#raverne draconia
tacc0yak1 · 2 days
BOOK 7 EN UPDATE DAY!!! only good things happen to them ur honor mhm mhm
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BONUS: imagine they magically have cameras in that time period
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ventique18 · 2 days
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Og my god! They didn't change it! Oh my god the EN team pulled through this time! And they were so beautifully worded! 🥹 They didn't censor it for no reason. 😭🙏🏻
Because whether you consider it the love between family, the yearning love for a lover that slipped between your fingers, or the love of a friend... All of those are love that you would want to spend the rest of your days with. The essence of True Love.
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zvezdacito · 3 months
🦇🏖🌺 (Happy Father's Day!)
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I started this last year when Stitch's Tropical Turbulence first dropped on the JP server, but because of schoolwork only ever had the chance to finish it this month. So as you may notice there are stuff, like the acorn bracelets being from Mel instead of Silver, that I just drew based on theories about it at the time being retconned now.
I also knew that Malleus was probably just gonna be almost the same developmental age as he was now during Sil's childhood but I wanted to also draw him as a kid. Just because🔥🌺
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fruity-arts · 3 months
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happy pride month 😊😊😊😊
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rayroseu · 4 months
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the princess and her little generals (definitely not sneaking out ✨)
happy Levan also wont definitely go home crying ... 😔✨✨
i think its even more funny if I imagine that Raverne was actually the most hyped about sneaking out that night with Lilia and Meleanor yet hes the first to cry when its time to face the consequences of his "rebellious actions" (got lost bcs they're just faes who stays in the castle who dont go out to the forest that much) KHDJWJS
i need more goofy meleanor moments... 😭💚✨
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suspicious detail
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I was rereading the prologue to collect some information for a response and came across this interesting tidbit from Crowley:
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“The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence!” So the Mirror of Darkness has been the one selecting and sorting students for 100ish years. This aligns with what we knew about NRC’s nearing 100 loss streak against RSA.
BUT THAT’S REALLY WEIRD???? Because we now know that NRC has been around for MUCH longer than 100ish years. Lilia first got his invitation to the school 500 years ago:
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Meaning that NRC was still a thing 500 years ago?? But if we take what Crowley said in the prologue into consideration, that means that the Mirror of Darkness was a recent change in the selection and sorting process. For those 400 other years, some other method was used.
Well, TWST???? Care to elaborate??? To explain????? 😭
At this point, we still do not know how long Crowley has been headmaster for. He seems to have been the one in charge when Lilia decided to enroll in NRC 3 years ago, as Lilia thanks Crowley specifically for allowing him to be a student:
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Crowley’s beef with Ambrose the 63rd in book 5 seems to indicate a long-standing rivalry. According to Crowley’s Raven Jacket vignettes, he was around as headmaster when Trein was tenured and Crewel was a student. Crowley also questions his own age, wondering how many decades ago he encountered and recruited the cafeteria’s skilled ghost chefs.
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Therefore, I believe it’s entirely possible that he has been headmaster for at least the 100ish years of NRC’s losing streak. The question now is how long has Crowley been headmaster for??
If it was more than 500 years ago, then it debunks the “Crowley is Raverne/Malleus’s dad” theory, since it was Raverne who told Lilia it may be valuable to go to that school even after Lilia had tossed the acceptance letter away. How could Raverne be headmaster of NRC and be an ambassador for another country? Why wouldn’t Lilia be aware of this other occupation?
If it was less than 500 years, then it throws suspicion upon Crowley’s identity because WOW, why’s this new headmaster suddenly taking up the reins at this school that he told his friend several hundred years ago to reconsider?? And seeing how it was Crowley who let Lilia in, that’s even more shady. This would also explain the mask he wears at all times, perhaps to keep Lilia from noticing who he really is? (Though the only way this would work is if Crowley was also purposefully faking his voice, as Lilia implies that Raverne’s voice sounds like Malleus’s.)
