#well that hit me with a wave of nostalgia
bigfan-fanfic · 2 days
I'd Hammer in the Morning (Male!Reader x Thor)
Part One
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"What do you mean, you're quitting?" Tony practically shouts.
"Hey, hey, I didn't say the Q-word."
"But you are."
"I... I'm going to be moving to Asgard, Tony. I can't be your personal assistant from a realm away."
Tony fidgets, swinging an arm in your direction. "A 'realm away?' Look how they've got you talking - you can say 'realm' with a straight face!"
"Please don't make this difficult." you try to get that stern but kind note in your voice that Frigga gets when managing Odin or Thor, but you don't quite get there.
"Fine, I won't. Recharge, I don't accept your resignation."
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way."
"Don't care." Tony quips petulantly. When Pepper walks in, he immediately bursts out. "Recharge is quitting!"
Pepper smiles at you. "Yes, he is, and we're so excited for you. Congratulations, Y/N."
Tony's jaw drops.
"I know it's short notice, but Tony's going to host your goodbye party before you leave, if that's alright."
"I am?"
She silences him with a look. Oh, there it is.
"Fine, fine..."
And with that, after an all-too-wild party that Pepper does her best to manage, you're ready to leave Midgard as your primary residence.
Thor meets you atop the Avengers Tower, the burning runic circle etched into the helipad, little drones already trying to clear up the ash and cinders.
You run to his arms, excited to see him.
"Did you truly think I would not wish to witness every moment of your arrival to my home? Our home, now." Thor chuckles.
"No, I actually thought I was going to awkwardly have to call Heimdall."
You notice a few other Asgardians are here, glancing around interestedly. "Father is eager for your arrival. He assumed you'd have more... luggage. Insisted I bring porters."
You don't really have much more than a couple large suitcases and a few boxes to contain everything you own. Tony had insisted on digitizing all of your books and movies and games and ensuring you'd have communication and internet even on Asgard with a tiny prism he assured you had a copy of JARVIS on it for your use.
It's his way of showing he cares, because he can't go more than two sentences without snarking, by law, apparently.
"Wait... your father is eager for my arrival? I... I kinda thought Lord Odin wasn't too fond of Midgardians."
"No, he's not disdainful, simply... he worries about me. Our... lifespans."
You balk instinctively, the notion that Thor may long outlive you a little depressing. "Oh."
"But he seems to be much more open. So either he has a plan, or you have simply won him over as a mortal that can wield Mjolnir and learn my mother's seidr."
You do recall Odin becoming more warm to your presence, especially once you got over the hump of learning magic and started to transcend your electrokinesis. Frigga, of course, loves you. "A plan? To, like... deal with my lifespan?"
"Perhaps. Mother mentioned something about a coronation gift."
"Wow, all of this for your boyfriend? They're that eager to have me?"
"All of Asgard is eager. To be completely honest..." Thor chuckles, almost nervously. "I believe they expect a proposal soon."
"Oh." You chuckle a little, almost nervous as well. "And should they?"
"My prince... my king... you know this has been the greatest year of my life. I am more than eager to share all my days with you."
"Thor... I love you too."
"Then perhaps a proposal is not far off at all." He smirks. "Now, are you certain this is all your luggage?"
"Yes. Underwhelming, I know."
"Not at all. It simply means you will have plenty of room for the gifts I will shower you with."
You giggle. And then it hits you that you are truly leaving Earth. You frown softly, looking around as nostalgia crashes over you in waves.
"What ails you, my love?"
"Just... it's suddenly very hard to leave."
Thor takes you in his arms and kisses you. "I swear that as long as the Bifrost stands, I shall take you to Midgard whenever you wish."
You kiss him back. "You're sweet. But... it's just the change. It's always a big moment. But I'm not leaving home, not really. I'm coming home. To you. To Odin and Frigga. Even to Loki."
Thor grins. "Truly, you think of my misguided brother as your family?"
You nod. "Frigga and I have been taking lessons outside his cell lately as part of his rehabilitation."
His eyes shine with something surpassing gratitude and admiration.
"My king... allow me the honor of bringing you home."
And in a flash of rainbow and lightning, he does.
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mortellanarts · 1 year
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spectrearia · 7 months
hhh found some photos of old disney trips from several years back and it just made me really sad that the parks are nothing like what they were back then anymore. i still feel like it was probably best in the 90s and early 2000s (from what i've seen in videos documenting that time frame, and from the few trips my fam went on as well), but i ended up visiting more often in the 2010s and i still really enjoyed it;;
i miss walking around and just drinking in the atmosphere and theming honestly. sucks that its a mess now and you're paying so dang much for lackluster quality and there's no room for spontaneous flexibility within your visit because of the stupid genie+ app and insane wait times for Everything. the fact that there's no real "off season" anymore because it's Always Busy is a terrible reality as well. *sigh*
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ipwarn · 10 months
Also while I'm being quietly ranty. Kevin and Jenna don't have to like Blaine as a character.
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illumiiiz · 2 years
confession time: I discovered Hesitant Alien like five years ago but never listened to more than four minutes of it. when I found it I decided oh, it’s Gerard Way, of course it’ll be good. so I put it on shuffle and Brother was the first song to come on. didn’t make it through half of it before I was crying and to this DAY Brother has been the only song from that album I’ve ever listened to, for fear that the rest would make me cry and feel the same feelings that one track did (it does). idk man,, those opening chords just hit different
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hyewka · 1 month
𝙗𝙪𝙙𝙙𝙮 𝙨𝙮𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙢 | c.bg
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synopsis: wanting to try a new sexual route with your boyfriend but not knowing how to approach the situation drives you to beomgyu—your best friend since the dawn of time, under the rule of what you call a buddy system.
warnings: sub!gyu, dumbification, basically infidelity but they don’t really fuck, butt plug
tags 🏷️ @b3omitus @beomiracles @bambammtori @jakeslvt @subby-men-forever @iijustread @strwbrryjaem @rikiwaify-blog @yyeonzi @skz-smut-reader @kyuuuie @fairfootedflekk @badwicht @handsomejin25 @itaehynz @soobabby
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No matter what angle you look at it, it’s weird. You wouldn’t even think of asking for a favor so indecent if it wasn’t—well if it wasn’t him. And maybe that’s the blaring problem.
“What’ya thinking ‘bout?” Beomgyu muffles, mouth stuffed. You quirk your lip, kicking him under the table. "Don't talk with food in your mouth idiot."
He immediately shuts his mouth, but doesn't miss the chance to retaliate and return the kick, only he aims poorly and hits the table leg instead.
You snort, suddenly hit with a wave of nostalgia. It takes you right back to when your biggest problem was hiding a bad report card from your then-overbearing parents and trying to find knock-off drug store products to cover your gross pimples.
A simpler time when all you saw was your best friend across from you, wedged into the booth at Shake N Shack, stuffing his mouth with fries, sauce on the edge of his lips as he rants about some latest absurd conspiracy theory he had stumbled upon online.
“So?” he pulls you out of your reverie, looking up at you once he’s finished chewing. His eyes dart nervously between you and his plate as he swallows the last bite when you keep silent. “Why’re you really here? You haven’t been around much lately.”
You scoff, crossing your arms defensively. "I can't just visit you for old times' sake?"
He exaggeratedly winces. "Damn, already demoted to a nostalgia trip?”
You sigh, feeling a pang of guilt despite the lightheartedness in his tone.
You know Beomgyu— like the back of your hand, like the way your favorite song plays in your mind, you know how he hurts and how he likes to cover it up. Ever since you started dating Youngjae, you’ve completely abandoned him, and so his words hit harder than they should.
“You know what I mean,” you mumble weakly.
“Do I?” he replies, tilting his head. “Last I checked, people don’t usually show up at someone’s door at ten-thirty PM during a thunderstorm just to reminisce for “old times sake”. Are you here to drop some kind of plot twist on me? Did you kill someone? Is this an alibi visit?”
You let out a frustrated groan—leave it to Beomgyu to be as annoying as humanely possible as you try to get him to forgive you for your sins. "No, I didn't kill anyone. I just…I’ve been caught up with y'know like...everything and-”
You pause, glancing at your feet as you try to find the right words, the ones that make this moment make sense. You’d gone over this moment in your head a thousand times, but now, in front of him, it all seems so much harder to say.
“And?” he prompts.
“And in the middle of all the stupid exams and projects, I had this epiphany. Like, holy crap, when was the last time I actually saw my best friend? The one person who gets all my dumb jokes, who knows all my weird habits, and somehow still puts up with me.”
His face visibily softens and he nods slowly, picking at the crumbs on his plate. "Epiphany took a long ass time.”
You smile, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. Without thinking, you stand up from your seat and walk over to him. He looks up just in time for you to wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. It only takes him a moment before he completely melts into the embrace, his arms circling your waist. “I missed you, you dork,” you whisper into his hair.
He leans into you, seemingly satisfied. “That’s all I get?” he mumbles, his voice muffled against your shoulder, but there’s no mistaking the smile in his words. “A quick hug after you’ve been ignoring your best friend for, like, forever?”
“You’ll get a little present later, besides you love me too much to stay mad.”
He nestles his head against you, his grip around your waist tightening just a bit. “Yeah, I really do.” he murmurs.
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The Buddy System.
You don’t know if that rollercoaster is any good? The Buddy System. Beomgyu can go on it and tell you if he thinks it’s possible for you to ride without throwing up right after. Beomgyu’s feeling squeamish over that plate of food? The Buddy System— you’ll try it out for him and accurately determine whether it’s gyu-gestable or …not. Years of practice has had you know exactly what his picky habits can allow him to consume.
Those are the more normal instances you’ve used it, there were other peculiar times like when Beomgyu asked you to test out the temperature of his bathwater—with your elbow, like you were checking a baby’s bath. He stood there, fully clothed, watching you as you leaned over the tub, dipping your elbow into the water with the seriousness of a professional thermometer. “Too hot,” you’d say, adjusting the faucet until he gave a nod of approval.
Actually, now that you’re really going over every instance you’ve used it, you think all of the weird ones were Beomgyu’s doing.
Like the time when it was the summer of senior year, the last summer before you went off to college, Beomgyu had recurring nightmares and was convinced that if you fell asleep holding his hand, you’d somehow end up in his dream and could “fix it” from the inside. You tried to explain that dreams didn’t work that way, but he wouldn’t budge. So, there you were, two grown teenagers, lying in a dark room, hands clasped like some kind of paranormal experiment. It didn’t work, of course, but Beomgyu insisted he slept better knowing you were “on the job.”
So therefore…asking this of him would just…even it out, right? Right?
Beomgyu sits up abruptly, causing the carefully arranged pillows to collapse around him, and a few stuffed animals to topple over onto his lap. His eyes are wide, and his voice cracks as he practically yelps, "What?"
Holy shit, who are you kidding.
“This was the little present?”
You shift uncomfortably in the small, now even more cramped space, suddenly wishing you could burrow into the pile of blankets and disappear. “It’s weird, I know, like really weird and it’s okay if you don’t want to. I just thought—”
You take a deep breath. “I just—I want to try it with him and—I don’t know, maybe it won’t feel good and-"
“You thought I’d be the one to—” he waves the box around, his voice higher than usual, “—to test this out for you?”
“I mean, buddy system, right?” you offer weakly, your confidence crumbling completely. “We’ve done other things for each other… not like this, but…” your voice trails off as you fidget with the edge of the blanket beneath you.
Beomgyu just blinks at you. And in the long, awkward silence that follows you realize how absurd your request sounds. Hey, can you try out this butt plug for me because my faith in this relationship with my boyfriend is so fragile I’m afraid I might ruin it completely by doing the normal thing of suggesting and exploring different ways of pleasuring each other? Don’t forget that it’s a butt plug! I’m asking you to insert something up in your ass. Up your ass.
The fairy lights cast soft shadows on his face—he’s staring at you, but you’re too caught up in your embarrassment to notice the way his gaze lingers just a little too long, or how eventually, his expression softens.
Before he can stop himself, he blurts out, “Does he know you’re here?”
You freeze, caught off guard. “Who?”
“Your boyfriend,” he says, his voice quieter now, almost hesitant. “Does he know you’re here? With me?”
“Uh, no… he doesn’t,” you admit, shifting uncomfortably again. “I mean, it’s late, and I just wanted to see you. It’s not a big deal, right?”
Beomgyu swallows hard, his gaze dropping to the stuffed bear in his lap, which seems to be staring back at him with wide, unblinking eyes. “Yeah… right. No big deal.”
The silence stretches on, thick and awkward, until finally, he lets out a long, exaggerated sigh. “Okay,” he resigns. “This is, hands down, the weirdest thing you’ve ever asked me to do, but… yeah, okay. I’ll do it.”
You blink again, not expecting him to actually agree. “Wait, seriously?” A huge smile breaks across your face as you lean forward, your excitement palpable. “I can’t believe you’re actually saying yes! Oh my god, Gyu, thank you! I thought for sure you were going to think I was crazy and—”
But then, almost as quickly as your excitement flared up, it dims slightly, and you glance at him with a more serious expression. The guilt’s creeping up. “You know you don’t have to do this, right? It’s been a while since we’ve hung out and I mean, I don’t want you to feel like I’m forcing you or anything—”
"Are you holding a gun to my head?”
“No, but-"
“Then I’m fine,” he says, though his voice softens as he adds, “Seriously, it’s okay. I’ll do it. Who cares.”
You pout looking at your best friend because for the millionth time in your life, you feel that familiar warmth in your chest at the reassurance that no matter what, Beomgyu’s always there to back you up.
“You’re the best, Gyu. You don’t even know it yet, but you’ll probably be responsible for our wedding,” you say, sighing dreamily, “I’ll make sure to shout you out.”
Suddenly, his expression changes. He frowns deeply, and before you can process it, he grabs the nearest plushie—a soft, squishy bear—and hurls it at you with a grumble. “Yeah, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.”
Your mouth falls open at the bear hitting you square in the chest. The audacity! But before you can even think about launching a counterattack, Beomgyu is already on the move.
In one swift motion, he snatches up the pink box, waving it above his head like a white flag of retreat, quickly scrambling out of the fort, the pillows and blankets collapsing behind him in his rush to escape.
You take back everything nice you’ve thought of him thirty seconds ago.
