#unlike him i did not manage to get injured last night
mutantenfisch · 2 years
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"Father why did you turn on the flash?"
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Nightmares & Dreams
Summary - Cassian just needed some physical contact to help him sleep.
A/N - Friendly reminder that canon cassian does like physical contact. Also, it’s short but I just needed to get something out there so here it is! 620 words.
*Don’t repost or translate my work without my permission. *These characters and world do not belong to me.
Cassian was known for many things. To the entirety of Prythian he was an Illyrian, a warrior, a General––Lord of Bloodshed. To his family he was a brother, a friend, a jokester, and a poor diplomat, who went to Rita’s for the drinks, not the dancing.
His life was really rather simple. Get up, train, train some more, maybe make a few visits required of him. Eat, sleep. The sleep was less predictable. Somehow there was this magic belief that he was so strong and he really only suffered injuries. His work came with more than physical consequence.
Cassian had injured and killed countless people during his lifetime. When the carriage was over he often found himself vomiting, sometimes mourning his victims––the guilt pumping through his veins. Guilt that chased him even when he slept. He had become used to the lack of sleep. It wasn’t uncommon for Cassian to wake up two or three times throughout the night from his nightmares. Flashes of death all around him, and then he was suddenly sitting up in his bed, in a cold sweat.
Cassian had also grown used to the following hour of lying awake, unable to get himself to fall back asleep. That hour alone with his thoughts, the images from the nightmares flashing before him. Then there were some mornings when he didn’t try to fall back asleep. Those were the mornings that people took him as a dedicated warrior who rose extra early to train, not a general running from his nightmares.
Then you entered the picture. For the number of times he had been to Rita’s Cassian questioned how you had never caught his eye. A beautiful female Illyrian freely dancing on the floor amongst others, lost in the music.
“Cassian! Cassian! Did you… oh–” Mor said before realizing Cassian was already heading for you. She subtly smirked to herself. 
Somehow between the many bodies and loud music, Cassian managed to find himself in an intimate conversation, one that flowed effortlessly. The following night Cassian found himself at Rita’s again, but unlike past nights he didn’t head straight to the bar.
“She’s over there,” Mor said with a grin, pointing towards where you were dancing. 
Cassian didn’t respond, making his way to you––his reputation parting the crowd for him. It happened again. Hours of conversation only this time Cassian found you in his bed that night. It felt like he had barely fallen asleep when he was plagued with a nightmare.
He stood in the middle of a field, everyone dead around him and then he saw Rhys, Feyre. Cassian turned his head to see Az and Mor. Nesta’s body over Elain’s, protecting her sister until her last breath. Then he was down in the library again and he was being dragged away down, down, down. 
But for the first time something called to him, to pull him away from the Bryaxis. “General? General?! Cassian!”
Everything blurred around him and suddenly was back in bed…next to you. Cassian glanced over to you, his chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Cassian,” you could see the panic in his eyes and without a second you wrapped the Lord of Bloodshed in your arms.
Cassian didn’t protest, a fuzzy feeling filling his body. He adored physical contact. He clung to you like you were a lifeline, his arms tightly around your middle until his heartbeat slowed and for the first time in his life it didn’t take an hour to find sleep, only half that time. Just before Cassian completely drifted off he felt a tug at his chest, a feeling he had waited for all his life, a feeling that told him you were his dream.
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
⌛⛰️🦊Day 9: "I made a mistake."
Day 8: "I’m not okay." - Alternate
Summary: San made a mistake, a severe mistake. Not even his hyungs can fix it this time.
CW: below text to avoid spoilers, open ending
Whumpee: San Caretakers: Hongjoong + Seonghwa 
“Would you like me to call anybody for you? Or do you want to call yourself?”, the kind woman asked, crouching down in front of San. 
At first the question didn’t even register with San, the meaning lost between them. Then, as the woman gently squeezed his hand and moved to get up, saying “I’ll call your company, okay?” did he understand.
He couldn’t let her. He had to face the consequences of his actions himself. He deserved to hear the blame and the yelling when his members found out what he had done. What he had caused.
“No”, he said forcefully, nearly yelling all the while his voice was breaking off. “No, I need to do this myself.”
As he looked at him with doubtful eyes, he added: “I owe it to them. To him.”
“Alright”, she said and handed him her phone, leaving him in solace.
It took a few minutes until San was able to move his shaking hand to start dialing Hongjoong’s familiar number. The captain had forced them all to learn it by heart, even waking them in the middle of the night to recite it to test them. Now San understood why. The only thing on his mind were the familiar numbers.
Without himself noticing he had hit the numbers and only when the ringing sound faintly came through the speakers, did he lift the phone to his ear like he was in a trance.
Hongjoong’s voice came through nearly immediately, though San was vaguely aware that his perception of time was off.
“Who is this?”, the captain asked after a greeting, as suspicious of sasaengs as they all were.
San could only breathe.
“Hello?”, Hongjoong asked again, then mumbled to another member, likely Seonghwa, “I don’t know. Maybe spam.” 
His voice sounded fainter like he was about to hang up. No, he couldn’t. He couldn’t hang up. San couldn’t be alone.
“Hyungie?”, San managed to whisper at last. 
“San-ah? Oh my God, what happened?”, Hongjoong said, scrambling coming through the phone, like it always did when he nearly dropped it. “Where are you?”
“Hyungie. I am sorry. I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault. I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” The words spilled from his lips faster than he could think. His mind felt like spiderwebs, sticky and … disgusting.
“San-ah”, Hongjong called desperately, “San-ah. Baby. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Hyung will fix it, okay, whatever it is. Just tell me where you are. Please.” He sounded like he was pleading.
“Hyung, you can’t fix this.” He started to sob anew, his headache reaching new heights. A warm hand took the phone from his hands, speaking softly to Hongjoong and rubbing San’s upper arm in comfort.
Oh. The kind nurse was back and now she crouched down in front of San. “Hey, San-ssi. Your hyungs are on their way, okay? Don’t worry. You’re injured too.”
Right, yeah. But San only had scratches all over his body, the shards of the shattered windshield the only thing wrong with him. Well, and the headache. It wasn’t bad. He was just slightly harmed. Unlike …
At the thought San felt nauseous and he gagged. The nurse held a plastic bag to his lips as he spilled his lunch in the white hospital room.
Shouts suddenly arose and then Hongjoong and Seonghwa ran towards him, hand interlinked as they rushed to their dongsaeng. Hadn’t the nurse just talked to them? 
Confused, San began to cry again but this time he was wrapped in a warm embrace. He clung to the other person, inhaling Seonghwa’s familiar perfume and burying his face into his neck. His hyung held him just as tightly, muttering “You’re okay, you’re okay” over and over again.
“Hyung”, San gasped and then realized what he was doing. He didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve these hugs. It was all his fault. It was his fault that he might never feel the comforting, warm hugs again.
He’d made a mistake and he should pay the price.
He pushed Seonghwa away, staring at the two older members with tears in his eyes.
“I’m so sorry. I made a mistake."
“San-ah”, Hongjoong whispered and fell to his knees in front of the younger, taking his hands in his, thumbs rubbing over the back of his hands. “Don’t blame yourself. None of this was your fault. Are you okay? You were in the accident too.”
“Hyung, I was driving”, San gasped out, “it’s my fault. It’s all my fault. I made a mistake and Wooyoung-ah paid the price.”
Beautiful, sweet, kind Wooyoung who …
all because San had made a mistake.
Part Two: Day 12: "I can't stand seeing you like this"
Day 10: "Can you hear me?"
Masterlist link: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's June of Doom 2024
CW: car accidents, vomiting, mild injuries
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albentelisa · 9 months
Hello!!! Jim here from the @theonceandfuturetrollhunter blog, but I'm making this text anonymous because Clotpole (who owns my blog) doesn't want the reply back- I'll have to search for it instead 😂😒
Anyway, we love your headcanons and the AUs you create with adks back here in Arcadia- Claire is obsessed with reading them- and we wanted to know how you wpould take to this AU...
What if mine and Claire's roles were swapped over (me being the wizard and Claire being the Trollhunter) but we found out about our respective roles at the times we did in the show (me first, then Claire)?
Can't wait for the reply!!!!
Hi, Jim:)
This ask is something I really like, so I've put it up my queue of asks (there are more than thirty of those in my inbox, holy trolls!).
Anyway, to the AU.
So, in this AU Kanjigar manages to escape during his battle with Bular, so Jim and Toby pass through the canals as usual, with nothing happening. Toby sees that his bro is slightly disappointed that it's just a regular day and suggests investigating the stone monsters Eli mentioned. Obviously, Toby doesn't believe in any supernatural creatures, thinking those are just another one of Eli's delusions, but he thinks Jim needs some fun (and a minor adventure is better than no adventure at all).
It turns out to be a horrible mistake as Bular is pissed because of his failure and is actively looking for a consolation snack. Jim and Toby look like a wonderful meal for him. Bular nearly catches Toby - and it's when Jim awakes his shadow magic, firstly blasting and injuring Bular and then teleporting Toby and himself to the safe location. Jim collapses afterward as he has pushed past his limits.
The next morning, Toby is excited, but Jim is conflicted as he isn't sure it's the kind of adventure he wants. Besides, his newfound magic keeps acting on its own, complicating his life.
Jim comes to Strickler to talk about his issue, but chickens at the last second and tells some lie. Strickler initially believes that it's something trivial, but later notices Jim falling through the shadow portal, and everything clicks. After all, last night, Bular came back enraged, cursing some fleshbag wizard who injured him and swearing to kill that bastard. Strickler deduces that the wizard in question could be Jim. Unlike Bular, he wonders if he can use Jim's talent (after all, all the changelings are connected to shadow magic) and decides to get even closer to his student.
Meanwhile, Douxie visits Jim (as he learned about him from Archie who witnessed the encounter with Bular). Douxie wouldn't get involved in most cases, but apparently, Jim's magic is too strong for someone born during this age, and Jim lacks control, which could easily lead to a lot of damage. So Douxie decides to teach him a bit.
Because Bular has a personal vendetta against Jim, soon enough Kanjigar contacts him as well. Jim learns about the Trollhunter and his mission and proposes to help him (after some initial shock, Jim starts to wonder if there is some meaning to the fact that he got magic). Kanjigar is against it - he has worked alone since the very beginning, and well, Jim is a kid. Jim and Toby still sneak to the Trollmarket, and meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh there. Blinky believes that having a trollhunting team might not be such a bad idea, so now there are four of them trying to help Kanjigar. Draal eventually joins too, becoming the fifth member. Jim keeps this fact from Douxie because Douxie forbids him to risk his life needlessly (out of concern that there might be another spike in Jim's developing magic which can be harmful to his soul). As for Toby, he gets his Warhammer early on.
Meanwhile, Strickler gets close to Barbara, wondering if she knows her son's secret. He discovers rather fast that she is in the dark about everything and uses it for his own profit.
Much like in the canon, Jim is in the school play, but he skips less because his outings are more controlled (be it magic lessons with Douxie or visits to the Trollmarket), so he has less friction with Claire. Claire still senses that Jim hides something and tries to talk to him about it.
Jim and Toby are the ones who discover the hideout at the museum and basically trigger all the changeling-related events, including Enrique's kidnapping. Enrique is picked because Jim is a regular guest at Claire's house by this point, and Strickler feels that he can use another pair of eyes.
Jim is the one who goes to the concert with Claire in this AU, while Toby babysits Enrique. Claire is initially upset with Jim afterward as she thinks that Toby and Jim decided to prank her together, but after giving it some thought, tries to investigate what is wrong.
Jim still gets Grit-shaka from Draal and ends up exposing his connection to trolls before Douxie before running to fight Bular. Much like in the canon, Bular exposes Strickler.
Claire catches her fake brother herself and encounters Jim, asking if he knows too. Jim decides to tell her everything.
Kanjigar decides to face Bular head-on together with his team (plus Douxie, who joins at the last second). Together they slay him and recover the Killahead.
Now that everything is more or less safe, Claire comes to Kanjigar and asks him to save her brother. Jim and Toby join her pleas, and Jim says that he'll travel to the Darklands himself if Kanjigar disagrees. Kanjigar agrees after some consideration (the previous Trollhunters are against it, but Kanjigar reminds them that his team has slain Bular).
Strickler frees Angor Rot, much like in the canon. Angor, however, disobeys the first command to attack the Trollhunter and judge his skill and goes for Jim instead (he senses his shadow magic and decides to get rid of someone who can possibly become a second Morgana). In this fight, Jim manages to wrestle out the shadow staff. After some examination, Douxie allows him to use it - as the shadow staff, apparently, stabilizes Jim's rather chaotic magic.
The Trollhunters recover the first triumbric stone, but during the quest at the Quagawumps' swamp, the tragedy happens - Kanjigar dies, taking the hit from Angor meant for Claire (it's something that will haunt her for a while). The amulet chooses her as the next champion, but she is conflicted wondering if she can be a good one. After all, she couldn't protect her brother, and Kanjigar died because of her. Draal also doesn't help as he questions her worth (he isn't as bad as he was with Jim in the canon, but his words are still mean).
Jim, however, believes in Claire and says that she can be the best (after all, she is a quick learner, brave, and loyal). Claire starts training, hoping to be able to catch up quickly. Draal warms up eventually and comes to help her.
Angor doesn't make any deal with the Trollhunters in this AU, as he doesn't trust Jim by default. Douxie is the one who suggests stealing Inferna Copula from Strickler, but much like in the canon it ends destroyed, and Angor unleashes his anger at Strickler, Jim, and everyone else. Barbara walks in amid the fight and gets wounded. In this AU she learns everything without losing her memories. Obviously, she is mad at Strickler for using her to get to Jim.
Angor Rot is the first Claire's major opponent, but she manages to defeat him with the help of Jim, Toby, and Draal. Draal feels that his father is avenged and thanks Claire.
However, for Claire, it's not enough. She doesn't want to lose another team member, so goes to the Darklands alone (besides, she was the one who requested that mission to start with). She saves Enrique but ends up trapped.
And here's the problem - only the Trollhunter can open the portal to the Darklands. Jim tries to find an alternative solution and finds a book in Douxie's library about summoning spirits and letting them possess the body. There is a risk, however, as the one who performs it is more vulnerable to possession later, but Jim is willing to risk. He summons Kanjigar's spirit and the team heads into the Darklands to save Claire.
Gunmar getting out isn't the only consequence of that venture. Morgana senses Jim's mind's vulnerability and starts to take over. She resurrects Angor first, then contacts Gunmar.
No one realizes that something is off with Jim at first, chalking most of the stuff to the shadow magic acting up. Claire gets suspicious first and goes to Douxie, demanding if all of that is actually shadow magic. Douxie admits that his fellow student Morgana was odd at times too. After hearing that, Claire is even more worried, and she and Douxie encounter Jim - only to realize that Morgana already fully possesses him.
Claire and Douxie restrain possessed Jim and decide to travel inside his mind to free him. They also bring Toby and Barbara with them, as more meaningful people should make it more likely to succeed. Jim is free, and fighting Morgana gives him a better understanding of his own magic.
