#two superdads and their son!!!
lesbiantriphosphate · 2 years
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batman/superman: world’s finest #6 🥰😌🥹
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residentrookie · 11 months
jegulus dads ‘i frew up 🧍’ microfic— 1313 words; sorry guys i was brain rotting too hard about this one (cw: mentions of throwing up)
in all his 27 years, regulus has never been a deep sleeper. so when the door to the bedroom creaks open at 3 in the morning, his eyes open with it. the room is still pitch black, and he wonders groggily if boots (their cat) pawed it open when a tiny, weak voice whimpers, “daddy?”
regulus is launching up in bed and turning towards the voice of his five year old son before thinking twice.
“what, baby? what is it?”
at his sudden movement, james shoots up in bed next to him. “—whatisit. haz?” he mumbles, flicking on a lamp and dousing the room in light.
there stands harry in his spiderman jams, hair an absolute bird’s nest and tears streaming from his big green eyes and down his sweet cheeks. regulus’ eyes water instinctively just looking at him. before having kids, regulus never knew what it was to empathize so automatically with someone else— but he felt harry’s emotions right along with him, the joy, the sorrow, and the pain too.
“i—“ harry starts, then sucks in a big stuttering breath, clearly trying to be a brave boy and not cry, “i-i threw u-up.”
at the admission he wails, like he’s just confessed to the most abhorrent sin and will now have to face the wrath of his two loving fathers, who are so light on punishments they sometimes worry harry will end up being the most spoiled brat alive. james and regulus share a quick look, what regulus would consider the “dad” look, before throwing back the covers and rising quickly.
surprisingly, they’ve planned for this. years ago. when they first started dating. james had asked regulus about this very scenario, and after minutes of regulus whining about never wanting children in the first place—so why does it even matter, james— he’d made his position clear.
“i don’t do vomit.” regulus told him firmly. “absolutely not.”
james had laughed. “fine by me. if you only knew how much of my friends vomit i’ve had to clean up over the years. i don’t even blink at it anymore.”
thus the responsibilities of this hypothetical situation were assigned. james was on vomit duty. regulus was on comfort duty.
“not sure i’ll be any good at that either,” regulus had said grudgingly, but james had just smiled knowingly, able to see a future that regulus couldn’t yet imagine.
james makes it to harry first and scoops him up promptly, letting him bury his face in his neck and sob. regulus comes up behind them and snuggles up to harry, kissing his small head and whispering reassurances.
“shhhh don’t cry, it’s okay, haz. does your tummy hurt?” james asks calmly, rocking them all back and forth soothingly.
regulus pulls back and watches harry nod. his cheek is rosy and hot when regulus puts his hand to it.
“come on, baby, let’s go take care of it okay?” regulus tells him, and james deposits their still-sniffling son into his husbands open arms.
“you know what time it is?” james asks, wiggling his brows. harry just sniffs and shakes his head. “time to be superdad,” james tells him, pointing at his faded superman t-shirt. then he gives an animated salute, puts one fist on his hip and the other high in the sky before jetting out of the room with some impressive ‘flying sounds’ that manage to make harry smile a little before he remembers that he’s actually very upset right now. regulus shakes his head at his wonderfully ridiculous spouse and starts towards the stairs, feeling harry’s hot tears gather in the crook of his neck.
after giving harry some medicine, they settle on the couch downstairs, harry in regulus lap and clinging to him. regulus rocks them for a few minutes, letting harry’s breaths slow as he calms down.
“papa?” harry sniffles suddenly, his voice so small.
“yes, sweetheart?” regulus asks, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“we need to have a funeral. like how we did for bobbi.”
regulus blinks. bobbi, harry’s goldfish, had died three days after james brought him home, leaving the two of them to explain the complicated matter of death to their three and a half year old. so harry had a vague idea of the concept and of funerals, though his only exposure has been the meager ceremony they’d patched together and held in their garden. sirius had given a speech and peter had cried.
“what? why?” regulus demands, scanning his son’s face. his bottom lip pokes out as his eyes fill with tears yet again.
“b-because i think i killed hippo,” he wails. “i-i threw up all over him— a-and ron said that throw up is like— like how supervillains spit out the acid and k-kill the good guys—“
regulus closes his eyes briefly, exhaling in relief. he makes a mental note to tell james to cool it on the superhero movies for a while— clearly it’s getting into harry’s head.
“no baby, hippo is fine. he just needs to go for a swim in the wash, and then he’ll come out as good as new.”
harry peels his head back from regulus’ chest, blinking up at home hopefully. “really?”
“really. i bet daddy has already put him in. shall we go check on him just to be sure?”
“yes, please,” harry says, politely. oddly, it makes regulus think of his mother, of how she had demanded her boys to be polite above all else, even in the face of abuse and neglect. james and regulus had done absolutely everything differently, and harry still turned out to be the sweetest boy on the planet. walburga can fucking suck it.
pushing aside the thoughts of his mother, regulus rises with harry still perched on his hip. they walk back upstairs, peeking their heads into the laundry room to find james, metaphorical sleeves rolled up as he hums to himself, rummaging through their linens. regulus truly married the only person in the world who can sing while cleaning up vomit at 3 in the morning.
james turns and smiles at them in the doorway. “my boys!” he says cheerfully, crossing the room to give harry a smooch on the head.
“he’s worried about hippo, darling,” regulus explains. “can you show him how he’s just gone for a dip in the wash?”
“who, hippo?” james asks. “oh he’s great. you know what he told me haz?” he leans forward as if confiding a secret, “he told me he’s been wanting a bubble bath for sooo long and he’s sooo happy he finally got the chance. he even said to tell you thank you!”
harry giggles. “no he didn’t. he doesn’t talk.”
james gasps. “well he certainly talks to me, harry. we’re the best of friends.”
“i thought papa was your best friend,” harry says and james’ face melts into the gentlest smile.
“that’s true, too. it’s a tie between hippo and papa.”
regulus rolls his eyes as harry laughs. they go over and stand in front of the washer. the top is clear, so harry can see all his stuffies (including hippo) swirl around in the sudsy water. after several moments of watching them spin, james nudges regulus, inclining his head towards harry.
regulus looks down to see their baby’s eyes closed, head heavy, cheek squished against his chest.
“his bed has fresh sheets,” james whispers but regulus isn’t quite ready to let him go. he looks up at james with a pleading face.
james, try as he might, has never excelled at being the hardass parent. so when regulus takes their son back into their bedroom, depositing him under the covers between the two of them, james just smiles and shakes his head. they climb into bed and turn towards harry, two parenthesis enclosing the small shape of their son, cradling him and keeping him safe.
regulus sleeps long and deep, one hand laced with his husband’s, the other resting on his son’s dark head.
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mypimpademia · 1 year
— Supermom & Superdad!
Pro-hero!Parent! Izuku x pro-hero!Parent!Fem!Black! Reader
TW: Swearing, domestic hcs, mentions of fighting
Note: requested by @sakuras-cafe You and Izuku have two kids, a son and daughter! They’re fairly close in age about 1 to 3 years apart, or even twins if you’d like it’s open for interpretation.
Key: (s/n) = Son’s name, (d/n) = Daughter’s name
⇶ Naturally, both you and Izuku were more than elated when you became parents, and love your kids more than anything in this world
⇶ And naturally, you were both terribly scared of what could happen to your kids seeing that both of your jobs were dangerous for the both of you as is, and you couldn’t imagine if that affected your kids as well
⇶ But thankfully, you’ve had little to no trouble with anything incredibly dangerous!
⇶ But handling your domestic lives as well as hero work is definitely more than what either of you bargained for!
⇶ From the very start, there were some issues concerning media coverage on your relationship and new family
⇶ Of course, it was anticipated considering he was the #1 hero and you were also a top hero, but it was a bit overwhelming to actually experience
⇶ You were no strangers to having flashing cameras and reporters in your faces, but you mutually agreed to shield your children from that life
⇶ You’d post pictures of them when they were babies, but very rarely showed their faces, hid their names, and more, for as long as you could. Family outings were also kept as quiet and private as possible
⇶ As they grew older, you opened up more about your family and your kids were featured more on your socials and you’d sometimes bring them to interviews as a family! Everyone saw you as a picture perfect family (and y’all are, let’s be honest)
⇶ But overall, you tried to keep them away from too much direct publicity and wouldn’t allow paparazzi or random reporters near them
⇶ Of course, a few would slip through and get a hair too close, but it never ended well for them…
⇶ Izuku and you both have sparkling reputations with civilians, but they grow dim when people start to interfere with your family
⇶ You never know anyone’s true intentions, and although the both of you are pro hero’s, and can handle pretty much anything, there are still people out to get you and you need to be careful!
⇶ You always try to be nice when interacting with media people, but aren’t afraid to snap a little if they invade your space too much or just get plain annoying
“For the last time, I don’t have time for questions right n–” You said, before you were so rudely interrupted by the paparazzi once again.
“Just one question! Everyone is dying to know, when will you-”
“I said get the fuck out of my face!”
⇶ Izuku is kind by nature, and is nice to matter how infuriating the near harassment can get. And if he gets to overwhelmed or irritated, he’ll simply ignore them
⇶ But when he’s with the kids, the story is much different
⇶ Izuku has always loved children, and has always been over protective of them, but that protection turns up 10000% when he’s with his own kids
⇶ He’ll go from a sweet, loving, caring dad to outright mean and defensive, more so than anyone has seen him before
“Pro-hero Deku! I have a question for you sir!” A reporter shouted from across the street, before hurrying over with a microphone in hand and a cameraman behind him.
“Not right now please, I’m with my family.” Izuku said politely, scooping up your son and daughter in each arm and turning to walk away.
“Wait! Just one question, please!” The reporter pleaded. “Deku, what’s your plan to defeat the LOV once again after their newest plan?” He said, practically shoving the microphone into Izuku’s face.
At this point, a small crowd had gathered, realizing Izuku was there, and they were intently waiting for his response, and autographs.
Izuku, however, was more than annoyed, especially when he saw how this overwhelmed your children who were hiding their faces in his shoulders.
“Hey kiddos, can you cover your ears for daddy?” He asked your kids, who promptly followed his request.
Izuku sweetly kissed their foreheads, earning ‘aw’s from the crowd, before he cleared his throat.
“I said get the fuck away from me and family. What don’t you get about that?” He spat, causing the crowd to gasp. “And then you wonder why famous people don’t like paparazzi, asshole…” Izuku began to walk back towards his car, still muttering profanities.
“So fucking annoying…”
⇶ Yeah, the media knows not to get close to your kids, especially when Izuku is around.
⇶ As much as you’d like to spend most of your time with you kids, it’s simply not possible in your line of work
⇶ But you and Izuku always make sure they’re taken care of, even when you’re not around
⇶ You normally drop them off at granny Inko’s (who is fully retired and living in a nice little house thanks to Izuku and you), but when you get an emergency job alert or want to give her a break, you hire a trusted babysitter
⇶ But even when you’re working, the parenting doesn’t stop!
You felt your phone frantically buzz in your pocket as you hid in an alley from a villain. Pulling it out, you checked the contact.
