#tumblr just informed me that this is my 1000 post
You are literally going to get people killed by pushing them to vote third party. People voting third party is why Trump won in 2016, which allowed him to stack the Supreme Court with conservative garbage which is going to negatively affect us for DECADES to come (already has, since it led to the repeal of Roe v. Wade which has LITERALLY killed people). I'm baffled, because you've done so much good work on this website (like I still go back and regularly reread your posts on whiteness etc because they're so informative), but advocating for voting third party going into one of the most important elections in recent memory is actively harmful.
Like have you heard of Project 2025? In case you haven't it's literally like a 1000 page manifesto for the Republican party to reshape the federal government to essentially let the President become a dictator. It also expressly mentions plans to roll back rights for women, the LGBT community, and pretty much any other minority you can think of. I know things are bad now - not arguing that at all - but if Republicans win next year, things will get EXPONENTIALLY WORSE.
You can sit there and yell about Democrats being "just as bad" until you're blue in the face, but it's literally not true. The Democratic Party itself is obviously just another problematic institution and there are definitely Dems who showed their entire asses with supporting Israel, but like... Progressive Democrats do exist and while they're obviously not perfect, it's absolutely a step in the right direction. Not to mention Republicans literally need to cheat by gerrymandering and attacking voting rights for minorities in order to even get elected in a lot of places, whereas Democrats tend to win when more people are registered and actually show up to vote. They are not the same, and the harm they do is not the same.
Again, I have a lot of respect for the work you do, especially with your recent posts on the Palestinian genocide. But I vehemently disagree with your stance on voting third party in this upcoming election. Ideally I would love if we could vote third party and actually have multiple options that more accurately represent us as a population, but our current system is a two party one and unfortunately we literally do have to vote for the lesser of two evils, because one option sucks but preserves what little democracy we have (and gives us a chance of making it better) and one will literally bring genocide against trans people. I would personally rather not see that happen.
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How can you say this and mention the Palestinian genocide in the same ask.
Democrats are getting people killed. In fact they're committing one of The worst crime against humanity possible and then only thing you're worried about is that things might get worse for gay people if a Republicans wins.
I'm the biggest queer I know. I'm native. I'm brown. I'm almost definitely on a watch list. And listen to me and understand the depth of my words when I say: my people have been oppressed the way Project2025 outlines.
And maybe you personally cared or helped us protest that. But most people didn't. In fact I can't remember the last time the US supported native rights at all.
But now that YOURE under threat I'm supposed to risk my life because the queer community can't be bothered to stop discoursing about neopronouns long enough to actual give an shit about saving the community?
Y'all got a lot of damn nerve, let me tell you.
Go bark up some other tree cuz this is not the one.
Also I'm not pushing anyone to vote 3rd party. I'm laying out facts. Facts are a Gallup poll says 63% of people would vote 3rd party. Facts are my Tumblr poll says that number is STILL at least 45% on the hellsite.
And since people are interested in voting 3rd party they should know their options. The people who say "I would vote 3rd party but they don't have support" also deserve to see the articles that said 63% of people would join them.
They deserve to know that 3rd parties currently hold a not insignificant amount percentage of support from the two main parties. 20% of votes. When 33% is an even split are good odds. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sorry, blue Fascists, but this country is in fact still a democracy and just because you Want people to vote blue doesn't mean they have to and you feeling they're the best doesn't make you right!
Other people aren't "wrong" for not wanting your conservative Jurassic party in power anymore.
They can vote how they want.
And if you see a poll that says 63% of people would rather NOT vote for either major party and your first thought is not: wow 63% is enough to elect someone we want, I'll support that.
And instead you go: how can I force them to vote for my party instead.
Then please understand it is not THEM splitting the vote. Biden will get MAYBE 40% votes. You gonna force 63% of the country to vote for someone they don't even want?
There's a name for that yeah?
How'd it work out in 2016 when y'all "forced" us to vote for Hillary by putting her on the ballot? She lost and she wasn't even actively commiting a genocide.
But you think Biden will not only earn votes from that 63% but he'll also win the election. Against trump. Which less blatantly shitty democrats have struggled to contend with?
Democrats are legitimately delusional.
Your problem is you see Democrats as being better than Republicans. While the rest of us see less and less of a difference every year. And you can only say you're "better" if you're different enough.
See this is what happens when you vote for the "lesser evil." Eventually that evil balances back out and you're left with the truth that your two main options are just evil.
Now the only people actually different enough to make that argument are third parties.
Coincidentally, that's what people are drawn to right now.
I know, go figure. It's almost like it makes sense to lose support when you consistently prop up shitty candidates nobody asked for every 4 years.
We do not have a two party system and you know that, that's why you sent this ask.
Cuz you're stressed dems might lose. Cuz you KNOW people have other options.
Good. Cuz they will lose if Biden is the democrat's nominee and Claudia de la Cruz stays in the race, which she will since she's running with PSL not democrats. So there's no competition. Her party is organized and chosen her and a VP already, she's guaranteed every one of their votes because her party works like a union does.
It's a wrap.
Biden can't use his "lesser evil" script with Claudia De La Cruz on the ballot actively challenging his genocide and imperialism.
Vote Claudia De La Cruz cuz you are a scooping water out of the Titanic trying to get 63% of Americans to think voting for a Genocidal warmonger is what's best for any of us, let alone the planet. And we didn't want him BEFORE he did any of this.
