#welcome to my brain enjoy your stay and here's a shield to protect you from being bombarded by new ideas every 0.000001 seconds
bakerysnake · 2 years
i have a sudden urge to read a story
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bloodycassian · 3 years
anon asked:
ok hear me out, azriel x reader where reader can hear thoughts or something along those lines and she doesn’t know how to control it so she’s constantly hearing or feeling thoughts/emotions and it’s heats super overwhelming and az helps her through it <3
The headaches hadn't stopped for weeks. Rhys had even called over a medwitch from the continent to help, but there was nothing she could see that was wrong. They were all worried, but their worries just somehow made your head hurt even more. The whispers you could hear from them down the stairs of the townhouse were the worst part. 'Do they need a cleansing?' 'What happened to cause it?' 'Their body is doing this for a reason.' they went on and on and on, never answering each other. Each voice different through the muffling of the walls.  You were ready to scream. Pillow over your head wouldnt even block them out. You rocked in bed, hands over your ears. Nothing, no more silence ever. Just the ringing in your head of all the voices. Mor had tried asking her father if he knew anything about such subjects. Anything for help. Azriel swooped into the city streets, nodding at a few shopkeeps as he went. After being gone for the last few weeks, the welcome faces of his home were a sight for sore eyes. He held the bag of various salts and salves gently, just as he had his whole trip back. He landed with precision at the front gate of the town home. The familiar wrought iron fence squeaking slightly when he opened it. You felt his presence before he even opened the front door. The coolness of his essence seeping through the walls. The curling shadows that darkened everything ever so slightly. "Your condition seems to have...developed since I left." He set the tote down on the chair by the door, then closed it softly. The whispering became more intense, a pounding in your head that drowned out almost everything else.  "Oh-" He breathed as he walked in. A shocked look then he was grinning. "Leave us." He dismissed Rhys, who gave him a look before obeying. He took off his jacket, leaving him in a dark tunic that made his eyes look brighter. He cocked his head when staring at you, then took a breath. The shadows seemed to summon around him, making him look even more intimidating than normal. They slunk around his ankles like a fog. Then they covered the walls of the room, blocking off the light from the window entirely. The relief in your mind was overwhelming.  You choked out a sob, looking at him with wide eyes. The silence, the weight taken from your brain was like breathing for the first time. "H-how?" You panted, getting up from the bed. Sickness did not weigh you down any longer. The pounding ceased completely, alleviating your too warm temples. He came close to you, only too close because of the thin nightgown you wore. Really it was one of Cassian's old shirts that just fitted you like a dress. When you had taken his room due to your apparent illness you had found a few 'interesting' items of his that were left. "It seems your condition has...evolved since I saw you last." He reached a hand out to you, the siphons atop thrumming with a warm dark blue. You took it tentatively, your eyes slid shut -then there he was. His scent, his thoughts, his everything was in your mind. You scrambled away from it mentally, your heart slamming in your chest. He stroked a thumb over your hand. His mental voice was warm, yet rough and commanding. "Slow. Think, but slowly. I'm here, you're okay." The voice said.  His darkness seemed to follow him to your mind, coating it in a coolness that was much appreciated. "What do I do? What am I?" You took a breath, trying to center yourself. Your entire being was roaring at you to fight back against the intrusion, but he shushed you into not trying it. "You...are new. You're like me, in a way." He whispered softly, his essence drifting over you comfortingly. Like a soft blanket, cold but still comforting.  "How do I get it ito stop?" You sighed, wanting to bury your head in your hands again. He touched you then, slowly at first. Dragging a soft, textured hand up to your wrist, then pulling you in for a hug. His warmth was the opposite of everything else about him, those shadows did nothing against the core of him, his heat.  "You dont, you learn how to make it work with you." He said aloud, his presence rolling out of your mind like a thundercloud. He pulled out of the embrace, "You need to make the thoughts blend like street noise- like a crowd. Learn to select what you want to hear. "  "You make it sound so easy." You rolled your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest. Azriel may or may not have glanced at how it hitched up the oversized t shirt. Hunger opened up in the pit of his stomach at the filthy thoughts. He knew it was Cassian's shirt, recognized and scented it. It made him want to put his own scent on you in several different, creative ways. He cracked a grin and shrugged slightly, "It'll be like reading a new language. But you need to learn to speak it first." He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and lead you to the balcony, the shadows following you in a close bubble the whole way.  "All these people have their thoughts, their words and actions. My shadows tell me all about their outfits, their scents, their hair. Unnecessary unless they have a weapon." He gestured to a few fae males outside a townhome a few houses down. One threw their arms up in the air and stormed back inside." I can't keep them from giving me this information, but I do let it go. I dont even listen unless I detect a threat."  You let out a long breath, feeling the anxiety of him leaving already. "Please stay." His stomach dropped at the words. You grabbed for his hand. As if the open sky was demanding he take off that second. " I cant-" You kept your voice from trembling. "It's too much. Why me? Why now?" Tears threatened and you looked away. He couldnt bear to see you in such pain. He wanted - he needed to give you relief from it. He squared his shoulders and squeezed your hand back. "Are you afraid to fly?" he asked, flexing his wings. The shadows answered with their own wave. "I'm not the biggest fan-" Before you could give your list of excused you'd rather not fly, he was shooting into the air, the backs of your thighs rubbing over his deliciously warm skin. Your yelp of surprise was left behind you. You held on to his shoulders for dear life. "If you would open your eyes you might not be so scared." He laughed, his siphons glaring a bright shield around you that protected you from the wind. He flew fast, and far. His presence was the only one you felt, like a cool rain on your still reeling mind. He had sent Rhys an advisory thought before he took you, letting him know you needed some 'fun'. "If I open my eyes I'm going to vomit all over you." You said, squeezing your eyes tighter. You felt the laugh through his chest. His thumb circled the back of your knee, giving you goosebumps that had nothing to do with the slight chill running through the shield. The shirt was not nearly enough for an outing, and you doubted he was taking you anywhere with anyone who would mind. The thought sent a thrill through you. Alone. He wanted to be alone with you.  As if in approval, his essence drifted happily into your mind, caressing you as his thumb did. He flew lower slowly, enjoying your scent mixed with the cool smell of the lake below. The way the sun at this angle made your hair shine. He landed softly, setting you down only after you'd made him promise you were no longer flying.  "We're done...for now." He winked when you opened, marveling at his wind tosseld hair for a second before collecting yourself and brushing your shirt absently. He grinned wider, and the coolness you'd felt since he showed up in the town home receded. You felt...like you. Normal again, weightless in comparison after the weeks of buzzing in your head. And the view beyond his goofy grin was marvelous. A snowcapped mountain towered above, sloping to create the lake. Mixes of different rock lay everywhere. The scattered pines seemed like giants whispering in the breeze. "Listen to the birds, enjoy the silence for a while." He said, then began walking to the bank of the bright blue water. You stood in shock for a while, letting the sound of the wind and nothing else seep into you. You reveled in it, joying in the simplicity of it. Everything seemed so much louder than you remembered.  You sat on a boulder and watched him skip rocks, the short splats of them echoing off the mountainside. He skipped one after another, occasionally picking up smaller ones and pocketing them. You let your mind wander, trying to regain the feeling he had shrouded you with in the townhome. The solid wall he had put up around your mind for you. But he had said you needed to learn to let it blend in, to deal with it and not shut it out. It was an asset, not a hinderance. You shuddered at using the gift for much. You didnt care to know peoples ins and outs in normal conversation, let alone without them knowing. You attempted to summon that wall. It was like grasping at water, thick and heavy and impossible. The lingering remnants of control slipped away like sand through your fingers. You buried your face in your hands, letting the tears fall.  When he approached, you didn't bother hiding. He had been in your head, he knew what it was like. He said nothing, just wrapped an arm around you and let you cry into his shoulder. Holding you tighter on the bigger sobs that ripped out of you. 
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alicee1 · 3 years
Stupid decisions
Technoblade x GN! reader
Warnings: Injuries, blood, arguing 
Word count: 1.6K
Synopsis: after traveling home at night through the mob infested tundra, you pay the toll of your decisions. When Techno sees the state you’re in when you return he becomes frustrated, when he moves his arms around you flinch in reaction. Angst with a happy and fluffy ending. 
“HEYY OMG I LOVE YOUR WRITING SO MUCH MY HEART AHH chile anyways-sorry for that short fangirl moment.. 
i wanted to ask if you could maybe write a oneshot where techno and his s/o argue over something stupid that he started, and in his hysterics he moves his hands around and the reader flinches... But i really need a fluffy and happy ending please my heart couldn't handle that much angstI would totally understand if you feel uncomfortable still thanks for reading my request pls keep writing so we'll written stories so I can have fangirl moments at 3 am-"
A/n: Thank you so much for the compliments! I’ll make sure to continue writing and i hope you’ll enjoy this oneshot. I had so many ideas for it and settled on this, it was so much fun to write! If you get more ideas, feel free to send them in! 
Rules, Masterlist
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With one last movement of your arm, the last skeleton collapsed into itself. The fighting had started to tire you out as you sighed deeply, your limbs exhausted when your sword slipped out of your hold into the white snow below you.
It stained the snow around it a deep red, the blood that soaked the black metal blade coming from the various mob carcasses surrounding you.
One hand desperately clasped over your side, an arrow stuck from between your fingers, wedged into the flesh below.
With a small groan you crouched down, although the involuntary movement was more akin to falling to your knees instead.
You cursed yourself for not staying in a cave and setting up temporary camp there instead of heading home through the night. The temptation of a warm bed and returning to Techno had outweighed fighting a few mobs at night in your head.
Despite that, you knew how merciless the tundra was at night, the unlit flat land was the perfect place for mobs to spawn in enormous quantities. Still you decided to travel through it, forcing you to now you pay the price.
Yanking the cork out of a potion of regeneration you downed the liquid, sighing at the immediate relief the potion gave you. You used the painkilling capabilities to pull the arrow out of your side, pulling the jacket off your form underneath the thick cape that shielded you against the cold and using it as a bandage as you tied it around your waist.
Your physical activity would keep you warm enough, after all you still weren't home quite yet.
Once the potion had taken full effect you stood up once more, pulling your sword along with you as your hand found the familiar handle of the weapon.
The snow had cooled it but the temperature was a welcome change against your hot skin, a small layer of sweat having built up during the fighting.
Using the last of your pearls to get home quicker, you reached the final stretch, the subtle glow of the cabin in the distance combined with the adrenaline that coursed through your veins gave you enough strength to make it home without any further injuries.
You were sure you looked like a mess when you stumbled through the doorway, pushing the door close behind you and leaning against it as you breathed out.
You were here. You had made it.
Techno looked up, having heard you stumble up the stairs that led to the door.
He sat in his armchair, book in his lap as his eyes scanned the pages moments before. Despite the attempt at reading his mind was distracted as the voices spoke loudly over one another.
It was a futile attempt to distract himself, the lack of your presence had allowed the voices to pipe up loudly over the past days of your trip. He had tried anything and everything to supress them, leading him to this book as a last attempt to quiet the voices.
His armchair was positioned besides the fireplace, which gave enough light to comfortably read with and gave the room a warm orange glow.
The book he had been reading moments before was quickly abandoned as he saw the red liquid staining your cloak and arms. He could see your jacket tied around your waist from in between the fabric of the cape.
He was up in a second, large steps approaching your form as you stood up, properly this time, and set your sword in the rack that stood beside the door, which was usually used for other tools.
The pain had dulled by now, the potion worked quickly, although you knew it'd still take at least a day for the wound to fully close.
Techno pushed the fabric of the cape away, instincts telling him what the only reason could be why you'd take off your jacket in the tundra at night. His hands gentle as he spotted the red stains that had formed on the fabric on your side.
The voices that tainted his mind clashed against one another, half of them going feral at the smell and sight of blood, the other half screaming at him to protect and care for you. They overwhelmed his mind as they grew louder by the second, forcing him to pull away from you.
You however seemed oblivious to the fact as you unclasped the cape from your shoulders, discarding the blood and dirt stained fabric on the ground as you mumbled to try and explain what had happened.
As Techno tried to drown out the voices and take back the control over his mind, he straightened, forcing himself to take care of you first, not knowing the size of the injury in the first place.
He walked to one of the chests shoved against one of the walls, pulling out a first aid kit with proper bandages to treat the wound.
His hands moved gently over your skin as he worked, staying silent as he tried to focus on the task at hand despite the voices that still raced through his mind.
He sighed as he finished, forcing himself to meet your eyes, "Why did you travel through the night?" his voice was harsh, harsher than he meant.
You casted your eyes to the floor as a nervous smile formed on your face, "I just wanted to get home as quickly as possible." It wasn't an excuse, as much as it sounded like one, but you truly just wanted to get home and back to him.
"But you know how dangerous the tundra is at night." He was right, both of you knew that, yet still he felt as if he was scolding a child despite the concern evident in his voice.
"I know, I know, I really shouldn't have. I wouldn't have if I knew what would happen, but I thought I'd make it with my pearls and a few potions." you sighed as you met his eyes, "I just missed you"
It had been a few days since you had left for this trip, and especially the past two days you had been aching to return home.
"But who knows what could've happened out there!" his voice rose as you could see his temper slip, it was the worry combined with the overwhelming voices echoing through his mind.
For the days of your trip the voices had gone feral. They criticized him, spreading baseless anxiety over your location and state, they nit-picked what he did, commenting on his every move, scolding him when things didn’t turn out perfectly.
It was maddening.
"I'm alright though! I used a regen pot right away so it'll be alright!" You tried to reason, although you began to grow irritated as well. You were tired after your trip, you just wanted to lay down and cuddle to recover from everything.
"But you can't always rely on those!" He had started to wave his hands around to try and make his point clear to you, he had never been the best with words and often struggled to bring his point across correctly.
He moved to brush the hair that had fallen into his face out of it. As if his brain encountered an error the movement stopped halfway as he saw you flinch.
You blamed it on the adrenaline that still lingered in your veins. After all you knew Techno would never hit you. Despite that, the small erratic involuntary movement had already been executed, the adrenaline activating an immediate fight or flight response.
It was silent, a silence Techno hadn't known for the past days. While the voices had been constant for the past days, day or night, wake or unconscious didn't matter, they had always been there.
But now they were silent, the flinch that shook your body for a moment shutting up any voice and all thoughts he had instantly.
He tried to apologize, stumbling over his words as he couldn't meet your eyes. It took him a few tries before he dared to look at you again, he could see the exhaustion on your face as he reached for your hand, not quite holding it as he gave you the chance to grab it.
If you had truly flinched because of him he didn’t want to force his touch on you.
Your hand met his as you reached for it, sending him a small nervous but reassuring smile, "It's alright, you just surprised me." You pulled him closer to you, burying your face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist, hands careful of your new injury to avoid it.
"I'm sorry for coming home so late, Tech." your voice was a whisper as Techno grumbled softly, "I'm sorry as well my love, these past days have been stressful."
A small chuckle escaped your throat as you hummed, "I think that makes for the two of us."
You pulled away slightly, "After I changed clothes can we cuddle?" you mumbled, making Techno chuckle as he looked at your dirtied clothes before cupping your cheek and planting his lips against your forehead, "whatever you want, my love"
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dmc-tings · 3 years
This is a bit of an alternate to the Long Lost Baker with the Four Lords request you had where, instead of the reader learning about what happened to their family after their deaths, Miranda brings Eveline to the village in hopes of using her as a vessel for Eva; Evie agreeing to come only if Miranda agrees to bring her family, i.e. Mia and the Bakers, along too and they find out that way. I’m not sure how Joe would fit into this but if you can figure out how to do it then I’ve got mad respect for you.
This one made me brain go brrr. Hope you enjoy it! I deadass fought with myself to get Joe to fit into this! Hope I did the homie justice. I did this as if the Bakers weren't infected with the mold. Hope that was ok
Alcina Dimitrescu
Mother Miranda had called a meeting
Apparently this little girl was the thing she wanted to use to bring her daughter back
It didn't mean much to her, the man-things could do as they pleased
So as long as they didn't disturb her Love
She accepted taking all of the Bakers into her castle
Making sure to keep them "safe" from her and her daughters
And promising not to eat them
To which she gave the maids the job of tending to them
And keeping them away from you
Which she did very well
You never questioned her after the meetings
And she never questioned you about your past
Until... one day... Chaos ensued, in the Castle Dimitrescu
Jack, Joe, Ethan and Lucas had gotten a hold of some gunpowder
And where currently blowing shit up
Alcina and her daughters at the front lines trying to calm the families: both the Bakers and Winters
You were told to stay in Alcina's chambers
Which you ignored, rushing to the fight
"HOLY SHIT!! THEY GOT (Y/N)!!" Lucas screamed, seeing you behind the ferocious Draculina
You quickly stepped inbetween the fighting men and vampires
"WOAH! WOAH!!" You calmed the two sides
"Darling, these MAN-THINGS-"
"Their my family. Alcina. Please calm do- Lucas!! Don't throw that pipe bomb!!"
You got the two sides to lower their hackles
And finally explained, the dynamic to them all
Eventually Jack and Joe, exchanged a look
"Well... I suppose I should thank ya for keepin my little one safe."
Alcina gave a scoff, "I knew nothing of you all and couldn't care... but..."
After a glance at you, she gave Jack a silent nod
After sighing with relief, you sat back in your chair, your families now calm
For now
Angie and Donna Beneviento
The pair stared at the little clan of people standing before them
Thanks to Angie's mouth, they where incharge of these people
Yes there was plenty of room in the estate for them... but...
How the hell were they supposed sneak these people past you?!
Donna looked at the doll, "Angie."
Angie waved her hand at Donna, "Its Fine! We got this!"
Joe made a face, then looked at his brother
"I have no clue..."
Lucas made his way forward, being sure to shove Ethan out of his way
"What the hell are you? Some kinda animatron?" He tried to poke at the doll
Receiving a smack on the hand
The pair led them to the estate
"Do not be loud." Donna warned, as you were supposed to be asleep
Which you where not, instead you wanted to surprise the woman with breakfast
Donna paused, making a face, no one could see
You smiled at her, "Donna!" You beamed, "I made-"
You stopped, looking at your family behind her
Zoe, who was standing awkwardly, holding her arm
Lucas, wandering around the living room
Jack and Marguerite standing side by side, wide eyed at you
And Uncle Joe, getting his cybernetic arm ready to blast the doll and doll maker away
You stepped infront of Donna, half shielding her and half trying to reach out to your family
"Momma? Daddy?" You struggled to keep yourself calm
Marguerite reached out to you pulling you close to her
The rest of thr Bakers' formed a protective hug circle around you
Only to be interrupted by Angie
Donna silenced her with a look
The moment tears formed in your eyes, Donna knew these people ment something to you
Though the Winters' stood nearby, awkwardly
Salvatore Moreau
Oh my damn.
What the ever-livng hell was he supposed to do with these, angry people?
He stood in the church, alone with them
Mother Miranda gave him the responsibility of watching over these people
He wanted to make her proud of him...
But didn't want you in any harm...
'FUCK' he thought, leading them to the Reservoir
Normally you where in the caves, chatting to a lycan or two
But TODAY, had to be the day you stood at the gates, ready to show him whatever shiney thing you found
As he opened the gates, you practically jumped into his arms
"Love! I found this miraculous thing!" You flashed the shiney in his face
Ignoring the group of people following him
He smiled at you happy that you had found something amazing!
The Bakers' stood wide eyed at you
"(Y/N)?" Jack took a cautious step forward, careful not to disturb you
You looked your father up and down, not recognizing who he was
"Yeah, hi how ya doing." You said then turned your attention back to Moreau
Lucas pushed his way forward, "(Y/N)!! It's us your family!!"
You looked up at the yelling man, your face scrunched up, then it hit you!
"Lucas!?" Then you looked at your family one at a time, drinking in the fact that their alive and ok
Then you spotted the Winters', "Ion know yall tho..."
Moreau smiled at you, "So these are you family?"
You nodded, you both had a conversation about them before hand.
Soon everyone was safe, in the caves and your fish man welcomed everyone!
Though they had a bit of time accepting the odd looking being
Lucas was the most accepting
Karl Heisenberg
Well shit...
'FUCK that giant Bitch, and fuck the Miranda bitch too.' He grumbled walking with the two families back to the Factory
He got tricked into taking in the Winters' (which was a plus for him) and the Bakers'
He didn't have a plan for the latter, but he WAS getting pretty pissed at the stares the families gave him
Joe, Jack and Ethan walked in the inside, creating a sort of barrier for the women
Lucas, whom didn't care one way or another, was taking in the scenery
Once he reached the Factory, he stopped, standing in front of the doors
"Look," he started, "I have someone very important to me living here. You hurt them, ill add your corpse to my army."
He didn't wait for an answer and opened the doors, calling our for you
"Kitten? I'm back an-"
You rushed down from upstairs, you had already seen your family from the window
Karl let out a surprised yelp when you did so
You threw yourself into your father's arms
"(Y/N)!?" Jack shouted, as he wrapped you in a protective hug
You ugly sobbed in his arms, not letting him go
The rest of your family, hugged or rubbed your back comfortingly
Karl stood to the side, eyeing the Bakers' surrounding you
He didn't know what to do, or how you knew these people
You finally calmed down enough to hug everyone in turn
Karl cleared his throat, "Kitten? You have-"
You cut him off, explaining that these people where your blood family
And that you had been missing them for a while
Karl lit a cigar, deep in thought
This... this had worked out for him...
And you
He took it as a win, and gratefully took the brownie points
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Home Is Such a Lonely Place
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: When Loki is handpicked to be part of the Avengers new space force, it causes some problems in your relationship. Will distance make the heart grow fonder or is it too much to bear? Warnings: none I believe :) A/N: Based on the song Home Is Such a Lonely Place by Blink-182. This has been sitting in my drafts since February so here it is. Hope you enjoy :)
Permanent Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae @whatafuckingdumbass @castiels-majestic-wings @kozkaboi @cozy-the-overlord @birdgirl90 @myraiswack @mythicalgarlicknot @what-a-flammable-heart @marvelouslovely @laurenandloki @fallinallinmendes @sophlubbwriting @mooncat163 
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
Loki was perfect. No, you weren’t exaggerating; he really was everything you’d ever wanted. It was the circumstances that were the problem. Because you were born a mortal and he a god, so you were relegated to Earth while he spent increasingly more time in space.
The Avengers and SHIELD had both reached the same decision that Earth needed to be protected from extraterrestrial threats. So, who better to send out to space than those with the most experience out there? A team had been assembled, and Loki was put on it, traveling with them for a good many months now. You could still remember when he’d first told you.
“Darling?” he called out, coming home from work that fateful day.
“In here,” you called from the kitchen.
He walked into the messy room, hugging you from behind. Loki rested his head on your shoulder after placing a quick kiss to your cheek, breathing in your scent. You sighed as you relaxed against him, but there was an odd, nervous sort of tension in his body. Frowning as you tried to figure out why, you got an idea.
“Here, try this, love,” you suggested, holding a steaming spoon of pasta sauce to his lips.
After blowing on it a bit, he’d taken the spoon in his mouth, swallowing the sauce. He’d smiled at you, cupping your cheek. “Delicious, my sweet darling.”
“But...?” you’d prompted.
“It could use just a dash more oregano,” he conceded, pinching a small amount of the herb between his fingers and tossing it in, stirring the pot. Mimicking your actions from just moments ago, he held out a spoonful for you to try. “Well?”
“It’s perfect, Loki,” you beamed, pulling him closer. “So perfect, in fact, that I think you need a taste too.”
“Oh, is that so?” he chuckled.
“Mhm,” you hummed before kissing him, the taste of the sauce still on your mouth.
“You were right,” he purred, pulling back a little bit. “Absolutely perfect.”
Troubles momentarily forgotten, the raven haired god set the table for two as you finished cooking dinner. The two of you sat, chatting and eating and holding hands. Everything was going so well, and then you asked a question that made his smile falter.
“So how was your day?” you’d inquired.
“About that,” he said, setting down his utensil. “We need to talk.”
“Uh oh,” you responded. You felt a little nervous as you put down your fork too. “That doesn’t sound good. Is everything ok?”
“Yes... and no,” he sighed. “SHIELD is putting together a team to take care of threats from other planets. A team that they have told me I am to be on.”
“Oh,” you replied, trying to keep your face neutral. You didn’t want to be upset if it was something he was actually excited for. “And it’s required you go?”
“Not exactly. If I plead my case, I’m certain I can stay. Believe me, I do not want to leave you. I will stay, if you wish me to.”
“Well, how long would you be gone for?”
“I am uncertain. It could be three months, or it might be ten.” He bit his lip. “But, darling, tell me to stay and without hesitation, I shall.”
It felt like the floor was falling out from under you. Of course you wanted him to stay, but would that really be fair? Could you let yourself be the one to hold him back? If there was one thing you knew, you loved each other. As long as you didn’t forget or doubt that, you could weather anything.
“No, Loki, it’s a great opportunity,” you said. “You should go. I’ll be waiting here when you get back.”
“Oh, darling,” he whispered, sliding out of his chair. Kneeling before you, Loki rested his head in your lap, and you ran your fingers through his silky black hair. “I swear these next three weeks shall be the best of your life. I will dedicate all my time to you before I leave.”
“My love, I would like nothing more, but I don’t want to monopolize all your time,” you hesitantly said. Though you wanted to spend as much time with him as you could before he left, you didn’t want him to feel obligated to. “If you really don’t mind, though, please do.”
Of course, he was more than happy to and spent just as much time with you as he had promised. But now he’d been gone for six months, and you missed him terribly. You laid on the roof, petting the cat Loki had bought you before he left. So you never got lonely, he said. It had shiny black fur and beautiful green eyes. As soon as Loki gifted your new friend to you, you’d named him Loki Jr., earning you a playful eye roll from the trickster god.
Remembering that night brought a brief smile to your face. Now, you looked up at the moon, Loki Jr. purring as you pet his soft fur. You wondered where your lover was out there in that great expanse of space. Was he looking at it like an empty void? Or was he appreciating the stars and the wonders that were held out there? Maybe he was just indifferent to it, you thought. After all, he’d grown up on Asgard, so perhaps he was used to it.
Going back to your room that evening, your bed felt empty. Your home just felt so lonely without Loki. The real Loki, anyway. As much as you loved Loki Jr., it just wasn’t the same thing. Was your love thinking the same thing, you wondered? You hoped so, but didn’t want to think about it too much, lest your brain make you believe he didn’t miss you.
Sighing, you buried your nose into Loki Jr.’s fur. You had no one to blame except yourself, really. Loki had asked you repeatedly if you wanted him to stay, but you always said no. Told him he had to live his life to the fullest. That he couldn’t wait for you to give him the ok. You’d still be here when you got back, and you had your job at the Tower to keep you occupied. Of course, every mission you observed from there reminded you of Loki. How you’d met and all the shy glances you’d shared. You couldn’t help yourself from wondering how he was doing. He’d be alright, you were sure. But until he got back, it seemed there was nothing you could do to ease your worrying.
Space was beautiful, there was no denying that. But it was kind of cold and empty too. Especially since the trickster god had to be without you, his beloved. Now that’s not to say he wasn’t having fun or wasn’t enjoying the time he got to spend with his brother. He just still really missed you and your company.
Loki ran his fingers over the picture he had of you. Not too much longer until he could brush his fingers over the soft skin of your beautiful face. Oh, how eight months could feel like a million years, Loki didn’t know. Well, in a way he did; any time spent away from the one you loved with your whole heart as he did you was bound to be tedious and feel drawn out. He’d be arriving back home tomorrow. Or, rather, today, he realized with a thrill as he checked the clock, reading midnight.
It was a bit of a struggle, but soon he was able to fall asleep. When he woke up, there was a mere hour left before reentry into Midgard’s atmosphere. Even with as empty space was, it somehow felt even lonelier with you. And now he’d be back with you in your shared apartment. He couldn’t wait until that night when you got to lay together just holding each other, basking in the other’s presence.
“Well, brother, are you ready to head back?” Thor asked, clapping Loki on the back.
“You have no idea just how eager I am, brother,” Loki replies. “It has been too long away from my beloved.”
“And certainly, they are missing you, too,” the God of Thunder assured.
“I can only hope. But what if they have moved on? We have not even been able to talk to each other in over a month. What if... What if they do not love me anymore?” Loki let himself be vulnerable, utilizing the relationship he and his brother had cultivated on this journey. “They did, after all, encourage me to go. Quite a bit.”
“Yes, but you know they just did not want to hold you back. Cheer up, Loki. Everything will be just fine.”
By the time they landed, Loki had mainly eased his worries, though he did feel a twinge of panic in his heart when he didn’t immediately see you while walking off the ramp. Luckily, you were there, he’d just missed you in the crowd.
