#vote and reblog with your answers in the tags
formerdino · 1 year
Movie night!
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juvian · 4 months
Base on look only ! Like I like Mr.mime even if he’s uncomfortable to look at cnbdhdnd
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andthetapeworms · 3 months
I'm curious to see: fictionkins of non-human characters, does it bother you/upset you when people draw them as humans?
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onioneyez · 11 months
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Hey for totally normal and non Halloween related reasons
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
So my girlfriend's girlfriend, (an Australian) and I (Murican) were talking about showers, and a bit of culture shock ensued, so now I'm making this poll. If you vote, please reblog with your answer and where you're from in the tags, I'm really curious if this is a culture thing, or if there's something else going on.
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felsenbluete · 1 year
oh I'm just being annoying ik
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spottedderp573 · 1 year
out of curiosity
leave your answers in tags and reblog if you vote for more stats!
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febuwhump · 9 months
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this year's prompts were chosen through a suggestion poll (in which we recevied 2,281 prompts) and a subsequent vote, where over 1,000 people voted for their favourites. the top 29 make up the core prompts, and a mixture of the next most popular - and this blog's personal favourites - have become the alternates
i’m so excited to see what you all create with these prompts, and hope they’re inspiring enough to trigger a whole month’s worth of creativity for you! if you have any questions, please check out the blog's faq before sending an ask, or check out the previously asked questions on the blog!
please note: this year, notifying the blog of completionist status will happen through a google form that will be released closer to the end of febuwhump.
full write-up of prompts and rules under the cut:
DAY 1: helpless
DAY 2: solitary confinement
DAY 3: "bite down on this"
DAY 4: obedience
DAY 5: rope burns
DAY 6: "you lied to me"
DAY 7: suffering in silence
DAY 8: "why won't it stop?"
DAY 9: bees
DAY 10: killing in self defence
DAY 11: time loop
DAY 12: semi-conscious
DAY 13: "you weren't supposed to get hurt"
DAY 14: blood-stained tiles
DAY 15: "who did this to you?"
DAY 16: came back wrong
DAY 17: hostage situation
DAY 18: too weak to move
DAY 19: "please don't"
DAY 20: truth serum
DAY 21: unresponsive
DAY 22: "you weren't meant to be there"
DAY 23: presumed dead
DAY 24: "i'm doing this because i care about you"
DAY 25: waterboarding
DAY 26: "help them"
DAY 27: left for dead
DAY 28: "no... not like this"
DAY 29: not allowed to die
is there a specific day’s prompt you don’t want to fill? here are ten alternatives you can switch them out for!
ALT 1: human shield
ALT 2: "i love you"
ALT 3: found footage
ALT 4: human weapon
ALT 5: cpr
ALT 6: immortality
ALT 7: last words
ALT 8: killing game
ALT 9: lightning strike
ALT 10: last man standing
prompts should be answered in the form of whump
creators can produce whatever kind of media they want
you don’t have to complete all the prompts! you can create however much you want to
you can use the prompts after the event ends and can complete them in tandem with any other event
you can post on any platform you want, however this blog will only be sharing those posted on tumblr
if you want to be featured on the hall of fame then you have until the 3rd of March to inform this blog that you completed all the days
if you have questions consult the faq before asking
HARD RULES: (specifically for being featured on the blog)
when uploading febuwhump content to tumblr, please use the tags:
febuwhump (i’ll also be checking febuwhump2024)
the relevant day’s tag e.g. febuwhumpday1, febuwhumpday2…
nsfw (if relevant)
and any trigger warnings that may be important!
you can also tag the blog, @febuwhump
i cannot guarantee your work will be archived on the blog because I have no idea how many participants there will be. a random selection of works tagged in accordance to the rules above will be reblogged every day of february.
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ficfinder-general · 11 months
Basically, I realized that when people recommend fics, they are often tagging the author's Tumblr as well.
I haven't been doing this (I do tag the author in the actual tags, though) because frankly it's often hard to track down what the Tumblr handle is if it's not identical to the ao3 username (and they might not be active or take it as spamming). So I was wondering whether authors have a preference. (Based on my blog, I am primarily interested in writers who publish codywan fics, but anyone can vote!)