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Beomgyu’s cheeks are a bit pink when he comes back twenty minutes later, and you notice it when you look up from your phone, where you’ve been meticulously studying the app’s settings. He looks uncharacteristically bashful, avoiding your gaze as he settles back in with you— the fort looking almost as good as it did before Beomgyu nuked it and ran away.
“Did you put it in?” you ask, trying to gauge his reaction.
He glances at you briefly before quickly looking away, the blush on his cheeks deepening. "Yup. Lubed it up pretty well."
You raise an eyebrow, skeptical. "Did you really, or are you fucking with me?"
Beomgyu's response is immediate, and a little too defensive. "Do you want me to show you my asshole or something? I have it in!"
"God, okay!" you say in exasperation, throwing your hands up in mock surrender.
Your mood takes a complete flip as you grin wickedly, wiggling your phone, the app open and ready. "So... ready for the fun part?"
His eyes widen slightly, and you catch the way his breath hitches as he realizes what you mean. His cheeks flush even more as he swallows hard. "Wait, you're not actually gonna…”
There isn’t any incentive for him to lie but you still don’t fully believe him. You’ve heard that first times have guys struggling a little, he’d be a lot more fidgety than he is now. You narrow your eyes as you glance from your phone to his face, experimentally turning up the setting to its highest volume, just to see if he's really telling the truth.
The reaction is immediate. Beomgyu's eyes widen in shock, and blood rushes to his cheeks, turning him a deep shade of red. His whole body tenses as he grips the blanket beneath him, his breath hitching.
"Hey! Turn it down! It—it-fuck!" he stammers, his voice strained and breathy as he squirms in place.
You quickly dial back the intensity, watching as he takes a few deep breaths, trying to recover. You didn't mean to push him that far, but now there's no doubt in your mind that he wasn't lying. He really did go through with it.
"I didn't think it'd be that intense," you say, genuinely concerned. "Are you okay?"
He hangs his head low, nodding.
You can't help but giggle at his reaction, though you feel a little guilty for pushing him so hard. "Sorry, I just had to make sure."
He gives you a look that's somewhere between a pout and a glare, still clearly embarrassed. "Well, now you know. It's definitely in, and it's definitely working."
You ruffle his head. "Alright, I won't push it any further. Just let me know when it's too much, okay?"
Beomgyu groans, his voice dropping a little, betraying a note of something more than just embarrassment. "Why do I let you talk me into these things?" he mumbles, mostly to himself.
You ignore him, grinning as you observe him, slowly turning up the vibrations to a slow, steady hum. “Notes? How does it feel?”
Beomgyu stiffens, his eyes widening as the first wave of vibrations hits him. "Oh... my god," he squeaks, his voice shaky and a bit breathless. "This is... this is so weird."
You narrow your eyes. “Bad weird or good weird?”
He looks at you, his bottom lip jutted out into a pout, as if he’s not quite sure how to articulate what he’s feeling. “It’s just… weird, okay? Full. Like, not bad but… not normal either. It’s… it’s like—ugh, why are you making me explain this?”
You fold your arms, deciding to push him a little more to get the information that you actually want. “Is it, like, ‘I can get used to this’ weird, or ‘please stop this right now’ weird?”
Beomgyu huffs, clearly flustered. “I don’t know! It’s… kind of both? Like… it’s weird, but maybe kind of good? I don’t know!” He’s squirming now, obviously uncomfortable but not entirely hating it either.
“So…you’re saying you’re into it?” you tease, leaning in closer with a mischievous grin, wiggling your brows playfully.
The words slip out before you can fully think them through, the playful energy between you both making it easy to forget the boundaries that normally exist. Especially considering that you have a boyfriend of seven months waiting at home.
You’re too far gone to care.
His eyes widen even more, his blush deepening as he quickly shakes his head, shuffling away from you a bit. “N-no! I mean… not like that, I just—” His voice trails off, and he swallows hard, clearly struggling to find the right words.
You bite your lip, gradually increasing the intensity, curious. His expression tightens, and a soft, involuntary moan escapes his lips before he can stop it.
"Okay, okay, that's... that's enough!" he says, his voice a mix of panic and something more, his breathing coming out in quick, uneven gasps as he clearly tries to hold himself together.
A slow smirk spreads across your face, “Just a little more,” you coax. “You’re doing great.”
“Fuck, stop teasing me!” he whines, but his voice is breathier now, and there's a definite edge of something more in the way he looks at you, his pupils slightly dilated.
You watch him, the way he tries to keep his mouth in a thin line, a façade that crumbles the moment you notice the way his left leg shakes— you’re intrigued. You've never seen him like this—so vulnerable, so out of control—and it's both unsettling and fascinating. If there’s a possibility this is exactly how your boyfriend would act with something up his ass, you’d spend hundreds on a collection.
You clear your throat, realizing its been silent for too long. “So?”
He’s fast to catch on. “I—I don’t hate it. I think it’s hitting my prost—holy shit, d-did you just turn it up again?”
You hesitate, your gaze shifting away from his. “No…” you mumble, the lie unconvincing even to your own ears. The accusatory stare he gives you is impossible to ignore, burning through your feigned innocence.
Eventually, you give in, sighing in defeat. “Alright, only to a different rhythm. Is it worse? Should I—”
You pause abruptly when you see his reaction. Beomgyu’s eyes tightly screw shut, his jaw clenching and for a moment, you worry that you’ve pushed too far, that this time you’ve actually overstepped. But then he lets out a breath, his shoulders relaxing slightly.
“If it was worse, you would be pure evil but uh—no, no, it’s okay. It’s… better.”
You can’t let the genuine relief washing over you run its full course because you feel a spark of something more exciting running down your spine. You gulp— the hot, stuffiness of the fort becomes increasingly unbearable by the minute. “Better?”
He nods, though his movements are slow, deliberate, like he's testing the waters before fully committing to his answer. "Yeah... better," he repeats, his voice more certain this time. His eyes flutter open, and a cute, determined face replaces the more bashful Beomgyu you were getting pretty comfortable playing with.
For the second time tonight, an awkward silence overtakes you both and he leans back against the pillows, fiddling nervously with the drawstrings of his hoodie, his fingers picking at the fabric as if trying to find some distraction.
The silence stretches on until suddenly, Beomgyu moves. Without warning, he starts to pull at the hem of his hoodie, yanking it up and over his head in one swift motion.
“Whoa, whoa, what’re you doing?” you blurt out as you watch him toss his hoodie to the side, leaving him in just a thin undershirt. You’re completely caught off guard, and for a moment, all you can do is stare at him, the sight of his flushed skin and tousled hair making your heart, for the first time, race.
For …Beomgyu.
He looks back at you, sheepish. “It’s hot,” he says simply.
You blink, still processing. “Yeah, but…” you trail off, realizing you don’t really have an argument. The air’s pretty darn thick and stifling.
“Okay, fair enough,” you say finally, trying to play it off with a casual shrug. “I mean, it is pretty warm in here.”
You’re acting weird. Even Beomgyu’s noticing. You’re losing the upper hand.
“Uh, th-there’s another setting,” you stammer, quickly looking down at your phone in your hand, avoiding his gaze. “Wanna try it out? To see which one feels better.”
He hums in approval, his response casual, almost nonchalant, like he's confident nothing can catch him off guard.
But that confidence doesn’t last long.
The second you make the switch, his body jolts, a gasp slipping out before he can stop it. “How…how is it?” you ask anyway.
Beomgyu’s response is more of a whimper than anything else, his lips parting as he struggles to form coherent words. “It’s…oh god…it’s—" His voice catches in his throat, and it happens again. Loud and unrestrained. This time, it’s unmistakable.
Beomgyu's eyes widen in horror as the sound leaves his lips, his hand flying up to clap over his mouth in a desperate attempt to stifle any more noises. His cheeks flush a deep, burning red, and you can see the sheer embarrassment etched into his expression as he tries to hide his face, mortified by his own reaction.
You didn’t plan this. Not at all. But you cannot for the life of you even get yourself to feel an ounce of guilt for the way your underwear uncomfortably sticks to your heat.
Your gaze drops lower, and there it is-the clear strain in his pants, “Uh…Gyu…?” you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as your eyes flicker back up to his face.
Your mind is spinning, caught between disbelief and the sudden rush of arousal that floods right to your lower abdomen.
Beomgyu doesn't respond immediately. He's too busy fighting his own body, his breaths coming in shallow, rapid gasps as he tries to regain some semblance of control. His hand remains firmly over his mouth, his eyes squeezed shut as if he's trying to will himself to disappear, to erase the moment that just happened.
It's overly dramatic, of course-classic Beomgyu, always a tinge extra when he's overwhelmed. But instead of finding it annoying like you might have at any other time, it strikes you as incredibly…endearing.
The way his reactions are so genuine, so unguarded, makes him seem almost innocent in a way that tugs at your heart. He looks like a confused, flustered puppy than anything else.
The way he's covering his mouth, is almost comical in its futility-especially when another small, muffled whimper slips past his fingers. “Beomgyu,” you call out, your voice soft but insistent. “I need you to look at me.”
"I-I can't—" he stammers, his voice barely above a whisper as he tries to form coherent thoughts. "This is... it's t-too much..."
You tilt your head, “Do you want me to turn it off?”
“No! Just... I don't know..." he breathes out, his voice strained, as if he's not entirely sure what he's asking for. “Please.”
Something stirs within you, and before you know it, you’re moving closer to him, reaching out your hand to rest on his arm—you think it’d help comfort him. But he only takes that opportunity to bury his head in your neck a few seconds later.
Your heart pounds in your chest but you try to not give it any more attention. You’re supposed to be here for your friend.
“You’re doing so well, Beom,” you whisper, your voice steady and reassuring as you gently rub his arm. “You don’t have to be embarrassed. It’s just us here—you can let go. It’s just me.”
A soft, almost cute whimper escapes him as he nods against you, his breath warm against your skin.
Beomgyu's eyes flutter shut, and you can tell your words are having an effect on him, his resolve crumbling with each passing second, the twitch in his pants making it clear he’s barely holding on. “It’s okay,” you reassure.
Maybe it’s not. But you technically weren’t doing anything physical—it’s not wrong on your behalf, right? But as you rub your thighs subtly, trying to relieve something, that guilt is just as incessant.
You watch the way Beomgyu’s hand moves—hesitantly at first, as if he's not sure what he's doing or if he should even be doing it. But then he turns his head up to look at you, and you’re once again, caught off guard. His eyes look like they’re searching for something, focus shifting from one place to another. And you’re left feeling like you’re under a microscope, until it seems like he found what he’s looking for because his fingers finally brush against the waistband of his pants.
“Are you—are you sure this is okay?” he asks softly. And you nod. Almost too fast.
Maybe you should close your eyes. If not for the respect of the relationship that you’ve completely forgotten of once you had Beomgyu in your arms, at least for your best friend’s pride.
Actually, you don’t think he minds. If the strangled groan that comes out his pretty lips were anything to go by. He fumbles for his hard, aching cock, flinging it out and stroking it furiously almost the second he gets his hands on it and your eyes only manage to widen at the sight.
For lack of better words, you gawk.
“It’s not disappointing or anything, huh?” he tries to joke, but his breaths too strung out, too gone for even that.
Your mouth dries. Far from it.
This is the one time your boyfriend comes to mind in a while, and its not favorable. Beomgyu’s not bigger—he’s not small either, but that’s not your focus—rather the pearly bead that bubbles atop of the tiny slit, the head a deep pink, the way its veins pulses as his pace falters at your silence. That small bead of fluid oozing down his shaft, tracing the lines of the delicate veins. The curves, every little detail. He’s perfect. More perfect than you’ve ever seen.
It seems you took way too long for Beomgyu’s liking and self confidence so he looks elsewhere, “Is…it?”
You blink, almost forgetting your predicament, lost in your admiration of him. "No, no, of course not. It's—it's pretty," you reply, your words tumbling out in a rush as you try to reassure him.
But instead of calming him, your words have the opposite effect. His shoulders shake, and suddenly, he's burying himself back into your shoulder, his hand completely abandoning his cock. "H-hahh-" he pants, his breath hitching as he begins to hiccup, overwhelmed by his emotions.
“Are you—are you crying?”
“You just called my dick pretty,” he seems to sob a bit more at that, soaking your shirt, feeling the dampness spreading across your chest. “You hate it. It looks bad.”
You're at a loss for words, completely thrown by his reaction. You struggle to pry him off you, your hands gently but firmly gripping his shoulders as you try to pull back just enough to look him in the face. "What?! No!" you exclaim, your voice rising with urgency. "Pretty means pretty. Fuck, don't cry, it's perfect, Beomgyu. It looks perfect, I swear."
His hiccups slow as your words sink in, and you can see the tension in his shoulders begin to ease. He sniffles softly, wiping at his tears with the back of his hand, his breathing gradually becoming steadier. As the emotional intensity lessens gradually, you with no control of your own, redirect your attention to his poor cock. It’s rock hard. He looks like he needs some soothing so you think to do the sensible thing. The…right thing?
Beomgyu lets out a small, shaky laugh, trying to lighten the mood despite everything that's just happened. "Man... I think this plug’s really messed with my vulnerability or something," he jokes weakly, his voice still wavering as he tries to regain his composure. “Had me crying pretty fas—"
His rant pauses at a hilt. He meets your gaze as you fully wrap your hand around his shaft after he just witnessed you quickly spit on your palm.
He doesn’t question it. At all. In fact, the moment your hand’s on him, there’s no hesitation in the way he spreads his legs wider, his pants responsively moving down to pool around his ankles.
A soft, whiny sound escapes him, and he leans into your touch, his eyes drooping, face contorting cutely. “O-oh…I…I..”
“Shhh, I got you pretty,” you whisper. His cock’s soft to the touch, and wet. When you glide your hand up and down, even slowly, it makes an unpleasantly wet, dirty sound.
He’s very reactive to the endearing nickname that feels almost too natural slipping out of your lips of all people. “P-pretty..” he repeats, sighing, almost dazedly. A complete goner.
You squeeze him and he lets out another needy, low moan and wraps his arms around your waist. Your heart pounds at how clingy he is, it feels like it’s about to burst. "Ahhh...f-fuck…” He moans against your neck, a highly pitched sound only a woman could make, feeling a trail of saliva traveling down from the corner of his mouth.
