#we'll be ok if we only get the 30. we do need more than that. i just dont wanna get my hopes up
horce-divorce · 11 months
my bf urgently needs his psych meds refilled. we are between insurances right now since we just got to a new state. he's only got 4 pills left. he got a coupon so we only need $30 🙏 and if you're reading this, make sure you take your meds and drink some water today yourself!!
✨️paypal . venmo . cashapp✨️
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Eye in the sky pt3.
Reader (codename: eagle) × König
Mission time, tension increased,you have to escape but you will not leave no one behind, what's your final decision? Will you run or stay?.
I was listening to this song while I was trying to describe the fight, I hope it helps to imagine the scenario.
Warning: Blood, violence, grammatical and spelling errors.
📢 Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Pt.4 Final.
A few weeks passed since the last mission with KorTac, you and könig text each other sometimes, Soap and Gaz have been joking about you and your new friend.
- Eagle is too enchanted by that guy
- I know, it's literally like the beauty and the beast
- are you 5 years old? Grow up!
You started to punch them and play with them when Price and Ghost appeared in the common area.
- Did you already finish?
«Sorry» «yes sir» «sorry captain»
- Get ready, we have work to do. Meeting room, in 30 min.
«Yes sir»
You were the first one to arrive, you were waiting scrolling on your phone when Ghost appeared, you smiled kindly and continued on your phone.
- Soap told me what he saw in the nursery the other day.
- Huh? Oh... That, König went to say goodbye.
- Very kind for someone so wild.
You sighed and looked at him, you're annoyed, why everybody cares so much?
- you don't know him well, why do you even care?
- Listen, eagle, I... Worry about you, not only because we work together, you're... Special to me. I will just ask you this once. Stay away from him.
- I don't know what you're trying to say ghost, he's my friend.
- you don't look at a friend in the way you did all the time he was here...
- Ok, stop that, I'm not in the mood for this conversation.
The rest of the team arrived, also König and Horangi arrived too. Price noticed the absence of Roze, he looks concerned.
- and the woman? We will probably need more than 2.
- Roze is on a mission with other companions.
- alright, well... This is probably a terrorist group probably allies of our biggest enemy, what are we going to do? Ghost...
- There are hostages, we will help them and we'll look for information, any kind of information, no matter how useless it can look, we need it.
Horangi and könig were talking and observing the location on the map, Horangi stood up from his seat interrupting ghost.
- Ah sorry, indeed Captain, Ghost, we will need more people, we made area recognition a month ago, the location is isolated. The closet city is 6 hours away using vehicle... And the access is misleading, a lot of mercenaries patrolling.
- What do you propose Colonel?
Price looked at könig, who is still contemplating the map, you can see it in his eyes, he's planning every detail.
- As Horangi said, we will need more people, the place is infested by those mercenaries but we can clean it well, I understand that this is a mission under the water, am I wrong?
- yes, no one can know we're there.
- So, I propose you and your team will be behind us, as snipers, clean the path as much as possible, we will get close to the building, once there, you will join us, we will need some bombs, this building has a good structure and every entrance is well armored.
- Soap can help with that.
König nodded and continued.
- inside the building we will probably find more enemies, we think the hostages are in the attic, so Eagle and me...
- Negative.
Everybody looked at ghost, he looks angry but König apparently doesn't feel intimidated by him.
- What?
- I'll go with you, Eagle will look for information with Gaz.
- I see, well we will lose some time trying to convince them that two masked men are there to keep them safe, ja?
Your laugh echoed in the room breaking the tension, somehow König was right. Would be hard to convince the hostages.
- What is it so funny, Doc?
- Sorry Lt., but the colonel is right, maybe that's not the best idea, i suggest to go with soap or the captain, they look more friendly.
Before Ghost could protest, könig continued.
- Good, eagle and whoever you decide will go for the hostages, the rest of us, look for information And eliminate any target.
- Ah König, Roze, fender and stiletto are back from their mission. We can call them and see them at the location.
- Ja, go ahead Horangi, danke.
Price looked pleased with the plan, after more details, all the group was ready to go.
It was Early in the morning, the location was a beautiful forest, the smell of wet ground, trees and grass green, made it look like a painting. Horangi and Fender were leaders, since they knew the lands better. Ghost was behind you, you could feel his eyes, König kept his distance because he didn't want to cause you troubles, but that didn't mean he wasn't looking at you every chance he found. You were thinking about Ghost words, then about you and König, you're trying to understand what you're feeling.
Before you could finish debating, you were in the zone, everybody got ready to take positions, König approached you and as always, he was looking at you with tenderness.
- Keep us safe Maus.
- You will have eyes in the sky, don't worry Kö...
He chuckled and nodded.
- Danke...
- Have a nice hunt...
«let's go König, we're ready.» you blinked an eye at him and he left. After some time, your radios finally emitted a noise.
«Captain, we're in position.»
- Good, we're ready, you can proceed König, we already eliminated some enemies in that area.
«Gaz to stiletto, you have an enemy at your left, you can proceed, eliminate him easily there's no one around »
«Horangi, don't move yet» «Copy, Fender, you can continue» «Roze, get ready to attack, the target moves in your direction» «König, move to your right, you have an easy target»
You were too focused, observing every step könig was given, you were wondering how someone so tall as him could move so quickly and silently, you're observing every detail, his clothes, his belt, his helmet, he's... Perfect.
- We're outside, we need Soap with the explosives.
- Copy.
- well, you already heard them, let's go.
Once there the real spectacle began. There were more targets inside than outside. You were waiting for this moment, you're a doctor but that doesn't mean you don't know how to give a good fight.
You gave perfect headshots, threw some knives, kicks, it looks like you're in your zone, like a fish in the water, you love this, the adrenaline you feel during the combat. You saw an enemy approaching könig from behind, before König could notice him you brought it down, that caught König's attention, you're seriously amazing, jumping from a wall to your target, punching, shooting, too busy to notice who's observing you. you're wild, behind all the beauty and kindness there's danger, he's amazed.
Unfortunately, even if all of you are doing their best, more mercenaries have arrived at the place, More than all of you expected.
- Captain, what now?
Gaz was on the radio, everybody was hiding and trying to defend their own position, the noise of bombs, shooting, was making difficult to listen.
- We have to go.
- Sir, the hostages... ?
- Eagle, no, we have to go, don't forget we're not allowed to be here.
- All units. We have to go, let's go.
You were running through a hallway, looking for anything that could give information, you found a room, full of computers, maps and photographs, you locked yourself in the room and tried to send all that information to your laptop, you don't have time to read if it is useful, you will check it later. You were leaving when a guy appeared in front of you, he tackled you and started to suffocate you, you were trying to set you free when König appeared, he took the man and with a quick move broke his neck.
At this point everybody is already outside on their way to the rendezvous, it's just you and könig. You stood up and ran behind him until another guy jumped over him, he stabbed him. You gave him a headshot but the damage was already made. König was pressing his hand against his abdomen
- König...
- I'm fine, go, I'll be there in a min.
- No, I'm not going to let you here, lemme see...
- Maus, there's no time, go.
- No!
He finally let you see, unfortunately he was losing a lot of blood, you felt fear running through your veins, your hands are trembling but you tried to clean the wound and close it enough to stop the bleeding, König is doing his best to not show the pain but it's impossible, you don't want to lose him, you're losing your mind and control.
- I am ...the eye in the sky looking at you, I can read your mind...
- Wha..
- I am the maker of rules, dealing with fools...
-I can cheat you blind And...
-AH! Scheisse! (Ah, shit!)... I don't need to see anymore to know that
- I... I can read your mind...
- Good, keep going... Mein Liebling... You can do it.
Finally you finished and helped him to stand up, you put his arm on your shoulder to give him support, even with the wound he did his best to protect you.
«Eagle! Where are you? You have less than 5 min to arrive here!»
Ghost was on the radio, you gave him a quick «copy» but König is too weak, he's still losing blood, so he stopped.
- Leave.
- No, I won't.
- you will not make it on time, leave, I'll find a way to..
- No, you're too weak König! You will not survive... And I won't leave you behind.
«Eagle, König, report, where are you? We can't wait for you, more enemies are arriving»
Horangi is now asking you to hurry up, everybody starts to talk, until you hear ghost once again.
«Eagle, come here right now, it's an order, Sargent»
You look at könig, he is not afraid, you know he would understand if you stand up and leave, but no, you won't do that.
- We'll not make it on time, leave us, König is hurt.
- Eagle, it's an order...
- Sorry Sir. I promised myself I never would leave a man behind.
You cut communication and stayed with könig, you cleaned and tried to close the wound once more, you looked at könig again, you know it was maybe a bad decision, but you never broke a promise, you really won't leave him. His look changes in less than a second and...
Everything went dark for you after that.
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whitmerule · 4 months
today's 'biting my tongue then patiently explaining' moments with clients
client rings up: can I make an appointment to bring my cavoodle puppy in to have his feet tidied up a bit and have the hair around his eyes trimmed back? me (audibly working on another dog in the background of phone call): You don't need an appointment for that! I'm happy to do that as a walk-in, because that won't take more than ten minutes. I can use that time to tidy those things up for you and introduce him to the salon so his future grooms are less stressful, come in any time today before 4:30!
client: turns up with puppy me: puts the current dog I'm working on in crate, visibly talks to the other dog who is currently here me: spends ten minutes working with their puppy client: asks about prices for grooming in general me: explains pricing system client: yes I think I'd like a full groom for him please me: great, once I'm done with him here we can look at the calendar and book him in for his first puppy groom client: ... you mean you can't groom him right now? me: .... [internally, looks at crates with other dogs that I'm working on, looks at whiteboard with all the dogs booked in for the next week marked on it, looks into the camera like I'm on the office] me: .......... [remembers the multiple phone calls I take most days where caller assumes they could just get their dog groomed today or tomorrow and are vaguely affronted that I'm booked out six weeks in advance] me, brightly: Not right now, but let's look at the calendar and see when I might be able to squeeze in an appointment.