With Gunmar and Morgana around the team decides to wake up Merlin (per Douxie's suggestion). And, well, Merlin isn't excited to learn that Douxie got involved and even took a shadowmancer as an apprentice (he is pretty much convinced that Jim will end the same as Morgana if not worse).
Merlin also plans to turn Claire into a half-troll, but as Douxie is around, he investigates the ingredients and discovers what they might do. The team encounters Merlin, and he admits his intentions but tells everyone there is no other choice. Strickler, however, intervenes and makes a guess that there might be some alternative in the Janus Order's records, which turns out to be true. The alternative just requires some blood from a shadowmancer, which Jim gladly provides. Claire becomes a shapeshifter with the ability to change forms at will.
However, Merlin also comes to Jim regarding Morgana. It's possible to seal her inside the Shadow Realm, but all the links between it and the outside world should be cut, meaning that Jim should stay inside the Shadow Realm for good. Merlin appeals to Jim's insecurities and reminds him that the shadow magic is evil, convincing Jim that it'll be better for everyone.
However, Claire overhears this conversation and confronts Jim about it. She also reminds him that Merlin's solutions have already proved to be not the only answer and that their team has already found an alternative once, so it's possible to find another one.
The encouragement from Claire prompts Jim to craft his own spell for the first time to use against Morgana. So, once the Eternal Night comes, both Claire and Jim defeat Gunmar and Morgana respectfully.
@theonceandfuturetrollhunter, I know that you feel down now, so hopefully, this one cheers you up a bit:)
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negative-speedforce · 8 months
"I Wish That It Was Enough For Me"
With: My OCs Siv and Hailey
Siv jerked awake, immediately pulling away from where she had been curled up against Hailey. Siv curled into themself, scooting away from Hailey's unnaturally cold body to the edge of the bed. She wrapped her arms around her knees, staring blankly at the wall in front of them.
I wish this was enough for me. They thought. The usual weight of grief in her chest felt much heavier tonight, like a millstone wrapped inside her half-formed heart. Last night, with Hailey, had been absolutely perfect. The tenderness with which the other woman had worshipped her scarred, broken body was unlike anything Siv had ever experienced before.
It was the first time they had let Hailey top them. At first, she had feared the loss of control, that it would set off some unknown trigger and they would turn into... her. But Hailey had been careful, making sure Siv knew exactly what she was doing as she touched the most intimate parts of her.
It was amazing, and perfect, and everything that Siv had ever wanted. But it still wasn't enough. The aching, cold, numb feeling in their chest was still just as raw as it had been yesterday, and every day since they had watched Gina be slaughtered like an animal in front of them.
The rage. It almost hurt, how much she craved justice. No, not justice. Who were they kidding? She craved revenge. They wanted nothing more than to tear their father apart, to watch his blood stain the concrete as he pleaded for mercy, only to realize that she would give none.
She wanted him to look up at her and see the monster he had made. Hell, part of them wanted everyone, even Hailey, to see them like that. Siv knew they were one, in a way. Half of her wanted to be the monster, and the other half wanted to pretend that she was still the same person that they were before the Accelerator. Before Gina.
"Hey." Hailey stirred awake. "You okay?"
"Yeah. Had a nightmare." Siv replied. "I'm fine."
"Talk about it?" Hailey sat up, squeezing Siv's bicep. Siv shook their head.
"No thanks." Siv said. "Last night was really great, by the way. It's not your fault that I'm like this."
"I know." Hailey scooted closer to Siv, wrapping an arm around their shoulder.
Siv shuddered, the unnatural cool of Hailey's skin sending her into a flashback to Gina's bloody corpse in her arms; the body going cold against her skin. They gasped, then shook their head, banishing the memories to the back of their mind.
"Your skin is cold." Siv commented.
"I know. It's been like that for a... really long time." Hailey smiled ruefully. "I told you that I'm a veteran, right?"
"Yeah, you fought in Afghanistan." Siv replied.
"Yeah." Hailey nodded. "I, um... I was injured over there. I've been cold ever since."
"You get shot or something?" Siv raised an eyebrow.
Hailey shrugged. "Close enough. It doesn't really bother me anymore, but when it first happened, it was... a lot. I had to be discharged from the Marines because I was so psychologically fucked."
"I'm sorry." Siv replied.
"Don't. It's not an issue anymore. I've learned how to move on with my life."
"Do you ever feel like..." Siv took a deep breath, changing the subject. "...like what we have isn't enough for you?"
"Sometimes. I feel like I barely know you half the time." Hailey admitted. "Sometimes I wish we could be more than what we are, but that's not an option right now. You are what you are, and I am what I am, and I doubt that's going to change anytime soon."
"No." Siv shook their head. "It's not. I just wish that I could be satisfied with what I have, but I can't. I'm just so angry all the time, and it never goes away, no matter what I do. I think... I think I'm broken."
"Getting professional help actually helps." Hailey said. "I know, shocking. When I was first discharged, I didn't think I'd ever be able to assimilate back into civilian life. But I did. I managed to find some way to move on, even if I'm still not the same as I was before Afghanistan. I'd really recommend it for you. It might help."
"I don't think it will." Siv replied. "At least, I'm not ready to find out. I don't want to know if I'm fundamentally, irreparably broken or not. I'll just try to get better by myself, thank you very much."
"Well, until you're ready to reach out and let someone help you, I'm here. At least, when I can be. We're still on opposite sides of this fight, after all."
"Yeah, we are." Siv stood up, putting their jacket and jeans back on. "I'm sorry. I've gotta go. I'll see you around, okay?"
"Sivonne, wait-"
"Goodbye, Hailey."
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Bright commits crimes against reality.
Ice is an a$$hole. Like, he will be sarcastic, he will roast you, he will take a rude tone to the O5 Council, he's just not nice to people at first.
However, if you can tolerate him for more than maybe six months, he'll start to warm up to you. Maybe. This does not apply if you don't at least try to be nice to him, and the nicer you are to him, the nicer he'll be to you.
People don't often manage this, but somehow, Bright did. Bright, notorious at the time for being completely unlikable. Gears did somewhat, but was also highly abus1ve.
Somehow, the two most unanimously disliked people in the Foundation ended up getting quite close. Bright was even one of the few people who knew Ice's real name (Personally, I like Julian Sylvester-Finn, got both bio father and step-father's last names)
And then, Ice d1es. Bright is the one to find his b0dy. Out of everyone in the small group of people who could even somewhat tolerate each other, Bright takes this the hardest. This is around the time of the creation of the first chainsaw cannon.
Also around this time, Bright goes to his mother, Evelyn Bright. She works with Prometheus Labs. She basically says, 'Well, if you don't want him d3ad, you could just bring him back to life!'
Bright is horrified by this prospect, his own worst experiences being connected to getting brought back to life through 963, but slowly, the idea starts to grow on him. He wouldn't have to make the resurrection permanent, after all. Just reanimate the b0dy, put the mind and soul back in, a few stitches here and there, Ice didn't have blood thanks to his temperature so that wouldn't be a problem...
Then, Kondraki d1es. This is the first major leap towards choosing necromancy that Bright takes. And finally, at least a decade later, Claire Lumineaux d1es. This is what finally pushes Bright over the edge.
First, he has Nobody hack into the alarms and turn them off. Then, breaks into SCP-049's containment cell and breaks the Doctor out. After that, he grabs SCP-073 and briefs him on the plan, leaving some details out. Cain thinks this is a horrible idea, but goes along with it because he doesn't want Bright to get severely injured or permanently k1lled.
Together, the three of them get exactly 1 mile away from the Site unhindered before encountering Clef. Bright explains the plan and Clef is on board 100%. Clef has no qualms with mildly breaking the fabric of reality.
The four of them are now home free, hitting three different graveyards on three different states (Texas for Claire, Nevada for Kondraki, Michigan for Iceberg) and stealing three c0rpses.
Cain and 049 translate some of the details in 049's notebook, Bright uses his expertise on the amulet, and Clef bends reality a bit to make all of this possible.
And finally, at the crack of dawn, seven hours later, on a freezing cold winter night in Eagle Harbor, Michigan, James Abel Lumineaux discovers the secrets of necromancy, and Ice, Claire and Kondraki are back.
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dandelion-sugar · 3 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐖𝐢𝐟𝐞 『Adam x Reader』
Summary: Reader was Adam's first wife before he married Eve.
Warning: Angst, a little fluff, death, deities are really cruel
Author's note: Requests for Genshin have not been forgotten! I'm working on it BUT I just finished season one of Record of Ragnarok and needed to write about Adam. I think he deserves more writing about him...he's the best husband and father Earth could have!
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"A demoness? A succubus? No! A human whose legends turn her into a fearsome ruler of the underworld! She rules an entire army with an iron fist! Made of the clay of creation, she is made in the image of the gods! N°00000000002 : Lilith!" shouted Heimdall to announce your entrance.
You have been chosen to save humanity. The creation of Adam and Eve. You don't know why Brunhilde trusts you to save the humans. What could she possibly have been thinking in choosing you? Were you the best choice for this? Protecting the beings conceived by your ex-husband and his new wife. Unlike your ex-lover, you refuse to walk around naked. Your body is far too precious to be revealed to the world. You stand in the middle of the arena waiting patiently for Heimdall to finish presenting your opponent.
Your eyes rest on your army led by your only son. The only being you have ever given birth to. The third human born. A slight smile appeared on your lips. Your son resembled his father, and you found that particularly funny. You couldn't help but think that Adam's genes were particularly strong. But the way your son stood proudly at the head of your army...he took that from you. Even if you were to perish in this fight, you know that your army and your son will come through.
Your right hand will be around the shaft of your spear. You hear the mocking laughter of the gods, announcing your crushing defeat. You hear the hesitant whispers of humans about your place among the fighters of humanity. You are known in human legends to be a danger to pregnant women and newborns. To be honest with yourself, you hate this legends. You are a mother, how can humans think that you would harm a woman and her child? Your eyes drop slightly to the floor and your lips pucker into an unpleasant pout. After a few seconds, your face frees itself of all displays of emotion and your hand rises to challenge Heimdall.
"Yes, Lilith?" asks the god who has the role of announcer.
"I will not fight under that name," you announce.
"Huh?" he blurts out in surprise.
"I will not fight under the name of the monster the humans wanted to make me," you reply immediately.
"So...what do you want to be called?"
Lying in a meadow, you enjoy the sun and the soft breeze on your bare skin. Rabbits and foxes quickly surround you to enjoy the comfort with you. Everything is perfect in the Garden of Eden. A shadow covers your face, forcing you to open your eyes to discover the obstacle between you and the sun. It is a pleasant surprise when you discover your husband's welcoming smile, his blonde locks framing his face. Adam sits down beside you, placing his fruit basket between his legs. He pulls out a bunch of grapes and takes one between his long fingers. He then brings the fruit to your lips to let you savour the sweet, pleasant taste of the fruit. A sigh of contentment crosses your lips. Your husband's smile widens as he notices your relaxed state.
"You have grape juice running down your chin, Lilith," Adam informs you.
Your eyelids droop slightly as your eyes express your displeasure. Adam only lets a laugh emit from his throat as he leans forward to lick the grape juice off. Your hand gently but firmly pushes him away. You want him to understand that his gestures of affection will not be tolerated again until he realises his mistake. And you know perfectly well that he has understood what he has done.
"Stop teasing me," you say, a frown appearing on your face.
"I like to see your eyebrows furrow. You look like that kitten that was trying to scare us." replies Adam, running his hand over your hip stroking it in lazy circles, as if to soothe you.
"But unlike that kitten, I can bite," you reply sharply.
"I know you can..." he hums in the hollow of your ear. "Y/N."
This memory was a moment of pure happiness that you experienced in the Garden of Eden before you were forced into exile. This name you chose with Adam was the beginning of your independence from the gods. You had never accepted the principle of being subject to a man and Adam always supported you in this choice. But the gods did not like this and in response you abandoned the name they gave you at your creation. Perhaps this is why Eve was created from Adam's rib? To prevent her from becoming like you.
"Y/N. Call me that," you proudly announce.
The gods of your creation frown but do not protest. They hope that you will perish against one of their own and that your soul will disintegrate in space and time.
Adam had slipped out of the room where he was locked up. When he learned of your presence here, he did not expect you to fight for the humans. The children he had with another woman. He snuck into the bleachers to get a better look at your figure. A sense of nostalgia stirs in his heart as he sees that you haven't changed in all this time. You stand with dignity, your weapon in hand. You are strong and independent, you have become the woman you always dreamed of. A woman you could not have become if you were in his company because...everyone wants his wife to be submissive to him.
Adam does not regret his married life with Eve, he enjoys it too. But he has enjoyed the life he has lived with you. He believes in your victory. He wants you to win. He does not want to witness your complete disappearance from the universe without any chance of reincarnation. Your first separation has already split his heart in two, Adam does not want to experience this intense pain a second time.
You swing your divine spear with one hand, deflecting your opponent's first blow. The strength in this attack was not worthy of a god, was he testing your abilities? Your eyes meet. The victorious and arrogant smile on the god's face already irritates you. He underestimated you because you are a human AND a woman. His leg comes to sweep over yours but you manage to dodge by gaining height. You position your spear, blade towards the ground to pierce his skull. The god quickly dodges in a backward leap, leaving you to land on the ground, puncturing the concrete floor which cracks under the impact.
Your exchange of blows lasts for a while. Or should we say: the god throws blows at you that you deflect with your spear. But suddenly, his paterne changes. The force that the god uses becomes more powerful. His leg comes to meet your stomach. You prevent the blow from reaching your skin by placing your spear between your stomach and his leg. Unfortunately, the attack sends you flying a few metres away. You manage to land with difficulty and before you can regain a stable footing, the god launches himself at you. You are forced to fall to the side in a roll to narrowly dodge the punch. Your cheek begins to bleed.
"Mother!" your distraught son shouts.
"Commander! Get up!" your soldiers shout to encourage you.
You let out a breath, your muscles relax, making your movements more fluid and lively. Your eyes fall on the figure of your opponent. The aura around you changes completely, causing the small smile on the god's face to disappear. Your hands grip the spear and your feet anchor themselves to the ground to give you a good foothold.
"Answer my question before we resume this fight. Why are you fighting for the humans?" the god asks.
"Do I need a reason to fight? The gods have forced me to be submissive and men have clothed me in a veil of monstrous lies. It's like choosing between the plague and cholera," you explain. "But I had to choose and I chose my ex-husband's children.
The humans observing the exchange begin to stir, either out of guilt or because they were moved by your story. Humans get teary-eyed easily, you think. But you can't help but find this side of them very touching. Perhaps it was a good thing that Eve was the Mother of humanity?
"Humans have the will to survive and a strength that allows them to constantly evolve. This is a strength that the gods can never possess," you say with contempt.
Your hatred for the gods is much stronger than your hatred for humans. On your words, the fight resumes. You manage to follow your opponent's movements. Like Adam, you were forged from clay in the image of the gods. You are Adam's equal, you have the same ability as him to copy the techniques you see. Your movements remind the gods of Athena. You had copied the movements of this goddess a long time ago.
Your body and that of your opponent are covered in blood. You are bleeding from the wounds inflicted on you, but you were able to avenge yourself by seriously injuring your opponent as well.
