#trying out new tricks and eating snacks and having the time of their lives
lesausageperson · 1 year
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - Part 3
Characters: demon brothers, Diavolo, Barbatos, male! MC and crushing! male! NES (MC x NES)
How’s it gonna be , Intro – Part 0 , Part 1 , Part 2
You can read about this MC and this NES here!
CW: Solomon is mentioned, jealous and mean brothers, black cat x golden retriever behavior i think, one single kiss, a bit ambiguous at the end, not very angsty really, NES x MC centered
A/N: my favourite version of NES and MC by far, I enjoyed writing this a lot. However, my pc came out as homophobic and decided not to connect to any WiFi for this chapter, so I won't be able to update the links nor the masterlist until next week. Also, some people aren't properly tagged once again because I can't find their blogs for some reason?? So so sorry for that, but I don't know what to do about it.
NES was… someone they didn't expect. Unknowingly infuriating, always distracted and too unbothered to care about any of his surroundings. He was a disaster that enjoyed living in disaster and, if they weren't threatened by his presence, Satan and Belphegor would love his insolence.
Barbatos remembered an occasion, one moment from the second week of NES's attendance at RAD, where Lucifer gave him an earful for his ‘impropriety and insulting attitude towards the uniform’. Mammon had been there too, shirt out of his pants and jacket nowhere near closed, backing his brother up.
NES’s pristine appearance lasted only two periods before MC saw him chocking under his tie and laughed at him in sympathy. After that, he'd only wear the uniform ‘the Lucifer way’ if MC was there to eventually mess up the outfit.
And how could the eldest brother object to that?
“They need to loosen up, Lucifer”
MC always had the last word.
Solomon found the situation hilarious. Witnessing the brothers competing against each other in search of MC's attention was one thing, but adding NES to the equation? Yes, Barbatos had to somewhat agree. It was funny.
Who had been cooking for hours in the kitchen if not NES trying to make a quick snack for his fellow human? And who was the first one to leave the House of Lamentation each morning, already waiting next to MC’s seat by the time everyone else arrived?
Mammon called him a simp. Asmo liked to call them both the kettle and the pot.
And while, yes, Lucifer was the one and only Avatar of Pride, none of the brothers were able to admit just how big of a deal NES was becoming.
When would it be too late?
The Demon Prince's birthday arrived and the mandatory celebration was as grandiose as one could expect. Everything was bright and full of laughter, the streets cramped with food stalls, demons and witches alike throwing mesmerizing magic tricks for the children, acrobats, costumes, music…
At one point MC considered handcuffing himself to NES. Even Luke was easier to manage!
Fortunately, Beel ended up finding him playing darts with a succubus and her partners. Unfortunately, MC seemed to be the only one who wanted to check if he was okay.
It was becoming… draining.
Not NES, of course. Sure, he was a handful, but none of his mistakes were intentional. Everything he did came from naiveness and ignorance, being new to the Devildom, and what he lacked in common sense he made up in enthusiasm.
At least he didn't steal his valuables and he’d never threatened to kill him or eat his heart, something MC still thought about frequently. The worst thing NES ever did to him was throw them both to the ground when he tried to slide on the floor at full speed. And he still apologized for that from time to time.
Did the brothers ever apologize for all the things they did or said? The way they used to look at him? He couldn't remember.
Now they were doing the exact same thing to NES. Treating him like an unwanted guest instead of the roommate they insisted on having, turning down every single one of his ideas, including the good ones, and very passively threatening him in a condescending tone, as if they could impress MC with that.
Maybe it was a demon thing? Or rather regular jealousy brought to a dangerous level?
Whatever the reason, MC didn't waste any time sitting them in the living room and chewing the hell out of them, something that enraged Lucifer and put a strain in their relationship, still making it difficult to make small talk, but of course none of them would back down. The rest of the brothers weren't so obvious showing their annoyance, but it was still there.
The good thing was that, as long as MC was there, NES wouldn't be the receiving end of any bullshit. The bad thing was that MC didn't know what was going on behind his back. And NES, bless his soul, was never willing to tell him if any of them made him uncomfortable.
It was draining and NES gave him a sense of peace, but the brothers missed him and they wanted to monopolize his time, but MC wanted to spend time with his new friend and that made the brothers angry and jealous, which made MC anxious, which made NES worry.
Every factor made the situation worse. The brothers were too much, NES was too good for the Devildom and MC was too done with everything.
However, the time passed surprisingly fast as they sang Happy Birthday to Diavolo, eating in the midst of it all, dancing with each other and talking like they used to do before the ridiculous ordeal, albeit with a subtle tension that limited their topics of conversation.
They even ignored NES! Which was better than any other option!
So, once the voices toned down and the guests divided themselves into small groups, MC forced himself to whisk Diavolo away for a moment and have a serious talk, Barbatos following close and listening with a curious glance.
That proved to be nothing but a waste of time.
“It's too soon to take conclusions, MC. I'm sure the brothers just need time. After all, remember your first year here!”
He did remember. That's why he was so worried.
And why did Diavolo talk to him like that? He was 100% sure Lucifer insulted NES to no end anytime he had more than one horn of Demonus. What did they call NES in the privacy of their office? What did they think while they talked to him and faked respect? What were they plotting when they looked MC in the eyes and promised him they wouldn't threaten NES anymore?
Too many lies.
But then… NES smiled so easily… Like none of that bothered him. Luckily, MC didn't mind caring in his behalf. He wondered if being able to save someone from the fate he had last year was the root of all his actions.
“You look so worried, you're gonna get all wrinkly! Not like you'd look bad, but if you're going to have wrinkles, won't you rather have them in your eyes? Like, from smiling too much, you know?”
He did smile then, imitating NES’s caring expression.
“There you are, handsome! You're gonna be the envy of all in 90 years!”
“Do you really think I'm going to live that much?”
“God, I hope so”
They laughed softly, but it still sounded too loud. MC looked out for the brothers, checking their positions in the ballroom before grabbing NES’s hand and dragging him to one of the balconies. He preferred not having the moment tarnished.
“Good idea! Too hot in there…"
“Don't lie to me”
MC stared at him quite sternly, although trying not to look to much like Lucifer, but he needed an answer.
“Do they still bother you? Do they threaten you? Do they ignore you? What do they do?”
“Whoa, whoa, MC. Here comes the frown again…”
He raised his hands, caressing MC’s frown until it softened. His touch was warm and soft and it made MC lean towards him, not wanting it to end. When he opened his eyes again, unknowingly closing them before, NES stayed in that position.
There was silence for a few seconds, interrupted only by the violins, the harps, the pianos and other instruments serenading them under the moonlight. NES could only stare at MC’s lips for a fragment of a second before someone grabbed the scruff of their necks with poorly hidden aggressiveness and brought them back to the ballroom.
MC raised his gaze in fury, bending down to help NES get up again. He expected to see red eyes and black feathers, but, to his surprise, what stared back at him were purple eyes and a long bovine tail.
He wanted to scream at him, to ask what the actual fuck was wrong with him. Would he had acted the same if it was one of his brothers instead of NES? Would he had such hate in his eyes?
But people were staring, very obviously amused at the sight of two humans being put back in place.
MC would have to wait.
“NES! What happened?!”
MC watched as the boy waved at him, hanging upside down where Mammon usually spent countless hours. His arms were tied behind his back and the rope covered his body in a way that surely left no room for the blood to circulate properly. His head already looked dangerously red and MC knew he couldn't leave him there for too long unless he wanted him to have permanent damage.
“I think I failed my last test, but I don't really remember”
“What do you mean you don't remember?”
“Well, I'm very dizzy right now, but I'm sure it's okay. Lucifer will get me out of here soon enough”
Or he won't.
MC sighed, cursing in silence before studying the thick ropes and the tight knots. He knew he wouldn't be able to untie him by hand and he wouldn't be surprised if the kitchen suddenly lacked knives, no doubt the result of Lucifer's pettiness and sadism.
“Wait for me here, okay? I have to get something to cut the ropes…”
“Wait, wait! MC!”
He turned around, patiently staring at his loopy smile and cloudy eyes. He couldn't wait for too long, but maybe he could indulge a couple of minutes.
NES briefly looked away, his embarrassment gaining MC’s attention. Now that was a rare sight.
“Have you seen Spiderman?”
His heart stopped for a second and he felt his cheeks getting hot. His hand, previously grasping his hip, fell to his side and made him lose balance.
“You can say no, of course. We can forget about this and I won't get offended. A little sad maybe, but I can manage. I like you too much to stop liking you for a kiss. Does that sound weird? You get me, right?”
His rambling gave MC the opportunity to go down a couple of steps in the staircase and align his face in front of NES’s. The position was weird and staring at his chin was an experience he didn't know he would get the chance to live, but he didn't care.
It wasn't until he finally kissed him mid-sentence that he noticed a figure peeking around the corner, eyes staring without blinking and jealousy ready to made itself known.
Accepting the challenge, MC closed his eyes and grasped NES’s hair, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.
Dinner that night would be fucking awkward.
Taglist: : @stfuchaase @k1-an @meggs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006 @jonielunar @piercedddriver @cosmidaydreaming @bluegrey02 @anxious-chick
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Crosshair as a LOVING partner lives rent-free in my head.
A Loving Man
Summary: Crosshair comes home to you after a long day.
Pairing: TBB Crosshair x Reader
Word Count: 1361
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I wasn't going to write this until tomorrow. "vodika," I said, "You wrote five stories today, take a break before you hurt yourself". And then I saw this and I needed to write it immediately. So. Here you go.
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You hum along with the music as you prepare dinner. This is your favorite time of the day. When the rest of the world starts to slow down and you have time to think, rather than to react to whatever disaster happened to come your way that day.
When you can just relax with whatever meal you decided is on the menu that night. When you can look out the window and see the fireflies flickering to life around the yard, dancing to a tune that only they can hear.
When you know that the love of your life, of any of your lives, will be home at any moment.
