#we'll see when I'm back in the saddle for such things again.
smol-feralgremlin · 2 years
Heads Up 7 Up/Last Line Word Count/
Gonna yeet things altogether here because I've been in a bit of a slump. So I'm gonna overdo it as usual to make up for it Tagged by @ghost-town-story and @dogmomwrites <3
Rules for Heads Up 7 Up: Post 7 lines and tag 7 people
Rules for Last Line Word Count: Post your last written line, and then tag as many people for how many words you have.
Zeklan kept an eye on Aldon and the other roving the hall, keeping point with Sylpha as she whirled her way around easily among the rest of the dancers. Aldon kept his gaze on her as well, twitching on occasion at sounds, sensations, or sights that Zeklan could only speculate on. The expression on Aldon's face was something he didn't need to speculate about though. Crooking a finger summoned one of the young cabin rats that offered to be on hand for the party. A young woman, this one, still with baby fat on her face that stood at odds with the line of lionfish proudly displayed along her collarbone.
"Commander," she greeted as she leaned her elbows on the table, causing the chains of gold discs on her wrists to jingle almost in time with the music. "Something you need? Drink perhaps?"
"A good amount," he replied as Aldon shifted as one of the young pirates swung Sylpha around in one of the many jigs that accompanied the music. "For me and the bear over there, if you'll bring him here first."
The woman looked over to where Zeklan indicated and drew in a deep breath. "The once-king?"
"Watch your words, girl."
She straightened up with a impertinent salute and a cheeky "Aye, captain," before she was off. Watching her and her easy movement through the crowd, he hummed contentedly to himself. Former pickpocket, that one. An excellent addition to any of the Eastern crews. If she wasn't so light-hearted he'd nab her for the Western Fleet. Fast hands and fast feet were nothing he'd frown upon. Not when his own scallywag had set the precedent for success with that. Not many here could match her though. He missed her on the deck of the Maiden.
Out of the corner of his vision he saw the surprised way that Aldon looked at where Zeklan sat before rising. Most people slid out of the former kings way as he made his way to the head table. As the man drew closer, Zeklan kicked out the chair Sylpha used to occupy when she lived in Hulls Deep. He still remembered her having to sit on an old crate he'd sawed down himself so she could see over the table well enough to eat and cause general table ruckus. Aldon sat gingerly in the seat, a man ill at ease with everything around him. A bull shark in a cane cage.
tagging -> @crypticcodexcreations @fearofahumanplanet @dogmomwrites @andromedaexists @ryns-ramblings @theglitchywriterboi @memento-morri-writes @plasmaprose @sylhorn @inkspellangel and open tag for whoever wants to join in. No pressure for anyone to do this.
Pick whichever you want <3
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irradiatedsnakes · 7 months
btw in the tmagp launch celebratory stream alice's voice actor said her favorite scene that'd been recorded by that point was "alice and sam go to a place". so i suppose we'll be getting that next week :]
other notes. this statement (hey! actually a statement this time! what the fuck) was SOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
the cursed dice angle is so good, the way the statement giver took on that role (roll), played the part, UGH it's so fun. the theme of choice that was brought up is also so good- just. ONE more roll for old time's sake :) especially given that this is a TMI statement and how HUGE IMPORTANT of a theme choice and free will were in tma, felt very fitting. fantastic, loved that.
continuing on my stuff about the entities in tmagp- once again some things here feel very on the nose, particularly the statement giver literally calling himself a mysterious stranger. this feels like a fun little red herring to me, for people a bit hung up on the entities stuff. that's how i interpreted it, anyways. i wanna know more about this world so fucking bad, dude.
also, the institute's in manchester in tmagp, not chelsea/london. which means no milbank prison, no panopticon. interesting. (though soemthing that was known from the arg already- i really need to deep dive on that. tomorrow, maybe.) statement taking and artifact storage are still a thing, evidently, but noting that there's no mention of an archivist or anything like that. and the subject/agent/catalyst stuff, that's Very interesting.
once again, chester bringing up a magnus-related statement, here in obvious reply to what sam was talking about- just when he was considering to celia about dropping his investigations- clearly (imo) to goad him into not leaving it behind. excellent. and fun given the first TMI-related incident with redcanary had the obvious conclusion of THE MAGNUS INSTITUTE IS WEIRD AND DANGEROUS while also having enough mystery to draw sam in further. sam's seen the canary die in the coalmine and has made the decision to keep digging and that's fantastic.
now! characters! sam's paperwork :) VERY intriguing that he's getting all this stuff and celia's got none of it- he said it was due to that box about the response department, but i've got my doubts about that being the reason he's being saddled with all this weird stuff. also the questions on the thing made me laugh, very good. sam and celia have such good interactions, i love how they bounce off each other. also, with regards to the paperwork- i think there's a connection to be made about the statement giver's continued rolling of the dice (it always felt like my choice.) and sam filling out all this creepy, utterly pointless paperwork to "refuse to give it the satisfaction of giving up".
GWEN AND LENA. nigel dickerson, you know, from tv? possibly. i don't watch television. i do hope we'll be seeing exactly what gwen is being told to do next episode.. delivering something, keeping calm, recording the detailed reactions to what's being delivered. maybe we'll get a bit more of a clue as to what the oair is actually for. i do like that gwen's not become one bit less indignant, skeptical, and disrespectful towards lena now that she's got this job. i'm very excited to see her on her fist job she's gonna suck at it i think
i'll admit i was a little surprised to see teddy again. i was worried for a sec he might be going in the direction of getting dragged back to the oair, but nah. not yet, at least :) and ALICE. ALIIIIICE auaaaaagh!!! i don't know if i have much to say baout this part that isn't just (shaking a plushie in my mouth like a dog). very neat that she has agreed to help sam investigate this and actually go to the institute when she's been so staunchly don't get caught up in the creepy stuff! leave the magnus institute stuff ALONE you don't want to get into this spooky shit! like.. she does not want to get involved with spooky shit and she doesn't want sam to get involved with spooky shit but she cares about him and their friendship a lot and this is obviously important to him. so. (plus, the thing about alice's brother having been at the institute alongside sam and gerry..) i like them both so much. i am so excited for next weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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fanficforlife · 1 year
Chapter Six
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Two chickadees chattered away as they landed on the porch railing a few feet from you. You had gotten a text shortly after you finished work from James and Anna asking you to call them. Your hand gripped the phone tighter than usual as it rang. 
"Hi, honey." Anna's warm voice greeted. "You're on speaker. James is here too."
"Hi, hun."
"Hey, I got your text. Is...is everything okay?"
James picked up when his wife trailed off. "If anything happened with Nick, you made us promise to tell you. You know he talked to us a couple of times if we were outside at the same time, telling us you weren't around because you found out you were sick and had to go away for treatment." He took a breath. "He came to see us this afternoon."
"And?" You asked nervously.
"He asked where you were."
Your stomach dropped. "He knows you helped me."
"No, he doesn't know for sure. He saw the video of us dropping someone off at the bus station but there is no proof that it's you. There aren't any surveillance cameras on our street and we sure as hell aren't going to tell him anything."
"Honey?" Anna said when you stayed quiet.
"But, you know what he's like." Your voice wavered. 
"Violet, you don't have to worry about us," James assured. "He's not going to hurt us or do anything like that because he knows he will get in trouble. You know I still have friends in the police department from my lawyer days."
"But, nothing, hun. We will be okay and so will you." Anna reassured. "He has no idea where you are." 
You took a deep breath. "Okay."
"Violet!" Tate grinned as he and Kayce walked over after being in the barn. 
"Hi, bud."
"Oh, is that Tate?!" Anna asked.
"Yes, it's Tate." 
He sat in the empty chair next to you. "Who are you talkin' to?"
"I'm talking to James and Anna."
"Your neighbors when you were in California? Can I talk to them?!"
You smiled. "Tate wants to say hi."
"Yes. Yes. Put him on." Anna urged while James chuckled. 
"They have it on speaker so you can hear both of them."
He eagerly took your phone and began telling them all about the ranch, school, and everything in between.
"Hey, baby." Kayce kissed you before sitting down on the arm of your chair. 
"Hi." You gave him a small smile before resting your head on the side of his thigh. His hand started playing with your hair while you both listened to Tate talk to your adopted grandparents like they had known each other their whole life. 
Ten minutes later John walked out onto the porch. He looked at Tate with questioning eyes. 
"I'm talking to Violet's grandparents. Wait. I need to talk to you." Tate told him before focusing back on the phone. "I have to go. It was nice talking to you. Oh, and you don't have to worry about Violet cause my dad really likes her. He even lets her drive his truck. I'll take care of her too." He gave the phone back to you with a grin. 
"Honey, he is the sweetest thing. And, it makes me so happy to hear that you and Kayce are doing so well."
James chuckled. "He's quite the kid. We can't wait to meet him, and everyone else there, someday."
"Me too."
"We don't want to keep you. We'll talk again soon. Love you, hun."
"So much," James added.
You smiled. "Love you too. Bye." 
"Grandpa, what are you doin'?" Tate asked John.
"I gotta go to town to pick up a few things." 
"You know, if I come, you could take me for ice cream. Remember when I helped you bath your horse, you said you would take me for ice cream."
"That I did."
John laughed, "Let's go then." 
"Come for a ride with me?" Kayce asked after you watched them drive off. 
He took your hand and the two of you walked to the barn. While he saddled up his horse, you checked on Storm.
"Hey, pretty girl." She immediately walked up to the stall door so you could pet her. "Here." You pulled a peppermint out of your pocket and gave it to her, smiling when her soft nose brushed against your palm. "She looks so much better and it's only been two and a half months."
"Well, she had a good owner." Kayce grinned as he walked up and pet her. "Ready to go?"
"Mhm." You gave her another peppermint before walking out of the barn and into the fence behind it. After climbing up, Kayce joined you. 
"Do you want to do it?" He offered you the reigns. 
"You can." 
"Yes ma'am." He rested his hand on your thigh while the other wrapped around you. 
You leaned against him. As you rode up into the mountains you were quiet, thoughts of your neighbors and your ex filled your head. 
When you got to the meadow, he pulled back on the reigns and the horse stopped. Kayce swung his leg over and stepped down. Before you could do the same he stopped you. "I got ya."
A smile pulled at your lips and you swung your leg in front of you so you were sitting on the saddle with your legs hanging over the same side. He reached up and you slid down into his arms. After his lips pressed against yours, he let you go so he could tie his horse up. You walked into the meadow and sat down on the soft grass. 
Kayce joined you, sinking next to you. "Baby, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I'm good."
"Letty," his hand gently took your chin and turned your face towards him, "I've known you long enough to know when you're lying." 
"I was just thinking about James and Anna."
"You miss them." He said softly and you nodded. "Dad would give you time off so you could go visit them."
"No. I'm never going back there." It tumbled out fast, too fast, and your breath caught in your throat. "I mean, how could you after being somewhere as beautiful as it is here." Please, believe me. 
He knew that wasn't the reason but he didn't push. "They can come visit you here then. There's lots of room if they wanted to stay at the ranch. I would love to meet them and by the amount of time that Tate spent talking to them on the phone, he would too."
"Yeah, that would be nice. Someday they'll have to." You looked at him and gave him a hopeful smile. 
He smiled back before kissing you. "So, you've been here for four months and I don't know very much about you." Your breath caught in your throat. "Like what's your favourite colour or favourite food?"
You relaxed and leaned into him. "Well, my favorite color is blue, and my favorite food...burgers. Oh, and pizza. What's yours?"  
"Okay, I have another one. Favorite flower?" He asked after going back and forth through all of the basics. "Let me guess..." his eyes studied you. "Roses 'cause you're the kind of girl who deserves the best."
You shook your head. "It's not roses."
"Maybe it's because no guys have been smart enough to get them for you." 
"Uh, my umm, last boyfriend got me roses all the time." You noticed him stiffen slightly at the mention of a boyfriend. "I hate them, I always have. I like daisies." 
"The white ones?" 
"Mhm. Plain, simple, pretty. Roses are pretty too but there's no thought behind them. Everyone just goes to the store, grabs a dozen roses and that's it."
"Daisies it is." He smirked. "And you're right, roses are boring. What do you say we head back? It's getting close to supper time." You nodded and he got up before offering his hand to you. Once he helped you to your feet, he pulled you close and pressed his lips against yours. 
You leaned into him, kissing him back. "Come on. We have to go. Oh, and your horse still needs a name." Your giggle filled the meadow as you headed toward his horse.
"Ready to go, baby?" Kayce asked as you walked into the living room. 
"Yay!" Tate cheered and ran to the front door. "Let's go!"
You and Kayce chuckled, making your way to the now-open front door that Tate flung open and ran through. Before you stepped outside, Kayce's arm slid around your waist and pulled you against him. "You look really good." His eyes took you and the new dress you had bought a few days ago in. The white sundress with embroidered lacy hem that you paired it with white canvas sneakers and a denim jacket. 
"Yeah." He smirked, backing you against the door. Your hands slid over his shoulders and pulled him even closer with a grin on your face. A chuckle left his lips before they pressed against yours for a quick yet thorough kiss. When he pulled away, you let out a small whine leaving him chuckling for a second time. "God, you're cute."
"Stop." You giggled, giving him a playful shove. 
"Violet. Dad. Come on!"
"We're coming." Your hand slipped into the cowboy's standing in front of you. "Your son is ready for pizza. Let's go."
"Yes, ma'am." Kayce kissed your temple before following you down the porch steps. 
Kayce's arm was draped across your lap, his hand resting on your thigh. "I think he had fun." He chuckled as he glanced at Tate, who was sound asleep and curled up against the passenger door. 
"I think you're right." You smiled as you watched him sleep for a few seconds before resting your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. "So did I."
"Me too." His lips pressed against your hair. "Letty?" He said after a couple of silent minutes.
"I talked to my old commander. I...I'm thinking about re-enlisting."
You sat up abruptly, your hold on his arm tightening. "What? Why? Is it because of me? I thought-I thought we were okay."
"Because I...I've been keeping things from you. I didn't just kill the guy who shot Lee."
"I know."
"It wasn't just the ones in the Navy either. When I told you I wasn't a good man when it comes to most things, I wasn't lying. I've killed people here. The ranch-"
"Kayce, I know."
His worried eyes left the road and came to you. "You know? Dad?"
A soft smile pulled at your lips. "Lee." One of your hands left his arm and wrapped around his after he stopped the truck in the middle of the desolate road. "He wanted me to know that you go above and beyond for the ranch and the people you love."
"You deserve someone better than me."
"And, you deserve someone better than me. Kayce, you are an amazing man and I want to be with you. What you've done in the past doesn't change that. Neither will what you do in the future. I know how valuable the ranch is and what people will do to get it. And, I know how much the ranch means to you and your family. It's your life. Your family didn't go through everything they did to come to this place, to keep this place back then, to lose it to someone who wants to turn it into an airport, and whatever else they want to do with it. There's enough for the transplants here to do." A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as you placed your hand over his heart. "I want you, Kayce, all of you. The good and what you think is the bad. Please, don't go."
"Letty," his hands cupped your face as his eyes became glassy. "I don't know what I did to be lucky enough to call you mine."
"Right back at you." He leaned in and kissed you firmly before resting his forehead against yours. "You should probably start driving again so we're not parked in the middle of the road when someone comes around the corner." 
He chuckled. "Yeah because there is nonstop traffic on this road." 
You giggled and a smile formed on his handsome face. "Don't leave." Your hold on him tightened again. 
"I'm not going anywhere, Letty." His lips pressed against yours. "You're stuck with me and the kid who could sleep through anything." 
You went back to cuddling against his side while Tate snored softly next to you. 
Suddenly, flashing red and blue lights lit up the darkness, and not just from one police car. Kayce pulled over. "Kayce Dutton. Get out of the truck with your hands up." Came over the megaphone speaker. 
"Kayc." You clutched Kayce's arm as he pulled over. 
"It's okay, baby. I'll be okay."
"Come out with your hands up!"
"Letty, Jamie's the best lawyer around. I'll be home before you know it." He gave you a quick kiss before opening his door and getting out.