You almost cum untouched at the sight of him, at the pretty, almost perfectly described as heavenly sinful sounds he’s making. A sheen of sweat has formed on his forehead, his hair damp at the edges, and it somehow makes him look better.
His body tenses beneath your touch, you can feel the warmth of his skin, the sweat slicking his brow, and the way his breath catches in his throat. Then, suddenly, he lets out a choked cry, his voice breaking as he bucks his hips just slightly. The movement is involuntary, desperate, as if his body is moving on its own, seeking out the final bit of friction it needs.
And then it happens.
Beomgyu gasps sharply, his body going rigid as he reaches his peak. He shudders violently, his chest heaving as he shoots strings of his load, the warm, sticky fluid spilling out. You react quickly, instinctively guiding the release towards him, watching as it lands all over his tummy and a bit on his chest.
You're struck by how quickly it happened—how you'd only had him in your hand for a few seconds before he came. His chest heaves, his breathing ragged and uneven as he slowly comes down from the high.
For a moment, there's nothing but the sound of his breathing, the soft rise and fall of his chest as he tries to steady himself.
Finally, he looks down at the mess on his stomach and chest, a soft, almost sheepish smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
And for whatever reason, that has an effect on you. He looks so endearing in this moment—his lips slightly parted, his lashes brushing against his flushed skin, his hair perfectly tousled and falling over his eyes—
You're completely lost in the sight of him, practically mesmerized by how perfect he looks and your mind starts to drift until suddenly his voice breaks through your thoughts.
"Did you hear me?" he asks. "Doofus, turn it off. It's starting to make my asshole sore."
Your romantic daze shatters like glass.
Blinking rapidly, your face transforms into a shocked scowl, the absurdity of the situation hitting you all at once. "Wait, what?" you stammer.
Beomgyu raises an eyebrow at you, clearly expecting a response. But as the moment stretches on, your brain lags behind as you try to process what he just said.
Then it clicks.
"Oh, right!" you gasp, fumbling with your phone as you quickly find the app and turn off the plug, mortification creeping up your spine. What an absolute bust.
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a/n: well well well. in the first draft he was made to eat his own cum but i felt maybe this fic wasnt the one for that😊😊 Unfortunately for some, fortunate for others🤔 anyway tell me how u enjoyed beomgyu getting his ass stimulated in a poorly made fort lol
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ddejavvu · 8 months
sirius being your ex boyfriend who you run to after every small inconvenience in your life… u were the one who broke up with him and he always teases getting back together. you got a new asshole bf and and after your short lived relationship ends ofc sirius is the one you’ll immediately run to🙈 not like you didn’t already do that when you hadn’t broken up yet
cw for unhealthy/toxic relationship dynamics. don't like, don't read.
"He doesn't treat me right," You rub at your swollen eyes, itchy and aching with rawed skin.
Sirius snorts around his cigarette, "I told you he wouldn't."
"You didn't either," You glare at your ex-boyfriend, the well of tears at your lower lid familiar when paired with his image. You wonder if you've looked at him more through tears or with clear vision.
Probably tears.
"Do I seem better now?" Sirius asks, smiling ruefully, "'Least I wasn't yelling at you."
"You were mean to me," You insist, and the scoff that he lets out hits you with a wave of nostalgia that should sink dread into your bones. It doesn't; it's familiar, safe.
"I wasn't mean," Sirius groans, stubbing his cigarette out on the concrete of his porch, "You're just too sensitive. You really hate me for anything I said?"
"No," You admit, and it's true. Sirius is- brash, and you are sensitive. He could be nicer to you, but you've been told by everyone who's seen your eyes mist over with crocodile tears that you need to toughen up.
"Thought so." Sirius reaches over and closes the gap between you, but his hug is more of a headlock as he strokes your hair just short of a noogie. "Dump him, babe. He's worse for you than I was."
"Then what?" You croak, neck beginning to ache from the pressure of Sirius's bicep, "I'll be alone, and I- I don't like being alone, Sirius."
"I know that," He huffs, "Y'think I forgot? Get back with me, baby."
"I can't. Sirius, I can't," You try breaking from his grip, but he holds you in place, wiping ash from his cig onto his jeans.
"Yes you can. You have to- I need you here, with me. That stupid fucking plant on the windowsil dies whenever you're not watering it."
You let out a wet laugh into his chest, "That's because when I'm not watering it, no one is."
"So get your butt in there and water it," Sirius lets go of your head to pinch at your ass, sharp and greedy, "I'll handle deadbeat if he comes around, baby. Just water the plant and get into bed, okay? Change into one of my shirts; everything's gonna be okay now that you're back with me."
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megamett44-lover · 1 year
can you do the reader seeing matt with a little kid (around 5 or 6) and getting some crazy baby fever? thank youu <3
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Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Summary: In which Y/n brings Matt to her family reunion
Warnings/Notes: She/her pronouns
Requested? Yes!
Dress Up
Bringing Matt home with me for my annual family reunion was insisted upon by my parents. My whole family absolutely adored him, always asking me to bring him around more. Hence why now, here we were, about a ten minute drive away from my grandparents home, where everyone would be meeting.
Having never met my extended family before, it was understandable for Matt to be nervous. He held my hand as he drove, lightly brushing his thumb over my knuckles every few seconds.
“You okay?” I ask, squeezing his hand lightly.
He looks over at me, trying to hide his nervous expression. “All good.” He says.
I nod, turning my attention back to the road. “You don’t have to stress, everyone is gonna love you.”
He chuckles. “If I can win your dad over, I’m sure I can do anything.”
I roll my eyes. “Please.” I say. “You never had to win him over. He was practically calling you ‘son’ before he even met you.”
“Right.” Matt laughs.
Siri breaks our conversation, telling us to turn left and our destination would be on the right. As we pulled into my grandparents drive way, a wave of nostalgia hit me. The long gravel path leading to an old white plantation house surrounded by the most beautiful flowers. I had helped my grandmother plant different flowers in her garden for many Summers when I was younger. The neatly trimmed hedges wrapping around the edge of the porch that my grandfather always insisted on keeping up himself because “nobody else could do the job right.”
I noticed many other cars parked out front, indicating a lot of my family members were already here. As we parked, I kissed the back of Matt’s hand. “Ready!” I asked.
“For sure.” Matt smiled.
As we walked onto the porch, the sound of laughter could be heard from inside. We didn’t even have a chance to knock before my grandmother opened the door.
“My Y/n!” She said, embracing me. “I’ve missed you so much!”
“Hi, Gran.” I say, returning her hug.
As we pulled away, she noticed Matt beside me.
“Now this must be the young man I’ve heard so much about.” She smiles at Matt.
“All good things, I hope.” Matt chuckles nervously.
I laugh. “Gran, this is my boyfriend, Matt.”
“Pleasure to meet you dear.” My grandmother says, embracing Matt as well. Pulling away, she smiles at us both. “Well come on, everyone has been asking for you.”
Walking instep with my grandmother and Matt slightly ahead, she leans in and whispers softly. “He’s handsome!”
“Oh, Gran!” I laugh.
“I’m serious!” She says. “If I was only 60 years younger, I’d give you a run for your money.”
As we walked into the crowded parlor, we were greeted by a chorus of “Hey” and “Welcome home”. A lot of family come up to me, since the last time I had seen most of them I was young. Most of them were eager to meet Matt, having heard I was dating a “famous Los Angeles boy”.
Excusing myself for a moment, I go grab a couple waters for Matt and I from the kitchen.
“Oh hey, Y/N.” My aunt says, seeing me enter. Her and a collection of other family members were working on tonight’s dinner, the smell immediately making me hungry.
“Smells great in here.” I compliment, grabbing two bottles of water from the fridge.
“Thanks!” She beams at me. “Oh, your cousins are around here looking for you. They wouldn’t stop talking about how excited they were to see you.”
I laugh. “I’ll keep a look out for them.”
My aunt and uncle had two twin girls, Charlotte and Katherine. They had just turned six and they were adorable. I had spent a lot of my youth babysitting them, resulting in me having an older sister relationship with the girls.
Walking back to the parlor, I notice most of the family had gone to the back yard. Scanning the yard, I cannot seem to see Matt anywhere. I grab my phone to text him, but then I hear giggling coming from down the hall followed by a deeper laugh that I recognize to be Matt’s.
Walking down the hall, I notice the light in the playroom is on. I hear a few voices coming from inside.
“We’re going to make you look so pretty.” I hear a young voice that I recognize to be Katherine’s says.
“Oh, really?” Matt asks.
“Yes!” Charlotte assures. “Y/n is going to love it!”
I peek in the doorway to the playroom to see Matt sat on the floor, with my cousins braiding his hair. I notice he has a few hair bows in, along with a feather boa around his neck.
I giggle softly, watching my cousins give him a makeover.
“Can we paint your nails?” Charlotte eagerly asks.
Matt looks down at his nails, the old paint peeling off of them.
“I think I’m in need of a manicure, so sure!” Matt agrees.
“Kat, grab the princess stickers and pink polish!” Charlotte demands.
Hearing this, I accidentally laugh too loud, giving my position away. All three of their heads whip in my direction.
“Y/N!” Charlotte and Katherine say in unison, running up and hugging my legs.
“Hi, girls.” I say, bending down to hug them. “I see you’ve stolen my boyfriend.”
“Don’t you think he looks pretty?” Katherine asks, motioning towards Matt.
“I think he looks gorgeous.” I say, making eye contact with Matt, who chuckles softly.
“We were going to paint his nails, do you wanna help?” Charlotte asks.
“Of course!” I say, eagerly.
“Yay!” Both girls say in unison.
Sitting down, we begin painting Matt’s nails a bright shade of pink, complete with princess stickers on every other finger. When we were finished, we slowly walk Matt over to the mirror to check out his new look.
“I look awesome!” Matt says, bending down to the girls level. “Thank you, girls.” He opens his arms for a hug, as both girls practically tackle him.
I smile softly, my heart warming at the sight.
“I think next time, we should bring our princess dress for you to wear.” Katherine says.
Matt laughs. “I think that would be amazing.”
“Yeah, but we have to bring the Cinderella dress.” Charlotte says. Katherine raises a puzzled eyebrow. “To match his eyes, duh!”
“What do you think, Y/n?” Charlotte asks.
“I think he would make a beautiful Cinderella.” I smile, causing Matt and the girls to laugh.
A loud voice interrupts our laughter from the kitchen.
“Girls, dinner!” I hear my Uncle call.
“Our dad wants us!” Katherine tells Matt. “But we’ll finish this makeover another day.”
“I’ll be counting on it.” Matt winks, ruffling her hair.
The girls laugh as they run down the hall to the kitchen. I look at Matt, who’s covered in glitter from the feather boa.
“I’ll be their Cinderalla, as long as I’m your Prince Charming.” Matt says, pulling the boa off.
I laugh. “God, you’re cheesy.” I grab his hands, looking at the pink artwork on his fingernails. “I can’t wait to have this life with you one day.”
He pulls me into a hug, covering me in glitter. “I promise, one day, we’ll have all of this.” He says. “Every day.”
I lean back, grabbing one of the braided strands of hair. “I’m really digging these braids, though.”
“Yeah?” Matt laughs.
“Yeah.” I smile, pressing a small kiss on his lips.
“Now c’mon, I’m starving!” I say, leading him to the kitchen.
Matt stops on his tracks. “What, dressed like this?” He asks.
I smirk. “What, you embarrassed?”
“Never.” He replies, putting his boa back on before we exit the playroom.
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princessvelaryon · 22 days
I’ll Wait For You, and I’ll Burn - Preview
Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader (Jace’s sister)
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Synopsis: You are at attempting to enjoy your engagement party to Gwayne Hightower, your boyfriend of 6 months. Half of the guests are shocked to see the arrival of your brother’s best friend and most importantly, your ex, Cregan Stark. Although nervous to see him after your break-up two years ago, you cannot resist him when he asks to steal a dance and to talk to you, for one last time.
Themes: Angst, fluff, smut, flashbacks, non-linear story, childhood friends to lovers, childhood sweethearts, high school sweethearts, break-ups, ex’s, slight family drama
“You’ve never been a big drinker, Love. You never were able to hold your liquor well. You couldn’t help but smile at the memories of you, Cregan and your friends all sneaking liquor in high school. Cregan, being a Stark, always had the highest tolerance. You tried to keep up with him but every time, it would end up with Cregan carrying you home bridal style in his strong arms.
“Matter of fact, you never drink this much unless you’re nervous or upset. Or a bit of both.” He leaned a little closer to you to whisper, “You know how I know? Because you were never nervous around me. Expect maybe the first time we—“
“Cregan…” You warned halfheartedly. Part of you, the part you were trying do desperately to ignore, was wishing for him to continue his sweet sentiments. “Besides my low tolerance, you know exactly why I don’t drink a lot.”
The smile dropped from his face and his grey eyes swirled with sympathy and regret. “I know…and I’m sorry.”
You looked away from his piercing eyes, at a loss for words yet again. The silence was uncomfortable and you were hit with a wave of nostalgia for a time when you could simply exist with Cregan in periods of comfortable silence, completely at peace with one another’s presence.”
“What do you think your fiancée would do if I kissed you right now?”
You tried to fight your smile but it appeared on your face for a split second before you got a hold of yourself and put your stone mask back on. Cregan still caught it, of course. He always noticed every little detail about you. He still knew you better than anyone, better than you knew yourself.
“You wouldn’t dare. I’m a married woman.”
He looked down at you with a soft smile on his face and mischief sparkling in those grey eyes you still could drown in like the sea after a storm.
“Not yet.”
You lifted your hand from his shoulder to hold it right in front of his eyeline. The warm lights in the room hit the large diamond just right, causing it to sparkle, making it impossible to ignore.
Cregan narrowed his eyes at your ring, all signs of mirth disappearing from them entirely. He took your hand to pull it closer to his face, examining the diamond. You tried to ignore your heart skipping a beat at his large fingers tenderly holding your finger, as he had done many times in the past. “Since when do you like pear shaped diamonds?”
You looked down, unable to bear his eyes boring into yours any longer. “I don’t. Gwayne does.”
Cregan scoffed. “I bet he does.” You looked back up at him only to be met with another smirk.
“What?” You couldn’t help the irritation burning in your chest, about to bubble over.
