#very fun to work on this commission though as always :]
abimee · 6 months
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commission for @tsotc of the lovely viera couple peppy (he/she) and gargar (she/it) :] + a bunch of alts of the comm, very happy with this one and coming out on the other side with an appreciation for people who draw flowers by hand ha ha🦧
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akutasoda · 2 months
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title - ''contemplation' beg your pardon'
╰➜they ask you for your hand in marriage and you decide to tease them
dedicated to - jing yuan!
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, confessions, teasing, ep length - 1.7k
a/n: req by @goddessofdestructionsposts! i did accidentally delete half of this last night-
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the dozing general of the xianzhou luofu. a title that held a lot of respect, except the person who held that title loathed it sometimes. jing yuan had a lot on his plate, and he always had - as soon he became an arbiter general, so much had become expected of him. however, he wasn't dumb in any respect and knew exactly what his duties would've been before the title was handed to him, including those that came with leading the cloud knights.
although, throughout all his years in this position, the one expectation that he desperately tried to push to the back of his mind was that of his legacy. being the current general of the luofu meant that he was responsible for ensuring it's stability in the future when he ultimately retired - the divination commission and the xianzhou alliance did have their opinions on the matter, but jing yuan simply cared little for their expectations or suggestions.
jing yuan gave it little to no thought, sure he knew that eventually it would be a pain, but that was future him’s problem. there were many more pressing issues among the luofu and the dozing general would prefer to waste his little amount of energy on them. the general didn't even bother spending time looking for someone to love, it was such a tedious task and he'd prefer to waste his time taking a nap before someone awakens him for proper duties.
sometimes you truly hated this job. everyday you would drag yourself out of bed and down to the divination commission and work grueling hours for the sake of the luofu’s safety. most days, it wasn't so bad and your coworkers were always friendly and a pleasure to work alongside! it was simply that some days were extremely stressful but you didn't exactly have the right to complain when you knew exactly what job you were applying for.
you understand why qingque spent so much of her time slacking off and playing celestial jade - admittedly she had been demoted down to a ‘door guardian’, a title that she was still teetering on the edge of losing. multiple times you had caught her sneaking off but you never bothered to stop her, and multiple times she had tried to convince you to join her at least once but you weren't so keen on facing the master diviner's wrath.
but for today it was a very tempting offer. however, you wouldn't sneak away to pass your time wasting paychecks on celestial jade. you had a much safer option. general jing yuan himself. you'd known the general for a while, working alongside fu xuan meant meeting him quite often, but you'd known him as your lover for what felt like forever.
admittedly, you shouldn't be using your lover as a way to get out of work but you truly saw no harm in it today, nothing of importance was occurring and you were sure nobody would even notice. and thus, you started to make your way to find your lover.
luckily, you knew that he would be struck in his office around this time of day and so you found him with ease. the cloud knights recognised you every time and never questioned why you were visiting, they always would let you go see the general. you knocked, to be polite, on the door once, then twice and then a third time.
no response.
you sighed and you knew there was only one explanation for why he hadn't responded. pushing open the door, you walked in and promptly shut the door - purposely rather loud. loud enough so that jing yuan, who was asleep at his desk, would stir from his sleep.
he yawned as you made your way toward him, ‘there’s nicer ways to wake me you know?’
‘not as fun though, are they?’ you chided and he smiled before adding ‘and so what brings you here, you know fu xuan will give you an earful if she knew’
‘i could say the same for you’ you quickly responded
you had initially met jing yuan by working alongside fu xuan but you only truly got to know him when you ran into him the first time qingque had convinced you to drop some work and extend your break. and surprisingly, the two of you clicked. occasional passings and meetings eventually became intentional friendly meetings and short after, dates.
and it was moments like these that made jing yuans day. sure you both would definitely get an earful from fu xuan later but that was a sacrifice you both were willing to take. jing yuan would do anything to hold you in his embrace as you both dozed off, and he'd happily do anything to stay by your side forever.
having someone in his life forever never seemed possible, but with you? it seemed more than possible.
‘yanqing, have you seen the general today?’ you noticed the blonde hovering near the door to your lovers office, perhaps he was there for a reason.
‘no, nobody has’ he sighed in annoyance ‘i’ve been asked to wait for his return’ you hummed in acknowledgement before thanking the young man and making your way to look for jing yuan elsewhere.
it wasn't completely unusual for the general to disappear during the day, most of the time he was simply hiding away to lounge about, but today you hadn't even seen him since you bid farewell in the morning - and from a bit of asking around, nobody had seen him for a while either. concern became rather evident on your face as you searched the spots you knew he frequented on the luofu, he wasn't even answering your messages! an occurrence that could normally be chalked down to him being busy or living up to his title, but you knew that wasn't the case this time.
never in all your years of dating the general had he disappeared for this long or even gone this long without messaging you! and after all these years, you really thought you'd get used to his antics but clearly, this was a new one - a one that made you worry more than the rest.
there was one last place you hadn't checked. it was a little hideaway in the luofu that jing yuan had shown you on a date, a beautiful location that became a site of respite for the both of you. so if nobody had seen the general than surely he must be there? there'd be plenty of time for you to give him a talking to when you actually found his whereabouts.
and he was there. standing there and staring idly into the sky but he seemed to notice your presence behind him and turned to face you. ‘what brings you here?’
‘i could ask you the same’ you replied, he could tell a slight annoyance coated your words and so he made no effort to beat around the bush ‘i needed some time to think’
‘mind sharing what's on your mind then?’ he let out a small sigh before responding, ‘i could, but truth be told’ he let out a small laugh ‘im a little scared about it’
‘the general of the luofu scared? what thought could possibly scare you?’ you wanted to jeer that you just spent ages looking for him and were scared something happened to him, but you decided to save it, hold it over him later.
you'd never actually seen such worry be written across your lover's face, it started affecting you because now you were thinking something serious had happened.
truth be told, it wasn't anything serious, admittedly, for ages now, jing yuan couldn't help but imagine having you beside him forever and for the first time in forever, jing yuan was nervous - and somewhere along the line, his nerves had warped into a slight bit of fear.
he never imagined himself meeting someone like you. someone who constantly brightened his day, someone who stuck by him through thick and thin, someone that loved every single part of him. so he never imagined marrying you, and now that's all he ever wanted. he didn't know if you were ready or even thinking of marrying him but these thoughts plagued his mind for far too long.
so there was no time like the present right?
‘mm something i can't seem to figure out properly’ he tried pulling you into a hug and you obliged, allowing him to rest his head upon your shoulder.
‘is there something i can do to help?’ placing a hand on his head to comb through his hair, an action you found helped him relax and soon he pulled away and replied ‘yes, i think so’
‘i’ve been thinking about this over and over but’ he paused for a brief moment, lips pressing into a thin line as he took your hand in his and settled himself down on one knee.
‘will you marry me?’
the scene was picturesque. the general of the luofu kneeling in front of you with tenderness and admiration in his eyes as he held your hand, eagerly awaiting your response.
you wanted to say yes, and you were going to. this was the man that won your heart but he was also the man who put you through so many annoying times - from making you late on many occasions by simply refusing to let you leave his embrace, slumping himself over you while you try and do something demanding your attention, teasing you day in and day out, to today. a day like many others of making you worry about where he is.
was it cruel to do what you were thinking? yes. but nothing could've really stopped you from answering with a hum followed by ‘i might need to think about this one’
‘i beg your pardon?’ the expression on his face was enough to pull at your heart strings already ‘what do you mean?’
‘it means i need to think about this’ you teased and tried desperately to fight the smirk working it's way across your face.
‘my love, you can't be serious’ jing yuan tried to reason, a part of him knew that you were teasing him but he wanted to confirm. he'd rather die than learn you weren't kidding.
fortunately, you really couldn't keep your facade up for much longer and he noticed this so he sighed ‘you’re awful sometimes you know’ and before you could respond he stood up and pulled you into another hug.
‘i still need an answer’
‘you’re so demanding aren't you?’
‘yes, of course i will’
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therealcocoshady · 1 month
Could you make a one shot where Marshall x Reader have been dating for almost 2 years, they start talking about kids and the thought of reader pregnant is a big turn on for him.
Author’s Note : Thank you for your request 💕. I hope you enjoy this ! ⭐️
If you like my writing and want to support it, here’s my Ko-Fi (I’m also open for commission. It’s like a request but that way you’re 100% sure I see it fast & indulge you 😉 - rn I have 200+ asks in my Inbox. Also, by commissioning my work, you’re literally helping a struggling neurodivergent student get by !).
Baby talk
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You were the first one to be surprised when you felt it. The desire to have kids. You had never been a kid person. You had always found these tiny humans to be terribly underwhelming. To be fair, you didn’t hate them. But you never really understood what all the fuss surrounding babies was. Puppies ? Yes. Kittens ? Absolutely. Human babies ? Meh. When you were a kid yourself, you didn’t show an interest in babies and, as far as you could remember, you had never really enjoyed playing with dolls. And growing up, you hadn’t shown more of an interest in the topic of motherhood. Older people had told you you’d change your mind and eventually come to want kids of your own but you doubted it. When you became an adult and got into serious relationships, you had that talk with your partners and you told them you didn’t want to have children. You enjoyed your free time, being able to sleep until noon if you wanted to, the possibility of spending money on silly things like an impromptu girls trip to Vegas or a new handbag instead of diapers and an overpriced daycare. In your mind, it was clear that you weren’t meant to be a mother. You did have a lot of love and admiration for parents around you, but you didn’t envy them. So you built a child free life that was absolutely wonderful. Sure, it hurt a bit when your previous partner ended up breaking up with you because he changed his mind about kids and you didn’t. But you understood his decision and knew it was the right thing to do, rather than forcing yourself to have kids when you did not have any actual desire for it. You didn’t want to force yourself to live a life that did not resemble you, taking the risk of one day resenting the children you never wanted to raise in the first place. It all worked out in the end : your ex went on to marry a woman who, from what you heard, was wonderful and have a kid with her, and you ended up meeting the love of your life. 
Marshall was everything you hoped to find in a partner. He was kind, funny, thoughtful, knowledgeable on a lot of subjects and handsome. Yes, he was older than you, but he was definitely young at heart. If anything, you benefited from his experience in life. Also, him being older and having three grown-up children meant that he was « done with all of that », which was a relief. The feeling was mutual, his lack of desire for more kids having caused a couple of breakups for him as well. But just because the two of you decided not to have babies didn’t mean you didn’t have your hands full with them. Marshall was a loving uncle to his brother’s three kids and you were entering that stage of your life where all your friends were starting families. So whether it was a birthday party, a basketball game, a recital or a baby shower… you had your share of kid-related activities. You liked it though. More than you ever thought you would. Marshall being very family-oriented, he loved that you were involved with his family. Together, you built a perfect life. You had all the fun that came with being around kids, without the obligations. You were the fun aunt and uncle, who enjoyed spoiling other people’s kids rotten and playing with them, before happily handing them back to their parents and letting them handle the sugar crash and the noise caused by the toys you bought them. You thought you’d spend the rest of your life just like this, perfectly content, enjoying a peaceful existence with your boyfriend, with whom you would eventually grow old. 
But then, without seeing it coming, you found yourself thinking about it. Wondering how you would look like with a baby bump. Pregnant ladies had always looked like aliens to you, but you started thinking you’d actually be cute, carrying a little baby. Marshall’s baby. A baby with the cutest nose, pouty lips and the most beautiful blue eyes. The thought of a baby that would be part you part Marshall had your heart melt. And you knew he’d be such a good baby daddy, too. Obviously, he had raised three amazing daughters he was very proud of, but he was also amazing with other people’s children. He was his nephews’ favorite person in the world and he was so great with your friends’ babies. So you found yourself thinking that, if you got accidentally pregnant, it wouldn’t be the worst thing on earth. Sure, it would be inconvenient, but maybe you’d keep it. Not that it would ever happen anyway, since you were more than diligent with birth control. Then, it turned into thinking about what your life would actually look like with a little one. And you figured that, what you would have found dreadful years ago, maybe wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe you’d crush it as a soccer mom. Maybe there was actually something beautiful in having kids with someone you love, teaching them stuff and watching them grow up. 
Then, one day, it hit you like a ton of bricks. You actually wanted to have kids. With Marshall. You were at the store, doing your weekly shopping. How you ended up in the baby aisle, you weren’t sure. But you found yourself mesmerized by the tiny items of clothing. Eventually, you came to your senses and mentally slapped yourself. You were with a man in his fifties, who already had his kids and did not want more. Now was not the time to change your mind. As if to imprint the thought in your brain, you went and stocked on condoms, buying a fuckton of them. The cashier even threw you a weird glance. You probably looked like you were doing  a comparative study, getting a bit of everything from ribbed ones to flavored ones. Marshall chuckled when he saw them in the bag. 
That’s a lot of condoms, he chortled. 
Yeah, there was some kind of sale, you lied. 
He shrugged it off and promised to put them to good use. You knew he would make good on his word and figured you just needed to have that silly idea banged out of your system. Except that it didn’t work. You went a few months without talking to him about it. But the more time went on, the more you realized you really wanted a baby with this man. You still liked the idea of having a flexible schedule and 9 hours of sleep a night. But you didn’t love it as much as you loved the idea of carrying this man’s offspring. And the more time went on, the harder it was not to talk to him about it. You dreaded this, though. Because you’d been on the receiving end of that conversation. Of not wanting kids and having someone you loved tell you that they wanted to start a family with you, and having to disappoint them and see the heartbreak in their eyes. So you put it off as long as you could. Until one evening, you weren’t able to hold yourself. 
I think I want a baby, you blurted out when you walked in the kitchen while Marshall was cooking dinner.
You think you want what, baby ? He asked as he turned to you. Sorry, I didn’t hear you over the noise of that kitchen fan. 
No, I said I-I think I want a baby, you repeated nervously. 
You think you want a baby ? He repeated carefully. 
I mean… yeah, you simply said. 
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Clearly, you were taking him by surprise. He turned off the fan and the kitchen stove, before walking to you. 
That’s new, he said matter-of-factly. 
Kind of, you admitted. I mean… I’ve been thinking about it for some time now. 
So you don’t think you to have want a baby. You know you want to have one, he pointed out. 
Y-yeah. I’m sorry, you mumbled as you looked down. 
For how long have you thought about it ? He asked. 
I’m not sure, you admitted. Does it matter ? 
I thought you didn’t want to be a mom, he said. That you were perfectly happy with being an aunt. That it was the best of both worlds. That’s what you said. 
I know, you replied. And I meant it. I’m as surprised as you are, really. But then I thought about how I’d react if I got pregnant. And I realized I wouldn’t mind that. Having a baby that’s part you and part me. 
Oh wow, he said as he scratched the back of his head. 
Yeah, you hummed. And I thought it was just something random and that I’d forget about it. But I can’t. And it’s been months now, and I think you have great genes and that our baby would be really cute. And Target has the most adorable baby clothes and I know condoms are cheaper than a college education but there were little bunnies on the pajamas I saw the other day and I also found out that they make baby Jordan sneakers that look like the ones you love and-
You caught yourself rambling and stopped talking. Now, you weren’t making any sense and you were just dumping the whole thing on him. Probably not the best way to go about it. He was staring at you with an amused look on his face. 
I’m sorry, you said will a sad voice. I know you’re done with it. We’ve talked about it and I know it really sucks that I’m changing my mind but I needed to tell you because I’ve been thinking about it a lot and-
Do you plan on letting me speak ? He asked with a smile. 
Yes. Sorry. 
Ok, he chuckled. I have a few questions. Is there a reason why you changed your mind ? 
Well… you, I guess, you shrugged. I mean, I love you, and I see what an amazing father, what a great uncle you are. 
Ok, he said. And, another question : is that something you want ? Or is it something you need ? 
I don’t know, you admitted. I’m really happy with our life just the way it is. I don’t need a baby to be fulfilled and for my life to have meaning. But I can’t stop thinking of how much I’d like a baby with you. 
Ok, he hummed. So… it’s not something you’d break up over ? 
No, you said. I love you. I want to spend my life with you. And I don’t think I want a baby if I can’t have it with you. You’re the reason I want one. Because the baby I have in my mind… he has your eyes, your nose and your smile. 
Meh. Doesn’t sound too cute, he chuckled. If anything, it sounds like an ad for contraception. 
Oh, come on, you giggled. 
But… he ? He asked with a smile. 
Sometimes she, you corrected. I never really wanted kids so I don’t really care, I guess. Look, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just dump this whole thing on you… we both know this talk sucks. But I couldn’t really keep it to myself. I needed to tell you. I’m sorry. 
Quit apologizing, babe, he said reassuringly. I’m glad you told me. 
Really ? You asked nervously. 
Of course, he replied. I can tell it hasn’t been easy for you. 
You nodded and he pulled you into his arms before pressing a kiss to the top of your head. You closed your eyes and inhaled his scent. You definitely felt lighter after telling him, even though it didn’t really change anything. 
So… can I get back to you on that ? He finally asked. 
Huh ?! You asked as you looked up from his chest.
I think I’m gonna need a bit of time to think about it, he continued. I can’t promise I’ll say yes. But I’ll consider it. 
Wait… seriously ? You asked in shock. 
Isn’t that why you brought it up in the first place ? He mused. 
I don’t know, you said. I guess I mostly expected you to convince me it was a terrible idea. I mean, you’ve broken up with people over that. 
So have you, he pointed out. But it’s you. It’s us. What we have is different. I feel like my family’s complete so I never really wanted to have another kid. But I’m in love with you. And if there’s anyone I’d give it a shot with… it’s you. 
Ok, you said with an emotional smile. 
I’m not saying yes to anything, though, he warned. Don’t get your hopes up. 
But you’re not saying no, you pointed out with a smile. 
I’m not, he agreed. Because even though having kids can be tough… it’s pretty great, too. And I know you’d be a great mom. 
You flashed him a smile and buried your face in his chest.  The simple fact that he was willing to consider it because he loved you filled your heart with joy. 
You didn’t really bring up the topic in the following weeks, but you could see a change in Marshall’s demeanor whenever someone around you talked about kids. You could absolutely tell he was thinking about it. You weren’t too sure what the best way to go about it was. Of course, you were curious to know how he felt about it, what was on his mind. But you didn’t want to be annoying and press him on the matter, so you figured that it was probably better to wait for him to get back to you on that, once his mind was made up. 
