#very deep reading some dumb fanfiction all weekend
ishikawayukis · 1 year
joshua having a dating "scandal" was not on my bingo book this year but i'm having a bit of a laugh about it
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emmanelson · 3 years
Chapter 3: Feelings and First Times
A little prequel that takes place during 2.01-2.02 when Devi is dating both Ben and Paxton. The first time they have sex, it isn’t in a friends-with-benefits relationship. It’s bordering on the brink of something real, something special, at least in Paxton’s retrospect.
tw: rated M for sexual content 
In the days that followed Devi deciding to date both Ben and Paxton, their relationship moved at a quicker pace than expected. Paxton meant what he said by wanting to make the time they still had together count, even if it would only be for a couple more weeks. So when Devi is invited to the Hall-Yoshida household that Friday night with the implicit instruction to stay over, she tells her mom she is sleeping over at Eleanor’s and is maybe even a little too eager to get there, the walk feels more like a sprint. They had tried taking the next step a few times, and then realized they wanted to live long enough to actually see each other, so doing it at the Vishwakumar residence was out of the question.
She isn’t expecting much, a pizza, maybe some video games in the garage and then she’d retire to Rebecca’s room and try to raid her closet unsuccessfully. But what she arrived at was a whole other story.
She was greeted at the door with a long, slow kiss and Paxton’s lit up face as he ushered her inside.
“We’ve gone on enough dates for me to get that it means one on one, so tonight it’s just us.” He was biting the inside of his cheek.
“Do you have protection?”
“Yeah I-Why, do you?” Leave it to Devi to be the first one to bring up sex. She did say that Paxton brought out her mega-horny side after all, and never thought she would actually get this close to having sex before being moved halfway around the world.
“Yeah, I kind of panicked and asked Kamala to buy me some at the drug store and drop it off a block away so my mom didn’t catch on.” For talking a big game, Devi knew next to nothing about sex. She only knew what she saw in tv shows, read about in weird Wattpad-fanfiction-turned-best-selling-novels, and researched on the internet. She had tried watching porn once but she clicked play when her airpod was off and you couldn’t pay her to relive that experience and the horror of her mom asking what she was doing.
“I kinda asked my parents to take Becca out for the night. I wanna show you something.” Paxton lightly took her head as they walked up the staircase towards his bedroom. Not the garage, not the couch, his room.
“If this is going to be one of the last weekends we have together, I wanted it to be special and shit.” She had been in Paxton’s room before, but had never seen it so clean, and was that the smell of fresh sheets? Upon taking in Devi’s widened gaze, he quickly backtracked and shook his head vigorously. “Not that we have to fool around or do anything that you don’t want to.”
Devi was shaking her head and stifling a laugh for a whole other reason.
“I just wanted you to have something that was something out of the stupid chick-flicks that Becca makes me watch. Something that you can think about while you’re in India and I’m stuck here. I had to use these dumb environmentally friendly light bulbs that my mom buys because the last time we had real candles, there was an incident with Trent and the house almost burned down.”
He had lit candles, or at least light bulbs in the shape of candles, ushered his family out of the house and seemed rather hesitant about asking for sex. She couldn’t believe this was her life right now. Her relationship with Paxton had always been somewhat based on physical attraction. When they first talked and she asked him for sex, to when they started dating and moved onto beyond chaste kisses and lingering touches over clothes to long makeout sessions and bruised lips and body parts.
If anything it only made her want him more and she eagerly hooked her arms around his neck. “This is perfect. More than perfect actually, you didn’t have to go through all the trouble, but I’m glad you did.”
Normally Devi was the one rambling and Paxton was the one initiating things between them, it was kind of a rush to be on the other side of things for a change.
“I want my first time to be with you, here, just like this.” She whispered against his mouth, watching as his lips curved upwards into a wide smile.
He took his time kissing her, familiarizing himself with her body, teasing things out in her that she figured laid dormant. He was moving so slow that Devi was getting frustrated as they fell back onto his bed.  
“I know I’m the virgin here, but doesn’t it usually move a lot quicker than this?” She was trying to unbutton his jeans, lift up his shirt to feel his abs, anything to speed things up but Paxton simply continued pushing his tongue past her lips and making her head spin.
A hand snaked under her shirt and Devi immediately moved to cover her breasts, insecurity surfacing at the worst time.
“What’s wrong?”
“I know I have small boobs and I’m not like Zoe or Shira levels of hotness. So if this isn’t, you know up to par with the sex you usually have, I understand.”
Paxton only furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. Did she really not know how he felt about her?
“Not only are you beautiful on the outside, but you’re gorgeous on the inside, something that they...are lacking.”
His words always made her flush, and this time was no exception. “I like your body. Now can I continue to appreciate it the way it deserves?” He chuckled under his breath and with one hand, grabbed both of hers and pinned them above her head. Her eyes widened in surprise and anticipation, she bit down on her bottom lip and if things weren’t already well on their way, he would have muttered something about wanting to do very dirty things to her. Repeatedly.  
“If this is the first time, and quite possibly the last time we have to do this, you better believe that I am going to be taking my time with you.” He caught her lower lip with his teeth, slowing his movements which only made a whine emit from deep in her throat.
Paxton’s free hand moved between her legs and brushed her core through her underwear. Without breaking eye contact he moved her panties aside and inserted one finger into her, and then another.
The sudden pressure made Devi suck in a breath, no amount of YA novels or research could have prepared her for what it would actually feel like. Her whole body lit up, as if she was covered in gasoline and Paxton had lit a match, starting a fire that only seemed to spread.
“So tight.” His breath came out ragged, his jeans tightening against him. Paxton thought that guys thought about sex more than girls, and he hadn’t heard anything to the contrary until he met Devi. She had stared at him one too many times past the point of charming and made remarks about wanting to “climb him like a jungle gym.” Mostly through text to Fabiola and Eleanor that he may have happened to stumble upon when he used her phone to play Candy Crush.
In the days that followed their kiss in the park, Paxton wanted to nail his next history while Devi made it increasingly difficult to concentrate with all the short skirts she would wear, and don’t forget about the constant sexual innuendos she would make that went over his head because they had to do with whatever subject they were learning about.  
“Is this okay?” He asked, his eyes searching hers for any hint of hesitation. One word, and he would gladly stall his movements. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No, just go faster. I want more of you. All of you.”
This night was all about making her comfortable, making sure she was getting the most out of this, that her needs were met. A selfish part of him hoped that if he made a lasting impression, she wouldn’t come back from India with a smarter, hotter, boyfriend or worse, fiance. His fears only made his grip on her tighten and tilt her chin up so she was forced to meet his eyes.
“Tell me, in words or else I’ll just assume and that’s a really shitty thing to do.” He spoke slowly, deliberately as her eyes fixated on his chest.
“I want you inside of me.”
Paxton breathed out a sigh of relief, or was Devi breathing out her own? He withdrew his hand and her body instantly shivered at the loss of contact. Within the time it took for him to shake off his jeans, Devi had regained control of her hands and grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt into her hands, yanking it over his head in record time.  
“Do you want me to touch you?”
“Shh, this is about making you feel good.” He mumbled into her hair, dragging his lips towards her ear as she ground her hips into his. He took a condom out of his jeans pocket and rolled it on before positioning himself in between her legs.
He pushed into her slowly, the movements stilling as Devi dug her nails into his back in retaliation. She grimaced at the feeling, her body was tightly wound up and only when Paxton began to move his body at a quicker pace, did hers relax in response.
They laid in bed after, Devi’s legs felt like the jello and even if she had to be home in a few hours, she wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk without falling or at least looking like a klutz. “Is that a picture of Gigi Hadid on your ceiling?”
Now it was Paxton’s turn to almost flush to an unseemly red color.
“I’ve had that up there forever, just forgot to take it down that’s all.”
“Do you look at it when you, you know?”
“I was just inside you Vishwakumar, I think we’re as intimate as two people can be. You can say the word masturbate.”
“Well, do you?” She pressed, ignoring the way nerves once more fluttered against her stomach. “Do you ever think of me, when you touch yourself?”
“If only you knew.” He murmured against her neck, not wanting to give away just how many nights he spent relieving himself to the memory of their first kiss, or more recently, to their makeout sessions that didn’t just leave her hot and bothered, but him as well. “That was your first time right?”
“Is it that obvious? Should I just have had the word virgin written across my forehead?”
“I think it’s cool that you waited or whatever. Did what was right for you.”
“Why? What was your first time like?” Devi didn’t want to pry, or ask something too personal, but she would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious.
“Um, I think I was 14.”
“14? As in like freshman year of high school?” That was one year younger than her current age, it made bile rise to her throat at the thought.
“Eighth grade. It was the summer before high school and the JV and Varsity swim teams invited us incoming freshmen to a party, to get to know each other and whatnot. It was chaperoned by this one guy’s sister, I think she was 21. Her name was Stacey or Stephanie, something with an S. She brought us all beer and acted cooler than any of our parents at the time.” Devi didn’t say anything, but silently nodded and urged him to continue.
“Anyway, one night like the first week of school, we all get wasted right? Some more than others I guess, because I woke up not remembering anything that happened or even how I got so intoxicated. I was mostly drinking Coke the entire night, with some rum here and there sure, but nothing too extreme. I passed out on the couch and when I woke up, she was on top of me, stroking my hair, touching me, and telling me to stay quiet so we didn’t wake anyone up.”
“I-Is that all?” Her eyes were wide, almost glassy, and Paxton instantly felt years older than her. Like she was too innocent to be hearing this and yet here he was, exposing her to it anyway. Exposing her to the harsh reality that he didn’t want her to know, yet she was already familiar with after what happened to her dad.
“She started whispering in my ear. Tell me how I seemed really mature for my age and how college boys are so rowdy and they didn’t listen to her like I did. I don’t even remember us having any kind of in-depth conversation.” His voice dropped to a low whisper. “She said that it wasn’t cool to go into high school as a virgin, especially if you were a guy. The other guys on the swim team would just turn it into some kind of contest to see who could get laid the fastest. She said I would have a leg up on all of them and be able to show off.”
A bitter chuckle passed through his lips. “Except, I didn’t feel superior or like a man or wanted, I just felt empty.”  
“Did you tell anyone?”
“Only Trent.”
Not wanting to sound rude, Devi bit her tongue and remained nonchalant. “Is Trent really the best person to be telling your secrets to?”
“He’s actually cool once you get to know him, okay? He told me that if I wanted to go to the cops and quote ‘make her a prison bitch’ unquote that he would back me up. He may act stoned 90% of the time, but he has a good heart. I trust him with my life.”
“Did um, did you ever see her again?” She asked patiently, as her fingers ran up and down the length of his torso.
“At that point, it didn’t matter. When I got back to school on Monday everyone had heard, turned me into the big man on campus and whatnot, whether I earned the title or not. I wish I had waited, you know? For my first time to be with someone that I really cared about.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“I know I’ve been with other girls before and you know, I’m some ladies man or shit. But that’s all it was you know, just sex. It’s isn’t like that with you.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better, this was better than what I had in mind. It was better than any rom-com or YA novel.”
“This doesn’t mean nothing okay? It would never mean nothing, not with you.”
Devi immediately wanted to correct his use of a double negative, but she refrained. She was speechless, too raw, first from the sex they just had and then hearing Paxton’s story. She was touched that he felt comfortable sharing such a private event with her.
“Would you have done things different? Your first time I mean.” She asked quietly, finding her voice again after letting all the information she had just heard sink in.
“Well I definitely would have waited to do it when I was sober.”
“Everyone deserves a second change, a do-over. And you aren’t drunk or high or impaired in any way right now are you?”
“So take your do-over.” Sure she didn’t handle her own trauma in the best manner, but she was surprisingly insistent in helping others overcome their own turmoil. Plus with her big brown eyes, Paxton felt like he was saying no to Bambi.
“I want you to feel good.” His own words hung in the air between them uttered by her soft voice, only a silent nod of his head and Devi had pressed her lips against his and rolled them over so she was now flush against his chest. “We can go as painfully slow as you want.”
“So now you aren’t in a rush to jump me?” The warmth in his features returned, he seemed to have a genuine smile on his face and was raising an eyebrow at her in slightly amusement.
“Something tells me this won’t be the last time, we’ll get there.”
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yicruz48 · 4 years
Fanfiction: Strictly Confidential
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Fandom: DC, Batman, Flash.
Characters: Damian Wayne (Robin), Wallace West (Kid Flash), Alfred Pennyworth.
Rating: 13 and older, older audience, grief, mourning, sad, frustration, anger, reassurance/comfort.
-> Takes place after the events of Pennyworth Rip after Damian walks out crying. Wallace awaits Damian outside Mercy Hall in attempt to comfort Damian.
Strictly Confidential
It was chilly, but not cold enough to make him shiver. He only shuddered slightly when he was caught in a path of a cold gust of a wind. He stuffed his hands into his sweater.
Wallace took out his phone to look at the time. The phone's blue light illuminated his face in the dark as he turned it on. It read 12:43 AM. He turned it on as quickly as he turned it off and slipped it back into the pocket of his sweater.
He sighed. He was growing impatient waiting. It was already past midnight, almost 1 in morning and he hadn't seen him. "Maybe he entered through the window", he thought. He didn't seem to like doors very much-or at least use them as often like an actual human being. He wasn't exactly your average human being either. But that couldn't be it, he had been waiting just inside the gates of Mercy Hall near the entrance for nearly two hours and hadn't heard anything.
"Why am I even here", he thought.
He wasn't even on good terms with Damian. It was just months ago when Damian had fired him from the Teen Titans for working with Deathstroke. They hadn't really worked out the argument they had about the used-to-be-secret prison deep under his feet. Not to mention Damian's nasty personality. Yet here he was.
Wallace shook his head and brushed away those thoughts, "he might not be my friend, but he needs one. Especially right now."
Wallace was leaning on the concrete fence near the gate. He looked up at the sign of Mercy hall. The dim lights of the buildings around him shone back at him. It made it clearer to see the graffiti that covered the building, he wondered how much time this building had been abandoned before it got to this state. He was stopped mid thought as he heard footsteps approaching.
Even though he was waiting for two hours now and was expecting Damian any minute now, he was startled. He quickly adjusted himself with his arms crossed in order to make an impression.
The rusty gates of Mercy Hall groaned as Damian pushed them opened. Wallace stood there and watched as Damian turned around towards the gates again and creaked them shut, his was face completely emotionless.
Damian pivoted again and approached the doors of the weathered building as Wallace stood there awkwardly. "Had Damian not noticed him?", now he was really worried. That wasn't very Damian-like. Damian was quick to react and picked up on anything faster than anyone else in the team.
"Damian," his words came out intense and heavy, maybe a little too heavy.
Damian halted abruptly, perhaps he was as alarmed as Wallace was when he heard him approaching moments before. He spun around quickly to look at Wallace.
He first caught glimpse of Damian's glowing green eyes. They carried guilt and sorrow, at least more than usual. His eyes were moist and red, Wallace concluded Damian had taken so long to get back because he was grieving Alfred alone.
Damian was wearing a tuxedo. He looked disheveled. His bow was a little sideways. His white dress shirt spilling on one side of his dress pants. Not to mention Damian's attire was dirty as if he had been laying on the ground. His hair was extremely unkempt, and Damian wasn't the type to leave it that way if he could avoid it. He had dignity in his looks, at least that was what Wallace thought.
"What are you doing here Wallace?" Damian interrogated as his brows immediately furrowed the moment he caught glimpse of him. Damian also wore his signature scowl although it was more severe than usual.
"It was getting late, I was worried you know, maybe you were in trouble-"
"I am highly capable of taking care of myself Wallace," his stern words cut through the air, "besides it isn't the first time I arrive this late. Now tell me, why are you here?," Damian demanded.
Of course he would see through his lie. Wallace was hoping Damian would slowly confess it himself even though Damian wasn't the type of person to express his feelings. He would have to bring it up himself, he wasn't looking forward to this.
"I heard...about Alfred...Barry mentioned it." That was also a lie, Wallace had overheard Damian talking to Bruce over the phone about the hospital opening in Gotham in name of Alfred. If he told Damian that, he would he think Wallace was spying on him and trust him even less then he already did.
Damian glanced sideways, "I'm fine." His words came out confident and strong, but Wallace knew enough about Damian to know that was just a facade to cover up what he was actually feeling. Plus as he said it, Wallace noticed Damian squeezing his fingers into a fist as if to somehow concentrate all his emotions there instead. As a matter fact, now that he looked at Damian's fists they were bloody. He had punched something, or someone.
Damian swirled around and set off to the doors again. Wallace instinctively grabbed his shoulder to pull him back, he wasn't gonna let Damian wallow in self-pity. He had to maintain a hard grip on his shoulder to keep him from leaving, "Dude, you aren't 'fine'. How can you be?! Alfred HAD to mean something to you! I bet your butler took care of you more than your Dad-"
Damian snapped his head back towards him, and forcefully pushed Wallace's hand off his shoulder. A shadow covered most of Damian's face, his eyes gleamed in the darkness with irradiation and grief. "I SAID I WAS FINE WALLACE. And Alfred isn't a butl-nevermind," he paused as if to curse himself out for letting himself show his true emotions, "I have some files I need to review before our mission tomorrow, so leave me be."
Wallace hesitated, and then gave up with another sigh. He stood outside for a few minutes before entering.
He guessed that he would have to let Damian wallow in self pity after all.
Wallace was waiting for this moment for days. Red Arrow had gone back to Seattle for the weekend, he guessed she was feeling homesick. Roundhouse had just minutes ago went to the bookstore downtown to stock up on some manga, Wallace knew he would be there for hours. And Crush and Djinn went to get groceries, they would also take awhile. Crush always got caught up taking Djinn sight-seeing to spend more time with her and Djinn obliviously followed.
But now that the time had come, he was reluctant. He was far too tired from the missions they had the past few days and was eager to fall into his bed and scroll mindlessly through social media. Also Damian wasn't the most exciting person to hang around. He could barely stand him these few days and all he wanted to do was stay as far away from him as possible. He could still hear Damian's past snarky remarks ringing in his head from the previous days.