“Youre marrying a man who doesnt rven know what kind of jewelry you like? That’s very amateur hour of him love. That is practically romance 101. I learned what kind of jewelry you liked by the time i was 16 years old. Don’t you remember? I bought you that promise ring with your house colors for your birthday.”
You could feel the familiar feel of tears beginning to sting the back of your eyes. “Of course I remember.”
“Do you know why i picked that ring out for you? Because i listened to what you said. You found rhat ring at the mall and its all you could talk about for weeks. I cant imagine you chose your engagement ring with less thought.”
You try to stuff down the nosgalgia at the memory of the best birthday you have ever had. You tried to remain strong but you were faltering. Cregan could tell. He could always read you better than you could read yourself.
“Your point is?”
“He doesn’t listen to you”
“Oh and you did?”
Any hint of mischief was gone from his face, replaced with a serious expression.
“I let you pick out your own engagement ring. I had it custom made for you, exactly the way you wanted it. I’m surprised your Southern man couldn’t extend the same chivalric courtesy for his future wife. The ring she is supposed to wear until her dying day.”
“Not everyone has your Northern honor, Cregan.”
“You do”
“I’m not a Northerner anymore. Old Town is my home now. It’s been my home for the past two years now.”
Melanchony returned to those grey eyes you love so much. “You remember those birds we always used to compare ourselves to? The greylag geese?”
Melanchony returned to those grey eyes you love so much. “You remember those birds we always used to be obsessed with when we were children? When we got older, we would compare ourselves to them? The greylag geese?”
You knew exactly where he was going with this. “You know I remember.”
He continued, “If you kill a grown one hunting, you must wait for its mate to return to mercy kill them. Otherwise, they will grieve themselves to death.”
He joined your hands together as he had done countless times before.
“We are mated for life, you and I.”
Author’s Note: So this is a snippet of a much longer fic I’m planning on posting later this week, I just have to organize all my jumbled ideas, smooth out the dialogue and of course, figure out the family situation because of all the damn inbreeding. This is a modern story and I want to include all our favorite characters but since every Targaryen and Velaryon is a double cousin, I have to figure some things out. Like I need to find a way to incorporate dad Harwin and stepdad Daemon while also having Jace x Baela and Luke x Rhaena. I have to make a damn chart to make sure I don’t make anyone accidentally related.
Trust me, this is not my best writing for the fic but it is the snippet of writing with the least amount of spoilers in it so I wanted to post it for my Jace & Cregan girls and to see if people want to see more because I’m doubting myself. The way I write, I picture it like a movie in my head but the problem is that I need my writing to match what I see in my head and there is a bit of a disconnect sometimes.
I saw @benjinotes and @eldrith talk earlier about how they wanted Jace/Cregan/Benji chasing after their ex so it motivated me to finally work on this again.
HUGE thank you to @cregansdingdong for reading this for me the other day and encouraging me.
I also promised this fic to @cregansfourthwife. I couldn’t have done this without @entitled-fangirl and @jacaerysgf
I promise I’ll tag all the other Cregan and Jace wives when I post the full thing!
The fic was originally supposed to be a Benjicot x Reader because if anyone would crash their ex’s engagement party or wedding, it would be Benjicot. I even thought about it being Jace but I landed on Cregan and I think you guys will see why when I post the full story. I hope I didn’t write Cregan OOC because I’m used to writing for Jace. I think I might write different version of this story for Jace and Benjicot as well.
The full fill will be a very long one-shot, probably around 15K words, and it will be a non-linear story with a few flashbacks and a lot of memories and nostalgia. Fluff, smut and a whole lot of angst.
I will list more themes and warnings in the full fic but they would be a bit of a spoiler for the snippet.
Inspired by the songs: Lover, You Should’ve Come Over - Jeff Buckey, I’ll Be There - Jackson 5, These Eyes - The Guess Who, Down By The Water - The Drums
Inspired by the films & shows: Kill Bill, The Notebook, Sweet Home Alabama, Outlander, The Vamprie Diaries, Gilmore Girls
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cherrrydragon · 1 month
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ Home is where the heart is. Tony's eyes study you carefully. "You sure you're okay?" "I'm home, Tony," is all you say." pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: none wc: 3.2k
all of your replies from last chapter really made me chuckle, glad to see that the writing hit like it was supposed to lol
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Miguel refuses to let you go anywhere without getting checked out by somebody. A Spider-Doctor looks you over, poking and prodding at you. She asks you a bunch of questions, some miniscule and some strange.
“Does it hurt when I press here?”
“Is your vision blurry?”
“Does your body feel different on an atomic level?”
She deems you good to go. Your friends are all waiting for you outside the office. Miguel immediately hands you a Web-Watch before stalking off somewhere (grump, you swear). It feels heavenly in your grip. Man, how you missed it. You quickly wear it, placing it just under your web-shooters. The weight of it is reassuring.
With a glance at your friends, you feel a surge of gratitude for their unwavering support. “I should…”
Peter smiles, waving you off. “Go, kid.” The rest of them nod encouragingly. You almost want to cry at their understanding expressions. The watch beeps as you put in your destination. That familiar hum of the universe greets you as the portal opens up. With one last wave to them, you enter it.
Queens, New York.
Home. You’re finally home.
You breathe in the air. It’s night time now. Avengers tower stands tall, a lighthouse providing a way home. The cool night air swirls around you, carrying with it echoes of past memories. You decide you’ll walk there.
As you walk through the familiar streets, the city feels simultaneously unchanged and yet subtly different. The sounds of the city—distant traffic, people chatting, the occasional siren—blend with the comforting hum of all that New York is.
The familiar sights and sounds evoke visuals, reminding you of the countless times you've swung through these very streets, fighting crime and protecting the innocent.
Passing by old haunts and familiar landmarks, your heart swells with a mix of nostalgia and determination. You catch glimpses of everyday life—families out for an evening stroll, street vendors closing up shop, and the occasional patrol car passing by. Each step feels like a reunion with a part of yourself that you've missed during your time away.
Avengers Tower looms ahead, its imposing silhouette against the night sky serving as a beacon of hope and security. With each stride, you feel more grounded, more connected to this world than ever before. As you approach the entrance to the main lobby, you pause for a moment, taking in the scene before stepping inside.
“Welcome home, [Name],” greets FRIDAY. It sounds like she’s smiling. The warmth in her voice is noticeable, almost as if the building itself is happy to see you return. The spacious, modern interior of the lobby feels like a sanctuary, a place where you've spent countless hours.
“Where’s… where’s everyone?”
“Would you like me to tell them you’re here?”
You swallow. “No, can you just. Can you tell me where they are?”
FRIDAY's voice, smooth and comforting, responds immediately, "Of course. Tony is in his lab, working on a new project. Natasha and Clint are in the training room, sparring. Steve is in the gym, and Bruce is in the kitchen.”
You nod, feeling a mix of relief and anticipation. It’s been too long since you’ve seen them, but you need a moment to gather yourself before facing even one of them. After a few moments of reflection, you stand up, feeling more grounded. It’s time to reconnect with your team, your family. You decide to head to the lab first. You have to see Tony first.
The lab is a hive of activity, filled with the hum of machinery and the soft glow of various screens. The familiar sights and sounds embrace you like a well-worn glove. Tony is hunched over a workbench, tinkering with what looks like a new piece of tech. For a moment, you simply watch him, the flickering lights casting shadows on his face.
“Hey, Tony,” you call out softly, your voice carrying a mix of emotions.
Tony freezes, pausing his work. He turns around slowly, and for a heartbeat, his expression is unreadable. “I’ve officially gone crazy. I’m seeing things.”
You step further into the lab, your heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Tony's gaze remains fixed on you, his eyes narrowing slightly as if trying to discern whether you're real or a figment of his imagination.
You chuckle softly, trying to ease the tension. "If you're seeing things, then we both are, because I'm definitely standing right here."
Tony sets down his tools, his eyes scrutinizing. "Well, I'll be damned. Look who decided to drop back in from the multiverse." His sass seems infinite.
He strides over, and before you know it, you're enveloped in a bear hug that speaks volumes of relief and genuine affection. "You’re here," he murmurs, his voice gruff and wavering. “You came back.”
You smile, eyes watering. “Miss me?”
“Every damn day,” he replies fiercely. “It’s been months, kid.”
Your heart tightens at his words, and suddenly the dam breaks. A choked sob escapes you without your permission. You bury yourself deeper in Tony’s embrace. Tony only holds you tighter. The weight of everything comes crashing down on account of you finally letting go of everything you’ve been holding in for far too long.
Tony feels like a lifeline, grounding you in a flood of emotions built up. You’ve longed to feel this safe since you first landed in the other universe. His silent reassurance speaks volumes. There is no need for words in this moment, only the warmth in familiarity.
Tony doesn’t pull back until you do, brushing a hand down your face to wipe away your tears. “You wanna go see the others?”
You nod, feeling a rush of gratitude for Tony's understanding as you sniffle. Tony asks FRIDAY to gather your folk into the common room. He fills the silence with mindless chatter about what’s happened since you’ve been away—small little missions here and there, new tech he demanded Miguel to learn about.
“Oh, I’ve gotta let Wanda and Strange know you’re back. Wanda especially has been a little restless.”
“You asked them for help?”
He looks at you. “You were suddenly stranded in the multiverse. Why wouldn’t I?”
Your legs feel so numb you’re not sure how they still work. “Right.” A realization overwhelms you with a sense of belonging. It’s a feeling you haven’t felt in a while.
When you enter the common room, a wave of nostalgia hits you. You just want to sink into the comfy couches and take a three year nap. It feels like stepping back into a cherished memory. Natasha and Clint are already there, looking up as you and Tony walk in. Natasha’s eyes widen imperceptibly, you’re surprised you catch it. Clint’s usual expression breaks into a warm smile.
“Hey, stranger,” Clint says, voice barely above a whisper. His smile is warm, genuine, and it feels like coming home.
“We were starting to think you were avoiding us.” Natasha’s steps toward you are careful and coordinated, everything about her is. But her eyes are softened.
You manage a watery laugh. “Missed you guys too.”
Natasha is the first to move, closing the distance between you with her characteristic grace. She wraps you in a hug that is both gentle and firm, conveying unspoken words of relief and joy. It surprised you greatly, her willingness to openly show affection like this.  Clint follows suit, patting you on the back with a warm hand.
“Steve’s on his way,” Natasha says, stepping back but keeping a hand on your shoulder. “He’s been worried sick.”
Bruce arrives next, hair messy. His eyes dart around the room, landing on you. He breathes a sigh of disbelief, crossing the room to get to you. Bruce's hug is tentative at first, as if he's afraid you might disappear. But when he feels the solid warmth of your form, his grip tightens.
“Hey, kid.” It’s all you need to hear. You smile and wrap your arms around him. 
Before long, Steve bursts into the room, his expression a mixture of disbelief and joy. His eyes widen slightly when he sees you, and for a moment, he seems rooted to the spot. Then, with a few long strides, he closes the distance between you.. “You’re really here,” he says, pulling you into a hug that almost lifts you off your feet.
You return the hug with equal fervor, feeling the tension and weight of your absence melt away in the embrace of your friends, your family. “Where’s Bucky?”
“Currently breaking several traffic laws to get here,” he chuckles, letting you go reluctantly. 
“And Pepper?” you ask Tony, looking over Steve’s shoulder at him.
Tony blinks. “FRIDAY, please tell Pepper [Name]’s back.” You roll your eyes, not really surprised. “She’s out right now,” Tony says, giving a winning smile. “Nevermind that, let’s throw a party.”
Chuckles fill the room as Tony rounds behind the bar. Typical Tony, ever the partygoer. “Can I drink too?”
Tony squints at you, so you pull out the puppy eyes. “Come on, I deserve it. I was so far from home,” you pout. 
“One drink. One,” he points at you, turning to grab you a bottle to pour.
“They’re not legal, Tony–” cuts in Steve, because of course.
“Don’t be a party pooper, Cap.” Tony passes you your drink. You grin at Steve as you sip it. “You’re a bit of a rule breaker yourself.”
Steve chuckles, shaking his head in mock disapproval as he takes a seat nearby. You imagine a warm blanket settling on you after a long night. Everyone gathers around, sharing stories and catching up on what has transpired during your absence.
Sam shows up with Bucky, walking towards you with a grin and his arms out. You don’t think you’ve ever received so many hugs in one night before. Bucky awkwardly pats your head, then pokes it for “leaving us so long.”
Wanda shows up next, dragging Vision behind her. She smiles widely upon seeing you, looking a little wistful. You kind of wish the drinks you’d been sneaking could take effect. Cursed super metabolism. Too many emotions have been felt tonight.
"Wanda," you say warmly, reaching out to embrace her. She returns the hug with a heartfelt squeeze, her voice tinged with relief. “I’m so glad you’re alright.”
Vision nods, a faint smile on his lips as he greets you warmly. Wanda’s eyes shimmer with unshed tears as she embraces you tightly, whispering how much she missed you. “Strange sends his regards,” sniffles Wanda, fondly brushing her fingers against your forehead.
The doors to the common room slide open again, and this time, it's Pepper who walks in. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sight of you standing there, and she rushes forward, enveloping you in a tight hug. "I can't believe it," she murmurs, her voice trembling with emotion. "Welcome home."
You feel your heart squeeze. You would’ve thought she wouldn’t be able to meet you tonight, since she had prior plans, but here she is. For you.
Throughout the night, amidst the laughter and shared stories, you find yourself reconnecting not just with your friends (read: family), but with a part of yourself that had felt lost. Tony asks FRIDAY to play your favorite song. 
Tony's eyes study you carefully. "You sure you're okay?"
“I’m home, Tony,” is all you say.
He seems to relax at that, nodding slowly. “You are, and we’re not letting you out of our sight anytime soon."
The night outside is calm, New York’s lights twinkling like stars. The moment feels precious. You wish you had your camera to capture it.
Your camera that was gifted to you back in the other universe.
You're fingers start to fidget with your green and blue bracelet.
Eventually, the revelry winds down. Everyone bids their goodnights, and you find yourself standing on the balcony of Avengers Tower, gazing out at the cityscape that stretches before you.
The night air is cool against your skin, carrying with it a sense of peace and contentment. You take a deep breath, letting the moment wash over you. In the quiet of the night, with the city bustling below, you feel a renewed sense of self.
You will all your worries away. You’re right where you need to be. You’re heart must truly lie here.