Waiting was trying, though. Because in the meantime, you had to watch him interact with countless babies and young children, feeling like your ovaries exploded. Patience is a virtue and that waiting period was definitely an opportunity for you to practice it. Thankfully, it finally came to an end when you came back from work to Marshall waiting for you in the living room, with a bouquet of roses on the table, as well as a paper bag. You greeted him and thanked him for the nice gesture.
What’s the occasion ? You asked. 
Since when do I need a special  occasion to treat my woman to some roses and a present ? He asked back. 
Touché, you giggled. Thank you my love. Can I open the bag ? 
Not yet, he said. I want you to have a look at this first. 
He handed you some papers and you skimmed through it. It was a printing of his schedule for the foreseeable future. You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
That’s, erm, fine ? You said, unsure of what he was expecting you to say. 
It’s my schedule, he said. For the next two years. 
I see that, you chuckled. I’m just not sure why you’re showing it to me ? You usually don’t consult me when it comes to your work schedule. 
As you can see, I’ve moved a couple of trips that were already planned, he explained as he pointed to a few dates. Meaning that I’ll be going to LA a little bit more in the upcoming three months. But after that, no more work trips and I put a hold on the performance planning. I’ll stay in Detroit. 
Ok ? You said - still not grasping what he was getting at. That’s nice. But why did you change the schedule ? Is there a specific reason why you need to stay here ? 
Apparently, when you’re trying to have a baby with your woman, it’s better to be in the same city, he grinned. 
You stared at him in shock, your mouth slightly agape. Marshall was smiling from ear to ear. Next thing he knew, you were in his lap, arms wrapped around his neck, peppering your face with kisses. 
Oh my God, you said emotionally. Really ? Oh I love you so much, Marshall ! 
I love you too, he hummed. 
I can’t believe it, you whispered. Wait- What’s in the bag ? 
Open it, he chuckled. 
You reached for it and saw it contained a bunch of ovulation prediction kits, pregnancy tests, some folic acid and some lube. 
Apparently, these are the basic essentials for trying to conceive, he commented. 
You’re amazing, you said with the biggest smile on your face. So… we’re doing this ? We’re making a baby ?
If you haven’t changed your mind, yeah, he nodded. 
As a response, you threw yourself in his arms and kissed him passionately. He chuckled into the kiss and cupped your face, staring at you lovingly. 
I’ll give you the cutest baby, you promised. 
I have no doubt, he grinned. 
Do you think I’ll be a pretty pregnant lady ? You mused. 
Are you kidding me ? He asked. God, you’re going to be so hot. The thought of you carrying my baby… You have no idea the things it does to me. 
Oh yeah ? Like what ? You asked defiantly. Show-
Before you had the chance to finish your sentence, Marshall had you pinned to the couch and was grinding against you. It didn’t matter that you were both fully clothed, you could feel his excitement through the fabric. 
I’m gonna fill your pretty pussy, he promised. And I’m gonna make a pretty mama out of you. 
Mmmyes, you whimpered. 
Gonna give you a pretty belly, he continued. I can’t wait to see you carry our child. Can’t wait to start trying. 
When ? You asked pleadingly.  
How about now ?  He whispered in your ear. 
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joshym · 6 months
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!Reader
Summary: Your struggling artist is desperate for some inspiration.
Word Count: 3.4k+
Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY), unprotected p in v, oral (f! receiving), a smidge of sir kink, some spanking, a lot of fluff because i can't help myself, Jake draws a naked portrait of you (let me know if i've missed anything)
a/n: special thanks to this lovely anon for this brilliant idea. this was way too much fun to write.
this was inspired heavily by that scene from the Titanic. (you know the one.)
as always, thank you to my favorite editor/motivator, @jakeyt.
i hope you enjoy. ♡
“I want you to draw me wearing this.” You reach into the lapel of the robe, retrieving his coin that now hangs from your neck. “Only this.”
His frustration is palpable, evident in the nearly incessant huffing emanating from behind the closed door of his studio.
It's moments like these that leave you feeling utterly helpless. There’s nothing you can do, no inspiration you can provide that will pull him from his artist’s block.  
He's been holed up in there for hours, since the early dawn, lost in the depths of his imagination, sketching away. You know better than to intrude; he's never been keen on sharing his work until it's finished.
In fact, he's never once allowed you a glimpse into his creative process. "It's the strange doodlings of a mind overrun with ideas. It's not to be seen until it's in its final form," he's reminded you countless times when your curiosity gets the better of you.
Still yet, you're consumed by the desire to witness his beautiful mind in action, crafting masterpieces in real-time, each stroke flowing from his soul through his tireless hand on his Somerset velvet sheets.
But, like any artist, he’s his own worst critic. He’s never truly satisfied with anything he creates, though you are left utterly speechless after each piece he finishes. His mind is a beautifully profound chasm of endless wonder, manifested through his artistry.
You hate when he has these moments of doubt, these instances when he questions whether he’s truly capable of such greatness. 
And you especially despise days like today, when he spends the better part of it feeling as though he has a mental brick wall in the way of his ingenuity, hindering his hand from bringing to life what his mind so desperately longs to conceive. 
Commissioned pieces, like his project today, always hold the most weight for him— from the need to earn a living, to his persistent worry that his art might not meet the expectations of the client. 
It’s not that he doesn’t love doing them, or that he’ll ever stop taking them; quite the contrary, they’re his favorite pieces to work on. They provide him with an added pressure that elicits some of his best work. 
But, reaching that point can be rather strenuous for him. It can at times take days, weeks before he discovers the creative impulsion he needs. 
And right now, he’s in that very rut, awaiting the surge of inspiration that will reignite his dulled spirit.
There truly is nothing you can do when he’s lost like this, and any effort you’ve attempted in the past has always proved useless. 
The one thing you can do, however, is prepare him some dinner.
He’s hardly left his studio today, and you know he’s not eaten much, if anything at all. Perhaps a morsel of sustenance will ignite the dormant embers of his mind. 
After a quiet tap to the door, he invites you in with a serene voice. 
He looks tired, but lovely as ever. The golden hour has officially set in the sky, and the opened curtains on the windows have allowed for a warm hue to encompass his studio, enveloping him in its delicate lume.
“That smells absolutely divine,” he remarks as you enter his studio, his plate and yours delicately balanced in your hands. 
“I figured a little homemade pasta would do you some good,” you tell him while you pad across the floor to his work station.
With a sly disposition and a playful glint in your eye, you aim to steal a glance of his day-long project, but alas, you’ve been caught. Your sweet Jake misses nothing.
"Not yet, my love," he murmurs, flipping the page over as he takes your hand, planting a tender kiss over your knuckles. "You know the rules."
“I know, I know.” Your response holds a bit of remorse. You know better, but can’t begin to help the relentless desire to see his mind at work. 
Setting his dinner on the desk he’s working from, you move yourself across the small office to the green chaise lounge that sits across from him, silently seeking his permission with your gentle glances. The smile in his eyes tells you that he’s more than happy to be graced with your company for the time being. 
After taking a bite of the spinach tortellini you prepared, he unbuttons his white striped shirt, removing it from his shoulders and stretching his arms high above his head as though he’s ridding himself of the weight of his frustrations.
You can’t help your glare, watching him do something so normal yet so intriguing all at once. 
His skin is velvety smooth, his chest rising and falling with every breath he takes, his chestnut wavy locks sitting atop his broad shoulders. You’re in awe each time you look at him; the sheer magnitude of his beauty never fails to steal your breath away.
And his necklace, his most cherished piece of jewelry that he wears each and every day. The precious coin, a relic salvaged from a centuries-old shipwreck that hangs against his chest.
The way it sits on his bare skin is nothing short of elating, sexy. It’s a wonderful addition to his already captivating aura. 
He’s flawless. Everything about him.
Once he catches your gaze, he responds with a sly wink, eliciting a blush that paints your cheeks a bright shade of pink.
Then, a thought begins to swirl around your mind for a brief moment. One that you’re shocked you’ve not conjured until now. 
The vision of the pendant against his bare skin sets your own imagination alight. 
“I’ve got an idea,” you propose, your voice soft and sultry, trying to pique his interest even just a little, something that may help the rusted wheels of his mind turn at full capacity once again.
While his focus remains on his work, his right eyebrow arches ever so slightly, and you catch the hint of a grin daring to curl in the corners of his mouth.
“And what might that be, my dear?” he asks with an unknowing, devilish smirk. 
As you get up, he hastily flips the page back over to hide his work from you once again.
“Don’t worry,” you say as you move behind him, placing your hands on his bare shoulders. “I won’t peek.”
You glide your fingers along his skin, feeling the subtle rise of each goosebump in the wake of your gentle touch.
He hums inquisitively as you delicately take hold of the clasp of his necklace in between your index and thumb, undoing it in one fluid motion before slowly slipping it from around his neck. 
“Be right back,” you say as you head towards the door. “Don’t move.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he responds, a myriad of questions splayed across his features.
With light steps, you make your way down the wooden floors of the hall towards your shared bedroom. Hanging on the back of the door is your sapphire hued satin robe, adorned with a delicate lace detailing along the hem—the one Jake has always fawned over. 
The satin drapes coolly against your skin as you slip it on, wearing nothing underneath, save for the weight of Jake’s necklace resting against your chest that you hide beneath the fabric. 
You run your fingers through your hair, adding a subtle tousled look, before applying a light blush to your lips and cheeks to impart a bit of natural color to your complexion.
And with that, you're poised and ready.
As you turn the corner to face his studio, you see a very weary version of your Jake. His head sits in the palms of his hands, his leg bounces up and down at a rapid rate—a clear sign of the mental battle he’s waging. 
This is as good a time as any for your little idea, and you’re hoping that it’ll be the very thing he needs to find some much needed initiative to keep going. 
“Hi, baby,” you venture, leaning your body alluringly against the frame of the door. 
As he looks up, a familiar twinkle dances in his eyes—a sight you've longed for all day long. It's a glimmer that tells you he's rather fond of the vision before him.
“And what exactly is your idea?” he inquires softly, slowly standing from his chair. But you stop him, motioning for him to stay just where he is as you saunter towards the chaise you were seated on just moments ago. 
“My idea,” you begin, making a very slow, deliberate attempt to untie the sash holding your robe together at the waist. “...is for you to draw me.” 
As if your thought has affected him physically, his posture immediately straightens, and his once tired eyes hold a renewed sense of life as they watch you intently. 
“I want you to draw me wearing this.” You reach into the lapel of the robe, retrieving his coin that now hangs from your neck. “Only this.” 
Your robe suddenly falls to the floor, revealing your fully nude figure that was hidden beneath. 
“Oh…” he utters, his tongue wetting his lower lip before tucking it between his teeth. “You can’t do this to me, baby. I can’t look at you like this an–”
“Consider it a commission,” you interrupt, tracing your fingers lightly up and down the skin of your torso. “And when you’re finished, if it’s to my liking, you’ll receive a full payment.”
With a raised eyebrow, his gaze sweeps up and down your form, while his index finger lightly grazes his chin.
“You’re quickly becoming my favorite client,” he quips, wiping a stray bead of sweat away from his forehead, tousling the front of his hair in the process. “Consider it done, ma’am,” he continues with a confirming nod of his head. 
You lay yourself down on the forest green velvet cushions, positioning yourself sensually across the chaise. Your body is turned slightly to the side, your leg gracefully crossed over the other, an elegant display of your curved silhouette. 
The warm glow that is so beautifully cast upon Jake, is now cast upon you, the aura laying over your nude body like a golden blanket of light. 
“Is this okay?” you ask him, draping your arm over the back of the chaise, making sure the coin sits meticulously atop your chest before your other arm falls to rest against your body. 
He simply grins while nodding his head, his eyes drinking you in, a mix of surprise and desire evident within his expression.
“Yeah, that um…that’ll do just fine,” he tells you, the slight crack in his voice eliciting a smile from you, a break in his professional facade. 
With a deep breath, he takes his prized Faber Castell 9000, carefully sharpening the tip just a bit before putting it against a blank sheet. 
And then, as the true artist you know him to be, he begins without a hint of hesitancy. The gentle sound of the lead scratching away at the paper fills the quiet room— a sound you’ve come to cherish, a sound that signifies his craft is steadily blossoming to life.
He seems charmingly nervous, his hand gently brushing against his nose every so often between a series of strokes from his pencil, clearing his throat more than usual. His eyes flint to you, then back to the paper, then back to you, a succession of his adoration and determination, ensuring that the likeness captured in his art closely mirrors your essence. 
You try to keep your face composed, a seductive allure about your features. But as you watch him, immersed in his passion, the way he’s studying you so intently, it becomes nearly impossible to suppress the beginnings of a smile upon your lips. 
But despite your efforts, he takes note of the curve adorning your flushed lips, mirroring it with his own. “Relax your face for me, beautiful.” The soft rasp in his tone is enough to send a blush throughout your whole body. 
Breathing in your nose and exhaling through parted lips, you’re able to reclaim your composure enough to steady your expression. 
Every moment you share with him is a brushstroke of beauty, but something about this one stands out. The intimacy of it all, how he must diligently study every inch of your form to convey your image through his art, the intensity behind his focused gaze…your heart is racing in your chest, despite your relaxed demeanor. 
With the sun almost hidden behind the early moon, he completes the final stroke.
He lays his pencil down, gently blowing on the paper to remove any stray lead before he picks it up, examining it closely while he walks it over to you. 
As he holds it out before you, allowing you to at last see his craft come to life, you’re left entirely awestruck. 
“Oh, Jake.” The sight before you leaves you nearly breathless. It exceeds every expectation, beyond the boundaries of your imagination. It’s a portrayal of you, but not just that— it’s how he sees you.
It’s the first time you’re witnessing yourself through his eyes, and in that, you feel a profound sense of beauty within yourself that you’ve never known. 
“Do you like it?” He asks, a slight tremor present in his voice. 
“It’s…incredible, Jake.” 
Propping yourself up a bit, you carefully take the drawing from his hands, poring over his vast attention to the detail in your face, your body. 
Specifically your breasts, how perfectly he depicted their round curve above your rib cage, encapsulating the fullness and allure of them. 
You’re entranced by the way he drew the contour of your hips, how he captured the dip in them that you’ve always looked at with disdain, yet in his portrayal, you’re able to see the beauty in what you’ve considered a flaw.
He encapsulated everything, even the faint freckle beneath the curve of your left breast, and the mole under your belly button. He managed to immortalize all the intricate nuances that you typically overlook.
“Is this what I really look like?”
“Yes, but,” he takes the drawing from you, placing it on the mahogany table beside the chaise lounge. He helps you lay back down, gently caressing your face that he’s just conveyed through his artistry as he props himself above you. “The essence of your beauty defies any depiction.”
Then, his lips envelope yours in a kiss so fervent, so ardent, as though he’s waited hours to finally have you within his grasp. 
His hand moves with a swift grace to your breast, fingers toying with your perked bud. This erotic moment with him has you already so flustered, so sensitive to every touch of his hands. 
He breaks his lips from yours, only to land them down the column of your heaving chest.
“You’ve no idea how hard it was for me to look at you like this, to look at these,” he mumbles against the tingling skin, hands kneading the flesh of your breasts. “And fight the urge to come place my lips on every inch of this beautiful fucking body.”
And just as he said, he bestows tender yet hungry kisses down the length of your torso, maneuvering his body down the chaise lounge until he kneels before you. He nestles his face perfectly between your thighs, his warm breath tantalizing your wet center from his dangerously close proximity. 
“I certainly hope you don’t let all of your clients pay you like this,” you mutter, breathless and yearning for his mouth. 
“Only the ones that tickle my fancy,” he says, his words adorned with a playful wink before he delves into you. 
He laps away at your pulsing cunt, like he’s been starved for your taste this entire evening. The lewd, lascivious sounds he’s emitting from between your legs only serve to heighten your need for him, causing your back to instinctively arch away from the plush cushions. 
And when his lips envelop your throbbing clit, his tongue swirling around it inside his warm mouth, your body trembles and shudders. A rush of warmth encompasses you, starting from the depths of your core, the pit of your stomach, spreading to every inch of your being. 
You surrender to the intoxicating bliss, your breath catching in your throat while your heart pounds in a crescendoing rhythm.  
He guides you through it, gently holding your hips in place while the movement of his tongue slows in perfect time as with the ebb of your climax.
“Oh, that was so beautiful, my love.” He lovingly kisses the inside of your thigh before he stands, removing the belt from his patchwork jeans. “Turn over for me, baby.”
“Yes, sir,” you quietly utter as you obey his demand, knowing good and damn well what that specific name does to him. 
Just as he commanded, you turn your body over to your stomach, placing your elbows against the arm of the chaise, your back arched as much as you can so that your ass is sticking up just right for him.
“Love when my sweet girl calls me that,” he purrs before his belt hits the floor, his jeans and underwear quickly in tow and freeing his impossibly hard cock. 
“So, what’s the verdict, my love?” You feel the cushion sink in behind you as he settles himself between your legs, his right hand caressing your hip while the other teases your soaked cunt with the tip of his cock, leaking with precum. “Was my work to your liking?”
You giggle breathlessly, poking your ass out even further as an offering to him for his hard work. “Yes, I believe you’ve earned your reward.” 
He steadily begins nudging his cock into you, going slow at first, allowing you to fully adjust to him. 
Inch by thick inch, he fills you completely to the hilt, your breath catching in heavy gasps that are robbed from your lungs as he buries himself deeply within you. 
Your nails claw at the velvet armrest as his thrusts quicken in their pace, your upper body nearly going limp as you’re no longer able to easily hold yourself up.  
His hands hold a firm grip at your lower waist, pulling you into his cock rhythmically, yet becoming more and more disordered as he’s beginning to lose himself to the pleasure. 
You cry out a slew of obscenities mixed with his name, begging him to fuck you harder, faster.
Without question he complies, landing an open palm against your ass cheek. “So good for me baby,” he hums, his thighs slapping against the backs of yours as he drives into you just the way you need. “So fucking good for me.” 
With one more vigorous thrust of his hips, you feel that familiar rush throughout your whole body as your cunt throbs and pulses incessantly around his cock.
