#wedge trainers
miniagula · 13 days
caught between enjoying the fanservice vs understanding that juder & eun will write a story they see fit to create vs any more wish fulfillment and i will Scream
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shyamnews · 2 years
Best Wedge Trainers UK - Top 5 Picks
Friends, in this article, we will know in detail about the best wedge trainers uk. If you also want to consider doing your wedge train, you can read this article until the end. Wedge trainers are specially designed footwear designed to give a perfect shape and comfort to your feet. Different types of wedge trainers are available in the market to train your wedge. If you want a comfortable feel,…
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punkclowngod · 1 year
I don’t think I’ve talked much about having a service dog on here, but maybe I should
Boom used to be my service dog, I got him the summer before my last year of high school bcuz I needed a nurse 24/7 to ensure I could eat/sleep/stay alive due to a recent very traumatizing event in my life and my mom came up with the service dog idea.
Getting him was hard. And expensive. No trainers were up to my standards. I, who could barely take care of myself, had to train my own dog. The problem is no matter how hard I worked, my own family or other trainers would ruin it all by messing up my commands, by letting my dog do things I had trained him not to do. It wasn’t training anymore, I ended up simply having breakdowns because everyone kept ruining my dog. People close to me thought they could be an exception to the rules I had taught my MEDICAL AID because surely my DOG would learn the difference between them and strangers.
Eventually I brought him to school. Printed papers explaining what a service dog was and how to behave around him and I plastered them all over the place.
People barked at him, petted him, tried to grab his attention.
His harness was hot pink, patches and signs on it that very clearly said “DO NOT TOUCH” and shit like that.
Someone defaced one of the papers.
Going to school was already hard, I could barely leave the house, my mom had to accompany me to the school doors every morning and then a social worker at school would greet me there and take care of me throughout the day.
I had my own locker at a floor mostly unoccupied so I wouldn’t see other people much and my dog wouldn’t be too distracted.
But it was still to much and I ended up dropping out four months before graduation.
I couldn’t leave the house. I had Boom but he wasn’t perfect yet. People kept ruining him.
But eventually I managed to leave the house. Go to a shopping mall from time to time with him to just walk and have fun.
Too many times people came up to me to tell me the gear I used was hurting my dog. Too many times people came up to me to tell me that their own dog died. Too many people came up to him and pet him without even acknowledging my presence. Too many people telling me they wished they could bring their pets anywhere. Too many people disrespecting me and my service dog.
I stopped going out. I stopped being with my dog.
All this stress and trauma drove a wedge between my dog and I. I consider him my mother’s dog now.
I had to learn to handle myself alone when I went out. It took me years to learn to go out by myself. Only last year I started doing that.
My dog doesn’t live in my room with me anymore.
Having a service dog did still save my life. But those around me ruined that. They made it about themselves. They prioritized my dog over me. My dog that LOVES working. If you tell him “do you want to go to work” chances are he’ll get so excited he will attempt to do a backflip.
We used to have a deep bond. That bond is now broken. People took that from us.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is:
Let people and their service dogs alone.
You are not an exception.
You are not special.
You are disrupting the dog’s training and distracting it.
You are endangering a human life because you can’t resist petting the cute dog.
This isn’t about you. This is about a disabled person trying to simply live their lives.
You don’t know what you’re talking about, your advice is unsolicited and lacks understanding of what the life of a working dog is.
Just leave us alone.
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angelicgirlmj · 26 days
Hii, do you have any essentials that every girl should have in her closet? Also what kind of shoes should every girl have?
hi angel! what a fun ask, especially because i love fashion and haven’t really done many posts on it quite yet. im planning a longer post themed round almost this exact topic so this will be a shorter list (keep an eye out for a post coming soon - you’ll find it very useful!). but here are some suggestions:
closet staples
plain vests and tshirts, ideally in a basic shade (white, black or grey) for layering!
a little black dress - classic for a reason.
a few comfy cardigans/jumpers, again good for layering but also perfect for winter weather.
good quality denim jeans.
a maxi skirt, a midi skirt and a mini skirt.
black and nude tights.
‘going out’ tops (pretty much any kind of top you’d wear on a nice occasion).
pretty colourful clothes for layering, so good for making an outfit stand out!
some kind of fitted shirt.
denim/fabric shorts.
long sleeved tops.
cute coat.
fun, patterned tops.
staple accessories to match/compliment outfits (jewellery, bags, belts, hair accessories etc).
shoes every girl should have
comfy pair of boots (i love my uggs).
cute trainers!
sandals or flip flops.
some kind of heel, whether it’s a stiletto or wedge.
sporty/active trainers you wouldn’t mind getting dirty.
thank you for reading angel and hope this helps! fashion is so personal and fun, while i consider these staples you have to try new things and find your style to know exactly what is or isn’t a staple for you.
all my love, m.
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leggerefiore · 10 months
Hi! I would i like ask how would evil leaders act if your pokemon dislikes them? Partly cuz of. Knowing they are an evil team leader, but Mostly just cuz of the competition for their trainers attention. (If one of the pokemon could be pawnuard that would be great!)
cw: jealous pokemon
characters: Lysandre, Maxie, Archie, Cyrus, Guzma
☕️ He hissed as your Pawniard tries to drive one of its blades into his leg. His Pyroar awkwardly holds it back as he debates the situation once more. This was one of many times that your pokemon had clearly expressed a certain distaste towards him, but he had not expected that it would try to stab him for merely attempting to greet you with a kiss. He stared at the pokemon that stood under a meter. Why did it dislike him? Lysandre desperately set out to appease it with both gifts and space. Whetstones were given to the pokemon alongside some of the finest poffins and pokepuffs he could find. The Pawniard had hardly been moved by the acts.
☕️ It had begun subtly. A harsh glare when he pulled you into his side on the couch. While he had not felt too comforted by the harsh expression, it could be easily ignored. Jealousy was the likely culprit then. Your attention was elsewhere, much to the annoyance of the pokemon. This had been somewhat early on into your relationship, so he expected some adjustment. His Pyroar had been quite jealous at first, too. It was expected to pass, surely.
☕️ It, however, did not. Rather, it progressed. Glaring became letting out annoyed cries which turned into wedging itself in between you and him and finally ended up with the Sharp Blade pokemon stabbing him. There was usually not any blood drawn, but he could only wonder why it had clearly come to shown disdain towards him. Dates were interrupted by clothing being slashed or your Pawniard clinging to your leg and nearly begging you not to leave. Affection was difficult due to it placing itself between you both.
☕️ Eventually, he stared down at the pokemon with a sigh. It had been discussed between you both. You had no idea what to do, though. Discouraging the behaviour did not work, nor did allowing for some consequences. Pawniard just seemed determined to be a wedge between you and him, both physically and mentally. In his beautiful world, he supposed this would matter little, but currently it was something Lysandre needed to face. Jealousy was such an ugly thing.
☕️ Somehow, hopefully, he manages to win over Pawniard or better control situations in which its jealousy is expressed. It seems to be going well enough, as he finally can be intimate with you once more without worrying about a possible injury. Of course, a new situation arises when he finds the steel-type offering you a document related to Team Flare. What a mess.
🪨 How could such a tiny pokemon be so harsh? Your Banette glared at Maxie as it blocked his entry into your home. His visit was interrupted by the ghost-type. Its eerie eyes pierced his soul as he swallowed. He felt fairly certain he had not tossed away any plush toys that were currently seeking vengeance towards him, but it certainly had felt like it with your Banette. The pokemon had made no attempts to disguise its dislike of him and took every chance to try to scare him off from your relationship. Maxie did not succumb to its whims, but that had not been an easy task. He had tried to make nice with the pokemon plenty yet had failed to meet whatever it wanted.