You watched him back up with his hands above his head. When they told him to stop and get on his knees, he did. He didn't resist when they put his hands behind his back and put handcuffs on him. His brown eyes pierced your watery ones before they put him in the back of one of the police cars. 
"My name is Ben Waters, the police chief in Broken Rock." A Native American man informed after walking up to the truck. "Kayce said your name is Violet."
"Y-yes." You wiped away the tears that were trickling down. 
"We arrested Kayce for the murder of Robert Long. Do you have a license or do you need to call someone to come get you?"
Your hands started fumbling in your purse. "I-I have a license." 
He placed his hand on the top of the open door. "It's okay. I don't need to see it. I've seen you driving the Dutton's work truck and I know John wouldn't let you run errands without one. Drive safe."
"I will." The police chief nodded before shutting the door for you. You slid over into the driver's seat and started the truck. As you headed back to the ranch it took everything you had to keep from bursting out in tears. I can't or I'll wake up Tate. Kayce will be fine. He's going to be fine.
John and Jamie were in the living room sitting in front of the fireplace when you got home. "Ah, they've returned. Did you have fun?" John asked as he looked over his shoulder at you. 
"It was great! We had pizza and then walked around. Then we stopped for ice cream!" 
"Sounds like a good time." Jamie smiled at his nephew.
"Where's your dad?"
"He stopped to help someone on the way home," Tate answered his grandpa before looking up at you. "I know you're going to tell me it's time for bed. Can you read me a story since Dad's not here?"
"Go put your pajamas on and brush your teeth. I'll be right up."
John waited until Tate disappeared upstairs before asking again. "Where's Kayce?"
"They-they arrested him." A few tears slipped free. "The reservation arrested him for killing the man who shot Lee." You drew in a shaky breath as Kayce's dad and brother came over to you. "Tate was asleep the whole time. He didn't see."
"It's going to be okay," John assured and wrapped you in his arms.
"You've got me, remember?" Jamie squeezed your shoulder. "I'm going to make a few calls." He said before going to John's office.
John guided you to the couch and you both sat down. "Did they ask to see your license? Did they run it?"
"The police chief asked if I had one so I could drive back. He didn't ask to see it though. He said he knew you and you wouldn't let someone drive your work trucks if they didn't have one."
Some of the tension left his shoulders. "Good. And, Kayce will be home before you know it." When you nodded, he squeezed your knee. "We've got Jamie and I know the police chief."
You nodded again. "I should go tuck Tate into bed."
John stood up and walked you to the stairs. "How great you are with Tate, knowing the things Kayce's done and still being with him...you're an amazing woman, Violet. We're all lucky to have you here."
"Being with Kayce, spending time with Tate, living here with all of you; I'm the lucky one. Umm, if you hear from Kayce or hear anything, wake me up?"
"Of course."
"Violet! I'm in bed!"
Hearing Tate yelling for you made you both let out a chuckle. "Goodnight, Violet."
"Violet?" Tate asked before you started reading.
"Yeah, bud?"
"When's dad gonna be home?"
You drew in a shaky breath as you buried your emotions. "I'm not sure."
He nodded. "The person he's helping must have a lot to do." His face lit up and he looked at you with excitement. "Can you have a sleepover with me tonight?"
"Okay." He scooted over giving you more room. You smiled at the sweet little boy before getting comfy. "Alright, ready for the story?"
"Ready." He said after cuddling up to you. 
By the time you finished reading, Tate was hugging your arm and fast asleep. You placed a kiss on the top of his head before laying back on the pillow. Tears leaked from your eyes at the thought of Kayce sitting in a jail cell. It's only for tonight hopefully. Jamie and John will get him out. It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay. Your eyes went to the window where a full moon was shining bright. You smiled as an image of your boyfriend looking at the same moon came to your head. Goodnight, Kayc. 
You were sitting outside with John and Tate when the helicopter flew over the mountains and landed on the lawn. Relief washed over you when Kayce got out behind Jamie. 
"Dad!" Tate went running over. 
"Hey, buddy." Kayce picked him up and carried him back over to you and his dad. "Did you have fun with Violet and your grandpa?"
"Yeah. Guess what?! Since you were busy helping people, Violet read me a bedtime story AND she had a sleepover with me!"
Kayce smiled enthusiastically. "She did?"
"Yep, and Grandpa said when you got home he would take me to town for ice cream!"
"Ice cream two days in a row. I never got ice cream two days in a row."
"Because you never did all your chores." John let out a chuckle. "Why don't you go to the truck? I'll be right behind you."
"Okay." Tate ran to the truck as soon as Kayce set him down. 
When he was far enough away, John focused on his two sons. "It's taken care of?"
Jamie nodded, "it's done."
"He owed me a favor," John informed when he saw the confusion in your eyes. "Come on, Jamie. Tate wants you to come for ice cream too because all you do is work."
The three of you let out a laugh and Jamie even joined in. "I don't remember the last time I went for ice cream."
"You're with us then. We'll see you two later." 
While they headed towards a waiting Tate, Kayce pulled you into a crushing hug. Your hands clung to the back of his shirt. "I told you everything would be okay."
"Come for a walk with me?" You nodded so he let you go only to take your hand. He gave you a long, deep kiss before you made your way to the treehouse. 
After sinking into the grass, you sat across his lap. "Are you okay?" You asked, your hands resting against the sides of his neck. 
"I'm good. Better now that I'm home with you and Tate." 
Your heart fluttered hearing him include you when talking about home and his son. "Is it really over? They're dropping the charges?"
"Yeah. Dad saved the police chief's life a while back."
"So, he saved yours, in a way."
"If they didn't agree to it, I would've been locked up for life. Not seeing you all day makes me crazy." His hand slid across your cheek. "Last night I could see the moon out of the window in the cell they put me in. It's dumb but I felt closer to you."
A smile pulled at your lips. "Really?! After I finished reading to Tate I lay there looking at the moon. I pictured you doing the same thing." 
"I guess we were made for each other or something."
"I guess so." The smirk you loved formed before he leaned in and kissed you. As you rested your foreheads against each others, the sound of wings flapping drew your attention to a nearby tree. 
Kayce held you tighter when he saw the eagle. "I think Lee is pretty damn proud of himself for practically forcing us together." The familiar bird called out before taking off and gliding over the valley. 
"I think you're right." 
"You have no idea how happy I am that you showed up here."
"I'm even happier." An image of your ex flashed through your mind but you buried it. He doesn't know where I am. I'm safe here. Kayce's hand gently took hold of your chin and pulled you in for a long, sweet kiss. When you parted you nestled against him, resting your head on his shoulder. For the next half an hour you sat there holding each other, thankful that you could look out over the mountains together instead of looking at each other through prison bars. 
Kayce's hand was wrapped around yours as the two of you walked to the corral where his horse was already saddled up. Before you climbed on, you noticed a blanket rolled up and tied onto the saddle and a basket sitting on the ground close by. "Are we having a picnic?!"
"Maybe." He smirked. "Hop up." Once you were seated he handed you the basket and climbed on with you.
"Okay, what's the occasion?" You asked when you got to the meadow. 
"I know you love coming out here for our dates instead of going out for dinner or whatever normal couples do so," he spread out the blanket and you both sat down, "I thought I would bring dinner to us."
You watched as he pulled out fancy sandwiches, fruit, cheese, and a bottle of sparkling grape juice since you both didn't drink alcohol.
"You made this?" You asked skeptically.
A laugh left his lips "I never said I made it, I said I brought it." 
"Mhm. He also made this." His hand went back into the basket and pulled out a pie, which was the perfect size for two. "He was going to make a cake but I remembered you saying you like pie better than cake." He set it down on the blanket. "I also remembered it's our two-month anniversary."
On top of the pie, there was a number two made out of dough. Your eyes shot back to the man who was rapidly breaking down the walls you had built around your heart. How did I get so lucky? 
"I know it's only two months and nothing big. It's kinda stupid and cheesy." He rambled when you didn't say anything. 
"No, it's..." 
"Hey, shh." His hands came up and cupped your face when he saw your watery eyes. "What's wrong? Was it too dumb of an idea? In my defense, Tate and Gator both urged me to do it. In hindsight, it's probably not the best idea to take dating advice from a seven-year-old and a guy who I've never seen with a girl."
You giggled. "No, it's...it's perfect."
He let out a sigh of relief before leaning in and kissing you. 
"Hi," Kayce said softly and leaned in. You had finished eating and put everything back into the basket, setting it on the edge of the blanket.
"Hi." Your hand came up and rested on his toned, work-shirt-covered chest. You leaned in, pressing your lips against his. He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you in, and his other hand slid into your hair. The kiss carried on but as it started getting heated, you pulled away. "I...I'm sorry. I-"
"Baby, you don't have to apologize. I didn't do this to get you to sleep with me." He tucked your hair behind your ear and smiled. "I did it because you are the most amazing woman I've ever met and I l- I like you, a lot. There's no rush. I'll wait for however long you need for you to be ready."
"Thank you." You wanted to tell him the real reason you left California, about Nick, but you were scared. So, you put it off and kept putting it off. After him getting arrested two days ago and everything he planned today; I don't want to ruin this. I'll tell him...tomorrow maybe...
He laid down on the blanket before gently pulling you down next to him. His arms around you as he looked up at the blue sky. 
Your head rested on his chest and did the same. "That one looks like a bird." You pointed up at a fluffy white cloud floating by.
"That one looks like a dog chasing a...a fish?" You both laughed. "I don't remember the last time I did this. I could get used to it." He stated as he held you tighter.
"Me too." You cuddled up against his side before looking up at him. "At least once a month we have to lie back and look at the clouds."
"I think Tate would like it too."
"I think you're right." He smiled and a look you couldn't place flashed through his eyes. His lips found yours for a heartwarming kiss. 
More of the wall crumbled away and you rested your head back on his chest, looking back up at the sky and silently thanking God for ending up here. 
"It's starting to get dark. We better go, baby." He kissed your forehead before the two of you stood up and gathered the basket and blanket. 
"Hi, still nameless horse." Kayce reached over and squeezed your waist, leaving you giggling. "I saved this for you." You held out a slice of apple and the horse gobbled it up. After scratching his nose, you climbed onto his back. Kayce handed you the blanket and basket before doing the same. 
The darkness slowly settled in on the ride back and when you got back to the yard, the stars were starting to come to life. "Can I walk you to your door?"
"Yes," you smiled, taking the picnic basket and blanket from him so he could put his horse back in his stall for the night. When he finished his hand entwined with yours and you went inside. 
"Thank you." 
"You don't have to thank me, baby." He leaned his back against your doorframe and pulled you against him. 
"Yes, I do," your hands slid over his shoulders and started playing with his hair, "the picnic, you being so amazing, all of it. It was the best date I've ever had."
"Anything for you, Letty."
You blushed. "And umm, thank you for being so patient with me."
His hand slid across your cheek. "I told you I'd wait no matter how long. You are one million percent worth it." Your cheeks darkened. He leaned down and kissed you long and softly. 
"Goodnight, Kayce."
"Goodnight, Letty."
You froze when your eyes landed on the blanket and the bouquet of daisies lying on it. "Kayc."
"Come on." He smiled and took your hand, leading you the rest of the way. "I had to go to town this morning and got them for you. That and this." Under the flowers was a chocolate bar that he handed you after you both sat down.
"Before we went to the reserve to get the cows back, I asked you to watch Tate and I said I owed you. You said you like chocolate."
A soft smile formed. "You remembered."
"I remember everything when it comes to you."
"Thank you for the chocolate and flowers...for everything."
He leaned in. "You don't have to thank me. I would do anything for you." His hand slid across your cheek and into your hair, pulling you in for a kiss.
As the kiss carried on, it grew more heated. A memory of your ex suddenly slammed into you, taking over. "No! Stop! Stop!" You pushed him away and scrambled to your feet.
"Violet!" Kayce jumped up, slowly making his way over to your trembling frame. "Baby?"
You frantically looked around. He's not here. It's not him. It's Kayce. Tears started streaming from your eyes. "I-I'm sorry. I-"
"Hey, shh. Shh." He hesitantly reached for you and you burrowed into his arms. "It's okay. I got you." When your crying stopped, he ran a hand over your hair. "Letty, talk to me."
"It-it's nothing."
"That wasn't nothing." While he dried your cheeks, his eyes suddenly widened. "Someone...did someone r...r..." He couldn't make himself say rape but you knew what he meant. Your hands wrung together as you gave a small nod. "Just tell me one thing. Was it someone here, in Montana?"
"No. California."
"Your ex?"
He nodded slowly before his hands came up and cupped your face. "I will wait as long as you need, Letty."
"Thank you." You said quietly.
"Did you want to sit here for a bit or go back to the house?"
"Can we go back?"
"Of course. Whatever you want."
A small smile pulled at the corners of your mouth but it slowly faded. While you rode back, flowers and chocolate in hand, your thoughts were on Nick. The hell he had put you through and hell he would put you through if he found you.
"Want to have dinner with us?" Kayce asked after one of the ranch hands took his horse from him and you walked up onto the porch. "I would love it. So would Tate and everyone else."
"Umm, I'm not hungry. And, I have my laundry to put away. Don't tell Tate my clothes are still sitting in the basket because he always gets in trouble for not putting away his laundry right away." You smiled.
He smiled back. "My lips are sealed." The hand that was holding yours gently stopped you, turning you to face him. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, really." The hand that wasn't holding the gifts he got you came up and rested on his chest. You smiled softly when you heard Tate yell for him from the dining room. "Go eat."
"Want to play a board game or watch a movie with Tate and I later?"
Your small smile returned. "I think I'm just going to lie in bed and eat my chocolate."
The concern was still evident in his eyes but he didn't push. "Alright. I'll see you in the morning, baby. Sleep well." After giving you a kiss, he went to the dining room while you went to the hallway closet next to your room and got a vase.
When you set the daisies on your nightstand, the tears that you had been holding back started trickling down. By the time you leaned the chocolate bar against the sparkling glass vase and curled up on your bed, the trickle of tears had turned to a river. You buried your face in the pillow to muffle your sobs while memories of being with Nick filled your head.
"He raped her. He..." a harsh breath left Kayce's lips. "He raped her, dad."
Kayce looked over at John. "You said she told you a bit about her past. Did you know?"
"No. She never told me he raped her." Your boyfriend looked at him waiting for more. "She will tell you everything when she's ready."
"I want to kill him."
John took a sip of whiskey from his glass. "You and me both, son."
"I...I love her."
"I know you do." John smiled.
Meanwhile, you had been lying in bed trying to fall asleep for the last three hours. It was 1:30 in the morning but your mind was a jumbled mess of thoughts and memories.
After a few more minutes you threw the covers off and made your way down the hall. A light from the living room grabbed your attention as you made your way into the kitchen to make a cup of tea.
With peppermint tea in hand you went to the living room to turn the light off. "Oh." You froze when you saw Kayce and John sitting by the fireplace. "I thought everyone went to bed and forgot to turn the light off."
"What are you still doing up, baby?"
"I umm, I couldn't sleep so I got up to make some tea. Since there is someone in here I'll leave the light on. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Violet." John said with a soft smile.
"Goodnight, Letty."
Five minutes later you were sitting in bed holding your half empty mug when there was a knock on your door. "Come in."
Kayce stepped into your room. "Hi." He walked up to the bed. "Can I lie with you for a while? If you don't want me to it's okay?"
"You can." You set you mug on the nightstand and moved over. Once he lay down, you curled up next to him.
“Is it okay if I stay until you fall asleep?"
"Can you stay all night?"
"Yeah, of course." He held you closer and kissed your forehead." Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Kayc." You nestled into him. A few minutes later you were sleeping peacefully.
The cowboy holding you was still awake though. "I am never going to let him touch you again, Violet. You have my word." He swore into your hair before placing a kiss in the same spot. He listened to you breathing softly before it finally lulled him to sleep.
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meowmeowriley · 7 months
@o-birdseed-o @27potatochips here's that other bit of Outlaw Outta Time I meant to post yesterday, but I got distracted. For context there's 2 pre-order bonus horses in RDR2, the war horse and the thoroughbred. Those are Ghost and Arthur's horses, respectively.
