#we all were stuck together and sort of hated each other but would laugh at the officers beh their backs and be rolling our eyes
sallytwo · 1 year
i could talk about lower decks foreverrrrr like it’s such a genuinely charming and lovable trek show and u can see the passion that the cast and crew has for star trek as a whole. the voice acting is so fucking good and it adds so much charm to the characters who couldve been these bland caricatures but they’re NOT they get to be complex and have silly little relationships and learn and grow as the series goes on. and it’s just SO GOOD!!!! i love it. i will be a lower decks girl until i die.
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leighsartworks216 · 9 months
Might I request an enemies to friends to lovers with Astarion?
THIS WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A QUICK LITTLE DRABBLE. IT IS ALMOST 4K WORDS. It also became a songfic. The song is "Your Stupid Face" by Kaden MacKay
Also it is 11:20. I am so tired. I do not have the energy to proofread this rn. So it's as good as it's gonna get
Warnings: self-doubt, bickering
Word Count: 3,957
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I just really hate your face
Though I know that won't surprise you
But, to me, your skin is one giant wart
And your laugh's one big snort
And you stink, so in short
I despise you
You disgrace the human race
'Cause you're more of a mosquito
I would rather have the dentist and drill
Then this swine in the swill
And if you were a bill, I would veto
And if the world was perfect, you would be gone without a trace
But since the world could never be that great
I'll just hate your stupid face
Astarion sighed just behind you. You glared over your shoulder at him. Did he really have to be so annoying when you were trying to help? What did he have against doing the right thing?! Or were all high elves as up their asses as him?
The little girl glanced nervously between you, her hands fiddling anxiously with each other. “I-Is that alright?”
You turned back to her with a big smile, though Astarion could see the strain behind it. “Of course! It’s no problem. We’ll find your toy and bring it back before nightfall, how’s that sound?”
“Really?!” Her eyes became wide and excited, bouncing on her feet like there were hot coals beneath it. “Thank you so much!”
You watched as she ran off back to her mother, jumping as she grabbed the woman’s arm and pointed at you. You smiled, genuine this time, and waved to them both. Then, you turned to go back into the woods.
The joy didn’t last long.
“I thought being an adventurer meant slaying dragons, learning powerful spells, gaining power - that sort of thing.” Astarion sighed again, long and dramatic, as he stepped over a branch. “But, no, here we are, armed to the teeth, tadpoles crawling into our minds, looking for a stuffed animal.”
You grit your teeth together and tried to ignore him. The sooner you found the girl’s stuffed bear, the sooner you could stop listening to his whining. “She said she lost it over here, somewhere, but something could have taken it or moved it by now. If we split up, we can cover more ground.”
You could almost feel the way he rolled his eyes. “Oh, great. If I find it, I’m not telling you. And I’m certainly not going to touch it. Gods only know what’s on it.”
“You’re such a child!”
He lays a hand over his chest, looking down his nose at you. “I’m so sorry that I have some dignity left.”
How did you get stuck with such an annoying, self-entitled, brat? 
“Fine! Then I’ll look, and you can follow me around like a lost puppy.” You smiled sickeningly sweet up at him, your whole expression filled with sarcasm and annoyance. “Happy?”
He scowled. “And I have to follow you because…? If you’re so eager for my company, you should just say so, darling.”
You shook your head, facade falling. “You’re impossible.” You stomped off. He could follow you or wait around, you didn’t have the energy left to care.
Oh, no
I just really like your face
You don't have to look so happy
I'm not really into love that you flaunt
In some glittery font
But if that's what you want
Make it snappy
I just feel so out of place
Well, except for when you're near me
When you're gone, I'm like a plant with no root
Or a song that's on mute
Don't you dare call it cute!
You should fear me!
And if the world was perfect, you would've never invaded my space
But since the world's obsessed with saying, "psych!"
Now I like your stupid face
You tilted your head, watching as Astarion held up a mirror. The tadpole kept him from burning in the sun, but it did nothing to bring back his reflection.
“Looking at something?” His voice catches you off guard. It was odd to have someone talking to you with their back turned, even more so when he could see your reflection and you couldn’t see his.
“Just looking,” you tell him. “What are you doing?”
He sighs, forlorn. “I’m looking, too, but not seeing very much. Another quirk of my affliction.”
“Do you miss it?”
He stands and turns while he speaks, finally meeting you face-to-face. “Preening in the looking glass? Petty vanity?” He sighs again. His face looks so droopy and sad, like a puppy left out in the rain. “Of course I miss it. I’ve never even seen this face. Not since it grew fangs and my eyes turned red.”
You look at his eyes, really look. It was hard to picture him with any other color. It was a side-effect of his vampirism, but you could go your whole life believing they always were and always had been red. “What color were they before?”
He opens his mouth to answer, then stops. “I don’t know. I can’t remember. My face is just some dark shape in my past.” His face scrunches up in rage as he throws the mirror on the ground. You step back to avoid the shards that break from it. “Another thing I’ve lost.”
You can’t imagine forgetting your face. It’s a rather big portion of who you are, after all. Thinking about looking in a mirror and seeing nothing stirs your stomach like a witch’s brew. You study his face, eyes tracing over every curve and sharp edge and wrinkle. You tried to imagine being him, no longer able to see what you looked like.
Astarion frowns at you. “What?”
“I’ll be your mirror.” The words are out before you can even think them, but a spark of hope flickers in his eyes, and you can’t bring yourself to back out of it now. “What do you want to know?”
“I want to know what the world sees when it looks at me.” He pauses. His voice gets soft, lacking its usual bravado. “What you see.”
He waits as you look at him. You try to figure out what the world sees, versus what you see. The world may see his eyes, sharp and red and keen. The world would see his dangerous smile, full of pretty teeth and sharp fangs, threatening to bite.
But it’s not what you see. You see his hair, paler than freshly fallen snow. You see the way it curls around his ears, how there’s always one stubborn strand hanging by his forehead. You see the wrinkles that crease his face when he smiles, surrounding his mouth and crowding in the corners of his eyes. And you’re startled, trying to figure out how long ago you’d noticed these things about him.
“I see… the creases when you laugh.”
He sneers, placing a hand over his chest. He takes it as an insult when you mean it in the kindest way possible. Without his wrinkles, he wouldn’t be Astarion. “Excuse me? I’m an eternally young vampire, not your doting grandmother.” He huffs. He looks like he wants to stop - never mind what he looks like, he doesn’t want to hear what else you could possibly say. But he continues, “You can do better. What else?” The curiosity wins out.
You wonder if you should tell him the easy answer. Tell him what the world sees. What everyone else sees. But to do so feels like a huge disservice. You inhale, prepared to be scolded once more. “I see the way your hair curls around your ears.”
“This is meant to be flattery, not poetry.” He sighs, creases forming between his brows as he frowns, annoyed. “Just tell me I’m beautiful and we can call it a day.”
“Is that all you want?” You don’t mean to sound as angry as you do. “Shallow praise?”
He scoffs. “Hardly.” He begins ticking off fingers. “There’s also gold, sex, revenge - quite the list, really. But failing any of those, I will always settle for shallow praise.”
You shake your head. “What I see isn’t good enough for you then? The seductive, charming face you put on for everyone else - that’s what you want to know about?” He sneers. He hates how easily you’ve read him. And you hate how much it hurts. You can’t tell if it’s because your words mean nothing, or because he can’t even allow himself a single, beautiful flaw. “The world sees your eyes. They’re strong and piercing. And your smile: Dangerous. They see you for the monster you are. Are you satisfied now?”
You leave before he can answer you. Anger trembles in your fingers, but they’re weighed down with sadness. A conflicting bundle of emotions twists in your chest. You shouldn’t care if all he wants is to be called pretty and move on. You shouldn’t! And you don’t!
But you do…
I just really miss your face
Though, by now, I must disgust you
I had tried to be the stubbornest mule
'Cause I knew life was cruel
So I guess I was foolish to trust you
But I wait here just in case
Though I know I'm being senseless
How could I have ever been so naive
And wear my heart on my sleeve
When I knew it would leave me defenseless?
And if the world was perfect, you would be here in my embrace
But since the world denied me one last kiss
I'll just miss your stupid face
The sun burned. Truly, honest to gods burned. And he ran. What else was he supposed to do? Bake in the sunlight while everyone else said their teary goodbyes, “We’ll see you down the road”, yadda yadda?
But, he can admit when he messed up.
He should have stayed longer. By the docks. The sun was just beginning to rise, he had plenty of time to slip from one shadow to the next before it was high in the sky. He could have said his goodbyes. He should have.
Already he missed Karlach. He fondly remembers when she hauled him over her shoulder, jostling him about as she ran. He certainly wasn’t too pleased at the time, but now… And he missed her nickname for him. And the banter, and teasing, and… everything.
Everyone had their charms, he supposed. Gale was, well, Gale, but even he wasn’t too bad. And you.
It was hard to admit. He could say he missed the others all day, but you? You who dragged him into the woods to find a stuffed animal for a kid? Who begrudgingly let him have a sip that night he revealed himself? Who yelled at him when he couldn’t bear hearing anything other than he wanted to when you offered to be his mirror? Who hugged him after he killed Cazador? Who helped him save his brothers and sisters and all the other souls whose lives he ruined? Who smiled so sweetly at him?
He couldn’t say it.
After he ran away, cursing and damning the gods for confining him to the shadows again, he disappeared to the Underdark. You’d mentioned how they needed a leader, guidance. And, well, he had nowhere else to go.
He never got to see you run in the direction he left after saying your goodbyes, smiling and excited. Or watch as you search and search for him. How you shout his name. How tears well in your eyes as you realize he’s gone.
And maybe it’s better that way.
What are you doing here?
I didn't run away!
It was... it was a strategic retreat
What is there to talk about? It's over—I ruined it
Well, yeah of course I'm sorry, but
No, no, don't forgive me!
Why do you do that?
Why—why give me another chance to mess things up?
Because you—what?
Those three little words
Out of the blue
Completely uncalled for
Especially from you
Why don't you hate me?
Why do you care?
Can't you berate me? Isn't that fair?
Where is your glare?
Don't you dare leave our problems and pain on the shelf!
Because if you don't hate me, I can't hate myself
But that's why I need you
You shatter my fear
'Cause despite my misdeed, you are still right here
Though it's stupid to date me
You're willing to try
And if you don't hate me, then why should I?
Are you sure you don't want to give up on me?
You're a moron
The last thing Astarion anticipates is you barging into his home, stomping and angry. The next last thing he expects is for you to throw a cloak in his face. He backs up as fast as you approach, tripping and falling backward over an armchair. It tips back with him and he lands with a thud. When he pulls the cloak off his face, you’re standing over him, still just as pissed as before.
“Ah.” He grins sheepishly. “Hello?”
“You ran away!”
“Yes, yes, I know-”
“You ran away! I went chasing after you and you were gone!”
“The sun! I couldn’t-”
“I know! That’s why I went and got you that damn cloak! And I was going to give it to you on the docks, but you ran away!”
He struggles to get up, grunting as he tries to push the armchair off so he’s not bent in half. You huff and sit the chair upright. Then, you offer him a hand. He’s not sure if he should take it. He’s half-certain you’ll flip him over and crack the floor with his body. But you wave your hand, insistent, and he does not want to piss you off any more, so he takes it. You haul him to his feet.
He holds the cloak out in front of him, studying it with a frown. “Darling, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but clothes don’t actually protect us from the sun.”
“Yes, I’m aware.” You sigh, hands on your hips, but you seem to have cooled off some. “It’s the Cloak of Dragomir. Gale helped me find where it was hidden. I figured, if the tadpole is the only thing keeping you safe in the sun, then after it’s all over, you’d need something else to protect you. So.” You gestured at the cloak.
He was speechless, and perhaps a bit skeptical. It had already been several weeks since the docks, and every day he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss it. Basking in the sun. Lounging in her warmth like a cat as he sleepily flipped through a book. It sounded too good to be true - a simple piece of fabric that could prevent him from turning to ash?
“Are you sure it works?”
You laughed, airily and annoyed. “No, I had a shortage of vampires to test it on at the time. I was going to find out when you tried it on. If it didn’t work, well…” You let out a long breath. You refused to take your eyes away from the cloak. Like looking at him again would bring all the rage and frustration back. “I’m still in touch with Gale. He can help me look for something.”
He spun it around to look at the back. It was a deep purple, with the only remarkable feature being a sort of fur around the neck and shoulders. He could almost imagine it hanging up in a shop.
You cleared your throat. “Put it on.”
“Hardly the best place to test it. The sun doesn’t exactly reach down here.” Still, he unclasped it and swung it over his shoulders.
It was light and breezy, allowing air to move through, but warm enough it kept away any chill - not very concerning for a vampire, but still a nice feature. It reached mid-thigh. He shifted around in it, testing its movement and fit. He bristled when he felt something brush against his arm.
He lifted up the edge of the cloak where he felt it, and his undead heart stopped all over again. There, messily embroidered on the lining in gold thread. Little Star. A poor imitation of embroidered stars surrounded it, forming a sort of faux night sky.
“I did that.” You clear your throat and scratch the back of your head, avoiding his eyes everywhere you looked. Every time you glanced back at him and his dumbfounded face, your cheeks heated up. “I know it’s not as good as yours, but, you know, I thought it was the best way to get a message across.”
His chest was full of emotion. He still had a hard time deciphering it all, even after so long of you carefully teasing them out. But through it all was one resounding question.
You finally made eye contact with him. You frowned. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, this can’t have been easy to get your hands on. You could have sold it when I ran away, but you embroidered it, sought me out… Why? Let’s be honest, dear, we’re not exactly friends.”
“We’re not exactly at each other’s throats either.” It came out harsher than you meant. You took a breath to calm your nerves. “I know we didn’t really get along when we first met - hells, we still argued about everything under the sun with the slightest prompting, but I do care for you.”
His lips quick up slightly. “An unfortunate choice. I’m not exactly the easiest person to care for.”
“No.” You smile, soft and patient. It was hard to look at you now and connect you to the person who barged into his room moments ago. “But I want to. You’re worth the effort.”
So you think that we could work?
Here I thought I'd been the dumb one—what?
You're forgiving me for all I did wrong
You're unmuting the song
And, again, I belong to someone
No! You can drop the stupid smirk
Though by now I guess you've earned that
'Cause no matter how intensely I pout
Your stupid face will win out
And I guess it's about time I learned that
And though we go together like a Chanel Nº 5 and mace
At least it's not as dull as fitting like a glove
'Cause you're a nightmare that I've not been dreaming of
But I suppose that when push comes to shove
I love your stupid face
You tugged Astarion through the city, releasing short apologies left and right to any early-risers you bumped into. He’d tried asking multiple times where in the hells you were taking him, but you never answered. You just shot him a bright smile over your shoulder and kept on running.
Before he knew it, you were at the docks. A light orange hue lined the edge of the ocean, signaling the sun’s appearance. He frowned. “You dragged me all the way out here to watch the sunrise?”
“Yes.” You squeezed his hand. Your eyes were wide and bright and filled with overwhelming glee. “You never got to see it last time you were here. But now you can!”
He scoffed, a grin teasing at his lips. “Darling, we could watch the sunrise from anywhere. We don’t need to be exactly here to do so.”
You rolled your eyes. “Well, no, but it’s more about the principle of the thing. You didn’t get to see that sunrise and say goodbye, but now you can.”
Red eyes scanned the horizon. Oranges and yellows flooded from the ocean-line, chasing away the dark blue of night. He couldn’t deny it was beautiful, but…
He swallowed, frowning out at the sea. He couldn’t look at your face as he asked, quietly, too afraid to actually put the words out there, “So this is goodbye?”
The edge of the star poked her head out. He’d enjoyed watching the sunrises and sunsets during your adventure. He would welcome her touch onto his skin every day, grateful for even just a brief moment to be able to feel her warmth again after 200 years. And every night he would mourn her loss, a seed of fear planted deep within that any sunset could be his last, before he would be contained to the shadows forever. He never got to savor the last one. The one time he wasn’t prepared to go gracefully into that night.
“It doesn’t have to be,” you whisper back. If you hear the shuddering breath he lets out, you don’t say anything. If you see the tears building at the corners of his eyes as he turns to look at you, you don’t point it out. “I can stay. With you. If you want.”
“I couldn’t ask that of you.” But I wish I could. He wants nothing more than to be selfish. To take every single scrap you offer him and give nothing back.