"Idiot! Why did you let him get away?! I selected you to be apart of this group because you were fast, yet you let him out your sight!" That was just one of the many comments Damian had made at Wallace.
But that was exactly why he couldn't let leave Damian alone. Damian was projecting his grief through anger and violence more recently. The criminals falling the most victim to it. The team had just about had it with Damian's attitude last night, Damian's anguish was tearing the team apart as if they weren't already dysfunctional to begin with.
Wallace made it down the hall, passing the dorms of his teammates and each step closer hearing fists punching worn leather even louder. The sun peaked through the graffiti stained windows of Mercy hall. It looked almost serene, but it wasn't, and it was just going to start looking more grim.
He stopped at the door that lead to their makeshift gym. He wavered, "was he really going to try again as if his first encounter hadn't gone as planned?"
Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!, Wallace now could clearly hear Damian pounding the punching bag out of existence. He turned the knob to reveal to a sweat-covered Damian straining to continue bashing the poor punching bag. He was almost more concerned for the punching bag than Damian.
Through the corner of Damian's eye, he spotted Wallace but continued hitting. It was confirmed, Damian wasn't gonna make an effort to communicate with him, he would have to.
Wallace walked up to the punching bag next to Damian, and joined him. The sound of their fists hammering their punching bags echoed off the walls. It was like that for another 30 minutes until Wallace found the courage try to communicate with Damian again.
"You've been here since six in the morning. Aren't you tired?" Wallace vocalized over their fists hitting leather. Wallace's fists were already sore, he didn't understand how Damian had been doing this for hours.
Damian didn't respond. Wallace knew Damian was playing dumb. Damian knew why he was really here. He knew why Wallace decided to join him when no one really seemed to care or notice his frustration but wasn't too interested to find out.
Wallace had enough, he was tired of playing nice. And he was gonna make Damian tell him. He was tired of Damian brooding on his own. He wouldn't let him become like his old man. Wallace quickly stepped in front of Damian just in time to grab his receiving punch. "QUIT IT!" Wallace yelled.
After he said it, he immediately flinched readying himself for a reaction from Damian.
Damian instead frowned, his eyes filled with anger. He pulled his fist from Wallace's grip and walked a few steps forward away from Wallace before sitting down on the floor and pushing himself through sit ups. He remained non-verbal, but his presence said otherwise.
Sweat continued to bead down his face and fall on the mat as his back touched the floor. His workout gear was doused in sweat. Dumb ass was gonna pass out of exhaustion before Wallace even got his next words out.
Wallace headed over towards the mini fridge nearby and grabbed two water bottles. One for him, and one for the asshole on the floor doing sit ups.
He continued to propel thoughts of giving up to the back of his head. He would try again, again, and again until Damian talked to him.
He threw the water bottle into Damian's lap as he sat up in the middle of his sit up, "At least drink some water," spouted Wallace. Damian threw another glare at him but accepted the cold refreshment.
Wallace opened his own water bottle, and chugged it down as Damian guardedly opened his own. There was a few moments of silence besides the sound of them drinking their water.
Wallace wondered how many more heavy moments of silence he was going to have endure until Damian was going to talk. He was already thinking of going back to his-
Suddenly, Damian unexpectedly broke the ice, "Alfred believed himself a genius but ultimately let himself be caught by Bane," Damian paused, Wallace couldn't tell if he did it to catch a breath or to think about what to say next, "he made himself vulnerable, and Bane took the opportunity to kill him. He should've tried to escape, he was skilled enough to do so. Yet he remained at my presence although I could've handled Bane or Thomas myself."
Damian looked down at the label of his empty water bottle as he toyed with it in his hands. Wallace could've sworn he could hear ants marching nearby, it was that silent. He sat through another moment of silence, but remained quiet, he was making progress, Damian was talking.
Wallace sat next to Damian, and as if to cue in Damian proceeded where he left off, "After Dick...Dick lost his memories, I thought myself...unaccompanied," Wallace could see how hard Damian was straining to express himself, "fortunately, I wasn't, Alfred was there. Alfred constantly tried to sneak trackers on me every time I left Gotham," a hint of a smirk tickled at the corner of his mouth, "But of course I always noticed them even before leaving the manor, but his effort was appreciated," Damian stared squarely at the concrete wall facing them.
Wallace joined him, he also starred blankly at the wall. The silence wasn't as suffocating anymore, and Damian's presence wasn't as defensive or over-guarded. Wallace started to relax around Damian as well.
What Damian said might've come across as incoherent rambling with no focus, but Wallace understood was he was trying to say-or avoid admitting.
Damian was frustrated, angry, mourning-experiencing a concoction of emotions. But most predominantly, feeling alone. A few months ago he lost Dick, Wallace knew because Wally had brought it up in one of their conversations. And now Damian had lost Alfred. Wallace figured that Alfred couldn't fill the shoes of Dick, but it was enough to keep Damian in his place. But Alfred was now gone too.
Batman hadn't checked on Damian for months and from what little Damian had brought up about Batman, it seemed like they weren't seeing each other eye-to-eye either. So Wallace guessed Batman wasn't exactly a spot of comfort for Damian and from what Wallace had heard going on Gotham he wasn't the best influence for Damian to be around anyways.
"I'm sorry man, I guess your feeling alone, right? You lost the people who you trusted the most." Wallace said as he continued to look at the concrete wall. He could've looked at Damian as he said this, but Wallace was talking about something sentimental and personal to Damian and Damian didn't do any of that. And honestly, he was a little terrified of how Damian would take his response even though it was apologetic.
Wallace sneaked a glance anyways, Damian continued to look at wall and blinked twice. As if his brain was grinding its gears attempting to take in the compassion it just received. Damian's face contorted into a grimace as he turned to look at Wallace.
"Why am I disclosing this with you?" Damian spat as he picked himself off the mat and took his first step towards the door. He held back mid-step and looked back at Wallace.
He glowered back at him and walked back to where Wallace sat. Damian stood in front of him in his alpha male stance. Shoulders back, chest puffed like he owned the place, well, he did-but that wasn't the point.
Damian had slipped back into his fierce and lethal persona yet again, "What we discussed today Wallace was strictly confidential," Damian said with his hands on hips as he bent down to Wallace's eye level. He lifted a finger at him, "if you speak to anyone about this, I will not hesitate to kick you off the team again, got it?"
Wallace was trying so hard to hold back his laughter. Seeing how much Damian was worked up simply because he got all mushy with him was hilarious. Wallace would definitely not forget this moment. He was afraid of laughing, it took a lot willpower to contain his laughter, so he settled for a nod instead.
Damian backed off, and looked at the ceiling like a electrician trying to figure out a problem with the wiring and then looked down at Wallace again, "I need to get ready for our briefing today for our mission tomorrow. I would work on your stance till then, your shoulders were too tense and your core wasn't engaged enough," Damian jabbed as he finally took off.
The moment Damian exited the gym, Roundhouse entered with a stack of manga in his hands. He looked back at back at Damian stomping out of sight. He looked at Wallace perplexed, "I just got back," he got closer to Wallace and whispered as if Damian was still in the room, "...what happened between you and Robin while I was out?"
Wallace outstretched his hand, Roundhouse quickly pulled Wallace up to his feet with his free hand, "Can't tell you man, its strictly confidential," he said mimicking Damian's know-it-all attitude.
Wallace picked up his and Damian's water bottle and threw it into the trash nearby. He smiled at Roundhouse, and then looked at the manga in his hands, he took a few off, "let me help you take these to your room."
Roundhouse smiled back, "Thanks dude! I knew I could always depend on you!"
They both walked out the gym, into the halls and towards Roundhouse's bedroom.
Roundhouse beamed confidently at Wallace, "Guess what?" Roundhouse started, "I got one of these bad boys for only 2 bucks! My haggling skills..." Roundhouse's voice trailed off as Wallace became preoccupied with the conversation he had only seconds ago with Damian.
He couldn't help but smile brightly, he had been working with Damian for almost an year and Damian had finally started opening up to him. And all it took was throwing a water bottle at the kid.
Damian definitely didn't tell him everything that had happened at the ceremony. He was hiding something, withholding information from him. But Wallace got something out of him nonetheless.
"Wallace! Are you listening?!" Roundhouse looked slightly upset and offended by Wallace's ignorance to their conversation.
"I heard you loud and clear Bro."
Let me know what you think! I am thinking about posting this on Ao3, but I am not sure, so any feedback would be nice!
This my first fan-fiction in like 5 years so excuse me if I am rusty. I just felt the need to write this because I've literally been mourning Alfred's death and frustrated about Damian being neglected yet again.
I hope this helps satisfy your frustrations for now at least.
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thelazyeye · 5 years
Author Appreciation Day!!
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Fanfiction is a truly wonderful experience. I am so lucky to not only be involved in writing, but to get the explicit experience of being able to read what authors share with the world. Every story comes from somewhere inside of an author. Even when they’re silly or fun or seemingly ridiculous, an author has taken the time to write it from inside of themselves. We should ALWAYS appreciate them. Today is just something special to really be loud about it. These are some of my all time favorite fics and authors. Please, read and enjoy. 
(I’m not going to hunt down people’s tumblrs if they’re not listed in the fics so if you know who’s blog wrote any of these and they’re not tagged, please feel free to let me know and I will 100% kindly tag them!)
In The Wrong Place, Trying To Make It Right by pininawig (this is the very first Reddie fic I ever read. It got me into the fandom. I have a deep appreciation for it and I reread it all the time. Please go love this story).
"Richie wasn’t sure how the fuck he’d managed to forget Eddie Kaspbrak. Like, now that he’s got Eddie’s hand in his (his remaining hand, Richie’s traitorous mind reminds him cruelly, and he avoids looking at the hospital gown lying flat against the bed where an arm should be) he remembers everything." Or, 27 years later, Eddie makes it out of the sewers alive.
Tear It With Your Teeth by Belby 
"We could leave this place, Eddie," Richie says. "God, imagine that? Not having to live in this trash dump anymore. We could go wherever we wanted. A different place every night."
Give The Past A Slip by brodayhey
On his way to a live show for his popular podcast, Richie stumbles into a person from his past. He remembers.
Remember (It Kills Me To See You Without Me) by Kandakicksass
Richie Tozier falls in love with Eddie Kaspbrak, forgets him, and finds him again, over the course of twenty-seven years.
The Purge by leighwrites / @aizeninlefox​
In 2014, following an economic collapse and rising social unrest, a political organisation named NFFA (New Founding Fathers of America) formed and overthrew the Government, becoming voted into office. In 2016 the NFFA devised a plan to help stabilise the American society and then in 2017 the 28th Amendment was added. The amendment established a twelve hour event called the purge which would start at seven in the evening of March 21st to seven in the morning of March 22nd where all crime was made legal and emergency services were unreachable.
Stay For The Storm by inoubliable / @hanscom​
Richie and Eddie had become friends almost on sight. Since they met, most of Eddie's time in Los Angeles has involved Richie in some way. It's a little different, now that they're both famous. It's a little different, now that they're sleeping together. Well, to be fair, they've been sleeping together for a long time, but. No one knows, not even their friends. Eddie has been very careful about that. It's just not the sort of publicity he needs. So when Beverly calls him that sunny Thursday morning, the last thing he expects her to say is, "You're fucking Richie?"
5555 by weepies / @finnwolfhard​ 
“I am not harmless,” Eddie had said, his eyes thundering—a challenge. “I could ruin your life.”
“I dare you,” Richie had replied, a smug smile on his face.
This is where I leave you (sitting in a palace, covered in gold inside my head) by Enj0ltaiRe
Going blind wasn’t something that Richie had ever even took into consideration. He had joked about it, thinking that having to wear glasses was close enough to being blind, complaining about the fact that there were people that could see for free, while he had to pay for contacts and specs, but he had never actually thought about the possibility of losing his eyesight.
Blackbird by michelllejones 
“Ho-ly fuck,” Richie whispers, and Eddie has never been so fucking scared. Not when he saw the leper, not when he confronted his mother about his pills, not when they fought It in the sewers. Never. Eddie screws his eyes shut and clutches at the material of his jeans. Please be too high to notice, please be too high to notice, please be too high to notice “Eddie?”
Scene Stealer by mseg_21 / @jem-carstairs-is-perfection
“Oh god, oh god, oh god.” Eddie muttered under his breath, staring wide eyed as the man sat up. “You’re a serial killer, aren’t you? You- you lured me in, with the blood and the- the screams and now you’re going to kill me-” The man just kept on laughing, convincing Eddie more and more that he was a psychopath and that Eddie’s good heart was about to get him murdered. “I’m not going to kill you.” The man said, still laughing. “Hurt me? Kidnap me?” Eddie asked. The man shook his head in response to Eddie’s questions. “No?” The man chuckled. “Definitely not. Why would I want to hurt the cute nurse that came to my rescue?”
Richie and Eddie Were Here by andthewasp
Eddie Kaspbrak is leaving for college tomorrow. He's leaving his best friend, Richie, and the park where they grew up, behind; but he has things to do first. Eddie and Richie embark on one final adventure in an attempt to pick up the pieces they've left strewn throughout their little hometown before they part ways, and end up finding even more.
Grow Through The Dirt by tinyarmedtrex / @tinyarmedtrex​
Mike owns a small flower shop next to a tattoo parlor. He's never been interested in tattoos, but he may be interested in one of the owners, Stan.
I Will Make You Hurt by theonlytraveler / @tozierking​
Eddie has struggled with school the past couple years, and his last year of high school is already off to a bad start. His mom hires him a tutor from the nearby University and things seem like they might start looking up. But when Eddie's tutor takes an interest in him, everything starts to fall apart, and Eddie is forced into a situation he never even imagined.
A Memory Of Love by stellarbisexual / @stellarbisexual​
Richie and Eddie, who haven't seen each other since they were kids, get cast as the lead couple in an indie film.
Into The Dark by nb_richie (shipit)
Richie and Stan have seen and dealt with a lot of cases in the years they’ve been working together, from cults to cartels. A case in Derry, Maine, proves to be one of the most horrific for them and for the two local officers they’ll be working with. And on top of it all, Richie keeps remembering things he’d rather forget.
Hit Me Baby One More Time by richttps @richardtoz​
As a child, Eddie always dreamt of becoming a doctor but things don’t always go as planned - especially when you’re still sleeping with a stuffed animal. At twenty-four, he still deals with his fair share of people passing out and crying underneath a needle, but not medically. Instead, he spent his years in college exploring the world of art and went on to work as a tattoo artist in his own shop. In a way, the two are very similar, at least that’s what he tells himself when a newly legal teenager tells him that they’re so grateful that he’d tattooed the word ‘bitch’ on the inside of their lip. His last appointment for the night is especially different.
A Playlist For The End Of The World by gyngersnap / @redactedrichie​
It's been a year since the zombie outbreak started, and Eddie and Richie are all that's left of the Loser's club. Eddie's not sure if he can handle it anymore, but Richie's convinced almost anything can be fixed with a little music, an abandoned mall, and a whole lot of terrible dance moves.
Scorpion Grasses by PimpedOutGreenEars
“Tell everyone… Tell everyone I’ll miss them. And Eds, tell him… Just promise to call him Eds for me every once in a while. So he won’t forget me.”
On his last night in Derry Richie shares a bottle of red wine with Beverly. He makes promises to send letters he knows he won't remember to write, cries a lot, and then ends it with the boy he loves who's just dumb enough to love him back.
Love Your Body Right by richietoaster / @richietoaster​
Eddie's arm is broken and he enlists the help of his best friend to get off. Richie has a better idea.
A Long Way Back To The Light by slytherincosette / @tozierhargreeves​
For Eddie, senior year is supposed to be an under-the-radar kind of year. He's been avoiding all of his friends for months and his mental health has been steadily declining. Why rock the boat and make everything worse? His plans consist of getting into the local community college (easy) and avoiding Richie, the worst sort-of-ex-boyfriend ever (considerably harder.) Then Bill drags him to a stupid party, and Eddie's plans are thrown through a loop. Suddenly, "under-the-radar" seems like a cop-out. Eddie decides, once and for all, to stop settling for decent, for alright, for enough. Eddie's going to take his life back if it fucking kills him.
Baby, I’m Counting On You by PuddingTown / @tozierpunks​
Alternately titled: My babysitter's a rockstar. When Richie Tozier breezes back into his hometown of Derry, Maine, he’s expecting to see familiar faces. Of course, he’s not expecting to see an old flame chasing around a baby. With a million questions, nowhere to go, and a help wanted ad for a nannying job, he finds himself at the doorstep of Eddie Kaspbrak.
My Eyes Only by chucknovak / @wonderwheelzier​
Eddie accidentally finds Richie's nudes because Richie doesn't understand Snapchat.
Meet Me In The Graveyard by Oldguybones / @oldguybones​
After almost five years apart, the Losers club reunites to spend the weekend together at Mike’s lakeside cabin. Armed with booze and total solitude, the gang plans to make up for lost time and catch up with those who were once the most important people of their youths. Tensions fly as lost love is rekindled and friendships are divided. But they soon begin to realize that they are not alone. Someone or something is out for blood and will not rest until they get it. What will the Losers do?
Richie The Ruiner by RanjantheVictor
It takes Richie Tozier a while to realize, but eventually he does. Richie ruins everything, no matter how much he tries not to.
This is BY FAR not a comprehensive list, nor are they ranked in order. I love a lot of pieces and a lot of authors and if I were to combine them all into one post you’d never see your dash board again. This is, however, some of my all time favorites. Some of these fics hold very special places in my heart. Some of these fics shaped me into the writer I am today. Some of these fics are the reason I am here and writing. I love them dearly. I love these authors. Go love them, please. Lord knows they ALL deserve it. 