Arthur led Ghost and Soap to the stable and hitched Obscenity. Soap slid off Calypso, once again impressed that the beast could carry both him and Ghost, and watched as Ghost handed a sugar cube to her and whispered his thanks. He was so gentle with her, it never failed to make Soaps heart swell.
As they entered the stable a man approached. "Enjoying those horses I sold you?"
Arthur nodded. "I am. Found a use for that war horse after all." He then gestured to Ghost.
The stable manager looked Ghost up and down. "Fitting." He said. Ghost said nothing, though with his face uncovered there was no doubt that the stable manager though Ghost was scowling at him. People always thought that, he just had major RBF. The man turned back to Arthur once more. "What can I do for you today then, my friend?"
"Well, ahhh" Arthur sighed heavily in that way Americans would during casual conversation, "I'm in the market for two more. One needs to be very specific though." As he spoke, Arthur brought up his hands to punctuate his words. "I need something calm. Unspookable. Something that can handle wrigglin' in the saddle. Gettin' up and down, up and down." He sounded mildly exasperated as he made each point, but his eyes were soft and fond.
"A good first horse for a toddler then?" Tje man asked after a moments thought.
"Yes." Arthur immediately answered.
Soap elbowed Ghost in the ribs as he'd started to chuckle. He had to admit though, the comparison of Albert to a toddler was apt.
The man led them to a reddish brown horse in a stall. She had a white streak down her face. "Best starter horse we have."
"Perfect." Arthur said as he stroked her. She leaned her head into his touch. "We'll need tack as well."
They walked over to the tack wall and Arthur pointed out a set with small blue and red flowers on the bridle and saddle. As the stable hands began getting the horse ready the manager asked "You mentioned another?"
"For my friend here." Arthur said and Ghost patted Soap on the shoulder.
"What're you looking for?"
Soap cleared his throat. "Ah'm not sure. But I'll know it when I see it."
The man smiled and nodded, then led them out to where there were more horses in several round pens. "Most of what we have is out here. Take a look around."
They walked around and looked at the horses for a bit,  but nothing felt right. Until he spotted her.
A darker brown horse, with a black mane and tail. Black on her legs that looked like socks, legs that she was digging into the dirt. Several men with lassos around her neck were trying to drag her along. She had a funny shape to her skull, like her nose was turned up, and her tail was held high. She looked mean. Soap liked that.
"What about her?" He asked the stable manager.
"Uhhh that one's on her way to the butcher. No one wants her."
"She not rideable?"
"After her previous owner died, no. "
"Ah want her." Everyone looked at John like he'd lost it. He stood his ground.
Arthur sighed again. "How much?" He grumbled.
The stable manager laughed, "you know what? You get a halter on that thing? She's free. But you gotta do it without losing your hands."
John grinned. He could do that. He grabbed the plain black halter that was handed to him by one of the other men, and made his way to the horse. The first thing she did the second he was stood before her was open her mouth wide to take a chunk out of him. He stuffed the bit in her mouth. She seemed just as stunned at the rest of the men around them, with the exception of Simon and Arthur, who were both howling with laughter as he led his new horse over to them. She came easily now that she had her halter on, though her ears were still pinned, and she tried desperately to get the bit forward with her tongue. She seemed hell bent on chewing on it.
"She's got an explosive temper." The stable manager tried one last time to warn him.
"So've I." John called over his shoulder as he led her towards the saddles.
He could hear Simon speaking for the first time since they'd arrived, no doubt reassuring the stable manager. "Don't worry he's got a way with cold, aggressive beasts that'd rather be left alone."
"That so?" Arthur had gotten over his laughing fit.
"Worked on me, anyway." The pair had walked up beside him, watching him look over the saddles.
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jungle-angel · 8 months
The One With The Inspection Sticker (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: You've always been eager to please each other in the bedroom, but after you're feeling a little sore one day, Miles decides it's his turn to help you
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia
Warnings: SMUT! As always any minors will be yeeted from the blog
Miles had always been observant and quick to see things that others didn't notice right away. Of course it came with being the son of a rancher and one himself, but today he couldn't help but notice the little hobble in your step when you got off your mare and led her into the stables.
"Sweetpea, you alright?" he asked, removing the bridle on his stallion.
"I'm sore," you winced. "I think I've been in the saddle too long....ow!"
Miles hurried over to you and helped you stand up. "Here," he said. "Come back into the house and we'll have it looked at."
You followed Miles into the house, the both of you stripping off your Carhartt jackets and hanging them on the hooks. Miles gently led you up to your shared bedroom, guiding you up the stairs and helping you lay down in the bed you shared.
"Stupid saddle," you muttered, wincing again from the pain.
"Could be the saddle," Miles said. "But remember, it wasn't that long ago that Jesse was born. Momma says that you can have pain in the downstairs region for up to a month and a half sometimes if you're not careful."
"Can you....." you said, blushing a little. "Um........maybe look?"
You watched your husband's face go bright red, the adam's apple in his throat bobbing a little as he swallowed and tried to fight off a cheeky little grin. "You want me to look?" he asked.
You nodded.
The blushy grin that crawled across Miles's face was enough to drive you nuts. "Alright sweetpea," he said. "You get your jeans off and I'll have a look."
You stripped off your jeans and your underwear after Miles had disappeared to thoroughly scrub his hands in the bathroom. He came back a moment later, carefully covering your legs with the thinnest sheet he could find in the linen closet and grabbing a little flashlight from the dresser drawer.
"Alright sweetpea, lets see what's going on down there," he said.
Very gently he drew your legs up and pushed the sheet to just above your knees. He pressed the button on the end of the flashlight, the beam of bright light illuminating your pussy in its glow. "Oh yikes!" Miles exclaimed. Your pussy was so swollen and puffy that it had caught him completely off guard, reddened around the edges and unbelievably sensitive to the touch.
"Is it bad?" you asked.
"You're definitely swollen," Miles answered. "But you're gonna be just fine. You wait right here sweetheart, I'm gonna go and get some ice for you."
He kissed your lips before he disappeared and returned again with a washcloth full of ice cubes from the freezer. Very carefully he placed it against your bare pussy which had caused you to yelp. "Shhh, sweetpea it's ok," Miles assured you, kissing your exposed calf.
When the ice had melted and the swelling in your puss had gone down, you were thoroughly relaxed. "Feeling any better?" Miles asked you.
"Much better," you said.
Miles leaned up and pressed another kiss to your lips. "Mind if I make sure?" he purred. "If you're a good girl for me, I'll give you a sticker later."
You hummed into the kiss as he crept back down between your legs and turned the flashlight on again. The tip of Miles's tongue stuck out as his eyes began to intently roam all over your entrance. Very, very gently he began to swirl a finger around the edges until a quiet moan reached his ears. Miles's fingers brushed against the folds nearby, carefully playing with every sensitive little nerve within.
"Miles.....? M....Miles?"
"Yes baby?" he asked, lifting his head up.
"Go down lower?"
Miles smiled cheekily, inserting the tip of one finger into you to play with your clit, watching your eyes shut with pure bliss as he gently rubbed it. You felt that heavenly tingling between your legs, a coil forming in your belly as your breaths became much more shallow.
"Yes sweetpea?"
"Your face.......want you to bury your face in me......"
"Ah ah," Miles gently chided. "Be a good girl for me first and then I will."
You whimpered as he kept playing with your clit, rubbing away at that tiny little bundle of nerves until you were complete putty in his hands. At last, he couldn't take it anymore. Miles buried his face deep into your pussy, his tongue working its magic as Miles flicked it up and down the sides of your walls. Your high reached its fever pitch as you shifted your hips up against his face, his warm breath threatening to bring you over the edge and back again with all the sucking, biting and movement from Miles's mouth.
He couldn't stand it any longer as he quickly unsnapped his jeans, stripped them off and threw them aside along with his shorts. You both gasped when you felt his burning hot cock entering you, your kissing becoming dangerously heated and that familiar heat burning in your bellies and between your legs.
You both gasped as your hips stuttered against each other and Miles's head came to rest on your shoulder. "Feel any better (y/n)?" he asked.
"Much better," you chuckled.
You kissed each other's lips before Miles got up to go and run you both a bath. You both sank into the hot water, your head resting against Miles's chest as he gently spread your legs and began to carefully rub your pussy with the washcloth.
"No horseback riding for a few days, alright sweetpea?" he said, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"Will do Miles," you chuckled, guiding his hands in that familiar rhythmic motion.
"And remind me later I owe you an inspection sticker when you feel better."
You laughed at the thought of it, kissing your husband back, sweetly and eagerly, lucky to have a man like Miles as your husband.
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milfmorrowind · 1 month
Catch me when I fall (finale)
Part 3: Companion
ao3 link
part one part two
The next few days passed without incident. By resting in a series of abandoned buildings, hunters' shelters, and ancient tombs that Mailie swore up and down were perfectly safe, the pair managed to bypass taverns full of nosy townsfolk and the watchful eye of the Imperial Legion. They stood once again in the rain, this time outside the stone wall that encircled Riften's graveyard. And they were arguing again, naturally.
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?"
"Because my leg is broken, Mailie!"
"Oh I'm sorry, did you have a better idea?"
"I'm sure I could think of one!"
"Then by all means, do."
"I don't think I should have to have a better plan to convince you that I can't climb over a fucking wall!"
"Keep it down!" Mailie hissed. "Do you want us to get caught?"
Brynjolf gritted his teeth. "No, I want to go in through a gate."
Mailie threw her hands up in frustration. "I told you, we can't do that. Not unless I know for sure the guards haven't been told to arrest you."
"They've got plenty of reason to arrest me already. If they were going to, they would have by now. And don't try to tell me that I don't know that, because I do."
"This is different. The guards are more than willing to overlook thievery, especially when you have the Black-Briars' protection. But if the Legion, or worse, the Thalmor, are looking for you, they can't ignore that. Especially since we no longer have Maven on our side."
Brynjolf crossed his arms. "And who, pray tell, decided to cut ties with her?"
Mailie pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine. You've made your point. What do I have to do to convince you to go over this wall?"
Brynjolf paused for a moment. To his credit, he actually thought about it.
"Help me back onto the horse," he said. To Mailie's credit, she complied. The movement was still awkward, but at this point they'd spent the last several days lifting Brynjolf on and off of things, and had worked out something of a system. He would tuck his makeshift crutch under his left arm and place as much of his weight on it as he could. Meanwhile, Mailie would support him while he hopped into the stirrup with his right foot. Finally, Brynjolf would lift himself onto the horse, swinging himself onto the saddle and taking a moment to settle.
Mailie nervously patted the horse's side. "Steady, girl," she said softly. When the horse shook her head, Mailie glanced up at the sky.
"Everything alright, lass?" Brynjolf asked.
Mailie shook herself. "She's skittish. I wonder if we'll see lightning. I swear she can feel it coming." She took the reigns in her hands. "What next?"
"Take us over to the wall."
Mailie did so without question. Once Brynjolf and the horse were up against the wall, he slid off the saddle and onto the wall, crutch in hand. He then swung his legs over to the inside of the wall.
"Come on up, lass," he called down. "I'll need you to catch me."
Mailie scrambled up after him. "It's a long way down."
"Which is why you'll be catching me." Brynjolf glanced behind them. "Shouldn't you tie up the horse?"
Mailie shook her as she pulled herself over the wall. "No, she'll be alright. She's smart, either she'll wait here long enough for me to come back and get her, or she'll make her way to the stables." She paused for a moment to steady herself, then slipped off the wall. With practiced care, the moment her feet struck the ground, her knees bent to absorb the impact. She looked up to see Brynjolf wincing at her.
"Someday you'll regret doing that so much," he said.
"I'll consider myself lucky if I live long enough to suffer for it. Toss me the crutch."
Brynjolf shook his head. "I think it's best if I hold on to it. Gives me something else to break the fall."
"Suit yourself." Mailie stood below him with her arms outstretched. "Whenever you're ready."
Brynjolf grimaced, stuck the crutch out beneath him, and pushed himself from the wall. His good leg crashed into the ground and his knee crumpled beneath him. His body twisted as the crutch was rammed into his left underarm, and he pitched forward into Mailie, tipping them both onto the ground.
Mailie's head smacked against the muddy ground as Brynjolf's chin landed squarely on her collarbone. She tried to roll over and groaned as she realized his entire body weight was on her.
"Fuck." He managed to roll off of her with a series of winces and grunts.=
"I'll remind you that this was your plan," Mailie said as she slowly got to her feet. She reached out a hand to help Brynjolf up, but he waved it away.
"Save it, lass. Just get me into the Guild." He hobbled his way over to the nearby tomb, Mailie close at his heels. As he bent to avoid hitting his head on the top of it, Mailie slipped around him.
"Allow me," she said, pressing the button to open the entrance and once again offering him her hand. He accepted it this time, and let her help him to the entrance.
They all but crashed into the cistern. Apparently, a broken leg and a rickety wooden ladder did not make for a good combination, as Mailie learned when she lost her balance and sent them both careening towards the floor. She just barely managed to keep her footing, but not without stumbling shoulder-first into a wall. When she looked up, every eye in the cistern was trained on her.
She grimaced. "A little help here?" she said through gritted teeth.
For once, the Thieves' Guild actually sprung into unified action, and without a murmur of complaint. In an instant, Thrynn was on them, lifting Brynjolf off Mailie's tired shoulders and onto his own. Rune was on the other side of him, tucking the crutch back under his arm. Delvin lent Mailie a hand as she picked herself off the wall and clapped her (gently) on the shoulder with a murmured congratulations. Vex, for her part, watched them from a nearby wall, looking for all the world like Mailie had returned with a bag of loot rather than a recently captured man.
"You made it back," she said.
"That we did," Mailie replied. "And in one piece. Well, mostly." Brynjolf shot her a look at that last comment, but didn't seem to be in a state to find a reply. "Thrynn, get him to a bed, if you would. My room's the closest. Rune, find Herluin."
Brynjolf groaned. "The poisoner? Please, just kill me now."
Mailie ignored him. "Vex, Delvin, come with me. Everyone else, get back to work."
Thrynn helped Brynjolf down a passageway with Mailie, Vex, and Delvin not far behind. After Gallus died and the Guild started to decline, Mercer had ordered most of the corridors and rooms connected to the cistern closed off, since they couldn't afford to keep them filled. Following their recent turn of fortune, Mailie had opened them back up. There were still many they hadn't yet opened, and probably some they didn't even know about-- few remaining Guild members had been around while Gallus was still alive, and those that were didn't remember every room they'd ever used. The rooms that had been uncovered had been turned into storerooms, bedrooms for Guild leadership, and an office that Mailie still wasn't quite comfortable using.
Mailie stopped just outside her bedroom so she could hold open the door for Thrynn and Brynjolf. Herluin, who had caught up with them about halfway there, followed them in. Mailie shut the door behind them.
"How is he?" Delvin asked.
Mailie wrapped her arms around her torso. "Could be better. Could be worse. His leg is definitely broken. I did my best with it, but there's only so much I could do."
"I don't suppose he told you why he decided to fuck off to Solitude without notice," Vex said.
Mailie shook her head. "I never bothered to ask. In all honesty, I was largely concerned with getting us both back here alive." She ran a hand over her hair. She'd redone her braids that morning, but the rain, sweat, and wind had left it a mess. She needed to eat, sleep, and bathe, but the way this was going it might be some time before she got the chance.
Vex scowled. "You might have asked him, at least. For all we know he's gotten himself tangled up in some–"
She was interrupted by the door opening. Thrynn stepped out, looking angry, and more than a bit embarrassed.
"Lothaire kick you out?" Delvin asked.
"Aye." Thrynn said sullenly. He turned to Mailie. "He, uh, told me to remind you that he doesn't work for free." He at least had the decency to look sheepish.
Mailie rolled her eyes. "Of course he did. I'll deal with him later. Thank you for your help, Thrynn." He gave her an appreciative nod before returning to the cistern.
