#um I forget he exists and am surprised at how cute he is
mymelodyisme · 2 years
At the urgent care with my sister cause she was feeling sick and the nurse is really cute
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Just Two Sad Roommates
Corpse Husband x Reader(Female)
Warnings: Swearing (maybe)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: The power of medieval tavern music gets put to the test when Corpse’s roommate is having a rough day. SPOILER ALERT: it’s more powerful than anyone could assume.
Requested by Anon. You know who you are 😊😋 Wish I could tag you, I loved this idea so much and had such a fun time writing it. Hope you enjoy it just as much 🥰
The last twenty four hours haven’t been so great. 
Last night I had a huge fight with my boyfriend over his flirty messages with several girls. It was not just witty banter, it was way more and way more hurtful to me. He obviously denied it and defended himself, at least in the beginning of the argument. Then he took on the accusatory stance, pointing fingers at me for living with another guy. That had me absolutely fuming. Not only was his statement fabricated and literally made up on the spot, but he also used some seriously horrible insults for him. I was having non of it. Corpse is a really great roommate, sweet guy and overall amazing person. I haven’t once argued with him since we’ve started living together. We’re actually quite good friends. So hearing my asshole boyfriend call him all those names was more than enough to chase him out of the apartment. Thankfully, Corpse wasn’t home to hear all that. He rarely leaves the apartment but by some miracle this was the time he was absent.
Then this morning my mom called me to have a chat. It started off decently enough but it only remained that way for so long. It didn’t take her long to start criticizing each and every element of my existence. From my job, my boyfriend, my living arrangement, the career I’ve decided to pursue, the fact I moved to a different state, my paycheck that’s lower than her friend’s daughter’s...…..You get the point. 
Now I’m sitting here, contemplating what the two years I’ve been in a relationship with Marcus mean to me. I guess it is just like a phone call from my mother - starts off nice but slowly deteriorates. All things follow this pattern in my life, apparently. And just like the phone calls, I’ve considered ending things between me and him many times but never actually decided on it. Until now. The last part of this decision is executing it, which doesn’t look very promising. My thumbs are frozen, hovering over the keyboard.
I take a second to take a look at my life from a third person point of view, like an out of body experience. I am wrapped in a blanket, huddled on the couch like a burrito with a face. A really sad burrito with a face. I have a job where I work as much as three highly ranked workers and get paid a little over a secretary’s paycheck. I’m in a constant state of exhaustion and disinterest. I often forget I’m human and just assume I can live like a cactus - no food, no water. I have a boyfriend that’s cheating on me and most likely has been for quite some time now. And we’ve been dating for two fucking years. Man, that must be the longest cheat streak in history. Who knows with how many girls as well. And I still have trouble deciding weather to break up with him or not. Actually no, scratch that, I have already decided, but it feel so unnatural and so out of character that my body refuses to complete the task of delivering the final blow to the structure of this relationship which was already weak to begin with.
And it only got weaker when I started catching feelings for another guy. I know, I know, I’m a bad person for that, but I was never planning to act on those feelings. They have always just...lingered, loomed over me. They got stronger and stronger every time Marcus and I would fight, as though they were laughing at my mock of a relationship.
Speaking of laughter, I hear my roommate laughing in his recording room. I gave him the spare room for his recording equipment for a cheap add to his rent fee and it’s probably the second best decision I’ve ever made - first being picking him to be my roommate. He was among the first to reply to my online add and appeared the least sketchy over the phone. More hypnotizing if I’m honest. He could’ve told me he was a hitman and I wouldn’t have batted an eye, handing the keys to his room and the apartment without a second thought. All he had to do was keep talking. Again, SUE ME.
“Fuck, I’m so fucking pathetic!“ I drop my phone when all the strings inside me snap, releasing the sobs and tears I’ve been holding back for so long.
I bring my knees up to my chest, hiding my head in between them, desperately trying to shield myself from the plane crash that is my life at the moment. Crying makes me feel even sadder and more miserable but I have nothing left to do to get all the crap that’s piled up inside me out.
I’m on the verge of falling asleep, the tears have dried and the sobs have died somewhere in my chest, when I hear what sounds like music straight from Robin Hood’s time. 
Holy shit, I’ve lost it
I lift my head from in-between my knees, looking around the living room for the source of the jolly, lighthearted tune which despite all the heaviness of my self-loathing makes me feel like the main character in an medieval adventure. Wait...Holy crap, it’s that medieval adventure, Robin Hood-ass music I hear from Corpse’s room!
I whip around to face the entrance from to the hallway where I see an arm sticking out, holding a phone which is where the music is coming from. 
“Corpse?“ I call out to him in a questioning manner, shifting to a sitting position with my blanket kicked off of me and bunched up next to me.
“I can’t tell if you’re angry or sad...or both. Didn’t want to get attacked upon entering the room.“ I see the right side of his face peek out as well.
I break out into laughter, covering my mouth with one hand, “You’re such a dork.”
He takes this as a sign to come in, pausing the music as he does so. “What’s wrong?”
My laugh stops but a smile remains on my face as I look at him. He just has that effect on me. “A lot. What’s going on with you?”
He shrugs his shoulders, plopping down on the couch, “The usual, streaming Among Us. You should play with me and my friends some time.”
I scoff, “I can pull of a lie no problem. Maybe I really should.” I don’t actually consider it, it’s just funny to think about. 
I have never watched any of Corpse’s content. Not his scary story videos, not his streams, not his animated compilations. Just his songs. And let me tell you...they are hella good. One song and I was hooked.
“Hey, I have a question.“ I tilt my head to look at him, “What’s with you and your love for medieval adventure music?“
“Medieval tavern music, and it’s not really love.“ He shakes his head with this dopey grin that is just. so. adorable. “More like a coping mechanism. Tell me, did you feel less sad I played it for you?“
I stop and think for a second. “Yeah, I think so.”
“Point made.“ He declares, leaving me to nod in amusement. “Now, tell me what that ‘a lot’ is.“
So, I do. I tell him everything, from how my boyfriend is cheating on me to how my mother thinks I’m a complete failure. He listens carefully, paying close attention to everything I’m saying. I catch myself laughing a few times while I retell the recent upsetting events.
Must be that music.
“So, you broke up?“ He asks once I end my monologue with a sigh
I shake my head disappointedly, “Not yet. I still haven’t pulled the plug. I don’t know what to say.”
He holds out his hand to me, “May I be of assistance?”
I look at his hand then at him and contemplate for only a second before deciding ‘what the hell’ and handing over my phone after unlocking it. The screen displays my boyfriend’s chat so Corpse just types away what he has in mind. Before pressing ‘send’, he hands the phone back to me. “Proofread it.”
‘Dear Marcus, this is one of your girlfriends speaking. Yes, one of them. You think I’m not onto what you’re doing, you little shit? Well, to your dismay, I am. And so, I discontinue this relation between us. That word might have been too long for your IQ so let me rephrase: We are over. Finished. Hope your other girlfriends wake up too, unless they are already in the know, of course. Love, but really hate, Y/N‘
I was never aware this level of sass even existed.
I add a smiling emoji and send the message, sighing in relief. “I can check that off my to-do list now.”
We both lean back on the couch, looking up at the ceiling. A moment of comfortable silence takes over, leaving us both wandering in our own heads.
“Hey, um, I wanted to do this when I first moved in, but then I met your boyfriend and I took the hint. Now that you’re single, would you want to...“ he sounds a bit uncertain but continues regardless, “It’s ridiculous cause I don’t really like the idea of going out, but maybe we could order take-out...“
“Are you circling around asking me on an at-home date?“ I am surprised by how unbothered I manage to sound while I’m squealing on the inside. It’s fascinating how quickly a person can flip someone’s day around. Turns out it wasn’t the music at all. It was him that had the positive effect on mine.
Out of the corner of my eye I catch his face turn red and have to contain my laughter. The grin can’t be tamed though, especially not when he says, “Yes.”
Internally squealing, I launch myself from the couch, standing up straight in front of him. “Thai. My usual order is on the sticky note on the fridge. But first,” I offer him my hand, “I need to find out if a person can even dance to that ridiculous music.” At his amusement, my grin widens, “May I have this dance?”
He laughs that adorable laugh of his I’ve only heard through the layer of a wooden door. It’s even cuter when there’s nothing between me and its source. The source is cute too, not gonna lie.
With a shake of his head which is most likely disbelief, he takes the hand I’ve offered him, saying: “And you call me a dork.” 
@susceptible-but-siriusexual  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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Pairing - Sam Wilson x Reader
Summary - You knew that things were going to change the moment that Captain America walked into you and your boyfriend’s lives. You just hadn’t expected them to change so quickly. 
Word Count - 2.5k
Warnings - None except angst! But I promise it’s a happy ending! :)
Could you say that you didn’t see it coming? That you were blindsided? That you had never expected things to end this way? No. From the moment that Captain America had come knocking on the doorway of your apartment, you knew that things were about to change. 
You could admit that you hadn’t expected it to end so quickly after that. 
“I’ve got to go help him. I feel like . . . I’ve found what I’m supposed to do.” He told you, sitting across from you at your small dining room table. 
 “I thought working at the VA was your calling?” You asked. It was where the two of you had met. You had been working at the front desk there for years now. 
“This is different.” He replied, and you watched as his fingers tapped on the table. It was an anxious habit he had come back with from his two tours. “Captain America needs my help, and I can’t turn him down.” 
“Even if it means losing me?” You asked, your voice a whisper in the air passing between the two of you. 
There was silence for a long time after that. You knew this couldn’t be easy for him. The two of you had gone through so much together that letting each other go had always seemed an impossible thing to do. How would you survive? Even though Sam was the one sitting here, cutting the tie, you knew he was thinking the same thing. 
“Even if it means losing you.” Sam answered. 
And just like that, it was over. 
The first time you saw Sam Wilson after your break up was almost a year later. The forces of the Universe must have been against you, because it was while you were on a third date with a guy. It had been going okay, you always tried to give it at least three dates before you gave up, but you had a feeling it wasn’t going to go anywhere. 
You had a hard time finding any hope about a relationship these days. Not after you had lost the person you thought might have been your soulmate, but you couldn’t sit around your apartment feeling sorry for yourself. You knew he wasn’t. Every once in a while you would get a letter, a postcard, from somewhere across the country, but you never replied. How were you supposed to be getting over him if you were getting reminders of his presence all the time? 
He hadn’t sent a letter this month, so you assumed he had gotten the message, or was too busy saving the world, but then you saw him, sitting at a bar with Steve Rogers, and all the hurt came rushing back like a tidal wave. “Hey, um, can we go somewhere else?” You asked your date, hoping and praying he would say yes. 
“Why? I’ve got us a table reserved and everything.” He told you like it was a big deal, and he had pulled a lot of strings to do so. 
“It’s just my ex is here -” You started to explain, but he cut you off. 
“So?” He asked, giving you an annoyed look. 
Yeah, this relationship was definitely not going anywhere, but you didn’t want to be rude, knowing he had already driven to come into town, and shook your head. You took one more glance at Sam, who hadn’t noticed your presence, and you sighed. “Never mind.” 
This response seemed to please him. He smiled, and gestured toward a booth in the corner. “Go ahead and have a seat, I’ll get us some drinks.” 
It was not your night, that much was for sure. You rubbed your forehead, already feeling a stress headache coming on, and not looking forward to the next at least hour or so. You leaned against the back of the booth, closing your eyes and trying to focus on anything other than the man who you could feel from all the way across the room. You were so lost in thought you didn’t even notice the drink in front of you until your date spoke up. 
“I got you some red wine. I’m sure you’ll find it to your satisfaction.” He said, with a grin. 
You, on the other hand, wanted to grimace. “Oh, thank you.” You replied, once again, not wanting to be rude, and took a sip, trying to fight back a grimace. He was still standing there, and you knew he was assuming that you would scoot over so he would slide in beside you, but you had always thought that was so weird, so you didn’t move, pretending to focus on your glass until he finally sat down across from you. 
In fact, you didn’t even look at him until he cleared his throat, trying to grab your attention. “You look nice tonight.” 
Surprised, but pleased by the genuine compliment, you gave him a hesitant smile. “Thank you, you look -”
“I mean, I’m sure your hair would look nicer down, but -”
Wow. It really was going to be one of the worst dates of your life. 
“She looks great no matter how she wears her hair actually.” A voice interrupted, and your whole body tensed. 
You would recognize that voice anywhere, with the amount of times you had heard it, even though it had been a year since you had heard it in person. You tried to prepare yourself, but there was no way to do so. 
Sam Wilson was not a man you could look at without getting flustered. He looked as great as you remembered, cute smirk, strong jaw, soft eyes, but there was a hint of tiredness, along with something else you couldn’t put your finger on as he looked at you. You wondered what it was, but then decided to chalk it up to him seeing you for the first time in so long. You knew that you were definitely feeling shaken up looking at him, so you imagined he was too. 
Memories of your times together started to cloud your memory as you two stared at each other, and you had no idea how long you were looking at him until your date spoke up, clearing his throat unnecessarily loudly. “Excuse me, we’re on a date.” He spoke up. 
God had his voice always been that irritating, and you had never noticed? “Not a great one from the looks of it.” Sam said, never taking his eyes off of you. 
“Excuse me?!” 
Sam didn’t even spare him a glance. He lifted his arm, and in his hands was a bottle of your favorite beer. “Want to go for a walk?” He asked you, holding it out as an invitation. 
Oh this was a bad idea. A terrible idea. Sam stirred up a lot of emotions inside of you that you struggled to keep in check on a day to day basis. Being alone with him would only bring them to the surface. Not to mention you were on a date, no matter how terrible it was going, and it would be rude to - 
“For old time’s sake?” Sam added, as if he could see your wavering thoughts. 
Ah well, you knew this wasn’t going anywhere anyway. You took the drink from Sam, ignoring the sputtering man at the table, and followed him upstairs and outside to the balcony. 
The two of you sat in silence for several moments, staring out at the city beneath you. Since he had been the one to speak first, you felt like it was your turn, but at the same time, what were you supposed to say? How much you missed him? How sometimes you would wake up in the mornings and forget he was gone? How you had quit your job at the VA because the memories were too much? Sam had been the one to dump you to go on this grand adventure with Captain America. So why was he still sending you postcards and trying to talk to you now? 
“Why did you never write me back?” Sam said, breaking the silence. 
“Why did you keep writing to me when I didn’t?” You asked, avoiding his question as you took a sip of your beer. God that was so much better than red wine. 
“We were together for three years -” He started to say, but you cut him off. 
“Exactly, Sam. We were together until you decided to end it. Do you know how it felt getting those letters? It was like I was getting stabbed, over and over, and you were holding the knife.” You told him, anger rising in your chest. All you had wanted to do was try and get over him, yet here he was, trying to pull you back, like he had tried with those letters. 
When he replied, you could hear the frustration in his tone. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you! I just . . .” He trailed off, and you found yourself getting even more upset, wanting to know what he was about to say. 
“You just what?” You repeated, urging him on. When he didn’t respond again, you couldn’t take it anymore. You put your beer down on the table behind him. “You know what? Keep your beer. When you decide why you wanted to continue to make my life miserable, you can let me know.” You said, tears streaming down your face as you stormed off, doing your best not to look back. 
There were no more letters. Nothing to remind you that Sam Wilson existed at all until his face was plastered all over your television. 
Criminal, wanted by the government, treason, all scary words that didn’t fit the man that you knew and loved. You knew something wasn’t right, and you couldn’t help but worry about him no matter how hard you tried to forget him. 
Then one night, your phone rang, and when you answered, it was a familiar voice on the other end of the line. “Hey sweet girl.” 
The voice was filled with static, and you knew he couldn’t be calling from a good phone, and you had no idea how far away he was either, but there was no mistaking his voice. “Sam,” You sighed in relief, grabbing your pillow and hugging it close to your chest. “What the hell is going on? You’re all over the TV, and they’re calling you -”
Sam chuckled, like he always had when you started rambling. “Yeah, I bet I am. It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it when I get back.” 
Those words sent a shock straight to your heart. “When you get back -”
“I guess if I come back.” He replied, and in seconds, your anxiety multiplied. 
“Sam . . .” Your voice was calm even though you were not. “What are you doing?” 
“There’s this guy . . . Big, alien guy. We have to take him out, or it’s going to be real bad.” He said, and your fingers tightened their grip on the pillow you were holding. “If something happens, I wanted to answer your question.” 
“My question?” What question? You hadn’t talked to him in so long. What could he have to tell you - 
“I didn’t send those letters to hurt you.” Sam said, and you didn’t dare interrupt him. “I sent them because about one minute after I walked out of our apartment, I realized how bad I messed up.” There was a pause as he waited to see if you had anything to say, but you couldn’t speak. “It thought if I sent you those letters, I would keep you thinking about me. Now I know how selfish that was. This whole damn thing is selfish, but if something happens to me, I wanted you to know I still-”
“Shut up.” You cut him off before he could say anything else, taking a deep breath and forcing yourself to hold back your tears. “Don’t say another word until you come back here and can say it in person.” You demanded. 
There was silence on the other end of the phone for a few moments, but when he spoke, you could almost hear the grin in his voice. “Yes, ma’am.” There was a loud rumble of noise from his end, and when he spoke, his tone was serious once more. “I’ve got to go.” 
“Sam?” You said, stopping him from hanging up. “Please be careful.” 
Five years had passed in what felt like the blink of an eye. For you, it basically had been. One moment you had been standing in line for some takeout, hoping that at any moment your phone would start vibrating against your hip, and Sam would be calling you to tell you that he was on his way. The next you had popped up in the exact same place, that was now deserted, half the people that had been there with you materializing as well. All of you were equally confused, and it took awhile for everyone to realize what had happened. 
In about a week, you were busy moving all of your stuff into a new apartment since your old one was now occupied. Everything had been put down in their various rooms when there was a knock on your door. Letting out a groan, you stood up off the couch, assuming you had forgotten something, and made your way over to the door, not even bothering to see who was on the other side before opening it. 
“Hey,” Sam Wilson said, appearing at your doorway as if it was the most normal thing in the world. 
All your emotions came rushing back in a tidal wave, and you threw your arms around his neck, clutching him close to you. At once, he wrapped his own arms around you, hugging you even tighter against his chest. “You’re alive.” You murmured against his skin. You hadn’t known, and you didn’t even know who you could call to find out. 
“I had a promise to keep, didn’t I?” Sam replied, walking you backwards into your new apartment and shutting the door behind him without letting even an inch of space between the two of you. 
“But Sam . . .” You pulled back enough so that you could look into his eyes. “There’s so much going on right now . . . don’t they need you to -”
“They can wait. I’m not wasting any more time away from you.” He said, one of his large hands reaching up to cup your face. “Nothing’s been right since I’ve walked away, and I want to change that right now.” 
Tears started filling up your eyes as he spoke, one of your hands reaching up to hold the one that was against your face. “Sam . . .” 
“I love you.” He said, “and I’m never going to forget how much again.” 
The logical part of your brain said that you needed to make him prove it. See him grovel, all the normal things that a person wishes for after a break up. After all, what assurances did you have that the next time Sam wanted to go on a big adventure, the same thing wouldn’t happen again? 
Your heart, on the other hand, knew Sam Wilson like nothing else. Yes, the possibility was there that he would hurt you again, but the sincerity in his eyes was obvious, and besides . . . 
Maybe it was worth it. Just to keep loving Sam for a little while longer. 
“I love you too,” You replied, leaning up on your tiptoes to kiss him for the first time in a long time.
It was worth every second apart.
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cloud9in · 3 years
Encounter (Mc x Veronica)
Summary: Veronica goes out for drinks one night and finds herself in a situation where she needs saving. Good thing Bea exists right?
This fic was highly inspired by my boo @fundamentalromantic. Thank you so much for the idea and I hope you enjoy it.
Word count: 2,300
Warnings: Violence, implied sex, but 80% banter 
Tags: @samanthadalton @satrinadia @clowneryme @thedaft1 @alccaddsccup @penda-bear (tagged some people who I thought would like to read)
 A day before moving into Belvoire, Veronica decided she should get a feel of the area. New York was far different from the usual quietness of her small hometown in California. But on the bright side, the vlogger would get a ton of content for her Youtube channel in the buzzing city where people never sleep. The first few days of exploring involved bar hopping and recruiting Chloe to help her film in Soho and Chinatown for beauty week. Poppy took part in Veronica’s tour as well, and on Thursday the girls decided to check out the newest night club that opened up.