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
FLUFFY ROMCOM HANAHAKI AU HELLO???? that sounds genius pls elaborate lol
but then i read more and it was like “oh, so it’s a debilitating disease that will kill you if unrequited for too long because the flowers take root in your lungs and will suffocate you painfully. okay then. and then if you want to get rid of the flowers literally murdering you for nothing more than having an unrequited love, you have to forsake your love altogether and forget all about them okay i see how it is”
like that just seems so dumb to me as a connoisseur of fluffy things
like, the only example i have of a hanahaki au i have on my extensive list of fanfiction ideas is one for todomomo (wow what a surprise who would have known that was the pairing i’d have picked to write fanfiction about lolol), and the way i justified her developing hanahaki was that her quirk is creation.
and like, we both know the “quirks just kinda go a little *poof* crazy when the owner feels suddenly strongly emotional” trope; it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to imagine that hey!! when she gets those doki-dokis for good old todo-dorky, she might accidentally cough up flowers
and because i justified the hanahaki via her quirk, that would make it a very uncommon disease to have, so it would make sense that the other characters wouldn’t know much about it, leading to hilarious scenarios where todoroki does some normal todoroki things (like *stares pensively out the window like an anime protagonist*) and momo just loses her little teenage girl mind (like *pretends to be paying attention to the lecture when really her heart’s about to burst bc yeah she deep down knows he’s only looking out the window to be brooding and emo but it feels like he’s staring at her*) and ends up coughing up a flower
and like that’s a weird thing to do, and todoroki’s just like “oh are you feeling unwell? should i escort you to the nurse’s office”
and like obviously that makes her cough up more flowers as she profusely tries to insist that no, she is fine, she does not need to go to the nurse’s office, thank you very much
but then todoroki ends up taking her to the nurse’s office anyway and hanging out there until she feels well enough bc he’s a good friend y’know
and the whole time momo’s just like “oh my god oh my god he’s gonna figure it out at this point he’s gonna figure out that i like him” but he just?? never does bc he’s stupid and almost no one knows what hanahaki is either
so it just becomes this long game of people one by one either figuring it out or being told (usually by momo, but the girl network works in mysterious ways anyway) and collectively keeping the information from todoroki in progressively more and more convoluted ways (bc obviously girl code) as they all simultaneously try to set them up in situations where they try to get todoroki to see her in a ~*new light*~ 
like mina? you know she’s gonna shove them into a botanical garden on a weekend together for literally no apparent reason and spy on them from a gazebo as they take a stroll through the roses and leave all these fake informational signs about flower language and stuff. todoroki reads them aloud and everything flies over his head, but momo keeps swallowing back rose petals or something hahaha
and since hanahaki was just smth that gets created, she doesn’t really have much risk of dying bc there’s nothing taking root in her lungs or anything. it’s just dumb and embarrassing, especially since they seem to becoming increasingly more likely to wind up in situations where they’re locked in tiny spaces together for hours on end, and she still hasn’t told him exactly why she’s been coughing up flowers for the last few weeks
and then yeah it would probably have a serious moment where they’re locked in a closet together where they kind of just resign themselves to the situation (bc it’s like the fifth time that week, except this time it doesn’t look like they’re gonna be let out immediately) and end up having a deep heart-to-heart there for a while, and for the first time in ages, talking to him doesn’t make her hack up flowers
and yeah, according to the tropes it would be bc he starts liking her back, and yeah of course i’m a filthy shipper of course he starts liking her back bc they open up to each other and start to fully understand her, but in terms of the original justification being that her quirk just went cuckoo on her when her heart had all those doki-dokis, it just means that she becomes comfortable with him for the first time, which leads her down the road to finally getting the bravery to confess bc like
the biggest inhibitor to a confession is fear of the other person’s response, but if you’re comfortable talking to them about your deepest insecurities, man, what’s a little confession, y’know?
anyway, in conclusion, i don’t think that hanahaki is an inherently angsty trope. it’s just a tool for telling a story, and although the usual portrayals of it lend itself very well to angsty stories, you could easily turn it into a fluffy romcom too thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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fanfic-inator795 · 5 years
RotTMNT/Baron Jitsu fanfiction: Dating… With Children - Chapter Six
(Also on AO3 if you want to leave a comment or kudos)
Plot:  Benjamin Draxum hardly considered himself a man of high social standing. Not because he was uncouth or unworthy of it, mind you, but simply because he didn’t have much of a social life. Hard to have one when he usually spent his days at work, cooped up in a lab for so long that he often had his lunches in there, and his nights at home reading or doing research for more personal projects. But perhaps meeting handsome semi-retired movie star - as well as his four young sons - could change all that…
((Mild warning for mentions of being sick/throwing up, though nothing super descriptive/disgusting or anything. Anyway, hope you guys enjoy!))
Something was up…
Draxum stared down at his phone screen. No missed calls. No missed texts or voicemails. Not even a “Sorry, can't talk right now”. Nothing… Nothing on his side at least.
Opening up his call log, Draxum sighed through his nose as he looked through it all. One unanswered call to Lou Friday night, two unanswered calls on Saturday, and one that morning. That wasn't even including the texts he’d sent, not receiving a reply to any of them. At this point, he was beginning to feel like a stalker or something, or at the very least clingy-
“I'm not being clingy,” he mumbled to himself, “Just… Concerned, is all.” It was natural to feel concerned when your boyfriend wasn't talking to you, right? But then again, Lou could've just been unusually busy that weekend. Still, he couldn't help but feel like something was up. Something was wrong.
After a moment more of thinking, Draxum stood up from his couch, grabbed his keys and jacket and headed towards the door. A quick check-in wasn't unreasonable. Most likely this would all end up being something mundane anyway, and Lou would probably have a laugh about it later, or think it was amusing that he cared so much.
‘And if doing this annoys him?’ a part of Draxum asked, stubborn enough to ignore logic, ‘If all the missed calls and texts end up being his way of saying he's done with you?’
The scientist paused… And then continued on, nearly slamming the apartment door behind him. “I’ll just deal with that when it happens…” He took an extra second to put on his jacket - the cold front passing through New York was a bit harsher than usual for that time of year - and went on his way out into the cloudy afternoon.
“But I don't wannaaaaaaa!”
Lou sighed through his nose, trying to keep a grip on his child. “I know you don't want to, but I promise that it'll help you feel better! So please, Michalengel-”
“NO!” Mikey screamed back at him, startling his father enough to slip out of his arms. Mikey then dove back under his covers, letting out another muffled yell of frustration.
Lou rubbed his temples. “Alright fine, stay under there! But you will be getting a bath tonight, young man!” He could've sworn he heard his youngest actually hiss at that, before coughing several times. He knew being sick could make some kids cranky, but this was getting ridiculous! Still, it wasn't as if Lou could really blame him.
“Daddyyyyyy…” Another voice from the doorway called, sniffling slightly. Lou turned and saw Leo, looking at him with watery eyes. “If he's not gonna use the tub, can I have his bath instead?”
“Yes, that would be fine,” Lou nodded, clearly seeing the boy’s shivering body as well as all the sweat stains on his son’s nightshirt despite just putting it on him a couple hours ago.
“Kay… Also, I threw up. In my room. Sorry…”
Lou closed his eyes for just a moment, just enough to recompose himself, before nodding. “It's fine, you are fine. I will run your bath first, and then I will clean it up, okay?” Leo nodded back at him and slowly made his way towards the bathroom.
As Lou traveled down the hall, he briefly checked on his other two kids. Raph, shirtless with discomfort clearly on his face, still managed to sleep in spite of his fever. He'd need to check his and Leo’s temperatures too when it was time to give all of them their next dose of medicine. “That's gonna be real fun,” he mumbled to himself, already dreading it.
As for Donnie, he was wide awake, sniffling and fiddling with his humidifier. “Donnie, please stop messing with that,” he told him, leading the boy back into bed.
“But it's not workingggg!” Donnie nearly sobbed, rubbing his tired eyes as he let out a couple tears, “I'm still all stuffed up!”
Lou turned the humidifier up one level before handing Donnie a box of tissues. “I know it's no fun being sick, but just try to relax, okay baby? Blow your nose a few times, that should-”
“I already blew my nose a hundred thousand times already!” Donnie growled, mood going from despairing to grouchy on a dime. “My dumb nose is STILL stuffed up, ‘cause you bought the wrong dumb machine! Cause you're dumb. Dumb Dad!” He tossed the box on his bed, kicking it slightly as he continued to sniffle. “Dummy dumb-dumb…”
Lou just patted his head. “I will make you some tea soon, Don. That’ll help clear things out.” Thankfully, Donnie seemed to accept that, still pouting and whimpering a bit but nonetheless laying back down and making sure to face the humidifier. Lou would make sure to make his purple pajama-wearing son his favorite flavor of tea as an added bonus. But first, bath time.
Leo was already waiting for him, undressed (save for a towel wrapped around his waist) and leaning against the toilet to try and keep cool. “Leonardo, don't, that's dirty,” Lou told him, gently pushing him off it. He then turned on the faucet and, out of the corner of his eye, noticed his son wincing at all the steam coming from the water. 
“Daddddd, I'm already super hot! If I take a hot bath I'm gonna die!”
“You're not gonna die,” Lou insisted, “A cold bath would just make your body sicker, and hot water will help your fever break. I promise that this'll help, and if you don't like it you won't have to stay in there for more than a couple minutes, okay?”
“Ugh, fiiiiine.” Lou gave him a small smile, quickly giving Leo a pat on the head as well. Soon enough the tub was filled, and Leo slipped into the water without any protest, already closing his eyes. Lou set a clean towel on the toilet lid in case Leo wanted out before he came back, and then set forth on his next task. There was still that mess in Leo’s room to clean up, but…
He heard Donnie let out a long whine (followed by a couple quick sneezes), and then heard Raph let out a low, raspy groan, waking up slightly from his fever induced nap. It nearly broke his heart, how miserable they sounded. “...Right. Tea first.” So, he headed downstairs, ignoring the tickle in his own throat and the fatigue pulling at his eyes. Not to mention his pounding headache… Unable to help himself, he closed his eyes again - and nearly tripped over a pillow that had been left on the living room floor. He managed to keep his footing at least - even if that meant stepping on one of Raph’s wrestling figures instead.
“You've got this, Lou,” he told himself, even as he limped into the kitchen, “You've got this. Just start the tea.” He made sure to make enough for three cups in case Mikey wanted some, as well. The process was easy enough, thankfully, though even the steam and pleasant scent of the soothing drink did nothing for him. If anything, his headache got worse, with it almost sounding like someone was knocking against his head!
...Wait, that knocking wasn't in his head. Or, was it? “Is someone there?” He shouted from the kitchen, nearly driving himself into a coughing fit, “I-If that’s you, O’Neil, door’s unlocked! Get whatever you need to borrow and go, okay?”
He heard the door open - good, he wasn't hallucinating - but the deep voice that answered him caught him completely off-guard. “Lou…? Is everythi-?”
“Ben?!” Lou moved to the kitchen doorway, and sure enough, there stood his boyfriend, looking confused and a bit shocked. “Uh, h-hey you!” Lou greeted, forcing a grin as he ran a hand through his (greasy, unwashed for who knows HOW long, ugh) hair, “Heh, what uh- what brings you?”
“I just wanted to see how you were doing,” Draxum answered, unable to help but stare. Even when wearing simple and casual outfits, Lou had always had a sort of ‘dressed to impressed’ vibe, always looking good and well put together, matching his life in that sense. He never seemed stressed, being able to roll with whatever came his way, his kids always behaving well enough - he just seemed like Mr. Perfect! Even him being a bit flustered as he explained his feelings in the diner parking lot or him explaining his past hadn't shattered that illusion to Draxum. But now…
Lou was wearing just an old grey tank top, a brown house robe and nothing on his feet. His hair was an absolute mess while his face had some stubble, indicating that he hadn't shaved in a couple days. His usual sunglasses were also missing, meaning there was nothing to hide the bags under his eyes. But more than just his outfit or appearance, Lou just looked tired. Completely exhausted and looking like he was barely keeping it together.
Lou seemed to realize this too, glancing away as he explained the situation. “Yeah, uhh… Things are a bit rough over here this weekend. Big flu outbreak at school. Apparently April caught it first, so thanks to a heads up from her father I was able to prepare somewhat, but…” But there was only so much you could prepare for when not just one or two, but ALL FOUR of your kids got sick. “Donnie and Mikey both have colds while Raph and Leo have fevers, and unlucky Raphael has a really sore throat too, it seems.”
“And you?” Draxum asked, raising an eyebrow.
Lou immediately waved him off. “Oh I'm fine! Completely well! You, you didn't need to come over, really!”
“Well, I tried to call-” “You did?” Lou went around his chair and picked up his phone from the coffee table. He tried three times to turn it on before realizing the phone was dead. “Right…” He sighed, tossing the phone over his shoulder, it bouncing a couple times on the cushion. “Well, I-I’ll just charge that later and we can talk maybe to-”
A high pitched whistle pierced through the air and Lou mumbled a Japanese curse under his breath as he scrambled back into the kitchen. Draxum followed, still a bit surprised. Because the fact was, as easy as it should have been for Draxum to realize, Lou was just as human as him - just as human as anyone. He wasn't the Lou Jitsu from his movies. He could be handsome and witty and unflappable as both a person and a parent, but also disheveled and stressed and even have days where he could hardly stay afloat.
This was certainly one of those days.
Taking a deep breath as he poured the hot tea, Lou granted himself one moment to relax before pushing himself back into ‘dad mode’. “I'm sorry, Ben, I just- I have a lot to take care of today and-”
“Just tell me what you need me to do,” he heard Draxum say suddenly, his tone funnily enough making his request almost sound like a demand.
Lou turned back at him. “Oh, no, Ben! You, you don't have to spend your day- W-We’ll be fine, really! I've got this, I've just got to get the boys their tea and medicine and clean up a few messes-”
“Then why don't I take care of the messes,” Draxum told him, taking another step forward before gesturing to the cups of tea, “While you take care of these.” Lou tried to argue but his boyfriend once again cut him off. “I'm not going to take no for an answer, Lou.”
Lou was silent for a moment before he managed a sheepish smile despite himself. “You uh… You know how to clean up puke?” He asked, his tone unsure, as if he expected the idea itself to make the taller man immediately regret his decision to help, and he was already ready to tell him once again that he didn't need to stay.
But Draxum simply put a hand on Lou’s shoulder, his touch steady and strong enough that even Lou’s tired back was able to straighten up at it. “I think I can manage,” Draxum told him, smiling ever so subtly. Lou stared back at him… And then nodded, accepting it. With that, the two went their separate ways and got to work.
And with perfect timing too. In that moment, they both heard a loud wail from upstairs. Lou knew it well - it sounded like his youngest had officially gone from ‘everyone leave me alone right now’ to ‘I'm sad and/or feeling bad and I wanna be hugged forever’. So he grabbed the tea tray and raced up the stairs as fast as he could go without spilling the precious cargo while Draxum headed towards the nearest closet.
Along with finding cleaning supplies, Draxum also spotted some masks and gloves by the family first-aid kit. He tried not to look too relieved about this. Once he was properly protected and had gathered all he needed, he too went upstairs. Finding Leo’s room was easy enough, as was cleaning up the mess, thankfully. By the time he had finished, Leo was out of the bath and dressed in a fluffy bright blue bathrobe of his own.
The boy blinked slowly at him, eyes still a bit weary and sick mind hazy. “...Are you a dream?”
Draxum smiled. “Nope,” he answered, “Just a doctor helping out.”
“Oh. ...Kay.” Too sick to ask curious questions, Leo just got back into bed while Draxum left with his supplies to go take care of his next task, wishing the poor boy a 'get well soon' as he went.
The rest of the afternoon seemed to run just as smoothly, with Lou and Draxum working opposite each other. While Lou worked on getting the kids to take their medicine and drink their tea, Draxum took care of the overflowing laundry pile. While Draxum handled their mountain of unwashed dishes, Lou checked temperatures and ran more baths or refilled humidifiers. Lou even managed to get a nice hot shower for himself while Draxum kept an eye on the kids. There would still be work to do later once he had more time to do it, but Draxum’s help still took a lot off Lou’s plate - and for that, the former movie star was especially thankful.
Speaking of plates, they ended up cooking the kids’ supper together, with Draxum handling the dry toast and Lou making the chicken noodle soup. Not the most exciting meal, but perfect for small, upset stomachs that still needed to eat something they could keep down.
Of course, the two of them would be able to have something a bit more flavorful. Using the last of a bag of rice along whatever bits of ingredients he could find, Draxum managed to make a decent fried rice (NOT overcooked or burnt, thank you very much!). Once he had a lid over the pan to keep it warm, he went upstairs to tell Lou that their meal was ready.
Though, as he got closer to Lou’s room, he heard a low melody, and his footsteps slowed.
“Nakiharashita me de hiza wo kakaeru… Wake wo kikasete subete hanashite… Daijoubu dokoemo ikanai yo… Nani ga atte mo issho ni iru yo…”
It was quite the scene, really. All four kids were tucked into Lou’s bed, snuggling up to each like it was a giant cuddle pile, their faces finally peaceful as they slipped into sleep. As for Lou, he sat on the edge of the bed, smiling softly and occasionally petting one of the boys’ heads as he sang. Lou had a good voice, and even if he was occasionally off-key, the sentiment was still very much there.
Smiling softly to himself, Draxum stood in silence as he listened, deciding that supper could wait a couple minutes…
Even with there still being some sunlight outside, the inside of the house was awash with comfortable darkness, save for the single light left on in the kitchen. As far as they could tell, as they sat together on the loveseat and ate their food in peace, they were the only ones awake in the world.
“...You know, I think we skipped a couple steps.”
“Hm?” Draxum questioned, his last bite of food still in his mouth.
Lou, bleary eyed and exhausted, still managed to flash him a cocky smile. “Aren't there supposed to be a lot more fun and/or sexy times before we get into the domestic stuff?”
His date rolled his eyes. “You're sick and half asleep, and you're still going to try and flirt?”
Lou hummed, nuzzling Draxum’s shoulder slightly. “You're a good man… You deserved to be flirted with…” He then sighed. “Thanks for your help today, Ben. You… You really didn't have to-”
“Oh yes, because leaving you to take care of your children and your house despite me being more than able to help you would've been the muchmore supportive option,” Draxum replied, his tone sarcastic yet without harshness, “Honestly, what was I thinking.”