🪨 At first, Maxie had been a little on edge of the glaring Banette that seemed to dislike whenever he decided to display any kind of affection towards you, but had written it off. Ghost-types were just usually possessive over their trainers. This was nothing odd. Mildly annoying, sure, but no worse than his Camerupt attempting to press its way between you both to get his attention back on it. It was just a bit more scary, what with its curse energy. How had you ended up with such a pokemon? He decided to focus on gaining the Banette's trust.
🪨 That proved impossible. No matter how desperately he tried to wager the pokemon's favour towards him, he failed. Banette's behaviour had only become more noticeable, too. Dates were seemingly ruined because you were too exhausted to go or your Banette showing up to scare anyone else involved and therefore end the date early. Any kind of affection left a cold presence heavy in the air or was met by your Banette demanding to sit in your lap or get carried by you. It was endlessly annoying how jealous the pokemon was. He almost tried to carry on through its attempts at ruining dates to spite it.
🪨 You, however, seemingly caught on to the tension rising between him and your pokemon. This led to a discussion in which he finally felt able to voice his concerns about the impact it was having on your relationship. You began to work on Banette's behaviour following this, much to his relief. Finally, he felt able to just enter your home without worrying about leaving with a curse. Being able to sit on your couch and cuddle with you without a certain pokemon interrupting was lovely. Maxie truly felt contented again.
🪨 And, naturally, he tried to the ghost type in the middle. The Magma Leader understood jealousy was innate to the pokemon, but did not like the effects it had. He tried to prove that Banette could still have its time with you, while Maxie claimed his own. Banette seemed to slowly come to understand that and move away from its more possessive actions. Well, until it floated him out of your bed to claim its time. The ghost type understood schedules, as it turned out.
💧 Frustration swelled in his chest as he stared at your Electrike. It growled at him as he just tried to give you a hug. Archie was not overly fond of electric-types, but he at least set out to befriend the lightning pokemon quite a few times. Treats and time alone to play with his Mightyena were obviously enjoyed, yet the Electrike refused to budge on its obvious dislike of him. He had done just about everything to get on its good side, and all had failed. The Aqua Leader felt at the end of his rope with everything. He could not even cuddle his Luvdisc after a long day before their pet pokemon had decided that it was not allowed. Even his Mightyena had got over its initial hesitance towards you! Hell, even his Sharpedo let you pet it.
💧 At first, he thought nothing of it. Your Eelctrike barking and glaring at him? Perfectly understable! He was not well known to it yet, so an adjustment period was more than expected. Archie went out of his way to make a good impression on it, even if he was not a big fan of electric types. After all, he was happy that you were happy. It then tried to bite him after he pressed a kiss to your cheek. A chuckle was his only reply. Well, jealousy was also understandable. He was not going to blame a pokemon for its reaction.
💧 Until it got worse and worse. Suddenly, before any kind of outing he wanted to do with you, Electrike would develop a limp or suddenly be too needy and try to herd you away from him. Any kind of affection was met with growing and barking, if not a few daring bites. He mostly grumbled at it. Jealous pokemon? Well, whatever. He had dealt with Maxie's weird girl admin before, and she was honestly comparable to your Electrike. It was annoying, but Archie would power through. He was not going to let the canine think it had won. It was just an unfortunate addition to dating you.
💧 A talk was definitely had about Electrike's behaviour, though. You had noticed it, too, and became concerned. After all, you did not want your boyfriend getting attacked every time you were both cuddled up on the couch. Archie felt grateful and there was some slight improvement. Obviously, Electrike did not want to upset you, and it was just jealous of your attention being on Archie instead of it. He understood that, he supposed. He definitely had probably snarled a bit at Maxie when he tried to hog your attention.
💧 Ultimately, he tries really hard to befriend your Electrike. He wants to believe that he can manage to get on good terms with the pokemon. Treats are common gifts, and he attempts to play with it, too. Everything does seem to get to a more reasonable point with Electrike choosing to ignore the time you both are affectionate or just making one of those sighs canines do. He feels glad that the madness is over. Then, Electrike is seen running off with his anchor one morning after he stayed over at your place, and he feels it has begun anew.
☄️ There was some form of deep hurt that came from the rejection of your Rotom. A Cleanse Tag sat on his laptop, having just forced out the electrical ghost. He was fully aware it was inside due to his… history with the pokemon. He was hesitant to become close to your pokemon for many reasons, but the Rotom itself had already seemed to have grown some form of dislike for him. It was not some grandiose mystery to him. After all, he was fully aware that spirit was the main problem of this world, and your Rotom most certainly possessed one. The two were quite awkward. Cyrus was caught between desperately wanting to befriend the pokemon and wanting it gone from his sight.
☄️ The Rotom seemed to have developed its distaste quite early on. It let out a cry as you clung to him and possessed your phone to play a loud sound and scare you away from him. Cyrus had not assumed the behaviour odd, aware that Rotoms were quite fond of pranks. It likely was just some playful manner by the electric-type to brighten both you and him. The upper expression on its face, however, told another story. Had he ever seen a Rotom make that face? He did not think so. It was honestly a bit terrifying.
☄️ The reason for its mannerisms became quite obvious as time progressed. Whenever a date was scheduled with you, it decided that was the perfect time to sabotage something by possessing an appliance and breaking it. How many times had the washing machine been tortured by your Rotom was unknown. A strange behaviour also developed when any intimacy was shown between you both. It let out a cry and randomly started buzzing around you both, trying to draw your attention onto it. That or it possessed the television and neatly give you both tinnitus. Its jealousy was confusing and apparent, ultimately.
☄️ Discussions on how to better manage the Rotom were had but often led to nothing. It was not an easy pokemon to control, and its nature lended itself to mischief much too often. Cyrus did not blame you, as your attempts were plain to see. He did, however, not appreciate the Rotom possessing his laptop and tablet and trying to delete anything Galactic related while also sending it to you. It suddenly began to feel as if the plasma pokemon was attempting to spite him. How had he upset it? Questions ran through his mind, as the possibility that a Rotom truly disliked him made his stomach churn uncomfortably.
☄️ He sighed as he offered the end of a charger to the pokemon. The Rotom quietly took the offer and eagerly began to drain electricity. Cyrus had racked his brain for a solution to how to befriend the Rotom. A toy robot was nervously sat on the table. He had a sneaking suspicion about something with this particular Rotom. It stared over at the toy with big eyes before floating over and possessing it. He pet the toy's head as the Rotom let out a happy cry. For now, at least, he felt he managed a truce.
□ The Team Skull Boss felt like he was going insane. How could this happen to him? He should be getting intimated by something so small. Yet, here he was trapped in the bathroom with your Meowth puffed up like a Mareep and hissing at him. It was somehow more terrifying than how Nanu's Meowths might have reacted. He was standing on the side of the tub and debating why the damn feline disliked him so much. Guzma played nice with the Meowth and offered treats and pets. It still clearly hated him. Why? He could only debate.
□ It had not been this bad at the beginning. Yeah, it hissed at him and swiped at him, but that was just the nature of Meowths. Guzma was used to them. It did not even occur to him that there had been anything more to its behaviour, as it hissed at the sight of him kissing you. He just assumed it was annoyed that he was in its space and taking up your attention. Your Meowth clearly lavished in everything you gave it, so it probably just was not used to sharing you. His Golisopod was a bit hesitant towards you at first, too, but it got over it eventually. Your Meowth would as well.
□ … Or not. The feline only got worse. Hissing whenever he sat with you on the couch and swiping at his legs when it felt appropriate. Dates were interrupted by it suddenly escaping and needing to be found. He seriously began debating swapping it out with one of Nanu's own and wondering if either of you would notice. He did not, and instead was met with any cuddling being ruined by a Meowth wedging its way between you both and hissing and growling at him. It felt like he was on an episode of that pokemon from hell show. Its jealousy was intense.
□ Of course, Guzma spoke with you about it. You noticed, too. It was kind of impossible not to. Efforts were made in getting Meowth more acclimated to him and it accepting him into what it deemed its space. He hoped the madness would all spiral into its end. These attempts lessened its obvious distaste to more of a relaxed ignorance. He would rather it just ignore him than attack his legs every time he wanted to take a nap with you, however. Everything was better, he thought.
