#wanting to help and save and protect Crowley is all good and fine but goodness gracious im so confused about how it was all writtennnnnnnnn
sneakerdoodle · 10 months
the Job thing -> Aziraphale coming up against a decree by Heaven that he cannot force himself to be okay with, subsequently plunging himself into an existential crisis by falling prey to doubt and questioning and going as far as lying to an archangel, thus irrevocably corrupting his soul and no longer feeling 'holy' anymore
the Elspeth & Morag thing -> Aziraphale having a morality crisis over the intricacies of the human life and the net good of objective wrongdoings, attempting to paint things in overwhelmingly simplistic strokes that would fit things into the neat binary of 'good-bad', uncritically upholding the unhelpful sentiment of 'the blessings of poverty' but eventually being led to direct and powerful transformative action, and not the type that would truly take anything away from him, the entire conflict hinging on the fact that he had to overcome his internal misconceptions in a way that deserves to be written down, reflected upon, brought up again later in life
the??? finale for some reason??????????? -> "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys". "We're the good guys".
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ovobawrites · 9 months
𝐵𝑒𝒶𝒸𝒽: 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝒪𝓃𝑒 ♡ 𝐹𝒷𝑜𝓎𝓈 𝒜𝓃𝑜𝓃𝓎𝓂𝑜𝓊𝓈
disclaimer: this has already been posted on ao3 and quotev, i'm just reposting this beach episode special as a promo for the fic. after this is all my previous author notes.
this is a fem!reader and also a half chinese!reader insert.
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When Crowley invited you to the beach trip he had planned for the 1st and 2nd years, you were... reluctant to go. Your reticent nature did not mean that you were unaware of the fact that Crowley... wasn't the most caring person for his students. Crewel being the sole supervisor on the trip was the only reason you decided to attend. 
You had been informed that only the Housewardens, their vices and a person of their choosing would be present on the trip. Likely due to Crowley's inherent need to save as much thaumarks[1] as possible. Point is, you were going on a beach trip. The problem was that it would be just you and at least 14 boys plus Crewel at the beach. You were going to die.
And the worst part? Due to Crowley wanting you all to have an 'experience', the group would be taking a bus from the magic mirror to get to a specific, magically protected resort in the Sunshine Lands[2]. This resort was small enough that you would be living in each other's space for a good few days. But you shrugged, packed your bags and resolved to never tell your brother about this. All you could hope for was a peaceful trip, nice weather and no murders. And if you made sure to stuff your qiánkūn dài with fúlù for self-protection? That was just for your some peace of mind and nothing more.
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The walk to the mirror hall would have been quite lovely and peaceful for you if it wasn't 5 o'clock in the morning! Getting up that early was the worst experience you had ever faced in your life... not to mention the fact that it was so dark outside you almost tripped over the steps by the door! And yet... you still woke up 30 minutes earlier than you needed to for your skincare routine, makeup, and routine anxious bag check. At least you had gotten more than 2 hours of sleep?
Crowley had informed you that the others had to wear either their PE or dorm uniforms for the trip, but since he was oh-so generous, he let you choose your outfit. Dressing for the heat was something you were used to, deciding on packing a wide-brimmed hat and heart-shaped sunglasses in your draping cardigan with customised sleeve space. Underneath that, you decided on wearing a slightly short, pleated skirt in (f/c) and a cropped t-shirt to have some modesty. Even if your swimsuits were a lot more risqué, your outfits were definitely less so for the sake of your dignity.
To get to the mirror hall, you had to trudge past the overgrown plants you were 'working' on taming, and then had to drag your feet to the long (and still slightly confusing) walk to the dark mirror. Walking in the room, you could immediately see how the different dorms prepared for this trip. Riddle and Trey were helping Cater bring his bags closer to the portal, the poor man looking dead on his feet and still half asleep, nearly squashing Riddle under his weight by leaning on him. Meanwhile, Leona, actually asleep, was being dragged by poor Ruggie, the hyena having strapped the man to one of their wheeled suitcases. 
Ruggie's quite strong actually! I wonder how he deals with both the heavy bag on his back and the weight from Leona?
Vil and Rook were by far, the most prepared of the group, the two of them having their makeup done absolutely perfectly, chatting as if it was an afternoon meeting and not the most asinine hour you could imagine being awake at. Jamil struggled with a sleepy Kalim, though he too had shadows under his eyes denoting a clear lack of sleep, not that you could judge. Meanwhile, Azul, Jade and Floyd seemed perfectly fine with this torturous wake-up time, though they all gave off movements showing them to be slightly groggy. Idia was completely awake and huddling in a corner while Ortho tried to comfort him. And finally, Malleus and Lilia chatted with a healthy air, with Lilia having Silver hefted over his shoulder like some sort of comically large sack of potatoes. 
I am going to die on this trip, if not from fatigue, then from the amount of chaos that is going to be caused by this group.
The boys turned to look at you as your heeled boots clacked against the hard floor, with numerous comedic reactions to your rather... light luggage. That is, if they were even awake enough to notice you.
"Are you going to be wearing that outfit for the entire trip?" Vil raised an eyebrow at you, arms crossed judgmentally.
You smiled like a knife. Let them worry or think you're stupid, you do not have the emotional capacity to deal with this right now without making a mess of things. 
But before Vil edged closer to the line that would result in death from a demolished ego, Crewel walked into the room. The professor carried the pouch you gifted him, along with his signature whip. The man had shed his normal fur coat for a black and white striped button up, yet his style was as impeccable as always. The teacher grinned at you, a kind look in his eyes as he took in your clearly exhausted demeanour.
"I see we brought matching pouches, dear puppy. I thank you once again for making it so much easier for me to pack for this trip. Plus," He winked conspiratorially, "You've enabled me to bring as many outfits and shoes as I want."
"It was truly no problem, Professor." You returned his kind look with one of admiration and respect. "I'm simply glad that you like it!" 
Unfortunately, the two of you could not start a compliment-off due to the urgings of one angry, red dorm leader. 
"Professor Crewel, we really should be on our way now. If I recall correctly, the Headmage said that we must be on time to catch the bus, and as according to Queen of Heart's rule #375, 'You must not ever be late for a very important date'."
...That one's just common sense no?
Crewel looked slightly ticked off for a moment, but went back to looking like a calm and collected teacher so quickly you almost thought it was an illusion.
With a clap of his hands, he ordered, "Line up pups! Make sure you are with your dorm members and pass through the mirror." He cracked his whip menacingly. "And if any of you wander off in the time it takes me to mark you all present, you will be dealing with a punishment suiting such beastly behaviour!"
Azul and Jade snapped their heads up at that and quickly grabbed onto Floyd, knowing the mischief he would get up to. Thankfully for the other dorms, their troublemakers were either fast asleep or too tired to cause even a speck of mischief. Trey went up to the mirror and stepped in with their bags in hand, while Riddle struggled to get himself and Cater through without falling over. Next up was Ruggie, who unceremoniously dumped Leona through the portal, who woke up with a yowl, then snickered and stepped through. The Octavinelle kids walked in the portal, Jade and Floyd carrying the bags while Azul took wrote something down in a small black book.
...Is he studying? Or is he analysing his fellow Housewardens... either way it's kinda creepy...
Jamil woke Kalim up and got his charge through the mirror, then picked up their numerous bags with a sigh and struggled to get past the portal. Rook and Vil, as put together as always, walked through with no problem despite their heavy-looking bags. Ortho had to drag Idia through the portal, his older brother carrying their bulky bags while seemingly quite concerned by the amount of people in the room. Finally, Malleus and Lilia went through the portal, luggage floating behind them while Lilia kept Silver slung over his shoulder. Crewel ticked through names on a clipboard with a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment. He looked at you with a small smile then gestured for you to walk through. The cold sensation of the portal embraced you as you felt yourself transported through the dark mirror.
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The first thing you felt when you arrived in the Sunshine Lands was a stifling heat against your skin. The second was your eardrums dying from a loud, shrill noise. A bus screeched past you, blowing your hair into your face, before making a sharp u-turn to stop right in front of your group, blowing plumes of dust in its wake. If that noise wasn't enough to wake you all up, the slam of the doors opening definitely did. Crewel appeared through the portal just then, and walked up to the bus with no care for the groups shocked demeanour.
Both Leona and Ruggie gripped their ears in pain, Azul had hidden behind his bags and the twins, meanwhile Lilia seemed to be delighted and was shaking Silver like some sort of stuffed toy. You could catch a glimpse of their conversation:
"-could make such loud noises for the light music club! I do want to show off my heavy metal skills!"
"-right, Fa-Lilia"
Was he about to say father? Or something more offensive? I wonder... Lilia has often acted too old for his age...
You decided to walk past the boys to get a comfortable seat at the front of the bus, fearing getting sick during the long ride. Your calm demeanour and Crewel's glare from inside the bus made the boys scramble to put their bags in the trunk and race up the steps to prepare for a long trip.
As the bus's ghost driver started revving the engine, Leona settled in the back of the bus, lying down like a corpse, head on Ruggie's lap. The poor boy was being used as a pillow again, but didn't seem to mind to much as he scrolled through his phone. Riddle, Trey and Cater sat right at the front of the bus, a row behind Crewel who looked too tired to put up with questions from Riddle. Cater had settled down next to you while Riddle and Trey sat down on the other side of the bus, when he asked:
"Can-" He yawned, "Can I use your shoulder as a pillow?"
Riddle, hearing this, glared warningly at Cater, who didn't notice. You gently smiled and nodded, too tired to consider the impropriety of his actions. It was too bad that you were typically the type who was unable to go to sleep after waking up for the day. So you just closed your eyes, leaned your head against the back of your seat and listened to the hushed conversations of an early morning.
Trey and Riddle talked quietly about their plans for the week, while Floyd, Jade and Azul seemed to be intrigued by this method of transportation. You could hear Floyd cheering at each bump the bus went over, escalating in volume until Azul and Jade shushed him. There was a tiredly registered thought passing through your mind: a hope that they wouldn't throw up from motion sickness. Cater's head on your shoulder was a warm spot in the cool, air-conditioned bus that helped ground you, the slight sounds of breathing creating a rhythm for you to listen to.
You faintly heard the sounds of shuffling movements, likely from Jamil, who had Kalim's head on his shoulder while the shorter boy insisted that Jamil should lean his head on top of the other's. A sigh and some faint whispering before the two seemingly fell asleep. Malleus talked to Lilia in hushed, excited tones, the scratching of nails against a scalp as Lilia combed his fingers through Silver's hair while the first year napped. Vil and Rook seemed to have prepared for this trip, the sounds of pillows being taken out of bags and Vil asking Rook to make sure his sleeping mask is perfectly positioned. An obliging sound from the other and then the hushed noises of two more people falling asleep.
Crewel seemed to be working on something, judging by the tired sighs and the noise of pen against paper. From what you remembered, the poor professor was overwhelmed by third years requesting apprenticeships in the alchemical field, he was probably filling out those request forms, judging by the frustrated whispers coming from the front of the bus. Ortho was buzzing in anticipation, talking quietly to Idia, with notes of some video game's soundtrack floating over from their side of the bus. 
The bus was nearly silent, the only noises being from the Diasomina, Trey and Riddle, and the Ignihyde group. The bus's engine was silent, the small bumps it went over feeling less and less jarring as time went on. It felt like being rocked in a cradle like a child, a comforting movement that calmed you even further. Before you knew it, you had succumbed to your exhaustion and fallen into a restless sleep.