“Fuck, I feel you, baby. Pretty little cunt squeezing me so tight.” You feel the twitching of his cock inside of you, an indication that he's on the very brink of his own release. 
“Cum inside me, sir. Please…need you to fill me.” Your voice is faltered, your body still reeling from your second climax. 
“Jesus,” he groans, moaning exasperatedly as your words have him spilling within you, filling you with his warmth just as you requested. 
He stays buried inside of you as he catches his breath, feeling his release slowly trickling down your thighs as you struggle to fill your own lungs. 
You have to fight the urge to protest when he begins pulling himself away from you, not yet ready for the empty feeling he leaves you with. 
You practically collapse against the cushion, your body exhausted in the most enthralling way, the kind of exhaustion that only immense amounts of pleasure can bring forth. 
“My sweet, beautiful girl,” he whispers, kneeling himself before you as he softly caresses your flushed cheek. 
You kiss the pad of his thumb as it crosses over your mouth, summoning the strength to lift yourself up enough to steal one from his lips. “I hope it worked,” you say, gently cupping his face in your hand. 
“You hope what worked, my love?” He asks, leaning into your soft touch. 
“I was hoping this would help inspire you.” You reach for the drawing, savoring its beauty once more. “I was hoping I could help inspire you, pull you out of your moment of doubt.” 
“My love,” he murmurs, setting the portrait back down before he gently brushes his lips against yours. “You inspire me endlessly, every single day.” 
His tender smile warms your very soul as he leans in for a deeper kiss, imbued with all the love you could ever want for.
“You’re my perfect muse,” he utters against your lips, “I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of you.” 
a/n: suffice to say, this inspired the hell out of me when i've lacked inspiration/motivation lately. thank you, anon.
if you have any juicy ideas, feel free to send them my way. ♡
love you guys.
taglist: (let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!)
@jakeyt @objectsinspvce @stayinginthesun @sinarainbows @stardustcordzz @klarxtr @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @highway-tuna @way-to-go-lad @reesetrippingthelight @jakesgrapejuice @sacredjake @notthedroidz @kiszkashousee @psychedelicstardust-gvf @jjwasneverhere @gvf-ficreads @stardust-jake @gretavanbear @gvfmelborne @sirjaketkiszkasharmonica @jaaakeeey @neptune2324 @jaketlove @myleftsock @joshskittytickler @audgeppp @jordie-gvf @gretavansara @gretasfallingsky @jazzyfigz @louiseecraigg @hippievanfleet @blacksoul-27 @sarafrusciante2 @heckingfrick @citylight-delight @electricgoldtendercare @musicspeaks @hollyco @gvfpal @dannys-dream @josh-iamyour-mama @edgingthedarkness @earthgrlsreasy @hernameis-heaven @mackalah @gvfmarge
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postmoe · 2 months
Moe Moe Sama is Backie ~
… Wu Wa brainrots :>?
It's been a while! I've missed you!
WUWA WUWA WUWA!! With all these games and adulting it can get quite hard to stay up to date so I hope these characters aren't too OOC.
Calcharo . Xiangli Yao . Mortefi . Scar
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Calcharo will keep you in shape to fight along side him... For the most part. You'll never be faster than him, smarter than him or stronger than him, but you will be able to take down some of the smaller tacet discords and any thieves that try to take advantage of you.
You're going to be monitored by someone of the Ghost Hounds at almost all times. This world is far from safe, be it by TD's or humans alike, he will not take his chances.
"Your life isn't a price worth negotiating," he'd say, keeping you under his arm so you can't run into danger (run away).
He doesn't share you well, you're the sweetheart of the Ghost Hounds but most people won't go past saying hi or a gentle compliment though there has been punishment; see below. The most in terms of other human contact would be from people like Aalto and Jiyan who only get a hard, contemplated stare from him.
Calcharo is a surprisingly generous - and a little ignorant - lover. He'll always say no to something that seems new to a weird extent but is very easy to convince and will probably like it more than you do. Tongue in the bum? Don't be gross. Ugh but with how tight those rings of muscles knead around his tongue has something so tantalisingly delicious about it. Let's try his cock next-
Punishment is tight. Most of the time it involves ropes and chains, keeping you in place, locking you to one area. Red strikes across your thighs and arse from a good lashing or spanking is probable. On the harsher times you will be displayed in public, and a couple of times he has let them use you. "You want to act like a whore? Fine. Use her to your content, I'll be back in a few hours." It really makes you enjoy the sympathetic and kind touches you receive under Calcharo's care.
Xiangli Yao is a wonderful master to his puppy princess. Yes, you are his sweet pet that he raises with love. An adorned collar sits prettily around your neck, your nails are trimmed and cared for all by yours truly.
With a calm smile he holds out his hand expectantly. You place the scroll on his palm and sit on the floor beside his legs, the paper being passed from one hand to the other so he can now pet your head, "Thank you, puppy. Hm... It seems we have an urgent commission. We will have to put off your toilet training until I come back." You couldn't be more thankful.
No privacy, this man. Your business is his business and if you don't have business then he's not doing very well as your owner, is he? He will have to create some game of stimulation for you. Hide and seek around the home, "Where's your ball?" is one of his favourites for when he's doing papers.
The thing with Xiangli Yao is that he is fully aware with how demented this is. Embarrassing you 24/7, forcing you into uncomfortable situations that strip you of your humanity, showing you off to others as if this is the most normal thing, it just gives him such a rush to be so above you in every possible way.
If you don't pick which collar/leash combo you want for the day then he will choose for you.
"Oh, you brought (Y/n) in for the day! How nice to get them out of the house," people may say as he pulls you into work with him. You're fawned over after the initial shock of being his pet and not his partner.
Exhibitionist but more so forcing you then doing it himself. Bullet vibrators, ropes, ben wa balls, you name it. It's important that puppy has their toys with them, so along with your leash make sure you pick something fun to play with as well.
Definitely has a bone gag and those belts and mitts to make you even more puppy-like. Goodness help you if he finds a 'puppy playtime' event, anything to make his pet utterly red with shame <3
Mortefi is not into public affection and won't really touch you unless he needs or really wants to. He's not going to condemn you if you wrap your arms around his torso or hold his hand when anxious, but, you only need to follow his voice when he orders you to come to keep him happy.
That being said, going out is a privilege and not a right. You don't have to get on your knees for him or clean the kitchen ever hour, just stop breaking things and throwing a tantrum and he'll likely take you out of the house with him.
You have your own tablet to play games on and do your own 'work'. He won't say it out loud but he does find it cute and really enjoys when you're both staying late in the lab and on your respected devices, enjoying your company and giving him the motivation he needs to finish off this last equation.
He will make time for you whether you want it or not. Relationships will bond tightly if you rely on the other more, so, please don't do anything that will warrant a punishment as those tend to isolating.
Please please please please come to him with any invention ideas, questions, interests into his field at all. If you squint you may notice the reddening on his cheeks as his heart pounds from your attention. You want something made? Consider it done, the two of you will spend all night creating a little robot that pours the perfect amount of syrup on any size stack of pancakes.
In the early mornings Baizhi will walk in, inquiring, "Mortefi, I'm just checking in on the progress of the TD field barricades you were working on-" She stops, watching as you and Mortefi are eye level with the table to judge the collection of syrup amongst seven different plates of pancakes. The office is happy that day for a free and yummy breakfast.
Overall, he is a pretty good yandere, however things can definitely go south if you act out. It's exhausting and frankly hurts his feelings when you suddenly get a rebellious streak. Running away, throwing food off the table, attacking him, he's not one to let this sort of behaviour off the hook.
Emotions can be quite high in certain circumstances. He will analyse what is different about the recent weeks and act accordingly. Some days you need to be left in a cellar by yourself for a while, restricted from anything dangerous. Others you need a good fucking.
The sex ones are probably his preferred outlets. In all honesty, it's his fault as well. Working constantly is tiring so he can't always please you when he wants to. If you came up yourself then he would figure a way around it. Though when it's all on him then it gets difficult. If you're horny and angry from it then holding you down and giving you a few orgasms normally does the trick. As long as you're limping to the bathroom after and yawning from the exertion, he can tell the next few days will be relatively peaceful.
Scar is a maniac and thrives off of your unease. 100% carves something into your skin with a knife, whether it be his name, a heart, or something else meaningful only he knows.
He will hold your head and force you watch as a human/TD experiment comes this close to your face, only held back by a chain in the ground. Your face is flooding with tears and all you can hear is the wet snarling of the creature and Scar's raucous laughter, "Oh, darling, did I scare you too much? Don't be silly, you know I'd never let anything hurt you~."
Is an open killer to anyone who disrespects you. Your fear and tears are invigorating but only if he is the cause of them. Yet, no matter how sadistic he is to you, he will always end the day by treating you like a deity of worship. Soft touches, sweet caresses, gentle kisses... You could almost believe this were someone else if you closed your eyes.
... And then he bites you, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as his cock sinks into your hole. Marking you, training your body to cave to him because you need to love him and crave him as much as he does you.
It may not seem like it to you but he certainly does have a softer side whenever you're involved. He's less irritable and more willing to hear people out, that's not to say the outcome will change for them but it at least gives them a false sense of hope before their inevitable demise.
Loves having debates with you, especially if they're based on morals. You're thinking is just so cute and deluded compared to his, to see how your mind ticks truly is a wonderful past time. Sometimes you say things that he doesn't expect and it really gets him going!
The reality of the world is forced upon you with Scar as your lover. Death is everywhere, pain ahead of it and despair accompanying that, too. To shed a tear for the world is understandable for people like you, and thanks to Scar (and his thing for dacryphilia) you will cry - a lot.
"Oh, you poor, sweet soul. Aren't we just so lucky to have found each other?" His eyes bore into yours, thumbs tenderly stroking either side of your face so he can keep you focused on him. His lips ghost over yours with every word, "I won't let another being touch a hair on your body. That's right! Only I can kill you, if you're going to die then it'll be from me alone." - he honestly finds this romantic. Please say you'll kill him back so that you can die together.
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w.count: 1.9k - y/n is implied to have hair long enough to pull back, you know that one hairstick scene in apothecary diaries? yeahhh :))
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"do your arms ever get sore from doing your hair like that?"
the sudden question caught baizhu off guard. you were sitting at his desk early in the morning as he was still getting himself up, around and ready. he had asked you to stop by the pharmacy before your day began since you were planning to head out towards mondstadt for a commission that could take up to a weeks' time.
you felt bad coming by so early, especially if you would be waking him up (lord knows he doesn't get enough rest as much as he insists he does). still, despite your worries, he insisted.
it was rare to see him with his long, green hair loose without any ties or his two-pronged hair stick. it was even longer without it being styled, hanging close to the back of his knees. on top of that, he still hadn't put on his glasses, so with his face bare of his 'eyes' and framed by his hair- well, it was a very rare baizhu to witness.
chengsheng was still curled up asleep on a small cushion that sat on top of a stool that stayed near baizhu's bed. as opposed to her morning person of a contractor, she was no morning snake.
as you sit and wait for him to start lecturing you on what herbs or slaves to use and when to use them before packing them away for you- he began tying his hair. watching him pull his front hair back into the bun that would always be perfect and securing it with his double-pronged hair stick, your mouth just starts before you can stop it.
chuckling, he lowers his arms and brushes a few strands of his long hair off his shoulder.
"no i can't say that they do. i've dealt with it long enough my arms are used to it."
fussing with your own hair by twirling a piece around your finger, you shudder at the thought of all the tangles or knots he must experience on a day-to-day basis before he tames it all.
"even if i did feel soreness, i can't simply leave it down now can i?"
you nod along to his point. it would be pretty bad if a pharmacist left his hair down and let it get in the way of his work. not to mention it just wasn't a good look as a doctor. no one wants to get medicine with the bonus addition of green hair.
after properly securing the hair stick in place, he pulls the long strands that are left over his shoulder and starts dividing them into sections for his braid. he did it effortlessly, hardly tangling at all due to practice; his eyes even closed for a while like he found it relaxing!
once he was finished, he could tell you weren't exactly paying attention to reality anymore and your mind was wandered off somewhere else away from him. it was easy for baizhu to read you- you were a pretty expressive person; at least around him. with his hair finished, he slides his glasses over his eyes and lets out a small deflation of relief at finally being able to see properly.
you finally came back to him when he sets a small, drawstring sack that was easily able to attach to your belt in front of your elbow that rested on his desk.
after coming back from your thoughts, you jolted at how close he had gotten. bent at the waist to get a better look at your face as his arm that dropped the sack moved to rest behind his back. baizhu was a man who values undivided attention when conversing and eye contact alone means more to him than most people. it makes him feel respected despite his frail constitution.
although, he admits a small piece of himself finds it entertaining to see people become antsy at prolonged eye contact (he could always tell when they start looking at his forehead or nose instead of his eyes). he never told you that though- it would ruin all the fun.
"oh, sorry," you meekly apologize as he moves to sit in the small stool opposite of you instead of his own proper chair on the other side of the desk. "i didn't realize I zoned out."
"i don't mind," he tells you earnestly. "it's good to see you relax before a long trip."
"mondstadt is hardly a marvelous trek."
"that doesn't take away from the fact that making the trip can be dangerous. who knows what enemies are camping out along the paths."
"i can handle it."
"yes, i know." he does this often. frets over things he knows isn't a big problem in the long run just for the harmless banter with you. besides, the looming threat of enemies is the whole reason he's sending you off with medicine in the first place! he's teasing, and he can see it on your face when you realize and stop responding in order to quell his indulgence.
instead, you turn your sights to the bag. 'let's see', you think as you pull the bag open and start sifting through the contents to see what all he packed. you can also guess how much mora you'll owe him after seeing the goods.
baizhu watched you intently as you dug around in the bubu pharmacy labeled sack. perhaps it was because of your previous converstaion, but he couldn't help but watch as your hair shifted with your movements.
craned over, your hair covered the small part of your face that faced him. the curtain of hair made him realize that you hadn't yet put it up like you usually did- especially when you were about to depart on an expedition.
"your trip to mondstadt," he says lowly as he moves to rest his elbow on the desktop with his curled fingers holding his chin. he wasn't usually one to slouch, but it was early, and he was with only you, so his lazed state was deemed acceptable. "you said you'll be traveling with a group yes?"
"hmm," you hum affirmatively. "some millelith are escorting me to the stone gate. after, i'll be meeting with some knights across the border." while you retell the how's of your trip, you never once look at him. instead, you keep your eyes on your acquired items. he sure packed it full.
"i see," he hums. he quietly lifts himself from his stool and just as quietly moves to stand at your back.
you notice his presence behind you too late because before you can ask what he's doing, his hands come into contact with your loose hair. you feel his knuckles brush against your neck and his fingertips snag and gently tug among the strands as he starts pulling it back. one hand combs through your tresses while the other gathers it all in his palm.
you sit extremely still. not just because you were frozen in shock, but a part of you didn't want to mess up whatever it was that he was doing. your throat closed up as well, so even though you wanted to ask what in the world spurred this on, you couldn't. instead, you studied the shadows casted by his paneled windows caused by the morning sun that was finally starting to rise.
you'd have to leave soon.
before long, you felt him twist your hair before putting a band around it and after he placed something else in it to pin it properly in place.
"there," he mutters as he steps away from your back. you twist to look at him, your hand coming to lightly ghost over your hair. you want to try and get a mental image of what he had done, but he quickly stops you from doing so. the tips of his fingers softly push your arm back towards your lap before leaning down to look at you again in the face. "you wouldn't want to mess it up, now would you?"
you silently shake your head. with him bent at his waist for the second time this morning, you notice that his hair was loose again.
"the sun is rising," he interrupts. standing up straight, he offers his hand properly to help you stand. "you best be off soon."
looking behind his shoulder, you see the sunshine beyond the windows. as confused as you were and despite all the questions you had, he has a point. you couldn't keep the millelith waiting. so, you accept his hand and stand. you peek to see if chengsheng had woken up, but she was still blissfully sleeping on her cushion.
"tell chengsheng that im sorry i missed saying goodbye to her. i'll make it up to her next time." she was fond of you after all.
"of course." walking you out, he opens his door and leads you to the long stone staircase. you wave to both gui and qiqi who had already made their way into the pharmacy to start their day. with a few more words, you bid farewell to the good doctor before racing down the stairs to meet with your group.
as he watches you swing a left into town at the bottom of the steps, he feels a tug on his pant leg. looking down, he see's little qiqi and kneels to get eyelevel with her.
"yes, qiqi?"
"doctor baizhu... your hair is still down." baizhu chuckles.
"ah, yes. i must've forgotten to do it this morning." his hand comes to pat her hat-clad head. "thank you for reminding me." qiqi felt gleeful at being the one to remember something for once and she nods at him when he stands and moves to return to his room.
he'd have to settle for a slightly different hair style today. as chengsheng wakes up and sees her contractor with a pair of chopsticks crossed in his bun instead of his special hair stick and a braided ribbon instead of a clear band for his braid, she grows curious.
"what happened to your normal thingss?" she inquires as he offers his arm to her and lets her slither up it to coil around his neck. he chuckles as her head moves to stay lifted around his face for easy conversing.
"i lent them to someone." he moves to leave his room for the second time that morning but stops short of the door. "oh, y/n expresses their apologies for already departing the harbor." with a small tut from chengsheng, she coils around him once more before laying her head on his shoulder.
"of coursse." if the snake could roll her eyes, she would've. "has anyone ever told you that you can be rather posssesssive, baizhu?"
"i'm afraid i don't know what you're talking about."
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"i'm here! sorry for the wait!" you huff as you join up with the group of three millelith soliders. you were debreifing with the group leader while the others stood behind you away enough that you couldn't hear their gossip.
"doesn't that hair stick look familiar?" one asks.
"isn't it the one doctor baizhu wears?" the other answers.
"the bubu pharmacy owner?!"
"shh! they'll hear you idiot!" you don't. and you forget all about your hair until you set up camp for the night just outside the stone gate. taking your hair out for sleep is when you finally see what baizhu had pinned your hair up with and suddenly the night air felt a bit stuffy instead of chilly.