□ Somehow, though, he felt mortified when the Meowth led you to him meeting with an Aether Foundation employee. The contents of the conversation he could only hope were not heard by you. Somehow, Gumza felt a knowing glare in the eyes of the feline. It knew fully well what it was doing, and it was to spite him. Whatever peace had been achieved was gone. Your Meowth wanted war.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 2 months
Fourth part of the Smash vore tourney.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - <Part 4>
D.K Y.oshi F.ox B.owser F.alco M.ewtwo S.onic K.ing Dedede L.ucario W.olf W.ii Fit Trainer D.uck Hunt R.idley K. R.ool P.iranha Plant B.anjo
Round 4
Tensions in the waiting room are incredibly thick now. The semi-finalists are merely waiting for the arena to be cleaned, but they know that only one of them will be walking out of it soon. D.K has a big, smug grin, purposefully sitting next to L.ucario. The thick musk coming from the gorilla burns L.ucario’s nose, but he tries to keep his discomfort subdued while he meditates. Not that D.K plans on making that easy, constantly nudging and bumping up against him.
D.K v L.ucario
Eventually, the two of them are summoned out to the final match. They meet on the field, D.K bouncing his pecs with a toothy grin while L.ucario stands by with a neutral expression. His aura is more powerful than ever, his eyes and paws glowing blue while his aura sensors float on their own. As soon as the match begins, both of them begin to prepare themselves.
D.K winds up his arm while L.ucario focuses his aura between his paws. The two stare each other down, knowing that one well-placed shot could completely change how the match goes. All of their victories so far have only served to make them both stronger.
L.ucario makes his move first, dashing across the field in the blink of an eye. Instead of using his Aura Sphere, he gets in close to try and knock D.K back with a Force Palm. But as soon as he puts his paw to the gorilla’s chest, his arm is grabbed in a crushing grip. L.ucario’s eyes widen as he’s suddenly hoisted off the ground as if he weighed nothing.
Several cries ring out as L.ucario is slammed onto the ground several times by D.K, just to get thrown into the air and slammed with the gorilla’s thick skull like a volleyball. It sends L.ucario flying across the arena. He hits the ground hard and tumbles a small distance. It takes a second for him to get up, huffing and growling slightly. By the time he’s on his feet again, he can see D.K charging at him, fist pulled back. L.ucario grits his teeth and closes his eyes.
D.K’s fist swings in an uppercut, hitting L.ucario head-on. It takes the gorilla a moment to realize that his fist whiffed right through his target like air. A second after that, a strong kick to the small of his back makes him cry out and tumble forward. L.ucario’s Double Team gave him the chance to use up D.K’s wound-up punch.
The gorilla quickly turns around, throwing another punch at L.ucario. His fist meets the P.okemon’s paw, and the large ball of concentrated aura he had prepared. The resulting explosion obscures the entire field in a thick cloud of smoke. It takes half a minute for the air to clear enough for the results to be seen.
D.K is slumped over against the wall, a massive crack showing where he crashed into it. He’s limp and unconscious, which makes him completely vulnerable to the approaching L.ucario. D.K doesn’t even wake when he’s lifted up by the armpits and brought up to L.ucario’s face. The P.okemon’s nose twitches a bit, but that intense musky smell burns his nose again and makes him wince. He’s not putting that in his mouth...
So, he settles for a more appropriate place. He rests D.K’s face on his chest then pushes down hard on the back of his head. A grunt escapes L.ucario as he wedges the gorilla’s head between his pecs. D.K was already very large, but after adding so many fighters to his mass, he’s a massive wall of pure bulk. This might even rival R.idley as the biggest thing L.ucario has devoured.
Because of that, L.ucario very quickly comes to his first barrier. D.K’s broad shoulders are a struggle to fit in. It takes a lot of shoving and pushing, folding D.K up slightly in order to get him to start wedging deeper. With his arms pushed to be in front of himself, the gorilla finally starts to slide in more, his massive pecs and biceps sinking into L.ucario’s chest.
The process is fairly slow. Even with D.K completely unconscious, it takes considerable effort to put him away. Each flex and squeeze of L.ucario’s chest helps to sink more of the beefy gorilla into him but it feels neverending. Even getting D.K’s pecs put away takes a bit and there’s so much more to go. It’s also about when the ape is coming to again and starting to move more.
It doesn’t take long for D.K to figure out where he is and start trashing like crazy. His legs kick and his body wiggles around. HIs fists clench over and over as he fails to move his arms at all. L.ucario groans and pants, finding the whole excursion even more exhausting. He puts his paws to his chest and grits his teeth, starting to pump aura into them while they work.
D.K’s angry screeching and shouting is well muffled by the pec meat surrounding him, but L.ucario can feel it rumbling deep in his core. He tries to concentrate on that feeling, of his opponent sinking into his chest, each flex of his muscles dragging more of D.K out of sight. L.ucario’s pecs are bulging out at this point, and it gets tighter inside the more that D.K disappears.
Soon, his ass is disappearing into L.ucario’s chest, and D.K’s thick, muscular legs are the only thing left. They kick around wildly, unable to do much to save himself. L.ucario’s aura is helping his chest alone, the flexing growing stronger, his body trying to mush D.K down into a manageable ball of meat. It’s also working him away fast. One flex pulls in more of his thighs. Another gets past the knees. Then to his ankle.s D.K’s toes curl and his feet shake as L.ucario gives the last flex needed to seal him away. And then...he’s gone.
L.ucario’s pecs bulge obscenely now with an ape bigger than himself roughly crammed inside. D.K is struggling as best he can in there, face, hands, and feet shifting around on L.ucario’s pecs as he tries to thrash. The P.okemon is left panting deeply, already worn out from the effort. But he can’t stop now. He keeps focusing his aura into his chest as he flexes it with all his might.
L.ucario’s chest squeezes down on D.K, showing off a finally detailed bulge of the ape inside. And it shrinks down a bit. He flexes again, the bulge a little more muted, and it shrinks once more. D.K is starting to shriek louder, realizing what’s happening, but L.ucario doesn’t relent. Each flex of his chest makes it shrink down as D.K is broken apart and turned into protein for the P.okemon. And each time that happens, L.ucario gets a little bigger all over.
Over and over, his pecs flex and bounce, turning more of his opponent into muscle mass. Sweat trickles down L.ucario’s body and his nose is burned by his own musk. But he doesn’t let up. Even when the bulge in his chest stop showing up and he can no longer hear or feel D.K’s shouting. He doesn’t stop until he feels that last bit of meat break apart in his muscles. And when it does, he throws his head back with a howl.
L.ucario takes a moment to catch his breath and collect himself after that. Slowly, he looks down at himself and runs his paws over his body. He’s nearly doubled in size now. He has thick, powerful muscles all over that twitch and flex with every movement. And the aura...he can practically feel the power of it coursing through every inch of his body like electricity. It feels amazing.
But there’s something else inside of him that doesn’t belong anymore. Widening his stance and squatting down, L.ucario grunts as he feels a dense weight shift within him. A rotten smell fills the air as, slowly, a dense, thick log of shit begins to stretch out his tailhole and slowly slither out of him. It hits the ground with a thud, several feet long and at least half a foot thick. A large leg bone is buried in it with tufts of brown fur. And after that, more start to slide out.
A large pile of dung steadily builds itself up behind L.ucario as he disposes of what’s left of D.K. He can feel each bone stretch him out, and he has to constantly push to help the dense mass out of his body. It gets groans and huffs out of him. This is taking as much effort as devouring him did.
Each log lands with a thud as the pile grows. Another leg bone, a pelvis, and arm bone, a ribcage, the other arm...L.ucario feels the tickle of D.K’s tie sliding out of him. There’s a pause in the process. Then, he feels an especially dense weight slide down and begin to stretch him out. A low whine escapes L.ucario as D.K’s skull steadily stretches him out, jaws open wide as the dense crap pushes through every opening it can. It takes several pushes for L.ucario to force it out, and when he does, an immense sense of relief washes over him as he sighs.
