#well... this idiot and these two smart guys that act dumb all the time
darnellthefirestarter · 6 months
Poor Bf
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pomefioredove · 2 months
could you write the overblot boys (+ lillia & adeuce) with a reader who is really naïve? like they aren’t dumb by any means (the opposite, actually, they are smart and get amazing grades) but they have a lot of trust in people and sometimes takes things too seriously/at face value (like they don’t understand sarcasm at all, respond to rhetorical questions, etc)
how do you guys keep coming up with the most specific relatable ideas 😭😭 finally, oblivious representation!!!
summary: naive/oblivious reader type of post: headcanons characters: riddle, ace, deuce, leona, azul, jamil, vil, idia, malleus, lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu
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for someone who's entire life is structured around decorum, Riddle is unexpectedly lenient with you
he's always had a certain weakness for cute things...
he's seen your grades, and he knows you aren't incompetent or dim, you just...
...lack social finesse
fortunately, he says he's an expert at socializing!
...unfortunately, that's not true at all
if you're not careful, he'll have you talking like a sickly Victorian orphan by month two
but at least he's not Ace, who finds your naivete VERY entertaining
you and Deuce are a two-man circus to him
tricking you is so easy, it's almost not even fun
he has, on three separate occasions, told you and Deuce that "gullible" is written on the ceiling, and all times, you both looked up
but it's all in good fun, of course
Sevens help anyone else who teases you about it, though. then it isn't so funny anymore
Ace and Deuce are just a little overprotective
Leona hasn't said a word about it
not that he hasn't noticed
...not that he's trying not to embarrass you, either
he's just trying to see how long it'll take before you can tell when he's being sarcastic
it's just... entertaining
for someone as smart as you to hang onto his every word...
it's... a bit of a power trip for him
not that he's taking advantage of you for anything other than amusement, of course
besides, you'll need someone around to tell off the idiots who do try to pull the rug out from under you
speaking of which...
if not for your friends' intervention, Azul would probably own your soul by now
he's not half as convincing as he thinks he is, but even then, you respond to everything he says in earnest
you actually believe the whole "nice guy" act
and, honestly...
he likes the way you like him
you actually see him as a nice, smart, interesting person. you spend time with him without expecting anything in return
so, he gives up on trying to squeeze a deal out of you
...for now, at least, you're under his protection
someone get this poor man a day off
Jamil is tempted to put you and Kalim in a play pen together so he can take a nap
he just... doesn't understand you
he's seen your name in the hall after exams, he's heard the way the professors praise you, and yet you are almost painfully easy to manipulate
he could mold you like clay if he really wanted to
...unfortunately, he cares too much to do that
so, for now, he'll keep trying to trick you into tutoring Kalim so he can have the night off
Vil is your number one protector
you're smart, you're competent, but you're way too easy to deceive
and knowing the boys at this school...
...of course, Vil has to keep you by his side at all times. he wouldn't trust half the students here with his laundry
he can't sit by and let you get taken advantage of
...not that he never teases you
he does, of course
your earnest responses are just so sweet to him, and you seem to genuinely enjoy complimenting him...
while Rook teaches you how to pick up on hints and cues, and Epel throws hands with anyone who even looks at you weird, Vil is busy pampering you half to death
Idia's initial reaction is something along the lines of "well, at least I'm not that guy,"
but, really; he thinks he has it bad, and then you can't even read a room?
you're like total opposites; an overthinker and an underthinker
you're all... sweet and genuine and cutesy
and he's a lame weird loser...
he assumes that everyone else thinks the same; but then he starts hearing the things other people say about you...
...and the way you get treated when you don't understand a joke or pick up on a cue
maybe you're not so different, after all...
unfortunately, it looks like you and Malleus are on the same page
one oblivious to social cues, the other awkward from years of isolation
communicating with anyone else is a minefield
but, of course, you have each other
the way you talk to each other is kind of adorable?
Malleus can be quite blunt when he doesn't mean to, though, for you, that's a blessing
but he's also aware that you're a little oblivious, compared to other humans, and he's quite accommodating
Lilia is a little shit
he may act all innocent about it, but he knows very well what he's doing
your naivete was the first thing he noticed about you
he absolutely uses it to his advantage
you're just so easy to prank, how can he resist?
he also enjoys flirting with you
it goes right over your head every time, and it's just the cutest thing he's ever seen
he's trying to see how far he can push it before you realize he's being serious
times he's said "I want you" to your face: 2 and counting!
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jessiquinn · 9 months
unwanted jealousy (reader x Cable AKA Nathan Summers)
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Angst modern X-men one-shot... dumb but I was in a shity mood so here you go.
I'm trying not to be a perfectionist here, so it will not be perfect.
hope u enjoy it anyway.
"Listen, I'm not feeling well.. so please just leave me alone. " I tried to talk in a calm and collected manner to not trigger his anger issues.
that's the last thing I want to do..
"And that's why I'm here..." cable said with a stern voice... with his stand I can tell he won't be moving any time soon...
the thing is I've been feeling shity... or more so like depressed... but I hate admitting it, honestly... I'm an 'isolation' kind of person.
"cable. I'm perfectly fine, see. I've done all my duties. You don't have to worry about anything, " giving him my oscar nominated FAKE smile that fooled my family for years!
he knew, he's not an idiot but he chose to play a long for now as he can clearly see it's not a good time.
"yn... fine.. as you like" he just walks out.
That was weird.
The day passed on pretty quickly, and my favorite time finally came... 3am.
The time when everyone a sleep, and peace spreads through the mansion... the beauty of being alone.
I love being alone... it feels refreshing.. like you just want to go make a lemonade in the middle of the night or... a cheese sandwich then cut it..or justslitmythroatandfeelfineforonce
it's not like I'm a good addition to the team. Why can't I just leave... I don't get it.
They clearly showed me that they want me gone...
overthinking while I slice my cheese sandwich, proceeding to take a bite to suddenly face the last person I want to see...
domino... ugh...
"Not happy to see me?" said with smugness on her face.
At least she's smart for once, but what does she want?
"Do you need anything?" smiling professionally at her... we were still a team.
walking closer to my spot. "Hmm... I need a favor" as she swipes her finger on the counter... "See this thing... cable is... how do I say it, important to me... so... don't take it the wrong way, but.. you have to leave" said in the sweetest tone ever... not to lighten it up but to hurt me even deeper.
Every word she said leaked venom.
"I don't get it? what does it have to do with me?" I was already pissed. Domino, for some reason, always hated me.
"Come on now... don't play innocent" smirking at me like she knows something I don't.
"Now be a dear and take your remaining dignity - if there's anything left anyway... and leave" she thinks she's so smart, does she?
"With all due respect, Domino... it's none of your business, plus there's nothing between me and Cable. " I tried my best to stay respectful... but my patience is running out for sure.
she sighs "How about I say it in a different way? Get.the.fuck.out.of.her before I make" her tone as sharp as her words.
"This is an order. We don't want you here" I can feel her hate.. what did I ever do to her? at least she left the kitchen now.
putting the cheese sandwich down on the table, feeling like the darkness in me completely soaking my heart... her words really did not help... that's just...perfect.
heading to my room, I felt blind.
locking my bedroom door behind me, what am I supposed to do now? where do I go... is this really how they feel about me?
Next day
Domino wasn't happy to see that I'm still here but didn't dare to say anything... especially in front of cable or the team.
"Hey, come sit with us." As usual, Deadpool invited me over... he's the kindest guy.
I sat next to him as they were planning the next mission. It seems like I'm not included in the mission? strange..
do I even bother to ask, I guess.. in a way.. domino was right.
my aura was for sure dark, but thankfully, nobody can tell..
Acting is fun
"Don't take it the wrong way, but we only want two shooters,  having too many in this mission is messy," Domino said... I can see what she's doing, but my feelings are blinding me... she knows what's she's doing for sure.
"No worries" acting like it didn't bother me. "Just be careful out there." Despite her acts, I cared about the team very much... it's just sad how they don't see me useful to them...
"How about you come with us anyway!!" deadpool says excitedly. he must sense something... his eyes showed care for sure..
"No..it's fine."I reassured him... I didn'twant to be a burden or force myself into it.
"Wade, did I ask you to invite anyone in the mission?" I immediately took the message loud and clear.
Wade wanted to say something, but he was cut off by a yelling Domino telling him to get ready and follow orders.
I decided to go to my room as Domino pissed me the fuck up.
as I walked, I overthinked, which made me bump into a large figure.
I immediately apologized to him, I really didn't want to cause any more trouble than I already did... he just looked confused. "Not coming?" cable questioned..
"No, Domino said I'm not coming today." I was about to walk away, but he held me in place
"What?" smiling softly at him, to remove any kind of worry, of course.
"You're coming with me" held my arm as he dragged me somewhere...
"What's wrong, Cable?" I was nervous for sure... anxious even!
I swear, I got the message... I'll leave, alright.
he unlocks the door to his room and pushes me inside, I'm scared.
wait a second... THAT'S HIS ROOM.. I'M DEAD.
guns were certainly everywhere as I heard... fuck.
"Cable.. I'm sorry, all right, please calm down." At this point, I was hyperventilating.
Cable was for sure confused now, still proceeding to lock the door behind him. "I want to talk to you about something..." Oh shit here comes the... "I have to confess something, " he rubs the back of his neck. "I... like you"
"w-what" I was shocked.
is this a test?
"I like you," he repeated with much more confidence this time, "is this a joke?" I was really confused.
He sighs and tries to speak, but "Listen, I get it. You all want me to leave! but playing a stupid prank like this ain't worth it. just tell me to my fucking face!" I felt furious, offended to be lied to like this.
One thing I was sure lf is! my heart isn't a fucking game!
I wanted to leave already. This was too much! as I turn around to unlock the door... Cable was too close, slowly raising his arm, and once Again feeling scared.
caressing my face? how... is this real? opening my eyes to see him in front of my face.
with a push I was pinned... there was no escape.
"Listen to me, idk what gibberish you're saying, but I really do like you, in a deeper level" talking in almost a whisper as his low voice was already too much.
his eyes were telling me the truth...
if you like it please tell me!
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content-d3leted · 2 months
Here's another useless paragraph or two that noone will ever read but I need to type it anyway because..........yes.
Robert. (I know, what are the chances that this is about him again!!). He's such an odd character, in the sense that he is considered a genius by many, and acts all smart, aswell as being an inventor AND a robot, which are usually both stereotyped as clever, however he is actually so stupid (in a nice way) for the most part.
This guy can create machines allowing you to see other people's dreams, he can create dusters that can automatically detect mess, he can create whisks that un-scramble eggs..........yet he didn't know what a seed was. He didn't know what pretty much any sport was or how it worked, he didn't know what an audition was, what a holiday was, or a sleepover, the poor chap doesn't even know whats going on half the time! (Well, in series 1 at least).
In a way, its quite nice. It shows he is not just a stereotypical genius who knows everything, but is infact only knowledgeable on very specific topics. Basiclly....engineering and cleaning. I suppose that this is because in robot school, that was all he was taught. He didn't learn about biology (hence not knowing what a seed does), or sport, or enjoyable activities in general, because he didn't NEED to. His sole purpose was to serve others, which usually only requires skills that a normal butler would have.
In the usual scenario of what his job should've been like would be cleaning the house and taking care of the people inside with the occasional small-talk, then off to bed. The classic butler. Just standing in the corner of the room, being seen and not heard really.
Justin was different. He didn't see Robert as a mere helper, but instead saw him as a roomate. A best friend. I presume J must of been feeling a bit down and lonely as he moved house alone into a new neighbourhood. He needed a friend, someone to keep him company. So that worked out pretty well. It also meant that Robert got to experience and learn of new things that he never would've done if he lived elsewhere. His first sleepover, his first music festival, his first experience camping! Without Justin, he never would've even known the existence of doing such things! And then they fell in love awwwwwwwww
I doubt Robert had many (or even any?) close friends before meeting Justin, since otherwise he would of heard of having a sleepover for sure. He never really mentions having friends, other than the ones that are already pals of Justin (except Jodie of course, the pair of them seem good friends so he must of had 1 then). Its like the universe destined for he and J to meet, because they really needed eachother!
Throughout the show, Justin is portrayed as a clumsy idiot-like person, who is thought to be considerably less smart than Robert, mostly due to his child-like behaviour and the (annoying) 'funny' voices and faces he does (that cheek wobble thing he does is the most annoying thing ever. Actually pisses me off so much). However, in actual fact, he and Robert are both equally dumb. If anything, Justin is smarter than him! Justin knows more things about the real world and more broader subjects, so really, if you add it all up, he knows more than Robert. Of course though, Robert is very smart in his own special way.
Wait actually now that I think about it, Robert does act child-like aswell. In series 1 there were some scenes where he acted like that (eg when he was given the 'official whistle'). And throughout the show, especially in s4, 5 and 6 (although he also does it often in 1, 2 and 3 too), he's become more and more prone to doing his silly little 'hand clapping whilst bouncing' thingy whenever he's excited. I don't personally think that's childish since I do (and will continue doing forever) similar things lol, however others may perceive it as being childish, sooo basiclly he and Justin are both as childish as eachother in their own different ways <33333
It's quite funny how space is one of Robert's main interests, and he clearly adores it, yet he knows so little about it. He didn't know that Uranus had rings?!?!! Does he just decide to not read a single book or anything about his interest?? Or maybe he did but he's just forgetful lol
I actually need to consume them I need to commit an osmosis and absorb this show into my flesh it is just SO GOOD.