And true to your prediction, you hear the front door open only moments later. The familiar sound of the old wooden chair near the front door creaking as he sits down to pull off his boots. The sound of the closet door opening and then squeaking shut as he hangs his jacket. And then light footsteps padding down the hall into the shared bedroom.
He’ll take a quick shower, wash off the strain of the day, and dress in clean relaxing clothes, and then, and only then, will he join you in the kitchen. He hates touching you when he’s covered in a day's work, though he’s no longer a soldier and the worst thing he’ll get on you is motor oil.
You tilt your head to the side as you hear the shower click on. If dinner didn’t require an active participant tonight, you would go and see how he felt about having a shower mate.
Oh well, maybe tomorrow.
You pop a roasted pepper into your mouth, before you focus your attention back to the meat. It’s getting to be the time of year where you can pull the grill out of storage. Only a few more weeks. Maybe you’ll finally talk Crosshair into learning how to cook if it’s something as enjoyable as using the grill.
And then strong arms slide around your waist and you feel a warm kiss against your cheek, “Snacking, kitten?”
“It’s a tragic side effect of being a cook,” You joke as you pick up a piece of pepper and offer it to him.
He eats it from your hand, and hums thoughtfully, “Needs a little something extra,” Crosshair decides.
“Oh? You think so?” You nod to your spice rack, “Pick your poison, Cross.”
He chuckles under his breath, and presses another lingering kiss against your cheek, before he releases you and heads over to the spice rack. “What did you already use?”
“Mm. Garlic and onion powder, paprika-” You list, “How was your day?”
“Well, better that than over-eventful,” You quip with an easy smile, as he returns with salt and pepper. “Look at you, I’ll make a cook out of you yet.” You take the spices from him, though he doesn’t release them.
Instead he leans in and kisses the tip of your nose, “You’re not tricking me into using that death trap you call a grill, nice try though.”
“It’s not a death trap. It’s only blown up, like, twice.”
“Sure, sure. Buy a new grill and we’ll talk about it,” Crosshair finally releases the spices and he turns to set the table.
“Ha! I’ll hold you to that.”
He shoots you a fond look, “I know you will.” He sets the table with the ease of long practice, “Need anything else done before we eat?”
“Hm…” You run through a mental list, “Will you run into the basement and grab a new carton of ice cream, I think someone ate the last of it last night.”
“Oh. Someone did, did they?” Crosshair teases, “Is this someone you, or do we have rats eating our ice cream?”
You press your hand to your heart, “I would never eat the last of the ice cream.”
“Of course you wouldn’t.” he heads towards the basement, “I’ll get you your ice cream, kitten. But you’re going to share this time, right?”
“Oh, yeah. Totally.” You smile at him angelically as he shoots you a look and then he vanishes into the basement.
Crosshair showed up at your clinic 2 years ago. Badly injured, overly cautious, and absolutely terrified, though he did an excellent job at hiding his fear. You knew, just by looking at him, that he was a deserter from the Empire, though you were very careful to not let on that you knew.
It took you six months of patient care to get him to agree to see a therapist, and it took an additional two months after that before he admitted to you that he deserted the Empire…and before that he abandoned his brothers.
Your relationship started not long after that. Though he never mentioned his brothers to you again. And you never pushed, it’s not your place, even now. Crosshair moved in with you six months after you started dating, and now people are starting to wonder when he’s going to pop the question.
You don’t expect him to. You don’t mind either way, you don’t need a legal document to prove what you know, and what he knows.
You hear the basement door open again, and Crosshair reemerges into your home with a carton of ice cream, which he promptly shoves in the freezer. “Thank you, Cross.”
“You’re welcome.”
You beam at him, “Dinner’s done. Bring me your plate.”
“Oh no you don’t,” He directs you to take your seat at the table, “You sit down, I’ll get us food.” He lightly runs his hand over your hair, “It’s not your job to serve me, kitten. We’ve talked about this.”
“I know. I just…I like doing it. I like taking care of you.”
“And I love that about you, but you’ve been on your feet all day, and I know your feet hurt.” Crosshair serves the food, making sure to give you more of the veggies than the meat, and then he sits next to you. 
You smile at him lovingly and tangle your feet with his under the table, and huffs out a laugh, “I love you, Cross.” You say adoringly, mostly because he deserves to know that you love him, but partly because even now his face burns with embarrassment when you say that to him.
“I love you more.” He replies with a slightly ducked head. You don’t mind, a year ago he wouldn’t have even been able to get that much out. So this is a massive step forward.
You decide to have mercy on him and you take a bite of your peppers, and you eat in silence for a time, before Crosshair hesitates and sets his fork down, “Something wrong with the food?”
“No, it’s delicious, as usual.” Crosshair replies, “I…uh…I talked to the Doc today.” You nod, Doc was the only licensed therapist within three hours, and Crosshair has been his patient for over a year now, “He suggests that I reach out to my brothers.”
“Oh.” You set your fork down and fold your hand over his, “Is that what you want to do, Cross?”
He turns his hand over and threads his fingers with yours, “I…don’t know. We…there are some things that can’t be forgiven-”
You nod understandingly, “Do you maybe want to write a letter, and if you decide not to send it, then that’s fine, but it’s there if you want to?”
His shoulders relax, “That’s what Doc suggested. I’d like them to know you, even if they don’t forgive me. They deserve to know the person who encourages me to be better.”
“Well, I’m flattered, Cross.”
He smiles softly, and he reaches out to trail his thumb over your lips, “When I get there, when I’m ready, I intend to ask you to marry me.”
Your lips part in surprise, and then you beam at him, “When you’re ready, Crosshair, then I will be waiting to say yes.”
Three weeks later, on Pabu, Hunter receives a letter from Crosshair. Inside is a simple one page long letter, a picture of you and Crosshair, and an address, if he should want to write back or visit.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 23 days
Summer lakehouse- Arrival | Quinn Hughes x Reader
Summary: this episode reads… Zoey, Trevor’s twin sister and Trevor Zegras go on a roadtrip to Michigan to the Hughes Home. Summer is calling!! And so is love.
Warnings: language? Not proof read.
A:N- this is the kickoff to the series!!! Also sorry to mention but Trevor’s actual sibling don’t exist in this story (sorry!)
“Zoey!” Trevor calls for me from my kitchen. Trevor and I are at my house in Minnesota. I’m currently upstairs getting packed for our trip to Michigan. Normally, Trevor would fly out to Michigan and I would be left at home.
Trevor, my older brother, only by 7 minutes has been super successful in his hockey career. He had just suffered in an injury so lately, Trevor has had time to check up on me, especially since I had just went through a breakup with a relationship that lasted about three years. I live in Minnesota, Trevor is in Anaheim, and our parents moved back into New York. I feel so special being able to literally be going to Michigan with The HUGHES brothers. I’ve known Jack for a long time, but I have never really considered us friends. I only talk to Jack because he’s Trevor’s bestfriend.
“Are you coming?” Trev bellows out for me again.
“Yes! Just calm down and eat an apple.” I yell back from upstairs in my room.
“Incoming!” I exclaim cautiously chucking my bags down the stairs. Trevor runs under the botttom of the stairs and catches my bags. I packed about three bags knowing I’ll be in Michigan for half the summer.
“Okay give me your keys.” Trevor motions for my pocket. “Um.. now.” Trevor barks back at my nasty stare.
“No! I’m driving.” I look him up and down, I pick up one of three bags and throw it at his chest.
“ZEGRAS IS DOWN!! ZEGRAS IS DOWN!!” Trevor screams out flailing his arms as if he’s trappped under my bags. I grab one and throw it into my car. I run inside and grab my other two and throw those into the car. I hurry to my side of the car and notice that Trevor isn’t outside. I unlock the car, knowing he may be tricking me and he could steal the drivers seat.
“Fine.” Trevor murmured in defeat as he walks out f the house. He gets in the passenger seat and he turns in the radio.
Umbrella by Queen Rihanna is on.
I open our windows as we are still driving in to town towards the nearest highway.
“Can we stop for some drinks and food?” Trevor, being a former big back asks.
“Yeah sure, you’re paying.” I say as I’m still locked in into one of the best songs ever.
We pull into Starbucks as he orders for me and him. We wait for 15 minutes, and my dragon fruit lemonade refresher comes out followed by Trevor’s black coffee and his cake pops.
“You know this song is going to be your summer.” Trev indicates as we approach the freeway.
“No, I’m going to have fun thi summer, and having fun is being single.” I say trying to get rid of the conversation.
“Well yeah never mind you’re still a virgin.”
“Trevor shut the fuck up. You can’t keep your girlfriends! You scare them off!” I say yelling back at him. Yes, I have lost my virginity, but I haven’t had sex in like 8 months. Which is normal.
We make it to Wisconsin and we stop at a rest place, I use the bathroom, Trevor goes to throw our trash away. “You know I’m serious. You could get a boyfriend this summer. Quinn throws seriously cool parties.” Trevor still not letting this go.
“No, I just got out of a healthy relationship, and I’m still hurt.” I explain, trying to give him signals.
“Good. You can get a rebound. I mean You’ve met Jack. Michigan men are hot.” Trevor goes on and on about me and the idea of “hot men”.
I drive for another four hours and we stop at another rest place. I get out of the car and stretch my legs and start to walk into the buildings for the bathrooms. I get some water, grab a few snacks and head back to the car. Trevor and I switch seats, and he drives really scary.
Trevor swerved in front of a deer. I punched Trevor in his right bicep, and he winced. He looks over at me and he drives off. He throws his phone at me telling me to turn on some music.
“Why do you get aux?” I reply in a snap.
“Well you get to pick the playlist that’s on MY Spotify.” Trevor sassed back.
I press on his “lover girl/wedding vibes” playlist. Interesting.
“What’s this?” I say as I laugh. I know Trevor was hurt when I told him he’s the reason he can’t keep a girlfriend. I felt terrible.
“WHAT IF HES WRITING MINE ON MY UPPER THIGH.. ONLY IN MY MINDD!” Trevor breaks out into song. And I follow.