Immediately, you ran to him, giving him the biggest hug you could. He reciprocated, beyond happy to feel your frame pressed against his. Tension relieved from both your bodies as you held each other.
“Hello, sweet darling,” he smiled.
“Hello, my love.”
Kissing the top of your head, Loki led you, following the gathered group as they walked further into the Tower while laughing and chatting with their recently arrived teammates. Loki kept an arm around your shoulder, and you one around his waist, the need to keep each other close quite obvious.
You and your boyfriend had to separate for a little while as Loki went to a debriefing. Soon he was back out, and the two of you joined the Avengers for a little welcome party of sorts. It was really just a get-together for the team to catch up. Even though it was a ton of fun, you were more than happy when you and Loki were in your car, driving back to your apartment.
“Welcome home,” you grinned, opening the door. Loki Jr. immediately came and rubbed himself against your legs. Loki smiled as you bent down to pet the cat, glad to know his plan had worked, at least in some degree. “Did you miss it?”
He cupped your cheek, looking deep into your eyes. “You have no idea, darling.”
Unable to wait any longer, Loki leaned in and kissed you. You responded immediately, brining him closer to you. He lifted you up and put your body between his and the wall. You giggled when the two of you finally broke for air, and Loki planted a million little kisses along your neck.
“I missed you, too,” you panted, still breathless.
“Next time,” he said between kisses, “I am telling them I am staying here.”
“Wait.” You brushed a few of his raven locks behind his ear, cocking your head at him. “Next time?”
Loki sighed. He knew he shouldn’t have brought this up so soon. The last thing he wanted was to make you upset on the day he came back home. All the trickster god wanted was to be with you, but of course he had to mention it. You had an adorable inquisitiveness in your eyes as you continued to play with his hair, twirling some of it between your fingers. He wondered if there was still a chance to save the day after his blunder.
“Yes. Fury wants to ship the team back out in a few months. After so long away from you, my darling, the thought sounds torturous. I will stay here. With you,” he explained, setting you back onto the ground.
“But that’s not fair to you,” you protested. “I shouldn’t be the only thing tethering you here. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“No, darling. I want to stay with you, I swear,” he vowed. You frowned, and he felt his heart drop a little. You said you missed him, and yet you were telling him to go again. “Look, sweet darling, it is late already. Let us just enjoy this night together. There is plenty of time to decide.”
“Ok,” you agreed, burying your face against his chest as you hugged again. You really didn’t want him to go, but a human like you shouldn’t tie down a god like him, you thought.
You led him to the bedroom you’d so missed sharing with him. After getting ready for the evening, you both laid in bed, talking of lighter topics. Neither of you could keep your hands off the other, and constantly maintained some kind of contact. Loki hadn’t even realized how late it’d gotten until your sentences began to be punctuated by yawns. Though you would have rather continued the conversation, you acquiesced when he suggested getting some sleep.
“You know,” you said, cuddling up to him, already half asleep. “If you do want to go on the next mission, I won’t be mad, my love.”
“I know. But I want to be with you. Yet you keep telling me to go and...” he trailed off, absentmindedly rubbing your back. “We will talk another time. Just sleep for now, my sweet darling.”
“Alright,” you hummed against him. “Goodnight. I love you. I promise, I’ll never stop loving you.”
“And I promise the same. I love you too.”
There was only a month left before Loki would leave again. If he left again. You were both still debating, though you had eased up a bit after he voiced his concerns.
“Really, you should go. I- What’s wrong?” you’d asked during one such argument when he frowned.
“You say you love me, but you try to send me away,” he replied, a few tears gathering in his eyes, threatening to spill. “Why?”
“Oh, Loki, I really do love you. I swear on my life.”
“I believe you,” he assured while you kissed his forehead, though with an unmistakable hint of doubt behind the words.
“It’s just you’re a god. And I’m a mortal. I don’t want to hold you back. Hold you here. I don’t really want you to leave either; home is lonely without you. So if you really want to be on Midgard, of course I’ll support that too. I just can’t imagine you wouldn’t rather be free to roam.”
“In all honesty, my darling,” Loki began, “I do quite enjoy space travel. The settling down is nice too, of course, but there is something about being out there that’s freeing. So no, it is not that I want to be on Midgard, but that I want to be with you. I need to be with you. I love you so, so much, and I cannot bear to go without you for so long again.”
“Well, that’s it then. I need you too because I love you too. And you don’t want to go without me, but what about with me? We’ve been so caught up in our argument, we didn’t even consider another option.”
“Bring you with me?”
You nodded nervously. Maybe he was going to tell you it was too dangerous. Maybe he was just being nice saying he wanted to stay with you. But no, he wouldn’t have been this stubborn if that was the case. Just as you were going to try to recant your suggestion, Loki surged forward and kissed you.
“Darling, you’re a genius!” he exclaimed, pulling away. “I cannot believe we did not think of it sooner. You can work on the ship to monitor the missions, just like you do here. And we will be together. It is perfect!”
“Is it ok if we bring Loki Jr. too?” you asked as the cat plopped himself in your lap.
“For you, my sweet darling? For you I would do anything, so of course it is,” he chuckled as he cupped your cheek and kissed you again.
When you broke apart again, you felt happier than you had in a long time, knowing you wouldn’t have to part again. After all, he was your home, and you were his. So as long as you were together, home could never be a lonely place.
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emmyhem · 3 years
right where you left me (l.r.h)
a/n: hi everybody! so this is a bit of a longer one that is inspired by the song “right where you left me” by taylor swift on evermore. it’s one of my favorites by her because i love the writing and the concept. whether you’re a taylor fan or not i suggest reading and then listening to the song with the fic in mind, it makes the song hit extremely hard. also expect more taylor inspired stuff in the future because she’s one of my all time favorite artists. this one is sad but i live for the angst so what’re you gonna do? my calum piece, “everything you’re missing” should be up by the end of the week and i’m working hard on my very first michael and ashton pieces as well, which is really exciting. anyway i hope you all enjoy and are being safe (get vaccinated if you can!) once again my messages are always open and feedback/criticism is always appreciated. hugs and kisses to all, thanks - emmy <33
pairing: luke hemmings x fem!reader 
summary: you met 20 year old luke hemmings in a coffee shop eight years ago and were sure your life had been decided. you once told him you’d wait for him until you were sure he was happier without you. you never thought that day would actually come.
warning(s): angst, cursing, alludes to possible infidelity, it’s a sad one so buckle in. 
word count: 6.2k
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Current time - December 14th 
The familiar ring of the entrance bell pulled your attention from the worn book beneath your fingers to take a routine glance at the patrons rushing in from the early December chill. Mitten covered hands, and icy cold flushed cheeks entered one after the other. Your typical seat in the corner of the small cafe was shielded from the penetrating winds that accompanied each person in their entrance but you still shivered in sympathy at each new arrival. 
Your steaming earl grey had faded into a tepid puddle at the bottom of your mug as the hours passed on the analog clock that adorned the brick wall in the front. Olive, a barista you had become friendly with over the years approached your table with the cafe’s winter speciality, an orange cranberry muffin in hand. 
“Last one.” she said, sitting it on a pine green napkin in front of you. 
You reached into your purse for a few spare bills to cover the cost when she stopped you by placing a hand on your forearm. 
“On the house for our favorite customer.” her eyes were filled with pity as she nodded down to you, and you were too tired to feel embarrassed. 
“Thanks, Liv.” you sighed. 
“It’s my pleasure, besides I always feel like we’re robbing you when you pay full price, you only ever eat half anyway.” she added as she walked away. 
You picked at the baked good, memories flooding your brain with each bite. 
Eight years ago - December 14th 
As you clutched your books with a death grip you cursed yourself for forgetting your gloves in your dorm. The wind was picking up and it wouldn’t be long until they were numb completely, and your sweater paws were less than effective in warming your frozen fingers. 
A flickering red light glowed just a bit down the street and a sugary citrus aroma was pulling your stiff limbs towards it against the wind. The closer you got the more mouthwatering the smell became and soon enough you had reached the door, bracing yourself for the chill of the copper handle as you pulled it open. 
Sweet, warm air enveloped you as you stepped inside. The red brick walls were chipped in more than a few places, red and green christmas lights twinkle from a tree in the corner, and the crackling of the fireplace was like music to your ears. You wondered how you had never noticed the quaint cafe before as you took your place in line behind a tall man wearing only a thin black hoodie and beanie for protection from the cold weather. As you got closer to him a piney scent cut through the sweet smell of pastries and you caught yourself leaning in to get a better whiff of its freshness. 
Your eyes scanned over the menu that hung behind the cash register while he ordered and did your best to ignore the chill that ran up your spine when his soft aussie accent invaded your ears. 
Once he finished and stepped off to the side to wait for his order you moved forward and placed your books on the counter. 
“Hi, how can I help you today?” a young ginger barista with an abundance of freckles said. 
“Hi,” you paused and located her name tag. “Olive, I’ve never been here before but there's this smell that-” 
“Our orange cranberry muffins.” she interrupted pointing to a chalkboard in front of her that read, “Warm up with a wintery treat, try our famous orange cranberry muffin today!” 
Your stomach growled quietly at the thought as you nodded. 
“I would love one of those and...a medium early grey, please.” you replied, pulling a 10 dollar bill from your pocket. 
“Sadly, we have just sold our last one to the customer in front of you.” she nodded to the enticing blonde man that had caught your attention earlier, who was now staring down at his black vans as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. 
You narrowed your eyes at the muffin thief when he glanced up at you innocently while accepting his coffee from another worker. 
“We do still have our gingerbread and pumpkin muffins if you’d be interested in one of those instead.” Olive continued motioning a hand to the glass display of tasty treats to your right. 
You let out a disappointed huff, “That’s okay, just the tea please.” 
You paid for your order making sure to leave a few extra dollars in the tip jar before taking a seat on a worn burgundy couch near the fire to wait for your drink. 
Leaning your head against your hand for support you allowed your eyes to drift closed and listen to the pops and crackles of the fire meshing with the soft holiday music echoing through the place. You only opened your eyes back up at the feeling of the couch dipping beside you. 
Sitting too close to not acknowledge, was the boy from earlier who was now alternating sips of what smelled like a strong latte with bites of the muffin that could’ve been yours. 
“Are you doing this on purpose?” 
His head snapped in your direction at the sound of your voice, and he finished chewing before responding.
“Doing what?” 
“Taunting me with your stupid muffin.” you were aware of how childish you sounded but hunger had always brought out the irrational side of you. 
“It’s actually quite delicious.” he smirked, ignoring your frustration. 
You groaned in jealousy, “Don’t rub it in.” 
Realization sparked in his eyes. 
“Got the last one didn’t I?” 
You nodded. 
“M’happy to share.” he grinned, breaking off half and holding it out to you. 
“No, really it’s fine. I’m just being annoying.” you waved him off. 
“I’m not annoyed. Really, take it. I’d have to throw it away otherwise.”
Your eyebrows raised at his comment. 
“I’m stuffed.” he explained, patting his stomach twice. 
“I don’t believe you, but I’m starving and this smells incredible.” you responded, accepting the baked good. 
You closed your eyes and let out a satisfied hum after biting into it. 
“Holy shit, this is like the best thing I’ve ever eaten.” 
The boy watched you and laughed at every pleased noise that you released. 
Once you had finished your half you turned back to see him still watching you, he had scooted even closer to you and your knees knocked together at your movement. 
“Thank you, that was amazing. Although it was pretty rich I don’t think I could eat a whole one either.” 
“Your welcome,” when he paused you realized you hadn’t even introduced yourself but still stole half of this guy’s muffin. 
“I’m y/n.” you filled in. 
“Luke.” he returned. 
You nodded and repeated it, testing how it felt on your tongue. 
“Thank you again, Luke.” 
The two of you began talking about, school, work, music, your favorite movies, astrology, anything really. By the time you glanced up from the conversation the cafe was nearly empty and the fire in front of you had burnt out leaving a smoky debris hanging in the air. 
“I think they’re closing.” you said while checking the time on your phone. 
“Fuck, I’ve got a paper due tomorrow.” 
“Sorry, I kept you back.” you apologized, both of you gathering your things as you talked. 
“No, s’not your fault.” he dismissed as you both began to walk to the door.
Standing a few feet away from the exit you could already feel the nip that was permeating through the glass, it sent a chill through your spine making you wiggle your shoulders. As you stared at the floor over the books in your arms, trying to decide what the best way to ensure you would see Luke again was, you heard the buzz of a zipper. You lifted your head to see your new acquaintance removing his arms from the sleeves of his black hoodie. 
“Are you crazy? It’s freezing out there.” 
“I know, you’re shivering.” he answered, swinging the fabric behind your back until it dropped and wrapped around your shoulders. He pulled on the sleeves till they were hanging in place and you watched through your lashes, completely in awe of his concentrated expression. 
“Luke, I can’t wear this you’ll freeze and I can’t just take your clothes.” 
“C’mon of course y’can. I’m warm blooded. I'll be fine and you aren’t taking it. I’m gonna want to come in for one of those muffins tomorrow and you know I can’t eat the whole thing, so you’ll just have to be here to share with me. We meet, we eat, I retrieve my jacket, all is right in the world.” He smiled through his words, attempting to warm you up by rubbing his hands up and down your shoulders quickly. “Think you can do that?” 
“I’m sure.” 
“Excellent. Meet me here at 9:00 tomorrow.” 
You nodded as he pushed the door open and despite him trying to act unaffected you could tell from his rigid stance he was freezing. 
“I’m counting on you alright? Stay warm, y/n.” he reiterated through chattering teeth before exiting the shop. 
Current Time - December 14th 
When they talk about one moment defining your life it seems silly, and unrealistic. One day of your life is hardly even a blip so one minute defining everything seems completely ludacris. You would have never bought into it eight years ago, right up until Luke muttered those three words to you before braving the cold. 
“Stay warm, y/n.”
He said it and you had one of those moments. One of those, “and then everything changed.” moments. 
You had always been sure that your purpose would come to you later in life, maybe you’d have a spiritual awakening while in some foreign country. Maybe you’d read a book that would change your view on everything, or god forbid you’d have a close encounter with death and the epiphany would come then. You would’ve never guessed that a nearly missed encounter with the world’s best muffin and a lanky Australian guy would do it. 
But here you were eight years after the encounter, your hair was longer, the crinkles that appear by your eyes when you smile now linger, and Luke was nowhere to be seen, but some things haven’t changed at all. A half eaten muffin, the comforting cafe, and your unwavering certainty that your life’s purpose was to love and to be loved by Luke Hemmings all remained. 
Seven years ago - March 27th 
The door swung open to a positively beaming Luke, he leaned in to press a swift kiss on your cheek before hurriedly pulling you inside. 
“I have a surprise for you.” 
“You do?” you questioned, taking notice of the subtle burnt smell in the air and the smoky atmosphere of his apartment. 
He nodded excitedly pulling you by the hand into the kitchen where you were met with messy countertops packed full of lumpy and slightly charred muffins. Your mouth fell open and you turned to face your boyfriend who was smiling timidly at you, eyes scanning over your face. 
“I made you our muffins.” he smiled, proudly looking at his work. 
“Wha- how? How did you even get the recipe?” 
“Olive helped me out.” He responded, taking a seat on one of the bar stools by the island. 
“Lu, this is incredible. Thank you.” you praised, moving to stand between his legs. 
“I hope they turned out good. Y’know baking is a lot harder than it looks.” he tutted while unwrapping one for you. “Open up.” he instructed, tapping your chin. 
Your teeth struggled to bite through the dense baked good, and while your taste buds fought with the bitter crumbly substance you questioned whether Luke had actually followed any recipe at all because what you were eating tasted nothing like the warm, gooey, and tart treat that the two of you had come to love. 
You chewed slowly to avoid swallowing and kept your face as neutral as possible. 
“How is it? Good?” he spoke nervously and the little glint of hope in his eyes forced you to swallow it down and paint on a pleased smile. 
“Mmm” you moaned “It's delicious, Luke.” 
“Yeah?” he beamed. 
“Really good.” you nodded, your eyes drifting longingly to the sink. In that moment you would’ve killed for a glass of water. 
“Wow, I mean I thought they’d be alright but this is great. Lemme try.” he brought your muffin up to his mouth and in a panic you snatched it from his hands, squeaking out a small “No!” before shoving the rest of it in your mouth. 
“Babe, there’s plenty, no need to be greedy.” he laughed while unwrapping another. And you really should’ve thought this through because with puffed out cheeks full of possibly the worst muffin in history you took a step back and watched him bite into one. His face twisted in disgust and he quickly spit what he had taken back into the wrapper. 
When he looked back up to you, you were standing there with a full mouth and wide eyes. He cocked his head to the side in confusion, “You enjoyed that?” 
The second you shrugged your shoulders, feigning innocence Luke burst into a sharp cackle, his legs kicking up into the air from the force of his laughter. You took that as an opportunity to run to the trash and rid yourself of the awful taste in your mouth. 
Luke was still struggling to catch his breath while you finished pouring yourself a glass of water. 
“It’s not funny, Lu.” you argued between sips.
“Why didn’t you just spit it out?” he chortled, beckoning you closer with grabby hands. 
“Because, it was so sweet.” you reasoned. 
“Really? I would argue it was more rancid than sweet.” 
“Not the muffin you goon, the gesture.” you elaborated, smacking his shoulder. 
“I can’t believe you ate the whole thing.” 
“Shut up. I was trying to be nice.” you pouted. 
“Hey,” he said, standing and opening his arms. “M’sorry I know.” 
You waddled into his embrace, wrapping your arms around his back. 
“I love you for that.” he sighed, before kissing the top of your head. 
You froze in his hold, those three unexpected words echoing through your head. 
“You what?” 
His chest shook lightly as a laugh fell from his mouth. 
“I love you.” he repeated. It was so nonchalant, as if he’d said it to you a hundred times before. “You alright with that?” 
You nodded before pulling back just enough that you could see his face. 
“I love you.” you returned. 
Luke’s hands cupped your cheeks, a groan passing his lips before he pressed a soft kiss to your now pouty mouth.
“Say it again.” he pleaded into your mouth. 
“I love you.” you sighed, chasing his lips with your own. 
“And again, and again, and again…” he continued, rewarding you with one lingering peck for each declaration. 
“Mmm” he hummed in content when he decided he was satisfied. “Never stop saying it.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
A whirlwind romance like the one that the two of you had shared was never meant to be sad. It was the kind of love that constantly feels like a cheesy montage full of sweet moments that happens at the end of a rom-com. Unsuccessful baking attempts, cozy study dates, spontaneous weekend trips, hundreds of shared muffins, piggy back rides home from the bar, that’s what made you Luke and y/n. 
The two of you didn’t do well with the hard stuff and it worked because there just wasn’t any. Everything was easy and it felt good. It felt right. 
It had never even occurred to you that the hard stuff was part of any great love, that inevitably one day things would get hard. It really hadn’t occurred to you that pushing through the hard stuff was something that Luke may not be up for. Because you were and you always had been, all in. 
Six years ago - February 17th 
You had gotten home late after a long shift at the library you worked at part time . Luke was sitting on the couch scribbling something in a notebook and taking tiny sips of his steaming cup of tea, too impatient to wait for it to cool properly. 
You’d been listening to an audiobook while organizing the shelves that day and the somber tone of it had seriously dampened your mood. It also made you extremely grateful that you had Luke to cuddle away all your sorrows. 
He had noticed your sad expression the second he saw you and was quick to pull you into his arms and press you for information. 
“What happened baby?” he cooed as you nestled as close into him as physically possible. 
“Sad book.” you mumbled into his chest. 
“Aw, love you shouldn’t let that stuff get to you. S’not real, there’s no need to get upset.” This was something you had heard plenty of times before, seeing as you were an extremely emotional person and felt things strongly. 
“It was so sad though, bubs.” You reasoned that talking through it with someone else might dull the ache that it had left on your taut heartstrings. You explained the whole plot, how the couple had met on a plane and spent their two separate vacations together and along the way fallen in love. Luke would hum or nod every so often indicating he was listening but you knew most of his focus was on the fact that you were tearing up through your explanation. He let his lips rest along your hairline as you got to the climax of the story, speaking through cracks in your voice to tell him that they had lost each other’s numbers on their way back and while the woman was able to move on and find love later in life, the man waited at the airport for years hoping that one day he would see her again. 
Luke’s hand ran through your hair while your head rested on his chest. 
“I don’t think there’s anything romantic about it. It’s just sad.” he concluded. 
“I disagree.” 
“I’d wait for you.” you confirmed, running your fingers over the fabric of his shirt. 
“Not forever though,” he added. 
“I’d wait until I knew you were happier without me.” 
“Yea, me too.” he agreed. 
“I’d never be happier without you.” 
Current Time - December 14th 
One thing that you never doubted in your relationship was whether or not Luke loved you. You knew he did. It was something that had always been casual between the two of you, it was as much a greeting as it was anything else. 
As the sun rose and broke through your curtains the words to break the silence that lingered from the night before wasn’t “Good morning” it was “I love you.” Before leaving for work instead of an impersonal “Bye!” you shouted “Love you!” through the closing door of your apartment. It was a phrase that had been repeated millions of times, and despite the casualness of it all, it never lost its meaning. 
Even now, five years since you’d last seen him you knew with every bone in your body that no matter where he was right now, half the world away or two blocks downtown, he still loved you. 
Luke always kept his promises, a million times he had promised that he would always love you. And a million times you had promised it right back. 
A hundred years apart wouldn’t change that, let alone five. 
Five years ago - December 13th 
You watched the snow fall from the living room window, what you would normally find peaceful was making you go insane. It had been perpetually silent around your apartment for the past couple of weeks. Luke was hardly ever home, when asked he would tell you that he had a big project at work and needed to teach the new intern how things were done in the office. You hadn’t thought much of it, there were times when you were busy and had to put things with him on the back burner to focus on the uncertainty of work. It had never been an issue because as far as you were concerned things were set between you and Luke. There was the unspoken promise of forever. 
Of course, that didn’t stop you from missing him tons. On this specific occasion the cold weather had left you with clogged sinuses and a bad headache, one that you would typically soothe with a cup of  earl grey from the cafe and an abundance of snuggling. Since Luke wasn’t around to fulfill your touch deprivation you decided that wearing one of his favorite sweatshirts would have to do for now. 
You blindly reached into his drawer to search for it but stopped when your hand caught on a folded piece of paper. You pulled it out and walked to the bed, flicking on the lamp as you sat. Once the light turned on you were able to see it clear as day, two airline tickets to Sydney departing on the 20th and returning  on January 3rd. The two of you had briefly discussed travelling to Australia at some point so you could finally meet his family but nothing had ever been confirmed. 
The naivety that had always been a part of who you were began to connect non-existent dots with hopeful lines. Luke was planning on surprising you with Christmas in Australia with his family. It explained why he was never home, it also explained the secretive phone calls you had started picking up on after he scurried out of bed in the middle of the night a while ago to speak to someone in hushed tones just outside the bedroom door.
That night when he finally got home at nearly eleven you had made sure to leave half a muffin with a note that read, “Miss you, stud muffin. You work too hard. Love you -y/n” on the kitchen counter. From where you laid in bed, you could hear him laugh as he read it aloud. You quickly sat up in bed when the laughs you were reveling in started to sound like sobs. 
The dim lighting in the kitchen didn’t stop you from seeing the tears on Luke’s face as he looked up to where you stood, stunned in the hallway. 
“What’s wrong?” you hurried to him. 
He made a sniffing sound before gathering you in his arms. He held you so tight that if it wasn’t so sincere it might’ve hurt. 
“Lu, what’s going on.” you squeaked out. 
He tightened his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your hair, emitting soft cries every so often. 
“I love you, y/n.” 
“I know. I love you too.” 
“I swear I’ll always love you. I swear.” 
“I know. Hey, Lu I know.” you soothed as his breaths became more labored. 
At some point you had managed to calm him down and coax him into bed, you reasoned that he was just so tired that his feelings got the best of him, something that had happened to you many times before. And honestly you were just happy to be back in his arms once again, so when he was wrapped around you in bed, his hands playing with your hair like they always did when he got anxious, you didn’t think twice about it when he said,
“We need to talk tomorrow, over breakfast. We can go to the café if you want?” 
You nodded against his chest as sleep overtook you, the last thing you heard being “I promise I’ll always love you.”  
Current Time - December 14th 
Your reminiscing was interrupted by a high pitched screech from the front of the cafe. When you followed the sound your eyes landed upon a distressed toddler, about three years old if you to guess, who was pouting up at a tall, gorgeous woman that was apologizing profusely to Olive for her son’s outbreak. You wouldn’t have looked twice at the scene if  it wasn’t for the way Olive’s troubled expression and wide eyes were directed precisely on you. 
The child was screaming through his cries “I want daddy’s muffin!” His face was red and blotchy from tears and the cold weather but didn’t completely overtake his creamy skin tone that complimented his familiar blue eyes. He was an adorable kid, a full head of blonde ringlets and chubby cheeks that you were sure turned a light pink when he smiled. 
He kind of reminded you of Luke. When the thought entered your head you were quick to dismiss it though, because if you were being honest most things reminded you of Luke. 
“I’m so sorry about this. He isn’t normally so loud, it’s just that my husband loves these muffins and he promised Sammy one.” you heard the gorgeous woman say. 
“It’s fine, the cranberry orange muffin is a big hit around here. They sell out almost everyday.” Olive responded, her eyes unbreaking from yours. 
“Yea that’s what Luke always tells me.” 
Five years ago - December 14th 
The walk to the café felt longer than it typically did and you had no idea why, for some reason you didn’t notice that Luke was dragging his feet. Maybe it was because you were sure that this impromptu breakfast date was to tell you of the surprise Christmas trip to Australia. Maybe it was because any amount of extra time you got to spend holding Luke’s hand in your own you considered a gift. 
When you finally arrived you were quick to usher him to your favorite table, one that was secluded in the corner, enough to have a bit of privacy but also allowed you to people watch on slow days and have telepathic conversations with Olive from across the room. 
You noticed that Luke wasn’t eating after a few minutes, his muffin half sat untouched in front of him and his nervous demeanor was driving you crazy. 
“I have to admit something.” you finally said, tired of the silence. 
Luke nodded for you to continue but refused to meet your eyes as you spoke. 
“I know about Australia, I found the tickets in your drawer so if that’s what you're so nervous about, there’s no need. Of course I’ll go with you, you have no idea how excited I am to meet your mom, she can finally show me all those baby pictures that she’s always telling me about.” you were so busy picturing your potential trip to Luke’s hometown that you didn’t notice Luke’s teared up eyes and anxious tapping. 
“Y/n, the tickets aren’t for-” he cut himself off before the approaching crack in his voice could prevail. “I met someone.” 
You didn’t even know what that meant, he met someone? You met people all the time, what does that have to do with the trip?  You lifted your mug to take a sip while you waited for him to continue.
“I mean I-I have feelings for someone, uh someone else.” 
You didn’t even feel your grip release, you didn’t hear the shattering noise, you didn’t feel the scorching liquid seep through your top onto your skin. 
Luke was leaving you. He fell in love with someone else. It was serious enough that he was bringing her home. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you. Luke was leaving you.
“I don’t understand.” The crying had already begun, and although it didn’t surprise Luke he couldn’t bear to watch it. He stared at the spilled tea and shards of glass. The entire cafe’s eyes were on you and you didn’t even notice all you could see was that Luke’s weren’t. 
“Look at me.” you pleaded. There was a time when he would’ve seen your face, seen how distressed you were and gone back on everything solely because it hurt him too much to see you hurt. 
When did that stop? Why hadn’t you noticed? 
“I love you y/n, really I do. But I love her too.” 
“You love her more.” you didn’t even try to phrase it as a question, there was no point, you already knew the answer. He must’ve loved her more because he was leaving you for her. Luke was leaving you. 
Your acknowledgement of his feelings didn’t make it hurt any less when he didn’t deny it. Luke was leaving you. 
You sat in silence for at least five minutes, it felt like years. Luke watched you cry, fighting the urge to wrap you in his arms, and sway you back and forth until you stopped. He wouldn’t do that because it was selfish, it would ease his troubles more than yours, he deserved to see how his hurtful actions affected the one he swore to shield from any and all pain. 
“I’ll have everything out of the apartment by the end of the week.” 
The end of the week? You had planned on spending the rest of your life with him and he was telling you that he would essentially be out of your life by the end of the week. Luke was leaving you. None of it felt real. 
“I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I love you.” 
Watching him leave felt surreal, you couldn’t hear anything but your blood pumping, you hardly took any notice when Olive rushed to your table and pulled you into her embrace. 
Luke left you. 
Current time - December 14th 
You could feel his presence as soon as he stumbled out of the bathroom.
How could you have missed him coming in?
