#tyrant!wesker au
tiredsurvivoronmain · 8 months
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Until Chris' apologises for laughing at him in '98, he's going to maintain his silent death hold on him.
The Uroboros!Wesker AU is supposed to be angsty but there's also some dumb moments with Wesker being petty/spiteful lol
(I've changed Wesker's design; he loses his right arm after the metal fused to him shredded it and he couldn't regenerate a new one. Also Sherry makes some appearances)
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alexpdcl · 2 years
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I just think that they will get along well
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my-sleepy-head · 6 months
The death of the STARS captain
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(Not the proudest of the lighting but I love the pose and I am so proud of that blood!)
(Time lapse posted on YouTube)
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thetentaclecommander · 4 months
The Prince of My Dreams (18+)
The Prince of My Dreams (18+)
Rated E; Smut involving knives and plants. And nothing involving tentacles, hands and nails. Fandom: Resident Evil Main Ship: Nemesis/Jill Valentine Side Ships: Albert Wesker/Jill Valentine, Albert Wesker/Excella Gionne, mentioned Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine Chapters: 1/1 CW: possible dubcon due to mind control, implied mental and physical manipulation, implied/referenced medical torture, fear kink, faint blood mention, smut involving knives and fingers and tentacles, really fuck those Progenitor plants, tonal shift to 'happy' (full tag list on AO3) Summary: On Valentine’s Day, Jill was treated to a not-so-great home-cooked breakfast, handpicked (torn up, really) wildflowers, and a homemade card by her mate and child. It made the not-so-comforting dream full of awful memories fade away from her mind. Sometimes, purposeful forgetfulness can be its own ‘gift’. (You know full well I wouldn’t skip a Valentine's no matter how late >:) Filling in some blanks about her time with Wesker and Excella. Well, as reliable as that is.) ________________________________________________ Excerpt- One watching, ever watching in the shadows, the statue and decoration that breathed stood in place as commanded. Her masters danced and Jill watched with her eyes looking upon all this decadence built on the misery of others, too beneath the ones in this room to even breathe their air. In watching, Jill wasn’t even allowed to counter that statement, rough hands and built strength marking her as one of this world’s lessers. No, it was his new world she was to have; the ‘chance’ at inheriting a new evolved life generously given borne from him and his madness. Unlike the well-heeled director, Jill refused wholesale the idea of any world he would ever create; a world of nightmares if his ‘work’ was of any future indication. ............... The circle of thoughts brewing threatened to pool and fill her mind with the creeping dread of memories that ate her, humiliated her, and screamed at her before her eyes glanced about the room. Around her, around and along the dresser, the chairs, tables, and all the furniture were flowers. Flowers not from the garden. Wildflowers: truthfully, they were weeds. But they all surrounded her, flowers pulled up from the root all the color of a deep purple blue. Jill smelt the air and could smell the hint of something burned. An attempt at cooking. As she stretched her arms, a sliver of paper poked at her side. It was folded over like a small book. Jill opened it and smiled, the prior thought train finally leaving her. happi valentine’s day! from me and daddy. Written in a childlike scrawl, but the spelling is mostly on point. Under the words was a hand-drawn picture of what was meant to be her, Nemesis and Sia with a giant heart between them. It was so sweet of them. (Continue reading The Prince of My Dreams on A03)
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cenorii · 11 months
Theory about Chris and Wesker (RE9) [UPDATED]
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Hey Tumblr, today I brought you two crazy theories. I promise you that my theories will be very interesting and will make you think about something.
Alive Wesker, BOW Chris. Actual until re9 release!
This is an updated theory, I have supplemented and edited it!
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I kept them inside my head for a long time, but coming of RE9 pushes me to release these theories outside. I really love Chriskers, so these two theories are directly related to them. This is not AU, but my assumptions about the canon. I would like to warn you that English is not my native language, so there may be errors in the text, excuse me for that.
Theory about Chris
What could be his immediate future?
We already know that in Shadows of Rose (DLC for RE8) the year is 2037 and at this point Chris is still alive. So it's safe to say that after the events of RE9, which will take place in 2021, he will still be alive. He will not die, contrary to fan theories.
At the very end of RE8, Chris discovers a BSAA soldier who turns out to be a bioweapon (I'll write BOW in the future). Enraged by this brazenness, Chris goes to their headquarters to sort it all out. This will probably be the main idea behind RE9.
Below is a concept of this BOW:
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I can assume that this is not an single specimen, and that all the other BSAA soldiers involved in the "village operation" look identical. That is, they are clones.
Cloning BOW is a common thing in their world, clones of Sergei Vladimir were used to develop a strain of the T-virus back in 1992, and created even earlier, so it's no surprise that someone in 2021 used the cloning method.
These BOW soldiers have a consciousness and "upbringing" close to human, because they use weapons and transportation. And judging by their calm facial expressions, they don't show aggression. They can act coherently as a team, which suggests that these BOW are not a brainless herd of armed Majini (RE5), or J'avo (RE6). Their brains must be very advanced and almost unaffected by mutations.
But now let's remember that there was already a project that aimed to create the perfect soldier with an evolved brain. That was Project Tyrant.
I brought up the topic that these BOW soldiers are clones. But whose? Some person with genes suitable for the virus should be taken as a basis. But who could be the donor in this case and have we had any information about this? I have an answer to that question.
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This is Chris Redfield. At first, the similarities are barely obvious, but take a closer look at the facial features. The shape of the nose, lips, wrinkles around the eyes, a mole under the eye.
And now look at the gait. This pose is identical to the typical walking of any Tyrant.
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BSAA, without his knowledge, used his DNA to create these BOW soldiers.
We can say that this BOW weapon is the most advanced version of the Tyrant, because it is indistinguishable from a human, has high intelligence and is well controlled. And it is also easily disposed of, because after the death of BOW, the soldier did not mutate into a Super Tyrant.
