#water aerobic weights
jackies-ear · 1 year
Oh!!! I tried a new class at the gym tonight, and one of the ladies is someone who’s also in my dance class, but we’ve never talked. I was wearing an old roller derby tournament shirt and she sees it as we’re getting our mats set out and goes ‘is that roller derby?? I used to do the rec league here!’ !!!!!!!!
I really want to join the rec league but they practice outside, and it’s in the morning, but summer mornings are fucking hot already so I’m putting it off til the fall lol
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catfever7 · 2 years
Soo a few things..
1. Work has been good, but busy. I love my job and people I work with and learning new stuff.
2. Two weeks from today I will be in New Mexico. I'm slightly nervous but excited too. New place. A state I've never been to before. And then the week after that San Francisco/Oakland.
3. I have not been to the gym in well over a month. I went back this week (took the water aerobics class). Several ladies in the class missed me and the instructor did too. It's a nice feeling having people be like "where have you been". I went twice this week.. so progress.
4. I have a doctor's appointment next week. I need to get some lab work done. I also have a cyst and it's causing me some pain.
5. A friend told me about this "secret" Facebook group, I requested to join and got approved and DAMN I went down a rabbit hole going through a bunch of the posts.
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ebooks-from-amazon · 2 months
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hanszoe · 2 months
i guess i had a longer post before but since i'm working on it now, a quick summary of hans' muscle composition
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first is that they have a lot of explosive strength. their height and weight was confirmed as 170cm/5'7" 60kg/132lbs even before the anime adaptation, so it's true to how isayama imagined them. in the above scene that compares to pastor nick's height and weight of 192cm/6'3.5" 72kg/159lbs.
in the anime adaptation this action lasts a total of 1m14s.
35s - bearing initial weight. nick is still supporting himself and hans is not holding him that far from their combined center of mass. 22s - hans pushes him further over the ledge, increasing the distance of their center of mass from their body. this increases the amount of force that they must exert in order to hold him up. at this point hans' arm begins to shake, caused by their muscles beginning to alternate between fibers to distribute demand 17s - nick stops supporting his own weight, further increasing the amount of force hans has to exert to hold him up. killing him should not only be a mental question but also a physical one at this point
they then use the last of their strength to throw him back over the ledge. their entire body is shaking when they sit down.
the situation is somewhat unrealistic, especially hans' pose as regardless of their muscle strength they are at a major mass disadvantage and would absolutely have to place more of their own weight away from the ledge (this would naturally occur by widening their stance and lifting their unused arm on the opposite side) to avoid falling, but overall within the realm of possibility. regardless, it takes a lot of explosive strength to do something like this.
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hans also has similar explosive strength on a few other occasions, notably when they kick over this table.
however in contrast, they don't seem to have much endurance
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they're so exhausted from running presumably just a short distance from their horse to tell erwin that they drop to the floor lol. as if it were a regular occurrence, erwin just gets them a glass of water
so hans' endurance definitely doesn't compare to their explosive strength. which actually makes sense, considering two totally different types of muscle fibers control these types of movements.
the first type, which hans definitely has a large distribution of, are fast twitch muscle fibers. those ones use an anaerobic process to generate energy, which is also why they aren't breathing heavily after holding nick over the ledge, as their muscles used almost entirely anaerobic glycolysis to generate the energy required for the action.
the second are slow twitch fibers, used over longer durations. they use aerobic metabolism to generate energy, so this is why hans is breathing so heavily after running.
based on the disparity in their respective areas of strength, hans most likely has a higher distribution of fast twitch fibers. there is a certain gene which controls this, the ACTN3 gene. that one encodes alpha-actinin-3, which is a protein only expressed in fast twitch muscle fibers. allele variations control whether alpha-actinin-3 is actually encoded at all. individuals with a CC genotype have full expression of the gene, whereas CT or TT result in reduced production up to no production at all in individuals with a TT genotype. this is called ACTN3 deficiency. without alpha-actinin-3, muscles are shifted towards aerobic metabolism and fast twitch fibers work less efficiently.
it's actually very cool that hans' physical strength is so consistent in this way that we can even speculate on their muscle composition, up to them likely having a CC ACTN3 genotype. i haven't read much of isayama's blog but he used to post a lot about sports up to betting and predictions, so it seems like his particular athletic knowledge came into use here to depict them.
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chiesdecayiing · 7 days
 ✚𓈒  ana guide  ⧽
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 ౨ৎ  note ; Block me instead of reporting me please, these are based off of my own experiences! ~
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 1 ; Symptoms
Osteopenia (Thinning of the bones): Poor nutrition, excessive exercise, and/or purging (such as by vomiting or laxative abuse) can cause an unhealthy, low body weight When this happens, less weight bears on your bones. This can lead to bone loss and potential loss of muscle that supports and strengthens your bones. So… How do you deal with it? Vitamin and mineral supplements: You might need over-the-counter or prescription calcium or vitamin D supplements. try doing weight-bearing and resistance exercises 3 or 4 days a week. Weight-bearing exercises focus on carrying the weight of your body against gravity. Walking is a great weight-bearing activity, as are running, dancing, aerobics, hiking and tennis, but remember don’t over do it, you can’t be skinny when you’re dead.
