#tw: marijuana mention
Illinois: Look, Yancy ! It's the good Kush!
Yancy: It's the dollar store, how good can it be?
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xwesjames · 1 year
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TW: mentions of marijuana use, arrests, sex, religion and politics
financial / class status: wealthy | middle class | poor
grew up: wealthy | (lower) middle class | poor
health / wellness: fit/healthy | moderate | disabled | ill
education: below high school | high school | college | beyond
legalities: clean record | has a record | trouble / prison
town status: local | new in town | somewhere in between
lives: downtown | suburbs | coast | countryside
Additional Information: He has a single charge for marijuana possession on his record.
parents: alive | deceased | unknown
came to be: blood | adopted | other
siblings: multiple siblings | one sibling | only child
extended family: large (aunts, uncles, cousins) | small | none
children: none | has children | wants children
relationship status: single | complicated | taken
if taken: dating | relationship | engaged | married
if single: looking | not looking | whatever happens
pets: no pets | has pets | wants pets
Additional Information: Wes is not necessarily pushing to seriously date but he’s open to whatever happens. This is largely due to not wanting to bring someone into his daughter’s life only for it not to work out. He does eventually want to marry and have more kids, searching for a partner just is not the top priority at the moment. If it happens, it happens.
extroverted | introverted | somewhere in between
organized | disorganized | somewhere in between
close minded | open minded | somewhere in between
calm | anxious | somewhere in between
easy to get along with | not so much | somewhere in between
cautious | reckless | somewhere in between
patient | impatient | somewhere in between
outspoken | reserved | somewhere in between
leader | follower | somewhere in between
empathetic | careless | somewhere in between
optimistic | pessimistic | somewhere in between
traditional | modern | somewhere in between
hard-working | lazy | somewhere in between
cultured | uncultured | somewhere in between
are they: religious | agnostic | atheist
do they believe in ghosts / spirits: yes | no | unsure
the afterlife: yes | no | unsure
reincarnation: yes | no | unsure
aliens: yes | no | unsure
astrology: yes | no | unsure
fate: yes | no | unsure
political alignment: conservative | liberal | independent | other
are they: pro-choice | anti-abortion | unsure
are they: pro-death penalty | anti-death penalty | unsure
are they: pro-euthanasia | anti-euthanasia | unsure
are they: pro-legalized drugs | anti-legalized drugs | unsure
Additional Information: Wesley grew up in a strict Christian home, leaving the church and doing a complete 180 in belief systems by the time he was 18. He heavily identifies as an atheist and makes it a point not to raise his daughter around religious influences. His line of work has brought questions up of the afterlife, mainly in the belief of ghost and spirits, though he’s pretty set on one ceasing to exist and going into the ground after death. He’s open to others’ beliefs but it’s just not for him. Politically, he’s registered independent and votes on an issue by issue basis.
sexuality scale: allosexual | in between | asexual | other
romantic scale: allromantic | in between | aromantic | other
experience: virgin | very little | moderate | experienced
number of partners: 0 | 1-5 | 5-10 | 10-25 | 25+
number of relationships: 0 | 1-5 | 10-25 | 25+
preferred partners: men | women | any gender | other | none
relationships: monogamous | polyamorous | other | none
with others: relationship person | casual sex | other | none
in bed: traditional sex | adventurous | kinks/fetishes | other
Additional Information: Wes is more than open to the idea of relationships and it’s ultimately what he wants, however he finds it easier to engage in casual sex with the potential of developing into a serious relationship rather than limiting himself to dating to find a partner. He’s very open about this as his goal in purposeful dating is to find someone willing and likely to be a good stepmom to his daughter and open to settling down to have a family of their own.
cooking: good | in between | bad
cleaning: good | in between | bad
musical ability: good | in between | bad
artistic skills: good | in between | bad
driving: good | in between | bad
athleticism: good | in between | bad
swimming: good | in between | bad
horseback riding: good | in between | bad
fishing / hunting: good | in between | bad
gardening: good | in between | bad
communication: good | in between | bad
handiness: good | in between | bad
handwriting: good | in between | bad
technology: good | in between | bad
alcohol: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
smoking: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
pot/weed: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
drugs: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
shopping: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
gambling: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
sex: excess | frequently | average | infrequently | never
Additional Information: Wes is a heavy smoker, a habit he picked up in high school and has tried to quit on multiple occasions. It’s his one real vice in life. He also frequently smokes weed, though that is never in the presence of his daughter and more something to enjoy when he’s able to relax and enjoy time to himself or with friends.
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afoolandathief · 1 year
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What the hell? wtf are you talking about here? What is the joint scene?? Why did my past self not elaborate here!?