Adam clenches his lips into a thin line, his fingernails digging into the palms of his hands but he still believes in your victory. You must win. You can't give him up a second time...you can't.
"They've created a second wife for you," you scream indignantly.
"You're the only one for me," Adam admits in an attempt to calm your nerves. He can't bear to see you cry.
"It's only a matter of time before the gods kick me out of the Garden of Eden! I don't understand their desire to have me submit to male authority! Do goddesses submit to male deities?" you growl in frustration. The anger was so strong that you can't hold back the tears.
"If they chase you away then I'll go with you," Adam announces, interlacing your fingers together.
A soft warmth spreads through your chest as a gasp of surprise passes through your lips. A slight blush marks your cheeks as you look away from your husband. You can't help but enjoy the tender feeling. Adam wraps his muscular arms around you in a soothing embrace. His scent calms your restless nerves.
"Spend the night with me tonight," you whisper.
"We always sleep together," he says, tilting his head to the side, not understanding the meaning of your words.
"Adam..." you gasp shyly. It almost sounded like a soft moan.
His blue eyes widen slightly as the implied request is processed by his brain. A teasing smile spreads across his face as he leans in to your blushing ear to whisper provocative words.
That was the last evening you spent in his company before the gods kidnapped you and threw you away from the Garden of Eden. You never tried to return to that place, you knew it wasn't possible. So you did your best to survive. You were able to thrive and enjoy your newfound independence.
That night Adam gave you a gift, your son: Eurynome. A child identical to his father, who grew up with you as his only role model. He has become an independent young man capable of leading an army. But he remains a child... a child afraid to be alone without the reassuring presence of his mother.
It is impossible to understand the pain of losing a parent when you have not experienced it. No one could understand a tenth of the pain of Eurynome's scream as the god's fist plunges into your chest.
Your eyes crinkle under the sudden fatigue your body feels. Your right hand struggles to hold the spear. The humans weep in despair as the gods celebrate the downfall of Lilith, the woman who did not obey divine orders.
Nausea takes hold of Adam's body. All that blood, your blood spilling on the floor. Will you die? Disappear forever...you don't even know that he witnessed your fight. You will never know that he missed you terribly. You will never know that he wanted to feel your warmth in his arms again and whisper those three words to you.
Your eyes linger on your son's tear-streaked face. A peaceful smile appears on your lips. A fire of determination shines in your eyes. Your hand tightens around the spear and you slice the god's jugular before collapsing to your knees. If you must die...then you will prevent the gods from achieving a victory as well.
Your eyes slowly close and your hearing becomes increasingly blurred. The voices are now just an indistinguishable din.
Adam could only watch as your body and the god's dematerialize into a smoke of green glitter. His legs move towards the battlefield as if trying to retrieve the flakes that represent your soul dissolving into space. But your son's crying snaps him out of his trance. His eyes fall on a miniature version of himself.
Cain and Abel have some characteristics of their father but Eurynome is a carbon copy of Adam and you would have to be blind not to notice. Adam walks over to your son and takes him in his arms, sharing his pain. Adam fully understands the tug of war that Eurynome feels.
That night Adam gave you a gift, your son. Today, this gift will show the world that you existed. That you are not like your legends.
You are an independent woman, a mother and Adam's wife.
"Adam," you call to your husband, who is perched on a tree branch.
"Yes?" he hums, keeping his eyes closed.
"Don't you think I'm strange?" you finally question him. "Do you think I owe you obedience too?
Silence passes between the two of you. A pain assails your heart at this lack of response and you instantly regret having asked him the question. The disappointment was much stronger than you had thought. You look up abruptly when you hear a thud only a few feet away. Adam had just jumped from his branch. His back was to you. He turns towards you, his face devoid of emotion. He encircles your cheeks with his warm palms. His piercing blue eyes almost seem to probe your soul and you struggle to hold his gaze. But your desire to know the answer prevents you from looking away.
"We are husband and wife, I accept you as you are. Don't change for the world, for anyone," Adam says with conviction.
"So...you love me like this?" you ask aloud, wanting to sound confident.
Adam looks at you slightly surprised at this sudden question. He hums softly before leaning in to kiss your forehead. The smile he flashes makes your heart race.
"I love you," he says.
"I love you too..." you admit after a few moments.
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starlightxsvt · 3 years
3 dates | epilogue
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pairing ➳ badboy!Seungcheol x female!reader
genre ➳ badboy au, romance, some fluff, angst, bad attempt at humour, gets spicy at the end.
word count ➳ 3.5k (total 15.6k)
warnings ➳ cursing, mentions of killing, mentions criminal activities, slight violence(non explicit), smoking, ma man Seungcheol ain't your typical badboy, blackmailing, reader does all sorts of risky things cuz she's a SIMP, blood(nothing explicit), kissing, marking, some breast worshipping, grinding, reader is horny lol. (Please lemme know if I forgot anything.)
a/n : here's the epilogue to 3 dates since tumb1r won't let me post the whole fic in one post :) Enjoy!
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Part 1
As time progresses and days turn into weeks and then into months you are not left with the luxury to cry over Seungcheol. Instead you are bombarded with assignments and projects from your uni and you drown yourself completely in work to forget the scathing pain. Katelyn figured out something is wrong with you and even though talking about that man pains you too much, you told her that you are done with him and you won't be seeing him again in this lifetime. Katelyn did not ask any questions after that as you said you needed time to heal, time to forget even though you have serious doubts he'd ever leave your mind.
You have also applied for an internship to keep you even busier so that when you return home you are too tired to let the thoughts of him plague your mind as you drift off to sleep. And just like that, you have developed a routine, work, eat and sleep, trying your best to allow yourself to not think about him.
Despite that sometimes, some very few times, you think of him, wonder how he's doing, wonder if he's safe. You ponder if he thinks of you, if he regrets his decision but you don't have any answer. You simply hope he does.
After another day full of assignments and projects you almost doze off to sleep as soon as you hit your bed until you are intruded by the loud ringing of your phone. Annoyed, you reach for it, wondering who would be calling so late.
The caller ID has your heart doing a backflip, the name you were unable to delete from your heart and your phone flashing on the screen as you instantly sit up in your bed. It's Seungcheol.
Why is he calling so late?
You wait a few seconds, scared to pick up, scared that he might have called accidentally. But before you lose your chance, you inhale deeply and pick the call up. "Hello?" You speak, your voice tentative.The silence from the other end makes your heart fall and your suspicion come true. He called you accidentally and now he will realize it and hang up. You're about to speak again when his voice floats through.
The emotions you feel are overwhelming, undescribable. You're relieved, you're sad, you're excited, you want to cry and scream at the same time. That one word from him has you feeling tingles all over and makes you feel like you just did a hundred laps. Anyhow you manage to speak. "Hey." Your voice almost cracks and tears almost slip past your cheeks. You don't know why you are so emotional. "I just...I just wanted to hear your voice." He sounds so tired...so dejected and your heart breaks. Never in your life did you imagine him to call and say those words to you but instead of feeling happy, a current of melancholy hits you.
Why does he sound so broken?
"Seungcheol? Is...is everything alright?" Your voice is feather like, soft and careful. You hear him sigh loudly and you get your answer. Instead of replying to you, he asks, "How have you been?"
"I'm...fine," you lie. You have been nowhere near fine. He hums noncommittally and you're about to ask him the same question before you realize how dumb it would be. If his voice is any indication he is anything but fine. "____?" He calls your name softly. "Y-yes?" You whisper.
He stays silent, for so long that you think he hung up. "I- I just...can I see you?" He seems to have a hard time gathering his words.
What? You lurch out of bed pushing your covers aside in excitement, trying to prevent a gasp out of your lips. Did you even hear correctly? He wants to see you?
"Wha... what do you mean?" You mumble. You hear him sigh loudly, "I...I am in front of your apartment. Just come down for a minute." You don't need to hear any more words as you are dashing towards your front door in your pajamas, not disconnecting the call. You take the elevator and come out of the building as fast as possible, bumping into things in your way but not giving a care. You feet stops as you stand in front of the entrance to your building, eyes searching wildly for Seungcheol. "Stay there," his voice comes through the phone, just as you spot him standing on the opposite to your building, decently far but not far enough that you can't see.
A horrified gasp leaves your mouth as your eyes finally land on him.
He stands there, bruised, his beautiful face marred with scratches and wounds, his clothes having patches of dirt and if you are seeing correctly his left arm is bleeding as he holds the phone next to his ear with the other.
"Seungcheol-" you're about to rush towards him. "Don't move." He cuts you off, looking you in the eye. Even from afar you don't miss the dark, commanding gaze of him. "Just...just stay there. Just...let me look at you."
No- why is he doing this?
Tears slip down your cheeks, "Seungcheol-" You are interrupted once more, "Please. I- I missed you and...I needed to see you. Just let me hear your voice and look at you like this." His voice almost cracks and you can see the emotion in his eyes.
Your heart breaks.
Why does he keep doing this? Why does he keep pushing you away? Why does he torment himself like this?
You stand there, rooted to the ground, quiet sobs leaving your mouth. He comes here all bruised and wounded and expects you to stay away? How can you when you can clearly see him in pain?
You grip the phone tighter, watching him as he stands there, not moving an inch. His eyes never leaves you as he drinks you in, like this is the last time he's gonna look at you. You can't stand it anymore. Hanging up the phone you run towards him, as fast as your nimble legs can carry you. You can't stay away, you just can't. Not when he looks so hurt and lost and lonely.
Your body smashes against his as you wrap your arms tightly around his torso, your head buried in his chest. He stumbles back from the force and for a while he stays unmoved and you hold your breath, half expecting him to shove you away. But he doesn't. Instead he pulls you firmly against him resting your head on his chest while burying his face in your hair.
The tears come naturally. Loud, ungraceful sobs emerge from you as you cling to him like your life depends on it, your grip on him unyielding. Seungcheol softly pets your hair as your cries fill the silence of the cold night. You pull back just a little to look at his face and you want to once more. There's a cut above his brow and some bruises on his cheek and nose and another cut on his lower lip. But you can't bring yourself to care as you lean above to press your lips against his. You don't dare hold back, kissing him like the world is about to end. Seungcheol reciprocates, tilting your head for better access as his tongue prods into your mouth and you taste the metallic flavour of blood. The kiss is messy, all teeth and tongue, an outpour of the bottled up feelings of the last couple months.
You both take a lungful of air when you pull back and you're about to dive in for more when you realize his arm is injured. "Wha- how did this happen?" You hiccup, wiping away your tears as you gently reach for his bleeding arm. His clothes are torn at the part of the wound and from what you can see, it looks like a knife injury, a thin, slanted cut on his upper arm as if someone slashed him. "It's nothing," he says trying to push your hand away.
"It's not nothing, Seungcheol!" You're yelling before you know it. It's the exasperation, the accumulated frustration over the days that makes you snap.
Seungcheol seems to be shocked at your outburst as he blinks at you, an astonished look on his face. He's kind enough to reply honestly this time. "Got into a fight. I was outnumbered. It's okay, it's nothing serious, I've had worse," his voice is small, almost timid which is definitely unlike him.
Of course he has had worse.
You let out a tired breath. "Come on, you're bleeding. Let me help you." You wrap a hand around his uninjured arm, tugging him towards your apartment.
"No, you don't have to-" he protests but you pin him down with a look. "Please," you speak, your voice low. "I can't let you go like this. Just let me clean your wound." Seungcheol presses his lips into a thin line as if trying to prevent himself from speaking further. When no more words leave his mouth, you drag him into your building in silence.
Entering your unit you help Seungcheol sit down in your small living space as you quickly pad towards the bathroom for the first aid kit. When you return you find him looking around your place with a curious glow in his eyes similar to a child's. As your eyes meet, he sits up straighter and tries to remove his jacket. You aid him in the process, discarding the material on the floor as you take a seat next to him, the first aid kit in your lap.
Thankfully he's wearing a tank top as it gives you easy access to his biceps. You would have stopped to admire and ogle them if he wasn't hurt, which he is and you mentally smack yourself for having such thoughts right now. Seungcheol's eyes does not leave your face as he silently gazes at you and if you didn't know any better you would say he looked at you fondly.
Swallowing, you sanitize your hands before proceeding to clean his wound. Seungcheol tenses beside you, low, pained grunts leaving his lips a few times as you disinfect the cut. But he says nothing, letting you do the work and you don't speak either focused on the task at hand. You then do the same for his face and finish your work by wrapping a bandage around his bicep and sitting back, exhaling a satisfied sigh. Unintentionally your eyes connect to his and you find his scorching gaze on you, those mesmerising eyes almost piercing through your soul. Feeling self aware, you abruptly stand up, coughing to clear your throat. "You should take a shower. I have some extra clothes for my parents when they come over. My dad's clothes should fit you."
"No, it's alright. I should leave." He murmurs. "You're already here. Might as well take a shower. There's no rush," you say sternly, trying to make him agree.
Truth is you want him to stay, at least the night.
Seungcheol sits quietly for a while as if contemplating before surrendering with a sigh. "Okay." "Good. The bathroom's this way," you point towards the attached bath in your room and Seungcheol mutely follows. You offer him a towel and you dad's pajamas, hoping they'd do the job for tonight as he closes the door behind him.
As silence fill the apartment, you quietly return to your bed and sit, anxiously chewing on your lower lip. The digital clock beside your bed reads 2:50 am but your sleep is long gone.
Choi Seungcheol is here. In your house.
Will he spend the night? Or will he be his stubborn self and leave as soon as he is out? And if he does stay, will you see him in morning? Or will he be gone before the sun is up? The thoughts running rampant in your mind gives you a headache as you groan, rubbing your temples. You are sure Seungcheol feels something for you, he has to. Otherwise why would he come to you in the middle of the night? If only he told you his feelings, spilled his heart out to you rather than hiding and pushing you away. He just needs to bare himself to you, tell you what is in his heart. Why can't he do that? Why can't he just give the two of you a chance?
Your thoughts are interrupted as Seungcheol steps out the bathroom, half naked, the pajama pants hanging low on his hips as his muscled body is displayed in all its glory, making your throat dry. He looks at you before quickly looking away as an air awkwardness and tension fills the room. You hold your breath, watching him intently, not moving a single muscle as he tentatively takes a seat at the corner of your bed while wiping his wet hair with the towel hanging around his neck.
You want to tell him to stay the night, the words right on the tip of your tongue but you're terrified that it will just make him walk out here immediately. So instead you watch him with bated breath, waiting for his next move, waiting for him to say something, anything that will put an end to this deafening silence.
Seungcheol takes mercy on you.
"Thank you," he says, voice barely audible. You don't know what he's thanking you for you reply anyway. "Welcome. Though I don't know what you are thanking me for." Seungcheol remains silent for a few beats, his eyes focused on the floor before replying. "For everything. I have a lot to thank you for."
