#weiss x winter
10gallon · 3 months
Alright so, I noticed something...
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snowsisterskiss · 1 year
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leaftheclonetrooper · 2 years
RWBY Shipping: Weiss Schnee x Winter Schnee | Ice Age!
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RWBY Shipping: Weiss Schnee x Winter Schnee | Ice Age!
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rwbyremnants · 1 year
Warnings: mother-daughter incest, sister-sister incest, Dom/sub, pet play, foot worship, cowgirl, rawing, analingus, anal fingering, anal, double penetration. Tw: rape mentions, discussion of transphobia.
Well here we go, back into it! Hope this hits the spot and provides some nice refreshing icy smut during this heat wave (at least where I'm living).
=Chapter 10: Willow
Willow most certainly was not looking forward to this roundtable discussion. At all. Everyone seemed to fully support the opinion that each and every move she made was the wrong one. Not that it was anything new for her. Jacques had been the same way when they were still together, and her eldest daughter followed in his footsteps. Why should she want to walk willingly into what was probably going to be half an hour of repeated character assassination?
“This is a waste of time,” Winter said as soon as they got there, leaning back against the wall. She had no idea how much her mother agreed with her, but likely would have been infuriated if she did. “You’re not going to get me to open up any more than we’ve already attempted in the past. I just went along with this because clearly Rosebud is doing her best to help. She deserves the support.”
Willow merely shrugged and looked down at her hands, fidgeting with them. “Of course, Winter.”
“Don’t you mean ‘Walter’?”
“Funny, you did up until five minutes ago…” 
Grimacing, she glanced at Weiss desperately, but didn’t dare open her mouth again. She loved her girls - really, genuinely, deeply loved them. Always had. She just couldn’t adequately explain to Winter that her love had taken a very nasty form at the worst of times. Partly because trying had always been so futile, but mostly because… 
Because she didn’t deserve a second chance with her. Not after all that had passed between them.
“Winter, do you have to be so dismissive?” Weiss finally sighed. “It’s so rude.”
“Shut up, Weiss.”
“Don’t bicker,” Willow bade them with a sigh. “You two deserve to have some sort of… sisterhood, I suppose. Just don’t argue over me.”
“Oh, how noble,” Winter sneered, and she tried not to let her flinch show outwardly. 
“STOP!” Weiss shouted at her - and it was a legitimate shout, not just a whine or a sharp snap. The other two flinched. “Just stop being such a giant BITCH!”
Blinking and barely sparing her mother another glance, Winter took a step toward her younger sister. “How can you say that? In what conceivable thought process am I in the wrong for still suffering through the trauma of not one, but two transphobic parents essentially treating me like a mental patient for trying to be who I am?!”
“Because unlike the other one, at least she’s attempting to learn! It’s been a very slow process, and she still gets a lot wrong, but she…” Her shouting finally abated, and her voice took on a more pleading tone. Willow wanted to curl into a ball and stop being visible; she hated that she had anything to do with the creation of this predicament, but she knew it was almost entirely on her. Jacques bore some responsibility because they played off each other in the early days, but not all. “She’s working on it so hard. I’ve been trying to explain it to you and you just tune me out!”
“Oh, and why shouldn’t I? She’s got you convinced that she’s a good person, but I know the truth; I know she’s a wicked, selfish, manipulative old bitch who cares more about her bank account and her outdated ideals than her own flesh and blood! And THAT is the truth!”
Every word stabbed into her like an arrow. For a few seconds, she tuned out of their argument, even though she knew Weiss was still sticking up for her - and she shouldn’t have been. Winter deserved better. That much, she had realised as soon as she lost her, and only moreso as she came to grow closer to her younger daughter once she also came out. 
“…probably only because you want to fuck her so much!” Winter was snapping nastily when she had finally taken enough breaths to be somewhat more present.
“EXCUSE ME?!” Weiss burst out, taking a step back. “You- that isn’t- this was our job tonight, Winter! You didn’t even work it, you don’t have any room to talk!”
“You didn’t deny it, Weiss. I think I’m right.”
“Wait, wait,” Willow sighed tiredly, looking between them. “What has she supposedly done?”
Oh, that smile Winter flashed her was so nasty. “Trying to play mother in the eleventh hour, are we?”
“Just… tell me.”
“She thinks I slept with Theiaki because I wanted to-” Weiss had a lot of bluster right up until she cut herself off, then she squirmed, looking away embarrassed. “It’s ludicrous.”
“She wants to fuck you , Mother Dearest,” Winter provided with a smirk.
“I do NOT! That is obscene and offensive, to both of us! Tell her, Mother!”
Willow sighed and looked at Winter soberly. Even though she wasn’t sober; the wine was still swimming around in her stomach, making it hard to think critically - or some other mystery substance, if Kali was to be believed. “I have not once ever thought about sleeping with any of my children, and I would not really expect either of you to feel that way about me, either. It… it isn’t normal. Please, I know you’re upset with me-”
“Upset with y- upset?! Mother, you have done your best to RUIN MY LIFE!” she suddenly screamed, and Willow recoiled hard. Somehow she managed not to literally turn away, at least. “You know what you did! Don’t even try to deny it!”
“I KNOW! I know, Winter, I- I have never stopped thinking about that! I should have listened, I didn’t realise until you cut all ties that I was… was driving you away. I know that doesn’t make anything-”
Winter burst out laughing, cutting off the rest of her words. Weiss looked concernedly between the two, seeming like the odd person out even if she was contributing occasionally. WIllow knew this was going nowhere good but braced herself for impact; it was all she could do.
“You ruined my life. Not just our relationship - which good riddance, as far as I’m concerned. Do you see where we are right now? You did that. You made sure that I didn’t get into the colleges I wanted because I wouldn’t ‘just go back to being Walter’. You made sure I couldn’t enlist because I refused to ‘just go back to being Walter’, even though I had such high marks in JROTC and nobody in my high school minded when I came out. Well, very few of them. So what choice did I have but to go into one of the three professions that trans women with no other options have to choose from: porn, prostitution, or stripping?”
“You can’t blame that last one entirely on me,” Willow hedged. “Save some blame for our former president.”
“SEE?! You always pass the buck!”
“I SCREWED UP, Winter. It’s what parents do; their best. I have told you time and time again that I thought I was doing what was best - I didn’t understand!”
This time, Weiss interrupted her big sister with, “She didn’t! I’ve been trying to explain how much better she’s been with me! It wasn’t a magical turnaround, either, she had a lot of work left to do, she just… she just started listening when she realised she was going to lose both of us.”
Shaking her head, the older sister turned to look off toward the stage instead of at Willow. She thought she noticed something while watching her tall, strong daughter striking such a furiously resolute pose: was she growing more aroused? Winter was wearing something closer to real clothing instead of that tear-away thong their other daughters sported as part of the show, but she still found the larger bulge catching her eye thanks to the movement. But she returned her attention to her face a moment later, trying to remain focused.
“Why did Weiss get to be the one who mattered? Don’t you see how much worse that makes it? You didn’t care about listening to me, only about listening to her. Absolutely par for the course.”
"It's not as if I listened to her in the beginning, either!" Willow cried out weakly. "You'll never know what I've been through!"
Immediately, her oldest daughter's face darkened. But Weiss took a quick step forward, hands out in front of her. "We don't, Winter. Just because she won't understand what we've been through, either, doesn't invalidate her experiences. You know that."
"No, no, I already know what she's going to say. Father never really loved her, she felt misunderstood by the whole family. Then she thought I was betraying her by suddenly 'crying out for attention' by transitioning while she was in the middle of a bitter divorce."
"You don't know the half of it," Willow breathed tiredly.
"So tell me. I doubt it will change anything at this point; I consider myself an orphan at this point, you're both so terrible."
"Really?" Something drew taut within her, and she found herself squaring off and stepping closer, edging Weiss aside with one hand. "You remember all those times I shouted at you, slapped you, tried to get you to stop being a deviant? Do you have any idea what your father would have done to you if I had let him? No, you don't. The half-dozen times he ever laid a hand on any of you kids would have numbered in the hundreds if I didn't put myself in the way. And you can explain that away all you want, make light of it, call me an alcoholic and a failure as a parent… honestly, I mostly deserve it. But don't you dare ever pretend that I am 'just as bad' as he is. That's the one thing I cannot accept, because it's always going to be a bald-faced lie."
Winter didn’t look shocked - not exactly. But there did seem to be a crease of concern in her brow marring her scowl of fury. Her mouth worked for a moment before she turned away again.
“On some level, I knew, Mother. It still doesn't really excuse your attitude toward me, but I would never condone how Father treated you. I saw glimpses…” Even in the low light, she could see the pain creeping in and she wanted to protect her little girl, to spare her from having to deal with this. Still, she didn’t; letting her appreciate that they both had their own wounds might be the only way she could legitimately reenter Winter’s life, to mend their relationship. Help her get out of this accursed place. 
“Don’t worry about that. It’s in the past.”
“Yes, and so is what you did to me. But it still informs the present; it still affected me so deeply that it’s changed how I treat everyone and everything in my life. The same goes for… for you and Father. That time you ‘fell down the stairs’ and ended up in the hospital, right?”
Grimacing, Willow felt her hands curling into fists so she forced them to relax. “That was about Wil- Weiss’s recital. He wanted her to play a more challenging piece, and I don’t know what got into me but I insisted he should leave her to pursue whichever she chose. God forgive me for thinking it was between Weiss and the pianoforte, and he had nothing to do with it. Jacques certainly didn’t.”
“Mmm, yes. The black eye you tried so hard to cover up for my junior high graduation?”
“I ‘walked into a door’, of course. He didn’t want you to wear the salmon shirt underneath because it made you look like… a word I don’t use. Anymore ,” she added at Winter’s sharp look. “And before you ask, no, I didn’t really disagree with him at the time. I just argued with him that it didn’t really matter because many other prep school boys wore bright colors, and he should get over it. That was the part he took issue with.”
“Stop,” Weiss suddenly whispered. When they both glanced at her, she was wiping at her eyes. “I knew… Daddy wasn’t nice to you, Mother. I knew. But I can’t believe…”
Winter’s impatient sigh cut her off as her mother touched her shoulder in comfort. “Oh, Weiss, suck it up. He was a monster. You just didn’t want to see it - probably still don’t. And I suppose our mother was simply an ignoramus who tried her best, even if it doesn’t entirely excuse some of her choices. But fine, I’ll concede that. I just will never understand why it took you so long to leave him.”