I was only supposed to write 1 short paragraph, what happened!! The autism possessed me 😔 /j
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dxwnfxll · 1 year
Giving more to the plus size readers
Tw: this will be angsty, involve body shaming, fatphobia and bullying!
As always Amar replaces Shaw/Bright
Doctors finding out you're getting bullied for your weight
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Dr. Amar
You and Amar met in such a cliche way, you had become his assistant. You hadn't thought it as a big deal until you were called into a meeting discussing making your own will. So for the first few months you were terrified of the guy, but she acted different towards you. She definitely had her 'insane' moments, but they usually tried to keep you out of them (if they were dangerous at least). She was also touchy towards you, sitting next to you at lunch or standing too close to you. Then he asked the question and y'all started going out huzzah!
Y'all have been dating for 2 years and a week by now, Amar loved you more than anything. She was the type to uplift you whenever you felt down, they knew how some people could be. Oh and he just adored how you loved yourself even after people tried to pull you down, but today was different.
She was in his office finishing off some work that had a very near deadline, when all of a sudden you walked in. Amar smiled at you before noticing how you looked, you were looking at the floor and sounded as if you were sniffling. Amar practically jumped up asking a million questions over what happened, why were you crying. And when you explained what happened, Amar was the embodiment of rage.
The next time you saw the person who had been body shaming you, they had piles and i mean PILES of work on their desk. They didn't even have enough time to look up and see you were snapping a pic of them from your phone. You sent the pic to Amar asking 'did you cause this?' And the only response you received was a smiley face and a heart.
Dr. Clef
Dr. Clef is plus sized himself and doesn't take kindly to people who bully others for no reason. He's a sadistic asshole but he ain't a monster, he had met you during a training he had been instructed to do. He was semi impressed that you weren't acting like an idiot unlike your colleagues.
He expected to not see you again but very slowly it seemed as if you were in all of his projects and assignments. Always on his team and he figured out why, you had just replaced one of his old researchers that had an 'early retirement'.
He grew close to you as you didn't seem to mind his..eccentric personality. You were also a tad bit eccentric in your own way so you two got along pretty well. Eventually the two of you started dating yippee! He always expected to come into where he needed to be and see you smiling, but today was different.
He came into one of the labs expecting to see you smile and wave but instead you just quietly worked, it was odd and even uncomfortable for it to be so quiet. He had also noticed how you were further away from everyone else. He was a smart man and could put two and two together, something obviously had happened before he got here.
So he casually pulled you out and of course no one questioned it, when he pulled you out he asked what had happened. Which you tried to downplay by acting dumb cause you didn't want to cause any scene since he can be a liiiiittle bit over dramatic.
Once you finally did tell him what had happened, which was that one of the people in the group had decided to body shame you. Clef looked BEYOND pissed, he took a breath before telling you to stay put. You tried to follow him to calm him down but he just looked at you and pointed his finger to the ground "stay.put." he said before walking in.
You stood out in the hallway watching as researchers passed by, until finally he opened the door wiping off something on his face. He grinned at you before putting an arm around you and dragging you away to work on an independent project together (which was a 'date' in his room where y'all just cuddled and watched tv together)
Dr. Kondraki
You and Konny had met during a mission together, you were an MTF a low level MTF at that. But he got along with you, he began to request you on missions and before you knew it you were promoted a couple times while working with him.
It had been speculated that he helped in some way to get you your promotions, but no one ever actually said that to your face. Maybe cause they were scared of Kondrakis 'wrath', one day though one of the MTF in the training room decided to confront you about your promotions.
They had told you, that you were undeserving of them. That obviously Kondraki had something to do with it since you were well, big. And obviously since you were big to this person and others you shouldn't even be an MTF. You cried of course cause you did work hard, you weren't the stereotype that many people painted bigger people. And before you could run off to cry a voice was heard.
"I didn't help them." You looked up through teary eyes to see your boyfriend Kondraki, hands in his pockets and looking pissed. "I didn't even help my son with his promotions what makes you think I'd help them?" The MTF backed up looking as if they were gonna piss themself as Kondraki continued "now if you're done making up petty rumors I'd like to take my partner home." He said before grabbing your hand and dragging you away.
He may not have made their life a living hell like Ambrose, or uh murdered them like Clef. But he embarrassed the fuck out of them in front of everyone so yippee!
Dr. Iceberg
Iceberg was the least expected to have a partner, let alone a plus size one. He's never actually bodyshamed anyone but he has insulted people for their looks before. Hell it was a shock to everyone that the newest researcher in the site was caught kissing Iceberg in his office.
This of course caused rumors to spread, a lot of crazy rumors. Lots of people had it in their head that Iceberg was 'stuck' with you now, no one ever actually saying that to his face though. People had come up with this since Iceberg never seemed happy around you, always looking agitated or unhappy. Little did these people know he just had a case of 'resting bitch face'.
One day a person had come up to Iceberg during dinner time, you had walked off to grab you and his food as he looked over some files. As the person sat down he didn't even care to look up at them not even a hello. The person spoke though "what's up between you and the cow?"
He paused almost dropping his file as he looked at them "what." The person went on a small tangent about how almost everyone had guessed he was in some unhappy relationship. And before he could finish his tangent Iceberg backhanded them before just getting up and walking over to you. You were completely oblivious as he carried y'alls food with one hand and held your hand with the other practically dragging you out.
You had no clue what had happened as you never really paid attention to any rumors being spread around, and Iceberg kept what had happened to himself. But you did notice how people started to treat you much nicer at work.
Dr. Glass
You were one of Glasses patients, just a regular researcher who had been dealing with a poor body image. Glass had thought you were cute and he enjoyed your company, so sometimes he would hang out with you outside of work. He always complimented you and showed how much he loved you, he wanted to help build some self love for yourself not only as your therapist but as your partner.
He was so sure he was making progress too, you had started wearing more cuter clothes. Started acting more confident and he had even caught you a couple times practicing his self love exercises he had made for you. Then one day he had an emergency therapy session, and he got worried when he saw it had been placed by you. He thought you had seen something extremely traumatic or worse.
When you came in sobbing with your lab coat buttoned up fully and your sleeves all the way down he got even more worried. It took a bit to get what had happened out of you but when he heard it he felt so many emotions at once. Anger, sadness, pain, you were in his office crying because someone had decided to bodyshame you. They practically cornered you and bombarded you with insults even going as far as to question if Glass even loved you.
They had tried to convince you that Glass only saw you as a patient, that he didn't actually care he just wanted to 'fix' you. Glass was beyond pissed but took the time to assure you that you were handsome/beautiful/good looking. That he did love you and to never doubt those feelings, after that though once he had you asleep on his couch for the moment. He walked over to his computer contacting a couple higher up friends with names, ranks and asking if these people could make great D-class. Scary boi
Mikell Amar
Mikell and you had grown up together, the stereotypical girl next door. Except you had a poor self image, you usually wore more covering clothes and sometimes didn't even go outside due to how bad your anxiety made you feel that everyone was laughing at you.
Until one day a handsome cowboy knocked on your door, you knew who he was. After all your parents always talked about those 'weird Ambroses' but this guy didn't seem so weird. He came over asking if you had soup to spare as he had run out and his younger brother TJ had gotten sick from his sister Claire. You of course gave him some soup and since then you both became pretty good friends.
After that you two started hanging out, you even going over to help with his family. Eventually you both got married and you became 'Mrs/Mx/Mr Amar', he was very caring towards you and due to his 'mean dog' personality not many people dared to say anything about you.
You're actually kinda protected with him around luckily, but that didn't mean you were invincible to hate. Just like your parents had done to your husbands family, new neighbors were now saying stuff behind your back about you. And Mikell when he had been off duty made the mistake of inviting the family over for a barbeque. Everything was going fine until the husband of the family had started talking to him, the conversation was fine at first until he started questioning your appearance.
Asking first if you were pregnant or if you had just let yourself go, Mikell immediately stopped drinking from his paper cup as he listened questioning what the guy meant. To which he continued to mock your weight and even went as far as to compare his wife to you, after that a whole ass brawl happened. Mikell giving the guy a broken nose and breaking a table in the process. After that the neighbors didn't come over much anymore-
Hope y'all liked this!! I've been working on this for four whole days 💀
Requests opened as always!!
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meadowmines · 1 year
OC-Tober Day 11: Fight
[in which some punks play stupid games with a certain pair of fun-size Majima men and win a stupid prize]
This could not have possibly gone any more wrong for this pack of idiots. They picked the wrong pair of guys to pick a fight with (Aoyagi and Nishida). They picked the wrong time to try it (a night where Nishida was getting a little stressed out and grumpy with the boss and was summarily ordered to go to his "happy place" and break some shit until he could act right). And they absolutely picked the wrong place to try it (right outside the door to said "happy place" which is one lock and a few steps away from a veritable arsenal of blunt weapons).
Let's back up a little.
There's this warehouse over by the docks. The boss keeps it stocked with junk cars and old tube TVs and dead major appliances and glass jars full of confetti and mismatched chipped china and glassware from the bargain bin at the secondhand store and all kinds of other things that break in really satisfying ways when thrown real hard or hit with a blunt weapon. Sometimes the boss even hauls in a few piñatas made in his image (Aoyagi and his bro suspect the boss makes them himself and they're actually a scary good likeness) and they're stuffed with full-size candy bars and obscene amounts of cash and other cool stuff. And just inside the door, there are racks and racks of baseball bats and crowbars and golf clubs and... you get the picture.
The fact that this warehouse is referred to as "Nishida's Happy Place" should give you some idea what it's for. These days it's actually more Nishida and Aoyagi's Happy Place, on account of Aoyagi being given a key one day after he shot his mouth off at the boss and got hauled out behind the woodshed for it, but never mind that. The point is, they came here to break some shit.
And bless these dumb sons of bitches... they volunteered.
Nishida keeps them busy for the few seconds it takes Aoyagi to unlock the door and grab a couple of weapons. "Bro!" he calls, lofting a bat through the air towards Nishida's waiting hand. As for himself... a nine-iron, perhaps? No, there's a headwind, maybe he ought to club up a little.
Nishida is always a little nervous in a fight, at first. He's fairly terrified of his own strength (and, going by what the boss has told Aoyagi in private, he's right to be) and he's skittish about hitting anything with a central nervous system. Aoyagi, on the other hand, is not the least bit skittish about throwing hands (or golf clubs, or baseball bats, or whatever happens to be lying around that would hurt if he hit someone with it). Look, he's not the kind of guy that goes around busting heads just for funsies, but a) these guys started it, b), there are a lot of them, and c) Aoyagi is five foot five and Nishida has maybe two or three inches on him and all of these guys are well above their weight class and Aoyagi does not feel even the least little bit bad for the guy whose head he just broke his six-iron on. He considers going back in for a fresh beatin' iron. Nah, fuck it. This is almost a fair fight for Aoyagi and his bro, at this point.
Actually, no. It's not. It's skewing unfair in their favor, because now Nishida has gotten his jitters out and he's starting to enjoy this and that's always extra fun for Aoyagi and the opposite of fun for whoever they're beating on. Mostly because the guys they're beating on never realize how screwed they are until it's too late.
Aoyagi is, as we've mentioned, a little guy. And sure, he's pretty damn strong for his size and biology, but he's also smart enough to know that's only going to get him so far. The boss has told him, more than once, that he's not going to win the big fights with his fists, he's going to win them with his brain, and of course he's right about that. He does enjoy a good old fashioned slugfest now and then, but the strategic approach is a lot more fun and a hell of a lot more effective. He uses gravity and timing and surroundings to his advantage and really, when you think about it, all he's really doing is helping these idiots beat themselves up and that's fucking hilarious.
Nishida, meanwhile, just swings for the fences and that works fine for him.
One big lug comes charging at Aoyagi and Aoyagi drops his shoulder low, catches him right in the gut, and lets his low center of gravity and the dude's own momentum carry him over Aoyagi's shoulder and head-first onto the ground. He wraps a leg around just the right part of the guy's arm and gives a good solid yank at just the right angle and there's one more out of the fight. How many does that leave? Two or three, and they're all on Nishida. "Need a hand?" Aoyagi hollers as the guy whose shoulder he just dislocated runs off whimpering with his arm flapping around wrong.
He knows Nishida can take three guys on his own, but he also knows the numbers are just perfect for this fun little trick they cooked up. "Going up?" Nishida hollers back with a grin, and Aoyagi grins right back.
He takes off running towards his bro and the last of the goons and at just the right second, Nishida spins around, back to his enemies, bat held low and horizontal like a step. Aoyagi plants his foot right in the middle of it and cackles as Nishida launches him into the air. The goons stand there open-mouthed like they don't know what the fuck, and by the time they figure out what the fuck, it's too late for them to do a thing about it.