Mailie turned back to Vex and Delvin. "Regardless of what Brynjolf's been up to, he's going to be out of commission for the time being. Del, I need you to cover his rounds in the city. I know it's not your specialty, but I trust that you'll get it done. Vex, you may need to train some new recruits. Try not to scare any of them away, if you would."
"No promises." Vex crossed her arms. "And what will Brynjolf be doing? I take it he won't be catching up on his beauty rest."
"He'll pick up Delvin's records for the time being. Don't worry Del, I won't let him mess up your system. It's just until he's back on his own two feet."
"Desk work. Bet he'll just love that," Vex said dryly.
"It's what he's getting," Mailie said with a shrug. "Whether he likes it or not is his business."
The door opened again. Herluin beckoned them inside with a wave of of the hand. "Come in."
Inside, Brynjolf sat up in Mailie's bed with his left leg propped up on a pillow. His pant leg had been rolled to mid thigh, and his wound had been redressed and splinted with sturdy wood. Despite the apparent injury, the image of him sitting in Mailie's bed felt so natural she almost forgot they were not alone.
Next to the bed, Herluin gathered up used bandages and loose alchemical supplies. "My work is done, at least for now," he said. "I've set the bone and numbed the pain, but if he doesn't keep weight off it, it won't heal. He needs at least four weeks off his feet, as I've told him. Now, about my pay..."
"You'll get it." Mailie crossed her arms. "Last I heard you had bounties in Eastmarch, Winterhold, and Whiterun. I'll have them cleared."
The apothecary raised his eyebrows. "That's a fine gesture, Guildmaster, but I had something a bit more substantial in mind."
"You've had plenty of my gold, and the rest of the Guild's, too," Mailie shot back. "Tell you what. I'll take care of the bounties, and we'll cover the cost of your supplies. Deal?"
Herluin gave her a nod. "That will do. Now, if you'll excuse me..."
"Nicely done," Brynjolf remarked when the door shut.
"I've long since run out of patience for him. He'd charge extra for the cork in the bottle if he thought you wouldn't notice. Rather bold for a man implicated in three murders, if you ask me." Mailie sat on the edge of the bed. "How's your leg?"
"Better," Brynjolf said. "Itches like hell, though."
Delvin patted him on the shoulder. "Well, it's good to have you back. Right, Vex?"
"Yeah. Sure. Try not to be so stupid next time, will you?"
Brynjolf rolled his eyes. "It's good to see you too, Vex. Now, if you all don't mind, I've been informed that I should be resting."
"Of course." Mailie stood. "Vex, Delvin, head back to the Flagon. I'll meet you there."
Mailie shut the door behind them as they left. Back turned to Brynjolf, she placed her palm flat against the door. As she tensed her hand, a haphazard web of green energy crawled across the surface. She closed her hand into a fist, and the web sunk itself into the door. She turned back to Brynjolf with a face as hard as stone.
"What the fuck were you thinking?"
He blinked in apparent confusion. "Lass?"
"Did you not hear me?" she all but hissed, stepping towards him. "I'll say it again: What the fuck were you thinking? Sneaking off to the other side of the province, not telling a soul what you were doing, nearly getting yourself killed– I know you're smarter than that. So what in Oblivion was going through your head?"
Brynjolf opened his mouth, then closed it. "I don't have to explain myself to you."
"Like hell you don't. I broke you out of prison and smuggled you back here. I think I deserve to know why."
"I–" Brynjolf's voice faltered and he looked away. "The house I was breaking in to. The owner knew my Da."
Oh. Bryn didn't talk about his life before the Guild often. It had taken Mailie a long time to figure out that it was because he hadn't had much of one before-- his father had died when he was twelve, and he'd spent a couple months at Honorhall before escaping with Vekel and Tonilia. She had never pressed for details, but from what she'd heard, it sounded like his father did not die of natural consequences.
She sat down next to him. "Tell me more."
Brynjolf swallowed. "His name is Hroldar. I never learned how he and Da knew each other, but I met him a couple times as a kid. If I'm honest, I'd forgotten about him until recently. It's been two decades since I saw him last."
"So you went to Solitude to see him?"
Brynjolf nodded. "Around a fortnight past I got it into my head that I had to speak with him. I'm not sure I could tell you why. Anyway, I asked around and figured out he'd bought a house in Solitude. When I showed up, it was late, and the house was dark. I... I got impatient. I got up on the roof to find a way in and a guard spotted me. He told me to get down, and I didn't. He got out a crossbow and-- I suppose you can figure it out from there."
"And the Thalmor?"
"They've been trying to convince the legion to give them authority on the streets next to Castle Dour for ages. Something about 'headquarters security'. One of them got into an argument with the captain over whose custody I belonged in. If we've any luck at all, they're still pitching a big enough fit about it to delay the search for me."
Mailie reached out and placed a gentle hand on his chest. She'd only meant to comfort him– although she couldn't quite say why– but she frowned as she missed the feeling of a familiar shape. It took half a second before her heart sank as she realized what was missing.
"Bryn," she said softly. "They took your amulet."
His jaw tightened. "Aye."
"I'm sorry, Bryn. I know it was your father's." Her heart skipped a beat. "They didn't..?"
"The elves didn't see it, if that's what you're after. I wasn't in a state to be taking off my armor, so they had someone helping me. When it swung out of my shirt, I thought for sure I was done for. Even among the Legion, there's plenty who are willing to look the other way when it comes to Talos, but not in Solitude. This one, though... without a word, he took it off my neck and tucked it into a pocket."
"Did you catch his name?" Mailie asked.
Brynjolf gave her a shrewd look. "Don't bother with it, lass. I'm alive. That's more than I expected."
Mailie wanted to argue with him, but she knew now wasn't the time. He needed a rest, and so did she. She should leave, reconvene with Vex and Delvin, change out of her borrowed armor, and go to bed, but she just couldn't bring herself to get up. So she sat there, hand moving with the rising and falling of his chest, until he broke the silence.
She withdrew her hand, expecting him to shoo her away. "Yes?"
Brynjolf looked her in the eye. "Why did you break me out?"
For some reason, Mailie's entire body tensed up at his question. She hoped he hadn't noticed. "Well... I couldn't just let you rot there. We didn't even know why you'd gone. Someone had to find out what kind of trouble you were in, at least."
Brynjolf pushed himself into a straighter position. "That's all well and good, lass, but it doesn't explain why you came. You're a damn good thief with a good, if stubborn, head on your shoulders, but you aren't a prison breaker. You put yourself in a lot of danger for me. Why?"
Mailie was at a loss for words. She'd spent nearly every moment of the last week wet, tired, and hungry, and hadn't had much time to think about what she was doing, or why she was bothering to do it. But every night since the prison, when she'd settled down on a hard stone floor, rickety wooden bed, or half-wet patch of dirt next to Brynjolf, some part of her had relaxed. Despite the soreness of her muscles and the unshakeable chill in her bones, the familiar heat of his body and strength of his arms had made it all worth it. But she didn't know how to tell him that, not without sounding like the foolish little girl she'd tried so hard not to be. So she did the only thing she could: She leaned forward and kissed him.
She'd kissed him countless times before, but this was different. She tried to put everything, every word she couldn't say, every thought she didn't know how to share into the union of their lips. He seemed surprised at first, and she almost thought he might push her away, but in a moment his hands were on her, pulling her close. Mailie knew there was not an inch of her body that Brynjolf didn't know like his own, and yet he touched her like something rare and precious. It was no different for her; every brush of his fingers against her waist sent a shock through her body.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of kisses, Mailie retreated, though just inches from his face. Brynjolf's hand cradled the back of her head, and she knew he would be running his fingers through her hair if she hadn't braided it.
"I love you, too," he whispered.
She rested her forehead against his, endlessly grateful that he'd understood. "I should get back," she murmured as she pressed another kiss to his lips.
"Mm. Or, you could stay here–" His hands drifted to the buckles of her armor. "--and give me something to focus on besides this gods-damned leg."
She gently pushed his hands away. "Someone will hear us, Bryn."
"I can be quiet... besides, you muffled the door, remember?"
Mailie rolled her eyes playfully. "I knew you'd figure it out eventually. Regardless, I should go before Vex comes looking for me."
"Fine." Brynjolf settled back against the bed. "Come see me after?"
"Well, I have to sleep somewhere, don't I?" She leaned down and kissed him again. "Get some sleep, love. I'll be back soon." With that, she stood up to leave.
"Oh, by the way," Mailie called from the door. "You've got Delvin's bookkeeping duties until you can walk."
"Desk work?" Brynjolf sputtered. "You have to be fucking–"
Mailie shut the door and walked down the corridor, chuckling.
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 2/18 “Back In The Saddle” (more glorious filler) Part 2
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Wow, Netflix really borked the captions in this scene.
Thinking about how the Chilton Crew wants Lorelai to come to the school and advise their business class, and then I remembered that in a season 3 episode (the one where Lane dyes her hair purple) she does just that at Stars Hollow High, but it didn't exactly go well for her, because instead of asking her questions about what it's like to run an inn, the students were more interested in why 16 years earlier she let Crustypher Hayden boink her on her parents' balcony in the middle of the winter. Then an army of PTA Karens (or Debbies, in that case) approach her outside the school and the word "Condoms" is thrown about, absolutely scandalous. So perhaps she's better off giving this one to Richard.
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I swear to gawd, Lorelai, you better give my boy Michel a day off with no questions asked, after all the times you abandoned your post in the last few weeks to help Lucas and left poor Michel to pick up your shifts. She thankfully doesn't give him any guff. We then learn he is (apparently?) excited about his mother coming to visit, while Sookie and Lorelai try to remedy Sookie's misprinted wedding invitations by screaming at some poor underpaid customer service agent who is probably Kirk. Glorious, pointless filler!
A few moments later, Lorelai declines Rory's invitation to Business Advise her and she suggests she asked Richard instead, so Rory goes and visits Richard and he...also declines. Emily gets wind of this declination and gives Richard the business about letting Rory down, and they get into a spat over it. Spoiler alert: He eventually changes his mind.
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The sign reads as follows: LIBERTY BELL: The bell in Stars Hollow was cast in 1780 to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the town. The bell cracked the first time it was rung and weighed 2000 pounds. The strike of the bell is E-Flat. On June 6, 1944, when allied forces landed in France, the sound of the bell was broadcast to all parts of the country. Guess that's just another thing they're trying to erase from American history textbooks! Seeing as it's directly next to the gazebo and would be hard to miss, I don't think we ever see this sign again and I don't know why we're seeing it now. Also, there is no actual bell to be seen anywhere in the vicinity. Lane is babbling to Rory about something and I have no clue what she's on about. I had to rewind. Okay, it sounds like she took one of those "Career aptitude" tests at school and it told her she should pursue a career in sales and now she's freaking out over it. R: "Lane, in ten years we'll be having lunch in Paris not discussing if you made quota." Rory is really hoping that in ten years Paris IS her lunch. I'm dirty.
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The look on Rory's face is like she knows he's coming up behind her. The temperature drops a few degrees whenever he appears. She has a sixth sense for this stuff. She's evolved a series of survival mechanisms. She's like, "if I freeze, maybe he'll just sniff me, see I'm not a threat, and scamper off into the woods. He's more scared of you than you are of him. Stay perfectly still, Rory." Lane, however, is oblivious to the danger, as always.
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Women's Reactions To The Arrival Of Dean Forrester: A field guide. Unless you'e Lorelai Gilmore, a typical presentation is quiet, slack jawed terror and/or silently planning an escape route.
Okay butthead, what do you want? How is AmyShermanPalladino going to stuff you into this plot about Rory's grandfather, one that has nothing to do with Boys?
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Okay Forrester, you've reached your 1 sentence, four word quota. The time to stop talking is now.
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How about you suck my non existent left nut, Forrester?
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Please don't do it Rory. I know you have more than 4 brain cells to squeeze together in that smart noggin of yours and you can choose to decline.
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She was probably like "Oh yeah Dean I REALLY miss seeing you play softball", the same way she probably said to him "I REALLY want to see Lord of the Rings with you." Dean my friend, it's fine if you can't understand sarcasm, many people can't, and that's OK. But I feel this is causing a bit of a communication issue between you and Rory. For example, you think Rory cares about your stupid hobbies but in actuality Rory would rather see you walk face first into a nest of sexually frustrated hornets than do any of this shit with you.
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Are we still on this "I spent one night without Dean so now I have to spend every night with Dean" kick?
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I was so blinded with rage I almost missed the guy cradling a chicken in the background.
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Poor Butthead is sad. Wah wah wah. That chicken has more brain cells than you.
Rory got the short end of the stick playing Bargaining With Butthead again, because he's still going to show up at her house later!
Not me going to Google to read up on the weight of a softball and trying to imagine the satisfying crack when one beans him in the head later, knocking him unconcious. WHAT WAS THE POINT OF ALL THIS? Just so Jared Padalecki could get a paycheck? Remember how the WB cut Milo a check for not working? Couldn't they have done that to Jared? Go home, kick your feet up, and don't ever come back to this show. If only. Michel's Mom shows up at the Inn and it's a cute Z plot but it means fuckall and I have nothing to say.
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We haven't been told why Richard decided to change his mind, but he did. The random student in the group is named Chip, and with a name like that he's definitely a 35 year old posing as a high school student.
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Watch as Madelyn effortlessly invents the Amazon Echo (Alexa) (or a smartphone, depending on how you want to frame it, but the fact that it's meant to be stored in one area sounds more like Alexa to me) but Rory says it can't be done because nobody knows how to build a robot. Another brilliant woman whose multi-billion dollar ideas will eventually be co opted by a man. All because Rory didn't know anyone in her high school who could build a highly complex technologically advanced talking assistant in the year 2002. Pity, that. If you think about it, even the "Carrying your stuff" did not have to mean a literal robot butler, but foreshading the way a smartphone stores books and other school materials. Meanwhile Richard is falling asleep and nursing a migraine listening to her incredible pitch probably because she's a Girl, and the two other men in the group are contributing nothing. Louise wants to invent some sort of device to track lost lipsticks. You attach it to your lipstick then press a button on a remote to find it when it get lost? It sounds dumb on the surface then you realize she just invented AirTags. Rory and Paris are not on board with the LipStick LoJack or the Amazon Echo/Iphone. We have two incredibly advanced minds at work here. and they're being absolutely wasted. What this really means is that AmyShermanPalladino was inventing these things well over a decade before they were actually realized and entered the public conciousness. Let's give her some credit. Dang. I can't recall what the winning idea ends up being but I'm sure it will be absolutely usless. Wait, wait, here it comes... Paris' pitches...a first aid kit. Really? This is the brilliant idea that wins out over all the rest (they never bothered to ask Chip The 35 Year Old or Brad for ideas and actually Rory herself never contributed any idea of her own). Richard wants to know why Paris is inventing a) something that already exists b) something free c) something widely available d) something absolutely idiotic and lame and uninteresting to teenagers, and if you gave teenagers free first aid kits they'd probably just take the contents out and chuck them at each other. And what is her brilliant marketing tactic to get the Teens on board?
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This idea is so dumb that it's completely out of character for Paris. How's this gonna look on your Harvard application, girly? I'm not gonna say that in 1998 I wouldn't have bought a lunch box full of band aids if someone slapped a picture of the Backstreet Boys on them, but... I don't know how to end that sentence.
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Go on Paris, keep on making the old man feel smug and justified in his thinking that teenage girls only care about unicorns and the color pink. Richard: Tricked out first aid kits? You really think that's going to work? Paris: Yes, yes I do. Richard: So do I. It's perfect. I think Richard has been hitting the bottle a little too hard during his retirement. Rory agrees that the idea is just brilliant, the boys have still contributed nothing, and we cut away from the scene with Richard having never asked his own grand daughter to present any ideas.
She should have invented Buttzilla Repellent spray to keep Dean at bay. Honestly.
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prismatica-the-strange · 10 months
Black Sheep | Surprising These Hands Can Hold Me Up
Warnings: 18+, nudity, I have never read the books so I'm basically adlibbing from the movie-verse, sorry if my lore is off
Beretta starts to adjust to her current life as a suitor in King Caspian's castle despite a few setbacks, they start to become quite fond of each other.