You find that your room is the same as you left—comfortable, familiar, and filled with reminders of your life here. Pictures litter the walls, ones of you, of your friends, you with your friends. The bed is inviting, and you collapse onto it, exhaustion mingling with the exhilaration of being back home.
You reach for your Web-Watch, now resting beside you on the bedside table. It's a tangible reminder of where you've been and where you are now. In the other universe, you felt like you were constantly flying. Never a moment’s rest. At the very least, you were flying with people you liked.
But here, in this room, surrounded by mementos and the quiet hum of the city outside, you feel grounded. This is your home, your family, and they've welcomed you back with open arms. 
No matter, now you just want to sleep. You nestle into the softness of the pillows, allowing the weariness of your journey and the emotional release to finally catch up with you. Your thoughts are a jumble of faces and voices, memories and new beginnings.
Sleep comes easily, cradling you in its embrace as you drift off into a deep, restful slumber. 
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Gwen’s Earth has always been pretty. Soft hues captivate you. It’s a world where the sky seems perpetually painted in pastels, casting a serene glow over the city below. Since you dipped on them last time to go home, they’ve decided that today is hang out time.
It’s always a sort of dance, swinging with the others. You and Gwen are more effortless in your grace, Pav comes close. The two of you twirl around each other, feeling the rush of wind and the freedom of the swing. The cityscape blurs past, a vibrant tapestry of lights and shadows.
“Show offs!” yells Miles, a ways behind you. Gwen's laughter rings out beside you, a melody of happiness that lifts your spirits even higher. The two of you share a glance, matching grins under your masks.
Miles zips past with a playful whoop, joining in the aerial dance with his own unique flair. He’s getting faster with his swinging. Hobie passes by as well, bumping you with his shoulder teasingly. You all swing through the cityscape, weaving between skyscrapers and navigating the intricate web of New York's skyline. 
As the night winds down, you find yourselves perched atop a familiar rooftop, looking out over the city sprawled beneath you. The lights of the city twinkle like stars, a breathtaking sight that never fails to inspire awe.
"I missed you guys," you admit, the words carrying a weight of sentimentality. "Being here, with all of you."
“Awe,” coos Pav, hands squishing his cheeks.
Miles grins, nudging you playfully. "You’re the one that disappeared on us.”
You laugh, feeling a surge of gratitude for these friends who have become your family across dimensions. "I promise, no more disappearing acts without warning."
With a final glance at the city below, you feel a sense of peace settle over you. In this moment, you’re surrounded by friends who care about you. Who could ask for more?
Together, you watch the sunrise paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, a new day dawning over the city that never sleeps.
“So…” hums Gwen, hands behind her back. You raise an eyebrow at her. “What was it like?”
You shake your head good-naturedly at her. Pav nods at her, looking at you. “Yeah, what did you do there?”
“Well for starters,” you clap your hands together, turning to face them all. “You guys got DC comics in your universe?”
“Like, Superman and stuff?” ask Miles.
You nod. He blinks. “No way.”
“Yes way,” you chuckle at their reactions, enjoying the disbelief on their faces. “Yeah, and guess where I landed.”
“Central City?”
You suck in air through your teeth dramatically. “Gotham.” They share a wince. Seems about right. "It's like someone took the grittiest, darkest parts of New York and turned them up to eleven," you explain, gesturing animatedly. "Never a dull moment. You've got Batman and the whole Batfamily running around. Don’t go to a carnival because Poison Ivy will attack it.”
Gwen raises an eyebrow. "Wait, you hung out with the Batfamily?"
You nod. “Yeah, I got like, initiated. I got myself enrolled in school, and Damian Wayne got involved. That snowballed into me getting involved with their superhero world, ‘cause you know, I wasn’t gonna stop being Spinnerette.”
Hobie fist bumps you in agreement. “Met Superboy, he’s a real sweetie. Consequently met his parents, and holy shit, Lois Lane is so cool.” Gwen nods hard in agreement. “I also technically made history when I remade Tony Stark's new element.”
You shrug at their stares. “I was trying to build a watch to get back home!” you defend, then turn to Hobie. “Which, by the way, you have to teach me how you did it. I’d rather not get stranded again, thank you.”
“Sounds like you had a blast over there,” teases Gwen, hooking her arm around you.
You scoff. “Once I got past the looming realization that I could be stuck there forever and never see my friends and family again, sure.” It’s a joke, but not really. “It was a bit unfair, I guess. I knew just about everything about them and they knew nothing about me. But I did… make friends there.”
“Just friends?” Pav leans in. You gulp, remembering what happened just before Miguel found you.
“Just friends,” you huff, shoving Pav back playfully. “Damian’s about as complicated as you’d expect, but he’s a good friend. Touchier than I thought he’d be. Intense, blunt, but still kind. And Jon’s… Jon’s Jon,” you continue, thinking back on your life in Gotham. “Real sweet, like I said. Earnest, kind, and desperately needs some brown contacts,” you chuckle fondly. “They’ve got a dynamic going on. But they’re also… just people. Like us.”
“Sounds like a really crazy telenovela,” hums Miles.
“Trust me, it was,” you agree, thinking of the rollercoaster of emotions and events you experienced. “But it was also… eye-opening. I learned a lot about myself, about what I’m capable of, and about what really matters to me.”
You lean back on your hands. “I just hope everything's okay. I kind of just… left.”
“You wanna go back?”
You hesitate, considering the question carefully. “Part of me does. I left things unfinished. But another part of me…” You glance at your friends, feeling a swell of warmth in your chest. “Another part of me knows that this is where I belong. With you guys. With my family.”
“Damn right,” says Gwen, punching you lightly in the arm.
“They don’t need me, anyway. I just hope they’re not too worried.” The sunrise bathes the rooftop in golden light, casting long shadows and warming the cool morning air. You take a deep breath, feeling at peace with your decision. For now, in this moment, you’re exactly where you need to be.
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notes: if you don't know, '143' is slang for 'i love you', each number corresponds to the number of letter in each word of the phrase. reader's universe, earth-143258 means 'i love you in every universe', same rules.
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kromeihl · 2 months
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🕸️ prev. | next.
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“Hey.” Kenji spoke as he entered the kitchen, coming back from school. “I’m making katsu curry tonight.” Aunt Mina spoke as she chopped the ingredients. “You’re serious? Katsu curry?” He mutters as he opens the fridge to grab a drink after glancing at the table.
“Since when don’t you like katsu curry, huh?” His aunt asks, moving the ingredients to the counter placing it on a pan. Kenji slowly moves away and into the sink as aunt Mina looks at his face in surprise. “Oh my God..”
“What’s up?” Kenji glances at his aunt as he asks. “What happened to your face?” She says in concern as Kenji laughs it off, “Oh, I’m all right, I just— I got hit by a baseball in practice.” He waves off, “I’m fine.”
His aunt gives him a look, not buying his excuse. “Kenji— you don’t even play baseball that much anymo—“ she gets cut off as she sees her husband carry a box of trophies. “Ben Sato, don’t you even think about leaving that filthy box in my kitchen. She says with a glare as she wipes her hands with the towel draped on her shoulder.
“These are my.. bowling trophies.” He says, trying to convince her to let him put it there. Kenji smiles as he listens to his aunt and uncle’s banter, chuckling as his lips are placed on the opening of the plastic bottle of juice he’s drinking.
Uncle Ben looks at Kenji, noticing his state. “What happened to you?” He says as he moves down his box of trophies. “He got hit by a baseball. You’re lucky you didn’t get hit by a bat instead.” Aunt mina answers, making Kenji chuckle.
“Well, it would’ve been more interesting.” Ben adds as he winks at Kenji, having fun at riling up his wife. “Ben!” Aunt Mina scolded.
“It’s funny because it’s stupid and dangerous.” He adds, making his wife turn to him as Kenji lets out another hearty laugh, “Remember how we were stupid and dangerous?” “No.” Aunt Mina quickly replies, stirring the food in the pan. “Trust me we were.” Uncle Ben nods, looking at Kenji.
“All right, good to know I’m not the only one.” He smiles, looking down at the wet floor. “Hey, where’s the flood?” He asks, uncle Ben picking his box of trophies again. “Follow me. I’ll show you.” He walks away, barefoot. “You serious?” Kenji asks, “Yeah!” His uncle replies. “All right.” Kenji mutters under his breath, his aunt looking at them both, unamused, as she continued to cook.
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After Kenji and his uncle talked in the basement while trying to find the leak, his uncle finally starts walking up, Kenji still cleaning up some boxes and organizing them. “Hey, before you come up, see if there’s anything else worth saving.” His uncle speaks as Kenji held a piece of frozen meat on his bruised lip. “Okay.” Kenji replied, still organizing the things inside a box.
He walks away, moving a box from a corner. He puts it down, suddenly noticing a briefcase with the initials, “HS” on top of the lock. He remembers in the car, on their way to this house when he was still a child, his dad had the same bag. Hayao was taking out a folder, with plenty of papers outside.
He blinks the memory stuck in his mind as he slowly picks it up, walking upstairs. His aunt and uncle were heard bickering, Kenji still fixated on the briefcase of his father. He walks and stops into their view, his aunt and uncle staring at him in shock. They look at each other before looking back at Kenji.
“I forgot all about that thing. It was your dad’s.” Uncle Ben speaks up, making Kenji turn his head to him. “Yeah..” He mutters, “He asked us to keep it safe for him.” Kenji felt his eyes tear up at the sight of his father’s belonging. Feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him. “He saw it in the window of that leader shop in Okinawa. He was 19.”
Uncle Ben sat down on the chair, Kenji placing the leather bag on the table. “What does a 19-year-old kid need with a briefcase?” He jokes. “And guess who sold it to him.” Kenji shrugs, “Your mother.” Kenji glances at him in surprise, “Mom?” He smiles softly, remembering his mother.
Aunt Mina walks towards them, leaning on the wall as her heart clenches at the sight of Kenji smiling sadly. “That’s how they met!” Uncle Ben replies, nodding his head. “Dad asked you to keep this safe?” He glances at the bag before looking at his uncle, “Why? There’s nothing in here.” Aunt Mina smiles, walking a bit near.
“Hayao was a very secretive man, Ken.”
“Yeah, that’s true.” He laughs, remembering his father. He starts opening the bag, feeling paper. He pulls it out of the bag, shock present on his face as he stares at it. “Who’s that? Do you know who this is?” He furrows his brow in confusion as he shows the picture to his aunt and uncle.
“Some guy who worked with your dad, I guess.” Uncle Ben says, acting unsure. Kenji tries to show his aunt, but she doesn’t reply. Ken looks at it, feeling like the answer was incomplete. Aunt Mina suddenly walks towards him, wiping the table. “Okay, put it away from the table. We’re going to eat, and wash your hands, now.” She says sternly, earning a nod from Ken as he puts the picture back inside.
“Go on.” Uncle Ben motions him to move, Ken nods, taking the hint as he walks away. As soon as his figure disappears, uncle ben looks at aunt Mina, a hand falling over her mouth as she looked in disbelief. “Oh dear..” She mutters.
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Kenji was in his room, opening the briefcase as he placed the things outside, on the floor, all organized. Pictures, coins, scientific calculator, pens, were all scattered there, even his dad’s ID with the name “ULTRA” printed on the top. Kenji’s eyes slowly move towards the eyeglasses’ case, hand moving to get it.
He pulls out the glasses from its case, staring at it longingly as he remembered his father wearing them.
He slowly walks over to the bathroom, blinking as if to get ready to put on the graded glasses, even if he already had perfect vision. He slowly put it on his face, closing his eyes and opening them as he tries to adjust at the change of view. He slowly looks at the mirror, trying to adjust to his new look. He flashes a smile, poses, and even adjusts his glasses to look cool.
He takes them off, putting it on his shirt as he went back to his room, sitting down on the carpet floor as he grabs his father’s ID. Suddenly a memory flashes in his mind.
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“Ken, I need you to be good.” Hayao, pats his son’s shoulder gently. Little Kenji looked taken a back, looking down then back up to his father who was kneeling on his level. “Dad, you’re leaving me?” He said with a voice that almost cracked, his father gently smiles, trying to cheer his son up.
“Just for a little while, Kenji. Your mother and I have something to do, it’s very important.”
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Kenji shakes his thoughts off, still staring intently at the ID. He bites his lip, his eyes landing on the word “ULTRA” again, making him sigh as he placed the ID down, grabbing the briefcase that was laid at the center of the floor.
He starts observing it, moving it from side to side. He opens the briefcase again, putting his hand inside as he searches for more, maybe he missed something. He groans, turning the bag to the back as he opens the zipper. And he was right, he did miss something.
He slowly moves his finger from the start to the end of the zipper. His finger gently moves across as it stops in the end, flicking it as the part of the border opened. He finds a folder.
Before he lets it out fully, he quickly stands up a bit to close the door and clicks a device that he created which locks his door. He then sat back down, grabbing the folder like notebook and opening it.
He traces his fingers softly against the paper, eyebrows furrowing as he bites his lip, studying the notes and equations his father had written down. “What the heck, dad? You’re some genius..” He mutters, still studying the writings intently. His eyes falls to a sentence, an equation at the bottom of the paper, with the title “ØØ Decay Rate Algorithm.” He mutters the words written. “Zero, zero, decay rate algorithm.”
Suddenly his thoughts were cut off as someone knocks on the door, making him rush to keep the things out of the way. “Wait! One sec.” He says while moving it around. He finally sits back at his chair, placing his arms on the desk as he moves his hand around the computer. “You can come in now.” He replies, moving his long fingers around the mouse.
Uncle Ben looks at him, hand on the door knob. “You okay, Ken?” Kenji nods, “Oh, yeah I’m okay. What’s up?” Ken nods his head, acting cool. Uncle Ben raises a brow, his eyes falling to the glasses hanging on his shirt. “Is that..?” Before uncle Ben could further ask, Kenji puts the glasses on, blinking once in a while to try and adjust to the grade again.
“Yeah, it’s dad’s.” Uncle Ben smiles, giving him a nod, “Well, you look just like Hayao.” Kenji gives a small smile at the comment, “Can I come in?” Kenji nods at his uncle’s request.
