#we as a society of gays would forgive her!
lesbianpepsi · 1 year
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oh yeah she knows how to fuck
the gay pose, the look, the rings, everything about this imagine screams "professional lesbian"
lil brag but i have my amber sim this exact outfit 🤭🤭
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uwmspeccoll · 20 days
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Steamy Saturday
" . . . without the society of women, homosexual practices are likely to be evident. . . ."
"Now Van moved into the masculine world of politics . . . where he learned that the price of power was a surrender to lust in all forms."
"Van was almost a senator when Jeff seduced him. . . and then blackmailed his career . . . and his manhood."
Senator Swish by Aaron Thomas (misspelled Arron on the cover), published in 1968 by adult-book publisher William Hamling's Phenix Publishing/Greenleaf Classics in San Diego as part of its Companion Book series, has a plot line where the main character goes beyond binary choice and learns to accept his bisexuality.
The story line is a little complicated, but here's a synopsis: Van is a successful L.A. lawyer tapped to run for senator. His girlfriend Jennifer works in the fashion industry and is off on assignment for a couple of weeks. While she's gone, her college-student brother Jeff shows up, and Van soon learns that Jeff is gay, which upsets him greatly. Nevertheless, Jeff manages to seduce Van, and while he's conflicted about his sexuality, Van certainly enjoys his time with Jeff. Still, if this affair came out, it would jeopardize his run for senator, and then of course there's Jennifer. Van decides to get Jeff an apartment so he can be with Jennifer and have her brother on the side. Yeah, that'll work out great; problem solved.
Jennifer eventually returns and Van tells her that her brother has returned from college. Jennifer is confused and proves to him that her brother is still in Ohio at college. Plot twist! Jeff is not who he says he is! Turns out, this rather elaborate ruse by ersatz-Jeff was just a complicated (and not very believable) frame to blackmail Van! Oh no! But, Jennifer and Van turn the tables on counterfeit-Jeff (how? No spoiler here!), and Jennifer, while hurt by the affair that almost ruined their lives, forgives Van because, after all, she works in the fashion industry and understands the queer world where men can "go both ways." Oh, lucky Van! They agree to marry, and presumably live happily ever after. We never do learn whether Van becomes a senator, however.
We don't have any information on the author Aaron Thomas, although the name is used as author for quite a number of gay pulp novels, but we do know that the cover art (apparently trying to appeal to multiple sexual orientations?) is by noted artist and illustrator Darrel Millsap (1931-2012).
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idialover · 1 year
My friends and I have a tradition of playing "does this character have sex" whenever we get into a new piece of media, because we always enjoy everything together, and today we spent a few hours discussing TWST charactrs. They found out that I now have a Tumblr blog and told me I should "post our very scientific findings for the interwebs" (Note that we are all between the ages of 16-17, so in the same age group as the characters)
Heartslabyul (general judgement): The virgin one
Riddle: no, and he somehow doesn't even know what sex is. You'd think he'd know with how much he studies about everything you learn in school, so even sex-ed but no, he doesn't know
Ace: gray area, no bitches respectfully, except maybe Deuce, but we couldn't agree on that, he would treat it as "it's just a prank bro, no homo"
Deuce: yeah, sure, I mean he's pretty okay looking, not often tho
Cater: he seems like he'd be a dicord kitten or an insta-thot, he tries but doesn't really succeed, maybe once or twice.
Trey: no, because he actually wears a fedora, unironically. "he's as bland as the flour he uses in his cakes"-my friend#2
Savanaclaw (general judgement): Gahdayumm!!
Leona: YES! absoulutley 100% just look at him, but he'd be one of those lazy tops, is very casual about it, there isn't a lot to say because it's just so obvious that he is 100% a sex haver
Ruggie: Hard to say, he has an Italian souding name so maybe no, he hasn't yet discovered that he can earn quite a lot of money that way, or maybe he has (we couldn't agree on this)
Jack: gay wolf boyfirend fantasy so yes, big buff man go brrrr
Octavinelle (general judgement): ehhhh, fish go brrr
Azul: this was a very hard one to decide but in the end no, no real reason just doesn't seem like he would have it, he's on that alpha buisness grindset
Jade: Yes becazse friend#1 said so (she's a strong Jade stan) and everyone decided to let her have this one, but everybody else generally thinks he is Asexual (friend#1 is also ace)
Floyd: yes, he is bisexual in wicked and scheming ways and everybody is aware of that. Chaos bi, him and Jade are two side of a coin, all or nothing. He flirts by messing with people, mostly Riddle but as I've already said Riddle has no idea what's going on and just thinks Floyd has it out for him
Scarabia (general judgement): This was the hardest one to discuss
Kalim: He is very lovable, but no, for unknown reasons, boy has 0 rizz
Jamil: yeah, ig, normal 17 year old guy, he isn't basic like Trey, but he just doesn't have time because of Kalim
Pomefiore (general judgement): slayyy!
Vil: Yes, and his standards are surprisingly not as high as you'd think, we got very heated about how people often mischaracterize him as a very vain but he just wants people to be themselves and best version of themselves. Good for cardio
Rook: yes, in freaky kinky ways (see Rook alchemy card) he sometimes has touble finding people who are into the same stuff as him
Epel: no, beacause he is an "alpha male" in the worst ways possible
Ignihyde (General judgement): you'd think they be reddit mods, but they actually tumblr sexymen
Idia: yes, he has that disheveled rizz, the more they look like they haven't left the house since 2015 the better. We stan broken men in this household(blog), only on halloween tho that's when his confidence get's a bit better and he becomes and active member of society
Ortho: he is a robot based on a young child! NO!
Diasomnia (General judgement): oooh spooky~~
Malleus: yeah sure
Silver: gray are (they demanded I make that pun, pls forgive me)
Lillia: He is the most slay character, an old vampire/fae obviously yes. He has a lot of experience, best sex haver he's so amazing, Lillia for the win
Sebek: no
Staff (general judgement): a very mixed bag
Crowley: someone somwhere slept with him, he is kinda usless but he gets laid, look at his vacation outfit
Crewel: Definetly, high standards but he is correct, he gets to have high standards, he is the perfect man, not a DILF but also not not one
Trein: yes, loyal to his wife (rip tho), good husband 10/10 would trust him, good man
Vargas: Yeah, he's a typical good looking guy, he has never had a long term relationship but he doesn't want one
Sam: We debated for a long time and decided that yes he does have sex
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deluweil · 5 months
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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qrevo · 1 year
So. Cat came out, I feel like Kazui ALSO wants to come out, and I need to talk about it.
(Spoilers for Cat) (Also TW: suicide mention)
First off, the style of the MV was great! Kazui going full crazy at the end was so cool. The song was a banger (as always). Now that we know he was a cop, some of his actions inside the prison make sense, like protecting the attacked prisoners, and trying to punch Es in the first trial.
My main guess now, going by enerything we have (MVs, VDs, Timelines) is that Kazui is a closeted gay man (or maybe aro/ace), and never had any real love or attraction towards his wife, only platonically at most. On the VD he says "I can't live unless I lie. That's how I was born...", and seeing as Japan has some big problems with homophobia, this really strikes off as him trying to hide this side of himself so that he can live a peaceful, "normal" life.
In that one timeline with Yuno and Mahiru, they asked about his preferences, and then after he answered Yuno said that was total bullshit. What other reason would he have to lie about his relationship preferences?
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Also, "Cat", or "Neko", is a slang used by gay people in Japan to refer to bottoms or submissive gays.
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The white dove represents his marriage, since he transformed his marriage ring into the dove (right before doing an "I Love You" reference). That scene of him eating the bird can be interpreted as him finally telling the truth to his wife, who he really is, and suggesting a break or a divorce, ruining/destroying their marriage.
By what he said in the VD, Kazui didn't cheat, or at least it didn't reach that point. He also said that we didn't find out his true crime/sin, since our base assumption was cheating. He also said that she died when he stopped lying. Of course, these could be more of his lies, but assuming they aren't. The only thing that I can think of, that would make her so desperate to jump off the balcony, is that his love never existed in the first place.
So what happened, in summary, was: He married his partner in the police, Hinako, to try having a normal life and conform to society. The marriage was a lie to him, but it was real for his wife. He tried to repress that side of him, hoping it would go away, but those feelings he repressed only got stronger, until he realized he couldn't keep lying forever, and decided to ask for a divorce, coming out to his wife, before he reched the point of cheating. His wife got upset, as seeing that their relationship was a lie, that he never truly loved her like she loved him, and jumped off the balcony.
But there are still a lot of questions that weren't answered.
If he didn't cheat, WHO IS BAR GIRL?? Is she important? If she is, why didn't she appear in the new MV? Is she even REAL, or is she a fabricated memory, or an idea, or a metaphor??
Is that guy in the wedding really the bartender from half? If he is, that means he is important, somehow. Was he his childhood friend? Does Kazui have a crush on him? If so, in bar girl scene, was Kazui actually flirting with the bartender before she arrived? Is he the same man he was arguing with in that scene from half?
For now I'm planning to forgive him, but is that really the best choice? It appears that, when we forgave him in T1, nothing really happened, because we actually forgave his persona, the lies about himself, instead of his actual true self. If he wants us to expose his lies, maybe an unforgiving veredict would be what he wants?
But also, if he is unforgiven, he won't be able to help defend other prisoners from attacks. We need to be careful when voting, as Milgram is starting to look like a strategy game where the goal is keeping all of them alive.