You nod mutely, unable to figure out a reply. Another wave of silence settles in the atmosphere like a blanket. You take this time to appreciate his beautiful profile, engraving his features in your mind. The moonlight coming from your window falls on his face partially, illuminating his sculpted lineaments. You get to admire his beauty once more as he sits there but the look on his face tugs at your heartstrings. He looks troubled and in pain, the natural glow of his face somewhat dim. You wonder how the past couple of months have treated him. You wonder how life has been treating him, if he had someone to go to, someone to share his worries with all this time.
"Do you still like me?" His words make your eyes widen as it the last thing you expected to come from him. "You wouldn't be here if I didn't," your words come out harsher than you intended making you regret instantly. Perhaps the pain you have suffered for a while is coming out finally. However, seeing his silence, you reply once more, voice much softer this time, "Of course I still like you, Seungcheol. I have...I have never liked anyone or anything as much as you."
It's an understatement. What you feel for him is love but you would rather keep that to yourself.
"Why?" Seungcheol's voice comes out as a croak as his eyes connect to yours. For the first time, you see so much emotion in them and maybe, maybe even some unshed tears, though you can't be sure because the light is not sufficient right now. Your throat closes up for some reason as your eyes mirror the emotions in his and you desperately try to think, try to give him a reply that he deserves.
"You are very easy to like," you say lamely. Your reply is insufficient but that's all you can manage without starting to bawl like a child. A humourless laugh comes out of Seungcheol and echoes through the otherwise quiet room. "I doubt that," he says, his voice deep. "It's true Seungcheol," you repeat, voice firm.
A mirthless grin settles on his face and you know he isn't buying your words. Swallowing, you carefully, too carefully, scoot towards him and sit down, maintaining a little space between the the two of you. "I don't understand why you hold such negative thoughts about yourself but believe me Seungcheol, it's hard not to fall in love with you."
Your slip-up causes your eyes to widen, face drowning in embarrassment as you realize you just said the L word. Seungcheol, however, does not react to it but turns his head to study your face and the pain and sentiment in his eyes, his passionate gaze on you makes you forget human language. You've never seen nor imagined Seungcheol to be so full of ardor and pain and now that you have, you don't know what to do. You just want to cling to him and cry like a child.
"Can't you see how fucked up I am? What and awful person I am, ____? Someone like me deserves noth-" Unable to hold yourself back you interrupt him by cupping both of his cheeks and pressing your lips to his. You kiss him softly, carefully, trying to gauge his feelings while trying not to push him too hard. Seungcheol stays immobilised, letting you kiss him like that. When you pull back, his eyes are closed and he rests his forehead against yours. "You are just fine, Seungcheol. I like you just the way you are. Don't...beat yourself up like this, hmm?" Your voice is just above a whisper as you tilt his head to meet his eyes. Seungcheol stares quietly at you for a while before suddenly pushing you back and caging you underneath his large body. A squeak of surprise leaves your lips as Seungcheol wastes no time wrapping himself around you while attaching his lips to yours.
This time the kiss is not soft, it is full of passion and vigour and longing as Seungcheol takes the reign. Your lips mold perfectly against each other and Seungcheol does not hold back, kissing you like a starved man; all teeth and tongue. He pulls back for a while, supporting himself on his elbows as you looks at you while you try to catch your breath underneath him. His hand comes to stroke your hair gently, like a lover and your eyes burn at his tenderness.
"Is there still a place for me in your heart?" He asks, a hopeful note in his voice. His words leave you breathless as you gape at him in suprise, you mouth open slightly. Seungcheol looks at you look longingly as he waits for your answer, which comes easily, without a second thought.
"Of course, Seungcheol. I...I love you."
This time it is his turn to be surprised as his pupils dilate and a soft gasp of surprise escapes from him. Swallowing, you hold his gaze, waiting for his next words but they never come. Instead, the man attacks your lips with renewed fervour while slotting a muscular thigh between your legs. As his toned thigh brushes against your core a wanton moan leaves your mouth and you wrap your legs around his waist. You can feel Seungcheol smirk against your skin while he kisses a path down from jaw towards your neck, taking his sweet time to plant some love bites along the way while you gasp and writhe underneath him. Soon he reaches the valley of your breasts and with skilled fingers he does a quick work of the buttons of your night shirt. His heated gaze remains on your now bare breasts and you can feel your nipples harden in the chill air of the room before he leans down to plant soft kisses all over them. While he does so you continue to grind your core against his leg, desperate for some friction which he is denying you. His assault on your neck and breasts don't stop as he remains focused in marking you, blooming kisses of red and purple on your skin.
"I missed you," His voice comes out as throaty whisper while he keeps his lips attached to your heated skin. "Me too," you choke between moans as his ministrations on your body leaves you aching all over for him.
He pulls back to meet your gaze, "I want you. I... always have and I've been hiding it. But I can't anymore."
"Take me then, Seungcheol," It isn't the most romantic thing to say but that is all your lust clouded brain can manage as you keep grinding yourself against him. You feel his hard on poke your belly and unlike your lover, you really can't wait anymore. You need him now.
Seungcheol keeps looking at you, too busy studying your features rather than doing something about the wetness between your legs and you're about to tell him to do something when he speaks, "I love you, ____. I'm sorry for the hurt I've caused you. Let me make it up to you."
Great. Now you're horny and emotional.
His confession brings tears to your eyes but your neediness is growing so you pull his face down closer to yours and whisper, "You can start doing that by making me cum. And then you can stay. With me. Forever. How about that?" A mischievous grin kisses his face, "I'd love that sweetheart."
You grin in happiness not wasting anymore time as you reconnect your lips with his.
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a/n 2: Whew~ a whopping 15k+! I can't believe I wrote something this huge. But it was well worth it! I just hate this damn app like I don't understand?? I've seen ppl post fics with 40k+ words yet tumb1r says I've reached 250 blocks like what?? Anyhow, I really really hope you enjoyed reading this baby cuz I've been working on it for soooo long! If you did please reblog and share as always your feedbacks are highly appreciated so please leave them in the comments or my ask box!
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thedoubteriswise · 4 years
okay so. I am a smart adult with many important responsibilities. I have good taste and care about things that matter. for this reason, I’ve been trying to identify where in cql canon wangxian manage to fuck.
because they definitely do; I like a good post-canon getting together fic as much as the next guy, but it’s just not realistic.
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allow them. it’s already been so long.
(just like this goddamn post turned out to be, let’s do a cut)
right. so initially it looks like you could place this right after the time skip in episode 33, because it shows us that wwx is with lwj in cloud recesses. we know that he spent the night in the jingshi because he wakes up there the next morning before he goes for a nostalgic tour of his old school.
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and also visits the cold spring, where lwj is mostly naked. nice.
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but wait! wwx is surprised by the scars on his back and chest. that seems like something he would have known about if they’d already been naked together the night before, so I’m going to say they did not fuck immediately upon wwx’s return to cloud recesses. okay, fine, they’re taking things slow, that’s cool.
maybe they could work it into the next night, then. oh wait, lqr is injured and... staying in the jingshi? for reasons?
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I don’t know why. he must have his own house in cloud recesses, and it’s probably at least as comfortable as lwj’s, but here he is. he lives to stop his nephew from getting laid, I guess.
the next day they do some Q&A with the kids and determine that they need to head to qinghe to figure out what’s going on with this sword thing. great! we love a romantic road trip, plenty of alone time. but they also have to do their jobs, and then jin ling needs to get rescued from a wall of dirt, and jc is unfortunately there being himself, and then they have to grill nhs about his tomb full of angry sabers, etc. etc.
with all that going on, their next obvious chance is at the inn immediately after interviewing nhs. this evening has already included:
wwx gazing lovingly at lwj from afar
lwj carrying wwx on his back
lwj pawing at wwx’s robes trying to deal with his cursed leg
lwj helping wwx up the stairs, serving him wine, fixing his flute, and generally being at his beck and call
a very sexy and homoerotic duet
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and now they’re alone and drooling over each other as usual. this seems like a plausible spot, right?
it does! but no. after they go back to the nie basement o’ swords and hear the backstory on nmj’s death, we see them walking in yueyang and lwj asks wwx how the curse mark on his leg is doing. wwx says it’s almost healed, which may or may not be a lie, but his inner monologue says:
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he’s more concerned about the wound on his arm from the sacrificing curse, which lwj doesn’t know about, because wwx won’t tell him and they still haven’t been naked together.
also, this silly teenage shit doesn’t make much sense unless they’re still dancing around each other.
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you guys love the sound of opportunities as they go flying past, don’t you?
right after this, lwj gets drunk. I’m aware that Stuff Happens in the novel scene that inspired this bit, and they do incorporate some of that into the show by having lwj commit petty larceny and admit that he “likes rabbits” as part of the softest and most loving conversation in human history oh my god
but lwj goes to sleep right on time, and the next morning, wwx is laughing and reassuring him that nothing happened.
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after this, it’s time to go on a fucked up field trip with the kids in yi city, so they don’t really have any time alone for a few episodes until they’ve finished that and everyone is back at yet another inn. I wonder if they learned something about wasted chances and poor communication from this miserable songxiao story?
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maybe! look, they’re being cute and domestic. there are currently no material barriers preventing them from having sex, nor will there be any specific evidence later on proving that they didn’t.
but they’re still firmly in mystery-solving mode and the juniors and lxc are floating around. the vibe isn’t quite there. if I were to pick the most solid reason why I think they’re saving room for jesus at this point, it would be the tension that happens when wwx again asks how lwj recognized him. lwj asks why his memory is so bad, and wwx replies that he wishes he had a bad memory. even though they’re comfortable and happy being together, there’s still some fundamental distance remaining. there’s no sense of romantic resolution. that was actually a point against all their previous opportunities as well; they’re all very sweet, but none of these feel like the place in a story where the romantic leads Officially Get Together.
okay, off to koi tower! shit is getting extremely real. everyone’s busy insinuating that they recognize wwx, but no one is saying it explicitly. wwx isn’t supposed to be here. the guy he’s pretending to be also isn’t supposed to be here. he and his boyfriend and his boyfriend’s brother are trying to figure out if his boyfriend’s brother’s boyfriend is a murderer. no one is comfortable and the political intrigue leaves no time for fucking in front of anyone’s salad.
I guess there’s plenty of time to make dozens of armed guards and like half the people they know wait while they have a romantic moment, though.
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could they be more in love? And that sure feels like a romantic resolution that might be followed by narratively-earned sex.
ah. no, unfortunately wwx gets stabbed again. this certainly sucks, but it does have the helpful consequence of making lwj take him back to cloud recesses, where they are mostly alone and as safe as they can be in the circumstances. now there’s even more tenderness and also some plot-justified touching and skin exposure. plus, lwj just made a very public declaration of love.
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too bad wwx has probably been unconscious since he started coughing up blood in the forest near lanling. he’s also still visibly in pain. fresh abdominal wounds tend to kill the mood.
but hey, the injuries on this show are only as serious as they need to be to move the plot forward and facilitate gentle h/c scenes, so by evening he’s looking perfectly healthy and walking around under his own steam like nothing’s wrong. I guess that problem can be ignored moving forward.
lxc then offers the the most devastating highlights of lwj’s backstory, like, all at once. it’s nice that he includes a flute solo to give wwx a second to process this mountain of terrible information. what the fuck.
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there he is! the most devoted man in the whole world! turns out they can actually be more in love after all.
and then the following scene... look, I’m lazy and I don’t know how to make gifs, but screenshots cannot properly convey how good it is. you all know. the hesitant way wwx approaches, the slow and gentle piano version of wangxian, the two of them watching the snow together, it’s. ugh.
remember how I was talking about how the last scene with no material barriers was an unlikely candidate because of the lack of romantic resolution?
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well, here’s wwx still being cagey at the beginning of this conversation.
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and here they are in the middle of this conversation, having some epiphanies about the course of wwx’s life - I love this shot for a lot of reasons, but I extra love it because it shows wwx out in the snow, with lwj as the safety and warmth waiting behind him, god this show goes hard, holy shit
they both recall their vow to live with a clean conscience and internally say some very corny things about each other because they are both So Much, and then,
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ah, what the hell. he can say it out loud after all. romantic resolution accomplished.
and then the camera slowly pulls away as wuji plays.
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a slow zoom out? swelling music? listen, I am a connoisseur, I know a tasteful fade-to-black indicating a sex scene that won’t happen on camera when I see one. at last, we have a winner!
now you may think this post is finally over, but I actually have one more piece of evidence for you - the next scene shows the two of them the morning after, meditating behind a screen in the hanshi while lxc is waiting for jgy to show up.
before wwx got de-cored, he was a pretty powerful cultivator, right? the chances that he’s just bad at meditating or that he can’t stay focused on this task seem slim to me. so why does he keep falling asleep?
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well. he had kind of a late night.
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darthzero22 · 3 years
Taking care of you
Crosshair x Neutral Reader 
In the mission you ended up with a shot in the right foot, nothing serious, but it was hard to walk. All day you were mostly sitting and hoped that the next day your foot would be better.
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You woke up an hour before the time everyone usually wakes up, you confirmed it with your holopad that you had on a metal box next to your bed because you were using it as a nightstand. The first thing that came with waking up was the little stabbing pain in your foot, and you were already cursing it in your head. The worst thing is that because of the position in which you slept, in order to make your foot as comfortable as possible, your right leg fell asleep causing you to barely move it. You definitely started the day in the best possible way, and that was sarcasm.
Well, there was one good thing about your horrible awakening and that was to see Crosshair sleeping next to you, and he looked so peaceful that it was a great comfort to you. He was lying on his side, facing you, and so you could see his face in more detail. You weren't going to wake him up, of course not. In those moments you thought about how damn attractive he was and you gently caress his face.
Thanks to one of those caresses Crosshair begins to move a little, as if he was waking up, in fact he first mumbles in his sleep and then wrinkles his nose. In spite of that he doesn't wake up, he was still sleeping, and maybe it was because the little caresses that you were giving him were relaxing for him.
You straighten your back, then hiss when you feel pain in your foot again, as you moved your leg a little in an attempt to wake it up. At least the pain was bearable, unlike yesterday. You wanted to get up to reach your datapad that you clumsily left on the table last night, and you were about to move out of bed. Unfortunately your foot didn't cooperate at all and so when you put it against the floor, the pain got worse and this time you didn't hiss, you groaned. You tried to be as quiet as possible, but Crosshair heard you and that's why he woke up.
“What…?” he sees you sitting with your injured foot on top of the bed and a grimace of pain on your face. “Y/N”
Crosshair had straightened his back to stand next to you and see you better. You could tell by the look on your face that your foot was making your morning difficult, and so he moves closer to you to rest his hand on your right leg and start stroking it in an attempt to reassure you.
“Hey, Cross… I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you”
“That doesn't matter now.  What did you do now?”
“I was clumsy and... I put my foot on the floor”
Crosshair sighs, he was going to tell you something, but first he gives you a kiss on your temple, something that relaxes you more.
“Even with an injured foot you are still stubborn”, he said.
“Well, I guess I learned that from this squad” you laugh lightly and close your eyes tightly from the pain. “The worst thing... is that my leg fell asleep, I can't feel it completely”
“Is that so?” he squeezes your right thigh in a gently way.
“I barely felt that, so yeah.... My leg is numb. I just need to lose a toe and with that I will win a bad luck award”
What you said made Crosshair laugh without opening his mouth, but then he shakes his head slightly.