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jesuistrestriste · 10 days
The other posts before just kink shaming people. Calling people weirdos and creeps and that the authorities should be called and some how writing men squirting, "because its not biologically possible" is in the same category as well like damn have abit of whimsy
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helloo !
so i guess a user who follows me, or used to follow me, is posting on their acc snippets of my work and talking about how im weird and gross (as well as some other unspecified challengers writers) bc i wrote about ‘puppy’ stuff and ‘men squirting’. they blurred out my user but my writing was directly referenced.
they basically likened the puppy play stuff to sexualizing real animals, and said that it was also creepy to write about men squirting bc it’s not ‘biologically possible’
i don’t wanna make this into a big deal, bc it’s genuinely not, but i’m responding to it to hopefully give this individual some clarification and also to defend the users who actually enjoy this type of kink content (bc i do too)
so. first of all — puppy play. i, for one, in the particular drabble they screenshotted, do not have the reader treating art like an actual dog. the reader only calls art ‘puppy’ and he is submissive. those are literally the only two things involved that are similar to puppy play. however, many people enjoy/write about other more direct aspects of puppy play, like collaring and leashing and etc, and that does NOT mean they like sexualizing real animals. it is NOT bestiality. i’m going to assume that the user in question who likened it to bestiality is not informed on what puppy play actually is/represents, and just took the concept of calling someone ‘puppy’ = sexualizing dogs and ran with it. that’s definitely not what it is, and i certainly was not writing it that way. for many, puppy play is simply about the power dynamics of it all. do i enjoy puppy play in its entirety? no, not really (i like certain bits and pieces), but i respect those who do. it also goes without saying that i do not advocate for or support the sexualization of real animals in any way shape or form ..? that’s disgusting.
— more info below the cut —
second of all — squirting. men squirting is possible, just the same as how women squirting is possible. if you don’t believe me, look it up on pornhub lol; it’s definitely possible. to my knowledge, the anatomical/bodily processes that allow someone to squirt are the exact same ones involved in. well. peeing. like. if you can pee, you have the anatomy necessary to be able to squirt. i’m mid-writing this and i can’t believe im talking in depth about what squirting is and how it works. help. but yea, is squirting = pee ? no. no, it’s not (controversial lol). but even if it was, some people are into that. no need to yuck someone else’s yum. you’re entitled to your opinion though. if you don’t enjoy it/understand it and think it’s ‘creepy’, that’s cool too ! idc—it’s your life! do what you want !
third of all — i read their post and they also talked about how it’s weird to write about puppy!stuff because some users (i don’t know if they were talking about me in this instance or just some writers on challengers tumblr in general) are writing about ‘real men’ and that these men should be ‘calling the authorities’. i know for me, im not writing about mike faist in a puppy play context. im writing about art donaldson. a fictional man. and i promise you, art donaldson will not be reading my stuff. and for that matter, neither will mike faist. that man wants nothing to do with social media, let alone tumblr (rip to his tumblr era though).
bottom line, kink shaming is not cool. it’s not fun, it’s not kind, it’s not cute, it’s not very demure.
some people use kinks as an escape from harsh aspects of their reality like past trauma, etc. or to process those traumas. that being said, you are 1000% allowed to not like something. that is your business ! but posting about someone’s work and making grotesque claims about their character and what they stand for based on smut writing is very odd. i do not appreciate it !
i am in no way trying to attack/hate on the person who made the posts, but i think it’s important to try to address stuff like this and educate those who may be confused or misinterpreting. to the user who made the posts: i hope you have a good day, and i hope this clears things up ! if you see this and want to talk more about it, my dms are open. all love.
UPDATE: i was just informed that the user in question used to write for (tw) school shooters and apparently cleared all evidence of it from their account except for some lingering tags.
i take it all back ! ! as someone who has experienced the effects of a school shooting + has been in a uni community targeted and affected by an act of gun violence, that is absolutely disgusting, and you can rot ! seek therapy ! :)
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invaive · 3 months
writing + editing comms for gaza 🕊️‼️
hello! i decided to make a separate post for this information. i am currently offering writing commissions in exchange for proof of donations to vetted fundraisers and/or relief organizations.
i am a published author and have had both poetry and fiction appear in multiple online magazines, which you can view here. i also have experience as a freelancer and have written commissioned works in the past.
you can get:
short stories (original or fanfiction!)
poems about anything you want!
typewriter poems mailed to you!
probably literally anything else you ask for!
please check under the cut for guidelines, rules, and further information.
must provide a screenshot, via ask or messages, with proof of donation. please make sure the date/time, amount, and name of the fundraiser is visible. donation date must be from within 24 hours of submission.
examples of acceptable screenshots:
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currently i am focusing donation efforts on @/alaa-pales! please help her and her family; they are only ⅕ of the way to meeting their goal.
i will also accept proof of donation to any fundraiser on the OOB masterlist (please include line number!) or to the PCRF.
you will have the choice between prose (fiction or nonfiction) or poetry.
for every $10 (USD or equivalent) donated, you will receive 500 words of prose. ex. if you donate $50, you will receive 2,500 words.
for every $5, you will receive one short poem. if you donate more, you will have the choice to receive multiple short poems, or to combine the funds into longer poems. we can work that out in DMs!
i am extremely open as to the subject matter. i only ask that you do not request of me anything hateful/bigoted towards any group, and that you do not request anything purely pornographic. if you have questions, just ask!
you can find examples of my published works here and some of my other writing here. if you would like further examples, just let me know and i'd be happy to send you some.
for every $10, i will read 1000 words.
i can help with all levels of editing: developmental/substantive editing, line editing, copy editing, and proofreading. just me let know what you want our focus to be!
if you choose a poem and would like it written on a typewriter and mailed to you, i would be happy to do so! minimum of a $10 donation for this. see examples below.