Anemia and muscle wasting and weakness: Reduced blood flow: Anemia can limit the delivery of nutrients to muscles and joints, increasing stiffness. Increased lactic acid: Muscles deprived of oxygen produce more lactic acid, leading to cramps. Weakened muscles: Over time, anemia can weaken muscles. This makes them more susceptible to pain and injury. What to do against it? eat iron-rich foods, including lean red meats, fish and poultry, legumes (e.g. lentils and beans), fortified cereals and dark green leafy vegetables; eat foods rich in vitamin C (such as fruits and vegetables) which help the body absorb iron, don’t forget to do sport, and eat when you’re hungry.
Brittle hair and nails: Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps the body convert food into energy. A deficiency in biotin is somewhat rare, but when it occurs, brittle, thinning, or splitting hair and nails are some of the most noticeable symptoms. So here’s what to do against it! Eat a diet rich in nutrients such as vitamins A and C, zinc, and biotin. Stay hydrated; water can help strengthen your hair and keep it from drying out. Keep your nails short to minimize nail surface area, where water and chemicals can be absorbed. Use a fine emery board to file your nails. Don't pick or bite your nails or cuticles. Buff your nails in the same direction as the nail grows. Consider applying a nail hardener to help strengthen nails. Switch to a shampoo and conditioner designed for damage control. Don't skip conditioner. Choose hair styling products made with hydrating ingredients.
Dry and yellowish skin: Carotenemia may be related to restricted dietary habits, hyperlipidemia, or a deficiency in the conversion of carotene into vitamin A by the liver. So here’s what helps! Moisturize. Apply moisturizer several times a day, especially when your skin feels dry and after handwashing or bathing, while your skin is still moist. Vitamin C, D, E and anti-inflammatory! vitamin B12 deficiency can cause yellowish skin so make sure to include it in your diet.
Lanugo (Growth of fine hair all over the body): with anorexia often lack important nutrients that help keep the body insulated and warm, so as a response lanugo develops to act as a protective layer. Here’s what you can eat to get your nutrients! Green, leafy vegetables, Orange and red produce, Nuts and seeds, beans, Whole grains, Egg yolks.
Low blood pressure: Low blood pressure occurs when blood pressure is much lower than normal. This means the heart, brain, and other parts of the body may not get enough blood. Normal blood pressure is mostly between 90/60 mmHg and 120/80 mmHg.
Here are the risks of an eating disorder.
Organ failure , Brain damage , Hair loss , severe constipation , slowed breathing and pulse
 ✿ ⠀Chapter 2 soon (^_^)
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tiedupinknottss · 2 months
tips tips tips
1. Drink one glass of water every hour. It will make you feel full.
2. Drink ice cold water. Your body will burn calories just getting the water to a normal temperature to digest. Also it is great for your complexion.
3. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily. It will help boost your metabolism, plus its antioxidants make your skin look great.
4. Take vitamins daily. Do not take vitamins on an empty stomach, otherwise they have nothing to catalyze with.
5. Eat ice or gum when hungry. This will make your body think it had food without the calories.
6. Do aerobics until you want to faint.
7. Eat spicy foods. They raise your metabolism.
8. Take cold showers because your body will burn calories to heat you back up.
9. DON’T take laxatives. They don’t help you to lose weight.
10. DON’T use diuretics. They only dehydrate you.
11. Brush your teeth constantly so you won’t be tempted to eat afterwards.
12. Wear a rubberband around your wrist. Snap it when you want to eat.
13. Clean something gross (toilet, litter box, boyfriend’s closet) when you want to eat. You will not want to eat after cleaning a litter box.
14. Keep your hair in good condition so no one will suspect anything.
15. Get a job so you’ll have to work through meal times.
16. Exercise twice the amount of calories eaten.
17. Use smaller plates and utensils so it seems like you ate more.
18. Chew eat bite of food thoroughly and then take a sip of water between bites. You will feel full quicker and will not eat as much.
19. Say you are going to eat at a friend’s house and instead go for a walk. You will be burning calories instead of taking them in.
20. Buy clothes that you can’t fit into and hang them wear you can see them. This will motivate you to lose weight to fit into them.
21. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%.
22. If you start to feel hungry do situps or punch yourself in the stomach. You will not feel hungry anymore.
23. Pamper yourself! Give yourself a facial, paint your nails, anything to make you feel pretty.
24. Make yourself a snack, but instead of eating it throw it away. Leave the dirty dishes whereyour parents can find them. They will think you ate.
25. Prepare a list of excuses as to why you can’t eat – You’re sick, you’re a vegetarian, allergic, etc. You’d be amazed at how many good excuses there are.
26. Get out of your house! If you’re not sitting around then people can’t start shit with you about not eating.
27. Join a pro-ana group or start your own website. Anything that will keep you motivated.
28. Make an ANA scrapbook with pics of skinny models. Right down all the reasons you want to lose weight. Keep track of everything you eat. Look at it daily for thinsperation.
29. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight.
30. Instead of food, buy something else, a new shirt, flowers, jewelrey etc.
31. Make a list of all the “bad” foods that you crave and tend to binge on. Each day, pick one to take out of your diet that you absolutely, no matter what, cannot eat again. Take one off the list each day until there are no more bad foods you can have.
32. Avoid alcohol! A shot of liquor has 100-120 calories, a glass of wine has 80 calories, a lite beer has 110-120 calories, and a regular beer has 140-170 calories.
33. Never eat anything bigger than about a cup, your stomach will expand and then you’ll get hungry more.
34. Eat in front of a mirror naked. See how much you can eat then!
35. The smell of coffee is suppose to supress appetite.
36. Wear perfectly applied lip gloss. It makes you more aware of what’s going in your mouth. Also, flavored ones help with cravings.
37. Have 6 small meals a day. Take 2 apples, and split them so you can make 6 meals out of them. That way your body will be tricked into thinking it’s eating more.
38. Low calorie hot chocolate curbs chocolate cravings, and makes you feel full.
39. Take anti-heartburn pills if you’re really hungry. They nuetralize the acid that builds and makes you hungry.
40. Take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit or something equally revealing, look at it when you want to eat.
41. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realize the stomach is full.
42. When you get hunger pains curl into a ball, it makes them go away.
43. If you’re a smoker and hungry, light up a cigarette. It curbs your appetite.
44. Eat lots of fiber. It makes you feel full and takes fat with it out of your body. The natural cleansing helps improve both your energy level and overall feeling of wellness.
45. Before you dig into that cake, bag of chips, candy, or whatever, take a deep breath and count to 100. Usually by the time you get to 100 you will have convinced yourself that you don’t really want it.
46. When you’re hungry chug 2 glasses (or how many you need) of straight water. It’ll make you so full and nauseous you will have completely lost your appetite.
47. Celery actually burns calories. Every hour eat a stalk of it. Not only will it fill you up, but it will also get your metabolism kickin’.
48. Weigh yourslef before and after every time you eat. Not only will it eliminate unnecessary eating, but it will make you want to eat less when you see the numbers creep up.
49. Read the nutritional information. Remember, fat-free does not mean calorie-free. Also keep an eye on fiber content. Get as much fiber into your diet as you can, while cutting fat and calories.
50. Don’t eat a lot at once. Spread your food throughout the day. This will help to avoid binging and keep your metabolism going.
51. If you like to drink alcohol, you’ll like this. Make a rule: You can only drink every time you lose 2lbs. So, if you lose 4lbs a week, you can drink Friday and Saturday night. However, if you only lose 2lbs a week, you only get to drink one night.
52. Do not eat in front of the computer or TV. This distracts you from recognizing you’re full.
53. Save the money you would have spent on that meal in a jar. Save it in a bottle instead and watch it grow.
54. Stay away from Slim-fast and other so-called “healthy” candy bars and shakes… one look at the nutition facts will tell you why. With all the carbs and excess calories you may as well go eat a freakin pie or something. Not to mention the rediculous prices… save yourself the money, and the calories.
55. Instead of buying food, buy yourself flowers. Food is depressing, but flowers make you happy.
56. When having cravings drink a couple glasses of water with slices of lemons and count to 100 and it should go away.
57. Eating 100 cals 4 times a day is better than eating a 400 cal meal.
58. An occasional binge doesn’t hurt, in fact it’s quite beneficial if you have reached a plateau (stopped losing weight). Your body will think you have stopped starving yourself, and you will drop at least a pound overnight! Just don’t binge too regularly!
59. Someone told me that if you take a pure cold bath for 15-30 min and lower your body temp, your body burns around 200 cals for every degree it has to raise itself to reach a normal body temperture. This person tried it, a 30 min bath lowered their temp about 3-4 degrees
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catboybiologist · 1 year
1 month HRT update and journal thingy!
So as I said in my pinned post, I'm gonna be doing a monthly kind of progress check on HRT. Well, it's been 32 days, so here it is! Here's some measurements of interest:
But, I found that the raw measurements, and a single "other column" wasn't sufficient to really catalogue my experience. So I wrote a long, probably overly detailed account of some of the things I've experienced in the past month.
And holy shit, what a month it's been.
So first off, lets start with what’s not happening. Some good, some bad. I think I missed the skin softness gene or something. I’ve really noticed no change in skin texture, and that’s often cited as the first noticeable physical change from HRT. My skin was somewhat soft before, but nothing like the transfemmes I know irl, so this was a bit disappointing. But in all honesty, it’s not that big of a deal.