Not a fully coherent story and not quite an anthology, but an assortment of moments from early on in Caspian and Retta's relationship. Takes place over the course of six to seven months.
Word Count: 4.5k
Song: Gold by We Are the Guests | Picrew Link | Dividers by @cafekitsune
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He can tell she knows he's there by the way her ears flick at his every quiet movement, but she doesn't look up from her book.
"So this is where you hide when you disappear," He says, bringing her attention fully to him.
"Your Majesty," She starts to close her book and stand, her middle finger keeping her page, but he waves his hand to stop her.
"You don't need to stand and, please, call me Caspian," He insists, taking a seat next to her on the stone bench.
She nods, sitting back where she was, but she's much less relaxed, her back looking more rigid than before.
"I didn't mean to interrupt your reading. Is it a good book?" He kicks himself for being so awkward with her. He just doesn't know how to act around suitors yet.
"My favorite, actually," She admits.
He glances over her shoulder to see well-read pages with notes and scribbles filling the margins.
She likes to read. He makes a mental note of that.
"Perhaps you would care to tell me about it tonight over dinner?" He asks, "Only if you wish to. I'd love to know more about the things you enjoy."
He tries to hide the smile spreading across his face when he sees her cheeks tint pink.
"I believe that sounds agreeable, your Majesty."
"Good, but I believe I asked you to call me-"
"Caspian," She replies, correcting herself. They've know each other barely over a week but he can't deny the flutter in his chest at the sound of his name on her lips.
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It's been nearly three months since her arrival and he has a surprise for her. The only problem is he's searched the whole castle and can't seem to find her anywhere, not even in the hidden nook in the garden where she likes to read.
He sighs, relief washing over him when he does find her in one of the less-used corridors until he sees the troubled look in her eyes.
"There you are," He calls, making his way over, "I've been looking for you. What's wrong?"
"Nothing," She waves off his concern as he takes her hands.
"That look didn't seem like nothing to me," He pushes, thumbs brushing the fur peaking out from the cuffs of her sleeves.
She refuses to meet his gaze, worried if she were to look into his warm brown eyes she'd crumble.
"I'm fine," She insists.
Since she seems unwilling to tell him, he drops the subject for now.
"Well, no matter the case, I have something for you."
"For me?"
"Yes, for you," He chuckles.
"You didn't have to..." She looks up at him and his eyes light up.
"I know," He grins, "I wanted to."
He leads her out to the stables where he has both their horses saddled and ready.
"Are we going somewhere?" She asks.
"You didn't think your surprise was in the stables, did you?"
Her ears fall slightly at his teasing, cheeks warming up again.
"May I?" He holds out his hand to help her onto her horse.
She's hesitant but lets him, his hand is warm around hers.
"Thank you."
She notices as he pulls himself into his own saddle, that his sword is hanging off it. Her bow and quiver are secured to hers and her eyebrows furrow.
"You think we'll need these?"
"I prefer to have them with us, just in case."
She nods in agreement, taking up her horse's reins.
"So where're we off to?" She asks, eyeing the large pack on the back of his saddle.
"Just follow me.
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It's farther than she expected, nearly half a day's ride from the castle. They'd left later than he wanted, so they make it to the camp just as the sun sinks below the horizon.
"Caspian, what is all this?" She asks.
"It was meant to be more of a secluded dinner for the two of us but," He clears his throat, "I seemed to have gotten the timing wrong."
She chuckles, jumping down from her horse before he can offer her his hand again.
"It's a nice spot," She comments, "Pretty."
"I'll get a fire started."
"I can do that. You seem to have some unpacking to do," She snickers, motioning to his pack with her chin.
Twenty minutes later they're sat across a roaring fire, picking at the remnants of their packed lunch.
"Not much of a meal, is it?" She comments and his eyes go wide.
"If you want more I can-..." She starts laughing when he moves to stand and he freezes, words trailing off.
"I'm teasing, My King," She smirks.
"Oh," He settles back down, chuckling and hoping the firelight hides his reddening cheeks.
By the way she keeps giggling, he can tell it doesn't, which only makes it worse.
"So," She crisscrosses her legs as she sits up, looking at him over the fire, "How did get this one past your advisers?"
"I have no idea what you mean," He smiles at her.
"Well, some people might consider this... improper," She teases, "A young, unmarried couple stealing away unchaperoned to the woods? Scandalous."
"I believe that, if we are to be married, someday, we should be able to get to know each other in a... less formal setting," He explains and she nods.
"I will find us something a little more hearty in the morning," He says.
"You plan on hunting with that sword of yours?"
He sees the way the light catches as a playful glint in her eye.
"Perhaps you would rather catch our breakfast, then?"
"I'd likely be quicker at it."
This is better, He thinks. Their conversation flows much more comfortably than at the palace.
She seems to be able to hold her own out in the wilderness. He doubts that any of his other suitors would be nearly this at home in the woods.
"So, you didn't bring yourself a bow, did you forget anything else important?"
"Like what?"
"Wine of course!" Her eyes narrow at him, "You can't expect to spend multiple nights without any spirits!"
He laughs at that, one thing he's noticed is that she never goes a meal without at least one goblet of wine.
"I had a cask brought out," He assures her and her ears flick down in surprise.
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He wakes up not long after the sun rises to the sound of boots shuffling in the dirt.
He reaches for his blade out of instinct, only to realize it's just his companion.
He rubs the sleep from his eyes as he sits up and he freezes when she drops three dead rabbits on the ground in front of him.
"How long have you been up?" He asks.
"Maybe an hour before dawn."
"You couldn't sleep?"
"I was hungry."
"You should have woken me," He argues, picking up the animals.
"I didn't see a need," She shrugs, "Now, I killed them, so you prep."
"Sounds fair," He grins. He pulls out his knife and is about to get to work, but stops when she starts to leave camp again, "Where are you going?"
"To wash up," She calls over her shoulder, "I got blood in my fur."
Once he's skinned and prepared the rabbits to be cooked he follows her path to wash the blood from his hands and dagger.
He stops in his tracks when she comes into view. Her clothes are laid out on a rock on the river bank and she stands in thigh-high water with her back to him as she washes herself.
He means to look away but instead, his eyes wander her frame. Curly, black fur wraps around her hips, trailing down her thighs, up her spine, and spreading out to her shoulders. A black fuzzy tail sits at the base of her spine just before the curve of her rear.
He looks up to see her looking back at him, her arm quickly moving to cover her breasts.
"D-did you need something?"
"I-" His eyes go wide and his mouth opens and closes soundlessly, "I-I didn't-!
His hand suddenly flies up to cover his eyes before he turns his back.
With his back to her, he can't see the small, curious smile playing on her lips, "How long were you standing there?"
He looks up at the sky, nose scrunching in embarrassment, "I apologize, I... I didn't mean to."
She bites her bottom lip when an idea comes to her.
"I don't mind," He hears water splash as she makes her way towards the river bank, "You startled me is all."
Her voice is right next to him now and when he glances toward her he chokes on air. She's still naked.
She chuckles and places her hand on his arm.
"It's alright," She purrs.
Aslan help him, He prays, swallowing hard and tearing his eyes away from the trail of dark fuzz leading from her sex to just below her breasts to meet her gaze.
"You- um..."
He's red from the neck up and the sight makes her grin.
She giggles as she pulls away, and he can't stop himself from watching her hips sway as she walks towards her clothes, her tail flicking playfully.
He huffs and shakes his head. Sometimes he forgets she is one with how poised and stoic she acts at the castle. But seeing this side of her seems to endear him to her more.
The other suitors he's met are much more... stuck up is a word he would use. More proper, and would never allow themselves to be caught like this with him before marriage, let alone this early into their courtship.
He glances back over his shoulder to see her now covered.
She comes back toward him, her hand running down his arm as she passes.
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She giggles as she finishes her goblet of wine.
The cask is nearly half gone and she's drank most of it herself.
She sighs and leans her head on his shoulder, deciding three cups in to move from her spot across the fire to sit by his side.
"Mmm, this is nice," She mumbles, nuzzling her head against the bottom of his chin
The fire is warm, but where she lays against him is burning hot, and even then, he can't seem to find it in himself to remove her.
It isn't long before she starts to relax more, her black nose twitching as she adjusts beside him.
She clumsily slides her head into his lap, a small, drunken smile on her face.
"This was a great idea," She laughs, "I feel like I can breathe again!"
He hesitantly reaches to brush his fingers through her hair, it's a temptation he's been fighting since they first met. It just looks so soft.
His fingers still and the question lingers in his eyes as he looks down at her face. Her cheeks are flushed the cutest shade of pink as she stares back at him.
"May I?"
She nods, her eyes fluttering shut when he runs his hand disappears into her hair.
He lets a baffled chuckle, it's even softer than he expected, and her ears-
"Eh!" Her eyes snap open and she hurriedly sits up.
"D-did I-"
"My ears," She whimpers, pulling on the one he'd caressed, "They're very sensitive..."
"I'm sorry."
She shakes her head, peeking over her shoulder at him, "I should have said something."
He reaches over again, fingers brushing the fur at the back of her neck. Her ears flick at the touch and he pulls away slightly. She looks back at him, her face bright red, "Well don't stop."
She sounds almost embarrassed, but the feel of his hands in her fur was so delectable that she doesn't want it to end.
He chuckles at her annoyance, arm gently wrapping around her to lay her back in his lap.
He cards his fingers through her fur, runs his thumb over the spots on her cheek, and pets the fur on the sides of her face as the night goes on. She looks as though she were in heaven under his lavishments until she falls asleep.
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Summer fades to fall and it's late autumn when another, unexpected, suitor arrives at the castle, with too much luggage and three ladies' maids.
Much to Baretta's dismay, Caspian doesn't turn her away outright, far too chivalrous to do so after she's traveled such a long way. Had she been in The Fae Empire she wouldn't have hesitated to do so for inconveniencing her.
A week into her stay winter blows in, freezing the landscape in frigid snow.
"There you are, my king!" A shrill voice calls from behind them, interrupting their mid-morning walk, "I've been looking everywhere for you!"
Caspian and Beretta share an annoyed look before he turns to greet her.
"Good morning, Princess Georgiana," He smiles courteously at her.
She looks flustered, cheeks flushed pink from the cold, and perfectly curled, golden, hair haphazardly tussled around her shoulders while simultaneously being crushed by her hat.
"Princess Georgiana," Beretta greets with a small bow of the head.
"May I join you?" She asks directly to Caspian, completely ignoring her.
Caspian though, looks to her for her approval and she sighs.
"I have something to attend to," She smiles politely, lying through her teeth.
Caspian's face falls when she lets go of his arm, dark eyes sorrowful as she steps away.
"No, please, stay," He says, trying to not sound like he's begging.
"I'm sorry, My King," She bites back a smile at that, "But I should leave you two be."
She tries not to laugh at the desperate look he's giving her when she turns to leave the garden.
Two hours later, Caspian is in a meeting with his advisors and Retta is curled up in a plush chair in one of the sitting rooms with a book and mug of hot chocolate.
"This castle is freezing," A familiar voice snaps, "Must be nice being a fuzzball, she doesn't have to worry about it."
Her ears pivot back. Fuzzball?
"Yes, m'lady."
"I'm shocked he lets her get that close," She continues, "I wouldn't be surprised if she had fleas."
"And who ever heard of a faun being queen of Narnia?" Georgiana scoffs, voice echoing throughout the castle corridors, "She must be kidding herself if she thinks he'll actually pick her!"
"Yes, m'lady..."
Her ears fall as she frowns. Do people actually think that?
Is she not what the people expect from a queen?
Self-doubt swirls in her mind and eats away her afternoon.
"I can't believe you left me to fend for myself with her this morning," Caspian jokes, startling her as he falls into the chair across from her, "I swear I have bruises from how tight she was clinging to my arm."
The sun is setting outside the windows and she wonders what happened to the day.
Her lack of response worries him.
"Retta?" He leans over, finger curling under her chin, turning her face to look at him, "Are you alright."
"I..." She can feel her eyes start to glass over but she doesn't pull away, "I'm fine."
His jaw sets when her voice cracks and he slides out of the chair to his knees in front of her, taking her face in his hands.
"What happened?"
"I-I'm not..." She tries to not sniffle, "Not good enough..."
His dark eyes search hers for more answers, "Not good enough? For who, my love?"
"For you," She cries, tears falling down her cheeks and dampening her fur.
His eyes go wide and he tries to wipe them away with his thumbs.
"Where did you ever get such a silly idea? I'm certain Aslan himself must have blessed me with the chance to be by your side," She looks at him with big, wet eyes as he continues, "And may he help whoever made you feel this way, for they will have no shelter from my rage."
He pulls her closer and tilts her head down to kiss her forehead.
"Come now," He shushes, moving to sit beside her, nudging her over before pulling her into his lap, "It's alright. Dry your eyes."
She feels childish, crying like this over something she'd overheard from a pompous, spoiled brat of a princess. But the way he cradles her against his chest is more than enough to soothe that worry.
She clings to him and lets herself be truly vulnerable.
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The Christmas Ball quickly approaches and since their heart-to-heart, if that's what you can even call it, Beretta and Caspian have been closer than ever.
The only thing keeping them from declaring their complete and utter love for each other to all of Narnia is a handful of old laws and traditions.
Caspian must first meet with and consort with all of his suitors, then spend the minimum of a year courting the one he desires and desires him in return.
The whole thing frustrates him to no end. He knows who he wishes to spend his life with, who he wants to rule over Narnia with.
"You seem upset," Her cool fingers rubbing between his furrowed brows, smoothing the wrinkles by making him relax slightly.
"Just thinking."
He takes her hand in his and kisses the back of it.
"Tell me what's troubling you," She says, sitting on the arm of his chair, cradling his hand in her lap.
"My own impatience," He sighs, looking up at her, "I want you by my side."
"I am, silly," She bumps him with her hip and he chuckles.
"In everything," He clarifies, "In life, as my queen, my other half, and I yours."
"You have many suitors, My King," She reminds him.
He groans, slumping back in his desk chair, "Yes, I know. And much of Narnia to reunite."
"Would it not be easier for everyone if I had the matter of my marriage settled so we could all focus on bringing peace to Narnia?"
"Romantic," She teases.
"You know what I mean."
"Yes, I do," She kisses the top of his head, muttering into his hair, "And I share the sentiment."
"You're Majesty- Oh! I-I apologize."
They both look to the door where Reepicheep is standing, flustered, gold ringlet between his paws.
"I didn't mean to interrupt."
"It's alright, Reep," Caspian chuckles, motioning him in, "What did you need?"
The mouse quickly climbs up onto his desk and bows to them.
"My lady."
She bows her head to him in return and he turns to Caspian.
"Your Majesty, your advisors are gathered in the war room. They wish to discuss with you about the Giants of the North."
Caspian lets out another sigh, looking over at Beretta longingly. He'd much rather spend his time with her.
"I'll be around should you need me," She promises, finger tilting his chin up at her. She kisses his forehead and wanders out of his study.
"You know, Your Majesty," Reep says, "Some traditions are meant to be changed.
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Reepicheep's words stick with him and before he knows it, it's the night of the Christmas Ball.
He adjusts the collar of his jacket, grimacing at the color in the mirror.
The dark, piney green is definitely festive, but not a color he would have chosen for himself. This is what he gets for leaving all the decisions up to his tailor.
Normally, he would be looking forward to a night of levity and merriment, but not tonight, because that's not what tonight will be for him. No, tonight he meets the rest of his suitors, all those who were unable to join them at the castle previously will be gathered at the ball.
He'll be expected to greet, mingle, and dance with each of them as the night goes on. The only thing keeping him from sneaking away outright is that he'll be able to share, hopefully several, dances with Beretta.
The party has barely started and he finds himself already overwhelmed with the people wanting to speak with him.
He's courteous and kind as they bombard him, and it's only by happenstance that he notices Beretta enter.
Her earthy greens and browns are changed to a beautiful wintery blue for the night, with a white bust above the corset, flowing sleeves, and gold trimmings.