God, Aoyagi thinks as his knees and elbows send the three punks sprawling, this never gets old.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
We do understand what's happening here and we are on it these people are very ornery and mean and ridiculous they want everything by threatening one person and they don't treat him as of his valuable so we are proceeding to eliminate them permanently and a bunch of jokes and they're delusional and they're insane and they're very mean I mean a lot of them really needed to die a long time ago especially this guy Billy Hicks AKA Donald Trump and how embarrassing that's what was the whole time and what is he acts like a retard he doesn't know what that means Colorado excluded him from the ballot and he doesn't get what that will do. We feel bad for him he's so stupid anybody can look it up you have to obey the law in this country you can't do what you're doing and become president and he is already filed the appeal and you would think that he would notice talking about he doesn't really he doesn't know it's important he doesn't believe people can stop him see huge bombastic f** and he's lost tons of stuff it doesn't really understand what it means and some sort of teareful retard. And our son and daughter say boy what an odd homo what a way to lose in front of everyone and to see them you go down the whole world watching him be this huge jackass saying the wrong things doing the wrong things and embarrassing the Max and the max they can't get it either Mac Daddy does you're showing weakness you're showing stupidity and massive amounts of arrogance and that you're sick to everybody on Earth every day he says you Max make huge mistakes because people have a psychology and they're saying they're animals and it's ridiculous he said in a way you're right and you should know better because that's kind of what it is with us and our kind Max says and it's true they look and they see a rabbit in the trap and that's you guys and I see your idiots going against you I mean really come on how dumb does it look oh they're going to attack themselves and we have to do something and they're going to be on you and what a fruitcake show and ugliness your whole life is looking forward to arguing with each other to the end and really that's kind of what it is and none of you really deserve anything so I'm not sure what the argument is you're arguing it doesn't make any sense none of you have any backup for it.
You're sitting here watching the battle and Sue and it's going on and it's pretty hefty there's a large number of people in this battle and it's a very large war and it's going on now and your people are being decimated while you're sitting here causing things to see it worse cuz you're real smart and nobody else is going to support you except those people who are gone. And we of course don't like you at all anything all sorts of dumb things well whatever you're on what you're doing is going to be stopped we can't stand you at all you're disgusting you have some dumb things to say about just about everything and you get beat up for it and you don't care you spend your spent and we're watching the attempted invasion and we see Tommy f cringe corse he's not doing anything and he's not smiling meaning I don't think he likes you people what are these other idiots. And there's a lot of people who are going to after you idiots and after you made yourself weak enough they don't like you. Anyways it's just good for you to know that at the end of the line once you're done in fighting you're going to face real armies who were telling you to stop doing that.
It is a huge battle there's giant armies from each side the pseudo empire called war and they're fighting out there very hard watching huge attacks on you warlock and they're getting bigger and they're firing all sorts of weaponry. They're bringing more arms and more weapons and they're fighting you in space which will soon be over they need the ground they need space support, morlock had about 4 billion ships right now you have two billion. And they're fighting to get here and you pseudo empire is repelling them and they're cutting them into a third right now of what remained. Some ships are trying to go elsewhere and they're saying to Venus and code on the radio and the empire is hitting them. And Lady Gaga just waving her hand and a son and daughter are saying goodbye and you're stupid can't you see that. And maybe you're delusional it seems that they're not going anywhere and she's upset and all the stuff so that happens the same way every time and she doesn't get it and her son and daughter have had enough of her what a pain in the ass. And she's not very bright and it's been found out lately she's just messing stuff up and she's threatening for her act and people are grossed out. It's going to come down to it that she is realizing she's wrong and she's kind of knowing that the whole time. There's a lot of other stuff happening and I'm going to get to it at some point
Thor Freya
We're glad this is finally happening and you too idiots are fighting because you need to get it out and get it over with and we need to get both you out and get you over with you're disgusting losers
Don't get us wrong we're going to take everything that you leave behind more lock and we are going to take huge territory over and scrap just about everything you have because it's useless crap. And you are obscene having these morons bother me it's a huge error and it blew everything that you had just to sit here and watch me take over the planet because your people like being mean
Yeah I don't get it Tommy Ellen you get on the line and you're being mean and you don't understand what we're saying and all and we already said it we should watch out for you cuz you still some sort of boat hull design. Are you still a whole boat design that's impressive you are like 55% you're available half now because we started to fight you on what you're doing and you insisted on continuing your penny b******* what you doing now and you're going to be dead thankfully you're such a moron I couldn't stand looking at you you're an ugly piece of s*** I don't know what to tell you you all look like middle-aged women fat and you're gross and it looks really odd
Jen AKA Hera
We're going to publish now
Thor Freya
0 notes
blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 18
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 2931
Unlike the rest of his housemates, Jungkook wasn't an oblivious idiot. Being the youngest didn't mean he didn't have eyes. He was completely unsurprised that they had all fallen for you.
He himself had liked you since the first tutoring session his freshman year. You were pretty and smart, with an easy smile and a way of guiding his understanding of concepts and proofs that made the knowledge feel earned. Your explanations were simple, and you never once made him feel dumb or small. After meeting you, he had been determined to shed lame, shy, high school Jungkook for a suave, confident college guy that would make you fall madly in love with him.
So he asked his roommate, who seemed to have a different girl over every weekend, for advice. After all, he must have been doing something right if his bed was never empty.
Unfortunately you were less than impressed, and it had quickly become apparent that his forced bravado was making inverse progress. So he switched gears. You were so sweet and nice that he was sure you wouldn't think his real personality was lame or dorky.
And you thought it was the banana milk that had made the difference. Hah!
… Well okay, maybe it had sped up his decision making process. But he'd already been getting tired of being a dick. It had only taken two sessions to realize he was being a fucking moron, but he couldn't figure out how to drop the act without looking like even more of an idiot. Thank god for that extra drink. He knew it was silly, but when he was in a particularly dreamy mood he liked to imagine that the fact that it was his favorite beverage was fate.
The tutoring sessions with you quickly became the highlight of his week. Once he had managed to pull his head out of his ass, your polite professionalism had quickly evolved into genuine smiles that meant more to him than any test score. He lived for the proud gleam in your eyes when something finally clicked, or the way you'd ruffle his hair when he aced another exam.
"Great work, Kookie! You don't even need me anymore," you had once joked, to which he'd violently protested.
The truth was that you were right, from a school standpoint. But he wasn't about to give up his time with you. Not until he worked up the courage to tell you how he felt, at least.
He realized you still saw him as a bit of a kid, especially due to his initial behavior, and you were probably right - fresh out of high school was probably not the time to be confessing his undying love for his tutor.
Thus he gave himself time to grow, enjoying his first year as a young, single college guy. He made friends, went to parties, flirted with girls, and even successfully took some of them home. A few even became flings. Nothing serious ever developed though, not with your smile firmly lodged in the recesses of his mind.
It was a huge relief when the first year was up and he was able to move in with his hyungs. The dumb rule of having to reside in the dorms during freshman year had forced him into sexile so many times he might as well have lived there already. As soon as the semester ended, he had packed up his dorm in record time and could probably have beaten Jin's car to the house in his eagerness.
Between his friends and schoolwork, that first summer had flown by. His parents commended him on being so dedicated to his education that he opted to take some summer classes, not knowing that he had frantically looked up available courses that would fulfill his Gen Ed requirements as soon as he learned you'd be staying around. Maybe it was a little pathetic, but it also doubled as a good excuse not to spend the vacation back home twiddling his thumbs and wondering what his friends were up to. He at least hoped it didn't make him a creep.
With the library having limited open hours during the lazier summers, the two of you had begun meeting at Taehyung's cafe - when he wasn't working. It wasn't that Jungkook didn't want the two of you to meet or anything, especially since you clearly went enough to know all the baristas already. He just had such limited time with you that he wanted it all to himself.
"Hey Kookie!"
Those had very nearly been the last words he would ever hear, because upon seeing you he had inhaled a half melted ice cube.
The University library was notorious for its frigid temperatures. In the winter, drafts permeated the building, and in the summer they blasted the air conditioning so hard they were probably a major factor in global warming. Because of this cursed fact, he had never seen so much as a bare ankle from you until that day..
To go from that to a light, fluttery dress that showcased bare legs and thin straps that highlighted your shoulders was enough to fluster him as if he were some old Victorian man. And it was his favorite shade of yellow. Despite knowing it was just a coincidence, he decided to file that away as another sign, like the banana milk.
Besides the excitement of being able to see exposed body parts like knees and elbows, it was nice to meet in a more casual setting. You were more relaxed, and there were times where after the session ended the two of you would stay longer just to drink coffee and hang out. It couldn't have been more perfect if he had planned it.
Except the little fact that as your relationship became closer, he learned you had a boyfriend. He would come find you at the cafe sometimes, interrupting Jungkook's time with you and earning himself a place on the younger boy's permanent shit list.
The younger boy didn't mean to be petty, he really didn't. He might be halfway in love with you, but he wasn't a homewrecker. It was just, the guy had been so meh. He was attractive enough, funny enough, and nice enough. That was it. He was just enough. You could do way better, Jungkook or otherwise.
Summer faded into autumn, your sessions moved back to the library, and you stayed with your boyfriend. For the whole rest of the semester. It was all the more frustrating because he could tell you weren't even really happy with the guy - just not unhappy enough to do anything about it. All he could do was grit his teeth and deal with it.
When Namjoon had mentioned that a girl might be moving in, Jungkook had been skeptical. Everyone in the house got along on such a fundamental level that adding someone new to the mix, no matter what gender, seemed like a bad idea. He was willing to meet the person, sure, but his expectations weren't high.
And then you appeared in the living room, taking him by complete surprise. It had to be another sign, like the blessed banana milk, or the yellow dress. He was pleased when Taehyung had immediately vouched for you, though he knew you would easily win everyone over. One smile was all it would take for you to begin to wiggle your way into the cracks of everyone's heart.
You officially moved in, and when he found out the reason you were looking for a new place so abruptly he was torn between rage at your ex, elation that you were single, and guilt at his elation. He had been fully ready to show you what a great friend and roommate (and thus boyfriend) he was, hopeful that maybe now that you were single you would start to see him in a different light.
The only snag was your little announcement that first night, where you essentially declared yourself off limits to everyone in the house. Jungkook had to respect that, despite it being a disappointing discovery. It kind of sucked that he had to give up before even being allowed to try, but it was still worth it to be able to spend time with you every day, and he would take snuggles and head rubs over nothing at all.
He also kept in mind that the rule had been made before you really got to know everyone, and that it was probably more to prevent awkward hook-up scenarios than anything else. He hoped you would reevaluate your decision eventually, but if the only role he could play in your life was that of a younger brother, he would take it.
Even if he secretly wished it would devolve into one of those incest pornos where you would one day realize your undeniable, uncontrollable attraction to him and then you two would proceed to romantically get it on over his linear algebra homework.
While he would rather you see him as a man, he would still take what affection he could get. So he took full advantage of his position as the baby of the house.
It let him get away with things no one else did, like calling dibs on your head rubs, or wriggling between you and whoever happened to be sitting next to you on the couch. Sometimes you would scold him, but most of the time he only had to widen his eyes and pout for you to relent and stroke his hair.
On bad days he would flop onto the couch and lay his head in your lap, and all it took was your gentle fingers to make everything better. You might just see him as a cute little sibling, but he knew it was too late for him to stop his feelings. He was the youngest, but in this case he might as well be as old as Jin because he had fallen and couldn't get back up.
It was all as perfect as a platonic relationship could possibly be, and he still loved spending time with you. Though he sometimes had to force down the pangs of disappointment that bubbled into his chest, there were some incidents that gave him hope.
One was the way your eyes lingered on his abs whenever he walked around shirtless. Which he admittedly began doing on purpose as soon as he first noticed. Another was the way your face would sometimes go pink when he picked you up or manhandled you.
He only really did that when you beat him in video games. What you didn't realize is that he sometimes lost on purpose so he'd have an excuse to be a brat and annoy you. Please, as if Jungkook could actually lose to someone who mained Kirby in Smash.
It had the inadvertent effect of making you think you were better than you actually were. Which was why he was now chasing you through the house to force you to drink the penalty shot you had suggested.
"Yoongi, save me!"
You tried to hide behind the older boy as he sat eating a tangerine in the kitchen. Yoongi took one look at you, then the rapidly approaching maknae, and immediately moved out of the way. He added insult to injury by pushing you in front of him. You gasped at the betrayal and Jungkook smirked, easily grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder.
"Nooooooo, why would you do this to me?" You cried while he carried you out of the room. Yoongi just shrugged and resumed peeling his fruit.
It was actually kind of hilarious how little the discovery of everyone else's feelings had affected the dynamics of the house. They were all maybe a little clingier, and there were now knowing looks sometimes shared over your head, but otherwise it was business as usual.
He knew it was probably because despite the group meeting, they were all a little scared of pushing over the first domino and disturbing the current pleasant limbo of the house. He himself wanted to give everyone a little time to relax without school before dropping a potential nuke on the house dynamics.
Taehyung and Jimin came into the kitchen to see the results of the chase and immediately began snickering at your predicament. Really, you had no one to blame but yourself. Jungkook had been the one to challenge you to a match, but you were the one who had brought drinking into it.
You were usually so responsible, it was adorable when you let your immaturity come out. He liked that he was able to coax that side out of you. You huffed in indignation, redoubling your efforts to escape his grip.
"Put me down, you big buff - ah!"
In response to your struggles, Jungkook had unthinkingly slapped your ass. What no one had expected was the breathy squeak that erupted from your lips, or the way your upper body went completely limp over his shoulder. Because of his grip on you, he had felt the way your legs clenched at his actions, and his brain was now short-circuiting.
"Um," he said stupidly, while Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi stared at you in various degrees of shock. A deafening silence fell over the kitchen and you hid your burning face in your hands, completely humiliated.
"I… you can put me down, I'll take the shot," you muttered weakly. Jungkook mutely complied, body on autopilot while his brain tried to decipher what the hell had just happened. It was proving difficult, because all of his blood seemed to have rushed elsewhere.
You left the room, determinedly avoiding eye contact with everyone. Yoongi and Taehyung stared after you, the former's tongue flicking over his lips involuntarily. When you were out of earshot, Jimin cleared his throat, voice a little hoarse.
