#very nice anons
agerefandom · 2 months
when it comes to villain cg content i trust you with my life. one of the few people ive seen who does Not woobify them in the process even a little bit
also!! I hope you're doing well take care of yourself <3
Aaaaa anon this is so sweet thank you!!
I spent this morning walking around thinking about the Vs (Hazbin) because someone requested agere headcanons for them and I was also thinking about this ask to encourage myself haha
This is literally one of the nicest things I think someone has said to me on this blog I am very happy to get this feedback!!!
Currently answering backlogged asks while sitting on the couch in my PJs, eating cake and listening to my partner chat with their sister about Stardew Valley attack plans for Spring farming (I have no idea what they are saying)
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echoes-lighthouse · 5 months
eternally wishing i had the courage to explore myself through fiction the way you do with pretty art and moodboards . yr cool
Thank you darling anon!!!
Honestly the older I get, the more at peace I am with being cringe and free. It's a process but I love to create! Even if you don't share it with anyone yet, you should definitely make the kind of things that make you happy! And then seek out the right communities on the internet that will make you feel encouraged and uplifted.
It takes community more than courage, if I'm honest!
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
AHH yayayay I love this one I’m seeing Noah Kahan next month and I’m very very excited
Uhm hmm… I think we might all know the answer to this one BUT. The View Between Villages?? 😏
IM ALSO SEEING NOAH KHAN LIVE (September tho cuz country)
You gave me the easiest one that is Remus Lupin
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scorsesedepalmafan · 2 years
Are you going to make more kenneth gifs (please do I luv them)
Thanks!! :)) gee And yeah nw! I was going to be posting some more today, along with an edit I made of puye (abbr.) :)
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stuckinapril · 2 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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bixels · 5 months
(guy who sent in the original i thought you were a lesbian ask) i just wanted to say i still find you just as attractive with the knowledge that you are a man, apologies if i made you feel uncomfortable or like you're less handsome for not being a hot butch. you're still plenty hot regardless and i'm sorry for inflicting tony hawk's sapphic nightmare on you
Tony Hawk’s Sapphic Nightmare is very funny, I would photoshop something if I could right now. Thank you.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
anonymous asked:
girl your bangs 😭 you need a new haircut
how's this?
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ryllen · 4 months
Hi! I hope that you are doing well🥰💗💕 I really adore your art!! Your Yuu really wins me over to the very heart!💘💘💘
I wear lightning-shaped earrings and they really remind me of Sebek!⚡ I would like your girl to put them on and draw this🥺💓
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But I also really love her black earrings that she wears when she's a teenager and green ones when she's an adult! It's really cute💕💕
And! I would be interested to know if Sebek notices when Yuu puts on other earrings or doesn't wear them at all if she doesn't want to?👉👈💗
Have a nice day!🥰❣️❣️❣️
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decide ur ending, which feels more in character
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ozzgin · 2 months
Do not chomp the Reader!
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l3viat8an · 9 months
Imagining a devildom product like this, but it actually induces a rut in the demon that takes it. I imagine it also looks very similar to workout products, but is obviously taken in mush smaller doses. so imagine poor Beel taking it by mistake, but he doesn’t just take a little bit. Oh no, he thinks it’s protein powder, so he takes the normal amount he would of his protein power fed. And oooh boy, poor baby is in the strongest rut he’s ever had. Practically immobilized and bed-ridden with force of which it hits him. The only one who could possibly help him is MC, of course. Poor, poor MC…their poor pussy/bussy isn’t coming back from this anytime soon.
I wanna know how someone actually approved calling it ‘RUT’ 😭😭😭 like outta all the names out there- it’s not important but still whyyyy 💀
Anyways- imagine the downright sinful sight of Beel whining and trying to get himself off but it’s just not enough!! Which is exactly why he had to call MC
The big, horny, demon grabbing you and pulling you down on the bed, whining even louder when you  squeak out his name in surprise, “Whoa! B-beel!?” Yes, just like that, say his name again…...
Beel buries his face in your neck inhaling your scent and mumbling “You smell so good, MC….and you came…just like I asked…” groaning and grinding his hips into yours.
You can feel his hard, leaking, cock rubbing against your thigh. The pjs you’re wearing barely covering anything. “I can’t hold back…” Beel breathed out, pulling his face away from your neck to crash his lips onto yours.
You moaned against his lips, feeling him grind against and press you down harder, finally breaking the kiss, “So? You’ll help me out right?” and all you do is nod, lifting your hips so beel can tug your bottoms off-
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agerefandom · 5 months
Make sure you’re taking care of yourself!!
