#twst Raverne
ynkfva · 2 days
For once, disney did something good and DIDNT TOOK LILIAS BISEXUALITY AWAY!!!!!
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I think i'll never get used to "raverne" btw
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wellerdanny · 3 months
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All the attention flies from crowley's ssr to the professor 🌚
Silly bird feels lonely again
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rayroseu · 4 months
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the princess and her little generals (definitely not sneaking out ✨)
happy Levan also wont definitely go home crying ... 😔✨✨
i think its even more funny if I imagine that Raverne was actually the most hyped about sneaking out that night with Lilia and Meleanor yet hes the first to cry when its time to face the consequences of his "rebellious actions" (got lost bcs they're just faes who stays in the castle who dont go out to the forest that much) KHDJWJS
i need more goofy meleanor moments... 😭💚✨
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vanrougenui · 2 months
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okay food for thought what if raverne (malleus' dad) turned into a statue just like diablo.
i know many people believe the "crowley is malleus' dad" theory but it draws up more questions to me rather than anything else. honestly it's the character interactions that really me make sceptical about it all.
lilia and malleus and how they behave around crowley is what is really questionable. surely there are pictures or portrets left of raverne and meleanor, so how hasn't malleus recognized his father?
same for lilia. he loved both of his childhood friends and the disappearence of raverne and meleanor's death left him bitter and heartbroken. if crowley really is malleus' father, would lilia just go around nrc so carelessly and be so nonchalant with crowley.
even during lilia's departure party, all he did was thank crowley for letting him attend the academy at his elderly age. if crowley was actually raverne he would get somewhat emotional because he was leaving and would not get a chance to see someone he loved so much after all.
there are more points i could get into, MAYBE i am wrong there is something i missed in translation but this is what i personally observed so yeah..
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briry18 · 3 months
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~ when you realize Crowley was at the party and you suddenly drop into his dream...
Students: *Drop into Mallenora's castle*
Sebek: didn't we do this already? Don't tell me Lilia-sama fell back asleep.
Not- Crowley: MALLENORA MY BEAUTY!!!! *runs into room holding bouquet of flowers* I've brought my lovely wife a bouquet! Aren't I generous?
Mallenora: 😑 you got them from Lilia didn't you?
Not Crowley: ... Well yes but I told him what to pick. -3-
Everyone: .... EH?!?!?!?!?!
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overthattwilight · 2 months
Once upon a time, my brain has whispered to me ideas of Crowley's past related to Briarland
A year later, I make it an AU
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So, AU where Crowley was a royal servant of Briarland! This idea has been living in my mind for some time, and here I draw something about it
Dire Crowley, just Dire at this time, is part of the raven fae servants of Raverne. Raverne found poor little fae children being all alone, so he brought them to the castle. And so, for repaying Raverne's generousity, the children now serve for him and the princess
The children all wear a hood which resembles a raven. The hood also works as a mask by putting it on. Usually they put on their hood when facing others, but in the castle they don't. Especially when Raverne is around
They can also turn into ravens. So there are like, more than 7 ravens around Raverne wherever he goes. They would attack if someone hurts Raverne or any other person who Raverne loves
Raverne is like a father to the children. So the children has full respect for him. They like to follow him around and would gladly follow what he says to do. Especially Dire likes to stick around him. He likes how benevolent Raverne is
With Maleanor...well, their relationship is not like Raverne. When they ever annoy Maleanor, she would be striking lightning bolts at them. Because of this some are scared of her. Still, they admire the menacing princess
Due to Raverne's diplomatic mission, some of the children have left with him. After his long absence, more went to find him. Now there are only few left in the castle, including Dire. They are waiting for Raverne to return with their siblings...when will they return?
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lazyaraa · 26 days
I had a dream about General Lilia and Raverne (being a human knight and not the alleged Headmaster of NRC).
So Lilia when he was still on duty, had a big fight with this Knight Raverne and after this huge conflict, both of them parted ways. Years later, their crossed paths with each other. In a dark and stormy night, they fought again with their weapons. General Lilia lost and this oher knight pointed a sword at him. But then this knight burst into tears saying, "I missed you" at Lilia. And then Lilia burst also into tears and said he missed the other knight too. Apparently they were secretly in a relationship before they separated.