That was finally the end. He stands up again, only a little sore, and quickly goes back to admiring his new form. He pays little attention to the pile he made that was half as tall as him and twice as wide. Mostly due to how the stench assaults his nose. L.ucario can’t decide if he preferred D.K’s smell before or after a trip through his system...not that it matters now.
L.ucario is the winner as the announcer declares. He’s bigger and stronger than ever, and he’s never had such a sense of pride. As he leaves the arena, intent on enjoying his victory, only one thought can come to mind. What is he going to have as a victory feast?
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woso-fan13 · 1 year
Sicktember 2023: 23 (ENGWNT)
Coughing Fit
“You alright?” Leah asks, shooting you a concerned look as you enter the common room. 
You simply nod, not having the energy to respond. You didn’t feel well and practice had seemed incredibly long, so all you wanted to do was go to sleep. Unfortunately for you and your plans, it was team movie night and attendance was unofficially mandatory. 
You walk over to one of the giant beanbags, wedging yourself in between Leah and Georgia. The two smile down at you and shift to allow you to get comfortable. By now, they had gotten used to their surrogate little sister plopping herself down wherever she pleased. 
You're curled into Georgia’s side, your head resting on her chest. Leah scooted in behind you, pulling a blanket over you and wrapping her arm around you. You were so comfortable, the warm bodies and gentle hands soothing you, that you almost fell asleep before the team could even decide on a movie. 
The team had finally decided, the lights dimmed and the opening credits playing when the two women could feel your body stiffen. Somewhat confused, Georgia looks down just as your eyes open and you sit up, beginning to cough. 
The team doesn’t react at first, having grown used to this sound due to the cold the team had been passing around. Leah remains in her spot but uses one of her hands to pat your back lightly. 
After about 30 seconds, you’re still coughing. Georgia pulls her focus away from the movie, about to jokingly tell you off for interrupting, when she notices the wheezing sound that your cough has taken up. Instantly, she pulls herself up, scooting behind you and pulling you back to rest against her chest. She had clearly noticed that you were getting unsteady. 
Georgia’s movement caused everyone to focus on the two of you. Leah moves to be kneeling in front of you, looking closely at your pale face. She pulls your arm away from your face- less concerned about proper hygiene at this point and more concerned about the fact that your elbow could be blocking some airflow. 
You’re still coughing, the wheezing sound louder now and causing concern to flood the room. You can feel a body behind you- Georgia, you’ll remember later- and you can see Leah in front of you. You see her mouth moving and you know she must be talking, but you can’t hear a word she’s saying. 
“Hemp,” Leah calls sharply, the aforementioned girl quickly standing up and coming over. Leah turns to make eye contact with her, the serious look on her face portraying just how important this task would be. 
“I need you to run to the medical room,” she says, emphasizing the word run, “get Y/N’s inhaler and run back here. If you see a trainer, bring them back with you, but don’t go looking for one, okay? I need that inhaler now.”
Lauren nods before taking off out of the room. Leah turns back to you, noticing how you were slumping in Georgia’s arms. 
“You’ll be alright, mate, just hang on,” she says quietly, more to comfort herself than to comfort you. 
She reaches over, grabbing under your armpits and pulling you straight up, Georgia moving to better support you and keep you fully upright. Your breathing eased slightly, but your lips were still turning blue. 
Leah was looking around the room, terrified and hoping that someone would know what to do. At the lack of answers she sees on the scared faces, she decides that this must be another one of her roles as captain. 
Thankfully, a figure races through the door at that moment and an inhaler is quickly shoved into Leah’s hand. She shakes it quickly, explaining what she’s about to do to you before guiding it to your mouth. On instinct, your hand weakly moves to try and hold the inhaler, Leah having to stop herself from crying at the pitiful action. 
She dispenses a puff of the medication, pulling the inhaler away and coaxing you to hold your breath. It wasn’t pretty, but you somewhat managed before letting out a shuttering exhale. 
The two of you repeat the process a few more times before your breathing sounds clear. At this point, you’re limp against Georgia, your hair sticking to your face and tears rolling down your cheeks. Leah finally manages to take a full breath herself, brushing your hair back. 
The commotion must have gotten attention, as Leah is soon being gently moved out of the way. She doesn’t go far, moving to sit next to Georgia and grabbing your hand. Nobody challenges her to move, her sheer determination showing. 
The team medics quickly slip a mask over your face, oxygen and medicine pouring into your lungs. You’re too tired and oxygen deprived to protest, allowing them to begin assessing you. You didn’t have to worry, you had dozens of eyes watching you closely, nothing bad was going to happen to you. 
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mewpangxin · 1 year
can i request yandere jamil if you can write it?? ขอบคุณนะะะะ~~ !!!
General Yandere! Jamil Headcanons
▍ CW: Yandere, toxic, dark content, I'd run if I were you /j, obsession, etc.
⋆ ࣪. ❤︎ . ┊ Note: A fellow twst Thai fan。(*・ω・)ノ~?
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• He looks down on your gullibility.
• It makes him disdain at you about how thoughtless you were. Just the kind of people that he abhors.
• He remained unaffected when interacting with you. Mostly. He smiled, but it doesn't reach his eyes.
• He played the part of being the trustworthy senior for you. Outstandingly might I add. Scarily so.
• You were simple-minded, and how stupid can you be? Apparently a lot, to approach him like this.
• Didn't your parents warn you of monsters?
• Because he was the embodiment of that, if you weren't careful, you'll be devoured by him.
• He questioned your goals when you pleaded at him to instruct you how to dance for a show. Jamil has that face which has an air of nonchalance with you.
• “You owe me. Don't forget that.”
• He said with an indescribable attitude.
• He was a patient trainer, if he overlooked how you were ridiculously slow at reading him, you weren't even that horrible, you were a good listener to him.
• Or did he misjudge you?
• He penned down on his journal.
• “You don't have to pretend, you're not happy with me or your dorm leader isn't it?” You said firmly.
• My, so you can tell he was that?
• He leered his gaze up to look at you.
• “And?”
• It would seem that you weren't dim-witted.
• If you were to spout about companionship to him, he would be so done with you today.
• “If I may, I can help you with your chores?”
• As a thank you because of him teaching you?
• “Why not?”
• He wouldn't say no to this.
•━━━━༻❝ 🐍 ❞༺ ━━━━•
• He take back what he thought about you.
• Your presence.. he can be thankful.
• He was biased because you lessen his burdens with his role of babysitting his housewarden.
• You didn't sham or do empty offers with him. He doesn't show it much that he's warming up.
• Don't misunderstood, he did believe you were more welcoming than anyone else here. At least.
• Many friends of yours would be perplexed to why you chose to be with this vice head than them.
• Your responded with; “Because I would like to.”
• He overheard about your chat.
• You.. don't have hidden agendas? Unlike Azul?
• Jamil sighed. You.. wouldn't pull it off, why was he so on guard with you in the beginning?
• With this revelation, he felt assured with himself.
• Since you wished to be with him...
• You wouldn't back out of this, would you?
• Driving a wedge between you and your dorm mates was facile for him, you'd be dumbfounded to their change of demeanor. And would be in anguish.
• You would be by yourself.
• With your eyes wetting at the corner.
• And he? What he did was to be with you, saying the kindest things in the world to be in your favor.
• And you wouldn't suspect him.
• You trembled as you stayed near him, he was magnanimous with you as he hummed.
• Was it too sadistic of him?
• He narrated a story from a book for you, and acted as a caring partner. As if he wasn't the culprit.
• You dozed off as he put his hand on you. Your head hazy as you slumbered away to your dreamland.
• “Are you asleep?”
• You didn't register how cocky his laugh was.
• Can you escape? Away from him? If you don't notice who was causing your miseries?
