#if we could get a little extra that would be ideal. for gas and other otc meds and stuff
horce-divorce · 11 months
my bf urgently needs his psych meds refilled. we are between insurances right now since we just got to a new state. he's only got 4 pills left. he got a coupon so we only need $30 🙏 and if you're reading this, make sure you take your meds and drink some water today yourself!!
✨️paypal . venmo . cashapp✨️
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thedemisapphic · 2 months
GoFundMe info!!!
Hi again! So, this is where I'll go into some more detail about this gofundme and why I feel I need it. Info about my rottmnt redbubble designs at the bottom too.
Please read this over, it's important to me that y'all don't just scroll past this.
At like the beginning of this month, me and my bestie were on a phone call catching up, when she pitched the idea to me about possibly moving in together. Shit's so expensive in America, so having a roommate is more than ideal. And having one you actually know well is even better! And I feel like I can't make any more progress on my mental health until I move out and get a fresh start! So, I accepted! The catch is, her lease ends in March. And I don't have any savings rn (I was going to get a job this month anyway and slowly start saving money to move out in a year or two, I was caught off guard). But I feel like I'm ready for this. It's just going to get a lot worse before it gets better because ✨stress ✨.
I've spent the last couple weeks coming up with a budget, goals, and some planning. And the big issue I've come across is a car! I am more than capable of making the money on my own, but under these circumstances, I'm not sure. I am also just so stressed and overwhelmed right now. I was overwhelmed with things going on before this, though not nearly as bad. The stress of needing to make enough money in time for the move is just eating me alive. A couple days ago, I started crying because of a totally optional class I do not have to take, that would give me a nice certificate for me to put on my resume (I never went to college so that would make my resume look better). My grandma had to remind me I don't need to do anything I don't want to, and went to the store the next day to get me some natural stress relief pills while I go through this. Because I keep breaking down and stressing about it. I've never had a job before, and I want to do everything right. But I don't want to jeopardize my mental health. So starting part time, taking things slow.
But I can't go TOO slow or I won't meet my deadlines!!!
Not only do I need to save enough money to get a car (which is a big requirement- if I don't have my own car then I can't move out) but I also have to get that done early enough for me to save up money for when I move out. Down payment on an apartment should be like 2.5k I think, will save to 3k if I can. And I need a couple extra thousand for things we might need, like furniture or dishes or whatever. I don't think we'll need a lot, but I need to be ready. PLUS when I get my car, I'll then need to pay monthly expenses and gas. And when I move out I'll have even more monthly expenses, so I want some money in my account to make me feel safer while I adjust.
Y'all are probably gathering why I need help lol.
SO to the point, my friend has been helping keep my head on my shoulders and walking me through it since she's been living on her own for a little bit now and is able to give advice. I am super grateful to have her, and she helped me find some affordable cars + how to tell if they're worth your time or not. Nothing less than 5k for a car, clean title, check all the features, just don't leave anything unturned. My budget for a car is 7k. I found a green slug bug that I really like, and I'm hoping to get that one. But it could easily get sold, so I have some other cars in mind just in case. Some kind of automatic slug bug.
This is a very big change in my life, and this transition is a LOT for me to handle. I have some good resources on my side to help make sure I set everything up as good as I can, but my mental health is the only thing I'm really worried about because it is SUCH a small timeframe to get that kind of money. At least I think it is. Either way, I'm fucking stressed and could use help getting money for a car! I'm planning on making money, myself, just in case this doesn't work out. But it doesn't hurt to ask for help. And I don't really know many people. Plus my Nana was kind of judgy about the idea of a gofundme as if I'm above that kind of begging, like no I am not lol I'm on my way to a breakdown if I don't get something situated. So I don't want to tell my family about this gofundme. I don't have the energy to deal with their doubts rn, and nobody can give me money anyway.
So, what I'm asking you lovely people to do is share this around. Donate if you can but if not try to get the link to people who are able to. I know 7k is a lot, but that's why I think if more people know about it, then I can reach my goal that much easier. And the faster I reach it, the more likely I am to get the green slug bug I like! So please like, comment, reblog, share the link wherever you deem appropriate. Whatever you are able to do, I appreciate it.
This post will be linked to my masterpost, so if you ever want to revisit it, you can go there. If you have any questions or suggestions, you are more than welcome to ask. I've never made a gofundme before, so making sure I'm totally transparent about it all is important to me. Again, thank you so much for helping. I really hope I can reach my goal, because that kind of support would make so much of a difference for me <3 that's all, you can go about your day now
edit: ALSO I have redbubble designs that should go public sometime this month, early next month at the latest. Depends on how long it takes Redbubble to review them. Buying stuff from there supports me too!!! And sharing any promotional content I make about it!!! It's a pet collection with Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie. Leo and Raph are already done and should go up within the timeframe I specified. Mikey's is almost done, and will go up a little later than theirs. I haven't started Donnie's yet, so it will be a little bit before y'all get access to him. Follow and turn on notifications if you want to be notified when the first round of designs goes public, so you can help other people know about them and hopefully support me! :D
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thenewwei · 1 year
Here are some thoughts on Germany/Italy/Austria and my European trip generally:
In general, I had a great time. Everyone I met was friendly, and I did make new friendships. Hopefully they’ll last.
Here are some questions and answers, from good to not so good:
Do you like Europeans?
Of course, I love everybody! Whether they love me back or not, depends.
Do Americans travel in Europe?
Yeah, they do. I met quite a few Americans on my travels in Europe, and most accents I heard were American.
Is the system better here?
I would say in general, it is. Food and general costs are pretty much the same as in the US, gas is a little higher (I actually thought it was significantly lower until I realized it was in liters!), rent is usually lower than NYC but like everywhere it depends where you are.
But your food costs are in-built, there’s no extra sales tax or tips. Universal health care, longer vacations and not paying for an active military helps a lot. I doubt there are too many law suits in Europe either. It was ethnically diverse everywhere I went, even in smaller cities I could get Thai, Vietnamese food, whatever. Nowhere is the quality as good as NYC, but they have it.
Train strikes are common, there was another one in Germany on this trip and it cost me an extra night of rent and I had to change my plans. Public transportation is easy to navigate, though it’s generally more expensive than NYC. Can’t say anything about tolls, parking etc.
And despite staying in plenty of “poor” neighborhoods, I never really felt unsafe, except for once in Turin, and I just avoided that area.
The one major positive we have is texting. Texting is expensive in Europe, and almost everyone here uses WhatsApp (ironically, an American company). Almost everyone texts in America if you have a smartphone, it’s usually included.
Do Europeans know anything about Americans, and what are misperceptions?
Their knowledge is nearly totally based on anti-American propaganda and movies/Netlix shows (almost all of which are set amongst wealthy Californians). They know basics, usually negative, but rarely specifics.
The first question I was asked by multiple Europeans (and an Australian) when I mentioned I was from NYC was the “homeless” problem based on the belief that homeless shelters are either expensive or non-existent. Homeless shelters are free in NYC, last I checked, though you do need to create a plan with a case worker to ultimately get out of one. We also have Section 8 housing, rent control, Mitchell-Lama apartments, a rent moratorium during the pandemic and a million other programs to assist with admittedly crazy housing costs.
Yes, we have had a significant homeless problem since the pandemic, but that was mainly due to closed mental hospitals during the De Blasio admin—it wasn’t a significant issue in the 20-25 years before the pandemic, though we did always have some homeless people, including entire families and children—I mean it’s a city of 8-10 million people, some people will always fall through the cracks.
Granted, the average NYer doesn’t know anything about these issues either, but it’s significant that almost every person, mostly educated young people, mentioned this issue to me as soon as I said I was from NYC. Also, I saw plenty of homeless people in European cities, especially Salzburg, even as it was claimed that wasn’t an issue here.
The real issue in NYC now is crime, gang shootings, crazy people pushing people in front of train tracks and punching people in the face, and house fires, but no one mentioned those to me. Also not significant issues before the pandemic, though they’ve always been there to an extent.
The other constantly mentioned issue is the lack of universal health care. True, the system is horrible on multiple levels and ideally should be made universal and reformed, but I have comprehensive coverage through my employer, and most people do. Poor people have Medicaid, seniors have Medicare, the disabled have Social Security disability. A terrible, greed-based system for sure that could put you in the hole if you have to individually buy coverage, but it’s also not like no one has coverage.
The border/migrant crisis—complex for sure, but their general perception of an American is a tall muscular white guy with an AK-47 shooting migrants at the border, and that’s not exactly true. But then, most Americans don’t know anything about the complexities of our immigration system, whether legal or otherwise.
Gun/school shootings. Of course true and horrible, though there was a shooting in Belgrade, Serbia, while I was there, and there have been shootings in Germany and Norway, I think. There are also riots all the time in France. Also almost all shootings in NYC occur using illegal guns. But yeah, there’s no other country on Earth where mass shootings happen regularly, yet we’re politically powerless to stop it (assault weapons, etc.).
Americans pay low taxes. Scandinavians always mention their 32% tax rate that pays for everything. I pay nearly 50% in NYC and I don’t even make that much. Or get that much. But most of my salary is paid through taxes, so I’m not complaining. But tax rates depend on where you are in the USA. Sales taxes are added everywhere and property taxes are a killer too.
Our tax dollars also help defend Europe’s security, and nearly all of Germany’s security. Things are easier when you don’t have to pay for bombs.
Almost no one knows that the USA is one of the most ethnically, culturally and linguistically diverse nations on Earth, a nation of immigrants, and the most charitable people too, by far. In NYC, more than 800 languages are spoken, and we have tons of social programs. Apparently, Americans are Bible-toting idiots who can only speak English, and badly. Plus we hate immigrants.
Everyone hates America, but no has any particularly logical or fact-based reason for it.
Do Europeans love India and Indians?
Yes, they do. The trend of wanting me to identify with India over America continued on this trip.
Are Europeans socialists? Are Europeans nationalists?
I noted on my last trip in 2015 that nearly all Europeans I met worked in marketing of some type (among Germans there were also engineers and academics/potential academics). This time, I mostly met people in various teaching-based professions, or at least people who are in and out of it.
What they do constantly market are their countries. Their number one goal is to sell their country to you so you will hopefully move there. I mean I don’t know many Americans who are constantly pitching America. Maybe because we’re constantly told by our media how horrible our country is, but more likely it’s because we’re a country that values individualism over patriotism.
European women are almost universally like this, men are definitely more critical. One German waiter in Augsburg told me he thought Germany was “hopeless” because Germans aren’t welcoming. He contrasted this with Ireland, where he apparently visited, and where they will welcome you into their homes and give you tea. He was happy because I was the first person to speak English to him in weeks. I certainly do not think Germany is hopeless, but it’s another example of how European men tend to be more negative and realistic about their countries, and less wedded to them, culturally and otherwise.
Germans will ghost you
Yes, it’s not just an American phenomenon. I was ghosted by a couple of women who I’ve corresponded with for years and thought were my friends/acquaintances who would at least meet me or show me around their respective cities while I was in town. Nothing romantic or anything. I think ghosting is disrespectful and dishonorable, but I’m pretty old school, and it is what it is, moving on. But I wasted a couple of days this way when I could have done other things or gone to other places. Whatever.
Will you be back?
Probably not so soon, though I do love both Berlin and Milan. I would definitely go back to both locations, and I do want to explore more of northern Italy specifically, esp. Bologna and cities around it, and the beach towns around Genoa. I realize I definitely prefer the urban though. I had an allergic reaction in Italy and a cold in Germany. Next year, probably back to the Greek Islands and Turkey/Istanbul.
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caramelbear77 · 2 years
How do I unlock my electric bike?
If you're wondering how to unlock your electric bike, you're not alone. Many people are unsure of how to properly unlock their electric bike, but it's actually quite simple. With just a few steps, you can be on your way to unlocking your electric bike.
Why electric bikes are great?
According to E-Ride Centric, In recent years, electric bikes have become more popular as an alternative to traditional bicycles. Electric bikes are great for a number of reasons. First, they provide a boost of power that can be helpful when riding up hills or over long distances. Second, they can be more efficient than traditional bicycles since they don’t require as much effort from the rider. Finally, electric bikes are environmentally friendly since they don’t produce emissions like gas-powered vehicles do.
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If you’re considering an electric bike, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure to choose a reputable brand with a good warranty. Second, test ride the bike before you buy it to make sure it feels comfortable and has enough power for your needs. Finally, be prepared to spend a bit more on an electric bike than you would on a traditional bicycle.
How to charge an electric bike?
1. To charge an electric bike, first make sure that the bike is turned off. Next, find the charging port, which is usually located under the seat.
2. Plug the charging cable into the charging port and then into a power outlet. The bike will start charging immediately.
3. Depending on the battery size, it may take anywhere from 2-8 hours to fully charge the battery. Once the battery is fully charged, unplug the charger and safely store it away.
How to unlock an electric bike?
An electric bike, also known as an e-bike, is a bicycle with an electric motor that assists the rider. E-bikes have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they offer a green and convenient way to get around.
If you're new to e-biking, you may be wondering how to unlock your bike. Here's a quick guide:
1. Look for the locking mechanism on your bike. This is usually located near the rear wheel or on the frame.
2. Insert the key into the lock and turn it clockwise to unlock the bike.
3. If your bike has a pedal-assist system, you'll need to switch it on before you can start riding. To do this, simply press the power button on the handlebar or controller.
Electric bike safety tips
As the weather gets warmer and people look for ways to get outside and get some exercise, many are dusting off their bikes or buying new ones. Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular as they offer a little extra boost, making them ideal for hills or longer rides.
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But before you head out on your electric bike, there are a few things you should know to make sure you stay safe.
Here are some tips for staying safe on your electric bike:
Wear a Helmet: A helmet is always a good idea when riding a bike, but it's especially important when riding an electric bike. Because you can go faster on an electric bike, it's important to wear a helmet in case of an accident.
Be Visible: Make sure you're visible to other cyclists and motorists when riding your electric bike.
Electric bikes are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a sustainable and fun way to get around. Here, we take a look at the benefits of riding an electric bike, from improving your fitness to saving money on transport costs.
Riding an electric bike is a great way to get some exercise, as you still have to pedal, but you can go further and faster with less effort. This makes it ideal for commuting or leisure rides. Electric bikes are also much cheaper to run than cars or public transport, so they can save you money in the long term.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of riding an electric bike is that it’s good for the environment. Electric bikes have zero emissions, so they don’t contribute to air pollution or climate change. If more people switch to electric bikes, we could make a real difference to the planet.
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augustinewrites · 3 years
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+ chapter summary: going on a weekend work trip to osaka with your coworker (with whom you’d just made out with) certainly isn’t ideal.
a/n: sorry this took so long! i did quite a few rewrites, but i think i’m happy with this now! thank you for your patience, and stay tuned for the epilogue & an office christmas party extra!
series masterlist
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“The hotel was supposed to be a 20 minute drive from the airport,” you deadpan when the car rolls to a stop at yet another red light. “We have been driving for almost an hour. Can you be a man and just admit that we’re lost? We are lost in Osaka!”
“Isn’t that a Shawn Mendes song?” He asks, and if he hadn’t been behind the wheel, you might have thrown your phone at him. “And we’re not lost,” Kuroo scoffs. “We’re just taking the scenic route.”
Stupid male pride.
You gesture impatiently out the window, at the flickering lights of downtown Osaka. “We’ve passed the same buildings five or six times already. I told you we should have turned right back when we were on—”
“You told me while we were entering the intersection,” he argues, hitting the gas as soon as the light turns green. “I didn’t have time to turn right!”
“That was because you were speeding,” you snap, clutching the armrest as he goes 20 over the speed limit. “I barely had time to read the street names!”
Kuroo just rolls his eyes. “Yelling at me won’t get us there any faster, you know. Would you just relax?”
“We’re supposed to go to the stadium at 1pm to do interviews with the team before their practice,” you remind him. “Which means we were supposed to check into the hotel by at least 11:30 so we could eat. I told you we should have let your friend pick us up.”
It’s so irritating how relaxed he always is. You’ve been strung tight since the day you’d landed the internship, never having cried as much in your adult life over something so simple as deadlines. So to say you’re stressed about almost being behind schedule is an understatement. Itineraries existed for a reason.
But Kuroo, whether he’s faced with a complicated list of coffee orders, a tight deadline, or just walking into the office the Monday after you’d almost hooked up, was always impossibly relaxed. You’re almost jealous.
“And I told you we were taking the scenic route and–” Kuroo suddenly takes a sharp left, ignoring the honks behind him, and you finally see the name of your hotel plastered on the side of the building in front of you. “Well, would you look at that.”
“Finally,” you huff, throwing the door open as soon as the car rolls to a stop at the entrance. “I’m going to check in, you go park the car and bring the bags in.”
“Wouldn’t it be funny if there was only one bed?” Kuroo asks, dragging both your carry-ons behind him as you step into the elevator.
“It’s bad enough that we have to share a room,” you mutter, hitting the button for the eighth floor. “If we have to share a bed too, I’ll sue.”
“Why? Are you scared you won’t be able to resist my roguish good looks in such close quarters?” He grins, nudging you slightly with his hip. “Or are you afraid you won’t be able to stop yourself from trying to jump my bones again?”
You shoot him an annoyed look, biting your lip to refrain from answering. You want to argue that he’d been the one to ask you out, take you to dinner, and kiss you first, but being stuck with him all weekend meant you had to make an effort to get along, lest your petty squabbles interfere with your jobs (more than usual, since there were no bosses around to censor yourselves in front of).
Also, arguing only seemed to charge the air between you.
You shake your head to clear it of the memory of Kuroo’s lips on yours as the elevator doors slide open, refusing to succumb to…whatever it was you felt about it. The two of you try to step out at the same time, and naturally, neither of you stop to let the other through, bumping shoulders and causing you to stumble a little.
Before you can tumble over, Kuroo catches you around the waist, smirking down at you. “Whoa, falling for me already?”
You turn away to avoid his teasing gaze, your face instantly heating.
This was going to be a long weekend.
The room, miraculously, has two beds.
You breathe a little easier as you kick your shoes off, taking your suitcase from Kuroo and immediately unzipping and flipping it open to grab your bag of toiletries and a pair of underwear.
“We don’t have time for lunch,” you tell your coworker sternly, just as he flops onto a bed, still wearing his shoes (heathen). “I’m going to take a quick shower. We need to leave soon, so be ready by the time I’m out.”
You don’t wait for his answer, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you. It takes you a minute to figure out the shower knobs, but the water eventually runs hot, and you hastily tie your hair up before stripping out of your airport clothes to quickly wash the last few hours out of your system.
You’re standing at the sink in nothing but a towel, rubbing some products into your skin when Kuroo, ever the gentleman, knocks on the door and tells you to cover up because he’s coming in. You don’t even get a chance to start my protesting when the door opens and he walks in. He’s already dressed, in tight black slacks and a blazer that fits so well it couldn’t possibly be off the rack.
Suddenly you’re very aware of the fact that you’re standing in front of him in nothing but a towel.
“What the hell are you doing?” You demand, hugging it tightly around you, eyes narrowing when he shoves some of your things aside to set down a few products of his own. “Kuroo!”
He barely spares you a second glance, but there’s a smirk curling on his lips as he runs a comb through his unruly locks. “You said I had to be ready by the time you got out, so I’m getting ready.”
You had said that, hadn’t you? And honestly, it’s your fault for neglecting to lock the door (not that you’d ever admit it).
“Well, shove over,” you grunt, trying to push at his shoulder to make room at the counter. “I wasn’t finished, wait your turn.”
Kuroo doesn’t budge, the muscles under your fingertips flexing as he holds his ground. “I know I make it look effortless, but it takes work to look this good, babe.”
Conceited jerk. With his stupidly perfect bed head and his annoyingly clear skin.
“Fine,” you huff, closing up all your products before stomping out of the bathroom to get dressed. “Hurry up though.”
“Uh, babe?”
“What?” You snap, grabbing clothes from your suitcase. Blazer, shirt, bra, pants, the only thing your were missing was the underwear you were planning to wear. Seamless ones, as to prevent lines, you had them when you were in the bathroom–
Kuroo pokes his head out of the bathroom, tossing something at you.
You catch your underwear just before it hits the floor.
“Think you might need those.”
Your lips contort into a scowl as you slip them on. For as long as you live, you’re never going on a work trip with him again.
“That’s a good colour on you,” Kuroo comments offhandedly as he pulls into the stadium parking lot.
“Shut up,” you mumble, flipping the sunvisor up and slipping the tube of lipstick back into your bag. You know he’s only saying it because it’s the same shade you’d had on the night you’d almost–
“So we have an hour to talk to the players,” you tell him, handing him a sheet of paper once he’s pulled into a spot, quickly switching to business mode. “I’ve already split up the interviews and prepared some standard questions.” You hold out a copy of your neatly typed questionnaire, glaring at him when he doesn’t take it.
“Yeah, I’m not gonna use those,” he chuckles, pocketing his list of athletes to interview and throwing his car door open. He’s already walking towards the stadium entrance, buttoning his blazer and leaving you scrambling to undo your belt and follow.
The audacity of this man never failed to astound you.
“Excuse me, you need to take this,” you try to argue, holding out the list once more. “We need to keep our information consistent–”
“Ugh, would you chill out?” He groans, batting your hand away. “If you wanted consistency, you could have just stayed back and checked out their player stats. Ditch the list, babe, and just talk to them like they’re humans. Wing it.”
“Ditch the list?” You echo incredulously. That just wasn’t your style, because you didn’t make shots you didn’t know you could land. “Are you trying to get me fired for physically assaulting a coworker? Because I will hurt you if you ever tell me to wing anything again.”
“Oh, I’m so scared,” he mocks, pretending to shudder. “C’mon, trust me. I’ve known some of these guys since high school, and they’re really only professionals by name. Asking them actual thought provoking questions is a lot harder than having a simple conversation. You’ll see.” He pushes the door open, guiding you through the stadium with ease, letting you step into the gymnasium to see–
“Hinata, Bokuto, get off the court and get changed! Miya, leave him alo– No, Sakusa! Don’t kick him!”
“What did we just walk into?” You ask, watching Meian Shugo corral his players like a single mom in a mop commercial.
“Division one volleyball,” he grins, waving to one of the players - Bokuto, you recognize - the man shouting excitedly and jogging towards you both.
“Hey! You made it!” He towers over even your coworker, the pictures and taped matches you’d seen hardly doing his intimidating stature justice. You stand, in awe, as this wall of a man wraps both you and Kuroo in a huge bear hug.
His large hands wrap around your shoulders as he leans back to look at you. “I’ve heard a lot about you! Kuroo said you’re–”
“Okay, you horned owl bastard,” your coworker cuts in, prying Bokuto’s hands from your person and thumping him on the back so hard that he jolts forward a little. “Let’s go talk to your captain, yeah?”
The phrasing is a suggestion, but the tone is not, so you send Bokuto a little wave as Kuroo manhandles him in the opposite direction.
You start doing interviews on your own, and halfway through your list, you realize that Kuroo was right. The answers are consistent, yes, but they’re stiff, practiced. Answers they’ve probably repeated in dozens of interviews. Answers they probably think you want to hear. Your boss had asked for depth.
So, you ditch the list. You ‘wing it.’
You start winging it with the wrong person though, because Miya Atsumu is the type of interviewee who will go off track if you give him the slightest leeway.
He’s practically kabedoning you against a wall, flashing you that handsome smirk you’ve seen dozens of times on-screen. Any other time you might swoon, but right now, someone else is on your mind (and it must be written all over your face, because atsumu pounces).
“I already know you’re not gonna choose me for the promo video,” he shrugs, truly unaffected. “Instead, why don’t ya tell me what’s goin’ on with you and your co-worker over there?”
“There’s nothing going on between Kuroo and I,” you lie, pushing the edge of your clipboard into your ribs and resting your forearms on it, wondering why saying the words made your stomach turn.
“Please, the sexual tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife,” he scoffs. “Does it get steamy over at the JVA? C’mon, tell me. I’m so bored.”
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose and wondering why the hell you were seriously considering telling this to someone you’d met five minutes ago. “Okay, we almost hooked up last weekend. He tricked me into going to dinner with him, and we kissed a little. I enjoyed it. I like spending time with him when we’re alone, but when it comes to work he’s just so– he’s so–”
Competitive and snarky. Teasing and smug. A headache personified. He steals your pens and throws wrappers at your head and pops the collars of your shirts.
He’s so annoying, but he’s Kuroo. Who once broke into the head of HR’s office so he could bring you soup when you were sick. Who makes you laugh when you’re stressed, both stuck at the office working overtime during the season.
That’s the joke of it all, isn’t it? That he’s so annoying, but you like him anyway. It’s quite a slap in the face. One you didn’t expect this early on into the trip.
“But it probably won’t happen,” you shrug, trying not to let the disappointment bleed into your voice. “I don’t know if we’re ever going to really be on the same page.”
The setter raises his brows, crowding even closer. “Then why’s he lookin’ at me like he wants me to drop dead by just being near you?”
You don’t really believe him, so you turn your head to check, briefly catching Kuroo’s narrowed gaze. He faces forward, fists clenched at his sides, posture straightening as he chats with Meian.
“Can I borrow him for a moment?”
Meian nods and steps away, letting you wrap your hand around Kuroo’s wrist, tugging him out of the gymnasium.
“So you ditched the list,” he hums, pulling the folded paper from your clipboard and chucking it into a nearby trash can. “Did it hurt? When you tried to fight me on something and found out you were wrong?”
Oh, he’s making this so hard.
“What’s going on here?” You snap, whirling around to face him as soon as you’re out in the hall, the doors shut behind you. You gesture between the two of you. “What is this?”
He cocks his head slightly. “Is that a rhetorical question?”
“No, I’m serious. What are we doing? I mean– you kissed me.”
“Hey, you kissed me back!”