Lou weakly nudged his side. “Baka. You know what I mean… You didn't have to help as much as you did, but you just… Did, without hesitation.” He smiled again, this time a bit warmer though still somewhat playful. “Guess I won the jackpot on boyfriends, hm?”
Draxum chuckled slightly. “I suppose so…” Though, as far as he was concerned, they both won.
“...I’d kiss you if I could. You know I would.”
“I’ll settle for you getting some rest and getting better. I’ll go find you a blanket-”
Lou groaned, leaning further on his date and even wrapping an arm around him. “Don't leave meeee… You're so comfortableeeee…”
“Yes, and I’m sure a proper pillow would be even more comfortable,” Draxum argued, amused as he managed to slip out of his pouting boyfriend’s grip. It took some time to find a spare pillow and blanket that hadn’t been used yet or wasn’t currently being used. Once he found them and went back downstairs, Lou was already fast asleep.
Shaking his head, Draxum put a pillow down by the man’s head and spread the blanket over his body. He stared at Lou for a moment, almost unable to look away… Only feeling just a bit silly, Draxum pressed two of his fingers to his lips, kissing them and then pressing them to Lou’s forehead.
“Sleep well, Lou Jitsu…”
“Uhhh, special delivery for a ‘Dr. Benjamin Draxum’?”
Being yanked out of his concentration so suddenly - there was a reason he hadn’t taken a break yet, but it seemed like SOME people just couldn’t respect that!  - Draxum couldn't help but scowl at his computer screen. “Ugh, I didn’t order any-!” He turned to look at the doorway, and stopped short.
Lou, grinning and holding up a bag from Draxum’s favorite sandwich place, just gave him a wink. Draxum saved his work, and within a minute they were both sitting at Draxum’s desk - Draxum in his chair, and Lou deciding to just sit on the desk itself, being sure to mind the few things on it.
“Looks like a few days of rest did you well,” Draxum commented as he checked his sandwich for any unwanted toppings.
“Oh yeah,” Lou nodded, “The boys are back in school and catching up on missed work, house is all back in order, and I just figured that this was the least I could do.”
Draxum hummed. “Oh, I don’t know…” He set the sandwich down, earning a curious look from Lou. “I think there’s something more you could do for me. After all…” He stood up, smirking now as he leaned forward. “I believe you still owe me that kiss.”
Lou smirked back. “Well, if I still owe you that, I may have to throw in a bit of ‘interest’...” Their lips quickly met, Lou’s arms back around his tall lover’s waist while Draxum settled for cupping Lou’s face, fingers in his black and grey-streaked hair.
“...So, you think that’s him?” Muninn whispered as he quickly moved away from the doorway.
“Uh, yeah dude,” Huginn replied, giving him a bit of a flat look, “Pretty sure the guy that’s kissing him is his boyfriend.”
“Hey, just making sure! He seems like a pretty good guy.” And his boss definitely looked happy. “Heh, you think they’d invite us to their wedding?” he joked.
“Tc'ch, yeah right,” Huginn chuckled, smirking back at his partner, “Draxum wouldn't want us anywhere near their wedding. Come on, let’s get going before they hear us.” Besides, if Draxum was busy with his own lunch break, maybe he wouldn’t notice if his two interns came back a bit late from theirs. Extra dessert from the good snack machine by the chemistry department, here they come!
((The song Lou was singing is called Mother's Song from 'Wolf Children' with the lyrics translating to "You hugged your knees, crying out your eyes, Tell me why, I'll listen to everything, Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, No matter what happens, I'll be with you".
Granted not all the lyrics of the lyrics fit with Lou, hence why I only took a small bit of it, but I just needed a song to set the mood of the scene and this song seemed like the perfect fit (plus I just love both the movie and the song SO much! So I couldn't help but include it, heh). Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this! ^v^))
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divagonzo · 6 years
HI, its me again with the ? about eyebrows and how shes rude to people. on your blog again 2 vent. I DON'T UNDERSTAND PEOPLE WHO TRY TO JUSTIFY THE BOOK RELATIONSHIPS AND/OR CHARACTERS, usually y harry/hermione ACTUALLY(hah) MAKES SENSE OR HOW DRACO IS A REDEEMABLE BADBOY(lol) or why draco and hermione should b together despite them never really EVER having a conversation. also he's a nazi?? sooo. AND THEN THEY SOURCE THE FILMS?????? how can people be so wilfully ignorant and unbelievably stupid
Evenin’ Nonnie. Biscuit?
I will take these one at a time, just for my own sorting and all. Might as well get comfortable since this might take a spell.
For the first bit, where people try and justify The Chosen one with The Bookworm, I think much of it is a trope, where the Hero gets The Girl (And for many stories, this is the case. It just didn’t happen in this one.
Those who ship such? Sure. NP. But please stay in your lane. (like one of the wonderful mods for @smutty-claus whom I adore and is incredible.) I’ve read plenty of this particular ship and for various reasons, I don’t see it personally (much of it coming down to personalities but also how each copes with trauma and how that could affect a romantic partner) but then there are plenty who read the same things and would disagree with me. I even have a dear friend of mine who has written Golden Trio fic and I like how he makes the dynamics work and also plausible. (I won’t mention who but @nightfalltwen knows who I am talking about!) I could read their stories time and time again. (Oh right, I have.)
This friend also said that I am the only writer who they will read Ron & Hermione together, because I have both of them flawed and also working together. To me, that is an outstanding compliment.
I think what sticks in my incisors the most is that when I come across a fic of The Chosen One and The bookworm in a romantic relationship, Ron is utterly discounted, bashed, and otherwise trashed in it and that bothers me. Alas, instead of being a tosser and whining, I nope out and go about my day/weekend.
Ah, the Ferret. Yes, I do find it disheartening where so many fall and believe the trope of “the girl saves the asshole boy from his own bad choices” which I disagree with completely because it’s not her job to take responsibility for him. He’s his own (eventual) man and can be responsible for his own decisions. I’ve written fic involving him but also a few steps on his redemption path - which I see is his own journey and not the responsibility of anyone to make him do it.
When I see Darko, I’m immediately reminded of this:
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Source: Rare Historical Photos
Everything he did up to that point (say, before his sixth year) has been focused on prejudice, bigotry, genetic superiority, and being a git x 100. I can’t think for a moment that he didn’t participate in such atrocities, such as disposing of prisoners, tormenting those for information, or other nefarious actions. I do think that he was thrown in above his head and realized that, “Oh, shit. I’m in way too deep!” and secondly realized, “Fuck, I’m in deep trouble. Help?”
There was zero contrition on his part to not continue to advocate for the side in question, even after he was rescued in the RoR and nearly immolated and owed his life to Harry - and still turned around and betrayed them (or attempted to before Ron punched him in the nose.)
For actual redemption? He’d have to do it himself (it’s a personal responsibility and not a saving grace, even if he was included in it) and work towards being a better man. No one can make him change. He has to want it himself and work on it himself.
I find it personally distasteful, as a trope, where the girl saves the bigoted boy from his own bad choices. It’s not her responsibility to save him with her lurv.
Do I think he did redeem himself somewhat at some point? Yes, I do. Do I think it’s a saint now, 19 years later? No. Some bells can’t be unrung. He has to live with the fact that he tried to kill multiple people (and failed only by sheer dumb luck) but that’s the absolutely most minimum bar set for being a human.
And those actions are why I personally think that Ron and Hermione would never forgive him and would be civil and polite only for their children’s sake. Harry’s welcome to participate in radical forgiveness but expecting people to forgive you when you’ve stood aside and let ish go down, up to and including attempted murder…. and I couldn’t do it.
So to say he’s a bad boy with a heart of gold… I see it as being toxic romanticism and not seeing that as anything but fantasy will get girls (and some boys) hurt long-term.
Ah, yes. The ship I find distasteful. (it’s not a NOTP of mine but I will nope out of anything related since I find it squicky but won’t torment anyone over it. I find others more…. deserving of my ire.
As I mentioned above, I see that particular trope as being toxic in many ways. Yes, he’s considered a wizarding Fascist and a class 1 bigot. I cannot fathom how someone could see that quality of a person making it a romantic story with him and The Bookworm. I personally can’t, at least in the time frames that everyone writes in.
Hermione isn’t one to be very… forgiving of anyone who betrays her friends. This includes Harry and Ron (and others.) The only ones that I do see her actively forgiving (in actions but not words) are Ron and Harry (and maybe Ginny, off- page.) She is so damn stubborn that I can’t see her ever muttering the words I’m sorry unless it’s an absolute last resort. (Oh wow, that is me in a nutshell still. I digress.)
I don’t see her being content being a stay at home wife making babies. I don’t see her being content to be put on a pedestal and shown off - and then shoved aside when it’s not convenient. I don’t see her content being the doting wife, quiet in public and only fierce in private.
The writing of enemies to lovers fails this one completely because of the distinct differences is core beliefs. Hate s*x? Sure. That’s about it, if that.
Finally, films. I will be forever salty over them and how fucked up Uncle Steve cocked them up. His atrocious writing and arrogance in thinking he could make the story better earns a kick in his shins and arse for fucking up such an incredible story (even if there are problematic elements involved.)
I think that Tom Felton is a sweetie and the early crushes that Eyebrows McGee had been cute but using personal chemistry and not character chemistry boggles me greatly. The movies aren’t canon but Uncle Steve’s fanfiction made into movies loosely based on the books (kinda like the bourne identity was just the book titles and little to no relation to the books themselves.)
Sadly, it seems that most people don’t have the attention span for reading a book and rather rush through a 2-hour movie and be done with it, as a passive viewer/consumer than actively reading for comprehension. I can’t make people look at canon and go, Hey, the movie got that wrong repeatedly.
I can yell into the void for years and not make a dent. So I don’t try that much unless asked.
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inopinion · 7 years
Date at the Docks
The Virals Series by Brenden Riechs and Kathy Reichs --- > needs more fanfiction, so I’m here to help.
Thanks to a tuna fish sandwich, I did not have to face down an entire evening of wedding planning. Kit had a simplistic desire to be married in a place of natural beauty, and so he proposed we drive out to Cape Romaine Wildlife Refuge. Whitney, of course, wanted something more traditional with a modern flair and thought Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens would be exactly the southern charm she needed. She’d made an appointment with their event planner, had planned a picnic, and packed the bug spray. Diner was to be al fresco at the end of a self-guided walk of the refuge. I was still in mildly hot water over my attendance record being mailed to his office rather than where I could intercept it. My grades hadn’t dipped more than a couple percent and so he was holding me hostage on principle. Plus he thought wedding planning as a family would be the exact start we needed in this new life of togetherness. Blargh.
But, like I said, thanks to a tuna fish sandwich and Hiram’s impossibly sensitive stomach, Mr. Blue had to wait at the dock for an additional twenty minutes. It was exactly the time I needed, as the text came just when Hiram staggered to the docks.
Can’t miss the appointment at the plantation. Feed yourself. No going out.
I texted back: Hiram should be here any minute, maybe five more?
He replied: Can’t. Late as it is.
Kit accepted most of my excuses on face value, it was one of the better aspects of our relationship, but showing some interest in the activities of Whitney’s designs got me bonus points, so the small white lie really hurt no one.
“Never again,” Hi groaned. We hadn’t even cleared the dock before he was over the edge.
Shelton and I shadowed the two middle-school kids that also lived on Morris to the front of the boat.
“So, what’s the plans for the weekend? Bank heist?” Shelton adjusted his glasses and kept one eye on Hiram’s folded form.
“Calculus. I haven’t started the assignment yet.”
“Oh, tisk tisk. It’s a killer. Took me all night last night to get through half. I’m gonna be hitting up the Call of Duty tonight though, little treat for keeping my nose clean for two weeks.”
“Have fun.”
“Yeah. But we’re going out tomorrow, right?” Shelton alluded to the pre-planned boating expedition to our favorite beach on loggerhead.
Even without my abilities, I felt like I needed to see Whisper and her pack. Like watching them would help me remember that connection. There was a good chance I’d come away upset or crying, but still, I needed to see them. “I assume so. I haven’t heard otherwise,” I shrugged.
Shelton raised an eyebrow. Ben was our ride, always, but he’d only managed to slip a few texts to Shelton on a friend’s phone in the last two weeks. His resilience through the class skipping wasn’t quite as high as mine and an emergency conference with his parents rendered him without a phone, without a car, and without a social life. It’s been a bit of a hard start for our relationship, as in a non-starter. It still stung a bit that every message seemed to go to Shelton, all three of them. I shouldn’t mope about it, but still, I was feeling more than uncertain about what exactly I should be expecting now that we’d assigned the labels of boyfriend and girlfriend to each other.
Another volley of overly loud vomit kept me in the here and now. I’d be at the docks in the morning, waiting to see what had changed from our last group ride out to Loggerhead. At least if it got weird, I’d have Coop and the wolf pack to keep me distracted.
Unfortunately, Friday nights had little in the way of televised entertainment. So while I attempted to procrastinate and put off the complexities of nested integrals, I made plenty of headway, enough to question if I had the right assignment. I even sent a confiramtion text to Shelton and got a positive response. But by seven o’clock, all my problems were done and what remained of my weekend assignments was seventy pages of reading for AP English. I turned my attention to The Age of Innocence and let the TV play in the background.
An hour, eight o’clock and I could imagine Kit and Whitney taking in the beauty of the refuge and I sort of wished I was there. Sort of, not really, okay I would love to see the refuge and I wouldn’t mind a little more time with Kit. Besides, the wedding was important to him and he was undeniably important to me. As my stomach growled, I could even admit I wished I had a little bit of Whitney’s picnic basket.
Lazily, I palmed my phone up off the table and gasped. It was still on silent from school which had meant I’d missed a message from Ben.
At my dad’s tonight, you around?
What did that mean? More importantly, in two weeks of radio silence, did I even want to come clamoring to his sudden beck and call? Shouldn’t I at least feign being angry? A glance at the time stamp - 7:12 - and at least I wouldn’t look desperate replying.
I wrote: Just finished some homework. What’s up?
What’s up? Yeah, that’s how you hook ‘em. I waited. Two minutes. Three. I turned on the notifications so I’d at least hear it and went to address my hunger in the kitchen. I made a sandwich, tossed a couple slices of meat to Coop and eyed the baking show on the TV with little interest. Still, no reply. What a start, maybe an ending. It hurt, not that I’d dare let it show, because what was there to hurt over?
Three fast raps on the door and butterflies swarmed my stomach and floated up into my throat. Was he skipping the electronic communications? Ben had cut off shorts and a trim, black t-shirt that looked slightly too small for his frame. It might have fit him in the spring or at Christmas, but he’d grown both taller and stronger in the time I’d known him. His hair was tucked back behind his ears and a slight pink coated his cheeks. Those long lashes saved him sweeping away those prickly thoughts I’d just been fostering.
“So, you wanna come out with me?” He fought the smile that threatened to crack his face.
“Yeah, sure. Where?”
“Just the dock,” he shrugged, then added, “Is that okay?”
Ben looked legitimately worried, like I wasn’t known to hang out on docks with moody boys and would be offend to partake. Coop rushed the door.
“Lead the way.”
His hand slipped out of his pocket and extended for mine. Would I ever get used to it? His elbow bent and pulled me into his side, which seemed like an expert move, had he used it on other girls? How many other girls? Why was I having dumb, over analyzing thoughts in the first place. I turned by attention to the feel of him: warm and solid; the smell of him: men’s sport deodorant and docks; and his body language: stiff, but not anxious. I took a deep breath of the salt air and shrugged my shoulders a few times to relax. It was Ben, just Ben. Just Ben-the-boyfriend doing the first boyfriend things… no sweat.
On the dock, he had one pole already cast into the water, another, presumably for me, sitting on the dock. Three buckets and a cooler. An already opened bottle of fancy root-beer was next to one bucket (his seat).
“So, what I miss? Felonies? Misdemeanors?” he asked, dropping my hand to take his seat and open the cooler.
He pulled out another bottle and dug his keys out of his pocket, digging deeper for his pocket knife. He used the bottle opener even though it was probably a twist off. But, sure, cool points, I guess.
“I’ve been on psuedo-house arrest, so not much. Wedding crap, homework, mostly. All-in-all, quiet. You?”
“Well, grounded. Redefining nothing.”
“How bad were the grades?”
“Three B’s. Nothing major. I’ve done worse at Bolton, but apparently the standards are different now that I’m at Wando.”
Ben lifted the second pole and offered it to me. I examine it and confirm it’s the same one from the last time we went fishing. The lure is the same shiny disk and feather combination. I lean over and look at his bucket. Nothing in it but water.
“We can toss them back. But I was hoping for dinner,” he smirks. “You remember how to cast?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Setting the feed, holding it with my finger I pulled the pole back and launched the line out beyond the dock into the deeper water. Ben’s lips were tight and his smirk never slipped. “What?”
“Nothing. You fish how ever you wanna.”
“What I do?” I insisted.
“Nothing. Just… I mean, fish like cover. Under the dock, by the boats, but you try the open water,” he waved his hand at his own line that dipped below his father’s ferry boat.
“Fine, I’ll reset it,” I started reeling it in. “Call it practice.”
“Sure, practice,” he sipped his soda and then got quiet. “Not the best first date, eh?”
I watched the lure under the gentle waves then pop through the surface. Was this a date? A first date? Did this count? It was after school, almost dark, no parents, no friends, he even brought refreshments. His hand curled into a fist on his knee, those Blue-moods coming to the surface. “It’s a very Ben first date.” I offered, kindly and with a smile. For good measure I pulled the pole back and released it, landing off the end of the dock.
“What’s a Tory-date? You know, for next time?”
“You have to ask?” I raise an eyebrow and glance at Sewee parked in it’s slip down the dock.
“Always wolves with you.”
“Use my predictability to your advantage,” a small nudge from my knee and he slid his bucket closer to me.
“How’s this supposed to go?” Ben asked, looking at the water, watching his line. We’re shoulder to shoulder like we have been on countless occasions, but I can’t recall ever having quite the same queasy feeling.
“I dunno. New to me.”
“I sorta didn’t think much past this.”
“Well, this is nice,” I declared, sipping from the soda in my hand. I see his on his knee, palm up, offering. His fingers are slightly chilled from the glass.