Uncle Ben nods, closing the door behind him as he grabs a rubik’s cube from Kenji’s desk as he walks. “Well, uhm.. Listen.” He starts. “I don’t have much education. You know that, Ken.” Uncle Ben, sits down on his bed, fidgeting with the rubik’s cube as Kenji turns his head to look at him.
“Like, damn, I stopped being able to help with your homework when you were ten. Don’t even mention the fact that I don’t know how baseball works.” He sighs, “What I’m trying to say is, I know it’s been rough for you without your dad.” He looks at Kenji, who had looked down. “And I know we don’t talk much about them.”
“No, uncle it’s all right.”
“No, it’s not all right, Ken. I know that. I wish I could change it, but I can’t.” He sighs.
“Onda Hakase.” Kenji’s uncle said, making Ken look at him seriously and with curiosity. “That’s the name of the guy in the picture with your dad. They worked together for years and they were close. But after that night we never saw him again. He never called.” Kenji felt shock as he takes in the information, but hiding it with a nod.
“Not once.” Uncle Ben nods back, looking down at the rubik’s cube, “Go figure.” He mutters, looking back up again, his eyes trail to the computer, with a picture of you. “She’s pretty.” He points his head to the picture making Kenji’s smile falter as he turns his head back to the monitor. It was a photo of [Name], the one he had taken when she was so serious into reading that book. Kenji felt his face heat up slightly, feeling embarrassed that he was caught with his monitor screen with you on it.
“Uncle Ben.” Kenji calls out before his uncle was about to leave, “You’re a pretty great dad.” He smiles, making uncle Ben feel a pang of warmth engulfing his heart at the comment.
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It was a few seconds after uncle Ben had left, Ken staring at the monitor screen, it was still you on it. He places his chin on his hand, his elbow resting on his desk as he zooms in into the book you were reading. “All about Kaijus.” He snorts as he mutters out the title of the book, raising a brow. He had sworn he heard that name before, it just wasn’t clear to him anymore.
His eyes slowly move to your face, observing your features. The background didn’t matter to him at all, he was just starstruck at the sight of you. He quickly snaps his thoughts off, moving his mouse to move the tab to the side and search the internet.
He remembers the name of the guy that his uncle mentioned, swiftly typing on his keyboard. “Hayao Sato and Onda Hakase.” He quickly clicks on a link after it popped up, his eyes slightly widening as he reads.
𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐭?”
His father and Onda Hakase were beside each other, a picture also displayed on the screen as he continued to scroll relentlessly. Pictures were shown. “𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐇𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨.” His eyes slightly widened, knowing that his parents had already died wasn’t such a shock to him, it was just a really bad memory.
He searches again, “Dr. Onda Hasake.” Tapping on another link that says, “A World Without Weakness.” His eyes slowly scan Dr. Onda’s statement, tapping into even more links to get more information as he studies all of them. His eyes then slowly fall into an Intern Enrollment, which was now closed. His cursor slowly move to the picture of a building, the ULTRA.
He furrows his brows as he continued to do a little more research on it, making a plan to meet Dr. Onda. He sighs, exiting the tab and seeing the picture of you in his screen again. He smiles, “Uncle Ben’s right.” He turns his attention back to his plan, sighing.
This is just the start.
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Hi lovies! I know what you’re thinking about, there’s less interaction of reader and ken together here but the next part will take a big turn👀 Just wanted to make y’all wait ‘cause patience is a must (or I just like playin’ with y’all.) I’m working on two stories, (one that pays up and this one on tumblr!) So sorry if I haven’t reached your expectations this time..😞
Thank you so much for the support and being patient. I’ve been busy lately, with much love 💕
This series will be under this tag— if you’re having difficulty finding other parts, check this: #ameijamsspiderken🕸️
taglist: @luneariaa @lovingyeet @aishallnotbefound @harperwasstaken1 @onlysarang @thewifeoflevi @mochminnie @zayai
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
I LOVE your bitey child series!!!
Please I NEED bitey child yuu calling Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek big brother💖😭💖
Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek's reaction to bitey child!Yuu's calling them big brother
A/N: Omg!!! this is so cute!!! tysm for requesting I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Mal and Lilia were having a nice conversation in the Diasomnia lounge abt whatever they talk abt
then you just waltzed in, tugged at Malleus's coat, and said,
"Come with me big brother, i needa' show you somethin'..."
He was in shock but followed you anyway
leaving Lilia behind to almost have a heart attack from how cute that was
You two ended up in the backyard of Ramshackle where there was a small patch of dirt lined with many rocks that all very in size
you had shown him your very own garden that Ruggie and Deuce helped you start
nothing had grown yet but you were still quite proud and puffed your chest as you awaited Mal's response.
Malleus chuckled in amusement,
you had come all the way to Diasomnia just to show him your garden
it warmed his heart, especially since he knew how much you hated going through the mirror gates alone
yet you still did just to come to get him
you must truly see him as your big brother then...
He patted your head and said,
"This is very impressive, little sibling. Please do tell me about all of what you are growing."
Jack was just minding his own business, happily eating his lunch
when you came out of nowhere and clung onto his tail with no warning
this was far from the first time though
so he just sighed and continued eating
and you, still with your arms locked around his tail, plopped onto the empty bench area next to him
"*sigh* what are you doing Yuu?"
you just inaudibly mumbled into his tail with a yawn and curled onto yourself, using his fluff as a makeshift pillow
"Really Yuu? Common, you shouldn't be taking naps in the middle of-"
he was cut off by more of your mumbling, but this time he caught on to a certain sentence
"Noooo, big brotheerrrr, lemmee sleeep"
Jack instantly stopped in his tracks
he got hit with a massive wave of nostalgia from when his little sibling called him that for the first time while they were learning to talk.
He didn't have the heart because it was now a pile of mush to stop you and ended up being late for his next class
its rly hard to carry a child thats clinging onto your tail.
You were once again trying to steal Rook's hat
he was hunting a certain eel when you just popped out of nowhere a took his hat
he found it quite amusing
and was very proud that you had managed to sneak up on him.
He playfully chased you all throughout the campus
which lead to you climbing up a rather tall tree
and Rook knew almost instantly something bad was going to happen
and just as he was going to warn you, you slipped and ended up falling
Rook was quick to catch you
and you clung onto him while crying with your face shoved into his shoulder
he was sat under the tree while rubbing you back and reassuring you everything was ok now
when you had mostly calmed down you looked up at him and said,
"*sniff* Thank you, big brother..."
"Hehe, it was my pleasure, dear little trickster!"
Rook stood up, picked up his hat that landed a little ways away, placed it on your little head,
and took you to Pomefiore to get you cleaned up.
He's quite pleased with the nickname you gave him, though he is interested to see who else you refer to that as, there must be many.
Sebek had been dragged to yet another sleepover at Ramshackle by the rest of the first years
they do this at least once a month.
Rn, he was pouting on the couch while everyone was just talking and hanging out a lil ways away
you had gotten board so you grabbed a chair to prop up behind the couch
Sebek was already well aware of your plan, you had done this hundreds of times and were never able to stay too quiet abt it
you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and yelled,
"Sneak attack!"
ok- its not rly yelling but its loud for you.
and Sebek stood up, with you still hanging on, and took your little arms to propel you forward as he shot down
you were thrown onto the couch with Sebek still holding your arms waiting for you to tap out.
You loved trying to wrestle with him when you were hyper, it's where you learned this cool barrel roll trick.
When you didn't tap out just kept trying to do said barrel roll, so Sebek opted to tickle you
which worked, after a minute you just started trying to tap out while saying
"Ok-Ok-Ok!! You win big brother! You win!!"
He just huffed and sat back down with a victory smile
It wasn't until 3 days later that he realized what you had called him while he was recounting the incident to Lilia
and he had no clue what to feel.
And Lilia had another heart attack
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calxprince · 3 months
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... a kabru x gender neutral reader story
# Chapter 3 : Do You Picture Me, Like I Picture You?
# genre : multiple parts. breakup angst. reader can't move on for the life of them.
# notes : click here for the masterlist
. . . How to not embarrass yourself in front of your ex 101 :
Do not do anything you just did in this chapter.
Or do, just continue with caution.
HIS VOICE WAS AS DANGEROUS WAS A SIRENS CALL—breathless, gruff, and oh so handsome. The sound of your name danced hot on his tongue, like an intoxicating melody that could turn heads from miles away.
Yet, his tone had betrayed him. His song of worship comes out distant, an echo from within the towering walls he had built around his heart.
There was a prickly, itchy uncertainty in his throat, a cough he couldn't quite scratch. Kabru called out your name like a song he once knew by heart but now struggled to recall—the lyrics stuttering on his lips, with the music moving on without him. His eyes, though guarded, flickered with a raw intensity and bewilderedness. His expression carved you inside and out, as if you had just been sliced open as he stared straight at your bare heart.
It was one word. He had only said one word, but his hoarse tone said thousands— while his face told millions. It felt as if you had dissected his brain from how well you knew him, but at this moment; you’re unsure if you are considered qualified for it anymore.
Do you still know him? Or do you only know him for who he was?
A painful pang of nostalgia comes in waves through you, you have been here once before. You were once in the same position you are now— back when seeing his face flush back to life brought relief, as if his very existence brought you warmth and satisfaction in your heart.
This same moment has happened time and time again, like a familiar routine that stank of déjà vu. Could you ever turn back to the way it used to be? To be intimate and have each rush of blood through your body, urge you down to your muscle and bone to beg and yearn to touch him?
You used to spiral into insanity, begging for an opportunity just to see him again. Although, it was an internal battle between your gut wrenching, nail-biting fears and the sheer desperation of proving yourself. To prove to him that you are doing good, hell— you wanted him to know that you were doing even better than he ever could.
You refuse to ever be seen as the one who crumbled after the relationship.
You refuse to be forgotten and looked down upon by him. You wanted that karma to hit him straight to rock bottom and make yourself feel good knowing that you have the best life now that he was out of it. You had to win and be the more successful and happier ex that came out of this relationship.
You wanted him to grow crazy as much as you did, for him to spiral into insanity from just the thought of you being happier without him. Scratch that, you wanted him to go insane just over the sheer thought of you. Ruin all of his favorite things as you were stain in his memories.
You wanted him to spend hundreds of his sleepless nights, curling up in the cold loneliness of his room— completely losing it after even catching a faint whiff of your perfume. Leave him wondering where it came from, have him stagger his gaze as he starts to believe that you had come back into his life— just to close his eyes in pure disappointment as he comes to the realization that you were never there, and the scent of you was only from his brain messing with him.
You wanted to drag him straight down to the fiery pits of hell, and chain him down with you.
But you’re not sure why you ever wanted that.
Was it because it was a threat to your ego? Was it out of insecurity? Was it because even after all this time, you refuse to back down and accept the possibility that you were the one wrong in that relationship? Or were you just a horrible person that wants him to suffer just because you don’t want him to have anything good when you’re not there anymore.
You don’t know.
You don’t know a lot of things. You just tend to cut yourself some slack (In truth, a lot of slack— even more than you even need.) knowing that this is your first attempt at life, and that it’s never going to be perfect. You’re human, and humans feel a wild array of emotions.
But what you do know, is that the façade you wanted to put on— was the complete opposite of the reality you were currently facing. You were miserable, so much so that you cried out his name like a desperate prayer that echoed straight from your heart.
So much so that you would grasp onto whatever you had left of him.
His shirts, his letters, and his cologne that he had deliberately left so that you could refresh the scent of him on your sheets— even when he wasn’t there to hold you.
During the time you were together, you rarely ever used the cologne he had given you. Your bed at that point could have been considered as his bed; as he slept there almost every night, even more so than in his own bed.
He would always leave the sheets messy, snagging the blanket yet having it almost falling from the bed— only having a quarter of It clinging onto his body. His pillow somehow always ending up on the complete opposite side of the room, as he would always wander off and steal half of your pillow.
Sometimes his arm would end up smacking you across the face, or his leg would somehow deviate and kick you in the stomach. It makes you wonder if he was fighting someone in those dreams, or if he just sleeps like that. You never really had any leads on that, since his bed always came off untouched whenever you’d visit.
He was a horribly messy and fidgety sleeper. He had always struggled with sleeping at night due to his insomnia, which is one of the main reasons why he’d always end up at your door in the dead of night— his eyes miserably droopy, half-lidded and hazy.
You didn’t mind it, especially when you have all his limbs intertwined with yours.
And especially when you had the opportunity to wake up and bask in the sight of his messy hair, half-lidded and smiling as soon as you wake up.
Do not even get started on his morning voice.
He always claimed to have the 'best sleep of his life' whenever he woke up beside you, his beautifully wide smile an indication of the happiness he found in the comfort of your embrace. In which you’d respond with a drowsy half-smile, caressing his cheek and meeting your lips with his in a soft kiss.
Which was, almost always slightly off from his lips— can he blame you though? You did just wake up in the most atrociously early hours of the morning, (props to his weird sleep schedule) could he expect you to land a kiss properly when one of your eyes refuses to open?
But now, in the cold and lonely solitude of your room, your hands reaching out instinctively whenever you’d roll over to the left side of the bed. Fingertips searching and twitching in desperation for the warmth that they craved, for the familiar dips in his soft skin that your palms would fit into like a perfect puzzle piece.
The emptiness of the space beside you was only a constant reminder of his absence, while you reluctantly withdraw your arms in disappointment. Leaving you lying awake in your bed, your arms curling and hugging around your body in a sad, pathetic attempt of self-soothing yourself.
There was nothing else you could do but cry, wishing for the days when your bed was more than just yours.
How could you ever prove to him that you are doing much better now?
Especially when he haunts your memories like a ghost that merges through your body, freezing over through your skin and bones.
You knew you were doing horribly, there is nothing you could do to prove that you had at least one good thing happen to you since then. Because spoiler alert: there was absolutely nothing good in your life ever since he left.
A room that stands cold and lonely, sheets left prim and proper each morning and night— as you were unwilling to ever touch that side, he had claimed as his. Your empty pockets that seemed worthless as you had lived hand to mouth, the gold flying in and out in a flash. Your worrying mind that only had capabilities to drive you insane, flashing hurtful memories when you needed them the least.
It was as if he had taken a huge chunk of your person when he left, leaving you as an empty husk that lies awake waiting for it to be whole again.
You have been a rocky, inconsistent mess ever since then.
But who else wouldn’t be?
When at one point in your life, you completely and utterly believed in consistency and the steadfast, unchanging nature of your life.
