#trying to be dramatic about any and everything before i am forced to do so about game 4.. naturally
goodolddumbbanana · 11 hours
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Nexus to Moon: dramatic, mysterious, evil.
He is the monster. He forced me kneel, he hurts me, he makes me relived of all my mistakes. I couldn't fight him and the worst of it..... I. Scared. Of. Him.
Nexus to Sun: Bitch wants me to work for him and gets mad when I say no. Also... Cringe.
I am sorry but, has anyone felt a really drastically shift tones between Moon and Sun when they interact with Nexus?
Like Nexus really wants to hurt Moon, badly. He does not hesitate to cram his hands inside Moon's head, and mocks Moon for everything he did. It was intense, and we can feel it is Nexus the one who is in the control. And that Moon will not do or can try anything.
Also Moon gets kneel down and tortured pretty quick after that. Also he seems very scared of Nexus after each time he interacted with Nexus.
But Sun... I don't know man... I think I had made Nexus cooler in my head.
He is just so cringe. (THE GOD thingy makes me die a little bit whenever I hear him screaming that name)
I couldn't see the monster who hurt Moon with the way he was chasing Sun around and Sun just kept running like it is no ends tomorrow.
(Lmao dude just straight up pulling Naruto run on Nexus, really reminds me back then, of the times when Sun doing something stupid and Nexus just angrily yelling ran after him.)
And even when he had Sun at the corner, he couldn't say anything 'emotional damage' to Sun.
"What ... Are you insane?!"
"Yeah. I thought it was pretty obvious."
And baby girl is so obsessed with the fact he is no longer Moon, he thinks it is him who is still the one Sun calls for help. Which is sad and funny both at the same time.
Like we can feel a tiny small hesitant in Nexus's voice when Sun keeps saying 'Moon', like he thought Sun wants him to stop.
And how the issue gets dragged on the surface. Sun always feels like he couldn't help Nexus and Nexus also feels like he couldn't let Sun help him. (Because the same old story, Sun got hurt and kidnapped whenever he came with Nexus.)
"So now I have value for you?"
"Yeah, for once in your miserable life, you have value."
It is sad when they come back at each other like this. Especially when Nexus always says that he needs Sun back in the day.
"You had friends, you had a family. They love you."
Sun loves him. He still loves Nexus. He didn't want Nexus dead is one thing, but he seems so worried about Nexus (accidentally calling him Moon when seeing him got shot) and tries to make Monty stop shooting. Even after Nexus runway, Sun - the one who gets so infected by Negative Star power, still wants to know if Nexus is okay.
And when he was back at home, he wasn't even scared of Nexus, not like how he used to be terrified of Eclipse or Killcode or even when he interacts with Dark Sun. He seems just pissed and done at himself, and not even with Nexus.
"I didn't have friends. I was a replacement."
Nexus didn't consider Monty his friend. I mean it is totally understandable, especially when they hijacked his head before. But replacement... Really? Sure maybe at first with Sun, but what about Earth? She didn't know jack about you?
"Maybe at first, but I liked you."
Haha... Remember when Nexus said he was very appreciative of how Sun loved him more than Moon? Haha... Good times ...
"oh my..., cuz I was nicer to you."
"because you are nice."
"because I didn't beat you.... Guess what Sunny, you are nothing but a tool for me..."
He throws away any good things he did for Sun. He burned all their memories, and saw himself as a monster. He tried to make himself a monster towards Sun, and when seeing it didn't work, because Sun doesn't care about how horrible he is now, he straight down Sun with the 'I don't care about you' attitude.
"You know what... You are not worse than Moon. Hell you are not even better..."
'You are just exactly like Moon. ' I think it is what Sun wants to say. They are both so stuck in their own minds, never wanting to hear what other people say, what people are trying to prove they are so much better than this.
"I tried."
"No you didn't. You USED me. And now I am going to use you."
"I am sorry."
His voice seems so small. He sounds so heartbroken when he says sorry to Nexus, like we can feel the thought process behind Sun. He truly thinks everything happened was his fault, it is Sun's fault leading Nexus to become like this.
"Your apologies don't mean anything to me."
And Nexus sounds so wanting to move one, to get done with his job, to stop talking about the past. It doesn't matter if Sun says sorry or not, because he doesn't care. He doesn't want to care.
And the term he used... Dragging Sun into his lab and plug he into the machine, to let him never do any of his own will ever again....
What does Nexus think Sun will do with his own will? Like what exactly can Sun do? Yapping at his ears until it bleeds? Sun doesn't have any manipulated skills at all, he is so straightforward and honest to actually harm Nexus from behind, like, Nexus just needs to highjack Sun's head like Moon.
From my perspective, I think there are a lot of methods to let Sun do as Nexus plead, but Nexus only wants to stop thinking about Sun. Like if he fully controlled over Sun, he will not have to think about how Sun is disappointed in him anymore, He will not have to think of Sun as a human being, as his ex brother, as someone still cares about him.
And when Sun says he will not do as Nexus says? Nexus sounds didn't surprise at all. They understand each other too well to know even Sun sometimes a coward, he will not give up like that for Nexus.
Also... Why did he not just threaten Moon? Or Dazzle? Or Jack? Just like how he mocks Solar?
Did he not want his older brother to think of him lower?
"...I have you kneel at me, right ? So look at your superior being."
The way Nexus said that, it makes me feel sad. Like, Nexus so wants to cut off Sun, to make Sun think of him as a monster, to hurt Sun not even in the way it matters.
He still couldn't hit Sun at his lowest, I mean, back then, Old Moon even worse with Sun both emotionally and physically back in the days.
Even after so much nonsense craps, Sun still unharmed. He tortured Moon, he mocked Solar, but Sun.... There is no win in this fight.
Their fighting still looks so much more than their so used banter before... I wish Nexus and Sun will be still brothers ;.;
Sidenote: I love that Ruin tries to convince Nexus to think more with his head but just ends up giving up like : oh right, screw you then, asshole.
Very baby girl behaviour of him.
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stromer · 1 year
thinking abt haula telling jhugh: "me and pally will always work close to you. when you feel like you're not moving, know that me and pally are somewhere close"
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inkskinned · 2 years
i love my therapist but i hate being in therapy. 10 minutes before my appointment, i'm in a meeting with my boss - we discuss my artistic choices; my boss recommends i artistically choose less. 10 minutes after therapy, i wash my hair and think about everything that was said, and then i have to switch it off, like a lamp, and go back to work again.
i was on a walk the other day and someone had the perfect combination of his cologne and whatever-else. it was almost exactly his scent. i fucking hate that. after all these years, i remember that? i tell my therapist - i feel like a fucking wolf. try telling a middle-aged blonde lady. oh i scented him on the air. i'm 30, and i'm having a panic attack over something that would be a plotline in the omegaverse.
what they don't tell you about mental illness is that if you are lucky enough to survive it into adulthood; it becomes a weird slice of your life. because you do, eventually, have to build a life. i realized in a panic somewhere around 22 - oh. i don't know what i'm fucking doing, because i always assumed i'd just go ahead and die. i didn't die, and i'm grateful for that, and i'm very happy about that choice. but it does mean that i am an adult in an apartment, living with my conditions side-by-side like. oh, that's my roommate, adhd. ignore the glass, bytheway, that's ocd.
so you pick your stupid life up by the scruff of the neck and you're, like glad for it (so much laughter and light and friends you would have never thought possible, when you were in the worst of it). but it feels so strange to be dancing around these odd little microcosms, these patchwork moments of your symptoms. if you have a panic attack at night, you still need to wake up and walk the dog in the morning. if your depression is making everything boring, well, you don't have any sick days left, and a job's not really supposed to be that exciting anyway. your ocd tears out each individual leg hair, and then, an hour later, you sigh, patch up the bloody bits, and go get dinner with friends. and the life is kitten-quiet, mewling and pathetic, but it's also like - it's yours, so you're fond of it.
and it's like - you're real. so you still enjoy pushing the shopping cart really fast and then riding on the back of it down an empty aisle. and you're not, like, so sick anymore that when you accidentally drop a mug you burst into tears (except for the days you do that. which are bad). and no, you're not allowed around certain items anymore. oops! but you've learned to be good about brushing your teeth most days of the week. and yeah sometimes in the middle of the day you have a little freak-out about how fucking unfair it all is, how fucking hard, how other people can just do this without having to fucking hurt the whole time. and then you sigh and force yourself to sit down and fucking journal about it so you can tell the nice middle-aged blonde woman yeah i had a hard day but i practiced grounding. you still sometimes want to burst out of your own skin, but you force yourself to eat kind-of healthy and to take your vitamins. you let yourself chop off all your hair in the sink in a dramatic poetry of control and relief - and you also have developed good hobbies that help you move your body more frequently. you feel helplessly behind, lost in the shuffle - but you also practice gratitude, taking stock of what you have garnered. because you're trying. even if you're never gonna be normal, you have something... close enough.
and the little kitten of your life, this mangy, starlit tigercub, this thing you expected to rot so young: in your arms, it turns itself over, belly-up. exposing this new soft part, all the organs and guts. like it's saying i trust you now. you won't give me up.
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luvismenu · 13 days
satisfied — knj oneshot (bday special)
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pairing: roommate!namjoon x fem!reader
warnings: e2l type shi, nicknames, unprotected sex, eating out (fem! receiving), riding, nipple play, big dick!namjoon, overstimulation, creampie, porn without plot
note: dedicated to @deluluisdasolulu ♡
wc: 1.6k+
♡ — permanent taglist: @wnteraezz @jksctrl @ari420sstuff @jkvias @blaricee @blluee28 @letmekookk @whoa-jo @wobblewobble822 @jkslvsnella @clxssy1997 @nikkinikj @kayleesaltzmann @rrosiitas @naurnonope @lola75111 @somehowukook @redcherrykook @parkinglot-nights @deluluisdasolulu @minghaosimp @hyeon-yi @ririkookiemonster @svtrighthereworld @jmscaffeine
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"you. fucking. suck."
"i. don't. care."
your roommate, kim namjoon, thinks he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. and what annoys you the most is that he always fucking does.
"you can't just bring a bunch of people here and ruin the place and then wait for me to clean this shit up," you grit out, barely holding your frustration.
it's his birthday.
but that doesn't mean you're gonna clean up his mess. you were at work all day, and now you come home to this...
god, there's trash everywhere.
"my birthday wish; clean up this mess for me," he says with a fake pout, plastered on his stupid annoying face.
"no fucking way."
"that's not a nice thing to say to the birthday boy," he frowns, as if he's the victim here.
oh, the fucking audacity.
"i was at work all day, and i had to fucking stay late to finish some stupid paperwork, and now all i want to do is rest. i am not cleaning up your birthday mess, kim namjoon." you cross your arms tightly, trying to keep your voice from raising further.
"aw, miss little angry is stressed," he coos, walking over to the fridge, pulling out a beer bottle like everything's normal.
"it's either you clean up or i'm..." you pause, thinking for a second, "i'll call the cops on you!" you let out a frustrated sigh.
what are you even saying? cops?
"cops?" he chuckles, walking over to you with the beer bottle, towering over you now. his shirt is half unbuttoned, hair messy. he looks you up and down before taking a long sip of his drink. "what, you tryna scare me now? hm?"
oh god, why is this making you horny?
"i-i... you should clean," you stammer, your voice softer than before as you desperately try to get a grip on your mind.
he grins.
he fucking grins.
and not the sweet kind of grin. it's that evil, cocky grin.
but for some reason, you can't seem to get any more words out. he looks hotter than usual today. probably because you haven't had sex in a while.
or maybe because you never noticed how incredibly hot he looks when he's not being a complete pain in the ass.
he leans down, his face close to yours, your noses almost touching. "you look so tired. miss little angry had a bad day, hm?" he tilts his head, teasing you.
"fuck you." you grit out, which only seems to satisfy him more.
"you're so cute when you're all riled up, you know that?" his eyes flicker to your lips before returning to your eyes. "almost too cute to stop me from bending you over and having my way with you."
oh lord have mercy—
no. no. no. you can't give in to his stupid tricks. he's only doing this so you'll clean the whole place. you can't give in. you're stronger than this.