The other thing that I haven’t noticed yet is a reduced aerobic capacity or physical ability. I’m sure this will come in time, but the interesting thing here is that one of my main physical activities, freediving, is actually a far more direct measurement of aerobic capacity than most others. I can’t do this in nearly a consistent enough way to actually log it, but my casual breath hold times in the couple of times I’ve been freediving since starting HRT haven’t changed. On a fairly standard dive, I usually stay down 60-70 seconds, and that’s still true. With good prep and good air conservation on the bottom (I like to hold onto rocks and kelp, and stay motionless while looking around lol), I can get 90 seconds or beyond (I don’t like pushing it). Part of the problem is that so much of this is variable, and is highly dependent on how good my equipment prep is that day (insulation and weighting), water conditions (cold and rough=more energy=shorter dives), and my boy physiology (how much I’ve eaten, caffeine intake, etc). But in general, I haven’t noticed major physical fitness changes yet. 
Weight gain has been intermittent. I’ve always been a bit swingy on my weight, and can easily go +/- 5lbs in no time at all. At one point, I was 4lbs over my pre-HRT weight (3 week interval), but now I’m down to 1 pound over. My waist is slightly thinner than it was pre-HRT, but that seems to be normal fluctuation. Where did the extra 1-3lbs go? We’ll get to that, LOL.
My waist measurement hasn’t changed, but anecdotally, I do think there’s changes going on there. The 43 inches measurement is still at my widest point, around my thighs (which have always been pretty good). Now, however, I’m noticing what seems to be some growth on areas that aren’t covered by the exact circle I’m using to measure that. My butt seems slightly bigger, although I could just be lying to myself. Time will tell.
Onto the stuff that has changed!
Mood. Oh my god mood. My resting state is no longer a crackling misery. I don’t think I was ever suicidal because of dysphoria alone, but I was certainly pushed to that point far, far easier when it was a contributing factor. I also just… didn’t enjoy anything about my body. When I was happy, it was a distraction. Now, it’s already much better. I still don’t like my body. I got a long way to go. But, I’m seeing progress, and it’s been incredible.
Emotions overall have been more intense. I’ve had a couple of downswings, and I get misty eyed easier. I haven’t had a proper cry yet, though. I get excited about things again, which was a COMPLETELY dead feeling. And I have also gotten angry at some things, which is also something I killed as a teenager because I was scared of where it took me. It hasn’t been as uncontrollable as I expected, however, and the negative emotions I’m experiencing more viscerally have been immensely cathartic. 
            And then, there's the big one. Hopefully that's literal. And that's breast growth. Almost immediately I noticed some kind of perking up, but no breast bud formation and no immediate growth. At about week 2, I was able to feel the distinct disks of breasts buds under my nipples, and my bust size started increasing. Now, at 4.5 weeks in, my bust size is 1.5 inches larger than it was pre-HRT.
           This is ludicrously fast. As in, so fast it has me questioning if I'm actually intersex or something. I think my E levels will be enlightening.
I really, REALLY don’t want to get too hopeful. But overall, if some of these trends continue… I’m gonna get a LOT curvier. Honestly, my ideal body would be pretty tight and trim… but I’m fucking estatic anyways. I’m just really, really hoping that the breast growth trend continues, and also that the tiny observations I’ve made about a bigger butt and thinner waist are actually real. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to boymode like this LMAO.
There’s also the opposite fear: if my estrogen levels are too high, it could signal the end of “puberty” too early. It’s looking like a possibility, but I gotta wait until next week for my levels check.
There’s one final set of observations I wanna put here, but y’all gotta not be weird about it LOL. I WILL block you and erase this part if you treat this as anything more than impartial observations about myself. Got it? Good. NSFW warning for the next bit.
I want to make some remarks on libido and erogenous sensitivity in general, because that has also been one of the most notable changes.
First off, I heard so many stories about HRT killing libido. Holy fuck, this has not been true for me. I’m going crazy sometimes LOL. I absolutely have a somewhat higher libido on average, but its already changed the way its expressed itself.
First off, my entire body is more sensitive to erogenous soft touch. The right kind of touch and care on my waist will feel very similar to more traditional erogenous zones. I’ve NEVER had this before, and was completely blindsided by it. I’m absolutely fascinated by what neural change caused that, but its really cool even if I don’t know the underlying explanation.
Second off, my libido spikes and hot flashes sometimes. I think this is pretty typical of anyone going under a hormonal change, and tbh I’m not surprised.
Third off is the weirdest one, and something that I’ve asked other transfemmes about, and none have been able to answer. My chest sensitivity seems to be going through very distinct mini-cycles, on the approximate span of time being one full “cycle” per week. Essentially, when I started HRT, my chest first got very sore, itchy, and sensitive to sources of pain and itchiness. It stayed like that for a few days, and then all sensitivity to the area cut out. My nipples pre-HRT were always more sensitive than other cis men, and in this phase, they were actually less sensitive than they were pre HRT. This lasted another couple of days… and then there was a period of massively increased erogenous sensitivity. Soft touches made me wild, and I started wearing  bra not for the support, but to block my shirt from rubbing against them and distracting me. Holy FUCK, this phase is insane. And then after that, they went back to sore again, and then dead again, and then erogenous again. Right now, I’m in the erogenous “phase” of what I think is the fourth cycle here since I started HRT. I have no fucking clue what’s going on. It’s not the period that some trans women report getting, its not a monthly thing. It might just be my body adjusting strangely to new hormones in general, but yeah. Its weird, bc it seems like a pretty unique thing. 