“(D/n)…?” You muttered to yourself.
You hurriedly answered the call, fearing there may be something wrong.
“Hello? Is everything okay baby?” You said in a hushed, out of breath tone.
“Mommaaaaaa!” You heard her say in a dragged out, annoyed voice.
You sighed, in both relief and slight irritation, before answering, “Yes, sweetheart, what is it?” You asked, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“(S/n) ate my wingstop leftovers! Again!” She shouted.
“Yeah, um, okay–” You sputtered, hearing a loud explosion in the near distance. “Listen honey, I have to go back to wor-”
“Don’t believe her mom! Those were mine and she knows it!” (S/n) shouted from further away.
They began to argue over who did what, among other things that were completely unrelated.
“Okay, okay!” You yelled, making them both abruptly stop yelling at one another. “How about I buy you both wingstop when I get back? Is that okay?”
“Okay!” They both said in unison. “Love you momma, have a nice day at work!”
And then the line clicked as it disconnected.
⇶ God, they could be a handful.
⇶ But you wouldn’t trade parenting for the world, and adore the sweeter moments between you all when you and Izuku have time
⇶ Family movie nights, baking, vacations, and more
⇶ And there are some things neither of you would miss for the world, like birthdays or school events
⇶ You make sure you show up no matter what, even if that means coming in right after a fight with a villain while still in your hero costumes
⇶ But the times you cherished the most were nights after long, hard days, where you all unwinded with snacks and a movie
“Mom, Dad, can we stay up late tonight?” (D/n) asked, settling into the blanket.
Izuku turned to you, smiling while raising an eyebrow.
“Hmm…” You hummed, smiling back at your husband. “Sure, but you have to go to bed when the movie is over.”
“Fine by me.” (S/n) said, carefully putting a blanket over himself while trying not to spill the bowl of popcorn.
“What movie are we watching again?” Izuku asked, turning his attention back to the large tv that was hanging above your lit fireplace.
“The new Little Mermaid, I’ve been waiting forever for it to come out!” (D/n) exclaimed.
She hit play, and all of you excitedly watched as it started. Izuku wrapped his long, muscly arms around all of you, and leaned forwards as you fed him a few pieces of popcorn.
(D/n) reached over to wear you had moved the bowl, and grabbed a piece for himself, throwing it up in the air in an attempt to catch it in his mouth. He missed, and it landed on his head as he huffed, raking his hands through his thick curls to pick it out.
You chuckled, picking it out yourself, and then leaned down, burying your face into his green hair and breathing in his shampoo, as you kissed the top of his head.
You wished it was like this all the time.
⇶ No matter how scary or exhausting juggling your hero lives and parenting could be, you and Izuku would never trade your little family for anything
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lamarkeu · 4 months
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Episode Summary: We are introduced to Joshua and his family during Sunday Dinner where everyone is helping in and around the kitchen.
Genre: Fluff
Masterlist for SVTTROS Series
a/n this one is really self indulgent (almost boarding delusion). I’ve always pictured Josh with a filo!s/o ever since I found out that some of his friends back in LA are filo. If you don’t relate to this one I understand, feel free to read some more general MCs in the other members episodes.
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Italics: Narrators Boo Seungkwan (BS) and Lee Minhyuk (LM)
Bold: Staff
Regular: What family member says / what camera films during the show *____*: English
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Listen To: Habang Buhay by Zack Tabudlo
LM: The Return of Superman Idol Edition
BS: Episode 3 “I Think I Love You ” Part 1. The window to window wall frames the first signs of snowfall in Seoul. Today we’re invited into a cute modern style apartment with an open kitchen concept and beautiful gray accented glass cabinets.
LM: There is a lot of music related decor in and around the house, from the signed guitars hung in a protective case on either side of the kitchen while the record player in the living room plays some acoustic music. Could today's superdad be a musician?
BS: They could also be a producer, there’s a bunch of microphones lying around the house.
LM: Two stools are leaned up against the kitchen island with little legs on the highest step. A pair of sturdy legs are standing between the two in what appears to be baggy jeans.
*“Bunso what is this?”* Min-ah asks. (Authors Note: Bunso means youngest in Tagalog).
“It’s pancake batter.” Si-ah, his youngest daughter leans closer over the deep bowl ensuring all the flour has been incorporated into the batter before gesturing to her father to pass the chocolate chips. Joshua carefully puts distance between his son, who is strapped in a frontward facing carrier against his chest, and the small bag of sweets.
*“Are we allowed to do this?”*
“Yeah, it’s a surprise for mommy.” Joshua reassured his middle child by patting her on the top of her head. For a second he notices some of the hairs in her ponytail loosen and quickly tries to flatten it out with his palm before looking back at his youngest. He kicked his legs in excitement at seeing the commotion going on between his older sisters.
“Are you sure?”
His youngest is quick to react, saying *“Unnie, do you always have this many questions?”*
The blunt answer forces a chuckle out of Joshua’s lips as the camera finally pans above to capture his head fully.
BS: I would recognize that laugh anywhere. Today's Superman is none other than a past guest of return of Superman and seventeen’s self proclaimed gentleman, Joshua Hong.
LM: Wow, fatherhood really suits him.
The sound of the front door opening captures everyone’s attention, the three state as Y/N arrives dressed in a simple suit with a briefcase in tow. For a moment the cameras fall onto the massive wedding photo above the couch of Joshua wearing a traditional Filipino suit called a Barong and Y/N wearing a traditional hanbok. The white background of the photo makes the duo appear more vividly in contrast with the gray crowning in the living room.
BS: This supermom looks as if she appeared at a meeting, it’s no surprise given that she is none other than the Co-CEO of Honey-Jade Hong Y/N.
*“Wow girls, everything looks so good.”* She compliments while wafting the air with her free hand. *“You can’t go wrong with breakfast for dinner.”* She makes her way towards the kitchen counter placing her bags against the space next to the fridge.
LM: Breakfast for dinner? That’s new
BS: it’s very common in some places in America to eat like this.
*“Did you guys have fun today?”* Kissing the top of their heads before gesturing towards her husband with her eyes.
Joshua is quick to reassure her with a quick “Yeah” before he is immediately cut off.
*“We were until you came home really early mom, we didn’t get to surprise you.”* A small pout forms on Min-ah’s face upset at the sudden change of plans.
*“That’s okay sweetheart, that just means I can spend time helping us prepare for dinner.”* Her mother stated in an attempt to redirect her emotions.
*“Yeah Unnie it’s okay, we get to cook together and spend more time as a family”*
Si-ah points to a gift bag on the counter. *“Mommy what’s this?”*
LM: I’ve been wanting to know that since she walked in.
BS: It’s quite small to be clothes
*“It’s a gift for the party tomorrow.”*
*“Is it for baby Jeong-woo?”*
*“That’s right. We're going to attend his 100 day celebration with Uncle Wonwoo and the rest of your Sebong uncles”*
BS: Ah that’s right. I wonder if we’ll see more of your uncles on todays episode Siah.
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I think you’re covering your mic Y/N. Can you bring it closer to your mouth.
“Oh my gosh.” She realizes her hair covered most of the black block and adjusting higher up on her shirt collar.
“It’s okay you got this” Joshua whispers in her ear putting his fists in the air in a cheer. The girls turn around in their chair and follow suit, cheering on their mother.
“Hello, I am Y/N. I’m Min-ah, Si-ah and In-soo’s mother. I’m sorry if you can’t understand my Korean, I’m trying really hard to become fluent.” She says while In-so sits in her lap playing with her hands.
Her oldest quietly speaks up to the camera “Hello I’m Min-ah, my English name is Mina.”
“And I’m Si-ah and my English name is Sandara. This is my younger brother In-soo, and his English name is Isaiah.” The second gets up from her seat to get at eye level with her brother. Her enthusiastic coos while holding the cheeks of her younger brother with her hands. The entire family begins to join the youngest as he giggles out.
How many languages does your family know?
“Our girls are fluent in English and Korean. They speak to us in both languages Joshua responds back in Korean and I respond back in English and more recently Tagalog.”
“Our son In-soo picks up English a little better than Korean just because I’ve been able to practice with him because of touring. I’m hoping through this show I’ll be able to accomplish that.”
“We’re not pushing them too much when it comes to picking up the languages I know, we’re learning it slowly throughout our daily lives.”
What was in the suitcase?
“It has pictures of my designs and models. My business partner and I have an upcoming spring fashion launch. I was just looking over the order to on paper to see if I need to make any changes.”
“After having met her through Jeonghan, the two of them immediately found a shared sense of interest in fashion, my wife focused more on the design aspects while Jeonghan’s wife focused on the modelling. Before we knew it they became best friends.”
Why do you call Si-ah the youngest when she’s the middle child?
“Because she’s the youngest girl. I can call Isaiah that too but it gets confusing. So because he is the youngest boy, I call him Balong.”
Is there anything you want to tell the return of the Superman audience?
“I’m so happy to return to this show no longer as a guest but as part of the core members in this coming year. I hope through our different trials and tribulations you continue to cheer us on and perhaps that Korea will learn to be more kind to people like my children and wife.”
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baambastic · 2 years
Thoughts on Battle of the Super Sons (major spoilers for the entire plot):
Grazer is great as Jon
Laura Bailey’s Lois is great
I don’t particularly care for Travis Willingham’s Clark. His Superman is fine, but his voice sounds wrong coming out of mild-mannered journalist Clark Kent.
Love the whole opening. Especially love the old comics-style (complete with benday dots) montage of Clark’s life up until Jon’s birth
Glad to see we’re skipping the complicated multiverse stuff
Jon immediately jumping to “cosplay” as the reason for the Superman costume under the bed has made my day
But also Clark why was it just under your bed. Presumably while you were on a League mission for two weeks.
“I don’t care that you’re sorry! I just want you to be here!” OOF
The child is very sad, but at least the cat’s alive!
Jon feels like an actual kid, constantly excited by all the superhero stuff
They mentioned Kon!
Oh wow this movie has blood in it. I’m a bit surprised, even with the age rating
Tom Kenny Penguin! Haven’t heard that since 2004
Troy Baker doesn’t really sound like he wants to be here
It’s not Super Sons if Damian doesn’t make me want to punt him out the nearest window at first
Damian continues his bad habit of pushing kids to their deaths in the Batcave.
They did not make Jon an uwu soft bean, and for that I am grateful. He dishes out sass equal to or greater than Damian’s.
Also Griffo really sold how Damian felt about being rejected by the Titans. Really solid
Griffo’s Damian voice sounds like Damian’s trying to copy Batman’s gruff voice. I like it
Why is Damian the only person in this movie who says Jon and not Jonathan?