“Taylor the woman you are.” I say as I hold trevs hand. We make it to Michigan. We both pulled all jighters.
“10 hour drives aren’t for the weak.” Trevor says as he pulls over into a parking lot. We switch seats once more. Trevor puts the Hughes address in my google maps. I turn in the aux and play Lovers by Anna of the North. So teenage girl coded. I back into the driveway, and I knock on Trevor’s head.
“Wake up.” I whisper trying to get him up but still he quiet for those around us in the block.
“Mhm” Trevor moans out in a sleeping bliss.
“Zegras?” Quinn says as he walks out of the newly renovated home.
“Oh yeah! Hey buddy!” Trevor instantly gets up and opens the trunk. Quinn helps us bring our stuff into the house. I get my own room, for now.
“So Trevor I didn’t know your twin sister was like super hot.” Quinn mumbles to Trevor.
“Uh, yeah she’s hot.” Trevor looks over at me and winks.
“Yeah she is! And she’s mine!” Jack says as he run into me and grabs my bags before I get the chance to.
“Hurry up! It’s cold.” Luke says. Luke’s hanging half way in the door way and half way out. He held the door for us and he walks me to my room.
“So you jack know eachother?” Luke mentions. Luke is 6”3, really tall, like taller than Trevor. I’m 5”2 and on a good day I’m 7”.
“Yeah, but only through Trev.” I respond, Luke seems so chill. I think out of all of the Hughes, I’d get along with Luke the best.
“Chill. I’m glad you could come this summer!” Jack says. I’ve never thought me and Jack were so buddy buddy, but I guess we are.
“So I’ll wake you up in the morning, so we can go down to the beach, and buy some avacodoes from the store. I know you like avocado toast!” Jack hypes up. We past their parents rooms and I settled into my bed.
Now that I mention it. Jack and I are actually best friends. Trevor met jacks through me when I told Trevor to tryout for USNTDP U18 because I knew the captain. It’s been years since me and Jack talked, I mean Jack and Trevor hang out, but it’s not me and Jack going on walks everyday.
I can’t believe I forgot Jack and I’s friendship. I feel terrible. Jack was the only person who really knew me for me.
I go to bed and I dream about nothing. Mind is empty. Except…
I’m thinking of how Wuinn called me hot. Maybe Trevor was right, maybe I could find a love this summer.
I wake up to knocking on my door, last night before I fell asleep I put all of my clothes and shoes away, I unpacked my hygiene stuff into my bathroom.
“Hey? Are you wake?” I hear from behind my door. I can’t decipher the voice but I know it’s not Trevor.
I get out of my bed and unwrinkls my bed sheets. I slide my slippers on and walk over to the door. “Hello?” I whisper. “What time is it?” I ask as I look up to the owner of the mysterious voice.
“Yeah. Sorry for waking you up.” Quinn apologizes to me, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out of my room. My door shuts behind me, Quinn pulls me down the stairs and I’m following the tall man all the way to his car.
“Jack told me to take you to get avacidos.” Quinn told me as he opens his car door for me. “It’s like 5:30.” I told Quinn. Just making sure he knows it’s way too early to buy avocados for breakfast. Especially in the summer.
“I’m aware. But if you wanted to go sneak out like Jack and Z told me, then this is the time. Besides, I know a sport downtown.” Quinn backs out of the neighborhood and he drives off to a small shop. Some farmers markets are open so we buy organic avocados, four of them.
“You like the ocean?” Quinn asks me. He places a blanket on the sandy stone. We sit on a cliff on top of a lake.
“Yeah, you?” I respond. I wonder if Jack and Trevor put him up to this. Or if Quinn genuinely thought of taking me.
“Uh- yeah no I love the lakes here in Michigan. I hear you’re from Minnesota, the place of 10,000 lakes.” Quinn mocks the Minnesotan accent.
“Yeah I mean it’s nice, especially during the summer because of the weather, but during the winter there the lakes are fun to skate on, and I have friends who ice fish- it’s really easy to have fun in Minnesota.” I explained, I look at Quinn and he’s staring into my eyes. It’s like he’s reading me.
“Yeah? Maybe I should drive back with you and Z.”
“You should, Trevor loves to annoy me.”
“Well he told me most of the stuff you’ve been through before this.”
“Like what? My breakup?” I say as I turn my head towards the lake instead.
“Maybe we should head home, it’s been a couple of hours since we left.” Quinn excused out conversation, knowing I was offended.
We got home around 8:41- about three hours since we left to get avocados. I bring in my favorite ingredient, and Quinn opens the door for me.
I set the avocados on the counter and I head to my room. “Zoey!” Quinn runs up the stairs after me.
“Sorry for getting in your biz.” Quinn apologized to me, he must truly care.
Jack comes down from his room and makes us our avocado toast that he promised us.
We went boating and I tanned on the deck while the guys barbecued and grilled some burgers.
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personwhowrites · 11 months
Task Force 141 with some of my Headcanons <3
Simon “Ghost” Riley
-He knows how to do any magic trick. He only learned them to feed his inner child, if he gets really drunk that’s when all hell breaks loose with his magic tricks. He doesn’t show them at workplace, well.. maybe sometimes he does only when you or Johnny are around to praise him. (He has that ego going)
-Finds it hard to believe that Johnny (soap) can’t cook. He things it’s strange that Johnny is a a 30-40y that can’t cook for shit.
-Hates hates coffee, it’s not because his British. He doesn’t like the taste of it, or the way it’s been made. Thinks is stupid that some beans can make a very powerful drink.
-Loves, and I mean loves when his teammates praise him. Especially you or Johnny, he doesn’t know why but it just fires him more. Even sometimes showing off, but of course he doesn’t admit it.
-When sparring with Rookies he tends to go overboard. For rep, he needs to keep that “scary” image of himself to the new people. Can’t blame him, he has a name to live up to.
-Big softie when his sick, he isn’t right state to know anything. He only whines to you or Price when his sick.
-Secretly puts stuff in high places where others can’t reach, so they depend on him. Doesn’t even know why he does it, but still enjoys every second of it.
-Let’s be honest, this man will never ever hurt someone when his mad. He can control his anger in any situation, unless the person is hurting some he cares about.
-Might get some slight disagreement here but Ghost will never ever open up about his trauma with anyone in the team. It’s his demon to deal with and that man will suffer in silence if it means his team can be happy and less worried about him. Even if you or someone else on the team try to get him to talk, it wont work.
-Big fan of Transformers, especially Optimus Prime. He feels a strong connection to the character, but keeps his obsession a secret.
-I sense that Ghost a man that has a very high tolerance to spice. I mean like high enough that concerns you at times when you see him eat the “one chip challenge” for a snack. He has packets in his vest.
-Ghost secretly has a pink gun. He only got it for laughs, but then immediately got attached to it. He was planning to show the team but stopped himself because it was his “gem.” (Has hello Kitty stickers tho)
John “Soap” Mactavish
-He can cook, better than the others. Yet he prefers to burn his food and get pity from you and the others. (You bring him lunch now.) he definitely brags about it to the others, and definitely knows that Ghost is catching up to his lie.
-Hates and I mean hates comedy movies. He finds them too dull and very predictable in his mind. Anytime you or the others members suggest a comedy movie.. a piece of him dies..
-Loves to be round Simon, wants to be the shoulder that Simon can depend on. He does feel some Jealousy when he only goes to Price or you when his sick. Makes Soap think that Ghost has favorites..
-Really really hates explosives, but acts like he doesn’t. The sound sometimes hurt his ears and at times soap fears that he would go deaf. Has mentioned this to Price, so when the others see explosives, Price will make a big deal and keep Soap away. (Such a caring father captain.)
-Soap definitely has favorites in the team, Ghost coming in first, then Price, Gaz and you. It’s not because he doesn’t like you, just that he been longer with the others. You do at times makes him question if he sees you a friend or more..
-loves to mess with everyone in the team. At times he does go overboard, making the team upset with him. Yet his golden retriever energy gets him out of any situation and he knows it.
-I see Soap having a short temper when it comes to someone messing with him. Soap doesn’t do anything at first, but then will go to see Ghost.. and let’s say those Rookies never were the same again.
-Depends on Ghost while in the British base. He knows that he really shouldn’t but Ghost became someone important even if Ghost pushes him away. I think it’s like this slight obsession he has..
-Super fan of old shows, like Friends, Sex in the city and The office, at times Soap would would try to recreate the office. Price would be annoyed when the others members agreed to it, he thought it was dumb at first but soon enjoyed it. That phase lasted three days before he moved onto something else.
-Soap is definitely sensitive to some sounds. Like a chair being dragged against the floor, it makes his teeth hurt. Price and the rest of the team know and will do anything to avoid that sound. They respect Soap and want him to feel safe with them.
John “Captain” Price
-He knows his the father of the group, and has accepted that. Except with you, he sees you more than a kid to take care of, sometimes jokes around that you’re the second parent.
-Price is the man to adopt any new rookie he sees. His seen like a major father figure in the base, no one disrespects him. Rest in peace to anyone who does..
-Loves to surprise his team with small gifts. He knows it’s not much but it’s glad he was able to bring a smile to everyone
-Price left his wife, I mean like divorce and cut all contact with the woman. He saw that his ex-wife never understood that the British forces were his calling. The wife wanted a family and for them to settle down, but price wanted more.
-Price tends to doze off if he’s sad. Soap and Ghost know this and make sure to be there for him. It’s difficult at times since Price acts a lot like Ghost with his feelings. His a book, a book you have to carefully open and set down.
-Talking about books, I want to say that Price hates them. I don’t see him as a reading a book in a day off. Being active is something he needs, it doesn’t matter what it is, his always hiking, exploring or testing new things. Makes Gaz join him, sometimes even showing up at his apartment with hiking gear.