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effnyous · 1 year
( i'm not gl, i'm hella st0n3d and vibing to ari while i set up everything on the blog. feel free to hmu in the IM's! )
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drinkinboilingcoffee · 3 months
Jeremy DEFINITELY smokes weed. Hits the bong after every shift. Let Mike try it once and instead of getting mellow and happy like Jer does Mike just stared at the wall with this blank, horrified expression until he came down claiming he could hear the hear the buildings foundations crying for help and that’s why he doesn’t do pot anymore
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3-2-whump · 3 months
Long Weekend
<prev next>
The premise: The mafia boss is away on a long business trip; and he asks Nico to look after Khaled for the weekend.
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I know my handwriting is crap, so text reads as follows:
K: Can you believe it? A long weekend business trip! A whole Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to do whatever we want to do! I was thinking we could start with a movie, maybe go to the beach, play some soccer- N: -All of that is entirely possible, but first, I gotta pick up a friend... K: Wait, this isn't the same friend that gave me a pint of beer that one time, is it? N: No, it's him. J: What? You gonna start on all the fun without me? K: Julio! Wait, you two know each other? Okay, how did that happen? J: Uh- N: Doesn't matter! Now, about that movie you wanted to see...
How They Spent Their Long Weekend:
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Movie Scene:
N: *has seen Spirited Away +100 times by now, still cries every time* K: *seeing Spirited Away for the first time, already loves it* J: *has seen Spirited Away ~5 times (?), is currently enjoying the popcorn*
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Hookah Scene:
N: This is really nice. We should come back here some day, like maybe for your birthday.
Keep-Away Scene:
N: Wait, why am I in the middle? J: Because, Mr. 'Real Football,' Khaled and I know what to do with our feet!
High AF Scene:
N: Duuuuuuuude, you have got to bring those pot brownies again J: 'mkay K: *asleep already*
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Pride Fest:
*no dialogue*
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Cleaning House:
N: I'm back from the liquor store! God damn, the Boss has some expensive tastes... J: You know, of all the ways I thought we'd spend our last day of our epic weekend together, cleaning this bastard's apartment for free was not what I imagined. K: Less bitching, more vacuuming! Unless you want to use your tongue to clean the floors! (You don't btw, it sucks :P)
Mainly this was because I wanted to draw the trio in fun and fluffy situations before shit gets real. I'm sorry/not sorry I didn't outline and color the whole thing, but I put my whole pussy into that first page and was like "nope" for the rest tbh.
(Plus drinking and outlining do not mix, apparently)
Enjoy the long weekend my OCs desperately deserve, and Happy (Near End of) Pride Month! 🏳️‍🌈
Le Tag List: @kabie-whump @rainydaywhump @whumped-by-glitter @skittles-the-whumpee @generic-whumperz
@bamber344 @there-will-always-be-blood @morning-star-whump @a-la-whump @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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beepsparks · 5 months
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Do y’all remember that line where Schmitty got high on the giggleweed (yes that is a real line) anyway I am so sorry Jackbox community
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flappyhappystim · 1 year
FlappyHappy is considering bringing in some adult themed designs for stim items! The product listings will have an 18+ in the title, and the image that shows will be a blurred image with text of what might be inside (for example - profanity, marijuana, alcohol, etc) so that those that want to avoid the items can easily enough.
This might mean things like marijuana earring charms, or marble maze fabric with profanity on them (we've found some really awesome designs so far!) .
We've always based our goal for our company on marketing stim items towards adults since so many stim toy companies target children.
We like to include the basic stim items, and discreet ones (like our various jewelry), but we'd also like to include some more adult looking ones! We think it would be a really good reminder that adults can benefit from stim items, too!
We're looking to gauge interest and thoughts on this! Please let us know (even in anonymous asks is fine.)
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acapulcosmenu · 2 months
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Watermelon Gruntz indoors 🍉🍭
Chunky perfect looking buds with a bunch of color. Super frosty cure with a fruity runtz candy nose 🔥
$1675 p
$1625 5+
$1575 10+
(P minimum)
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The strangest Ugly headcanon ever
I think Scorpion drunk out of a bong at a party.
Like he thought he was holding a wine glass and realized too late it was a bong and everyone was staring at him so he decided to pretend he meant to do that and drink the whole thing which eventually just devolved into him hacking and crying on the floor in front of all the party guests.
He was found in need of urgent medical attention and had to end the party early and then refused to come out of his room for a week because he doesn’t want to be known as the bong guy.
I fully imagine this in the game’s art style.
Thank you for listening to my Ted talk.
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nando161mando · 25 days
Hadn't had a bong in over 12mths and tried 1 medical strain cone and it made me white out then sleep for over 12hrs, compliments to my friend who shouted me a bong, haven't felt like that for a long time, 28% THC medical grade indoor grown is strong as fuck.