don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
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(apologies for the low tumblr quality. they will be scanned at full resolution and i can email them to you + snail mail them to you if so so wish)
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neoninky · 8 months
My phone has been blowing up all day with likes and reblogs on this spur of the moment joke post I made yesterday and honestly, it blows my mind and also amuses me to no end. Tumblr has informed me that, no doubt greatly due to the influx of activity on said post: I have achieved 1000 likes AND 100 reblogs...DAYUM. I'm finishing up a bigger, non-TWST related piece of art but today was one of those days and I wanted to pause and just do something to make myself - and hopefully others - laugh. So in honor of the mentioned post and everyone who has enjoyed it, behold:
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My very first Twisted Wonderland fanart sort of and it's this lolololol congrats to Malleus Draconia for being the first TWST character I've ever drawn again sort of lol I'd like to think that instead of an actual Yuusona being isekai'd into the world of Twisted Wonderland, this is an AU where my Inky Bun mascot exists in Twisted Wonderland as a psuedo-magical rabbit creature. Somehow she ended up at Night Raven and the minute she did, Crowley saw an opportunity to potentially quell his rowdy students and keep them from going into a frenzy every five minutes...clearly it's going super well LOL. Thus the Therapy Rabbit AU is born. Also in this AU, she has Sora/Kingdom Hearts magic where her color and outfit change depending on which dorm she is currently visiting. So here in the picture above, we have a very terrified Diasomnia!Inky Bun godspeed bunbun Tagging my moots and others that have enjoyed my posts before cuz hi I hope y'all are well lol: @wysteriadelights @nuitthegoddess @iscarlettappel @aiimee9 @foxwitchaine @feldya @yunaemiya @1ndigowitch @victoria1676 @zstargalaxy
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geek-fashionista · 5 months
A Business Proposal
A little while ago, I posted an interest poll for a series I'm planning. Since many of you responded that you were at least curious, I come today with... limited information. Limited, because the novel version of this series is currently being read by a literary agent.
But I've always felt that this story was too big to be contained in book format. Under a traditional publisher, I would lose the rights to my own property, so if they didn't want to see more of it, that's that for myself and the characters and the readers who fall in love with the characters. Self-publishing is harder. It needs to be a collaborative effort between writer and readers if it's going to succeed. Thus, I turn to the only audience I have with my "business proposal."
(Note: If you've been around long enough, you might recognize some of these characters from posts that have since been deleted.)
Working Title: Trainwrecks Length of Series: 8 seasons Length of Seasons: 24 episodes, 12 main and 12 bonus, posted biweekly. (Each season will last three months.) Episode Length: 1000-2000 words Setting: Seattle, Washington and its surrounding towns, between the years 2004-2015 Genre: Contemporary, YA to New Adult
Trainwrecks follows a diverse group of six best friends from high school to their mid-twenties, with all the romance, heartache, college and career decisions, and confusion that entails. Our main cast:
A bubbly, fat Puerto Rican girl with a passion for art and matchmaking (Ages: 14-25)
Her adopted, Argentinian brother, who is adept at music and pretty much nothing else (Ages: 16-27)
Their childhood best friend, an Asian/British/American guy who hides years of trauma behind a flamboyant and overbearing personality (Ages: 19-30)
His ill-tempered younger sister, who has just moved back to the United States from London after their parents divorced fifteen years ago (Ages: 14-25)
An equally bad-tempered Hawaiian/French guy with a love of photography and a hatred of bullies (Ages: 14-25)
The coolest, most beautiful Chinese girl you'll ever meet, who is fighting a sex addiction after a history of abuse (Ages: 16-27)
Main episodes will be written in story format. Bonus episodes will be in epistolary format: MSN chats, text messages, letters, blog posts, and eventually Twitter posts. Y'know, cuz Twitter didn't exist in 2004.
The main series (8 seasons, 24 episodes each) will be completely free to read and delivered directly to your email inbox. There will be character artwork, a bio page to keep track of everyone, a tie-in Tumblr account for memes, Spotify playlists for each character, and helpful things like family trees and relationship charts as well. Each season will have its own key artwork---cover art, if you will.
In addition to the completely free story, there will be extra content for paid subscribers and Patreon patrons, including but not limited to:
Sneak previews/early updates
Side stories
Back stories
Character and universe development notes
Entire AUs with different relationships or different genres
Money raised will either go towards paying artists or towards my student loans. And if the series gets really popular, I intend to launch a Kickstarter for physical copies that will include all the artwork and maybe some bonus items as well.
That's my business proposal. If you like it or have questions, comment on this post, scream in my inbox, chat me---do whatever but do it vocally because I need to know you're out there. And then, feel free to follow my Substack for updates.
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Miata Mod Master Mᴉsɥlᴉsʇ
[I had to spell Wishlist upside down to keep the alliteration going]
So, here's my first original post in quite a while. Apparently, the last one was a whole hundred followers ago - immense thanks to all 400 of you!!! And also, Tumblr informed me I got 1000 likes and kindly generated a picture for me to thank y'all for them with!
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Given that's 2.5 likes per follower, I assume they mean 1000 likes just on my original posts, which would track considering most of my posts are additions, and liking all of those either counts towards that tally as just one like to my original post, or if you liked it through a reblog potentially nothing at all, because maybe likes to reblogs aren't counted even if they're reblogs of my own posts. But don't think I'm a numbers-chaser, this is just me wondering. Really, the only reason I even look at the activity chart of my blog is because I started trying to make that line as straight as possible for giggles (and then some of my posts blew up and ruined it, ecksdee). The thought of someone having enjoyed what I wrote has me smitten every time I see it, and I can barely even comprehend the idea that it happened a literal thousand times. I still can barely wrap my head around four hundred people all having decided they actively want to hear more from me. (Usually it's the opposite, har har.) I love all of you for it. The freaks, the puritans, the children (wait I just said that OOH GOTTEM), the adults, the uncomfortably weird, the hyper-organized users that use different blogs for each one of their passions, the hyper-random users that reblog my posts right after diaper fetish art. (And if you thought that was some whiplash, imagine the guy who followed a diaper fetish art blog getting shown me.)