Willow nodded. She didn’t dare let hope spark in her chest; she didn’t deserve it, and didn’t believe it besides. And since she had no good response for that final point, instead she asked, “So where do we go from here? I don’t… I’d like to be…” Her breath hitched.
“Save your tears,” her eldest sighed, sounding completely hollow. “Just because you got knocked around by Father a few times doesn't mean I believe you have any real compassion for me. Empty performances from an empty-hearted bi-”
Not that it was particularly hard. Still, Willow was aghast when she saw that her youngest girl had actually stood up on her tiptoes to deliver a swift blow across her big sister’s face. Winter tensed, her fight-or-flight trying to kick in but being forestalled by sheer shock.
“What… do you… what the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“Don’t do that,” Weiss told her a little more firmly than before. Willow hadn’t noticed before, but at this point she was enraged - and not the petulant, bratty variety she was when the store was out of the shoes she wanted in her size. She was furious. “Mother has been trying to reach out, and you don’t want to hear it; that’s fine, I suppose. Your loss. But she is upset and hurting, and you are trying to make her feel worse? Terrible - absolutely terrible! Shame on you! Ignore her if you have to, but you’re better than this!”
At that point, Winter showed a cold smile. “Oh, I’m not better than that. I’m not even going to say you’re wrong - she probably does deserve a second chance. Perhaps. Someday. I don’t know if I can give it to her, mostly because I don’t know if I can ever believe she genuinely feels remorse.”
“Then leave me alone,” Willow sighed defeatedly, really wishing she had a fresh drink.
“Not just yet.” There was a smugness in her tone, despite their previous conversation. She struck a powerful stance with her hands on her hips, feet planted further apart. “You remember how depraved it is that you came in here and slept with one of Weiss’s friends, don’t you? I absolutely cannot forget even just the sight of you lying under her, so I doubt it’s slipped your mind.”
“No, no, it hasn’t. I just… well, they established that we weren’t responsible, with that… aphrodisiac…” Nevermind the wine. She fell off the wagon a lot harder than she had in a while.
“Minor details. Anyway, you seem to really enjoy being in a room full of girls whose dicks are erect because they can no longer make them flaccid. Gives you a real thrill, I’d say. Weiss has been hard most of this time and you haven’t complained at all.”
Glancing down at Weiss’s arousal, which did seem to be pointing straight up yet again, she cleared her throat. “Honestly? I hadn’t thought about it. I know she can’t help but be… aroused, if you will, because she’s been dosed. Why would I hold it against-”
“I’m not talking about her. She’s blameless. But you? You knew she would probably be back here, and yet you waltzed right in, took your seat, and waited for your own daughter to walk out onto the stage and show you everything she’s got.”
“That is not how it went!” she snapped. “I came… I wanted to save her! From making a mistake, from choosing this as a profession when it might ruin the rest of her life, her aspirations! And I know by now that there isn’t much I can do, but at the time… well, what do you want me to do? Hmm? I assume you have some incredible game plan, a few hoops I can jump through to be less detestable in your eyes?”
The shrug from Winter was far too casual. “Nothing quite like that. But there will be a… gauntlet, of sorts.”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh - haven’t you noticed yet?” 
When Winter gestured down, this time Willow noticed her bulge seemed to have doubled in size. By now, it was hard enough that the head poked up over the waistband of her bikini bottoms. Swallowing hard, she dragged her eyes back up - after a couple of seconds. Probably a couple too long.
“That’s right,” Winter went on with a dark smirk. “Now you’ve seen both of your little girls this way. Isn’t that something?”
“But… but why are you…?” However, she didn’t need to really ask. “The dose. You took it - even though you weren’t dancing for us, you took one of Salem’s pills.”
Her eldest took a step forward, getting right in her face - and pressing something else so close to her body that Willow had to arch her back slightly to keep from coming into contact with that rigid shape. “Mmhmm. Just to make you squirm. Honestly, I found it impossible to resist the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
“To do what?” When Winter only glared, she swallowed hard, voice beginning to shake. “Winter… no… ”
A second passed with her eldest looming large in her eyes, her own expression hard and smug. No love lived there. Then she rolled her eyes. “You see how horrible you are? Even after all that’s gone on between us, you really think I would ever do that to anyone? That’s touching. Evidently, I’m still the boogie monster that took your eldest son in your eyes.”
Finally, Willow just squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lips together hard. There was no winning with Winter anymore. She would have to accept that; stop fighting, stop trying to convince her of anything anymore. It was an uphill battle with no summit. 
“Winter… do you even hear yourself?” Weiss was saying in a concerned tone. Deeply, genuinely concerned. “This isn’t right. I don’t know what else you think Mother has to do for you to earn even the slightest chance with you! Honestly, it’s starting to get on my-”
“Do you want to punish me?”
Even with her eyes closed, Willow could feel theirs on her. She slid her arms around her own stomach and gripped hard. Mostly she just wanted this night to be over and was trying to do whatever she could to bring them to that conclusion, so she could either kill herself or drink to forget. She just wanted not to have to be Willow Schnee anymore. Ever again, if she had her way.
“Mother,” Weiss breathed, voice full of sympathy.
“Wait, wait,” Winter said before either of them could speak further. “What exactly do you mean?”
“I don’t know,” Willow whispered, ignoring the way the club beats vibrated through her bones - and into other places she was trying not to focus on. That second dose of the aphrodisiac was working in tandem with the first. She was very grateful to Kali for telling them about it, even if simultaneously she was furious that she took her goddamn time to do so. Wasn’t it important enough to interrupt? Why did she patiently wait for them to all have drank their fill?
Did Kali want them to go through this?
“You’re asking me to punish you. For your past sins. That’s… an interesting idea.” She opened her eyes when she heard heels walking across the floor to watch her daughter pace in front of her, looking down at her. Inspecting. “I think I could get behind it.”
“WINTER!” Weiss burst out in alarm. “If you think I’m going to watch you hurt our mother, no matter how mean she was to you, then you are mistaken!”
The older girl scoffed, “As if you could stop me. But don’t worry, that’s not the kind of punishment I had in mind - well, not entirely. A little minor pain will only make it better.”
Oh no. The frazzled mother was beginning to understand where this was going. It wouldn’t be her first time - though very nearly so. Once upon a time, she and Jacques had tried a few antics in the bedroom involving ropes or handcuffs; nothing too deep into that world which she had never particularly wanted to explore. He liked to feel powerful. Some days, work made him feel less so, and she had existed to rebuild his ego - either by choice or otherwise. Just because she didn’t feel like telling Winter and Weiss that she was a victim of spousal rape didn’t mean the memories weren’t as fresh now as when it was happening.
At least Winter didn’t seem to be leaning in that direction. Though given her seething rage, she wouldn’t be surprised if that changed during the next few minutes.
“What do you want from me?” Willow finally breathed. “Take it. I’ll give it to you. You don’t even have to say what it is, don’t have to set any limits… it’s fine.”
“Really? Absolute power? Oh, that’s a dangerous gift,” Winter almost purred. As sick as it was, Willow felt a slight bump of joy from hearing her estranged daughter actually sounding pleased with her in spite of the reason. “I could have a lot of fun with that.”
Poor Weiss. Her voice sounded so panicked and plaintive when she squeaked, “What on earth is happening? You two are like, speaking another language now, but I don’t think I like what I’m hearing!”
“Just observe, little sister. You’re the audience - or a witness, I suppose. This isn’t about you anymore. Mother has already made things right with you, because of course she has.” But instead of kicking that dead horse, she folded her arms and came to a stop in front of her mother, towering over her thanks to the heels; belatedly, Willow realised she hadn’t even bothered to retrieve her own after allowing another stripper to fill her body completely. She really did have a willpower problem.
“Mother?” her tender young daughter asked more softly, moving to block Winter’s view briefly as she looked into her eyes with concern. “You can’t be honestly considering… well, whatever strange punishment she has in mind. That sounds like a horrible idea!”
Willow threw her arms around the girl’s neck, pulling her in close. “Oh, Weiss…” God, that firm presence gouging into her hip would have felt good if it wasn’t her baby girl; she ignored it as best she could. “It’s alright.”
“But I want to protect you,” she whispered, quiet enough that Winter wouldn’t be able to hear what they were saying over the music. Probably.
“You can’t. Not from my own mistakes. She isn’t wrong about how thoroughly I ruined her life, even if it was never my intention. I… I am so happy you wanted to help; that I have…” Her voice cracked, even though she was only whispering. “I wanted to do better with you because it’s all I had left! So if I have…”
Clinging even harder, Weiss whispered, “You don’t have to do this! Just tell her to go stick her head in a trash can and leave you alone!”
“I can’t. You know as well as I do that this is my mess; I am the only one who can even attempt to clean it up.” She kissed her cheek, then gently pushed her backward to arm’s length. “I’ll be fine.”
“Will you?” Winter questioned before Weiss could respond. The little sister scowled at her, but then took a couple of steps back with a conflicted expression in place. 
Willow tried her best not to glance down at what had been poking her, but she couldn’t help it; hormones demanded she give in to temptation. Weiss was better equipped than she remembered from before the lights had gone out. Her artificially-heightened instincts were telling her that she wanted to help her with that, to fall to her knees and- but no, those thoughts were poison. She would lock them away and never look at them again if she could help it.
“No more distractions.” Winter snapped her fingers at her, and Willow looked up. “Hands and knees, bitch.”
Willow opened her mouth to reply - and then forced herself to obey instead. This had once come naturally to her, but now she had to remember the old familiar steps. She lowered herself to the floor gingerly until she was in position, legs protesting thanks to the ache from Pyrrha bending them back earlier. Winter took a step forward, now towering over her. How imposing the girl could be. No, woman. Weiss may still have been young and naive and idealistic, but her eldest was no longer a child in any sense of the word. Especially not… 
It was so impossible not to look at that thick example of arousal when it was directly in front of her eyes. Swallowing hard, she tried to look through it, as she had so many times when she drank and tried to pretend Jacques wasn’t in one of his rages. But a speck of disco lights would flash past, outlining it better, and her eyes would focus automatically.
“Does the bitch like what she sees?” Winter said in a voice so full of confidence that Willow felt her body responding without her consent. Why did she like that so much? Why did she feel such a thrill from being treated like a dog by her own daughter?  “Do what a bitch does: investigate.”