Please feel free to elaborate on your answers in the replies/reblogs!
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whilomm · 7 months
poll for ppl who have had/are planning to have top surgery (any sort, mastectomy/reduction/augmentation/whatever) cause im wondering about how many ppl here opt for no nipple grafts. I'm assuming if this gets votes most will b trans ppl for obvious reasons, but cis ppl feel free to vote you if got something relevant, your call
(no "show results" button bc i dont want the results mega skewed, pls dont use the "other" as "show results" just wait a week. schedule a reblog or st. ty.)
QUESTIONS FOR THE TAGS if u feel like answering any:
gender+what surgery+nipples yes/no
for ppl who opted for no nips, any partic motivations for your decision? comfort, cost, easier healing, just like the vibes, etc?
any plans on tattoos, or just gonna leave blank? (still trying to decide if i wanna do coraline buttons for myself....)
as usual reblog to give this very scientific poll a slightly different sampling bias
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lookninjas · 4 months
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@penroseparticle, this one's for you.
Pick a country (for occasionally loose definitions of "country") song from a bad description! You do not need to recognize the song from the description, although one of them is very very very very very obvious this time. Go by the vibes. Go for what makes you chuckle or sounds intriguing. Follow your heart.
At the end of the week, I will post a playlist with all the songs in order, from the song with the least amount of votes to the song with the most amount of votes. If you would like to hear the playlist but don't want to put a lot of effort into it, leave a comment or put it in the tags on your reblog and I'll tag you. If you really just need to know about a specific song and don't want to wait, shoot me an ask and I'll answer.
And please reblog! It's time to make your mutuals listen to some straight-up (maybe not that straight) country music for a change. Especially that one. You know the one.
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bestanimal · 26 days
~ Round 1 is currently underway, with Arthropoda in the lead! ~
On a quest to find Tumblr’s favorite animal!
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(Pictured is my personal favorite animal: the bearded vulture! Photo was taken by me… if you want to see more I post my photography on my instagram: SaritaWolf ;P)
Ever wondered how your favorite animal stacks up against other people’s favorites? Well you’ve come to the right place!
Here’s how this will work…
Polls will be ranked like so:
My fav is in this group!/This is one of my favorite animals!
I love these/this animal(s)
I like these/this animal(s)
I am neutral about these/this animal(s)
I dislike these/this animal(s)
I hate these/this animal(s)
If an animal is your favorite, it receives 5 points
If you love an animal, it receives 3 points
If you like an animal, it receives 1 point
If you are neutral about an animal, no points are added or subtracted to its ranking
If you dislike an animal, 1 point will be taken away
If you hate an animal, 3 points will be taken away
At the end of a polling period, that animal’s points will be its rank.
The top 20 or 50 or 100 or whatever (number to be decided on at a later date) will move on to the next round!
Polls will be open for 7 days
Since it’s not very feasible for me to make 1.5 million polls for every known species of animal, the first round of polls will be by Phylum, the next round will be by Class, then Order, then Family, then Genus, and then Species.
If you want your favs to make it to the top, make sure you know what group they’re in! This can be found via a quick Wikipedia search and a look-see right here (using the bearded vulture as an example):
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The Bearded Vulture is in the Phylum Chordata, the Class Aves/Reptilia, the Order Accipitriformes, and the Genus Gypaetus, so now I know to vote for that group as my favorite when it comes up!
The top ranked Phyla will move on to the next round, where they will then be split into Classes, and Round 2 will begin.
Round 3 will take the winning classes and split them by Order, then follow the same pattern.
Round 4 will take the winning orders and split them by Family, then follow the same pattern.
Round 5 will take the winning families and split them by Genus, then follow the same pattern.
Round 6 will take the winning genera and split them by Species, then follow the same pattern.
The Ultimate Round will pit the top 20/50/100 (number also to be decided at a later date) species against each other.
If no clear photos exist of a species, it will not be included in the polls. (So, if you’re a scientist who just discovered a new moth and it’s your favorite animal you better get those photos on iNaturalist quick)
You can have multiple favorites, I am not keeping track of that, but I do ask that you answer honestly!
