#we were pretty much just told to write a reply explaining to the brother why we shouldn't stop and why is not exploitative
liquidstar · 2 years
Anyone else who went to highschool in the mid-late 2010s have to learn about a real life murder trial via a true crime podcast as an english assignment or was that just our school
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cressidagrey · 2 months
The Ties that Bind - Chapter 9
Shadowsingers were made, not born. Made out of trauma and loneliness and desperation.
So when Cilla and Azriel meet and their shadows entwine, they both meet the only other person that could understand these particular childhood scars.
The last thing Azriel had ever expected from his mate, however, was for her to have a surprising connection to his brother.
I am retconning Merrill into not being a total bully...and Mor is kinda an idiot.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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Cilla couldn’t help but stare. Of course, she had seen the House of Wind before. It was difficult not to. But she had never thought that she would get to see the inside. 
Azriel carefully let her down at the top of the house…not wanting to strain her wings with the flight upwards. So instead, he had picked her up, like she weighed nothing, cradled her to his chest and flown her up to the House of Wind. 
Cilla gazed around in wonder, taking in the sight of the massive building rising before her.
“This is the training area,” he explained, following her gaze as she looked around what…she couldn’t even describe it. Chalk Circles were drawn on the floor and she stared at them for a moment longer. 
“Nesta resurrected the Valkyries…a group of female warriors. They train up here every morning. Some of the priestesses take part. Some others just do it for the self-defence but are not interested in becoming warriors,” Azriel explained as he led her into the house. 
Cilla's eyes widened further as Azriel led her into the house, marvelling at the opulence. High ceilings, large windows, and artwork galore. "Whoever built this place must have been really rich," she breathed out, awed by the sheer size and luxury.
Azriel barked out a laugh. "You are correct," he told her. “Rich, and very vain. It was built by a High Lord of The Night Court centuries ago."
Cilla blinked, "A High Lord?" she asked, trying to imagine the kind of person who would build such a lavish house for themselves. “Why would he build a house like this?”
"Why do any of them build anything the way they do?" Azriel replied dryly. “High Fae aren’t known for their humility, I’m afraid.”
Cilla shrugged. True.
Azriel chuckled at her noncommittal response. "Come, let me show you the library. I think you will like it."
They walked down lower, into the bowels of this massive house, carved out of red stone. She needed to tuck her wings tight against herself so that she didn’t knock them into anything. Cilla followed close at Azriel's heels, her wings brushing against the stone walls. Despite having to walk so close, she didn't feel nervous or constricted. 
They came to a stop at an archway, the space beyond too dark for her to see much. "After you," Azriel said, motioning to the library. "Clotho is waiting for us," he explained. "...All the priestesses that work here...they all have their own trauma," he told her softly.
She nodded. She could hear something in his voice…not quite a warning but something that told her to listen. 
She understood why moments later, when she met Clotho. 
A hooded and cloaked figure, the hood crowned with a blue stone…
“Clotho meet Cilla,” Azriel introduced her. “Clotho is the…the one in charge,” he explained to Cilla. 
Clotho said nothing but inclined her head. 
Could she speak? 
She writes, Azriel’s shadows answered quietly. She’s unable to speak. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Clotho," Cilla said quietly, keeping her voice soft and polite.
“Cilla loves books, so we thought that maybe work in the library would suit her,” Azriel said quietly. “You mentioned that you could always use more help.”
Clotho's cloaked head turned towards her for a moment, studying her. Cilla felt a shiver run down her spine, feeling as if the cloaked figure was somehow looking into her soul.
Clotho held her gaze for another moment before giving a small nod. It was an agreement.
"Clotho will show you around the library and show you how to sort the books. If you do a good job, she might even let you read some of them,” Azriel said, giving the priestess a knowing grin.
Cilla couldn't help but smile at his words, excitement swirling in her belly. The prospect of spending her days surrounded by stacks of books was like a dream come true for her.
Cilla's eyes flicked to the papers in front of her, and she realized that they were a list of instructions on how to sort the books into their respective sections.
She read the list carefully, sounding out the letters in her head, and absorbing the information. It all seemed fairly straightforward. She lifted her gaze back to Clotho, a smile on her face. "I think I can do that," she said quietly.
Clotho gave another slow nod.
"Excellent," Azriel said, a smile playing on his lips. "I'll leave you to it then..."
He reached out and squeezed Cilla’s hand gently, his touch warm and reassuring. "You'll do great," he said quietly, before quietly slipping out of the library.
Cilla watched him go, already missing his presence, before turning back to Clotho. The cloaked priestess was watching her intently, a silent guardian over the library.
Cilla sucked in a shaky breath and squared her shoulders. She could do this.
"Where do I start?" she asked, looking back at the mountain of books that seemed to fill every shelf in the library. Clotho, still silent, lifted her hand and pointed to the far wall.
Cilla looked where she was pointing, and saw a large stack of unorganized books. "Those?" she asked, not wanting to presume.
Clotho nodded, her hood bobbing slightly. Cilla nodded back, steeling herself. "Okay."
She moved forward, grabbing the topmost book from the pile, and began to sort through them, organizing them by author and subject, just like Clotho's instructions showed her how.
It was quiet in the library...peaceful.
Cilla found that she enjoyed the silence. It allowed her to focus on the task at hand, losing herself in the familiar comfort of the books.
She fell into a rhythm, sorting the books one by one, and finding a strange sense of contentment in it.
It was helped by the fact that her shadows got to help, handing her book after book from the neat stacks she made as she shelved them.
It was a dusty job...but it was...easy in a sense.
The monotony of the task only served to lull Cilla further into the peaceful rhythm of it all. Her shadows proved to be a helpful partner, bringing her the books she needed without even needing to ask. It was almost like they knew what she needed even before she did.
And it was a far cry from the backbreaking work in the tannery, she had carried out before
Cilla couldn't help but let out a soft sigh of relief. She had never realized just how much she dreaded the prospect of working in the hot, stinking tannery, surrounded by the fumes and blood and sinew. In comparison, the library was a heaven-sent gift.
And the books. Cilla's heart was in them. As she carefully slid each volume into its designated slot on the shelf, she couldn't help but skim the words and titles, feeling a small shiver of excitement run through her. She knew that it was only a matter of time before she would take them down from the shelf and devour them.
"Who are you?" came a demanding voice behind her.
Cilla jumped, startled by the unexpected voice. Her shadows swirled around her, alarmed. She whirled around, her heart racing, to find a young priestess standing there, arms crossed and staring at her almost suspiciously.
She was beautiful. There was no way around it. Nearly white hair, light brown skin...the bluest eyes Cilla had ever seen.
Cilla couldn't help but gawk for a moment, taken in by the priestess’ beauty. But the priestess’ expression was anything but open or friendly. She raised an eyebrow, clearly awaiting an answer.
Cilla cleared her throat, feeling small under her gaze. "I...I'm Cilla," she said quietly, trying to keep her voice steady. Cilla couldn't help but gawk for a moment, taken in by the priestess’ beauty. But the priestess’ expression was anything but open or friendly. She raised an eyebrow, clearly awaiting an answer.
The priestess looked her over with those too-blue eyes, like a predator sizing up potential prey. Cilla resisted the urge to shiver.
Finally, the priestess spoke. "And what are you doing in the library?" she asked, her voice as cool as her expression.
"Clotho hired me to help with the books," Cilla explained, trying not to shrink back from the intimidating woman. "Organizing them and whatnot."
The priestess's eyes flicked to the neat stacks of books that Cilla had been working on. For a moment, Cilla thought she saw a flicker of interest in her eyes, but it was quickly smothered by a cool aloofness again.
Her shadows twisted and swirled around her nervously, not liking the sudden scrutiny they were under.
Cilla lifted her chin, trying to match the Priestess's cool gaze with one of her own. "Yes," she said, trying to keep her voice steady. "I am."
The priestess nodded, but her eyes didn't leave Cilla's shadows, tracking them as they swirled about her wings.
Then, finally, her gaze slid back to Cilla's face. "Interesting," she said, something like interest in her voice.
Cilla tried to control her reaction. She wasn’t used to people taking any interest in her Shadowsinger abilities. Most of the time they just regarded her with suspicion or even fear. But this woman seemed...intrigued. Curious. It was a strange sensation.
The priestess took a step closer to her, her eyes still fixed on Cilla's shadows. She lifted a hand, as if to touch them, but pulled back at the last moment. Cilla suppressed a shiver, the intensity in those blue eyes almost unnerving."Did you ever wonder where they came from?"
The question took Cilla off guard. She looked at her shadows, fluttering around her, and frowned. She had never really thought about it. To her, they had always just...been there. A part of her.
She looked back at the priestess. "What do you mean?"
"They didn't always exist, you know," the priestess said matter-of-factly, her gaze still on the shadows. "It's said that they only came into being when the first Shadowsinger came into the world."
"How do you know that?" Cilla asked, intrigued.
The priestess turned her attention back to Cilla, a small smirk playing on her lips. "How do you think I know?" she shot back.
Cilla's shadows swirled anxiously around her, not liking the priestess's challenging tone.
"I read about it," she told Cilla.
Cilla felt a bit silly for not having guessed that herself. Of course, the priestess would know. This was a library, after all.
She gave herself a mental shake. "Right," she said, still feeling a bit off-kilter from the conversation. "So...you know a lot about Shadowsingers, then?"
"I am Merrill," she finally introduced herself.
Cilla nodded in acknowledgement. "Merrill," she repeated. "Nice to meet you."
Her shadows seemed to calm down somewhat upon hearing the priestess' name, but they still fluttered about her anxiously.
"And to answer your question," Merrill said. "There isn't much...because there aren't many shadowsingers."
Cilla's eyebrows rose up at that. "Not many?" she repeated. She hadn't really thought much about how common or rare Shadowsingers' abilities actually were. The realization that she was part of a very exclusive and rare group made her feel strangely exposed.
What about other...abilities?" Cilla asked, her head tilting to the side. "There are so many different types of powers among the fae…are some powers more common than others?"
"Ah, an interesting question," Merrill said, her lips curving into a slow smile. "You should come find me in my office sometimes... You may make a proper research assistant."
Cilla's heart skipped a beat at the words...then her wings shifted, as a flutter of excitement ran through her. "You...You mean that?" she asked, unable to keep the eagerness from her voice.
Merrill's eyes glittered, as if she was amused by her excitement. "I do," she said, her voice dry. "It's been a while since I had a decent research assistant. And with your little..." she lifted her hand to gesture at the shadows. "...abilities, you could be useful."
Cilla's heart picked up speed at the idea of being able to work with Merrill, of getting access to the library's knowledge...of being able to learn and understand her shadows and her powers more
"I'll keep that in mind," she said softly.
"See that you do," Merrill said, a hint of a command in her tone. "Now... I believe you have a job to do."
She gave her a brief nod, before turning on her heel and striding out of the library.
Cilla watched her go, still feeling a bit rattled by the exchange. She let out a soft sigh, her shadows swirling around her in agitation.
Interesting was one word for it, she thought.
"By the cauldron, you do look just like him," another female voice breathed and for one moment Cilla wondered how many other people were going to just drop by unannounced.
Blonde hair, brown eyes...a bright red dress. And somehow, she put her right on edge. Cilla wasn't sure what it was, but she reached out inside her for that golden thread that connected her to Azriel, and yanked.
"I am Mor!"
"H...hi," Cilla replied, trying to sound calm and nonchalant, despite the strange feeling in her gut. The shadows kept swirling around her anxiously.
She’s…a friend of Cassian, Azriel’s shadows told her, but something…something was off. 
Cilla could sense their warning, their caution. It made her own body feel uneasy. She'd always trusted her own shadows' instincts when it came to people.
Her own shadows were poised to act as a shield…hissing to her, words that were too quiet to make much sense.
Cilla felt her own instincts starting to kick in, a strange sense of danger raising the hairs on the back of her neck.
Mor took a step closer, her eyes roving over Cilla's form with a critical eye. The shadows around Cilla hissed, almost angrily, and she unconsciously took a cautious step back.
"You look...so much like him," Mor murmured, her voice a mixture of wonder and something like sorrow. She took another step closer, as if unable to help herself, her gaze roaming over Cilla's face.
Cilla's heart pounded in her chest at the intensity of Mor's gaze, feeling exposed and vulnerable under it. Her wings flattened against her back, and she could feel her shadows bristling with alarm.
"Morrigan," Azriel said sharply, suddenly appearing behind her.
Mor gasped, turning around quickly, her expression caught between embarrassment and surprise. She looked at Azriel like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
Azriel's gaze flickered to Cilla, taking in her tense stance and the swirling shadows around her. His eyes narrowed as he looked back at Mor.
"I thought Cassian told you to wait," he said sharply.
Mor's eyes widened, guilt flashing across her face. "I know," she said softly, her voice almost sheepish. "But I couldn't help myself. I had to see..."
She trailed off, her eyes roaming back to Cilla again.
Cilla felt a mixture of relief and discomfort at Azriel's arrival, her shadows settling slightly at his presence. But she couldn't help the shiver that went down her spine as Mor's gaze came back to her, as if the faerie woman was trying to drink her in.
Azriel moved to place himself between Mor and Cilla, his stance protective and challenging. Mor's gaze flicked to him, and something like annoyance flared up in her eyes.
"You're spoiling my fun," she said, her voice laced with petulance.
"SHe's not some kind of pet for you to gawk at," Azriel cut her off sharply.
Mor let out an exasperated huff, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not 'gawking' at her," she retorted, her jaw clenching. "I'm just...observing."
"You're scaring her," Azriel said, his voice low. His eyes flicked back to Cilla, making sure she was alright. She gave him a small nod, feeling slightly reassured by his presence.
Mor's expression softened slightly at Azriel's words, but then her eyes flicked back to Cilla again. Cilla could practically feel her gaze tracing her features, like an artist trying to commit them to memory.
Azriel must have noticed it too, as he subtly stepped in front of Cilla again, blocking Mor's view.
"Enough, Mor," he said, his voice firm. "You've seen enough."
Mor let out an annoyed sigh, her eyes narrowing. "But I didn't get the chance to ask her questions," she protested.
"You won't be asking her any questions," Azriel said firmly. His stance was like a solid wall between Cilla and Mor, protective and unyielding. His shadows swirled around him, like sentinels standing guard.
"She's my niece," Mor gave back.
Cilla's heart skipped a beat. Niece...?
"You didn't mention me?!" Mor complained. "Az!"
"It...didn't seem necessary," Azriel said gruffly, his expression almost sheepish.
Cilla tried to process this newly revealed familial relationship. She had...an aunt? Her mind was spinning at this sudden revelation.
"Mor is Rhysand's cousin...and like a sister to Cassian," Azriel explained with a sigh.
Cilla felt her mind trying to comprehend the tangled web of family connections. So Mor was the High Lord's cousin and was close to her own mate?
The shadows around her were strangely silent, almost as if they too were trying to make sense of it all.
But Mor wasn't like a sister to Azriel?
Cilla could sense an undercurrent of complicated history there, as if there were things left unspoken.
The Morrigan…was…a long time ago, Master, harboured some…unreturned feelings for her? Azriel’s shadows answered, sounding nearly sheepish. Nothing ever happened! 
The admission from the shadows made something click in Cilla's mind. All the pieces were beginning to fall into place. Mor...and Azriel...
She glanced at her mate, taking in his uncomfortable expression. Something had definitely happened...or hadn't happened but perhaps should have...Between them.
"It's not what you think, I swear, Cilla," Azriel said quietly, grimacing.
Cilla felt a pang of sympathy for him. She could see the regret in his eyes, and the lingering discomfort he felt whenever Mor was around. But she also felt an unwanted surge of jealousy at the idea of past feelings between him and Mor.
"Oh. OH. No, you don't...You don't need to worry about that!" Mor hurried to add. "I...I always preferred females," she admitted.
Cilla blushed bright red at Mor's admission. She had assumed...well, assumed the obvious. But perhaps her assumption had been too hasty.
Azriel let out a quiet sigh of relief, his shoulders drooping slightly. Cilla glanced at him, feeling a pang of sympathy for her mate. It must still be...unpleasant...to be around the person who you'd had unrequited feelings for.
"Oh, you're adorable," Mor said, a genuine smile brightening her face as she looked at Cilla, taking in her blushing cheeks. Then her attention swiveled to Azriel. "You're a lucky male, Az. She’s very pretty, you know," she teased, a mischievous gleam in her eyes.
Azriel flushed at Mor's words, a rare show of colour on his usually cool features. He averted his gaze, looking both embarrassed and somewhat pleased. "Thank you," he mumbled, his hand moving to rub the back of his neck in a sheepish gesture.
Cilla couldn't help but be endeared by the sight of her mate blushing.
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writingfool001 · 7 months
Unexpected Events
Author’s Note: When I presented the prompt, this request came first so sorry to Malleus requests. I may do one later. Also I absolutely love indie or alternative style jewelry. As much as jewels are lovely and pretty, I like the interesting shapes or designs of them. For those who need a mental visual, imagine hot topic’s silver looking rings that are sold in packs.
Pairing: Azul x GN! Reader
Warning: newly wedded, You/ your pronouns, and reader is gender neutral. We’re going to act like both (YN) and Azul are 18. Also (Y/N) is a second year and a childhood friend.
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“Potato, what is that?” 
“Hm?” You are brought out of your thoughts and look at your hand. “A ring? I wear a few rings.” 
“Obviously,” Vil rolled his eyes. “But why are you wearing one on your marriage finger?” 
“Maybe (Y/N) got proposed to by a distant prince or suitor?” Kalim chimed in. 
“Pssh as if.” Leona grumbled. 
“I also wonder why you’re wearing a ring on your ring finger.” Riddle added. “It sticks out of the ones you wear.” 
“I saw it and liked it. I may not have expensive rings like Vil or Leona, but this one caught my eye, and it just happens to fit this finger.” you answered, waving off their suspicion.  
The only reason that you were wearing one was due to a foolish decision that you made when you were younger and didn't fully know the laws on marriage for Merpeople. This was only brought to your attention recently.  
There was a furious banging on your door, and you opened it to be welcomed by immediate dried rice being thrown at you which you immediately closed your eyes. 
"Congratulations, shrimpy!" You heard Floyd cheer. 
"We're so fortunate to have witnessed such a monumental event." Jade chuckled. 
"What?" You exclaim, opening your eyes and brushing the stray rice off of you. "Why did you throw rice at me? What do you mean by monumental event?" 
"I've been told by clownfish that people throw rice at married people." Floyd explained. 
"I'm not married though and those are at weddings." You respond as your eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why are you two here exactly?" 
"To deliver this to you," Jade presented an envelope to you. "Azul told us to deliver this to you."  
You carefully take the envelope before opening it and taking out the paper then begin reading or skimming the page. Yet one line stood out. 
As of this year, the Coral Sea government now recognizes your marriage to Azul - is valid. 
"What?!" You yelled as you reread the line before closing your door and making your way to your alleged husband as the twins followed. 
As the meeting started, you were somewhat listening as you fidgeted with the octopus ring. There were several topics that were touched on as it was school related. When I was acknowledged, you just replied with uh huh. 
"You're not even listening." Azul spat. 
"I don't need to because it's always the same with you. Poor unfortunate souls and shady deals followed by you going on about who knows what." You retort back. 
“You both bicker like an old married couple.” Leona groaned, causing Kalim to laugh and Vil to chuckle. 
That comment made you think back to how you confronted Azul. 
I busted through the door as Floyd whined about how he didn't have any more rice to throw. Jade only chuckled and pulled his brother away, leaving Azul and you alone. 
"I see you got the news about our current endeavor." Azul calmly stated as you closed the door. “It would appear that we are married.” 
"We don't have a marriage license." I pointed it out, thinking that would change anything. “Wouldn’t that make it invalid?” 
“They already did a background check on us and delivered us one.” He slid the piece of paper over you which showed the government issued marriage license. 
"Tax write off and other benefits we can both enjoy." Azul corrected. 
"How are you calm about this?" You question him, glaring at him suspiciously. 
"As I said, it is beneficial for both of us and when one of us decides to split, then we can just divorce." Azul repeated calmly which fell off in a way, yet you agreed with that arrangement. 
It's never that simple with Azul. One thing you learned from your friendship was always read between the lines. Especially when it came to Azul. 
Only Jade and Floyd knew about the marriage between you two. Jade would stop Floyd before letting it slip too far if you all are around others in public. There is the occasional bickering, but nothing to the point that either of you say anything extremely hurtful to one another. Eventually, the marriage thing slipped both of your minds and you went about your normal day to day lives. 
You were scrolling through Magicam as you looked at endless posts that had rings that would be considered funky or strange and would fall under the indie style category. You saved a few to look at later. You didn’t know that Azul caught a glance over your shoulder and remembered that you would always wear a few rings that sat on the base of your fingers and a few thin knuckle ones. All the rings you wore were more indie than anything. Tasteful and interesting yet nothing too crazy. 
 One night, you were sitting in Azul's office, studying since it was the only place that was quiet enough and no one would think you were off the top of their head. While you studied, Azul was working on contracts at his desk as you both enjoyed doing your own thing while still being in the same room. 
As you were in the middle of reading a page, you heard Azul clear his throat and look up to see him set a small black box on the table. 
“I noticed that you have a certain taste in rings, and I saw this one. It reminded me of you.” He explained sheepishly, even though he tried hiding his reluctance. You both held eye contact in silence for a few seconds before he went back to working on his contracts, leaving you to your own devices. 
You looked at the ring and it was simple, yet it had a unique flare to it. Looking back to see Azul went back to being busy. You slip it on and quietly walk over closer to him so that you can see the small wrinkle in his nose he gets when he's focused. 
You lean over and kiss his cheek, catching him off guard. 
"Awe you still look so cute when you blush." You lightly tease, making his cheek get rosy. 
"I'm not cute.” He grumbled as he went back to work where you noticed a slight outline under his glove, particularly on his ring finger, making you chuckle. 
Maybe being married to him for now wouldn't be so bad. 
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hinatastinygiant · 9 months
Brewing Affections
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ONESHOT: Brewing Affections ~ Sebastian Sallow x Fem!Reader
GENRE: Fluff, Smut, Angst
"Hurry up, Garreth, we're going to be late!" you groan as you look behind you while your brother struggles to take out his wand from his robe.
"Relax sis, we still have a whole five minutes," he retorts.
You sigh. "It's not a short walk to the potions room, you know," you reply, rolling your eyes as you turn back around. "You always make us late."
"Do not!" he retorts.
"Oh really? Last week, we were almost 10 minutes late to charms, and the week before, we were 15 minutes late, and the week before—"
"Okay okay, I get it!" he grumbles. "We'll make it, though. Besides, who's going to care?"
You sigh. He doesn't understand the importance of being punctual. You, on the other hand, are a stickler for being on time. It's the one thing you don't need to be smart to do at this school.
Finally, after a seven-minute walk, you arrive only slightly late to Professor Sharp's potions class. The two of you stand by your cauldrons with the other 7th year Gryffindors who tell you that Sharp is still writing something down on his desk, and hasn't begun. Unfortunately for you, this causes Garreth to stick out his tongue at you and say, "I told you so!"
You scoff, "Whatever."
The two of you get ready for the lesson, pulling out your vials, measuring spoons, and ingredients. But when Professor Sharp is finally ready to start class, he clears his throat and begins to explain that today's class will be slightly different. "Today," he says with a bit of a proud grin on his face, "I will be pairing you up with different partners. Good practice for some of you who can't seem to get along with the other houses in here."
"I swear to god if he pairs me up with that wannabe pretty boy Sallow," Garreth begins to complain to Leander on the opposite side of where you sit, "I'll fucking quit this class."
You roll your eyes. Garreth has always had a rivalry with Sebastian. It's not really a rivalry, but more so that the two are complete opposites of each other. You don't usually pay it much mind. They're both on rival quidditch teams, and have different opinions on nearly everything so it's pretty normal. However, the fact that they're both so competitive makes their arguments much worse.
"Now, please listen carefully, for I will not be repeating myself," Professor Sharp continues, "When I call your names, you will go sit across from your partner. Understood?"
There are a couple of quiet mumbles of "Yes Sir," before Professor Sharp continues.
"Mr. Cromwell, with Ms. Jones."
"Lucky Cromwell," Garreth nods to Leander.
"Ms. Huxley, with Mr. Prewett," Sharp continues. "Hm, then I'll have Ms. Weasley with Mr. Sallow."
Garreth's head immediately turns to yours and he mouths, "Better you than me."
You, however, just shake your head and shrug your shoulders. It's not a big deal to you, even though the two of you can't get along, you'll at least be able to get the job done.
You watch as Sebastian slowly makes his way across the classroom to your station. You're not sure why he's moving so slowly, but you think it might be his ego weighing him down.
"Better keep your hands to yourself, Sallow," Garreth whispers to him with narrowing eyes. "Touch my sister and you're dead."
"I think you better tell her that," Sebastian smirks as he leans against the table, "She's the one who couldn't keep her hands off of me yesterday."
Your eyes widen. What the fuck is he talking about?
"What the hell are you talking about?" Garreth's voice is rising. "You lying—"
"Hey hey," Leander holds his arm out in front of him, "Don't get yourself in trouble with Sharp."
Sebastian is smiling to himself as the four of you watch Professor Sharp call the rest of the class to their new stations. Once Garreth is gone, you're left to deal with Sebastian on your own. It's then that Professor Sharp gives directions, explaining that he will be giving each table their own, unknown potion and are expected to brew it before leaving the room. "Teamwork," he tells the class. "Will be imperative to completing this potion I promise you've never attempted to brew before. And, I have a feeling it will take some time," Professor Sharp shakes his head.
You try not to ignore how close Sebastian is getting to you as Sharp passes out instructions on a small piece of paper. Once you receive yours, you read it aloud to Sebastian.
"You know those directions are never accurate," he sighs once you finish, picking up way too much Serpentine Shadowroot than needed.
"Are you serious? I don't think Sharp would give us a mystery potion with incorrect directions," you shake your head as you snatch the shadow root from his hand.
"Yes, I am serious. You must not be familiar with Sharp's techniques then. Remind me, are you new here? Do you need me to teach you, Y/N," Sebastian grins, leaning in close.
You roll your eyes. "Don't pretend like you know him better than anyone else. You're always trying to prove yourself to everyone."
"And what's wrong with that?" Sebastian asks.
"You're so annoying," you shake your head as you measure out just the right amount of shadow root.
"You really want us to fail, don't you? Are you trying to spend extra time with me, Weasley?" he then asks you, his smirk only widening on his face.
"Merlin's Beard, you just can't help yourself, can you? I'm pretty sure I've made it fairly obvious I'm not interested in you flirting with me right now, Sallow," you grumble.
"Oh? Not right now?" he repeats. "So does that mean I've got a shot later?"