“Wh-what?” The word was barely out of her mouth when Winter slapped her across the face. “AH!”  
“HEY!” Weiss snapped, taking a step forward. But Willow stopped her herself with an outstretched hand. A glance upward showed her that Winter was nodding very slightly in approval; this was between them, after all. 
“A bitch doesn’t talk. Now… do what a bitch should do instead.”
Against her will, she was a little impressed. Even though this type of rough play had not been her favourite, she had to admit Winter took to it like a fish to water - though this couldn’t have been her first time. She was too practiced. Still, she had a job to do, so… 
There was a slight gasp from Weiss when Willow leaned forward and began sniffing around Winter’s head. She hadn’t pulled it any further out of her garment; it seemed she was meant to do that on her own. With a glance up to see if Winter would stop her, she started nosing further down the shaft though her garment, poked her sack once before heading back up. She didn’t even mind this terribly; knowing who it was made her ill, as it should have done for any mother, but the actual shape and scent were fairly appealing in the same way Pyrrha’s had been earlier. Maybe the main reason she didn’t enjoy giving head before had more to do with Jacques than the act itself. 
“Hmmhh… you know, something about this doesn’t sit right with me… I know what it is.” She took a step back. Was she harder than previously? Must have been her imagination. “Your clothes. Take them off - all of them.”
“Winter, please,” Weiss hissed - though her voice was lower and more cautious than before. Clearly she was trying to be a spectator but failing out of concern. “Don’t you think that’s… it’s too much!”
“Stay out of this, please,” she said in a low tone. “Bitch?”
Oh - that was her name now. No longer her mother, not even Willow. Just her eldest daughter’s bitch. Something about that was so… bizarrely erotic, but she didn’t want to think about that. She hated that one encounter with a redheaded prostitute had seemingly turned her into a complete whore, and there didn’t seem to be any way back. Instead, she stood and began stripping, blouse and long skirt being dropped in a pile. Weiss looked away slightly, grimacing; she felt bad for her, but she knew her little girl might forgive her afterward. Winter, however… 
Something deep within her told her that this was her very last chance. She might even be doing it wrong, but she was doing what Winter wanted: listening to her, giving her undivided attention and obeying her every whim. The opposite of how she had handled the past several years.
“No, no,” Winter purred as she tried to reach behind her. “Allow me.” She reached behind her mother’s back and undid the clasp of her bra, almost lovingly - even though that malevolent smirk remained. She knew what it was doing to her. Tossing the garment casually, she glanced down. “Hmm. Age comes for us all, doesn’t it? But you’re fighting it off fairly well so far.”
Now she was just going to insult her body? Tears pricked her eyes, finally. She almost regretted that it had taken that insult to make it happen, but she also knew it was both a buildup of so many things finally breaking through, and how resigned she had been to Winter wanting nothing to do with her. 
Speaking of… her eldest just barely grazed her fingertips past the sides of her breasts before reaching down past them, gripping the hem of her panties. She yanked them all the way to the floor in one fluid motion that almost made her topple. Distantly, she could hear a little sob from Weiss.
“Shouldn’t we send her away?” Willow asked her in a whisper after she stood and was holding onto her shoulders, stepping out of the last of her dignity.
“Why? Let her see what you really are.” But when Willow grimaced, she sighed. “I… need her here. So I don't let my anger get the better of me and do something I regret.”
There was no time to debate. Even while Willow tried to strangle the little dove of hope that was trying to take flight in her chest, cooing that her daughter might not entirely hate her, said daughter was stepping back and looking up and down her nude form critically. “Hmm. A good enough bitch for my uses. You want to investigate here?”
‘Dear God,’ she thought when Winter turned around, presenting her toned back - and equally toned backside. ‘She can’t really mean…’ But what choice did she have at this point? Suppressing her misgivings and avoiding looking at Weiss, she got back down on her hands and knees with a grunt and pressed her face right against her daughter’s ass, snuffling loudly through the material so Winter would hear it - would know she was doing as commanded. Any unwelcome scent was masked by a strong floral perfume, luckily for her, but the very idea still made her stomach churn. 
“Good girl,” she cooed - as if to a dog. It wasn’t as if Willow didn’t catch on long before now, but she supposed Winter deserved points for consistency. “Now, let’s see… ah yes, I know. I don’t think you know I overheard a certain conversation…”
Winter’s smirk and the way she shifted around confused her - until she suddenly felt a bare foot pressing into her face. Ah, right. She didn’t even know which conversation that meant specifically, but she could recall a few between her and Jacques that would have done it. Thing of it was, she didn’t even like feet in that way; she just enjoyed his attentions to hers. So was this revenge? Taking one of the few things he had done right for her and making her do the same?
“No, no,” she said when Willow had reached up to grasp it. “Not like that. Just use your tongue.”
“What?!” she couldn’t help bursting out, even knowing it was probably a mistake. “You can’t be s-”
Smack. This one made spots swim in front of her eyes, and the pain only really registered once Winter’s hand was back on her hip. She sniffled and glanced over at Weiss, just to make sure she was alright-
Mistake. She was clearly struggling with a lot, pressing a hand into her mouth as her eyes streamed, pushed back against the wall when she clearly wanted to act. And that erection standing proud all the while. Even if it wasn’t her fault the chemicals kept her in that state, she still looked as if she were a voyeur, wracked with guilt because she was getting off on the dominance display.
“Do as you were told!” Winter snapped nastily, grinding her toes against her lips and chin. 
Willow obliged. Immediately. She didn’t want another punishment that would make her vision swim. Trying not to think too hard about what she was doing, she opened her mouth and let her tongue slip between two of the toes. At least the flavour was just a mild saltiness of skin; the scent was about as she would expect, given that her children had always been as clean as she herself was, but more of the same perfume. Did they just spray it everywhere? Probably. Nobody wanted a stinky stripper.
“Mmm, better,” Winter cooed as her mother nibbled on her foot, trying to resist the temptation to either reach up to hold it steady or spit it out. “Is that good, Bitch? Good doggie.”
A quiet “Why?” came from Weiss. Willow somehow managed not to answer, or try to reassure her that everything would be alright. Eventually. But her eldest seemed to have no such compunctions.
“Why? Because this is what the bitch deserves, that’s why. Simple.” She reached her foot back and impatiently stuffed it into her heel again. “Now, I think we’ll go back to that first order of business. Take your time now…”
Willow even nodded before she started “investigating” her cock. Might as well try to be cooperative to make up for her foolish protest. Winter wanted her to be eager - to behave as if this were something she enjoyed. Resistance was the opposite. So this time, she even nipped the bottoms down with her teeth a little, revealing more of that soft, pale shaft to the light.
“Oooh,” she breathed with a slight shiver. “Wow, somebody’s very inquisitive. Do you like what you smell? Huh, boy?”
She glanced up with a curious raised eyebrow. Boy? Was she a boy now, as a dog? The whole thing was insane - but she could tell Winter was still dead serious. Therefore, she merely sniffed along the shaft. Gave it a quick tease with her tongue. No further instructions, so she kept it up, dragged the covering down until she was fully revealed. 
“What a good boy,” Winter whispered, voice a little more carefully neutral as she twitched on the air. Probably regret setting in; Willow would have been shocked if it didn’t. But she didn’t try to speak or otherwise interrupt, knowing it would just make her furious. “Go on.”
Go on? She couldn’t possibly mean for her to do any more than that - she was still her mother! At her alarmed look, however, Winter merely took a half-step forward, pressing the head against the corner of her mouth. Making it impossible not to know what she meant.
“Is there a problem, Bitch?”
No problem. None that seemed to matter to her Dom. So Willow opened her lips and let the head pass between them, hesitated, and then closed her mouth. This was the hottest shame had ever burned through her body, the most she had ever wished she could run away into the night. Winter’s cock was too warm, too good, and she hated that it wasn't more offensive but there was nothing she could do but start taking it deeper into her mouth, tears sliding down her cheeks as she started going down on her eldest daughter. 
“Oooh,” Winter sighed, her hand falling lightly to Willow’s hair. “You’re… pretty good at this, I have to say. Hmm. Maybe you could have earned some forgiveness points a long time ago if I knew what a good little bitch you can be. When properly motivated.”
Clearly, this was happening. Might as well make it happen now. Ignoring possible repercussions, she reached up to grip Winter’s thighs. For just a second, she heard her take a sharp breath, felt the hand tighten on her hair, ready to deliver another reprimand-
Before she kicked it into overdrive. Just because she didn’t much like giving blowjobs didn’t mean she was bad at them. 
“OH SHIT!” Winter burst out, wobbling hard and having to use her mother for support. “Wh-wha- WOW! Oh my God, how do you… do that?!”
Distantly, she heard Weiss breathe, “Oh my God… that’s- do all mothers just know how to give really good blowjobs? Is that a thing?”
Ahhh, so unassuming little Theia Nikos had touched her daughter. They would be having a conversation about that later; Weiss was clearly more delicate than Pyrrha, it wasn’t entirely fair. She tried to focus on fellating her other little girl, the one who had decided to treat her like an object in retaliation for being an abhorrent parent. Good, clean fun. 
And Winter was certainly having fun. At first, she had taken it fairly well, thrusting back a tiny bit but otherwise standing firm. By now she was groaning now and then, spine kinking as her needy cock was swallowed over and over. Willow could feel it throbbing against her tongue and throat, and resented that she loved it just as much as the other one she had sampled the same evening. She threw caution to the wind, letting herself enjoy it as much as she could and blocking out everything else. 
“A-alright!” her temporary Domme finally gasped. “That’s enough!” Willow didn’t slow down at all. “I s-said- NNH! I said, stop, don’t… don’t do this anymore, I don’t want it anymore!”
But now Willow wanted it. Sick as it was, some part of her mind thought if she did a good job, Winter might like her again. She hummed slightly, and heard a squeak of dismay from her daughter - probably because it was so good for both of them, she knew all she had to do was keep up this pace for another minute-
Weiss’s hands pulled at her shoulders. “Mother! Please stop, Winter asked you to!”
That made a difference. For the moment, she had been able to forget Weiss, forget the club - become completely focused on making Winter happy and losing herself in the sex. She came to a stop and looked up at her eldest, hoping for a sign if she really wanted her to stop or not.