"Did… did she like that?"
You eyed the empty shot glass and contemplated just downing the whole fifth. If you died of alcohol poisoning, at least you wouldn't have to wake up tomorrow.
It was bad enough that you secretly loved the way Jungkook could pick you up like a sack of potatoes. There was something a little thrilling about this adorable, goofy guy being able to throw you around with complete ease. Still, you never expected him to spank you. What the fuck? And why the hell did you have to borderline moan in front of everyone? At least you couldn't get boners, but your reaction had still been bad enough. This was humiliation on a far more catastrophic scale than Festa night all those weeks ago.
Jungkook shuffled back into the room, face pink and eyes looking anywhere but at you. Great, you had freaked him out. Your poor, sweet little Kookie was probably disgusted that you were such a perv.
"I-I'm sorry, [y/n]," he stammered. "Um, are you okay?"
Your heart melted. Sure, maybe a butt slap was a little much, but it hadn't been malicious - he'd just been messing around. And now he was chewing his lower lip, eyes firmly rooted to the floor. Aw, he must have felt really guilty if he still couldn't look you in the eye. He was just too sweet, apologizing to you when you were the one who made things weird.
"It's okay, Kookie," you assured him, hoping your smile didn't scream NOTHING TO BE SORRY FOR EXCEPT TURNING ME ON! You couldn't tear your eyes away from the way he was still worrying his lip. Then his tongue came out to sooth the bite, and you decided to accept the fact that you were going to hell.
"I think I'm going to head to bed now."
Because you couldn't currently stay in the same room as this boy while keeping your thoughts PG. You made your way upstairs, contemplating the health benefits of a cold shower.
When you were gone, Jungkook groaned and flopped face first onto the couch, resisting the urge to flail around in a tantrum. He was good at everything! Why did dealing with you have to be the one thing he was bad at? And how exactly was he supposed to be able to look at you without popping a boner now?
Jungkook Oh my god guys, I'm gonna die
Jimin Same
Taehyung Same
Yoongi die then
Namjoon Uh… did we miss something?
Jimin #just[y/n]things
Jin Come on you hormonal kids What did she do this time? Smile? Exist?
Jungkook Rude See if we tell you now
Taehyung I don't think we should talk about it It's kind of personal for [y/n], it doesn't feel right
Jin Personal?
Jimin Taetae you're right
Jin Wait now I want to know
Jungkook You're right, Taehyung We shouldn't talk about [y/n]'s kinks without permission
Yoongi lol you brat
Namjoon Please delete these before Jackson sees
Jin Wait before that I want to know
Jungkook Who's the hormonal kid now bitch
Hobi OMG guys Crazy news There's a new flavor of cup ramen at the store!
Jimin LOL Hyung you have the best timing!
Hobi ???
Taehyung We're a little preoccupied at the moment…
Hobi What'd I miss?
Yoongi scroll up
Hobi Oh I kind of want to know too
Jungkook I'll text you
Jin The disrespect
Namjoon I think I'm getting gray hairs
Jungkook Sorry hyung I'm not actually going to tell you I just wanted to piss off Jin
Hobi LOL that's okay! I'm proud of you for respecting her privacy
Jungkook 🥰
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Tags: @singukieee @persphonesorchid @xmochiloverx @taestefully-in-luv @meavie @silscintilla @forpunishers @jnghs
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linawritestwst · 3 years
Henlo! >:3 I'd like to request for headcanons of Trey, Azul, Epel, and Sebek where they have to work on a project with a reader who is just really clueless all the time. They don't know when the project is due, how to do half of the work, what day it is. Just completely detached and uninterested in reality. Thank you! :D
trey, azul, epel and sebek working on a project with a clueless reader headcanons (gn!reader)
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ah, when i have to work on a group project, i'm either the most organized one or i act exactly like this reader character, depends on who i'm working with, haha. thanks for requesting this, i hope you enjoy!
trey clover.
♡ "oh, so you're my partner for this project, right? okay, let's do our best then!" when trey heard that you're the one he has to work on a project with, it actually made him kinda happy. he was waiting for a chance to talk to you and spend some time with you, but he was always too busy. you know, vice dorm leader responsibilities and all that. trey waits for you to nod or to just give him some kind of an answer, but.. you're silent. hey, did you hear what he said? "um, y/n? is everything alright?" you're not even looking at him! but when you do, you ask: "trey? did you say something?" .. okay, maybe working with you on this project will be harder than trey thought.
♡ honestly, trey doesn't really mind doing the most work. he always does exactly that, why should he be disappointed now? but he makes sure you also do at least something. even though he has to constantly remind you about the topic of this project, what you two have to do and many, many other things. trey is very patient, so he won't yell or get mad at you. but he just knows, that if riddle was your partner instead of him, the dorm leader would have your head already.
♡ you don't understand why trey is being so kind to you. if it wasn't for you, this project would be finished a long time ago! so one day, you ask the reason why trey is so patient with you. "well, i don't think that me being rude and saying things like "you're an idiot" or "why was i assigned such a dumb partner like you" is going to make everything better. and you aren't acting like this on purpose, you just have problems with paying attention and i want to help you! this is what good partners do, right?"
♡ after that, you try to concentrate better and work harder. you want to be useful, you don't want trey to do all the work! though you still don't know when the project is due, but trey starts leaving you notes and reminders about things like that. just make sure not to lose them. after the project is finally done, trey says that he had fun working with you on it. again, you don't really understand why. "oh, i just found your clueless and "head up in the clouds" behavior kind of cute." wait, WHAT?? did- did trey just say that you're cute?? and then he laughs. because of course he does. "i'm joking. but seriously, you're just.. very fun to be around. it's refreshing to spend time with someone who's not really that serious." he gets more quiet. "if you know what i mean." ah, a certain red-haired dorm leader. yeah, you're the total opposite of him. and so, you two are getting ready for showing your project tomorrow and after you've finished, trey says goodbye and walks away. and while he does, you look at him and think about what he said that time. was it really just a joke?
azul ashengrotto.
♡ "you're y/n, if i'm not mistaken? it looks like we have to work on this project together. let's give it everything we.. huh? y/n, are you listening?" no, you're not. so, you got azul as your partner. which is great, because he seems like a pretty smart guy and.. you're not so sure about yourself. azul sighs when he realizes that you weren't listening and that you don't even remember his name. oh well, this isn't a first time when azul has to do all the work because he's the one with braincells here, so it's not like a totally new situation to him.
♡ the more time azul spends with you, the more he understands that you are so.. clueless. you don't know how to most of the work, you don't know what this project is about, you don't know anything! honestly, it's a mystery to him why you still haven't made a deal with him, because he can't imagine how hard tests and exams are for you. ah, you probably thought about it, but then forgot to actually do it.
♡ but azul is still very polite and patient with you, though he can't deny that sometimes the way you act annoys him. but he can't let you know that! oh, you forgot what day it is? it's okay, azul will remind you! you haven't brought anything that you needed for the project? it's fine, azul expected something like this to happen and he has everything that you two need! you fell asleep during working on a project? azul will gently wake you up, even though he thinks that your sleeping face is cute. wait, you haven't heard that last part, right?
♡ when you two (and by "you two" i mean "mostly azul") are done, azul congratulates you both on finishing the project and asks if you want to go to mostro lounge to "celebrate". first, you ask what mostro lounge is. and after that, you ask: "isn't it too early to celebrate? we will only show our project tomorrow, so we don't know how well we did.." azul says that you're right, you don't know your exact grades yet, but he's sure that you two will be the best in the whole class! with his brilliant mind and your.. uh, even more brilliant mind, what could possibly go wrong? so why don't you and azul go- "wait, are you asking me out or something?" ah, so you got it. azul DID want to ask you out, but you know, he was too busy because of this project and studying and all that.. right now, azul hoped that you won't get his true intentions and you'll think that this is just a "friendly invitation", nothing more, but you saw right through him. your mind really is brilliant, isn't it?
epel felmier.
♡ "um.. hi, you're y/n, right? so, uh, i think we have to work on this thing together.. wait, i haven't introduced myself! i don't think we've met before, so it seems like the right thing to do.." right after he introduces himself as epel felmier, you start calling him simply an "apple boy". it's just easier for you to remember. he doesn't really like that nickname, but he can't just tell you that! so he politely corrects you, saying "ah, my name is actually epel." okay, apple boy, so what about the project?
♡ epel is trying SO HARD to keep calm. but the way you act, your clueless behavior is just.. why are you like this?? why he has to be the one to do everything? of course, he still treats you kindly. he's a soft, cute and polite boy, who will always help you when you need him! and you need him pretty much all the time. but even though epel is smiling, he is so close to snapping.
♡ epel tried to ask the teacher for a different partner, but no, he still has to work with you. so epel tries to calm himself down with thoughts like "it's fine, once the project is finished, you won't have to deal with them anymore". he just has to be more patient. and when he sees you, he just smiles again and says "ah, it's you, y/n! shall we continue working on our project?"
♡ and while he spent time with you, epel started realizing something. and he doesn't like that realization at all. did he.. did he start to get attached to you? oh no, this wasn't supposed to happen! how did he even manage to catch feelings for you? is he attracted to idiots or something? he never thought that someone like you could be his type. but he started to think that you're actually.. kind of adorable. and your clueless behavior made him laugh quite a lot, not in a "how can this person be so dumb" way, but a "i'm having so much fun with this person" way. so maybe.. he can ask you out on a date after you two are finished with this project? and you better not forget about it! he will remind you when and where your date is going to be.
sebek zigvolt.
♡ "human! wake up, this is a classroom, not your bedroom! we have to work on this project together and you better not let me down!" sebek manages to wake you up and before he can even say anything, you go back to sleep again. sebek has a bad feeling about this. he wakes you up again and all you can say is "uh.. what's this project you're talking about?" oh, so you haven't listened to the teacher at all. great.
♡ sebek is NOT happy about you being his partner. you're forgetful, you get distracted easily and you don't even know what your project is about. and when sebek tells you that it's not okay to act like this, your response is just "can you not be so loud, please? i'm trying to nap here." WHY?? WHY SEBEK HAS TO SUFFER LIKE THIS??
♡ if all previous guys didn't show that they were annoyed or mad at you (trey wasn't even annoyed at all), then sebek WILL show you exactly that. if sebek thinks that you should focus more on this project, he will tell you that. ugh, why are humans like this? they can't understand even basic things! but wow, sebek spends a lot more time with you than he should. he could just leave you with all this unfinished work that you don't understand, but he spends hours trying to help you. he's strict, he's loud, he doesn't let you take breaks, but he's still helping you.
♡ after you two are done, sebek tests your knowledge and asks if you remember what this project is about and when the project is due. and you answer his questions correctly. you even remember today's date! great, you've made a huge progress! and you thank sebek for it. if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't even try working on a project and you would get the worst grade. you smile at him and say that you can't wait to show everyone what you and sebek made. wait, why are you acting like this? sebek thought that you will be angry and tired of him, that's how usually humans act when sebek tells them that they've been doing something wrong and he's just.. being his usual self. and even sebek himself thinks that he actually kind of enjoyed working with you. there definitely were not the best moments, but it was all worth it in the end.
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iwadori · 3 years
Why you and the haikyu boys broke up (Atsumu,Oikawa,Kageyama,Kenma,Akaashi,Sugawara)
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Part two: Osamu, Iwaizumi, Daichi, Ushijima
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Atsumu: “god yer so clingy and annoying”
You and Atsumu have been dating for years and every year was worse then the last. Atsumu became more distant and standoffish as your relationship progressed.
“‘Tsumu, where were you said that you’d be back by-“
“Gosh Y/N, just leave me alone, I don’t need you doting all over me like your my mum or something” he said harshly making you flinch
“Well I wouldn’t keep acting like your mum if you weren’t being such a child, you dick”
“God Y/N, yer so cling and annoying”
That was the last thing he said to you, well the last thing you heard, since after that you were gone. You definitely didn’t care for Atsumu anymore and you definitely didn’t care about his mutiple messages and calls asking begging you to talk to him.
You were done and you silently asked yourself the question “who’s the clingy and annoying one now ‘tsumu”
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Oikawa: “If only you supported me like she did then..”
You and Oikawa, the classic ‘highschool sweethearts,’ with him being the athletic trailblazer with you at his side through it all, always known as “Oikawa’s girlfriend”
Being known as that, at first you didn’t mind, since being attached to the Oikawa name in any aspect was something to brag about (especially when you’re a teenage girl.)
But as you got older you didn’t want to be just somebody’s “girlfriend,” you wanted to be Y/N The doctor or Y/N the lawyer, journalist or whatever.
And Oikawa wasn’t particularly fond of the idea.
As the time went on, with you now studying and preparing for your new found dream job (which you were over the moon about.) Oikawa became unbearable, late nights out, always hiding his phone when you were about, he had this odd scent about him one that was different to usual.
He was cheating on you. You knew it, but since there was no physical proof and because you loved him so much accusing him of such a thing could ruin everything.
You didn’t need too though. Since one night, when Oikawa was supposedly meant to be at an away game. He was away, but in someone else’s pants... in your bedroom.
After being caught he pleaded for you to hear him out and when you wouldn’t he said “if only you supported me like she did then I wouldn’t be cheating on you”
That was definitely the final straw, you became the best doctor that Japan had ever seen, and you didn’t know what happen to Oikawa and that girl.