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You slowly woke up from your impromptu nap, hearing louder conversations from behind you. The weight on your shoulder was gone. As you blinked your eyes and stretched slightly, you glanced over to where Cater was before. 
"Oh, you're up!" Cater smiled at you from next to Trey, and then was quickly shushed. 
You stood up, curious, and walked across the aisle to where they were, balance as impeccable as always. You cooed as you leaned over Cater's shoulder, seeing a sleeping Riddle curled up slightly on Trey's lap. The man in question looked slightly tired as well, but smiled at you anyways. 
"Worried about him waking up?" You leaned on Cater even more, trying to examine the sleeping dorm leader's features. "I thought he was gonna stay up for the whole trip." 
Riddle was so adorable while asleep! The Housewarden's doll-like features were enhanced by his calmer face. Looking at him, you were suddenly struck by how young he seemed. For all Riddle acted mature, it was clear that he was still childish. And now, curled up against Trey's lap, he reminded you once more of your juniors back home. It made you want to coddle him even more.
"Riddle's used to sleeping and waking up at very strict times." Trey told you in a hushed voice, "His body is probably adjusting to the decrease in hours, so he's practically dead to the world."
Cater jumped in. "Oh, but he's a total monster in the early mornings! One time, he collared three dorm members for not providing the right sugar for his tea!"  
"That's..." You were a bit concerned by how natural Cater seemed to mention this. 
But before you could continue this hushed conversation with Trey and Cater, a loud voice suddenly yelled from the back.
"Oi~ miss koi fish[3]! You're awake now?! Over here!" Floyd waved at you before being hurriedly shushed by Jade.
You sighed, and decided to walk over to the Octavinelle kids, giving Trey and Cater an apologetic glance. Knowing Floyd, he'd probably yell for your attention until Riddle woke up. It probably isn't the best choice to ignore him, especially if you want to keep your head on your shoulders.
When you stood up from your position on Cater's shoulder, the bus sped over a large road bump, causing many to knock their heads against their seats or the ceiling. Trey cradled Riddle from the blow, knocking against the seat in front of him while Cater hit his head against the roof. You, a master of balance and too short to have your head brush the ceiling, simply went over to Floyd with no problem, the poor eel having a wounded look on his face from being brained by the bus.
"Ouch... Koi fishie, my head hurts..." 
"Oh no!" You smiled comfortingly. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
Floyd flashed a pair of disconcertingly cute puppy eyes. "I want a kiss!" he yelled.
The bus went silent, Riddle turned slightly in Trey's lap but went back to sleep. He sighed, relieved. Idia was now huddled against a seat in terror while Lilia and Malleus suddenly looked very interested in your conversation. Leona's ear twitched but he continued to nap, still on Ruggie's lap. The hyena had jolted at the loud noise, but went back to sleep just as quickly, curled over Leona in a position that was definitely not good for his back. Jade sighed, smiling at you sheepishly. Azul just looked exhausted by Floyd's behaviour.
Kalim glanced over, momentarily interested, but went back to showing Jamil something on his phone, which his retainer obligingly payed attention to. Cater was giving you a knowing grin while Vil and Rook seemed to be ignoring this conversation. Crewel, thankfully, was napping, headphones on so that he couldn't hear any of your conversations. Floyd continued to look at you beseechingly. You had blanched at first, shocked by his audacity, but decided complying to Floyd's request wouldn't hurt. 
You leaned in and pecked him on the forehead. "Better?"
Floyd looked disappointed, cheeks slightly flushed. "...I want a real kiss."
Jade suddenly spoke up in warning tone, "Floyd." He smiled threateningly. "You don't want to harass our senior, do you?"
His brother responded quietly, turning over to his twin. The two started whispering furiously, making you give up on even trying to talk to them. You decided to sit next to Azul, who had found sanctuary by sitting in the aisle opposite the twins. The Housewarden smiled politely at you, quickly closing the book he was scribbling in with a snap. 
You momentarily glanced at the suspicious book, and Azul's nervous behaviour didn't do him any favours. The octopus was sweating slightly, so pityingly, you decided to spare him an interrogation. 
"Azul, do you happen to know the time?"
The man sighed in relief, and replied with a glance to a pocket-watch he pulled out from his dorm uniform. "It's currently 7:30."
You thanked him and then realised, with an impeding sense of doom, that you would have to spend another 45 minutes on the bus with this group of... informal men. It really was a good thing that you decided to never tell your brother about this trip. Bored out of your mind, with Jade and Floyd still whisper-fighting, you remembered something very important.
"Azul." The boy perked his head up from his phone, giving you his full attention. "If I recall, you happen to be a part of the board game club, yes? Maybe we could play a card game or two while waiting to arrive at our destination!"
Azul blinked, but then a wide, menacing grin took over his face. "Yes, let's! I do happen to have a deck of cards here with me." He rummaged through a small bag, then glanced towards Idia, who squeaked. "Idia! Would you like to play a game of poker with (Y/N) and I?"
Ortho answered for him, flying over with stars in his eyes. "Big brother would love to! Can I play as well?"
You smiled at your adorable junior. "Of course!"
Lilia floated over, Silver now slumped over his bag while Malleus made sure he was strapped in with a seatbelt to not fall off. "May Malleus and I play too? Your human games are quite... intruiging." He flashed his teeth at Azul and Idia, who had been dragged over by Ortho, causing the two to pale in fear. 
You answered for them, "Sure! That makes... 6 players." You were very excited to play such a fun game with your friends, and started buzzing in excitement. Luckily for you, you had learnt to pack your belongings very tightly in your sleeves so they wouldn't fall out from you shaking in joy.
Azul cleared his throat. "Alright then, would anyone else like to play?"
Kalim jumped up, raising his hand like a kid in class. "Ooh! Are you playing a card game? I'd love to play, what about you Jamil?"
His retainer sighed slightly, then shrugged. "Sure, why not."
Jade and Floyd had stopped their argument by now, and glanced over, slightly intrigued. 
"I'd like to play but..." Floyd pouted. "Azul and Jade always cheat! I can never win..."
Jade chuckled, "Now, why would you say that Floyd? We would never cheat with such distinguished people. We are perfectly trustworthy!"
Idia muttered something under his breath and Jade turned to him, movements uncanny. "Is there something you'd like to say, dear Idia?" 
The Housewarden of Ignihyde froze. "No-not at all!" He looked like he was about to hide under the chairs in fear, so you reached over to pat him on the back for comfort.
Rook and Vil shook their heads when Azul prompted them for an answer, and Trey and Cater couldn't play due to the volatile bomb on Trey's lap. Leona opened one of his eyes and glared in warning, Ruggie still sleeping over him.
"Then that makes 8 players. Does everyone know the rules or should I explain them?" Azul asked. "Oh, and by the way, I will take on the responsibility of being the dealer first."
Malleus looked at Azul. "If you'd please, fellow dorm leader, I would be very grateful for an explanation of the conditions for this game."
A line of sweat dripped down the side of Azul's face. "Of course, now, pay attention since I will only explain this once!"
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The poker game was an... experience to say the least. Azul had won the first game, though not without a valiant fight from Jamil, Idia and Jade. Lilia, Malleus and Ortho were learning the ropes and wrapping their heads around the rule. Meanwhile, Floyd and Kamil were too busy trying to master card tricks, where you move cards via sleight of hand that you tried to teach them how to do. Of course, this was all part of your master plan. You categorised each player's reactions to the 'better' and 'worse' hands they were dealt, and very quickly, you could accurately guess what they had in their hand. Counting cards was a trick you were taught a long time ago by your grandmother, who was a master at diplomacy. She had chosen to either beat or lose to an opponent in a game to achieve the outcome she wanted, and taught you and your mother how to do the same.
This resulted in you testing out your strategy for the second game, in which Jamil and Jade insisted that Kalim and Floyd pay attention. Idia won this round, though Lilia had quickly mastered the game and gave his poor, shy classmate a run for his money. Malleus was still struggling, and seemed to have horrible luck in these games, though his poker face was just as good as you'd expect from a Crown Prince. Jamil, Jade, Idia and Azul were also very good at hiding their feelings, though with the amount of practice you had from trying to guess your grandmother's expressions, they were no match for you.
And so, you put your plan into action for the third game. And the fourth.... and the fifth, before Azul had thrown the cards off of your makeshift table in a fit of rage. But before the boys could interrogate you on your, very suspicious, wins, the bus came to a halt. You took that opportunity to stick yourself to Crewel like glue, recounting the tales of your victory to the teacher who listened indulgently, a slight smile on his face.
Crewel congratulated you on showing those boys a bit of modesty, saying: "It's good that you took those pups down a peg, our students have always been quite proud... but the Housewardens are even more so. Perhaps I should have all of you play another game tonight..."
You smiled in reply. Seems like this trip was going to be more fun than you thought.
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[1] Thaumarks is the official english translation of madol! Just an FYI for those who don't know [2] Sunshine Lands is a canon location that I got from this video, apparently, it's a map from the new chapter? It sounds and looks like a beach location so... [3] Miss koi fish/koi fishie is reader's nickname since they're very popular in China, and are bred to be very pretty! Koi may look similar to goldfish, but they are not of the same species so... I'm copping it for our dear reader.
Mini Theatre (Y/N), doing her best not to insult her friends: They're just quite... excitable, and they're risk takers so... that's a good quality. Plus they're not afraid to stand up for themselves... they're quite honourable! Her brother, reading these text messages: So you mean to say they're completely reckless trash who keep on getting into fights. (Y/N): Well... they also are very friendly, and are very different from the people back home! Her brother: Dearest sister, please start speedrunning the stages of grief you are in, I cannot deal with this constant denial.
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so that was the first part of the beach ep! i'll be posting these every day until we reach the end of this mini arc. if you enjoyed the writing or are interested in the fic, you can read it on ao3 here, and on quotev here
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hikarry · 6 months
We know Aziraphale and Crowley are not talking to each other, but what if when Aziraphale comes back, he tries
He finds Crowley, whom pretends like nothing happened, nothing affected him, if not for the fact he can't look at Aziraphale
"What do you want?" He says, his back half turned to the angel. "Already got bored of your holy duties? Came to gloat over your good deeds?"
"Crowley..." Aziraphale gives a step forwards and Crowley flinches. "Just, listen to me-"
Crowley chuckles, coldly, running a hand through his hair, still not looking at him. "What for? We have nothing else to discuss." He throws a quick glance over his shoulder before turning his back fully towards Aziraphale. "Leave."
Aziraphale takes a deep breath, his hands fiddling with each other, attempting one more step forwards. "My dear-"
"Don't!" Crowley suddenly turns around. "You-!" One shaking finger pointed towards the angel. "You have no right! You-" He takes a shaky breath and looks up to the sky.
Aziraphale takes one last step forward, reaching out to hold his hand, which Crowley snatches like he has been burned. The angel tries to ignore how that hurts. He kind of deserved it. So he closed his eyes for a second, trying to will his tears not to fall.
"I know I hurt you," Crowley laughs with no real humor, still looking up. "But I need you. I need you so-"
"Yeah?" The demon chuckles again. "You only need me when the world is going to shit, oh Supreme Archangel? Is that all I'm good for?"