You release his hand only to better tangle your fingers together. Your thumb runs along his palm. “You wouldn’t have to.”
“You’d be living in the shadows most of your life, even with this,” he lifts the edge of the cloak to make a point.
“You wouldn’t be able to go on adventures. You wouldn’t be able to find someone else, have a family, live your life.”
“Why are you so willing to give up everything for me?”
You raise your free hand to his cheek. It’s haloed by the red-orange light of the sun. He hates the way he leans into it without a second’s hesitation.
“Is it so hard to believe that I’d stay because I want to be with you?”
He opens his mouth, shuts it again, and tries to find the words. Strained, he chokes out, “Yes.”
“My lovely little star, even without the cloak, I’d stay in the shadows with you for eons. Adventure would be empty without you by my side. There is no one else I could bear to put up with besides you.”
He takes a breath and closes his eyes. It’s hard for the words to sink in, but he urges them to. Staying with him would not be a burden. He is not a burden. He holds your hand to his cheek, pressing it tighter against his skin. By the time he opens his eyes again, the sun is halfway risen.
“I’m not good at… this. Whatever this is. I have no idea how to do anything more than what I had to do. I have no idea what will happen.”
You smile. “Now that sounds like an adventure.”
He chuckles. The knot in his heart loosens. When had you turned from an annoying thorn in his side to this? How long ago had you wormed your way into his soul? What would he do without you?
He feels like he’s just been thrown downstream - caught in the current and waiting for it to burn. He’s uncertain as he leans forward slightly, experimentally. You let him come to you; you wait patiently and smile at him encouragingly until he rests his forehead against yours.
“Can I kiss you?”
The sun warms his skin as he lets go of the guilt holding him back. He’s a mess. He’s still working through his emotions with Cazador, trying to find footing amongst the spawn in the Underdark, trying to be good enough. And here you are saying he already is.
He catches your lips and allows himself to forget for the briefest moments that this is a terrible idea. How can he possibly think this is wrong when you sigh into his mouth and pull him closer? How can this possibly be wrong?
The reds, oranges, and yellows fade from the sky. Bright blue dominates the sky. And everything is okay.
Tag List:
@satelliteapotheosis @hypopxia @flsalazar @beverlybeav @angelofthorr @emiemiemiii @marina-and-the-memes @lynnlovesloki @aurasyn @furblrwurblr @cappsikle @mjmygd @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @mheerdraws @kindadolly @httyd-chocolate @bloopthebat @pandimoostuff @chesb0red @chesb0red
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Now live ! Stream: 5
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au, crack
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, use of fleshlight, riding, nipple play, wow they finally fuck , cuddling, reader literally being a full on simp
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 2.7k
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You travelled hurriedly to beomgyu’s dorm in the snowfall that seemed to progressively get worse, trying to make your way there faster so you wouldn’t have to be in it for that long.
You hated the feeling of snow all on you, clothes and body soggy and cold, it wasn’t very pleasant. Yes, snow was very pretty to look at from inside, watching as it carelessly and elegantly scattered the ground and watching the landscape being blanketed by it, making even the ugliest places look pretty, but being in snow when it fell down harshly and rapidly in excessive cold wind speeds was not pretty.
Finally, you make it into his building, climbing up all the stairs to the very top since the elevator still hadn’t been fixed yet, panting as you knocked on his door.
“Woah. What happened to you?”
“The snow. And your damned dorm being at the highest level for no reason.”
“Ah yeah we were supposed to be working on the music performance today weren’t we? Thought it would have been rain checked due to the weather. Or…should I say snow checked?” Beomgyu laughs at his own joke as you continue to stare at him unamused.
“Are you going to let me in?”
“Oh. Yeah.” He opens his door wide for you and you walk in, taking off your coat.
“Wow you have so much snow in your hair.” Beomgyu states, coming to softly stroke and pat your head of the little icy droplets, it takes you a back but you try your hardest to seem unaffected.
“You must be freezing! I’ll make us both hot chocolate.”
“Thanks beomgyu.”
And so, you work on your meeting together about the christmas performance. Whilst you’d gotten the music done and have had many practices now, there’s still lots to take into account and consideration such as lighting and decorations, how long everything had to be, where people will be playing, speeches, etc. You’re huddled there together for a good few hours discussing, planning and sorting things for it.
Just as your wrapping up, ready to go to your lecture together which was soon, both of you get alerted of the weather. A powerful blizzard taking place. Must stay inside. Everyone snowed in. Advised to not go out at all until it’s over which was predicted to last until the whole night. All lectures cancelled for the rest of the day.
Both of you stare up at each other, bewildered, only now hearing the wind howling and the snow hitting against the window extremely fast and powerfully. Whilst it was snowing crazy on the way to beomgyu’s place, you didn’t think or anticipate it to progress into a full blown snow storm. It’d be crazy to go out in that. But you’ve got to try and make it back home or you’re stuck.
You grab your coat and start putting it back on.
“Hey, where are you going? Are you mad? You can’t go out in that!”
“But I should probably go back home!”
“You might die bro! That’s not safe. You might die from like…hypothermia or... get blown away from the winds and then disappear and never be found!” Beomgyu dramaticises, “You should just stay at mine until it calms down.” The snow storm seems gradually get worser and even more severe as he carried on speaking, proving his point and you can hear the windows rattling from the sheer force.
You sigh, “Yeah i guess you’re right, it would be stupid to go out in that.” And he nods.
“Well, looks like we’re snowed in together. What should we do?”
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You watch a lot of movies together huddled cozily on his sofa, beomgyu’s commentary making it a lot more funnier and making the incredibly awful films slightly more bearable.
“What B rated Christmas film shall we watch next?” Beomgyu asks after you’re done finishing yet another one.
“Please! No more I need to take a break it’s actually hurting my head.”
He laughs at that, eyes wrinkling cutely and smile so pretty— “What should we do instead?…Y/n? Hello?”
You don’t process what he says at first, too busy lost in your improper thoughts about your partner next to you. “Huh? Oh! Ummm we could film another one of your streams if you want. Now’s good timing since we’re here and not like we can really go anywhere.”
“Yeah that’s true, let’s do it then.” Beomgyu says slightly timidly, still shy about streaming with you.
He gets out his toys and whatnot, you setting up the camera again and you choose the new flesh light both of you had acquired recently with the money from the streams, telling him to use that today since you know it would garner a lot of reactions.
Despite beomgyu being a camboy for quite a while, he’d never actually tried a flesh light properly before and the one you guys had purchased looked a bit too real to him, looking at it already made him kinda hard and also embarrassed.
Once you guys had set up everything and gotten ready for it, you pressed the button to go live and started recording.
Beomgyu sits, legs spread out and bent level to his chest, his pretty belly button piercing in view and his legs covered with his usual pretty thigh highs, taking the fleshlight and very slowly easing it down on tip, his mouth already agape from just that.
He brings the toy down and back up on his length, slowly sucking him in each time, hips rolling languidly into it as you watched in awe, also monitoring the comments who seemed to be in the same predicament as you.
His lip is caught between his teeth, trying to silence his continuous whimpers. He looked so out of it just from fucking into silicone, it drove you mad. He made it so hard just to sit and watch and carry on filming.
Beomgyu's pace grows unsteady, cock throbbing and jerking, getting delirious with each stroke of the now sticky toy, squirming in need whilst you watched him.
He wanted to be touched so bad. He needed you to touch him. He couldn't take it, fucking himself pathetically with just a toy whilst you're right there. He wants you to fuck him. He needs it at this point.
Beomgyu looks straight at you with half lidded eyes, whining and looking at you so seductively, "Wish it was your pussy I was fucking-h-hah...ah."
You know he's just talking to the fans but you can't help imagining he was begging you instead. "Want you to fuck me. I need it please-ahh" Beomgyu hopes you'd get the hint and just come over and fuck him already, whilst also trying to be discrete about it, not wanting to give himself away too much.
You look away, going to the comments, feeling embarrassed about your thoughts and beomgyu suddenly whines incredibly loud, brows furrowing. "Please!!", looking straight into your eyes.
You can't take it anymore. You walk over to him, stilling his movements of the fleshlight and his eyes widen, stumbling over his words. He didn’t think it’d actually work. You move the fleshlight on his dick with your own hands over his, twisting it around and he gasps, looking up at you pleadingly.
“You want to get fucked?” He nods his head continuously. “But you’re a virg-”
“-Please! I want it!”
“Are you sure?” He nods again and breathes out a yes but you still search his eyes for any uncertainty.
When you don’t find any, you remove the fleshlight off him, straddling his hips, taking off your own clothes. You jerk his dick a couple times and then as gently as you can, place his dick to your entrance, slowly sinking on his tip, making his head throw back with a groan before sitting on his whole length, he lets a loud strangled moan at that, “O-oh god…”
You slowly ride him, beomgyu’s mouth in an ‘o’ shape the whole time. He’s fucked himself countless of times before and he never thought actually getting fucked would be much different or would feel that great like some people say but he can confirm that it in fact does feel that great. He didn’t think it would feel this good. He can’t stop moaning and you’re not even remotely going fast.
You can’t believe you’re actually fucking Angel. Like, you’re actually fucking him right now. It’s even better than how you imagined countless times, his reactions so fucking pretty. You used to just watch him from a small screen not knowing who he was and now you’re making him so pussy drunk, eyes rolling to the back of his head, intoxicated and so fucked out from just slowly rolling your hips on his, the first person to fuck him and make him feel like this.
You quicken your pace, hitting a bit deeper and he moans, burying his face in your neck, trembling and drooling. You can hear numerous pings going off every second from people sending in tips. You bet the viewers are going insane right now.
“Y/n, I think-I think I’m gonna cum already…” Beomgyu whimpers, eyes so glazed up, lost in the pleasure and then you feel him suddenly cum inside you with a broken mewl. “Ahh…I-I’m sorry y/n, I’m sorry…!” Beomgyu sniffles, face flushed pink, tears brimming his eyes, so embarrassed from already cumming so fast.
You keep bouncing on his spent dick, ruffling his hair, “it’s okay, baby. You’re doing so good for me. Think you can cum again?”
His eyes widening at the name and praise and you move to gently play with his nipples, body jerking up in response, someone else touching his nipples making him even more sensitive than he usually is, pretty sounds coming out of his mouth none stop as if he’s a drone, cries accelerating and elevating in pitch whilst you fucked him dumb.
“Cum, baby.” So he does again, muffling his screams by burying his face in your neck again, one of his hand coming to claw at your back, shuddering and spilling his release, cumming hard from being fucked for the first time, whole body flushed and glistening, eyes shut and eyebrows still furrowed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he pants. So, so, so fucking pretty.
You go back to get the camera, zooming in and filming a close up for the viewers of his ‘just fucked and came’ face, beomgyu still delirious and softly groaning and panting, brows still knitted even afterwards.
You check to see how much you guys made and you gasp. It was double the amount even on the days he makes the most money. It was a fuck ton of money.
You go back to beomgyu to see if he’s doing good and it seems like he’s recovering from his high. “Look how much we made.” You show him the tips and even beomgyu gasps.
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Once you both had taken it in turns to shower, beomgyu lends you some of his clothes. When you’d agreed to stay at beomgyu’s place until the snow storm calmed down, you didn’t fully realise that would mean staying over night with him even though it literally said it was expected to carry on exactly the same as it was during the night.
And now here you were in his bedroom. It was quite a nice bedroom, you had been in before but you never fully took in the sight of the room, fairy lights strewn across the room, record player, his multiple guitars on one side with band posters and numerous bear plushies on his bed.
"Where are your spare pillows and blankets? I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“I don’t have any spare pillows or blankets. Also I can’t just let my guest sleep on the floor!”
“Then what?”
“We’ll sleep on the bed together. It’s big enough. And you literally just fucked me so I don’t think it really matters.”
He is right about that so you both head to the bed, throwing off some of the plushies except for one which he keeps to the side and you lie down on the left whilst he lies down on the right.
“Good night y/n~”
You can feel his body presence near you. It kinda makes you feel uneasy for some reason. It’s definitely not because you find him really attractive or anything. You don’t find him attractive.
It’s extremely cold due to the blizzard, you’d think being in the bed with covers on you would keep you warm but you’re absolutely fucking freezing.
“Am I the only one completely shivering here?” Beomgyu turns to face you, also cold.
“No you’re not the only one. Do you not have the heating on or something?”
“It’s broken. They still haven’t fixed it.”
“Seriously what’s wrong with your building?”
“I have no idea…You know what this means y/n...? A grin slowly appearing on his face.
“We have to cuddle…or we might actually die…” Beomgyu wiggles his eyebrows.
“We’re not cuddling.”
“We’re both freezing! It totally calls for it! This is literally the only one bed trope in real life.”
“You didn’t just say that…”
“We’re living our wattpad moment right now. Don’t you wanna cuddle with your love interest?” Beomgyu makes a kissy face at you and you put your hand to shield him from whatever he was doing, used to his flirty antics by now.
"You'd never be my love interest." It's not that you didn't want to but you're sure your heart would literally give out if you did.
Beomgyu gasps, "How can you say that when I'm so handsome?"
"That's a very generous word to describe yourself."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that and that the offer still stands. This is a LIFE or DEATH situation. We will freeze to death. And die. DIE. "
Well it was very cold. You sigh, "Fine. Come here."
"What? No, you come here."
"I want to be big spoon though!"
"So do I!" You narrow your eyes at him and he does the same.
"Well, we both can't obviously be the big spoon." Beomgyu gives you a deadpan look.
So you both settle for both of you coming in to hug each other, you arms around his waist, his around yours, his head resting snuggly on your shoulder with a content smile. You instantly felt warmer, beomgyu so warm and so close. You were freaking out to say the least but you tried your hardest to seem casual about it all.
“Beomgyu, how did the rumour of you being a fuckboy come about anyway?” You ask, not wanting to go to sleep just yet.
“I don’t know because I can be quite flirty. And there was also this guy that I used to be good friends with and his chick was like in love with me and one time she just randomly kissed me at a party and he got mad at me, saying I was trying to steal his girl even though I literally did nothing and he knew that but then he just started beating me up! And told everyone I was a girlfriend stealer and a fuckboy. We stopped being friends. He still carried on dating that girl, she broke up with him a few months ago though.”
“Yeah. It kinda sucks to be honest because people either hate me for no actual reason or people at parties just think I’m an easy fuck and only want to fuck me.” Beomgyu pouts.
“Why were you a virgin for so long?”
“Because everyone thought I was like really good at sex if I was a fuckboy so every time I was close to fucking someone I’d just get really nervous they’d think I was super amazing and I couldn’t tell them I was a virgin so I’d just back out.”
“How come you let me?”
“Because we’re close friends! And you know and I didn’t feel like that with you.”
“We’re close…?” Your eyes widen.
“What?! I’m offended you don’t think the same. We’re literally cuddling right now. And we work and hang out together all the time?!”
To be honest, you thought guys were more like acquaintances. You were just working on the performance and helping him with his business, but for him to call you a close friend made you kinda warm and fuzzy inside. You wanted to be Beomgyu’s friend. He was cool actually.
Please actually reblog !!!!!! and comment !!!! if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 🤨👎Feedback is always appreciated it makes me happy :)
A/n: I love how I said idk when this chapter would be out and then ends up posting it the next day 😍😍 Also I’m sorry if this is lowkey bad I had no idea what was going on I am sorry
@pogigyu @denleave1088 @mashimarshmello @stellz581 @cha0thicpisces @soobsfairy444 @lcvetyvn @1ummcalhoody6 @imrllytootiredforthis @bjttersweets @aliceoracleollormusic @yongboksgf @daniarafid @nyanggk @aggiebackstage @openingssequence @qluvr @be0mflwr​ @artypjmlbss @jayoonology @dickdeprived @lilactangerine @kissmeow @katsukeis @shutupheathersorryheatherr @lcvesickgyuzz @mastergibbs93 @tae-ology @popimagines @lynanist @guavagyu @soobhns @mikeeel @multistansimp4life @goquokka @scarfac3 @disneygirl712 @roses-for-my-love @maxismp1 @peachenle @i-loved-you42 @vampcharxter @th3-3d3n-g4rd3n @yuhjoeyuh @ren-junwrld @eggeutarteuu @staurdvst @tyunnie-gyuu @vivioluh @itbtoblikethatsometimes (ask to be added to taglist !!)