Back when you were insistent that this familiar and comforting routine would at one point become so mundane that it would be effortlessly etched in your mind as your second nature.
You always imagined a life full of stability. One that remained the same until each day would blur together into one happy movie. You were once so ignorant and naïve, trapped in your own little bubble for so long.
Yet life is unforgiving and full of wrath.
You were always so deeply afraid of change, to the point that the slightest change in routine would drive you stupidly crazy. However, life is full of change. Which is why you hated every single second of your life since then.
Life had taken you out of the comfort zone that you had sworn you would never leave. It had picked you up, and threw you in the dark rainy alleyways in a wet cardboard box.
However, you aren’t immune to change either. So, as you stare back into his widened sapphire eyes, you instead wear a distant expression. You refused to be read like an open book and be lost in the endless maze of his mind.
You had refused to follow through with the habitual calling that begged your fingers to caress his face and kiss his lips sore. To push all your weight into him, using your lips to leave him breathless as a gentle threat to not die ever again.
You decided to change and break that routine.
You had no right to do it anymore anyways.
You aren’t that same person anymore, and sure as hell he wasn’t either.
You had completely lost any ownership you had over his heart— as the kingdom you had built in his mind brick by brick; had been left as a ghost town.
Instead, you stagger backwards— pushing against the floor to assist you as you stand up, leaving him staring from the floor. You bite your tongue, testing the limits of your patience.
Your hands clenching tightly onto the fabric of your bottoms, knuckles turning dangerously white. Each stagger, each breath seemed ragged and proved difficult. Walking away from someone was easier said than done, especially when you had to control your emotions to be able to keep your cool in front of your friends.
You walk away from him, each step feeling as though heavy weights are chained to your ankles, dragging you down with every movement. Your chest closes in, feeling eerily tight as you try to keep your chin up in desperation. You keep your eyes deliberately glued onto the floor, refusing to meet his burning gaze. Yet his presence lingers in your peripheral vision. Just like how he remains like a constant stain in your memories, a figure that refuses to fade away completely.
Kabru’s head whips around, his lips quivering and stuttering over inaudible words— his unwavering stare bearing holes into your back, a firm burning sensation as it left it’s tracks on your figure.
However, you were quite the opposite of gracefulness. As your determination to walk off to the other side of the hallway where his party members resided, has completely overestimated your confidence in your legs. You trip on some rubble in the concrete floor, staggering as you try to salvage your dignity and save yourself from the embarrassment.
It worked, for the most part.
You had managed to stay upright, just looked a little silly as your steps miserably stuttered across the floor. Does the fact that you continued to walk with confidence afterwards acting like nothing had happened, make it more embarrassing? To save yourself from running away and diving straight into the huge body of water, and being eaten by mermen alive… You just decided to brush it off.
You cough, sneaking a quick side-eye towards Kabru— who looked like he had just been born 5 seconds ago. His face was just enough for you to snicker slightly, but you quickly looked away and covered your mouth.
You are not slick. At all.
Kabru was staring at you in a dazed state, his ability to form thoughts and speak words seemed to have completely left him— It seemed as if he was completely convinced, he had just ascended to heaven and was seeing angels.
OR, he thinks he was dragged straight to hell to punish him for all of his sins.
You like to believe it was the first option.
If he even dared to think of the second option, you would’ve probably knocked his head off using your staff like a baseball bat. Might as well even get you to score a home run with how hard you would’ve smacked him across the face.
You clear your throat, as you had finally met face to face with the remaining party members. It was still a bit jarring to see them, but it was an easier impact than the absolute whiplash Kabru had given you.
They had all been busy awkwardly checking up on their items and brushing themselves off of dungeon debris. They were the unfortunate victims to the sudden tension in the air while you and Kabru had some weird staring contest.
Holm had been busy resting on the floor, waving at you eagerly as you stood in front of him.
Mickbell was still doing an inventory check, digging into all of their bags and checking their pockets. He seemed to have been agitated about something, maybe some lost items, you’re not too sure. Though, he doesn’t seem to be speaking up about it just yet. Kuro… was also inspecting around with Mickbell.
Daya and Rin, were… Actually, you’re not too interested in what they were doing, since they were just standing around.
“Is everyone doing alright? No major or minor injuries missed?” You wave, smiling gently at the party. Your eyes squinting slightly as it squishes upwards alongside your cheeks. Holm was the first to speak out from the bunch.
“Yup. Everyone’s been checked out by me, all good!” he exclaimed, adjusting his hat as he stood up. His demeanor was warm and completely unbothered, as if he had just completely chosen to ignore the odd tension in the air. Holm checked around his surroundings one more, his head whipping around from left to right. To his left, was his somewhat agitated party. And then to his right…
His gaze caught sight of Kabru lifting himself off from the ground, as he finally got into his senses. His motions swaying, somewhat like a drunkard that was about to hurl on the side of the street in the dead of night. Although hesitant, the armored male made slow and cautious steps to regroup with the rest of the crowd.
Holm smiled, almost bordering a smirk as his eyes closed in satisfaction. The pit in your stomach grew, feeling as if your intestines had been tied into a knot then proceeded to be used like a jump rope. You cough slightly, eyes steadily glued on the suspicious expression that the gnome had.
“Right. Yeah, yeah that’s— that good to hear.” You mumbled, your voice cracking slightly as you crumbled slowly under the sudden awkwardness. The sound of clanking armor filled your ears, making your demeanor shrink as the sound progressively grows nearer. Your gaze falling to the floor, your heart sinking as you stared at a different pair of boots in front of you— the metallic noise coming to a sudden halt.
The sound of gold rustling in a bag immediately caught your attention, causing you to raise your head up on reflex. Which was very embarrassing, to say the least. As it had just blatantly exposed you out on your poverty-stricken habits. However, life had just decided that you haven’t been humbled enough, so you start to realize that you were stuck in a web of bad luck until now.
‘Money is money….’ You thought, until your stare dragged upwards from the person’s hand to their face.
It was Kabru.
You should have realized the moment the metallic clinking stopped right in front of you.
Or when your eyes laid on brown boots.
Or when your eyes laid on armored hands.
Okay, well. You did realize it, but it did not prepare you at all for the sight you opened your eyes to. The shock of seeing him up so close, even though you had just touched his chest to be able to revive him—left you utterly disoriented. His face was centimeters away from yours, with his breath warm against your cheek. His eyes were stern, half-lidded as he spoke.
“…Thanks.” His voice was rough, with the delicious smoothness of his delivery. Again, it was only one word. But were you delirious over it? Absolutely.
His voice was only slightly louder than a whisper, which added onto the oddly sensual tension between you two. The sheer intensity of the moment was almost unbearable.
It was very unbearable. You felt as though you might melt straight into the ground and become one with the dungeon cleaners right then and there. You were overwhelmed by the proximity and the flood of emotions brought in by his looming presence over you.
However, your determination to save your dignity overpowered all other emotions— as you use the top end of your staff to push against his plated chest. Kabru budged, somewhat reluctantly as he stepped backwards.
“Ah. No, it’s okay! I don’t need the money, just… Helping some old friends, y’know?” You muttered, smiling sheepishly. However, you had just lied straight through your teeth.
It would’ve been fine if you weren’t such a horrible liar. Especially when Kabru was the type of person who could easily pick up on them, with every right to hold you accountable for them.
He obviously didn’t buy it. Out of all the people in the world, he would be the least convinced whenever you would lie. Kabru held out the bag of gold once more, pushing it closer towards your chest. His smile was obviously strained, his eyes sleek like a sly fox. His expression was dangerous, you know he had just seen right through you.
God, he’s probably going to laugh about it later when he tries to sleep.
He’s going to use that information to comfort him and make him feel better about himself.
He’s going to be sad about the current situations in his life, but then he will use the fact that he knows you’re broke as shit; so that it could make him happier about his life.
“Just take it.”
That was it. His arm limped down to his side as he gave up, admitting to defeat. The gold clinking around in the bag, as you cried internally. You could basically see and hear the heftiness of that bag. With that payment alone, would’ve supplied more than a weeks’ worth of food. However, much like Kabru— you’re a pushover! You just can’t decide for yourself and no matter how much you wanted it, your mouth moves faster than the cogs in your brain.
You had completely dismissed the offer of a lifetime just to be polite.
You’re definitely going to cry about that later when you sleep.
So, you hide in a corner as you shuffle around the items in your bag— acting like you’re actively searching for something, in which you are not. You were just using the corner and the bag search so you could hide the face you were making, and the fact that you were on the verge of tears over a bag of money.
You take one big inhale, before clasping up your bag and throwing it over your arms and shoulders. As you were adjusting the straps, the bag seemed to grow slightly heavier on one side— with the familiar sound of gold coins clanking around in a drawstring bag.
You brush it off though, it’s probably just your mind messing with you (and desperately missing that bag of coins Kabru had offered you, to the point of hallucinating the sound it makes.)
Was it really a hallucination though? You’re not there to dwell on that thought.
-: ✧ :-゜・.
taglist ♡
@sy1v30n @whatamidoing89 @meerpea @pop-ee104 @starriejin @valerayne @mshope16 @stefnarda @lovin-past
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insanermin · 8 months
hate my guts, of course you do
pairing: ex!ellie x fem!reader
warnings: alcohol, drugs, toxic relationship kinda, mentions of nsfw but nothing happens v sorry guys, also forgot to mention curse words idk how warnings work, sorta proof read? :)
word count: 1,4k
summary: it's been months since you broke up, but today out of all days, your ex ellie calls you and leaves a message, asking you to come and you do come over for... closure of course.
"Shit..." Ellie groans low, her body leaned against the door frame. You can't help but notice her well defined arm and shoulder muscles, but you need to focus, this is not what you're here for.
"You called me?" You try to sound calm, collected even, but your eyes won't stop wandering. Just once you tell yourself, the other is too drunk to notice anyway.
Her green eyes and her cold gaze, you miss how her eyes softened when she laid them upon you. You miss the way it felt when she kissed you ever so slowly, knowing that it made you crazy and leaving you ache for more. For god's sake, how were you going to focus on talking to her when she has a black tank top on? You're head is starting to spin, you're still standing in front of Ellie's open door.
"Let's sit down..." You suggest, while Ellie hasn't said a single word this entire time since you arrived. The light is dimmed, liquor standing on her low table, her bed unmade.
Still, you missed Ellie's scent. She still uses that body lotion you bought her because you convinced her it would do her tattoos good.
Sweet orange and cedar wood.
After nostalgia, realisation always hits the hardest. You sit down on her bed, Ellie sits down beside you, her body sinking heavy.
Legs spread far apart, her forearms rest on top of her lap. Ellie hasn't dared to glance at you once this whole time, and 15 minutes have passed already in complete silence. She then sighs and throws her head back with her eyes, barely open, glued to the ceiling.
"Fuck this, I thought maybe callin' you up would fix things right now," she says, words slurred, but the way she expresses herself is long engraved within yourself. You look to the left, there where she sits. Inhaling sharply, you observe Ellie fiddling with her hands. This is bad.
"Ellie, I had things to take care of," the words leave your lips with a bitter taste. You just couldn't tell Ellie that she was not capable of dealing, no, not even listening to your problems and you tried so often.
"What things?" she asks, still not looking at you.
"I have a lot on my mind, I don't think..." You stop yourself. Ellie is long gone, she won't be able to comprehend this, you will just waste your energy.
It took Ellie a few seconds, but suddenly her body shifts towards you. Her eyes look for yours as they fill with something you can't recognise yet.
"No, not this again," she says under her breath. You're confused and Ellie picks it up, you didn't expect her to be this attentive.
"Things are so different now, you should see me now, you just stopped talking to me," she says, her voice full of fury and hurt.
"Fuck, you didn't even give me a chance," she mutters. A sudden wave of guilt overcame you and your narrative of what happened between the two of you starts to waver. But before you could even start questioning what you believed this whole time, you feel Ellie's presence distancing. In surprise, you look up, your eyes following her closely. You watch her approach the kitchen counter, her back facing you. She towers over the kitchen sink, her arms slightly angled. You can hear her take deep breaths as she turns around, you're no longer facing her back.
Now it's you and her, a few meters apart, face to face. Ellie is leaned back against the sink while her arms are crossed.
You've never seen her eyes this cold, this hurt before. She tilts her head slightly, observing you, her eyes scanning you up and down.
"Listen," Ellie says.
You look up, obviously shaken and when did Ellie sober up? Too many questions, too many thoughts, you're overwhelmed by this whole situation.
"Only once in this whole fucking relationship you decided to open up, okay?" Her eyes are shut closely, she seems to be in pain. And yes, she is in fact, in a lot of pain. Ellie's head started to ache a few hours ago, she didn't have any medicine left so she decided to go to sleep but couldn't after all. And to top it off, Ellie started thinking of you, what else was she supposed to do? Not drunk call her ex?
"And when you did, we both were fucking high," she continues, her voice still dangerously low. You can't move, you feel like you've been chained to the bed you are sitting on. That's when you realise, maybe, but just maybe she is right. But you don't want to believe that you're in the wrong, you hate admitting that you're wrong and unreasonable.
"Shit, and I even asked you if you left because of that night..." her words start to waver. This is when you decide that you're no longer an inanimate object, but in fact a living person. You stand up and walk up towards Ellie. Not close, but probably too close for exes. You've been silent this whole time because, and god you hate to admit this, Ellie was right. The only time you did open up was when the two of you were high and she said things you totally did not want to hear. And so you decided to tell your friends, never the whole story though and they all told you that you deserve better, you should leave.
"Don't look at me like this," Ellie says while looking down at you. You're so close to her, you can smell the alcohol mixed with her scent. The way she talks makes you weak but again, this is not the time to feel this way.
"I don't even know why I came," You finally say, barely audible.
"Because you missed me," Ellie responds, her eyes finally softening, in a way they would only for you.
"I hate you, don't do this to me, please," You say as tears fill your eyes. Why were you so impressionable? But you were so sure you're friends were right, Ellie can't handle you. Your thoughts halt for a moment as you feel Ellie's hand palms cup your face, her thumbs resting on your cheeks. You make eye contact, her eyes carefully watching you.
"How often do I need to tell you that I am there for you, I am here, never going anywhere," she whispers. When did the distance close between the two of you? You can feel her chest against yours, while the dimmed light barely illuminates Ellie's face or yours.