"Shut up, Sallow. Just read the damn directions again," you shake your head.
"Why? So you can be a goody two shoes and do all the work? That's what all your friends see, don't they?" he begins to provoke you.
"No," you shake your head. "You don't know what you're talking about."
"I don't?" Sebastian laughs. "I think I know you and your friends a lot better than you think."
"You don't know me," you roll your eyes.
"You're right. But I'm willing to learn," Sebastian smirks.
You don't even bother replying, you just roll your eyes and reach past him to get the next ingredient. "No, that's not next!" he suddenly shouts, causing you to pull back your arm so quickly that you bump your elbow against your cauldron and spill the contents onto the floor. You glare at Sebastian as the rest of the class stares in your direction.
"You ass, what the hell was that?!" you exclaim, reaching over and grabbing his shirt collar.
"I didn't mean—" he starts to defend himself.
Just then, Professor Sharp approaches and clears his throat. You let go of Sebastian and place your hands on your sides. "Apologies, Professor, but-"
"Save it, Weasley," he shakes his head. "I suppose the whole family really is the same. I thought you were different. To the Headmaster's office. Both of you!"
"Back again, Sallow?" Headmaster Black shakes his head when he sees the two of you begrudgingly enter his office. "You really need to stop getting yourself sent here."
"What? But I don't always come," Sebastian insists. "Scribner lets me go almost every time!"
"Oh does she now?" Black nods his head as though he had no previous knowledge of this. "Well, she must have been feeling particularly nice then."
You can't help but chuckle quietly to yourself as Sebastian gets reprimanded. You've only ever talked to Headmaster Black a few times over the past few years, and it was only really because of what happened to your parents in Hogsmeade two years back.
"I understand the situation with your sister, Anne, and wanting to help find a cure for her seemingly unmanageable illness, but this is not the way of doing things," Black continues.
"Yes, Sir," Sebastian sighs.
Your smile fades as Sebastian hangs his head down low. You didn't realize just how poorly his sister was doing, and judging by his reaction, you can only assume the worst.
"Now," Headmaster Black begins to address the both of you, "What was the incident today in potions?"
"She—" Sebastian immediately begins, before you cut him off.
"I bumped my elbow against the cauldron and knocked it over, causing Sebastian to get in trouble for my mistake," you explain.
"No, no, no," Sebastian insists. "That's not what-"
"But that is the truth," you insist, looking at the Headmaster, "I'll gladly accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate."
"Very well," he sighs. "20 points from Gryffindor. Now, leave. I have no need for further discussion with the two of you."
"Yes, Sir," the both of you respond in unison.
As you walk out, Sebastian leads the way, not bothering to turn back or wait for you as he heads toward the Slytherin dorms. "Sebastian!" you call out hopelessly, but it isn't until you run in front of him and hold out your hand against his chest that he stops.
"What?" he snaps.
"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry. I didn't know that's why you were acting the way you were," you sigh. "I didn't realize that-"
"Piss off," he replies coldly, shoving his shoulder against yours as he continues walking.
"Please," you insist, following after him, "Listen to me, will you? I'm trying to apologize, you jerk!"
"Why?" he asks, stopping in his tracks. "Why are you apologizing?"
"Because," you reply, "I didn't realize. I didn't know that was the case. But I know what it's like to lose someone I love."
"Anne isn't dead, idiot," he grumbles before walking away. You decide not to chase after him again.
"Hey, Y/N," Garreth taps your shoulder. You and the rest of your Gryffindor friends are sitting in the Great Hall for dinner, but all you can think about is the events earlier in the day. "You're going to the game tomorrow, right?"
"Huh?" you look at your brother and nod. "Yeah, yeah, of course."
"Who are you rooting for?" Leander asks.
You look at Garreth who passes you a smirk, though he doesn't let anyone else see it. He then makes a kissy face, mocking the way you know Leander feels about you.
"Gryffindor," you laugh, hitting your brother in the chest. "I'm a Gryffindor, why would I cheer for Slytherin?"
"Oh, yeah, well, I know that. I just thought maybe there was a certain Gryffindor you were interested in, is all," Leander blushes, avoiding eye contact with the rest of the table.
"I don't think there is," you answer coldly before going back to your trance. You can somewhat hear the laughter that erupts from the rest of the table at Leander's expense, but you don't pay it much care.
"Oh, that reminds me," Garreth then calls to you, "what happened in the headmaster's office with Sallow? He didn't throw you under the bus, did he?"
"No," you shake your head as you glance past him at the Slytherin table on the opposite side. "But I did cost us 20 points."
"Fucking serious?" Garreth grumbles as he turns his head to face the rest of the Slytherin table.
"What is it, Garreth?" you ask, still looking over as well.
"They're all just fucking pricks," he growls.
Sebastian isn't hard to spot at the table. He's rather tall and has a commanding presence, and that's not even counting his enviously soft hair and strong jawline. He sits, unbothered, as he talks to his friend Ominis Gaunt. When Garreth turns back around, you keep your gaze fixated on the handsome Slytherin. You didn't realize it at first, but the way he treats everyone is almost like a defense mechanism. It's like he tries to gain everyone's love because he's afraid he won't get enough somewhere else.
When the two of you catch eyes, he doesn't smile, but instead, his eyes widen. It's like he's surprised, or maybe he's nervous. Maybe he's embarrassed about what happened in the hallways, or the potions classroom. Either way, you avert your eyes before anything can happen.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Garreth then asks you softly. "Nothing happened to you, right?"
"No," you reply, your voice in a whisper. "I'm fine. I think I just need some air."
You quickly excuse yourself from the table and head outside. It's a bit colder than usual tonight, but the weather is still quite pleasant. The moon is bright, and there are some clouds scattered across the sky. You decide to walk around the school grounds for some time until you finally arrive back at the courtyard.
It's empty, you note. It must be past curfew already. You're not quite sure how time passed so quickly, but it did. However, before you can head inside, you spot someone sitting on the edge of the fountain. It's Sebastian.
Seeing him makes you hesitate. You don't know what to say, really. You wish you could apologize for being weird earlier in the day, but the last time you tried, it didn't go over so well. Instead, you approach him quietly.
As you get closer, you notice that his cheeks are flushed and his eyes are red. He looks sad, almost. Is he crying?
"Are you alright?" you ask him.
"What?" he responds, quickly wiping his eyes as he looks up at you. "Y/N, what're you doing here?"
"Uh, I'm not really sure," you respond softly. "Mind if I sit?"
Sebastian nods and scoots over slightly, allowing you to join him.
"Is everything okay?" you ask, your eyes glancing towards his.
"Yeah," he nods. "Why?"
"I just wanted to make sure," you answer as you reach into your cloak and pull out a small handkerchief. You then gently hold it out to him and allow him to take it from you.
"Thank you," he says, reaching out his hand.
The two of you sit in silence for a while, not really saying much of anything. "Is there anything I can do?" you finally ask him.
"Not unless you know of a cure for Anne," he scoffs.
"Sorry," you shake your head. "But I do know what it's like to see someone you love be in pain. Two years ago my parents were in Hogsmeade when a large troll appeared and caused some trouble. They were caught in the crossfire. There was nothing I could do."
"I'm sorry," Sebastian frowns.
"It's alright," you shake your head. "The point of telling you that wasn't to have you pity me or anything. It was just to show that I know what it's like. You've got someone to worry about, but you should take comfort knowing that she's still here."
"Do you miss them?" Sebastian asks, looking at you.
"Every day," you nod.
"I know I would, too," he sighs. "If Anne were to-"
"We don't have to talk about that," you shake your head.
"Sorry," he sighs.
"No, it's okay. But it's getting late, we should head back inside," you sigh.
"Y/N," Sebastian suddenly reaches out and grabs your wrist. "Thank you. For sitting with me. And listening."
"No problem."
The next afternoon you walk down to the common room where the rest of your Gryffindor friends are dressed in their house's colors. Everyone is chanting about how the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Slytherin is the most important game of the season and that they need to beat Slytherin. Once everyone is ready, you head out and make your way to the quidditch pitch.
When the game is about to start, the crowd is abuzz. They're excited for the game to begin. It's the only time the entire school can be unified and on the same team. But before the game begins, Leander Prewett, dressed in his Quidditch uniform, approaches you with a pale face.
"Leader?" you begin, but before you can ask him why he's not getting ready for the game, he bends over to his left and vomits up whatever he had for lunch.
"Shit," you grimace. "Are you okay? Do you need some help?"
"No, I'll be fine," he shakes his head.
"You don't look fine," Cressida, one of the other 7th year girls, remarks.
"Cress, not now," Leander grumbles. "Y/N, please take my broom to Garreth. He said he's been wanting to use it so figured I'd give it to him since I can't play."
"Yeah, sure, but, uh, you really didn't need to walk all the way out here to give my stupid brother your broom. He's got his own," you sigh.
"Well, maybe I also partially wanted to see you," he smiles.
You chuckle softly. "I'll get this to Garreth. You go back to your room and rest."
As Leander nods, you walk to the side of the pitch toward the Gryffindor locker room. However, finding yourself preoccupied with thoughts of the night before, you enter the locker room and come face-to-chest with a tall, muscular Slytherin. Shit, you mutter to yourself, you've walked into the wrong room.
As you take a step back from the situation that you'd quite honestly love to be a part of in any other situation, you realize that the bare chest belongs to none other than Sebastian Sallow who's only dressed from the waist down. Finding yourself embarrassed, you look up and away from him before apologizing.
"Ah, hey there, Y/N," he calls out to you, grin ever present on his face. "Don't worry, it's not the first time a girl's seen me shirtless. You can look."
You roll your eyes. "Not interested."
"Are you sure about that?" he questions, his tone playful. "Oh, that reminds me, I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for what you said to me last night. You definitely did cheer me up and now I'm ready to kick some Gryffindor ass."
After he speaks, the rest of the men in the locker room erupt in an uproarous cheer. A few of them whistle as they crowd Sebastian, but you can still manage to spot the wink he sends your way before getting enveloped by his excited teammates. You roll your eyes as you walk out. Maybe you shouldn't have taken the fall for him in Black's office yesterday.
After returning from your delivery to Garreth, you walk up to the stands where the rest of your friends have saved you a seat.
"What's up, Cress?" you ask, taking your seat beside your friend who is folding her arms over her chest.
"Imelda," she grumbles, "is such a narcissistic bitch."
"What'd she do this time?" you sigh.
"She's the reason why Leander can't play!" Cressida exclaims.
"No way, are you serious?" you question.
"Yes! She gave him some weird potion so he'd get sick and not be able to play. We saw her on the way up to the stands laughing as she drank some kind of pink concoction. When I called her out, she just laughed and walked away," Cressida shakes her head. "It's fucking despicable."
"Oh wow," you reply. But before you can say anything more, the whole crowd shouts in an uproarous cheer. The game is beginning.
As the players fly around, hyping up the crowd before they play, Sebastian's broom stops just in front of where your group of friends happen to be standing. "I swear," you grumble, "this guy is fucking everywhere lately."
Cressida chuckles and nudges you in the shoulder before her breath suddenly hitches. Sebastian, his broom still stopped in front of the section where you are, blows a pink-lipped kiss towards you.
"Oh, Merlin's Beard," she gasps, grabbing your arm and holding it tightly. "He's flirting with you."
"Piss off," you mumble, trying to hide your embarrassment, "He's just an ass."
"He's so fucking cool," Leander shakes his head. You look at him in confusion as he gazes at Sebastian like a lovesick puppy.
"Why are you still here?" you ask with a nudge to his side. "Go home, Prewett!"
Finally, the lanky Gryffindor takes your advice and returns to his dorm room to rest. You're thankful. At least you can finally enjoy the game without worrying about him.
The crowd begins to cheer again when the game starts. Both teams fly around and try their best to score as many points as they can. But about halfway into the game, lightning strikes and the balls begin to act up.
"Think they're going to stop it?" Eric Northcott asks the group.
"No way, they can't stop it now!" Hector Jenkins adds.
"But if they don't, someone could get really hurt," Cressida adds.
That's true, you think to yourself. You're worried about Garreth, especially because he's not even on his typical broom.
Soon, your worry only intensifies as one of the Bludgers begin to act erratically. The crowd turns to panic as it rushes past the fifth row.
"Fuck," you breathe out. "It's headed right towards where Sebastian is!"
"Come on, Y/N, let's get out of here!" Cressida calls out to you.
"I'll be right there!" you reply, watching as they rush off before jumping down to the pitch. In all of the pandemonium, Sebastian gets knocked off his broom and nobody else seems to notice. "Sebastian!" you shout, running as fast as you can to his side. When you finally reach him, his body is bruised and bleeding from the fall. "Hey, Sebastian," you call to him, kneeling beside his body. "You need to get up."
"No," he groans, "I can't. Fuck, get the hell out of here, Weasley. It isn't safe."
"Hold on," you tell him, fumbling around in your clothes for your wand. Then, without another word, you Floo both you and Sebastian out of there. For some reason, the place your brain takes you to is the Room of Requirement.
When the two of you arrive, the room shifts into a sort of medical room. You immediately stand up and rush around for whatever bandages you can find. Sebastian manages to make his way over to a cot where he lets out a deep sigh.
"What the fuck was that?" he grumbles.
"I'm not sure," you reply.
"And why the fuck did you take me with you?" he continues.
"You were hurt and needed help," you retort, pulling out a vial of wiggenweld and some bandages.
"So what? Why did you help me? What happened to hating me?" he questions.
"I don't hate you," you answer. "You're just an ass sometimes."
"Oh yeah?"
"Don't make me regret saving your ass," you shake your head as you lift up his head and place a pillow beneath it. "Now drink."
"Are you serious?" he asks.
"Yeah, what's wrong with that?"
"There are a million things wrong with that," he answers.
"Well, you're not really in the best position to be telling me what to do," you scoff as you place the vial in his hand. Sebastian begrudgingly drinks it as you dab the blood off his head with a damp towel. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"
"You're so frustrating," he sighs, relaxing against the pillow as you accept the empty bottle back from him.
"Better to be frustrating than an asshole who leaves you bleeding out in the pitch," you smile to yourself. "Now get up, I'm bringing you to Nurse Blainey."
"No!" he quickly insists.
"No?" you look at him.
"Please," he shakes his head, reaching out and taking hold of your arm.
"Why not?"
"She's going to have a fit about it, and I don't want her yelling at me again," he replies. "I've been there too many times this semester. I don't want the lecture. Especially not with you there. Black will certainly have my head."
"Well what do you want me to do then?" you roll your eyes as you fold your arms over your chest.
"I dunno," he shrugs, hissing in pain when he accidentally moves his shoulder, "but maybe we could just stay here."
"Seriously? You're really going to be a baby and make me stay with you here all night? There's no way," you shake your head.
"Why not? Is it 'cause of before? I meant what I said, Y/N, it's not the first time a girl's seen me with my shirt off," he smirks as he attempts to sit up on his own.
You groan to yourself as you sit beside him on the bed. The two of you talk for a while, mostly about your siblings. You don't argue at all, just talk like genuine friends for the first time. Eventually, you begin to feel tired. It's only natural, considering the events of the day.
"Do you want me to walk you back to your room?" he asks softly, slightly waking you up from your half-slumber.
"Hmm?" you grumble, looking over at him.
"Do you want me to walk you back?" he asks again, a small smile growing on his face.
"Mhmm," you nod, "yeah, but, um, could we maybe wait one more minute?"
Sebastian chuckles as he stands up and grabs you by your hand. You feel suddenly a bit more awake as he pulls you to your feet and allows you to stand so close to him this time without saying anything to ruin the moment. "Come on, let's find the way out of here."
The two of you look, you really do, but neither of you can find the exit. "Are you sure there was a door?" Sebastian asks.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I mean, it's supposed to take you wherever you need it," you shrug. "Maybe there was no door because we don't need it. We just need to sleep."
"Does that mean the room is telling us we should sleep together?" Sebastian raises an eyebrow.
"That's not what I said," you grumble.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry," he chuckles. "But, um, are you okay with staying here?"
"I guess so," you sigh. "There aren't any other options, right? But there's only one cot."
"Don't look at me like that," he shakes his head. "I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor. I'm a gentleman."
"Sure you are," you roll your eyes.
"Oh, come on, Weasley, I thought we were over all that animosity," he shakes his head as he takes a step toward you. "And don't worry, that threat from your brother is clearly engraved in my brain. I won't touch you. Promise."
"I wasn't worried about that," you shake your head.
"Oh, really?" he chuckles. "Good. Then we should probably get some sleep."
With a sigh, you turn away from him and reach down to the hem of your shirt. Before you pull it up, you stop and look over your shoulder.
"What is it?" he asks.
"Stop watching," you insist.
"Oh, right," he laughs, shaking his head as he turns the opposite way to presumably do the same. You quickly take the opportunity to strip down and put on the shirt the room offers to you. It's a long shirt, which is fine. But the problem is that the shirt has no shorts to match. You take what you can get, though, and turn back to face Sebastian.
Your face heats up at the sight, and you hate yourself for it. Sebastian has nothing but boxers on, and he's already lying face-up on the cold floor.
"I won't look," he says, gazing up at the ceiling. "You can join me if you'd like."
"I'm good," you scoff, sitting on the edge of the bed and crossing your arms.
"Okay," he nods, his voice soft.
"Sebastian," you begin.
"Yeah?" he replies.
"Thanks," you whisper.
"What was that?" he asks, a hint of teasing in his tone.
"Don't make me repeat myself, Sallow," you shake your head.
"Alright," he responds. "I'm going to sleep. You should, too."
You don't respond, just lay down on the cot and shut your eyes. However, despite how hard you try, you can't fall asleep.
After what feels like an eternity, Sebastian speaks up. "Y/N, are you still up?"
"Uh huh," you answer, your eyes still closed.
"Can't sleep?"
"Not really," you shrug, opening your eyes and looking at him.
"What's on your mind?" he asks.
"I'm not sure," you tell him.
"Want me to keep talking to you until you fall asleep?"
"That might be a good idea, Sallow. You could bore me to sleep," you scoff.
"Oh, really?" he chuckles.
"No," you shake your head. "Talking to you is actually... kinda nice."
"Wow," he laughs, "you know, I didn't think we'd ever get along."
"Me neither," you answer honestly. "But it's not as bad as I thought, I guess."
"Yeah," he agrees. "I like being friends with you, Y/N. And if you need to talk, I'm here for you. And I won't tell anyone. I promise."
"Okay," you nod.
"And, hey, thank you again for saving me out there. That could've been really bad," he sighs.
"I didn't want anything to happen to you, Sallow," you answer softer this time.
After that, silence befalls the two of you again, but in your mind, the silence is so overwhelmingly loud.
You're not sure what it is, but something inside you forces you to grip tightly onto your blanket and sit up from the cot. You take a few steps and kneel down beside where Sebastian is trying to sleep. He looks over at you, puzzled, but waits to hear what you have to say before making any remarks.
You feel so stupid in your mind, but without a single word, you bend down and press a soft kiss against his lips. After the fact, you quickly pull back, your face hot as the fire whisky you drank the last time Gryffindor won a match.
"Weasley, what was-"
"Sebastian," you interject, "do you like me?"
"I don't know," he replies honestly. "You make me feel so many things."
"Do you want to find out?" you ask quietly.
Sebastian answers by grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap. His hands slowly run up and down your body before finally settling on your thighs. When he kisses you, it's hungry and desperate, like he's been holding it back all this time.
"Shit," he hisses as you bite his lip, pulling his hair. "You're a fucking tease, Weasley."
"Shut up, Sallow, and touch me," you grumble, kissing his neck before he has a chance to respond.
"Merlin, you're fucking incredible," he breathes out as his fingers slip underneath the hem of your shirt. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"I wouldn't be on your lap otherwise," you reply, leaning back a little so he can lift the shirt over your head.
"Fuck, look at you," he growls. "So fucking beautiful."
His hands trail up to cup your breasts, allowing the weight of them to fill his palms. His thumb traces around your nipple, and your head falls back as you let out a soft moan.
"Sebastian," you whisper, gripping his shoulder. "Don't stop, please."
He leans forward and begins kissing down your chest, his lips trailing between your breasts before reaching the space between them. He licks a line from the top to the bottom before gently sucking your skin, earning a small whimper from you.
"Sebastian, please," you beg, pushing your hips down against his. You can feel his hard cock against you, and it drives you wild.
"What's the matter? Impatient?" he smirks.
"You're an asshole," you reply, moving your hand down his warm torso and allowing your fingers to linger above the band of his boxers.
"Yeah, well," he replies, his hands resting on your hips as he pushes his erection up against you. "I just can't help that."
You smirk and kiss his lips once more before leaning back and allowing him to hover above you. "Do whatever you want to me, Sebastian," you whisper against his ear. "I'm yours."
"Fucking hell, Y/N," he curses before his hands grab your sides, pulling your hips against his. He grinds his hips into you, and the friction drives you mad.
"More," you moan, your fingers digging into his shoulders. "I need more, please."
"You're such a good girl," he breathes out. As he whispers words of praise in your ears, you look up at the ceiling and notice your reflection in the glass. Your eyes widen and a shiver runs down your spine.
"Sebastian," you gasp, your fingers curling tighter into his hair.
"What is it?" he asks, his hands still on your hips.
"The ceiling," you mumble, turning your head. "It's reflecting everything."
"I know," he chuckles.
You playfully shove him back as you realize that he must've been watching you this whole time, despite saying he wouldn't.
"That's fucking embarrassing," you scoff as he pulls himself closer to you again.
"Sorry," he chuckles. "I couldn't help myself. I did try my best to keep my eyes off, but I couldn't. You're just too gorgeous.
"I like hearing you say that," you admit quietly.
"I'm glad," he replies. "Now, come here."
You lean forward, expecting another kiss, but instead, he rolls you over. You now lay on your stomach, and he kneels behind you. "Do you have any idea how many times I've fantasized about seeing you like this?"
"Really?" you ask, looking over your shoulder at him while his hands slowly caress your ass.
"Absolutely," he nods. "You drive me wild."
As your face heats up, you bury it into the blanket beneath you.
"Don't be embarrassed," he tells you, leaning forward and grabbing a fistful of your hair. "I want to hear everything. No holding back."
"Okay," you breathe out.
Sebastian's hand trails down your spine and stops right above your ass. "Tell me, have you ever done this before?"
"Y-yeah," you reply.
"Who was it?" he asks.
"Doesn't matter," you shake your head.
"Hmm," he hums before bringing his hand down to slap your ass. "That's not what I asked."
"I'll only ask once more, Y/N. Who was it?"
"Eric," you mumble.
"Interesting," he remarks. "So, is that why he always makes sure to sit near you?"
"No," you answer.
"Did he touch you like this?" he then asks, his fingers slipping beneath your panties, between your folds, and gently circling your clit.
"Ahh, Sebastian, fuck," you whine, trying to push your hips back against his hand.
"Answer me, Y/N," he demands.
"Yes," you nod, biting your lip.
"What else did he do to you?" he asks, his fingers tracing over your wet cunt.
"He-" you stop, a whimper escaping your lips when his fingers slowly pump inside you.
"You're so wet," he remarks, his voice low. "I doubt you could get this wet to just anyone, Y/N. How many times did you fuck him?"
"I-I'm not sure," you stutter as his fingers begin to work faster.
"Oh, you little liar," he shakes his head.
"Twice," you blurt out, and his fingers stop their ministrations. "Just twice, okay?"
"And did he ever make you cum?" he then asks, his breath hot against your ear.
"N-no," you shake your head. "Only-only once."
"Well, we'll see if I can do better than that," Sebastian chuckles.
"What?" you gulp, not quite sure if you heard him correctly.
"I said, we'll see if I can make you cum harder than he did."
"Fuck," you groan, closing your eyes.
"What was that, Y/N?"
"Please, Sebastian," you beg, pushing yourself up on your elbows.
"What do you want, baby girl?"
"I want you," you whine, trying to push your hips back against his fingers. "I want you to make me come."
"Good girl," he chuckles, his other hand rubbing your clit as his fingers continue to pump in and out of you.
"Come for me, princess."
Your orgasm rips through you and causes your legs to tremble. "Shit," you curse.
"Are you alright, baby girl?" he asks softly.
"Yeah," you nod, and you can feel the smirk on his lips as he plants a gentle kiss on your shoulder blade.
"We're not done yet," he reminds you, his fingers slowly moving away from your cunt and toward his mouth. "Turn around."
You watch him lick his fingers, tasting you, and it sends a chill down your spine. "You taste incredible, baby girl."
"You're an ass," you grumble.
"Don't you know how to take a compliment, darling?" he chuckles, his eyes locking with yours as he grabs your ankles. He pulls them apart and kneels between them, his face hovering inches away from your dripping pussy.
"Sebastian," you whisper.
Sebastian hums in response as he sticks out his tongue and drags it up and down your slit. You whimper softly and try to squeeze your thighs shut, but Sebastian grabs them and forces them open.
"Don't be embarrassed, darling," he coos.
"Shit," you shake your head, grabbing the sheets beneath you and fisting them into your hands.
"You're so fucking hot," Sebastian groans, his mouth working fast against your cunt.
"Fucking hell, Sebastian," you cry out.
"What's wrong, baby girl?"
"I'm so sensitive," you shake your head, your hips squirming against his face. "You're making me crazy."
"Good," he chuckles, his hands sliding underneath your thighs and lifting your legs over his shoulders.
The room begins to spin around you, and your mind is lost in a fog. Everything feels like it's happening so fast. The feeling of his mouth and fingers is enough to drive you wild, but his tongue is absolutely insane.
"Fuck!" you scream, arching your back as he slips two fingers inside you.
"You like that?"
"Yes," you gasp, your nails clawing into his skin.
"You want more?"
"Yes, yes, fuck, yes," you whimper, tears forming in your eyes.
"Tell me, baby girl," he smirks, his fingers moving faster, his tongue moving slower, "who makes you feel this way?"
"You," you answer, biting your lip.
"Louder, baby girl. Tell me who makes you feel this way."
"You do!" you yell.
"You, Sebastian," you nod, tears streaming down your face. "Only you. You're the only one that can make me feel this way. Please, Sebastian, please."
"Please what, Y/N?"
"Fuck, please don't stop," you cry out.
Sebastian, finally satisfied with your answer, moves his tongue and fingers faster. Your eyes roll back and you can barely breathe. You feel as if you're drowning, and the only thing keeping you afloat is the feeling of his hands on your body.
With a scream, your whole body spasms, and your muscles tighten. Sebastian's fingers slow down and eventually stop, but his tongue continues. He takes his time licking you clean before pulling away. "Mmm, you're so fucking delicious," he smirks.
"Fuck, I hate you," you groan.
"No, you don't," he smiles.