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zgvlt · 1 year
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hearts held out of harms way ace trappola x reader x deuce spade (polycule)
commissioned by: shopkeep !!!
summary: in which (1) ace, a nobleman, desperately wants to be more than just the earl you and deuce serve; (2) deuce, a knight, doesn't how to get not just one but two people to fall in love with him; and (3) you, a fairy, try to push ace and deuce together while ignoring your own feelings for them
tags: gender neutral reader (only you is used), sfw, fluff, knight x nobility x fairy, commoner x nobility, poly relationship, getting together fic, 8.3k+ words, not beta read, completed (division by "chapters" = just a stylistic choice)
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The young Lord Ace Trappola was a nobleman people found difficulty understanding. The new earl—and how new he truly was; how unexpected, too—was many things all at once and, depending on who was asked, they would all have something different to say in regards to the gentleman.
For instance, some would say he was no gentleman at all—some being a past love, who claimed she had never really felt his love for her at all. It was not too uncommon for nobles to abandon their old partner one way or another, but it did dishearten those in society seeking to become his marriage candidate.
Others, specifically his old schoolmates from the academy, would call him clever and cheery but a little too carefree, so much so that they were surprised he had been declared not just the heir, but had taken hold of the position the moment he left his youth. Was it the truth, that he was that kind of character? Yes, though it did give way to less than savory questions regarding his inexperience and capabilities.
Finally, though said noble would not know until later how the rumor had been birthed, it was said that he was a man who had deceived everyone magnificently into thinking he was who he presented himself to the public. As to who or what he truly was, nobody could quite agree. There were those that argued he was the manipulative sort, perhaps one who dabbled in illegal magic, for how else could he ascend to his position so quickly? There were those, too, who had proposed that perhaps their household had something to hide, that the young Trappola was simply a dutiful son to his father.
A small, terribly small group, however, would argue that the truth behind Ace Trappola was that he…
“Good morning My Lord!” Ace looked up from his desk, immediately abandoning his work. It’s not that he’s particularly excited or anything, but he sure does think that his two faithful attendants are far more fun than any scroll or sheet of paper could be.
Former delinquent turned knight, his right-hand man Deuce Spade had a serious look on his face despite the jolly greeting. Beside him was you, his right-hand’s right-hand, a fairy who greeted him in a calm but elegant manner. The juxtaposition between his two aides had surprised him once-upon-a-time, but he’d come to realize that they were far better suited to each other than he had initially realized.
“Lock the doors, then be at ease,” he ordered. Though he did not care much for appearing particularly prim or proper, the idea of being walked in on while he conversed with his two companions did not appeal to him either.
“Slacking again, Lord Trappola?” You peered over his shoulder, reading the documents he had atop his table. “Household affairs? New knightings? Isn’t that mere child’s play for you? You could very likely finish all of those in one go.”
“If I accomplish all of it in one sitting, they will think it a sign to pile more work for me the day after,” he explained, as though it were common sense. “It’s better to slack off a little bit sometimes. I understand I’m quite capable, but I detest people who push all their work onto others.”
“There, there. You can let your worries out with me,” you laughed at him, fingers combing through his unkempt hair as you did so. It was an action he always distinguished from his father and brother, who would purposefully ruffle it, or Deuce, who accidentally chopped a portion off with his sword. 
He used to think it was out of pity, once, or some kind of disapproval, the way you could bicker and banter with Deuce but hesitated to do the same with him. However, nowadays it was easy to tell that it was your way of empathizing with him. That good-naturedness of yours was probably why Deuce clung to you, too. “Let’s have you spar with Deuce so you can catch a break.”
“Exactly what I was thinking! Can you read minds or something? You know I don’t know much about fairies.”
“You just so happen to be an open book, Deuce. If I had come to possess that kind of ability, though…” Ace knew you were merely being humorous, an attempt at getting a laugh out of him and a way to tease Deuce, but he did shiver the slightest bit as you laughed ominously. Just what would you do given that kind of power? “Though not quite fairy, I have heard of a fae that can see people’s dreams… Or was it manipulate? I can’t quite recall.” 
“If someone were to see my dreams…” Deuce blanched, and Ace found himself curious by the reaction. By the looks of it, you were curious, too. Ace’s dreams tended to be the nonsensical sort—that or he could never remember them at all save for a detail or two, like how you or Deuce or even some old schoolmates from the academy would simply appear. 
“Now that you mention it, I do remember you sleep talking.” You looked away from Deuce and back to him, fingers still weaving through his hair. “There was a night, when Deuce and I were still wanderers, where…”
Cruel, Ace thought to himself, smiling, the good-natured fairy could tease the poor knight again and again. 
“You truly are incapable of not embarrassing me at every opportunity, especially in front of our liege,” the blue haired man huffed, though he hardly seemed frustrated. On the contrary, his gaze had gone through a fiery change, as though engaged in a new competition. “If we are to compare sleeping habits, then yours–”
“Are not as worse, I am certain.” In truth, Ace was unsure if you were being truthful, but that aside–
“Oho, feel free to argue and spill your deepest secrets in front of me~ Although…” he feigned a sigh, “did the two of you forget my presence? Or that I know nothing of either of your sleeping patterns?” Or that it was considered inappropriate to so much as discuss nighttime activities, no matter how innocent? Ace could not say he was against it, however, having always been less… traditional, he supposed.
At his words, neither you nor Deuce had the decency to be embarrassed, though the latter made a genuine attempt at appearing to be. Clearly he had done a good job of keeping things as casual and comfortable as possible, even with the imbalance of power. That he could not erase, but at the very least he would feel much better if it could be ignored.
“Ahem, so are you up for it, Ace? The sparring? It could be good practice for the upcoming tournament.” Deuce had been leaning against the door as he said it, but he jolted up as he’d come to realize his informality. “Or, uh, Lord Ace? No, should it be Lord Trappola?”
Never mind. Perhaps some work still needed to be done, after all.
“Doesn’t matter,” Ace said quickly, hoping to elucidate the matter. The previous topic had not been forgotten, but perhaps he would be able to bring the matter up at a different time. “It’s just the three of us right now. Isn’t it exhausting being so formal all the time?”
“I guess that’s fair,” Deuce replied, “although I have a feeling I’ll call you the wrong thing in public.”
“Mhm, it’s the same for me, which is why I’m avoiding forgoing the title,” you sighed, “we’d cause quite the scandal if we so much as fumble–”
“Like I said, it doesn’t matter!” Ace snorted, “What do they care? You’re my people, so if they have a problem with how I let the two of you address me, then they should bring it up with the Earl of Trappola himself!”
For the most part, he had been serious with his proclamation—the formalities were starting to get to him, and he’d prefer to maintain Deuce’s casualness with him; has been meaning to convert you into dropping the titles, too. However, the way Deuce blinked up at him and the way you began clapping made it feel as though he had put on some performance instead, a rare show of his nobility.
“Our Lord… is a noble too, after all,” Deuce said with disbelief—Ace thought it to be feigned, though a small part of him wondered if it was genuine. You followed suit with a slow nod of your head. 
“We made the right choice of pledging our loyalty to him after all.”
“Hah?” Ace scratched his head, inevitably messing with what you had worked to fix. “Seriously, would the me of the past have guessed the two outsiders I brought into my estate would become the bane of my existence?”
He had said as much, though he knew—and he knew that his two attendants knew, too—that no regrets had been brought in with said decision.
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Deuce Spade enjoyed the life he was currently living.
It was a stark contrast to the life he possessed back home, his troublesome ways before he stowed away on that boat, before he crossed paths with you in that forest, before the two of you somehow wound up in the Trappola estate.
It was a tough life and he had ways to go before he could show his face to his mother, but it was a life he could finally be proud of, a life that was his.
Which was why he trained intensively and persistently, the need to prove his resolve not simply to the world, but to the people who he cherished in that world—the parent who awaited his letters every week, whom he lived for, and the two he swore to protect, whom he would lay down his life for… 
But he knew you would be angered to hear such a bold statement, and the noble he was guarding would ask how he grew to become so serious, so he supposed he would have to keep his perspective a secret.
He thanked the Queen and whatever deities there were up there that you could not read minds, or see dreams for that matter. How troubling would it have been for him if you knew how his affections had grown for you and for–
“Oh, is that for Ace?” 
Though he supposed you already knew of that, thus he only had his feelings for you being leaked to be worried about. Not that he was not worried about his feelings for Ace being made known—both, both were cause of worry. The mere idea of him being fond of two people should have been troubling, what more that one was his close companion and the other his liege?!
“Ace? Is that right?” he said with a stifled chuckle, “Were you not the one who wanted to address him properly?”
“What could you possibly mean? I could never! Well, if you pretend you did not hear my informality, that is.” Stepping closer and fully entering his quarters, you peered over his shoulder, eyeing the soft fabric carefully. You prodded a finger at the handkerchief, tracing his attempt at embroidery. “You have gotten better! The heart is cute.”
“Only in the front. You should see how badly I fumbled the back,” he said, showing you the messy stitching himself. Still, he knew progress was progress, and he gleamed at you having taken notice of his hard work. “Whoever could have guessed that years of watching my mother stitch my clothes back together would be of use for this very reason?”
“I’m sure she would be proud to see your work so far.” 
Genuine. That was always something he enjoyed about you—genuine in your actions, genuine in your words. Thinking about it, it was somewhat humorous that he had come to like Ace Trappola too despite his selective dishonesty. He supposed, at the end of the day, it had to do with his honed ability to detect those with immoral intentions, the inherent lack of such within the two of you.
Surrounded by people who were good to him, he often found himself thinking he could finally be on the right path—the path of becoming someone good for his mother.
“It might be nice to have one sent to her as well, though not yet,” Deuce replied sheepishly, “even though I worked hard on this one, it seems practice is still needed on my end.” 
“I believe in you. What is a needle if not a small sword? What are stitches if not… hmm… different techniques using the needle, just as stances and movements are to battle?” Even you seemed unsure about the last analogy. Nevertheless, it had made Deuce laugh, your intentions in uplifting his spirits effective as always.
“More like things you must get after a battle,” he retorted, shaking his head. “Given the topic, it should be appropriate to ask… How’s your progress?”
“Progress with…?”
“Your token!” he reminded, finding you silly for forgetting. “You’ve chosen to craft an amulet, right?”
“I did say that, yes. It seemed fitting given magic is my specialty, even though handkerchiefs and ribbons seem to be the norm in society these days. I’ve yet to review the rules, though, so perhaps no spells can be imbued yet,” you sighed, “So should I give something, an amulet or some kind of  charm would be good.”
By now, he could say he knew you rather well, and he knew that while you did your best to be truthful with him, you did not exactly shy away from allowing people to interpret your words differently. Sometimes, you seem to want to be misunderstood. 
It’s just too bad that he caught and understood your choice of wording.
“What do you mean by should you?  Did we not agree we were both giving Ace something?”
You shrugged. “Would it not be better if, oh, perhaps you were the only one to give him a gift?”
“But we both care for him as our liege and as his… friends? Companions? Whatever the appropriate term may be, we are that to him and he is that to us. Certainly he would appreciate getting something from you?” he reasoned, an attempt at convincing you to continue as planned.
“Yes, but you like him. I am able to give him a token at some other time surely, but for now… I don’t see how my giving him anything will aid in my mission to help you convey your feelings–oh don’t look at me like that, fine, your appreciation for him.”
He huffed out your name, willing to argue with you about the situation if he really needed to, but after staring you down the best he could whilst looking up at you, you eventually relented, as though carrying a soft spot for him, or for Ace. 
Likelihood was that it was both.
“I will consider it, but don’t mention anything. In any case, since I’m banned from competing due to the humans-only stipulation, hmph, I’ll give you a token. Since you’ll be competing for the both of us.”
Deuce finally smiled. He would still try to make sure you handed Ace one as well, but for now he would pretend to be satisfied with his small victory.
“If–When I win, I’ll make sure Ace knows it’ll be on both of our behalves.”
You cannot stop yourself from smiling as well. “Have I ever told you I was thankful? That you are always trying to include me in things, even with matters in regards to Ace? Even when I’m not actually one of his knights?”
It’s because I like you too, you foolish fairy! 
“Because you are our resident fairy and perhaps the best magic user in the estate,” he proclaimed. Always the first to tease you, always the first to praise you.
“Well if you put it that way,” you chuckled, “and since you are being so terribly kind to me today, I’ll put in the effort to defend you should the young lord throw a fit about his own knight beating him in the tournament… and of course, I shall comfort you should you throw a fit should you lose to him.”
“So win or lose, it will be a lose-lose situation. Absolutely wonderful!” He had only been joking, truly, but you gave him a slight nudge at the comment. 
“Just do your best regardless!” 
You laughed, a warmth not unlike the sunlight peeking from the woodlands the day he first met you. 
“Besides, you have a goal when you win, don’t you?” 
Momentarily bashful, determination soon replaced it. Fears and anxieties aside, Deuce knew that should he win, the adrenaline would certainly convince him to profess his adoration and devotion to their earl and, unbeknownst to you, their fairy.
“A confession.”
“Oh, for sure, but that should only be the first step!” you encouraged, always the first to aid him in his lofty ambitions. “Have you considered marriage? Or a grand trip to another nation? I heard the Sunset Savanna is lovely this time of year.”
He snorted, “Perhaps nobility move faster than us commoners, but I find a proposal would be too sudden even for human standards. However… A trip does sound nice.”
“Does it not? Ah, but should you go about one in the future, I’ll lock you both out of the manor if you fail to bring me a souvenir.”
“I cannot speak for Ace, but… Oh, I might as well—Ace will certainly lock you out of the manor should you refuse to come with us!” 
“You shall be there to help me back inside.”
“Wrong! As a matter of fact, I will be present to drag you in the carriage with us.” He was being quite serious, but you laughed at his apparent persistence. 
“All three of us stuck in a carriage, perhaps even a boat or two, for weeks,” you were groaning with feigned displeasure, but when you told him it’d likely be good fun, he could tell even you couldn’t lie to yourself there, that you enjoyed their company as much as he, and to speak for someone else, and Ace did.
But as much as he enjoyed having you around, he also knew that with you being in his room, any more progress for the day was pretty much impossible. Ace’s aside, he’s going to have a hard time starting on your handkerchief anytime soon if you’re going to remain a frequent visitor.
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Ace knew he carried a certain attitude about the work assigned to him. He knew, despite the loyalty of those in his estate, his detractors would call him all sorts of insults, deprecate him and his character, see him as nothing more than a young man who cared not for aged tradition and stiff nobility, and had no ability to command and control his territory. 
Ability aside, he simply never cared to accomplish them immediately as opposed to pacing them according to his tastes. 
Thus, he would do as he wished, just as his ancestors would’ve before him. After all, would his family have become, and stayed for that matter, nobles if they had continued to abide by what was expected? 
If anything, would it not be expected of him to differ from the rest of them? A smart person would, he believed.
Which was why he found himself in the markets again, not bothering to put on any sort of disguise. He grew up visiting the nearby towns anyway, with some of the vendors having practically raised him since childhood, so really, what was the point?
“I’m still not convinced this is the best idea,” Deuce sighed, following him a little too far for his liking, “not that my opinion should matter. What you say goes, Lord Ace!”
“You have gotten comfortable enough with me to complain about the tasks I give you, but not comfortable enough to walk a centimeter closer or call me by my given name alone,” Ace teased, putting on a show of scolding his knight. “Your perception of what is more egregious between the three astounds me.”
“It is one thing for you to be alright with it, it is another for the prying ears to be. If it were only up to me, I would talk quite informally to you, too.” Ace need not question who too was referring to, for there was only one other person in the estate Deuce relied on to the extent of comfort: you.
“And I’ve let you change the subject… Really, what will happen if an assassin, or someone who wants to cause you harm, comes across you in broad daylight?”
“Then you’ll deal with them! Although… I may be able to protect myself better than you, hmm?” he laughed, shaking his head at the slight irritation Deuce attempted to hide. He could not get back at him now, but Ace was sure Deuce would attempt to do so the next time they were on the training grounds. “And perhaps I wished to change the subject of our conversation.”
“You, perhaps. Our one and only fairy as well, possibly.” 
Except, despite his wording, he was positively assured of his choices. Discussing the two of them—well, the three of you, was always a difficult affair when you were around, and Ace is not dense enough to not detect your affection and yet avoidance of him, the scheming nature you seem to possess and yet hold back in front of him but fully show towards Deuce.
He never needed a companion during his trips out, sometimes preferred not to have one, so perhaps his invitation carried impure intentions. 
Deuce stiffened and though he tried to pass it off as a simple response to his surroundings, Ace knew better. What could have rendered such a reaction? Was it a secret you, or him, or the both of you together, were hiding? Was it something he ought not to know but would undoubtedly weed out right this second?
“What could you possibly want to know?” his knight inquired, seemingly nervous around him. How uncharacteristic. 
“A few things. For starters… There’s something wrong.”
“With what?”
Your name left Ace’s lips. Even to his ears it sounded a bit awkward, like he knew how to say it but barely uttered it outside of his head, at least compared to how Deuce would say it—undoubtedly familiar with you in a way he, too, wanted to be. It’s only then that Ace realized his hypocrisy… or, if hypocrisy was too strong a description, then the humor with the two of you.
His insistence at being just Ace and not Earl Ace or Lord Trappola, yet his persistence in calling you their fairy, their magician. 
Maybe it’s the need to remind himself that you’re one of his people, too, without having to commit to actually saying it. Maybe it’s his way of letting you know of your presence in his life, considering you always seemed so insistent on downplaying your importance to him and, if his eyes are working as clearly as he thinks, to Deuce as well.
Really, did you think he played favorites? Because he did, obviously, but the plurality implied he certainly had more than one! For such a scheming being, were you not oddly dense?
“I see…” Deuce muttered. With a hint of embarrassment, Ace figured the knight actually understood, if not completely then partially, his troubles when it came to you. “What could I… Is there any way for me to help?”
Cute. He’d rather gouge his eyes out than admit he thinks it unironically, but he still remembers the rascal that appeared in front of his manor, all roughed up with a scary but determined look on his face. Seeing Deuce be so thoughtful and kind when it comes to both him and you is just plain nice—the heavens know the world needs more people like that around him… and in noble society in general, but he’d rather not share with them.
