#under the spell
ghouliebabies-art · 1 month
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“You’re under the spell” ♥️✨🪄
68 MORE DAYS TILL HALLOWEEN AHHH!!! What’re y’all dressing up as?
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 8 months
Mercyful Fate - Under The Spell
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goore-ghoul · 1 year
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Ok Goore whores, the next chapter of Under the Spell is LIVE!!!!
Thank you all for once again being patient with me as I work on things and juggle my IRL responsibilities as well. I appreciate you all so much.
Please if you like my work, share it!
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Under the Spell
Piper and Mary have been best friends since they first met as children. When Mary and her boyfriend Sid asked her to come along on gigs, Piper thought it was a no-brainer. But as the excitement of the buzzing amps dies down, she realizes she wants more—now if only she can get him to agree.
Chapter 2: Playing with Dolls
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven’t started yet, start from the beginning HERE!
Definitely NSFW below the cut
The hotel room was filled with the sounds of the cheap old hair dryer. Piper, working to painstakingly tease and spray as she dried the front section of her hair into place. Working it until she achieved the desired style, keeping the back in a mullet-like tail. As she continued getting ready, she worked around the fog which was still heavy on the bathroom mirror. The remnants of a much needed and welcomed hot shower. 
She caught sight of a small portion of the white ceiling paint. It was beginning to crack and peel at the corner of the room. Piper couldn’t help but wonder with all the moisture, how bad the hotel’s mold problem must be. But just like any other thoughts she had as of late, it was fleeting. Her mind, always returning back to the ache felt in her chest.  
It had been a couple of days since she told Mary about her desire to have a baby—with him. That night, he had surprised her by not outright saying no. However, the abruptness from which he fled the bar after not saying another word, told her all she needed to know about his feelings. Left alone as the bar’s lights began turning out and a walk back to the bus while still unsure of where things went from there. 
She was grateful for some time alone, though there was another gig that night. Some hole in the wall place Sid had booked months back. It was nice to have a reprieve from a crammed bus and the overwhelming scent of sweaty guys. She knew it was only a short time before she’d need to leave but for now she could take a breath from it all. 
She set down the freeze-hold hairspray, flung her towel up over the shower door, and stepped into a fresh pair of underwear. Quickly grabbing an oversized Repugnant shirt to hang out in before things needed to get done for the show. Piper decided to take some time to gather up her clothes, a stack of things to bring to the first laundromat she could find before they’d be off on the road again. She carried a pile of shirts haphazardly in her hand over to the laundry bag, passing the full-length mirror hung along the wall.  
“Hmm.” she mumbled to herself. Taking a moment to pause before stuffing the clothes under her shirt. Staring back into the mirror at her pseudo-pregnant belly she had created for herself before the tears began pricking at her eyes. If Mary wasn’t going to help her, she felt like it may never happen. 
“Well, I see you’re still on that.” Mary said from behind her, having snuck his way in via the shared door that connected his room to hers. Piper panicked, frantically pulling the laundry out from under her shirt and shoving it down into the bag before turning back to face him. 
“What are you doing in here Mare?” she asked him. Both happy he had finally spoken to her but also angry for his pointed commentary.  
“I thought we should talk.” he explained, dropping down onto the gray couch beside the pair of Piper’s dolls. Bip and Bop, both small, porcelain baby dolls that she had always with her, even on tour. The last remains of a happy childhood, clung to when all she knew had been ripped out from under her. Their little bibs and cloth outfits, stained with the juice she had spilled on them while on vacation and still faintly smelling of her mother’s perfume—or at least she’d like to think so. 
“About what?” she inquired. 
“You know what.” Mary said, picking up Bip and fiddling with his arms like he was trying to make the doll dance. Piper let out a sigh and sat down opposite him in the small armchair, staring daggers at Mary. A warning lest he break Bip. Mary scooted up closer to the edge of the couch, raising his eyebrows and taking himself a long deep breath.
“I figured you had said your peace.” she snapped at him. Only after the words passed through her lips, did she regret her tone. She wasn’t mad at him, just upset that things weren’t working out how she’d hoped. 
“Nawh, I hadn’t said anything.” Mary corrected her and he was right. He only left, there was nothing else said between them. Silence was enough to make Piper feel defeated. 
“I feel like that is STILL saying something Mare.” she replied, watching as Mary continued to fuss with Bip. “I get it, it's not something you want.”