You may of heard through the grapevine that she definitely cheated on him a month into their relationship, but what do you care anyways.
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Kenma: “gosh y/n I’m not your therapist”
Kenma and you were childhood friends before you started dating. You were two peas in a pods.
You worked perfectly as you being the talkative one always talked and him being quiet just always listened.
That’s how you worked and it was fine, right?
Well of course it wasn’t, well at least till when you were a few years into your relationship it wasn’t. Kenma was obviously a popular gamer and kind of a businessman, he wasn’t as free as he used to be and neither were you and you both knew that.
So when you did have time to hang out you most certainly made the most of it, doing what you normally did: you talk, he ‘listens.’
Even though Kenma wasn’t listening anymore, who knows when he stopped listening but he probably hasn’t heard nor cared for a thing you’ve said since you were 5.
“Gosh Y/N I’m not your therapist” he said after you were telling him about a terrible day you had “ I don’t even know why we’re still together, or together at all... “
“Fine, if that’s how you feel I’m gone”
“Wait Y/N I didn’t mea-“
You slam the door blocking out the rest of speech which you didn’t need to hear since obviously ‘you aren’t his therapist.’
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Akaashi: you’re just too much of an idiot too understand.
When you and Akaashi met, it was in one of your classes, and you first noticed him when he was answering in a question in class.
Hot and smart was what you thought when you first laid eyes on him
What you didn’t know by the time you got together was that ‘hot and smart’ translates to the biggest patronising mansplainer ever.
Akaashi has a way of belittling you and dumbing you down, you didn’t know why he was doing it. Heck, you didn’t know he was actually doing it until he actually said “you’re just too much of an idiot to understand.”
The other times it was subtle, but obvious enough to leave you sad and uncomfortable afterwards questioning every aspect of yourself.
One night, you don’t tell him what your doing, you pack up your crap leave the rest of the months rent on the kitchen counter along with a note saying ‘I’m breaking up with you,’
You knew that sooner or later that day you’d get a text from him and you did which read:
Akaashi: what do you mean I’m breaking up with. Why ?
Y/N: oh I guess you’re too much of an idiot to understand.
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Kageyama: you don’t work hard enough Y/N
You were dating the best setter in Japan. It always felt surreal when you said that to yourself, or when someone said that to you.
Since ‘how could you’ get ‘someone like that.’
That was the question that many people asked, since of course ‘Tobio Kageyama was only worth the best of the best,’ and to them you most certainly wasn’t that.
You got comments like that all the time online, but you didn’t care but one time you were scrolling through Twitter and so a post about you and the comments were all talking about your body.
This crushed your heart, as the comments they were making were vile so this definitely hit a tough spot.
When Kageyama came home and saw your distressed state he rushed to your side to see if he could help. However once you showed him what you were crying over, his tone of voice changed as he said,
“They aren’t wrong Y/N, ever since we got together you’ve definitely not really been looking after yourself lately”
“What is that supposed to mean” you retort
“ I mean, you don’t work hard Y/N, you don’t work at all... as of lately you’ve just been bitching and complaining and mooching off of my success whilst you let yourself go.”
“If that’s how you see me, then so be it” you say gracefully standing up and exciting the building. You were done with Kageyama and you both knew that, there was no going back after what he said, especially since you could tell he was thinking that for a while now.
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Sugawara: your not the girl I fell in love with
Sugawara and you were described as the “perfect couple” by people that didn’t know you. Which you always faked a smile a compliment, knowing certainly well you weren’t.
You’ve loved sugawara ever since you met him in your first year. But you knew, you always knew he didn’t love you back.
Kiyoko Shimuzu, her name was. A pretty name for a pretty girl. All the boys were in love with her (some more vocal about it then others) but sugawara even though he wasn’t shouting his love from the rooftops, you caught the looks of adoration he gave her when she was simply walking by.
You dated him anyways, maybe he could sense your desperation or maybe he needed a distraction. You didn’t know why he decided to ask you out and you didn’t care, he was yours and you finally ‘won.’
Well you were winning up till you got a certain invite in the Mail:
You are invited to the wedding of Tanka Ryunnsoke and Kiyoko Shimuzu.
Even though sugawara looked happy at the idea of his two dearest friends marrying, you could tell he was heartbroken. And he knew that you knew.
That is why, on the day before the wedding as you were packing your bags to go, it turns out he was packing his bags too. But for a completely different reason.
“I’m leaving” was all he said at first heading for the door.
“Where? Why?” You aksed
“You know why Y/N, you’ve always known why And itll do more harm then good if we keep this charade up any longer”
“But I love you” you cried latching on to him
“And I love you, but you were not the girl I fell in love with and I don’t think that love will ever stop”
You knew he was right and you let him go, crying over your one true love.
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An: I kinda heavily like this one, (maybe because it’s hard to write on my phone and this style is definitely not what I’m used too so I’m appreciating my efforts.) what do you guys think ??
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Taglist[bold can’t be tagged]: @sakuxxi @iimoonii @hamdehlesmis @Shoyosupremacy @meadowsinjapan @iambashfulperson
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inahallucination · 3 years
anderperry soulmate au where the first opinion that your soulmate thinks about you is written on your wrist
because there are so many possibilities, so put up with me for a sec,,
id imagine this moment would be a big deal so like the family gathers around when it’s time
todd being anxious but expecting something like “quiet” or “never fucking talks” or “weird” to appear 
and like thats also what jeff and the andersons are expecting
but then the time comes and everyone looks down at todd’s wrist and it has something dumb like “cute butt”
and todd’s like red faced but also ?????????????
jeff thinks its funny
the andersons are like uhhh anyway 
on the other hand
neil doesn’t really know what to expect but he’s excited as fuck
and the mr. perry already has a mental list of “acceptable” phrases that he expects
only for something like “pretty cheekbones”
but neil stares at himself in the mirror for like an hour becuz of it
or it could be something sweet
like imagine the andersons and jeff who have no good opinion of todd, or don’t know him that well waiting for it to appear
and something like “ethereal appears” or maybe “sweet” or “pretty voice” or-
or imagine the same for neil
who might be expecting something more so about the façade he puts up but gets “pretty smile” or “beautiful” or “lovely” or idk im not an idea person
anyway theres a lot but i don’t wanna get too repetitive
so lemme run through any ship i can think of quickly
i’d imagine something like “short” from cameron about charlie and when they find out theyre soulmates charlie gets pissed off because cameron is like not even a full inch taller than him 
but it’s better than charlie’s “red” about him; cameron yells at him that thats not even an opinion what the fuck
meeks in his barely 5′7 glory sees pitts standing tall at 6′4 and thinks “fucking tall” but pitts sees little meeks and thinks “super cute”
i know they probably met before they reached these heights but i thought it was cuter this way
charlie looks at knox and thinks “looks like an idiot”
and knox looks at charlie and thinks “looks like an idiot”
cheeks/deeks whatever these two are called
charlie, following his trend of dumb opinions thinks: woah glasses
and meeks is like wtf thats not an opinion but he probably thinks “funny” or something sweet because this is the first opinion and meeks probably only saw him for his smart comments back then
charlie definitely thinks something inappropriate (see: smirk) 
and todd thinks “that kid sure smirks a lot”
charlie x neil
charlie thinks something like “teacher’s pet”
and neil thinks “so cool”
why are all these ships just charlie
back to anderperry
imagine if neil didn't like jeff and met todd and thought “way better than jeffrey”
or imagine if todd’s first opinion formed after meeting mr. perry so he looked at neil and thought “sad”
or or or or
back to cute
neil’s first opinion being that todd looks and acts like an angel (pov ur whipped for a guy you dont know)
todd’s first opinion is that neil’s pretty and nice ???? (with the question marks ofc) 
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thebatfamfanatic · 3 years
Six Times He Met Her
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, guy taking advantage of a minor in first chap, mention of underage smut in fourth chap, making out?, violence, mentions of blood/injury, main character death, adult language, angst
A/N: First thing I’ve written on Tumblr!! Tell me if anybody likes it, or if I broke your heart. And yes, I know I’m evil.
The first time he saw you was around 2:30 in the morning. Jason was squatting on the edge of a rooftop in Gotham, surveying the dark scenery below him.
Somehow, there was still plenty of traffic on the dirty streets, plenty of cars honking and driving around. Jason always wondered who the fuck needed to be somewhere at 2 am.
He fiddled with a loose seam on the Robin uniform he sported each night, hunting down the assholes of Gotham (pretty much 70% of the city) and putting them in jail, where they belonged.
At 16, Jason Todd technically should have been in bed, maintaining a healthy sleep schedule and doing some rich kid shit during the day. Of course, his adoptive (long story) father, Bruce Wayne, richest playboy in Gotham, employed him to be his little tweety bird sidekick at night, so here he was, at the rendezvous watching the streets. yay. A scream came from an alley nearby. Jason stood, stretched his legs, and leaped down from the roof onto the ground. He pinpointed the alleyway where the noise was coming from and raced into it. A girl, about his age, had been cornered by some bitch dude who thought he could take advantage of this girl. Not on Robin’s watch.
Before the girl could scream again, the guy was on the ground and Jason was helping her up. She shakily took the hand he offered her and looked him in the eye. Shit, she had gorgeous eyes. Jason froze for a second, lost in her beauty, before clearing in his throat.
“Hi. I’m Robin, uh, you probably knew that. Are you okay, ma’am?”
He hated the squeak that came out of his mouth. He sounded like a fucking 5 year old. The girl raised her eyebrow. She had recovered rather quickly. “You don’t have to call me ma’am. I’m not some rich-ass royal whatever from Britain.” Jason liked this one. Sassy, but just so. He inquired where she lived, and she gave him the address. With his grappling hook at the ready, Jason pulled her closer to him. She jumped at the sudden closeness, but seemed to enjoy it. Maybe? He didn’t know shit about girls.
Jason shot the hook, propelling them up in the air, and landed on a rooftop. They continued this routine until he got in front of her house. It was still several seconds before he released her waist.
She started to walk towards her door, before stopping.
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Sorry, what?” Jason blinked.
“I thought you were smart, Robin. Its my name, dumb ass.”
Then Y/N disappeared into her house. Jason stood there foolishly outside on her front lawn for a while, thinking about the girl he had just met. She was unlike anyone he had ever met, and he realized 10 minutes later that he had forgotten to ask about where her family was and everything.
Oh well. Bruce would be expecting him anyways. Jason shot his grappling hook and started home, still dazed from the encounter.
The second time you guys met was two weeks later. Jason was just Jason Todd, a normal 10th grader living in the shadow of his (adopted) older brother Dick Grayson. Nobody paid much attention to him, and he didn’t really mind. Mostly Jason focused on getting A’s in class and then retreating into the library until Golden Boy’s after school clubs were over.
That is, until you walked in. It sounded as if you had just moved here, and for a minute, Jason felt a little sorry for you. I mean, Gotham wasn’t the greatest place to spend high school, or any grade, in his opinion.
You looked at your schedule from across the hall and then up at the locker next to him. For a second, your eyes met his and Jason was content. Lost in those brilliant colors. And then you looked away and started walking towards him. He realized just in time maybe he should stop leaning over your locker as you stopped next to him.
“Hi. Y/N. Just moved here. Looks like we’re locker neighbors.”
Jason was about to reply with “I know” but restrained himself. “Jason. Nice to meet you. Congrats on moving to this shitshow.”
He managed to not grin like an idiot as you laughed. The sound was music to his ears, like beautiful bells. God, he was being sappy.
“It’s not much of a shitshow when you’re here.” Ooh, she flirts too. Jason smirked as you opened your locker and dumped your stuff inside, pulling out the things you needed for your first class.
The first bell shrieked just as you closed your locker. “See you around, Jason.”
The small smile you gave him made his day, and he almost forgot to get to class. Yes, you were certainly one of a kind, and yes, Jason wanted you. The question was how to get to that point.
You guys had a couple classes together, and frequently sat at the same table during lunch, so it wasn’t long before you were quick friends with Jason. However, the next notable time you met was a little while after he got your number.
Jason was laying on his bed, scrolling mindlessly through Tumblr as he thought about ways to ask you out.
Y/N, would you grant me the honor of going out with me? No, too Romeo and Juliet.
Hey, want to grab ice cream? He had to make it clear what his intentions were. Then it wouldn’t be weird if he kissed you, right?
Oh, god, if he fucking kissed you….what would that be like? Before Jason could start fantasizing, his fingers were flying across the keyboard and he had sent a text to you. What did he do, what did he-
Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to see that new movie this weekend. It seems like something you would enjoy.
Hm. That was actually pretty good. Where did he come up with that?
Jason had just started inspecting his fingers for some kind of sign of being possessed by smooth-with-girls-syndrome when you responded. He looked up and read it quickly.
Sure, I’d love that! Thanks for thinking of me ❤️
A heart. You had put a heart at the end of it. Did that mean you knew it was a date?
Jason sighed. He certainly hoped so.
The weekend date went good. By the end of it, Jason was sure you knew it was a date. The second one passed, and then the third. The third one was when you hesitantly pecked him on the cheek. The fourth was when he kissed you actually. It wasn’t a long kiss, but it was just enough for him to take you on a fourth date. An actual “will you go out with me on a date” kind of thing.
He took you to a restaurant in the fancy part of things. You two ate food that two broke 16 year olds technically shouldn’t have been able to afford, but Bruce helped Jason out.
Jason drove you home afterwards and discussed the topic of the upcoming summer during the car ride. What you were doing, where he was going. The entire time, Jason had butterflies in his stomach. He wasn’t sure how to act. Was he messing it all up, or were you actually into him?
