#tw abuse ment
chase shows obvious signs of being an abuse victim but y'all aren't ready for that yet cause he's a bad person i mean, come on. he lives in a glorified hype house with two guys who are presumably not related to him at 16. he was obviously not raised right and I will die on that hill
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justaz · 2 years
do y’all think percy likes the fact that he and annabeth both know that she could beat his ass if she wanted bc it reassures him that if he somehow became like gabe she would put an end to it immediatey?
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witchpussy42069 · 1 month
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dimonds456 · 11 months
re: your "positive post" some of us are abusers dawg. no getting past that and there's no such thing as healing for that. idk why people keep saying that shit when its dead obvious abusers dont change
See this? This attitude right here? This is what is stopping you from changing.
Everyone can realize that they need to change. Most of us do need to change, at least on some level. Humans are meant to grow and change throughout our lives, that's why it takes 25 years for our brains to finish developing.
So you fucked up. Badly. No one is denying that.
But, that doesn't mean you're doomed to repeat yourself.
You have the power within you to realize what you're doing and stop. No one else can do it for you. If you realize you're falling back on old habits, take a breath, apologize, and walk away for a little while to cool off, reflect, or whatever else you need to do instead of just committing to the path you've chosen.
You might relapse. You might think it's too hard. You might find yourself wondering if it'd even be worth it to put in the effort to be better. I can promise you right now that it is. It is worth it. Growth isn't linear, and you cannot get better overnight. But that doesn't mean you're done for.
If the people you hurt don't want to be around you, that's completely fair. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't meet new people or lock yourself away in a cave somewhere.
Being good is a choice.
Everyone can change, and you can do a little better, even if you don't think so. I promise.
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problematicfactive · 8 months
problematic factive culture is connecting the dots and realizing the way your host treated/treats you is abuse and you dont want to believe it because they're your best friend, but then also remembering you arent even allowed to make friends
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squishmalloe · 4 months
hi idk exactly whats going on with shubble and wilbur and if wilbur 100% abused her but if he did, i wont be taking down my old art. i wont be making any new art of him either, although i havent drawn him in a while either way. just making it clear that i dont want to and wont support an abuser 👍
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pastamurdercats · 5 months
You deserve to be punished for abuse apologism.
I've got screenshots of your most embarrassing posts.
I will expose them to punish you for being a stupid, dumb, no brained narc apologist.
WOOOOO ANON HATE LETS GOOO this took longer than expected
Please anon. Please enlighten me why Im apparently an abuse apologist. Please tell me why threatening and insulting me on anon is the sign of a good upstanding citizen. Anon look me in the eyes. Tell me. Do you really think a good person would insult and threaten a minor on anon on their WARRIOR CATS sideblog. 'Narc apologist' bestie. Bestie I am a narc. I am a narcissist. Why are you so surprised I support fellow narcissists. Genuinely
Also no Im not a fucking abuse apologist Ive been abused LMAO thats the reason I have NPD. Abusers should fucking burn and nobody should defend their actions. Wouldnt be surprised if anon was a abusive person considering they want to punish and expose literal children just because they happen to have a mental illnesses lmao. Like goddamn your ableism is very apparent lol go check yourself
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mixed-up-multiverse · 9 months
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// To the surprise of probably absolutely no one at all, Boxy Boo holds a grudge against his 'creator' Harley Sawyer.
As we all know, Harley Sawyer was not a kind man. In fact, he was the opposite, and dare we say, more of a monster than any of the experiments. He didn't see anyone around him as people with feelings, but more as just irritations that could be encountered on the road to what he wanted. The exception to this was if anyone was useful to him, which usually doesn't last long.
Boxy, at first, is something he was proud of. Something that defied the odds of science, the first ever freaking breakthrough that was the top-secret bigger bodies initiative. But again, to Harley he was not a person. Just something Sawyer and even the other humans wanted to see and learn about, so they could make more. They wanted to know what made the Box-beast tick, what it liked, and how they could warp it into something for them. Because of this, Boxy was subjected to numerous forms of torture under Harley's orders. From physical beatings to psychological scarring to not even bothering to feed him, Boxy suffered a lot no thanks to Harley and his outright sadism.
Now that the toys have broken loose and lurk in the depths of the factory, Boxy is glad to be free, even if he knows that it's the prototype who is pulling the strings of the others and even himself a little bit. But now, this Devil-in-a-box just wants to focus on eating, killing and living, and is all too happy to feast on any human extractors who lurk into the factory. Bad experience with the bags of deliciously gory goodness, ya know?
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priya was annoying and her parents are abusers if she lost the game it actually would’ve given her more DEPTH
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starrygender · 2 years
so i recently asked what the fuck a metal gear is because ive never played the games but was interested to know anything i could. needless to say, i understand now. i understand everything. im in pain. everything is so confusing. i did not need to know. help me.
i also recently unlocked the memory that our dad played mgs4 before he died. that octopus lady from the b&b unit reaaally stuck in my head for years afterwards, only to resurface as a memory after asking around about that specific game. horrific. i dont think it occurred to him that a freaky metal gear boss would stick in the mind of a 5 year old. not that it scarred me, as that wouldve been an entirely different story. but i took it as some weird fetishy thing... which wasnt helped by the white room thingy... dont ask how i understood such a concept at 5. i was not sexually abused at the least and thats all you need to know.
speaking of metal gear, might make raiden gendas for 2, 4, and rising... or an otacon genda
(ps, i know because of the tags im using, "outsiders" will see this. if you disagree about anything you see, like the oddly long list of tw variants (which i have a reason for but am still anxious about) or the "making gendas" thing, please just move along. im very anxious right now, so please advise.)