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It may not be a Tyrant, but some new project. But the data on the Tyrant clearly formed its basis.
There are legitimate questions - why Chris? Who needs it?
Answer to question 1: Chris is a soldier with a lot of experience and the ability to survive in the most dangerous situations. He is psychologically prepared for anything. If by happy coincidence such a person is genetically suited to be the new version of BOW, then this can be exploited, for it saves "real" human lives in military operations. But that doesn't excuse the BSAA, for they took his DNA without authorization.
Answer to question 2: to guess who needs it, you just need to know Chris's environment. For whom is Chris "one of the best men"? For whom is Chris the only equal opponent? Who does Chris mean so much to that this person would want to subdue him?
I think you've already guessed.
Albert Wesker.
But you ask the logical question, "how could Wesker pull this off if he died in 2009?"
The answer is, he didn't. The theory of how he survived will be below, but for now I'll tell you his motives.
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After the defeat, which came hard due to his injuries and overdose of the virus, Wesker decided to poison Chris's life. His own life was wiped out in that volcano, the results of all his research and experiments gone to waste. All of Wesker's plans are ruined by this man, as many times before, he is humiliated and revenge boils in him.
Somehow he has infiltrated the heart of BSAA, of those Chris trusted. Into Chris's "home." And he poisoned that home with a biological weapon. There may well have been some other reason for this, perhaps he had a new plan and "poisoning Chris's life" was just a nice addition to that plan, but not the main goal.
Here is a variant of the main goal:
New Mold was created by The Connections, an organization that partnered with H.C.F. back in 2000. H.C.F. is a unit that Wesker once led. It's unknown if he was involved in the creation of the Mold, but it's safe to assume he was aware of it. This could be the reason BOW were sent BSAA soldiers into the village in RE8 to destroy everything The Connections had a hand in. Perhaps Wesker just wanted to get rid of anything "useless" that might get in his way in the future. A distant future. Because it's been 12 years since his "death" and he's 61 years old himself.
But why is Mold "useless" to him, you ask? Weskers in "Project W" were raised according to Spencer's ideals, so in many ways they think like him, because the upbringing was sufficiently obsessive. And here's what Spencer himself thought of Mold:
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Mold is useless to Spencer, so is useless to any of the Weskers who share his thinking.
There's no denying the possibility that Wesker may have been thinking about turning Chris into something for a long time, since he was highly successful as a soldier. He likes to "rate" Chris during their encounters. What if he was evaluating Chris to weigh the pros and cons if he suddenly decided to create something based on him? A BOW based on him? It's also possible that Wesker always spared Chris because he thought he would use him in the future. Other reasons are just excuses.
I can only decipher these Wesker facial expressions as "hmm, not bad"
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I assume that in RE9 Chris will meet Wesker. But not the way he remembers him.
I forgot to mention that behind the scenes, Wesker was working on experimental weapons. He had studied various tactics to fight against the BOW and felt that weapons of mass destruction were not always effective, so he favored compact pieces that could be used by experienced fighters. It's unclear why Wesker even considered such a thing if he didn't intend to sell these developments. It's also unclear why he was working on it if his ultimate goal was a "perfect world" with no place for guns and wars. Did he come up with it… just because he could? In any case, after his death, these designs were confiscated by the reconstituted Umbrella Co. (Blue Umbrella) and after being reconstituted, distributed these weapons to various places like the BSAA.
Given the Chris cloning moment, doesn't it seem suspicious that the suddenly revived Umbrella is in the process of recreating Wesker's designs? I get that this weapon is very useful, but then why did they name it after Wesker if he's a "disgrace" to society and a criminal? He, in theory, deserves no mention, even on his designs. But someone in management has respect for him, so allowed the name to remain.
It's also odd that BSAA have taken up cloning, it's more likely the new Umbrella is the originator of this idea, or their executive (leader) who respects Wesker and his designs. Perhaps cloning Chris is one of his designs too?
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I mean… literally - it's a clone of Chris with a Wesker gun. This is a very strange coincidence.
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Theory about Wesker 1. Why isn't he dead?
Let's start simple, RE5 had enough budget to show the ignition effects, we could see them on the enemies set on fire. And RE5 also had enough budget to show colorfully directed cutscenes.
However, with the franchise's most famous character, we saw neither of these at the moment of his death. Wesker was waist-deep in lava, but not burning, and was also defeated without any cutscenes. A strange attitude with such popularity?
His death was not shown, a basic but not the main fact that makes me sure he survived.
All we can see are the missiles that fly past his head, failing to hit their target, they fall into the lava behind him. If you slow down the video, it's noticeable that for some reason the model of Wesker's head just disappears and the missiles fly right through. This is not done to show that he lost his head, because otherwise the missiles would have exploded in the area around his face. However, the missiles flew behind him. It's a trivial budget saving to not draw the moment of impact. But the question is, why save money in such an important scene for lore?
Character deaths aren't shown only when they want them back. If a character dies permanently, their death is always detailed and elaborate.
Capcom could have done this to avoid expending the effort and expense for a colorful scene that ends up being just a trickery for us, so that there would be a realistic opportunity to re-engage Wesker as an main character in the future.
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 And now pay attention to how Alex Wesker's death was shown:
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Her death is final, that's why it's so detailed. Her current consciousness is now in another new body (Natalia), so it's not a pity to get rid of the old one.
Now let's talk about burning. The reason Wesker doesn't have a fire effect in Volcano could mean that his clothes are fireproof. Which, by the way, could be true, because on his concept art it says the material should be able to withstand shrapnel and other little shards. Its appearance and properties are reminiscent of modern carbon fiber, which can withstand about 300-370°C in air, while the temperature of lava in a volcano is from 1000°C to 1200°C. This means that his clothes could not ignite, because carbon fiber only oxidizes from high heat. This material could also be Kevlar, which has a temperature limit of 480°C, at which point it begins to decompose.