“I know I exaggerated a little…” you start to say.
“Just a little?”
“It's just... I know I was a little clumsy on the mission, but I think I got the message when I got shot in the foot by a damn droid”
You sigh and lean to the side to lean on Crosshair, specifically your head on his shoulder. You rub your face against it a little, as if you were a cat giving affection.
“And I know Tech said it would take a few days for my foot to recover...”
“All the more reason for you not to be stubborn. If you want to go back to doing the missions, worry about your foot”
“I know… Are you upset because I woke you up?”
“No, I'm not. I'm worried actually”
“Sorry for worrying you then”
“That's what I get for loving you” he rests his chin on your head.
“And that's bad for you, right?” you joked and then smile.
“Well, you said it, not me”
You knew he was playing along with your joke, so you give him a gentle tap on his chest.
“Now seriously speaking, I don't want to be a nuisance to anyone, least of all you”
“Don’t start”
“I want to start trying to walk and not sit in a chair all the time. Yesterday I didn't do anything useful for the team, but today I want to do at least something”
“Are you serious? You got the shot yesterday, Y/N. If you don't want to rest for you, fine, but do it for me then”
You'd do anything for Crosshair, so you pull away from his shoulder and look at him to nod your head. He squeezes your right thigh again and this time you did feel it, so it meant that your leg was no longer numb.
“Oh, I felt that” you said.
“That's progress”
“And now comes the tingling in the leg.... Damn it!”
You look sideways at Crosshair and see that he had a smirk on his face.
“Don't make fun of me!”
“Me? I would never do that” he said, acting a voice of indignation.
“Oh, right. I totally believe you, dummy” you said with sarcasm, and with affection. “You know what's even funnier? I have to go to the bathroom”
Crosshair's smile disappeared when he heard you say that and now you're the one smiling.
“That means...”
“I need help to get there, your help” you rest your index finger on his chest and then bring it up to give him a playful poke on the nose with it.
Crosshair wrinkles his nose and then sighs in annoyance, then you see him get off the bed.
“Let's do it quickly” he said, and he offers you both hands to help you up.
“Oh, I'll take my time” you put a smirk.
“Why did I open my mouth?”
You grab his hands and with his help you get up from the bed, avoiding placing your right foot on the floor at first, and once you are standing you slowly place it on the floor. You hiss a little, but it was a slight pain thankfully. Now leaning on him, you walk to the bathroom and manage to get there without a problem. He waits for you outside, hoping nothing happens to you inside.
“Everything all right in there?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine”
You take a few moments in the bathroom and when you're done you open the door, but you gently rest a hand on Crosshair's chest to stop him when he tried to help you.
“I want to try, Cross”
Crosshair, unsure, nods his head and lets you walk alone to the room, but he followed closely behind in case you stumbled or lost your balance. Since the ship used to be a mess at times, you trip over a small box, but Crosshair caught you just in time, and he was never so fast in his life.
“Wow! Where did that box come from?” you asked with your two hands on his chest, since you were so close to his body.  
“I don’t know. But I'm going to kill Wrecker. I told him to clean up this mess” he had one hand on your back and the other on your waist.
“You know he doesn't listen to you” you smile.
“Now he will listen to me”
“Hey, relax, Cross. Nothing happened to me and luckily I didn't hit my right foot”
“Are you sure you're okay?”
“I am now” you give him a kiss on the corner of his lips.
You slowly separate from him to start walking again and he follows close behind, now resting a hand on your back. As you sat up in your bed, you see Crosshair leave the room for a moment to return with what appeared to be an injection, it was the same type as the one Tech gave you to relieve your pain yesterday.
“Hey, are you sure… that's necessary?” you get a little nervous.
“Although you can walk decently, I'm not going to risk it. Tech told me to give you this in case I can see that your foot is giving you a lot of trouble”
“I… Fine, fine”
“Don't move”
Before you knew it, he gave you that injection and you complain because it hurt just a little. You knew that with that your pain would be more acceptable, and in a way you liked watching Crosshair take care of you. He was always so serious, so disinterested in most things that seeing him like that made you feel lucky to have him.
“See? It wasn't that bad” he said.
“Yeah… Actually, you were more careful than Tech”
“Because it's you”
You get out of bed, so Crosshair raises an eyebrow, and you move a little closer to hug him, resting your face on his shoulder.
“Did you get out of bed just to hug me?”
“Yes” you were smiling.
“It wasn't necessary"
“It is for me. I may have been unlucky yesterday and today in terms of my foot, but I'm actually very lucky and it's because I have you”
“You are more sentimental every day, or does this hug have another intention?”
“... No. What makes you think that?“
"I don't know, maybe because you have your hands resting on my ass?”
Indeed in the hug you had both your hands resting on Crosshair's butt.
“Hey, you did the same thing before when you caught me from falling to the floor. And you thought you were subtle” you said.
“Ha. Who said I wanted to be subtle?”
Crosshair's eyes widen for a moment when you give his ass a squeeze, and he clearly blushes. You break away with an amused smile and chuckle a little at the look on his face.
“I'm not subtle either" you said.
“Uh-huh. You are worse than me” he runs a hand over his butt, since you gave it a hard squeeze.
“I learned from the best"
You were about to sit on the bed again, but Crosshair stopped you by grabbing your waist and forces you closer to him to finally kiss you. You obviously reciprocate and rest your hands on his shoulders. Your foot luckily didn't hurt at all, so you continued kissing him, and you smile in the middle of the kiss when you feel his hands now resting on your butt.
“Never change, Cross” you told him after breaking away from the kiss.
“Very well. But don't regret saying that later” he smiles.
You laugh and kiss him again. When you break away from the kiss to catch your breath, you force Crosshair to lie on his back on the bed, and you climb on top of him so that you can kiss again, now with more passion.  
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dudeshusband · 2 years
Title: Why Does My Heart Skip a Crazy Beat?
Ship: Mike x Peter Ballard
Words: 1.6k
Description: Peter has developed a crush on one of the nurses.
Warnings: mentions of child abuse, general negativity
Wake up.
Go to breakfast.
Assist with lessons.
Eat again.
More lessons.
Peter knew the routine like he knew his own mind. He needed it. He hated it.
There was comfort in doing the same time day after day. It was certain, and perhaps in another place, it was safe.
Nothing was safe in Hawkins Laboratory.
He loathed the routine. He felt like he in a perpetual state of waiting. Waiting for what exactly he wasn't sure. For an escape? For the sweet release of death?
He didn't want to die, not really. No one ever did. Still, it would be a change. It would end the dullness of life.
Even the horrors had become dull. The severe punishments Dr. Brenner gave his experiments had become ordinary. Another slap, another shock, another lecture.
He had cried all his tears and pleaded all his words away. All there was left was complacency, and a deep hatred lurking beneath a pristine button up and boyish smile.
No, there was something else, something only Peter knew.
He had accompanied the children to the nurses many times so that their injuries could be tended to. He would wait in the room for no more time than it took the child to be carried to, or walked to the hospital bed. He would say what needed healing, then he would smile, and he would leave.
These days he found himself around the nurses more often. It had started with standing in the doorway just a bit too long. Then he smiled just a bit too genuinely. He found himself starting conversations. Then, he went out of his way to be near the nurses.
He was there now, watching them go about their work. There was no injured child in sight. They were thumbing through paperwork.
Peter had lost track of how long he had been staring for. He hoped that no one would notice: he wasn't in the mood to be tased today.
It felt like he already was. His heart was filled with electricity. Unlike the shocks to punish him, this feeling was good and he wanted it to last forever.
One of the nurses looked up from their paperwork. “Shouldn't you be in the rainbow room, Peter?”
He liked how they said his name.
“Oh, yes. I should be going.”
They smiled at him and he felt like his heart would take flight.
The thought of them eased the pain when he was tased later for missing his duties.
He saw them again at breakfast the next morning.
They always sat alone.
Peter felt almost sorry for them. He was too afraid to sit next to them. They couldn't possibly like him. No one ever liked him.
He had been standing in the middle of the cafeteria staring at them a bit too long. They had taken notice of him.
“Peter?” They called to him. “You can come sit with me.”
Peter looked around. He could pretend he hadn't heard them and sit somewhere else.
They were smiling at him. It was a small, polite smile but it made his insides turn to mush.
He supposed he might as well take advantage of any shred of happiness he could get in this horrid place.
“Mike,” he said cordially as he sat down.
“Are you alright?” they asked him.
“I heard from the noc shift nurse that you came in with electrical burns last night. You weren't punished too badly, were you?”
He managed a smile. “I'll be alright.”
“How are the lessons going?”
“As usual,” Peter said.
Mike leaned in closer. He could smell a hint of their shampoo.
“Between you and me, do you have a favorite one of the children?”
“It's not fair to pick favorites.”
“No,” Mike said. Barely above a whisper they added, “But Brenner does. Eleven.”
Peter smiled. Eleven was outcast in the group. She had struggled in most of her lessons but she showed potential. The others were often mean to her. There was something about her…He almost thought he saw himself in her.
“By the look on your face, I would guess Eleven is your favorite too.”
“She shows promise,” he said.
“Not as much as Two,” Mike said. “Two is the most capable.”
“What were you doing in the doorway yesterday?” Mike asked.
Peter’s heart skipped a beat.
“I needed to think.”
“Is the rainbow room that loud?”
“Objects are always moving in there. There's always a clang, or a clack, or a click.”
“You're always welcome at the nurses’ station, if you need to do any more thinking.”
Peter chuckled softly. “I think I will stick to my duties from now on.”
“I don't think I've ever heard you laugh,” Mike said. “It's nice.”
Peter felt his cheeks heat up. He cleared his throat. “I should go.”
“Of course,” Mike said quickly. “Have a good day.”
It was a pleasantry. There were no good days in the lab. Still, it lightened Peter’s heart to know that Mike would like him to have one.
Peter made his way into the rainbow room. The children had only just woken up and most of them were still half asleep.
Eleven was by the plinko as she usually was. She could never seem to get it quite right. He took a seat by her.
“Which number are you aiming for today?” he asked her.
“Five,” said Eleven.
“Any luck?” he asked.
Eleven frowned. “No.”
She looked up at him and gasped. “You are bright pink. Are you okay?”
Peter lifted a hand to his cheek. He was still blushing from his interaction with Mike.
“Yes, I'm alright,” he said.
“Do you know why you are pink?”
“Why?” Eleven asked.
“Return to your game,” was all Peter said.
He slipped out of the room and watched from behind the two-way mirror for most of the day.
Later, one of the younger children felt lightheaded. Peter found himself at the nurse’s station again.
“Hello, Peter,” Mike greeted pleasantly. “Hello, Ten.”
“Hello,” said Ten.
“He feels lightheaded,” said Peter.
Mike patted the hospital bed, “Have a seat.”
Peter watched them as they talked to Ten and tried to decide how best to remedy his lightheadedness.
They turned to him. “I have this handled. You can go now.”
Peter nodded and left.
He cursed himself on the way out. He was completely out of his element. He had never dated anyone before.
It was unlikely he would get the opportunity now. Even if Mike was interested, which was doubtful, there was no way this would be allowed. They would have to sneak around like lovesick teenagers. It was entirely absurd.
They'd have to brush hands in the hallways and steal kisses in closets. Every sweet nothing would be whispered in the other’s ear.
The more he let himself think about it, the less absurd it became. He wanted to love them.
He had not felt love in a very long time.
Would it be worth it to put his heart out there to be hurt?
He had become a shell of himself. Just existing. No powers, no true human connection.
Mike sat alone at meals.
Maybe they would understand him.
He caught them in the hallway just before lights out.
Without thinking, he grabbed their wrist. Their skin was soft to the touch.
Mike smiled at him. “Hi, Peter.”
He struggled to keep his legs from turning to jelly when they said his name.
Now that he was looking at them, he didn't know what he was going to say.
“May I ask you something?”
Mike nodded.
“Do you, do you like me?”
Mike laughed then said “Yes, of course I like you, silly.”
“You're always so nice to me,” Mike added. “I think you might be my only friend here.”
Peter couldn't stop a frown from forming on his face. “Friend?”
“Oh, I thought- well, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you wanted to be friends.”
Mike pulled away but he held his grip.
“No! You're the only person worth being friends with.”
“I don't know about that,” Mike said.
“I do,” Peter said firmly. “You're the only friend I want.”
Mike smiled.
“You're the only one I want,” Peter said.
Peter took a deep breath and asked, “Do you want to kiss me?”
“Is that an invitation to kiss you or are you literally asking that?”
“Kiss me.”
Mike looked around. “There are cameras watching.”
“Meet me in that closet over there.”
Mike did as they were told and the pair found themselves in the dark, crammed between full shelves.
“How long have you wanted to kiss me?” Mike asked him.
“I don't know,” he said. “Time is easy to lose in this place.”
“Let's not lose any more of it.”
Mike took Peter’s face in their hands and pressed a delicate kiss to his lips. They ran their fingers through his hair and made a mess of it.
Every one of their interactions had made his body buzz with electricity. Now that he was kissing them, all felt at peace. Everything stopped. Time. His thoughts. The world.
There was no rush.
He felt free.
“Don't stop,” he told them when they pulled away to breathe.
“Do you want me to die kissing you?” Mike asked him jokingly.
“Would it be so bad?”
“Yes,” Mike said. “I would never get to kiss you again.”
“You want to kiss me again?”
“I like you, Peter,” Mike said. “Very much.”
He took a moment, just to stare at them. How long the moment was, he didn't know and didn't care.
They kissed again, and for a moment, Peter felt as if he transcended time.
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Minerva isn't sure she can protect Remus Lupin any longer now a student has been injured the night of the full moon. Especially when Walburga Black is demanding repercussions for her son, after what was clearly a Werewolf attack. Sirius Black, however, tells a very different story.
Lupine Lawlessness
“This is outrageous!” Walburga Black immediately rounds on Minerva the moment the woman strides into the Hospital Wing, her voluminous robes billowing behind her.
Minerva notices Mrs Black barely spares her injured son in the bed a glance. She also notices how the boy slightly shrinks in on himself as he hears her voice. Then, Mrs Black is standing in front of her, and all her attention is directed at being on the receiving end of Walburga Black’s fury.
“I knew you and that old fool would be the ruin of this school. It’s one thing that the place is infested with Halfbloods and Mudbloods, but harbouring a Dark Creature?”
“Mrs Black,” Minerva says politely. “I understand this must be very distressing for you as a mother, and I’m very sorry indeed, but we are yet to establish what happened.”
“Do you take me for a fool?” Mrs Black spits. “That type of claw marks, on which Healing Magic has no effect, while yesterday was a full moon? It’s very clear what has attacked him, and that thing had no business being on school grounds.”
Minerva herself has put two and two together as well. It was easier for her, as she’s aware there’s a student infected with Lycanthropy attending Hogwarts. A student who also happens to have been a close friend of Sirius Black.