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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"Once the cuckoo enters the birds nest, it pushes all the other birds eggs out and replaces them with it's own."
Dan was pissed off. He couldn't believe Jason had brought his stupid girlfriend on their lads night out. Chloe was his worst nightmare. A high-maintenance attention whore who had turned Jason into a total pussy. Long nails, blonde hair, high heels and bitchy attitude... she may have been a stunner, but she was a real drag too.
Lad's night outs were supposed to be about partying, pulling girls and getting drunk. Chloe clearly disapproved of Jason's friends. Her presence here was to ensure they all behaved themselves.
Chewing gum boredly, Chloe didn't even look like she gave a shit as she took selfies and messaged her girlfriends. The lads all tried to ignore her.
"I'll get another round in," laughed Dan slapping another friend - Big Chris on the back. He walked to the bar but suddenly became aware of a floral smell and heard Chloe's bitchy voice in his ear.
"Come to the washroom with me."
"Huh... what?" he gawped.
A manicured hand snapped hard round his wrist. Sexy silver rings and acyrillic nails made it look so feminine and hot as it encircled his arm.
"Girls always go to the toilet together. Come on babe. We can leave the boys chatting whilst we fix our makeup."
"Wh... what are you talking about?" he groaned as his head spun and Chloe pulled him away from the bar towards the girls washroom.
"What do you mean Danielle? We always go the bathroom together. We love to check our appearance, chat about boys and slag off other bitches. Right?"
Dan looked down at his arm in horror. Chloe's skin was bronzed from the fake tan she aways wore and now as he watched that fake tan was spreading from her hand onto his skin. The closer she dragged him towards the washroom the faster it was spreading.
Dan's hair began to itch and his clothing felt tight. Chloe's perfume seemed to rising around his head... it almost smelt like HE was wearing it too.
"Nnnnnnooo what are you doing to me?"
"Come on Dani, stop being so fucking weird. Hurry up and come into the bathroom with me. Once you cross the threshold you'll feel just like one of the girls like you always do."
Fake tan raced over Dan's skin and blonde hair tickled his shoulders. His white trainers turned into stylish white wedges and bitchy pink nails shot out of his fingertips as his top shrunk and turned bright pink. His ass inflated as his jeans rose higher on his hips and head spinning Chloe dragged him into the washroom.
Dani giggled as Chloe pulled her over to the mirror.
"See Dani... see how fucking hot you are. You're my friend Dani. You're my new bestie. From now on we will do everything together. You love being a super feminine hot girl just like me. You've never been anything else."
Dani giggled and tossed her bright blonde hair. She reached to her purse and found a lipstick. Things were locking into place in her mind. She loved being a fucking hot bitch.
Yesssss... of course she rembembered now - she was Danielle Jones. She always had been. She and Chloe had been friends since middle school and they were on a girls night out. Chloe had brought her boyfriend along to meet them all... he was hot. Chloe had done well for herself there.
She and Chloe shared everything together. They had no secrets. They were BFF'S and she loved it.
Chloe smiled as she saw Dani's new personality snap into place as reality finished changing. She let go of her friends arm.
"Let's get back to the boys shall we?"
Chris scowled as Dani and Chloe returned to the table with cocktails. They hadn't bothered to buy drinks for anyone else. Seeing his glare, Dani put a manicured hand up to her pouty mouth and whispered something to Chloe causing her to giggle.
Something was... wrong... here. Chris couldn't put his finger on it. Why had two girls come along on their night out? Chloe was bad enough, but her slutty friend Dani was such a cocktease. He was finding it hard to enjoy himself with her next to him.
"What's up Chris?" she purred as she flicked her hair to one side and winked at him.
"You're making me feel uncomfortable," he muttered.
"You didn't think that when I was sucking your cock behind your girlfriends back."
Chris winced... he'd forgotten about that. Or had he? It was weird, it was like her saying it had made the memory true.
Dani turned to their friend Andy. "Hey, would you help me carry some more drinks from the bar?"
Chris watched as Dani flanked Andy and they headed towards the bar. As they walked, she suddenly grabbed his wrist and she began tugging him towards the girls washroom.
Lucky bastard, thought Chris. Looks like Andy was about to get his cock sucked too.
Meanwhile Andy was groaning as fake tan spread down his arm and Dani dragged him towards the washroom.
"Come on Amber... we need to talk. Remember, us girls always go to the toilet together."
As his breasts began to swell and high heels pushed him up, Andy could only giggle and nod. Long blonde hair fell to his back and he giggled as he became a bratty bimbo.
Amber was very much the slut of the group. She loved to act dumb and go shopping. Nights out like this were her other favourite vice - especially if the night ended with her fucking some hot guy.
"Of course babe... let's go freshen up," she laughed letting Dani pull her into the washroom and her new life.
Chris and Jason looked uncomfortable as Amber, Dani and Chloe giggled and chatted. Both boys felt embarassed. This was supposed to be a boys night out, yet none of the boys had wanted to come.
The girls kept giving him funny looks. It was making him feel really uncomfortable.
"Excuse me," he muttered and got up as if to go to the mens - but he headed towards the exit. Something weird was going on and he wanted out.
He has halfway to the door when the three girls suddenly seemed to materialise around him.
"Where are you going Christine?" smirked Chloe. "We're just getting started."
Three slutty hands shot out and grabbed his wrists. As the girls surrounded him Chris moaned as he dragged to the washroom and he began to transform into one of them.
"Remember Christine... girls always go the bathroom together..."
As Christine the tall yoga obssessed gym bunny member of the group finished adjusting her blonde hair in the washroom mirror - she couldn't have agreed more.
Jason sat at a table amongst the chattering giggling girls. Since he had started dating Chloe it felt like she was taking over his life. It was funny - but he didn't seem to have any friends and Chloe had so many.
Wherever he went he always seemed to be outnumbered. It was like since she had come into his life things had really changed and now she was in control of everything.
He watched the four blonde bitches walk off to the washroom together, guys staring hungrily at them and other girls enviously.
He always did wonder what girls talked about when they went to the washroom. He guessed now he'd never find out...
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qtipcottonbuds · 2 years
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this was a bit delayed sorry >:( this is a bit more tame really (update maybe not). 
warnings ;; groping, stuck in wall ish (more like underneath a log really, sweat, somewhat knife play, humilation ish, possible mild language, (this is just a roleplay scenario), dubious consent, hints at CNC etc
by qtipcottonbuds 2022. do not repost.
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It’s quiet, unnaturally so, aside from the accompaniment of cicadas and crickets. Your friends, if he could call them that at this point, had just managed to escape the realm albeit with heavy wounds in doing so. 
Dead leaves crunch underneath the heels of his leather boots, he crouches lowly in front of you, tilting his head in something akin to fake sympathy. It wasn’t usual for him to stumble across a plaything, stuck in the undergrowth and bushes, wedged from the waist upwards between rotting planks and water-logged soil. Not exactly the most ideal of situations, he’ll admit. 
You’d made some sort of attempt to haul yourself, signalled by the thick dirt caking the underneath of your fingernails, as well as the sweat coating your brow and clothing. Wearily, at his presence, you glance up at him, grimacing at the strain on your neck.
“Looks like someone has gone and got themselves a little bit stuck. Would you, uh, like some assistance there, toots?”
Face down, you let out a small huff. Defiant. He could work with that.
Tutting, he playfully twirls his knife between gloved fingertips.
“Is that a no, then?”
You seemingly go to form the words silently, lips pursing in a just about pronunciation (or a potential retort) to turn him down. Embarrassed. Yet, surprisingly you respond with a soft, ‘Please.’
Defeat was a good look on you.
“C’mon, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Ask and you shall receive; your wish is my command.”
As you visibly slump further into the dirt (most likely in both relief and exhaustion), he sets his camera, flashing red, on a nearby tree stump and stands up, bringing himself to full height, heading around to the other side. It’s clear you’ve been stuck there for some time (or rather, left behind), most notably by the torn clothing, drenched in sweat and the slivers of flesh peeking through the worn seams.
