#wanna go back to the aro flag
mymomsaiditwasaphase · 3 months
I wanna change my layout but lesbian roxie will be hard to top
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jadetheblade4 · 19 days
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What do I call these emotions? Are they wanted or unwanted?
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stuffeddeer · 8 months
haii deer i hope you are able to get all your assignments done on time! was reading your tags and aro dazai?? big brain.
so how about aro ace darling? never been in a relationship and never really want to, their friends are more than enough for them !! honestly i just wanna be aro buddies with dazai 🥹
but damn just being weirdo coworkers together, im,,, willing to look past many red flags for him 💔
YOURE JUST LIKE ME FR dazai and i are best friends and we are aro you can ask him yourself also weirdo coworkers.. you get it
"Oh, wait, so you were the latest person hired?" Atsushi's head cocked to the side, looking at you with curiosity. "How long have you been here?"
"My dear here has been with the agency for three months! You know, I was the one that brought them on board," Dazai gloated, a smug smirk on his face and a dramatic hand over his heart.
You were quick to play along, throwing a dramatic hand over your forehead as you leaned back. "Oh, my hero! What would I do without my lovely Dazai?" The sarcastic lilt in your tone didn't go unnoticed by the newest agency member, but he decided not to comment on it.
"Was it like what happened with me? Did you find Dazai drowning?" Apparently a common occurrence, Atsushi had pieced together.
Dazai denied, a smile on his face as he replied with a simple, "Nope!" A few moments of silence passed before the junior realized he wasn't going to elaborate.
Just as he opened his mouth to ask for more information, you decided to take pity on the poor soul and fill him in. "I bailed him out of a holding cell."
No one bat an eye. Atsushi looked around the office, trying to see if maybe someone was holding back laughter, but not a single one of his new coworkers were phased. Did they not hear what you said?
"He got detained for public disturbance in the middle of a case. I told Dazai he'd have to find a way to get out on his own, and he shows back up not even thirty minutes later with them in tow," Kunikida explains, frustration evident in his voice. "I was trying to teach him a lesson."
"I was in the area," you shrug.
"Yeah, being detained as well..."
"I was being released from detainment, actually!" You correct Kunikida, a proud grin on your face. "And Dazai said I should follow him, so I did."
Atsushi laughed awkwardly. He knew you seemed similar to Dazai in your hedonistic pursuits, but this was baffling. "And the president hired you?"
"I had an entrance exam, but pretty much! I had just been fired from my old job the day before so Dazai helped me get set up here. And before you ask: I was fired because I told the boss' kid I wouldn't date him. He got all upset and told daddy to can me," you huff in frustration, still annoyed at your wrongful termination.
Kunikida rolled his eyes. "Don't act like some martyr; You also deserved to be fired. You just messed around on the job like you do here. You barely got any work done."
"You want me so badly it makes you look stupid—"
"I told them to sue and say it's discrimination because they're aro," Dazai cut you off, a pout on his lips like he's annoyed you didn't take his advice.
"What's... arrow?" Atsushi cocked his head to the side. He was unaware of the terminology, having never come across it in this context during his studies at the orphanage.
"Oh, it's shorthand for aromantic. It just means, like, experiencing little to no romantic attraction to anyone. It varies, of course..." You try to explain simply.
Atsushi nods, understanding the basic idea. "But it'd be wrong to lie about your sexuality, right?"
"I'm aro, actually," you shrug. Everyone at the agency is well aware, so Atsushi will likely find out eventually.
"Oh!" The younger employee's cheeks turn pink, feeling a little sheepish for assuming. A moment passes as Atsushi thinks before furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I thought you and Dazai..?"
"We're both aromantic," Dazai rests his chin on his hand, elbow on his desk and an amused smirk pulling at his lips. "I've dated a lot in the past, but I realized it's just not for me."
"I've never been in a relationship and never want to," you add in yourself. "Aromanticism is... much more complex than how I explained it. Dazai feels romantic attraction, but doesn't— Is it fine if I tell him this?" You suddenly ask, realizing it really isn't your place to speak on his experience, even as his best friend.
"Oh, I don't care. Saves me the trouble," Dazai waves his hand dismissively. "But yeah, I feel romantic attraction, but lose it when it's reciprocated."
Atsushi nods slowly, beginning to understand. "Oh, okay. So you two are just close friends, then."
"Are we just not going to ask what you were doing in a holding cell when Dazai got thrown in?" Tanizaki asks from his desk.
"I just got too silly, you know how it is."
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Which of the creepypastas would be okay with an asexual s/o?