"nice try," you say, pushing him back, forcing some distance between you two.
"i'm gonna go take a shower. you better start cleaning, birthday boy," you say, pointing to the mess of beer bottles and food wrappers. and god, you hope that's not a used condom lying on the floor.
he sighs dramatically. “yes, ma'am.”
before unlocking your door, you spin around, feeling one last wave of anxiety. "wait. please tell me nobody fucked in my room," you scrunch your nose in disgust.
"oh yeah, there was a foursome going on in your room. it was really fun to watch," he says, taking another swig from his bottle.
"what the fuck!?" you exclaim, ready to throw hands.
"relax!! i'm joking,” he laughs. "i may not know much about boundaries, but i don't let people trash your room. little miss angry needs her safe space, right?" he flashes you a grin, almost as if he's mocking you.
you scoff, shaking your head as you finally head to your room, leaving him to deal with the mess.
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after your relaxing shower, you spend at least 30 minutes in your room, trying to calm your nerves. you hear some hustle and bustle from outside your door, and you assume he's actually cleaning up.
you feel a little bad.
maybe you were a bit harsh?
it's his birthday, after all.
you baked him cupcakes last night, which took a lot of work since you've never baked before. they weren't perfect, but it still counts—one of the reasons you're tired, since you didn't sleep much.
but it was worth it, considering that all the cupcakes are gone, not even leaving one for you.
you hope he ate most of them.
you open your door after what seems like an hour, finding a tired, shirtless namjoon on the couch. the sight makes you feel something.
wish he could ruin you and—
you're clearly not in your right mind right now.
you walk over to the couch he's sleeping on. he looks up at you, taking in your form. it's the usual shorts and t-shirt, nothing sexy about it. okay, maybe a little inappropriate because you're not wearing anything under those. your perked nipples are visible through the t-shirt, and you notice how his eyes darken.
“good job,” you say, scanning the room.
“thanks, although you forced me to do it,” he sits up on the couch, your stomach right in front of his face, but there's still a little space between you two.
“it's your responsibility,” you say with a smirk.
he looks up at you, returning your smirk, “yeah? can I ask for my birthday wish now?”
“fine, what do you want?” you ask.
he stands up, making you stumble back a little, but he pulls you closer by placing his hands on your hips. leaning into your ear, he whispers, “you.”
and that's it.
you give in.
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"oh my— f-fuck!!"
he's got you sprawled on your bed, arms wrapped around your thighs, head moving up and down as he eats your pussy like it's his last meal.
"you taste so fucking good” he gasps as he starts sucking on your clit, his tongue rolling on the sensitive nub. your hand grips his hair urging him closer as you grind against his face
"f-fuck joon, mm so close" you moan, your head thrown back on the pillow from the intense pleasure.
he continues eating you out, his tongue doing wonders to you as you let out shameless gasps and moans.
one of his hands travel to your breast, squeezing it gently. he uses one finger to play with your nipple, rolling and pinching it. you reach out to your other breast, mirroring his actions.
the dirty wet sounds of his eager mouth on you fill the room.
“cum on my face, baby, do it.”
and you do.
you come on his face and he licks up every drop of you.
he sits up with that cocky grin on his face. he takes in the sight of you all spread out and breathless for him.
"we're not done yet, come here," he pats his lap, stroking his already hard length, "ride my cock like the good girl you are."
do you even wanna say no to that?
he helps you settle on his cock, and you wince a little at the stretch.
he is so fucking big.
"you sure you can take it?" he chuckles
"yes, i can," you breathe out, letting him slide deeper into you, and a loud yelp escapes your lips. he groans at the tightness.
"it's okay, baby, go slow," he says, his hands firmly on your hips. you nod, trying to pace yourself.
you move slowly, taking all of him in, and oh fuck, it feels incredible.
your hands grip his broad shoulders as you start bouncing on his thick length. his eyes are drawn to your bouncing tits, and soon enough, his mouth is wrapped around your nipple, sucking and licking it greedily.
"mmfh joon s-so good!" you gasp as you keep moving up and down on his cock. your walls wrap tightly around namjoon's cock, the squelching sounds and messy moans filling the room.
"f-fuck, you're so tight," he groans, his grip on you tightening. he lifts his hips slightly, hitting the perfect spot.
"r-right there, mmfh joon, more!" his cock hits the spot over and over, making you lose control, your body weakening from the overstimulation.
"gonna come for me? hm? already?" he rasps as he slows down, gently placing you on the bed without pulling out. you nod weakly as he continues pounding into you.
"hold it for me, baby, not yet."
you can only hope your neighbors can't hear you because the noises spilling from your mouth sound straight out of porn—loud and messy.
"joon p-please, i wanna cum," you cry out. it’s too much. he’s too much. you need to cum.
"fuck! yes baby, cum with me," he growls as his thrusts grow faster.
"oh y-yes fuck!!" a choked moan leaves you as you release, your legs shaking slightly.
"gonna fill you up, baby," he hisses before thrusting two final times, shooting his cum deep inside you. your mouth hangs open, and your chest rising and falling repeatedly.
he pulls out slowly, collapsing beside you and tugging you close to him.
“happy birthday to you i guess," you breathe out, a smile playing on your lips, and he chuckles in response.
“miss little angry not so angry anymore, hm?” he teases, a grin on his lips. you chuckle, playfully slapping his chest.
“miss little angry satisfied.”
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invisible-lint · 4 months
Everything Could Be Okay: Chapter 2
Rhys x Tamlin's sister!reader
Summary: Time for a wedding... Or is it?
Warnings: nothing I can think of!
Word Count: 1.4k
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 3
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You had never been a fan of parties. They were too loud, the air too stuffy, and the gossiping of the Spring Ladies you were forced to be with was obnoxious. But you had endured, not wanting to leave Feyre to fend for herself. Or worse, alone with Ianthe who had gotten on your nerves with how pushy she had been while planning what was supposed to be Feyre’s wedding.
Feyre had made her escape nearly an hour ago, heading up to bed, and here you were, stuck, nodding along as you pretended to listen to the gossiping females surrounding you.
"From what I hear, Tamlin is looking to find a husband for you." That got your attention. The room is suddenly suffocating, air struggling to find its way to your lungs. Your hand reaches to your necklace, finding the ring on it. The group of females look worried as you back away, feeling as if the room is closing in on you.
"Excuse me," you manage to mumble, fleeing the room.
You run out to the gardens, not noticing Tamlin following you. You stop, sinking into a bench, trying not to hyperventilate. How could he do this? Just because he wanted to pretend nothing had happened doesn't mean that you would. He sits next to you and you stand, anger flooding your body when you see him, pushing out the panic.
"How dare you?" You hiss, blinking back the angry tears stinging your eyes.
He sighs. "What is it I've supposedly done now?"
"When were you going to tell me you were looking for a husband for me?"
"You're overreacting. Someone asked about marrying you, and I simply said I would think about it."
"No. You don't get to make that choice for me. I am not ready for that. I am not ready to replace him!" You start to pace, trying to keep your temper in check. 
"It would be good for you to move on. You can't be unhappy forever." 
You lose your temper then, whirling to face him, pointing a finger at his chest. "You don't understand! I felt it when he died! It was like my soul was cleaved in two! That is not something I can just move on from! Had Feyre's death been permanent you would not have moved on as quickly as you're asking me to!" He growls at you, claws sliding out. You flinch, knowing you said too much and turn to run further into the garden. This time, Tamlin doesn’t follow.
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The next day is the wedding, and you sit with Feyre as several females prepare her. You watch silently, trying to gauge how she is feeling. You know about the nightmares, and have noticed the weight loss, but you don’t know what to do. What can you do? You’ve offered companionship, tried getting her to eat more of the foods you know she likes, but still, she is wasting away before your eyes. You can’t talk about Under the Mountain, no one talks about it. No one can. 
You notice Feyre is looking more and more nervous, and you ask for the room to be cleared. Once it’s just the two of you in the room, you pull a chair over so you’re right next to her, taking her hands in yours.
“I was nervous before my wedding too. I couldn’t eat anything and then I almost fainted right before the ceremony.” You squeeze her hands gently. “But I knew it was what I wanted. Andras and I had courted for nearly 20 years before I agreed to marry him. I suppose what I’m trying to say is if you’ve changed your mind, if you need more time, I will come up with some sort of reason to postpone the wedding. Tamlin doesn’t need to know about any of it.” 
Feyre sits for a moment, thinking before shaking her head. “I’m ready. I want this.”
You nod, squeezing her hands again. “Then I’ll be right there with you.”
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You suppose you shouldn’t be surprised, Rhysand was prone to making dramatic entrances after all. Showing up right as Feyre was walking down the aisle seemed just like the kind of thing he would do.The part of you screaming its relief is hard to ignore, but you manage to shove it down.
You stride across the lawn, chin held high, interrupting the argument. "I will be joining Feyre as a chaperone." The violet eyed male quirks an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a smile. “Oh?”
"Yes. No part of your agreement said she had to spend her time in your court alone." 
"I suppose not."
"So I'm joining her." 
At that moment Tamlin finally finds his voice. "Absolutely not."
"You'd have her go alone?" You ask, raising an eyebrow at your brother. 
He sputters, before making an exasperated noise, knowing you're right. 
"Don't worry Tamlin, I'll treat her better than you treated my sister," Rhysand taunts. You shoot him an exasperated look, ignoring your brother's snarl. He crosses over to you and Feyre, wrapping an arm around each of you and winnowing away, whisking both of you off to the night court.
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You wander the halls of the mountain palace, thinking back on the past few hours. It’d been hard not to laugh when Feyre had thrown her shoes at Rhysand, the look on his face had made it even harder. But more than anything, the interaction made you feel relieved. Somewhere in there, who Feyre truly was still resided. And he had managed to draw her out. 
You walk out onto a balcony, glad that whatever magic seems to be heating the interior of the palace extends to out here. You gaze up at the stars, lost in thoughts about how you might help Feyre. When you eventually turn to go back inside, Rhysand is standing in the doorway, staring at you, the expression on his face unreadable. He walks over, leaning against the railing of the balcony next to you. 
“This is the second time now I’ve found you roaming in the middle of the night. I’m starting to think you don’t sleep.”
“I don’t.” He raises an eyebrow in response.
“Not well at least. It’s… a long story.”
“One you won’t share with me?”
You cross your arms, shooting him a hard look. “I don’t know you.”
“Ah, yes. But I assume you intend to accompany Feyre everytime. One week a month for the rest of your life gives you plenty of time to know me.”
“I think I know enough.” You squeeze your arms, trying to ignore the way your heartbeat races at the idea of getting to know him.
“Do you make it a habit of assuming you know people based on what you’ve heard?”
“Do you make it a habit of being so obnoxious?” You huff, flinging your arms down to your side, temper stirring. The corner of his mouth quirks up into a smile as he tries not to laugh.
“Are you always so easily irritated?”
You snap, letting everything you’ve been holding in flood out. “You would be too if you were me! I have lost so much and I’m supposed to just smile and pretend I’m okay. That I don’t dream about my dead husband every night. It has barely been a year since he died and someone asked Tamlin if they could marry me. A year! I was with him for almost 100 years and people have the audacity to think I should move on because I can’t be miserable forever! Not to mention that without him, without his sacrifice, Feyre wouldn’t have been able to save anyone! Oh, and speaking of Feyre, I don’t think she wants to marry my brother. But she refuses to admit it and there's nothing I can do and she’s going to end up as trapped and miserable in Spring as I am! And I have nobody to tell this to because the only person who I could ever truly share my feelings with is dead! So I’m so sorry if I’m a little bit irritable.” You finish your rant, chest heaving. Rhysand just stares at you, a little wide eyed, at a loss for words. Suddenly realizing how much you had shared, you turn and run, heading anywhere but there, but he remains rooted to the spot.
He had felt it. Felt all your anger, frustration and anguish down the blossoming bond. Mate. You’re his mate. He lets out a shaky breath, turning to grip the railing, his heart dropping to the pit of his stomach. He couldn’t tell you. How could he when you had just shouted at him about how you're still grieving your husband? So this, like so many he already carried, would be his sole burden to bear.