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He doesn't even realize he's trailed off mid-sentence until the duke he's conversing with speaks up.
He finds himself distracted as he makes his first round about the ballroom, his eyes drifting to wherever she may be.
By the time he finally makes his way to her, he's desperate to be near her.
"My King," She greets when he approaches her. She bows to him, standing on ceremony in the bustling ballroom.
Before she can rise to face him he gathers her hands in his, pulling them up to his lips.
"I have missed you today, Lamb," He mutters against her skin.
"Caspian," She chastises quietly, pulling her hands from his, "You can't do that here."
Her cheeks are pink and he wants nothing more than to kiss them.
She looks up at him with warm yet sympathetic eyes.
"Please," He bends at the hip in a small bow, offering his hand, "Join me for my first dance of the night?"
She bites back the grin fighting its way to her face, smiling politely with a small nod, "I would be honored, My King."
She melts at the way his face lights up when she takes his hand.
"Caspian," She mutters as he leads her to the middle of the room. Nearly all eyes are on them, and she's suddenly aware that the musicians are playing quiet melodies, barely audible over the chatter. He doesn't seem to notice as he turns her to face him, "No one is dancing."
"That's one of the great things about being king," He says, wrapping his arm around her waist, "If I wish to dance..."
The music picks up into a waltz and they fall into step together.
He feels himself able to breathe again, getting lost in the feel of her touch. Her closeness is suffocating in its own way but he wouldn't have it any other way.
He grips her hips, feeling the give of her fur beneath the silk of the gown, and lifts her up with a twirl.
The back of her hand trails down the side of his face as he sets her back on her feet.
Her eyes are so soft and her hands are so warm on his shoulders, he can't stop himself from leaning down to press his lips to hers.
He worries he's done something wrong when she quickly pulls away, eyes wide in shock.
"I'm sorry," He whispers, but before he can stand straight again she takes his face in her hands, pulling him in for a deeper kiss.
Their feet still as he cups the back of her neck, keeping her close.
The crowd and world around them fall away and months of yearning come to a head.
Her lips are just as soft as the rest of her as they move against his. He forgets himself, forgets where they are, and presses their chest closer together.
His pupils are blown wide when he pulls away, turning his already dark eyes to pitch.
"My love," He breathes, a small smile playing on his lips, "I fear I may die if I ever stop kissing you."
She grins up at him, butterflies dancing in her stomach, "Caspian, I-"
"My King," A woman interrupts, shattering their little bubble.
They turn to see Georgiana in her bright red dress with too many ruffles and petticoats, her hair curled and piled high on her head, adorned with holly leaves.
"Lady Georgiana," Caspian nods.
Retta all but hides her face against his shoulder, not ready to relinquish their moment.
"My father would like a moment of your time, Your Majesty," She curtsies.
Torn again between his duty as a king and his longing to stay beside her, he sighs.
Beretta's face falls when he steps back, trying to keep her hurt from showing as he bows to her.
It doesn't work. The pain in her eyes breaks his heart.
"Thank you for the dance, My Lady."
He swallows hard when she bows back, "My King."
The night drags on for hours and he's unable to speak to her since their kiss.
As the party winds down and guests start to filter from the ballroom to their suites, he searches for her in the crowd.
When he can't find her he takes to her room, hesitating outside her door for a moment before knocking.
"Caspian?" She asks when she sees him.
"Did I offend you?" He asks worridly, referencing to their moment on the dance floor, his eyes wandering her body and the long satin nightgown clinging to her curves.
"No," Her eyes narrow in confusion and she reaches up to place her hand on his cheek, "Why would you think so?"
"You disappeared without saying goodnight."
"I was tired," She admits, "And you seemed occupied. I didn't wish to pull you away from anything important."
He leans into her touch, lips grazing the edge of her palm, eyes falling shut.
"You look exhausted."
"I am," He mumbles, "May I come in?"
"You know I would never deny your company, My King," Her voice is quiet.
"But... I think it's best you take to bed."
He forces his eyes to open, placing his hand over the one on his cheek.
"And what if I wish to spend the evening with you, Lamb?"
"Caspian..." She coos, letting him back her into her chambers, door shutting behind him before he kisses her softly.
He smiles against her lips when she lifts onto her toes to get closer to him.
She grips the raised collar of his jacket when he moves to pull away.
"This night without you on my arm has been torture, my love," He breathes.
She bumps his nose with hers, a small whine coming from the back of her throat. She couldn't agree more. Seeing him be fawned over by dozens of gorgeous, powerful women made her feel as though a vice had been strangling her heart.
"Beautiful, wonderful, lovely..." He murmurs against her lips and cheeks, his hands warm on her neck and collarbone.
"Caspian," Her fingers weave into his hair, pulling strands from their tie and tilting his face up to look at her.
Her expression is soft as she gazes warmly at him. His hands fall to her hips, his breath shuddering when she leans forward, lightly kissing the spot between his eyes.
"My queen..."
His voice is barely audible, but her sensitive ears hear the loving sigh and she laughs, "I don't believe I hold that title, love."
"Not yet, but... someday."
She blinks at him in surprise. Is this a proposal? "Cas..."
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korgbelmont · 1 year
Choices Summer Updates
I admit, I didn't expect to be doing a post like this until next week with the July Insiders, but here we are!
Undercut due to length of post
Blades of Light and Shadow 2 Oh, do we have a story for you! When you face the Shadow Realm once again, your skills are put to the ultimate test. Are you back in the Realm of your own accord? Or are you there against your will? Only time will tell, in the September 2023 premiere!
So it looks like the skills from BK1 may be carrying over to BK2. I'm interested to see what the Empire of Ash is like compared to the Shadow Court and how everything will play out.
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My guess is that these are the new Love Interests mentioned in the video that was put out after BK1. Which means those who were hoping for Aerin when BK1 was releasing could potentially have their win! And just like Imtura, Mal, Nia, and Tyril, he is getting a new look. The other is named Valax, and I am intrigued about her and how she'll fit into the story. I remember when it was announced BK2 would add new Love Interests, I was hoping it would be a female Elf and male Orc. It looks like I may have been half right.
Unbridled: An Untameable Story Saddle up, partner! In the spinoff of Untameable, you’ll play as a brand new character, but you'll still see some familiar faces around. So get ready for a rodeo of a good time!
My guess is that the new MC will be someone who takes a job at the ranch in someway. As for the Love Interest, no idea. I imagine, like Untameable, it'll be a Single Love Interest book.
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So I think the first image may be something to do with the new MC as we know that it is a gender of choice book. The second image I think might be related to Kit in someway as they may have since gone more into their dream of working in food. The third and fourth image I'm guessing may be CGs for the Love Interest.
The Cursed Heart 2 Coming 2024: The Cursed Heart 2! After a grueling battle to rid Kieran of their curse, you may think all has been put to rest. But friends, that could not be further from the truth. A new threat stands to rid the land of fae – no matter which Court they belong to.
I really don't know what to expect for The Cursed Heart 2. I do have a theory that somehow Longclaw is going to become Gleam again, but I don't know.
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Intrigued as to what this could be in relation to during the book. Only one way to find out.
Immortal Desires 2 Another sequel is in the works! Immortal Desires 2 will also premiere in 2024! After your Turning at the end of Book 1, your kindling romance with both Cas and Gabe soon turns to jealousy when you are faced with the ultimate decision – which coven will you dedicate your life to?
To this day, I am still surprised at the decision to give this a sequel rather than have it be a standalone. And I am definitely ready for more. I had a feeling the whole choosing a coven thing would be a part of it and it'll be interesting to see how the decision affects the relationship if you went the poly route during BK1. For me, it'll probably be Clement as I played Gabriela's route only.
All that being said, I feel like there could be a chance something will happen that may see MC, Cas, and Gabe make their own coven.
Upcoming Themes Sometimes, the community will request a certain type of book, and we love to hear those ideas. We often can’t share details about books that will come out way in the future, but we dug up a few hints that we wanted to share. In 2024, you can expect to see books about: 👻♥️ | 🔪🧐 | 🏒🔥
I know I've said about being rubbish with emojis, but this time I'll have a go haha.
The first I imagine means another supernatural book (woohoo!), bit of a strange pair of emojis to pick though. I guess the heart refers to the Love Interest(s). Guess we'll find out next year.
The second screams mystery book. The monocle emoji gives me Poirot vibes. I'm guessing a murder mystery.
The third pair I imagine is in reference to the sports book they announced earlier in the year. Looks like said sport could potentially be hockey. I'm not really a sports person, but for now, I'll say I'll give it a go.
So that was everything regarding upcoming books in the blog post. I'll be back with more thoughts next week for the Insiders.
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dragonmasterhiccup · 24 days
Eret stumbled back as Toothless came running at him, eyes wide with shock.
Though he quickly regained his composure, and without asking questions, he nodded curtly, looking up at Hiccup with determination. “Aye-aye Chief, I’m on it!” And with that, he was jogging towards Astrid’s hut, alerting her to the situation.
Danny had been minding her own business, washing one of the Zipplebacks in the stables, when Hiccup came speeding in on Toothless.
She flinched, dropping the brush, turning around and staring up at Hiccup wide-eyed.
She didn’t take long to react, immediately mounting onto Toothless’ saddle, her hands resting on either of Hiccups shoulders, waiting for him to take off. “Hiccup, what’s going on?! Is everything okay?”
Something was most definitely wrong, Hiccup rarely acted with such urgency unless something was seriously off.
Eret had rounded up the majority of the council, excluding Fishlegs and Spitelout. Fishlegs had been gone on leave, going to check on the Dramillions, and Spitelout… was no one where to be found…
Eret, Astrid, Valka, and Snotlout all sat in Hiccups hut, anxiously waiting for him to return.
“So does ANYBODY know what this is about? Anybody at all?!” Snotlout snapped. “And WHERE is my dad? He’s a council member too y’know.”
“I couldn’t find Spitelout fast enough, he was no where to be seen,” Eret retorted.
“Well, the last time I saw him, he got mad and went to find Hiccup, I must’ve said something to tick him off.”
As soon as she was holding on, they took off, heading towards the beach. "It's Spitelout, he knows, and he's on a rampage. You need to hide, it's not safe...there's a cave on the beach, it's well hidden, no one else knows about it, aside from me. You should be safe there until I know what plan to use."
He turned back, his face full of sorrow. "This...it's all my fault. I should have acted on it sooner. I'm so sorry, Danny. I'm going to fix this, I promise!"
At the mention of Spitelout, Astrid and Valka exchanged a look, both having a sneaking suspicion of what this was all about.
Astrid raised an eyebrow at Snotlout. "What did you say, Snotlout?"
Then, Hiccup and Toothless came in. The young chief was visibly worried. "Oh, good, you're all here...well, most of you, actually this...this is fine. We have a problem."
"You all remember Danny? And....who her father was? It's Spitelout, he found out, and....he's on a war path. He's looking to...to imprison or even execute her, because he sees her as an enemy, and he sees me as....well, let's not get into that." He ran a hand through his hair, pacing as he spoke.
He further explained why he hadn't said anything sooner, since he didn't know how the people would react, and Spitelout was out there right now stirring up strife, spreading the news far and wide.
Finally staying in place, his hands fell at his sides. "She's hidden now, in a safe place, but...I...I don't know how to fix this."
He certainly couldn't tell the whole story...how she'd shot a dragon with an arrow out of fear, attempted to steal a boat and leave, he especially couldn't mention the time one of her friends had come, trying to kill Hiccup. But she had come through in that moment, saving his life.
Of course, no one, except those who were there, knew that his life had hung in the balance so recently.
Astrid spoke up first. "Well, she's not a Bludvist anymore. That might calm down the people."
Valka chimed in. "That may be true, but who knows how well they'll react to her being a Haddock now?"
"That should show that she's loyal, wouldn't it? There's a thing to be said about names, especially chosen names." Astrid looked to Hiccup as she stood alongside him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out, Hiccup."
His gaze was down on the floor.
Valka spoke up again. "Perhaps...we had the girl speak for herself? She is genuinely happy to be here, that might help the people see the truth."
Hiccup shook his head. "Until we can guarantee that she won't be imprisoned, or banished, or killed....I can't take that chance of putting her in front of an angry crowd."
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1016anon · 2 years
Title: Meet Me at the Fair Author: 55anon Fandom: Bridgerton Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton/Kate Sharma Summary: They met as children. A/N: Silly thing I wrote to get out of my system. Written to eponymous Push Stars song.
They'd met as children, both separated from their families at the autumn festival fair. Anthony had been afraid he'd never see his family again, so Kate made the executive decision to reassure him their families would most certainly find them and scold them. In the meantime, they'd been given an unprecedented opportunity: to ride the rides and play the games their parents hadn't allowed.
Kate in particular wanted to ride the creaking, rusted ferris wheel and Anthony wanted to go on the merry-go-round. Anthony chose a black horse, Kate chose a brown with a colorful saddle. They screamed and shouted in delight, pretending to race each other and arguing at the end which horse's nose was ahead by a fraction of a millimeter.
Kate won a small stuffed dog at the shooting arcade game, which she promptly gave to Anthony.
"His name is Leibniz."
"Leibniz? What kind of name is Leibniz?"
"I have a dog named Newton at home. Obviously Leibniz is Newton's best friend. They're both credited with discovering calculus."
He looked at her strangely and she became defensive.
"If you don't want Leibniz--"
"No, I want to keep him. I'll call him Liebe. It means love in German."
"Liebe. I like that," she grinned.
He ducked his head bashfully and distracted her by buying an enormous cloud of blue cotton candy. By the time they were finished, their fingers, tongues, and lips were stained blue. Anthony wasn't able to win anything at the arcade games, but they went on the ferris wheel together, where they played eye spy and obviously got into an argument whether clouds shaped like horses were fair game.
When the ferris wheel stopped at the top, they eagerly looked out at the view-- late afternoon, getting chilly and the sun beginning to accelerate its descent. Autumn was his favorite season; spring was hers; they pinky swore they would meet each other at next year's fair and sealed it with a blue lipped kiss.
Their families were waiting for them at the bottom of the ferris wheel, equal measures relieved and furious, while Kate took Anthony's hand and barreled to her parents:
"This is Anthony! He's my friend, and we've promised we will meet each other at the fair every year."
"Kate! Do you know how worried we've been? We searched for you everywhere!"
"Anthony, what have we told you to do when you get lost?"
"Hello Anthony's parents! I'm Kate. You mustn't be angry at him, I told him you were sure to find us and you have!" she motioned to the stuffed dog Anthony was holding. "This is Leibnitz, who goes by Liebe."
"Young lady, you and I are not done talking."
"Sir, Kate was very kind to me. Please don't be upset. I can give you Liebe, if you'd like."
"Anthony, was it?"
"Yes sir."
"Thank you for staying with our Kate, and please keep Liebe. It seems you both have made a friend today."
"We have, Appa!"
"Anthony, we must go back to the car."
"Yes, Father," he turned to Kate. "We'll meet again at the fair next year?"
"Next year," she nodded. "And every year after that. We promised."
And with the certainty of children, they had no doubt the other would keep that promise. It had, after all, been sealed with a kiss.
Cause I don't care what they think Yeah I'm doin fine They can strip away my skin but they can never get inside
No matter where they were, they always, every year, found a way to meet at the annual fall fair, waiting for each other in front of the ferris wheel. It was before smartphones and the facebook; elementary school, middle school, high school passed and then Anthony's father died in the spring and they had to move to the city, suddenly responsible for his entire family. He didn't meet her at the fair. Kate's own father had died that autumn and she desperately needed to see him at the fair, but he never showed.
Then the next year, the fair was cancelled. Anthony and Kate, in a fit of annual stupidity and romanticism, had not exchanged phone numbers or addresses, and lost each other. It had devastated them both-- it felt like the true end of childhood, time to put away childish things and childish notions. The only mementos they had were some fading photographs taken in the fair's little booth and a collection of stuffed toys and ride ticket stubs.
Newton had passed long ago; Kate's second dog had been named Erasmus-- a philosopher whose name meant 'beloved.' When Erasmus grew old and creaky and Kate got her third puppy, she named her Sappho.