You dragged your eyes up his body from his feet, and when they fell upon his face it was like someone had pressed play after fast forwarding through the years that had been taken from you. You weren’t 23 anymore, and Luke certainly wasn’t either. He’d always had a strong build, but he held himself differently now. He was confident and collected, very sure of himself. He had a bit of scruff lining his jaw but you could tell it was well kept and intentional and a pair of black rimmed glasses sat on the bridge of his nose. You reacquainted yourself with his appearance from your spot in the corner. 
With each subtle change you catalogued in your brain, vivid images danced through your head, like a kaleidoscope of what could’ve been. You saw lazy Sunday mornings on the couch leisurely sipping coffee, the open windows next to you bringing in a sweet breeze making the house smell like fresh grass after it rains. You saw yourself pushing a stroller through a park, Luke chasing behind one of your little ones just a few feet ahead. You saw roadtrips, vacations, theme parks, crowded family dinners, trick or treating, white gowns, and wedding cakes. You saw binkies, and bottles, tangled sheets, ruffled hair, pecks on the forehead, lunch boxes, and I love you notes. 
The last scene you saw, one that felt so real you could’ve sworn you were really there, started with Luke sitting on the floor surrounded in wrapping paper a toddler curled up in his lap. He wore flannel pajama pants and a ratty shirt he had purchased at the concert you went to for your third date. He took sips from his mug of lukewarm coffee every so often, and you were sure if you got close enough you’d be able to smell it on his breath, not that you would mind. His curls were grown out more than he typically liked them, they were messy from sleep and obstructing his vision slightly. Just as you reached out to brush them from his forehead, it was like you had been thrown backwards by a force strong enough to make your stomach drop. 
You could still see Luke from where you stood but he was so far away now. You reached your hand out again, gasping in shock when it hit a sheet of glass, you knocked against it firmly but nothing happened. It was like a window where you watched the scene unfold. A woman you had been in the same position as not seconds ago stood up and revealed her face. It was his wife, she handed Luke a small gift bag and waited patiently as he opened it. He acknowledged the gift, a framed photo of the two of them and leaned forward to press a thank you kiss to her lips. 
“Stop!” you called.
No one can hear you. 
“Luke, I’m right here.” you yelled, slamming an open hand to the glass. 
Hot tears fell from your cheeks as you continued to knock and shout. 
“Lu, please.”
As he pulled away from the kiss a grin plastered his face. And it hit you, he was happy. He really was happy. 
Realization of the thing you dreaded the most in the world happened quickly, but not painlessly. Luke’s eyes flicked to your own, he saw you through the window. He saw you calling for him, crying for him, begging for him. He saw you and then he looked away. 
And reality snapped you back yet again, right into the present moment. You were in your café, staring at your empty mug, your face felt hot and wet. When had you started to cry? You reached a shaky hand out for a napkin to wipe your tears, but ended up knocking the mini poinsettia pot in front of you over instead. A crash echoed through the café and everyone turned their attention to you and your frantic demeanor. Everyone, even Luke. 
You forced your eyes up from the glass that sat shattered on the white tablecloth with slow movements and shallow breaths until they finally found the culprit, the reason for your pain. You could see right through the light blue of his eyes, shock and bittersweet nostalgia pooled in the cerulean waves. 
Just like you were suddenly 29 and hurt when you saw Luke. He was suddenly 20 and enamored when he saw you. 
He physically winced while taking notice of the black streaks that cascaded down your cheeks. It reminded him of leaving you. It was all his fault. 
He met your gaze with a desperate one of his own, silently praying that you could still read him well enough to understand. 
His eyes released unspoken declarations with every slow blink. 
I can’t believe I’m seeing you. I miss you. I still love you. I’ll always love you. 
You can’t be here right now. I’m with my family. I’m happy now. I’m happy without you. 
Every silent, stabbing confession all summed up into one that you had been afraid of for the entire eight years that Luke Hemmings had stolen from you. 
I love you, but somehow that stopped being enough.
The place was silent. All eyes on you. 
“I’m so sorry.” 
You weren’t quite sure who you were apologizing to or what for,  it could’ve been to Olive for making yet another mess that she would end up cleaning. It could’ve been to all the customers you disrupted when you broke the flower pot. Or Luke’s son who you had stolen a muffin from. Or maybe his wife, that you had been demonizing in your head for years, seeing her only as the woman who stole the love of your life. It could’ve been to Luke, you were sorry you hadn’t taken him seriously, he was in love and he had a family and you were still waiting around for the day he decided to come back for you. The day that would never come. 
Deep down though, you knew you were saying it to yourself. Eight years is a long time, you had stopped living for yourself a long time ago. You did miss Luke, of course you did but maybe part of the hole in your chest that you had been so desperately trying to fill, was yourself. You really missed you. You without Luke. How could you have forgotten about her? 
“I have to go.” this time you knew exactly who you were talking to and as your feet carried you to the door you didn’t even contemplate turning around when Luke’s voice broke through the silence of the café to say,         
 “Y/n, wait!” 
You kept walking, past the stunned patrons, past Olive, past Luke. You kept walking until you were sure that no one would catch up. You just kept walking because after all this time you were so done waiting.
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oh-my-may · 4 years
Bokuto, Nishinoya, Oikawa and Terushima reacting to their s/o wearing their jersey
requested: hihi may i request headcannons of Bokuto, Noya, Oikawa and Terushima (seperate) where their s/o is wearing their volley jersey/jacket and their reaction of it please? thank you! ♡
I am back from the dead lmao, can you believe? I know it’s hard to, but in a brilliant moment this week I suddenly had the urge to write something haikyuu related again soooo... this happened. Hope I didn’t forget how to write this stuff, it’s been a few weeks. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Also I don’t think I’ll be back with posting regularly again, because there’s still a shit ton of other things coming my way this month, but maybe afterwards it’ll be better again? Can’t promise you, but I really hope so, because I also can not WAIT for the second part of season 4!!
Bokuto Kotarou:
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You really wanted to be on time today. Really really badly. You knew how important it was for your boyfriend, for his team. It was one of the most important matches of their career. They had spent the last months solely training and practicing for this day. And now here you were, missing almost all of it. Just because of the stupid rain, stupid traffic, stupid crowds.
You were soaking wet by the time you arrived at the big gym, droplets of water dripping all over the floor as you ran through the halls, following the echoing sounds of shouts and a ball bouncing off the floor.
You coughed wildly as you opened the squeaking door to the game hall, water still running down your wet hair, creating tiny puddles all over the floor, but you didn’t notice the critical looks from other people standinmg on the sidelines. As soon as you were blinded by the bright stadium lights, your eyes flew across the hall, trying to find the one individual you were here for. You expected Bokuto to stand somewhere on the field, maybe near the net, eager to punch a ball and spike it across it to score. But you were surprised to find him sitting on the bench, head drooping, his hair all over the place. You couldn’t even see his face, but his posture told you everything you needed to know about his current situation. Even though the team was winning, Bokuto didn’t feel like it at all.
Immediately you gulped and took off your jacket, trying to find a way through the crowd of people standing around. You raised your hand and called his name a couple of times, but it was Akaashi who noticed you first. His eyebrows perked up in surprise and heasked his coach to ask for a time out in the game. You quickly ran over to him, but he didn’t give you no time to speak. “I’m so glad you’re finally here. We already made up scenarios for what might happen if you don’t show up, but this is really good. And you even-” He step away and looks down at your body, where one of Bokuto’s jerseys was hanging off your shoulders. Usually you never wore his training clothes, at least not when he was around, but today felt special, as it was an important match. “Perfect.” Akaashi mumbles to himself before stepping away even further and shouting: “Bokuto.san! Look!”
The white-black head shoots up in an instant at the loud mention of his name and he looks around confused for a moment before his eyes find yours and you see a spark going off in his eyes, even from the distance between you. He jumps up in no time once he sees what you’re wearing and suddenly he’s bouncing around the coach, begging him to end the break because “My baby is here!! Coach do you see them?? I need to show them my best!! The yeven wear my jersey, coach!”
As soon as he gets on field he makes a point and then points at you. You laugh as his energy restores itself immediately after seeing you and let me tell you, when the match is over no one can hold him back from tackling you down and embracing you with the biggest, tightest and cuddliest hug you’ve ever gotten. Yes, your presence at games motivates him. But Akaashi suggests than from now on you should also wear the jersey, because there was something else in his game after he saw you wearing it.
In the end, you’ll find yourself wearing the jersey basically all the time you see Bokuto, because he asks you to and it gives him the biggest, happiest smile you’ve ever seen on him :))
Nishinoya Yuu:
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You yawned once again as you checked the time on your phone, rolling your eyes after seeing how early exactly it was. Definitely not your time of the day. Especially not on a saturday.
You couldn’t stop a pout from forming on your lips when you got off the train and looked around, having to assert that it was raining a bit. So you sighed in defeat and searching around in the bag you were supposed to bring your boyfriend to practice, because he forgot it. You found his training jacket and declared it good enough to shield you from the rain until you arrived at the gym. Plus, it smelled like him, so you counted that at least one good thing this morning. It was also warmer than you expected.
Still, ittook you longer than usual to arrive at the boy-filled gym. You admired their motivation and enthusiasm this early in the morning, as you were able to hear their energized calls across the entire school campus. You sighed with a smile as you recognized what could only be the eager voice of Nishinoya, doing his all too familiar rolling thunder chant.
Just about some minutes later you arrived in the alley in front of the gym and found coach ukai leaning in the door frame, a cigarette hanging from his mouth and his eyes closed until he heard your figure approaching. It took him exactly one second to realoze the situation and then he turned around to call for Noya, whom arrived in front of you in no time, pushing his unimpressed coach aside.
“Y/N~! You’re finally here! Thanks for brining my stuff! Now come in, I need to show you my new reiceive move, even Tsukishima thinks its cool!” You just nod and get in the warm hall, following his urgent gestures. He doesn’t even seem to notice what you’re wearing as he takes his bag from your bags. At least not until Hinata points it out.
“Noya-san! Your girlfriend/boyfriend is wearing youir jacket! That is so cooool!” he says with big eyes and immediately pays for it as he misses a ball and takes it right to the head.
Nishinoya looks up in question into Hinata’s direction, as though his brain was recreating what the younger boy just said to him. Then his gaze slowly moves torwards you and his eyes wander down to where his black training jacket still hung from your shoulders, now a bit wet from the rain.
Kiyoko was by your side in no time as you watched Noya’s whole embrace glow at your sight, the realization in his eyes growing bigger and bigger as his hands formed excited fists next to his happy face. “The jacket is kinda wet, Y/N. If you could take it off I’ll hang it somewhere and-”
“NO!” Nishinoya is at your side so fast you barely noticed how he moved, now putting his arms on your shoulders in a protective manner, already turning your body away from a very confused Kiyoko. “No, no, thank you Kiyoko, but they’re totally fine, we’re all good. It will have dried in no time! Especially with our bodies radiating so much heat.” And with those words he steps closer to you and embraces you in his warm arms, nuzzling his face into the fabric of his own jacket. “I’ve always been a fan of our uniform, but this kinda just makes it a hundred times better.” You can hear him mumbling and smile, as you press him even closer to you.
He asks you to stay and he definitely slays these new moves he just leanred simply because you’re there, looking all adorable in his training jacket. Please do not even think about taking it off, because Noya will not stop bragging to the rest of the boys, from now on until forever.
Oikawa Tooru:
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It was normal that Tooru was usually a bit late to dates and other kinds of meetups. He was always quick to forget the world around him when he was at practice, so you were used to waiting for him. In the beginning of your relationship it got you frustrated quickly, but now you got used to it, because normally Oikawa made up for it with a lot of cuddles and great food.
But today was unusual. Tooru was always on time when you met up at his place after school or practice. Of course you showed up earlier and decided tro wait on the front porch so you could surprise and greet him when he would arrive. But his mother was quick to notice you sitting on the steps and welcomed you in and you found the way into his room on your own.
More minutes passed and you found yourself bored, but especially wondering where he was. You were about to text him another message when you saw that he had just read the messages and sent you a quick emoji to tell you he was on his way. You smiled, knowing that it would now take him at least another 20 minutes before he would show up because he now felt bad and got something at the grocery store for you.
So you got up again and looked around the all too familiar room, eventually ending up in front of his wardrobe and rummaging through it. A warm piece of clothing then fell in your hands almost naturally and you smiled down on it, not hesitating a single second to put it on.
Oikawa eventualy showed up a bit earlier than you expected him and you turned around in surprise not too long after as he rips open the door and practically collapses into your arms. “I’m so sorry Y/N I was already on the way when you texted me and-” He inhales and then stops abruptly, leaning back with a questioning look on his face. Realization hits him just a second laterand all the exhaustion leaves his face in the matter of a second and is replaced with a smug smile, though you can see the softness in his eyes. “Did you miss me this much, Y/N? You know, next time just visit me right at practice in the gym hall, wearing exactly this, and I’ll never be late to anything ever again.”
And he really isn’t. Instead, the rest of his team just groans displeased when you show up at practice because they know he will never shut up about it
Terushima Yuuji:
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Going to games with the rest of the team and accompanying them to cheer them on was one of your most favorite things in the world, especially since you were in a relationship with Terushima. The boys always were so energized and eager to play, you wouldn’t wanna miss a single day.
But today was different. Some of the team members got sick on the bus ride to the game and now the energy of the team was a complete different one. You could just press yourself tighter against your boyfriend as the libero of the team got a bit green in the face and seemed to loose control over his gag reflex as he covered his face with a bag. That’s the least he could do, you think, but you can’t hold back from being disgusted either way. You were just hoping that whatever was getting around didn’t stick on you or Terushima, let alone enough members that they couldn’t play today.
However, something had to happen. Right before they arrived the bus took a sharp curve and the bag the person next to you in the bus was holding, wavered dangerously and you didn’t have enough time to get out of the way before its content spilled all over your jacket and you couldn’t help but cry out loud as your boyfriend started to laugh.
Misaki, the team’s manager, scolded him for it as you were busy complaining. She made him pay for his lack of empathy by handing you his bag with clothes for you to change as soon as you arrived. You took it with a dark look into his direction and took the first shirt that fell into your hands - his jersey.
When you found the group of yellow jackets again, no one seemed to take notice of you at first. Until Yuuji showed up next to you with the fattest smile on his face. “Almost mistook you for Misaki. Now you’re a real part of the team, Y/N!” Suddenly he starts jumping around all excited, pointing at you while calling all the others and sharing the news.
Anyways, for the rest of the day he will NOT stop staring at you. Can’t go 5 minutes on the field without his eyes wandering over to you, resulting in the team losing some points. At the same time, he feels better than ever to win this match and to be honest, their opponent has a hard time trying to catch all the balls flying their way.
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Never a Gull Moment
Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Pairing: Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes Rating: T Word Count: 3523
For @yavannie, who wanted Sam to either gain new powers or carry Bucky through the air. Spoiler, I went with both. Hope you enjoy!
Summary: Sam’s had an intense first week as Captain America. The perfect opportunity for a break arises when Joaquín contacts him, offering new programming for his suit. All he needs to test the tech are the beach, birds, and one uncooperative bonehead Sam didn’t manage to leave behind in New York.
If there’s one skill Sam’s hoping to adopt from his predecessor—Steve, not Walker (sweet Jesus, not Walker)—it’s the ability to end a conversation with a humble handwave before it can even begin. Steve always had that in the bag. Leading with the wrist in a flick of the hand that came across as both sheepish and respectful. Like he’d love to stop and talk with that fan or this journalist but he was just too busy. And not rude busy, busy with a quiet nobility. Anyway, it all came across in the wave.
Sam hasn’t nailed the wave.
Four days after the GRC vote-that-wasn’t, he’s still in New York, bouncing between TV appearances; everybody wants a piece of the new Cap. Sam wishes they asked a little more about his opinions on compassion for the displaced, as well as those who survived the Snap to form new, functional communities, and less about the look of his new suit, but isn’t it always a battle between style and substance? At least people are listening. To everything except the look Sam knows he has in his eyes, the one that says this debut has been a lot and he’s longing for home.
He knows he has to nail this aspect of being Captain America too. Unfortunately, chuckling amiably with morning show hosts isn’t doing a hell of a lot to distract him from what it took to get him here. There are seconds where his attention wavers—he’ll be nodding along to whatever someone’s saying, or letting his gaze follow a bike courier down the street instead of staying trained on the camera the roving reporter has set up on the sidewalk—and that’s when Karli hurtles into his mind. He feels her desperate blows vibrating the shield, the weight of her body in his arms, in her death.
He can’t keep sitting behind desks or posing impressively and trying to answer the hard questions (on the rare occasion they’re asked) after he’s told people he’s not the expert. When Torres calls up, it’s the close-enough-to-official reason Sam’s been waiting for to step back and do something that actually feels useful.
Bucky, who’s been skulking behind the scenes, somehow never pulled into interviews (if he knows the deferring wave and he’s been doing it just outside Sam’s sightline all week, Sam’s gonna kill him), sticks with him. They head south to meet Torres, and at least that feels like the right direction. Homeward bound. Of course, they stop a handful of states before Louisiana and hug the east coast, but it’s an improvement. They meet Torres at… the beach.
He’s got his foot propped in the open doorframe of a Humvee, giving Sam and Bucky a big, eager, whole-arm wave as they pull up. Not like they’re gonna miss him; Torres is in the only vehicle parked halfway down an unpaved road. Sand dunes climb steep and high just feet from his front bumper, an informal path cutting between the dunes and leading to the water, though Sam can’t see that from this vantage.
Torres’s hand is somehow already grasping Sam’s in a pumping, congratulatory shake before he’s fully out of the car. Sam hears Bucky’s soft snort of suppressed laughter and shoots him a look across the seats. Bucky raises his palms, but Sam spots his smirk before they’re both slamming their doors and stretching their legs after the drive.
“Traffic?” Torres asks brightly.
“Nah,” Bucky answers, coming around the back of their ride. “Sam just drives slower than my grandmother and she—”
“Died on the Titanic?” Sam guesses dryly.
Bucky’s flat stare could be saying a lot of things, or nothing. Sam feels as if he’s been a student of the language of Bucky’s stare for a while now, but his comprehension is still rudimentary. Pop that asshole in a sanctuary for rehabilitated brain-washees, have somebody study his behaviour like Jane Goodall studies chimpanzees, and they might get some answers. The idea starts as something funny Sam almost shares, but then he imagines handfeeding Bucky a banana and it gets weird. He keeps his mouth shut.
“Or she got the cryo treatment too and she’s kickin’ around someplace, speakin’ Russian and makin’ headshots.”
“Come on, man, Hydra jokes about your own grandmother?” Sam scoffs. “That’s not even a little bit funny.”
Torres’s expression is like a kid watching a wrestling match on TV—awed, alarmed, reluctant to question what’s real because he’s just enjoying the show.
Bucky cracks a slow smile and Sam rolls his eyes, slapping Torres’s shoulder to get him to head towards the Humvee and the reason they’re here.
“Nana woulda thought it was funny,” Bucky assures them.
“Lemme guess… You called your aunt ‘TT,’ so your grandmother’s probably… ‘GG,’ am I right?”
Sam glares at him (because his guess is correct and he’s a pain in the ass) and turns fully to Torres as he opens the back, revealing a large case.
“You were vague on the phone,” Sam recalls, watching Torres tug the case close before undoing the clasps. Bucky leans against the vehicle as he observes, dark pants picking up a swipe of road dust from the dirty taillight. “Something about an update for the suit?”
“Right,” Torres agrees.
He throws the case open to reveal the wings Sam gifted him. They’ve been repaired and Sam automatically strokes a hand over the gleaming, extended metal. If Torres did this himself, he sure worked fast.
“That duffle bag wasn’t good enough for you?” Sam asks jokingly, remembering his gear broken and jumbled, fit to be dragged out with the trash.
“They’re kind my prized possession,” Torres admits. “I thought they deserved to be kept nice.”
“You might even wanna put ’em on sometime.”
“I’m working up to that.” Torres laughs. “I wanted to make sure they were in working order before I jumped off a building.”
“Or out of the back of a plane without a parachute, right, Buck?” Sam asks, smacking the back of his hand into Bucky’s chest.
“I was fine,” Bucky insists.
“Sure you were. We can watch the footage again. I’m up for that.”
“Just let the man finish.”
Torres grants Bucky a wide smile in thanks.
“Yeah,” he picks up, “so I was fixing them, working on the wiring, and when I got the electronics running smoothly again, I started thinking about Redwing—”
“May he rest in pieces,” Bucky contributes.
“Uncalled for,” Sam complains.
“I replaced it, didn’t I?”
“The Wakandans replaced it.”
“As a favour to me.”
Torres’s gaze dances between them until Sam motions for him to continue.
“About Redwing,” Torres goes on enthusiastically. “The sophistication of the relationship between you, how intuitive the tech was. How Redwing understood not just simply-stated commands, but a more conversational approach, interpreting your intentions.”
“Finally, a little Redwing appreciation,” Sam says. He crosses his arms and gives Bucky a meaningful look.
“But what if it was a real bird?” Torres blurts.
Most of a minute passes as Sam stares at Torres’s excited expression.
“I think I might get where Torres is going with this,” Bucky says.
Sam holds up a hand to pause him. He could make a guess at it too, but there’s no need for that. They have the source of whatever alterations have been made right here.
“In your own words, Joaquín,” Sam encourages.
“Well,” he begins, one palm braced in the bed of the Humvee as he leans over the case with unconscious protectiveness, “you know I’ve kinda been itching to get my hands on the wings for a long time.”
“Yeah.” Sam laughs, remembering having to practically slap Torres’s hands away from the jetpack in Tunisia.
“Since you gave them to me a couple weeks ago, I’ve been tinkering, like I said, and I had this idea. Now,” he warns, raising both hands in caution, “this might be either really obvious or really disrespectful to the whole concept of the Falcon, but I started wondering if it’d be possible for the person wearing the wings to talk to nearby birds. Use them like a resource, like with Redwing.”
“Black Panther dresses like a cat with Vibranium claws.”
“Spider-Man has webs,” Bucky adds.
“Right,” Sam agrees, nodding to him before looking back to Torres. “I don’t think it’s disrespectful to lean into the gimmick if it’s amplifying your abilities.”
“Awesome,” Torres pronounces.
“I assume you went further than just wondering about it?”
Torres gives them a modest shrug.
“I know a guy who knows an ornithologist.”
“Bird scientist,” Bucky translates.
Turning his head, Sam glances at Bucky with a no shit look.
“Thanks,” he says insincerely.
“You’re welcome.”
“Long story short,” Torres pipes up, “she got me access to a catalogue of bird calls and the scientific consensus on what they all mean. I patched that info into the suit and, hopefully, it’s something that could be used, uh, on the fly. Sorry, I was trying to think of another way to say that.”
“So my suit would be able to communicate with birds?” Sam checks. “Automatically?”
“Yeah, it would assess your surroundings the same way Redwing does already, but scanning for birds, identifying what kind they are, and having the interpretation of their calls at the ready if needed.”
“What sort of information would I be gaining with this tech?”
“Stuff like… are they feeling threatened or disturbed? Does something feel off about their environment that has something to do with somebody you’re maybe chasing?”
“Mating rituals,” Bucky says.
“How is being able to recognize mating rituals going to help me?” Sam demands.
“You never know.”
“You brought your suit, right?” Torres wants to know. Apparently, he’s not going to bother engaging with Bucky’s nonsense. “It won’t take long for me to install the new software.”
“It’s in the back,” Sam assures him, jerking a thumb towards the other vehicle.
“But just the bird calls. This suit is brand new. No tinkering.”
“No tinkering,” Torres swears.
He sets up his impromptu workshop in the back seat, next to the suit. Sam has to admit to himself that Torres’s reverential expression as he handles the Captain America suit is pretty flattering. He watches the progress until Torres sits back, stating it’ll just be a few minutes for the new programming to be assimilated.
“Why the beach?” Sam asks while they wait.
“I was inspired by some shaky, far-away footage of you in New York. You did, uh, kind of a nosedive into the river there, so I thought maybe you’d be interested in testing your suit’s maneuverability in water at the same time as we did a trial with the bird calls.”
“Are we running a drill or something?” Bucky wonders.
“That’s a good idea,” Torres says immediately. “A scenario to use both the calls and the water.”
“You got something in mind?”
Sam isn’t the one who asks because he can see from Torres’s face that he does. Fortunately, he is the one who gets to laugh when the Lieutenant squints consideringly at Bucky and asks, “How long can you hold your breath?”
The last Sam sees of Bucky, he’s taking off his shirt.
“Oh, entire jacket this time?” Torres asked when Bucky took that off first.
After that, it was his shoes and socks, then his t-shirt, and this whole Bucky stripping thing isn’t so much a last look as something that Sam has to stand there witnessing for a while. He’s already in the Cap suit and, seriously, Bucky could’ve changed at the same time. Then, he would’ve been ready to go without making Sam and Torres wait around. But Sam wouldn’t have gotten to see him undress.
“Hurry it up, man.” His voice is a little off because, at the same time, he’s thinking, Please don’t take your pants off.
“If you’re making me play a drowning victim, I can at least not be getting weighed down,” Bucky argues. “This is to help you, right? Quit complaining.”
Finally, he stalks away, mounting the dune in black jeans and a half-assed scowl and disappearing over the top. The plan is for him to swim out, then duck under the water when Torres tells him to (the guy’s brought along waterproof earpieces for the purpose). Next, Sam will fly up and search for the ‘victim,’ relying solely on input from the seagulls wheeling lazily overhead. It’s a good exercise Torres has cooked up.
Sam hands the shield off to Torres for safekeeping before the Lieutenant heads to the beach. The shield won’t be necessary for this and there’s no way in hell Sam’s leaving it in the car. Besides, it’s kinda funny how wide Torres’s eyes go when Sam offers it up. Even bigger reaction than leaving him the wings, though this he doesn’t get to keep.
“On my signal,” Torres restates.
Sam gives him a sharp nod.
Once he’s alone, he paces between the vehicles, eager to kick off the ground. He hasn’t had an opportunity to just enjoy himself in the new suit yet. Leading up to the confrontation with the Flag-Smashers (and Georges Batroc, that fists-of-steel bastard), he was in training mode, focused and determined. In the media-heavy days that followed, he conceded to a few stunts for the camera. Those hadn’t been purely fun though; they were actually something Sam had to think quick and hard about, ultimately deciding that it wasn’t just performing on command but rather giving the public a lighthearted look at their new Captain America. Testing new tech with Bucky, Torres, and a bunch of seagulls? That seems like it’ll actually be a good time.
The instant Torres’s voice in Sam’s ear says, “Bucky’s under,” he unfurls the wings and sails up over the crest of the dune.
It’s not the warmest day and the greenish-blue water’s choppy near the shore, but there is a surprising smattering of people along a quarter mile of beach. Must be locals, Sam guesses, trekking down to the water from nearby houses. That would explain the lack of other cars where he parked. The people aren’t that close or that bothered by his sudden appearance overhead. Startled, sure, but after they’ve identified him (he sees a few hands lifted to foreheads to block out the sun so they can get a good look), he gets to return a couple big waves. Besides that, nobody’s getting to their feet to pound sand and swarm Torres, who’s conspicuously there with Sam—he is holding the shield, after all. Pretty typical. The bigger the crowd, the greater the chance of people scrambling for his attention and/or whipping out their phones to film him. This group seems satisfied with watching Captain America hanging out at their beach on his downtime and Sam appreciates them for that.
“No scanning the water,” Torres says in his ear. Sam laughs.
“I’m not, just assessing our audience here.”
“Is this a bad spot? I didn’t think anybody’d be around when I sent you my location, but—”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry. Did anybody ask you what was up when Bucky waded out into the water?”
“Nah. If they were wondering, they probably aren’t anymore.”
“Glad I won’t have to compete with a lifeguard to rescue him,” Sam jokes.
He hears Torres’s short laugh of agreement before focusing. Not on the water at all, but the birds. Those down on the sand are squawking for food, comfortable enough with these people to complain loudly in the hopes of being fed.
Sam’s sudden swoops scatter the gulls in the air, so he tries easier circles, mimicking their movements to hover high above the beach. Soon enough—these guys either have bad short-term memories or no patience—they start communicating with each other. The new programming Torres has uploaded to his suit signals to Sam that the birds are aware of a disturbance in the water. He gets a target on his goggles’ imaging and dives.
Sucking in a deep breath, Sam crashes into the murky water no more than a hundred yards out. The drop-off is dramatic enough for him to not complete a faceplant into a shallow bottom. Bucky’s treading water a couple body-lengths down, but he wrecks his form to offer Sam a raised middle finger in greeting. Sam’s wings retract as he grabs Bucky’s wrist to haul him to the surface.
They breathe, bobbing in place.
“Thought you’d be faster,” Bucky says.
“You didn’t drown, did you?” Sam points out. “Come on.”