"Crowley, look at me." He didn't. "You know that's not it. You're my best friend!" Aziraphale takes a final step forward and holds Crowley by the lapels of his jacket more aggressively than he intended. "All I've done was for you. For the world. But Heaven's plans are more complicated than I imagined and I can't-! I tried-!"
"So you came to get your lap dog to help you after you kicked it?" He looks down, but still avoids Aziraphale's face. "It's too late for that, angel." Somehow he made the nickname sound like an insult on his tongue.
"Stop!" Aziraphale shakes him by the jacket. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, I am! It was never my intention! I-! I was trying to protect you. To fix it so we don't have to run anymore!" The angel slowly moves his hands from the jacket to frame the demon's face. He flinches once again, but doesnt go far. His lips a straight line, his hands closed in fists by his side. "Crowley..." Aziraphale tried to move his head so he was looking at him, to no avail. "Will you look at me?" He unconciously runs his thumb through the demon's cheekbone. "...Please?"
And that does it. That little word always does it. And a small smile takes over Aziraphale's lips when their eyes meet, even through the sunglasses. He feels Crowley stop his breathing and his arms slightly shaking, itching to reach out, but being forced to keep still.
"You made your choice." His voice was low and rasp, as if he was making a monumental force to speak. "And I clearly wasn't it."
"You misunderstand." Aziraphale's smile is sad, but Crowley doesn't look away. "You've always been my choice. You. And the world. I made a mess of things and went about it the wrong way, perhaps. But if I had to choose between running away with you and not being sure we would ever be safe and leaving and knowing you would be alright. Alive. I would make the same choice again. Because i would rather make the world safe for you than see you hurt. You have always been my priority, Crowley...Alright?"
A few moments pass in silence, looking at each other in the eye. Crowley's jaw quivers and he puts his hands over Aziraphale's, pulling them away from his face but not letting go.
"Fine." Aziraphale lights up. "But!" He raises a finger, pontuating the word. "You are not forgiven and I will be petty about this whole second coming bullshit until we save our world. Again." His expression softens and he squeezes Aziraphale's hands. "And maybe for a few more decades or so. And after this is all said and done, we are going to talk. A serious talk. About...everything."
Aziraphale smiles, squeezing his hands back.
"Its a deal, my dear."
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aziraphales-library · 7 months
Hello or good evening
First of all thank you so much for all your work this blog is life saving <3
Second of all, do you have any fic that is about one of them being famous (preferably Crowley but anything is fine) and the other not ? A bit like this fic : https://archiveofourown.org/works/45591769/chapters/114720613
Thank you again for everything you do and I hope you have a lovely day<3
Hi! You can check our #famous crowley tags (and also #famous aziraphale) for fics like this. Here are some more fics in which Crowley is famous for you...
The Underground by miraworos (G)
Crowley has to take the Tube for the first time since he became uber-famous, and he happens across the one person in all of London who has no idea who he is.
In Heaven by AppleSeeds (T)
Famous radio DJ Crowley takes to Twitter to share the fact that he's just encountered the most gorgeous man he's ever seen in his entire life on the train. When he receives a tweet from someone saying that her friend has just told her that he's sitting near to Crowley, Crowley's followers begin to speculate that they might both be talking about the same person, and Crowley finally summons the courage to talk to him.
Rumor Has It by Arielavader (E)
Anthony Crowley is a famous singer, currently on tour and happily married. However, a scheduled tour stop in Las Vegas leads to rumors and a huge confession.
A rockstar's love by The_boxhead (G)
Crowley had a lot of problems finding someone to have a relationship with as the famous rockstar that he is. But that day when he entered that coffee shop and saw that blond haired man behind the counter, he didn’t want more than to get to know that beautiful angel with that cute smile.
Remain Forever Yours by TawnyOwl95 (E)
Seven years ago Aziraphale Device was persuaded out of accompanying his dearest friend to Egypt. Now a famous explorer, Anthony Crowley is back in London and looking for a wife. Aziraphale is determined to be happy for him, despite his own breaking heart.
in the study with the lead pipe by paradoxicalpockets (T)
The year is 1845, and Aziraphale, a rare books dealer, would like to retire early. His plans are scuttled when a mysterious letter is dropped on his stoop - a threat of blackmail from one Lord Gabriel, a wealthy American living out in the English countryside. An already tense dinner with 5 other blackmail victims (one of which is the famous actor Anthony J. Crowley) takes a turn for the worse when their host reveals that they are locked in the mansion, the blackmail materials are in the mailbox outside, and the police are set to arrive in 24 hours. The only way to truly protect your secrets is to send them to the grave. Aziraphale and Crowley must find the front door key and escape...or die trying.
And he one you mentioned...
Release Me by AppleSeeds (E)
When a mysterious man with a rather unique appearance comes into Aziraphale's bookshop and purchases a book written by an escapologist from hundreds of years ago, he asks Aziraphale not to tell anyone about it. Aziraphale wouldn't dream of it - mostly because he has no idea who the man actually is. After Aziraphale learns that Anthony Crowley is in fact a famous escape artist putting together a comeback show following a disastrous performance six years ago, he offers the use of his bookshop to help with Crowley's research. As they get to know each other better and become close friends, Crowley exposes Aziraphale to things he had never even thought of, bringing exciting new experiences into his life and giving him the courage to take risks. But as Aziraphale's affection for Crowley grows, he realises there's one thing he wants that might be too big a risk to take.
- Mod D
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newtthetranswriter · 10 months
'Ello, 'ello, 'ello! I just saw your post about making GO2 x readers. I was wondering if you can make an Aziraphale x reader? The reader is a rank lower than Aziraphale, but more chaotic when they got on earth. Reader's a freaking simp to Aziraphale and tells everything they like about him to Crowley.
Bonus if Crowley literally yeets the reader to Aziraphale for swooning too much.
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Word count: 1335
Paring: Aziraphale x reader
A/n: Thank you for requesting I hope you enjoy it. It was nice dipping into the Good Omens fandom for writing. Requests are currently open, just make sure to check my rules and character list before requesting thanks, and enjoy. Also very small season 2 spoilers so read at your own discretion. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
  Having been on earth for the past 6000 years has been wild. I have witnessed and maybe participated in multiple wars, seen the rise and fall of empires, but the best thing I have witnessed on earth is my fellow angel, Aziraphale. I just love his fascination with books, and the workings of human society. The fact that he even is so kind as to help the demon Crowley with tasks that they both happen to be assigned to is amazing, he is such a kind individual and needs to be protected.
   Over the years I have noticed that whenever I’m around him my brain goes fuzzy, like it becomes impossible to think of anything other than him. I have no idea how to tell him this, I mean it’s not like he would feel the same about me. After all that we have been through together I think it’s best if i just keep these feelings to myself, as I don’t want to jeopardize our friendship.
    Well keeping it to myself is far easier said than done as I was currently pestering my favorite fallen angel, and some things may have slipped out.
    “I don’t know when I started feeling this way, I just think he’s so sweet. And the look on his face when he thought his books were destroyed in that church back in ww2, he was so sad and then he realized you saved them he was so happy. I love how he takes care of his books like they are the most important things in this world.” I said, talking the demon's ear off as he just rolled his eyes at me.
    He just continued to sit on the park bench while we were waiting for Aziraphale, watching me pass in front of him. “Why are you telling me this, I don’t care.” He said hoping I would just sit down and shut up.
    I just rolled my eyes and continued knowing it would probably still be a few minutes before the angle showed up. “I just wish I knew what he was thinking in that pretty little brain of his.” I sighed as I sat next to Crowley. “Who am I kidding, he would never like me like that. I’m one misstep from being a demon, he’s so straight laced while I like to cause trouble. He wouldn’t even look my way if we weren’t both angels.” I said exasperated.
  The demon next to me just sighed before hoping the other angel would show up already. “Just because you are more of a morally gray angel doesn't mean he wouldn’t look at you. I mean look at me, I’m a demon and he talks to me.” Crowley said, jestering to himself. “ And trust me he does like you, talks about you whenever you aren’t around.” He said, trying to cheer me up.
   “Yeah right, there is no way Aziraphale, the perfect angel who runs a book shop that is really just a cover for his hoarding problem,  would like me. But it’s whatever, I've resigned myself to watching from afar. I’m fine watching him light up every time he finds a rare book, or finds a new food he likes.” I said in a dreamy voice. “Anyway I’m done talking about it, he should be here soon.”
    Just as I finished the sentence, said angel walked up to us. We both greeted him before checking in on whether any of us have heard from hell or heaven recently, thankfully not. After about ten minutes of quick catch up, Aziraphale stood up and turned to us. “Would either of you care to join me for lunch?” He asked with a bright smile.
   I was about to decline when Crowley spoke up with a wicked smirk. “Oh I’m not in the mood to eat right now but our dear Y/n would gladly join you.” He then pushed me off the bench towards the angel ignoring my glare.
   “Well then, shall be off than Y/n.” Aziraphale said as he reached for my hand. I hesitantly accepted it, not missing the thumbs up Crowley shot my way as me and the angel walked away. 
   As we approached the small dinner we had picked for lunch Aziraphale took notice of me being more quiet than usual. “Is everything alright? You’ve been oddly quiet.” I could hear the concern in his voice as we took our sets.
   I gave him a small smile before responding,”Everything is fine just feeling a little under the weather I guess.” I said hoping he would accept the answer and leave it at that.
   “Oh, are you sure you are up to getting food then, we could go back to the bookshop and I could make you a nice cup of tea?” The angel asked, making my heart swell and blush rush to my checks. “You do look a bit warm.”
   I silently cursed myself of course he would notice me blushing. I tried to think of an excuse. “I’m fine really, it’s just a little warm. Let’s just order.” I watched as he let out a sigh before waving down the waitress and placed our order. I relaxed slightly hoping he finally let it go.
   After about thirty minutes, we had finished eating and were now walking back to Aziraphale’s bookshop. It was an awkward silence, I could tell he wanted to ask me about something but I wasn’t sure what. As we turned a corner on to a less crowded street he stopped suddenly, I turned and looked at him confused. We were only a couple blocks from the bookshop, why did he stop all of a sudden.
   “You’re hiding something from me.” He said out of nowhere, his tone wasn’t angry but more concerned. “I heard you talking with Crowley before. I didn’t hear everything but I could tell it was something about me because you ended the conversation saying ‘he should be here soon.’. And I don’t want to over step but if there is something you need to tell me please just tell me, I promise to listen. I’m really good at Listening.” I could tell he was worried that it was something bad.
   I froze for a second before walking up to him. “It’s nothing bad, I just don’t know how to tell you this.” I said, looking away slightly. “Look, you don’t have to respond now or ever actually, but I like you, a lot. And I know you probably don’t feel the same but I just needed to get it off my chest. I love how much you love books, and helping people.” I finally got the words off my chest hoping to at least still have one of my best friends.
   There was a pause before he smiled at me and grabbed my hands. “How could I possibly not feel the same way? Yes you tend to go about things in a less than angelic way but that’s part of what makes you so amazing. I love that about you, I love that I can talk to you about my rare books and you will listen, I love that you get along with Crowley cause let’s be honest he’s not the easiest to talk with. It’s amazing to have you here. So I do feel the same, and never be scared to tell me your feelings. I am here to listen.”
    I just looked at him in shock. Crowley was right, Aziraphale does feel the same. I was at a loss for words but I settled on giving him the biggest smile I could before pulling him in for a hug. As I pulled from the hug, he placed a hand on my cheek and smiled. I knew that whatever came next, we would have each other's back. Little did I know that what came next was a very naked Gabriel who had no clue who he was or why he was here. This was gonna be fun.