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crazykitsch · 5 months
Heyyy can you please write Hector x Reader were reader is a team mates little sister and her and Hector hate each other but then he gets a little hurt (like in the match against athletic club. He doesn’t get injured just a little hurt.) and then she’s all worried about him and then they confess their feelings to each other??
Hector Fort: playing with fire
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pairing: hector fort x reader
warnings: none
❝My mom told me everyday to be careful of men. Because love is like playing with fire, it can get you hurt. My mom might be right, because when I see you my heart burns.❞
I’m sitting here alone and bored while my brother Joao Felix is training with the rest of the team. I’m assuming they’re done now since I see Joao, Lamine, Hector and Marc walk over. ‘Hi y/n.’ my brother says and I smile at him. I see Hector standing next to me and my smile fades.
‘No need for you to be so bratty about it.’ He says and I roll my eyes. He’s.. quite attractive- but then again so annoying. I don’t get how one person can always get on my nerves.
‘Roll your eyes further, hope they get stuck.’ He says and Marc says ‘If you want to see her roll her eyes you might need to do it in a less public place.’ Before I can even say anything I hear Joao say ‘Okay, this is our queue to go.. let’s go Y/n.’ and he walks away so I follow him.
We arrived at our families house and I sit on the couch. ‘You two would be cute together, you know.’ Joao jokingly says. I roll my eyes and say ‘You would look very cute in a casket, you know.’ and I can hear him laugh.
‘Are you still coming to the match tonight?’ Joao asks me and I nod yes. Whenever they have a home game I come with him to support him. We really like to annoy eachother but we’re also very supportive of eachother.
big time skip
It’s now saturday night, match time. The match started 1 minute ago and Guruzeta scored..
About 25 minutes later Lewandowski luckily scored and 10 minutes later Lamine scored!
Just when i’m having faith in today’s match I see Sancet scoring in the 49th minute making it 2-2.
5 minutes later I see Hector with the ball and Williams running towards him. Williams lightly tackels Hector but I can still see he’s a bit hurt. I feel a sense of worry grow inside of me. I know i’m supposed to hate him.. but I can’t help but like him.
Now its the end of the match, Barcelona lost 4-2.
I finally see Joao and the rest but I can’t help but walk towards Hector as I see he’s still a little hurt. ‘Are you okay? Did it hurt a lot? Are you still hurt?’ I say worriedly. He looks at me, smiles and says ‘Are you worried about me?’. I roll my eyes and say ‘Just answer my question.’
‘Im fine, don’t worry about it. Why do you care though?’ He says. I don’t know what to say so as usual, I just decide to roll my eyes. After we did that I accidentally make eye contact. I expected him to look away yet he didn’t.
We kept holding eye contact and there grew a certain tension. ‘Y/n? Why were you worried.’ he asks me and I can feel myself getting stressed. ‘I… ehm. Well I guess I sort of- maybe- have like.. well I think you are a tiny bit sweet and attractive.’ I accidentally say. I need to learn how to think before I act.
He smiles and says ‘Think? Or know? Because if you know then I might have to say something to you.’ i’m a bit confused now, so I say ‘Then tell me what it is.’ He replies ‘I think you are sweet and attractive too.’ Okay now im reaally confused.. but also a bit happy I guess? I can’t help but smile at his words and then I hear him say ‘Would you like to maybe go on a date with me?’ okay now my smile grew a bit bigger and I say ‘Yes.’ to him!
I can see Joao walking over to us and he says ‘What happened? Thought you two hated eachother.’ Now me and Hector look at eachother and smile.
A/n: William Shakespeare would be so upset if he read this..
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mlmmetalhead · 1 year
Closeted Ethan hcs.
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Male reader
sfw & nsfw (divided)
A/n: what was supposed to be a couple of hcs turned into a story of sorts, with headcanons following. This is a mess, but I hope you'll enjoy it.
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He never really as much though of not being straight.
It's more like he never really was attracted to any girls, but got into a relationship or two because of peer pressure. It never worked out in the end, of course. The girls were never satisfied with what he was able to give them.
He felt guilty, really, he did. Didn't know what was wrong, tried to watch some of those pick up gurus on social media, but all the advice seemed pointless.
He did have crushes on boys throughout his life, but never knew they were crushes. Everyone feels like that sometimes, right?
And then he met Y/n.
A cute, selfless, interesting to talk to guy. He was also pretty open about his sexuality, and Ethan supported him!
They weren't best friends per se, but they hung out a lot when the group was together, and enjoyed talking to to each other.
The time they spent together felt great. Even if it wasn't anything crazy, just going to get coffee or something, Ethan always felt amazing in those moments, no matter how short they were.
It was only when Y/n got a boyfriend, something changed.
Jim. An another film major. Arrogant, loud, self-centred, oh, why did Y/n even choose someone like him? They didn't belong together at all!
And the worst thing is, whenever they went somewhere with the group, that annoying guy started going with them!
Everyone seemed to like him a lot. Ethan couldn't understand it even if he tried. There was absolutely nothing to like about him!
So Landry almost stopped hanging out with his friends, at least when Y/n and Jim were there.
The theme came up at a movie party at Sam and Tara's. Y/n and his boyfriend already left, to which Ethan breathed out in relief.
"Why do you hate their relationship so much?" Tara turned to him, eating what was left of the popcorn.
"What? I don't hate it! It's... I don't care. They can do whatever they want." Landry crossed his arms on his chest in defence.
"He suddenly became homophobic when Y/n actually got a boyfriend." Anika giggled.
"Nah, more like he's jealous." Mindy chimed in.
"What? Don't be ridiculous, I'm not jealous!" Ethan almost shouted with offence clearly painted on his features.
"Oooh, you totally are!" Tara laughed.
"Okay, you're being irrational here. Who am I even jealous of? Y/n? Why would I be?"
"You're not jealous of Y/n, you're jealous because of him!" Mindy exclaimed.
Ethan opened his mouth to respond, but found his words stuck in his throat. He sat there for a minute, and then got up to leave.
"I need to think this through." He explained, putting his jacket on.
"The closet is made out of glass!" Anika shouted when the door closed behind him.
That took a LONG time thinking through. I mean not like a day or two, but more like a couple of months.
Through all this time Ethan made an effort to shield himself from any interactions with L/n. He didn't need more sexuality crisis then what was going on currently.
But alas, he was pulled out to a party by Chad, of course he was. No words could convince the guy to let him stay.
"You've been alone rotting by yourself for the longest time, we need to find you at least someone!"
And that's how he got here. Sitting in someone's backyard with music blasting from the house. He was lucky no one was shagging here, that's for sure.
"Hey E! Didn't know you were here, too!"
With dread spreading through his chest, Ethan looked up to see the very guy he was trying to avoid this whole time smiling at him, just walked out of the house.
"Yeah. I didn't want to come." Landry looked away, trying to look like the bushes were the most interesting thing in the world.
"...hey, I'm sorry, okay? Can- can you tell me what happened, please? What did I do?" Y/n's sorry voice rang in the cool spring air, making Landry's heart almost stop.
"What are you talking about?"
"I mean, everything was great, we had chemistry or something, and then you suddenly just... Stop talking to me. Without an explanation or anything. What happened, E? I really... I really liked what we had, y'know? I want to try and bring that back."
A silence fell upon the two as Ethan tried to think of a plausible answer.
"You didn't do anything, it's a me problem. I still like you, Y/n."
L/n smiled faintly. "Well, what's the problem then? Maybe I can help you... Figure it out?"
Landry shifted in his place, awkwardly coughing in his fist, as faint red dust covered his cheeks. "Isn't your boyfriend gonna be worried about where you are? Maybe you should check on him."
"Who, Jim? Oh, we broke up a couple of weeks ago."
"Really?" Shit, that sounded a lot more enthusiastic then Ethan was ready for
"Yeah, I don't even know why, his initiative."
"Oh, I'm..." Landry tried to compose himself, and not let the for some reason wildly beating heart take over, "I'm so... Really sorry, Y/n. That must've been awful."
L/n shrugged at that. "I got over it pretty quickly. We didn't exactly have a deep connection or anything like that."
Ethan couldn't stop his hands from fidgeting when he finally got the courage to open his mouth. "Okay, I will tell you what my problem is, if you promise not to laugh! Or tell anyone!"
"I promise." Y/n had a serious expression on his face, despite the slight smile still lingering on his lips.
Landry took a deep breath before continuing: "I think... I might... I might prefer boys over girls."
An another round of silence ensued, making Ethan sweat from nervousness.
"Oh dude that's... That's awesome. I'm so happy for you." Y/n took him in for a hug, leaving Ethan startled for a moment. "Sorry for being so selfish but did you... Did you realize because of me?"
Landry gulped. "I... Possibly? I don't know how I feel about you, but when you were with Jim I felt... Weird."
"There's only one way to find out."
"Wh- what do you mean, exactly?" Ethan could feel a mix of worry and excitement creep up his back again.
"I think you know what I mean." Y/n said in a low voice, leaning closer to his face. "Kiss me, man."
That didn't take much convincing.
The kiss felt sweet and a little awkward, Ethan wasn't a very experienced kisser, but all he lacked was made up by Y/n.
After that party, they started talking again, with more sweet talk implemented.
The word 'boyfriends' scared Landry a little, and even if everyone around them called them just that, he didn't want to use it.
But Y/n didn't mind, he understood the stress the poor boy was going through and didn't want to double down on it.
So they were just friends.
Friends who are far more affectionate with each other.
Friends who stay at each other's dorms and sleep in each other's beds, cuddled up.
Friends who have no problem kissing each other when they're in private.
Yeah, that type of friends.
Ethan was insanely nervous about coming out to others, especially his family.
So most likely, it was L/n who brought the news over to the others when they both were ready.
Luckily, everyone in the group was super supportive of Y/n's and Ethan's relationship when they finally told everyone. But his family still stays in the shadows.
He wants to be affectionate everywhere, but he's also nervous. So no PDA in public.
But when it's alone time? Oh boy, he won't calm down, because his boyfriend is now his bed and his stuffed toy for hugging and kissing.
The boy is painfully touchstarved, and his partner quickly learns that.
Dates are never a problem, even if it's just a quick meetup in-between lectures, Ethan remembers that. I think he keeps a box of different stuff other people will consider junk, but for him, it's memories of the dates with Y/n.
He also sometimes wish he could draw, just so that he could draw pictures of his boyfriend.
Ethan's love language is mostly gifts and quality time. He never was able to really put his feelings into words, so little trinkets will do.
He almost behaves like a cat, leaving it on his boyfriend's bed or putting it with a little note in his bag, for the life of him, he can't just give presents normally.
Actually, it has been long before he came out when Ethan started jerking off to gay porn.
He never really wanted to think why it turned him on so much, it just did and he didn't give it much thought, as long as it felt good.
He never experimented with pleasuring himself anally, but he couldn't picture himself being on top.
Here's the truth: Ethan's not just a virgin, a turbovirgin. He came in his pants the first couple of times he and Y/n made out.
He's so extremely loud, his boyfriend may need to gag him, as he moans at the smallest bit of touch.
Even though it will take a while before he would be able to get to penetration, sucking cock quickly became one of, if not the favourite bedroom activity.
He could drop on his knees anywhere any time if it was needed, and he always drooled a lot, providing enough lube.
It's possible he has an oral fixation at this point, but no matter the cause: he's great at taking it in his mouth, isn't this what matters?
His thighs are super sensitive, every time L/n's hands brush over them, even if it's not intentionally, Landry can hardly contain a moan.
He isn't into anything crazy in particular, but later he discovers his love towards overstimulation.
There's just something so satisfying in being pounded and played with again and again, hardly staying conscious while being covered in spit, sweat and other possible bodily fluids.
As we established, he's a bottom. At first, it was a little hard, but the second Y/n's cock hit Ethan's prostate for the first time, all the worries were gone.
Absolutely loves being taken, feeling helpless and soft while his sweet spot is being driven into.
His moans during intercourse resemble a girl's pretty good, so Y/n's and Ethan's neighbours still didn't get any questions.
If he's a little more eager, loves sitting on his boyfriend's lap or riding him, being in somewhat of control.
His lips always get so swollen and red by the time they finish since he bites them so much.
Hides any marks were thoroughly because he doesn't want to be embarrassed, but he does have a secret fantasy of just parading his lover's marks on his body freely, letting everyone know he's taken.
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fanficshiddles · 3 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 39
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‘Is Mandy ok?’ Claire asked Loki the following morning, he’d just been on the phone to his dad while Claire set up Bat’s automatic feeder for the day before they headed out.
‘Yes, thankfully. She’s right as rain after dad fixing her. Pretty shaken up, understandably, but is fine.’ Loki said, relieved.
‘Phew, that’s good news.’ Claire put her arms around Loki. He smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of her head.
‘Is her majesty all sorted for food?’ Loki asked as he straightened up.
‘Yep, all prepped.’ Claire smiled.
‘Excellent. Shall we get going, love?’
Claire nodded. ‘I don’t know whether I’m more excited to see Louise or to get that awesome breakfast from Café Five.’
‘I’m so telling your sister that she’s on par with food.’ Loki teased.
‘Pfft, Louise would trade me in for food in an instant without a single thought.’ Claire scoffed, making Loki laugh.
‘Come on, let’s get going. Get that breakfast you’re desperately craving.’ Loki winked at her and took her hand.
Claire was of course excited to see her sister again. This time more so, since she was bringing Loki so they could both meet. She knew that Louise would love Loki, and vice versa, but there was still a tiny bit of nerves within her since she so desperately wanted them to get along. They were the two most important people in her life, she wasn’t sure what she would do if they didn’t like each other.
It didn’t take long to get to the café where they stopped for breakfast. It was at the side of the motorway, a dinky little place but clean with amazing food and service. There were only around ten tables squished in, but thankfully it wasn’t too busy when they turned up so they didn’t have to wait for a table, like Claire did last time.
‘I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!’ Claire said as they sat down with their tea, waiting for the food to arrive.
Loki chuckled. ‘I’m sure I saw a field of them a few miles back.’
Claire stuck her tongue out at him playfully. He reached under the table and pinched her thigh, making her squeak.
‘I hate how long your arms are. You should not be able to reach me.’ She laughed.
‘To be fair, it’s a small table.’ Loki grinned.
‘Still.’ Claire shrugged. ‘I’m so excited for you to meet Louise. She might be a little odd at first, like I’ve said before, she acts all confident and outgoing, but she’s actually really quite insecure and shy. Well, more she’s put a wall around herself than shy, I guess.’
Loki nodded. ‘I’d say it’s completely understandable though, after what she’s been through.’
‘Yeah, it is. I hate him so much for what he did to her. She was so confident and outgoing, which wasn’t an act, until he started draining all of that out of her… Literally beating it out of her.’ Claire sighed sadly.
Loki reached across the table and cupped Claire’s cheek softly, brushing his thumb up and down a little. ‘She will soon flourish again, I’m sure. Now he’s gone, she no longer needs to live in fear. She’s got a wonderful sister who’s going to continue to be there for her. And now she also has a brother-in-law that’s a vampire.’ Loki smirked and winked at her.
Claire blushed a little and laughed. ‘That’s very true. I know a good gang of vampires that will be able to sort out any assholes.’
‘Exactly.’ Loki grinned and leaned back.
Their food was quick to arrive, it smelled amazing and made Claire’s mouth water. Claire and Loki tucked in straight away.
‘Oh my god, this is better than sex.’ Claire groaned with a mouthful.
Loki mocked a gasp and looked horrified. ‘What? You can’t be serious!’
Claire finished her mouthful and shrugged. ‘Sorry, vampy… but this is seriously good food. If the choice was this every day or sex… well, I wouldn’t be going hungry.’
‘You are so asking for trouble, missy.’ Loki growled deeply at her, which made her clench her thighs together a little.
Loki smirked when he caught a bit of her scent and he saw the way her cheeks turned a little pinker. ‘Aha… Are you sure that you’d be able to go without sex?’ He asked cockily as he raised an eyebrow.
‘Of course I could. I bet I could go longer than you.’ Claire scoffed as she stuffed some bacon into her mouth.
Loki laughed and folded his arms over his chest. ‘Oh, you think so, huh? Well, why don’t we see how long we can last, see who folds first?’
‘It’s on!’ Claire laughed.
When they finished breakfast, they made their way to Louise’s. They arrived just before lunch time, pretty much right on time for when Louise was expecting them.
Claire and Louise were so happy and excited to see one another again, giving each other a big hug. Then Claire stepped backwards a little to Loki and put her arm around his.