-Definitely has a soft spot for Gaz out of the others. Gaz is close to your age, but slightly older and he knows it will be rough for him. Seeing the way sometimes, racism plays out in the base. Price makes sure that everyone must respect all races.
-Price will put his job on the line for the team. When Shepard was a “good” person and threatened to fire someone in his team.. Price would fight blood and sweat to keep that person. Even saying “Discharge me not them.”
-Price knows his growing old, his retirement is closing in. So he makes sure that his whole team can always depend on him even if it’s a day off. He will make sure you and the others know he loves y’all.
-Price will be someone to plan a whole day of activities if you or the team and him ever had a day off together. I mean a whole bunch, even ones taking you guys out to eat or go to an amusement park.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
-Let’s be honest, I see Kyle as a very quiet person. I don’t see him being a yelling type, unless it depended on someone life. When Price took him under his wind he was great full. Wanting to learn everything he could from him.
-As well with the others he has favorites. Price, You, Soap and Ghost. Him and Ghost barely talk, but respect each other more than anything. He didn’t mean to have favorites, but he saw the difference in how everyone talked to him.
-Super close with you, since it’s better to understand each other humor. Makes Price confused when you and him joke about something he don’t understand.
-Big fan of sweets, he can handle anything sweet. At any time he could have a candy in his mouth or a lollipop ready. He does hand candy out to the tema before the missions, finds it as a “good luck” charm to them. They don’t know that, but happily accept the candy.
-An amazing driver,better than anyone in the team. Main reason why he drives the team to places, Kyle doesn’t mind it if they ask to go far away places. It makes his mind calm, knowing that you all trust him with your lives in a car.
-Like Soap I feel like he can be sensitive to some sound. So he understands when Soap feels horrible with sound. They relate so much that it brought them closer.
-Kyle seems to be the type of guy that will listen to anyone. I mean anyone with their problems and help them sort them out. His mother taught him to be that way and he loves her for that.
-Like anyone on the team.. he would put his life on the line. Example: when he went back for Price when a ton of people were firing at him, he didn’t think he just went for it! This man deserves more attention.
-Kyle knows about some racism going on in the base and his thankful for Price protecting him. Even more thankful when he sees the rest stand up for him in a matter of seconds when they see the problem.
-Believe or not I think they would see the reader as a platonic love interest at first, but if things go closer than they think.. it might become interesting.
-They have cookouts I mean a ton, Ghost would be the one seasoning everything with the help of Soap. Gaz would be on the grill, cleaning it and making sure everything is good. Price would be there just watching them come together, if you were to join them. Price would let you do anything you want.
-They have game nights and it’s chaotic, I mean fully chaotic to the point you can’t understand anything. Soap would start speaking Scottish if he lost and Ghost would be the one calming him down.
-Movie night is a pain for Soap. He knows what everyone would pick.. romance comedy. Ghost wouldn’t budge to laugh at a single thing, But Gaz and Price would be laughing.
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Ramadan Headcanons with the Third Years
Trey was always busy as Vice Dorm leader for Heartslabyul. He would always make you baked goods or send you any leftover treats for you to eat. You would visit him when he would bake, waving away any concerns about you being around food. In fact, his calm demeanor and the smell of fresh baked goods relaxed you enough to want to take a nap.
Cater started a countdown calendar again this year on Magicam. You and him would make little challenges to compete each day. One day, you both spent time decorating each other’s nails. He had found a water permeable nail polish that you both used on each other.
Leona would make comments how your stomach growling could compare to a small lion cub. You would glare at him and he would laugh. He would pat your head before dragging you back to his dorm. At least there, you will be safe and it will quiet enough for you to relax. No headmaster would dare annoy you in his dorm.
Vil knew how hard it was for you during this time of the month, but he also emphasized that you need to take extra care of yourself. He would provide skin care products that would revitalize you. Don’t be surprised, if on days you are especially tired, you are invited over and he would be applying a face mask on you.
Rook loved to trail after you…no, he wasn’t hunting you per se. But there was beauty in how you would change as the month went on. Seeing the struggle and determination was a sight all on its own. Plus, anyone who would dare harm you would have to go through him.
Idia was a night owl that you could always depend on. He would have snacks you were free to have whenever you came to his room. If you needed any distractions, well, he had the power of the internet at his fingertips.
Malleus and you would continue your midnight walks. Though it wouldn’t be as long, him wanting to make sure you were well rested. You would invite him over to make ice cream sandwiches. He loved the Kulfi you made last year, and this year you two decided to try out different combinations, hopefully this never reaches Lilia’s ears. Malleus would also offer to take you to his home. If he understood it correctly, you only had to fast during sunrise. Well, Briar Valley has short days, surely it would be easier for you to fast at his homeland?
Lilia would show up and listen to your prayers. He would take the time to learn everything you knew. He loved learning and traveling. Won’t you honor him by learning yours? After all, a old man can learn new tricks. On days you can rest well, he would sing you softly to sleep.
[Masterlist for more Ramadan and Eid stories]
One more day until Eid 🥳🌺 (depending where you live). We are almost there everyone. 🌸💕
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via-the-cryptid · 8 months
Fun idea:
While living in the Treehouse, Snow Queen starts to mom Finn (And probably calls him Gunther? Who knows) because he is a kid, and she and Simon live there so obviously he has to be their son right? Now they are a family and Simon its never going to leave again.
Also Simon unwittingly starts to dad Finn around because he is Simon and he cant go around wthout adopting a child.
Finn feels a little weird because, while he already had Joshua and Margaret, these two are humans (Or in case of Betty, mostly human) and he doesnt know how to feel about it. His relationship with Simon could be extra awkward depending if the events of The Citadel already happened and Martin is already going around.
sir ma’am or mx you are a genius.
I’m thinking the Sugar Snow War takes place before Finn goes on his dad quest, so at this point he’s still under the impression that he’s the only human around… except for Simon, who they pulled out of an icicle a while ago and who they haven’t seen much of since he went to the Candy Kingdom. he used to visit a lot when he was in Wizard City, but after that he sort of went quiet. now he’s back, with the Snow Queen who’s utterly doting on him and seems very clingy, and with Marceline, who’s a mix of happy that her adoptive mom got her beloved back, and absolutely pissed that her ex tried to imprison said beloved for blackmail purposes and then went on to destroy her mom’s entire kingdom. Marceline leaves shortly after making sure that SQ and Simon will be good to stay at the treehouse (Jake said yes and what Jake says goes), but that just leaves them with Snow Queen, Simon, Finn, Jake, BMO, Shelby in the walls, and also Gunther, who keeps disappearing randomly (presumably to also be in the walls).
and then Finn comes down from i go stroom for breakfast the next morning, and Snow Queen has already set a place at the table for him next to the penguin and Simon is making pancakes, which is Weird, and Jake is already eating the pancakes, which isn’t as weird but it is a little odd that he’s not the one making them. apparently these two want to contribute to the household or something? Finn doesn’t really mind, the pancakes are good and Snow Queen is being pretty civil.
then it starts to get a little weirder.
she put snacks and a couple ice knives in his backpack before he went adventuring, ‘just in case’? she asked if he remembered his sword and said to have fun in the dungeon? she’s offering him life advice that is probably very illegal but not actually that bad? y’know what, maybe he will beset a wizard with penguins the next time they try to take his stuff. Magic Man has it coming, anyways.
it sort of reminds him of his mom — Jake’s mom first, but Finn’s mom, too. she’d done this sort of thing with a little less crazy and a little more sensibleness, but it’s the same gist anyways. it’s only when Snow Queen tries to fix his hair before putting his hat on him and calls him Gunther that he realises she’s trying to parent him.
and honestly, he doesn’t know that he’s really that opposed to it. sure, it’s kinda weird, but she’s not actually hurting anything. Simon’s been following her example to some degree, helping Finn with puzzles and artifacts, telling him about human stuff from the past, suggesting new tricks and games to try, but it doesn’t really feel like Joshua’s ‘tough love’. it’s something different, something Finn doesn’t really remember experiencing before — the closest thing he’s had to this is Jake, who’s definitely never been quite so parental about his worrying.
honestly, his only questions at this point are whether it would make Marceline his older sister if Snow Queen and Simon tried to adopt him (it would), and whether Jake is getting adopted too (he is).
(side note — Finn isn’t quite so messed up about Martin in this au because as soon as the events of the Citadel have played out, he walks himself straight over to the Snow Kingdom and lays on the floor until someone asks him what’s wrong, and then he gets to have Family Therapy with his third set of parents, since the first are half-unavailable and half-terrible, and the second are no longer around. He also gets to hold a penguin the entire time which is very therapeutic and does not leave him with the desire to rip Martin’s arm off.)
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
So any advice to stay focused on basic tasks? I have currently untreated ADHD and as a result, have a lot of trouble focusing and remembering things. Not only is this really a pain for school (I forget any work I have to do or sometimes where my class is) but sometimes I will literally forget to eat or drink water (sometimes forgetting water for up to a day and a half and food for up to 3 days). I am looking to try medication to see if it helps soon but I keep forgetting to start the whole process so Anya device for how to remember stuff and stay focused?
I don't know how helpful I'll be, but I've been told I have ADHD so here's the ways I've managed over the years when I was in school:
I too forget due dates all the time, so I write them down. In a planner, on my phone, in a different planner, on a calendar, highlight them on the syllabus which is then placed in a pocket for the folder dedicated for that subject specifically. I used to carry a teacher's planner in my backpack, and since I took that backpack everywhere I went, I always had it with me. Put reminders on your phone. When you first get the syllabus, write down the important dates and put reminders on your phone immediately.
I used to keep boxes of protein bars and ramen and instant mac cups on a shelf in visible sight. Since I lived in a dorm that was essentially a closet, I could always see the food as a reminder. I would keep my water bottle on my desk, which was the only piece of furniture in the place where I could sit and do anything since all the furniture I had was a shelf, desk, bed, and dresser in one room. If you live in a bigger space, put snacks everywhere you usually hang out. My mom has a trick where she puts reading glasses in every single place of the house where she might be, so I recommend doing that with food and maybe even cups to remind you to drink. Also, you can set alarms on your phone! Like a daily reminder: Eat and hydrate!