Creepypastas w/ an ace!reader!
yahoo!! sorry for taking so long to get to this!! i kinda had a small lil slump for a few days but im back!! sorry for any typos or if these seem... bllluguuguh!!! im still trying to get through that lil slump so my brains still a lil... boo!!! obligatory these are with characters that i think would be compatible with an ace reader so this isnt going to follow my base/go to list of characters! a lot of these are going to dip into admins experience as someone on the ace spectrum (asexual/aegosexual!) reader is written as vague ace identity but like. mostly involved to be ace. admittedly this leans more into most of this being ace hcs since i think for the most part they dont care/dont find issue with your identity
Characters: Slenderman, Trenderman, Eyeless Jack, Masky
CWs: mentions of sex but like. nothing too bad mostly just vague sex drives and that sort of thing, really!
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honestly i think he might be on the ace spectrum, or maybe thats because i dont think he really knows what sex /is/
okay well he does know what it is but he only understands it on a surface level, but otherwise he doesnt really care much for it in an everyday setting
yeah i think hes on the spectrum; i also think he might be on the aro spectrum!
only really initiates intimacy if you want it (reminder that not all aces dont have sex! attraction stuff is the main thing) but otherwise i would write him the same way as i do with a non-asexual reader!
extra headannon since his is kinda short but really hes probably the most supportive out of any creepypasta simply because i like to write him as this entity that doesnt interact much with others but is still. curious. this man does not know what lgbtphobia is (and thinks its dumb when he does find out!)
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very similar with slenderman but more in tuned with identity stuff and things like that
personally i hc him to be greysexual, or demisexual! i think trender is like. the only one out of the 3 brothers (that i claim) that i dont see being ready to get down and dirty? like unlike slender he KNOWS what it is and understands attraction and all that but just doesnt. feel it
so he gets it! he interacts with people more than slender but like. not openly, i mean like not as himsef?! this is kind of a side tangent but i like to think that slender beings can create false human bodies and trender is the main one who uses it
anyways! im kind of getting off topic
he understands the stigma and hate ace people can get so out of the four characters today i think he would be the most likely to offer an ear when youre getting flack
i wish i had more for trender as well but this is genuinely the first time ive written for him so im still all OWOWOOOUGH!! with how i wanna portray him
speaking of i need to do like a catch up post for him, and some other characters so i might do that soon^^
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Eyeless Jack;
okay so! the two above characters are fine with it because theyre on the spectrum above but i feel like eyeless jack just outright doesnt care if your ace or not since he has a fairly low sex drive 99% of the time
sappy man, one of those "i prefer people based on their personality rather than their looks" but not in the "im so deep for this and im lying through my teeth" way i (personally) see people say (school was ROUGH man) but in a "im literally turning into a monster my skin is fucking blue and starting to rot i have no place to say anything" way
he adores you so so much and he really feels like he doesnt deserve you, bro could not care
probably tries to find flowers around his cabin that make up the ace flag/which ever flag you use
though im not sure how many grey flowers there are... hes trying his best!
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similar to eyeless jack he has a low sex drive imo so it isnt too much of a big deal to him, plus i think hes graysexual? at least i feel like he would if he knew about the label
i think asides slender and trender, he doesnt know much about this sort of thing so youre probably going to explain it to him
he mostly gets it! he gets things mixed up but hes trying his best!
overall supportive bf!! probably steals a pride pin from somewhere (dont ask)
imagine he grabs the wrong pin/j
wweoeoeohh! i hope this post is okay! admittedly i wasnt sure how this was going to turn out since, as stated above, i feel that a lot of the characters wouldnt mind/are on the spectrum themselves im not gonna lie this couldve been better but im so out of it rn that my brain is all scattered n stuff :( regardless i hope this is sufficient, and once again im so sorry for the wait TToTT
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batesmotelofficial · 4 months
Asks open 𓇽
Taking a shower, be back in a bit (hopefully)
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TW: graphic violence, sadism, drinking, D.I.D., bipolar behavior, sensual behavior, matricide, obsession, drugging, mentions, death, other mental problems, Norman and Norma should be a warning themselves rip
(there's probably more but whatever you get the
Happy Pride Month to all who celebrate
Asks accepted:
Ms. Bates: open
Norman: open
Newman, Robert: open
Mod also happily takes asks, and loves being asked about books, current-past cosplays and pretty much anything.
Daily post limit has not been reached 💀🔪😨🚿
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psycho 1 has already happened this blog is just really confusing
(Gif by @/the-watcher-in-the-sky)
(Divider by @/ghuleh-recs)
Please don't kill off characters without permission, and please don't get mad when I point it out
And I should add if you people wanna torture norman ( embarrass him )
Check the ask & answer hashtag before making an ask (if you've seen one more than once, I've seen one more than once)
All blogs are minor friendly, but with implications, so don't be shy
Gorey fighting asks are accepted, because we're all older than 13 here yeah? Anywho go crazy, I love gore.
Mod 1 is she/her (Noah)
Mod 2 is she/her (Norma, fictive alter)
The flag in my pfp is ARO/ACE and will mainly be here for Pride Month
Crossovers are accepted :)
Blog hastags!!