He catches hold of Bucky’s hand and shoots out of the water, wings opening in the air to carry him once the thruster’s done its work. But Bucky squirms below him, their wet grip twisting precariously. Water runs from his sopping jeans.
“What the hell are you doing?” Sam asks.
“I don’t want to be carried to shore!”
“Because dangling this high above the ground feels a little weird to me! Not all of us do this every day!”
“I guess we could run the exercise again.”
“Fine. Let’s do that. Just drop me.”
Sam rewards Bucky’s melodrama by abruptly releasing his grip. Hey, that’s what the idiot asked for, and if he can fall out of a plane to the forest floor, he can plunge into water. It’s not like Sam’s up at aircraft cruising altitude, just high enough to make Torres look like a little action figure army man, standing on the sand in his fatigues.
“Running it again?” Torres wants to know.
“Yep,” Sam tells him, accelerating away from the shore. “Just giving that dumbass time to swim to a new spot.”
“Even though he can’t reply while he’s underwater… you know he can hear you in the comms, right?”
“Oh yeah.”
When Torres lets him know that Bucky’s gone under a second time, they start the drill again. Once more, Sam does a gliding approach to the seagulls. Once more, they go quiet before filling the air with their screaming, overlapping calls. Once more, Sam finds Bucky. He knows he’s quicker this time, so he’s expecting an acknowledgement of that when he contracts the wings, straightens his body, and plummets into the water feetfirst next to where Bucky’s floating below the surface.
Instead of an appreciative nod, an outstretched hand, or even a thumbs up, Bucky darts away from him. Is he trying not to get rescued? Now he’s just fucking up the exercise. Only, Sam can’t even berate him, because he’s still under too, holding his breath as he swims after Bucky. He uses the jetpack for assistance, but Bucky’s a fast swimmer, legs kicking just ahead of Sam. Goddamn human shark.
Because he is not an idiot, Sam surfaces to catch his breath, leaving Bucky somewhere below.
“There a problem?” Torres asks.
“Only with Bucky’s idea of teamwork.”
“Get him like a bird would!”
“Is that a real suggestion?” Sam asks, rising and falling as a small wave swells under him, rolling towards the shore.
“Really, Sam! You know, like how birds hunt fish.” Back on the beach, he makes a sharp, downward gesture with his arm that has Sam chuckling. He gets what Torres means though.
Sam goes from water to air, then, alerted by a trio of seagulls taking annoyed flight from the surface of the water, goes into a steep dive. Nabbing the swimmer from above is the trick, he learns, when the swimmer is being intentionally uncooperative with the rescue attempt. Bucky might be quick when he knows Sam’s behind him, but when he drops down on him, there’s nowhere Bucky can go. Sam wraps his arms around Bucky’s bare chest from behind and lugs him up for air.
The first thing Bucky says is, “You took even longer that time.”
Frustrated, Sam splashes the back of his head, but when Bucky strokes his arms out, rotating to face him, he’s smiling.
“You messed it up,” Sam accuses. He rubs a hand across his goggles to smear the water droplets off.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t have fun.”
Sam narrows his eyes before a laugh bursts out of him. He can’t help it; it’s the pressure he’s been under, so much internal conflict, suddenly drawn out with the current. Yeah, Bucky was slightly uncooperative, but that’s nothing unusual. Swimming ahead like he was going for a gold medal or forcing Sam to plunge deep after him, the two of them suspended like the goddamn Shape of Water before Sam towed him to the surface—either way, Bucky definitely gave him distinct scenarios to work with. Sam can’t say he doesn’t feel more comfortable now that he’s had some practice. More comfortable with his wings in the water, with working with his feathered allies. With Bucky.
“Still don’t want a lift?” Sam checks.
Bucky’s expression hardens and Sam backs off with a laugh.
“See you on the shore,” Bucky states firmly.
“Alright. Get doggy-paddlin’, White Wolf.”
Sam feels Bucky’s hand shoot out to seize his ankle in retaliation as he launches out of the water, but he’s too slow. Sam’s wings fan wide as he flies up, up, up with the birds.
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boogiewrites · 4 years
Never Break the Chain Pt 5
Part 5 of 5
Characters: Javier Peña x OFC
Summary:  Reunited after their deadly close encounter. They finally have time to ask the right questions and give honest answers.
Warnings/Tags: Sexual Content. Lover’s reunited. Confessions of Love. 
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Getting shot was never part of the plan, but it was always an option she had to consider. She was already marked and scarred, not the first time she'd been shot, but the first time in the shoulder. Needless to say, it fucking hurt.
Staggering, bloody through the streets was awkward enough, being shirtless turned it into a circus attraction. She had to shove with her good arm through concerned passersby and made her way as quickly as she could to her bike. It was a good trek, but far away from the action. She had a jacket in the side bag, and that had one problem fixed. The other, a much larger one was leaking out of her sleeve and throbbing through her entire body every time she moved, which was as little as she could manage. Being the sinful girl scout she was, she was always prepared, which meant knowing where she could go if she was shot. It was always a smart move to have blackmail on a veterinarian. She wobbly directed her bike with only one truly useful arm and braced herself for a very painful experience.
As soon as his eyes opened in the hospital room, he was being asked questions. The last thing you want to do after losing so much blood and being shot with surgery on top of that was be interrogated. But here he was. After giving his signature attitude that no supervisor had ever enjoyed dealing with, he was left alone. He finally knew some peace after a week or so, laying with eyes closed, healing up well he was told, now waiting out infection just to be safe. He’d never passed out from blood loss before, and he would be lying if he didn’t feel every second his age while he had been in the hospital. The bare walls and sterile fixtures didn’t help make him feel any warmer or comfortable. The pain medicine in his IV did though.
Murphy comes in, an eyebrow raised and a grunt in response to the appearance of his partner was given in acknowledgment.
“I know. I look like shit.” Javi smarts, adjusting himself to sit more upright, a pull in his side still noticeable but no longer grating.
“If you’re aware of that I guess that marks off one of my theories.”
“You? Have a theory?” Javi snarks, leaning back, propped up and hands across his stomach.
“I thought you might’ve had brain damage.” Murphy grins. “Claiming you didn’t know who that woman was we saw.”
“You didn’t say anything did you?”
“Don’t insult me, man.”
“They’re pretty fuckin’ annoyed with you right now.” the observation draws a chuckle from Murphy.
“Good. They’re only going to get more mad.”
“I can see why you’d wanna protect her though.”
A raised eyebrow was all that was needed to ask a question.
“They not tell you about anything that happened after you passed out?”
There's a pause as a wave of subdued anger rises on Javi’s face.
“I got to ya first. I peek over the edge of the roof and there she was…” he holds his arms out, a dramatic retelling for no other reason than to take his sweet time and annoy his partner. “You sure can pick ‘em Javi. She was standing there like some Colombian centerfold with no shirt on, hair all wild. I would’ve thought I’d just interrupted you two having a good time if I didn’t know better.”
“What the fuck are you talking about? Shirtless?”
“Still had her bra on. Unfortunately.” Steve huffs out a laugh at him and the annoying twitch in Javi’s crow’s feet. “She made her shirt into a tourniquet for you, man. It was ripped and holding your guts in. You’ve got to thank that pretty little lady for saving your ass.”
He sits silently for a moment. “No wonder they thought I was working with the narcos.” he says quietly.
“They told you that?”
“Not outright.” he shakes his head.
“I guess you don’t know about what Trujillo did then huh?”
A sharp turn to face Murphy and a glare told him to spit it out fast.
“I saw her and she had her hands up, let me know you were shot. The sweet thing said, Murphy...Please don’t let him die.”
A twitch of his nose and an uncomfortable grunt show the emotion Javi was willing to show about the heartfelt statement.
“So I put my gun down, cause I figured I knew it was your girl. Who else would be willing to save you and put herself out like that? Unfortunately...Trujillo wasn’t aware of that.” he pauses for a moment, a wince to tell Javi the rest. “And he shot at her.”
“Shot AT her or shot HER.” Javi immediately demands clarification.
“Both.” he shrugs.
“Why the fuck am I just finding this out? Is she alive?” he begins getting out of bed, his torso pulling forward before Steve holds an arm out to keep him down.
“Woah, she should be, man, don’t get your panties in a bunch. She jumped off the roof and I was honestly a bit worried he’d hit her, but when I looked down there was a mess of a dumpster and a blood trail out to the street. You were right about her being good.”
“I know I was.” his brow furrows, immediately preoccupied with her again. “You should check the-”
“Hospitals, I know. I already did. Nothing. I would’ve been in to see you way sooner if she was dead.”
Javi looks away and that’s the closest to a thank you Murphy will get, but it was enough.
The first night back in his apartment Javi sat and smoked by an open window, half expecting Esme to show up, a pop of black hair over the edge of the roof but she never came. He could swear she said she wanted to stay with him, or there was something building when the moment was ripped away. He wanted to be angry and tell himself he was being stupid, but he couldn’t help but think he was recalling correctly.
He had finally gone back to work. He hadn’t foreseen a warm welcome but being reprimanded and lectured hadn’t been what he expected either. He was too distracted, not trustworthy, a rebel, a loose cannon. All things he’d heard before. This time they focused on his history with women. Both professionally and personally, the experience was vast. He had pulled more visas out of thin air than anyone in the DEA. His methods worked, yes it was sleeping with his informants and gaining their trust but it was a perk to a transaction that always worked. Because of Esme’s unknown identity, they had nothing concrete about him having connections with the groups they were after. He wouldn’t budge in telling them and they couldn’t accept that. So now he was too lenient on women, they said. His judgment couldn't be trusted because he could be compromised. To say he was pissed was an understatement. Had this suspension and possible reassignment after a board review been something he thought could happen? Of course. That didn’t mean he had to take it well or be happy about it.
He went to a bar, Murphy giving apologetic glances and slaps to the back between snarky remarks to break the tension. Javi knew he meant well, but his mind was elsewhere. He sauntered home, a warm belly of the contents of a few highball glasses and a glare on his face. He didn’t contain his annoyance as he let his boots hit heavy up the stairs and his shoulder jam against his door before opening it and twisting the lock hard. A more vulnerable groan, his hands running down his face after throwing the contents of his pockets onto the counter diffuse through a quiet and dark apartment. The warm light from the street lamps outside seep in through the thin curtains, a light breeze causes them to sway against their thicker partners that provided a shield from the sun during the day. He moves towards a window, feet dragging slightly, lighting a cigarette that illuminates him in orange and red for just a moment before the billowing smoke frames his face, half-lit in Rembrandt lighting by the mix of the moon and artificial light.
“Bad day Javi?”
He hears from the direction of the chair in his living room. Any other voice he would’ve turned and leaped for his gun and aimed, but he shut his eyes and took another patient inhale and exhale.
“I was wondering when you’d show up.”
“You should have better security for your place.” she smiles but he doesn’t see it, she admires him for a moment before standing.
“Not many have the balls to break into a cop's apartment.”
“It’s not a matter of excess balls, but lack of brains.”
He turns to see her in a dress, ruffles on the edges and red as blood fitting her loose and tucked in at the waist. A matching flower sat in her hair, woven espadrilles on her feet made her look like any other beautiful woman he’d look twice at on the street. He could see her green eyes gazing at him doe-like and calm in the low light. They gave away that she was special, not by their color but in how they looked at him. No other woman had looked at him like that. He would’ve sworn all the answers he needed were right there in her eyes as she approached him, he could’ve almost gone on without the need to say his questions out loud. But he was never one to act without proof.
He looked her up and down, a cigarette resting between his lips before he pulled out a chair next to the small kitchen table against the windowed wall. “I’d ask what took you so long but by comparison, you didn’t make me wait long at all this time.” He begins taking off his boots, giving her time to respond and appear calmer about her appearance than he was.
“I had things to take care of.” She pauses, hip against the kitchen counter observing him and appreciating seeing how his jeans pulled tight across his thighs and hips as he moved.
He looks her over again, her relaxed stance, weight on her arm resting as he took a long drag. He stands and walks over, his significantly taller frame, even minus the boots, takes his time taking her in. He selfishly makes her wait, drinks her in, pushing her hair off her shoulders and almost touching the bare skin of her decolletage. “Is it true that you got shot?”
She nods and motions with her head, “In the shoulder.”
He takes his liberties and pulls the sleeve of her dress down to expose a fresh pink scar. “Still hurt?”
“Does yours?” a light touch to his side for a moment, barely outstretching her arm for how close they stood. Personal space wasn’t something either of them was interested in when they were together.
“Sometimes.” he admits.
She nods in agreement. “Yeah, sometimes.” is her quiet answer. He leans down for a moment and kisses the blemish on her shoulder.
“You could’ve let me know you were okay.” she was prepared for anger, which she deserved, admittedly, but she wasn’t met with it. His eyes were dark and deep, looking over her wound where his thumb was currently tracing.
“I didn’t want to risk being seen.” he keeps his eyes on her scar, his brow low and to anyone else, he would read as angry, but she knew he was just thinking, wheels turning and recalling the day she received the mark. “What did work say?”
“Call me curious.”
“I’d much rather hear what you have to say.” he meets her eyes again but he’s faced with the look of insistence a woman gives a man she loves. “Alright,” he sighs. “I'm under review. They wanted me to give you up, tell them who you were but... “ he shrugs, needless to say, he didn’t give them so much as her alias. “They don’t trust me. Too many favors pulled to cover other people’s asses finally caught up to me.”
She nods, looking away in thought for a moment. “You were too good in other words.” she finally answers, reaching out to take the hand that had been anchored to his jutted-out hip.
“Me?” he lets out a chuckle, another inhale, blown away from her face. “I’m not the one who lost their shirt saving my ass from getting shot.” he grins and nods down at her. “I’ve been told I should thank you for saving my life.” he takes one last drag before snuffing out the cherry in the ashtray on the counter.
“It was nothing.” she lied and matched his grin.
“If you’re so bad at lying, how have you not been caught yet?” a teasing squeeze of her hand as the pair rest in the small space between them. “Wasn’t nothing.” his other, now free, hand rests on her scarred arm. “Getting shot for me is something. Men get medals for that shit.”
“But I’m not a man. Just a topless woman who’s stupid enough to risk her life for one.”
A soft huff of amusement is shared between them. “So that part was true?” his smile reaches up to his eyes before he pulls her in to kiss her head and her laugh gives him his answer. “I really wish I hadn’t been a chicken shit and passed out. Would’ve liked to have seen that. ”
“Play your cards right and you still might,” she smirks. “But I believe we have a conversation to finish first.”
“So I didn’t dream all that?”
“No, you didn’t.” a soft and gentle answer, her eyes tender as they looked up to his face. He sees the lump in her throat bob before she speaks. “Where did we leave off?” She sounded a touch uncertain.
“You gonna act like you haven’t been playing it over and over in your head this whole time?” His head ducks down to eyeball her and she gives him an unexpected smile that grows up to her eyes.
Touching his face she lets out a wistful sigh, thumb dragging on his clean-shaven cheek. “I didn’t even realize how much I missed you until I saw you again.”
The sentiment was a punch in the gut that softened him, clearing his throat he looks away almost bashfully for a moment.
“Once I saw you that night in the jewelry store you haven’t been far from my mind. And since that kiss…” her eyes move to his lips and he nervously wets them. Only she could make him nervous. He lost the power balance when he was with her and it felt new, almost scary again. It made his old bones feel like a kid again when she said sweet things to him. “I would’ve come to see you sooner if I could have. I’m sorry. I worried the whole time if that’s any consolation.”
“I worried about you too. Always have.” He speaks quietly and almost mumbles the latter, turning to kiss her palm that had started stroking into his hair absent-mindedly. “I thought if I ever saw you again I would give you a piece of my mind. I'd tell you everything I’d built up in my head all these years.” His eyes move to her marked shoulder and he places his hand over hers. “But you’re making it hard on a man, sweetheart… looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” She quietly laughs and moves her chest to his, her other hand moving to hold his face and he encapsulates her other hand
“Like you used to. Like you love me.” There’s a pause and the cards are on the table. Neither was the type to fold and bluffing wasn’t an option in this company.
“That’s because I do.” She shakes her head. “I didn’t want to leave you, Javi.”
“Then why’d you do it?”
“I had to find out for myself, didn't I? I’m as hard-headed as you are, no one could tell me nothin’ at that age. I had big dreams, ones I couldn’t reach if I was with you.”
“What about now?”
“Could you reach them if you were with me now?”
She smiles almost condescendingly at him. “That’s why I’m here.” She whispers and gives him a small kiss to his lips before pulling away and moving farther into the room. “I just finished a job.”
His hands fall to his sides, holding to hers until they’re forced to let go. “And?”
“It was my goal. For a long time. I wanted to work with a billionaire and I have. So now I’m faced with what to do next.”
“Well, what do you want?” He takes slow steps towards her.
“You.” She looks his way with her big green eyes shining.
“How may I be of service?” He holds his arms out in offering.
She takes almost a full minute to speak and a worry grows in his gut as he musters all his patience to wait. “I’m tired, Javi.” Is the response she finally sighs out and meets his eyes.
With a furrowed brow he begins to move her towards the couch. “Well you were shot hun-“
“No. Not like that.” She stops him and her fingers pick at each other. “I want... this to be over.”
“You’re gonna have to give me a little more than that, sweetheart.”
“I was wrong. I can admit that now... now that I’ve found you again. I’m tired of this life. This... running. I’m tired of not being able to trust anyone and being alone and getting hurt and taking this disrespect from these men and-“
He shushes her as she speaks faster and grows more upset. “Take a breath baby, you’re fine. You’re with me. Nothin bad's gonna happen as long as I’m with you alright?” He says it and means it, an honesty she meets in his eyes that makes hers well up.
“I know. That’s why I don’t want it anymore. I want you. I want to be with you. I want to have that quiet life where nothing happens. I want to wake up and know we’re safe. Together.” She wraps her arms around him and he holds her tightly. She doesn’t cry but the sting is red on her face.
He stands and considers this confession, one he’s only had in his wildest dreams. While stroking her hair a million scenarios run through his mind. He eventually settles on one. “I’m tired too.”
It’s a simple sentence but it spoke volumes between them. “I have enough money, Javi. Enough for us to be happy somewhere.”
“You want to run?”
She feels the burn of reality in her chest. “I don’t know any other way.”
He looks away into the empty and dark room, hands on her face and stroking her temples. “Fuck…” he exhales. “I don’t either.” He shakes his head before looking back at her burning cheeks. “But fuck me am I tired of this shit too. They’re no better than the men you worked for. They’re all in bed together. There are no “good guys” and “bad guys”. There’s no fucking justice there’s just…”
This time she distracts him by kissing his palm. “I know Javi. I wanted to tell you when we were younger but you believed in it so much. I didn’t have the heart to-“
“I wouldn’t have listened.” He shrugs and watches her eyes pour our decades of apologies.
A long but not heavy moment of silence passes. Decades of memories whirling around, potential possibilities for the future playing out as his hands held her heart-shaped face and studied her. Both older, crinkles in the corner of their eyes and sun spots mixed with the freckles, their faces showed their age but their eyes were 18 again.
“I’m sorry.” She breaks the silence. “For everything.”
“So am I.” Is the best response he can muster.
“Instead of you asking me to stay… I’m asking you to go now. Ironic.” She smiles.
“Timing was never our strong suit.”
“No.” She shakes her head and softly laughs. “We didn’t talk much. Not with our words anyway.” The smiles shifted into a smirk.
“Never had to back then did we?”
“You only had to smile with that baby face and as soon as I’d see that dimple it was over.” She shakes her head in agreement. A rush of new emotions comes over. The happy memories. It was so easy to let the negative eat away at them and replace them. “You’re so much more handsome than I ever thought you could be.” She admits with a fully formed laugh. “Better looking than that scrawny young man I left.” She loves her hands to feel his shoulders and watch the grin spread on his face.
“You’re sweet-talking me now.”
“Well, I have to get you to run away with me. Thought I’d try flattery.”
“All you had to do this whole time baby was show up.” The grin he wore wasn't an exact match to the sentiment but she felt it like a knife. The mood shifts, they both feel it. A weight, but it was comforting. “There’s never been another woman that could even begin to replace what you meant… mean to me. This whole time it’s been you missing. The way only you’ve been able to make me feel and that... that damned beautiful face that makes me want to do anything it asks. It’s not fair on an old man sweetheart.”
“Run away with me. Fuck that job. We’ve taken a lifetime to figure out what we needed. Come with me, Javi. We’ll have that quiet little boring life. Like it should’ve been.”
“How can I say no?”
“I’m hoping you can’t.” She gives him the sweetest smile she can.
“You mean it don't you?”
“You seem surprised.”
“After all this time?” His eyes squint showing his disbelief.
“You are as handsome as you are clueless.” She laughs and reaches up to kiss him again. “I never wanted to leave. I never stopped trying to fill my guilt and regret with money and danger and drugs. Just feeling your hands on me like this right now feels better than anything else ever has. I can’t beat how you make me feel.”
He takes his cue, hands moving to pull her closer. “I can make it feel better, sweetheart.” A lower voice, one that was deep, sends a tremble down her spine. He didn’t sound like that when he was younger.
“You always did like to talk a big talk.”
“And I can walk it now. I’m not a kid anymore Esme. I’m a man.” A stern brow appears and she feels her insides melt. “If you think it was good then... well it was…” he gives that grin that wins women over time after time. “You’re gonna love what I can do now.” With broad shoulders and a strong jaw, he loomed over her, making her feel small in a way she didn’t want to fight against..
“Then stop talkin’ and show me, Javi.” She whispers, a seductive smile on her face. “Show me what I’ve been missing.”
“I can do that… but you’ll never wanna leave again.” He smirks before closing in.
“Make sure I don’t.” She softens for a moment, her hand carding through the almost curls at the nape of his neck. She lets the tension grow, the flirtatious closeness, an intimate sharing of smiles and breath isn’t taken for granted. Something hotter grows in the heat between their bodies, and as she had in the past, she gives him a direct signal to move forward. “We’ve waited long enough, Javi, stop sweet talkin’ and make love to me already.”
Her laugh is broken off by a commanding press against her mouth and his two strong hands moving into her hairline. She feels his smirk fade against her lips, each pass growing more and more urgent. With confident hands, he reaches down to grab her ass, one staying to her jaw. These weren’t the clumsy but enthusiastic hands she recalled. There weren’t short sweet kisses, unsure glances shared as he squeezed his eyes shut and tried not the cum so soon from inexperience. He handled her like a man, and she felt more like a woman than she had in years in his strong grip.
He didn't let up as he moved them to his bedroom his mouth stayed to hers, taking each breath and devouring it, savoring it with a tease of tongue before deepening again. She bit his bottom lip after a light slap to her ass to get her moving in the right direction. He spreads his fingers, handling as much of her body as he could, a hard controlled wobble of her ass cheek, another slap of ownership, not enough to hurt her, but enough to show her how he thought of her as his. Once he had her at the foot of his bed, as much as he wanted to take his time, he also wanted to ravage her and intimately know every inch of her he’d been away from. She kicks off her shoes, lost to the darkness of the room before he hitches her leg up, hand traveling back and forth on her thigh, exposed from the wrapped slit in her dress. His mouth follows where his mind wanders, to her neck to hear her sighs and hums. His hand snakes up the nape of her neck into the thick black hair, a tight fist to gently control her head, holding it back so he could explore the sensitive bend.
A moan from her elicits a response, “You like it like this?” spoken quietly in her ear as he gives her head the slightest yank back.
“Aye.” she sighs, her eyes fluttering back. “I love it.” she whispers, a smile on her face and her long lashes shadowing over her cheeks from her blissed expression.
He makes quick work of making her shudder from the pressure of his lips and tongue on her racing pulse. She let herself enjoy it, not another thought in her head except how it felt with him touching her. It was an abandonment she hadn’t been afforded in decades and the act of letting go had never felt so good before.
His kisses trail her neck, shoulder, making tender work of her scar as he slips her arms out of the sleeves. His hand was fast to her back and one to her naked chest makes him press his forehead to the wound he directly caused. “Fuck me, you’re even more beautiful now aren’t you?” his hand kneads her breast and his mouth moves lower over her exposed top half, the cinch at her waist the only thing keeping them apart now. “I wondered what you’d look… feel like now.” his words a quiet but the low rumble in it, pouring that masculine energy he gave off in waves made her melt in his hands. His hands move to cup her chest, an eager mouth, and open kisses before latching onto her hard nipples and triggering a moan he mirrors enthusiastically. “Now I get this… grown fuckin’ woman, don’t I? Fuck, look at you baby.” She wasn’t the skinny little thing he’d held before. She’d filled out, the years kind to her body from the athleticism they’d demanded. She was strong but soft in all the places he wanted her to be. Perky little tits and a tight ass were now something substantial. Something he could sink his teeth into and he wanted to touch every inch of it.
“Let me see you,” she asks quietly, pulling out of his embrace, dropping her dress to leave her bare. Her hands unbuttoned his shirt, tugging it out of those jeans that fit him just right. “I almost want to keep the jeans on you look so good in them.” she grins and reaches back to grab his ass and he jumps before they entwine again. A soft laugh and an old lover's embrace float them down to the bed together. Mouths and hands explored as she straddled him and felt the breadth of his shoulders and the lean muscle in his arms from work.
He laid back, hands moving over her naked body, taking her in with an open mouth in awe. Her arms knocked her tits together as he played and pinched, making her grind and giggle. With a slow drag of her hands down his chest, the soft fuzz covered his pecks, grew smaller, and flowered out again as her fingers followed the trail, her hands moving to unfasten his belt. “As handsome as you are… I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t most excited about this.” she leans forward and coos as her hand reached into his undone jeans, finding no underwear and considering teasing him for it. Then she remembered she had come to him not wearing any either. She supposes they were both whores and deserved each other. With a breathy indulgent laugh, she leaned forward, hearing him swear as she began kissing him again.
“I thought you loved me for my mind, sweetheart.” They both share a laugh and she bites his bottom lip.
“I love you for a lot of reasons, Javi. This cock has always been one of them.” The thick hair around his base was as soft as she recalled, maybe softer. But he certainly wasn’t. She kisses him through a groan, freeing him and feeling him fully harden in her hand. “Don’t know how you keep this thing in those tight little jeans.” she kisses down to his neck and he smirks, hand in her hair and the other still teasing her nipple.
“Same way I’m gonna fit it in your tight little pussy, baby doll.”
He hadn’t lost that smoothness, a perfected skill that made her bite his throat for making her throb and feel herself get wet and warm between her legs. “Suave.” she coos into his ear before licking the rim of it. “Now show me.” she demands sitting up and rubbing herself against his pulsing cock.
He moves quickly, his body trained and hers willing to submit to him. He sits up to grab her and push her to her back, hair splaying out, her breasts bouncing before heaving from the sudden excitement. There’s a girlish giggle he’d heard before as she watches him, her fingers disappearing between her pussy lips as he made quick work of his jeans and made his way back between her legs. “You’re still impatient.” he grins against her inner thigh, his hand tracing her slit, a bite to her inner knee that turns into a lippy kiss.
“For you.” she lets her arms fall back, biting her lip and watching him with interest.
His fingers find her swollen clit, both his cock and her sensitive bud jump at the touch. “And you still get so wet for me, Esme.” a trail of kissing to her inner thighs, moving lower towards her center makes her shiver. She didn’t have a response with the circling of her clit, the way he spread her knees apart before dipping down to suck the pulsing spot into his mouth.
“Fuck.” she exhales quickly. A compliment if he’d ever heard one. He did know what he was doing. His broad fingers teased her opening, waiting for that tension, that suction that meant not just her mind but her body was ready.
He hadn’t anticipated being the one not ready for the loud moan that left her thrown back head when he filled her with his fingers. One to test, another soon after added, and the trio to finish it was the curl of them inside her as he made her spasming clit even more sensitive with the suction of his mouth and the attention from his tongue.
“Fuck, Javi, don’t make me cum yet.” It was a plea and a chuckle at the same time.
“You think you’re only cumming once tonight?”
“I want the first time you make me cum to be on your cock.”
He hums deeply, “I can’t deny that, now can I?” a kiss to right above her lips before he eases the pace of his fingers and removes them. “C’mere baby.” he leans into her, hard against her slick folds, dragging his hips back and forth, a strong hand on her hip and his mouth firmly attached to hers again.
Her impatience shows, a brief indulgence of the feel of him, velvety against her before she reaches between them and angles him in. Her legs stay back, he's holding himself up on one hand before taking her hand, kissing her fingertips, and taking over himself. He teases her and it’s met to a whine, a pressure against her hole that was aching for him. “Javi, please.” her hips circle as a pout appears on her lips.
“That sounds too good for me to wanna stop, sweetheart.” he grins, knowing he was in control and being indulgent as fuck about it.
“You gonna make me beg?”