“I did!” You exclaim. “I did, but I don’t know what we are now because we never talked about it. I mean– did you kiss me because you like me? Or was it just some stupid meaningless–”
He catches your wrists when you throw your hands up in question, leaning so close you can smell the cologne he’d dabbed onto his throat. “Then let’s talk about it, babe. Let’s talk about how I can’t ride the elevator with you because the scent of your shampoo drives me crazy. How I always empty the coffee pot so you take longer in the breakroom, because you have no idea how distracting it would be to have you beside me, panting. Let’s talk about how I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day you threw those papers in my face, and that if I hadn’t seen that report, I would have fucked you stupid on your kitchen counter.”
You suck in a sharp breath when he uses his grip on your wrists to pull you against him. This is it, isn’t it? The tension Atsumu saw between the two of you from the start. Had it always been this obvious? “I like you, is that what you need to hear? I’ve liked you for the past six months, because even when I was a dick, you stayed.”
He says that last word with a weight you don’t entirely understand, but with the desperate way he’s looking at you, holding you close, you guess it’s important.
So you let him kiss you again, hungrily reciprocating as you curl your fingers into his shirt, pulling him closer and letting him know you’re not going anywhere.
(…and if you end up sharing a bed later that night, well, who could blame you?)
“What do you think took them so long?” Bokuto asks his teammates curiously as you and Kuroo walk back into the gymnasium.
“Maybe they were talking about us?” Hinata suggests a little shakily.
Atsumu just rolls his eyes, taking in both your flustered expressions as you chat with their coach. “Yeah, they totally talked about us. That’s why his shirt is wrinkled and some of her lipstick is gone.”
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a/n: …should i write a sexy one-shot about their night in the hotel? lemme know
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taglist: @aprosperlys @sparkz-cardz @tohrutetsumu @just-a-mirage @savantsoulfinder
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writingwithcolor · 4 years
Iam wanting to write a story about a girl who has asthma, a learning disability and is considered by society to be less than average. She is also a little over weight. When she has been given immortality other immortals shun her and want her dead. To escape from this she goes to a martial arts temple in China. She is also an American. I was wondering how I could incorporate both cultures in my story?
Overweight Chinese American girl with asthma & learning disability, martial arts, & China
Disclaimer: I’ve written this response assuming that the main character herself is Chinese or Chinese-American. 
Some stuff I’d like to discuss point-by-point:
Being an Asthmatic
Asthmatics don’t exactly have the best representation in media, so I’m worried about a non-Asthmatic writing a story where the main conflict is centered around the MC’s method of coping with ableism.
Especially considering how we’re portrayed as stereotypical nerds/geeks for not being absolute athletes (haha maybe because pushing ourselves that far will literally result in an asthma attack-)
I have a feeling that in addition to the point where Chinese people are already stereotyped as nerds, having her be asthmatic as well does mean you’ll have to be more careful in how you present her. We already have the whole “model minority, East Asian = nerd” thing going for us.
Being “overweight”
America’s definition of “overweight” looks different for all kinds of people! 
Someone who’s statistically considered “overweight” by American standards might pass as being “average” (in American standards once again) and vice-versa! The existence of the word actually insinuates the existence of an ideal weight-- pretty fatphobic.
If you mean to say that she’s fat, chubby, and/or plump, then do so. Don’t dance around the term just because it’s deemed ‘undesirable’ by our Eurocentric beauty standards. 
(Additionally, being chubby is associated with the nerd trope as well. More to watch out when developing her character.)
Mod Rune mentions the specific way you’ve phrased how as a result of her being overweight and asthmatic, she’s “considered by society to be less than average” and she’s shunned/wanted dead specifically for these two reasons.
Being disabled =/= incompetency or being less than an abled person. Once again, an OwnVoices situation would make sense; However I would still worry about infantilizing Asthmatic/chubby people this way.
The plot… oof.
I’m worried that your method of combating the already-delicate conflict (that she’s looking for a way to cope with her feelings of inadequacy induced by ableism/fatphobia), is pretty insulting. You specifically word her trip to China as an “escape” which I feel could have a much better reason-- your excuse as is sounds to lead into a story of “refinding myself at the home of my birth culture” or something like that- especially with the fact that she’ll be doing this at a martial arts temple. A very cultural aspect of China.
Martial Arts?
That being said; Even though a Chinese martial artist does feel rather stereotypical, it does help with asthma (source: me and Taekwondo)
Specifically, according to this study from NCBI on the correlation between asthmatic children and Taichichuan, results have shown that “12 weeks of Tai-Chi-Chuan could improve the pulmonary function, decrease airway inflammation, and improve quality of life in children with mild asthma”.
However Northern Shaolin, Hung Ga, Wing Chun, and other Chinese forms of martial arts could work as well! Please do research on the specific techniques and differentiate between them. Appropriating Chinese martial arts on top of the fact that it’s already rather tropey- very bad.
A different plot?
Perhaps don’t send her off to China to quote, "escape from how other [immortals shun her and want her dead]". 
I think a better motivation for this change in landscape would be “She wanted to train to get stronger and improve her health with how it was negatively impacted because of her asthma.” 
The thing with a lot of disabled people is that-- we don’t want to have to “keep up” with abled people. We don’t want to need to take all these extra measures just to be able to function ‘normally’ (or at least the one defined by society). I feel that the motives in your original plot panders to that idea that she must get stronger or else she’ll never be accepted by the other immortals. A Chinese-American asthmatic myself, I’d much rather see her self-worth measured through her own growth as an individual than how well she ‘fits in’ with non-asthmatics.
Marika mentions that people also often do martial arts for culturally-relevant exercise-- so this could also be a way for her to reconnect with her birth culture.
Sophia also mentions that being overweight has little on one’s skills as a martial artist; So it shouldn’t be used as an argument as to why someone shouldn’t be taking on a certain expertise. (Seconded, as someone who did kendo: some of the better kendoka were overweight and had more precision than I did --Jess)
Incorporating TCK Culture:
Look for stuff written by actual Chinese-American third-culture kids!
Every little part of life- from the stories parents tell their kids before bed to the kind of food we eat daily- is 100% influenced by both our caregivers and the community we live in. For me personally, we’d have hotpot dinners with other Asian families during the Lunar New Year and I’d typically be sent to Chinese school on Sundays as well. 
Mods Jess and Lesya touch up on some TCK elements in this ask as well! (Wanting to Learn More About Culture Because of Chinese Name) However your MC celebrates her cultures will also depend on how assimilated into America her family is.
Like I said earlier: look for materials that Chinese-American TCKs and immigrants have written! There’s no better way to learn about certain customs than getting them from the actual source.
My ending thoughts!
These are honestly traits that I’d love to see more, as an asthmatic Chinese-American myself who has done martial arts in the past, haha.
Be extra careful when a ton of your character’s traits are found in East Asian (Chinese) caricatures! Be sure to flesh her out as a three-dimensional character as this description that you’ve given us (regarding her conflict) makes me go >.>-- I don’t like it as is.
Give her motivations for herself that aren’t purely to conform to others (per the submissive Asian girl trope). Having a bullied Asian girl does feel like it plays into this, so please don’t have her measure her worth as an individual based off of the standards set by abled people!
Do tons of research on Chinese martial arts! Marika mentions huge points below that I want you to consider when giving her a specific speciality-- just saying “a martial arts temple” doesn’t cut it. 
(As always, any reader feedback/additions would be appreciated!)
~ Mod Emme
These are my thoughts as someone who has practiced various styles of Chinese martial arts. 
While the quality of the instructor and the student’s efforts are crucial, I think you need to be clear on the following:
The style of martial arts your character will be doing
Their physical limitations
The type of learning disability they have. 
Different fighting styles suit the limitations of different body types in different ways
A person who is overweight may find styles with explosive movements that put weight on vulnerable joints like the knees to be painful. Styles that favor stable stances may be more feasible than those that emphasize movements with lots of air time, crouching and jumping.
A person who is inflexible will need a style that encourages them to keep limber to avoid getting hurt.
A person with diminished lung capacity will need a style that safely challenges their endurance.
Different learning disabilities might make certain styles more or less difficult to learn
ADHD may favor fast fighting styles with complex move sets and a wide variety of weapons.
Issues associated with memory retention may make styles that emphasize sparring easier than those that focus on memorizing forms
Make no mistake, the culture of a style will be as much of a consideration for your character as the Chinese and American cultural influences. Do your research, and inquire with practitioners as to what styles would work well for your characters. 
The tumblr blog How to Fight Write would likely be a good resource on the physical logistics of different styles. 
- Marika
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keldae · 3 years
For the Winter Prompts: Caught by a Snow Storm for Xaja/Theron
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If you insist. ;) Have another fic set in the College!AU universe!
In Xaja’s defense, planning a roadtrip back home for Christmas was a bit more affordable than flying from her college. And Theron was going the same direction, which meant hours in a car with the guy at school who she had a massive crush on – and it meant help with gas, which was always a bonus.
But at least one of them should have considered the hazards of trying to do a road trip in December.
Theron’s car moved at barely a crawl as he strained his eyes, trying to see through the sudden blizzard. “I hate winter,” he decided, turning on his hazard lights. “Why did we decide to do this again?”
“Because flying is expensive?” Xaja offered as she tried to pull up information on her phone. “And the airport’s shut down anyway. Not like we’d be able to fly out of here with this storm.”
“Hell, we should have stayed in the dorm for an extra couple of days,” Theron muttered. “I’m sorry about trying to outrun the blizzard. If we’d left campus earlier, we might have been able to beat it…”
“That crash on the highway slowed us down and didn’t help things,” Xaja pointed out. She sighed and looked up from her phone, squinting into the swirling snow outside the car, a mix of white and orange from the streetlights overhead. “What now? Should we just pull over and wait for the storm to ease up?”
“Knowing my luck, we’ll get hit by a snowplow if we stop on the street,” Theron sighed. “At least we made it to a town and we’re not on the highway. Can you pull up any nearby parking lots for us to hunker down in?”
“Lemme see…” Biting her lip, Xaja pulled up a map on her phone, and a moment later grinned. “I’ll do you one better. There’s a motel maybe two hundred metres ahead of us.”
“Two hundred metres for a bed and not sleeping in the back of my car? I can manage that.” Theron gingerly sped up the car as much as he dared with the storm. “Keep an eye out for it, and I’ll try to actually make it in the driveway and not the curb.”
“Definitely ideal,” Xaja laughed. It took only a minute before she recognized the silhouette of a tall building on the right. “Okay, I think the driveway is just by this sign here. Can you see that?”
“Yep.” The car slowly turned and Theron sighed in relief when he didn’t hit a curb. “Now, if I was a parking spot that wasn’t already buried in snow, where would I be?”
“Probably filled with another car,” Xaja dubiously pointed out, eyeing the dark shapes that resembled other vehicles. “Oh, I hope they’re not full…”
“I got a bad feeling about this,” Theron muttered as he crawled through the parking lot, eyes open for any open spot that would fit his car.
It took a few minutes for them to find an open spot toward the far end of the parking lot, and another several minutes for the pair to retrieve overnight bags and trudge through several inches of snow to the motel door. The lobby was empty, but Xaja could still see wet footprints and little bits of snow clinging to the carpets. It looked like they weren’t the first people to seek refuge from the blizzard in this motel.
The clerk at the counter looked up at the pair and sighed. “You’re also looking for a room?”
“Oh, please don’t tell me you’re full,” Xaja groaned, shivering in the not-warm-enough air.
“Near enough,” the clerk muttered. “So is every other place in town. Everyone trying to make it home for the holidays and a snowstorm makes a bad combination.”
“Do you have anything?” Theron asked. “Even a fold-out couch somewhere? Anything that’ll spare us from trying to sleep in the back of the car.”
The clerk looked at his computer and shrugged. “If you’d come in ten minutes earlier, you’d be out of luck. I just had a reservation cancel a couple minutes ago. It’s the cheap suite, one queen-size bed–”
“Done,” Xaja quickly said. “We’ll take it.” She belatedly glanced up at Theron. “Are you good with that?”
“It’s not the back of my car, so yes,” Theron agreed. “And one of us can sleep on the couch in there, I guess.”
The clerk paused in the middle of pulling up the necessary paperwork. “Couch? That room has the bed and a couple of chairs. I don’t think there’s a couch in there.”
“... We’ll figure something out,” Theron finally said with a heavy sigh. “Just let us in the room, please.”
The clerk hadn’t been lying – the room was small, and only held the bed and a couple of chairs. “At least it’s cheap?” Xaja asked as she set her overnight bag down and sat down on one of the chairs, feeling it creak warningly under her weight.
“Cheap enough that I’m pretty sure this place does an hourly charge,” Theron sighed. He set his own bag down and raked a hand through his hair, dislodging melting snow. “But, it’s not my car. And it’s clean enough for one night.”
“I’m not doing a deep check on it. Just let me know if you find cockroaches or used condoms anywhere,” Xaja muttered as she pulled her phone out to text her father. Going to be later than planned. Stuck in the snowstorm. Staying in the sleaziest motel overnight.
Her dad texted back a minute later. Just glad you’re safe and not in a ditch somewhere. You with anyone?
Yeah, road tripping with– Xaja paused, then decided to not tell her father that she was stuck in a motel overnight with the guy she had a crush on. – a friend from school.
Good. You two stay safe. Call me tomorrow when you’re leaving.
Will do. Love you!
Love you too, kid.
Nodding, Xaja put her phone down to charge, then looked up as Theron came out of the small bathroom. “Jury says?”
“It’s fine enough by my standards, but I’ve been sharing a bathroom with Jonas and the Tirall twins for the last three months, so my standards might be pretty lax.”
Xaja laughed as she stood up. “Nah, I know the twins. Thexan is the biggest neat freak I’ve ever met. I’m sure your bathroom is fine.”
Theron grinned, and Xaja tried to ignore the butterflies in her chest at the sight of his smile. “In that case, we’ll be okay for one night.” The grin vanished as he eyed the bed, then looked back at Xaja. “You can sleep on the bed, and I’ll stay on the floor–”
“Absolutely not,” Xaja firmly said, shaking her head. “It’s freezing in here, and I’m not sure this carpet has ever met a vacuum in its life. I’m not making you sleep on the floor!”
“Well, you’re sure as hell not sleeping on the floor either,” Theron pointed out. “I can take one of the chairs, then…”
“Or, the bed’s big enough for two people,” Xaja suggested, feeling her cheeks go hot as she spoke. “The chair’s going to be even less comfortable than the back of your car.”
“... You sure?” Theron asked. “I mean, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything…”
“If I wasn’t comfortable, I wouldn’t have suggested it,” Xaja said. “It’ll be just fine for one night, Theron. Trust me.”
“I do trust you,” Theron finally said, making the butterflies stir anew under Xaja’s ribs. “Okay, so we’re sharing the bed. You don’t sprawl, do you?”
“Normally yes, but I think I’m too cold to sprawl tonight,” Xaja dryly said. “You’re not a restless sleeper, are you?”
“Nah. Once I’m out, I tend to not move much.” Theron shrugged. “So, this can work for one night.” He yawned and checked his phone. “It’s late anyway – want to just crash so we can get on the road early tomorrow?”
“Yeah, that sounds–” Xaja yelped as the lights in the room suddenly went out. “The hell?”
“Power must have gone out,” Theron grumbled. “Hopefully it didn’t knock out the heat, too.”
“There was heat to start with?” Xaja asked, shivering again.
Theron snorted a laugh. “You really don’t like the cold, do you?”
“Nope,” Xaja responded. “And now you find my ulterior motivations for not letting you sleep on the floor.”
This time, the snort turned into a full-out laugh. “Well, I’m happy to be your human furnace for a night. Snuggles come with a price tag, though.”
“Buy me a coffee from somewhere reputable tomorrow morning and we’ll call it square.”
“Done. Whatever keeps us both warm.” This time it was Xaja who laughed as she started slowly removing layers of coat and sweaters. “A guy and a girl, snowed into a seedy motel with only one bed? I’m pretty sure this is the most popular fanfiction trope out there.”
Theron snorted. “Except here, we don’t have a legion of fans going ‘now kiss!’ at us.”
“A valid point,” Xaja agreed. Even if I wouldn’t mind if you kissed me.
It took several minutes of fumbling around in the darkness of the motel room, using phones for flashlights, before the pair was finally in bed and buried under every blanket they could find in the room. Xaja shivered as she drew her body up into a little ball, trying to find some heat under the sheets. At her back, Theron’s breathing already seemed to be slowing down and relaxing – how the hell could he fall asleep so quickly? It wasn’t fair.
She shivered again, and felt Theron shift on the bed. A heavy arm fell over Xaja’s waist and pulled her backward until she could feel a broad chest against her back, and a leg draping over her own. “Better?” Theron murmured, his lips brushing her ear.
“Mmhmm.” Xaja nodded and hoped Theron couldn’t sense how her heart was racing at his touch. She wriggled backward until she was pressed closer to Theron, and felt his arm tighten over her stomach. “Thanks,” she whispered into the darkness.
“No problem,” Theron softly answered. “Told you I’d try to keep you comfortable.” He shifted his weight slightly on the sagging mattress. “Lemme know if there’s anything else I can do to help you warm up.”
“Besides working a miracle and willing the power back on?” Xaja asked with a soft laugh.
“Besides that,” Theron snorted. “Anything else you need to warm up, lemme know. Anything at all.”
Was he seriously offering what Xaja desperately hoped he was? She opened her mouth, ready to say that she was absolutely freezing and needed anything he could do to warm her back up – but what if he’s not saying that? You have a crush on him, of course you’re going to read too much into what he’s saying. Consider yourself lucky you get to sleep beside him, even if you’re not sleeping with him. “I will,” she finally said, and felt Theron sigh before his arm over her waist tightened again. Was he disappointed with her answer? It was hard to tell. Keeping her frustrated groan silenced, Xaja snuggled up against Theron’s chest and tried to fall asleep in the cold darkness, feeling warmth finally seeping into her back where Theron was holding her.
The lights were on when Theron woke up hours later, and he finally felt comfortably warm. He frowned in confusion as he opened his eyes, trying to identify his surroundings. This wasn't the dorm room he shared with Jonas -- this was the sleazy motel just off the highway, where he'd been snowed in with the cutest girl at school!
Xaja was still asleep, comfortably snuggled up against Theron's chest. Even with an impressive case of bedhead and no makeup on, Theron thought she was the most beautiful sight he could have imagined. Waking up in bed with the girl he had a crush on was worth being caught in a snowstorm and stranded in a sketchy motel, or the pain of having his arm currently asleep, thanks to Xaja's head resting heavily on the limb.
With his free hand, he carefully brushed a strand of red hair out of Xaja's face, freezing as she sighed and shifted in her sleep. She didn't seem to wake up fully, but he still didn't move until she'd settled back down, not wanting to spoil the moment. Although, part of him did want Xaja to wake up, so he could admire her stunning green eyes and see her smile. Her pale cheek beckoned him, tempting him to wake her up with a kiss on her skin. Maybe she would roll over closer to him, so he could kiss her lips like he'd imagined doing for months now...
... And maybe she'd slap him for staring at her like a creep while she slept.
Theron sighed and forced his gaze away from Xaja's pretty face. It'll never happen, he tried to firmly tell himself. A gorgeous girl like her would never be interested in me. Stop dreaming about it and just be happy she's a good friend.
He was so busy mentally berating himself that he wasn't aware of Xaja's eyes opening and looking up at him until she smiled and mumbled out a sleepy "G'morning."
"Morning," Theron murmured, smiling down at her. His arm fell back down to drape over Xaja's waist, but she didn't seem to mind it. And she hadn't moved to get away from him and his cuddles yet (which he definitely didn't mind, despite his arm still being asleep), and that drowsy smile on her lips made him desperately want to kiss her--
No. Do not make this awkward. She hasn't said anything about wanting to get with you. He sighed and started freeing his trapped, numb arm from under her head. "Should probably see how bad the roads are gonna be today. You sleep okay?"
Xaja nodded, and finally rolled away from Theron so he could get his arm free. Was that a flash of disappointment Theron saw in her eyes, or was he just projecting? "When'd the power come back on?"
Theron shrugged, wincing as his arm started to regain feeling. "Dunno. It was on when I woke up. Guess the heat finally kicked in, too."
"Yeah, I woke up warm." The shy smile that Xaja gave Theron made his heart skip a beat. "Thanks, for last night. I owe you."
"You owe me nothing," Theron firmly said. Except a kiss, but only if you really want to, but I'm not going to say that because you're my friend and I don't want to risk losing that... "I wasn't going to let you freeze overnight."
"Well, I still really appreciate it," Xaja said with a smile. "Breakfast is on me, assuming Tim's is open."
"Done deal." Theron gave her a grin. "Sooner we get out of here, sooner we can get back on the road and home."
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16woodsequ · 4 years
Weekly headcannon ask!
Do you have any headcannons or opinions on Steve and his dads relationship?
Hi! Sorry this took a bit, but here we are!
I do have some headcanons about Steve’s dad, and because I’m me, a lot of them are pretty angsty, so be warned!
TW: discussion of child abuse, ableism, and alcoholism
So first off, we have to talk about whether or not Steve’s dad is even alive. I’ve discussed this a little in a previous headcanons post, but Steve’s dad is technically dead in the mcu. Steve says he died of mustard gas. In the comics of course, Steve’s dad makes it home from the war, and is generally a terrible person.
I usually headcanon that Steve lied about when exactly his dad died. If Steve’s’ dad made it back from the war, then I headcanon he was a gas casualty at some point, and had lung issues afterwards. If he then died from something like influenza, then Steve could technically claim he died from mustard gas, without it being 100% a lie.
I headcanon that Steve does this, because I headcanon that Joseph Rogers (if he survives the war) is abusive. I imagine Sarah Rogers told Steve that he came back from the war a different person, and I can see Steve thinking to himself that the mustard gas killed his dad, just slower.
So anyways, that is an easy way to work around Steve’s claim that his dad died from mustard gas. If Joseph was abusive I can see Steve sort of wishing his dad had died in the war like he claimed. 
Joseph Rogers’ A+ Parenting
I haven’t read the comics, so I am not sure if any of them expand on why exactly Joseph is abusive, but I imagine it has a few layers to it. For one, he is a veteran who is no doubt dealing with trauma in a time period when the effects of shellshock are not fully recognised. Alcohol is a common self-medicating tool, and I can see Joseph turning to that for relief.
Add onto that Joseph being a gas casualty, I usually headcanon that it is harder for him to breath after the war. PTSD and difficulty breathing would be a frustrating loss of control for someone like Joseph, and that isn’t even taking into account the daily stress of living in poverty as an Irish-Catholic.
And then there is Steve himself. Steve is chronically ill. He wouldn’t be the ideal son. His illness would cost money, and his breathing problems would probably remind Joseph too much of his own issues.
Ableism would be an easy thing for Joseph to latch on to. Eugenics was popular in that time period, and I can see Joseph seeing Steve as the embodiment of a lot of his anger. He went to war and barely made it back to his wife and child, but his child is sickly and can hardly breathe, and when he gets sick he uses up money that they don’t have.
Of course, Joseph wouldn’t be helping anything. I imagine he would have worked as much as he could, but it is debatable how well he could hold a job. I usually headcanon that he died right before the Great Depression, so he didn’t have to deal with that, but even if jobs were more available in the 1920s, I think his alcoholism would be his worst enemy and lose him jobs every couple of years or so, if not more frequently.
Sarah would be working too, since working class women would be more likely to work than middle class women, but I can see Joseph being sore about that too. I imagine every time he lost his job he was extra bitter about the fact that he had to rely on his wife’s work to survive. Toxic masculinity was deeply entrenched in that time period, so feeling emasculated would not have helped Joseph’s mood at all. 
As for how often he drank, it is kind of hard to say. Technically prohibition was going on, but it was easy enough to drink in speakeasies most of the time. I’m not sure how easy it would be for him to buy alcohol and drink it at home, but it would be realistic for him to come home drunk.
Even if he had work that could be the case, since I imagine his work buddies would often go out for a drink after their shift. Of course, Joseph’s drinking would do nothing to help the financial situation of the family.
Joseph and Steve
I imagine Joseph was abusive and was a violent drunk, but while I think he hurt Steve, I don’t think he regularly beat him to a pulp. This is mostly because if he did that, then Steve would die. Steve is sick enough that I don’t think he would survive regular all-out beatings.
Of course, that doesn’t mean Joseph didn’t grab, push, hit, etc. But I think his anger tunnel-visioned on things, so if he were distracted away from it, or Steve managed to get out of the general area, then his focus would be taken elsewhere.
I think Joseph did a lot of damage with his words though. I imagine he yelled a lot about Steve’s inadequacies and how Steve is a waste of money, etc. That kind of thing would stick with Steve for a long time, and I can see him trying to be the least of a burden possible in response.
In general, living with Joseph would put anyone on edge. Even when he wasn’t actively hurting people, he could still get mad over basic things that remind him of his helplessness. Being around him would be like walking on eggshells. I imagine young-Steve flinched at loud noises and slamming doors, and yelling, but also tried not to show it, because his dad didn’t like him ‘being a coward’.
Also, I headcanon that adult Steve never really liked the smell of alcohol, especially on other people. I think part of him was a little glad that the serum made it so he couldn’t get drunk, because that means he can never get violent like his dad. I think Steve was always a little afraid of letting his temper get the best of him after the war, and so he tried to bury his feelings instead of dealing with them, because he didn’t want to turn out like his dad. 
Good times
As all humans, Joseph would have his good days. Maybe he found a new job, or maybe something else put him in a good mood, but sometimes he would come home without being angry.
Those would be hard days too, in a way, because Steve and Sarah wouldn’t know if something would set Joseph off—and some days, acting worried that he will get mad would be enough to make him mad.
But I think Steve must have at least a few good memories of his dad. Maybe his dad being proud of him for a good grade in school, or maybe even being proud of him for facing off against bullies and telling them what’s what.
I think sometimes Joseph would try to treat Steve as though he were the son he wanted. He would chat with him about things they could do together ‘as men’, or he would tell him stories of his own boyhood days...but then, inevitable Steve would get sick again, and Joseph’s good humour would wash away.