“No,” Winter breathed shakily as she pulled back with a loud pop from her mother’s mouth. “Nnhh… oh God, this was… this was a mistake. I don’t know why… I…” She cleared her throat, her face just as conflicted as Weiss’s had been before. “You did what I asked. I can’t… can’t pretend you didn’t. I just have to use the restroom now.” 
And before Willow could collect herself, Winter strode for the curtain. 
“Oh no,” Weiss breathed. She started to stand, but then looked back at her. “Mother?”
“Go. It’s alright.” 
“But…” She bit her lip for a moment, head swivelling between the two destinations as she tried to scrape her brain cells together enough to comment on the situation. “Are you going to be alright?”
Willow shrugged weakly. “I don’t suppose it matters anymore.”
“It does!” Committing, she knelt down next to where Willow was sitting on the floor, legs out to one side and propped up on one arm. “What she did to you, to our own mother… I don’t know if I can ever forgive her. I don’t think I can talk to her again, it was so indecent, a-and cruel! How could she-”
“I let her, Weiss. I opened the door for it - I came to a den of sin, I got what I foolishly paid for.” She sighed. “You probably saw… your friend and I.”
Grimacing, she stared off toward the center of the room. Hazy as the chairs were from this distance in the mood lighting, they were but vague shapes. “Yes, well, I didn’t see much, and didn’t know who you were at the time… and I had no desire to see that, but it’s… Winter is your daughter! That’s way different, and she should know better!”
“And she forced you into it! I know you cooperated, but you didn’t want to do it, anyone could tell by the way you-”
“Weiss,” she soothed, reaching up to caress over her hair with a vague smile on her lips. “You… are very kind-hearted, even if you inherited our family’s cutting wit and short fuse. You don’t have to police your sister, you don’t have to defend me. We… we were working through a lot of pain we’ve both been carrying around, in different ways, I…” She hiccuped. “I didn’t want it to come to this, either. Believe me. But I just wanted…”
When she was quiet for a few seconds, Weiss whispered, “Wanted what?”
“Wanted her to like me again. Even if that only meant she liked me as a cum dumpster.”
“MOTHER!” she hissed, scandalized, and the elder woman laughed weakly. “Don’t say things like that! You’re… you are a beautiful, amazing woman - Daddy left and you… everything’s been fine, because you’re so strong! Winter just never saw you grieving over losing her, drinking and wishing you had made better choices. Never watched you going to AA, and then your trans group - trying to improve! She doesn’t know you like I do, doesn’t know how much love you have for us! And she’s wrong, a-and that’s… that’s all there is to it!”
Her sweet little girl. For a long time, she had known Weiss wasn’t ready for the world the way Winter had been, even before coming out to her. But she would be just fine once a few experiences relieved her of that naivety. Still, wasn’t it tragic that her precious snowflake couldn’t just stay precious? Protected and sheltered, and sweetly naive, forever?
“I do have so much love for you,” she breathed as she kissed Weiss’s cheek tenderly. “And you have been wonderful, I promise. Alright? I have loved watching you grow into a beautiful young woman over these past years. It’s just… I can’t help but mourn that I ruined things with my other beautiful daughter.”
Weiss threw her arms around her, hugging tightly. They went down onto their sides, because once Willow took her arm off the floor to return the embrace she couldn’t support herself anymore. For a second or two, she just let the closeness fill her, eyes closed in bliss. The comfort was like a hot bath of pure relief after Winter had been so chillingly harsh with her. 
“I love you, Mother,” Weiss finally whispered into her neck. “You’re a great mother, and a great friend. Please don’t cry…”
Those words soothed her just as much as the embrace. Of course, the downside was that the air caressing over her neck woke her skin up - and she suddenly became acutely aware that Weiss’s nude body was pressed right against her own, not a stitch of clothing between them. The girl’s firm arousal was pressing into her lower abdomen, small tits dwarfed by her own - and now gravity couldn’t tug them down and away, as Winter had cruelly pointed out. This was far too intimate for parent and child, but she couldn’t pull away, either.
Didn’t want to pull away. Even if it wasn’t exactly because she was turned on, she couldn’t completely rule out that it may have been playing a part.
“I… I don’t want to…” She cleared her throat as her hips shifted the tiniest bit. “I don’t want to alarm you, but the drugs haven’t worn off, and… you’re still naked…”
Willow couldn’t help laughing. It was just too cute - both her words, and that she was trying to be so careful with her feelings. “I had noticed both of those things before. It’s… it’s alright, I know this isn't your fault. It doesn’t have to lead to anything, I promise; I just really am grateful that you’re so sweet, and I still have you in my corner.”
Weiss laughed nervously, still clinging back… but she was beginning to grind the tiniest bit. Too well could Willow understand it was just bodily urges. “I know. I just wanted to make sure you weren’t upset at having to feel my dick; I’m not trying to, um, Winter you.”
“Is that an adjective now?” They both shared a very soft laugh, and Willow found herself enjoying this moment so much. Weiss was tender, attentive, sweet… with her, anyway. She knew she could be nasty and stubborn with other people - even her in the past - but coming out and finding acceptance where Winter had not changed their relationship substantially. They had done their best to always be in each other’s corner, even when they didn’t do a particularly good job of it.
The problem was that they were both very turned on. Honestly, without the various stimulants, this might still have been innocent regardless of nudity. Alas… 
“Mmmhh, you’re so soft,” Weiss breathed as she squirmed a little more. 
“As are you. Though you’ve been keeping so trim - not an ounce of fat. I wish I could say the same.”
“Mother, come on,” she sighed as she passed her hands up and down her back. “You’ve birthed three children; we both know it’s unreasonable to expect you to be exactly the same. And anyway, you’re still in incredible shape for your age! Have you seen this?” The handful of her mother’s ass prompted a moan, and she took it away immediately. “Oh - oh, I’m so sorry, that wasn’t… I wasn’t thinking. Why did I do that?”
Trying her best to recover, she said, “It’s alright, Weiss. Don’t worry about it.”
“Did… did it bother you? In that way?”
“I would… rather not say.” Weiss tensed, so she kissed the side of her neck. “Really, it’s fine!”
But the kiss prompted a soft sigh. They were both so amped up and sensitive that it seemed like basically anything could set them off - even though having her cheek groped was a bit over the line, of course. Weiss just wasn’t thinking. Either that, or she was letting her hormones cloud her judgment, which was basically happening to everyone in the room tonight.
Thanks to Salem. She and that devil woman were going to have words when this was all over. 
“Mommy, I’m scared. I think I’m enjoying this.”
Damn that word. None of her children had called her that past the age of five, more or less; they discouraged it because it undermined her authority, somehow. She wanted her children to be strong and independent, not simpering babies who couldn’t take care of themselves. Maybe she should have implemented that a bit later in life - let them just be children for longer. Hindsight was twenty-twenty, of course.
But now, having them look to her to take care of them seemed to stir up a desire she had long ago relinquished. And when it combined with the arousal coursing through her veins… 
“Don’t be scared, baby. I… I am, as well. It’s not our fault - remember that, alright?” She cleared her throat, taking deep breaths and trying to ignore the tingling she felt all over - twice as much everywhere Weiss’s skin was in contact with hers. “I am not afraid of you, or ashamed of you, or… oh, this is all so ridiculous. I can’t believe this is even a situation that’s possible, much less that we’re in it!”
“Thank you!” Weiss burst out, latching onto the easy complaint. “I mean, the others probably have a point that you shouldn’t have come back here, but at the same time, this business with spiking your drinks? We just thought they were giving us a little help getting hard, not giving this stuff to you guys without your knowledge! There’s no way any of this would have happened if not for that!”
“Mmhh, exactly. You understand I would never have contemplated sleeping with someone the same age as you and your friends - even if they weren’t your friends. It’s just unseemly for a woman of… of m-my age.”
Toward the end, she had noticed Weiss had gone very still. She didn’t understand why at first - until their legs shifted, and Weiss asked, “Is that… you?”
Swallowing hard, she whispered, “Weiss, listen.”
“Or is that… Pyrrha?” Her thigh shifted again, smearing more of her mother’s wetness on it. “Did I just get Pyrrha’s stuff all over my leg?!”
“No, no,” she reassured her hastily. “That’s all me! Y-your friend was wearing protection, don’t worry.” 
“Oh.” Then she shivered, and Willow absolutely couldn’t avoid feeling that as close as they were. “Oh. It’s you? This is… you’re… that turned on?” All her mother could bring herself to do was nod, so she whispered, “Wow, it’s so wet - there’s so much…”
Fantastic. “Weiss, I’m very sorry you have to feel that. It’s from earlier, a-and from this place, all the… the chemicals…” She cleared her throat. “But didn’t you experience it with Mrs. Nikos?”
“Hmhh?” she breathed distantly as her hips began to roll harder. “R-right, well… no, actually. I don’t know if you want to know what we, um, we did…” 
“I don’t mind.” What difference would it make at this point?
“Well, I, um, used her mouth. The way you did with Winter." Both of them flinched. "A-and that was all; I thought she would want me to do the same thing for her, even if I haven’t tried it myself before, but… well, she didn’t. That was surprising. I mean, most people who pay for sex want to actually… have sex, don’t they?”
Even with all the distractions, Willow found herself laughing softly as she nuzzled Weiss’s neck. Wait, no - she wasn’t supposed to do that. Curse the wine, curse the lemonade… “True enough, I’m sure. Not that I ever have.”
“Well… until tonight, right?”
“Yes, but I haven’t-” Then she winced. “Oh. I suppose I really did, didn’t I? Oh God, I’m a man.”
Weiss giggled as she hugged her even more tightly. She could feel her soft sack by now, shifting around more freely thanks to the wetness she had donated. “Not quite. I’m really jealous of your tits, actually; they feel incredible.”
“Really? Even though they’re a little… droopy?” 
“They are not! Winter’s crazy.” Her daughter pulled back to kiss one briefly. “Be nice to those.”
“Mm, you’re very nice to them.” Willow watched in a detached daze as Weiss, seemingly encouraged by her words, kissed again, and again. Around the time she reached the areola her smile faded as she started to realise what she was doing. 
“Oh. I’m… Mother, I didn’t mean t-”
“It’s alright. Keep going if you want.”
So she did. Willow knew she should have let Weiss stop herself, but she couldn’t seem to stop herself, to do the right thing as easily as it could be found. Instead, now she was watching her daughter kiss all over her stiffened peak, feeling hot breath caressing her tender flesh - and a throb from below in response. That was nothing next to Weiss’s throb, fairly jabbing her in the thigh.
