#war crimes investigator
eretzyisrael · 2 months
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Benjamin Ferencz was born on March 11, 1920, to a Jewish family in the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania. He was only 10 months old when his family moved to the United States and settled in the Lower East Side. In 1943, Ferencz graduated from Harvard Law School and enlisted in the U.S. Army as America was preparing to invade France. He served under General Patton and was awarded 5 battle stars. Towards the end of WWII, Ferencz was appointed as a war crimes investigator in the newly established War Crimes Branch of the U.S. Army. He gathered proof of Nazi brutality to convict individuals of international war crimes. Ferencz was a first-hand witness of the atrocities committed by the Nazis and was among the U.S. forces that liberated several concentration camps.  When asked about what he had witnessed, Ferencz said, “My mind would not accept what my eyes saw. … I had peered into hell.” By the end of 1945, Ferencz returned to New York and was soon recruited by the U.S. Government to join the team for the Nuremberg Trials. At just 27 years old, Ferencz was appointed Chief Prosecutor in the Einsatzgruppen Trial, which is considered the biggest murder trial in history. Ferencz and his team were responsible for the convictions of 22 Nazi death squad commanders, guilty of genocidal war crimes and crimes against humanity and were charged with the murder of over one million people. Here is a photo from this time last year on his 103rd birthday, reminding us to “do something that you love.” 
Ferencz passed away just a few weeks later on April 7, 2023. May his memory be a blessing.
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drsonnet · 4 days
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Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center..Finally, #CNN SPEAKS (May, 2024)
Sde Teiman: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center | CNN
| تحقيق لسي إن إن: - انتهاكات وتعذيب لمعتقلين فلسطينيين على يد جنود إسرائيليين في مركز اعتقال سري بالنقب. - شهادات مخبرين إسرائيليين كشفت أن المعتقلين الفلسطينيين يعيشون ظروفا قاسية للغاية.
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Update from #Khan Yunis (May, 2024) :
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Palestinian citizens, who have been kidnapped by Israel's military from Khan Yunis | (Jan., 2024)
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Palestinian men detained by Israeli forces since the start of the war in Gaza have told Middle East Eye how they were physically tortured with dogs and electricity, subjected to mock executions, and held in humiliating and degrading conditions. (March, 2024)
long live the resistance : This is what Farouq looks like after severe... (tumblr.com) Dec, 2023
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alwaysbewoke · 29 days
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A mass grave was discovered at al-Shifa Medical Complex after a deadly Israeli assault last month left the Gaza City hospital in ruins. Several bodies were found Monday in the hospital’s courtyard, including at least one person wearing underwear who appeared to have been “executed recently” according to an Al Jazeera Arabic reporter at the scene. After Israeli forces withdrew from the hospital on 1 April, teams from several government ministries were deployed to al-Shifa to remove and identify bodies. The searches were initiated after survivors said they witnessed the summary execution of Palestinians by Israeli forces during the two-week raid that started in mid-March.
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belleandre-belle · 7 months
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A new Amnesty investigation has found that the Israeli army indiscriminately, and therefore unlawfully, used white phosphorous in an attack on Dhayra in south Lebanon on 16 October.
The attack must be investigated as a war crime.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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moonmo0n · 7 months
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What have I done?
Commissions open :)
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because--palestine · 3 days
Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center
Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"2 jeunes gens sont morts de façon tragique," La Presse. August 10, 1943. Page 3. --- Ils auraient bu de l'alcool de bois dimanche dernier. - Enquête demain. ---- Deux adolescents ont succombé, ce matin, à un empoisonnement causé par l'absorption d'alcool de bols. Tous deux sont de S.-Henri. Il s'agit de Marcel Roy, 14 ans, 5172, rue Ste- Marle, et de Marcel S.-Jean, 15 ans, 5061 ouest, rue Notre-Dame,
Le premier a succombé vers 2 h., ce matin, en l'hôpital Général de Verdun où il avait été transporté hier soir. Le second est mort vers 8 h. ce matin à l'hôpital Général, division ouest. Les cadavres furent transportés à la morgue de Montréal où une enquête sera ouverte demain matin avec un jury sous la présidence du Dr Pierre Hebert, coroner conjoint du district de Montréal.