Oh, she had really thought they were going to pull it off. They had come so far. She had been sceptical at first. A Lycanthrope attending seven years of Hogwarts without any incidents, without anyone finding out? It appeared unlikely, but she had agreed to try. And then she met Remus Lupin, and she had been very glad she did so. The boy was sweet, modest, hardworking and clever, and he deserved to have a proper education, but also to be around peers, make friends, and have fun. Now, when she had really started to believe it was going to be alright, the worst had happened. A student had been attacked.
It’s not difficult to reason out what must’ve happened. Sirius Black must’ve seen his friend disappear into the tunnel below the Whomping Willow, and had decided to go after him, only to end up face-to-face with a full-grown werewolf.
Minerva’s first reaction had been relief. Relief that Sirius Black was going to be okay. Some nasty injuries that would leave some nasty scars, but no permanent damage, which is quite a miracle. It could’ve been much, much worse.
But relief had quickly been replaced with worry. While the headmaster and herself can get in serious trouble for allowing a Lycanthrope in the vicinity of children, her worry was mostly for Remus Lupin. The world is unfairly cruel to Lycanthropes. Graduated from Hogwarts, with his formidable grades and excellent recommendations from his teachers, the boy would’ve at least had a chance, but being expelled from Hogwarts... His only option might be The Werewolf Camps in the mountains, where Lycanthropes go if they have nowhere else to go, which, regrettably, is often. Stories about those camps make your stomach churn, and it’s not a place for a boy like Remus Lupin to be.
Sirius Black must surely know it was Remus Lupin who did this, and he has every right to be angry. School is supposed to be a safe place, not a place where an unsuspecting student can suddenly be mauled by a Werewolf. Minerva doesn’t know if, or how, she can protect Remus Lupin from the consequences.
“The House of Black is a highly esteemed family,” Mrs Black goes on. “A Black being attacked by such an inferior creature without any repercussions would be an insult to our family name. It’s already a great show of disrespect that you even allowed this to happen, and we do not tolerate disrespect.”
“I truly regret the situation,” Minerva says, hoping to sooth the other woman. “At Hogwarts, any student should be safe from any kind of danger-”
“But this was not just any student or any kind of danger,” Mrs Black interrupts. “This was the Noble Blood of Black being spilled by a filthy monster that should be removed from society!”
“Really, Mrs Black, we are yet to determine-”
Once again, Minerva is interrupted, this time by the arrival of a man.
“Lady Black, my apologies for my tardiness, but I came as you requested,” he says, ignoring Minerva in favour of focusing all his attention on Mrs Black. The man is short, with sharp eyes and a pointy face, and he looks at Mrs Black with reverence.
Mrs Black scoffs. “Quit wasting time then and get to work.”
The man starts opening his briefcase, taking out a quill and parchment.
“What is the meaning of this?” Minerva demands. “Who are you? What business do you have here?”
“Mr Hesner is from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures,” Mrs Black replies. “And he’s here at my request to make a report of the situation.”
The colour drains from Minerva’s face. Being expelled is bad, but nothing compared to an official Ministry report. If a Lycanthrope is reported to have somehow been involved in an attack on a witch or wizard, the Lycanthrope will get the annotation ‘Feral’ in the Registry. All hopes of ever finding a job or a place to live will be lost. The Lycanthrope will have to report at the Ministry at frequent and irregular times, and any failure to report will lead to the Lycanthrope immediately being locked away. The Lycanthrope will be out on the streets without any money or prospects, and even the smallest transgression will lead to being locked up. Almost every Lycanthrope with the ‘Feral’ annotation will be either locked up, or forced to flee to the mountains within a year. Remus Lupin certainly does not deserve such a fate.
“Is... is that really necessary?” Minerva asks.
“Very necessary indeed,” Mr Hesner replies. “If you had any sense of morality, you would’ve contacted us yourself, Ms McGonagall. Luckily, we could count on Mrs Black to do the right thing,” he says, with a grovelling smile in her direction.
“Can you imagine if that beast would’ve bitten him?” Mrs Black shudders. “What a stain on the family tree that would’ve been, to have a Lycanthrope in the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black!”
To make sure no one will make the mistake of confusing her fear for shame on the Black family name with fear for her son’s well-being, she doesn’t mention that her son might not have survived the bite, or that he would’ve had to live with an extremely painful, chronic condition for the rest of his life. She probably would’ve burnt the boy off the family tree herself, and sent him to go live in the mountains.
“That would’ve been such a waste,” Mr Hesner agrees, before turning to Sirius Black. “Well, young Mr Black, I need an official statement containing your description of the events.”
Sirius Black looks thoughtful for a moment. “I was... attacked. By some kind of creature.”
“Describe the attack please,” Mr Hesner instructs without looking up from his parchment, quill at the ready.
“Oh, the creature was... round.” Mr Hesner’s eyes snap up, but Sirius Black continues. “Like pumpkin-shaped. But huge. Like a huge pumpkin. Only covered in bright yellow feathers. With bulging eyes in between. And two glittering horns on top of its head.”
“You’re treating this like some kind of a joke!” Mr Hesner says accusingly, pointing his quill in Sirius Black’s direction.
“Why, sir,” Sirius Black says, pretending to be shocked. “I protest. I would never!”
“If you can’t be serious...” Mr Hesner says, gritting his teeth.
Sirius Black blinks innocently at him. “Ask anyone, Mr Hesner, and I’m sure they’ll all tell you that I’m always Sirius.”
“I’ve dealt with Magical Creatures for longer than you have lived, boy,” Mr Hesner spits. “And I know such a creature as you described does not exist.”
Sirius Black shrugs. “Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forest hides?”
“Did the attack meddle with his brain?” Mrs Black demands.
Minerva shakes her head. “Madam Pomfrey has assured me that his mental state is unaltered.”
“So I have to believe he was attacked by a horned ball of yellow feathers?” Mrs Black snarls.
“Who knows what creatures the Forbidden Forrest hides?” Minerva repeats Sirius Black’s exact words. Sirius Black gives her a pleased smile, which she gladly returns.
Mrs Black, on the other hand, gives her a nasty glare, and then switches her attention to Mr Hesner, who shrinks in on himself. “His chest is covered in Werewolf marks the day after a full moon. It’s obvious what happened even without his statement.”
Mr Hesner gulps. “I... I’m sorry, lady Black. I’m not allowed to report an attack without an official statement from the victim. I mean, only if the victim had died I could’ve...” He trails off.
Mrs Black now directs her glare at her son, like she regrets the last isn’t the case. “I’ll make you pay for this.”
Sirius Black becomes even more pale, but he continues to defiantly meet his mother’s gaze.
“I do not tolerate anyone threatening my students,” Minerva speaks.
Mrs Black turns her head to her. “He’s my son. I can do whatever I want when it concerns him.”
Minerva takes a step forward. Her eyes are like stone and her voice is like ice. “Not in my school.”
To her great satisfaction, Mrs Black takes a step back and swallow. She quickly recovers though, and pulls her cloak tighter around herself. She gives Sirius Black a quick glance and hisses “I’ll see you this summer,” before walking out of the room in quick strides, Mr Hesner having to dribble to keep up, her robes billowing behind her in that way only purebloods ever seem to manage.
“Are you quite done?”
Minerva turns around to see Poppy standing behind her, her arms crossed over her chest. “Really, you don’t have to be a professional to know that a recovering patient needs rest, not all this uproar and noise. That goes for you too, Minerva. You might run this school after Albus, but I run the Hospital Wing. Now leave. My patient needs to sleep.”
A few days later, Minerva makes her way over to the Hospital Wing. Sirius Black has had some days to recover, and luckily, his recovery is going well. She hopes he has also been able to process everything that happened.
A difficult conversation still needs to be had.
She’s immensely glad Sirius Black hadn’t wanted to report Remus Lupin at the Ministry, but still, he could’ve been killed, and she can’t imagine he’ll be okay with there being no repercussions at all. She thinks she might be able to talk him out of demanding Remus Lupin to be expelled, and in the best case scenario, she can convince him to keep it quiet.
It’s not that she thinks Sirius Black is in any way cruel or anything like his family, not at all. She has a very high opinion of the boy. It’s just that Lycanthropy prejudice is very strong throughout the Wizarding World. Even the best person has some negative thoughts regarding Werewolves. The sentiment is especially strong among the pureblood community, and Sirius was raised with their norms and values. Regardless, she can’t imagine anyone would be okay with finding out a person they thought they knew is a Lycanthrope. Remus Lupin will definitely have to move out of the boys’ dormitory, maybe even to a private room. No one would be willing to keep sharing a dorm with someone that tried to kill them. Maybe she can-
Minerva stops in her tracks as she reaches the Hospital Wing, all thoughts of appeasing Sirius Black disappearing from her head.
Sirius Black isn’t alone. Remus Lupin is with him. Like actually with him on the bed. Remus Lupin is curled up at Sirius Black’s side, his hands gripping Sirius Black’s robes and his head resting on Sirius Black’s chest. Sirius Black has one arm firmly wrapped around Remus Lupin, and with his other hand he’s gently threading his fingers through Remus Lupin’s hair. The boys haven’t noticed her presence.
“I am so, so, so sorry,” Remus says, and probably not for the first time.
Sirius rolls his eyes. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I did it.”
“You can’t control it.”
“I could’ve stayed away from you,” Remus argues. “I can control that. A filthy monster that should be removed from society.”
Sirius huffs. “That’s just a bunch of pureblood bollocks only stuck-up twats with half a brain still living in the Middle Ages actually believe.”
“Your mother thinks so.”
“I rest my case.”
Remus chuckles and presses his face closer to Sirius’ chest. “I can barely believe you’re real. I don’t deserve you.”
“Moony,” Sirius says with a sigh. “I told you, The Wolf wasn’t even trying to hurt The Dog. You weren’t feral! The Wolf wanted to play, and didn’t know his own strength, and kind of forgot dogs aren’t as strong as Werewolves. Even transformed, you never meant to hurt me.”
The Dog? An absurd thought enters Minerva’s mind, a thought that surely sheds a different light on what may have happened. Absurd for sure, but also... plausible? And if anyone can do it...
No. Minerva firmly pushes the thought away. It might be true, or it might not be. Either way, she doesn’t need to know. After all, what you don’t know, you can’t report to The Ministry.
“And even if The Wolf fancied himself some Padfoot for breakfast,” Sirius continues. “I still wouldn’t have blamed you. It’s not you.”
“You’re going to have a scars for the rest of your life,” Remus murmurs against Sirius’ chest.
Sirius gently tilts his head up. “Then it’s a good thing I think scars are sexy,” he says with a wink, making Minerva wonder whether it might be more than just close friendship she’s looking at.
A faint blush spreads across Remus’ cheeks, and he slightly shakes his head. “You can’t accept my apologies that easily.”
“Oh no, Moony. Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Sirius says, tapping his finger fondly against Remus’ nose, which again makes Minerva question their level of intimacy. “I have, in fact, not accepted your apologies, as I refuse to accept an apology for something someone could’ve done nothing about.”
Remus scrunches up his nose. “You’re stubborn as a mule.”
Sirius chuckles. “I could teach mules in stubbornness. But if you insist on making it up to me, I suppose you can help me win the bet.”
“The bet?”
“I’ve made a bet with Prongs that I can make at least half of the Gryffindors believe I was attacked by a pumpkin-shaped yellow feather ball, while Prongs says I won’t even make ten.”
Remus shakes his head. “You’re an idiot,” he says, though it sounds fond.
Sirius grins. “But you love me.”
Remus leans forward and presses a kiss against Sirius’ lips, making Minerva blink, but confirming her doubt. There must be something more between those boys for sure.
Remus pulls back, but gently rests his forehead against Sirius’. “Merlin, I do love you, Sirius Black.”
“I love you too, Remus Lupin.”
Minerva smiles to herself. There’s no need to worry after all. If one thing is stronger than prejudice, it’s love.
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Regarding My Good Vlad AU (Alternate Timeline)
I mentioned in the other posts about my Good Vlad AU that his timeline would be very different than the canon one which is similar to what I tried to do in my fanfic “Lost Soul”  which is about a genderbent Danny and unlike this AU still has semi-villainous Vlad from the get-go. That said, this Vlad has a bit of a dark side too but it’s not for the same reasons. My Good Vlad is more like a spoiled man-child who doesn't know any better not to be selfish sometimes so Danny has to keep him in check and he’s not afraid to pull his punches when it comes to making others regret ever messing with Vlad Masters or his son-in-all-but-blood. And in exchange Vlad helps protect him and offers the guidance Danny never got from him in the show regarding his powers so he had to learn about everything on his own...
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Yes Vlad, you get to be a good guy! Let’s find out how by going over some important plot points that would have either never happened or I'd have to change to fit this AU.
To keep things organized let’s go by season!
Season 1:
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Bitter Reunions
As explained in an earlier post, this Vlad actually wanted to reconnect with Jack since they reconciled after the accident and planned to tell him and Maddie his secret at the reunion. All that changes when Danny’s secret is revealed to him too after their fight the night before when Vlad accidentally knocks him out while defending himself. He manages to talk to Danny later privately in his lab the next day and not only apologizes for the misunderstanding but offers to help Danny, giving him plenty of time to think about his offer to start training together.
Shades of Gray
Instead of making Valerie a ghost hunter to spy on Danny, Vlad makes her one as a way to help lighten Danny’s workload from dealing with so many ghosts. Vlad is still keeping tabs on Danny but it’s more to make sure he’s not up against something he can’t handle on his own.
Maternal Instinct
This never happened because for one thing, this Vlad realized years ago that it wasn't love he felt for Maddie it was a deep admiration. Not only that, but he just wants to be a part of their lives again since they stayed friends before drifting apart as Vlad's stay in the hospital lasted longer than expected and he insisted that Jack and Maddie go back to living their lives until he recovered. Plus, this Vlad is an avid supporter of animal rescue whether they’re living or ghost so he'd never experiment on them like he did in this episode.
Million Dollar Ghost
Again, Good Vlad would never do this to Danny since he cares so much about him and doesn't want to make his life even harder. If anything, he'd put a price on the head of any ghost who dares to seriously injure Danny or personally hunt them down himself to punish them. Nobody messes with his little badger and gets away with it!
Season 2:
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Reign Storm
If this happens, it's only because Good Vlad had good intentions at heart and wanted to take the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage away from Pariah Dark and never imagined opening the Sarcophagus of Forever Sleep would actually wake the Ghost King up. Think of it as a more innocent fruitloop moment where Vlad just does things his way to try and help and it goes horribly wrong. He feels guilty about it too and Danny's just really exasperated with him the whole time they're trying to stop him and his army together.
The Ultimate Enemy
Technically speaking this never would have happened because the only reason Dan was created is because Vlad's 'evil ghost half' corrupted Danny's and drove him mad. So in this case, even if Danny lost his friends and family, Vlad would do everything in his power to help Danny recover emotionally from the terrible loss.Not to mention this Vlad isn’t really evil, he’s just super scary if you hurt the people he cares about. And since they're on good terms in this AU Vlad wouldn't be dumb or selfish enough to resort to the whole 'remove his humanity' nonsense just to win Danny over.