It’s a shame you were unaware of the smile on his lips, underneath his mask, grinning like the cat who caught the cream.
Grasping around your calves, securely, he tugs harshly, jerking you backwards - and ultimately, wedging you further in, now pinned face down from your upper back. You wince in the process though, grunting at the force, most likely being left with one or two splinters.
Muffled by the undergrowth, he can barely catch your words, managing to piece together a, “Did it work?” 
Snickering quietly, he finishes off, carefully drawing his blade across the fraying edges of your jeans, cutting away through the belt hoops and into the threading of the back pockets. 
(It sure did).
You’re wriggling much more now, the heels of worn trainers digging into wet soil, trying to gain some leverage to ease yourself from the dry rot. Or maybe, you’re uncomfortable at the lack of a response. Either one is understandable, he muses.
“Hello? Are you still there- What did you do? You, you said you were going to help me-”
“And, I am helping. Y’know patience is a virtue, toots.” 
Gloved hands trail across the exposed skin, groping at it. Instinctively.
“Hiding this away? That’s a bit of a shame really; you’re awfully soft down here. Easy on the eyes,” it’s nothing but a whisper now, hints of mirth present - he hasn’t finished playing with you yet. So naive. He digs his fingertips into the fat of your thighs, stroking up and down leisurely.
“Stop. Please, I don’t-”
But, the plea goes unheard, blatantly, and he carries on the conversation, purposefully oblivious to your growing unease.
“You see, I had a dream similar to this. This exact situation, toots. Little ‘ole you trapped by your own stupidity. Maybe the Entity, with the whole eldritch shtick going on, might’ve granted me a little blessing. What do you think? And, it’s no real fun if only one of us is consenting, no? Might as well cut me some slack and make it a bit easier; but then again, I love when you play hard to get. So mean, aren’t you? Now, first things first, call me Danny.”
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My neck glands (or whatever tf we call them) have been swollen all morning I'm and all I've had is tea and peach juice 😭
Can I get some Pip with a sick reader headcannons please 🙃
Of course my sweet 🫶!!! We all need some comfort when we are ill. I do hope this brings a smile to your lovely face! And my best wishes that you feel better soon.
Tender Remedies (not proofread. Errors will occur. Read at your own peril)
Pippa fitz Amobi x under the weather fem Reader
From the minute you walk into the flat with your pale complexion and snotty nose Pip’s blue eyes are trailing after you. Gone is her attention on her presentation she’s been working on for weeks now. Her blue eyes follow you as you pad around the flat, watching you, studying you.
“You didn’t tell me you were feeling ill” is her starter. She’s up and striding across the room and once she’s up and in front of you her fingers are over your forehead, feeling your damp skin and how unbearably hot your flushed skin feels under her touch.
“Your burning up” she concludes, the tips of her lip is wedged between her teeth, her eyes watching you even closer. “You look pale, you have bags under your eyes” she’s listing of almost every detail to herself.
You lovingly shake your head which feels so heavy and so cloudy that you try to appease your girlfriend, “I’m quite alright pip. Just feeling a bit-“ your legs are weak and when you try to stand they give out, and pip is immediately catching you, arms wrapped around you in a hoist to bring you back up. Her eyes peer down at you, a look you know well. “You are a silly sausage you know that? It seems you are unfit to be up love. Come along I’ll nurse my pretty girlfriend back to health”.
Pip takes your hand and makes her way into the bedroom flat. “Sit on the bed”. You do, and smile softly when pip gets on her knees to unlace your trainers, taking her time undoing your laces and wiggling your feet out of the shoes. Once that’s done she goes to your shirt, “do you want me to change them or do you want to? I just washed your pajamas a few days ago.”
You settle for yourself putting them on. You don’t trust yourself to let pip do it. Not when she’s so soft and sweet. You’re sure your knees would buckle and you’d end up doing something that would get you both sick as dogs.
Once you put on your soft cotton pajamas pip is next to you, her eyes gleaming and wide as she watches you in bed, looking like an utter mess.
“Have you eaten today?”.
You shake your head, “I had a bit of juice this morning but my stomachache made it hard to get anything down”.
Pippa nods, her fingers trailing over your hair and playing with the ends of your soft silky hair, “alright. I can make you a shake? Last time you did very well with that. Of course I’ll have to get the recipe from mum”.
You smiled thinking about Pip’s mum Leanne who had drove all the way to Cambridge in horrible rainy conditions just to help you and Pip who had gotten the stomach bug on occasion of first term starting. The illness had spread through pupils like the plague in 14th century London. You were amazed you hadn’t seen headteachers sprinting around with bird beak masks and poking pupils with long sticks as they taught.
Leanne had arrived and to put it simply saved the day. Mother powers in its finest form.
You nodded.
Pip smiled and left you with a comforting kiss to pad to the kitchen.
A few minutes later she was back, coming in with a glass of water and a few pills.
“Mum says to take these. There natural and should help with the fever. Do the sheets feel scratchy? I can get some news one? How is your head? Do you need new socks? I can-“
You only giggled. “I just need my girlfriend to hold me”.
Pip blushed at that. “Trying to get me in bed with ya? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news love but you aren’t getting in my pants today” she joked wiggling her eyebrows.
You laughed but whined. “Pip just hold me please?”.
Pip smiled and once she got your shake in hand and gave it to you with soft fingers did she finally make her way into bed and pull you close, kissing your a cheeks and checking your forehead.
“What else do you need? Can I read you my presentations and signs of a serial-“
“Yes pip”.
You didn’t miss the way her eyes lit up she rushed of to get her laptop, like a child being told they could buy sweets from the shop.
The things you would do for your girl.
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thedirtygridd · 2 years
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WARNINGS : 18+ , strong sexual content, fictional scenarios
(Part of this was requested and I’ve created a fictional idea to make it even wilder)
Summary - You are cheating with George Russell, despite you both being in a relationship with other people. He invites you over to his hotel room, after his sweaty workout, where he tries a new (fictional) “cum enhancement” pill…
“I can’t wait for later baby” he texted. You went straight onto the chat, you always replied to him straight away. In your phone, he was under the name of “G”. Nobody would be able to work out who it was, especially your boyfriend. He didn’t know about it. He could never know about you and G.
“I can’t wait either…” you responded, biting your lip in anticipation as you thought about what may happen.
Before you could think, he was typing again.
“I’m in the gym training for the 2023 season until 7pm, so I’ll meet you at the room afterwards. Wear what I got you…”
You couldn’t wait. You got yourself dressed in the lingerie that your secret lover had bought you. Black laced lingerie, with fishnet tights exposing your shiny, tanned legs. You had recently put on fake tan for him, because you knew how much he liked it. And you had painted your finger and toe nails in his favourite colour.
Time passed and you arrived at the hotel you had agreed to meet. It was out of town and your boyfriend thought you were away with the girls for the weekend. Little did he know…you were meeting up with George Russell.
You had been thinking about him all day, thinking about his body, his sexiness, everything about him.
You arrived at the hotel gym he was training at, and peeked your head around the door. The gym was quiet, only a handful of men working out. You gazed around the room…And then you spotted him. He was lifting weights, his face red, you could see how sweaty he was even from a distance. You licked your lips at the sight of him working out.
He then got up and started walking towards the door, this is when he spotted you. You had put a tight black dress over the top of your lingerie, to disguise your look, and you wore wedged shoes. He continued to walk towards you, while smirking and checking you out. He placed his sweat soaked towel around his neck.
“Hey baby” he said quietly as you turned to walk with him towards the elevator.
The first thing you asked was “where’s Carmen?” (Georges girlfriend)
“She’s not here. Don’t worry, nobody knows as always. It’s just us. “
You both got into the elevator and the doors closed. George wrapped his veiny arms around you, and started to kiss you. You placed your hand behind his neck, surprised at how slimy and sweaty he was. You took your time to smother your hand in it, as your tongues found each other in your mouths.