However, not only his clothes could have partially saved him from the high temperature, Wesker himself is resistant to it, which cannot be said about the Uroboros, for whom fire is a weak point. Therefore, it is logical to assume that the virus vaporized from his body from the high ambient temperature.
But let's get to the point, the fact that Wesker was flooded with lava after the explosion of missiles does not mean that he died, because it is worth paying attention to the fact that he was already set on fire. It certainly doesn't compare to lava, but it does give us some indication that he has fire resistance.
Judging by this point, Wesker can be set on fire, but those burns don't harm him. He also doesn't care about the fire and explosions around him.
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He also just needs to shake the fire off himself, which doesn't do any damage.
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There is a hint that he survived. I think few people have heard about Umbrella Corps. This failed shooter, seemingly having nothing important for the Resident Evil universe, gave us quite important information. Now I will tell you about it in detail. But keep in mind that this game is canon. The protagonist here is a certain 3A-7.
 The actions of this game take place first in 2012-2013 (single-player mode), and then in 2016 (multiplayer mode). That is, AFTER the events of RE6.
 In 2012-2013, according to the plot, information appears about a certain "man from the high ranks in the organization", who arrived to observe the experiment. In the course of the plot, notes about this person are supplemented with information that "this mysterious boss" was present during the events of RE4 and survived them. And as we know, only two men survived RE4 – Leon and Wesker.
After that, one of the acting characters becomes very interested in "this mysterious man", because "this mysterious man" seems trying to make a show of his own strength. This person finds it suspicious and wants to find DNA data about this "mysterious boss". He even wonders, "Who is this guy? Why is everyone afraid of him?".
I think after that it becomes obvious about "what a terrifying and mysterious person" we are talking about. About Wesker.
While playing in multiplayer mode, there is a chance to catch Wesker's phrase at the end of the match. They are different and there are quite a lot of them.
Here is an example:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7LEaA7em8
 At the end of the game, it says that there are "plans" for the main character of this game. By the way, the main character is voiced by D. C. Douglas, same with Wesker. Wesker watched the experiment on his clone? Sounds interesting, unless, of course, he is a clone himself.
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So now it's time for my theories on how Umbrella Corps can be explained:
3A-7 is a clone of Wesker, who trivially doesn't know about it and is an ordinary person with a meager set of memories. But he has retained the skills of the original, making him a high survivor. And the powerful man who kept 3A-7's DNA secret is the original Wesker. He placed his clone in this experiment to quickly test it in real danger, and after success he took it back to realize plans unknown to us. In favor of this theory is the fact that in multiplayer, Douglas' tone is a copy of Wesker's, even though he voiced 3A-7 differently. Capcom wouldn't have hired Douglas to voice two characters at once if their voices weren't potentially important to the lore. The fact that no one recognized Wesker could suggest that his appearance was badly damaged after the volcano, or he changed a lot with the onset of old age, but 3A-7 is probably a copy of his youthful appearance, so he's hiding it.
3A-7 is a clone of Wesker, but after 3A-7 was taken away at the end of his story, he rose through the ranks of the organization and it is his lines that we hear in the multiplayer, because they are said several years after the events of the game. So these are not the phrases of the original Wesker, but of the changed 3A-7 from the future. The original Wesker is presumably dead, but in that case I can't speculate who the influential person who was interested in 3A-7 might be, if not him. Nikolai Zinoviev, who survived RE3? The real Hunk? It could be anyone with cold-blooded cruelty and strange goals. Also, the question remains, who created 3A-7? If it was Wesker himself, he would have used it for his plans long ago, and if it was an abandoned project, it would have been scrapped. It was done by someone outside who needs Wesker's skills badly, just like Chris' skills, which is the reason the RE8 BSAA created a BOW based on him. Ah, I wish someone would get Chris and Wesker clones to work as a team…
So, let's keep going.
One more important thing - if Wesker had died, he would have been seriously mutated. Think of all the characters who have ever had a virus injected into their body. Upon death or when seriously injured, those characters mutated uncontrollably. The same thing happened to Alex Wesker and to Carla Radames. If Wesker died in a volcano, some creature would crawled out of there. Remember when Nemesis was dissolved in acid and then turned into a huge mess. Lava might be as good a vehicle for mutations as acid is for Nemesis. If Wesker didn't mutate, that's another confirmation that he's not dead.
There is a theory that Wesker didn't become a huge monster due to his body adapting to any virus. But I can argue… I believe that after the injection his condition was unstable + a huge amount of Uroboros in his body. All of this should have set the stage for mutation, but the mutation never happened.
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Theory about Wesker 2
Now it's time for real madness. In RE5 in vulcano, we killed a Wesker clone. In general, throughout the game in RE5, we fought with his clone. We could meet the real Wesker only in the DLC "Lost in Nightmares". And now I will explain why.
 The events of "Lost in Nightmares" take place in 2006, 2 years before the events of RE5. In this DLC, we have the opportunity to fight Wesker, who poses a great threat. One of his blows is able to throw the player into the wall and stun, and he also has several different ways to kill the player. He's constantly trying to kill us. Instead of walking, he moves exclusively with the help of "blink". This is the most ordinary Wesker, as dangerous and unpredictable as ever.
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Then we meet Wesker in 2009 during the RE5 events. This famous scene, which gave us the quote "seven minutes", must be the most harmless confrontation with him. A child's fight. Here Wesker, to put it mildly, lost his strength. He prefers to follow us instead of "blink". He trying to "show off" in front of Chris and Sheva. It is very easy to deceive him, and his blows do not cause much damage. Instead of throwing the player into the wall and stunning him, Wesker's blow pushes him away only a few meters. At the same time, here he does not have an attack that can kill the player. Is he playing with us? Alright.