I will add a bit of propaganda under a cut on each poll, but please feel free to reblog polls and add your own! If you want your fav(s) to win, these polls need to be seen by lots of people!
I do encourage people to not vote blindly. Look at the photos, read the propaganda, maybe even do your own research before you decide how you feel about an animal!
And lastly, please keep things civil! We all have different tastes and someone hating your fav is not a personal affront against you!
That being said, we do not “Kill it with fire” here. It’s ok to not like an animal, but we do not tolerate people calling for violence against a species or wishing a whole species extinct.
Important Tags:
#Animal Polls: All main polls
#Poll Results: Completed polls will be reblogged along with their calculated ranking
#Special Poll: Any extra polls
#Extra Propaganda: Any reblogged propaganda added by voters
#Statistics: A stats post will be posted after each round
#Asks: For any responses to asks (my askbox is open!)
#FAQ: For questions that may come up often
#Extras: For any announcement posts, reblogs, etc
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skepsiss · 10 months
Really curious cause there has been some talk in a Writing Server I'm in and I really want to know other people's thoughts. This is for ANYONE who likes to read fanfic, even if you only read it sparingly. I will make one for writers too, linked here.
If you vote! please reblog so I can get a good sample size <3
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magpie-murder · 10 months
it'd be wild if they gave asgard's citizens phones in marvel i bet they'd have the best drama
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👴🏻 is-odin-dead-yet
#date: 2023/11/23 #when will he croak #i've been running this blog for centuries #frigga for allfather #kick the bucket already i'm getting bored of posting here
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⛈️ god-of-thunder
I come to Tumblr with a regretful update. As you may know, my family and our fiercest warriors have been traveling between realms in search of our stolen relics.
While attempting to recover one, my brother lost his life in battle while protecting us. He shielded me with his body. My brother died a hero.
May he reach Folkvangr. My deepest condolences. But I thought Baldur was impervious to all harm...?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
It was Loki. :( I'm devastated.
🐍 magic-theatre
is that all you can muster? "oh." you thought i was dead, and that's it? that's all you have? what do you mean by that? let's talk. :)
⛈️ god-of-thunder
You're alive? Where are you?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
Wait, what happened to @einherjarl? He deactivated?
⛈️ god-of-thunder
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🎨 bragis-apprentice
Just finished custom making this handle
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#metalwork #artists on tumblr #double sided axe #my art
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⚔️ aesir-warrior-tournament
Lady Sif is not one of The Warriors Three. It says it in the name. There are three of them. Not four.
Correct this.
✨️ the-dashingest
I voted for Sif.
🪓 valiant-festivals
I voted for Sif.
🔺️ grim-warrior
I voted for Sif.
✨️ the-dashingest
Wait, Hogun? But you didn't tell us you had a phone?
🔺️ grim-warrior
I don't.
#lady sif propaganda #lightning round #poll reblog #only one more round after this! #i'm so glad lady sif doesn't have tumblr lol #i hope you guys dont mind that a mortal is running this blog btw #i really didnt expect any of you to see this 😬 #and srry for the reblog spam #also hogun lol
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🐍 magic-theatre
i see your thirst edits, you sick freaks.
#start tagging me in them #and/or sending them to me
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⛵️ modern-technologist Follow
umm i'm in ohio to visit my parents and there's like. um . a giant wolf running alongside my car? i'd call animal control but this thing is ginormous and i don't think that would do anything.
it doesnt have a leash or anything (obv its bigger than my car) but it's covered in chains. what do i do??
@identifying-d𝚘gs-in-posts ??
🐕 identifying-dogs-in-posts Follow
Fenrir Lokison?
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✨️ the-dashingest
I really don't think Loki is that bad. Sure, he's had a rocky history, but I don't think he's done anything worthy of scorn. Besides, hasn't he just died and come back or something like that, anyway? He has a blank slate, in my book.
