#Qrow x Willow
waltat04-kevinknight · 4 months
Jaune walked through the halls of the Vacuo hospital building with flowers in his hand and stopped at a door, the number 115. He knocked on the door and was met by the one person he had hoped not to run into first, Mr.Pelondina.
"What do you want, Jaune?" Pietro asked, gripping the handles of his wheelchair with suppressed anger.
"I wanted to check on Penny, see how she's holding u-" Jaune began to explain before he was cut off.
"Did you think of that before or after you chose to stab her huh?!" Peitro yelled before coughing and looking up at Jaune.
"Mr.Pelondina you have to understand tha-" Jaune tried to speak only to be cut off again.
"No, YOU need to understand that I don't want you around MY DAUGHTER anymore!" Peitro said, pressing the call button as a nurse came over.
"Yes? How can I help?" She asked.
"I want him gone and to not be allowed to see my daughter" Peitro said as the Nurse nodded and turned to Jaune and led him from the room.
"I'm sorry, sir, but her father has expressed not wanting you here. Please leave and have a nice day." The nurse says as Jaune nods and leaves with his head down in defeat.
Back at the camp area, Jaune comes back, setting the flowers down, before sitting in front of the campfire and curling up into a ball and placing his head on his knees and tried to fight the tears that were forming until he felt a hand on his shoulder as he looked up and saw Qrow.
"Hey ki- well I guess kid doesn't want anymore considering what you've been through in the ever after, come on let's talk a walk" Qrow says helping Jaune off his feet as the two walked through Vacuo seeing how everyone was doing.
While they walked, Jaune told Qrow about what happened at the hospital and in the crossroads.
"That's alot to take in, I'm surprised you haven't gone insane." Qrow says before speaking once again. "I know you want to see her but maybe give him and Penny some space. Winter told me that she saw a stab wound that matched your sword and put two and two together but what threw us both off was the fact the wound was healed" Qrow says.
"I figured out that I could use my Semblance on objects and use them as a connection, so when I stabbed Penny I had used my Semblance and had it course through me sword and into the stab wound. I never wanted to kill Penny, I had already lost Pyrrha to Cinder and I wasn't about to lose Penny too Qrow" Jaune says looking at Qrow.
"I understand, come on Willow is helping Klien cook up some shrimp gumbo and it hits the spot. I'm sure you'll feel better after it" Qrow says as Willow runs over and plants a kiss on Qrow's cheek.
"Hello my dark knight, hello Jaune" Willow says with a smile.
"Hello love, I hope you don't kind if I invited Jaune to dinner" Qrow says as Willow shook her head.
"Of course not. He looks like he could use some friendly company," Willow says, leading Qrow and Jaune to the massive cookout where everyone was including Peitro and Penny, who was being wheeled around by Winter.
Winter noices Jaune and walks over while wheeling Penny over with her.
"Greetings Jaune, how have you been" Winter asked.
"I've...I could be better" He says not making eye contact before he felt Penny's hand intertwine with his.
"Salutations boyfriend Jaune" Penny says with a smile and tears in her eyes as she let his hand go and opened her arms for a hug as Jaune teared up and dropped to his knees and hugged Penny not letting her.
While Penny brushed his blonde hair with her hand and began to softy sing a calming tune to make Jaune calm down.
"I want to see you smile, Jaune, not cry," Penny says as all of his ffiened surround him and join in the hug.
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brokentrafficknight · 8 months
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Introducing Qrow and Willow's kid!
Goose Branwen!
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notmaplemable · 1 year
Coming Up Short
Summer: You know, I think our kids are going to be super tall.
Willow: What makes you think that?
Summer: Well, Qrow is pretty tall. So I think it just makes sense that his kids would be.
Willow: But both of us are somewhat short, so it would be more likely that our children are closer to an average height.
Summer: Nah, just you wait and see. They'll all be super tall.
Willow: We'll see.
Twenty-Something years later.
Summer: ...