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Finally we meet Wesker in our last fight with him (before the volcano). He shouldn't be playing with us here, he's serious. But he's no different from Wesker from the last fight... he just doesn't have any "showing off" animations. But he is still weak and does not carry danger. He had an attack that Wesker had from "Lost in Nightmares", capable of piercing and thereby killing a player with a full health indicator. But otherwise he is not dangerous. I don't feel threatened by this Wesker, even though this is the LAST fight with him! This is his LAST chance to shine in front of Chris! But instead of being as cool as in "Lost in Nightmares", he's just a weak. Walking simulator.
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 How much Wesker from 2006 differs from himself from 2009 makes you think. Let's think deeper.
 When Wesker kills Spencer, he mimics the old man. It may seem that he really wanted to become a God, but if you don't think about RE5, it really can be mistaken for an ordinary mimicry. Wesker wanted to humiliate him at any cost, because the most important and unpleasant secret of his life had just been revealed to him – he was fabricated. This Wesker is real and he falls off a cliff with Jill and saves her.
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During the experiments on Jill, he starts working on some related project and realizes that it will take a very long time. Therefore, he creates his own clone (or maybe even several) to replace himself. And he also "hands" his clone a wild Jill with P30 in the blood, after all, the Wesker clone is clearly weaker than the original and he needs "support". Of course, the Wesker clone does not know that he is a clone, and continues to develop the idea of "becoming a God." He's a defective clone, and that's why he's so paranoid about this idea. In the end, this "clone" loses his mind and becomes fixated on the idea of "becoming a God" and everything that he had from the real Wesker in character simply evaporates. He becomes a laughing stock, macaroni monster.
And eventually Chris and Sheva kill him, ridding the world of a useless Wesker clone while the real one is alive and just hiding somewhere.
Think for yourself which theory about Wesker seems more plausible to you, anything can happen in this fandom. I really want to know WHO made BOW Chris and WHY.
Thanks for reading this madness, it will become irrelevant after the release of RE9 and RE5R, but I'm still proud of the information I've gathered. What if some of this guessed the canon? We'll find out in the future.
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birdycage · 21 days
Hi! I hope you're having a a lovely day!
I was wondering if you have any Chrisker or XLeon fanfic recs? Or any other special ship fic recs you really like to share! Looking for something new to consume instead of sleeping.
Hi! Thank you for the well wishes and the ask. I am so sorry it took a while for me to respond. I wanted to add little summaries to the recommendations so you can jump straight into the ones that might interest you.
Luckily XLeon is such a small ship that it's pretty easy to recommend fics.
Windows to the Soul is a really lovely fic, probably the one that got me into the ship. It follows a good portion of the RE2 remake story quite closely, but with the twist that Mr. X is trying to win over Leon even though Leon fears for his life for a good portion of it lol.
Captivated is a cute AU fic where Leon's father is an Umbrella researcher who has our favorite tyrant act as Leon's bodyguard (much to Leon's dismay) while the lead up to RE1 events happen in the background.
Blind Man's Gamble is a very sweet fic about Leon accidentally getting chemically blinded while searching for supplies in the RPD and Mr. X finds him and takes it upon himself to help the very perplexed officer. This author also has a lot of other very sweet fics about XLeon, so I definitely recommend them too if you enjoy softer stories about the ship.
I have so many Chrisker fics I enjoy that it's hard to know what to recommend, especially since my tastes for that ship tend to be smutty and dark. However, I will start with a couple of nicer(?) ones and go towards dark at the end of the list.
The Endless Realities A sweet series of oneshots about Chris and Wesker being in love in different AUs/canon divergent plots.
A God Needs Worship If you enjoy long fics, this one is for you. It's mostly about Chris and Wesker's evolving relationship leading up to the events of RE1 (and will be getting into the events of the game itself). It's actually some very good slice-of-life showing their S.T.A.R.S. work, Wesker's relationship with Umbrella and relationships with colleagues/friends/family/enemies. All around a very good fic with a lovely balance of plot/romance/character growth/etc.
Love Crime A really sweet fic where Chris offers to take Barry's place as Wesker's pawn in betraying S.T.A.R.S. The ending was a surprise, but I enjoyed it all very thoroughly.
The Courting This is pretty different from most of the Chrisker fics I read. It's an Incredibly funny fic where S.T.A.R.S. era Chris tries to flirt with Wesker by pranking him and Wesker usually gets sweet revenge. I also thoroughly enjoyed the next part (Encounters) of the series, but it is very smutty. I am not done with the series of fics that that this is attached to, but the parts I have read have been incredibly enjoyable. However, the series as a whole is not comedy and contains some dark and/or sad moments.
Mistakes Chris comes on to Wesker, Wesker falls for Chris (much to his dismay). Wesker tries to stay in control of everything despite probably not being very in control at all and begins to plot Umbrella's downfall so he can keep Chris at his side.
Sins of the Flesh is a beautiful fic where Wesker resurrects Chris after killing him some years prior in a need for proper revenge, but keeps Chris alive after realizing that Chris cannot remember his own death or his antagonistic relationship with Wesker. This fic is very dreamy and sad, be prepared to cry. I also recommend the author's fics The Hound and Manifest Retribution, but they are very sexually charged and not exactly in a nice way.
Happy Adversary, Christopher A very funny Valentine's Day fic (by the same author as the previous fic rec) where Wesker forces a date on Chris after kidnapping him. It's actually quite sweet.
Ten-Million-Dollar Mutt MIND THE TAGS PLEASE. A gift to me! (and another one by the same author as the previous two) Wesker buys Chris in an auction after Chris has been virally enhanced to have doglike characteristics. Incredibly smutty with VERY hardcore kinks (some were quite the surprise to me too, but San is very good at making them palatable). However if you can handle it, it's actually quite a funny (and sexy) read that starts to veer towards being sweet in some of the newest chapters. A surprising amount of character growth on Wesker's part imo.