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A/N: And there it is! I'm already working on chapter 3 and hope to have it posted sometime either this week or early next week. it's already a LONG one! As always, requests are open and feel free to send them on in!
Divider by @tsunami-of-tears
Taglist: @lilah-asteria @readingislife2006 @acourtofimagines @mistymoocow @irelanrose @darker-december @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @loving-and-dreaming
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
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ㅤ↬┊synopsis ... you had to write a poem for a class and, when your creativity betrayed you, you decided to ask your boyfriend for help.
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ㅤ⚘.fandom ... bts. ㅤㅤಇ.ft. ... yoongi x afab!reader. ㅤ⚘.genre ... one-shot. ㅤㅤಇ.content ... childhood friends & lovers (established relationship), fluff, just the complicity between u and yoongi. ㅤㅤಇ.word count ... 2k. ㅤ⚘.fandom ... ik as much abt writing poetry as ik abt quantum physics so u get no poem shoo shoo !! ps. dont mind the cringe :3 hope u enjoy ♡
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“Come on, Yoonie!” you let out a small laugh when Yoongi grimaced as he shook his arm out of your hands. “Help me.”
“So annoying,” Yoongi prolonged the last word in a dramatic cry that made you laugh one last time. “Okay, I’ll help you.”
You quickly sat down on the black sofa in Yoongi's studio, on your lap a small notebook eager to be filled, in your hand a pencil half corroded by your thoughts. Yoongi sat next to you, in his hand a bottle of partially drunk water, in his eyes a sparkle that only appeared when he was with you.
“What do you need to do?”
“The professor asked for a poem and we had to draw the theme out of a hat.”
“And you got…”
Your response was accompanied by a frown on your part.
Since you remembered that you were submerged in a vast ocean of verses and stanzas, all the themes that could exist building little huts in your heart, creating fragments in your soul that would be forever united by your love for writing. And you wanted to know more about this art. You wanted to be able to create like so many others before you. You wanted to give your creativity a purpose and, with Yoongi's encouragement, you joined creative writing classes at your university.
But, as with everything, the dream became more fantastic than reality.
It was part of the challenge and it made you excited, more eager to create. But it was also tiring, spending days and nights pondering words and themes that could very well carry with them empty meanings and silent beauties. You wrote in constant fear of not being interpreted, of not being worthy of interpretation, of creating something too vague to have any value.
Everything was challenging for you, all the poems you had written to date being the result of too many thoughts and too little passion. So, when you got a theme as common and used as love, you only saw a solution to truly create a piece of art – after all, love only existed for you with Yoongi by your side.
“I kinda feel offended by your reaction,” Yoongi forced a frown and you smiled.
“Don’t start, please,” you opened the notebook and took a deep breath. “How am I supposed to start?”
“You can start by…” Yoongi was thoughtful for a moment, involuntarily playing with the bottle in his hands. “Trying to describe what love is to you?”
Your silence was capable of speaking louder than any words you could have said – and that only made Yoongi let out a small laugh.
Adjusting himself on the couch to get closer to you, Yoongi looked at you curiously. You had a serene expression, but your eyes showed that all the threads inside you were trying to interconnect to form a simple description. Leaning his arm against the back of the sofa and holding his head, Yoongi looked at you amused.
“Do you need help?” Yoongi asked cordially, a smile lacing his words, his voice gently echoing through the studio.
“You know I’m terrible with feelings.”
“I’m no better.”
“But you write songs.”
“Because you inspire me!”
You already knew that. Yoongi had already told you countless times that great inspiration for his songs came from you, from the feeling he had for you; but that didn't stop you from reacting, completely embarrassed by your boyfriend's confession.
“Then give me tips!”
“I don't know!” Yoongi opened his arms in a dramatic way, fanning them to emphasize his speech. “I just feel it and the words come and the song gets written.”
You snorted to hide a smile and calmed down again, your back leaning against the sofa, your eyes jumping from the pencil to the blank page.
“And what do you feel?”
Your question hung in the air for a brief moment as Yoongi contemplated your words.
In Yoongi's mind, dozens of words began to appear quickly, constantly running over each other, wanting to be the first to be pronounced. In Yoongi's heart, dozens of emotions began to gently blossom, taking root in Yoongi, assuring his feelings for you.
The pause wasn't long, but for you it was an eternity.
The eagerness for an answer made your heart race. You were looking forward to Yoongi's words, not only to inspire you for your poem, but also to hear once again what you meant to him – it was always good to be reassured.
“At this moment…”
Yoongi's voice was hoarse, deep, gently sung by his delicate lips. The words were steeped in care and serenity. You could feel Yoongi's thoughts in his pronunciation, the way he was precisely selecting each word he spoke bringing a smile to your face.
“At this moment, I feel like a kid again.”
“A kid?” you gently tilted your head – of all the strings of words Yoongi could have said, that wasn't one that had crossed your mind.
“Yes,” Yoongi let out a laugh, nostalgia clinging to every syllable, memories of easier times clouding his studio. “Doesn’t this situation remind you of anything?”
Yoongi continued to look at you in love – there was no other word to describe it. The sparkle in Yoongi's eyes was completed by the genuine smile that slightly curved his sweet lips. Yoongi's words were filled with a gentleness that only existed when he spoke to you, about you.
You pondered Yoongi's words. Your boyfriend's voice echoed in your mind with some care, stretching out the syllables, trying to search your memories for the words you should say. And then you remembered.
“The first grade!”
You spoke happily, memories of your childhood painting nostalgic pictures in your head, vibrant colors of happy moments radiating warmth to your heart.
“The first grade,” Yoongi repeated between small laughs as he adjusted himself on the couch. “We spent our afternoons trying to learn math together.”
“And we were never successful.”
Your laughter settled into two broad, longing, passionate smiles.
“I never told you this…” Yoongi was the first to break the silence that rested in the studio, going back to shuffle on the sofa, playing with the bottle a little more. “But, I think I started to like you at that time.”
Your eyes opened in awe, your boyfriend's confession bringing a little warmth to your heart.
“Come on, Yoonie. We were kids. It’s impossible to like someone that way.”
Accompanied by laughter, your words shaped the atmosphere of the studio into a place of comfort, of safety, of confession.
“I’m serious,” Yoongi placed one of his hands on your leg, stroking it gently. “Already at that age I knew that I wanted to stay with you for the rest of my life.”
Like a dove's feather hovering gently on a hot summer day, Yoongi's confession remained in his study as it got to know every nook and cranny, spreading its warmth across the room and nuzzling your heart.
Stay with you for the rest of his life.
In a way, those words danced in your mind, a complex waltz of possible futures moving through the halls of memories. In a way, those words gave you a shy smile, a gentle curve of embarrassment beautifying your face. In a way, those words settled in your heart, a homely comfort soothing your soul.
For the rest of his life.
“And how did you know?”
Your tone of voice was provocative, causing Yoongi to smile smugly.
“Because it was when I was with you that I could see the world in colors.” Yoongi let the bottle fall into his lap, one of his hands shyly searching for yours. “I believe that my life only began the day I met you. I woke up every day looking forward to go to school just to see you. And it was when we started dating that I started thinking about a future for me, for us.”
There was a passionate smile on your lips, a shiny curve that infected Yoongi and encouraged him to gently caress the soft skin of your hand.
“What was love like as a kid?”
“Weird,” a wistful laugh left Yoongi’s lips, his eyes locked on a long-lived past. “I just thought about annoying you just to have an excuse to talk to you.”
“Is that why you always stole my pencils?”
Yoongi shrugged his shoulders with a false air of innocence and you laughed. “But when our friendship started to become more natural, I only thought about you. How it was only with you that I could be myself. How it was only with you that I could really have fun. How you were the only one who gave me a purpose to wake up every day.”
“Do you have any songs about me that you haven’t shown me yet?”
Yoongi laughed, a strong, pink tone taking over his cheeks as he let go of your hand and returned to holding the bottle.
“Let's take it easy. We were talking about your poem.”
“Come on, Yoongi,” you smiled and gently pinched his stomach. “Tell me your secrets!”
Your boyfriend sighed as he let a smile be etched on his face. “I have two. One of them I wrote when I was at school.”
He got up carefully, walking to his desk and picking up a black notebook that was already quite corroded by time: the pages were damaged by humidity and water, the cover was a little torn and folded – that notebook seemed to have been loved.
“I carry this notebook everywhere,” Yoongi sat down next to you again and placed the notebook on his lap, encouraging you to come closer to him. “It’s where I have my first thoughts and songs as a dreamer. Among them the first song I wrote.”
“Rest of my life”, you read Yoongi’s handwriting like an incantation, your lips pronouncing each syllable with the flavor of importance and passion seasoning the title of that song. “Why didn’t you ever show me?”
“I was ashamed. It’s not my best work, y’know?”
“But you still keep it.”
“Because it is my most genuine and heartfelt song.”
Yoongi looked at you and you returned the look. In the shine of your boyfriend's eyes you saw your future together, a home and a family, an eternity of passion and complicity; in the curve of your boyfriend's lips you saw your shared past, infinite stories and memories, an extensive melancholy of a passionate history.
Before you kissed Yoongi, you smiled.
Your lips touched lightly for just a moment but it was enough to send warm waves through your body. It was incredible that after so many years of friendship and dating, Yoongi still had that pleasurable effect on you.
“Can I read it?”
“No,” Yoongi laughed again and closed the notebook.
“Come on! Please, Yoonie.”
Yoongi looked at you thoughtfully, seeing in your pleading eyes and your innocent smile the whole reason for that song. “It was because of you that I started dreaming of a future.”
Somehow, you noticed in Yoongi's shy and reserved tone that those words weren't random, that behind each letter and timbre there was a memory dear to him, a memory of something that was reserved forever in his heart.
“The seeds you planted bloom in my heart. Gardens of tulip petals adorn my desire for a future. I always daydream immersed in swan lakes about a tomorrow with you. I only ask that you stay with me for the rest of my life.”
Even before Yoongi finished his quote, you kissed him again, passion and magic joining your lips in a new promise of love.
“You’re right,” you placed your forehead against Yoongi’s and let out a small laugh. “It’s not your best work.”
“I’m gonna hit you.”
Between laughs, Yoongi kissed you again, pulling away quickly when the memory of the reason for your visit appeared in his mind.
“We’ve already talked about me, let’s go back to the poem.”
“I think I understand what I have to do,” your pencil twirled in your hand as words began to unite a web of thoughts inside your heart. “I just have to remember all the ways you love me and make me feel loved.”
Yoongi kissed your forehead before leaving you immersed in feelings and phrases, a little encouragement from Yoongi before he returned to his work.
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ㅤㅤ♡ feedback is appreciated ♡
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myfictionaldreams · 11 months
Day 23: Deepthroat & FaceSitting - Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
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Summary: It's Eddie's birthday, and all he wants is for you to sit on his face.
Tags: 18+ readers only, smut, fluff, polyamorous, oral (f and m receiving), deepthroat, facesitting, overstimulated
masterlist 📚 
kinktober masterlist😈 
AO3 Link 
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“Happy birthday, pretty boy”, you greet whilst kissing Eddie’s stubbled jaw as his eyes slowly begin to open as he wakes up from his deep slumber.
As he starts to feel less disorientated, his cheeky grin spreads across his handsome face, displaying his cute dimples. Tilting his head lower so he could look at you, his thick, husky voice welcomed you, “Thank you, Sweetheart”. He still seemed somewhat dishevelled, having come in late last night from one of his gigs, hair curling in all directions, eyeliner clumped on his lower lashes and wristbands still circling his wrists.
Your cheek pressed harder to his shoulder, fingers stroking up and down the warmth of his bare chest before trying to push some of his curly dark hair out of his eyes so you could see him correctly. Finally, being able to see his beautiful puppy-dog eyes, you grip his cheeks between your thumb and forefinger and squeeze together, pursing his lips and kissing them quickly, multiple times, until he's smiling and pulling your leg higher up his body so you’re practically on top of him.
A soft snore draws both of your attention to the man sleeping with his back to you as Steve is still fast asleep. Both of you watch with adoration and love before looking back at each other, talking more quietly, being mindful not to wake the other man.
“I hope you’re ready for a fun day today. You can do whatever you want”.