“Now wait a fuckn’ minute…” Mary began, standing up with the doll still clutched in his hand, “I never said that.” 
“What?” Piper asked, completely taken back by what she’d just heard him say. Mary began pacing the floor. Chewing on his bottom lip as he ran through whatever thoughts had begun to occupy his mind. Clearing his throat before he spoke again.  
“Does this really mean that much to you? Like you actually want a little rugrat?”
“Yeah…yeah Mare I really do.” she responded, certain of herself. Mary began shaking his head, trying to wrap his brain around his best friend’s sudden need to procreate. 
“Why can’t you just play with one of these things?” he asked her, flopping Bip around in his hand. Piper annoyance instantly spiked. She immediately rose up from the chair and snatched Bip from Mary’s hands. 
“Because Mary! It is NOT the same thing and you know it. Don’t try to belittle this ok?” she pleaded. Her eyes had become glossy and it was clear to Mary that he had upset her. He walked towards her, taking her chin in his hand—forcing her to look at him.  
“Listen Pipes, I’m sorry. If it means that much to you…I’ll do it.” he whispered, watching Piper’s eyes light up. She instantly threw her arms around him. Holding onto him so tight Mary thought she’d give him a nosebleed. 
“Oh Mare, do you mean it?”
“I do.”
“Thank you thank you thank you!” she began, repeatedly kissing his cheeks before bounding across the room for her date book. Gently tucking Bip back beside Bop before flipping through the pages. “Oh.” she muttered. 
“Oh what?”
“It ah…seems that well…we can start now. But shit! We don't have time…how am I gonna find a place that will do it on this crazy short notice?” Piper continued, her words flying out so fast it sent Mary’s head spinning.
“Wait...wait…” he told her, “...what are you talking about when you say a ‘place’?”
“Well we need a clinic or something…I don’t know…somewhere for you to give me your…” Piper began, explaining while motioning down to Mary’s crotch. A big grin across her face. Mary was immediately put off, beginning to shake his head again.
“Nope, nope don't like that." he told her. Now Piper was really confused.
“If we do this sweetness…we do it the old fashion way.” Mary clarified, “If I am gonna give you a kid, I’d at least like to get something out of it.” he winked. Suddenly Piper felt the heat rising in her chest. The flush hit her cheeks, painting them a bright red. Mary could tell, smirking as he watched the idea of it hit her. 
“You mean you want to…”
“Fuck you? Absolutely.” Mary began, bringing his mouth next to Piper’s ear. Teasing her with the low rumble of confirmation from his throat. “Best way I know how to get what you’re asking for…and Pipes…” 
“Yes?” she answered him with a gulp.
“We keep goin’ until it takes.” he growled. Piper’s breath halted in her chest as Mary came back in front of her. Ghosting her cheek with his own lips before staring her intently in the eye. 
“Ok…” was all she could get out before he brought his lips to hers. His tongue, invading her mouth like a serpent. Hungry and ready to devour its prey. Piper was in shock, initially feeling as though she needed to pull away. This was Mary Goore. Her best friend, the boy she grew up with. She didn’t, however, finding herself now giving in to him. 
“You said we can start right away.” he asked her as he pulled away. Spit stringing from their lips as Piper had slowly begun to open her eyes.
“Yes.” she told him, blushing even more as she looked deep into his eyes. 
“Good. Listen I gotta head out with Tom and Annie for some supplies but I will come back and see you before we head out for the show. Will you still be hangin’ around?”
“Yeah...I will…ah be here.” Piper laughed nervously. 
“Alright…You can uh…send me off to perform happily then.” Mary said, sending her another wink before walking off and disappearing back into his own room.  
Piper sat in a stupor on the bed. Staring out blankly into the room as she replayed the conversation between them, over and over in her head. It surprised her, the way it made her feel as she brought her fingers to her lips, the surface of them still warm from Mary’s kiss. This is really happening , she told herself as she looked up at the clock. 
Somehow hours had passed while she sat in her daze. Piper quickly got up and rushed around to find her eyeliner and some lipstick to put on, expecting that Mary could arrive at any time now. Rummaging through her bag, she found what she was looking for along with a couple of old condoms. “Guess we won't be needing these.” she exhaled when there was a knock on the shared door. 
Piper took one last look at herself in the mirror, resigning herself to being bare faced, and completely confused at her own feelings. “Just a sec!” she yelled out as she made her way to the door. Taking in one more deep breath before opening it. As the door opened up, she was surprised to find Sid standing there behind it. 