Others and Joseph
I don’t think Joseph’s abusiveness was a very well kept secret. Tenement building walls are thin, and I imagine the neighbours knew what was going on. But I doubt Joseph was the only loud/violent drunk in the building.
Bucky might not have known the full extent of what was happening—because he was a kid—but he would have seen some of the bruises, and maybe Steve’s initial cautiousness around his own dad, and he would come to the correct conclusion. I don’t think Steve talked a lot about what was happening, but he would probably talk about his dad getting angry about certain things, or breaking stuff sometimes.
I imagine Bucky’s mom knew more about what was going on, and would do her best to help Sarah out, but Sarah would be in a tough spot. Divorce and single-motherhood were generally frowned upon, and her poverty would also make it harder to leave Joseph.
As for Steve’s teachers etc. I think most of them suspected too. But I don’t think much came about from it. Interesting fact, doctors were not legally required to report child abuse cases until the 60s.  
Joseph death
This is a headcanon I’ve had laying around that I haven’t been able to put anywhere yet, but I headcanon that Joseph died of influenza when Steve was between 8 and 10. Given their poverty, I think Joseph would have died at home, which is kind of horrible, since that would mean Steve was around to watch his dad get sicker and sicker, and then eventually die.
As an extra cruelty, I think Joseph would be pretty peeved at dying this way, and I can see him vindictively telling Steve that he will die this way too one day, since he gets so sick all the time. I can just see Joseph being spiteful and saying something like that while Steve is trying to look after him while Sarah is working.
MCU canon Joseph
I also have a few thoughts for if Joseph did die in the war, and didn’t come back. I’ve seen content speculating that Steve wanted to join the army because his dad was a soldier. I don’t know if the comics say that anywhere, but I usually headcanon otherwise.
I think having a father who died in war (or having an abusive one afterwards), and seeing what that did to Sarah, Steve would know all too well what war could do to people. 
No doubt Steve’s father would be on his mind while he tried to enlist, but I think saying he wanted to join mainly because his father was a soldier takes away from the heart of the reason Steve wanted to join—he felt like Hitler needed to be stopped, and he didn’t have a right not to do something about it.   
Well, that got longer than I thought it would, but I hope you enjoyed! 
Headcanon masterpost
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peppermint2d · 3 years
F#$%ing uh, Calm after the Storm cuz the Storm Thing
It's 2D's birthday today, so enjoy another chapter!
Ch.1 in case you missed it
Chapter 2:
When you come to again, you see that the movie was indeed paused from what you last remember. Since he is in the basement, it was still dark inside 2D's room. You could see his sleeping form on his bed, lightly snoring with each inhale. It was still cold, but you promised to give the jacket back, so you gently lay it on top of him. You leave his room, hearing Noodle giggle far away.
There were no windows in the hallway, so you again relied on the walls for help and tried to follow the noises of Noodle in the kitchen. Climbing two flights of stairs in the dark is easier than it sounds, especially since as you reached the upper floor, the windows helped a little. It was still storming outside, but at least outside was brighter, even if by only a small amount.
As you walk into the kitchen, you hear the hiss of the stove releasing gas and see Noodle with a pack of matches. As she strikes one, you tackle her, and the air above you catches fire, burning your arm that you put up the shield both of you. "Ah fuck!" Tears well up in your eyes.
Noodle quickly squirms out from your grasp and puts a pan on the now lit stove. All that for breakfast? You check your arm and see a blister forming. There is no ice in the fridge since it all melted, so you wet a towel and hold it on the burn. Noodle shoos you away from the sink and fridge, removing butter, potatoes, and pancake mix from the cabinets. "Batā daijōbu? Bīgandesu ka?" She asked, holding up the butter.
"Sure, anything is fine."
She nods and quickly whips up breakfast for both of you and enough extras for the rest of the band. She sits on the island counter next to you. "Thank you for breakfast." You push the food around as you attempt to eat with one hand.
She hums questioningly and points to her left arm, your injured one.
You show her the burn. "It will heal, thanks for asking."
"What will heal?" Russel enters and starts getting his plate of food.
"My arm. Burnt it just now."
He sets a water kettle on the still-lit stove. "How bad?"
"Second degree, I think." You remove the towel to show him.
He grimaces. "Great way to wake up in the morning. Joe?"
"Who's Joe?"
Russel broke out into a sly grin. "Joe Mama. But a cup of joe, coffee?"
"BOO! Russel, boo. I can't believe I fell for that." You accept his consolation prize and he makes coffee for both of you. Noodle reaches for one, but Russel lightly smacks her hand away. "None 'til you're older."
Noodle lets out a quick string of angry Japanese.
"Say all you want but ain't getting none of this 'til you're at least 15."
"I can't believe she is so young. She's the one who made breakfast. Plus, she already is so talented with the guitar!"
"And vocals." As soon as Russel says that, he blushes. "Pretend I never said that."
"She does vocals on the new album? Come on, Russel! You can't just let that slip and not answer my questions!!"
"Can and will. Ey Noodle, Where's your napkin?"
Noodle paused in the middle of wiping her maple syrup on her sleeve. Russel sighed and got her a napkin. "You were saying about her maturity?"
You both share a laugh. "When do you think this storm will end?" You ask Russel.
"Dunno. It's always storming over Kong, at least."
"Do you like it here?"
"Don't hate it. I do enjoy makin music, but the whole kidnapped thing wasn't ideal." You both chuckled again.
"Yeah, I bet. I'm going to be having nightmares of Murdoc kidnapping me now."
"Murdoc doing anything is highly unlikely" Russel's deep laughter boomed throughout the room.
"Oi! I do stuff! I do lots of stuff." Murdoc wiggled his eyebrows. He takes the rest of the food.
"Hey! Leave some for 2D!" You protest.
"If the faceache wanted some, he should have woken up earlier." He sneered back, drenching his plate of pancakes in syrup and fried potatoes with ketchup. He poured the rest of the coffee for himself. There was too much for one cup, so he got out two mugs, filled both, and drank from both. What an asshole.
You looked at your own plate. You were too busy tending to your arm and talking to Russel to really eat anything, aside from a piece of potato. You were starving from not having any dinner. But you were the reason 2D stayed up and therefore didn't get up on time. You sighed and took your plate downstairs. "Thanks again for breakfast, Noodle!" You call behind you.
You set the food on the floor so you could knock on the door. Like a poor replay of last night, you had to knock again louder. Frustrated, you shout "2D!" You hear movement on the other side of the door and pick up the food.
"Ah!" A loud thump proceeds the opening of his door and you see him rubbing his chin as he opens it for you.
"You alright?"
"Yeah, I jus tripped. Can't really see well at night. Although I guess it mornin now innit?" He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stepped out of the way for you to join him, relighting the candle from last night. "Oh! Yew brought me breakfast? I'm starvin. Wouldda fought that Murdoc ate it all before I got any."
"He kinda did" You admit sheepishly.
"But then how'd yew get dis?" He sat on his bright yellow chair and started to eat vigorously.
"A magician never reveals their secrets."
"No D, it's an idiom." He looked confused. "Like raining cats and dogs?"
He swallowed his bite before speaking: "That doesn seem safe."
As you're about to laugh, your stomach starts to growl, causing you to turn bright red.
2D frowns. "This was yours?" You nod. "Well, now yew gotta take some. Yew didn efen 'ave dinna!"
"Nah, 2D it's yours, come on you said you were starving!"
"Eh, don tell 'er I said so, but Noodle's cookin can be off. I don like fese potatoes anyway, would yew-"
"Yes." You sit on the ground by him and he hands you what's left of them. You both sit in companionable silence. Normally, you observe everything as information for your articles, but here, there is nothing to record. Eating is a very intimate act. It's private. It leaves you vulnerable. One does not eat comfortably with strangers. There is an inherent agreement made when eating, a promise of safety and companionship. You don't think 2D values this moment as much as you do, you were waxing poetic while he sticks his tongue out as he struggles to cut a part of his pancake. Even though his struggles may suggest otherwise, he is meticulous while eating, taking extra caution to not allow any syrup to drip while he eats.
"Yew still 'ungry?" He nodded towards your empty plate. "Cuz yew'fe been lookin at me eat, and there's plenty pancake left."
"No, uh, I'll live." You flush, you keep forgetting about his eyes.
"Good! Wouldn't want yew dyin." He grins, showing off his missing teeth. You look around his room while he finishes. It wasn't exactly a mess, but it was not orderly. Clothes littered the floor, but the room felt lived in and as homey as a basement could get.
"Do you like living in the basement?" You ask him as he collects the plates into a stack.
"Didn't 'ave much of a choice. Murdoc put me 'ere before Russ n Noodle showed up. Gets a bit drafty fough."
This would be nice for your article. "Was this even a room initially? Or did Murdoc just put up a wall?"
"I dunno. I fink 'e jus put somefin up since I can see ofer dis wall 'ere if I get up 'igh enough." He opens his door and takes the plates with him. "Can yew blow out the candle? I don wanna bring it upstairs since Murdoc would probably take it for 'imself. Yew can grab onto the back of me shirt if you need 'elp navigatin. Not that I can see where I'm goin eifer."
You do ask he asks and grab onto his yellow tee. "I would offa yew me 'and, but..."
"They're full. Don't worry, this is helping loads."
He just hums in response as he leads you up the stairs, through the carpark, and up more stairs to the kitchen. When you finally reach the kitchen, your hand still holding the warm material of 2D's shirt. Russel hears you two enter and looks above the book he was reading --Wuthering Heights-- to raise an eyebrow at your position which must have looked a lot more suggestive than it actually was. You were in the basement alone with 2D for an hour at least and as an investigative journalist, you could understand better than anyone why it looked suspicious. You deeply flush, feeling the heat reach the tips of your ears. 2D apparently did not catch Russel's expression, leading you to the sink, where he washed the plates while you still held onto him. You didn't need to, you could see just fine now.
Russel sniggered, "I guess your arm's feeling better now, huh?" His sly smile hinting that he thinks he knows, incorrectly as it may be, why you are suddenly so close to 2D.
"Your arm's 'urtin?! Why didn yew say anyfin last night?" 2D turns towards you frantically, grabbing the arm that was holding his shirt, turning it around, trying to find the injury.
"Last night? Damn." Russel is chuckling on the couch, shaking his head. "2D, you have been ploughing through too many girls recently."
This piqued your interest. A new development for your article.
"I'm- I'm- I'm strugglin Russ, yew know dis. Besides, we didn efen do anyfin! We jus watched Dawn of the Dead!" He shakes his head vigorously, waving his arms.
"It starts with Dawn of the Dead..."
"ANYWAY! 'ow did yew 'urt your arm?" 2D harshly changes the subject, Russel fully laughing at this point.
You barely manage to mumble: "Burnt it." Russel's teasing really embarrassed you.
"On the candle?" He still looked so concerned, as if he was the one to hurt you.
"This morning. Not your fault, D." He visibly relaxed at that.
"Plus, it's this arm." You held up your left arm, the angry, sickly yellow blister facing him.
"'ow could I 'ave missed this! Oi, love, why 'aven't yew bandaged this? Does it 'urt still? Did yew put ointment on it?"
"Yo, 2D, chill, let her breathe!" Russel shouted from across the room.
2D flinched in surprise. "Sorry."
You smile and giggle, their concern for you was so cute. "I'm fine. It hurts to move and if anything touches it, it's agony, but really no need to fret."
"We keep a first aid kit in the studio because of, uh, Murdoc. I can patch yew up." He takes your uninjured hand and leads you down to the ground floor and into a cluttered studio. You grimaced at the pelt on the floor.
2D noticed your refusal to step on it. "Yeah, 'm not a big fan of it meself." He digs through a discarded box. "'ere's the kit! Come 'ere, I'll make yew feel be'er."
He rifles through the extensive kit, packed with anything an EMT team may need, including a mini lamp, which he turns on. "Oh! 'ere it is! Alooe Veera soofin cream!" He terribly mispronounces the name. "'ere are some bandages too, I'll wrap yew up afta."
You sat by his side on the floor as he tenderly took your injured arm and inspected it. "I fink dis may scar."
"If it does, then I'll always have something to remember this by. Plus, Noodle would feel so guilty, I'd probably get tickets to all of your concerts." You joke, but 2D's concern didn't seem to waver.
He laid it on his lap while he put some cream on his fingers. "Dis may 'urt a wee bit." He started on the outside of your burn, gently rubbing in the cream, the soothing lotion and soft touches caused you to sigh and relax into 2D's shoulder. Again, he smelled of cigarettes and cedar and his vanilla-scented candle still lingered in his shirt. He was bony so that you could feel his shoulder blade and clavicle, but it was not uncomfortable in the slightest. You could feel his muscles move as he tended to you and if this continued any longer, you would have fallen asleep.
He brushes against the blister unexpectedly and you yelp, yanking back your arm. "I need you to stay still, love." You grumble and tuck your head back into his shoulder, relaxing into him again. He continues with the cream, taking extra care with the blister, pausing when you sharply inhale. "I'll bandage yew up right proper, I will." He whispers, mainly to himself.
As soon as the rough gauze touches your blister, you whimper. "Jus stay good for a few more minutes, yeah?"
"This is hurting more than the actual burn."
"Sorry, love. Uh, lemme know if dis is too tight or loose." He begins to wrap the bandage around your forearm.
"Tighter, please." He pauses and tries again.
"Tighter." He tugs on them even harder.
"Yew sure? I fink your fingers are turnin red." He was right, they were showing signs of lack of blood flow.
"Please, D? I don't want it to come undone and have to do this again."
He follows your wishes and finishes tieing it up with a bow. "There, all done! If it still 'urts bad, I could give yew some of me painkillers?"
"I could do with some ibuprofen maybe. What do you have?"
"Perscriptions. Nefer wifout em!" His smile didn't quite reach his eyes and you could tell that it was just a cover. You give him a sympathetic smile, you couldn't blame him for being addicted. His smile falls. "Yew won't put that in your article, will yew?"
"Of course not, D! Nothing without your permission gets published, I'll even send you my rough draft for you to OK." You stand up and reach out your good arm to help him up too.
He is lighter than you expected as you yank him up beside you. "Yew don 'ave to do that. I doubt I could efen understand what yew write."
"Oh please, you're very intelligent!"
"Not since I fell on me 'ead, I 'aven't been." He deeply sighs. Then, he shakes his head. "Well, dis is where the magic 'appens! I could give yew a tour?"
You follow his lead and decide to stop talking about his past, but that doesn't mean you have to stop wondering what made this ray of sunshine so sad. He takes you around the space, explaining what each machine does and how it was used on the EP, sometimes complaining how one of them didn't work properly or how it didn't make it into the final versions of the songs. When you reach the keyboards, he practically glows when talking about them, their names (yes, he named his keyboards), which sounds are unique to each, and which ones are the stubborn ones. "Dis one 'as a very stiff F4, could nefer play that note." He pulls down his favourite from the shelf and plays "The Entertainer" beautifully. It would have rude to not applaud.
"And that's the recording boof. I don quite like 'ow claustrophobic it makes me. The sound spikes are scary, too. No good memories in there." He takes the lamp with him as he walks to the door. He holds out his hand for you to take, even though you can see where you are going now. But who are you to say no?
You reach out to take his hand, his being quite a bit bigger than yours. He leads you out the door and through the winding hallways of Kong. Even with his lamp, the place still reminds you a bit of a maze. You hear Russel's deep timbre coming down the kitchen's stairs and you remembered your interaction with him earlier and wondered how it would have been if he'd seen how you still held 2D's hand. 2D led you back down the stairs, through the car park, and down the stairs again. with each step the two of you took down, the darker the space around you got. That was the cons of a basement, you supposed. Once you were both back in his room, he placed the lamp over on a desk.
"Okay, ibuprofen right? I fink I got somethin like tha."
He let go of your hand to open the drawer at his desk, revealing many, many, bottles of pills. You tried to pretend you weren't looking over his shoulder at them all, but you were pretty sure he knew you were. He didn't address it, instead pulling out a specific bottle and pushing the door shut. He held it up close in front of his face, and you watched as he squinted just slightly to read the label.
"'ere we go! Dis should work."
He popped the top of the bottle and dumped quite a large amount on his hand before holding it out to you. You stared for a moment at the pile of pills in his hand before reaching out and grabbing just 2. He blinked, and slowly put the rest of the pills back in the bottle, then dropped it back in the drawer.
"Thanks, 2D. This'll help loads." You smiled up at him. He just smiled back.
You took both pills, faced with the fact you had no water to swallow them down with. It wasn't the biggest deal, but you never were good at swallowing pills, so the bitter medicine dissolved slightly on your tongue before it was gone.
"Blegh." you stuck your tongue out and scrunched your face up, that bitter taste causing you to cringe. You heard 2D laugh at your reaction. "Hey! Rude." You said, but you were smiling too.
"Sorry," he laughed a little again, "Les go get you somfin to drink, yeah?"
"Um, yeah. please."
He starts to lead you back to the kitchen. Your whole time at Kong has been dealing with these blasted stairs. "What yew want to drink?" 2D asks as you reach the car park.
"Got any more soda from last night?"
"No, fresh out, Noodle finished it while yew were asleep."
"Yeah! We may 'ave some Orange Juice left."
"If it was in the fridge it would have gone bad by now because of the power."
2D sighed. "Then all we gots is water and Murdoc's alcohol supply." You were about to go up the stairs to the kitchen and pause.
"You know any good cocktails, D?" You smiled slyly. Sure, it may only be after lunchtime, but with the clocks out, who really knows what time it is.
"I normally jus drink straight from the bottle." His smile returns your energy, so you turn around and start heading to the Winnebago.
The air starts to turn sour, and you could feel it sticking to your face. When you inhale, it burns your nose and stays in the back of your throat. The stench of death and rot. Of alcohol, sweat, weed, and sex. Of an overuse of Axe bodyspray. You didn't think you would see a grown man cry today, but as you two approached the Winnebago, 2D's eyes watered in a way that could only be described as a constant stream of tears.
"What happened here? Do you think Murdoc's okay?" As you open your mouth to speak, you could feel the stench seep in and can almost taste the putridness.
2D coughed "'e's probably more than okay." He knocked on the flimsy door.
The opening of the door unleashed a plume of stank upon you and 2D. You were expecting Murdoc to greet you, but your eyes lowered until they saw what you could only describe as a zombie in a maid outfit. That was definitely making the article. It gurgled and turned away. A second later, Murdoc appeared, topless. "Hey, Love! Finally come to your sense, eh?" He saw 2D and grumbled, "Ah, why'd you bring dents for eyes? I promised myself I wouldn't make that dream a reality. Besides, my bed's only got room for two." Murdoc leered at you, outlining your body with his eyes. 2D coughed and stood in front of you, causing Murdoc to lean back and cross his arms. "You're blocking her view of all this." He gestured to himself.
"Not to dis one, Murdoc. Not again. We're only 'ere for your booze." His hands balled into fists. You didn't need 2D to speak to Murdoc for you, but you sense something deeper going on here.
Murdoc turned for a sec and grabbed a bottle behind him. "Here you go, Face Ache. It's weak enough for you to stomach, lightweight. And if she," He points at you, "comes to me begging for a shag, later on, then we will both know that you're the issue."
2D takes the bottle and mumbles bastard under his breath. Murdoc leans against the doorframe and grins, cockily, watching you leave. The farther you get away from the Winnebago, the clearer the air looks. "Ah, I can feel my nose again! That stank, right D?"
"Yeah, wha'ever." He didn't look at you, his head tilted down so you guessed he was looking at the floor. He was hunched over and held the alcohol with white knuckles.
"You okay, 2D?" You put your hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged you off. "I jus wanna down dis bottle and forget everyfin 'til tomorrow at least."
You follow him silently back to his room, straying behind so that you were barely within the light from 2D's lamp. He disappeared through the door, leaving you in the dark as you fumbled down the last steps. You find him flopped face down onto the bed, his arms and legs splayed across the whole mattress. You gingerly pick up one of his legs and move it so you can sit on the bed beside him.
"You know I would never sleep with Murdoc, right?"
2D grumbled and opened the bottle, taking a huge swing, not fazed at all. He passed it over to you and you read the label. It was named Satan's Piss and had a cartoon devil on the front. Its main feature was its ABV of 50%, 10% more than vodka. You take a considerably smaller sip and cough, cringing at the strength, causing 2D to snort. At least one of you is getting something out of this.
"Wouldn't be the first time someone's left me for 'im." 2D pulled his limbs in a rolled over so that his stomach was touching your back, his legs close to your side. He leaned on one elbow, purposefully not looking at you. You turned slightly so you could watch him. "I don fink I could efer forgive Murdoc for what 'e did. I 'ad a bird and she and I were togefer efen before I lost me eyes, which I also 'ate Murdoc for, but that's a different story. Dis bird 'elped me frough me recovery and efen joined the band after I became the singer. The guitarist before Noodle." He paused and reached out for the bottle, which you handed to him. He took another huge drink and use wiping his mouth as an excuse to rub his eyes as well. "Well, anyway, Russ found 'er one day in the toilets wif Murdoc, givin 'im a blow job. 'e broke Murdoc's nose, that's why it looks so screwed up." He chuckled a little at that and took another drink. "After that, I tried to use other girls as a way of lessenin the pain. It's what Russel was talkin about in the kitchen. I actually 'ad plans wif a bird for this weekend, but well." He sheepishly looked up at you. "I 'ad dated Rachel Stevens for a bit, but Murdoc scared 'er off. Not the first time it's 'appened eifer. 'e's ruined everyfin for me recently." He ended his speech by finishing half of the bottle and handing it back to you.
"Oh, D. I'm so sorry. Paula, she didn't deserve you." You put your uninjured hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you. From the light of the lantern, you could see that his face was wet.
"She said it was me fault she got wif Murdoc. That she was tired of dealin wif me in me comatose state and that I was too fick efen after I came too. And I know I should blame 'er, but I just can't bring meself to 'ating 'er. I loved 'er, you know? Loved 'er proper." As he was speaking, staring at his hands, you drank some of the alcohol, it really starting to affect you.
Your hand started to move up from his shoulder to his hair, slowly running your fingers through the blue. It looked so pointy, you expected it to be brittle with hair gel or something, but his hair was so smooth and soft, albeit a bit messy. When you touched it, he flinched, but as you continued to brush your hand through, he relaxed and moved into the touch. You didn't stop combing through his hair, loving the way the blue fluff would part on your behalf. As you pet his hair, you could feel him begin to cry, his face in his hands, his shoulders heaving, his breathing unsteady. You heard sniffles and choked whimpers, so you made an effort to prevent any stray hairs from falling onto his face, lest it gets wet. You tasted alcohol as you drank some more to distract you from crying too: 2D didn't need that right now. All you saw was a defeated, broken boy who needed so much more love than anyone could give him.
You put the bottle on the floor and lifted 2D by his shoulders with your good arm, pulling him up into a sitting position with you. He didn't complain, only removed his hands from his black eyes, revealing them to be overflowing with tears and had a vague look of confusion. Then you hugged him, pulling his body close, feeling the heat of him through his clothes, hurting when his ribs would expand only to push out the air as a muffled cry. As if you two had done this a thousand times before, he tucked his head into your neck and it fits perfectly. His hair tickled your face and you continued to run your fingers through it. "It's alright. I'm here. I won't let you go." You whispered repeatedly while your friend conveyed every once of his devastation in tears.
After he calmed a little, he lifted his face from your neck. You could feel how wet it was from his tears and snot, but you didn't really mind. You stopped touching his hair, instead you cupped his cheek with your hand, brushing away stray tears with your thumb.
"S-sorry," He hiccuped, "for crying on yew." He looked up at you, his empty eyes rimmed red and you lost some part of yourself to him then.
You continued to stroke his cheek. "Sh, don't apologize, you're perfect."
His arm that used to lay limply over your shoulder while you were comforting him moved slowly, until it rested at the nape of your neck, tangling itself into your hair. He searched your face for any signs of opposition, but upon receiving none, he pulled your lips to his.
You have never had a worse headache or case of cottonmouth. Luckily it was still night, the noises of nocturnal life just outside, so you didn't have to bother with bright lights. You started to stir, but couldn't move half of your body. Looking over, you saw that 2D had wrapped his arms around your unburnt arm and that one of his long legs hooked around you, essentially trapping you. Had you fallen asleep like this? "Please be wearing clothes, please," You whisper. You saw that you were both fully clothed and let out a sigh of relief. You couldn't remember for the life of you what may have caused this. The last thing you could recall was Paula, the bitch.
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raminboots · 3 years
↱ Unfortunate Circumstances ↲
Inspired by @chasing-starlights story about villain accidentally drugging a hero with a love potion
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.・゜゜・ ♡ ・゜゜・.
“Get away from me you cretin!”
A large bang was heard throughout the city of Harfields as the city's favorite hero chased down his ten-legged nemesis. More specifically, the ten-legged man was jumping from building to building as the other one chased him down while flying. Moe was rushing all he could, feeling the adrenaline pump throughout his body as he hopped from one roof to another.
Although it wasn’t really him that did it, it was with the help of the mechanical spider-like legs that were protruding out of his back. He had eight of them, all connected to his brain and working together as actual limbs. Moe was a special case in the war between good and bad. Most of them, whether it was a hero or a villain, had some sort of power. Not Moe, he was a regular person, and to make up for that, he used machinery.
He had a bunch of body and limb enhancers, like his spider legs. But he also had a plethora of others that he stored on his body. But, they had a tendency to overheat or even break in the midst of battle.
The man was rushing with a briefcase pressed to his chest, holding on to it for dear life as he practically threw himself from roof to roof, taking sharp turns, dipping down in between buildings and even crashing into one apartment's window and out of another. All of this in desperation of shaking off the hero who was on his tail. Moe couldn’t lose the briefcase, he just couldn’t. He wouldn’t know what to do if he did.