“With, you know… I could give you advice, or–”
Ace sighed. Speaking of dense… Is there even a good way to say, ‘If the two of you haven’t noticed, I have a severe, desperate need to infiltrate and be a part of whatever it is the two of you have’ without being perceived as rude, or worse, a complete nutter.
Not being able to think of anything, he reluctantly changed the subject.
“Let’s go look around the market. Help the local economy! Purchase a few things for ourselves.”
The man next to him narrowed his eyes, and for a moment Ace genuinely worried that Deuce realized everything. Sure, he mocked the two of you in his head for not understanding him, but he certainly was not ready to reveal anything! Especially without any assurance from either involved party!
The knight did not utter another word for a while, simply guiding him through the stalls, prattling about things you enjoyed. Alongside him, the earl absorbed every piece of information, all the while watching whatever it was the Deuce’s eyes landed on for more than a few seconds.
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Ace, whether he was aware of it or not, harbored feelings for you, Deuce was sure of it. He had his assumptions beforehand, mostly due to his increasing number of delusions of all three of you. In any case, there was no doubt in his mind now—he was not alone in harboring feelings for you.
On one hand, he could not blame Ace. You were, for all intents and purposes, his first friend, a cherished friend, thus he understood how the earl could fall for you. If anything, he’s going as far as applauding the choice. If anyone deserves love and adoration, of course it should be you! 
On the other hand, he’s reminded of his own troubles. If Ace is troubled with getting you to be more comfortable and closer to him, Deuce is troubled with getting not one, but two people to miraculously like him in the same manner he does. Meanwhile, Deuce can’t even tell if you like either one of them that way! It’s just a mess, truthfully, one he cannot speak of lest all three of you end up in a scandal, so he can do nothing but keep quiet…
Alright, perhaps that was not entirely true. There was something he could do.
“That’s a nice color,” Deuce commented. He can’t really differentiate the stones when they’re all round and smoothed out so he’s not sure if you’re holding a jasper or a carnelian (names he knows only because you had a knack for buying all sorts of stones) or something else entirely, but it’s this blend of orange and red and he knew it was chosen for a reason.
You smiled at him fondly, knowingly, “I’m not surprised you like the color. It’s pretty, isn’t it?”
He rolled his eyes. “You’re already aware of what I think.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll stop with the teasing.” You abide by your word, dropping your stare so you could focus on the task at hand—creating an amulet for Ace. “It can’t be helped that I cannot resist either one of you.”
“Then don’t! Did either of us ever imply that you should do as such?” he huffed, “I know for certain that Ace—”
“That I would what, exactly?”
As though caught in the midst of an immoral act, Deuce scrambled to hide everything as quickly as possible for you, shoving the stone in the nearest box he could open. Meanwhile, you were left to face Ace, who made no show of being even the slightest bit apologetic for his intrusion.
“Aren’t nobles meant to have perfect etiquette?” Were you smiling? Yes. Did you look amused? Not particularly. “I’m always happy to see you, Ace, but I can’t say for certain that I appreciate your storming in my quarters without so much as a knock on the door.”
“You don’t look particularly happy right now.” Ace, by contrast, looked particularly happy at your slip up, and Deuce would do his part in not calling you out on it… until Ace left, of course.
But the earl seemed to have no intentions of doing so any time soon, propping himself up against the now-shut door. 
“I’m perfectly happy, for sure,” you insisted, and though your face was not betraying it, Deuce thought you truly meant it. “But what are you doing here? You’ve never visited my room before.”
“I meant to look for Deuce to see if he wanted to train–”
You and Deuce locked eyes instantly. You’re trying not to make your change in expression too noticeable, but Deuce has observed you far too many times to not notice. It’s incredibly evident that it embarrassed him, almost, that you could be so happy for him because of something so very simple. 
It was a childish sort of glee, which might have been why he accepted it so readily. He never had the chance to experience that sort of situation and he’s not too sure you have either, having a laugh with someone over some puppy love. 
“He’s certainly free to do so,” you supplied, “if you want to, you’re free to take him off my hands right now.”
“Ah, but I’ve changed my mind. We train every day, so we should have a change of pace, should we not? Perhaps the tavern that opened the week prior?” 
“Hmm, should you really be forgoing training? The current victor of the tournament, the young Rosehearts, will be competing, too.” you interjected. It’s not an outright rejection of a suggestion, but Ace should have prepared a better excuse if this was his plan all along, thought Deuce. Still, he was currently his liege’s number one supporter—more time spent with the both of you? He could not see it as anything but a positive for all parties involved. 
“Oh please! What’s one day spent with my two companions instead of training until sundown?” Ace snorted, “And it was different last year! This year, my victory against the young duke is certain.”
“To be sure,” Deuce replied immediately, half out of belief and half out of solidarity of having lost to the same man. Next to him, you nodded your head slowly.
“Then if you’re certain…” What you said about not being able to resist Ace and Deuce must have been true, your reluctance at heading out visibly fading. This time, it’s Ace and Deuce who exchanged a knowing glance, and the same, childish feeling bubbled up within him again.
It’s not quite the trip to the other nation you mentioned to him, but it’s a delightful start, is it not?
“Then the both of you better get changed!” Ace grinned boyishly, “Or don’t! Regardless, I’ll have the carriage prepared by five!”
“Wait a moment, shouldn’t we be calling the carriage for you?!” you exclaimed, but the earl had already left your quarters. “Good riddance. Deuce, could I have the amulet I was working on back? We have some time before we need to leave and… I have the sinking suspicion he won’t leave us alone before the next few days.”
“Definitely. To both statements.” Remembering where he had placed it, he opened up the wooden box to retrieve the stone, only to be distracted by an already completed amulet—a nice blue that reminded him awfully of… ah. 
“Deuce? The amulet?” you asked again, shaking him out of his reverie.
“Here.” If you notice anything odd about his expression you do not speak of it, allowing him to leave your room peacefully to ready himself for the awaited excursion.
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“I told Deuce I would comfort him should he lose to you… I can’t say I expected this turn of events instead.”
Perhaps Ace should have trained more. 
In his defense, he did not think Riddle Rosehearts would have done that well in the tournament considering there were no horses to ride on this season. His athleticism was never the best either during their days at the academy, so even if his swings were passable, his stamina should have run out quickly enough. And yet…
“But next year surely, my liege,” you comforted him, wiping the sweat off of him with a white handkerchief, uncaring of the fact that the both of you were in public or, perhaps, knowing everyone’s eyes would be on the ongoing match rather than the two of you. Even though Ace prided himself of being the (self-designated) mature person amongst the three of you, he did not say no to the opportunity of receiving your attention and affection. 
“Besides, not all hope is lost. We can still have the winner come from our house.”
Our house. Ace gleamed at your words. Of course. The ideal situation would have been to face off against his knight, but as much as he wanted to be the winner, Deuce being the victor would have been just as much of a joyous affair for the Trappola Earldom.
“If our Deucey wins, he’ll never let me forget it,” he sighed.
“But it would be worth it, having someone to avenge you, wouldn’t it?” Seemingly having deemed him presentable enough, your hands returned to your lap, handkerchief in tow. It's only then that Ace realizes it.
“Deuce gave you one too,” he said, more amused than anything. “What’d he sew for you?”
You didn't respond but you did smile, so it was likely something meaningful to you. If you were happy, then Deuce must have done a good job at choosing something for you, just as he chose something that well-suited him.
“He did not have to. I’m not competing in this tournament, so…” Again, Ace thought, you were smiling, so what did it matter if Deuce did not have to. Could people not act based on wants, now?
“And yet you’re using it, just as you’re wearing the tassel I gave you.” He grinned, fingers flicking the fringes the color you loved most, allegedly. If Deuce gave him the right information. You liked it enough to keep it on you, at least. “The tassel I did not have to get you.”
“It’s nice. They’re both nice gifts,” you murmured, and even though you’re no longer meeting his gaze he can still tell that you’re being honest. A part of him will attribute it to his amazing observation skills, but another, far warmer part of him knows it’s because he’s gotten to know you better. 
The two of you are already by his side, closer than before, and yet it is still not enough.
“What design did Deuce sew for your handkerchief?”
“Don’t pretend like you do not know.” For he knew for a fact that Deuce must have shared it with you, or at the very least failed to hide it from you (just as he failed to hide his tokens from Deuce).
“Then what do you think of it?”
He brought it out of his breast pocket, having tucked it in there before his matches began. 
“The hearts are differing in sizes. You can tell there were loose threads he tried cutting as much as possible without ruining the whole work. Still, there are hearts, the symbol of Trappola.” The symbol of Deuce’s dedication and loyalty. 
“It’s… I suppose it’s—” You threw him a look, and Ace reluctantly gave in, “—It is good. Give me a break! Nobles tend to have a hard time being honest, you know! If you think I’m bad, you ought to see the rest of them!”
You laughed, “I know, I know. I won’t tell. You should do it by yourself, after all.”
“Only if he wins,” he said, grinning.
“So I’ll tell him for you if he loses?” 
“A menace, you are,” he muttered, “I’ll tell him you thought he would lose, then.”
You no longer respond to his taunt, eyes now stuck to the grounds, clearly waiting for a certain blue-haired knight to appear before everyone’s very eyes, but your hands are moving, reaching into one of your pockets as though searching for something.
“I meant to give you something as well,” you said, pulling out two amulets. The stones are different in color, different in shape, but the similar craftsmanship all lead to one creator—you. “I’m aware these types of tokens tend to be given out before the matches, for good luck of course, but I’ve gone and imbued magic so I couldn’t take the risk of disqualification, and thus…”
You’re explaining. Overexplaining, really, in Ace’s humble opinion, every possible meaning you could think of—the importance of the stone’s color, the stone itself, what rune’s been inlaid and what spells you’ve enchanted it with. It’s detailed and clearly an overly complicated process and yes, he cannot deny that his heart is not unaffected by the gesture, but looking at the clearly matching amulets just makes him laugh.
He snatches the red one out of your waiting  hand, knowing what was clearly meant for him. His heart had just calmed down and yet it is full again.
So he might have been dense too, but at least he was the first to figure it out. That is a victory in and of itself, one he is never going to forget and let go of. Ever.
“What’s so funny?”
“Oh, nothing!” He’s thumbing the amulet within his palm, invigorated despite his loss earlier. Even with the magic, he doubts it’s the stone’s doing. “Just thinking of how entertaining things will be from here on out.”
“Because of the match?”
“Sure,” Ace laughed, “because of the match.”
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“I still got further into the competition than you,” Deuce argued, nursing his own injuries with one hand and… holding onto your amulet with the other hand. The injured hand. He justified it by saying it was because the amulet had healing properties, as you said, but he was just busy admiring it and thinking of a way to combine it with his (Ace’s) tassel to make a combined good luck charm of some sort.
“Second place is still the first place loser, Loosey-Deucey” mocked Ace, though not out of ill-intent. He knows malice is not at all there by the way he patted him on the back after his duel, the way he beamed at his progress, the way he promised to train harder with him so either one of them could take the young duke down. It’s the sincerity before everything else that makes him take everything he says with a grain of salt.
You seemed to understand all the same, simply allowing the two to go at it with each other since they were unable to do so officially. 
“It does not matter. I would have won if it was a competition of fists over swords,” Deuce laughed, “it’s just a shame. There was something I wanted to do if I won, but since I lost, I don’t have it in me to proceed.”
“Pray tell, what could that possibly be, dear Deuce?” 
He stared the earl down, shaking his head vehemently. “Absolutely not. You can find out when I win next year, my liege.”
“Is that so?” Ace asked, quirked eyebrow, almost as if he interpreted his personal oath as a challenge to beat. “And if I win instead of you, will you not go about completing this quest of yours?”
Beside him, you stood up.
“Perhaps I should set off—”
“Absolutely not!” Ace interjected just as Deuce reached out to stop you from moving, hand grasping your arm. There’s a momentary confusion—he knows why he stopped you from moving, you and your assumptions on this and that occurring between him and Ace and you wanting to step away from it, but Ace stopping you is…
“Hold on, should I leave?”
“What, no! Nobody’s leaving! I’m not getting up from here either! Are the two of you truly oblivious or are you playing oblivious?” Ace groaned, scrunching up his nose in distress. “Why is being the smartest person in the room such a difficult affair?”
“Rude,” Deuce muttered, before quickly inquiring, “but to what are you referring to?”
Instead of words, Ace made an odd motion with his hands, some triangular gesture that was clearly meant to speak louder than words. 
Deuce wants to laugh because it’s an amusing action for a nobleman to be making but humorously, it works well in getting Deuce to understand. It was to be expected, considering he spent much of his time thinking of this exact scenario (albeit, a setting more romantic than the manor’s medical ward, but he’s not in a position to be fussy about the details). He’s trying to catch your eye immediately, but compared to him, you just seem… confused.
Not confused in the sense that you did not understand what Ace was referring to—there was no subtlety in his implications—but more so a general confusion over what was happening.
“I know about Deuce’s feelings, quite obviously, and I was more than certain that his feelings for you had a chance of being reciprocated, so my being here…”
Deuce cannot help himself anymore, and it appears neither can Ace as they both erupt into laughter of chaos and disbelief. Who or what they are laughing at is not a question—it is everything, and then themselves for their own, self-induced stupidity and suffering. 
“I get that it might not have been obvious with me, but with Deuce?” Ace exclaimed, astounded at how you failed to realize the knight’s affections. “He could not have made it any more obvious if he tried!”
“Sorry? It’s quite difficult to determine gratefulness versus love versus love…
“And let’s not be a hypocrite as I could say the same for you, my lord! I thought Deuce was plenty obvious about his feelings, and yet, if I am right in regards to the timing of this affair, you’ve just realized it recently,” you huffed, “we are one in the same.”
Deuce stops laughing. Why did it feel like the two of you were blaming him for your respective lack of analytical skills?!
“As long as we agree that’s not my fault! If I was incredibly obvious, as the two of you would put it, the two of you are anything but.” But with Deuce’s insistence, the two of you turn to look at him as though he had grown a second head.
“What? No! We could make an argument for Ace as I was only mostly sure that your feelings for him were reciprocated, but I hardly made any effort to conceal my own.”
“Agreed. It was as clear as day to the point that I thought the two of you had already gotten into a relationship,” laughed Ace, probably the most honest he was going to be for the rest of the day, “and without me! I was quite offended at the thought of being excluded.”
“Like we could ever leave you be, my lord,” you replied, half a joke but fully the truth. “What would have become of us without you in the first place?”
“Like you would ever let us leave you be,” Deuce quipped, having finally absorbed the situation. If it was an accurate assessment, Ace had no plans of letting them know, merely grinning in response. “What would become of you had we not arrived at your estate?”
“Well there would be far less rumors about me, for one.” Still, the Earl Trappola will remain himself, the need to appear as though he had the upper hand when they all knew the feelings shared between them were of equal measure. Still, with a singular gesture, the two of them walk towards their liege—amulet clanging against his remaining armor, tassels swaying with your very steps. 
“But who cares about that, right?” Deuce replied, knowing it would be what Ace wished to hear—after all, he’d been pretty apparent about it since day one. As they neared him, Ace pulled them closer, making sure the both of them sat on either side of him. 
Then, Deuce heard the door lock. Ace and Deuce both turned to you, the obvious culprit, and you merely shrugged. “I know we’re not supposed to care, but let’s not cause a scandal today of all days! Who knows how many prying eyes there are in the estate!”
“Too many. Don’t be surprised if a strongly worded, but supportive, letter from either father or my brother arrives at our doorstep tomorrow morning,” Ace snorted, “Just hope it’s not some distant relative. I’m sure there are some spies prowling in our manor as we speak.”
“There won’t be any if we deal with them!” Deuce declared, “We’ll protect your dignity, my lord!”
You nod in agreement just as Ace smiles. “I’ll hold you two to that!”
There are other things Deuce wants to declare, to ask and to question. He wants to know what they are now, what will change between the three of them, and what will be of them in the future. He wants to ask and yet it doesn’t feel quite right, not now, perhaps because he already knows, and what he knows is not mere fantasy but reality.
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Dear Madam,  Good day to you. I hope you do not mind if I skip the formalities. Until this fairy learns how to send letters with magic alone, the cost of these letters will unfortunately be priced according to how many sheets of paper we use up. In any case, Deuce must have updated you about everything that has happened in his letters. He must have also mentioned that the earl and I will be sending you letters to ask for your permission or blessing or whatever word it had been that the earl had used. In truth, we had been mostly joking regarding that. Ace—the earl—does not believe that the process of seeing one another requires permission from one’s parents, he is far from traditional, but we had come to the agreement to push through with the letters first due to the unusual state of our relationship—that being that we are all seeing one another, with one party not being human and another one being the noble we serve. Foremost, we agreed to send our letters out of respect for you, as we’ve long known what you mean to our knight, and what he means to you, his mother. As previously mentioned, I believe Deuce has told you much of our household affairs and much of his life, but I believe you would appreciate knowing how we see him. I am certain you know that your son spends much of his time training to become a splendid knight, and I am sure you would be happy to know that, day by day, he arrives closer to his goal. It would only make sense considering his sparring partner is none other than our competitive lord as well (and tell not the earl, too, but after keeping track of their victories and defeats, Deuce may have a lead on the tally). His skills are not which I wish to share the most, however. Ace and I have learned from Deuce about his past, we’ve known for some time now. Constant is his worry, just as constant is his change. His warmth and the good of his heart has become more evident than ever, and should Deuce not come to see you soon, we will be the ones to present him to you. (A mere jest. If it were Ace, he would find a way to bring you to the earldom.) That is all I can say for now. With your approval, madam, I hope we could become close correspondents. I would love to tell you more about Deuce, Ace, and myself, as well as know more about you yourself. Faithfully yours, 
Ace’s arm wraps against your shoulder just as you’re signing the letter off with your name, loudly talking your ear off about how he just won against Deuce (as expected, he tells you). It’s a tie now, though you know you won’t correct the tally you mentioned in your letter. 
Deuce, meanwhile, chalks it all up to luck, some sleight of hand the earl must have pulled, and swears he’ll beat him tomorrow. You want to tell Deuce to try twice as hard, just so you won’t tell his mother a lie. Instead, you joke that they both need to try harder else you come out as next year’s victor. 
