#tw my brain is broken and I'll break yours too
bbsmuts · 2 days
Mistaken Identity ft. Allissa Shin
A/N: Aaaaaand we have a special guest tonight, Miss Allissa Shin! I imagine this is something of a curveball, since I've never broken away from K-Pop idols, but here we are. I can't find fics of her ANYWHERE, so I guess it's good that I get to be the pioneer of it. Note that she will be one of the only people I write about outside of K-Pop, so don't bother requesting Taylor Swift or anything. This was another phenomenal pitch from @xiaoondc, the main contributor to my current success. It's also starting to seem like my readers are into BBC gangbangs, considering the number of pitches I have and have had that involve them. Allissa Shin looks so much like Rosé it's almost impossible to tell them apart in some photos. I'm ramping up the use of daddy and of tildes in this one at the suggestion of readers. So without further ado, I present Mistaken Identity. Forgive me if I spell her name with only one L, my brain thinks it should be spelled like that. Also prepare yourself for overly excessive use of tildes in Allissa's speech.
{Note: Any and all photos of Allissa Shin used in this work are 100% real and can be found on her Instagram, allissashin}
Length: 5.34k
Possible TW: Bondage, spanking
Tags: Gangbang, BBC gangbang, DP, bondage, spanking, 69, cunnilingus, rimming
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Allissa rapped the counter with her knuckles and traded another bill for another shot of whiskey from the bartender. She swallowed half of it, relishing in the spicy, woody taste with the subtle hint of sweet, and the burn that followed the liquor down her throat, making her wince a bit.
"Too strong?" The bartender asked, rubbing a glass with a pristinely white cloth. "I can get something lighter."
"Nah, it's perfect." She downed the rest of the shot and handed him back the shotglass, leaning back in the plush seat. "How many was that?"
"Nine." He replied, washing out her glass and drying it before it took its place in the cabinet. "Going through something?"
"Nope. Just felt like a being a little extra drunk tonight."
He chuckled. "Well, I'd advise you to be careful, Miss Shin. There are some who would take advantage of your intoxication."
"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind."
A huge, hulking black guy took the seat to her left, quickly joined by four of his buddies. From a glance in their direction, she could see that each and every one of them was not only very muscular and very attractive, and they were all wearing tank tops and sweatpants to prove it. The one closest to her had a large dragon tattooed on his right arm. She felt a distinct rush of arousal course through her, which might've been from the alcohol, but she liked it either way.
"The usual, I assume, Ekon?" The bartender asked. (I figured Ekon would be a good one because it's an Nigerian name that literally translates to "strong", which is quite fitting, considering who he is.)
"That's right. And one for all of my homies, on me." The guy on her left said in a deep, rumbling voice.
The bartender nodded and whisked away to prepare the drinks, and the guy threw a glance at Allissa.
"Oh shit, is that you, Chaeyoung? Yo guys, it's Rosie! Wassup!"
She looked over, confused, as the other guys erupted into cheers.
"Uhm...h-hi." She replied amongst the whoops. "Not to be rude or anything, but do I...know you guys?"
"Wow, after all this time you forgot about yo closest homies?" another one said, feigning tears. "Daaaamn."
'They must be mistaking me for someone else," she thought, watching them all colloquially fake being sad, during the course of which she conveniently heard all their names. 'Well...they are all really cute, I guess it couldn't hurt to play along.'
"Oh, shit, hey! I didn't recognize you guys at first!" She said in a bright tone, smiling. "Sorry about that, it's been too long!"
"Man, you gon' break a brother's heart messing 'round like that, forgettin' us." said the one directly to her left.
She laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that, E."
"Nah, you all good. Ayo!" He called to the bartender, who was still mixing the drinks. "Lemme get one for my homegirl over here too!"
He nodded and continued his mixing.
"What'd you order?" She asked.
"Girl, you don't even remember my go-to? Damn, we really ain't seen each other in a fat minute. I got all us some good shit, rum and liqueur and stuff."
"Ah." She said. "Sounds good."
"Trust him, it is good." One guy on the end tapped in. "And don't take too much, because that shit'll have you on the ground if you take one sip too many."
"Yo, remember back in high school? She couldn't handle anything!" This caused a fair amount of laughs, which needled her into speech.
"Yeah? Let's see how I am now then. I already had nine shots of Jim Beam."
"That's true." The bartender chimed in, bringing over the seven drinks. "Nine shots."
"Damn." Ekon said, accepting the drink and adjusted the chain on his neck. "Thanks, man. Somethin' musta changed since we last saw each other Chae, back then you could barely take one shot of henny. Nine shots of Jim Beam? That ain't never happenin' seven years ago."
Allissa suddenly realized something. 'Are they mistaking me for Rosé?' She thought. 'No way...well, still can't hurt to play a long a bit.'
"Well, a lot's changed in seven years." She said as the other guys calmed down, taking a small sip of her drink. "This is good."
He nodded. "Sure is. Rum, coconut liqueur, pineapple juice, orange juice, stuff like that. So how you been?"
"Pretty good. You?"
"Same. Life's been good. You ever get that modeling gig you was always after?"
"Funnily enough, I did." She had actually gotten into modeling, just not the gig he was referencing. "Pretty successful."
"Oh, so you got some bands. Nice. I got a question though, don't answer if you don't wanna."
"Go for it."
"You still a virgin?"
"Hell no." She replied immediately. Allissa didn't know whether or not Rosé was a virgin, but she certainly wasn't.
"Really?" He downed the last sip of his cocktail. "Something's changed about that attitude too. Last time we saw each other you was saying you weren't gonna lose it until you got married."
"Guess I changed my mind." She took another sip of hers.
"How many?" Another guy down the line, who'd been lying attention to the conversation said. She didn't have to ask what he meant.
"Nine." She replied.
Ekon nodded. "Respectable amount. Less than I would've expected, to be honest."
She raised an eyebrow. "I said I'm not a virgin, not that I'm a whore."
He raised his hands. "My bad, gang, my bad. So you going anywhere else tonight?"
"I wasn't planning to, but I wouldn't mind."
"You wanna come back to our place?"
She was suddenly very aware of how sheer and tight her dress was, and more aware of how the defined muscles of Ekon's arms rippled with every movement.
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She didn't say anything, but he could definitely figure out the change in expression on her face.
"S-sure, yeah." She said, voice wavering a little.
He turned to the guy on his left. "Yo, she coming home with us. Y'all finished?"
The other one smirked, nodded, and passed the news on while Eli turned back to Allissa, a smirk on his face too.
"You finished with the drink?"
Despite her anticipation and slight nervousness, she put on a bolder face and downed the last bit of the cocktail.
"I am now."
"Alright," he said, smiling wider, grabbing his keys, and tossing the bartender a wad of bills. "Let's roll."
Bursting through the doors into the cool night air was refreshing after the interior of the bar. Though cozy, it was warm and a little stuffy inside. Her steps were definitely weaving a little, but she made it to Eli's car alright. A classic '69 Pontiac GTO, painted black.
"Yo! You driving?" One of the other guys called to Ekon.
"Nah, you drive, Adrian. I wanna, uh...catch up with Rosie."
Allissa took the back seat, Adrian driving and another riding shotgun, and Ekon in the back with her. The engine awoke with a roar and the headlights switched on, illuminating the dark parking lot.
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"I gotta say, Chae, you been doing some developing." Ekon commented as they started down a dark boulevard.
She had a feeling she already knew what he meant, but she asked. "What do you mean by that?"
"I mean..." he gestured to her body then outlined a curvaceous figure in the air with his hands.
She blushed, hitting him on his muscular arm. "Stop!"
"I ain't joking, man. I mean...damn."
She giggled. "Thank you..."
He grinned. "Really is good to see you again though, Chae."
"You too. What are we doing when we get there?"
"We gonna figure that out when we get there. But I know you ain't stupid, you could take a good guess."
One look at his expression told her all she needed to know, and she looked away, the thought causing a thrill of anticipation and a fresh wave of arousal to a certain place in her lower region. She pressed her thighs together, trying to stave off getting turned on, but she couldn't stop her gaze from wandering over to his chiseled torso, on which every line, curve, and detail was put on display by the tight white muscle shirt. She found herself unconsciously licking her lips as her gaze roved over his perfect cumgutter abs, outlined pecs, and massively ripped arms. And from what she could see, he had a hell of a package in his boxers. (I feel so gay writing this entire part💀)
"Like what you see?" Her excitement and intense gaze did not go unnoticed.
"Mm, yes, I do~" It might've been the alcohol fueling her words, but part of it was coming directly from down below.
He chortled. "Yeah, I bulked up. Been going to the gym a lot recently."
She slid a hand over his rock-hard thigh, gently squeezing the fibers which felt like steel under her fingers. She gasped in pure arousal as her hand moved onto an absolute monster of a cock, which was massive without even being erect.
"Oh my god~" She massaged the phallic behemoth and moved closer on the seat, allowing him to put his arm over her shoulders and pull her into him. His powerful grip and iron-fiber muscles around her turned her on even more. His hand moved slowly downward, caressing the soft round of her breast through the thin fabric of her dress. She gasped again softly as his index finger traced her nipple, her sensitivity kicked up by the alcohol and how purely turned on she was.
"Save it for the room, y'all," said Adrian. "Ain't no one wanna see that."
"Don't even lie, bro, you know you want a piece." Ekon fired back. "Homie try to bullshit me..." he muttered. The other shrugged and stopped talking.
It was only a short ride more before they arrived at a large, mostly White House that resembled a a palace, with marble columns and everything. Allissa, even being the owner of a not-so-humble estate herself, was shocked at the sheer size and grandeur of the mansion.
"This is where you live?" Pleasure forgotten temporarily, she pressed her face against the window and gazed like an awestruck child.
Ekon chuckled, bringing his hand down to her now-exposed ass and giving it a strong squeeze. "Yup. There's five of us, we all live in the same joint."
"Wow..." His fingers wandered a little lower, pulling up the bottom hem of her dress so her thong was exposed.
"Damn, Chae, a thong?" He chuckled a little more. "Didn't know you was gettin' yo freak on so much."
"Mmhmm~" She bit her lip at the sight of his cock hard and straining against his sweats. "Fuck, you're big..."
Undergoing a sudden change of demeanor as they pulled into the driveway, he pressed her against the seat by the neck and spoke in his deep rumble of a voice. "And you want that, don't you?"
"Yes, daddy, I do~" Her voice came out as a whimper, his dominance only serving to make her more needy. "I want it a lot~"
"Well, yo ass bouta get it, hard."
"Oh yes, please, daddy," she moaned, his hands on her making her wet. "I want it!"
Ekon had opened his mouth to say something in return when the voice in the passenger seat piped up again.
"Y'all! We are 20 feet from the damn house, hold off for a second!"
"Aight, my bad bro. But you," he said, returning his hand to her neck as she giggled at Adrian, "better keep your little slut mouth shut."
"Yes, daddy," she said submissively, getting wetter by the second. They all got out of the car and walked quickly into the house, followed by the other two from the other car. The moment they all piled in through the door and it closed, Ekon pinned her arms to the wall above her head with one hand and kissed her, tongue aggressively pushing into her mouth. She moaned, his other hand going to her neck, while other hands pulled up her dress and caressed various other parts of her. Before long she was rid of her dress and left only in her bra and panties.
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They backed off momentarily to admire her curvy, sexy figure. After a few "damn"s, they converged once more and she was pinned against the wall again.
She bit her lip as hands slipped into her panties and bra, teasing her sensitive spots and making her moan. Her hands, helplessly held above her head, twisted and writhed as multiple fingers plunged into her entrance, teased her sensitive clit, and rubbed over her nipples, assaulting her senses from every side. It had been a while since she had anyone, and she found herself quickly approaching her first orgasm.
"I'm gonna cum," she panted, gasping as several fingers found and roughly fingered her g-spot. "Oh god yes, I'm gonna cum!"
"Already?" Ekon said, triceps inconveniently flexing and turning her on more as he pushed against her hands and throat. "You little slut."
"Mmm, yes~" She moaned with rapid breaths, arching her back in pleasure. "You're gonna make me cum~"
His hand left her throat and slapped her face, leaving a small stinging mark in its wake. She was surprised at first and then felt a warm surge of sensual humiliation send a jolt straight to her pussy.
"A-ahh, fuck, yes, yes, ngghh yes, I'm cumming!" She bucked her hips off the wall, crying out in loud pleasure as she squirted on the many hands teasing her. She slid down the wall as the guys backed off, chest heaving even from the light orgasm she just had.
Apparently they weren't patient enough to postpone fucking her, so with little more ado they hoisted her to her feet and onto the rich white leather couch, a couple of them removing her panties and bra. Shirts were removed around her, filling her sight with abs and ripped arms. Jeans and sweats were next, taking boxers with them and leaving everyone present completely naked, and the other guys backed off as Ekon approached and went behind her.
She let out a sharp cry as a massive cock penetrated her pussy and immediately shattered whatever semblance of coherent thought she had left. The sheer size inside her stretched her walls out and caused a fair deal of pleasure and slight pain.
"Please," she murmured quietly, arching and then wiggling her ass to allow him better access, "ruin me."
He wasted no more time and started ruthlessly pounding her, loud claps on skin on skin sounding as he slammed his hips into her ass. She couldn't control the cries that left her mouth, face contorting in pleasure.
"Fuck!" She yelled, his cock reaching unbelievable depths inside her. "Oh my god yes, you're sso big! Oh yes, daddy, fuck my pussy!"
She could hear commentary from the five others, but her mind was too far gone to pay attention to it. He roughly grabbed her arms and held them behind her back, ramming her into the couch and leaving her helpless to the relentless assault on her tight tunnel.
"Yes, yes, yes, fuck! Don't stop, please keep going daddy!"
"Shut the fuck up and take it, you little whore." He leaned some of his weight on her, letting him growl in her ear, and pressed his hand over her mouth, muffling her moans.
"Mmph! Yes daddy!" Her voice was muted by his hand. He let go of her mouth and she turned her head to the side to survey his body. His hands left the couch as well, abs flexing to hold himself up as both hands were brought down on her supple ass in a punishing smack.
"Oh yes, spank me! Spank me harder daddy!" He gladly complied, landing more hard slaps on her ass. The sting brought her a blissful mix of pain and pleasure that was building up an orgasm like an edifice inside her.
"Shit, I'm gonna cum!" She heard the low groan behind her, accompanied by a few more spanks, and bucked her hips back into him as much as she could.
"Are you ready to take my cum, little slut?"
She nodded eagerly, still being slammed into the couch by his relentless thrusts. He delivered another hard spank to her ass, grip tightening on her arms behind her back.
"Try again."
"Yes, daddy!" She cried, eyes rolling into her head as the pleasure overtook her. "I want all of it, give me your cum, please daddy!"
A moan sounded behind her and a second later, a hot current of cum streaming into her pussy. The feeling of being filled with his cum overwhelmed her senses and threw her headlong into a strong orgasm; a wail of pleasure left her as she arched her back and squirted hard onto him.
She got barely a few moments' recovery before all the others approached and loaded onto the couch. Ekon stepped away and let them take their turn, and after one of them lifted her leg and positioned himself under her, she was penetrated in her ass and pussy by two enormous cocks.
Nothing but a gutteral, throaty moan was produced by her already overworked vocal cords. But she noticed two more guys walking around to her backside, and a thought crossed her foggy mind. They weren't going to...were they?
Her question was answered as the feeling of two more hard, throbbing tips pressing against her entrances sent signals of ecstasy to her receptors. With little more ado and no consideration for how much they were stretching her out (which was overloading her with pleasure), the shafts of the tips thrusted inside her.
"Fuck!" Pleasure turned her mind to mush for a moment as she briefly lost touch with reality. Two cocks in each hole; she hadn't been fucked like this in ages.
No, she hadn't been fucked like this ever.
Various murmurs of dirty things reached her ears, but none of them really registered with her brain. She kept up her dialogue of submissive moans, her pleas growing more and more wanting as she got more and more desperate.
"Oh yes, fuck my pussy," she panted, yelping as the smacks pelted down on her ass cheeks. "Fucking give it to me! Harder!"
All four cocks were pumping in and out of her with furious vigor; her pussy was soaked like a monsoon, and was made even wetter by the obscenities and degradation coming from behind her.
"Yeah, take these dicks, you slut!"
"You like being filled up like this, whore?"
"Yes daddy~" she whimpered, being overloaded with sensation. "I want all of your cocks in my tight little cunt! I'm your slutty little toy, keep fucking me just like that, yes!"
More spanks rained down on her ass, causing more waves of pleasure-pain to spread through her and intensifying the telltale tingling in her pussy.
"Oh fuck yes! More!" She cried. "Spank me harder!"
To her slight dismay, the slaps stopped. But a second later, something that stung a lot and something that was definitely not a hand made contact with her pinkened ass cheeks. She glanced around just as the strap was brought down on her once more, and a hand slapped her face. Her arousal turned to the max, she bit her lip and turned back around to a cock in her face. Without a second thought she opened her mouth and allowed it to push past her lips. She sucked passionately and hungrily, ignoring the slight discomfort she felt when his length went down her throat.
"Fuck, such a good little slut. Ain't that right, Rosie?" Ekon's deep voice was easily recognizable.
She nodded vigorously and continued impaling her throat on his massive cock. Her eyes rolled back and she gagged as her mouth and nose made contact with his pubes. She flicked her tongue out to trace circles on his balls as he grabbed her hair and held her right where she was. Slurping obscenely, she stuck out her tongue as far as possible to let him push every last centimeter into her squeezing throat.
"Mmph!" Her moans and gags were muted, but had she been able, the whole neighborhood would have heard her screams. She was going to cum and she knew it, the many cocks invading her holes proving to be too much to handle.
"Phhk!" More strikes from the strap, more thrusts from the guys. "Guhnuh kmm!"
Their hands stroked and caressed her passionately, in stark contrast to their cocks brutally, mercilessly pounding her. No relent, no mercy, no caring for anything more than raw pleasure. And she loved it that way.
"Daddy, I'm gonna cum!" She brought her head off Ekon's shaft and cried out to the room. "It's so fucking good, yes!"
She couldn't take it anymore. Her back arched and her hips bucked against them as her third orgasm slammed into her like a truck, her body trembling with the force of her squirting. Her arms gave out and her front half collapsed, burying her face in the couch. Still, there was no pause in the way they pitilessly railed her, driving their thick cocks in and out of all her holes.
Vaguely, she heard every single one say they were, too, on their way to orgasm, which brought her back to reality. She threw her head back and shouted out her pleasure, and her desire to be filled with cum.
"Please, daddy, cum inside me! Fill me up like the pathetic little cumslut I am! I want all of daddy's cum inside my tight little pussy!"
She bucked her hips into them in desperate need of another orgasm. Slaps landed on her face, heightening her arousal and making her even wetter, making her clench around the rods fucking her, adding to their pleasure.
"Fuck yes, breed me daddy! Fill up my pussy with your hot cum and breed me!" Her own dirty talk was turning her on as well as them, a fresh coat of slick lubricating her.
