#up viral video
viralwavewizard · 8 months
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Worlds first quad 540.
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
कानपुर में महिला ने पड़ोसन के साथ जमकर की गाली-गलौज, एक दिन पहले ही हुआ था समझौता
कानपुर में महिला ने पड़ोसन के साथ जमकर की गाली-गलौज, एक दिन पहले ही हुआ था समझौता
UP News: देश में इन दिनों गाली गलौज करने वाले कहीं भी मिल जा रहे हैं. कभी गालीबाज नेता गाली देते दिखाई देते हैं तो कभी एक महिला गॉर्ड को गाली देते नजर आती है. ऐसे में यूपी के कानपुर (Kanpur) से दो महिलाओं के बीच गाली गलौज का मामला सामने आया है. जिसमें एक महिला अपने पड़ोसी महिला को जमकर गालियां दे रही है. गाली देती इस महिला का किसी ने वीडियो बना लिया. इस वीडियो का ट्वीट कानपुर पुलिस को भी किया…
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sluttyformatt · 5 months
The way I forgot there was a podcast tdy 😭
Also ask questions im bored - 🦢
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Fav song rn ⬆️
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pasharuu · 1 year
man your art style is so beautiful and cute, i wish i could draw like that someday, to tell you the truth, i see you as a big inspiration. could you please draw dan heng? I'm really curious to know how he would look in your art style, and also why he's my favorite character hihi
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thank you for your sweet words and your request pal! heres your dan heng pic.
i honestly suck at drawing male characters or otherwise its a suffer 💀💀 idk how i feel abt this pic lol just gotta let it be.
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first attempt sketches i will never finish where i didnt forget about his earrings.
i also realized that dan heng is kinda boring to draw lol. i like his character but i couldnt find any cool way to draw him that wont be him just standing 🧍‍♂️hes such a nerd.
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New header image!
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xscoopsxo · 8 months
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I have way too many pics in my phone help.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 1 month
was good of you to point out that bey and other big name celebrities are also not without flaws and are silent and complicit re: big issues. bey’s silence is also in stark contrast with what she but yeah when it comes to artistry taylor is nowhere near them. she doesnt risk or experiment because she knows her parasocial fans will throw money at her anyway. there’s a fashion youtuber i love who always says ‘if you’re obscenely rich the least you can do is stunt serve and slay’ and boy is taylor swift allergic to slaying or taking risks both in terms of visuals and sonically. its all safe and and palatable to appeal to as many people as possible. sure her quirky little easter eggs or whatever are cute at the first glance but then you actually look into those and there is not mystery or actual secrets to unfold. its the same masturbatory stuff as always: me me me look at me i am a victim look at all the men who wronged me look here is number 13. what a mastermind lmao
i just wanna say all you anons are so smart and gorgeous and thank you guys for blessing my inbox with your awesome analyses of this wretched bitch
yeah i didnt want my account to devolve into “oh im a ts anti bc im an x stan!!” cause its simply not true. im going to hold space and curse taylor tf out for her and her fans wild antiblackness to other black artists but it doesn’t mean those other artists r immune to criticism esp when it comes to their politics/branding.
no she is SOOOOOO BORING!!! in her mission to be as palatable as possible she absolutely gives and serves NOTHING!!! she really takes advantage of the fact that her fans literary analysis peaked in their HS honors english class to drop these “clues” and “secret messages” lol.
also the number 13 thing is so annoying 😭 i hope her 13th album is the one that takes her down for good. we’re currently at #11
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fedtothenight · 3 months
not to be anti-woman or anything but it does fill me with a certain sadness to see a young woman with incredible talent in whatever field resort to onlyfans
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Ive been really liking your sex doll au lately.i was wondering,what do characters who are minors do in this au? Like what roles do they play,are they aged up?Etc. Also i hope you have been taking care of yourself and resting properly
i actually have headcanons for the kid characters!!! obviously, they're not sex-dolls, but they are still manufactured by Teyvat as platonic companions - either as accessories to pre-existing droids or public service bots. like, a lot of elementary schools will have roaming Klee droids programmed to beat the shit out of intruders/abusive teachers, and hospitals with pediatric wings will usually have a few Qiqi or Sayu bots to act as a 'friendly face' to the younger patients, since seeing another kid would probably be much less stressful than a Dottore or a Jean. it's not unheard of for wealthier families to have a model or two around just to act as a 24/7 bodyguard and playmate, but they're largely meant to be service droids, rather than companions. it's a good time.