Lilia said he wanted to be with the other knight but can't because of he was a creature of the night. This knight said, he found a way to turn Lilia into human. He gave Lilia this magical badge and Lilia accepted it. When Lilia pinned it on his scarf, he lost his pointy ears. They both giggled and hugged each other, but then Lilia started gaining wrinkles. General Lilia was aging rapidly and Raverne (who is somehow a human knight) was panicking. Raverne tried to take off the badge he gave Lilia, but it didn't stopped the aging process. In the end, Lilia turned into dust while Raverne was crying beside Lilia's ashes.
And then I woke myself up because it was too sad.
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zvezdacito · 3 months
🦇🏖🌺 (Happy Father's Day!)
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I started this last year when Stitch's Tropical Turbulence first dropped on the JP server, but because of schoolwork only ever had the chance to finish it this month. So as you may notice there are stuff, like the acorn bracelets being from Mel instead of Silver, that I just drew based on theories about it at the time being retconned now.
I also knew that Malleus was probably just gonna be almost the same developmental age as he was now during Sil's childhood but I wanted to also draw him as a kid. Just because🔥🌺
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tacc0yak1 · 2 days
BOOK 7 EN UPDATE DAY!!! only good things happen to them ur honor mhm mhm
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BONUS: imagine they magically have cameras in that time period
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fruity-arts · 3 months
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happy pride month 😊😊😊😊
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ventique18 · 4 days
Maskless father Crowley
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rayroseu · 5 months
How do you pronounce Briar Characters names (In English)??
I'll probably continue reading them based on their romanji spelling bcs I dont like the way I read them for now lol
Like I'll continue reading it as Revan/Levan for Raverne bcs I read it like RAH-vern, and it reminds me of "ravine", maybe I'll speak it like Levan until I get used to Raverne lol
But idk the way I read it like "rah-vern" doesnt match the romanji "revaan"... KSHDJAJD
Why is saying this guy's name so complicated, he doesnt even have a reveal right now 😭💥💥💥💥
And idk, I'll probably switch between Meleanor and Maleanor though, both are alright sounding with me ✨
Baul is the most ehrm... unsure with me KDJAKKD I wouldve liked it to be Baal, a demon name, plus the vowels flows better, but Baur??? I dont like how I read it as like "bar" but with an undertone of "o sound" lol Its uncomfortable for me to pronounce it since I feel like theres no vowels emphasized (like the a and u are pronounced at the same time), I'll stay reading it like "baal" lol
This is why Maleficia stays the most prettiest name out of this game, no complicated spelling, the pronounciation is smooth, a nice twist to "Maleficent" and its very feminine lol
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suspicious detail
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I was rereading the prologue to collect some information for a response and came across this interesting tidbit from Crowley:
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“The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence!” So the Mirror of Darkness has been the one selecting and sorting students for 100ish years. This aligns with what we knew about NRC’s nearing 100 loss streak against RSA.
BUT THAT’S REALLY WEIRD???? Because we now know that NRC has been around for MUCH longer than 100ish years. Lilia first got his invitation to the school 500 years ago:
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Meaning that NRC was still a thing 500 years ago?? But if we take what Crowley said in the prologue into consideration, that means that the Mirror of Darkness was a recent change in the selection and sorting process. For those 400 other years, some other method was used.
Well, TWST???? Care to elaborate??? To explain????? 😭
At this point, we still do not know how long Crowley has been headmaster for. He seems to have been the one in charge when Lilia decided to enroll in NRC 3 years ago, as Lilia thanks Crowley specifically for allowing him to be a student:
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Crowley’s beef with Ambrose the 63rd in book 5 seems to indicate a long-standing rivalry. According to Crowley’s Raven Jacket vignettes, he was around as headmaster when Trein was tenured and Crewel was a student. Crowley also questions his own age, wondering how many decades ago he encountered and recruited the cafeteria’s skilled ghost chefs.
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Therefore, I believe it’s entirely possible that he has been headmaster for at least the 100ish years of NRC’s losing streak. The question now is how long has Crowley been headmaster for??
If it was more than 500 years ago, then it debunks the “Crowley is Raverne/Malleus’s dad” theory, since it was Raverne who told Lilia it may be valuable to go to that school even after Lilia had tossed the acceptance letter away. How could Raverne be headmaster of NRC and be an ambassador for another country? Why wouldn’t Lilia be aware of this other occupation?
If it was less than 500 years, then it throws suspicion upon Crowley’s identity because WOW, why’s this new headmaster suddenly taking up the reins at this school that he told his friend several hundred years ago to reconsider?? And seeing how it was Crowley who let Lilia in, that’s even more shady. This would also explain the mask he wears at all times, perhaps to keep Lilia from noticing who he really is? (Though the only way this would work is if Crowley was also purposefully faking his voice, as Lilia implies that Raverne’s voice sounds like Malleus’s.)