And then suddenly all four of them pushed as far as they could and bottomed out inside her, simultaneously painting her walls with thick ropes of warm, white cream and triggering her fourth orgasm. With a scream and a shaking body her pussy erupted, spraying their thighs with her own cum. One by one, each cock slid out of her, eliciting a whimper from her, and she was able to let her hips fall. Trembling and hypersensitive, she turned over and laid flat on her back, already feeling the cum start to leak out of her and drip down to the couch.
After a minute she sat up slightly and looked between her own thighs, where their cum and her juices were slowly soaking into the couch cushion.
"Oops," she giggled, letting her head fall back over the couch arm. "Guess you might have to get a new cushion."
Ekon chuckled from the other couch. "Chae, if we gave a damn, we'd fuck you on the bed."
He got up and walked away, his massive, semi-hard cock swinging from side to side. Despite having had four orgasms already, she found herself getting wet again at both the sight of him and the thought of getting fucked again. She reached down and gasped as she accidentally brushed her own clit; the touch sent pleasure shooting through her. Her soft moans did not go unnoticed, and as she fingered herself, they converged. She spread her legs eagerly, but instead of fucking her, one of them lowered his head to her soaking, tingling pussy and pressed his tongue against her clit. A high-pitched gasp left her mouth and her hands clamped down on the cushion as her hips immediately and automatically started grinding into his face.
"Oh god, yes," she moaned, eyebrows contracting up as he deftly swiped at her pussy. "Fucking eat me, daddy..."
Allissa felt her arousal and pleasure growing quickly. Clattering came from the next room where Ekon was.
"Oh yes, give it to me, daddy!" She cried, closing her eyes bucking her hips hard against his tongue. "Your tongue feels so good!"
She felt a cock press against her lips and immediately opened her mouth to let it in. She sucked on it hungrily, bobbing her head up and down.
Then someone pushed her legs up into the air, bringing her hips up, and she felt the tongur slide lower, down to her asshole. She shivered at the foreign sensation, and at the same time felt movement above her. To her slight shock, a second tongue planted itself on her pussy, and she looked down to see that the man whose dick was in her mouth had maneuvered into the top side of a 69 to eat her out. This allowed him enough leverage to thrust his hips into her face, driving his cock deep down her throat.
At that moment Ekon returned, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a massage wand in the other. Pinned down by 150 pounds of muscle, she could do nothing as he slipped the wand under the abs of the other guy and pressed it against her nipple. She moaned into his base, the vibrations adding to all the stimulation she was getting. The tongues probing her holes were very quickly catapulting her to her fifth orgasm; they had her bucking her hips and moaning with ease. Ekon's vibrator made her want to writhe and squirm, but she was helplessly trapped by the muscular body above her. Together, the sensations proved too much once more.
Wailing in ectsasy into the thick member in her throat, she clutched at his back and squirted intensely right into his mouth; the tongue in her ass was suddenly replaced by the head of a cock, closely followed by its shaft. Tears sprang to her eyes as she orgasmed again, hips jerking wildly as more cum streaming out of her.
Someone grabbed her and turned her over, sliding under her and pushing into her oversensitive pussy. Before she even had time to react, two more stretched out her saliva-covered asshole, and Ekon's cock returned to her mouth. From behind her, someone grabbed her hands and roughly tied them together. Someone grabbed her hair and pulled viciously, and Ekon slapped her face on both cheeks.
As soon as the others had come, she felt that all-too-familiar buildup of heat in her core. They reached points inside her she never knew could be hit, fucked her harder and better than she had ever been fucked in her life. Hands tied behind her back, hair being savagely pulled, ass being spanked hard, pussy, ass, and throat being mercilessly railed and used. There was no return to normal sex after this.
More slaps landed on her ass, thighs, face, and breasts, each one sending a jolt of pleasure-pain through her. She could feel herself and all the shafts inside her throbbing with need for release, and that they got.
The first one set off a chain reaction. The one under her groaned and buried himself balls deep inside her, explosively cumming and sending another tirade of warmth into her. At the same time, she and Ekon both met their orgasms, another load spurting down her throat. Several streaks of cum splattered onto her stomach, breasts, and face from the bystanders. A spray of her own cum splattered the thighs of the two fucking her ass, and the increased tightness of her ass caused two more loads to jet into her bowels. And then a second orgasm in a row hit her.
"FUCK!" she screamed as Ekon's softening length slid out of her mouth. Waves of ecstasy and intense pleasure slammed through her one by one, her mind going blank as they overtook her. Her world was a haze of bliss, and she could barely manage to crack open her eyes once the throbbing in her well-fucked cunt died down.
Each cock pulled out of her holes, followed by a steady flow of slick and thick cum. When she had recovered sufficiently, she raised her head and saw that her body was a mess of handprints, red marks from slaps and spanks, bruises, cum streaks, and sweat droplets. Spent and well-used, she let her head fall back onto the armrest.
A short while later she got up and wiped all the various bodily fluids off herself with a towel and then returned to the living room, once-coiffed-and-pretty hair disheveled and, in her opinion, sexy as hell.
"Seems a lil' bit ironic to ask, but did you like it?" Ekon asked, reclining in a seat, as she flopped onto a different couch.
"Yes~" she replied, biting her lip and giggling. "A lot."
Gesturing to the amount of cum still leaking out of her pussy and ass, she said, "You boys really outdid yourselves this time, hm~"
He smirked and returned his attention to the glass of whiskey with an approving nod.
Then it occured to her that they were still under the impression that she was Rosé.
"Can I...can I be honest for a second?"
He nodded nonchalantly. "Go for it, homie."
"Well...I-I'm not Rosé." She said in a small voice.
All sets of eyes in the room roved around to her, a few eyebrows raised. "What?"
"I'm not Rosé." She blushed under their intense gazes. "You guys thought I was at the bar, and I thought you were really cute, so I played along, but I'm not Rosé, or whoever it is you thought I was. I'm really sorry."
Ekon and all the rest looked at her for a long moment, and then they all started laughing. Slapping their knees, rocking back and forth laughing.
"Wait, wait, wait." Adrian said, fighting to control his laughter. "So you tryna tell me I been fuckin' some random girl all of us dumbasses thought was our old homie?"
She nodded meekly, glad at least that they weren't mad.
The laughter erupted again, each one of them crying with mirth. Her face turned hot, her embarrassed in a way.
"Aww, she so cute when she blushin'," commented Ekon, still giggling over the mistaken identity.
"Shut up!" She blushed harder, giggling and covering her face with her hands.
He raised an eyebrow. "Come again?"
Realizing what he meant, she fell silent, a small blossom of arousal rushing to her pussy at his dominant tone.
"Do we need to punish you again?" His voice turned low, dangerous. She was silent for a moment, the small blossom blooming into a large and very wet flower.
"Yes please, daddy~"
A/N: I searched everywhere for more Allissa Shin smuts, and they don't exist. I mean, I searched on Tumblr, AO3, FFN, AFF, everywhere. So I guess I get to be the pioneer of Allissa Shin fics. Yay. This shouldn't have taken me a month to write, but wifi router problems, a considerable period of writer's block, work, and a fair amount of procrastination delayed it. Hope you enjoyed.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 1 year
Yeeting this into the void...
Half vent, half self-expression and the third half is so my few readers followers know what's up with me. But my brain is not a nice place. Tread carefully.
My brain is low-key trying to kill my lately. I don't know how much of this is meds/health issues and how much just stress. My thyroid and estrogen are fighting and that really hurts. I'm doing what I can to mitigate it, but the bottom line is, I don't have anything that works AND is tolerable at an effective dose.
Wednesday, I'm going to the endocrinologist. I have never been to one, despite having hormonal issues my whole life. The only reason I got this referral is my spouse came with me and demanded it on my behalf, and I think my family doctor is borderline senile. I have no idea what that man has told this new doctor who is holding my life in their hands. I've been waiting for this appointment for months. This was the earliest I could get in.
I have issues with at least two hormones and I would hope that the hormone specialist can deal with both, but estrogen - ha ha, that little scamp! - is gendered. I'm so scared that (after I get told to lose weight) I'm gonna hear, "Sorry! We'll have to let the lady doctor who specializes in lady parts deal with your lady hormone, you lady, you."
These two things interact, you see, and I've had trouble absorbing both. I need someone who can deal with that, otherwise I'm going to be playing a three physician game of telephone, where instead of talking to each other, they make ME explain everything - even though they're supposed to have all they need on the computer. It's... I don't have the energy to keep doing that and it's super ineffective.
I don't have anything sexy or cool or simple wrong with me. I didn't even get Agent Orange dumped on me, that happened to my dad and I can't prove it's affecting me. Even though I have never been okay. Ever.
I can't hug people or lean over a table without cringing, 'cos my breast pain goes off at random depending how you hit 'em. Nobody cares. I mean, the love of my life cares, but nobody who is gatekeeping my healthcare cares. It's been this way for years. The gynecologists want me to express my pain in a way that makes sense to them, "hot flashes and night sweats." If it's not that, why would estrogen help? But it does. I've been on more and different versions of it and that helped, and even what I have now is helping. The trouble is, I can't stay on it because of the side effects. The goddamn thyroid hormones help it too! But so far nobody is equipped to do anything with this information. I have to craft a lie like a crow bending a wire into the perfect shape to get a cheeto out of a tube.
I'm in a new place with all new people and I don't know how to operate them. I really don't know how to operate that family doctor, he forgets everything about me as soon as I leave the room. I'm gonna lead with the truth again - unless something goes south real fast - but I don't know what I'll get.
I'm haunted by the suspicion that I'm unfixable. Not just that I need something I'm not getting, but there is no thing. There is no cheeto in the tube. This'll just be my life. Not only will I be sick, but I'll have people treating me like I'm fine, and I'll be expected to act fine. Ha-ha, that's the trouble when you don't look disabled, everyone expects you to act that way too!
Even if I do get better, finally... I'm going to be mad. I am going to be really mad. I rested my shoulder for a week out of desperation - it's been a mess for over a year - and it feels better. It still locks up and hurts if I push it, but I am learning to rest it when it needs a rest. NOBODY told me to rest it, it was always various permutations of working it harder. I am so fucking ANGRY that "a rest" was never on the table for some reason. I had to be in constant pain for going on two years and then come up with a way to help myself. This small level of relief I'm feeling was KEPT from me.
I don't know if even this will last. I don't know if I'm gonna find out typing and drawing is bad for me and I need to limit one of the only things that makes my life worth living.
I've fallen into some very dark holes this last week, and there will be more. Self-harm is always gonna be something that occurs to me, whether to end the pain or just to make my outsides look as screwed up as my insides so I'll be left alone. It is ground into my bones that nobody is going to help me, so that's really all I want when it's very bad, to be left alone. (I've mentioned sometimes I sound like an unholy union of Milo and Mordecai, that's because I am!)
I'm hanging on and trying to be okay. It's just fragile. I keep crashing. It's not that I'm faking being happy, it's that I'm apt to very suddenly not feel that way anymore. Happy is like paint with too much thinner in it. I can layer on a little more, but the base coat keeps leaking through. I'm scared. And I feel so small and dumb and petty to be scared and not wanting to go on when I've been so lucky and have so much. I always find a reason to keep going. I just worry (and I know my spouse does too) that one time I won't.
I need that support system, so I'm going to keep trying to be social too, but it's hard. Web 1.0 is dead and you can't just talk to people on the internet anymore. Best I can do is talk to the internet in general and worry the few people close enough to actually care.
I'm sorry. I'm tryin' to stay safe. It's just precarious right now. This is gonna be a rough week, no matter how it shakes out. I'll end up with new meds, and no idea what they'll do to me.
Respect to Our Emily, but my hope isn't light enough for feathers. It's heavy like lead, that's why I can't always hold on to it.
Nevertheless, I've nothing to do but keep tryin' to get that cheeto out of the tube. Rejoice, rejoice, we have no choice, but to soldier on...
(Well, as long as the shoulder holds up, I can write and art to distract myself. I'm sure I'll get Erik out of that hotel room soon.)
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 5 months
thinking about being fuckbuddies and housemates with cheol who is in a frat and popular af. one night at a frat party he flirts with another girl way too much and reader doesn't like it so she takes gyu back to her room and they fuck VERY LOUDLY cuz cheol is right next door. and that's where my imagination stopped working and i need you to elaborate for me!
tw: fratboy!cheol, fratboy!mingyu, college student fem!reader (an adult and she's wearing a skirt), degradation, jealous sex, rough sex, bulge kink, mean dom!cheol, bratty!reader, unprotected sex (pls stay safe), fwb!au - minors dni.
@wongyuseokie this is all your fault
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"Cheol, open the goddamn door!" Mingyu keeps banging his fist on the door, "She doesn't even want you, man, give her back!"
Meanwhile, you're laid on Seungcheol's bed, your shirt wide open and skirt flipped over, panties torn and thrown in the trash - except it was Mingyu who did it.
"Look what you have done with your stupid little games." The red haired man hovers above you, half naked.
"If you hadn't gone and flirted with that bitch, none of that would have happened." You snap at him.
"If you could keep it in your skirt and didn't let Mingyu of all people fuck you, neither of us would be mad."
"What, do you hate him because he's hotter and bigger than you? Is that it, Cheol?" You smirk and he clenches his jaw tight.
He gets up and opens the nightstand, taking out all of the condoms he stores in there. He walks to the door, unlocking it and flinging it open.
"Took you some damn time, asshole." Mingyu attempts to walk inside, but Seungcheol pushes him away, strongly enough for his back to crash on the other end of the corridor.
"Hands off my fuck buddy, Kim. Go find someone else to stick your dick in. Oh, and take these," he throws the condoms at the taller man, "She likes it when I fuck her raw."
Seungcheol slams the door shut behind him.
"Lock it." You tell him with a demanding tone and he does as you say, but you know that's all you're gonna get with this attitude.
"I'm really mad at you, Y/N." He unbuckles his pants and slides them along with his boxers, just enough to let his thighs and cock free, "Letting another man fuck your cunt and tear your panties, while you know we had established some rules."
"Rules are meant to be broken, Cheol." You tease him again.
"Then I guess I have to break you and remind you of your place."
He aligns his tip with your hole and pushes in with a fluid motion, a high pitched whine spilling from your lips.
"He's a good pussy stretcher, I'll give him that - Although I wish I was the one who stretched you out in the first place." Seungcheol groans and puts your ankles on his shoulders, hands gripping your waist.
He angles his hips upwards and thrusts slowly yet with brute force, again and again, until he notices the rise and fall of a bump on your pelvis.
"A-Ah, fuck, Cheol- My tummy-" You whimper repeatedly and he grabs your hand, putting it directly over said bump.
"Your tummy is full of my cock, princess." Seungcheol changes to a much slower, excruciating pace, but with enough force to make you bulge up, "Bet that idiot couldn't even use his big fat dick to do that - all muscle and no goddamn brains."
"As if your IQ is Nobel-worthy or something- Fuck!"
"My IQ isn't Nobel-worthy, but I do have the best stroke in the whole campus." He grins like a wolf.
"C-Confirmed by who?"
He bends his torso down, the ends of his red hair barely touching your face.
"You, obviously."
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weebswrites · 1 year
Hmm so how professional do you think om characters would address a wound ?
Let's imagine mc accidentally cut themselves and they're bleeding , who'd be the fastest and who'd be the most skilled and like so ? I personally think beel would be the most skilled one in tending to wounds but barbatos might be the fastest.
The Demon Bros & Undatables: Addressing a Wound
tw: mentions of blood, cuts, minor injuries (paper cut, small scrape from kitchen knife, broken glass). most of them are vague injuries, and are located on the hand or arm, but please be mindful of reading below!
- Definitely knows what he's doing, so you're surprised to see his hands tremble as he wraps the cut on your arm. You don't mention it, half because you doubt his pride would allow him to acknowledge it, and half because you don't want to disrupt his working
- To your surprise, he outright tells you, breaking the silence as he works. He pauses for just a moment to look into your eyes, his way of confirming you'd noticed what he was trying to ignore
- "Seeing you hurt...it effected me more than I thought. I'm just glad you're okay, and that I was here to help. How is it feeling now, love?"
- Panics for a moment (or two), but when you start to pull out your DDD to ask one of his brothers for help, he snaps into realty
- Rushes you to the bathroom, and orders you to put as much pressure over the wound as you could while running it under cold water. He grabbed the few medical supplies he had around, and then began assessing the damage
- "Gee, MC, yah gotta be careful! I hate seeing yah hurt like this...but don't worry! The Great Mammon is here to help!"
- He isn't the biggest fan of blood, but has gotten used to the squeamish feeling he gets seeing it through watching anime. This, however, didn't prepare him for when you hurt yourself handing out with him
- It was only a paper cut, but the way you winced and tried to hide the line of blood trickling from your finger almost had him fainted. But the last thing he wanted was you going through any amount of pain alone, so he swallowed his nerves, and took your bloody finger in his hand
- "MC, wh-what can I do. How do we stop this? Tell me and I'll get it, or do it, or whatever is necessary to heal you!"
Satan (see end for notes)
- As the torturer of souls, he hardly bats an eye when you mutter "ouch, fuck!". But then he remembers you're human, his human, and jumps from the chair to your side
- You'd been cutting yourself a snack, and grazed the side of your finger. Your fist was wrapped tightly around it as you reached for a towel, but as you moved your hand to apply it, Satan placed his firmly around the injury
- "I'll put some pressure on it, you rinse off your hand and then we'll walk to the bathroom and get you cleaned up, okay?"
- You try to casually tell Asmo you'd hurt yourself, but he nearly explodes when he sees the blood. He races to get supplies, so you move to the sink he'd designated as yours and begin to wash yourself off
- He returns with what you recognize as Lucifer's emergency kit, and starts ruffling through it to find what he needs. His strategy is a little messy, but you're tended to before you know it, and very thankful for his quick help
- "MC, of course! I can't have my beautiful human being hurt, now can I? And we'll use my healing serum in a few days, too, to avoid any scarring"
- For a demon who spends most of his time eating, he's incredibly efficient at addressing your wound. Your brain has hardly recognized it when he's applying pressure with one hand, other grabbing towels to absorb any blood
- Asks questions about how deep you think it went, and how clean the knife was, using the information to determine that you'd be okay (something you figured, but thanked him for reassuring you of anyways)
- "You'll be alright, MC. We'll go get a band aid for you, and in a few days you'll be nearly good as new. Now, let's get you something for the pain, too. A scrape like that has got to sting"
- You're glad he's awake when you accidentally hurt yourself, and even gladder that he rushes to your side and takes your hand in his before you can see any blood begin to fall
- Walks you down the stairs to the main bathroom, where he carefully washes and wraps your wound. The pain almost immediately subsides, and you're impressed at the thoroughness Belphie practiced
- "It just seemed like the right things to do. I treated you the same way I'd have treated myself. That's only fair, right?"