“You know, running will get you nowhere, Arachnid!” He could hear the hero shout at him from behind, all this did was fuel the fire as he picked up the pace out of pure spite.
“Oh we’ll see about that one!” That was the only thing he had to say to that moronic meathead. But he would soon have to eat his own words as one of his legs got tangled up in two of the other spider legs, causing the whole thing to trip up and for Moe to fall down. Now, that wouldn’t have been too bad if he had fallen on the hard rooftop, it would have been humiliating but it wouldn’t have caused him too much pain.
Instead, he had to have fallen just before he was supposed to jump. So when he fell, he fell straight off the 30 feet tall building head first. He let out a cry of horror as he closed his eyes, waiting for the hard impact of the ground.
But it never came, instead, he felt his body jolt up as it stopped completely mid air. At first he thought that one of his enhancers had been caught on some wire or pipe sticking out from the building, that was until he heard a light chuckle from above him. Oh no.
He tensed up. As he looked up, he saw that the person who had indeed caught him was none other than Mr. Fire himself. Thomas Clément, more commonly known in the hero industry as Wildfire. He was intense, headstrong, insanely determined and robust. And he was Moe’s personally assigned hero.
You see, in the city of Harfields, there were two kinds of people. Normal humans and mutants. These mutants were gifted with divine powers and abilities that made them all powerful. And of course, the government was going to take advantage of that. They created an organisation called The Hero Preparation Foundation, or H.P.F for short. This was where mutants could train and earn their title as a hero. After that they were allowed to go out into the world and serve justice.
But not everyone who was a mutant wanted to be a hero. But the city didn’t care, and more often than not, resisting mutants either got forced into training or got locked up, getting labelled as “too dangerous” to walk freely.
In response to this horrid treatment, a small set of individuals created a resistance. The group went against all of the ideals of the H.P.F because of their corrupt ways. And as the cause got stronger, the more mutants joined, and sooner or later, the group became an underground organisation with hundreds of members. And Moe was one of those members.
But the thing was, once H.P.F got wind as to what was happening, they started a program where they documented each “villain”, as they called them, that was publically known. That would include all their powers, goals and attacks. Then they would try to find the best matching hero to “assign” to that villain, that way, whenever the villain was up to something, their hero would be notified and they would handle them. This way, they streamlined all the hero's work and made it easier to deal with.
Wildfire was assigned to Moe, and at first, Moe didn't understand why. Why would they assign a fire-type hero to a mechanic-type villain. But he would soon learn the hard way just why this combo was so effective. Wildfire’s powers included many different types of fire manipulation, including creating compact balls of flames that he could shoot and throw.
Moe couldn’t count all the times he’d massecared one of his machines or blown up one of his equipment. He could always rebuild them of course, there was a reason that he was called the mechanical spider. Whenever he was building his movements were fast, sharp and very persize. He could build things that would take days in just a couple of hours. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t annoying whenever Wildfire destroyed the shit he’d been working on.
The hero was looking at him with a playful smirk, not a menacing or mean-spirited one, rather one filled with amusement and glee. And that, in Moe’s opinion, was way worse.
“Well well well. If it isn’t my favorite spider. How’s it hanging, mon moitié?” The man said as he looked down at Moe who was in a very compromisable position. He couldn’t help but scoff at his stupid pun. And the french didn’t help his annoyance. He hated when Wildfire spoke french to him, because he couldn’t understand a word he was saying.
“Go to hell.” The hero quirked his eyebrow at this, a smile still remaining on his face.
“Ouch! Such hostility, what did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment, Arachnid?” He asked in an exaggerated voice, Moe rolled his eyes, ignoring him. “Aww come on, is this really how you treat your friends?” Moe felt annoyance build up in his body as he heard this. Although, Wildfire couldn’t see this annoyance on his face since he wore a gas mask that covered half of his face and a pair of goggles, blocking out both his face and his eyes.
“Shut up! We’re not friends, we’ve never been friends and we never will be!” He kicked his legs slightly in frustration, making his body dangle slightly in Wildfire’s grasp.
“You know, you’ve got a lot of balls saying this stuff for someone in your position.”
“What are you going to do? Drop me? I thought you hero’s were supposed to be better than us.” Moe could admit, if it was anyone else holding him he would not be talking like this. But it was Wildfire, it was Thomas. That big idiot would never drop him. He has a strict no killing policy and he has never broken that policy throughout his years as a hero. He doubted that he would break this policy now.
“Nah, you’re holding onto something way too important for me to drop you.” Moe thought for a second before he remembered what he was holding.
“The briefcase? I’ll drop it! I swear to god I’ll drop it if you don’t put me down!”
“You wouldn't.”
“Oh I so would!”
“Okay, then I’ll drop you and catch the briefcase.” This caught Moe slightly off guard. He knew deep down that Wildfire wouldn't, but it would be so easy for him to drop him if he felt like it.
Wildfire sighed, running a hand through his brown curly hair. This only brought the fact that he was holding Moe with one hand to his attention. He would say that it was impressive but Moe knew about his super-human strength. And he’s not going to compliment him for doing one of the three things he was good at as a hero; Fire-casting, flying and being strong.
“Look. How about you just hand over the briefcase and we can spare you any extra embarrassment once you get home to your little villain hide-out.” At first, Moe was confused by this statement. That was until he looked down and saw a pretty sizable crowd that had formed at the bottom of the building. Any and all confidence that Moe had left his body as he felt his face heat up.
“Put me down! Right now! I’m telling you, you better-” Moe was interrupted.
“Say the magic words.” After Wildfire said that, Moe shot a glare at him, and after that he looked down once more. People were watching and some were even filming, but the two were very high up so he doubted that they could hear him. After a couple of seconds of consideration he sighed as he kept his gaze away from Wildfire. And he remained like that for a good minute or two. At this point he didn’t care if people were watching, he had already embarrassed himself enough, he wasn’t about to lose his last piece of dignity by playing Wildfires games. It didn’t take long before the hero sighed, and that was when Moe knew that at least in one way, he had won. Certainly not in any significant way, but it was at least something.
And so, the hero flew away. He flew with the villain dangling from his grasp, as he lowered himself down into an alleyway a bit away from the crowd. As soon as he was put down, Moe immediately tried to scramble away like a scared cat, but he didn’t get very far.
“Oh no you don’t. Come back here.” Wildfire grabbed a hold of one of the spider-legs and yanked it backwards, effectively pulling Moe back and also severing the leg. “Oh shit, sorry ‘bout that one. God, you oughta make them a bit stronger.”
“A bit stronger? You have superhuman strength! What do you want me to do? Get some indestructible material? You’re such an idiot- '' Before Moe could finish, a hand slammed itself mere inches from his face, making him flinch as he looked back at the hero towering over him.
“Listen, Arachnid. I’m really tired today, why don’t you just cut to the chase and give me the briefcase.” Moe hugged the briefcase to his chest, clutching onto it as he looked away from Wildfire. He sighed in response. “I will rip it out of your hands if I have to, and I don’t think any of us wants that.” Moe looked down at the briefcase one last time, furrowing his eyebrows before letting out a defeated sigh.
Looking at the ground, he extended the hand holding the case to the hero, and he grabbed it, very gently. Sometimes it was almost painful to Moe to feel how careful Wildfire was with him. He didn’t understand why he didn’t just rip the case out of his hands, why he didn’t let him fall, why he never aimed for Moe when throwing his fire balls. He had been presented with so many opportunities to hurt him, to kill him, and yet, he never did.
Without another word, only a glance over at Moe, Wildfire flew away, leaving Moe alone in the alleyway.
“Yes Mark, it would seem like the young hero Wildfire managed to secure a briefcase from The Mad Arachnid earlier today nearby the H.P.F headquarters. When asked about the contents of the briefcase or the villains whereabouts, the hero had this to say,”
The faint sound from a television plagued Moe’s mind as he walked through the streets of Harfields. It sat in the window of a television shop, broadcasting a news channel that was talking about the battle that had occured only minutes earlier. He looked at it, tuning out the sounds and feeling his gaze get stuck. Soon he looked at his reflection in the display window. His eyes were tired and unfocused. One big benefit from having a mask and goggles during his fights was that no one, not even Thomas could see what he was thinking.
After their fight, Moe had fled and hid away in a separate dark alleyway. He couldn’t be in the same one that Thomas had dropped him off at, there would surely be cops and people crowding the area. He needed a quiet space where he could not only calm down but also change out of his disguise since he didn’t want to draw any unneeded attention to him by walking home in his villain outfit. And once he calmed down, that’s what he did.
Hiding behind a big dumpster, he threw off his spider leg compartments by removing his backplate from under his trenchcoat. It had started to heat up during their battle and Moe was left with the uncomfortable heat on his back as he changed into his spare shirt and jacket that he had brought with him. He didn’t want to say that he expected to lose, but he believed that you should, as he was taught, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
He took off his lower half gas-mask and thick goggles feeling like he could breathe properly and fully. He put his long hair into a ponytail as he pulled the hood from his jacket over his head.
He walked out of the damp alley and out into the streets of Harfields, feeling a pit start to form in his stomach as it finally started to settle in what had just happened, he just lost the briefcase full of the H.P.F intel.
Feeling himself snap back to reality he realised that he had zoned out in front of the tv. It showed a picture of him, The Mad Arachnid, along with phrases like “be on the lookout” and “Call immediate authorities if seen”.
He stuck his hands in his pockets as he muttered to himself while walking home. He couldn’t exactly take a bus there since public transport was on hold because of their fight, and he just had to get away from the main part of the city as fast as he could. Pulling on his hoodie strings, he grumbled and kept up his pace, trying to walk as fast as he could. Part of him contemplated even going back to the headquarters, he knew what was waiting for him there. But he knew the rules and what he had to do.
“How could you let this happen! Don’t you understand just how important those files were!?” Moe flinched as he got cursed out by one of the leaders of the organisation. They called him Raven. That was his only alias, only a handful of people knew his real name. The reason he was called Raven was because of his mechanical wings that he used to fly around, accompanied by a pair of claw-like gloves and a plague doctor mask. It was easy to see where Moe had gotten his inspiration for his costume from.
But Raven was similar to Moe in more ways than one. He too had no powers at all. He used his wings to get around and claws to attack. Although, since he was the leader and symbol of their movement, Raven didn’t actually attack all that often. He mostly helped people who trained, held meetings and planned out all the attacks.
“… I’m sorry…” Moe mumbled as he looked down on the table in front of him, feeling the shame drape over him like the very trench coat he wore. He was currently sitting inside Raven's office, getting lectured by the older villain. He let out a sigh as he looked at the shrunken up boy, whether that was with pity or disappointment didn’t make a difference to Moe. Nothing that Raven thought of him in that moment wasn’t something that Moe hadn’t thought of himself.
“Listen to me kid-”
“I’m not a kid.”
“Don’t… interrupt me.” Raven told the younger villian off. “You’ve got a lot of potential, alright?” This was what Raven always told Moe when he failed. You’ll get them next time, you have a lot of potential, you just need to work on your attacks.
Despite all his encouragement, Moe had a painful lose-to-win ratio, having barely won two or three fights while losing the rest. At what point do you just throw in the towel? Raven was conflicted, as his mentor he wanted to tell him that it was okay, that he would get stronger the more he trained. But as his boss he had to ask himself, was this all worth it? He wanted to see him thrive and grow, but at times it didn’t even feel as if Moe himself wanted to grow.
“... Don’t feel too bad about the files. We can just wait a few months and send someone else.” Moe didn’t expect to be allowed the mission again, but it still hurt to hear Raven admit that he screwed up, enough to deny any second chance.
Moe only nodded his head at this. Refusing to make eye contact with Raven. It pained Raven to see such a sad sight. He knew Moe was super passionate about their cause, joining them despite not having any powers. And no matter how many times he lost, he always returned. That’s why he didn’t want to give up on him, he was more devoted to their stand than most of their members.
Since their cause grew bigger and bigger, more people started to join just to have an excuse to commit crimes. They didn’t care about the resistance or the others involved, so to have someone like Moe, it wasn’t something you saw everyday.
“Why don’t you just lay low for a while, alright? You’ve been out on a lot of missions lately. You should go home and relax, you’ve been pushing yourself too much and I think it’s getting to you.” Moe let out a sharp breathy laugh, he knew that Raven was probably right, but it didn’t feel very good to be sent home when he should be doing something. But the laugh was short lived as he got quiet.
“… Alright sir, I will.”
As Moe walked out of his office and down the hallways of the HQ, he could feel almost a dozen eyes plastering onto him. He knew what they were all thinking. He was known as the runt of the organisation. Nothing but a waste of space and resources. He knew what they said to him behind closed doors. All of them, nothing but snakes.
Speaking of snakes, Moe sighed as he heard a certain low chuckle, a chuckle that anyone who’s been working there would know about. Turning his attention to one of the darker areas at the end of the hallway he could see two glowing eyes staring back at him.
“Hello, Serpent.” The black serpent, she was an infamous trickster among villains. Through her battles she proved two things; she saw everything as a game, laughing and messing around during her missions, but she also proved that she was quite useful when it came to winning. She had won so many of her battles, she was the complete opposite of Moe, having a drastically higher win streak than her lose streak. Everyone knew that she was one of the people who joined just to cause chaos, but it didn’t matter. She could care fuck all about the cause, she was simply too valuable of an asset to lose. And so, she got to stay.
“Evening to ya. Heard you totally busted your last mission.” She giggled as she formed out from the shadows, having only been a mist with two glowing eyes up until then.
“Yeah it was really embarrassing as well,” she let out yet another mocking laugh. “It was like, broadcasted to all of us. We got to see that sweet failure in raw HD.”
“If you’re just here to mock me then you can piss off. I don’t have time to talk to you.” He started to walk away, and that was when Serpent quickly turned into mist and slid in front of him. She reformed once more, much closer to him this time. Causing him to flinch back.
“Amazingly enough, I’m actually not here just to mock you.” Keyword being just. “I’m actually here to make you an offer.” Now this actually intrigued Moe quite a bit.
“What do you mean? What… kind of deal?” He asked, this made the shadow manipulator smirk. She got him.
“What Raven says about you isn’t false Moe,” he tensed up as she used his real name. They’re not supposed to refer to each other by their actual names unless it’s really urgent or serious. Although, Serpent was quite liberal with her use of these names, specifically Moe’s.
“You’ve got a lot of potential. But here’s the thing, those bastards at H.P.F are really good at matching heroes with villains, and it just so happens that they paired you up with a really good one. I think the only thing holding you back is your failures, if you could just win a couple of battles against that meathead, I’m sure you’ll get even better!” Moe picked at his fingers as he looked away from the taller woman in front of him.
“But… wouldn’t that be… cheating? What are you even going to do?” He asked, the woman started to walk away, nudging her head in his opposite direction, signaling for him to follow her.
“Since when have we ever followed the rules? There are no cheaters in this game, only winners and losers. I’m not gonna kill him or anything like that, then they would just send another hero. No, what if I told you there was a way for you to be able to completely control him? To control that wildfire that has been plaguing your life!” Moe fidgeted uncomfortably with the ends of his shirt as he interjected.
“How would you even do that?” Serpent only chuckled in response.
“A potion.” Of course. Serpent was known for her work with potions and other kinds of magic.
“How would I ever get close enough to give him the potion though?” Serpent sighed as she turned back to Moe, her eyebrow twitching slightly.
“God, do you ever stop whining. Figure it out. Doesn’t that big dope hold a bunch of fan meetups all the time? Just go dressed as a fan and give him a pastry with the potion inside of it. This seems way too easy for you to be complaining this much.” Suddenly, she stopped, turning back to Moe and grabbing his shoulders.
“Imagine it, you could play him like a fiddle- no, like a cheap kazoo! All with your own mind! You could finally win!” She was shaking him slightly, trying to build up anticipation in him. Moe pulled away, backing away from the woman. This only made her sigh as she rolled her eyes. “There you go again with your ‘oh god Serpent is crazy’ look. If you’re too much of a coward to do it that’s fine. But remember, if you ever change your mind,” She walked closer to him, placing a small card in his shirt pocket,
“You know where to find me.”
It was dusk, the sky was a orange hue. Moe liked the color a lot, it was really comforting to him for whatever reason. He had taken a train back home and now he was standing outside of his apartment, digging through his pockets to find them. After taking them out he hesitated slightly before he put the keys in and opened the door.
“Welcome home, Moe. How was today?” The monotonous voice of his assistant greeted him as soon as he entered his home. They were looking at him, eyes glowing as he turned on the lights in the apartment. There had been quite a few times that he had woken up to those terrifying yellow eyes staring at him in the middle of the night, but at this point he was pretty used to it.
“Not great.” His answer was short and sweet. He found that it was easier to not lie around E.S.A.H and just get their daily checkup done.
“Would you like to tell me about it or not?” They responded according to program.
“No thank you.” Moe said as he walked inside, going into his kitchen.
“Could you rate your day from 1 to 10 for me please?” They asked, following behind him, hands behind their back.
“Like, a 2? Maybe a 3? Yeah, a 3.” He answered, taking out a cold drink from the fridge. This was a standard procedure between the two. E.S.A.H would run a fairly simple checkup to make sure he was alright. If anything went wrong they would report to Raven and Storm, the second leader of the cause. Moe learned very quickly that he couldn’t be sarcastic with the bot after a bad joke led to a very awkward phone call with a very upset Raven.
“And how would you rate your overall well being at the moment?” Moe let out a breathy sigh as he thought to himself.
“Probably a 5. I’ll go with 5.” As he walked into his small living room, he threw himself on the couch and turned on the TV, absentmindedly flipping through all the channels, but he stopped once he came across an interview with none other than Wildfire. They were, presumably, talking about the fight earlier that day. Moe scoffed and was just about to change channels when he heard something.
“So, Wildfire,”
“Please, call me Thomas.” He was so pretentiously humble. Moe rolled his eyes.
“Ah, of course. Thomas, is there any reason why you can’t tell us where The Mad Arachnid went?” The interviewer asked. Moe tensed up slightly, looking towards the TV.
“What…” He mumbled to himself. And for once, Moe turned up the volume and listened.
“Well, sadly it’s classified H.P.F information.” Moe stopped paying attention as his own thoughts got louder than the TV.
Bullshit. In almost every single case of a villain escaping, the H.P.F always came out with at least a statement about where they believe the villain might be residing. There’s absolutely no reason as to why HIS whereabouts would be classified.
Was Thomas… Lying? Was he lying about their fight? He practically let him get away! He always does! Everytime they fight, he always lets him go, he never aims for him, he never lets him fall, he never reveals where he is or what happened. He grumbled as turned away from the TV.
“Are you okay? You seem upset?” E.S.A.H asked, looking over at Moe.
“I don’t need his pity…” Moe said to himself, completely ignoring the robot. E.S.A.H tilted their head in confusion as they could see Moe take out a card from his pocket.
“What’s that?” They asked, looking at him with wonder.
“It’s…” Moe looked down at the card. The phone number almost felt like it was calling to him, wanting for him to call it. That’s when a voice on the TV brought him out of his trance.
“So, you’re going to be holding a meetup of some sort on saturday?”
“Yes! I want to… well it sounds kinda silly, but I want to give back to the people for getting me this far!”
“And you’re not worried about any crazy fans?”
“Oh please, I fight villains for a living. I can handle anything at this point.” The hero smiled and laughed slightly as they continued the interview. Moe thought to himself for a second, looking down at the card in his hand. He stood up from his couch and walked towards his room.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about. Now,” He looked back at the robot one last time before opening the door to said room.
“I have to make a phone call…”
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angelisverba · 4 years
no need to be sorry
in which y/n realizes she loves Jason, and he can’t touch himself to the thought of her because it makes him feel guilty
word count: 12.8k
pairing: y/n and her brother’s best friend, jason
warning: strong mentions of sexual trauma and abuse. please read at your own caution if you are not comfortable with that .
author’s note: originally this was supposed to be a super long piece (and the last one) but i wanted to put something else to make the last part even longer :) THIS IS NOT EDITED, sorry not sorry hehe
March is a very confusing month. 
For y/n, it meant SAT cramming and intensive camps for the retake in may. A maxed out speed on her brain as to keep up her grades (and even improve them because God knows her math grade needs urgent care) and constantly keep her nose in her books because finals were approaching soon. 
For Jason, and the entire senior class for that matter, it meant renting out tuxedos and making appointments at the beauty salon in preparation for prom, buying tickets for prom, finding a prom date, asking out said date in a cutesy way that was memorable for both parties.
It meant asking y/n to be his prom date, but not drag her away from her studies because that just wouldn’t be fair.
Hell, Jason still hadn’t taken his girl out on a second date because she was such a busy bee, and had to settle for ‘study dates’. Really it was just him watching her chew on her bottom lip as she transferred notes from her chemistry textbook to her notebook, his own work splayed out in front of him, meaning to be completed but his attention diverted elsewhere. She’d glance up with burning cheeks to tell him that his glasses were sliding down his nose, and Jason— quite nearly in a hypnotic daze— would smile dopily at her and say ‘you’re so pretty’. She would shush him and tell him to get to work, or sometime ask for his help, and Jason would use that as an excuse to wrap his arm around her waist telling her ‘gotta whisper love, come close’ and proceed to explain how the law of gas, ideal gas, and Dalton’s Law of partial pressure differentiated from each other. 
He didn’t mind this. Any time he got with her he treasured, but god did he want to keep her tucked at his side at all times to show him off. It was selfish of him to be jealous that she wasn’t spending time with him when all she wanted to do was study for her future; for college. Selfish because Jason already had everything worked out. He’d gotten a scholarship to his dream school via football and his good-ish grades. Dorming and transportation was all set-up; he was 100% ready to go. 
But y/n? She’d confessed to Jason that she had no idea what she was doing with her life. That she was studying and doing all these things to look good for her college application, but her biggest fear was that they still wouldn’t accept her and she’d wind up going to community college. There were times where her bouncing leg would violently shake their table in the library so much, Jason would drag her out of the chair and take her on a short walk around the library (if her eyes were teary he’d sneak her into a corner and peck at her eyelids softly until she giggled). An effective strategy that resulted in a noticeable tent at his crotch, and a dreamy-eyed y/n that peeked up at him through her lashes with heated cheeks. 
He’d say, “Are you relaxed now? Or should we go home?” 
Home was his house. Y/n had her home, and Jason had his- respectively- but he referred to his place as ‘home’ and she never bothered to correct him.  More often than not (once it got to this point) y/n would nod and they’d head over to his place. 
And, well, who was she to pass up that opportunity? 
Y/n enjoyed reading her dog-eared SAT book on Jason’s bed and falling asleep on her crossed arms. Only because she would wake up an hour or so later, glued next to his side, with him also napping, lips puffy and hair extra fluffy. His hair, how a complete chocolate brown color, closely cropped since he’d cut off all the blond, fanned on the pillow and curled around the frames of his tortoise-shell glasses that he never remembered to take off. 
She’d always take them off for him, and the movement would startle him awake, his green eyes fluttering awake, eyebrows furrowed in a confusion that disappeared when he realized that it was just her. His sweet y/n with sleepy eyes who took his glasses off ever so gently, and reached over him to place them on his bedside.
They were wrapped up in their own little personal heaven when they were together, alone, and it was only disrupted when it was time for Jason to take y/n home. Grabby hands and kissy faces consumed them when she received a questioning text from her parents or brother, and the whole ‘do you really have to go’ ordeal took its course. And maybe- just maybe- Jason enjoyed the goodbyes because y/n always put extra effort into her goodbye kiss, leaning and pressing up against his mouth so their noses were squished against each other, her hand at the collar of his shirt to pull him even closer, communicating to him how much… how much she would miss him. 
She knew that Jason understood, and when they broke apart with a wet suction noise, and her eyes fluttered open to meet his, Jason knew that she knew that he knew what she was trying to say. It was a slight moment of vulnerability on her part, because it was the closest they’d get to admitting/discussing the sexual parts of their relationship. Or rather, the lack of.
But never mind that, it didn’t matter to any of them. They could be intimate without having sex. 
*                                                      *                                  *
Jason was confused. 
As silly as it was, prom was a big deal. It signified the closing of an era in a teenager’s life; the end of high school. A party to honor their struggles and begin a transition to a period of more struggles. 
Traditionally, you attend a dance with a date. A girlfriend, a crush, a last resort. One could go with friends but, Jason has a girlfriend now and he’d be damned if he didn’t take his pretty girl and show off that he was the one that got her in the end.  
The only issue was: the prom-posal.
He knew that y/n and him didn’t hang in the same crowd, and while they were both mellow, y/n held a little more reserve to public announcements.
She was shy. 
Needless to say, Jason had a very big quest on his shoulders; to find a way to ask y/n out to prom in a way that was memorable and attune to her likings. He thinks he doesn’t think he'd be able to get over it if he messed this up. 
“Jason? Bro are you even listening?” Andrew asked from across the lunch table. Kent stuffed french fries into his mouth, and glanced from both his friends. 
“Sorry, man. What was that?” Jason presses the lock button on his phone, and places it down on the table. 
“I was talking about the rager at Greg’s, is everything alright? You’ve been distant for a few days now, not having issues with y/n are you?” Andrew’s facial features darkened slightly, the deep concerns for his sister shining through his demeanor. Kent picked on the change of atmosphere, and his chewing stops. 
Jason sighed, his shoulders slanting downwards and the fabric of his letter-man jacket coming to a close at his chest. His heart-shaped lips come to a pensive pucker, debating if he should tell his best friend what was on his mind. 
At the troubled look on his face, Kent smiles encouragingly, and says, “You know you can tell us anything, J.” Andrew turns to look at his Kent while he’s speaking, and when he turns back to Jason, he nods, a knowing glimmer in his eyes. 
“What’s up?” His girlfriend’s brother leans forward, prepared to listen.
“I don’t know how to ask y/n to go to prom with me.” 
Andrew and Kent’s facial expression drop to a deadpan, and Jason’s eyebrows furrow in response, confused at their reaction. 