Can and Will Be Held Against You. This story sometimes makes my brain feel like it's melting (and I do mean this in a good way). Wesker is very manipulative with Chris and molds him into his perfect pet. It's a disturbing co-dependent relationship that doesn't exactly feel like love. However, there is a very cathartic moment where Wesker gets what he deserves. Interesting story all around.
I could probably go on, but I think this is enough for now ^^; so sorry to throw so many at you, but hopefully there are a few you enjoy! Also you have probably long fallen asleep by now, but perhaps some of these will be good bedtime stories for other nights.
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clicheantagonist · 2 months
15 Lines Of Dialog
Thankies @aceghosts and @adelaidedrubman the tag! 😘
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well! (Y'all know I can't do that.)
Some of my favorite Alex lines:
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“Is that why you hate him? ‘Cause he cockblocked you?” - Alex @ Wesker, joking about Chris in Little Tyrants
“What’s your name? Who’s your daddy? Is he rich like me?” - Alex playfully serenading Jake (yeah, Wesker's son Jake, that one) in AU: Something About Infinite Cycles (unposted as of right now) Yes, she knows.
“Listen. One does not say ‘no’ to getting to do a Scarface in the coke. When was I gonna have that opportunity again?” - Alex telling Kit about a very damning photo of herself Wesker keeps on his desk in their untitled fic (The Unholy Throuple Universe)
“Boy went to law school and still isn’t smarter than my drop-out, yee-haw ass." - Alex talking to herself (judging John's lack of foresight) during the Reaping in Drown Me And Call It A Baptism.
“Um…this is…exactly what it looks like.” - Alex's response to Wesker catching her sparking up a joint after-hours. In a Holiday companion oneshot to Little Tyrants that explains their first hook up (during the S.T.A.R.S. days) and the circumstances surrounding it.
“I’ve been making and breaking monsters for twenty years – what makes you so special?” - Alex being a [playful, I promise] smartass in response to a comment Butcher makes about being a monster, in my still Untitled The Boys AU (I'm having so much fun there. I get the hype. It's awesome.) “Aw, c’mon! Something got loose after they got my ass?!” - Hearing Wesker tearing through bodies at a black site she's been caught and detained in. I posted this as a WiP here.
“I’ll kill him. I better not ever find out if he sticks his dick in that bitch.” - speaking (bitching) to Alex Wesker about Excella's proximity to Albert in a scene from Little Tyrants.
“If – allegedly - I’m willing to eat my own, imagine what I could do to you?” - a joke/threat regarding her nickname, in response to being questioned by Feds (derogatory) about her presence in Russia during the Caucasus outbreak of 2003 (Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles) in Little Tyrants.
“Ya think it was God’s grace that kept you fuckin do-gooders alive all these years? It was me. I spared you. D’you know how many opportunities I had to bring your heads home as trophies? You show some fuckin respect.” - In her Rick Sanchez era when she snaps during the events of RE5 in Little Tyrants, properly encountering Chris and Marshall again after betraying the cause. Wesker is very proud in this moment.
“I need to know I have a place. That I won’t be another dying star. Like Excella. Marcus. Sergei. Birkin. All the others that worked with you who thought they were too big to fall.” - trying to express her fears regarding Wesker's obsession with his New World Order (RE5) + past history with partners - she's not so much worried for the world, she's worried about them. (Priorities, girl.) I love this line because it's such a good example of how she doesn't shy away from dangerous topics; and she's willing to name his previous partners to impress upon him she knows she has good reason to worry. From Little Tyrants.
“Couldn’t trust you with no dirt. Retrieving your virus gave me leverage, and that made me more comfortable." - During her affair with Neil Fisher (Resident Evil Revelations 2); she's telling him very directly who she is and how she operates in explaining why she gave him a chance. I posted this as a scrapped WiP here
“I had to level the playing field. I’m a sore loser.” - to Butcher, regarding a life-altering decision she makes in near total secret. He asks why, and this is how she says: "cause my ego can't take anyone, even a Supe, kicking my ass and getting away with it." They really do mirror each other in ways I hadn't realized till just now. I swear I'll post some of this when I figure out where it's going/how long I expect to be invested. From the as of now Untitled The Boys AU
'Oh, I'm doin' a big stupid. The Lord God himself could come down and be like 'No, bitch' and I'd pretend I didn't hear him.' - Alex's inner monolog the night she and John start hooking up in Drown Me And Call It A Baptism. I didn't give her inner voice enough recognition here, but I should of. I love her running inner commentary.
Tagging, If y'all wanna (ignore me if you have): @socially-awkward-skeleton @josephslittledeputy @shallow-gravy @carlosoliveiraa @i-am-the-balancing-point and whoever else may want to.
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Requests are open 😃 i asked another re writer this request but i think it got eaten by tumblr 😅 Can I request wesker looking for reader in this scenario: the reader doesn't know that wesker betrayed STARS and the reader appears when the tyrant is about to strike wesker but shoves him out of the way to save him (I like the au idea you have that reader is captain instead of wesker, reader saves wesker because the reader is captain looking out for their team but likes wesker too) but the reader gets wounded and is the one that gets the powers that wesker has in the future games. Bur the reader goes into hiding, afraid of what they've become and afraid to hurt others but they also start hunting down Umbrella for a cure. Sorry that this is so long 😳😅
I got you!! And don't worry about it being long, I like when requests have lots of details lol
No NSFW, gn reader, no pronouns, y/n is used once or twice
some wonkiness with the lore being Wesker betrays stars but joins the bsaa but you have the T-virus (I'm just gonna go with you both were working for umbrella but we're unaware) and weskers not apart of project W but you were (I'll eventually write down and figure all of this out)
Go listen to this song while you read: https://open.spotify.com/track/5EJA7Rwkeuvm98CZg0XXNO?si=aU1hboQgRQSmCttO5Q2czQ&utm_source=copy-link
mostly angst with A little bit of comfort
How could you be so careless?! Losing a rookie on his first mission? What if he was hurt, this mission has already gone to shit and now? You stopped caring about killing stars, love blinding and ruining your plan. Instead you run around looking for Wesker, hoping he's safe from all of this.