At this point you heard a “DING!” As you arrived at your floor. It was the penthouse suite. You walked in and admired the view out of the large glass windows, which offered a panoramic view of London on a winters night.
“You gonna do what we said?” George asked suspiciously as he continued to check you out.
You nodded while lowering your dress, exposing your tight lingerie to him.
“Fuck yeah. So hot” he said as he admired the view.
“Have you taken those tablets?” You asked
“Yes I have…I hope they work”
The tablets in question were brand new, he had never tried them before, and they hadn’t been released to the public yet. George had his ways though, and managed to get some.
The tablets would create an unimaginable amount of cum to shoot out of George, and allow him to orgasm as many times as he wanted , and on command as he desired, so long as it was in the time limit. The limit was one hour.
“Come on, let’s get started then” said George as he guided you to the bathroom. You slowly placed yourself into the large bathtub , as George stood beside you. He slipped off his trainers and socks and exposed his huge masculine feet. You could smell the sweat on them already. Something about them turned you on, maybe because he would use them to drive his f1 car, or maybe it was just because of the sheer size of them. So manly. He slipped off his other clothes too, leaving him fully naked. His abs glistened in the light, you could see sweat tricking down them. His bushy armpits leaking out his sweaty musk.
He grabbed hold of his already hard cock, and started stroking it. You noticed his index finger smothering pre cum around his tip.
“Touch yourself and get ready” he demanded.
And so you started touching yourself. Your fingers brushed in and over your wet lips. The anticipation of what was about to happen filled you both with raw animalistic excitement. This was something a normal person could not do, and we were about to try it.
As George tugged on his juicy cock, he mentioned “ you know…mhm” he interrupted himself as a pulse of pleasure hit him as he jerked off. “…you know carmen doesn’t like my cum, she doesn’t let me do anything with it…so fucking boring”
You replied with “I fucking love it, and I want you to fill this whole tub up for me baby”
As you said it, you felt yourself start to orgasm , just as George let out his first load. It came out of his tip with such a force, it caused you to fall backwards, onto your back. He didn’t stop. He continued to jerk as you noticed his eyes roll into the back of his head, the cum kept coming. It completely covered you, almost like turning the tap on, and it didn’t stop. The bath was starting to fill up with his very own hot, milky fluid.
Before you knew it, your body was completely submerged, only your head was above the deep layer of cum. His first Cumshot lasted over 5 minutes, probably the longest male orgasm ever. The pills were working.
George stopped jerking his cock and placed himself into the bath with you. He leant over you and started making out, you smothered your hands over his abs, and covered them with his own fresh milk. The smell was so good. You had always enjoyed the musky smell of George’s cum, and now you could admire the smell of a while bath tub.
Your body’s both felt so slimy as they glide over each other. You bodies both fully submerged in the warm, thick fluid.
George slipped his cock inside you and started fucking you hard. You felt cum slip in and out at the same time as his hard cock. This was by far the dirtiest thing you had ever done. Also the best.
While he fucked you , you felt his hands smothering your body. He smothered cum around your face and into your mouth.
As he did, you heard him groan as he unleashed another mighty wave of cum. This time inside you. You felt yourself instantly fill up. You overflowed in no time, but he carried on. You felt him continue to fill you up.
“Fuck G…stop…mhm….ugh….I feel like I’m gonna…”
Before you could finish you erupted with your own orgasm. The bath started overflowing. You heard cum splatter all over the floor. You both grabbed hold of one another, you dug your nails into his back, but struggled to find the grip.
You both moaned so loudly, you felt like the whole hotel may hear you. Maybe the whole of London. His cum continued to overflow, covering the bathroom floor at this point.
The bath was completely full of his milk. You were completely full as well. He forced his cum covered fingers into your mouth and made you lick on it. You sucked at his fingers as he did it. The taste , the feeling of it all over you, the manly smell…everything about it was so sexy.
This is when George grabbed your head and pushed you under. He submerged you fully inside his cum, and then when he brought you out again he started licking at your face. Even he was enjoying the taste of his own produce.
You were both so horny. So wild…
This is when you heard a noise from behind the door…you both immediately stopped.
“George? George are you in there?” A female voice asked
The door slowly started to creep open as you both stared and waited for who would reveal themselves.
“Fuck” said George….
To be continued.
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bluekat12345 · 3 days
RBA as Pokemon
I realized I never did this for Rescue Bots Academy bots, so I thought I finally should do something about that.
Hot Shot
Pokemon: Scorbunny
Moves: Ember, Low Kick, Double Kick, Agility
Reason: Hot Shot is a cube player and the Scorbunny line is based on soccer players. Hot Shot can be egotistical and the Scorbunny line can be known to be show-offish, so it's perfect for him.
Pokemon: Riolu
Moves: Endure, Force Palm, Bulldoze, Counter
Reason: This is hard to explain, but I feel like Wedge would be a Riolu. He reminds me of Ash's Riolu and his admiration for his mentor Bumblebee reminds me of how Riolu are known to aura bond with their trainers and look up to them.
Pokemon: Rookidee
Moves: Aerial Ace, Fury Attack, Scary Face, Air Cutter
Reason: Whirl is an energetic flyer that wants to be a cop, and Rookidee and its evolution line are based on knights, which can be a law enforcing authority, and Rookidee is known to brave, reckless, and females are fussier than men, which I think matches Whirl well.
Pokemon: Indeedee (Male Form)
Moves: Calm Mind, Healing Wish, Psybeam, Swift
Reason: I obviously had to give him a medical Pokémon, or a Pokémon we've seen Nurse Joy use in the anime, and I felt Indeedee was the best choice, and the male's face just screams Medix Pokémon to me.
Pokemon: Cufant
Moves: Dig, Iron Defense, Strength, Rock Blast
Reason: Its trunk reminds me of Hoist tow truck hook, its steel typing works well since he has engineering skills. Plus, even though it isn't a dinosaur, I feel like it can kind of go with a dino theme.
Sorry if the reasons are not as great as the ones in my previous TFA/Pokémon posts. These are my personal opinions and should not be considered universal.
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Gotta Catch Em’ All!
trainer!hobie brown x gn!trainer!reader
text that is small is an optional detail!
pls give advice on hobies accent
fluff, headcanons + mini scenarios, pokémon-au
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Name — Hobie Brown
Britain Pokedex — Earth-136
Money — Thief!
Battle Points — 947283
He’s a menace to say the least. Not in a quirky but in a way where he’s actually a national problem.
He likes Fairy and Ghost types. He feels like people aim for physical and elementally strong Pokémon because they’re known to be efficient; but who said that he couldn’t beat them? Snap out of it!
He found Mimikyu one day behind a brush in the woods
Love at first sight fr
He gave it a spiked collar and a spiked-mohawk-headband
He doesn’t use Pokéballs unless Mimikyu is seriously injured and there’s no where to rest at the moment
“It’s just controllin to keep em in there.”
No doubt about it he’s one of the greatest trainers you’ve ever seen
Him being pretty helps too ig
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“A-and he just stole from my mansion—!” The exasperated man shouted at you. “Aren’t you trainers worth any good? Use your Pokémon to stop him!”
“Yeah yeah old man, I got you!” You lazily scanned the area and went around the back of the mansion.
Everything’s normal so far until you see a large picture on the porcelain white walls of the mansion.
There was a large “mural” in black, dark blue, and red. In huge letters it wrote: PUNK-MON WINS! Noticing that the thief was still finishing the painting you turned the corner and walked towards him. He had a mask on and held a spray can in his hand.
“Ki-ki-ki-kyu!!!” You felt something slash at your leg, causing you to crash to the ground.
“What on earth is that?! Your scary Pokémon just bit me or something!”
The tall boy picked it up. Speaking of which, what was that thing? It looked like a wannabe Pikachu with spikes attached on it’s head. “Good little Mimikyu, beatin’ up stalkers whereva you see ‘em.”