That cocky brow raises, rubbing his tip against her clit.
She raises her hips to meet him. “Fuck me, Javi. Don’t make me wait. I’ve waited too damn long already. Fill me up, I wanna cum so hard on that cock.”
He pushes into her to cut her words off, he loved dirty talk but he couldn’t take it tonight. He’d topple over far too fast, so best give her what she wanted. She was right after all, they’d waited too damn long for this. You couldn’t tell who was making what sound at first. Their limbs entwined, her legs around his hips, keeping him in and her nails into his back. He had his face buried into the side of hers, not willing to miss a sound, one hand on her lower back that was arched up off the bed and the other in her hair. He waited, feeling her tighten and then give to him. “That’s a good girl.” he exhales softly in her ear, feeling her whine as her legs fell farther apart for him.
It happens fast for her, something she wasn’t accustomed to. But no man had been him, and she didn’t recall the last time she felt like this, with every muscle aching and reaching for pleasure from someone. She’d never been able to give over, to trust enough to let some in like she did him. The fact that she was sober and feeling like this was something she didn’t even think was possible. She wasn’t usually so submissive, but while he was looking into her eyes, kissing her lips, temples, nose, and forehead while he moved inside her she didn’t want to be anything else but taken care of by him. His body pushed against her just right, her legs wide let him rub against her clit and the spots most effective inside her. “Javi.” it comes out so desperate and he moans into her mouth as she tries to kiss through her rapidly quickening breaths. “It’s so good.” it was rushed out and ended with a squeak of a sound as she first tightened around him, he knew what that meant. “Just like...like that.” water wells in her eyes, feeling it build from the depth of her stomach, a wave builds up into her chest.
He pushed her hair out of her face, looked her over watching the painful pleasure fall over her flushed cheeks, her lips swollen from his kisses, sweat dampening her hairline and he concluded she’d never looked more beautiful than she did like this. “Fuck you feel even better,” he says against her temple, leaving a comforting kiss while she slowly let herself go. “I feel it Esme, let go for me, lemme feel you baby.”
Her fingers turn to claws in his hair and sink into the thick of it and the skin of his back as she gasps his name like a warning. He puts his nose to hers, nuzzling and reassuring and watching her burst into full bloom. There was no high-pitched showiness like ages ago. She knew what she wanted, asked for it, and got it. She knew her body and what felt good and how to make it work.
He got to watch her body move in waves, a subdued but not quiet cycle of moans and swears, her thighs trembling around him, feeling her squeeze and drip and make the deep muscles in his stomach jerk at the white burst inducing pleasure behind his eyelids. Javi loved sex, for so many reasons. But to have sex with someone he loved? It was quickly making the other experiences fade into the background to be forgotten and replaced by every second he spent inside Esme. The sound of her moaning his name like she desperately needed him fogged his mind, her sounds, the whimpers from deep breaths stayed steady and after a shared moment of the most intimate thing someone could share with their bodies, she forced his mouth back to hers, even hungrier than before.
Riding high, feeling her insides soaked and sensitive and each stroke still forcing a moan from her, she holds him close, a bit less submissive now with a clearer head. The kissing grows more heated, nails raking and teeth sinking into skin deeper. “I wanna ride you.” is all she states, and he obeys, pulling her up and situating her, a deep moan as she sinks back down on him, a string of expletives as she finds her footing. “Fuck you’re so deep like this.” her face is more playful, biting her lip and smiling down at him. She lets her hands explore his chest, moving to his neck before he takes her wrist to kiss her palm, his palm on her bouncing chest. He groans, her thumb slipping into his mouth as he gives her a bite and lick, “You’re too god damn handsome.” she grins and shudders from a growing wave. A slap, barely enough to call it that makes him grin as it hits his cheek. He pushes the thumb of his hand he had held hers with into her mouth. She greedily sucks at it, feeling his hips jerk beneath her. He moves it between her legs, targeting her clit and her hips stutter. He’d make her cum again soon and she was almost embarrassed at how easy it was for him to make her. Only she could roll them out like this, but he certainly was right about knowing how to handle a woman.
“You're already close again.” his upper lip almost snarled back as he said it, his prowess he prided himself in but knowing he was making her in particular feel good was cutting off his usual time quickly.
“Fuck you, Javi.” he laughs and slaps her hips, grabbing them and making her move faster.
“Go ahead and run that mouth. See how long you can keep it up while I’m making you cum.”
She gave in with a flutter of eyelids and a whimper as he braced his feet and pounded up into her. “Oh shit.” she cried, a hand on his chest to balance herself, the other absentmindedly on her breast, twisting at her nipple. The higher-pitched moans made their appearance, her mouth open, panting and paced with the slaps of his balls against her ass.
He holds her hip, making her move and she watches him pop his thumb into his mouth before zeroing right back in on her clit again. He feels her tighten back up again, her thighs starting to shake as she tries to push back in time onto him, taking him deeper, feeling him slide into the deepest spaces of her, filling her up, and feeling him up into her belly.
“It feels so fuckin’ good, don’t stop. Cum for me.”
He switches modes, she sees his brow lower, his nostrils flare, a sharp slap to her ass before gritting out “Then fuckin’ ride me, baby girl.”
Planting her hands on his chest, he braces her wrist, other thumb still pushing her over the edge with the way he was pounding into her. She bounces on him, watching his eyes shut from time to time, holding back as she drenched his cock and balls, the wet slap of skin loud in the otherwise quiet room. She moves her hips up and down, in circles, grinding down when he hits her just right, the sheen of sweat is now obvious on both their skin. They were both breathing hard, exertion and excitement weighing heavily on them as they tried to sync up.
“Fuck that’s it,” he grunts, head raising slightly to watch himself disappear in and out of her. “C’mon and give me that pussy. I feel it Esme, fuck, don’t make me wait for it.”
He had never been able to dirty talk when he was younger, perhaps that was why it had such a strong effect on her. Because she did exactly what he asked, and came hard on him again. It was borderline violent, a combination of inner and outer taking over her whole body as their angry expressions matched up, groaning out his name through her clenched jaw, keeping eye contact and making him watch, seeing the mess drip from her as she rose and fell on his cock.
“That its…” is all he gets out, no masculine power tripped words as he came shortly after she did. His hips thrust hard to each pulse of cum that he filled her with. A deep grunt followed each thrust, his brow low as he quickly moved up, sweeping her to him, splayed together still inside her as he kissed her. They came down together, breathing soon normal, mouths still intertwined and hands still exploring curiously. As he moves to kiss her neck, both hands warm on her back she sighs loudly.
“I missed you, Javi.” she whispers, soft from the exertion and orgasms and the way he warmed every part of her he touched. “So much.”
“I’m here now,” he answers with a flick of his nose to hers, scooping her up and rolling them to their sides. He gives her a soft kiss before pulling away, standing, and yanking the covers down. He gives a pat to her bare ass, a signal to move as he then covers her up. As predictable as he could be, he makes his way to the pack of cigarettes in the other room and she gets to warm up and watch his cute ass walk away. “You want one?” he asks, looking down the lit cherry at her, now getting under the comforter with her.
Instead, she reaches over him, grabs one from the pack, and lights it off his, still in his mouth.
“First time you did that I almost came in my jeans.” he grins, taking a drag. “Always thought it was one of the sexiest things you’d ever done.”
“I wanted to show off. Good to know it worked.” she smiles.
There’s silence for a moment as they bask in the quiet of the room, she angled against him and his arm over her shoulders. “Are you gonna stay?” his eyes swing her way, pushing back a wild curl in her face.
“Here tonight or… in general.”
“Both.” he shrugs casually.
“You want me to stay tonight?” an eyebrow raised at him, squinting as she smoked.
“First time for everything.” she’d never watched a girl stay after he called her up. She’d wondered how this would go down but she was continually pleasantly surprised. "No, I don't want you to leave." he states it as obviously as he felt it was.
“What happens when someone sees me leave tomorrow?”
“Who says I’m not leaving with you?” he gives a nod her way. “You said you wanted to leave, right?”
“Yeah.” she answers softly.
“I don’t say things I don’t mean, sweetheart.” his voice demanded respect she already had for him, but after the sex, she was happy to know he hadn’t changed his mind.
“I’ve got enough money. I just have to go back and get it. I’ve got visas and passports for both of us.”
“You work fast.”
“I had to.” she smiles, scooting in closer. “Couldn’t risk wasting time.” her voice is softer, she put her head on his chest. “Do you want to quit your job? Or do you just want to...dissppear?”
“No.” he takes a drag. “I’ll quit first. I don't want them trying to find me. Or you.” his arm swings in and rubs hers to comfort her. “I want to tell them to go fuck themselves anyway.” he grins, amused by the thought. “I can empty my account, well what little’s in it. Packing isn’t exactly a worry for me. Long as I’ve got you with me.”
“You’re a real Cassanova.” she kisses his chest and smiles into the warm fuzz.
“I mean it.”
“I know.” she nods and wraps her arm around him, letting the cigarette land in the ashtray by the bed. “It doesn’t feel real yet, is all.”
He nods, letting his cigarette join yours in the ceramic dust-filled pile. “I’m afraid I’ll wake up and I’ve been dreaming. Or in a coma from being shot.”
“No, it’s real.” she sighs and runs her hand over his healing side. “I’ve fantasized about running, and being with you has been such a pipe dream I can hardly believe you…”
“Love me still.”
“Never stopped. I couldn’t. You said you loved me, why’s it so hard to believe I love you too?”
“Because no one has since you.” the answer hurt his chest, he kisses her hair and pulls her into a firm embrace. “I didn’t think I deserved it.”
“Shhh.” he strokes her hair back and keeps his lips to her bare skin. “We're gonna get out, Esme. We’re going to leave this shit behind. Because we have to. We aren’t made for this like we thought. We aren’t like them.”
So that’s how he’d slept at night. Truthfully she’d entertained the denial on occasion too. He was a good man who did bad things. She thought of herself as a bad woman, but if the one person whose opinion she valued didn’t think so, she’d have to change her thinking on the matter. Maybe he was right. They just weren’t cut out for this, and instead of shame for failure, she felt relief for the first time in a long time. “Where do you want to go?” her voice sounded weaker, sleepier now.
“Far away.”
“How are you with cold?”
“What does that mean?” he huffs out a soft laugh.
“I thought someone cold might be nice. Somewhere in Europe. It’s beautiful there. A nice secluded cabin...maybe some dogs.”
“That the European version of a house and picket fence and two kids?” he chuckles. “It’s not what I originally wanted but…” he sighs, “It doesn’t sound bad.”
“What did you want?” she sounded different, he tilts her face up so he can see her eyes.
“What I said I did, sweetheart. You, a home in San Antonio, figured we’d have a couple of hell raisers. Get old and fat together. Spoil the grandkids.”
Her eyes flutter for a millisecond. “You really wanted that?”
“Why are you so surprised?”
“I didn’t know that’s really how you felt. Thought you were just falling in line with what was expected of you back then.”
“I was always sure about wanting you forever.”
The way she said it answered his question, that’s where the surprise was. “Yeah. You’d keep a kid walking a straight line.” he grins. “Put the fear of God in them.” a laugh builds and he kisses her softly. “Maybe I’m getting soft in my old age. A man gets to a certain age and he starts thinking about these things.”
“I don’t know if I can… have kids at my age.”
“You act like you’re 50 hun.” he dismisses her worry without his tone being condescending. “I’m not asking you for kids, Esme. I’m answering your question. I wanted all of you. The good and bad. Even then.” he touches her chin sweetly. “As long I’ve got you I’ll be a happy man. We have so much time to make up for. Don’t worry that beautiful head about it. We haven’t even gotten out the door yet.” he gives her a lingering, comforting kiss.
“I’m sorry for leaving you.”
“I know you are, baby.” he whispers back.
“I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” her eyes were honest, a sincerity he’d not seen from anyone in years.
“Then that’s our plan. Plain and simple.” he seals his promise with a kiss.
“We’ll figure out the rest in the morning?” her eyes looked hopeful again, face nuzzling into his hand that stroked her cheek.
“We’ll figure out the rest together in the morning.”
In the morning they figured it out. It went just as they planned. Plain and simple. Together.
@jaegeeeeer​ @likedovesinthewnd​ @inkededucatednnerdy​  @biharryjames @ladamari68​ @past-romantic​ @weliketomoveit @shikin83​ 
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chaotic-wanda · 4 years
Don’t Let Me Know
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Prompt: “Can I hug you?” “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” “Please?”
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: angsty angst, little bit of fluff, maybe on curse?
A/N: This is for @aesthetical-bucky​ 1K Writing Challenge! It’s also based off the song “Don’t Let Me Know” from SMASH which I’ve been rewatching a lot in quarantine. It’s not my best work but hey, practice is what makes you better 🤷🏻‍♀️A million thanks to @film-enthusiastt​ for reading over it for me, you’re the best! Constructive criticism is welcomed. Hope y’all enjoy! 
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Soft music played in the dimly lit bar as Y/N sipped on her whiskey. The burn of it sliding down her throat started to make her feel numb. She doesn’t know why she agreed to this, why she keeps agreeing to this. After all, Bucky was the one to break things off, claiming the spark had just died between them. So why did she meet him every time he came calling when something was wrong? Even now as she was waiting for him, he was a half hour late. Finishing her third drink of the night, she motioned for another to the bartender before checking her messages. Nothing. Y/N knows she can’t keep doing this, but holding onto him is all that she can do until she finally learns the hands around her throat, the reason for all this torture, are her own. 
Another hour passed and still with no sign of Bucky. She lets out a heavy sigh, admitting defeat before she asks for her check. The weight of her own self hatred drowning her along with the copious amount of drinks the night brought. Hatred for being so pathetic over someone who treated her so poorly. Quickly wiping at her eyes before anyone could notice, she grabbed her things to leave. She mumbled a quiet thanks before striding towards the door. 
Y/N shrugged on her jacket before she stepped out in the chilly air. As she started walking home, she pulled out her phone to call her best friend. She seemed to always know what to say in these situations. After tapping on Wanda’s name, she lifted the phone to her ear as it rang. Once. Twice. Three times.
It wasn’t until the fourth ring that she answered, “He stood you up again didn’t he?” It amazed Y/N how Wanda always seemed to know what was happening. She gnawed on her lower lip as she tried to think of a response without showing her true emotions about the night. Sighing into the phone, Wanda spoke again, “You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Y/N. I might not be able to see you right now but your silence speaks louder than anything else.”
Y/N laughed bitterly before responding, “Sadly my brain knows that, I just need to get my heart on board as well.” She kicked a rock along the sidewalk as she slowly made her way home. “I don’t know why I constantly continue to do this. It just hurts, but I don’t know how to let go, yanno?” She paused from walking for a moment to take a deep breath, “I wish he had done something unforgivable that way it would be easier to cut him off. But he was so nice about it and I guess I keep hoping the spark will reignite. Instead he just keeps hurting me and I keep letting him.”
Wanda’s heart broke for her friend but she didn’t know how else she could help. With encouraging words, she kept telling Y/N it would get better but it would just take time. Y/N agreed with a sigh before calling it a night and telling her friend goodbye. 
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Hours later after making it home and washing the dried tear stains off her cheeks, she had finally made it to the point of exhaustion. She slowly pushed herself off the couch and was getting ready to throw away the bottle of wine she consumed when there was a rush of knocks at her door. She stared at her door for a few moments as if unsure if someone was actually at her door or if it was her imagination. Another burst of knocks at her door brought her back to her senses as she made her way over. 
She opened the door, wine bottle still in hand, to see Bucky leaning against her door frame. “Doll, I’m sorry but I can explain.” Y/N rolled her eyes and if she could without making a huge mess, she would have thrown the wine bottle at him. Instead she just opened the door wider and gestured for him to come in. He pushed himself off the door frame and hesitated before striding through the door. 
She closed the door behind him before harshly speaking, “You better make it quick because I’m done wasting my time on you Barnes.” He flinched at the sound of his last name, knowing that she only used it when she was livid. 
He sat on the chair next to her couch and gestured for her to take a seat. She begrudgingly did as she was asked but sat on the opposite end so he couldn’t reach out to touch her. The unspoken tension between them was suffocating, neither one wanting to break the silence. 
Bucky finally gave in after a few minutes, gulping down a breath before stuttering out, “It was real shitty of me to leave you hanging at the bar. I ran into this girl from SHIELD and we got to talking and I just lost a track of time. I’m really sorry, I honestly didn’t mean to leave you waiting.”
Y/N laughed bitterly while crossing her arms over her chest, something she always did when upset as if it would protect her from falling apart in the moment. Bucky knew the nervous tick very well. He’d seen a lot of it towards the end of their relationship. 
“You can release the death grip. I promise you’ll stay in one piece,” he jokingly spoke, trying to lighten the mood. Instead, she seemed to go stiff and crossed her arms tighter. 
He’d hit a nerve and before he could apologize she replied softly, “I wish you didn’t know me so damn well.” Her eyes seemed to look at everywhere but him. 
Everything in him was screaming to reach out for her but he couldn’t seem to move his body. All he could do was look at her and wish that she could read his mind. “Y/N, I really am sorry. Please don’t let this one mistake ruin our friendship.”
She jerked her head in his direction at that comment, staring at him with a coldness he’d never felt from her before. “We’re not friends Bucky, we’re exes who can’t seem to let go of each other,” she hissed between her teeth. She felt her blood boiling, feeling the frustration of the night build up. “You didn’t want to be with me anymore and I was too stupid to walk away. But I don’t want to be your friend that you turn to anymore. I can’t do it anymore,” the hot tears were slowly streaming down her face now as she let all the pent up anger off her chest. 
Bucky frowned and moved to sit next to her on the couch, his only goal to comfort her. However, she jumped up before he could and pulled away. “You always keep me at arms length, you won’t pull me close, which is fine now that we’re not together, but you can’t let go either.” 
He could feel his insides twisting, afraid of what would come out of her mouth next. “What are you saying, Y/N?” he stammered out. 
She looked at him with a heavy sadness, knowing what she had to do. “I’m saying that I’m done Bucky. I’m letting you go so that we can both move on.”
He quickly jumped out of his seat and rushed towards her. He grabbed her hands while desperately trying to change her mind, “You can’t do that. We work in the same building and we have the same friends. You can’t just not talk to me. And despite all that, you’re one of my best friends. Who am I supposed to go to when I’m having trouble?”
Looking down she shook her head as the tears kept coming, “I’m sorry, but I can’t be that for you anymore. I have to do what’s best for me at this point. I wish I never met you, cause now I gotta forget what life is like without you again” She slowly pulled her hands out of his and took a step back. “I think you should go. . . please.”
Bucky could feel his own tears fighting to make their way to the surface. “Can I at least hug you, one last time?” he choked out. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” she responded before gnawing on her lip. She knew she’d fall apart if she was in his arms.
“Please?” he asked with desperation in his voice as he tried to keep the sobs at bay. 
Y/N seemed to really look at him for the first time since he had arrived that night, having an internal fight over the situation. She let out a huff before lightly nodding. Bucky took a step closer and enveloped her into his arms, clinging onto her as if she was his lifeline. They both knew this was goodbye.
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It had been a month or so since she had decided to cut Bucky out from her life. She wouldn’t lie and say it had been easy. In fact, it was really hard. She found herself constantly wanting to send him a text when she saw a funny meme or to call him whenever she had a bad day. But, she did feel more free, as if she wasn’t holding onto him desperately. She knew it would take time but it was time she was willing to take the time she needed. 
Y/N had really thrown herself into work and into her platonic relationships. She knew she’d been a crappy friend to Wanda and Natasha in the past months but was working on making it up to them. The start was having weekly girls night on Thursdays. It was her turn to host and she rushed around to finish getting ready when she heard a knock at the door. 
Confused, she made her way over. It was at least a few hours before the girls were supposed to show up. She was floored by who was on the other side. The time hadn’t been kind to Bucky. His hair was disheveled, the bags under his eyes reached a new level of dark, and he looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. She hadn’t seen him in this state since she first met him.
“Buck, what are you doing here?” she whispered out. Part of her wanted to pull him in and hold him tight but the other part of her was terrified that everything she had worked on would crumble if she did. 
He let out the best smile he could muster that didn’t quite reach his eyes, “I’m sorry. I know you don’t want to see me but I had to see you. I felt like I was going crazy.” He hesitated before looking back up at her, “Can I come in?”
She lightly nodded and stood to the side while he made his way inside. The deja vu of it all hit them both in full force. “I was just about to make some tea. Would you like some?” He nodded hoping the time it would take for her to make it would help calm his nerves and figure out exactly what to say. She came back a few minutes later and motioned for him to sit on the couch before handing him his mug. He smiled softly noticing it was his favorite mug of hers that he used whenever he came over. He rubbed his thumb over the chipped paint getting lost in the memories. Y/N slowly sat by him with her own mug in hand, tucking her feet under herself. “Are you ok Bucky? You don’t look so good,” she asked, the worry evident in her voice. 
He turned his head towards her before laying it back on the couch. He watched her for a few moments before finally answering, “I just miss you so much and I know I don’t have the right to, but I feel like a piece of me is missing. I just feel scared now that you’re not here.” He looked down, playing with the tea bag as he dunked it further into the water. 
She felt her chest tighten at his words. If he’d said this to her a month or so ago, she would have dropped everything for him. She so desperately wanted to be there for him but she knew she wasn’t at the place where she could support him and take care of herself yet. In a moment of weakness, she took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “I’m so sorry you feel this way and I wish I could make it better, I truly do.” He flinched knowing there was a but coming. She took a deep breath and exhaled before continuing, “But I can’t open up my heart to you again. It’s still trying to heal from the first time you shattered it. And that’s my fault because I let you keep doing it which shattered it more.”
 He squeezed her hand in an attempt to keep her close. Bucky still couldn’t bring himself to look at her as he mumbled out the next words, “I fucked up and I should have never let you go. I realize that now and I want to give us another shot if you do.” He slowly dragged his hope filled eyes to meet hers as if trying to read her thoughts. 
She gnawed on her lips and closed her eyes, trying to fight the tears back. Her actions spoke volumes to Bucky and he slowly let go of her hand. Moving to get up, the words rushed out of his mouth, “I shouldn’t have come here and dump this on you.”
Before he could run out, she jumped up, catching his arm, “Bucky, wait!” He turned to look at her, the pain clear on his face. “I want to be able to give you what you want, but it’s so hard. I’m not sure how to trust you with my heart now. If I had known there was a chance you could fall again, I would have told you to not let me know.”
He slowly moved his hand to cup her face and slowly pulled her closer, explaining “I’ve tried and I’ve failed to stop loving you for months now.” He drew her into his embrace and she slowly wrapped her arms around him. Neither of them are sure how long they were in that position, but both knew they didn’t want to let go. 
Her phone started to ring and Y/N grumbled as she begrudgingly separated herself from him. She sighed as she read the messages letting her know the girls were on the way, wanting to stay in this moment. Still, she knew if her and Bucky were ever going to stand a chance in the future, changes would need to be made and she didn’t want to backtrack on all the work she had done. 
Looking up at him, she gave Bucky a soft smile, “I really want nothing more than to stay in this bubble with you.” His smile grew at that before she kept going. “But it’s girls night and I’m hosting so we will have to resume this later. I won’t cancel on Natasha and Wanda.”
He nodded in understanding, “Maybe we could go for coffee or I could take you out for lunch tomorrow?” 
Her smile grew into a grin that stretched across her face, “Only if it’s that bistro I love. I haven’t been in so long. It reminded me too much of you.” He let out a laugh before agreeing. Y/N bit her lip and looked down as she played with her fingers, the nerves setting in. “If we do this, there has to be a lot of changes. I refuse to lose myself again.”
He hooked his finger under her chin, bringing her gaze to meet his, “I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy, I swear.” He placed a quick kiss on her forehead and she looked at him with such delight. Even though there was still a lot of work to be done, they both had a feeling of hope for the first time in a long time. And sometimes hope is all you can ask for.
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capevans3000 · 4 years
Love triangle
Summary: You and Chris had always have feelings for each other, but were too afraid to let each other know. That was until Sebastian came along and a love triangle was quickly formed.
Featuring: Chris x Reader x Sebastian Stan
Warning: Maybe some mild form of angst. Other than that mostly just fluff.
Note: I just had this idea a couple of days ago and decided to put it in writing before laziness got the better of me. It’ll be a few parts series, with a possible short sequel if there’s a demand for it. Anyway, hope you’re keeping safe during this period! Do pardon any grammar error in my writing and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. Comments are super welcomed! <3
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Photo not mine!
Part 1 (more of a brief background in this part. More action coming in the second part so please bear with me and I hope you’d hang around!) :
Although you’d just met Chris a few months ago during a chance encounter at the airport, you felt like you had known him for years. Chris was super easy to get along and his cheekiness totally matched yours. The both of you were like tea leaves and water, instant chemistry when mixed together. Though you were, well, considered an ordinary person next to Chris, the big time celebrity who brought the role of Captain America, amongst many others, alive, the two of you gelled well.
Despite the initial fear of getting chased down the streets by nosy paparazzi, you were quick to adapt as you found yourself yearning to spend more time with Chris, and letting this part of your private life be a sacrifice was worth it. Chris was protective of you, as he shielded you quite a few times from the clicking of cameras. “Could be worse,” he said one time when you were out on a dead-of-the-night grocery run with him and he felt someone trying to sneak a picture of the both of you. With a swift motion, he’d pulled you into an empty aisle and gestured to you to act normal. You took his hint and took a box of cereal from the shelf and pretended to read its contents, while Chris quickly moved to yet another aisle to evade the camera. From the corner of your eye, you saw the man’s confused look as he was sure he’d just seen the two of you together. When he felt there was nothing worth taking photos of, he’d finally left.
It wasn’t that Chris was afraid or ashamed to be seen with you in public. Given anything, he would want to show you off. But Chris did not want to burden you with the weight of being in the public eye. He knew you valued your privacy and he wanted to protected that as much as he could. Nevertheless, the more time Chris had spent with you, the more he had fallen for your wit and humour, and honestly everything about you. For the past few weeks, he had grappled with the thought of asking you to be his official girlfriend, but he did not know if that would be the right call because that would mean putting you in the spotlight, and breaking his own promise to protect that part of your life for you. Little did he know, you were all too willing to give up your privacy for him, if that was what it took.
While on one hand you did not know that Chris had fallen absolutely head over heels in love with you, you felt like he was every love song in the world for you. You had too, fallen so deeply in love with him that there was no turning back. But, there was something that held you back. You were much younger than him, and you were, kind of drifting a little in terms of your career. You had no job, and living out of your savings. Granted, you had decided to take a year-long sabbatical on purpose to focus on yourself and that had happened before you even met Chris, you couldn’t help but felt like you couldn’t match up to his success and you weren’t a suitable match for him in the eyes of his fans.
Despite being smart, beautiful inside and out, you were too harsh on yourself sometimes, a weakness you’d been working on improving. You were thankful though, because Chris had never let a chance go by without telling you that he don’t care if you had a job, what was important was that you were happy and taking care of your physical and mental health. He, of all people, knew too well the effects of anxiety (something you had admitted to him you had), and when he found out you’d quit your job to focus on your mental health, he was more than supportive. Still, that stubborn part of your brain still let this little detail of yours hold you back from telling Chris you had feelings for him.
 One night, while you sat on your sofa reading your book, you heard Chris called your name from the kitchen. Before the quarantine orders were set, Chris had invited you to his house to stay with him. Having no proper shelter to stay during the quarantine period, you took up his offer gratefully. It was awesome being in quarantine with Chris because you got to see him every day in his “natural habitat”. It was interesting to see some of his living habits that you seldom see on the internet, and to your delight, you got to spend a lot of time with him because he was mostly working from home. Your presence in his house was kept hushed from the public view, it was as though he was quarantined alone.
 “Yeah?” You called back, absentmindedly stroking Dodger’s ears. Dodger was quietly snoozing, his warmth radiated on your crossed lap.
 “Sebastian is in town and he has asked us out for dinner tomorrow.”
 “Sounds great!” You answered, looking up from your book to Chris who had just plopped down next to you on the sofa.
 “Yeah? How about we invite him over here for dinner? We can cook him something, and maybe a game or two of Mario Kart after that?” Chris suggested.
 You had never met Sebastian Stan in real life before that night, but you knew who he was and you were excited to meet him.
“Okay, first of all, you want to cook him something, Mr. Chris? You can hardly cook. And second of all, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned to you before, but I am kind of a Mario Kart champ so be ready to lose.” You teased him.
Chris laughed his signature laugh and smacked you playfully on your arm. “Okay, first of all,” he mimicked you, “I am… quite a good cook, as long as he doesn’t mind having his dinner burnt. And second of all, the loser of Mario Kart has to wash the dishes so be prepared to get your hands wet tomorrow.” Chris said and stuck out his tongue at you.
