charlotte-liddel · 10 months
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"...Well, ma'am, since you asked... I have had my fair share of experiencing love. I've learned a few things over the years too. The worst has been learning for myself if anyone ever wants to speed run a relationship into ruin with me they only have to say two specific words in a statement to kill any romantic feelings I might have had left for them..."
"...I want to try an Open Relationship."
Charlotte sets down a teacup on the table, speaking to a curious elderly woman. She was willing to talk about this with some when her café was this empty at this hour. Better to speak about such topics with the quiet customers of the evening who had far more respect than the more rowdy kids during the day.
Entertaining patrons conversations was second nature in this business, and this woman was keen on speaking about young love after spotting a couple enjoying a nice dinner in the private booth on the other side of the café. Since the woman was alone too, she decided to be a more attentive hostess in carrying her conversation with her. It also helped to pass the time for the evening.
As the customer questioned what she meant, she spun the serving platter in her hands to rest it against her chest. It wasn't hard for her to share her opinion on this, given her first hand experience of someone saying those words to her. It scarred her heart deeply, and left her guarded to anyone who approached her that was interested first.
It also left the words she wanted to say about it like biting daggers if she wasn't careful.
Eyeing the door for a moment, watching the shadows pass by outside, she looks back to the elderly woman while offering a small smile before she speaks carefully chosen words, "I've had it happen before. Had someone I gave my heart to just turn around and say those words to me while showing me his new fiancé."
"...Only reason I found out that they were his fiancé, and a shotgun one no less, was because that stranger ran their mouth about it. It became pretty obvious my ex wanted to keep me around as a side piece and take advantage of me. Even if the fiancé was nice to me, cordial even, what they were presenting me with wasn't something I ever wanted." Charlotte let out another sigh as she moved her wrist to clear a table with her magic behind her while the elderly woman was cleaning her glasses. She didn't want to spook the kindly patron with the sight since she was still new to the café.
As the elderly woman put back on her glasses, giving her condolences, Charlotte gently stopped her with a soft touch to the woman's aged hand. She'd already heard enough sentiments from others about the experience, and appreciated every one. It didn't hurt like a raw wound anymore, but she accepted the painful scar of it would always remain.
"I'm alright, ma'am, really. It was years ago now and I've left that fool behind. I won't lie and say that it doesn't sting sometimes when I remember it. How worthless it made me feel to him because it became clear I suddenly wasn't enough for him. That he didn't love me, care for me, the way I did for him. But it also showed me the truth about who he was. What sort of man he was, and it wasn't someone that would ever be happy no matter who or how many loved him."
What she held back on was speaking of how that spouse he took made their marriage polygamous with another woman that they were already involved with while getting involved with her ex. The strain it caused as then her ex wasn't at the centre of being loved by the partners anymore, but now his new spouse. She saw at a distance how her ex vied for more attention as the new wife didn't really have eyes for him. How the relationship became a competition of affection once her narcissist of an ex wasn't at the centre of receiving adoration. How two narcissists in that relationship strained everything.
Two of them wanted to be at the centre, but her ex lost her being involved and couldn't get what he wanted. She wasn't going to be there for someone else's selfish satisfaction of being more worshipped than truly giving another person their love. Her choice helped to reveal that blaring flaw of what she knew to her was a false romance. To reveal the trap to feed narcissists egos that it truly was.
The truly relieving fact was she didn't need to, as she saw that glimmer of understanding in the elderly woman's eyes at her words. It was enough to let Charlotte know that she understood too well in some manner what she shared. That her years made for that sage wisdom that she enjoyed so dearly from the older folks.
As she listened to the woman ramble to her about how foolish her ex was, she smiled. Those words reminded her of how she saw that farce of a relationship fall into ruin as it couldn't sustain the greedy egos of two narcissists both wanting to be in the centre of the affection. How there wasn't actual love or adoration from them to one another, creating a black hole between them that all too quickly destroyed everything they tried to greedily have.
They both wanted to be at the centre of the others universe and that clashed violently.
"...Believe me, I know. Things fell rightly apart for them. Explosively. Permanently. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't satisfying to watch as they finally stopped trying to hang around near me. It helped in a way for me to get over it. Though it doesn't men I didn't see others with roaming eyes years later, even recently, who thought I could somehow be an addition to their harem." Charlotte lets out a sardonic chuckle at the thought.
"It's like an odd blight. Seeing people who want to be the centre of someone else's universe, of multiple peoples universes in affection, to try and satisfy their own ego. That their attention, their affection, is conditional to each partner they take on. If any one partner is too enthusiastic when receiving their attention isn't doing it at a convenient time for the narcissist in the centre they ignore them. If they want to maximize their time management of their harem, they try to get some on board to have a time share of two or more spending the same time with that narcissist. Hell, the recent one was rather aggressive when rebuked by me." She stops herself, letting out a short chuckle, "Sorry for going a bit off there."