“So, why’d you text Shelton?”
His hand flinches in mine. “Only number I have memorized. Two-zero-zero-seven. Double-oh-seven. I had to borrow a phone from a friend. Only let me the once because he almost got it confiscated.”
“Oh. Okay.” More silence, the lapping waves, the bugs coming out for the night. Coop dashed through the grass and onto the dock, sticking his head into the space between Ben and I.
“Chaperons,” Ben groaned, pushing Coop away and getting licked for his effort.
“Oh, yeah, did you get rules?” I asked.
“Rules? About?”
“Oh, no, not specifically about you, just about girlfriends, but I don’t even know if my mom remembers it.”
“You’ve dated before?”
“Like middle-school, before Bolton. You?”
“Nope, not really, well, about the same, I guess,” I blushed at the memory of those make-out sessions behind Dunkin Donuts.
“So, rules?”
“Oh, Kit made sure we had the talk and everything. Apparently, seventeen-year-old boys are single minded. I think my existence sort of freaked him out.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, Kit was seventeen when—you know—I happened.”
“Oh. Right. Well, I mean, that’s not gonna happen like right away or anything.” Instant awkwardness. I created instant awkwardness.
“Look, it better to be upfront about things, right? Talk about them? Anyways, Kit says we can’t hang out alone at each other’s houses, curfew—strictly enforced—and he wants to know if we go places where we’re going and when we’ll be back.”
“Okay. Sure,” Ben nodded. “But this is okay, right?”
Then Ben’s arm moved around my shoulder, a smooth movement that tickled my stomach back into butterflies. “And this is okay?”
“Mmm-hmm.” My breathing stepped up and the sweat kicked on. His face next to mine, his arm pulling on my knees, rotating me on the bucket so we faced each other, his right knee between mine. “This is okay?”
Dear God, Ben had moves. Good moves. Moves that melted me and made my skin pimple into goose bumps. I nodded. Leaning forward our lips touched just slightly, enough for his breath to puff onto my chin. Then the line jerked and his pole fell off it’s prop. Stretching low and fast like a cat, Ben gripped the pole before it fell off the deck. I laughed at his sprawl, his bucket rolling into the ocean and riding on the waves four feet below. He cursed and reeled, keeping the fish on the line and eying the bucket for drift. I reeled in my own pole and while he fought his fish into the dock, I used mine to hook the handle on the bucket and drag it over to the ladder.
“It can’t be that small,” Ben groaned, the silver fish coming up in a leap. “It fought like a monster.”
“Making fish stories?” Kit approached. Coop trotted up the dock to great him.
“Hey, Tory, it’s nine-thirty. You got until ten.”
“Yep, sure thing,” I chirped wondering exactly how much he’d seen. Thankfully, it was getting darker by the moment and maybe my flush would fade before Ben had the fish unhooked and back in the water. Kit lingered, like he wanted to burn my scarlet permanently into my skin.
Coop circled around me, watching Ben’s fish come up over the edge of the dock. It flipped and kicked it’s tail wildly, still fighting in the air. Ben grabbed it and balanced his pole against his side. He grinned while he examined his catch.
“What is it?” I asked more to pull me away from Kit who just wouldn’t disappear.
“Croaker,” he held it up, holding it by it’s mouth.
“People usually say, ‘a beauty’ but I don’t think ‘cute’ is really a term for fish.”
“Maybe I wasn’t talking about the fish,” I grinned. Ben rolled his eyes and tucked his hair behind his ear. Definitely cute. “Well, mercy or no?”
Ben glanced at the bucket and then back to the fish. “It’s not my favorite,” he lied and tossed it back into the oceans.
He wiped his hands on his pants, glanced at the path up to the condos and found it vacant. “Before anything else gets in the way—” he took the two steps he needed and crushed his lips into mine. His lips were tight with an exhilarated smile and his hands firm in how they held me still. Maybe it would be an awkward transition, but having that first real kiss out of the way was a big start.
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hungry-weirdartist · 7 years
A Teeny Tiny Band:A  Falsettos Fanfiction
Jason was the first to find out.
And how he found out was one of the stupidest moments in Marvin’s life.
      He had Jason over alone that Friday night as Whizzer had planned a night-out with Charlotte and Cordelia before Trina confirmed that Jason would come over that weekend and he couldn’t back out.So,not wanting to burn down the house,Marvin just ordered a pizza.
    After ordering the pizza,he went into his room and took out a small,unnoticeable box in his pocket.After months of badgering from Charlotte and Cordelia,he had decided to propose to Whizzer.He went with a ring Whizzer would love for being fashionable and versatile with almost anything.He even got it engraved.
All I want is you.
    Marvin was methodical,and of course he had a plan for this.There’d be a fancy dinner,he’d propose with a speech, and then head home for some s-
     “Dad,pizza’s here!”Jason’s shouting brought Marvin back to the present.He quickly changed into a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants and paid for the pizza.For a while,all they did was watch movies on TV and eat pizza,with the occasional dad joke.After a while,Marvin asked his son to get his contacts from his room.
    “Dad,where is-oh nevermind!”Jason screamed from his room.Marvin’s eyes were  still glued to the screen until Jason came out with a box.
A small,unnoticeable box.
    Marvin’s eyes widened as he tried to lunge for it.But despite all his raquetball practice,he wasn’t quick enough  to stop Jason from flicking the box open.Now, if there wasn’t any indication that Marvin was going to give it to Whizzer,Jason might’ve thought it was Trina and his old ring.
But Marvin was a dumb sap.
   He’d had a message on the top of the box,At the time he put the message,he thought Whizzer would be so smitten when he saw it.
To Whizzer,my unlikely lover
   Jason stood very still.Marvin went back to sit on the couch,still eyeing his son’s blank expresiion.He was about to ask how Jason was when he spoke.
“You’re going to propose to Whizzer?”
“I-uh yeah.”he answered.
   Jason’s blank slate face morphed into a smile.He ran to Marvin and hugged him tightly.”He’ll finally be an official part of the family!”he said excitedly and Marvin just felt his heart swell up.
“Just don’t tell Whizzer,okay?”
“You’re going to propose to Whizzer?”
    He was with Charlotte and Cordelia outside.Whizzer was at the bathroom He (idiotically)put his phone on speaker,thinking it was Jason who had called.But since he was with Charlotte and Cordelia,well now they knew.
     “You’re going to propose?”Charlotte almost-screamed incredulously.”Shhh,”he said to her as he turned his phone volume down and put to his ear.”What-who told you?”
“Jason.”Of course.”You are proposing?”
“Yes.”He heard a deep sigh on the other line.
“Okay,I support your decision,Marvin.”The call ended.
He looked at Charlotte and Cordelia,who had the biggest grins on their faces.
“What are you laughing at?”Marvin asked them.
“You took our advice!”Charlotte answered.
“I’m so proud of you!”Charlotte said,going towards him for a hug.
“I can’t wait for the wedding!”
It was the week after Jason saw the box.
         After Trina dropped Jason off,Whizzer went off to the kitchen to make  dinner.Ever since that weekend,Marvin had kept the box in his picket.He had touched it unconsciously and Jason saw it.
        During dinner,Jason caught Marvin staring lovingly at Whizzer and praising his cooking.That moment,he decided to push things along.He knew his dad would wait for the perfect moment,and there was absolutely no such thing.So,he pushed things along.
       “So,dad, when will you propose to Whizzer?”he said,absolutely ignoring Whizzer’s presence.Marvin choked on his food and silently freaked out while Whizzer raised his eyebrows with a small smile.
       “Yeah,when are you going to,babe?”Whizzer teased,smirking.Marvin pushed his chair aside,got to his knees and frantically searched for the box in his pockets.
        “I-uh-fuck,Whizzer.”Marvin started.He had pored over the speech an hour ago(just in case)but now his mind was blank.”I had a speech,but I can’t remember it right now,so I’ll speak from the heart.”He cleared his throat.
        “Whizzer Brown,I’ve been in love with you since I met you.I think you’re great and hot and just the best human ever and-Look,the two years we were apart were just terrible and I don’t want that to happen again so I-”He opened the box.Whizzer gasped.
        “I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I love you,so will you marry me?”There was a few seconds of silence.Marvin’s face started to fall until Whizzer just screamed”Yes,holy fuck,yes!”
       The two hugged and kissed and did a load more sappy stuff that was fun to watch.All and all,it was a great dinner.
(a/n:hi i love falsettos so i made this and i hope you enjoyed it!i hope the characters portrayal were alright. i might do a part 2 if you guys want?? reblogs and hearts motivate me to write more!thanks for reading!-eurus)
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romancenerd · 7 years
Unbreakable Love
Summary: I hope you all enjoy this. This is my very first time writing a fanfiction. I would really appreciate feedback on this. This fanfic is dedicated to my friend Luca from twitter. He was very supportive and encouraging during my difficult times of writing so thank you so much! Another big shout out goes to @klausgoldsteins for helping me out and giving me suggestions when I need them. Even during her difficult writing times and busy day she would take time to help me and I appreciate that so much!She was an absolute blessing! So, this fanfic goes off Klaus’s unhappy ending from being separated for 6 years.
Word total = 11,812
Some songs that inspired me: Sade-no ordinary love. Hailey Reinheart- Can’t help falling in love with you. Wizard- settle down. Kidneythieves- crazy. Halsey- angel on fire.
Thanks again and I hope you enjoy! :)
6 years in the future:
Klaus sigh heavily letting the silence around him to be filled with noise at last. Six long years have gone by. Klaus was brought into the Ministry as the ‘Ministry’s Gifted Rookie’.  From the six years since he graduated Klaus solved a numerous of problems that have long troubled the Ministry. But no matter how many murders and dark magic cases he solved there was still something that weighted heavily on his heart. That no amount of time could take away the love that stirred within his heart and soul. It was a girl he met back in the academy he fell head over heels in love with her the moment they met.
Liz, whenever he thought of her name the depression of the day she left always came back to haunt him. In the interview, he had done exclusively for the ministry Klaus had promised her would come for her. At the time, he was in his office at the Ministry filing out cases that have been solved. Klaus could remember the day like it had just happened yesterday.
6 years go:
Klaus sat in his big comfy black leather chair. The scribbling of a moving pen was all that filled the silence. The scent of tea, ink, old books, and leather were a peaceful atmosphere for him. Klaus had sat down not too long ago to get some papers graded for his previous classes yesterday. He had walk Liz to the auditorium earlier that morning. It was the thirteenth day of her trial period. The clock had ticked along on the hours that went by. He was to absorb in his work that he didn’t even realize that he missed lunch. A several hours went by. Klaus soon his pen down. He got up to stretch and make some tea. His right hand was cramped up from all the grading. He wondered where Liz was. The sun had started to set. He told her to come back to his office if she passed or failed the trial. He soaked tea leaves in boiling water as a few minutes went by.
Klaus sat back down with his tea and continued to grade papers. An hour or so went by and multiple knocks on the old prefect door echoed through the room. He glances at the clock and quickly back down at the paper he was grading, it must be Liz he thought. “Come in.” Klaus called to the door. The old oak door let out a small creak at the hinges when opened. It was only Elias. Klaus let out a sigh. “What do you want I have a lot of papers to grade here.” Klaus said a little more-harsh than intended. Elias flinched a little in his older brother’s presence. “I-I-I have come to return the b-books I borrowed from you last w-week.” Elias stammered. “Thank you just place them on the chair over there.” Klaus motioned. “Also, have you seen Ms. Hart by chance? I told her to report straight away to my office when she finished her trial.” Klaus stated dignified. Klaus continued to grade papers waiting for Elias’ reply. “No, I haven’t but if I do I will tell her to come see you imminently.” Elias said confidentially. Klaus still didn’t glance up. “Thank you, Elias you may leave now.” Klaus finally glanced up and bid his brother goodbye and went back to his work.
It had finally grown dark out. Klaus stacked the graded papers up in a nice stack. Grabbed his clock from the back of his chair and stood up. He opened the door. The academy completely dark and still. Klaus closed the door and kissed his ring summoning his wand. He casted a spell a lock spell on the door. Only the dimmest of morons would be dumb enough to enter the prefect’s office. He set out walking for the dorms. When he got to his single room he imminently headed for the shower. Turning the water on the steam from the shower soon filled the bathroom. Klaus rid himself of his clothes. He stepped into the shower letting the hot water run through his golden hair and down his chest and stomach plain where nice scalped plane of abs laid. Klaus looked more like a gift from the gods rather than an ordinary human. After his shower, Klaus put on a pair black boxer shorts, no shirt and climbed into bed. The comforting cool feel of the sheets made him soon realize how tired he truly was and he soon fell into a deep slumber.
The next morning Klaus woke up a little later in the morning than usual. It was Saturday a day the whole academy was at rest. Klaus got up and got dressed for the day in his formal attire for weekends and such. He walked out the front door heading straight for the girl’s dormitory to see Liz. He reached the entrance of the gate and a few of the girls shrouded away from him. He walked over to a girl with her brown hair pulled back by a black ribbon. “Excuse me and you go get Liz Hart for me and tell her to hurry.” Klaus talked to the girl. She nodded her head and imminently took off. Klaus stood at the entrance for a few moments. A girl with orange hair and a yellow scrunched approached him. Her eyes puffy and red from all the crying. “I’m Amelia Nile Liz’s roommate.” She forced a small smile noticing his confusion. “Where is Liz I’m here to see her.” Klaus said a little impatient. “Liz isn’t here anymore, she failed her trial and took the 7 a.m. train home.” Amelia said trying not cry again for she missed her friend already. “What?” Were the only words Klaus could muster. His whole world shattered before his eyes. Klaus cleared his throat. “Thank you for your time Ms. Nile.” Klaus said before leaving quickly from the entrance gate of the dormitory. Klaus returned to his office in the prefect’s room and collapsed in a chair. The only girl he had feelings for got away. He never even got the chance to tell her he loved her.
Klaus returned to the dorm later and ran into Elias the last person he wanted to see. “I’m sorry brother.” He had a look of sympathy and pated Klaus on the back and left. He knew Klaus wanted to be left alone. He walked back to his room and decided to shower and go to bed early that night. In the cover’s, he decided that he would come for her. He didn’t know when but he just knew he would come for the love of his life.
6 Years Back in the Future
Liz suddenly dropped the tea cup in her hand. It shattered to the floor with a loud clatter. She could hardly believe what her eyes were reading….
Dear Liz Hart,
We are very pleased to inform you of your extremely hard work these past few years. With hope and honor, we gladly bestow the Researchers Guild Award upon you. For your outstanding accomplishment in finding the cure for the out-break effecting the country side. You have saved many farmers and many lives because of your commitment and passion for animals and people. For this we are going to host a ball in your honor! We look forward to seeing you in Gedolune city next week for your award.
P.S. Please accept this 8,000 lunes for your dress and any other needs for the event.
A puff of smoke appeared on the table in front of her where the lune appeared. Liz scanned the contents of the letter repeatedly. She almost thought her eyes were lying to her as if making her feel like a fool. But the paper she was holding was real, the words were real and the red seal of the R.N.A was truly there. Liz immediately grabbed her cell phone and called her best friend Amelia who she met at the academy six years ago. After a couple of rings Liz heard the high pitch squealing of Amelia.
“Amelia, you will never guess what!”
“Klaus finally came for you!”
Liz grew quite at the sound of Klaus’ name. Her heart crumbled with a pain she would never forget. Klaus was the first and only person she would ever love. Liz still holding her phone to her right ear crossed the room and opened the end table drawer and pulled out a yellow looking tear stained newspaper. It smelled heavily of age and ink. She sat down on her couch and stared at the paper. A few tears leaked from the corners of her eyes. Her hand loving caressed the photo in front of her. The paper was titled ‘The Ministry’s Gifted Rookie’. In his interview, he promised to come for her. Klaus’ face stared right back at her. Making her want to get drunk on love sick tears. She knew the day she left without saying goodbye would be a day she would forever regret. She breathed out a heavy sigh ruining her good mood.
“No … K-Klaus didn’t come for me. “Liz said trying not to let the tears over take her.
“I’m sorry Liz I didn’t mean to bring that up. So, what exciting news were you calling to tell me?”
“Oh, I just received a letter in the mail from the R.N.A. There’re hosting a ball in my honor and presenting me with the Researchers Guild Award."
“Well I was also calling for a couple of other reasons as well.”
“What would that be?” Amelia asked curiously.
“Well I need a dress for the ball … and well do I need to say more?”
“No words needed there Liz, how soon is the ball and where is it?”
“In Gedolune City and its next week where you live I was kind of wondering if I could stay with you and Joel while I’m there?”
“Well of course! You’re my best friend there’s no way I would make you stay at a hotel! Your practically family!” Amelia said sternly.
“Great! I’ll go pack my bags right now! You’re the best Amelia!”
“I know you don’t have to tell me twice. So, when will I be expecting you?”
“Well if I pack now and catch the 2 o’clock train to Pamore and switch trains there I should be at Gedolune City around 7 o’clock.”
“Great! Joel and I will arrive at the train station at about 6:45 tonight then and we can all go out and grab dinner.”
“Sounds perfect! See you then Amelia bye.” Liz said then hung up the phone.
Liz stood up from the couch with the newspaper still in hand. She let out another huge sigh. She set the paper down on the coffee table. She cleaned up the broken tea cup. Liz ran her hands throughout her hair. She had changed so much in six years. She doubted Klaus would even recognize her. For her porcelain, white skin had paled slightly. Her lashes darkened and grew in length slighting, bringing her pink rose colored eyes to life. Liz’s beautiful wavy hair grew in length down to her mid back. As of right now her hair was pulled in a simple French braid. Liz went to her storage closet and got her plastic purple roll on travel case. She went to her closet and grabbed a few spring dresses along with simple skirts and blouses. Liz traveled to the bathroom. She grabbed her toothbrush tooth paste, curling and straightening iron, and her hairbrush. Liz then opened a drawer under the bathroom sink and grabbed her gigantic makeup bag with just about any makeup or makeup tool imaginable. She returned to her room and grabbed a few pairs of shoes careful to make sure they matched her outfit. Liz hated when things didn’t match. She grabbed a few extra lune and her train passport. She then stuffed everything in her roll on and zipped it shut. Walking back down stairs Liz stopped at the coffee table and picked up the newspaper. She held the paper close to her chest. “I’m sorry if I’m not here when you arrive.” Liz spoke out loud as if the newspaper could understand every word she was saying. She sighed and picked the newspaper up putting it back into the end table drawer and shutting it tight.