“Oh yeah? Anything, huh?” Eddie asks, still sounding drowsy from being asleep, his hand moving down your spine to cup your hip, caressing circles into the skin with the tips of his calloused fingers.
Nodding your head, you confirmed, “Anything at all, starting with breakfast. What would you like, eggs? Bacon? I could drive to the store and get something else, whatever you want, Eddie”.
His eyes lowered to stare at your lips, “Well, all I want to eat right now is you”.
Under his intense gaze, you hide your face into his neck, grinning and kissing his jaw. “Really? Everything in the world, and you want to eat me?”
Eddie pouts dramatically, tucking his finger under your chin so you are forced to look back at him, “You know I’m addicted to your taste. Stop keeping your pretty pussy from me and let me eat you out”.
“Eddie, it’s your birthday! Why am I getting all the treats?”.
Eddie playfully rolls his eyes, lifting his head so that your lips meet in a fierce kiss, his tongue immediately begging for entrance, which you willingly accept, parting your lips to greet his tongue with your own.
Eddie spoke between lip movements as your heads tilted to deepen the kiss further. “You know that this is my version of a treat; I just want to taste you, Sweetheart”.
“Mmm”, came the lazy groan from the other side of the bed as Steve began to stir, “is this the kind of morning we’re having?” The kiss breaks so you can both look over to see Steve has turned onto his back, his hair covering half of his face as he grins at the two of you.
“Did you think it would be any other way, big boy?” Eddie wiggled his eyebrows in jest towards Steve, who smiled back, rolling over to kiss the birthday boy and then to your cheek, which you leaned into.
Steve collapses back onto the bed with a soft bounce, rubbing the sleep from his eyes before looking between you and Eddie. “So what were you saying? Who is getting the treat?”
“Eddie said he wants to eat me for his breakfast, but I said that’s not fair considering it’s HIS birthday and I’m getting the treat”, you explained to Steve.
Eddie groans, cutting off whatever it was that Steve was about to say as he cups your face, pulling you closer to his body, “But you know how much I love it when you sit on my face, please!”
Steve rolls onto his side, gripping Eddie’s cheeks and squishing them together similarly to how you had only a few moments ago. “How could you say no to this face?”. As you giggle at Eddie’s annoyed expression, Steve moves again, sitting up completely to pull the bedsheet off Eddie and your lower half. “How about a compromise? You sit on Eddie’s face, and I’ll suck him off”.
Eddie all but beamed as he looked between yours and Steve’s face. “Wow, I am the birthday boy if you’re saying yes to sucking me off, Stevie”.
“Shut up, Munson, I suck you off all the time”.
Eddie shrugs and grins, shuffling further into the bed to prepare for his birthday morning antics. Biting your lip, you hastily sat up, glad to have decided to sleep naked last night. With one hand in Steve’s and the other in Eddie’s, they both help you to crawl up Eddie’s body until you look down between your thighs and Eddie’s happy face is beaming up at you.
Holding onto the headrest of the bed to keep yourself balanced, you lowered your pussy as Eddie wrapped his hands around your thighs, pulling you down until his tongue was pressing against your folds. You suck in a quick breath, feeling the tip of his tongue applying pressure, parting your labia to delve deeper.
It always felt so much more intimate when you were sitting on either Steve's or Eddie’s face, mainly because it meant you had to have some sort of control by forcing yourself to stay lower. You were also worried that you’d accidentally smother them in this position, but Eddie only tugged your thighs harder so that your clit pushed onto his nose, causing your hips to jerk at the sensation.
Eddie was always much more of a harder lover, sucking fiercely, biting the tops of your thighs to make you clench around his head harder. However, if it were Steve, he’d be pressing sweet kisses over your pussy, teasing you until you finally snapped and begged for more.
Speaking of Steve, he was currently lying on his stomach between Eddie’s spread legs. One hand on the base of the proud standing cock and his mouth on the tip, tongue circling the sensitive little nerves that had Eddie thrusting up. Steve took Eddie inch by inch, having a magical throat with no limits, so whilst looking over your shoulder, you watched the man take the entire length of Steve until his nose was hidden in the dark curl of Eddie’s pubes.
The man beneath you groaned so loudly that it vibrated against your clit that he was sucking on without holding back. You could feel a gush of fluid dripping out of your cunt which Eddie then greedily slurped, moaning once more to the taste that he craved so much.
Eddie felt like he was in his own personal heaven. The people he loved most in the world pleasured him in their way; he didn’t know which God he needed to kiss, but he was willing to do it for a birthday beginning like this. Steve was so skilful with his mouth and tongue that Eddie was holding back his release already. And then to watch his favourite girl, withering above him, eyes closed and hips jirating against his face, Eddie didn’t want it to end.
Even though Steve couldn’t see Eddie’s face, he sure as hell could hear how much he was enjoying the pleasure, the deep grounds rumbling all the way down his chest. Eddie’s thighs were also shaking, which was another sign that he was thoroughly enjoying it to the point that he was holding back on cumming. Steve knew this all too well and took it upon himself to do everything possible to make Eddie lose this battle and cum before you did.
With a loud slurp and pop, Steve sucked off the end of Eddie’s cock, but only so he could wrap his fist around the length, squeezing and pumping as his mouth moved to his balls, pulling them both into his mouth and licking the sack with his tongue. Eddie’s cock hardened and throbbed, and Steve smiled around the balls, knowing that Eddie was very close.
Your head tipped back, fingers gripping the headboard for dear life as your hips moved in time with Eddie’s tongue pressing into your dripping hole. One of his hands supported your thighs then moved, so you watched over your shoulder as Eddie gripped a handful of Steve’s hair, forced him off his balls, and back onto his length, pushing him down so he was deepthroating him again.
The sight had your mouth dropping in amazement as Steve hardly seemed phased by it until he was desperate for air, tapping onto Eddie’s thigh, where the man then released his hold and let Steve come up for some air.
“Eddie! Right there, I’m so close”, you begged, riding his face, pressing down even harder but for once, not caring if you were smothering him as you were so damn close to that beautiful feeling. Everything seemed to tighten, your walls and your abdomen, even your thighs, tensed in preparation as Eddie blissfully sucked on your clit and pressed the tip of his wet tongue against the stimulated nerves.
Your back arched at first as the pulses began, but then it became too much as Eddie teased your sensitive pussy so you had to quickly shuffle backwards on unsteady knees until you ungracefully sat on his chest. Hands between your legs, you held onto the area, eyebrows furrowed, and mouth gaped with a steady stream of curses.
Eddie’s eyes were blazing, watching the sit and feeling the wetness of your cunt from his mouth and your natural juices spreading over his chest as your ride out your orgasm. Steve then retook Eddie's length and tightened his throat, sucking as harshly as he could, and Eddie couldn’t hold back anymore. The grip on Steve’s head was nearly painful with how hard he was pushing it down, his mouth now wide with moans as he came now his boyfriend's throat and not one drip of cum was wasted as he swallowed the whole lot.
You rolled off of Eddie, lying your head on the pillow as you tried to catch your breath, watching Steve as he popped off the end of the softening cock, his cheeks pink, limps plump and smiling to both of you.
“Well, happy fucking birthday to me”, Eddie grins at the two of you with his arm behind his head.
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outermaybanks · 3 months
jj shows kook!reader what she's missing part 3 part one ★ part two
a/n: this just seemed to be the natural place to take the story... honestly i am enjoying this couple so if you have any requests/ideas for them lmk. warnings for smut (i had to sorry)
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“So, how’d your parents take it? Do I still have a job?” JJ asked as you got out of your car, not even giving you time to close your car door. “My mom was surprisingly supportive…” you answer with a sigh. Today had been the day you and JJ had been waiting for for over a month, you were going to tell your parents JJ Maybank was your boyfriend. You expected your father to be okay, and your mother to be the one to throw the fit, but you got the opposite, your father was the one saying you should be with someone with ‘more potential’, and your mother said she always liked JJ, but you didn’t know if you wanted to tell him that. 
“That wasn’t really an answer…” JJ murmured, taking his hat off to run his hand through his hair. You took a deep breath and then turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Of course you still have a job, JJ. Don’t forget who’s really in charge over there… my dad just needs to warm up to the idea, get to know you like I do.” JJ put his hands on your waist, the two of you swaying slightly. “I don’t think you want your dad to know me quite as well as you do.”
You couldn’t fight off a giggle, “Jayyyyy”, you whined, JJ pressed his forehead to yours. “What’ll it take, mamas? Extra shifts? Dinner with the family? What do I gotta do to win your pops over?” “Well… you could always make a good impression at the End of Summer Party.”
JJ’s head fell back in a dramatic groan, making you roll your eyes before his head snapped back up. “Fine. I’ll do it. But I won’t have fun.” “What if I can promise you fun after?” you ask, tilting your head and looking up at him. JJ shook his head in disbelief, a smile taking over his face. “You are something else, y/n, you know that?” You smiled and stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “Don’t forget it, Maybank.”
The End of Year party was hosted by the family knighted at Midsummer’s, this year, that was the Cameron’s. When you told your parents you were bringing JJ, your mother was happy, but your father went silent. He had never acted this way towards you. Your father had always lavished in everything you did, so proud of you, unlike most fathers on Figure Eight, his love for you wasn’t just shown through money. He had even been supportive when you said you had started dating a nice boy, but his smile fell when you told him it was JJ. 
But he didn’t oppose. And when JJ showed up that evening, in a white button up and black dress pants no less, your father did his best to appear supportive, even if that meant saying nothing more than a greeting. But JJ wasn’t an idiot, and he had actually had a pretty decent relationship with your father before this, so he knew what your dad’s silence really meant.
But despite that, JJ was on his best behavior. 
“So, Mr. y/l/n, I, uh… I noticed you checking out the Cameron’s boat. Thinking of upgrading?” JJ tried to talk to your dad about common interests. “JJ knows a lot about boats,” you added, hoping to pique your father’s interest and get a conversation going. “Hm. You have a boat, JJ?” your father asked, bringing his lager glass up to his lips. “No, uh, just work on a lot, sir. My dad used to captain a 1983 Formula 402 SR1-” My dad chuckled, and the sound made your blood boil. “I don’t know if I’d say ‘captain’ is the right term for it.” “Dad…” “It’s fine, y/n,” JJ whispered to you, before clearing his throat, and giving a small forced chuckle. “Right, of course, sir.”
You didn’t like this. You didn’t like any part of this. Why was your dad being the biggest asshole ever? Why was JJ not being… JJ? The only logical explanation was he was trying to make a good impression on your parents, which meant he was hindering himself for you.
“Actually, it’s not. Dad, JJ is the hardest working person I’ve ever met, you don’t get to talk down to him just because you have more money than him. It isn’t okay. JJ makes me happy, and I want you to treat him with respect.” Your mother’s eyes widened, but other than that was expressionless, you couldn’t tell what she was thinking as she looked to your father, who quickly cleared his throat, before pulling you aside, out of earshot from your mother and JJ.
“Sweetheart… I love you more than anything. All I want is your happiness… and your security. I think JJ is a fine man, sure… but you need someone who can take care of you, give you a good life, and I don’t know if he can. Maybe this is my fault, hiring him-” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, but you knew you were done hearing it. Without a word, you turned on your heel and walked away from him, returning to where you had left JJ with your mother, and pulled him away mid conversation.
“We’re leaving, right now,” you huffed. “Yes ma’am,” JJ replied, following after you to his bike. He handed you his helmet then helped you pick up your dress before climbing and holding his hand out to help you onto the back. “Y/N! Y/N!” you heard and turned to see your father running towards you. “JJ, go!” “You sure?” “Yes! Go, drive!”
JJ didn’t need to be told twice, his bike’s engine roaring to life as his wheels ruined the grass before he sped off. As he drove down the road you knew lead to the Chateau, you leaned your head against his shoulder, it was in this moment you realized just how much JJ meant to you, you would throw everything away for him.