"Shut up," you grumble as the two of you shift your positions.
The next thing you know, Sebastian's standing above you while you're on your knees, holding your hair and fucking your head. You close your eyes and take all of him, moaning against his length.
"Fucking hell, Y/N, the things you do to me," he hisses, his grip on your hair tightening.
You moan against him and swallow him down, gagging a little as his tip hits the back of your throat.
"Shit," he gasps.
Your head bobs up and down his shaft, and his cock throbs in your mouth.
"Fuck," he grunts, "you're going to make me come."
You pull off him and lick the tip of his cock.
"Fuck, such a little tease," he growls, grabbing your chin and forcing you to look up at him. "Don't think that just because we're doing this, I'm going to be nice to you."
"I don't expect you to be nice to me," you reply, smirking as his eyes widen. "But you're not the only one who can tease."
You take his cock into your mouth again, and his hands move to the back of your head, holding you in place. His hips thrust forward and back, fucking your throat.
"God, you're a little slut," he groans, his cock twitching in your mouth.
"Mhmm," you nod, pulling him deeper down your throat.
"Fuck," he hisses.
He pulls his cock out and strokes it quickly, and his come shoots out onto your face. It covers your cheeks and your nose. You make no attempt to open your mouth until he's completely done.
"Damn, Y/N, I didn't know you liked getting dirty," he chuckles. "Go ahead, you can taste it."
You stick out your tongue and lick the tip of his cock. He groans as you clean his shaft.
"Fuck, I could watch you do that all day," he shakes his head.
Once you're finished with him, you pull back and gaze up at his half-lidded eyes.
"Shit, baby girl," he smirks, kneeling down and cupping your face. He leans forward and glides his middle finger across the mess on your face before telling you to open your mouth. Without hesitation, you part your lips, and he pushes his finger in. You suck it, cleaning off the bitter fluid, and his cock twitches as he watches.
"You're amazing," he tells you, kissing your cheek. "Come here."
He guides you to your feet and leads you to the edge of the bed. He sits down and pulls you onto his lap.
"So, what happens now?" he asks.
"I'm not sure," you shrug.
"Well," he begins, "I suppose we should go to bed. It's late, and tomorrow is a new day."
"That's true," you nod. "But you haven't fucked me yet."
"Do you want me to?" he asks, his hands sliding up your thighs and squeezing your ass.
"Yes," you reply, biting your lip.
"Good," he smiles, "because I'm not done with you, baby girl."
The two of you laugh as Sebastian rolls you over. You lay on your back, your head resting on the pillow, and Sebastian hovers above you.
"Are you ready?" he asks, stroking himself above you.
"Idiot, get a condom," you smirk as you push him off of you. "I thought you said I was the impatient one."
"Oh, right," he chuckles, grabbing his wand and conjuring up a condom.
"Hurry up, Sallow," you tease.
"Merlin, you're a bossy one," he groans.
"Yeah, yeah, just hurry," you roll your eyes.
Sebastian slips the condom on and leans forward, placing a soft kiss against your lips.
"Are you ready, baby girl?" he asks, his lips lingering near yours.
"Mhm," you nod, biting your lip.
Sebastian reaches between the two of you and positions his cock at your entrance.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he breathes out, kissing your neck and slowly sliding inside of you.
"Ahh," you whimper.
"Fuck, so tight," he groans, pushing further inside. "You're so perfect."
"Sebastian," you gasp as his cock fills you. "Slowly..."
"Don't worry, darling, I've got you," he smiles, leaning down and capturing your lips in a deep kiss.
His hips move slowly at first, his cock stretching and filling you with every thrust. But as time passes, he begins to move faster.
"More," you pant, "I need more."
"You like that?"
"Fuck, Sebastian, fuck me harder," you beg.
"God, Y/N, the way you say my name," he growls, slamming into you. "It drives me crazy."
Sebastian reaches his right hand up to yours and grips tightly. You look up at him with wide eyes as his thumb strokes the back of your hand.
"Do you feel that?" he asks.
"Yes," you nod.
"I'm so close, baby girl. Fuck, I'm so close."
Your eyes begin to water as you glance down between your two bodies. He's so deep inside you, and it feels amazing.
"Come for me, Sebastian," you whimper, biting your lip and clenching around him.
"Shit, Y/N, I can't believe I waited seven years for this," he pants. "Merlin, and I'd do it again, too, just to get the chance to see you like this. To feel you."
His grip on your hand tightens as he pushes himself as deep inside of you as possible. Your orgasm rips through your body, causing you to cry out.
"That's it, darling," he whispers. "I'm right there. Come for me."
Sebastian thrusts one more time, and you feel his cock pulse inside of you as he comes.
"Fuck," he groans, collapsing beside you. "That's so worth getting hit with Weasley's crucio curse."
"Can you not talk about my brother right now?" you smile as you roll to your side to face him.
"Right," he nods, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Sorry."
"It's okay," you tell him, tracing the lines of his abs.
"That was fun," he tells you. "I do hope that wasn't a one-time thing."
"Yeah," you agree.
"Good," he smiles, placing a kiss against your forehead.
The two of you spend the night talking, and you end up falling asleep in each other's arms. You hate to admit it, but you do enjoy spending time with him... And it's not until the next day that you feel the repercussions of sleeping with a Slytherin.
The following morning, you appraoch the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall to a bunch of worried faces.
"Where the hell have you been?" Garreth asks as you sit beside down beside him like nothing out of the ordinary happened the night befoer.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you scoff, reaching for a plate of roasted potatoes in front of you.
"You didn't come back to the room last night," Cressida remarks. "Where'd you sleep last night?"
"Uh," you mutter as you try to avoid the conversation by drinking a large cup of orange juice.
"Y/N," Garreth begins, "where did you sleep last night?"
"Well," you begin, setting your glass down and looking over at him, "I slept somewhere else."
Leander nearly chokes on his apple juice as he realizes the meaning of your words.
"I told you not to do anything stupid!" Garreth shouts.
"And I didn't," you shrug.
"You're unbelievable," he groans, shaking his head.
"Who was it?" Cressida asks you curiously. "Was it Northcott?"
"Couldn't've been him," Leander shakes his head. "He was with us."
"Well if nobody was missing from the Gryffindor dorms then that means..." Cressida trails off. "Y/N! You didn't!"
"Wait, what're you implying?" Garreth intervenes. But before anyone can say anything else, the Slytherin quidditch team approaches where you are all seated.
"Hey there," Imelda smirks at your brother. "How's everyone's breakfast? I hope you're enjoying it since it's the last one you'll be eating."
"What's that supposed to mean, Reyes?" Garreth scoffs, looking up at the girl.
"Nothing," she replies, her smile growing. "But, uh, Sallow has something he wants to give back to your sister."
You've never seen Garreth's head whip around so fast in your life when he realizes what Imelda is implying. When he notices the sorry look on your face he stands up and glares across the table at Sebastian. "YOU DIDN'T!"
"Um, Garreth, let's just go outside and-" you try to reason with him as you grab his hand
"No!" he replies, pulling away from your reach.
"Garreth, please," you beg.
"Not a chance in hell," he scoffs. "I'll fucking kill him, Y/N!"
"I didn't realize it was going to be like this," Sebastian shrugs, his hands tucked into his pockets.
"What did you think was going to happen?"
"I didn't really think about it, Weasley," he answers with a shrug.
"Yeah, that sounds like you," Garreth sneers.
"Listen, man, it's not what it looks like," Sebastian begins, his hands coming up in front of him as if to defend himself for Garreth's inevitable attack. "What I mean to say is, I thought Y/N would have already told you. I, uh, actually do like her."
"You can't be serious, Sallow," Leander speaks up, a frown etched across his face. "There's no way. You're a snake. A vile, evil, despicable snake, and Y/N doesn't belong with a Slytherin."
You, Sebastian, and Garreth all roll your eyes at Leander's comment. "Stay out of this," Garreth grumbles.
"No," Leander insists, stepping closer to Sebastian. "This isn't right. This isn't fair."
"Why not?" you question, turning to him.
"Because... because it just isn't," Leander replies. "He's a Slytherin, and you're a Gryffindor, Y/N."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Everything," he shakes his head. "You're our friend. Not his. I won't lose you to-"
Before Leander can say anything more idiotic, Sebastian waves his wand and effectively shuts Leander up with a silencing charm.
"I know what you said, Weasley, and I can understand why you wouldn't want me being with Y/N, but the fact is, she does like me," Sebastian shrugs.
"And why should I trust you?" Garreth sneers.
"Honestly," Sebastian begins, taking a deep breath, "I have no idea, and if I were you, I probably wouldn't. But ask her for yourself."
When Garreth turns to you, your whole body tenses up. How much more embarrasing could this get? You're attracting attention from nearly the whole room and the last thing you want is to be the center of the school's gossip.
"Is he telling the truth, Y/N?"
"Yeah," you sigh, your gaze landing on the ground. "He is. As much as I'd rather not admit it."
"Why?" Garreth asks.
"Because... because..." you shake your head.
Garreth sighs. "Fine, Y/N, if being with a Slytherin obsessed with dark arts and practicing the Unforgivables is what makes you happy, then I can't stop you. Just, promise me that I won't ever have to see the two of you... together."
"Gross," you grumble.
"I don't practice the Unforgivables..." Sebastian says while scratching the back of his neck, as if he's trying to convince himself.
"Yeah whatever," Garreth sighs as he sits back down. "Are you sitting with us or not?"
Sebastian's smirk widens as he sits down across from the two of you. The look on Cressida's face is priceless as she scoots over to make room for him.
"Oh, I'm definitely sitting."
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vmpiires · 9 months
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: ̗̀➛ 18+ CONTENT!!!
: ̗̀➛ afab!reader, lil bit of sex, nun too heavy. teasing, some whimpering, dom!reader. not proofread so i apologize in advance for any mistakes if they’re made.
: ̗̀➛ art creds by;; separuhpuding. dividers are not mine, if you own these, you may claim them in comments.
: ̗̀➛ WORD COUNT;; 3.1K
: ̗̀➛ plot aspects inspired by;; @selfishdoll (good ass writer,, i recommend)
* dark mode recommended
* do not copy this plot. i’m perfectly fine with inspirations but give creds. if this plot his stolen in any way, the post will be taken down and you will be blocked.
𝐃𝐀𝐊𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 ✉️🖇️;; ngllll i was writing the smut in gym class. i was INTO it. but its nothing heavy…just a lil nasty nasty 🌚 this was my first time writing for choso BUT THIS MAN SO FINE. i hope ya enjoy ittttt
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you and choso were roommates. it wasn’t surprising. you both went to the same college, you were good friends. nothing was wrong with that. but you were wondering what went wrong…why the two of you drifted apart.
“morning, choso!” you beamed at the 5’11 male sitting on the couch, his violet irises looking intently at his paper, loosely holding the pencil between his fingers. “Smoke Break-Dance” by JID played quietly on the speaker beside the tv, you noticed. you smiled a bit. choso must’ve been picking up on your music taste…or it was conveniently playing and he didn’t realize.
the male finally glanced up at you, registering your presence and lifted his hand, replacing actual words.
you plopped down beside him, making the side you sat on sink downward underneath him. his violet irises dragged to their left to look at you.
“whatcha doing?” you smile.
choso could never get over your soft voice and playful attitude. it always made him feel like he was doing something wrong. was he too boring? was it the fact that he hardly had any energy to do anything at all and he just laid around majority of the day? he didn’t know himself.
“writing…” he said quietly. “writing a poem…”
a couple months into your junior year of college was when he told you he loved you. he couldn’t explain himself but that’s what he was feeling all that time you stayed with him.
when you came around, he had a weird feeling in his chest when he saw you.
‘this body is betraying me’ he thought. he thought it was odd to be feeling this way about a human. a woman at that.
choso was a bit possessive of you. he enjoyed your company but grimaced at the men that came into your vicinity. the male watched from a distance, swallowing his urge to burst into a fit of rage but it would completely ruin his calm image.
“it’s fine,” yuji shrugged, waving his hand at his big brother, “that’s your girl, of course you’d be upset at another dude talking to her. it’s completely fine. don’t get so aggy.”
choso was happy to have his little brother, yuji there to comfort him when we was too nervous to confront you about the situation. from simple situations like this all the way to why he had an odd feeling between his legs when he kissed you. he didn’t think the rod that hung down in his lower area would be used for more than just using the bathroom….until yuji said so.
your “first time” was pretty interesting. it consisted of choso asking you if you were okay or if he was doing it right, to which you replied “yes” each time followed by a moan. you were wondering if he had done this before but you chose not to get into it.
more time goes by and then that’s when you realized that you were drifting apart.
choso was pursuing a career in art. drawing realistic portraits, using his heaven sent abilities to make drawings that looked like davinci had created them.
you were attempting to be a nurse, so you were off campus a lot, spending time at other hospitals to do “hands on” learning. neither of you had much time to talk to each other, though you sent texts back and forth assuring each other that everything was okay.
choso’s pupils retracted, hearing the sudden news of you wanting to break up with him. it was like he was going into shock.
“don’t you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?” he said, his deep voice breaking. you never heard him sound so broken before. the moment almost made you cry yourself. the male gently took your hands, his sad eyes looking into yours, searching for an answer. but there was nothing.
“Y/N please…” you felt his grip on your hands get a bit tighter. you kept your head down, avoiding eye contact with him to refrain from making yourself cry in front of him.
you were gone and that was the end of it. you left your favorite person with his heart hurting, making him feel like he had to throw up. it was like his whole world had went cold, now that you weren’t in it.
two years passed and you haven’t seen choso. you were starting to forget about him. there were some physical features about him that you forgot too…like the way he looked bored all the time or the fact that he always had his hair in two buns and occasionally letting it all the way down.
you went on about your day while choso was probably in his room crying his eyes out, falling into a depression.
you heard a knock at your apartment door. you were confused at first because you weren’t expecting anyone to come over and a select few people knew where you lived. you put on a pair of joggers after walking around in nothing but an oversized hoodie and a pair of ankle socks.
the moment you opened the door, a set of hands clasped onto your waist like a corset and pulled you closer to the owner of those said hands. you were pulled into a really tight hug.
you melted in this person’s arms. their touch, the way they smelled, their warmth…you missed it. your arms wrapped around them, returning that hug. you could feel your scleras burning as tears began to form in your eyes.
memories of choso flooded back into your mind like a tsunami consuming an entire city. salty lines of tears slid down your cheeks and you held the male a bit tighter than he was holding you.
“i’m so sorry, cho.” you cried. “i didn’t mean to hurt you the way i did. i didn’t know what i was doing and—”
you were immediately cut off by a kiss. you had a storm of emotions swirling through your body, your eyes traveled up to the male after he pulled away from you.
a tired smile was flashed at you before you heard him say something just above a whisper, his deep voice startling you a bit.
you forgot about that.
“don’t apologize.”
“but i left you alone for so long. you aren’t upset? you not feeling some type of way about me?” your voice shaking from your recent crying.
“no, i’m not angry.” choso said, his hand sliding down your arm to hold yours. “it’s been two years…and i waited until you were ready.”
“i was told that i should be patient and i shouldn’t try to hold you back.” he added but his words only made you cry even more. he waited for you? he could’ve found so many other women and he waited two years for you?
“why did you wait? you could’ve found someone else to replace me, you know that?”
the violet eyed male just shrugged. “loyalty. if you needed a century, i’ll wait for you.” choso’s loyalty was that of a dog waiting for its owner to return after being gone for hours on end.
having nine other brothers, choso knew what loyalty was and it was something he valued heavily. but most importantly, he valued you. your safety. everything.
“good job, cho!” yuji grinned as he threw his arm around the taller male’s waist. choso’s head swung around, his hair flowing with him and looked at the other, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“i knew you could do it.” he continued.
“why are you even here…?” choso queried, putting on his awkward smile. you just watched with a smile on your face as the pair of brothers chattered until it faded into playful bickering.
later that day, you and choso were at your apartment, in your bedroom relaxing after yuji convinced the two of you to hang out with him for the day. choso was reading a book called “The Art of War”. you enjoyed when he read aloud to you. even though you were getting a bit bored, you didn’t wanna tell him that.
you were getting impatient. needy even. you missed being so close to him and being touched by his hands that looked two times the size of yours. abruptly, the book closes before choso would kiss you passionately as if something had possessed him. his lips were pressing against yours. he didn't say anything, his breath was heavy. everything was blurry to him.
choso held you tight against him, his hands moving to caress your waist. he was no longer thinking straight. he kept kissing you. he was drunk off of the feeling. but he cared about your lips. they were soft and plushy. he couldn’t even remember the last time he felt something as good as this.
soon, his hands moved to your neck. he caressed your throat, tenderly. his head was swimming, filled only by the feelings he had for you. kissing turned into biting, and biting turned into licking, and licking turned into kissing again. his lips were everywhere on your body. all he wanted was you.
there was no talking anymore. only the sound of the two of you breathing. you were breathing fast, filled with excitement. the way choso was looking at you was driving you crazy. he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
he was caressing you from top to bottom, his lips kissing every part of you. it was...perfect. he was yours, you were his. it made sense. what else did you need?
“you're so beautiful..." he whispered. “...so perfect.”
you felt his bare chest against yours. his body was hot. it felt incredible. you were lost in the pleasure, and there was no returning. it was too late to stop. choso wanted you and you wanted him. It was too good to be true. his hands were touching you everywhere, teasing you, making your blood pump faster, making you moan.
he made you moan loudly. his lips and tongue were everywhere. your whole body was shaking. everything felt amazing. every sensation was magnified by a hundred. the smell of his skin, his voice, his moans in your ear...it made you feel like you were going to go insane.
the male was holding both of your wrists. he was looking at you with lust. he didn't care about anything else. you were feeling so good you were unable to think anymore. your heart was pumping like crazy, your legs were shaking.
he kissed your neck, your collarbone, your breasts. his hands were everywhere on your body. he wanted you badly. he couldn't control himself. he was all over you. he didn't care if it was a little dirty. his hands were exploring every inch of your body, making you moan and scream loudly.
he took off your clothes while his eyes kept scanning your body. soon, you were both naked. you looked at each other's body with lust and excitement. you knew how right this was. nothing else mattered. all of your senses were focused on this moment.
the room was flooded with the sound of both your moans and your breathing. your body was hot, your mind was fuzzy. you were not yourself anymore. you were a different being, full of sensuality.
choso was looming over you now, looking down at you with burning passion in his eyes. he was holding your wrists tightly and staring at you, his muscles twitching, as if he was imagining what he'd do to you. you could feel his breath on your neck, your collarbone... you could smell him.
his fingers were kneading your skin, his hands were sliding all over your body. he wanted to possess you. he was devouring you, slowly, passionately, thoroughly. his hands were feeling you, exploring you, learning you. he was learning how your body was shaped all over again, to better pleasure you.
he was slowly moving his tongue against your thighs now, kissing his way up your body. your heart was beating faster and faster. you could hardly breathe. he was taking his time, but he wasn't playing games with you. he wanted you to enjoy this.
he was caressing your inner thighs, kissing them, licking them, making your legs shake. you couldn't remain silent anymore. you were overwhelmed by desire. he was in control, controlling you in the most delicate way possible, making you surrender to his will.
you began reaching down to choso’s lower area, gently caressing the length that he had been hiding from her. you bit your lip as you stared in awe and pure excitement.
he had no words. his lips were quivering as he stared at you. he was feeling you, feeling your desire. he wasn't thinking about anything else in this moment. he was in awe, in total disbelief. he was breathing furiously as he looked at your hand, moving slowly down.
he closed his eyes, unable to bear the intensity of the situation. a moment later, he opened his eyes, staring at you. his expression was intense. his face was flushed. he wasn't saying anything. all he could do was stare at your hand, moving so slowly up and down...
you moved your hand away for a moment, teasing your partner. choso couldn't help but moan loudly, feeling his heart pound so aggressively. he was addicted to your touch.
he looked at your face, still flushed, wanting to see you enjoying this moment as much as he was. your hand was moving up and down again, so slowly and... so seductively. it was too much for him, but you weren't stopping. you wanted to see him beg.
he could feel it. he was so close to the edge. his whole body was shaking, his breath was rapid. he was holding his breath, unable to control himself. It was taking so long, it was too much for him. he wanted you so badly, and you were making him wait. and you were enjoying it all.
he was so desperate, so hot, so ready to explode any second now. he was looking at you with pleading eyes.
"Y/N... i can't... anymore..." you heard choso mumble.
your eyes narrowed. he was yours, and you were in control. you were loving every second of it. you put your hand back on him and looked at him with a mischievous smile.
“wait a little bit more,” you said, still keeping your hand moving up and down. your free hand went to his mouth to stop him from talking. “be a good boy for me.” you added, with a sultry voice.
he was almost begging you to stop at this point. you were torturing him, playing with him. you had absolute power over him, and you loved it. you didn't want to give in just yet. you were playing with him, enjoying every second of it. it was such a thrilling feeling. you wanted him to suffer a little longer.
he was holding himself, trying to remain calm. the sensation was getting to his head. it was too much. he was starting to feel weak, his legs were trembling, and his hand was shaking.
he was shaking. he tried to move, to get away from your hand, but you were stronger. you held him tight. you were making him wait for your final touch, making him beg for it. he was so vulnerable, so at your mercy.
he was losing control, not able to think, not able to say anything. his breath was racing, his body was shaking, his mind was empty. all he could feel was you. your hand touching him, teasing him, driving him crazy.
choso was breathing heavily, trying to make sense of what was happening to him. he couldn't take it anymore. he turned his head away, hiding his trembling body. his body felt overwhelmed, so close to the edge.
“i can't... please,” he mumbled, his voice barely understandable through the moan. his eyes were closed tight, his face buried in the pillow.
you felt like the goddess of lust, controlling choso’s mind and body, as if he was a puppet in your hands. his voice, his breath, his body were all yours to control. you had broken him, and you were loving it. your whole body was shaking, just a lot less than his, but you still felt incredibly empowered.
you put your hand down again, but you didn't move it anymore. you kept it on him, looking at his face. “not yet,” you whispered.
choso was breathing fast, staring at you. his eyes were so full of lust, desire and love. he could barely move, his body was so tense, so close to the edge, shaking as if he was about to explode.
you were in complete control of his body and of his mind. you were enjoying this. watching him like this, looking at you, wanting you... it was delicious.
you could do anything you wanted with this weak and sensitive boy. literally anything. you could make him beg, you could make him shout. you could do whatever you wanted with him.
your hand was still touching his body. you kept looking at his face, drinking his expressions of love, lust and desire. you were loving watching him like this, enjoying your power over him.
you moved your free hand up to his face, caressing his cheek. you could feel his breath on your skin. he was trying so hard to remain still, but you could see he was shaking, his body so tense.
“don't move,” you whispered to him, with a provocative smile on your face. “stay still for me, boy.”
his heart was beating so fast. he was saying your name like it was the only thing he knew. he was looking at you, but he could hardly keep his eyes open. tears welled up in his eyes from pleasure. he physically couldn’t handle it but he wanted more of it. how could he resist you? you made him feel so weak in this situation. he felt dizzy. his entire body feeling numb.
soon enough, ropes of white substance spewed from his manhood and he was completely out of breath. choso laid down on top of you and you moved your hand away from him, putting your arms around him.
he’d kiss your lips gently before tucking his head into your neck and closing his eyes.
“i missed you so much.” he said quietly.
“i missed you too.” you replied before your eyes closed, falling asleep after your high died down.
⋆。࿇ ·࣭࣪̇˖ 𖦹°༅༚
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Hello gorgeous !
Could you make something with a reader who is a very important fighter and in her plans she somehow married daemon as a second wife and made a deal with rhaenyra and daemon to respect and not threaten her people and kingdoms .
And when rhaenyra gets the throne , the reader asks for a divorce , breaking their hearts?
Stone Cold
Daemon Targaryen x Reader x Rhaenyra Targaryen
Summary: There was nothing more powerful than an alliance of two houses, and that was exactly what you offered the Queen and her consort to win the war. It was out of loyalty, but your heart was not as strong as your resolve.
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Mentions of death/suicidal tendencies/war, fem!reader, second wife!reader, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: Heya nonnie (pls read this)! I saw this ask and was like OMG FRESH OMG REAL OMG YAS but then the more i thought about it, the more i was thinking it wouldnt be possible, like divorce wasn't a thing then and i know i could just make something up but i- i- dont play like that. and unless you're ok with a modern au, which idk if u are, i realized i could not write this BUT THEN while i was ranting in my reply of how i think ur req would really play out, i thought fine i'll write it anyway dw its not a modern au, but it's also not exactly your request either. its still pretty angsty tho so i hope you like it <3 ALSO IDK WHO IF I WANNA BE DAEMON OR RHEANYRA IN THE GIF I LOVE THIS GIF SO MUCH T_T Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda would you like to read a tibit of an epilogue for this?
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Rhaenyra was my queen; she always has been even as a child. Having grown up with rugged brothers, it was clear to me that power was only gotten through force, through sheer will, and landed only on those born to be heirs.
And yet she was declared to heir the Iron Throne, regardless of her sex.
And yet she rode on dragonback as her long braids and ornate skirts flew with the wind.
She was living proof that my brothers were morons in their belief that women were less, and that if I wanted to, I could do what they did, even better.
So against everyone's wishes, my parents, my brothers, the whole of society, I stood where I wanted and spoke about my thoughts. Though I was not welcomed, I trained to be strong enough go go against my adversaries, not just with my wit, but with my sword.
I made a way for myself in court and in battle, and developed a fortress within myself that could not be felled, not by a man, not by anyone.
So when it came high time for me show my gratitude to my queen, I did not hesitate.
I pledged my allegiance to her, and watched her navigate her plans with poise. I watched her as she caressed her pregnant belly and felt my heart hurt for her. I watched as she turned to her husband, the infamous Rogue Prince, for comfort, and found it in his touches.
Oh, to be like her, to capture the heart of the heartless, and to exude such feminine grace even in a room full of men who doubt her capabilities.
And so I finally spoke my plans to her. I finally told her the loony thought I've had since the start of my stay in Dragonstone. Our families should form an impeachable alliance and strengthen our forces.
"You are suggesting that you become my husband's second wife?" Rhaenyra states plainly. Her hand is atop her belly, and her husband stood steadfast behind her.
"It would be only for show, my queen," I nod, "you are aware of my family's stronghold, and how they insist on remaining neutral through all of this."
Rhaenyra watches me intently as I explain. Daemon tilts his head.
"This would give my brothers no choice but to fight for me-- for you."
"And how would marriage guarantee that?" Daemon asks, "I am well-acquainted with your brothers' insolence."