Ruby: (5'2")
Zwei: (4'10")
Weiss: (4'11")
Whitley: (5'3")
Willow: I believe you were wrong about them being tall, dear.
Summer: To be fair, Winter did kind of poison the well on that one.
Winter: (5'8")
Willow: She is a tall girl.
Summer: Maybe she stole her height from the rest of out kids.
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rwby-soh · 25 days
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“Impossible Odds”
Sex: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5’9”
Age (circa 99 AGW): 18
Aura Density: Average
Aura Reserves: Average
Aura Color: Black
Semblance: Black Swan
Weapon: Glucksfall The first of our OC's not specifically created for this AU but has been allowed to be included by her creator.
Qrow and Willow’s daughter, and favorite Aunt to the Arc-Schnee children. Goose is very kind and generally gets along with everyone, but can act immature, naive, and awkward at times. Like both of her parents, she has depressive tendencies and tends to be quiet and withdrawn. She’s the sole person who actually entertains Scarlet’s chuuni antics due to her naivety, and thus they became fast friends. Surprisingly tall for a Schnee, being the tallest girl out of the main cast (ignoring Scarlet blatantly cheating via her horns), alongside inheriting her mother’s dumptruck ass. Her weapon, Glücksfall, is a double-barreled over/under break-action shotgun that fires custom SDC dust slugs with a cavalry blade running along its underside. Despite being a Schnee, she didn’t inherit the Schnee Semblance, instead manifesting a luck-based Semblance called Black Swan. Black Swan works via passively manipulating probability towards unlikely/improbable outcomes, which can be countered by manipulating the scenario to completely eliminate less probable outcomes, hence the surprising simplicity of her weapon. Like her father’s Misfortune, she has the limited ability to intensify, focus, and even direct her Semblance somewhat, but she cannot turn it off. Alludes to The Bonny Swans, a 17th-century murder ballad. 
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farsight-the-char · 1 year
Qrow helping train Whitley, and possibly adopting bonding enough for Whitley to call Qrow “Uncle”.....
Willow growing fond of the man helping train her son as a Huntsman, perhaps getting to know him as well...
Winter not sure how to feel but glad at least Qrow stopped drinking and is something of a positive influence on Whitley.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
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Willow: Out there, you fly free, little bird. I wonder what would happen if I brought you inside my gilded cage.
Qrow: I'd turn into a tall, dark, and handsome man.
Willow: ...I think that would just crack my top 5 strangest drunk moments.
Qrow: I'll take those odds.
[later that day]
Jacques: why is there a bird in my office?
Qrow: I fucked your wife,
Therapist: talking crow isn't real
Jacques: *looks out the windows
Qrow: I fucked your wife, shit lips!
Artist Shuasha
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maybelesserevil · 1 year
Bleiss' origin
Bleiss has black hair and red eyes because Qrow fucked Willow.
My new headcanon inspired by red-eyed Weiss from this fanfic:
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nezuko-demon-slayer · 2 years
Au where both Winter AND Ruby are Qrow’s daughters
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reashot · 7 months
A Final Goodbye... (Lancaster in the end.)
So with RT gone and with RWBY never going to get a satisfying ending I made this instead.
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Salem: ... It has begun.
Tyrian: May I ask, what has begun exactly, your evilship?
Salem: The end of the universe.
Tyrian: Oh... Can we stop that?
Salem: I'm afraid not. It has been decided by someone higher than me.
Tyrian: Someone higher. Is it the twin gods?
Salem: Ehhh..... Someone much higher than even them I'm afraid.
Tyrian: I see... So this is it then?
Salem: This is it.
Tyrian: Then I'm proud that I was your number one henchman.
think of this as the same thing that destroyed the multiverse during the crisis on infinite earth.
Somewhere in Vacuo
Yang: Well this sucks.
Blake: Tell me about it. Just right when we're finally together,
Yang: I know babe. And before we get to be erased from existence I want to say to you again.
I love you.
Blake: Come here...
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Tai: There goes my daughter.