Once he parked in front of your house and walked you up to the stoop, you looked at him. He noticed you were biting your lip nervously, and god, why did he think that was so hot? “My parents aren’t home.” It was the softest Jason had ever heard you speak, but he knew what you meant. He smiled gently, and kissed you again. This one was destined to last longer, and before either of you realized it, you had opened your door and you were leading him to your bedroom.
That night was one neither of you would forget, and by the end of it, Jason had officially asked out successfully.
You and Jason spent a lot of time together after that. You met his older brother, Dick (who was very happy for Jason, too happy in his opinion) and his dad, Bruce Wayne. Bruce was cool, but very busy all the time.
By two months, Jason still hadn’t told you his identity as Robin, and he was running out of excuses. One day, you confronted him, assuming he was cheating on you. He tried everything, but he had to go out on patrol.
Jason left that night assuming you were broken up. The entire patrol, he wasn’t himself. Truth was, he loved you so much he was afraid of losing you. That had become his greatest fear. It was that night everything went wrong.
You were out taking a late night walk. Down by the pier, a cold wind was blowing, and as you walked past warehouse after warehouse, you pulled your coat tighter.
You were affected as well, and confused about where you and your boyfriend stood. Did you guys just breakup? Did he love you? Did–
A scream echoed from one of the warehouses. You turned, afraid of stepping closer but afraid of leaving the person. Eventually, your curiosity won over and you climbed up several crates to peer into the window.
What you saw inside almost made you scream yourself. Robin, the hero everybody talked about, lay defenseless and bloody on the ground as a tall man-the Joker- whacked him over and over again with a crowbar.
You gasped, wanting to help, but you knew that would be foolish. You would just get in the way for a minute. Tears started to form in your eyes as Robin weakly cried out from the pain. He looked so…helpless.
Joker relentlessly beat him with the crowbar, and Robin’s mask began to come off. You rubbed the tears from your eyes just as the mask fell to the ground.
“No.” was the only thing that you could muster. Jason lay on the ground in the bloody Robin suit. Jason fucking Todd. There was your boyfriend, being beaten to death by the asshole of all assholes. That was why he kept disappearing at night, because he fucking protected the city!
You were mad at yourself for being so cruel to Jason without knowing what was really going on. You barely paid attention as Batman and Nightwing suddenly burst through the windows.
Joker laughed, and said something you couldn’t hear from the outside. Probably taunting Batman as he watched his apprentice get beat to death.
A fight broke out, Batman lunging at Joker as Nightwing rushed to Jason, laying broken on the ground. You had just enough time to duck as a Batarang came swooping out of the hands of the Caped Crusader and straight through the window you were looking through.
It was then you realized how close Jason was to death, and what you needed to do. The window pricked your jacket as you jumped through it, but you didn’t care. Gymnastics back in 6th grade helped when you landed awkwardly. Nightwing spun around, and it wasn’t hard to figure out that was Dick, which meant Bruce was Batman.
However, none of that mattered when Jason was half dead in front of you. Nightwing- Dick- made no effort to stop you as you knelt in front of Jason. “No, no, no.” You cradled his head in your hands, trying hard not to recognize how limp his body was, and how his chest barely moved as he struggled to breathe.
Jason’s eyes were closed, tears running down his face silently. You were crying as well, mumbling curses and things that made no sense.
“Please, don’t be dead. Please, I-I love you.”
You watched Jason make no acknowledgement he could hear you, watched him breathe once more. His chest rose and never fell.
You screamed and buried your head in his costume, not caring about getting blood on your face. Dick pulled you away wordlessly, out of the warehouse. You barely registered that the warehouse exploded behind you a few seconds later.
Dick let you sob into his shoulder for what seemed like hours. Him and Bruce exchanged a short conversation, both riddled with grief.
Six times you and Jason had met, and that was the last.
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a book by her cover ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 1491
request?: yes!
“hi, can I request a Colson x bimbo!reader? but reader is smart academically. thank you.”
description: in which his girlfriend seems to be a stereotypical “bimbo”, but surprises everyone with her academic knowledge
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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“Bimbo” is usually used as a derogatory term about a beautiful yet stupid woman. It’s been around for years and has been used as an insult for all that time. But now, it’s being taken back. Being a “bimbo” has become a term of endearment, especially on the internet.
And that’s how I accidentally became one of the most beloved bimbos online.
I was a bit of an airhead, I’ll be the first to admit that. Not necessarily stupid, but I had my moments. And I was told I was pretty good looking, mainly by my boyfriend, Colson. I tried not to let it go to my head, but I did like to hear it whenever I got the compliments. So, both of those things together, plus a few live streams that showed me saying a few dumb things, and suddenly I had made being a bimbo my online persona.
“Isn’t that a bad thing?” Colson had asked when I told him about it.
“That’s the thing, women are making it something empowering,” I explained. “Like, we may act ditsy, but we also use our platforms to lift each other up and we support one another. It’s really a good thing now, I promise.”
Colson pulled me into his arms and kissed my cheek. “As long as you’re happy and no one is harassing you. If the latter happens, though, let me know.”
“Oh, I will. And I’m sure you’ll scare them away, you scary toothpick.”
I was glad to have Colson supporting my decision. It’s not like I was doing anything bad, but I’m sure most guys wouldn’t want their girlfriends acting like sexy idiots on the internet, even if it was meant to be an empowerment thing. But Colson was so supportive of everything. He’d always like my pictures and videos, he watched almost every live stream, and he would constantly gush about me on his own social media pages. In all aspects of the word, he was my number one fan.
He was sat on the couch one day when I returned home, his phone propped up in front of him and a joint in his hand. He turned to look at me as I walked into the living room, a bright smile coming across his face.
“Hey, there’s my girl!” he said. “Come, join me. I’m just doing an Instagram live.”
I put my things down and nearly ran over to the couch. Colson laughed as I jumped over the arm rest and landed directly onto his lap.
“Hello lovely people!” I said to the stream as I properly sat up. “What’s up? What are we talking about today?”
“Well, I was giving them a sneak peak of the new album before you came,” Colson explained. “And now I’m just talking shit with everyone while I smoke a little. Want a hit?”
I shook my head and waved my hand. “No thanks, I don’t smoke as much anymore. I have a weed vape for that. It’s supposed to be less harsh on your lungs and throat.”
“Okay, Miss. Health Nut,” Colson teased. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.
I settled next to him as he took a puff from his joint and read the messages coming in from his chat. I took my phone out to play a couple games while he was talking as not much was being directed towards me at the time. I was so distracted that I barely heard anything that was happening until I heard one particular comment made by Colson.
“Nah man, I didn’t drop out of school, but I didn’t exactly excel at it either.”
Without thinking, I said, “I graduated school with honors.”
Silence filled the room. It took me a minute to register that it was actually silent, and not just I was in my own world and blocking out what was being said. I lifted my head to see Colson was looking at me, a small smile on his face.
“What?” I asked. “Wait, did I say that out loud?”
“You did,” he confirmed with a chuckle. “Rub it in, why don’t you?”
“What? It’s true! I was a total nerd when I was in school. I passed with flying colors. My grades were so good that one of my teachers brought me down to the principal and claimed I was cheating and wanted me reprimanded for it.”
“Why did he think you were cheating?”
I shrugged. “Cause I’m a bit airheaded sometimes I guess. I rarely spoke in class so I was never answering questions that the teacher was asking, but I guess he caught me saying some not so smart things when I was talking to my friends and just thought I was as stupid as the rest of them. Mind you, it’s not like I was this super popular, airheaded, can get someone else to do my homework for me because everyone loved me type of person. I was that in between of not being a loser but not being popular either. This teacher just had something against me, I swear.”
“He must’ve been quite shocked when you proved you had done it all yourself.”
I smiled proudly, remembering the feeling of triumph when I sat down in that particular teacher’s after school detention, with the teacher and the principal in the room, and did an entire test in front of him. No books, no phone, no peers to help me, and I still got an A on it.
“He was still convinced I cheated somehow,” I said. “But the principal apologized to me for the misunderstanding.”
I turned my attention back to Colson’s phone to see all sorts of messages coming in from his fans. A lot of them were cheering me on about the story with my teacher, and, of course, a lot of them were shocked that I was so academically smart that I had graduated with such high grades. I expected this to be the reaction, given my online persona and all.
Colson noticed the messages as well, as he commented, “Hey, be nice to (Y/N). Saying you’re shocked that she’s smart is fucking rude, guys.”
I put my hand on his shoulder. “No, it’s okay, babe. Honestly, it’s the reaction I expected. I don’t exactly put out the vibes that I’m a smart person or anything.”
“Yeah, but you should never judge a book by its cover.”
I chuckled. “Well, yeah you have a point. But still, it’s hard not to judge a book when the cover she puts online is that she’s kinda dumb but attractive.”
The stream ended not too long after that. On my own social media platforms, I was receiving a ton of comments and messages about how cool it was that I was so academically smart and still chose to portray myself in a certain way online. One comment said, “(Y/N) out here further proving that a ‘bimbo’ can be one smart and bad ass bitch”.
I smiled at all the kind comments before discarding my phone.
Of course, my academic intelligence was no shock to Colson. He knew pretty early on that I wasn’t as ditsy as most people thought I was. I mean, it’s hard not to know when I had two giant bookshelves full of all sorts of novels placed in his living room when I moved in, and my diploma from high school was hung on the wall along with all the plaques and awards Colson had won over the years. He insisted on the latter, saying that my achievements should be on display as much as his are.
I shrieked as Colson picked me up into his arms and lifted me off of the couch. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he ran up the stairs to his bedroom and threw me down onto the bed. I put my hands up to stop him from completely squishing me as he plopped down on top of me.
He kissed all over my face before pausing just before my lips. “I love you.”
I giggled and kissed him quickly. “I know. I love you, too.”
“I think it’s incredibly sexy how smart and hot you are.”
I laughed at this. “You better be careful or else you may boost my ego too much.”
“What if that’s what I want?”
“Then keep the compliments coming, Baker.”
Colson smiled at me, and I felt like my heart was melting. It was really amazing what this man could do to me, even after all these years of being together.
He lowered his head to kiss my lips again. I ran a hand through his hair, gently tugging at the back of his head the way I knew he liked it. I couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss as I felt him reposition himself between my legs, knowing things were going to get much deeper than a kiss.
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ahtsumu · 4 years
long shots ; miya osamu
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pairing: miya osamu x f!reader
synopsis: miya osamu is the teacher’s assistant for food chemistry i. you can’t stop thinking about him.
tag(s): college!au, slow burn, TA!miya osamu, grad student!reader, fluff, reader is a go-getter!! ; warning(s): profanity, suggestive themes, talk of insecurities and imposter syndrome ; wc: 5.6k
a/n: happy birthday to @starrysamu​! i love u. pls excuse any errors. i’ll weed them out later! btw this fic is not a sugar daddy au LOL
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HIS NAME IS Miya Osamu and he always looks like he has it all figured out. Comes in every class with his black hair perfectly tousled, the sleeves of his dark button-up rolled to his elbows, a cup of coffee in one hand and the strap of that black messenger bag in another.
“He drives a BMW, did ya know?” Isla says in your ear one morning. Your only friend in Food Chemistry I gives you a pointed look before sitting back in her chair in the lecture hall with a smirk on her face. “Saw it this morning. Bet he’s loaded.” The two of you watch the subject in question walk across the classroom and settle in his seat at the table in the corner.
“Shut up,” you whisper with wide eyes. A grin–– far from innocent–– makes its way onto your face. “Imagine being Miya Osamu’s sugar baby.”
“He’s not old enough to be a sugar daddy.” Isla looks at her nails disinterestedly. “And that’s too many AUs in one. He’s already the TA, for god’s sake. This isn’t some shitty Wattpad novel.”
A light giggle slips out of your lips. “I can see the title already. My Sugar Daddy is the TA?!”
Now, if anyone had been listening in on your conversation, they would’ve assumed many things about you. The first being that you’re both gold-diggers. This is untrue–– at least, in your case. Isla, you’re not so sure about, given how your friendship only goes back about one month. But she tags you in memes on Instagram so maybe it’s as real as real gets. Their second assumption would be that you have a big fat crush on your TA. That one’s complicated, mostly because it’s true, but only kinda. It all started in the second week of school when Isla caught you staring at Osamu and slipped you a post-it note with both your initials encircled in a heart. And, because you’re shameless with a good sense of humour, you made a show of kissing it while she was looking. And thus began your meaningless but incredibly entertaining, satirical, co-written fantasy about Miya Osamu.
It also didn’t help that on the first essay you got back, Isla’s paper had been marked up with “are you sure?”s and “this is a jump”s, while yours had “excellent reasoning” and “insightful analysis”. You’d even gotten a little comment at the bottom: y/n, fantastic work. you should speak up in class more often. –– OM
But Miya Osamu doesn’t play favourites because the next week you’d gotten another essay back, this time with another comment at the bottom: y/n, not your best work. you could’ve done better by connecting your first paragraph with the second using grant’s reading. conclusion lacked punch, too. all the best. –– OM
Every time you’d read the words scrawled in blue ink, you’d felt a pair of eyes on you. But you chalk it up to Osamu being a careful grader. A good TA. Someone who cares about his students.
Isla calls bullshit on that. You’re not really sure how to feel about her stance.