‘This, is Loki… Loki, this is Louise.’ Claire introduced them enthusiastically.
‘Lovely to meet you, Louise.’ Loki said charmingly.
‘Lovely to meet you, too.’ Louise grinned and, to Loki and Claire’s surprise, she put her hand out towards him with only a little bit of hesitation.
Loki gently took her hand and shook it. He could smell her nerves and could feel her hand shaking ever so slightly, so he didn’t hold her hand for too long.
Louise then stepped to the side. ‘Come in, come in! I can’t believe I’m actually meeting a real-life vampire. Claire’s told me all about you.’
Loki chuckled as they stepped inside. ‘All good I hope.’
‘Mostly.’ Louise teased.
Loki mocked a gasp and glared at Claire, who just gave him a big cheesy grin as she pushed him through to the living room.
Louise made them all tea and she’d made some sandwiches and brought out some nibbles for lunch.
‘First things first, let’s get rid of the elephant in the room.’ Louise announced as she sat down on the single chair, Claire and Loki were on the sofa.
Claire and Loki looked at her with a confused look on their faces.
‘I need to see the fangs. I’m sorry. It’s just I can’t actually believe it.’ Louise said sheepishly.
Loki threw his head back, laughing. ‘That’s exactly what Claire wanted to see when she found out.’
‘What can I say, we are sisters after all.’ Claire laughed.
‘I can see already that you are both very alike.’ Loki grinned, then flashed his fangs at Louise, who’s eyes widened but Loki saw the excitement on her face.
‘You’re living the dream, sis.’ Louise said as she shook her head in disbelief and took a sip of her tea.
‘Claire was telling me that you both used to talk about being swept off your feet by vampires.’ Loki chuckled.
‘We did.’ Louise nodded. ‘I never would have imagined that they’d be real though… I still can’t quite believe it.’
‘Tell me about it. Teenage fantasies come true.’ Claire smirked and glanced at Loki. ‘Oh, by the way Loki. I was thinking we should set Louise up with Matt. He’s single, right?’
Loki grinned. ‘He is indeed… So is Spencer, actually.’
‘You said Matt is hot… Who’s Spencer? Is he hot?’ Louise asked Claire.
Claire shrugged and nodded. ‘I’d say so.’
Loki looked from Claire to Louise, then back to Claire so fast he almost got whiplash. ‘You think Matt and Spencer are hot?’
Claire looked at Loki and shrugged again. ‘They’re handsome fellows.’
Loki’s mouth fell open and he folded his arms over his chest.
‘In-fact, all the teachers at the school are pretty hot. I’m surprised students can even concentrate properly, to be honest.’ Claire said seriously, though she struggled not to smile and laugh.
Loki pouted and shrunk back into the sofa. ‘I thought I was the only good looking one.’ He huffed.
‘N’aww. Don’t worry, you’re the only one for me.’ Claire assured him and pinched his cheek.
‘You two are adorable together.’ Louise blurted out with a smile.
Loki was quick to turn things around, asking Louise for all the dirt on Claire when they were younger. Claire tried to keep Louise quiet about some things, but Louise was having far too much fun.
‘One memory I have, that I will never ever forget. Is when we were around sixteen?’
‘Oh no… no, no, no.’ Claire made a dive for Louise and tried to cover her mouth, but Louise managed to get her head away so she could still speak freely while fending Claire off.
‘We snuck out late one night to a party at the local park, alcohol was involved. Claire got a little too bold and decided that she could easily climb the monkey bars and hang upside down, to prove she wasn’t drunk. She managed, but as she was upside down her top fell down around her face and she had stupidly decided that going braless that night was a great idea.’
‘No! You didn’t?’ Loki gasped, his mouth fell wide open as he looked at Claire, who slunk back to the sofa and pulled her jumper up over her face.
‘Yep, she did. Flashing most of our classmates. Obviously the guys never let her forget that. Neither did a lot of the girls, actually. Considering she was more endowed than the rest of us at that age, she was getting glares from some of the girls for weeks after. Especially with all the attention she was suddenly getting from the guys.’ Louise laughed hysterically.
Loki’s stomach began to hurt from laughing so much. Claire just kept hidden, until Loki tugged her jumper down to reveal her bright red cheeks.
‘Remind me next time you’re drinking to double check that you’re wearing a bra… don’t want any of the other hot teachers to see what they shouldn’t.’ Loki teased and winked at her.
Claire stuck her tongue out at him in response, earning a playful poke to her side.
Loki and Claire stayed for most of the day, they ended up having a Chinese takeaway with Louise before finally heading home.
‘It was so nice to meet you, Louise. You’re welcome to come see us in Demsdale whenever you like.’ Loki said with a big smile as Louise walked them to the door.
‘Thank you. It’s been good to meet you, too. Though as Claire’s sister, I do need to say this… Vampire or not, if you hurt my sister I will come after your ass.’
‘I wouldn’t expect anything less.’ Loki chuckled.
‘Don’t need to worry, sis. I’m in good hands.’ Claire assured Louise as she gave her a big hug.
‘You sure are.’ Louise agreed as she squeezed Claire. ‘See you soon, yeah?’
When Claire and Loki got into his car and began the drive home, it was beginning to get dark.
‘Your sister is lovely.’ Loki smiled and reached over to squeeze Claire’s thigh.
‘She was really comfortable around you, which shouldn’t be a surprise, really. You’re a big softie after all.’ Claire smiled back at him.
‘I sure am.’ Loki winked at her. ‘I could tell at first she was a little anxious around me, but she did seem to relax after a while.’
‘I still can’t believe she told you that damn story.’ Claire laughed a little and put her hand over her face.
‘I’m glad she did. Now I know I need to keep a close eye on these babies.’ Loki said as he moved his hand up and squeezed at her breasts, making Claire laugh more.
‘Hands off, vampy. They’re off limits for now, remember our bet?’ Claire smirked.
‘You’re not still serious about that, are you?’ Loki raised an eyebrow and glanced at her.
‘Definitely. Unless you’re ready to cave in already, hmm?’
‘Of course not. I can last longer than you. It’ll be you that’s on your knees begging for me to fuck you before I’m the one begging.’ Loki said confidently.
‘Yeah right.’ Claire scoffed.
Claire moaned as Loki repeatedly thrust into her, grunting hotly over her. He had his hand wrapped around the back of her neck, pinning her down over the bonnet of the car. It was warm against her cheek from the engine underneath.
‘Lokiiii. Fuuuuuuck, I’m gonna cum!’ Claire cried out as Loki thrust hard into her once more, exploding deep inside her as she clenched around his cock.
Neither of them cared much that anyone could just pull into the car park at any moment, it was dark enough and there were trees shielding them from the main road. Though the slight chance of being seen did fuel their fire even more when they began.
They were only around ten minutes away from Demsdale, but their teasing of one another in the car had become too much for them to bear. Loki had snapped and swiftly pulled off the motorway, practically dragging Claire out of the car and folding her over the front of the car so he could fuck her senseless.
Sweat beaded on Loki’s forehead as he pulled out of Claire and helped her to stand up. She was blissed out, but managed to turn around and, with his support, got her trousers and knickers pulled back up.
‘See… I told you I’d last longer.’ Claire giggled as she leaned back against the car while Loki tucked himself away and buckled his belt up.
He raised an eyebrow at her. ‘You are the one that started masturbating in the car next to me. You stunk out the car, how else was I supposed to react?’ He growled at her, making her stomach churn with more excitement.
‘Well… we didn’t say we couldn’t masturbate. It’s not my fault you can't control yourself.’ Claire shrugged with a smug smirk.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her and a slow smirk spread over his lips, then he launched at her. She tried to run, but couldn’t even get two steps away from him before he grabbed her and began tickling her underneath her jumper.
She screeched with laughter as Loki tickled her, not letting her get away from him. He growled and blew a raspberry against her neck, making her screech even louder. She tried stomping on his foot, but he knew what she was doing and managed to avoid her stomps.
He laughed wickedly when he relented on his attack, finishing with a big sloppy kiss on her cheek.
‘You’re such a goof.’ Claire laughed and pushed his face away.
Loki slid his arm back around her waist and tugged her into him, grinning down at her. She put her hands on his chest as she gazed up at him.
‘We couldn’t even last a day.’ Loki sighed dramatically.
‘We are useless.’ Claire giggled.
‘Perhaps I just needed to re-claim what’s mine…’ Loki hummed as he glanced at her breasts.
‘I’m going to kill Louise for telling you that story.’ Claire grumbled.
Loki chuckled and escorted her back into the car.
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Rose Reads Love In The Big City
Part I
So as I finished reading Part I and went to look at the questions that @bengiyo provided , I felt that I couldn’t really talk about this chapter from any other place than my own experience. I usually have a hard time writing from a non personal view point which is why I don’t write that much on here. But I wanted to be part of this event and it felt disingenuous to not write from a personal place. With that said.
I moved to London when I was 24 with one of my best friends. Let’s call him P. We shared a flat for almost 4 years. And our lives were not that different from Young and Jaehee. The major difference here was that I was single for all that time and didn’t sleep with anyone. I was ace but didn’t call it that at the time.
But I saw a lot of ourselves in this chapter. When we weren’t working and he wasn’t getting laid, we would spend most of our time together. We would talk about the boy du jour, and why I hated him, except when I didn’t and in that case P was the one that didn’t like him. We would visit gay clubs after work and I was drunk by 8pm and by that time, he had a companion for the rest of the night so I would go home. Of course I would wake up at some point when he staggered back home alone or not. If alone we would talk about the night, and if not alone I would save the conversations till morning. Except for the few times when I was actually still awake and would quickly be put in charge of brewing coffee and providing food to soak up all the alcohol.
This went on for almost 4 years. He had some longer relationships, and by that I mean, maybe six months, and I abstained from all that. Although in the beginning P was relentless about my need to meet someone and get laid, eventually he got the message that that wasn’t me.
We also smoked way too much, drank way too much and I had way too much fun with his sex life. I got very familiar with the local clinic where he would get tested and got to laugh about his poor life choices when something didn’t go well.
One of the my clearest memories of that time was one time where he had a boyfriend, going on like 3 months, the one I liked and apparently he didn’t, and he brought another guy home, and after he left, I was being a judgemental bitch just has P gets a message from a former hook up saying he needs to get tested. My immediate reply was – instant karma. Obviously every time I made a joke about him being a slut I could always expect one in return asking when would I join the convent.
All this to say I saw a lot of myself and P in Part I. However, I ended up relating more to Young than to Jaehee which is interesting but makes perfect sense.
So now for the questions. I don’t think I can answer one at a time so I’ll just go through questions 1, 3 and 4 for now.
Well most things stuck out to me just because I could so clearly picture it in my head almost as a memory. The whole dynamic felt very familiar to me. Just like Young and Jaehee, we were each other’s home. The one we always returned too.
I read the fight the same way as the author did in a way. I saw it as a betrayal. But I don’t think it was about outing him, as he himself is not sure about that. It was the first time that Jaehee put someone else before Young. She told the fiancé the truth, because in that moment he was more important than Young. And that was what felt like a betrayal. Because although they shared their bodies with a number of different people, and even momentary feelings, emotionally Young had an expectation that he came first.
And now tying it with the fourth question. Me and P never had any sort of problems regarding optics. Perhaps this is a cultural nuance that I miss.
But as I was reading it, I kept waiting for the break. For when one of them was no longer happy with this arrangement. This is not to say that there needs to be a break. But in my experience, there was a break. First in the form of long distance when I returned home. We would talk everyday and have video chats more than once a week at first. Eventually the distance in geography translated into a distance in the relationship. However whenever he came back home and we were together there was still a semblance of what we shared before.
But eventually the real break came in the form of a new relationship. Eventually he met someone, and now they’ve been together for years and that person and I never really got along. There was no hostility and it’s not that I didn’t like him. We just didn’t mesh.
After they’d been together for a while, he started having a problem with our relationship. Mostly with the fact that I was an influence in his life, and for some reason he thought that meant that his influence was diminished. And apparently I was a bad influence. I will not speak to that because it really doesn’t matter.
So P made a choice. And he chose his boyfriend. I haven’t talked to P in almost two years. Because as much as we wanted to believe that our relationship was important, and bro’s before hoes and all that crap, the reality is that in this amatonormativity we live in, there really isn’t any space for that. Sharing your life with someone that doesn’t involve romance has an expiration date. And more often than not, eventually you will find a “real” partner and that will not leave space for anyone else.
And the thing is normally this would happen just like in the novel. I, the woman, would be the one that would “move on”, perhaps get married and have no space for any other significant relationship in my life.
Because it’s what’s expected. Eventually you will find your “actual” person and be normal. Move in together, get married and whatever you had with someone else was youth inspired and not for the long haul. Because who would be happy with that? I mean, Jaehee certainly didn’t seem like she was ready to get married any time soon, and although I can only guess at some of the pressures she was feeling in the context of her culture, it’s not like that doesn’t translate to my own.
Me and P never had anyone look at us weird because of our closeness. Not my family or his, or any of our friends. The only person that had a problem with that was his last partner. And of course P made the natural choice. Because let’s be real. At the end of the day, who would actually choose a friend over a relationship? I mean, I would but I’m not what anyone would call “normal” and that is just one of the many reasons why.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Young and Jaehee. I haven’t read past the first part. I hope they find their way to each other. But that ending – “that Jaehee didn’t live here anymore” hit me like a ton of bricks.
Thanks to @twig-tea for being my editor.
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Hello! Happy 28th! Very excited to share my March 2023 fic rec! All of the fics below are so amazing. In no particular order, enjoy!!! 
Golden by shaylea (128k)
Harry is fully dressed when Louis returns to the room. He’s slumped on the edge of the bed, fingers twining awkwardly around the edge of his pink flounces. “Can I come?” he blurts when Louis opens the bathroom door. Louis freezes. “What?” “North. With you,” Harry clarifies. “If you’re going north, could I come too?”
On a rainy night in Auckland in the middle of his world tour, popstar Harry Styles loses his ability to carry on. Instead of continuing to Sydney and the rest of his tour, he seeks sanctuary with Louis Tomlinson, a man with a macadamia nut farm and a mysterious past.
I’ll Fly Away by @juliusschmidt (122k)
Harry and Louis grew up together in Lake County, Harry with his mom and stepdad in a tiny cottage on Edward’s Lake and Louis in his family’s farmhouse a few minutes down the road. But after high school, Louis stuck around and Harry did not; Harry went to Chicago where he found a boyfriend and couple of college degrees. Six years later, Harry ends up back in Edwardsville for the summer and he and Louis fall into old patterns and discover new ones.
ft. One Direction, the local boyband; Horan’s Bar and Grill; families, most especially children and babies; Officer Liam Payne; many local festivals and fireworks displays; and Anne Cox, PFLAG President.
Mine Would Be You by @crinkle-eyed-boo (114k)
Louis blinks his eyes open, his eyelids fluttering as the room swims around him. He takes several gulps of beer once he confirms that he’s definitely not hallucinating, that the very first portrait Harry Styles ever painted of him is hanging on that wall.
Louis stares at the wall, his heart jackrabbiting in his chest as he realizes that there’s not just one painting of him, there’s five, the portraits lined up like they’re some sort of storyboard depicting the rise and fall of his deepest love. His greatest heartache. A pain that cut him so deep that he left the fucking country, severing all ties with his life in New York, now suddenly surrounding him as if he’d never left.
Fucking shit motherfucker fuck.
Louis returns to New York City five years after he left it – and the love of his life – behind. He didn't intend to see Harry again, but fate has a funny way of pulling them together, whether they like it or not. After making a begrudging truce, they both start to wonder: Would it be so bad if history repeated itself?
You’ve Got My Devotion (Hate You Sometimes) by lucythegoosey / @harryrainbows (95k)
Harry was in the biggest boy band in the world. He was also one half of the best (or worst, depends on who you ask) kept secret relationship in the music industry.
Now, almost five years on, after One Direction has broken up, and Harry and Louis' relationship has as well, a video threatens to put everything at risk.
One determined Irishman, a massive publicity stunt and two begrudging exes are all it takes to bring One Direction back to life and maybe, just maybe, Harry and Louis' mangled love life too.
Or: Harry and Louis are forced to fake-date after an old video from when they were dating emerges.
Wild Love by purpledaisy / @harrydaisy (130k)
“Good,” Julia says, clearly pleased to have them both uncomfortable and unable to look at each other. “Now, I only have one more question before you can go. What are you planning to do when this experiment ruins your friendship?”