But then thinking about how the Mirror of Darkness only started picking students 100 years ago… That means whoever was headmaster 500 prior used a different selection method??? And how does that fit into Crowley’s unknown length of tenure as NRC’s headmaster?? 💀
I don’t know if I really ended up reaching a conclusion with this post but I’d figure I’d still put it out there in case anyone found this interesting or wanted to expand on these ideas ^^
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Lilia Vanrouge - General's Armor Voice Lines
General Lilia does not have a vignette
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When Summoned: I am General Lilia Vanrouge of the Land of Briar. Whosoever may feel determined enough, come at me!
Summon Line: The Land of Briar is a place under the dominion of us creatures of the night. If you don't want to find yourself in a sticky situation, you better lay low, human.
Groooovy!!: Call me anything you wish. That is, anything other than "old man."
Home: Time to go to work.
Swap Looks: We're off, men.
Home Idle 1: I was an orphan and Maleficia-sama took me in under her care. She's so nice? Not one bit! If she snaps, she'll strike you down with her lightening.
Home Idle 2: I will protect the Land of Briar. That is my sworn duty. That was Raverne's... my late dearest friend's request of me.
Home Idle 3: Silver and Sebek's movements are strangely familiar. Who could possibly have been their instructor?
Home Idle - Login: I can't say I'm that interested in having the title of General, but... I would not be able to stand to work for someone weaker than myself. As I've taken on this role, I'll fulfill the duty that comes with it.
Home Idle - Groovy: It would be nice if the next successor to the throne would be more mild mannered... But no, that would be too much to ask of one of the Draconia bloodline.
Home Tap 1: Who'd ever go to Night Raven College? What could these barely born chicks even hope to teach me?
Home Tap 2: I can't stand these Silver Owl folk. They lay waste to the forest, pollute the water, and just do as they please... We'll cast them out.
Home Tap 3: Baur of the Royal Guard is a staunch fellow from Sunset Savanna. I'd say his loud volume, stubbornness, and constant nagging are some of his faults, however.
Home Tap 4: What, you think my mask is frightening? That's how most humans seem to react to it. I thought it was quite stylish, too.
Home Tap 5: If you need something of me, speak quickly. ...I look like someone you know? So what? Don't stop and call out to me for something that trivial.
Home Tap - Groovy: Maleanor-sama was quite the spitfire back in her younger days. I wouldn't be able to count how many times I'd have to accompany her as she snuck out of the castle to romp around in the forest.
Duo: [LILIA]: Sebek, whatever you do, don't get in my way. [SEBEK]: I'll cover you, Lilia-sama!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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overthattwilight · 2 months
Just a silly post with some Chapter 7 spoilers
❗️❗️Spoilers warning❗️❗️
(It's just a silly post though)
(Spoilers because post requires knowledge of Chapter 7 part 5)
So there is this Once Upon a Dream remix, with a taste of something halloween and villainy
And I thought
Imagine Maleanor singing this
With Lilia playing the electric guitar
Raverne playing the keys
And Baur playing the drums
So it's Briarland Rock
AU where there is no war but there is a rock competition between fae and human. No other conflict
Also imagine them playing this to Malleus in his egg
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egophiliac · 16 days
Sorry, most likely my memory being poor, but I thought Malleus' mom (don't know how to spell her name and too lazy to check how to spell it) was already an adult when Lilia ""proposed""?? Like I was always under the assumption that it was like a one-sided child crush on somebody completely out of your league you tend to have as a kid 💀
I don't think they say how old she was? although it's entirely possible I just misunderstood; my Japanese is...shaky. :') the actual line is "幼い頃に私に求婚したのは偽りか?", which I read as "isn't it true that you proposed to me as a kid?", and took as her being older than him, but not necessarily an adult (like, I was thinking of Lilia as being not quite a preteen and Mel being preteen/young teen). although I don't know if there's a connotation or something I'm missing that implies a bigger age gap, if that makes sense!
(and of course, I might also just be forgetting some other line -- if someone else knows, then please correct me! I need to know which headcanons need adjusting 👀)
BUT YEAH in a canon-y sense, Malleus is 178 and around the third-years developmentally. which makes me think that even though dragons have a way longer lifespan, they go through childhood at about the same rate as most fae (or at least the kind that Lilia is) and just kinda...slow waaaaay down once they hit adulthood. so it makes sense in my brain that he and Meleanor could've basically grown up together!
...it makes it angstier that way, anyway. :)
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