Témoignages des parents D'après les témoignages des parents des victimes voici les détails de cette tragédie: Les deux jeunes hommes étalent partis de leur domicile respectif de bonne heure dimanche après-midi pour se rendre, avec un groupe d'amis, au parc Lafontaine. Ils y avaient passé l'après-midi.
Au cours de la soirée du même jour, ils s'étalent rendus, avec les mêmes amis, à une soirée d'amateurs qui avait lieu au stade Notre- Dame, chemin de la Côte S.-Paul.
Le frère d'une des victimes, M. Lucien S.-Jean, nous a déclaré que ce serait au cours de la soirée que les deux malheureux auraient absorbé la boisson mortelle.
Il nous a encore déclaré qu'hier matin, Mme Hugues S.-Jean réveilla son fils, Marcel, à l'heure habituelle, pour aller travailler. Cependant, le jeune homme refusa de se lever, révélant à sa mère qu'il souffrait d'un violent mal de tête et de maux d'estomac. Elle lui demanda alors ce qu'il avait mangé ou bu la veille. Il répondit qu’il n'avait rien bu et qu'il se sentait simplement malade. Sur la fin de l'après-midi d'hier, M. Lucien S.-Jean constata que l'état de son frère empirait. "Les yeux lui sortaient de la tête", dit-il, et il avait l'écume à la bouche.
"Il était presque méconnaissable". C'est alors qu'll fit venir le Dr Laurin, de la rue Notre-Dame ouest, qui lui conseilla de faire transporter le malade à l'hôpital.
Mustisme complet "Nous avons tenté par tous les moyens, durant la journée de lundi, de lui faire avouer ce qu'il avait absorbé, mais ce fut en vain. Ce n'est qu'à l'hôpital qu'il nous déclara avoir pris de l'alcool avec des amis. Il n'a j'amais voulu nous dire qui lui avait donné la boisson".
"Après avoir fait transporter mon frère à l'hôpital, ajouta M. Lucien S.-Jean, je me rendis chez les parents du jeune Roy. Je savais que Marcel Roy soufrait du même mal. Je leur enjoignis de faire transporter leur fils à l'hôpital.
M. et Mme Joseph Roy, parents de l'autre victime, nous ont déclaré qu'ils tentèrent eux aussi de faire avouer à leur enfant ce qu'il avait pala. Es n'obtinrent pas plus de succès. Le Dr Archambault prodigua les premiers soins au jeune Roy.
Les deux adolescents conservèrent le plus absolu mutisme jusqu'à leur dernière heure. Mais on croit qu'un adulte leur aurait fourni l’alcool. Le Dr Jean-Marie Roussel, médecin-légiste, nous déclarait ce matin qu'à leur äge un ou deux onces d'alcool de bols suffisaient pour causer la mort. Même si les deux victimes avalent déclaré plus tôt qu'ils avaient absorbé une telle boisson on aurait eu peu de chances de les sauver.
Les sergants détectives Fitzparick et Senecal, de l'escouade des homicides font aujourd'hui une en- quête dans ce cas. On s'attend à des révélations prochaines. Legende:
MARCEL ROY (à gauche) et MARCEL SAINT-JEAN, morts dans des circonstances étranges à l'hôpital après avoir bu, dimanche dernier, ce que l'on croit être de l'alcool de bois.
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agentfascinateur · 29 days
The 10 top politicians lobbied by the Canadian AIPAC:
And it's not happy with the UNRWA reversal...