(further dog groomer grumbling below the cut)
me, ringing client 10 minutes after their appointment should have started and getting message bank: ... hope all's well, please let me know ASAP if you're still planning on making this appointment, jsyk it's a 90 minute slot so I can't promise a completed groom if you're more than 15 minutes late, and if you're 30 minutes late we'll have to reschedule client: turns up 28 minutes late me: well, it's going to have to be just a bath and tidy, not a full groom doggo: is matted me: 😩 this is not going to be pretty, I will have to shave out the mats and won't have time to blend the shaved patches into the rest of the coat her: ??? why me: ... also there's a late fee (because I say so that's why)
me, after running 25 minutes into my next dog's slot to try to make this poor girl more comfortable: marks groom as complete, sends text to owner me, 90 minutes later: picks up phone to check?? that owner got text?? [your dog is still here and is barking shrilly and anxiously because she is not crate-trained, she has now been here for almost four hours pls get your dog I am not doggy daycare I don't have time to take her out to poop or play] owner: oh I'll be there in a while, gotta pick my daughter up from school, bye! me: [......... ok well if she has a toilet accident and steps in it I'm not going to bathe her again for your convenience, I have two other dogs I'm working on now]
owner and dog I've never met before: arrive me, who's running well behind on this matted collie thanks to above dog: [oh thank goodness you're a smooth-haired jack russell mutt you will take like ten minutes then i can let you cage dry] doggo: is good doggo! is a bit worried! is actually very unsure of what's going on and also doesn't like other dogs [ABOVE DOG IS STILL BARKING IN CRATE] but is happy to be comforted and cared for! is even ok for nails! me, when owner picks terrier up: just so you know, she was very good and communicative but a bit anxious, especially when other dog was barking owner: oh yes, she hates other dogs and also we just picked her up from the boarding kennel two hours ago so she hasn't even been home yet, k thx bye! :D me: [... WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO YOUR DOG]
me: collie, you and I are the only sensible people in this room collie: 👀 me: and I'm not too sure about me collie: (now that you are not brushing my tail you are my bestest friend 😌)
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 4 months
When Water Tribe companions meet (aka: so I have another hc)
Korra: Wow! Look at all the Water Tribe benders! :D Master Katara! Katara: Wow you must be the Avatar after Aang, am I your sifu too? Korra: Yup! Sokka: Heh, wow then Katara must be ancient. ¬‿¬ Katara: Oh shut it Sokka! Kuruk: Ah! Youth! So carefree! Amak, 30s, Kuruk's era ver: You're always carefree Kuruk. >_> Taqukaq: Yeah Avatar Kuruk. Maybe if you weren't so carefree, then Avatar Kyoshi wouldn't have had to do so much in her lifetime! Kirima: Oh shut it, like you know anything! Kuruk: *sweating* Tayagum: And you know something? Kirima: Uhhhhh Kyoshi doesn't want me talking about it sooooo uhhhh..... Akuudan: Well if your Avatar isn't butt hurt about it, then I guess it's fine. Atuat, 40s, Kyoshi era ver: *staring at Amak, bug eyed* Brother! Amak: ????? Atuat? Is....is that you? Atuat, slapping her brother on the back, cheerfully: Look at you alive! Amak: ???! I'm dead? Atuat: Don't worry about it! Hey is this all of us? Tayagum: No, there's one more. Atuat: We'll they better get here soon! I want this Water Tribe Party to get started! >:) Kirima: Hell yeah! Kavik, walking in: S-sorry I'm late! Yangchen needed somethin-uh, why are they staring at me like that? Atuat and Amak: *mouths on the floor* Kirima: No idea, hey you ok in there? Amak: G-g-g-g-g-gra-gra Atuat: GRANDFATHER KAVIK?! Kavik: .........*falling backward from shock* WHAT?! Yangchen, ripping the door off it's hinges and coming in: WHAT?! Kavik: Ah! What are you doing here?! Water Tribe only! Yangchen, lying: I forgot to give you something! Kavik: Well what is it?! Yangchen: It's not important, right now! Kavik: Well if it's not important then-ah! Amak, grabbing Kavik by the chin: It's the same bone structure.... Atuat: Same shifty eyes... Kavik: My eyes are not shifty! Atuat, hugs Kavik: Oh grandfather! We've missed you so much! Kavik: C-can someone please explain! I'm so confused! ;w; Yangchen, cooly: Yes please, We're all dying to know. Atuat, unperturbed: Grandfather! You have to tell us, who is our grandmother! Kavik: HuH?! W-what do you- Amak: You never told anyone. You were away for 9 months, then came back and said "I knocked up a girl in the Earth Kingdom, she died in childbirth. Here mother, father, help me raise this kid." Atuat: And then you had our greatgrans raise our mother more than you did! Everyone: *judging Kavik* Kavik: I-I don't know about any of this! Really! I don't know any women! Atuat: But what's odd, is that mother mentioned you slipping up one time! You said she was a "Southern Water Tribe" Woman once! But then quickly changed it back to Earth Kingdom. Hmmm, so which is it? Korra: I can't believe you basically abandoned you're kid with your parents. What's the matter with you?! Tayagum: And here we thought you couldn't stoop any lower..... Yangchen: I can't believe I ever called you a companion..... Atuat: Huh? Oh! No no, he didn't abandon our mother willy nilly. He was just so busy with helping you Avatar Yangchen! :) He did his best to stay present, don't worry! It helped that you visited a lot too, apparently! Yangchen, blanching: ....... Kavik, looking everywhere but at Yangchen, red as hell: ....... Amak: Oh that reminds me, Avatar Yangchen be careful dealing with spirits. They say you were overcome by a sickness that lasted nearly a year because of a fight with one! Yangchen, face going blank: ....s....spirits.....right.... Everyone: *silence* Yangchen: I'm going to return to the Air Nomad meet up....if you don't mind. *sprints away* Sokka: Huh, she looked spooked. Kuruk, snickering: Mu....must've....snnkrk....must've seen a spirit!
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missvelvetsstuff · 7 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies?
Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Natasha, Reader x ????
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
Notes: Here I go with a new idea because I'm stuck on my wip's. Reader has powers like Dazzler from the X-Men, plus a form of the serum.
Steve and Nat are not great people in this.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
Warnings: none yet
Starts at the beginning of AOU
Steve looked around the room, seeing a woman who disappeared behind a wall. "Second enhanced, female. Do not engage"
A tall, beautiful woman in raggedy clothing approached him with her hands up. "Captain America? Are you here to help us?"
Steve noded but kept his guard up "We're here for Loki's scepter but I can help you. Do you work for Strucker?"
She shook her head "No, he kidnapped me when I was young. He helped me learn how to control my abilities but also experimented on me. He wanted me to be a weapon. I just want to go home"
While they were talking Wanda snuck up on them and forced Steve into a memory. Y/N created a light bright enough to shock him out of it.
Steve shook his head and once it cleared stared at her "How did you do that? What abilities, exactly?"
She shrugged "I'm a mutant. I can turn sound into light. It used to be random but I've learned how to make a laser and how to hypnotize people. Strucker made me learn how to break people out of the witches hex, in case she ever turned on Hydra."
Steve nodded "Well let's get you out of here" into his comms "Third enhanced, female. Not hostile. I'm bringing her with me." He looked at her "I'm Steve, what's your name?" She told him and he nodded "Follow me"
Tony nodded, breaking out of Wandas hex "I have the scepter, let's get out of here."
When they made it to the quinjet Y/N was quiet and stayed out of the way while they worked on Clint. She hoped the Avengers were better than Hydra, they couldn't possibly be worse.
Once they arrived at the tower, Y/N was taken to medical to be checked after Clint was being treated but was only found to be exhausted, malnourished and dehydrated. Dr Cho advised starting with a bland diet and rest for a few days, then a check up before starting on other foods and light exercise.
Nat introduced herself "I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself before but my friend....."
Y/N nodded "It's ok, all of you were coming down from a fight. I know how that can feel."
Nat looked at her warily "Thanks. Let me show you to your room. You can take a shower while we get some food for you. There are some sweats in the dresser that you can wear until we get you some clothes. We will be in the conference room. in 30. We need to debrief you and Nick Fury wants to meet you. He's not here today but will probably drop in soon."
Y/N looked surprised "I'm no one but I'll tell you what I can."
Nat showed her the room "If you need any help you can ask Jarvis. He's Tony's AI and helps run things here. Just ask him for directions." Nat looked at her, concerned "You're safe here and we'll help you figure everything out."
Y/N looked around the room, more like a suite and more luxurious than she had seen in many years. Strucker kept her in a small, cold cell that had been made so she couldn't use her powers to get out. She hadn't had a proper shower in ages, usually they just blasted her with cold water once a week.
The shower was heaven and the hot water never ran out. There were some high end toiletries and plush towels, she hadn't felt so good since she didn't know when.
She dried off and put the sweat shirt and pants on, they were so soft and felt wonderful on her skin. She found a pair of slippers in the closet and was ready to face everyone. She looked up at the ceiling "Jarvis?"
"Yes, miss?" She jumped at the disembodied voice.
"How do I get to the conference room?"
"Exit this room, turn left and follow the lights"
"Thank you"
"Of course, miss."
Y/N found the conference room with Jarvis help and could hear the team talking quietly, her name came up more than once which made her nervous. She entered the room and everyone stilled, which made her more anxious.
Tony looked over at her "Come on in, we'll see what we need to do here. I have to say you look much better now. I've never seen anyone look so good in sweats. Natasha can take you shopping for some clothes when you're up for it."
Y/N shook her head "Thank you but I don't have any money."
Tony smirked "Don't worry about that, it's taken care of.
Please have a seat. There's food coming for you."
She sat down where he pointed and looked around nervously. She didn't know much about the Avengers and could only hope they were better than Hydra. A plate of eggs and toast with a glass of Apple juice was set in front of her. She picked at it for a minute before diving in. Strucker almost never gave her real food, just some high protein paste that did the job but tasted awful.
Tony clapped his hands "Alright kids, lets get this started. Y/N would you like to start?"
She looked up at him, wide eyed with a mouth full of food.
Tony grinned "Right, sorry. Go ahead and eat and we'll come back around to you."
Y/N listened carefully to everything they said and tried not to eat too quickly. When they came back around to her she had cleaned her plate and wanted more.
"I'll get you more after we're done here, don't want to shock your system too much." Tony told her softly.