 Veronica stepped out of the car in a sparkly thigh-length dress with a slit, and black Louboutin heels. It definitely caught the attention of people standing outside the club, a few guys even attempting to approach her in their drunken state. Chloe basked in the attention, flirting with a blonde-haired guy who was clearly overdressed (in her eyes). Poppy dragged Chloe with her and the three girls walked swiftly past the long line of people and up to the bouncer. It didn’t take much effort to have him open the door for them, being as they were the three hottest people on the block, but Veronica also did have a killer reputation at just about any place she stepped foot in.
 An hour into partying and Veronica held her phone up as her livestream watched them all do a round of colorful tequila shots. The vlogger definitely felt the warm buzz of booze swimming through her veins as her muscles started to relax. New York was the place to be right now and more eventful than all of the years she lived in Cali. Veronica was excited to continue her career and studies in a place like this, but her peaceful thoughts are quickly cut off when someone approaches her, the smell of cheap alcohol invading her senses.
 “What’s a tigress like you doing in a raunchy place like this baby?” Veronica rolled her eyes at the hideous effort of flirting by a man who reeked of “just got divorced and into younger women”. His friends (who were probably part of the same club) seemed to laugh around him, encouraging the unwanted behavior. She shook her head and turned away from him in her chair. Don’t let some idiots ruin your night V, have some fun.
 She immediately stiffened when he wrapped his arms around her from behind, the wet feeling of his alcohol soaked beard grazing against her cheek. Veronica  jerked up abruptly, shoving the man away from her and placing her arms up in defense. “Get the fuck off of me.” 
 At this point people started to stare at them, Poppy and Chloe already standing by the Zeta’s side with anger. Veronica had left her phone on the table but the stream kept going, capturing the voices of patrons in the bar getting increasingly louder. The bearded man watched her with a predatory look on his face, well aware of the crowd that was forming around them. He grunted and turned away after realizing he probably couldn’t take on three women at once, atleast not in the way he imagined. Chloe scoffs loudly, crossing her arms, “What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re scared of us. Pathetic piece of garbage.” 
 Yeah....bad idea Chlo.
 When he whipped around to face them, Veronica finally noticed just how large his muscles were, and how they were straining against his shirt. Oh shit. 
 “What did you say to me bitch?”
 Veronica shot a nasty glare at Chloe before facing the stranger once again, her arms slightly trembling. “Look, let's just forget all of this and move on with our night. Don't mind my friend...she’s just..” Veronica leans closer, mocking a whisper, “it’s that time of the month.” The guys laughed at her comment and she silently breathed a sigh of relief, hoping this would make them back off. The last thing Veronica needed was to get her ass handed to her on live, with thousands of people watching. Poppy stood there eyeing the men, her hand already on the tip of her phone, ready to speed dial her dad, or the cops...or her therapist if things went awry. 
 Chloe sneered at Veronica, her awful balance making her stumble as she stepped closer to the men. She clearly had too much to drink. “Oh please, I’m not sorry for anything that comes out of my mouth, even if it includes vomit!” She points a finger in their direction, “give me your best you motherfuc- mmh!”
 Poppy clamps one hand straight onto the blonde’s mouth before she can spit out any more profanity. Her face a mixture of annoyance and fear as the men start to lose their smiles. Veronica can see the bearded man getting ready to lunge at her and her flight or fight instincts seemed to kick in at the last second. She dodged the hand that tried to grab her, but he caught her leg as he was spent sprawling down on the ground from something behind. She yelped and kicked free of his hold before catching the gaze of a woman who stood a few feet away from her. Their eye contact was immediately broken as the stranger glared down at the man, “hands off the lady.”
 Two men from the group with buzzcuts tried to grab hold of the brunette’s arms but she spins easily and kicks one right in between the legs, making him fall in pain. The other guy tried to knock her down from behind but she locked his arm in an odd and excruciating position, “do you really want to do this?” His persistence led her to pull on his elbow, eliciting a scream from the man until he surrendered and scurried away, along with the rest of their crew.
 The brunette swiftly kicks the bearded man in the abdomen after seeing him trying to get up, “stay down you asshole.” 
 She wipes a trickle of sweat from her forehead and huffs out, “I’ve wrestled pigs bigger than these guys, but damn that was a workout.” Unbeknownst to the woman, it was all caught on tape and would be everywhere, including Belvoire’s hottest gossip blog the T. But she doesn’t have to worry about that because she doesn’t go there, right?
 Veronica gapes at the girl who single handedly became her hero, in tight leather pants. The curly-haired woman noticed the speechless expression on her face and smirked. “Well if I were you guys, I’d leave this place before the cops miraculously show up.”
 “Somebody should call the police! These- these bimbos tried to kill us-”
 Chloe earns another hand on her mouth as Poppy starts to push her towards the exit, “Oh yeah the only bimbo here is YOU, go and sit in the car before you end up in a jail cell.” 
 Veronica turns away from the chaotic scene and notices that the brunette has gotten closer to her. She can feel her throat starting to heat up, and it was enough to take her mind off what just happened. The Zeta girl tries to take a step and immediately feels her heel slip sideways, but the woman captures her hands and steadies her before she can fall. “Woah- careful there. Maybe we should walk outside? This club is starting to get crowded.” 
 They step around the man sprawled out on the floor. Yeah someone will probably come get him, no worries. Veronica lets her lead the way until they both step out to the curb. The brunette helps her sit down on the edge of the sidewalk before taking a seat next to her. “You know, I can’t keep living life without knowing the name of my savior.” 
 The mystery girl barks out a laugh as she siddles closer to her. She holds out her hand, hoping that Veronica would grab it, “Bea, Bea Hughes. And you?”
 Veronica stares at her wide-eyed, a not so sarcastic gasp escaping her lips, “You-you don’t know who I am?”
 “...Should I?”
 Bea scrunches her eyebrows in confusion before snapping her fingers, “Oh wait! You’re a Kardashian..!” That earns her a hard smack to her leg but she can only laugh teasingly. 
 “I think that was the most disrespectful thing someone has ever said to me....You’re very lucky you’re cute. Oh and it's Veronica.”
 Bea bites her lip shyly, “You’re too beautiful to be one of them...Veronica. And you definitely look all real to me.”
 “Okay if you’re trying to seduce me, this is NOT the way to go Hughes.”
 They both bust out laughing and Veronica wraps her arm around Bea’s, letting herself sink into her side. “Thank you by the way...I mean, not like I couldn’t handle it myself.” She shrugs and looks down at their entangled arms, squeezing tighter, “I owe you one.”
 “You don’t owe me a damn thing Veronica. I’m just grateful I was there as well. This ain’t the first time those goons have harassed women in the area.”
 “Judging by that southern accent and fighting skills, I’m guessing you’re not from here?”
 Bea smiles down at Veronica, studying her bright hazel eyes and luscious lashes. “No I am not, but….if you want to know more about me, how about over a drink? If you want to.” 
 The Zeta girl laughs softly, nudging her, “Oh so you do know how to flirt Hughes. Let's do it! But um..it might be a little difficult to do that because my heel is broken.”
 Bea peers down at her stilettos which seemed to be way past 7 lives now and smiles to herself. In one swift motion she scoops Veronica up in her arms bridal style. The vlogger gasps in surprise before wrapping her arms around the brunette’s neck. “Our problem seems to have disappeared already. And you are incredibly light like a feather.” Bea teases the Zeta, lifting her in an up and down motion.
 “That’s because I’m 40% alcohol right now, but do keep me in your arms, perfectly convenient for me.”
 “You mean I get to carry a stunning woman in my arms free of charge? This must be heaven..”
 “Okay Ms. Flirt, keep walking I’ll direct you where to go.”
 Bea fought the urge to tease her about trying to be dominant but the voices of Poppy and Chloe caught their attention. She approached the car where Chloe sat…wailing hysterically..?
 “I don’t want to go to prison! Don’t let them take me Poppy please!” The blonde grabs Poppy’s dress and doesn’t let go, desperately looking around. When Bea finally stops in front of them, Poppy looks over at the two women and rolls her eyes, clearly fed up.
 “Poppy what the hell is happening with Chlo?!” Veronica breathes out, even though this is the last place she wants to be.
 “Chloe thinks I called the cops on her and she said she doesn't want to sleep on a concrete bed with two other women in a prison cell.”
 Bea raises an eyebrow as she watches the two Zeta girls stare at each other like they’re used to what was happening right now. Veronica gives Poppy a stern look, essentially telling her “leave me alone, I’m trying to get laid”, and the strawberry blonde catches on quickly. She turns away, sighing heavily, “Go, I’ll deal with this. But be at the house tomorrow, it's our first day back.”
 The Zeta grins and blows her a kiss, signaling for Bea to carry on down the sidewalk as she lays in her arms barefoot. Poppy watches them walk away and roll her eyes.
 “So, should I ask?”
 “I think you would appreciate it if I didn’t tell you.”
 The brunette laughs easily, crossing the now empty street. The more she walked the direction that Veronica guided her to, the more quieter it got. “Um… V. Where exactly are we going..?”
 “You’ll see. It’s a secret spot. Kind of like a speakeasy, except it’ll just be the two of us and we can do whatever we want.” Veronica flips her hair seductively, catching Bea’s gaze as she bites her lips and winks. The brunette can feel her heart starting to beat faster, her breath hitching in her throat. She barely can move her gaze off of Veronica’s hazel orbs, her cheeks reddening at the girl’s shameless comment. 
 Lucky for Bea (or maybe not), their night was just getting started, and Veronica would have her blushing again, but this time on her knees. 
 Veronica saunters confidently into the gates of Belvoire on move-in day, watching as others run around campus with luggages and bags. She sips on the iced latte in her land, eyes glued to her phone on the other hand. She eventually finds Chloe yelling at some assistant girl and immediately turns around, not wanting to deal with it. A woman with a suitcase and a grey Henley shirt approaches the blonde, reprimanding her for her rude behavior. The video of the fight last night appears on the T just as Veronica looks at her phone again. Bea’s leather jacket appears on-screen and knocks the man down. Veronica smirks as she watches the woman take on 3 men effortlessly. People around start to point at the brunette while looking at their phones, and Veronica doesn’t look up until two voices that appear to be arguing, get louder. She nearly drops the cup of coffee in her hands when she sees the same face that was between her legs the previous night. 
 And as Poppy approaches Bea, the brunette catches a glimpse of familiar hazel eyes and ombre colored hair and her eyes go wide. “...Veronica..?” Oh shit.
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talesofarcadia78 · 3 years
Sorceress of Arcadia || Becoming Part 2 (Douxie’s POV)
Summary: Y/n Lake is Jim Lake's older sister. She discovers  that she is sorceress and her brother is the Trollhunter. She and the Trollhunters go on adventures together, they save trolls and humans. Along the way, a friend becomes more than just a friend and discovers their secrets.
Warning: None 
Word count: 5,587 
Tags: @lunariasilver
Previous >> Becoming Part 2 • Next >> Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter? 
Ring! Ring! Ring!
My phone started ringing, meaning someone was calling me. I reached my hand over to my nightstand and picked the call up. “Hello?” you said. “Douxie! Where are you? You're late for your shift! Get over here!” Mr. Benoit screamed. “Yes sir!” you replied, hanging up. You were so late. You quickly got dressed and ran out of your apartment. On the way out your cat, Archie stopped you in front of the doorway. “Arch! I’m getting late for my shift! Move!” you scolded him. “Douxie, you're forgetting something,” Archie said. “What?” you asked, getting impatient. “Your shoes!” Archie shouted. You looked down at your feet. They were bare. In all the rush, you had forgotten about your shoes. “Thanks, Arch!” you said, hastily putting my shoes on. “Bye,” Archie said. “Bye!” you shouted back, running out.
You ran across town and into Mr. Benoit’s. You scrambled inside the staffroom and got to work. After about 2 hours, up to finished up your last task and got out of the cafe. You checked the time, it was almost time for your shift at the bookstore. You walked over to the bookstore when you spotted y/n sitting outside the museum. You walked over to her, wondering what she was doing in town, since the whole ankle problem yesterday. You noticed she was looking at her phone. She seemed to be a bit worked up over something. “Looks like someone is frustrated,” you commented. She looked up from her phone to face me. Her e/c eyes were so hypnotizing. You could stare into them all day. You snapped out of your thoughts when y/n started talking. “Oh hey, Douxie. I was just researching but didn’t find out what I was looking for,” she told you. “Ah, I see. Well, I see you're in town, so your ankle must be okay. Right?” you asked, concerned for her. “Yeah, it’s better. It still hurts a bit, but I can handle it,” she said, walking over to a nearby bin to throw some foil.
“Well, are you interested in books?” you asked, wanting her to come by the bookstore and spend some time there. “Yeah. Why?” she asked, curious why as to why you suddenly brought up the topic of books. “Well, the bookstore I work in isn’t far, wanna come?” you asked. “Yeah sure,” she replied.
The two of you walked to the bookstore, chatting about her life. When you had arrived, you held the door open for her and bowed. “Why you’re very chivalrous,” she said. “Thank you, m’lady,” you joked.
The two of you walked inside. You noticed y/n walk over to a shelf and started skimming through the titles. You went behind the counter and pulled out a book that Master Merlin had written, back when we were in Camelot. She might be interested, so you walked over to her and tapped her shoulder. She spun around and you held out the book. “What about this?” you asked, handing her the book. She read the title and asked, “ Wait, Camelot as in 12th century, medieval times Camelot?” “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. This book had been here for ages, no one has ever shown any interest in it so far. You’re the first,” you lied. You didn’t want to lie to her, but you had no other choice. If you did not want to reveal your past and get close to her, you had to lie to her. You would tell her eventually but now wasn’t the time. She walked over to a couch and sat down, starting to read it.
You thought of getting something for her, so you walked to the back and got some lemonade out of the fridge. You poured the lemonade into two, glass cups and walked back to the front. “I got lemonade!” You declared, to no one in particular. You saw that y/n jolted up a bit. You must’ve frightened her, but who knows? You went up behind her and handed her a glass. You sat beside her on the couch and looked over her shoulder, wondering if she liked it or not. “Is it good so far?” you asked. “Yeah. It’s interesting to see Merlin’s perspective of Camelot and King Arthur. Plus it’s funny to see the little notes in the margins,” she said, pointing to a note. You had written those notes, wanting to make the book more fun, not just filled with boring facts. So whenever you got a chance, you would write some notes in the margins. It was fun. One time you had gotten caught, resulting in a long lecture from Master Merlin, but after that incident, you never got caught. “Well, I hoped you like it. Want to buy it?” you asked, finishing up your lemonade and putting it on the table in front of you. “Actually yes. How much is it?” she replied, closing the book. “As I said, the book has been lying around for ages, so, it’s on me,” you repeated. “No. You have two jobs and on top of that, you study. You deserve the money,” she denied, getting $15 and handing you the money. You shook my head, shoving the money back into her hand. She looked like she was about to protest when an idea popped into your head. You jumped off the couch.
“What about, you give me the money and in return, I buy you dinner tomorrow,” you suggested. She was quiet for a minute when she replied, “Okay, sounds like a plan”. “Great, it’s a date!” you added. You walked over to the counter and put the money in the cash box. You walked back over to the couch and sat next to her again and started reading with her. You noticed that she had also finished her lemonade and put the glasses away. You looked at the time, 12, meaning it was break time. You walked over to the door and spun the sign from “open” to “on break”. You then walked back over to y/n and sat next to her. Both of you read through the book.
You read the page where Merlin was talking about how Morgana was starting to get the hang of her magic. When you finished reading the page, you wondered why y/n had stopped turning the page. You turned to see her. You realized that she had fallen asleep on my shoulder. You grinned, she looked cute when she was asleep. You bookmarked the page and closed it. You put the book on the table gently, making sure not to wake y/n up, and leaned back into the couch. After a few minutes, your eyelids started to get heavy, and soon enough, you drifted off into sleep, leaning your head on her’s.
It had been about half an hour when you felt someone shaking me gently. You instantly woke up and looked down at y/n and she pointed towards the door to see some people knocking on the door. You sprinted to the door and unlocked it. “Sorry folks! Just drifted off a bit, please come on in,” you apologized to the people and opened the door wider to let people in. “It’s okay lad, We understand if you need to focus some time with your girlfriend,” an old man said, pointing to y/n. “I...uh...um...” you stammered, trying to look for an answer. Sure you had a crush on her, but was it that obvious? “Lad?” the old man waved his hand in front of you, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Yes sir! Please come on in,” you answered, gesturing him to come in.
Y/n walked up to you with the book in her hands. “Well, I have to go. I’ll see you later,” she said and was about to leave when you grabbed her wrist without thinking. I am so stupid! “Wait! How am I going to let you know what time I’ll come to pick you up? Do you have an email or a number...” you asked. Y/n smiled at you and then you exchanged numbers. “Thanks, I’ll text you what time I’ll come,” you said. “Oh and come dressed...nicely,” you added. “Sure, you too. Don’t wear, you know...that,” she joked, gesturing to your outfit. “Cheeky!” you teased. Then she left.
You walked back into the store, helping the people who had come in, but your mind was thinking of y/n. She was so sweet, nice and well... everything! Would she even like a guy like me? She must think I am a popular guy that is a jerk and likes to show off. No, I won’t let that happen. Does she know I have a crush on her? Am I that obvious? you push those thoughts aside and focused on my work.
After your shift ended, you said goodbye to my co-worker and left for your apartment. On the way there, you saw Jack, the keyboardist of your band, heading towards you. “Hey, Jack! What’s up?” you said. “Douxie! You missed band practice! Where were you? Our concert is tomorrow!” Jack said. “Band practice! I forgot about that! I’ll practice tonight and I’ll come extra early to school, so we can all practice, so we don’t embarrass ourselves tomorrow night,” you suggested. Then it hit you. “Sounds good Doux!” Jack agreed. “What about the dinner with y/n!” you said, a little too loudly. “Wait, Douxie! You're going to have dinner with y/n! Dude!” Jack said, surprised. “Yeah. I am so stupid! What am I gonna do Jack?” you asked. “Dude! You're going out for dinner with y/n! She is so popular, well in the classes. I was once in her English class, and she was so helpful like everyone loves her! How did you get to know her? Wait do you like her?” Jack teased. “I...yeah. I do like her,” you said, blushing a bit. “Dude! Your lucky to be going out to dinner with her, but at school, be careful. There is a guy named Tyler that has a huge crush on her. They are both in the same Math and HPE class. She doesn’t know that he even exists, but that guy can go to any lengths to get her liking him,” Jack warns. “But you do know that you are friends with her, so more likely she’ll like you than him,” Jack added. “Okay. But how do you know all of this stuff?” you asked, getting suspicious. “That’s confidential, I can’t tell you,” Jack scoffed. “Okay. Just tell me what I should do about the dinner,” you asked, getting a bit impatient. “Just go out tonight. Then tomorrow, you can ask her to come to the concert,” Jack suggested. “Okay, I’ll do that! Thanks, Jack!” You said, running to my apartment.
On the way to the apartment, you texted y/n: Hey, So, I can’t take you out for dinner tomorrow, something came up. But I am free tonight, are you? She replied: Yeah You immediately replied: Great! I’m coming to pick you up in 20 minutes. Bye. She replied: Okay, bye.
You barged into your apartment, seeing Archie sitting on the couch. “Douxie! You shouldn’t just barge in! Have some manners!” Archie scolded. “This is my home Arch! I can barge in anytime! Plus, I’m in a rush!” you shouted, running into my room and opening up my closet. You looked around your closet, trying to find something good to wear. Then your eyes fell onto a black dress shirt and a pair of black pants. You quickly took it and put it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror. The long sleeves of the shirt were bothering you. Archie walked into the room. “Why are you dressed so nicely? You never dress this nicely. Are you going out somewhere?” Archie asked. “Yes. But these sleeves are so uncomfortable!” you sighed. “Just roll them up,” Archie said. You rolled the sleeves up and it instantly felt better. You then got some black shoes and put them on. “Okay Arch! I’m heading out. I’ll be back around 10,” you said, heading out of the room. “Doux! Wear a bow tie! And do you know where you going?” Archie asked. “Why do I need a bow tie?” you whined. “You’ll look more proper. Here,” Archie replied, handing me a navy blue bow tie. You tied it under your collar, while Archie told me a nice restaurant. “Thanks, Arch! How did you know I was going out for dinner? What if I was going to a fancy party or something?” you asked. “I looked through your texts of you and a girl, y/n. Plus, I know you Doux. I have been with you for almost a millennium,” Archie explained, holding up my phone, with the screen showing my texts with y/n. “Arch! Why did you look through my texts! That’s private!” you scolded him, snatching the phone. “Do you like this y/n girl?” Archie asked. “What! No... She’s just a friend,” you lied. “Douxie, you know you can’t lie to me. I know you like-” Archie said, but you cut him off. “We’ll have this conversation another time. Right now, I’m running late,” you said, grabbing the keys to your Vespa, and heading out.