“We said we’d stay friends no matter what,” Harry says smoothly, his chin lifting in defense.
“That was our one thing going into it,” Louis agrees. “Stay friends no matter what.”
Julia raises a perfectly manicured brow, “That’s all fine and good. But I hope you realize your emotions aren’t going to realize this is an experiment in the end. If one of you falls for the other and finds out those feelings are not reciprocated, you’re not going to be able to laugh it off as a social experiment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do this, I’m just hoping you’ve considered all of the possible outcomes.”
- AU: Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.
Part one of Wild Love
Never Slows Down by purpledaisy / @harrydaisy (28k)
“Maybe we should just have one place instead,” he says. “Just move in together.” It’s heavier out loud, the first time either one of them has made an outright mention of it.
Harry keeps his back turned, the running water of the sink the only sound. Louis wants to say something stupid, something like, “Just kidding,” or, “Wait, no, that’s not what I meant,” but he doesn’t. Now, out loud, lingering, he doesn’t want to change the words he’s just said or the implication.
It must only be a few seconds but it feels like a lifetime before Harry turns off the water and turns to face him again. He swallows and shrugs, “Uh, yeah, maybe.” He meets Louis’s eyes only briefly before checking his watch. “We should go soon,” he says turning to leave the kitchen. “I’ll grab you a jacket.”
Part two of Wild Love
Being of the Jealous Kind by zita17 / @louisandtheaquarian (24k)
A-list actor Louis Tomlinson and his partner fashion photographer Harry Styles weather the storm that is Louis’ fake relationship with his costar in the lead up to this year’s Academy Awards.
Featuring a fluffy teenage meet-cute, an angsty wine drunk Harry melting down over pap pics, Louis habitually overusing the word “baby,” and cameos by a vintage Umbro sweatshirt, the peace ring, and one hell of a Larry hug.
Or the justice for To Be So Lonely fic. Based on the lyrics to TBSL and a prompt where “Louis has to fake date some celebrity, while his boyfriend Harry sits at home.”
Starry Haze, Crystal Ball by you_explode (10k)
Freedom. Harry’s not sure what exactly it means anymore. For him, for Louis. Personally. Professionally. Musically. There are so many layers to it, and it feels like as he gets older, the thicker those layers become.
Non-AU. A brief look at 2020 and the journey Harry and Louis are on with their careers and closet. Inspired by the Devil card.
Drifting, Weightless by dinosaursmate (45k)
“We’ve been asked to do a gig,” Niall said slowly. “Harry and Liam are completely up for it, I am too.” “Alright. What’s the catch?” Louis asked with suspicion. “It’s, um…” Niall cleared his throat. “So, Juliana was contacted by this themed cruise company, and they want us to do a four-day One Direction cruise.” The words hung in the air as Louis’ right eyebrow slowly crept up and he fixed Niall with a stare. “Absolutely not.” Louis rolled his eyes. “You’re essentially asking me to go on a working holiday with my ex. Stranded on a boat in the ocean for four days.” “Cruise ships are huge! You don’t have to see him in your down time.” --- Harry and Louis are exes with benefits until they're not, and the Mediterranean Sea might just be the perfect place to work through some unresolved issues.
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abyss-presence · 9 months
Hey, can you write Forrest x reader, enemies to friends please?
A/n: Thank you for the request! I hope the setting and reader's personality is to your liking.
Note: no usage of Y/N, instead [name] is used; second person pov; there are two time skips in total. Reader is gender neutral and they/them pronouns are used like two times.
Trauma Bonding.
You don't really understand why it happened, but that doesn't matter now.
What matters is, Forrest is an annoying piece of shit. By God how much he pisses you off, and that feeling seems to be mutual. You really can't help it, that guy is just a definition of a bastard. Neither of you cares how this stupid rivalry started, but you've been on each others' asses all the time, just constantly being a bother and a menace to one another.
And while you hated to admit it, it was sort of fun. Forrest's reactions to your little stunts were amusing as hell, so it only added fuel to the fire.
And you would be perfectly fine with things staying that way, but now you were stuck at the god damn KFAM building because what? A serial killer is out on the streets? Pfft, whatever man.
"Just so you know, I'd much prefer if the Whistling Man got me than staying here." you said harshly, sitting down at the couch in front of Peggy's booth. Just hearing Forrest talk made you upset. That man had way too much snark going on, he seriously needs to calm down with that shit.
"No one's holding you here." It just felt like you wanted to punch him every time he spoke, which was the case right now too.
"Settle down you two, we have more important things to care about now." Peggy brought you both back to reality. She was leaning her head on her palm and already looked tired of your constant back and forth bickering.
"Peggy, how come you tolerate him so well?" you could swear you saw Forrest roll his eyes.
"You guys just need to stop arguing so much. Why are you even fighting?" Peggy asks, shifting a little to be more comfortable in her chair.
"Because he's/they're annoying," the two of you said in sync, which only made you exchange a glare between each other. The woman laughed at that. It was honestly hilarious how you two hated each other for no apparent reason, even though your personalities would go well together in theory.
"Oh I see how it is. So you two are just being bitter for the sake of being bitter?" Only silence followed Peggy's question...
Hours have passed already. The night was getting more and more intense, and it was stressing everyone out. You were honestly both impressed and surprised by how well Forrest have managed to deal with this situation. Maybe that alone has earned your respect for him.
Even still, it was horrible to hear that kid get murdered. Poor guy, he was probably no older than 16... sure he was an ass, but that didn't mean he deserved to die. That made you think... if Forrest was to meet the same fate, would you feel the same way? Would it be a petty kind of grief? You would rather not find out.
Which is exactly why-
"Forrest man, you know I can't stand you, but no fucking way. I'm going down with you." Your tone was firm, and it was obvious you wouldn't back down no matter what he said.
"Whatever, lets just go already." He knew it would be pointless to try and argue with you, you would just keep being stubborn to annoy him. But maybe, just maybe, he was a little glad that you would tag along. It was totally not because the presence of another person with him, a person who he knows all too well, would make him feel more safe and protected, of course not, you would be foolish to think that that was the case! He'd just use you as a meat shield if the two of you got attacked. Yep, that was totally it, no other reason whatsoever.
You followed him downstairs, taking in the sight of the interior. It was kind of cozy in here, although you had to admit that the place was a mess. Well, on the second floor that is, the first one seemed pretty neat if you don't look behind the reception.
You made your way through said reception, through the basement and finally through the fire exit. As Forrest walked through the door, you stayed behind to hold it open just in case, that thing didn't look reliable enough for you to be sure that it won't shut behind you. Forrest only raised an eyebrow at you but didn't question it any further.
You'd hear him talk to no one in particular and of course you had to make a snarky remark about how this man had went insane while being so up in his own ass. However, just as you heard something that sounded like footsteps followed up with rustling, you panicked and quickly ran to find Forrest, completely forgetting about the door.
"Forrest?! Bastard man where are you?!" You half whispered half screamed, frantically looking around the back alley. When you came around the corner your eyes first landed on the Whistling Man who stood behind the fence and then walked away. Forrest, however, didn't seem to notice him at all... What a dork.
"So you found it?" You questioned him, looking over his shoulder briefly with your hands crossed over your chest.
"Sure did- Wait why are you here? Weren't you supposed to hold the door open?!" after a while, you began to pick up on certain behavior patterns and habits that Forrest had, one of which was that half lowered tone he always used when he was stressed and frustrated. Damn, pulling out all the dirty moves now, are you Forrest Nash?
"What the hell do you want from me! I thought you were about to be murdered!" ohh, you didn't like the way those two sentences sounded coming from you, it almost made it seem like you actually cared about him, which was totally not the case!
Forrest gasps dramatically, covering his mouth with the free hand that wasn't holding the "Lomg Ride Home", "Oh my God [name], is that what I think this is? Are you perhaps... worried about me?" he said in his signature smug tone, handing you the recording while you were distracted fuming over his stupid words. Without even realizing it, you took it from him.
"Shut up." A classic response, one that is usually a sign that he said something frustratingly stupid that you can't be bothered to come up with something witty to say.
"Sure man. We have the recording now, let's return." You hate to agree with him, but nod anyway, and the two of you make your way back to the fire exit.
Of course, just as you had suspected, it shut behind you as soon as you left, which only caused you both to be even more annoyed. This night was already horrible as it was, you couldn't get stuck outside now! Forrest said something about finding another way in, like a lift to the basement or whatnot. And surely enough, there was one right nearby.
Since it had no power, the two of you found a generator, and after that split ways to hunt around for some fuses to replace the burnt out ones. "Does anything work properly in this God forsaken place?" You think to yourself, picking up a good handful of fuses. However, those aren't the only thoughts that were plaguing your mind. You can't help but feel anxious being away from Forrest after you saw... well, him. And of course, it was totally only because you didn't want to help him or drag his body inside if he got killed! But either way, you hurriedly made your way back to the generator, looking around for Forrest. When you didn't see him anywhere, you could feel anxiety rise in your chest.
"Forrest? Forrest where are you?" You whispered again, dropping all the fuses on the crates nearby. Then you felt a pair of hands suddenly slam against your shoulders.
"Boo," you heard from behind yourself. Naturally, given tonight's circumstances, your first reflex was to fight. So as soon as you turned around, Forrest got shoved away and punched in the stomach. "Augh, what the hell."
"Jesus Christ Forrest! Do you have wind in your head or what?!" Even despite the fact that you cursed him out, you still felt kinda relieved to see him again. At least he wasn't the Whistling Man...
"That hurt you know." He said nonchalantly, as if he didn't just give you three heart attacks at once. You also noticed that he brought back some fuses too.
"Good. That's what you deserve." Truly, these two were made for each other. Who else would bicker and argue about dumb things when out at night in a dark alleyway with a killer on the loose?
The two of you made quick work with that generator, turning the power back on and making your way into the building through the basement.
But not in a single lifetime did you imagine finding... whatever the hell this was. You couldn't choose what creeped you out more: the fact that there was a secret hideout in the basement, all the mannequins with red cross eyes, all the photos attached to red strings and hanging in the air, or the board with news article cutouts and stickers with names and places on them. The latter seemed to grab Forrest's attention first though. Overall, this entire situation made your anxiety grow even more, and your thoughts wandered over to Peggy.
Sure, she is supposed to be safely locked in her producer booth, but... still, what if the Whistling Man somehow got to her? And both of you were downstairs, unable to protect her... You didn't want to imagine the sight of the glass being broken and Peggy laying lifelessly on the floor, probably horrifically injured. You didn't want to imagine it, but you did, and it only made things worse. You could feel your body heat up from growing stress, and only a minute or two later did you notice Forrest shaking you by the shoulder.
"[Name], you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." No way, did Forrest sound worried too? That's hilarious. Sort of endearing too.
"What if... something happens to Peggy?" You didn't even want to say it, you didn't want to express your concerns, especially not to him, but it came naturally. You just blurted it out without thinking.
"She's gonna be alright." Forrest was dumbfounded by your sudden serious tone and panicked look. He didn't expect you to suddenly act like this, if anything he expected another snarky reply. However, the fact that you trusted him enough to let him have a peek into your thoughts made him feel responsible for making things better for you. He already had to comfort a bunch of terrified victims today, so he could surely do it again.
"And what if she won't? What if the Whistling Man gets her? We're not there to protect her, but even if we were, would we be able to protect her anyway? That freak is strong and fast..." your mind began to spiral pretty fast.
"Thinks this through [name], how could he possibly get to her if he was at the old murder house and she is here, in her booth with the door locked?" And that was the worst about this. Forrest didn't know. He didn't see. So you took it upon yourself to break the news to him:
"No, no! You don't understand, I saw him here! He was right outside the building!" Your voice was growing more and more hysterical the longer you had to talk, and it was making him panick too.
"Wait, here? You saw him here?" Forrest asked you, mindlessly placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Yes Nash, here!" Oh damn. You usually only used his last name when things went over the line, so it only made the situation more tense.
"Okay, okay, calm down, deep breaths [name]. Let's get this thing," he patted the board you saw on the wall, "upstairs first and then we will check up on Peggy, alright?" After a moment of hesitation, you agreed. You grabbed the keys from the staircase that were on the table, and Forrest took the board. While you made your way back, with you occasionally glancing at Forrest and him giving you a reassuring nod in return, you couldn't help but feel grateful to him for helping you calm down. It was almost disgusting how well this man managed to soothe your worries, even if just a little bit.
When you finally made it back, you were relieved to find Peggy safe, sound and unharmed. That made your respect meter for Forrest go up like 0.5 percent. Still, you hated his guts. Or... or did you?
The second time wasn't so fortunate. Peggy wasn't unharmed, but she was relatively safe and getting help. You let out a breath that you've been holding in for ages, and you could feel your heart rate begin to slowly decrease. You turned to Forrest after he signed off his show, and couldn't help but smile.
"Maybe you're not as much of an ass as I thought."
And with that, you've bonded over your mutual trauma of the Whistling Night of '87 and have been friends ever since. Inseparable and insufferable if you will. So yeah,
You don't really understand why it happened, but that doesn't matter now.
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noodyl-blasstal · 1 year
Blupjeans Week: Myth (day 3)
Following on from the last two days prompts! Part 1 | Part 2 Today's @blupjeansweek prompt was Myth. -
Barry couldn't fathom how Taako managed it. Of course he, more than anyone Barry had ever met, could feign nonchalance on such an important day, but still. Barry knew he must be anxious deep down - no one cooked as much as Taako had been lately when they were fine, but aside from his occasional toe flexes Taako was sprawled loose limbed and casual across the chairs in the corridor.
"Stop worrying so loud, Barold." Taako didn't raise his head. Barry couldn't even get a read on his face because his ridiculous hat was tilted down over his eyes. 
"I'm not worr…"
"Then what am I hearing, Barry? What distress is accosting my delicate elf ears? Taako's busy trying to nap and you're spreading your anxiety everywhere. It's not hygienic, my guy."
"Uh." Barry countered. Perfect, got him.
"Yeah, that's what Taako thought. Now, why are you doubting Lup?"
"I would never doubt Lup! She's smarter than both of them put together." Barry replied indignantly, he couldn't believe Taako, of all people, was accusing him of not believing in Lup. As far as Barry was concerned, if she told him she was gonna grab the moon right out of the sky his only concern would be where they were going to put it. 
"Well then." Said Taako definitively as if the case was closed.
Barry looked at the door again. It had only been an hour. Anything up to four was relatively common. He knew she had this, but he just wanted to skip to that bit right now thank you very much. Maybe if he paced, did a little exercise, that would get rid of the nervous energy.
"Don't even think about it." Said Taako. "Sit down, read your book, it's going to be fine."
Barry sat obediently. He tried, he really did, but he was on what must have been his thirtieth attempt at reading the same page when the door finally cracked open. Barry barely had time to register it before Taako vaulted off the chairs and rushed over. 
"Thank you again, Dr Tacco. Congratulations!" 
Lup emerged from the room, finger gunned, and closed the door behind her. "Guess who's got two thumbs and a PhD?" She said as Taako slammed into her and knocked her sideways.
"Barold." He mumbled into her hair.
Lup pretended to try and wriggle out of his hug. "Fuck off, Goofus."
Barry wrapped himself around them both. "I'm also going with me. I checked, one, two." He prodded Lup in the back with each thumb in turn to make his point. 
Lup laughed hard and long and wild. "I hate you both."
"We love you too." Said Barry and Taako together. 
Lup stuck her tongue out. “Terrible, awful, what did I do to be cursed with you both?”
“I don’t know, Dr Lup. What did you do?” Barry grinned. Dr Lup! She’d done it. He knew she would. There was no universe in which she didn’t, but still. It was over.
“Dr Lup Tacco.” Taako said quietly. “You did it.”
“I did it.”
“You got the car snacks, Dr Bluejeans?” 
“Of course I have, Dr Tacco. But, Dr Tacco, have you set up the playlist?”
“Dr Bluejeans, I cannot believe you’d doubt me, your good friend, Dr Tacco. Of course cha’girl’s got the playlist sorted.”
“But, Dr Tacco, is it the one we  agreed on, or the one I saw you making to torture me?”
“I cannot believe these wild accusations that you are levelling, Dr Bluejeans. Of course it’s the one I made to torture you. Rude of you to entertain any other thought on the matter to be honest.”