"Can you tell us some about yourself and what Strucker was up to?"
Y/N nodded "Like I told Captain Rogers, I'm a mutant. I can turn sound into various forms of light. I can hypnotize, make lasers or just a pretty light show when I sing. I was 10 or so when Strucker kidnapped me and started experimenting to see how my powers work. He also gave me some kind of serum that made me stronger, heal faster and enhanced my senses. Taught me to fight hand to hand. He insisted he was my father but when I got older, he did things to me that no decent father would do to his daughter.
Last year he brought the scepter and two people that he enhanced with it. Wanda can mess with your mind and her twin brother Pietro moves very fast. I tried to tell them how awful he was and talk them into escaping with me but their hatred for Tony Stark and the Avengers was too much. They told Strucker I wanted to escape and he locked me in a cell I couldn't get out of for the last few months. He released me when you showed up, hoping I would help the twins fight against you but I couldn't. I didn't want to be under his control anymore"
Tears were running down her face as she finished.
Nat rubbed her back gently "Do you know where you're from? Where your family is?"
Y/N sighed "I don't remember much. Strucker tried to erase my memories and they are pretty scattered now. I see flashes of another life but they are blurry and vague. I know I wanted to be a singer, taught myself how to make light shows to go with my songs. I remember when my mom saw me doing that and freaked out. There's not much after that except for Strucker and his experiments."
She sat back looking a little dazed "I'm very tired. Is it ok if I go rest?"
Tony nodded "We can talk more later. Once you're fully recuperated you'll have to come to the gym and show us your stuff. Captain, would you like to escort the lady to her room?" He saw how Steve was looking at her so wanted to give him a little shove.
Steve and Y/N were both quiet on the way to her room. She started humming without even realizing and a soft colorful haze surrounded her.
Steve looked at her in shock "That's so beautiful" his cheeks flushed "I mean you're beautiful, you know your voice and the lights"
She stopped "Sorry, it's a habit and how I comforted myself in my cell."
"No, no, don't be sorry. You don't have to stop, it just caught me off guard" they stopped in front of her door. "Get some rest and ask Jarvis if you need anything" he gently touched her arm and felt sparks which made him pull away quickly. "Yeah, uh, good night"
"G'nite Steve"
Chapter 1
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melonteee · 10 months
My point about losses wasn’t that it's only about the physical injuries, it's that injuries get played up yet never stick to the point that it becomes difficult to tell if an injury a character obtains is actually deadly or worth worrying about. Characters get peirced, blown up, electrocuted, poisoned, but all save for Luffy (and of course Ace) basically sleep it off and are a-ok. We'll never see the consequences of Luffy's shortened life span because unless he was only ever going to reach 30, well, he'll find One Piece before that.
Of course I care about the other things that stand to be lost, but if the character's are never actually putting their lives at risk, why should I be worried when they enter so-called death matches? Why should I be concerned, they always survive with little lost time or lasting consequences. Yes, Oda has been more willing to kill off some side characters, but I can't bring myself to really believe or feel their losses. Pedro's was a good example of their bittersweet successes coming with genuine loss that can be felt.
Sorry, I guess I'm not sure how to get it across right, because of course the mental fight is important, but if Luffy and crew can just constantly tank every injury and eventually keep going without consequences that we'll actually see, why should I worry about them when things look tense? They'll be fine. They'll throw a party before the day is over. Like, this isn't MMA or chess. It's not all fighting nor all mental gymnastics, it's got both. But if the physical has no weight to it, then why should I be conserned about Alabasta or Dressrossa? Luffy will just stand back up and win because attacks types and power levels mean nothing. Zoro takes two Emperor's attacks but gets a little miracle drug (that, once again, the only consequences is a shortened life span) and he's back up and fighting.
Ah, OK, I think I got it. To use MHA as an example, Deku vs Todoroki held a great deal of weight not only because of what they were fighting over but because Deku was willing to continue over-straining his hands/arm to make his point. And we see this over-straining have lasting consequences in the damage done to his hands and his later need to make better use in fighting with his legs. But he doesn't regret doing this damage to himself because Todoroki needed help in that moment. So, compared to Luffy and Zoro having this far off consequence we'll likely never see, Deku carries with and has to adapt to his rash choices in series.
(Heck, Treffy actually losing his arm because of Dressrossa would of been a good example of a consequence like that. But no it got reattached like nothing...)
Lol we'll just have to agree to disagree cause the only reason Luffy even upped his gears is BECAUSE Rayleigh told him he can't get through everything with what he had, the whole point of the timeskip was them improving themselves due to being too weak for the new world. And EVERY Shonen protag gets back up I'm unsure what that point is meant to be, but the thing with Luffy is it's in his character to keep getting back up. That's the thing we rely on him for, that's literally what Wano emphasised.
They're risking their lives all the time, and again, physical injury isn't the biggest aspect of any fight. Luffy very nearly died and awakened a new gear to beat Kaido, he couldn't even beat big mum and got totalled by Katakuri to the point they had to RUN AWAY from Big Mum. I think you're focusing far too much on physical injury of character rather than the stakes of the actual series. Like I get where you're coming from but to say it's a huge flaw that one piece battles have no risks is totally untrue, especially compared to an mha arc where they're in a SCHOOL COMPETITION where no one was going to die 😭😭 the only risks mha CAN have at that moment IS physical injury since they're not trying to save a whole nation LMAO.
But if you're talking about improvement of strength from said injury, One Piece doesn't rely on body pain to improve oneself and look for other options, it relies on the risk of losing overall - death or not - to make each character improve. We literally just saw Sanji, Zoro AND Luffy improve on themselves mid battle due to the risk of losing unless they thought on their feet. Yes Zoro got given that 'miracle drug', but due to that, he realised he couldn't face the emperors and unlocked a new power against King. He faced consequences against the emperors and sought after King instead, accepting that wasn't his battle.
I honestly can't see what you're seeing cause the battles are really engaging for me, and again, I'm not into battle shonens at all. Maybe the reason I like it is the reason you dislike it lol
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dollsonmain · 9 months
Ok, Son's at school. I didn't realize they're getting out early on Thursday instead of on Friday, so I have a lot less alone time before another long holiday break than I thought.
Ugh. I do honestly like spending time with my Son, but not the noise videos he likes. They hurt. He's good about understanding when I can't take it anymore, though, and will either go in another room or is comfortable with me going down to the basement for a while.
I think maybe we'll listen to some of those records that I found unbearable together over the holiday. I think Son might like those, and while I don't like them, it doesn't mean he's not allowed to.
Still need to get a record cleaning kit.
That Guy is pushing both Son and me to get jobs somewhere in town without cars. I'm like, how we get to work????
He usually yells at me that I'm making excuses, then yesterday in the car yelled that he'd drive us, and had already said that.
He never said that.
He said he'd get Son a car once Son got his license, and then Son could take himself to work, and every time I mention how would I get to work he's said I'm making excuses and also said that I'd get the job first and then we'd figure out transportation which is illogical.
Not once did he say he intended to personally drive us to work, at least not until yesterday.
I don't think he means that anyway.
How's he going to do that? He leaves for work at 5 am, and if I don't start until like 9am to 6pm because I'd have to work full time to qualify for insurance which is what this is all about, I mean, I'm not sitting around my workplace for an extra 4-5 hours before my shift especially if I happen to find an office job and the office is closed until work time. That's just not possible in the winter.
Then he has to be home in time to drive Son to work after school but if he's not getting to work himself until 9 or 10 am because he has to drive me, then he's not getting home until 7 or 8 because it's a long commute (1 hr 15 minutes one way) to HIS work, and Son's work would probably be something like 5 to 10pm because he is a teenager in school.
Then he'd be having to go pick me up around 6 pm, and Son at maybe 10pm. They'd get home around 11.
The only other option is that I manage to stumble upon some legitimate work-from-home (I'd rather work outside and interact with people; I've been trapped in this house and isolated for 16 years) or work overnights, but he's vetoed the idea of me working nights because he doesn't want to sleep alone.
Depending on where Son and I would be working we might be able to manage our schedules such that Son goes to work right after school (5pm or so start time, gives him time to come home, shower, get dressed, and leave again) and then I start work when Son's shift is ending so that That Guy makes one trip to town to drop Son off at work, another to pick up Son and drop me off and that would be roughly 9:30 pm to 10:30 pm if we happen to work in the same place or at least nearby each other. He'd get home and get to bed around 11. Then That Guy has to come and get me at 7am which is right after Son gets on the bus (meaning That Guy would have to get up with Son in the morning to make sure he got on the bus because I wouldn't be there), bring me home, and then he might be leaving for work around 8:30 am assuming he did his morning get-ready before leaving to get me. Gets to work at 9:30, works the full shift so off work at 6:30 pm, then gets home at 7:30, though more like 8:30 or even 9 due to rush hour traffic out of the DC Metro area and at that point Son's missed most of his work shift...
It's the same as the insurance thing. He demands it happens then gets in the way of it happening and blames others for it not happening.
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What he needs to do to make this work the way he wants it to is get at least one more car that son and I could share or for us to move somewhere the two of us can walk to work.
Either way, it's going to cost him money to not have to spend his money on us and he's short circuiting trying to figure out how to make this all work without him spending any money.