- Helping Diavolo decorate for a party seemed simple enough, until he kept giving you increasingly difficult tasks. After just a few hours, you found yourself at the top of a very tall ladder, replacing light bulbs in a chandelier
- They were old, dusty, and most of them had burnt out. Devildom technology was advanced enough that their light bulbs lasted decades, and all needed changing around the same time. This was nice, but after decades of use, the glass was weak, so you weren't totally surprised when one shattered in your hand
- "MC, fall down, I'll catch you!" for some reason, you listen, falling an incredible height, but he does catch you. "I'm taking you to the bathroom, I know Barbatos has lots of medical equipment stored around. We'll wash and get any glass out of your hand before bandaging it nicely. Don't worry, I've got you"
- You were spending some quality MC time in the castle when you accidentally hurt yourself. You clutched your arm tightly and found Barbatos, who you knew would have the tools and intelligence to help
- And he did. You quickly went to his office, where he pulled out a large bag of human, angel, and demon first aid tools. He knew which ones were for humans, and quickly applied them to your wound after disinfecting it
- "I'm glad you came to me, MC. Besides my extensive supply of tools, it makes me happy you came to me over anyone else when you were hurt. I hope I can help you next time, too"
- He was showing you a book Michael recommended him when you turned one of the pages and got a paper cut. You only winced a bit at the pain, but Simeon instantly took your finger and kissed it gently
- Somehow, the pain seemed to go away, and he took a nearby band aid and loosely wrapped it around the cut. He worked fast, and you basically forgot about the small injury altogether within a few minutes
- "I get paper cuts all the time, I don't know how Satan doesn't too with the amount he reads. I'm sad that you got one from one of my books, so I hope my care helps your healing"
- You were helping him prepare dinner when your fingers got too close to the knife, and you accidentally took a layer or two of skin off with the carrot slice. You stood in shock for a moment before grabbing a towel and squeezing it around your finger
- Realizing what had happened, Solomon quickly got the first aid kit from your bathroom, and you met him by the sink. After cleaning off your wound and applying ointment and a small wrap, he held your hand in his, a clear guilt taking hold over him
- "I'm so sorry, MC. If you didn't have to monitor my cooking so closely you wouldn't have gotten hurt. I just hope it isn't too painful, and that you get better soon" (you promise him it wasn't his fault, but he only half believes you)
Satan note) Something I kept thinking about with Satan is that as he tortures to kill, not heal, he wouldn't know how to address a wound. BUT I think he learns how through reading, and also he definitely does research as the two of you grow closer. So he's ready for situations like that ^
A/N: I hope you enjoy! I'm sorry if the Undatables are a bit OOC, I don't write for them often, but I tried to stay as in character as possible!
Also don't mind that Lucifer is the only one who calls MC a pet name, that's my Lucifer stan ass HCing that he calls me love (as well as other things too)
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Diner Girl
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TW: bully!Rafe. Smut. Language. 
SUMMARY: Your starcrossed existence leads to high tensions and low inhibitions. 
I have an idea that you can totally disregard or even link something similar!
College Rafe who bullies reader and they are a waitress at a restaurant and he shows up with his friends and they have to wait his table. 
Idk if that is enough to go off of, or again, if u have something similar. 
You are so talented, thank you so so much lovely!
Diner Girl 
The day was already too long with low tips and ill-tempered customers. If not for the break taken halfway through your shift, you may have broken through that forced smile with one more "what can I get for you". But with an hour left until you could retire out of this uniform and into the comfort of the bubble bath that allowed you to push through the day, you were counting down every single second. 
And then the bell drew your attention to the door. It was common for a peer to venture in at this particular hour for a late night cup of coffee or even to find a means to sober up from an early night's events. But when you saw him enter with his band of equally misogynistic and narcissistic friends, you didn't care to hide your annoyance. 
"And to think, I was even going to tip you real nice." Rafe teased, bending himself over the counter as his blonde friend smirked at you at his side. "Here's one...use this to get some decent clothes..." He explained while offering a small collection of folded bills.
"Rafe Cameron doesn't like my clothes?" You feigned hurt before rolling your eyes. "How will I sleep knowing I don't have the king Kook's attention? Oh please Rafe ..like me..." You bent further towards him. Enough to taste the change in his breathing. 
"Kiss me..." You had no interest to actually act on this and yet you basked in his reaction to you. The way you could alter him from vile to vulnerable in a closed proximity was enduring. All while you realized it could bring some form of entertainment in the final hour of your shift. 
"Or you could just order so I can go home." You pulled back behind the counter. 
"I'll have you bent over overeasy...at least that's how the football team describes you...over...easy..."
This brigade of insults would continue until it seemed as if nobody else existed in the space around you. As "oohs" and "ahhs" came from patrons of the establishment and your co-workers, the heat only built between you. Comments of his silver spoon upbringing and your lesser than desirable poverty had been at the crux of most verbal blows. 
"You're just jealous because the best you're ever gonna have is the fifteen seconds with some drunk sorority girl who only thinks you're good because she is imagining someone else. Maybe you," You looked at his friend, offering a wink as he blushed. 
"And ten of those seconds would be you trying to figure out how to get her undressed."
"Believe me, I know my way around undressing a girl." His eyes fell down your physique as if doing so with his eyes. 
"Lucky for me, I never have to find out "
"I wouldn't be caught dead touching you."
"But you're dying to know how I feel, aren't you? Bet you're straining in your seam for me..." You chuckled. "Want to know how I'd taste...sound ..feel..." You were pressed at his chest, palm close enough to feel his raging pulse beneath your hand as you'd rounded the counter. 
"Maybe one of the other girls are brain dead enough to entertain the idea of you. But I'd rather be fucked by a hot poker than touched by you. Even by accident. God knows the germs you have..."
"At least I can afford to clean up. You're always gonna be a dirty little pogue." He spat as your brow arched. 
"Just one you're never gonna get." You teased his lips before pulling yourself to the exit of the restaurant. Apron left on the hook as you'd clocked out, you shuffled for your keys, wearing a smile of pride wide across your face. But you weren't allowed even two steps away from the rest exit before you were taken against the back wall of the diner. 
"Have your fun?" Rafe asked, knee set between your legs as you gasped. 
"Took it a bit far tonight, don't you think?"
"Only took it like you gave."
"I could have you bent over that counter and fuck that little attitude out of you..."
"I don't know, Rafe...Just s dirty little pogue…" You teased his belt. 
"I have quite a lot of attitude...".
"Good thing I can fuck you more ways than one then..." He kissed you harshly, the familiar fire quelling your need to rival him. But just as you'd found comfort in his lips, he had retreated and descended to your chest. The basic tee set over your torso was pulled to free your breasts. The bitter bite of the night air was challenged by the fervent need of his tongue and lips at your exposed skin. 
"What would your friends think?" You asked him as he looked up to you just long enough to notice the smirk across your face. 
"I don't give a shit..."
"Then take me back and fuck me on the counter..." 
"I don't care if they know about us. I don't want them to hear you. To see those little faces you make for me. Because if they have even a fraction of the same effect, they're gonna be just as driven to make them happen...and nobody gets to do that to you but me-"
"And the football team?" He scoffed. 
"I'm more than enough for you. You prove it everytime you wince for me when I'm inside of you. The pain of being bigger than what you're used to...and you love it...you love the pain..."
"I love how you feel..." You explained with your hand fisting at his shirt. "But I hate how you treat me."
He shook his head. 
"Then why are you so fucking wet?" You were lifted above the wall, the quick swipe made of his hand having now been used to guide your panties to the side as his other hand undressed himself. 
"Gotta be quick this time...but you're still gonna come shaking for me..." Before you could object, you were forced over his cock. That wince he spoke of had been released as a complete whimper of former confidence as you arched your back to his beginning motions. 
"Wanna come for me already?" You nodded. 
"A bit desperate tonight?"
"Always..." You confessed, submitting to him as nobody felt like him. Absolutely nobody. His greedy touch, still somehow compassionate, was addictive. Not to mention the dirty words he spoke that navigated perfectly to your clit as not even a brush of his fingers were needed to make you tremble. 
"Then come for me. But you're gonna make me come twice as hard, sweetheart..." He almost growled into your neck as your body built to a quick high that he delayed gratification to. 
"I think you should apologize. What you said was hurtful you know...gotta be held accountable for what you say..."
"You can't be serious..."
"I'm as serious as my cock is hard...so apologize or you don't get to come." 
"You won't just stop midway."
"Who said?" He wrapped his hand around the back of your neck. "I said YOU don't get to come. But I have your body at my disposal and there's at least half a dozen different ways I could use it to come...not to mention from behind...so be my good girl and apologize." You swallowed hard to the fire behind his eyes, well aware his threats were not empty. 
"I'm sorry...you're such a baby..." His jaw cocked as he forced you to the soles of your feet. Using this grip on the back of your neck, you were turned away from him. Skirt lifted and panties ripped clean off your hip. As you turned to face him, a smart remark on the tip of your tongue, you would feel him set the panties in this attempt. 
"Taste what I do to you and shut the fuck up while I prove it to myself." He grilled your hair harshly as he thrusted into you. Interlaced fingers stabilized him against the wall as you were both ignorant to his curious friends calling out in search for him. If either of you noticed, you didn't dnt dare even a glance,  as you were too wrapped in each other. The same way it has always been. Fingers leaving evidence in each other's arms as you came to that edge. 
"Fuck, this pussy missed me, didn't she? Already crying and now begging...You could learn a thing or two..."
"I'm not begging for you, Rafe..."
"That's okay...I just need you to scream for me." He battered you harder onto the wall as you unintentionally acquiesced. Whimpers and whines leaving you trembling as you bit your bottom lip against him. 
"I'm coming-" He took his hand around your neck from behind, guiding you to face him. 
"And you're gonna be really good for me and make me come first...then we'll see if I forgive you enough for being such a brat to let you come." You groaned before feeling him tease your clit with his thumb. 
"Pathetic." He spat as you groaned, refusing to beg, but the whimper accommodating the need anyhow. 
"So fucking tight...oh my God..." He grunted. 
"For me." He validated as you nodded. 
"For now." He clenched his jaw while kissing you to keep you quiet. His hands were at a war between your hair, hips, and breasts, until finalizing into the wall as he found his release. 
"Rafe!" You mewled as he redressed. 
"Maybe next time you should apologize..." 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @drews1love @phildunphyisadilf @belcalis9503
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Okay so its midnight and I didnt watch the stream yet only skimmed peoples live blogs and I still dont speak a lick of Portuguese but I had thoughts from what was said (very different ones to yesterday which involved Cellbit biting of a chunk of Pac's good leg to snap him out of it, but apparently pac is less deep so maybe yay?) And so... Pac and Cellbit talk. As a canon one will probably happen soon and I want my 2 cents in first.
Tw drugs
"I need you," Cellbit's voice cracks with half of a sob. "Pac, stop this, I need you."
"I can't do it," Pac starts to peel Cellbit's hands from his shoulders, his sobs full despite the manic frin on his face. "I'm not Mike, I'm not you - I can't do anything."
"Yes you can!" Cellbit grips harder, as though it will save his friend. "You're our scientist, our brains, our Pac - I'm an investigator not a scientist! I can't do what you can do, just like you can't do what i can!"
"No, no, no," Pac's hands stop struggling, but cling tight. "That's Mike - that was always Mike, never me. I just… I just hold him back. I just hold you all back. It's better I'm gone, if you can get them back."
"Mike would never," Cellbit pulls Pac closer, grabs his face and forces him to look into his eyes. "Mike would have burnt this fucking shithole of an island to the ground. He's too angry for this - we don't need a fighter, we need you."
Pac sobs again, the noise coming out half as a laugh thanks to the tail end of a high. He does not reply, just shakes his head.
"Pac-" Cellbit begins.
"Don't," Pac whispers back. "Don't. I'm the weakest of us five - even Richarlyson is a stronger link than me. My son is gone, my best friend is gone, Forever is lost. I did what I could. You don't need me any more."
"I do," Cellbit forces their heads together. "I do. Even if you can't make a cure, I need you."
Pac turns his eyes to the floor, face falling.
"I do," Cellbit ducks to find Pac's eyes and connects them once more. "You're my brother - I need you just as much as the rest. More now."
"But Cellbit-"
He isn't getting through, Cellbit realises. This is deeper than the drugs, something more core, more intense.
He grasps for any straw he has, searching and searching for anything at all.
"I don't even know how to use a potion table," Cellbit lies. "You know those. We could work together? I can suggest ingredients, and you can put it together."
"You'd be better off asking Aypierre."
"I don't want to ask Aypierre," Cellbit says. "I don't even want to ask Roier - I want you."
Pac's expression is one of utter disbelief, and Cellbit has to grab his hand to stop him from reaching for the pills.
"I /need/ you, Pac. Please, help me."
The silence deafens, but Cellbit has played his cards and there is nothing at all else to do.
"… I have a potion table on the island," Pac eventually whispers. "I could… teach you how?"
"I'm no scientist, but I'll try," Cellbit replies. "I'll try everything to make you feel better." "And Forever."
"Of course - he's my brother too. And once you're better we'll find Richarlyson and Mike, and we'll make a vetter fucking hideaway. Somewhere nobody will ever touch us again."
"I don't deserve-"
Cellbit pulls Pac into a hug, clinging to him with all his might. He cannot fail this, cannot slip and loose his brother before his eyes. He can see the fight in Pac, even when his dose is fresh he fights back. Pac calls himself not a fighter, but Cellbit knows there is more than one war to fight.
"I don't care," Cellbit breaks, crying into Pac's hair. "I don't care if you deserve it or I deserve it or this island is a hell for all our sins. I want you to help me. I trust you, and only you, with working on a cure. There is nobody else on this island or beyond I would trust. So we're going to go to your island, and find your lab, and until you're feelong steadier I'll help you work out what to try."
"Can't you just do it?" Pac asks, voice broken. "I got you the meds, and a willing test subject. Can't you do it?"
"I'm not a scientist, Pac," Cellbit says, rocking him slightly. "I find what exists, not create things anew. Inventing is your job, not mine."
"It's Mike's job, not mine."
"I wouldn't trust Mike, not with this. You're the one with the steady hands and the level head. Mike with a pipette? Absolutely not."
"… He can use one just fine."
Cellbit snorts, struggling to imagine that. He can, but it is not his true point. "Just… Won't you do it for me?" He shifts tactic. "Do you mean to leave me alone?"
That finally sees Pac hesitate, and then lean into the hug. He shudders, and shakes his head.
"Ask me to stay," Pac whispers.
"You're my brother," Cellbit says. "Please stay."
"I'll need a supervisor if I'm near the drugs, make sure I only take the minimum necessary."
"I'm not leaving you, not when I've already lost everyone else."
That finally seems to get through to Pac. He collapses his weight against Cellbit with a manic, laughing sob, utterly boneless in the younger man's grasp.
"I have to get them back," Pac says. "I have to."
"And we will," Cellbit fakes a conviction he cannot find. "We will."
Pac stays there, sobbing in his arms, until finally he gives in and takes a pill. Cellbit does not stop him - he does not know what else they possibly do.
Pac looks at him with a wide grin, eyes horrified on a deep, deep level beneath the bliss.
"Cellbit!" He smiles, already dragging him towards the lab. "Let's go experiment together! This is great! The whole of Cellbit staying with me! I don't have to do it alone even with Mike busy! Best day!!! And with you helping this will be the most amazing potion ever!"
Something is even more heartbreaking about those cheerful words than the sobbed ones before, the idea that not being alone is a best day for his brother.
Cellbit has failed them all, but he thinks - hopes - maybe he has managed to pull Pac back up. He's not fool enough to think he's safe yet, but perhaps he has grabbed his hand as he fell, and has pulled Pac to balance on the edge of the precipice Cellbit himself leans against.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 month
1965 Pt1 - Nightmares
TW//Panic attack
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"I can't believe your parents allowed it."
"Why cause I'm a boy?"
"Well yeah. Earrings are for girls."
"What about you?"
"I want to...but I'm scared. Doesn't it hurt"
"It's not that bad. Just a little pinch and it's over."
"Okay...I trust you."
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On the other side of the door, everything seemed to freeze for Sofia. In an instant she had been transported back 15 years. Mathias had her pressed against the fence again.
"I trust you...I'm just scared...won't it hurt."
She stumbled back down the stairs. "Mommy?"
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In her mind there was a room devoid of color. A place filled with the things Don had once whispered in her ear.
"No matter where you go...I'll always be there. In your mind, consuming your body. Keep your eyes on me, My Dove. Satisfy only me and you will never have to worry."
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"You're too trusting Sofia...You walked right out of the lions den into the snake pit. You want to think you're worth something? You're not...your own mother didn't even want you."
"Please stop."
"How old is Ava now? 16? 15? The same age you were. Watch how they break her."
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Sofia barely managed to stumble down the steps "MOM!" Thomas yelled for her but Sofia couldn't hear him. In that room in her mind only one thing mattered and it wasn't her. In that room she was nothing but a body, a slave to man's desires...and she could never escape.
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"Please stop...please..."
Thomas covered his ears trying to block out his mom's crying. She calmed a bit at his voice "Mommy?"
Thomas couldn't know what was happening in his mother's mind or why a gentle touch would send her over the edge. "I'm sorry!"
He ran from the room.
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In that room Don and Jameson had their way with her. Again and again she was used by them. Again and again their lies sunk deeper into her broken heart. And everytime it ended the same way...her on her knees...the door opening...a detective walking in...
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Nikolas sat in front of Sofia and pressed his hands gently to her neck but she jerked at his touch. "Please don't Nikolas." She was shaking.
He tipped her head back but her eyes weren't focusing on him. "Sofia? Take my hand. Keep your eyes on me. That's it. Come back to me."
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He let out a breath of relief. "You had me worried there. Your dad said that would help but for a second..."
"My dad?"
"Your mom used to have attacks too...after she gave you up. Sofia, when did the nightmares start again?"
"They never really stopped."
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"What? Sofia that's 5 years. You told me things were getting better."
"They are. I can control it now. Like when the kids are at school or asleep. The smoking helps...and the alcohol."
"Sofia," His voice broke, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't want you to see me as broken."
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While Sofia showered, Nik called Hezekiah and made arrangements for Sofia to move back home and helped the kids pack their things. Two hours later she still hadn't come out and he got worried.
"Turn it back on!"
"No. Water costs money and you've used enough for today."
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"So do you want to talk about it?"
Sofia shook her head. "They're just stupid dreams."
"Clearly not stupid. Was it Don?"
She nodded, "And Jameson...I dream of them both now...you're in my dreams too."
"Yeah...you come in while I'm...well...and you always join them."
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"Oh..." silence settled over them for a moment. "Damn...I'm even messing up in your dreams."
"You didn't mess up today...I...felt safe when you touched me. I'm sorry I know it doesn't make sense."
"No it's okay. You've been through a lot. Your brain is still figuring it out."
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He took her hand and she jerked when his fingers traced her scars but he held firm. "There are other ways to release pain." She was staring at him "What?"
"You're touching my scars"
"Jameson never did"
"The scars are a part of you Sofia and I accept all parts of you."