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champgnesny · 11 months
well, sadly i finished the second season of ‘good omens’ a few hours ago and after a really long nap, here we have:
“some things about the second season of ‘good omens’ that really stuck with me and i’ll think about forever and ever (amen)”
• beginning of creation and my baby crowley being just so excited about the galaxy, and stars, and her little jumps and shouts, she’s my silly girl
• crowley protecting aziraphale from the stars rain (or whatever was going on in there) with his wing and later on, aziraphale doing the same
• aziraphale caring about crowley since the beginning of ages is just so heartwarming
• “how much trouble can i get into just for asking a few questions?” my princess just wanted to know what was all of this for, is that so wrong?
• aziraphale thinking crowley was talking about him when he said the stars were beautiful pls
• their little lunches through all the season, at the pub, the cafeteria, the other little french stablishment, etc
• aziraphale panicking while explaining crowley why is there a “naked man” on his library 😭😭
• crowley recognizing “trouble” on aziraphale voice just because they know each other that well
• the amount of times “our” and “we” was used to by crowley and aziraphale themselves, talking as if they could not live without the other (they actually can’t)
• crowley refusing to help aziraphale and aziraphale being like “okay, i can’t make you help me, i’ll be fine” and crowley simply throwing a tantrum just to be back and help him
• crowley’s tantrum, yes, but specially the way he stomps on the ground like a little kid
• their little apology dance lmfao (how much cuter can they get?)
• the way they worked together to make a silly little small minuscule miracle once and ended up being way too extra like it wasn’t that hard!
• crowley introducing aziraphale to food
• also, crowley in the turtle neck (i would’ve also used any excuse to put my hand in his chest like that, aziraphale)
• the magic trick and how the person aziraphale thinks of when they say “trust” is automatically crowley, they make me so ugh
• aziraphale not only stealing the proof photo, but keeping it and showing it to crowley
• crowley actually lending aziraphale his car, like he’s so down bad it hurts (if anyone ever had a doubt of how much love this man has for his angel, then this must say something)
• crowley on the library, carrying books, his little sweater, throwing the books everywhere, she’s just so cutesy, i need to eat her
• aziraphale and crowley being domestic and cute and in love together, my babies
• crowley making hot chocolate for gabriel (plus that one time he went all protective on aziraphale)
• the way aziraphale has a dairy (and probably many other) where he writes about crowley, and he just talks about her with so much love, excitement, cherishing their memories together
• the way neither crowley, nor aziraphale ever deny the gay accusations like they just stare and say nothing because they are!
• crowley following aziraphale everywhere when he was organizing his ball pls
• aziraphale and crowley dancing 💓💓💓
• crowley and aziraphale trying to get nina and maggie together when they can’t sort out their own shit like bffr and talk abt ur feelings instead?
• aziraphale telling nina that he has his own plans but he just lets crowley save him cause it’s makes him just “oh, so happy!”
• crowley’s heaven outfit and the way he was walking like she’s just everything to me
• crowley getting choked up when he tried to say he’d like to spend eternity with aziraphale
• crowley actually willing to talk about it and aziraphale just hitting him up like “hey let’s go to heaven together!” like bro, kindly and very gently, what the fuck?
• the kiss (boy, you needed to talk, there’s many time for kissing later; or there was, who knows)
• “i forgive you” lovely, you have so much audacity but this wasn’t the moment haha! (still love u, aziraphale, i promise)
• “you idiot, we could’ve been… us” i think them telling each other to kill themselves would’ve hurt me less
• crowley in the car, still waiting in case aziraphale decided to change his mind (i threw up)
• aziraphale literally looking like he’s going insane while leaving crowley like he’s genuinely just losing it more every single second that passes
• conclusion, they are very much in love, they just need a break and many, many deep talks about their feelings
“honorable mentions to: the whole gabriel and beelzebub plot <3 it was so cutesy, i love them”
by the way, here’s part one of this mini post series, in case you wanna check it out! ⭐️
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mimisempai · 10 months
Finding a new purpose
It was one of those days.
Crowley just wanted to sleep and do nothing.
But the appearance of a little bee might just help him find new meaning in his life. Even if it starts with something as simple as explaining how to make tea.
I'm not familiar with depression. But with the help of a friend who guided me through it, I could made my way to through this story.
On Ao3
Rating G -  1905 words
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Crowley felt a gentle pressure on his cheek, followed by Aziraphale's voice softly in his ear, "Crowley, my dear, I must get up. I promised Maggie I'd meet her at 9:00 to discuss ways to make the record store thrive."
Crowley mumbled, "I thought you had an arrangement."
He felt the angel's hand stroke his hair as he replied quietly, "It remains unchanged, but poor Maggie needs to be able to earn enough to live on, too."
Aziraphale asked him gently, "Do you have any plans today?"
Crowley turned his head to Aziraphale and sheepishly replied, "No, I... I don't feel like doing anything. I think I'll go back to sleep. I'm sor..."
Aziraphale put a finger to his mouth and shook his head, "Hey, don't be sorry. It's one of those days, and it's fine. Rome wasn't built in a day, we both know that."
Crowley replied, "You're too good to me."
Aziraphale leaned toward him, "Not at all. I want you to get better, and you'll only get better if you give yourself time and don't try to force things. One step at a time."
Aziraphalel pressed a kiss to the demon's forehead, tucked him in, and planted a final kiss on his cheek before saying softly, "I'll be back in two hours." Then he rose and walked down the stairs. Crowley listened to the sounds until the tinkling of the shop door told him the Angel had gone out.
So he snuggled down a bit more under the covers and slid over to the side of Aziraphale's bed, burying his face in the still-warm pillow, which was also impregnated with the angel's scent.
He tried to fall back asleep, but he couldn't stop certain thoughts from running through his mind.
Aziraphale looked happy, thriving in his life, now independent.
He no longer needed Crowley.
He'd protected his friends, defeated a demon army, stood up to Metatron. Without Crowley.
He no longer needed Crowley.
But what was Crowley's purpose now?
No more apocalypse.
No more angel to save from himself and others.
What was he good for?
What if Aziraphale grew tired of him?
He was patient with him.
But even an angel's patience could run out, couldn't it?
And he no longer needed Crowley.
Despite all these thoughts, the demon finally fell asleep, only to wake up a few moments later to a noise downstairs in the shop. He looked at the wall clock and realized that it had only been a few minutes since he had fallen asleep, so it couldn't be Aziraphale who was already back. Sighing, he got up, dressed quickly, and walked down the stairs in silence. He heard the same noise again, and it seemed to be coming from the back of the shop, so he went there.
There, to his surprise, Muriel was staring in confusion at an empty cup, the kettle, and the tea box.
They murmured, "A cupperty, a cupperty."
The demon could not suppress a small, amused smile and asked, "How about a hand, little bee?"
Muriel gasped and turned to him, "Oh, Mister Grump- Crowley. I didn't know you were here and I..."
He held up his hand, "Calm down. You have every right to be here and have a 'Cupperty'. So I repeat, do you need help?"
Muriel sighed with relief and sheepishly confessed, "I have no idea how to do this, it's usually Aziraphale who makes me tea."
"Okay, little bee. So tell me what you want. You have a choice. I'll make you tea or I'll show you how to make it and you won't have to depend on anyone else. Your choice. No judgment."
Muriel nodded eagerly, "Show me how."
Crowley nodded. He had no doubt what their answer would be if he was honest with himself.
So he gently showed them how to use the kettle, how to make tea, and a few minutes later they were both sitting at the round table in the back of the shop, enjoying a cup of tea for Muriel and a cup of coffee for Crowley.
Muriel inhaled the smell of their still too hot tea with delight and said to Crowley with a smile, "Thank you for helping me. You're a really nice person."
Crowley was about to open his mouth and protest as usual, but something in the angel's demeanor stopped him. Probably because they exuded this aura of innocence and he didn't want them to lose it too quickly.
He simply nodded in acceptance of the gratitude and praise. It was strange, but not as uncomfortable as he'd thought.
Muriel continued, "I am grateful to you and Aziraphale."
Because... for the first time in millennia I don't feel like a nobody. I mean, there's you two, Maggie, Nina, everybody's nice to me. Nobody talks down to me."
Crowley thought back to the moment he'd accompanied Muriel to heaven, to their oh-so-isolated desk. And of course, he couldn't help but think of how Aziraphale had been treated.
"I don't want to go back up there."
Muriel's sentence snapped Crowley out of his thoughts and he immediately replied, "And you're not going back. Whether it's me or Aziraphale, we'll fight for it if we have to, and more than that, just like with the kettle, I can teach you to defend yourself. But whatever happens, my little bee, we'll protect you."
Muriel nodded and took a sip of tea, "Hm... this human drink is absolutely delicious."
Crowley, now with a mocking expression on his face, said, "For starters, you need to stop putting 'human' everywhere. It's the best way to show that you're weird. Not that you're not." 
He snorted slightly.
Muriel, not offended, replied, "I'm glad to see you're doing better than when you came down. I mean, you're still grumpy, but you don't look sad."
Crowley replied, "Sassy and sharp, huh? That's good, it'll help you."
They were right, he was feeling a little better. While he had originally planned to stay in bed all day, he didn't feel like it now. He still didn't really know what to do with himself, but he didn't feel like doing nothing either.
"Do you need help?"
"We'll protect you."
To have a purpose.
Big or small.
"Oh, you're both here?"
Aziraphale's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
He saw the flash of surprise in Aziraphale's eyes before he leaned over and planted a light kiss on his cheek.
Muriel emptied their cup and stood up, "I stopped by to borrow a book and Crowley helped me make some tea."
Aziraphale raised an eyebrow at Crowley as Muriel continued, "And now I'm off."
As they left, Aziraphale sat down next to Crowley and asked gently, "Are you all right?"
Crowley nodded, "Better."
Aziraphale asked no more questions, went to make himself a cup of tea and returned to sit across from Crowley with his cup
Crowley took a sip of coffee and said, "I... I think I'm starting to realize something. In my darkest moments, what kept me going was you. Knowing that you needed me. But ever since we averted the apocalypse, it's like you've soared, become independent. And believe me, it makes me happy to see you thrive, it really does. But it made me realize that you don't need me anymore. I had made you my sole purpose, you had nothing to do with it, and that's been taken away from me. So why get up in the morning? What is my purpose? These questions went around and around in my head. This morning again. Until a few moments ago. And just now, something as trivial as showing Muriel how to make tea gave me the beginnings of a sense of purpose. That I might still have something to offer."
Aziraphale had listened carefully, and when Crowley had finished, he pulled his chair closer and took his hands.
"You say I had nothing to do with it, but I'm still sorry you feel that way. And I want to make one thing clear to you. I still need you. Not to save me. Not to help me. I just need you. In my life. Not because you can give me anything, but just because you're you. Just you. And yes, you have a lot to offer, I always knew that, you've given me so much from the beginning and I'm glad you're starting to see that for yourself. But know that my love for you, my need for you, will never depend on what you have or don't have to offer."
"Thank you for helping me. You're a really nice person."
Maybe it was starting there.
Crowley said quietly, "I know it's just a start, a very small start, but it's there."
Aziraphale leaned over him and said gently, "That makes me very happy for you. And I hope I don't sound too condescending, but I'm proud of you. Really."