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idk if this counts as a vent but its kinda long i just need to rant
so i told my friends im asexual yesterday.
im still struggling to figure out with my sexuality where i lie within like who im attracted to, but i do know that im at least ace. i mean i didnt tell them exactly, i didnt use the term asexual, but i told them i dont ever want to have sex and i dont really feel that kind of attraction.
theyre my two closest friends, and the first people ive ever told. really just cuz its never come up, its not like im actively hiding the fact. we were playing this game of would you rather, but it was a card game someone got me for my birthday so like you played it a certain way to fit the game idk. and one of them (which confused me bc it was rated 14+??) asked would you rather "give up swearing forever or give up sex for "do it" for 2 minutes every day or have a 30 minute makeout session every day. and they were supposed to try to guess what i would choose, and i said the latter.
and they were really surprsied?? like no i dont really wanna do that thats weird, and they told me oh thats not weird some people do that and i was like do they?? idk i just dont like that. and they were like ok whatever and we moved on. and then later there was another (i really do wonder why this is only rated 14+ bc 14 year old me would not like these questions) that said would you rather give up swearing forever or give up sex for 12 years.
and i chose the second obviously. ik i do online but irl i dont swear that much so that wouldnt be hard, but also im asexual so like thats easy lol. and they were trying to guess what i would choose and they both got it wrong and they were shocked. and i was like yeah i mean i dont have sex now?? and they were like yeah but youre a teenager now what about when youre older??? and i was like no i dont really want to, i dont ever really plan to have sex
and they were shocked. they thought i was crazy they thought i was joking. and they were like youre gonna change your mind and i was like no im not i dont want to have sex????? i never have??? like ive told you i dont want to have kids thats part of why.
and they were like but what about when you get married? dont you want a boyfriend? it would lead to that!! and its just so baffling to me that some people think that way. its absolutely absurd to me that i had to explain the difference between a romantic and a sexual relationship. like i told them theres plutonic, romantic, and sexual relationships, everything in between, and not one is higher or more important than the other.
and they were like "but what about when you get married? what are you gonna do?" uhh im gonna love them?? im gonna love my partner romantically and be happy with them and not have sex??? marriage doesnt need to include sex. "what are you gonna do after the wedding?" uhh go home and take a nap?? idk we can cuddle but im not insane for not wanting someone inside me thats nasty. (no offense yall im just sex repulsed).
one of them literally said "but once your relationship reaches a certain point you almost have to" AND I WAS LIKE NO WHAT THE FUCK YOU DONT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING EVER?? and they were like "i gUeSs". i told them id rather die than have sex like thats just not for me and they thought i was insane. they said if someone came up and said do that or die, youd die?? and im like yeah because if i dont want to then thats sexual assault and yeah id rather die than be sexually assaulted??? "what if your partner wants to and you dont?" then uhh if sex is that important to them we'll break up, i can respect their opinion and hopefully they can respect mine?? its not that confusing??
i dont know i just think its so weird to have that perspective in life. i guess its technically "normal" but the idea that all romantic relationship leads to sexual is weird. and the idea that giving up sex for 12 years is harder than not saying a few words is even weirder.
i mean the only good thing that came out of that whole conversation is i got over that imposter syndrome of not being "queer enough" because they acted like i told them i was an illegal alien getting transgender operations in prison
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hungarianmudkip69 · 7 months
actually im thinking abt it now so here's a post
Tips for Actually Fucking Getting Your ADHD Medication!!!!!
First of all, some notes:
a) I was diagnosed and started my medication when I was very small. So unfortunately I cannot offer advice about getting prescribed your medication! only getting the medication you are already prescribed. I literally don't remember a time before I was taking my meds.
b) I take specifically Concerta! While I think these should be applicable to other medications as well, that's something I felt like I should be upfront with.
c) I live in the US. I don't actually know how much of this would apply to other countries. Maybe some of it? But this is specifically about the US healthcare system.
This is going to be a bit long bc I am, of course, ADHD, so I'll put it under a cut.
This post will cover two scenarios: My Medication Is Usually Covered, But This Time It's Not/Costs More Than Usual and The Pharmacy Is Out Of My Fucking Medication!!!!
I would appreciate reblogs even if you aren't ADHD to get this info to people who need it, especially with another shortage seemingly starting!
I've got a couple different situations to cover, starting with:
My Medication Is Usually Covered, But The Pharmacy Says This Time It's Not/Costs Way More Than Usual
ok this is going to be so so hard but this is what you're going to have to do:
Call your health insurance.
Every time this has happened to me, it hasn't actually not been covered, it was the pharmacy fucking something up while checking coverage.
When you get through to a rep, you're going to say this:
"Hi, my name is [name.] I was trying to get my ADHD medication from my pharmacy, but they said it's not covered, which is weird because my prescription hasn't changed and it's been covered before. I'd like to know what's going on."
If you're upset, don't feel bad about not being able to hide it. Gotta be honest, I've gotten the quickest help when I started crying on the phone...
What usually happens with my medication is that it's made by multiple manufacturers, and the insurance only covers some of them. If the pharmacy only checked one manufacturer and it wasn't covered, sometimes they don't bother to check others, and tell me that my meds aren't covered.
Even if it's not that, it is far more likely that your pharmacy fucked up than that your insurance coverage changed. I once got quoted ALMOST SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for 30 days of my medication. It turned out to be a pharmacy error.
Health insurance companies may be out to fuck you over, but the people at the customer service phones are there to help you. Let them help you get your meds covered if the pharmacy won't. I once had an incredible rep who even called the pharmacy herself to make sure they ran my meds properly and started filling them while I was still on the call. Let them help you! They want to!
The Pharmacy Is Out Of My Fucking Medication!!!!
This is the problem that I was having at the end of last year which was fucking hell for me to deal with.
Some useful background for this section:
There are multiple different ratings of generics for a drug. For my explanation, we'll use Concerta. This explanation may not be entirely accurate as I am not trained in this stuff! But it is what my dad learned and explained to me while we were navigating the shortage.
Concerta is extended-release methylphenidate, but the unique thing about it is the release mechanism. It has a little hole in the end and a tiny sponge in it. Over time the sponge absorbs stomach acid and expands, pushing the medication out at a consistent rate.
There is a generic with this same sponge release mechanism! It is what is called an "AB rated" generic for Concerta because it is proven to have the exact same therapeutic effects as brand name Concerta. Insurance covers AB generics! Yay!
Extended release Ritalin is the same drug and the same dosage, but it simply dissolves in your stomach over time so it doesn't release as consistently as Concerta. It is a "Bx rated" generic. At least in my experience, insurance will not cover this without a special exemption from your doctor. This is usually a good thing, because it means your pharmacy can't just give you a Bx instead of an AB without your knowledge. During a shortage? Not so much.
So you have been informed by your pharmacy that they do not have the generic covered by your insurance. Here is what you're going to do.
1) Freak out a little bit. This is normal. Medication is important and you're not getting it. Let yourself work through it, then calm down because there Are Things You Can Do!!! Take your phone with you when you lie on the ground and cry, that way once you're done you don't have to get up to work on solving it. Getting up is hard.
2) Call your pharmacy and other pharmacies in the area. You want to find out a few things:
2.1) Do other pharmacies in the area have the generic your insurance covers? If so, you can call your doctor and ask them to send your prescription to that pharmacy instead.
2.2) What potential alternatives do they have? Ask if they have the brand name in stock (during the height of the shortage, both pharmacies my family used almost always had the brand name but not the AB generic) and if they have other generics your insurance doesn't cover. Take notes!
2.3) "Do you know what the process would be for getting one of those alternatives covered?" They may not, or they may tell you exactly what you need to do.
3) Call your insurance. Explain your situation to them, and ask them about ways to get your medication covered. I take 72mg total, and when the shortage started I was taking one each of 54mg and 18mg generic pills - by talking to the insurance, I found out that I could switch to two 36mg brand name pills without paying any more. However, this didn't help for my parents or for the times the pharmacy was out of the brand name as well. So here's the more important part: There are ways for you to get your doctor to apply to get them prescribing you an alternate generic approved. The insurance rep can describe this process to you. Take notes to get ready for the next step:
4) Call your doctor's office. Explain your situation, again, and explain that you called the insurance and they told you you need the doctor to do this thing. Ask when you can expect it to go through. Explain how you've been without your meds and it's awful and please you understand that there might not be anything they can do but anything they can do to fast track it would be incredible. Be polite, but don't be afraid to expose how badly you need this. I find it helps. Just be honest.
5) Treat yourself. This is stressful and it's a lot of phone calls, which are hard, especially if you don't have your meds. Give yourself a little treat and it will help your reward-motivated ADHD brain feel better about having to do that shit. Legitimately, my therapist told me to give myself a little treat every time I call the doctor. It's an important step.
6) Follow up. If it's past when you were supposed to get news or have your meds, call and ask for an update. Don't be afraid to be proactive in finding out the exact status of your meds. Just be polite and kind and phone reps are generally happy to help.
I genuinely hope you never need this advice. I also hope that if you do, it helps. These are just my personal experiences, so please also feel free to add any of your own tips to this post.
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claire-starsword · 5 months
The Guardiana Magic School Run -Part 18
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Certainly it must be obnoxious that I keep bringing up the novel wherever I go, but consider: 1) i waited years to read that thing so i don't care; 2) translating 300+ pages for free is hella work so i get to brag; and 3) we are literally on Rudo lol i can't stop looking at everything differently now. I know this dog now. I love this dog. She's my friend.
Back to the run, we're still on the spirit of treasure hunts!
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After a very fun and not at all garbage puzzle involving unclear map boundaries, we get Musashi, who is not valid for this magic user run. Yes, the guy is invisible and making words pop out of thin air, but he's NOT magical. He's just built different. You would understand if you had studied the blade like him.
We then get Lyle, who is also not for this run. Very sad. But at least they'll kindly donate their weapons to support our magic school. It's not much, but it's the thought tha-
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so uh, wow! that's something i'd never learn in a regular playthrough. Since it's a unique weapon it goes to the deals section for double the price. The deals section is very clogged right now so I guess we'll soon learn if new deals still pop up or if we're done with it. Not like the useless swords there were helping anyway.
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On the topic of weapons, we also get a Holy Staff like I promised last time. I could promote Khris right now, giving up on an early Aura, to use this. Her attack is currently pretty ok (28), so a boost would likely put her in the 30+ with attackers like Max and Arthur. That's wild to think about. But am I going to use her like this with her squishy defense? In the chapter where Golems and Dullahans start to appear? I'm not sure. The next battle is also forest and she doesn't have great movement in that. But we'll be surrounded by spawns, so she might make a difference in wiping out some enemy in that chaos.
I'm pretty afraid of the next battle, so that's what I'm going for. At the end of the day she has four levels to go until Aura and I hate this kind of grinding very much lol
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Say hello to Vicar Khris! Boy I hate the stat loss so much. And yet, upon equipping the Holy Staff, she now has the greatest attack in the party. Dog that mauls you for your sins. I'm losing it.
And we're not done with upgrades! First of all I forgot to equip the Soulbuster on Max, but don't worry, it still doesn't make him stronger than Khris.