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He stood to his feet suddenly, the atmosphere in the room shifting him towards thoughts he didn't want to entertain. He grabbed a towel and pulled her to her feet, draping it over her shoulders. "I'm taking you to your parents. I know you didn't want to but..."
"Thank you, Nik."
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Later that night after an exhausting day of moving their things and settling in at grandma and grandpa's Ava found Thomas in her room. "Tommy what are you doing in here?"
"I want to sleep with you."
"But why? You have your own bed. Grandma set it up just for you."
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Thomas didn't respond and Ava sat next to him. "What's going on?"
"I made mommy upset and that's why we had to move here."
"Thomas. No. That's not true at all. Mom...it's hard to explain but what happened today was not your fault. You did exactly what you were supposed to."
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"I got to sit in a cop car!"
"Wow just like a real criminal. Maybe next time they'll take you to jail."
"No, Nikolas would never take me."
She grabbed his neck and tousled his hair. "You don't think so? I think you're the perfect culprit. No one ever suspects the nice ones."
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"I hope you have your defenses ready cause...attack!" Thomas squirmed out of her arms and began tickling her.
"No fair! I wasn't ready!"
"You have to be ready at all times! You left yourself wide open."
"I thought we were having a moment."
Thomas just grinned.
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"When I get older, I want to be an officer just like Nikolas."
"You can be whatever you want." She pulled him into a hug. "Tommy, you and I had some pretty crappy dad's and they hurt mom a lot but never doubt that she loves you very much and would do anything to protect you."
1965 Pt2 - Hannukah Confession
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this isn't perfect (what is though?) but ii thought ii would share the thing ii wr8te last night
i gotta put it in text f8rm because it's too long so it will be under a read more
tw: this bit of writing includes MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, BLOOD, references to BONES BREAKING, a big ol FIGHT SCENE, a character being STABBED, and probably something else ii am f8rgettiin (if you see anything tell me)
anyways, without further ad8... here's the unbreakable arc wwiith a scene ii wwill pr8bably change a l8t later down the line
Every single badnik in Robotnik's "special fleet" went down in only a few hits. Sonic laughed a bit as he spindashed into the last one.
"Is that all you've got, Egghead?" Sonic gestured around at the broken robots littered about the ground. "C'mon I know you wouldn't just call anything a special fleet!"
A few more badniks landed on the ground around Sonic as Eggman's ship floated down towards Sonic.
"Oh not quite, Sonic." Eggman grinned. "I have one last trick for you."
"Three more badniks? Doesn't seem like a really good trick."
"Not them." Eggman groaned. "I wouldn't expect a puny rodent like you to get it."
Sonic cracked his knuckles and tightened his eyes. Running at light speed, he zipped in a blur, destroying every badnik around Robotnik. "Alright, where's this trick of yours Egghead?"
"It is a creation of sheer magnitude whose magnitude and power you could not even imagine with your infinitesimally small brain—"
A zap of blue energy.
A familiar face.
"Not quite."
Yet, the figure before him was most definitely Shadow the Hedgehog. The quills, the eyes, the fanged grin, every bit of him, almost picture perfect.
Sonic looked closer. Something was wrong.
Next to him was Metal Sonic.
"But Metal can't—"
The flashes continued until Sonic was surrounded by enemies, some former, some current and all slightly wrong.
"What is this?"
"The trick." Eggman smiled. "I planned for so long how to annihilate you and now it's here."
"What's here though?" Sonic gestured at the assorted figures. "A gallery of all the people I've defeated?"
"No, something better." Eggman smiled. "I'll leave him to it."
A figure descended from above. Sonic could barely see him, the purple energy surrounding the figure obscuring him.
A low and distorted laugh crackled through the air like radio static.
"Alright, who are you?" Sonic lunged forwards at the figure.
And suddenly he wasn't there anymore. Sonic stumbled as the figure materialized behind him.
"Your worst nightmare."
"Really?" Sonic laughed. "And my nightmare doesn't have a name?"
The figure disappeared as Sonic turned around, fist ready to connect with face.
"You may call me Infinite. Not that you'll have much time to use that name."
"Oh yeah?" Sonic grinned. "Bring it then. I'm the fastest creature on Earth, the blue blur, the hedgehog no one can beat. You can't stop me!"
"Those make fine last words." Infinite snapped his fingers and the enemies around Sonic started to edge towards him.
"Last words?" Sonic looked around at the assembled figures. "Bold words from an Eggman crony. He's never been able to defeat me."
"Well, Sonic, since you seem to fail to comprehend the stakes here, I think it's time we get one thing straight.
"I am more than an Eggman crony. I will cut you down in a second.
"You won't know what's real.
"Your end will come after pain and suffering and fear.
"And that's the word I want you to remember.
Sonic looked around at the assembled figures. They were a lot. He could handle them though.
"Sonic, I don't want to defeat you."
The world fell silent.
"I want to kill you."
"Kill?" Sonic looked around. "Are you sure that's allowed?"
"We'll find out, won't we?"
Everything felt suddenly more. Eggman had never said this. Shadow, even at his darkest hour, had never said this. It was almost unthinkable.
Another snap of the fingers. Zavok came towards Sonic. He shrugged it off. He was faster than every single one of these guys put together.
What he didn't notice was that Chaos was right where he had dodged to. A quick punch from the watery creature threw him backwards, skidding along the rough ground.
He looked up. Shadow stood above him and in a blink, he was picked up by the scruff of his neck and thrown towards another foe.
"Hold on!" Sonic shouted as he flew from Shadow's hands. "I thought we were friends!"
"Oh, poor naïve, pitiful creature." Infinite's voice shook the air. "Things are not what they seem. Look around yourself. Tell me what you see."
The world spun as Sonic ran straight into Knuckles' pointed fist, the shock shaking him. Something felt broken.
"What of this is real?" Infinite asked. Sonic ran into the ground after a swift kick to the back from Metal Sonic.
"And then again, does it matter?" The fire of Solaris burned behind him and he could feel the tips of his quills burn in the heat.
"You can still feel the pain." Sonic was being flung from former enemy to former enemy.
"Still feel the crack of your bones breaking."
Sonic winced as his leg flared with pain.
"Help…" he whimpered from the ground. Everything hurt. His arms struggled to keep him upright.
"Help?" Infinite laughed again. "What makes you think anyone can help you? There is no one left. It's only me and you, exactly who do you think is going to save you now?"
Sonic looked up at Infinite. He hated being down here, weak, useless, unable to even prop himself up.
"What are you going to do to me?" Sonic's arm fell out from under him with a pop and a sickening crack.
"Your fear is delicious…"
The edges of Sonic's vision were blurring.
"Perhaps pain has made you forgetful. I told you already.
"I am going to kill you."
The words felt so much realer now, red and bloody in the air.
He had barely lived life.
He was just a kid.
Everything was crumbling.
Sonic could hear sword blades being pulled out of their sheaths. He knew what was coming.
This was the end.
"Futile. You will die by my blade. I already went over the steps of how this was going to happen. You suffer, you fear me, and then if you're lucky you die quickly."
The blade hovered above Sonic's heart, just a hair's breadth away from killing.
"Please." Sonic could feel tears welling up in his eyes. "I can't. My mother. My friends. My sisters. You—"
"Your family and friends. How noble of you to remember them." Infinite moved the blade further down.
"Stella is only five. She can't— Please." Sonic's voice was breaking. It was all so real now.
He didn't want to die.
Infinite was wordless. The blade went through Sonic's stomach with a sickening noise. He winced.
Blood was already starting to pool around him. He could see the weird fake Shadow watching.
He remembered when he had outstretched a hand for Shadow as he plummeted from the ark. How pointless it was. How much it hurt.
"I— I'm sorry." He murmured. There was so much. He wasn't ready.
A second blade slotted into his heart with a squelch and a sharp pain. Everything hurt.
"Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog."
The glint of a red gemstone shone above him, phantom waltz playing as the light hit its faces.
Everything hurt so much. If he could just—
It was almost like falling asleep. Everything just started to fade. The waltz almost slowed to a crawl. Everything was disappearing.
It was just all too much.
It hurt so much.
And then suddenly, it didn't hurt anymore.
And then, everything became nothing.
He was gone.
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deepdarkbrain · 1 year
I've said just about everything to my therapist.
TW: all of them
Hi, my name is Ryn (they/them) and I've said just about everything to my therapist. Before I get into too much here, be forewarned, I don't want to pull any punches on this blog. I want to be able to share (just about) everything that I would share with my therapist. This blog is going to include posts about dark and difficult subjects ranging from basic mental health to suicide, self harm, substance abuse, etc. I'm 100% going to swear and say what could be considered terrible things. What I will promise though, is that I will always include trigger warnings at the beginnings of my posts and there is a permanent content warning at the top of my blog.
I want to be open and honest about these kinds of dark, intimate subjects not to romanticize them or to encourage others to follow me down what will sometimes be the wrong path. But to share my experiences in the hopes that it'll help someone else feel like, "Oh yeah, I'm not alone on this dumb planet." Having grown through pre-internet times to now, one incredibly helpful thing I've found the younger generations using is the internet to break mental health taboos. Being honest and talking about it, even with a little levity sometimes (I'm looking at you memes), can help.
I've been seeing the same therapist for many, many years now. We've worked through so many things; childhood traumas, hospitalizations, relationships, work struggles, and everything in between. We've had discussions about how shit the American health care system is and also shared wins.
They've had a couple kids. I've started to accept I'm not broken, I'm just really fucking neurodivergent. Not exactly equivalent to some, but to me, hell yeah. I'm killing it.
Here's a little background on me. I am in my early 30s and I've been dealing with mental illness (major depressive disorder mostly, plus anxiety, ADHD, and autism) for the entirety of my life. You'll notice I specifically say "dealing with" and not "suffering from," which is the more common phrasing. This is something I work really hard to do. For me personally, speaking about my MIs in a semi-light way and using specific language really helps me accept and advocate for myself. A psychologist I had in a group therapy session once told us,
Honestly that one statement changed everything for me. One of my biggest pet peeves around how people treat those of us with MIs is the age old trope, "Just think positively!" It drives me batshit insane. For one it implies that I enjoy feeling like garbage at random and destroying relationships with people I care about for no reason. And for another it implies that who I am and how I live my life is inherently wrong.
Something I'm going to tell you, probably over and over again as I write this blog, is that if you deal with any kind of MI, YOU ARE NOT WRONG. I even have to remind myself of this, pretty regularly to be honest. There is something that's going on in your life, in your brain, in your physiology that is causing this to happen and it sucks and we all wish it would just go away, but at the very baseline, it's not wrong. You're not broken. You're just different, and different is okay.
More about me, I am wildly queer and I will fight you about it. Not really, because confrontation is extremely triggering for me, but I do feel really strongly about my LGBTQ+ community. I truly believe they are one of the most welcoming, accepting communities on the planet. Personally I identify as pansexual/asexual/aromantic (pan/ace/aro) because sexuality is a spectrum and I love everyone and no one at the same time, and I am non-binary because gender norms are dead. Use whatever pronouns you want for me, this is an internet blog, who's to say I'm even a real human?
Something I've gotten into recently with my therapist is called "Internal Family Systems Therapy." So I'll probably bring it up a lot. As I am a mere mortal and not an authority on literally anything, please follow the link to read more educated material about this subject. Otherwise, here's my very, very broken down, idiot, tl;dr.
IFST is a type of therapy that centers around the idea that within every person's mind, there are separate parts with separate purposes, usually to protect the base part. Recently in therapy I equated it to, "a close cousin of Dissociative Identity Disorder," in that you think of these separate parts as different versions or personalities of yourself. For example, in my situation I feel that within my mind there are at least five separate "me's" that are all Ryn but also each their own Ryn.
Of course, firstly there is me. The very essence of who I am. Funny, smart, loving, and able to think clearly and rationally. This is the part of me that has been me from birth and will only ever change for the better. It is the base, the original. This is the part of me that wants to stand up for itself but most often gets overtaken by the other parts. Base me gets frustrated when people use MI terms flippantly (ie. "Oh I'm so OCD!" "I'm goth so I'm also depressed." "You're like totally schizophrenic!"). Drives me bananas. Just don't do it.
Next there is depression. This is the part of me that experiences deep sadness, mental anguish, self hatred, and many other nasty, no good things. Usually the depression part of me is equivalent to someone I like to call Floor Ryn. People who know me well, know if I tell them I have become Floor Ryn, it means I've gotten so low that the only thing I'm able to do is lay down on my kitchen floor and exist. It is not comfortable, it does not make me feel better, but I simply cannot do anything else. I'm nigh on catatonic. Though at other times depression is sobbing for hours and being unable to listen to music with lyrics for fear that I will start sobbing.
Because depression is what I deal with the most and what comes up for me the most, there's a lot to it. Depression isn't just emptiness, it can also be cruel. To myself and to others. It's the part that has been hospitalized for attempting suicide. It's the part that created the hundreds of scars that live on my body. It's the part that has told friends I hate them when really I don't. It doesn't care about the exciting plans the me part of me made for next week, it just wants to cry and rage and feel miserable.
Next there is anxiety, and this is the second of my more prominent parts. This part overthinks, panics, has meltdowns/temper tantrums, and tries to fix everything. It's neurotic and selfish. It's the part that picks at my nail beds. It's also both blind and hyperaware of everything around me. It's that toddler at the mall beating their tiny, fat fists on the floor while you're thinking their parent should be doing a better job parenting. This part is also surprisingly rational; it can be bargained with. It can be given evidence and shown that everything is okay. I find anxiety to be easy to manage on a daily basis. But I do have meds for emergencies.
Next is ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This one is somewhat new to me. I've probably always had it, but haven't been diagnosed until adulthood. This part always has at least five projects going at once (I'm an artist and just a creator in general). ADHD can't pay attention in lectures, can't stay still, is terrible at exams, needs to multitask, and constantly wants to go off on tangents. It's hyper, impulsive, and generally content, if not good-spirited. It makes me question occasionally if I inherited my dad's bi-polar disorder. I haven't; I've been told many times by many practitioners. But the thought's still there (hello, anxiety).
Finally autism, and again this one is new to me. This is the part that feels like an alien because I can't understand why you feel the way you're feeling or fathom what you're thinking. It's the part I think that is the most ace/aro. It's the part that doesn't care about dating or sex and doesn't understand how you can't live without your partner for two days. Also it's the part that can't look you in the eye when we're talking and says shitty things sometimes because it forgets that yeah, it is actually human and has to follow human social rules.
All of these personalities of me coexist at once but can also present themselves more individually. They're each trying to do something for me. Depression is, to use another therapist's words (Kati Morton), "pulling the ripcord" to yank me away from a situation it deems triggering. Anxiety is working to repair and investigate to find a solution to the problem at hand. As for ADHD and autism, I think mostly they're just along for the ride. ADHD is kind of a bro, a Gryffindor (big Harry Potter nerd here). But they have their uses, I suppose.
Am I perfect? No, absolutely not. Do I want to be perfect? Not really, no, sounds hard and depression isn't up for the challenge. In thinking about perfection, I like to think of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi, which essentially means to embrace the beauty of imperfection. As an artist, I've heard of it mostly in the context of kintsugi ceramics where pieces of pottery that have broken -- whether on purpose or accidental -- are repaired using something that will emphasize that it was once broken. I've often seen it where the shards are attached back together with gold so that the cracks are almost more beautiful than the original piece.
So, to try to find a conclusion to this post, I am mentally ill. I have been for a long time and I will be for a long time more. I am not broken. I am not wrong. I am not perfect. And all of these things are okay. I want to improve myself, sure, but I think everyone should strive to do that, MI or not. All I want to do with this blog is share my experiences and the sometimes comical ways I twist my deep, dark brain to ease the pain a little in the hopes that someone else might feel comfortable sharing those things, too.
Because you know I totally want to hear the ridiculous and stupid shit you've said to your therapist before, no matter how cynical and morose. Seriously, so I can share it with mine next week.
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pan-fangirl-345 · 3 years
Promise Me You Won't Fall In Love
Summary: You and Tsukishima have been friends since you were kids, and you made a promise not to fall in love with each other. But of course, everything's fine and great until someone (both of you) fucked up and caught feelings.
TW: swearing, mutual pining, unrequited love (it is requited later), minor harassment (not a lot), and there is some derogatory talk from an extra that doesn't even have a name (Kei puts him in his place, I promise).
A/N: So this wasn't requested, but I've been thinking about this one a lot recently and I wanted to do something with it, hence this.
Note: Anything in italics is a memory! Well, not all of it, but the longer sections. Most of the time the one or two word-er things are simply emphasized, that kind of thing.
"Tsukishima, your girlfriend's here to see you!" Sugawara told the middle blocker, and he turned to see you leaning against the wall near Yachi and Kiyoko, laughing at something they were saying to you.
"She's not my girlfriend," Kei muttered, walking over.
"Kei! I knew you'd be here," you said, digging through your bag. "One of the girls in my class wanted me to give this to you."
You handed him a bright pink envelope with black sparkly writing on the front, his name scrawled in almost perfect handwriting.
"Another love letter?" he asked, taking it.
"Probably, I've stopped asking. It makes them think that we're together," you told him, crossing your arms.
Kei sighed, opening the letter with little fanfare.
He scanned through it quickly, rolling his eyes.
One thing he had noticed was that the letters he had been getting were really sucky poetry and fancy words. They knew nothing about him worthwhile and he was pretty sure they just wanted to check off the 'I have a boyfriend' box on their high school checklists.
Kei made a noise of disgust and walked over to the nearest trash can, dumping the letter in.
"I'm assuming that's another no?" you asked, smirking at him, already knowing the answer.
He nodded, ignoring the smirk on your face.
You, Tadashi, and Kei had all been friends since middle school. Kei had known you longer, since you lived in the same neighborhood, but you had kind of adopted Tadashi when you had heard about him being bullied, hence why Kei and you were actual friends now. Tadashi was the link between the two of you that had stuck. Being forced to make conversation as some of the only kids in the neighborhood had simply made you acquaintances.
"If you knew I was going to say no then why would you give me the letter?" Kei asked.
"Because I'm hoping you'll broaden your horizons," you offered, waving your hand dismissively. "Besides, it sends the wrong message if I just throw them away without giving them to you. Not to mention, a lot of the girls don't like me to begin with because I'm one of the few people you can tolerate for more than a few minutes at the time. You've never had a girlfriend, Kei, even if they aren't girlfriend material, couldn't you at least make a few more friends?"
"I can barely deal with you and Tadashi, I don't need anymore friends," Kei told you, and you laughed.
"Keep telling yourself that Kei. I'll see you guys later, alright?"
Tadashi and Kei nodded, watching you leave before they rejoined practice.
"Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend, Tsukishima?" Sugawara asked, watching the blocker with mild interest.
Despite being second years now, their former upperclassmen were showing up more as tournament season drew closer. Though Kei also suspected that they were being nostalgic and that they missed their underclassmen's chaos.
"I'm sure," he assured the former setter. "Why?"
"Nothing, just a hunch," he murmured.