As for the actual act of hunkering down and studying and being able to focus, I don't have a foolproof way, but what worked for me was this: I set up environments that were dynamic enough to keep me hyperfocused. What I mean by that is I get antsy sitting still for too long, so I would put on a playlist or a video game and just use the location ambience to help me feel like I was somewhere else. Whenever I would start getting antsy, I would move locations in the game or go to the next ambience video. And then boom! You've moved. Different setting, new environment, let's settle back in and study again. I also had multiple, multiple documents and tricks to motivate myself. When I was in grade school, it was Harry Potter. I would assigned Hogwarts houses to subjects and create a competition, and whichever subject I did the most work in won. I can go into more detail if you want, I'm about to do something similar tonight to get some work around the house and studying done. We can study together tonight if you want! :)
Lovelies who have ADHD, care to pitch in? Anon, make sure to read any reblogs/comments!
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greeneyeslander · 5 months
I am in no way qualified to say this, but as someone who has had bulimia for eight years and has only now made any recovery progress that feels real to me, here are the things I've found helpful and unhelpful.
If I want more anything after a planned meal or snack, I say "okay, I can have more of x at my next meal" and at night, when I'm most prone to binging, I say "okay, I can more in the morning". If allowing yourself more than a planned meal leads to a binge, trick your brain. I never actually more of whatever it is, I just want an excuse to eat more.
Pay attention to what you're eating while eating it, and eat slowly. You will be more satisfied with your meal
Have hobbies. Don't have hobbies? Try something new. You're going to need something to fill the time your ed took up
Eat at the same time every day, and plan what your going to eat the day before. You've been going "all in" too long and you need to get some structure before you can eat completely normally.
Lunch is the hardest meal for me because I'm in college and I haven't eaten lunch since 4th grade, so my advice is to find a mom that packs lunches online and copy her.
Prepackaged meals are fine if that's what you need to do at first (I know it's terrible for my health, especially because bulimia has already permanently damaged my heart, but ramen with tofu and added veg has become a go-to dinner)
Find things that your grateful for each day, and acknowledge them to yourself. You will be happier, even if it sounds ridiculous.
Eating 3 meals and 2-3 snacks a day. It makes sure I eat enough before dinner to not binge
Most of Peter J Cooper's Bulimia Recovery book, which most of this is from lol
I'm going to rip the band-aid off and say it: HAES. It's disgusting that it's infiltrating ed recovery spaces, and extremely dangerous. So many MORE people struggle with BED than anorexia, and I've seen so many people swing from anorexia to binge eating disorder because of this terrible movement. Being obese is unhealthy, just like being underweight is unhealthy. Both are clear indicators of at the very least extremely disturbed eating, and at worst deadly. I can't trust any source that uses HAES beliefs.
The idea that restaurant sizes are indicative of regular sized meals. I live in the US, so that is incredibly false. Most restaurants here serve 2-3 regular sized meals on one plate. If you need help with sizes, go on recipes and portion it out according to their servings, or look up what the serving size is of each part of your meal
Intuitive eating - I don't get physically hungry because I've been abusing my body so long
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one-way-dream · 1 year
Strawberry Daifuku (Commission)
Rating: General
Words: 3500+
Media: Danganronpa, Super Danganronpa 2, New Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Characters/Pairings: Chiaki Nanami, Kaede Akamatsu, Maki Harukawa, Chiaki Nanami/Kaede Akamatsu/Maki Harukawa, Nagito Komaeda (mentioned), Hajime Hinata (mentioned)
Tags: Alternate Universe (Modern, No Killing Game), Polyamory/Polyamorous Relationship, Fluff, Comfort No Hurt, Cooking Together, Cuddling, Lots of Kisses, Established Relationship
Warnings: N/A
Chapter: 1/1
Link to the original work
AO3 Summary/Except:
Kaede, Chiaki, and Maki have a rather lousy night out at a workplace party, but Kaede is determined to make it up to them tenfold.
Commission for Cherry (@cakesplice on Twitter and Tumblr)! ❤ :] Thank you so much again!
The first one to stumble through the front door was a barely conscious Chiaki, followed by Kaede in a similar state, who was being carried by the scruff of her shirt collar by an undeterred Maki. The latter of the three was usually the one cleaning up after her girlfriends, and sometimes that meant dragging them out of a boring party at eleven in the night.
‘Party’ was probably too generous of a word, actually.
Kaede’s colleagues were nice; they were always friendly to Kaede, and in turn, Kaede spoke of nothing but good about them. But maybe they were a bit too nice, as they’d invited the three of them out for a work-related event that they so lovingly called a party.
Maki couldn’t really wipe the grin off her face when Chiaki whispered into her ear that it was more like a glorified funeral. Unexpectedly morbid coming from her, but it kept her mood from souring anyway. But alas, after hours of standing around in toe-pinching heels and staving off the boredom through eating snacks that Kaede is sure she’s seen at a local Lawson’s, the three of them made a half-assed excuse to get away from the boring colleagues and their slightly creepy boyfriends trying to get touchy.
Still, there was probably a better excuse out there besides “Chiaki needs more sleep, so we gotta hit the road” – but Maki’s still grateful for it anyway, even if it isn’t one of Kaede’s better ones. It did the trick well enough, with her co-workers tailing along until the door with a hundred ‘goodbyes’ and ‘be safes’ until they finally scurried out the front door, heaving a heavy sigh in the cool night air.
“We,” Maki starts, jabbing a finger in Kaede’s direction as soon as they make it to their living room, “Are never doing anything like that again.”
Kaede puts her hands up in mock surrender, laughing sheepishly while looking to Chiaki for help. Unfortunately, she finds the girl splayed out over the brown leather couch not unlike a starfish, softly snoring away. It seems a little too suspicious for her to pass out so conveniently, but Kaede draws her lips into a straight line and looks back at Maki, looking like she was about to chew her out big time.
“I didn’t… really expect that it’d turn out like that, y’know?” Kaede nervously defends herself, hands still in the air, “And I especially didn’t expect my co-workers would bring their asshole, judgmental partners along. I didn’t even know they had partners like that given that they’re really good people and all.”
Maki sighs softly, giving up the act of staring daggers into Kaede and instead trudging over to Chiaki, plopping down beside her with resignation. “You can give up the act now, Chiaki, I’m not mad.”
Kaede squints at Chiaki in betrayal, watching as the girl eases into a smile with her eyes still shut and leans on Maki’s shoulder. The latter hesitates for half a moment before giving into the touch and laying her head on top of Chiaki’s.
“…Come here.” Maki finally whispers, scooting Chiaki over to make room for Kaede on the other side. She almost immediately crosses the room and nearly crashes into the sleeping girl from excitement, earning a small glare from Maki. Kaede smiles at the other instead, albeit with a touch of residual guilt from the party, looking between her and Chiaki’s sleeping face before pressing a kiss to the latter’s temple. She doesn’t miss the way the corner of her mouth quirks upwards a little.
The air settles between them, calm and peaceful. Kaede will never tire of coming home to these two; she’ll never tire of the way they slot together so well, even though they all have their flaws. Their home smells like black cherry candles and it always feels comfortably warm, just the way they all like it.
The overhead lights are dim, and it’s enough to lull the last two awake to sleep.
But somehow, Kaede doesn’t want that. Somehow, she’s itching for something more – something to make up for everything before the guilt gnaws away at her.
She quickly glances at the silver clock on the wall, seeing that it was only a quarter past twelve. Kaede scrunches her eyebrows together, sitting upright and steeling her resolve. She just couldn’t let their night end on a crappy note like this, and she’s sure the other two would agree if she could persuade them just right.
Thankfully and surprisingly, she was rather good at getting them to go along with her nonsense ideas most of the time.
“Hey,” she whispers with a mischievous smile, nudging both of them out of their drowsy state, “Do you guys wanna do something fun?”
Chiaki was still wiping the bleariness out of her eyes as she and Maki walked back from the Lawson’s down the street, three bags of ingredients in hand. Or rather, Chiaki carrying the lightest bag, singular, while Maki insisted on carrying the other two after squabbling with Chiaki over it.
“Hey, Chiaki…” Maki broke through the comfortable silence between them, “Do you have any idea what she’s planning?”
She holds a contemplative hum for a few seconds, playfully bumping shoulders with Maki, the latter only giving her a small smile in return. “Not sure. But I think that whatever she’s thinking, it’ll be fun!”
Maki stays quiet, looking out into the distance to catch a glimpse of the ocean, even though it’d likely be obscured by the white streetlights. Chiaki’s gaze follows, realizing that the other is seeking comfort.
“You’re not… actually upset at Kaede for the party, are you?”
“Wh—? No, of course not, I just… don’t feel comfortable at parties in general, and those guys were… you know.” She sighed, shoulders slouching a little uncharacteristically, “It’s because of Kaede that you and I were able to socialize a bit more and I don’t want to say that this set me back a ways, but… maybe it’ll take a little while to adjust again.”
Chiaki stays silent for a moment, before quickly nabbing the grocery bag Maki was carrying in her right hand and swiftly shifting it to her own, now carrying two bags with one hand. The other looks back at her in surprise, ready to protest until Chiaki grabs her hand, lacing their fingers together.
“It’ll be fine, Maki – you’ll always have us, after all. We’ll get through it together like we always do.”
Maki barely hears Chiaki’s soothing words over the sound of her own heartbeat, even though they’ve been together for years. She clears her throat, willing her voice to steady while trying to shift her attention away from the fact that Chiaki’s hands are so warm. So warm and soft – unlike her own.
“…Is this your idea of romance?” She huffs lightly with a smile, only to have it returned tenfold by the other girl leaning into her as they make their way back home.
“Doesn’t get more romantic than this, I think.”
As the two of them make back and forth conversation, they see their house in the distance and pick up their pace to cover the distance a little quicker.