“Stalkers? Huh—hey you mean me! I’m not a stalker!”
He helped you up. “You betta not be a copper.”
You glared at him. How are you gonna trip someone and then accuse them of trying to arrest you? Who is this loser?
He removed his mask.
Suddenly you’re not mad anymore.
“Aha, um… I see we got off on the wrong foot.” You batted your eyes. “Emphasis on foot… what is that thing?”
“This TING!!! Is my baby. My punk bunny. Mimikyu say hi!” The little creature garbled and babbled away.
“Was that ‘hi’ or possessed screeches?”
“Ion even know m’self to be honest.” He looked a little disturbed by Mimikyu, but then smiled. “My name’s Obie Brown, and I’m the number one criminal of rich-heads like this around town.”
“Very cool Hobie Brown. Only problem is that rich-head thinks Pokémon are the cause of all this vandalism and he’s trying to take down all the gyms in this area.”
“Ki-kyu-ki-ki-ki-kyu!” Mimikyu excitedly garbled.
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You couldn’t believe you were robbing the house of guy you promised to help. At least it’s not like he needs said money anyway—he has a whole nother vault on a separate island. The goal was to strip the old man of everything he owned in this mansion.
You wedged the metal bar Hobie had lended you inti the crack of the safe’s opening. “Darn. [Poke!Name], a little help here?”
Your Pokémon croaked a little noise and threw an attack at the metal door, which surprisingly made a big enough dent to pull at.
The doors hinges dropped and inside revealed a tomb of gold and stacks of money. Including golden Pokéballs.
Alright! No more marveling. Here was the hard part of the mission—getting all of the things into the cheap school bags you had stolen bought and throwing them out the window.
Needless to say, it was a rather taxing job. You were constantly on your toes watching out for a stray maid or butler to come in.
“Okay! [Poke!Name], we’re finished. And no thanks to you… You’re lucky I love you.” The moment you slightly pushed the vault door open an alarm blasted. You winced as the painful ringing echoed in your ears. “It must’ve not been triggered when we blasted through it, but opening it does.”
You managed to hurl some bags at the window. But your own escape was more difficult—and you could heart the rapid footsteps coming down the hall.
That familiar British voice! You stuck your head at the window and saw Hobie with outstretched arms.
You anxiously rubbed your arms as you heard the servants working on the entrance door. Who would win: your fear of heights or your fear of jail?
“Open up!”
Darn, darn, darn, darn—
Your Pokémon pushed you out the window. WHAT?
You were falling—you were falling—you were going to meet your death—
“Ya not fallin anymore you damsel in distress.”
You blushed out of embarrassment and got out of Hobie’s arms. “Ahem, thank you.”
He suddenly grabbed your hand tightly and started running away from the mansion. “So, what’s the name? I never caught it!”
You sighed. You really got yourself into some sort of mess. “[Name]. Your new partner in crime.”
“That’s the spirit!”
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melobin · 7 months
Need sungchan as my personal trainer asap
he’d be really hands on ^.^ fingers always finding their way to your waist as he helps position you into the correct stance, always praising you for doing so well and listening to his instructions perfectly !! always complementing you on how good you look .. would definitely end up with sungchan having you pinned against the wall in the showers with your leg around his waist and his cock wedged deep inside of you
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
i really enjoy your blog so much that I had to write, after I saw all the questions marks about Alycia Debnam-Carey's height. There's been too much speculation over the years and it some of it is downright hilarious.
I'm not giving any personal information so you'll have to take this with a pinch or a good dash of salt, but I've worked with her. Her eyes are a clear green (lighting really makes a difference) and she is 5'7". Her body has changed a lot over the years giving her a more hourglass like figure and along with how cameras work, makes her appear a little smaller. She is almost always around people who are 6' or better and that also makes her appear smaller. In a lot of her photos and selfies she exaggerates certain poses especially with other people (leaning, bending) and this also makes her look smaller. Eliza, on the other hand, in almost always wearing four or five inch heels. She rarely wears flats or trainers.
On the set of The 100 they wanted Eliza and Alycia to be eye-to-eye and again, if you notice how the camera is set whenever they are in a two-shot, this is accomplished almost seamlessly. Eliza is 5'4 and a half and usually wore heels and lifts that were easily disguised by clothing/camera angles. Sometimes this is for practical reasons, like keeping everyone in frame or creating a certain effect. In the episode where she has Lexa backed up to a table, Alycia drew herself up to her full height and you can see the difference.
Sometimes these differences are considered a little comical and that's not what they wanted, so it didn't happen again. Not even in the scene when they're both barefoot in Clarke's room. Alycia is leaning forward as she walks (diminishing her height somewhat) again, to keep them close in the shot, which is quickly cut to them being seated.
How actors fit in a shot is important for focus, lighting and composition. Tom Cruise often appears much taller or at least of the same height as his co-stars through these means and he's the same height as Alycia. Watch for it in films and TV and you will simply never know someone's actual height, unless they are so blatantly tall, someone like Chris Hemsworth can even look to be close in height to Robert Downey Jr.
Take another scene with Eliza and Alycia, outdoors, during the pauna scare. Alycia's legs are constantly bent, which seems practical, on her guard, ready to run. She's standing next to Eliza whose legs are not really bent, and they appear to be the same height. Again, they are being kept closely in the frame. This happens too during Finn's funeral but if you notice in the long shot, Alycia's mark is deliberately right in a small divot and Eliza is standing about an inch forward. during season 3 they are always kept at the same eye level to emphasize these are twin commanders, two sides of the same coin.
Another little note on filming: women are almost always made to look smaller than they are, especially when paired with a male actor. If they are taller than the male actor, lifts or flats will be used, body posture, stance and the camera. Rarely is work done to make them look taller. One exception is Gal Gadot who wore wedges and lifts in her Wonder Woman costume, and she's already about 5'10" but again this was mostly for the camera as she was surrounded by actors her height or taller.
Hope this gives some insight as to how it works in filming and why.
Listen I am both shook, but also not at all surprised. And yes I am taking it with a grain of salt because idk you lol but you didn't say anything ~scandalous~ so I don't particularly see why you'd have any reason to lie.
1. Fuuuuuck you about the eyes 😩 fuck off noooo I don't— I didn't— I don't remember reading that part shhh shuuush shu— shut your mouth shut—
2. Yeah ok so, I had always heard she was 5'7 and that was the general... idk, feel that I always got from her. But like you said cameras always lie in the interest of getting shots and also she is,,, always gd surrounded by people taller than her. I mean take Laura for example. Her in flats vs Alycia in heels, even then she still looks tiny so it's always so hard to tell unless you're right there. But I checked out the scenes you mentioned and it seems at least at a glance that you're right. She does duck her head and somewhat rolls her shoulders forward when she walks into Clarke's room, and that gives the illusion that they're roughly the same height for a second, but even then she still has a touch of height on Eliza if you pay attention and account for the distance between them and the angle. And with the pyre scene
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That sure does look like a bit of a dip in the ground with Eliza on a higher, flatter surface compared to it. It's minimal to not the draw the eye plus the draping of Lexa's coat, but I think I see the difference you're talking about. Alycia's foot even looks slightly tilted on the slope of it.
And even still, side by side they're not the same height. If they were shoulder to shoulder it'd be even more obvious.
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I mean objectively I always knew they played visual tricks and fucked with wardrobe (lifts) and stuff to make scenes work. I've heard of the whole thing with making actors stand on boxes and having dudes practically in high heels to create height, so none of this seems out of place in the slightest, and it does fits more into what I had previously always thought about her height.
Sooooooo it was TLFOAH flyer that was the liar saying Alice is 5'5 (I know I know, the character is 5'5, whatever you know what I mean.)
I do appreciate this input! Even though obviously I have no idea if you're just talkin shit, but again I mean, what would really be the purpose. There's nothing to really gain.
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