Anyways, going to listen to Cat for like. 3 days straight. Or 3 days gay, if that fits the theme better.
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sleepingpopplio · 1 year
Toga and her happy ending
I think after taking some time to process the latest chapter I can finally verbalize what feels wrong about it. First, I think it’s really good to be hopeful that Toga isnt dead, but I also feel like a lot of the fandom right now is trying to not think about Toga being dead because if she truly is then they might end up like how I’m feeling. So, let’s just say hypothetically she is like truly, really dead without a shadow of doubt. 
Now, The first Issue I see with this writing is that it arguably goes against the themes of the story. In order to make a better society, our heroes need to be able to win AND save (hehe Bakugo and Deku at the core of the story once again). Otherwise, saving the league would feel hollow. So, Ochako DID win the fight between her and Toga by talking toga down from the edge and bringing out the goodness in her. But did she save her? 
I would argue no. 
Toga may be able to go out “her way”, but she still ends up dying before taking any further steps to heal and find her place as her authentic self within society. Ochako thinks she has a cute smile, but will everyone else? We are stripped of the negotiation process to get Toga the proper help she needs instead of throwing her in jail. We are deprived of Ochako standing up for her and helping her finally be the happy schoolgirl Toga always wanted to be, without the mask this time. We, the audience, are denied of seeing toga take accountability for her actions. Therefore, while Ochako may have saved Toga on a one-to-one level, and she still deserves credit for that btw, Toga ultimately died without witnessing society as a whole changing for the better. She was not saved— She was only helped… and is that a satisfying conclusion after years of buildup? After all the work to make Ochako come to value winning AND saving of everyone? Is that satisfying?
The fact that so many people refuse to believe Toga is dead points to this.
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One more thing I would want to add here is a comparison to another member of the lead, someone that I have seen a lot of members of the fandom fight back against the notion that they should die. That character is Tomura Shigaraki. I’ve seen people say that Tomura should die in a sacrificial way in order to redeem himself, but then in response many fans push back and speak about how that wouldn’t solve any of Shigaraki’s problems and instead it would only leave shigaraki in a state of limbo in terms of reaching a satisfying and logical conclusion for him. Deku wouldn’t have achieved his goal to the fullest extent, society wouldn’t get to accept Tomura and show that even he is design of forgiveness after what he was put through, and we wouldn’t get to see how a reformed hero society would handle the league of villains moving forward. Sound familiar? My point in bringing this up is to show that it seemingly doesn’t make sense how you can argue how one villain should survive while the other should die because either way the death of one villain, even if it’s a heroic sacrifice, is still an incomplete rescue. It’s still an incomplete narrative, as it had framed itself to be a hopeful one, despite all the dark aspects. So, let’s just keep that in mind. 
My next point is going to be a heavy one, so buckle up. Let’s keep going with the hypothetical of Toga being really, truly dead, ok? Toga being dead has so many implications and undertones.  You can make an argument for, if she is the only league member that dies, how she is written in an upsetting way as both the only woman and canonically queer member of the league. Furthermore, the ‘Bury Your Gays’ trope is defined by killing off LGBTQ characters at an alarmingly higher rate than their heterosexual peers, and their death is usually because they entered some sort of queer relationship, or if someone has to die it might as well be the queer one. Am I saying that Horikoshi has malicious intent and hates queer people in stories? ABSOLUTELY NOT. DO NOT GO AND HARASS THE MAN BECAUSE IT ACCOMPLISHES NOTHING. But, there could be some internal bias because of Japanese society as a whole’s view of queer people. There also could be some push from editors to kill the queer character for this exact reason. Of course, this is all speculation and it’s not ok to jump to conclusions and assume the worst of writers. But Toga meant something to people. She meant something to queer people. If the reformed hero society could accept Toga for who she is, then wouldn’t that include her queerness? In a world where homophobia is increasing again at an alarming rate, kids need to see that being queer doesn’t mean that they have to be the “villain” in society’s eyes. Queer people deserve saving. But as my previous point discussed, Toga was not fully saved. Queer kids reading the manga will not get to see how Toga could find her sense of belonging in society while still living her truth. The queer subtext behind her relationship with Ochako will end in of of their deaths. Therefore, as someone with experience with living in a homophobic household and having to hide themselves, this does not feel like a happy ending.
Furthermore, I’m going to make another comparison just like I did in my previous point. But this time, I’m going to use a character from a different franchise that also involves superhero’s and is a heavy inspiration for Horikoshi’s writing. That character is Black Widow from the MCU. She was a beloved character, but often underutilized by the writers. The only female member of the avengers, Black Widow was often sexualized and used as the object of desire out of the bunch. She was badass, but always tied to her male counterparts. She was not allowed to exist without the other male avengers around. This was the pattern of her character writing for many years, up until Avengers: Endgame premiered. When that movie came out, Blackwidow played a key role… that role was to sacrifice herself. She did this so that her best friend, Hawkeye, wouldn’t have to sacrifice himself instead. He didn’t want her to sacrifice herself. He was fine with dying and tried to stop her. But despite his efforts, Blackwidow still sacrificed herself and died. This happened before she could get her own movie, and specifically before she could confront her past trauma and heal from it. She went out her way on her terms, but the audience still lost the vital piece of representation that she gave to the avengers and still suffered from never seeing Blackwidow’s character get to heal and overcome her pain. Does all of this once again sound familiar? Women often are the first to get hurt or die out of their hero or villain groups in the superhero genre. One good thing about Toga, however, is that she died alongside another female companion. A well written relationship between two women was front in center, instead of one between a man and woman. Despite that, however, Toga was often used as the sexualized member of the league and tended to revolve around Izuku a lot, just like Blackwidow. That is why it was amazing to see her bond with Ochako, and then devastating to have that taken away without letting the audience witness Toga’s complete healing.
Therefore, dying “your own way”, is only empowering if the female character had already had time to complete their character arc and heal their trauma in the same way that their male peers were allowed. Otherwise, it feels fake.
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This chapter was overall amazingly well written. I enjoyed it a lot. Honestly, I enjoy MHA as a whole a lot!!! I’ve hyper-fixated on this story and tis characters a lot, and have a lot of faith in Horikoshi as a writer. I have no doubt that he’ll do a great job writing the other characters in this final arc give the audience a satisfying conclusion. I also hope that I’m proven wrong and somehow Toga ends up ok.
But the ending reminded me of how far writing has to go in order to accurately portray the female and queer experience, and to give such characters hopeful endings like everyone else. Toga deserves to find  acceptance. She deserves to find love from society as a whole, not just Ochako. 
Toga Himiko deserves a happy ending. Queer women deserve happy endings too.
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Sorry to be a downer, everyone. If you want a more hopeful meta for this chapter, then please go check out @pikahlua’s blog because their meta on this chapter was spectacular and mind blowing.
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saph-soph · 4 months
Heathers: the musical
I just finally watched it (with Dan Domenech) after having only ever watched the movie, heard some of the songs, watching some clips and a recap, and I loved it!
Some of the things I loved:
• It turns out that this is the first musical I have ever watched fully. Having seen clips does not give one the full picture, as it turns out. I loved the things in between the scenes, which I knew. Like the scenes, where Veronica was trying to keep people (Martha and Madonna) away from JD for their own safety.
• I loved the songs. I already knew some iconic ones, such as "Beautiful", "Candy store", "Meant to be yours" and "Dead girl walking: reprise". But I never knew about such gems as "You make my balls feel blue" (or smth), Martha's song (idk the name), "Our love is god" and many more. Also, I have gained a new appreciation for "17" and "Dead girl walking". I was never that into them, but seeing the show as a whole really makes you feel them.
• I loved the scene of the guys' funeral. How, as JD mentioned, it brought a lot of good. How the dads used to hook up and are now again doing so. How the dad(s) advocated for their sons, saying that they weren't "perverted" or "dirty" for being gay and that they still went to heaven. And, of course, how Jesus was cool with everything. It is a great scene.
• I loved the way bullying is depicted here. They were literally telling Madonna to go and khs. I loved the theme of "war", which was started by JD and 'Ronica in "Our love is god"(I believe). How it was then treated as a bullying situation (how, when Veronica ended it, she meant everyone becoming nicer and treating each other better, thus making highschool a less toxic (which it was oh so) place), which Veronica ended alone, because JD was part of the problem (he tried to help, but did not know how to, so it only made things worse).
• I loved the JD x Veronica relationship here. From the movie and clips of this I did not really get their relationship, they just were in my opinion, but here. Here I loved the beginning of their relationship (on "Dead girl walking") and the theme of "Our love is god" and "I worship you" on JD's side.
• I think it's lovely, how they decided they were both damaged, but really - she was never as broken as him. I love how she was the only good thing in his life, how he did all of the things he did, because he wanted to protect Veronica (e.g. he killed the guys, because they made her cry). And, when he thought she was dead, he decided to finish, what they (he) started, because this society took her from him, it broke her, and he couldn't forgive it for that. He even said "I can't do this alone..." in "Meant to be yours", because it was all for her, and without her, what would be the point? And "Still I will, if I must" because now the point is revenge. First it was to protect her, but now it was to avenge her.