You run through the mansion, through long hallways and wide rooms desperately searching for your rookie, and soon you make it to what looks like a lab in the basement, lights glowing faintly from behind the door. Voices could be heard and there was one you so desperately needed to hear again.
You push through the door, stumbling into the lab and noticing the tyrant, a large monster you had helped to create. That doesn't matter right now, you need to make sure Weskers safe. You look over at the tube he's staring at, noticing the tyrant shift in it's place as if it's about to attack and before you know it, you throw yourself at Wesker, shoving him out of the way. But in the process getting injured yourself, the monster attacks, shoving his arm through your chest and tossing you to the other side of the room.
You slammed against the wall, sliding down before hitting the floor, limp against the wall. Wesker turned to face you, just now realizing what had happened to you. Rushing over to your dying body, ignored by the tyrant, and sitting down next to you.
Tears filled in his pretty blue eyes, staring at you and desperately trying to help you in anyway he could. "Y-your- you're not- not gonna die, dammit. I-im-not gonna let- let you die captain- I'm no-"
"Don't worry about me- you gotta get outta here man-" You cough before slouching again, breathing heavily trying to stay awake long enough to talk to him. "Take your glasses off Albert.. I wanna look at you before you go." And he does. His shaky hand grabs at his glasses and throws them down onto the floor. "There you go- I always liked seeing those pretty eyes of yours." Tears well up in his eyes as he gently hugs you, trying to hold you. "Don't start crying now- you still gotta get outta here." He looks up at you again, sobbing as he watches you die.
"I'm not leaving you! I can't leave you here to die Y/n!" He tries to move you but you choke and cough.
"You got to leave me Al, I'm in no condition to move. You'll get yourself killed- and- I won't be there to save you again." The blood that poured from your lips made it hard to speak, barely choking out sentences. Sobs wracked his body, him shaking and holding you close. This wasn't what he had planned, not at all what he wanted. "Don't cry Al, I don't want my last sight to be you crying. Smile for me, won't you." And he smiled. Wiping the tears from his blonde lashes and smiling softly at you. "There you- go... I love you- Albert- make sure to remember that- " He hugged you close, trying his hardest not to breakdown in front of you.
"I'm- I'm gonna get some sleep ok? And I- I need you to get out of here..ok? Get somewhere safe.." You paused for a moment, trying to hide the shakiness and sadness in your voice.
"Goodnight Albert, I love you."
A phrase meant to be comforting made him sob, make tears pool in his eyes again as he watched you close your eyes and watched you slowly stop breathing.
This wasn't what he wanted! He didn't want to watch the love of his life die in this shitty mansion. He didn't want any of this.
But he had to push on so he left. Left with the other surviving stars members and went and continued his life. He left umbrella with much struggle and joined the bsaa with Chris and Jill. But thoughts of you never left his mind. He never fully moved on, still stricken with grief for allowing you to die in such a horrid and grotesque way.
At least he thought you had died. A hour or two later you awoke, shaking the sluggishness from your body and standing up in the lab. The tyrant was long gone and now it was only you and a few other creatures there. And soon after you had escaped easily, the T-virus enhancing your abilities and allowing you to easily defeat the enemies in your path.
And after that you went back to Umbrella, going from being more than a mere test subject to gaining control over most of the company.
Years later you killed spencer, disgusted by the old man who had you in that project, without much effort. Getting the information you needed and jabbing your hand through his heart. You were to become the god he wanted to be, and there was nothing stopping you now.
Well nothing but the people entering the room you were in.
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gigi-does-art · 4 months
An interesting family.
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Sorry but the Leon Spencer au I have has been living in my head rent free, I just had to draw more of the au. So here’s Leon with his parents!
(And some rambling I have about the dynamic of this family. It might change at some point, but here’s what I have at the moment under the cut.)
Okay so I mentioned before that Leon is much closer to his mom- yet to be named but I have some name ideas for her- than he is with dad. Mostly due to the fact that Spencer barely interacts with him at all, and if he does only a few words are shared between them. His parents do love each other though, it’s just that Spencer doesnt care about Leon for the most part. Leon is basically useless to Spencer’s grand scheme of things- because of his lack of powers- so instead Spencer focuses on advancing the Wesker Plan. He really does not care about Leon’s wellbeing unless it somehow affects him directly (i.e. the minute he finds out Leon is in Raccoon City, he immediately programmed one of the tyrants to bring him back because why is he there??? What reasons do you have for being in the middle of a zombie apocalypse??). So he doesn’t bother to bond with Leon. With all these factors, Leon is much closer with his mom. She’s more of a constant in his life than Spencer is and actually does care for Leon’s wellbeing. Which the reason why he uses her last name instead, he really doesnt like to be called Leon Spencer and tries to avoid the use of his dad’s last name as much as possible. Anytime someone calls him by Spencer, he immediately corrects them. But also both dont know of Spencer’s true nature, and are mostly kept in the dark from what he has been doing in Umbrella.