“Mommy, I love you,” she finally breathed softly - before the next kiss meant her nipple slipped between her lips, as open-mouthed as it was. Its owner sucked in a sharp breath as pleasure stabbed into the rest of her body from that single point of titillation. 
“I love you, too,” Willow told her without any hesitation, smiling in spite of how awkward and guilt-ridden she felt. “And I always will. You know whatever… whatever happens, I’m not going to turn my back on you. Or Winter, or Whitley - even if they don’t want me around, my love for them won’t die.”
Weiss leaned back up, catching her mother’s eyes with a look so bold that she could almost forget how young she was. There was so much passion and certainty there. 
“Forget about them. I want you.”
The worst part was, Willow found she didn’t even begrudge Weiss how she phrased that. Need welled up in her so strongly that she surged forward-
Stopped herself. That was wrong, she knew it back behind the fog of confusion that had been foisted upon her by a meddling madam. Tomorrow, she was already going to hate herself enough without knowing that she had taken advantage of her sweet baby girl.
A baby girl that saw her mother so close, saw the pain and conflict warring behind her eyes, and took control to absolve her mother of all that guilt. Her head leaned up just enough to bridge the rest of that gap between their mouths, whining needily into the contact. Beautiful and terrible, and everything Willow had been missing from her life for so long. And it had been in Weiss. Could fate be any more cruel?
Instincts grew stronger the more their mouths entwined, tongues teasing across each other. Honestly, she would have been content to explore that kiss alone, but Weiss’s hand had gone back to slide over her ass cheek, to grip her hip. Not wanting her to feel alone in her advances, Willow did the same, gripping her daughter’s modest rear and giving it a firm squeeze.
That throb of her cock made her moan into the kiss, and Willow answered. So good, so strong! Just because it was small and cute didn't make it any less fun to feel. Her hips rolled, and she felt Weiss pulling her leg higher, shifting down-
“Mmhh!” That was a cock pressing right into her dripping wet sex. Her own child’s slender arousal… but it felt so perfect, and far too tempting to ignore. Her hips moved on their own, anyway, she was so needy by now, but she threw a little extra effort into the movement to make it better for both of them - to help Weiss grind very slightly against her clit with each pass, drive her even crazier.
There was a little “PAH!” from her daughter when the kiss broke. “M-Mommy, I… I don’t know how to-”
“Shhhh,” she bade her. Hearing her talk made this harder, because she had to confront who they were. “Do you need me to… to help you? I can, um… on top…”
The phrase stuck in her throat. She didn’t want to actually admit with words what they were contemplating - and on point of doing, regardless of the many reasons they should not. 
“Yeah,” Weiss breathed with obvious relief, kissing her lips lightly again. “I’ve never done this before, exactly, so I think you should take control.”
Inwardly, Willow was cringing. Her daughter’s virginity had been at stake, so she came here to save her… and was going to wind up taking it herself. That was oddly fitting for the rubric of her insane life. Sighing shakily, she rolled Weiss onto her back, positioning her hips over hers. That pretty little cock was nestled between her folds, driving both of them up a wall and waiting to be actually used. 
“You’re… you’re sure?” Willow asked her, tears already starting again. Not attractive; she had to dry that up. 
“Yes, of course,” she breathed softly, hips rolling a little to tease both of them. Seemed she didn’t mind her mother’s tears. “Mmm, you feel so good… I… I never would have expected this, I’m sure you can guess, but… now that we’re here, I think…” Her daughter’s voice broke as she bit her lip and looked away.
“What is it?” She caressed up and down her toned stomach, over one of her modest breasts. “Talk to me.”
After a couple of breaths, Weiss managed to blurt, “I think I wanted it to be you. I’ve never been as comfortable with anyone else as I have with you, a-and we aren’t supposed to, but… even though I haven’t thought about you like this, specifically, this is still so… it’s exactly what I wanted without knowing I did, and I can’t imagine anyone being better than you for my f-first pussy!”
Well, now she wasn’t just turned on and full of shame. Willow felt her face blushing so hard, in a way it hadn’t done for years. Her little girl really wanted her mommy all along? At this age? That little fact was both so, so sad, and made her giddier than she had felt in a decade.
“Then you have me,” she finally told her as she leaned down to kiss her again, eyes sliding closed… and gave herself over fully. There was only Snow Queen and the nameless client, fitting together perfectly. Except she couldn’t forget who they were to each other.
Maybe she didn’t want to.
“Nnhh!” Weiss breathed into the kiss when she finally felt her mother line up her entrance with her cockhead, rubbing up and down a few times before starting to sink onto her. Willow was groaning nearly as much and wishing she wasn’t overjoyed at the sensation of her middle child’s fantastic shaft trying to split her apart. She didn’t succeed nearly as much as Pyrrha, naturally, but the mere fact that it was Weiss made all the difference.
What if she had always wanted to fuck her? Maybe she had - ever since she transitioned, anyway. The issue of her daughter's gender had been all tied up in thinking about her genitals, after all. But she knew when she really examined their past together, they had never considered this an option until tonight. Yes, she found her heart growing more and more fond of Weiss when she accepted her, helped her begin her transition, started talking to her in a way she had failed with Winter… but it wasn’t that kind of love. Maybe she did feel a vague curiosity toward her body but nothing directly lustful. Not until right now, on the floor in a corner of a strip club.
Only once her hips truly began bouncing did Weiss break the kiss to whimper, “Mommy! Is… am I doing this right? It feels so good - is it good for you?”
“NNHAH!” Willow burst out by way of answer. Just as with Pyrrha, she had been silently hoping this would be awful and she could mark it down as a failed experiment. No such luck; just a perfect, lithe little body, flexing and throbbing and firm everywhere it should be. Blocking out who this was for the moment, Weiss was attractive, and her body was in fantastic shape. So with it being Weiss… 
Well, they were definitely working on their mother-daughter bond.
“Well, I might have known.”
Both of them froze in place when they heard that chilly voice. Willow didn’t even have to turn to see who it was. Her breath heaving from her efforts, she called over her shoulder, “Am I allowed to speak?”
“Oh, I don’t think you should speak ever again,” Winter growled - growled at her. “I can’t believe you would do this to my innocent baby sister. I knew you were a horrible old lush-”
“Please, it isn’t-”
“But you’re a perverted horrible old lush. You’re really going to take your sweet little girl’s virginity? Ohhh, there’s a special place in hell just for you.” 
There was even a slight, humourless chuckle in her voice by the end. Willow squeezed her eyes shut, tears slipping past her eyelashes. Of course she would walk in on them; they should have been lucid enough to know she wouldn’t be gone long. If only God would smite her now instead of waiting for later… 
“Winter, shut up.”
“Excuse me, Weiss? As if you have any more right to talk, stealing Mommy the moment my back was turned!”
Though it took some struggling, Weiss looked over her mother’s shoulder at her sister; the movement made Willow have to work to suppress another moan. “You… may have abandoned her in the middle of whatever you were doing, but I… I think she’s beautiful! And we were having a beautiful moment until you had to come back and poop all over it! So if that’s all you can do, then I suggest you leave! You aren’t even supposed to be at this party!”
Almost in defiance, she started thrusting up and into Willow so hard that she cried out at the sudden railing, bracing herself against the floor as waves of pure ecstasy burst through her over and over. It was so good! Her pussy throbbed and fluttered around that pretty little rod pounding it, even though at this moment she would have preferred to wait until they had finished dealing with Weiss’s irate sibling.
“Dear… God,” Winter breathed distantly. “You’re really going to do it.”
Then something strange happened - relatively speaking, since everything that night had been straight out of some disco-lit hellscape. Winter just let them fuck. For a few precious seconds, maybe a minute, Weiss showed her mother how much she loved her and her poor, tortured walls took the punishment gratefully, pressing her face into Weiss’s neck - because she didn’t dare kiss her right now. Not with her eldest hovering nearby.
The hands on her bouncing cheeks inflamed her even more, and she sighed and started to bounce them harder… until it occurred to her that Weiss’s hands were already on her waist. So who…?
“Wait, what… what are you-”
“Weiss said it herself,” Winter said in a hollow voice as she spread her further. “Either I do something besides jeer at you, or leave you to it. I’ve made my decision.”
“What?” Weiss panted. “Don’t be ridiculous! You knew what I meant was that you should get out of-”
“OH!” Willow burst out, cutting her off as her cheeks clenched hard. “Winter, not there!”
But Winter thought “there” was a perfect place to start, it seemed. As the soft tongue played across her puckered skin, she found herself wishing she had let Jaques into her behind more than just once in their entire marriage - or that she had at least let him finish there instead of complaining, telling him it was too much. So much time had passed since that single attempt that by now, she was essentially an anal virgin once more. 
Just as she was taking Weiss’s virginity, Winter would thieve another kind from her mother.
“Mommy?” Weiss whispered quietly against her neck. “Are you- is it okay? We can stop, we can make her leave-”
“I-it’s fine,” she whimpered, having brought her own hips to a stop. “A-and you can keep moving, I’ll… I have to stay still so Winter can…”
“No, you don’t! I mean it, you can feel free to… to stop her, I can wait.”
Willow just shook her head again, the tears flowing freely. “I’ve earned this. And… at least she’s paying attention to me, and…” Clearing her throat, she dried it up as best she could. Again. “I get to be with both my girls. I have been wanting this for a long time.”
“Like this?!”
"Perhaps not… quite like this, no. But now that we're here-"
“God, you two are chatty,” Winter sighed as she drew back - and poked her finger inside her mother’s highly resistant orifice. Willow felt like she was going to pass out; she didn’t even want to have a colonoscopy done, much less this! “Do you always talk so much during sex, Mother?”
After a bracing breath, she looked over her shoulder… with a smile. “Oh, so that’s why you’re doing it. I had a feeling.”
“The answer is ‘yes’. I don’t…” She had to breathe through some fresh throbs around Weiss - and that exploring finger - before she could continue. “Mmhh, I’ve never… been a fan of ‘backdoor visitors’, but if it’s what you want, then I’ll leave it open for you.”
There. Now Winter had consent, even if it wasn’t particularly enthusiastic. She very well remembered that Winter had told her she was not at all interested in taking her by force; this let her out of that concern through the velvet rope itself. No strings attached - well, other than the fact that it was incredibly depraved for any of them to be doing this.