But this is just me buying time, isn't it. Alright alright, let's talk about the wishlist, beginning with its premise.
This is not advice. This is not a list that makes sense at all, really - most of these items are way far down the list of things I'd do with the money they cost and/or the effort they'd take. This is a dream, where those aren't a factor. Just like some people's dream car is a ten million dollar hypercar that was built directly into the bodies of five Middle Eastern oil moguls, my dream car is a Miata with exactly these bits. (And a Seven, but I really need to stop confusing y'all with them being tied for the favorite car top spot.)
This list is based on a note I started in middle school for the fun of it (which is hopefully understood as the driving motive behind this all) and gradually updated through high school and sort of left behind after that, having kind of run out of bits to add to it. It's split into six sections:
Interior (i.e. cabin, trunk and engine bay)
Drivetrain (i.e. anything that plays a role in making the wheels spin)
Chassis and suspension (i.e. chassis and everything that connects the wheels to it)
Electronics (i.e. electronics/microcontroller-related features)
This will be a chance for me to check the prices of all the things I listed and, at the end of it, tally up their total cost and feel feelings about its enormity. But of course, we'll need to start with a thing that was not in the note, as it was a given to me: the base car. So that will be the subject of my next addition to this post.
Because I can't make this a single post. Absolutely no chance. Even just any workaround to the image limit being about a fifth of the length of this list would be a nightmare for me to execute and for y'all to navigate. And frankly, the length of the task would make me, if not outright give up, at the very least skimp on the kind of explanations and discussions that I must assume are why you're all here. So I will need to make additions to this post (in the form of a reblog, of course) each going over one section at most. But truth be, even doing one reblog per section presents those problems, so some sections would need splitting in a number of parts. Or I could go to the other extreme and made one post per item (or when appropriate group of items), which would allow me to expand upon every which one as little or as much as appropriate while still keeping a tidy presentation. But to do this I would need to hide all the information bar the name under a Read More, because if I put as little as one picture before it by the time I'm at the end of the list every time this post appears in your dash you'll have to scroll past some hundred pictures to get to the bottom of it; also, of course, this would mean this post showing up in your dash upwards of a hundred times - though of course you could just ignore it a bunch of times and when you feel like it go through all the parts you've not read yet at once.
Right now I'm leaning towards the one post per item approach, which would allow me to work towards the completion of this abomination in small daily steps rather than in age-long parts which would also help addressing your other submissions. But it's very hard for me to figure out what y'all would prefer, as it's kind of hard for me to figure out who would actually want to read through the entirety of this. So, y'all are welcome to leave your feedback in the replies or through this non-binding format poll.
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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alexandraisyes · 21 days
So like first of, I'm 1000% sure you have to be *blocked* to block evade, but hey maybe I don't know how tumblr works. I'm not blocked, so I'm not block evading nor am I stalking? It's a public blog. I'm allowed to glance at it from time to time, that's not stalking. I like some of the confessions (the ones about the actual show, not the ones about me) I see on your blog, sue me for enjoying ur content I guess.
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Second off can we just like dissect this?
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At least from my side.
I don't think Moon should date anyone. I literally headcanon Moon as sex-repulsed like me so idk what y'all on about grouping me into this shit.
I haven't done anything other than repeat canon information about the incest bit, and like I stated in an earlier post today claiming that friends that call each other family would be incest is literally so fucking harmful to victims of ACTUAL INCEST. That ain't incest bro, you're hurting real victims when you claim that it is. They're not adoptive family, the VA literally said that they are a friend group. I wouldn't invalidate adoptive family, I'm adopted.
The VAs don't agree with SHIT that I've said, it's their own canon. They're not changing canon for anyone, that is how it's always been. And for gods sake, do not bother the VAs about fandom bullshit, that was so fucking mortifying getting that statement for that person from Reed.
Never mentioned the gore anons outside of telling people "don't send gore" and reiterating that was the only time I mentioned them
I most definitely haven't posted an improperly tagged fics, and when I read about that on TSAMS confessions I literally reblogged it with my absolute disgust and horror that someone would do that
Never claimed my headcanons are canon
Haven't started or participated in a smear campaign with anyone. Don't believe me? Scour my account. You guys keep using that term incorrectly, I don't think it means what you think it means.
Didn't "accuse" anyone of being anything, I assumed from an outside source that was what was going on, and when I was corrected I accepted that? That's not accusing someone, that's accidentally having misinformation, and getting clarification. Also, I don't even know the kid or what they've been through, I have them blocked. I don't look at their blog bro
Haven't really manipulated anyone, I've just asked people to provide evidence that I've said or done any of the things that people have been accusing me of. I'll gladly take accountability for things I have actually done, but so far no one has brought me any evidence proving it.
Anyways, you kinda suck bro, so I'm gonna block you now and not let u bug me again. Byeee
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touyaz · 11 months
[!!] donate to palestine
hello hello!! in light of what is currently happening in palestine, i'm trying to raise funds to give to +medical aid for palestinians. besides a flat rate that gumroad takes from each sale, all proceeds will be donated!! my workplace has a donation-matching scheme with them that i'll be entering with whatever money is raised, so please do consider giving if you can <3
my gumroad is +here (touyaz.gumroad.com) if you would just like to donate, otherwise read below for more information on what's on offer :)
how this works
after reading this post, please contact me so we can confirm what you want from the options listed below and the pricing. either message me on tumblr or on discord (my discord username is dnheng).
once details are confirmed, please transfer the money on gumroad so i can start working on your piece.
i will give a rough date of when you can expect your piece to be delivered.
once it's completed, i'll send you the document :)
what is available
£3 match-ups
option 1: mini-playlist, relationship analysis and headcanons (sfw, nsfw, or yandere)
option 2: mini-playlist, ~500 words scenario of you and your match-up (sfw, nsfw, or yandere)
details: you tell me which option you'd like and i'll send you a document with the details i need from you. turnaround time: 1-2 days.