"You are correct, Prince Daemon. There has not been a moment in our lives where my brothers and I did not go against each other's wishes, but through it all, they have a sense of honor, and they would rather die than allow our family name be put to shame. It is why they were so against the idea of me taking up arms in the first place," I cross my arms, "but since then, they have joined me many times over in my victories. They would surely not give up the chance to bask in our victory."
Rhaenyra and Daemon take in my words.
For a moment, there is only silence. Then they look at each other, examining each other's expression.
That night, I was married to Daemon by the traditions of his house.
After he kissed me, I turned to Rhaenyra and nodded to her. She offered me a small smile and nodded back.
Since then, we exercised our might against the whole of Westeros. Those who did not know of us knew soon enough that the combined power of our houses, along with all our other alliances, was not something to be taken lightly.
And so we were tasked to spearhead the war under Rhaenyra's command. Daemon would take the east, and I would take the west. Where one needed help, the other would arrive with their blade, still slick with the blood of the enemy.
Historically, men had done nothing but strike me and spit on my bones. Though he was now my husband, I thought little of Daemon. I didn't then in the fires of his youth, and I didn't now. I bring myself to care about him out of my respect for Rhaenyra.
Yet as time went by, and battles were won and lost, I grew to respect him as himself, as Daemon Targaryen, the prince commander of the troops, who knew exactly what he was doing.
"I did not think you were capable of doing anything un-serious."
I turned to him as he smirked. His eyes were on the my cup of ale, "might my lady wife spare me a drop?"
Daemon sits next to me, though on the ground, as I was sitting on a stump I found not too far off our camp.
I peer down at him as I hand him my half empty cup.
My lips part when he downs it and places the empty thing beside him. Daemon catches my look and chuckles under his breath, "oh, did you mean to finish that?"
I don't get to respond as he grabs my leg and leans against my thigh.
My stomach rolls at the sentiment. I did not know why he was acting like this towards me so suddenly.
He releases a groan as he closes his eyes, "you are my wife, are you not? Must you stare at me as though you wish to burn me with your eyes?"
That would only be the start of his affection towards me.
It was jarring, disturbing, really, how he would reach for my hair and brush it aside, how we would reach for my cheek and brush it with the back of his hand. He would not do it in front of Rhaenyra, and for that I was at least grateful.
I decided not to make issue of it, because it was not as though it was harmful really.
And yet it dawned to me that that was my mistake; he was an invader of my fortress, and I only realized when it was too late.
I could not calm my beating heart when we were ambushed.
It was not the blade against my neck that made me want to hurl, not even how the man who managed to capture me for a few minutes was gutted on my side and had his entrails gush onto my armor. It was not the violence that made my pulse deafening to my ears, but how Daemon acted out that violence.
"Release her now, and I will be swift about your death," he seethed. When he was not listened to, his face darkened. The moment he had an opening, he stabbed my captor in the gut. When I was pulled away by our men, I watched as Daemon rampaged the man with his bare hands, smothering him until he was deformed, until he was dead.
And then he turned to me, gripping my face with his bloody hands, examining my form, "are you alright?"
That was when everything changed.
Not only did I begin to anticipate, look forward to his touches, I began to lean into them. I began to look forward to his company, seek his company. I would worry if there was not word about him, and I would worry if there was, until I knew it was not grave.
I began to laugh with him, in the privacy of our conversations, in front of the troops, in front of Rhaenyra. I began to bicker with him unabashedly, for it became second nature. I began to dance and make merry with him, for why'd shouldn't I? Why not, when Rhaenyra teased us about it, when she laughed about it with us.
And then at some point, I did the worst thing.
I began to want him.
I began to want him the way Rhaenyra did.
I began to felt entitled of him, for after all, he was my husband too.
I allowed myself believe that it was alright, Rhaenyra wouldn't mind, after all, her husband was my husband.
But then I faced with the truth of how brazen I'd become.
But then Rhaenyra called for Daemon and he did not answer.
But then she gave birth too early and held her lifeless daughter in her arms.
But then he was broken because of it, and yet made no inclination to anyone.
But then I realized I was not apart of their picture, for neither of them even spoke their sorrow to each other, much less anything to me.
I was a fool to think I was deserving of anything. I was a traitor to them and our agreement. I was a traitor to myself.
And so I rebuilt my fortress, I pulled away from Daemon's touches and did not hold Rhaenyra's gaze too long.
I became reckless in battle. I dove head first into everything, not caring what the consequences would be.
It was because of my recklessness and severe injuries that we were at the precipice of victory. Daemon should have been applauding me where he was rebuking me. And Rhaenyra should not have been worried by her husband's news of me at all, not when she would benefit the most from my death.
Yet here I was, gripped harshly in Daemon's hands as I defied his wishes to stay in bed longer.
When that didn't work, he ordered me in the name the Queen to do so, because it was, in fact, her order too.
It dawned onto Daemon that it didn't matter which of them commanded it, I would not be withheld from the cries of war.
"DO YOU WANT TO DIE!?" Daemon demanded finally as I got onto his last nerve.
I did not hesitate to respond.
His expression dropped when he heard me say yes.
It was against myself that I began to bawl in front of him. I had worked so hard to keep my defenses, and yet it was all for naught.
"Why?!" he heaved, hands darting up to my face instead of my arms.
I shake my head. I would have to die first before I admit anything to him.
"I will have you chained like a madwoman before I have you succumb to your darkness," he quips, releasing my face, before dragging me to the tent post, undoing his belt and binding me there with it.
I cry out to him. I tell him to release me, of all of it, so that I wouldn't have to suffer.
"Tell me wife what makes you suffer, who makes you suffer, and I will swiftly end them."
I shake my head at the anger on his face, "Daemon, please."
"TELL ME!" he quips, grabbing my face again.
I choke on my tears finding as I allow my voice to betray me.
Daemon knit his brows, "what was that?"
"It's you, Daemon," I whine, screwing my eyes shut, "it is hell to be around you. I do not want this pain anymore."
He releases me, stepping back twice, "and what mortal err have I done to make you loathe me so?"
I peel my eyes open, chest constricting at the sight of him. I shake my head, "nothing."
Daemon's nostrils flare. He grabs my jaw tightly, face tense with hatred, eyes glassy in betrayal, "then why?"
I whine at the pain of his grip.
He heaves as he releases me, shaking his head as he walks back, "will you drive me mad along with you, selfish bitch?"
I shake my head again, "Daemon-"
"Because I want you!" I blurt, "I want you so bad when I should not-- I cannot!" I grip my hands tightly, "we may be married, but you are not mine. You are Rhaenyra's, and I do not wish to ever come in between that. Not after all that has-"
I cut myself off when Daemon began to undo my ties. I myself began to back away from him when he began to rid himself of his clothing.
I threaten him with my words. When that does not deter him, I threaten him with the blade I managed to snag.
He was stoic the entire time. He asked me to kill him, dared me to kill him. Of course I could not. I threw the blade to the side.
He called me a fool as he undressed me. He called me pretty when he began to kiss me. He called me his when he began to fuck me.
I shouldn't have, gods know I shouldn't have, but I did, I let him have his way, because I wanted him to. I wanted him to touch me, to use me, to take his anger out on me. I wanted to for so, so long.
It was everything I ever imagined and more.
And enjoyed it deeply before I hated myself viscerally after.
It was clear at one point that everyone knew of us. Our dynamic had drastically changed from when we were first married to now. They all knew what he and I did in the dark, but why would they care, we were, in fact, married.
I cared though.
And I guess it was the will of the Stanger to allow me that one thing before collecting my soul.
I did not fight against it. I did not try to save myself.
When I decided to take the blow for Daemon in the battle field, it was not out of my selfish desire to find freedom in the shackles I bound myself in, it was because I wanted to save him, I had to save him.
He admonished me as he carried my limp body out of the skirmish. He called my name and threatened to do his worst if I thought of closing my eyes at all.
It was nice to have made it long enough to make it through the transport, to see Rhaenyra, and her and Daemon's children that I myself found to love in my own way.
I felt bad that they all seemed to be sad that I was fading away.
I felt bad that Daemon had to be the one to carry me here.
Where was Daemon?
"He's gone to finish the war," Rhaenyra said, holding my hand firmly in hers.
"You can hear me?" I mutter as I watch her sad face.
"Of course I can, my dear," she caresses my cheek, "why wouldn't I?"
I close my eyes, "I beg your pardon, my queen."
"No!" she calls, shaking my cheek, "you cannot sleep until Daemon has returned. He is but a fortnight nigh."
I hum, "she has been so lonely though."
"Who? Who has been so lonely."
Rhaenyra pulls her hand away. One of the children gasps.
"I told her that I was not her mother, that you are," I sigh, "but she told me she wanted me to stay with her."
Rhaenyra is bewildered. For a moment she is unable to do nothing. She repeats the name she called. When she is not met with a reply, she takes another moment to collect her thoughts, "you cannot answer my daughter's call. Your duty is with me, not her."
Rhaenyra's face tenses when she does not get a reply yet again.
She calls out, one, twice. She shakes the hand in her grip, and remarks once more about Daemon, knowing that would do the trick, she knows it will, it has to.
A chill runs down her spine when she realizes was for nothing.
It is too late.
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strniohoeee · 8 months
I need and angry love confession from Matt to Reader !! super angst but ends in fluff
I can’t
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: You moved on and now you’re soon to be engaged, but Matt knows this isn’t right. Desperate to get you to change your mind he races over to you. But will he get there in time?
Warning⚠️: NONE, I lovedddd writing this ughhh😩😩got me all in my feels and shit😔
Song for the imagine: Chasing Cars- Snow Patrol
I don’t quite know
How to say
How I feel
Those three words
Are said too much
They’re not enough
I’m not sure how to explain it and I’m not sure that I’d ever be able to. I never planned to see myself with anyone else other than Matt, but here I was sitting in my makeup room with a dazzling diamond promise ring sitting on my ring finger.
It felt right? I mean I wasn’t sure how to feel actually. A million questions ran through my head and they all tied to Matt for some reason.
I left Matt a little over a year ago after being with him for two years. I felt like I treated him wrong, I felt like I held him back from what he wanted…..
“What are you saying?” Matt asked me as he stood up from the couch
“ I’m breaking up with you Matt” I replied looking at him
His face dropped and he swallowed thickly
“You’re what?” He replied blinking fastly
“I’m holding you back Matt and I haven’t been the best girlfriend. I can not live with myself knowing that there’s someone out there better for you” I replied swallowing back a sob
“I don’t want no one else, I want you. Why can’t you see that? You always tear down the perfect things around you.” He said rubbing his face with his hand
“I’m not happy because I’m not making you happy” I replied
“You don’t get to tell me how I feel. I love you and I love us and sure we have our problems, but I can’t imagine a life without you” he said slapping his hand down on his leg
“That’s the issue, all these problems are because of me. Matt you have to let me go” I said shaking my head
“I can’t! I can’t let you go” he replied rushing up to me and grabbing my hands
“This hurts me too, but I don’t think we’re for each other anymore” I said letting a few tears slip
“No….please don’t do this to me” he said in a whisper
“I love you, but I can’t keep holding you down. I’m sorry” I told him
“You’re not! Please just stay and relax and we can talk this out” he said looking into my eyes and gripping my hands firmer
“Matthew….no this is over” I replied sliding my hands from his and walking back
“Please don’t leave me” he pleaded with tears in his eyes
“I have to” I replied and with that I walked out
Flashback Over
For a while my thoughts were clouded with many doubts. Wondering if I made the wrong decision. But as soon as we broke up Matt and his brother's careers took off even more. Further proving it was me who needed to go.
But sitting here right now with this ring on my finger my brain told me that Matt and I were completely over. Nothing more than mere memory, a glimpse into a great time in my life, but it was over.
I loved my boyfriend more than words could explain and this ring finalized that it was him who I would spend the rest of my life with.
Him and I had posted our pre engagement on Instagram explaining that this was a small step in me eventually becoming his wife. It was a bittersweet moment because this was a new chapter in my life and I had to look forward. However for some reason I was constantly looking back….
Matt's POV
I laid in my bed journaling when my phone started to ring. I looked down and saw it Chris calling me
“Yo?” I said as I placed the phone to my ear
“Did you see it?” He asked me
“See what? Chris what the fuck are you talking about?” I asked furrowing my brows and shutting my book
“Y/N…” he said and paused
“Is she okay?” I asked suddenly sitting up
“Yeah she’s fine, but she’s pretty much engaged” Chris said in a whisper
“What?” I replied
My heart dropped to my stomach as my throat ran dry.
“Yeah they posted it on Instagram. I’m sorry bro” he said clearing his throat
I didn’t even reply, I just hung up on him. Opening instagram I searched up her page and I let out a small gasp and the picture…..reading the caption made my skin crawl
I grabbed my keys and rushed out the house. Running out to my car in the rain. My mind raced as I hit the gas. Doing 80 in the rain as my breathing became erratic and my fist tightened on the grip
Y/N pov
I walked out of my makeup room and walked out to my living room. Peering outside I saw that it was raining. My heart burst with excitement.
I decided to sit in my glass lanai and watch the rain hit the roof. Smiling at how happy I was becoming and how content I felt in life right now.
I stood by one of the windows writing my name in the fog that crackled along the glass. Suddenly I heard the door open and a creak of someone’s foot stepping down
“Hey babe” I replied before turning around
My heart dropped when a soaking wet, crying and shivering Matt stood in front of me.
“Matt?” I said blinking quickly
“Don’t do this” he said shaking
“Matt you’re wet and cold” I said walking up to him
“DON’T” he said sternly causing me to look up at him and stepping back
“How did you even get in here” I said sternly
“Your hiding spot for the key hasn’t changed” he said bluntly
“Why are you here?” I said scoffing
“So that’s it? You’re just going to marry him” he replied
“You’re talking crazy Matt what’s going on” I said getting concerned
“I waited…. I waited for you praying you’d come back. Having to go through days of being so unhappy and angry, and for what? For you to spend all this time and energy on someone new and get married? What was I? What was I huh?” He said choking out a sob as his voice cracked
“I loved you and I had the best time with you, but it wasn’t going to work and with Y/BF/N it worked” I said swallowing thickly
“You gave up! You gave up on us… that could’ve been us but you chose to run” he said breathing heavily
“I didn’t give up, I did it for you! Can’t you see that?” I said pleading
“I can’t” he said
“Let’s go inside you’re shivering” I replied pointing to the door
“NO” he replied choking out another sob
“Matt, what do you want me to do?” I said getting teary eyed
“I want you to be honest with yourself” he replied
“I don’t understand what you’re getting at” I replied throwing my hands up
“Goddamnit Y/N! I love you! I have loved you. I let you into my life in a way I never did with anyone else. I loved you to the point of distraction, and you dropped me like I was nothing. I can not pretend that didn’t happen” he said loudly
“You love me?” I replied shocked by this
“Hasn’t it always been obvious? I begged you not to leave me and you did. And now you’re basically engaged to this guy, so like I said be honest with yourself” he said pointing at me
“Honest about what?” I replied raising my voice
“Your feelings” he said bluntly
“My feelings? The fact that I’m in love with my new boyfriend and we’re going to get married eventually?” I replied talking with my hands
“That’s bullshit” he said bluntly
“No it’s not matt” I replied back
“Yes it is” he said pushing back
“No it isn’t” I said sternly
“Just admit” he said pushing even harder now
“ADMIT WHAT?” I yelled at him throwing my hands up
“You know what…it’s creeping in the back of your mind consuming all your thoughts” he said breathing through his nose heavily
“I can’t” I said shaking my head
“You can’t or you won’t” he replied
“Jesus Matt! What do you want me to admit? Admit that I’m madly in love with you? Admit that the thought of marrying my boyfriend scares me. Scares me because it’s supposed to be you. Is that what you want to hear” I said yelling
“Was it that hard” he replied
“What have you done” I said looking at him wide eyed
“This wasn’t me….this was you” he replied
I stomped over to him pushing him back repeatedly
“Who do you think you are? Huh? You think you can just come back into my life and push all these things on me. How could you Matt” I said smacking at his chest in anger
“Stop it! STOP IT” he said grabbing my arms firmly
“LET ME GO” I yelled pulling against him but he was much stronger than me
Pulling against him as we were both breathing heavily. I stopped and stared at him letting air come out my nose as my chest rose and fell rapidly.
“Why?” I whispered tears brimming in my eyes
“WHY HUH? WHY?” I yelled against him pulling at my arms
Yet he didn’t say anything. Instead he let me freak out, watching me intently as his eyes were glazed over with tears threatening to spill out.
“Stop fighting it” he said in a whisper
“This wasn’t how it was supposed to go! I was supposed to forget about you. I was supposed to move on. You were supposed to move on” I said slowing my breathing down
“I never wanted to move on, and I never will” he replied back
“I have always loved you from the moment I bumped into you on that street to the day you walked out of my life. I prayed day in and day out you’d come back and you didn’t” he said letting go of my arms
“Matt I can’t do this, not to you, not to me and especially not to Y/BF/N” I replied wiping my eyes
“So then don’t marry him” he said pleading with me
“Matt I can’t do that” I replied shaking my head
“He’s not meant for you and I’d like to believe….I’d have to believe that if you knew that…. I mean really really knew that deep in your heart. You wouldn’t be getting ready to marry someone unless that someone….unless that someone was me” he said swallowing thickly and letting a few tears fall
I stared at him shocked before opening my mouth to speak
“Matt I’m not going to lie to you, yeah I have felt things since breaking up with you that I didn’t know or think I knew I could feel, but I have realized you can’t just turn back the hands of time” I replied running my hands through my hair
“Why not?” He said in a whisper
“Because I moved on….you were supposed to move on. We’ve gone down different paths. We made choices and I….I chose Y/BF/N” I said wiping my eyes
Matt licked his lips and jutted his pointed tongue to the inside of his mouth. Letting a choked sob fall from his mouth.
“Can’t you see? Even after letting you go and trying to do what’s best for you, I still am somehow hurting you. Please don’t cry” I said pacing a bit
“I’ll be fine… I promise” he said rolling his eyes letting the tears go back
“I love you Matt” I said walking up to him and grabbing his shoulders
“No you don’t, if you did you’d be with me” he said scoffing and shrugging my hands off
“It doesn’t work that way” I said shaking my head
“Doesn’t work that way? I just professed my love to you as you did the same, but still you’re going to marry someone else?” He replied getting upset again
“That’s not fair” I said blinking at him
“Whatever…I’ve wasted my time clearly” he said throwing his hands up
He began to walk back into my house. I trailed close behind him calling out his name.
“Matthew please” I said running a bit faster
I got in front of him, grabbing his upper arms and stopping him. Looking into his eyes searching for something. Searching for an answer to this complicated puzzle.
My breathing became rapid as I searched for the words to say. Matt got clearly impatient as his jaw was clenched and his glare was intense. My eyes darted from one eye to the other.
I let go of him blinking and swallowing thickly before opening my mouth.
“Matt I love you a lot, and that never went away. I never wanted to hurt you, but rather I wanted you to get stronger. I was holding you down and that you can not deny. I have realized that the way I went about it was wrong and I hurt you, but I also hurt myself. I truly wanted to heal myself and not look back, but everyday all I could think about was you. Yes Y/BF/N is amazing and a great guy but I just…..I just…..” my words began to scramble because I wasn’t sure how to say this next statement
“But you don’t love him” he said in a whisper
My eyes slowly lifted from the floor to meet his once again, nodding at his answer
“I don’t love him” I said swallowing thickly
“If I’m reading into this wrong then I’m sorry” he said and before I could react he suddenly lunged toward me
Smashing his lips into mine, his right hand finding its spot on my left cheek. His thumb gently rubbed the warm skin as our lips locked.
My mind was fuzzy with what was going on, but all I knew was that this felt so right. Like the stars aligning perfectly. What I was so unsure of with my current boyfriend I was 100% sure of with Matt.
When he pulled away we locked eyes, catching our breath as we smiled gently
“I’m so sorry for leaving you” I said in a whisper
“Just promise to never do it again” he said
“I promise” I said smiling at him
Matt grabbed the back of my head, pulling me into a hug before placing a kiss to my forehead.
Breaking things off with Y/BF/N wasn’t easy. I truly had some love for him, but not in the way I did for Matt. Matt was my soulmate and I was so dumb to turn a blind eye to it.
I made him understand that this wasn’t because of him, but because I wasn’t ever truly sure that we were meant for each other. And that the promise ring made it all a bit too real. In the sense that I could not see myself with him forever.
Matt and I took things slow, we reestablished a connection starting off as friends first was what we wanted. We didn’t want to see each other hurt ever again.
I can’t live with the idea of ever hurting him again… I just…
I can’t.
The End
I hope yall loved this one, it was giving very early 2000s love confession in the rain. I’m here for itttt, but we’re almost at 1,800 followers OH YEAHHH i love yall🥹🖤🖤
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sofasoap · 1 year
Lady Fortuna
Summary : Story of how Lieutenant Mylène Scholten de Ridder. a.k.a call sign "Petra" comes to know a strange new medic, Freya "Mini" MacTavish and her strange ability.
Pairing : None at moment. Eventual Simon "Ghost" Riley x OC.
NOTE: This is pretty much a self indulgent, crossover fic with @siilvan's OC Petra/Mylène Scholten de Ridder. we been chatting away for awhile how much fun it will be mushing these two in the same universe. so we decided to write a fic each of their adventures and daily life with taskforce 141 :) NOTE NO.2: Also would love to thank @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot and @nrdmssgs, I love how their OC interacts and inspired @siilvan and I to do the same. *salute * Thanks to you two to give us the blessing to do this. Now just trying to find someway to fit their Oc's in.. *burning brain cells *
Warning: Minors/Under 18s Do not interact. M rated. Talks of violence.
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Petra stares at the photo in front of her. 
She will recognise those eyes anywhere. Bright blue innocent puppy eyes that she sees almost everyday. 
Petra quickly glanced at the name on the recruit file. Freya MacTavish?  Petra wonders if she is by any chance related to Sergeant Johnny “Soap” MacTavish. The resemblance is way too strong to be just sharing the same surname. 
Only difference is she can sense the innocence behind determined round orbs, no traces of hardlines on her face, untainted by the massacre and killing of the battlefield. 
Not the face of a soldier. 
“Who’s this?”
“Your new medical officer. Combat medic to be precise.” Price replied as he sat on the couch, cup of coffee in hand. “You were requesting for additional medical officers aren’t you? I have found you the best candidate.” 
Petra frowned. Quickly flipping through the fitness and weapon training scores. “She is just a Corporal! She barely passed the minimum requirement! How did she even get selected?”
Flipping through more pages, most of them have a large print of “confidential” or “top secret” word strike through the pages, with half of the pages censored, making it unreadable. 
Who is this woman? 
Cryptic smile creeped onto Price’s face. “There was a lot of bureaucratic bullshit I had to overhaul and pull a lot of favours to get her in.” Price sighed as lean back in the chair. “Trust me on this. You would not be disappointed with her ability.” Price commented. “Comes with MI6 and  CIA’s validation.”  
Why would the Americans be involved with a low rank British soldier? But Price has no intention of explaining it any further. Draining the rest of this coffee, he left the room, but not  without dropping more mysterious words;
“Do not underestimate the power of Fortuna Victrix.”
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“Corporal Freya MacTavish, reporting for duty, ma’am.”  The bright-eyed corporal saluted Petra as Price stood proudly on the side, looking on like a father who is attending his daughter’s prize giving ceremony. 
“So this is the newbie you want me to take in Captain?” Petra’s eyebrow raised as she observed the nervous corporal, who is currently trying hard not to fidget under her scrutinising glance. Price nodded. 
“Well Corporal..”
“Please. Call me Mini.” Freya smiled shyly. “I know I am not much of a soldier…” 
“So you are the Mini that Soap always goes on about.” Petra mused.  
“I hope he hasn’t mentioned any embarrassing childhood story. My brother has also told me a lot of stories about you.” Mini commented sheepishly. 
“ Oh? Stories about how I always give him an earful when he always somehow injures himself with the simplest task??” 
“That too. But that’s him, he is always running into troubles ever since he was young.” Mini laughed, “I always ended up being the one playing nurse to him.” 
“Sounds like he hasn’t changed a bit for the last twenty plus years then.” Petra chuckled. 
“Not a bit. I am still the one chasing his butt looking after him. My duty as his little sister.” 
Despite her initial doubt, Petra slowly warms up to the shy Scottish girl. 
The fierce determination and ability to focus on the task at hand was one of her virtues. She was gentle and the infinite patience with her patient, the smile that would brighten up even the most miserable person in the room ( aka grumpy Captain Price ) never ceases to amaze her. 
The first time she realise what the true meaning behind Price’s cryptic words was when 
Mini was sent along with the squad as the solo combat medic for a black op. . 
“You know we do not have any other medics we can deploy, Mini is the only one available for duty. Everyone else who is experienced has been sent out. And you,” Price explained as he pointed at Petra, ”We cannot let you out on the field this time round, you have to stay back and command the infirmary.”  
Petra was about to protest again when Mini closed the last box of the supply and gave her a gentle nudge on the shoulder. 
“We will be ok, L.T, don’t you worry. I have Soap for that.” Mini reassured her, as Petra fretted over the rookie’s ability to look after a whole squad all by herself. “I have packed extra supplies, but, if all goes well, I shouldn't have to open it.”
Despite the confidence behind her words, Petras was agitated for days. What if something happens? What if she dies during the op? How would Soap react? 
“She will be Ok. just as long as she isn’t left alone by herself.” Soap replied as Petra relayed her concern one day as they sat down for a meal together. “This isn’t the first time she has been in this situation. She knows how to handle herself.”
Well, if Soap isn’t too worried, she shouldn’t be stressed so much right? Plus, Petra tried to improve her basic survival skills by dragging her onto the shooting range and the dojo for sparring practices, the poor girl just doesn’t seem to be able to improve her abilities any further. 
“They said I should survive if I can hit the target….”  Mini mumbled as she lowered her gun, inspecting her result. It seemed to hit everywhere on the board but the bullseyes. 
“Who’s ‘they’?” Petra frowned, overheard Mini’s muttering. 
“Um. My previous hand… I mean superior.” Startled, Mini’s eyes looked everywhere but Petra’s eyes as she tried to find an explanation of her inability. 
“Well, that might be sufficient for a civilian, but not quite good enough as a soldier. Especially one in the special task force! Come on, again!”  Petra childed. 
Petra still couldn’t stop worrying about the shy medic she had come to care for like a little sister. 
The surprise she got when she walked into the infirmary one morning, finding Mini unpacking all the gears.  
“Any casualties to report?”
“None, L.T. the troop returned without sustaining any injuries.”  Mini reported in a light tone as she finished putting away the last of the unused supply. 
“Are you sure?” Petra questioned again as she narrowed her eyes, noticing a visible strain on Mini’s face every time she tried to extend her left arm. 