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xinambercladx · 2 years
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Cad Bane investigates a crime scene, hoping to find clues on the vile Brass Killer. This bounty hunt is a tricky one. *Yes, Bane lost his hat on Naboo. He hasn't gotten it back yet. He's currently laying low on the Bith homeworld, but got bored so he picked up a bounty puck.
Read "Figment" on A03 <- click
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drsonnet · 3 months
I am feeling sorry and ashamed in front of your remains and your emaciated bodies by hunger and extreme coldness. I am sorry, Hind. I am sorry for Maryam, because the laws could not protect your husband and daughters, and they could not protect #Hind and her family from death. I feel sorry for every child in #Gaza, I explained about #HumanRights , the Convention for the Protection of Children, the @UN Assembly, international laws, and the #Geneva Convention, which could not protect you from death, bombing, and physical and psychological violence.
Mohammed _awed #Gaza
They killed all, family members, children, medics,.. #Gaza #GazaGenocide #Holocaust: 12 days after being missing following an Israeli shelling on her family car, the body of the six-year-old girl Hind Rajab, along with the bodies of five of her family members, have been found in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood of Gaza City. Medical sources reported that the family of Hind found her body this morning and the bodies of those who were in the vehicle, which was surrounded by occupation tanks in the vicinity of the Finance Roundabout in the Tal Al-Hawa neighborhood.
The Palestine Red Crescent ambulance was discovered bombed the Tal al-Hawa area of #Gaza City, resulting in the killing of crew members Yusuf Zeino and Ahmed Al-Madhoun, who had been missing since a rescue mission for the child Hind Rajab 12 days ago.
NotATarget❌ #IHL
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anastasiamaru · 2 years
“Reporters Without Borders” published an investigation into how Ukrainian photojournalist Max Levin and the military officer who accompanied him, Oleksii Chernyshov, might have died
There is evidence that they were executed in cold blood by the russian military on March 13 after being interrogated and tortured.
Max Levin was probably killed with one or two shots at close range, while Chernyshov could have been burned alive.
They could have been killed by soldiers of the 106th guards airborne division (Commander vladimir selivyorstov) or by russian special forces.
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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She really doesn't have much room to talk. She has parroted the same BS lies for months, downplayed everything and used dismissive wording to minimize the reality of everything.
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moonmo0n · 7 months
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I wish there was some sort of space-themed crime scene investigation.
Commissions are open. :)
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
Investigators have found that Vladimir Putin was largely responsible for supplying the missile system which shot down Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 in eastern Ukraine in 2014. The attack killed 298 passengers and crew – many of them Dutch citizens.
Russia has always denied any involvement in the downing of the flight over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014, and refused to cooperate with the international investigation.
Dutch prosecutors said that "there are strong indications that the Russian president decided on supplying" a Buk missile system — the weapon that downed MH17 — to Ukrainian separatists.
The war in Ukraine began in 2014 with Putin’s illegal seizure of Crimea and the insurgency by Russian-backed separatists in Luhansk and Donetsk. The invasion a year ago was simply a massive escalation of the war.
As well as the criminal trial that was held in the Netherlands, the Dutch and Ukrainian governments are suing Russia at the European Court of Human Rights over its alleged role in the downing of MH17.
The findings revealed Wednesday will likely strengthen the case at the human rights court and could also be used by prosecutors at the International Criminal Court who are investigating possible war crimes in Ukraine dating back to the start of the separatist conflict.
Putin has been a war criminal for eight years longer than people generally assume.
This news regarding ML17 reminded me of the excellent book Greetings from Novorossiya: Eyewitness to the War in Ukraine by Polish journalist Paweł Pieniążek. Pieniążek, who was 25 at the time, covered Ukraine in 2014 – including the shootdown of ML17. His understated and personal style make this an excellent read. His fluency in Ukrainian and Russian gave him the access and understanding of the conflict which monolingual Anglophones lacked. Anybody who read this book before 2022 would have been less surprised by developments over the past 12 months.
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