Crowley simply said, "Thank you."
After a few moments of silence, Crowley said in a serious tone, "We have to protect them, no matter what."
"Who? Muriel?"
Crowley nodded and told the angel about his conversation with Muriel. 
"You see, I saw their 'desk' up there. Mostly I saw their loneliness. I saw how they were treated. To the point where they saw it as a miracle that Metatron needed them when you and I both know that they would have been just a pawn on his chessboard. I want to help them to know their own worth, to be able to stand up for themself, I-what, angel?"
Aziraphale looked at him and smiled fondly, "It's good to see you all fired up about something. And I think you're just the right person for it. I seem to remember an angel you helped in much the same way. That angel took a while to open his eyes, but that didn't stop you from persisting."
Crowley chuckled, "Well, he was a bit of a pain in the ass at times, but..."
"But also incredibly lovable. I had no choice."
Aziraphale chuckled softly, "Idiot."
He reached up and gently stroked the demon's cheek and asked solicitously, "Are you sure you're all right, my dear?"
Crowley nodded and replied quietly, "I think so, yes. Anyway, I'm on the way to."
Aziraphale looked at him in silence for a few moments, then asked, "What do you want to do today? I decree the store is closed today."
Crowley chuckled before replying, "Well... we could go to the park, feed the ducks, and then finish off with brunch at the Ritz."
Aziraphale, whose eyes had brightened at the mention of brunch at the Ritz, replied enthusiastically, "I like that program. But first..."
Crowley raised a questioning eyebrow, "But first...?"
Aziraphale opened his arms and said quietly, "Time for some love."
Crowley laughed lightly, but nonetheless went to snuggle up to his angel, who closed his arms around him.
There, in the comfort of the arms of the one he loved, Crowley began to feel a weight he did not know he carried lift from his shoulders.
There was no doubt that the road was long and had only just begun.
There would be detours and setbacks.
But he knew there would always be someone to help him find his way back. 
All he had to do was keep moving forward and never let go of his hand.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Growing Love series : here (After season 2)
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here (Before season 2)
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thegeekyartist · 11 months
"Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other... You never say what you're really thinking."
I know Nina and Maggie are talking about Aziraphale and Crowley's romantic feelings here, but I think it goes so much deeper than that. Crowley and Aziraphale are both so good at assuming the other person just knows what the other has been through. They never give the reasons for the huge decisions they make for the sake of one another because they assume that the other person will just immediately understand their reasoning.
Crowley never told Aziraphale about what Gabriel said before casting "Aziraphale" into hellfire. He didn't tell him about Armageddon 2.0 or The Book of Life. In fact, he didn't tell him any of the things he learned about Gabriel in Heaven.
Crowley doesn't trust Gabriel to be in the shop again - why would he? But Aziraphale doesn't even understand just how personal it is to him because Crowley never told him.
Crowley is too afraid to do a single thing that could harm "the peaceful, fragile existence" he's carved out for the both of them, that he never gives Aziraphale the full picture! He gives enough information that allows the two of them to continue living in the same manner they always have - working well together to save the day while avoiding the big fucking whale in the room.
Even after Maggie and Nina's intervention, Crowley still isn't saying what he really wants to say! It's why he doesn't outright say "I love you" to Aziraphale, even if to him it's clear! He's trying to lay everything out on the table while essentially saying "it'll be just the two of us, just as it's always been and everything will be fine."
And Aziraphale is no better.
Every. Choice. He. Makes - he does so with Crowley in mind. Even before The Beginning, we see him try to protect Crowley, to get him to stop asking questions so he doesn't get hurt.
Aziraphale has always believed Crowley to be good, and he knows how miserable he was in Hell after he Fell. It's pretty clear both in the first and second seasons that Aziraphale doesn't see Crowley as a "true" demon - he's always been a good angel with the wrong title.
It's why he's constantly trying to get Crowley to admit that he's nice, that he cares - he's saying that he knows who Crowley is on the inside, and wants to help him regain the status he once had so that he can act on these feelings without punishment.
And yes, I believe Aziraphale includes their love for one another in that.
So when the Metatron tells Aziraphale that he could reinstate Crowley's angelhood, that he could give Crowley back everything he once had AND stay by his side - of course that's what finally convinces him to say yes.
But Aziraphale never explains any of this to Crowley. He expects that Crowley will understand, that he'll know that Aziraphale is doing all of this for him - to allow him to ask the questions and make the changes he's been talking about from the moment they met.
It's why the "nothing lasts forever" hurts even more. To Aziraphale, it means, "I don't need the bookshop if I can be with you and make you happy again", but to Crowley, he's saying "We were never going to last, no matter what we did."
If they just talked to each other, none of this would be happening!
I'm gonna fucking scream.
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aristocratic-otter · 10 months
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Hello all! I've been tagged on so many lovely things the last couple of weeks and, while I've been writing, it's just been one step to far to post with everything else I've got to do. But I've got time today, hooray! So first to thank all the lovely folk who keep tagging me even when I disappear:
@ivelovedhimthroughworse, @katmiscellanious, @prettygoododds, @messofthejess, @j-nipper-95, @rimeswithpurple, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @wellbelesbian, @alleycat0306, @hushed-chorus, @ionlydrinkhotwater, @whatevertheweather, @ileadacharmedlife, @confused-bi-queer, @cutestkilla, @nightimedreamersghost, and @shrekgogurt.
On to the sentences!
From Westward Son:
“Mistress Penny!” he shouts. “My little brother is coming, and my mother wants your help!”
We all straighten. We’d thought Chapa was heavily pregnant months ago, but she’s only gotten more immense since. She’s had to ride in the wagon for the last two months, once her bulk meant she couldn’t keep up with the slow pace of the wagon train. Penny is certain that she’s carrying twins, given the size of her.
From my Age of Sail AU:
When I emerge onto the beach, blinking rapidly against the sunlight, the tide has gone out, and the rock spur our ship is hung up on is surrounded by prolly only a foot or so of water. 
“Ah, there you are, Simon lad,” Davy appears at my elbow, and I turn obediently to listen. “The tide’s low enough,” he tells me. “We’ll take the raft out an’ you and the Pitch boy can climb around the ship like the monkeys you are and retrieve anythin’ that’s of use.”
“Aye, sir,” I tell him. I’m bone tired, but we’ll need those barrels and boxes of goods on the ship if we’re to survive here.
From this year's COTTA: Snow Fox
Penny’s horse was done in from her wild ride to Snow Island, so she’s mounted up behind me, clinging to my waist, and Shepard is riding behind my second in command. Which would be fine were she not using her position to hiss angry rebukes in my ear. 
Finally, I’ve had enough. “Fine, I get it, Pen. I’m an arsehole! What can I do about it now?”
“Now?” she shouts back. “Now you can save my brother. Later? You’re going to train me, and Shepard, so that we can defend our family and make sure this never happens again!”
From To Heal A Broken Mind (final chapter!):
His head is tilted down, his hair loose and falling into his face. He tends to do that when he feels vulnerable, I’ve noticed. Like his hair is a mask that will protect him from a harsh world. It’s odd..I never used to think of Baz as someone who’d ever need or want protection. But I know better now, and I’m glad for it. Glad that he lets me see this side of himself. 
And From Saving Simon Snow
“Now grab Baz’s hand, Simon, and think about what I told you to,” she directs. Simon does. I do my best to clear my mind, though when Simon closes his eyes and concentrates, I can’t help but think about how erotic he looks, with his closed eyes turned towards the roof of the car, his lower lip sucked into his mouth, his forehead tense with concentration. Crowley, he looks like he’s in the midst of an orgasm! 
And that’s when I feel a surge of excitement, mixed with joy and incredulity. The feelings aren’t completely at odds with my own, but I still report them dutifully to Bunce.
Yes, only five WIPs! Except actually there's a secret project going on that I can't share yet...and CORB choosing starts soon...so, yeah.
Tag Backsies to everyone above for Wednesday, along with these folks:
@artsyunderstudy, @angelsfalling16, @bazzybelle, @bookish-bogwitch, @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @dragoneggos, @erzbethluna, @fatalfangirl, @facewithoutheart, @ic3-que3n, @krisrix, @larkral, @letraspal, @moodandmist, @frjsti, @raenestee, @thehoneyedhufflepuff, @theearlgreymage, @tea-brigade, @upuntil6am, @yellobb-old.
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phantasmicfish · 11 months
Okay so I want to get all my good omens s2 thoughts out there in one big swoop and try to sound coherent… and ofc I’ll later post exclusively what I loved because there is A Lot to love about this show!
I largely loved the first four episodes. I thought they were amazing, there was fantastic chemistry and humor between Aziraphale and Crowley. The back in time sequences were brilliant and slightly darker than they were in season 1! I felt they portrayed Heaven in a more critical light than we’ve seen before… ex: Heaven condoning the murder of children, messing Job’s life over a silly bet, kicking Crowley out for asking several questions.
I think the back in time sequences really showed Aziraphale’s struggle with his desire to follow Heaven/God because they're the Good Guys verses what Heaven/God is actually telling him to do being straight up bonkers. We see the first time he lies to other angels to save Job’s children, but this deed ends up in direct violation of God’s orders, so there’s this internal moral conflict here…
It was amazing to see angels and demons try to understand humanity and fail, versus Aziraphale and Crowley who are well-versed in humanity and their traditions and have the upper hand in this regard.
I love love LOVE Jim. I mean, Gabriel. I mean, James! The dynamic between him, Crowley, and Aziraphale was amazing! You have this horrible, completely awful boss who’s narcissistic and self-centered and completely detached from any form of human emotion… and you wipe his slate clean and stick him with two characters who think he’s a mega level asshole and watch their interactions unfold. I think Aziraphale promising to protect Gabriel and then upholding that promise despite Gabriel being a douche is so sweet, so in character… and Crowley going along with it even though he hates Gabriel with all his heart. And the way Crowley struggles to reconcile and accept this version of Gabriel with the one he’s seen in the past was very interesting to watch. Gabriel learning the alphabet, dusting the bookshop because he wants to be helpful, Gabriel jumping out the window because Crowley tells him this is how he can help Aziraphale really sold it for me— now, without his memory, Gabriel is kind and nice and just wholesomely curious. I think I would have liked to see more Gabriel-as-Jim scenes before he got his memory back, which brings me to what I don’t like about the show, namely, the last episode.
So, the ultimate episode has the big resolution— it’s revealed Gabriel decided against a second Armageddon after his blossoming romance with Beelzebub, then he gets his memory back and the two of them go off together to live a life of romance and love and all that on Proxima Centauri, presumably.
It’s too neat. It’s too tidy. Crowley and Aziraphale had all of creation to alleviate their prejudices and fall in love *cough they just don’t know it yet cough*. It’s not believable to me that Gabriel and Beelzebub would fall in love in such a short period of time based on such minimal interactions, I feel like love (a very human thing) is something pre-Jim Gabriel would look down on altogether. I wish we had more of Jim. I would, frankly, be fine without seeing the return of Gabriel altogether… or at least some scenes that show Gabriel as being grateful to Aziraphale and Crowley for hiding him out and risking destruction just for him…
I don’t know. I think that end was wrapped up too neatly and too tightly. I’d be happy if Gabriel never got his memory back this season, and we see the continuation of Jim in season 3. Why build a character up only to have him disappear just when we start to like him?
