spilled-mi1k @magical-spit @greaser9902 @jessicamellarky @yourebuckingkiddingme @smuha2004 @sendhelplease
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drama--universe · 1 year
Looking Glasses
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Requested by anonymous: I’ve had this idea for a little while so I was thinking maybe chishiya x gn!reader where the reader has glasses and they Break in a game so chishiya make them a new one?
Pairing: Shuntaro Chishiya x gn!reader
Word Count: 680 words
Warnings: none
A/N As someone who has almost a minus 6 on both eyes, this felt refreshing to write 😂
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You sighed as you fiddled with your glasses, annoyed at the fact that they had broken halfway the game due to an angry woman who decided to punch you. The lenses were fine, stuffed deep into your pocket, but the frames were a goner. They were bent, the right temple was missing the screw and you were now officially blind. The people around you were now just blurs, colors blending together to create said blurs. Of course, the headache was also already starting to form and you had no doubt that it would turn into a heavy migraine after a few hours.
Of course, the loud chatter from your teammates just made everything worse. You'd make a comment, but you didn't feel like it and you also didn't know their names.
You felt the car come to a stop and stepped out, your legs wobbly as you tried to gain balance. You already had no sense of balance with glasses, so imagine what it was like without them and a vision that almost felt like blindness. The people with you scattered to their own places of enjoyment, while you just tried to not trip. You made it inside, luckily, and a figure approached you. You squinted, trying to figure out who it was until you recognized the blue color of Kuina's swimsuit and Chishiya dressed in his white sweater and swim shorts. Once they stood close enough, your vision focused a bit more as you squinted.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Kuina asked and you just held up your frames with a defeated look, causing Kuina to burst out laughing. You glared at her form pocketing the frames again before moving your eyes to Chishiya.
"How was your game?" "Boring, 8 of hearts." He mumbled as he walked past you and you frowned, turning around to watch his form with shock.
"A 8 of hearts?! How is that boring? It's terrifying!" You exclaimed, looking at Kuina for confirmation before turning back to follow Chishiya. Kuina was kind enough to make sure you didn't fall and to guide you through the crowd. It didn't take long for you to reach your room, laying on the bed with a sigh. Your head laid right next Chishiya's lap while Kuina sat near your legs, laying on top of you while chewing on her fake cigarette.
"So, how did those break?" Kuina asked as she watched you pull out the frames and lenses. You just sighed loudly, dropping the parts on the bedside table before explaining.
"Some lady got angry during the game and punched me... I was too bossy for her." You said and Kuina scoffed before turning so she quite literally laid on top of you, staring at you to continue your story.
"I didn't help after that and she died..." You continued, earning a snort from Chishiya and both you and Kuina looked up in surprise. He gave you a side glance, but no one said anything.
"So, what about you Kuina?" "Oh my god, okay! So, I was in the same game as Ann-" She started ranting happily and you did your best to follow along to her speed talk. One thing about Kuina was that she got too fast to follow when she got excited to talk about it. While you paid close attention, neither you nor Kuina noticed that Chishiya had picked up the remains of your glasses and started to toy with them.
Kuina had been talking for an hour when she finally decided to get some sleep, getting up and leaving the room with Chishiya not far behind to return to his own. You laid down in the bed again, eyes moving to look at your broken glasses only to see them mildly fixed.
The lenses were back in the frames, the right temple was back attached and the bridge was back to being unbend.
You couldn't help but smile, knowing that it was Chishiya had fixed it. You didn't know how, but you honestly didn't really care as you laid on your side while staring at the glasses with a bright smile.