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 3 months
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WIP My Tyrant!Wesker AU is back from the dead
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bluedivvy · 1 year
Resident Evil Quarry AU:
Resident Evil Zero and Resident Evil (posting these in 2 parts since most games are connected that way)
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gonna be completely honest, i dont know much about resident evil 0 but from the little knowledge i have of the game i added it to fit into the story. created in 1978 by professor james, leeches were released to create the W-virus. they were made with the intent to infect people with their bite and turn them into werewolves to create separate hosts. bravo team, members of the stars police forces, were sent into the arklay mountains to investigate a series of murders. their helicopter crashes due to an engine failure and discover a separate police force, including files of billy coen, a convicted murderer that they assume caused the unknown deaths in the range. they split up to find the man, however rebecca discovers a train and meets billy coen, who ends up helping her discover the unknown threat. they fight against the "man-eaters" otherwise known as werewolves that overrun the train, including a large scorpion and later a tyrant werewolf (the scorpion remains a scorpion because it was part of umbrella's research into arachnid-based bio-weaponry).
meanwhile, stars alpha team were sent into the arklay mountains to investigate the bravo team's disappearance. they arrived on a full moon, lost in the wooded darkness of the highlands. albert wesker, field leader, escorted alpha team across the arklay range until they were attacked by a large, feral creature, otherwise a werewolf. they fled inside the spencer mansion after brad vickers took advantage of the helicopter and left. however, in that short period of time, chris redfield had gone missing and the remaining members searched the mansion for him. after uncovering a series of letters, notes and clues left behind by the estates' owners, jill valentine learned about the werewolf virus and crafted silver ammo to go against them. she found the remaining bravo team, some turned to werewolves and others on the brink of death, and saved the remaining member, rebecca chambers. alpha team found chris and uncovered wesker's plan that set up their demise and betrayed the team. after fighting the tyrant werewolf, the team fled the arklay range and assumed wesker's death.
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a very poor representation of the tyrant werewolf. they were werewolves reimagined by umbrella to make them stronger and more advanced. this one is called T-002 and was created in the arklay lab. its basically a gigantic, veiny, warted werewolf with exposed heart and organs (not very smart umbrella) its most notable feature is its large claws
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tearsoftime0086 · 1 month
Hi. Just want to show my stupid AU idea after I finished watching Char's counterattack
Chris Ray, after being baffled for 1 second: Wesker, you're pitiful...
Both of them die
Anon please reveal yourself so I can laud you like the big brain person you are
Totally alright if you don't btw, but I absolutely love this! The mother-complex to tyrant tie-in is so good I adore it. Just imagining Chris' utter confusion on why Wesker is still mad about this as they burn away in the atmosphere... iconic
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thetentaclecommander · 6 months
Teaching the Devil
TtD: Prologue
The fic that started everything. It started as a one shot and my attempt to take the ship ‘seriously’ after a few gag attempts. It turned into a well over 10+ year journey into lore building, canon picking and just making something that didn’t exist…exist. So, whenever you go hunting for fics with a rare pair and see nothing – do it yourself. It's fun. ________________________________________________
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((Header Pic for the series done by Lil-Chilo)) Teaching the Devil Rated M; has adult/heavy themes Fandom: Resident Evil Main Ship: Nemesis/Jill Valentine Secondary ships: implied Chris Redfield/Sheva Alomar, past Chris Redfield/Jill Valentine, implied Albert Wesker/Jill Valentine Chapters: 11/11
CW: graphic depictions of violence, unhealthy relationships (implied growing codependency), mental instability, psychological trauma, implied/referenced torture, attempted rape/non con, implied cheating (full tag list on AO3) Summary: "…No man can tell What has come stealthily creeping over his life Until too late Hot ashes and pain…"
The first arc in The Devil's Saga.
Based on Dante's Inferno (the inverted significance will become clearer during the ending of a mostly Jill centric fic - she will be a bit OOC even crossing the moral event horizon, but it'll be warranted)
An AU fic set a year after the events of RE5. Deals with the finding of an apparently revived then abandoned Nemesis in a forgotten underground Umbrella lab. In recovery, it was determined his directives were irreparably damaged giving him 'free will'. Whether that is good or bad is questionable.
Jill is still dealing with the aftermath of her part in her forced servitude to Wesker - making her darker and at times mentally and emotionally unstable. Despite her hangups, she still works with the BSAA and was suddenly entrusted with the care and 'training' of a restrained Nemesis.
What results of such an arrangement is documented here. This will explore darker themes and topics: it will basically not shy away from nor sugarcoat the violent or suggestive situations within. ________________________________________________ Excerpt from TtD: Prologue- Her voice had dipped into a hiss, her repressed anger coming unbidden. "And maybe, just maybe you'll be able to kill something half your size...cause", her voice dipping low, "we don't cater to failures here." He sat up now, staring plainly at her, the cracking of the bed frame audible. She rises from the small chair, a smirk crossing her pale face. "Keep looking at me…it's your fault I look this way you know." She shifts the chair aside staring directly into his face. "I hope you at least do a good barking impression. That S.T.A.R.S. bit got old the first hour, you fucking bastard!"
As the last syllable came from her lips she found herself pinned against the wall, the Tyrant easily having three feet on her. He bent lower, his face level with hers, letting out a deep, angry snarl. Jill stood her ground. "I can see it. You want to finish the job, don't you? Don't you?!" He stood over her, palms flat against the wall trapping her head between them. "Do it." He narrowed his eye at her. "Do it. Be a good monster and finish what you start…it’s only fair since I lost two years of my life because of you! Do it!" She openly laughed at him. Enraged the Tyrant went to punch her face in…and found everything flashing white as the feeling of being electrocuted racked through him. It felt like every fiber of his being was being rent apart, the only sound in the room was of her laughter and his pained scream. As soon as it began, it stopped, the monster gasping for air, drool freely trailing from his gaping mouth. She walked to him, letting a soft hand trail his stapled scalp. "See things never changed for you. But I have just as dirty hands now. And I won't show mercy, just like you." The monster only snarled weakly upwards at her, wanting to strike but knowing it futile. "School starts, now." The only sounds now were of his labored breathing, and her walking out of the room. (Continue reading the prologue of Teaching the Devil on A03)
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licantropa · 1 year
Hi hi!