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1. day five
it's here! the first chapter of my bbu story featuring vanessa + juniper, which I'm tentatively calling "imperfectly consistent". this story is heavily inspired by many of the great pet whump series and other whump writings I've discovered in the last few months, especially those by @maracujatangerine and @whumpzone as well as @justbreakonme , @haro-whumps , @emmettnet and many, many others. this is my first time writing or posting anything like this, so please feel free to send me feedback and tell me what you think!
This entire story comes with major content warnings for drug and alcohol abuse, as well as the standard box boy universe fare: pet whump, dehumanization, conditioning, etc. Individual chapters will have specific content warnings and tags as well; please do tell me if there are any I need to add.
[masterlist] [chapter two]
“Shit. Shit.”
“What’s up?” asks the voice on the video call.
Vanessa clasps a hand over her mouth and breathes out hard through her nose, eyes wide and laser-focused on the middle distance. “Fuck. Okay. You know that… that dude on the shelter site?”
“The one who you said was in there longer than usual?”
“Yeah. He’s still there.”
“Still? How many days has it been now?”
The silence hums between them like a gathering storm.
“I’ve never seen anyone stay there five days before. I, I’ve been watching the site for months and I’ve barely seen anyone get to four. If he doesn’t get picked up by tomorrow…” Vanessa inhales through her nose. “Rose, I gotta do something.”
“You mean like… adopt him?”
Vanessa twitches at the term. “Fuck, no. I’d literally be so bad at being a rescuer. But like… maybe I can find someone to take him? I mean, shit, I could cover the fees for them, I could even pick him up and keep him here until they could come get him, I just… I can’t let a person die like that.”
“Listen, this is maybe weird but…”
“...yeah, that kind of Pet. But he’s a rescue, and…”
“...no, you wouldn’t even have to be here by tomorrow, I could pick him up for you and—”
“You do understand this is a seven-day kill shelter?”
Vanessa stares hard at her phone. There’s one last call she could make; one she really, really doesn’t want to. But a life—someone else’s life—is quite literally on the line. Desperate times, and all that shit.
She takes a deep breath and dials.
“Hey, M—hello? …of course. Bonjour, Noémie. Is Victoria available today? …no, of course not. What about tomor—right, uh huh, yeah. Okay. Well… I mean, you wouldn’t be interested in adopting a pet, would you? …yeah, of course not, never mind. Au revoir.”
So much for that.
They reconvene the video call hours from when they left off, Vanessa spent and Roselle somber. “I called every person I could think of, Rose. I’m so tired.” She looks it: pale, drained, practically vanishing in her chair. “Please tell me you have better news.” 
Roselle shakes her head grimly. “I put the message out on rescuetok, but nothing so far. I don’t know if it’s realistic to find someone through there on this kind of time.”
“What about your parents?”
“I’m sorry, Ness. I asked. They said no.”
“Oh, come on!” Vanessa slaps the table a little harder than she means to, jostling the screen. “But they’re so nice! Like, if anyone was going to take a rescue, it should be them! I thought they said they were against the practice!”
“They are, Ness,” Roselle sighs, rubbing at the bridge of her nose.
“Not enough to keep an actual human person from being murdered for it, apparently!” Vanessa stands up and paces back and forth across the room. “Fuck. Fuck! I have to take him.”
Roselle looks up and blinks. “You what?”
“I mean, if nobody else is gonna do it—! It’s not like I don’t have the money. Or the space. I mean, I sure as shit don’t have the personality, but—fuck, dude! What else am I supposed to do?”
“You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”
“I just… watching the shelter sites was supposed to just be a little thing I could do that mattered, y’know? And now it is so big and so fucking real and, and…” Her hands are flailing past her ears now, wrists and elbows oscillating wildly.
“Hey. Nessa.” Roselle pulls her focus, the calm timbre back in her voice. “He’s still got one more day, right?” Vanessa nods sullenly. “So you’ve got a day. Think about it. Wrap your head around it, as much as you can. In the meantime, we’ll see if anyone else picks him up, or gets back to us, or if anything else that could happen happens. And if they don’t, you’ll be ready.” Vanessa raises her eyebrows as if to protest. “At least, a little more ready than you are now,” she amends.
“You’re right. You’re… thanks, Rose. You’re good at this. You always are.” She tilts her head. “God, I wish you could take him. You’d be so much better at helping him than me. Than anyone, probably.”
Roselle smiles ruefully. “Yeah, not in senior year pre-law. And definitely not in a dorm room. I’ll help you help him, though. You know I’m here for you, any time.”