They’re shouting now, mostly about how you’ve finally picked up their competitive spirit, about how you’re challenging them, about how they won’t go easy on you and about how you shouldn’t go easy on them. It’s a whole lot of noise one after another but, unsurprisingly, it fits your very idea of a peaceful day.
“You’re smiling. Is that your way of saying you’re confident you’ll beat us?” You stare at Ace for a moment, wondering if you’ll lie, before shaking your head.
“Not at all. I’m just happy.”
You don’t play it for laughs or take it back, finding comfort in the fact that you can leave the truth just as that. 
“What has made you so softhearted, huh?” You know you’ve got them when Ace can only scratch his neck and Deuce can only cover his ears, perhaps knowing it would match the hue of his liege’s hair. “As long as you're happy, then.”
It’s a rare moment of silence in the estate, and while you know one of the three of you will break it soon enough, you appreciate it while it lasts. You think to yourself, even the quiet can be peaceful, too. Peace is, and yet beyond, the volume of one’s chatter, the clashing of their swords; the quietness of their breaths and the unheard beat of their hearts. 
Beyond sound, peace is a place, a place you have found with them.
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end notes | masterlist
[ 1 ] Decided to just leave the details about Reader’s tassel (from Ace) and handkerchief (from Deuce) blank, mostly since I didn’t feel too comfortable assigning something for them.
[ 2 ] As per my research, “In the Regency period (1811 - 1820) it was very expensive to send a letter. The cost of postage could be as much as a day's wages for a working man”. Of course, Deuce and the Reader have Ace to pay for the letter since they’re all sending it together (and I am not going for historical accuracy, lol), but I figured they’d still be conscious to cut to the chase to write as much as possible per sheet of paper.
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uchihaharlot · 8 months
I didn't mean to break their hearts, I was just curious, srry!😭😭 (but Itachi's one was kinda funny-)
But anyway, now I'm wondering about how they would react if they found out that you can draw really cool and beautiful.
(I'm an artist, so😎)
Nonny 🥹🥹
That put me in an really good mood; lol. That was way too fun to write; maybe I can one day write a super angsty break up (but I love them too much!!!).
I love all artists 😭😭😭 Painters, writers — digital or paper. Anything that expresses the inner workings of someone’s mind and the fact that they can manifest it to reality is so so so beautiful. I hope I’ve secretly seen your art, I’d probably simp over it. Always simp over art. 😂😂🥹🥹
N/SFW; very cute Uchiha men adoring your artwork! 🥹🥹🥹 (ooc Madara??); Simpy Obito; …Scandalous Shisui; abnormally observant Itachi 😂 suggestive themes rolled out the further I got. For some reason, I just had to. (P.s. I should not be allowed to write when tired??? Half of this was done while my eyes rolled shut in bed).
It’s not everyday that Madara is blown like a leaf in the wind. When you mentioned being a patron of the arts, he thought maybe the art of battle?? Didn’t expect your weapon to be a paint brush with some acrylic paint. Thought it was some weird jutsu infused shit.
And then you just had to go above and beyond and do a portrait of him for his birthday!!!!! It’s hung on the living room center wall so that it’s the first thing anyone sees! Honestly, this man is a brute, but your art envokes his softer side! A side that he hasn’t been in touch with for…well, a long time.
Makes sure that everyone and I mean, everyone, is aware of your talent! Still, he tries to find the side hussle in it, soliciting customers for you and all. 😭😭 Will trash talk the chalk art children make on the sidewalk, which ‘…that’s not nice, they’re children..’ you say. He shrugs, nobody is as good as you.
Finds out and tries to ‘secretly’ commission you lmao. Makes it totally obvious too, his handwriting is shit and eveeeerrryyyyone knows who Tobi really is…. Plus how can you even begin without discussing what he wants done!! Duh, Obito! Unfortunately for him, you are more interested in drawing matters of the flesh. He’ll only show his chest, nothing more.
‘That’s fine.’ You shrug, and get to work. Obito, however, does not have the resolve to sit still! It’s frustrating to no end, but alas, after what seems an eternity— its done. Sort of. Still much to add, but the basics are there and you’ll work better when he’s not asking how does it look every twenty minutes.
Eventually you do finish this beautiful piece of him, and Obito cries. You made his scars tolerable and beautiful with your mind’s creativity, he feels less self conscious about them, only a little.
Is the least normal about it when he discovered your sketchbook — more like snatched and played keep away. Had to fight him for it, literally. Will ask you to paint/draw him naked…many times lol and you respectfully say no... Not that he likes people to see him naked (ok maybe a little?) but he secretly hopes it might happen one day. It would be a private thing for the two of you, cause he wants that ass.
And when you do cave to his whim, just to satiate him. He’s nervous lmao. Had this oh so macho man idea of rocking a hard on but Shisui simply maintains his usual semi. It’s nice though, you make sure it’s extremely detailed..as he asked for.
But, ‘(y/n)… this is chibbi!!!’ Lol, jokes on Shisui!! He didn’t say how to draw his pp.
Is the most normal about it. Though he still will praise you every time you finish a piece and show him, he is still massively impressed. How does your wrist not get tired? …maybe this is why your hand jobs are so good. 😈 Just watching you try a new technique (pointillism, which is my favorite style) makes his wrist hurt. Enjoys when you ask him for ideas! He has lots of them! Mostly…obscure and derelict landscapes though.
Would not be opposed to having his portrait done, but it’s really not his style. He is disciplined enough to sit still but doesn’t see the value in it. Not until the final product is revealed, does he truly understand how important this piece was. You’ve captured his personality in a new light.
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yuusishi · 1 year
pairings : Ace Trappola , Malleus Draconia , Jing Yuan x gn!reader
genre : fluff , established relationships
cws/tws : none
a/n : writing this the day before my first exams!! it's my first sorta mixed fandom post and it feels lowkey weird. Sorry for my very obvious bias towards Malleus 🤞🤞🤞
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Ace Trappola !!
A small kiss on the cheek, still too early for a kiss on the lips.
You both crashed down on the fresh green grass outside Ramshackle, the sun felt nice and warm that day and the grass was soft, nature was too tempting. Especially after a rough day.
Ace let out a big, exaggerated sigh, letting himself relax on the ground, "Why's Professor Crewel so strict, man. Does he want anyone to like him?" he complained "Y'know, the test wouldn't have been so difficult if you actually studied last night"
"And since when did you become a good student like Deucey".
Silence and jokingly threatening glares were shared before quickly laughing, you shifted a little closer to the boy before pressing your lips on his cheeks, earning you a look of shock from him. Even though you both have kissed each other's cheeks numerous times before, neither of you could get used to it. Each one was still full of innocence and pure love, uncharacteristic of Ace's usual mischievous personality.
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Malleus Draconia !!
First kiss.
A first kiss should be something that feels special, magical even, Malleus knew that and was determined to make sure to make yours and his feel that way. But he was wise not to rush, better to make sure the time and place was right.
It was the conclusion to the Endless Halloween that he and Lilia subjected the other students to, everyone was leaving the realm to go back to their dorms for their well-deserved rest, but Malleus stayed behind for a bit, entranced by the building.
You were there with him as per his request, the two of you exploring the now-empty mansion hand in hand just like what you do whenever you both were able to go out of the campus for small dates.
It was quiet, you noticed immediately that Malleus stopped in his tracks. "Malleus? Are you okay?" you ask, quickly making your way back to him.
Malleus looked at you standing in front of him fondly, his eyes were always so soft around you. His favorite moon bathed you in its light, shadows hugging corners of your face.
"You're beautiful" he said, bringing his hand up to your face, slightly sharpened nails dragged on your cheek and you instinctively leaned into his warmth. It all felt so natural, his lips made its way onto yours, and you reciprocated as if you've done this plenty of times before, Malleus's hand entangled in your hair and your hands on his shoulders, needing to slightly stand on your toes to reach him.
His kiss was soft with a hint of desire to continue keeping you close to him, not wanting to let go. You both parted to breathe, cheeks flushed and staring at each other with wide eyes but unable to look away.
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Jing Yuan !!
Unexpected and fun kisses
Jing Yuan is a busy man, taking care of many responsibilities as the General of Divine Foresight, so things like visiting him during break hours and eating with him were the regular for both of you. But today was far too busy for the Artisanship commission.
You knocked at the door to his office and he responded with a quick "Enter". Pushing open the large door, you greeted Jing Yuan who immediately set aside his work once he saw you,
"I made you lunch, but I can't stay for long. Too much things going on in the Artisanship commission" you said sadly, Jing Yuan responds with a dramatic sigh and a sad look on his face "So even my dearly beloved would pick work over me" he teased
"Mhm, so I have to get going now" you smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. As you were about to make your getaway, Jing Yuan quickly loops his arms around your waist and pulls you down onto his lap, you let out a small yelp when he started attacking your face with kisses while still hugging you tightly from behind, but it quickly turned into laughter as he continued,
"Jing Yuan! I seriously have to go! I have too much paperwork to take care of" you said between laughs and Jing Yuan looked at you while resting his face on your neck, "Alright, alright, I'll let you go now. Don't work too hard, take care of yourself too" he said letting go of your waist "You too" you respond while waving him goodbye.
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 4 months
Right. I'mma just dump these ref sheets I made here because I'll be making some drawings with these guys, and I am bad at staying consistent within the design lmao.
I was inspired by these amazing designs, go check them out.
X || X || X.
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Ramble down here, where I try to explain the ""lore"" and my design choices:
So as mentioned above, the majority of the Dark Cacao kingdom is actually composed of kirins, mainly because Cacao was already a kirin in my older designs, and I wanted more of his citizens to match him. Maybe I'll draw the other Cacao NPCs mlp-ified and what I headcanon their species to be.
I ultimately decided to give Cacao a mane and replace his long hair with that. Ngl, I was always on the fence about Cacao and Choco's designs, but yeah, I think the mane works better than just getting rid of it. (Old design below).
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Btw, I dunno if I wanna give Cacao an actual crown, or just keep the additional horn things the leader of the kirins kinda have.
Dark Choco hasn't changed much, just in a different art style. I do however wanna say that he shaved off his mane out of shame and guilt for coming across the cursed sword not long after his banishment. Maybe when he and Cacao reconcile, he'll start to grow it out again, or maybe he'll keep it that way as a reminder of the past.
I actually drew (more like edited a screenshot) Caramel Arrow before, and she was originally just a pegasus, but honestly, the concept of hybrids and what they entail really intrigued me. I thought it would be fun if she were a hybrid kirin/pegasus.
Also, her horn doesn't exactly function, mainly because there's this headcanon I once came across a post that says faux alicorns do exist in the mlp canon. If you wanna know my full headcanon for this, feel free to shoot an ask, but to keep it short, for faux alicorns, either their wings are under developed, or their horn can't control the frequencies of magic that well or at all. Such is the case for Caramel Arrow. Though she has fully developed wings, she can't control magic with her horn, and if she tries to, it may cause a headache. But besides that, she's all fine and dandy.
Crunchy Chip, hm, I'd say when he was a little filly, he was found in the woods, either by Cacao, or Choco, and his horn was already broken by the time they came across him. When asked, the little guy said he was protecting the cream wolf pups from a monster, but he can't remember what else happened before he fell unconscious. As he grew older, his broken horn didn't really bother him anymore. He's adapted well, and picked up a thing or two about survival from his cream wolf pack.
Also, sidenote, the kirins' scales are actually very hard to dent, meaning their backs are usually safe from attacks. Crunchy once encountered... something when he was out on patrol, and he was out of commission for a week (to his incredible dismay + annoyance) because of how rare serious injuries to the kirins' backs occur.
Ah, Affogato. Actually, I really do like him as a character, I just tend to focus my attention towards the Celestia and Luna coded father-son duo a bit more. Oops. But anyway, I decided to make him a hybrid just like Carrow too, mainly to add both contrast and similarities between them. They're not too different, but their ideals and beliefs clash and cause conflict with one another, I just thought it was fitting. Also decided to give him a more elegant and curved horn design as a nod to his unicorn heritage. Unicorns in the Cacao kingdom (and maybe the Golden Cheese kingdom) have a curved horn, mainly because the east asian coded unicorns in the mlp canon have curved horns too, and I thought they looked beautiful. Affo is someone so elegant and refined in a land that's chaotic and holds danger everywhere.
And that's my unhinged thoughts for now. I think I'll design Licorice and the others next time, but no promises.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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sukinapan · 11 months
honestly would be pretty interested in hearing about all of them, if thats alright
it's no problem o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o i like talking about this
for context, apart from making personal art i'm also an artist and character designer at Smarto Club, so I don't know if these count as OCs but i have posted art of them here: Haco from >Bubblegum Galaxy and Teacup from >Teacup.
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you can check the steam pages on those games for more info if u like. i love all my characters but i don't usually make personal art of these two since i already do it as my job.
my newest Smarto Club character is a bit different since she's more in the style of what i'm doing personally so i want to make more art of her soon. her name is Abigail:
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she's a kid who likes reading about bugs and catching them but she never hurts them : ) this is a short game in early development but it's about catching creatures called angels. it's got horrorish vibes but i don't think the end result will be full-out horror, since it's also kinda silly...
then there's Peklo, it's a game for which i created the whole concept and story but the plan is to develop it as a studio at Smarto Club. i wrote more context for it on this post, but for the characters, they're my favorites to make art about at the moment. the main ones are Kiku (the cat) and Mi (the bunny):
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i recently created these human forms of them for fun but i'm not sure whether i'll establish them as canon or not... they're trapped in limbo/hell so there's space for them to have a past human form. they don't remember their lives but Kiku feels a deep sense of regret about things unkown to her and wants to break out of Peklo. Mi feels trapped in an eternal sadness, she longs to see the ocean, she can always hear it but has never been able to reach it.
the antagonist in Peklo is a frog entity called Guppy but i haven't really shown him outside of his froggy logo
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i also have OCs from my smaller games. there's Hlina that i created specifically for >this game that was commissioned to me for a zine. i don't have any plans to use her again for now but i might make more art of her in the future for fun. she's part of a strange dream realm and is hostile to the player:
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there's iro from the >game with the same name who's my oldest game OC. i created that bitsy game for her story but she existed previously in my art degree final project, it was a version of the same story but just a section of it. it's a dream of mine to create a full-fledged 3D game for her some day.
she's a bit of a defective space exploration robot, sent to explore planetoid Iridium-3 in search of human contact. it's set in a future where humanity has dispersed among the whole galaxy so lots of groups have lost contact with each other.
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my latest game OC is Michtat, a wizard cat that i created just for this silly zine.
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lasty, there’s the characters from my comic that I’m working on, called The most distant planet. the main characters are Victor and Mitya, two 9 year olds whose families end up living together.
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i'd say these are the dearest characters to me of all. i don't post as much of them because they're mostly in the shape of comic pages and it doesn't spark as much interest as my games. i love drawing them though.
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they’re both little weirdos who isolate themselves and don’t fit in much with other children, so the friendship they develop is very special to them. they have almost opposite personalities where Victor (darker hair) is very shy and dorky but also very sweet to everyone, while Mitya mostly gives 0 fucks about what anyone thinks or says, he blurts out whatever he’s thinking and just wants to run around wild.
the story is mostly slice of life-ish but there’s also a science fiction element ^-^ Victor is obsessed with things like ghosts, aliens, etc but Mitya thinks it’s all just dumb tales.
another important character is Alyosha, Mitya’s 17-18yo brother. he doesn’t know how to talk or relate to his little brother and is kinda weirded out by him. they where very close when they were younger, but when Mitya was 2 he had an accident that Alyosha feels guilty about, and has been somehow different ever since.
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he still worries about his little brother and how isolated he is, though. at the beginning of the story the two of them live alone with their grandma who does love them but has kind of a cold and distant personality. 
Alyosha was the type of kid to be considered “gifted” but now feels completely burnt out and had to repeat a grade at school. he felt so humiliated by this he eventually stopped going entirely, so he now works part time and just studies at home. he cut contact with his old classmates but he still has 2 best friends from the last few months he spent at school in the grade below, Manon and Min Na. they’re the kind of friends who just show up unannounced at his house and job, and are very involved with his family’s life.
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i’ve also included Min Jie in some art, she’s Min Na’s younger cousin and comes into the story later:
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i should have like character sheets and stuff for all of these OCs but i’m the kind to just jump head first into drawing/modeling lol, that's why i included all these finished illustrations.
i really wanna publish this comic, i’ve been working on it for a long time and i’m currently waiting for the results of a public funding application here in my country to decide what i'll do next.
hope this could be of interest (^人^) thanks for the ask!
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apathycares · 2 months
Why I think the ending of MHA makes sense (manga spoilers)
So I came out of hiding specifically because MHA ended and this blog started off as a place for me to ignore my other works/fandoms and write stuff for MHA so it's a given that I talk about it. Just a little disclaimer – MHA is not my first fandom, and I've been watching anime for forever, so I'm not biased when it comes to shipping or how mangakas end their work. I'm purely speaking from a place of my own sense of objectivity.
Also, since I don't think I've shared my opinion on stuff too much here so it might be weird to my current followers (hi!!), I'm gonna do it headcanon style.
Midoriya being a teacher is not farfetched – some people have said it would've been better if Hori made him a strategist or something along those lines, but you all have to remember that his only goal has been to be a hero. If he wanted to become a strategist he would've (a) thought about/been suggested that when he was quirkless and (b) there's nothing TO strategize since the big bads are all gone. Hawks is running the Commission. Police exist in this verse. He wanted to be a hero fully, so if he wasn't able to do that, then the next logical step would be to TRAIN the next heroes.
Bakugou wouldn't have become number one straight out of high school. Bffr. I know it's anime and we don't have to use real life logic but it's been said over and over again that rankings are both based on feats achieved and popularity, and even though that man has accompanied A LOT, he's always going to be rough around the edges, and as a hero, people are just not going to rock with that. But, given Endeavour's example, I think he could become number one with his feats alone as the years go on in spite of his attitude.
Midoriya not keeping in touch with the rest of his classmates except Bakugou (or maybe not being able to, whichever way it was translated) is NORMAL. How many of you keep in touch with your high school classmates after the fact, regardless of how close you were? How many of you outgrow your very real and very deep friendships? Eight years is a long time. Bakugou being left makes sense because they've known each other forever.