Using two members of each main young hero team (Teen Titans, TT2003, YJ Animated (not the ‘98 version bc of overlap with TT2003)) for the Teen Titans is an interesting idea
Kind of surprising that Ollie and J’onn are the only other League members we get to see on the Watchtower
Blue Beetle and Hawkman (and I think the Atom?) were also shown on Starro’s hitlist, so it’s weird that they’re nowhere to be seen
I still need to get my hands on a hoodie like Jon’s
Those students have really low standards for insults
Bruce Don’t Beat Up Your Son Challenge (success on technicality of mind control)
Also, really effective body horror for something so bloodless
Damian you big softy
More body horror. yay
I dunno why i’m surprised Damian suggested killing Lois
Yo they made Krypto scary. Nice
Jor-El why did you send them to the watchtower if you thought they were probably gonna die
Lois continues to be awesome
Nice to see you, J’onn. Too bad you don’t get to do anything.
The dynamic between Lois and Lex is always fun to watch
Interesting Starro design. A bit too spiky for my tastes tho
“I’ve eliminated all human-based problems on your planet.” “You’re going to eat the planet!” “Correct.” Love that
Aw, poor baby demon brat
Oh, I never thought I’d see the day that Lois Lane used a DIY flamethrower on Lex Luthor. Incredible
I question the decision to include two green-skinned shapeshifters in the same fight scene
Speaking of, that’s a really cool effect they’ve got on J’onn when he’s burning
Jesus. No punches pulled on the sons v dads fight
Batman got punched out by an 11-year-old farmboy. He’ll never live that down
Man, this evacuation scene is wholesome
“I don’t know” *pushes all the buttons*
This whole Starro burning scene is very visceral, I gotta say
Jon and Dami are adorable, even when they think they’re about to die
Superdad to the rescue, with Jon looking like he’s about to cry with relief
Bathug! (they’re so awkward lol)
Starro covered in charred flesh? No thanks, I’m good
I think that lake water might be one of the few 2D animated things in this movie
Even with the character development, Damian’s still a demon brat (positive)
Aw, he’s so excited to go to Jon’s game
“Gotham’s Billionaire Prince Bruce Wayne Spotted With Son Damian at Middle School Baseball Game in Smallville, Kansas”
“Still can’t fly” *pained groans can be heard from the ground below*
They really didn’t mention any of the other Bats, huh? That’s surprising.
I’m guessing, since Jon can actually control his powers, all that stuff with Kathy and the milk hasn’t happened here
Battle of the Super Sons was a ton of fun! It has good writing, good humor, good emotional moments, and is consistently nice to look at. Shame it’s only got a 6.7 on imdb. I honestly might prefer this over the original Super Sons comics run
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aimwigs · 4 months
another dadwig snippet from earlier in the timeline except this one is slightly less wholesome and also about parents splitting up... being a parent is not aways easy i fear
Lucy is only three, but Ludwig is pretty sure that she hates him.
Honestly, in some ways he gets it. It has to be confusing, to have your dad living at home one day and then halfway across Los Angeles the next, but he had kind of figured that she would be too young to be super affected by it. If anything, he was worried about Ryan, who’s more than halfway through kindergarten and definitely old enough to kind of understand the talk that they gave the girls about how the two of them aren’t in love anymore, which is the best oversimplification they can muster of what really happened between them.
Ryan is seemingly fine, though. She’s always been a smart, quiet kid. She seems sort of sad, which makes him feel like a horrible fucking person, but she also seems to get it— apparently, one of her friends has parents who don’t live together.
But Lucy fucking freaks out. According to QT, her behavior gets worse after he leaves, including hitting her sister over something as stupid as her putting a different show on the TV and upending her plate onto the ground because QT had the gall to put broccoli on it. This type of stuff was something they anticipated could happen; this is a huge change and they knew it might be something that the girls don’t really know how to process. Even though they both firmly believe it’ll be better for the two of them in the long run, that doesn’t change the fact that it’s difficult now.
What he doesn’t anticipate, though, is Lucy not even talking to him the first time that he has the girls over at Slime’s, where he’s staying until he can find a suitable place. She barely even looks at him.
The weird thing is, she doesn’t even seem that upset. She’s happy to run around and play with Ryan or chat away with Slime all fucking day— seriously, he’s pretty sure that kid loved him more than she loved Ludwig even before all this— but she won’t even acknowledge him.
“It’s a big fucking change. You just need to give her time,” Slime tells him. “Like did having divorced parents fucking blow sometimes? Yeah. Did I love my parents completely until the very end? Also yes. She’s a little kid. She’ll bounce back.”
It should be reassuring— QT said something similar, after all, and both of them actually are children of divorce— but he worries that maybe this will be different. What if she resents him forever? Sure, she’s too young to understand what’s really going on now but it’s not like that erases the fact that she’s going to have to grow up split between two different homes.
He figures that maybe a zoo trip will win her over. Part of Lucy’s idolization of Slime stems from their mutual love of monkeys and even though he’s busy today, she’ll surely still have a good time seeing all the animals. Plus, it’s a fun little day trip and he knows Nick and Aiden would probably both be down to go.
And maybe Lucy doesn’t seem any more focused on him than before, opting to ride around on Aiden’s shoulders all day as they zip from exhibit to exhibit but at least she’s having fun.
Things still seem off, though, and he can’t really shake that.
Ludwig decides to ask Nick who, despite only having a kid for a little over a year now, is like a superdad which is extra impressive given his equally awesome wife. It shouldn’t be surprising seeing as Nick is just someone who is generally competent in a lot of things, but he’s definitely a great fucking dad with everything you could ever need packed away in the diaper bag shoved in the bottom of the stroller he pushes around the zoo. His son sleeps inside, having worn himself out by the time they saw the dolphins.
“I wouldn’t sweat it, man. If she’s actually mad at you, I’m sure she’ll just get over it. Kids don’t hold grudges.” he tells him when he brings it up, both of them watching Aiden reading off the sign that they have posted next to the lions about their pack structure and eating habits to the girls. God, Aiden seriously needs to shave that stupid fucking mustache he’s been sporting recently.
“It’s been two weeks,” he reminds him because he’s pretty sure that’s a long fucking time for a three-year-old to hold a grudge.
Nick shrugs. “Yeah, and you fucking love her, bro. That’s what’s going to shine through in the end. She’s not even going to remember this shit when she’s older.”
It temporarily instills some confidence in him, up until he asks her what she wants for dinner in the car on the way home and she leans over to whisper into Ryan’s ear instead of replying to him directly. He didn’t know kids that young could be this fucking petty.
And then she gets into a fight at preschool the next week and QT calls him to pick her up since she has a meeting this afternoon and his schedule is generally more flexible.
He finds out when he gets there that she bit another girl because she was playing with a toy she wanted, which is usually grounds for a week's suspension but since her teachers are generally aware of her circumstances, they’re only sending her home for today. That doesn’t stop them from giving Ludwig dirty looks when he picks her up, though.
“You can’t be biting people,” he tells her with a sigh as he drives back towards Slime’s place. “Imagine if someone bit you. That would make you sad, wouldn’t it?”
When he looks in the rearview mirror, she’s looking out the car window with a quivering lip.
He tries again. “Did you really bite her just because she wouldn’t share with you?”
Lucy erupts into tears, wailing and sniffling in an instant. The only thing he can make out is, “I want Mom!”
Ludwig makes a show of taking a deep breath, gesturing with his hand to encourage her to take one too. She doesn’t.
“Mom is working right now. You get Dad instead.” He pulls off into a parking lot and parks so that he can turn around and face her. When he reaches over to wipe her tears away with his sleeve, she lets him even though she doesn’t stop crying.
“I want Mom,” she says again in a trembling voice, quieter this time. “Wanna go home.”
“I’m sorry,” he tells her, digging around for a tissue and handing it to her. She poorly attempts to wipe away the boogers under her nose. “Sometimes it’s gonna be Dad that picks you up and takes you to his house instead. Soon I’ll get a new house and you’ll get to pick out a brand new room. Isn’t that cool?”
She doesn’t look impressed. “Wanna go home.”
Fuck, this isn’t going to work. He’s always believed kids are much smarter than people give them credit for, but this conversation is beyond the scope of a three-year-old.
“Do you want to get ice cream?” he asks, knowing that it’s probably the worst thing you can do after your kid gets kicked out of school. He figures that it’s special circumstances. “This isn’t a reward. Biting is still bad,” he adds for good measure.
She lights up a little. “Strawberry?”
He nods, very seriously. “Strawberry.”
Lucy smiles at him for the first time since he moved out. “Strawberry!” she starts to chant.
Ludwig lets out a laugh as he pulls back onto the road and drives toward the ice cream shop. Maybe things will all be okay, just like his friends said. Maybe some one-on-one time was really all that they needed after all.
“I love you so so much, Lucy,” he tells her.
“I love strawberry,” she replies, and he takes it as a win.
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bigfan-fanfic · 1 year
OK so I saw the ask you got a while ago about someone telling superdad they can bring his dead sibling back in exchange of something and superdad thinks it's the life of another sibling but what about his own?
Would he accept to give his own life? Keeping in mind that he's married to Clark and has two sons but also that he feels incredible guilty since lately he's been seeing his dead sibling a lot in his dreams
Got to admit, no. Even as guilty as he feels, he knows he has to be there for his remaining siblings, to take care of and support. And for his sons and Clark.
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jenosuh · 3 years
fic recs and good authors part 2
so I’m not actually finished here but I guess I’ll just post this now and make a part 3 when some other fics come to mind, I’m sorry if I left out and triggers or warnings. sorry if I’ve tagged you before
tag list : @dimplehyunn
these are all in no particular order
love story by @dreamcities romeo!jaemin x fem!juliet!reader
summary: you hadn’t meant to fall in love at first sight with the handsome son of your family’s sworn enemy. but you did, and now you must decide if you’d risk it all for your star-crossed romance with him or go forth with your arranged marriage with another man.
something to sink my teeth into by @kiri-ah vampire!jaemin x human reader
summary: A trip to Poland goes terribly wrong - or maybe terribly right - when you're bitten and kidnapped by a vampire. Between passing out, almost dying multiple times, and falling in love, you have a lot on your plate. Oh, and the magic. Right.
someone to spend eternity with by @mochi-baby-xoxo part two to ‘something to sink my teeth into’ above ^
last deception by @jaemotel agent!jaemin x fem!mafia boss!reader
summary: na jaemin, one of the best agents is sent to hunt down his ex lover without getting his feelings involved. jaemin is not the one to get out of track but what happens when he meets the love of his life, one more time?
the one that got away by @dear-hao jaemin x reader
summary: a perfect couple who just couldn’t get timing right.  
wall talk by @dnylvu
summary: he’s the enemy, the one you’ve despised since the beginning of time. but he’s also the very man buried deep within you.
broken mirrors by @neovisioned jaehyun x reader
summary: Your college friends recall a creepy legend about a man that appears in mirrors and grants you two wishes when summoned. Jisung is dared to say his name three times and see what happens. At first you brush it off as some copy of bloody mary but, when your friend chickens out and swears something happened in that bathroom, you can’t deny the shift in atmosphere everyone felt. The urge to try it out mixed with fear pushes you over the edge. it’s probably fake anyways, right? You summon Jung Jaehyun in the middle of the night, on your bed, and he is not what you expected him to be. 