The growl in her voice, almost menacing when she said, “Shut up and relax for me, then,” told her Winter was being deprived of her resistance. At least somewhat, she had wanted her to whimper and squeal, to cry for her more - for her revenge to be sweeter by putting Willow in her place, and she wasn’t getting that now. But so what? Willow wanted to give this to her but she was much more concerned with giving Weiss what she needed: a wonderful first time with someone she loved. Even if it was her own mother.
And Weiss had stayed. Even if Winter had left for very sound reasons, and she would spend a lifetime trying to make up for it, she did leave. She wasn’t going to be the kind of mother who spent all her energy greasing the squeaky wheel and ignoring the one that was reliable until it was just as bad.
“Wow… you did…” Winter sounded stunned. “Mmm, and you are very tight back here; I think I believe you. This is really something you never tried?”
Flexing around her finger, she panted, “Not… very much, no. I don’t think you want to know who last attempted it.”
“Mmm, perhaps I don’t,” Winter said in a flat tone that made it clear she had guessed. She cleared her throat nervously. “And you’re prepared for me to keep going? I won’t ask again.”
“Mother,” Weiss breathed very softly, eyes imploring her to speak up even as she curled her hips up into her over and over, the noises becoming obscene by now.
“I’m fine,” she panted. “Thank you for asking. You’re a good girl.”
For a second, Winter was still and silent as Weiss nodded her acceptance. Then she scoffed, “As if you ever thought I was either of those things.”
“I always thought you were one of them. Now I know you’re both.” She wanted to keep it simple; not overdo it, not gush over Winter, make her feel like she was trying to compensate for everything all at once. Clearly that didn’t work in the slightest; this might not, either, but she was done chasing her approval for the moment. All she wanted was to give Weiss a wonderful night, and give her other daughter the opportunity for… 
Well, for whatever she wanted. Even if she decided to stop teasing her body and start punishing it more harshly, she would endure. 
“You know,” Winter finally said after nearly a minute of teasing, “I really… like your ass, Mother. Not just because it’s tight, but because it’s a very appealing shape; even the flavour was pleasant, as far as that goes.”
A little “ew” fell from Weiss, and her mother struggled not to laugh. “You think so?”
“Oh yes. I'm surprised I never noticed." Winter let out a chuckle - a real one, not cruel or derisive. "Then again, I've never thought to look. For obvious reasons."
"I should… hope not!" That pounding she was receiving made it a lot harder to concentrate. Though Weiss had been taking it slow when Winter first returned, it seemed her body was too impatient to hold out any longer.
And Winter must have noticed, because she didn't keep trying to carry on a conversation. Instead she was fairly fucking her with that finger by now, really widening her for what came next. Willow knew it well enough even without having experienced it more than a single time.
"Weiss," Winter finally asked, voice oddly distant as an odd crinkling began to fill the air. Willow had a pretty good idea of what that might mean. "Can you hold still for a moment? I promise I will be as brief as possible."
"What are you… a-are you going to-"
"I'm asking this for all our sakes." So Weiss obeyed, and Willow did her best to catch her breath during the brief respite. "Thank you."
That was apparently all the warning she was going to receive. An instant later, the finger was drawn swiftly out and immediately replaced with the head of a condom-wrapped cock. Though she didn't want to mention it, she almost wished her girls would switch places, given their sizes… but the mere fact that she was about to be soundly fucked by not just one, but two of her own children was enough to silence her from making any requests whatsoever. She had plenty of mistakes in her past, but this was shaping up to be the biggest one yet.
Even if it felt fantastic in the moment. She hated the thought that she was being opened in the back, but her panic couldn't completely blot out how intriguing the twin sensations were. In fact, the more she focused on it, the more she realized that she was enjoying it a lot more thanks to having her other daughter up front. Maybe that had been her mistake with Jacques: expecting anal stimulation alone to do anything for her. Clearly it was a more secondary pleasure for her body - a supporting act that meant nothing without the main event. Maybe she would ask Weiss and Winter about that afterward.
"Just relax," Weiss began to coach her in soft, overcome whispers as her hips rolled upward yet again. It was very sweet, even if unnecessary for her to go to the trouble; Willow just didn't want to think about why her youngest daughter knew so much about this already. "Let your body stop fighting it. Honestly, it starts to become enjoyable once you get past the idea, and that initial pain."
"Ohhhh, that's so wrong," Winter groaned once she had managed to work herself about halfway inside. Willow thanked her lucky stars that the condom was lubricated; she could tell Winter had used protection. Belatedly, she wished she had asked the same of her other daughter.
"It's alright," she panted, looking over her shoulder slightly even though she still couldn't see much of Winter from that angle. "You… you won't be judged by me. Whatever you want is yours."
A little throb, which caused Willow to moan. "Mmhhh, not that - or not just that. It's… I can feel Weiss inside you. I don't know how to feel about it; honestly, I hope this isn't going to hurt you, Mother."
The younger sibling let out a weak laugh as Willow tried not to focus on the sensation of both dicks rubbing up against each other through her internal walls. "Really, Sis? I thought she was 'Bitch' to you now."
Great. She had almost been able to forget about that impromptu domination session.
"Weiss, save it. Look at where we are - look what we're doing together. I honestly don't think you have the moral high ground."
"It's alright!" Willow interrupted before they could start fighting, barely able to speak thanks to her eldest's relentless progress and her middle child's resuming the thrusting of her hips. "You both… are doing wonderful!"
Her mind blurred as she endured the twin invasions to her over sensitive body. Everything felt crazy, out of focus. She couldn't believe she was in this seedy passion pit, having already allowed herself to be stretched out by a prostitute and now welcoming the amorous advances of her offspring. The disgust was there and probably was never going away, but it was so much more alarming that it was such a distant runner-up to the pleasure, the joy at being so close to them. Wasn't this supposed to hurt her? Wasn't she supposed to feel like a horrible human being for taking advantage of her girls, instead of more loved than she had felt in years?
"M-Mommy!" Weiss squealed some time later. Apparently, it had just been so weird that they tacitly agreed to stay silent until the youngest of them broke said silence. 
"Oh God, do you have to call her that right now?" Winter grunted. When had she started thrusting instead of merely existing in there? When did her hands move up to start fondling her mother's apparently-not- too -saggy breasts? Willow didn't know. She didn't even know her own name right about now.
"No! But I… I want to, it's the only time I can!" Interesting.
"Well… well, I'm certainly not doing that. Let's just finish and put this behind us!"
"MMHHH! Yes! Yes, I… I think I'm almost there!"
So the Schnee girls redoubled their efforts, and turned their poor mother into a half screaming, insane mess. Honestly, she really did feel like they broke her brain in that instant; she only vaguely remembered she was with two women she loved, and not what kind of love it was supposed to be. They made her body feel good, they made her heart feel good. She liked being fucked by them and wanted to be fucked more. 
"I'm… I think I'm close to finishing!" Winter finally panted.
"I-is it okay, Mommy? Is it okay?"
What else was she going to say? "YES! Both of you, please! Fill me!" And that was all she could get out before she turned into a quivering bag of nerves, powerless against their onslaught of sexual punishment.
Little Weiss came first. She had been at it longer, after all. Tears leaked down Willow's cheeks at the sensation of thick cream splashing all over her walls, coating her insides so thoroughly. Something she was never meant to feel and yet she couldn't lie to herself. She loved it.
"Y-you really came!" Winter gasped out, hips flashing forward faster and faster, fingers tightening on her incredibly sensitive peaks. "You came in… you came in my mommy!"
Oh, that pushed her over the edge. Even though Winter sounded so petulant about it through her neediness and horniness, it communicated that she felt angry… possessive . Of Willow. Like she belonged to her instead of being someone she never wanted to see again. 
Why wouldn't that be enough to make her climax hard, all over both her girls' cocks?
"MOMMY!" Winter shouted when she felt all that fluttering and clenching, heard moans from the owner of that taut ass she was reaming. "You… you like this? Can I finish now?"
"Y-yeahhhh," she groaned. Then she forced herself to add, "Mommy's ready!"
All three of them had finally reached their ends. Winter's big O was a lot bigger than she had expected - both in terms of the load filling the condom, and the near-violent dicking down she had to endure while she got herself there. Winter turned into a sheer fucking machine, hips displaying an uncanny strength as they thudded into her poor backside over and over without relief until she finally burst. Even then, there were several more seconds where Willow had started to worry she would just keep fucking her poor ass for the rest of her life, regardless of orgasms, but she finally tapered off and came to a stop, sweating and panting and shivering all over.
"Wow, Winter," Weiss breathed, recovering first - probably through some combination of being the youngest and having climaxed before the other two. "You… it really felt like that was… you were super pent up."
"Shut up, Weiss." But tears were choking her voice.
"What's wrong?" Willow made herself ask, even if it was taxing. The only thing that could make her want to move or speak after a brutal session like that was concern for one of her children, so… 
"I'm… Mother, I… I've made a mistake. Please accept my…" Unable to maintain her would-be haughty attitude, her strong eldest daughter sobbed, "This is all my fault, Mommy! It's all my fault!"
Barely able to twist around to see where she was crying, she demanded, "What do you mean? No, it isn't, we… you know I'm more to blame than-"
Though she could barely see it thanks to the angle and the lighting, Winter was fairly bawling by now, face a crumpled mess of sorrow. "I'm the first one to take this job! And when Weiss asked about it, I didn't discourage her, a-and she spoke to her friends, and you followed her, I… and it's my- I ruined you, and my little sister - I ruined everything!"
"Winter, that isn't- mmhh…" The two presences inside her still felt incredible. Vaguely, she sensed she could go again, but told herself there was something more important at stake. "Would you girls mind if I… if you pull out? Then we can talk."
They did. It was somewhat of a messy affair, but not quite as bad as she had feared; Winter's condom contained most of her issue, and Weiss was apparently still spent from Theia's oral services because not all that much dribbled out. Willow lay back on the floor and pulled her younger daughter into the crook of her arm and neck, where she nestled gratefully. Then she left the other arm open for Winter.
Who hesitated. But after only glancing between the other two women for a moment, she laid down and gingerly curled up against her mother, damp eyes pressing into her shoulder.
“You haven’t ruined anything,” Willow began softly, not even having to search for the words. 
“Haven’t I? Look at this. If someone were to take a picture, right now… we would all be ruined, our whole lives…”
“And that is as much my fault as it is yours. But I think we can both agree, it isn’t Weiss’s.”