I didn’t care for Nina and Maggie. I thought they were superfluous in every sense of the word. I feel like their characters had a lot of potential in the beginning and then the plot just sort of ended up… not doing anything with their characters? Nina is in a maybe emotionally toxic relationship with Lindsay, but then that ends and we don’t even get to meet Lindsay. Maggie’s character has no development except for her love of Nina and her owning a record shop. And the two of them giving advice to Crowley at the end to just talk to Aziraphale just didn’t do it for me.
I was crushed when Aziraphale was asked to rejoin heaven and did so immediately and with open arms— it’s like that scene at the bandstand all over again, when Aziraphale said, there is no our side. He still believes in and wants to follow Heaven, whereas Crowley made his peace with being on his own side (not Heaven or Hell’s) many years ago.
So, essentially: I loved the show, but I’m not satisfied with the conclusion to Gabriel’s story or Maggie/Nina’s involvement, which sorta soured it for me. I do love the show! Especially every back in team featurette with Crowley and Aziraphale, any and all Crowley and Aziraphale interactions in the present today together and with Gabriel, the major ship vibes this season was pumping out! It was funny and lovely and aside from the imo lackluster Gabriel resolution, all around great!
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bi-bard · 2 years
Miscellaneous Masterlist
A masterlist of any show/movie/project with less than four fics and only one character written about. This includes shows like 9-1-1, The Umbrella Academy, and The Rookie.
Navigation Guide
Evan “Buck” Buckley:
I’m Sorry… I’m a What
I Think It's Time You Marry Me
Adam [2009]:
Adam Raki:
Safe Place
Freckles and Constellations
You're the Right Person, so It's the Right Time
The Bear:
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto:
Welcome Home
The Blacklist:
Donald Ressler:
Well Earned 
Too Cold
This Is Not a Hospital
Day Off
Of Course
Blood & Chocolate (2007):
Aiden Galvin:
Harsh Reality
It's Got Me Planning for the Future and Worrying About the Past
David Budd:
Christmas and New Years
I Stumbled in at the Wrong Time (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
Lance Sweets:
And All of the Nights Will Lead into the Night with Me
Charlie Countryman:
Letting Go
I Would’ve Stayed till Death Took Me Out but Then You Fucked Up and Gave Me the Gun
Confessions of a Shopaholic:
Luke Brandon:
Death Stranding:
Sam Porter Bridges:
Downton Abbey: A New Era:
Jack Barber:
The Look
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves:
Xenk Yendar:
Cruel Trick of Fate
Ella Enchanted:
Prince Charmont:
I Need to Save the Best for Last, I'm Serious
You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood
Five Nights at Freddy's [Movie]:
Mike Schmidt:
Gilmore Girls:
Dean Forester:
Jess Mariano:
Good Omens:
Aziraphale & Crowley:
The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted"
When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop
Gossip Girl [2021]:
Max Wolfe:
No Other Expectations
Insecurities & Loose Lips
Parties & Stubbornness
Duke Crocker:
House M.D:
Dr. James Wilson:
I Don’t Know What I Was Expecting
Dr. Robert Chase:
Waste of Time
Ibiza: Love Drunk:
Leo West:
I Don’t Really Care About That
I Came By:
Toby Nealey:
Coming Back for You
The Invitation:
Walt Deville:
Lovely Night
Freedom [Part 2: The Right Choice] [Part 3: The Perfect Eternity]
Killing Eve:
Calm Down
Kingsman Franchise:
Gary “Eggsy” Unwin:
New Year’s Kiss
I'm Wrong, Right?
Knives Out Franchise:
Benoit Blanc:
Christmas Day
The Last of Us:
Joel Miller:
Human Connection
Is It Insensitive for Me to Say Get Your Shit Together, So I Can Love You?
There's So Much I Wanna Tell You, But I Don't Know If It'll Fit
MacGyver (2016):
Angus MacGyver:
Field Work
The Collection of Failed Date Nights
The Mandalorian:
Din Djarin:
I Thought We Were…
Mr. Robot:
Elliot Alderson:
Who Have You Been Talking To?
The Path:
Cal Roberts:
Three Things
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby:
Duncan Vizla:
Stupid Mistakes
Prodigal Son:
Malcolm Bright:
An Extra Dose of Chaos (Criminal Minds Crossover)
Snow On Valentines Day
I’m Not a Party Kind of Person
Roar (Apple TV):
Bobby Bronson:
Drunk Mess
Robin Hood (2018):
Robin of Loxley:
Knock It Off
The Rookie:
Tim Bradford:
The Worst Day
Schitt’s Creek:
David Rose:
New Adventures
Stevie Budd:
Helping Hand
Scream (TV Series):
Tom Martin (from season 2, episode 13):
A Kind Act
But You’re Not Allowed, She’s Got You Under Lock and Chain
Uncomfortable Questions
Sick Day
Redefining Affection
No Big Deal (I Love You)
Thomas Christie:
How Much Did You Know?
Rhydian Morris:
Protective By Nature
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sandbees · 3 years
Yuu and the House of Mouse; The...Great Seven?
It’s been three weeks since Yuu has worked at the House of Mouse.
Headmaster Crowley decided that going would be a great experience! He graciously gave you permission to work there! (Just don’t forget to do your homework and get a good rest after; he doesn’t want you to be lagging behind your classes after all!)
At the House of Mouse, you eventually learned the ins and outs; and you’ve gained everyone’s attention. They like you a lot! You have this, “If I talk to you about my problems you’ll listen kindly and either give me advice or continue to let me vent out my feelings” vibe.
Being a (sort of) therapist must have helped, huh?
You yourself have a few favorite guests that you can always look forward to seeing;
Tiana and Naveen: You hit it off when you first met. Something about their dynamic and allowing you to vent about back at Twisted Wonderland gave you good vibes about them. They’re polite guests, and they have given you advice on how to improve your work. Tiana has (once) invited you to work for them if you wanted to work at another job, but you tell them that you have school. They’re immediately concerned, because someone going to school working at a job with very demanding and colorful characters? You assure them that you’ve manage to balance school and work, however they seem less than convinced. Though nothing big changed, they occasionally remind you to take breaks and to have fun watching the cartoons on screen when you’re not busy waiting tables. (They also give you candy from their time! Butterfingers, anyone?)
Hades: He’s a frequent guest at the House of Mouse. You had lent an ear to his complaints, and then again, and then again, and soon enough you’re his personal therapist. You’re the go-to waiter whenever Hades shows up; much to the delight of the staff (The penguin waiters are...a little scared of Hades). It’s surprising how little he seems to reflect Ignihyde. He’s like a shut in extrovert. However, when you tell Hades this, he becomes very interested in your world. He’ll let you ramble about what you know about Twisted Wonderland, and he’s going to make smug comments about it. After that encounter, Hades starts conversations with you that isn’t just complaining about his siblings. In fact, he’s one of your pep talkers when you’re feeling stressed or down.
The Darling Siblings: If you don’t recognize them, they’re the siblings from Peter Pan! (Wendy, John, and Michael) When you first met them, they acted very polite. And they gave “children, protect them” vibes. As you continue to work, you discover that the children had a more playful side to them. You could easily joke with them and in exchange Wendy would tell you stories or John and Michael would tell you about their recent adventures.
Scrooge McDuck: Donald introduced him to you, actually. He mentioned, “Since you sound like you’ve been on a lot of adventures, I think you might like to share stories.” How right he was. Scrooge’s stories were captivating and enchanting, you’d always be on the edge of your seat hearing them. Whenever he swung by and you were on break, you two would be swapping stories of your lives. He was most interested in your first day story; about the magical chandelier specifically. You always look forward to a new story he would have.
Of course there were others, but the ones listed above were the people you loved seeing.
Today was a typical night in the House of Mouse, though everyone seemed...a little agitated?
You ask Mickey, and he explains that there was a reservation for a villain get together...and last time, it went poorly.
You offer to serve them as a waiter, since you’re sure that you can handle it.
“Are you sure?” “I’ve dealt with worse characters...I think. By the way, can I get the list of who’s going?”
You find out Hades was the one who reserved it (oh thank goodness, someone you’re already familiar with. And he likes you)
He’s also bringing - “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” “The Queen of Hearts, Scar, Ursula, Jafar, The Evil Queen, and Maleficent.” “I-“
Imagine your shock when you find out Hades is bringing all of the Great Seven. You’ve already met Maleficent, but someone like the Queen of Hearts, or the Beautiful Queen??? You’re ready to walk to your doom right now.
When the doors open, you go about your night as usual, though your on edge as you anxiously wait for the Great Seven to arrive. This would be the first time you would be interacting with most of them.
When they arrive, you greet them and take them to their table, doing normal procedure.
However, things go south when Hades asks Yuu to come and have a chat with them when they go on break.
“yeAH suuurrreee-“ “Great! They have a lot of questions and I think they’d like to hear what you have to say!”
Yuu is making high pitch dying screams when she gets to the kitchen.
“Oohhhh my god, they want to talk to me. What if I mess up? What if they dislike me and then try to kill me? Oh no oh no-“
Yuu is trying not to scream in excitement and stress as Mickey excuses her to talk with the Great Seven.
The meeting? It goes well.
When they ask about their world, Yuu describes their time at NRC, and how the villains were praised as good people, and were known as the “Great Seven”.
They were very intrigued about this, and would always puff up when Yuu praised them. They also ask questions about Yuu as well!
What? They’re villains, but they’re not rude.
They listen to your tales, and are sympathetic to the idiots that you surround yourself with. They get it, they are also surrounded by idiotic, self centered heroes who think they’re in the right- (projecting much?)
The Queen of Hearts is a lot more than you expected; she’s strict, but she also has good humor (as long as you don’t mock her). When you ask what kind of tarts she likes, she responded with “Any kind of tart, however jam filled tarts are one of my favorites.”. You wonder if she’d like the tarts Trey would make.
Scar...isn’t talkative, though he seems very pleased when you talk about what NRC thinks of him. He’s actually kinder to you - you’ve heard stories from Goofy and the penguins waiters that Scar is hard to please.
Ursula is what you would call a sweet talker. Kind of like Hades, but you can tell that she wants something. You indulge her, answering any questions about your world. She seems particularly interested in the rivalry between NCR and RSA, however.
Jafar wants to know everything about Scarabia. From it’s current standing to it’s history. You try your best to explain as much as you know about the dorm; but you mention that your information is limited since it wasn’t your dorm. He’s satisfied with what you give, but Jafar tells you that next time, he’d like to know more. You better go study up on Scarabia now :) (Or ask Kalim or Jamil about Scarabia)
The Beautiful (Evil?) Queen acts smug, and she seems relaxed around your presence. Maybe it’s because you told her that she’s known as the Beautiful Queen? She wants to know who is housed in her dorm, and like Jafar, she wants to know everything about Pomfiore. When she heard about the VDC, she asks multiple questions about it. (“When the VDC comes around, maybe I shall grace everyone with my presence...hmm, or should I help NRC’s team? I mean, they would represent me, of course.”
I’ve actually mentioned that you have met Hades and Maleficent in this ask
Hades and Maleficent consider you as friends (maybe not close friends, but friends nonetheless)
The rest of the Great Seven also have positive opinions on you; and they try their best to live up to your expectations! They can’t have you turn your back on them after you openly praise them!
You’re dragged away from your job - instead you focus on entertaining the Great Seven! (Which was fine, Pete was at it again by trying to drive out the guests; you kept the Great Seven in so they could still run the show!)
