#unknown waters
mistress-of-crystals · 2 months
Uknown Water Chapter 3
It was too muggy for her liking.
‘Why did I decide to take on this job,’ The Mistress complained to herself.
She had been wandering around southeast Europe for the last few weeks before she entered Greece. She had arrived in Arcadia about a week ago when she came across a tiny village (more like a hamlet) that was in a poor state.
The people of the village were busy repairing their homes and burying their dead.
The villagers had told her that they had been attacked by a chimera again. The beast had attacked them a couple of times before, killing their men but none had been able to kill the beast. So the Mistress gracefully offered to defeat the beast, so that’s how she found herself trekking through the Arcadian wildness.
The Mistress followed the magical energy through the trees and up the rocky terrain toward the mountain.
‘I’m getting closer,’
She could feel the magical energy grow stronger as he climbed up the tree-covered slope. It must of been quite a strong chimera or the magical energy that chimeras held in this world was different.
A roar pierced through the air around her. She was definitely close.
The Mistress dived into the shadows as she moved closer to where she heard the roar coming from.
The trees parted to reveal a rocky clearing where the chimera was prowling in front of a cave. Litter around the clearing were the bones of animals and humans alike.
The Mistress observed the beast prowling its territory. After a while of observing the chimera and its territory, the Mistress began her plan.
The Mistress moved to the mountainside above the cave. She waited for the chimera to move to the spot that she wanted it to be then launched herself out of the shadows.
She summoned Brunnaprinzessin, shifting into a cleaver. She cut off the goat’s head of the chimera causing the beast to let out a roar of pain. Before the chimera could even react the Mistress changed Brunnaprinzessin into a spear and stabbed into the beast just behind the lion’s head. Pouring mana through the spear into the chimea’s body.
“Imperial explosion!” The Mistress cast her spell.
The chimera let out a painful roar as crystals from the Mistress’ spell came jolting out from its body.
But the Mistress couldn’t relish in her victory as she used Death to dodge a swipe of another chimera that came up behind her.
‘Looks like magical energy of chimeras in this world are the same as back ones home,’ She realised as she studied the three other chimera that had emerged from the cave.
‘I suggest you retreat from now,’ Death suggested.
“It will be fine, Death,” She reassured him. “This is easy compared to the jobs that the Council would give me,” The Mistress grinned.
With an exhausted sigh, Death allowed her to do when she pleased.
The Mistress then reassessed the situation. There were definitely three chimera, and they formed into a triangle shape. The one that was standing in front of her was bearing its fangs at her, whilst the other two stood on either side, growling at her.
Taking a page out of Arla’s tactic book, the Mistress turned the spear into a scythe. Using her magic the Mistress slowed down time around her and the chimeras whilst she sped up herself. Then she launched across the clearing cleaving the first chimera in half.
This left her out of breath after she cut the chimera as she felt the time magic wear off, leaving her a bit exhausted.
Now that her back was turned to the other two chimera, they chose to attack her.
The one on her far left pounced at her, but the Mistress easily dodged it with Death.
As she dodged the attack the Mistress turned around to face the chimeras.
Swiftly changing Brunnaprinzessin from a scythe into a spear.
Then both Chimeras jumped forward, the Mistress once again used Death to dodge their attacks but, when she resurfaced again the other breast was on her. She quickly brought Brunnaprinzessin in front of her to block one of the chimera before it could bite her head off. Now she had one of them gnawing down her weapon whilst the other one was rushing over to her, ready to pounce her as she tried to hold back its friends.
Everything was happening too fast for her to come up with a plan.
The chimera that was charging at her suddenly let out a painful roar. It then turned its attention to the mountain.
Now that she didn’t have to worry about that chimera for the moment, the Mistress forced her attention off the chimera that was trying to bite her head off.
Pouring mana into her arms and legs to stop the chimera from pushing her into the ground. Then she cast a spell at her feet which allowed her to jump quite high which resulted in the chimera being flipped over onto its back. Whilst the Mistress was in the air, she created a crystal platform so she could launch herself back down to the ground and the breast, she aimed the spear at the chimera. When the spear pierced through the breast’s stomach, she sent mana through the spear which caused large crystals to come jutting out of its body.
The chimera let out a pitiful roar before going limp.
‘Now time for the other one’
An explosion erupted in front of her. The Mistress threw her arm up to protect her eyes from the dust as she cast a magical shield from whatever was happening in front of her.
Once the dust had cleared, the Mistress could see that the chimera was lying on its side, filled with arrows- no there couldn’t be arrows there were too big. There were more like swords but not at the same time.
The Mistress then looked in the direction she believed that the arrows/swords came from. Here crystal blue eyes trailed up the mountainside, where her eyes caught something white fluttering in the wind. Standing there on the mountain was a man dressed in black clothes that were covered by a white tattered cloak. From the distance that the Mistress was standing, she could tell that he was holding a bow.
Gathering Death’s cloak that she wore around her waist like a shawl and curtsy to the man in thanks.
The man gave the Mistress a curt nod before turning away from her, walking along the mountain and disappearing into the distance.
The Mistress stared awkwardly at the fleeing man before turning her attention to the cave that the Chimera had emerged from. Though she couldn’t sense magical energy coming from the cave but there was no harm in making sure that there was nothing in the, that could harm the village anymore.
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An arapaima was found dead in a Florida river. The Chatahooche I believe. Maybe a new River Monsters should take place in the state of Florida!! Many invasive species.