• I love how "I wish we'd met before they convinced you life is war". Because it genuinely is so true. I love their reconciliation period, because it gives us (me) hope for the former statement to have happened. That she can fix him, and that everything will be okay. They are alive and well, graduate together, go to college together and just be happy. But then we see, that it really was impossible. The statement was just wishful thinking after all, and JD could not be fixed (maybe a licenced specialist could have, but it is still not guaranteed). I love, how, in the end, he still saved her, sacrificing his life for her (*cough* "I'll trade my life for yours" *cough*). How after all that'd happened, their break up, her literally faking her death and then shooting him, and ruining his plan, that he only ever made for her, he still chose to save her.
• I love, how JD's love for Veronica had been so heavily emphasized the whole show. In "Our love is god", in him killing people not on random, but only ones, who hurt her, in him trying for her, agreeing not to kill anyone else, just because she asked him not to (he failed, but point for effort), in him train his life for hers, as I've talked about already.
• I love how they were such a tragedy and had so much potential! I love their, brief as it was, time together. They will always be famous. They will always be number one in my heart.
So in conclusion I am now officially a JD fan girl and a fan of Broadway musicals in general. Hope to see many more soon! 💋
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slitherred · 1 year
Humor me for a moment here...
It’s been 9 years and I still believe they should’ve kept Obito alive.
If they can pardon both Orochimaru for his human experimentation, Kabuto for his war crimes, and Sasuke for being a dumbass, they can think of an excuse to make Obito a functioning individual of society and have him face the fact he was the cause of most world-altering events in the span of the entire series. I think killing him is a coward’s way out, and he didn’t deserve the peaceful ending he got.
And Instead of Boruto, we could’ve gotten a series focused on Kakashi in his Hokage era. The man is as popular as Naruto and Sasuke, and I’m tired of anime shows that base sequels on the “new generation.” It’s been done too many times. I believe Kakashi is beloved enough by the fans that this idea would be profitable like the original.
Plus, Kakashi has had enough trauma to make a script three seasons long. You can cover stories about losing people, dealing with grief, depression, PTSD, clan politics (what’s it like to be the only person left in a clan that isn’t the Uchiha or what were the consequences of owning a sharingan as a non-Uchiha), being a former child soldier, being a burnt out child prodigy, etc. instead of being relegated as a Hokage that blew up the moon once.
Listen. Imagine a series where Kakashi finally spoke with a Yamanaka therapist since his emotional crutch wasn’t the ideal hero that he thought. Imagine a series where the big bad villain acknowledges the pain he left in the world and actively tries to do his best every day in a place where everyone wants him dead. And imagine Mr. Worldwide, creator of 1000 Years of Death, Kakashi Hatake, trolls the world with Obito “Tobi” Uchiha.
Imagine the shenanigans! We can finally see what these two can do as a pair after it was hyped up in the Kakashi Gaiden arc but fell flat in the 4th Shinobi arc. If these two can frustrate people in their immediate vicinity as individuals, picture them working together and in a position of power. It would be glorious!
Click Keep Reading for extra filling:
Address Neji’s death by having Gai be nice to everyone, except for Obito. Obito understands his anger and, due to guilt, stupidly comes up with an “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” approach by being his sparring partner i.e. his punching bag.
Kakashi is Stressed™ managing his two best friends. This will also test Gai’s capacity for forgiveness (and finally have a storyline about him that isn’t about youth, challenges, and taijutsu). Meanwhile, we can also have a role reversal where Kakashi is the one helping Gai out of unhealthy coping mechanisms and grief.
To calm down people who see Obito as a threat, they seal most of his chakra so that he can perform basic techniques, enough to complete unpaid B to S rank missions as part of his “community service.” His Sharingan, both of them, will be inaccessible so he can no longer perform hacks. In secret, only Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura, AKA the heroes who ended the war, are trusted enough to be able to unseal it (they can have matching tattoos for this, other characters think it’s just an OG Team 7 thing but it’s a key lol). So if a major threat like, say, the Otsusuki comes, and Naruto and Sasuke needs an extra boost to turn the tides in their favor, there will be an epic scene of Team 7 (minus Sasuke) unsealing Obito’s chakra, and his eyes slowly bleed into red and spins into Mangekyou. He charges into the battlefield with Susanoo in Mokuton armor.
(Bonus scenes of Kakashi partially unsealing his chakra so that Obito can use Kamui to buy the Hokage precious “reading material” from other nations. Obito loudly complains about his chosen book topic.
Sakura asks Obito to bring her medical plants from different parts of the world.
Naruto pleads with Obito to take Sasuke and him to the Kamui dimension since they are no longer allowed to spar in training fields due to excessive property damage.)
Naruto gets frequent Hokage training with Kakashi. Obito is there to keep him from falling asleep by constantly challenging the policies and ideals set by former Hokages.
Naruto watches Kakashi and Obito debate and then later argue topics until they end up burning the original handbook to rewrite their own.
(Naruto is surprisingly good at editing and quickly finding loopholes in writing. Later, they visit the memorial stone to pray for Jiraiya.)
Part of Obito’s new job description is to be the Hokage’s 24/7 bodyguard (if he’s not out doing missions). It’s partly because the Anbu commander who usually handles the ninja president’s security is tired of Kakashi’s antics, and partly because the people are more comfortable if one of the war heroes is beside the Major Threat™ all the time. Obito has to constantly juggle between keeping them away from both his and Kakashi’s enemies and making sure the Hokage isn’t late to any meetings. Somehow, the latter is harder than the former.
Obito wonders how an ex-terrorist became a glorified secretary.
Obito and Yamato acknowledge their history in the 4th shinobi war. Surprisingly, Yamato forgives but doesn’t forget.
They compare notes on their solution and regularly train in the Forest of Death. The forest became five times larger and deadlier. The chuunin exams became harder.
Kakashi tries to diplomatically pass anti-violence, and pro-mental health laws, and raise funds for the orphanage and veterans. Meanwhile, Obito uses his talent in gaslighting and gatekeeping to out-manipulate the elders into losing debates.
It would be satisfying to see Danzo’s best friends disappointed and angry while Kakashi does his eye smile thingy. Behind him is Obito sticking his tongue out because he secretly never grew up.
(I can’t believe the elders are still alive in Boruto, like wtf.)
Remember the time Obama hired an Anger translator? That, but it’s them.
Sukea and an “unknown” anbu that suspiciously looks like Tobi messes with the kids wanting to know what’s behind Kakashi’s mask. Sukea creates the intrigue to unite the kids into a single goal and trick them into practicing teamwork. Not-Tobi does the subtle sabotage.
If the children ask Obito his backstory, he replies with, “That’s classified.”
If they ask Kakashi, he keeps telling them different ridiculous stories until Obito becomes some kind of myth to the kids.
“The Hokage said he was an orphaned circus performer and he got adopted by a vigilante to save us all from a demonic tree!”
“Woah! The Hokage said he protected us from a moon alien by challenging her to a dance-off!”
Tobi and Sukea annoying their way into infiltration missions.
Their backstory: Sukea is a photographer and Tobi is an aspiring actor. They got lost on the road to life and whoops accidentally stumbled upon this secret base. Can we have directions to the nearest artist convention, please? And that dead body was already there before we got here, what do you mean?
Adults are afraid of Obito. Teenagers think he’s lame for being a nerd that knows too much history. Grandmas still like him. Kakashi still makes fun of him for being a crybaby. Naruto makes fun of them both for being old. Sakura makes fun of Kakashi, Obito, and Naruto for being weirdos. Ino makes fun of Sakura for being teammates with the weirdos.
They visit Rin’s grave yearly. Kakashi keeps thanking her for slapping Obito back to life.
The Hokage gets invited by the academy to discuss the origins of Konoha. Obito keeps correcting him like, no, that’s propaganda bullshit, this is what happened.
He made twenty-eight kids and their instructor cry.
(He had also discussed in length how Madara Uchiha can't pee when strangers are near him. That he's still bitter about not being a better stone skipper than Hashirama "God of Shinobi" Senju. That he had an annoying habit to ramble and then laugh like a loon. And he has a face on his boob. Kids, when a centenarian ancestor offers you to help fix the world, say no.)
It has been apparent to all paper desk ninjas that to expedite their documents to be stamped and signed by the Hokage, it needs to go through their bodyguard so the bodyguard can bully the Hokage into prioritizing their paperwork.
In retaliation, Kakashi uses his knowledge of Obito’s history with handling Akatsuki and Kiri’s financials*, then points out major flaws in Konoha’s fund allocation, making Obito frustrated enough to audit everything for him. Despite being a mastermind manipulator, he falls for it all the time.
Tsunade visits the office and could not believe the lack of paper towers. Kakashi takes all the credit. Tsunade is impressed. “Damn, kid, I should have made you Hokage years ago!”
*Flashback: Back in his time as a villain, Obito had to audit Akatsuki’s expenses because Kakuzu is known to allocate part of their funds to his account. As for Kiri, Obito was puppeteering the Mizukage and to be convincing, it means doing the Mizukage's job. Realizing the role was a drag, Obito’s dream of becoming Hokage was buried in piles of paperwork and died six feet under.
Obito is still helpless when it comes to old people in need.
But at least now he can force Kakashi to help.
After discussing in length about Sasuke’s trauma from the Uchiha massacre, and Obito’s trauma as the black sheep of the family, they start working on rebuilding the clan’s name.
They’ve also found a rule in Konoha that once a clan has more than one person, a clan head should be identified.
No one wants to be the new clan head. It’s too much mind-numbing work even if the population of the clan is just two so they started arguing. Obito argues Sasuke is the son of the former clan head, and Sasuke argues that Obito is older than him, and has experience with “handling foreign affairs” (if you can even call it that).