Secret Weapons
Even if Danny and Jazz still got into a fight, Jazz would have no reason to try to expose Vlad like she tried to in the show to prove to her brother she can be helpful. In fact, maybe this could actually be how Jazz discovers Vlad's half-ghost too since they never got around to telling her. Maybe she becomes curious to find out more and when Danny goes there to get her back since she was upset with him, Vlad helps smooth things over and offers to help Jazz at least learn some basic self-defense so she can help Danny by not putting herself in harm's way.
Masters of Time
Honestly, I might be able to still get this to work if Vlad gets ecto-acne again because of one of his own experiments gone wrong (which lets face it is probably what happened in the original episode off screen because canon Vlad originally planned to infect Jack to give him a taste of what he went through) and Danny asks to go back in time to find a way to fix this not because Vlad blackmails him, but because he cares about his uncle/mentor a lot. And instead of trying to stop the accident from happening Danny's curious to learn more about Vlad's past and goes to see him at the hospital, shocked to discover how many of the same ghost power problems they shared after what happened to them so it becomes an indirect bonding moment for them. Maybe Danny even comforts Vlad during a particularly bad day at the hospital and sits in the room with him invisibly all night to make sure he'll pull through.
Kindred Spirits
As much as I love Danielle and wish the other clones had more of a chance in life to be part of Vlad's family and turn a new leaf for the guy, my Good Vlad would never feel the need to clone Danny since they're already as close as they can be even if he knows Danny can never officially be his son even if he treats him that way. And he wouldn't dare break Danny's trust by cloning him without permission just to have a family of his own. Someone suggested that maybe the Guys in White could clone Danny instead but the problem there is they're part of the government and it would have given away Danny's secret about being half-human too since they'd have a genetic match on record from when he was born.
Season 3:
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Eye For An Eye
I'm going to say Vlad still becomes mayor in this AU but it's because he wants to implement more policies to keep the ghost population under control for Danny's sake. It's not to spite him like in the canon episode. I did something similar in my fanfic “Lost Soul.”
Infinite Realms
This definitely still needs to happen but because Good Vlad absolutely loves collecting magical/supernatural artifacts. So this time when Vlad steals it from Danny, Danny only chases after him because Vlad's acting like a kid with a new toy he doesn't want to give up and keeps causing trouble with so it's more of a comical episode. Oh and by the way, Vlad doesn't use Blood Blossoms against him this time around either. Vlad does something else to keep Danny and his friends busy so he could snag the map to begin with. So really, it would all just be a big game of keep away until Danny finally catches him and convinces Vlad to give the Infimap back to Frostbite.
Torrent of Terror
Instead of controlling Vortex as a means to look good to the masses during a massive heatwave in Amity Park, Vlad does it to genuinely help out in his own special Vlad-way and again it goes horribly wrong and Danny has to help him fix this mess. Good Vlad wouldn't run away from this fight either like canon Vlad did so maybe he just gets knocked out or something, not sure. Plus if Danny ended up with weather controlling powers it might actually be kinda fun for Vlad and Danny at first and they bond by pulling pranks on other people until it becomes clear that they still need to deal with Vortex, not to mention changing the weather at will would be even harder to hide from Danny's parents than his usual ghost powers.
Again, if Vlad never clones Danny, then Danielle wouldn't exist for any of this to happen sadly.
Phantom Planet
Let's face it, this was all canon Vlad's fault. Good Vlad would have no reason to be in space or steal the Infimap again, or if he was studying that meteor he'd be a lot more careful and the explosion that sent it hurdling towards the Earth never would have happened since he and Danny wouldn't be fighting up there. So lets say...it still happens because it's the Guys in White looking for more methods to fight ghosts and figure the Ectoranium would be perfect for that instead? Maybe Vlad could still try to save the earth with Danny's help but isn't a total moron that reveals his secret to the world, rather as mayor he works WITH Danny Phantom and the other ghosts for the sake of both their worlds since they're flip sides of each other.
Then, like Valerie, maybe Vlad makes that team of ghost hunters to help Danny live a normal life where he doesn't have to fight ghosts so he can relax instead and hang out with his friends. But then the Disasteroid thing happens and he has to get back to work by convincing the ghosts to help them save the world with the plan that he AND Vlad came up with as soon as they realized they can't touch that meteor. Of course, after all is said and done it's revealed that the Guys in White were responsible and Vlad motions to have them permanently disbanded or put under new management, aka his so he can keep them in check personally so they can never go after him or Danny.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
“Betrayal,” Pt. 2 Levi x Reader
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Summary: after being tortured and accused for a crime you didn’t commit, it changed you in ways you didn’t think was possible
Warnings: none, maybe like a bit of torture
It’s been a few weeks since the incident with the MPs, your wounds have healed into scars and everything was now fully healed.
The few scars on your face had made you insecure and felt as if they were ugly. The scar on your cheek, the one below your lips and one on your forehead. They weren’t all that big but to you it felt like they were huge.
Levi had assured you time and time again that the scars made you look just as beautiful but you couldn’t help but get flashbacks every time you looked at any of your scars that were on your body.
The way your blood would boil at the constant reminders of what they did to you. The way you wanted to murder all of them in cold blood, it made your skin hot just thinking about it.
Your nightmares had continued, every night to be exact. They never stopped, they were a constant cycle over and over and over.
Levi has tried his best to be your support system and even though he’s noticed a few changes in your behavior, he assumed you were fine since you continued being your clingy and affectionate self when you were around him.
But deep down you had a huge amount of rage and hatred that wanted to spill out of your body. You’ve kept everything inside and locked away, only for his sake and to not worry him any longer.
But one night you laid in bed beside Levi, his arm tightly around your waist and his breathing fanning over the nape of your neck as he slept peacefully.
Your mind was clouded and you suddenly forgot about everything, your mind set on one thing- the military police.
You had slipped out of bed carefully, sneaking out of the base in your hood and ODM gear as you tried to get your mind off of things as you flew through the quiet empty town, settling on top of a roof.
You look down at your reflection in the blade, your fingertips just barely brushing over your scars and suddenly your mind had switched to defensive mode like you were a robot.
The way your feet had moved without even realizing and you snuck into one of the MPs houses, the one that had caused you the most pain.
Your head had tilted, watching him sleep. He looked peaceful for such a coward, you were sick just looking at him. When you walked closer, the floorboard creaking just loud enough to wake him up and you pointed the blade at his face.
“Don’t make a sound or else this will be going straight through your neck.” You threatened, his eyes wide and full of fear.
He stared at you, instantly recognizing your face, you weren’t hard to remember especially considering you were a scout dating the famous Captain but the main reason why he knew you is because he spent so much time torturing you.
“What do you want?” He said barely above a whisper, his lips quivering as he spoke.
“What do I want? Hm, what do I want? How about some fucking peace.” You started off, your feet making their way closer to where he laid and you ran the blade down to his chest.
“For once, I don’t want to fucking think about the cowards who punished me for nothing. Who tortured me to no end because they assumed. What a bunch of fucking idiots that people put their trust in to protect them, huh?” You laughed at his face, pressing the blade just enough to draw blood and he winced but shut his mouth when you stood in front of him over the bed.
“Is this some kind of sick revenge fantasy that you have? You think you’re going to get away so easily?”
“Yes and yes. Unlike you, I know how to hide a body.” You whispered the last part, in an instant you flung your blade and sliced it through his throat like butter, watching the blood gush out, splattering everywhere in the room and hearing his gasps for breath.
“Have fun in hell.” You pushed him down on the bed, watching the life drain from his eyes.
After you were done cleaning the mess you had made, you snuck back inside the base and went inside the bedroom where Levi still slept. You glanced down at your bloody clothes and cursed to yourself as you dug through the drawers for some clean clothes.
“Y/N?” You froze, your eyes wide and your hands already beginning to shake as you heard him shuffling behind you.
“Stop.” You said, making him stop from getting up off the bed and he rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus them on you.
“Why? What are you doing?” He leaned over, turning on the bedside lamp and before you could say anything, the light was on and shined up the room clearly.
You hung your head low, your back facing him but he noticed the spots of blood on your clothes and instantly ran to where you were, thinking you were injured.
When he flung you around, he stopped in his spot and stared down at the bloody clothes you wore and his eyes moved up to meet your gaze.
“What- what happened? Are you hurt?”
“Why is there blood on you?”
Within seconds, tears started streaming down your face and he grabbed onto you, embracing you in a tight hug. He knew deep down what you had done but he didn’t want to speak up about it, all he did was comfort you.
As your mind was set back to the harsh reality of what you did and what happened, you couldn’t help but cry into his shoulder and listen to him mumbling soft words in your ears, reminding you just how precious you truly are.
“It’s okay, look at me.” He cupped your cheeks, brushing the tears away and stared down at your eyes, full of fear and emptiness.
“It’s okay, I’ll clean everything up and no one isn’t going to know a thing, alright? This will be our secret.” He whispered, the pained expression on his face had made you want to die- the last thing you wanted to do was drag Levi into your mess.
“I already got rid of everything except this outfit.” You managed to stumble out between your sniffles, making him nod his head.
“Okay good, take them off and throw them in a bag. I’ll burn them tomorrow, okay?” He tried to be as soft as possible, grabbing the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head.
Your tears had stopped but your red puffy eyes continued to stare at him as he helped take off your clothes, throwing them in a bag and you sucked in a sharp breath.
The next day had rolled around quick, you had stayed in bed from the overbearing guilt you felt and Levi was happy to take the day off again and help you deal with it, trying his best to keep you happy.
He kept you in his arms, your head on his chest and his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back as you stared at the wall, deep into thought.
“I want them all dead, Levi.” You said without even realizing what had fell from your lips, his eyes glancing down at you and he nodded.
“I know, I want them dead too, believe me.” He brushed the strands of hair back from your face and he caressed your cheek.
“I’m sorry for dragging you into this, it isn’t fair. I just wanted them to feel the way I did and I just wanted this overbearing pain to leave my body and it did while I watched him die, I felt relieved.” You admitted, your sad eyes meeting his and he completely understood.
The amount of people Levi had killed in his past has been way too many, the pain and the guilt weighing him down but the way he felt better when he got rid of the people who didn’t deserve to live- it made him feel somewhat normal.
“Don’t be sorry, I’ll always support you.. you know how many people I’ve killed? You’re not getting rid of me.” He chuckled, making you smile up at him and thought about the times he had gone off the deep end.
“If you need help with the rest of the guards, I’ll do it.” He fully admitted, his thumb rubbing over the scar on your cheek.
“Why would I want to drag you further into this?”
“You’re not. You’re my world, I’m not going to let you go through it alone. I’ll kill them all.” He shook his head, pressing his lips to your forehead then pulling back to look at you before he spoke again.
“No matter what.”
Here’s part two to betrayal like y’all having been askinnnnng. Hope you enjoyed it.
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fictionalfics · 4 years
I had an idea. Could you do a crossover thingy where Aizawa has a daughter and she goes missing and he comes in the next day looking worse than normal and then the broadcast gets sent out and Aizawa sees his daughter in it and he gets either happy she’s alive or sad because she’s in a war?
This is s great idea! I’ve never written a parent fic before, so this is quite a challenge. Hope it came out okay!
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Title: Not This Time
Pairing: Dad!Aizawa x Daughter!Reader
(Gifs not mine)
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“Aizawa-sensei’s been sleeping a lot more than usual, have you noticed Iida-kun?” Midoriya looks at his classmate expectantly as they make their way to the dining hall.
It was true, their rugged teacher had been sleeping in class a lot more lately. He had barely greeted his class before the yellow sleeping bag made its appearance. 
“I’m sure its nothing, Deku,” Ochako chimes in, “This is the first time in a while he’s taught a full class. Besides, you know who he has to deal with.“
Midoriya chuckles as his friend gestures to Kaminari, Bakugo and Kirishima - they didn’t mean to be, but they were one of the main sources of trouble in class 1-A.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Back kick. Block. Jump, kick, dodge. Bend the knees, feet to the floor. Breathe, start again. 
The thick material of your scarf is tight around your palms as you dodge attack after attack. You hold your hand out and erase the enemy’s quirk, before landing a swift chop to the neck. Another one down. You handcuff them as fast as you can before dodging a beam of light. It just catches you ear, the scent of burnt hair becoming more intense as you roll to the side.
A stakeout operation gone wrong. A local gang that turned out to be something much bigger. You were fighting a war that had nearly run its course, and this mission was meant to be one of the last. That was, until your stakeout partner revealed she was working for the other team, a double agent. 
That left you in this mess. You wished your dad was there with you right now, but he wasn’t. He’d taught you to cope on your own, you told yourself. You’d manage.
Three days. No text, no call, no you. Shouta had waited in the living room all night, sipping coffee to stay awake. It had been three days since you walked out the door with a great big smile on your face, saying goodbye as you left for work.
Ten years ago, the seemingly heartless man had taken you into his care after saving you from your burning orphanage. The hero saw himself in you, especially since your quirks were so similar. He trained you himself, teaching how to use the capture rope alongside your fists.
You had enrolled in Shiketsu High, in order to separate yourself from your dad, and started your work studies with a mid-ranked but successful pro in your second year. 
Shouta was extremely proud of you, and made sure you knew it every single day.
But it was unlike you to stay out for days at a time without contact. The first night wasn’t so bad - maybe she’s at the bar with friends, I’ll see her in the morning, he thought to himself.
You weren’t there in the morning. He put it down to you staying over a friend’s house - he was up pretty early after all, so you’d be home later.
Nope. Nothing. He continued to make excuses up for you all night, and all the way into the morning too, only grabbing an hour’s sleep before leaving for work.
When he came home to an empty house for the third day in a row, he started to panic for real. Texted you every hour, on the hour. Called a couple of times. Called your workplace, to no avail.
6:30 on the clock. Shouta chugged the rest of his coffee and slung his work bag over his shoulder as he noted it was day four now. Work was going to be a long one.
Your ears rang as your former partner delivered another slap to your face.
“This would be over so much quicker if you told me where the boss is being held hostage, Y/N. You’re making this so hard for yourself!”
“Go to hell.”
A scream held back in your throat, your teeth grind together as you fight through the pain. The edges of your vision began to go black, and you almost considered telling the gang everything.
Shouta’s thumb was over the send button when he heard your name on the local news. 
Y/N Aizawa missing in action. Something about a fight against a gang, an ambush they said. No other details could be released for citizen safety.
The hero didn’t even realise he’d slid off the couch to kneel in front of the TV. Missing in action. He rested his forehead on the box, his hair sticking to the screen due to static.
Missing. You were missing.
His legs carried him to the agency you worked with. His voice demanded to see your boss, begged for the details of your whereabouts.
They wouldn’t tell him. “We cannot release details to the public, its for her safety as well as theirs,” your boss told him.
Shouta argued that he wasn’t the public, that he was a hero like you.
“There’s nothing more we can do, I’m afraid.”
The ropes had begun to bite into your wrists as you hung from the ceiling. After deciding the initial interrogation was obsolete, the gang had taken you to a new building and strung you up. Your feet could almost touch the floor, but had given up trying to get free an hour ago. Possibly. You didn’t know how long you’d been there. You were sure you’d stayed awake, but even blinking felt like it took days in that dark room.
You strained your ears from information.
Move........found.....kill her.......risk? No......stupid.....