Barry snorted. He still wasn’t entirely sure why Lup had agreed to road trip home with him despite not losing the bet, but maybe the allure of a second wardrobe full of vintage Barry threads (as Lup had designated them) had been too strong to resist. Either way, the car was packed, backup maps were in the glove box, roadside attractions had been scoped, their motel was booked, and his Mum was expecting them in a few days.
“There! There! There!!! Pull over, Dr Bear.” Lup pressed her face to the window and wriggled in her seat. “I knew we were close.”
Barry steered the car to the side of the road and parked on the gravel at the side. “We’ll be fine here. The road’s pretty dead and we shouldn’t be long.”
“Speak for yourself.” Said Lup, already unbuckled and clambering free. 
By the time Barry had hauled himself out of the driver’s side and stretched out his rice crispy spine Lup was already halfway up the scrubby embankment. Barry smiled fondly, he wished he had half the energy reserve the twins seemed to possess. 
“C’mon Bear! Look.”
The grass was sharp and the scree slippery, but Barry eventually made it, red and panting, to the rock.
“I love him.” Declared Lup, petting the top of the large, terribly painted frog she lounged across. “Take a picture for me please? Taako’s going to hate it. I’ll frame it for his birthday.”
 Barry huffed out and laugh and snapped some photographs. Lup looked perfect in every single one, because of course she did.
“Now c’mere, we need to get some for the wall.” Lup spun herself round and made grabby hands at Barry. The photo collection had started during undergrad. Lup had read something about tangible photos being lost because of technology and decided to be a one woman task force to combat it. She religiously took photos, got them printed monthly, and strung them up around the house using a seemingly endless supply of tiny colourful pegs. The strings were a timeline of friendships, charting the day that Magnus appeared in their lives and decided they were going to be friends actually; Lucretia’s increasing appearance at events; Kravitz moving from glowering at the twins in the background of a shot in a lecture hall, to standing awkwardly at the edge of a group shot, to kissing Taako’s cheek and making him blush right to the tips of his ears. They charted bad haircuts (Lup), terrible fashion choices (Barry repeatedly begged Lup to take down the evidence of his pork pie hat era, but she resolutely refused), and covered the mundane to the sublime - book days, beach days, lecture halls, labs, picnics, hikes. All of it.
Barry walked over to her then waited for direction, Lup’s creative vision wasn’t something to be trifled with. 
“Okay, can you hop up here with me? I’m just gonna go prop the camera.” Lup scooted off the edge as Barry found a solid foothold to push himself up with.
“Aye aye, Dr Captain… Captain Dr?” Barry saluted from the top of the frog and Lup laughed, mission accomplished. He still loved that he could inspire that reaction, after all this time she still loved his stupid jokes.
“Right, it’s on a 10 second timer… GO!” Lup sprinted and hopped deftly up the frog. Barry realised at the same time as she did that there was no way there was room for both of them to sit on top. Lup glanced at his lap and grinned, “...incoming, Barold!” She threw herself onto his knee and somehow produced a smile and a peace sign. There was no way Barry had been looking at the camera, he was definitely staring at Lup with the ‘lovesick’ face he’d bribed Taako into deleting or editing from photos so many times before. 
“Uh… can we do that again? I think I blinked.” Maybe he could delete the last attempt before she saw it once they were back in the car. He’d managed it before, there was only so many times you could be photographed staring longingly at someone before they worked out you were probably a bit in love with them.
“Sure you aren’t just trying to keep me in your lap? You could just ask, you know?” Barry was going to expire, right here right now. She could stay in his lap forever as far as he was concerned, but she was joking and he would be serious about it if he asked her to stay put and she’d laugh, his heart would break, and she’d feel weird about the last 10 years of their lives.
“I… well… er… I… just… the blinking.” Perfectly eloquent. He nailed it. There was no way she’d pick up on the fact he was combusting.
“No problemo. Save my spot!” Lup started to wriggle free, but Barry scooped her instead, cradling her briefly before setting her down on the very edge. “Thanks Bear! You’ve been working out.”
Barry had very much not been working out, unless you counted frantic note taking - which they definitely hadn’t in high school, he’d checked.
“3-2-1, comin’ in hot!” Lup clicked the button and set off running back to the rock. Barry watched her go, laughing at the smile on her face. He should probably just have volunteered to use mage hand for this, but Lup was having too much fun. She ran up the side of the rock, and Barry caught her, tugging her down into his lap. 
“8-9…” Lup raised her arms and Barry heard the familiar whoosh of flame. Gods, she was ridiculous and he loved every inch of her. He focused resolutely on the camera. “Think you managed without blinking that time?” Lup asked.
“Yeah, yeah, that was a good one.”
“Okay, stay put, I want one more of you with the frog please… Oh, do you still remember some of those bard spells Johann showed you?”
Barry nodded tentatively. “I do.”
“Cool, a cowboy hat please.” It was done before she’d slid back to the ground, and the raucous laugh she let out meant he’d definitely made a good choice. “The pink fuzzy trim really adds a mystique to the look, Barold. Have you been studying at the Taako school of headgear?”
Barry yee hawed instead of answering and Lup snapped away as he wielded his imaginary lasso.
Back in the car he felt a bubbling sense of pride as she set one of him high in his imaginary frog saddle as her screensaver and laughed again.
“It should be the next left, Bear. I hope you’re excited.” Lup uncurled herself from the scrunched up position she’d adopted for reading.
“”I’ve got a surprise and you’re gonna love it” can usually go either way with you and Taako, so I’ll reserve judgement for now.” Barry pretended to frown, but he knew Lup saw through it. He’d trust her with anything, she was the person his Mum’s ‘if your friends all jumped off a cliff’ lecture should have focused on. He wouldn’t have done it for Juan or Glennis, but Lup? He’d be straight over the side knowing she’d have figured out some way for them to fly. “Hang on… Lup, is that Mothman?”
“Maaaaybe. Turn in here.” 
“... and that’s bigfoot?”
“Yep.” Lup popped the p and looked incredibly smug.
“Why’s the rabbit… oh, it has horns. Jackalope?” 
“Jackalope.” Lup confirms.
“Lup, is this a cryptid hotel?” Okay, so the kitschy vibe was fun, but this was definitely more for Lup than for him. She didn’t usually miss with her surprises, but there was a first time for everything.
“It is, yes, but they also have a collection of academic papers you can view on the topic. There’s loads of really great evidence, according to the website.” Lup side eyed him.
“There’s research I can get angry at?” Okay, now she was talking.
“Bear, I hear those methodologies are real unscrupulous. There’s likely some inconsistencies in the referencing too, if you know what I mean.” Lup waggled her eyebrows. 
“I love you.” Blurted Barry, then tried not to think about that too hard as he parked the car. That was fine. You could tell your friends you loved them, he’d told Lup he loved her before. He told all of them he loved them because he did. She didn’t need to know that he meant it in a different way when he said it to her.
“I love you too.” Lup nudged his arm. “Now let’s go see which theme the rooms are. I’m hoping for the Hodag, but I think you’d prefer Champ.”
“Oh, I see how it is, pawn me off with budget Nessy. I’m Jackalope or broke. You go ahead, I’ll grab the bags.” Barry cracked the back door and started the slow task of sorting through the detritus of the day. He wasn’t entirely sure where Lup had managed to accrue four souvenir bags, but he didn’t want to risk damaging anything. He piled them carefully to the side, then tracked down the overnight bags, and double checked to make sure he’d locked the car properly. Shouldering the rucksacks he headed into the reception, glad that Lup was sorting the rooms. Frankly, he didn’t want to have to speak to anyone other than her before he’d thrown himself into a long shower and felt a bit more human. 
“Hey Bear.” Lup gave him a small wave from the electric blue sofa near the door. “There’s, well, there’s good news and there’s bad news. Which do you want first?”
Barry hesitated. You were definitely supposed to get the bad news first, but the day had been so nice that maybe he could just put off whatever was going to ruin it a little longer. “Give me the good?”
“Buy one get one free on frozen margs. The glasses are massive and they have wild flavours. I need to try at least three, you know, for science. One of them is goldfish and I don’t know if they mean the creature or the cracker.” 
“Or both?”
“It could be both.”
“… and the bad news?”
“There may have been a tiny bit of a mix up. Just, like, the smallest amount. A little communication thing. You’ll barely notice it.” She smiled winningly, just like the time she broke his favourite mug, tried to fix it, somehow melted the shards, recruited Taako to fix it, and the resultant puddle became pudding.
“Uh huh.”
“We’re sharing.”
“Oh. That’s absolutely fine, I don’t mind.” It was better news than the margheritas, frankly.
“And there’s only one bed.” 
“I don’t mind if you don’t.” They’d shared before, he could deal with another night sleeping on his arms so his stupid subconscious didn’t decide they should be cuddling, actually.
“...and-also-they-might-think-we’re-married.” Lup said in a rush.
“Sorry, what? I don’t think I heard you right.”
Lup blushed brighter than he’d ever seen. “They think we’re…”
“...Ah, Dr Bluejeans-Tacco, I’m so delighted to meet you.” A tall man in an ascot and cosy looking jumper appeared by his elbow before Lup could finish. She definitely couldn’t have said what he thought he’d heard. That was ridiculous, there was no way. “As I explained to the awe inspiring Dr Bluejeans-Tacco here, we’re always so pleased to see newlyweds at Myths and Bed-gends! Marriage is such an honoured tradition, a delight, a union of souls! We were so excited when she let us know this trip was a surprise as you were celebrating an important life event. Now, do let me show you to the honeymoon suite, but don’t forget to visit the gift shop or the CryptoNOMica restaurant later tonight!”
Before Barry could say anything the man strode off towards the corridor. Lup gave Barry a panicked look, seemingly undecided as to whether she should follow the man or flee the building. Barry knew he should probably be freaking out right now, but truly he couldn’t find it in himself. Most of all, he needed to get his back under some hot water and maybe lie down. Lup could explain what was going on after that, but right now she looked more uncertain than he’d ever seen her, and there was no way he was having that.
“Come on then, Dr Bluejeans-Tacco.” Barry grabbed Lup’s hand. “You were definitely right about this place being a surprise.”
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somedayonbroadway · 4 months
Umbrella Acadamy Au plz?
The Umbrella Academy AU
I love this AU. Please let me know if you’d like to see anything else from this!
It was quiet in the house. It was always quiet in this house now. Ever since Race. Then Albert. They weren’t rowdy kids anymore. Sometimes Specs wished they were. He wished he could make time turn back, go back to when Race was still around, a spitfire challenging dad at every turn. When Albert was still trying to convince them that violence couldn’t always be the answer.
He sighed, shaking his head as he looked around for old memories. Dad was dead. Just like that. It couldn’t be possible. That man was indestructible. He was untouchable and yet, he was gone and all of his children were at each other’s throats trying to figure out if they cared or not.
Maybe they shouldn’t. But Specs did. He loved his father. Maybe everyone else had their reasons to hate him, but it didn’t change the fact that William Snyder was still their dad, cruel or not.
When the young man came across an old record player, he smiled, glancing up at the vent it sat beside. And just like he had done in the old days, he let it play, sending a song all throughout the house, knowing it could be heard in every room. He smiled to himself and started dancing a little bit.
The memories used to make him sad, angry even, but now he could only look back and smile at the dance parties they’d used to have. He could remember the way the seven of them huddled together and jumped and spun around. He could remember Race running through portals and Albert laughing and trying to catch him with his tentacles. He could remember Jack’s real smile, the one he effortlessly gave without the cheap booze or awful pills and powder. Crutchie would climb on his back and let him spin him around. Katherine would gracefully whirl around them like a little goddess.
That was until their father ordered them to stop making so much goddamn noise.
Specs wiped at the tear on his cheek. What he would give to see his family, whole one more time…
But his thoughts were halted when something outside began to screech and whirl. The lights went out. He could hear the commotion of his siblings, crying out as everything metal in his room stuck to the walls.
“Daddy?!” he heard Jack scream.
So he rushed downstairs, finding that Crutchie, Spot, Jack and Katherine were all rushing to the back garden to see what was happening. “The hell?” Specs whispered.
The five of them stared up at the big blue thing hovering above them. Jack only stood of a moment as the thing crackled and thrashed before he rushed inside, grabbing the biggest thing he could find and rushing past them. “Watch out!” he yelled, throwing a fire extinguisher into the thing. It disappeared into the blue monstrosity.
“The hell is that gonna do?” Katherine demanded.
“You have a better idea?” Jack asked, looking loopy and defeated.
“It’s gotta be some kind of black hole!” Spot yelled.
“Jack, get away from it!” Specs demanded, yanking his brother behind him. Jack stumbled to the ground as Spot pulled Katherine close to his side and Crutchie limped to help his brother up. “It could be some sort of anomaly!”
“I don’t care what it is! How do we get rid of it?!” Crutchie yelled, pulling Jack to his feet.
“Wait! Wait!” Spot yelled. “Wait, I see something!”
That was all that could be said a small body fell from the thing and it the ground face first and all of the sudden the sun was shining again the buzzing and whirring came to a halt, the whatever it was disappearing before their eyes, leaving them with what looked to be a young teen, groaning and trying to stand.
No one moved. Not for a long time. Not till that little body that had fallen from the sky managed to shakily push himself up.
Jack stared intently. “Wait… wait, nobody speak,” he said, focusing hard. “Oh my god, is that little number five? Guys! I did it! I can see him! How’s the afterlife, buddy—?”
“Jack,” Crutchie whispered, making Jack turn to him. It took the other man a moment to understand before he turned back to the boy in front of them. “He’s real…”
The boy squinted up at them, looking down at his lanky form and then back to them. He looked around at his five siblings, a suit hanging off of his body as it was far too big for him. Then he sighed before a cry fell from his lips.
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breakerwhiskey · 1 month
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
[click, static]
You know, it’s so funny how people don’t change, even in the kind of extraordinary circumstance we’re in. The apocalypse, an empty world, seven years of trying to find each other and Donnie still cannot wake up before ten AM.
I don’t know when I became an early riser. I thought it was one of those things that just happened as you got older, but it clearly doesn’t happen to everybody. Donnie’s older than me and he still sleeps like a teenager.
I…I’m not sure where to begin in talking about him. We spent hours yesterday, sitting at the kitchen table and shooting the shit. We had a hell of a lot to catch up on.
I know you might be curious, whoever you are, what Don was up to all this time. But that’s another thing he wants to keep to himself. I’m not sure why—from what he’s told me, it’s not like there’s anything particularly of note from the last seven years, aside from the particulars of surviving—but I’m going to respect his choice. I guess that’s another way that he hasn’t changed—you spend decades keeping certain information siloed from one part of your life and other information siloed from another part and that just becomes…normal.
That was a bit of a theme among the crew, I guess. Pete was incredibly secretive about his home life—where he lived, who he lived with. He could’ve had a wife and kids for all we knew. Don didn’t talk much about his family, even though he saw them all the time, and they didn’t know about us; even Harry’s parents were still around, in New York no less, but I didn’t even know that until we were here. As far as they were concerned, she was a up-and-coming painter, which wasn’t untrue just…incomplete.
But besides being nostalgic about Chicago sometimes, Richie seemed to be like me — his whole life was one complete piece. Maybe that’s why we always got together at his place. And I guess we each had people—girlfriends, mostly—who we didn’t introduce to our…professional life, but I’m not sure either of us really took pains to hide it. Or, ever got very serious or committed in those parts of our lives.
I’m not good at compartmentalizing I don’t think. I guess that goes hand in hand with the way I tend to fixate on a particular thing or person, but I just don’t know how all of them could stand to lead such different lives depending on who they’re with. I don’t share Don’s inclination toward privacy, even knowing that talking on here might eventually lead to my ruin.
Not that I’ve told you everything. Not everything I have told you is true. But I don’t feel like I’m hiding when I talk on here.
That said…god, it is different talking to Don. (laughs) I mean, christ, it’s—it’s so good. To talk to someone who talks back, to talk to someone who knows me. I don’t have to explain certain things, I don’t have to make excuses for who I am or what I do. Not that I—well, I think I have done that a little, to you. Not knowing who I’m talking to, well, it makes me want to be a better version of myself, one who had a…I don’t know, dignified job. One who contributed to the world in a positive way instead of breaking it.
Don, god bless him, does not seem that pissed about the fact that he’s here because of me. Don’t get me wrong, he hates being here, he’s furious he is, but when I explained everything—my theory that killing Billings created some sort of branching timeline that we’re all stuck in, everyone who was affected by that action—he…he got it. He got why I did what I did. And he doesn’t blame me for it. After all, how the hell would I have known what would happen? There is…there is some comfort to be taken in that.