You quickly rode to y/n’s house, parking the Vespa in front of it. You walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. You didn’t have to wait long. The door opened, revealing Jim. “Hey, Jim. I was here to pick up your sister. We’re going out for dinner,” you said. “Hey, Douxie. I’ll call her,” Jim replied. You were about to say that you would bring her back by 10, but that’s when Jim shouted out, “Y/n! Douxie is here!” You winced, that was loud. Jim took a step back from the doorway, revealing y/n heading down. Your eyes widened as soon as you saw her. She was beautiful in the black to navy blue gradient dress. It also matched with your outfit, just like a couple. You saw Jim grin at his sister. He must be happy to see his sister happy. “Come back by 10. It’s a school night,” Jim said, sternly, but you heard a bit of amusement in his voice. “I will,” y/n replied. “Shall we?” you asked, offering your arm to y/n. She took it, stepping outside. She then turned, facing Jim. “Have fun sis. Douxie, take care of my sister, she’s the only one I have. She is the only person I can talk to when no one else would understand, even when Toby wouldn’t understand,” Jim said to you. “Don’t worry Jim! She is under great care for the next 2 hours. I promise,” you reassured him.
Y/n waved to Jim as he closed the door. You walked over to your Vespa and sat. “I never knew you had a Vespa,” y/n said. “And I never knew your brother was very protective of you,” you joked. “Well, that’s true. He’s never been so protective before,” y/n said. “Well, let’s leave your brother to the side for now, and sit behind me,” you said, patting the seat behind you.
Y/n sat behind you as you started the vehicle up. Once it was started, you rode very fast. You felt a jolt from y/n, and turned around slightly, only to see that she was about fall. But just in time, you caught her with one of your hands. “No offense, but you need to ride more safely,” y/n commented, as she put her hands around your waist. You felt your face start to heat up. “I’ll get around to it. For now, just enjoy the view,” you said. Just when your face was starting to cool down, you felt y/n put her chin on your shoulder. This time, your face didn’t heat up, you smiled. It was going well so far.
After about 10 minutes, you had reached the restaurant that Archie had said to go to. Y/n got off, while you parked it. After the two of you made your way into the restaurant. “Wow! You chose a nice restaurant,” y/n said. You thanked her, even though the choice was Archie’s, not yours. You’ll just thank him when you go back home. The two of you walked over to a two-seater table and y/n was about to sit down when it hit you. It wouldn’t be chivalrous for you to just let her sit down. So you stopped her and took out the chair for her and she sat. She was about to pull the chair in when you did it for her. Then you took a seat across from her. You grabbed the menu and looked through the various foods. There were soups, salads and then your eyes lit up when you saw pasta. “Do you want pasta?” you asked, looking up from the menu, at y/n. “I don’t mind,” y/n said. “Which one do you want?” you asked, turning the menu so that she can see. You didn’t know what y/n would want, so you just asked her, plus she might be allergic to something that you choose or just not eat certain types of ingredients. Like some people are gluten-free. She looked at the menu and then asked, “Maybe the macadamia pesto pappardelle? Wait you aren’t allergic to nuts, are you?” “Nope! It sounds good. Nice choice,” you said. Then a waiter came over to you and asked what you would like to order. You noticed that you had seen him somewhere, but you couldn’t place your finger on it. You got out of your thoughts and order and he walked away. “I’m sorry if you found my choice of food, well you know,” y/n said. “It’s okay. I’m guessing you are a vegetarian or a vegan?” you said since you knew that they didn’t eat meat, and she had chosen an option that wasn’t popular on the menu. “Yeah, I just don’t like the idea of eating animals,” y/n explained. From that, you and y/n started talking and finding out a lot about each other.
After you had finished dinner, you both went to the front to pay. You took out your card to pay while y/n did the same. “Are you guys splitting the bill, or is one of you going to pay?” the employee asked. “I’m going to pay,” you and y/n replied at the same time. “Y/n, you bought the book, I buy you dinner. That was the deal,” you said. Taking advantage of her pause, you quickly tapped your card on the machine. She sighed and put her card back into her purse. “Let’s go,” you said, heading out of the restaurant while y/n followed behind.
You started the Vespa and y/n sat on. “Ride safely,” y/n said. “Will do,” you replied, and rode off into the night. It was a silent ride, but not awkward, comfortable. You were about to break the silence, but y/n beat you to it. “Uh, Douxie, maybe you want to go a bit more faster,” she said to you, as she showed you the time. It was 9:55, you needed to hurry. You nodded and sped up a little. You were halfway across the bridge when something jumped in front in front of you. You halted the Vespa to a stop. The thing that had jumped in front of you was huge and had red and orange eyes, that was staring at us. A troll, and none other than Bular. He came towards us, scraping the floor with his sword. “What is that?” you whispered, trying to sound like you didn't know what it was. “Two little flesh bags out and about at night, make tasty meals,” Bular said. “I do not want to be a tasty meal,” y/n whispered. “It has been so long since I had a human for dinner,” Bular said. He kept coming forward. “Douxie, what do we do?” y/n whispered to you. You could hear the fear in her voice and you had to protect her, it was a promise that you made to her brother. “We have to distract him,” you whispered back. “How?” she asked. “I didn’t think that far,” you replied.
Instead, you tried to start up the engine, but it didn’t work, no fuel. You wanted to curse your Vespa right now, but there was a more dire problem right now. “We have to run," you said. You got off the Vespa and looked at Bular. You didn’t want him to recognize you right now. If he did then his desire to kill you would increase, since you had fought with him at the Battle of Killahead Bridge, 9 centuries ago. “I’m sorry lad! But you won’t be having dinner tonight!” you shouted at Bular. Bular roared and ran towards us. You grabbed y/n’s hand and said, “Do you trust me?” She nodded. You ran to the edge of the bridge and jumped down, taking y/n down with you. You landed perfectly, but then you heard a groan behind you. You turned to see, what the matter was. You saw that y/n was holding her ankle in pain. “Y/n! Are you alright?” you asked, getting worried. She did a thumbs up to you, smiling. It looked forced she wasn’t fine. Then at the worst times, Bular jumped in front of you. In a flash, you picked up y/n bridal style and ran. “Sorry y/n, the dinner didn’t go as planned,” you apologized. “It’s okay,” y/n said, peeking over your shoulder, probably to check if Bular was following or not.
You kept running until you had reached y/n’s house. You walked up the stairs and saw that the door was slightly opened. You kicked it open, to see that Jim was sitting on the edge of the couch. He jumped up off the couch and ran towards the two of you. “Y/n! What took you so long? I was worried sick!” Jim exclaimed. “I’m fine,” y/n said. “You are not fine. You are literally in Douxie’s arms for a reason,” Jim said. “It’s her ankle,” you said. “What did you do?” Jim asked, glaring at you. “Nothing! We ran into... trouble. Her ankle started to hurt, so yeah,” you explained. Jim nodded. You set y/n down and waved goodbye. From the corner of your eye, you saw that Jim was glaring at you. You quickly got out of their house and headed down the street.
You checked around to see if anyone was around. When you saw no one, you teleported back to your Vespa. You found out that Bular was gone, so you took your Vespa and teleported to your apartment. Once you were back inside your apartment, you kicked your shoes off and jumped onto your bed. Then Archie walked in. “Doux? Are you okay?” Archie asked. “Yeah... nope,” you replied. “What happened?” Archie asked, jumping onto the bed. “The dinner was good, by the way, the restaurant was very nice, but when we were heading back... Bular tried to kill us. In the process of escaping, y/n’s ankle got worse and when I got to her house, Jim looked very mad at me,” you explained. “And on top of that, I broke a promise.” Archie just nodded. “Well, I think that you should just go to bed and hope that tomorrow will be a better day,” Archie suggested. “I can’t, I have to practice my guitar, for tomorrow’s concert,” you said, getting up and walking to your guitar and started practicing.
After about an hour of practice, your eyelids got heavy, so you had no choice to go to bed.
You woke up the next morning, a bit earlier than you usually do, and got dressed. You walked out of your bedroom and into your kitchen. Archies was already up, and he was sitting on top of the counter. “Good morning Doux,” Archie said. “Morning,” you said. “I have made you coffee,” Archie said, handing you a mug of coffee, “Thanks, Arch. Wait how did you make a coffee? Your just a cat!” you asked. “That’s my secret and secrets are not supposed to be told!” Archie scoffed. You rolled your eyes and gulped down the coffee, getting your guitar and bag and heading out.
You rode your way to school. It was quiet at this time. You walked your way to the band room, seeing that all your bandmates were already there. “Hey, guys! Let’s get started on practice,” you said. “Hey Doux! So how was your dinner, with y/n?” Jack asked. “Oh...um...good!” you replied. “Douxie! You had dinner with y/n! Dude, your lucky,” Henry, the drummer, commented. “Did you tell everyone?” you asked Jack. “Not everyone, just the band,” Jack replied. “Uhh!” you moaned, facepalming. “Don’t worry Douxie. We will not tease you,” Jason, the other guitarist, and the singer reassured you, glaring at the others. Jason didn’t like it when someone gets teased, even if it is just friendly teasing. “C’mon Jason! Where’s the fun in that?!” Jack whined. After another round of whining from Jack and Henry, you all started to rehearse.
After about an hour of rehearsal, you packed your stuff up and secretly teleported your guitar back to your apartment, so you didn’t have to carry it after school. All of you walked out of the band room, going to their usual gossip spots or wherever they went before the first period.
Jason walked beside you, since you two, we're in the same class first period. “Hey, didn’t you need to ask y/n out?” Jason asked, elbowing you in the ribs. “Huh? Do you mean to ask her to come to the concert?” you asked. “Yeah,” Jason replied. “Well I haven’t yet, but I will,” you said. “Well, I see her right there!” Jason exclaimed, pointing to y/n, she was walking in the opposite direction. “Go and ask her out, Doux.” “I’m not asking her out, just inviting her,” you hissed at Jason. He just smirked and shoved you towards y/n’s direction. “Hey y/n!” you shouted, running to her. She spun around, while one of her friends whispered something to her. As you got closer, she greeted you, “Hey, Douxie!” “So from yesterday, is your ankle alright?” you asked, starting a normal conversation, waiting for the right moment to ask her. “Yeah. I’m sorry that my brother was so rude yesterday. He was mad at you, for not keeping your promise,” y/n said. “It’s okay. I’m to blame for though, I promised Jim you would be in great care, and I broke that promise,” you admitted, looking down on the ground, feeling ashamed. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault, plus I’m fine now,” y/n reassured you. You shook your head. You were to blame, you had promised that you would take care of her, but you didn’t. You just made her ankle worse. Tears started to form in your eyes, and they dropped to the ground. Y/n up her hand on your shoulder, “Douxie, I’m fine,” y/n said, which made you look up, “See?” She jumped up and down a couple of times to prove her point. “I’m fine,” she repeated, putting her hand back on your shoulder, trying to comfort you. Then, you knew it was time to ask her. You took her hands into yours and looked her in the eyes. “Well can you come to my concert tonight?” you asked. “What time?” she asked. “8:30, at the square,” you replied. “I’ll be there,” she said. “Great!” you grinned and from your excitement, you kissed her cheek, which made her blush a little. You waved goodbye, going the opposite direction, back to Jason. Jason was starring at you, shocked at what he just saw. “You freaking just kissed y/n on the cheek!” Jason exclaimed. He patted you on the back. “It was out of excitement that she said that she’ll come,” you explained. “But why did you invite her half an hour early?” Jason asked. “Well because I want to give her a backstage tour,” you explained. “Okay,” Jason said, then the two of you walked to class.
You were walking over to your bike, to only see a crowd, surrounding someone. You peeked over people’s shoulders and saw that people were crowded around y/n. She looked worried when a girl asked, “Is it true that Douxie kissed you?” Oh, fuzzbuckets! They learned you kissed y/n! You saw a lot more people starting to shoot her questions, she looked like she was going to faint at this point. You pushed through the crowd and grabbed her out of there. She looked up at you. “You alright?” you asked. “Yeah, but my mental state, not so much,” she replied. “People asking too many questions?” you asked, giving her a sympathetic smile. You knew what it was like since so many people asked you questions all day. She nodded. Suddenly, the crowd started surrounded the two of you and started to shoot questions at both of you. “Are you guys dating?” a girl asked. “When did you guys get together?” another asked. For the first time in your life at Arcadia Oaks Academy, you felt insecure answering those questions. Y/n looked up at you, her face full of hope that you would have a plan. You just smiled and took her hand and ran through the crowd, towards the bikes. You both grabbed yours and rides away. When the coast was clear, you stopped. “I don’t know how you do it, managing such a big crowd at school,” she said. “I just do, love,” you said. “Thank you Douxie, for saving me from all those people,” she said. “No problem. You still coming to my concert, right?” you asked, hoping the people didn’t rattle her too much that she wouldn’t come to the concert. She nodded. Phew!
“Doux, I think you have to go. My brother is coming towards us, and I don’t think he’s in the mood to see you right now,” y/n warned you, pointing towards her brother and Toby. “I agree. See you tonight,” you said, giving y/n a salute and rode off the opposite direction to your apartment. You barged into your apartment, which startled Archie, making him jump. “Sorry Arch!” you shouted and went into your room, to get started on homework. After finishing your homework, you got ready for the concert. “Archie! I’ll be back by 10,” you said, walking out of the door. “That’s what you said yesterday, but you didn’t, since you ran into trouble,” Archie said. “Well this time I will,” you said, closing the door. You got your bike and rode over to the square since your apartment wasn’t far from the square. You saw the Jason was already there, starting to set up. “Hey Jason!” you called out. “Hey, Douxie! The others are at Sam’s as well as our backup guitarist! So head over there!” Jason yelled at you. You placed your guitar on the stage and rode over to Sam’s. Who is the backup guitarist?
Once you had reached Sam’s, you saw Jack, Henry, and a guy you didn’t recognize. You walked in and sat in front of Jack and the guy you didn’t know and next to Henry. “Hey Doux. This is Tyler, our backup guitarist,” Henry introduced you. “Hi, nice to meet you,” you said, giving Jack a quick look that asked if he was the same Tyler that had a huge crush on y/n. Jack nodded. “Tyler this is Douxie, well his actual name is Hisirdoux, but he likes to be called Douxie,” Henry said to Tyler. “Hey Douxie, nice to meet you as well,” Tyler said. You just nodded and pasted on a smile, not wanting to be rude. “So how did you guys find Tyler?” you asked. “We saw him practicing his guitar in the music room, and he was awesome! So we thought, why not ask him to be our backup guitarist?” Henry explained. “I’ve seen you around school Douxie, you seem pretty popular. You charm the girls,” Tyler commented, taking a sip from his drink. “Yeah, I guess. I just kinda have that talent, but it’s not intentional, it just happens naturally,” you said. “Mhm, so you can help me with a certain someone then?” Tyler asked. “Um...I’ll try,” you replied. Before he could continue, you quickly checked the time and interrupted, “We should head back to the square, we still need to set up.” All of them nodded, and we all headed back. When you all were back at the square, you could see some people starting to come. You helped out Jason, trying to avoid Tyler from asking you to help him with a ‘certain someone.
Once you had finished setting up, you looked at the time, it was just 10 minutes until 8:30.
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Klaine it up! 2, 7, 12, 21, 50
Okay...I got this. PROMPTS FOUND HERE
2 - you accidentally sprayed them with yogurt when you open the lid the wrong way. 
This was not Kurt Hummel’s first time opening yogurt but it might’ve well have been. He was sitting at a picnic table in Central Park on his lunch break from Vogue.com having just picked up a BLT, sweeten iced tea, and strawberry yogurt from his newfound favorite sandwich shop. It just happened to be two blocks down from the Vogue offices too. 
After eating half a sandwich, he found himself watching three young girls practicing their hula-hooping skills. Of course, while entranced by the colorful swirls of plastic, Kurt grabbed his low-fat yogurt and pulled at the lid, and the minute he did another man was being dragged by his golden retriever over to Kurt’s table. 
Before he could stop it, a splash of light pink yogurt was splattered across the front of a bright blue polo. 
“Shit, I am so sorry,” they both said. 
Kurt had a lap full of puppy and the man covered in yogurt. 
“She’s really friendly and has a fondness for bacon,” the man said, gesturing to the sandwich. “And who can blame her.” 
With that comment, Kurt pushed his meal away slightly. Out of reach of the dog’s mouth. 
“I usually am way more careful with my food,” Kurt said. 
The handsome man only laughed, “it’s no big deal, do you happen to have a napkin?” 
“Oh yes!” Kurt reached into his bag to grab one. 
“Thanks,” he said, “come here, Lacey.” 
The puppy sat right at his side and waited. Kurt stood up to wipe the yogurt away while the man kept Lacey still. 
“I can...” he started to say but Kurt was already pulling away having cleaned it up the best he could. 
“Lacey and I also share a fondness for cute boys but I don’t suppose...” he trailed off, blushing. 
Kurt still wasn’t used to being flirted with but this wasn’t small town, Ohio. 
“And who can blame you,” Kurt replied, already grabbing a pen and paper from his bag to write on. 
7 - you both do the side-to-side dance when you try to pass them in the grocery store aisle
Kurt told his dad to pick up an extra heavy whipping cream three days ago when Burt asked if Kurt needed any other ingredients for Thanksgiving dessert. He told him. 
“I only need 3 things: dark chocolate, heavy whipping cream, and almond extract.” 
Burt had gotten everything but Kurt needed whipping cream for both the chocolate mousse itself and the whipped topping he planned to make. Now he was at the crowded grocery store one day prior to Thanksgiving. Exactly where he didn’t want to be. 
 Of course, every grocery store made you walk all the way to the back of the store for dairy products. I’ll just grab milk and eggs real quick, you think, then suddenly you have a cart full of snacks you didn’t need. 
Kurt found the red and white carton fairly quick. He backed up and started to make his way to the self-checkout. Before he could think about the temptation of potato chips, he was stopped by another body. 
They both stopped and shifted their feet to make way for the other. From right to left and back again for several seconds before both falling into pits of laughter. Kurt looked into deep hazel eyes that twinkled at him. He wondered how long he could do this dance just to stare at them some more. 
“That’s my fault, I came around the corner too quick,” he said. 
Not quick enough, Kurt thought, we could’ve fallen to the floor. You on top of me would be quite nice. 
“No, it’s all me,” Kurt replied, “I should’ve been watching where I was going.” 
He fumbles into his pocket for a business card. Isabel’s one-month anniversary gift. 
“If you’re in town longer than tomorrow, I’d love to buy you some coffee as an apology,” Kurt said, handing the card over. 
“Oh.” Kurt watched him scan the card, flipping it over in his hands. “I’d love to, Kurt.” 
A shiver ran down his spine. Maybe he should thank his dad for forgetting the cream. 
12 - you kick a ball and your shoe flies off, hitting them in the back of your head
Blaine used to hate having an older brother. Growing up, he felt constantly in competition with Cooper’s larger-than-life personality. Now that Cooper had settled down in LA with Lisa, his wife, and had two wonderful kids, having an older sibling didn’t seem too bad.
It was summer break, Blaine was free to leave the confines of his NYU dorm room. He was trying to get lost in the sunshine of California to forget he was about to start his final year of college. Time with his niece and nephew was sure to put any nervousness out of his head. 
They were playing soccer in the park when it happened. It was bound to. Everyone in LA was hot. It was like the law. 
Cute boys and Blaine’s non-existence coordination weren’t a good mix. 
Blaine went to kick the ball and caught sight of a bicep. An unusually pale bicep. A rare sight in sunny Los Angles. Arms, Blaine fantasized, he’d love to see wrapped around him or possibly pushing his legs apart. 
He was sure he tighten his laces. This is why Blaine Anderson didn’t wear sneakers. Missed the ball by an inch but the force of his kick sent something flying through the air directly towards the cute guy: a sneaker. 
It happened so fast, Blaine heard the yell of surprise before realizing his sock was exposed. Once he realized what happened, he rushed over to the man. 
“Fuck, I am so sorry,” Blaine said. “Can I do anything?” 