When the two of you arrived at the Chateau, JJ helped you off the bike and took his helmet off of you, and you immediately wrapped your arms around JJ, causing him to stumble back a bit before he stabilized. “Wooaahh, there. You okay, princess?” You nodded the best you could with your head still against him. “I just… I didn’t like the way he talked to you. I’m never gonna let anyone talk about you like that.” You lifted your head to look up at him, he was staring down at you with focused eyes before his hand moved to cup your cheek before he pressed his lips to yours. Your hands rested against his chest, then raised to his neck as he deepened the kiss.
“Where have you been all my life, y/n y/l/n?” JJ asked with panting breath after the two of you separated. “Locked up with the kooks, but you found me anyway,” you answered softly. “Damn right I did,” JJ once again dove down to press his lips to yours, this time, he leaned down to pick you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you inside the Chateau, small giggles escaping you. 
He carried you to the hammock, attempting to sit and hold you on his lap, but the sway of the hammock caused you both to fall back, with you on top of JJ, the hammock still swinging as you and JJ just stared into each other’s eyes.
“I love you, JJ. I don’t care how my dad feels about it, I don’t care how anyone except you feels about it,” you say softly, your thumb gently caressing his cheek. JJ’s eyes widened as he sat up a bit. “You love me?” You bit your lip, then nodded softly. “I do… you don’t have to say it back or anything. I just wanted you to know.”
A smile slowly crept onto his lips. “C’mere,” he said, pulling you back down for another kiss. You couldn’t help but giggle against his lips, this time sliding your hands down his chest. “I believe I promised you some fun after the party,” you mumbled between kisses. JJ raised an eyebrow as he smirked at you. “Ever have sex in a hammock?”
You bit your lip excitedly as you shook your head no.
When you and JJ first made your relationship official, it took a minute for the two of you to have sex, but after the first time, it was constant. JJ just got you, which was something you had never felt with anyone before. 
JJ helped the two of you readjust, laying vertically and allowing you to lay comfortably on top of him, straddling his lap. “Your dress is really pretty,” JJ breathed out as his hands carefully worked on his belt. “Mmm, thank you,” you mumbled against the skin of the neck you were currently marking. “You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.”
Hidden by your dress, JJ managed to push his pants down to his knees. You couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan as you started to rut yourself against the thin fabric that separated you from JJ’s delicious cock. “You’re so fucking hot, princess. So dirty for a Kook,” JJ said softly, his hands gripping your waist, encouraging your movement. 
“Shut up and fuck me, J,” you mumbled, reaching down and under your dress to pull your panties aside. “Someone’s worked up, huh?” JJ teased, but still he got to work, lining himself at your entrance, then moving his hands to your waist to help you sink down on him, a soft hiss coming from him.
You let your head fall back at the feeling of being full by him. This was exactly what you needed. Usually, JJ was completely in charge in the bedroom, but he could tell that wasn’t what you needed right now, you needed to get your anger out. You didn’t give either of you a moment to adjust, using JJ to steady yourself as you began rocking your hips. “I hate him. I can’t.. Ugh.. believe him!” you grunted with each snap of your hips. “Fuck him. I’ll be your daddy,” JJ said before pulling you down to his lips, his hands sliding down to your thighs only to slip under your dress and paw at the flesh of your ass as he began thrusting up into you. JJ kissed down your jaw to your neck while you let your head fall into his shoulder, eyes still closed. “Fuck! You feel so good, JJ,” you purred, grinding your hips against him. The more you loved JJ, the more anger you felt towards your father. How could he think so badly of the man you loved?
“I love you, y/n, so fucking much. Fuck your dad.” You were so close, you could feel it in your stomach. “Please, JJ, please, so close.”
JJ’s hand came up clumsily to grab your chin, turning you to look at him for another kiss as his pace became merciless. You let out a soft cry as you came, but it was muffled by his lips. JJ’s orgasm came quickly after yours, but the two of you stayed together like that for a while, your head resting on JJ’s chest as he played with your hair.
“You mean it, J?” you asked softly looking up at him through your lashes. “‘Course I did, princess. And I’m gonna figure out a way to fix things with your dad.” “Don’t bother. Fuck him.” JJ’s eyebrows raised, “I thought that was just the adrenaline talkin’.” “No, I’m serious. I don’t need him, or anything from him if he can’t accept that I love you.” JJ’s mouth ticked up at the corners, his hand sliding up your cheek. “How’d I get so lucky?” You smile before sitting up, lifting yourself off JJ before carefully getting off the hammock, fixing your dress. JJ sat up and watched you for a second before getting up. 
“Maybe I could just… steal all of his money,” you said dreamily, making JJ chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his moved to your  waist. “We could buy a boat, sail to Mexico, buy a huge ass house-” JJ added, making you smile. “But I think, for now, we have to settle with taking you back to that party.” You let out a small whine, but you knew he was right. You couldn’t run from facing your parents. “I’ll stay by your side, princess. I promise,” JJ said softly before pressing his lips to your head. You let out a soft sigh, “Fine…”
JJ mimicked your pout before pressing a peck to your lips. “It’ll be fun, looking your dad in the eye, knowing my cum is drenching your panties as we speak.” Your eyes widened as your face became hot. “JJ!” you scolded, making him laugh before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
The ride back to the Cameron’s had you gripping JJ ever so slightly tighter than usual. If you were honest, there’s was a part of you terrified that your dad would just magically make JJ disappear from your life, so desperate to hold on to him. \
When JJ parked his bike, he helped you climb off and you took a deep breath before taking his hand to walk back into the party. Your eyes first found your mother, one hand holding her cell phone up to her ear while the other held a wine glass. When her eyes met yours, her jaw dropped before muttering something to the person on the other end and hanging up, quickly making her way towards you.
“I’m sorry I ran away but I-” you were cut off by an ‘oof’ leaving you as your mother wrapped her arms around you. “We were so worried, sweetheart. Your father’s at the house right now, waiting for you.” You pushed yourself away from her. “It’s his fault I ran away in the first place! Did he tell you? Did he tell you the terrible things he said about JJ?”
Your mother gave you a sympathetic look before giving one to JJ. “Sweetheart, there’s things you don’t understand.” “What I don’t understand is how you guys can raise me the way you did, to think I should do whatever makes me happy, but when I finally find it, you don’t approve.” “I approve!” your mother tried to save. “I adore JJ, you know that.” “Appreciate that, ma’am,” JJ spoke up. “Dad doesn’t. I never knew he could be so… so… bigoted!” “y/n y/l/n! Do you seriously think that? Your father has done nothing but be open minded, hiring them left and right, giving them raises, helping them-” “Then why won’t he let me be happy with JJ?” “Because, y/n! He knows what it’s like to struggle, and he doesn’t want you to go through that! Everything he has done was to make sure you wouldn’t struggle like he did.”
That silenced you rather quickly. 
Your mother let out a deep breath before taking another sip from her wine glass. “When I met your father… He didn’t have a dollar to his name, jumping from job to job, crashing on people’s couches… I liked that he wasn’t like the rich boys, entitled. When we wanted to get married, he had to beg for my father’s approval, and… he didn’t get it. But we got married anyway. And when we became pregnant with you, he had to man up and go back to my father to grovel for money, for a job, and my father never let him live it down ‘til the day he died. All of it, all the embarrassment, the hard work, it was all so you would never have to struggle.”
Your face screwed up in confusion; sure, you knew your family’s money was inherited through the family business, but you never heard the version of the story where your dad didn’t also come from money. You felt your hand be squeezed, and looked up to see JJ staring down at you, his eyes all the reassurance you needed.
“Why… Why did I never know that?” Your mother sighed, almost impatiently. “Because what good would it have done? He was already embarrassed, he didn’t need his daughter to think he was a failure.” Another sigh. “Sweetie, just give your father some time. He’ll come around, I promise.” She put a hand gently on your shoulder, pulling you in for another hug. As your chin rested on her shoulder, you tried to make sense of the new information. 
You heard the beep beep of a car and you looked up to see your dad coming across the yard, heading straight towards you. You crossed your arms, a physical manifestation of you putting your walls back up to protect JJ. To hell with what your mom said, if your dad was going to take his insecurities out on JJ, then none of it mattered.
As your dad reached you, you opened your mouth to voice your feelings, but he beat you to the punch. “I’m sorry. JJ, I apologize. Sincerely. I became something I never wanted to be: my father in law. You have done nothing to deserve such harsh judgement, and I wish I could take it back, but I’m hoping… you’ll give me another chance to show you I’m not like that.” Your father held his hand out.
You felt like it was a dream, too perfect to be true. JJ stumbled a bit, looking between you and your father before shaking his hand. “Sounds good to me, sir.”
Your dad smiled then turned to you, the worried look returning to his eyes. “Sweetheart… I’m sorry I was harsh. I just want you to be taken care of, I want you to have a full life, full of opportunities, to be happy.” “That’s the thing, daddy, JJ makes me happy, and it’d make me really happy if the two of you got along.” Your dad’s smile returned, before he pulled you into a hug. Your eyes moved to your mother, who looked relieved, then to JJ who had a smug smile on his face. 
Your dad decided their fresh start would start immediately, losing time in a conversation about boats you couldn’t care less about, but you were so grateful they were talking. You decided to stand beside your mother. “Told you,” she said smugly, swishing her wine around in her glass. Your eyebrows furrowed together, eyes still watching JJ and your dad. “How did you know?” “Because your dad hated my father. I knew eventually your dad would realize who he sounded like.” You smiled to yourself, then quickly interjected yourself between them, muttering an apology as you lead JJ away.
“Woah! C’mon, princess, me and your dad were finally vibin’,” JJ said as he allowed you to pull him, all the way to the dancefloor. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Mmmm, I decided I needed some JJ time.” “Ohhhh, that’s right. Forgot that you’re really the one in charge,” JJ teased making you giggle, his hands resting on your waist as his forehead leaned against yours. “Nothing between us anymore, princess.” “Mmm just the way I like it,” you said, before pressing your lips to your boyfriend, uncaring of who saw or what they thought.
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Trust & Tension (pt.1?)
Bakugo slams the front door with a force that makes the walls tremble just as I attach one of my earrings to my lobe. His brooding demeanor is a clear sign he’s heard about my upcoming mission.
"I don't want you going," he growls, his eyes darting toward Kirishima and Kaminari, who are standing in the corner of the room. Kirishima, ever the peacemaker, steps forward, trying to calm his best friend.
"I'll take good care of her, man. You don't need to worry, trust me," Eijiro says, his voice soothing and steady, attempting to extinguish his friend's temper. Unfortunately, Eijiro's words do little to manage Katsuki's current mood.
Kirishima reaches out to pat Bakugo on the shoulder in a gesture of comfort, but my rude-ass boyfriend shoves him away.
Bakugo's jaw tightens, his gaze fixed on a spot somewhere beyond me. "It's not about trust. It's about control," he mutters.
I gently cup his face, turning it so his eyes meet mine. "You can't control everything, Suki. You have to let go sometimes and trust that we can handle ourselves. I can handle myself."
His eyes soften for a moment. "This is serious; I'd rather go instead of you," he admits quietly, the vulnerability in his voice surprising me.
"Do you remember who I am?," I question him, leaning in closer. " I'm technically ranked higher then you. I'll be back before you know it Ksuki."
Bakugo's hands come up to grip my wrists, holding them as if he’s afraid I'll disappear any second. "You better," he says, his voice a low growl. "I'm hearing chatter that it's more serious then we're being told."
"I'll be okay," I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "And when I get back, we'll go on that vacation you keep talking about. Just you and me, no missions, no villains."
His lips twitch into a reluctant smile. "You better keep that promise too."
"I will," I repeat, feeling a sense of resolve wash over me. "Now, let me go save the world, okay?"
Bakugo lets out a frustrated sigh but finally nods. "Fine. But if anything goes wrong, you call me immediately. Got it?"
"Got it," I say, giving him one last reassuring smile before stepping back. "See you soon, Suki."
As I turn to go sit back down, I catch sight of Kirishima and Kaminari in the corner, holding each other in a mock embrace, mimicking our gestures with exaggerated expressions of longing.
"Oh, Suki, I can't bear to be apart from you!" Kirishima says in a high-pitched voice, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically.
"Don't leave me, honeybun!" Kaminari replies, clutching Kirishima as if his life depends on it.
Bakugo's eyes narrow, and a growl escapes his throat. "Knock it off, idiots!" He grabs a box of tissues and hurls it in their direction, smacking one of them in the head.