The younger girl looked up at them. “You really don’t think so? My provocative dance, and consenting to this ridiculous ‘strippers with benefits’ side job, still being aroused while hugging Mother a moment ago… clearly, I’m no better than either of you.”
“But all of those decisions were related to only yourself,” Winter told her reasonably, reaching over to caress Weiss’s hair. It made Willow smile to see them so attentive to each other - even in this situation. “You wanted to make more money for your surgeries, and made a choice with your body to acquire it. I… I was the one who influenced you to choose this as a place to make a quick buck. That’s entirely on me.”
“I’m my own person, Winter. You didn’t work me like a puppet; I saw you were making good money, the work was enjoyable, you seemed at peace with it… even if it wouldn't have been my first choice and I had a lot of misgivings, I thought, hey, why not look into it?”
Clearing her throat, Willow interrupted Winter’s protest. “It seems to me that neither of you are to blame, you just made your best choices. This… this is my fault, I am the parent. I should have been more of one to Winter when she needed me the most, and… and tracking you to this place? It seemed like my sacred duty to protect my babies at the time, but now I just feel nosy and stupid.”
An irritated sigh burst from Winter’s nostrils - but at least it happened as she caressed over her mother’s stomach. “It was all of those things. You tried to protect Weiss in a nosy and stupid way.”
“Thanks,” she chuckled weakly.
“I… I wish you had done the same for me. But now I can see how easily a mistake can be made, because I thought…” Her throat constricted. “I thought if I put you in your place, slapped you around and made you my bitch, it would be cathartic. And I suppose it was, but the guilt I feel is so, so much stronger.”
“You shouldn’t. We all let ourselves fall into this-”
“I forced you to suck my dick!” she burst out with a louder sob, clinging so hard that it was almost painful. It was painful for Willow's poor heart, of course, but she didn’t mind the physical closeness. 
“I… I did that to one of Weiss’s friends already,” she confessed, petting up and down both of their backs. Winter was the one who needed comfort, but she wanted to show affection equally; historically, she had been so bad at that. “I know it isn’t the same, but I just wanted to make the point that you weren’t the first one to fuck my mouth this evening.” Both girls shivered. “What?”
Voice barely a whisper, Weiss said, “I know we just, well… did that, but it’s still very strange to hear you talk like that. Okay?”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she told them very genuinely. “I- I was trying to make the point to Winter that she, um…”
“It’s alright, Mother,” Winter sighed, shifting slightly. Willow had been trying to ignore the two half-hard, jism-coated cocks resting against her thighs, but it wasn’t easy when they kept moving around. “Even without that, I still… you haven’t been taken anally very many times. I could have chosen another punishment. And I put you through that, you didn’t even stop me, and that’s still-”
“What if I enjoyed it?” That wasn’t even a lie for Winter’s benefit, either.
“What? You… but I know you haven’t. The same way I knew you wanted to play with feet.”
“You should stop eavesdropping on your parents,” she chuckled, and Winter cringed. “It’s alright, really. I… well, I didn’t have any particular interest in other people’s feet, I just liked the way he played with mine. Though honestly… I didn’t mind teasing your little toes. It was fun how they squirmed.”
“This is so bizarre,” Weiss murmured. 
“But you’re correct; before you took control of my-” She cut off so she wouldn’t make Weiss uncomfortable again. “Before tonight, I had avoided that kind of thing because I found it uncomfortable and unnecessary. You changed all that.”
There was a sort of awestruck embarrassment in Winter’s tone when she breathed, “Oh.”
With a slight smirk, she whispered to Winter, “Any other kinks or fetishes you want to ask about?”
“U-um, no. I don’t think I want to know. I think I want to start pretending this has never happened as soon as possible!”
But Willow was already smiling warmly as she kissed the top of her head. “I don’t. It’s… I’m going to feel regret for it, possibly for the rest of my life. And starting tomorrow, I am sure we should behave as if we didn’t do something so… unnatural, and go back to being family. But getting this moment with you? I… I never want to forget it. Ever. I’ve been dreaming about having a chance to talk to you again for s-so long!”
By now, with both Winter and Willow sobbing, Weiss sniffled, “Will you two stop being s-so gross? You’re going to get me crying, too, a-and my makeup is going to run!”
What a bizarre combination of crying and laughing filled the air around the three as they cuddled as close as was humanly possible. Strange was the order of the evening, for just about everyone at Club Futopia, but the results were so favourable that Willow could only thank her lucky stars. The Schnee women belonged together.
“Perhaps next time,” Willow whispered with a bleary grin into Winter’s hair as she felt her hiccupping against her side, “we could just get together for Monopoly instead?”
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
Atlas Military Issued Battle Armor
Jaune: So you got some armour?
Winter: Yes I did. I took your advice to upgrade my gear, and acquire some protective armour.
Jaune: Good on you! People rely too much on their aura, even when it fails they act likes it's still active. It's a very dangerous mind set that has lead to the death of many aspiring, and veteran Hunters.
Winter: Hmmm... You make some valid points... I best bring that up with, General Ironwood later. Perhaps we can start a trend of, Hunter’s wearing more protective gear. In the mean time, would you like to see my armour?
Jaune: I would love to!
Winter: So, Jaune what do you think of my new armour?
Jaune: ...
Winter: Jaune?
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Jaune: "Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts. Don't say anything about her breasts."
Jaune: Those are some really nice armoured titties!
Jaune: "You FOOL! You've doomed us to a fiery hell that has no end! She's going to kill you for daring to say such vulgar things to her! You dumb fuck!!!!"
Winter: Oh... I see... T-Thank you...
Winter: "HA! Suck it, Weiss! The blond himbo knight is mine! For he will fall for me, and my big breasts you mosquito bite washboard! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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rachetmath · 1 month
Yang and Jaune reading comics.
Blake: FREEZE!!
Yang: Blake, what’s-
Blake: I knew you were cheating on me with Jaune.
Yang: Blake we're just relaxing together.
Jaune: Yeah, Blake, calm down.
Blake: What are you reading?
Yang: A comic book.
Blake: Why are you so close to him?!
Yang: *laying on his chest* He's comfortable!
Blake: Nope.
Blake grabs Yang and bolts.
Jaune: This is why we don't hang out.
Jaune makes Nora pancakes.
Jaune: Here you go Nora.
Nora: Alright!
Ren comes out of nowhere and kicks the pancakes away.
Nora: Ren!!
Ren replaces Jaune's pancakes with his own.
Jaune: Ren what-
Ren: Nora only eats my pancakes. Step back. Bitch.
Jaune: Well damn, chill, okay.
Jaune ask Penny advice on weapon modifications.
Jaune: So maybe here?
Penny: Yes but maybe instead of just your sword we could modify your gauntlets.
Jaune: Oh that could-
Ruby: What are you doing?!?
Jaune: Talking to Penny.
Ruby: No you were saying bye to Penny.
Penny: Ruby, friend Jaune just wants to discuss ways of modifying his gear.
Ruby: He can figure that out by himself. Come on, Penny.
Penny: But- but- Ruby- um-um b-bye Jaune and good luck.
Ruby pulls Penny away, leaving Jaune alone.
Jaune: *sigh*
Pietro: I'm sorry, I heard you and Penny's conversation, so why don't we work on those gauntlets.
Jaune: Thank you Professor.
Jaune talks to Winter.
Jaune: Excuse me, Ms.Schnee?
Winter: Oh, Mr. Arc. What is it?
Jaune: Well- wait a minute. *looks to see no one pops out of nowhere* Okay. Do you know where I could go to test out dust or learn more about it.
Winter: Why yes. We have a library on such a topic. But for testing I do advice you stay in the training room, a testing room but mainly outside the city in the snow. Plenty of room and less cleaning.
Jaune: Thank you.
Winter: Also, I could-
Weiss: *appears* Winter.
Jaune: (Where the hell did she come from? When the hell did she get here? )
Winter: Oh Weiss, I'm sorry, I was about to offer-
Weiss: I want to spend more time with you.
Winter: Weiss I-
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes*
Winter: *sigh* Never mind Mr. Arc.
Jaune: I understand.
Weiss: *smiles and leaves with her sister while giving Jaune the cold eyes*
Sees Oscar training.
Jaune: Hi Oscar.
Oscar: Hi Jaune.
Jaune: Well at least there’s one person I can talk to.
Months later
Emerald: He's mine now. Get away from him.
Jaune: OH COME ON!!
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
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More rwby memes!!!! From mostly beacon days but also some atlas stuff
I truly love when both beacon and atlas were going to hell Blake was trying to FaceTime Yang
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ahn1zos · 1 year
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No One Falls AU
In my AU, where nobody fell down the bridges, both Winter and Penny got severely injured. The girls (and surprisingly Neo) came just in the for the Schnee after defeating Cinder, who, again, ran with the relic after the massive silver eyes outburst Ruby had due Penny getting attacked. Jaune made it to Vacuo and started healing Penny there. After Team RWBY+ Neo and Winter got in Vacuo, it was just a matter of time till the Kingdom’s forces found them.
So yeah, Neo after getting by double-crossed by Cinder and saved by Ruby, doesn’t really know what to do now.
My drawing is Weiss having a breakdown due Penny and Winter’s conditions, she blames herself. I’ll give more details on later posts cus making an AU is very fun lol.
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reashot · 7 months
A Final Goodbye... (Lancaster in the end.)
So with RT gone and with RWBY never going to get a satisfying ending I made this instead.
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Salem: ... It has begun.
Tyrian: May I ask, what has begun exactly, your evilship?
Salem: The end of the universe.
Tyrian: Oh... Can we stop that?
Salem: I'm afraid not. It has been decided by someone higher than me.
Tyrian: Someone higher. Is it the twin gods?
Salem: Ehhh..... Someone much higher than even them I'm afraid.
Tyrian: I see... So this is it then?
Salem: This is it.
Tyrian: Then I'm proud that I was your number one henchman.
think of this as the same thing that destroyed the multiverse during the crisis on infinite earth.
Somewhere in Vacuo
Yang: Well this sucks.
Blake: Tell me about it. Just right when we're finally together,
Yang: I know babe. And before we get to be erased from existence I want to say to you again.
I love you.
Blake: Come here...
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Tai: There goes my daughter.
Raven: At least she died with someone she loved.
Tai: ...It doesn't mean she hates you know.
Raven: Tai. We're about to die. So you don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Tai: If it makes you feel any better Yang doesn't want to spend her final moment with me either.