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gffa · 1 year
John Gaius is less interesting to me as someone who is just a shallowly awful person, and vastly, infinitely more interesting to me as an intensely human person with the powers of a god and that has fucked him up. The things he does to his friends are done out of grief, because he doesn’t want them to be gone, it’s out of the loss of those he loved that he brings them back, that there’s almost something numb about him until the depression or the rage or the sorrow hits, because like he’s Jod, he didn’t get to where he was by being able to die, and that’s terrifying for others, but I can’t help thinking that it’s really fucked him up, too, because all that power, it’s just there, it’s in him all the time, and when someone betrays you and you have the power and invulnerability of a god and you’re a hot goddamned mess because you’re still just a person who has lived through so much pain and grief and loss, you react like a human and you reform yourself out of your own atoms and permanently explode people and go, right then, either you’re loyal or you die, because you’re fucking pissed, and you don’t want to fucking deal with it anymore, because you don’t have to, you’re God, you have the power to say, no, this stops here, loyalty or die, make your fucking choice now, instead of continuing to walk that tightrope of lying to your friends but trying to make it up to them and feeling guilty but also feeling angry, all while you’re so fucking tired. But then you feel more guilt about it, because you’re a person and you’re not trying to be a dictator, you’re trying to make the galaxy better, you’re trying lighten the mood, because it’s ten thousand fucking years and if you don’t embrace your love of puns being hilarious, then everything’s going to be so fucking boring, and you’re still angry at the trillionaires.   You stop time and tell everyone to stop attacking each other because you’re so fucking tired and just don’t want to deal with it anymore.  You’re so fucking careful, even around your friends, not to bleed around them because you know what that can lead to. I feel like John is a character who isn’t evil so much as every step is an understandable one he made, each one is a very human reaction when you have the context of everything that happened before, and then layer a whole lot of depression and guilt and anger on top of all those decisions. Is he doing terrible things?  Yeah, and he’s fucking terrifying to be around, he tries so hard to be affable and gentle, but he has so much power and he’s Just A Fucking Guy, a guy who wanted to save the world and started out from a place that so many of us have started out from, each step he took to where he got and why he lied are understandable ones, the weight inside him one that I can empathize with, I too am not always the kindest when I’m depressed, I too am not always one to make the best decisions when I feel torn between wanting to help people vs how to actually get there, like if I was face to face with a real chance to save the world, wouldn’t I do some shady things to make sure it got done, because the world hung in the balance?  Wouldn’t I fall into depression when weighed down by all that responsibility to do something when I had the power/ability to do it?  Where is the single point at which he should have said no and turned back, given all that had come before? I don’t see John Gaius as a character who set out to become Necrolord Prime, that that was the intended arc, so much as he kept making one decision after another, decisions that come from a place of very human nature, and eventually we’re here, with the weight of all those decisions behind him and no one single place that really was a hard turning point.  And also a whole lot of depression. Anyway, he’s my poor little meow meow and I hope he’s dictator of the universe for life because it’s very funny and also gives me feelings.
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autistichalsin · 22 days
So through my fics, most of you guys already know about my Dark Urge Kiaran and his personality and story. At the start of his journey, he is more upset about the fact that his murders happen when he isn't able to choose them, and it's only Halsin that shows him he can be better- and makes him want to be better.
On the other hand, my Astarionmancer Tav, Taviana, is very much the sunshine type. She doesn't quite do for Astarion what Halsin does for Kiaran; she doesn't act as this transformative force. Instead, she is a catalyst. She is the element Astarion needs to undergo the changes he was always capable of; she just gives him support while he figures it out. She does try, for her part, because she is a very sweet person who hates to even use Vicious Mockery because it feels too mean (which leads to a lot of jokes about her making the best zingers despite this, like it's her only outlet), so Astarion being almost as murder-happy as Kiaran doesn't go over well with her, obviously. But when she does try to push back, she can see every time that Astarion isn't happy to hear it.
So instead, she talks to Halsin, after she realizes fairly early on that she has feelings for him. Halsin hasn't recognized his own feelings for Kiaran consciously yet, by this point, but he is still able to give her advice for managing a relationship with someone so different from herself. It's about what Tav had guessed, but she needed to hear it from an old, wise Druid, and it helps her to improve her relationship with Astarion. She doesn't blindly tell him what he wants to hear, but she is better able to understand his perspectives on things.
My favorite part of writing these two romances, though, is that if one looked at the four and tried to guess which ones were together, they would say that objectively, Halsin/Tav and Astarion/Kiaran would be a better fit for each other. And on the surface, they would be right. Astarion understands exactly what it's like to be a slave to far more powerful being, and Kiaran understands what it's like to fear oneself. Tav knows what it's like to suffer no good deed going unpunished, and Halsin knows what it's like to have kindness mistaken for weakness.