The elderly woman smiles and waves away her worries, assuring her it's fine as she's glad to have the cafe owners company while she enjoyed her tea. Her gentle sentiments of hoping Charlotte didn't encounter another person sizing her up like something to be collected that way were warming to the heart. It felt like the first bit of sane conversation she'd heard from anyone about this rise in narcissism masquerading as a sexual identity in the world lately.
She knew in other worlds, with beings that were further removed from humans, this thing they called Polyamory could and did work. She'd seen it here and there when it wasn't simply on a modern earth with humans. The humans she came across just weren't really made to be able to emotionally handle the strain of such a relationship.
It strained their psyche's and human history often showed the reflection of what having multiple women to one man or multiple men to one woman did. The nations it toppled from the inside because there was a constant fight to be at the top of the man or woman in the middle that was the narcissist holding the power. The devastation it wrought on the confidence of those that found themselves at the bottom of every list of priorities to the one they adored. It's why she saw her experiences of it as a blight.
Every personal encounter Charlotte had with this polyamory in the worlds where there was someone who wanted her to join their growing collection revealed only selfish narcissists. People driven to have their egos fed by people throwing themselves down to give them love they don't return because they want to be in control. They want to receive unconditional love from people they can use.
Any world she saw where Polyamory functioned in that reality the way people believed it would in theory in the worlds where it didn't, she didn't want to disrupt too much. Those places had something working that she saw broken everywhere else, and she didn't dare want to ruin that for those places. Upsetting those realities balances would ripple to the ones that were the mirror to them, destroying them both. Something she'd already seen once and didn't want to have repeat.
Waving her hand apologetically for the elderly woman when she noticed she left a long silence between them, she watched the woman give her a smile. With a little nod, she gave a smile back, "Sorry, my mind went a million miles away there for a moment. Would you like me to bring you anything else? It is getting late, and as much as I'd love to talk until dawn, that wouldn't be healthy."
She wanted to make sure she got this lovely woman on her way before it was too late. The conversation they shared was somewhat releasing for Charlotte. Something she needed to share and hear.
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"The internet was a fucking mistake. People are turning into sociopaths more everyday and thinking it's alright to just fuck with other people every which way. I don't think I've seen this much shit in a long time." Enzo had started skimming social media sites while taking a break from working on filing the case summaries from their recent job.
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"Enzo! Language!" Meia threw a cushion from the couch at him from across the room, beaning him in the face, "We've been over this!"
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"Shi--...Fine fine, Sis." Enzo pulled the cushion off his face with a grumbling sigh, glancing back to the holo displays of his computer, "I'm still standing by what I said. People are getting unhinged being able to be terminally online these days."
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"You're not wrong. It really does bring out the worst in people, and part of it is that anonymity they think they have on the internet." Meia leaned back on the couch with her tablet, checking the same feed as Enzo on its screen and secondary holo display, "They think they're untouchable but they're really not. It wouldn't take much to find out who half these people really are."
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"Unless we're being paid to do that, don't go hacking that information out, Sis. Much as I would love to get some of these people caught out we can't always mess with it." Enzo really wanted to mess with it, but he knew what would happen if they did.
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"I know, I know. Just some of these people are crossing some dangerous lines. They really forget there are other people they're talking to, not just all the stock AI's, and really dehumanize them. I don't like detecting that hurt in the people when we go out in the city." Meia closed the holo display for her tablet, sending him the links to four posts that caught her attention, before setting it down and rubbing her eyes.
"I can already see tinges and shades of peoples aura energies on these online posts since the implant integrations rolled out. It's sort of harrowing seeing how serious some of these cyberbullies really are treating their words, while treating it like it's of little consequence."
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Enzo took a look at the posts Meia sent to him, looking at the colour dots she put on each when she sent them to signal the severity and emotion type, "...Three level 4s, and an irregular level 2 huh? I suppose I can call in a favour this time." He knew the colour dot she marked for two of those three posts that were level four were concerning. It was the warning sign they set up to signal escalating radical behaviour with irregularities.
"I'll send it off to Chuck right now. You'll wanna eat in today, right? I'll cook."
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"That would be best. Thanks, Enzo." Meia relaxed a bit, flopping over on the couch to just give herself a break from sitting up. She was still a little worried about those posts, but they were out of their hands now. She didn't want to get anywhere near their authors, really.
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waokevale · 9 months
"The Gift"
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So I haven't seen any pieces addressing to this specific event from Shamura's quote, so I decided to take it into my own hands. With angst of course. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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schizopositivity · 1 year
Friendly reminder that antipsychotics don't cure schizophrenia. They don't even treat schizophrenia fully. They only treat the psychotic symptoms aka the positive symptoms. (And lots of people on antipsychotics don't have all their psychotic symptoms disappear, sometimes it only helps a little bit). Meanwhile our negative and cognitive symptoms cannot be treated fully (or at all depending on the person) with medication, and they greatly affect our lives and tend to get more severe as we age. So please don't assume that a schizophrenic person on antipsychotics is basically not mentally ill anymore cause there's a shit ton more we have to deal with on a daily basis, even if our psychosis is treated and no longer affecting us.