“What?” He looked back and forth between his two unimpressed friends, who suddenly burst into laughter; snickering and pointing fingers at him through wheezed words. 
“You’re fucking whipped,” Kent said, slapping a hand on Andrew’s shoulder and doubling forward.
“My sister,” their laughter calms down momentarily, “has you this upset?” And at his comment, the boys start laughing again, loud enough that it drags the attention of nearby tables. 
“Guys,” the corner of Jason’s lips struggle to stay down. “It’s not funny.” 
“Yeah, it is. Your panties are in a twist because of y/n,” Kent said, “Where is she?” He stands up from the bench and glances around the cafeteria, looking for her. 
Jason’s eyes widen, and his jaw drops, amazed at his friend’s response. “Dicks,” he mutters. “She’s with her English teacher, preparing for an exam.” 
Andrew’s chuckles die down again, and he shakes his head while rubbing his fingers on his forehead, grinning. “Deadass?”
“Yes!” Jason juts his head forward, nodding wildly. “Help me!”
Kent sits again, and places his chin on his palm. “Just go with what she likes, man.”
“Gee, thanks so much.” The stressed boy looks away, defeated.
Perhaps, it was a mistake bringing it up. Instead of receiving help, they were taking the piss out of him. He thought that maybe, because Andrew was related to the girl he was dating, he’d be a bit of hel-
“She keeps bugging me to take her to the aquarium.” 
Jason whips his head around to look at his friend, crossing his arms on the table and leaning with interest. 
“The aquarium?” He asks, eyebrows raising.
“Yeah, they remodeled a few exhibits and she’s been wanting to see them. Sent me a text about it a few days ago,” Andrew reached back to pull out his phone from his back pocket, unlocking it and pulling up a thread of texts from his sister. “Look.” 
The boy takes the phone from his friend’s hand. Y/n had sent her brother a link to the aquarium’s announcement of a reopening that occurred a few weeks before, along with ‘pleeease can we go? pleeease?’ and a puppy-eyed emoji. Andrew had only sent a curt ‘we’ll see’ to which the girl responded with screenshots of seals and penguins. 
A pang hit him straight in the heart, and he was saddened that she hadn’t asked him, given that he had refrained from taking her out in fear of distracting her from her studies. Yet, here she was asking to be taken to the aquarium, and Andrew showed no interest.  
“Take her. Ask her there. The only reason why I haven’t taken her is because she’ll ask for something from the gift shop and they’re expensive as fuck.” Andrew shrugged.
With a composed look, he clicked off the phone and slid it back. On the inside, he was hopping up and down, pumping his arms with joy because everything had clicked, and he knew exactly what to do.
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n still felt butterflies every time Jason looked at her.
Every girl wanted to be looked at by someone the way he looked at her.
A soft, dreamy daze that took over his face, eyes shining with an enamored gleam. Lashes fluttering adoringly, and lips coming together in a smirk, like he held all kinds of secrets and wanted to share them with her. His look alone said it all. I want you and only you.
It was overwhelmingly passionate. So intimate; an open admission with no shame. 
“You’re not even paying attention to me,” she whined, flopping over onto her back and throwing an arm over her head. 
They were- as usual- laying on Jason’s bed, with one of y/n’s textbooks spread open in front of them. 
“Can’t help myself,” he pushed up his glasses and raked his hair back. “You’re so pretty it’s distracting.” 
At that, y/n turned herself over so she laid next to Jason again, but her face was still nestled in the crook of her arm where her cheeks flamed. “Stop it,” she said, words muffled. 
“I’m serious.” She felt his weight dip on the bed, his hand coming to brush away hair that blocked the side of her face, and then puffs of air on her arm. Tilting her head so her eye peeked out, she saw that Jason’s mouth was hovering millimeters away from her skin, and when her eyes glanced up, an intense emerald gaze fixed on hers. “Like an angel, you are.”
Fire, heat, tingles littered the areas where his lips pressed against a trail into his skin. A blossoming feeling of affection imprinted onto her arm, and up to her cheek, where his lips lingered right underneath her lashes.
It became too much for her to handle, her heart and mind becoming muddled and confused through the overwhelming sensations that traveled throughout her nerves. Her cognitive senses seemed to refuse to acknowledge the difference between welcomed attention and… unwanted but forced attention. And, in efforts to prevent a hysteric scene or breakdown, she sprung up from her position, pressing a quick kiss into Jason’s cheek so he wouldn’t suspect anything, and sitting so she was almost completely off the bed. 
Jason watched her with… rejection. But, she wouldn’t know that because she refused to meet his eyes. Instead she said, “Have you got marshmallows in the cupboard?” 
“Uhh,” Jason cleared his throat, standing up and heading out of his room. “Yeah, I think so.”
She followed after him, shoulders hunched; ashamed. Mentally, she was pushing away repressed trauma from what seemed like yesterday. A haunting memory that refused to leave like paranoia. 
“Tiny ones or…?” He heads straight for the silver door knob next to the fridge, stepping in to squat at the lower shelves. Y/n stands in the doorway, hands awkwardly at her sides. 
“The big ones, please.” She doesn’t look up when he extends his hand to give her the fluffy white bag, and he doesn’t ask what's wrong.
Silently, y/n walks over to the kitchen island to pluck a skewer out of the drawer, and pops her hip to shut it. Jason lifts himself to sit on the countertop, his white shirt lifting to expose the pale sliver of skin that escaped from his grey sweatpants. Out the corner of her eye, she could see the enticing movement, and it caused her hands to shake, but she hid it in the twisting wrist movement of turning on the stove. 
A tearing noise comes from behind her, blending in with the clicking noises of the stove turning on. Jumping at the startling disruption, she turns to see Jason with an Oreo midway to his mouth. He gives her an open lipped smile, eyes wide as if shocked, and it makes her burst into a chuckle. 
“Can I get one?” She asked.
Wordlessly, he passed her a cookie. She took it, and it seemed that he purposely grazed his fingers over her palm. 
Y/n yanked her hand away like he’d burned her. 
Alarmed, Jason hops off the counter and moves to stand next to her.
“Y/n, is everything al-”
“Do you want a marshmallow?” She interrupted him, her breaths tense. 
“Uh, no.” He said, his head slightly shaking in disbelief at her actions. Had he done something wrong?
The girl stabbed the skewer through the white candy, and twirled it over the flames, the edges quickly turning a golden color. 
“Baby, what’s wr-” 
It catches fire, and her lips blow them off before it turns completely black, the fuh noise that escapes overpowering Jason’s gentle words. She was scared of breaking in front of him. She was scared to show him how much she was holding in.
“Can you hold this?” Voice small and squeaky.
He took the skewer out of her hands, holding it while she opened the oreo cookie. Knowing what she was gonna do, he gingerly placed the melted marshmallow on top of the frosting covered cookie, and pulled away when she sandwiched the top cookie on top.
Y/n takes a bite out of the treat, and relishes in the slightly burnt, woodsy taste of the white taffy and how it melts on her tongue and slides with ease down her throat. So much so, that a small noise of appreciation comes from the depths of her chest.
“S’good?” Jason asked, a breathy-uneasy- laugh whooshing through his nose.
She’s nodding before she looks up at him, and her head stills when she locks eyes with him. 
It’s the same, intense, focused look from before.
The one that promised so much. And it just- god she was so confused. 
So confused that she leaned forward to kiss him, disregarding the fact that- in that moment- she didn’t want affection. She needed a bit of distance and time to process her emotions.
 And instead of doing so, she lunged and connected herself to him in a smoldering embrace of their mouths. A sudden flood of inexplicable physical impressions, claiming, pleading.
Jason didn’t hesitate to respond, his hands appearing to cup at her cheeks, thumbs gingerly rubbing on the apples of her cheeks. He breathes deeply; a sharp inhale into her mouth that pulled his frame taught against hers. The forgotten treat pressed up against the divot of his pectoral muscles. 
The instant his tongue snaked into her mouth, he was bombarded with the warm and sweet taste of her mouth. Marshmallows and just her essence crowding over his taste buds; his nose also breathing in the fruity scent of her hair and woodsy burnt candy. Urgently, his lips suckled on her lower lip, y/n gasping at the sudden, ardent actions. 
Had she been any other girl, that would have been the night she finally let herself have sex with Jason. 
The mood was right; they were both bleeding mad for each other. 
But, y/n was y/n and that’s not how she was wired to go. Her mind began again with the confusion, her heart rate picking up double the rates from both the proximity of the boy and what was going to happen if the kiss continued. Did she want this? Fuck, of course she wanted this! Why was she…
“She’s not gonna do it because she’s a prude!” said one of the girls in the room. 
“No, I’m n-”
“Yeah, you are y/n. You’re a virgin. Probably wouldn’t even know what to do,” said the same girl.
Y/n had been invited to a party that the cheerleaders in her class were throwing, and boys from rival school had been invited to. They were all sitting in a circle- enough people to fill up the living room of a rich man’s house- playing a game of truth or dare, and they’d just gotten to y/n. 
She’d gotten dared to give one of the football players of the opposing school a blowjob… in the middle of the living room, with everyone watching. When they all saw her face fall, redden, and then pale,  no one wasted time to verbally pounce on her hesitance.
“Look at her! She’d pathetic Marcy, she’s not gonna do it.” The girl who invited her, Marcy, looked at her with a smirk. 
Embarrassed, and just numb to everything that was going on around her as well as what may come depending on her decisions. All she knew is that she needed to do this because she’d look bad if she didn’t. She didn’t want to be known as a prude. Even if she was a virgin. She didn’t want to be thought of badly. 
“Yes, I will.” Her meek reply had silenced the whole room.
“Come over here, and blow me.” Chris was a sophomore that was known for his promiscuous ways, and the fact that he had a big… that was evident when y/n came to kneel in front of him. 
Shaking, she sat in front of him with wide eyes, her back burning with stares and her heart pounding so hard she could feel it in her hands. 
Throughout it all, she felt disgusting. Ashamed. And unable to breathe because the guy wasn’t letting her come off, holding her down with a strong grip in her hair. Tears burned on her lashes and down her cheeks, partly from being unable to breathe, and the other because she was scared. 
God, she was so scared. What would happen to her when this got out? What then? When everyone knew what she’d done? There were more than enough witnesses present to attest that she’d given head to a guy she didn’t even know.
She’d felt a hand on her breast, and her eyes snapped open from their painful clench; alarmed. The guy sitting next to Chris had leaned over to touch her, and at her scared look he only laughed and continued to do it. His hand trailed lower and lower, and eventually she felt something hot spill down her aching throat. Her ears were ringing, her eyes bleary. 
Much of how she escaped had been... blurred through her panic.
But the feeling… that dreadful, terrorized feeling. It was what deer felt moments before being impacted by a car. 
She’d never forget it.
It was the same feeling creeping up on her then. The niggling, freezing, ambushed fear. It’s the reason why she pulled away from him, and said in a wet whisper, “I can’t.”
She hugs her arms across her chest, oreo still in hand, and turns away with her eyes dropped to the floor.  Y/n’s mind is reeling, utterly confused and just so scared scared scared.
“Did I do something wrong?” Jason asked, trailing after her to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. His lips are a dark shade of pink, the skin of his cheeks a flushed color; if one were to look down, they’d see the heather grey color of his sweatpants was slightly lifted. But his arousal was pushed aside by his concern towards the small girl, who shivered when his fingers grazed her shoulder. He could see her eyes were shut closed, but a tear escaped to roll down her cheeks, and at that the thick hairs of his brows dipped to crinkle on his forehead. “Y/n?”
“I’m sorry.” She sighed, her words hitching and cracking. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
Jason pulled her into his chest, his head shaking no no no to her apologies. “There’s no need to be sorry, dovie. It’s okay. You’re alright.” 
“But I am! I so sorry, Jason. I-” Her words died on her tongue, collapsed by a series of sobs that ruptured out of her lips. She was guilty. So so guilty. She felt like she was lying to him by not telling him of what had… occurred. 
“Baby, baby, hey. Y/n,” He pulled back to cup her face with his hands again, forcing her to gaze into his calm, forest eyes. “Listen to me. Deep breaths,” he began to inhale, his chest expanding with the intake of air. “You’re okay. I’m not mad at you for anything, dove.” 
“You don’t know what I’ve done,” Y/n sets the cookie on the counter, and goes to wipe at her eyes roughly, Jason tugging at her wrists and doing it himself, shushing her as he does. 
“Well I can’t be mad if I don’t know, yeah?” He gives her a small smile. “Do you wanna talk about it?” 
“N-no,” she shakes her head. “No, I don’t.”
“Okay.” He nods, still smiling. “That’s okay. I’m here to listen whenever you’re ready.”
Y/n just nodded and gave him a sad attempt to seem happy, but her chin began to tremble, crinkles appearing underneath her lip, and she rushed to dig her nose in the crook of Jason’s neck. 
“Oh, sweetheart, I wish you’d tell me what’s got you so upset.” He murmured into her hair, his arms wrapping around her. 
“Please, Jason. I don’t wanna,” She sniffled. “Don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Alright. I’ll stop asking. Don’t wanna stress you out anymore, dovie. You need a break as it is.” Jason rubs a warm hand up and down her back soothingly when he feels her nose dip into his collarbone. 
She sniffles some more, a slight hiccup in her breaths, and Jason continues, “speaking of breaks,” this catches her attention, and y/n tilts her head so she’s able to rest it in his shoulder and look up at his side profile. “Would you like to go to the aquarium with me next week?” 
At this, her head springs up so she’s eye level with Jason, her wet eyes gleaming as a surprised smile plays on her mouth. “The aquarium?” 
“Yes, the aquarium.” Jason laughed at her response, his eyes flitting between hers. The skin of his chin crinkled because he was looking down at her, and y/n wondered how he still managed to look so good with a double chin. “A little birdy told me you’ve been wanting to go.” 
Squealing, she said, “Oh my gosh, Jason please! Can we?!” 
Jason pressed a small kiss to her nose, “Of course, silly. It’s why I asked.”
“I’ve been asking Andrew but he….” she trails off, and her eyes become squinty, “heeey, did he tell you?” 
“Mayb-” She jumped suddenly at the feeling of her phone vibrating in her back pocket. The Simpsons theme song blaring through the quiet kitchen, and letting her know her brother was calling. Most likely to tell her it was time to come home. 
“I’ll go get your stuff,” Jason mumbled, separating himself with a wistful look in his eye. 
Y/n mumbled a ‘thank you’ and fished her phone out of her back pocket, pressing the green call button and holding it up to her ear.
“Hey, lover girl. Mom says it’s time to come home. See ya,” and he hangs up before y/n can even respond. 
Rolling her eyes, y/n heads upstairs to help Jason pack her stuff with all her troubles plaguing her heart like weeds.
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n had eased up a little on her avid studying habits because the SAT had passed, and she studied hard enough that she wasn’t planning on re-taking the exam-- no matter the score. In addition to that, there was enough to place on her shelf to make her look… well, better than good. Years worth of community service work, volunteering, participating in and starting clubs, all about to finally pay off. It was surreal. Kinda stressful, too, but now that she had time off she wanted to decompress. Enjoy herself some. 
To begin with, much of it was taking time off with herself. Meaning, no Jason, or Andrew, or her parents. Just her. She didn’t even have to explain to Jason that she wanted to be alone because after her initial comment of taking time off alone, he’d kissed her palm and murmured about how proud he was against her skin. No bitterness or spite attached. He’d even made a joke about ‘bro time with Andrew’. 
The gym nearest to her house was offering a free month trial-- which just so happened to be the amount of time she was planning on taking to relax before starting to study for finals again-- and she took it up instantly when she found out that they offered yoga and guided meditation classes. It was most likely the best thing she’d ever done.
Apart from getting an hour of physical exercise a day (because yoga is harder than it looks) she was the most relaxed ever. Her sleep was the best it’s been in so long, and her body felt so light. Time to reflect, she’d decided, was very important.
 Plus, her self-esteem had gone up knowing she was doing something to better herself for* herself. 
For the most part, that was how most of her days went.
Go to school, sometimes she’d eat lunch with Jason, get a ride home from him (the goodbye kisses ignited her), head to the gym, come back home and fall right asleep. She took advantage of the first three periods to finish any work that she had to turn in.
It’s only logical that she’d be nervous the day of her date with Jason, since it hadn’t been on her mind at all, and she hadn’t been spending time with the boy so his presence has not consoled her. An anxious fervor had plotted itself in the depths of her belly, goading her like a devil on her shoulder. Better watch how you act, it said, or you’ll fuck this all up.
Jason was the same way. 
The poor boy had also taken to working out to release his...stress. Sleepless nights were spent with the weight-rack in his father’s home gym- arms aching from the strain of bench pressing. Shirtless torso draped in a sheen of sweat, flushed a pink color and littered with prominent veins as he pulled his body upwards, jaw clenched and mind focused, having already reached the point where he listens to his body’s begs for mercy. Rhythmic release of tense breaths escaped through the hard line of his lips, muscles defined under a glint of perspiration beneath the lights of the room, shorts low on his hips. His curls dripped salty beads down the line of his nose, and matted on his forehead. 
He lost himself in the repetitive movements, body going numb until his brain turned off. 
It was almost better than sex. Hell he did it to forget about sex.  
He swears his body chose to betray him every time he was getting ready to fall asleep, projecting filthy images of a girl so sweet, he felt guilty just humoring them. Swollen red lips, hot mouths, soft hands, perky breasts blotchy with his marks. These pictures were so explicit and vivid in his brain about y/n, who was nothing but sweet and kind, and had never come close to even insinuating the things he imagined. 
Hell on earth-- torture is what it felt like, having to ignore sticking a hand down his pants and pulling at himself until he found relief with such an innocent girl on his mind. It made him feel icky and gross because she was so pure. Jason preferred to turn to exhaustion of his body rather than pleasure. And, more often that not he greeted his father’s gym with a scowl and determination to distract himself, pushing himself until he was nothing but a breathless, strained heap laying all tired-out on the bench, salty beads running a path down his forehead and dripping down his neck where his shoulders drooped-- defeated.  
Waking up the next day was a burning adventure; muscles feeling as if they’d been shot through and pricked with needles over and over again.  
But, his dignity was still intact and he was able to look y/n in the eyes with no remorse. The one time he’d jerked off to her, he was a sweating, burning mess as he made his way up to her in the halls.
He’d learned his lesson then.
His nerves didn’t run as deep as y/n’s, but he did second guess himself the more intricate his plan got. Take a certain route, be there at a certain time so there wouldn’t be so full, alert the personnel of his presence. 
Jason had approached his mother, Anne, the night that she had come home, and questioned her about her friend’s sister that worked as a zookeeper, to see if she had connections to the aquarium. Turns out, she did and-and, 
“Honey, what’s the sudden interest in Penny’s sister?” She looked up at her son while chopping green onions. 
Stammering, he rubbed his neck and said, “I was kinda… wondering- maybe, uhm… you could call in a favor for-for me…”
“What for?” 
“I wanted to ask… y/n to prom at the uhm.. The aquarium,” his cheeks go pink and he can’t keep steady eye-contact with his mother. She’s smiling at him knowingly, smiling at him from underneath the lip of the wine-glass she holds up to her mouth. 
She smacks her lip, “Y/n? The prom? When did this happen?” Anne smirked at him, scraping the onions off the cutting board with a knife onto the pan. 
This would be the moment where the distraught teenage boy goes off on his mom for being absent and not knowing a single thing about him. Slam his firsts against the counter-top while sneering. 
But Jason loved his mother and they maintained good communication, so there would be none of that. “Start of February…” He bites his thumb.
The sound of sizzling onions is what fills in the silence of their gazes. His mother slowly nodded her head, and Jason blushing. 
“I knew it.” 
Jason furrowed his eyebrows at his mother’s statement. “What?” 
“I knew this would happen. I knew it the day she first came in with Andrew. The instant you said her name, I knew.” 
Jason furrowed his eyebrows at his mother’s statement. “What?” 
“I knew this would happen. I knew it the day she first came in with Andrew. The instant you said her name, and that look in your eye…” She gleamed at her son. “You love her, don’t you?” 
The boy gaped at his mother. Had he really been that transparent from the beginning? So much so that not even he had noticed his feelings? “You knew?” 
“Course I did. Pushed you out of me didn’t I? Know you like the back of my hand.” His mother set the glass down and continued cutting vegetables. “It’s a mother’s instinct to know when her boy has been swept off his feet.” A soft pat on the cheek meets a dazed Jason. “Now, what’s this favor you wanted?” 
*                                                      *                                  *
Y/n was scared to admit how deep her feelings were for Jason.
Scared to admit that the usual fluttering gnaw at her ribs had developed into an inferno that took over her entire body, centering at her heart and spreading through her nervous system, leaving her skin a tingling network of her emotions.
Basically, take puppy love, and remove ‘puppy’. She loved him. With her entire being and more she loved him. She could see her life with him more secure than anything in her life, which was a big admission because the poor girl was all about security. And Jason made her feel more comfortable than anything in her life at that moment; he made her forget about anything that wasn’t them together in that moment. 
The morning of their date was like one of those scenes in movies where the character just has that really big realization, and all her feelings hit her at once. Y/n pieced it all together in a few seconds. How much he meant to her, how she loved him* and how scary it would be if she were to admit her feelings and receive nothing in return. 
It was at cause of these thoughts that her nerves revved up to their max, mind overthinking different ways that her feelings might cause this date to go wrong. Like something might slip from her lips; a rushed, urgent proclamation of her devotion full of jumbled stutters and met with a stunned look and a freshly single boyfriend.
“Honey, Jason’s here!” Called her mother at the base of the stairs. 
Y/n watched herself grow pale in her reflection, teeth sinking in her bottom lip. No turning back now. 
“Coming!” She took one last look at herself, pulling on the sleeves of the cardigan she layered over the long, white-eyelet dress she was saving for an occasion like this. It was a light, summer material with white embroidered flowers and a nice frilly detain around the waist. The creme cardigan served no purpose other than the fact that she was nervous, and covering up calmed her down. There wasn’t much to cover, but bare shoulders made her heart want to start a riot, screaming at her that people were looking and it was time to get anxious about whether she looked good or not. 
She forced herself to tear her eyes away from the dewy makeup on her face, drawing her mind away from picking at it until it was perfect because it would never be that and it’s okay. Instead, she focused on what lay ahead of her for the day— and maybe that was a tad bit worse but that didn’t matter because she was already in the witch’s pot and the brew was boiling— her date with Jason looming with possibility. Not to mention, she’d finally be getting to see the newly added exhibits she was longing to see. 
Cute baby sea lions, penguins and jellyfish that quickly outweighed all the disastrous scenarios filling her mind. 
Skipping down the steps with an eager smile on her lips, y/n struggled to hold in all her happy squeaks because downstairs Jason was waiting for her and-
“There she is!” Her mother greeted her at the base of the stairs, and winked at her daughter with a smile, a cheeky expression displayed upon the fact that what was happening was a surprising event. Her little y/n going out on a date with none other than her favorite out of Andrew’s friends, Jason.
This would have been the moment in the movies where everything freezes and everyone else disappears. The camera comes to a zoom in on Jason and y/n’s faces, the screen split in half but it the same, dreamy, loved-up expression on both their faces. Y/n’s cheeks warmed with a soft flush and a cheek splitting grin on her mouth, lips that shined with the gloss she had put on them, and eyes that shined under the kitchen lights with an extra sparkle that had floated up from her chest that had become the cavern where she shoved all her emotions.
Jason is equally stunned, unsure of how his girlfriend could get any more beautiful. Bunny teeth on full display, hands in the pockets of his blue jeans. He wore a satin bomber jacket with a tiger on the lower right side of his abdomen that was perched on snow-capped mountains that stretched up to his chest, a swooping eagle on his left breast. Two buttons were left unclasped, the collar of a white under-shirt peeking out, and the dip of his breast-bone on display, highlighted by the glint of the golden cross necklace his grandmother had given him when he was eight.
Meanwhile he took in the sight of her, y/n did the same as well, eyes roaming all over his figure and settling on the eyes that were already set on hers. He loved how she turned a pretty bothered color when they locked dreamy gazes. How her demeanor changes to shy glances when he smiles at her all toothy- his dimples prominent on his cheeks. The boy straightened, looking proud to be able to take her on a date. 
“Well are you guys gonna stare at each other all day, or go to the aquarium?” Andrew asked. He was standing at the kitchen entrance, a bag of Cheetos in his arm, and one cheek bulging with chips. 
“Andrew!” His mother playfully swatted his bicep. “Be nice! You’ll be the same, just wait.”
“Ready to go?” Jason asked, giving a sluggish nod towards the door, his being still transfixed in y/n, who nodded equally as slow even though her heart raced a mile a minute. “Alright, let’s go then. I’ll bring her home before 10, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Y/n walked towards the hand that Jason stretched out for her to grab, her hand swimming in his. It suddenly made sense why he was able to launch a football 400 meters. His hands were big, with a wide palm and nimble fingers that wrapped around hers, the top of it striped with the pleasing ridged of his veins. 
“Bye, hunnies! Have fun…. But not too much fun!” The mother clutched at her chest, her eyes soft at the sight of Jason opening the door for her daughter. 
“Ew, mom!” Andrew said, crumbling the bag to a close and retreating up the stairs, presumably to his room. He stopped at the base, and turned to say, “And I’ll be here, the brother forgotten by this best friend, woe is me!” 
His friend twisted around with a hand on the doorknob, “You know I love you, babe!” 
Andrew said something stupid along the lines of ‘show me, ya stud!’ before his mother shushed him up and waved at the couple that it was okay to leave, approaching the doorway to lock up.
Y/n peeked sideways at Jason, finding him already looking at her with a cheeky smirk. 
“Caughtcha looking,” He said, taking hold of her hand again and giving it a mall squeeze, leaning over to peck her cheek. “Missed you, y/n.”
She wanted to stop and pull him in by both sides of his face to smash their lips together, but she knew that her mom was probably watching through the window. “Wanna kiss you good so bad, but my mom’s probably watching through the window and I don’t wanna hear about it later.” 