But Tav is the only one who can make Astarion have a peaceful sleep/reverie by quietly playing her violin, and Astarion is- after Tav refuses to let Araj make Astarion bite her- able to see what an incredible thing kindness is, that it takes strength to be kind (even if he does sometimes get angry at her for making choices that could make them vulnerable for the sake of strangers.) Halsin is the only one who truly understands that Kiaran's affliction is even more than a vampire's hunger or bloodlust or making bad choices, but also that Kiaran wants to rise above them, and Kiaran is the only one who can see that Halsin's bear side, protective as it is, comes with violent instincts too, which Halsin struggles with similar to Kiaran's Urge.
On paper, the pairs that are more similar would be judged as a better fit, but in practice, it takes those radically different personalities to help each other grow and bring the balance Halsin cherishes so much.
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suzuran777 · 4 months
Lamento Beyond the Void: Glossary
Since I've been slowly replaying Lamento, I wanted to create my own glossary to link back to my Lamento Expiatio translation posts! I'm sure there's already a lot of information online about Lamento's worldbuilding and the terms they use in the game, however since some pages of the wikia are a bit empty and I'm having trouble finding some older Tumblr blog posts, I decided to make one too.
Most of this is translated directly from the official website, the World Guidebook, and Lamento Green Notes. I tried to keep it consistent with some of the commonly used fan-translation terms, but I also included the Japanese words in case anyone's curious what the original term in the game is.
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Shisa/Sisa (祇沙): An island nation surrounded by a yellow ocean. Blocked by coral reefs, the inhabitants of Shisa don't interact a lot with surrounding nations. Officially, the nation's leader is the lord of Ransen, but each village has a strong sense of autonomy. According to the legend, Shisa's sun fell into the sea a long time ago, which dyed the ocean a yellow color.
Moon of Light (陽の月) and Shadow (陰の月) : The Moon of Light rises during daytime, while the Moon of Shadow rises at night. Both moons generate almost no heat, that's why it's said that Shisa's weather feels like spring all year round.
Ribika (リビカ): The inhabitants of Shisa, characterized by their cat ears and tails. They can be divided into two different species, large species and small species. While larger species have stronger bodies and have great fighting abilities, smaller species are more flexible and agile. Smaller species usually larger ears and longer tails compared to bigger species. Even though Ribika don't have the best eyesight, they have excellent hearing abilities and can rotate their ears to determine the location where sound is coming from. When they get angry or excited, their pupils become thin and narrow. Their sense of smell is also very strong. Not only do their tails help them with balance, it's also possible to guess what emotions they're feeling by looking at the movement of their tails. They are natural hunters, therefore their staple food is mostly meat, but they also eat fruits and nuts (such as the Kuim fruit). Most Ribika aren't super interested in food and can easily last several days without eating.
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✧General terms✧
Two Canes/Futatsuzue (二つ杖): A race that according to Shisa's legends, once inhabited Shisa. They left their civilization behind, and many can only speculate why they disappeared. It is believed that Two Canes were in fact the humans Razel talked about.
Touga (闘牙): Touga is a term used to describe skilled fighters. They often work together with Sanga as a pair. Unlike Sanga who are born with their abilities, anyone can train to become a Touga. A Touga without a Sanga has no chance of beating a Touga and Sanga pair in battle.
Sanga (賛牙): Sanga are born with a special ability to support others with the power of song, boosting the other person's fighting ability. A Sanga doesn't actually use their voice to sing, the "song" is usually a melody. Because of their special abilities, they are highly sought after.
Sangachou (賛牙長): Literally translates to "Chief Sanga". They are guardian cats who serve the families of Shisa's feudal lords. Sanga are often requested to play a supporting role in the country's national affairs and are sometimes in charge of politics on behalf of their feudal lords.
Devil (悪魔): Ribika aren't the only inhabitants of Shisa, there are also more dangerous beings such as monsters and devils. Devils can be recognized by their horns and tails. It's said that they can make any wish come true, as long as you give them what they want.
The Void/Utsuro (虚ろ): A mysterious phenomenon which has been slowly affecting different areas of Shisa. It consumes all living beings, and the spread of it has made it difficult to hunt for food, often leading to food shortages and starvation.
The Sickness/Shikku (失躯): A deadly disease which leads to pain, fever and the sudden loss of limbs and other body parts. Female Ribika are much more likely to get the disease, which is why they have become very rare.
Black cats: Black cats are considered a symbol of misfortune. It's said that when many black cats are spotted in Shisa, abnormal weather conditions and natural disasters become more common. Because of this stigma, Ribika from villages like Kira do not interact with the outside world.