Thank you for sharing this. Have you tried posting this information on other social media accounts of theirs? This is my first time hearing about it, but I did find online an article (and many more) regarding this dead arapaima from 2021.
If you haven’t, I think it would be a good opportunity to do so and why programs such as River Monsters should come back.
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scoutingthetrooper · 1 year
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bowenoke · 1 year
edit: btw it is not safe to wear contacts in the shower! the option is included for accuracy, but please consider throwing on an old pair of glasses or just going blind into that wet box instead.
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killyridols · 1 year
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coffee and comets by anders scrmn meisner, unknown date, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 centimeters
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bastart13 · 3 months
How do you imagine hybrids work in love and legends? We've seen elf/humans.
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So there are 6 different species and aside from the mermaids, they're all compatable to have children.
I headcanon life expectancy, colouration, and the shape of facial or body features to be gradient traits, so they pretty much randomly combine between the two parents like any other child
Magical traits are probably more binary. So a fairy hybrid child could inherit the eyes, wings, and/or sparkles, or none, with no middle ground. A demon hybrid will usually inherit a faded form of the markings, but they won't always be able to transform or earn horns. Dwarf hybrids might inherit the ability to echolocate vs just having larger ears.
If two species with strong magic have a child, they're more likely to inherit magical traits (e.g. elves and fairies with strong magic vs humans and dwarves with low magic)
Considering the domains are all friendly with each other, I imagine it's fairly common to have mixed ancestry and there's no real taboo aside from the grief of lifespan differences
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You wanted a stalker boyfriend yet when I sent you your own coordinates in your messages, you call me a freak? Here I was going to show up at your doorstep with the heart of the man you looked at today.🔪🌹
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tinesleftnipple · 5 months
Episode 9 is Wei zhiyuan's love letter to Wei qian.
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"I can't control my heart from loving you"
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"I won't shy away from confessing to you"
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"I wish the last thing I saw in life was you"
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"I will die so you can live. I love you"
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"You define my entire being"
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
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adam-trademark · 3 months
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Drowning Pool
(Unknown Date)
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nuge · 2 years
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leon draisaitl | 32 thoughts | 02/05/2023
***please do not repost anywhere without permission
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mistress-of-crystals · 5 months
Unknown Water Chapter 2
It seemed like a good idea at the time to take a ‘shortcut’ across the forest but if she knew it would have ended up with her at the bottom of a hole, then she would have probably continued on the main road.
“Hey!” A voice called out to her. “Are you alright?” The voice asked.
Getting up from the floor, the mage looked up to see a young man looking into the hole. The ginger-haired man looked down at her.
“Are you okay?” He asked again.
“I’m fine,” The mage finally replied.
The ginger-haired man let out a sigh of relief before sticking his hand out, ready to help her out of the hole. Pouring a bit of mana into her legs, the mage jumped to grab the man’s outstretched hand.
“Got ya,” The man said under his breath as he began to pull her out of the hole. Now that she was out of the hole she could get a good look at the man who had just pulled her out of the hole. He was dressed in green from head to toe. A tattered evergreen cloak that was hiding his green tunic and trousers. 
After the man in green had a good look over, the mage in black began to dust off any dirt that was on her whilst the man picked out any leaves and twigs that had gotten into her blonde hair.
“You don’t have to do that,” She shyly told him.The man halted his movements as his eyes flickered over to her face. 
“It’s the least I could do since it was my fault that you ended up in that hole," He told her, averting his eyes from her face and scratching the back of his head out of shame.
"Your fault?" The mage echoed out of confusion. It took her a moment for her to realise what he meant by that. "Oh, I thought this place was a royal forest? I wouldn't have thought that they would allow someone to dig a pit hole to trap animals in it,"
The ginger's face pale at her statement and began to panic. He tried to make up a lie but as he tried to up with an excuse he stumbled over his words. But when the woman in front of him started to laugh, his panic faded away.
"I promise I won't tell anyone," She said between laughter.
The man's face soured as his eyebrows knitted together.
"That wasn't funny," He scolded her.
"Sorry," She giggled. "I couldn't help myself," Once she had finished the mage asked: "Is there any settlements nearby?"
"Yeah," The man hugged. "It's this way, just follow me," The man in green started to walk off with the mage in black following behind him.
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" The mage asked.
"Ladies first," He hit it back to her.
With an amused huff, the mage introduced herself. "I am the Mistress of Crystals,"
"Robin," He said.
"So, Robin..."The Mistress began to ask Robin questions about the area and things interesting happening in the area as they walked to the settlement.
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Honestly, if Unknown Waters were to come back, I would much rather see it on Discovery than on National Geographic.
Are there any viewers out there that were even aware that the series was happening—if not for the late notice that went up on FB or on social media…in general?
Normally I’m on top of these things, but as you all can see—I’m been busy outside of this blog and update when re-runs are airing or when I find out on the last-minute, too.
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scurybooween · 1 year
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Marc C. Green  
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somequicknewmusic · 1 year
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I'd lower the world in a flood / Or better yet I'd cause a drought.
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pen-pain-poetry · 3 months
Like Water
like water, if i had to describe love, i would describe it as water.
it becomes lifeline for some, who are dying of thirst, finally getting water, and quenching their thirst.
it soothes some people, like to those who lives in constant summer scorching heat, love becomes a cold water, with they finally get some peace.
it becomes suffocating for some, like drowning in water, reaching out for help, but unable to speak or breath.
like water, if i had to describe love, i would describe it as water, it could become anything, and everything giving life or taking one without remorse.
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