“Piper.” he said looking forlorn and pathetic. Her face began scrunching up and her eyes squinting in frustration. 
“Sid what the hell do you want?” she asked him, turning back into the room and walking towards the couch. 
“We need to talk.” he told her as he took it upon himself to enter. Standing before her as Piper held her head in her hands on the couch. Sid was looking scruffy as ever, with his long unkempt hair and the dark stubble prominent on his face. Piper couldn’t help but wonder what she ever saw in him.
“There is literally nothing else for me to say. You said your peace, I said mine. We want different things Sid.” she explained, already exhausted for having to deal with more of Sid’s bullshit. 
“I know and I—I just think I need some time to think things over more. You know it's a lot to think about babe.” Sid explained. He was right—she wasn’t asking for him to take her on a trip or buy her some crazy expensive gift. She was asking for a baby and, though Piper hated to admit it, it was a lot to ask of anyone. Especially to ask just out of the blue. Despite that, she wouldn’t change her mind—things between her and Sid had long since been over.
“It’s not just that. We haven’t been working for a while.” Piper began, Sid immediately protesting with hemming and hawing. “Kid or no kid. We grew apart. That doesn’t mean I don't want you around. I still want you in my life…I still care about you. I–I just don't love you. Not like that.” Piper explained. Sid looked upset, the hurt well worn on his face. While Piper felt awful for saying it, it had to be said. 
“I see.” Sid replied when from behind him Mary appeared in the doorway. Mary’s mouth, pulling into a tight line as he worried about what scene he might have just walked in on. 
“Ah…am I interrupting something?” he asked as he pushed past Sid into the room. 
“No. Sid was just leaving. Weren’t you?” Piper hissed. Mary and Sid gave each other a glance. Mary shook his head and raised his brows as Sid tapped on Mary’s shoulder.
“Yeah I’m going.” Sid said as he walked out of the room. Both Mary and Piper, listening as he passed though Mary’s room. Slamming the door behind him as he went into the hallway. Mary ducked his head back into his room. Checking to be sure Sid was truly gone, going to the door and locking it. 
“Just in case.” he told Piper as he came back, locking the connecting door as well. Mary motioned to Piper’s room’s main door and looked over to her.
“No worries, that's already locked. What was he doing in your room?” she asked. Mary shrugged as he went to sit beside her on the couch. 
“Looking for you maybe?”
“Pipes…uh we don't tell anyone about all this unless it takes ok? I don’t need to hear all the bullshit from the guys for nothing. Especially Sid…I know he’s gonna be pissed.” Mary explained.  
“Yeah you're right…does that mean you still want to?”
“I gave you my word. I meant what I said.” Mary smiled as he reached over to touch Piper’s hands. Both held nervously in her lap as she tried to shake off her nerves. Only made worse by the touch of his hands. The feel of them on her, sending her heart racing. The thumping of her heartbeat, felt in more places than one.
Mary wasted no time in slipping past her hands and over her underwear. Eliciting a sharp inhale from Piper as she stiffened up with the touch of his hand meeting with the bare skin of her leg. Mary looked into her eyes and smiled.
“You’re gonna have to let me touch you.” 
“I know…Mare…I’m just nervous.” Piper told him, sucking in her bottom lip. Mary ran the back of his hand over Piper’s cheek. Looking into her eyes in a way she had never seen before.
“I know…I'm not going to hurt you.” Mary whispered as he gently brought his lips to hers. Kissing her fully before pushing his fingers beneath the fabric of her panties. Both of them, exhaling as Mary arrived at the heated flesh of her folds.
“Oh fuck Pipes, you’re so fucking wet.” he moaned. 
“Shhh…relax. Just open your legs for me, let me feel you inside.” Mary instructed. Piper doing what she was told, closing her eyes and melting as he pushed inside her. One finger—then two. Carefully curling them up and massaging her inside before moving them in and out. 
“Mmm…” she moaned, Mary was so good with his hands. She felt herself digging her nails into her palms, still so nervous to be doing this with him. Mary’s talented touch, however, was slowly chipping away at her resolve. 
“I can tell you like it. The way it feels for me to touch you…” Mary growled into Piper’s ear. His fingers, pressing deep as they rubbed against the ribbed flesh inside her. While he didn’t know what Piper was thinking, Mary was thrilled. While he had dared not utter it to anyone before, he had imagined this scenario between them many times before. 