No ships were confirmed. Please let us leave the ending of that as it is. BUT! Let's all ship who we want, create for the ships that we want regardless. That's the beauty of fandoms. We can toy around and find joy in it, but PLEASE don't push that a ship is canon when it's not. As an old head anime fan, there's a distinction between those two. We can all have fun and accept that the series ended with no ships.
Continuing off of the previous point, I LOVE that the manga ended with no ships. That just gives us full liberties to do whatever the hell we want in this fandom and have fun without people rearing their annoying heads and writing shit comments about their pairing being canon. No one gets any ammo.
Aizawa cutting his hair is a crime.
Did they give Touya an ending??? Why can't I remember??? Well, the fact that he didn't is another crime
Everyone else's endings were solid (and I don't see much discourse about this so let's leave it at that)
See now that I'm thinking about it again, Aizawa cutting his hair isn't a crime....but why did they do him like that???
Giving Midoriya a hero suit at the end of it and Bakugou holding his hand out was GOLDEN (I'm indifferent about the suit because Teacher!doriya would've been a solid ending, but the holding the hand out squeezed my heart that was a BEAUTIFUL ending to the entire Deku/Kacchan storyline)
Some people are mentioning that Bakugou calling him Deku destroyed it but y'all forgetting that THAT'S HIS HERO NAME. Stop being lame.
I wanna know the full rankings of everyone just to gauge where Bakugou and everyone else are. Maybe Hori might do a lil something, who knows, but I don't think we need a MHA Shippuden.
High key, if we do get a spin off or something, we need a Misadventures of InsertSomeoneHere to see what a DITL of them at 24(?) looks like
Now that I'm looking at this...the fact that I watched this at their age and it ended with them being 24 and I'm currently 24 is.......
Anyways! Those are my very rushed thoughts. As much as people like to play around MHA, it was a great manga, it had a solid ending for the lore that the story was going for, and it was a great ride. I'm excited to see when all of this gets animated and we can ride this ride again, but this fandom will always be special to me.
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arenabreadandbiscuits · 5 months
🍋 Asmodeus x AMAB Reader || More Than Just A Taste~ 🍋
Word Count - 4, 136 words
Genre - Smut/Rated R/18+
Scenario - Asmo wakes up looking for a bit of fun from one of his favorite humans (you). Who would you be to not give him exactly what he wants?~
Thank you for commissioning! I really appreciate the support and love working together! If you wish to work again at any point then I am happy to accommodate you! 💪🏾🫶🏾
Please enjoy the story! I hope you love it!
Light pours into the room, running over two figures that are laid in a snuggly pile of pillows and blankets and such.
Turns out, the house had needed a bit of a break. Recently everyone had been working so hard and Mammon and Asmodeus had come to a conclusion that a sleepover would be great.
There were a bit of complaints but everyone had interestingly enough come to an understanding and so pizza had been ordered, snacks had been made, movies had become analyzed… This actually wasn't such a bad idea.
It was a thought that everyone had eventually came down to, especially you who had been eager from the very start.
You had seemed to have the most fun, from eating the popcorn with Beelzebub to hysterical laughter with Leviathan.
You had fallen asleep before you even realized it, cuddled up with a certain strawberry blond who seemed to already be awake, humming softly while gently rubbing up and down your side. It's light, unconscious even, the little giggle you let out as his fingers drum along your side and when he hears it he grows a smug, sinister look on his lips.
You had slept enough by now right? After all, you were the first to eventually doze off against him. Surely, waking you up now wouldn't be a problem right? And even if it did, you could just forgive him later, yes?
He hums, admiring the sunlight as a crack of it shines along your skin from a crack in the curtains. One of his hands slowly move under you, wrapping around you to caress you stomach, ruffling your shirt before slowly lifting. His other hand continues it's antics, drumming fingers turn to nails lightly running over the now exposed skin of your stomach and you fall right into his trap, waking up with delirious little laughs.
“W…What are you up to?~” you snort, squirming a little, arching into his hold as if to somehow run from the attack but Asmodeus seems to have a nice, firm hold.
He leans in, his breath warm against your throat as he presses against your back and it makes you shiver all over. You could never understand, fathom if these moments between you and him..with his powers you were sure he could make you bend to his whim at any time but you had also come to an understanding that you definitely felt attraction towards the King of Lust whether he used his powers or not. He didn't have to make you submit because you were always ready for him nonetheless. Even with the question you know exactly what he's doing and you nibble at your bottom lip, breath hitching as the uncontrollable need to laugh and the arousal running through you seems to boggle your mind.
“Must I explain? What else am I supposed to do when you're so happily snuggled up to me?” He questions with a playful edge, his voice soft but firm in your ear and you shudder.
“Plus, do you really expect me to resist when you were whimpering and whining my name in your sleep?” He says though his sentence ends in a growl now, his teeth nipping your ear and making you jolt. It's not until you're breathless and shivering, twisting at the feeling of his other hand cupping your crotch that you notice just how hard you are already and with the way he pulls back and giggles Asmodeus seems just as surprised by the appearance.
“Your body is just so honest whenever it's in my care~” he coos, warm breath running over your skin as he moves and nuzzles his face into your nape. He fondled you, cupping your bulge and listening as your voice comes out as a strangled moan. Finding your voice again becomes a hassle, especially when you find yourself rocking against him, rolling your hips between the friction of his hand and his own hips.
He's hard, you can feel it distinctively against your ass, hot and heavy.
“I love that~” he practically sings softly and sweetly in your ear, all cute and innocent even though his intentions are very much clear.
“What…what about the other's?” You breathe, nearly whimpering as his other hand moves to tug down you night pants. You gasp, being exposed and you cock twitching, standing proudly and red at the tip.
“What about em?” He purrs in response and clearly you've managed to fall right into the jaws of a predator. Prey squirming and shivering as his hand moves to run down your stomach, nails gently running along your skin and making your eyes flutter shut tightly. When his hand finally wraps around the base of your cock your breath hitches and you moan brokenly, rutting your hips into his hand and the feeling of pleasure that claws up your spine as he lets you use his hand is enough to make you forget for just a moment that the two of you were in fact not alone.
Someone stirs, groaning slowly in the background and in shock you move a hand to cover your mouth, eyes snapping open while the other hand shoots to grab shakily onto the demon's own wrist.
Asmodeus moves his free hand, the one that's not currently wrapped around your length and quickly covers your mouth for a second.
He seems to pause but not completely, still rolling his wrist around your cock and do so slowly and firmly and it makes your body quake and your eyes roll. You couldn't believe he was putting you through this right now but knowing him of course he was. The idea of being caught probably didn't even bother him and as much as you wanted to say the opposite you had to admit that maybe… you got a bit of a rush from the very idea as well.
What has he made you into?
It's not to say you didn't know a thing or thing about a thing or two but being with Asmodeus was always an experience.
He had done many, many, sinful things now and if he hadn't done them yet he definitely planned to and maybe… this was one of those times.
The Demon of lust seems to pull his hands back for a moment, nails raking back and over your hips and it gets a giggle out of you and a wiggle and as he looks at your back with hungry, lidded eyes, Asmo uses just a bit of magic to slip out of his own pants. Not completely no but enough for his own eager cock to jump out, slapping against your cheeks. It's hot against you honeyed skin and immediately you know what it is, cheeks turning a dark shade of red before you give that ass of yours a wiggle.
It seems to excite the demon, his nails digging in just a bit more as he holds you and his breath coming out in a few pants.
“Careful… don't think I can't hush that mouth of yours even in a scenario like this~” Asmo cooes and just as one would imagine it stirs the already boiling heat in your gut even more. You needed this, needed him and your heart was racing but oh were you eager, eager to have him touch you, rub you, play you like the toy you are.
He bites his bottom lip behind you, admiring your back and smooth lovely skin and then down to your lush, thick ass and his cock that rested beautifully against the cleft of it, his skin standing out against your skin and he loved it almost too much. He just wants to put you on your tummy and fuck your ass open until you begged for mercy or take you and record you for all to see but for now he's content with this… content with his hard cock rested against those juicy cheeks.
He gives a rut, pulling you and rubbing his cock against your skin and it sends the most delicious vibrations running through you just knowing he's just as excited as you are. A pattern is quickly formed, him rocking against you and you rocking back against him and of course at some point Asmodeus leans in whisper the filthiest of things to you. The things he dreams of doing, the things he desperately wants to do and he's kissing at your skin. His lips going from your jawline to your throat and when his cock slips and slides between your thighs thanks to the slick he's built up the both of you seem to moan.
His cock slides against your twitching anus having threatened to penetrate it before slipping on sweet juices the two of your bodies had formed and with guided slick the meaty head of his cock grinded firmly between your thighs before laying hotly under your own cock. It makes your back arch, makes your mouth fall open and your hands grip at the blankets against you and your toes curl and he definitely notices. Asmodeus leans in, groaning lowly, opening his mouth and showing his fangs before lightly biting down into your shoulder and even though the pressure isn't too heavy you feel you asshole twitch with yearning and your cock jumps as precum drips heavily from the tip.
You need him, need him so bad to just stick it in and honestly yours losing your mind, the way that the feeling of his cock heavily pressing against you seems to make you…giggle.
It's like an itch and one your body can't seem to fully handle and so when the noise leaves you Asmo lifts a playful brow, grinning against your skin before sinking his teeth in just a bite harder, forming an indent and you feel yourself completely break.
It's so hard to explain the way Asmodeus feels when he's against you. Of course you knew what he was, who he was but there was nothing like actually being in his arms, held tightly against him while lips ran over you. You get hot and bothered by many things but there was just something specific that seemed to come with him, not just him but everyone…
It's because he's Asmodeus and you enjoy him so much, enjoy when he touches you, tastes you, fucks you and both of you knew that.
“A-Asmo..” you manage to choke out, blushing even heavier as you feel his cock twitch at the way you say his name.
He doesn't immediately respond, purring instead, pulling back from you to take hold of your ass cheeks and spread them. The cool breeze of air that runs over your entrance makes you heart jump into your throat, a mewl falling from your lips as you realize Asmodeus is taking in the scene, the way his cock looks stuffed happily between your thighs while one of the lewdest parts of you glistens on display just for him.
There's a moment where his eyes seem to darken and you shudder, practically feeling the energy vibrating off of him as he lingers close. It's a weighted scent, one that sends emotions through you in a way that makes you just want to give in already. It's good being even just this close to him and Asmodeus has hardly even done anything to you yet. You revel, cheeks red with the blush that colors you beautifully bronze skin and your cock jumping, twitching in excitement.
It's only now that a surge of magic seems to ripple through the air before you find yourself getting wrapped up in the man's arms and hauled up easily. You move to squeak out loud but Asmo quickly covers your mouth with a firm hand, pressing close to your back as he holds you and then begins to move, gathering your sweet body in his arms before quickly moving away and putting distance between the two of you and the group.
He takes you away, quickly moving and rushing to his room, entering and kicking the door closed behind him just to fall with you onto his fluffy bed and sheeting in a fit of limbs.
He huffs out a laugh as you chuckle, his hair slightly messy and his eyes shining as he now towers over your form, looking down at you and your face… your beautiful skin and hard cock which stood proudly even though your shorts loosely hung around your ankles. As he moved to lift your thighs, smooth and warm hands slowly sliding over and under your melanated thighs in order to push them up and it makes you blush deeply especially as Asmodeus doesn't see any problem with looking at you as if you were a meal beautifully wrapped up just for him to dig into. He takes his time even though he's so excited himself, moving in close after a moment, his eyes lidded and focused and yours and you feel your heart banging around in your chest like it's trying to escape your desire for lust even though you definitely weren't going anywhere now.
Not after he so easily swept you up in his arms and ran off like a knight in shining armor.
You wait until he's close, closer than he's probably ever been and gently brush your lips over his own and Asmodeus hums softly at the reaction before pressing his lips into yours.
He's careful at first, so patient and caring and then he gets rougher, nipping and biting your lip after you've kissed for so long that you began to lose your breath. His lips are smooth, his mouth so adamant and your head was spinning, your body growing more and more desperate as the two of you taste each other. It's addicting, the way his lips feels against yours, so much so that when he pulls away… even for just a moment, you manage to whimper.
“Don't worry, I'll take care of you~” Asmodeus coos and it sends you into a frenzy, much more so when he leans in, kissing your lips once more before moving and kissing your jawline and then your throat. As he nips at your collar bone just moments later you groan out, hands moving to grab hold of him but Asmo seems to see it coming, lifting his gaze to look up at you with those eyes of his and while you can see he wants you you can also see that he clearly… wants you to wait. To behave. You suck in a breath before shakily moving your hands to instead grip at the sheets under you.
He doesn't rush; though he's careful as if he's counting the pores on your tanned skin, humming softly here and there when you seem to stir as he presses his lips against spots that are sensitive. He finds it alluring, cute, attractive and Asmodeus can't seem to really control himself the more kisses he lays against that skin. The heated smooches lead lower and lower until you lose track of controlling your own desire. Just from kisses alone he has you rolling your head back, biting your bottom lip, shivering… and you can't imagine what it'll feel when you actually give yourself to him.
“A-Asmo-” you whine only to jerk, gasping loudly when something hot and slippery runs leisurely over your puckered anus. He purrs between your legs, liking that sound…loving the reaction and so Asmodeus does it once more. Trailing that heated tongue of his slowly and firmly over you asshole and as you mewl, twitching and squeezing around nothing already Asmo takes the time to now wrap a hand slowly around your cock as his tongue swipes and swirls sinfully at that sensitive hole of yours. There's nothing you can do but accept that passion, panting now and heavily as your eyes flutter shut and squeeze tight. You move your hands down, freeing the sheets from the death grip you had on them and now moving them under your hips.
Asmo keeps his eyes on you, lidded and curious and when you take hold of you fat and plush ass cheeks before spreading them for him.. holding them open some more as well as your thighs which shook now, Asmo felt something in himself fall apart.
“A-Asmo… Asmodeus please..” you gasped, breathing heavily as your toes curl now. How could you not? Who would you be to refuse him?
You simply couldn't and he loved knowing that.
He pulls back from you puckered and now slobbery wet anus, taking a moment to watch you pant and watch it twitch, clearly craving to be filled. Asmodeus was hard, extremely and so much so that he also moves to now slowly wrap his hand around the based of your heated cock.
It makes you cry out, the feeling of him touching you where you seemed to need it the most while also taking the time to continue eating your ass.
You can't seem to handle your voice now, nipples hard and cheeks red as your legs settled on his shoulders. As long as you've been here now there just always was something that absolutely drove him crazy about this demon and the others.
Asmo eventually pulls away, slowly; his head carefully pulls back and a strand of saliva can be seen connecting him to you before the strand breaks and begins to cool on your twitch anus. His cheeks are red too, granted probably not as bad as your own but when Asmo looks you in the eyes again he chuckles softly before snuggly wrapping his hand around your cock again but this time he gathers your testicles in his hold as well… kinda like a cock ring. Holding you in the most sensitive of places right now.
You whine loudly not caring at all now if there was a possibility of getting caught because you were getting off one way or another.
“I love hearing you beg~...” He breathes, panting heavily before he lets you go but only for a moment in order to pull his trousers down and release his cock from his confines. It jumps out, hard and pink at the tip due to sensitivity and you blush deeply when you return to look at it taking in account of its impressive length and the sweet, smooth skin of it that just made you want to touch it all over and in every way possible.
“Do it more.~” Asmo purrs as he moves to put his hands back on you and like a good boy you lay back again but not without reaching your hand out to touch him so more. It's hard not to with him being so close, Asmodeus really was a fine man and it was clear just why he was known for what he was known for. Your stomach is bubbling with need and you beg him, panting out for him to come closer… to give you what both of you wanted and Asmo could spend hours, days, teasing that beautiful body of yours until you quite literally a broken mess. The look in your eyes says it all and for a moment as he sees it Asmodeus smiles, then chuckles softly before placing his hands on each side of your body to stabilize himself.
He can't wait.
He needs to fuck you silly, and so he moves his hips against yours, biting his lip and groaning when his cock slides against your own before getting caught and the slippery rim that throbbed and twitching, being him to enter. Who would Asmo be not to help? And so, he shifts, the head of his cock getting caught on your skin again before slowly pushing forward, the round and hot tip pushing past your tight muscle and you jolt, arching under him as a long moan falls from your lips as Asmodeus pushes in inch by inch until his cock is snuggly wrapped around your fluttering pink walls.
He's only just started and yet your breath is ragged, ruined.
The feeling of him pressed balls deep in your wet and slutty asshole leaves you breathless, the itch of it all just starting to kill you. You hadn't even noticed until now, until you felt the head of his cock nudging your pink walls but you're definitely closer than you'd like. You wanted to last longer, to just hold and fuck him all night but maybe Asmodeus was just too good at his job. Too good at charming his way into bed with people in order to have his way with them and oh you wanted to be used…
Needed to be used.
“P-Please Asmo! Pleasepleaseplease, just fuck me already just ram it into me-AHN!~” You cried out, gasping and jerking when Asmo slowly pulls his hips back just to slam right back in and when he slams into that sweet bundle of nerves in you it's clear that you've lost your mind; shaking, trembling, moaning and whining as he doesn't waste time building a pattern, quickly taking notice of what you seemed to like. He's so good, so adamant, so talented at just what he does and you're so helpless under her.
He touches you, hands moving and caressing you all over until he grins wickedly and takes hold of your cock and balls again, wrapping a hand around them before squeezing, groping, and tugging on them and it's simply too much.
Your head felt like goop, as if you had easily and willingly given yourself to a starving creature who was more than happy to consume you whole. More than happy to take you in every fashion of the word until all you should do is squeak and gasp and beg for both mercy and so, so much more.
He slides in and out, over and over and over again, the sound of skin slapping against skin and groans and moans filling the air as he fucks you, holding and tugging on you and matching up with each thrust in the process before he manages to get even greedier. As you grow louder, needier, dirtier, Asmodeus hisses under his breath. He curses softly as he looks at you, the way your face is all sweaty and red and your lush lips are open in desperate cries. From time to time you will open your eyes as an attempt to watch everything he's doing to you but when he hits one of those perfect spots you jolt and buck and beg him for more even though it feels almost too much, so much.