I like you….the other you by @pastelsicheng spiderman!jaemin x reader
summary: Even after drifting apart from your friend Jaemin 3 years ago, you still have a big fat cr*sh on him. You’ve convinced yourself that you’ll get over him someday, but maybe it’s better that you didn’t get over him after all because Jaemin has a big fat cr*sh on you too. All it takes is you telling him about your feelings and saying you like him. Well, telling the other him. Alternatively, in which you have a big fat cr*sh on Spider-man’s alter-ego and Spider-man has a big fat cr*sh on you.
smultronställe part 2 by @gohyuck surgeon!jaemin x reader
summary: in which jaemin’s both a superdad and a supersurgeon and you can’t help but fall for him
the one that got away by @haechanplsacceptmylove sungchan & fem!reader
warnings: pregnancy, death, blood (bro i love this fic so much but i hate it because i cried so much and i don’t think i can bring myself to read it again because I’ll get to emotional and hate myself, it’s super angsty and has character death so read it if you think you’ll be ok with those themes)
random really good jaemin fic recs list by @jaesayshi
cat and mouse by @tyonfs
summary: tired of meaningless hookups and dull parties, na jaemin had always been hesitant to indulge himself. that is, of course, until he met you. however, upon realizing you’re none other than jeong jaehyun’s little sister, jaemin has to keep his relationship with you under wraps to make sure his team captain doesn’t find out. 
just like the movies by @jensungf
summary: the kissing booth was a horrible movie, but somehow you still managed to get roped into watching the god-awful sequel, and the only reason you could blame was your stupid best friend by the name of lee donghyuck. oh, and the fact that you may or may not be whipped for him too.
that’s hot by @dreamcity-rawr pride!mark x reader
Summary: mark’s pride and ego start to get on your nerves so you decide to give him a piece of your mind, little did you know, you start become a piece always on his mind from then on  
i became attracted to seaweed by @choerrypuffs son of poseidon!donghyuck x daughter of athena!reader
enchanted also by @choerrypuffs prince!jungwoo x witch!reader
summary: the prince has always been a little unconventional, but no one ever expected him to fall in love with a witch.
serve you, help you by @00-baejin-05 butler!jaemin x reader x butler!jeno
summary: it's normal to have servants serve you, especially if you are royalty. however, you didn't expect two butlers to be given to you, intead of maids. you learned how to trust them and deepen your connection with him... but it's gotten way too deep. (I somehow remember reading this but I also somehow don’t??)
grit your f*ckin teeth by @henlojeno mark x reader
summary: dubbed the grim reaper, one half of the strongest in the devil’s league, you were a supernatural hybrid known for strong wings and green lighting; admired and feared by both humans and myths alike, right until the day you disappeared with no explanation. cue your reappearance four months later, it’s up to you to mend the ties you left hanging and reconcile with those you’ve left behind, all while still scrambling to save lives from a crumbling society.
the interview by @whereisten vampire!doyoung x journalist reader
summary: you’re a journalist that just booked her biggest gig, an interview with Doyoung, a vampire notorious for a series of murders in your city.
gilded gold by @mint-yooxgi yandere vampire print jaehyun x reader
sun&moon by @fleurminho jaehyun x reader
(um so the acc deactivated before I got to post it but the plot was really cute so I’ll keep this here even if the links don’t lead to anything. all I remember was a soulmate au with jaehyun where you go to his concert and meet him there </3)
@nakamotocore @shotarology @bluejaem @jenoismydad @tenseoyong @taemin-jaemin
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uncpanda · 3 years
Small Town Moose: Part 2
Prompt: When your best friend convinces you to move to DC with her, you’re more than a little lonely. You’re used to life in a small town, not a big city. For the first time in your life you’re mostly alone with your only company being your dog Moose. Then you meet a single dad and his son, and you realize maybe you’re not so alone?
AN: After watching the show, I noticed that Hotch is fairly open outside of work, he’s not as serious and he smiles more. This is taking place about two years after Haley’s death, Jack is six. Reader is around 25-28. This chapter has quite a few POV changes. 
If you want to be notified when this story is updated you can subscribe to it on AO3. Thank you to everyone who commented, reblogged, and liked the forst part. It really motivated me to write more!
Part 1   
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When you come home from taking Moose on his third walk of the day, you’re tired. You’d been working on a new site all day, and your walks had kept your back from hurting too bad. You’re just about to enter the lobby when someone calls out your name. 
It’s Aaron. You hadn’t seen him since dinner four days ago. He was dressed in a suit, and you realized he must be getting home from work. You wait for him by the door. Moose settles at your side. He smiles when he reaches you, and you can’t help but tease him,“Well don’t you look all fancy.” 
He scoffs, “I have four days of motel and plane on me, nice try.” 
You shrug, and motion to yourself. You’re dressed in leggings and a sweatshirt from your university. He shakes his head, “You look nice.” He reaches down and pets Moose, before opening the door to the building for you. 
“So you’ve been out of town?” 
“Yeah. For work. Sometimes it has me away for longer than I’d like.” 
“And Jack?” 
“Is with his aunt. She’s going to drop him off in an hour. Which gives me just enough time to shower, and get dinner going.” 
You smile, “So, you’re superdad.” 
“Not even close. How’ve you been?” 
“Good. Working a lot.” 
“Did your roommate ever show up?” 
You shake your head, “Nope, her job ended training early and got her to her position early. She texted a little while ago, she has some paperwork to finish then she gets to come home, but I doubt I’ll see her before midnight.” 
“So then you’re in need of dinner company?” 
It’s said so off casually that you almost freeze. Aaron notices, “I’m putting a stouffer lasagna in the oven for dinner. There’s more than enough if you and Moose would like to join us.” 
You’re not quite sure what to say. Was he just being friendly? Was he flirting? Moose answers for you when he pulls the leash out of your hand and goes to sit next to Aaron. His tongue flops out the side of his mouth, and you laugh. “That would be a yes, in Moose speak.” 
You get a genuine smile this time, “6:30 work?” 
“Sounds good.” 
You recapture Moose’s leash and head back to your apartment.You feel Aaron’s eyes on you until your door closes behind you. You get a little more work done and then start to get ready. You throw on some jeans and a decent blouse. Comfy, cute and casual. At five minutes till, you get Moose ready to leave. 
You knock on the door at exactly 6:30. You can hear Jack on the other side yelling that he’ll get it. You then hear a woman laughing. A second later the door flings open, and Jack has Moose wrapped in a hug. 
Your golden boy’s tail swishes back and forth, and you can’t help but smile. You look up to see a woman. She smiles at you, “You must be Y/N. Jack has been talking about you and Moose non-stop. I’m Jessica, Aaron’s sister-in-law. The woman is friendly, and she’s quick to earn Moose’s stamp of approval when she rubs his belly. She’s gone twenty seconds later with a promise to get to know one another later.
Aaron is a bit sheepish about it, “Jessica has always been a bundle of energy.” 
Jack interputs before you can say anything, “Can I show Moose my room? I’ll share my toys with him.” 
Your heart melts at the sentiment, and you shoot Aaron a look, because a kid should not be this adorable. He’s snickering, and you silently promise retribution later. “You are more than welcome to show Moose your room. Just be careful, because he likes stuffed animals. He might try and take one home.” 
“He has an entire bin of them.” 
Jack finds that hilarious, and he heads down a hall with Moose hot on his heels. You stand in the entryway for a minute before you say, “You know, with your kid and my dog, we could book a stage and people would shell out money for the cuteness overload.” 
“Jack gets top billing.” 
“Of course! He’s the one that can talk.” 
You’re easy to be around. It’s the first thing Aaron notices about you. You have this sense of calm and he finds that he’s able to be happy around you, he's able to forget the horrors he’s seen at work, and he’s able to just live in the moment. That’s not something he’s able to do easily, and it isn’t something he’s found in a woman in a long time. 
During his last case, while chasing a horrible, horrible man, he’d thought of you and Jack to regain his head. It had helped him refocus. He’s certain that Rossi noticed, and he’s certain that he’ll get questioned when he returns after their mandatory two days off. He’s not quite sure how to explain it. He just knows he likes you. 
He leads you further into his apartment, and he offers you something to drink, “I think I still have some wine, maybe some beer?” 
“Been a while since you’ve been to the store?” Your teasing makes him smile.
“We’re lucky I had that lasagna in my freezer, otherwise we’d be eating grilled cheese and soup from a can.” 
You settle on the couch, “A man of many talents.” 
He pulls two beers from the fridge and sits down next to you. You take one, but you don’t open it. He stops himself from profiling you. 
“You travel a lot on business, right?” He nods, “You have a favorite place you’ve been?”
He doesn’t want to tell you what he does. You’re separate from that part of his world, and he loves that. You hasn’t been hurt by what he does, not like Jack or Haley. 
“I don’t actually get to see the places all that often, to be honest.” 
“Stuck in meetings?” 
“For the most part.” It isn’t a lie. “What about you, have you traveled at all?”
“During college. My friend and I went backpacking around Europe one summer. We just picked up and left in the middle of the night. My other yelled at me for three straight hours when I got home, and cursed me with the sentiment, that she hopes I have a daughter just like me.” 
He can’t help but laugh at that, “And this friend, she’s the roommate?” 
“Yep. We grew up together.” 
“What’s the job that brought her here?” 
“FBI, she got moved up to profiling, the BA. . .something.” He stills at that, but you don’t notice. “She talks about work a lot and it gets kind of lost at some point. She went on and on about her new boss, who is apparently a bit tough.” 
“She wouldn’t happen to be Gwen Murphy, would she?” 
Your face takes on a puzzled expression and he takes that as confirmation. Gwen Murphy was the newest member of his team, brought in by Strauss. She had excellent scores, was tough, and she had handled herself well in the field on their past case. He’d been impressed, if he was honest, she had gotten info out of a suspect with ease. 
“How do you. . .?” He watches as it dawns on you. Your cheeks go bright red, and his lips quirk up, because it’s adorable, “You’re the hard ass, aren’t you?” 
“I’ve been called worse.” 
You take a deep breath, “Well, this is awesome. She’s going to kill me.” 
“That might be a deal breaker for the agency.” 
Your eyes narrow at him, “Might be?” 
He can’t help but tease you now, “She did a really good job in the field this week.” 
You beam at that, and he likes that you’re happy for your friend, then your face sinks, “She’s still going to kill me.” 
“Because you told me she thinks I’m a hard ass?” 
You shake your head, “Because I moved us into an apartment, right next to her boss.” 
He breaks down laughing at that and you join him a minute later. He watches as you finally reach for the beer, “Just promise me that you’ll open a full investigation when you find my body.” 
He rolls his eyes, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” 
The timer for the lasagna goes off a second later. You’re off the couch in a split second, and he watches as you go down the hallway to get Jack and Moose. Dinner is a fun affair, where you engage with him and Jack equally. He likes that you care about his son, that you care about Jack being heard. He really likes how you explain that dogs don’t sit at the table, and Moose can’t have lasagna because it’s people's food, and it isn’t the best for his tummy. You don’t lie. 
By the time dinner is over, and ice cream is served, it’s nearly nine o’clock and you’re busy wiping chocolate off of Jack's face while Aaron does the dishes. Jack begs for you and Moose to stay longer, and you’re quick to appease him by saying that he and Jack are welcome to come visit you and Moose any time. 