Though it always made him feel guilty, he couldn’t help it. Piper was his best friend and he always felt she was, all sense, “too good” for him. Mary had long ago convinced himself there would never be anything like this between them, but when Piper told him about her desires at the bar, Mary wondered if this might be the only way he’d ever get to have her. 
He was lust drunk as he took her. Feeling Piper writhe around at his touch had him mad with it. Mary, getting too cocky and smug for his own good. Practically chomping at the bit to be inside her. 
“...just wait until I fill you with my cock sweetness.” he groaned, palming the bulge beneath his jeans with his free hand. Piper’s eyes popped open, suddenly feeling the weight of reality hitting her hard and fast. She grabbed Mary’s wrist and pulled it away. Panicking as she jumped up off the couch—leaving Mary looking shocked. 
“I—I think I need more time.” 
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dailyunstableeve · 1 year
Under The Spell
Chapter (3/9)
Miguel O'Hara x My Oc (Eve)
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"Miguel, did you find someone new?" Peter B sat on Miguel's desk, "or you fall in love with someone?"
"What? What makes you think that?" Miguel raised his eyebrows, unable to believe Peter B asked him that question.
"You are laughing more often, especially at inappropriate moments, everyone is more scared of you than before, but I would never be scared of you," the pink fur coat laughed.
"Is that obvious?"
Miguel looked at Peter B, he just sighed and walked away. Miguel couldn't believe that he actually had that behavior when he was working.
He just misses Eve very much.
He misses her voice. Her laugh. Her touch.
"That small waist," Miguel whispered out, he immediately facepalm, to as well, cover that reddened face.
Miguel has to get off work fast, so he could see Eve soon.
"Miguel, you gotta see this," Lyla pops up out of nowhere, showing Miguel the head news of his universe.
The news played several dead bodies found in an apartment, the apartment is rusty and dirty, it must've been a mafia hideout. To be honest, this kind of news isn't really important because to keep the citizens from worrying about their safety, news won't report news like the Mafia. The news continued, mafia gangs are slowly decreasing from the surface, and bad activities lessened.
"Is this our hero, Spiderman doing, or someone we never know about? Keep in touch, we will report to you as soon as we get the news."
Lyla looked at Miguel, concerned. She knows it isn't Miguel, or the other Spider man, because they are hardly allowed to be out of the building.
And Spider Man doesn't kill.
"Check the civilian camera, see whether you can track the person who did it, whoever that is, could be our enemy or allies, find it out before things went wrong."
"On it."
Miguel shakes the nervous thoughts he had for the news and continues his way to meet up with Eve.
“Yeah, it looks perfect,” Eve leaned forward and gave Miguel a kiss.
“The bed isn't here yet Mi Amor,” he let out a soft chuckle.
“We don’t need a bed, Miguel,” Eve kissed Miguel again.
Another two months passed, it’s been seven months since they first met. Strangers to friends, then now they are lovers. After their first kiss and confessing each other's feelings to each other, they decided to move in together, somewhere near the HQ.
Just because of the news about many mafia gangs are found dead.
Miguel wanted Eve to be safe, so he suggested Eve move in with him.
“Ah, the infamous girlfriend!” A head peeks out from the doorframe.
“What are you doing here?” Miguel sighed, as he tried to massage his head from the headache he’s having right now, with Peter B showing up.
“I heard you were moving, I just thought of coming to see your new house!” Peter B has a big smile on his face, there’s a small human on his head, a baby.
“Who’s this cutie?” Eve reaches out her hand to see if the baby wants hugs.
“This is Mayday, my daughter.”
Mayday didn’t hesitate a second and just went into Eve’s arms.
“Nice to meet you Mayday,” Eve smiled.
“This is Peter,” Miguel introduced.
“Miguel and I are work buddies!” Peter B immediately stood next to Miguel and hit his back.
Miguel just stares at Peter B with annoyance.
Spider Man isn't really allow to leave the building.
“Jess is asking for your present, you gotta show up man, I know girlfriend is important but you got work to do,” Peter B said.
“I am literally your boss,” Miguel sighed, “you done with your visit, now go.”
“Alright boss, alright say goodbye Mayday.”
Mayday held up her arm and started shaking it as she get back into Peter B’s arms.
“Bye bye Mayday,” Eve waved her hand and watched the father and daughter walk away, “okay, I am now very tempted to go to see your workplace.”