Liz opened the front door and stepped out into the nice weather her short light blue dress moved along with the breeze. Liz turned around she got her wand out and pointed it at the closed door. "Colloportus.” She spoke and the door was locked from the outside in. Liz put her wand in her roll on and proceeded to walk forward. As Liz traveled to the train station she couldn’t help but think of Klaus. Ninety- nine percent of the time her head were only thoughts of Klaus and her veterinarian work. She shook her head to try to clear her mind a little.
After a while Liz soon arrived at the train station and handed the train conductor her ticket. She then proceeded to find an open car and with success found she found one. When she got inside she locked the door and took a seat and felt the train lurch forward. Liz took out a novel and began to read hoping to make the train ride go a little faster.
Back at the Ministry
Klaus took long strides throughout the halls of the ministry carrying a huge stack of ministry papers.  People moved to get out of his way. Everyone knew better than to upset Klaus. If they favored their lives then it was best to stay out of his way. Klaus approached his office and waved his wand. The door unlocked and opened. He slammed the old cherry wood door closed behind him. He walked over to his desk and dropped the huge stack causing the oak desk to rattle. Klaus let out and enormous sigh and walked to the counter on the right side of the room and started to brew himself tea. Once his lemon honey tea was finished he sat down in his black leather rolling chair and turned to look out the gigantic window that went from the ceiling to the floor. He sipped his tea and stared out at the bustling Gedolune City. He allowed his shoulders to relax. Lemon Honey tea always relaxed him in his most stressful situations.  He was finally beginning to feel himself unwind.
The Goldstein Manor
While at home in the Goldstein estate a grand invitation arrived. Jasper his wife Elaine were in the parlor room sitting in chairs across from each other, along with Elias and his husband Luca on the couch which Elias had his nose buried in the catacombs of the pages, Luca on the other hand sat there with his eyes closed relaxing listening to his husband turn page after page in this book. Walter and Aurora sat on the love seat by the fireplace looking through old photo albums of their children and spouses.
“Oh, my Elias! You and Luca looked so dashing on your wedding day! That was a day to remember!” Said Aurora through her tears and got up to show them. Luca opened one eye to see Elias and him wrapped in each arms with their foreheads pressed together staring deeply into one another’s eyes. Luca had his green hair pulled back by a single black ribbon in a black and white tux, his one green emerald earring hung from his left ear. Elias in a black tux with a purple vest and white bow tie.
“That day certainly was the best day of my life.” Elias said and smiled over to Luca. They joined their hands at the same time and shared a quick kiss, thought it was quick there was so much love and passion felt between the two of them.
Aurora then took the photo from them and placed it in a silver frame and place the photo on the fireplace mantle. She smiled warmly. Aurora sat back down and picked up another album. While Elias and Luca thought of the past. The next album Aurora held consisted of nothing but Jasper and Elaine. Elias and Luca’s album were the same way.
Closing into graduation Luca and Elias both had deep feelings for each other. Neither ever admitted. They always were arguing about everything to cover up how they truly felt about one another. But the day they went to graduate from the academy and after the ceremony Elias went to the archives to pick out a few books he had his eye on which Headmaster Randolph said he could help himself. When Elias arrived the green haired boy, Elias loved was relaxing in the windowsill in the warm sun. Elias approached Luca without making a sound. Elias carful studied the handsome boy in front of him. Some of Luca’s hair had fallen across his eyes. Without even realizing it Elias had reached his hand out towards his face a hand suddenly shot out and grabbed Elias’s wrist gently. Elias looked utterly stunned. Luca smirked at Elias blushing face.
“Having problems keeping your hands to yourself prince?” Luca said smirking. In that moment, Elias realized what need to be done. In reality Luca wanted so badly to let Elias touch him.
“Yes, actually I am.” Elias replied confidently which left Luca momentarily stunned. Luca quickly brushed it off and sat up in a seated position on the windowsill. Luca didn’t say anything but the silence continued until Elias broke it.
“Well looks like this is the last time we will be seeing each other, so I hope you get where you want to go in life.” Elias said, he cleared his throat and turned and started walking away.
“You as well.” Luca said, there was no mistaking the twinge of sadness in Luca’s voice.
Closing in on the door Elias stopped. He then spun quickly around and walked right back over to Luca and pressed his lips firmly against his. Luca was shocked but closed his eyes and returned the kiss. Elias climbed on top of the windowsill and pressed Luca against the glass trapping him in Elias’ fiery flammable kiss. Luca wrapped his arms around Elias’ neck. Elias had his hands tangled in Luca’s hair and pulled causing him to moan. Elias then slipped his tongue and mapped the inside of Luca’s mouth savoring every inch.
Elias then pulled away and stared into the surprised emerald eyes. Elias smiled gently and put both hands on Luca’s cheeks and used his thumbs to slowly stroke them. He was still kneeling over Luca’s lap. Elias leaned down and gently kissed him.
“I love you, you idiot.” Elias said with his lips still on Luca’s.
“I love you more.” Luca smiled against his lips
After that day, Elias and Luca became an official couple and 3 years later happily married at last.
 Back at The Goldstein Manor
Aurora found Jasper and Elaine’s wedding photo. She then placed the photo in a similar looking frame that contained Elias and Luca’s wedding photo. She carefully set the photo down on the fireplace mantle. In the back was a large family photo. Klaus was the only one not smiling in it, he looked rather depressed watching everyone else blossom their undivine growing love his stayed forever frozen in time. Followed by the large photo, three frames rested carefully on the mantle. In the center was Walter an Aurora on the day they were married. On the right side was Jasper and Elaine. On left was Luca and Elias. Aurora stared at the photos and sighed a little. She walked over to the side of the love seat and picked up the final silver frame. Walter then noticed the sadness that spread throughout her beautiful face.
“Aurora darling what’s the matter.” Walter said placing an arm around her shoulder.
“I just wish Klaus could find his happiness again. I’ve tired multiple times to pare him up with some of my friend’s daughters from our social circle, that always ended in tears one way or another.” Aurora said staring at the blank sliver photo frame with a frown plastered to her face. Elias looked at his mother and sighed.
“Liz is the only thing that can bring him out of this. Klaus doesn’t want one of those stuck of girls that love him for his money Liz loved Klaus because of who he was as a person, Liz saw him in a way that nobody else ever could. When he was with her I never seen him smile from the bottom of his heart like that, or laugh for instance. I honestly haven’t heard him laugh like that since we were kids. Liz was his light in the darkness and once she left the dark came back.” Elias spoke still remembering the day Klaus came back from the girl’s dormitory completely heart broken. Elias never saw his brother so depressed in his whole life.
“God only knows where she is.” Luca said looking up at the celling. A maid with her black hair tied in a tight bun and her red lips formed a graceful smile.
“Excuse me Mr. Goldstein this invitation has arrived address to you.” The maid handed Walter the letter and gracefully left without another word. Walter turned the invitation over to see the sender.
“Ah, it’s from the R.N.A. Probably another charity event.” Walter said unamused.
Walters eyes popped open once he scanned the contents of the letter, the letter read.
Dear Mr.Goldstein,
We hereby invite you and your family to a ball next week Friday at 8:00 p.m. sharp. The ball is to celebrate Ms. Liz Hart and her outstanding research on finding a cure for the out-break death causing virus to animals in the city and farm life. We expect to see your family there.
Walter glance curiously at his youngest son.
“Elias? What was the name of that girl your brother can't get over?” Walter asked
“Liz Hart.” Elias casually said
“Well I know how to fix our son Aurora.” Walter smiled and brushed his hands together.
“How?” Auroras thick pink lips pressed together and brow furrowed. Walter smiled and handed the letter to her. She glanced at the contents of the letter.
“This could work, but…” Aurora stopped
“But what?”
“Let's tell him the ball is just for another R.N.A charity event. The moment Klaus sees her I'm hoping he will finally snap out of it. Can one of you run down to the ministry and tell him in person."
“Good idea. Jasper, Elias, Luca you all go down to the ministry and try to convince your brother to go to that ball. Make it convincing. I'm sick of watching your brother suffocate himself in his work."
The three men looked at their father and left for the ministry.
Aurora smiled and looked at Walter.
“I hope this works dear.” Aurora said. “I know she is not of wealth but if she can make Klaus happy then I already consider her my daughter.” Aurora said smiling. A new maid came in offering her a cup of blackberry citrus tea. She excepted and gracefully brought the cup to her lips. She stood and kissed Walter on the cheek and took the silver picture frame with her. Aurora knew Klaus loved this girl more than his own life. She knew that he would not stand letting Walter or her interrogate Liz. But in time Aurora would too know Liz soon enough. She smiled once more to herself.
Back to The Ministry
Klaus sat at his desk filling papers one after another. He was in a perfect rhythm until the knock that came to his door. He furrowed his brow at the sound of interruption. He threw the pen down on his desk and grabbed his cup of tea and leaned back in his chair.
“Enter.” Klaus said in a slightly annoyed voice. The door opened in pursuit of the voice and Jasper, Elias, and Luca all walked in. Klaus rolled his eyes at them.
“Who spit in your tea this morning.” Luca said with a smirk. Elias who was holding hands with Luca pulled on his arm with a look of his own. His husband returned with a glare that said, ‘Don’t even try me.’ Jasper looked over at the two trading threating glances and cleared his throat giving a look of death himself.
“Now Klaus we understand how busy you are so I won’t take up too much of your time here.” Klaus ran his hand through his hair. “We received an invitation in the mail today for a ball hosted by the mayor Mother and Father expect to see you there under no excuses are you allowed to back out.” Jasper declared trying to fight the smile of his second youngest brother finding his love again.
“Trust us on this Klaus this isn’t going to be some ordinary ball this will be one you won’t ever want to miss in a million years.” Elias said adding on to Jasper. Klaus took a sip of his tea before replying.
“When?” Klaus said. Japer, Elias, and Luca all traded glances.
“Next Friday at 8:00p.m. sharp.” Elias said.
“Fine.” Klaus said sharply.
“So, you will go?” Luca approached Klaus with Elias in tow. “Yes, now get out before I change my mind.” Klaus then picked up the pen to start filing more papers. The three of them left while exchanging glances and closed the door behind them leaving Klaus to his Ministry reports.
Back at The Goldstein Manor
The three of them left the Ministry. Soon enough they arrived back at the manor the three of them wasted no time on reporting back to their parents. They turned a corner almost knocking into Aurora.
“Klaus agreed to attend the ball. Could you please let Father know?” Jasper said.
Aurora was absolutely thrilled and wasted no time. She turned and walked quickly through the house. Her black heels clacked against the beautiful white and grey marble floors. The picture frames in golden trim hung against the long white halls. Aurora walked to the end of the hallway visible of the front doors. She then proceeded up a white polished grand staircase with a gothic railing. Aurora drew near of her destination and approached two black sturdy doors turning the silver handles she opened the doors and there standing in front of the fireplace was Walter.
“Aurora, I haven’t seen you look this excited since you found out you were pregnant with Elias What is it darling?” Walter looked at his gleeful wife.
“It’s Klaus he agreed to go to the ball! Oh, Walter he can finally have his happiness! I’m sick of watching our son suffocate himself in his work for the past six years. This is our one chance to get them both the happiness they deserve.” Aurora said and she left the room for a little bit and came back with the silver picture frame.
“Walter don’t you agree it’s time to fill this empty frame with something beautiful?”
“Yes, and we will soon I know it.” Walter smiled and gave his beautiful wife a kiss. “I just know Klaus can find his happy ending.” Aurora smiled at him and leaned into his kiss.
At the Train station
Amelia and Joel sat a bench waiting for Liz to arrive. Their four-year- old daughter Emma sat wrapped in her father’s arms. The train whistle soon sounded and pulled up at the station. Amelia stood up to go great her friend. A crowd of people emerged from the train. Liz soon stepped out onto the platform and was caught in a tight embrace surrounded by squealing.
“Liz! I’ve missed you like crazy!” Amelia said squeezing the life out of her. Liz then returned the embrace. Joel came over with Lilac holding his hand. Liz smiled hugged Joel tightly.
“It’s so good to see you again Liz.” Joel let go of Liz. She then bent over and picked up her godchild and gave her a kiss to her pale delicate little cheek.  
“So how was your train ride Liz?” Joel asked with curiosity.
“Pretty good actually managed a nap on the way and read a novel on the way here.” Liz said and proceeded to walk forward with Emma held up by her arm on one side and the roll-on present in the other. She glanced around her with Joel and Amelia holding hands alongside her. Liz sighed and shook her head. She often let Klaus into her head more than she ought to and she forced these thoughts out of her head.
They four of them stopped at Joel and Amelia’s home so Liz could drop her roll-on off. Liz held Emma’s tiny hand and they all stopped at a local restaurant to remiss of things and catch up in each other lives.
“Honestly thought Liz congratulations on your award we are so proud of you.” Joel said then proceed with a forkful of spaghetti in pursuit.
“Thanks, well speaking of the ball I was hoping the two of you could come as my guests.” Liz smiled brightly at both of her best friends.
“I would absolutely love to go! Tomorrow we all have to go shopping and get the most perfect gowns in existence of gowns.” Amelia thrilled. Liz and Joel soon bursted into a fit of laughter at her over excited behavior. Joel smiled and kissed his wife on the cheek. Liz saw this and turned down to her plate. They finished their meal and headed home. Joel and Amelia walked in front of Emma and her. Liz was silent the whole way home.
Upon arrival Liz went to the guest bedroom where she had always stayed in during her stay. Liz took a quick shower and then crawled into bed. She wrapped her arms around her pillow and laid on her side. She then pulled the silver chain of the pendant Klaus had given her during her time at the academy out from her black spaghetti strap silk nightgown.
A single tear slipped from her eye and slid down her porcelain skin. Her heart was forever caged by the eternal love that stirred deep within her. The only way for the cage to be opened was to find the key and she was sure the key had long since forgotten her. Liz kissed the pendant and slipped it back into her nightgown. She allowed her tears to come forth and send her to sleep.
Mornings at the Goldstein Manor
The dark maroon velvet floor curtains restricted any light from entering the room. In the middle of the semi darkened room Elias and Luca laid bare under the sheet cocooned in each other’s arms from their passionate night before. Luca’s eye’s fluttered open to see his husband sleeping peacefully next to him. A smile slowly crept across his face. He leaned down and capture Elias’ lips in a kiss. A moment later Luca felt two masculine arms wrap around his waist. “Good Moring my love.” Luca said and passionately kissed his husband once again. Elias wrapped his arms around Luca and return the kiss. The two of them reenacted their passionate love making from last night.
Jasper and Elaine were already up and awake. The got up early each morning like usual and held hands and walked by the ocean near the mansion. The cool breeze tossling both of their hair. Elaine wore a white sundress and no shoes. She made footprints in the sand along the edge of the water. The water then chased the footprints bringing them to their watery grave. They watched the sunrise. Jasper turned to his beautiful wife and kissed her passionately.
Walter and Aurora were in Walter’s study that morning. Walter going over blueprints for an new invention and working out the last few errors. Aurora sat on the love seat reading a book. A pot of tea was shared that morning between the two of them. Just like every morning before that. Aurora quietly closed her book as to not disturb her husband. She took a sip from her tea and glanced out the window admiring the beautiful morning sun.
Then there was Klaus who laid in his room by himself. His bed as empty as Luca’s head was sometimes. He lied on his back arms folded behind his head staring at the ceiling. He closed his eyes taking in the silence of the morning. Klaus was the only one yet to marry in the family. To him it was depressing. For his mother and father had tried to arrange multiple blind dates and such. Klaus only blew them off in his case there was only one girl he wanted and anyone who got in his way would be damned to try and stop him.
Klaus flung the covers off his bed and got dressed for he had a long day at the Ministry. He stepped out of his bedroom closing the door swiftly behind him. As he walked down the halls the same stern depressing looking marinated his face. When he came down the main set of stairs he was greeted by his mother.
"Good morning sweetie." Aurora came up to her son smiling brighter than normal. Klaus only stared at his mother in surprise. He thought her behavior was rather peculiar considering she was not a morning person. Let alone see her smile like for a long time. He stared at her for a moment more before brushing past her and heading for the door.
Klaus slammed the front door behind him leaving his mother alone. Her face crumble slightly and Walter soon appeared down the grand staircase.
"Walter, I wish this ball would just hurry up and be here. Klaus is getting worse and worse by the day, the look on his face was heartbreaking.”
Walter and Aurora looked at the door their broken-hearted son had just opened and closed. Aurora pursed her lips, kissed her husband and left. She held onto as much hope as she could give to Klaus.
Shopping Day
Liz and Amelia decided to go out earlier that morning and have a little girl’s day. They started off by having tea and muffins at a small café not too far from the house. They sat outside. Liz picked up her tea cup taking in the aroma. Amelia sat stuffing her face full of blueberry muffin. Liz let out a little chuckle and looked out into the city admiring all the happy people that passed by. The swift breeze tossed her hair. Liz let out a small sigh and a somewhat sad expression. Liz saw a young couple and their children walking side by side. The man had his arm around the young woman’s shoulder. A little girl held her father’s hand and a little boy tightly held his mother’s hand. Amelia took note of Liz’ sad expression and her constant staring.
“Amelia, I made a stupid mistake didn’t I, I knew I would regret this eventually. If I never left without saying goodbye. If I would have stayed maybe we would be married with two beautiful children like they have. He’s probably forgotten all about me.
Amelia saw the loneness in her friend’s eyes.
“Liz, Klaus was crazy about you. I bet there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t think about you. But I don’t think he ever forgot you. I know with all my heart you will be able to be together again.” Amelia smiled contently at Liz.