Kirishima and Kaminari burst into laughter, their playful antics breaking the tension in the room. "We're just trying to lighten the mood man." Kirishima snickers.
"Yeah, we’ve got her back, Bakugo. You can count on us," Kaminari adds, a grin tugging at his lips.
Bakugo rolls his eyes, but a small smirk appears on his face. "You better," he mutters, though the edge in his voice has softened.
"Thanks, guys. I appreciate it." I laugh, feeling a bit of the tension ease from my shoulders.
"Anytime," Kirishima smiles with a thumbs-up. "Now, let’s get ready to kick some ass."
I take one last look at Bakugo, his expressions a complex mix of love, worry, and reluctant acceptance.
"Take care of yourself, Suki," he says softly, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that words alone can’t convey.
"I will," I promise, giving him a final, reassuring kiss.
I have this already set up to be 2 or 3 parts, do you guys want another chapter?
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thesoleilla · 4 months
Hello I am very fond of your writing style lately and wanted to drop a request :) I would really like if you do one this in Gojo or Dazai
Going on shopping with them
Writing their name on their palm
slow dancing
souvenir from travels
Please I will really appreciate if you did any two of them or just club them all in one up to you how you do them. Hope you have a great day <333
Souvenir from a trip | Dazai x Reader
As a member of a detective agency, Dazai often had to travel around Japan which meant, he was away a lot, leaving you alone, in an empty miserable apartment.
Everytime he came back, your home filled up with life again. Sure, he made a mess, but that was what made this damn apartment feel like home. It felt as if he never left. And he himself acted like he never left. Never once did he say he missed you, or even told you about what he did. He never even asked what you did, which hurt the most. He simply didn't seem to care. Perhaps he did, maybe he didn't. You thought dating him would help uncover all of the mysteries, turns out he just created others. He probably did care, you knew it, but never getting that simple confirmation made you ache. You weren't asking for much, just wanted to be sure he missed you, and that life was harder without you.
As a result of this behaviour, here you were, sitting on the couch of your empty apartment, among the many candy wrappers and papers, mindlessly watching the tv, or more like zoning out to the TV. If someone asked, you wouldn't even be able to tell them what you were watching. But it brought a bit of light to your eyes, action to this place, the only bit of life you could get.
You just craved life, and seeing other humans interacting on your stream made it feel slightly more real.
That was, until you heard the tingling sound of keys unlocking the door. Right, today was the day he was supposed to come back - somehow, you managed to forget that piece of information. Maybe you just... didn't care anymore. Usually, you'd be rushing towards the door to greet him excitedly, but you simply couldn't find the strength for that right now. It just happened too many times. You knew he wouldn't reciprocate your excitement, why even try? And so, you just kept sitting on that damn couch, occasionally sneaking a pic at the door being opened.
"Y/NNNN!!! Oh, how I've missed you!!!" ... Huh? Dazai was now rushing towards you, a big bag in his hands, which he carefully put down on the table before purposefully falling down on top of you, hugging you tight.
"...What are you doing?"
"What? Am I not allowed to miss my sweet, dearest Y/N?!" He faked his shock dramatically, which would usually make you cheer up and forget everything. Unfortunately, today wasn't usual.
"...Why now, out of nowhere?"
"Because I, Dazai Osamu, the greatest boyfriend ever, got back my souvenirs!" He kept up his dramatic theatrical tone, which started working on you.
"Got back...? 'samu, you better explain yourself."
"Open the bag, and you'll find the answer your heart desires!" He said, almost forcing the bag into your hands, and, oh Lord was it heavy.
You eventually started looking inside, finding a souvenir from every place he has been too in the past few years. Mugs, badges, keychains, patches... You name it, he had it.
"Why not give me this before..?"
Dazai rolled his eyes "Alas, you should refer to the very evil coworker Kunikkida who kept taking them from me and said I could only have them back when I was done with my work!"
You rolled your eyes as well, sighing and chuckling before burying your face into his chest.
"You're an idiot sometimes. I was scared, dumbass... Why did you never tell me you missed me though?"
Dazai pushed up imaginary glasses onto his nose with a slug grin. "Well, that would be meaningless without a gift wouldn't it?"
You chuckled at his antics, squeezing him tighter.
"Well, don't do that again. You scared the crap out of me.."
"Okay, I promise." He let go of his over the top tone, almost whispering as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Heyyy! Heavily apologize for the very late response, as always, I'm still catching up on requests and just don't have a lot of times to dedicate to writing. Hope you enjoyed this, you all take care and have a great day!
After today, you found yourself with an healthier relationship, and a whole lot of mugs.
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scarasbaefy · 1 year
chars; scaramouche/wanderer
; fem reader, angst
note; I AM NEW TO THIS !! i neefd more angst i love angst so im doing it myself. emoly if u see this, HI !!!
sitting on the bed you shared with your “husband” is all you seemed to do these past few months. scaramouche is rarely ever home. when he is, he doesn’t even bother to greet you. not a smile on his face, and no word is exchanged between you. there hasn’t been any intimacy either. no kisses, no loving touches.
“why don't you just leave him? it’s obvious you’re miserable.” tartaglia said as he seen you walk out the infirmary. he had no idea what he was talking about. he doesn't even know the feeling of loving someone so much that you don’t want to let go. “i love him.” you stated, no emotion present in your voice. who can blame you? you were in a loveless relationship. tartaglia felt bad for you but didn’t say anything more. you stared at his back, watching him as he continued to walk down the hall. everyone was worried sick at your depressed state, except of course scaramouche.
tartaglias words lingered in your mind. maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask scaramouche why he was acting this way towards you. was it the girl everyone had been talking about? you’d occasionally hear other harbingers talk about a mysterious traveler ruining their plans. 
you walked back to your room with the mystery girl in your mind. sometimes you would read reports from scaramouches missions that had been mailed in for filing. the way he wrote about her and complimented her skills made you slightly jealous. ‘it’s okay,” you told yourself, “soon, she’ll be the furthest thing from his mind!”
before him becoming distant, he would talk to you with the happiest look on his face. he would bring you gifts and strike down anyone who dared to look at you the wrong way, never failing to bring butterflies to your stomach. the memories of the past made you tear up. “i miss my husband.” you whispered as you rubbed your stomach, trying to soothe the sudden cramp you had been getting for a while now.
“i’m right here. stop crying. it’s making you look pathetic.” scaramouche said as he slammed the door shut. “do you know how embarrassing it is having a crybaby wife like you? lumine would never do this. everyone looks at us with pity and i hate it, and it’s all your fault,” his words dripped with venom. 
you felt your heart drop. you didn’t know he was coming home today. the plan to tell him the news you found out from the infirmary suddenly slipped out of your mind, fear of what he’d do to you replacing its spot. 
“i-i.. when did you arrive? i thought you wouldn’t be coming home for another week or so,” you said as you wiped the tears from your eyes. 
scaramouche walked in front of you, grabbing ur face with one hand while rubbing the tears away rather harshly. you immediately tried prying yourself away from him. “stop! you’re hurting me!” you shouted, grabbing his wrists and forcing his hands off your face. “oh give me a break,” he started, “now i can’t even wipe your tears away without you acting dramatic? isn’t this what you want anyways? god, how much more useless can you get? if i knew you were going to become like this, i wouldn’t have married you. id rather walk this land alone a thousand times and witness my friends get killed, than to be seen with a person like you.” your heart dropped for a second time. this time, the aching pain lingered longer. 
you slowly smiled at him. one of those smiles you give when you’ve had enough. months without him talking to you and this is how he treats you? scaramouche furrowed his eyebrows at your reaction. no one should be happy after being insulted. 
“okay.” you said, the smile turning into a bitter expression. you stood up and shoved him away from you. “take your lousy ring,” you took the ring off your finger and threw it towards his feet, “i’m sick of this, and you, and everything you haven’t done. i haven’t done anything to you to deserve this,” scaramouche stood there with a surprised face. he stumbled as he reached to catch your ring, regret immediately washing over him. never in a million years did he think you’d be capable of talking back. you’re a sweet person with no room for hate. “don’t look for me,” you continued, “don’t follow me. don’t even bother mentioning my name,” you made your way towards the door, hand reaching for the doorknob, “and by the way, don’t be surprised when one of your subordinates reports back to you telling you they spotted me with an infant that resembles you.” the electro vision on your back flickered before the sound of thunder roared and lightning replacing where your body once stood, teleporting you out of the building.
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raineandsky · 6 months
The villain lets out an audible groan that inevitably raises their manager’s eyebrow. A short ball of fury, basically straight out of college. Not too unlike the villain. “Is it in my contract that I’m allowed to ignore you?”
“It’s not.” He gives them a moment where he clearly expects them to turn around. They don’t. “I need you to train up the new guy.”
“Do I have to?”
Their manager nudges someone forward as they turn. “‘Fraid so. You’ve been here the longest.”
No, that’s you, the villain’s about to say. But then their eyes fall on the new hire, who looks like she’s already regretting every life decision she’s ever made. What the hell is a hero doing in a burger joint?
“Okay,” the manager adds after a long moment, “staring is rude, [Villain]. Let’s dial it back.”
Their name jolts them out of their stupor. “I– yeah, sorry. I just, uh, recognise her from, uh…” The hero waits expectantly. Their manager tips his head curiously. “… high school.”
“Oh! Old acquaintances.” The manager claps his hands like this solves everything. “Lots of catching up to do, huh? I’ll leave you guys here then—and [Villain], please, for the love of god, train her up at least a bit amidst the chatting.”
The manager gives the hero a friendly pat on the back before throwing the villain a quick smile and disappearing around the door again.
The hero stares blankly at the villain. The villain stares equally blankly straight back. “Do you work here?” the hero asks eventually.
The villain doesn’t feel too inclined to answer that. “Do you?” they shoot back.
The hero clicks her tongue, shuffling on her feet. “Why don’t you show me how the fryers work before I have to kill you for getting too personal?”
“Ah, yes, the fryers.” The villain turns to the bubbling pot of oil next to them. “Hot enough to cook chips and to dissolve a body in.”
The hero’s face scrunches up seemingly on instinct, and the villain can’t help but laugh. “Don’t worry,” they say with forced friendliness, “I change the oil before I cook food in it.”
“Okay,” the hero says like she’s three seconds from throwing up. “Is there someone else here who can show me stuff?”
“You wish,” the villain jeers. “Manager’s busy, you saw him. Only other guy here only works on Thursdays and Sundays.”
“It’s Thursday today.”
“Exactly. Not what I’d call reliable. I, however” — the villain does a twirl for dramatic effect — “am here… more often than I am willing to tell you.”
“Well.” The hero smirks, the kind of expression no one wants to see on a hero’s face. “I’m sure I’ll figure out when you’re here if I stop by enough. What, is it full time? Does villainy pay peanuts?”
The villain refrains from the urge to punch her. “Does the agency?”
The hero’s mocking expression turns flat. “I’m here undercover,” she says plainly.
“I recognised you immediately.”
“Well, I’m not here for you.” The hero pushes past them to figure out the fryer on her own. “I’m not telling you any more than that.”
“I better warn my friends you’re here, then.” The villain snorts as the hero fiddles with the knob. “Are you here to give whoever you’re looking for food poisoning?”
“I know how to cook, [Villain].”
“You’re turning the heat too low.”
The hero pointedly pulls the knob back up. “Just show me how the kitchen works, please, and I’ll consider not telling your manager who he’s working with.”
The villain fixes her with a long stare. “I could blow your cover too.” But they roll their eyes and beckon her over to the griddle anyway. “Okay, so, wrong me and I’ll shove your entire face on this.”
The villain shows the hero around the kitchen, each bit of apparatus accompanied with a lovingly detailed description of how the villain intends to use each one against the hero if she pushes her luck. The hero listens with distaste mashed into her expression the whole time.
“Let’s try and keep things civil, okay?” the hero says when she’s clearly had enough of all the different ways the villain has on hand to murder her. “I don’t fancy fighting in a kitchen, and I’m sure you don’t either.”