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kafkaguy · 3 months
peter tork had a tumblrina soul. he would do numbers on here
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reeshahasha · 4 months
#stand up
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n0nesence · 4 months
Bitch, I'm the fairest ✨💫
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tariah23 · 4 months
I hope that girl gets out safe somehow… My god.
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copingchaos · 6 months
This is just one of the hundreds of sad cases in which the human rights of palestinian children are being neglected.
More info can be found on this topic at:
Save the Children says these practices are a major and long standing human rights concern and is calling for the Government of Israel to end the detention of Palestinian children under military law and their prosecution in military courts.
Save the Children and a partner organisation consulted 228 former child detainees from across the West Bank, detained from between one and 18 months, and found that most children are beaten, handcuffed and blindfolded during arrest. They are also interrogated at unknown locations without the presence of a caregiver, and are often deprived of food, water and sleep, or access to legal counsel, according to the research. The main alleged crime for these detentions is stone throwing, which can carry a 20-year sentence in prison for Palestinian children.
Save the Children’s new consultation showed that:
During arrest, 42% of children were injured, including gunshot wounds and broken bones, and 65% of children were arrested during the night, mostly between midnight and dawn. Half of all arrests took place in the children’s home.
The majority of children experienced appalling levels of physical and emotional abuse, including being beaten (86%), being threatened with harm (70%), and hit with sticks or guns (60%).
Some children reported violence and abuse of a sexual nature, including being hit or touched on the genitals and 69% reported being strip searched.
60% of children experienced solitary confinement with the length of time varying from one 1 day to as long as 48 days.
Children were denied access to basic services, 70% said they suffered from hunger and 68% said they didn’t receive any healthcare.
58% of children were denied visits or communication with their family while detained.
The majority of children detained are boys – a trend reflected by the survey, with boys representing 97% of the respondents.
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firyfox · 2 years
You know that premise of 1 or more animals imprinting on a character ? Bakugo is the type of dude that would happen to . As an angry grumpy badass who is also gentle with animals , Katsuki is definitely the type who would end up stumbling into fatherhood when he finds a litter of kittens on patrol or something & he reluctantly ends up taking care of them while also complaining about it Adjsktv
Also when Bakugo comes back to the agency , everyone sees Dynamight grumpily stomping in holding like 5 kittens & like 3 more crawling on his shoulders & his head like 'these dumb cats imprinted on me' and it takes everything Deku has in him to not cry or shriek with joy because how could you not ??? It's Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight holding a litter of cats who think he's their mom !!! It's the sweetest thing ever !!
Then while Bakugo is confused about why Deku looks like he's about to break down , Shoto films him on his phone , and then everyone gets to see Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight angrily yelling at Shoto while gently holding a bunch of kittens & he tries to accusingly point at Shoto while yelling but he ends up angrily gesturing with a kitten - and that is when his rant comes to an end & he leaves because Bakugo decides he has already compromised his mean edgy tough guy persona enough for one day 😭🤚🏼
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julianalovesmixels · 1 month
𖦹⋆。˚⋆ฺ SOLAR ECLIPSE 2004! (2004) ⋆.˚౨ৎ
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ᛎ⬇ video below ⬇ᛎ
ᯓ★ on april 19, 2004, the solar eclipse happened! ⋆。°✩
( ̳• · • ̳)
/ づ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆
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