The two of them payed for their breakfast and left to go find dress for the ball. They entered a rather exquisite store. Extraordinary dresses hung for display. The two of them decided to split up to look for dresses. Liz slowly walked through the store stopping to look at an occasional gown. Nothing really spoke to her until she saw a beautiful dress a few racks down. The dress was a rich royal blue. It had a sweetheart neckline with silver beads and embroidery covered the top of the dress and shimmered enticingly in the light. The skirt was a full floor length tulle ballgown that would swish when she would walk.
She took the dress and went to try it on in the dressing room. The moment she opened the curtain and walk out on the mini catwalk. She looked carefully at herself in the three-golden lite up mirrors. Liz could hardly believe the girl in the mirror was her. The rich royal blue complemented her fair skin. The gown had a fitted bodice that hugged her slim frame nicely.
As she was lost in her own world Amelia came over.
“That’s the one Liz! Please tell me you are buying that because if you don’t I’m buying it for you!”
“No don’t worry the R.N.A sent 8,000 lune for me to use to put towards the event. Besides this dress absolutely takes my breath away.” Liz quickly spun in her dress giggling a little. This would end up being one of the more nicer things that she owned.
She quickly walked back in the dressing room and put her dress back on the hanger and got redressed in her normal clothes. As she was walking towards the check-out counter she happened to notice a pair of silver platform heels covered in glitter. Liz knew how well they would go with the dress, she picked up a box and continued.
Liz placed her items on the counter.
“Find everything Okay dear?” The sales clerk asked.
“Very well.”
“Your total is going to be 4,500 lune.”
Liz opened her clutch and took out the total amount and handed it over.
“Thank you so much for your business enjoy the rest of you day!”
“You as well.” Liz said stepping away from the counter and waited for the lady to ring up Amelia’s purchases. With dresses picked out and the ball now only four days away. Liz was still unaware the shock that awaited her besides a ball.
 The Day of The Ball / The Goldstein Manor
Klaus looked grouchily at his mother who was currently adjusting his dark blue tie. He could care less about this ball. He opted to stay home but only ended up suffering a big lecture from Aurora. So here he was a black suit and dark blue tie. His mother finished with his tie went on to annoy Jasper about his messy unkept hair.
The seven of them walked out of the front door of the house. When they walked together in a group the air itself was elegant. They were the most intimidating family in all Gedolune.
They all got in the black stretch limo. Elias snuggled into Luca who had his arm around Elias’s shoulder.
“You look s-so handsome in your suit.” Elias said with a slight blush and gave Luca a discreet kiss on his jaw line.
“I can’t believe you still blush like that.” Luca said smirking and quickly kissed Elias on the lips and whispered. “I think you’re the dashing one here.”
While Luca and Elias flirted away Jasper and Elaine sat in the way back kissing, and Walter and Aurora were holding hands remising about the old days when they fell in love.
Klaus sat in the middle of all this. He looked down at the floor, the sad expression colored his entire face. When Klaus wasn’t looking everyone shared a secret smile. Luca who could no longer hold it in let out a small chuckle. Klaus looked up at the green haired fool.
“What are you smirking about over there.”
“Nothing, nothing. Nothing at all.” Luca said still grinning like crazy
Klaus rolled his eyes and stared out the window for the rest of the ride. As for Luca who continued to snicker away. Elias punched him hard in the arm.
“Ow, what was that for!?”
“Just because I felt like it.” Luca leaned over and captured his lips and whisper between kisses.
“You are so getting punished later.”
The Day of The Ball/ Joel and Amelia’s home
Liz stood in front of the mirror. She was very carefully applying her make-up. Her make-up consisted of a sparkly glitter eyeshadow on the whole lid and on the inner corner applied a little bit of a pearl white eyeshadow. Liz slowly but sure did her winged eyeliner for the night. Applied a little mascara and a nude lipstick color. She looked herself over and deemed it perfect.
She then started on her hair which she left down and curled it. Finally, she put her dress and shoes on and stood in-front of the body mirror. Her hair cascaded down to her mid back and her eyes shown more than anything. She could hardly recognize herself. Liz then went to her dresser and pulled out a box a little bigger than her hand and when she opened it revealed the large diamond necklace she purchased two days ago. She clasped it together slipped on her silver diamond bracelet and went downstairs to see if Amelia and Joel were ready yet.
Sure, enough they were both in the living room waiting for her. When Liz walked into the room their jaws dropped a little.
“You look amazing Liz.” Joel said smiling
“Oh Lizzy! You’re going to be the most beautiful person there!” Amelia said getting up to circle her best friend.
“Come on let’s go we don’t have time to gawk at me all day.” Liz said rolling her eyes
When they stepped outside they saw a limo waiting for them with a nicely dressed man in a suit.
“Miss Hart and guest’s, I presume?” The well-dressed man said and opened the door for them to get in.
“Um … who are you exactly?” Liz felt a little uncertain of the vehicle.
“Pardon me miss this here would explain things.” He handed her a well folded letter, Liz imminently recognized the seal on the envelope but still opened it anyway. There was a short brief message written:
Dear Liz Hart,
We figured you might want to go out in style. This is your biggest honor why not live the night to the fullest.
“Shall we go Miss Hart?”
“Why not.” She smiled and they all piled into the limo to enjoy the best night of their lives.
Arriving at The Ball/ Goldstein Family
When the limo arrived, the door was opened for them by a well-dressed man. Klaus was the last to get out he really didn’t want to be here right now. But he walked up the stairs with the elegance expected from a Goldstein. The entire family walked into the ballroom. All the most wealthiest families in the kingdom were there.
“Ah! Goldstein’s welcome!” The mayor walked over to greet them.
“Thank you, sir, it’s a pleasure for all of us to be here. We simply couldn’t bear to pass up this opportunity.” Walter said.
“Right you are Walter. The guest of honor is yet to arrive but I trust you will all have the best of times.” He smiled and shook Walter’s hand. He then reached over and took Aurora’s hand kissing the back of it. “Mrs. Goldstein as beautiful as ever.”
“Most defiantly mayor. Enjoy your evening.” Walter said smiling and pulled his wife away from the mayor. “I swear Aurora every time we see him he has to make some sort of move on you.”
“Oh, Walter as far as I’m concerned you’re the only man for me.” Walter blushed slightly and turned towards the rest of the family.
“Alright you all have a good time.” Walter said and guided Aurora by the arm into the crowd to say hi to a few people.
Elias and Luca went to go share a dance. Jasper and Elaine decided to go over and talk to a few people. As for Klaus, he just drifted off to one side of the room with a drink in hand.
Outside a limo pulled up and the well-dressed man help Liz out of the limo followed by Joel and Amelia. The night was just getting started.
Liz’ arrival at the party
Liz step out of the limo with the help of the well dress man. She picked up her dress and started to walk up the stairs. At the top, she saw all the well know families of the kingdom. They were all caring on conversations or dancing along to the music
“Wow this place sure is fancy.” Joel said letting out a small whistle
“You got that right.” Liz said. She walked through the huge entrée way. A few people stopped to admire her beauty. The mayor spotted her a few feet away.
“Ah! Miss Hart congratulations on your accomplishment. I hope the ball is to your liking.”
“Thank you, sir. They ball is just wonderful it’s an honor just to receive praise from you.”
“The honor is mine! Enjoy your time here.” The mayor then walked away
Liz let herself look around at everything the marble floors and white walls were beautiful. The giant red velvet curtains, and even the guests everything was perfect. The classic music being played in the background was soothing and the conversations from the people were delectable.
She proceeded to walk around. Then she ran into the leader of the R.N.A who came over to shake her hand.
“Miss Hart it’s an honor to meet you do you mind if we sit down with you for an interview?”
“No not at all. Amelia, Joel why don’t the two of you go share a dance or something I’m sure this will take a while.”
“Okay bye Liz!” Amelia said and grabbed Joel’s arm and pulled him away to go dance. Liz smiled and chuckled a little. She sat down with the leader and proceeded on with the interview.
The Party/ Goldstein’s
After Elias and Luca finished their dance they noticed a familiar couple on the dance floor. They proceed towards them.
“So, the two of you are here as well?” Elias said. The couple stopped dancing to look at the youngest Goldstein.
“Wait … if you’re here then, does that mean Klaus is here?” Amelia asked curiously
“Yes, of course … wait a second why are the two of you here?” Elias pursued.
“Were here as Liz’s guests of honor.” Joel answered.
Elias and Luca exchanged glances.
“Where is she?” They wasted no time in asking.
“In an interview, why?”  Luca smirked at the comment
“Are the two you ready to reunite to long lost lovers?” Joel and Amelia exchanged glances and smiled. “What’s the plan?”
“Just get Liz outside into the gardens we will take care of the rest.” With that Elias and Luca turned to leave with wide grins plastered on their faces. It was now time to find Klaus.
Liz’s finished interview
Amelia and Joel were standing nearby when Liz stood up from her interview. Amelia went over to Liz and started checking her hair and make-up making sure that everything was in place. This moment had to be perfect.
“What are you doing?”
“Adjusting your hair, a little bit.” Amelia said trying to act as casual as she could possibly muster “Well I’m going outside for a little bit of fresh air.” Liz said and Amelia walked out with her glaring at her husband to stay in place.
They walked through elegant clear double doors. The night air was cool and refreshing to her. Liz and Amelia saw a beautiful gazebo in the center of a large pond lite up by white Christmas lights. The lights reflected on the pond mixing with the many lights from the firefly’s. Liz and Amelia walked across the long bridge.
“Wow Amelia this is beautiful.” Liz said commenting on the beauty of the whole view. Liz placed her hands on the sides of the gazebo and peered out into the water. She looked down to see large coy fish. While Liz was admiring beautiful scenery, Amelia was busy looking for the Goldstein brothers.
Then Amelia caught sight of two golden hair men appear. Amelia saw they were discussing something and Klaus suddenly looked here. His eyes wide and surprised. She saw him turn towards Elias and back towards Liz.
“Hey Liz, I’m going to go in and get something to drink for us. Why don’t you wait here?”
“Okay, that’s fine.” Liz then turned her attention back towards the water. Amelia walked across the long bridge. She walked right over to the Goldstein brothers and said
“Klaus, Liz needs you in her life more than anything. Go get her before it’s too late.”
Klaus didn’t say anything but nod, and then Elias and Amelia took there leave together.
Getting Klaus
Elias and Luca departed from Joel and Amelia. Elias turned to his beloved husband. “This is something I need to do on my own.” Luca nodded and gave his husband a kiss. Elias found Klaus near the staircase staring sadly at the dancing couples.
“Klaus I’m going to step outside in the gardens for a bit would you care to join me?”
“I would actually. This party is getting on my last nerve.” Klaus said and turned with his brother willingly. Elias looked so relived at how easy this was. They turned out the clear double doors and into the beautiful well-kept garden. When they were closing in on the gazebo Elias opened his mouth to speak.
“Klaus do you know why we are here at this event?”
“Not really and it’s not like I care either.” They were now in view of the gazebo and had yet to notice Liz and Amelia.
“Well I think you will once you look ahead.” Klaus sighed and looked towards the gazebo. His heart stopped for a moment. “Elias … is that Liz?”
Elias didn’t speak only nod. Amelia said something to Liz and came over to them.
“Klaus, Liz needs you in her life more than anything. Go get her before it’s too late.” Amelia nodded to Elias and the two of them left just like that. Klaus took a deep breath and started to walk forward.
Klaus/ Liz reunited
He followed the path down the bridge that would take him to her. His heart was racing. For he was finally going to reunite with the love of his life. Now standing almost directly behind her he calmed himself and finally spoke to her.
“How could you leave me like that bunnyhead?” Liz who had been staring into the pond felt her heart stop beating. She would recognize his voice from anywhere. She slowly raised her head and turned around.
“Klaus…” She said his voice in almost a whisper. She was fighting back the tears threatening to spill. Klaus walked towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace. He put his chin on her head and held her close and gently like a precious treasure. The tears that were threating her eyes finally came flowing down her face as she wrapped her arms tightly around his back.
“Klaus … I-I’m so sorry I left. This is all my fault I never …” Liz chocked on her tears. Klaus stroked her back.
“Why did you leave me like that we could have worked something out?” Klaus asked her in a low calm voice.
Thank the gods, she was wearing waterproof make-up. Klaus pulled back and carefully whipped her tears away with his thumbs. Once she was calm she began to speak.
“I never came back because I was so ashamed of not getting in. I let you down and I let myself down.” She moved away from him and turned her back to him to face the water. “All that hard training was put to waste because of me.”
“Liz …” Klaus’ voice was calm and gentle. “That was not a waste. All that training we did together brought us closer. I never ever regret any of that.” Klaus took Liz’s hands and spun her around to look at him.
“I don’t regret any of it either. The closer I became to you the deeper I fell in love with you.” Liz said in a hushed whisper smiling and stroked his cheek with her hand. His gazed suddenly dropped to the silver chain around her neck. The pennant hidden in her dress, he recognized the chain and pulled the pennant out he gave her to protect her.
“Your still wear it?” Klaus looked deeply into her rose colored eyes. She blushed a little.
“I haven’t taken it off once since I left the academy. I think about you all the time.” Liz placed her hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes and whispered. “This pennant gave me the hope and strength I needed when you weren’t there. It gave me the will to make myself a better wizardess. It felt like you were with me all the time.” Klaus arms encircled her waist and placed his forehead against hers. He couldn’t believe how much Liz wanted to be with him until she spoke. Her delicate light aired voice was honey to his ears. “I’ve missed you so much Klaus.”
“I’ve missed you too bunnyhead.” Klaus said in a husky voice. He leaned down and capture her lips with his. A jolt of electricity ran through both of their bodies.  Liz wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him even closer. The kiss started out gentle and sweet but became deep and passionate. Everything they wanted to say to each other was conveyed in the kiss.
Klaus pulled back to look deeply into her eyes and after a brief silence he finally spoke. “Liz, I love you more than anything else in the entire world. Don’t ever leave me again I don’t think I can live anymore if you leave.”
“I love you too Klaus and I promise with my entire heart that I won’t ever leave you again.”
“Well you can try but I don’t think you will succeed.” Liz chuckled and grabbed his face with both hands and deeply kissed him. Off in the distance Aurora watched the couple with a smile. She knew Klaus’ misery and pain of heart break was over. She walked away and let the couple be.
Klaus pulled away from Liz.
“You have formed into an absolutely beautiful breath-taking woman. You look Absolutely stunning tonight.” Klaus then grabbed her hand and spun her around. “This has to be the best night of my life right now.”
“I could say the same thing right now but thanks.” Liz giggled and kissed his lips again
“Hmm someone is a little to bold now might need to fix that.” Klaus said and kissed her yet once more.
“Do you want to go back in and get something to eat? I was supposed to get a drink but I have a feeling Amelia won’t be returning with my drink.”
“Fine by me.” Klaus wrapped his arm around her waist. “By the why are you here Liz not that I’m not happy you’re here but I’m curious?” Liz looked shocked.
“Klaus, you don’t know what the ball is for?”
“My family said it was a R.N.A charity event.”
“Well the ball is in my honor because I discovered and cured the cause of disease spread throughout the country side. I guess I’m supposed to get an award or something.” Liz said with a shrug.
“Well look at you here you couldn’t even make a simple tornado and here you re saving the country side.” Klaus smiled warmly at her. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thanks … hey wait a second what do you mean can’t make a tornado.” Liz suddenly took out her wand and without saying a single incantation and the flick of her wand a tiny tornado appeared in her hand just like when Liz had to do this during her training with Klaus.
“Wait you don’t even need to say the incantation, you’ve come along way. I’m impressed.” Klaus bent down and kissed her forehead. With his arm still around her waist they re-entered the ballroom.
Liz then saw Amelia and Joel chatting with Elias and Luca. She saw Amelia had a fresh glass of champagne in her hand and reached out and grabbed the glass from her hand.
“Thanks for getting me a drink Amelia I really appreciate it.” Liz smirked and took a sip from the glass.
Amelia turned around and saw Liz smirking and Klaus had his arm secured around her waist.
“There is an entire table over there with drinks why did you have to steal mine!”
“You promised me a drink and never came back with it so I figured I was going to have to grab it myself.”
“Well, well aren’t you a sight for sore Lizzy?” Luca suddenly piped up and came over to give her a hug.
“Oh, Luca how have you been!” Liz said giving him a big hug.
“I’ve been pretty good.”
“Elias it’s been a such a long time how have you been?” Liz gave Elias a hug which he returned and smiled.
“Exceptional, I got married to an idiot.”
“You got married, to who?”
“I would be that idiot apparently.” Luca said sarcastically
“I’m so happy for the both of you! I mean everyone knew the two of you always had a thing going for each other.”
Luca then grabbed Liz by the arm and put his arm around her shoulder. “Life’s too short to not do the things you aren’t happy doing. If you don’t do them now you will always regret it.”
With Luca saying this Klaus took every word he said to heart. He knew now what he had to do. He just hoped he wasn’t too late. When Klaus and Liz parted from them he suddenly stopped and turned towards her.
“May I have this dance.” Liz smiled and accepted
“Certainly.” Klaus then grabbed her by the waist and held her close. She wrapped her one around his neck and the other in his hand. She then brought her head up to fit in the crook of his neck. She breathed in his scent. He smelled like tea and old books. It was a scent never forgotten.
With that the ball soon came to an end. Klaus was walking Liz out. Before she got in he grabbed her and kissed her.
“Now you’re not going to go running away from me, now are you?”
“I promise but I’m leaving tomorrow night to go back to Reitz I hope you know that.”
“Oh, right of course, I was actually wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tomorrow night.”
“Hmmm I suppose I can stay one more night if it’s for you.” She lovingly kissed his lips one last time before getting in. “I love you Klaus bye.”
“I love you too.” Klaus now had the biggest smile plastered on his face. Klaus walked over and got into his own, the night was still young.
 In Liz’s Limo
She couldn’t stop smiling. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn’t do it. It was like the world was now painted in a new color. Amelia and Joel just smiled at her new-found happiness.
“So, Liz how was the ball tonight?” Amelia had a smirk plastered on her face.