Raven: At least she died with someone she loved.
Tai: ...It doesn't mean she hates you know.
Raven: Tai. We're about to die. So you don't have to lie to make me feel better.
Tai: If it makes you feel any better Yang doesn't want to spend her final moment with me either.
Raven: Some parents we are.
Tai: The last time I check I was the parent. And you were the one that left us.
Raven: I know that! Do you think I want to leave her in the first place and leave you?! But it's too late for that now.
Tai: You know maybe we can try again. You can apologize to Yang in the next life.
Raven: I-I would like that...
Willow: I really picked a bad time to stop drinking.
Whitley: At least we can spend our last family time together.
Weiss: As much I hate saying this. I'm glad I at least got to spend my last time on Remnants with you, mom and.... Wait a sec, where did Winter go?
Qrow: Boy. I really picked a good time to start drinking.
Winter: Qrow. There's something I wanted to tell you.
Qrow: Fire away Ice queen.
Winter: *gets down on one knee* Qrow Branwen will you marry me?
Qrow: Uhhh.... all right.
Winter: Great. Let me introduce you to my family. Weiss meet your new brother in-law.
Qrow: Uh hey Ice princess. I guess I'm marrying your sister now.
Weiss: WHAT!!! If you think I'm letting a drunk deadbeat marrying my sister then you must be fuc...
Ruby: This it Jaune. Are you scared?
Jaune: Very. So how do you feel Ruby.
Ruby: Same... It's not supposed to end this way.
Jaune: I know Rubes, but what done is done. And I'm glad I got to spend the end of the world with a friend.
Ruby: Yeah... Ah screw it. Jaune please don't get mad at me.
*kiss Jaune on the lips*
Jaune. I love you.
Jaune: W-what?
Ruby: I said I love you, you dork! I've been in love with you for a long time. I always wanted to tell you this but there was never a good time to do so.
Jaune: I see. Then I also have a confession to make. I feel the same way too. For a long time. I thought you don't feel the same way as I do.
Ruby: Well now we know. I just wish we have more time. To go on more dates, to go on a beach together, to get married, have kids and grow old togethers....
I don't want to die Jaune. Not yet. Not until we achieve our dreams together.
Jaune: I know Ruby but it's too late for that. At least we will die together.
Ruby: I guess there are worst ways to die. Jaune I love you and I hope we get to see each others again in the next life and the next life after that.
Jaune: Ruby I love you too. And I promise to always find you no matters where you are.
Ruby: And I will promise to always love you.
*kiss Jaune for the last time*
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Will make an epilogue if this gets 100 likes.
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RWBY Fanfic Idea
Long time no see, huh? Hope you are all doing well.
So, it's been a while since I watched RWBY Vol9 and we got those epilogue bits and pieces, and I'd like to propose an idea, that for me might have made the show a tad more interesting (Nothing wrong with it essentially, I am just dying for some time travel angst. But that's what fanfics are for).
Because our main heroines find themselves in a journey of self discovery in what seems to be an alternate sub-dimension within the world of Remnant. And then they return to the exact point in time and space where they were supposed to be, missing for a few hours or days pretty much.
So what if, and I say what if, that wasn't the case? What if time flowed differently in the Ever After?
Well then, we have three delicious angst and drama filled scenarios.
Case 1
It works pretty much like Narnia did. I don't rly care much for Salem I must admit, but let's say our heroines get stuck there for a few years. A decade or so. They learn to adapt to the Ever After and its ever-changing tumultuous nature, they make a life for themselves (Perhaps as 4 guardians, each for a season, or a point in the horizon) and become more a family than they ever were. Because all they have from their world is each other. And they learn to function as a unit, never far from one another, always knowing, always caring, always pushing each other to new heights, becoming better and more in sync. And they form this deep intrinsic knowledge of each other, with each duo (and I mean all duos, not just the partner pairs) having its own quirks and habits. So yes, they are a team, yes they are partners or teammates, or girlfriends, but at the same time they are something more, something you cannot exactly put in words.