This doesn’t get resolved until Sasuke marries a poor soul who gets voted by them to become the new clan head. Sasuke ends up in multiple divorces.
Kakashi starts using his father’s tanto again. He stops being the Copy Nin and starts being the new White Fang of Konoha.
On the anniversary of Sakumo's death, Obito uses his monologuing skills to aggressively defend Sakumo's last mission. Backed up by Team 7 with Yamato and Sai, they are fighting for Sakumo's grave to be transferred to the resting place of the heroes as he deserved.
Kakashi covers Obito's mouth once he starts insulting the council and elders. "Will of fire, my ass! You preach about teamwork and nakama, but easily sacrifice one of your own for the sake of a mission. You're all hypoc-!"
Naruto pitches in. "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum, dattebayo!"
Needless to say, they are finally realizing that, oh god, there are two Narutos now and they will never know peace until this gets resolved.
The series ends once Naruto becomes the Hokage. Handing over the hat went off without a hitch…
Except for Kakashi being two hours late. Kakashi and Obito were busy retelling Naruto’s life to Kushina’s grave.
What do you think?
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yr-obedt-cicero · 2 years
just curious- somewhat in relation to your fic- but do you think Eliza would have been accepting towards Alexander's and John's relationship? if she ever found out.
Nope. And I highly doubt she ever knew either.
Although we don't have anything that indicates Eliza's opinion on sodomy, it is likely safe to assume she was probably your average, period-typical, homophobic, upperclass woman. Maybe even a bit worse considering she was a devoted christian, and was just a judgmental person in general. Eliza was religious and was adamant about it all considering she was often the one instilling religion and proper Christian behaviors in her kids since Hamilton wasn't really a religious person up until the last few years of his life.
I don't see her as being anywhere near accepting, and I often see people comparing it to the Reynolds affair which is just refutable—Infidelity and affairs were actually a commonplace thing of the day, and it wasn't like the Hamiltons' were sheltered from this issue with Hamilton's own family, and their association with others like Gouverneur Morris. Hamilton and Eliza shared the same class with many couples and families that were a victim of such, so honestly, I can imagine it being more forgivable than sodomy (Plus the whole infidelity loop that twists them in since Hamilton was still in a relationship with Laurens when marrying Eliza). And that point, Eliza would have definitely left.
And there are arguments that she supposedly would have been if she didn't mind Baron von Steuben associating with the family, which leads to the unfortunate truth that; even if she did, let's say, know about the Baron's inclinations, it wasn't her choice or say who associated with the family. Ultimately it was Hamilton's, and as much as he loved his wife, I highly doubt he was consulting her about that stuff. Also it's faulty to even consider she knew, as the Baron wasn't foolish with this sort of thing—He was smart about being good with making friends with the upperclass society (Y'know, like the Schuylers'). And honestly, all the rumors surrounding around why he got discharged from the Prussian army and the conclusion being that he was gay probably weren't even true. It's more likely he was just released from service because the army was downsizing, it's incredibly hard to believe he could have just been so open about his sexuality to people, especially enough so to get discharged. If anything, the most critical thing was that he remained a bachelor. So, I highly doubt Eliza knew of that either.
And now it comes down to, would Hamilton tell her? I don't think so. Nothing suggests he ever did, and that she ever knew even after both men's deaths. Sure, Hamilton confided a lot to his wife, but this would have been too grave to share. Additionally, there wouldn't be any reason to, Laurens was dead and Hamilton ended up pushing the memory of him far away.
But since you brought up my fic, I'll add on what separates some of my opinions and then my stories; it's fiction, and despite some of my beliefs like Eliza never agreeing with this sort of thing, or that Laurens and Hamilton would have fallen out of contact had he lived, it doesn't mean I'm always going to implement the most realistic thing in a fiction story I'm writing for fun. It's all about being hypothetical, and exploring those what-if's—So, please remember I'm not always going to be displaying what I say here in my work. Sometimes I will, but in this case where SFP is just a fun little project I started writing for fun and interactions I wanted to imagine, not everything is going to be the most realistic case in scenario.
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Blue Castle chapter 24 and 25
Cissy is the daughter the Stirlings wish Valancy had been. Pretty, sweet, meek, innocent in the ways of the world, eager to please and quick to forgive. Someone who would do as she was told and look pretty in church without outshining Olive. And, of course, Cecilia Stirling would have had no need to go out to work, and thus never would have met her child's father.
I'm struck in particular by the juxtaposition of these two passages:
From chapter 24: " And I—didn’t know—some things. I didn’t—understand. Then his father came and took him away. And—after a little—I found out—"
Back in chapter 11: " Poor Mrs. Frederick was almost in a state of collapse. She had believed—or pretended to believe—that Valancy still supposed that children were found in parsley beds."
Cissy was raised by a single father who knows perfectly well how sex works, to the point where it likely doesn't even occur to him that people aren't just born knowing where babies come from. Her other main influence was her church community, made up of people who, one assumes, do not talk about these things publicly, and certainly not to Cissy Gay. It's implied that Cissy's mother, had she lived, would have (or at least should have) taught her these things. Clearly she never learned on her own, until it was too late.
Valancy, meanwhile, knows perfectly well where babies come from, to the point where she's embarrassed to even think about wanting them. Wanting to be a mother is perfectly respectable, even laudable for a woman in Valancy's position. Wanting the process of becoming a mother is most certainly not. It's not said where Valancy learned about sex and how it works, although my vote is from Olive, who has had boyfriends and been engaged.
So meek, innocent Cissy Gay might well have been better tolerated by the Stirlings than odd, never quite fitting in properly Valancy. (Cissy would, most likely, have been utterly crushed by the Stirlings in a way that Valancy never quite was. But then again, Olive wasn't. Maybe a Cecilia Stirling who was pretty and clearly had some marital prospects because of her looks would have been treated better by the extended family, if not Mrs. Fredrick and Cousin Stickles.) And, in contrast, Valancy might well have thrived as Abel Gay's daughter. Without discounting the impact of Abel's neglect, Valancy is clearly more outspoken than Cissy, and stronger willed. She grew up in a stifling and domineering society and the second she got out she not only knew her own mind but had no fear speaking it. If she'd been left to raise herself, I think it wouldn't have taken the promise of imminent death to set that part of her free.
I have AUs in my head now. Moving on...
Other thoughts about these chapters --
I did a little bit of research into the Canadian turn of the century education system back when we learned about Olive's engagements. She graduated from college at 18, and from what I could tell, it seems like College was for students roughly 15-18ish. So if that's correct and college is the word LMM uses to mean high school age students, with University being for 18+, then Cissy's young college student would have been a teenager. Probably 18 or 19 at oldest, possibly (likely?) younger.
And Cissy went to work at the hotel "4 years previously". At 25 or 26 at time of death (since she's three years younger than Valancy, who just turned 29), she would have been ~21 at time of boyfriend. So probably older than the boy.
Given that, it's likely that the boy was probably just as surprised and horrified by the pregnancy as Cissy was. I can't even be mad at him -- he screwed up and tried to make it right by offering to marry her and Cissy turned him down. Just a bad situation all around.
Even just reading about Cissy's funeral makes me furious. No wonder Valancy hated it ad Barney refused to go.
"her slanted eyes smudged with purple" -> Another purple mention. Is LMM subtly foreshadowing that Valancy has no intention of going back to her mother's house?
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It’s probably meaningful that you rarely find an example of, say, a woke electrician or plumber or truck driver. This is not an ideology that infects people at random. It’s clearly a class phenomenon.
- Malcom Kyeyune
One of the more disconcerting things in life for a Burkean conservative is finding oneself agreeing with a true and original Marxist thinker like the Swedish Malcom Kyeyune who has persistently called out white bourgeois educated classes for their faux liberalism and skin deep concern for the vast majority of the working class. According to Kyeyune, Wokeism has nothing to do with social justice or changing the world other than to entrench existing class privilege for the so-called ‘email caste’.
When I look around what I see going on it’s hard not to fault such a social observation, especially in the corporate world where I work. I know from my own experience that woke is used to distract attention away from what companies really get up to - they make profit at any cost which is the bottom line for any share holder - which is for society to not look too closely at the social price for that profit. Get a glowing rubber stamped rating from Stonewall’s own diversity champion scheme (a grift in itself) and colour in a rainbow flag in your corporate logo and you’ll be fine.
But I still tend to lean on the view of historians Tom Holland and David Starkey as well as British satirist Andrew Doyle that Woke has its origins in a perversion of Christian puritanism and has morphed into a deadly neo-religion.
If you fancy a Christmas gift to a family member or someone you know is woke, you can do him/her/they a service by gifting them a copy of Doyle’s fantastic new book:  The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World (2022). Doyle is a gay left winger and did his PhD in English at Oxford before he went into comedy (the writer behind Jonathan Pie).
Because he studied English he was exposed to the theories that underpin the woke and realised how intoxicating they were within the academic seminar rooms but made no sense when in first contact with reality outside the ivory towers. He became increasingly alarmed how woke ideas captured the traditional left.
The one minor criticism I would have is that Doyle’s book is so articulate, so on point, that perhaps it’s slightly bit too intellectual to reach any decent sized mass audience.
I think what we may sometimes forget is that the so-called intellectual elites - who went to a top tier university and were at the top of the food chain in their so-called ‘education’ - uncritically accepted the largely incomprehensible, self ejaculating intellectual French theorists whose work has essentially betrayed the intellect and strayed into the realm of the irrational. The effect of which has been, unfortunately, that people have taken it - and themselves - far too seriously.