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Arthur on the other hand jumps above the Khris bar thanks to the Chrome Lance. The unpromoted Lowe and mages cannot use the Guard Staff for now, which is a bit of a loss for Lowe, but the girls on the other hand should just be blasting things with magic anyway. Tao might be our greatest weapon against the Golems.
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Narsha meanwhile gets the Holy Mace, which is not only more powerful but also capable of Heal 3. Unfortunately I did forbid using weapon effects on my rules, didn't I? Uh oh. Still a nice upgrade, and I didn't have any idea on when to promote Narsha, so let's do it.
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Establishing herself once more as the deuteragonist of this thing, Saint Narsha is now as strong as Max, but with a few more points in defense, which is great.
I am still afraid however, so I don't think the upgrades will end here.
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I do sit atop a sizable collection of stat boosting items. That I always forget to use in casual play. I would like to not mess my challenge run doing that. The only characters were missing by now are Alef and Torasu, neither of which will need Power Wine, for example. I would also hope they won't need five whole defense potion.
But do I know how to distribute this in an smart and efficient way? Hell no. I do hate seeing Max without defense though, so one potion goes for him, taking him over 20. I do chicken out on using the rest of them though, because I don't think they'll make enough of an impact on characters that are still on the 14-17 range, especially when they don't have enough HP to survive two hits even if their defense was raised.
What I do end up with is using a couple Life Loaves on Narsha. Her defense is now on par with Max yet she has way less HP, so I'm hoping the +3 here helps.
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I also end up facing this bizarreness here where the game does not update her current HP? Hoping she doesn't enter battle like this. I can't even use Medical Herbs outside of battle to fix it now.
I also decide to use the Power Wines on Max and Narsha, I'm really betting on them as the frontlines here. So congrats Max, now you're on par with dog girl. Only took a lot of effort.
I also give Anri a Quick Chicken in hopes she'll get more chance to hit the enemies before they hit her.
After all these very insecure decisions, I'm now turning my game off and on again because the Narsha thing bothers me.
:/ it does not fix it
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Had to enter this screen and retreat, this is honestly some garbage code.
Anyway, let's finally get to the battle. The clear bonus is just money. Thanks to Musashi's patronage I'm not worried about that. Also no way in hell I'm rushing this battle.
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I don't know why I haven't mentioned yet, but Domingo should be the star of this battle. The game even knows it, giving him some extra dialogue here. He has the best defense in the team, floating movement to ignore the forests and mountains, and magic damage against the enemies with high defense.
Arthur is currently the other tank of the team, but being a centaur he won't be moving well in this terrain.
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He's at least enthusiastic enough to be the first one to move, but not like there's many threats in this start.
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Also I'm just learning that Attack 3 uses 40 MP so, uh. Don't expect to ever see this thing used lol
Very unsure of what to do with Narsha as usual. I might try setting positions to catch Max, Arthur, Hanzou and herself in an Attack 2. I could boost the mages' damage instead but I'm unsure if that will be impactful enough on level 2 spells, and Tao's Blaze 2 is not in a deep need of help. Besides, MP eventually ends, while attack boosts are forever.
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After a boring turn 2 we are finally ready to beat these things up. They're doing nothing to Arthur.
No point in wasting Domingo's MP with these weak enemies though. Arthur, Max and Hanzou wipe them out in a single hit each.
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It takes me several turns because Khris is slow and has little movement, but I include her in the Attack plan.
In the next turn, I could use a Boost 1 on someone to finish Narsha's MP, but I feel like saving it for Aura in case I need healing.
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I seem to have attracted the Artilleries' attention, but not triggered the spawns yet, which annoys me. I don't want those things to catch me off guard.
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Welcome to hell! The Master Mages have Freeze 2, which is pretty dicey to take on when there's many of them and we're gathered like this. The golems and worms should have a lot of attack, and Domingo and Arthur are my only tanks, so I can't exactly surround everyone else. At least I think the golems can't reach anyone yet since I tried to stay on the bottom, and their movement is not great. The worms should have less defense than the golems. Maybe we can defeat them before the golems arrive! Optimism!
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You can already feel the centaur pain with Arthur not even being able to cover Tao here.
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But he can one hit a guy in forest land effect.
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Also, look! He finally fits this playthrough! Baby's first spell! Will we be using it instead of 20+ chrome lance damage? I don't think so.
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Domingo also can't cover Tao, so clearly I screwed up bad. Maybe he'll distract the other worms though.
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Max one hit kills a worm, but Hanzou fails tragically at this mage. He gets a level up with +4 attack to ensure it won't happen again.
I hit image limit as expected so, to be continued in a reblog, see i told you this one was more exciting than the last
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kookies2000 · 2 years
Just because I was bord and played with the incorrect generator.
Perrito: *Finds note* What's this?
Puss: Hey! That's mine! *tries to grab it*.
Perrito: Awe, it's a love note for Kitty?
Puss: No-
Perrito *opens it*
Perrito: .......
Puss: .......
Perrito: I can't read this.
Kitty: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance?
Goldie: No.
Baby: No.
Kitty: Didn't think so.
Perrito: I can't believe there's a cat somewhere in my house. Amazing feeling. Love cats. And he's here, in my house! Somewhere! And I may encounter him! What a treat.
Goldie: You have Crayons?
Baby: Yes, I have—
Goldie: You're— how old are you?
*The gang responding to being stabbed by a sword*
Goldie: Rude.
Kitty: That's fair.
Puss: Not again.
Perrito: Are you gonna want this back or can I keep it?
Perrito: How do you do that?
Puss: I'm fearless.
Kitty: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.
Puss: I'm mostly fearless.
Goldie at Puss's funeral: I need a moment with them.
Everyone: Of course. *They leave*
Goldie, leaning over Puss′s coffin: Okay, listen here you little shit. I know you’re not dead.
Puss: Yeah, no shit.
Puss: Help! I’m drowning!
Goldie: Calm down. We’re only in six feet of water!
Kitty, writing in their diary with a glitter gel pen: I'm losing my sense of humanity. Nothing matters. God is dead. There's blood on my hands.
Kitty: Social distancing says you shouldn't be within an elbow's distance of each other.
*later, in a barfight*
Kitty: Social distancing doesn't say nothing about feet! *kicks opponent in the face*
Kitty: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I’ll wait.
Perrito: You and me!
Kitty: *tearing up* Ok.
Kitty: Puss has no survival skills, their need to win has replaced them.
Perrito: That can't be true!
Kitty: Watch this.
Kitty: Hey Puss, race you to the bottom of the stairs!
Puss: *Throws themself out a window*
Goldie: Okay, if we can't do it by sheer force, we'll do it my way.
Baby: But your way is sheer force!
Perrito: You have an impressive pain tolerance.
Puss: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Goldie: ...My man Baby just killed a goldfish!
Baby: *licking their lips* Yup. Delicious.
Puss: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Kitty: What can therapy do for me that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can’t?
Kitty: *is hugging Perrito*
Puss: Hey! It's my turn to hug Perrito!
Puss: *grabs Perrito*
Goldie: *kicking down the door* What do you mean, "yOuR tUrN"? We agreed now is my time slot!
Kitty: No, It's still my turn!
Perrito: *suffocating* Guys, I love you, but just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean you can be hugging me constantly!
Puss: But we need the moral support!
Kitty: And you're small! Which is cute!
Goldie: If I don't hug you right now I think the depression will kick in and my body will stop functioning.
Perrito: *close to tears* Well- I, I guess.
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carladuquette · 1 year
happy speak now tv day! a couple of years ago i wrote a little something based on speak now (the song) and it turned into a whole taylor x elite series. next chapter - no body no crime - coming when i my wrists/arms will let me type without pain again.
ANYWAY, Speak Now - Carla/Samuel
Carla pulled at the hem of her dress, then took another sip from the small champagne bottle Lu had pressed into her hand as soon as she had gotten into Carla's car.
"I'm really not sure this is a good idea," she said one more time. "Maybe we should go home."
"Carla." Lu took her hand and waited until Carla looked at her. "We've talked about this. We're going. You need this. It'll give you… closure or something? Anyway, you can't let that little hairdresser tell you what to do. And we look way too hot to turn back now, ok? Trust me, it'll be fine."
Carla smiled briefly. Whenever Lu said that, there was at least a 50 percent chance whatever they were up to would end in disaster. Hopefully today would be different.
She braced herself and took a deep breath in the back of the car. It wasn't like she was heading to her own execution. Weddings were a happy occasion. A couple expressing their undying love for each love. Two families united as one. A never-ending flow of alcohol from the open bar. Only that she and Lu would never get to the part with the alcohol. They wouldn't go to the reception because neither of them had actually been invited to the wedding they were about to attend.
Well. Technically…
It seems that I was uninvited by your lovely bride-to-be
Samuel had been dating Maria when Carla had returned from London and she'd been determined to be happy for him. They had gone on a few double dates, always with a different guy by Carla's side (and a girl once, Carla had learned some things about herself in college), but eventually they'd stopped.
Samuel had canceled a dinner first, then Carla had feigned a headache and bowed out of a movie she and Sergio (or was it Raul?) were supposed to go see with Samuel and Maria. When Carla had texted Samuel a few days later with the suggestion for another date, he'd said it was a bad time, that he was studying for the final exams for his Bachelor's and Maria was busy at work.
The mean part of Carla had wanted to reply asking what exactly Maria was so busy with at the salon, but she'd just texted him a "Sure, let me know when you come up for air." He never had.
Carla hadn't minded. In fact, she'd been grateful. Going out with him and Maria had been more painful than she had been willing to admit to herself.
They'd seen each other one more time after that, at Guzman's birthday. Maria hadn't been there - "She's visiting her mom on Lanzarote," Samuel had explained - and it had been the best night Carla had had since returning to Madrid. She and Samuel had been inseparable all night. They had talked for hours. His jokes had still been stupid, his dance moves had still made him look like he was having a seizure and Carla still hadn't cared one bit. The way he'd looked at her… No one had looked at her like that in years. Carla had felt like she was right back in high school.