“Well, an aspirin would be great,” the man teased. 
Blaine sat in the grass and chuckled. Still extremely embarrassed. 
“Not exactly the fairytale I always dreamed of.” 
“Fairytale?” Blaine asked, scrunching up his nose in confusion. 
“Cinderella,” he said, like it was obvious, “a lost shoe as it were.” 
“I’m not Cinderella,” Blaine told him, “sorry to say. I’m more of a Blaine.” 
“It’s nice to meet you.” 
“I do believe this is yours,” Kurt said, handing over the shoe. 
21 - Almost spilling a drink because you met their eyes and got distracted thinking how cute they are. 
His dad always said pour your drinks yourself. Blaine became that friend who grabbed drinks for everyone for this reason exactly. He wasn’t sure what the occasion was exactly but his study buddy from his songwriting workshop invited him. It was at some loft in Bushwick but Blaine didn’t mind the adventure. 
Until tonight he had no reason to venture to this part of the city. 
“Blaine!” Elliott exclaimed, pushing a solo cup into his hand, “Drink up, karaoke at eleven!” 
Then he disappeared into the crowd. Blaine headed straight for the kitchen and poured the toxic mixture down the sink. He found a new cup and started reading the labels of the bottles spread out across the counter. Mixers and any alcohol of your choice seemed to be available. 
Rum and coke sounded good. He went into the fridge for a cold soda first. Blaine was happy the kitchen was empty he wasn’t quite ready to start making friends. As far as he knew, Elliott was the only friendly face here tonight. 
He poured the rum in for some semblance of tracking his alcohol intake. The last time he got drunk, he dialed the professor he TA-ed for, who thankfully overlooked that incident. Blaine cracked open the coke and while he poured surveying the living room. 
People were dancing to an upbeat pop song that Blaine strangely didn’t recognize and others were mingling in doorways or sat on scattered sofas and chairs chatting. He caught a pair of blue eyes in the crowd. 
The man they were attached to was stunning. If he hadn’t blinked, Blaine could’ve mistaken him for a marble statue carved by the gods. They didn’t lose eye contact as he walked towards the kitchen. It wasn’t until the man stood on the other side of the counter that Blaine noticed his hand was covered in soda. 
“Papers towels are behind you,” the man offers. 
Blaine set the now empty can down and spun around for paper towels to clean up his mess. 
Just great, he thought, make a fool out of yourself. That’ll score you some points. 
He cleans up his hand before wiping down the puddle of bubbling coke on the counter. 
“I don’t think we’ve met,” he continues, “and this is my party so I like to know all my guests.” 
“Your party?” Blaine stutters. 
“It’s my birthday.” 
“I’m Blaine,” he introduces. “Elliott invited me. We have a class together.” 
“Oh, you’re Blaine. From songwriting workshop.” 
“That’s me.” 
Elliott’s obviously talked about him before to this man. This gorgeous, completely out of Blaine’s league man. 
“God, he’s relentless,” he says. “I’m going to kill him.” 
“Um, might I ask why? I can leave if there’s an issue.” Blaine knows when he isn’t welcome. 
“No, no,” he replies, “don’t go. It’s just he’s been trying to set us up for months now.” 
It all clicks.
“Oh god, you’re Kurt.” 
“That’s me, the birthday boy. and you are Elliott’s idea of the best gift ever.”
Blaine blushes. “I don’t know if I can I've up to that but if I can have the next dance I can try.” 
Kurt nods. “I’d like that, Blaine. A lot.” 
50 - getting paired up on an amusement park ride that requires even-numbered riders
All of Kurt’s friends hated rollercoasters. Rachel didn’t like heights, Elliott refused to do anything with loops, and Santana, well, she was too caught up in her new girlfriend to be bothered. 
“I only wanna hear screaming tonight,” she told him. 
So, Kurt waited in line himself. Some fun day at Coney Island this was turning out to be. He was so glad he was spending the day with friends. Kurt rolled his eyes. 
The woman directing the ride gave Kurt his row number and moved down the line. Behind him someone tapped on his shoulder, Kurt turned around and found himself looking at a curly-haired man around his age. 
“Guess we’re both odd men out then, I’m the single rider in my group today.” 
“Oh, um, no, my friends were too chicken to even ride,” Kurt said. 
“I’m really surprised Wes and David are good to go. They both hate being upside-down.” 
Kurt smiled.
“I'm Blaine, by the way.”
The ride emptied out and Kurt crawled over to the far seat. They buckled themselves in and listened to the instructions to keep all body parts inside at all times. Then, the bar came down and the ride launched. 
After the ride ended, Blaine and Kurt were chatting all the way down. Wes and David trailing behind them.
“That second loop really threw me,” Blaine was saying. 
“I saw,” Kurt exclaimed, “I thought you were going to fall out of your seat.” 
“Downfalls of being short and compact.”
When three more people joined their day at the park, no one questioned it. 
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tonymystarks · 4 years
You’re the Piano Man
Steve/Tony one-shot inspired by that video of CEvans playing the piano. I wanted the fic, so I wrote the fic. 
Steve didn’t spend a lot of time in Tony’s penthouse. 
They spent a lot of time on the common floor, with the rest of the Avengers, in the workshop or on Steve's floor. Tony said that was because it felt more home-y than his own floor. So when it was just the two of them, they would go to Steve’s floor. They slept there and ate there, and Steve almost forgot that the penthouse existed. 
So when Steve asked Jarvis where Tony was, and Jarvis said the penthouse, Steve was surprised. 
“Sir is just gathering a few items from his bedroom; I am sure that he would not mind if you met him there,” Jarvis told Steve.
“Ok, that works. Thank you, Jarvis.” Steve stepped into the elevator and heard it whir to life.
“Of course, Captain Rogers.” 
Steve thought about what Tony could be grabbing. Most of his clothes have migrated into Steve’s bedroom, and most other things were always kept in the workshop. Steve’s pondering was cut short when the doors to the elevator opened.
As Steve wandered into the penthouse, he realized that he had never really looked around before. The few times he had been there, he had been… preoccupied or something of the sort. So he decided to take his time before making his way to Tony. 
The first thing he noticed was the modern design. It was all clean lines and metal; it looked like a museum. Steve saw no personal artifacts anywhere in the living room or hallways. It was quite the juxtaposition to Steve’s warm and full living room. He could understand why Tony wanted to spend his time on Steve’s floor.
The second, more surprising, thing Steve saw was a big object shoved in the corner, in front of the floor to ceiling windows. Steve walked over to it and pulled the cover back. 
In front of him sat a beautiful grand piano.
Steve ran his hand along the top of the piano, admiring the shine and quality of it. He went to lift the lid off of the keys and was happy to find that it wasn’t locked. He pressed down on middle C, listening to the resonances of the note. It sounded as if the piano had hardly been used, which doesn’t surprise him. Tony doesn’t strike him as the type to have enough time to sit down and break in a piano. 
Steve pulled the bench away from the keys and sat down. He sat his hand on top of the keys and hit foot over the pedal, and began to play. 
His fingers flowed over the keys like it hadn’t been years since he had played. The muscle memory was taking over and guiding his hands in a way that surprises him. The soft, muted melody flowed out of the piano, and he closed his eyes and let the music wash over him.
Before long, he stopped, realizing he doesn’t remember what comes next. It's been too long to remember it all. 
 “I didn’t know that you played.” Steve startled at the voice coming from behind him,
Tony must have snuck in when he was playing, and Steve didn’t hear him. He was sitting on the couch in one of Steve’s sweaters, which was even oversized on him, and a pair of sweatpants. He looked so comfy, which stood out against the modern backdrop. 
“Yeah, uh, I learned on this beat-up old piano when I was a kid. I couldn’t do a lot because of the asthma, but I could play the piano. This is so much better than the one I had, though. It’s beautiful,” Steve tried to move on from the topic of his childhood. It wasn’t something that he likes to think about often. 
“Well, it is a top of the line Steinway piano.” Tony walked over and sat on the bench next to him.
“Do you play?” Steve questioned as Tony ran his hands over the keys.
“Nah, I could never get into it. My mom would always play for me as a kid; wanted me to be cultured and everything. I liked it when she would play for me, but I couldn’t be bothered to learn it myself. I don’t have the ear to really feel the music, as she liked to say.” Tony sounded a little lost in his memory as he spoke.
“Oh yeah? What did she play for you?”
Tony shot up and walked over to a semi-hidden bookcase. He pulled out a folder and walked back over to Steve. 
“This was my favourite piece that she played. Rue des Trois Frères by Fabrizio Paterlini. It was something that she played when my brain wouldn’t slow down.” Tony was holding the sheet music to the song.
“Let me see. I’m not the best at sight-reading, but I’ll see if I can get it.”
“Really? You don’t have to.” Tony looked somewhat shy, sharing this part of his past.
“I would love to.”  Steve looked at Tony and smiled; he would do anything to make this man happy.
Tony didn’t say anything and just placed the sheet music down, spreading it out so that Steve was able to see all of it. Steve took a few moments to get himself oriented and looked it over. The music itself wasn’t too complicated, so Steve took a deep breath and began to play.
The melody was sweet and sad at the same time. Steve found himself getting lost in the music as he played. The timbre of the piano and ease of the harmony fit so well together that Steve felt transported. 
He could imagine a young Tony sitting at his mother’s side, just as he was sitting at Steve’s, feeling weary from the weight of the world. He could see young Tony taking comfort in this song that his mother played and letting himself forget where he was for a moment. Tony had said that he could never feel the music, but Steve was sure young Tony would feel the music played by his mother’s hands. Steve finds himself lost to that reality as the music continues through him.
The piece is only about two minutes long, and as it draws closer to the end, Steve is brought back to the world. 
When he plays the last chord written on the sheet music, Steve looks over at Tony. He finds Tony sitting quite still, eyes closed, with a small smile gracing his face and a single tear rolling down his cheek. They sit in silence for a few moments, neither one wanting to break the magic that has been created. However, after a while, Tony clears his throat. 
“Thank you,” is all that Tony says, voice steady but quiet. 
“Anytime, sweetheart.” Steve turned so that he was facing Tony.
Steve placed a finger under Tony’s chin and tilted his face up. He caught Tony’s eyes and tried to communicate how much he loved him before leaning in to kiss him. The kiss wasn’t heated or full of fire, just every ounce of unconditional love and support they had for each other.  
They drew each other in, twisting together like two polyphonic lines of music that form the most beautiful harmony when joined together. 
When Steve pulled away and was able to take a deep breath, he remembered why he had come to the penthouse in the first place. 
“So doll, what were you doing up here anyway?” Steve asked while a blush formed on Tony’s face. 
“Oh, um, right. Ok, don’t make fun of me, but…” Tony stuttered as he walked over the spot on the couch that he had vacated and grabbed a box that Steve hadn’t noticed. 
“I’ll try my very hardest.” Steve chuckled a little as he walked over to meet Tony.
“I’m sure you will,” and when Tony opened the box, Steve understands why tony had come up here to collect things.
Inside the box was a pair of what looked to be old birthday cards and other photos. It looked like some from Tony’s childhood and some more recent of the team. He can see that they all hold sentimental value, and Tony probably likes them close, in his home, and this floor is no longer his home. Home was with Steve. 
However, one photo did make him try his very hardest.
What caught Steve’s eye and made him want to laugh was a photo of Young Tony, dressed in a Captain America costume, looking happy as can be. Steve reached into the box and pulled it out and couldn’t contain himself.
“You look so cute, sweetheart.” Steve laughed, looking at the face of his disgruntled boyfriend. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. I always looked cute. Come on, get it all out.”
“No, I’m serious; you look adorable. It’s like you knew we were destined to be together.” Steve watched Tony’s face soften as he spoke. 
“Maybe I did. I mean, maybe not the whole, dating-falling in love- mind blowing sex- thing.” 
“But I guess I figured that the most amazing genius and the world's best captain had something in common. The universe couldn’t keep that awesome apart, know could it? That would go against the laws of everything good.” Tony had a joking tone to his voice, but Steve knew that words were sincere.
“A true crime against humanity.” Steve pulled Tony into a hug and felt him melt into it.
He felt, more than heard, Tony’s muffled whisper of I love you into his chest, and Steve kisses the crown of his head. 
“I love you too, sweetheart. So much even the universe knows it,” and then it was Tony’s turn to laugh. 
They continued just to hold each other for a while until Tony decided he had something else on his mind.
“Alright, enough of this sappy stuff. I want to see what else you can do, piano man.” Tony was pulling Steve back over to the piano, while Steve raised his eye at the nickname. “Right, you don’t know that song yet. We will put it on the list.” 
Tony pushed Steve down on the piano bench and sat down next to him once again.
“Any request?” Steve asked.
“Anything. Something that will make me continue to fall wildly in love with you.” Tony batted his eyelashes while Steve rolled his eyes.
“Let me see what I can do.”
And with that, Steve began to play.
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megahologram · 4 years
Jealousy| John Ambrose
A/N: I wrote this only because I loved that piano scene and my boy John deserved way better.
Warning(s): strong language, kissing (if that counts as a warning)
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You watched them talk from a distance, putting away the dried-out plants in the useless pile, you signed in defeat. Lara was your best friend, you, her and Josh grew up together, the three of you were the ultimate trio.  You loved her with all your heart but at that moment, you couldn’t help yourself to stop the fire of jealously that rose in your chest. Or that could’ve just been the tacos you ate for lunch.
You had never told Lara about the mini crush you had on John. To be completely honest, you had almost forgotten about him. Almost gotten over him but after seeing him for the first time in years in Belleview, all those feelings came back. If it was even possible, he had gotten more charming over the years. Every interaction you had with him after that day screamed you to get away. The devil, or angel, you couldn’t figure out who, but one of them always screamed to end your feelings, that in the end, he was just going to break your heart…like everyone else. These voices started after the first day of interacting with him. When Lara feel down by the mini gumballs, he came to help her up. He seemed to remember her but when it came to you, his words, which are glued in your brain, “and you are?” It wasn’t that he was being rude, in fact he tried to say it in the sweetest way he possibly could, with that signature smile on his face, it turned to shock in seconds when you told him your name. Thankfully he did remember you.
Your eyes were still glued to them, seeing their interaction as he walked over to grab an envelope, ‘must have been Lara Jean’s love letter’ you thought as he placed it in her hands. Lara took the letter from his hands, walking out as you saw John smiling.
“um a little help please” you said quietly. John turned his head, facing you as he quickly nodded his head, “yeah sorry” he added, making his way over to grab more of the plants that had died.
It had been a few minutes of you two working quietly, Lara had still not gotten back and to be honest, you weren’t the best conversation starter. “so y/n” John started, carrying a few boxes and placing it in the donation pile.
“yes John”
Though you didn’t notice, he blushed slightly, hearing you say his name. Letting out a light cough, he continued, “your very different then when I last remember you”
“really…how so?” you asked, turning to face him.
“well for one, your gorgeous” he answered, smiling lightly. You playfully shoved him, both of you laughing in the process, “I’m serious, you are seriously stunning, like y-you have always been stunning but now looking at you, you’ve gotten even more stunning…”
Blushing at his words, you chuckled when you noticed he couldn’t stop blabbering. “I think we should get some work done,” you said as he nodded, agreeing with you. “and then you can tell me how stunning I am” you teased as he threw a dirty rag at you.
A few weeks volunteering, you had grew closer to John. Though you would always feel overshadowed by Lara. There were times when it felt as if he’d forget you were in the same room when she was around. You signed as you looked around the party you were in. You were standing by the corner of the room, Chris was by the stairs with Trevor, Lara was talking to Lucas and you didn’t feel like intruding. Chris had forced you to come to the party, otherwise you would’ve been in your comfy bed, watching your favourite show.
A few minutes passed when you noticed Lara finally leaving Lucas’s side. Giving you the opportunity to finally go over and find someone to talk to. Don’t get me wrong, you and Lara were best friends, but sometimes you knew when she needed her own space.
“hey Lucas” you smiled as you leaned against the counter, mimicking him.
“hey girl” he replies, turning his head to the side to face you. “what’s up? How come you didn’t join us?”
You knew what he was talking about, you smile lightly faded and you forced it upon yourself, in hopes that he wouldn’t have noticed. But you were wrong. “I guess I just..didn’t wanna intrude” you whisper so only he would hear. Though the music in the background made it slightly difficult.
Lucas rolled his eyes, “didn’t wanna intrude, seriously?”
You stayed quite, “okay, spill” he says firmly, making you turn your head to face him. About to question, you knew if you could tell anyone about your problem, it was Lucas.
Letting out a breathe you didn’t realize you were holding, you start talking, “I like John”
Lucas raises an eyebrow, “John?” he questions.
“John Ambrose McClaren” you finished.
Lucas chokes on the ice cream sandwich he was eating. “you like McClaren” he gasps dramatically.
It was your turn to roll your eyes. “yes I like him. I always did since middle school.”
“Does Lara Jean know?”
“no, I never told her.” You start playing with your hands, unable to continue the conversation.
“why not, if you liked him since middle scho-”
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. She and Gen broke off cause of a boy and I didn’t want the same thing to happen to us, so I never told her.”
“And you think she won’t find out”
You completely ignore his statement and continue rambling, “you know, sometimes when it’s just me and him, he makes me feel like I’m the most beautiful girl he knows. And then when Lara comes along, it’s like he forgot I even existed. I don’t want to hate her, I really don’t but he makes it so difficult every time I see him with her. I wish he talked to me the way he talks to her. I wish he would see me the way I see him.”
You place your head on the counter in defeat. You feel Lucas hand on your shoulder, rubbing it in comfort. “I’m sorry, I really don’t know what to tell you. All I know is, you’ve got to tell Lara the truth. Before she finds out another way”
You nod your head, knowing he was right. “too late” you hear a faint whisper, causing both you and Lucas to turn around. You see Lara standing there, shook. She turns her heal, jogging her way to the door.
“Lara please just listen to me” you shout, following her track.
“Listen to what, how you lied to me. All these years you lied to me.” Lara tried to turn back but you didn’t let her, “I didn’t want to lose you. Especially not over a boy. He wasn’t as nearly as important to me then our friendship”
You notice Lara let out a tear with your words. “You know I would’ve never been angry, I wouldn’t have ever let our friendship go over a reason like that.”
You nodded your head, feeling ashamed you lied to your friend all these years. “do you still like him?” she asks, to which you simply nod your head. “do you?” you ask.
The question causes her to look up at you instantly. “no, of course not. I love Peter”
“Whose ever idea it was to invite everyone to dig up the time capsule, is-“ your voice trailed off as Lara gave you a death glare, to which you immediately changed your answer, “is a genius, I mean everyone back after years right?”
“I have to agree, get idea Lara Jean” John comments, smiling at her.
You frowned as your gaze fell on Peter also carried the same jealous expression as you. Not even two minutes later, everyone including Gen had shown up. You all were now sitting in the treehouse, in a circle, opening the time capsule. One by one, everyone started collecting their items they put in the capsule. Chris finally took out a little black book and your eyes turned to horror as you jogged to grab it. Placing your head in your hands, you cringed at your younger self. “what is it?” Lara questioned.
“it’s a little book of poems I used to write”
Everyone laughed as you started reading some in your head, “that’s really cute” John says.
You smile, blushing at his words. You lift your gaze up and your heart shatters, realizing he wasn’t talking to you but Lara. Guess you were too lost in your book that you didn’t hear the conversation that was talking place. Unable to top the tears that built up in your eyes, you decided that was your cue to leave.
Quickly wiping your eyes before anyone noticed, which failed because Gen had her eyes focused on you. You stood up, grabbing your belongings and quickly making your way down.
“y/n, where’re you going?” John asks as you started making your way down the stairs.
“leaving” you reply quietly, as you hear a few other people agreeing with you, stating it was their time to leave as well.
You started speed walking to your car, mentally noting that Lara could go with Peter and you really couldn’t stay another minute with John in the same room. The tears that you had wiped off started coming back, and all you could do was continue to wipe them off.
“y/n wait, just stop” John cries behind you. The voice only caused your feet to stride faster.
Just a few steps away from your car, you were stopped by a gentle touch on your wrist. Knowing who it was, you didn’t want to turn around or let him see you cry. Wiping the tears with your other hand, you turned around aggressively, which seemed to surprise him. Probably because you have never been that aggressive with anyone, especially not towards him.
But the anger and hurt that you felt all these weeks, just started building up and today was your breaking point. “are you okay?” he asks with hesitation in his voice, trying to gather the right words.