#rp starter
#Norms art
#ask & answer
#Norms speak
#bates family photos
[More notes]
I will not answer anything I deem inappropriate or intrusive, if you want to start an rp that is completely alright
You can also ask their opinions on stuff, like movies and pop culture and etc. But politics will be ignored, because that is something I try to avoid on this page
Dms are closed.
Please don't make decisions for my characters, and if I don't know what to say in an rp please don't make fun of me, I try my best :)
Also please don't ship Norman with your character, friends are encouraged, but nothing serious, trust me, if they try Norma will kill them on spot.
I know psycho didn't give an accurate representation of D.I.D., but I'll try my best to make it as realistic as possible.
[Fandoms I'm in]
Pretty much any horror movie
Stephen king
Ghost (band)
Midnight mass
Moon knight
Lisa frankenstein
Phantom of the opera
Final fantasy
[More ask blogs stuff]
This is my main ask blog, and I won't answer asks for other ask blogs people (hannibal, Lisa, Jess, pat)
I apologize if I'm ever deemed 'out of character' when I answer something, but if it's a complicated question I will have trouble getting my point across.
Cussing is a no-no
If you have a specific question PLEASE tell me who it's for.
My yt channel is @/normanandnormabates, I mainly post edits and stuff but I mean 🤷‍♀️
(And mb if I'm dry when talking, I've got ALOT on my mind, and I don't socialize lol)
[Top 10 horror movies, constantly changes]
1. Psycho (1960)
2. Donnie Darko
3. Creature from the black lagoon
4. Black christmas (1974)
5. American psycho
6. Silence of the lambs
7. The shining
8. People under the stairs
9. Misery
10. Breakfast at Tiffany's
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future-boi · 7 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
Thanks to @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans for tagging me.
tbh this is just a song rec list LMAO [easier to open in a browser fyi]
1) Spell your name in songs
Y'all get two for the price of one cuz I couldn't decide if I wanted to go with all non-English songs or not.
The non-English songs are labeled with 🧋 in case you wanna avoid 🤪
Warning: Most of the songs in english have swear words so... just in case u got kids or ur strict parents around LMAO.
⚡️ F: Fighter Not a Lover
aro/ace people gonna love that shit ^ + no swear words
alt: fml u fucked me up
⚡️ U: URARA🧋
It translates to 'Oo-la-la', which I now realize is the magazine Biff was carrying around in the second movie... this was unintentional and the meaning of the song is very wholesome, trust me
alt: Upside Down
⚡️ T: this was a demo for this one song...
That one's like 50% f-bombs ^ i love it
alt: Toxic but its NOT Brittany, B*tch 💅
The most aggressive entry on this list
⚡️ U: Up Up and Away
The only f-bomb is in the second verse
alt: Unmei no Roulette Mawashite 🧋
'unmei' means 'destiny' so you know I had to include it
⚡️ R: Raining in Manila (half 🧋)
Couple of dudes just vibin' out in the studio, what's not to love?
^im convinced this is what suburbanites see in their nightmares
⚡️ E: Electricity (half 🧋)
alt: Extensyon
Both make up the most WHOLESOME entry in this
⚡️ -(hyphen): Hatid Sundo 🧋
Baby. Baby boi. Baby. vibes ^
alt: Hell to Sell
EVIL. vibes ^
🚫🧢 I have a problem with tonal whiplash. Did I cheat and use the hyphen to include the most wholesome and cute song right before pulling out the lowkey most scandalous song in the list? YES.
Just realized it doesn't work as well if you can't understand it, but trust me. I mean just listening to its vibes is enough 😩
⚡️ B: Balik Sa Umpisa 🧋
Any song that samples/remixes 'Stand By Me' is a W in my book.
alt: Bodybag
I'm just self-reporting at this point.
Ok the rest are very wholesome songs I swear
⚡️ O: Oretachi Rookies 🧋
alt: Oh, Imagine That
ok this one's tied for most wholesome in the list
⚡️ I: I/Me/Myself
gnc/nb people gonna love this shit ^
alt: I Really Like You
that was a struggle, R is the top pick to check out imo. E, O and I are the wholesome ones with no swear words if u care.
2) Why did you choose your URL?
Its based. ..off the song in the musical. I got back into the fandom because of the musical so I owe it that much. 'boi' sounds more gender-neutral than 'boy'
3) What is your middle name?
That's a secret!
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
5) Favorite color?
Purple. Lavender/Periwinkle specifically.
6) Song you love right now?
What? 🧋 The amount of crackhead energy, but genuine emotion... AND AESTHETIC. it was literally made for me LMAO Ken is so aggro but hes singing about not littering. like why is he so intimidating-- but i support the eco-friendly king. but fr the song is about waving ur flag with pride??? PRIDE???? and they look androgynous asf??? whats not to love
7) Top four fandoms? (Current Fandoms?)