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mugzymiik · 1 month
Dear @/constanthungr:
I don't care if you see this or not. In fact, I kind of hope you don't.
Do you have ANY idea how hard it was for me to "throw away" our friendship of 6 years because I realized you were a groomer, and an abuser? Do you know how utterly numb I felt after I completely cut contact with you?
Towards the end of our friendship? I'm gonna be fully honest here: I was scared. I was absolutely TERRIFIED of you. Every time I saw your icon in my pings, I had to resist the urge to fucking vomit.
You were unpredictable.
I had a chat with a friend of yours (whose name I will not disclose, for privacy reasons) a while back– they told me about how badly you treated them.
I felt like a fucking couple's counselor for you and all of your partner(s) of the time.
I LOVED you. I would have KILLED for you.
MANY times had I BEGGED my mom to let me stay up late, because I knew your depressing thoughts got BAD at night.
On Christmas, the very day I cut ties with you, I spent my OWN money– the money that I received for MYself THAT SAME FUCKING DAY, that I could have used on MYself– to buy you that game on Steam. I didn't receive ANYTHING in return– and I didn't EXPECT anything in return.
And yet, you have the AUDACITY to call me "a fake friend".
Let me do you one better.
That very Christmas, my blood pressure SPIKED. My hands were TREMBLING as I brought my cursor up to that goddamn "Block" button. The very second I clicked, my mind was a MESS as I scrambled to leave EVERY. SINGLE. MUTUAL. SERVER.
I didn't know if you'd come after me– I was SCARED.
I could go ON and ON and FUCKING ON with this. But I won't, because I have to go to school soon. Just hear this:
What was once my "older brother I never had"?
A man who is now completely and utterly dead to me.
I hope you rot.
(PS: It sounds EXTREMELY icky for an adult to say "I'd say "minors DNI" but my best bud [hey, that was me! Wow!] is 16". Just for future reference. :])
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dimonds456 · 6 months
To my abuser: (a poem)
I know you'll never see this But even if you do I just want you to know That I miss you.
I miss each interaction I miss each art we shared I miss the VC laughter I miss when I thought you cared.
Tonight I re-remembered I lived through hell once more I even did some digging And I found your server's door
Yes, that was me. Hello. I didn't say a word I said nothing and was not spoken to And since, I have concurred.
We may have disagreed before We each had a different view But now I've found some truths And I need to share with you
You kept bad people around You credited people poorly You boasted being a one-man show And now everything is orderly
You stole from me You ripped me off You even stomped My ideas with a scoff
But even then, I have to say That I'm proud that you've come all this way.
For even in this sea of pain And for all the memories I endured The thing that gave me hope for you Was the presence of the old server
You made everything public You didn't delete a thing You linked it in the archive The place curious people would be
You're not trying to hide What you did to us And although I can't forgive you You have gained my trust
A trust specific Don't get me wrong But I trust all the same.
For now you've taken baby steps To become yourself again.
You have healed You have grown And I know this intimately All stored in the old server I could access immediately
What you've done, it gives me hope And though I can't forgive you I never want to see your face again But I hope you can heal, too.
While you hurt us, we hurt you I do not doubt that one bit I just hope you douse the flames That your spite had lit
I wish you the best I hope you do well Your art has improved And your writing as well!
Just know this, from me to you I do miss you. That I do. But please don't steal my shit again And I'm still glad this came to an end.
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brilliantseer · 8 months
tw for mentions of abuse and death but nothing particularly graphic is described <3 actual post below the cut!
icb i’m doing psychopomp work for someone (an innocent party in all of this, to be clear, especially since she died alone and in pain) my abuser cares about … like, i never thought i’d see the day where my desire to help souls transition smoothly outweighed the urge to dunk on (read: emotionally nuke) the dude who gave me ptsd by age 8 but here we are! ig it only goes to show how much ive grown as a person since starting to work w my spirit team
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i think i may be gaslighting myself about being in an abusive relationship but i don't know how to stop. i remember love and it wasn't like this but i don't even feel like i deserve it anymore
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pro-crastinate17 · 1 year
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inspired by a flashback i had last night el em ay oh
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pastamurdercats · 5 months
Also, the FUCKFACE that called my friend an evil narcissist for talking about narcissistic and telling her she deserved to be hit and fucking kill herself, was that you??? Are you that evil pathetic RAT!? Are you that fucking FOUL MONSTER!?!!
If so...I've got a special jar that's filled with pins and needles, and dead bugs, and broken glass, and vinegar, and chili powder, and a slip of paper...with your name on it. Be change your ways...or I'll MAKE you.
I had to read this ten times over your grammar is so bad LMAOOO
Bestie I have no fucking clue who you or your friend are, but no I have not called anyone an 'Evil narcissist', wished assault on anyone or told them to kts. Anyone who does that is disgusting and Im sure your friend would tell you theyve never met me in their life
I want to know how Id fit in a jar. How big is it. Whats paper gonna do??? Please I need answers. OH ALSO NARCISSISTIC WHAT. PARENTS??? ABUSE??? Anon please. Work with me
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