And somehow, someday they find a way out. The tree finally accepts them or idk what. And when they return to Remnant, they end up in Vacuo, when they left and...they are kids again. They are 18 and 20, instead of 30 and 32. Their bodies feel wrong. Too awkward, too small (R:Ugh, do I have to be the shortest one AGAIN?) cause they aren't theirs anymore. And Yang might find herself tracing across a scar that Blake doesn't have anymore, Weiss' eyes lingering on the missing chunk of an ear that magically is whole again, and rejoicing at looking in Ruby's eyes. Both her eyes. And Ruby can see her teammates, her family, whole again without any scars to show for what they went through, but for those engraved in their souls.
But for the people outside this neat little arrangement, RWBY fell to their deaths, and miraculously returned a few days after, but they came back wrong. There is something stiff and worn in he edge of their expressions, like they have seen too much, like they know too much, and have lost what little innocence they had left. There is danger glinting in their eyes, steely and cold, and downright unsettling. They are different, there is no denying it. They seem more mature, as people and as huntresses, knowing things only experienced huntsmen faced with impossible odds would.There is this aura following them too, one that screams danger and demands respect.
Weiss seems more authoritative than ever before, comfortable in her own skin and creativity, not measuring her worth by her achievements. Ruby is still her optimistic self but she is more confident and sure of herself, like something within her has settled, and finally found its place, nothing like the lost girl hanging by a thread before the fall. Yang's temperament has evened out. No longer fueled by anger and hurt, but by an unbreakable resolve to persevere and will to protect what matters the most to her. And that's not the past that is long gone, not the old grudges that have no worth left in them, but her team, her family. And where Yang has learned to let go, Blake has learned to hold on, to chase for what she wants, to grasp it with both hands and not let go. To face her fears, the trials and tribulations of growing and changing alongside someone, trusting they will stay, and not run away from the monster. And she has learned to face overcome her own shortcomings, and stay. Even when things get rough .
And then there are their interactions with each other, as if they cannot bear to breathe when one of them is not near, eyes frantically searching for their mirror, for the reassurance that it's all okay. The impossible training regimes and semblance evolution. They complete each other as if the four are one, and anything less than that would be incomplete. The constant whispers, and wary glances, the countless inside jokes, and meaningful smiles, only they can interpret. The silent communication, the wordless gestures of comfort, gestures too intimate to be discounted at first glance. But they are oblivious to the raised eyebrows, and the questions hanging from the edges of people's lips. What matters is that they are back and they are together.
They are back, and they look the same, but they are not the same people they were before, and while everyone sees it, no one really dares to say anything. Because there are nightmares. And more often than not, a scream will echo in the desolate camp in the dead of night, followed by a gun shot, or the sound of sth tearing, and the four will huddle together, comforting each other with soft words and sweet nothings that make no sense.
They are the same and yet different, and Winter knows it, because there are times Weiss seems impossibly older in her eyes, so much so that she feels like the little sister instead. Qrow sees Summer in Ruby's steely gaze and rueful smile, and Tai's unbreakable resolve in Yang's smirk. (The sharpness at the edge of it reminds him of Raven a few years back, when the girls were still young, and his sister was the biggest Grim-slaying force this side of Mistral, but he doesn't want think about it.) And when Blake meets her parents again, they think she looks worn and tired, her soul too old for the body it's occupying, but she will always be their little girl, and she has come back and she loves them, melting into their embrace as if she was ten years old once more...
Case 2
They are stuck in the Ever After for 10 or 15 years again. Only this time when they find a way out, they don't change back. And then suddenly in Vacuo, a few days after Atlas falls, while Winter, Qrow Oscar, Nora, Ren and the rest mourn all those they have lost, four strange women appear. (The outfits will have obviously changed, unless somehow they wanted to wear the same thing for 10 or 15 years).