Back to the Future
That's it
jk uhhh, Invincible
Thats it, dont wanna get into past fandoms rn
8) Tag nine people
mf u think i know 9 people??
im playin, lemme tag some cool people... not that u have to do this, i just wanted to bother u 🤪 but feel free to do it, i wanna hear other music 🥺🥺🥺
⚡️ @jowritesfanfiction my inspo, my density, ILY. Im never shy bout bothering u in my posts HAVE U GOTTEN THE RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST ME YET 🤪🤪😭😭😭 ive tagged this mf in every other post istg
⚡️ @moth-makay ur great frfr 😭😭 all the hugs. r u gonna post more art??? cuz u shouuuld 🥺
⚡️ @bttf-dork ur name and pfp give comfy vibes??? its very endearing. dunno how to describe it, but i like seeing u in my notifs 🥰 bUT UR ART DOHHH. immaculate. underrated.
⚡️ @pepsifox88 i hope u continue to cook ✨ everyone go and GIVE THEM SUPPORT, I AM NO LONGER ASKING
and to the rest of u, thank u for liking a bunch of my work, whenever i see long lists of likes like that, or if i see ur name often 'nuff, i always notice 😇, i never know how to say thank you!!
Didn't include everyone, but just know that i noticed you!!! 💝
watch me get reported for harassment by all these people 😂
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lordsovorn · 5 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
Thanks for the tag @uncontrol-freak :)
Last song?
...there's something special in listening to a song specifically when it's accompanied by a meme. no, I did not play the game. no I never listened to the song before
Before that was Silent Hill 2 "Promise", "All I want for Christmas is you but there is a metal pipe sound effect on every chord change", a 3-hour long ambience of Amnesia: The Bunker's Safe Room and a mash-up of MGR's "Red Sun" with Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi"
I have diverse music tastes
Favorite color?
Yellow, all kinds of yellow! Soft purple, deep black in second places (non-binary flag lol)
Currently watching?
Metal Gear Rising memes by L Void. History videos (about Timbuktu, punitive psychiatry in USSR, the cult of Isis, for example). Oh, and Frieren, and just binged Dungeon Meshi manga (wasn't terribly impressed by the anime, but the memes drew me in, and oh boy was it worth it)
Last movie?
Hmmmm, I barely watch movies honestly. Midsommar, back when I gave several horror movies a go somewhere in early autumn?..
I enjoyed it, the camerawork and framing are incredible, musical tone is surreal and it's quite tasteful in presenting its violence, and the story is provocative in an interesting way. I'm not sure about my judgement given how little experience with movies and horror movies I have, but it was an interesting experience for me.
First comes to mind because I love spicy cocoa, but...
..but also can I have everything please I love food I love having taste buds
Relationship status?
"Izutsumi by herself"
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I'm ace and probably aro, so not even sure how to apply that question to myself. Open to collecting more humans :)
Current obsessions?
Amnesia: The Bunker. I can't stop thinking about the knuckle-walking monster with broken silhouette lines, about the lighting choices, about how good BARRELS feel to tilt and shove, and how the game gives you so many sensible instruments (running, revolver, door locks) and then goes "well, about that..."
Last thing you googled?
Khazarian Khaganate. I wanted to show a friend a map of Khazarian Khaganate to visually illustrate a spontaneuos history lesson about the Pan-Eurasian Steppe and the fall of Kyivan Rus.
Selfie or another pic you took?
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I don't do many selfies, I don't look good on my phone's camera. I have this self-portrait from spring of the last year though! My hair is even longer now, heh
Tagging @sabbitabbi, @onkazhaba, @ggauroras, @nylmoth, @beachboogeyman - if you want, of course :)
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
Hey so a few days ago you reblogged a post from aroace confessions about romance-favorable aromanticism, saying you would like to talk to the anon! I'm the anon from that post and was wondering if you still wanted to chat? - thanks, 💚
hi anon!! i was really afraid you weren't gonna see my invitation, especially since i hid it in the tags (which was a stupid mistake, honestly). i'm glad you did, though.
all i wanted to say was that it feels really good to know that i'm not the only one who experiences this. i identify as demiromantic, but i know deep down that i'm much more likely to be closer to aromantic itself, if not that entirely. i'm slowly starting to reluctantly accept the label cupioromantic, as much as i don't really want to believe it fits. unfortunately i have a ton of internalized arophobia that i still have to work through, because as fun as it is to participate in aspec communities and collect terms & flags, i fucking despise my identity and it makes me want to cry with frustration. it's caused me to have panic attacks and shutdown sessions before within the past couple years, and as i see my situation getting worse (meaning my attraction aligns less and less with my conscious desires), it leads me to somewhat of an existential crisis, especially considering i base so much of my life online on bisexual pride.
i know people say in the aro community that, similar to comphet, people tend to believe they want fulfilling romantic relationships due to amatonormativity, but don't actually. i don't consider myself one of them, though. i've reflected on it before already, many times now. i know what i want, i'm just not sure i can have it. after all, part of the reason why i identify as butch is because i want to play the traditional romantic role for a femme i'm hypothetically gonna be in love with in the future.
to be perfectly honest, while your confession didn't really give me hope for myself about my own love life, it did let me know i'm not wrong about my experiences or misinterpreting my feelings. i've never seen anyone else talk about going through that before, so i thought maybe it was just me and something wasn't right internally. so, if you ever wanna come back (anon or not) that'd be great!! maybe we can work through this together. i'm not sure. i'm just a little lost right now, i assume you kinda are too.