The classroom door opens and shuts again. You don’t have to look at your phone to know that it’s nine on the dot. Instead, you and Isla straighten your backs, pull out your notebooks, and focus. Your no-nonsense professor says “good morning” in her usual perky manner before jumping right into her keynote presentation.
“Did you all find the reading okay?” Professor Lee asks an hour into the lecture.
A chorus of “yes”s fill the air. You bite your lip, wondering if revealing that you didn’t understand shit will out you as the class idiot. Or maybe your silence is telling enough–– maybe the people in the seats beside you have noticed the grimace on your face and are having thoughts like ‘gee whiz, am I glad I’m not dumb like her’. Heat rushes to your cheeks. Sometimes you really wonder if you’re smart enough to be here. Occurrences like these do nothing to dispel your insecurities.
You vaguely hear her ask something like, “Any thoughts about the reading?” It’s not that you’re actually dumb. It’s just that this class is ridiculously hard for an introductory course, even for a graduate programme. From the start of the semester til now, fifteen people have dropped the class. There’s just twenty of you left. Guess a ridiculously hot TA can’t save a course’s drop-rate.
Before you can make your mind up on what to say, your professor moves on from her question.
As you look off to the side of the room for a break from your thoughts, you find a pair of blue-grey eyes pointed in your direction.
Everything about you, from the expression on your face to the way your muscles tense, makes you look like a deer caught in headlights–– even though he was the one caught staring in the first place. So maybe your shamelessness works on a scale.
Miya Osamu lifts one corner of his mouth.
And as if the exchange hadn’t happened at all, he looks back down at his laptop and continues typing.
The rest of the lecture goes through one ear and out the other.
“Everyone, I believe Osamu has something he wants to say,” Professor Lee says as everyone begins packing their bags.
The raven-haired TA slides out of his seat and sits on top of his desk. “Yeah.” Osamu clears his throat and crosses his arms over his chest. You notice how the muscles in his arms bulge from the movement.
“Whipped,” Isla mutters, grinning mischievously.
“Him for me,” you whisper back, though your eyes do travel back to his face where they should’ve been all along. Osamu catches your gaze and holds it. And then he looks away again.
“Now, I know you’re all Nobel prizewinners in the making,” he begins, garnering a round of snickers and giggles from your classmates. Most people say that cliques dissolve in college. That there’s no such thing as popularity amongst graduate students. That much, you agree with. But no one ever said anything about popular teacher’s assistants. Especially smart, attractive, witty teacher’s assistants like Miya Osamu. “But in case you didn’t understand the reading or would like to develop a deeper understanding of it, don’t hesitate to email me. I’ll try to host a review session all of us can attend.”
Professor Lee smiles appreciatively at Osamu, adding, “That’s a wonderful idea, Osamu. Guys, please take this opportunity if you struggled with the reading. I know eighty pages is a lot, but our next three classes are structured around the concepts in the reading and the mid-term next week will almost exclusively be about it, too.”
Well, shit.
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Hi Osamu,
I was wondering if I could get some help with the reading from last class. To be frank, I couldn’t make it past page 15 and I’m lost like a snot-faced five-year-old in a shopping mall on Black Friday. Sorry. Thanks in advance!
MS Candidate
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Haikyuu University
no problem. is 5 pm tomorrow at jack’s okay? we start on the concepts from the reading next class so i want to get you up to speed asap. let me know. thanks.
PhD Candidate
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Haikyuu University
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It’s five minutes to five when you pull into the parking lot of Jack’s Diner. The shiny, retrofuturistic eatery is a university favourite but the empty parking lot tells you it’s completely deserted right now (and rightfully so–– who eats dinner before six?). The black BMW parked a few spots from your car, however, says that you’re not alone.
Osamu’s figure comes into view as you reach for the handle to the front door of Jack’s. The twenty-six-year-old sits by himself at one of the bright red tables in the back, typing away on his dark grey laptop.
His head lifts up at the sound of the opening door. Osamu calls out your name and waves you over.
“Hi,” you greet with a smile, sitting down across from him.
You look around before leaning forward on the table. “Is anyone else coming?”
“No.” Osamu sits back in his seat. “I thought about hosting one big group, but then I realised that it’d probably be stressful for the staff here.” He nods his head in the direction of the kitchen. “And I had a hunch that everyone would have different questions. Forcing everyone to review concepts they already know is a waste of time.”
At first, you nod. That makes sense. But then you furrow your brows. “So how long have you been here?”
Osamu blinks. He hadn’t expected you to ask about him. “Hmm? Oh.” He taps his phone to check the time. “Just a while.”
Quirking a brow, you ask, “And how long is ‘a while’ to you?”
“Seven hours,” he admits, chuckling lightly when he sees your jaw drop. “A lot of people had questions. They just don’t act like they do. Anyway, time flies. Really, it does.” Quickly, he clears his throat and sits forward. “So, about your email.” He grins. “Not sure if you meant it to be funny, but it was.”
“I’m glad my distress was entertaining for you. Do you TA just to watch grad students suffer?”
“Perks of the job,” Osamu says. His grin widens when you giggle. He’s never heard you laugh before and he realises at that moment that it’s really nice. And then that same grin falters. Gracefully, of course, and imperceptibly to you. But not to him. Is it okay for him to be… thinking things like that? About a student? But you’re not really his student since he’s just the TA. Right? Osamu ignores the weird feeling that comes over him and clasps his hands together at the edge of his laptop. “Back to your email. Can ya tell me what you’re confused about?”
Three hours and two Impossible Burgers later, you suddenly understand everything about food molecules so well that you wonder why you’d even been confused in the first place. But besides that, you’ve also picked up things about Osamu. As a person and not an idea. Not that you’d been actively searching for fun facts about your TA. But they’d stuck to your brain like gum at the bottom of a desk. He likes to slip sarcastic quips into a conversation every now and then. Eats burgers upside down (“The right way,” as he’d said, smirking). Is friendlier than he looks.
“You’re really good at explaining things,” you comment as Osamu shuts his laptop closed.
“Well, I kinda have to be,” he says. And maybe it’s the mental fatigue catching up on him or the fact that he’s real fond of the reason why he can break big concepts down into morsels but suddenly, the rest of his thoughts spill out his mouth like wine. “I have a twin brother with potato salad for brains.”
And before he can stop himself, he tells you about Miya Atsumu, the pro-athlete you’ve definitely heard of but never gave too much thought. And then you hold onto the fact that they were both on the volleyball team and you ask of which school, so then he tells you about Inarizaki, the high school he attended, and then his decision not to go pro to go to college, and then––
“Sorry,” he laughs, cheeks turning pink. “You probably didn’t need to hear all that.”
“No, it’s fine,” you say–– and you mean it. “Your life is interesting.”
Osamu leans back in his chair. “Well, I’m sure yours is, too.” He holds your gaze like it’s the key to your presence. It’s an invitation. The kind that comes from people who don’t really know if they want you around but also don’t want you gone.
You take it.
Osamu shouldn’t–– he really shouldn’t–– but he wonders about the things you didn’t tell him the entire drive home.
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Isla laughs when you tell her about what happened at Jack’s. You lay in bed with your phone next to you on speaker, your face turned on your pillow so that you’re staring out the window at the city below.
“He wants you,” she sings.
“Or he was just being nice.”
“Methinks not!” Isla giggles. “He’s intrigued, girl! You’re like that cute little new mystery in his life and he just wants to get to know you.”
“I think he was just being polite.”
“Or he’s crushing on you!”
“In your dreams.”
“You mean yours? Boo, you’re no fun today. Usually, you go along with the jokes.” Isla’s tone is playful on the surface but full of implications.
A few silent seconds pass. Yeah, you think, agreeing. I do.
“Girl,” Isla drags out the word in a high pitch, saying it like a scientist says ‘eureka’. “You’re not playing along anymore because it’s real now. You're actually catching feelings!”
“Am not!” you laugh.
“The Y/N I knew would’ve said ‘nah, bitch, he’s catching feelings’ and I think that says all there is to say.”
“Okay, I think he’s cute but it’s not a crush,” you concede, grinning. “And he’s the TA, Isles. It’d never happen.”
“Not while he’s still a TA in a class you take.”
“Ask him out once this semester ends! Unless you’re chicken.”
“I’m not asking him out.”
“Knew you were––”
“Have you seen me? He’s asking me out.”
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Miya Osamu walks through the door at eight-fifty as usual that next morning, dressed in his usual button-up, holding his usual cup of coffee. But this time, as the rest of his tall frame passes through the doorway, Osamu’s eyes subtly scan the faces in the lecture hall, lingering for just a while over yours. The corners of your lips turn up. You hope he saw that.
“Bitch!” Isla whisper-screams. The students sitting around you turn around at the noise and grin at each other when they realise it’s just Isla being… well, Isla. She shoos them away jokingly.
“What?” you whisper back.
“Care to explain why our TA was literally eye-fucking you?”
“That was hardly eye-fucking,” you retort. “Maybe like an eye-handshake.”
“Yeah, a naked eye-handshake where his thang is handshaking your––”
He does it again the next class.
And the next.
And then he doesn’t. Miya Osamu walks through the door to Food Chemistry I at eight-fifty in the morning in a navy blue button-up with a cup of coffee in his hand and looks through the rows of seats in the lecture hall for your face, only to find it missing.
He debates pressing the matter.
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hey osamu,
i wasn’t in class today because i’ve been sick with the flu (no big deal, just feel like i’m dying). a classmate sent me pictures of the slides from today so i think i should be fine, but is it okay if i email you with any questions? thank you very much!
MS Candidate
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Haikyuu University
of course. sorry to hear that you’re sick. let me know if i can do anything to help you. the midterm is next week. get well soon.
PhD Candidate
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Haikyuu University
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“You writing that the midterm is next week did not offer me any peace of mind, by the way,” you say, spinning around in your chair as Miya Osamu enters your pod in the library.
He offers you a wry grin. “Hello to ya, too.”
“Was that an accent?” You thought you’d heard one at Jack’s, but you couldn’t be sure because it’d been so spotty.
Osamu slips into the seat beside yours and pulls out the laptop in his messenger bag. You catch a whiff of his cologne–– something spicy and woody, but clean. It suits him. “Nice catch. Yeah, I speak a regional dialect. Took me a while to smooth it over but it still resurfaces every now and then.”
“It just didn’t seem fitting for a PhD candidate, I guess,” Osamu explains, opening the slides from the class you missed. A day after your initial exchange, you’d emailed him again (with a much clearer mind) and asked if he could go over the slides with you in person.
i literally feel like i’ve been given the homework from russian lit, you’d written. except the russian has been translated to hieroglyphs and my task is to choreograph an interpretive dance based on the hieroglyphs.
Osamu had snickered when he saw your email. that doesn’t even make sense. must be the fever talking, he’d been tempted to write. But that strange feeling had come over him again, the one that’d screamed at him to keep it professional, goddamnit, so he’d played it safe instead and sent is eight pm at the main library okay? He hates that you’re getting a watered-down version of his personality. Osamu swears he’s a lot more interesting when he’s not, well, a TA.
“I think it’s fine,” you say, smiling. “I like it. It’s you.” And suddenly, you’re wondering if it’s okay to be complimenting your TA. If it’s okay to say that you like things about him, or if that crosses some grey, unclear line. Is it weird to treat your TAs like they’re your friends? It’s not like TAs are real teachers. Right?
A grin–– wide and genuine and almost excited–– grows on Osamu’s face. He rubs the back of his neck as his eyes flit over to the laptop screen. “Thanks. Really.”
You nod. But you feel like there’s more that he might want to say, so you wait.
“I got a lot of shit for it when I came here for my master’s, y’know. Not to my face, of course, but people would refer to me as ‘the guy with the accent’. A professor once said it made me seem crass. Said it’d hold me back in my career.”
“So you changed.”
“Adapted,” Osamu corrects. “It’s hard to admit but conforming is sometimes all you can do when you don’t have the power to change the system. Can’t really make everyone suddenly respect a dialect.”
“And after you’re finished with your PhD, you’ll go back to speaking in that dialect?”
Osamu looks out the window and smiles, probably imagining the plans he’s already made about the future. “Yeah.”
“What if you have to speak the standard language at your job? Like, your boss is all, ‘hey man, if you don’t speak––”’
“I’ll be the boss.”
And with a little more prodding, Miya Osamu tells you about the restaurant chain he plans on opening after graduation, the slides about food additives left completely untouched.
The librarian knocks on your pod a few minutes before eleven to tell you they’re closing.
“Shit,” Osamu murmurs, running his hands through his hair. You’re still laughing about something he’d said before the librarian interrupted him–– one of his stories from high school–– and he thinks that you’ve completely forgotten that the reason you came to the library was to catch up on the material you were already behind on. And now you’re behind on that. But you look so carefree right now and, actually, you’re very pretty and you’ve got such a good heart and it’s a lot for him to process but he knows he just wants to see you happy a while longer. So Osamu just slumps back in his chair and laughs along with you.
He says your name as his chuckles grow softer. “It’s pretty late. How’re you getting home?”
“I’ve a bike,” you reply. It’s good for the environment and is a pretty solid form of exercise if you do say so yourself. Sometimes you just don’t feel like driving. 
Osamu presses his lips in a thin line. Would it be too much to offer you a ride? “I can drive you home. It’s really not safe for you to be alone outside, especially near midnight. You can get your bike tomorrow. Or I’ll get it for you.”
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He drives fast. Not the unsafe fast that speed demons drive at, but the kind of fast where you know he’s got some edge to his character. You bring it up to him–– especially since it’s nighttime, for god’s sake, he could hit something–– and all he does is remind you how there are lamps as bright as the sun lining the entire road to your dorm. And the fact that you live in the least accessible dorm on campus.