“no John, I’m not okay. And right now I just need you to leave me alone” You had never meant to shout but him constantly trying to get you to talk was getting on your nerves.
“I don’t understand what the problem is. I mean did I do something wrong, cause everything was fine a few minutes ago.”
You cursed in your head at how oblivious he is. Why can’t he see the undeniable feeling of jealousy you have right now.
“yes, its you, okay. You’re the problem, you’ve always been the problem. And I try so hard to ignore it but you make it so goddamn difficult. Just leave me alone” and with that, you hop in your car, driving off. Leaving John just standing there, incredibly confused.
The next day, you were supposed to volunteer at Belleview and as much as you didn’t want to go, especially since Lara wasn’t coming today. You forced yourself to go. You were in the basement, clearing up the last junk you had found. It was peaceful but was blessed by the beautiful sound of a piano. Signing loudly, you knew who was playing it.
A few moments of war just inside your head, whether or not you should go there, you decided you had to.
Making your way quietly towards the sound, you stood behind him, his back was facing you as he sat on the stool, his fingers carefully falling on the keys perfectly. You just stood there and admired him when he seemed to acknowledge your presence, his fingers continued to play as he spoke his next words, “you have quiet the ability to remain sneakily silent”
“I didn’t know you still played” you answer.
“I never stopped” he whispers, turning his head, signalling you to sit beside him. Carefully making your way, you sat beside him as he moved slightly, giving you space.
“I used to love playing” you say, remembering how much fun you had playing the piano.
“why did you stop” he asks, your gaze falling to his hands, that never stopped hitting the keys.
You opened your mouth, with a little hesitation though continued, “I guess after you left, my passion for playing left too. You were kind of my inspiration”
He smiled, blushing slightly as he gently grabbed your hands. Guiding to a few keys, he showed which keys to play. In a matter of seconds, you started playing the notes he taught you, following your pace as he started playing as well.
“remember in middle school. At lunch, we used to hang around the music room and I would show you how to play”
You laughed, “of course I remember. You were the only reason I started playing in the first place.”
He smiled facing you as you stared back, your heartbeat raising just by the look he gave you. “I’m sorry” You confess, your gaze returning to the fingers that played on the keys of the piano.
“for what, exactly?” John absently asks, pushing the keys of the piano. The sound echoing through the room.
“for shouting at you yesterday. I let my emotions get the best of me.” You admit, flustered as you thought back to your behaviour the previous day.
Meeting your gaze, he lets out a sign as he stopped playing. “I’m not going to lie, it hurt.” His hands fell on his lap, while his gaze dropped to the keys in front of him. “But most of all, I don’t understand what I did wrong?”
You closed your eyes, letting out a breath as you replayed the scene over your head. You let your jealously get the best of you, causing you to react in a way. You were unsure how you were going to explain that to John.
“I got jealous” you whisper in hopes he didn’t hear you.
“Jealous of what?” You watched his eyebrows furrow in confusion. Surely this was going to be new news to him.
Signing once more, your head fell to your lap, playing with your hands as you figure out your next words, “of you and Lara.”
“I’m sorry y/n but I don’t understand why you would be jealous o-“
“I guess I wanted you to act the same way you do around her, to me”
He was silent, and you understood that he still had not figured what you were talking about. “I like you” you express quickly, feeling the huge weight leave your shoulders.
“I like you too, y/n?”
You chuckle in pain as you hear the confusion in his voice. You finally lift your gaze off your lap to his, that were already watching you.
A few seconds, you watched his face turn into realization, “oh-“ he replied, his gaze falling to everything in the room except you.
Considering that as your cue to leave, you got off the stool, turning to leave. Your feet came to a halt as you felt a hand on your wrist. Hearing shuffling behind you, you finally felt his hand leave. His hands fell on your shoulder, turning you around to face him.
Unable to look at him, you looked down in hopes he’d let you go. “look at me” he whispers, “please.”
Your eyes go up, finally landing on his own. ‘If your going to give me a pity excuse and sorry, I really don’t wanna he-“ Your words stop the moment launched his lips onto yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, your brain was unable to process what was happening. And before it got a chance to, he slowly pulled away.
He must have got the wrong interpretation because he was quick to start apologizing, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have-“ You couldn’t stop yourself from grabbing his collar and placing his lips on yours. You felt him smile into the kiss, his hands slowly trailing their way from your shoulder to your waist, gently pulling you closer to him.
Your own hands travelled towards his neck, wrapping them around as you both pulled yourselves dangerously close, if that was even possible. The kiss was slow and passionate, both your lips moved in sync. You felt your heart racing as his hands slid to your hips, pushing you closer against him. You licked his bottom lip for entrance, to which he gladly accepted. Your fingers played with the hairs on the back of his neck, lightly pulling them, causing him to get out a groan. A sound which you instantly fell in love with.
Though you knew you both would’ve continued, you were forced to stop when you hear a cough coming from beside you. Both you and John pulled away instantly. Both of you started fixing yourself, trying to look as presentable as possible as you turned to see who had interrupted.
Stormy stood then with the biggest smile on her face. One where she did not even try to hide. “martini anyone.” She asks, laughing as she made her way back upstairs.
“so…you wanna try that again?” John asks, smiling when he notices you blushing.
And with that, he pulled you in for another kiss.
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life-rewritten · 4 years
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It's been an interesting experience this past few months. BL came back in full force, took mostly all days in the week and you know what? It surprised the hell out of me. Mostly because I was moving back and forth from the decision of whether to stop watching or to wait and trust something extraordinary would happen like last year. And then October/November happened before I knew it I was falling again for some storylines, I was excited again to analyse and talk about these shows, and also I was incredibly grateful for some of the messages I received from these shows, they educated me, humbled me and even pushed me to my own version of self-acceptance, learning and love. So there are some disappointments with some of the shows mentioned here, but overall I'm grateful we got to see these shows and wait for them every week to air. This is the first part of this list because in another two weeks I have more shows ending. December is shaking!
Ratings: From 1 to 5 (1 being least excited to watch, 5 being most,) how excited am I to delve into these shows?
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Genre/Themes: Romance, Melodrama, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Unrequited Love, Family
Country: Thailand
 Um, this show. I've been through a lot with this show, I've been angry, frustrated, tired, annoyed but weirdly I love this show, by the end of the finale, this show left me with warmth and this energy of bliss and joy. I realised that the reason why I was so harsh to this show was because of the potential I saw when I first saw the first episode. I fell in love because I could tell it was symbolic, it was deep, and it also had interesting devices used to tell the plot. Who knew that the pacing and directing of this show would nearly leave me mad and furious because it could have been better. This is all on the director, and sometimes the actors, they weren't expressive enough, they weren't emotional enough, and they didn't entirely sell me on what they were meant to be feeling. Sometimes it felt awkward and stiff and unbelievable, and at those times, I felt disappointed and bored. But the characters of this show and especially some actors (FIAT and JJ) really stole my heart without me wanting them to. I fell in love with the couples, I loved analysing them and feeling their angst and understanding their character dynamics. I lived for their friendship and enjoyed watching how it all came together. Even some of the romantic scenes made me swoon and excited, and I was just so happy to watch these couples choose each other.
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I also think the relationship dynamics, whilst sometimes annoying, was actually sweet and wholesome. Itt and Pai's love is so cute and memorable, and I understood why they wanted each other, they both helped each other so much, and I thought it was beautiful. Pure and Folk; everything, no words, they were incredible despite rushed and late, I enjoyed watching their love on my screen, and it left me so disappointed that we could have had more if the pacing was done right. Either way, despite the rants and criticisms this show was a gem to me, one of my favourites just because of the couple dynamics. I will miss it, and I will miss analysing it. But please NEW sort your self out, and stop with the slow pace directing; you're killing your shows, (just my opinion) but you're making me dread the shows I've been so excited for in 2021, and I really pray you won't ruin them. Nough said. 
Ratings:3.8/5 I can't rate it higher, but I do think it deserves credit, this show is very underrated as much as it annoyed me it's actually a decent show, it's very educational sometimes. It also has character development and growth. The romances are sweet and definitely should be paid attention to.
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Genre/Themes: Comedy, Romance,  Drama, Friendship, Rich, poor dynamic, 
Country: Thailand
MGAYG was not the only show that New produced/ directed. There was this atrocity. No offence to everyone who loved this show, I love TinCan, I like most of the couples of the show, I didn't even complain when the show was rebooted, I didn't complain when there was not enough plot for the side couples for the first 8 episodes. But what annoys the hell out of me with this show is the lazy writing. I am so disappointed with this show, I realised that by the finale I was just tired and I was only watching it for some actors not even characters ( I was watching it to see a glimpse of Meen and Est), and it really made me sad. Because I started off with this show a bundle of joy, to see Tin and Can fall in love with each other again, I ignored when the haters said it was boring, awkward or stiff. I even accepted the massive amounts of product placement that was placed lazily and annoyingly. I was ready to forgive everything with this show. But I ended up feeling slighted, not me the actors should feel slighted, Cooheart, Mark Siwat, Gun, Title, Meen, Est should feel slighted by this show because this show wasted their potentials and only showed them for minutes in the whole 12 hours that this show aired for. I am so angry at the writer because she was lazy. She had clocked out when it came to this script (Though I don't blame her when everyone kept on sending her threats to how she told the previous story, she silenced her own creative ideas and muted everything, hence why Kengla and Techno's story was destroyed and became lazy and not needed and confusing, and Tum and Tar and Keen made no sense). Mame had given up on this show long before it aired. 
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But as much as I am disappointed at her for doing so, I also have to take this back to New, he's the person again who ruined this show with his pacing and directing. I love New, but this year it wasn't it, he is the main flaw in both his shows, he doesn't know when to pace things properly, he rushes plots at the end, and he doesn't give enough time to side couples for them to make sense. He did well in season 1 I think, but this season was atrocious. I am heavily disappointed, and I want to forget this show exists. I do have to give credit to Mean because I think he carried the show, I think Plan was cute but he was uncomfortable, and he ruined a lot of moments for me despite how much I love his chemistry with Mean. So yeh LBC was a disappointment, but it still holds a special place in my heart because I did care about the cast (maybe not as much anymore because of their homophobia) but LBC was one of my first loved BLs to see such a disappointing follow up is just heartbreaking. 
Ratings:2.9/5 I couldn't bring my self to rate it even a three because I genuinely don't want to rewatch or think about this show again that's a pity because I genuinely love TinCan and MeenEst. But hey ho, c'est la vie. 
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Gaya Sa Pelikula
Genre/Themes: Romance, Drama, Comedy, Angst, LGBTQ+ Education, Contract relationship, Haters to lovers
Country: Philippines 
Verdict:  We finally reached the end. And the way I didn't want this show to end, is just too much. I completed this show on the floor sobbing, clenching my heart and just reflecting and thinking about everything. One I was in shock, wasn't expecting something like this when I first watched this show. I had a lot of doubts despite the sneaky light in my heart from the comedy and energy and charisma from the show. I fell. Hard. For everything. Before I knew it, Fridays meant everything to me, if I could get to keep watching this show, it made laugh, smile, cry, weep, and it made me think and learn. It's weird how a show can mean so much to people, this show wasn't for me, it was a love letter to the LGBTQ+ community, a beautiful one, and with everybody's reaction, I think I can say for all of us, that this show was a masterpiece. It had everything, a plot that was so deep, interesting and unique, characters that felt real, understandable and relatable, lessons that made everyone think and question how they acted, how they viewed things, what we say, how we consider our selves, what is our story that we want to tell to the world?
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 It's just incredible, not only that this show had terrific production, directing, acting and music that will stick with me for a long time. The music was perfectly used, perfectly mixed in, and it touched everyone's heart. This show left me feeling healed, it was weird, I don't know how to relate to the struggles of Internalised homophobia, but I get anxiety, I get feeling like you're not the main character in your story, I get feeling like your life was already planned out and your dreams don't matter, I get hiding and running away from the world and finding a place to stay in your head and find peace and I get feeling overlooked and misunderstood. Overall I get the fight for self healing, acceptance and love. And Vlad and Karl went through that, and it was so beautiful to see them grow and become what they wanted to be, even if they couldn't be together because of that. Everything including the side characters in this show meant something, each had their own story, flaws and importance for why they were there, and I loved it. Words can't explain how good this show is, and the fact that no one came into it,  knowing anything is just such inspirational and hopeful thing, out there, there are content and stories to consume that can teach and affect you and make you want to do something with your own. And Gaya Sa pelikula was one of those for me. I don't wanna say Goodbye, and hopefully, we get to see them again soon. 
Ratings: 5/5 I would give this more than 5 if I could. That's how much this show means to me. 
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Genre/Themes: Romance, Melodrama, Coming of Age, Angst, Drama, Childhood friendship
Country: Thailand
Verdict: Wow. All I can say is wow. I find my self not able to talk about this show, because like what else can I say that everyone hasn't said. It's outstanding. No words. I think this show was just out of nowhere, I mean probably not; because it was a Nadao production but still, for a BL? Out of nowhere. The effort, the acting, the music, the production, the themes and the way it was all so perfectly told? It was a journey, I ended up at times also on the floor sobbing, shouting and just like feeling so single. Haha. But really this show is ridiculously good, it's like something that can't be fully explained, it's still a shock to me (and I really need to start believing in potentials of BLs more), it is, I'm just thankful I guess, for the 5 hours spent with this show, the number of essays derived from this show, the way Teh and Oh snuck in my heart and refused to leave. I think we all want a love like Teh and Oh, someone who completely takes your breath away, is selfless for you and is your number one supporter and fan. Someone who the room spins around for and your world only focuses on, someone who makes you brave.
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And I think Teh and Oh found that with each other, and it was beautiful to witness, it was heartbreaking as well to see them struggle with it, it was also peaceful to reach the end and see them safe and secure with each other. ITSAY was everything, it also means a lot to me because the writing and directing are effortless, it's inspiring and beautiful to see how it came about, its so fulfilling to see how much effort went into this production. And I can't wait to see how Part 2 unfolds next year. I will say that with all the angst and longing, the ending did feel unsatisfactory because I just felt that all the tension and emotion invested just became really tame at the end, all the angst just fell apart so rapidly, and it felt weird that it ended in a hug? But with all the theories about sad endings and the other directions the writer could have gone with I'm happy it was a happy ending, and I'm delighted our boys reunited and became each other's most immense success/happiness. 
Ratings: 4.5/5  Yeh I want to give it a 5/5 but the ending like I said felt a little bit empty for me, I didn't feel satisfied or like complete but that's because there's a part 2 coming. Still is the best Thai BL ever created. And it deserves all the praise.
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November was a ride, I think I've cried so much during these past weeks, but honestly, I'm so glad BLs are just improving and putting more effort in, BLs are no longer just for fujoshis to consume. Still, now they represent and educate about LGBTQ+ experiences, they feel relatable and understandable. They're not as toxic as before. We're getting healthier relationships, we're getting depth and unique plots, we're getting happy endings as well. It's very lovely to see the growth, and I can't wait to see what December brings or next year. I'm just so proud of these actors, I'm proud of actors who actually respect this genre and understands why people like it, for me I really enjoy learning about things I never thought or experienced, it humbles me, and it inspires me so much. I'm grateful for these shows. Hopefully, there's many more like ITSAY and GSP to come. Please. 
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baeklooming-day · 4 years
April Breeze | Baekhyun
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Lines 2. "Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore." and 43. "I feel like I can't breathe."
Summary: There is this boy who is too shy, but also too in love with you to not try to get your attention. Even if it means forgetting how to breathe.
Feat. wingman bff Chanyeol
Genre: Good boy!AU, Bad girl!AU, fluffish fluff, extremely shy Baek
Word count: 1.8k
A/N: This is probably the most innocent Baek I have ever written oml
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"Look, it's Y/N."
"Y/N is so beautiful. I wish I looked like that."
"Yeah, because only her looks are good, her personality leaves a lot to wish for."
"Be quiet! She will hear you."
"So what?"
"The last person who royally pissed her off ended up with an almost broken nose."
"Seriously, why is she even so popular..."
You walked through the school hallway, pretending to not hear any of the comments the other students present there were making about you.
It actually always amused you to be honest, them thinking that you couldn't really hear their whispering whilst you were passing by.
Little did they know, you had a remarkable hearing sense.
But even despite that, some of them weren't particularly trying to keep their comments quiet, so you would be able to hear them nonetheless even if your ears weren't that good to tell the truth.
Still, for some reason they were thinking that their voices couldn't reach you.
Well. Not that what people were thinking and saying about you was something that you considered particularly important anyway.
You tugged your soft hair behind your ear, revealing a dangling long earring made of pearls, a noticeable piece of jewelry which you liked wearing the most.
As you approached your locker to take a book for your next class, you noticed a little note being glued to it.
A little note, this time the paper was in a shape of a heart and in a pastel pink color.
This time, because it was what felt like the thousandth note in that April which you found on your locker.
»You are beautiful«, the note said.
You smiled involuntarily. At the beginning you completely ignored it not taking any of these seriously, but with time as the notes kept appearing with always sweeter messages, you were slowly starting to wonder who was hiding behind them.
Of course only out of simple curiosity.
You gently peeled the note off of your locker and threw it in your bag, taking your book and walking away in the direction of your classroom.
You did it all automatically, not being aware of your surroundings, or more like of WHO was in your surroundings in that moment.
If only you paid a little attention to your right, you would have noticed a boy in a pastel yellow hoodie, pretending to look for something in his own locker, whilst in reality he was trying to stop himself from blushing madly and see your reaction all at the same time.
You disappeared way too quickly for him to properly look at you, leaving him with only a sight of your back when you walked away with your book.
His dreamy brown eyes followed your figure, slowly disappearing in the distance of the hallway.
Just when you disappeared completely behind the next corner, the boy let out a sigh.
"I feel like I can't breathe."
"Ya, Baekhyun, do you need some fresh air? Seriously, you have been in love with Y/N for what feels like forever, it would be about time to make her aware of your existence." Said a loud deep voice.
Baekhyun, who was still looking like a human resemblance of a tomato with his flaming cheeks, looked at his friend who appeared next to him with pain in his eyes. "Listen Chanyeol, not everyone is so outgoing like you."
Chanyeol gave him a disapproving look. "But leaving her your love notes everyday, sure." He paused. "Is it because of what happened on Valentines Day this year?"
"I don't want to talk about it." Baekhyun said, finally closing his locker.
He didn't want to either talk or let alone think about what happened back then, when thinking that he finally found the courage to talk to you in person and ask you to be his valentine, scarlet roses in his hand each one of them with a love note attached to it with an equally scarlet ribbon, that one popular and extremely mean boy from your parallel class who had a big crush on you somehow found out his plan.
In conclusion, the roses which were supposed to be given to you disappeared in mysterious circumstances during the lunch break, whilst Baekhyun himself ended up shivering outside in the cold winter air, completely soaked in ice cold water which had been poured right on him from the window, it wasn't even necessary contemplating who thought of doing this.
Ever since then, he decided that it would be better to just admire you from afar, seeing that his actions were attracting everyone else's attention but yours.
That decision lasted only for so long though, when during the following months he found himself helplessly falling even more for you, finally starting to stick little love notes to your locker, hoping for not even knowing what.
"Look, of course I wouldn't love anything more than Y/N somehow noticing me... But I don't want to have all that delinquent squad from class one after me again." Baekhyun said.
"Hey, hey, calm down. They can't hurt you anymore." The taller boy reassuringly put his hand on his friend's shoulder. He paused for a moment, before cheerfully continuing. "Well, you know that I'm good friends with a dude who is friends with Y/N's brother and, you know, I just accidentally heard that she likes cherry blossoms and chocolate oat milk." He informed his friend with a knowing smile appearing on his face.
Baekhyun looked at him a little confused. "And why are you telling me that?" He asked.
"Well." Chanyeol smiled even wider now. "Having all this information and knowing that it's April and cherry trees are blooming, isn't it just the perfect position to FINALLY ask Y/N out on a date?"
"Of course it is! And YOU my dude, are going to use it!"
"I am?"
"Yes you are!" Chanyeol suddenly looked all serious. "Tomorrow it's Saturday, and now you have a free period, so that leaves you with about forty five minutes until Y/N comes back from her class." He quickly glanced at the watch on his wrist. "I have to run to my practice now, but I believe in you!"
"What? Chanyeol-"
But before Baekhyun could say anything else, his tall friend was already leaving through the door.