That satisfies his son, who gives you a hug first, and then Moose, before wishing you both goodnight. Aaron walks you to the door. 
“Thank you for the invitation. It means a lot to him.” 
You shrug it off, “Moose and I can use every friend we can get.” 
“We’re friends?” 
You nod, “On our way to it.” 
You were Moose’s person. He had found you all by himself, with small little wines from where he had been tossed for being the runt of his litter. You had been warm, and safe. He remembered being small, you giving him a bottle, and cuddling him close. You brushed his golden fur, and played with him, you loved him. You were his, and because you were his, he knew what you needed, and he was determined to make sure you get it. 
He likes the man in front of you, and he especially likes the little boy who sneaks him food from the table and gives him belly rubs. He nudges the man’s hand with his head, and is satisfied to get a few scratches behind the ears. It’s okay, he’d make the man and the boy his too, soon enough. 
You’re feeling light and airy as you open the door to Aaron’s apartment. You’re in the middle of saying goodbye, when someone runs into you. You reach out to steady the person, and find Gwen. She looks a little worse for wear; tired, her hair of place, and her clothes wrinkled. 
She smiles at the sight of you, and hugs you. You hug her back, and then you feel the exact moment she notices her new boss. Her voice is a whisper, “Agent Hotchner.” 
You look back to find Aaron much more serious than before, any trace that he’s ever smiled or laughed is gone. It’s a little startling how quickly he flips the switch. “Agent Murphy.” 
“You live here?” 
“You tell me.” It’s a test if you’ve ever seen one. 
You start trying to wiggle out of Gwen’s hold but her hands have you in a death grip, “YOU MOVED US INTO THE APARTMENT NEXT TO MY BOSS???” 
Whelp, you weren’t going to bed any time soon. 
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For @claire-bear-1218​ Chuck Grant + You’re My Best Friend by Queen! Hope you like it! I’m sorry these are taking so long omg
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In rain or shine you’ve stood by me, girl I’m happy at home You’re my best friend
The cold bear and warm friendship was not enough to make Chuck forget about you. It was his first night out without you since the baby was born. His friends had insisted, and you were happy to allow it. Chuck was basically superdad, and you felt he deserved a break. Plus, it gave you a bargaining chip to go out with your girlfriends the following week. 
But Chuck found the loud noise of the bar and the chatter of his friends less tolerable than it once was. Amazingly, he longed for the softness of your voice and the little giggles of the boy you had made together. He downed the last gulp of his beer and then got to his feet. 
“Well, guys, it’s been fun, but I’m gonna head home,” he said. 
They protested and complained, but he only shook his head. 
“I’m sorry, but I miss my wife,” he told them. 
He got a bit of flak for that. It didn’t bother him in the slightest. He just wanted to get back to the house, pull you into his arms, and kiss your cheek. Just picturing the way you laughed made him jog to his car. 
As he made his way home, he thought about how far the two of you had come. You were dating before the war, and things looked pretty serious between you. But the relationship was all that was serious. Together, you laughed a lot, had a ton of fun, and built a really solid friendship beneath the romance. And that was what kept you together after he was shot and came home to you so broken. You were at his side through everything, which made him fall even more in love with you. As soon as he was well again, he proposed, knowing there was no one better to be his partner in life. You got married within a few months, and a year later, your son was born.
He pulled into the driveway. Eagerly, he cut the engine and scrambled out of the car. When he came through the door, he found you curled up on the couch, a book in your lap and a glass of wine in your hand. The first you’d had in weeks since you were still breastfeeding. You looked up when you heard him come in.
“Hi, honey,” you said sweetly. “You’re back early.”
He took a seat beside you and pecked your cheek. 
“I missed you,” he said. 
“Needy,” you teased. 
“Baby boy’s asleep?” he asked, ignoring the jab. 
You nodded. “Yep. Though Lord knows he’ll be up in two hours anyway.”
He smiled. “Sounds about right.”
You shifted in your seat, turning to drape your legs over his lap. His hand came naturally to your thigh, where he drew little circles with his fingers. 
“So, boys night wasn’t all it was cracked up to be?” you wondered. 
He shrugged. “Like I said, I missed you.”
You examined his face, wondering if something was wrong, but you only found contentment there. Chuck’s hand came to a stop, his eyes finding yours. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you too,” you replied. “You sure you’re okay?”
He nodded. “Yeah. I’m perfect.”
It was true. There was nowhere he was happier than at home with you. 
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torujours · 4 years
Hello~ Can I pls request hcs for how Oikawa, Suga, Daichi, Tsukki, and Ushijima would be like as a dad when they are older? How many kids would they prefer to have? :D Thank you in advance!
˖♡ ˗ˏˋ Lexi's notes: hey!! this is adorable >< thanks so much for requesting and I hope you like it! ˎˊ˗
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they all teach their kids volleyball let me get that out of the way
- the embarrassing but “trendy” dad lol (kinda a dad version of a soccer mom oop)
- like his son or daughter has a someone they clearly like over he would tell them to keep the door open and he would purposely walk by to check on them 
- or the type of dad that goes crazy cheering for their kid at sport games so much so much to the distress of his child but they would love it lowkey
- brags about his children to other dads like at weddings or cookouts he would just drop everything his children do cause he is genuinely proud of them
- he would a pretty hip dad, he can hold a conversation about latest topics like viral stuff or their favorite celebrities with his kids 
- a dad that can be that close, reliable friend that you can learn from and appreciate even more as you get older
- I can see him with two kids that he would spoil quite a lot while at the same time teaching them the value of hard work towards your goals even if you don’t always get what you want in the end (i cry)
- when it’s his turn to cook dinner that means it’s like homemade pizza night or something his kids can help with cause I feel like he can cook just not a lot of stuff (or very healthy stuff ya know lol) 
- we already know he is good with kids so he would be the kind, dorky type of dad
- he works hard and finds time to help out around the house like cooking and cleaning, homework help and making sure his kids go to bed at a good time
- CAN SOMEONE SAY CARPOOL all his kids friends would love him so much
- he lives for his children’s homemade gifts, no matter how wild they look like drawings/homemade cards etc he will hang them on fridge or keep them on his desk at work aww
- he would have three kids, still a little smaller but just as loving (the type of family that takes those cute matching family photos)
- definitely the “when i was your age” type of dad then talks his children’s ears off about his past but he tells them pretty cool stuff so sometimes they don’t mind
- he gives his kids a lot of advice, they would feel comfortable going to him and talking about stuff they are dealing with
- you can’t look me in the eye and tell me he wouldn’t tell his children he loves them everyday even when they get older and its “embarrassing” without fault they know he loves him
- but he wears shirts that say “dad” or “collage” on them i’m sorry
- he is just so supportive of his family like one is his kids wants to be a rock star go for it my child I will be front row to your shows type of dad lol
- protective!!!!! of all his children, like curfews or the type of dad that drops you right in front of where you gotta go so he can see you walk inside
- maybe to the point of being over protective as his kids get older but he just wants them to stay safe
- he rubs me as someone who would want a big family so maybe 4 kiddos just a sweet and loving family
- the handyman type of dad like if something is broke he could somehow fix it then tell his younger kids that he has superpowers but he would be the type of dad to embarrass his kids without trying, like with his “bad” dance moves or stating something personally in front of their friends
- despite that, daichi would be the type of dad that his children’s friends would want to be their dad (and let’s be real he is already like their second dad)
- a much more chiller dad, like he is a d a d 
- supportive but he isn’t one to go crazy over fatherhood if that makes sense like he just wants to be an active dad as much as he can without being overbearing
- much rather stay home but he will let his children drag him out shopping or out to a game or something just not without a loud dad sigh
- one or maybe two kids he would want a smaller and closer family like he had growing up   
- butts heads with his children when they become teens especially if they are like him when he was their age 
- he is better at technology then his kid but he doesn’t have social media to stalk his kids just knows what to do if their screen breaks or something
- he wouldn’t be like suga and talk a lot about the past but if his kids ask about he would be tell them and tell them to learn from him
- gives his child a ear whenever they are having problems, he might not have all the answers but he would help them work out the issue and find a solutions that works best for them
- he is the intimidating type of dad but he means well 
- like he looks scary when people first meet him but he just cares about his child and family 
- a much quieter dad like the type of dad you can sit and watch something with or read with but still feel comfortable around
- still would be very into what his kid is doing, like their hobbies, their friends etc he wants to be a part of their life and really know his kid
- protective but on the lowkey, like the type of dad to ask where his kids were and who they were with or they have to call him when they get to where they were going he just has to make sure they get around safely 
- he would have one kid, maybe another one in the future but he would want them to grow up having a small family like he had growing up
- if his child inherits his left handiness he would remind them just like his father did that it makes them unique and they should embrace that difference
- he might be a little more harder on his kid only cause he wants them to be a strong, independent person who can be confident in themselves and their abilities 
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gohyuck · 4 years
this might be a weird question but who in 127 would be girl dads and who would be boy dads
this is cute omg uhhh i think none of them have preferences and would love their children regardless of gender (ANY gender!) but if i imagine them as a father this is how i would see them,,
taeil: the type to have 2 kids and quit while he’s ahead but i can see him with two little twin girls being the best and most doting and fun father ever like he really seems like he would show them his own favorite shows and favorite songs and just man taeil’s kids would be so cultured
johnny: i know he has big girl dad energy but hear me out... johnny teaching his son how to treat people right and the importance of being good and what boys will be boys really should mean from a young age.. passing on the coffee making tradition from his own father... might have an older son and a younger daughter idk
taeyong: ahhh i can see taeyong wanting at least one of each and treating them exactly the same like his little prince and princess,, would always spoil them rotten especially when it comes to food like you’d have to explicitly tell him that no, he can’t make them pancakes every single day of the week because of health reasons and he’d pout even as he acquiesces
yuta: boy dad because he wants to dress his son up as his own lil e-boy and i think he might have, like, three kids who are all sons and they would be the absolute best people in general just extremely courteous and funny... would treat their other parent like a king/queen/monarch because that’s how they see yuta treating his partner. definitely teaches his sons that it’s okay to cry
doyoung: girl who he puts in pigtails for her entire childhood. if they get pulled on in school and she clocks a bitch then he feels like dad of the year. he has father of a single child energy because i think he would spoil his daughter like anything,, might be one of those awkward dads who cuts and gives her fruit to show his affection when she gets older
jaehyun: this is real specific but an older daughter and a younger son. super clingy even as they grow older because whenever he looks at them he still sees them as little babies, the type to embarrass them at school on purpose because he knows he won’t get to once they’re out of the house. sentimental as all hell. fair and raises them both the same
jungwoo: has a son and bonds with him by teaching him math. is definitely one hundred percent awkward around him once he’s a teenager, another member of the fruit cutting club alongside doyoung. sets rules that always get broken but instead of handing out punishments he finds his son brilliant. extremely sweet and caring and probably texts his son constantly
mark: boy dad of identical twins who look like carbon copies of him. he gives them the talk separately when they’re like 14 but since they look alike and he’s too flustered to try and tell them apart when he’s discussing the birds and the bees, he accidentally gives the same son the talk twice. he thinks they were easier when they were babies but finds them funnier when they’re grown, definitely jokes around a lot with his kids
haechan: the most casual family ever, has all girls (let’s go with 3 or 4) and they have him running in circles constantly because all of them individually are more crafty than him. when they put their minds together? he can barely keep up. superdad because he keeps track of all their schedules without relying on their other parent. bawls like a baby when each of them leaves the nest. hates when people ask if he wishes he’d ever had a son because why would he when he has his girls?