#is it just me? #i hear people saying we should banish or kill him #i find that idea preposterous #he's just misunderstood
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I'm not going to @ them, but ugh... Someone I'm acquainted with just died in battle, and honestly? I'm so relieved. Is that terrible? Don't answer that, I know that it is. I'll probably delete this in a few hours.
🐍 magic-theatre
that's what you get for vagueing.
cowards don't go to valhalla.
10,560 notes
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🔮 alchemist-aura Follow Sponsored with Blaze 🔥
buy my potions! i'm having a Thor's Day sale! you can get an invisibility concoction for only 3 gold today! cheapest prices in the market! don't let that einar guy force you to pay 230 gold for a wyvern tooth when you can purchase an authentic one HERE from my brand new online shop
#alchemists on tumblr #all natural potions #freelance potion seller #potion grinds #handmade potions #potionmaker #potion seller #invisibility potion #wyvern tooth #einar has competition #stay hustling 💪 #please check out my shop link i worked really hard on it #:) #:))
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5ummit · 2 years
Important things I’ve learned about the new tumblr polls so far (which are NOT mentioned in the official announcement post):
Once you’ve voted you can’t change it and you can only vote once.
You can only view poll results on the dashboard or in blogview. The buttons are still displayed on custom blog layouts, but if you try to click on them it will automatically take you to blogview.
Responses are completely anonymous. Neither the poll creator nor the respondents can see who voted or what they voted for. The only visible metric is the total number of votes.
Votes don’t show up on your activity feed so you have to go find the poll on your blog if you want to see the results or know if people are even voting.
You can’t view the results of your own poll without participating (clicking on one of the answer choices yourself).
You can’t edit a poll post once you publish it, you can only delete it! I assume this lasts until the poll has timed out, which will either be in a week or a day depending on what you picked This is permanent, so you better hope you got all of your tags and answer choices correct before you publish! This also means you can’t change your poll duration later either.
UPDATE (Jan 22, 2023):
You can send individual polls to someone as a submission, which the recipient can then edit and customize before publishing, but this will NOT give that person the ability to create new polls on their own.
Polls have a maximum of 10 answer choices and each answer choice is limited to 80 characters.
Polls can’t be added to reblogs, only original posts. Additionally, only one poll is allowed per post.
You can add a poll to a previously published original post (that doesn’t have one already), but as soon as it’s published again all editing will be disabled. Also, the poll time limit starts from the original post date, so if you add a poll to a post older than your set time limit, the poll will automatically show up as completed with zero votes.
If you aren't sure if you have the ability to create polls, check this guide. As of right now, according to my current poll, only about 10-15% of users have this feature.
For more detailed info about polls and other currently known bugs and exploits, check out gotinterest’s polls masterpost.
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The school year started recently for me. I'm studying theatre, and while Abdallah (@abdallahblog0) was planning to study medicine, the occupation stole that dream from him.
His university was destroyed, as was his home, and now he and his family are in desperate need of help.
So, let's help him! If you voted, please reblog, and donate if you can. Additionally, tag some friends or let people irl know about Abdallah and his campaign!
[Verified by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi (line 315) | $2,929 / $30,000]
Incentives to donate:
AMV commissions by @cowboycostume
Cute art commissions by @/deerlivia
Adorable dragon art commissions by @kyra45-helping-others
Donation options:
Tags for reach (thank you; dm for removal):
@kingtransgender @friendlizard @pianta @fogartdungeon @honeybee-fuzz 
@smalldumbpigeon @sakeeeee @bhavna-does-stuff @hal-your-pal @nevermore-was-here 
@imjustli @cheesey-rice @mai-monnie @nightydraws 
@theothergal @mere-glim @patantasma @salty-mush-soup @lopiditty
@illiterate-words @mindfulruminate @nibbelraz @fluffykitty149 @wayward-bitch 
@esperantokomencanto @bdluejay @z--z--wz--t-z @sweetsweethate
@boy-and-girl-crazy123456 @crapscicle @dk65 @laz-laz-ace-pilot @evilponds
@olovelymoon-slow-answers @greed-the-dorkalicious @timogsilangan @kordeliiius @fassohneboden2
@daily-click-reminders @werewolfetone @legallybrunettedotcom @extremelycursedimages
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