Oh, god, how wrong the hero is. They’re itching to grab one of those knives off the hook and just—
No. They have to play it safe to begin with, keep it lowkey, make her feel a little too safe. So they just roll their eyes and, with all the authenticity they can muster, simply say “agreed.”
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The Bargain 2
Sequel to THIS
Warnings: financial stress and abuse, coercion, and some possible unmentioned triggers.
Character: Nick Fowler
Summary: Nick comes to reap his end of the deal.
As always, I appreciate all kinds of feedback. A like and reblog means so much to me! <3
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Your mother thanks Constance for her tea. The nurse smiles and gives a soft ‘you’re welcome’ before offering anything else she may need. Your mother shakes her head and groans, lifting the steaming cup as hovers her hand over her hip, a gesture of her persistent pain.
She looks drawn. She doesn’t really have many good days. That day, she did her best. When you told her company was coming, she let you put on her makeup and chose favourite dress. Even though you told her she didn’t need to do all that. But you do.
You look down at yourself. A simple cobalt dress with short bishop sleeves. You did your best as well. That’s what you promised.
The doorbell rings. Constance comes out from the next room, “should I get that?” You nod, frozen in the silence. You wait and listen in dread. 
Nick enters but you don’t glance over. You see his shadow but refuse to see him. You fight to keep your cool. You not break and holler at him to leave. This isn’t about you.
“Ah, sorry, I’m late,” he comes to you and kisses your cheek, his hand on the small of your back before he steps away. He nears your mother, “you must be Angela.”
“It’s a pleasure,” your mother offers her hand. He takes it and bends to kiss her cheek as well, “oh, you are so polite,” she preens, “I’m sorry, I wish I could get up.”
“No, not at all,” he assures, “I trust your daughter explained that I have everything planned. I reserved a private walk down the greenhouse for us, I heard you're a fan of roses, then there’s a nice teahouse nearby. They do a great royal lunch.”
“That all sounds wonderful. I will try to keep my energy up.”
“Of course, Angela. If you feel like we need to go at any time,” he offers, “I’m just happy to finally get to meet you.”
“Me too. My daughter… she never keeps secrets. To be fair, this was the last secret I thought she’d ever keep. She’s not the sort for relationships.”
“Yes, I know. I did have to work at her,” he retreats to stand with you, “it was worth it.”
“Yeah, sorry, mom,” you force out through your tight throat.
Nick takes your hand, his palm rough against yours. 
“How rude of me, not to mention how beautiful you look, I love that colour on you, Angela,” he praises.
“Me, look at my daughter,” she swoons.
“Trust me, I can’t stop,” Nick turns to you, tugging you close. He presses his lips to your cheek again, “how lucky I am to get to do so for the rest of our lives.”
“Aw, so sweet,” your mother remarks, “I hope you don’t mind if I finish my tea first. I need the caffeine, my medications really tire me out.”
“Take your time, I’ll go get the car ready,” he affirms. He leans into you, lowering his voice as his lips tickle your temple, “I see you’re taking good care of her, sweetheart.”
You stiffen and nod, holding your smile. Your mother doesn’t notice the tension as she dabs a dribble of tea on her lip. She looks at the tissue dramatically. “Oh, dear, you’ll have to help me with my lipstick again.”
“Yes, mom,” you murmur.
“I’ll take good care of you,” Nick whispers sultrily against your ear, “as long as you do the same.”
He pulls back and pinches your chin between his thumb and knuckle. He makes you face him and you peer into his deep blue irises. He kisses you softly. Your mother aws from across the room.
“Now, let me just go get everything ready,” he squeezes your hand and slowly draws away, “this is going to be a great day, right, ladies?”
You nod and your mother sings her elation. Nick leaves and you stare after him. Your cheek twitches where he kissed it.
“He’s so nice, sweetheart,” your mother says airily, “I’m so happy you found someone like him. And his eyes, so gorgeous.”
“Mhmm,” you hum, and swallow tightly, “I’m so… lucky.”
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pansy-picnics · 2 months
First off I need to just mention that your Uknighted dream art is top tier elite and i am in love. Like you have no idea.
Okay, now thats said, do you have any soft ot3 headcanons/scenes that you can imagine happening but can’t figure out how to write etc etc.? 💕
God is all of them an option bc the answer is all of them
I SWEAR I. HAVE SO MANY IDEAS AND THOUGHTS TAKING UP SPACE IN MY BRAIN (Both for ukd and for the entire family tbh) that i just CANNOT bring myself to draw or write or anything. If i had the time to be able to draw everything that popped in my head it would be OVER for yall i stg. And then theres my in progress fic i have up right now which i last updated in like (checks notes) January but i swear i’ve been THINKING about updating it again and that counts right
- Ummm. this is just something i find very funny but i absolutely love the idea that before they “Formally” announce their relationship, the public have just been spreading rumors left and right about the princess’s “affair”. cass and rapunzel somehow NEVER notice this but for a while it seems like eugene cant go ANYWHERE without someone either awkwardly being like “Soooo how are things going with the princess ^_^;;;” or just straight up asking “Hey is your wife cheating on you?” with no hesitation.
and eugene, being the attention whore he is obviously just Went with it and was like “Well yeah duh. Who do you think set them up”
before long literally EVERYONE has heard about it. rapunzel’s fucking Parents have heard about it. people in other KINGDOMS have heard about it. Meanwhile eugene’s having the time of his Life. He’s got disguises just to go in and listen in on the servants’ gossip. at this point he’s just started Making shit up and every day he’s spreading a proposition thats somehow even more absurd than the last. Most of them don’t even make sense. Like “Oh yeah no the reason rapunzel and cass are always sneaking off together isn’t because they’re having a steamy love affair it’s actually because they’ve been making blood sacrifices to the underworld to make sure zhan tiri never returns. Just girl things yk?”
“No see you’ve got it all wrong thats not cassandra at all. That’s shorty. He and rapunzel are having a book club together. It’s not going very well because shorty keeps eating all the books.” Or his personal favorite, “Wait you thought RAPUNZEL was the one having the affair?” gets them EVERY TIME.
Cass and rapunzel finally declare things officially only for everyone to become even MORE confused and they finally realize eugenes been fueling the fire for the past 3 months and he had just Assumed they were already aware of it
eugene: ….Wait you guys didnt know about that?
raps: i
raps: NO????
eugene: um. Oops
- this is kind of random but i PROMISE its going somewhere bear with me. In my head eugene is NOT the captain of the guard because a character becoming a cop is literally a fate worse than death. instead i like to imagine he does some kind of social work and is also an author…Eugene has a rlly strong connection to literature and is a great storyteller, hes got a flair for the dramatic and a strong imagination and seeing how much the flynn rider books meant to him in his childhood, i think he’d absolutely want to create something like that for other people 🥹
Anyways one of my favorite ideas w them is a modern au where rapunzel and eugene are both starving artists who are making a webcomic together…Eugene is still trying to publish his first novel and is writing for the comic in the meantime. theyre aspiring towards turning it into a graphic novel. Cass is literally just forcing everyone around her to read it. You’ve already read it? Read it again /J. She’s their number one hypeman but she’s trying to act sooo chill about it to keep up her Cool stone cold butch aesthetic. She’s like going to cons with them and hands out business cards and helps sell merch and she has a side account on twitter where she gets into heated arguments with anyone who hateposts about it.
Bonus points: it’s a fantasy comic about a lost princess, her knight girlfriend and her rogue boyfriend and is loosely a reference to the events of the canon show
- OH OH something that DEFINITELY fits this category has to be the girls taking eugene to the lagoon for the first time…….I think cass and rapunzel still spend a lot of dates there just the two of them, and no matter what it is very much Their Spot ™, but after things become official it just. Doesn’t really feel right to keep it exclusively between them anymore. i have a LOTTTT of thoughts on this…..rapunzel bouncing around and showing everything to him and cass just being dragged along for the ride…picnics together by the water while cass and raps are eagerly telling him all the stories of what he missed out on. it’s their quiet place i think they escape to whenever they don’t want to be bothered at the castle LOL. eugene officiates the cassunzel wedding there….. not to mention if/when they have kids 🥹 Augh. They make sooo many memories there i think🫶🫶🫶
- Not a specific scene so much as just a silly hc but rapunzel LOVES it when they “fight” over her. Usually it’s just a playful thing and rapunzel finds it so cute and endearing. They have the exact same banter every time and the same fake “duel” for her hand and raps will NEVER get tired of it
- oh and SPA DAYS. God cassandra’s self care routines by herself have always been SHIT. I love that girl but i think she absolutely reeks. Her hair looks like something died in it and whenever it gets too long she just grabs the nearest sharp object and cuts it off in one swoop. Eugene and rapunzel are UTTERLY horrified by this and they do not let that shit fly as soon as she’s living with them. They have little self care nights at least once a week, sometimes just with the three of them and sometimes the rest of the family gets into it too, it depends on the day. eugene helps do her hair for her and they pick out all sorts of fancy products for her skin and her curls and just absolutely SPOIL her. at first shes kinda whiny about it but once she realizes how much better she feels on a day to day basis she reluctantly apologizes for ever doubting them
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A request for hailee x reader. Reader is Hailees' main backup dancer. There are edits of the two over the years, fans speculate that the two are together due to the tension between them in said edits and videos.
one step forward, three steps back [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: when hailee tries to convince you to ride the publicity wave and appear in her new music video, you’re forced to accept the truth of your feelings for her.
warnings: the weirdest mix of angst and fluff you've ever seen; stubborn idiots arguing instead of being honest; quite possibly the most dialogue i've ever written for one fic; one mention of the JA stunt because i am still bitter about it
wordcount: 1.6k
a/n: rubix stop mentioning sunkissing in everything challenge. don't mind me, just trying to manifest hailee's music back to life...pun absolutely intended. [ever write a song so gay you have to go into hiding as soon as it comes out? i'm sure taylor swift knows the feeling all too well] anywho, i got a little carried away with this one and it shows. hope you enjoy <3
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If someone had told you your entire life would be flipped on its head just from a few short video edits and a trending hashtag you would have called them mad. Unfortunately, Emily Dickinson had a point when she said,“Much madness is divinest sense.”
The ‘madness’ in this case was the sheer amount of people who had started spreading the before-mentioned videos around and the ‘sense’ being your incredibly obvious feelings for the person who was essentially your boss. It’s a bit of an oversimplification, and the biggest reason you have not to tell Hailee the truth, but the point still stands.
You still have no idea how things got blown so out of proportion since the speculation around you two has been swirling around since day one. Clearly, not having any new music projects to focus on has driven her fans into madness.
It would be fine…if you and Hailee were still on speaking terms.
Are you being dramatic? Maybe a little but your friendship or relationship or whatever the hell it was that you two had going on at some point isn’t what it used to be. The blame isn’t entirely on her but your own bitterness about the situation tends to cloud your judgment sometimes…okay, most of the time.
Right now is a perfect example of it.
You’ve been staring at your phone for what feels like hours, mentally debating if you should give in and reply to Hailee’s text. You really, really, don’t want to but what other choice do you have? It’s not like you can ignore her forever, you’ve already promised her you’ll join her on her next tour, whenever it finally happens.
You decide to suck it up and agree to meet her for coffee. The last thing you need is to be seen hanging out with her right now but you’re sure it’s all part of the plan. A plan that probably didn’t come from the singer herself, but rather from the group of people who act like they want the best for her but are really just trying to sell her image like it’s a product.
Because who cares about morals and dignity as long as you get streams on your music, right?
You shove your bitter thoughts out of your mind for now and focus on getting ready to see Hailee again.
The hours simultaneously feel like seconds and eternity and before you know it, you’re sitting at a semi-secluded table in a random coffee shop with your knee bouncing up and down like there are ants crawling up your pants. No amount of breathing exercises or grounding techniques can stop your heart from hammering in your chest from the mere thought of the brunette.
You’re not sure what she wants from you, you just have a bad feeling about it. Although maybe that’s your broken heart talking, you can’t be sure.
You notice her the second she walks in and you do an awful job at pretending you’re looking at something on your phone instead of her. You act like you can’t see the smile on her face from this distance just like she acts like she can’t see you. Both of you look ridiculous but neither of you mind.