The strangers are huddled together, and check each other for injuries first and foremost before even thinking of facing the other people. And when they do, their breaths hitch and they all collectively freeze. Because the strange travelers, those peculiar women dressed in unfamiliar fabrics, covered in a million and one little scars, look like team RWBY.
But they cannot be, they could never be, for Winter lost her sister three days ago, and the white clad woman looking at her with Weiss' eyes, tear-filled and wide, (so much so that the small vertical scar over the left one wrinkles), could never possibly be the little sister she lost.
Winter spares a glance to the rest of the strangers, never lowering her sword, eyes burning with the chill of a wintry fire, and feels more than hears the spring maiden - Raven Branwen, (the woman who had abandoned her family and then had flown in Vacuo as soon as she felt her bond with Yang snap), whisper a half broken "Summer", her first tightening over Omen's hilt, as she took in a sharp breath - the most unsettled Winter had ever seen her.
The strange woman with silver eyes, clad in red and black instead of white, her face so familiar and yet so different, gives her a small rueful, remorseful smile,
"Not quite." she responds and Winter recognizes that tone, different though it was from mere days before.
"Hey, Uncle Qrow." The golden one smiles and winks, and there's something lingering in her amethyst hued eyes, something like nostalgia 'long time no see' and 'I missed you'. She is impossibly tall, taller than the last time Winter saw her, and somehow broader and more muscular. She reminds her of Elm a bit if the other Ace Op was built like a bear and shone like the Sun. A strong hand was settled comfortably over the shoulders of the woman's black and indigo clad faunus partner, bringing her close.
Winter's head reels, and her gaze hops from one to the other, her mind trying to make peace with what her soul already knew. Blake Belladonna's golden gaze (because it could be no one else, standing tall and resilient, long black hair swaying in the hot desert wind, studded cat ears stiff and alert, long graceful fingers wrapped along the hilt of her obsidian colored blade) stays on her. It is sharp and inquisitive, curious, heavy with experience and knowledge, and it weighs on her shoulders, as she remains still with her sword extended, examining the unlikely band of not so strangers.
They were women now. Full grown, and different, nothing like the kids that fell into the void what felt like an eternity ago.
Qrow's half choked "Firecracker?" and Raven's disbelieving curses barely reach her ears as she hones in on the white-haired woman again, letting her gaze linger on the scar on her collarbone and the shoulder length white hair fashioned in a low ponytail not unlike the one she sported herself. Her eyes, blue like the summer sky, and so much brighter than her own were still wide, as if drinking the sight of her, as if she hadn't seen her three days before, Winter's visage being the last thing she saw before falling to the void.
"Winter?" it's barely more than a whisper, and Winter doesn't know how to feel because it sounds so much like her sister and so much like Willow (I hc that of the sisters Weiss is more similar to Willow appearance wise.) that she lowers her sword and collapses on the ground half sobbing her sister's name (I think it would make a great parallel to when she fell and Winter called it out so brokenly... top tier voice acting)
They'll probably call Robyn to verify their story and when they do there will be a loooot of tears and confusion and hurt and pain and anger and DRAMA, so much drama, I think I could right a book abt the Schnee family drama and trauma if that ever happened.
Things will be hard from then and on, because Winter's little sister is now older than her, and she can spy the crows feet starting to appear at the edges of her eyes, and the laugh lines around her mouth, her skin tanner than Winter could ever imagine it would be. She carries herself like a leader, like she never had to step from someone's shadow, much less Winter's own. She looks like she finally knows her worth and has another three people being there for her unconditionally when she needs it. I won't even start on Whitley who lost another decade from his sister's life without either their input, just when he had started bonding with her again, or Willow. Man, I think that Willow seeing Weiss as a thirty something grown woman (that looks so much like her before Jacques, before her own life started going downhill) would warrant a relapse. A big one.