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reinahwanggg · 4 years
SuperDad 》 Kim Taehyung
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♡pairing: taehyung x oc ♡
♡word count: 1,962 words ♡
♡warnings: it's honestly too cute, taehee is a sweetheart, this isn't a warning but just an adherence to everyone the OC is a person of color, i'll probably make a part two to go about all the details of how taehyung and taehee handled the 48 hours without alyssa, OH and taehee cried seeing his mom leave, just about it. mentions of taehyung not being around as much as he wants to. mentions of what seems to be separation anxiety. ♡
♡genre: established relationship, dad au, idol!tae, fluff, taehee is a cutie you just wanna keep, Inspiration from the return of superman ♡
♡summary: taehyung's back from tour and ready to spend the next two days, with his son, taehee. without his mother there, of course because it's show protocol. ♡
♡a/n: i got inspired by the many dad aus i see and read, like omg they are honestly so cute. also got inspired by reading a fic/ one-shot of jaehyun being on the return of superman with his wife and child and that was the C U T E S T. hope you guys enjoy, also, i added gifs as dividers because i did this on my phone and this is kinda long. credits to all the owners of each gif used ♡
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the camera pans in on a sort of empty living room, a wolf gray sofa sat in front of the equivalently colored wall, a small black squared table is there beside it, and along it is a picture that is covered by a cute emoticon.
littered around the vast space are various cream colored tents, with camera lenses peaking out, various fingers and hands holding them. the camera then passes over to the television, sat on a small drawer, that has glass doors, littered with many DVDs and vinyls, and the seemingly 75" television is off, unsurprisingly.
it then shows the kitchen, monochromatic colors is the aesthetic it seems, as a modern black gas stove is there, with the gray smart refrigerator alongside the counter that separates the two appliances. there is a four slot toaster and a kettle on the aforementioned counter, and a little magnetic knife strips which held all the knives, tongs and spatulas that are often used. the cabinets are a brilliant pearl color, various cute stickers decorate it, some looking old and torn and others looked like they just came out the pack.
it then shows the lounge room and a bedroom respectively, before a dark room comes into view. the emcees had already asked if there was a new superman for the show, and wondered who the new family was. they adored the little height chart on the door casing, and the little furniture and things here and there. they even tried to figure out what the shelf of things were, since it was covered with another cute emoticon.
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back in the room, a little head peaks up at the sound of the doorbell ringing, looking left and right, probably trying to figure out what century it was. then the phone rang and the little human grabs the cellular device in their hands, knuckle sliding it over, and it amazes the emcees.
in the cutest voice the little human could muster, they answer the phone.
"good morning, hello?" the little guy answers in english, and the emcees are practically digging all of this up.
the voice then answers, but the words is silenced. it then shows as the hair of the tiny human bounces, the phone is dropped, footfalls are quiet, yet swift, and the door to the room opens. the tiny human can be slightly seen, and they run out, before running back to close the door.
various camera angles appear, for how fast the little one is running past everything, and the human passes the living room area, taking a left, and then a right and stands in front of the door, then he moves to the little crate beside it and sits patiently. after a few seconds, it opens, and a tall man enters the apartment with a few suitcases and a duffle bag, another cute emoticon doing it's job as it hides the man's face.
the human is practically bouncing on the crate at this point, his round, yet sharp eyes creasing up, his tiny white teeth on display as his arms frail around. the man rests down his luggage, before pretending he can't see the smaller male, and looks around for said human being.
"dad!" the small boy shouts, and the emoticon is finally off of the male's face as he smiles, the signature boxy grin his fans has come to love is on display as he picks up the little rascal, and whisper shouts a little "taehee!" just as enthusiastically as the child had to his father.
the emcees are shocked, like genuinely, you could hear it in the way they go "waaaaaa. it's bts' v!" and it switches again, showing the superstar, alongside his glowing son, and a pregnant lady beside him.
the lady is a mixture of slim and thick, her thighs all packed and gracious as it presses on the seat and shows beneath the fabric of her dress. said dress is long, with a flowy skirt and a sort of baggy top, black as the base with various flowers, colored rose pink and sky blue, along the skirt, past the waist, and some on the top. the belly she sports is a big one, and she look like she was ready to pop in no time. her hair was dark brown and kinky, with golden brown tips as the curl pattern shows perfectly, resting on her back. her light brown eyes get lost behind her lids as she smiles, her nose is scrunched up, smile lines along the eyes and her lips is outstretched, the craters in her face deepens, the dimples popping out perfectly, and the little boy shows his own.
her caramel skin glows, just like her aura is, and the boy glows equally with his honey toned skin as well, as he sits on his father's lap, both of them rubbing her stomach.
"hello everyone, i'm Kim Taehyung, aka V from BTS and this is my family."
Q: How old is your kid?
"He's two and a half years old, but if we're gonna get technical, he's 30 months."
Q: How long have you two been married?
"Four years. We've been together for five, and got married a year into the relationship because i couldn't resist her in the slightest."
"Lol, likewise."
"I told you stop saying LoL out loud lyssa. it's outdated by now."
"iT's oUtDaTeD bY nOw. i do what i want tae."
the questions and the bantering went on for another minute and a half, taehee getting in on it to, and him and his mother verbally gangs on taehyung, causing him to pout.
"we were actually kind of hesitant to be on the show. for many reasons, obviously, but mainly because we weren't sure if we wanted taehee, taesung and taeri in the public eye as yet. or at all. i wanted to show them on my own time, wanted to wait until they were old enough to understand this world to decide whether or not they wanted to be known as our children. after a while, and with the help of my hyungs, jiminie and kookie, we decided to take part in it anyways. we hope you guys take care of us."
Q: Woah, you guys are having twins?
"Haha, yes. we found out during the gender reveal that the doctor forgot to tell us we were having two babies. good thing we planned to always buy double the clothes and necessities for whenever i get pregnant. i say that because this little beast is unpredictable."
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the video then switches back to the house, with taehee and taehyung sitting on the couch, the television on, with them watching a show, taehee swaying from side to side with the music, taehyung singing along quietly, and they watch the show until lyssa exits from the room and pecks both of their foreheads, before going straight to the jù,kitchen.
she tells alexa to play an older song by her husband's group, and the intro plays as soon as the show finishes, taehee immediately running into the kitchen to help and sing along to the song. meanwhile, taehyung is in the living room, his phone in front of his face as he smiles softly, both him and the person he's seemingly on the call with is silent as they listen to the two on their seemingly daily routine.
"you want to help make the pancakes dylan?" lyssa asks in english to her son, and he peeps an excited 'yes mama' over the voice of hoseok and his rap for hold me tight.
she smiles at him, and they make the pancakes from scratch, him calling out the ingredients in english, and she helps him in pronounciation and correcting his mistakes with a chuckle and a smile. while the pancakes are frying, she kindly asks taehyung to go to the store at the end of the corner to get some hershey's cookie n creme chocolate bars and a jar of dill pickles for her cravings.
she makes sure they all eat, before getting ready and going to head out for the allocated forty eight hours set. taehee follows her like a little duckling as she slightly waddles through the living room, with a purse on her shoulder, and she shoves the car keys in the bag, before turning around and ruffling his hair.
"be a good boy for mama, okay? you get to spend two whole days with papa and your uncles! isn't that fun?" taehee does seem happy, but you can tell, deep behind his nod, he is secretly praying that alyssa doesn't go. that she stays with both of them for the two days, just like old times, but she had let him watch the show, and he knows that's not the case. when she turns to leave, taehee grabs the hem of her dress, and she turns around, meeting his sharp cognac eyes, and it looks like he was trying his best not to cry.
"oh, dee, c'mere," she starts, lifting him up in her arms as the tears finally fall. she knew her taehee as a strong boy, but there are times where he can't help, but cry. dad was always to the company or on tour for as long as taehee knew him, so he built a special relationship with his mom. he knew he promised her to be strong, and to be a big boy, for when she was going to leave, but he hopes, that two days doesn't turn into a long time, like dad sometimes does.
"now what did we discuss dee?"
"th-that i w-was gonna be a b-big boy. th-that i w-was gonna stay w-with dad un-until mama g-gets back."
"right, we did agree to that, but you look like you wanna come with me. do you want to come with me, or are you gonna make me proud and spend time with papa? he misses you, you know. every day, he calls, sometimes when you're asleep and he always tells me how he can't wait to come home and have you by his side. do you wanna let papa down? let mama down? let your uncles down? or are we gonna be a big boy and be on our best behavior to make mama, papa and uncles proud?"
"i'm gonna be a big boy. i'll stay with dad and we'll have so much f-fun mama, you'll want to come back."
"i'm sure of it dee. now, papa is in the room waiting for snuggles. you know how to work the phone, so call me whenever. okay?"
"okay mama. i love you lots!"
"i love you more than lots!"
"i love you more than your lots! have fun mama, but not too much fun or i'll be mad at you."
alyssa gasps, pouting a bit, before smiling once taehee plants a big fat kiss on her cheek and smush them together like she does to him. they smile at each other, before she rests him down, and she waves at him until she is nowhere to be seen, exiting the door and off to go about her day. taehee rushes inside the room, knocking on the door, before opening it in at the sound of 'come in' and smiles at his dad, running and climbing up the bed to lay beside his dad as he talks to uncle jin.
"oh, it's little tae! how's it going buddy?" jin asks, from the other side of the phone, and taehee smiles, the dimples making another appearance, before answering his uncle. taehyung looks at his son, eyes glimmering with pure love, as he thinks that he can finally spend time with his son.
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manda-kat · 3 years
Day 231
Had a fun day
Watched the Royal Rumble
Played Sims some more
Managed to take some screenshots
Here is the Atkins family:
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Left to right is Emily, the music-loving twin who's super cheerful and silly.
Fletcher, the toddler. He's clingy.
Marilyn, the mom. She's expecting another baby.
Jace 'Every Part is a Pool Party' Atkins. The superdad. He is usually the one solving all of the problems, since Marilyn is usually at work or sleeping. (I didn't realize Sims needed so much sleep)
And there's Natalie, the twin who loves the outdoors. She is also a nerd.
I also made two more families with teenaged sons so that my girls can eventually marry.
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The Mcdonnels with their green hair gene. I think Cayden, the son, manages to pull it off.
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And the Lyons'. (Featuring: muscle mom) I actually don't remember the son's name for this family, but he wants to be fabulously wealthy and I support that vision.
Let me know which girl you think would go best with which boy.