“The troops are fine. L.T.” Mini took a deep breath in, not looking at her in the eyes. Petra marched forward, took the box away from her hand, and pulled the left sleeve up. She gave Mini a pointed look. 
“... apart from me.” Mini sighed, finally giving up attempting to conceal her injuries. “It’s nothing major. Just a bruise.”
“ A very large bruise, and possible tear to your ligament. Come on, how did you do this?” Petra frowned. Mini grabbed the box back as she turned away from Petra, replied in a resigned tone, “Blame my own stupidity, I should have watched where I was talking when I got out from the helo.” 
“Why does that sound like a very strange lie, the troops treated you alright?” Petra asked again, trying to chase the truth. She is quite sure Mini could stand up for herself,but if any of the soldiers dares to lie a finger on the medic, the one that is supposed to save their life on the battlefield, they would not only have to face her anger, but the wrath of Captain Price and Sergeant Soap. 
“L.T, I am Ok, they are treating me like a princess. One even tried to ask me out on a date.” Mini smiled but immediately turned into a grimace as she pulled her arm again. “This is normal. I am used to it. It will happen again regardless of what I do.” 
And it happens again, and again. 
Every team she gets sent out, will return with minimal injuries. And the one that sustains the most injuries seems to be the medic herself. Petra is absolutely baffled by the weird occurrences. Raising her concern to Price, all Petra gets as a head shake, and another puzzling response.
“That is the fate she has to bear.” 
Mini becomes a hot favourite amongst the troops. Everyone wants her to be their medic for the duration of their deployment. Not only will they guarantee a high success rate of completing the mission without injuries, and the chance of tasting her famous chocolate cookies that Sergeant Soap always ramble on about so much. 
But Price tried to hold onto Mini tight. At Soap’s request. Keeping her close and safe. 
They all know Mini is too soft for the world of Chaos and bloodshed. 
How and why did she get herself into this world?
“Johnny was never pleased that I tried to follow in his footsteps.” Mini complained one day as they sat in Petra’s room, sharing a bottle of whisky she snuck in and some of her freshly baked chocolate cookies. “He never expected me to worm my way into the special forces with my ability.” 
“You seem to have a knack of luck with keeping the soldiers alive and bringing them back home in one piece. Can’t say so for yourself though.” Petra took a sip of the drink , carefully probing Mini. “ I still don’t know how you can dislocate your shoulder when you were trying to put a bandage on a simple knife wound on Gaz’s arm last time you were deployed with him.” 
“ When the fortune rises high, it will have to be lowered. When someone takes all the good fortune, someone has to bear the leftover misfortune.” Mini commented, not giving any more explanation. A phrase that ingrained into Petra’s mind, and the full meaning of it comes hitting Petra hard after a twist of fate event. 
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“WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY SHE HAS GONE MISSING?!!” Ghost roared into the comm, demanding answer from the other side of the line. 
Petra never saw Ghost showing so much emotion before, letting along losing his cool. 
If not for the gravity of the situation, Petra would have laughed out loud and teased Ghost for finally showing signs of feeling towards Freya. 
"So, I have seen you eyeing a certain lieutenant a bit lately?" Petra teases Mini as she stares at Ghost who is currently sitting on the other end of the table, who is listening in at a conversation between Soap and Gaz. 
"Hmmm? You? I see you everyday." Mini blinked a few times as she turned her attention back towards Petra. 
"Not me!” Petra rolled her eyes as she let out an exasperated sigh.  "Tall..well built.. brooding.. masked lieutenant. Sounds familiar?" 
Mini diverted her eyes, looking away, " I don't know who you are talking about. "  she mumbled, blushing furiously. 
Petra snorted. It baffled her now oblivious that this young woman can be. And also the aforementioned masked Lieutenant. 
There's countless times she has seen  both of them sneaking a glance at each other, thinking there was no one looking. But Petra always catches them. Drives her crazy that both of them are behaving like teenagers, neither of them are willing to make the first move, to take the relationship a step further. And both will furiously deny it when probed and asked. 
Pair of delayed teenagers.
Back to the present. Mini was separated from the group during the chaos and gunfire when they were suddenly ambushed during a routine patrol. The last person that spotted her was the soldier that was assigned to be her escort under the command of the captain. 
“She ducked behind the wall as I was trying to cover her, I swear! And.. I lost track of her afterwards…” the soldier’s voice trailed off, not daring to comment any further, afraid to incite anymore fury from the masked Lieutenant. 
“She cannot be separate from the group. At least ONE person has to be around her at all time” Price warned during one of the pre-mission briefing. “If you value your own life, protect her at all cost.”  
Price grabbed Ghost’s shoulder as he was about to launch into another tirade down the comm.
“Ghost. Enough. Now it’s not the time.” Price reminded Ghost, “ you can reprimand them as much as you can later. But we need to start searching for Mini, before we run out of time.” 
“Captain…” Soap spoke up, “Would we need to notify the agency…” 
“I would rather not get them involved if we can solve the problems ourselves.” Price growled, displeased with the idea with another agency or group coming in to complicate the situation. “I remember they have placed a tracker on her, I still have the code in the encrypted tracker somewhere… back at the base.” Price slammed his fist on the table, angry at his own negligence of not thinking of bringing the code with him. They were too complacent about their situation. Always expecting the mission will be successful, as long as Mini is with them. 
Soap took a breath in as he looked his captain in the eyes. “We have no choice then.” Silence fell in the room. 
Petra looks around the four men in the room. Gaz frowning, you can almost see the gears turning in his brain, Ghost with his skull balaclava still on, expression unreadable, but from the visible rising and falling of his shoulder, Petra could tell he is tense, and trying hard to keep his own emotion in check. 
Price closed his eyes for a moment, before letting out a sigh. Pulling out the laptop, ready to make a call through the secure line. 
“Get me C. matter of great importance.” Price’s low voice echoes in the room. “Tell him it’s regarding one of the agency’s assets.”
The voice on the other side of the line replied, too low for Petra to catch. Price nodded his head, as he leaned back on his heels, waiting for the otherside to reply again.
“Hello, Captain Price. Long time no see. To what do I owe this pleasure?” the male voice on the other line jeered. Petra’s eyebrow twisted slightly at the remark. There must be a bad history between these two. She thought. 
“Lady Fortuna has gone missing. And we need your help.” 
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The story that Soap ended up telling Mini about Petra :
“So Ghost was waiting at the church for us, but here’s the thing— I’d just been shot, and Petra had been stabbed. Sounds bad, right?? It gets worse! I found a stim and Petra managed to patch herself up, but the Shadows were everywhere. I managed to find the church, but before I could reach it, one of those eejits knocked me down and tried to kill me! She ended up shooting him and saving my arse, but isn’t that crazy?!” "…you always seem to be getting into trouble…"
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chaoticstrata · 7 months
Soup from January prompt for your oc x Rass Ordo.
I am so sorry this took so long. Been in a bit of a writing drought. Thank you for the prompt! :) I'm probably going to expand on this one later--I still very much want to get to this point with my Aketho fic series before I do, though.
Please enjoy!
“Good to know you haven’t lost your observational skills with your old age, Jekiah,” Rass quipped as he tasted the broth. Could use more salt, he thought as he added a pinch to the soup.
“Very funny,” Jekiah snorted, moving over to where Rass was hunched over a large pot of simmering soup. “Why are you cooking?”
“Zabe’s sick, pretty bad case of the flu,” the younger Mandolorian explained, stirring the pot carefully as his brother leaned in to sniff. “I thought I’d make him some soup to help him feel better.”
He tried his damnedest not to blush when Jekiah gave him a searching look, gray eyebrow raised high on his forehead. But his ears had other plans as he felt them heat up--traitorous bastards.
“I see,” Jekiah said, leaning against the counter next to him. “Zabe is the smuggler captain you’ve been working with recently, correct?”
“He is,” Rass confirmed, pointedly not looking at his older brother.
“Hmm,” Jekiah hummed before a soft chuckle escaped him. “Never thought I’d see the day where you’re smitten with someone.”
“I am not smitten--”
“You’re cooking for him,” the older man stated, giving Rass a very pointed look. “You don’t cook for just anyone, Rass.”
For his part, Rass did the very mature action of pouting and looking away. That lip jutted out more as his brother chuckled again. He hated how Jekaih could make him feel like a little kid again. “Yeah, well, Zaberial’s not just anyone…”
“I can tell,” Jekiah said, voice growing soft and fond. It was enough of a change to peak Rass’ curiosity. Looking back revealed his brother smiling at him with…pride? Or something similar to it. Either way, it didn’t help Rass’ blush in the least…bastard. Jekiah didn’t say anything further on the subject. Instead, he switched to asking about the soup. “What recipe are you using?”
“The one that Ma always made us when we were sick,” Rass replied, offering Jekiah a taste, “What do you think?”
“Hmm,” the older man looked thoughtful as he mulled over the flavor, “Not bad, but could use a bit more heat.”
“Everything could use a bit more heat to you,” Rass rolled his eyes. “I’m trying to not scare the captain off…and setting his mouth on fire with what you consider a ‘normal’ heat level would not help.”
“Fair enough,” Jekiah chuckled, “Although it would help clear his sinuses.”
The younger Mando sighed. “I’ll give you that one, but there are easier ways to clear sinuses that don’t require losing the ability to taste.”
“True…even I would take those other methods over spicy food,” the older man laughed softly.
Rass shook his head before nodding over to a nearby kettle. “Since you’re here bothering me, mind getting the water going for some tea?”
“Of course,” Jekiah said, already heading to the kettle to fill it. “Would you like me to pull out the tea as well?”
The younger Mando hesitated a moment. The tea he had in mind would tell more about Zaberial than what he was sure the captain would probably be comfortable with. Especially since he hadn’t even told Rass about it yet--unless the tea was his way of telling Rass. He slightly doubted that. But Tal Sarad tea wasn’t exactly a regular leisurely tea; it was mainly used by Mandolorians to help with menstrual cycle symptoms. The tea was not traded outside the clans save for rare occasions, but since the captain’s brother was a Mando, Zabe could get his hands on it.
Rass knew if he didn’t say anything, Jekiah would suspect something was amiss--although not the reason for it. He cleared his voice and said, “Sure. Tal Sarad.”
From the corner of his eye, he saw Jekiah pause and look at him. The older man didn’t say anything, but Rass could see him tilt his head slightly as he mulled over the information given. If he had any thoughts about it, he said nothing. Instead, Jekiah filled the kettle and went about making the tea.
They exchanged small talk until Rass was packed up and ready to go--soup and tea secured in their own thermoses.
“I’ll see you later, Rass,” Jekiah said, patting the younger man on the back. A sure grin spread across his lips as he added. “And good luck in your wooing of the captain.”
Rass’ ears went crimson as his older brother winked at him. “I am not--”
He was cut off by a pointed look at the thermoses.
“Shut up,” he pouted, looking away.
“Uh huh,” Jekiah laughed as he exited the room.
Tal Sarad is Mando'a for Blood Flower....yes, I'm that lame. >.<
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depressedhouseplant · 2 months
Just Fucking Write - Day 131
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Tags: Narrator is female, a little fondling
A/N: Part 1 of ?. All the smut is forthcoming. As always, likes, comments, & reblogs are welcomed & encouraged.
“Did I have to wear these shorts? I’m pretty sure my labia are visible,” I grumbled, trying not to pull at the very too short denim shorts I was wearing.
“Yes because sex sells,” Alexa replied as she and Aeri finished putting up the sign for our charity car wash at the corner of frat row. It would be easy enough to get the attention of all rich and douchey frat boys and let them ogle us for a few minutes for a good cause. At least, that was their logic.
“And your labia aren’t showing,” Julie helpfully informed me.
“Thanks,” I flopped down in a chair.
A few of the TBZ boys were playing basketball and Aeri didn’t have to do much to get their attention. She’d been sleeping with their vice president for as long as I’d known her. Once Juyeon brought his car over that got the other houses’ attention. Then someone emerged from the Epsilon Nu house.
Park Sunghoon.
It was my turn to get up and talk. Of course it was.
“What’s this?” he asked.
“A car wash benefiting the local animal shelter. Save all the homeless puppies and kittens starting at $20,” I told him while pointing to the sign.
“How much for you?” he asked.
“What do you mean how much for me?” I asked.
“How much for me to get an hour alone with you?” he asked.
“More than you’re willing to pay,” I replied, leaning over to make my tits more obvious in the tiny bikini top.
“Try me,” he leaned toward me.
“A million dollars,” I didn’t hesitate.
“I’ll make it $2 million,” he replied.
“I don’t think Venmo takes transfers that high,” I told him.
“Let’s find out,” he pulled out his wallet and produced a black card. “Well?”
I handed him the phone with the amount entered and to everyone’s shock it went through.
“Holy shit,” I heard Julie behind me.
“One hour,” he looked smug as hell.
“Fine, one hour,” I walked out from behind the table. I made a show of setting the timer on my watch. He took my hand and led me back to the Epsilon Nu house.
“Not afraid that it’s gonna get all over campus that you had to pay $2 million just to get a girl to spend time with you?” I asked.
“Not afraid it’s gonna get around campus that you accepted $2 million dollars to spend an hour alone with me?” he retorted.
“The sign clearly stated it was a charity fundraiser so I didn’t accept anything personally,” I replied.
“You keep telling yourself that,” he snorted. He led me through the eerily quiet frat house to his room. The few times I’d been to TBZ with Aeri it was total chaos. Here it was like no one was home.
“We’re a new chapter. There’s only 7 of us this year,” Sunghoon said.
“What?” I asked.
“You looked confused. The house is designed for 20 members living here, but we only have 7 right now. It’s a lot quieter than the other houses,” he explained.
“So whatever you have planned won’t be interrupted by a roommate?” I continued.
“Not by a roommate, no. That doesn’t mean one of my brothers won’t barge in if I don’t lock the door though,” he replied.
“You must think you’re awfully trustworthy for me to agree to let you lock the door,” I said. Suddenly his demeanor changed.
“We don’t have to do anything. I just have always had a crush on you and I’m really bad at asking girls out and my brothers saw you were outside and basically bullied me into talking to you. I promise I wasn’t going to do anything you weren’t okay with, not that I had given it much thought,” he looked down at his hands.
“Sunghoon?” I said, tilting his chin up to look at me.
“Yeah?” he bit his lip.
“Shut up and kiss me,” I smiled. He smiled, then kissed me with enough force to knock me back onto the bed. What he lacked in finesse, he made up for with enthusiasm as he climbed on top of me.
“I really want to sleep with you,” he panted.
“Definitely not as vulgar as your average frat boy,” I observed.
“Why? What have you heard?” he asked.
“Granted Aeri talks like a guy, but she definitely describes her sex life as fucking,” I told him.
“That’s another thing. I haven’t ever had sex before,” he tried to look away and I wouldn’t let him.
“So I’d get the honor of popping Park Sunghoon’s cherry, huh?” I grinned up at him.
“If you want. We don’t have to. We can just make out more,” he insisted.
“Oh no, for $2 million I’m absolutely going to be your first,” I kissed him. He was actually turning out to be a sweet guy, not like some of the douchey, entitled frat boys I’d met before.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “I don’t have condoms or anything.”
“Do you trust that I’m clean?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“Good,” I reached up and turned the timer off on my watch.
“Why’d you do that?” he asked.
“Just in case,” I replied. I sat up and untied my bikini top, not that it had been covering much more than my nipples. He stared for a moment then shook his head and looked back at my face.
“Trying to be respectful?” I laughed.
“Yeah, but they’re like, really nice,” he replied.
“I think they’re one of my better traits,” I took one of his hands and rested it on my chest. “See for yourself.”
Sunghoon carefully ran his hand over my left breast, periodically stopping to roll the nipple between his fingers. I could feel myself starting to get wet in my shorts. Of course I decided not to wear anything under them. I looked between his legs and noticed a bulge in his jeans. I pressed my knee slightly against it. He grunted.
“Feel good?” I asked.
“Yes,” he squeaked.
“I think it’s your turn to take your top off,” I nodded at his tee.
“Right, yes,” he pulled off his shirt, revealing the lithe build of an athlete. He also wiggled out of his jeans, sitting just in his underwear and me still in my shorts. I ran my hands down his torso before opening up my shorts.
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
SafeHouse || Three
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I spent most of the time in lessons looking out for Malfoy and waiting for his arrival, dont ask me why, I had no idea myself, but I would tell you it was to make sure he was okay, for Hagrids benefit.
The rest of the time was spent in the library, trying to catch up on my studies and incase I had missed anything from the two years I spent at Beaubaxtons on a different learning course.
I hadn't seen a lot of Ron and Harry, only really Hermione and that was mostly just in silence as we both studied.
It was Thursday, in potions class with the Gryffindors when Malfoy swaggered in, his right arm bandaged up and wrapped in a sling, he was acting as though he was this heroic survivor who had just slain a dragon to save a poor village, not a prick who decided to piss off a Hippogriff. 
"How is it, Draco?" Pansy simpered after him "does it hurt much?"
"Yeah" Malfoy replied, putting on a brave grimace. But I as well as the rest of the class caught the wink he sent to his two cronies when Pansy looked away, making me roll my eyes at the show.
"Settle down, Settle down" Professor Snape told the class, I rolled my eyes again at the fact that the only people who were talking was Malfoy and Parkinson.
We were making a shrinking solution today.
Malfoy decided to set up his cauldron next to Ron and Harry so they would be preparing their ingredients on the same table whilst I worked on a table with Hermione.
I heard Malfoy call out to Professor Snape "Sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots because of my arm-"
"Weasley, cut up Malfoys roots for him" Snape had instructed my twin without looking up.
I watched how my brother went Brick red
"Theres nothing wrong with your arm" I saw him hiss at Malfoy.
I looked at Hermione, her giving me a grimace back as we sensed Ron would be losing it very quickly, and with Snape in charge this surely would end badly for my dear brother.
"you dont mind do-"
"Go, make him switch with you, its fine" Hermione told me
I walked over to Harry and Ron, trying my best to go unnoticed By Snape, I may be a Slytherin, but it didn't mean he was that keen on me.
"Hey, Ron do you mind switching with me, I cant quite see the board from my place, but I don't wanna leave Hermione on her own" I hinted to him
"Really? maybe you should just write to mum, she can- Ow, okay, see ya Harry" He finally got it after I kicked him in the shin, then picked up his own stuff and brought it over to my old spot.
"Thanks" Harry mumbled to me, probably glad that he wouldn't have to pull Ron off of Malfoy and most likely ending up in detention.
"I'm pretty sure Snape meant the other Ginger, but you'll do, I guess" Malfoy rolled his eyes.
I returned it as I cut up his daisy roots neatly, knowing nothing else would be good for his Majesty "will that be all your royal highness?" I asked him with no emotion.
Instead of answering me, he called to Snape again "And, sir, I'll need this Shrivelfig skinned" he told the greasy man with a malicious laugh
"Potter, you can skin Malfoys Shrivelfig" Harry made quick work on it, throwing it back to Malfoy, almost hitting me in the face with it in the mean time.
"Seen your pal, Hagrid lately?" Malfoy asked us quietly
"Mind your business" I whispered back at him, not bothering to look up just to be met with his stupid smirk.
"I'm afraid he wont be a teacher much longer,' Malfoy explained, putting on a voice of mock sorrow, as if he actually cared "Fathers not very happy about my injury"
"I'm sorry Malfoy, I don't remember asking, I'm much more interested in making this potion" I snapped, finally breaking to lift my head up to face him, I could hear Harry let out a chuckle next to me, making sure to keep his face well out of sight.
Malfoy didn't find my comment near enough as funny as he furrowed his eyebrows, a glare of hatred seeping onto his dull pale face, but before he could say anything my attention went to poor Neville, and Snape who had a ladle of his potion and sneering at him.
"Orange, Longbottom" He dropped the ladle back into the cauldron, letting it splash so that everyone in the class could see. "Orange. Tell me boy, does anything penetrate that thick skull of yours?" my jaw dropped at how cruel that horrible man could really be, no wonder he was Slytherins Head of House, no offence to myself.
"Didn't you hear me say, quite clearly that only one rat spleen was needed? didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice? what do I have to do to make you understand, Longbottom?"
Neville was pink and trembling, any more and he sure would be a fountain of tears.
"Please, sir" Hermione pleaded "please, I could help Neville put it right-"
"I dont remember asking you to show off Miss Granger, Longbottom at the end of this lesson we will feed a few drops of this potion to your toad and see what happens. Perhaps that will encourage you to do it properly."
"Sir" I couldn't help myself as I grabbed his and the rest of the classes attention
"Keira, what are you doing?" Harry hissed at me
"Yes, Miss Weasley" He drawled
"Dont you think that if Neville is constantly messing up his potions in your classes, but hes good in everything else, that maybe, you're the problem? Hm, because, aren't you the teacher?" I saw Ron and Hermiones eyes bulge, but a proud smile on Ron's face that I actually just said that to him
"Detention Miss Weasley! I will not accept those sorts of accusations in my Class, Your lucky you're in my house, other whys there would be a lot more of Points missing for the hourglass, Back to your potions, all of you!" He ordered all of us
"Keira, well done! why would you do that, its only gonna come back and bite you!" Harry lectured me" Who knows what he's going to make you do in detention"
"I cant stand bullies!" I rolled my eyes
"Maybe your dumber than I thought, Weaslette" Malfoy chuckled
"Nice one, Weasley!" Seamus Finnigan told me as he came up beside Harry. "Hey, Harry" he greeted him as he leaned over to borrow his brass scales "Have you heard? Daily Prophet this morning- they reckon Sirius Black has been sighted."
"Where?" Harry asked him, Malfoy lifting his head to listen closely.
"Not too far from here" Seamus said excitedly "It was a Muggle who saw him. Course, she didn't really understand. The Muggles just think hes an ordinary criminal, dont they? So she 'Phoned the telephone hotline'. By the time the ministry of magic got there, he was gone." 
Catching Malfoy still eavesdropping I thought it best No more was said until it was safer to talk
"Thanks Seamus, for letting us know" I gave him a smile
"Anytime, Keira, see ya round? maybe up Hogsmeade for a butterbeer?" He asked me
"Seamus, Haven't you got a potion to explode?" My brother called from his table, making Seamus glare at him and walk back to his table
"Wait was he asking me ou-
"Yes, Weasley, wow your obliviousness is really astounding, you could give Potter a run for his gold" Malfoy said
"You should have finished adding your ingredients by now. This potion needs to stew before it can be drunk; clear away whilst it simmers and then we'll test Longbottom's ..."
Harry and I packed up our unused ingredients, then met Ron at the Wash basin as Hermione mumbled instructions to Neville out of the corner of her mouth.
"Your an idiot, Keira!" He told me
"Gee thanks" I deadpanned "love you too"
"You should of just kept your mouth shut, dont be surprised if mum sends an howler" 
"Wow, didn't realise talking bad to a teacher is as bad as stealing a flying car and getting caught by muggles and ending up on the front page of newspapers"
"Sorry, mate but she's got you there" Harry chimed in
"shut up Harry!" Ron said
With the end of the lesson in sight, Snape was by Nevilles Cauldron
"Gather round" Snape told us "And watch what happens to Longbottoms Toad. if he managed to produce a Shrinking Solution, it will shrink to a tadpole. if, as I dont doubt, he has done it wrong, his toad is likely to be poisoned."
I held my breath as the Gryffindors looked fearful and the Slytherins looked excited. Snape picked up Nevilles Toad in his left hand and dipped a small spoon into his now green potion. He trickled a few drops down the toads throat.
There was a moment of silence, in which it gulped, followed by a small pop and a tadpole was wriggling in Snapes palm.
The Gryfindors and I broke into applause, clearly dampening Snapes mood, as he fixed the tadpole, bringing back a toad.
"Five points from Gryffindor" said Snape, cutting short their cheers
"Something to say , Miss Weasley, you've grown into the Gryffindor Cheerleader lately, we might have to have another sorting ceremony" Snape said in a bored monotone voice
"Sir, how is that fair?! Your taking points away, because your student got a potion right, I would've thought that would make you glad, that your teaching seems to be working"
"Miss Weasley, if you speak again during this lesson, you will be in detention until you finish seventh year!" He told me.
I could feel everyone's eyes on me now, Most of the Slytherins laughing amongst each other, all but Malfoy.
After class, instead of joining my friends for lunch I went to the library, this time just to cool down and be by myself for a while until my next class.
I hated potions with a passion, it was a class I was good at but everything about it just pissed me off, especially the professors that taught it, I've never met a good Potions Professor.
I had managed to fall asleep where I was sat at the library, meaning I would be late for my Defence Against The Dark Arts class, once again with the Gryffindors.
I raced to the classroom, throwing the door in a rush but luckily Lupin wasn't there yet, but everyone had their eyes on me as i stood there panting. Luckily Hermione had saved me a seat, as I rushed to get my stuff out of my bag
"Where were you?" Ron asked me, rather louder than I would of liked, from the table next to us "And why weren't you at lunch, you've been skipping a lot of meals lately, mum wont like that"
"Shut up Ronald, its not like you dont eat enough for the both of us" I sneered
"Har har, but why are you late, you coulda got in trouble if lupin wasn't late either"
"I fell asleep in the library, alright, why are you so bothered" I rolled my eyes.
Lupin then walked in, looking a considerably lot better than when we saw him on the train.
"Good afternoon, would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will only need your wands,'
Ron and I met eye contact Instantly, curiosity obvious in both our eyes.
Lupin led us to the new classroom "What d'ya reckon we'll be doing?" I asked the other three
"Whatever it is, I hope it has nothing to do with Cornish Pixies" Harry grumbled
I quirked an eyebrow in confusion "is this another long story thing?" I asked them
"Not really, lockhart brought cornish pixies to our lesson last year, and caused chaos, poor neville even got stuck on the chandelier, bless him" Hermione sighed at the memory
"Glad I wasn't there than, I hate heights"
Turning a corner we were met with Peeves, who I had met very quickly when Fred and George planned a prank with him after telling me they were going to give me the Fred & George grand Hogwarts tour, there was nothing grand about it.
Peeves was floating upside down in the air and stuffing the nearest keyhole with chewing gum.
"Loony, loopy lupin" Peeves sang repeatedly, we waited for Lupin to put an end to Peeves shenanigans as most teachers did but were surprised to see him still smiling
"I'd take that gum out of the keyhole, if I were you, Peeves, Mr filch wont be able to get in to his brooms." After the only reply he got in return was a loud wet raspberry, Lupin sighed and took out his wand.
"This is a useful little spell,' he told us "please watch carefully"
he pointed his wand to shoulder height "Waddiwasi" than pointed it at Peeves. I watched in amusement as the Piece of gum shot out of the keyhole and straight down Peeves left nostril, causing the poltergeist to zoom off with a string of curses.