Qrow is probably going to get himself hammered after all this and Raven will join him. Like imagine them looking at a Ruby that is now as old - if not older - than Summer was when she died. A Ruby that looks almost exactly like Summer, but has grown into herself as a huntress and a team leader, that has learned to bear the burden and share it when it gets too much. A Ruby Qrow can no longer call squirt - she is almost as tall as him now, and built with the lean hard muscle of someone that sprints for a living - and Raven cannot underestimate. A Ruby that reminds her so much of Summer, but is so different from her old leader, that has found her own brand of strength and settled into it in ways neither she nor Summer could.
And then there is Yang. Yang that has Raven's face, but Tai's golden complexion and has grown into his strong broad built (I imagine her more like a strongwoman than a calisthenics type of muscular). Yang that does finger-guns at Qrow like she is sixteen, and looks at Raven with little anger in her amethyst hued eyes. Yang that looks so much tired when the chaos settles down, and embraces her team clinging desperately to them, whispering "we are home, we made it", when things get too much for them. That has taken to mothering Nora and the rest of the kids, because they are kids. What for them was 3 days for RWBY was 15 years. And they haven't been kids in a long time. She still has her playful side don't worry, the puns are being served with a Yang.
And last but not least Blake. Blake that has found her home with the others, that has learned to trust and be trusted, that doesn't hide who she is for anyone's benefit. A brilliant tactician, a creative bright mind, a spirit writhed in shadows. Lean, tall, positively feline, a stealthy predator at its best, she has fallen into her role with the others easily enough, and it's plain for all to see that she offers her quiet support, with soft words that cut at the edges and tender embraces with the undertone of protection and support. Blake who ran away from home at 12 (I think) only to come back at 18, and then disappear again at 20. And just the amount of pain the Belladonnas must have experienced losing her for a second time, and then having her appear again, only she has aged another 15 years since they last saw her. They probably feel like their daughter's life is slipping by them, and they'll never rly have enough time with her. Their little girl comes back an independent teenager and then a grown woman, with a bit of Ghira's imposing build and all of Kali's feminine guile. A cat Faunus that moves like a panther, sharp liquid gold eyes honing in every minute detail. A woman whose heart sings of pain and loss, and perseverance and love, a stranger with their blood in her veins they could not be prouder of.
Yeah, that family pain hits hard in this one. And lastly,
Case 3
The gang does stay in the Ever After for a few days indeed, but out in Remnant it has been years. Salem is over with idk how, and yeah our friends go to the blacksmith and everything but when they return to Remnant, everything is different. The world has moved forward and changed without them.
Menagerie is a kingdom now apparently, and has its own huntsmen academy. Ghira and Kali have thrown themselves into making this work, overcome as they were with the second and final loss of their only child. So imagine when they get a call or see Blake for the first time in more than a decade. But their little girl looks exactly the same as she did when she fell, and they are...old. Ghira's beard and hair has been going gray and he's lost some muscle mass, and Kali's proud stature is diminished, and the ever present smile on her lips has barely made an appearance in years. So I suppose it will be painful as heck for them to accept that Blake is back. They;ll never let her go when they do though...So angst, yeah.
Tai will have shut down. He has no one left apart from Qrow. And well I d like to give it a twist here and say that when Raven feels her bond with Yang snap, and realizes that well her daughter is not coming back, she does a bit of a reevaluation of her priorities and either completely loses herself, trying to keep that strength facade, or gets her shit together, cause her brother and ex need her, and STRQ kinda reunites. No Ozpin though, that would be too far. And then Ruby and Yang appear, as old as the day they left, and well... I think Qrow would get drunk, Tai would melt into a mess, and Raven would deny it all. Seeing Ruby and Yang reacting to their family being so old will be interesting. As well as Yang's relationship with Raven given the revelations that yes, her selfish, coward, asshole of a mother actually has a heart in there somewhere.
The Schnees will be again the most angsty I think. I say Willow managed to pull herself from the bottom of the bottle for Winter and Whitley,and took back the SDC and is now on the way to retirement. Winter is the new General, and even has a family of her own perhaps and Whitley is practically next in line for the company. And then Weiss appears. And its a shock. Because Whitley is now older than her. Taller, though still with the dancer's built he sported since he was a kid. Only he has activated his aura and semblance now and has a goatee. And a partner. And a kid on the way.