There wasn’t enough for you to piece together the crumbs of information. You were sure you were going to die at this point. So much potential, a great future ahead of you.
No, you can’t think like that! What would Dad do in this situation?
You couldn’t answer that one. Instead, you hummed a lullaby to yourself - your favourite that he used to sing to you if you’d had a nightmare. This entire situation was a bit of a nightmare, so you thought it was appropriate.
The door opened before you, the bright light bringing tears to your eyes.
“She’s gotta be alright Shou, she’s tough! Besides, didn’t you go MIA all the time?” 
Hizashi did his best to comfort his friend, handing him a small glass of whiskey, which Shouta drank in one. He slammed the glass to the table with a dull thud.
“That’s different Yamada. I knew where I was, and I was never gone for long. I don’t know where she is, and it’s been nearly a week.”
The blond runs his palm down his face, not wanting to admit the he feared the worst too.
“She’s a hero Shou, bad things happen. You know the dangers and she does too, she’s not dumb.”
“Another whiskey please.”
Hizashi refilled Shouta’s glass, and the liquid disappeared as quickly as he’d poured it.
“She’ll be okay Shou.” 
Your arms were freed of their painful restraints as your friends occupied the gang and, summoning as much strength as you could, dragged yourself to your feet, using your peer as a crutch. Your head turned to watch your team take on the four or five people that had taken you hostage, silently celebrating as you limped to the exit.
“Sorry we took so long Y/N, it took us a while to figure out where they’d taken ya!”
A tired chuckle escaped you as your co-worker apologised. “At least you’re here now.” Your response wasn’t completely a joke, but you couldn’t blame them. This gang was good at hiding.
“The whole operation is gonna be extended, thanks to the newbie. We had no idea she was a double agent- it’s gonna set us back to square one!”
Double agent. You scolded yourself for not catching on in time. “I’m sorry, I should have figured out sooner. Now the entire mission’s been compromised.”
Your peer sat you in the back of an ambulance that had come along with the police.
“Don’t beat yourself up silly! Even us pros didn’t know, there was no way a student could have guessed!”
The fight was over relatively quickly, thankfully. After the criminals were handed over to the police for interrogation, you were escorted back to the agency to be patched up, and report to the higher-ups.
Eraser didn’t immediately jump up when the front door creaked open. He was a hundred miles away, trying to convince you to take a day off instead of going to work. You’d be home with him that way, smiling as you cooked your favourite meal in the kitchen. That smile... How badly he missed it.
He felt the couch sink next to him.
“Sorry I’m late Dad, I had one hell of a day at work!”
Dad? He snapped back to reality as the words sunk in. He looked to where the voice came from - his eyes traced it back to you. Covered in cuts and bruises, dark circles adorning your eyes, but you all the same.
“Y/N!” The dark haired man jumped up and lifted you into his arms. You giggled and squeezed him back, giddy with relief.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are grounded forever! What the hell happened to you?”
He set you down on the couch as you began to explain as much as you could, without giving away classified information.
“But I’m here now! I’ve got about a week to recover, because I wasn’t injured too badly, plus they did hold me in the recovery room for a day.”
“A week?” His shoulders slumped at the thought of you fighting. “They’re sending you back out there?”
“Yeah. The mission isn’t over yet, we have to dismantle them completely.”
Shouta ran a hand through his hair, and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Promise me you won’t go missing again.”
“I can’t. You of all people should know that.”
“Humour me.”
Breaking eye contact, you sighed, before looking back at your father and smiling as wide as you could. “I won’t go missing this time Dad. I promise.”
“Good.” Shouta patted your head before standing up and making a beeline for the kitchen. “You’re still grounded forever.”
“But Dad!”
“No buts!”
“Even if I make you some coffee? Maybe cook some yakitori?”
“I may reconsider,” he chuckled. You always knew your way to his heart.
He loved his daughter so damn much.
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sixteenthshen · 3 years
post-finale stuff
Possible spoilers. Beware
Last night, I happened to check the scriptwriter's Weibo and saw that she had liked this fan's post. It's the only non-work related Weibo post that she had liked, so of course, I went to read it. 
The fact that this is the only fan post she's given her approval to must mean that it is on point and she agrees with the characterisation. I thought it's pretty good, so I've gone ahead to translate it here. I own 0 rights to this. I just thought it's a good perspective that may help others like me who struggled with the ending. 
I think I've mostly made my peace with it now, and to sum it up:
Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all that they are. 
A-Xu never once blamed Lao Wen for how things turned out because he understood that. And he’s clearly a better person than I am (lol).
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Let me be clear about my stand - the real victim of how the drama unfolded in the last six episodes is WKX. When we feel our hearts ache for ZZS, it's because the show let down WKX (the character). If your heart is only hurting for WKX during episodes 33-34, you should try to ship WKX with someone else, ok? If you think the last six episodes were great and that WKX was very romantic (and only romantic), then I honestly don't know what to say. 
I ship wenzhou. That means I like both Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishu. I want them to love each other, be good to each other and live happily ever after. And I want them not to be OOC. 
The rest behind the cut. Spoilers for the whole drama. 
First, the source. Here is a link to that Weibo post, by 爱吐槽的栗小姐. I will delete this if requested by the OP - because this is really in a grey area imo. But I think the intention of a public post is for it to be shared? (especially something like this, which argues a point) 
Secondly, the poster does try to be fair in her post, but as the problem here is WKX's ruined characterisation, ZZS's character is analysed primarily concerning this issue only. There's quite a bit left to ZZS's character and backstory that isn't relevant. I believe that's why the post doesn't elaborate on it, or so I hope.
Ever since WKX faked his death, I received three to four waves of fellow sister fans' mournful wails: "Lao Wen actually faked his death; does he have a heart?" "They were supposed to be of the same heart and treat each other with honesty. How did they regress?" "What happened to their innate soulmate-ness?" "Why does A-Xu always say to face things together, yet Lao Wen always keeps his plans from him?" "A-Xu loves Lao Wen, yet Lao Wen only loves himself"…….
Wait. What have you guys misunderstood about the meaning of soulmates? 
Soulmates are about values, but a person's behaviour… that's methodology FFS! 
(Do they no longer teach this in political affairs class in high school anymore?) 
Wenzhou, these soulmates, are incomparably compatible and mesh well in terms of values. According to the scriptwriter, the entire jianghu wants and tries to get the pieces of Glazed Armour, save the two of them. Not only do they not care for the peerless martial arts, immense power, nor the massive wealth that the Glazed Armour represents, they don't even care for the power they hold in their hands –Ghost Valley and the Window of Heaven. Both of them willing to give it up without a second thought. 
Before they met each other, they were so tired of (ZZS) and so angry at (WKX) this earthly world that they didn't even want to live on anymore. 
After they met each other, they gradually began to feel the warmth in this world again. How nice it would be if they could live in seclusion, hand in hand and just bask in the sun. 
In this world, where everyone else is fighting for power or wealth, they are true soulmates. To intelligent people like them, whether or not they're honest about their identities or secrets is merely a matter of formality. They had already determined their attraction to the other's soul early on and have never doubted it. 
There may be some here who would criticise loudly at this point, "Then can't you be more considerate for your soulmate (the actual phrased used is "spiritual companion")? A-Xu has said many times, let's face everything together, I'll bet that you will be honest with me. If you really love him, then why can't you care for his feelings?" 
----- You guys, you've never been married. 
If two souls meeting can naturally resolve all behavioural conflicts and disagreements, then the theory of "breaking in" * would not exist. 
Let us take a look at what kind of a person WKX and ZZS each are.
Wen Kexing, he's a lone wolf. 
After his parents' death and his entering the Ghost Valley, his smooth sailing life suddenly fell off a cliff. Ever since then, the only person he could rely on was himself. That deep-seated hatred is carved into his bones, yet he can't speak of it to anyone else. He isn't the same type of person as the rest of the ghosts in the Ghost Valley; he isn't the same type of person as A-Xiang, who he raised. If we talk about the world and everyone who lives in it, he doesn't have any fetters or feels any (positive) emotions. 
His supposed craziness is a form of indifference. He's indifferent to others' lives, nor his own, because he just doesn't care. (T/N: I think he does care for his own life, but only for revenge, after that, he's indifferent. Indifferent isn't suicidal. I don't know why some fans seem to be confusing the two. Although he didn't plan to, if he somehow manages to stay alive after getting his revenge, WKX will continue to live on, even if it's only to keep A-Xiang happy because he is indifferent.)
Growing up like this, being solitary became his style. He's used to doing everything alone, used to making his own decisions, used to digesting all his emotions himself. 
Every time he argues with A-Xu, he digests his emotions himself. The next day, he faces A-Xu with a smile again. 
This is how he loves, to take it upon himself to face danger, difficulty and pain alone. It's how he had supported A-Xiang all these years in the Ghost Valley and what he's used to. 
While Zhou Zishu, he's a lead horse (of a herd). ** 
Since a very young age, he's taught to take responsibility. He's used to bearing everything on his shoulders, be it the responsibility of his family or the responsibility for the Four Seasons Manor, even the responsibility for saving commoners from disasters. 
Unlike the lone wolf, the lead horse is ultimately a social animal. 
Regardless of his identity as the Manor Lord of the Four Seasons Manor or the Leader of the Window of Heaven, he's always the one to lead the herd and rarely fights alone. So, A-Xu not only has leadership ability but more than that, he also knows how to be tolerant and accepting of the differences of his team members. You can see the various ways he managed to influence Lao Wen along the road; he's firm when he needs to be and soft the other times. It's absolutely textbook in managing your lover workplace management. 
Zhou Zishu believes in communication whenever there's a problem, that they should be open and honest. So, teamwork is what he's used to. 
Does it mean that when a horse and lone wolf fall in love, that there won't be a breaking in period? 
Obviously not. 
I guess this is where some may say again, "isn't this part of a character's arc/development? The two of them quarrel time and time again. Did WKX not grow at all from it?" 
Of course, after meeting each other, they both grew and saved each other.
When he first left Window of Heaven, A-Xu was lonely with regret. Unlike the lone wolf who's used to doing everything alone, a lead horse without the last of his herd has no way to bear the bone-deep loneliness and merciless self-recrimination.
ZZS wandered around this world aimlessly until Lao Wen started pestering him, until he picked up Zhang Chengling, right up until he felt he hadn't singlehandedly destroyed the Four Seasons Manor. This lead horse finally regained a goal in life. He gained a partner and a lover. Lao Wen sticks to him, Chengling relies on him, and the abandoned Four Seasons Manor became like-new in his hands. He finally reconciles with himself. 
When he first came out of the valley, Lao Wen carried a rage strong enough to burn the world down. But when he met A-Xu, he also met the beauty of the world. 
When the Four Sages of Anji died, WKX understood how he caused innocent suffering. When Gao Chong walked to his death knowingly, he understood that although some may desire power, they could still be righteous and upstanding people. When he learned of everything Long Que sacrificed to protect his family***, he finally relaxed his guard. 
There were so many types of good people and things that he saw along this journey that he hadn't seen in the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu told him he was a good person as they basked in the sun, he genuinely wanted to return to the human (vs ghost) realm and be a good man. 
Along their journey, A-Xu made up for the morals and values that WKX lost in the Ghost Valley and showed him a new world outlook. He appeased Lao Wen's anger, tempered his extremism. The process wasn't easy, but not that difficult either, because, in the end, Lao Wen is kind at heart. 
But in the end, being a lone wolf is how he survived and succeeded in a place like the Ghost Valley. When A-Xu was so heavily injured and needed a lot of rest (for Wu Xi) to save his life, Lao Wen suddenly recalled his enemies and how such an excellent opportunity to take revenge just fell into his lap. Everything was in place, and all he needed to do was hide it from A-Xu; he could leave for a short while and have it settled quickly. Upon returning, he could then live happily ever after with his wife. To a crazy lone wolf, why would he not take a gamble? 
What he couldn't predict was the news would've been leaked (to A-Xu), and he didn't know that by doing so, he would've forever lost his love. 
Both of them were using their own methods to love the other person. Zhou Zishu is more forgiving and accepting because being forgiving is in his blood. While what WKX learned in his years in the Ghost Valley is -- love needs to be protected, like how he has A-Xiang, who he considers a sister, call himself master (to protect her). 
Only when faced with painful consequences can a person's deep-rooted habits and approach to things change. So I don't think faking his death ruined the characterisation of Wen Kexing, but I regret that the last two episodes did not have a scene to show us Lao Wen's heartbreak when he learns the truth. 
Until I know what it feels like to have lost you, I will only love you in my own way. 
*I can't think of the correct phrase for this as I don't read all that much about relationships >< please let me know if you know of it. Here, I'm referring to the process of wearing something new (like shoes) that will hurt at the start until it becomes soft and comfortable. 
** I did some side-reading, and omg, A-Xu is TOTALLY the lead mare. Although he's not the stallion and weak/dying for most of the show, he's the head of their little family, and he expects "to be obeyed", aka, I'm not going to learn how to cook. Call me for dinner. Kthxbye. 
From Rutgers' website: A herd of wild horses consists of one or two stallions, a group of mares, and their foals. The leader of the herd is usually an older mare (the "alpha mare"), even though one stallion owns the herd. She maintains her dominant role even though she may be physically weaker than the others. The older mare has had more experiences, more close encounters, and survived more threats than any other horse in the herd. The requirement of the lead horse is not strength or size; if this were so, then humans could never dominate a horse. Dominance is established not only through aggression but also through attitudes that let the other horses know she expects to be obeyed.
***I think this is important here because WKX wasn't crying for his loss. I think a big part of him was realising not everyone in the world was callous and turned their backs on his parents, that he could've gone his whole life without ever discovering what sacrifices some people have made. Good people suffer quietly and in silence. It's a big moment to realise he was wrong about many things that he had let hatred blind himself to the world. Because although he was sad about the Four Sages and somewhat shocked by Gao Chong's death, he hadn't truly faced up to his actions until now. 
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(screenshot of the scriptwriter liking the above post) 
To add: 
I'm not sure how many of you read my "opinion" posts, but I've been struggling to find a way to accept the last six episodes of Word of Honor.  I first tried looking at open forum postings, comments, and Tumblr posts. None of it worked because it was just arguing and emotions and no one made points good enough for me to accept things. 
So I gave up and went back to reading Chinese sites. I found many posts discussing the plot. Some I liked, some I didn't, but none satisfied my need for a reasonable explanation. I felt they had biases (both ways), or else it lacked logic. After a time, I realised that I should be looking for WKX-stans (or pro-WKX fans) because they would be more motivated to explain his side, but also because well-written posts by wenzhou-fans & ZZS-stans made me super sad.
I'm sorry, but those who keep trying to explain why the ending was good completely missed that episodes 32-34 are the real problem to those who don't like it and only focused on 36. I can understand if people don't think those episodes are a problem, but no one could provide an articulate and sensible reason. There are just too few well-reasoned plot-focused posts in English (sorry). I've seen too many examples of WKX-fans arguing with people who are upset about the ending, backed by nothing more than "look how much WKX suffers, woe is him. And how romantic is this????" *dies* 
Lastly, if you spot anything inaccurate, let me know & I will correct it.
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