As the night went on, you felt yourself getting less and less nervous about being with the Great Seven. You had loads of fun!
Of course the show ended sooner than you liked; and it was closing time.
“It was really wonderful to meet you! Maybe we’ll see each other again when the House of Mouse opens again?”
“Why would we wait for nighttime? I have a magic portal to travel to Twisted Wonderland whenever we’d like.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
Turns out Maleficent had an easier way to travel to Twisted Wonderland; but she gave you a sparkling gem. She told you that when she gave everyone (The Great Seven) a way to travel to Twisted Wonderland, they’d surely visit you. With the gem, it will sparkle and shine a certain color when they do.
The color? Well, of course it would be the dorm colors! It would be easier that way, would it not?
So, in the near future, the Great Seven would be able to visit you.
What do you think? You’re not against the idea; but the idea of one of them showing up during class is going to be a nightmare.
Oh well, future you will worry about that.
You thank Maleficent and go about returning to your world.
Before you get to the mirror, Mickey stops you.
“Hey, I just wanted to thank you for making sure the villains stay, it was a lifesaver and you saved our show.” “No...problem?” “Haha, our club would’ve been toast if they left! Thank you again!” “...Your welcome?”
And then you departed from the House of Mouse, immediately crashing onto your bed. Lazily, you take a glance at your mirror, wondering when you’ll see the Great Seven.
Then you promptly fall asleep.
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chaoticdean · 4 years
Supernatural and the topic of found family — family don’t end in blood… or does it?
I know I’ve talked a great deal about the way the complete erasure of both Cas and Eileen from the two final episodes of SPN made my blood boil, but after careful consideration and a lot of talking with several very clever people (you know who you are), I think what hurt me the most on top of it all is the way Supernatural decided to essentially throw away an entire section of what made the show what it was for the best part of the last decade and a half: the topic of found family, and how they’ve carefully crafted so many important side characters and relationships only to throw them all away for the sake of having one last episode essentially disconnected from the rest of the story. 
[Because I’ve talked about in great length over the course of the past week and a half, and although there are undoubtedly more issues with Supernatural’s series finale than just this (ie: the Destiel treatment and the queer erasure, along with the complete erasure of Eileen, the only disabled character this show has ever known), I’m going to concentrate solely on the treatment of found family, and why its erasure from the finale storyline is deeply upsetting on top of being utterly inexplicable. If you want to read an incredible article about this, I’d redirect you to @chill-legilimens article’s, The Trauma of Silence]
When Supernatural started airing in 2005, the show essentially focused on Sam and Dean and their relationship, with a dash of John Winchester and mending the broken pieces between a father and his sons into the mix. The first side character that gets introduced to the audience as some sort of surrogate father to both Winchesters is Bobby (1x22, Devil’s Trap), and he quickly became a fan favorite to the fandom. Interestingly enough, Bobby is also the one who comes up with the “Family don’t end with blood” line (if I’m not mistaken, the first time it’s said on the show is during 3x16, No Rest for the Wicked). Once this line gets said, it quickly became more than just a slogan within the fandom, and it’s often referenced as a motto for the show as well (Dean even uses it during his talk with Crowley in season 10 to explain what family means).
Over the years, so many characters got introduced and became fan favorites (off the top of my head, I can come up with half a dozen already) and have grown within the show, to the point where they’re introduced to the audience as some sort of found family to both Dean and Sam. The boys get invited to Jody Mills’ and her wayward daughter’s house for dinner, spend what can only be qualified as a slumber party watching Game of Thrones with Charlie Bradbury in the bunker, keep running around and bickering with Crowley, spends time in the bunker with Eileen (the margaritas and Sam and Eileen being hungover the morning after in the bunker’s kitchen lives rent-free in my head). Even the Ghostfacers keep popping in almost every season for a decade. The audience gets to learn who these characters are and connect with them on several levels, most of them also becoming fan favorites over time.
But if I had to pick only one side character to make a point, Castiel is undoubtedly the one that comes to mind first.
When Misha Collins came along during season 4, he was only supposed to be in for a couple of episodes and be done with it. But because of his masterful performance (and because the character of Anna, who gets introduced around the same time as Castiel, doesn’t seem to work as well as the writers thought it would), Misha stayed along for the whole ride, and ended his run on Supernatural 12 years and 144 episodes later, with a character that is so beloved by the fandom that it elevated him to the rank of third lead. Castiel is not only an angel of the Lord, he’s also Sam and Dean’s best friend who would do anything to protect them (and, well, has done so, multiple times). He’s grown within the show to the point where the audience directly refers to him as being one of the family, even though he’s not blood, because “Family don’t end with blood” after all.
Another example that is particularly telling over the course of the last couple of seasons is the treatment of Jack’s character, who’s quickly adopted by the boys and referred to as “their kid”, the three of them acting like surrogate dads even though in the end, Jack is Lucifer’s son. Once again, the show makes a point of showing the audience that although Jack is not related to Sam and Dean in any way (I’m guessing since Lucifer is basically Castiel’s brother, he is somewhat related to Cas, but since I don’t have a degree in angel DNA, I can’t 100% be sure), he’s still family, he still matters.
The story basically tells the audience that even though you might not have a blood-related family, that doesn’t prevent you to find people along your life’s journey that becomes intrinsically connected to your story, both on a deeply emotional and practical level. It tells you that you’re not required to have a blood family to be someone’s kid, or sister, or brother. It tells you that blood doesn’t define who you choose to share your life with, and most importantly, it tells you that you’re allowed to choose.
So why on Earth did anyone think that ending Supernatural’s 15-year run with an episode that essentially showcases Sam and Dean and sidelines the wide majority of the family they found along the way (with the exception of OG Bobby showing up in Heaven) was a good idea?
Don’t get me wrong, I love Bobby, I really do… But what was the excuse for not having either Misha back (the literal third lead of the show, who confessed to being in love with Dean, the second lead of the show, two episodes prior), or Alex (Jack being one of the main focus of the past two seasons at least)? I get that Covid made all of this difficult, but you can’t tell me you’ve been able to bring back Mark Pellegrino’s Lucifer for a two minutes and a half cameo in 15x19, but not Misha fucking Collins to end his character’s arc (and Dean’s, who’s arc is deeply wired with Castiel’s) after 12 years. 
I’m gonna say it again, because I feel like it’s been used as an excuse for everything ever since the finale aired: Covid cannot be the sole excuse for everything. It cannot account for the absence of literally EVERYONE around the Winchesters.
At that point, I should probably add that although I was incredible baffled by the one-off mention of Cas (well, two, if you count Sam saying he misses him and Dean deflecting during the Pie Fest at the beginning of the episode), what probably set me off the most is the part of Dean’s death speech where he says “when it all came down to it, it was always you and me, it’s always been you and me”. 
I’m sorry Dean, you know I love you to pieces, but what the actual fuck was that? What does it even mean? That single line essentially strips away any kind of meaningful contribution of any side characters… Including Castiel “always happy to bleed for the Winchesters”’s, and Jack’s who quite literally saved the whole world ONE EPISODE PRIOR.
Not to mention that the fact we don’t get to see Cas again leave Dean’s entire character’s arc incomplete. What was the point of season 15, which focused so deeply on Dean and Cas’ relationship, if in the end the entire character’s arc gets dropped?
So what’s the message being sent here? 
“Found family was a myth, it’s always been sorely about the Winchesters”? 
“Ha! Tricked ya!”?
Why did Supernatural, after a decade and a half spent consolidating the contribution of side characters, decided to essentially throw it all away?
Why did Supernatural, after a decade spent crafting meaningful relationships within the show, decided to light it all up on fire and end its run with an episode that basically tells the audience that none of it really mattered, it’s always been sorely about Dean and Sam.
I would’ve been fine with a Sam and Dean episode if Castiel had more than a one-off mention, if they didn’t give Sam a blurry wife, if Dean had the funeral he deserved (with a rock band, whisky, and all the fellow hunters and family he found along the way), if Sam didn’t spend the rest of his life mourning his brother. I would’ve been fine with only getting Jim Beaver on screen (because Covid) if we had been given something more than just Dean driving for his last 5 minutes on screen. It would have been FINE, if Supernatural hadn’t essentially forgotten about what made Supernatural, well, Supernatural.
Long story short, I feel tricked. And I know a lot of you feel tricked too, because this isn’t what we’ve been fed for the past 15 years. Supernatural was a show about finding your way through life and death and horror and trauma, with help from people you found along the way who became linked to your story because you cared for each other. And Supernatural ended by telling us that found family didn’t really matter, that Dean was always going to die on a random hunt, that Sam could never be truly happy without his brother by his side. Talk about a downgrade, uh?
I don’t know why they decided to throw their entire legacy to the wind. Truth be told, I don’t think we’ll ever get to know. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to stay pissed about it. That doesn’t mean I’m going to ever be okay with my favorite show deciding to end its run with a finale episode so deeply disconnected from their 15-year story that it felt utterly shallow.
They said “Family don’t end with blood”… But after all of this, doesn’t it, though?
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bugsy-maria · 3 years
Winchester's x Demon Sister! Reader
Tumblr media
Warnings: Mention of burning alive, mention of torture and abusive past
"You know I find it hard to believe that you don't recognize your own Daughter," I played with the blade of John's hunting knife, "Were you that much of an absent father?" I looked up at the three hunters I hold hostage. my black eyes staring at them, a deadpanned look across my may face.
"I don't have a daughter!" he lost his cool fast. he yelled at me and I barely said anything.
"Of course you do," I bent down to his eye level, "You just forgot about her in the fire."
~~~~~22 years before~~~~~
3rd POV
Marry had just tucked in her two latest pride and joys. today was their six-month birthdays and something about that felt familiar to Marry as she forgot about it. as she walked out of the room after kissing the twins goodnight, she dismissed the feeling.
Mary passes John as she leaves the nursery, he's on his way to put Dean to bed. Once all children were put to bed, the adults of the house decided that it was their turn to turn in fr the night.
About an hour or two later, Mary stirs in her sleep. the noise from the baby monitor keeping her from sleeping. he sat up ready to make her way to the nursery to see little Sammy and precious (Y/N). she walked through the hall and sees a dim light coming from the TV downstairs.
Mary looks into the room in which the baby duo occupied, just to see the silhouette of her husband standing over the crib both babies slept in. they hadn't expected twins so they had only used the one that Dean used.
"John?" Mary spoke up, "Are they hungry?" she queried.
"Shh." her Husband shushed, she took it as a sign that he had just managed to put the two tots to bed. Mary made her way downstairs to turn off the TV, once she made her way to the bottom of the wooded steps she saw the last thing she expected to see.
On the couch was her husband sleeping, but in the room was John putting the babies to sleep. Marry quickly darted up the stairs turning on the lights to her own death. John awoke to the sounds of his wife screaming.
John saw the sight of the fire in the nursery, he also saw Dean standing in the hall scared.
"Get your siblings!" he shouted at the poor child. as he ran down the stairs to call for help.
~~~~~Present day~~~~~
(Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N)?" his voice shook.
"Ding! Ding! ding!" I stood straight, "We have a winner!" I pointed at him.
"Get out of her, you black-eyed bitch!" I heard Dean speak up from the end of the line.
"Oh Dee," I chuckled, "I am your sister, I'm just upgraded." I smiled, looking back down at the knife I'm now twisting in my palm.