But where else was there to go but to take the intellectual arena of the abstracted, nihilist western mind, except into the surreal, absurd and historically illiterate? The intellectual mind itself doesn’t go anywhere inherently meaningful, and these ‘secular’ New puritans clearly have the buttoned up arrogance and pseudo-morality of the old style religionists. But worse. They actually give the original Puritans a bad name. The original Puritans often get a bad press but they were terribly aware of their own human flaws and had no illusions how fallen we all were. This is why they emphasised grace and forgiveness at every turn. Good luck trying that with the New Puritans of woke.
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backjustforberena · 1 month
Idk I was just thinking that even if it might not have made sense to address the issue in relation to their married life, I still think it's a plote hole not having Rhaenys confronting Corlys about Alyn and Addam's existence.
In House of the Dragon, they’re nearly the same age as Laena and Laenor, and given Rhaenys’ past, Corlys's two illegitimate male children could pose a significant threat to her son and daughter's claim to the Driftwood Throne. In a society as misogynistic and homophobic as Westeros, it’s not unthinkable that Alyn and Addam might be favored over Laena, simply because she’s a woman, or over Laenor, due to his sexuality. And in the event of Corlys' death, his illegitimate sons could still make claims, taking advantage from Corlys's demise, just as Vaemond took advantage of the situation.
In light of this, I still think it might have been in character for Rhaenys to address the issue and not to avoid it at least to understand how to handle Alyn and Addam - in this sense, the only thing that makes me think she might not have addressed it is that she could have discovered it during the six years after her children’s deaths, when she was unable to discuss it because Corlys had left her. But this timeline raises another question: After the deaths of two children and your husband abandoning you, you discover he betrayed you for a long time, given that two sons were born, and yet when he returns, you forgive him instantly?
The way Ryan and co handled this plotline is such a mess
I don't agree that it's a plot hole. A plot hole, by definition, is "a gap or inconsistency in a storyline that goes against the flow of logic established by the story's plot" - it is not a flaw in characterisation or story. I don't see what is inconsistent about this, because it's an isolated topic. And your opinion is based on an incorrect view of succession. I just think you're wrong, I'm sorry.
You're assuming a situation that, actually, has very, very little chance of ever happening and Rhaenys would know that. So inaction makes perfect sense, especially if her priority is to avoid attention and hurt and making a mountain out of a molehill. These boys... they are not a threat to her or to her children. They are forgotten (and possibly younger) bastards hidden away in a dockyard with no chance of legitimacy, favour or power.
Let me make this clear: all legitimate children of a lord have a greater claim than any illegitimate children. In fact, an illegitimate child would need to be made legitimate to be taken seriously when it comes to a claim, especially if the lord has trueborn sons, daughters, and grandchildren. Not to mention any other cousins, brothers or relations.
Gender does affect the order of a succession, but in normal Andal custom, it does not invalidate a contestant from the order of succession. Laena may have been a woman, but she was a claimant and, during this time, women such as Jeyne Arryn do rule. Rhaenys's case is specific to the Iron Throne and the circumstances there.
No one gave a flying fig that Laenor was gay - it's a private matter but also it doesn't matter. It didn't stop him from being his father's heir, and wouldn't have stopped him from becoming Lord of Driftmark any more than it would have prevented him being King Consort. His sexuality has no bearing whatsoever on inheritance laws. We have other gay characters within the franchise, who are either Lords or Heirs. Laenor was his father's heir, there was no question of it, and that was just that. "Favour" does not matter. There is a clear-cut way of things: a lord's trueborn eldest son is to inherit all of his lands and titles upon his lord father's death. Case closed.
Then it goes through Laenor's line. Then it goes to Laena, and Laena's line. Then it passes on to a brother and so on and so on. Without the naming or legitimising of Corlys's bastards: they have no claim. And to be either you'd not only need Corlys acknowledging them (which, we can see from show canon, he's barely able to acknowledge their existence so is hardly going to be happening at whatever time Rhaenys finds out) but you'd need Viserys's seal of approval as well. And who is Viserys? Rhaenys's cousin.
Where does this societal threat come from, that you see? Vaemond was able to shove through his petition based on the fact that he had support from Otto Hightower and the Greens, who were standing in for Viserys aka the Crown. His chances plummeted ASAP when Viserys walked in because he viewed the succession as already settled in accordance with the rules of the time.
Are you imagining Driftmark's people would rise up? Why would they? What would they find so abhorrent about a legitimate relation of Corlys's taking the Driftwood Throne, over some bastards? Especially if Corlys himself has made his wishes clear. I mean, for goodness sake, Alyn eventually inherits and he's naturalised and he still has a sticky time of it. Jeyne Arryn names a trueborn cousin but has a closer relation who sticks his hand up and so that is contested as well. People cling to the old way. This would not be an "old way".
So why would Rhaenys feel threatened by it? They have no legitimacy, no love or championing from their father, no proximity to her children, no chance of being raised to desire High Tide, no access to any forces or powers to try and seize it and no reputation to build a case in time enough to just take Driftmark in the wake of Corlys's death. They're just... not a threat. They're a shadow. Nothing.
In the event of Corlys's death, sure, they could make claims but they would never ever be successful. Heck, I doubt they could even prove Corlys was their father - he never spoke of them. Alyn has white hair, but that's not enough grounds to get They'd be laughed out and whatever monarch was on the Throne wouldn't allow for it. They'd be petitioning Rhaenys's family. They'd be making enemies of the Targaryens. They'd be swiftly managed when the time came, if the time came, and nothing premature needs to be done because chances are, 99%, they'll never come near Rhaenys or her children or her grandchildren.
In conclusion, Rhaenys has no need to "handle" Alyn and Addam. There is no situation that arises, in terms of the political and of the Driftmark succession, just from their existence, especially with Corlys ignoring them.
After the deaths of two children and your husband abandoning you, you discover he betrayed you for a long time, given that two sons were born, and yet when he returns, you forgive him instantly?
Christ, I hate this. I'm sorry, anon, it's not you. But I feel like I've answered this again and again and that the majority of my asks relating to all of this feel like they are just trying to bait me into some bombastic reaction to hit against the characters, pick this side or that, make some declaration that it's all being ruined and shot to hell. I'm not going to do that. I hate doing that. I'm not going to waste my time or energy doing that. Especially because, again, you're assuming.
Admittedly, that's all we can do, but we don't know when she found out. So why get upset at something that I don't know? Why get upset at the way a storyline might have been mishandled or might have gone down?
Could the storyline have been handled better? Sure! It probably could have! I would have enjoyed more facts and a concrete idea of what went on but we have two characters who aren't engaging with the issue, in the same space, until her last episode, and they do so for about 30 seconds and neither want to unpack.
But not having those facts doesn't invalidate what we have on screen. We have what we have and I choose to engage with that. And I will also not oversimplify and forget context. We have little to go on and I can't generalise that the emotion shown in one scene is a reaction to the subject as a whole. The scenes that we have are specific to time and space and headspace and information, you know?
"Forgive him instantly"? Where was THAT? Because I must have missed it. They don't TALK about it. We don't know if she forgave him or not. She was passably kind to Alyn rather than cursing him and she spoke to Corlys, in public, telling him she knew who Alyn was and then the conversation was shut down. She's not FINE with the situation and we certainly can't say she FORGIVES Corlys for it because it's unaddressed.
And do you know why it's unaddressed and also, probably, why the general idea of his abandoning her goes unexplored? Because there is a war on. That takes priority, not only in terms of the character's thoughts (Rhaenys's especially) but also priority within the story and screen time. We're not going to have 15 minutes worth of marriage counselling and turning over the stones of last season when Rhaenys has to die in four episodes.
We're not going to have a whole unburdening of the affair when Rhaenys has to get to Dragonstone and Corlys is just in denial and neither of them are in an emotional position to handle it. They're confronted with it (both of them), they get on the same page about it (vaguely, barely, insofar as they both know Corlys has illegitimate kids), they decide not to speak of it then and there, and then she dies.
Listen, I'm sorry, I'm aware this seems like a rant and I do mean this to be polite and I don't want to feel aggressive at all so you have my premature apology for all of that. But it's just so unclear and messy and painful and knotty and meaty and I think, actually, that should be celebrated and revelled in, rather than reducing it all down to either bad writing (I wouldn't call it bad, just incomplete and unclear) or these banal tropes of a woman scorned and ripping her spouse a new one, or a parody of a saccharine, forgiving, spineless woman begging for a man to stay.
It's more interesting and complex than a man having done wrong but not caring about the pain he causes, and a woman bending over backwards for him despite that because she doesn't think she has any other option. That's not them at all.
Rhaenys is a woman in pain. Corlys is a man full of shame. Both love each other and derive happiness, pleasure and strength from being with each other, talking to each other and leaning on one another. But niether can talk about this issue. War is forcing Rhaenys to look elsewhere. Proximity to past sins is making Corlys vulnerable. Rhaenys is exhausted from her duties pulling her this way and that. Corlys is recovering from a near-mortal injury and is stuck mourning a lost heir and being unable to join the fight. It's good stuff.
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kaylorstree · 2 years
Complete Midnights Gaylor Lyric Analysis
Okay so there’s a lot to unpack and I haven’t done an in-depth analysis in a really long time so please forgive me!