“We’ll see, we’ll see.” You laughed.
The next evening you were helping Chris out in his kitchen preparing dinner for Sebastian. You enjoyed cooking with Chris. He was a lot like you, he liked to keep his kitchen clean and neat even while he was cooking. You too hated mess in the kitchen so the both of you worked well together. You weren’t much of a cook yourself, but this quarantine period had forced you and Chris to learn a few simple dishes to cook.
When 6pm rolled around, you went to the washroom to wash up and wash away the smell of cooking from your hair and clothes. When you emerged from the washroom, all fresh and nice, you heard another voice in the dining room. You quickly dried your hair with a hair dryer and went out to meet Sebastian.
“There you are!” Chris said as you walked in. “Sebastian, meet Y/N. Y/N, meet Sebastian.”
Go to Part 2
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tvdstelenaforever · 4 years
Till UnDead Do Us Part
TVD Kai Parker imagine | Who is She? Part 3
Theme: Fluff, smut, death, car accident, torture (18+)
Other: Y/N pronoun is she/her and is a human, then newly turned vampire
Plot: Kai and Y/N fall into some danger in New Orleans which test their relationship and finally come to realise what they truly want.
Word Count: 7.8k
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this third and final installment. I really enjoyed writing this mini fanfic series. If you have any requests, then send them over! :)
Klaus was livid. He didn’t know how Bonnie could mistakenly send Y/N to a prison world. Y/N had forgiven Bonnie as she knew it was an accident but Klaus not so much.
“Klaus, she said she was sorry. It’s not a big deal, I’m fine and I’m out now” Y/N exclaimed. Elijah could sense Klaus getting agitated so he tried to diffuse the potential angry outburst. “Niklaus, Y/N is safe now. She’s living with us so she’ll be in safe hands again” It seemed to work until Klaus caught sight of Y/N and Kai in a hug.
“I thought it was understood that you two would stay away from each other. I don’t want you to get Y/N into any danger” Klaus said in Kai’s face. This angered Y/N who was about to rip one into Klaus.
“I don’t understand why all of you can date whoever you want without being told not to. I’m sick of people being horrible to Kai. I’m in love with him and none of you are going to stop us being together”. Suddenly Klaus could see it clear as day. He recognized that aura and took a step back.
With gritted teeth, Klaus allowed them to stay together. He wasn’t sure it was a good idea but he could now tell that they were indeed serious about their love. Kai was stoic, not showing his true feelings but it was just to guard his emotions. The thought of being away from Y/N made his heart ache.
“Fine, but that means he’s going to have to move to New Orleans as I’m not letting you back in Mystic Falls. I’ll be keeping an eye on you miss”. Y/N turned to Kai, pleading with her eyes. Luckily he didn’t need any convincing. 
“I’ll be glad to leave this hellhole” Kai retorted sarcastically. The idea of living somewhere else was quite thrilling to him, especially as he wouldn’t be known and judged. However, knowing the Mikaelson family there'd be a lot of drama.
It turned out that when both Y/N and Kai were in the prison world, Stefan had to make the dreaded call to Klaus. They all spent hours upon hours trying to figure out how to bring Y/N back so Bonnie was worked to the bone researching through grimoirs and contacting other witches. On the Mikaelson’s side, Rebekah contacted the witches in the Quarter to help alleviate Bonnie’s workload. 
Finally there was hope when Bonnie found a passage in one of her Gram’s grimoirs. Rebekah gave it the once over and was impressed to see such an intricate and rare artifact. One of Rebekah’s contacts looked over the spell and confirmed that it was the right one. 
It was time to leave so Y/N said her goodbyes to the Mystic Falls gang and left hand in hand with Kai, followed by her family. The trip back to New Orleans started off awkwardly and continued being quiet. It was going to take a few days to get back, so hopefully no arguments would ensue. Y/N kept glancing over at Kai for reassurance but he kept his gaze ahead. Probably lost in his own thoughts. She squeezed his hand and leaned into him.
Kai was just trying to keep to himself to avoid any conflict, he didn’t want an argument to start. Normally he would be his witty carefree self but for Y/N’s sake he’d be good. He just wanted to be curled up with her by a fireplace, just mindlessly relaxing. Kai’s aimless thoughts suddenly made their way to his and Y/N’s night of passion. She made him feel seen and heard, but especially loved. It was a feeling he never had before and it was out of this world.
He never expected to fall in love, especially with someone who reciprocated those feelings. Kai glanced over at Y/N, a single tear falling from his cheek. Through the rear view mirror, Elijah witnessed the emotional moment. In that instance Elijah felt compassion for the young heretic. Before, he noticed the reckless behaviour and sharp tongue. Sure he was still like that but to less of an extent. It was certainly an improvement, a hugely welcomed one at that. What truly mattered to Elijah though was Y/N’s happiness.
A few more hours passed and Y/N fell asleep whilst everyone else just kept silent. Kai didn’t mind, he was just staring out the window. Elijah was busy concentrating on the road ahead, so Klaus and Rebekah eventually starting chatting idly together. It wasn’t long before Y/N awoke from an aching shoulder. She rubbed it, letting out a slight sigh.
Y/N felt strong hands massaging her right shoulder, the pressure being just right. She closed her eyes, trying to relax. It was so effective that Y/N nearly fell asleep again. However, before she could there was a sudden scream from Rebekah. “Elijah, watch out!” Kai only realised the seriousness of the situation a little too late. He was quick enough to react though as he shielded Y/N from the sudden impact. 
A bright light shone through the entirety of the car, illuminating everyone’s shocked expressions before the car was severely pounded into by the four thousand kilogram truck going the wrong way. The car flipped over several times before finally coming to a halt in the middle of the highway. Everyone would have scratches and bruises only to heal immediately, whereas Y/N’s fragile state was apparent. 
In the silence of the aftermath, Y/N could hear ringing in her ears and feel her pulse throbbing heavily. She was bleeding from her scalp, blood dripping down her forehead. She was still in Kai’s embrace, her breath hitching. She was slowly loosing consciousness but not completely. Kai knew what he had to do, it was the only way to make sure he wouldn’t loose her. 
He dug into his wrist with his fangs, drawing blood. With one swift motion he made Y/N drink from it. At first she objected but with enough force from Kai she gave in. Once she took enough Kai pulled his arm away. Everyone was still trapped due to the car being on it’s side. The smashed windows left debris scattered across the road, the sight quite shocking to witness. Luckily for the vampires nobody was actually around due to it being past midnight midweek. The truck that collided with them wasn’t in view as it had continued to skid down the highway and consequently falling into a ravine. 
Kai used his powers to allow them all to make their way out of the car unscathed. Unfortunately Y/N had gotten a concussion due to the impact, regardless of Kai’s protective embrace but it was worse than it seemed. It was more than likely she was suffering from a brain hemorrhage.
They now found themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere, half way to New Orleans. Y/N was laying on the ground in Kai’s arms, slowly falling into unconsciousness. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah were standing around them, worried about Y/N’s life. “We need to give her our blood before she...” Rebekah trailed off, not wanting to admit the possible outcome. “She’ll be fine” Kai replied sternly, wanting to be left in peace with Y/N. 
“How can you be so calm?” Rebekah shouted back, who was getting visibly riled up. Blue and purple veins appeared from under her eyes. Before the situation could escalate even further, Klaus interjected. “Enough! Let me give her my blood, move out Kai” As he made his way to Y/N, Kai used his powers to make both him and Y/N disappear. The trio were left in bewilderment which was then followed by anger. “Typical Kai!” Klaus spat. Elijah tried to reason with his siblings. 
“Niklaus, Rebekah, we can’t act in haste. I’m sure Kai is handling it. If not, then he will meet his demise when we catch up to him” he reassured calmly. If it weren’t for Elijah, Klaus would be on a manhunt. Not a quiet one at that. The three of them decided to leave the scene and find their way back to their home through any means possible. 
Kai used his invisibility powers to hide them from the others. He had obviously overheard them speaking about getting revenge on him if Y/N died. Luckily for him that wouldn’t be an issue. However, as quick as he was listening to Y/N’s siblings go mad, she was slipping away under him. Kai heard her breath slow and he checked her pulse, squeezing her wrist. “Hey, Y/N?” he asked as he nudged her. No response. “Come on, wake up princess” Kai pleaded as he hugged her tightly. 
Kai was sitting down in the same place an hour later, still waiting for his love to wake up. He knew she’d make it, he gave her enough of his blood. She was officially dead so if it didn’t work Kai would go on an angry rampage. Before he could become riled up, he felt Y/N shift in his lap. Suddenly he heard a loud gasp emanate from Y/N as she awoke.
Y/N checked her surroundings, clearly confused. “Where am I? Kai?” she asked absentmindedly. Kai sighed in relief and brought Y/N in for a soft kiss. After pulling away, Y/N needed some answers. “Why does my head hurt? Wait, didn’t we, were’t we in a...” she trailed off as she started remembering the past chain of events. With wide eyes Y/N stood up and ran her left hand through her hair. When she inspected her hand she saw some blood and caught eyes with Kai. It immediately dawned on her what was happening. 
First it was the crash, followed by drinking Kai’s blood, then she felt herself fall out of consciousness. The time between then and awakening from her slumber was actually her being dead to becoming part of the undead. She shook her head, not wanting this to be real. “Hey, babe, it’s okay. I’m here for you sweetheart. I’ll help you get through this. I know it seems hard to wrap your mind around but it’ll soon be okay” he reassured. Kai knew that they had to get her to human blood before she died for good. 
“But, I don’t want to be a vampire” Y/N said sadly. Those words made Kai feel a little defeated. He saw this as their opportunity to be together forever. “Where’s Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah? Are they okay? Surely they’re okay!” Y/N asked impatiently. “Yes, they’re fine” he replied coolly, not caring about them.
“Then where are they?” Y/N said with her hands on her hips. Kai knew right then that he had to be careful what he said, he didn’t want her to retaliate against him. “They left for New Orleans after I made us invisible to them. I wanted us to be in peace before you awoke. They offered to give you their blood to save you, but I had already beaten them to it. I got annoyed because I said you’d be fine and they got mad at me for it”. The declaration was very Kai of him, Y/N thought. 
She thought better than to shout at him because she knew he meant well. She appreciated the gesture but would have loved to see her siblings as she awoke. She sighed loudly before grabbing Kai’s hand to pull him in for a hug. She needed his touch, shivering from the cold. Kai let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he relaxed into the embrace.
As they pulled away from each other, Kai and Y/N started trekking along the highway, hoping to catch a ride. Not long into their walk, a dark grey saloon car slowed to a halt near them. The window slid down slowly, revealing a young man in his twenties in the driver’s side. Next to him sat a young lady who wasn’t recognizable in the dim light.
“We really need a ride, our car broke down and got towed” Kai said with a smile. The driver and his passenger agreed so Kai opened the door for Y/N to slide in. He then closed the door behind him. He took Y/N into his arms to keep her warm since she was still shivering. 
The journey started off quietly as the driver didn’t really engage in conversation. He only asked where the two of them were headed and agreed to take them all the way there. Y/N was starting to get worse as her body started shaking. Kai’s facial expression changed in an instant, becoming worried for Y/N. “We need to get you some human blood asap!” he whispered in her ear. Y/N hesitated before nodding in response. 
They were finally nearing New Orleans after a couple of hours, Y/N still shivering but thankfully not becoming critical. She looked Kai in the eyes, silently letting him know that she needed blood. “How long will we be until we get there?” Kai asked the driver, hoping the answer was good. “In twenty” he said matter of fact. That was good, Kai thought. “We need to get dropped off at the hospital instead” he demanded. A nod was given in response through the rear view mirror. 
Finally the hospital was in sight. They couldn’t wait any longer so Kai got the car to pull over. Kai lifted Y/N into his arms, running vampire speed to the hospital doors. She sat outside whilst she waited for Kai to get her a blood bag. When he reappeared, he ripped it open and handed it to her. At first she chocked on the blood but soon got accustomed to the metallic taste. The feeling of it trickling down her throat suddenly felt good as she squeezed the bag in a firm grip in her fist.
Y/N let the bag drop from her hand and licked her lips to get rid of the excess blood staining her mouth. Kai was eagerly awaiting her response. “So, was it good?” Instead of giving a positive reply Y/N bowed down her head, feeling ashamed. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Kai asked worriedly, wrapping his arms around her. “I don’t want to be a vampire! This wasn’t meant to happen. I can’t Kai, I just cant!” Y/N blurted out, tears prickling her eyes.
“I don’t know what to tell you sweetheart. It’ll get better though, I promise. I’m here for you, I always will be my love” he tried to reassure. “I understand why you turned me, but I wish you asked me before forcing me to drink your blood. What if I was happy to die as a human? I love you, I do, but I wish I had the option” Y/N cried. “Just take me home”.
Kai was stunned at hearing Y/N’s true feelings. He assumed she was just hurting but deep down he felt as if she really meant it and not just due to the immediate shock. Without saying a word to each other, the pair headed off in the direction of the Abattoir. 
Y/N stood before her home, hesitating to enter. She really wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone, let alone her family. She just needed to be left in peace. Tears were threatening to fall but she forced them away. With a small intake of breath, she pushed open the door and marched through not waiting for Kai.
Y/N’s eyes made contact with the entrance gates, spotting Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah at the far end of the living room gathered by the coral sofa looking in the opposite direction. She took a moment to collect her thoughts before storming in, keeping her eyes on the right hand staircase. 
Upon hearing the gate clatter, Klaus spun around to see the potential intruder. His eyes widened at the sight of Y/N. He was so relieved to see her but at the same time was anxious to hear what had happened with her. Elijah and Rebekah’s eyes followed suit. Rebekah stood up from her seat, ready to pull Y/N into a much needed embrace. She couldn’t believe her eyes. However, Y/N ignored them as she marched all the way to the bottom of the right staircase. Before Klaus could say a word, Y/N beat him to it. “Don’t talk to me” she yelled as her feet clomped against the steps, walking in the direction of her bedroom.
The three siblings exchanged a look, brows furrowed in confusion. Before they could discuss the matter, Kai walked through nonchalantly. “Where did she go?” he called after Y/N. Elijah gave his siblings a confirmation look, in reference to his previous statement about not needing to get revenge on Kai for Y/N’s life if she survived. 
“Look who’s decided to crash the party” Rebekah snapped sarcastically, more to herself than anyone else. All of them followed Y/N, running vampire speed to the main upstairs hallway. Y/N flung open her bedroom door, not looking behind her as she walked through. With one swift motion of her hand she slammed the door shut. With wide eyes, Kai and the Mikaelson’s exchanged a confused expression. Was this what it really looked like? They all thought to themselves.
“What the hell...” Kai whispered to himself. As he took a step forward, Klaus grabbed him by the collar. “Where do you think you’re going?” Kai didn’t like being manhandled so he shook himself free and punched Klaus in the face. Klaus’s face filled with rage but Elijah quickly held him back. “Niklaus, calm down. Let him go to her”
He was still shaking but obliged. Klaus huffed off, with Rebekah in tow. “Kai, thank you” Elijah whispered to the heretic before joining his siblings. Kai was glad he had someone on his side outside of Y/N. On the other side of the door, Y/N was slouched on the floor by the window, leaning against her bed. The door creaked open slowly and shut quietly. She didn’t know who it was but she sighed in exasperation.
Kai spots Y/N sitting with her arms wrapped around her bent knees rocking back and forth, sobbing. Without hesitation he goes to sit down next to her, opening his arms for her. Y/N doesn’t budge, unwilling to face the world. They sit together like this for a while, not wanting to move. Eventually Y/N breaks away from Kai’s arms to look at his face. 
“What am I?” Y/N breaks the silence. This took Kai aback but he had to face the reality. To him it seemed obvious, she must be a witch vampire hybrid like himself. But this theory was to be tested. He couldn’t be sure. Maybe it wasn’t Y/N but just the wind. The fact that she questioned it must have been her. Kai’s head was starting to spin. He needed to feed. 
“We need to sustain ourselves” Kai blurted, pulling Y/N’s hand as he dragged her out the room. He was feeling rather peckish and knew Y/N had to feed as well. “What? Where are we going?” Y/N asked, perplexed. Ignoring her, Kai continued walking. They managed to walk out of the Abattoir without being noticed and blended into the crowd. 
It was a busy afternoon with the bustling street parties and bands playing jovial jazz music. Kai found the perfect alleyway to catch their pray. Nobody was walking through and Kai was getting fidgety. Randomly, he grabbed Y/N’s face and kissed her roughly. Y/N pulled away, confused and angry. “What is wrong with you Kai? Stop trying to be reckless”. Instead of replying, Kai turned to face the person who’s footsteps he could hear walking down the cobble street. In vampire speed, he grabbed their neck and dove in. Fangs ripping into flesh and blood cascading down his throat, Kai let out a moan. 
Y/N looked on in horror, not recognizing her love. Kai spun around and flashed a blood stained grin in her direction, motioning for her to come over. Y/N didn’t like seeing this side of him at all. When she wouldn’t budge, Kai huffed and used his magic to will her over. “Ugh, Kai!” Y/N yelled. Without hesitation Kai leaned in for another rough kiss. This time, Y/N relaxed into it. The taste of this human’s blood on her tongue made her feel fuzzy. 
The blood craze was making her not see sense and so Y/N went to sink her own teeth into the poor human’s exposed neck. Seeing Y/N like this lit up Kai’s whole demeanor. He was finally seeing her accepting this part of herself. Unknowingly this was going to be the catalyst for Y/N’s heretic acceptance. 
He grinned as she gave him a devilish smirk. When Y/N was satisfied from her feed she dropped the body which landed with a thud on the cold concrete. After discarding the body, the two of them decided to go back home.
Upon entering, the three siblings plus Kol were all gathered in the main hall in deep conversation. Y/N screeched with happiness when she laid eyes upon her beloved brother. They all turned to the sound of her voice. Kol’s eyes lit up when he saw her. She ran into his open arms, beaming happily. 
“You’ve perked up” Elijah smiled. “I feel so much better. All I needed was some sustenance” Y/N replied, exchanging a knowing smile with Kai. “We really need to address the elephant in the room” Klaus stated, staring at Y/N. For a split second Kai thought it was going to be about him, but was eager to get this conversation delved into. They all needed to know what Y/N was, especially for her sake and safety. 
Y/N shifted on her feet, feeling uncomfortable at the sudden spotlight moment. “Kai, you’re a heretic. You should know if she’s like you” Kol interjected. “But, how could I be a heretic? I was never a witch” Y/N offered. The sudden realisation hit everyone, Y/N was likely a witch before she died. Nobody, not even Y/N knew about her old life. 
“We need to take her to the witches” Klaus knew that it was the best way to figure this out. Klaus and Y/N left for the cemetery with Rebekah and Kai tagging along. When they arrived at the gates a large gust of wind brewed, making the girl’s hair swish in the air. It was as if the witches were expecting them. Following their way through the maze-like layout of tombstones, the group hurried along. They wanted to leave as soon as possible. The witches didn’t like vampires hanging around there, especially the Mikaelson’s.
Arriving at the covered grave where the witch ancestors were located, Klaus coughed to get any witches attention, living or dead. Sometimes the live witches would be here attending to their own business. A young woman with long luscious mahogany hair walked out and greeted them with a cold smile. She seemed to know the Mikaelson’s very well but wasn’t too pleased about their acquaintance. 
“Sophie, a pleasure” Elijah said as he took the woman’s hand in his to plop down a kiss. Kai had no idea who she was and didn’t care. He needed answers. Likewise, Sophie didn’t recognize the young man with jet black hair and deep blue eyes. “Oh, this is Kai Parker. Kai, this is Sophie Deveraux” Elijah introduced the pair to each other.
Something seemed to register in Sophie’s mind as the name rang a bell. “Parker, huh? The name is familiar but I can’t place it unfortunately. Or maybe fortunately, I don’t know” she smirked. Kai wanted to sucker punch the woman but at the same time thought she was funny. He rushed the thought away, not wanting to become distracted at the task at hand.
“We’re here because we have a situation regarding our honorable sister Y/N” Klaus started. “She just recently turned vampire but we witnessed a magic outburst. She flung her hand and slammed the door shut with such force it was most definitely magic. We don’t know if she was a witch before she died” Klaus finished. 
Sophie pondered the question, taking time to digest the information. After a minute in thought Sophie grabbed Y/N’s temples and squeezed tightly. All of a sudden Y/N burst out into a banshee like scream at the intensity of the pain. She let go of her head and went back into the temple grave. When she returned she had some really vital information.
“I’ve consulted with my ancestors and we can confirm that she was indeed a witch before she died” as the news processed in Y/N’s mind, her eyes widened. She shook her head. Kai grabbed her hand and squeezed. Sophie continued “What’s really surprising is which family she belongs to”. Klaus’s ears perked at the sudden revelation. “Do go on” he demanded. 
“Are you acquainted with the Bennett witches?” Sophie asked. The air seemed to feel thicker as everyone was shocked into silence. “In order for Y/N to be a heretic she would have needed the blood of one” Sophie relayed. Everyone but Sophie turned to Kai. Sophie raised her eyebrows. “Y/N’s a heretic because of Kai since she drank his blood to save her from dying in that car crash” Rebekah told Sophie.
“That would be the reason she’s a hybrid. That’s a powerful creature to be, she needs to watch her back” Turning to Y/N, Sophie directed this at her. “You’ll have a target on your back like Klaus when people find out, be wise who you surround yourself with”. The ominous message sent shivers down Y/N’s spine. That annoyed Kai and he yanked Y/N’s hand to escape this dark place.
“Great! We left Mystic Falls to move to a more dangerous city. This is just perfect Y/N!” he sighed angrily. “Don’t you want to talk about what I am?” Y/N replied shyly. They stopped in their tracks and Kai looked at Y/N properly. A tear fell down his cheek as he finally digested the question. “I’m sorry if you hate me even more because of this but I had to do what I needed to in order to save your life. You’re everything to me and if that means you want to leave me because of this, then by all means...” Y/N shut him up with a tender kiss.
“I’m more shocked to know I’m related to Bonnie” Y/N laughed against Kai’s lips. He scoffed lightheartedly, laughing afterwards. “I’m sure she’d be thrilled” he replied. The pair decided to go back to the Abattoir to get some much needed rest.
Soon word was spreading across the city among the supernatural of the existence of a new vampire witch hybrid with as much power as Klaus Mikaelson, maybe if not more. Most people were keen on staying as far away from the heretic as possible to avoid danger or death. However, one individual in particular had a plan he needed to execute. 
The power he’d have with such a being was priceless. First he had to find a way to steal the young heretic from the prying eyes of the Mikaelson’s. After long hours of plotting, the young man had the perfect idea. He would implement it the following morning.
Light jazz music was playing in the street and Y/N smiled at Kai in their bed. “Morning Princess” he cooed. She kissed his cheek before getting up and finding some black jeans and a black peplum top. She then chucked on some black laced boots. “Damn, you look hot” Kai smirked. Y/N laughed joyously. He loved her laugh, it was infectious.
“Let’s go outside and join the party” Y/N winked. Kai just couldn’t resist so they left hand in hand. Once they reached the street they made their way through the bustling crowd. For an instant they let go of each others hand which was a massive mistake. Y/N tried finding Kai in the sea of people but failed. 
On the left hand side of the street, the hunter followed Y/N’s movements. He had his target in sight. Perfect, he thought. He inserted himself in the crowd as he kept tabs on Y/N. As she stepped aside into a small alleyway, his eyes lit up. How easy was she making this for him? He laughed to himself. As he made his way into the alleyway, Y/N wasn’t facing him. Using his right arm to grab Y/N from behind and using his left hand to inject her with some sleeping agent, she fell limp in the strangers arms. 
Y/N groaned as she regained consciousness. She tried to move her hands but was stuck. Looking down she saw that she was tied with duct tape to this uncomfortable wooden chair. She didn’t even know how she got here in this dark and dingy empty warehouse. It smelt damp and pungent. Y/N tried to understand her bearings. She had never been here before, she could be far out of the city for all she knew. 
A clatter erupted from somewhere close by which caught Y/N’s attention. She could hear so well with her newly acquired powers and it was a little overwhelming. She wasn’t used to it yet. Finally a shadowy figure came into view from Y/N’s left. Only when the person came into close proximity that Y/N could take in his appearance. 
The youthful captor had dark red hair, emerald green eyes and was wearing a navy blue leather jacket with a black shirt and slacks. For shoes he wore some black Oxford’s. His features were almost clown like and he was smirking smugly. Y/N felt an unsettling feeling in her stomach, something felt very ominous about this man. 
“What am I doing here? Who are you and what do you want?” Y/N asked nervously. “So many questions dear, don’t worry I’ll answer them all in good time” he laughed. Y/N felt her skin crawl as she shivered. First he grabbed some plants which looked exactly like vervain. Y/N’s eyes widened as she realised what was about to happen. Y/N shuffled in her seat as she tried to move but to no avail. The hunter smiled sadistically as he slapped the bunch of vervain onto Y/N’s exposed arm. She screamed as it torched her skin with a burning sensation. 
“So to answer one of your questions, my name is Nolan. Who I really am doesn’t matter” The next mode of pain was Nolan’s fist smacking the side of Y/N’s face. Blood trickled down her nose and her cheek stung from the forceful impact. She squinted for some relief. “What do I want, you ask? Well, I want your powers. Then you’re as good as dead” Nolan shrugged nonchalantly.
“But how did you find me? How do you know what I am?” Y/N asked. “You don’t think witches talk, Y/N Bennett?” Nolan laughed manically. Y/N shivered at his coldness. Of course, the witches were blabber mouths Y/N thought. Being part of the supernatural came with an element of danger no matter how safe you tried to be. The sound of the name escaping his lips made Y/N feel uncomfortable. She may be a descendant of the Bennett witches but she wasn’t a Bennett. She was a Mikaelson. Figuratively and legally, since Y/N changed her surname to Mikaelson when she joined her family.
Nolan was enjoying playing with his pray, like cat and mouse. He enjoyed using the vervain on Y/N, so he grabbed two lots of it in both hands and started caressing her arms from the top all the way to the tips of her fingers. An echoing of screams filled the warehouse. 
Whilst Y/N was enduring her ordeal, Kai on the other hand was searching for her. Once he lost her in the crowd he made his way back to the Abattoir since he couldn’t locate her alone. When he arrived he spotted Rebekah and got her to help him. “I need you to help me with a locator spell. We already have something of Y/N’s in her room. We need to act promptly” Kai asked impatiently. With Y/N’s hair and Kai’s blood with the map of New Orleans, they began the spell. 
Y/N’s location appeared from the blood smudges, highlighting an old abandoned warehouse just outside of the French Quarter. “Why the hell would she be there of all places?” Kai huffed. “She must have been abducted” Rebekah came to the sudden realisation. “Thanks, I’m going to rescue her alone. If I need backup I’ll call” and with that Kai stormed off.
The journey didn’t take long but time was of the essence. Kai cloaked himself to become invisible as he checked out the perimeter. In the interior, Nolan was continuing his handiwork. As Kai entered the building he could hear Y/N’s screams. It pained him to hear her suffer so atrociously. 
Kai undid his invisibility cloaking and mistakenly bumped into the wall, consequently letting something clink to the ground with a small ricochet. Nolan snapped his head to the sound of the commotion and raised his eyebrows at the sight of the intruder. 
“Hmm, who do we have here?” he hummed. Y/N was limp in her seat as she was worn out from the vervain burning. Kai used his vampire speed to reach Y/N but Nolan tried pushing Kai to no avail. He was just stronger than him. Kai started chanting a spell to help loosen her tied hands.
“There’s two of you?” he said with clear surprise. “If only I had known!” he exclaimed, delighted. Before he could continue his spiel, Kai squeezed his right hand into a fist with magic so he could strangle the maniac as tightly as possible, crushing his windpipe. He then fell to the ground, the life dissipating from his eyes. With a satisfied hum, Kai ran to Y/N. He undid her bound hands and feet from the wooden chair. 
Her under eyes were purple and black from being punched several times. Vervain marks were covering her arms like tattoo sleeves and Y/N was slouched forwards, head touching her chest. She groaned as Kai lifted her up in his arms. She had no energy left. 
Kai carried Y/N back home and placed her in her bed, pulling the covers over her. He decided to let Y/N rest until she felt good enough to talk with everyone.
Hours passed and Y/N eventually woke up. She called for Kai and he entered the room. “Can you lie down with me?” She asked with a small smile. Of course Kai would oblige, he wanted to smother her with affection. After a few minutes of silence, Kai asked Y/N about her captor. “Honey, do you know who did this to you?” He said motioning to her already healed arms. 
“He was just a power hungry psycho that’s all. All I know is that he was called Nolan. No surname given, he was just a complete stranger. I know he was a vampire and wanted to use me to become a heretic himself. I guess torture was just part of the fun” Y/N scoffed, still upset by the ordeal. 