I let out a laugh, some of the class joining me
"Cool, sir!" Dean Thomas said, his eyes shining bright with a smile up to his eyebrows as if he just met his idol
"Thank you, Dean, Shall we proceed?" He asked us as he put away his wand
We started of again and I took notice how most of the class looked at our Professor, with much more respect.
We finally got to our destination "inside, please" Professor Lupin ushered us in.
We were stood in a staff room, full of mismatched chairs was empty apart from one teacher.
Professor Snape, he looked surprised to see us coming in, before Lupin could close the door, he interrupted him.
"Leave it open, Lupin. I'd rather not witness this" Getting to his feet he strode past us, his black robes billowing behind, giving him a dramatic flare. Before stopping at the door. "Possibly no ones warned you, Lupin but this class contains Neville Longbottom. I would advise you not to entrust him with anything difficult. Not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear" He sneered. Neville had gone considerably scarlet.
"I was hoping that Neville would assist me with the first stage of the operation" Lupin replied "and im sure he will perform it admirably." Wow, Lupin was making fast work of becoming my favourite Professor already.
Snape curled his lip, clearly not liking the response "Miss Weasley, you must not forget your detention tonight, you might want to discuss with some of your beloved Gryffindors on how to properly clean things, maybe" and with that he left, shutting the door with a snap. it was now my turn to turn red as some of my fellow Slytherins laughed
"How the hell did you become hated by your own Head of House so much, Miss Weasley?" Lupin asked me, making my eyes go wider
"Wow, thanks Sir" he gave a laugh at my reply
"Now, then" he beckoned our attention back to the class and leading us towards the end of the room, where there was nothing but an old Wardrobe. Lupin went to stand next to it.
I jumped back as the Wardrobe gave a sudden wobble, banging off the wall.
"Nothing to worry about" Professor told us calmly "There's a boggart in there.' for someone who told us not to worry, he was sure going the wrong way about it. "Boggarts like dark enclosed spaces,' said Professor Lupin as he continued to list spaces that Boggarts like.
He then asked us what a Boggart was, and of course Hermione answered, giving an answer that belonged in an cyclopedia, then Harry answered a question, trying his best to concentrate with Hermione a bundle of answers ready to untangle. 
I was starting to get nervous about the practical, if we really had to go up against a boggart, what even was my biggest fear that would scare me so much, surely it wouldn't be heights, how scary can that be when I know that i'm safe and on the ground.
Luckily my last name was Weasley so there was probably a fat chance that I would even have to go up against it in the time for our class, I don't think I could stand the humiliation of someone knowing one of my weaknesses.
I tuned back into what was being discussed when professor Lupin told us "The charm that repels a Boggart is simple, yet it requires force of mind. You see, the thing that really finishes a Boggart is laughter. What you need to do is force it to assume a shape that you find amusing. We will practise the charm without wands first. After me please, ... Riddikulus!"
"Riddikulus" we chanted after
"Good, very good. But that was the easy part, i'm afraid. You see, the word alone is not enough. And this is where you come in, Neville"
The wardrobe shook again, all I could think was, better him than me, As Neville walked forward.
"Right, Neville."
"Whew, thank God for Harry Potter" I sighed as I wiped the back of my hand across my forehead as the class walked out of the room
"Gee thanks, glad to be of service" He deadpanned
"Thanks to you, I didn't have to be humiliated by having whatever my worst fear shown in front of the whole class, ugh, I could kiss you right now" I gushed as I cupped his face in my hands, his eyes going wide
"Wait, really?" He looked at me with this sort of hopeful look in his eyes as I held his face
"No!" Ron said as he pulled the back of my robes away from his friend
"You're no fun, Ronald" I complained.
"So, Harry whens Quidditch starting again?" Ron asked, quickly changing the subject
"I dont know really, I kinda just wait for Wood to tell us, my own personal alarm clock" Harry joked
"Who's wood? sounds like a pretty weird name"
"He's Gryffindors quidditch team Captain, he's in seventh Year" Hermione told me as we neared the Great Hall
"Wait, hang on, So this kid-
"Keira, Hes seventeen"
"Anyways, He rides brooms, team captain, and his names wood, that's the most boring but funny thing I've ever heard" I laughed
"Potter, I wanna talk to you about the upcoming season" A Scottish voice said behind us, I turned to see who had coincidentally brought that up after just discussing it, and I was met with the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my life.
I was transfixed as I stared at him, how could someone be so perfect, i'm pretty sure this is what love at first sight was
"What are you doing?" I broke out of my trance to see My friends had left with Captain dreamy and Malfoy had took their spot
"Who's that?" I pointed at the love of my life
"Him? Gryffindors captain, Oliver Wood, he's got this weird obsession with Quidditch, its like his only personality trait" Malfoy drawled
"Thats wood?!" I stopped still, My future husband was an athlete, better yet, captain.
"Yeah, why?"
"Is he single?" I faced Malfoy now
"He's like four years older than you" He blinked at me
"You didn't answer my question" I sighed after Wood had completely left my vision
"whatever Weasle- wait where are you going?" He jogged after me as I walked away from the Great Hall and to the dungeons
"To my dorm? to mentally prepare myself for my detention with Snape" I told him the truth
"What, and your not going to have dinner?"
"No, I don't wanna sit at the table, and its more stricter at dinner, anyways, its none of your business, bye Malfoy" before he could say anything else, I sprinted away from him so I could nap.
I was currently in the freezing cold dungeons in Snapes Classroom, cleaning up the mess from this morning as Snape marked Homework.
As I cleaned I was singing a muggle song "just the two of us" under my breath, to keep my spirits bright.
"Weasley!" Snape shouted over my singing as I got louder without even realising
"yep, yeah, sorry sir"
"Just...the ...two of us" I started again, pretending as if I were singing into a mic
"Goodbye, Miss Weasley!" Snape pointed at the door.
Score, that wasn't even my intention.
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subtletruamadumping · 2 years
Random Bits; A Game of Chess (5)
"A Game of Chess" was actually the first one I wrote in the series that was based on board games but is supposed to come last in the timeline. It was very technical and pretty boring to write, at points. I played a game of chess against a computer, copied down all the moves, then used each move as a chapter. The brothers are inspired by Thor and Loki, the world mostly from Lord of the Rings, but the story I can't remember.
It started out as throw-away smut from my fanfiction days...
TW: Fantasy Violence
Written at some point in middle/high school.
♔♟♕♞♖♝Middle Game 1♗♜♘♛♙♚
♞ Black takes a Pawn ♙
Kean was not happy when he was told the news. One might have even said he was furious. Arwen was sure the servants did after they fled the room when he threw the goblet he had been drinking out of against the wall. Poor Oddr turned white as a sheet while the king stormed about, shouting angrily and venting his concerns unintelligibly. Arwen waited patiently for the first bout of fire to calm, standing with her hands folded at the back of the room. It was no use trying to talk to him when he was having one of his fits. If he couldn’t even form a proper sentence, he wasn't in the mood to listen to one. Eventually, he sat back down in his chair with a huff, muttering under his breath.
“Let’s not be rash.” She said now that he would actually hear anything she said “There might be an excuse.”
“No excuse is good enough.” Kean said sharply, hitting his fist against the arm of his chair. She sighed and walked over to him.
“Come now, Kean,” Arwen said gently, resting a hand on his arm “Oddr has already explained it all to you. Our man was the first to strike, so we are really the ones who should come up with the excuse. Or, an apology.”
“I will not apologize to that sniveling coward.” Kean growled, pulling his arm away from her.
“There is no reason--”
“No reason? We send men in on a mission of peace and Cian has them slaughtered!”
“Now, you’re being overly dramatic.” She said, crossing her arms “Things have been tense for as long as I can remember. Harsh words were tossed and egos were bruised. It is not unlikely that this would happen.”
“That is why I suggested not to take the boy in the first place.” Oddr pointed out. He quickly shut his mouth when he received a harsh glare from Kean.
“I doesn’t have to go any further than this.” Arwen said “We don’t have to go into war. Kean, just forgive and forget.”
“No!” Kean roared, suddenly jumping out of his chair and making the other two jump “Cian has made me a fool for the last time! My men’s blood has been spilt and I will not sit idle! He will have to pay back this audacity!”
“He has, Kean.” Arwen put in “He has suffered, too. Two of his own perished. You know a death in his kingdom is a much greater loss than in our own.”
“It matters not.” Kean snapped “I will do anything in my power to make him pay for this strike against me.” Arwen tried to speak again, but Kean stormed out of the room before she could get a word out.
“I certainly hope he doesn’t give out any orders before he calms down a little.” She said to herself.
“One can always pray.” Oddr said flatly, then bowed and took his leave. 
“A raid, Kean?” Arwen groaned, putting her face in her hands. 
“We must squelch him before he comes for us.” Kean said firmly.
“You don’t even know if he’s planning on attacking.”
“He has attacked.”
“He has retaliated against our attack. Sending a second would not bode well for any peace that we try to make.”
“And why should we make peace?” Kean snapped, rising from his throne to look over a map on the long table in front of him “It’s not as if Cian has asked for it or acted as if he was repentant.”
“Repentant for what?”
“For anything, Arwen!” Kean replied “He doesn’t care what he does or who his actions affect. He is selfish and someone needs to put him in his place.”
“He might be your little brother, but you two are not children, anymore.” She said, crossing her arms “It’s not your job to discipline him. He is grown and living his own life.”
“Brother or not, he is a threat to the kingdom. He will be dealt with as such. You would not be so hesitant if your sister was causing the trouble.”
“If Cian is, then she is, too.” Arwen said with a frown “She is a part of this just as much as he is.”
“And you believe the two of them should be left to their own devices?” Arwen was silent. Kean turned away from her and continued looking over the map.
“Then, there is nothing more for us to discuss.” He said coolly “Now, we must begin arranging an appropriate party.”
“I’ll go find Oddr.” She said, then spread her large, white wings and quickly flew to the one of the windows that lined the towering walls. She had to pull them in a little to fit through, but, once outside, she was able to spread out and sore among the clouds. She didn’t forget her mission, however, and scanned the people below her. Where would Oddr be? She could fly around the entire kingdom before Kean could get a horse through the front gate, but flying at such speeds made it hard for her to find specific people. The sooner she found Oddr, the better. She might even be able to get him to dissuade Kean from making the raid he was planning.
She swooped down low over the stables, looking carefully. No sign of him. She moved on to the market place. Nothing. She started for the practice field, when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned sharply, changing her direction towards the object. Soon, she found the thing coming out of the woods between the market and the castle. It was Oddr on horseback, making his way to the castle already. She slowed down to a glide and came to fly above him. 
“Oddr!” She called out, making him jump. He reined his horse in and brought it to a halt as she dropped lightly to the ground.
“Yes, your highness?” He asked.
“The king requests your presence.”
“Has he decided what he is going to do?”
“Unfortunately,” She replied “he plans to raid Cian’s kingdom.”
“To what end?”
“I don’t think he’s thought that far ahead.” Oddr shook his head and frowned.
“I don’t see any good coming of this.” He muttered.
“Neither do I.” Arwen said “He won’t listen to me, though. Perhaps you can help him see reason?”
“If you can’t, I doubt anyone can.” Oddr replied.
“You will try, though, won’t you?” She pleaded.
“Yes, I will try.” He sighed “Though, I doubt it will make much of a difference.”
“Get to the castle as quickly as you can.” She said, then took off again. She heard the hoofbeats of his horse fade as she mounted higher and higher into the sky. She shot up so high that she flew higher than even the great spires of the castle, enjoying her few moments of freedom. She breathed in deep, taking in the cool air. In the back of her mind she knew that Oddr wouldn’t be able to keep Kean from doing what he thought was necessary. He was too strong willed for that. 
Besides, he was right. Cian and Kry probably didn’t have anything good in store for them. A war might be necessary to rein them back into thier control. She sighed and began her descent to the castle. She pulled her wings in, hurling towards the castle and aiming perfectly for the same window she had exited. Once through, she thrust her wings open again and fluttered gently to the ground.
“Oddr is on his way.” She announced as she walked over to where Kean was standing.
“Good, good.” Kean muttered, still looking down at his map “He could help me with this. Most of Cian’s borders are surrounded by thick trees that my men wouldn’t be able to see very well through.”
“That does sound like a problem.” She said unenthusiastically. 
“The only side open enough is the side opposite of where the kingdoms meet.” Kean continued.
“How diabolical of Cian to put such a barrier in your way.”
“We’ll have to figure out a way to get across the border to attack. We want to keep the element of surprise, so we can’t have the border patrol warning anyone.”
“Of course.”
“And that’s the sort of thing I need Oddr’s strategic mind for. He can figure these types of things out.”
“Yes, you’re much more of the brute force type.”
“Once inside, I’d be able to orchestrate the fighting.”
“Yes, that’s my point.”
“Cian shouldn’t have much of a defense, seeming how he doesn’t know we’re coming.”
“I don’t think you can actually hear what I’m saying.” She sighed crossing her arms.
“We should be able to get pretty far before Cian begins a counterattack.”
“Nope. Completely ignoring me.”
“With a little luck, we would be able to do much damage. We might be able to greatly weaken him.” Kean continued to mutter to himself until the doors were throw open.
“You needed me, your highness?” Oddr panted as he hurried into the room.
“Yes, yes, come here.” Kean said, waving him over “I need your help with this.” Oddr glanced over at Arwen who just shrugged as he came forward. He looked down at the map with the king.
“The trees along the border are giving me trouble.” Kean said “I can’t figure out how we would be able to get a party through without Cian’s men finding them, first.”
“I see.” Oddr said carefully “Well, have you considered that a raid might not be in our best interest?”
“Who said anything about a raid?” Kean said, crossing his arm.
“Oh. The queen told me when she found me.”
“And she wanted you to convince me not to, hmm?” He asked, turning to Arwen.
“When you won’t listen to me, you might listen to your advisor.” She said flatly.
“I agree with her, anyway.” Oddr said “A raid is not a good idea.”
“Because of the trees, right?”
“Uh, no. This has nothing to do with trees. I just don’t believe this threat to be as great as you are making it out be.”
“Then, I don’t think I’ll be taking your advice on the matter, Oddr.” Kean said icily.
“It wouldn’t be the first time.” Arwen breathed.
“The raid is going to happen.” Kean said firmly “I wanted your help in planning it. However, if you won’t--”
“I’ll help.” Oddr sighed “Just know that I do not think this action to be wise.”
“I know it. Now, we need a group to go on the raid.”
The group had been hand picked by Kean and Oddr. They were the best in the kingdom; people Kean could trust to get the job done. He hadn’t been happy about it, but Arwen had again insisted that he stay behind. She convinced him that the group could do a fine job without him and that he was of more use in the castle. Oddr had volunteered to go in his place and keep an eye on everything. Kean finally gave in, making Oddr give his word that he’d do anything the king would. Oddr didn’t like this promise, but he made it.
So, the group was on their way to the border. Again, for three of them. It was no surprise that Kean had insisted Eoin and Cairbre go on the raid. What use was a raid without knights? Oddr had also insisted that the raid party be much bigger than the party that had taken the letter. He didn’t want to lose one fourth of the party when one man fell. The ranks had been beefed up, taking 10 well trained fighters, Oddr and the knights not included. Oddr had asked for a person of strategie, but he had been informed that we his role. He took it solemnly. 
The party was solemn, too. Unlike Drest, they all knew how serious this mission was. There was no laughter and hardly any words between them. There was nothing to talk about. They were all preparing themselves for what might happen. Cian was a force to be reckoned with. No one ever knew what to expect from him; not even Kean. A raid would certainly come as a surprise to him, but would he already have a counter attack ready? Would he be able to defeat the party? Would he be so taken aback they would have no trouble? Would they have to deal with Kry? These questions couldn’t be answered until they crossed the border. 
“How long until the border?” A man, Seachnall, breathed to another.
“Not long, now.” Aodhán replied.
“Lorcán, do you think we’ll be able to find any of them in the trees?” Seachnall asked to a different man.
“If we’re quiet enough and they don’t know we’re coming.” They all fell silent again. These men had seen many battles, many raids, and many deaths. However, they always knew that they could never truly know what to do until the time arrived. War was not something you could ever properly prepare for.
Aodhán had been correct. The border was coming up fast. The horses were quickly brought to a trot, making their hoofbeats infinitely more quiet. They looked into the deep, foreboding trees as the approached. The thickness of the trees was really the only way to tell Cian’s kingdom from Kean’s. The border had been a little river, but it had dried up. Kean had all the trees on his side moved further back from the border to prevent any dispute, while Cian’s continued to grow thick and tall. Though Oddr doubted that this was with war and raids in mind, it did come in handy for such things. The men couldn’t see more than a few gallops in front of them. They all came to a stop just before the line of trees.
“It’s too still.” Someone whispered “It’s not right.”
“There’s just no wind. You’re overthinking it.” Oddr quickly motioned to the men, then lead them quietly into the forest. The group was silent as the followed. The only thing to be heard was the leaves the horses scattered with each step they took. It was doubtful anyone would be close enough to hear that, though. The men made thier way through the trees, trying to keep as straight of a path as they could through the gnarled trunks and undergrowth. They would make a quick strike, then evacuate. It was just meant to cause chaos in Cian’s ranks. Just to weaken him before any real fighting began. In and out. They were all on high alert, ready to strike down anyone they came across.
They all jumped when they hear a swoosh through the air and a soft smack. There was a soft gasp and Oddr turned back to look at the men. Lorcán had a shocked expression on his face, along with an arrow. As Lorcán fell to the ground another arrow whizzed by, narrowly missing two other men. The party immediately spread out thin.
“Find me that archer,” Oddr growled.
0 notes
writersblockedx · 2 years
When Evil isn’t so Bad
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Pairing - Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader Summary - Dean was brought up to believe demons were nothing but the enemy, a monster to be slain. But when the Winchester Brothers find Y/n, a demon whose not so bad, his opinion begins to sway. (Enemies to lovers in 5k words or less pretty much) Warnings - Violence, death, Angst Words - 4.8K
A/N - I really wasn’t sure whether to post this or not because I honestly can’t tell if I like it or not, but I may write a part two depending on how this one does. :)
There were some rules of hunting that Dean lived by. The main one being that monsters, and creatures alike, were to be exterminated. I mean, had that not been the case, he would be unemployed. Shoved within that category were demons too. Their wicked tendencies and their need to cause chaos with every step they made, all while wearing a human smile, made sure they were at the top of a hunter's hit list.
Which would explain why Y/n was bound to a wooden chair, a devils trap painted around her. Yet the girl seemed all but bothered by said situation. "If I say please, will you let me go?" She quirked after many long moments of torturous silence.
Dean had been set to watch her. Or, in his words, to babysit the demon. All while Sam went off to track down what they believed to be her latest victims. "No." He said with a deadpanned expression, tightening the grip he held around his gun.
She huffed, throwing her head back in frustration before slowly bringing it back again to eye Dean. "How many times do I have to tell you? I'm not the one doing all of this."
There had been three different incidents. One in which a family were in the midst of a children's birthday party, slaughtered and then had their party hats placed back on as if nothing had ever happened. An old women who had choked to death on her own apple pie. And then, most recently, a bartender who was decapitated while cleaning up for the night. A regular customer had found him, his head balanced on the bone of his neck. All made out to be almost humorous. Though, the brothers had whittled it down that it could only be humorous to certain creatures, one of them being a demon.
"Really?" Replied Dean as he pulled himself from the table he had once been leaning against. "You expect me to believe that your just in this town, to what? To live a happy life? Work a 9 to 5 and spend weekends at the local bar-" Dean stopped himself and mockingly gasped. "Oh, no, you can't go to the bar because you beheaded the bartender!" He snapped as he glared at the girl.
"If I really wanted to pull something like this off, I'd make sure it wasn't so obvious to hunters." She argued. "Hate to bruise that ego of yours, but you've got the wrong demon."
It was only at that moment, when a slither of doubt passed Dean. Something of which he would refuse to admit. "Whether this was you or not, doesn't change the fact that you are still a demon." He seemed to remind her.
"I haven't killed anyone." She told him.
The boy took a cautious step forward, stepping over the red paint that marked the concrete floor. "Oh really?" He raised his brows. "What about the meat you're wearing?" Y/n couldn't deny that. And while, the girl wasn't dead completely, she certainly had lost all control of her body, screaming and scratching at the mind.
Dean turned his back on her, walking back, assuming she had no counter argument. "She, in fact wanted this." Dean's feet stopped. "This girl, or meat, as you seem to call her, preyed to Lucifer and wore a pentagram around her neck." The boy finally faced her once again, all with knitted brows as she continued. "It's the same as angels taking their vessels. Only, when they do it, it's deemed as necessary, even as an honour to some. But when we do it, no, that's murder."
"It's different" Dean defended as he glanced down over her.
Y/n couldn't help the scoff that escaped her lips, "Course you'd say that."
"Yeah, because they don't take over people's bodies and then go on a murder spree!" He ranted with anger laced in his pupils. "They actually try and do good things."
His fury only grew when he was met with an expression that showed no care or interest for the point he was making. It was as if the girl was sat watching tv, not tied to a chair with her life threatened. "I didn't go on a murder spree." She said.
Dean shook his head, the grip around his weapon now so tight his knuckles were white. And, in one swift movement, he raised it, the barrel aimed between her eyes. "I'm willing to bet you did." He stated as his finger tip brushed the trigger.
Maybe he would have shot the demon. Dean knew he probably should have done. But he missed his opportunity when the door to the basement they were hiding in opened, his younger, much more sympathetic (even to demons), brother wondered it. "Dean! What the hell are you doing!" He practically screeched, prompting the older boy to drop his gun.
"What? She's a demon, probably the one who's killed all these people!" He paused, glancing back at the smug girl who was making the anger bubble in his gut. "We should have sent her right back to hell the second we got her in that chair."
Sam tilted his head in thought, "Yeah, well, as it turns out, she's not the demon orchestrating all of this." Dean could feel the smirk that was growing behind his back; he despised it. "But I'm going to take a guess, if there's another demon in town, she knows who it is." Sam nodded back to the girl as both brothers faced her. They were running out of options. And, it just so happened, she was their last one.
Y/n chuckled and her gaze landed on the older Winchester who had, only seconds prior, been holding a gun to her head. "Looks like we've got to work together now, sweetheart" She taunted. "Might be a good time to apologise for holding a gun at me."
Dean's jaw was clenched as he bit his tongue in attempt to hold back the sour words which fought to escape his lips. He walked back into the devil's trap, crouching down to reach her eye level. "We're not working together. You either tell us the name of the demon running around this town, or we send you back to hell." He spoke, ever so stern in his tone.
The girl leant as forward as she was able with her body bound, "I don't think you've got the guts to." She told him, her words only a whisper with how close they were. "Send me to hell, you've got no leads. Then more people die on your watch-"
Abruptly, Dean's hand was gripping her jaw, forcing her speech to a stop. Y/n hadn't realised the knife Dean had slipped into his other hand until it was pushed into her thigh. She groaned, winced and grunted. But the hunter showed no sympathy as the hand on her chin forced her to look back at him. "A name, sweetheart." He demanded.
Y/n wasn't stupid. She knew had she given nothing, that magic demon knife of theirs would have been shoved right into her heart. "I don't know his name. But I know where he's hiding." She finally admitted.
Dean dropped his hand from her skin before retracting from her. Sam followed by entering the circle, coming behind Y/n as he broke her free of the rope that bound her. "What are you doing?" Asked Dean.
"She said she knows where he is." Sam shrugged as if the obvious move was to free her. And with the rope no longer tied to her, she stood from the wooden chair. The only thing that stopped her now, were the markings on the floor. "So unless you want to spent hours running round this town like two headless chickens, and, as she said, let more people die on our watch. Then yeah, she's working with us, whether you like it or not."
Y/n watched as the younger Winchester, whom seemed to acting much more maturely, reached down, using his pocket knife to break the devil's trap. Sam was already walking out the door. Y/n stepped over the red paint, her smirk returning to her lips as her gaze found Dean once again. "Aw, what's with the frown?" She mocked before following Sam out the basement.
In that moment, Dean chalked this up to many of his brother's bad ideas. Little did he know, he would soon thank Sam for it.
Y/n was leading the way, only a few streets over from the basement she had been stuck in. But still, she assured the brothers they were close. "I think we'd know if the demon was this close to us." Dean assured, still following the girl as instructed.
She spun on her heels, as to face him, still walking backwards. "Maybe you're just not as good as a hunter as you thought." Y/n critiqued before turning back around.
Dean leaned over to his brother so he could hear his whispers, "I don't like her." He said, literally right behind her back.
Sam would have laughed at that had they not been in the midst of a hunt. "You've made that obvious, don't worry."
Then, as they came to the end of the road, Y/n stopped. She turned and faced the boys who were looking back at her like she was stupid. "Before I continue, and give you the exact location of this demon, and then proceed to help you kill him, someone who I'm meant to treat as a brother." But that putting it lightly. "I want some...assurances." She shrugged.
The brothers both held guns. They were ready and waiting for Y/n's go-ahead. So, there was no surprise when Dean's eyes rolled. "You want to do this now?" He whined as if he were a teenager.
Y/n nodded, "Yes, because if I don't do it now, I kill this demon with you, come out the house, and then you kill me. I just want your word that that won't happen."
Dean was chuckling. The thought that he, a hunter, and her, a black eyed demon, were meant to just leave each other be, well that was unheard of. He wasn't about to be the one to go breaking that certain prophecy. "Can't promise you th-"
"Fine." Interrupted Sam who was gripping his gun tighter.
Y/n glanced over to the other brother, "Dean?"
Dean glared to the younger Winchester. He would scold him later, he promised himself. "Let's just kill this thing and be done with it."
And so Y/n grinned before turning and facing a house. Well, an abandoned house. One of which was crumbling brick by brick, seemingly strung together by nothing but a thin line of thread. That was where Y/n had tracked her fellow demon to. "In there." She informed the boys.
They all wondered in as if they were a swat team. The brothers with their matching shot guns and blades and Y/n wearing nothing but her wit - you'd be surprised how many times it saved her. Alas, they found said demon just as Y/n had promised them. A few hits here, some more there and before the brother's knew it, Y/n had a hold of their special dagger and was shoving it deep into the demon's heart.
As the demon was sent back to hell, and the boy's were released from the force they were once held against, they wondered over to her. She gripped the dagger. The one thing close enough to kill her. And now, in front of her, two hunters who were trained in wielding it. The girl held it up, ready to use it against either of them if they dared get too close.
"And what you planning to with that, princess?" Dean taunted. Truth was, he did plan on pushing that blade right into her heart once they were finished. Again: Hunter, demon. In that moment, they seemed to be no question for the Winchester boy.
Y/n shrugged, "You'd be surprised how handy this might be for me."