To the best of my ability I’m going to analyse the lyrics of every song, and then another day I’ll analyse the 2 music videos. Please be patient with me ❤️
1. Lavender Haze:
I think this is really self-explanatory. As we all know a ‘lavender marriage’ is a bearding agreement between two people. Within this song Taylor talks about the comfort of a lavender relationship, as it gives her freedom to live her life without scrutiny. However, in a heteronormative society people ‘only see a one night or a bride’- essentially to be married, or date around and be endlessly slut shamed for it. They want her to marry Joe, which is the ‘1950s shit they want from me’ which I assume she doesn’t want to do if she doesn’t have to. ‘They’re looking at my history’ AKA they’re comparing this relationship to her others, how long they dated for and if there was a ‘proposal’ e.g. Calvin and Tom being her two most serious ‘relationships’
2. Maroon
I think hetlors have quickly come to conclusion this is about Tom Hiddleston very quickly, which is funny because this is very clearly about Karlie.
‘Like you were my closest friend’
‘Your roommate’s cheap-ass screw-top rosé’ Karlie was her roomate
‘The one I was dancing with in New York, no shoes’ I don’t even need to explain this
‘The lips I used to call home, so scarlet it was maroon’
‘The mark they saw on my collarbone’
‘That’s a real fucking legacy’
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3. Anti-Hero
There’s nothing particularly gaylor about Anti-Hero, it’s more of a complex deep dive into Taylor’s worst fears and trying to take accountability to some of the things she’s done.
4. Snow On The Beach
So many parallels to ‘you two are dancing in a snow-globe round and round’
‘My smile looks like I won contest, and to hide that would be so dishonest’
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5. You’re On Your Own Kid
‘Summer went away’
‘It’s okay we’re the best of friends’
‘So long Daisy May’ I mean c’mon 🌼
6. Midnight Rain
Again, the hetlors seem to be pretty convinced this is about Tom Hiddleston for some reason.
‘He was sunshine’ Karlie’s nickname of course
My interpretation of this was how much a toll bearding takes on a relationship and your own mental health.
7. Question…?
I would very easily categorise this as a kissgate song. The song uses she/her pronouns throughout.
‘Good girl, sad boy’ Karlie represents Good Girl fragrance
‘Have you ever had someone kiss you in a crowded room?’
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‘Did you leave her house in the middle of the night?’
‘She was on your mind with some dickhead guy who you saw that night’ Josh Kushner obviously
‘Did you ever wish you could still touch her?’
8. Vigilante Shit
Nothing particularly gay, I think this is a song about Scooter Braun/Kimye. Maybe you could interpret it as revenge on Josh Kushner for ‘stealing’ Karlie?’
‘Draw the cat-eyes sharp enough to kill a man’ who does we know that always has cat-like eyeliner? 🤔
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9. Bejewelled
Firstly, the music video is gay as the cows come home.
Having Dita Von Tese in the video!!!!
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The building she enters in the video remarkably looks like the one in the Good Girl fragrance advert.
Is it the Empire State building? Idk I’m British haha
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10. Labyrinth
I think this song is sonically very inspired by Imogen Heap. It seems to be very much inspired by anxiety and longing. It’s about being scared to fall in love.
11. Karma
This song is EXTREMELY queer coded.
‘Karma is a cat sitting in my lap because it loves me’ is a euphemism for pussy, obviously.
12. Sweet Nothing
A controversial opinion from me, but the way this song sounds like a nursery rhyme and the lyric ‘The pebble that we picked up last July’ I honestly think Taylor considers Levi to be her son. More proof to support this is in the Anti-Hero music video where Taylor hypothesises she’ll have two sons, which is oddly specific. I think having a Kushner baby to monopolise on that money, power and influence is a great way to ‘get the castle’ in the end. Just a theory, don’t drag me for it. ‘Dancing in your Levi’s’ is a very specific lyric in Cardigan.
13. Mastermind
This perhaps the most gaylor song on the album. It outlines about everything was carefully crafted.
‘And the touch of the hand lit a fuse’
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‘All the wisest women had to do it this way’
‘What if I told you none of it wasn’t accidental and the first time you saw me, nothing was gonna stop me.’ As we all know, Taylor and Karlie actually met before the Victoria’s Secret Show, at a different event. ‘I layed the ground work’ Perhaps it was always her plan to get Karlie.
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14. The Great War
This is definitely about 2016. As we know politics, kimye, Karlie, Scooter Braun- it was a very dark time for Taylor.
‘Maybe it was her’ the gayest lyric ever.
15. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
This is clearly about regretting lost love, it could be about anyone- Emily, Dianna, Karlie? I don’t know.
16. Paris
This is the definition of loving in secret. It talks about staying in a hotel or in the house, but playing make believe you could be anywhere- even Paris.
Paris is a song by The 1975 also.
17. High Infidelity
Firstly, I think it’s important to mention that Zoë Kravitz was on a show called ‘High Fidelity’ which was on Disney+ where she played a queer character. I haven’t seen it yet, but I’m planning to so will look for Easter Eggs 🐣🥚
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I feel like this possibly could be from Karlie’s POV ‘Storm coming, good husband, bad omen, dragged my feet right down the aisle’ is pretty on the nose. ‘You said I was freeloading, I didn’t know you were keeping count’ could refer to the fact they lived together.
18. Glitch
This is about drugs. Or, it could it be about being bearding because of ‘it must be counter-fit’ ‘Someone else’s playground’ ‘2,190 days of our love blackout’ Weren’t we talking about Love Lockdown a while back? Karlie was in Paris at that bridge?
Lyrical parallels to ‘every bait and switch was a work of art’
19. Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve
I’d like to take a moment to appreciate what a tune this is.
I honestly feel like this is about John Mayer.
This reminds me of a certain abusive relationship I was in, and it really hits home. 😢
Really feels like a particular relationship of a man being emotionally abusive to a younger girl.
20. Dear Reader
This is about Scooter Braun, and Taylor imparting wisdom.
That’s it! Let me know if I should dissect the music videos too! 🌼💎🕰
This is best I can do at the moment! Haven’t had much time to listen to the whole album more closely, but when I do I might add more to this ❤️🦋
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athetos · 2 years
my very long and devastated thoughts on The Traitor Baru Cormorant:
- Baru and Tain Hu became one of my favorite relationships out of nowhere and I was a fool for thinking it could have an even remotely happy ending.  I was hoping against hope that the author was going to throw us a bone and go out of their way to avoid the bury your gays trope at the last second, but no such luck.  My heart is broken.  I would have been upset but able to accept it if Tain Hu escaped and we never heard from her again, but instead the absolute cruelest possible option was taken instead.  I will never forgive them for what they have put me through... what they have put THEM through... but I understand.  Tain Hu herself is one of the most characters ever and I don’t think I’m prepared to handle 2 books of her haunting the pages.  I’m being very brave though. 
- Baru’s self-hatred and misery is so profound, especially over those last couple of chapters, that I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.  I knew this would end poorly from the beginning because there is no way to cause change from the inside of something so vast and evil without becoming a monster yourself, but to think that it had come to this...  I hate that I can relate to what she’s feeling, it honestly dredges up memories I’ve tried very hard to forget, and it’s astounding this book is able to do that to me. 
- Tain Hu was the only person who didn’t try to use Baru as a pawn or a way to get power or heirs.  Fuck.
- I did not expect this much political theory and conspiracies but I was extremely surprised and impressed, I feel a lot of things were put into words that I wasn’t sure how to express.  I feel smarter somehow, but also a lot sadder.  Honestly, I think there’s stuff in here put in simple enough terms it’s going to help inform my viewpoints in real life.  That’s a lot.
- “I want to fuck women” was such a powerful and cathartic moment because I’m so used to seeing sapphic sexuality as being sanitized or purified, this innocent “omg i wanna hold a girl’s hand uwu” shit, and it drives me insane.  Like I’m sorry society, but I don’t want to be desexualized into something you’re comfortable with.  I want to fuck women and love with no limits and so that’s why this line was amazing because they could have very easily have said “i like women” or “I want to kiss women” or even “I don’t like men.”  But we got this banger of a confession.  Hell fucking yes, Baru.
- I love that even though most of the characters are pretty big assholes, they each have moments that make them likable, or even sympathetic, if only briefly. 
- I don’t know how to tell Baru this, but I don’t think Mother Pinion or Father Solit are going to forgive her and be like “yeah this was okay.  this was justified.”
-  gonna call it right now, Baru is not going to survive this.  There is no way she’s going to survive this whole thing, get her revenge (or not) and not end up killed, or committing suicide.  Like, there’s just no way.  She’s going to fucking die and I won’t even be mad or even sad in a way just distantly removed like “yep I knew it and it’s the way it had to happen.  Sorry.”
- What I want most from this next book, the Monster Baru Cormorant, is to show more of how beyond fucked up Falcrest is.  I want to see everyone in power, the absolute depravity behind the creation of the Clarified... I want to see all of it fucking burned down. 
- I have the next 2 books on hold at the library and it may take me a while to get through them because holy fuck are they depressing and hard but I need to know how this ends goddammit.  Was Tain Hu’s sacrifice WORTH it?
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Thank you for recommending more amazing blogs!
I'll be sure to check them out!
and oh my god I know right the costumes?
and listen,okay,they aren't even a little accurate for any kind of time period they are supposedly represting but on top of all that they are also so boring and bland?
Like okay for peasants sure,they have better things to do that worry about fashion but this is royalty come on!
Especially if it is supposed to be a statement!
Don't get me started on wigs,the one that offends the most other than the entire Velarayion family is Daemon's!
