#tw: insensitivity
synonymroll648 · 2 months
headcanon that the reason sophie still has eyelashes to pull on the regular is that grady and edaline worked something out with the dizznees to get a tasteless formula to help eyelash growth specifically to put drops of in her bottles of youth. because there’s no way her ptsd-induced trichotillomania (oversimplified definition for those who aren’t familiar: hair pulling disorder) is gonna die down during the war, so they’re trying to make sure she doesn’t move from eyelashes to eyebrows or her Hair hair by giving her More Eyelashes
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electrozeistyking · 6 months
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Hello, welcome to The Rare Bites AU! I was going to draw J and V, but my eagerness to show this to you was far too strong. Here's some notes on it:
-the disassembly drones are pretty much starving and scrawny. uzi hates that her colony basically lied to these guys because they're only attacking because they're desperate to feed. she's like "DAMN WE'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKING LIARS HUH."
-j, n and v are some of the rare few disassembly drones that reached close to adulthood. they're all shaky and weak by this point, but still strong enough to take down a worker if they absolutely pushed themselves to do it. their population has been shrinking for years, due to starvation, overheating and killing their own young.
-"And our parents are leaving these fuckers to starve over one stupid deal they failed to uphold and won't even tell us about?! Like, come on! If these guys were human, they'd be all bony and shit! That's gross! What the fuck is wrong with us?!"
-n unwittingly reveals how bad their situation is by announcing that j and v might kill him in order to feed themselves when they find out he's had more than enough to drink (uzi's like "damn" and gives him some extra oil canisters. the workers have enough as is, so she doesn't bat an eye over having to give any up to disassembly drones).
-because these three don't really have a major reason to hate each other, i like to imagine that n, j and v basically fell asleep in a very shaky cuddle pile in order to feel less alone in this cruel world, and eventually begin to include uzi. at that point, they feel safer and start gaining weight and showing their true personalities. :3
-long story short, they start off in a bad place but then everything gets better because of uzi's input. :3
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snow-on-mtsilver · 15 days
Ngl i really don't like those "actually ____" tags on system posts, ESPECIALLY "actually dissociative", like it genuinely feels so invalidating towards non disordered and non traumagenic systems (especially "actually dissociative" because dissociation is not specific to just dissociative disorders (not trying to dismiss their dissociation, it just upsets me how it's become a thing only usually mentioned with dissociative disorders even though it's also in disorders like ptsd, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder, and that's only three, there's most likely way more disorders that cause dissociation), and the problem is that i see them on both pro and anti endo posts, but i always associate it with anti endos because it just feels wrong
This might just be me being sensitive but jesus Christ
- 🗡️🐦‍⬛(and 🔥🐉)
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destiel-news-channel · 6 months
The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, has collapsed after a cargo ship named Dali struck one of it's pillars. While nobody on the ship has been harmed it is unclear how many people were one the bridge at the time of the collapse. Currently 20 people are feared to be missing. A livestream of the bridge shows the collapse at roughly 1:28:48 am EDT.
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were-wolverine · 7 months
thinking about dick grayson going mute after everything with blockbuster and tarantula in blüdhaven
first, haly’s circus is burned down by blockbuster who found out dick’s identity. then he targets dick’s apartment and blows it up, killing a bunch of innocent people
then, well. catalina kills blockbuster in front of dick and then r*pes him. and then, later on, the entire city is destroyed, killing thousands of people
so, yeah, i think it’d make sense if that traumatized him enough to become mute. that kind of trauma would definitely have a heavy psychological impact on him
anyway, this all just to say: let dick’s trauma have actual impacts on him psychologically thx
(i am writing smth based on this btw if anyone cares)
(also yes technically the same could be said for every batfamily member but im focusing on dick rn because he’s my favorite. i might do something for the others later on tho)
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destielmemenews · 11 months
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"With many buildings reduced to rubble and shelter hard to find, Gazans are short of food, water, fuel and medicines. Their plight got worse from Friday night when phone and internet services were cut - followed by heavy bombing through the night.
"God help anyone under the rubble," said one Gaza journalist, who spent a terrifying night in a stairway building watching "belts of fire" as bombs fell and Israeli forces appeared to exchange fire with Palestinian fighters."