So I've been getting some like Resident Evil brainrot from your AU and firstly its great and I love all the character placements so much!
And I was wondering if you had any ideas of what Sonja and Capsize do in the mansion plot point wise since I believe there isn't much canon wise to say what Jill and Chris actually each do.
Also I'm like curious if you had certain scenes you have in mind or if its just the characters so far.
(no pressure to answer, just enjoying thoughts)
I’m glad you enjoyed the au!
I’ve just finished replaying the game (Jill’s route) so I could refresh myself on the mansion layout and boss fights.
This is where things get tricky because canonically to the RE lore everyone survived the night (Barry, Jill, Chris, Rebecca, & Wesker) but we don’t see everyone from either perspective, Barry missing in Chris’s and his fate left unknown, while Chris is missing in Jill’s and Rebecca is nonexistent. But it’s canon that they were all there.
So in the au I think it’d make sense if Capsize & Alyssa never run into Sonja, but they’d also have to get captured by Mianite semi early on.
Boss fight wise I think it’d make sense like this:
Capsize fights: Crimson Head, Mother Neptune, Plant 42
Sonja fights: Lisa Trevor, Black Tiger, Tyrant
For specific scenes, Capsize and Alyssa beat Sonja and Spark to the Residence area of the map and just complete it, Capsize who has had an awful feeling about all of this begins to question Mianite who just so happened to run into them there. Getting frustrated that things aren’t going his way he reveals himself and begins threatening her. At gunpoint, Capsize laughs at him. Mianite goes to shoot Alyssa, but Capsize takes the (non-fatal) hit instead. From there, they are lead to a cell where both of them will stay captive til Sonja releases them at the end. (in the original re1 in Chris’s route when he confronts Wekser, he just starts fucking laughing at him, I think that’d be in character for Capsize to do)
Another scene I’ve been thinking about would be one after the Lisa Trevor fight. Sonja being more demanding to Spark on getting some answers she’s sure he has, while Spark is very much trying to talk around the issues and there being more tension from that point forward on their teamwork.
Other than that, figuring out who opens what doors and how the hell puzzle solving is going to work out is gonna be a tough one.
Also! Regarding your tags, I wanted to respond to them but I got sidetracked…playing re1 😅.
The piano thing is just a reference to Chris needing Rebecca to play it for a puzzle, while Jill just knows how to do it. And yea there is definitely a learning curve when it comes to the controls for the game, but for me after I got used to them I found them enjoyable. Like I really like the different camera angles and how it made the game more tense, but I can definitely understand how irritating they can be. Sherry is supposed to be Ianita (knew I was forgetting to mention somebody). I’ve also been going back and forth on Martha being Anita birken (although Steve would definitely not be William Birken, maybe Gaines? but more a fellow umbrella scientist and not husband to Martha).
If you love cheesy lines, highly suggest to watch a video that goes through the original re1 dialogue. It’s hilarious. Give one a watch if you’ve got the time. ( https://youtu.be/pVyOCssIXgQ —> 10 minute video of og re1 dialogue)
Thank you for the ask! If you’ve got suggestions for the au I’d love to hear em!
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blue-rose-blogging · 1 year
Resident Evil but the characters *do* get infected and need rare blue herbs to treat (Outbreak) and Umbrella controls the only synthetic suppressant from Birkins G research [hence the new Blue Umbrella]
Resident Evil but Sherry (and later Jake) have a temporary monster transformation
Temporary monster transformations but they might go out of control and need suppressants to stay human/sane
Tyrant models designed and programmed to protect some Umbrella scientists kid instead of hunt people down (Bioshock crossover?)
storyline where bioweapons are unleashed to combat a larger threat [blue umbrella becomes the thing it hates]
Crossover where zombies start popping up but it's weirdly not umbrella this time [[where all the characters get to switch apocalypse and meet up and interact and learn about each other's zombies]]
RE6 like storyline but partner swap so Leon and Jill team up while Claire finally finds her brother
Stupid RE AU where Five STARS Pizza is a rival pizza company to Red Umbrella Pizza (their logo is the same I just added pepperoni) there's still an apocalypse it's just delivering pizza is the heros job and like Ada and Wesker keep shooting out tires so umbrella delivers a pizza first wacky races style
the worst RE AU where dinosaur Simmons and dragon dimitrescu are dating
a story that explains that giant mutated bat thing from RE5 no really what was up with that
AU where an inter-universal chainsaw company workers keep having to make so many chainsaw shipments. Doom, RE, lollipop chainsaw, chainsaw man, evil dead - all those chainsaws? They come from this store and it's just an absurd slice of life story. Is the store hell? Or are these chainsaw angels? Either way Ash broke another chain from his hand this week and they have to reclaim 5 more flaming chainsaws from the gonados in RE4remakes hard mode
AU where wesker threw Chris out a window in Spencer mansion and he came back as nemises (yes like in the movies) and now every time he Beats up a tyrant going after Jill he gets their stuff but loses his humanity and decides to stay behind and there's a tearful fairwell between him jiml as she gets in the chopper to leave raccoon city and a single tear falls from both their cheeks as the nuke hits
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wetbed-sealand · 10 months
Terminator 2-esque AU of Resident Evil 3 where Nemesis is reprogrammed to follow Jill’s commands and the rest of the series has Jill Valentine and her COLOSSAL personal Military bio-weapon of a guard dog; but of course she just pretends he’s a really fucked up dog.
“Oh Nem? Hes a rescue :) yea probably a bordercollie mix or something”
This later drives Wesker INSANE seeing a tyrant be used like this.
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