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badboyfriends · 4 months
hey guys how SHITTY OF A RESPONSE do you have to make, for DreamWasTaken to make a better statement than you? x
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i always thought of Wilbur as a fantastic writer and how the fuck did this guy MAKE SUCH A BAD STATEMENT that he got upstaged by DREAM??
This is one of the best things i've ever seen come from Dream. Words, actions, and intent, and to have someone who, for better or worse, has such a big platform support Shelby is just amazing to see.
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you know when you’re in america when your training modules for being an assistant preschool teacher have how to clean toys on one page and how to respond to a school shooting on the next
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
One thing that pushed me to looking into fat liberation and whatnot was to see how fat people literally can't win.
A fat person could eat nothing but fruits and vegetables and drink water, and exercise every day, and there would still be people telling them that they need to "get healthy". A fat person can do whatever they could do do the "right" things for their bodies, and if they still live in a fat body, they are mistreated. The only way fat people can "win" in this scenario is if they stopped existing - which is impossible.
Fatness isn't a punishment for moral faliure. It's something that happens for many reasons.
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hauntingfaerie · 3 months
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aropride · 1 year
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Intrusive thoughts
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miwtual · 1 year
im so fucking tired of the disrespect gifmakers get on the gifmaker website
#kai.txt#negativity tw#(sorry these are gonna be a lot of tags. i have a lot of feelings and i dont know where else to put them)#we make gifs and nobody reblogs them#when they do get reblogged all people want to tell you is that your gifs arent good enough to them and rip it to shreds#'you're missing x' 'why didnt you do y' 'if i made this i would have abc' 'hey op ur wrong and this is why' 'i dont like this op'#reposters dont even reblog your fucking gifset but they'll save your gifs to repost later asking for how to do something#that they could have asked you how to do in the fucking first place#we reblog ourselves constantly because nobody else will and maybe to make our work look like it has more notes than it does#to make ourselves feel better about the lack of interaction we're getting#and then when we TALK about this frustration we have. people who are too afraid to say it to our faces#go on anon in our askboxes and tell us how we're somehow selfish for wanting people to interact with the sets#that we spent time on. hours. days. WEEKS in some cases#or we get anons who tell us the reason we dont have notes are because we arent good at gifmaking in the first place#but this is all on anon. because they're too scared to tell it to our faces#they're too scared for us to see that they ARENT a gifmaker and that they dont know how to do it any better either#they dont see us as people doing something we love as a hobby. they see us as content machines that dance like court jesters#im just so fucking tired of the disrespect#and this sentiment goes for more than just gifmakers. graphicmakers. artists. literally any creative hobby shared on this site#we get treated like shit and for what? literally for fucking what.
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skelecentral · 5 months
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Day 25 of Bad Sansuary (hosted by @owl-bones!): frozen
“I’ll be right back...”
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babycharmander · 1 year
I just saw a post with over a thousand notes claiming that asexuality is caused by medication.
Hi. I figured out I was ace twenty years ago. I only started taking any kind of medication a few years ago. I’m pretty sure those meds did not retroactively affect the me who learned she was ace twenty years prior.
Our orientation is not a side effect of medication.
There’s no way for it to be, regardless. Orientations are based on attraction, not libido.
Asexuality is an orientation.
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qtubbo · 5 months
There’s genuinely been such much ableism directed at Tubbo these past few days it’s been hard to deal with, just completely open ableist remarks with /rp at then end or I love ccTubbo but… Constant remarks of him not following social ques, being too loud, having issues with tone, mocking him for having trouble reading the signs, saying that he’s neglecting Sunny because he’s not emotionally aware, ect. It sucks, I don’t like having to see so much of the fandom be openly ableist, why can’t people just be normal able disabled people of any kind. Also saying Tubbo shouldn’t rant about his interests because it ruins your immersion is just horrible and you all know it.
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trans-androgyne · 2 months
“Me hating men isn’t radfem behavior! TERFs don’t even actually hate men, they just hate trans women.” Radfems would beg to fucking differ!! They most certainly hate men, and they will tell you so with pride. Have you ever actually heard from a radfem? They think all men are inherently predatory and dangerous and should be kept as far away from women as humanly possible if not outright be killed. Yes, they hate trans women the most—because they conceptualize them as men mocking and harming “real” women. That doesn’t mean they aren’t also misogynistic towards trans women; they are. That also doesn’t mean they don’t team up with cis men against trans people sometimes; they do. But if you look into it literally at all you will immediately see that radical feminist ideology hinges on blaming not just the structure of patriarchy but individual men for the oppression of women. If coming to terms with that makes you uncomfortable, sit with that for a while and figure out just how comfortable you are with bio- and gender-essentialism.
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it seems impossible
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