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eclaire-went-bam · 6 months
tips on how to deal with cluster b rage is useful and all what like what do i do when i'm bored
genuine question
i'm not aspd (i say that cus i know chronic boredom's usually big for that one) but i do get painfully bored extremely often. i'll be under no emotional distress and then i'll decide to self-mutilate simply because i'm bored and it's funny & i don't think that's a good thing
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siblingshuffle · 4 months
Sibling Shuffle: Us Against the World
TW: This conversation takes place on a rooftop & Bass makes a bad one-sentence joke regarding mental health. Piano immediately calls him out on it, but I figured I should be upfront about it.
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Lore: The Wily twins have no idea how to respond to the Light twins’ attempts at reaching out. Bass thinks it’s a tactic, because that’s what he would do: get his foes to drop their guard, then destroy them. Piano, however, is not as sure. Roll seemed very genuine with her attempts to befriend her. Neither really know what to make of it.
As for the title, that would be in reference to their worldview. Basically, they can’t count on Wily - the amount of robots he built with the intent of them surpassing or replacing Piano showed them that long ago. They can’t trust the Lights - those are the enemies. Sure, they can count on Treble, but Treble’s a dog/wolf thing; what’s she gonna do? And as creations of the infamous Dr. Albert W. Wily, what random civilian would want to take a chance on them?
That leaves them really only with one another to rely on. Just them against the world.
Anyway this started the other day with some early-morning thoughts about the differences between how Light & Wily treat their robots (people first vs tools first) and then remembered how Piano & Bass were based on Roll & Rock, who were in turn based on human children. And I know the psychology isn’t 1:1 but. their parent treating them almost exclusively as a tool & trying to replace them/their sibling on a regular basis has gotta do something to their worldview right.
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cutechan555 · 8 months
TW // Blood and insensitive talk
Turmoil page 7
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Headcanon that because Rumble and Savage are actually shadows they can survive having their limbs cut off and if they want them back Macaque can just make them grow back. This of course leads them to pulling traumatizing pranks on people:
(Follow TW may apply: insensitive joke, arm dismemberment)
Rumble: *crashlands*
MK & Savage: *run over*
MK: Rumble! Are you okay?
Rumble: Yeah, but-but I think something happened to my arm. *rolls over revealing that he no longer has an arm*
MK: O_O UGH, no, I think I'm going to hurl. Ew. Ew. Oh, ooh boy um, well it could be worse.
Savage: What do you mean it could be worse! My brother is missing an arm!
Rumble: I'm what?
MK: WAIT, no, no don't look.
Rumble: *looks* AHH! I looked! AGH! I have no arm! My arm is gone! *screams*
MK: I told you not to look! Oh geez *pulls out his phone and types in "how to console someone who's just lost an arm"* Macaque's gonna kill me
Savage: *on their knees holding Rumble while yelling at the sky* You asshole gods! How could you let this happen to my beautiful brother!!? What did he ever do to you! ?
Rumble: *immediately chills out* I mean Macaque did help attack heaven
Savage: True, true. But like what have you done specifically?
Rumble: I don't know. Probably pretended to lose an arm
MK: *looks up from his phone so fast he almost gets whiplash* What do you mean pretended?
Rumble: *pulls out his arm from behind him and waves it at MK* I'm a shadow dude, I don't actually feel any pain, and when we get back home Mac can just reattach this sucker. I just like being dramatic
Savage: Well maybe next time remember you're the only one here with a pulse
MK: *sighs* You two are going to be the death of me
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thedailydescent · 4 months
San Francisco episode next week and I'm seeing posts that are like "Oh Daniel told a girl to put a paper bag over her head while they fucked? GAY" and "Armand thinks Daniel making a girl put a paper bag over her head is so hot lolz". I'm sorry am I going crazy here or is Daniel doing that really just one step away from SA?? (considering she might have cried, either during or afterwards) Like maayyybeee idk crazy thought here we shouldn't be cracking jokes about stuff like that then again what can I expect from fans who've never taken subjects like sexual assault and domestic violence that seriously on this show (and who, just one week ago, were cracking jokes that Louis and Armand had a bad sex life and would only be satisfied if Lestat were raping them)
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asocialmoth · 6 months
Finally gotten around to watching The Magnus Protocol ep 9. A week late but yeah. Spoilers and gambling under the cut
"Wait... cursed dice? That gives you good things and bad? This isn't the gambling Web statement I've thought would've been a great concept is it?"