"You're not my sister, you're just a girl I met at school." his voice turned down yet sterned.
~~~~~9 years before~~~~~
Another day, another motel, another school. I never knew why we moved around a lot. all I knew was that it was for dad's work. I woke up to a single-bed hotel room once again. why only one bed you may ask? well, my dad is a crossroads demon for Hell so he's never around, but when he is I get new marks on my skin.
I got ready for school, I put on a black sweater with a white-collar shirt underneath. I slid my legs into a pair of ripped black jeans and tied my dirt-stained white converse. I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked to the school.
the day went by miserably slow. I was walking to the lunchroom, books safely tucked into my locker. I wasn't going to eat anything, I just had to be there. I felt someone's shoulder knock into mine.
"Sorry." I squeaked out, my frame folding into itself. I looked at the person I ran into. he looked to be a senior, 6' 7" and built like a chad.
"You think you can just push me around?" his voice boomed throughout the hall, making everyone stop.
"n-no," I stuttered. I felt my shoulder get grabbed and my back gets pushed up against the locker.
"I'm gonna make you pay for even laying eyes on me short stack!" he reeled his fist back, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact.
"You wanna think about that again?" a stern voice spoke up. I opened my eyes to see a familiar face, he had light freckles on his skin, dark brown hair, and an old leather jacket. he was always at every school I went to, and always managed to get the reputation of the bad boy everyone was scared of.
the giant quickly scurried off, leaving Dean and me in the same spot.
"You okay?" he looked at me.
"mm." I hummed, "Thanks, Dean." I quietly thanked about to make my way to the lunchroom.
"You know me?" he stopped me.
"Of course, you're always at every school I go to." I looked back at him, "Almost like you follow me." I smiled. most are scared of him, but when you see him almost every day for 13 years you tend to not be as scared.
~~~~~Present day~~~~~
Ever since that day he protected me from bullies and on occasion tended to my wounds caused by my father.
"That happens to also be your sister." I smiled at him. "I swear we crossed paths so many times. I was left to burn in a fire, saved by a demon instead of my own father, always in the same motel just one room over, in the same class as Sam, always saved by Dean, always kicked out by John, and always left behind for the wolves." I walked around them.
"The demon did this to you," Sam concluded.
"You'd think that wouldn't you?" I kneeled in front of him, my knife gliding across his jaw. "Sam it always was you, you were the one to push me over the edge."
~~~~~5 Years Before~~~~~
"You might have had Dean fooled but I'm not!" sam yelled at me. I was hoping Dee would be at their room so he could help me sew up a deep gash I got on my arm. a wound that was being held closed by an old tee-shirt. "I know you are one of those things that killed our mother!"
"Sammy what are you talking about?" tears of pain dried upon my face, but new tears forming on my face. how could Same think I'm a monster?
"Don't call me that!" he pushed me back a little from my shoulders. the harsh movement caused a sting in my wound, but I won't let any pain show now. "I hate you I always have! You're nothing but a monster!" he grabbed my uninjured arm and shoved me out of the room. I stood outside as he slammed the door in my face.
something changed in me that day. something big broke. I hated what I was, so I changed in that split second. my eyes turned black that night.
~~~~~Present day~~~~~
"You know you don't have to watch me." I stood up and looked in the direction of Crowley, the demon who found me burning. "I've been planing this since I was 17." I smiled, watching him disappear. I looked around the room, making sure that he was absolutely gone.
"Thank Lucifer he's gone!" I smiled, I quickly walked over to Dean undoing his restraints.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"I may be a demon now, but I still care about you Dee," I said standing up hugging him after dropping the knife.
"I know." he hugged back.
"Dean are you crazy? She's a demon?!" I heard John yell.
"And you left your child to burn alive so it's not like you're all that good either." I went over to sam to undo his restraints too.
"How do we know we can trust you?"
"Well you never did before, so don't know." I smiled, crawling over to John's chair.
"Sam, get the Colt." I heard Sam listen to John.
"Wrong direction Sammy boy." I pulled the gun out of my pants while I stood up.
"So you planned to get the gun from us?" john stood up, facing me.
"no, I'll give it back once you guys are out of  here." I looked him in the eyes.
"She wouldn't hurt us, dad." I heard Dean speak from his spot near Sam.
"And how can we trust her?" venom leaked from the old man's words.
"Fine." I sighed, "Let's make a deal." I smiled at them.
"For what our souls, you might as well kill us now then." sam sounded angry
"No of course not. I'm a demon there for I have to keep the deals I make, I let you escape if you shoot me, not dead but in the shoulder."
"I don't want to hurt you guys, so I need to make it seem like you escaped on your own without my help."
"And you thought I wouldn't notice?" I heard crowly say from behind me.
"I'm not going to hurt them." I looked at him.
"No you were always too sensitive, it's the human in you." I threw the colt at Dee.
"And it what has kept me alive." I smile at him.
"It's what's going to kill you,"
"But you haven't killed me, I think that's your human side." he stepped in front of me.
"You better choose your next words very wisely," he advised
"If you wanted to kill you would have by know, face it. you care for me a little bit." he snapped his fingers and I was back in hell. in my room, well more like a holding cell.
"Argue with Crowley again?" a demon asked me from outside from my cell.
"Mmhmm." I slumped on the floor in the corner of the small cement room. just hoping that my brothers would come and save me this time.
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aziraphales-library · 2 years
Do you have any good fics with some angsty Crowley during the whole Noah's Arc dilemma, preferably some with him saving children? I die for soft Crowley during this time. Anyways, I love browsing y'all's library, it's a wonderful job you're all doing :)
We have some Mesopotamia fics here, and I’ve got more now that focus on Crowley saving kids...
left you behind (just standing there) by 5ftjewishcactus (T)
The rain began and never stopped. Aziraphale stood upon the deck, watching as the waters began to rise. As he watched a figure appeared in the sky, black wings spread out as the being swooped down and grabbed a lone child about to be carried away by the water.
you could make a religion out of this by flibbertygigget (T)
In which Crowley (er, Crawly) defies the Ineffable Plan and accidentally becomes a god.
Mercy by TheGrammarHawk (T)
Aziraphale retreats into the ark to seek out Crawly's company despite the certain bad temper that awaits him. Somehow, finding the demon grieving and sick from exertion is not the most surprising revelation to be had.
He had been unable to help the humans swept away by the floodwaters, but perhaps he can still comfort the one being he's started finding himself attached to.
Oh, who adds real titles these days? by RyanWithSuperPowers (G)
“What’s all this about? Build a boat and fill it with a traveling zoo?” “From what i hear, God’s potentially wiping out the human race. Big storm.” “All of them?” “Just the locals. I don’t believe the Almighty is upset with the Chinese. Or the native Americans. Or the Australians.” “Yes...” “And God’s not actually going to wipe our ALL of the locals. Noah, up there, his family, his sons, their wives, they’re all going to be fine.” “But they’re drowning everybody else? The kids, you can’t kill kids.”
Heaven In Hiding by NuriaSchnee (E)
Aziraphale discovers Crawley's in the Ark, protecting a group of children he saved. After this, they start to meet every night in Aziraphale's room to drink, talk and have a bit of company. Soon, the angel realizes he's starting to fall in love with the demon and their meetings turn into a torment for his heart.
The Rain Keeps Falling by Bookwormgal (T)
The rain fell and the floodwaters rose. Too fast to escape completely, but slow enough to cause panic and despair before death could claim them. Because that was the purpose of the rain and flood sent by Heaven. To drown and wash away everything deemed evil, sinful, wicked, or unworthy of being saved.
The water was death for anyone unworthy of Their mercy and love. And as far as Crawly was concerned, They had made Their feelings very clear when he Fell for asking a few questions. He didn’t want to think about it, but part of Crawly feared that he was risking more than discorporation in the aggressive storm.
Somehow, he knew the water held death of a permanent nature even for him.
- Mod D
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Okay, wait, here’s some ideas and character stuff for the new au:
-Trans and on T 
-Name is legally changed to Anthony Crowley, was originally a Dowling
-His parents divorced when he was little, lived with his mom until she passed away, lived with his aunt Ashtoreth until moving to work at the park
-ADORES his little half brother Warlock, who thinks Crowley is just the coolest person ever
-Is twenty seven years old and doing research at the park for his final thesis paper
-Studies plants, came to Celestial Harmonies National Park to study the plant life there due to their unusual nature or being completely unknown species
-Likes to cook and bake as a hobby, and cleans when anxious. His apartment is spotless and is always kept spotless
-Works as maintenance and is also, against his will, part of the janitorial staff for the park, when it opens to the public he will realize that Hell exists in this ‘little piece of Heaven’ because of tourist season
-Likes spooky things, does not help his anxiety
-Likes monsters. A lot. A lot. is a size king
-Has a strong southern accent, will say ‘ya’ll’, ‘y’all’ and ‘oh, bless your heart’ on purpose
-Thinks Aziraphale is hot, in both human and angel form
-Makes a park uniform look good
-Wears contacts for work, wears glasses at home, his eyes are shit, Azirphale finds his glasses adorable 
-Has lived in the park for a very, very long time. He doesn’t know how long anymore
-Is over two hundred feet long in his angel form
-Has a flaming sword, he doesn’t remember where he set it down 
-Lives in a cabin that doesn’t actually make any sense. It’s bigger on the inside
-Friendly and sweet, bit of a bastard, his people skills are weird
-Sometimes interacts with the people of Tadfield, but they are unsettled by him. Except Tracy, she puts up with him just fine, and so does Crowley 
-He has a door in his cabin that takes him to his old shop in England when he wants to get away from work for a while. Crowley accidentally falls through it and freaks out about it
-Smells like lavender as a human, doesn’t know humans don’t naturally smell like flowers. Smells like wet dirt in his angel form 
-Big Boy
-He really, really like Crowley and follows him around while he works without Crowley noticing (Crowley is aware that someone or something is watching him, doesn’t know it’s a giant angel)
-He’s here for work reasons
-He tries to help find lost people, but it’s not easy, the forest is huge and strange things happen, even when he’s not doing anything to cause them
-Will eat things that are not food if he doesn’t know they’re not food 
-Doesn’t like Gabriel 
Crowley is here at the park for the spring and summer to do his thesis paper and is very fascinated with the plant life. After meeting Aziraphale, he has the angel work with him for his paper, having no idea what Aziraphale is, but has some... suspicions about him. Still, very into the hot mountain man who has manners but no social skills.
Aziraphale just wants to be close to the pretty human who says strange, silly things to him. And yells at plants.
The park is under Aziraphale’s protection, but it’s hard to protect it all when there are so many things that happen in it. He does try his best, but he can only be in one place at one time. When he saves someone, he removes their memories of him, or only makes them think they saw his human form. 
However, with Crowley, he didn’t do this. He just... couldn’t do it, so he sort of blocked them, a little, but Crowley remembers.
Aziraphale leaves the park at times, but he always has to return, it’s his job to protect it. His humming is what gave the park its name by explorers in the 1800s. 
Aziraphale is known by long-time park employees because he comes every summer to visit the visitor center and meet anyone new. He also collects their brochures, for some reason. 
No one who sees his angel form and remembers ever says what they saw correctly. He’s hard to comprehend. Even Crowley has trouble because no one believes him. 
That’s all I’ve got, unless if you wanna ask me something specific or you have ideas you’d like to throw at me. 
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