It had happened when Guzman had finally kicked the last guests out at 3:30 am. They had awkwardly hugged goodbye in front of Guzman's apartment building. And then they had kissed.
For the first time Carla had felt like she was actually home again. Then she'd opened her eyes and had seen the guilt written all over Samuel's face.
"I'm sorry," she had rushed to say.
"No no, don't worry about it. We're both drunk, this didn't mean anything." As if it could ever not mean anything with him. "You're fine. Go home. We'll just forget this ever happened."
A few months later she'd been out for drinks with Guzman, Ander and Lu. Guzman hadn't been able to look her in the eye all night, until Lu had kicked her ex's leg under the table and exasperatedly said "Will you just tell her already?"
Samuel, as it turned out, had apparently done exactly as she had suggested, forgotten all about their kiss and proposed to his girlfriend. By the end of that night, Lu had had to hold Carla's hair back as she threw up in the bar's bathroom.
The invite had been in the mail a few weeks later. "A July wedding, it'll be way too hot," Carla had thought idly as her legs had given out. She had fully planned to attend, with a plus one, of course. But before she'd been able to send her RSVP back, Maria had shown up at her office on a Thursday. It had been raining and Carla had just gotten dropped back off at the winery after a business lunch with a buyer from Italy when she'd seen Maria in the lobby. (She still remembered every single detail of that day down to the color of her shoes - bordeaux - and the overly sweet smell of Maria's vanilla-scented perfume.) Samuel's fiancée had made it very clear that she did not want Carla to show her face at the wedding.
I sneak in and see your friends And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel
They had actually sneaked into the church where her high school boyfriend was about to get married like it was Teatro Barcelo and she and Lu were 15. Carla took a moment to appreciate the absurdity of her life before she looked around. People were still arriving, so there was enough of a hustle and bustle that the two of them didn't attract attention standing off to the side next to a large shelf holding fliers about the church's membership drive, its Thursday night soup kitchen and the Alcoholics Anonymous group that hosted its meetings in the building's basement. The snob in Carla was appalled that no one had bothered to remove the shelf, or at least the fliers, before the wedding. Stop judging, she reminded herself. You shouldn't even be here.
Lu had no such qualms. "That has to be Maria's mother up there, right?" She scoffed. "Who wears mint green to a wedding? Honestly, that whole outfit is a disaster. I am itching just looking at the fabric from here. What is that, polyester?"
Carla nodded absentmindedly, looking for faces she'd recognize. Her heart skipped a beat when she spotted Nano already standing up front next to the altar, looking uncomfortable in an ill-fitting suit. "Look." She tugged on Lu's arm. "Samu must be so happy to have his brother here. I bet Nano is his best man."
"Yeah, he is." Lu chuckled. "Guzman was pretty hurt he didn't get the job. Oh my God, is that-"
Both of their mouths were hanging open as they watched a tall brunette walk past them at a distance, quietly cursing and pulling at the ruffles covering her torso. "Wow," was all Carla managed. She couldn't drag her eyes away from Rebeka in a pink tulle atrocity that she realized had to be a bridesmaid dress.
"She and Samuel must still be really good friends for her to be wearing that." Lu was laughing so hard she had to lean on the shelf and Carla shushed her. When she had calmed down she turned to Carla.
"So, I hang back here while you go find Samuel? I can text Guzman about where the room is that the guys-
"Are you insane?" Carla took a step closer to Lu so their faces were almost touching. "I am not going to talk to him! That is not why we came here!"
She was about to elaborate when a familiar voice made her freeze. "Nano!" Pilar shouted as she entered the church, cellphone in hand. "Did you tell the DJ it was next weekend?!"
Carla roughly grabbed Lu's elbow and dragged her along as she hurried behind the shelf and ducked.
Lu stared at her. "What the-"
"Sssshhh!" Carla covered Lu's mouth with her hand. Only when Pilar was far enough away they couldn't hear her shouting anymore did she remove it. "She can't see us, she'd immediately tell Samu I'm here."
The gentleness in Lu's eyes was a rare sight. "Carla, what are you doing?" she asked softly.
"Samu and I just missed our moment." Carla shrugged. She knew her hard work to look nonchalant was in vain, but that didn't mean she'd give up. "He's getting married, there's nothing I can do about it."
"Bullshit! Have you not seen a single romcom ever? Damn it, you are so clearly still in lo-"
"Shut up!" Carla could feel her face heat up. "You wanted us to come here, you dragged me to this even though I told you in no uncertain terms I did not want to go and I still very much don't want to be here! But you don't care because you thought this could be some fun little anecdote for you to tell down the road, right? 'How I crashed a working-class wedding.'"
"That's not true and I hope you know that," Lu said quietly.
Seeing hurt flash across her best friend's face and knowing she had caused it still came with the exact same mix of surprise and regret it did in high school. "I'm sorry," Carla said immediately. "No, of course I do. It's all of this, being here... It has me on edge. But you're right, it'll be good for closure. Let's just find seats in the back and get through it, ok?"
Lu smiled half-heartedly and hugged her. "If that's what you really want."
Horrified looks from everyone in the room But I'm only looking at you
The ceremony passed in a haze. Lu covered a laugh with a cough as Rebeka walked down the aisle, other than that the two of them were silent. Carla kept staring at Samuel, trying to decipher whether he looked happy, but they were too far back for her to really read his face. When Maria floated down the aisle like a pageant queen, Carla grabbed Lu's hand without taking her eyes off the bride. She was squeezing so hard that she thought she could hear their bones crack - she'd definitely have to buy Lu a drink or five once this was over. Once this was over… when Samuel would be married. Carla closed her eyes.
After what felt like hours, when the sickeningly adorable story of how Samuel and Maria had met had been told and a friend of Maria's had sung some 90s love song off-key, the pastor cleared his throat and declared: "Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
"Carla." When she didn't react right away, Lu pulled away her hand and pinched her arm hard enough to hurt. "Carla! This is your last chance! If you don't do something now-"
It was a physical reflex. That was the only possible explanation, because Carla certainly didn't want to get up, but there she was, on her feet, hands shaking.
"Uhm." She cleared her throat. The effect would have been comical had she not been this terrified: Every last person in the church turned to look at her. And they clearly weren't happy. Carla took a deep breath and focused on Samuel, who hadn't moved a single muscle and was staring at her slack-jawed.  
"I… I don't usually do this sort of thing-" Here she could see Rebeka laugh, the only one in the bridesmaids line-up who didn't look horrified. "But I wanted…" What exactly was it that she wanted? What was the plan here? Carla was ready to just sit down again (or, even better, have the ground open up and swallow her whole), when she felt Lu squeeze her hand. Fuck it.
"I didn't want to miss my moment. Not again. Samu, we've done that enough times. I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier, right when I got back from London or even before that, but I love you. I love you." Carla was having an out-of-body experience, but she was still pretty sure the smile slowly spreading across Samuel's face wasn't a hallucination.
"So… You shouldn't be marrying the wrong girl, I guess is what I'm saying."
A collective gasp traveled through the pews. Maria threw her bouquet to the ground and looked like she was ready to tackle Carla, but Rebeka had taken a step forward and grabbed her by the arm. Carla felt like she was floating, like she had drunk an entire bottle of champagne too quickly. Nothing could touch her. She actually giggled. "I'll be going, but if you're not going to be saying any vows, come find me outside."
She turned around and made her way out of the pew. Lu was right behind her. Once they were outside, the enormity of her actions hit her in the face. "Oh my god." Carla had to sit down on the church's front stoop because the world was spinning. She had apparently forgotten how to breathe right and struggled for tiny gulps of air. "What did I do? What just happened? I never should have come! Oh my god, oh my god, oh my-"
"Hey!" Lu was kneeling in front of her, grabbing her face with both hands. "You were fucking fantastic. That was the bravest thing I have ever seen, really, Carla."
"She's right, you know?"
Carla's heart stopped. She didn't dare turn around, so when Lu got up with a wide grin on her face, Carla just kept staring straight ahead. A pair of tux-clad legs appeared in her field of vision. Carla's mouth opened without any contribution from her brain. "You can't wear sneakers with a tuxedo," she said, her voice hoarse.
Samuel's laugh rang in her ears. When she finally looked up at him, his dark eyes were serious.
"Did you really mean what you said in there?"
For the first time Carla allowed the hope that she had pushed down to unfold. She got up and grabbed Samuel's hands. "I just got up in front of all your friends and family and ruined your wedding. Of course I fucking meant it. Every word."
Before she could ask how he felt, Samuel pulled her close and pressed his lips to hers. Carla moaned into the kiss and only broke away when Lu cleared her throat.
"You're welcome, bitch."
Carla practically ran the few short steps towards Lu and all but jumped into her arms. "Thank you," she whispered in her ear. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." Her cheeks were wet when she pulled away.
"Any time." Lu wiped away a tear, too. "But can we get going now? I don't want to be here when the angry mob gets out."
They started walking towards their car, but Carla could feel Samuel tug at her hand. "Yeah?" She smiled at him.
"I'm really glad you came."
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
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I posted 969 times in 2022
That's 969 more posts than 2021!
615 posts created (63%)
354 posts reblogged (37%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 737 of my posts in 2022
Only 24% of my posts had no tags
#jaune arc - 681 posts
#rwby - 637 posts
#rwby jaune arc - 623 posts
#rwby jaune - 622 posts
#jaune - 609 posts
#rwby shitpost - 297 posts
#ruby rose - 206 posts
#rwby ruby - 188 posts
#rwby ruby rose - 185 posts
#ruby - 171 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#this is getting out of hand that i will not write the names of any of this ships.
My Top Posts in 2022:
For Science... Of course.
Jaune: *Drinking water after a long day of work*
Penny: Salutations friend Jaune! Are you busy?
Jaune: Hi Penny, I'm not busy. You need something?
Penny: Yes, I want you to help me live a certain first-hand experience.
Jaune: And that is? *Drinks water*
Penny: *smiles* Intercourse!
Jaune: *Surprised and almost drowned while drinking water* Kaff! Kaff! What did you say?!
Penny: I want you to help me experience intercourse like a real human. *She smiles*
Jaune: Ok, first of all, I don't think it's a good idea to be asking people these things. Second, I don't want to sound insensible, but do you even have a… *whispers* vagina?