Winter on the other hand is head of the Atlas military has introduced a bunch of new policies with Robyn and they both work toward stabilizing Atlas and making sure to avoid the whole Ironwood thing. Or well ironwood 2 at this point. And Winter loves Robyn( It's mutual). They are all but married at this point, having spent too many nights with Winter drowning in her own guilt, paralyzed by feelings too big for her heart to contain. Too many desperate moments when things are tight, with Winter gripping Robyn's hand like a lifeline saying that she isn't turning to another Ironwood and that she is doing what she can with whatever supplies she has, visibly relaxing and melting in relief when it flashes green. With Robyn whispering sweet nothings to her ear and Winter encouraging her when things seemed dire, with them reminding each other to take it slow and relax for it to be any different.
Winter has made up with May, and the Happy Huntresses are her own little family, a home away from home. They have probably adopted a bunch of kids probs from Mantle and raise them all together. And then Weiss appears. And it's one of the little ones that notices and asks, tugging at the coat Miss Winter is wearing, asking her why the girl in blue looks so much like her. And then angst I suppose. It would be interesting exploring their dynamic a bit more, especially if we go with the route that Winter helped raise Weiss quite a bit before she left for the military, and how that sisterly/motherly relationship changes- if it does at all - now that her sister is back from the dead. Seeing Winter grapple with her guilt, or her anger years after and all that jazz.
Well, that's the post folks! Let me know what you think! If anyone takes these ideas and actually writes a fic pls @ me so that I can read whatever wonderful things y'all come up with!
Till the next one! Take care and stay hydrated!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
Weiss Can't Win ... 2!
Weiss: Thank you for having lunch with me today Mother.
Willow: Of course Weiss! I must make an effort to reconnect with you all, you know? Make up for lost time.
Willow: Is there anything in particular you wish to speak about, dear?
Weiss: Yes actually ... I am concerned with her choice in romantic partners.
Willow: I thought Jaune was your friend? Are you concerned about their age gap? They're no farther apart in age than You and Winter?
Weiss: It's just that He had asked me on a date several times. Jaune's not a bad man, they both simply ...
Weiss: I don't see how they could be together. But they are together, so I suppose I'll just manage.
Willow: Well, you're well within your right to be concerned for both of them. I'm certain they're grateful you're trying to be supportive in spite of it, Weiss. It's incredibly mature of you.
Weiss: Thank you Mother. That means a lot to me.
Willow: Although, speaking of romantic interests...
Weiss: Oh? you're ready for something like that so soon?
Willow: It's been months since Your Father and I divorced, and he was arrested. Me and Mr. Branwen aren't even doing anything Serious, simply enjoying each others company, and support each other In our recoveries.
Weiss: Oh that's Wonder- (Sneezes Coffee out her nose)
Willow: WEISS!?
Willow: Y-yes?!? Are you alright?
Weiss: Yes, Just very Shocked! (Mops herself up) Qrow? Winter's Mortal enemy? Ruby and Yang's Uncle?
Willow: Yes? Do you have a problem with him?
Weiss: I suppose I might. I have simply seen him at some of his worst moments while visiting the Xiao-long/Rose household. It would be wrong of me to judge him off of those moments without doing the same of you ...
Weiss: I just don't want you to be hurt again, and his semblance... Qrow has avoided those He's cared about over it before. I wish you the best, of course I do, but him? that Rapscallion of a huntsman?
Willow: Thank you for voicing your concerns. We are taking it slow, as we are old aren't we? I'll be fine so long as I have you and your siblings - And Klein, naturally- so please try to calm your nerves.
Willow: As for him being a Rapscallion, Well, I will say he can be Quite the Rapscallion behind closed doors~ Maybe you're envious? I know your teamates, the Blond one, Yang I believe, and the Belladonna's daughter are together?
Weiss: *holding her head* I can't deal with this...