£5 drabbles
a scenario of ~1000 words based on your prompts. can be personalised with your name.
details: you provide a character, the genre (sfw, nsfw, or yandere) and some prompts (kinks, dialogue, etc.). i'll write the scenario. turnaround time: 2-4 days. longer pieces (capped at ~3000 words) can be requested, but will cost more and take longer to deliver.
fandoms available: bllk, bnha, hq, hsr, jjk
characters i don't write:
blue lock - chigiri, gagamaru
bnha - endeavor, all might, gang orca
haikyuu - sugawara, asahi
i write for pretty much all other characters, but feel free to reach out and confirm beforehand!
what i don't write: bestiality, pedophilia, underage sex, scat
why you should comm me (a.k.a some notable works): itoshin rin / shidou ryusei / todoroki touya / gojou satoru
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cheapshrimpysheep · 10 months
1K Followers Celebration - Requests
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Requests CLOSED
(This post may change in the future)
In celebration of my 1000 Followers (which I don't even know how I got 😅), I'm opening requests for TWISTED WONDERLAND and OBEY ME! this December.
I had already opened requests before, if you want to see the list of them, here it is 👇
500 Followers Celebration - Requests
If you want to know why I don't usually have requests: I'm relatively new to writing for tumblr and wanted to write my ideas. As a person committed to finishing what I start, I knew that if I had requests I could put a lot of weight on my own shoulders. So I will only do this on special occasions, and when I know I will have time to write them.
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Before you make your request, I just wanted to tell you what I am writing/have already written but I haven't posted yet, so you don't need to request for this ones.
You Will Stop the Wedding! - Overblot Students (Riddle Rosehearts / Leona Kingscholar / Azul Ashengrotto / Jamil Viper / Vil Schoenheit / Idia Shroud / Malleus Draconia)
Pocky Day - All Students (?) - I'm still thinking about this one, but what would it be like if you told them about Pocky Day and wanted to play it with them?
I also want to make posts with the clubs, I'm just waiting for the cards to appear on the Eng Server and then I can start writing.
Popular with the Ladies - Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor) Based on the card "Popular with the Ladies”. You saw photos of them with succubus on Devilgram. What will they do when you seem uncomfortable or even upset about this?
Glamping - Demon Brothers (Lucifer; Mammon; Leviathan; Satan; Asmodeus; Beelzebub & Belphegor) Based on the most recent event.
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I only write Reader-inserts.
Up to 7 Characters per request.
Only 1 request per message.
I intend to write like I usually do, like "What if...". So Imagines and Headcannons. The number of words depends on how inspired I will be. But I usually don't reach 1k words.
I always write Gender Neutral Reader. If you want a specific gender, I just feel comfortable writing Fem Reader, since I myself am one.
NSFW / smut
Dark Themes / Themes that require some kind of trigger warning. (Examples:  rape, suicide, eating disorders, panic attacks, abuse, etc.)
Angst UNLESS it ends with fluff/comfort 
I like to read these kinds of things for comfort, so I also write to comfort the reader. So something that strays too far from that, I won't write.
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I follow the English Server. So please don't ask me for anything about story and/or events that have only happened on the Japanese Server. Sorry. 😔
Students only. In Ortho’s case, uniquely platonic. In Rollo's case, I feel like I don't have enough information about the character, but I can try.
I always follow Canon. No AUs. Unless it's small things like the reader is already in a relationship with them, I don’t know. The further away from the canon the less I'll know how the heck they would behave. 😅
Characters that are part of the Intimacy System only. In Luke's case, uniquely platonic. I still don't know enough about Mephistopheles, Thirteen or Raphael to be able to write anything with them.
Please tell me which timeline you would like: Original or Nightbringer. Otherwise, I'll pick the one that I think will make the most sense.
I always follow Canon. But if you want some kind of AU, please let it be something I can adapt to some Levi’s cursed game or something like that.
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You can make your requests by asking me.
Even if you don't ask for any request, I wanted to say that I'm really glad that you enjoy my writing. And I am very grateful to everyone who likes, comments and/or reblogs my writing.
When I started writing for this account what I thought was "Why not? I like reading other people's imagines, maybe someone will like reading mine." I never thought I would reach 100 followers, much less 1K.
It's very rewarding to write for someone who will read it and enjoy it.
Thank you so much! 💖
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If you landed on this post out of nowhere and want to know read some of the things I've already written, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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lemotmo · 20 days
To the...