Chiaki squints under the bright lights as they grow nearer, catching Kaede waving to them from the front porch with enthusiasm like it wasn’t almost one ‘o’ clock in the morning. Still, Chiaki waves back at her with as much enthusiasm as she really feels, knowing Kaede was a little sensitive to that kind of thing.
Kaede rushes off the porch to give the two a smothering group hug, which neither of them struggled out of much to Kaede’s own surprise. “How are my two favourite-est girlfriends in the world?”
“We’re your only girlfriends…?” Maki mumbles confusedly, face slightly flushed.
A breezy laugh slips from Kaede as she leans back slightly to bump noses with her, causing her to blush up to her ears. “I know. I was just missing you both a lot. The house doesn’t feel as nice when it’s empty, y’know?”
Maki’s ears burn as she feels the other’s breath on her face. She swears that she’ll never get used to this, but honestly, she’s not sure if she minds it.
Chiaki gives them both a slight squeeze and pulls away, “Come on now, we won’t get to do anything if we just stay here all night.”
With a quick nod, Kaede relieves her partners of their grocery bags and hauls them into the kitchen, carefully setting them on the granite countertop. One by one she pulls snacks and snack-making ingredients out of the bags, stuffing the three small empty bags inside the stupidly large plastic grocery bag they keep under the sink.
The other two followed her into the kitchen, question marks hovering over their heads because despite their educated guesses, they still couldn’t make out what exactly Kaede wanted to do.
They didn’t need to wait long however, because as soon as she finished sorting out the ingredients into groups across the countertop, the connection was quickly made.
“So how do we feel about strawberry daifuku?” Kaede puffed out her chest, crossing her arms as she waited with bated breath for the other two to answer.
Maki and Chiaki share a momentary glance, Chiaki being the first to break out into a smile and nod along to the idea. The other also gives in rather easily, fiddling with the ends of her twintails, “Sure, I guess it’d be nice to make it for once instead of buying it.”
Kaede beams, positively over the moon as she starts unwrapping all the ingredients. Maki immediately rushes over to her, arms outstretched to keep her from causing an accident as she rushes back and forth between the fridge, pantry, and countertop. The sight of those two fumbling over each other was enough to make Chiaki laugh, only to earn a short scolding from Maki for sitting around instead of helping.
She shuffles off the barstool, but not without a huff, as she reaches into the depths of the countertop cupboard for a mixing bowl, tray, and plastic wrap. Once she sets them on the countertop, the three of them take turns washing their hands at the sink, but not before Kaede pulls up the recipe on her phone.
Maki shoots her a questioning glance, to which Kaede only puffs her cheek and ignores her as she continues poking around for the right recipe. “Look, I want to be accurate, okay?”
“I’m serious! Do you want another baking disaster like last time? Because I’m pretty sure you were the one that added baking soda instead of baking powder.”
“I—” Maki opens her mouth, then shuts it, and then opens it again, “That… was my fault, yeah, but baking is different than making mochi.” She argues, lips pressed into a thin line, “I thought this’d be more straightforward.’
“Mm, I’m sure it is but it doesn’t hurt to have a recipe out, does it?” Chiaki supplied, setting the anko aside in a small bowl, “I know that Hajime and Nagito still have trouble making kusamochi, and that’s Hajime’s favourite snack of all time. Unless you make it pretty often, it’s kinda hard to have the measurements memorized.”
“Well, Hinata is a bit of a perfectionist and Komaeda is… Komaeda , but I guess I can understand needing a reference.”
Kaede gives Chiaki a grateful smile as she pulls up her favourite recipe, setting her phone on the pastel pink holder so the three of them could see it properly as they worked. She lets out a satisfied huff as she surveils the countertop, keeping track of everything they’d need to get to work.
“Alright, then!” Kaede slams her palms down on the countertop with a hard slap, startling Chiaki out of a daze in the process and making Maki jolt ramrod straight. Suddenly the room was charged with energy from that simple action; it felt like the lights were brighter, their minds clearer, and their spirits much livelier than they’d been all evening. Sometimes the other two would swear that their partner had magical powers of some sort.
“I’ll look over everything and handle the strawberries, but Chiaki, you’ll handle the anko,” She points at the sorry-looking bag of azuki beans before redirecting herself to Maki, wide grin on her face “And you will handle the shiratamako and you will make it into the best mochi in the world.”
“Yeah?” Maki smirks back at her, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter, “And why is that?”
“Because I have full faith in your perfectionist tendencies, and I have even more faith in your feelings for me!” She declares with blazing confidence.
The smirk slides right off of Maki’s face, leaving an unreadable expression which she wore for no longer than a few seconds before she sighs and rolls up her sleeves. “You are actually impossible.”
“But you love her!” Chiaki chips in with a sing-song voice.
She scoffs, ignoring the way her mouth feels a little dry as she pours out the rice flour and gets to work on the mochi, which she will by no means put all her effort into for Kaede’s sake. Not at all.
“ Maybe .”
The three of them got to work, going back and forth in perfect harmony, as they each did their part, only needing one break in between for some coffee-boosted hot chocolate. Chiaki looked over the other two, feeling pride swell in her chest as she watched them work side by side.
The kitchen light overhead was artificial but golden nonetheless, making them glow in a way only she could see and comprehend. Standing there at some ungodly hour of the night making an easily-bought store snack with her two girlfriends wasn’t part of her weekend plan, but really, she would rather give up every console she’s ever owned than give up this moment – even her limited-edition Sonic the Hedgehog Dreamcast.
Which is why she’s conflicted to bring up the next question.
“…Kaede, why are you doing all this anyway?”
The girl in question freezes, anko spread over the forefingers of one hand and a half-coated strawberry in the other. She chews her bottom lip, gaze stuck between the bright red fruit and the glare of the kitchen light reflecting off the countertop, until she finally puts the strawberry down and relents.
“I just… felt bad for putting you two through that.” She confesses, unable to look either of them in the eye as the suffocating pressure sets in bit by bit, “I mean, I swear I never knew it’d turn out so bad given that my colleagues are sweet and it’s usually less… frustrating when we meet up with the guys from high school.”
Maki opens her mouth to say something but stops, realizing that Kaede was swimming in her own thoughts, and that she wouldn’t be able to come out until she got everything off her chest.
“I mean, we could’ve just ignored it and stayed home from the beginning and I just… I didn’t know that the party would be such a drag or that it’d have creepy men making comments about us, b-but I can’t apologize enough for it.”
Chiaki hums in understanding, turning towards Kaede, before cupping her jaw and placing a feather light kiss while on her tip-toes. “It’s alright, there’s no way you would’ve known.”
And just like that, the tension is broken. On the other side, Maki slips her hand into Kaede’s silently, intertwining their fingers together and squeezing lightly, uncaring about the bit of anko she feels on her fingertips, “I think you’re being too sentimental about this, but… she’s right. Besides, we’re home now, aren’t we?”
Kaede sniffles, blinking away the mistiness in her eyes as she squeezes back with a small smile, “You’re right, you’re right – we are home…”
“Then… let’s wrap this up then, shall we?”
The two of them nod at Maki’s words, although they barely manage to hide their surprise at her taking the lead. Kaede starts up again, elbows deep into digging right back into the rice dough with furrowed eyebrows and rigid movements. Chiaki hums for a moment with a thoughtful look on her face, lightly nudging her girlfriend to a stop with her elbow.
“Hey, please be nicer to the mochi from here on out; don’t work bad feelings into your food or it won’t taste as good.”
Maki and Kaede laugh lightly at that, but Kaede’s hands still for a moment anyway, “Who told you that?”
“No one. It’s just a hunch.” Chiaki answered simply, looking back up at them with nothing short of pure adoration, “I just don’t want either of you to have bad memories of our time together, that’s all.”
Besides the first two daifuku coming out a little stickier than the rest, the dessert was a major success.
Kaede split the first one, insistent on the other two getting the first taste, but instead of giving it to them right then and there, she had one last surprise up her sleeve apparently.
They take the plate of twelve strawberry daifuku along with the other convenience store snacks and drinks in additional carry bags – making it easier to throw trash out without it getting spread all over… wherever Kaede was leading them.
Once they make it to the hallway, she pushes the door open to the master bedroom, where several plush pillows, comforters, stuffed toys, and blankets were laid out on the floor in front of the TV, right by the foot of their king-sized bed. Small fairy lights were strung from corner to corner, giving the room a warm and ambient glow besides the light of the television’s screensaver. A shimmery sheer cloth was draped overhead, catching the golden-white light within its pearly threads, the corners held up by some careful string work and a prayer, probably. But it did the trick nonetheless; the whole scene felt magical, like it was straight out of a lonely child’s sleepover fantasy.
Truth be told, it was probably the case for the three of them.
“You… did all this?”
Kaede nods her head gleefully.
“For us…?”
She nods her head again, twice as fast, and full of joy.
Maki is the first to start tripping over her words, always tongue-tied when it came to expressing the depths of her gratitude, but Chiaki knew her just as well as she knew herself, pulling the three of them into a tight hug – giving Maki a quick nudge in Kaede’s direction, before she quickly picked up the hint that this was her best chance, and placed a kiss between the taller girl’s lilac eyes.
“Oh,” Chiaki murmured as she pulled away from the both of them, “Who’s sitting in the middle?”
Kaede and Maki share a knowing look behind her, a grin forming on their faces.
“I think that you deserve the honours tonight, Chiaki!” Kaede declared, gently pushing the both of them towards the makeshift bed, picking up the bags of snacks and plate of mochi from the table so the other girls could have their hands free as they settled in.
Chiaki let out a muffled yelp as she was soon pulled down into the mess of blankets, although the feeling was more like being on a cloud than anything. She adjusted herself, tucking her legs under the comforter directly under her as the other two shuffled as close as possible, but not before Kaede grabbed three PlayStation 2 DualShock controllers and set them in front of everyone.