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for the pride ask:
any out of 9, 10, 14, 21, or 31?
9) When did you realize you weren't cishet?
The answer to this one is somehow both "when I was born" AND "around 8th-9th grade."
It's a funny thing. I always from the very bottom of my soul, from as early as I can remember, "Romance Is Not For Me, I Do Not Want It In My Life, I Do Not Want To Fall In Love, I Will Never Fall In Love." And that stance never shifted one bit.
(As to sex, I just completely didn't realize sexual attraction existed. I thought sex was just. An activity one decided to do, the way one decided to read or play video games or whatever else. There aren't actual physical cravings and bodily sensations and whatever the heck going with any of that. It just did not occur to me that sex would not be the same.)
But at the same time, ridiculously, for a long time I thought that still counted as being straight.
For some years I thought the rule was "if you're attracted to the same gender, you're queer, and if you're not, you're straight." And I knew I wasn't into girls because I wasn't into anycreature, so I thought that put me in the "straight" camp by default.
And then at some point in mid-to-late middle school I realized "Hey wait. Heterosexuality is being attracted to the opposite sex. And I'm NOT attracted to the opposite sex because I'm not attracted to anycreature. So AM I straight or is this a whole separate thing actually?"
And then I stumbled upon the aro and ace terms online and looked them up and was like "Oh. I guess it is its own separate thing actually. Okay. Cool."
I honestly find it kind of hilarious how some people always knew they were queer, some people thought they were straight for a long time and looking back have no idea how the heck, and I actually managed to do BOTH.
10) Something that gives you gender euphoria (whether you're cis or trans):
The concept of wearing suitvests or entire suit outfits that are colorful and perhaps sparkly.
14) How do you think other factors like neurodivergency or upbringing have impacted your identity?
Already answered here
21) What message would you give to your younger self?
Your mom did not properly explain to you what a crush is. She said it means to "really really really like" somecreature and think about them all the time. She did not specify that it means liking somecreature in a ROMANCE kind of way, thinking about doing ROMANCE stuff with them all the time, it means essentially being in love with them. I know. Gross. So that hyperfixation on the Fantastic Mr. Fox movie adaptation, with Ash in particularly living in your head rent-free? FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING, DO NOT REFER TO THAT AS A CRUSH. That's not what it is and you're going to make us die of embarrassment looking back. Please.
31) Post a pic in your pride gear (or it can just be a selfie or anything else lgbt):
Not entirely sure I wanna do a selfie today, also kinda Not Good At selfies, but I have this t-shirt that I chose specifically because I saw it and was like "AYOOOOOO THAT LOOKS LIKE THE AROACE FLAG COLOR SCHEME I NEED IT"
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(lighting could be better but it's fine it's I dunno it's whatever)
(might edit later if I decide to take a better picture possibly actual selfie after all)
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magpieroship · 2 years
anyway... hi!
i don't plan on being a proshipper on my main, so i made this blog to say all the things i wanna say and reblog the things i agree with. n_n i won't say my main here, but it has no dni and i have the grey-aroace flag in my pfp on it!
i started being a proshipper this month (nov 2022) thanks to my beloved platonic soulmate, and ohhh man. simply existing like this is a weight off my shoulders.