“Oh, Amelia my heart has never been so fluttered before in all my life.”
“I bet after six years my heart would have long for since given out.”
“I thought my heart was going to then the moment we kissed it was like all the cracks and leaks in my heart have been repaired in an instant.” Liz couldn’t help but gush the entire ride home.
Liz knew deep in her heart that Klaus and her would never be separated ever again. That she would make sure of.
In Klaus’ Limo
Klaus who was no longer grumpy was relaxing in the limo was smiling to his heart’s content.
“So how was the ball Klaus? You seem to be in high spirits.” Aurora asked smiling
“It was wonderful.”
“It must be Liz then that’s the only explanation.” Walter and Aurora exchanged glances and decided to tell Klaus the mystery behind how they knew about Liz.
“Klaus there’s something your mother and I want to tell you. When the letter came from the R.N.A we saw Liz’s name mentioned in it. We knew that was the girl you were so hung up on. We never told you because we wanted to surprise you and it would seem your younger brother had to take matters into his own hands to make this happen. I just hope your not angry son.”
Klaus looked over at his little brother. He knew how much Klaus loved Liz and was determined to help his older brother. Elias caught Klaus’ eye and nodded and looked away. Elias had a funny way of showing that he cared for his brother. Klaus smiled a little at his younger brother. He reclined back into the limo and enjoyed the rest of the ride of home.
He thought about what Luca had said to Liz earlier about life being too short. He knew he had a little shopping and planning tomorrow before he met up with Liz.
Date Night / Liz
Liz stood yet again in-front of the mirror. Her long brunette hair was pulled back into a simple high pony tail. She wore black flats with a short baby blue dress with pink floral patterns, the top part of the dress was more of a muscle shirt style. The dress hugged her figure nicely.
She quickly applied a nude lip-gloss and deemed herself presentable. She stole a quick glance at the clock. Klaus would be here to get her any second. A small knock was herd on the door.”
“Liz it’s just me can I come in.”
Amelia opened the door and smiled seeing her best friend all dressed up.
“Liz … I’m so happy you and Klaus are together again.”
“You and me both. My heart has never felt so whole in my entire life.” Liz then adjusted her dress a little. While Liz and Amelia were still talking the doorbell rang. Amelia let out a squeal.
“Klaus is here go!” With that Amelia started to push on her back. Liz walked to the front door and saw Klaus there with a bouquet of lavender roses. He smiled when he saw her. He grabbed her right hand and bestowed it with a kiss.
“You look more beautiful than yesterday.” Liz smiled and blushed slightly. “Also, these are for you.” He handed her the roses which see accepted with a smile.
“There absolutely beautiful.” She leaned down and smi lled them. She then turned towards Amelia who had been watching. “Put these in water would you.” She handed them over to Amelia. She then turned back towards Klaus.” So, what’s the plan for today?”
“It’s a surprise.” Klaus smiled mischievously he had a plan all right. Then he took out a handkerchief and tied it around her eyes.
“Hey Klaus!? What’s the big idea here!?” Klaus then wrapped his arms around her from behind and whispered seductively in her ear.
“Well it’s a surprise and I can’t have you spoiling it now can I.” He then nibbled her earlobe . The small love bite sent a pleasant chill up her spine. It was dark out so he couldn’t see the blaze of heat in her cheeks. “So, don’t let your curiosity get the best of you, or I might just have to punish you.” His lips soon pressed against the side of her neck working their way down to her back.
“U-Um we should probably go.” Liz was so embarrassed by that small action. She tried to wiggle her way out of Klaus’ grasp but he held her tight.
“I’m not letting you go just yet. I need to make sure you get the message.” He lightly bit the skin of her neck.
“Mm ... Klaus” Liz sighed in pleasure. Klaus let out a small chuckle and released her from his hold and tightly held her hand leading her to her surprise.
After walking for some time Liz could hear sounds of waves crashing into each other. They were by the ocean. For she could smell the salt water. Suddenly Klaus picked her up and placed her in something which she guessed was a boat from the rocking motion. She sat down and felt Klaus get in. The boat soon started to move.
“I’ve already figured half of your plan out in my head.” Liz giggled.
“Hmmm am I going to have to punish you for that?” Klaus said suggestively.
“Maybe so.” Liz whispered back at him. Klaus could hardly believe this was the silly bunnyhead he met all those years ago. Now here she was in-front of him as a fully matured woman. Finally, they reached their destination. Klaus turned towards Liz.
“Get on my back and don’t ask questions.” Liz hesitated but did it reluctantly. She wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. She was firmly pressed against his back. Klaus suddenly began to climb up a latter. When they reached the deck, Klaus told her she could now get off.
They were on the Goldstein family yacht. Klaus had spent all day making everything perfect. White Christmas lights hung up all around Rose petals and scented candles cover the entire deck and at the front of the yacht was a dinner table cover with rose petals and candles. He had a soft violin melody playing on another level of the ship.
He went behind her and slowly pulled the blind fold off to only here her gasp in surprise.
“You did all of this … for me.” Liz was shocked
“Let’s go eat I’m sure you must be starving.” Klaus led her to the table and pulled the chair out for her. Liz smiled at the cheesy move he just pulled.
“Thank you.” She sat down and Klaus took the chair opposite of her. He picked up a small bell and rang it. A moment later four chefs came out and place their dinner on the table.
The meal was very tasteful. Broiled lobster with a butter with a garlic infusion on a bed of lettuce. White wine and for dessert a chocolate mousse made by the finest chef in the kingdom.
“Looks absolutely delicious.” Liz complemented and dug right into her lobster. Klaus smiled at the adorable look on her face while eating.
“You look like a chipmunk stuffing your face like that.” He smiled gently while Liz blushed. During that meal, they spent catching up on each other’s lives. Laughing and just enjoying each other’s presence. When they finished eating Klaus opted they talk a walk on the deck. Liz slid her arm through his and cuddled into his side. That made Klaus smile like crazy and it warmed his very heart.
When they reached the back deck, the moon was shining down reflecting on the water’s surface. Liz let go of Klaus’ arm to look out at the view. After some time, Liz noticed how quiet Klaus was. She looked back to see him staring at her with a gentle smile in his eyes.
“Liz.” Klaus said and took both of her hands in his and smiled at her. “From the six years were apart my world was a dark and gray void. A mess if you would. I never knew how much I truly loved you and needed you in my life. Now that were together again. I can’t bear to imagine the thought of you leaving again. If you left me again it would destroy my very heart and soul.”
Klaus could see tears starting to form in her eyes.
“My love I have something I wanted to ask you for the longest time now.” Klaus let go of her hands to pulled a black velvet box out of his suit and got down on one knee he opened the box and presented her with a ring. The ring was a 24 k gold cut diamond in the shape of a heart. Liz couldn’t believe what was happing. “Liz, will you make me the happiest man alive and stay by myside for the rest of our lives?”
Tears of absolute joy flowed down her face as she covered her mouth with her hands. She started nodding her head. “Yes! Yes, I will marry you Klaus!” She said through her tears and threw herself into his arms. She grabbed his face and kissed him tenderly conveying all the love she couldn’t express right now. When she pulled away Klaus got up and took her left hand his and slid the ring on her figure and kissed it.
“I will make you happy I promise.” He said in a whisper before kissing her deeply. She responded by wrapping her arms around his neck. He pinned her up against the railing and she wrapped her leg around his waist and felt his hand traveling up her leg. She let out a moan against his lips. He then picked her up and carried her to the cabin which they were going to stay. He opened the door while kissing her neck. He then used his foot to close the door behind him.
They rekindled the flames of their forever lasting love that night. They vowed that night under the sheets that they would never be apart ever again. Aurora finally was able to fill the empty picture frame with love and joy. Two months later they were happily married. Walter and Aurora happily accepted Liz as their daughter. Finally, after a year of marriage they loving welcomed their daughter Lilac into the world.
43 notes · View notes
i-read-good-books · 8 years
So I’ve just read all of the webcomic Countdown to Countdown , and it’s absolutely gorgeous. Every word the characters speak seems to have meaning, and it’s very easy to realize the author has been planning the story for a long time. I urge everyone to check it out!
Because I’m trash, I’ve written some fanfiction. Because of course I have. It’s awful, please dont’ judge the webcomic on it!
@velocesmells I hope it’s not too terrible? It’s supposed to be an AU so I’m justifying how OOC they are in this with that O.O
There’s never anyone that eats with Lillium, but he makes a second plate anyways. You know, just in case.
Lillium’s place is dark.
Iris glances at it as he walks down the city streets, his bag slung over his shoulder, and furrows his brow slightly, biting his lower lip. Usually, the guy’s up and running by this time of the day, no matter how late it may be, the kitchen lights turned on until Iris can barely guess if it’s night or day. He doesn’t even have his obnoxious hipster music blasting from the house, which would be a welcome relief, if it weren’t so utterly bizarre.
Iris hesitates. He should be getting to centre soon, there’s a curfew he’s supposed to make on weekdays, regardless of how much he complains about it. It’s just… Lillium doesn’t do quiet evenings in the house. He spends the whole day working his arse off, switching from shitty job to shittier job, so he can come back to the house and cook the whole night, bragging about his omelette magic. Iris has scolded him about it enough times not to know that.
With the hollow, dull feeling in his chest from being perfectly aware that he’s going to regret this, Iris turns and marches up to the battered old house in the worst part of the neighbourhood, his footsteps echoing in the narrow alley. He makes a face at the stench, but powers on through.
There’s not much to Lillium’s that constitutes as a proper house; he’s being nice by not calling it a shack. It’s only one storey, of course (as if the guy could afford anything more than that), and it’s been sitting there, in between two tall apartment buildings, since the beginning of time, dwarfed by the growing urbanization of the landscape around it. Iris has told Lillium a thousand times that it seems more like an abandoned  cabin in a horror movie than anything, given the way the wooden walls are slowly rotting, the random spurts of paint on the walls without any order to them.
Iris fumbles to open the door with his key, swearing when he accidentally pokes his finger, and pushes it open without much trouble. He steps into the kitchen, glancing around for any sign of Lillium.
The place only has three rooms: the bathroom, a bedroom, and the kitchen. The bathroom is pretty terrible, which explains why Iris makes sure he’s done his business back at the centre before coming here, and the bedroom has been offered to him so many times (eyes twinkling, a smirk curling Lillium’s lips) that it’s become unthinkable to even go in. It’s not surprising that it’s the kitchen that’s the heart of the house (Lillium lives here), but he has to admit that it’s gotten pretty nice over the years, as more money has come in. Most of the appliances are decent, and it’s always kept pristine when Lillium’s not cooking, although all bets are off the moment he cracks some eggs. He’s also got all of his pictures and stuff there; his books cluttering the shaky shelves, dozens of volumes filled with recipes, his stupid teddy bear reclined against the wall. It makes it seem extremely more personal than his own room, much more intimate.
“Iris?” the familiar voice startles him, and he turns around towards where it’s coming from, tightening his grip on his bag. Lillium’s standing in the kitchen doorway, arms crossed over his chest in a way that screams ‘unsure’ rather than ‘defensive’, slightly hunched over. He’s frowning. “What are you doing here? Don’t you have a curfew?”
“I…,” Iris swallows, before lifting his chin, determined, “Oh, shush, White, leave it alone. Why aren’t you cooking? Did you finally realize everything you make tastes like ash sprinkled with ketchup?”
Lillium doesn’t laugh.
Iris’s heartbeat is faster than it should be. They’re just talking, after all. It’s just… Lillium isn’t smiling, joking around, or teasing him. He’s not even even offering him food, for Christ’s sake. Iris bites his lip again, lowering his gaze.
“You should go back to the centre,” Lillium murmurs, facing away from him. His bleached roots are starting to show amidst all the pink. His voice sounds forcibly light when he adds, “I know you want to be a bad boy and all, but don’t be stupid.”
Something’s wrong.
Iris looks down at the kitchen table. There’s some papers piled up on top of it, smudges of dirt on the corners of them from carrying them around with greasy fingers; besides that, his #1 Chef cup is resting on the table, half-empty. He narrows his eyes…
His apron is missing. In fact, it wasn’t at the rusty hanger Lillium uses to put all his coats up in the corridor. Where’s his apron from the café?
“You got fired,” he realizes, feeling a bit dumb for not noticing earlier, and watches his friend’s shoulders go down. “The café place you liked.”
“10 points for Gryffindor,” Lillium sighs, finally meeting his eyes again, a self-deprecating smile  on his lips. “Guess it wasn’t just meant to be, eh? Alas, they probably knew that, deep in my heart, I belong to you.”
Lillium used to tell him about the café. He was so excited when he got the job, prancing around the house and making Iris stand up to have a ‘happy dance’ in celebration of the first time he actually worked at a place near food. “Just you wait,” he told him, in a sing-song. “Soon I’ll be in the kitchens instead of wiping tables.”
Iris isn’t good at comforting people. Hell, he’s not even good at being around people, the centre’s made sure of that. Mostly he just broods around Lillium and the guy feeds him, takes him out to the park and puts flowers in his hair, snapping pictures of an old Nokia that smells like cat piss. They’re friends because Lillium likes him, not because he’s actually made any effort to keep in touch.
It’s… it’s strange, that his heart shrinks when he thinks of how Lillium’s incandescent smile must have faded today, in front of his boss. It pulls at his insides, the thought of him very quietly leaving through the back instead of spending the day at work.
Iris swallows hard, fidgeting, and chokes out, “Could I get an omelette?”
Lillium raises his eyebrows, “You’re actually asking me for an omelette? Have I died and gone to Heaven?” His eyes twinkle, “Are you my angel?”
Please never die, he thinks, with a terrifying sense of alarm, please.
He’s bad with people, yeah, but Lillium always makes it so that he never has to try. He’s rude and pushes him around, gives him stuff he’s too embarrassed to ask for, and doesn’t care at all that he’s dating both of the twins at the centre at the same time. Lillium’s kind of an older brother, in that way, except he’s constantly offering sex.
“It’s just not right, seeing you mope around like this,” Iris mutters, pursing his lips, “You’re supposed to be cooking or something, you weirdo. And don’t make any angel jokes, those are just old.”
Lillium pouts, taking a step closer to him, “Oh, honeybun.”
“Honeybun,” Iris repeats, faintly amused despite himself. “You do know there are knives in the kitchen, right?”
It takes a little while, but Lillium gives in, pushes Iris aside (“This omelette is supposed to taste good, Iris, shoo.”), and turns on the lights before starting to cook. The smell of bacon slowly being fried  fills the room, and Iris sits down on the chair, letting his bag fall to the floor with a soft thump. He takes his sketchbook out, shoving the papers on the table away and starting to draw absently, wrinkling his nose at his sloppy sketch. Meh, it’s late, anyway.
After some time, the sound of a plate being set on the table startle him, making him look up. The omelette smells heavenly, and it’s a rich, warm colour; between gold and a murky brown from the mushrooms.
“Here you go, my lord,” Lillium sighs, sitting across from him and holding his head up with his bandaged hands, smiling softly. “Enjoy.”
Wordlessly, Iris glares, fuming, and divides the omelette in two.
Lillium raises his eyebrows.
“We’re supposed to share, idiot,” Iris mumbles, feeling his cheeks heat. “I won’t be the only one eating here.”
“Ooh,” he smirks, “Is this a date, perhaps?”
“I’m leaving - “
“Aw, c’mon, c’mon, stay,” Lillium whines, holding out one of his hands to grab his wrist as he tries to rise from his seat, flushing furiously.
He sits back down, breath coming out in small huffs, “...You’ll get another job, Lillium, okay? Soon you can be the #1 Chef and Begonia will throw a party or something.”
Lillium sticks a forkful of omelette in his mouth, chewing for a moment before answering, “It’s not kind to lie to people who care about you.”
Iris looks at him, slightly annoyed, “I’m not a liar. You won’t be winning any beauty competitions, Mr. White, but you can cook, alright? Stop being all emo, it’s creeping me out.”
“Says the ultimate emo,” Lillium bites back, but his smile seems a little more honest.
“Have you seen your clothes?”
“Have you seen your hair?”
Lillium snorts, “Rude, my hair is fabulous.”
It’s getting late; so much that he’s guaranteed a scolding from the people at the centre, if not being grounded for this weekend. He should really, really go, before they get truly mad and take his sketchbook away. Living alone is much lonelier without his sketchbook.
But, after a short while, when there’s only small bites of the omelette on the plate and Iris has already given up trying to finish it, Lillium’s hand settles over his hesitantly, trembling a little. He says, “Thank you.”
Iris stays.
They end up in the bedroom; and it’s one of the few times Iris has ever been inside the place. Despite the fact that Lillium’s lived alone ever since he met him, he’s still got a double bed “for overnight visitors”, or that’s what he claims.
Lillium rests his back against the headboard, and Iris lies down next to him, leaning his head on his shoulder and looking up at the ceiling. He doesn’t protest when Lillium links their hands together, or when he gently nudges closer to him, in a move so terribly unsubtle and telling that it’s almost cute that he seems so nervous.
It’s weird, knowing that Lillium wants him there. Iris can barely manage to cover up his scars with his clothes, he’s a mess in school in almost every subject, he’s dry and sarcastic with people he doesn’t know very well and he’s a guy who likes other guys, possibly at the same time. At first, he thought maybe Lillium wanted to have hook up with him, but, even though the guy can’t have five minutes without an innuendo, he’s never made any move to touch him in a way that’s not reassuring or affectionate, instead of sexual.
“You’re going to regret this so much tomorrow,” Lillium whispers into his hair, his voice giddy. “But I’m milking it.”
Iris sighs dramatically, mock-offended, and moves his head up to kiss his cheek, so quickly he’s not quite sure he’s actually done it. Next to him, Lillium freezes.
“Now, I’m dead,”  he murmurs, and the touch of his lips against his scalp makes him shiver.
“Shut up,” Iris pokes him in the shoulder. “I’m the one who’s going to die when I get back to the fostering centre. If I’m not out in three days, you’ll know I’m not coming back.”
“I’ll have an omelette made in honour of your death,” Lillium teases, and Iris shuts his eyes.
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