#welcome to nightvale crossover
stormikitty · 6 months
Writing prompt:
Someone from Metropolis is listening in horror as an Amity Parker, a Gothamite, someone from Nightvale, and someone from Gravity Falls are having a conversation about the things they consider normal.
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technicallyoneofakind · 6 months
Backrooms level where wanderers find themselves in a friendly desert community where the sun is bright, the moon is beautiful and strange lights pass overhead while they all pretend to sleep. The future is here, and it's about a 1000 feet above the Arby's.
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welcome-to-gunsmoke · 9 months
You turn your radio on. Just in time. "There is a church on the edge of town." "There isn't supposed to be a church on the edge of town. The Faceless Old Woman who lives in your house says so, under her breath and barely out of hearing. But she's impossible to ignore. "There is a church on the edge of town, its steeple and bell staring listlessly into the sands like a lost lover." "Welcome, to Nightvale."
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caw-oticdork · 9 months
Headcanon: The version of Nightvale in the Hallowoods universe may have changed a bit, but they have kept BotCo out and accepted the black rains as normal ("according to Carlos, it rains so rarely down here, we have never had a statistically significant amount of rainfall to tell if any change to its color is unusual").
Also, Huntokar is Marolmar's sister. They're both deer-shaped gods, with similar names and portfolios. That's why Nikignik never looks there, he doesn't want to talk to his sister-in-law at this time.
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carlyraejepsans · 1 year
hey wtnv fans! anyone got a "best of the bunch" episodes rec list for an old fan who got about up to the cecilos wedding before dropping off and is suddenly very, very nostalgic?
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lorientours · 1 year
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Hmmm the temptation to write a WTNV / HFTHW crossover…
I fully believe that nightvale (if we are going w the canon established in a story about huntokar?) would endure in Hello From the Hallowoods world. I mean, they’ve survived one apocalypse, impact would a second have?
Also would Huntokar be considered an indescribable? Shattering a bunch of worlds together just to protect a town full of your fav squishy lil humans definitely sound like Indescribable behavior.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
Metropolis being an extreme capitalist state mostly controlled by a single coorporation (LexCorp) were existencial and eldrich crises happen from time to time but everyone just pretends it's the happiest place on earth VS Gotham being a terrible place, were awfull unpredictable chaotic things happen, the police and the goverment are corrupt and everyone just got used to it/has an weird sense of humor out of it but also acknowledges the city suck and they just love it anyway or just CAN'T leave.
What I mean to say is:
Gotham is Nightvale and Metropolis is Desert Bluffs. And yes this means LexCorp is the DCU version of StrexCorp, I don't make the rules.
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justpent · 8 months
one time during their Wild Dead Welsh King Search™ the gangsey stumble through the desert following some strange results on the various machinery in the back of the pig. after an hour into the hot sun, the car finnaly breaks down, leaving everyone cursing their guts out. the measurements are crazy. Gansey is fiddling with the radio that emites a loud, cracking static, until suddenly it clicks on. a calm, deep voice emerges from the car speakers...
"-friendly desert community where the sun is hot, the moon is beautiful, and misterious lights pass overhead as we all pretend to sleep. welcome to..."
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leafatlaw · 5 months
relistening to ep4 of bitb but skipping the bug! kian scene <333
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ashenchieftain-fr · 1 year
Can we get a Carlos dragon to go with the Cecil?
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he was really difficult to figure out, but here's my final design!
Carlos Palmer, but he's an Obelisk dragon from Flight Rising.
M/Adult | Petals Ginger | Seraph Blackberry | Peacock Ginger | Earth Bright
Silver Glasses, Dusklight Alchemist Tools, Black Aviator Satchel, and Spiffy Tailcoat
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pooks · 2 years
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so i tried to get into some real Stephen King or Stranger Things style and i made this totally fake, not official at all book cover of Welcome to Somewhere Else
this is just a fanart of a fake book cover 😅
the Welcome to Somewhere Else AU belongs to @sm0kebreaks, @kerink and game-warden
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youreverydaygae · 1 year
This just in! The Man In The Tan Jacket is actually Castiel Winchester!