i'd agreed with proship beliefs for years (like, as soon as i knew what we were back in 2019, years), but never made the jump or considered it until my qpp showed me no, proshippers are Not in fact a bunch of predators letting awful shit happen, they are doing the exact same shit you do right now, they just aren't ashamed. and it kinda domino'd from there XD
i believe in admitting you don't know shit about topics you don't know shit about BEFORE you argue about them, that threatening and arguing and fighting and harassing people you disagree with will NOT change their minds and more than anything will probably make them double down harder, in the benefit of the doubt and good faith, in not forcing people to expose their trauma to justify why they made or said something, in "if you like something that also sucks don't get up in arms about people who like other series with the same damn issues", in NOT treating minors' sexualities like some forbidden fruit you must never acknowledge or respect or you're a creep and Will hurt them, in the ugliness trauma can result in and the respect it deserves, in "get help" being a concern and offer and not an insult and rejection, in Anything Can Be Used To Groom People Bitch Let's Get You Some Punishing Actual Predators And Not People Minding Their Own Damn Business, and more stuff i don't remember off the top of my head plus this part is getting too long n_n
despite me choosing to identify as proship, i... don't ship much XD there will be my like 3 ship blorbos i like for fictionkin reasons but i have a hard time caring for Is Aro reasons. i'm new to fanfic!!! of fucking course i know what it is and have even made (albeit joke) fics before, but i'm new to like... reading them and navigating fic sites. XD From What I've Gathered So Far, dubious consent kinda deals and unhealthy relationships are comforting to me so you can expect to see that here, i do NOT think it's as bad fictional as it is irl (duh.) but i would prefer to not see pedophilic or incestuous content u_u i don't give a shit about age gap ships unless it's a large age gap and a minor x an adult
i hope to find a better social environment here, one without constantly justifying myself, without walking on eggshells, without having a 'respectable media i can talk abt liking vs stupid media i have to be ashamed about liking', without hiding away half of myself when i know the second i go outside nobody would mind any of it. I WANNA BE MYSELF HERE!!!!!! i hope this is a good place to x)
thanks for reading!! here's to proshipping n_n
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spitefularoandbi · 2 years
I dont want to bungle up someone else's post. I know that'd technically be the place to do it, the discussion is already there, but op made a nice aro-supporting post that I just don't wanna be the second asshole on there.
Ok. So the point of op's post is that aces need to reword saying "not all aces are aro" to "aces can be alloromantic."
And someone (I literally tore myself away, I'm not going back to see their name) in the tags said "also aros stop saying 'not all aros are ace.' "
And to you, tag person, I wanna throw a chair at you.
I have to say I'm aroallo. I have to say "aro bi." I have to say "not all aros are ace" to aces, including a demisexual I know irl bc. Like, idk, a strong 75% of aces. Still call me aroace if I go non-sam and just call myself aro.
Fuck you, tag person.
It's literally not the same.
And just like how the blue and yellow ace/aroace flag was born out of reaction to the aroallo flag (if I'm wrong about the specific flags, I'm *not* wrong about there being a whole thing where aces collectively flipped shit bc aros were getting collectively sick of their shit, and there was a whole making-new-flags-era just a few years ago), the whole "not all aces are aro," is a good bet of being a reaction to aros separating from aces in one form or another.
You all are suffocating within intracommunity posts and topics.
"Not all aces are aro," is born from arophobia. Alloaces are the most visible and accepted population of aspecs in the broader queer community anyway, it appears this way to me in other posts and in media and just my few irl connections, saying this just stomps on aroaces and aroallos to get your place at the table.
"Not all aros are ace," is literally a cry to be seen as our actual identity and to have a voice in the aspec community.
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i-am-eurus-holmes · 3 years
How does one... Tell their friends... That they are not a girl
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danganfan103 · 2 years
Danganmon: Extended Epilogues
12 people who were once Pokemon, now turned human (I forgot the name and I'm too lazy to look back for the name since my Instagram is glitching making it harder to go onto guides- it's hard to explain) find themselves in an interview when the suddenly need to leave. They then have to stay in a hotel for a period of time. There, our protagonist, Snom, becomes friends with a certain mastermind's sister, Candella. But when Candella is kidnapped by an abomination resembling the appearance of Maya, will they be able to save her with the others? If you want to find our, read Danganmon Extended Epilogues!
Hmmm, anyone wanna hear how I talk when I read the dialogue of certain characters?- Look it's really funny. For Viktor, I give him my Russian accent which is literally the worst Russian accent ever but hey, it's for fun. I'd give Candella a French accent but I can't do a bri'ish accent, let alone a french. I also love the one for Gertrude. I give her a squidward voice basically and it sounds so fucking funny. But now to the actual story and some recommendations for why to read. First of all, Candella and Snom's relationship. Whether you see it platonic or romantic, though Snom may be aro, I can't see the flags behind them too well, they are adorable together! Honestly, I'd just like seeing an hour of Candella in general. She better live, I swear. Oh and everyone being a jerk back to Viktor because they're sick of his shit. That's certainly gotten a few laughs out of me. Another interesting part is watching the cast try to escape wherever they are, I'm calling it "DFCI's Basement". There's also a bit of a mystery to it. Like, I've basically figured it out what's happening at this point but I always wonder to myself, is there something deeper to this? Because, there might be. I also like the development they're giving to some of these characters. Like, I feel like each of them is growing and changing in a way, some more subtly, some more obviously. So, if you want a story with funny interactions, good development, and an interesting story, read Danganmon: Extended Epilogues!
Spoilers and Predictions
Annette is the other traitor. I'm sorry, she is such a sussy baka! First of all, she was on guard duty with Cogsworth in, I think, Chapter 3. They said they found nothing but what if that's because they both went out and talked to the Cyrillo x Wimessir: Together Forever abomination. Plus, when they were recounting how they found their talent with Candella, they were making plans on what to do when they get out. What if that was so they could kidnap Candella and bring her to Cyrillo x Wimessir: Together Forever. Sorry Annette fans, I'm one as well, but she is so suspicious, I swear. But now onto who I think will die. Let's get who I think will survive out of the way: Gertrude and Cogsworth. Gertrude is going through development and I can tell that Cogsworth will soon. Now, for everyone else...