Raven: Some parents we are.
Tai: The last time I check I was the parent. And you were the one that left us.
Raven: I know that! Do you think I want to leave her in the first place and leave you?! But it's too late for that now.
Tai: You know maybe we can try again. You can apologize to Yang in the next life.
Raven: I-I would like that...
Willow: I really picked a bad time to stop drinking.
Whitley: At least we can spend our last family time together.
Weiss: As much I hate saying this. I'm glad I at least got to spend my last time on Remnants with you, mom and.... Wait a sec, where did Winter go?
Qrow: Boy. I really picked a good time to start drinking.
Winter: Qrow. There's something I wanted to tell you.
Qrow: Fire away Ice queen.
Winter: *gets down on one knee* Qrow Branwen will you marry me?
Qrow: Uhhh.... all right.
Winter: Great. Let me introduce you to my family. Weiss meet your new brother in-law.
Qrow: Uh hey Ice princess. I guess I'm marrying your sister now.
Weiss: WHAT!!! If you think I'm letting a drunk deadbeat marrying my sister then you must be fuc...
Ruby: This it Jaune. Are you scared?
Jaune: Very. So how do you feel Ruby.
Ruby: Same... It's not supposed to end this way.
Jaune: I know Rubes, but what done is done. And I'm glad I got to spend the end of the world with a friend.
Ruby: Yeah... Ah screw it. Jaune please don't get mad at me.
*kiss Jaune on the lips*
Jaune. I love you.
Jaune: W-what?
Ruby: I said I love you, you dork! I've been in love with you for a long time. I always wanted to tell you this but there was never a good time to do so.
Jaune: I see. Then I also have a confession to make. I feel the same way too. For a long time. I thought you don't feel the same way as I do.
Ruby: Well now we know. I just wish we have more time. To go on more dates, to go on a beach together, to get married, have kids and grow old togethers....
I don't want to die Jaune. Not yet. Not until we achieve our dreams together.
Jaune: I know Ruby but it's too late for that. At least we will die together.
Ruby: I guess there are worst ways to die. Jaune I love you and I hope we get to see each others again in the next life and the next life after that.
Jaune: Ruby I love you too. And I promise to always find you no matters where you are.
Ruby: And I will promise to always love you.
*kiss Jaune for the last time*
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Will make an epilogue if this gets 100 likes.
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lord-of-rain · 6 months
Winter: So this is the guy you told me all about, Weiss.
Weiss: *blushing* y-yeah...
Jaune: Hehe, Hi.
~~~\the Schnee family study\~~~
Willow: Ar- Arc?
Whitley: I can't believe anyone would date Weiss either.
Willow: *Pouring herself more scotch* Get the Book of Grudges.
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waltat04-kevinknight · 4 months
Jaune walked through the halls of the Vacuo hospital building with flowers in his hand and stopped at a door, the number 115. He knocked on the door and was met by the one person he had hoped not to run into first, Mr.Pelondina.
"What do you want, Jaune?" Pietro asked, gripping the handles of his wheelchair with suppressed anger.
"I wanted to check on Penny, see how she's holding u-" Jaune began to explain before he was cut off.
"Did you think of that before or after you chose to stab her huh?!" Peitro yelled before coughing and looking up at Jaune.
"Mr.Pelondina you have to understand tha-" Jaune tried to speak only to be cut off again.
"No, YOU need to understand that I don't want you around MY DAUGHTER anymore!" Peitro said, pressing the call button as a nurse came over.
"Yes? How can I help?" She asked.
"I want him gone and to not be allowed to see my daughter" Peitro said as the Nurse nodded and turned to Jaune and led him from the room.
"I'm sorry, sir, but her father has expressed not wanting you here. Please leave and have a nice day." The nurse says as Jaune nods and leaves with his head down in defeat.
Back at the camp area, Jaune comes back, setting the flowers down, before sitting in front of the campfire and curling up into a ball and placing his head on his knees and tried to fight the tears that were forming until he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked up and saw Qrow.
"Hey ki- well I guess kid doesn't want anymore considering what you've been through in the ever after, come on let's talk a walk" Qrow says helping Jaune off his feet as the two walked through Vacuo seeing how everyone was doing.
While they walked, Jaune told Qrow about what happened at the hospital and in the crossroads.
"That's alot to take in, I'm surprised you haven't gone insane." Qrow says before speaking once again. "I know you want to see her but maybe give him and Penny some space. Winter told me that she saw a stab wound that matched your sword and put two and two together but what threw us both off was the fact the wound was healed" Qrow says.
"I figured out that I could use my Semblance on objects and use them as a connection, so when I stabbed Penny I had used my Semblance and had it course through me sword and into the stab wound. I never wanted to kill Penny, I had already lost Pyrrha to Cinder and I wasn't about to lose Penny too Qrow" Jaune says looking at Qrow.
"I understand, come on Willow is helping Klien cook up some shrimp gumbo and it hits the spot. I'm sure you'll feel better after it" Qrow says as Willow runs over and plants a kiss on Qrow's cheek.
"Hello my dark knight, hello Jaune" Willow says with a smile.
"Hello love, I hope you don't kind if I invited Jaune to dinner" Qrow says as Willow shook her head.
"Of course not. He looks like he could use some friendly company," Willow says, leading Qrow and Jaune to the massive cookout where everyone was including Peitro and Penny, who was being wheeled around by Winter.
Winter noices Jaune and walks over while wheeling Penny over with her.
"Greetings Jaune, how have you been" Winter asked.
"I've...I could be better" He says not making eye contact before he felt Penny's hand intertwine with his.
"Salutations boyfriend Jaune" Penny says with a smile and tears in her eyes as she let his hand go and opened her arms for a hug as Jaune teared up and dropped to his knees and hugged Penny not letting her.
While Penny brushed his blonde hair with her hand and began to softy sing a calming tune to make Jaune calm down.
"I want to see you smile, Jaune, not cry," Penny says as all of his ffiened surround him and join in the hug.
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weisscoldglare · 5 months
"I have always shipped rarepairs".
Hmm... thoughts on Torchpin & Nordic Winter (Weiss/Nora)?
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Nordic Winter has its brain worms, yeh
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
Weiss opens door sees jaune with her sister in bed.".......😱😱😱😱😱💔💔💔💔💔😭😭😭 my poir tsundere heart
Weiss: Winter! How could you!? With him!?
Winter: Weiss... you have to understand, he-
Weiss: he's blackmailing you!?
Winter: *Shakes head* No! Nothing like that!
Weiss: Then what!? Why...? Why him?
Winter: He... He loves me Weiss, he listens to me, helps me, makes me feel... less alone...
Weiss: ...
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juanarc-thethird · 1 year
I got an idea how about make another story about how yang is mortified about ruby’s innocence but instead of them it’s Weiss and Winter this time
Jaune's Apartment
Jaune and Winter are in the kitchen drinking tea while they talk about him and his relationship with Weiss.
Winter: Honestly, my sister is lucky to have you as a boyfriend.
Jaune: Oh no no no, I'm the lucky one to date her. She has changed my life.
Winter: *Chuckles* I see why she's dating you.
Jaune: Do you want more tea?
Winter: Yes, please.
Suddenly, the apartment's main door opens.
Weiss: Oh Jaune~ Your fat booty princess needs your attention~
Jaune: *Wide-eye* Weiss, right now is not a good time.
Weiss: Are you denying your princess? That deserves a punishment~
Jaune: *Worry* Weiss, please.
Weiss: Nu-uh, making that face won't change my mind. Now take off your pants and let me suck on that big juicy co-
Jaune: *Interrupts her* WEISS!
Weiss: *Angry* WHAT?!
Jaune: Your sister came to visit us.
Weiss: My sister? *Looks at her* Winter?! What are you doing here?
Winter: I was talking to Jaune about his relationship with you. But I see that… *About to cry* I see that… *Sniff* …that my little sister is depraved. Waaah!
Weiss: Wait! It's not what it looks like!! Jaune help me!
Jaune: What do you want me to do? I tried to stop you, but you were the one who wanted to suck my di-
Weiss: *Embarrassed* JAUNE!!
Winter: *Cries louder* WAAAH!!!
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arc-misadventures · 20 days
MFK Winter: Rusted Knight Jaune, Marrow, and Robin.
Winter: MFK II
Winter: Weiss, why must I do this?
Weiss: Because it's just a simple thought exercise to help you relax. You don't have to actually do any of it, it's just for fun.
Winter: But, why these three individuals in particular?
Weiss: What? Did you want someone else to, MFK?
Winter: No, I just... Haaa... Okay, let's get this over with. I would kill, Specialist Armin.
Marrow: What?! What did I do?
Winter: I am your superior officer, the thought of being in a relationship with you, is both against regulations, and something I find wholly unappealing.
Jaune: Ouch.
Marrow: I never get the girl...
Robyn: You're just not this girls type.
Marrow: Yeah right... What is, Winter's type then?
Winter: Jaune is my type for starters.
Jaune: I am?
Winter: Indeed. You are a mature, skilled, and smart individual. I find those characteristics to be appeasing in a potential marriage partner. Characteristics I often used to tell my father that if the individuals he was trying to... sell me off to didn't have this traits, I wouldn't humour him the chance for his... future business plans.
Robyn: Of course your father tried to sell you off like a business asset. Heartless bastard.
Winter: Indeed he is. Another contributing factor for why I wish to marry, Jaune is because... Well... since his return from this, Ever After place... He became far more appealing as a romantic partner.
Robyn: I have to agree, this... mature look he has is quite invigorating to look at.
Winter: I never knew that I was into silver fox's, then again, I guess it all depends on the fox~!
Jaune: Uhhh... T-Thanks...?
Winter: So... this no doubt means I would have to fuck you, Robyn...
Robyn: Oh, so sorry you have to fuck me. Maybe you would have a better time doing yourself.
Winter: Like you yourself know how to please a woman.
Robyn: Are you sure you want to play this game, Specialist Schnee?
Winter: It will be green if you decide to check.
Robyn: Care to put your vote where your mouth is?
Winter: Let's put it to a vote then~!
Robyn: Lets~!
Weiss: ...
Weiss: What just happen?
Jaune: Seems, Winter still has some issues she needs to resolve with, Robyn. And, they have chosen a rather specific way to solve them.
Weiss: What?
Jaune: They're gonna bang each other, Weiss.
Weiss: They're going to what?!
Marrow: Nice.
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