The next few days consisted of Y/N relaxing in bed, sleeping, reading and snuggling with her love. Kai looked at Y/N briefly, admiring her soft features. Y/N wore a frown, deep in thought. “Are you alright?” He asked softly. “Oh sorry, yeah I’m okay. I was just thinking that since becoming part of the supernatural, I’m not so sure I really like it that much” Kai could sympathize with Y/N and he suddenly had the perfect idea.
“Babe, let me show you how good it really is” Kai replied with a sexy smirk.
He hovered over her and placed soft kisses on her neck, trailing down her stomach all the way to the hem of her jeans. He peered up at Y/N, smirking at what he was about to do.
First he pulled down her jeans and threw them to the floor. Then he did the same with her lacy underwear. Y/N bit her lower lip from being exposed. “I’m going to relish everything I’m about to do to you” Kai hummed. Before she had time to respond, Kai dove straight into Y/N’s sweet spot. He used his fingers to rub circles on her clit whilst his tongue swirled at her core.
Y/N gripped the bedsheets into her fists as Kai worked his magic. She couldn’t help but jerk her hips at the rhythm of which Kai pleasured her. A moan escaped Y/N’s lips, completely intoxicated. Kai pulled away, needing to see her face. Satisfied, he then decided to plunge two fingers into her and quickly pump in and out. Soft whimpers filled the room as Kai increased the speed.
Kai could tell Y/N was nearing her orgasm so he pulled his fingers out and sucked on them seductively, eyes boring into Y/N’s. She groaned out, missing his touch. It wasn’t long before Y/N felt her clit being stimulated again but Kai wasn’t physically doing anything. She raised her eyebrows when she figured out what he was doing.
Kai laughed at her realisation and slid off the bed. He undid his belt and yanked down his pants but kept on his boxers. As he glanced at Y/N arching her back in response to his magical fingering, he bit his lower lip. Her arousal was turning him on.
After a few seconds of admiring Y/N, Kai jumped on the bed. He caressed her leg and pushed her legs further apart. Replacing magic with flesh, Kai curled his fingers inside Y/N one more time. “That feels so good” She said breathlessly. Kai was getting increasingly aroused so he switched places with her and got her to grind on him, facing forwards so he could see her face.
Y/N started slow and gripped Kai’s arms. She dipped her head back as Kai was breathing heavily. He tried to stifle his moans but Y/N moved faster and with a little more force which resulted in Kai groaning out. His sounds were turning Y/N on so much that she moaned loudly against his lips. Kai gripped her ass and helped her movements. Y/N could feel him getting harder under his boxers and decided that she was going to pleasure him in return. She hadn’t really returned the favour so this time he was about to be treated.
She slid down his boxers and threw them away. First she sat on top of him to grind against him again as a warm up. The skin to skin contact caused a moan to escape both their lips due to the sensitivity. Once she was happy with her efforts, Y/N switched to using her hands.
Kai was shaking under her touch and bucked up his hips, totally immersed in his arousal. Before he could get nearer to his orgasm Y/N let go and Kai groaned in response. He grabbed Y/N’s waist and got her to grind against him again. “Can I fuck you?” Kai pleaded, the tensions starting to well up. Y/N shook her head as she kept her pace steady. Once she was satisfied, Y/N got up and this time used her mouth to pleasure him. Kai took some of her hair in his hands as she worked her own magic. As the pressure started to build Kai felt as if he was going to release. “Babe I’m about to...” He trailed off as Y/N went faster. She kept her hands firmly placed on his hips to keep him from moving around and pull out of her mouth. He moaned out as he came, the excess liquid dribbling down her chin. “Oh wow Y/N, I didn’t expect that. Mmm” Kai cooed.
Before Y/N could do anything, Kai flipped her over so he could hover over her. He pressed his body to hers and kissed Y/N deeply. His fingers found her clit again and moved frantically so he could hear her moan. Without any warning Kai lined up with her entrance and pushed into her. Moans intertwined between kisses and with intense panting, the tensions started building between their legs. Y/N rolled her eyes to the back of her head as her orgasm was nearing and Kai was focused on making Y/N feel good. Y/N screamed out as Kai pushed deeper and eventually they moaned in unison as they came together. Kai pressed his forehead to Y/N’s as he was still inside her. “I’m irrevocably in love with you Y/N” She smiled, then bringing him in for a soft kiss. “I love you too Kai Parker”.
“I want to be with you forever” Y/N eventually whispered in Kai’s ear, getting fed up with the constant danger. The memory of them in the prison world made Y/N feel emotional, missing their time in each others’ presence without other people. Kai gave her a knowing look, reciprocating the feeling. The constant danger since returning from the prison world gave them both the realisation that all they wanted was each other alone.
After some encouragement from Kai, Y/N built up enough courage to talk with her family about their wish. It was actually just a goodbye because they weren’t going to be told no. Y/N just didn’t know how they would take it, especially Rebekah. She paced around her room before trudging down the steps and gathered all her siblings in the living room. Kai soon followed and took his place next to Y/N, taking her hand in his. He nodded at her and she began.
“So I’ve gathered you all here because we have something we need to tell you. You may not like this at all, but we’ve made up our minds. We wouldn’t do this on a whim, and we’ve thought long and hard about this decision” Y/N started. She could see their confused expressions turn to somewhat of worry. “I don’t like where this is headed, Y/N” Rebekah said sternly. Y/N smiled sympathetically. “I know”. Kai squeezed her hand. “We’re going to ask Bonnie to send us back. It’s where we feel we belong. I don’t know if it’ll be reversible or not, so this is your time to say goodbye” Y/N finished. Rebekah had tears falling down her face, feeling the harsh reality of her words. 
Everyone else just stood there shell shocked. Elijah’s eyebrows furrowed and Kol just stared at Y/N in disbelief. Klaus wanted to respond but was speechless. Then all the siblings exchanged a look, eventually coming to an unspoken agreement. Klaus was the one to break the silence. “Y/N, you do realise you’ll probably never see us again. The prison world is quite complex and we may not be able to visit you or for you to come back to this plane. We love you Y/N, and...” He trailed off, afraid to say what he was about to. “This goodbye is hard. You mean everything to us and we’ve been there for you since the beginning of your new life, and it hurts” He said, finally admitting his vulnerability that he usually never did. This stunned Y/N and tears fell from her eyes, blurring her vision. Klaus then went to hug her, squeezing tightly. This was the final goodbye and they knew it. Y/N was going to cherish this moment forever. 
Then it was Elijah’s turn. His eyes were teary but he didn’t say anything as he brought Y/N in for a last embrace. As he pulled away Kol took his place. “I’m going to miss you sport” He smiled sadly after placing a kiss on her forehead. Rebekah’s goodbye was the hardest. She immediately bought Y/N in for a hug, lingering for the longest moment. Y/N started crying uncontrollably, feeling guilty. As much as she loved her family to the ends of the earth, Kai was her world. She would sacrifice everything for him, over and over again. 
Klaus came back after disappearing for a while, and handed Y/N a folded photograph. “Look at this whenever you miss us. In your heart you know we’re with you sweetheart”. Then he emerged with a necklace. It had the Mikaelson crest on it and little crystals encrusted in the design. It was beautiful, Y/N thought. “Thank you brother, I love it”. Klaus unclasped it and put it around her neck before clasping it back together. It fit perfectly above her collarbone as the crystals shone in the light. She hugged him again, inhaling his scent to remember him by. 
“We leave soon to Mystic Falls. I spoke with Bonnie and she’s expecting us later. I love you each tremendously, always and forever” Y/N said to them for the last time. Y/N and Kai took everything they needed and magically transported themselves to Mystic Falls. As they arrived in Mystic Falls, Y/N sobbed into Kai’s chest.
Y/N and Kai met Bonnie at the local park. It was a spot out of the way of prying eyes. “Bonnie!” Y/N exclaimed, delighted to see her. She waved back, smiling. “Hey Y/N, nice to see you” Bonnie squeezed Y/N. “I don’t know if you found out the news regarding us yet. New Orleans witches don’t know how to keep their mouths shut. I wouldn’t be surprised if it got to you here in Mystic Falls”. Bonnie looked confused and shrugged. “Oh, well I don’t know how you’re going to take this news then...” Bonnie awaited in anticipation. “So... I’m actually part of the Bennett bloodline”
Bonnie was definitely taken aback. She didn’t know if she was joking but if she was genuine then it was a pleasant surprise. She always liked Y/N. Instead of saying anything, she pulled Y/N in for a warm embrace. Y/N was relieved for such a nice response. She felt accepted by yet another familial relation. “You should definitely look into our connection Bonnie” Y/N offered. Bonnie nodded.
“So what brings you both here then?” She asked. “I hope you can do us a favor. We’ve decided to live forever in Kai’s old prison world”. Bonnie chocked, not believing her ears. “You what?” Bonnie did not expect this at all, it seemed quite irrational. “Do you realise what you’re asking of me?” Y/N smiled, nodding. It looked as if Bonnie was about to cry but she suppressed it well. 
“Are you sure about this? It’ll be permanent” Bonnie warned. Both Y/N and Kai looked each other in the eyes and smiled, knowing this was what they truly desired. “Yes” they both replied in unison.
“Then your wish is my command” Bonnie smiled sadly as she sent them both back to the prison world.
Kai and Y/N were gardening, a newly found pastime the both of them enjoyed. Their magic helped them grow anything they wanted, and Y/N loved turning their back yard into a flower heaven. Tulips, lavender, poppies, lilies, and daisies filled it all. It looked like an expanding flower forest. Kai chucked some soil at Y/N and they both laughed, Y/N falling into Kai’s embrace and making out in the dirt.
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 22: Deader is Better (Loki x OFC Pairing)
It was exactly one day before the greatest holiday of all time, and not just because I was the most powerful I'd ever be that year. The streets were packed with people, every parking lot was booked solid, every parking space even, residents were even renting out some of their spaces for pocket money. Loki and I helped out Zari with her little store in exchange for letting us crash at her place, Loki was both surprised and delighted by how accepting people were of him even after asking if he was who he was. I explained to him that while the country as a whole has a longass way before it can be completely progressive and welcoming, Salem, being one of the first historical places here that destroyed itself in fear and intolerance, was probably the first to turn that around. It went from burning, hanging, crushing, and torturing people that were considered different and therefore dangerous to welcoming the different and weird as one of their own. No one even cared he took over New York, what they saw was an alien army attacking the city and a god that brought a bunch of heroes together to stop them.
"If Asgard were still around, I wish it had a city like this, celebrating magic and welcoming the weird as you'd say," mused Loki.
"Isn't there a realm entirely like that? Where the Light Elves live?"
"Look at you, trying to learn my culture," he teased. "It was where my mother learned magic and passed it onto me, yes. But we didn't go there often enough for me to call it another home. Most of the time, if we went anywhere it was to beat the natives into submission thanks entirely to Thor."
"For all the advancements your people had on us, the technology, the magic, the fuckton more years in a lifespan, you're not that far off in some idealogies from us. Rarely does peaceful methods end a dispute between peoples. Oh sure, there's been tons of times we tried that, it rarely works in our favor though. Peaceful rallies or marches are usually ended with police brutality they claim is the right way even when they're throwing tear gas grenades at unarmed civilians, tazing random protesters they later claim as dangerous, or just blasting them with high pressured firemen hoses. It always ends badly, with injuries, false claims, and injustice. I'd seriously love to meet Odin just to tell him he ain't special."
Loki smiled at this and kissing the top of my head. "I shouldn't be proud of you despising him like I did, but I am anyway. I am glad you met my mother in some form though, I had a feeling she'd like you."
"She told me to trust you and that in doing so, you'd stay with me as no one else besides Thor if even that, has trusted you since you came here indefinitely. A lonely existence that is, everyone keeping you at arms length. I can understand that, outside of Salem, skin color alone is an excuse not to trust someone, people see someone that looks like they're past their expiration date like me and they go running. Hell, even hair color or skin ink can keep you from getting jobs here, we're still an extremely regressive country. Not worth saving anytime soon."
"Then why bother?"
"Because unfortunately I'm one of the idiots inhabiting it with no way to some place better."
"I asked Thor why he fought so hard to protect this speck of a planet once, don't recall him giving me a good answer but yours shall suffice, if nothing else, because you're part of it."
"Whoa, hold your eight legged horses, you really don't need to do that...at all. Just find a way out of here if we can't at least save this city, the Avengers can handle this planet and if they can't...well at least they tried right? We don't need to get involved when neither of us signed any kind of hero contract like they did."
"You sure?"
"I'm not just sure...I'm HIV positive."
"You'd have to be alive to contract that disease and I'm not quite sure it would transmit to something already dead."
I opened my mouth to retaliate but something else stayed my tongue for a moment, something felt wrong, unnatural even. "Listen...do you smell that?" I asked curiously. Loki didn't get a chance to answer as a great surge of necro-power struck me full force and I was sent flying back several feet away, breaking several trees of the park we were enjoying till then along the way before my back slammed against a particularly thick one and I stopped flying. A dull pain exploded from my chest mere inches from where the stone was protecting my important bits and cool black blood lightly dripped from my lips. I looked down at where the pain came from and blinked in surprise.
"Oh look I've been impaled," I mused before breaking off the branch sticking out of my body and stepped away from the tree behind me. I looked for the source of the power surge and glared as I spotted the culprit walking toward us.
"Are you hurt?" asked Loki warily.
"Just a flesh wound," I assured him, gathering power from behind into my arms and fists. "You might wanna sit this one out though."
"No no, let him try," the attacker taunted as he got closer to us.
"I knew I smelled something rotten in the wind," I muttered. "What is it this time? First the heart, now the brain rotting away, would make sense if it was you that sold us all out."
The man before us glowered at me then flashed rotting, blackened teeth, while for the most part he looked alive, he was essentially rotting from the inside out. "You aren't the only one with a stone organ, my head will remain just as much as your heart does till I rip that out of you."
I arched an eyebrow. "Lemme guess, one of your Hydra buddies was a brain surgeon or so he claims. They all think themselves doctors of something that organization, not one medical degree posted when I was with them though, kinda makes you wonder."
"They don't need doctors for corpses," he snapped.
"You sure you're not braindead? Cuz I'm sure coroners and morticians both require a medical degree to be licensed with the job."
"Have a few run-ins with those folks have you?" he sneered. "You know the best part about you was at the very least being a warm body at the end of the day, now you don't even have that."
I snorted at his attempt to insult me. "Oh hun, the best part of you ran down your mother's legs. You gonna bark all day, you little bitch, or are you gonna bite?"
He held his hands to his head and another ball of smoke and lightning came hurtling at us but this time it was aiming for Loki at breathtaking speed, he was essentially pulling an Azula on me thinking I'd either let Loki get hit or take it myself but I saw his Azula and raised him a Dumbledore, telling my guiding spirits to yank him away from the path of the ball as I wouldn't be fast enough to help myself. I waved my hand toward Loki and he was suddenly swept aside and away from the direct battle ahead. Loki scrambled to his feet, a dagger in each hand and returning to his battle armor swiftly, glancing at me in shock. I mouthed a sorry to him before focusing all my attention to the rotten necromancer in front of me.
"Targeting what's mine isn't your best move when you really don't need to give me more motives to decapitate you than you already have," I warned.
"I know he's your weakness though. I want to see just how weak he really makes you," he sneered. "If what doesn't kill you makes you strong, what about when you're already dead."
"You're well on your way to finding that out yourself, hun. I can help answer that for you though." I thrust out a hand and black lightning flew from my fingertips. My rival managed to shield some of it with his own magic but as he wasn't a demi god the impact of that much power still sent him flying back. I didn't wait for him to get up though as I charged at him with a ball of power around each fist.
He rolled away right before I could punch in his head and destroy the stone inside it and got to his feet as I stood up, charging at me as I straightened up so we were suddenly toe to toe trying to kill each other. For a solid few minutes it was just dodging and exchanging blows and balls of energy before he decided to get sneaky and tried to slash me with his ceremonial dagger hidden in his boot. I dodged it just enough to not actually cut me but it did do some damage to my hoodie which had me glaring at him as I loved my hoodies. From there, it was throwing either each other, balls of power, or punches at each other with him occasionally trying to throw power at Loki who quickly learned to keep an eye on his attacks as much as I was without interfering, this wasn't his fight anymore. The ground around us was starting to look barren and dead from the effects of our powers used against one another, the grass brittle and brown. We both paused for a moment, both battered and frustrated neither of us were getting the upper hand with what we were doing.
"Why won't you stay down?!" he demanded.
I scoffed. "What is dead can never die. What's your dilemma here? What did Hydra even offer you to make you switch sides?"
"A chance to be something greater than this, the other necromancer, to be a demigod."
"And how's that working out for you?" I asked in bemusement. "They aren't higher powers, they're hired powers, there's a difference. There's no cutting corners on that one, ask nicely or die trying. How did you know where to find me? On the plane?"
"I had a spook tail you, not all the spirits are on your side you know."
"The good ones are, the rest are usually locked or exorcised so kudos on finding one of the select few willing to help a brother out."
He narrowed his eyes at me, collecting powers as he did. "If I'm not given what I want, then I'll have to take it myself just like I did with the other necromancers that went against me."
"And that's why no matter where that stone is surgically implanted in you, you will never be one of us, going against your own kind for something you'll never get." I lowered one hand to the ground and reached into the earth with just death magic alone, calling for something very specific as I waited for him to make the first move this time. "Especially not from me."
"And what makes you so special?" he demanded.
"Come here and find out." He lunged forward, taking the bait and I dropped to one knee at the last second, dodging his power-fist at the same time a rotted hand burst from the ground with my own dagger I snatched up and sliced into my enemy's rotted guts. He stumbled back, his free hand going to his stomach as he was weakened but not done for, the stone keeping him barely alive inside him. "Almost seems pointless since you're already decaying inside."
He looked at the wound I gave him from my dagger and glared at me as it was already speeding up the process. "You little cunt."
"Let me guess, you're gonna kill me, right? Join the line of people with empty threats they never finish."
Black lightning danced around his head and down to his body, staving off the spreading death from reaching his neck but not healing the blade wound either. "Should I rip out your soul first or your stone?"
"You say that like you've actually gotten the upper hand in this fight but who here has the unhealed wound and who here has survived worse?" I retorted.
He sneered at me with his rotten teeth and lunged forward once more but being the slimy little bastard he was, pulled his dagger apart so there were actually two identical ones and threw one at my leg while making a bee line around me with the other dagger at Loki. I gritted my teeth as the dagger hit its mark in my thigh and not wasting time even to take it out of me, threw a power ball at him from behind so he couldn't dodge it and sent him off his course to my lover. I then took out the dagger in my leg and limped over to the bastard despite the agony burning through the entire limb. I didn't wait for him to get up and kicked him hard in the head right where I guessed the stone was before aiming for the wound I gave him with my blade. "Silly asshat, kicks are for ribs." His snapped under my leather boots. He tried to throw the other knife he still had at Loki but I caught it this time and dissolved the twin dagger like I did the one in my leg. I grabbed him by the throat, lifting him up, and slamming into another park tree while holding him in place.
"You really wanna know why you can't kill me after all this time?" I challenged.
"You don't scare me, Nell," he choked out.
I recalled what the Wiccan seer had told me and let go of everything holding me back. "I can fix that. You can't kill a Horsemen." A different kind of power rippled throughout my body, not necromancy, but something stronger, eternal and deadly and incomparable. The entire arm and hand holding him up was skeletal as was half my face and that's when fear started to leak into his. He fought and wiggled in my grasp, trying to pry my bones off his neck but my finger bones just dug in deeper while he kicked at me. I raised my free hand, also all bones, and went for his head, aiming for the stone still managing to keep him alive when his throat was slowly being punctured and torn. And then the world seemed to pause, everything went silent and still, everything was frozen even including most of me as I couldn't seem to reach the stone in his head but was poised to grab it out of his forehead. And then something else happened, something that only happened to me when something very specific was coming. I got what Peter Parker would call the "the Peter tingle" and chills ran up and down my body despite the whole lack of nerves and feelings thing I had being a skeleton.
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littlesliceofmarvel · 5 years
Cuts and Confessions
Request/Synopsis: The reader and Bucky are good friends and one day, she overhears some Shield agents talking badly about her and Bucky comforts her, confessing his feelings in the process.
Warnings: some swearing, barely anything
Pairings: Bucky x Reader
A/N: So.... how beautiful is this gif? This man does things to me. As always, it’s not mine! xx 
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“Ouch,” you winced as Tony applied more pressure to the cut on your cheek. You had gotten injured on the last day of the two week mission you were on with Tony, Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Wanda, and you were glad it was the last day because you were finally on your way back to HQ, where you could get medical attention.
“Quit being a drama queen,” Tony rolled his eyes at you, pouring a little bit of alcohol into the wound, making you grit your teeth and ball your hands into fists. You felt the sting throughout your entire body, so much that you could feel your toes tense up as well.
“Hey, here, hold my hand,” Bucky’s soft voice came from beside you, but you couldn’t open your eyes, feeling that squeezing them shut would help you deal with the pain better.
“No,” you groaned, “I’m going to leave bloody nail marks in your skin.”
Bucky chuckled, “No skin on this hand, doll.”
You felt his cold, metal fingers intertwine with your right hand, and you instantly relaxed, opening your eyes slightly to see Tony dabbing a wet cloth on your cheek, the pain lessening by the second. You felt your body relax instantly and even though you knew it was because of Bucky, you didn’t want to admit it. 
“It should be alright for now,” Tony said, throwing the cloth into a bucket, “Don’t smile until we land,” he threw you a wink, causing you to hold back a smile.
You thanked him silently, letting go of Bucky’s hand, but when you tried to pull your fingers away, he gave you a confused look, tightening his grip. You felt your face heat up and your heartbeat become irregular as you saw his expression change from confused to playful.
“I think you should hold on a little longer,” he smirked, “You know, for the pain.”
A laugh bubbled through your throat but you tried not to affect the cut on your cheek, so you simply nodded at him, a playful expression on your face as Steve smiled at the two of you. You had a thing for Bucky, there was no denying it. He was charming, extremely good looking, and ever since he got The Winter Soldier out of his head and joined the Avengers, the two of you had an instant connection. You were almost sure everyone knew about it, including him, but it didn’t seem to repel him, and that gave you a boost of confidence. 
The steady rumble of the Quinjet’s engine came to a halt as Clint landed smoothly, a couple of bumps on the landing strip nearly causing you to lose your balance. When you guys came to a stop, you and Bucky let go of each other’s hands and you stood up, grabbing your guns and putting them in your holster. You couldn’t wait to get this bodysuit off of you. You were thankful Tony designed it the way that he did, but it’s been two weeks. 
The back of the jet opened up and Fury stood there to greet you guys, hands behind his back and Agent Hill by his side. 
“Welcome back,” Fury nodded to the team as you guys stepped off the jet, approaching him with all the files you gathered while away, “Good work you guys.”
“We need to get her stitched up,” Tony nodded in your direction and Fury agreed when he saw your cheek, letting Helen Cho approach you and analyze it quickly.
“Come with me, Agent (Y/L/N),” Helen smiled at you, greeting the team quickly before leading you to the entrance of the med lab. You looked behind you and noticed Fury leading the team the other direction, Bucky looking at you as he flashed you a smile, turning back to the team. You smiled to yourself as Helen let you into the lab, leading you to a chair. She motioned for you to take a seat, which you did, and pulled up a tray of tools. 
“I’m just going to patch up the wound, it seems Stark already cleaned it out,” she smiled at you and you nodded, leaning your head back on the chair and closing your eyes. You were thankful for Tony Stark and his gigantic brain in times like this, because thanks to him, Helen could patch your wound shut without a single stitch, just a cell regenerator. 
You felt the cold sensation of the small machine on your face and the buzzing of the regeneration working on your skin. It stung slightly, but it was nothing compared to getting the wound itself. It lasted for about a minute, and when Helen pulled the machine away from your face, you felt yourself smiling.
“God bless Tony Stark,” you mumbled, bringing your fingers up to feel your face, noticing only a tiny scratch in the place of the wound, the skin still slightly sensitive. 
“I can’t do much about the bruising on your jaw,” Helen said, placing the machine back down on her tray, “But it’s nothing serious so I’m not worried.”
“Thank you so much,” you smiled at her kindly, standing up off of the chair, as she allowed you to leave.
“If you feel any discomfort in the skin, let me know,” she advised you before you stepped out the door. You weren’t familiar with this area of the building, having never really been to the medical lab on that many occasions. You followed the long hallway, a slight skip in your step when you thought about going back to your room at the compound, changing into sweats and a t-shirt, taking a shower, and finally getting to eat a proper meal. Right before you were about to turn a corner, you heard voices, none of which you recognized, mention your name. You stopped and leaned up against the wall, listening in.
“We heard Agent (Y/L/N) was the only one to get injured on the mission,” one voice said, and you could tell it was a female.
“Are you surprised?” Another one said, also female. A feeling in your gut told you you weren’t about to enjoy this conversation, but you couldn’t pull away. You tried to make as little noise as possible as the voices seemed to retreat down the hallway slowly.
“Not really, I’m surprised Fury picked her for the team,” the first voice said with a small chuckle. 
The second voice laughed, “Right? Honestly, how do you manage to be the only one to get injured?”
It took everything in you not to snap around the corner and give the two women an earful. Sure, you were the only one to get injured on the team, but you saved Wanda and Bucky’s lives. One of the men you were stealing information from threw a knife at the two of them, who were facing away, and you jumped in front to take the blow, shooting at the man. The knife went through your cheek, getting stuck there before you pulled it out, Bucky’s head right behind you. It was instinctive, you were trained here to risk your life to protect your team, and you did. 
Your stomach felt like it had been tied in knots and you leaned your head against the wall, hating how these two women thought so little of you.
“Anyways, I’ve already got bets on when she’s going to be kicked off the team,” one of the two voices sassed. You weren’t able to tell which voice was which anymore, too bothered to differentiate these two. You heard their voices disappear with a slam of a door and you took that as your chance to speed walk down the hallway, wanting nothing more than to go to your room and get out of this. 
You opened the door at the end of the hallway and charged up the stairs to the third floor, where most of the residential rooms were, one for each member of the Avengers. You wanted to go home home, but tomorrow morning you had a briefing and didn’t feel like driving two hours tonight and two more to get back tomorrow morning, so you all decided it was best to stay here. 
“Woah, slow down, ninja,” a soft voice spoke up when you felt yourself run into a body. You glanced over and saw Natasha standing there, sweaty and panting. You could only assume she just came from training.
“Sorry, Nat,” you mumbled and walked down the hallway towards your room.
“Hey, hey, hold up,” she jogged up to you, “We haven’t seen each other in two weeks and you’re just going to brush me off like that?” She joked with a small smirk on her face, “What’s wrong?”
You groaned slightly, knowing you couldn’t hide anything from her. She was a spy, after all, but also your best friend. But right now, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone.
“Sorry, not in the mood, I want to go change,” you gave her a small smile and she nodded, respecting your space. You opened the door to your room and locked it behind you, throwing yourself down on the large queen-sized bed that sat next to the floor-to-ceiling windows. You took this as your chance to rid your body of your suit, removing the guns and weapons, placing them on the table, and throwing on your sweatpants and a large t-shirt. You plopped back down on the bed and almost jumped out of your skin when a loud knock came from the door.
You huffed and got out of bed, walking over to it and swinging it open, revealing a grinning Steve Rogers.
“Movie night tonight at 8, wanna join?” He asked, a hint of excitement in his voice. One of the biggest traditions that came with being an Avenger was movie night. You loved them, without a doubt, but it came to the point where you guys couldn’t decide what movies to watch anymore since you’ve practically seen them all together.
“Sure, I’ll be there,” you smiled and he gave you a thumbs up, taking off down the hallway to knock on Nat’s door. You laughed, closing the door behind him and looked over the clock, noticing it said 4:30. You decided taking a shower would feel amazing, so you went and did just that. After what was probably the most satisfying shower anyone has ever had, you decided to go get something to munch on. You still felt a sour feeling in your gut from before, but you tried your best to push past it.
You walked into the kitchen and got a whiff of something cheesy. You peered around the corner and noticed Bucky making a grilled cheese. Your stomach involuntarily gurgled, giving you away as the soldier turned around a smiled at you. Your heart did summersaults as his eyes lit up upon seeing you.
“Hungry?” He joked, “You can have this one.”
“No, no,” you smiled, “You can have it, I’m going to snack a bit before dinner.” He nodded at you and turned off the stove, putting the grilled cheese on a plate before turning to you.