“You’re the best, Rosarita Beans. Speaking of pre-law, though, should I like… let you go study? I feel like I just took up a whole bunch of your day.” She grimaces.
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Like I said, I’m here for you. I probably should go, though, if you’re okay for now.” Vanessa nods again. “Alright then, text me if you need anything, okay? And make sure you sleep before tomorrow, you’re gonna need it. Oh, and I’m guessing you haven’t eaten yet, so do that for me? Okay bye, love you.”
She’s right again, of course. “I’m not hungry,” Vanessa tries to protest, but Roselle has already ended the call. 
Well, if she’s going to eat—and sleep, probably, come to that—she’s gonna need an assist. She fires off a text. AUSTIN, it says. EMERGENCY. COME TF OVER.
As you wish, he replies. The weed man cometh.
Austin shows up forty minutes later, and she wraps her arms around his waist and hugs him until he chucks her shoulder and says, “Dude, let me in, it’s freezing out.” They climb the stairs to Vanessa’s favorite living room and in short order the bong water is bubbling and pizzas are on their way.
“You know, the nuts thing is, just going off his picture the dude should’ve gotten picked up, like, right away. I mean, lookit ‘im,” Vanessa rambles, poking a finger at the thumbnail next to the number 414374 in the shelter site’s neat little table. It expands to show a man with sharp features, pale skin and blue eyes, with waves of black hair cascading over impressively broad shoulders. “He’s like, super hot, right? I mean or he would be without the brainwashing 'n shit.”
Austin cranes his head down to see. “Yeah, I’d do him. Without the brainwashing and shit.”
“Yeah! So like, here’s the thing right? Dudes who look like that get snatched up in like a day. Two, tops. It’s like… okay this is horrible but it’s like a borzoi at a humane society, you know? They’re gonna be there for like five minutes.”
“You said he’s been there for five days, though.”
“Exactly! So like, what is his deal, man? What could possibly be up with him that would make all the crazy ass pet people not go ‘yeah I want that one’ like, immediately?”
“Dude, yeah. Huh.”
Vanessa laughs around a mouthful of smoke until she doubles over coughing. “Oh, shit, dude, what am I getting myself into?”
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st4rbites · 14 days
i failed sobriety last night
and even if the edible never kicked in
it still stands that i lost the fight.
I feel the words fall out of a hole in my throat
and even if it wasn’t really there
i felt like i was going to choke.
is there such thing as people watching
when there is no one there?
i think i finally witnessed my first instance
of “life doesnt play fair”.
i slept for 12 whole hours
or maybe it was 14
the first night of unbroken sleep
since i kicked the green
but the need still crawls in me
another person under my skin
and though i could set it free,
i would soon feel the rope under my chin.
but i think that’s the essence of addiction
to make you believe you need it
like some sort of mental affliction
that keeps you in that pit
i failed sobriety last night
and i just watch my friends suffer around me
and i would tear myself open to set them free
or even just so
money won’t be as tight.
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samrut · 1 year
Matthew gifts Tolys a marijuana plant, but he doesn't realize what it is.
Alfred spots it while visiting Liet's house and awkwardly asks, "you get a new plant?"
Cheerfully, Tolys nods. "Yes, Matthew gave it to me for my birthday. He told me it is called a Mary Jane plant," he says, oblivious.
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moonglowmuses · 2 months
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being reunited with dana was all that he needed. she'd been one of his dearest friends and they'd ended the world together. she'd been there for him, and they'd had each other's backs in what felt like literal hell. marty was successful in other ways, too. he'd opened up a CANNABIS DISPENSARY in this new city. business was booming, to say the very least. when he heard the bell chime on his business door, marty looked up with a wide smile, regarding his impending patron. "good morning!" the man greeted. "if you want to peruse, go ahead. let me know if you have any questions! believe me: i'm an expert when it comes to all things MARIJUANA!"
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nihilismtrcit · 2 years
current fixation: getting high, exploring all the ts4 worlds, and taking scenery shots. so expect that type of content for a bit.👍
i’ve genuinely never explored any of the worlds because i used to play on a mac that could nawt handle the game let alone all the cc and mods i had. so graphics were set to low and i didn’t know about gshade or lighting mods. so i never knew how gorgeous this game can be. and i didn’t explore much because what was the point, everything looked ugly as shit; no textures no lighting no reflections no nothing. like i legit couldn’t even have snow or thunderstorms enabled bc my shit couldn’t handle it😅
anywaysss just wanted to update yall because ??? idk. i’m anxious about making my little friends in the computer happy lmao. i don’t want anyone to have followed expecting certain things when i was, like, hyperfixated on builds and mainly posting those or posting cas pics or clem’s save. ya know? 
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