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Ransen (藍閃): Shisa's capital, located in the center of the country. This city was built on top of the ruins of the Two Canes, and is characterized by its square-shaped buildings. Ransen is also the city where the country's most important individuals live, such as the feudal lords and their Sanga. The library is also located here, which was the legacy of the Two Canes. It has a large collection of books that describe the history and legends of Shisa. Under normal circumstances, entry is prohibited, but on the last day of winter it becomes a venue for a costume ball and anyone participating can enter the building. Big festivals also take place in this city which attract visitors from all over the country, such as the spring festival and the dark winter festival.
Karou (火楼): A small village located in the southwestern part of Shisa, and also the place where Konoe's house is located. The town is inhabited by a very cautious race of warriors, who learn combat techniques at an early age. They are not very fond of strangers and people rarely leave their houses. It's one of the villages where isolation has become a serious problem due to the Void, and in recent years the extreme food shortages gave them no choice but to resort to cannibalism.
Kira (吉良): A village located deep inside of the secluded valley. A cursed tribe is rumored to live here, whose ears and tails are black, and their bodies covered in strange markings. As a result of these rumors and its hard to find location, even merchants avoid Kira.
Meigi (冥戲): Kira's rival tribe. Its inhabitants are known to be devil worshippers and because of this, they are even more infamous than those who live in Kira.
Setsura (刹羅): A village located in the northern part of Ransen, where large species of Ribika live. Because of their strength and great fighting abilities, many of them become bodyguards or bounty hunters.
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Lost Forest/Mayoi no Mori (迷いの森): A vast forest located between Ransen and Karou. The thick branches of the trees and leaves block most of the light, making it an easy place to get lost, even during daytime. Some merchants developed special techniques to navigate the forest, which is why Tokino can travel to Karou without getting lost. Recently, the Void has affected large parts of the forest, eroding its surroundings at an abnormally fast rate, which is why some also refer to it as the Void Forest.
Secluded Valley/Yukoku no Tani (幽刻の谷): Located somewhere inside the Lost Forest. A place covered in a dark, thick fog, where plants and trees wither. It's rumored that the village of Kira is located somewhere in this valley. Most living beings, including animals, avoid this place.
Mirror Lake/Kagami-ko (カガミ湖): A mysterious lake located northeast of Ransen, which is considered one of the biggest mysteries of Shisa. Even though the sound of waves can be heard when approaching the lake, the surface appears to be calm, resembling a mirror. For some reason the surface of the lake is impenetrable, so even walking on it is possible. There is also a cave near the lake, but it cannot be entered under normal circumstances.
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Song of the Beginning: According to the legends, Ribika was a goddess and also the wife of Two Canes/Futatsuzue. It is said that she created Shisa after laying a rainbow egg that fell to the earth and shattered, which awakened life. The song Ribika sang while this happened is referred to as "The Song of the Beginning".
Ribika (god): To protect life of those who inhabited Shisa, she took the form of a cat and lived among them. However, in this form she was not able to support the sun any longer, which fell into the sea. She then split the moon into two, the moon of light and the moon of shadow.
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Some extra fun facts I wasn't sure where to add in this list:
Konoe and Asato would be considered small species of cats even though Asato's the same height as Bardo, so appearance-wise it seems like only the ears and tails look different.
I think it's pretty obvious that Bardo's supposed to be a tiger and for Rai's a snow leopard, but they just describe Konoe's design as ''milk tea color''.
The books mentions that Ribika are covered in a thin layer of invisible hair which they like to keep clean, which is why they groom themselves, and yes their tongues are similar to real cats.
The reason why Ribika (the species) refer to themselves as ''cats'' is because the cats that appeared in old literature shared the same traits as them (ears and a tail).
For some reason, there are no remaining pictures of what Two Canes looked like, though Razel does confirm they were in fact the same as humans. It's pretty much unknown where humanity went and why all traces of them in the books were erased.
The webcomic has shown some things that were only mentioned in text before in the game, such as designs of what the monsters look like (they kind of look like feline creatures with horns) and human Razel.
In the interviews they mention that they were inspired by Celtic culture and music, specifically Ireland. Shisa isn't supposed to be an existing country, but you do see some inspirations in the game like the Celtic knot patterns.
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