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I finished it. pretty pleased with how it turned out.
Quinn and Cecil would get along well until Quinn learned how many rules there are in Nightvale. They’re, much less keen on rules than Cecil. I think that would drive a wedge between them.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 2 years
Welcome To Storyvale
Is this the most self-indulgent thing that I’ve written yet? Absolutely.
Summary: A town full of fairy tale characters is whisked away to Maine. Somewhere, in some dimension there is a strange town in a desert. Magic and curses have struck Storybrooke one too many times and now something has slipped through the fissures in the fabric of time and space. Two strange little towns that shouldn’t exist now exist together.
There is a lighthouse in the desert. 
Ever glowing, but never shining.
The lighthouse does not light. In actuality the beam it casts is a shadow.
But it is a lighthouse.
It doesn’t light, it vibrates. 
Welcome to Storyvale.
Storybrooke has always been an odd place in its own right, with its own quirky little cast of characters and its own array of bizarre happenings–strange even for a town infested with magic and curses. 
But never so strange has it been since another town had dropped itself on to theirs. It was an overlap, a clashing of realities. Another layer of something that is not supposed to exist on top of something that was already not supposed to exist. 
It started with the flickering neon sign of a suddenly manifesting Arbey’s and a radio tower that hummed like a curse in the making. 
The calls started coming in at one in the morning. 1:27 to be exact. And when Sheriff Swan’s police and personal lines grew overwhelmed they started calling Mayor Mills directly. 
Leroy always does such a fantastic job with stirring up a panic. For such a small man, his voice has a thunder. And that thunder is rumbling all across Storybrooke, making its way passed the newly sprouted fields of imaginary corn and to the town line. He bellows all the way there, “it’s here, it’s heeeeere!” 
He doesn’t yet know what it is. 
Just that it is here. 
“It’s! Here!” 
“What’s here Leroy?” Belle steps out of Gold’s Pawn Shop. 
And Leroy pauses. “An…an Arby’s.” It is more serious than that, he knows. There is something inexplicably off about that Arby’s. Something uncanny on a primordial level. Something vaguely unsettling. Something like that hearleaping moment when missing a stair and catching yourself just before you can take tumble. But he can’t comprehend that yet so he repeats, “an Arby’s.” 
Belle furrows her brows and Leroy continues his desperate sprint. He is across the street before Mr. Gold finally emerges from the backroom of the shop. 
“And as every upstanding citizen should, they are all outside running. Pointing. Nightvale, I think that our new quantum friends aren’t so different from us. Do not panic, Nightvale. No not…” 
There is a piercing wail, a shrill tone with the sound of nails, polished red and chipping, clicking on a counter intermittently. 
A good portion of the town stands with Leroy; Granny and Ruby and those who had been sharing a meal in the diner that used to be Granny’s but is now Granny’s with an Arby’s sign in front of it. Dr. Hopper and Kathryn stand side by side while Dr. Whale converses with Ashley Boyd and Mother Superior. Leroy initiates a conversation with Larry Leroy who he has never met but has known all his life.
Just as he does not know the Arby’s, he does know Larry Leroy.
The Charmings pull up to the town line, the headlights of the police car light up the town sign;
“Welcome to Storyvale, dear listeners.”
Just down the road from the sign that reads ‘Welcome to Storyvale’, Regina finds herself wandering, against her better judgment, towards the Arby’s that is also Granny’s. The street is empty. Empty and occupied by a feeling of loss and mourning and that sensation you get when you find a ten dollar bill caught against a grate and flapping about. She finds herself lingering beneath the flickering stoplight amid a line of stalled and abandoned cars. 
The wind howls.
It is curiously hot for late autumn. So hot that it chills Mayor Mills to the bone. She burrows deeper into her coat. In her office, the phone rings and rings…
And rings. 