Alone the thought about having your dazzling bright eyes looking at him made him forget how to breathe, but instead of covering his flaming cheeks and shaking it off, he pulled out a piece of paper from his bag, pausing for a moment to think before his hand started to scribble words on it on its own.
The time flew unexpectedly quickly, but you were more than grateful for that, given that all you dreamed of doing right now was to leave those books in your locker and make yourself on your long awaited way home.
You approached the lockers, immediately noticing a new note being glued to yours.
You put your bag on the ground, taking the note off and reading the words written on it.
»All the cherry blossoms seem to be blooming just for you. But you are the loveliest of them all. When I see you it's like an April breeze.«
You would never admit it, but sometimes even something as simple and cheesy as that could leave some effect on you.
You smiled to yourself.
"Who the freak could you be" You said.
"Do you want to know?" Asked a sweet voice, coming right from behind you.
You immediately turned around, being met with a sight of a boy in a pastel yellow hoodie, nervously fidgeting with a blue pen which he was holding in his hands.
It looked as if he had some visible difficulty looking you in the eyes, instead focusing on some random point on the lockers behind you.
His full cheeks were tinted always more and more in a dark blush, and when he finally met your eyes, all he managed to do was to open and close his mouth like a goldfish breathing underwater.
"I... um..." The boy stuttered. "I..."
"You?" You asked impatiently.
As you took a closer look at him, you were sure that you already spotted him somewhere around your school, however you couldn't link him to any particular class or to anyone you knew.
"I, well..."
"Are you alright? Why are you looking at me like that?" You asked a little bit concerned, given that he looked as if he was about to pass out right where he was standing.
The boy slid the pastel yellow hood off of his head, revealing his fluffy light hair. "Because, um..." He paused for a brief second. "When I see you it's like an April breeze." He said quietly.
It took you a moment to realize what he just said, looking at the love note in your hand and at his flushed face.
"It's you!" You exclaimed, making him almost jump in surprise at your sudden loud remark. "You are the one who has been leaving me all those notes the entire time!"
You observed the always present blush on his cheeks, taking the opportunity to acknowledge his cute face, with soft locks of light hair falling gently on his shy brown eyes.
No way that someone who wrote such beautiful words meant just for you, was now completely frozen and startled in your presence, not knowing what to say.
"What is your name?" You asked in a softer tone.
The boy's eyes lit up. "Baekhyun."
"Baekhyun." You repeated.
If only you knew what you were doing to him by saying his name, a thousand of butterflies dancing in his stomach and a pounding heart which was nearly exploding.
You already figured that he apparently was the super shy type, so instead of waiting for him to finally get to his point, you proceeded talking. "Did you want to ask me a question?"
Apparently your own question did something, noticing how he immediately straightened and tried to maintain the eye contact with you. "Yes. I have been meaning to ask you, if..." A brief pause again. "If you would like to watch blooming cherry trees with me?" The question was soft and quiet, but enough for you to hear it clearly.
"When?" You asked, trying to suppress a chuckle.
"Tomorrow." He replied decisively. "Tomorrow at four."
"Alright. But under one condition." You said. "Give me your number."
"Wha-" He looked at you, flabbergasted. "Oh, yes, of course!"
The two of you took out your phones, giving them to one another to type in your numbers.
"Well, alright." You said, flashing him one of your rarest and brightest smiles, noticing how his cheeks went red all over again. "I will see you tomorrow, then." You tugged your hair behind your ear. "Baekhyun."
With that, you turned around and directed yourself to the exit, leaving the shy boy behind you with a pounding and jumping heart, sparkles glistening in his brown orbs.
And thinking that there you were, sure that all the shy boys were too afraid of talking to you.
You left the school building continuing to involuntarily smile to yourself, letting an unexplainable happy feeling consume you.
Sometimes things that you would never expect to happen, do happen in the least expected moments.
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A/N: leave me your thoughts!! reblogs are always welcomed 💫
and also i really don't know what to think about this story myself lmao
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norisxfics · 4 years
NCT 127′s Dorm Maid: Ch.3 - Johnny
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Title: NCT 127’s Dorm Maid
Genre: smut
Chapter: 3
Characters: Johnny x OC/reader
Chapter masterlist
Previous Chapter
Contains: fingering, thigh riding, slight choking, dom johnny, squirting
Summary: When NCT’s Dorm maid falls ill, her niece takes her place and becomes NCT’s new dorm maid. NCT weren’t unfamiliar with the girl as she has substituted for her aunt many times before. But this time it was different, this time she was going to become their permanent dorm maid as her aunt was forced to retire because of her health. NCT members quickly grow fond of the girl, but little did she know this also meant that she was going to be a hell of a lot more busy than she expected.
Authors Note: It would be really nice and appreciated if you guys could reblog this if you enjoyed it so that I can get more readers. Liking a post shows me you enjoy it but no one will ever see a content creators content if all you guys do is like the post. Especially now since I’ve heard the tags are being fucked up and not all posts are showing up in the tags
When the boys found out I also play video games on my time off we would often play together online whenever we weren’t busy. We mostly played games like PUBG and other FPS games, sometimes MMO’s. Haechan was the one who most often played with me, he would thank me for playing with him and then proceed to whine about how sometimes the boys won’t play with him even if they’ve got nothing going on. It was cute.
Often times when I’m doing my job he would ask me to watch him play or join him. I would usually tell him to wait until I finish my job but then he would whine and hug my arm, trying to act cute, as he would beg me “It’s just for a few minutes!” It never did end up being only a “few minutes” but I guess you could say those moments are like a break for me. 
This time it was both Johnny and Haechan asking me to watch and play with them. I would often help Haechan out as well whenever they played games going against each other I would even lean over Haechan to show him some tricks on the keyboard he could use in the game, Johnny would call it cheating, but I would fight him back saying there was no rules against assisting. 
“Noona, you play for me, show him how hard you can beat him like you did to me the other day,” Haechan got off his chair and I chuckled “don’t mind if I do, time to get wrecked Johnny,” I took my place in the chair and started a round with Johnny, and let’s just say that I totally wrecked Johnny. When the round was over Haechan high-fived me and and Johnny let out a sigh “You only won because I let you,”
“Only a sore loser would try to claim that,” I gave a wink and smirked at him, he raised a brow at me. 
“I have to go, the dreamies wanna hang out, you guys have fun!” Haechan said as he grabbed his phone in wallet, sliding them into his pockets. 
“Bye Haechan, have fun,” I turned to Johnny when he left and smirked “one more round?” Johnny immediately sat up on his chair and we started yet another round. Guess who won? 
That’s right me. 
“Hah! Get wrecked Johnny, I just made you my bitch,” I gave him a smug smirk and dusted off the non-existent dust off my shoulders. I stood up and fixed my skirt “anyway, I should get back to work, I’ll let you cry it out while I clean,” As I turned to walk away Johnny grabbed my wrist and I turned to him. He stared at me with a brow raised “hold on just a minute, who said you’re dismissed?”
“Huh? I mean, I have to get my work done...” 
“You work for us so you answer to us, besides I have somethings to talk about with you,”
“Well, technically I work for SM, SM is the one sending me payche-”
He rolled his eyes, suddenly pulling me to sit on his thigh “First of all I’d like to talk about what you’re wearing today, it’s kind of inappropriate don’t you think? Wearing a short skirt while doing a job that requires bending over a lot,” I had forgotten about that honestly, I intentionally wore a skirt to catch their attention. Ever since that day with Mark my sexual demon that I’ve been suppressing as been slowly coming out. It was exciting, that night, the risk of getting caught, it excited me. 
I wanted to tease the boys. 
I wanted the excitement. 
But I had forgotten about all that while we were playing games, so I was now genuinely surprised. 
“Um...well, I can exp-” 
“Who said you could talk? I’m not done,” 
He gripped onto my thigh, hand slowly moving up “not to mention your actions today as well, the way you were on your knees earlier, wiping the floor in front of me, I bet you did that on purpose, you wanted me to see didn’t you?”
He was absolutely right on point, when I was cleaning the floor I lifted my ass up more when I saw Johnny enter the room, I wanted him to look at me. 
I subconsciously licked over my bottom lip, biting down on it as his hand moved up my skirt and over to my ass, while his other hand moved to caress my cheek “and what was that just now hmm? Bending over in excuse to help Haechan, your ass right in my face, you’re just asking for it aren’t you?” 
I didn’t answer, I was too distracted by his dark and firm tone of voice. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t wet right now. 
His hand soon moved to my throat, thumb caressing against my jawline before he gave a small squeeze to my throat “Answer me.”
I tried so hard not to squirm “Y-yes,”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Sir...”
He gave my ass a squeeze, his other and moved to the back of my head, pulling me closer to him as his lips lingered over mine for a moment, half lidded eyes looking down into mine before his lips finally connected with mine. Our lips moved in unison as a it slowly get deeper, and more desperate, more desperate from my side that is. My hips involuntarily began to move, grinding against his thigh in a slow pace. 
Johnny broke the kiss and mumbled “eager little kitten aren’t you?” he gave my ass another squeeze as he encouraged me to continue riding out his thigh. I held onto his shoulders as my gaze went back to his lips, our lips soon connected again, resuming back into a heated kiss. He tightened his thigh muscle, pushing his thigh up against me, a whimper leaving my lips and into the kiss. 
“Fuck you’re so wet right now baby girl, it’s leaking through your panties,” I could feel my cheeks turn red “such a dirty little girl,” he smacked my ass and I jumped a little, biting down on my lip “you like that huh?” he smirked and I nodded.
He buried his face in the crook of my neck, kissing and softly sucking on the skin. I let out a soft quiet moan, followed by another as he spanked me again before gripping my hips, pushing my down harder against his thigh. My hips began to move more eagerly against him. 
He then held my hips in place and I let out a whimper as he stopped me. 
“Stand up,” he ordered. 
And so I did. I stood in front of him. 
“Lift your skirt up for me, baby” 
I gripped onto the hem of my skirt, lifting it up from him to see me white lace panties. He tapped my inner thigh, I took that as a signal to spread my legs more, so I did. He hooked his fingers into my panties and tug them half way down my thighs. 
“What was that you said earlier? That I’m you’ve made me your bitch?” 
His fingers slipped between my thighs, softly grazing over my wet folds. 
“I think you got it all wrong, because I just made you my bitch,”
I shuddered at his words. I was a huge sub and Johnny seemed to know that. I guess a dom will always know a sub when he sees one, right?
His middle finger slipped in between my fold as he dragged it from my entrance to my clit, teasing it a bit before he paused. 
“Want me to keep touching you? To make you feel good?” 
I nodded “Yes, sir,”
“Then tell me who’s dirty little bitch are you?”
“Yours, sir” 
“My what?”
“I’m your dirty little bitch,”
“Good girl,” 
I let out a whimper when those two small words came out of his own mouth. He began to rub my clit, pressing his fingers against it, he moved his fingers in a circular motion pressing firmly against me. I gripped tightly onto my skirt, pursing my lips to muffle my moans. 
Hi moved his finger between my folds and began to tease my entrance “you’re such a little whore, getting so damn,” he pushed his finger into me, a moan escaping my lips “wet for me,” his finger pumped inside of me, pressing against my wet walls. 
“What am I gonna do with you?”
He added a second digit into me, pumping his fingers faster and harder inside of me. I let out a louder moan, covering my mouth quickly with one hand. 
“Even your moans sound so dirty,” he chuckled. He curled his fingers up against my walls, finding my sweet spot. I bit into my hand to muffle my moans and whimpers. My hips were shaking and it was becoming hard to stay on my feet. 
“Do you wanna come for me, baby?”
“Y-yes sir...”
“Then beg for it,”
His fingers began to move painfully slow, I let out a whine in protest “Please...please don’t stop, please let me cum daddy,” 
“daddy huh? I like the way it sounds coming from your dirty little whore mouth, say it again,”
“fuck, daddy please, please make me cum for you daddy,” I begged desperately, as I squirmed. 
“Good girl,” 
He inserted a third digit and began to roughly and quickly thrust his fingers into me, making to to curl them against my sweet spot, hitting it repeatedly I gripped onto his arm, moaning loudly, forgetting to keep myself quiet, as my body shook with pleasure, my walls tightening around his fingers as I reached my climax. 
My juices squirting out onto his hand and onto the floor. 
“Fuck...you’re squirter huh?”
He pulled his fingers out and I sunk down onto my knees, catching my breath. I looked up at him to see him licking his fingers clean as he grabbed his phone before pointing it at me “can I take a picture? You know, in memory of who exactly wrecked who tonight,” he smirked down at me and I blushed. 
“I’ll take your silence as a yes?” He held the phone up at and angle and took a photo. I didn’t mind of course, or I would have said no. 
“You should clean your mess up and get back to work,”
I nodded.
I had a feeling he was going to start teasing me about this, and I was right. The next time I played a game with him and Haechan online and “get wrecked” would be mentioned, he would text me the photo with a reminder “You mean like how you got wrecked the other night?”
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musette22 · 4 years
As it's Chris' birthday today, what's your Evanstan headcon for how they are spending it? We don't know if Chris is still in LA (as far as I know), do you think he might be back in Boston to be with his family? That would mean Seb could easily visit him now that the lockdown in NYC is over. Or would he fly to LA to celebrate with his bf? (He hasn't been seen in NYC in the last couple of days either, right?) Or will the only hang out virtually? I would love to know what you are imagining 😊
Hello darling!! So yesterday, I said I probably wasn’t going to write any Evanstan for a while, but then I woke up this morning and had a lovely little Evanstan headcanon fantasy about Chris’s birthday - as you do - and then I thought screw it, let’s write this thing. So here’s a little drabble (well, it should’ve been a drabble) about how Chris might have spent his birthday 😘
A/N: This is just a nonsensical little fantasy scenario that doesn’t actually make any sense, but the idea made me happy, so I hope it’ll make you guys happy too! Don’t look too closely, please, there’s some overlap with previous fics and this was all written very quickly and hasn’t been edited properly because it’s late where I am and I need to sleep lmao 🙈 Sorry about that!
Happy birthday, Mr. America 
Chris likes surprises, generally speaking.
Not the nasty kind, like when a part unexpectedly falls through, or someone gets angry at him out of the blue and he doesn’t know what he’s done wrong. But he likes it when exciting things happen and shake things up a bit, like when he’s having a lazy day alone at home, and a friend suddenly shows up on his doorstep to tell him, change of plans, we’re going bungee jumping. When that happens, Chris will happily drop whatever he’s doing and jump in the car, because that’s the kind of thing that makes him feel alive.
So when he arrives at the Evans’ family house today, on his birthday, and is greeted by a chorus of Surprise! and Happy Birthdays from a bunch of people he hasn’t seen ages - literal years, in some cases - Chris is delighted and touched; excited to see familiar faces and catch up with his friends and family.
That excited feeling lasts for a solid few hours, until his Aunt Melanie corners him and starts telling Chris about her Pilates instructor. This isn’t the first time she’s tried to set Chris up with whichever wonderful girl she’s most recently met and feels would be perfect for Chris, but this time she’s really hammering on about how she just can’t understand why a good-looking, successful young man like him hasn’t found a wife yet. She no doubt means well, but that doesn’t mean Chris is about to go on a blind date with her Pilates instructor.
When he’s finally managed to excuse himself under the pretense of needing a bathroom break, he sneaks off to the back of the house, to his dad’s old study. As soon as the door closes behind him, he lets out a sigh of relief and leans back against it for a moment, catching his breath. He loves his family to bits, but there’s no denying they’re a lot. There’s a sofa in the study, a wide, navy blue one, and Chris lies down on it, stretching himself to his full length. He closes his eyes, hoping to nap for a couple of minutes, but no dice. His aunt’s comments play in his head on a loop, causing something uneasy to stir in his stomach.
The thing is, she’s right. He should already be married and have a couple of cute kids to dote on. He’s wanted to have a family and settle down for a long time, ever since he got done with sowing his wild oats and calmed down a little. He’s the long-term relationship kind, and there had been a few girlfriends with whom he thought he definitely could see a future.
That had been Before, though. Before Sebastian Stan had waltzed into his life and upended everything Chris thought he knew for certain, complicating everything in the best and worst possible way. After the initial shock of developing feelings for another guy wore off, Chris had simply accepted his infatuation as a fact of life, and it had become something he carried with him always, but never acted on or even spoke of. He wouldn’t know where to start. It was clear there was something between them, though. The way Sebastian looked at him sometimes… It had to mean something. For the longest time, they’d danced around each other, always just shy of outright flirting, and there had been a few times when Chris really thought something might finally happen between them. But it never did.
And now it never would. They’ve hardly even seen each other, over the past year, after they stopped working together. Sure, they kept in touch from time to time, but there is only so much keeping in touch two work friends can plausibly do before it gets weird or necessarily has to turn into something else. And Chris thought he’d accepted that, more or less.
But then last week, he and Scott had gotten drunk together – like really, stupidly drunk. At around 3 in the morning, Scott had put on The First Avenger so he could make fun of Chris in his skin tight leggings, and then suddenly Sebastian’s face had been right there on his TV screen: larger than life, young and handsome like he’d been when Chris first felt that tug in his gut when he’d looked at him.
And Chris, whose brain-to-mouth filter unfortunately ceases to exist entirely whenever he’s had too much to drink, had just blurted out, “I think I’m in love with him.”
Initially, Scott had thought Chris meant that Steve was in love with Bucky. 
“Well, clearly,” he’d slurred. “They’re soooo gay, oh my god.”
And instead of using the misunderstanding to cover up for his unfortunate drunken slip-up, Chris had slowly shook his head and corrected, “No, with Sebastian. ‘M in love with Sebastian. Have been for a long time, I think.”
He’d passed out not long after, possibly his subconscious’ way of trying to protect himself against the barrage of questions from Scott that Chris had been in no state to answer in that moment. Inevitably, Scott had tried to talk to him about it the next day, but Chris – hungover, embarrassed and annoyed with himself for opening his big mouth and spilling this secret that he’d managed to keep for close to a decade – had told Scott to leave it and that he didn’t want to talk about it. Nothing was ever going to come of this now anyway, so it was much better if they could all just forget it ever happened.
Scott and he had gone to dinner at their mom’s that night, and of course, Lisa had instantly sensed something was off. Unfortunately, Chris never did stand a chance in hell against his mother, so when she took him to aside after dinner and outright asked him what was wrong, he’d had no choice but to spill the beans. Besides, if he didn’t, Scott would probably have found a way to guilt him into telling Lisa, eventually - they’d always shared everything with her, after all.
Lisa had been so loving and understanding, just like Chris knew she would, and despite the aching in his chest, he was grateful and a little bit relieved to know he wasn’t keeping something this significant from her any longer. But in the end, it didn’t change anything. Of course, Lisa had asked him why he didn’t just go for it, told him to just go for it, call Sebastian and ask him out for dinner, but Chris had dismissed all her suggestions. It just wasn’t going to happen. Certainly not now, not anymore.
She’d dropped it, eventually, but Chris is under no illusions that he’s heard the last of it.
Since then, he’d tried to put the whole fiasco out of his mind, but then Aunt Melanie started badgering him about his marital status and it had all come rushing back again.
Just when Chris about to give up on trying to nap and head outside to get some fresh air instead, there’s a knock at the door.
Chris sighs, rubbing his eyes. “Come in,” he calls, not bothering to get up because it’s probably his mom coming to check on him. “Hey, mom,” he says, when Lisa’s head does appear around the door.
“Hi, sweetheart,” she replies, smiling. She opens the door a little wider. “There’s someone here to see you.”
“Oh?” Chris says, sitting up a little straighter for whatever friend or family member his mom wants him to meet so urgently, but then Lisa steps aside to reveal –  
Sebastian is here. In his mom’s house. Standing right there, looking a little apprehensive and unsure, but still so fucking gorgeous it makes Chris’s heart stop for a moment inside his chest, before it starts up again at double speed.
“Hey, Chris,” Sebastian says, and it’s his voice, he’s really here, in Chris’s dad’s old study, speaking actual words at him.
What the fuck.
Chris gets to his feet so fast he feels a bit lightheaded, lightly swaying on his feet before he manages to get some semblance of a reply. "Hi. What- Sebastian. What are you doing here?"
Sebastian’s eyes flicker to Lisa for a moment, looking at her a little uncertainly. She gives him an encouraging nod.
“Um,” Sebastian starts, turning his eyes back to Chris again. “Lisa, your mom, invited me to your surprise birthday party.” He licks his lips nervously. “So, yeah, happy birthday. And, um. Surprise.” The last word is accompanied by a dorky little wave, and Chris is just. Speechless.