She looked at Kaede and then at Maki, who sat wordlessly with a small smile on her face, “So… can I ask why I’m in the middle today?”
“Nope!” An immediate sure-fire answer from Kaede.
Maki shuffles closer, looping an arm around Chiaki’s and nuzzling up to her warm, plush, body – not unlike a cat seeking warmth, “Maybe not everything needs an explanation. Sometimes it’s just nice to… love you, I suppose. You’re easy to love.”
“Mhmm!” Kaede agreed from the other side of Chiaki, cuddling up in a similar fashion, “You did a lot today and you worked hard. We’ll all get a turn in the middle, but today it’s just you. It’s you, always supporting us from the sidelines, always being the first to join our hands together.”
Chiaki blushed up to her ears and felt something bloom in her chest, cheeks burning warm enough that she was sure the other two could feel the heat radiating off of her, “Well, when you put it that way…” She mumbles bashfully.
She never does finish her sentence, and she never quite gets to hear why she was really put in the middle after all.
But as she finally sets her controller in her lap and reaches for a freshly made strawberry daifuku, Chiaki supposes that at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter; there were three hundred and sixty-six days in a year, and more than enough time to share her love with them both.
She takes a bite – a delicate balance of mellow sweetness and tart coating her tastebuds, and unrestrained affection overwhelming all her other senses.
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kitty-m3ow · 8 months
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I made the kogal gyarus on everskis- like yesterday well the one below I actually made a long time ago but the one above is new I will say that the one kogal that would be saying he asked for no pickles with Nadja would be the one on the bottom I named her yami and the one above is named hikari.
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When Francis meet both of them he was trying to get something to eat at the vending machine but he doesn't exactly know how to work it because all Funahashi told him was that "it's where you could get snake's but you need money for it" and that was as far as an explanation he got before Funahashi went to take a nap for his job.
Francis probably would have been standing there for a few more minutes before eventually giving up until yami and hikari appeared behind him and hikari did a little trick on the vending machine to get all the snacks, Francis was very amazed by this and through that interaction he also found out they also speak English(he didn't really know much Japanese when he entered the school he knew the basics but that's as far as he knows for now) the reason yami and hikari know English is because they want to go to U.S one day together so they can go see/possible meet there favorite musicians and knowing english would make that a lot easier.
They hit it off and talk with each other eat the snacks they got, trick Francis into eating really spicy chips and then learn that Francis has been living under a rock(he basically knows nothing about pop culture and has no idea how to work a phone or any type of technology for that matter but there wasn't really any time to learn due to that fact that the first half he was here along with Nadja was running away from paranormal creepy things trying to kill him and nadja) they pretty much make it there mission to teach him all the ins and outs which starts with recommending him a bunch of music and it helps him bland in and hids the fact that he accidentally time traveled from 1903 and definitely gotten some trauma from it but yeah I will probably add more but will see
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Name: Orion Withish
Age: 28
Height: 5'6"
Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them
Hair: Silver/Very light gray
Eyes: Silver
Sexuality: Gray-romantic, Asexual. Experiences crushes but doesn't ever really fall in love and is uninterested in a relationship. Has a new crush every other week but they are never very deep and don't last very long. Has a preference for men, but also likes women.
Lives: Nimbasa City
Profession: Fashion Designer
Personality: Chill, dry sense of humor, tired, creative, always thinking outside the box, extremely loyal, highly intelligent but often makes dumb mistakes
Likes: Pokemon, celestial themes, battling, anything fluffy or sheep-like, staying up late, junk food, fashion, videos games, sketching
Dislikes: Bad textures, liars, when a project isn't coming out right, working with rude clients, medical facilities/doctors/hospitals(pokemon centers are the exception), being called She/Her(tried it before for a while and didn't like it)
Story Signifigance: Ai's Uncle and friend to Ingo and Emmet. Is working with Emmet and Elesa to try and find Ingo while also looking for Ai in Sinnoh.
Emmet- Very close friends and they get along super well. The two got even closer after Ingo and Ai went missing.
Ingo- Very close friends as well. They both have a lot of info on their special interests and will infodump to each other a lot. Both love learning about and listening to what the other has to say.
Elesa- Get along very well. Work together from time to time and Elesa models outfits Orion has designed quite frequently. At first both Elesa and Orion didn't know the other knew the twins. But after it became apparent they all knew each other the 4 started hanging out together more frequently.
Ai- Loves her very much, Orion was still pretty young when she was born so he's more like an older cousin. Very protective of her.
Pokemon Team:
Chibii (Mareep, female)
Wafu (Wooloo, male)
Fuwa (Shiny Wooloo, female)
Libra (Shiny Reuniclus, male)
Sabo (Leavanny, female)
Battling Style: Enjoys new things and thinking outside the box. Think of Ash from the anime but with a much greater knowledge of battling and not just relying on gut instinct. Often uses novel techniques to catch their opponent off guard. The downside is the same trick rarely works twice in a row, forcing them to be even more creative next time. They also revel in finding exploits and move combos that are near impossible to combat. They rarely use those in proper battles though as he feels it to be unfair.
Random Facts:
Well know for his designs of matching clothes for trainers and pokemon
Favorite food is pizza, favorite drink is soda
Loves junk food and needs to be reminded to take care of themselves by eating healthy and drinking water
Always tired due to insomnia
Still follows the "eye contact equals battle" rule but if someone just politely declines he'll be respectful. For that reason he rarely makes eye contact
ADHD and autistic
Calls pokemon things like sir, ma'am, good sir, madam
Loves puns and dad jokes
Gets all his inspiration for designs from battling
Frequently visited the battle subway for inspiration
Never fully met Emmet until one day he was eating lunch at his usual fast food restaurant and locked eyes with Emmet through the window. They stood up quickly as both him and Emmet pointed at each other, Orion then raced outside and they had a pokemon battle right there on the sidewalk. They both felt so much passion from the other that they agreed to meet up and talk strategies.
Has worked with Elesa in the past and they both got along well. At first they were both rather professional. It wasn't until one day when Orion made a pun and Elesa straight up snorted at it which resulted in both of them giggling uncontrollably did they both let their guards down.
Was introduced to Ingo by Emmet. Orion was put off by Ingo's personality at first, but fell in love with Ingo's pokemon instantly. Ingo saw how Orion was always bringing snacks over for his pokemon whenever they visited to see Emmet and talked to them about it. That was their first real conversation and that's when Orion realized Ingo wasn't keeping his distance or rude he was just a little hard to read. They quickly became fast friends and will occasionally team up to mess with Emmet.
They are the youngest of three, with an older sister and an older brother. Their older brother is Ai's dad. Ai's dad is 14 years older than Orion, and Orion's sister is 8 years older than Orion.
Started making clothes when they were 12 because they hated the texture/feeling/cut of most store bought clothes
Orion designs special outfits for the subway bosses and employees for holidays and special occasions.
One day Elesa wanted to do a special photo shoot with the twins and looked into who it was that designed all of their special holiday outfits. Upon discovering it was Orion, she called them up and was like wait do you actually know Ingo and Emmet or do you just work with them???? Orion was confused as to why she was asking but answered anyway. Elesa was like wait I know them too how did we not know this. After that the four of them started hanging out together.
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hyldgaardaldridge14 · 1 month
Nutrition is a fascinating subject that keeps scientists busy around the clock. There is a lot of interest in how nutrition operates within the human body and doctors and scientists are becoming more and more interested in these facts. The following tips are some of the more interesting highlights that have been well documented.
Rice and beans, when combined together, create a near perfect protein source. If you are a vegetarian, this can be especially important. Simply make these two things ahead of time and add a little cheese for added flavor. It is a cheap and easy way to get the good nutrition that you need. The most important part of most foods you buy in the grocery store, is the label on the back. Taking the time to read the nutritional values on the packages before you buy, helps toinsure that you are making the right choice for yourself and the ones you love. For cancer prevention, try adding more plants to your daily diet. These are versatile enough to go anywhere from a salad to a soup to a stew to even a smoothie. Try eating green things like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and more to get a vast array of nutrients. Also, add things like fruits and nuts for a huge boost to prevent cancer. When making your plates of food, be sure to use a very small plate. The small plate will be full so it will trick the brain into believing that you are consuming more food than you actually are. This means that you will feel full after consuming less food. Do you often feel sluggish during the day? Your diet may be to blame. If your meals contain a lot of fat, you may want to re-think what you are eating. Try instead to eat small meals often. These meals should be low-fat sources of protein with complex carbohydrates. Eating several, healthy mini-meals will help keep your energy level up. Berries, pears and peaches taste great when pureed and are a healthy snack. This allows you to create a spread that tastes sweet on chips and is also good for dipping pretzels. With so many different seasonal fruits available, feel free to mix and match them to keep things lively and explore new flavors. Using cream in recipes may make your food taste really good and rich, but it will also make your waistline expand. Try substituting the cream with silken tofu. It still has the creamy texture, but it offers other benefits such as some extra protein into your favorite home-cooked meals. Be aware of what you drink. Avoid any drinks that contain alcohol or sugar, replacing them with water, low-fat milk or tea. Sugary drinks are packed full of empty calories that add no nutritional value to your diet. Drinking one sugary drink a day can cause you to put on unnecessary weight, and increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. If you are a big coffee drinker, try switching to decaf coffee. Decaf coffee is low in calories and can help you with your coffee cravings. If you need to add items to your coffee, such as sugar or milk, be sure to use the healthiest options available: for example, skim milk or sugar substitute. You should try to create your own snack box for your office. Keep your healthy snacks available to you. If 제철식단표 have your own snacks, you will be less tempted to eat any of the unhealthy snacks that may be available from vending machines in your office. If you are running low on snacks, be sure to replace them before you run completely out. It can be hard to maintain proper nutrition during pregnancy when you're feeling tired, so plan ahead for days when you just don't have the energy to cook. Take advantage of those days when you are felling good to make a second tray of lasagna or a double batch of chili to freeze for later use. There is still so much to learn about nutrition, as it's a science that is, truly in its infancy. But what is well understood today, is already solid. People enjoy taking an active role in their own health matters. Learning a bit more about how nutrition works, can be rewarding, in so many ways.