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marunalu · 4 years
Disney Movies List
Ok first of all I want to make clear that english is not my first language. I therefore apologize in advance for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Please don't be too strict with me =D
I recently bought Disney+ and I plan now to watch and review every movie, Disney has ever produced or participated in it. And I tell you, this will be a hell of a trip, because my list now contains no fewer than 701 movies. That means if I watch at least one movie every day, it will take me about 2 years to see all of them. And since I will most likely not watch a movie every day, I will definitely need at least twice as long....
For the films on my list, which I marked with a cross at the end, it means that I have seen them already. However, since I last saw most of these movies in my childhood or teenage years (so at least 15 years ago), it will be interesting for me to rewatch them after such a long time. I have probably already forgotten most of the plots.
I also plan to watch them in chronological order and rank them. The movies that I don't find on Disney+ I will watch somewhere else.
Here is the list: (The films follow the chronological order in which they were published. However, it is quite possible that I accidentally swapped a few. But I think most of it is accurate).
Academy Award Review of Walt Disney Cartoons (X)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (X)
Pinocchio (X)
Fantasia (X)
The Reluctant Dragon ( )
Dumbo (X)
Bambi (X)
Saludos Amigos ( )
Victory Through Air Power ( )
The Three Caballores ( )
Make Mine Music ( )
Song of the South ( )
Fun and Fancy Free (X)
Melody Time ( )
Seal Island ( )
So Dear to my Heart ( )
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (X)
Cinderella (X)
Treasure Island ( )
In Beaver Valley ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Nature's Half Acre ( )
The Story of Robin Hood and His Merrie Men ( )
The Olympic Elk ( )
Water Birds ( )
Peter Pan (X)
The Sword and the Rose ( )
The Living Desert (X)
Bear Country ( )
The Alaskan Eskimo ( )
Prowlers of the Everglades ( )
Rob Roy, the Highland Rogue ( )
The Vanishing Prairie ( )
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea ( )
Siam ( )
Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier ( )
Lady and the Tramp (X)
The African Lion ( )
The Littlest Outlaw ( )
Men Against The Arctic ( )
The Great Locomotive Chase ( )
Davy Crockett and the River Pirates ( )
Secrets of Life ( )
Westward Ho the Wagons! ( )
Johnny Tremain ( )
Perri ( )
Old Yeller ( )
Navajo Adventure ( )
The Light in the Forest ( )
Tonka ( )
Grand Canyon ( )
Sleeping Beauty (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
Darby O'Gill and the Little People ( )
Zorro the Avenger ( )
Third Man on the Mountain ( )
Mysteries of the Deep ( )
Toby Tyler: Or, ten Weeks with a Circus ( )
Kidnapped ( )
Pollyanna ( )
The Sign of Zorro ( )
Jungle Cat ( )
Ten Who Dared ( )
Swiss Family Robinson ( )
Island of the Sea ( )
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (X)
The Absent-Minded Professsor ( )
Parent Trap ( )
Nikki, Wild Dog of the North ( )
Greyfriars Bobby: The True Story of a Dog ( )
Babes in Toyland ( )
Wonders of the Water Worlds ( )
Moon Pilot ( )
Bon Voyage! ( )
Big Red ( )
Almost Angels ( )
The Legend of Lobo ( )
In Search of the Castaways ( )
The Prince and the Pauper ( )
Son of Flubber ( )
Miracle of the White Stallions ( )
Savage Sam ( )
Summer Magic ( )
The Incredible Journey ( )
The Sword in the Stone (X)
A Tiger Walks ( )
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones ( )
The Three Lives of Thomasina ( )
The Moon-Spinners ( )
Mary Poppins ( )
Emil and the Detectives ( )
Those Calloways ( )
The Monkey's Uncle ( )
That Darn Cat! ( )
The Ugly Dachshund ( )
Lt. Robin Crusoe, U.S.N. ( )
The Fighting Prince of Donegal ( )
Follow Me, Boys! ( )
Monkeys, Go Home! ( )
The Adventures of Bullwhip Griffin ( )
The Gnome-Mobile ( )
The Jungle Book (X)
Charlie, the Lonesome Cougar ( )
The Happiest Millionaire ( )
Blackbeard's Ghost ( )
The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band ( )
Never a Dull Moment ( )
The Horse in the Grey Flannel Suit ( )
Guns in the Heather ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Smith! ( )
Rascal ( )
The Computer Whore Tennis Shoes ( )
My Dog, the Thief ( )
Ride a Northbound Horse ( )
King of the Grizzlies ( )
The Boatniks ( )
The Wild Country ( )
Smoke ( )
The Aristocats (X)
The Barefoot Executive ( )
Scandalous John ( )
The Million-Dollar-Duck ( )
Bedknobs and Broomsticks (X)
The Biscuit Eater ( )
Now You See Him, Now You Don't ( )
Napoleon and Samantha ( )
Run, Cougar, run ( )
Snowball Express ( )
Chandar, the Black Leopard of Ceylon ( )
The World's Greatest Athlete ( )
Charley and the Angel ( )
One Little Indian ( )
Robin Hood (X)
Mustang! ( )
Superdad ( )
Herbie Rides Again ( )
The Bears and I ( )
The Castaway Cowboy ( )
The Island at the Top of the World ( )
The Strongest Man in the World ( )
Escape to Witch Mountain ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang ( )
One Of Our Dinosaurs Is Missing ( )
The Best of Walt Disney's True-Life Adventures ( )
Ride a Wild Pony ( )
The Boy Who Talked to Badgers ( )
No Deposit, No Return ( )
Treasure of Matecumbe ( )
Gus ( )
The Shaggy D.A. ( )
Freaky Friyday ( )
The Littlest Horse Thieves ( )
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (X)
A Tale of Two Critters ( )
The Rescuers (X)
Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Candleshoe ( )
Return form Witch Mountain ( )
The Cat from Outer Space ( )
Hot Lead and Cold Feet ( )
Child of Glass ( )
The North Avenue Irregulars ( )
The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again ( )
Unidentified Flying Oddball ( )
The Black Hole ( )
The Muppet Movie ( )
The London Connection ( )
Midnight Madness ( )
The Watcher in the Woods ( )
Herbie Goes Bananas ( )
The Last Flight of Noah's Ark ( )
Popeye ( )
The Devil and Max Devlin ( )
Amy ( )
Dragonslayer ( )
The Fox and the Hound (X)
Condorman ( )
The Great Muppet Caper ( )
Night Crossing ( )
Tron ( )
Tex ( )
Trenchcoat ( )
Something Wicked This Way Comes ( )
Tiger Town ( )
Never Cry Wolf ( )
Love Leads the Way (X)
Where the Toys Come From ( )
Return to Oz ( )
The Black Cauldron (X)
The Journey of Natty Gann ( )
One Magic Christmas ( )
Teen Academy ( )
The Great Mouse Detective (X)
Flight of the Navigator ( )
Disneys Fluppy Dogs ( )
The Parent Trap ( )
The Christmas Star ( )
Benji the Hunted ( )
Return of the Shaggy Dog ( )
Mr. Boogedy ( )
Return to Snowy River ( )
Oliver & Company (X)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit ( )
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (X)
Cheetah ( )
The Little Mermaid (X)
Bride of Boogedy ( )
DuckTales: The Movie – Treasure of the Lost Lamp ( )
The Rescuers Down Under (X)
White Fang (X)
Shipwrecked ( )
Wild Hearts Can't be Broken ( )
The Rocketeer ( )
Beauty and the Beast (X)
Newsies ( )
Honey, I Blew Up the Kid ( )
The Mighty Ducks ( )
Aladdin (X)
The Muppet Christmas Carol ( )
Day-O ( )
Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey (X)
A Far Off Place ( )
The Adventures of Huck Finn ( )
Hocus Pocus ( )
Cool Runnings ( )
The Nightmare Before Christmas ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Iron Will ( )
Blank Check ( )
D2: The Mighty Ducks ( )
White Fang 2: Myth of the White Wolf ( )
The Lion King (X)
Angels in the Outfield ( )
Squanto: A Warrior's Tale ( )
The Santa Clause (X)
The Jungle Book (X)
The Return of Jafar (X)
Heavyweights ( )
Man of the House ( )
Tall Tale ( )
A Goofy Movie ( )
Pocahontas (X)
Operation Dumbo Drop ( )
A Kid in King Arthur's Court ( )
The Big Green ( )
Frank and Ollie ( )
Toy Story (X)
Tom and Huck ( )
Gargoyles – The Movie ( )
Muppet Treasure Island ( )
Homeward Bound: Lost in San Francisco (X)
James and the Giant Peach ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (X)
First Kid ( )
D3 The Mighty Ducks ( )
101 Dalmatians (X)
Aladdin and the King of Thieves (X)
Wish Upon a Star ( )
Susie Q ( )
The Darn Cat ( )
Jungle 2 Jungle (X)
George of the Jungle (X)
Air Bud (X)
RocketMan ( )
Flubber (X)
Mr. Magoo ( )
Tower of Terror ( )
Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas ( )
Under Wraps ( )
Northern Lights ( )
Angels in the Endzone ( )
Mighty Ducks the Movie: The First Faceoff ( )
Pooh's Great Adventure: The Search for Christoper Robin ( )
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves ( )
The Love Bug ( )
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella ( )
Oliver Twist ( )
Meet the Deedles ( )
Mulan (X)
The Parent Trap (X)
Air Bud: Golden Receiver ( )
I'll Be Home for Christmas ( )
A Bug's Life (X)
Mighty Joe Young ( )
You Lucky Dog ( )
Halloweentown ( )
Brink! ( )
Whoopi – A Knight in Camelot (X)
The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit ( )
Pocahontas 2: Journey to a New World ( )
The Lion King 2: Simbas Pride (X)
Belle's Magical World ( )
Armageddon ( )
Don't Look Under the Bed (X)
Genius ( )
The Thirteenth Year ( )
Johnny Tsunami ( )
Can of Worms ( )
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century ( )
Horse Sense ( )
Smart House ( )
My Favorite Martian ( )
Doug – The 1. Movie ( )
Endurance ( )
Tarzan (X)
Inspector Gadget ( )
The Straight Story ( )
Toy Story 2 (X)
H.E. – Double Hockey Sticks ( )
Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas ( )
Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving ( )    
Annie ( )
Fantasia 2000 ( )
The Ultimative Christmas Present ( )
Phantom of the Megaplex ( )
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire ( )
The Other Me ( )
Quints ( )
Ready to Run ( )
Stepsister from Planet Weird ( )
Miracle in Lane 2 ( )
Rip Girls ( )
Alley Cats Strike ( )
The Color of Friendship ( )
Up, Up and Away ( )
Angels in the Infield ( )
Air Bud 3 ( )
Mail to the Chief ( )
Geppetto ( )
The Tigger Movie ( )
Dinosaur (X)
Disney's The Kid ( )
Remember the Titans ( )
102 Dalmatians (X)
The Emperor's New Groove (X)
An Extremly Goofy Movie ( )
Whispers: An Elephant Tale ( )