Dean scoffed in return, "What? A weapon that kills your own kind? Yeah, very handy."
Of course, he hadn't quite been following, too bothered in conjuring his next move. Sam, however, had his brows knotted as he attempted to figure out what exactly Y/n had meant by that. "Y/n why were you here in the first place?" He questioned.
The girl wasn't sure if she should answer at first. She glanced between the brothers before huffing and dropping her hand from threatening them. "I was doing your job."
They both looked back, equally confused. "What?" That uttered in sync.
"Look, as it turns out, the boss, down there-" Y/n pointed to the ground below her feet. "-Doesn't like the demons causing too much attention. Sure, a murder here or there, fine. But he likes demons on their very best behaviour, ready to spring to his needs at any given moment, instead of going on a murder spree for their own entertainment. So he sends me to clean up their messes." She explained as both Sam and Dean followed with narrowed eyes. "That was why I was here. And I was so very close to killing him before you guys decided to kidnap me."
The brothers shared a look as to silently ask if the other believed this. At first, Dean's instinct was to shove this away as a lie, but it seemed there was nothing to prove it as such. "You know, had you told me that before, I would have at least hesitated to put a gun to your head." The boy said as to finally break the tense silence which had fallen over them.
She couldn't help the laugh that slipped past her lips as she met his gaze. "Dean, in the last 24 hours have I said anything you've truly fully believed?" She made point.
Dean hated that she was right. So his lips stayed sealed, answering her question without any need for words. "We appreciate the help." Sam said and the older brother could feel the start of one of his sweet talking speeches, matched with the eyes of a puppy. "But, we need that knife to kill the demons that aren't so, well, nice as you. We promise we won't kill you with it once you hand it over." He assured.
Y/n's gaze dragged over to the other Winchester; if anyone were to kill her right now, it'd be him. He puffed, "Pinky promise." He flashed a mocking smile.
While her eyes rolled, she twirled the dagger in her fingers, the handle facing Sam. Carefully, the tall boy took it back from her. And, it didn't go anywhere near her heart. They said their goodbyes and went opposites directions.
Dean would be lying if he didn't admit that this one demon was beginning to shift his whole years of hunting. Maybe he had respected his dad too much to ever question that not all demons were so bad. Sure, most were terrible, very terrible. But, as he drove from the town, all he seemed to be to focused on was her. It was naive to have only one demon change his entire perspective, yet it seemed Dean was falling for it.
"She was good." Sam quirked up from the passenger seat.
Dean glanced between him and the road ahead, "What?"
"Y/n." He uttered her name. "Even if she is a demon, she was right in saying she was doing our job for us. I mean, she was way ahead of us." The younger boy went on.
"I wouldn't say 'way ahead'." Dean critiqued.
Sam deadpanned his brother, "Dean, had we not shown up, she would have killed the guy and have been done with it."
Once again, Dean hated that he was wrong. "What are you trying to say? That a demon is better than hunting than hunters?" He questioned with raised brows.
Sam huffed, followed by a shrug as he found himself hesitant in continuing. "All I'm suggesting is that, maybe, she would have been a good contact to have."
Dean scoffed and laughed as if Sam had just made a truly hilarious joke. "You're kidding right?" His expression said that he wasn't. Dean pointed to himself, "Hunter." Then he pointed back, "Demon. We're like sworn enemies. We're not gonna have a demon's number right next to Bobby's, are we?"
"Dean this isn't Romeo and Juliet, alright? She seems to know what she's doing and, who knows? We might need her to save our asses one day."
The boy was still very much in doubt; he was only just coming round to the idea that maybe she wasn't purely evil. "I'm willing to bet we won't."
Dean made the wrong bet.
A few weeks later, the brothers were following a case. It wasn't until they rolled into town, only ten minutes into research when they found it was fault of demons possessing said townspeople. From that moment on, Sam wouldn't shut up about attempting to reach Y/n again. Dean, on the other hand, wanted to try every other trick they had before her.
"She knows what she's doing." The younger boy tried to convince as he trailed behind his brother.
Dean was in the midst of unpacking his shirt and tie to, once again, pose as agents. "We've dealt with demon possessions perfectly fine before." He argued.
"I'm not saying we won't be able to deal with it, I'm just saying she might help speed things up and thus, save more people."
The other boy huffed before finally facing Sam with a stern expression; he knew he had lost this argument. "And how are you planning to get in contact with her? It's not as if she's carrying a phone inside that black heart of hers." One problem of which Sam had already solved. He only had to glance over at the table, where several ancient demon books were sitting, to answer Dean's question. "You want to summon her?"
And so, the brothers turned the motel kitchen into a satanic ritual setting. Sam threw some herbs and lit some candles before uttering Latin. Before they knew it, Y/n was standing in front of them.
She could only sigh when she realised where she was, and more importantly, who brought her here. "I was in the middle of something." She said, as if they hadn't already guessed that with the blood that littered her clothes and dotted her skin.
"Yeah, well so are we." Said Dean with narrowed eyes as the two glared at one another.
Her brow raised, "Then why am I here?" She was looking to Dean to answer. And while the words were on the tip of his tongue, he was too prideful to voice them. "Is it because you may just happen to need my help?" A smirk was growing. Dean still despised it.
"No." He replied without thinking.
Which led her to wonder to the door, "Well in that case..."
Dean tried. He tried really hard to keep his ego together, but this one demon seemed to pulling it into pieces. "Wait." He finally stopped her. "We do need your help." The words came out in a stutter as his pride fought against his logic. The boy knew that, while she was a demon, her help would probably save lives, but he still hated to admit it.
"Wasn't that hard now, was it?" She winked at him, prompting his eyes to roll. "So what's going on?" That question was directed at Sam. The boy followed by talking her through everything they knew so far about the demons running around town.
They soon conjured up a plan: go in, all guns blazing. While vague, Y/n was sure it would be effective. She informed the boys that all the host bodies would be dying by now, so there was no point in trying to exorcise them. And they trusted her in that. The trio would split up, taking house by house where they knew the demons were residing. Thus, taking them out, one by one.
Y/n was awaiting by the impala as the sun set. They moved once it was dark. "Sam said you're gonna need to be equipped." Dean started as he exited the motel room, joining her by the the boot of the car.
She turned, uncrossing her arms from her chest. "Equipped?" She reiterated.
Dean answered her confusion by opening the trunk and showcasing the array of weaponry. Her first act was to scoff and turn her chin up at it, "I don't need any hunters 101 weapons." She told him. Dean looked as if he wasn't quite convinced. "If I really wanted to, I've got the power to throw you against a wall."
The boy quipped a smirk and Y/n was already regretting her words. "Kinky." He commented, urging the girl's eyes to roll - almost out of her head.
Her hand gripped the truck lid, "I'll leave you and Sam the guns and holy water." Then she slammed it shut. All while keeping tight kit eye contact with the boy.
Once the sun was all but a slither of orange in a darkening sky, the three moved out. They went through house and house as if they were swat. And with that, they took out each demon and the body they possessed. It was effective. It was quick. Most importantly, to Y/n anyway, it was the best way to get the job done.
It had been Sam who uncovered that the host bodies weren't so dead as Y/n had made them out to be. She had promised them that there was no point in exorcizing the demons and attempting to save the people beneath them. She had promised that they would all be dead already. Yet here Sam stood, having just shoved his trusty demon killing knife into a young girl. A young girl who was resurfacing as she took her last breaths. She had been alive in there. And had Sam not stabbed her, she would have been alive for much longer. It begged the question, how many other people had he just killed?
Y/n and Dean had just finished their final houses. Blood littered their clothes, weapons still in their grip as they walked back towards one another. "That was easier than expected." Dean had observed as they wondered towards the car.
"You can always just thank me, Dean." She quirked with a glimmer of a smirk as he popped open the trunk, putting back his several weapons.
Then he glanced back down to her, "Than-"
"Hey!" The yell cut through Dean's voice.
Y/n didn't regret turning around until she realised Sam had the knife at her throat. His eyes were written with fury and his grasp on the dagger suggested he wasn't just threatening. "Woah, Sam, come on, I thought we were friends right? Need I remind you that you were the one that summoned me." She spoke, in hopes to bring the boy back to some sense.
Even Dean attempted to bring the knife around from his brother's grip. "Hey, Sam come on." The boy didn't move an inch.
"You knew didn't you." The girl swallowed the lump that had since grown in her throat. "You knew that they were still alive."
That was when Dean, too, slipped into fury with a hint of betrayal. "It was the only way we would get the job done."
The pressure of the blade tightened, feeling it clip at her neck. "We killed innocent people tonight. That's not getting the job done." He argued.
"Sometimes there is collateral." She was careful with her words, letting them come out slowly as to anticipate any movement from Sam. "Had we gone around each house, exorcized each demon, we would have been slow. Slow enough for the other demons to catch on, to warn others, for them to plan an attack on us. We would have been dead people walking." She went on. "I didn't tell you because I know you wouldn't have done it. But the job needed to be done."
Sam huffed and shook his head at a passing thought. "It's not just about getting the job done, it's about how you do it too."
He let the blade free from her throat. It felt as if she could breathe again. She watched him intently, not sure what his next move was. "Sam, I'm sorry." He didn't say anything. Neither of them did. "I know you may not believe it, but we did save lives tonight."
Her eyes flickered to Dean. She waited to see if maybe he might say something, anything really. Instead, Y/n was met with that betrayed look that made her feel regret for the first time in many, many years. With that, she turned her back on them, walking towards the centre of town.
It took a few moments before Sam finally looked back at his brother, "You were right; we never should have worked with a demon." Dean nodded, but truthfully, he wasn't so sure in that anymore.
The older boy couldn't sleep that night. Maybe it was the fault of Sam's snoring, or maybe it was due to the spiralling thoughts that plagued his mind. He didn't want to spend time tossing and turning, avoiding sleep and avoiding the horrid feelings that lurked in his gut. So Dean went to the place he knew best: the bar.
It wasn't much for the small town they were still stuck in. But it was a bar, and it would supply Dean with what he was in need of. Though, as he entered the place, he spotted a familiar figure instantly. Y/n was seated at the bar, nursing a beer. He thought about turning back the way he came and was soon reminded of the same reason he come here in the first place: avoidance. It was as if they universe was forcing him to face this, to face her.
So he walked further through the bar, the doubt rising in his stomach, reaching a certain high when he finally met the barstool next to her's. He didn't say anything. She didn't look up. "What can I get you?" Asked the conventionally beautiful bartender; the type Dean would usually spend the night flirting with.
He smiled, "Beer, please."
Y/n finally glanced upwards, clocking the boy who was sitting next to her. "What are you doing here?" She questioned once the bartender had placed the wanted bottle in front of Dean.
"Same as you." He shrugged as their eyes met once again.
Her gaze seemed to drag back to the bar as if looking at Dean was bringing on a certain feeling she wished to be rid of. "Aren't you meant to be mad at me? Meant to be staying as far away as you can?"
"Whose to say I'm not mad?" Dean should be, he knew that. While her plan may have been effective, it hurt that she hadn't told them. "But, you were right. We never would have killed them all if we were trying to save the people they were possessing. And you were right that me and Sam wouldn't have done it if you'd told us there was a chance to save them. Guess us hunters just have that bit of humanity." Dean would never like to admit it, but humanity made it harder to hunt.
"A burden I'm glad I don't have to deal with." She replied, looking over once again.
Dean narrowed his eyes in thought. "You sure?" He inquired. "Because from what I've seen, you save lives. As many as you can. Maybe that's because it's your job, or maybe that's just what you tell yourself." The boy thought that he could be crossing a line, but he seemed to not care. He knew he probably wasn't going to see Y/n again, so why not cross that line? He'd done worse.
Y/n took a long sip of her beer before choosing to respond to Dean. "You act like you know so much about me." She said with a certain glint in her pupils the boy couldn't depict. "Not to long ago, you were holding a gun to my head. You hated my guts. All because you believed I was so very evil."
There eyes never broke from another. Dean leaned closer; Y/n's heart (or what was left of it) quickened. "This might be the first time I ever admit this," Pause. "But I was wrong. I was wrong about you." Her eyes scanned his. Before she knew it, he was leaning into her lips, and she wasn't stopping him.
Dean thought about Sam and what he might say about this. He knew his brother wouldn't be happy, he knew all hunters in existence wouldn't be happy about it, but there was something about her, demon or not, that urged him in like he was a fish on a hook. As they pulled from one another, a silence followed. They weren't sure who was to speak first.
"Why did you do that?"
"Like I said: I was wrong about you."
And like that, her lips were on his again. Historians truly wouldn't believe it; a hunter entangled with a demon.
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kaijime · 3 years
watch your mouth
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includes. osamu miya x f!reader
cw. corruption kink, virgin reader/first time, osamu wants to breed u <33, dubcon, kitchen sex? [it’s in his shop so?], fingering, pierced dick [prince albert piercing], vaginal penetration, size kink, praise kink, tummy bulge, breeding kink, slight dumbification, creampie, thigh slapping?
wc. 3k
a/n. my piece for @seita’s corrupt-a-virgin collab, thank you for letting me join!!
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osamu miya likes to think he follows a strict routine. he wakes up early, shows up for his job, works, and goes home, waiting for tomorrow to arrive and the cycle to repeat itself.
but ever since you've entered his restaurant, you've become a part of his routine.
he sits behind the kitchen counter, watching in admiration how you tend to the customers. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't staring at your ass, but it’s not a lie if he doesn't say it right?
"samu?" there's that nickname again, the one you deemed him ever since that interview for the part time job. "this customer says you forgot to give her a part of her order"
"no i didn't"
"yeah, look" you approach him with the receipt in hand, pointing to a small part of the inked writing. "see?"
he can't see. or at least he can't see the receipt. he's too focused on you, pressing up against him. he knows you're not at fault, but you couldn't be that innocent.
you couldn't be innocent enough to not know the things you were doing to him, the things you were making him feel, the urges that blossomed with every lingering look and longing touch you left on his body. you just couldn't be.
yet, even when his idiotic brother dropped by his shop and shamelessly started flirting with you, you, it seemed like you didn't catch onto what he was doing.
"what's the freakiest place you've ever had sex in?" the fake blond asked, and osamu would've stopped him, if he wasn't curious to hear the answer for himself. still, he doesn't drive his full attention away from the counters he's been wiping, seemingly focused on the simple task.
you chuckled awkwardly under your breath. "that's inappropriate, tsu-"
"c'mon, tell me" he bumps his elbow against yours "can't be that bad"
"no i-... i've never uhm..." osamu can tell you're stumbling and stuttering to find an answer, so he lends you a few helping words.
"'tsumu” he calls "will ya stop harrassin' my employees?"
"'m just talkin' to her samu, no need to make a big fuss" he downs the last of his food and leaves, supposedly in a sudden rush.
it doesn't seem like it’s been hours since then, but the moon hangs low, and the crickets sing outside the window in spite of the late hour. despite the passing of time, not a single word has been said between you and your boss about the conversation you had with his brother, and every minute that passes only seems to thicken the tension between the two of you.
"shit" you mumble, mostly to yourself. you didn’t expect him to shoot up from his place, bent down searching through the lower cabinets.
"watch yer mouth" he says, an evident frown on his face, where he would once smile at you and nod in greeting.
"sorry" you reply, lip pouting slightly while you cleaned off your finger with a paper towel "just got a papercut" the blood tints the paper red and you wince at the stinging sensation.
"here" he holds out his hand to examine yours, even though you already cleaned most of it off, there's still a slight trickle of blood. he wipes it out with the towel he always hangs on his shoulder.
as he cleans your hand, he can't help but think about how it'd look so pretty wrapped around his cock. it would certainly bring more relief than his fist after all this time he's spent thinking about you while stroking himself late at night.
it’s not the first time thoughts like these cloud osamu's mind, but this time he's a little less discreet about it. he stares at your hand like he wants to devour it, and you'd be a fool not to notice it.
"samu?" you call out to his faraway mind, and he snaps out of his thoughs, loosening his grip around your hand.
"right" he mumbles, clearing his throat "sorry"
"thank you" you almost whisper, if he wasn't so close to you, he probably wouldn't have heard it.
he turns and goes back to the cabinets, thinking about what you answered earlier. you'd never what? had sex? were you that uncorrupted?
it would make sense to him, and it would help ease the pain of seeing you let his brother flirt with you like he wasn't even there, but those are all selfish reasons he wants to believe, and he's too scared to ask.
apparently not scared enough.
“what were ya talkin’ about with my brother” he asks, nonchalant as ever, making your breath hitch as you turned around hesitantly.
“we were just chatting” you say, the slightest purse on your lips that tried to relieve the nervousness of the conversation.
“sorry about that” he apologizes. “he can be annoyin’ sometimes”
“oh no, he wasn’t” you lie, clenching around the table cloth you held in your hands. even if the talk had been going smoothly, you still felt on edge after the question his brother left you thinking about. “he was really friendly”
“really?” his hands find comfort in his pockets, and if you’d looked close enough, you would’ve seen the slight smirk in his lip, one that indicates how eager he is to hear what you had to say. “then why didn’ you answer his question?”
if only you knew how much it mattered to him, to know if you were a pretty untouched virgin or not. osamu miya likes to go for girls like you, college girls who look for a quick cashgrab as a part time employee, innocent little girls who unknowingly fall for his charms and next thing you know he’s ruining them with his cock.
but you feel different, you feel delicate. like a pretty piece of porcelain he might break if he continues to toy with you under his calloused hands. yet, he can’t help but think about how perfect he finds your body. perfectly ripe and ready to be filled to the brim with his seed, the perfect age to be plump and round with a child. his child.
“does it matter?”
oh, it does, especially when he pins you against the counter and grips your cheeks between his thumb and his index finger. “samu?” you ask, displaying that innocent look on your face he’d grown to hate.
“i told ya to watch yer mouth” his hands roam down your body until they grab at the back of your thighs. “now jump”
“samu i- i’ve never done anything like-“
“i said jump” hesitant with your actions, you jump and wrap your legs around his waist as he settles you on the shop counter, where he takes off your pants and runs a finger over your clothes slit.
“please” you grip his wrist and beg in hopes for him to stop, but he slaps it away, pinning them behind you with his other hand. he slides your panties down your legs and plays with your clit, circling the nub with his fingertips and watching as your expression changes from one of fear to pleasure.
“please what?” his breath shudders against your neck, where he nuzzles his head and finds comfort in your scent. he slowly inserts a finger into your hole, scanning your face and searching for any signs of discomfort, despite him practically forcing you into this position.
you’re not strong enough to answer him, too lost in the way his fingers feel inside you. you’d been too afraid to do anything by yourself, but god did it feel so good when you gave yourself up to him, slightly bucking your hips into his thrusting fingers and arching your back into his frame.
he’s fond of every little expression you make, the bite of your lips, the clench of your thighs around his hand, and the tilt of your head, willingly granting him access to the skin, all for him to mark, bite and suck. all for him to claim as his.
“d’ya like it?” he asks, putting another one of his fingers to use inside your tight walls, feeling them clench and suck his fingers back inside every time he was close to taking them out.
“yes! yes! i-i... mmh!” you can’t even finish the sentence, not only because you’re sobbing and clenching around his digits uncontrollably at the foreign yet pleasurable sensation, but also because his lips suddenly enclosed yours in a hungry kiss.
he didn’t even have to put up a fight with you, pleased to find you let him do whatever he wanted with your mouth. his tongue tangles with yours in a passionate clash of lips, until he pulls away at the feeling of your hips wildly bucking against his hand, a sign of your inevitable orgasm approaching.
“feels weird ‘samu! ‘s-‘samu please!” the implication of your sensations being new to you made his cock strained against his pants, threatening the thick fabric of his jeans to snap if he grew even harder. the tight knot in your stomach finally snaps when he curls his fingers, sending you into ecstasy as your vision blocked out and you moaned uncontrollably loud.
still, after everything, osamu hasn’t forgotten where he is, and he knows his shop isn’t a decent place to lose your virginity. so he puts you down with shaky legs and slips up your panties, catching you before your trembling thighs can treason you and make you fall.
“do ya have a car here?” he says, grabbing his keys from the counter and puts a hand on your hip, guiding you over to the door which he locks before he continues to walk to his car. the dim lighting of the parking made this the perfect spot, if he were to fuck you in his car, no one would see it. but he has self control, or at least he tells himself that.
“no, my friend usually picks me up” he hums an answer and opens the passenger door to his car.
“i live a few minutes from here” he explains “wanna come over?” he asks, fully aware that he’s taking a leap of faith and you could just refuse him. but that’s not the case, and he’s more than happy to see you hesitantly get in his car and put your bag in your lap, covering yourself as much as you can since he ‘forgot’ to give you back your shorts.
the short ride to his house is awkwardly silent, and terribly torturous. his hand had found home in your thigh, and it had only sent an ache between your legs like you’d never felt before, prompting a clench from your thighs every so often.
he wasn’t lying, he only lived ten minutes away from his shop, but the distance seemed so much longer when his lingering touch would leave you high with the need for more.
“you ready?” he asks, holding the door open for you again as he waits for you to take his hand and get out of his car. he’s quick with hoisting you up and wrapping your thighs against his hips, carrying you to his doorway and leading the way to his room. there, he gently placed you on the bed and stripped off his clothing, taking off the apron he should’ve taken off at the shop, his shirt, his pants and—
“eager?” he can see the wanting look in your eyes, he’d be a fool not to notice it. his voice only startles you out of your thoughts, enough to make you stand up and take off your shirt as well, now fully exposed to him if it weren’t for the bra covering up your tits. there’s only so much he can hold back, but right now, with those pretty puppy eyes you unintentionally give him, he just can’t help it when he takes off your bra and slightly suckles at your nipple, circling his tongue around your perky nub and watching your face warm up in embarrassment.
he takes you to his bed again, this time while he plants kisses all over your neck. he’s hungry with the way he nips and bites at the skin, leaving a trail of teeth marks that would need to be covered up in the morning. in the morning, because right now, you couldn’t be bothered to care about anything else other than the way he rutted against you.
his cock already seemed big when he hadn’t taken off his briefs, so it shouldn’t have come as a surprise when he slipped them off and rubbed his tip against your clit, right?
he was huge, thick tip dripping precum, with a girth that looked too big to be real, pulsing against your pussy. he positions it against your drooling hole, using your slick to lube up his tip and feeling— metal?
you sit up, leaning against your elbows to see the prince albert piercing that runs along his tip, metal jewelry threatening to slip into your pussy, but you put a hand on his chest to stop him.
“i-it won’t fit!” you kick and shake your thighs around him, only for him to put your ankles together and fold your legs over his shoulder, pinning you down and slipping in the pierced head of his cock. you wince and gasp at the sudden stretch, silenced by his mouth clashing against yours, eagerly nipping at your bottom lip, desperate to drink in all your saccharine moans.
“good girl” he praises, slipping in inch by inch of his cock into your tight virgin walls “fuck- this tight little cunt is suckin’ me in, want ma cock princess? yeah? gonna stuff ya full of me ‘til ya can’t even speak, you’ll just be a dumb baby for me”
“hurts!” your words only drive him closer to shoving himself in one smooth thrust, but he holds back, he sees how much you struggle to take barely half of him, he wants to make this good for you to. he wants to make your first time your best time, the one you’ll remember and think about if you ever fuck another man. he wants to mold your insides to fit his cock perfectly, he wants to train you to be his perfect little girl who won’t find another way to get off if she doesn’t have his cock, he wants you to depend on him to always make you feel good.
“‘s ok princess” he leans down, folding you into a mating press as he kisses your neck and slips in the last of his cock, covered in a thin layer of white sheen. “my good girl, creamin’ around me” he mumbles against your ear while he starts a slow pace into your pussy, carefully rutting his hips into you, almost afraid he would break you. “so pretty”
“please!” you sob, tears stream down your face despite his carefulness, it would break his heart, but he can feel the way your own body betrays you, clenching around him and pulling him in for more of the delicious sensation of his cock dragging against your walls. “so big! c-can’t take it!”
“sure ya can, look” he puts a hand to your tummy, guiding you to do the same as he puts his hand over yours. there’s a small bulge, that appears and disappears whenever he thrusts in and out. “you’re takin’ it so well princess, keep yer hand right there” his other hand starts working tight circles against your clit, making you throw back your head at the sudden sensation.
“no! if you do that i-!”
“what are ya gonna do? cum? clench around my cock like yer doin’ right now every time i praise ya?” you fist the sheets to your sides, anything to relieve the aching between your legs and the tight knot that keeps forming in your stomach again.
“please don’t!” you desperately paw at his wrist, only to be slapped away and for him to increase the speed of his cock, rutting into your with more force. suddenly, the head of his piercing hits a different spot, one that left you gasping for air and arching your back against the mattress. “ah! right there- right there ‘samu!”
“yeah? you like it when i fuck ya right there?” he parrots, angling his hips at the same spot over and over, abusing it until he’s sloppily thrusting into you, on the verge of cumming and spilling all his load into you. “my pretty girl, moanin’ like a bitch in heat, all because i’m makin’ ya feel good”
“yes ‘samu! please please, please m-make me feel good! wanna cum, please!” fresh tears roll down your cheeks as you scream and beg for him, unwillingly rutting your hips against him as you cum around his cock, your high too much for your sensitive body as you whine uncontrollably when he doesn’t stop. you’re too overstimulated to say a word, gone too dumb on his cock to even realize that you’re babbling little nonsense words about how good you feel, and how much you want him.
“dumb lil’ thing” he says, giving one sharp, final thrust before he empties his load between your legs, deep inside you, careful not to move you too much in fear of his cum spilling out of your clenching hole.
he’s right, you are a dumb little thing, because as soon as he pulls out you’re desperately bucking your hips, blindly searching for him in hope he would fill up the sudden emptiness in your pussy, unintentionally spilling all his hard work between your thighs.
“no!” he grunts, slapping your thigh and grounding you to the mattress as you wince in pain, dark color blossoming at the skin where he’d placed the spank. “look what you’ve done, bad fuckin’ girl” he says, the sudden tone shift sends a tinge of fear all over your body, and you’re reduced to nothing but a kin to a stray puppy, a terrible look of guilt in your eyes, even if you don’t realize what you’ve done wrong.
“look at the mess you made” he mumbles, flipping you over and placing ass up “now i’m gonna have to fill ya up all over again”
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©️ kaijime 2021 | all content belongs to kaijime, do not modify or repost
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
Change of Plans
Robby Keene x sibling!reader
Johnny Lawrence x child!reader
warnings: alcohol
a/n: this was such a random idea but im a stupid cobra kai fan and i had to write it my brain said so.