Chapter 5
Giselle or Viktor: I'm putting these two together cause if either of them die, the other survives. If Viktor died, I feel like it'd make Giselle realize she can't be so depressed and because of this, she'd try to live on to have a happy life for Viktor, Luis, and Yukio. If Giselle died, Viktor would realize he can't be suck a bitch and try to survive to be a better person for Giselle. I can't see the both of them dying, but I 100% can see one of them dying here
Hanayo: If Giselle and Viktor don't die somehow, I believe Hanayo would be the victim as a sacrifice. She's become stronger and more brave throughout the whole game so I think she'd protect everyone and die. Because of this, this'd motivate Gretchen to survive on.
Chapter 6
Snom and Candella: I feel like either of them would sacrifice themself for the other. I feel like Together Forever would end up resulting in Snom or Candella in danger. The other sees this and protects the other, dying in the process. It'd most likely be Candella who sacrificed herself but it'd be a huge twist if Snom died so I'm leaning towards them cause of that and DEFINITELY NOT CAUSE I'D GO INSANE IF CANDELLA DIES!
Annette: Like I've mentioned before, I believe Annette is the other traitor. I feel as in a moment of redemption, she'd sacrifice herself for everyone else. In that final moment however I think Annette can finally has a moment where she frowns, due to the fact she's, well, dying. It'd show progression because she finally let herself frown and not smile.
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nonsamaro · 2 years
Hey! Lord this blog is a blast from the past. I used to know your system back in the alloaro server days which was such a long time ago. But anyways, I can empathize with your problem. When I first became host a year and a half ago I was lost because the old host had a lot of things and I didn't want part in any of it. And yk what there was no shame in just leaving that shit in the past. People grow, yk? No one blames you are leaving the label leaving whatever else in the past, if it's not what resonates with you leave it. Trust me trying to live up to old hosts things is... frustrating to say the least. I wish you luck and I'm sending you love
hi, sorry im answerin yer ask like this, but unfortunately smiley faces are still a trigger, but I didn't wanna just ignore the entire message bc of it and my font is blasted on my phone so editin screenshots just get wonky fast
hearin the "alloaro server" be mentioned is honestly funny though. cause I mean. it was supposed to be welcomin to not-ace aros, but it truthfully was just an alloaro server with non sam aros tacked on for "inclusion"... smth which old host has ranted upon many times. and I do have a lot of issues with the idea of empathy/empathizin, although thats probably my gut reaction as a local sociopath tryin to run away from emapths at every corner. anyways
it's not that I want to abandon the blog, or at least not the idea of a queer-focused blog, I just. hate old host with a vengeance, 100% would 1v1 to the death for sport with them if they weren't already gone. and this blog is them. and I know so ppl use the non sam aro label and it existed before they identified with it, but with the flag bein their creation and ultimately helpin the spike in non sam aro's general recognition of at least a thing that exists... it kind of feels like their thing u know? idk. the thing is I'd probably identify as a non sam aro proudly if it weren't for old host's existence, if it werent for the trauma endured by pretendin to be them for months while sufferin with the desire to be myself. but trauma is forbidden to be a reason for why u do or don't identify with a term, right ? (/s but also /insecure idk djdhdhdj)
but honestly. I don't know if this blog's possible deletion would actually effect anything, sadly. even on the queer wiki's theres not even so much as a small link to the original post or any mention of why the flag is the way it is. the flag completely has lost all of its history, and this blog feels like the only thing keepin the flag, one of old host's biggest creations, from bein shred and devoid of it's original meanin and purpose.
how many people know why the colour is blue? how many people know why the flag is "upside down"? do people even know that the flag is "upside down" at all (re: last reblog)? can they even point to the creator despite the fact they literally held (or still hold idk) the url that is just point blank the name of the identity? do they even know why the flag was created? do they know the original terms and conditions of use of the flag before the creator almost disowned the flag because of repeated violation? do they even know what is non sam arophobic if they aren't non sam aro themselves?
like yeah, it's 5 stripes any1 could have done truthfully. but it was never just a flag, it was supposed to be a tool to be able to speak on issues, and flags are one of the most easily recognizable things to become a "valid" identity. and yes, I hate old host, but these things still upset me, whether or not I am non sam aro.
sorry to go off, and I do appreciate the sentiment of your message.... am just in a confusin place atm
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Minerva Mcgonogall being an awesome teacher and human being
First Man - Camila Cabello
All of her homework assignments come with the added requirement for extra credit that you draw an animal of her choosing.
She keeps sweets in her desk for students having a bad day (there’s an entire drawer of chocolates simply for Remus Lupin and only herself, Remus, and Sirius have access to it).