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea (X)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command ( )
Life-Size ( )
The Miracle Worker ( )
Bounce ( )
Jett Jackson: The Movie ( )
The Other Side of Heaven ( )
`Twas the Night ( )
Halloweentown 2: Kalabar's Revenge ( )
The Poof Point ( )
Jumping Ship ( )
Jennie ( )
Hounded ( )
Luck of the Irish ( )
Zenon: The Zequel ( )
Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse ( )
Motocrossed ( )
Recess: School's Out ( )
Lady and the Tramp 2 – Scamp's Adventure (X)
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (X)
The Princess Diaries ( )
Max Keebles Big Move ( )
Monsters, Inc (X)
Princess of Thieves ( )
Air Bud 4 ( )
The Scream Team ( )
A Ring of Endless Light ( )
Gotta Kick It Up! ( )
Get a Clue ( )
Tru>> confessions ( )
Cadet Kelly ( )
Double Teamed ( )
Snow Dogs (X)
Return to Neverland (X)
The Rookie ( )
Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True (X)
Lilo & Stitch (X)
The Country Bears ( )
Tuck Everlasting ( )
The Santa Clause 2 ( )
Treasure Planet (X)
Winnie the Pooh: A Very Merry Pooh Year ( )
The Hunchback of Notre Dame 2 ( )
Tarzan & Jane ( )
Mickey's House of Villains ( )
Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time ( )
Air Bud 5 ( )
Full Court Miracle ( )
The Cheetah Girls ( )
Eddies Million Dollar Cook-Off ( )
The Even Stevens Movie ( )
Right on Track ( )
You Wish! ( )
101 Dalmatians 2: Patch's London Adventure ( )
The Jungle Book 2 (X)
Inspector Gadget 2 ( )
Piglet's Big Movie ( )
Ghosts of the Abyss ( )
Holes ( )
Atlantis: Milo's Return (X)
The Lizzie McGuire Movie ( )
Finding Nemo (X)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (X)
Freaky Friday ( )
Brother Bear (X)
George of the Jungle 2 ( )
The Haunted Mansion (X)
The Young Black Stallion ( )
Stitch! The Movie ( )
Recess ( )
Recess: All Growed Down ( )
Going to the Mat ( )
Pixel Perfect ( )
Zenon Z3 ( )
Halloweentown High ( )
Tiger Cruise ( )
Stuck in the Suburbs ( )
Teacher's Pet ( )
Miracle ( )
March of the Penguins ( )
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen ( )
Ghost in the Shell 2 – Innocence ( )
Home on the Range (X)
Sacred Planet ( )
Springtime with Roo ( )
Around the World in 80 Days (X)
America's Heart and Soul ( )
The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement ( )
Mulan 2 (X)
The Incredibles (X)
Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas (X)
The Lion King 1½ (X)
National Treasure ( )
Mickey, Donald and Goofy: The Three Musketeers (X)
Aliens of the Deep ( )
The Three Musketeers ( )
Kronk's New Groove ( )
Once Upon a Mattress ( )
Kim Possible Movie – So the Drama ( )
Go Figure ( )
Life is Ruff ( )
The Proud Family Movie ( )
Twitches ( )
Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (X)
Pooh's Heffalump Movie ( )
The Pacifier ( )
Ice Princess ( )
Herbie: Fully Loaded ( )
Sky High ( )
Valiant ( )
The Greatest Game Ever Played ( )
Pooh's Heffalump Halloween Movie ( )
Now You See It ( )
Buffalo Dreams ( )
Chicken Little ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe (X)
Tarzan 2 (X)
The Muppet's Wizard of Oz ( )
Air Buddies ( )
Read It and Weep ( )
Wendy Wu – Homecoming Warrior ( )
Cow Belles ( )
The Cheetah Girls 2 ( )
Return to Halloweentown ( )
High School Musical ( )
Brother Bear 2 ( )
Glory Road ( )
Roving Mars ( )
Bambi 2 (X)
Eight Below (X)
The Shaggy Dog ( )
The Wild ( )
Cars ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (X)
Leroy & Stitch ( )
Invincible ( )
The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause ( )
Bridge to Terabithia ( )
Johnny Kapahala – Back on Board ( )
Jump In! ( )
Meet the Robinsons ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End ( )
Ratatouille ( )
Underdog ( )
The Pixar Story ( )
The Game Plan ( )
Le Premier Cri ( )
Enchanted ( )
The Fox and the Hound 2 (X)
The Secret of the Magic Gourd ( )
Pooh's Super Sleuth Christmas Movie ( )
Twitches Too ( )
High School Musical 2 ( )
Cinderella 3: A Twist in Time (X)
National Treasure: Book of Secrets ( )
Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert ( )
Snow Buddies ( )
The Cheetah Girls 3: One World ( )
The Little Mermaid – Ariel's Beginning (X)
Tinkerbell (X)
Camp Rock ( )
Minutemen ( )
College Road Trip ( )
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian ( )
Dasavathaaram ( )
WALL-E ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahu ( )
Morning Light ( )
High School Musical 3: Senior Year ( )
Bolt (X)
Bedtime Stories ( )
Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience ( )
Iron Man ( )
Race to Witch Mountain ( )
Hannah Montana: The Movie ( )
Earth ( )
The Incredible Hulk ( )
Trail of the Panda ( )
Up ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Dragon and the Magic Book ( )
G-Force ( )
Walt & El Grupo ( )
The Book of Masters ( )
Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie ( )
Santa Buddies Here Comes Santa Paws ( )
Disney's A Christmas Carol ( )
Tinkerbell and the Lost Treasure (X)
Old Dogs ( )
Princess Protection Program ( )
The Princess and the Frog ( )
Tigger & Pooh and a Musical Too ( )
Hatching Pete ( )
Dadnapped ( )
Space Buddies ( )
Alice in Wonderland (X)
Waking Sleeping Beauty ( )
Oceans ( )
Santa Paws ( )
Avalon High ( )
Den Brother ( )
Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam ( )
Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue (X)
StarStruck ( )
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ( )
Toy Story 3 ( )
You Again ( )
The Sorcerer's Apprentice ( )
The Crimson Wing: Mystery of the Flamingos ( )
Secretariat ( )
Do Dooni Chaar ( )
Tangled ( )
The Boys: The Sherman Brothers' Story ( )
Tron: Legacy ( )
Iron Man 2 ( )
Geek Charming ( )
Good Luck Charlie, It's Christmas! ( )
Phineas & Ferb – The Movie ( )
Spooky Buddies ( )
Anaganaga O Dheerudu ( )
The Suite Life Movie ( )
Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure ( )
Lemonade Mouth ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 ( )
Thor ( )
Lilly the Witch: The Journey to Mandolan ( )
Mars Needs Moms ( )
Zokkomon ( )
African Cats ( )
Prom ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides ( )
Cars 2 ( )
Winnie the Pooh ( )
Pixie Hollow Games (X)
The Muppets ( )
Girl vs. Monster ( )
Santa Paws 2 ( )
Sofia the First: Once Upon a Princess ( )
Radio Rebel ( )
Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3 ( )
Treasure Buddies ( )
FRenemies ( )
John Carter ( )
Chimpanzee ( )
Arjun: The Warrior Prince ( )
Brave ( )
The Odd Life of Timothy Green ( )
Frankenweenie ( )
Let It Shine ( )
Secret of the Wings (X)
The Advengers ( )
Wreck-It Ralph ( )
Teen Beach Movie ( )
Super Buddies
Oz the Great and Powerful ( )
Wings of Life ( )
Monsters University ( )
The Lone Ranger ( )
Planes ( )
Frozen ( )
Saving Mr. Banks ( )
Iron Man 3 ( )
Thor: The Dark World ( )
How to Build a Better Boy ( )
Zapped ( )
Cloud 9 ( )
The Pirate Fairy (X)
Muppets Most Wanted ( )
Bears ( )
Million Dollar Arm ( )
Maleficent ( )
Planes: Fire & Rescue ( )
Khoobsurat ( )
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day ()
Captain America: The Winter Soldier ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy ( )
Big Hero 6 (X)
Into the Woods ( )
McFarland USA ( )
Cinderella ( )
Monkey Kingdom ( )
Tomorrowland ( )
Inside Out ( )
ABCD 2 ( )
Ant-Man ( )
The Good Dinosaur ( )
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (X)
Teen Beach 2 ( )
Tinkerbell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (X)
Bad Hair Day ( )
Descendants ( )
Avengers: Age of Ultron ( )
The Finest Hours ( )
Zootopia (X)
The Jungle Book ( )
Tini: The Movie ( )
Alice Through the Looking Glass ( )
Finding Dory ( )
BFG ( )
Pete's Dragon ( )
Queen of Katwe ( )
Moana (X)
Captain America: Civil War ( )
Doctor Strange ( )
Rogue One. A Star Wars Story (X)
Growing Up Wild ( )
Dangal ( )
 L'Empereur – March of the Penguins 2: The Next Step ( )
Beauty and the Beast ( )
Born in China ( )
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales ( )
Cars 3 ( )
Ghost of the Mountains ( )
Jagga Jasoos ( )
Coco ( )
Lillys Bewitched Christmas ( )
Descendants 2 ( )
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ( )
Spider Man: Homecoming ( )
Thor: Ragnarok ( )
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (X)
Expedition China ( )
A Wrinkle in Time ( )
The Incredibles 2 ( )
Christoper Robin ( )
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms ( )
Ralph Breaks the Internet ( )
Mary Poppins Returns ( )
Zombies ( )
Black Panther ( )
Avengers: Infinity War ( )
Solo: A Star Wars Story ( )
Ant-Man and the Wasp ( )
Dumbo ( )
Penguins ( )
Aladdin ( )
Toy Stor 4 ( )
The Lion King ( )
Maleficent: Mistress of Evil ( )
Lady and the Tramp ( )
Noelle ( )
Frozen 2 ( )
Descendants 3 ( )
Captain Marvel ( )
Avengers: End Game ( )
Spider-Man: Far From Home ( )
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ( )
One Day at Disney ( )
Togo ( )
Timmy Failure: Mistakes Were Made ( )
Onward ( )
Stargirl ( )
Dolphin Reef ( )
Elephant ( )
Artemis Fowl ( )
Hamilton ( )
Mulan ( )
The One and Only Ivan ( )
The Beatles: Get Back ( )
Soul ( )
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals ( )
Magic Camp ( )
Howard ( )
Urgh! Wish me luck, that I survive this....
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Between batdad and superdad. Who do you think is good for Bruce?
Okay, so. Compatible and good are two different things. Batdad is almost certainly more "good" for Bruce - he actively and continually pushes Bruce towards a more healthy acceptance of his grief and trauma and mitigates as much of the danger towards his sons as he can, insisting upon reduced risks for the Robins and other allies, and assisting the Justice League to form a legitimate organization with oversight that can work with governments and military to promote peace and thus ensure the interference of superheroes is temporary. Batdad is there to ensure that there is still a "Bruce" left when time goes on.
Compatibility wise, I'd say Superdad. Basically the villain and hero to lovers trope done right, Bruce and Superdad have a lot in common, especially considering their childhood trauma.
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