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Moon’s party was a bust. Scratch that—busted. It’s like there were no rivalries when everyone scattered. Your Cobra Kais, the Miyagi-Dos, and everyone in between. But as you tried to make your escape, your estranged brother grabbed you by the arm. “Y/N, I need your help.” Words you’ve been waiting for since you could remember. Held in his other arm was his girlfriend, Sam, looking as if she was about to fall over. You called it at the beginning of the party when you caught sight of her “friendly” competition with Tory.
“Yeah, what do you need?” You asked while leading them away from the heat.
“Can we crash at Dad’s? She can’t go home like this.” You looked over at her eyes that seemed to be begging and nodded in agreement, taking them away to their safe haven. It was a decent ways away—a few bus stops, at least—but when you finally got home, your dad was waiting up for you.
“Hi, Dad…I brought friends.” You smiled after he opened the door for you three. You shuffled in with the rest of them and Johnny pulled you aside into the kitchen while your brother and his girlfriend waited in the living room.
“What is LaRusso’s daughter doing here?” He whisper-yelled at you.
“Are you familiar with the term, ‘drunk?’” You gave him the smart-ass reply and he buried his face in his hands to groan. “It’s Robby, okay? I had to help him out. I know you would help him in a heartbeat, too.”
“Yes, I know, you’re right. Always right.” He sighed, throwing his head back and trying to hash this out in his head. “Okay, I can deal with this.” Johnny walked over to his son and brought them down the hall. “Your old room is pretty much untouched, she can stay in there for tonight. But you’re gonna have to stay somewhere else, this already looks bad as it is.” He explained as they got Sam situated, but as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light.
“Robby can take my room, it’s fine.” You offered and pointed the across the hall. “I can take the couch for tonight.”
“You sure? I could sleep on the couch, I’m used to it.” Robby said and you pat him on the back.
“Exactly why I’m taking it.” You grabbed a change of clothes from your drawer and left him be. After a quick shower, you found your dad waiting for you on the couch. “Can I help you with something?” You rubbed your wet hair off with a t-shirt and threw it on the table.
“Were you drinking tonight?” Johnny asked, giving you a strange fatherly look as he leaned his elbows on his knees.
“A little bit, no where near what the princess downed.” You shrugged your crossed arms and waited for him to make his point.
“I thought you knew better.” He told you and you cracked a smile at the comment, sitting down beside him.
“Come on, Dad. It was a party, I had a few beers. That’s all.” You assured him, which he seemed to get, but still wasn’t happy. “It’s not like it’s an everyday thing, how often do you see me go to parties? At least I’m not stealing your beer from the fridge anymore.”
“I knew that was you!” Johnny pointed at you. “Had me thinking I was going crazy.” You both laughed together a few moments, letting it die down slowly. “It’s alright, I trust you not to make the same mistakes as me and your mom. Just promise me you’ll keep on the right track.”
“I promise.” You told him and he stood up from the couch.
“Good. Well, since tonight’s your last Saturday before school starts, you can stay up a little while. Watch some TV or something. I’ll see you in the morning.” Johnny said goodnight and headed for his room. Once you heard the door close, you turned the TV on and threw a blanket over your shoulders, relaxing after a crazy-ass night. You flipped through channels a while until a dark figure appeared from the hallway, you squinted to check who it was.
“Robby?” You asked as he stepped into the light of the television screen and looked at what you were watching.
“Is that Roseanne? What is with you guys and the 80s.” Robby half-joked as you scooted up and brought your legs to your chest.
“Okay, Swayze,” you middle-named him, “what do you want?” You asked and pat the couch cushion beside you.
“Just couldn’t sleep. Ever get so tired that you’re not tired anymore?” Robby sat beside you and you turned the volume down a few notches.
“Yeah, all the time…you’re also probably nervous about Sam’s dad, am I wrong?” For a sibling who never really grew up near their brother, you still knew him pretty well. Maybe it was a sibling thing, maybe he was just easy to read, but you cared about him enough to want to help.
“Maybe a little. I mean, he let me live with them when Mom disappeared, he taught me karate, stopped me from burning out. I owe a lot to him, but I let his daughter get drunk at a party and brought her to his least favorite person’s place. It kind of feels like I’m betraying him.” Robby vented to you, probably the most serious he’d been with you in years—without it being an argument.
“It was her choice to get plastered, Robby. She was trying to prove something, that’s not on you. I know you like her, but taking the fall for her might not be the best idea here.” You softly explained, which made him sigh deeply and shake his head, but he knew what you were saying was somewhat true.
“I can’t do that. She made a mistake, one that might really mess things up for her.” He leaned back on the couch and looked over at you. “I’d do it for her. I know you don’t think she’s worth it, but she is to me.”
“Who said I don’t think she’s worth it?” You ruffled your brows together and half-smiled at him, a little taken aback by the comment. “If I hated her like the rest of the dojo, I wouldn’t have brought her back to my home.” Robby thought about what you said for a minute, feeling like a jerk for it. “Dude, I really don’t care about all the feuding shit, and I get the whole thing with the LaRusso’s, I’m glad they’re helping…but why didn’t you come to us?”
“I—” Robby hesitated a moment, “I don’t know, I guess I just didn’t feel like I could.” You snickered at his answer. “What?”
“I don’t know why you’re lying, but we can stick with that for now. I just think that if you take the fall for her, you might mess all that up. LaRusso has a really short temper for someone who preaches balance.” You stretched your arms up and your back over the arm of the couch while Robby stayed silent, having no way to really argue with that comment. “Wanna watch TV with me?”
“Sure.” He chuckled and you reached behind the couch for another blanket, tossing it at your brother’s face before turning the volume back up. From there, Robby had been tuning in and out of the show, thinking about what you’d said to him. He always wondered what it would have been like being raised by Johnny instead of Shannon, but he always forgot that there was an example who was just a phone call away at all times. But as the two of you sat in silence watching reruns of shows you used to distract yourself with on late nights, you both drifted off on the same couch like little kids again.
When Johnny woke up, he found you both awkwardly passed out on the couch, you practically kicking Robby in the ribs while his arm was draped over his own face. Your dad smiled at a sight he hadn’t seen in years, not since he babysat the two of you on Shannon’s “late nights” or went to pick you up from your mom’s after working a night shift. So he took out his new phone and took a few minutes to figure out where the camera was, luckily finding it before either of you could wake. He finally had a picture of his kids together.
While Johnny was making his go-to breakfast, the classic fried bolonga, for the kids he’d taken responsibility for the night prior, his phone went off, waking up his son. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Robby got up off the couch easy enough not to wake you, as if you could be awoken from your deep sleep.
“It’s okay. Thanks for letting us crash here last night.” Robby told his dad as he entered the kitchen, talking low to make sure you weren’t disturbed.
“It’s no problem, looks like you and y/n had a nice time last night.” He softly smiled, giving his son a little chuckle.
“Yeah, I probably have a few bruises. I think they do karate in their sleep.” The laughter felt unnatural being between the two of them, but they let it go on as long as they could and went silent again, only the sizzle of the pan making sound.
“Look, I’m gonna have to tell LaRusso about this. It’s his kid.” Johnny got real with Robby a moment, which panicked him a bit.
“Please don’t. If he sees her like this, it’ll crush him.” Robby explained to his dad, who looked at his son with what could have been pride, but maybe worry, too. “Let me take the blame. I’ll say I got drunk and told Sam to bring me here.” As they were talking, a knock at the door immediately woke you up with a pretty big jump. Not the first time it’d happened.
“Johnny?” The voice behind the door said and you looked over to your family in the kitchen.
“Oh, no.” Robby mumbled as he looked to the source of the knocking and demands, you threw off your blanket just as your dad gave you orders.
“You two, go in the other room.” He told you. “I got your back, Robby.” You smiled to yourself once hearing his comment, even if you were a little worried by what could come next. Your brother followed you to the room Sam was in, quietly closing the door behind you.
“Everything’s gonna be okay, Robby.” You whispered as you both leaned your ears on the door, hearing the muffled scuffled between two crazed fathers. But the sudden slam of the door was startling, and her father calling her name shocked her back to consciousness. “I spoke way too soon, goddammit.” You waited a few moments before hearing a loud crash, to which all of you decided was the right time to check on them. Robby and Sam restrained their respective fathers and you took a look around the room.
“Dad, stop!” Sam pleaded and he immediately cooled down.
“Sam? What happened? Are you okay?” Daniel asked her and she let him know she was fine. “Why didn’t you call or text us?”
“Seriously? Another TV?” You groaned at the sight of the television lying on the floor as opposed to secured on the wall as the others began to argue.
“Mr. LaRusso, it was my fault. I brought here here.” Robby tried to enact his plan, but you knew it would backfire.
“Wait, don’t even start.” Daniel warned him, ready to break his heart right then and there. “I gave you a second chance. This whole thing was a mistake. You know, if you wanna end up like him, that’s up to you.” The room stood still, unimpressed with his lecture as Robby’s eyes began to gloss over. It was a cruel way to treat someone who made a mistake, that’s what you were thinking as you watched the face of a dojo make a fool of himself in your living room. “All right, come on, Sam.”
“Please, Dad.” She timidly added as he pulled her away.
“Sam, I don’t wanna hear it. Let’s go.” Daniel exited, slamming the door behind him as your brother shed a few tears and the burning bolonga smell filled the apartment.
“I, uh, I’m gonna take the car and pick something up for breakfast.” You slowly grabbed the keys off the counter, waiting for approval.
“Yeah, good idea. Here’s a few bucks.” Johnny grabbed his wallet and handed you some cash. “Don’t go too crazy behind the wheel, I’ll check for scratches.”
“Yes, Dad, I know. I’ll be back soon.” You, much more gently, shut the door behind you and texted your dad immediately after: talk to him, he needs you. Your dad looked down at his phone and back up at Robby, who was walking down the hallway to his room to be alone, shutting the door somewhere in the middle of your’s and Daniel’s power.
“Robby?” Johnny leaned on the wall and tapped the knuckle of his index finger against the door. “Hey, you wanna talk about it?”
“I just want to be alone for a while.” Robby’s muffled voice shooed Johnny away.
“All right, I understand. I’ll be in the living room if you change your mind.” Johnny let him know before walking back to the battleground to clean up. “Shit!” He said, running to the stove to turn the burner of. “That’s horrible, ugh.” The smell of burnt meat filled his nostrils and he winced. No wonder Robby rushed to his room.
You returned not too long after with an array of McDonald’s breakfast items to choose from, finding your dad sitting on the couch with a beer. “So? Did you talk?”
“He said he wanted to be alone.” Johnny answered as you set all the bags down on the table and rolled your eyes. “How’s the car?”
“On fire in the middle of an intersection.” You walked to the end of the hallway and knocked on Robby’s door. “It’s y/n. I’ll give you five seconds and then I’m coming in.” Your dad got up to see what you were doing as you counted to five and let yourself into the room, closing the door once again. “Don’t get mad at me for saying this, but—”
“You were right?” Robby tried to finish your sentence, looking pretty angry as he did with his eyes as red as his cheeks.
“I was gonna say that you can’t let him get to you, but if you think I’m right, I can live with that.” You sat on the edge of the bed, acting like you were the parent Robby never had in this moment. He exhaled deeply, lying back down as you kept going. “A lot of that stuff he just said because he was angry. People don’t always mean what they say when they’re angry, especially when it comes to their kids.” You explained to your brother.
“What if I am turning into Dad?” Robby suggested while staring at the popcorn ceiling.
“You’re not turning into Dad. You did a lot to prevent that, he just said it to get under your skin.” The subject was getting a little too deep for Robby, and out of nowhere, he kicked you. Not violently, just enough to make you jump. “Hey! I’m trying to help you here!”
“You know, you move a lot in your sleep.” Robby chuckled, sniffled, and sat up. “That was payback for what you did to my ribs.”
“Wow, I see. Okay, we’re even.” You stood up and walked towards the head of the bed, grabbing his arm and yanking him off the mattress. “Now, come on and eat the food I brought!” Robby nearly let himself crash on the floor, but he caught himself and you both burst into laughter loud enough for your dad to hear, something else to make him smile at. “Wash your face, too. You look like a wreck.”
“You’re a very mean person.” Robby joked as you made your way out of the room.
“It’s a mean world.” While Robby went to the bathroom to clean up, you entered the living room and looked right at your dad, saying, “You owe me.”
“How do you do it?” Johnny was perplexed by your success.
“I’m just persistent, I guess.” You headed for the tabled and unpacked all the food, trying to get something good out of this morning since sleeping in wasn’t an option. And so the day went on, kind of awkwardly and quietly. Johnny ran some errands, Robby and you watched more TV in complete silence, and you mentally prepared yourself for the first day of school.
You headed out early the next morning, making sure you left early enough to skateboard to school so Johnny could take Robby on his own. “Hey, where’s y/n?” Robby asked once he woke up, albeit pretty late for a school day. Just out of practice, I guess.
“Ah, they left already. Wanted to skate. Said they’d meet you in front to show you around. I can drive you, though. Just let me know when you’re ready.” Johnny told him, setting bowls of cereal out for each of them. Robby walked back into your room to try to find something to wear, getting lucky and finding some of his own. And after a quiet breakfast, headed out to the car.
They saw you when they pulled up to the school and, well, you couldn’t miss them. “Got you some pencil and some paper…” He told Robby while gifting him his brand new school supplies. “I wasn’t sure what you needed. Y/N usually gets their own stuff, I forgot to ask what.”
“Thanks.” Robby sighed and accepted the backpack his dad handed him. They kept on talking, making you grow impatient as you waited for your brother to step out of the car. Once he did, your dad waved to you and you waved back, then watched him peel out. Robby approached with a smirk and shook his head. “Really? You left me alone with him again?”
“Ah, you loved it.” You led him along the halls. “He wanted to drive you to school, it couldn’t have been that bad.”
“It’s still weird seeing him act like a dad.” Robby admitted.
“I see him act like a dad to me all the time. Well, most of the time. It’s the same thing with me and mom. You heard from her since she went to rehab?” You asked as you showed him to his homeroom first and foremost.
“Not really. But at least she’s doing something right.” You walked him to his next few classes, making sure he remembered where to go for the day.
“Finally.” You dodged kids darting through the hallways and poked fun at the freshman, just like Dad taught you. “They’re like little gremlins, man. Why are they running with their arms behind their backs? They’re gonna trip and fall on their faces.” You finally brought Robby to his locker, which wasn’t too far off from yours…or Sam’s. “You’re lucky our names are so close together. Go get her.” Robby ran a few steps ahead and reunited with his girlfriend.
“Excuse me?” He said, causing her to turn around. “I’m new to this school. Can you help me find Miss Santino’s class.” She didn’t laugh, just said:
“Oh. That bad, huh?” He cocked an eyebrow and leaned against the nearby lockers.
“I feel like an idiot. We should’ve just gone to my house and been honest with my parents. I’m sorry.” She said to him, feeling an immense amount of guilt inside.
“No, it’s my fault, too.” Robby told her. “From now on, no more lying.” Just before he could go on, you showed up, leaning your elbow on his shoulder to embarrass him in front of his girlfriend.
“Is he bothering you?” You asked since she looked miserable.
“Hi, y/n…” Sam timidly greeted, just a little worried by your presence as a Cobra Kai and all.
“You can let your guard down, Sam, I’m not like the other Cobras. I’m only in it to kick and punch shit.” You assured her and Robby laughed a little.
“Spoken like a true Lawrence.” He joked, punching your arm and easing the tension between you three.
“Of course. I wanted to ask real quick if you have A or B lunch?” You directed your question to Sam.
“A lunch.” She answered.
“Ah, too bad. Me and Robby have B lunch.” You frowned and walked around her, continuing the conversation. “Well, Robby, I will see you at lunch. I just wanted to let you know that Dad’s not picking us up today, but I brought a spare board.” You did your locker combination and opened it to reveal the skateboard in question, fitting perfectly amongst your books and such. You took it out and passed it over to your brother. “Take care of that, or else. I’ll leave you alone now, that was all.”
“Thanks, y/n. See you later.” Robby waved bye and turned back to his girlfriend. “Sorry about that. Y/N means well, they weren’t lying. It’s just been a weird weekend. As I was saying…I have to tell you something.” She looked at him and waited for him to go on. “Miguel gave me the Medal of Honor. And I put it in the backyard so someone would find it.” She blinked a few times, staring at him with almost no emotion since she already knew what he’d done. As they discussed it some more, the morning bell rang and everyone scattered to class. You ignored the morning announcements as you got situated in class, ready for the day to end as soon as you sat down. But a sudden interruption caught your attention.
“Samantha LaRusso. You know what you did, and now you’re gonna pay for it. I’m coming for you, bitch.” Tory announced to the whole school and sounded the bell, prompting everyone to leave class at the wrong time. You knew things were gonna get ugly fast, so you rushed to the action and met your brother along the way. “Y/N! You gotta help me here.”
“I—Dude, I can’t just—This is insane.” You got a little frazzled, the only good word to use here. Tory was a Cobra, and they could be quite ruthless. Not only that, she was a friendly to you, it’d be a betrayal to stand against her. But on the other hand, Sam was Robby’s girlfriend. Your brother’s girlfriend. You couldn’t mess that up again, you’d never forgive yourself if you did.
“Please…” He looked you in your eyes and you came to terms with the fact that you were about to stab all your friends in the back.
“I got your back.” You patted him on the shoulder and rushed to the circle of students with him and halted once you caught the stand off. You told yourself you could get through this with the least amount of drama, just play the “middle-man” and hold them back until some sort of authority broke it up, but in hindsight, that idea didn’t work out well.
“I saw what you did at the party.” Tory said once you and Robby arrived. “You kissed Miguel.” It was news to many, but to Robby, it shattered his world. Sam gazed over at him with remorse, but the damage was done, your brother had been crushed. Sam stuttered, like she wanted to apologize, but just couldn’t. She had her chance, though, long enough before Tory swung her fist and you two just stared in awe.
“Do…do you want to do something?” You leaned over and asked him, who was frozen completely. “Dude, that’s messed up. Maybe she needs to handle this one on her own.” You were ready to bail out, not wanting to get on the wrong side of Tory’s fists.
“I…” Robby started, watching the two fight while he fought himself inside. Sam was getting kicked, punched, and pushed, but once Sam was completely helpless, Robby couldn’t take it anymore. He tagged in and pulled Tory off while you grabbed Sam and tried to get her away from her assailant. “You okay?” Robby asked her as you tried to get her on her feet. “Y/N, get her out of here!” But when Robby pinned Miguel’s girlfriend, he created a scene that Miguel wouldn’t think twice about. He tackled your brother and you bailed on saving Sam, getting pulled back by Hawk.
“What the hell are you doing? Are you helping them?” Hawk confronted you, backing you against a wall with his personal posse.
“Robby is my brother, I have to help him.” You pushed him away from you.
“We’re your dojo, you’re really gonna sell out for him?” He wasn’t going to let you off the hook that easy, you knew it, but to your right was your brother and Miguel pummeling each other, this had turned into the worst day of school ever.
“I’m not doing this with you, Hawk. Back off.” You warned and instead of heeding that, he decided to fight you, confusing both sides as they caught sight of it. But getting distracted by Robby’s grunts of pain didn’t do you any good when Hawk got the upper hand.
“Hahah, I finally got a hit on y/n Lawrence. And you thought the day would never come.” He mocked as you swept his leg and knocked him to the floor amidst his bragging, stepping on his hair spikes and you left to do something good.
“It’ll never happen again.” You told him while following the crowd into the next hallway over, scattering to see what you could do. The four were up on the stairs and you were fighting for your life to get to the second floor. Before you could make it up there, it was too late. Miguel had fallen just a few feet away from you and you froze at the sight. It took a few forceful thoughts for you to look up and see him, Robby, standing over the railing in pure fear. You would have gone after him, but you couldn’t move. Even if you wanted to. The next person you looked at was Sam, then Tory, and by the time you looked back up, Robby was gone.
You were taken to the hospital to be checked for a concussion, you were lucky that was it. But when your dad got there, he didn’t know what to think. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a…good ol’ fashion concussion. Never stopped me before.” You sat up in the hospital bed they’d put you in and your dad paced the room. “You talk to Carmen yet?”
“Yeah, she wants nothing to do with me.” He told you, balling his fists like Miguel had taught him. “And Robby’s missing, so that’s just perfect. I’m glad you’re okay, though. I am. They did tell me you were suspended, though, nice job.”
“We all got suspended. I was just trying to break up the fight.” You tried to defend yourself.
“I’m not mad, y/n, I was hoping you’d get suspended sooner or later. Just sucks it happened like this.” Johnny sat down on a chair and shook his head, bouncing his leg on the ground. “You sure your head’s okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just gotta stay up for a while.” You assured him.
“Great, ‘cause I’m staying up with you. There’s no way I’ll be able to sleep after this.” Johnny told you, and you knew he wasn’t kidding a bit. The gravity of the situation started to weigh down on you from there. Way more than you anticipated. “What? What’s wrong? Where are the jokes? You’re freaking me out.”
“This is like, really bad.” You curled your legs up, holding them against your chest and resting your chin on your knees. “Miguel’s actually fighting for his life. That’s real. This is real. Robby is a fugitive, I didn’t get to him on time. I was trying to, I swear, but the Cobras noticed. They wouldn’t let me go without a fight, I couldn’t chase him or anything. This…this is crazy. I’m in the hospital and I’m about ten seconds away from a panic attack now. I think I fucked up.” You didn’t use that word lightly in front of your dad, but when he heard it he swapped his seat for your bed and hugged you as tight as he could.
“Y/N, I know for a fact that this wasn’t on you. There’s no possible way it could have been, you did everything you could.” Johnny assured you, trying to hold back his tears from your rant to him. “I’m proud of you for choosing to do the right thing, even if it meant fighting against the dojo. You did better than I would’ve at that age. Now, I’m gonna sign the release forms and get you out of here, okay?”
“Hey, Dad?” You asked before he left the room.
“Can we get ice cream from the store on the way home?” You asked him and he smiled through his personal pain, nodding in agreement with you.
“Sure, we’ll get whatever you want.” He knocked his knuckles lightly against the metal threshold and left the room, letting tears silently spill as he did what needed to be done, but knowing deep down he was on the verge of disappointing you greatly. He was on the verge of spiraling.
taglist: @ravenmoore14 // @lxncelot // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @an4aaa // @dindjarinsspouse // @summersimmerus // @xoxobabydolls // @sapphireplums // @petersgroupie // @popeheywardssecretgf // @ravenhood2792 // @confessions-of-a-adhd-teen // @itachisdangos //
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positivelyholland · 3 years
tom holland sister fluff where he helps her with her homework?
p.s. can there be a lil bit of sibling teasing too?
Pairing: Tom Holland x sister!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: sibling teasing, mental breakdowns because of school work (relatable), mentions of dyslexia, some swearing, not proofread/shitty writing
Summary: when you’re struggling with your schoolwork and your parents are gone, Tom takes it upon himself to make sure you get everything done
A/N it’s been a hot sec since I’ve posted anything, and I apologize for that
You had been working on the same stupid English assignment for the past hour, and boy were you just about ready to light the blank page that had been staring back at you for quite some time on fire, or at least rip it up into peices.
You let out a groan filled with exhaustion and frustration as you ultimately made the decision to ask for help.
Heading out of your room, and into the kitchen, you decided to start looking for your mom, as she’s usually the one to help you with your school work.
After looking all over the house, you were not able to find your mother, but you did run into your eldest brother, Tom, who was cursing and yelling at his video game. You assumed that he would not want to help you, as he was busy, so you went back into your room and broke down.
You’re not one to cry over things like this, but with all the built up stress and exhaustion, everything seemed to come crashing down. It’s just that you had been feeling so overwhelmed lately that this stupid essay you had to write was just what sent you over the edge.
While you did think you were muffling your cries well enough to make sure no one else was able to hear your silent sobs, you were wrong, and Tom had heard you crying and immediately shut off his game and headed towards your room to ensure you were okay.
He opened the door to see you sitting at your desk, with your head in your hands, letting out muffled cries. His heart nearly broke at the sight, as he hates seeing his siblings upset, let alone his favorite one.
He rushes over to you and puts a hand on your back, which ends up startling you, causing you to look back to see who it was, although you basically already knew.
“What’s wrong bubs?” Tom asked, voice full of concern.
“I can’t figure out what to write for this freaking essay,” you replied. You felt like you almost broke down even more after saying that out loud. “And Mom and Dad can’t help me since they’re gone.”
“I can help you,” Tom suggested.
You jokingly scoffed at this, which seemed to change Tom’s expression into one of offense, so you quickly told him that you didn’t mean it to sound rude.
“Sure, Tom. I’d like to see two dyslexics try to write an essay together” you commented with a small smile on your face.
“Oh come on! We can at least try!”
“Fine by me, but we’re probably wasting time,” at that comment, your voice went back to one of sadness, which Tom picked up on, and quickly changed the subject.
“Can I at least read the instructions?”
“Go for it,” you sounded hopeless, which you pretty much were. You had basically already accepted the fact that you’re getting a bad grade on this essay.
As he read the directions your teacher wrote off your laptop, his brows furrowed in confusion, which ultimately made you more disappointed. But after a while, Tom let out a noise of realization, and immediately jumped onto the task of explaining to you what the instructions meant.
And you finally understood.
As the two of you started the essay, it seemed to be going pretty well, and Tom was doing a surprisingly good job at helping. That is, until both of your brains seemed to have flipped a switch and stopped working.
It went a little like this…
“Oh my god why can’t my brain just work normally?” you practically yelled.
Tom responded with “because you’re an idiot, Y/N! And I am too!”
“I’m not an idiot but you sure are!”
“Well true but at least I’m helping you!”
This comment made you practically start dying of laughter, but your next comment is what made Tom crack up.
“Your dyslexic ass has only confused my dyslexic ass even more!”
“Not my fault!”
“It kinda is” and with that, the conversation ended as the two of you realized all this messing around isn’t going to get your essay finished.
Once you realized what had just happened, you found yourself (not literally) rolling around on the floor because of how amusing that last conversation was.
As a result of this, neither of you said really anything for a good 10 minutes, as you can’t really talk while you’re laughing so hard that your stomach hurts.
Once both of you had finally calmed down from your giggling fits, Tom pulled you into a hug and said something that made your heart practically melt.
“I love you, Y/N. I’m truly lucky to have you as a baby sister, even if you’re not a baby anymore. Thanks for making me laugh today” his tone of voice is what told you that he was being 100% genuine.
You smirked and replied with, “Well that’s what happens when two dyslexics try to do any sort of reading and writing​​ together,” he let out a small chuckle at your snarky remark.
“You little shit” was all he said in response. You were so genuinely grateful for your older brother, and your entire family for that matter.
While the sappy moment was just about to end, Harry walked in with a confused look on his face.
“What’s got the two of you sounding like dying pigs up here” and at that comment, it all started up again, except this time you had another one of your amazing brothers in on the fun.
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