Anthony kept Liebe. He used to sleep every night with Liebe tucked under his arm and he brought Liebe every year to the fair, just to show Kate he still had the dog. Over time, the dog's fur had gotten a bit thin and its stuffing squashed. But he kept Liebe.
They both thought, in this age of technology, surely they'd be able to find each other somehow, or meet. How many Bridgertons and Sharmas could there be?
It was easier for her to find him, but to learn he was aristocracy, and after so many years without having seen each other-- she was certain he must have forgotten her, or would simply laugh at her for clinging to an old childhood promise, now ten years broken. She didn't belong to his world and the only thing they shared was one day at the fair.
Anthony's siblings thought it so romantic, having watched their brother transform overnight after the death of their father. He'd tried, many different ways, to find her. There were more Sharmas in the world than he'd realized, and he thought, perhaps she might find him. There weren't many Anthony Bridgertons. But having been forced to practicality, he gave up the search, kept Liebe in his office, the ticket stubs and pictures in a box in the back of his closet, with one photo-- stained yellow with time-- of the two of them as children, gap toothed and smiling. That one, he kept in his wallet.
I come alive the moment you arrive In the lights and the popcorn and the people and the rides
Then, like a bolt of lightning from the sky, he saw her in the city, dressed smartly in a suit and long flowing hair pulled up in a very professional looking bun. He was in a suit and his leather shoes also but he ran after her, shouting her name.
She turned around and he saw her face light up with recognition, and the cyclist came out of nowhere, slamming into her a second before the light changed and Anthony watched his worst fucking nightmare unfold as both the cyclist and Kate were hit by a car trying to make the light.
The cyclist was thankfully protected by his helmet; he wound up with a broken wrist, several scrapes and bruises. Kate seemed fine, at first. Then she felt intense, sharp pain at her side and she screamed when someone tried to help her up, almost passing out from the pain. Something was wrong. Anthony knelt above her, phone to his ear, calmly and rapidly speaking to emergency services.
The driver was freaking out, others around them were trying to help in some way. A few went to the cyclist, a self proclaimed nurse went to move Kate into a recovery position and Kate couldn't breathe-- she felt like she was choking.
Then the paramedics came on the scene, assessed her, saw her becoming cyanotic, her blood pressure dropping, felt the affected area and were moving in a way Anthony knew was bad. He didn't know what was wrong, but he saw the particular calm paramedics fell into, their twistedly beautiful dance of lifting her up, hooking things to her and without thinking he named himself her next of kin as he climbed into the front of the ambulance and with shaking hands gave them her ID, unable to say anything.
She was wheeled into surgery immediately. Meanwhile, the administrative staff found that he was not, actually, her next of kin and called her emergency contact, Mary Sharma.
Mary remembered him-- Anthony, the boy Kate met at the fair every year-- and in some act of mercy, allowed him to stay.
Kate was in surgery for hours.
The bike's handles had smashed into her ribs, fracturing them and puncturing her lung, leading to pneumothorax. Thankfully they hadn't needed to place a chest tube. They'd had to remove part of her liver and she lost a significant amount of blood during surgery but overall, they were optimistic with respect to her recovery. She would, of course, have to take time off, since recovery would take weeks.
Anthony was immeasurably grateful that Mary did not tell him to leave, that she had everything in hand. She did have everything in hand, but looking at the young man's wrecked face, remembering Kate's silent tears as she put away the photos she'd taken at the fair-- Mary had no idea why they'd insisted on meeting only once a year at the fair, without even exchanging phone numbers. Kate had boyfriends and girlfriends over the years, but she always went to the fair alone, spent it with Anthony. He was likely the same.
He kept his siblings away. Edwina gave him a weird look when she saw him waiting by Kate's bedside. He had his secretary cancel his schedule, everything, he told the bare bones of the story to Benedict with strict orders not to allow their family to meddle or descend on the hospital. For once, the family respected his wishes.
Benedict did come by, however, with Liebe.
The first think Kate saw when she woke was Anthony, sleeping by her bed with Liebe tucked to his side.
And tomorrow, if you see her Send her love from me Cause I've been rollin' this roller coaster High beside the sea
Were they idiots for dating while she recovered, when he essentially moved in with her to hover like a helicopter? Probably. Their idea of a date was to take her to physical therapy; it took forever before laughing stopped hurting.
Were they weird when Anthony never moved out? Yes. Did they have terrible communication skills? Undoubtedly, but it would have been worse if they hadn't decided to immediately go to couples therapy, then individual therapy as well.
Anthony had a lifelong hatred for cyclists who wore blue helmets, as well as a lifelong hatred for any type of white Range Rover. Colin had a white Range Rover. Anthony had it traded in immediately for something else.
She had insecurities about his friends, so he got rid of them. He wasn't close to any of them. She loved that he still had Liebe. She had no idea how this became her life but decided not to look the merry-go-round gift horse in the mouth.
Anthony and Kate, when they committed, were intense. Something about seeing her hit by a cyclist and then a car right before his eyes made him more than happy to go to therapy, if that's what it took for them to become an actual couple instead of a cute romantic story which petered out in bitterness.
Was it surprising that he found an autumn fair and proposed to her at the top of the ferris wheel? Absolutely not.
Were they a cliche and improbable and so weirdly romantic despite being two of the most practical people their family and friends knew?
Well, all of that practicality had to be balanced out somehow, and what better way to have it balanced than through an impossible love story?
I got cotton candy lips saltwater taffy smile I'm blowin all my money but I'm goin out in style
Every year, they took Edmund, Miles, and Charlotte to the fair. Kate and Anthony always bought blue cotton candy. Anthony spent far too much money on the rigged games while Kate always, without fail, won something for him from the shooting game. Their family had a growing collection.
They loved the merry-go-round, no matter how ancient or plastic the horses. They loved the ferris wheel, though it took a few times to convince Miles they were not going to get stuck at the top. Charlotte loved the rides which gave Anthony a headache and made him throw up his caramel apple. Edmund, when he became a teenager, walked about as though he was above it all.
None of their children were impressed with Anthony and Kate's love story, leveling the same criticism at their parents they'd heard from everyone else: why didn't they get each other's phone numbers? Why did they only meet once a year?
But Anthony and Kate knew each other. It was a strange thing of chance, yet there was absolutely no doubt that if they had seen each other more often, become involved in each other's day to day lives from that young an age, they would have grown apart before they could even try to be something more. They might have hated each other.
These were all hypotheticals, but Anthony and Kate had both lived through some bitter, brittle years.
The fair meant something. It saved something in them. It preserved something, until it was ready to come out again.
What more could two people ask for, but to find a friend when they were lost, and find their way home together?
I start skippin down the street cause I smell it in the air Yeah I was and I am and I will always be a square.
Meet me at the fair
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Vacation complete. I'm pretty weary tonight. I'm not sure I got the energy I was hoping for out of this trip, but I guess we'll see how I feel in the morning.
I left on a friday. My dad picked me up from the airport and took me home. As usual, it was nice to be home. Something about that house... the way it smells, the way it sounds, the way it feels. It makes me feel good. I guess that's why it's home. I've lived in my apartment for years now, and I feel good there, but somehow it's still not "home" to me.
So it was good to be home. I spent saturday relaxing with my parents, and my aunt and uncle came over in the evening. We just talked and had dinner together. Talking--I feel like I did a lot of it this trip, and also not very much. I'll elaborate:
Throughout the trip, I spent all of every day with my parents. My anxiety was high. I felt constantly observed, constantly on edge. So I spent a lot of time with them, "talking," but I didn't actually do much in the way of speaking, and when I did speak, I said little of substance. There is such a gulf between my internal thoughts and the things I am willing to say around my parents (or anyone, really). I am always evaluating, self-censoring, fearing judgement, and so I say very little. I also noticed I was avoiding eye contact a lot. I sometimes wonder how people perceive me... do I seem normal? I try so hard not to stand out, but I'm not sure if it works.
So anyway. We drove to our vacation spot on sunday, and each day after that (I'll spare you the play-by-play) was roughly the same. I woke in the late morning, after my parents. We went out to some natural park or preserve and did light hiking, eating a picnic lunch. Then, we would return home, or read on a beach, or shop in a town before dinner. After dinner, perhaps a card game. Then, my parents would go to bed, and I would play a game for a few hours before bed--that time alone was the only time I truly felt relaxed.
It was fine. The parks were nice, the weather was lovely. It was sort of a "weekend cottage" sort of area, so during the week it was very quiet--we left just as it was getting crowded again on the weekend. All in all, a fine vacation. I would have enjoyed it more if I weren't saddled by my classic social anxiety.
After we returned, I had another couple of days at home, but I had to work remote, so they weren't super-relaxing. Then today, I went to the airport and flew home. My parents seemed extremely sad to see me go. It made me feel a little uncomfortable, honestly, because I was kind of ready to have a little more solitude.
So that was my vacation. Pleasant enough, but not super-high on the list of best vacations. I made it back tonight, feeling pretty tired from the travel, got some fast food, caught up on bills, and tried to relax a bit. They still haven't fixed my shower. But I don't have the energy to deal with that right now.
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hubwalker1 · 16 days
I May Fall
Jari sat in the dark, in pain, afraid, alone, aside from Rockbite, but he was of little consolation in this moment. Though she rested her head on his spines and cried, his words could not reach her. Nothing could, not even the pain being spread through the beacons it seemed.
Suddenly she felt a familiar presence begin to rapidly draw closer. One she'd come to rely on after many years. The Changeling came zipping down the tunnel Jari and Rockbite had created before taking on a more human, male form. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked with worry in his eyes, quickly looking her over, both physically and mentally.
"I-I don't know Chester." She says, looking smaller than he had seen her.
She was usually so bright and bold, always drawing everyone's attention, even his. To see her look like this, small, fragile. It tugged on something within him. "Alright, I'm getting you out of here. Rebellion be damned. I'll take you somewhere they'll never find us." His mind went to Bloedrest or somewhere else in the Demon Lands as he wrapped his arms around her, intent on carrying her out of here.
"Chester no." She says as she squirms out of his grip.
"We have to go!" He insisted.
"No!" Jari shouted back. "I can't just abandon everyone."
"You're not even sure you can win! Don't be stupid and sacrifice yourself for nothing!"
Her lips pressed together in a thin line as he said that. "If there's one thing I'm not it's stupid." She replies with a scowl. "You're right I don't know if we'll win. I'm not even sure I'll survive if we do. But I'll be damned if I didn't get it my all when my family needed it." She limped over to Rockbite who nuzzled into her before she slid into the saddle.
The Changeling click his tongue and shook his head. "You always were too damn stubborn."
"So, save yourself." She says with a slight smirk.
He sighs as he climbs on behind her, wrapping his form around her in a protective shell. "Unfortunately for us both, I like stubborn."
Jari laughs as she begins tunneling away to face off against Kezia again.
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dipperdesperado · 2 years
Outlining the first act of my romantic political thriller scene by scene
Hi all, long time no see! I've jumped back on the saddle with Project Dangerous Lovers, and I'm gonna try to pick back up with the updates! hope you enjoy ;)
An affluent leader of the government has his world turned upside down when he meets a member of one of the most neglected sects of society. As his empathy for the ‘other’ grows, so too does his love for the woman who showed him this new dimension of the world. How far will he go, to ensure the freedom that she desires? What lines will get crossed in pursuit of her goals?
Will have 40-60 beats
Act One
10ish beats
Opening Image
The President is at the pulpit, giving a speech. Ash watches, somewhat bored. The Presidential Square is located in the center of Juno. It is beautiful.
The Meet Cute
Ash runs into a beautiful security guard. They hit it off, immediately forming a connection. Banter, longing looks, the whole nine.
After the presidential speech, Hana starts to act on her plot to kill the president. She moves in.
Ash decides to follow her after a bit. He ends up seeing that she is trying to do something nefarious.
Hana pops out on stage, Ash on her heels. She tries to take out the president, but he stops her. Before she can get taken out, she takes Ash hostage. She makes an escape, with Ash as her prisoner.
Ash wakes up in a thatched house that is well-made. He has a splitting headache. His perception of Hana becomes marred by her act of terrorism. She comes in, and he’s on guard. He runs at her, and she pulls out her bow, aiming at him, telling him to sit down. He puts his hands up in surrender. When she lets her guard down, he tries to sneak up on her, and she uses something to make him go back to sleep.
Ash wakes up again, his fists clenched. He goes outside and sees Hana sitting on a rock, looking up at the stars. They’re on a small island. So small, this house is the biggest thing. They have a conversation that leads to a big argument… and realize that they have some massive differences. Hana tells Ash to get ready for their trip.
They go to a small pier, and Hana grabs a small boat, powered by the wind. Ash hops on, and they ride the waves.
They approach the Outer Ring, a place that almost looks magical to Ash, someone who’s been in the industrial world of Idyll all his life. The scraps and waste of the industrial world have been made into repurposed tools and landscapes of the Outer Ring. Hana tells him about the impact of what people are doing there in Idyll.
They ride up onto the coast of Circe, Hana’s village, and the heart of the Outer Ring. Hana is greeted by everyone; it’s a hero’s welcome. In the commotion, Ash makes a break for it.
Hana chases Ash, through the village and ends up near the Ringleader.
The leader of the outer ring introduces himself to Ash. After their chat, Ash is put into prison. He’s been there for a long time, with periodic visits from Hana. They have conversations occasionally, but things still feel tense.
Acceptance of the Quest/Giving Relationship a Chance
One day, Hana comes with a sad look in her eyes. She opens the gate, and Ash stumbles out, confused. She beckons him to follow her. They head to the Ringleader.
Through the town, people look at Ash; the smiles that are bestowed upon her fade once they see Ash. They’re watching for him to run. He notices an opening but doesn’t take it.
They go to the Ringleader. He presents Hana and Ash with a mission; to help cripple the government, to weaken them for a decisive attack. The rest of Hana’s team comes in. They discuss roles, responsibilities, and the plan, and they break.
And that's it! Let me know what you think. Going to continue outlining, and while I'm doing that, I'm also going to start the worldbuilding process! Have a good one, and we'll see each other soon! Peace :)
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ASOS: Arya IX (Chapter 47)
"It's a river we need to cross, that's all you need to know." Clegane would answer her from time to time, but he had warned her not to talk back. He had given her a lot of warnings that first day. "The next time you hit me, I'll tie your hands behind your back," he'd said. "The next time you try and run off, I'll bind your feet together. Scream or shout or bite me again, and I'll gag you. We can ride double, or I can throw you across the back of the horse trussed up like a sow for slaughter. Your choice."
Don't you hate it when your child hostage doesn't cooperate?
"Why don't you just kill me like you did Mycah?" Arya had screamed at him. She was still defiant then, more angry than scared.
He answered by grabbing the front of her tunic and yanking her within an inch of his burned face. "The next time you say that name I'll beat you so bad you'll wish I killed you."
Aw, the Hound doesn't like to be reminded he's a worthless piece of shit.
It doesn't matter, Arya told herself, Thoros will find me in his flames. Only he hadn't. 
See what happens when you put your faith in the gods, Arya.
"Harroway town shouldn't be far," the Hound said. "Where Lord Roote stables Old King Andahar's two-headed water horse. Maybe we'll ride across."
Arya had never heard of Old King Andahar. She'd never seen a horse with two heads either, especially not one who could run on water, but she knew better than to ask. 
Two-headed water horse? Is that code?
A wolf, and a fish? Who sails on a water horse? I'm sorry, I'm embarrassing myself, I don't know.
Wolves never cry, she reminded herself again.
"I dreamt a wolf howling in the rain, but no one heard his grief," the dwarf woman was saying. - Arya VIII, ASOS
Half the time he slept in the saddle now, trusting his stallion to follow whatever rutted farm track or game trail they were on. The horse was a heavy courser, almost as big as a destrier but much faster. Stranger, the Hound called him. Arya had tried to steal him once, when Clegane was taking a piss against a tree, thinking she could ride off before he could catch her. Stranger had almost bitten her face off. 
Yikes, you wouldn't want to lose your face.