He moves to lean in even closer, watching you with his lidded eyes as he leans in, hooking his hands under your knees in order to keep you nice and open with he fucked your asshole open and coated his cock with your natural juices. It doesn't help that the slight change in position allows him to sink deeper. His cock firmly rutting and slamming into your prostate and what else can you do but take it like a good fucking boy?
“You're so cute…” he growls.
“Crying out my name, taking my cock like you're supposed to… that's right take it.” He says and his tone is a bit lower, feral, primal, and it's clear that he's just as gone as you are not.
It's so good that there's tears in your eyes ready to fall and run down those red cheeks of yours and Asmo loves it, loves knowing that currently out of everyone else… he was the one who was having you like this… having you like a slut on the corner, fucking you like he wanted to cum inside and breed you.
“Takeittakeittakeit.” he hisses, groaning as he continues to slam in and out of you, abusing your hole at this point until you cried out again, shouting out his name as you cum so fucking hard that I feels like the world is crashing around you as you toss your head back and rut until cum shoots up from your cock in a thick and heavy load. It makes him giggle, watching as you gasp and shake and then move your hands to shakily push on his chest like you can't decide whether or not you actually want to stop and he can't resist it either.
He cums hard, thick fluid shooting out of his cock and coating your twitching walls until you were so full of his cum that it carefully dripped out and slowly down the crack of your ass cheeks.
The two of you pant heavily; messy and covered in sweat and cum and fuck you loved when he did this to you and oh boy did Asmodeus love doing it.
You doubted you'd ever get sick of being under him.
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dollfaced-erin · 1 year
I see you open for request, can I request how y/n(dan jia) meet the character? Because I want to know how we meet the character
Character : jing yuan, yingxing, jingliu and that fox lady. I forgot her name hehehe✌✨
Is it just open for scenario?
Definitely like your fanfic about dragon's cradle
I will wait for more update from the fanfic! ✨
I will request again if I have idea and your request is open :)
since this is very heavily reliant on canon events, everything in this scenario is just headcanons ! just for a little fluff <3
in this headcanon, Jing Yuan is already an adult. though i see many people referring Jing Yuan as a child in many mvs, but if im not mistaken, jing yuan was already a general before everything happened.
ONCE AGAIN ! i will replace the name Dan Jia with (Y/n), for more comfort, but this timeline was actually when Dan Jia was still 'alive'. But still, this is just a head canon, nothing too serious, so have fun !
OH ANOTHER THING ! i made dan jia/ (Y/n)'s horns blue for the sake of the story, and her powers are ice. She wields a crystal fan, and follows the path of abundance. Like Dan Feng, who is the Imbibator Lunae (drinker of the moon), (Y/n) is the Saltator Lunae (dancer of the moon), a name given to her due to the unforeseen fate of having two individuals that could inherit the dragon heart after successfully undergoing the Transmutation Arcanum.
Taglist ! : -
@rebeccawinters , @nayukiyukihira , @pix-stuff , @fluffy-koalala , @swivy123 , @starxao , @kaoyamamegami , @kimura-uzuri , @rsvye , @seikouryuu , @just-here-reading , @matsulovesyou , @sincerely-aaronette
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"Jing Yuan, I want you to meet someone," the icy cold voice of his master entered her ears.
The practicing knight looked up from his place, looking to his right where his master in blue and white was standing. The sword that was strong in his grasp was let loosened as he stood straight, sheathing the sword into its scabbard.
Jing Yuan's golden eyes widened as he looked up. Behind his master was a young woman, who had similar features to the Imbibator Lunae he had grown close to. Not facial features, rather the unique features the dragon's predecessors have. The horns and the glowing (e/c) eyes, that brim with potential and power.
"This is (Y/n). Dan Feng's sister. She'll be training with me to hone her ice powers. It never hurts to learn more." Jingliu said, looking at the young lady behind her a hand gestured out for (Y/n). Jing Yuan blushed a little at the sight of the dragon lady before him. And it seemed that Jingliu noticed the gaze of her student.
"Jing Yuan. Be nice to her." "I'm always nice !" "No flirting."
Jing Yuan's face burst into a deep crimson shade. He was still a young adult., mind you. He was still pretty new with relationships. Future Jing Yuan would've probably pat his back and laughed at the shyness of his past self.
"Pleasure to meet you, I'm (Y/n), the Saltator Lunae." (Y/n) said, a light chuckle leaving her pink lips as she bowed to him. Jing Yuan's eyes widened and he bowed back. "J-Jing Yuan. Th-the pleasure is mine."
Though this is the first time he met this dragon lady who raised her head before him, this isn't the first time he's seen this lady. No, not when Jing Yuan remembers those (e/c) eyes that shone as brightly as the stars, and were as clear as glass.
The swordsmith was walking peacefully in the night at the bazaar, tired after a full day slaving by the fire, creating weapons with his own hand. Yingxing felt fulfilled more than anything, as he had the power to bring his creations to life. The soft gaze of the moon above him as if blessing him for all his hard work.
There was once, he received a commission unique to all other works. It was an odd request for a swordsmith like himself to create such an accessory, but since it was from a dear friend of that requested him to try, even going as far as to provide the materials, Yingxing thought that he might as well give it a shot.
In his hand, Yingxing held a beautiful glass hairpin he had molded with his own hands. The small accessory was embedded with stunning pearls and precious quartz, that was obviously hard to find from the exquisite quality. He felt almost saddened to part with it.
It almost felt...unreal to see the familiar shine of that...rainbow quartz shining beneath the moonlight. Yingxing reached out to it, but the said shine disappeared within the sea of residents of the Xianzhou ship. But he needed to find it, he needed to reach out, to see who was actually the beholder of that precious hair ornament.
Closer and closer Yingxing walked, pushing through the sea of people without harming anyone. His amber eyes scanned through the crowd, and came back in sight with the glass hairpin he had dedicated his soul into making.
A woman. A beautiful woman who had her hair held up with the beautiful stick made with the finest items. Yingxing reached out to the woman, his hand caught by the Imbibator Lunae who had a smirk.
"I knew you'd find her by the hairpin in her hair. Yingxing, meet my sister, (Y/n)." the High Elder said, and the woman beside him turned around, horns on her head.
Yingxing never knew that the hairpin he thought to be a failure at first was actually the most beautiful thing he has seen under the moonlight.
'Once...once again....again !' Were the things the master ice woman repeated in her mind time and time again as she swung her sword tirelessly. Who cares if her hands dripped with blood ? Who cares if her hands were sore from the splintered wood in her hands ? That's right. Not even Jingliu herself cared about it.
She kept swinging her sword towards the dummy. Time and time again she leapt into the air like a snowstorm, slashing her weapon infused with her ice powers, obliterating all the dummies she just had repaired. Jingliu was strong...but in her eyes, it wasn't strong enough, not precise enough...not fast enough.
Jingliu landed on the ground with a thump of her shoes beneath her feet, her expression filled with distaste and disappointment to herself. She cared not for the stinging in her hands, the blood dripping down and staining the stone pavement beneath her shoes.
"That's enough. Take a break." a soft and tender voice called out. Five slender fingers landed on her shoulder, snapping Jingliu out of her trance. She was quite disturbed to who had pulled her out of her zone, but as she turned behind, (e/c) eyes were staring deep into her red eyes.
"Your hands...wont be able to heal if you push yourself any longer without medical attention." the dragon lady said, peeling open Jingliu's hand, forcing her to drop the sword from her hands. Jingliu was so stunned by the sudden appearance of this woman, who she had never realized from earlier.
"Come. I'll heal your hands. And maybe you should take a break. Doctors always say that with a slight break, your body would be able to breathe and you'll be able to do better." the woman said, pulling Jingliu along with her, the tender and soft (s/c) hand holding onto her bloody and calloused hand.
"Who...are you ?" Jingliu asked the dragon woman before her, though she would be crazy not to know who this woman was with the horns on her head symbolizing her importance. And the woman smiled warmly and answered simply with a small smile. "My name is (Y/n)."
And as their friendship bloomed between the two ice women, Jingliu had been inspired by (Y/n)'s dances and elegance. And with that in mind, she had forged her signature move, earning her the name, Transcendent One.
(Y/n) gazed up to the sky, watching the starskiffs race around. She wished how she could have some freedom of her own. How free she would feel, in the sky above, travelling with the stars. She kept thinking about it, while sipping at the canned peach tea in her hands as she walked.
Her thoughts were cut short when she heard storming of boots and thumps her ears had recognized to belong to those in the Cloud Knights. And as she turned, there was indeed a group of 4 knights chasing after a purple foxian woman who was jeering at the knights who weren't able to catch up to her.
"Hah ! You thought !" the purple foxian said, looking back and pulling her tongue out at them. That was, until she turned front and realized there she was running into someone.
Without time and reflex to stop or to turn, Baiheng did the craziest thing she could ever do. Which was grab at the hand of the woman that was walking along politely like an average law-abiding citizen of the Xianzhou.
Baiheng pulled along the woman who was quite startled by the sudden pull and run, dropping her canned drink behind as she was suddenly pulled along. The drink fell from her hands and spilt onto the ground as the two of them ran.
"H-hey, wait !" "Sorry ! I'll make it up to you, I promise !" Baiheng exclaimed in pure horror, clearly not understanding her own reflex to pull along this innocent and clueless dragon woman with her.
"Anyway ! My name is Baiheng ! Pleasure to meet you !" the foxian said, flashing a bright, toothy smile to (Y/n) who laughed along with this cheerful foxian.
;;sorry if some of them weren't good,, i really didnt have much idea for them,,, i hope you had fun reading these !
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crescencestudio · 7 months
๋࣭⭑ Devlog #38 | 2.27.24 ๋࣭⭑
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How is it already almost March omfg.
Anyways Happy Valentine's Day month!!! This year, I was swamped with work, so I didn't get a chance to make Valentine's Day art. I did make a Valentine's piece last year though.
BUT we did have beloved @magunalafay make these Valentine's Day cards this year for the community!!! <3 If you missed it, well Happy Valentine's Day!!!!!
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She made these as a gift, and I love her very much. Maguna u r so talented
This month was pretty busy for me, but I'm super happy with the progress made this month ^^ I feel like I've started the year off in a pretty good groove after it being all over the place for a hot second, yay!!!
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This past month, Etza and Druk's routes. With the revamped demo finishing its revisions, it left a lot more time for me to focus writing on full route development.
If you missed the announcement, I FINISHED Etza's first draft!!! YAAAYYY!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!
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That means 4/6 routes are finished in terms of the base writing, which is so exciting to MEEEEE. I've always seen Etza's draft as The Milestone because with their route finished, it would mean the four Central routes are done writing. And to me, while there's a good chuck of writing left, we are nearing the end of it.
There's only two routes left and that means it's about ~100k words which is CRAZY compared to when I had ~300k to write (:cries:). Even if that sounds like a lot, once I start chipping away at those routes, that 100k goes into the "double digits" aka 90k...80k... etc. and that makes me want to pee my pants
We also finished editing Druk's route, yay!!! So we reached a lot of milestones this month ^^
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We are nearing the end of the Vui background commissions. It's very bittersweet; I'm so used to mentioning him in my devlogs now </3 There's only like 3(?) more BGs left for him to make, and then all of the BGs for the game will be finished. Very Wild! I think Alaris will have 25ish BGs, and they are all Stunning.
It's been a while since I showed you all a BG, so I'll give you all a preview of one I just got in!
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Isn't it cozy? Guess whose house hehe
I personally have been doing a lot of sprite work this month to finish the final art assets for the demo. I added some expressions to Druk and Aisa that I'd been procrastinating (I don't even know why I was procrastinating them). And I finally finished Mom and Kimura's updated sprites! Patreon already saw them, but I'll show the new versions here too ^^
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Preview of Mom (left) and Kimura (right) updated sprites. Now everyone's sprite styles are cohesive YAY!!
Aside from sprite work, much of my "art" time has been on finishing up/putting together the last of the screens for the GUI. Specifically, I got THIS BABY up and running. She is my crowning glory.
Memory Screen to Replay Unlocked Free Time Dates
Oh my god.... You all have NO IDEA how much of a pain this was to code. There is a transparency gradient going on in the left and right B&W previews (courtesy of community programming angel feniks/shawna).
And then the effort to have the Titles and Descriptions of the Previewed Date change tilted me on Multiple Occasions. But we finally got it to work thanks to bestie @siyo-koy pointing out I just coded one stupid "if" statement wrong LJAFSLIEFJIEJ. But the effort was WORTH IT because I'm so proud of her!!! I hope you all like it too as a way to relive Free Time Dates. I had a lot of fun with the Titles and descriptions.
I also put together the Stats and Affection Screens
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Preview of Personality Stats & Affection Screens
So I coded both of them a bit differently from each other. The Personality Screen shows you a breakdown of your traits so far. Think of it like a pie graph! So in the preview picture, your choices indicate you are 33% Brave, 16% Charismatic, etc. I felt like this was a more natural way to portray personality rather than how many bravery points you've collected so far!
And then for Affection, it works in a more traditional way, where it counts it based on how many you've gotten out of the total amount you can get. This way, as the story progresses, how close you are to the person reflects how much your relationship as developed!
I've also added little descriptions underneath each that change depending on the percentage. So for example, if you have gotten 82% of the affection points for Kuna'a, the description of your relationship might change as well hehe
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Other than that, I've mainly focused on getting the demo together. We released the beta demo earlier this month (? LOL). And the feedback has been so kind!!
A lot of this month was spent polishing so that the demo can be ready for early access and eventually public release. I updated sprites, made sure music crossfades with each other so that transitions between soundtracks feel smoother, I added/polished all of the screens I needed to (e.g., Memory Room, Full Credits, Cleaning Music Room, Adding Stats Screens), and I FINALLY as of yesterday added the Voiced Lines!!
One thing I added in the Extended Demo that I'm really happy with is the use of Extended Pronouns (courtesy of Angel Feniks). Below is a preview of how it works now!
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Preview of Extended Pronouns Function. Credit to Feniks
Basically, you can choose multiple pronouns for yourself, including custom pronouns (e.g., xe/xem, fae/faer, etc.). On top of that, you can choose how often you'd like the pronouns to alternate (e.g., every line versus every scene) and what kind of terms you'd like to be used for you (e.g., neutral vs. masculine vs. feminine)!
Overall, the demo is getting closer and closer to release!!! Early Access will hopefully be ready by the end of this week or next, so if you all would like access to it, please feel free to subscribe to my Patreon for this upcoming month! Available to Wyvern tier ($5) and up.
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I didn't have any time to really play any games this month because I was drowning in work LMFAOSLJIEF. I did play the Threads of Bay demo by @lavendeerstudios and it was GORGEOUS! Very cute game with lovable characters and charming visuals. Andrew, I will have your number
Every other section was really long, so I'm going to throw it here even though it's not market research. But Intertwine recently hit 600 ratings, which is crazy. Thank you for still enjoying that game even if it's not one that is my main focus anymore. I'm really happy people still like it :on the verge of tears:
Anyways, this has been a long devlog. Here's to continuing to Ball in March. Hope you all have a great rest of your month, and I'll talk to you soon! <3
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meanbossart · 8 months
DU drow asks time
Lore questions/sweet messages/stuff that made me laugh that's about DU drow specifically that I decided to compile in a single post!
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First of all, "outraged to be used as a medium for old man gay divorce" is a hysterical sentence LOL
As for his thoughts on the Ansur debacle? Negative ones. He hates the emperor, he doesn't care about his third-time-twist real identity, he doesn't particularly care about Wyll either (well - he kind of finds him entertaining, he's kind of really frustrated by him, it's complicated) but he saved his dad on a whim to spite Mizora anyway. BUT HEY, all that trouble would have been worthwhile if he's about to get an ancient dragon fighting alongside him - this old duke sounds a little too confident in this fairy tale, but stranger things have happened, right?
Then the situation unfolds as it does, and if he wasn't eager enough to use that orphic hammer before, he certainly is now. There is very little that the Emperor does past Act 3 that DU drow doesn't find a way to twist into something that confirms his resolve against him. If he could have taken Ansur's side in that fight, he would have - not that he shed any tears over killing him either.
Sick sword though, that helped soothe his nerves a bit and I'm sure spared everyone a little bit of a tantrum at camp later.
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HAHAHAHA I can't confirm nor deny because I see so few large body-type elves as it is (which is fair, elves aren't usually... That massive). I did set age to 50% because it does look a little weird when it's all smooth. Maybe that's the trick?
Though I guess if you find it unsettling, then... No wonder it suits him! however this just looks like an impressively handsome fella to me, to be honest. I insist on fucking him up further whenever I draw him for that reason.
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Thank you so much for following along and for giving the fic a try!!! And no worries, english isn't my native tongue either so I've been there 😎👍
I do actually have a couple of very short comics planned that take place pre-tadpole, but my backlog of WIPs is... Massive. Not to mention the commission work I do (currently not taking any more). I have one that's about his first interaction with Orin and another about a business dinner with Gortash gone-wrong, but I have no clue when I'll be able to work on them. Hopefully soon though!
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You know, I've always hoped that after I died I'd be remembered as the guy who inspired others to make their nipples card-swipe-able.
Joke's aside, thank you LOL I love that my guys' nips have taken up non-insignificant room in your mind, it's always comforting to know that you aren't the only one.
Piercings and the such aren't really his style though. While he finds his scar-work weirdly comforting, he isn't so interested in aesthetic results as much as he just enjoys having pain inflicted upon him in a controlled environment, by people that he loves - He doesn't recall this post-tadpole, but the scars were a result of a kind of... Recurring ritual between himself and Orin that served to replace normal intimacy, pretty much.
Since you touched on it though, I do like to believe that Astarion finds his cut-up body fun, both on the eyes and on the hands LOL.
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I'm starting to think you guys are all in on this. It's like the fifth time someone catches me in the act - god damn it, is it that obvious that I wanna slide down Peter Steele's cold corpse like he's a a ride at the Magical Ice kingdom... Which is to say, yes, both the guy and his music are not-so-lowkey a big inspiration behind a lot of DU drow's characterization!
That's all for now folks, thank you so much for the asks!!! This isn't all of them but I try not to spam people's feeds when I can help it/space them out. I see all of your messages and I guarantee you that if I have an interesting answer for them, you will see a reply eventually!
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