“It’s okay, baby, I know. Wanted to ravish you when I saw you coming down the stairs, but that’s not the most appropriate thing to do when my girlfriend’s mom is present, is it?” They reached his car, and he sped up slightly to open the door for her, placing a hand on the small of her back. The grip on her phone increased at the sudden warmth on her body, her mind jumping to dirty assumptions on where this could lead to. 
She got in the car with a quiver in her belly, and it jolted away when Jason shut the door behind her. What was she thinking? Their relationship was built upon glances and sly touches, and how she was flustered in a non-sexual way over him? Strongly?
“Did you wanna get food anywhere before?” He said when he opened the door to his side, leg hiking up and to the side to take a seat. “Dunno ‘bout you, but I’m really really craving those chicken-avocado paninis from that one little coffee shop, and I know you really like their milk tea, what do you say?”
“I say that’s a really good idea.” Y/n said, nodding with a pinch on one side of her face, her true feeling hidden. Eyes trained at the way he held the steering wheel; one hand at 12 while he turned the key into the ignition. Maybe he would hold her neck while the other rubbed at her…
What the fuck? She needs to cut it out. 
Clearing her throat and looking out the window she said, “I could definitely go for a milk tea right now…”
“Yeah? Are you excited for today?” He twists to check behind him before pulling out of his parallel position to the curb, and y/n uses that moment to glance at the smooth skin of his neck, imagining how it would feel underneath her fingertips… her mouth…
“Yes,” She chokes, saliva collecting at the back of her tongue and slipping through. There’s a small pause where she coughs, and Jason plucks a bottle of water from the glove compartment, the back of his hand grazing her knees and the tops of her thighs, which only makes her cough harder. 
“Are you okay, my love? Here,” using the flat of his wrist to take hold on the steering wheel while he opened the bottle, “drink some. I don’t want you to die before you’ve seen the jellyfish.” 
A feeble ‘thank you*’ left her lips before the water bottle occupied it. The liquid washed out anything that had agitated her, and she drank extra to fill the time for at least a few more seconds. She was terrified of doing something wrong. 
The car was pulling up the parking lot of their local cafe when she placed the bottle in the cup holder between them. Jason didn’t have a clue what was going through her head, or the fact that he should be concerned because her thoughts had traveled to him fingering her while she made a mess of his seat. He was simply so grateful to be spending time with the girl who he loved. 
Who he loved.
The boy had realized the extremities of his regards after his mother had spoken them aloud. 
You love her don’t you?
Yes, yes he did. He had known that it was there. The guzzling, spritzy feeling he felt over his chest- like when a sip of a freshly opened can of Sprite goes down your throat- when he saw her, felt her touch, thought about her, had always been there. Always. It was there the day he bumped into her outside of the locker room, her tiny frame going unnoticed when he rounded the corner of the locker room where she was waiting for her brother because he was busy texting some girl, but the moment he heard a squeaky ‘oh, I’m so sorry!’, it was there. 
In some aspects, Jason was a bit dense, and this was one of them. He didn’t act when he should’ve. Or at least recognized what was going on in that broad chest of his-- he doesn’t think he would’ve acted because Andrew wouldn’t have held back. They hadn’t developed such a strong bond to come to the understanding that they did (Jason had made a really bold statement about life long partners and Andrew had been too blown away to stay mad). 
Jason loved y/n, and he always would; that was just facts.
“Wanna stay in here or go inside with me?” He asked her, taking the key out and placing a hand on the door. 
She was lightning quick to say “With you!” a bashful look overcoming her when he looked at her all knowingly, like he could see right through her. “I’ll go with you so you don’t have to carry everything,”  y/n blubbered in efforts to reclaim her dignity, and stepped out of the car. 
He feigned being hurt, “Owie, that stung. Are you saying I’m not strong?” Jason followed after her, a playful pout in his lips, “Tell you what,” he placed an arm around her neck, tugging her close to him and putting his lips by her ear, “I can carry you and the food, at the same time.”
Tables with umbrellas were located at the front of the cafe, people sitting with their computers open or having a chat with friends. Some looked up, some didn’t, but the stares of those who did made y/n feel thousands of times shyer than what she felt. 
The girl couldn’t help but squeeze the fabric of her sweater around herself, her thoughts getting the best of her, the feeling of his lips an enticing action that drove her mad…
He knew it too, chuckling to himself as he opened the door. 
Inside, only a single person made up the line for ordering, and she was already in the process of giving the man her card to pay. Jason and y/n stood side by side, looking up at the menus as if they were thinking over their choices, but really just thinking about each other. 
“Nex- Well, well, well.”
Y/n doesn’t think she had ever forgotten that voice. And hearing it ten, with Jason at her side, brought back the fear she hadn’t even begun to overcome. Her face went white, her lungs freezing, and her feet glued to the ground. 
Shock, was the medical term for it. 
When your body is submerged into temperatures it can’t handle, it goes through a series of procedures to attempt survival. It begins to slow down to conserve energy, shutting down to keep in heat, or await help. Hearts slow, lungs slow, and in extreme, abrupt situations, a person can faint. 
At the appearance of Chris after nearly an entire year, y/n wanted to faint. She wished she had, that way she wouldn’t have to endure Jason’s confused glances, and Chris’s malicious, salacious smirk. 
“Y/n, long time no see, baby.” He said, a piece of gum that he had hidden in his cheek appearing as he started to chew, leaning forward on the counter and giving Jason a once over. “Who’s that?” 
Jason’s eyebrows furrowed at the audacity this guy had, calling his girl ‘baby’. Y/n wasn’t looking at him, she couldn’t- she wasn’t aware of what was happening anymore, retreated into deep parts of her brain- but had she, she would’ve seen a bone-chilling, intimidating look of dominance in his usually kind green eyes. “I’m her boyfriend, who are you?” He said, stepping forward so his thighs were flush with the edge of the counter. His body was pulled tight like the strings on a violin, one pluck away from releasing a disastrous melody. 
Y/n’s eyes began to tear from not blinking them, her heart going from beating normal to beating so hard she could feel it in her fingertips, her stomach dropping like it had been ripped to her feet. 
“Who am I?” Chris licked the inside of his cheek, and y/n gagged. Repulsed, her feet tripped over themselves in attempts to get to the trashcan by the pickup site. “There wasn't even anything in your mouth, babe! Guess that thing they say about muscle memory is true, huh?”
Jason didn’t pay attention to the last thing that he said because he ran over to hold his girlfriend’s hair, rubbing her back and whispering that ‘it’s okay, my love, take deep breaths’. Her body started to tremble when nothing came out, her eyes emitting actual tears now, feeling undeserving of Jason’s affection because of what she’d done.
“I’m so-rry,” she whispered, her face a splotchy, red color that made him panic on the inside at what could plague her. “Can we go?” 
“Yeah,” He nodded quickly, no questions asked.”Yeah, let’s go.” 
Y/n shot up then, practically running out of the store while Chris laughed a belly-clenching laugh that pushed her out further. Jason looked back at him once, anger on clear display because whatever the guy had done, it was bad if it made her this upset.
When he turned around, y/n’s figure was disappearing  through the view of the store’s window, arms clutching herself as she ran to the parking lot. There were more stares than when they first arrived when he ran out after her with a call of her name. 
“Y/n!” He turned the corner to see her yanking violently at his door handle, tears streaming continuously down her cheeks now. Her shoulder jerked back and pushed forward until her knuckles collided on the material of the car. She was hurting herself. “Hey!” He yelled, yanking her back and wrapping his arms around her torso to restrict her movements. 
She thrashed for a few seconds, sobs leaving her until she went limp, which was when he let her go. His eyes were wide with concern, not being able to believe what had just happened. 
“Dovie? Look at me, dovie,” With a curled finger, he gently encouraged her to look at him. Irritated, doe eyes blinked with...  fear. 
“Do you want me?” Were the words that left her mouth in a breathy tremble. 
“I always want you,” Jason said, not hesitating to respond to her abrupt inquiry. His thick brown eyebrows were still knitted, however, and she knew that she owed him answers. As much as she couldn’t bring herself to give them up, y/n said,
“Would you want me even if I was used?” She shut her eyes tight, not being able to bear looking at him. It felt as if she were the one using him then, comforted by his presence, but lying to him as well. 
He scoffed, head shaking. “Yes. Even then I’d still love you.” Jason’s composure remains the same,neither alarmed or shocked that he had let it ‘slip’ past his lips because he hadn’t. He loved her and he told her. 
Y/n, on the other hand, burst into tears and dropped her head, her forehead on his chest, chanting a pathetic, “I don’t deserve you. I don’t deserve you.”
“Y/n, I need you to tell me what just happened,” He crooned into her ear, his lips kissing her head in attempts to show his affection to comfort her, “Let me help you.” 
She shook her head, and the gold zipper of his sweater scratched her forehead when she did. “No. No, I’m sorry.” She looked up at him, her voice pleading, “I don’t want to ruin our date. Can I tell you after?” Jason looked at her with lips pressed into a firm line. “Please.” She begged.
“Not gonna ruin our date, dovie,” He kissed her right cheek, and her eyelid, the bridge of her nose, and nudged his forehead against hers, “Spent so much time waiting for you, that I’m not gonna let a silly thing break us apart. I’m willing to fight, y/n. I already have.” He fumbled behind her, unlocking the door and propping it open before he pressed a kiss to her lips. A deep press that conveyed everything he just said. I love you.
A shaky, relieved breath left her when they parted, her eyes still shut when he said, “Get in the car, my love,” with another, plushy kiss to her lips before he stepped back to see her get in the car. Her eyes opened slowly to see him smiling at her, no trace of anything strange in his eyes- like he had forgotten everything that happened in the past 10 minutes. 
Y/n mumbled an ‘okay’ and got inside, putting on his seat belt as he closed the door and walked over to his side. She wondered if this was it, if this was her messing up and at the end of the day she would be crying into her pillow because he’d broken up with her. If e was just playing nice because that was just Jason, his MO.
Lost in her own thoughts, she didn’t notice that he had turned on the radio until he started singing along to it. An oldies station that he always had on if there wasn’t any music coming from his phone. It was in the middle of Prince’s Nothing Compares 2 U to which Jason didn’t hesitate to start singing. 
“I went to the doctor’s and guess what he told me, guess what he told me,” he looked over at her while he was singing, a playful look in his eyes, and he shimmied his shoulders. It was a classic ‘sing to your girlfriend so she’ll never forget this song and always associate this song with you’ moment. 
“I went to the doctor’s and guess what he told me, guess what he told me,” he looked over at her while he was singing, a playful look in his eyes, and he shimmied his shoulders. It was a classic ‘sing to your girlfriend so she’ll never forget this song and always associate this song with you’ moment. 
“He said girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do,” his singing voice was a direct reflection on his character, smooth like honey, but deep and slightly scratchy like the comfort of burning wood, “but he’s a fool.” 
Just then, his voice gets a little louder, “Cause nothing compares to you.” He placed a hand on her knee, his lips forming an exaggerated ‘o’ shape on the ‘you’. Jason was clearly singing to her, his eyes flickering from the road to her as a sweet gesture to direct his words to her. 
Y/n sniffled and laughed, using her finger to trace the veins on the back of Jason’s hands, looking up at him while he sang to her. She had the sudden urge to reiterate what he had confessed in the parking lot. How it swelled in her chest, and consumed her. 
But she couldn’t. It was hard and she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because he didn’t know the whole truth about her. Instead she wrote it on his hand. Her caresses going from random to spelling out letters on his knuckles. He noticed this. How the movements were calculated now, and the singing stopped. Green eyes went from the road to her eyes, to the road to their hands.
I love you, too.
She wiped her hand over his when she finished, and didn’t dare look up at him, so she looked out the window but left her hand in his hold. He brought it up to his lips, and kissed her knuckles, rubbing his lips over them repeatedly.
*                                                      *                                  * 
Jason stepped out of the car, and took long, quick strides over to her door, y/n admiring how long and muscular his legs looked in his jeans. He pulled the door open, leaning back so the door could swing past his torso, but staying relatively close to the car, giving her just enough space to get out. Y/n didn’t think anything of it, until she stood, and was face to face with his face, her nose swamped with the toned down scent of fresh, spring scented body wash merged with the soft smell of his skin. 
Given how close she was, she could see the lines on his cupid's bow where his skin color changed from a golden tint to the strawberry of his lips. 
“Can you kiss me properly now, baby?” He said, voice low and raspy. Hands came to flatten on the hood of his Prius, caging her in so she was close to his torso. A blush formed from the way he stared at her mouth like he was starved. 
“P-properly?” She muttered, her hands taking purchase on his hips, and smoothing up his sides, the material cool under her hands. 
“Yeah,” He licked the inside of his cheek, his head tilting, “Like this.”
Jason pushed forward until her back hit the car, and their hips were flush, y/n’s hands stuck between them, but she maneuvered them to she could palm at his chest, her nails digging in like cat’s claws when his lips found their way together, pillowed between each other in a passionate embrace that warmed her to her toes. 
“Mmph, baby ‘ya marking me with your fingers,” He spoke in a sotto voice, heavy breaths and wet noises of their smacking lips resonating through their ears.
It took everything in her not to moan, and she knew that if they kept going it would be inevitable, so she unclenched her hands with a reluctant squeak, and ducked her head into his neck. Breath hot on his neck, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no, no. I… uhm, I liked it, my love. You didn’t do anything wrong, don’t be shy.” He flexed his jaw, his eyes rolling at the back of his head at recalling the feeling of her hands- dainty and small, and sweet,, and god* it was just her*- clawing at his chest. Jason dipped forward, and kissed her neck. His lips staining her skin with scorching heat, the soft skin creating a magnetic force between them. 
She moaned at that, her teeth scratching at his neck tentatively.  “Stop it,” Her head felt floaty, her limbs soft, “Wanna see the fishies and the way that you’re…” “The way that I’m what, dovie?” He’s stunned by her moan, his brain haywire. “Tell me.”
“The way you’re talking is gonna me make me wanna stay here, and I really wanna see the fishies. Please?” She’s whining; voice an embarrassingly high pitched tone. Her hands gripped the collar of his sweater for stability because her knees were shaking. 
“Alright. Alright, let’s go see the fishies, baby.” Jason pecks her one last time at the juncture of her neck, and takes a step back to grab her hand. “Come on.”
*                                                      *                                  * 
 “So, they’ve got McDonald’s, Tam’s Burgers, Ruby’s Diner, and Sushi.” Jason holds a tri-fold directory of the aquarium in one hand, and y/n’s hand in the other. 
“Sushi? At an aquarium?” She skews half her face to the side like she tasted something sour. 
“I know right?” He copies her face, “The irony. Up for burgers? It’s all they’ve got.” 
Y/n’s stomach grumbled at the mention of food, and she giggled when Jason noticed and laughed at her. “Burgers sound good,” she said, rubbing her stomach comically.  Although she was still heated by their earlier interaction, both were pretending like nothing happened, and like they didn’t have a big thing waiting for them at the end of the day.
Like she wasn’t going to reveal how sh-
“Anything for you, baby.” Jason Jason held up the tri-fold again and blew out of his lips as he made out the route to Tam’s burgers. 
When they both got there, they ordered the same thing: one cheeseburger with a vanilla milkshake. Oh, and they were sharing chili cheese fries.
It was the epitome of a perfect date for a young couple in love. They chose to sit on the same side of the booth because they were greedy to get everything they could from each other. Unnecessary touches were made more than the amount of things they said to each other. Him brushing hair behind her each, hand on her thigh, rubbing her cheeks, feeding her, wiping her mouth, her arm hooked through his, pecking his cheek after a sip of her milkshake, nudging his feet with hers, caressing his thigh. It was on the rubbing his thigh part where things would get slightly heated, and Jason would stop to kiss her, licking into her mouth to taste the vanilla that was also on his tongue.
Jason paid for their meal, much to y/n’s begging, and then walked her over to the penguin exhibit.
“Heard one of their eggs just hatched, and I want you to see it.” He said, swinging their hands between them.
“Really?” She asked, her features lifted with excitement. “Well then let’s go!” Y/n ran ahead of him, looking back at him and pulling at his arm. Laughing, they swerved around people and ran past the large tank that represented the reef ecosystem, blue light from the sun that streamed through the top of the tank dancing on their skin like shadows. It was a magical moment, even though they looked like weirdos. In their head they were in their own movie, their own world.
 “Jason, honey? Is that you?” A woman in green cargo shorts and the customary blue shirts with the aquarium’s logo on the left breast called from the inside of the penguin expedition. She had raven black hair in a low bun, and red lipstick paired with a bright smile. She was feeding the animals from  two buckets on the edge of the pool where they were jumping in. 
“Hey, Janet!” Jason called out, waving from behind the glass barrier. “Long time no see, have you gotten younger?” 
She laughed and turned around, walking through an archway and disappearing from view. A male walked out, and smiled towards the couple, nodding once and turned his attention towards the penguins. He whistled once, and they all came to him, huddling around him expectantly.
Then he bent downwards and placed the back of his hand on the penguins tummy, pressing back and they waddled backwards. He did the same to four others, pressing them so they were in a straight line, and they stayed where he placed them. Janet came out then, with black objects in her arms. 
“What are they….” Y/n asked, confused as to what was going on because she had been to this aquarium several times and had never seen such things. “... doing?” 
Janet removed one of the items from her chest, and y/n could see that they were large letters. A ‘P’ which she placed at the feet of the first penguin. ‘R’ on the one following. They rested against their bellies, and after an initial peck at it, they left it alone and watched their keepers expectantly, presumably for food. ‘O’ followed, then ‘M’. And as the question mark was being laid on the last penguin, Jason turned to watch his girlfriend’s face, waiting for the realization to hit. It didn’t take very long.
“Oh my gosh, Jason, look! Look it spells prom!” She pointed at it excitedly, a smile from ear to ear as she looked on at the animals, amused by their antics. She looked over at him to share her glee, and found him watching her with a dreamy smirk. “Look at the animals! Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Will you go to prom with me?” 
Y/n’s jaw dropped, the full realization hitting her. This had been planned, more specifically, Jason had planned this. “You did this?” She asked. Looking back and then at him again as he nodded slowly, still waiting for an answer. She stood there for a moment, stunned, and after a blink she jumped into his arms. “Yes! Yes! Yes, I want to go to prom with you!” 
He didn’t waste any time in wrapping his hands around her waist and twirling her around, laughing. Kissing her cheek, he set her to her feet and she was watching him with bleary eyes, a pout on her lips. “You did this for me?” 
“Technically, my mom did, but yes. Had her call in for me. Did you like it?” He put his hands in the pocket of his bomber jacket, his lips puckered as he tried to conceal a proud smile. 
“I love it, so much, Jason I-” She’s left speechless, and she glances up at the animals again, where Janet and the other keep were throwing fish at them. “Thank you.” The tips of her fingers came to cover her mouth, tears of joy threatening to slip. 
“Don’t cry, dovie. You weren’t supposed to cry,” he cooed, slipping his hands out again to wipe at the tears that fell down her cheeks.
“Shut up and kiss me,” Leaning up on her tip-toes, y/n abruptly yanked at his jacket, and crushed their lips together. 
“There we go! Your mother would love this!” Janet whooped, and her cheers caused the couple to split from each other with red faces, laughs covering their embarrassment. 
“Hush up, and let me kiss my girl will ya?” Jason pointed a finger at her and pretended to scowl. “We’re leaving to somewhere where we can smooch in peace!” Nearby people laughed at his jokes.
“Bye, sweetie! Tell your mother I said hello!” She waved goodbye, and returned her attention to the penguins at her feet. 
Y/n waved a goodbye along with Jason, yelling a ‘thank you’ as she walked away. Her brain was still trying to process what had happened when they turned the corner and walked into the new exhibit of the darker layers of the ocean. A long, winding hallway where the only light was the glow coming from the bio-luminescence animals in the water. 
An influx of serotonin swimming through her veins, squeals leaving her where she noticed where they were. 
“The jellyfish!” She left Jason’s side to stand in front of the large glass. An abundant amount of jellyfish bobbed up and around each other at slow, hypnotizing speeds. Glowing, long tentacles swaying in their trail; networks of veiny light streams present in each of them. The blue hue reflecting off of her skin, and onto the pane where it showed her amazed reflection.
“They’re beautiful,” she mumbled. Jason caught up, and stood besides her, his figure also appearing on the glass pane that held the jellyfish. “I could watch them all day.” 
His eyes drifted from the jellyfish to her side profile, admiring how ethereal she looked in that moment. Her face was soft with curiosity and wonder. “Me too.”
“You’re not even looking at them.” She gives him a side-eye glance. 
“I know.” He turned so his feet pointed to her, and combed his hair back because a few curls were tickling his forehead. “Can’t believe I’m gonna have the prettiest girl as my prom date.” 
Y/n’s nostrils flared and she sucked in her lips to suppress a smile. “Stop it.”
“S’true. Everyone’s gonna be so jealous of me.” He sucked in a breath, “Gonna have to hold on to you so no one steals you from me.” 
She knows he means every word that leaves his lips. And that the words are meant to tickle her heart with their honesty. While they do so, they also break it. Y/n thinks she’s living a lie. Not her relationship with him, but the way she acts and portrays herself. So much of herself, she kept hidden. It hurt knowing that he was being so genuine, and she wasn’t. It hurt more than knowing he could break up with her if he knew the truth. 
So, she decided to come clean. Even though they decided on the end of the day, her conscience wasn’t letting her live. 
“Jason, I have something to tell you.” She said, her throat closing up on the second syllable of his name, and crying by the end of her sentence. 
The boy brings his palm to her lower back, and moves his thumb up and down comfortingly. “Deep breaths, y/n. I’m listening.” 
“That boy?” She tilts her chin so she’s looking at him, and he nods when they make eye contact. “From the cafe? I knew him from a party.” Deep breath. “We were playing truth or-” a sob leaves her, shoulders sagging as her composure breaks. 
Jason raises his hand from her back to her shoulder, and steps closer so she’s pressed against his chest. “It’s okay. I’m right here, baby. I’m not leaving you. Take your time.” 
It would’ve been a lot more embarrassing if people were passing, but they were the only ones there. Had there been someone, they would’ve seen a terribly emotional y/n and a very concerned Jason. 
A creeping feel of panic like the one from that night teased her toes, anxiety of her confession crawling up her spine. But she had to push through. She needed to get this off her chest. 
“We were playing truth or dare, and… and I got dared t-to suck him off in front of everyone else,” another hiccup interrupts her words, and she had to stop to take a deep breath like Jason said, giving him an ashamed, fleeting glance.  Not long enough to see that his eyes were wide with astonishment, eyebrows furrowed with bubbling rage.
“What?” He said, more on the rhetorical side to encourage her to keep talking. His mind kept jumping back to the guy at the cafe and the way he said ‘there wasn’t anything in your mouth, babe’ with a knowing look in his eyes. How he practically violated her with his eyes. Rage filled him; all he wanted to do was punch the guy in the face. 
Anger made itself present in his stunned comment, and y/n took it as a disgusted comment. She jumped to explain herself, “I didn’t want to do it! I swear I didn’t put they started calling me names, a-and I didn’t want them to be upset with me so I-” another collapse of her words, chest rising and falling with desperate breaths. The panis increased, rising up to her chest and gripping like a boa. 
Jason knew that she needed reassurance on that moment and said, “Sh, sh Dovie, deep breaths. It’s alright, I know you didn’t, my dove. That’s called peer pressure.” 
It was clear that this was something she struggled with for a long time, and it hurt him so much inside that he had so blindly lived in the presence of her pain. Held her, touched her, and never noticed that she was so deeply in pain. The anger in him became a mix of bitter remorse at the fact that he had done nothing to push at her, or present himself in a way that showed she could trust him. He was unaware he was crying too until his own vision became blurry with moisture. 
“I left right after he… after he…. Because the other boys started touching me, too. That was when you found me under that tree. Remember?” Shiny doe eyes glimmered with the light that came off the jellyfish at him. They seemed to beg him for forgiveness, for understanding that she was sorry.
“Yes, sweetheart I remember.” Soft fingers crawl up her cheek, caressing like silk at the tears that still fell. Kisses were littered in her temple with strong pressure, a display of his comfort. “Oh, I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, baby. It’s not your fault.” 
“I should have said no. I should’ve l-left or something…”
“No. No, y/n this wasn’t your fault. This wasn’t on you. You were under pressure, and they were bullying you as well… Oh my god, baby, this- You don’t want to tell authorities?” 
“No! No, no, Jason I can’t l-let anyone find out I did…” Her eyes shut with distaste, “That. Please, don’t tell anyone.” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay.” He nods.
“Do you still want me?” Her cross, and her nails dig into her arms. Y/n bowed her head and sniffled. Jason took note of this, and pried her hands off so she wouldn’t bleed. His heart clenched at the tone of desperation in her voice. It hurt him to even think that he’d leave her so easily, and his words came out more emotionally tainted than he would’ve wanted.
“Y/n look at me.” His hand cupped her cheek, and the other held both of her wrists. She wrapped her hands around his wrists and squeezed him tightly. “I’m not leaving you. Can’t you understand that I love you, baby? I’m not leaving you, not now.”
“God, Jason. I don’t deserve you.” Y/n leans into his touch, sniffling.
“No, dovie. You’ve got that all twisted. It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.  You’re so good to me, so kind, and sweet,and I’m so so sorry thing happened to you. But it’s gonna be okay, yeah? We can work through this, I’ll be there by our side. I won’t leave.” The boy followed after her eyes, wanting to maintain eye contact with her, but she was shifty with her gaze. He wanted to be able for her to see-- in his eyes-- that he meant every word.
“I love you.” Y/n jumped into his chest and wrapped her hands around his neck, happy to be free of guilt, and blissfully happy that she had Jason. That he loved her, and she was able to tell him that she loved him.
