#vladimir putin russia-ukraine war
batboyblog · 1 year
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bpscguide · 2 years
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odinsblog · 3 months
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RUSSIA’S SHAM ELECTIONS, where people are “helped” by armed soldiers who check to ensure they vote correctly—or else.
Does this look like they are helping to conduct a fair, peaceful and democratic election process? Or does it look like repressed voters under duress, who are being forced to vote for Putin under threat of armed Russian soldiers? (source) (source) (source)
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humanrightsconnected · 4 months
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Yesterday marked the 2nd anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine war. Since the invasion, more than 10,000 Ukrainian civilians have lost their lives, nearly 20,000 have been wounded, and over six million have been forced to flee the country.
Be sure to click here to read the article by Anadolu Agency, which spotlights pivotal incidents of the conflict.
📸 by Katie Godowski on Pexels
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
Nice to see the BBC have finally started caring about dead babies again.
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blueiskewl · 3 months
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2024 Russia Presidential Election
An elderly Russian voter being 'encouraged' to vote for Vladimir Putin.
This sums up Russian democracy perfectly.
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madame-helen · 4 months
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deadpresidents · 2 years
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A tweet from Ukraine’s national rail service after an explosion severely damaged the Kerch Strait Bridge in occupied Crimea -- Russia’s overland supply link to their war effort against Ukraine and a prized infrastructure project that Vladimir Putin personally celebrated the opening of in 2018 by driving across it in the lead truck in a procession of construction vehicles.
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ohsalome · 1 year
"This is definitely putin's war. Ukrainian army has already killed over 200,000 putins. But I have one question: why do putins hate us? Why do putins fight us? Why did putins want to exterminate us even before putin was born? Why is there not a single period in the russian history when putins weren't attempting to exterminate ukrainians?" - Roman Kuznetsov
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Same energy
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nando161mando · 9 months
""Putin – Fuck – Putin – Fuck" shouted at Russia's Embassy in Yerevan, Armenia, among other things this evening after Azerbaijan restarted it wars of aggression against the people of Armenia today. Russia had gotten itself designated as "peace keeper" in the conflict, but didn't do nothing to keep peace once the aggression restarted."
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themo-themo · 2 years
🇵🇱 Hi, a Pole here - few things
Stop fucking spreading panic
No, WW3 is NOT starting right now
2 people, farmers, civilians, NOT SOLDIERS, with families are dead, be respectfull dammit
Poland is not "impatiently waiting to use article 5 and attack Russia"
we ARE however all waiting for Vladimir Putin's painfull death
there are decades worth of history of bloody wars, genosides, oppressions, assasinations, kidnappings, corruption and so SO much more
because of this there is a long history of hate and longing for justice
also millions of poles have families or relatives from Ukraine
Putin WON'T announce capitulation because he KNOWS that would mean his death at the hands of his own people who would kill him in matter of hours
UPDATE (17th Nov. 2022):
Poland is NOT going to force neither article 4 or 5
Polish experts say the missiles used were ukrainian not russian and were probably launched to shoot down rockets fired by Russia but missed and hit the polish border
Thanks. Smacznej kawusi, niech się Putin chujem dusi. Chwała Ukrainie. 🇵🇱🇺🇦
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odinsblog · 5 months
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Dozens of Ukrainian children from a Russian-occupied city in Ukraine were taken to Belarus and sent to “emergency survival training” with the Belarusian military, according to local media.
The Belarus 4 Mogilev state television channel reported on Wednesday that 35 children from the city of Antratsyt in eastern Ukraine, which Russia has occupied since 2014, were sent to the eastern Belarusian city of Mogilev, where they were taught “how to behave in extreme situations” in exercises with the Belarusian military.
In the report, the children — some of whom are wearing tracksuits with Russian flags printed on their sleeves — are shown holding on to each other and covering their faces during a fire drill.
Thousands of Ukrainian children have been deported to Russia and Belarus from Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine since Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022. In July 2023, Russian Children’s Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova put the figure of Ukrainian children “received” by Russia at 700,000, claiming most were accompanied by their parents or other relatives.
A study by Yale University found that between September 2022 and May 2023, over 2,400 Ukrainian children aged 6 to 17 were deported to Belarus from the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions of Ukraine, which are occupied by Russian forces.
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko met with a group of deported Ukrainian kids last month, promising to “embrace these children, bring them to our home, keep them warm and make their childhood happier.”
In March 2023, the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague issued an arrest warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Lvova-Belova, accusing them of overseeing the “unlawful deportation” of Ukrainian children.
(continue reading)
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tomorrowusa · 2 months
🦉 🌎 🌍 Happy Earth Day 2024! 🌏 🌻 🐝
Earth Day originated in 1970 when pollution was the biggest environmental concern. Air and waterways are undoubtedly cleaner 50+ years later. It demonstrates that progress can be made when there's a concerted effort.
A current problem which gets overlooked is the amount of environmental damage which the Russian invasion has caused in Ukraine. Environmental activist Greta Thunberg has called Putin's environmental destruction "ecocide".
Greta Thunberg denounces 'ecocide' in Ukraine
Just about every aspect of the environment has been worsened by Putin's illegal military action.
After Two Years of War, Ukraine Sees Deepening Environmental Wound
A consortium of agencies called EcoDozor has put together a map graphic showing the environmental consequences of the invasion.
I feel strongly that Russian state assets should be impounded to pay for the damage. Contact your representative at your national parliament and insist that Russian assets be seized to be used to repair environmental damage done in Ukraine by Putin's Russia.
On a historical note, here's a cartoon done by American-Australian underground artist Ron Cobb. It gave rise to the use of the Greek letter Theta 𝚹 to symbolize environmental protection.
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In turn, high school students in Springfield, Illinois were inspired to turn that into into a flag for the first Earth Day.
This Homemade Flag From the ‘70s Signals the Beginning of the Environmental Movement
Being mindful of the power of semiotics, it might be useful to revive Theta as a symbol of environmental action. It already exists as an emoji and most of us have devices which can access a Greek font. And at Tumblr we can make stuff green. 𝚹 Θ
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bearfoottruck · 8 months
Like I mentioned in my last post, I tend not to dwell on politics much, but I accidentally came across an article in Politico about the history of Russian colonialism in Alaska, and just when I thought I couldn't hate Putin any more...ooh boy. Read it here.
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