He walked over to you and placed his right hand on your cheek, thumb tracing over your cut, his finger igniting a small trail of sparks in it’s path, making your breath hitch, 
“I can’t believe you put your face in front of an oncoming knife to save me,” he spoke softly, eyes raking your face, meeting your eyes. You could see so many different emotions flash through the icy blue - guilt, regret, awe, disbelief, and gratitude. 
The comments from earlier rung through your mind again and you pulled away from him, regretting it instantly when the warmth of his palm left your cheek.
“It’s fine, whatever,” you mumbled, turning to the fridge to get something to drink to ease the scratching feeling in your throat. Bucky immediately sensed a change in your tone and placed a firm hand on your forearm. Not enough to hurt you, but enough to cause you to turn around and scan the worried expression on his face.
“What - What’s wrong?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper. You felt a shiver go down your spine at how close the two of you were, and how intense his gaze was.
“It’s nothing, forget it,” you said, a little harsher than you intended, turning back to face the fridge, opening it up and grabbing a soft drink. You were surprised Fury even kept these in the kitchen, on the same floor as the team, but you were grateful that he let you guys do whatever you wanted.
“Hey, look at me,” Bucky said, a little more demanding this time, and you turned to face him, feeling guilty about the way you were talking to him, but you felt so humiliated and stupid. Of course, without doing what you did, Bucky would have been dead, but you couldn’t help but think that if you noticed the guy before he noticed you and done your job correctly, he wouldn’t have been able to attack. You were supposed to have their back.
“Stop asking about the cheek, I’m fine,” you sighed, sitting down on one of the bar stools around the kitchen, not wanting to meet Bucky’s eyes.
He twirled the bar seat around raised an eyebrow at you, a small smile on his face, “You can’t lie to me, (Y/N).”
You looked up at him and let out a deep breath, “I overheard some people talking about how clumsy I was, being the only one getting injured on this mission, and it’s true. I was supposed to keep an eye out while you and Wanda downloaded files, but I missed something and the next thing I know, a knife was being thrown at your head. If it had been a bullet, you’d be dead.”
You looked down, remembering the panic that flowed through your body when you saw the knife aimed towards him, not even thinking twice before jumping in front of him. Bucky placed his metal hand under your chin, forcing your face up, before looking right into your eyes.
“Look, if it was a bullet, I’d be dead, yeah,” he admitted and you felt your heart sink, “But look, you sacrificed yourself to save me, I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am. I’m sorry it had to be you, I want nothing more than to have you safe and untouched, and seeing that knife stuck in your face made me panic more than I thought I could’ve, but you didn’t do anything wrong. Ignore what those people were saying, you’re the toughest one on the team.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when he stepped closer to you and you instinctively spread your legs apart to let him stand between them.
“Please, please don’t doubt yourself, you amaze me,” he said softly, his eyes falling to your lips and you swore your heart stopped, “You always amaze me.” 
You wanted nothing more than to feel his lips on yours and to melt away any worries that you had about what happened, and that’s just what happened. Bucky’s hand made it’s way to the back of your neck and closed the space between you two, fireworks going off in your stomach, replacing any bad feelings you had before. He stood closer, your bodies almost flush, and you could feel his heartbeat against your chest. His lips felt perfect against yours, they were so soft and you could feel so many emotions being poured into this kiss. You ran your hand through his long hair, pulling it out of his face before pulling away, making him pout slightly.
“Well,” you took a deep breath, admiring his now slightly swollen lips, “If I had known that saving your life would have led to this, I might have done it a long time ago.”
He let out a small chuckle, “Believe me, I’ve been wanting to do that for months now.”
Your eyes widened, “What? Really?”
He nodded his head, “Oh, my god, yes. I’m crazy about you, it’s driving Steve insane, he keeps trying to get me to make a move on you.”
You laughed, a feeling of warmth running through you at his confession, realizing maybe this could be something. You had been captivated by this man for a long time, and you couldn’t express how happy you were right now, in his arms, your head against his chest as you listened to his heartbeat, realizing you both felt the same way about each other.
“Well, I guess it’s safe to say I’m crazy about you too,” you smirked, feeling so comfortable around him, all your previous worries going away.
“Oh, thank god,” Bucky mumbled, “Or else this would be extremely awkward.” He leaned in once again, capturing your lips in a loving kiss, the way his touch ignited your skin was driving you wild. His arms wrapped around your waist, colliding your bodies together once again.
“It’s movie night, really?!” Steve’s voice broke you two apart, both of your cheeks going slightly rosy when you looked over to the blond who had his eyes covered.
“We’ll finish this later,” Bucky whispered to you, moving his body away from you, his warmth disappearing as he walked over to Steve, who had a huge grin on his face. You stepped down from the stool and walked over the to the two, Bucky wrapped his arm around your waist, leading you to the couch to wait for the rest of the team.
You couldn’t contain your happiness and right now, the only reason your cheek hurt was because you were wearing the world’s biggest smile.
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This is my @jedijune fanfiction. This is totally late and I have absolutely no excuse for it so I apologize! I had fun trying to figure out how Anakin’s brain works for this fic, because he’s such a chaotic force and I don’t really understand him at all! Constructive criticism is very welcome! Thanks and I hope you enjoy!💙
Prompt 2: Lightsaber
It was official. Anakin was about to die. He had only been a Padawan for about a year and now he would never fulfill any of his hopes or dreams. He would never become a Jedi Knight or Master, he would never get to see his mother again, never get a chance to free her and tell her how much progress he had made. He wouldn’t be able to free all of the slaves on Tatooine. And he would never get to explore the whole wide galaxy!
After all his thoughts of how he would go out if he ever did, this wasn’t what Anakin expected. He thought that if he ever died it would be in the midst of a large battle - he would die heroically saving countless people, Jedi included. Obi-Wan would finally see how good he really was, and in Anakin’s last moments Obi-Wan would apologize for holding him back and teaching him useless things like breathing exercises and boring meditation techniques. Even in his head, however, Anakin usually assumed he would survive whatever wound had led Obi-Wan to apologize to him, so that he could go on to become the grand master of the Jedi, as well as a most loved hero of the galaxy!
Now Anakin knew that that wouldn’t come to pass. Instead, he was doomed to die as a Jedi Padawan, here on a small planet where he and Obi-Wan had been sent as peacekeepers.
Obi-Wan and Anakin had chased an assassin who had attempted to kill one of the leaders within the negotiations at the time. Somewhere along the way they had gotten separated, which led to Anakin stumbling into the bind that he was currently in. He had almost caught the assassin on his own, but he got cocky and the assassin took advantage of that. He had caught Anakin on top of one of the buildings, and after a few minutes he had managed to push Anakin off the edge. Anakin had fallen onto a balcony a ways down, and discovered that the building wasn’t finished being built and there was no exit from the level he was on. He wasn’t yet skilled or experienced enough to find a way out, although he had tried, and nearly fallen off of the balcony in an attempt to climb down. So there he was - stuck, mildly injured, and waiting for his terrible fate to come to pass.
Anakin knew he was being dramatic, however - death would be too quick a punishment to be suitable for such a mistake. Maybe Obi-Wan would realize that he was indeed too young to be a Padawan and would demote him to be a youngling for a few years. Maybe he would be sent away! Anakin overheard a few Padawans talking about some type of agricorp that their friend had been sent to? Apparently if a youngling wasn’t chosen by their thirteenth birthday they were sent away… who knew?
Just then Anakin heard the sound of engines outside of the building and looked up in time to see a quaint ship carefully lining up by the balcony that he had fallen onto earlier. He panicked as he saw it, his imagination going into overdrive as he thought of the probable consequences of his actions. What if Obi-Wan simply kicked him out of the temple and left him to try and survive! What if he decided to just leave him on this foreign planet where the people spoke a dialect that he didn’t understand? What if they decided he was better suited to Tatooine and dropped him off back at Watto’s shop??
His mother would be so disappointed! Obi-Wan would glare at him in that way that would look rather neutral to outsiders, but if you were on the receiving end of it you would just Know that you were about to regret whatever you just did. The other Padawans would laugh at him for his idiocy and tell him it proved that he was never worthy, just like they always said. What if…
Anakin’s thoughts and wild imagination were cut off by his name being called out from the direction of the ship. Looking up from the ground - when had he started looking at the ground instead of the ship? - he saw the ship's ramp had lowered and suddenly Obi-Wan was safely on the balcony, looking at him with… was that worry in his eyes? No, that couldn’t be right, and it would quickly change when he realized the magnitude of what Anakin had done.
“Are you alright, Anakin? It’s unlike you to be this quiet,” Obi-Wan questioned as he swiftly paced forward to stand in front of his young Padawan. For once in his life, Anakin was unable to come up with any response, sarcastic or not. So he simply looked back at the ground, hoping wistfully that it could just swallow him up and end his suffering.
He glanced up briefly when he heard Obi-Wan stepping closer. His brow was creased and he was scanning Anakin over for, presumably, injuries. However, Anakin knew that he would only find some cuts and bruises from the fall, and maybe from the brief scuffle he had had with the assassin.
After what seemed like ages but was probably only a few seconds, Obi-Wan seemed satisfied that he wasn’t terribly hurt, and gestured for Anakin to follow him into their ship.
Once inside, Anakin swiftly strapped himself into the copilot's seat, and promptly smashed his face against the window as he stubbornly stared outside to avoid Obi-Wan concerned glances as he began to pilot the ship back to the room they were staying at. Anakin assumed that meant that the assassin got away, which certainly didn’t help his mood.
For some reason, Obi-Wan allowed him to stay silent the whole trip back, which admittedly wasn’t that long, only a few minutes, but still… Anakin grudgingly appreciated it, not that Obi-Wan ever needed to know that, and as soon as the ship landed on the roof of their building, Anakin hopped out scarcely before the ramp was even lowered, and scurried inside to clean up. Before he made it up the stairs to the refresher, however, he was stopped by Obi-Wan, who placed a gentle but firm hand on his shoulder just as he was about to skulk off to the refresher.
“Stay here for now, Anakin,” Obi-Wan instructed before swiftly moving to the kitchen to prepare both of them some tea.
Their accommodations were small and simple so the kitchen was little more than a few cabinets and appliances in the corner of the room. Anakin huffed and moodily sat down on the steps that he had been about to climb. Obi-Wan put on the teapot and as he waited for the water to heat up, he glanced at Anakin over his shoulder.
“What happened?”
It was a simple question, and yet it was what Anakin had been dreading since he had fallen onto the balcony. Obi-Wan had turned back to face the teapot so Anakin had a chance to gather the courage to speak.
He finally decided it would be better to get it over with, so glaring (pouting) at the floor, he shot out, “I lost my lightsaber!”
Once he realized that he had actually admitted to such a crime his head shot up to look at Obi-Wan, his eyes going impossibly wide, and he started rambling, “it was an accident I promise, the assassin pushed me off of a building and I landed on that balcony and I didn’t even notice at first but it must’ve fallen off or something because I couldn’t find it anywhere, and I’m really sorry! Please don’t be mad, don’t send me back to Tatooine..”
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan cut him off when it was clear that he wouldn't stop. “Calm yourself, my young Padawan. Why do you think I would ever send you back to Tatooine?” Obi-Wan pinned Anakin with an incredulous gaze as he turned around to fully face him.
Anakin squirmed uncomfortably and grimaced as he replied. “Well, you’ve told me before that my lightsaber is my life, and that I have to be mindful of it at all times, and you’ve told me specifically not to misplace it, because I would be in trouble if I did…”
Obi-Wan sighed, and started working on brewing their tea as the teapot had just started whistling. “Please listen to me, Anakin. Nothing you do could change the fact that you are my family and I love you - I would never send you away for any reason. You’re my Padawan - it’s my duty and my honor to train, protect, and guide you into the life of a Jedi. I care about you and I just want to help you build the skills and habits that will help you be safe with or without me there to help you. That doesn’t mean that you will never make mistakes, but it is my job to help you lessen the chances of those mistakes happening.”
Anakin hadn’t looked up from the floor the entire time Obi-Wan was talking, but he looked up when he heard the clinking of two mugs being placed on a table. Obi-Wan strode to the steps he was sitting (most definitely not skulking) on and took a seat next to him. He waited a moment for Anakin to look up at him and gave him a small smile, before pulling something out of his robes. It was… Anakin's lightsaber!! Anakin's eyes widened and he leapt to his feet, shooting his head up to gape at Obi-Wan in awe.
Obi-Wan chuckled at his reaction. “You have much potential - however, you are still a new Padawan, and your Force shielding isn’t as thorough as it someday will be. You panicked when you lost your lightsaber and I felt you try to block me from our training bond, but you only managed to dull what you were feeling, so it was fairly easy to deduce what had happened. When I came to get you, I stopped by the base of the building and found it before I picked you up.“ Obi-Wan gave him a stern look, “I tell you not to lose your lightsaber because it is your life. I just want you to be safe. We will discuss this later, and meditate on it together.”
He ignored Anakin’s groan of annoyance and continued, “Tomorrow. I think you’ve had enough excitement for tonight, so for now, enjoy your tea. You did well, Anakin.”
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Much love to the wonderful and talented muffin @imaginaryrobin for being my ever patient beta reader and illustrator!!
Your art looks as spectacular as always!💙
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fenthyr · 5 years
the scene (Jake Gyllenhaal x reader)*
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Summary: (y/n) is an actress. The movie she is working on is being filmed on the same set as Jake’s new movie. They worked together a long time ago when (y/n) was only beginning her career.
warnings: smut, cursing
 “Cut! Great job (y/n), I almost hated you in real life for a second.” “Thanks, I tried my best.” “Okey everybody one more time and then we’re done for the day.” You position yourself again to redo the scene. You’re character is the villain in this movie. Her power is some sort of sent that makes people lose it and hot, when people think with the brain downstairs they can’t think with the brain upstairs. That’s how she became so powerful, everyone would do anything if it just meant they could get some kind of release but she never gave it to them. you sit in your chair and he director yells. “action!”
James walks in and has a smug smile on his face. “please Mr. Davis, sit.” You gesture with your hand to the seat on the other side of the desk. He sits down and smiles wider and shakes his head looking out of the window and back to you. “let’s talk business. There is a man looking for us and trying to sabotage our little kingdom we have created.” “Our kingdom for as far as I know you rule this shit hole full of pathetic slaves.” “well, if you want it or not you are part of this and I need your men to kill the threat.” “My men? I’m not going to risk my men for your little problem. That ghost is way to powerful my men wont make it out alive.” You stand up and seductively walk over to James. You place your hand on the armrest of the chair. “I need your men, because mine are not as trained as yours.” You say with a innocent voice and you run your fingers over his shirt down until you reach his pants. you stop there and bite your lip while looking back up at him. His breathing become heavier and he licks his lips, almost not able to take his eyes of your hand but succeeding and looking right in your eyes. You lean closer and slide your hand over his crotch. “just do what I ask, please I need you.” His swallows when he hears your last statement. He nods eventually and you lean in and whisper in his ear. “thank you daddy.” You laugh and let him go when he tried to kiss you.
“Cut! Okey great job people now get some rest you all deserved it.”
When you turn your gaze from the director you see a familiar face looking at you. “OMG, Jake what are you doing here?” you ask while quickly walking over to him and embracing him in a tight hug. “Well, I’m filming a movie on the other set and I saw on the schedule that you were here filming a scene so I came by to say hi.” “wait are you in spider-man: Far from home?” “yes actually.” “Marvel isn’t giving you a hard time right. I know they can change the lines last minute.” “I’ve noticed, you have no idea how stressed I was about that and Tom was so calm.” You laugh with him. “Looks like you became big huh? This movie isn’t nothing and you did great on the scene really.” “Well thank you Mr. Gyllenhaal. I’ve been working on it.” Jake gets a text and you see him slightly panic. “What’s up?” “New script for tomorrow, lest just hope they didn’t change to much of my lines.” “if they did I would like to go over it with you. I’m done here and my lines don’t really change much when they change it.” “That would be amazing, why are you such a sweet person in real life and almost always playing a mean villain.” “I like the change.” You both laugh and you follow Jake to his room. he grabs the script that the writers already brought to his room and start reading it. “oh not to much of a change.” “goof than this will be easy.” He gives you a copy and you start reading it. “okey so, my character walks in and uhm where is the monster coming from?” “Let’s just say it’s the window.” You laugh at his creativity and stand in position. you walk away from the wall acting like you are selling fruits on a marked. Jake walks over. “Hi can I have 3 apples and a mango please.” Jake looks up and out of the window. “Shit!” He yells and jumps over the imaginary stand and tackles you to the ground, hovering above you to protect you from the stones and ash. For a while you look into each others eyes but then you remember what to do. You break the moment by fake coughing and Jake stand up giving you a hand. “come with me I’ll take you somewhere save.” He grabs your hand and you follow him to the other side of the room. he grabs your shoulders and bends a little so he is on your eye level. “Stay here and hide.” He runs away. You change character and walk next to him. “ what can I do?” “Keep the civilians save, I’ll try to fight it.” then you return to your original character and help some people while walking over to Jake. He looks at you and your character now wears some combat clothes. “ I’m a shield agent in training, I’m not going to hide and wait.” He nods and you skip the fight and go to the next scene. “Who are you?” “My name is Quentin Beck I’m from another world,…” he tells his characters whole story and you listen asking the questions your characters is supposed to. You end the scene and go over the script again. “you know that was pretty good. Those were some difficult lines but you nailed them.” you tell Jake. “Thanks but I do feel weird about the first part you know, where I jump over the stand and like shield you. I don(t really know how to position myself.” “then let’s do that again.” You get in position and do the scene again. Jake jumps and hovers above you. “Okey wait if I fall like this then I’m not really protecting you so I should.” Jake moves his arms so he leans on his hands who are positioned next to your face. Then he starts moving his legs. First his legs were wide apart and he moves them closer. “Now do that thing again that you lay on your side so I can lean on my left elbow and shield you from the fake stones coming from my left. You do as he says and he positions himself better. He wraps his right arm around you in the process and pulls you closer to him. After some more shifting he lets go. “ I think I found it but do you mind redoing the scene one more time?” “yeah sure.” Again he jumps, grabs your and hovers over you, you squint your ayes shut while laying on your side as if your scared and Jake quickly positions himself above you. You lay there for a while at least that’s what you think. You relax as you feel Jake’s breathing on the back of your neck. Your phone goes of and you snap out of it, Jake stands up giving you a hand. “thanks for going over it with me, this job is stressful, I get why Tom can be so confused. I owe you one” “Your welcome Jake, and you don’t owe me one. You taught me a lot when I just started.” “that just what coworkers do, I insist on it if you ever need some help just call me.” He smiles and you check your phone. Apparently they want to add an extra scene but it’s not finished yet so you don’t really mind. You don’t even know if you’ll be in the scene. Jake looks at you confused because you stare at your phone for quite a while. “What’s up.” he eventually asks. “They are thinking about adding an extra scene in the movie but it’s not finished yet. I don’t even know if I’ll be in the scene so I shouldn’t stress about it. and they need me back on set by 8 am which means that if I go to bed now I have 7 hours of sleep because I need to be at make up at 7.” “Well then I’ll better let you go, thanks again for helping me.” “your welcome Jake.” You say while walking out the door. You head to your room and try to catch some sleep.
The next day starts easy, you don’t have to many scenes today but they scheduled all your scenes in the morning. So you’re free the rest of the day. After the final scene you head over to the Spider-man set and see that Jake is starting his scene that you practiced with him last night. He jump over the stand and hovers above the woman. He doesn’t act the same though, he’s more tense and his movements aren’t as smooth. Neither does he hold the woman, he just shields her but when you practiced last night he laid his arm around your waist to keep you close. You’re the only one that notices his actions because nobody reacts to it. when the scene is done he sees you and walks over. “Hey, enjoying the show?” “I sure am.” Someone yells his name and he gives you an apologetic smile. “sorry have to run. They really want these scenes done today.” “yeah sure go ahead.” You walk back to your room and watch some episodes of your favorite show before hitting the shower. walking out of the bathroom in only a towel you hear a knock on your door. “who is it?” “It’s me, Jake.” You open the door and he swallows when he sees your only wrapped in a towel. “ I just wanted to ask if you would like to eat something. I do have to take Tom, Jacob and Zen because they asked me to watch them.” “I would love to, I’m starving.” “I’ll just wait here till your ready.” “Don’t be silly come in.” Jake walks in your room and sits on your couch while you take some clothes from the closet. Bending down Jake can’t help but look. He doesn’t see anything to revealing but when you grabbed a piece of underwear out of the closet he knew you were fully naked underneath the towel. You walk to the bathroom and let the door slightly open so you can still make a conversation. “How did the scene’s go today?” Jake snaps from his thoughts and quickly answers. “great, great yeah we got everything done and no surprises for tomorrow so yeah everything went well.” What about you? You know anything about the added scene?” Jake could see a little bit of your reflection because of the mirror in the bathroom. You were wearing a bra and panties now but Jake couldn’t help him but shift a little to get a better view. “No nothing, I guess it wont be anything big then.” “yeah probably not.” He says while concentrated on your reflection and not really listening anymore. You come out of the bathroom and Jake quickly stand up. “let’s go.” You say with a smile. He follows your out of the room and takes you to where Tom, Jacob and Zendaya are waiting. You all go to a nice small restaurant and enjoy a nice meal with lots of jokes and laughs. You sit at the window next to Jake. In front of you sits Tom and next to him Zen. Jacob got the seat at the head of the table. after dinner you all sat there and talked a bit until Tom and Jacob got into an argument of who the best superhero is. Zendaya just followed the conversation, laughing at the stupid argument. You were listening in the beginning but soon your thoughts took their own turn. You thought about how Jake was looking at you when he was in your room earlier. You didn’t close the bathroom door on purpose. You wanted to talk to him while you got dressed but the main reason was because you wanted to know if he would react to it. you knew the mirror gave him some view of you and you deliberately showed him that you were taking panties from the closet you could have bended down in a different way and exposed less skin but that was also on purpose. You got the response you needed you saw him looking at you and you saw how fast he jumped up when you came out of the bathroom. But you wanted to test him a little bit more. You placed your hand on his leg knowing the kids wont notice because of the argument. You felt his muscles tighten under your touch but his face remained unchanged, still listening to the boys conversation. You slide your hand up and down waiting for a reaction and soon you got one when you slipped your hand a little bit higher then before. He shifted in his seat a little and cleared his throat not wanting the others to notice his change in breathing. you let go when you heard the conversation dying. “I don’t know about you guys but I’m gonna head back to my room.” you say while standing up. “yeah me to we have some early scenes tomorrow.” Tom said and they all agreed.
When arrived at the set the kids directly went to their room while you and Jake walk slower. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jake.” You quietly spoke and give him a slow and sweet kiss on the cheek. When you returned with your face in front of him he coughed and answered. “yeah good night (y/n).” you walk to your room and get ready for bed.
A few days go by of you and Jake just having small talk and you trying to let him make a move on you but every time you think he will he just freezes and has an excuse to leave. You already got the information about the extra scene and today the script came in. you were in the scene with James and it was way less innocent then the one you did earlier with him. This was a smoking hot sex scene but since Jake says he owes you one, you take advantage of it. you call his number knowing his scenes for the day are done. “Hey (y/n) whats up?” “Hey Jake the writers just let me know that the extra scene will include me and that we are filming it tomorrow. Do you mind helping me with the scene? If you do we are even.” “Sure when will you have the script?” “I just have to go get it from the writers room.” “okey I’m on my way.” “Thanks Jake.” You quickly run to the writers room get the script and a copy and then return to your room. you already made sure you looked hot. You wear your favorite dress because your character wears one in this scene and you also wears the sexiest panties you have because you know even if you wont do the whole scene he will at least see that. You hear an knock and open the door. “hey Jake, come in.” you close the door behind him. “have you read it already?” “Nope, waited for you.” You lied. You give him the script as he sat himself down on the couch. You sit on the opposite of him acting like you are concentrated on the script. It starts innocent. You just flirting with him and talking about some stuff but then the scene takes a turn and your character finally gives the man what her powers make him desire. “ready?” you ask as you sit up. “i-I uhm yeah I guess.” Jake stuttered. “Okey so the scene starts with you in a chair hands tied behind your back and me walking into the room.” you stated energetic as if the scene is about 2 kids talking about their biggest crush. Jake stood u grabbed a chair and sat down with his hands behind his back. You walk up to him and start the scene. “So, your men failed to kill the threat or you wanted commanded them to take his side. I think that I know what is going on here.” You grab his yaw to make him look at you. “you took sides with the enemy instead of using your balls and fight for what’s yours.” Your face were now nearly touching, feeling his breath on your lips. “I did, I did side with him.” You fake slap him and he grunts. “Why?” “Because you don’t deserve this. You manipulate people into doing things they don’t want to.” “I don’t manipulate people they still make their own decisions and still have their own opinions I just help them choose.” Your hand left his yaw and is now resting in his inner thigh. His breathing becomes heavier and he glares at you with anger in his eyes. “Now don’t be so angry. I gave you a choice, you made your decision and now I need to figure out what to do with you.” Your hand slides higher on his thigh until you reach his crotch there you start rubbing him painfully slow. Jake lets out a little groan that wasn’t written in the script. You smile and steady yourself sitting on one of his thighs. “you are useless to me now so I’ll have my little fun with you before I throw you out.” You say slowly in his ear. You start grinding on his thigh and Jake’s breathing hitches. You crown on top of him so you’re straddling his lap and starts moving. You feel yourself getting wetter when his cock starts to harden underneath it. you kiss him with lust and soon you were fighting for dominance. your hands slide over his chest opening the buttons of his shirt and moving it down his shoulders. You knew he wasn’t following the script anymore when he moved his hands from behind his back and took his shirt off. You start kissing him on the yaw down to his neck, collarbone then stomach. You repositioned yourself on the floor between his legs and look up at him with an innocent face before undoing his belt. You pull his pants down as he lifts his hips and then you start stroking him through his underwear. Jake groaned into the touch. You stand up still rubbing him and give him a slow but rough kiss. He grabs your dress and pulls it up revealing your panties. He stops to look at it and bites his lips. straddle him again and start grinding, rougher this time and still palming him with your hand. You moan as his cock touches your clit and Jake stand up. your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He carries you to the bed and lays you down taking your dress off of you. He hovers above you and starts grinding his clothed cock against your clothed entrance. His hands move to your back and unclasp your bra revealing your breasts. He kisses your left breast around the nipple and then takes it in his mouth while massaging the other one between his fingers. You moan into the touch as his tongue plays with your nipple. He then goes lower and takes your panties off. Kissing your inner thigh and moving to your heat. He then starts licking your clit and entrance and in a sudden movement he sucks your clit in his mouth while his fingers play with your entrance. Your grasp his hair and tug at his hair. One of his fingers slip inside you and you moan. Bucking your hips onto his finger. “mgh another please.” He adds another finger and starts pumping. “aah Fuck Jake.” At the sound of his name he moans onto your clit and you feel the heat pooling in your stomach. “Fuck almost there.” He adds another finger and starts moving faster. You come with a loud scream of his name. he eats you out and when he is done he looks at you and puts his fingers in his mouth showing you how much he enjoys your taste. He crawls back up to you and kisses you. you wrap your legs around his waist and pulls him closer to you. your hands finding their way to his boxers and pulling them down. You take his hard member in your hand and starts pumping it. Jake moans into the kiss and grabs your wrist. “I’ve been imagining this for so long. One more touch and I can just come right here and now.” You let go and he positions himself in front of your entrance. Slowly pushing in and letting you adjust to his size. You moan and move your hips as a signal that you’re ready. He starts trusting into you at a slow pace. “Jake please, faster.” He moves faster trusting into you hard. “You feel so good around me.” Jake hits your G-spot with every thrust he gives and soon the heat in your stomach came back. You tighten your grip on him, nails running down his back. His head in the crease on your neck kissing your sweet spot. “mhh Jake, Jake uhm. I’m gonna.” “cum for me baby. I’ll be right behind your.” You come hard and then Jake hits his high because of the way your walls clench around him.
Both breathing heavy and unsteady he pulls out and hugs you tight. “if you dare doing this with James I’m gonna kick his little ass.” He chuckled and you laughed in response. “I won’t, I promise. Well maybe I’ll do the first part because that’s my job.” You laugh and Jake smiles. He kisses you on the forehead and holds you tight against his chest. “I’ll have to go back to my room before anyone realizes what we were doing.” “I think they already did, we weren’t exactly quiet about it. Just stay a bit longer please?” “of course.”
The next morning you woke up and saw Jake still sleeping. You looked at the clock and saw the time. Shit 11 am, Jake had a scene at 10. You shake him but all he does is turn around. “Jake it’s 11 am and you had a scene at 10, now wake up and get your ass to your set.” Jake shot up and quickly got dressed. “Shit well, if they didn’t know already they will know now.” He gave you a quick kiss and ran out of the room and to his set. You slowly got dressed yourself and went to your set to film the scene with James.
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