When he asked—I mean, he wondered why he was here of all people. He hasn’t seen Pete or Richie anywhere, and he’s looked, so he couldn’t figure why he was singled out. They were all awaiting trial so why is he—
[click, static]
I told him about Leann. That there are some random ripple effects, that there might be even more people out there who we’ve never even met that had the trajectory of their lives changed by what I did. That we may never really understand how and why the dominoes fell the way they did.
[click, static]
Anyway, I’m gonna see what I can scrounge up for breakfast. Maybe by the time he wakes up, I’ll be able to surprise Don with something. Seven years and he hasn’t once had the pleasure of waking up to someone else having made breakfast.
[click, static]
We haven’t talked about that yet, not really. The fact that he was alone and I had Harry. Whenever I tried to ask…
[click, static]
So, yeah, I’ll be off the radio for the rest of the day. We have even more catching up to do. Whiskey out.
[click, static]
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softguarnere · 2 years
The Freudian Slip (Part 2/2)
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Part (2/2) - you can call me names if you call me up
Joe Liebgott x reader
A/N: You guys ever mishear a song lyric and center a fic idea around it, only to realize later that you've been singing it wrong for months? Yeah, that's me with "3 Nights" by Dominic Fike. I could have sworn the lyrics were "you can call me names if you call me yours", so at this point, we're just gonna have to commit to it, because this fic took me way too long to finish to change it now lol. (This is written for the fictional depiction from the show -- no disrespect to the real life veterans!) Also thank you to all the lovely tumblr friends who helped with ideas for this fic or offered encouragement 😌 I'm honestly so honored that people reached out to tell me they were excited for part 2💕🕊️
Warnings: depictions of war, language
Things have been different since that day in the foxhole. But you can't find the words the express why it feels that way. Or at least, you can't until Liebgott swipes some Hershey Bars from Luz and tosses one to you.
"He's acting so weird," you confide in Luz, who shoots you a mildly annoyed look when you rip open the wrapper and take a bite. The radioman sighs as he readies himself for the patrol. You roll your eyes, gently knocking your foot against his leg. "I'm sorry I got one of the chocolate bars. You can have half if you want."
Luz laughs, but it's not his usual upbeat chuckle. "No, (Y/N). It's just that he was right."
"Well I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. What was he right about?"
"You." George gives you his full attention. He looks exasperated. "You really haven't picked up on any of his hints." When you raise your eyebrows in question, he sighs again. "(Y/N), are you telling me that you really haven't realized that Liebgott has feelings for you?"
The next bite of chocolate almost lodges itself in your throat as you take a surprised inhale. Carefully, you finish chewing it, wrapping up the rest of the Hershey Bar for later before you ask, "What the hell are you talking about?"
Luz curses softly under his breath. "I can't believe it."
"George, I don't even know what you're talking about. Liebgott hates me." I don't hate you, he had said back in the foxhole that day. "Okay, he doesn't like me very much. That's why he's so mean to me."
Except for recently, when he's suddenly been so different around you. While you've still been tossing teasing remarks his way and trying to ignore the affection you've developed for him through the course of the war, Joe has suddenly stopped his teasing, instead settling for always making sure that you have a K Ration before anyone else, or that you're okay after any sort of run-in with the Germans.
But what does that mean?
Almost as if he can hear your thoughts, Luz provides an answer. "You guys were always sort of hard on each other. But then when he realized that he had feelings for you --"
"How would you know?"
"Because he told me," Luz deadpans. "After Bastogne and Foy and everything, we got to talking one day, and he said that after what you said he realized that he liked you. I told him I didn't know how you felt, but that maybe if he changed how he acted around you, you would catch on."
More questions swirl through your mind at a million miles an hour. You manage to catch onto a few of the more coherent ones. "You mean you knew? And you didn't tell me?"
"He came to me because I'm your friend. I thought that you would catch on and you guys would work it out. I didn't know it would get dragged out like this!"
"And what do you mean, 'after what I said'?" Nothing particularly interesting had happened in the foxhole. Liebgott had established that he didn't completely despise you, you had acted perfectly normal considering that you were stuck with your crush for a whole day, and then he had let you rest. There was hardly any conversation, all things considered.
George's eyebrows scrunch together as he thinks. "Something you called him. Sweetheart, or something. But in German."
"Liebling," you translate automatically.
It feels as if ice water has just been dropped over your head, chilling your spine and then settling in the pit of your stomach. Oh no. Liebling. Liebgott. What did you do?
Before you can even start to think that maybe calling the man you've secretly been in love with Darling isn't as bad as you might think, Luz's mouth falls into a capital O. The icy water in your stomach churns. "I've messed up."
Instead of grinding to a halt, the world around you continues on. Luz even begins readying his gear again. But you need time to think.
"What do I do?"
"Well that depends," your friend says. "How do you feel about Liebgott?" He shoots you a quizzical sideways glance. When you bite your lip, you suddenly have his full attention again. "Oh shit. So you do like him back." There's no question in his voice -- it's a statement of fact.
The very fact you had hoped to keep hidden. The fact that you somehow revealed to the person you were trying to hide it from.
"You're not going on the patrol, and neither is he," Luz points out gently. "Maybe . . ."
. . . you can talk to him while everyone else is away, he doesn't finish, but for the first time in forever, you manage to take a hint.
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth while you think. "Yeah. Maybe."
By some stroke of luck – good or bad, you have yet to figure out – you get paired up with Liebgott to man one of the machine guns on the American side of the river. Not the most appropriate time to have a conversation about your feelings towards each other. But then again, there’s a war going on. If not now, when? Something else will always come up. There could always be some other excuse not to talk to him, and then you would just put it off forever. No time like the present.
If only you could find the right words . . . like you had back in the foxhole, when it had been an accident.
“Something wrong?” Liebgott asks as you set up the machine gun. Down below the building, everyone who will be crossing the river is starting to group up, getting final orders before they head out.
“Just thinking. I’m glad it’s not us.” It’s only half a lie. You are glad that you’re not going to be in a tiny boat on a cold river. But it’s not necessarily the thought at the forefront of your mind.
Liebgott nods. “Yeah, well, they didn’t need three translators. High time that Webster pulled his weight around here, after four months in that hospital.”
There’s something about the way he says it that makes you suspect he had something to do with the last-minute notice that you wouldn’t be crossing the river. “Did you do something?”
“Technically, Webster came to the decision on his own. After I pointed out that his German is just as good as ours.”
Just as good as ours. Huh. In the past, he was never willing to put the two of you on par with each other. In your chest, your heart fumbles and it feels like tripping over your own feet when you run.
“Thank you.”
“For what? I didn’t do anything.”
“No, but . . .” Damnit, where are the words when you need them? You huff a sigh. “I’ve been thinking. About when you got hit in the neck in Holland.”
His eyebrows disappear beneath the brim of his helmet as he raises them. “And why is that?”
Your throat goes dry. A second before, you had convinced yourself that there was no time like the present. And now that it’s here . . . You’ve been less nervous in high-stress combat situations.
“That was when I realized how I felt about you,” you admit, the words tumbling out in a rush before you can hold them back. “That was when I realized that I like you.”
Cool, confident Liebgott is good at keeping his face neutral when he wants to. It’s one of the things that you’ve picked up on from watching him, one of those little things about him that you’ve come to adore just because it’s part of what makes him him. For a split second, he freezes. Being so close to him, you can’t miss it. His face starts to go neutral, but the side of his mouth twitches upwards a bit.
“(Y/N), if you’re fuckin’ with me . . .”
“I’m not.”
He laughs louder than someone trying to set up in a stealthy position probably should. It’s not his usual laugh; its half relieved, half confused. “You called me Liebling, but kept pestering me like it was any other day.”
“You used to poke fun at me all the time!”
“Yeah, used to. Then I realized why I was doing it. I thought you would have figured it all out.” He smirks. “I kind of miss giving you a hard time, though. Calling you names and challenging you.”
“Well, you could call me names if you call me yours.” You both blink, taking in what you’ve said. His careful expression cracks to reveal a smile.
“You called me Liebling,” Liebgott remembers. For the first time – or actually, the first time that you’ve noticed – he looks at you with a soft expression as he fondly takes you in instead of sizing you up for competition. “So how does that fit into this?”
“To be fair, I don’t remember saying it,” you admit. You rush on before he can look disappointed, “A Freudian slip; I was worn out and kind of excited about being a foxhole with you.”
He gives you one of his goofier smiles. “Well if I had known that at the time . . .”
You roll your eyes. “Oh yeah. What an experience that would have been.”
“Still . . .” He steps around the machine gun, closing the distance between you. “Do you want me to call you mine? Even if I tease you sometimes?”
“Alright then.” Liebgott’s smile is bright enough to light up the night and give away your position. “But what if I call you Darling instead?”
Keeping your eyes on him, you reach out and find his hand, intertwining your fingers together; it makes it feel official, somehow. “Then I would like that very much.” You squeeze his hand. It’s surprisingly soft, like his heart, which he has chosen to expose part of to you. “And what should I call you?”
“Anything you want. As long as you call me yours.”
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Hate Is a Strong Word- Sirius Black x Fem!Gryiffindor Reader
Summary: She and Sirius have never gotten along. She loathed how easy things came for him. They always got into petty arguments together, but they soon realize that maybe it's because they have a feeling other than hate.
Warnings: 18+ minors dni. First time writing smut, so I'm sorry if it's bad
(I don't own the pictures. I got them from Pinterest)
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Detention. It's not fun, nor is it something she had planned to get into. Sirius had said something really sarcastic during potions along with a lot of snide remarks about the lesson, and it made her angry. "Well, I already know all of this. Why do I have to sit and learn this stupid lesson." She really couldn't stand Sirius. He always had to say something that would make her upset with him. So, of course she had to say something back to him. "Can you just shut up? You may not have a need to learn, others do!" Sirius scoffed. They both ended up into an argument that was both disruptive and pointless. "Are you always this much of a teachers pet?" Her eyes held daggers as she looked at him. "I don't know Black, Are you always this much of anyone arrogant idiot?" Their spat was cut off by the professor who had given them both detention. They both had to stay locked in detention with eachtoher for an hour, and neither of them were anything but happy about it.
"You two will leave this room with your differences settled, and 'I will not disrupt class' will be written to me fifty times by hand and you will turn it in to me when detention is over." The professor left the room leaving the two of them alone with a quill and parchment. They sat at a distance away from eachother and were in complete silence for a few minutes until she spoke up. "If it wasn't for you running your stupid mouth, then I wouldn't be stuck in detention with you!" He looked at her as if she had gone crazy. "If I had kept my mouth shut?" He asked his tone growing louder. "Maybe you should learn to keep your mouth shut! He pointed a finger at you and continued "you're in here because of you. I didn't tell you to get into detention. Honestly, I would be here anyway. I'd most likely be enjoying it in silence without having to hear your childish complaints!" He said the last sentence in a way that she couldn't help but to suppress a laugh. He had noticed and smiled at her and said playfully.
"See, I can be funny sometimes. Maybe one day, if you stop hating my guts we could be friends." Her face turned into a somber expression. "I don't hate you as much as you think I do. Hate is a strong word." Her tone of voice growing more into the same playfulness as Sirius. "You are more along the lines of annoying." She smiled at him. His jaw dropped in a fake hurt expression. "Annoying? Me? Sirius Black annoying? I've never heard of anyone say such a thing." She let out a laugh but didn't see a reason to hold it back this time and he laughed with her. He got up from his desk and sat next to her. His eyes softened as he looked at her. His face turned into a solemn expression. "Y'know, I haven't always been like this. My family, is a bit..hard to deal with." She turned to look at him. "Hard to deal with? Aren't they all Slytherins?" She questioned. He nodded. "Yeah, and when I'm here with my friends. It's like being free. Away from all of them. I'm not anything like them, and I never want to be." He said earnestly. "Why are you telling me all of this?" He smiled. "It just feels like I should." She nodded.
"If we're being open with each other. I have a confession." Sirius grew curious and moved closer to her so she can have all of his attention. She took a breath and confessed. "I used to have a crush on you." His eyes widened in disbelief. "You? You had a crush on me?" He really couldn't wrap his head around the idea. He thought that she despised him. Especially since he was hiding the fact that he liked her too. She laughed and nodded. "During the sorting hat ceremony, when we both had gotten into Gryiffindor, and I had noticed you sitting next to James. I've liked you since then I really couldn't take my eyes off of you that whole year." "I can't believe I never noticed." He said softly. "Well, you don't really notice anyone, and if I'm being honest a lot of girls like you. They always talk about it in the dorms. They always say how handsome you are and how cool you look." He looked at you with an expression you had never seen Sirius Black have; a blush dusted his cheeks. He looked shy. Her eyes widened in surprise. "You really didn't know?" He shook his head. "I never really paid attention." She laughed. "That's all a lot of the girls talk about. They talk about how they want to go out with you. One girl even said she wanted to go on your motorcycle with you." She couldn't help her voice from sounding a bit jealous. Sirius didn't fail to notice this. He got closer to her. "Do you talk about it? Do you ever say that you want to date me? You want to ride on my motorcycle with me?" He whispered. She felt goosebumps slowly creep on her skin. "I'm over you Sirius. It won't work on me." She lied to herself. He smiled and looked into her eyes. His face a lot closer to her's than was normal for friends especially for enemies. His eyes trailed to her lips staring at then as if questioning himself whether he was going to go through with the thoughts he had. "If I'm being honest with you, I've been keeping my feelings for you a secret as well." He confessed as he caressed her cheek. She kissed him. The feeling of her lips on his was perfect. It was like it was meant to happen.
The kiss was innocent and they stayed there for a few seconds. "We really shouldn't be doing this in here, love." He said with reluctance as he broke from the kiss. She looked into his eyes and touched his cheek with a delicate hand. "Do you want to stop?" She whispered still in a trance from the sudden kiss. He pondered on it for a quick moment and kissed her with more passion and more hunger. His lips were soft and warm. He slid his tounge in between her parted lips. She felt as if she was ascending. Feeling him this close was something she had been longing for; something they both had been longing for. She had moved closer, straddling him. With his hands on her waist he began to kiss her jaw line, leaving a line of kisses down her neck. She let out breathy moans as he left pretty marks on her neck with his teeth. She began moving her hips to create friction between them. Sirius let out a groan and held her tightly to feel her closer. She felt this overwhelming need to have him.
"Sirius. Want you." She said in a whiny voice continuing to move her hips. Sirius' pants began to feel constricting due to what she had said. Her hands fiddling with the buttons of his white shirt. She wanted to feel him. She needed him. She kissed his chest. She slowly got off of him and kneeled down on the floor. Sirius knew exactly what this meant and his gray eyes shined with lust. She began to slowly undo his belt and unzip his pants. He helped her out and let himself spring free. She put her hand around his erect member in a semi-firm grip which made Sirius sigh in relief. She let go of him and lowered her mouth and licked his cock from thr bottom to his slit teasing him slowly looking into his gorgeous eyes. Sirius let out a hiss and he ran his fingers through her hair as a silent praise. She slowly wrapped her mouth around him, and wrapping a hand around the part where her mouth couldn't reach. She began bobbing her head slowly up and down his hard cock. Sirius leaned his head back with the pleasure he felt and groaned letting out praises. "Good girl, just like that." "You're taking me so well, puppy." Sirius breathed out with his hand still in her hair. She groaned around him hearing the praise he gave her. Sirius bucked his hips making her take him deeper as he felt the vibration of her around him. The sound of her deepthroating was music to his ears. He loved the way she wrapped her lips around him, and she loved that she was making him feel this good. "You look so cute for me. Fuck you're so hot." She began bobbing her head a little faster and sucking on him harder. His breathing was began to get heavier. He didn't want to cum yet, but she felt so good wrapped around him. He felt like he wasn't going to be able to tell her to stop, but he did. "I really want to make you feel really good, darling" His tone uneven and laced with desire. He pulled you up and had you straddle him again.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" He looked into her eyes with concern. She kissed him and whined out "Yes, I need you. Please." He nodded and moved his hand down under her skirt and between her thighs. Kissing her neck again. She felt a surge of pleasure course through her veins like electricity. He felt her wetness on his fingers slowly pushing them inside her with ease. She groaned out and buried her head in between his neck and shoulder. He slowly began to pump his fingers inside of her. She wanted him to move faster, but she couldn't think of the words. Her brain was already going fuzzy; all she could so was let out whimpers and move her hips silently begging him to move his fingers faster. "You want me to go faster?" She nodded her head with pleading eyes. "Use your words puppy. Good girls ask nicely." He said with a mocking tone. "S-Sirius, f-faster. Please." She said with a struggle her voice cracking. He leaned his lips to her ear and whispered. "You're such a good girl for me." He began to move his finger faster and deeper inside of her. Her face contorted in pleasure. A knot in her stomach began to build and he moved his fingers at a godly speed. She felt she was coming so close. Her walls gripping on his digits. He could see on her face that she was close. Just as she was about to let go; he removed his fingers from her. She let out a whine of annoyance.