So yeah. That’s a journal thing. I had a LOT more thoughts about HRT starting beyond just the initial measurements, because so much hit me way faster than I thought it would, so I wanted to write something long form. I think I’m going to write something similar each month along with my measurements update, but I expect future writing to be much, much shorter. It’s been incredible so far, but I’m guessing less will be novel- I think things will only be different when I change aspects of my HRT regimen. We’ll see.
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snapthistiger · 5 months
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exercise 04152024
8 x 10 incline sit ups
3 x 10 pec machine
3 x 10 lat raise
3 x 10 low row
30 minutes on the step mill
3 x 10 cable press
3 x 10 cable row
the gym workers received Hershey kisses
exercised early
brought my Mom to physical therapy and back home
6 hours of lifeguard work. mostly clean up work for me today.
left = one of my Mom's roses
received a couple of compliments from the water aerobic ladies. i always try to help them get their water weights and getting in and out of the water
Happy Tax Day :-\
hope you have a peaceful afternoon and evening and get a huge tax refund!!
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flintandpyrite · 8 months
I joined the ymca here last week and I do feel like people are sleeping on what a great deal it is. As a single adult it costs $40/month (less per person if you are a family/have a spouse) and I get access to two pools, steam room, sauna, tons of exercise classes, exercise machines and weights! I did Zumba, two kinds of yoga, a weightlifting class, and water aerobics this week and I was pretty nearly the youngest person there in every class. As someone who has 0 internal motivation to exercise (because exercising alone is boring), the group classes have been fantastic and I am feeling better than I have in months. Consider the ymca, is what I am saying. It’s great.
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healthy444 · 4 months
What are the most effective exercises for weight loss?
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When it comes to losing weight, the key is to find exercises that you enjoy and can stick with consistently. Here are some of the most effective exercises for weight loss:
Walking: It's simple, free, and accessible. A brisk walk can burn calories, improve your mood, and be easy on your joints.
Running or Jogging: These are great for burning a lot of calories in a short time. If you're just starting out, you can alternate between jogging and walking.
Cycling: Whether on a stationary bike or riding outside, cycling is excellent for weight loss and also builds leg strength.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): These short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods are incredibly effective for burning calories and boosting metabolism.
Swimming: This full-body workout is gentle on the joints and great for building endurance and muscle while burning calories.
Strength Training: Lifting weights or doing body-weight exercises (like push-ups and squats) helps build muscle, which can increase your resting metabolism and help you burn more calories even when you're not working out.
Group Fitness Classes: Activities like Zumba, kickboxing, or spin classes can be fun and motivating, making it easier to stay consistent.
Yoga and Pilates: While these might not burn as many calories as some high-intensity workouts, they help with flexibility, muscle tone, and stress reduction, all of which support weight loss.
Rowing: This is a fantastic full-body workout that targets multiple muscle groups and burns a significant number of calories. Plus, it’s low-impact.
Jumping Rope: It’s not just for kids! Jumping rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that can burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time.
Dance Workouts: From hip-hop to ballroom, dancing is a fun way to get your heart rate up and burn calories without it feeling like a chore.
Hiking: If you enjoy the outdoors, hiking is a great way to combine cardio with strength training (especially if you’re tackling hills).
Stair Climbing: Whether you use a stair machine at the gym or take the stairs whenever possible, this exercise targets your legs and glutes and can really get your heart pumping.
Kickboxing: This high-energy workout helps you burn calories while improving your coordination and building muscle.
Elliptical Trainer: This machine provides a low-impact workout that can help you burn calories and improve your cardiovascular health.
Additional Tips for Maximizing Weight Loss with Exercise:
Consistency is Key: Regular exercise is more important than occasional intense workouts. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week, combined with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days a week.
Mix it Up: Variety can prevent boredom and target different muscle groups. Combine cardio with strength training and flexibility exercises for a well-rounded routine.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking water before, during, and after workouts helps maintain your energy levels and improves performance.
Monitor Your Progress: Keep track of your workouts and progress. This can help you stay motivated and make necessary adjustments to your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Don’t underestimate the power of rest. Your muscles need time to recover, which helps prevent injuries and improve performance over time.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. It's important to push yourself, but not to the point of injury or burnout.
By incorporating a variety of these exercises and tips into your routine, you'll be better equipped to lose weight and improve your overall fitness. Remember, the journey to weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, so find what works best for you and stick with it!
Remember, the best exercise for weight loss is the one you enjoy and can do regularly. Combining different types of workouts can also keep things interesting and work different parts of your body. And don't forget to pair your exercise routine with a healthy diet for the best results!