"Guys, do you ever wonder how many people see you on the side of the street and think, 'Wow, they are the most beautiful person I have ever seen'?" you asked, as you hung upside down on the monkey bars.
"I think the blood is going to your head, (Y/F/N)," Tadashi teased.
"No, I'm serious," you said, turning to look at him. "I was thinking, earlier, about how Kei keeps getting all these love letters, and it made me wonder how many people see me as attractive, but never say anything. I don't think it's very many," you admitted, "but I wonder if they are out there."
Tadashi sighed, putting his hands on his forehead in an exasperated manner.
"(Y/F/N)," he said, sounding almost breathless, "just because Kei is getting letters doesn't mean that people don't find you attractive."
"I'm not saying people don't find me attractive," you said, swinging yourself up onto the bars again. "I know someone in the world must have standards that low, but just because they find me attractive doesn't mean they would date me."
"Why are we talking about this?" Kei asked, annoyance riddling his tone.
"Technically Tadashi and I were talking about it," you told him. "You were simply listening to the conversation."
"That doesn't tell me why this is the topic of conversation," he countered.
"I'm just saying! Kei keeps getting all these letters, and it makes me wonder if these girls actually think that they're in love with him. Attraction is really just a release of chemicals in the brain from when we were simply a species trying to survive. But that's not love," you said.
"So what's love to you?" Tadashi asked, curious.
"I think real, true love is when you see something that reminds you of them and you smile, even without realizing it. I think it's when it hurts to see them hurt, but you stay by them instead of seeking revenge, knowing they need you in the moment. I think it's the little inside jokes that mean nothing to people around you, but it's everything to you. I think it's knowing that there are plenty of people that are better than you out there, but wanting to stick around to be better for that person, to prove that you're worth it.
"I think it's seeing all the broken pieces, and loving them all anyway. It's remembering the little things. It's being able to sit in complete silence and know what the other is saying just because of the way their eyes crinkle. It's knowing that they have the power to break off new pieces, and trusting that they won't. It's when . . . instead of breaking pieces of yourself so that they can handle you, you stay whole. If they choke, you know it's not love, not really.
"It's knowing that you can stand on your own two feet, but leaning on them anyway. It's knowing that you are your own person, but wanting to share it with someone anyway. It's feeling free and wild, but content to stay still, because you trust them. For me, I feel like love is knowing that someone would read with me on a window seat, watching it rain, but they would also drive just a little too fast down older roads with the windows down so we can pretend, just for a moment, that we're in a shitty music video."
You smiled as you turned yourself upside down on the monkey bars again.
"I think it's kind of like what we have, but more romantic."
"You've been reading too much fanfiction," Kei muttered.
"Maybe," you admitted. "But maybe that's because I want to be able to spew romantic bullshit like that when I finally find a guy that likes me for me. I realize that, realistically, I'll probably never feel like that. Or at least, I won't feel it enough to put it into words like that. Fantasy never lives up to reality after all. But it's a nice thought."
"So, you don't think you'll ever find something like that?" Tadashi asked.
"I think that I'll either end up married to a man that was good enough, or on my own with no social life except you and Kei. I'll rely on work to keep me entertained."
Kei snorted.
"What's so funny you overly salted French fry?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"If I ever think you're marrying a man that's just 'good enough', I'll say 'I object!' at the wedding," he told you.
"Oh yeah?" you asked, smiling. "And why's that?"
"Because you deserve more than that," he said, looking you in the eye. "(Y/F/N), you are not the kind of girl that should end up with 'good enough'. You're too . . . free for that. Although, maybe independent is a better word. You would wither with just 'good enough', and that's not something I'm willing to let happen."
"Aw, so you do care about me," you cooed, swinging yourself upright onto the bars. "And don't worry Kei, we both know that Tadashi and I will never let you settle with 'good enough' either."
"What about me?" Tadashi squawked, and you laughed.
"Come 'Dashi," you chided, "we all know that you won't end up with 'good enough' even if you try."
His cheeks went pink and you laughed again.
Kei, as much as he pretended otherwise, really loved seeing you and Tadashi laugh like this. It reminded him that there were people who didn't see just the bastard act that he threw up to protect himself.
He loved the way your dimple appeared when you gave Tadashi that real smile, not the smirk or the grin you gave people. He loved seeing Tadashi carefree and not hiding behind his hand when he laughed or smiled.
He loved being able to sit and watch the two of you interact, but know that he could pop into the conversation whenever.
"Kei, that look on your face is kind of creepy," you teased, sliding to the ground to ruffle his hair, a small way of telling him you didn't mean it. "What's it for?"
"Nothing," he muttered, hoping to the heavens that his ears weren't turning pink, though they probably were.
"Come on Tsukki," Tadashi said, giving him a look, "we've all been friends for years. We know you better than that."
"I'm just glad is all," he murmured.
"Glad for what?" you asked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, leaning over them to look at his face.
"You. Tadashi. You know, my friends," he confessed.
Damn it! His ears were definitely pink.
But he didn't shove you off.
Most people assumed that Kei was a jerk all the time, and while that might have been true for anyone else, you and Tadashi were the exceptions to his rule.
You and Tadashi had been friends with him for almost your whole lives, and both of you had been there during the brother debacle.
You and Kei had lived in the same neighborhood for years, and had been a part of more than a few conversations that had been forced by social convention, and your mother had been good friends with his in high school, though they had lost touch after that.
You had noticed Tadashi being bullied in class and had stepped in, defending him and deciding that he was more worth your time than the other kids.
Which led you to Kei, when you found out that he had helped Tadashi on the playground, even if that had never been his original intention.
The three of you had become a trio of sorts in your later years, though your reputations weren't the most . . . innocent.
Kei had always had a sharp tongue and a quicker wit, and his irritation seemed to have no limits.
You were on level with him, though you were much harder to set off than he was.
Tadashi never really provoked, but he watched as the two of you eviscerated anyone that insulted him.
Kei was ruthless with people who made comments on you and/or Tadashi, never giving them a chance to get another word in, though they had often tried, simply making themselves seem more like idiots.
On the other hand, you tended to let people hang themselves with their own tongues, before using that quick wit and sharp tongue to gut them like the pigs that they were.
Tadashi had little confidence on his own, and he tended to be more affected by words than you or Kei, so most of the time he let you and Kei handle people, but every once in a while, he would be set off.
Nothing was scarier than Tadashi getting pissed. He was rarely ever confrontational, but when something set him off, it was terrifying. He got really quiet, and he never raised his voice. There was a quiet kind of fury that radiated from him when he got like that, and if you and Kei used your words to eviscerate, Tadashi used his to give someone hypothermia. He would make them get colder and colder before their brains tricked them into thinking they were too hot, and then ended them.
All three of you were terrifying in your own ways, but that didn't mean you were like that all the time.
Kei wasn't an asshole all the time, and he enjoyed receiving hugs and other types of physical affection, he was just shit at reciprocating it and letting others see that more 'vulnerable side of him', as he put it. He was better at fixing problems logically. He helped you and Tadashi study, or sometimes bought gifts to make you both feel better, little things that still made your days.
Tadashi was someone who might not be confrontational, but he was very good about getting you and Kei out of your heads when something did hit a chink in your respective armors. He knew that both you and Kei were more affected by what people said than most people were led to believe. He was also a very good listener.
You were the giver of physical affection when the boys needed it. Kei tended to need it more than Tadashi, since Tadashi had his moms who were more than willing to give hugs. Kei didn't like his mother thinking anything was wrong, and he didn't completely trust his brother anymore, so physical contact was kept to a minimum.
Tadashi was okay with giving Kei affection, but most of the time, when it came to Kei, you were the one he went to.
You had asked him once, why he always came to you.
"I sometimes think Tadashi puts me up on a pedestal," he had admitted. "He knows me, and he's my friend, but sometimes it feels like I can't disappoint him. I don't feel that way with you. Besides, your short enough that hugging you feels better. Plus, Tadashi is all bones."
"We're glad for you too Kei," you told him, leaning your chin on his shoulder.
Tadashi nodded, taking a seat beside Kei.
Kei's heart clenched, like it often did when he was reminded that he really did have great friends, and his ears got hotter.
"Alright, enough of the mushy stuff," he muttered, trying to wave you and Tadashi away.
"Come on Kei," you whined softly, gently bumping your head with his, "we all know that you have a heart! Don't be that way, it's just us."
Kei made a small noise, and you laughed, releasing him so that you could sit on his other side, peering up into his face with your adorable fucking doe eyes.
"You know you don't have to pretend with us," you murmured, leaning on his shoulder, taking his hand.
"Yeah, we've all been friends for long enough Tsukki," Tadashi agreed, leaning his head on Kei's other shoulder.
"I hate you both," he muttered, trying to hide his face in his hands.
"Nuh uh," you said, pulling away to pull his hands from his face, sounding like a child. "No hiding from us."
You took his hand again, and for a while, all three of you just sat there, enjoying each other's company.
"Tsukishima! You're girlfriend is here again," Suga said, gesturing to where you were walking through the doors of the gym, laughing with Yachi.
"Again, she's not my girlfriend," Kei muttered.
He remembered, suddenly, about the promise you had both made when you were middle school and boys were starting to notice girls and vice versa.
"Kei and (Y/F/N) would make such a cute couple when they're older," your mother had told his, smiling as you both chatted at a neighborhood barbeque, being two of the only children there that could hold an intelligent conversation.
At that point, you and Kei were more than acquaintances, but you weren't exactly friends yet either.
Neither mother had realized that you and Kei had overheard, and when Kei had glanced at you, your nose was wrinkled like it did when you were grossed out by something, your expression mirroring his.
"Promise me something Kei," you had said, turning your attention back to him. "Promise me that you won't ever fall in love with me."
"Why not? I mean, I won't, but I want a reason," he had said, arms crossed as he looked at you.
"Because we're friends," you had said, like it had been the simplest thing in the world. "And because if we ended up falling in love and dating that means Tadashi would feel left out all the time and I won't let that happen. So promise me."
"I promise not to fall in love with you if you promise not to fall in love with me," he had offered.
"Deal," you had told him, offering him your hand to shake on it.
"Ah, Kei, there you are!" you said, smiling at him. "There's another letter. Based on the amount of hearts on it, another confession."
"Keep it," he muttered, pushing your hand away when you went to hand him the letter.
"Kei, I don't want to carry around another one of your love letters," you said, wrinkling your nose. "These aren't for me, and they make me sick, so please, for the sake of our friendship, take the damn thing off my hands so I can wash them."
He sighed, a pained sound that had you laughing, and took the letter, slipping it into his bag, wondering if the girls at school would ever take a hint that he wasn't interested.
"Why is Tsukishima so popular with the girls?" Hinata wondered out loud. "His personality is so crappy."
"And I don't think I've ever heard him say a nice thing to anyone," Kageyama added.
"That's because you guys are irritating to Kei," you interrupted, turning to them, arms crossed and hip cocked out to the side. "Most of the time, he's helpful and respectful. You two just aren't the kind of people he would voluntarily hang out with."
"Rude," Hinata cried, then pouted, "but true."
"The only people Kei really rips into are people he doesn't like, doesn't respect, people who disrespect Tadashi or me, or people who betray his trust. You two are options one and two."
"He just seems like an unfeeling asshole, even after three years of knowing him."
"I think it's the opposite actually," you told them.
Kei could feel your eyes on the back of his head, either unaware that he could hear you or uncaring that he was listening.
"I think he feels all of it, at one hundred and twenty percent. He just acts like that to avoid getting hurt in most cases. In your case though, he really does just not like you. Or, more accurately, he doesn't like that you two are so clearly passionate about something when he gets scared of something hurting him if he cares too much. Like Tadashi told you once, Hinata, if Kei didn't at least like volleyball, he wouldn't be here. Just think about it," you told them.
"(Y/F/N)!" Tadashi called. "We're still studying at your place right?"
"Yeah, just like always," you assured him. "Kei, you still have the spare key, just let yourselves in."
He nodded, spinning the ball in his hands as he watched you walk away.
"Tsukishima, are you one hundred percent sure that she isn't your girlfriend?" Suga asked, eyebrows raised at him.
"Three hundred percent sure," Tsukishima grunted as he served the ball.
"Why do you never accept any of the confessions, Kei?" you asked, looking at him from over the top of your textbook.
Your head was hanging off the side of your bed and your socked feet were crossed at the ankles, resting on your wall.
Kei's neck hurt just looking at you, but he didn't say anything to you about moving.
"Because they aren't my type," Kei muttered, checking his notes before writing down an answer on his paper.
"What is your type?" you inquired, rolling onto your stomach, setting you book to the side. "Because I don't think I've ever seen you take an interest in a girl." You frowned, then added, "Romantic interest I mean."
Kei wondered what other interest you had thought he might get out of that, but he decided not to question it. Despite knowing you for years, and being as close to you as he was, you still managed to be somewhat of a mystery to him.
"Does it matter?" he asked.
"Yes, because I want to be able to set you up when you decide you're ready for a relationship!" you said. "Tadashi and I would make great wingmen. Well, wingman and wingwoman, but you know what I mean."
Kei actually turned to look at you at that one.
"You're serious," he muttered, noting the look on your face.
"Yes! Unless you don't think you're going to want a romantic relationship, which is completely okay too. I just want you to be happy is all."
"You know what makes me happy?" Kei asked, pausing to let you answer, but instead you stayed quiet, watching him with those damn doe eyes. "Getting my homework done and not having to deal with confessions from girls that don't know the first thing about me."
Kei heard your small chuckle, and as he went back to his homework, he found himself smiling.
Kei had always known that, objectively, you were very pretty (he had heard enough from his classmates over the years to have it verified), but sometimes you did something, and he would realize all over again.
Today you had laughed a little harder as he ripped into someone, and you had given him one of those dimpled smiles that he adored so much, and he had stood there blinking for a moment before he cooled his expression again.
Kei didn't really understand why he got so mad when someone flirted with you in the hallways, or when you came to cheer the team on during games.
He had always assumed that it was merely because you were such good friends, but then he had realized that no one else got that mad, they didn't feel the same painful burning in the pit of their stomachs at seeing you with another guy.
Asking Suga had done absolutely nothing, the setter had merely suggested that Kei was jealous, which was absolute bullshit, and he wasn't desperate enough to contact Bokuto or Kuroo yet, though he might be at the point of asking Akaashi.
He would know if he liked you the way that the older setter was implying. He would know if he was in love with you.
Kei could worry about that later, right now he was more interested in getting that guy's hand off your shoulder and away from your neck.
"(Y/F/N)," Kei called, striding over, back straight. "The game's about to start, we've got to go."
"Kei!" you chirped, smiling at him, moving to his side immediately, giving the guy that had been bugging you a sugar sweet (and utterly fake) smile over your shoulder. "See you around never, hopefully!"
Kei pressed his lips together to hide his smile, letting you wrap your hand around his.
"Was that guy bothering you?"
"A little, but you got there just in time," you told him, your hand tightening it's grip for a moment before you let him go. "Thanks for always having the most amazing timing Kei!"
"Yeah, whatever," he told you, bumping your shoulder with his.
"Seriously, what is it with the girls that hang around with us and wandering off?" Daichi asked when you walked into the gym with Kei.
"Sorry guys! I just wanted to buy a key chain," you said, holding it up, grinning. "It's not my fault that athletes can't take no for an answer! Sometimes I think your on-court determination bleeds over into everyday life."
There were some nods, and Kei watched as the guy that had been bothering you stepped onto the other side of the court.
He followed the guy's eyes to you, where you were laughing at something Kageyama said.
Did- Did that moron just lick his lips at you?
Kei felt that burning sensation in his stomach again.
Kei didn't realize that he had been glaring until he heard your voice right next to him.
"Anyway, good luck guys!" you told them, affectionately ruffling Tadashi's hair, hip-checking Kei on your way into the stands, flashing him that damned dimpled grin over your shoulder.
"Hey, Blondie!" the guy called. "You, Glasses! I'm talkin' to you!"
Kei turned to see the guy from earlier smirking at him.
"Dude, your girl is so hot!" he said.
Kei felt the entirety of Karasuno tense behind him as they realized what was going on.
"Yeah, she is," Kei agreed.
"Think you'd be willin' to share her with me? I promise I'd take good care of her."
"Oh shit," someone muttered, and Kei saw red for a moment before he got himself under control.
"Is your ass jealous about the amount of shit that just came out of your mouth?" Kei asked, putting his hand on his hip.
Using insults like that was never really his thing, but he was really pissed right now.
"Hey, Tsukki," Tadashi said quietly, "you might not want to-"
"What did you just say to me?" the guy asked.
"Hey, Kei!" you called from the stands, waving at him to catch his attention. "Leave the smack talk for when you actually win! Block his spike down his throat for me, alright?"
He nodded, giving you a grin that had you giving him one right back.
"God forbid if she was a guy and they were on the same team," Suga muttered, and the others nodded.
"Alright, time for the game to start," Daichi said.
Kei did as you asked: he blocked every single spike that the guy tried to send over the net, and Kei could already tell that the guy was pissed at the end of the first set.
He was spiking more and more aggressively, which was screwing up aim to the point where Kei didn't even really need to block.
"Go Karasuno!" you cheered, smiling at the team from the stands.
Kei, every time he felt his anger getting out of control, looked to you in the stands to calm down.
Finally, the scumbag was so out of control that he was switched out with another wing spiker.
From there, the game was easy.
By the end of it, Kei hadn't even needed to look for you in the stands. Not only had he memorized where you were, but no one else on that team pissed him off as much as that scumbag did.
As soon as the ball landed on the other side of the court, and it was called, you were running down from the stands, running for him.
"Kei! You were so great!" you cheered, wrapping your arms around his neck, jumping at him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist to keep the both of you from falling over, and he buried his face in your neck as he set you down.
"Oh my gosh, Kei that was so amazing! I think that's the best you've played all season! Seriously! Some of those blocked looked like they would've ripped my arms off, that was so cool!" you gushed, holding onto his forearms.
Kei nodded, giving Tadashi a look over your shoulder for a moment, letting him know that it was okay for him to go on ahead.
"Thanks for blocking the slime ball for me Kei!" you said, smiling up at him. "And what did he say to you that got you so pissed off? I haven't seen you that mad in forever!"
"It was nothing," he told you, "it was stupid."
"Are you sure?" you inquired, looking up at him.
"Yeah, I'm sure the team will tell you about it later."
"Alright, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay," you told him, "'cause you looked really pissed. I haven't seen you that pissed off since that one guy tried to make Tadashi cry."
"I don't like it when people make you uncomfortable like that," Kei said. "It really pisses me off."
"Is that why you kept looking at me during the game?" you asked, and Kei wondered if any other girl would've been so honest with him about something like this, or if it as just the fact that you had both spent so much time together growing up. "I noticed that you always looked at me whenever you had the chance."
Kei nodded, gesturing with his head towards the doors, so that he could catch up with the team and talk with you at the same time.
"Yeah, that was one of the reasons. It kept me focused on the scumbag's spikes, and it calmed me down enough so that I didn't punch him whenever we were across the net from each other."