“Mi Amor.”
“Please,” Eve used her doll eyes and begged Miguel.
“I,” Miguel is trying his best to deny those doll eyes, “give me some time to sort it out first,” but he couldn’t resist it.
Finally Miguel prepared to finish his speech for Eve about the HQ, he wanted to explain everything to Eve first before she just sees it and gets shocked about it.
An urgent call disturbed his plan.
Somehow, three anomalies appeared in the same universe at the same time. Spider society has never experienced it before. Jess, Peter B, Ben, Miguel and many more are called to that mission.
There were no signs shown during the days they went for the mission. Only on the fifth day, everyone came back wounded. Jess and her baby are fine but she will be needing some treatment. Peter B’s spider man suit has some torn parts which he would probably ask MJ to help him fix.
“You’re back!” Eve hugged Miguel the moment he showed up at the door, it’s already night so Eve wasn’t really able to see Miguel's face but she knew it’s him.
“Wait Eve,” Miguel started to cough up badly, as the light finally shines on Miguel, his spider suit starts to seem visible.
“Miguel, are you okay? What are you wearing?” Eve started to panic, she has never seen Miguel like this, it totally freaked her out.
“Once everything is done, the first thing I want is to see your beautiful face,” Miguel looked at Eve, he wrapped his arms around her waist.
He’s very tired.
“Come on, I’ll help you clean up,” Eve slowly carried Miguel. Her weight is kinda crashing onto Eve’s, she’s not used to carrying that much weight on her shoulder but she just bears through it.
Eve gently places Miguel on the couch, asking him how to take off the suit. Then she gently wiped on the wounds with clean water. Miguel wasn’t able to keep his eyes open, the last moment he remembers is the worries on Eve’s face as she gently cleaned him up.
He felt bad to make Eve feel this way.
He hates it.
He wants to fix it immediately.
But he knows that Eve would ask him to stay put and let her clean his wounds.
So he did, and fell asleep.
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tea-kovsky-pot · 2 years
Pspspsps here's some Mary Goore from me
*yeets an unfinished Mary Goore sketch cause i was too lazy to pull up a reference and only had to go by Under the Spell's cover*
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Ignore the shadow fbbfnfbf
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sonic-emporium · 2 months
Word is spoken of the plan that's to unfold Pharaoh laughing walks away Ancient powers brewing unknown to them all High priest warned us of this day Of this day
Calling on the plagues eyes of fire blaze Chaos on the sand called by pharaohs hand (x2)
Blood red skies show them that their fate will be sealed Hellfire raining from the sky Summoning power of the forgotten gods Now the mortals will pay Now they pay
Calling on the plagues eyes of fire blaze Chaos on the sand called by pharaohs hand (x2)
Words of rebellion reach the pharaoh Now tossing his disguise away Unveiling waves of utter destruction Now you will pay Now you will pay
Words of rebellion reach the pharaoh Now tossing his disguise away Unveiling waves of utter destruction Now you will pay Now you will pay
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audiojunkyard · 5 months
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yooo-lets-go · 3 months
My brother I’m begging, can we some Ghost being down bad for Soap? I’m on my hands and knees
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You keep me under your spell
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hekuuu · 5 months
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Gale’s romance scenes will work so well on Astarion you can’t convince me otherwise
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sbeep · 4 months
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Prismatic Wall
9th-level abjuration
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justaz · 3 months
merlin being hit with a truth spell or potion or whatever and being so stressed that he’s gonna reveal his magic to arthur only to find that he can’t insult or tease arthur anymore bc every time arthur instigates their banter, merlin starts to go on and on about how arthur makes him so happy and the love he feels for him is immeasurable and how he’d burn the world just to keep him warm
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𝔐𝔢𝔯𝔠𝔶𝔣𝔲𝔩 𝔉𝔞𝔱𝔢 - 𝔘𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔭𝔢𝔩𝔩
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justinempire · 2 years
Under The Spell
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doesephs · 13 days
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blue sargent (in lady macbeth’s robes) study of circe invidosa by john william waterhouse
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dailyunstableeve · 1 year
After a long debate, I decided to move my Wattpad Miguel fanfic here, enjoy.
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Under the Spell
Chapter (1/9)
Miguel x my oc (Eve)
Context: What Miguel had done, replacing his other dead self and spend time with the dead Miguel's daughter, his actions caused the universe to vanish/collapse. Now he's living through the days with the mistake he have done, thinking he's not worthy to love anymore, until-
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"You better get your ass out of the room," a pregnant woman knocking on the door, loudly.