Thank you anon!
I'm having a bit of a hard time balancing rest, budgeting, and selfcare at the moment but I'm very much doing my best ^_^
It's hard to decide when it's worth it to push through and cook some food and when it's better to just lie down and order some sushi, y'know?
Adulting is hard :((
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
so i saw you changed ur username (love the new one btw) and i saw you also changed it on ao3 but i don't know how so if you could lend a hand I'd greatly appreicate it <3
thank you
Heck yeah,
Just so y’all know the link to it is in my pinned post
But my username is also twisted_tales_told on there just in case!
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tapakah0 · 7 months
Guys, I saw something and need to clarify somethig since someone might think the same, I don't beg for attention, I don't need attention (that's how I always lived, seriously, I am absolutely okay without any and I don't see anything wrong in not having any if it's not a work that demands it), a lot of posts constantly that just bury your dash might be annoying and that's why I've been telling to block me, not follow me, in fact a lot of attention exhausts me very quickly, all I do here I do for myself, I love what I do, I specifically don't put a lot of tags on some posts because I've been making them mostly for myself and someone specific (for them just to see it and know that I care and love what they do, not react on it. That's why I'm sometimes sad when people pressurely tell me that I didn't react on something they created for me or didn't interact with them, I'm deeply sorry, I can't answer on them all if I don't feel like it and hope you understand it) *polite bow*
I mean, guys, we all will walk on separated roads sooner or later, but for now I wanna have as much fun as I can 🧡
There are a lot of beautiful people over here who already told that they are okay with my chaos, but there might be some knew who will be confused XDDD
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mixtercandy · 8 months
love your art 🥺 i was wondering if some day would you like to draw black garlic or ghost cookie, thanks for always showing your beautiful drawings 💕
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i went with Black Garlic for this ask because this outfit has got to be one of my favs... ITS SO CUTE (⁠☆⁠▽⁠☆⁠)
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cerise-on-top · 25 days
WOOO YOUR REQUESTS ARE BACK OPEN !! first of all, HII welcome back, how are you doing? are you doing alright? i hope you are !!! >> p.s, this is the same anon who requested tall husband!reader nd 141 <33 i'll be 🦗 anon from now on!!
i've come back with another (awfully long 😔) rq !! if that's fine....,,!!
okay so i absolutely adore m!readers, and i have another one for that, so the idea is kind of like,, reader is a bit older/the same age as [char], and he's transmasc! though, he didn't have time to transition in his earlier years- he's just recently started t. what do you think price, nikolai, alejandro, nd rudy's initial reactions are to him like being so giddy to start transitioning and just reactions to him changing his body in general? :)
sorry this is disgustingly long again, & feel free to delete this ask if you feel pressured at all <3
— sincerely, 🦗
Hey there! I'm actually doing better than I did yesterday, thank you :D And don't worry about sending in long requests, I don't mind it one bit! In fact, it helps me get a better feeling for what to write :> And don't worry, I was looking forward to writing this! This was probably my most anticipated request in a long time!
Price, Alejandro, Rodolfo and Nikolai with a Transmasc!S/O
Price: He knows that trans people exist. He’s supportive of them, but that doesn’t mean he understands what they’re going through. He’s never really had a phase where he explored his gender, he’s always felt comfortable being a man. However, he’s very understanding. As soon as you come up to him and tell him you’re finally getting your shots or your gel, he’s overjoyed. Yes, you’ve always been his boyfriend, ever since you came out to him, but you’re finally getting to go on the journey of getting HRT? He smiles along with you and gives you a big hug when you can barely sit still from glee. However, that joy doesn’t compare to actually watching you transition. You’re slowly growing a beard, your voice is getting deeper, your fat distribution is changing. He’s there to celebrate every step of it with you. If you’re alright with it, then he’d like to take a picture of you every once in a while so you can watch how far you’ve come yourself. However, he will sometimes make you go on a jog with him. Might force you to go to the gym with him as well since he can imagine working out could make you feel even manlier. Since he’s on deployment for months at a time, he always finds it to be a treat whenever he gets home. After all, he gets to see you transition so much in all this time. In order to celebrate all these milestones he will take you out on a lot of dates, with him paying, of course. You’re his most ideal man, you need to know just how loved you are. Lots of praise too, you’ve come so far, you’ve gone through so much, you’re so very strong. You’ve gone through things Price can’t even imagine. He’s definitely extremely supportive of you.