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putanaperdonna · 2 years
RE8 Headcanon: AU Resident Evil Village characters at the gym🏋️:
A/N: Okay so recently I’ve started going to the gym and working out properly and today I literally had to hold back from giggling like a colossal MORON because all I can think of is what if the RE8 characters were in this gym rn LMAO. So these are how I think they would be in a gym environment or what exercise they would be into lol enjoy 😭
Alcina Dimitrescu:
Alcina definitely trains in the weight section like how else would she throw that dresser lmao
She has like a set routine of what muscle groups she’s gonna hit on what day
Definitely favours upper body workouts though she is a sucker for chasing that glute pump on leg day
She’s not into cardio though she will go for walks but only indoors on the treadmill lmao
She warms up and cools down properly too… she takes everything very seriously
She loves looking like a baddie at the gym too it’s what motivates her to go! She’s old school though so like flared yoga pants and sleeveless shirts are her go-to
If you’re usually intimidated by the weight sections you feel way more confident if she’s in the area since the GymBros™️ know better than to fuck with her
She also does CrossFit here and there just so she can focus on driving ~power~ through her body
The Dimitrescu sisters
Cassandra kinda just likes to control the music though she does demonstrations of movements for her sisters (bc they're incompetent duh)
Dani is actually trying to create her own routine and lord she is SICK of Cass’s micromanaging
Bela is just climbing the pole and swinging aimlessly… she doesn’t do it to perform or anything she just likes having her Chandelier by Sia™️ moment
They are doing it behind their mum’s back obviously
They install a pole in the foyer though, then they have to explain to Alcina what it’s for
“I know what a stripper is and I thought I raised you girls to be classy!”
They have to explain that a) Ain’t nothing wrong with being a stripper and b) They are not stripping, they’re exercising by using their body strength 🤪
“You girls don’t need exercise. You can turn into flies for gods sake!”
Donna Beneviento
Hot Girl Walks™️ with or without incline
Gf is NOT one for sweating… she already is relatively physically active anyways if she’s carving out larger pieces of wood to make dolls
She likes that she can put on headphones and a playlist and just have Donna time™️
But if she’s feeling particularly pissed off or overly energised, she installed a boxing bag in her basement and she likes to go punchy punchy kicky kicky
Angie likes to coach her on her technique (she knows nothing and frequently suggests Donna should punch the rocks outside because she saw Chris Redfield do it once and thought it would make Donna stronger)
Donna likes to have a workout buddy if she attends a gym though… totally not for checking out their muscles while they demonstrate for her 😇
Donna also likes to dance, not any particular style… she just sort of does it to express herself without really speaking
Salvatore Moreau
Swimming (duh)
He likes aqua aerobics as he’s not very good at maintaining any good technique with any traditional swimming strokes
He sucks up to the instructors frequently though lmao
If he doesn’t do aerobic classes he likes to swim slow laps and tries to focus on improving his lung capacity
He also has a habit of swallowing so much water when he swims and ends up vomiting frequently
He invested in some nice flippers and a snorkel so he can swim at the beach (he is surprisingly quite afraid of strong currents and getting caught in the rip) he wants to give it a good shot one day
Karl Heisenberg
He also does weight training. He likes the feeling of metal in his hands
He frequently gets into Alcina’s space and takes weights from people without asking
He has no regard for gym etiquette whatsoever
He is the type to absolutely throw the weights up with his whole body instead of perfecting technique
He is also a grunter… he has no shame
He does call other dudes out if they’re making female patrons feel uncomfortable
Alcina still has to fight the urge to “accidentally” drop one of her weights on his foot though
Him and Ethan are incapable of using machines properly
Ethan Winters
Endurance running
He literally does marathons for fun. He’s a psychopath.
He likes hiking too and honestly has probably dragged Mia out to different tracks at some point in their relationship
If he does go to a gym… he has NO clue what he’s doing if he’s using the equipment like he just tries to guess what they’re for and ends up using them incorrectly like this:
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Chris tried to teach him how to use them but Ethan is convinced you can use them any way you want
Him and Karl provide the gym patrons with entertainment for DAYS
Mia Winters:
Yoga/ Pilates mum
She’s been doing classes and her own practice since forever
She can do some pretty cool poses like her capacity to hold her own bodyweight is actually pretty crazy
She’s very sweet with new yoga participants… she gives them advice on how to improve on basic or advanced poses whenever they ask
It’s the only thing in her life that keeps her calm and collected tbh
Mother Miranda:
Jiu Jitsu
She wants to kick some ass but without all the force of kicking and punching, like getting some good submission holds in there
She likes that JiuJitsu is more of a grappling sport in this sense
She also wants to improve on her speed when she’s in the ring, she wants to make attacks look effortless so she can scare her opponents into thinking that it’s easy for her
She definitely makes her own rules however, she only likes training with anyone who is up for being a rag doll for her
Chris Redfield
Bro just does anything
He likes boxing though
He imagines that goddamn boulder scenario every time… people mock him about it and he dgaf
He has broken through many boxing bags as a result
His sparring partners dread having to fight with him because they know they’re gonna walk away with a dislocated shoulder from the massive shock absorption lmao
Rosemary Winters
She likes volleyball
She just does… all the “normal” girls at school do it so she figures it might help her situation a little bit
She is actually pretty good at it
She hates how long the practices are though, she likes it but not THAT much
She likes doing high intensity cardio classes at the gym when she’s alone
It helps her get all of her pent up teenage stress out of her system
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jossujb · 1 month
Did a little dum dum yesterday and went to a morning aerobics class without eating. I can do my commuting cycling, or basic karate as is, but pure cardio without any sugar in your muscles is the stupidest idea you can do.