Like look what they did to my boy?
Matt Smith is a very attractive man with very unique features and from what I saw short hair suits him best.
And yeah I know he has long hair in the books but if you can some many liberties with everything else surely it wouldn't bee asking too much right?
I think I love him when returns from the stepstones the best other than the ugly ass crown.
that hairstyle suits him.keep that.
Aemond's actor has a face that is suited for the long wig keep that
Heleana is actually invisible most of the time so I don't mind the wig
I guess we can forgive the Aegon one too,looks a little too fake sometimes tho,the man is pretty so he looks good anyway I guess
while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?
Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?
I swear to God these writers put everyone in the wig and made absolutely everyone not distinctive so that whole Rhaenyra has bastards more obvious.
Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?
Ok I know she is but that is most flimsy excuse for some cucking someone ever?
Like did Robert have a Lannister bastard somewhere?How do you know that Lannister genes just aren't stronger huh?
But yeah feudal society and all that jazz.
But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused?
I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they?
Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something?
Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?
They seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all?
Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?
Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy.
Laenor is just a witless gay love interest.
Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?
I saw people saying her death was epic?it was stupid,what it was,was stupid.
Traumatic for her kids and Daemon, horrifying for herself and it manages to make everyone in that keep look like an absolute moron how exactly did that heavily pregnant woman manage to escape all of you?
Like it comes off as surface level cool her and Rhaenys both but then you consider it and it's actually a dumb,like remember the time Daenerys burned all the food vagons or whatever in season 6/7?
This is worse.
And that's this whole family,Baela and Rhaena don't even have a character other than to show that Daemon sucks as a dad despite the fact Laena would have kicked his ass for it and aslo why would he a terrible father?I don't understand this take?
And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho?They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?
Not saying that black actors can't be villians or be killed by white villians but I am just saying that an obvious social justice racial implication was tried here.
Everyone here comes across as one dimensional and bland expect Daemon and they keep giving the Greens more and more poor baby traits but it clashes so badly with their established characters that it gives a whiplash?
Like I am not sure if I should be concerned or not,I go to ao3 and Aemond is one of the most popular characters,tho this is usually common when a character is unbelievably bland,blank and boring and a conventionaly attractive actor plays them,so what does that say about this character?
People rewrite him to suit their needs I guess.
No but seriously,they gave the Green characters sad backstories but no character to speak off and agency,not to mention on top of all that because they changed so much characters come across as idiots.
Especially with all this fantasy bullshit too.
Heleana sees the future, doesn't do shit with it other exposition because they established it so poorly that they need to remind you somehow that this story ended in a bloody dynastic dispute.
Because really what does Rhaenyra and Aegon have with each other?They haven't spoken to each other once!
Why is Aegon convinced that Rhaenyra is good for the throne when he's been raised by anti black team and doesn't know her personally?
Why doesn't she want the throne is he that aware and concerned about his short comings and yet he doesn't absolutely anything to change it and the people in the Green team just apparently love miserable people who apparently the entire world is against that refuse to shit for themselves and expect pity from you?
Seriously the coronation is a out to happen and this guy is in a brothel?Okay that should tell us he doesn't respect the position,terrible spoiled,privileged etc but no apparently that was him trying to not get crowned or something?
Seriously the plot is trying really hard to make you sympathize with him but like okay of he was supposed the spoiled privileged son of the king and he doesn't want the throne and yet he is still here enjoying privileges?Is he insane or an idiot?is everyone here just insane?
Mf ffss you have a whole ass dragon you could have been in Naath by now!
Done,no conflict, expect maybe if they put Aemond or something but neither he or Aegon are the rightful rulers here.
I wouldn't trust this guy with a bowl of cereal much less the kingdom?
This is supposed be the guy that dismissed Otto and put Aemond the psycho as his hand?
But this again has been put here so the green team could look innocent in comparison because look Aegon didn't want the throne and mean Rhaenyra started all this
Listen being complacent and not doing anything is just as bad as doing something.
There was plenty of time for this guy to dip but no because the actual character isn't like this.
Aemond is a straight up psycho.They legit gave him psycho killer he was bullied as a kid backstory.And that apparently justified everything else.The fuck?
This idiot that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer
And then this fucker is arguing about rights and the rightful heir and calling people whores and bastards, don't these people realize how insane they come off across?you are defending this maniac killing someone who in his standards is collateral damage because he has better blood or because your mother and father are actually married?insanity.try and justify this to anyone who isn't a crazy blood supremacist
Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra
But obviously Rhaenyra is at fault for everything and Daemon too probably
Not to mention Aemond and his siblings are all half breeds too so even by his own crazy blood supremacy logic this doesn't work but he is a man so of course he is better and they call him a feminist
Man was blind and deluded when he had both eyes now he's just insane too girl bye
Honestly for heaven's sake if this was a murder mystery Aemond is that one idiot who bragged about how much he hates the victim and that he learned this really cool slashing trick with his new cool sword.idiot.
Why isn't Aegon afraid of him or something?He bullied him with the others too or does Aemond just see people who aren't family as okay to belittle and trample? Isn't this something they usually accuse of Daemon too?Also Alicent is shown being okay with this too.You may cuff him about at home as much as you want but outside we are united.Or something.
Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition?
I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?
Alicent is a straight up delusional doormat too.Under the impression that if she married Rhaenyra's father they could still somehow be friends,wanting Rhaenyra to respect the rules and be as miserable as she is because she lacks a spine and the show wants me to believe that they are still somehow friends?
And the show frames Alicent as helping her and being sad as if she is in the right here too!!
At least Aegon and Alicent both parallel the absolute lack of spine here that's something. Ah but Otto forced them both and yet they accepted.
And the show tells me Otto is a good father and wants the best for the kingdom or something and Daemon is insane ahah sure Jan.
Alicent know what the fuck she was doing what exactly prevented her from asking Viserys how Rhaenyra is on their nightly talks?She could have went to Rhaenyra too!
It is a miracle that no one saw any of it and ruined someone's reputation and made a scandal.
Viserys annoys so much too.How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him.
Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there.Especially as the king.
Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out.
Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother,he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?
Sword prophecy is stupid too.
And Daemon murdering his wife just didn't happen full stop,there is a difference between adapting and cheery picking to suit your biased needs.
Tldr;the show is wildly inconsistent,thank God for the cast and the brand because otherwise?doom.
Damn, this was much.
I like Matt Smith in every wig except for the ones starting from episode 8. the short one was my favorite, with the episode 3 one my second favorite.
Childhood Helaena's wig w/o braids was atrocious.
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"while on subject of hair and wigs, Rhaenyra's when I read the book I kinda imagined Lucretia from the Borgias or something?The elaborate hairstyles and all?"
I imagined Rhaenyra's hair to mostly be loose before marriage and both loose, up, and in updos after marriage. Lucrezia from the Borgias is a great reference, loved her hairstyles. Her style in general, female aristocratic Italian Renaissance style in general really. Yes, Rhaenyra would be decked out like her.
"Meanwhile what is up with Rhaenys,didn't she have darker hair in the books?"
Yes, she inherited black/dark brown hair from her Baratheon mother, Jocelyn. The daughter of Alyssa Velaryon (Jaehaerys I's mother) and Rogar Baratheon. As she gets older, Rhaenys gets white strips in her dark hair.
"Kinda reminds me of that whole Cersei and her kids debacle when hair was used as distinctive trait because apparently all of Robert's bastards had dark hair and that therefore mean she is cheating and like?"
This is in canon as well, that all of Cersei's kids are blond, which later inspires Ned to look through the Baratheon family notes. He finds out that Baratheons, even when having bastards with Lannisters, have dark-haired scions. So in the case of the Baratheons, the probability that the kid of a Baratheon and any other house will turn out to have dark hair is very high. High enough that it's justifiably expected.
"But seriously when I saw that they cast mostly black actors as Velarayion's I was kinda confused? I don't particularly care either way but like they weren't in the books were they? Kinda felt to me like they were leaning really hard into that Rhaenyra's kids are bastards obviously because look they are all white as hell or something? Like I hope it's not something like that but that casting makes no sense and of course everyone was amazing in the miniscule roles they had but if this is supposed to be some sort of representation for anyone,they really dropped the ball?"
In the original lore, no the Velaryons had pale skin. I conclude so because Westerosi makes it a point to note that the person they are looking at is dark-skinned (Daella's, Saera, and Cersei's reactions to Summer Islanders), and all the descriptions we have of Corlys, any Velaryon, and Laena and Laenor never describe skin color. Europeans and white people and their fictional analouges tend to not mention skin color in anything written about people when their skin is as pale as theirs.
A problem with making it a point of "making it obvious that they are bastards" through skin color and race is that in the original lore, the boys' dark hair could have been argued in-world as coming from Laenor through Rhaenys and that Baratheon dark-hair gene. (I don't believe these boys came from Laenor because that guy was very unwilling to have sex with a woman and barely spent time with Rhaenyra before their sons were threatened).
There was some sort of tension with how one can detect adultery, adultery, and parentage in the character's environment. Once you realized this one element of the hair is enough to throw these blood purist aristocrats who wish to usurp Rhaenyra to take advantage of her socially-demonized sexual activities for their own political goals. Once again, they had no way of telling the parentage, and to bring up that the boys might have inherited Rhaenys' hair would throw off doubters not for "truth's" sake (at least about parentage), but to protect those boys and Rhaenyra from ridiculous blood purism, misogyny, and greed. It's meant to signal to the audience this game of thrones/royals, that such things as what parentage and fidelity mean is really just too slippery and unreal themselves, subject to human will and cleverness.