"-the thing is though I don't really know if they ever made me roll them"
Yall don't know how much I've been thinking of a gambling thing for the Web. Well not brainrot levels but I did think it would be cool. The Web in TMA was the super plot relevant mastermind so while it is my favourite entity it also felt a lot less real than other entities. Iirc the only non-directly plot relevant Web statements that touched on addiction was TMA 172, and while I love domain statements I wish it had regular ones too.
Here we finally have a statement/case that touches on the loss of control without it directly being a case of "creepy spider monster/avatar did this to you". It was completely the statement giver's own relinquishment to the luck of the dice, and stealing the luck of others, and there's nothing worse than losing control to your own decisions. Though I do get that writing that would be tricky while being sensitive, even here its more about losing yourself to power and stealing control from others than just gambling addiction turned up to 11 with supernatural elements. Also yeah there are literally no web motifs in this but its Web in essence and that's what matters, even if the powers are different here.
"-they're not random it all balances out"
My sibling in the Ceaseless Watcher all random things balance out, I didn't come home from back to back tests about statistics to hear this
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electrozeistyking · 1 year
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I said “Uzi and the Murder Drones” once and I thought it sounded like a band, so I drew a poster.
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eclvpses · 9 days
for: anyone! @bluestarters location: aurora
For a Tuesday night, Aurora was jam packed - which was saying something. Leo was used to a crowd at the club, but he felt especially sardined as they made their way to the front of the line, as desperate for a drink as everyone surrounding them. A thin layer of sweat coated their forehead and smudged the coal that’d been smudged under his eyes by a girl in the washrooms an hour ago, the two of them bonding over a mutual hookup and a line of whatever she’d offered to him. Already impatient as they were, Leo just felt himself grow more annoyed - if anything, their next move was meant to be helpful. One less person for the bartenders to worry about as he helped himself, stretching forward and splaying himself across the bartop until he could clutch onto the first bottle in his range. “Oh, word.” Leo nodded appreciatively, Casamigos label flashing at him - bucket of ice water dumped over his head and ruining the moment when he heard one of the bartenders shout; Hey, what the fuck! A beat passed as Leo made eye contact with them before they were darting off, letting out an adrenaline-fueled shriek of delight as they pushed their way through the crowd, only skidding to a pause when they noticed someone they recognised. “Yo!” He hollered, grabbing his new-found companion and, to their detriment, accomplice, Leo huddling in close to them and concealing the tequila bottle between them just as a security guard huffed past. The man looked like he wanted to be anywhere else. “Ha! Asshole! Helen Keller can see better than you!” Pausing so that he could properly celebrate their victory, Leo uncorked the bottle with his teeth, spitting it onto the ground and holding the tequila towards the other, saccharine grin all but taking over his face, cheeks already aching. “You first. I’m feeling generous.”
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kaeyachi · 1 day
Hey not going to lie, it's kinda reductive and insulting to say that signora would have healed from her traumas if she had a kid, even an adopted one. It falls into the idea that women are incomplete until they have and raise children, which reduces women into babymills at worst and biologically mandated to rear children at best. I know this is a fictional character, but real-world women are told time and time again that having kids will fix their problems, be it personal issues, relationship issues, or mental issues. Please have some sensitivity surrounding perpetuating bioessentialist concepts.
Right. Long response. Read the full thing if you guys can handle my opinion on this matter.
First off, anon, please be careful with your words. I understand your concerns, but your message enraged and hurt me unnecessarily when I saw this, especially with what I am still going thru with my personal life. Also, please know that my HC was not meant to be harmful in any way, shape, or form to IRL people. I usually ignore disagreements because people are entitled to their own opinion, but I felt the need to defend myself this time from you specifically. I will not be doing this again.