And rings…
Regina comes to the parking lot where she lingers for a time beneath the Arby’s sing that is beneath the strange lights. 
Their purple lights fight with the red of the Arby’s sign over which will bathe Regina’s face with its glow. Before they can get that worked out between the two of them, Regina’s face is no longer there to cast a glow upon. 
The mayor stuffs her hands into her pockets and opens the door to Granny’s but enters the Arby’s. 
The Arby’s is empty.
All but one booth. 
The woman occupying the booth sits with one hand around a coffee mug and the other holding a taco that could only be from Taco Bell, but the woman is adamant that she had indeed bought this taco from the Arbey’s and that Arbey’s had always served bastardized abominations of traditional cultural dishes. “This is Arby’s. A-rrr-r-by. ‘Ssss.”
In her own rights the woman reminds Regina of herself. Herself if she were perhaps three or four times removed from who she is now. 
Director of emergency press conferences, Pamela Winchell reaches her hand out and shakes Regina’s before Regina even realizes that she too had extended her hand. 
*Static* The world glitches and winks. *Static*
“You can let go now.” Regina says.
“Then stop holding on.” Pamella replies. And Regina realizes that the woman had stopped holding her had perhaps a minute or two ago. Pamela smiles…
*A piercing wail, nails on a chalkboard*
“Who are you?” Regina has never been fond of mysterious guests–interlopers, interlopers, inteeeerlopersss–they always make a perfect mess of things. She is not fond of things and people that aren’t supposed to be here. Things fall apart when outsiders enter whether it is the breaking of her precious curse or a pair of fools like Greg and Tamara… “How did you find my town?”
“Our town.”
“My. Town.” Regina insists. “How did you find my town, it…”
“Doesn’t exist.” Pamela finishes. “Does anything really exist?” And as mayors tend to do–even former mayors–Pamela Winchell vanishes in a puff of green smoke.
Regina is alone in the Arby’s that is also Granny’s.
Alone and the jukebox is playing the weather; 
“I'll stop the world and melt with you
You've seen the difference and it's getting better all the time
There's nothing you and I won't do
I'll stop the world and melt with you”
Regina closes her eyes. And those flickering lights bob and dance, painting the Arby’s that is also Granny’s in hazes of purple and red and red and purple and also magenta. 
Regina likes the color purple. 
Regina does not like outsiders. 
By the town line Sheriff Swan and her parents emerge from a police car. It is not the only police car on the scene but it is a police car. Sheriff Swan’s three man team of Not So Secret Police walk to greet Sheriff Sam's Secret Police.
Sirens don’t wail and red and blues don’t flash. Helicopter blades whir, unseen by those below. 
There is a rumble, a murmur as citizens of Storybrook and occupants of Nightvale become increasingly aware of one another. Increasingly aware that they are now dwelling in–and perhaps have always dwelt in–the very same place in spacetime as each other.
They are scared. 
They are crying. 
They are laughing. 
They are happy. 
They aren’t alone anymore in their eccentric pockets of the universe. Aren’t alone in the oddity of their respective existences. And so, with fluids–be they tears, blood, or black ooze–leaking down their cheeks, they welcome one another home although no one has left home at all. 
Their dimensions entangle, embrace like long lost lovers learning to fit one another’s body’s once again. 
“Of course this is going to be a confusing and maybe frightening time for Nightvale. But we are no stranger to the horrific abominations of the universe. We after all have dealt with the moon. So let us not cast out these interlopers, but accept they and their strange customs. Really, who greets someone with ‘hello’ anyways?! How weird…is. That?” He sighs into the microphone. “Stay tuned for a collective tortured screaming as we all begin to realize that what we knew is not what we know now. And goodnight Nightvale…goodnight Storyvale, good night.”
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I hope you enjoy the weather, fufufu! enjoy a little of Emperor Rei time <3 Shoutout to my dear readers who asked me to update this chapter it makes me so happy when someone asks me to update a fic <3
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