After a moment of just standing in each other’s arms, head’s buried in each other’s neck with Jason muttering into her ear just how much she meant to him, they stepped back  to look at the other, and y/n laughed halfheartedly, wiping at her eyes and underneath her nose. Quiet ‘thank you’s were exchanged and they took one last good look at the jellyfish in silence. Y/n suggested they go home, and Jason said he wanted to stop by the gift shop first. Something about how how he needed a polar bear to hold onto at night.
In reality, he bought her the sea otter she wouldn’t stop petting, and a key chain with the date engraved on it. He didn’t give these to her until they were in front of her house, and he reached into the bag behind her seat.
“These are for you.” He said, placing the stuffy on her lap, and the key chain on her open palm. “A memoir. The first time we said I love you... among other things.” 
His tone was serious, mouth set in a grim line, but y/n was smiling.
“I knew something was up when you told me to wait outside. Thank you.” Leaning over the console, they both met each other halfway, and kissed each other goodbye. At the first taste of her lips, he removed his hands from the steering wheel in favor of having them on her face, holding her too him a few seconds longer than she usually would have let herself stay kissing.
“You’re welcome, dovie. I love you.” He said, pecking her lips once more, and then her nose, making her laugh through her nose. “I’ll see you tomorrow, but I’ll call you tonight. Yeah?”
“Yeah. I love you, too.” She opened the door, and waved once more at her boyfriend who smiled at her from inside the car.
Y/n was slightly upset over he fact that he hadn’t gotten out to walk her up the steps, and in any other situation, he would’ve. But out of his eagerness, Jason waited until she was inside, and lifted his hips to get his phone out of his pocket, calling the one person he knew would have his back if he wanted to set things straight.
It rang three times before he picked up.
“Andrew. It’s an emergency. Come over to my house tonight. Don’t let anyone see you leave.”
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yjhgvf · 3 years
So… I was planning to write the (gijinka) ‘Menadora Family Campout Fic’ (The AI!Pickle AU Pickle Family Campout Episode), but literally the first scene, the replacement for the scene where Pickle falls off a cliff and Blaze saves him and then they leave for the campout, which took like 2-3 minutes in the actual episode, ended up being, *checks google doc* 3.5k fucking words. So since I write too goddamn much, and my writing is kinda shit anyways, have the first scene of the fic that I may or may not continue writing.
It was a warm summer day on the outskirts of Axle City, more specifically in the forests near the city. The perfect day to play a game of basketball, or maybe do a bit of friendly racing, or, in the case of one individual and his computerized companion stopped on the side of the road in an area between the forest and a canyon, do some camping.
“Are you sure we have to check the supplies again?” A large, old-school computer monitor with a surprisingly crystal clear display was sat on a flat rock. The image on the computer was of a majorelle blue head with generally straight but at the same time curved bangs and hair as well as simple vivid cerulean eyes on a space colored dark blue background. The head had a face that displayed annoyance with a hint of anger.
“Pickle, I need to make sure we have everything we need for the campout. I don’t want to disappoint my family.” A foot or two away from the computer monitor was a dark cornflower blue haired, definitely white male with antenna headphones and a somewhat dirty lab coat. His hair was almost block-like, covering one almost black colored eye with almost straight ends, while the other eye was miraculously uncovered due to two laurel green barrettes pushing the hair aside. The male was rooting through a knapsack, taking out various items and placing them beside him.
“But Crusher, you’re taking forever!” Pickle’s face changed from annoyance to impatience. “By the time you’re done checking over our stuff for the 4th time since we’ve left, it’ll probably already be nighttime.” He earned himself a glare from Crusher, who had practically emptied the knapsack. He turned towards the monitor.
“This won’t take too long, just as long as you cooperate. Now could you please pull up the list.” Crusher half snapped. Pickle let out a huff and his head disappeared from the screen, being replaced by a list of various items.
“Alright. We have a flashlight, my sleeping bag, bug spray,” Pickle crossed off items on the list as Crusher put the items back in his knapsack, “sunscreen, multi-tool, axe, duct tape.”
“What is this, a kidnapping?”
“Shut up, Pickle. Matches, water bottle, books, poncho, generator, hand cranked radio.”
“This isn’t the apocalypse, Crusher.”
“Pickle. Compass, binoculars, phone charger, charcoal, trash bags, and roasting sticks. Am I forgetting anything?”
“The marshmallows!” Pickle exclaimed as the list was eradicated from the screen and his head once again came up.
“Right. We have those in the truck. Thank you.” Crusher lifted up the knapsack, slightly stumbling from the weight of it, and walked over to his truck, opening the back door and placing it in the back seat. He shut the back door and then immediately opened the passenger door before making his way to Pickle. He picked up the monitor, stumbling quite a bit from the weight of a literal fucking computer monitor, and slowly carryed it over to the truck.
“Careful you don’t drop me! I don’t really want to experience breakage again.”
“This monitor is surprisingly durable. It survived Libra throwing it down three flights of stairs.”
“Libra? As in the constellation? How did a group of stars manage to do that?”
“No, Pickle. Libra as in my cousin. You’ll meet her when we get to the campsite.” Crusher explained as he carefully placed the monitor in the passenger seat and put the seatbelt around it. He shut the door and got in on the driver’s side, starting up the truck and putting it in reverse.
“Alright, Pickle. Now that we’re sure that we have everything, we can have a smooth ride to the campground. It seems you did a good parking job too. I’ll just back up so we have more room to get out, then we’ll be on our way.” Crusher was about to lightly step on the gas. Pickle’s face lit up (metaphorically, not literally).
“I almost forgot to tell you! I parked the truck almost right next to the cliff so you’d already have room to get out fine! If you were to reverse, we’d fall straight off the cliff!” Pickle excitedly exclaimed.
“I’m sorry, you WHA-” Crusher had stepped on the gas. Luckily, before the truck rolled off the cliff, Crusher quickly slammed on the brakes and put the truck in park. The truck didn’t have much time to react, but luckily stopped just in time, not without jostling the passengers inside.
Nah, I’m just kidding. Crusher didn’t have enough time to react and the truck went straight off the cliff.
Crusher’s life flashed before his eyes as he screamed and held on for dear life. The truck roughly rolled down the canyon, never granting mercy towards the human driving it or the AI in the passenger seat. Not that Pickle was really bothered. Pickle was more or less having the time of his life as he felt as if he was on a roller coaster, if the roller coaster was one of those roller coasters GrayStillPlays builds in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.
The truck roughly, but finally, came to a stop at the bottom of the cliff. By now, the airbags had deployed, keeping Crusher safe from any major injuries. The knapsack was open and it’s contents had spilled on the backseat floor, but Crusher didn’t care at the moment. All he was focusing on was regaining his composure and keeping himself from panicking. The truck was filled with silence.
“I told you we’d fall off the cliff.” Pickle said after a minute or two had passed.
“YEAH, THAT WAS WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO DRIVE!” Crusher screamed at him.
“No. I told you before you pressed on the gas. You had time to react.”
“But… I would have had time to react…”
“I’M NOT AN AI PROGRAM, I CAN’T JUST…” Crusher paused and let out a sigh. It was no use trying to argue with Pickle, as the AI would most likely need a thorough explanation in order to understand. “You know what, forget it. We have more important things to worry about. Like if the tru-”
“LIKE IF THE MARSHMALLOWS ARE OK!” Pickle shouted in horror.
“No! Like if the truck’s ok!” Crusher countered as he fumbled to unbuckle his seatbelt and get out of the truck. He backed up from the truck in order to take a look at it. The truck had dents all over it, with the biggest one directly on the front of the truck, where the engine was.
“Fucking great.” Crusher mumbled. He ran some thoughts in his head as he went to the passenger side to take Pickle out of the truck.
He didn’t want to get back in and drive the truck, as it was too dangerous and most likely a bomb at this point. It was also too dangerous to use his magnokinesis, as he didn’t have any ideas on a machine to get them out of the canyon, and even if he did, he still didn’t want to take the risk of driving the truck-bomb to the machine just for a simpler way of getting it out. He could find a way out of the canyon on foot and then come back to drive the truck there, or perhaps he could have his map app on his phone find a way out.
It was now that he wished Pickle had all the features he normally had in the lab. The old-school computer monitor, as durable as it was (that’s why it was ideal for travel), didn’t allow for all the fancy features Pickle had in the lab on the main computer, such as a pathfinding program and DuckDuckGo. Crusher could barely fit the main computer parts in the monitor and had to compact all the parts majorly so that they all fit and still kept room open in case he had to put an extra part in there for emergencies. He sadly had to sacrifice DuckDuckGo for Bing in order to accomplish that, and he promised DuckDuckGo that when he was able to compact Pickle’s parts to allow more room in the monitor, he’d add it first.
By now, Crusher had placed Pickle on the canyon floor. As expected, the monitor had little to no damage. It’d take a lot more than a truck falling off a maybe 250 ft cliff in order to put a dent in the monitor. Crusher really got his money’s worth out of the monitor, because who knew $20 would get you such a sturdy piece of technology. He walked back over to the truck and opened the back door to take a look at how much had fallen out of the knapsack. A large portion of the items had fallen out, but a majority of them were undamaged from the looks of it. The only damage he could observe at the moment was the glass on the compass being shattered, the axe severing the duct tape, and the marshmallows being squished.
“Are the marshmallows ok?!” Pickle shouted from where he was, not being able to see the inside of the truck.
“Depends. Do you like squished marshmallows?” Crusher replied sarcastically as he began to pick up the fallen contents and place them back into the knapsack.
“What?! Damn it! I was looking forward to eating those!” Pickle’s face snapped from fading neutrality to anger. Crusher rolled his eyes.
“You can’t even eat, Pickle. Besides, we need to focus on getting out of here. I might have to call a tow truck as soon as I get the knapsack all packed up again.” Crusher grumbled as he continued to carefully pack the items, examining each one he picked up for damage. He unfortunately found that the can of bug spray had gotten a crack and was slowly, but annoyingly leaking. He would have used the duct tape to fix it, but the duct tape was busy making out with the axe inside it, so he couldn’t. Frustrated, he threw the can at the offending canyon he’d rolled down not even 15 minutes ago at this point.
“Oh oh oh! I can call a tow truck for you!” Pickle exclaimed, a little too excited to help, as his face quickly changed from anger to happiness. Crusher briefly turned towards him and gave an approving nod before going back to repacking. Pickle paused for some time, turning up his volume as loud as it could go. And then…
“TOW TRUCK!!! WE NEED A TOW TRUCK!!!” Crusher practically had a heart attack from Pickle’s screaming, and proceeded to whip his head around with murder written in his expression.
“Why would you DO that?!” Crusher angrily questioned. Pickle gave a neutral expression.
“I was calling a tow truck. Just like I said I would.”
“Do you really think anyone will hear your screaming?!”
“You clearly did, so someone might!”
“Pickle, that’s because I’m right ne-” Crusher was cut off by the loud sound of a horn. A familiar horn at that. Where had he heard that horn before? Oh wait. No. No fucking way did he of all people hear Pickle’s obnoxious and idiotic screaming for help. Crusher couldn’t believe it, but as he looked up, he saw a large, gray and red shadow pass over them from one side of the canyon, emitting a sharp flash of bright red midair before landing gracefully on the other side.
“It’s Blaze!” Pickle happily shouted, representing both canyon dwellers’ thoughts. Crusher dropped the knapsack on the ground in shock. He quickly picked up the binoculars, conveniently the final item he needed to put back in, from off the floor of the back seat and ran beside Pickle, putting them to his eyes and focusing on the higher up truck. The truck wasn’t Blaze’s normal monster truck, but was instead a tow truck. Crusher lowered the binoculars in disbelief.
“Did he just turn his truck into a tow truck?” Crusher was familiar with Blaze’s transforming vehicle. He had seen Blaze use it multiple times in order to combat his cheats. And as annoying as it was, Crusher was bewildered by the fact that Blaze would use his transformation superpowers to save him of all people. Actually, it wasn’t bewildering. Crusher was saved by Blaze multiple times, and those transforming capabilities were used on all of those occasions. Crusher really wanted to know how Blaze was able to freely alter the shape of his vehicle to fit the needs of any situation, but wasn’t the time to wonder that. He saw Blaze get out of his truck and run to the edge of the cliff. He assumed Blaze was looking at him and Pickle, so he waved up to him. Blaze waved back from where he was and went towards his truck, grabbing the tow hook and returning to the edge of the cliff.
“What’s he doing?” Pickle asked as they both watched in intrigue.
“Perhaps finding a way to get down to us.” Crusher responded, once again raising the binoculars to his eyes in order to check out Blaze. Blaze had attached the tow hook to a harness he had and was quickly, but carefully, moving down the cliff.
“Crusher, we should bring the truck closer to Blaze for when he gets down! The cable is most likely not long enough!” Pickle pointed out.
“I can’t drive it closer. The engine might be leaking and the car could explode.” Crusher told him, shaking his head as he pulled the binoculars down. Meanwhile, Blaze got to the bottom of the cliff. He removed the tow hook from his harness and moved towards the duo, but suddenly stopped a quarter of the way there when the cable ran out of length, as Pickle predicted. Crusher winced as he looked towards the truck, then back at Blaze, unsure of what to do as he thought.
“What if you put the truck in neutral, and then pushed it?” Pickle asked. Crusher thought about it for a bit, and then his eyes widened in realization.
“That...might actually work!” Crusher exclaimed, running back to the truck, flinging open the driver’s side door, turning on the engine, and shifting the gear into neutral. Immediately, he felt the car roll forward, and quickly shut the door and went to the totalled front, finding two good places to put his hands and pushing. He was meant with resistance at first, but he was able to start slowly moving it towards Blaze. Pickle watched in excitement.
“Go, Crusher! You can do it!” He cheered. Whether it was encouragement from Pickle’s cheers or leftover adrenaline from being in a car crash, Crusher began to push harder on the truck, causing the truck to move faster as it reached Blaze.
“You’re good, Crusher!” Blaze shouted as the truck was finally close enough for him to hook the tow hook on. Crusher stopped pushing and caught his breath as he walked over to the side of the truck, leaning against it. Blaze also walked over to the side where Crusher was, giving him a friendly smile before taking a look at the truck.
“Wow. Your truck’s really banged up. What happened?” Blaze questioned as he took in all the damage Crusher’s truck had sustained.
“Long story short, I’m never trusting Pickle to park anything again. You know, you never realize how big cliffs are until you fall down one.” Crusher explained. Blaze slightly winced at the explanation.
“Well, AJ and I are here to get your truck out! We now just need to find a way to get you and Pickle out.”
“Leave that to me. It’s safer to build something now that I don’t have the truck to worry about.” Crusher responded. Blaze gave a nod and turned to AJ on top of the cliff, giving him a signal to wind up the cable. Crusher turned around and walked back over to where Pickle and the knapsack were, putting the knapsack on as he lifted up Pickle.
“Wow! That was amazing! You were really strong!” Pickle exclaimed as Crusher walked back over to Blaze and AJ pulling the truck out of the canyon.
“Yep. Now we just need to get out. And luckily it’s safe enough to make an easy way out. Any suggestions?”
“Hmmm.” Pickle closed his eyes in thought. “How about…”
“We don’t have all day, Pickle. We need to get to the campgrounds.”
“Be patient, I’m thinking! Oh oh! An elevator! Like a really simple elevator!”
“Alright. I think I can do that.” Crusher switched to holding Pickle in only one hand. He closed his eyes and focused, stretching out a hand towards the edge of the canyon. The antennas on his headphones gave off sparks of lightning and pieces of scrap metal flew out from underneath his lab coat. Pickle watched in amazement as the pieces assembled a medium sized platform elevator (with handrails of course) stretching to the top of the canyon. Crusher opened his eyes and lowered his hand as the sparks stopped coming out from the antennas.
“Wow! That’s cool, Crusher!” Blaze shouted as he came over to where they were. AJ seemed to be having no trouble bringing the truck up, so Crusher assumed that Blaze just needed a ride up. Crusher stepped on the left side of the elevator platform, motioning for Blaze to get on the right side. Blaze gracefully got onto the right side and looked expectantly at Crusher.
“Hang on tight, because we’re going up!” Crusher exclaimed as he pointed upwards. As if on command, the elevator began to rise towards the top of the canyon. Blaze and Pickle gasped in amazement as they saw the view.
“Woah! This looks beautiful!” Blaze exclaimed.
“The canyon does look much better when slowly rising than quickly falling. Pickle analyzed, earning him another glare from Crusher. Soon enough, the three reached the top. Blaze and Crusher stepped off the elevator, the latter raising his free hand and snapping his fingers twice, causing the elevator to split apart back into scrap metal that returned itself back to it’s compartment under Crusher’s lab coat. The truck was already on solid not canyon ground, and AJ got out of the tow truck that retrieved it, running over to Blaze and exchanging a high five.
“Thanks for the help, I guess.” Crusher said. Pickled nodded in agreement.
“No problem you guys.” AJ replied, giving a thumbs up. “Your car’s looking rough though. We’ll have to take it to Gabby’s Garage as soon as possible.” He said, concerned.
“Where were you two even heading anyways?” Blaze questioned, focusing his eyes on Crusher’s knapsack and binoculars.
“We’re going camping with Crusher’s family!” Pickle told them, happiness spread across his face.
“Or at least we were.” Crusher introjected, focused on the totalled truck they were planning on driving. “Now that we don’t have any way to get there… I’m not sure what to do.” Blaze and AJ looked at each other for a few moments and nodded.
“We can drive you guys there! Maybe we can even stay for a bit before taking your car to Gabby’s.” Blaze offered.
“Really?! You’d do that?!” Pickled asked, his face lighting up even more with happiness. Crusher meanwhile quirked an eyebrow.
“Of course! We’re happy to take you guys there!” AJ replied. Pickle looked up at Crusher, non verbally asking for his opinion. This prompted Blaze and AJ to also look at Crusher expectantly. Crusher was silent for a few seconds.
“Fine. I can give you guys the directions and you can take us to the campsite.” Crusher hesitantly responded. A ‘yay’ came from Pickle as excited thumbs ups came from Blaze and AJ.
The four of them went to the tow truck, with Blaze getting in the driver’s seat, AJ getting in the passenger’s seat, and Crusher and Pickle getting in the back. Crusher buckled in Pickle’s monitor, then handed AJ the directions to tell Blaze, and finally relaxed. He��d actually be able to see part of his family after so long, especially his siblings. He was excited, but also nervous to see them face to face after a year. He didn’t really engage much with his family due to being busy. The only member he regularly interacted with was his grammy, and even then, he didn’t see her too often. Would they accept him as if he’s always been there? Would they even remember him? Would they think he’s just some weirdo with a computer for a best friend?
Crusher felt those questions along with many more plague his brain, but as Blaze started to drive towards the campsite, Crusher decided not to let the questions bother him. After all, his siblings hating him for being gone wouldn’t be the worst thing to ever happen to him. No, that spot now belonged to Pickle’s driving. He’s going to have to install a driving program into that monitor now. Which means more time for DuckDuckGo to wait.
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I?? I searched Chicken Choice Judy on google out of curiosity because it sounds oddly familiar like there’s a similar-sounding name and I found 4 websites selling the shirt design. But the descriptions on these pages are BUCK WILD??
Written version of the descriptions under the cut (very long).
[Begin ID
First image states:  Long ago, when I had hair, I was an undergrad living in a house with nine other men. Near as I can tell, three of them (not sure which three) never bought food, just lived off what they stole from the Chicken Choice Judy shirt But I will love this other seven. We had several house meetings about it, but nothing changed. One day, I came in from grocery shopping. By coincidence, all 10 of us were in the kitchen. I started putting my stuff away. 1st thing I pulled out of the bag was my half-gallon of milk. I opened the carton, took a couple of drinks from the carton, then gargled some of it, and spit it back in. I opened my tub of margarine and licked the whole surface. By now, the room chatter had stopped because the other nine jaws had dropped open.) To your original question, those specific topics would take several years to build, as they depend on several layers of pre-requisites, which would require either that more advanced topics such as algebraic topology to be taught in elementary school, or that the buildup process happened blazingly fast during high school – both of which probably stretch the biological limits of what pre-teens and teenagers can reasonably be expected to accomplish. I spit on all my veggies, took the bread out of the package, and licked and spit on it, then carefully put it all back in the plastic bag. Remind teenage daughters to look through them before going on date with the boyfriend, in case they want to use one. I labeled it all and put it away. None of it was stolen. I never said a word, but I made it a point to repeat the performance anytime anyone was around to see it. Others began to emulate my approach and food theft stopped. Even I found it revolting, but it solved the problem. Works even better if you are sick or can at least make your thieving roommates think you are. While some cities are starting to reopen in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, people around the country are continuing to wear masks in public and practice social distancing. Vogue is committed to staying safe, and offering hopeful, optimistic content that highlights moments of camaraderie and exceptional acts of heroism from around the world. We are all looking for a little comfort too—be it a soothing Instagram account or a stylish creator on TikTok. It reminds us of the power of little things.
Second image states:  A couple of guests informed me my office was too minimalist and that they expected more things to be hanging on my wall the Chicken Choice Judy shirt besides I will buy this next time they visited my wife’s and my home. I kinda hope they held their breath while they were waiting for our next invitation. They both went on to backstab me and my wife pretty bad a few years later. Another set of guests tried to squat. I had driven them all the way from Florida to Massachusetts under the impression that they had jobs and a place to live lined up. They offered no money for gas, hotels on the three-day trip, or compensation for the inconvenience and effort. He even tried to weasel out of the dinner he offered as a thank you by forgetting his wallet. The dude got me off the streets years ago and I wanted to pay him back in some way, but my wife and I were in no position to have extra residents in our home. We just don’t have the room or money. I made all of this VERY clear and told my old buddy that we could only house them for a couple of days max. There are MANY other details, but the disrespectful thing my former friend said was wordless. As I was kicking them out and they were angrily loading stuff into my car to bring them anywhere but here, my buddy left his gigantic knife right in the center of my wife’s desk. Like that was supposed to make us change our minds and let them stay? In the days of dial-up, I had a family call and not be able to get through because we were online. They decided to show up unannounced. They literally caught me in my underwear as they were let into the apartment before I could even react to being rudely surprised. Some of my family members have a history of abuse, violence, and stalking, something at least one of the visitors, my mother, was quite aware of since she lived through it with me. Her tagalong friend decided to put in her two cents and tell me I should get a call waiting or a second line because they were trying to call me. That did it! I suddenly forgot I was just wearing underwear and angrily asked my mother’s friend if she was paying my phone bill. My mother-in-law, stepfather and mom’s friend beat a hasty retreat and NEVER did the pop-in ever again.
Third image states:  That was why when we did get to reality shows, Etro and then Dolce & Gabbana plus Jacquemus later in France, it was wonderful. Clothes are all about contact: As a wearer, you feel them on your skin, and as a watcher, you process them with your eye. The watching part can be done secondhand, but the Chicken Choice Judy shirt in contrast I will get this impact will always be second to the real thing. I read some commentators in the U.S. saying, “Too soon” or “Wear a damn mask!” which I always did, but these opinions while valid enough lack perspective. Milan and its surrounding region Lombardy went through what New York did but earlier. Through sagacious governmental management much more effective than that of the U.S., Italy has managed dramatically to flatten the curve across the rest of its territory. These shows just like the reopening of flights, stores, factories, and restaurants were symptomatic of recovery that, far from being taken for granted, is being tended to with vigilance and cherished with gratitude. The digital Fashion Weeks were better than no Fashion Weeks at all, but as an upgrade on the real thing? Nah. Like everyone, I missed the shows in the experiential sense this season. But for the first time since I began covering the collections several years ago, I didn’t miss a single brand or designer’s contribution to Paris Fashion Week. Which is to say, thanks to the Fédération’s online platform, I was able to watch every name on the haute couture and men’s calendars. This brand on-demand convenience not to mention being spared the logistical headaches of zigzagging across the city was pretty great. Also, everything was on time, from the films to the manner in which we filed our reviews. While efficiency can be satisfying, it’s not necessarily exciting. Ultimately, we had to accept that the focus this season wasn’t going to be the clothes but rather the brands conveying some combination of identity, process, and values. And in the absence of standardized criteria as in, showing a minimum number of looks, specifying a time range, it was interesting to observe how heterogeneous these experiments proved to be quasi–ad campaigns versus short films, conceptual or fantastical visions versus raw and documentary style. A proper kimono takes nearly an hour to put on – I’m sure most Japanese girls would much rather spend a few seconds and slip on a dress. Get survey responses from targeted consumers today.
Fourth image states:  Around a decade ago, not long after he started his own label, Massimo Alba made a great mistake. A batch of shirts and T-shirts he was working on that had already been garment-dyed one color were mistakenly exposed to another. Speaking at his showroom presentation this weekend, Alba said: “It’s very interesting to me that so many good things start out as mistakes like this.” That accident was to Alba what the Chicken Choice Judy shirt moreover I will buy this mold-infected petri dish was to Alexander Fleming: a stumbled-upon eureka that led to a career-defining course of the investigation. This collection featured a series of softly tailored jackets, corduroy pants, and shorts, plus light cashmere sweaters that were hand-overdyed two, and sometimes three colors. It’s a process that led to variations in tone that included acid-trip floods of purple on purple to subtle bleeding of magenta across mustard yellow. Like most of Alba’s garments, these dyed pieces appeared at first glance conventionally prosaic. The more attention you gave them, however, the more their exceptional qualities became evident. Take a pale blue jacket, for instance, which at that first glance seemed passingly related to a surgeon’s scrubs. To the hand it was light and almost textureless in its softness: The fabric was a cotton mousseline developed for Alba by Albini. Long-sleeved, in a delicately mottled finish of washed-out sky blue, it made for an ideal mid-summer shake in pink, sleeveless, it was an impactful shirting second skin. Other interesting developments this season included a cotton pant named the Myles with acutely kinking stitched gather at knee-level on both legs and another handsome pant, baggy in white poplin, with patch pockets. A blue tropical weight jacket named the Lenny, after Bernstein, was Alba’s interpretation of a bohemian creative’s ideal piece of workwear. Collarless shirts in ripstop linen and button-up short-sleeves in terry were further finely effective coups de théâtre. Alba is a self-deprecating yet dangerous designer: Try just one carefully chosen piece and that’s it, you’re spoiled for good because nobody else quite compares. The museum in Prague where this portrait is held describes the ring on her first finger as the ring given to her at her wedding. It’s not comfortable. Maybe a lot of girls think that a see-through blouse can attract the attention of boys or they think that it will make her look much smarter. Meghan has no dress sense: no knowledge of fabrics, fit, styles that flatter, proper tailoring, Her father raised her in L.A. Enough said. Her idea of dressing for an event is “dress up” like a little girl dressing up as a princess. Shiny! Tight! Celebrity “fashion” not elegant, just flashy.