Literally, can’t form any words speechless, which is highly unusual for him. When he just keeps standing there, staring a Sebastian like he’s some kind of fata morgana, Lisa rolls her eyes and nudges Sebastian with her elbow.
“Well, go on, then,” she prompts, nodding in Chris’s direction. “He won’t bite.” Then, the look in her eyes turns mischievous, and Chris has half a second to think oh no, before she adds, “Unless you like that sort of thing, of course, but then he'd ask first. I raised him well.”
Sebastian makes a strangled sound, but starts towards him nonetheless, and before he really knows what’s happening, Chris is holding Sebastian in his arms. Holding him in his arms and burying his face in the crook of his neck and breathing him in. Sebastian’s arms go around him, too, a little tentative at first, but growing tighter, more secure, the longer the hug lasts. 
And it lasts, much longer than a casual happy birthday hug between friends is supposed to last, but Chris can’t for the life of him bring himself to let go. He knows he’s clinging, that he’s got his nose pressed to the spot below Sebastian’s ear and that’s probably far too intimate, but Sebastian’s arms around are wound tightly around Chris’s waist and his cheek is presses to the side of Chris’s face, and he’s not letting go either.
Finally, after what feels simultaneously like forever and the blink of an eye, Sebastian inhales shakily, his chest expanding against Chris’s. With Herculean effort, Chris makes himself pull away. But, of course, that brings with it the complication of being able to see Sebastian’s face, flustered and glowing, eyes shining with something unnameable. They’re so close then, their faces only an inch or so apart, and when Sebastian’s eyes flicker down to Chris’s mouth for a split second, Chris’s restraint breaks.
He lunges forward, and Sebastian does the same, and their mouths crash together awkwardly and suddenly, they’re kissing. Really, actually kissing. 
Chris’s hands fly to Sebastian’s face, holding it like it’s something precious, causing Sebastian to make a small, desperate sound that reverberates throughout Chris’s entire body. When he licks at the seam of Sebastian’s lips, Sebastian parts them immediately, letting him in, and Chris is drowning. Drowning in the kiss, in Sebastian’s taste, his smell, the little sighs he’s making against Chris’s lips, like he’s just as overwhelmed and stupefied and happy as Chris is, while they cling to each other like they’re each scared the other’s going to disappear if they dare to let up for just one second.
Eventually, though, they have to break apart for air. Chris presses their foreheads together, unwilling to put any more distance between them than is strictly necessary, still breathing the same air. When Chris eventually opens his eyes, he finds Sebastian looking back at him in a way that makes his knees feel suddenly weak.
"Hi," Seb says, voice low and husky.
"Hey," Chris replies, his hands on either side of Sebastian’s face, thumbs idly caressing his cheekbones.
Sebastian giggles, a light, happy sound that makes his nose do that scrunchy thing it does, and Chris wants to die. He groans, pulling Sebastian back in by the back of his neck –
And then Lisa clears her throat. Sebastian startles; he’d evidently forgotten she was still there, or maybe assumed she’d have left to give them their privacy, but that just goes to show Sebastian doesn’t know Lisa very well – yet.
"Well,” Lisa says, a grin in her voice. “I'll leave you two to it then, let me know if you need anything.” She pauses, before cheekily adding, “Anything at all."
“Yes, thank you, mom,” Chris says quickly, keen to spare Sebastian any further embarrassment. Sebastian’s hiding his face in Chris’s chest as it is, arms still wound around his waist, and Chris is literally about to pass out from how fucking cute that is.
Holding up a placating hand, Lisa finally retreats, closing the door behind her.
Once they’re alone, Chris steers Sebastian towards the couch, sitting down and pulling him into his lap. Sebastian lets himself be guided, straddling Chris’s thighs and giving him a coy look through his eyelashes. Chris blows out a slow breath to center himself a little, bringing up his hands to settle on Sebastian’s waist.
He knows they’ll need to talk about this at some point, but right now he can’t think of a single way to express what he’s feeling, and what this means to him. Right now, all he can do is stare at Sebastian in wonder, relishing finally getting to look at him the way he’s always wanted to: unabashedly, fondly, and very appreciative of exactly how tempting Sebastian’s lips look – especially after having been thoroughly kissed. By him.
“Fuck,” Chris breathes, overwhelmed, leaning in again to catch those pretty pink lips in another kiss.
Sebastian responds beautifully, opening up right away, melting into him. His arms wind around Chris’s shoulders, fingers scratching gently through the hair on the back of Chris’s head, making him shiver.
It’s sweet, at first; lips sliding together lazily, slow and lush, but eventually, the kisses turn a little dirtier, with nipping teeth and teasing tongues. When Sebastian bites Chris’s bottom lip a bit too hard, pulling on it, Chris literally goes cross-eyed for a second. The hand that found its way into Sebastian’s hair tightens instinctively, pulling his head back just a little.
“Oh,” Sebastian breathes, eyelids fluttering, and Chris instantly feels all his blood rushing south.
He can’t believe it. He can’t believe he has Sebastian here, in his lap, looking like innocence and sin wrapped into one, looking at him through heavy lidded eyes like it’s Chris who’s something to be desired. And Chris wants. He wants so bad, with every fiber of his being, to have Sebastian right there and then, but he has just enough presence of mind left to know that they can’t rush this, can’t make any rash decisions they might later regret if they don’t talk about what’s happening first.
Words still seem impossible, however, so instead, Chris takes one of Sebastian’s hands in his and presses a kiss to the center his palm, hoping to convey with that one gesture everything he wants to say but can’t.
When he looks back up, Sebastian blinks at him, his eyes wide and stunned, before he suddenly grabs Chris’s face between his hands and starts planting breathless kisses on his cheeks, his eyelids, his forehead, and even his nose. Chris lets himself be kissed, basks in it, feeling like his heart might burst, and when Sebastian finally presses his lips to his mouth, Chris seizes the opportunity to deepen the kiss. Despite Chris’s best intentions, it turns heated again in no time. Without his permission, his hands slide under Sebastian’s shirt, stroking the smooth, warm skin of his back, while Sebastian mouths at Chris’s jaw, then trails a path of kisses down the column of his neck.
“Seb,” Chris groans, hands tightening convulsively on Sebastian’s waist. “Sebastian, wait.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry,” Sebastian pants, lifting his head to look down at him. He’s disheveled, his hair a mess, pupils blown, his lips red and a little raw from mouthing at Chris’s beard. He looks stunning.
“Jesus, you’re beautiful,” Chris says honestly, touching Sebastian’s left cheek.
Sebastian ducks his head turning his face into Chris’s palm, but he’s smiling, which makes Chris smile, too, then they’re just smiling at each other like a couple of dorks.
Chris shifts their positions to get more comfortable, tugging at Sebastian until they’re both lying on the couch on their sides, face to face. Pulling him closer, into his chest, Chris swings a leg over both of Sebastian’s, and Sebastian takes the hint immediately, snuggling into Chris and tucking his head under his chin so they’re full on cuddling.
“Best fucking birthday present ever,” Chris mutters into Sebastian’s hair, his hand tracing idle patters on Sebastian’s upper arm. In reply, Sebastian presses a kiss to Chris’s chest, over his heart.
Somehow, they snooze for a little while, just drifting in and out of consciousness, neither of them seeming to want to untangle themselves from the other, until after an indeterminate amount of time, there’s a soft knock at the door.
Chris hums questioningly in reply, not wanting to wake Sebastian, and the door opens cautiously. Lisa pokes her head in again, and the moment she sees them, all wrapped around each other like that, she covers her mouth with her hands, cooing softly.
“Happy Birthday, baby,” she whispers, her eyes shining with affection and pride.
“Thanks, mom,” Chris whispers back, blinking back tears. “Love you.”
From where he’s half asleep on Chris’s chest, Sebastian murmurs, “Love you, too.”
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Space girl
The beginning of most love stories: the moon falls in love with the sun.
(The problem, however, is that most love stories aren’t set in the Boiling Isles. To confirm that the metaphor works adequately, there must exist at least one moon and one sun in your admittedly bonkers world. Is there a sun? A moon?)
Amity shivers where she’s sitting at her window, stares up at the bright bluish orb hanging over the sky and decides it does, in fact, qualify as a celestial body, whatever the hell that means. Luz has been teaching them about the intricacies of the human world, every bit of knowledge that they would require if in case they ever got transported there accidentally, and that includes something called a smartphone, a bus and the shortest way to the nearest vending machine, preferably a vending machine that stocks Mars Bars. Amity suspects the last is just another one of Luz’s whims, but has no way of confirming.
(And what is the point of confirming anything anyways? It is enough to sit in front of Luz, or beside her or anywhere with a direct line of sight to her, so Amity can listen to her blabber on about chocolate chips and scrambled eggs and something called a Tumblr; enough to get lost in the insistent, sunshine shaped cadence of her voice and forget about the perils of the week.
Plus, is the sun ever wrong?)
A month ago, Amity would have been alarmed at how easily she writes down her utter devotion towards a very human someone who gets beaten up on the regular by some ancient eldritch horror. Now the words just walk out of her quill and plant themselves firmly on the page like they couldn’t belong anywhere else, except maybe her paramour’s heart. That’s the problem with the moon falling in love with the sun. it’s annoying yet ineffable and inevitable. It’s also the easiest thing she’s ever done.
Emira figures it out first. Which probably means that Edric knows as well, since Amity is pretty sure the twins share a single mind and keep passing it to each other like they’re in an eternal Grudgby match. However, he’s not the one who appears in her room in the middle of the night to scare her half to death. That’s all Emira.
“What,” Amity starts, one hand on her chest, other reaching instinctively for her training wand at the sight of a green cloud of smoke that’s materialized in her room out of nowhere, “in the world are you doing here?”
Her sister leans against the doorway, like she’s been there all along, takes in her room. Amity knows it’s clean, knows that there is not a speck of dust hiding beneath the floorboards or an errant cape strewn on her bed, and yet can’t help following Emira’s gaze anxiously as it travels across her neatly arranged trophy on the shelf, her table and the loose floorboard she now hides her diary under, before she comes to rest on hers.
“You never told us what happened at the library the other day,” she says, finally.
Amity blinks. “I did tell you what happened. Otabin turned into a monster and tried to sew me, literally, into a book. Had to be fought off.”  
She doesn’t continue with the subsequent thoughts in her head. Luz was there. Brave, idiotic Luz with a tendency of barging into adventures without a second thought. Luz, who I would’ve jumped into fire for. Luz, who made (makes) me laugh.
“You mean you and Luz?” Emira asks, innocently.
She bites the inside of her cheek, tries hard not to betray the smile that’s trying to creep up her face at the sound of Luz’s name. Nods.
“Luz is pretty cool, is she not?” Emira continues, and okay, there’s no reason to say someone’s name this much in one conversation. She ambles around her room, touching things at random, while Amity regulates her breathing. This was pathetic. The sound of someone’s name wasn’t supposed to make her feel like her heart was going to burst out of her, wasn’t supposed to climb up her throat and turn into absolute warmth all over her face.  
“Uh huh,” she manages. “I guess. Yeah. Eh. Yeah.” Too much too much too much too much.
Emira is suddenly in her face then. She places her hand on Amity’s shoulders, stares right into her eyes.
“Aw, Mittens,” she chuckles. “You’re adorable when you have a crush.”
And then she disappears.
Amity does manage to chuck the object nearest to her (which happens to be her training wand) at Emira’s retreating figure. Then she sits on the floor and curls up into an embarrassed ball. You know, as one does.
The whole jumping into danger for Luz thing would be a lot more avoidable if Luz didn’t have an equally huge jumping into danger for Amity thing as well.
Which is such a godforsaken Luz thing to do. The idiot immersed herself in a cauldron full of sludge for Willow, who she had met minutes ago, of course she would take on her burden for Grom night. Of course she would somehow break the cage Amity had conjured up for her to come save Eda and Edric and Emira and of course she would help her make things right with Willow. If the girl had one coherent thought when she woke up every morning, it was probably this – Ooh, someone’s in trouble? Let me fix it!
(She does inevitably manage to turn a tiny cut into a gushing wound in absolutely no time at all, but would Luz even be Luz without shenanigans?)
Amity loves it. It gives her a heart attack, but she loves how Luz is always ready to help out a random stranger. She’s never met anyone with a heart bigger than Luz’s and a personality sunnier than hers.
(Also hasn’t met anyone who’s cuter, or prettier, or better-looking in a strange black-pink-frilly-yet-well-tailored attire, but let’s not go there)
Either way, it’s completely understandable that she immediately reaches for her wand when Luz climbs up onto her balcony after Grom night, ready to fight whatever it was that was evidently bothering her.
“No!” Luz holds up her hands, shoots her a quick smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”
“Oh,” she says, feeling herself relax. “So, um — why are you — here?”
“I could go! If you — wanted to, sleep or—”
“—no! Absolutely not!” Curse her for picking the absolute worst way to phrase a question. Why hadn’t she said Hey Luz, it’s so nice to see you, what brings you here? Or Hey Luz, please walk into my room and never leave.
(You know. Either works)
“I’m glad you’re here,” Amity says, then fumbles for something, anything, to add on to that revealing statement. “I mean, I couldn’t sleep anyways.”
Luz nods, and then giggles when Amity joins her onto the balcony and in the moonlight.
“What?” she asks, a little self-conscious. Also very charmed. Making Luz laugh was like some form of intoxicating elixir; Amity was hooked onto the feeling. Luz laughing made the world brighter.
(God, she was so gone for this idiot.)
“Your pajamas have tiny owls all over them,” Luz points out.
“Okay, that’s it!” she says, half-turning to go back into her room, when Luz’s hand grabs her.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Luz is still laughing. “I didn’t mean it in a bad way. You look cute.”
Thank you, Luz. That’s very nice of you, Luz. You look nice in your strange clothes and oversized jacket as well, Luz. Those were all potential responses she could deliver.
Instead, she makes a choked-off noise that sounds suspiciously like hngg and closes her eyes.  
(She’s so gone for this idiot)
“Does your moon look like the one here?” Amity asks, one night of many, when they’re sitting on her balcony staring up at the gigantic thing. There’s some quiet song about stars and lovers that’s playing on that infernal device Luz is always toting around, and Luz is next to her, her arm brushing against Amity’s, radiating warmth out from the point of contact.
Amity wouldn’t mind if she died happy right at this moment.
“It’s a little different, I think,” Luz tilts her head, regarding it thoughtfully. Then she picks up her phone, taps at it and holds it out in front of Amity. “Here, that’s the moon back home.”
It isn’t bluish like this one. Nor is it smooth, unblemished. It’s got marks all over it, remnants, Amity presumes of outside forces long gone by. Enraptured, she leans in for a closer look.
“It’s orange!”
“It was just that day,” Luz informs her. “It isn’t orange all the time.”
“It changes colors?” That was surprising. Also fascinating.
“Not — not all the time. It’s complicated, I guess.”
Amity likes the wide smile Luz holds when she talks about this. Luz is so expressive, she couldn’t hide her feelings to save her life. Most of the time in school, when being faced down by exasperated teachers Amity thinks of it as a curse. Now, however, at midnight, while it’s just the two of them, and she is privy to this unbridled display of everything that makes up Luz, she’s enamored.
“Why do you like the moon so much?” she asks, curious.
“Why do you like the sun so much?” Luz shoots back, playfully.
Oh. That one’s easy. “Because it turns everything golden. Because it’s airy and light. Because it makes me feel warm inside.” Because your eyes turn a particular shade in the sunlight and it’s hard to look at you directly, you shine so bright. Because every time the sun comes up, it is a precursor to me seeing you in school.  
Because it reminds me of you.
Luz looks at her, her eyes uncharacteristically wide and serious. “I like the moon because it makes me feel seen. Because it’s almost as lonely as I am. Because I can trust it enough to know that it’s mostly always there, even if it’s behind the clouds at the moment.”
They’re staring at each other, eyes wide, and Amity can’t breathe. She thinks of a lonely Luz staring up at the night sky back in the human world, talking to the moon, and it twinges, sorrowfully, like a ukulele out of tune, at a place deep underneath her chest. Some strange mixture of I’m sorry you had no one to talk to and I wish I’d been there, I wish I’d known you back then — I’d have listened to all your stories.  
“Plus,” Luz smiles, “it’s pretty.”
Amity blinks, and the spell is broken. Luz jerks, as if coming out of a dream, and stands up straight. Stammers, fumbles, makes a truly terrible joke about broomsticks and King and the annoying owl slash security guard slash housekeeper and runs off, leaving her completely confused.
It’s when Gus finds out that Amity discovers that everyone and their parent has known about her Grometheus sized crush on Luz the entire time.  
“But why didn’t you tell me?” He’s still sulking about it in a corner, while Amity is faced down by Willow, Edric, Emira, Eda and King at the same time.
“Nobody told anyone, strange little child,” Eda waves a hand impatiently at him. “We just have eyes.”
Edric casts a momentary silencing spell on him, but Amity is pretty sure he’s mouthing the words “But I have eyes too”. Not that she’s too worried about Gus. He’ll be fine.... eventually. It’s more the fact that she now has to figure out which parts of her behavior have apparently clued in the whole world to the fact that her heart is waddling around in an idiot’s chest, most times.
“How about the fact that you can’t stop smiling when I bring her up?” She does not—
“Or that you did some pretty advanced magic trying to save her when that Slither-Beast had us?” How did he-
“You nearly combusted when she picked you up after our Grudgby match?” It wasn’t that bad.
She buries her head in her hands. Then looks up at King.
“Do you want to add anything?”
“No,” he replies. “I had no idea until today. I just didn’t want to be lumped in with Gus over there.”
She stands up, picks up her bag. “Okay, I am clearly at a disadvantage here—”
“Mittens, come back,” Edric grabs the back of her shirt, lets her flail for a minute before she gives up.
“I just — I just wanted to get her something nice for her birthday tomorrow, okay? And instead I’m being ambushed by the entirety of Boiling Isles.”
“But we are trying to help you, kid,” Eda tells her, now lounging on the couch with King on her lap. “God knows I love that child, but she has not an ounce of common sense in her. There is no way she’s ever going to figure out you’re in love with her if you don’t—”
“—whoa, whoa, whoa, love? That’s — please — completely crazy — idea. I’m not — in — love. That’s—”
She’s not. She’s not. So what if she keeps interrogating Gus on human things so she can impress Luz with her admittedly flawed knowledge on all things non-Boiling Isles? So what if she hasn’t slept more than five hours for the past one month because Luz comes over at night and they end up talking until past midnight? What does it even matter that Luz is the only person who she feels any form of innate comfort around? Or that every time she lends Luz her jacket when it gets chilly, the sight of an awkwardly clad Luz in that oversized thing makes her heart feel full to the point of bursting?  
That’s not love.  
(Some strange whisper echoes through her head, leaving echoes of But it could be behind)
Luz is the sun, okay? Bright and beautiful and adored by everyone. There’s no reason she could, or that she even should pay attention to Amity. Her affection is easily given, evenly split between all her friends and the citizens of the world; there’s no way Amity could ever hope to exert enough gravity to make Luz notice her, no way she could dare to hope for a greater portion in Luz’s long list of priorities.
(After all, does the sun even know that moon exists?)
“Come on, Amity!”
She presses her lips flat, tries not to burst into laughter at the sight of an impatient Luz, vibrating by her side, hands opening and closing in the air.  
“I know you have a gift for me! And you’ve been hiding it from everyone! Nobody at the party knew!”
“Aren’t you tired from the party?” she asks, knowing the abrupt change in topic is just going to annoy Luz more. It had been a hectic affair, after all. Monster complications in the morning aside, the Owl House had seen an impressive number of guests who wanted to wish Luz a very happy birthday. An impressive number of guests along with an impressive number of gifts.
All except one.
“Nope. Not tired at all,” Luz tells her, promptly. “Completely alert and ready to receive the gift that I know you’ve gotten me but aren’t giving me yet, because you like messing with me.”
Amity twists her face into the visual equivalent of Who, me but conjures up a wrapped box either way. It falls into Luz’s outstretched hands, and then she has to tell her to shush unless they want Amity’s parents grounding her, forever.
(Not that it pleases her, much. She hates telling Luz to quiet down, because it tends to break her out of whatever spiel she is embarking upon, and Amity adores it when Luz rambles. Her eyes shine, and her hands move around animatedly, and her voice, her voice is so, so sweet she doesn’t mind it telling her about things she cannot comprehend)
She puts a hand on Luz’s right arm just as she’s about to unwrap it. “Luz,” she starts, already embarrassed, but determined to power through, “this, is probably not the best gift, and probably not even accurate as well, so you have to tell me if you don’t like it, okay? I’ve got other backup gifts I’d planned on giving you, so no worries, okay? Just—”
“Amity,” Luz cuts in, her excited smile morphing into something a little quieter, gentler, “I already love it.”