"I kinda wish that you had, but I also know that it would've gotten you ejected from the game, which is not something I want to happen. Anyway, thanks Kei," you told him, smiling up at him.
"Yeah, always," he said, putting his hand on your head.
It was when you were over at his house Sunday morning when he realized that he might need to call Kuroo and Bokuto.
You, Kei, and Tadashi had had a sleepover, but Tadashi had left early to spend some time with his moms, so Kei had woken up to you with a hand on his chest and his arm numb from where it was pillowing your head.
The three of you had been sitting on Kei's bed watching a movie, but Tadashi had tipped over sometime near the halfway marker, and Kei had fallen asleep not long after that, so he could only assume that you had fallen asleep sometime after Tadashi had left this morning.
Kei turned on his side slowly, not wanting to wake you up, wrapping an arm around your waist softly.
He toyed with your hair, twisting it in his fingers gently, brushing it behind your ear, threading his fingers through it.
He wasn't ready to get up for the day yet, so he laid there with you, wondering how it would be ten years in the future.
Would your hair be longer? Would you cut it shorter? Would you dye it? Would you have kids by then?
That last one had made him pause.
He had always known that short of you dying or some huge falling out, Kei was in no way going to be able to get rid of you or Tadashi, but he had never even considered dating you, let alone anything beyond that.
So why was he wondering what your kids would look like? Why was he wondering how many you would want, if any? Why was he questioning how many stray animals you might bring home after work?
He sounded like every lovesick fool that got his heart broken in those weird movies that Tadashi liked to watch.
Kei glanced down at your face, and he suddenly found himself unable to think of a reality where he didn't wake up like this for the rest of his life.
When had he stopped seeing you as his little sister, or the annoying female friend that all of his classmates admired? When had he started seeing you as someone he could fall in love with, if he hadn't already?
But even with this new revelation, he couldn't bring himself to pull away from you.
Kei loved it when you both bickered like you hated each other, and he loved when you were able to throw back any insulting thing he said to you. He loved being able to have real conversations with you, but he also liked just sitting quietly with you.
This though, this was by far his favorite thing, seeing all the stress gone from your body, seeing your face without any kind of mask on, he adore seeing the calm serenity that came with sleep.
"Mm, Kei?" you asked sleepily, glancing at him. "What time is it?"
"Still early," he murmured, tucking you into his chest again. "Go back to sleep."
"M'kay," you said, nuzzling in close.
Kei waited for a minute before he grabbed his phone and his glasses from the side table, texting Kuroo.
Normally, he would've talked to Tadashi, but Kei didn't want to drag him into anything until he knew for sure, just in case he was wrong.
Kei: I have a question for you
Kuroo: What's up Tsukki-poo?
Kei: First, don't call me that
Kei: Secondly, and this is completely hypothetical, but how do you know when you love someone?
Kuroo: Aww, is my little kouhai in love with someone? How cute!
Kei made a face, taking a deep breath and glancing at you quickly before he turned his attention back to his phone.
Kei: Just answer the question
Kuroo: We're talking hypothetically?
Kei: Yeah
Kuroo: Can't you use the internet for this stuff? Why ask me? Why not ask Freckles? Or the pretty setter on your team?
Kei: The internet would tell me I have cancer, not that I might be in love with someone
Kei: Secondly, as for the setter comment, I'm assuming you mean Suga
Kei: Thirdly, he would go tell Tadashi, and then the possible love interest, and I don't want to deal with any of those things
Kei: So, please, for the sake of my sanity, just answer the question
Kuroo: Alright, alright. Jeesh. Hypothetically, if you were in love with someone you might start noticing their presence more
Kuroo: It would feel almost like you have a compass where the needle points to them, and you can't turn it off. You notice the little things more than normal, and you know them. I mean, really know them. They feel almost like a part of you
Kuroo: Seeing them hurt hurts you. You constantly feel the need to make sure that they're okay. Even the little things that kind of annoy you are a huge part of what you love about them
Kuroo: You find yourself smiling at them, even when they're doing something completely mundane, and you could recognize their voice in a crowd. Suddenly, they went from just another person, to someone that you could find in a crowd, even if they blend in enough that they normally fade into the background
Kuroo: Hypothetically speaking, of course
Kei was surprised by how much his mentor was able to type out in such a short amount of time, but in the end, he was most surprised by how much it lined up with what you had told him earlier. The basics were the same, and Kei sighed, realizing what this meant for him.
Kei: How to I make it stop?
Kei: Hypothetically
Kuroo: When I figure that out, I'll let you know
Kei blinked at that, then sighed again.
Kei: Thanks, Kuroo-san.
Kuroo: Sure thing Skinny, let me know how it goes
Kuroo: Hypothetically, of course
Kei couldn't help but chuckle softly, and he set his phone aside, wondering whether this was going to change anything, and how long he had been in love with you.
He had always noticed the little things about you, it was just a part of him being perceptive, and he had grown up with you, so he automatically knew you better than 80 percent of the people you went to school with.
But he was more in tune with your presence than even Tadashi was. And he had always managed to pick your voice out in a crowd.
He glanced down at you, and suddenly, instead of being worried about if he was in love you, he was more worried about whether you loved him back or not.
Kei debated texting Tadashi, but he decided that it could wait, and he wanted to enjoy this time with you unhindered.
Kei knew that he was never going to say anything unless he was sure you felt the same way about him.
For one thing, you were nice enough that it was entirely possible that you would date him just because you were too nice to say no. For another thing, he wasn't the kind of guy to make a move if he thought it wouldn't lead to a win. Not to mention, that if you he did ask you out and you said no, that might make things awkward in the friend group, and Kei didn't want that to happen.
He had gone this long, right? What was a few more weeks?
But, of course, things didn't go the way that Kei wanted them to.
As the end of a semester approached, as well as the end of the year, projects piled on, as did speeches and tests.
Kei had always done well academically, and he wasn't as stressed as some of the other people he knew, like Hinata and Kageyama.
You seemed to be feeling the pressure too, even though Kei knew that you were going to be getting some of the higher grades in class, just like always.
You were freaking out more than usual, and Kei realized that he needed to do something if he didn't want you to overwork yourself.
He found you on the swings at the park by your house.
He had gone over to make sure that you had eaten something, but your mother had told him that you had gone out earlier, and that she didn't know where you were.
"Hey," he said, announcing his presence as he settled beside you.
"Hey Kei," you replied, staring at the ground in front of you like it held the key to the universe.
"Are you okay?"
"No," you admitted. "I'm so nervous and freaked out that I can't eat anything. I have that weird mineral deficiency so drinking water just makes me really dizzy and I almost passed out when I stood up at the end of the day and there's nothing I can do about it! Not to mention that, once again, I got stuck with the morons that aren't going to do anything to help me with the project so I'm stuck doing everything by myself. For some of my classes, that's okay, I can just tell the teacher that they didn't help, but for some of them they're going to give me that bullshit lecture about working together. I have no idea what to do my speech about for that one class, and I have so many back to back tests that I think I might forget everything!"
Kei let you ramble, watching the way your hands moved around, trying to communicate the stress and anger and nerves that you were experiencing all at once.
He watched the way yours eyes widened and squeezed shut to add extra emphasis. He watched the way you glanced over at him to make sure that he was still paying attention, to make sure that you weren't annoying him, the way you smiled a little bit whenever you noticed that he was watching you and that you weren't annoying him by talking.
Somehow, you started talking about the constant love letters that he was getting.
"I mean, I get that some girls feel the need to have a boyfriend," you said, rolling your eyes, "but I have bigger things to worry about than their attraction to you, you know? One girl gave me a letter the other day, and I was so tired that I didn't realize what it was, and I started to read it and I was caught between wanting to laugh, cry, and hurl all at the same time."
Kei perked up at that.
"It made me kinda sad too," you admitted, your voice quieting. "I mean, it must really suck for you, getting all these letters claiming that they love you when they don't even know that first thing about who you are. I mean, it was hilarious that she even thought that you were interested in getting a girlfriend, and it was sickening how many times she used the words 'hot', 'sexy', and 'unadulteratedly handsome' to describe you."
Kei knew he made a face at that, with the way you laughed, before you continued, your voice even quieter than it had been, "But it made me sad to think that you keep having to read these things. They claim that they love you, that they want to be with you, and they don't even know who you are. Not in a way that matters at least. I don't know, it was just kind of depressing I guess."
You glanced at him, turning to face him.
"I hope you don't mind, but I started throwing them away. I'm getting sick and tired of being their carrier pigeon, and I really hate thinking about you having to deal with them all the time. If they want to confess they can find another way to do it."
"I don't mind, at all," he assured you, and you smiled at him.
But then your smiled faded into something similar to a frown.
"Hey, Kei?"
"Do you remember that promise we made when we were kids?"
"How could I forget? You never shut up about it during middle school," he teased.
"I broke that promise," you whispered. "That was one of the reasons that those letters made me so upset. As someone who has loved you, really loved you, for longer than they've known about you, it made me sick to read some of the things they said. I know that that makes me sound like some kind of possessive bitch, but it's true."
Kei stared at you, wondering if he had just heard that right.
You were in love with him? And had been for more than three years?
Kei felt like the breath had been knocked out of him.
"What's with the face Kei?" you asked. "I thought you knew already."
Kei didn't think that his eyes could get any wider than they were at that moment.
"Y-You . . . I-I what?"
"Come on Kei, you had to have noticed by now," you said, looking more concerned by the second. "I mean, it's not like I act the same way around everyone else that I do around you."
Kei let his brain process the things that you were telling him before he managed to squeak out, "You mean, like a friend thing right?"
You bit your lip, checking his face for something, fiddling with your fingers in your lap.
"No, Kei," you said finally. "I mean like, I want to be your girlfriend kind of love."
You weren't looking at him now, and he was worried you were taking this the wrong way. He didn't want this to end in a misunderstanding so he sighed dramatically.
"So, you're telling me that I could have confessed months ago and avoided the entire overthinking part of my recent internal panic?" he asked, watching the way your brows furrowed with confusion, the way your head whipped up when you finally realized what he was saying to you.
"A-Are you saying that the feeling is mutual?" you asked, eyes wide as you both looked at each other.
"Yes, you dumbass," he teased, smiling softly at you. "I broke that promise too, so it's okay, since we both broke it."
Now you were the one staring at him in disbelief.
Then you were off your swing and pacing in front of them, waving your hands around like a madwoman.
"Holy shit, you love me back," you muttered, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye every few seconds, like you were worried he would disappear. "I-I don't know what to do from here. I never thought that I would get this far. Is . . . is this where we talk about whether we want this to be a serious thing?" you asked. "Is this where we agree that we love each other but we pretend like nothing's changed? What am I supposed to do in this situation?"
"For one thing," Kei said, standing so that he could wrap his hands around your wrists, gently making you look at him. "You could calm down and let me get a word or two in before you make yourself black out."
You nodded, taking a deep breath.
"For another," he continued, "you and I should go back to your house. Your mom is worried sick about you, and you need to eat something before you pass out. We can have a serious talk about what this means once you aren't in danger of passing out from exhaustion or malnutrition."
"Okay, but only because I know that you're going to make me do it anyway," you told him, making him laugh.
You both walked in silence for a while before you asked, "When did you realize?"
"A few months ago," he admitted. "I think I've always known, but that guy- the slimeball that I blocked- got on my nerves enough that I knew it wasn't some platonic 'protect a friend' thing. I started seeing it more and more after that. I talked to Kuroo-san about it when I was nearly 100 percent sure, and that solidified it for me I guess, that night you and Tadashi stayed over and we watched that horrid slasher film. I woke up and you were right there by my side, and suddenly I couldn't imagine waking up any other way."
"That really was a horrible movie," you muttered. "I didn't think you were going to be the cheesy one today, but then again, you are always surprising me. And you didn't think to tell me?"
"I was worried it would make things awkward, and I didn't want to say something and be wrong, you know? Besides, you can't say anything. How long have you known?"
"Do you remember the summer before our third year in middle school and we all stayed at my grandparents' camp for three weeks?"
"That long? We were- what?- twelve?"
"Yeah. I remember that there was a thunderstorm the first night we were there, and I got up in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep, so I stood on the deck, in a tank top and shorts because I wanted to. I don't even remember how long I had been out there when you wandered out. I remember calling you a dumbass because 'What if I was a murderer?' and you just called me short.
"We both stood there for a few minutes, and when I shivered, you wrapped your arms around my waist from behind me, pressing your chest to my back and calling me an idiot for wearing something so light in the middle of a thunderstorm. Instead of doing the sensible thing and getting a blanket or a jacket, you just hugged me and stood there with me until I couldn't stand it and we went inside."
Kei remembered that. He had seen you standing out on the deck when the lightning had flashed, and he had been worried when you weren't in your room, so he had gone out to check on you.
You had looked so happy, standing there in the rain, listening to the thunder crash in the distance.
He had wanted to stay with you, so he had.
It was one of the first times he had decided that he didn't care what it looked like, he cared for you, and he was going to show it somehow.
Kei slipped his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers together.
You glanced at him, but you didn't say anything, just squeezed his hand and walked with him.
When you both got back to your house, you grabbed a plate of food and plopped down at your desk in your room.
Kei lounged on your bed while you ate, watching you flip through a textbook and scribble notes in between bites of food.
When you pushed the plate to the side, your turned to face him.
You both locked eyes and chuckled.
"I already told you what I wanted out of this," you told him, shrugging. "I'm fine with whatever we decide, but that's my best case scenario ending for this."
"You make this sound like a business meeting," he teased, watching you stand up to move next to him on your bed.
"What do you want from this, Kei?" you asked, glancing down at your lap.
"I want you to be my girlfriend," he admitted. "I want to glare at guys that think they even have a chance with you. I want to kiss you for good luck before a game, all that sappy shit that everyone says that I wouldn't be into."
You smiled, laughing a little breathlessly for a moment before you comprehended everything he said.
"All of it?" you asked, turning those damned doe eyes on him again.
"All of it," he confirmed.
You chuckled softly, taking his hand again.
"Good. Me too."
"Good," he replied, pressing a quick kiss to your temple.
You giggled, something that made Kei stop for a moment, because you weren't the type of girl to giggle, at anything.
He smiled softly at you, and he wondered how much shit he was going to get from his team with you around, but he realized that it wasn't anything he needed to worry about yet.
Then he remembered something else.
"Hey, do you want to cause a little chaos?" Kei asked you.
"How so?"
"Remember how I said I talked to Kuroo-san?"
"Well, he wanted me to let him know how it went," Kei admitted. "I have him, Bokuto, Akaashi, Lev, and Hinata in a discord group chat. I want to try something, if you're okay with it."
"What do you have in mind?" you asked, arching an eyebrow, a smirk on your lips that said you were up for almost anything.
Skinny: img.jpg
Skinny: Thanks Kuroo-san
five people are typing...
Kei laughed, leaning over to show you the chaos that had ensued when he had sent the group chat the photo of you kissing his cheek.
You giggled at the many exclamation points and question marks, snickering at Kuroo's reply.
"I love you," you told him, kissing his cheek again.
"I love you too," he said, ignoring the calls that were coming through on his phone as he leaned over to cup your face in his hands.
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Coffee - T. Holland
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Okay, I know I have requests but this song came on at work the other day and I felt super emotional and I had to write. The use of Tom was very last minute because I had no actual person in mind for the fic, and there are very little actual defining characteristics so you can imagine it to be absolutely anybody you want!
This has broken me, so I apologize in case it has the same affect.
TW: This story contains mentions of cancer, allusions to death, mentions of death, sadness, angst, allusion to suicide, a character with cancer, and all round sadness about death.
If this content may trigger you in any way possible, please do not engage with this fic. Your personal safety and wellness is important so please take care of yourself, my lovies.
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17. Please do not copy, translate or share outside of the boundaries of tumblr without my permission. Please do not steal my work and market it as your own. Basically, don’t be a dick. Also, the above gif does not belong to me. Credit to @thollandgifs
Also, sorry the format is shit. I write on my phone so it’s hella bad.
Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed. I'll make a cup of coffee for your head. It'll get you up and going out of bed.
While his life stood still, hers moved. Most days he could barely move without the nausea taking over. His head pounding, body exhausted and weak beyond recognition. She had established a routine the minute she could. She made sure he had his morning coffee everyday. Whenever his eyes opened, she would be right by his side with his favourite beverage, bringing him breakfast and a warm, loving smile to entice him to get out of bed. She understood on days that his body fought him more than it already was - she was compassionate and considerate. On those days she would help him prop himself in a comfortable position, switch on whatever show they were watching at the time and curl up next to him with her work beside her.
His heart was often overwhelmed with the care she provided him. They were well into the fourth year of their life together, and he had no doubt in his mind that he would love her until his last days. He often solemnly thought of the ring he still had hidden in his drawer of their shared cabinet. He had made a vow to pop the question if he ever recovered, but the thought of that day never coming simply tore another piece from his already dwindling soul.
He would often sit in his chair, or on the bed in their small, studio apartment, watching her flutter around the house in a graceful way only she could. He had memorized her every move when she conducted the most mundane activity. The way she poured a glass of water, the way she tapped her fingers against her thigh to the tune of a theme song, the way she always made his coffee to pure perfection - in a way that nobody else had been able to do.
He had so much love for her, that he was terrified of it slipping away at any moment.
Yeah, I don't wanna fall asleep, I don't wanna pass away. I been thinking of our future 'cause I'll never see those days.
He was 24, and she was 25. They had already planned a life together. They had steady jobs, an intense and passionate love, names picked out for future children, dinner at his parents house every Sunday, lunch with her parents every Wednesday.
He just knew that he had done something to deserve such a fate. At first he was angry, terrified of the possibility of his soul leaving this earth, but as time went on, his self-deprivation grew. Apparently it was common for people in his situation. The fear of dying was clouded by a justification that this was meant to be. He had done something terrible in a past life, and karma was giving him the painful ending he deserved... but he despised the thought, because Y/N didn’t deserve to watch her boyfriend meet his end in this way.
He had thought of near every scenario in his life in which he hurt somebody - cheating on his girlfriend in his first year of college, letting Y/N down time after time, only for her to forgive him. The hurt he caused his parents when he was a teenager and full of such hate for the world. But now, all he could do was pray for forgiveness. He had hope that there was some way he could make it out of this, but he was losing hope rapidly.
Even as he sat with his love on their bed, watching re-runs of How I Met Your Mother, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander.
“When I’m gone,” his voice was croaky, his throat dry and scratchy. “Please tell me you will find somebody else.” He fumbled around to grab her hand, winching as he caught her head snapping towards his in his peripheral vision. He couldn’t turn to see the expression on her face. “You’re so young, so full of life. Your life is going to be so beautiful.”
Her hand was pulled from his, and he steeled what was left of his nerves to get ready for whatever tongue lashing she had planned, but instead he felt the bed dip further beside him, her hands framing his sullen face on each side and softly turning his gaze to meet her own.
