#tw suicidal mention
hotchfiles · 12 days
whenever i think about the fact i went thru school and college completely RAW NO DIAGNOSIS NO MEDS and still was able to finish, present my conclusion paper and get my bars…. no wonder i was suicidal
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 2 months
just curious
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Three weeks ago i was considering how i would kill myself, two days ago i found out funding had been secured for my job and i wasn’t going to loose it, tonight i went out and caught up with old friends…. next time my depression makes me wonder what the point of everything is I’m gonna try to remember this last month.
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necrogfie · 3 months
oh also opened to my classmate abt my suicidal tendencies by accident (we had a conv abt me not being allowed candles in my room and he said 'what ? are they scared youll kill yourself with them' to joke and i just blured out a 'yes') and then ... uhrm we had a heart to heart conversation abt my inability to make friends and all and how i was bullied thru my childhood and how it affect my current views of relationship and my like need to live and all that
it felt. great. awesome to just talk abt it. obvi i kept it like ? uhrm light (as light as you can for those topics lol) and i didn't go more in depth as to why i am how i am
but it felt great to speak and just let it out, i dont often have an occasion to do it bcuz ... most ppl obvi dont wanna hear abt how traumatized someone else is and how they didnt think they could even make it to be 16 lol
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beskad · 9 months
I just want my mom
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bitter-goodbyes · 7 months
I remember a few years ago when my dad found one of my accounts on something, he found out that I was agnostic, queer, and suicidal
Guess which one he cared about?
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elvencryptid · 11 months
Tw trans violence & tw trans suicidal feelings
I was playing dnd at a game shop and met a child who came out to me as trans femme after I described my character as gnc. She asked me how to come out and I gave her some tips and then she shared that she came out to her friend and that he punched her in stomach and I just feel so heartbroken like I have not been able to stop thinking about it. I was the first person after that experience of hers. I fucking want to protect all trans kids so so so much. I hope she has an amazing year and that she can find some peace within herself
I remember feeling so suicidal at her age and I just can only give her words of encouragement I love trans people so much you are so important to this world please keep living in it
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cursegirlrabbit · 2 years
Do you headcanon That any of the DT characters have mental illnesses?
Trigger Warning!! Mental illness, mentions of Depression and Suicidal thoughts.
Donald= PTSD, on and off depression, self loathing and dark thoughts.
Gladstone= serious Depression, NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder), Suicidal thoughts.
Fethry= PTSD (from being abandoned at the sea lab and then nearly drowning), he's autistic but that's not a mental illness.
Della= PTSD (from being on the moon alone for years), mental growth stunted (again from being on the moon), serious stress issues.
Kildare= his mental issues are mostly unlabled imsply since he seems to have mixes of alot, but hallucinations is one, simply put he's insane and i'd LOVE to try and explain it more but that's how his character has been and i unfortunaly don't have enough psycology knowledge to give him a more complex array of conditions he could have.
Dewey= ADHD, while I'm not sure its canon confirmed the fandom and people who know more about that then i do confirm this as a very high possibility so yes, Dewey has ADHA.
Huey= OCD, that one is pretty obvious, hes obsessed with things being perfect and factualy right, when faced with the unknown he doesn't deal with it well.
Louie= he's got some abdonment issues, he also tends to want lavish things to fill in his own loneliness and feelings of stress from adventures.
This is just my knowledge, there could be far more complex and more defined names for these and i just don't know them, but i really do try and learn and make sure i'm writing these charactes correctly that won't offend others who suffer from these situations.
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For a time, I legitimately thought about committing murder. Had a plan & everything. I was in an abusive house & since past suicide attempts didn't work, it was the only thing I could think of to escape. Thankfully, I was kicked out & a family member took me in. It's been a rough time recovering & sometimes I struggle, but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm the happiest I've ever been dispite the occasional set backs that life sends my way.
Sorry this is so heavy, but I almost never talk about it & it's always such a relief when I do.
Thank you & best wishes, Anon.
Jesus Christ I'm sorry.
I'm happy that you're still here and listened to your... sense? humanity? I don't know what but you avoided the biggest mistake in your life. I'm happy you're in better head space and hope you're going to therapy.
Stay strong.
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theweredrifter · 11 days
The story continues..
Gabriel tilts the seat back a little bit and slides into a comfortable position before reaching into the front jacket pocket to make a phone call while sitting inside the camaro. … …. ……. “Hey.” Blue eyes look at the far right corner of the car's interior- at nothing in particular. “Yeah, just uh..checking up, seeing how you’re doing..” There’s a pause, a tongue pressed into the underside of his lower lip.”Im happy to hear that, uhm..listen I hate to drop this on you but can we do video sex?” His demeanor changes in an instant, he’s being lectured. “I know- I know..” a palm rubs through disheveled hair. “It’s not, I’ve been under a lot of stress- no it’s not my rut or my heat this time.” Brows furrow, there’s clearly a refusal on the other end. “I know this is wrong but I really, need you. Please?? Can’t you get like a hotel or something for a night and pretend it’s for work or something?? Please?? I need this-“ The hand covers the face as he continues to hear what he doesn’t want. “Joseph please! I’ve been suicidal!” He tenses in his seat, expression pasted in a frown, and a glare looking off in distress and desperation through the front windshield. “Please..”
Fingers drum on the steering wheel with a free hand;”A lot, mate..a lot. You wouldn’t believe half of it.. but I got bit by a fucking bat, now I got some incurable blood disease and now I get these huge outbursts, mood swings, I crave things that aren’t food-" A first and second index rub at the brow;”Stuff, weird stuff. Look- I’m literally BEGGING you. I- I know you have a boyfriend but I feel like..like I’m drowning and I’m trapped. Please! I’ll pay you money??” Eventually, his frame sinks further into the driver's seat in defeat. A noise of exasperation airs, then drops the other hand away, looking down at the floor or the lap while listening for what felt like a really long time. “..Okay.” The phone is brought in front of him to end the call. As soon as it’s over the phone is tossed next to him into the passenger seat;”FUCK!” The edge of the palm hits the steering wheel, over and over and over again. He didn’t want to talk to the therapist, they didn't even know he was missing, not yet anyway. He didn’t like his situation, wasn’t comfortable. Feeling belittled, offered a bullshit band-aid no matter what he said or threatened to do. The hands cover the face, and he sits there..silently for a long time. So much for his only outlet for safety, and comfort.
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patroclusdefencesquad · 6 months
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no one does it like him any more
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incognitopolls · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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faeplumi · 1 year
feeling a little suicidal during periods is not normal???
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glo-shroom · 4 months
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yes & no by Natalie Wee | Trigun Ultimate Overhaul
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suicidal people deserve a space to talk about their suicidal feelings without risking hospitalization/institutionalization or being accused of being manipulative or attention seeking
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moonlayl · 8 months
I hope no one who supported Israel, I hope no one who said “Israel has the right to defend itself”, I hope no one that stayed silent, I hope no one that stayed neutral, I hope no one who cried “both sides”, I hope no one preaching “nuance”, EVER gets to experience another peaceful day again. I hope every last one of them suffers for the remainder of their lives. I hope the guilt eats at them every single day to the point they can’t take it anymore and they choose to do the world a favour and off themselves. I hope every last one of them pays severely for their crimes and for their support of genocide. I hope their very existence is plagued with nightmares. I hope they experience what it’s like to have never ending bombs rain over their heads.
Whatever happens in Gaza tonight or tomorrow or after, know that we won’t forget and we will never forgive.
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