... lovely 🫖 Nonny: Thank you so much for the information and the heads up. I do appreciate it very much. Thank you! ❤️
... 'ooc dumpster fire that was s7-rant' nonny: Listen, I appreciate your passion and I realise that I can't tell you how to feel about a show, so I won't. But if you hated season 7 so much and you seem to be absolutely certain that Tim and the writers will f*ck up season 8, maybe it's time to take a break from watching? Maybe hold off from watching, but keep up with the show through Tumblr? Based on that you can decide on whether or not you want to start watching again. I understand from your post that you don't blame people for remaining positive and happy, but you want us to recognise and validate that some people fear the worst when it comes to Buddie. Well, I do recognise it and I definitely validate it. I understand the frustration. Trust me. I do! I've also been here for 7 seasons now, 6 of them I've watched how important Buck and Eddie became to each other and for all 6 I shipped them. I have been very very frustrated by the writing of the show in those 6 years, sure. But I've never stopped loving it. And I've actually had to take a step back with the last part of season 6, because I could feel my frustration growing and I didn't want it to overpower my love for the show. It really helped. I read spoilers, so I was more prepared for what was going on and then I watched the last few episodes after the finale had aired. I felt more calm when watching, because I knew what was coming. My mind was prepared for what I was about to see. Now we're here, close to season 8 and I guess I just don't see the point in getting stuck in negative thoughts when we only have a few puzzle pieces from a 1000 piece puzzle. We haven't a clue what they have in store for us and that is part of the excitement for me. So, when I see some people (mainly on Twitter) drawing the absolute worst conclusions from seeing one single bts picture? I don't understand why their mind would go to the absolute worst theory ever, when there are so many other plausible reasons or things that could be going on. My mind doesn't work that way. Also, was season 7 the best season ever? No, it wasn't. Especially 7b was questionable. Tim made some interesting choices.🙄 But 7a was quite good and the one thing that stayed consistent through this entire season was definitely Buddie for me. Their scenes together remained solid and heartfelt. So yeah, I like where all the clues we've been getting seem to be leading. I have a good feeling about Buddie for season 8. Am I deluding myself? Are we all deluding ourselves? Possibly yes. But also... maybe not. You know? We're at the point where the story can go anywhere, so I'm holding off on negativity and I'm approaching season 8 with an open mind. Que Sera, Sera. 🤷‍♀️
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solradguy · 1 year
Hey Sol! I remember quite a while ago, someone asked you about how to get into archiving stuff and you answered with a little guide of sorts of useful programs/websites/etc.
Do you still have that guide up? Is there somewhere I can learn more in-depth about how to begin archiving too?
Tumblr search is failing me and I can't find that post now... So! I'll type it again. Lately I've been thinking about writing some kind of "archivist's manifesto" type thing for my Neocities in an effort to hype people up about archiving and to guide them on how to do it. When I write that up I'll post it here too.
Here's a big post I wrote on how to scan books and where to upload them (this is also linked in the big GG masterpost that's in my pinned): https://solradguy.tumblr.com/post/722512206034501632/sol-radguy-scanning-guide
That guide also has some tips on photo editing that may be useful for non-book scanning stuff, like some free program alternatives.
I've tried finding professional guides on how to archive media but most of them are written for people looking to archive family photos/things and not web media or physical books. None of them have been very helpful, honestly. One thing they recommend doing that I think IS helpful though is the rule of 3: Keep 3 copies of an archive somewhere. A physical hard drive, cloud storage, a second hard drive stored separately from the first (in case of accidents/hardware failure), uploaded to separate file hosts, and printing new physical copies are some. Doing any 3 of those is highly recommended. I do the two hard drives and cloud storage/file hosts ones. My hosts are generally Archive.org, Neocities, and Google Drive.
Be very careful about trusting image hosting sites with valuable scan data because they come and go like the wind. Photobucket, Tinypic, Imageshack... They're either dead or require a premium to host files now, which doesn't help hobby archivists at all. Imgur's demise is on the horizon. It's just the way it goes with these due to how expensive and space-consuming image hosting is.
Absolutely 1000% do not ever use just Discord for archiving/hosting things. Nothing on that platform can be backed up easily or with automation, and the guys that run it have already made weird choices the community didn't want while also putting more and more things behind the Nitro paywall. I suspect they're going to kneecap image and file hosting some day soon, too.
For archiving someone else's files, something that helps greatly (if it can be done) is either including the source of the file in the file's name or writing a separate document with the sources and whatever other additional information there is.
Here's a basic example of some Sol images from my Sol folder:
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The first two are from the Counterside collab event and then the second two are official art but the file names are descriptive and it saves time sourcing them for things later. For archiving fan art/fiction, the filename is a good place to put the artist credit. Something like [Artwork Title]-[Artist Name]-[Original File Creation Date].format ("Sol Badguy Missing Link - Daisuke Ishiwatari - May 14 1998.jpg," or however you wanna organize the folder) works good.
Windows 11 didn't like working with Japanese text in file names for some of the Vastedge stuff I archived and I had to translate/romanize them. If you can't read Japanese/source's language, just do your best (number them instead?) and include the native language text in a .TXT file if possible.
A more complex example from the Vastedge .TXT doc:
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The Vastedge materials archive is pretty dense and had a lot of contributors so the first half of the .TXT document's just credits for who did what. This is useful for if something gets lost because we'll know who to go bother about it. Among other things.
The next section is a long stack of details about the files themselves. I won't paste the whole thing here, it's pretty long. It covers how the archive came to be, issues with some of the files, how the files were obtained, and some other stuff:
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The last half of the .TXT doc is a listing of the folder contents. I included this for quick reference and because sometimes archives get fractured by people only reuploading certain parts of it. Future archivists or anyone else going through this archive now have a list of what should be in there and will know if something is missing.
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Archive.org/Wayback Machine has a browser extension for quickly archiving webpages. I have that and WebP / Avif Image Converter by Nullbrains (Chrome, might be on Firefox?) installed to quickly archive pages and convert image files as I save them.
In summary:
Upload/store things in multiple places
Include credits wherever you can, however is easiest for you
Try to keep files in the most widely compatible formats (jpg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, mp3, mp4, txt, pdf, flac, etc). Google's .DOC, Clip Studio Paint's .CLIP, and similar file formats meant for a specific piece of software may not be supported in the future.
A bad/incomplete archive is better than no archive at all. Consider how exciting Sappho poetry fragments are compared to what it would be like if we didn't have anything. Don't worry about making it "perfect."
Hope that helps some!! I'll try to write the manifesto for my NC soon
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imaginationshow · 1 year
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Gee, tumblr informs me my last post was number 1000. Maybe not a Herculean feat as I’ve been here for yeeeears. But as I think close to all of them are of my sketches, drawings, photos, sculptures and other builds, and probably less than 5 % are replies or reposts, it’s still a nice heep. A few of them has been spread far an wide but mostly it’s just small scale and sketchy.