However, the show making the Velaryons black primarily bc the writers and producers saw these actors as useful to just show how those boys are bastards reinforces the blood purity. We're just superficially using race and colorism to reinforce how Rhaenyra slept with someone outside of marriage and that's all, folks. She's more open to condemnation instead of us looking critically at the game being played. Why is it so important to make it "obvious", what point are the writer and producers making here? Why should we care that it's "obvious"? If you read the original lore well and consider who these people are, if you have even basic critical thinking skills, it's clear that these aren't Laenor's kids.
That was never the issue. The issue was that Rhaenyra's castigated and humiliated for finding sexual autonomy, safety, and intimacy when she was forced to marry a gay man for her father and Corlys' political goals and had to have kids or risk losing her position as heir and future Queen--since no one wants either a barren woman nor a ruler who can't produce heirs.
This story is about how a woman was destroyed, not how she was worth destroying!
The other thing is that it is disparaging to the black actors and Velaryons. The actors are basically used primarily as tools to criticize and demean one white women's adultery. It doesn't take their acting chops into consideration, and their race, rather than being about representation in fantasy media, is the primary casting requirement simply to again highlight other white actors and their character's conflicts.
Again, this is if that was the producer's primary reason for casting black people to play just the Velaryons. But there is heavy misogynoir, espe with Laena Velaryon dying a gruesome death that realistically no one would want or seek unless they were severely mentally unstable. And yes, in canon, she dies surrounded by family, including Rhaenyra. She tried to go to Vhagar, but to fly one last time with her, not to get flamed out of existence. Laena's death was unnecessarily more brutal than it was. There is also a known link to the practice of self-immolation being gendered, as some cultures have widows burn themselves after their husbands die, which implies that she has no purpose without him alive.
Also, it's not fair we didn't get to see her claim/ride Vhagar independently and thus be a dragonrider apart from any shared scene with Daemon. finally, we don't see how she processed being arranged to marry what looked like a 50-yr old man at 12.
"They [the Velaryons] seemed to be kinda portray as greedy and bitter or just not important at all? Rhaenys is old and bitter and overall a moron in Aegon's coronation scene, doesn't seem to have any connection to any of her family despite growing up with them?Corlys just seems to be there to be disseagred by Viserys and Otto both for being too greedy. Laenor is just a witless gay love interest. Laena is crazy and delusional and completely unimportant and apparently content being Daemon's doormat despite having the biggest fuck off dragon there?"
Corlys in the book was very eager to have a Velaryon marry into the Targ house to have grandkids/great-grandkids who are Velaryon for the prestige and influence. That was just accurate. As for Otto and Viserys's reactions to Corlys, I saw those scenes of them dismissing Corlys as negative on their part, not Corlys. I was on Corlys' side. continuously pushing him off regarding other stuff, like the St But they could have shown the Velaryons in their environment, amongst themselves, and how they interact, their dynamic as a family apart from the Targs. Corlys didn't need to be this simple guy that maester's notes couldn't expound on due to time difference and distance. Also, lack of care or imagination on the part of the writers.
Laenor was never a love interest precisely because he was gay. And he already had a lover in Joffrey. He filled a role that both acknowledged in their agreement, and for his show! witlessness, yes it's annoying considering that in the canon he stayed with her more often once their son Luke and the tensions got higher b/t Alicent and Rhaenyra:
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I already talked about Laena.
"Like the show itself stated that Rhaenyra tried and failed which means uncomfortable lay back and think of England already with a gay person but wouldn't that also means that Leanor is probably just infertile considering bit obviously isn't Rhaenyra"
I don't think Laenor was infertile so much as he really couldn't bring himself to stay and commit to the sex repeatedly to inseminate Rhaenyra. I imagine they tried twice or three times and that's all Laenor could handle. And it's actually not a predictable or controlled thing, insemination. Sometimes it takes 5 tries for conception, sometimes once.
"And of course the one scene that involves the Velarayion's is when Daemon the crazy white guy inbred supremacist went and killed the innocent completely in the right random brother of Corlys that spoke the truth about Rhaenyra and her kids despite the fact that every normal ruler would have them killed too,all so the mainstream audience can yell afoul about racism and white privilege and crazy Targaryens and Daemon the psycho? They literally recreated Ned's execution here but with racial implication,with Daemon being Joffrey and the executioner here and this is somehow respectful and we'll handled to anyone?"
Never heard of this thought. I think the audience is just upset that a black man got got by a white man, but considering how the Velaryons are not black in canon and this is about a class dispute rather than a racial one, I think people should throw this idea out. Daemon kills Vaemond in the book, and by Rhaenyra's express order, too. It wasn't a race thing.
"This idiot [Aemond] that openly talks about treason on someone's funeral and openly admits that he would steals his brother's wife and that he deserves the crown because he is obviously so much better than his weak incompetent brother?like anyone who likes this character,I am not judging I am just saying you made a bold choice.he comes across as a parody of what the writers think they wrote Daemon as and Daemon is still better because grrm didn't give Aemond depth at all and you can just see who's the better writer"
Aemond wasn't saying he would "steal" Aegon's soon-to-be sister-wife, quite the opposite. He meant that if Alicent allowed it and if it was useful for their Ussurp-Rhaenyra cause (doing his "duty"), then he's gladly legally married Helaena. To castigate Aegon for not being willing. Aemond is very unserious, though, for putting it out there that he'd love to be the king over Aegon and not keeping that shit to himself, both in book or show.
"Also not a fan of this whole dragons don't listen to their riders thing either,like bye.Iy just so happens that the one time the dragon goes crazy is the one horrible act that Aemond pulled on his own volition? I can't even blame the dragon here,you chased the child with it what was Vhagar supposed to do here?"
"Viserys annoys so much too. How does someone compare your brother,your heir,to like the worst person in your whole family tree and you just go yeah but he's still my blood so I am stuck with him. Imagine your siblings being compared to like Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer and you not decking whoever just told you that shit right there. Especially as the king. Meanwhile the one time Corlys says anything even slightly iffy about Viserys,Daemon immediately cuts that out. Like seriously Viserys how does Otto know this much about your daughter and brother, he is spying this is a red flag what normal monarch just waves this off?"
This made me laugh. Yes, there is a discrepancy, huh, bt how Viserys regards his brother and vice versa?
Viserys seems to want to over-placate and make the more powerful/least under his control (or so he thinks) person be willing to do his bidding after the example of the conciliatory Jaehaerys I. Problem is that Viserys' position and circumstances are different enough from Jaehaerys' that he needed to apply his might more.
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selamat-linting · 10 months
so anyway, back to bitching again (i always bitch) yall know the women's group? the one i talked about? yeah so a little backstory first for the newcomers: this girl, she was a former member of a branch of my org. she was from another town. when she moved here, she's supposed to be helping my branch right? but no, she broke off with no warning, and started a women's group with her friends. thats the group im talking about. they focus on producing art / writing as a form of their resistance. with the occasional charity event in-between. its a very laid-back almost apolitical group. my girl plans to push her friends' left by meeting them on their own terms. doing resistance the way theyre comfortable with and hoping it would influence them to be radical.
suffice to say, it failed. my girl is kicked out of the group she founded, and when i offer her to go back here, she doesnt want to. claiming this town is too far gone for any meaningful resistance. my feelings on that loaded response is well documented on this blog but anyway. lets go to the present
this group is now doing another event, a talk show about mental health. now this would be good except the topic is this, "self diagnosis: valid or not" featuring a fucking psychiatrist.
i dont know, maybe because im a victim of (mild) medical neglect from a psychiatrist, and im firmly anti-psychiatry after seeing how lucky i got compared to my comrades with a more stigmatized disorder, but this is just wack to me. idc.
like, first of all, in what world that a discussion of whether self-dx is a special topic of discourse to be treated this way? girl look at the state of our healthcare system. look at how we lack a social safety net. look at how there's practically no help for abuse and bullying victims. we dont even have a homeless shelter in this town! look at how many mental health workers that still treats homosexuality as a disease or asks child abuse victims to forgive their parents. look at how the criminal system treats addicts!!! look at the prisons! by god look at the prisons!!! prison inmates are prime examples of men and women who is failed by the state over and over again and end up hurting and abusing everyone around them, fueling the cycle anew.
youre putting the cart between the horse, by discoursing about self diagnosis when you havent even talked about how bad society is falling apart and how inefficient and inaccessible the healthcare system is. and im not just talking about the money, i know treatment's free, but is it really treatment when you have to wait four hours every two weeks just to meet an out of touch doctor for five minutes who'd just tell you to forgive your abuser then dose you up with potentially addictive medications without telling you the side-effects or even listening to your concerns?
also wow, inviting a shrink for a self dx discussion. i would bet money their stance is that theyre against it because heyyy therapy is free and covered by national insurance uwu and its your personal responsibility xoxo. very neoliberal. i always suspect their politics is as progressive as a gay conservative since they decided not to make a post acknowledging pride month when they personally call themselves a feminist collective. how come a group of college-educated women could be this unserious? unprincipled? eugh. i expected better of them than the empty headed dumbfuck boys who made a metalcore concert for a day where at least a million people died by the hands of the state but turns out theyre just a different flavor of annoying and ignorant.
but i guess i have to act professional and nice around them since they did agree to help for the pro palestine campaign. i hate this fr fr!!!!!
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