Penny: I understand your concern, but don't worry. I only asked you for this after doing a very thorough investigation of your person around the academy. Many girls have talked about how efficient you are in bed.
Jaune: Wait what?
Penny: And about your second concern. I had some modifications, look! *She lifts her skirt*
Jaune: *Blushing* Oh
Moments Later:
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Penny: Oh my!~ My research was correct. Friend Jaune you are incredible!~
Jaune: I'm glad you like it, but you shouldn't hold back.
Penny: What do you mean?
Jaune: Penny, I can tell you want to express yourself more.
Penny: That's not true *hic*
Jaune: You're lying. Let it out~
Penny: But... I'm not a bad girl.
Jaune: You can be a bad girl with me~
Penny: *Blushing* Ok... Jaune?
Jaune: Yes, Penny.
Penny: *Smiling* Please breed me~
Jaune: Of course~
Jaune begins to move her hips aggressively, moving Penny's entire robotic body with each thrust.
Penny: Oh fuck!~ I love your cock!~ It's so big!~
Jaune: That's it, let it all out~
See the full post
411 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
Mating Season
Jaune arrives at the Belladonna's house after a long journey. He and his girlfriend agree to meet at her house. She even gave him the keys to get in. The plan was to have a vacation together in her hometown. He walks in and the first thing he does is charge his phone. The battery ran out on the way here. Meanwhile, he drinks a glass of water and after a moment the phone turns on.
Jaune: 30 missing calls? 45 texts? All form Blake?! Did something happen?!
He calls her back.
Jaune: *Worry* Please be okay, please be okay
Blake (Phone): Jaune! Thank God you call me.
Jaune: Sorry I didn't call you early, my phone died. Are you okay? Something happened?
Blake: I'm fine. Listen, my mom is going through something and she needs to be left alone.
Jaune: *Worry* What kind of thing?
Blake: She is.... She is in her mating season.
Jaune: Is that real? I never saw you go through that.
Blake: It only affects adult Faunus who do not have long-term sexual relations. And well, because we do it… a lot. It doesn't affect me that much.
Jaune: I see, is there anything I can do?
Blake: Yes, don't go to my house, it's not safe for you! If you get there, she will suck you dry. Please stay away from my house! I've already texted you the new location where we'll meet. I just arrived.
Jaune: Blake...
Blake: You... You are already in the house.
Jaune: I'm already in the house.
Blake: Has she seen you?
Jaune: No, I haven't seen anyone yet.
Blake: Well, try to get out quietly and lock the front door once you're out.
Jaune: Okay, I will.
*WHAM* A door was flung open.
Blake: What was that?
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Kali: Oh hi Jaune, I didn't know you were coming to visit me. Do you want a cup of tea?
Jaune: *Nervous* It's fine, I was already leaving. Blake is waiting for me.
Kali: I don't think she'll mind if you're a couple of minutes late. Please stay, I can help you relax.~
Jaune: Thanks for the offer but-
Blake: I'm sorry Jaune, but it's too late.
Jaune: What?
Blake: I'll see you tomorrow. Do your best to survive. *Hang up*
See the full post
420 notes - Posted April 14, 2022
Jaune OF
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Jaune just finished his classes and was walking the halls of Beacon Academy like any other day, but these past few days he has felt more and more that people are watching him. He thought it was his anxiety, that maybe it's just him being paranoid, until a group of girls stop him.
Girl 1: Hey, are you Jaune Arc?
Jaune: Yes that's me.
Girl 1: Really?! I mean, that's great.
The girls behind her just giggle
Jaune: Um, can I help you?
Girl 1: I was wondering if you ever plan on collaborating with anyone on one of your videos? Maybe we can work together?
Jaune: My videos?
Girl 1: Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't know you're trying to keep it a secret. *She approaches him and in silence* I'm talking about these videos. *shows him her scroll*
Jaune can see a lot of videos and photos of him. Some of them were in the gym, some of them when he was swimming, and some of them when he was in the locker room changing or just wearing a towel. The pictures didn't show anything sensitive like his "sword", but they left little to the imagination.
Girl 1: So, what do you say? We can take some photos and videos together for our fans. I would increase the tons of fans on your account and mine. *she leans closer to his ear* But to be honest, I hope to do something more explicit.
Jaune steps back showing his face red as a tomato.
Jaune: *nervous and confused* S-sorry, I have to go.
Girl 1: Would you even think about it?
Jaune: I..
Girl 1: If you like my friends can also join. It wouldn't bother them.
Jaune looks back and sees the girls giving him bedroom eyes and waving at him. One of them even winked at him
Jaune: I-I'm sorry. *Jaune starts running*
Girl 1: *looks back at the other girls* Was I too strong?
Back with Jaune.
Jaune runs back to his room. A lot of questions come to his mind. Who took the photos? Why are they doing this? How many people know? More and more questions were piling up in his head, but right now he wants to stay away from everyone.
Jaune finally reaches his room. He steps inside and closes the door behind him. He leaned his back against the door and slid down to sit on the floor.
Nora: *Out of nowhere* Are you okay fearless leader?
Jaune turns to the corner of the room and sees Nora still in her school uniform reading a magazine and listening to music on her pink headphones.
Jaune: Nora! *Stand up* Someone is taking photos of me and posting them on Onlyfans!
Nora: Oh! that was me!
Jaune: What?! You did this? Why?!
Nora: I need some extra money and with our schedule it is impossible to get a job. So I decided to do an Onlyfans!
See the full post
429 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Jaune and Blake embarked on a stealth mission at the White Fang base to obtain sensitive information about a terrorist attack on the Vale embassy. Unfortunately, the person they least wanted to run into, found them.
Adam: Finally come back to me, my love.
Blake: I didn't come back to you!
Adam: Nonsense, you belong to me!
Jaune: Wow dude. Not cool, slavery was abolished a long time ago. You can't own a person.
Adam: What? Oh No! I didn't mean that! She's my girl!
Jaune: Your girl? I don't know, friend. After she left you on that train car, I'd say what you guys had was over a long time ago.
Adam: Wait! You told him?!
Blake: Of course I told him. He is my boyfriend after all.
Jaune/Adam: Boyfriend?!!
Blake: Yes, he is my- Wait, what did you say?
Jaune: Well, I thought we were just friends.
Blake: We had sex before this mission.
Jaune: Really good friends.
Adam: You had sex with him?!!
Adam: *Scared*
Blake: So all those romantic dinners, walks in the park, and the little dates we had in the library were for nothing! I mean, you even met my parents!! Are you seeing someone else?!
Jaune: *Scared* No
Blake: So why aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend?!
Jaune: Do you want to?
Blake: Do YOU want to?!!
Jaune: Can we talk about this later? We are on a mission.
Blake: Oh no, we are going to talk about this right now!
Adam: Can I say something?
Blake: *Shoots him*
Adam: AUGH!!
Jaune: Oh my God! you shot him!!
Blake: Hey hey, don't focus on him, focus on me.
434 notes - Posted November 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Schnetflix and Chill?
Jaune hangs out in Velvet's room watching movies.
Jaune: That movie was incredible.
Velvet: Yes, I loved the ending. It was so unexpected.
Jaune: Yeah *Looks at his watch* Wow, is it so late already? Well Velvet, it's time for me to go. *Stands up*
Velvet: Wait! *Takes his hand* Would you like to see another movie?
Jaune: I don't know, it's already too late and your teammates could be here any minute. I wouldn't want to bother them.
Velvet: They are not coming tonight.
Jaune: Huh?
Velvet: They are not coming tonight. So… if you want… you… *Blushing* you can sleep here.
Jaune: I don't know.
Velvet: *Puppy eyes* Please… stay.
Jaune: *tries to look away* But....
Velvet: Please...
Jaune: Ok, fine! But we will sleep in separate beds.
Velvet: *Quietly* We'll see about that.
Jaune: I'm sorry. What did you say?
Velvet: I said, which movie would you like to watch?
Jaune: I don't know. Any recommendations?
Velvet: *Smiles seductively*
Later that same night.
Velvet: OH JAUNE!!!~ FUCK!!~
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Jaune: Fuck~! Velvet, your pussy feels so good!~
Velvet: Your cock feels so fucking good too! Oh God~! I can't live without this dick!!
Jaune: Shit~! I'm at my limit!
Velvet: Are you about to cum?!
Jaune: Yes! Fuck~!
Velvet: Then give it to me baby! Fill me up!!!
Jaune: *Goes harder* God~! I'm almost there!!
Velvet: Yes! Do it! Fucking cum in me!!
See the full post
443 notes - Posted September 28, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Any submitted propaganda under the cut
Raycon - 10
God awful earbuds with 3 times the price of similar quality with the same script every god damn time at least allow creators to do something with it. Not an active scam product but they try so hard to market themselves like one and I don't understand.
1. It's been a while but at it's height, you couldn't get through a video without seeing someone shilling these subpar earbuds. 2. They're literally earbuds bought off of alieexpress with a fancy brand slapped over the top 3. They're garbage earbuds. DankPods did an excellent breakdown of why they're awful 4. Now everyone I know thinks Raycons are great despite them being as expensive or more so than actual established brands that work hard and take pride in their sound quality
I used them for a while actually but they just didn't work out for me so at this point I'm not going to start buying them again and I don't need to hear about it anymore
they’re everywhere. everyone i watch (which is a fairly diverse list) has a sponsorship. i also know zero people in my life who own them.