Most of my big accomplishments as an artist are on here, many already in sketch form before they were finished. Some are not, as they are works in progress still too fragile to post. And the last 6 months has all been about trying to recover from Covid which is all together a very annoying matter.
All and all, I’m proud of the journey this blog represent.
A shout out to the special ones of you that have kept following my stuff for a long time, it means a lot to see you in the feed!
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designsfromtime · 1 year
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After a decade of back-to-back commissions, I’m shifting my focus from creating costumes to teaching my techniques and walking students through step-by-step on-line courses that will be available through Teachable.com.
I’ve been working without any substantial time off since 2013! The only time off during the year I took was the month of August to participate as a cast member at the Washington Midsummer Renaissance faire each year. That’s not really a vacation ya’ll! I direct a fiber arts demonstration group so while I wasn’t sewing, I was still working as an entertainer!
While I am SOOO grateful for the success I’ve had with a full commission schedule booked out one to two years in advance, I need to free myself to travel, finish writing my historical based novels and FINALLY publish them, and sew for the passion of it again! – Hell, sew for myself and my family again because I “want to” rather than have to! Americans are notorious for taking their passion and torturing it until you end up hating what used to bring you joy. So, I’m changing that!
At 63 It’s time for me to take my 50 years of experience sewing, and my 20+ years of historical costume construction, and pay it forward to a new generation! My courses will be very detailed, with step-by-step videos, printed handouts, and a private Facebook page for my paying students. I will be able to answer questions, post videos to answer questions when necessary, and my students can post pictures of their work and support each other.
While I’m not closing down my Etsy store, I have drastically pared back my listings and will only be taking commissions for projects that inspire my creativity.
I am currently booked out to January 2025, but after that I’m closing my commission books for a year or so to concentrate on teaching and writing. Once my courses are filmed and uploaded, I will open my books again but will only take a limited number of commissions every year - or not at all if my sewing courses take off. I’m leaving my options open!
I’m hoping to have the first course available by January 2024. If you’re interested in taking my courses, I recommend following me on Facebook. I will be posting information there as well as my TicToc and Instagram. I’m not on Tumblr very often but will ‘TRY’ to keep ya’ll posted.
My first class will be a 16th century kirtle (bodice and skirt) like you see in the picture above. I will be offering my students a custom drafted pattern for their kirtle bodice at a cost of $30. The listing is available on my Etsy store. 
Other classes will include:
-        18th century stays
-        16th Century men’s doublets
-        16th century children’s clothing
-        16th century smocks
-        And more!  - - Tell me what YOU want to learn sew!
I will also be offering blackwork cuff and collars to my students, and I’m kicking around the idea of offering to embroider your fabrics for noble gowns - just the skirt facings, bodice front, sleeves and “maybe” the forepart (under skirt) - of course for a fee. Embroidery fees can be rather pricy, but I charge the industry standard of $1.00 to $1.50 per 1000 stitches. 
So, stay tuned for more information and thank you for all your support!
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prismartist · 6 months
Opening writing commissions!
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My portfolio ^-^
Any and all requests would be highly appreciated <3
[ID: two posters with a green wavy stripe background and sparkly pink border. text boxes and titles are in yellow. the first one titled "Prism's Writing Commissions!" details the following information:
<100 words: $3 100-499: $5 500-999: $10 1000-1499:$20 1500-1999: $25 2000-2499: $30 2500-3000: $35
>2k wordcount is $3 per 100 added words.
Will do:
My fandoms---check my blog or my portfolio!
Different styles: Prose, poetry, or scripts.
Original fiction
Won't do:
Heavy subjects such as abuse, harrassment, discrimination etc.
Note: I have the right to reject a commission!
the second poster reads:
I’ll send a first draft and WIP screenshots to keep the client updated and to allow them to request for adjustments.
If it’s for OCs, please send me sufficient information about them--I want to get them right!
Writing will take approximately one week to two months. If it takes longer, I’ll say.
If I am unable to complete the piece, I’ll allow a refund to be made.
It will be sent in PDF format.
I might post the commission on Ao3––if you don’t want it to be public, just say so!
Contact me on Tumblr OR by email.
I take Paypal or Ko-fi.
Note: contact: [email protected]. I won't take less than a 50% downpayment.
End ID.]
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eyesoffthemaud · 2 years
12 Days of DadMight: A December Event!
An Event is HERE! Here's the TL:DR.
What's the Event Called?: 12 Days of Dadmight
When does the event take place?: December 14th - December 25th
When are the Angst Days: December 14th - December 19th
When are the Fluff Days: December 20th - December 25th
Want to know more? GOOD! There is.
How would I describe the Event?
“12 Days of Dadmight” is a Christmas Event for the enjoyers of the relationship between Toshinori and Izuku (aka Dadmight). It’s one of my personal favorite relationships in MHA, so I decided for Christmas to turn it into an event for others like me!
While everyone knows the typically “12 Days of Christmas” song, this event comes with a twist. My personal favorite fic tag, is Hurt/Comfort- and the event reflects this!
Fluff is fun, however, I wanted to give our angst-lovers a treat as well! So, the first 6 days of the event are for our angst creators. Post an angsty dadmight fanfic or artwork if that’s what tickles your fancy! I want to cry myself to sleep.
That’s not to say I don’t love fluff! What is angst without fluff??? The last 6 days of the event are for the fluff creators. Post a fluffy fic or artwork! Make my cheeks hurt from smiling so hard!
Submission Rules:
Must be following my tumblr at @eyesoffthemaud
Produced pieces must include DadMight; particularly Izuku and Toshinori Yagi - other characters definitely may be included, but the main focus would be the relationship between both Izuku and Toshinori.