Lesson learned. I am on my period so there is just all over the place, and even tho it is just water, it makes me think my stupid head that I've gained like so much weight - when it is litreally just water, how do your think you're gonna get your blue belt if you body has nothing to work with?
Somebody told me I have "man arms". I happen to have somewhat short arms relative to my torso, which means muscle grows out rather that lenght. Gebetic thing, that's why shorter person has easier time to look muscular if they start training, but it has nothing to do with strenght really.
I was just happy for it and said thank you, it gives me gender euphoria to know that you think I am not womanly for your eyes.
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But obviously, this was meant to be an insult, and was aimed at an insecurity. Jokes on them tho, I am enby lol xD
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zyzzu · 1 month
1 = drink a glass of water every hour,it will make u feel full
2 = drink iced water,your body will burn cals to make the digestion easy
3 = do aerobics until u feel like fainting
4 = dont take laxatives,they dont help whit wl
5 = put a hair tie on your wrist and flick it when u feel like eating
6 = buy clothes in a smaller size than yours and put them where u can see them,you will be more motivated to lose weight
7 = take baths in iced water for at least 20 mins,yoir body will burn like 200 cals to restore the body temperature
inspo : maledimiele
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invisibleraven · 2 months
maybe peterpatterlina for working out together?
Luke had always liked being active-too much pent up energy that needed to be burned off lead him to taking up running, and lifting weights in school. Sure playing music helped, but gigs didn't give him the same release as a good cardio set did.
So now, even as a famous rock star, Luke enjoyed going to the same ratty old gym he did as a runaway teen, doing some reps, and keeping himself fit. Only now he didn't have to go alone.
Reggie started going with him when they were just teens-usually sticking to the treadmill or lighter weights, but the results had become...distracting.
Honestly Luke still blushed upon entering the changing room, given it was where he and Reggie had first gotten together. Only now, Reggie could lift him up, and well, let's just say Luke enjoyed it more than he thought,
Then when Julie entered their lives, well the both of them kept up their fitness routine, wanting to be fit for her-and she appreciated it on a regular schedule.
She started going with them, even though she complained about the smell of the gym not longer after they finally figured themselves out. She did yoga classes and some aerobics instead of the weights, but they always came together to do their cools downs.
However, now they were getting recognized-having a few Grammys and billboards bearing your faces would do that, so Luke mournfully said goodbye to his old gym, trying to find one a bit more private.
"Why don't we just put one in the house?" Reggie suggested. "We have the space, and the money."
"Plus it would smell way better," Julie added, with a wrinkle of her nose.
So Luke agreed, even designing the space himself, making sure the floor was reinforced and padded, that they had space for a few machines and weights. Plus an area where he and Reggie could watch Julie do yoga-they might not be able to stretch like her, but they sure liked watching her do it!
Plus, since it was theirs, they could play whatever music they wanted, have a fun little wrestling match that lead to a steamy shower that only ended when the water ran cold, or even competing to see who could do more.
Luke of course could lift the most, but Reggie was getting closer every day. Julie could outrun them both, but Reggie had the most endurance, lasting the longest.
It made for a fun competition-if they could top their partners, or improve their stats, they could trade a chore or pick that night's meal. Silly little things that made it fun, and nurtured their competitive streaks without leading to fights.
Their friends and family were invited to use the space if they wanted as well, but Alex claimed he could smell the foreplay in there and refused, Willie preferred boarding, and Carrie had a dance studio at her place that both Flynn and Kayla could use at will.
Luke didn't mind not sharing his gym though-he liked that it was a place just for him and his partners.
But he was totally going to try and talk Julie into letting him install a shower room next to it so they didn't have to go all the way upstairs to get clean-or dirty, if the need arose.
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indignantlemur · 4 months
Hi ! Hope you doing ok !
Very specific question here : I wander how, in your opinion, could Andorian metabolism react to Shigwaï venom ?
Few things to know : The venom is delivered through the stingers located on their forearms most of times.
Males toxin is rather meant to exsanguinate, with similar effects to rodenticide and whom composition contains vitamin K antagonists. Therefore very effective on species with steel-based blood.
Females on the other hand, is mostly neuroactive, with similar damages a virulent cyanide poisoning would cause on a human being.
Both sexes venom contain substances (similar in structure to methamphetamine)  causing cardiac arrhythmia to fasten the progression of toxins into the target organism.
I don’t know if you can get something out of that…but I’m curious to see what comes to your mind since Andorian metab is closer from insectoids, with a complete different blood type ? Or which kind of symptom could be noted (it can be reality accurate or not tbh, just have fun hehe) ?
(And no, it's not related to an AU in which Haza is trying to kill Tysess ! I swear !)