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bildejustesen41 · 2 months
Why is it important to learn about aging and its effects on you? Unless you are not concerned with your health or well being later in life, learning about how to deal with aging is essential. If you wish to live a long and happy life then the tips provided in this article will be perfect for you.
If you are still smoking, quit now! Smoking is never good for you, but it is even more important to quit as you age. Smoking breaks down your skin's collagen leading to premature wrinkles. Smoking is also directly linked to increased risks of cardiac problems and cancers, and the risks only multiply with age. Quit now, no matter what your age, to help your body have a healthy aging process. While your body may not feel as spry as it used to when you were younger, you will still want to get exercise to keep it working at top capacity. Exercising feels good because it releases endorphins, which makes you feel good. A quick walk around the block or even around the mall will have you feeling better in no time. It is good to grow old. Your long life is an achievement. Our commercial culture pushes us toward denial of old age. We are told we should dye our hair, try to look young. But a healthy head of white hair can be worn with pride. You worked long and hard to attain this point in your life! Learn something new. There's an old saying that says, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks"; it's a myth. Get out there and take a class or develop a hobby. Not only will it occupy your time. Your brain will get a workout from the new information you're learning. There are 19 foods that are considered to be must have items in your refrigerator and pantry, and they will work wonders for your health and vitality as you age. Write Safe Laser 1800 down and post it somewhere in your home to keep yourself reminded to stay stocked: seafood, dairy, spinach, nuts, olive oil, broccoli, oatmeal, flax seed meal, avocados, pomegranate juice, tomatoes, tofu, yogurt, red onions, garlic, beans and lentils! It may seem like a lot but it is the least you can do for yourself and the best results you can yield from your meal planning efforts! Enjoy yourself! Now that you are older, you are free to do exactly what you want, and can make anything happen! Think of new and interesting ways to enjoy life, and be sure to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, living life to the fullest. Don't stop "� just because you are getting older! Make sure that you keep your mind active in your older years. As you age, your brain cells will not reproduce. However, you can strengthen the network of your existing brain cells by engaging in brain activities, like crossword puzzles and trivia games. When you challenge your mind with complex activities, your brain will be healthier. A key tip to staying young and healthy is to eat nuts. Nuts are a great snack and a fantastic food to prevent the signs of aging. Nuts are loaded with anti-aging fats and are great sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals. Just be careful when eating nuts to eat them in moderation because they are high in calories. As you age, continue learning. It has never been easier to enroll in a community college or take classes online. You are never too old to take up a new hobby, study a foreign language, understand statistics, learn about quantum physics or learn anything of interest to you. Lifelong learning will keep your mind sharp and give you goals. Take note of how your body now responds to food and make changes in your diet accordingly. As you age your metabolism slows making it necessary to adapt your common food choices. Food impacts many aspects of overall health such as cholesterol and weight, so making proactive changes in your diet can significantly improve your health. In summary, there is little else that can help you in your older years other than having a good solid foundation on how to best prepare and take care of yourself. The advice provided to you in this article is meant to assist you and help you enjoy all of your remaining years.
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middleagerunblog · 5 months
This is a hard post to write.
My running is going well. I feel great.
But weight is up and I don't like it. I am stuck in the mid 190s. My clothes don't quite fit right. Just getting to the mid 180s would make everything fit better.
Then I tell myself forget the scale, I can get new clothes, live your life. Feel good first, worry about the rest later.
But then I remember a few years ago at the doctor when my cholesterol was high and he recommended a statin. I said I'd try to lose weight first. He said fine, lifestyle change is valid, come back in 3 months in we'll do blood work again. That was over 3 years ago and I haven't materially changed my lifestyle.
Really my weight for my height should be mid 160s, but I just getting to and staying in the mid 170s would be a significant lifestyle change.
So I try a bunch of workouts but the only thing that sticks is running. The best exercise routine is the one you will do, I think that's what Naval says.
Then I get better at running and decide to train for a half marathon because that helps me stay consistent. But all this running is not letting me lose weight. I am hungry after speedwork and long runs.
So I am stuck in the paradox where half marathon training motivates me to eat better. But then I get to the point where it doesn't help me lose weight.
The only eating style that's ever helped me lose weight has been low carb. But low carb eating doesn't go with running.
So I get to the point that it's late January, and I'm like screw it, just get through it, race is in early March. After that you can pivot to a weight loss routine, attack weight loss like I attack a half marathon training program, even start a new blog about that. That can cover Mar-Apr-May. By summer I can be the weight I want to be.
Then I'm like, why hold on, why wait? What was my race entry fee, $50 or so? It's a sunk cost, start the weight loss thing now, you can run more races after you're 175.
But then I worry this is cope, you like this, what's a few more weeks, run the race, then pivot.
I need to make a decision.
It's Wednesday morning when I think this.
Wednesday morning was easy pace 3, Thursday is rest. It's not until Friday morning's pace run + Saturday morning's long run where I have to push myself. So I have a couple days to think about it and eat for weight loss because the running burden isn't too high.
But all this thinking leads to eating, too much snacking on Wednesday. Snacked on pretzels and peanut butter after dinner. But then I didn't feel too full, so what does that tell me.
Thursday morning, time to write this all out. Think of Naval's decision making model.
Step one - if you can't decide between yes and no, the answer is no.
But what is the question? Is it, should I quit the half marathon program and focus on weight loss now? Or is it should I focus on weight loss now and quit the half marathon program? I have to move to step two.
Step two - if it's an either/or, pick the option that would give me more short term pain.
If I keep at this half marathon thing, I have to deal with frustration of the scale for another 5-6 weeks. That would annoy me. Is my brain tricking me to make that seem worse than it is? My clothes have fit this way for a while now, what's few more weeks. Accomplish this goal then move on to the next thing in March. I will have a sense of accomplishment, then move onto accomplishing weight loss.
Or is the feel of quitting the short term pain? Getting started on a weight loss program isn't as fun as running, so maybe that's the short term pain.
Hmmm, I'm 60/40 that quitting is the short term pain, so this step leads me to keep going on the half marathon. But let's look at step three.
Step three - if the short term pain is the same, pick the one with more long term calm.
OK, fast forward to Memorial Day. Option 1, run the half marathon. Keep to a successful schedule, run it under 2 hours. Feel happy. Take the weekend, enjoy some carbs and beer. A week later you turn 45. Focus on weight loss, set a goal to lose 20 pounds in 12 weeks by Memorial Day. Maybe you hit that and continue the momentum into the summer, pushing for the 160s. Maybe at my age that amount of weight loss that quickly isn't possible, and you need more of the summer to get there and you hit 175 by 4th of July.
Option 2, start weight loss program now. Tell your wife. Say this is more important. Get the family involved. (I guess I could get the family more involved in Option 1 too, just a month later.) 20 pounds in 12 weeks is mid April, maybe I give myself more time, being honest with my age, Memorial Day is 17 weeks away. Get to 175 by then. Do a running program over the summer and run a half marathon in early fall.
Ugh, I don't know.
I go back to the family thing. I think I need to ask my wife to help me think this through. Maybe based on what she gets more excited about getting on board with me, right now, or think it through in Feb, get on board together in March.
I ask my wife and she says don't quit half marathon program. I don't have anything to replace it with. Figure something out in Feb for March, that's not stalling, that's right around the corner.
I think she's right.
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Surviving Long Hauls: Entertainment and Engagement Tips for Truckers
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Long-haul trucking is a tough job that requires intense concentration and mental alertness. Driving for miles, sometimes across states, can take its toll on truckers’ bodies and minds. It can be exhausting and lonely, especially if you’re on the road for weeks on end. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many things truckers can do to stay entertained and engaged while on the road. In this post, we’ll share some of our tips and tricks for keeping your mind sharp and your spirits high through the long hauls.
Listen to Audiobooks and Podcasts One of the best ways to pass the time on long drives is to listen to audiobooks or podcasts. You can learn something new while driving or simply enjoy a good story. Some audiobooks and podcasts can even help you improve your skills as a trucker or make you more knowledgeable about the industry. Trucking Las Vegas is one popular podcast that many truckers listen to while on the road. It’s entertaining, informative, and geared toward truck drivers.
Play Games There are many games that truckers can play while on the road. Some of these games can help improve cognitive skills, while others can be purely for entertainment. One popular game for truckers is the alphabet game, where you start at the letter “A” and find things on the road that start with each letter of the alphabet. Another game truckers can play is “I Spy”, where someone picks a object and the others guess the item.
Stay in Touch with Loved Ones Being away from your family and friends for a long time can be difficult, especially if you have a family at home. Technology can help you stay connected with your loved ones while you’re on the road. With social media, Skype, and other apps, truckers can communicate with their families and feel like they’re not missing out on important events in their lives.
Stay Active and Healthy Sitting in the driver’s seat for long periods can be harmful to your health. It can lead to decreased circulation, muscle soreness, and back pain. You can combat this by stretching before and after your drive, doing some exercises in your truck cab and eating healthy. Eating healthier snacks such as carrot sticks, almonds, or fruit instead of junk food can help too.
Enjoy the Scenery Trucking across America, you get to see some amazing sights. Although your main focus should be on the road, taking in the scenery can be beneficial for your mind and outlook. Take a detour through a National Park or take a more scenic route, which will break up the monotony of the long drives .
Being a trucker can be challenging, both mentally and physically, but it doesn’t have to be boring. There are many ways to stay entertained and engaged while on the road, whether it’s listening to audiobooks, playing games, staying connected with loved ones, staying healthy, or enjoying the scenery. By implementing these tips and tricks into your driving routine, your long-haul drives can be much more enjoyable, productive, and safe. So, next time you’re driving, try a few of these ideas and see how they work for you. Trucking Las Vegas will help you stay engaged and informed as well.
Learn more about this topic here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equipment
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