There is no limit on entries for this event. By submitting any piece(s) for the event, you are eligible for the prize. However, this does not mean that participating in all 12 days guarantees a win for the event.
Minimum word count for fics: 1000 words
When submitting your writing, submit it to the collection (LINKED HERE) if your work isn’t in the collection. I haven't seen it.
Please add the tag, 12DaysofDadmightAngst or 12DaysofDadmightFluff to your piece as an indicator of what category you’re submitting your piece to.
Art must be fully colored, simple sketches would be loved dearly but would not qualify for prize runnings.
When submitting your art, tag me @eyesoffthemaud. If your art has been reblogged then I have most definitely seen it. If I haven’t interacted with it in some way- I cannot guarantee that I have seen it.
Please add the tag, 12DaysofDadmightAngst or 12DaysofDadmightFluff to your piece as an indicator of what category you’re submitting your piece to.
Submission Timeframe:
All Submissions must be posted between December 14th through December 25th.
Late submissions are welcomed, but not encouraged.
There will be an official announcement when the event submission period has closed for judging. After that, any submissions after that announcement will not be considered for the prize.
Have Fun and Enjoy the Dadmight! Seriously.
Fics and Artwork should definitely not contain anything NSFW.
Heavy Gore is personally welcomed by me. However, I heavily discourage the showing, referencing, description, and/or usage of needles of any sort. This is an extreme phobia of mine, and as the event runner, it’s something I personally cannot handle. Please keep this in mind when writing/drawing- I wouldn't make this a rule if it truly didn't trigger my phobia.
This is not a Dekumight event. I swear. If you submit a Dekumight work to this event, I'm not only blocking you but blacklisting you from literally any and all events I ever choose to run in the future.
There are total 4 “winners” for the event 
2 writers, 1 from the fluff submissions and 1 from the angst submissions received
2 artists, 1 from the fluff submissions and 1 from the angst submissions received
The prize that each winner will receive is 1 Full Body/Full Render commission from my wonderful spouse @mcfanely! Each winner gets 1 art piece just for them!
(The rules of McFanely’s commission sheet still apply when describing what you’d like done)
Additional Information
Feel free to submit pieces for both the designated “Angst” and “Fluff” submission periods. Please know that you can only “win” for 1 category. In other words, one person cannot win in multiple categories.
More Questions?
Any more questions about the event can be directed to me via by Tumblr Askbox, or in my discord server.
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papercorgiworld · 8 months
Thank you!
1000+ followers!
As I post this I have exactly 1003 followers and they’re amazing!
I was planning on doing something for 100, 200, 500 followers, but I was always so busy writing or didn’t know what to do or just scared of looking like a fool… sorry! But now it’s time to celebrate!
I love you! Dear tumblr people, I truly love you. Whether you’re creating, supporting or both… you mean the world to me.
Now let’s get down to business. I have three things planned for you lovelys… I hope you’ll like it
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Scare an introvert
Me, I’m the introvert. Scare me and talk to me. Honestly, I like communicating from time to time, but let’s just say small talk is not my most developed skill.
If you’re a social butterfly or a curious kitten and you want to get to know the writer behind the fics, this is your moment!
🥰 📚 📖 😍 🤗 🫦 👁️ 😶 🧑‍🍳 👩‍🎓 💃🏻 🤷‍♀️ 🤦 💆🏽‍♀️🐶 🐍 🦩 🍀 🫐 🫖 🧩 🏄‍♂️ ☎️ 🪫 🎉 ☺️ 🤯 😎
Pick any emoji you can find on your phone and I’ll answer a question related to the emoji. Or be very random.
BUT if you would be so kind as to also tell me a little something about yourself, it can be as random as you want… Or share your thoughts on my blog. This way I can get to know you a little as well.
Requests are officially open
Requests were always unofficially open to the bold and the brave, but now they’re open to everyone!
Also big thank you to the ones who’ve already sent in requests, encouraging me to write and now even to open up to more requests. Kiss!
Throw in any guy you can think of, but preferably a Slytherin dude.
Combine it with any subject or even a random word if you want something short.
And I’ll try to write something and hopefully not disappoint you.
Rules? Don’t traumatise me but also don’t be shy. Worst case scenario I change your request until I can live with it. I’ve been scrolling tumblr for a decade now, I don’t judge.
Get a cameo!!
I’m looking for people to date one of the Slytherins in my next fics. So you or your OC can get a little cameo!
How it works? While the reader is still the main character, I need characters in the background dating Theodore, Mattheo, Blaise, Enzo, Draco or Pansy. Depending on the story, you’ll be mentioned a lot or just a few times. You’ll be dating your favoriete Slytherin either recently or you’ve been in a long term relationship.
Interested? Okay, I need a name. I’m not good at coming up with names and this is what inspired me to do this cameo stuff. Also sent me your house and yes you can be an exchange student if you don’t want to attend Hogwarts. Pronouns! Very important, don’t leave me guessing. Skin, eye and hair colour is not a must, but why not. Just for the fun of it, you can add what kind of student, friend or partner you’ll be. If you insist you can be a crazy ex as well. But most importantly, who do you want to date.
I might not need this much information, but it’s fun to get to know you. If you’re not an anon and don’t want to be mentioned when I post the fic then be sure to let me know so I don’t tag you.
Aaaaand a little bonus news:
Didn’t see this one coming at all…
25 000 ? That’s a lot of love! Thank you! Thank you so much!
When I’m writing and I feel like I’m stuck, my eyes wonder and usually land on my phone which is thanks to you always lighting up with tumblr notifications… encouraging me to continue writing!
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Have a lovely day!
Sending you all lots of love!
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