But then thinking about how the Mirror of Darkness only started picking students 100 years ago… That means whoever was headmaster 500 prior used a different selection method??? And how does that fit into Crowley’s unknown length of tenure as NRC’s headmaster?? 💀
I don’t know if I really ended up reaching a conclusion with this post but I’d figure I’d still put it out there in case anyone found this interesting or wanted to expand on these ideas ^^
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quess-art · 1 year
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To survive, to sacrifice, to disappear, to remain
Part 1 | Part 2
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vanrougenui · 2 months
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okay food for thought what if raverne (malleus' dad) turned into a statue just like diablo.
i know many people believe the "crowley is malleus' dad" theory but it draws up more questions to me rather than anything else. honestly it's the character interactions that really me make sceptical about it all.
lilia and malleus and how they behave around crowley is what is really questionable. surely there are pictures or portrets left of raverne and meleanor, so how hasn't malleus recognized his father?
same for lilia. he loved both of his childhood friends and the disappearence of raverne and meleanor's death left him bitter and heartbroken. if crowley really is malleus' father, would lilia just go around nrc so carelessly and be so nonchalant with crowley.
even during lilia's departure party, all he did was thank crowley for letting him attend the academy at his elderly age. if crowley was actually raverne he would get somewhat emotional because he was leaving and would not get a chance to see someone he loved so much after all.
there are more points i could get into, MAYBE i am wrong there is something i missed in translation but this is what i personally observed so yeah..
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mello-bee · 5 months
i was gonna respond with this to a post that mentioned something about Crowley not being Raverne bc Lilia thinks Raverne is kind but i think op deleted the post so you guys get it instead
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its all because of the conditioning actually
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valy-gc · 3 months
Proof Crowley is NOT Levan
I just wanted to share a list of the proof, because this dumb theory kind of annoy me. I mean, fandom is made of theories and it's fine, I'm ok with that. What's annoying me is there is so many peoples talking about it as if it was the one and only truth and straight up attack you if you're not in the same opinion... so here is why I'm totally against the idea of Crowley being Levan.
1- Malleus is a pure dragon. He was born in a egg, in dragon form, he have dragon powers, and he have NOTHING not a single little characteristic from another kind of fae. If you have a miminim of logic, both his parents are Dragon faes.
2- There is no way the old farts from the senate would leave any Draconia descendant marry something else than a dragon fae seing how they treat other faes.
3- When General Lilia see Overblotted Malleus, he first think it's Levan, but then say the horns are like Meleanor. He's not surprised he actually have horns, he just say thoses are the same as Meleanore. We can assume Levan have horns, just with another shape.
4- Meleanore say Lilia and Levan passed more time together than a married couple. There is NO WAY Lilia couldn't recognize his voice.
5- Why the hell Levan wouldn't go back to his family if he wasn't dead? Why hidding his face if he lost his memories?
6- Last but not least... Levan's title is litterally the "Dragon Duke" (7-67). He's clearly a dragon.
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fruixtii · 5 months
Okay so what are we changing the ship name to. Maliliraverne ?
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ventique18 · 2 days
Maleanor deliberately terrorizing a DRAGON suitor so he'd give up on her, and then running away from home to build a new castle with her silly birdman just because the Senate hates him... Who the fuck cares? She wants him. She will have him.
This woman is an actual menace. But an amazing one. An actual idol to look up to. Never give in to anyone's opinions and tirelessly pursue your love. 💪😤
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zvezdacito · 2 months
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^ Random non-student characters + stylization test doodles I drew idk. Maleficia, Falena and Ace's brother are my fan designs as they have yet to actually appear in canon.
Here's some notes i made on Falena's design in relation to Leona + lore from other characters' designs too because i wss too lazy to make more graphics lol:
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briry18 · 3 months
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~ when you realize Crowley was at the party and you suddenly drop into his dream...
Students: *Drop into Mallenora's castle*
Sebek: didn't we do this already? Don't tell me Lilia-sama fell back asleep.
Not- Crowley: MALLENORA MY BEAUTY!!!! *runs into room holding bouquet of flowers* I've brought my lovely wife a bouquet! Aren't I generous?
Mallenora: 😑 you got them from Lilia didn't you?
Not Crowley: ... Well yes but I told him what to pick. -3-
Everyone: .... EH?!?!?!?!?!
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chernabogs · 4 months
Watch we're gonna have all these theories about Levan/Raverne and it's gonna turn out that Yana wrote him out in the easiest way so Lilia could 100% be Malleus' father figure
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We now have the official localization for Malleus’s father’s name!! Bleh, that means I have to go back and edit all the posts I tagged 💀
… The “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” theorists are going to pop off over this suspicious detail www
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