/end ID]
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tosin-talks · 3 years
Tosin Talks about burnout, post-grad existential crises, and relearning me
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently graduated from university. Immediately after moving my tassel over during the commencement ceremony, I felt my heart start to sink—not because I was reminiscing over the amazing moments of college or I was heartbroken to leave so many friends but because I was contemplating what to do with my life now.
Even before graduation, I was applying for full-time positions to pursue upon moving back home. I was so in a rush to get a job simply to prove that I could get one and that my degree wasn’t useless. I felt pressured to impress my parents, professors, and peers. Being so accustomed to overworking, it felt wrong to not be under intense stress. I’m bad at taking breaks, I even worry that I’ll get in trouble for not working, so I jumped into a full-time job about a month after I graduated.
I didn’t last a month.
I was burned out, I was out of gas. This flesh vehicle is due for maintenance; it had some problems from the start and the warning light had been flashing for years but I ignored them so now I’m stranded in the middle of nowhere, shamefully calling for roadside assistance.
I don’t believe I’ve ever felt this lost and without structure before. I feel fortunate to have known what I wanted to do for a long time, an idea of how and when to do it, and who to ask for help. Even in my worst moments, I still had a general sense of what was going on. This time, I truly don’t know. I’m not in school anymore so I don’t have advisors/counselors to help me out. I'm a first-generation student so I don’t have my parents to guide me with the technicalities. Now it’s just me (and my little support system, of course) but I don’t know what I’m doing, how to do it and most especially, I don’t know who I’m doing it for.
I tend to live my life for others, especially my parents. I’m not entirely sure of who I am or what I enjoy anymore. I exhibit a bit of learned helplessness due to childhood experiences and other traumas. I feel like my parents, those who hurt me, and unhealthy societal beliefs put their chains on me and trapped me in a dark room. College came to the rescue and released me from those chains. My brain interpreted moving back home as being put back in that room; even without the original chains this time, I still feel trapped and too scared to leave* although I know it’s possible. I don’t know how to live for myself. I don’t truly know who I am, I’ve always been whoever you wanted me to be.
Unfortunately, I’ve internalized various messages that tell me that I’m not making the right decisions and I shouldn’t pursue that. The negative voices in my head tell me that nobody will ever be proud of me and I’ll never amount to anything worthy with those dreams. To earn their validation and the temporary gratification that comes with it, I do what they want. The worst part is when I still feel like I’m not enough. I’m an overachiever, I have been since I was really young; I worked extra hard to please my parents, authority figures and peers and I achieved my goals while experiencing and recovering from some really awful things. But I still feel like I’ve failed everyone and I’m not doing enough.
I’ve been told that someone will always have a problem with my decisions, I might as well do what I want. Being told to just do what I want or to do what makes me happy doesn’t process well in my head because I don’t know how and I’m convinced that I can’t. I often even feel bad asking for things I need because I’m afraid of the reaction I could receive. It’s a lot easier for me to say that I don’t want anything than wanting something that I can’t have. It’s a lot easier for others if I say that I’m doing what they asked because I want to so that when I fail, I only have myself to blame and punish. Sometimes, I feel I can trust myself because I’m under the impression that I make bad decisions. I desperately need to hear from other people that I’m doing the right thing, I need to be told what path to take. I need to be told to live for other people because I don’t think I’d live for myself. I need to be told who I am because I don’t know who that is.
I want to take the time to get to know myself, work with my neglected inner child, and learn what I really want from life and how to achieve that. Ideally, I’d like to take a break, an actual one. I’d like to receive a position in something related to early childhood/youth development and care while volunteering or interning at a mental health organization. I would love to seriously pursue Tosin Talks and even write a book or two. In the next year, I would like to attend graduate school to study counseling and eventually earn my counseling license. I want to make new friends, make new memories with old friends and reconnect with even older friends. I’m open to learning new things and picking up new hobbies. It’s evident that I know what I want and even have a basic idea of a plan—I don’t think I’ve lost my diligence and determination either, I’m just tired and need to recharge.
Despite this current issue I’m facing, I’m not worried or hopeless. I’m experiencing something that most people experience during early adulthood (although some won’t admit it and social media often gives inaccurate portrayals). I know things will get better, I know I’ll leave this dark room again, I know I’ll release myself from these chains again. I’ve made decisions for myself in the past which had positive results. For example, when I changed my major for myself, I started attending classes again and my grades began improving. Or when I started receiving therapy and finally healing. I just need to be patient and gentle with myself, I need to learn who I am and how to make more “me choices”. I’ve got a lot of work ahead of me but I’ll enjoy it because I actually want to do it.
I appreciate the support that you all have given me over the years; many of you have witnessed my darkest moments and now you’re witnessing my metamorphosis. I’m grateful to those of you who have been so kind to me even when I think I don’t deserve it. I wish you luck in whatever stage of human metamorphosis that you are in. Do not forget that we are ever-changing, you won’t feel this way forever. If you are stuck right now, you will be free eventually. If you don’t know at this moment, you will learn over time and know when the time is right. I hope the changes you undergo are for you and for the better.
*: metaphorically, not literally
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stronghours · 3 years
Darling Fallon    Sep 3, 2013
Sensational (sin-sational!). i write on behalf of myself (S) and my lover (m). we have been ripped off by bulk-produced molded hoods before and i can only say HAND CUT LATEX ONLY never look back!! worth the money and will eventually pay for itself. neck fit like loving glove and adds dynamic intensifier to breathplay. Lovely proprietor replied prompt when “m” had questions re: breathability (she added extra breathing hole at no extra cost). class acts all around (and not just in our dungeon!) will return for more but “m” needs a break first if u get the drift lol1!! thanks to lady j!
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Latex Chrysalis Hood (translucent…
3 Helpful
  myMister   Aug 24, 2013
this one writes on behalf and with permission of MISTER. this one quaked with bliss when package arrived. truly awful to behold in the wise hands of MISTER. this one’s neck is small and delicate For His Pleasure and all item adjustments were made to order and did not affect shipping time. if this one could be so efficient For His Pleasure this one would be in heaven on earth. instead, this one is less than a hole. item truly enhanced <O sensation. without a doubt will be used over and over in this household for due punishments of this very worthless one. discrete pgk’ing. thanks to designer J for deepening this one’s service to MISTER.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Throttle Collar w/ attached Gas…
1 Helpful
  JulieJuice   August 3, 2013
LOL rip-off!!! cant believe all u ppl sucking this guys dick. says everywhere in product descript. (and you guys reviews!!) that custom sizing is no additl. cost but mine cost more!! only small alteration to titty holes cause of my cleave situation. bullshit. not buying from him again.
Response from J
Hi again Julie. If you check our many enlightening inbox conversations from 7/5-7/16 you will be reminded the additional cost was due to your request of more ring hinge insertions as the standard amount in pattern block “was not bling enough”. Cleavage was irrelevant. Sizing related alterations are always no added cost. Custom alterations requiring additional materials/effort and adjusted pricing will always be discussed and approved on client end before any exchange of payment.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Hexagon Restrictor Harness…
  HannahCakes!    Jun 1, 2013
Hey Whats Up I’m Caleb (obviously don’t have an etsy) and using my lady’s account. She got the catsuit for my birthday and she looked so sexy like J-Lo or someone. Didn’t want her doin the latex stuff because I thought shed have to shave off all her pubes and personally i like that kind of thing a lot but no harm done. Anyway she was super sexy and the suit thing looked good and stayed together even when we started rockin. To other full bush guys out there if youre girl wants to wear the latex stuff SHE CAN KEEP HER BUSH she just has to use lube to oil up the bush that she has.
Purchased item: DeMarco FetishWear – Domina Catsuit w/ Pussycat Zipper (red…
7 Helpful
  HannahCakes!   3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Caleb Review
Hi J,
Saw my boyfriend’s 6/1 review and I was like uh ohhh. I asked him to leave one because he went gaga over the catsuit, but I wasn’t expecting all the bush stuff. If you don’t want to be associated with that and want to delete, that’s ok on my end. A little embarrassing! – Hannah!
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Hannah. Please don’t worry about it, any positive review is welcome. His feedback has apparently hit a chord with some specific hesitations and concerns buyers have been experiencing but not confiding with me, so I plan on keeping it up for the time being. Enjoy your garment.
  JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Moo-cow snout muzzle thing – (idea i had)
Hi. Is this idea good
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend   Ignore
Hi Joey. Are you interested in a custom cow muzzle/mask, like the pup play masks on my page or are you just brainstorming for personal reasons?
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
idk it’s just an idea i had
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
It’s a cool idea
Reply from JoeyoftheHerd    3 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Thanks man i thought so 2
1234Brett10093456    3 months ago   Friend   Ignore
JULES yes I know who you are and I know your name are you scared yet?? I remember when you used to hang with Roscoe out at Rawhide because Roscoe pretended to hire you because he secretly wanted to fuck and suck you till you cried and I saw all that. I have brown flippy hair, blue eyes and am tall/cut versatile but lean TOP. I know you faked being gay. You heard of bi-now-gay-later but have you heard of gay-then-straight-betrayer (you)? That is fucked up that you still sell stuff but pretend to be a gay guy because that makes your stuff sell better because the gay guys want to fuck you. I know you are faking because my muscle bud Tomas (latino) saw you making out with a ginger chick at the wet bar in Entrance last week. He said it was probably a joke but I know it wasn’t because he said he saw tongue. I wont let you be a breeder without a fight. I am willing to tell EVERYBODY YOURE SECRET. But I wont if you prove to me YOU CAN STILL BE GAY. Im attaching a pic of my cock so you know im not lying and can follow through. I will only believe YOU ARE GAY if we can see each other face/face (i can host only on fri- I have two roommates) and our cocks have to touch and you have to stay hard for at least five minutes while I suck and jack your cock and tongue your balls (shave or dont i will leave that up to you). condoms ok but if you want to be a breeder so bad maybe I will just breed your ass but if youre actually a gay guy you’ll like it and cum thick ropes as I fuck your dirty little slut hole and youll tell me youre a hole while I fuck it with the shiny precum head of my cut fucking cock (7inches erect). you will smell my hole and BECOME GAY again IT WILL HAPPEN  - Brett Costino
  TheSteelyDanMan   2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
Latex & Breastfeeding Concerns
Good morning, J I hope you are well. Returning customer, here. My kajira/wife and I are splinter Gor lifestylers (NOT KAOTIANS) [link] but are currently isolated due to our deviation from standard kajira beautification ideals and the arrival of our first child (girl - Gemma) two months ago. My wife’s submission has usually been expressed fashion-wise in various strict latex outfits, a few of which you have kindly provided us over the past couple of years. Naturally, the arrival of a mini-me results in some changes! My wife, insecure after birth, wants to return to strict full-coverage latex, but this desire is at odds with her physical situation of actively nursing Gemma and we both have worries. Does the constriction of latex effect or otherwise harm milk production, or could secondhand latex exposure harm our baby? I imagine you have catered to many lifestyle situations where this might be relevant so I thought I would ask. Thanks very much. LEO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    2 months ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Leo. While I have catered to many lifestyles, I’m afraid I must exercise discretion in this situation, as it would be on par with giving medical advice. I will say any allergy is a possibility and one should exercise undue care with a very young infant, not just in matters of latex. I highly encourage you and your wife to discuss this with her doctor as frankly as possible. In the long run it might be worth reevaluating aspects of your wife’s submission and temporarily making do with latex pieces that do not restrict the breasts, while nursing is a part of her daily reality (I’m sure I don’t have to tell you examples are available on my page). Best of luck and congratulations on the new addition to your family.
  NoraBarnacle    2 months ago   Friend   Ignore
A sincere offer…
Several months ago, I bought a pair of latex gauntlet gloves from your shop. Since then, astonishing changes have come over me. I used to be high-powered, highly controlled, a formidable woman (natural ash blond, green eyes, 45”-40”-44”) I was determined to keep these feelings to myself, but I can no longer resist, as I wholeheartedly believe your Dominating spirit, imbued in the gauntlets, is leading me forcefully but masterfully into your care. If it pleases you, know I have not touched my aching slit for one month total as I am uncertain whether you desire me to feel pleasure that is not approved by you. There are no images of you on your site, but I have drawn an accurate picture of you in my mind and I know you are the Man that I never knew I was waiting for, the Man who will lead me, the Man who will hold my neck and strike my forehead to his knee in his insistence that I allow myself to be led. When I wear the gauntlets, they are your own gallant hands restricting my weak bones. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I can no longer resist. I do not desire to resist. Please message back so I can properly present my acquiescence, body and soul, unto you. I squat disgracefully on my plump thighs, full of whorish tremor that makes me unworthy, but still I desire. I will service your home with my ardent hands and service your thick and striving cock with my wet tongue. Respond to this small soul. I submit to your gallant wisdom – A Secret Admirer
  RicoMetals   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Redhead Modle in Pic for Serve Her Serrated Corselette
Hey man-to-man who is she. I love redheads. Does she modle for other people/would she modle for my pieces? there’s no head in the pick – what’s her nose situation? we could all do collab and I think it would be hot. Let me kno - RICO
Reply from DeMarco FetishWear    1 month ago    Friend    Ignore
Hi Rico. I have not blocked you (yet) because said model wanted me to reply to you first and inform you, she’s already an established performer in her own right and does not want to model for a guy who “thinks I need some sissy seamstress to pimp me out to shitty welders online”. As I only have basic welding experience, I can offer no further comment or defense on your behalf.
  DerryBerry454   1 month ago   Friend   Ignore
Inquiry re: standard leather sleep-sack dimensions
Hello Miss J, quick question:
I will buy this item no hesitation no delay if you tell me right now about your vagina. Questions I prioritize:
1.     Color labia (outer)
2.     Color labia (inner – aroused)
3.     Clit length in centimeters or whatever measurement is most flattering to you
4.     Range of clit engorgement
5.     Depth of vaginal canal (I will allow ballpark figure as I know not everyone has graded speculums lying around)
6.     Percentage of clit orgasms v. vaginal orgasms – bonus points if you describe uterine orgasm, if that is your experience (no pressure to answer last part, as I understand it is not necessarily vagina-adjacent)
7.     Are you hairy? What color?
8.     When you wash your vagina do you douche or do you use fingers to rub through labia folds and that is it?
9.     Color of menstrual blood
10.  If you wear panties, do you find the crotch of your panties degrades due to PH of your vaginal discharge? (give me the qualities and I will calculate this for you)
While a picture of your vagina is welcome (and will only be for my private use) I really do like gathering these stats (I’m kind of a nerd) and would appreciate as much openness on your behalf as possible and you will benefit too because I’ll give you money for your lovely product. Talk to you soon! 😊
  B O A R D
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Hey people, we’ve reached the end of the summer and you know what that means – Ivan himself of the halls of Rubber Valley presents inaugural post of their annual sweeps week filming extravaganza – first photoset already up and we’ve got the goddamn brilliant LYDIA SUCKS sons! The greatest bitch on the face of the planet almost psyched us out but she’s here she’s low and she’s ready to blow. Vid upload will probably take till tomorrow to render but we’ve got some great pic galleries already. Ivan really spoiling us pigs lmfao. Seeing lots of setup and dress-up and behind scenes stuff for yall candid pervs. We’ve got full body latex and face coverage hoods and I see a breathing tube and the barn inversion setup. Possible inverted ceiling fuck? The boys can dream. Links to download pics results in PERMABAN – only official links to Rubber Valley site allowed, don’t know how often I have to say it. You want to pass ripped screenshots you do that through email *casts pearls before swine*
GOBgobGOB: no pic of lyds upside down yet ☹
LordJim: Not interested until I see Ivan haul out the FuckRacers from two years ago – wonder why he doesn’t bring those around more often? Great view stats on current vids and who doesn’t like a fat ass getting auto-fucked while she steers the go-cart supine?
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao all views are you bro
SUCKPUNTER: hey lordjim where’d you learn the word supine
LordJim: Yeah “laugh out loud” very funny guys.
SUCKPUNTER: did you learn it at college
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Lydia looks gr8 folks. Queen pristine and ready to cream. SUCKPUNTER – chill out because I’ve got my eye on you. Don’t take the bait Jim. You’re like thirty.
SUCKPUNTER: at least I don’t get off on bitches doing the pinewood derby
TheWorldofMartinAmis: Goddess. Wish she’d get her boobs done though.
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: same! I’ve been waiting for years for her to get into xtreme body mod. Right up her alley. If she’s at EXXXOTICA EXPO next year I’m going to try to get her meet and greet and ask. I know tattoo guys who’d pay HER to give her first tat.
McLovin: Lydia wouldn’t go. She’s like indie transgressive.
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): nice to see you again lockSTOCK. I see your POV but Lydia has several interviews where she says most of her viewers see her bod as a clean palate in the art of pain – as in, wounds have to go away in order for us to appreciate a fresh ruining ; ) tats and huge implants are a little tougher to work around. Anyway in my mind you can fix bad tits but you can’t fix bad attitude
ThatOneFootGuy: id suck her feet
McLovin: woah fuck 4th latex pic in dressing series with her mouth open and her eyes shut – who the lube guy with his arm right down her front?
SUCKPUNTER: lol hand clear to her pussy and hes not even hard faggot
McLovin: scope the ginger amazon in the background with camera – new girl? Don’t recognize. Didn’t know Ivan was bringing new people around this year’s sweeps.
LordJim: I wondered too when I saw. I’m sure DungeonMaster mod understands if I copy/paste following from Ivan (no pics, text w/actress info):
Newcomers are always welcome in RUBBER VALLEY (especially if they’re lovely, and especially if they’re ladies!) and this old goat is pleased to welcome DOMME LUX, our friendly neighbor down south in that little town called Chicago. Mysterious as she is alluring, you’ll see her shining light sampling tidbits of delight off our Valley Girls throughout the uploads this month (or even taking a crack at a couple!) We’re just getting to know her, but I have a feeling she’s a generous gal at heart as she kindly offered us the services of her Personal Valet, Jules DeMarco, who himself spoiled us all year with devious latex devices for our steadfast daring dollies after the unfortunate 2012 passing of our beloved torture designer Merrick Marvel (memoriam post 03/04/2012). Check out Jules’s Half-Bag Breast Mummifier in scheduled post 7/22 (Heather Bunny in the inverted Wench Wrench) the diabolical Arachnae-Hood (Lacey Jane, spinning in our trusty Landscape(her) Rolling Pin 7/16) and the Double-Fuck Full Body Boa Binder with eerie inflatable bubble hood (Lydia Sucks, finale post 7/31, don’t miss it, SUBSCRIBE). I must confess, we took advantage - the poor fella ran himself ragged helping us with film prep all week. So as an apology we let him get up close and personal with Rubber Valley’s reigning heroine LYDIA SUCKS fitting her in a custom four-limb black latex catsuit with half-face hood, made especially for her brave beautiful bod. He takes a good long time greasing her up before Ivan and Barry get her hoisted and joisted and in her best bitch-bat position among the rafters of the exalted Rubber Valley barn, where we leave her to squirm in terror! (but let’s get real – what scares Lydia? We’re wracking our brains!) Uh-oh, is Domme Lux looking jealous in the background? Is she plotting a little comeuppance for our Lovely Lady Lydia? Only one way to find out – SUBSCRIBE!
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): Np lordjim, if you hadn’t posted I was going to. Looks like we’ve got fresh meat in the valley.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: very pretty girl, but always bummed when a new one turns out to be top. Call me old fashioned, I come to the Valley for slaves.
SUCKPUNTER: firecrotch
GOBgobGOB: brb too busy crankin it. milky gingerbread titties come to daddy
McLovin: @TheWorldofMartinAmis, Ivan always has at least one femdom around. Room for everybody in the valley
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: holy shit I know that guy.
SUCKPUNTER: lmfao faggots know faggots
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: no for real. His real name is Jules Marinelli. I worked with him one summer lifeguarding beaches for the park’s district. Our boss found his website where he sells his sex stuff, and it was this whole big thing. Found the kink club Entrance through that (check it out if you’re in my hood ever – huge, clean, not too much gay shit, great ladies of all stripes hanging around, but limits on drinking if you’re trying to access certain levels). He’s bi. He’s either secretly Domme Lux’s slave or Domme Lux is his slave and it’s mega on the DL because it’d hurt her career if it got out she could ‘verse. There’s all this gossip.
SUCKPUNTER: bi guys r fags
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): SUCKPUNTER – that’s strike one. lockstock – not deleting your post because from what I can see JDM doesn’t/isn’t acting in explicit scenes, but let’s cool it with doxxing info. Looks like he’s had an experience with that before, and as a small business owner myself, I know how it can suck. We aren’t gossiping high school girls. Settle back and enjoy what Ivan gives us.
GOBgobGOB: *sees dudes in the chat and stops jacking off*
LockSTOCK2FUCKINGBARRELS: NP mod, feel free to delete it later before it causes problems.
TheWorldofMartinAmis: going back to previous discussion – don’t think a breast job automatically constitutes body modification
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): think about it martinamis, it’s a slippery slope – you want to see some swollen battered fish get destroyed, or a fresh natural girl get destroyed?
SUCKPUNTER: i am not a faggot and a whore’s a whore and im here to see whores fucking destroyed
GOBgobGOB: *tony soprano voice* she was a HOOOOER
SUCKPUNTER: fag or cunt all whores get fucked
LordJim: Mod, step up. This isn’t going to get better. With all due respect
DungeonMaster (MOD 2): yeah, already done. That should be the last of him. Don’t know why I expected that situation to turn out differently.
Subject: Debrief – valley week
As discussed, attached is current info for my old webmaster service from when I had to run my own fansite. Decent price and decent vendor system. Can only be an improvement on what you have now. That is not an insult, but I know it sounds like one. Stay with me.
[link] [link] [link]
And above, the top three most trafficked boards I’ve found following my own career and the rubber valley gang. We’ve caused quite a stir already and its only July 15th. I wouldn’t count on this causing an uptick in your business, but I think you know that. The standard gentleman at home spending twenty bucks a month for guaranteed links to a woman being fucked inside out while wearing a sensory deprivation hood simply doesn’t translate him to spending 100-200 dollars, contacting a seller, taking measurements, and going through the effort to order he and his special girly the hood itself. But I know you believe you’ve chosen your life the same way I believe I’ve chosen my life and won’t whine. I will say, if your ego is bruised, that your clothes are wonderful. They feel maybe half like death. I’ll wear them again and again.
On a funnier note: I have accounts myself on all the above message boards and post semi-regularly. It might amuse you to do the same thing, but you need to be careful regarding your identity. Feedback from viewers is never relevant, but it needs to be pure (don’t ask me why – my brains are fucked out). I won’t tell you who I am, and you won’t tell me who you are. Maybe we’ll find each other.
I wouldn’t tell your Cathy, since some sensitive (if inaccurate) information is flying around. Your instinct towards privacy, while cute and old fashioned, is an apt instinct. Looks like the good people of Chicago can’t keep their fucking mouths shut. Will you be able to find a straight job if your work now goes up like a dead dog’s gut? Don’t despair. Your nice long cock dropped so well down my throat while your Cathy beat my clit with the edge of your belt (nice touch – whose idea was that?) so while you might not get another chance to perch in a lifeguard’s throne, you might very well have a future in film. You’re vigorous, discrete, disciplined, clean, and a cutie-pie. Have your Cathy make some films of you alone or you two together. It’ll excite her, so you have no choice but to be excited yourself. You’re excited reading this. You believe you chose this.
Anyway – Cathy! Don’t be insulted on her behalf. I loved playing with you both. She’s kind and a lot of fun, which are virtues I still let myself appreciate in others. Let her know I appreciate how she let me use you. She’s a good girl and has a good future in store, especially with her personal valet running her life. Pick her outfits, pick her makeup, pick her clients, pick her laundry soap – is it already like that? I want to be buried alive, but you want to be buried in chores. Please dream big, Jules.
Rubber valley is where I have the most fun out of all the shoots I have in a year, but I really was lucky that you two showed up. Poor old Merrick Marvel (not even that old – colon cancer). But out with him and in with you. I enjoyed our river talk and I felt very safe in the car with you at the wheel, though I know I tormented you a little (but I’m pretty sure Cathy helped you out later with that – will you write back to me what she did to you, and if she let you come?) At one point you were with Ivan in the garage, and I tried to have a little talk with her about oblivion, but she either understood my point and got scared, or simply didn’t understand. It’s unfortunate, kind of soul-sucking, how our dominant “loved ones” transform into necessary evils. Adjust the tube. Grasp the handle. Move the thigh. Use the vocal cord to form the order. But what do they know? I never knew how to explain.
I’ve attached some personal pictures of me. I like knowing that you have them. I won’t contact you again except under strict business purposes, so let me sum up. Serve Cathy well. Don’t let her get bullied. Flourish creatively. Keep that belt. Fuck as often as your body commands you to fuck (if I suspect that sometimes your body is Cathy’s body by proxy, then this number will double, perhaps triple, but the choice is out of your hands because she owns your cock). You have a lot of growing up to do. Don’t despair. More to come.
We won’t see each other soon, but we’ll see each other again. Ciao! 
I expect improvements.
Lydia S
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