"I want you to come undone when you're riding me, love. I promise you'll come soon." He reassured her while kissing her shoulder. He aligned himself with her and she sank down on him. They both let out a groan. Her walls hugging him. He wanted to fuck her senseless, but instead let her get adjusted to him before moving. He knew they weren't going to last long, so he wanted to preserve the feeling of having her around him. She wanted to move. She wanted to feel herself coming undone on him. "Can I..move. please. Need you." Her brain could barely come up with the correct words to form a sentence. All she wanted was to feel him. He smirked at her and said. "You can move darling." She moved slowly on his cock. He gripped her hips to control her movements. He pushed her up and down at whatever pace he saw fit. It was driving her wild. He was moving her in a way that she would feel pleasure, but it wasn't enough to hard her come undone around him. She wanted more. She wanted Sirius to pound himself into her
"Please Sirius." She begged. He stopped her movements. "Please what puppy?" She looked at him with pleading eyes. "Please fuck me. Want you...fuck me dumb." He guided her off of him. "Lean against the desk here for me, love." He said with his tone back to sounding like it was drenched in honey. She did as she was told and was met with his words that left her dripping. "You're such a good girl. You look so pretty for me, all ready for me to fuck you like the dumb little slut you are." She let out whines and begs. He hiked her skirt up revealing her bare ass. She was met with a hash slap right on it. She yelped, but the pain turned quickly into pleasure. He got himself ready behind her and pushed himself into her. He was ruthless. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head. His hair that usually fell around his face beautifully was now in his face hiding his eyes. He was enjoying it just as much as she was. He could feel her gripping at him. Her walls clenching hard around him. She could feel the buildup again in the pit of her stomach. They were both so close. His pace was fast and getting sloppy. He let put grunts and she let out moans almost sounding like muffled screams. She could barely hold on any longer. He gripped her hips to hold her in place as he fucked her ruthlessly. "S-Sirius. Gonna cum. Please." She let let the only words she could form. He was so close too. "Go on pretty girl, cum for me." That's all it took for her to come crashing around him. He came right after with a muffled curse words and grunts. He pulled out of her and held her close. "You're such a good girl." He kissed her forhead. He hugged her tired form, and she began to chuckle. He looked at her lovingly. "We did this in a classroom." Realization hit them and they both laughed.
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goat-and-a-pig · 3 months
Chapter 2
Stan was running from the law… again. If he thought about it, he supposed he’d been running his whole life. First from responsibility and blame, then from his mistakes that got him kicked out, and now, from the law, like he had been doing for the past forty years- or his whole life if you thought about it-
“Hey you! Stop in the name of the law!”
Oh right. He was being chased. “Try and catch me, suckers!” He stuck his tongue out at the Royal Guard.
“Stud! Focus on running, you idiot!” Right. He also wasn’t running alone. “Don’t worry, Gleeful. I got the journal. This way!” Stan took off down a corridor with Bud and Gideon Gleeful trailing behind him. They ran and ran until-
“Excuse me?” Stan ripped a poster down. “Do you see this? This- This-” he sputtered. “-MONSTROSITY?”
“What in tarnation are you blathering about?” Gideon glared at him.
“They spelled my name wrong!” Stan held up the poster. It read, “WANTED: STUD PILFIR”
Gideon just stared at him. “Are you KIDDING me?” He demanded. “Hate to interrupt,” Bud interrupted. “But we are still on the run. We need to go.” Stan huffed in annoyance, stuffed the poster into his bag, and dashed off again. They came into a backup ballroom that seemed familiar. And dusty. There was a staircase leading up to a balcony with a door and a hallway that was above a stage. There was no visible staircase leading up to the balcony, but they didn’t have time to waste looking for it. Stan looked at the situation, then came to a conclusion.
“Lift me up to the balcony. From there, I’ll pull Gideon up and we’ll get you up together, Bud,” Stan explained. “Alright, but give me the journal first.” Stan stared back in mock shock. “You don’t trust me? After everything we’ve been through?”
“Ouch.” Stan held a hand over his heart, then sighed. “Fine.” He handed Journal 1 to Gideon. They lifted him up to the balcony with much effort.
“Now,” Gideon heaved. “Get me up there, Stud.” Stan pretended to consider it for a moment. “Nah,” he decided. “I’m okay.”
“B-but we had a deal!” Gideon stammered. Stan laughed. “Yeah- to steal Journal 1, not to help each other escape.”
Gideon smirked. “We still have the journals. You can’t leave without them. And I’m not giving them to you! You went back on your word! We were supposed to rule the world!”
Stan chuckled. “I’ve never wanted to rule. I just want my-” he caught himself. “-Money,” he finished. “Besides, I don’t need you, I’ve already gone ahead unburdened you of both Journal 1 and Journal 2. You’re welcome.” Gideon looked around in his pockets in shock. Stan held them up. “Thanks anyway. Enjoy jail!” Gideon waved his fist at him angrily. “I rebuke thee, Stud Pilfer! I rebuke thee,” he whispered creepily.
He heard footsteps getting closer, so he jiggled the doorknob. It was locked. He got out his lockpick kit. “Come on, Stan. Just like in Columbia,” he whispered while the Gleefuls struggled to get on the balcony.
“Aha! He exclaimed as the lock popped open. “¡Adiós, amigos!” He shouted as he closed the door behind himself and the lock clicked shut.
Stan’s legs ached from walking down all of the stairs. He’d already had to run at least a mile today, now he had to walk down a bajillion stairs?
“Finally,” he grumbled as he finally saw another door. Would he ever make it out of this stupid castle? His whole life he’d been trying to- “Hot Belgian waffles!” He exclaimed as he opened the door. Inside was an odd contraption that was shaped like an upside down triangle. But Stan knew that only one person could have built this, only one thing that it could be-
“The portal,” he gasped in awe. Stan was dumbfounded. He stole Journals 1, 2, and 3 (he’d liberated it from that stupid guard that was too fast for his own good. Why was he sort of a horse? Why did he have Journal 3? Why was he a guard? He looked like he was ten or something! Ugh.) for this very purpose. And lo and behold, he found it fully built with the supplies needed to fire it up right beside it! This is the king’s portal. I’m just surprised it’s still fully stocked. Well, he considered, maybe not too surprised.
He got to work.
Stan was sweaty. Those barrels of waste were really heavy.
But it was done.
It turned on, the timer finally finished. How long had it been? Stan felt like he hadn’t slept for days. But he was finally finished.
“It will all have been worth it…” He jumped.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” Stan yelled out into space. Eventually he walked into view of the strangest thing he’d seen all day. (And that was saying a lot.)
It was tall, silver, and looked somewhat like a cartoon rocket ship, with strange symbols running down the sides. It had one circular window near the top. (Stan wasn’t dumb enough to think that real rocket ships looked like this, so what was this weird one doing here that definitely couldn’t actually fly?)
“Hello? Is anyone up there?” Stan tried again. Well, he thought, I’ll just have to get up there myself. I’ll see much better up there anyway. So he took out his grappling hook and rappelled himself to the window-looking thing. When he went inside, his eyes popped out of his forehead.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
rin making ryuji his phone background? plsss
Ryuuji would be such a blushy mess <3
Rin started it. Bon could hardly breathe through the sheer amount of goo he was covered in, and as soon as he got his mouth cleared he was going to cuss up a storm.
That had been the plan until Rin’s cackle cut through the air. Hands that were always too warm came up and wiped some of the putrid goo off his face, which was fantastic because his hands were sort of stuck at his side. 
“You look like a melted ice-cream cone!” Rin laughed, and Bon could barely see, but Rin was beaming despite the yellow goo he was covered in. 
“Yeah?” Bon managed, choking a little and hacking out a few bits of pink goo. “Better than you. You look like someone sneezed on ya.”
Rin blinked up at him before glancing down at his own arms. He blinked again and looked back up at Bon with a somehow bigger smile. “I do! I look like a booger.” He burned away a bit more of the repulsive stuff from Bon’s face and freed his arms while he was at it. “There. Now hold on.”
“You’re not gonna clear away the rest of this shit?”
“Oh I will, but in a second.” Rin freed his phone from his pocket, not seeming to care that he smeared a bit of the gooey remains on the case. “First, I want a picture!”
Bon’s stomach dropped. “No. Absolutely not.” He looked like an idiot, and it was one thing for Rin to see him like this — Rin looked just as stupid as him and Rin would know he’d worked hard to beat the damn things before they could explode. Other people would see this image and they’d mock him. 
He hated being mocked. 
“Come on,” Rin wiggled his phone and looped his arm around Bon. “It’s our first mission together and we look hilarious.” He grinned wider and tilted his head, causing a bit of goo to fall from his hair and drip on his cheek. There was some still on his nose too. It was in both their hairs, and now his goo was getting on Rin’s side and arm, and Rin’s goo was on his shoulders. They were going to end up melded together at this point. One big pile of goo.
(If he was going to be stuck with somebody, there were a lot worse people to be stuck to than Rin.)
Watching that bit of goo trail its way down Rin’s face, it suddenly struck him as immensely funny, and he couldn’t help a small snort of laughter. 
Rin positively beamed as the sound fell from his lips. He let out a laugh as well, and before Bon really knew what happened, or why it happened, they were both cracking up and leaning against each other as they did it. It had already been hard to breathe, but now he couldn’t get any air for an entirely different reason. He could feel Rin quaking against him with his own laughs, and the arm stuck to his shoulders was dragging him down a little, and he didn’t care. They looked like idiots, and Rin wanted a picture of it. They were dripping melted ice-cream like goo all over the place while Rin looked like he belonged in a tissue, and it was so all ridiculous. The son of Satan and the future leader of Myōō Dharani, covered head to toe in goo from an explosive demon.
It hurt a little, the sheer amount of laughter, but it felt wonderful. It felt incredible and freeing, standing there with Rin and cackling without a care that there were still a few other exorcist around and they had to look more ridiculous than just being covered in goo might make them.
That was when Rin snapped the picture. 
“Perfect!” Rin crowed, looking down at the picture like it was a masterpiece and not a potential item of blackmail. “I think that’s the only picture I’ve got with you smiling.” 
Bon felt his cheeks go a little pink, and he wasn’t even sure why. It wasn’t like he considered himself a particularly smiley person, or even like he felt the need to be smiley. He didn’t allow himself a lot of smiles. (He did worry about how often he looked like he was glaring.)
And why it was that Rin saw him smiling that made him blush even hotter.
“I got too many things to do to waste my time laughing and smiling,” he grumbled, and immediately wished he hadn’t. Rin didn’t waste his time smiling and laughing. At least it didn’t seem like a waste to Bon. Rin had a great smile and laugh. (Stop thinking about that!)
“I get that you gotta be all tough and distant. Gotta be the leader and all that. I just really like your smile. “ Rin smiled sincerely and tucked the phone away in his goo covered pocket. “It’s a great smile.”
Bon shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t really know what to do with that.
“What?” The entire conversation felt a bit weird, and he was still self conscious about the goo and the picture.
Rin shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and shook some goo off his hands. “I like your smile. Your laugh too. I like a lotta things about you.” He raised his arms, still smiling in that easy way. “Now hold still.” Rin raised his hands and brought them to Bon’s shoulders.
It seemed ludicrous that someone like Rin whose smile was at least as bright as the sun should think he had a nice one. 
Rin melted away the goo, still chuckling, and by the time he was melting away his own goo, Bon found his own lips quirking up again. 
“You know what?” Rin asked, wiping his hands off on his jeans. 
“What?” He couldn’t quite get rid of his smile. He didn’t quite want to. 
Rin gave him a toothy smile. “I really want some ice cream.”
Bon laughed loudly, and he liked the way it sounded when it was mixed with Rin’s.
( ●▽●)(‾̀◡‾́ ๑)
Bon saw it by accident, and when he did, his eyes bugged out and his heart seemed to skip at least three beats in his chest.
Rin had set the photo as his background. 
He frantically tore his eyes away from the phone screen and stared at the chalkboard in front of them with cheeks that felt like they were on fire. It wasn’t his fault that he had seen it — Rin always had his stupid phone on and he would never lock the damn thing — but it still felt like he had been spying, and now that he knew what it was…
Rin had him as his phone background. Rin had cropped most of himself out of the picture so it was zoomed in on Bon’s lightly blushing face and showing his wide grin. Bon was also not staring at the camera (which made sense because he hadn’t known it was getting taken) and it was obvious he was looking at Rin. 
And he was covered in the MOLB goo. They both were. They were gross with it. 
Why had Rin made it his background? What if other people saw it? What would they think?
(And why did that make his cheeks even warmer?)
Bon swallowed and blinked at the board as Rin laughed and picked his phone up from the desk and brought it towards Shiemi. She looked down at the device, not seeming to notice Bon’s face on it, and waited for Rin to bring up a video of Kuro. They watched it together, neither of them noticing the slight melt down Bon was having.
Rin had made him his background. Rin had tweaked the photo specifically so he was the center of it. A picture he’d specifically taken because he liked Bon’s smile. 
By the time Yukio came in the room to start their class, Bon’s chest was filled with a wild swarm of flailing chuchi and his ears had joined his cheeks in the red blush. Rin’s tail was swaying happily as he talked, and his phone was still on, and still showing Bon’s smiling face to the entire class.
(๑❛▿❛)(*’▿’  )
“Send me that picture.”
Bon immediately hated himself for how he growled the words and made Rin jump. He’d had a damned speech planned and then his mouth went and did that. 
“Huh?” Rin tilted his head like a curious cat and blinked up at him with distractingly large and pretty eyes. “What picture?”
“The MOLB one.” Bon’s eyes shot to the side in embarrassment and he rubbed uncomfortably at the back of his neck.
Rin pulled his phone out and flipped it around to face Bon. “This one?”
How was he not even embarrassed about it? Bon’s cheeks were pink just staring at it. At himself smiling all happily at Rin. Ugh.
“Yeah,” he grumbled, wondering if it was too late to just run away. 
“Sure!” He pulled up their chat and sent the photo over. Bon’s phone pinged in his pocket. He pulled it out, and found himself exhaling when he saw that it did have a lot more of Rin in it. Rin who was grinning even wider than him and tilting his head towards Bon. His eyes were closed, which was a bit sad, but he looked so damn happy that Bon could be okay with not seeing Rin’s pretty eyes. (Agh! He had not just thought that.)
Bon nodded. “Thanks.” He took a thoroughly embarrassed step back with the intention of just running back to his dorm and setting the picture as his background. (But not his lockscreen.)
“Ryuuji!” Rin caught his arm before he could get away. His heart thumped like it always did when Rin called him by his name, and he found himself freezing entirely.
“You wanna get that ice cream? Together?”
Bon blinked twice, decided he had heard that correctly, and swallowed. “Are you asking me out?”
Rin nodded. “I was then, but I kinda think you didn’t get that? So yes. Would you like to go out to get ice cream, Ryuuji? On a date.”
Bon’s heart seemed to try to leap to his throat and leap forward out of his chest at the same time so it ended up feeling like it was twisting and thumping doubly hard. He stared for at least five seconds, and nodded when he realized that wasn’t helping anything and that he had absolutely not misunderstood Rin. 
“Sure. I… I’d like that.” 
Rin looped his arm through Bon’s and dragged him towards the exit. 
(๑´ ³`)ノ♡٭*(ृ '꒳' ृ)
Walking back to his dorm later that night with the taste of chocolate still on his lips and the feel of Rin’s hand in his own burned into his mind, Bon opened the picture up and set it as his background. If he cropped it so it was zoomed in on Rin’s half of the picture and Rin's smile, well…
It wasn’t like anyone would know their backgrounds matched. He actually locked his phone. (Unlike Rin.)
Besides, it was normal to have your boyfriend as your background.
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