She finally joins you after another eternity of waiting and despite all the questions that are swirling around in your brain, you force yourself to wait for her to go first.
“I need your help with something.”
After months of not talking to each other, that’s what she leads with. You would complain about her lack of greeting but you’re grateful she’s getting right to the point so you can wrap this up and go back to avoiding your feelings. “That’s a bold start.”
She rolls her eyes, more out of habit than anything else. “It’s been five seconds, are we going to fight already?”
“I guess that depends on what you want me to do,” you reply.
“I want you in the SunKissing music video. We finally got the green light for it and it’s the perfect way to take advantage of all the buzz around the two of us.”
You can’t help but wonder if she’s joking. The ‘buzz’ around you two is just people speculating and piecing together the history Hailee has spent so long ignoring and rewriting. History that’s filled with arguments. bitter kisses, unspoken confessions and stolen glances.
You force the memories out of your mind. Along with the weird ache you feel every time you focus on Hailee’s eyes.
“Me dancing in the background of your music video isn’t going to be a trending topic, Hailee.”
She shrugs. “It will be if we kiss.”
“You’re joking,” you say, unable to hide the way her words take you by surprise.
“I’m serious.”
“You’re choosing now to come out? You think this will make everyone forget about your little stunt with the QB?”
Your mention of the New York stunt hits her hard and if you’re being honest, that’s exactly why you brought it up. You’re not interested in turning your private life into Hailee’s next big scandal. Even if it means pissing her off until she changes her mind.
The way she clenches her jaw is all you need to know you’re not going to like her next words. “It’s not a coming out. It’s an acting project.”
“You’re never going to change are you?” You ask, not sure whether to be impressed or disappointed by her idea.
“Come on, y/n.” She leans forward and places her hand on top of yours. You half-expect a camera flash to accompany the action but you seem to be safe for now. “You know you’re the only person I trust with this.”
Her words would be cute if you hadn’t fallen for them already. Multiple times. It’s always been the same way with her. She gives you a few months of her attention, makes you believe your unspoken affections aren’t one-sided, just to rip it away from you the second you think you’ve made progress.
“You’re the last person in this room who should be talking about trust.”
“Oh my God!” She leans back, her hand slipping away from you and taking any hope of avoiding an argument with it. “When are you going to let that go?”
You’re not even sure what she thinks you’re upset about this time. The list is so long, she could be referencing anything and be completely right. And yet somehow, you’re the one who’s in the wrong for still being upset.
“When you apologize for being a piece of shit,” you say as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Which it is. To you, anyway.
The brunette across from you clearly doesn’t feel the same. “That’s unfair.”
“Leading someone on is unfair, Hailee.”
“You are so stubborn. How the hell did I ever sleep with you?”
You can’t tell if she’s joking or not but either way, you don’t want to hear another word from her.
“I’m leaving,” you say as you rise to your feet, ignoring your half-finished drink and the flash of regret that passes through those brown eyes you can’t help but love.
“Shit, shit, y/n, wait!”
“I already did wait or did you forget about that too?”
You don’t give her a chance to answer instead choosing to ignore her rushed apology and walking away like you should have done when this whole conversation started.
You make it about six feet away from the entrance when you hear Hailee’s voice calling after you. “Will you do it if I tell you it was my idea?”
It’s a desperate attempt for your attention and yet you fall for it all the same. Everything inside of you is telling you to leave but you can’t. Not when you’re this close to getting her to be honest with both herself and you.
“If it’s the truth,” you respond with your back still facing her.
“It is.” The scent of her perfume overwhelms you as her hands grip your waist. You fight back the urge to move away from her and allow her to turn you around to look at her. “I told my label it would be good publicity but honestly…I just really miss you.”
You can’t stop yourself from laughing. The sound comes out softer than you thought possible. “You couldn’t call like a normal person?”
“We’re not normal people, y/n,” she says, the ghost of a smile lingering on her lips. “You know that better than anyone. You know me better than anyone.”
“Do I?”
She takes a step closer to you and you hate the way your eyes instantly drop down to her lips. It’s an instinct that no amount of time away from her can rewrite. “Let me prove it to you. Please.”
“You’re not going to fix this with a few kisses, Hailee.”
There’s an unspoken promise in her eyes. One that says she’ll kiss you as many times as she has to until she proves you wrong. And you have no doubt that she will.
Her hands move up from your waist to cup your cheeks. Her movements are slow and careful almost as if she’s waiting for you to change your mind.
In a way, you do because whatever remaining doubt you had about your feelings for the brunette fades away in an instant. You push away all your hesitation and close the gap between your lips.
It’s the sweetest kiss you’ve ever shared. It’s full of almost inaudible sighs, gentle touches, and the overwhelming truth of your desires. Mainly, the desire to keep going.
“One chance,” you whisper as you pull away. “I’ll help you with the music video. I’ll let you in again. Don’t make me regret it.”
You’re about to tell her not to make promises she can’t keep but she kisses you again before you get the chance to.
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withwritersblock · 6 months
Love You Goodbye
~Love You Goodbye by One Direction~
Author's Note: listen it started out as something else and then it became the song by one direction. as always italics are flashbacks Summary: Kirby and Y/N break up Warnings: shouting, swearing, implied smut Word Count: 1,491 Kirby Dach x fm!reader
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It had been a miserable few days. He was staying with Cole instead of his own apartment with his girlfriend. Or ex-girlfriend, he wasn’t sure which one she was. Cole walked into his kitchen, yawning dramatically as he stretched his arms out. 
“You’re still on my couch,” Cole rasped out as he walked towards his coffee maker on the counter. Kirby forced a smile as he sat up, rubbing his hand over his eyes.
“You said I could stay as long as I need,” Kirby mumbled as he took a sharp breath. 
Cole chuckled dryly before he spoke, “I said that because I thought you’d come to your senses and go back to your girlfriend.” Cole pulled two mugs from his cabinet as he started the pot of coffee. Kirby clenched his jaw. “I mean have you even tried to talk to her?”
He tilted his head back against the couch as he held the phone against his ear, hearing it ring and ring for the fifth time that morning. He clenched his jaw as he heard her voicemail again. He rolled his eyes as he clenched his jaw. After the beep he let out, “Baby, please-please call me back. Can we just talk?” 
“Yes, I’ve called her a thousand times and left like ten voicemails. She’s the one who hasn’t returned my calls.” Kirby countered as he ran his fingers through his hair. He tilted his head back as he watched Cole walk towards the couch with two mugs in his hand.
“Aren’t you the one that picked a fight?” Cole said as he handed Kirby the Suzuki mug. Kirby took it and rolled his eyes. “You started the argument and left, she has no reason to call you back,” Cole countered. Kirby took a sip of the coffee.
“Are you going to practice today?” she asked as she mixed the protein pancake batter she was making for themselves. Kirby shrugged his shoulders as he kept his gaze on his phone. “I’m sure the guys want to see you,” 
“I’m not in the mood,” he mumbled as he tossed his head back. She stared towards him, furrowing her eyebrows harshly.
“Do you have any one-on-one work today?” she asked as she poured some batter on the pan. 
“Not today, I’m gonna shower, I’ll eat later,” he snapped as he stood up from the couch.
“What is going on with you?” she questioned. He huffed as he rolled his eyes.
“I’m tired of you breathing down my neck! I don’t need you smothering me!” he shouted as he shook his head. She blinked rapidly as she nodded her head.
“I’m just trying to help you!” she countered.
“I don’t need your help, alright?! I’m tired of you asking every day how I am feeling, or if I’m going to practice or if I am feeling stronger! I’m so tired of everything coming out of your mouth being about the injury.”
“It’s all that’s on your mind, isn’t it?!” she shouted back, turning the stove off, “You are not you anymore! I’m sorry that I am trying to get my boyfriend back!”
“That’s such bullshit, just say that you don’t want me unless I’m playing!” he shouted walking towards her. She shook her head as she let out a breathy laugh. 
“Oh come on, Kirby! Do you really think that?” she said as she felt tears fill her eyes, “Do you seriously think that I am that shallow?!” 
“I don’t know! I mean all you ever talk about is how my damn leg is feeling!” 
“Has the thought ever crossed your mind that maybe I fucking care about you?! Maybe I just keep asking you about it because I know that is what is on your mind twenty-four-seven!” she shouted back. 
“It is on my mind all the fucking time, so maybe shut up about it!” he countered. 
She clenched her jaw as she met his gaze and felt her tears fall onto her cheek, “You know what, I will shut up about it. I want you gone,” she mumbled as she took a step towards him, scanning his features. 
“What?” he asked barely above a whisper. 
“Go stay with Cole or Nick or whoever! I don’t care!” she shouted again. 
“She asked me to leave,” Kirby said to Cole as he took another sip of coffee. Cole rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, well, you said she was smothering you,” Cole let out. Kirby took a sharp breath as his phone started vibrating beside him. He panicked as he reached for his phone to see Y/N was calling him back.
“Oh my god, Y/N,” he mumbled as he carefully placed the mug on the coffee table as he stood up bringing the phone to his ear, “Hey, I’m so sorry,” he muttered walking towards Cole’s bedroom to get some privacy.
“Hey, I’ve got my stuff packed up; you can come back to-”
“What-what are you talking about?” he asked as he felt his heart slamming against his chest. “What are you packing your stuff up for?”
“Kirby, I’m tired of being your punching bag when things go bad. I’m done,” she let out teary eyed. “I can’t do this anymore.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N, please don’t leave. Stay there, I’ll be right there and we can talk about it-”
“Please, let me make it up to you.” he begged as he walked out of Cole’s bedroom quickly. He reached for his keys on the counter as well as the slides sitting besides the front door. “I promise, just let me make it up to you, please,” 
“Kirby, I can’t. I can’t do this again-”
“It’ll be the last time, I’m sorry-”
“I can’t,” Y/N said before she hung up the phone. 
“Y/N, no-” he muttered as he pulled the phone away from his ear. “Fuck,” he mumbled. 
He walked into his apartment, teary eyed with the bag he brought over to Cole’s apartment. He clenched his jaw as he dropped his bag beside the counter, he lifted his gaze to see Y/N sitting on the couch. “Y/N, you’re still here,” he mumbled, breathy feeling his chest tighten. He walked quickly towards her as he sat down beside her. She lifted her head from her hands. 
“I was going to leave,” she let out while shaking her head, “And then I saw this,” she mumbled as she pointed towards the picture frame.
It was a photo of them on his draft day. He was wearing the Blackhawks jersey over his suit and the blackhawks hat on his head. He had a wide grin on his face as he was holding up the number three. He was squeezing her tightly to his side as she was squinting her eyes tightly with a wide smile. 
“I asked you to move to Chicago with me,” he muttered before he pressed his lips together. “And you did,” he hummed. She nodded her head slightly as her lips quivered. “I got traded to Montreal and you dropped everything to come with me,” he let out barely above a whisper. 
She met his gaze, his eyes were teary as he inched closer to her. “I never wanted to hurt you,” he mumbled as he scanned her features. 
“I know,” she mumbled as he hesitantly raised his hand and took a hold of her cheek. She tilted her head into his hand as she looked into his eyes. She leaned towards him and delicately kissed him. Her body straightened as she relaxed with his lips attached to hers. She adjusted her frame as she climbed onto his lap. Their lips remained connected as he cautiously ran his hands over her hips.
She pulled away as she rested her forehead against his, as their breath quickened. “Kirby,” she muttered as her lips quivered.
“I know,” he mumbled as he looked over her features. Her eyes stared towards his lips as she ran her thumb across his bottom lip. “I’m sorry for everything,” he said before he tilted his head back.
She rested both of her hands on his neck, “It was the best five years of my life, Kirby,” she said with a sad smile. He nodded.
“Mine too, I don’t know if I could’ve survived it without you,” he muttered as he looked deeply into her eyes. The last five years flashing in his mind. Moving in together at just eighteen. The countless injuries and the shock of the trade to Montreal. Moving to a place where they barely speak the language. The love they shared poured out in one moment. 
“One more,” she let out as her lips were brushing against Kirby’s. He urgently kissed her back, His hands holding her head in place as she grinded her hips against him. He was kissing her with so much passion and need that it felt like the world was ending. And maybe it was.
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