Kindly check the post thoroughly please. I mentioned it would make her "somewhat healed," not make her fully recover from her issues. There is clearly no such thing as a complete healing from trauma. There is no miracle cure involved at all. I'm not even saying Signora would turn 100% good after adopting a child. She could still demand the downfall of everything around her while having a child to care for. A child is not, and never will be, a fix-all. I do not subscribe to such a thought.
Additionally, I am fully aware of this problematic mindset against women. I am an AFAB southeast asian with a family pestering me to get married and produce whilst I continue to hide in my aroace closet, fearing the thought. At most, I have told my family that I do not need a child to feel fulfillment. This has led me to so many arguments throughout the years, so seeing your message was honestly like a punch to the face.
To demand sensitivity from me would have been fine had my goal been to say that women should be treated like cattle and/or caretakers, but in this specific topic, I think people should be allowed to yearn and heal thanks to children that come into their lives. Kaeya himself is a person under this trope with him admitting that Klee's innocent outlook on life helped him. Several other genshin characters also have experienced this specific trope. This trope does not imply that a child fixed their lives or that they are now reduced to caretakers. That being said, I think it is my turn to demand some self-awareness from you and to everyone else out there.
A fictional character is a thought- an idea- and does not have the same autonomy as a living being, so a headcanon for one SHOULD NOT harm those who do not want children or be treated as a baby machine or a nanny! I sure do hope that people here are capable of separating fiction from reality. With this mindset, people should also refrain from making headcanons like "this character is trans!" or "this character is clearly gay!" because these are harmful assumptions IRL too.
Additionally, to bring back the actual cause of your message- I actually read a voiceline that made me think Signora could POTENTIALLY benefit from adopting a child. This is where the idea came from:
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Anon, if you, anyone else for that matter, are not happy with my response, kindly block me. I do not wish to see any response over this topic again. I am drawing the line right here and right now.
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chibishortdeath · 4 months
Labeling this one mature cause it’s artistic nudity, which isn’t something I usually draw but yippie! Scar and anatomy reference! :3
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I have explanations of where most of these scars come from, so I’ll go through them :)
The massive one covering his whole upper back is the one Dracula gave him and the one that bares the curse. I tried to make it kinda gnarly looking, but still distinctly claw marks. There’s a couple other scratches near it from other creatures.
The ones on his arms come from a couple things. I imagine he uses his arm bracers a lot to block things and sometimes hits are still enough to leave a mark under them. The scars also come from an effect of the curse: rotting. Rot usually starts at extremities and would leave some nastiness there, probably exacerbated by moving a lot. The first three images have the legs not visible but I usually put something similar there too.
Speaking of, the very large ones on his lower legs in the fourth image are burn scars from the scene of X68000 and Chronicles where the rooms before Dracula set on fire! I guess some of it might also be from walking in the cursed swamp too.
Most of the random smaller ones are just generally from fighting monsters. Tbh I’d be more surprised if he didn’t have any scars from having axes and bones and fire and fleamen thrown at him all the time lol.
In the third image there’s a couple bite marks and yeah those are from Drac too. I’ve seen some folklore about vampires being able to drain people long distance or while not being entirely corporal and yeah that sounds like something he’d do through the curse just to make Simon’s life worse. Idk, I have the novel Dracula and I should be reading it for other ideas for stuff tbh. This one might change entirely eh who knows. Either way, I think the curse’s ultimate goal was to make him suffer and then turn him after he dies from it so I wanted to add some more implications that he’d become a vampire if he failed to break the curse.
There’s some other things of note that aren’t scars. I try to make him look a little frailer and thinner in Simon’s Quest cause well yeah the curse. I don’t think it’s noticeable here since the fourth image isn’t the Simon’s Quest design and he doesn’t look much wider whoops. I’ll have to try to keep how ripped he is more consistent in later drawings 💀. Uhh I also try to make his eyes look significantly more tired, way larger eye creases and a bit of dark. If this was a colored drawing there’d be a little red under his eyes and he’d be paler than the last image. Just details to make him look sick ig.
Yeah, these are mostly doodles just for me to look back at and make sure I’m drawing him consistently d(^^ ).
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