“Don’t you say things like that, Tom.” He forced his eyes to stare into her own. His eyes seemed as if they were always ready to release tears, and the intensity of the hurt in her own made his pool unconsciously. “There is no somebody else when the other half of my soul is already with me. I don’t need anybody else because you’re not going anywhere.”
Her thumb brushed away the tear that slipped from his chocolate orbs, ignoring the dark circles underneath that made his face seem further sunken than it was.
“You don’t know that,” he sniffed heavily, dropping his eyes down to his lap. His fingers unconsciously toyed with the bracelet she had given him years ago. A soft, black, faux-leather band. An unfit symbol charm dangled close to the strap, reminding him of her favourite line from her favourite book/movie - the perks of being a wallflower. He had gone wuth her when she got the titular floral piece tattooed on her forearm. She was so happy that day. “One day you’re gonna be in a nice house, a ring on your finger, watching your husband dote over your little baby and you will be at peace in the way I know you crave. I just... I know that will never be me, who slips a ring onto your hand, or waits for you at the end of the aisle. I won’t be the one who holds your hand when you meet your baby, or the one who can give you the life you deserve - the one you want.”
His eyes snapped up to meet her own when he heard her breath grow shaky, but the action caused his brain to lose its equilibrium and he had to close his eyes for a moment. He hated doing so. Every time his eyes were shut, it was a moment that he lost of memorizing every line, curve, angle of her body. He opened his eyes again when able, and he was met with her own eyes as red rimmed as his, tears streaming down her beautiful face.
“Don’t you every talk like that, Thomas Stanley. You’re not going anywhere. You’re going to be the one to do all of those things because you’re going to make it and we are going to love each other until the end of our time, together. I’ll fucking Romeo and Juliet this shit if I have to,” her dark joke was met with a wet laugh from them both, before her face melted back into seriousness. “I’m never gonna need another person, Tommy. I have you, and I will have you forever.”
“You make every day a blessing, my love.” He whispered, his lips ghosting over hers as he gathered the strength in his lead arms to pull her into a hug. “You make hell feel like a summers day, and I cherish every moment I have left with you.”
My life was kinda short, but I got so many blessings. Happy you were mine, it sucks that it's all ending
Their days continued on for another three weeks, the same routine of morning coffee and testing the boundaries of his own fatigue. Three weeks without the dreaded conversation arising again, until she woke to find him staring into the ceiling with such an intense and thoughtful gaze. She knew instantly what was on his mind, and she could feel her heart breaking into more little pieces.
“Tommy?” Her melodic tone was soft, snapping him from his nightmarish reprieve. “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing honey. Thinking about us... when we were young and full of life,” he snorted into the dark room, Y/N’s soft laugh pushed through her nose and he felt her smile against his neck. “Just, thinking about how sorry I am for all of this. I’m sorry that I’ve turned your life upside down, that we have changed so much.”
He felt weaker. His body was fighting to hold on, and he felt that they both knew that. He was being eaten up from the inside out, but he couldn’t bear to leave. He couldn’t lose her. He couldn’t leave her alone. He needed her, he loved her. He wanted to be her husband and give her everything she wanted in life. He wanted to live, for her.
“I would change everything if it meant I could be here with you,” her voice was heavy, riddled with sleep. Neither of them get much rest anymore. He is always up and down, and she frets too much to sleep through his late night jolts and retches. “You’re worth every minute of every day, Tom. You have nothing to apologize for. It’s not like you chose to have Can-“
“Don’t say it, baby, please?” He pled, silencing her before she could say the word. He hadn’t once uttered it since the day he found out. She had relayed the information to their families, holding his hand the entire time as he sat motionless. “Makes it more real than my emo ramblings.” His laugh was humorless, but he didn’t intend it to be so.
She apologised softly, snuggling closer to him. She knew how much he loved the feel of her body on his, how the intimacy of the comfort made him feel warm. Back when he could handle the weight, she would sometimes wake up curled on top of his chest because he had sought her out in his sleep.
“I would do anything for you, Tommy. I would give up everything I have just to see you smile. You’re the other half of my soul, my infinity.”
He felt a tear slip down his cheek. Her words always had that affect on him, but he loved the way she could send his heart beating with no effort. He loved her. So intensely.
“Sing to me, please?” A request he had let loose so many times before. He adored her voice, and the soft melodies that fell from her lips and lulled him to sleep.
She obliged with a smile on her face, and let the words tumble into his pale skin.
“If I could save time in a bottle, the first thing that I’d like to do...”
Soon you'll be alone, sorry that you have to lose me
Two more months passed. His doctors were satisfied, stating that he was slowly improving. His body was beginning to regain strength. He had begun to grow more hopeful, slowly but surely.
Until there was no chance for hope left.
Y/N made his morning coffee, but when she went to rest it on his bedside, he could barely breathe.
Her fingers dialed emergency services faster than she thought possible, her voice cracking as she sung to him over and over, hands cradling his head in her lap as he whispered his love for her.
The coffee went cold as the red and blue lights approached.
Don't stay awake for too long, don't go to bed. I'll make a cup of coffee for your head. It'll get you up and going out of bed
Tag list: @starshonerose @snookiebrookie @another-lonely-heart @mantlereid
If you would like to be added to my tag list, comment here!
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epicspheal · 2 years
Hello Spheal I hope you're doing well, anyways my question is for your OCs. Have they ever sustained any injuries? If so what were they, what caused them and what were the worst injuries? Sorry if this triggers some unpleasant memories for your OCs. =(
Hi there @namelessbaron! Yes, a few of my OC have sustained some significant injuries (beyond the minor cuts and bruises and sprains most people get at least once during their lives). I'll be putting the actual details under "Keep Reading" just for people who don't want to see anything too graphic. I will say, though, that cactusverse in the modern-day isn't that much different from Hisuian days as wild Pokemon can and will throw hands with the trainers as much as the Pokemon. So much like in the manga, there are more trainer injuries and it isn't uncommon for wild battles to involve the trainer joining the fight in some way (be it riding their Pokemon, physically throwing hands or things to stun the Pokemon, or utilizing aura/ghost/psychic abilities) TW: hospitalization, description of injuries
All right so we'll start off with Jack. He has a number of scars from his aura guardian training as his family does this the old school way, which means making you throw hands with your own Pokemon. So for him, that meant throwing hands with his Bisharp (who was a Pawniard at the time). Mustard also broke his nose after he tried to kidnap Leon once Leon won the championship title from him. Jabari has had a couple of broken bones from rock climbing and rollerskating, but nothing too major until after he became champion and ran afoul of Mewtwo, who wrecked him and his team (much like Mewtwo did years ago to cactusverse Red and would later do to Elaine) Calla didn't suffer any major injuries until the Darkest Day when she and Hop were nearly thrown off the building by Eternatus when it transformed into the Hand Form (with a possessed Leon by its side). Hop, Calla, and Leon all ended up in the hospital (among pretty much the entire set of gym leaders) got their asses clapped by either Eternatus or one of the Gigantamaxed Pokemon. The final battle had to be postponed for months to let Galar's infrastructure and the league staff recover from their injuries. Before Marsha went on her journey she only suffered a broken wrist from when she was a cheerleader. Out of my champion OCs Marsha was the one to get the most injuries from regular Pokemon from the SOS calling...granted this was due to her having to be Lillie's bodyguard (this definitely helped to sour their friendship heavily in the beginning). Valen was probably the only champion to ever face Mewtwo and not get bodied. However he did have his first body destroyed by Xurkitree. Thankfully he's a robot so his brain (which is on cloud storage) is automatically preserved in the event his body gets damaged. Finally there's Cami who managed to go through her childhood and her initial Pokemon journey without sustaining much more than a pulled hamstring or twisted ankle. Then came medical school...well specifically spring break. Her and some of her classmates decided to take a trip to Johto and while on a ship from Olivine to Cianwood, they overheard some teenagers say they were going to jump off the ship and get to the whirl islands to catch Lugia. Well being overachieving medical students that they were, Cami and her friends followed the kids to the whirl islands only to find them already unconscious from Lugia's rough attacked. Cami and her friends attempt to provide first aid but Lugia was so annoyed that it continued to attack forcing them to divide their time between providing medical assistance and battling the legendary. Cami manages to catch Lugia in a last ditch effort to stop the rampage but she had fallen unconscious due to her own injuries before she could confirm the capture. She had a dislocated right shoulder and hip, multiple lacerations, and a concussion and her meniscus in her right knee were destroyed. Fortunately everyone survived but it was a massive hospital stay for everyone involved.
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dumbass-mha-simp · 4 years
Hawks x Reader: Bad Idea
Another self indulgent Hawks fic that I've literally had in my notes for months. He lives in my head rent free along with my other 22 fake boyfriend's because I'm ✨mentally unstable.✨ It is a song fic tho, Bad Idea ft. Shiloh Dynasty https://youtu.be/kH9hJnT7KkE
Tw: food, depression, Hawks is honestly just feeling it bro- same dude,
Word count: almost 2k? I think
Requests are open! Honestly I'm probably terrible but the only things I can think to write are those imaginary situations I put myself in
(Y/L/N)- your last name
(Y/N)- your name
Thoughts or emphasized talk are in italics
Also idk why but I imagine he removes his feathers to shower since they probably need different cleaning conditions and also they just seem like a hassle in showers.
Here he was, the number two prohero. Everyone assumed his life was perfect, anything he wanted served on a gold platter. He felt the guilt creep up into him.
I should be thankful. The thoughts ate away at his mind in the rare seconds he got alone. You shouldn't be so selfish. So annoying. So insufferable.
Takami pushed these thoughts back. "No one needs to know how you think, Keigo." He whispers out to himself in his office.
He scrawled at paper work, trying to not let the self depreciating thoughts feast away on his mind. Unfortunately for him, different thoughts came up.
His best friend, Rumi had this friend. (Y/L/N). Smart, attractive, sometimes a little rough around the edges, but amazing. He found his mind wandering to them all too often.
They were mostly unknown, despite their insanely strong quirk. They preferred to stay out of the lime-light, through that irritable exterior sat overwhelming anxiety and shyness. But they always denied it.
He stopped himself as he realized he's spent 10 minutes only thinking of them, a friend. Yeah right.
He lazily walked out of the office waving to all his employees as he made his way outside. His eyes slowly dragged to the darkly faded blue sky, dusted in clouds. Cold, tired, aching. Just how he felt.
He took a slow brisk flight to his house, feeling the wind bash his face and the air flow through his feathers. He gently placed a foot on the metal railing of his balcony, taking a deep step to the ground and opening the door.
The emptiness rung through his apartment like a blaring siren. You have everything. How can you still want more?
The voices in his head screamed and clawed their way out. You're nobody. No one ever loved you. You're so alone. You're nothing but a tool to the commission. You're actual character is useless.
He shed his coat, boots, and pants. Looking to himself in the mirror as he removed most of his feathers. He looked exhausted as he stumbled into the shower, numbly.
The next ten minutes seemed to elude him when he wondered how much time has gone by of him staring at the shower wall blankly.
He dried off a bit then looked around his kitchen for something to eat. Have I eaten today? The buzz and light of his phone on the counter startled him.
"Hey, Hawks." A single, simple message from (Y/L/N). Okay don't panic.
"What's up?" He replied swiftly.
"I had this feeling something was wrong and wanted to check up on you."
"Why would you think that?" He tried to play it off like it wasn't true without actually lying.
"I'm not sure. Do you maybe wanna join me?" You asked.
"Well, every once in awhile when I need a break I go and stargaze with a night picnic. It helps me relax, and if you think it might help I'd want to. I can tell something's off." You were always so convincing. It felt like you weren't too nosy or snoopy but you understood.
"Text me where to be and when?" He let out a gentle smile at his phone.
"The dollar store on 4th in 10 minutes? So we can choose some snacks together?"
"I'll be there."
Did Takami think any problems where going to be solved with some food in the dark? No. But would he skip the opportunity to be with you, to find out how he really felt when it was just you two? Absolutely not.
He landed down on the broken pavement outside of the old dollar store, scanning around to see you.
"Boo!" A bump from behind had him flinching to see the sound as you stood behind him giggling. "Got ya."
"Very funny (Y/L/N) the most amazing trick yet." He rolled his eyes with a slight smile.
"C'mon let's go grab a bunch of terrible snacks and call it a picnic, bird brain."
You two walked into the store and walked a large circle around it, choosing chips and candy and drinks at your leisure. Once you got to the counter, he fights you to his wallet.
"It's my picnic."
"And I'm the very special guest who was so generously invited. I'm paying." He grins as you pout at him.
Grabbing the bags you placed them in the back seat as you offered passenger side to him.
"I don't like cars."
"Why not?"
"Cramps my wings."
You look at him with the biggest puppy eyes you can manage. "You already agreed to keep me company and pay for the snacks, let me do something for you?"
"Fine, but only cause you're pouting kid."
He gently sits in your passenger seat as you strap yourself in and turn the car on. The car hums and the music playing softly on the radio are the only things heard. The peace feeling too good to break.
Once you pull your car up into the parking lot of a small park and grab your bags, you begin leading him to your usual place.
"Hold these." You hand him the bags as you jump and climb up on top of a big metal container. You peer over the side with big eyes and a smile as you say to him, "now hand me the bags and do what I did!"
He looks at you with a wide smirk before simply flying up to join you. "Or you can do it the cheater's way." You pouted and bumped his shoulder.
"It's not cheating, it's using my resources." He says with a triumphant smirk.
"Your cheating resources." You pull out your gummy candies and started eating as you leaned back till you were laying down.
"Do you like the stars, Hawks?" You say like your sleep talking, staring into the night sky.
"Keigo." He shifts to lay down about a foot away from you. "You can call me, Keigo. And... I don't think I've ever taken time to look at the stars."
"No sneaking out away from parents to sit on vans and stargaze? Or watching the sunrise with a partner while eating fast food?"
"What kinda date is sitting in a car for hours staring at the sky and eating?" He laughs.
"Ah one that never really happened, he just said he would. But never mind that repressed shit." A sad laugh forces itself out as you stare between the stars.
"Was he cute?" He tried to sound funny but it came out more sympathetic.
"Sometimes," you laugh with him. "But he had really nice hands."
"Hands? That's an odd thing to find attractive." He turned his head over to look at you as your eyes seemed to burn holes in the dark milky blue sky.
He continued laughing with you about this guy but couldn't help an overwhelming feeling of jealousy. Who was he? Did he look anything like him? Was this recent?
"Keigo?" A voice snapped at his train or thought, "Yes, (Y/L/N)?" He replied rushed.
"Do you want your mini cookies?" You ask looking to him with the bag.
"Oh, yeah. Thanks." He mentions grabbing the bag from your finger tips.
He ate his cookies and thought as you seemed either lost in your head, or lost in the stars.
Loving you would be selfish. As such a high ranking hero, he's made a target for himself and anyone around him. He's broken down, can't feel. You obviously have other people on your mind. Someone like you wouldn't be single long.
"When did he leave?" He blurts out without thinking. Maybe it's a sore subject-
"Long ago." You look lost, your eyes searching and wandering but never grabbing hold of exactly where you should be. "Why?" Well I guess if I'm gonna start prying might as well go all the way.
"He thought that maybe he could love me. But now that's just ridiculous," you laugh coldly. "Who would love me?"
"Falling in love with you seems like a really bad idea. But not on your part." He whispers into the wind, hoping it'll carry his words away from you.
"What do you mean?" You look completely confused, almost scattered.
"You're quiet, and I'm someone who puts a spotlight on practically anyone around me. You'd constantly be put in danger. Plus I'm arrogant and cocky, nothing at all like you." He acted like he could see the stars as you could. He stared into them finding any way he could to avoid your eyes.
"You could get hurt or I could annoy you." He whispers.
"I had no idea you felt that way, Keigo." You whisper back, shock keeping your voice quiet.
His eyes burned holes into the night sky, he felt he shouldn't look at you. The mental image of you already wouldn't go away.
"You wanna know something, Keigo? I can read people like books, I can read stars like stories, and I can read in-between lines like they were in bold font. But, you always catch me off guard. Reading you is like a mystery novel. Sometimes intense, sometimes peaceful, but always keeping me wondering." You smile into the stars, you can tell he desperately doesn't want to see your eyes. "You're always leaving everyone on the edge of their seat, and when you leave you can't stop thinking of the next time you'll come. What you'll bring."
"I....I don't think I understand (Y/L/N)-" Keigo's soon cut off.
"Well, (Y/N)- I don't think I understand." He tries to sit up and look at you.
"You catch me off guard, something about you speaks to me in ways I know you never actually would. I can see it, the way you stumble or hesitate. I can tell somethings scared you into silence." You've never had much chance to talk about the ways you analyze people, you wanted to tell him how you could tell the way he acted wasn't always good.
"I think you might be reading too much into this, kid." He tries to intervene.
"I get if you don't want to tell me." You stared up at the stars, waiting for him to do the same. "You see there?" You pointed to a star. "That's a constellation."
"They just look like stars." He seemed a bit disappointed that he couldn't see stars the way you did, with such knowledge and wonder in your eyes.
"That's cause they are," you giggled to him, "it's not like I can actually see the pictures either."
"You.. you can't?" He looked to you confused but slightly hopeful, how could they look at them but not see too?
"That's the whole point, Keigo. It's being able to see what's not really there. Sometimes I stare into the sky hoping to see any semblance of hope, but that's not how it is. You have to teach yourself to look at what could be there." He stared to you, a small content smile graced your face. You were beautiful.
"Maybe, loving you isn't such a bad idea.." he looked remorseful, staring into the stars. Maybe he could see it too one day.
"What do you mean?" You glace to him.
"You see so much, you can read and see the things I want to see. I want to learn, (Y/N). I want to see how you do."
The smile on your face spread.
"I'd love to show you."
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yhmisun · 4 years
*//𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒆: introducing 𝐘𝐄𝐎 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐔𝐍!
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hi petals 🥰 i'm so thrilled to be here with you all and bringing you this gullible little lioness!i promise i'll get to all ims soon, but my alias is penny, my pronouns are she/her and i'm in the est tz! this is my bby misun - the very soft-spoken principal of kwangsook academy. despite the shady way she ended up with it, she quite loves her job, as well as all the students and faculty at kwangsook :D i will have her full bio up sometime soon, but for now, you can find some relevant links and some bullet points under the cut! if you'd like to plot something out, feel free to hit the heart so i know and i'll come buzz you in ims! tw - brief mentions of death cw - workplace affair
statistics. // bio. // headcanons. // plots. // musing blog. // pinterest.