There are so much better earbuds that are also cheaper. Plus I don't wanna hear YouTubers awkwardly explain and show them being used, it's just dumb.
they wouldn't even stay in my ears plus the look like they go right up against your eardrums. red flags all around plus i hate wireless shit the battery lasts like two shakes at best
Cerebral - 1
Ok sorry this is gonna be an essay with some snark. So for some important background, at last report Cerebral is under investigation by both the DEA and DOJ for essentially being an online pill mill. This tech bro startup took advantage of a temporary measure meant to help patients keep their EXISTING prescriptions during the pandemic -- the usual rule is that controlled substances can only be prescribed after an in-person appointment, to avoid the exact kind of situation I'll describe, but of course when lockdowns made in-person appointments much harder then people who have been taking stimulants or w/e for years shouldn't be left hanging. But then, in comes the Cerebral tech bros who decide to build their new business off prescribing stimulants to NEW patients... to "95%" of new patients, to be exact, because one of them actually admitted "100% would be a pill mill". (Oh yes, 95% is much better, not just a malicious loophole at all /s) Basically, a patient would have a single 30-minute video appointment, take one quiz that's meant to be a SCREENING tool (not a diagnostic tool! if you get a high score that's an indication you need MORE testing to confirm a possible diagnosis!) and then immediately get prescribed stimulants with no physical exam (no EKG, heart rate, or blood pressure, just for starters that any RESPONSIBLE doctor would do) and no further questions asked.—
—That would have been bad enough, but the advertising and shilling. Oh god, the advertising and shilling. Cerebral put out ads deliberately overstretching "signs you may have ADHD" in such a way that would put Tiktok influencers to shame (and we'll fucking get to that.) Like one ad implying that overeating sweets, something that literally everyone does at one point or another, is a sign you should make an appointment with Cerebral to get that sweet sweet Addy! And as for the real treat, the actual sponsorships. They had a fucking AFFILIATE CODE PROGRAM. Tiktokers would be like "use my code to get $30 off your first month!" for PSYCHIATRY. Not only that, but for psychiatry prescribing stimulants which are addictive and can kill you if you're not being carefully monitored for heart problems. Tiktokers and ads would also describe this service as a "life hack" and emphasize how easy it is to get stimulants through this one neat trick! Medical ethics is dead and we killed it. It got to the point that major pharmacies like CVS and Walgreens started refusing to fill prescriptions originating from Cerebral, because if/when a pill mill gets busted, pharmacies that filled the prescriptions can also be held liable. Think of the opioid epidemic for examples of the situation they were trying to avoid. They noticed how suspicious it was that ALL THE SUDDEN there was a huge flood of prescriptions for addictive drugs, ALL originating from the same few healthcare providers (mostly Nurse Practitioners rather than Medical Doctors, because MDs were more likely to call out the ethical/legal violations, but even many of the NPs who worked for Cerebral described feeling pressured by the corporate higher-ups to increase prescriptions and discourage waiting or further testing) Once this all came to a head Cerebral tried damage control by no longer prescribing stimulants to new patients. I haven't heard any updates on the regulatory investigations since then. But you know what I haven't seen that's even more telling? Not one, not a SINGLE one of the content creators who shilled for this company EVER apologized. For all they know they could have contributed to getting someone killed, not to mention life-ruining addictions, all for that sweet corporate sponsorship cash. Even if you argue they might not have known better at the time (to which I say bullshit, it's your responsibility to at least google the company to see if there's any red flags, Cerebral had more than a communist parade) even AFTER all this started making national news, it was just dead silence and moving on to the next corporate sponsor. But hey, if you're struggling with Adderall addiction, I know just the thing to help! Sign up for BetterHelp using code "SHILL" to get $10 off- *dies*
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bereft-of-frogs · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
@aurorawest tagged me in this an age ago but there was always a chance (however slight) that I'd maaayyybe finish something else before the end of the year (I did not) so I held off. But! It's time for the 2023 review.
Words and Fics
103, 870 words posted
Technically only 1 fandom, but then like...3 subfandoms? (Star Wars: Fallen Order, Prequels/JA-era, and A New Dawn/The Last Padawan)
14 fics
1 ongoing WIP, 2 multi-chapter, 10 oneshots, and 2 chapters added onto my OC repository, 2 series
most recent drop: we are made of our longest days
longest: technically the whole of the dark ocean duology at 50,304 but also just part 2: to stand at the edge of the sea (25,752)
shortest: found a tape that was blank (1,392)
Top Fics by Kudos
closure, and the lack thereof (98)
omens and all kinds of signs (72)
with teeth, we've come this far (66)
(dark ocean duology) part 1: the deep sea is a haunted house (63)
(dark ocean duology) part 2: to stand at the edge of the sea (59)
and some love for the bottom 5 because my favorite is among them: 1. a shadow resides by night (13), 2. follow me into the endless night (16) 3. p.s.: wipe the salt off of my skin (30), 4. I feel like I'm borrowing all my time (33), 5. take in a breath, fill your lungs (34)
My fandom fic events in 2023
just the usual whumptober taking up most of my autumn
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
for 2024 I think I'm going to try out like a 'leapfrog' method, where I focus on finishing a first draft, then let that percolate while I work on the next first draft on the list, then backtrack for the second and so on...I think this makes sense. I liked focusing on one project at a time last year and I'm hoping that gets me to make progress on the 4-parter that I really, really want to write and keep putting off.
omens and all kinds of signs (chapter 3)
manipulation/hostage thing (?) (part 1)* - I really need a better working title for this, this is not actually describing what's going on
the haunting presence / serial (part 4)**
the haunting presence / serial (part 3)**
manipulation/hostage thing that turns into an undercover thing (part 2)* - god these working titles are just so pithy aren't they
the haunting presence / serial (part 2)**
the haunting presence / serial (part 1)**
omens and all kinds of signs (chapter 4)
We'll see where that brings us in the year....and if I get derailed haha. If I make it through this I have a sick!fic in development and a myriad other bullet points of vague ideas, inspiration lightning might strike on one of them.
Last word: I spent the first third of 2023 so convinced I would never write again and in a not-great place, to clear 100k posting on ao3 was truly a relief and sharing all of this with you all has been a joy. Thanks for being there and I hope everyone has a happy New Year!
Rules & Tags below the cut! ***(ok let's be real, you all know me, I didn't actually tag anyone because I'm a mess of social anxiety and I always feel like I'm bothering people with tags (even though I am NEVER bothered by tags, but I can't apply that to myself for some reason, in my own mind I'm just uniquely annoying, but we don't have time to unpack all that--) but anyway, I put the rules there and the summaries for the two mystery upcoming fics if you want to see those or reference the rules!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
I am too shy to tag anyone but if you're looking for an excuse to post some stats and goals use this as an open tag!
That should probably be one of my '2024 goals' to get less shy. ah well.
*This is a holdover from the 'psychological' whumptober prompt, I started it in October but knew it deserved more time and energy that I could give it on a deadline. The sort of core of the first part is my take on a 'fandom staple': the Haxion Brood finally gets the jump on the crew and they get entangled in a plot that's perhaps unnecessarily complex due to the interference of a...like 'HR consultant' Sorc Tormo hires, who attempts to manipulate them into carrying out their dirty work. Part 2 (it's a duology again folks!) picks up a bit after the end of part 1. Because to get out of the part 1 situation they end up owing someone a favor, and the calling in of that favor sends the crew on an undercover mission to a super-secret Imperial construction project. Clearly still developing some stuff, I don't have a working title or a good way of summarizing events, but I have a lot of dramatic scenes and everything pretty well outlined.
**Ah, my four part serial killer drama that I have been saying I've been saying I was going to work on for months. Years. This is going to be my year, I swear it! 'Why are you writing it in reverse order' it just makes more sense to work backwards, and part 4 I have the most clear plot outline for. Yeah it's fairly straightforward in general, a mysterious serial killer stalks Jedi through 4 generations. Possibly inspired by My Literal Nightmare, aka 'someone is secretly living in your house' (aka phrogging??? I learned there was a term for it while doing research for nanowrimo, I just thought I was being paranoid and sleep deprived during an insomniac period a few years ago lol) (it's a long story haha). But yeah this mysterious murderer who seems to not really exist at all, and vanishes like a ghost for years at a time.
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horce-divorce · 2 years
ppl are always asking me how my parents love me so much AND don't want anything to do w taking care of me. And I don't know. Sometimes I tell myself "it's ok, my parents are older than my friends parents and they do a lot, I'm an adult, etc...."
But then like. Idk.
I sit in the kitchen for HOURS trying to eat and prepare my food. It takes me so much effort and I visibly struggle with it every single day. my mom doesn't like to eat so she just ignores this. Today I have been sat in the kitchen for hours following minor facial surgery. My diet is even further restricted right now bc I can't chew. I'm Terrified of not eating because it only takes a couple of hours to crash once I stop. Tomorrow will be rough.
I tried to explain this and ask for her opinion about what I should eat/not eat in the AM. She kept shooting down all my ideas just like.... Getting visibly annoyed. and then she was like "idk I ate soup when I had mine out. I'm tired we'll troubleshoot in the morning." And really she's only even in that mindset bc dad has COVID and she's feeding him anyway.
Meanwhile I got on the phone w my friend who I hadn't talked to or seen in months the other day and I made an offhand comment about how hard eating and meal planning is right now. And she IMMEDIATELY started googling a soft food diet and sending me ideas and spitballing w me. Like it makes me cry. Tbf my friend is also a mom of 4 kids but like. My own mom doesn't care if I eat because she doesn't care if SHE eats. Ykw i mean. Like idk that does hurt my feelings. And she needs to eat too.
It's not like she's NEVER there for me I mean she drove me to get my teeth knocked out, she went back to Walgreens 4 times in the same day to make sure me and dad meds, she cares an awful lot about like, if I live. But she is sooooo hands off about my health in general. She really only goes back into Mom Mode when I'm having an emergency, and even at the ER it kinda felt like it was all about her.
My therapist has been bugging me to talk to her Abt it bc I want to... Like, I'm in too poor of health right now to have indifferent housemates. I need help. But I also know for fact my mom does not want to give it. I know that in reality you "don't stop being a parent after 18 years" but like idk she really has kinda said "I ain't doing that shit." I can't make her stop being scared of my emotions/health. I can't make her stop feeling guilty.
She just doesn't wanna be involved. And yeah the more my health declines the more that kinda rubs in the attachment trauma we have to begin with lol. when I turned 12 and started getting horrific periods, dysphoria, and suicidal ideation her response was...."no you don't!" And to remove me from my support system, and to deny me medical care. I don't. BLAME her bc she couldn't have known better. I don't hold a grudge. But that HURTS. That trauma was life defining for me and the fact that she still can't even handle the mere idea that I'm not perfectly healthy, at 30, is....not building our relationship idk.
But now it's all on me. It's my job to bring it up if we ever wanna heal this. I don't know how. I don't know how.
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