Alejandro: He’s never considered himself anything but a man either, but he loves trans people. In fact, I like to imagine that he’d actively stand up for them if someone is being a dick towards them. Alejandro is a well respected man who can make just about anyone shut up, he will not tolerate any bigotry. So, as soon as you come out to him, he gets a big smile on his face and immediately starts calling you his boyfriend. And, once you go on T, he’s just as happy as you are. You’ve had to live in such an uncomfortable body all this time, finally you get to feel like yourself. He’ll help you with your testosterone as well, if you let him, of course. Every time he delivers your shot to you or rubs the gel in he gives you a hug afterwards, shaking a bit with excitement, always raving about how happy he is for you. Sometimes he jokes about how hormones can also be exchanged through making out, but you don’t have to kiss him if you don’t want to. Again, it’s just a joke. You’re his handsome man and if anyone ever dared to disrespect or misgender you then they’ll end up with a black eye. As mentioned above, he does not tolerate bigotry in the slightest. Sometimes he’ll run his thumb over your beard and tell you just how gorgeous of a man you are, and how happy he is to have you with him. On your dysphoric days he’ll remind you that you’re the most wonderful man to have ever existed. Trans is just an adjective, you are a man, you’ve always been one. Sits you on his lap, wraps a blanket around you and lists all the traits that make you a man. And even if he can’t make the dysphoria go away, he’ll still stay with you and cuddle you until you feel better.
Rodolfo: I think there was a time in Rodolfo’s life where he thought he was better off as a woman, but that phase didn’t last too long, a year at most. He didn’t go through with anything either, but he knows what dysphoria feels like to some degree. Ergo he’ll never be a bigot towards trans people. He respects them quite a lot, being misgendered and referred to by the wrong name feels so disheartening, having to go through all of that for such a long time is horrible. So he feels a bit bad when you come out to him, thinking that he’s referred to you by the wrong name and pronouns for such a long time. He apologizes for that as well. Of course, he wishes you all the best and will support you through whatever you wanna do. In fact, if you wanna get surgery then he offers to split the costs with you, he just loves you that much. Once you tell him you’ve finally gotten the prescription for testosterone he’s ecstatic. On the outside he may seem calm, but on the inside he’s a bit disarrayed from the happiness he feels for you. He picks you up and spins you around because he’s just that giddy. Will also help you administer your shots or help you apply your gel, if you’re comfortable with that. He’s very observant, so after a few weeks he’ll tell you how you’re slowly starting to change. Like Price, he’ll invite you to do workouts with him so you can become stronger. However, he also offers to learn about other things with you. Is not above teaching you how to ride a motorcycle either, if you don’t already know. Riding one always makes him feel very masculine. As soon as you grow your first stubble, he’ll cradle your face in his hands before squeezing you so tight, you’d think he wanted to break a rib or two. Praises you so much when he sees you slowly change, he just loves you so so dearly.
Nikolai: Not trans himself, has never had a phase either, but if he likes you then he’ll actually pay for your surgery. He actually paid for Gaz’ top surgery because he’s like a son to him and wanted him to be well. You’re Nikolai’s boyfriend, so naturally he’ll pay for anything you might need. Top surgery, bottom surgery, testosterone, doesn’t matter, you’ll get it from him because he wants to be a supportive boyfriend. He’s a very observant man, so he likely had a hunch you were a trans man before you even told him. While he may not have said anything, he wasn’t particularly surprised when you told him. Asked you for your preferred name and pronouns and hasn’t referred to you as anything else since. He didn’t make a big deal out of it. Has threatened bigots before, though. When you told him you finally got to be on T, after all those years, he was happy. Again, he didn’t make too big of a deal out of it, but he told you how proud he was of you. Like Alejandro, he also joked about making out with you, though. Nothing serious, if you didn’t want it to be, however. Will also point out the small differences as soon as he notices them. As you change more and more, he subconsciously becomes more touchy with you. You’re just such a sweet man, he can’t help it. No real reason, just watching you become more and more content with yourself makes his heart flutter too, so he falls in love with you even more than he did before. If you want to, you’re more than welcome to wear his clothes too, regardless of whether they’re too big on you or not. Nikolai is a very tall guy, so there’s a good chance they are. As a joke, he teaches you the sacred art of grilling in summer. You’ll be able to make the meanest burgers around.
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hrokkall · 11 months
What's gabriel in this au?
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Some loser, probably.
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