She gives no homework at least once a week.
She has a collection of stuffed animals on her bed and she gives them to students who are struggling. (She transfigures some stuffies into different animals when she doesn’t have the animal a student wants.)
She lets Severus stay in her classroom all the time because she knows he’s lonely.
She lets Sirius call her Minnie because she knows it makes him feel better.
She asks students about their pronouns and helps trans kids learn temporary transfiguration spells for their bodies so they can better deal with their dysphoria.
If she sees a child sleeping in her class she lets them sleep and excuses their work for the day.
She does check-ins once a week to make sure students are doing okay.
She throws small parties over breaks for kids who can’t go home.
She makes small gifts for all of her students, taking particular care with which holidays they celebrate so she can celebrate each one with them.
She has a collection of mini pride flags in a mug on her desk that kids can take from if they want.
She puts moving stickers on all the essays she gives back no matter what grade the person got.
She teaches class outside at least once a month.
She tries to use the names her students ask her to (Mr. Potter and Mr. Lupin for Sirius and Regulus specifically).
She has teatime with Dumbledore to discuss the students’ personal lives, especially the ones she’s worried about.
She encourages creativity and artistic expression and tries to give assignments that are open to originality and new takes and ideas.
She tries to pair people from different Houses together to encourage House unity.
She works to dispel House stereotypes and guide kids on a path that feels right for them.
She takes notice of kids with insecurity and mental illness and invites them over for tea.
When a student has a panic or anxiety attack or just a really bad day, she gives everyone group work to distract them and transforms into her Animagus form and lets the upset student pet her until they’ve calmed down.
She takes mental health just as seriously as physical health.
Sometimes she has discussion circles, especially nearing the war, where she moves all the desks to the side and the students all sit in a circle with her and they talk about what they’re scared or sad or angry about and then at the end they share good things to keep up the hope.
She gives a hug to anyone who wants one.
She has open teatime for students to come out to her during since she knows how hard that is (she’s an ace aro legend don’t forget) (she had to explain to Sirius and James what queerplatonic relationships were because they wanted one but didn’t know what it was called; legit they just burst into her classroom at like three in the morning with Sirius like “Professor I’m super gay for him but only like a friend but I still wanna kiss him” and James just like “yeah and I’m super bi for him but I also only wanna kiss him but not date him” and Mcgonogall just *facepalmed* (Remus was later included in this disaster)).
She fucking runs the GSA (Remus, Sirius, and the other Marauders are guests; she is not trusting them with any real sort of responsibility).
She curses all the time without reserve but once yelled at James for ten minutes for daring to use the word “hell” in her presence (her rant did include phrases like “I am a goddess, James Potter, do you really want to know what happens when you mention a place like that in the presence of a goddess???”) (overdramatic Mcgonogall for the win).
She once put a Silencio on Sirius for a week because he accidentally called her “Mcgoogs” where she could hear. (He then tricked Harry into doing it, who received the same punishment.) (Sirius received a Howler that was silent for a full minute before getting started, just to scare him out of his wits.)
She invites Sirius over for tea on the weekends just because (he sometimes sits in on her classes and pesters her until she turns his hair pink and scraggly) (he then moans until she turns it back).
She has a room off to the side of her classroom, the door of which is always closed. Many students have tried to break in only to end up humiliated by the protection spells she’s placed on it. The only people who know what’s in there are Dumbledore and Remus. (It’s her collection of many, many, many witch hats. Of various different colors, and organized by such. Some of them are feathery or furry or scaly. Some of them talk. Some of them snore. Some of them cry. Some of them scream and then smile and then stare and then smile and then scream. Yeah. Yeah.)
Mcgonogall cares, above all else, about the safety and happiness of all of her students, regardless of background, personality, or House. She wants the best for all of them no matter what that looks like and does her best to ensure they receive it.
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disastergay · 3 years
Hey I’m sorry to pop up I was wondering: if we credit you, is it ok if we use your flags for merch (like pins using your colours) or pride edits? I just think yours (and the ones you made a while back) are very nice but if you don’t wanna I get it!
ofc, go right ahead! I’ll put links below for anyone who isn’t familiar with my flags! (yes, I’m well aware several other people claim they’re the original artists, that’s been happening since I started making flags when I was 15 🙄 )
queer pride flag [horizon]
femme / butch pride flags (masterlist)
lesbian pride flag [horizon]
nonbinary lesbian flag 
questioning pride flag
gay / MLM / NBLM pride flag
dyke pride flag
sun + moon GAY flags
sun + moon LESBIAN flags 
violet LESBIAN flag
moon ARO / ACE flags
sun ARO / ACE flags
sun + moon DEMI flags
sun + moon grey ACE / ARO flags
sun + moon PAN flags
sun + moon NB flags
moon BI flag
sun BI flag [+ old version of moon bi flag]
mermaid + fairy BI flags
dawn GAY flag
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