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ein-schnee-sturm · 2 months
"there you are, darling" || Qrow to Willow
…Qrow was so different from Jacques, it was bitterly laughable. His voice, his presence, his character, his touch — by the Gods, his touch. It wasn’t a sexual feeling that curled down Willow’s spine when his arm curled around her waist; even with Jacques (specifically before everything had gone to Hell), the Faunus woman had never quite felt what others and books described as sexual desire.
No, this feeling was grounding, was shielding, was comforting. Feeling safe being touched by a man who wasn’t (blood) family for the first time in almost twenty years, the Snowy Owl made a soft cooing sound, as she naturally curled into Qrow’s side. Feeling secure, the situation that had prompted the action was entirely forgotten — and could anyone blame her, really?
“Hello, mein Schatz,” she cooed in return.
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
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names-for-alters · 8 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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howi99 · 10 months
I had an idea of changing the ships name when Jaune is the Rusted knight. (Most of them are referencing alice in Wonderland or fantasy story)
RK x Weiss: White queen
RK x Ruby: paint them red
RK x Blake: Cheshire's cat
RK x Yang: Pendragon
RK x Pyrrha (Or Tarnished Spartan): until death do us apart
RK x Neo: Mad hatter
RK x Nora: Reforged Knight
RK x Willow: Either Broken dream or shining light through the snowstorm.
RK x Ren: Journey to the west
RK x Qrow: A dusty old knight
RK x Winter: The princess and the pauper
RK x Salem (before Grimmification or not evil): Fairy tales do come true
RK x Salem: Second chance
RK x Cinder: Ashen knight or Protector of the flame
RK x Raven: The raven and the fox
RK x Summer: Fallen heroes
RK x Alyx: Fallen between world
RK x Penny: Forgiveness
Now the pollyship I thought of:
RK x Weiss x Winter: Siberian soldier
RK x Pyrrha x Penny: I'm sorry
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ivys-garden · 11 months
So in the RWBY fandom they do their ship names by using words or phrases associated with both characters and using that as the ship name instead of just fusing names together, E.G Checkmate (Weiss X Blake) or Lucky Charms (Qrow X Clover) (I hope that's the right ones I've never seen the show)
I think the mlp fandom should also adopt this naming format because while some name fusion ship names work and sound good E. G Lyrabon or Moonlight (Moondancer x Twilight) others sound kinda bad and don't roll of the tounge, like PinkieDash or especially DitzyTop/DerpyTop and any combo of Tavi and Vinyls Names. So yeah, let's do it with words and phrases instead. Some Examples:
Pinkie X Rainbow Dash - Cloud Nine
Rarity X Applejack - Ranch Dressing
Lyra X Bon Bon - Sweet Symphony
Octavia X Vinyl - Mixed Melody
Starlight X Trixie - Sparkler
Flutter Shy X Treehugger - Weeping Willow
Ditzy X Carrot top - Carrot Muffin
Doctor Whooves X Ditzy - Time Bubble
Silver Spoon X Dinky - Teaspoon
Silver Spoon X Diamond Tiara - All That Glitters
Starlight X Twilight - Shooting Stars
Sunset X Twilight - New Dawn
Applebloom X Diamond Tiara - Golden Apple
Ditzy X Luna - Gloom Of Night
Cheerilee X Mac - Silent Wisdom
Luna X Chrysalis - Crescent Beetle
Celestia X Discord - Nebula Intent
Sweetie Belle X Button Mash - Rhythm Game
Sweetie Belle X Scootaloo - Pop Punk
Twilight X Tempest - Shadowed Sky
Twilight X Zecora - Magic Potion
Twilight X Trixie - Magic Mirror
Mac X Cheese Sandwich - Mac'N Cheese
Twilight X Moondancer - Moonlight (Keep it the same)
Raven X Cadence - Love Poem
Shining X Cadence - Ace Of Hearts
Applejack X Rainbow Dash - Zap Apple
Feel free to suggest your own (Or don't, I don't care :) )
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