"Hey, don't blame it too hard on yourself," a man standing next to the woman, he's wearing a pink fur coat, it looks very comfy.
"Miguel!" The woman knocked on the door again.
"Maybe he just needed more time alone," the man stood in front of the woman, begging her to stop knocking on the door. He could sense many eyes looking at them.
"He better show up for the meeting later, I swear, I'm pregnant but that doesn't mean I can't kick ass."
"Let's just go for now Jess," the man started to gently push the woman away, "it's time for your baby music hour right?"
A male figure sitting in the corner of a cafe, with the 70s to 90s music, playing on shuffle. The scent of coffee covered the whole cafe. Even before you open the door, you can already smell the scent of coffee. It's not too heavy or light, perfectly well blended together in the air.
The man frowned as he scrolled his phone, reading the news, he seemed annoyed by whatever he's reading. The man raised his head for the first time ever since he sat down, the sun is already going to set.
"How long have I been here?" The man thought to himself, he has a habit of turning off the clock on his device so he doesn't need to worry about the time, or he's just avoiding time.
The cafe doorbell rang, for the first time, the man finally heard the doorbell, he looked at the door, he finally had his attention on something else that wasn't just his phone. A girl walked up to the counter and placed her order, while she was waiting for her order, she’s looking at the man.
The girl doesn’t know that the man actually noticed her staring at him, he just let out a soft cough and turned his focus back on his phone. Right after the girl got her order, she hopped her way to the man.
“Hello handsome, is your seat taken?” The girl’s eye twinkled, she seemed very desperate to sit together with the man.
The man first ignored the girl but the girl won’t stop waving her hand until the man looked up at the girl. On his first sight of the girl, the girl gave him a feeling that he can’t seem to deny, he slowly mumbled out his word, “you can sit here.”
“Ah, great!” The girl happily hopped on the seat, “do you live here? Or you’re just like me? Traveling.”
“Hello?” The girl sighed, “I seriously mean no harm, I just wanted to make friends before I went for my next stop.”
“Why me?” The man finally gave in, he put down his phone and decided to have a proper conversation with her, almost seems like he actually needed someone to talk to if he was given the chance.
“You seem the most safest approach I can go to,” the girl chuckled, “well since you decided to speak, my name is Eve, what’s your?”
“Miguel,” he answered shortly.
“Last name?”
“My name is Miguel O’Hara, what about your last name?”
“Well, it’s awkward to say it, my family is no longer with me, having the family name on my name just to remind me of the day they’re gone,” Eve let out a bitter laugh, “I’m all alone.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
Miguel and Eve looked at each other for a short second, Eve couldn’t hold her expression and just smiled at Miguel, just because she found him insanely hot and handsome, it’s so hard to look away from his face.
"Oh, my favorite song!" Eve finally turn her attention to something else, the cafe is currently playing American Pie by Don McLean, "my father always sing this song when he was reading the news paper, and I would sing with him and distract him from reading the news paper," Eve chuckled, the memories she had with her family floats through her thoughts, "oh, I'm sorry, I just can't help it when someone willing to listen, especially when they don't really talk," Eve joked.
"I'm just not in the mood to talk but I'll listen," Miguel quickly answered, he doesn't want any misunderstanding.
“MIGUEL! I finally found you!” It’s the pregnant woman, Jessica, Jess.
“Jess,” Miguel looked at Jess, innocently.
"Everyone was waiting for you!" Jess just stared at Miguel, the type of stare Miguel hates.
"Alright, I'll go," Miguel sighed, "I'm sorry but I gotta go," he turned to Eve, she's still admiring Miguel's face.
"Aww, alright," she whined and quickly grabbed a pen and paper, starting to write her contact number on it, "call me when you're free again, my new friend."
"Sure," his big hand reached out to grab the piece of paper, as he grabbed it, a glimpse of their fingertip touching.
"Her hands are so smooth," Miguel thought.
As Eve waves her goodbye, Jess has already pulled Miguel shops away just so they could go for the meeting.
Today's meeting would be a little different.
About the incident of an universe, vanished, the incursion of that universe.
The universe that Miguel took over the place of another dead Miguel, and Peter B.Parker was there with him.
They now know, how bad it would be, to ruin the canon event of the whole universe.
Now it's Miguel's alone canon event.
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My other works
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