"You have to stop looking at me with those eyes," You say, desperately trying to stand your ground. Ellie tilts her head, you can feel her breath on your neck.
"What eyes, love?" Ellie responds, her hands gliding over the sides of your body all the way down to your waist, keeping her hands there. Her hands hold you firmly, pulling you closer by your waist.
You know you should leave now, but your body just won't move, and your heart yearns to stay.
"Don't call me love," Is all you can think of, your hands on top of hers, trying to get her away from your body.
"Give me one more chance, let me prove myself, please." Ellie says, her hands tight on your waist and her voice in a low whisper. If the sexual tension wasn't so high you'd probably say no you tell yourself, your relationship won't be much more than mindless sex so it's okay, you won't get too attached.
"Sure, prove yourself then," You say half heartedly. Ellie places her hand on your lower back, the other makes its way back up to your face, cupping it again.
"I'm serious about you, just so you know," She whispers, not knowing that she just crashed your plans of never getting attached again. You look up to her, completely helpless, you will fall, and that very hard.
But the way you look at Ellie makes her melt, makes her want to protect you from this cruel world, she still couldn't understand how she let you go.
"Come here," Ellie says, you just nod in response while blinking back your tears. God, this will be hard. She puts her hand on the back of your head and lays you gently on her chest. You look to the side, out of the window, hoping that Ellie won't notice you crying. Ellie plants a kiss on your head while mumbling something along the lines 'we will be fine' into your hair.
a/n: this was inspired by 'things change' bryson tiller, took like three lines out of the song hahaha. stay tuned or smth edit: i did some proof reading also does anyone know that tiktok where ellie says 'what eyes dina?' damn i folded
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jienem · 2 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 2
Part 1 here (I recommend you to read this first before continuing this.
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Sypnosis: The reader didn't know what caused them to fall asleep thus Vil planned to help them.
Warning: the reader is not Yuu but a dorm member of Pomefiore.
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You were dreaming.
A faint sense of consciousness lingered as you wandered aimlessly through a visionless, blurry landscape. For the first time in weeks, you found yourself dreaming. Despite the surrounding a blur, a wave of nostalgia washed over you as you walked around. The more you moved, the clearer the scenery became. You recognized this place and began reminiscing about old memories.
The air was warm, neither cold nor hot. The wind caressed your skin, yet no sound came from all around. You fluttered your hand and noticed there was nothing around you. It should have alarmed you, but it did not. Instead, a strange numbness and drowsiness overcame you, making you feel as though you could pass out at any moment. But you remembered this was supposed to be a dream.
You felt numb and drowsy.
It felt like you could pass out at any moment, but you remembered it was supposed to be a dream.
If it was a dream, how could everything feel so real?
Feeling uneasy and anxious, you glanced around, hoping for a change of scenery. That was when you noticed a strange forest nearby. Light illuminated from behind it, and without your conscious intent, your body moved forward into the forest.
Everything blurred once more.
You woke up again in another place, but this time it was your dorm lobby. The room was filled with all sorts of decorations, indicative of a celebration.
You remembered.
Your dorm was celebrating Pomefiore's achievement, yet you recalled feeling uneasy, as if something ominous was about to happen. But you couldn’t remember exactly what.
Glancing around, you noticed the table filled with an array of food and gifts from the other dorms. It all became hazy from there before your view was block with purple and gold cloth. A scent you couldn't deciper enveloped around you before a voice calls out to you though you couldn't make out what they were saying. You looked up at their blurry face in confusion, trying to speak. Suddenly, something was placed on your skin, and everything went black again.
You flinched and sighed, accepting your fate. Your housewarden glared at you in disappointment. Glancing around, you noticed that your vice housewarden was nowhere to be seen. Earlier, he had knocked on your door, announcing that the housewarden was calling for you.
"Greetings, Mademoiselle Little Flower, how are you? Did you rest well? Oh, before that, Roi de Poison asked me to inform you that he wants to meet you at the library this morning. I'm afraid I can't accompany you as much as I'd like to. You see, being a vice housewarden involves a lot of work—oh! Look at the time! See you later, Mademoiselle Little Flower, take care!"
And off he went.
You got ready for the day, but then you were hit with another dizzy spell, causing you to lean against the wall and gently fall to the ground. By the time you managed to wake up, it was already afternoon.
"My apologies, Vil-san..." you weakly said as you bowed your head. Silence followed, and you didn't dare to look up, fearing his reaction. The weight of his gaze felt like it could pierce your very soul, and for a moment, you thought he might kill you.
"Sigh, you're forgiven. Sit down here." You looked up just as he motioned toward the chair in front of him. Wordlessly, you sat down, waiting patiently. Silence enveloped the two of you as Vil placed a book on the table beside him. You were surprised to see an enormous pile of books on alchemy and potions, topics some you recognized well.
"I've done some research and want you to try out a potion I made to see if it'll work for you. But then you made me wait for hours." You gulped, nervously meeting his eyes, which flickered with irritation before he slid the book toward you.
"And also, I informed the teachers about your delicate situation. They told me they'll try to find a solution regarding your curse. And, of course, you do not need to worry about your classes." Vil turned the book toward you, a smirk playing on his lips.
"All you've missed in class will be taught by myself, along with advancements in some subjects."
"What?!" you exclaimed, unable to hide your surprise.
"You should rejoice at being taught by me. Not many people have the privilege of being tutored by me," he replied, his smirk widening. Despite his words, you felt a pang of fear. He narrowed his eyes, the smirk never leaving his face.
"And we should also discuss your daily routine. We cannot let your delicate matter interfere with your skincare regimen."
You've fallen asleep many times, much to your dismay and Vil's. He had given you many potions to test, but without fail, your head always ended up on the table. Vil sighed in exasperation before rubbing his temples and muttering,
"Even with my skills in potion-making, I couldn't make your curse less effective."
You could only join his frustration by simply nodding in defeat. Each attempt, each hopeful sip, ended the same way—your eyes drooping and consciousness slipping away.
You fell asleep once more.
Sometime later, Rook appeared with a beaming smile that could rival the sunshine of Scarabia, only for his lips to curl downward when Vil disapproved of his idea.
"No," Vil said firmly.
"But it could work, no? Just like the fairytale—"
"Tell me, have you seen or heard that they were in love with someone?" Vil interrupted.
"No?" Rook replied, a bit confused.
"Exactly my point. There is no way I'm letting anyone kiss their lips with greasy or chapped lips from potatoes."
"Um, do I have a say in this?" you tried to join the conversation, only to be met with Vil's fierce eyes.
"Absolutely not," he responded with finality.
"Mademoiselle Little Flower, may I ask if something happened that caused you to be cursed?" Rook's voice broke the tense silence as you looked at him, frowning slightly. You tried to remember, but nothing came to mind. You hadn't had any conflicts or done anything that would provoke such a curse. You had been quite occupied with your routines.
"Not that I'm aware of," you finally replied after a moment of contemplation.
"Have you eaten anything suspicious?" Rook asked further.
"Um, no? Just the usual from my routine," you answered, feeling perplexed.
"What did you eat at the celebration?" Vil's voice cut in after a period of silence. You turned to look at him and found him already staring at you, causing you to look away instinctively.
"Um, I couldn't recall... Fruits and desserts, I guess?" You furrowed your brow in thought. Despite not remembering exactly what you ate, you recalled an odd dream from last night. It felt so surreal, yet the scent lingered faintly in your memory. If you were to guess again, it would be something sweet or sour.
You closed your eyes, feeling your vision grow hazy once more. A hand reached out to your face, prompting you to open your eyes. Vil's light purple eyes met yours, and you were surprised to see worry flicker across his expression before he composed himself.
"I think we're done for today, lets do this for another time."
He stood up and pick up his stuff whilst Rook and you exchange glances. He shake his head and held his hands in the air saying he too was puzzled by Vil's action before all of you left the library. As the three of you left the library, you glanced upward and weren't surprised to see that night had already descended. You turned around and nearly bumped into Vil, but he caught you by the shoulder, steadying you. His scent enveloped you—something familiar yet elusive, stirring a memory you couldn't quite grasp.
"Are you alright Y/N?"
What's the matter?
"Yes, just light headed."
I'm fine just tired V꙲i꙲l꙲-s꙲a꙲n꙲
There was a tension in the air, a mix of urgency and uncertainty, as Vil scrutinized your form before nodding slightly.
"Would you still like us to accompany you, or do you think you can handle yourself?" Vil asked, his tone measured.
"No, no, no, Roi de Poison! We must accompany them back to the dorm. We don't want our Mademoiselle Little Flower falling asleep on the ground somewhere just like earlier, do we?" Rook said giving Vil a horrendous gaze when he even suggest such a thing
"I suppose not," Vil relented, giving you a faint smile.
You smiled as they continue bickering Before you knew it, you were back in the dorm lobby. Vil and Rook turned to look at you as you bid them goodbye.
"I'm really sorry that I took up so much of your time. I know you both are very busy, and I appreciate you caring about me even though I don't have much useful information," you said earnestly.
"It's alright, Mademoiselle Little Flower. The continued effort to find a solution is what matters," Rook reassured you.
"I agree with that, Vil added with a nod.
Rook hugged you tightly, a wave of emotion washed over you, causing tears to well up in your eyes. Vil merely smiles on your way. You smiled once more, acknowledging him, but couldn't shake the hidden suspicion that lingered in your mind.
The scent from your dreams—sweet and spicy, with a floral undertone—had stirred something familiar within you.
It was similar to Vil's perfume earlier. You wondered if you had spoken with him at the celebration, but then realized it was inevitable given that you were in the same dorm and he was your housewarden. Yet, despite these logical connections, an anxious feeling gnawed at you.
What had happened during the celebration that you couldn't remember? Why was it all a blur? Were you overthinking, or was there something significant that eluded your memory?
"Is there something in my face Y/N? "
What's the matter, you look unwell.
You blink your eyes and suddenly feel flushed. You've been staring at Vil for quite sometime causing Vil and Rook look at you when they notice you hadn't said anything for a while. They continued to look at you, one was amused, and one was concerned. You finally reply with a flushed ears.
"I'm fine, just caught up by what had happened. It's just overwhelming," you explained, hoping to ease their concern. They seemed to relax slightly at your words, though doubt still lingered in their expressions. Rook smiled warmly at you before gently urging you to return to your room. You waved them goodbye and left them behind, the weight of their gazes following you down the hall.
Vil's eyes remained fixed on your retreating figure before he turned to Rook, who wore a knowing smile.
"What is it now, Rook?" Vil asked, folding his arms.
"Say Vil, did you perhaps talk to them at the celebration?" Rook continued to smile as he asked.
"Yes I did, is there something wrong with that?" Vil folded his arms as he questioned.
"But did something happen?"
"Yes, there was. They were tipsy from alcohol that wasn't supposed to be at the celebration. Those unwelcome potatoes might have something to do with it. I escorted them somewhere nearby so they could sit down. That's all," Vil explained tersely. They sized each other up, exchanging unspoken understanding, before Rook chuckled softly.
"I'll let you keep your secret, Roi de Poison. But when the time comes, you'll have to face it," Rook remarked cryptically.
Vil's plastered a smile at Rook. "As expected of my vice housewarden. Your perceptiveness is keen, to say the least." With that, Vil turned and started walking away. "I'm off to bed."
Rook remained, watching Vil depart with an amused expression. "Oh, Mademoiselle Little Flower, be prepared for what happens next. Once beauty sets its eyes on a flower, it'll never be swayed again," he mused to himself, a hint of mischief in his tone.
"What's the matter? You look unwell, Y/N," Vil's voice cut through the haze around you. He frowned, detecting the scent of alcohol on your breath, and muttered in disappointment.
"I'm fine, just tired, Vil-san," you managed to slur out, clearly intoxicated.
"Did someone bring alcohol into the celebration? Sigh I'll inform Rook about this and reprimand whoever is responsible."
You still looked dazed as you frowned at him, muttering incoherently.
"If you have something to say, speak up. Don't mutter to yourself," he urged, but before you could respond, you slumped forward in front of him.
"You seem nice and kind," you giggled softly, struggling to stay upright in his presence.
"Excuse me?" Vil was taken aback.
"I thought you were somewhat cold before. When I first met you, I found you intimidating," you continued, your speech interrupted by hiccups and slurred words. "But then I learned about all your achievements, how you handle things, and how fairly you treat us."
"You're an amazing leader—smart, perceptive, everything I look forward to in class," you confessed, clinging to his clothes for balance, cheeks flushed from the alcohol. Unaware of his growing stillness, you continued pouring out your thoughts.
"Hm, you might not remember this but you help me before. When we were newly freshman year, I was lost and was somehow got into a forest, I think it was a maze from the heartslabyul... You calmed me down when you stayed with me, even when I accidentally dirtied your prim clothes. It was improper for a pomefiore student yet you didn't reprimand me. And I thank you for that"
Vil gently guided you into a nearby chair, standing in front of you in silence. He stayed silent for a while before tilting his upper body forward, he placed his hand on your cheeks as he wordlessly stares at your eyes. You could only stare at him in confusion when he open his mouth and closes it again.
"Of course, I would help you. You were a fellow dorm member." Vil chuckles under his breath.
"But perhaps you also don't remember this," Vil lifted your chin gently with his fingers, his touch tender. He kissed your forehead gently, holding you close for a moment before releasing you. Your eyelids drooped with drowsiness.
"Do you remember the time you wandered onto the set when we were children? You looked so bored while everyone else was busy," Vil reminisced, a nostalgic smile playing on his lips.
"You noticed me practicing my lines and kept me company," he continued, his expression softening at the memory. "Then the boy playing the protagonist arrived, wanting you to be his pretend princess."
"But you, stubborn little potato," Vil chuckled again, "you refused and suggested I be your prince instead, your protagonist."
"You kissed me then, just as I did now," Vil recounted, his tone fond as he stroked your cheek gently. As he noticed you finally drift off to sleep, a tender smile graced his lips.
"You once told me you wanted to see me in a play where I could survive like the protagonist. I haven't achieved that yet, but for now, rest well."
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Hello guys! Sorry for the long hiatus its been so long since I write. Anyways thank you for reading this i'm not sure if I captured most of their characteristic and the ending seemed to be oc but ehhh what do you think?
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