“You haven’t even seen it yet.”
Luz shrugs, like it doesn’t matter, still looking at her. Only resumes unwrapping it when Amity nods. Opens the box, and thankfully isn’t looking at her when Amity starts talking.
“I tried — to make it as close to the real thing as possible,” she says, watching Luz look at the off-white orb in wonder. “King helped. He went on something called the, the internet? And turns out your moon has a lot of craters! But it’s pretty regardless, so I tried — to. Yeah.”
She’s not exactly surprised when Luz leans over and hugs her. They’re sitting side by side so the angle’s a little off, but it’s not like she cares. Luz, beautiful, happy, Luz is here and she’s solid in her arms, and she can feel her smile against her neck and Amity is going to die—
“Thank you.” Luz disentangles herself from the embrace, but still pretty close. “I — Amity. Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
But I want to. I want to give you things, and I want to give you things that you like and that will maybe remind you of me. She places a hand on the orb between them, sees it light up.
“It also does this,” she informs Luz, unnecessarily. Then places a hand again, watches it turn orange. “Changes colors. Like yours does.”
She finally looks at Luz again, after a moment of complete silence, only to see her staring back. The look in her eyes is so — so intense (Amity can think of no other way to describe it), that it makes her want to turn away and cover her face. Like it’s going to burn her up if she keeps looking into her eyes.  
And then Luz quickly darts forward to press a kiss to her cheek, and Amity combusts.
(Only inside. You’d think it was possible, wouldn’t you? It was the Boiling Isles, after all. But no. Nobody had spontaneously combusted since Elaric the Great and as far as anybody could tell, it didn’t have anything to do with romance)
The kiss lands half on her half and half on her skin because she’s pretty sure Luz hasn’t exactly thought it through either. There’s a single, blissful moment of peace, and then then her heart goes into overdrive, beating away like it’s trying to catch a train.
Speaking of things trying to catch a train, however....
“I have to go!” Luz scrambles away, gets up. Her face looks red as well, and Amity, a little stumped, watches it happen, as though in slow motion. Even through her haste, she picks up the replica of the moon carefully and wraps it up in her jacket. “I’ll — see you tomorrow! At school! Where we both.... go. So. Yeah. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight?” Amity replies, softly.
Right before she’s about to climb down, Luz stops. Turns around, and very quickly says something that Amity for the life of her cannot figure out.
(Also, because she’s still in the tummy-woozy, mind-blank state of just having a kiss pressed to her cheek by the most perfect girl in the world)
“Can you say that again?”
“I, uh,” Luz slows down, deliberately, her voice coming out quieter. “Did you totally hate that?”
Oh, gosh, the idiot.
Amity shakes her head, grins at her, hoping that says what she isn’t brave enough to say yet. “No, Luz. I didn’t hate that.”
She keeps the picture of Luz’s tremulous, answering smile wrapped in the fist she presses to her heart a long time after she’s gone.
And that’s how the story ends. With the sun smiling at the moon.  
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misterbitches · 3 years
i live in a universe where if i were to walk down the street i could get murdered willy nilly cos im black but men are out here going around being like “my boyfriend and i met when he was a junior in high school” i don’t believe in jail and i try not to make jail jokes but HOW IS THAT FAIR? JAIL!!! GUILLOTINE!!!! GET THIS MAN A RETIREMENT FUND AND A THERAPIST
that dialogue was fucking embarrassing. he shoulda just said “im 12 yrs older than him” no one needs to know u were 30 dating a 17 year old u insecure freak. retire bitch and get away from her
 i wanted muren so badly to be like “LMAO SRY didnt mean to seem surprised i just like men my own age i guess?” i wouldnt have even apologized if i was surprised. my friend was dating someone ten yrs younger than him and i made fun of him for it and he was like “i know” bc he does know.
just a tip: i don’t like getting hit on by men way older than me, a lot of people don’t. i’ve had men who are 36 interested in me when i was 23, and i reciprocated, but now as i am 29 and older i realize how much it confused me and how i didn’t like it.
age gaps are what they are. ther’es many times i do not like it especially if it is a pattern (this is what happens in tv shows and movies and the opposite of that isn’t gay age gaps or power imbalances or women much older than a younger man ok that’s not progress it’s just peopl ewanting to be like cis men and no one wants that) and esp if the person’s peers are all their ages. people seem to forget that we travel in the same social circles on purpose due to our environments and also our world experiences. the only way to meet an older man is outside of school and yet adults can’t seem to control themselves?
i saw this person who was one of the editors of sexual hegemony (a book on capitalism and homophobic laws and sex basically idk google it it’s interesting) and he was trying to have a foucultian outlook (i hate focault btw doesn’t mean what he says wasnt interesting but it does mean i am not okay with psychosexual philosophers who take advantage of people. the only testament against him having reltaions with younger people is a bunch of young people i nfucking tunisia and there’s an excuse that he wasn’t a fucking pedophile he was those ebebebbeopopopo people and it doesnt matter when ur in fucking tunisia as a white french algerian fucking preying on children) how age of consent laws desexualize younger people. they were passed for  abunch of reasons like any law but here is the thing
we have no business in being in spaces to determine children’s sexual identity and teenagers in their own realm. THEY need to figure it out. our job as adults is to PROTECT THEM full stop. not intrude on their lfe and not give them the tools to decide for themselves. age of consent laws are meant to protect not to facilitate children against some boogeyman of sex. the issue is the way our society views it but young people are sexual AS YOUNG PEOPLE. it has NOTHING to do with adults and it shouldn’t. that’s why it is extra fucking intrusive when you are literally wedged into someone’s life who you have no business being around. it’s only by fucking circumstance. it’s abysmal and not cute. 
what this tells me is that the age gap is salacious. not in the way that i was 23 and a man was 36. in the way that he was 17 and this dude was 29. that’s interesting right? it’s “oooh” and it means we shouldn’t balk at it. saying 12 years would have sufficed, raises some eyebrows, and we can figure out the dynamics after but you just had to put that in BECAUSE YOU FUCKING LIKE IT but the thing is there’s no part of it that was fun. i’m just going to assume you like fucking teenagers bc that’s what it’s telling me lmao
i rarely talk about this couple but to put them in my eyeballs and then have that stupid conversation it was insulting lmao god please get a fucking script supervisor fuck but none of them care about sotry or any of what i fucking laid out. how stupid and careless and just unfun. i don’t like it. also ew at the idea of 2 tops and 2 bottoms talking oh my god i am gonna give myself a heart attack i’m already so fucking anxious i have to see my family lemme chill
im 29 and feel bad having a crush on a 23 year old CELEBRITY ok and i SHOULD feel ashamed and it’s not even a big deal that’s how everyone should approach life tbqh u walk around like ur 100 yrs old to avoid children. oh what’s that this korean cebrity learned english and moved to america to start a family with me and i find him very hot and i like his voice but we’re 6 years apart i’m not sure if i would work (how fun of a drama would that be. pointless and ridiculous. i love it.)
oh there’s a great review on CMBYN and its history and how the isolation and seeclusion was so fuckign capitalist bougie patriarchy and yea idk if anyone is interested. i think it’s ironic the ending for the people in CMBYN irl bc it’s just. so indicative of this shit. i dont like guadignino (idk is that how u spell his name) and think he’s not a great....person or director (i love the look of suspiria tho likke visually and edited. the DP was thai btw! he did an amazing job!!!) but it critiques this film from a perspective of someone who clearly at least cares about artistry, no matter how poorly i think he executes it, and just how hollow it is. the thing about “escapism” is that it relies on the harsh realities of the world to make it opposite, everything has context, nothing is apolitical. to make something that exists in a vacuum is negligent and it doesn’t help you escape it makes you even more tied to this world and its flaws because it doesn’t do anything to mitigate it.
people view it as like “we can put something stupid on screen and people have to accept it in this world” but that isn’t how IT WORKS. you hvae to build up the stakes of the world. but i can’t see introducing some “taboo” (see: stupid) elements and pretending the escapism is seeing this and allowing it. how could it be when the problem is the nature of the rship itself? what world are you taking us to? and why does this world ignore the pressing realities? and i wouldnt say either of these are explicit escapism (i think i hate that word now) becuase um they arent. this fantastical generally rich people escapism isn’t about bending things that don’t work to mold it into our society because WE DO THAT ALREADY it’s about taking those things and twisting them to something we can accept and like or something that has real consequences for people. it’s so funny how marketing and the idea of pc culture and shit and conservative ideology seeps into these. they have  an explicit interest in holding the status quou of taking advantage of people and using their power; age is a huge structure to do so. in this society when we struggle why would its existence not be challenged? because rape, ridiculous rships, abusive rships, torture etc is a power move, conservatives rest on it and people who gain power. what about that is appealing? making it gay? well, no. especially because men DO have power. 
every fucking thing in BL is a reflection of of patriarchy honestly. i can admit that and i’m not okay with it but it’s consumption. there’s a way to make this decent or entertaining without it being so fucking poorly done. and atp i dont even want to call things bl it’s a tv show just bc it’s for a certain audience doesnt mean anything do better idiots
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gendercraft · 3 years
When I Fell Overboard [Chapter Two: Sage & Raspberry Tea]
Read on ao3 
Synopsis: Sebastian struggles with his relationship with Maru as she strives to get close to him. Meanwhile, he and Elliott get closer and closer.
Trigger warnings: Panic attacks, fighting, snapping, potentially unsympathetic Robin, crying, food mention, let me know if I missed anything please
Rain pounded on the thin roof. Sebastian pressed his face to the pillow, not wanting to open his eyes. He was so comfortable. The air was cold, the blanket was thin, and he couldn’t stop shivering, but he didn’t want to move. There was a smell that engulfed him, like parsley and sage, and fresh raspberry tea. 
A cold draft swept through the cabin. Sebastian curled tighter and cracked his eyes open, only to jerk upright. Elliott had fallen asleep at his desk, the oil lamp illuminating his pronounced features. His long auburn hair fell in cascades down his shoulders, over the desk. It looked so soft. 
Shit. Shit. He’d stolen this man’s bed. 
He got to his feet and found his shoes, quietly lacing them up. He flicked up his hood and cautiously approached Elliott. He snored when he slept. Cute. 
“Elliott,” he whispered, shifting uncomfortably. He hated waking people up. People got angry when they were woken. “Elliott, you should get in bed.” 
“Hm?” He brushed his hair out of his face and settled more comfortably on the desk, humming. 
Sebastian hesitated, then grabbed his shoulder and gently shook him. Elliott’s eyes cracked open. He smiled. 
“Oh, Sebastian.” He slowly sat up and stretched, a yawn forcing its way past his lips. “Mm, you’re awake. How are you feeling?” 
“Better,” Sebastian admitted. If only he wasn’t so fucking cold. “But I’m sorry for taking your bed.” 
He waved his hand. “Nonsense, I insisted. Oh, you’re shivering! Let me get you one more cup of tea before you leave, okay? Give you time to wake up, too.” 
Sebastian blushed. “Are you sure?” He asked as Elliott crossed into the kitchen. “You’ve already done so much—” 
“Please.” He smiled, half in the kitchen and half in the cabin. “It’s the least I could do in exchange for some lovely company.” 
Sebastian sat in Elliott’s abandoned writing chair—just plain wood, pretty uncomfortable—and nodded. Elliott came back a few minutes later with a steaming mug and a green wool blanket. He handed Sebastian the mug and wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. 
“There you go.” Elliott picked his hairbrush up off the desk and sat on his bed as he began methodically bringing it through his long hair. 
Sebastian watched his hands move, that and the tea and Yoba this blanket smelled like him too, almost lulling him back to sleep. 
“What time is it?” He asked. 
“Almost midnight.”��
“Shit,” he mumbled. “Mom’s gonna be pissed.” 
Elliott raised an eyebrow. “You are an adult, Sebastian. You’re allowed to stay out as late as you want.” 
Sebastian looked up in surprise. “What? No! I mean, yeah, obviously, just…” 
“Just what?” 
“Nothing. She just gets worried.” 
“Well, I can’t say that’s unjustified. You did sleep for a long time. If you don’t mind me asking…” He hesitated. 
Sebastian gestured. “Just say it.” 
“What triggered the attack? I haven’t seen one that bad in years.” 
Sebastian shifted uncomfortably. “Uh… I got in a fight. With my sister, and Mom.” 
“What were you fighting about?” 
He wet his lips. He busied himself with sipping at his tea until half of it was gone, scalding his throat. He could use a cigarette, but he didn’t want to smoke in Elliott’s cabin without permission. “It’s dumb.” 
“It upset you,” he pointed out. “How could that be dumb?” 
Because I’m dumb. “It just was. It was a stupid joke, she didn’t mean anything by it.” 
“I have a hard time believing you’re giving me all the details,” he said softly, “but I won’t pry.” 
Sebastian hesitated, then stumbled through a, “Thank you, um… for the- for the help. It was… I mean, that was more than… Thanks.” 
“It was a pleasure, Sebastian. I’m glad you’re feeling better. You’ll let me loan you an umbrella for the walk home?” 
Sebastian finished his tea and set the mug on the desk. “You really don’t have to do that.” 
“Who said I did? I want to.” 
Elliott and Sebastian had barely said two words to each other before now. The most they saw each other was at Pierre’s and festivals. The last one, the luau, Sebastian spent the whole of it avoiding everyone while Elliott talked up as many people as he could. Elliott somehow always arrived late to that one, forgetting the date until he stepped right into it. He was both nothing like Sebastian expected, and exactly what he expected. 
He was softer. Kinder. Less absorbed with himself. Sebastian had a bad habit of assuming the worst in people; when he saw Elliott, he saw an overdramatic airhead. Guilt settled in his stomach like bile. He was probably the nicest man in Pelican Town. 
“I should get going.” Sebastian stood, draping the blanket over the back of the chair. 
Elliott nodded. He picked up an umbrella from the corner of the cabin and held it out. Sebastian reached out to take it, only for Elliott’s other hand to close around his. 
“About what happened with Maru,” he said softly, and Sebastian stared at him with wide eyes, “you should be a little kinder to yourself. You’re allowed to have feelings.” 
Butterflies fluttered in Sebastian’s stomach. He swallowed as Elliott took his hand back, and all the electricity with it. 
“I’ll try,” he lied. 
Elliott walked him out, and Sebastian raised the umbrella. It wasn’t too terribly windy, so he was able to hold it with one hand and smoke a cigarette with the other. He held it between two fingers, closing his eyes as his sneakers clacked over the cobblestone bridge. 
Why was he disappointed to leave? Sure, he was pleasantly surprised about the type of person Elliott turned out to be—but missing him? They just met, really. And what was there to miss? All Sebastian did was steal his bed. 
Sebastian kicked a rock. You stole his bed. He stomped out his cigarette and dropped his face in his free hand. Idiot. 
There was something about when Elliott touched him—Elliott was so free with his touches, who was like that?—that made everything quiet. His heartbeat sped up, his cheeks flushed, his mind blanked. Was he really that pathetic? Getting all gay over a few small touches? 
And for Elliott. Sebastian was never sure about his sexuality, never really cared much, but if he ended up liking guys he certainly never expected them to be like Elliott. There wasn’t really anyone in Pelican Town he could imagine himself with. The only people he even respected were Sam and Abigail, and maybe Abigail would’ve been the perfect fit if—if what? That was always the question mark. If what? He guessed it might be if she were a guy. 
Was he really gay? 
He shook his head. One night and he was questioning his entire non-existent sexuality. 
When he arrived home, he opened the door as quietly as possible, closing the umbrella and shaking it off outside. He wiped his feet on the mat and when the lights came on, he jumped ten feet in the air. 
“Sebastian.” His mom came over and gripped his shoulders, looking him all over. “Do you have any idea what time it is? What’s the matter with you, scaring us like that?!” 
“He’s home?” Maru called from her room. The door opened and her footsteps rushed out. 
Sebastian scowled and looked away. “Yeah, I’m alive,” he snapped. “And I’m fine. Can I just go to my room?” 
“Why do you have to be so hostile all the time?” Mom asked in exasperation. “You scared me sick and here you are, still snapping at me.” 
Maru sighed and leaned against the wall. 
He didn’t realize until now, but he was still mad about this morning. He’d forgotten. 
“Do we have to talk about it again?” He asked, shoulders slumping. “I get it. I can’t take a joke. I sleep too much. I’m sorry, okay? Am I good to go?” 
Mom frowned deeply. “Sebby…” 
He sighed and slipped away from her, passing Maru on his way to the basement. He descended down the steps and half-slammed his bedroom door closed, turning the lock even though no one had ever come after him. Well, if the door was loud enough, Demetrius might come down to scold him. Whatever. 
He sat at his computer and pulled on his headset. It was close to one by now, but he wasn’t sleepy. He might as well get some work done. He put on some music and brought up his latest project, working through the code slowly and meticulously. 
About a half hour later, someone knocked at his door. It took a minute or two of them knocking for him to even realize, pulling his headset off and listening with a frown and drawn brows until they knocked again. 
He grimaced and went over to pull open the door. 
Maru stood there, her deep brown skin flushed a russet red in the cheeks, lip worried between her teeth. 
“Can we talk?” She asked. 
Sebastian hesitated. “Sure. What is it?” 
She waited, he wasn’t sure what for. He gestured for her to get on with it. She rolled her eyes and stamped her foot—and they call me childish—then said, “I just think we should be done fighting, okay? It’s starting to affect Robin and Dad.” 
Sebastian kept his expression blank, hiding a frown. “What do you mean?” 
“I heard them talking, after you left. You’re stressing them out, Sebastian. We’re stressing them out.” Then, she said with a hint of arrogance, “And I don’t think that’s fair to them. Do you?” 
He scowled. “Of course not.”
“So…” She gestured to him. 
“What?” He asked in annoyance. 
She sighed again, hard. “I’ll go first, then. I’m sorry. I’m sorry about the jokes and whatever else set you off. And I’ll try to—” 
“Listen?” He asked harshly. 
“Yes, actually. I’ll try to listen more.” 
He shifted uncomfortably. “Uh, okay. I mean, I’ll believe it when I see it, you know.” 
“Right. And?” 
“And…” He crossed his arms, looking away. “I’m sorry, too,” he mumbled. 
“What was that?” She grinned. 
He glared. “Fuck off, Maru!” 
“Yoba, we’re off to a bad start. I’ll be quiet this time, I promise.” 
“I’m sorry for snapping,” he snapped. “Are we good?” 
“Yeah. See you tomorrow, Seb- Sebastian.” 
He faltered. “Uh— Yeah. Goodnight.” 
She left. The door clicked closed softly. His hand hovered over the lock, then left it. He plopped back in his chair. 
What was that? 
He didn’t get to bed until eight a.m., when everyone else was waking up. He laid under the covers with burning eyes as laughter echoed from upstairs. They were eating breakfast together, no doubt. If Sebastian went up there, would they ask him to join? 
No. They probably wouldn’t. 
He curled in on himself and closed his eyes. He never realized how bad his room smelled. What did he have to do to get it to smell like sage and raspberry tea? And what did he have to do to be a part— 
No. That was not what he wanted. 
He thought back to the hand closed over his, the umbrella underneath. It was so warm. When was the last time he held someone’s hand? He loved Abigail and Sam, but they weren’t super touchy-feely. The only time Abigail offered physical affection was during comforting, and Sam was uncomfortable with it full stop. Sebastian’s skin tingled. He craved a body beside him and he didn’t know why. Why did he crave it like he was starved for it? Why did he wonder if he could even go on if he didn’t get a hug right that instant? 
His eyes watered. Stupid. He was so pathetic, a baby. A hug was really what broke him? The nail in the coffin of his mental state? 
What would it be like to hug Elliott? To bury his face in his neck, rest his head on his broad chest? His arms wrapped tight around his frame, Sebastian’s arms wrapped around him? 
Stop. Stop being creepy. Stop. 
Sebastian buried his face in the pillow. What was wrong with him? He wasn’t sure what made him so awkward, so weird, so rude, so creepy, but he hated it. He hated who he was. And for some reason the only thing he could imagine could make him feel better was a hug he was never going to get.
I'll post the next chapter once I get one (1) comment <3 reblog please 
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