Hello Zier! <3 Oh, you're really coming at me with the biology questions like that? I see how it is! (affectionate)
Alright, first and foremost: I am not a biologist or a chemist. The following is just me, an anthropology student, doing my best.
So I established in an earlier post that Andorians have hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin, hence their blue blood. Hemocyanin differs from hemoglobin in a couple of ways: one, it's bigger; two, it binds to 96 oxygen molecules versus haemoglobin's four; three, hemocyanin floats freely in the blood, rather than being packed into cells (which we call red blood cells). Hemocyanin binds oxygen using copper atoms - this is important, so remember this.
Now let's look at hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is very efficient at what it does, despite only having four oxygen binding sites using iron atoms, because the structure of hemoglobin uses cooperative binding - which boils down to being easier/more readily done - rather than the non-cooperative binding frequently found in the majority of hemocyanin-blooded creatures, though some hemocyanin-blooded creatures do exhibit cooperative binding, too.
So, what does cyanide do? The short version is that cyanide stops aerobic cell metabolism. Cyanide can be absorbed through the skin, inhaled, or ingested - and because it's a relatively small molecule it's absorbed very, very quickly. Once absorbed, cyanide interferes with the uptake of oxygen by hemoglobin by binding with the iron atoms - effectively halting cellular respiration by blocking the reduction of oxygen to water. Effectively, cyanide suffocates the victim by shutting off the cells' ability to use oxygen.
You'd be tempted to think that means that cyanide wouldn't affect copper atoms, right? Nope. Cyanide likes a lot of metals! It'll bind with iron and copper. When oxygen-bound hemocyanin is exposed to cyanide, it forms a cyanhemocyanin compound and prevents the hemocyanin from binding to oxygen, resulting in a sudden halt to aerobic cell metabolism - but it also does something kind of neat at the same time! When cyanide reacts to oxyhemocyanin, it turns the blue respiratory pigment (copper) colourless!
So, to summarise: cyanide will definitely fucking kill an Andorian, and probably turn most, if not all, of their blood into a colourless fluid. If a female Shigwai's toxin behaves like cyanide, it will be just as toxic. The cardiac distress aspect just means it'll happen even faster than cyanide's already quick kill-time, which in Humans averages to about two to five minutes with a lethal dose of 1.5mg per kilogram of body weight. Keep in mind, this is for acute exposure, not chronic. Chronic exposure is it's own thing.
As for male Shigwai toxin, exsanguination is a little weird for Andorians because they have a very unique semi-osmotic circulatory system. Their clotting factors and platelet responses are a little bit different from Humans, as a result, and it's difficult to predict what exactly their bodies would do with a blood thinner. I think it's most likely that they would lose a great deal of blood, certainly, but their lack of extensive blood vessels means it still wouldn't be comparable to what a Human would lose from a similar wound. Unless the injection site was deep enough to damaged one of an Andorian's few very deeply situated major blood vessels, that is. Then the prognosis doesn't look so good.
As for symptoms: putting all of this together, I think it would be reasonable to expect: suddenly feeling winded, dizziness, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, rapid heart rate, headache, nausea/vomiting, confusion, and weakness. More severe symptoms would include loss of consciousness, seizures, internal organ damage, and death.
For Star Trek shenanigans, a brilliant physician could probably save the patient by immediately cycling out the contaminated blood for fresh blood - but there's a lot of handwavium required for that, and the time needed to set everything up alone would exceed the minimum kill-time for acute exposure.
Again, I am neither a biologist nor a chemist. If I got something wrong, please, please, please correct me! In the meantime, hopefully I managed to answer everything effectively.
(Poor Tysess.)
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optimal-living-lab · 10 months
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Health and fitness ideas that you can incorporate into your routine:
1.Regular Exercise Routine:
Create a well-rounded workout plan that includes cardiovascular exercises (such as running, cycling, or swimming), strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week.
2.Healthy Eating Habits:
Focus on a balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Practice portion control to avoid overeating, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Limit the intake of processed foods, added sugars, and excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol.
3.Mindful Eating:
Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
Eat without distractions, such as watching TV or using your phone, to promote mindful eating.
4.Adequate Sleep:
Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being.
5.Stress Management:
Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.
Practice time management and set realistic goals to reduce unnecessary stress.
Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated. The amount varies based on factors like age, weight, and physical activity level.
7.Regular Health Check-ups:
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider for preventive care.
Stay up-to-date on vaccinations and screenings.
8.Social Fitness:
Engage in physical activities with friends or family to make exercise more enjoyable.
Join group fitness classes or sports clubs to stay motivated.
9.Variety in Workouts:
Keep your exercise routine interesting by trying different activities such as hiking, dancing, or playing a sport.
Mix up your workouts to challenge different muscle groups and prevent boredom.
10.Setting Realistic Goals:
Set achievable short-term and long-term fitness goals.
Celebrate your successes along the way, and adjust your goals as needed.
11.Technology and Fitness Apps:
Use fitness apps or wearable devices to track your progress, set goals, and stay motivated.
Many apps offer guided workouts, nutrition tracking, and mindfulness exercises.
Remember, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or nutrition program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
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