You only have to read Davos I, ACOK to know why Arya being strongly associated with the Stranger is a terrible thing.
He was gentle as an old gelding with his master, but otherwise he had a temper as black as he was. She had never known a horse so quick to bite or kick.
Sansa couldn't help but smile a little. The kennelmaster once told her that an animal takes after its master. - Sansa I, AGOT
There's George R. R. Martin clowning on Sandor Clegane for being a subservient little poodle when it comes to the Lannisters.
But there was smoke coming from the tower, Arya saw, and below one arched window a wide flat-bottomed boat was chained up tight. The boat had a dozen oarlocks and a pair of great carved wooden horse heads mounted fore and aft. The two-headed horse, she realized. 
"We can get you across," he said sourly. "It will cost you a gold piece. Another for the horse. A third for the boy."
"Three dragons?" Clegane gave a bark of laughter. "For three dragons I should own the bloody ferry."
Two-headed water horse, and now three dragons. Sure, whatever.
"I'll have them now, or we don't go." The man thrust out a thick, callused hand, palm up.
Clegane rattled his longsword to loosen the blade in the scabbard. "Here's your choice. Gold on the north bank, or steel on the south."
"How do I know you're good for it?" the bent-backed man asked, after a moment.
He's not, she wanted to shout. Instead she bit her lip.
"Knight's honor," the Hound said, unsmiling.
Oh my god, I hate him.
I don't spend nearly enough time appreciating Brienne.
Tie the horse up, I don't want him spooking when we're under way. There's a brazier in the cabin if you and your son want to get warm."
"I'm not his stupid son!" said Arya furiously. 
The Hound being mistaken for Arya's father, plus the following:
Strong hands grasped her by the shoulders, and for a moment Sansa thought it was her father, but when she turned, it was the burned face of Sandor Clegane looking down at her, his mouth twisted in a terrible mockery of a smile. - Sansa I, AGOT
Is constantly used as evidence for that ship.
What's amusing about that, is that they'll push that idea while simultaneously dismissing the significance of another character being a mirrored image of Sansa's father.
The two-headed horse eased slowly through the shallows, picking its way between the chimneys and rooftops of drowned Harroway. A dozen men labored at the oars while four more used the long poles to push off whenever they came too close to a rock, a tree, or a sunken house. The bent-backed man had the rudder. Rain pattered against the smooth planks of the deck and splashed off the tall carved horseheads fore and aft. Arya was getting soaked again, but she didn't care. She wanted to see. 
You like boats, Arya?
The oarsmen were rowing more vigorously now, fighting the rage of the river. Leaves and broken branches swirled past as fast as if they'd been fired from a scorpion. 
If I jumped over the side, the river would wash me away before the Hound even knew that I was gone. She looked back over a shoulder, and saw Sandor Clegane struggling with his frightened horse, trying to calm him. She would never have a better chance to get away from him. I might drown, though. Jon used to say that she swam like a fish, but even a fish might have trouble in this river. 
✨ foreshadowing ✨
It’s no trouble for a black fish. Hehe.
Then she saw it: an uprooted tree, huge and dark, coming straight at them. A tangle of roots and limbs poked up out of the water as it came, like the reaching arms of a great kraken.
Okay, this is now officially foreshadowing. Who is going to get pulled under by a kraken Greyjoy? Hm???
The next storm could sink or scatter us, a kraken could pull us under . . . - Daenerys I, ASOS
The eunuch drew a parchment from his sleeve. "A kraken has been seen off the Fingers." He giggled. "Not a Greyjoy, mind you, a true kraken. It attacked an Ibbenese whaler and pulled it under. - Tyrion III, ASOS
Can it be Barristan? Please? I would enjoy that.
Edit: you’re banned from saying Missandei.
Only just when it seemed as if they were clear, one of the monster's upper limbs dealt them a glancing thump. The ferry seemed to shudder, and Arya slipped, landing painfully on one knee. The man with the broken pole was not so lucky. She heard him shout as he stumbled over the side. Then the raging brown water closed over him, and he was gone in the time it took Arya to climb back to her feet. One of the other boatmen snatched up a coil of rope, but there was no one to throw it to.
"Six dragons," he demanded. "Three for the passage, and three for the man I lost."
Sandor Clegane rummaged in his pouch and shoved a crumpled wad of parchment into the boatman's palm. "There. Take ten."
The man squinted down at the parchment. "Writing. What good's writing? You promised gold. Knight's honor, you said."
"Knights have no bloody honor. Time you learned that, old man." 
Someone just died so Sandor Clegane could cross a river, and evade the Brotherhood without Banners with his child hostage. As payment, he hands them a piece of paper, then mocks them.
A nice reminder that Mycah is not the only reason Sandor Clegane will be digging holes for the rest of his life.
They sat on damprocks beneath an oak tree, listening to the slow patter of water dripping from the leaves as they ate a cold supper of hardbread, moldy cheese, and smoked sausage. The Hound sliced the meat with his dagger, and narrowed his eyes when he caught Arya looking at the knife. "Don't even think about it."
"I wasn't," she lied.
Arya sees a knife and gets thirsty.
"I never beat your sister," the Hound said. "But I'll beat you if you make me. Stop trying to think up ways to kill me. None of it will do you a bit of good."
You never beat her, but you physically harmed her plenty of times.
"I did so know your brother." Maybe the Mountain was worse, now that Arya thought about it. "Him and Dunsen and Polliver, and Raff the Sweetling and the Tickler."
The Hound seemed surprised. "And how would Ned Stark's precious little daughter come to know the likes of them? Gregor never brings his pet rats to court."
Don't you ever use that word to describe those people.
That is a sacred word around here.
Clegane's mouth twitched. "Caught you? My brother caught you?" That made him laugh, a sour sound, part rumble and part snarl. "Gregor never knew what he had, did he? He couldn't have, or he would have dragged you back kicking and screaming to King's Landing and dumped you in Cersei's lap. Oh, that's bloody sweet. I'll be sure and tell him that, before I cut his heart out."
It wasn't the first time he had talked of killing the Mountain.
That right there is how you know it will never happen. Sandor Clegane gifted his revenge fantasy? No.
"But he's your brother," Arya said dubiously.
"Didn't you ever have a brother you wanted to kill?" He laughed again. "Or maybe a sister?" He must have seen something in her face then, for he leaned closer. "Sansa. That's it, isn't it? The wolf bitch wants to kill the pretty bird."
Losers always projecting.
Sometimes I'd imagine my father burning. At other times, my sister." Jon Snow was staring at him, a look equal parts horror and fascination. Tyrion guffawed. "Don't look at me that way, bastard. I know your secret. You've dreamt the same kind of dreams."
"No," Jon Snow said, horrified. "I wouldn't …" - Tyrion II, AGOT
I’m kind of liking this potential parallel of Tyrion and Sandor never getting to kill their siblings.
"Because I hacked your little friend in two? I've killed a lot more than him, I promise you. You think that makes me some monster. Well, maybe it does, but I saved your sister's life too. The day the mob pulled her off her horse, I cut through them and brought her back to the castle, else she would have gotten what Lollys Stokeworth got. And she sang for me. You didn't know that, did you? Your sister sang me a sweet little song."
It's true, Arya. He saved her from rape, then planned to do it himself. Please thank him for us.
Sansa sang him a sweet little song... tell the whole story, you clown.
"Stupid blind little wolf bitch." His voice was rough and hard as an iron rasp. "Bugger Joffrey, bugger the queen, and bugger that twisted little gargoyle she calls a brother. I'm done with their city, done with their Kingsguard, done with Lannisters. What's a dog to do with lions, I ask you?" He reached for his waterskin, took a long pull. As he wiped his mouth, he offered the skin to Arya and said, "The river was the Trident, girl. The Trident, not the Blackwater. Make the map in your head, if you can. On the morrow we should reach the kingsroad. We'll make good time after that, straight up to the Twins. It's going to be me who hands you over to that mother of yours. Not the noble lightning lord or that flaming fraud of a priest, the monster." He grinned at the look on her face. "You think your outlaw friends are the only ones can smell a ransom? Dondarrion took my gold, so I took you. 
This moron, who just called this little girl a stupid blind (heh) little bitch, could have told her all of this days ago, and saved himself a lot of energy.
If this Young Wolf has the wits the gods gave a toad, he'll make me a lordling and beg me to enter his service. He needs me, though he may not know it yet. Maybe I'll even kill Gregor for him, he'd like that.
He's so fucking sad and pathetic.
Holding a child hostage for ransom, hoping you'll be given a big payout and a fancy title, is a great way to ensure the author will not be handing you shit.
Someone is going to have to learn to appreciate piles of dirt instead.
"He'll never take you," she spat back. "Not you."
"Then I'll take as much gold as I can carry, laugh in his face, and ride off. If he doesn't take me, he'd be wise to kill me, but he won't. Too much his father's son, from what I hear. Fine with me. Either way I win. And so do you, she-wolf. So stop whimpering and snapping at me, I'm sick of it. Keep your mouth shut and do as I tell you, and maybe we'll even be in time for your uncle's bloody wedding."
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Final thoughts:
I was searching for two-headed water horse thoughts, and found the most insane take of all time.
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What is with this fandom and this character? Christ almighty.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 3 years
Doctor Y/n - Residency - 15 - Grey's Anatomy x Fem!Reader
One of the reasons you liked Seattle.
It didn't have earthquakes.
Or you thought it didn't, until you were sat watching one of Doctor Grey's surgery with Jo.
"So, apparently Grey starts morning pre-rounds in the middle of the night now." Steph commented as she walked in, sitting on the other side of Jo as you passed her your coffee cup. "I've been here for hours..." Steph complained before Jo shushed her.
"What are we looking at?" Steph enquired, watching the surgery as Jo passed Steph her notes.
"I don't know, I'll know when I see it." Jo stated, watching the surgery intently as you shifted in your seat to get a better look.
"What am I looking at?"
"Joey's notes on all of Grey's surgeries since November. At first, we thought it was just a fluke, but..." You explained as Steph realised.
"Oh my god, is this right? She hasn't lost a single patient, not one bad apple, since November?" Steph asked, leaving Jo to smile.
"She's on a streak."
"It's time for rounds, let's go." Karev announced, pausing as Steph told him about the streak.
You were sat with Jo stilll, staring at the surgery when everything started shaking.
"What the hell is happening?" You yelped, gasping as the picture on the wall behind you all fell and smashed.
"I thought Seattle didn't have earthquakes!" You turned to face Jo, giving her a panicked look after everything began to calm down again.
"Incoming traumas, Wilson with Karev, Edwards with Kepner, S/n with Pierce."
"I was paged about a hip."
"Jean Dominy, 75, angioplasty patient, discharged last week. Complains of shortness of breath after a fall." You explained as Doctor Pierce gestured for you to explain to Doctor Torres.
"I fell out of bed, dear, onto my hip, I'm pretty sure I busted the damn thing, I had it replaced 15 years ago." Ms Dominy explained, leaving you to glance at Doctor Torres who asked if she had been thrown off balance during the earthquake.
Callie withheld a laugh as she noticed how uncomfortable you looked as the patient began to talk about a book of sex positions.
"You can fix it, right?"
"I'll tell you what, we'll go and get you some films, and we'll continue from there." Doctor Torres stated, her hand on Ms Dominy's shoulder before the three of you walked away.
"What is it, S/n, don't want to talk about sex positions?" Callie teased, leaving you to grimace.
"So, the good news is, your EKG and chest films came back clear." Doctor Pierce explained to Ms Dominy.
"Well you have what is called, a below the stem femur fracture. Now, you have two cracks in the bone, one here, and here." Doctor Torres explained, gesturing to the x-rays taken of Ms Dominy's leg.
"So, uh, how do we get me back in the saddle?"
"Okay, let's take a look." Doctor Torres gestured as Doctor Boyd loaded up the x-rays.
"Yikes, that hip took a hell of a pounding." Doctor Boyd commented, leaving you to snort as Doctor Torres barely withheld a laugh.
"Oh, Ethan, you have no idea." She joked, asking for a zoom in on the right femoral prosthesis.
You shifted slightly as Doctor Boyd and Doctor Pierce had a flirtatious encounter, leaving you to murmur something about vending machines before hurrying after Callie, leaving the two to it.
"You saw it too?"
"Saw it? They're clearly flirting." You retorted, leaving Callie to laugh at your sass.
"Alright, plate's in position, I'll be placing the screws next, unless you want to let S/n scrub in and do them with me?" Doctor Torres asked, leaving Doctor Pierce to check the vitals.
"Pressure's good, S/n, scrub in." Doctor Pierce stated, allowing you to go scrub in.
"Will you stop it!" Doctor Pierce exclaimed as you walked in, leaving you to freeze.
"Not you, S/n, you're fine, get over here and come to the rest of these pins." Doctor Torres stated as she spotted you stop.
"S/n, after this, can you monitor her post-op?" Doctor Pierce requested, leaving you to nod as the surgery was over and the patient was moved from the OR.
"Hey, Braces, wait up!" Jo called out, spotting you exit Ms Dominy's patient room.
"What's up, Joey?" You tilted your head to the side as Jo shoved a piece of paper into your hand.
"So, there was a girl who came in with her friend who kept eyeing you and asked me for your number, but I got hers instead to give to you, so here." Jo stated, leaving you to pause as you opened the piece of paper.
"You're trying to set me up with people now?" You deadpanned, leaving Jo to shove you in the shoulder lightly.
"At least it's outside of your usual circle of bars-"
"I do not have a usual circle of bars, Joey." You interjected, leaving Jo to roll her eyes.
"Sure, sure you don't." She teased, pausing to wipe a piece of something from your eyebrow before hurrying off.
/// A few shifts later ///
"What, what is that?" Steph exclaimed, spotting the pot that Jo had put near her head.
"Hey, Braces! Come look, I pulled it out of a lady's nose! This sucker had me working on one single case, all day!" Jo explained, holding the glass pot up to reveal the leach inside.
"All day? So you just logged, six, seven hours of trauma, without even trying? All because of a stupid leach, up someone's stupid nose?" Steph retorted, leaving you to grimace.
"I think I'm gonna name him Herbie." Jo grinned, leaving your face to fall.
"No, no, Herbie is staying at Karev's, or I'll let Steph put it up your nose in your sleep, ew, ew, I am not sleeping with you if you bring Herbie into our apartment!" You exclaimed as Steph stormed off, taking her lab coat with a tug.
Your face fell into disgust as Jo grinned at the leach in the pot.
/// A few more shifts later ///
"Hey, Braces, did you hear about Steph chasing after a woman who cut off a patient's newly re-attached penis?" Jo asked as you walked into the residents lounge, sipping your water as you went.
"What?" You spluttered, almost choking on your water as you processed what Jo had said.
"The patient had their penis cut off twice in one day?" You deadpanned, leaving Steph to sigh whilst Jo slipped out to find Alex.
"What fellowships are you considering?" Steph enquired, leaving you to pause in thought.
"Ortho, but I'm considering cardio. Torres and Pierce think I'm decent at the specialities, so..."
"What about trauma?" Steph asked, watching as you grimaced.
"Hunt hates me but I love Seattle, I guess I have to consider fellowships all over... I'm not ready to be without Joey though." You admitted, watching Steph pause in thought.
"She's happy with Karev, though."
"Yeah, she has her happy ending with Karev, and that happy ending doesn't necessarily include me." You sighed, pausing as Steph had a look on her face.
You need to find your happy ending, Y/n, and seize it. Even if it doesn't have Jo in it." Steph encouraged you, watching as you let out a breath and nodded.
"S/n, S/n, I need to talk to you." You raised an eyebrow as Doctor Pierce approached you, gesturing for you to follow her into an empty trauma room.
Your eyes widened as you got a glance of Steph crying and Jo talking to Alex.
"Doctor Shepherd, Derek Shepherd, he's dead." Doctor Pierce began, leaving you to tense.
"What? How? Is Doctor Grey... no, she's not going to be okay, her husband's dead and Doctor Shepherd lost her brother-"
"S/n... Y/n, breathe, you're hyperventilating, breathe with me, okay?..."
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