━  ❖ (kim ahyoung “yura,” cis female, she/her) hey thank you for coming to town hall to update your information yeo misun! you’re a citizen correct? good to know! are you enjoying yourself around yunhwa? you’ve been staying here two years right? i’m glad! remind me, are you born on 14/12/1992? we’re so lucky to have someone so dedicated around as a principal at kwangsook academy even if sometimes you can be credulous. hope to see you around the house #3034, hwesakgu!
born and raised in busan, the city was imbued in misun's veins. she was in love with how the highest skyscrapers mingled with the clouds on overcast days and how life always seemed to be racing by. her childhood was a happy one, as she gained a younger brother and sister along the way.
her mother was a science teacher and her father a commercial fisherman at the local dock. it wasn't uncommon for him to be gone for weeks at a time in order to bring an income into the household, so misun was often left in charge of her younger siblings. it was something she thrived at honestly, as she'd always had this nurturing way about her. she didn't even argue with her siblings much, she mostly just played peacekeeper when they fought amongst themselves.
she ran through the typical cycle of dream occupations as any child would. she had a particularly tight grasp on astronomy for awhile, but she also always appreciated her mother's work in the field of education.
misun could be be rather mild-mannered, but she loved to run free in the yard, as if the fence that boxed it in existed in another realm entirely. as she grew older, she picked up several hobbies that always seemed to lend to a tranquil state of mind, as it was her favorite feeling in the world. painting and surfing were two of her favorite things to do, once she learned the basics of them. some of her most cherished memories of her father were the trips they took to the beach whenever he was home for the week so that he could see what she had learned for himself. she'd never forget the proud smile he wore.
[tw:death] she was fourteen when her father's boat sank in the korea strait, he and all of his crew being lost in the tragedy. they were at least able to hold a funeral for him; and misun always knew it was something that could happen in the logical side of her brain - but that was rarely the side she wanted to agree with. it was extremely hard on the family for his already too brief presence to have lessened to nothing, and it was years before any sense of normalcy was felt. [end tw]
it was fortunate that misun was so prone to being a parental figure in the household, as she was able to help her mother with her brother and sister while the woman grieved. it was simply in misun's nature to forego her own feelings to give another what they needed.
there was a desperate need for the lost income to be restored in some way, as her father had been the primary breadwinner for the family. her mother's salary as a teacher simply wasn't going to hold four people afloat in the city for very long. misun spent years juggling her workload in school along with working part-time, putting her all into not only bringing home good grades that her mom could be proud of, but helping to keep the family's bills paid, as well.
by the time she graduated, misun had excelled so much in her studies, that she was offered two different scholarships, both of which would have easily covered the expenses of attaining her degree, a miraculous offer for the family who had no way to afford college for any of the three children in it.
the college experience was everything misun had hoped for; a chance to better herself, find herself and take a bit of a break from the full workload she'd been carrying for so long. she still worked part time, so that she could slowly add to the college funds of her brother and sister while she attended school herself, but it was nice to have such a heavy focus on her studies.
she'd come to find that she wanted to go beyond teaching. she enjoyed the thought of administrative duties in the school system; fighting the good fight so that students could always have the help they needed to prosper. it wasn't just about filling their brains with meaningless facts they'd forget over a summer anymore - it was about making sure they had the tools to make it in life.
while she did receive some brief classroom training as a teacher in her initial transition, once misun got her master's degree, she was able to fill the position of principal at one of the schools in the city. she fell in love with it immediately, as it fit right in with her facilitating nature. she had a knack for keeping the peace around the school and making sure things ran smoothly so that all the teachers and other faculty could do their jobs properly.
she even had a positive working relationship with the local school board and her superiors, one of whom seemed to have taken quite a shine to her. he'd find any opportunity to speak with her, even about the silliest things. it was quite odd for misun to see him go back and forth from a very personable man to a very stuffy superintendent on an almost weekly basis, but there was definitely something charming about him.
before she really knew it, he'd swept misun off her feet entirely. suddenly they were sharing their lunch breaks at romantic cafes and making excuses to see each other during inconvenient times. misun always saw the best in people, and the things she saw in him made her feel love on an intense plane. she felt special with him; wanted. she might have said he'd broken down all her barriers, if she'd ever bothered to put them up.
as sweet as the feelings were, she supposed she knew the relationship was inappropriate considering that he was practically her boss. still, she didn't want to let go of the happiness she felt, and that she thought he had felt to.
it wasn't long before he informed her of his suspicions that some of his co-workers had an inkling he was having an affair with one of the school faculty members in the area. he seemed to know it was only a matter of time before the truth would come out, so he would cover his tracks. he would make sure no one ever found out.
initially, they were only meant to 'cool things off' a bit so that the suspicion would die down. admittedly, if word got out about them, misun knew it would be quite the scandal, and he may have to step down from his position. it seemed like the logical thing to do to lay low for awhile.
she didn't see the next part coming, though; apparently it had been decided that she would take the hit entirely, in order to save them both. her superintendent had crafted the brilliant plan to transfer her to kwangsook academy out in the small town of yunhwa and away from the city that she'd always known and loved. she wouldn't have to worry, he'd told her. the job was all but hers after the glowing recommendation he gave her. 'thank goodness, right? now you won't have to face any humiliation.'
she was confused, hurt and more angry than she had ever been in her life. as lovely as yunhwa was, it wasn't her home back in busan. it wasn't her school district. why was it her life that had been uprooted, and hers alone? was he suffering any undesired changes in his life in the city? did he even care at all that she was gone?
still though, misun's resilience remained steadfast, even after her heart was broken. as bitter as she was about the forced move, she'd been given a job to do, and she was going to going to do it right. getting used to the small town lifestyle has been a major adjustment for her, but she's not really one to complain about her circumstances.
two years on, and she remains in yunhwa, functioning as the head of kwangsook academy. as lost as she'd felt initially, she's come to fit in at the school at last. she's a rather amicable person who gets along well with the other teachers and staff members. she's always willing to lend a helping hand when it's needed, and is extremely dedicated to making sure the school has everything it needs in the way of funding, materials, healthy lunches and meaningful extracurriculars. as unassuming as misun can be sometimes, she's very protective of her students!
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dangan-happy · 3 years
Password: An octagon is a shape with eight sides, right?
This is to anyone except for Hifumi (sorry). Preferably maybe any female characters or anyone from SDR2, if you really wanna know, but anyone except for Hifumi works just fine.
TW: mention of repression and self-loathing(?) [I mean, I just hope there isn't too much to the point where it breaks any of the rules, y'know?].
So, um... I'm sorry if this isn't relatable, but... I feel unimportant. More specifically, I hate the realization that I will never be good or loved enough; there will always be someone who is better and more loved than me. Always. I've kind of been witnessing that more as of lately with some people I know. I've finally realized something: I don't mean anything to them. I'm not as loved as Person A or B or C or D. I've even started asking myself: "Am I even loved at all? When will they leave me and forget about me forever?"
I've repressed my emotions and feelings for years in hope of not caring and feeling any more pain. And in a way... I don't. But sometimes, I wonder if I'm just lying to myself, because deep down, a part of me still cares... and I hate it, because I truly feel like I'll never be as good as them, or as loved as them or loved at all. Love is just a joke that'll get you hurt anyway. You'll eventually get betrayed or thrown away like a broken toy, even if you're not broken at all. That's how love works nowadays... right?
I just... honestly want a hug. That's it. I would keep going, but I'll just hurt people's eyes and brains and become an annoyance at that rate...
- Mochi
Heya Mochi, sorry to hear you’ve been feelin’ this way.
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First of all, I’m sure you are good at what you do, even if there’s someone who might do it “better”, It doesn’t make what you do any less worthy! Whatever you do has a lotta worth if you enjoyed the process! Even if ya’ think you aren’t loved at all, there are people out there who deeply love and care about you as a person, hell, do you think I would be answerin’ this if I didn’t care at all? Of course I do! Even if we don’t know each other I care about you, not because I “have to” but because you seem like a great person. 
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Repressing how ya’ feel is never a good thing and will only damage you in the long run, love isn’t a joke or lie, no one will throw you away. There are many people who love you and would love to help you. You should try talking to someone about these things you’ve been feelin’, they will not be bothered by it at all and will do their best to help ya’ out. Writing these feelings in a diary helps too, just any way of venting your emotions that doesn’t cause harm to yourself or anyone else.
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If you’d like a hug I’m sure as hell happy to give ya’ one! Bring it in! You need to keep going, not for me but for yourself, you have a lot to do in this life. You are not an annoyance or anything close to that, you’re not hurting or will hurt anyone. Stay safe Mochi.
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threenorth · 3 years
Tw dentist, blood doctors and maybe more i don't know it's ment to be a vent...ptsd horror I don't fucking know... Just leave I've warned you enough.. You can read whatever you fucking want.
Here's a vent that might take you forever to see, and i guess that's how it goes now.
To whoever finds me in my state of mind where there is only me and my battles of my own mind.
Thanks for what i assumed was coming to wish my happy birthday, i guess now it's not you, i thought id come clean and then to see you say you didn't know...
God i hate anons. Y'know? Can't they just tell us who they fucking are...and if i find out it's you later I'm going to more hurt, but i can take the hurt.
I will never do any of those things. It hurts you think I would, i got really fucked up a few weeks ago from everything that's happened this year and I'm haunted from a kiss, I've had to suppress my sexual activetly around you incase it brought you truma, so I found photos of things i thought was attractive and ultimately being undiagnosed autisc i guess there's alot I've had to learn the past 3 years... Let alone 7...everyday is beautiful and i face my demons and I'm winning some fights but now I've lost my reason to fight them, when i went to the gym and i can't do another push up i tell myself one more because it's a step closer to being able to pick you up and carry you over the line, not to do the other things you say.
But it's hard when all you can see is the other side of the coin, I thought id show you how much you mean to me, I don't think you should move away from the things, I just wanted to show you that i could of reached out but when i did it was only in an emergency... Your voice calms my seas like nothing else, now all i had was repeats of things that you said i guess now I'll have to live with your new words being painful ones...
I want to rebuild us, but now it's gone.
We need to talk, but we never can be on the same page, time is foward's and backwards you face your last battles because of me, i face mt first because I finally was brave enough to try ask for help because of you.
i guess we're both in bad places but i said i would get hurt for you, i want you to clear your plate but i guess i'm adding to it, but it only get better... Well for one of us...
but everytime it's a fight now, i tried to come to help at the time i saw what i thought was your sign for help. now i feel like no face from spirited away just another soul.
You once told me you wish people would fight over you, yeah little did you know then i wanted you but it seems you later we did too.
But i remember everything, about you it's taking up my memory because everything i choose to do, it's about you.
But I'll leave my socials how they are, if you want in my brain your find the fragments from June 2014 to September 2021, each blog post one thing in it was about you or something in my day.
If you want to find me, you know where I can be found.
In my letters i apologise for my actions, to everyone and try to talk to them.
I wanted to get to know them, but i guess i never will be able to either.
I even tell your father that i would always have an account for you with 5000 dollars it in so you can always go wherever you need to go.
I tell your father to exchange letters with your mother, where i tell her it would be nice to have Brunch with her.
I'm not a perfect person, but everyday i try to get my life back and every crossroad has your name on it.
Your wish is my command,
I hope you remember one thing from me.
I always tried my best for you, even if i knew at some stage your find out... I'm just sorry that I can't build a freindship with you when you mean so much to me aswell...
So herd about the police call.yeahhh that one was pretty bad but...
Did you know i called a safe shelter for you to ask pricing that i would of paid for?
I was loosing my mind but i said i would do anything so i guess my anything is walking away once more because that's what's asked, I want you to know I'm proud of you, your doing an only fans, the girl who told me she didn't want to wear a bikini because she was scared about her scars.
You truly are as beautiful as i saw, even if you didn't see it.
I guess i will never be able to be what i want to be, you are only person I've ever felt remotely anything for who understood me when my words don't work for anyone, but even when i didn't speak the ones i wanted you knew i suffered, yes i did but your voice heals my voids and makes me feel alive and now that I'm finally coming back all i want is you to sing to me, like i sung to you.
I'm ruined and broken, but to see you smile it's something that warms my heart like nothing I've felt.
I wrote about everytime i saw your face i saw the truma of the horror movie trailer, i saw your face and the horror on the screen, the lights the horror I couldn't do it because all i saw was you suffering.
I called the hospital twice and because i wasn't in harm to myself they didn't care, but i still kept my promise to you not to self harm, they didn't ask if I felt like it oh i surely did but i couldn't break a promise and see you in tears.
Do i want to die? Everyday my life without you.
Will I? No because everyday is full of pain i can feel again because of you,this sounds awful but the pain of having a good job because i remained here because of you.
I tell you father that we don't have much but he can take my life, and take it for every cent because it doesn't mean anything to me every paycheck i tried to save some money to help you out, and now i got new costs that i didn't plan on since my meltdown...
I will tell you many things but this one was supposed to be a surpise... In 2014 i asked someone if he wanted to help me make a song.
Some how being ignorant, he posted some of my songs lyrics to a website called something awful forum.
Eventually someone got in contact with me anf told me he did but something magical happened that a kiwi guy saw the song and put chords on it.
He modified it a little but in turn i could enter s contest for song lyrics, i came third.
Here's my song performance by nitton.
I would check the mail everyday hoping for a post card, but I've bounced around the place so many times that part would would say it's in the lost mail section of the post office.
I made this song when i first saw your smile and it melted me away but I told myself not to talk to you because you were younger than me but we became freind's then you became my best freinds then you became my lover then we broke apart then somehow because that's our relationship we met face to face, i left to suffer in my mental state or never being able to have you ever and try do college and now i rebuild my puzzle and piece I'm looking for is around your neck, you are my final piece, i knew you were special to me, but i hadn't known how special you would be...and still are.
She asked me how I was and i said good.
I lied to protect the ones you love.
I lied to survive another day to see you.
The days we didn't talk had been the hardest on me and now the days i talk to you are the hardest on you.
My problems fly away when i see your smile.
I wished it could be everyday forever...
But it keeps falling to pieces.
I have missing pecies but i don't notice my faults when you are with me i feel whole and complete.
Maybe the fault was the stars i saw in your eyes.
Maybe i am the pain I feared i was, i would tattoo my face to change it so all you can see is me but i grew my hair out like I've wanted and i grew my beard out needs a bit of trim but i wanted to show you that i have changed things have changed alot for me just as much as you.
But every wind blow in my hair feels like your hands in my hair...
I went to the dentist, got a clean done and this is hard on anyone but for me the sounds are so much worse being autisc, and then getting two cavities, i was in pain suffering from all the times I've had prior but I found peace in my pain reminding me I'm alive i felt your arm holding my hand, telling me everything will be okay and I let go of my pain and suffering from dentists and still hate the sound but...
I went for my covid injection, i had a mental issue on the way there but i didn't feel my pain you told me that I was okay and this is a new chapter for me.
In the day after talking to the people across the country. I had been in hospital, they had taken my blood i asked for not having a nerve block on my arm maybe it was the anti-pychs but i didn't really feel it this time, my nurse (male) was. Named the same as one of my bully's, the only one to apologise to me for making my life hell.
I don't feel pain anymore, but I do feel remorse and regret i guess i'm finally a man but a man in progress as I'm awaiting to tell them about my pain and suffering I've been through to maybe get meds. Everyday I wake up since 2014 and think i hope your okay, but i saw your face and the horror on the screen your face causes me pain but i can take it and eat it away until my demise of being bullied one night in a bar, I'm glad i didn't do anything stupid but i sure as hell felt it but then i remember that my job would be in jeopardy.
I never planned coming back to Colorado unless i need to and if that means wearing a gps tracker your see the only place i would go would be to the amc, the place my life begun and ended within minutes of each other, i might go up on that rock and scream out that I'm such a fuck up.
If i become famous in my song writing, i told myself I'd never tour colorado.
I would give you every grain of truth but when you say yours I'm in tears you think I'm capable of those things, I'm still haunted by our kiss.
Didn't he tell you that? I said i didn't ask permission to kiss you.
What do you think that means?
I had my rules for being with you and i started horrible habits to deal with my other parts.
I've given that up many moons ago, but you can't be here to believe me, my words feel powerless and weightless because you can't see my world, i see yours through a tinted widow that's how we are.
My words are often misconception and miskewed...
You may never understand my disabilities or my issues I face daily, I don't even know if I'm going to be able to drive yet... but i face them because you gave me hope for better things to come on my hardest days.
I tell you that i would of searched and this comes across like that word you use.. No I'm trying to say that i said would of looked everywhere for you, you are so fucking special to me, you don't have a fucking idea how special.
but you right where i left you, you are the best thing i saw in co, you are the best thing to happen to me in 27 years including college graduation and maybe even being told i would be hired full time... Maybe your be lucky enough to get a full time job.
I told him that every line there would be she can shortcut the line, he didn't even budge to see the lie when i named your demons with one being a lie, he doesn't fucking care about you the way i do, he can't even give a shit to make a fucking comprise on diet for you, you have dated him for 5-6 years. He's a complete douche bag.
He's never going to understand your hints..you see for me i had to analyse every word and every phrase and every gesture to try understand you and i failed to see the ones when you got broken.
I failed to see the time you were trumantised, but you saw me suffering and you made me feel at ease, but i opened my eyes to soon why couldn't you tell me it was over, why couldn't you see that..because you like horror and I've hated it...
that comes across like s- so fucking be it, i know more about you then most people.
I want what's best for you so i guess what's best for you now is that i never get to tell you that I've thought about you everyday expect once, for 7 years.
I guess I'll never tell you how in my darkest hours you push me.
I guess I'll never tell you that i would marry you on my best days and my worse days.
I guess your never find out what you want to know because I've offered to try mend but all I do fucking bend.
I said it once but ill change my words.
I don't know if it's me, well now i know its not.
I hope who ever it is you choose they at least have the fucking desire to learn everything they can.
And maybe they might understand how to ground people in the right way, and not tell them that reailty was wrong, i know you and i don't know what he knew about me, but he could of asked me anything.
In my letter to him i had planned to tell him you should of put a god damn ring on that finger i felt i should of many years ago but I couldn't, can't you see we had to do college and all this other shit...
Within 3 months of dating you i would of asked...
He's had fucking 5-6 years 3-4 more years with you then i ever did, he's a fucking idiot.
But if you love him, go ask him to marry you and don't wait for your fucking mental ex to come back,but you did... You waited for the perfect man I'll tell you I'm not perfect but I've made peace that I'm not, i just wanted to hold you in my arms as i cry on the days i think my pillow is you.
You say you threw out my favourite t-shirt.
I have to believe that, you say many things...
I would of asked for your hand a few months ago but didn't see the laws regarding that marriage is that i have to be in mountains , and file a record to the courts but if i return to mountains i know I'll be shackled more then i have been prior in my mental health.
If you needed blood on a surgery it's a shame I'm the same type,they may tell me it's risky to give more than a certain ammout but i would tell them to risk everydrop for you, i wonder if we're kidney matches, because i would give you my kidney.
If you wanted the moon i would find a way to legally name a crater for you, i wish i had more money to pay your surgery in full, but if you were here my medical insurance would cover most of it.
I would do anything for you and i guess the one thing you can't get from me is the thing you will get. A painful memory that when i tried my best to rebuild my life again and hearing you speak to me i should of just left you alone but I couldn't help it all I've ever done and wanted was to be yours, I wanted a tech job paying well to look after you i wanted to be in San Francisco we both loved the bay. If you need anything at all, i won't provide it because it's already been given you gave me my life and it belongs to you, you can do whatever you want to it. You want it gone so hes.
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