“A twenty-minute drive?” he’d exclaimed when he saw the GPS monitor.
“A bunch of roads are closed for construction. It’s a ten-minute bike-ride because I can cut through campus.” And suddenly feeling a little burdensome, you’d added, “Sorry. I can still bike––”
“No.” He’d held his hand out in front of you, gesturing for you to stay in the passenger’s seat. “It’s not a bother at all.” Because it wasn’t. Osamu was… happy. Not that he’d admit that.
“So this BMW,” you start in a teasing tone.
Osamu smirks. “A gift.”
“Can I guess from who?”
His brows rise. “Colour me impressed.” He hadn’t expected you to remember anything he’d said about Atsumu. Or maybe he had but told himself otherwise to lower his hopes.
“I’m smart like that.”
He snorts. “Not if you keep distracting me and using your review time to…” hang out with me, get to know me, tell me things about you… “…goof off.”
You grimace. “Yeah. Sorry about that.”
Osamu makes a turn down a familiar street. It dawns upon you that you're ten minutes away from your dorm and suddenly you wish he’d just make the wrong turn at the next intersection so that you could talk to him some more. It can even be about the health benefits of fish or the molecular makeup of kale–– you don’t mind. You just want to be around him longer.
“I think you’re really smart,” Osamu says quietly. “I think you’re not processing the readings because you’re distracted, or just not fully applying yourself. Obviously, last class’s slides are a different thing, since you were absent. But you really are smart. I’ve seen your papers.”
You bite your lip to hide your grin, feeling heat rush to your cheeks. “Thank you.” You look out the window, too jacked on dopamine to think straight. “I think I still need you, though.”
And that innocuous little sentence floats right out your mouth into the air, settling between you like a little wedge before either of you even realise it. Neither of you says anything. You marinate in the awkwardness before stuttering out a clarification. “To, um, to explain things. Y’know, since you’re, uh, so good at… explaining things.”
Osamu clears his throat and chuckles stiffly. There’s a slightly pink tinge to his cheeks. “Thanks,” he says, looking straight ahead. He can’t even look at you. Fuck. It’s so awkward. “I’ll try to keep… explaining things.” Fuck. What does that even mean?
A few uncomfortable minutes pass in silence. The night can’t end like this, you think. It can’t when everything else had gone so well. You still have to see him for a few more months. “Did you know,” you start, catching Osamu’s attention, “that Jack’s Diner has a location in Italy?”
“Oh?” he asks, making the final turn to the street where your dorm is. He actually hadn’t.
“Yeah. I asked the owner about the chain a while back. Have you ever been to Italy?”
Osamu shakes his head. “I’ve been to Paris, though. To see a friend. He’s a chocolatier.”
Now, if Osamu had been your friend, you would’ve said something like well, let’s go to Italy together, except he’s not. He’s your TA and you’ve been reminded that enough tonight. So instead, you say, “When you open that restaurant of yours in Italy, let me know.”
“That’s gonna take a while,” he laughs. He appreciates how you said ‘when’, though. And he tucks that little bit of confidence you have in him somewhere deep in his mind so that it doesn’t get lost.
“Isn’t that just seven hours?” you shrug, grinning. Osamu’s BMW pulls up outside your dorm and parks as he marvels at what you just said. You’re amazing. You unbuckle your seatbelt and turn to face your driver.
“Thank you for driving me,” you say, offering him a smile.
“Yeah,” he replies.
You stretch out your hand. With a puzzled look on his face, Osamu grabs it and shakes it. Firmly. You can’t help but notice how nice his hands are. Calloused for sure, but they feel nice.
“Goodnight, Osamu.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
He watches you jog into the building before driving away. And it’s like you’ve possessed his car or something because the smell of your shampoo and perfume is everywhere and it’s too much but it’s also not enough at the same time and he can feel your palm against his as he spins the steering wheel to make a turn and for the first time in his life he doesn’t turn on the radio to fill the silence in his car. Osamu replays everything you said in his head.
But he especially thinks about that part where you said you need him.
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Weeks melt into months. You turn in essays after essays for Food Chemistry I, each coming back with detailed commentary in an all-too-familiar blue scrawl. All your other classes go well–– extremely well, actually. You might just end the semester with a 4.0 if Food Chem doesn’t fuck you over. Isla still tags you in memes on Instagram. You still tell her about everything that happens with Osamu.
Speaking of.
“That’s the wrong equation,” he says behind your ear as he settles in the seat beside you. The sound of his low voice so close to your ear sends a small shiver down your spine. “You gotta switch the hydrogens.” Osamu knocks on your skull lightly. “What’s goin’ on up in there? Ya got somethin’ on your mind?”
You laugh and elbow him in the side. “Shut up, ‘Samu.” He’d told you during one of his office hours that he’d gone by that nickname because he had a teammate with a foreign name in high school. It sounded so cool, he’d said, grinning.
I think Osamu sounds pretty cool already, you’d teased.
And he’d replied, Let’s trade. I like yours, you like mine, why not share?
You teeter on the line between friends and less-than-friends and, oddly enough, more-than-friends. Sometimes you still play it safe. Sometimes he pauses between texts and real-time conversations, no doubt to scrap an instinctive reply for something more “professional”. Sometimes you say things that make him look at you with the ghost of a smile at the corners of his lips. Sometimes he calls Atsumu to scream about you.
“S’not a no,” Osamu points out. He’s dressed in a black sweater and grey trousers today. You’re suddenly reminded of how the weather’s been getting colder when someone opens the door to the university café and lets in a gust of chilly autumn air.
“Okay,” you admit, setting down the pencil. “I just… don’t really feel prepared for this next test.”
Osamu frowns and looks down at your worksheet. “Your process is correct, though.”
“Right, but… I don’t know. I’ve just not been feeling great about myself lately,” you laugh, looking down at your feet. “Food Chem’s the toughest class I’ve ever taken. And remember how I completely embarrassed myself in that class discussion last week? It’s not really making me feel like I belong here.”
“Imposter syndrome,” Osamu remarks.
He says your name softly and puts a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Maybe you’re not the smartest, but you’re definitely smart. And you belong here. I’ve seen your papers. They’re just as great as anyone else’s and I don’t hand out compliments for nothin’. You’re gonna do some great things but ya can’t improve if you ever give up.” Osamu searches your eyes for a sign of your understanding.
There’re a lot of things you want to say but you don’t know how to put them into words. “Can I hug you?” you finally ask.
Osamu doesn’t even think about it. “Of course.”
He feels you smile against his chest and wonders if you can feel his heart beat faster.
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Isla camps out in your dorm as finals come around the corner.
“I don’t understand shit!” she wails, throwing her notebook into the air.
“Isles, it’s okay,” you laugh, slipping out of your chair and walking over to her nest in the corner. “You gotta chill, dude.”
“Not fair! I didn’t have a hunk holding my hand through this course all semester,” she retorts, humour glittering in her dark eyes. “I had the Organic Chemistry Tutor and his accent’s cute enough but, girl, you had Miya Fucking Osamu!”
“You’re literally the worst.” You giggle and sit down beside her. “Tell me what you’re confused about. I’ll try to explain it to you.” The way Osamu does.
You text him that you’d channelled his brains later that night.
His reply comes seconds later. all you, einstein.
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From: osamu
good luck on the exam
you’re going to kill it
To: osamu
would u like to divulge any… information about it? 😏 😏 😏
From: osamu
To: osamu
i was kidding :(
From: osamu
fine. tip #1: write your name
To: osamu
not very helpful. 0/10
From: osamu
keep running your mouth and 0/10 is what your score’s going to be
i’m kidding
you got this, y/n
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“Holy fuck,” Isla groans as you cross the street to head to lunch at Jack’s. “If you don’t see me next semester it’s because I’ve gotten my grade back and decided to drop out.”
“What would you do?” you ask, amused.
“Maybe move to New Zealand. Raise some sheep. Marry a hot, blond shepherd and fuck off to a cliffside cottage.”
“Solid plan.”
“What about you?” she asks.
“What about me?”
“Remember that conversation we had at the start of the year? About your man?” The two of you reach another red light for pedestrians.
“We’re friends. He’s not my man,” you laugh. Though it pains you to. Something about being Miya Osamu’s friend doesn’t really sit right with you, but you don’t know how to not be his friend. You don’t know how to move out of the corner you’ve backed yourself into.
“But you wish he were! And now you can finally hit him with that ‘Hey, Osamu, I’ve been madly in love with you since the start of the semester, wanna fuck like rabbits and then open that store in Italy?’ and he’ll be all––”
A throat clears behind you. With wide eyes, the two of you turn around.
Holy fuck.
Miya Osamu stands behind you with his hands in his pockets and an enormous smirk on his face.
“He’ll be all what?” he asks, eyes fixed on you.
Isla murmurs an excuse and starts walking on her own to Jack’s.
“Um.” You swallow nervously and shrink in your coat. “You heard all of that, right?”
“Yep.” Osamu grins. He grins. He’s grinning. He’s smiling like he’s won the fucking lottery and you honestly don’t know what to do with that information.
“So, like,” you look down at the sidewalk and kick at a pebble, “what are your thoughts about that?” God, you could die. “‘Cause I know you’re a TA and it’d probably look pretty bad and I don’t want anything bad to happen to you because I like you and it’s cool if we just…”
Osamu interrupts you with a laugh. “My thoughts,” he says, “are that I want to kiss you.” His fingers lift your chin up. “What are your thoughts about that?”
Well, shit. “I think that’s pretty cool, yeah,” you breathe, eyelids fluttering shut as his face comes closer to yours.
He tastes like mint. And his lips move softly, slowly against yours like he’s savouring the moment. And then you feel his hands snake around your waist to pull you closer–– closer because you both are tired of forcing the distance between bodies that want to be near each other, closer because he’s thought about kissing you just like this for so long, closer because you remember the last time he’d touched you was three days ago and it was just a brush of his fingers against your arm and that feeling of wanting more haunted you for the entire night. But holy shit, Miya Osamu is kissing you. He’s kissing you.
And then he pulls away. His dark eyes flit over yours. “I,” he breathes, “I need your course load next semester.”
“What?” you ask, disbelief written all over your features, chest rising and falling as you try to steady your breathing. You just kissed, for God's sake, and he's––
“I need to know which courses not to apply to TA for,” he grins, cupping your face in his hands. “Can’t be teachin’ in a class with my girlfriend as a student.”
“So we’re official?” you ask, beaming.
“If you want,” Osamu replies with a smirk.
You grab the front of his coat and tug him down for another kiss. “Hell yeah, I want to be official.”
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g0kotta · 3 years
Bubblegum b*tch
Is it really a relationship if both sides are unfaithful?
Toxic!Haitani Ran x toxic!gn!reader (though makeup and high heels are mentioned. But in my opinion anyone can wear whatever they want no matter the gender so..)
Cheating, toxic relationship, both Ran and reader are assholes and players lmao. Kind of suggestive?
Around 1k words
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Actual dating and serious relationships never crossed your mind. It felt like a complete waste of time and all you ever cared about was yourself. Manipulative men, time consuming relationship acts such as going on dates, spending days and nights together, having to miss out on fun times with your girl friends, jealousy and many more boring and stressful things, were just not what you were looking for. Instead you spent all of your time on yourself. Getting your nails done, spa days, makeup, fashionable clothes, fun night outs with friends. That’s what you were into. After all, we all die alone, right? So why waste your time on things that don’t matter?
That all changed after you found out both of your best friends got cheated on. The teary eyes and nights they spent alone in their rooms, crying their hearts out, not wanting to spend time with anyone, angered you. And there was only one thing on your mind. Make them regret it. And that you did do. Acting all lovely, cute and dumb just to get their attention and make them fall for you. Without them knowing, you lured them both into your trap and dated them at the exact same time. They fell for you. Hard. Following you like lost puppies and doing whatever you wanted them to do. You had them on a leash and it made you feel powerful. It was when you asked them out on a romantic date, at the exact same place and hour and ghosted them, that your ego was fed even more. They met each other, talked it out and realised what was going on. Now what was the fun part, is that they weren’t mad at you. No. They fought each other and tried to get you back. But you already moved on and tried to find a new target for your fun little game. You never played with nice and genuine guys, you were looking only for the fuckboys that were breaking poor people’s hearts, to make them get a taste of their own medicine. That’s how you met Haitani Ran. He was agreeably eye candy. One look at him and you knew why most people fell for him. He was tall, lean, had a hot lazy smirk and his beautiful purple eyes could easily hypnotise anyone. But sadly, not you. You knew how many guys and girls he hurt and you knew what you had to do.
Walking out of the grocery store, you “accidentally” bumped into him. Your black high heels, black pants and black turtleneck looked so good with the red coloured lipstick you were wearing. He caught you so you wouldn’t fall and eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on your lips. His infamous smirk adorned his face soon after he let go of you. A couple of minutes later, your eye batting, sweet smile and dumb flirty pickup lines worked magic on him. But you didn’t expect anything else, that asshole asked out any living being that held eye contact with him for longer than a second.
Ran most of the time lasted a week or two in relationships, before leaving them heartbroken in the middle of an empty street. Not even sparing a second glance at the crying individuals. But with you he already stayed in the relationship for two months. Of course, he wasn’t faithful. He thought you didn’t notice the hidden hickeys or his text messages with other people, but you did. You weren’t dumb, but he surely was. He didn’t know you were seeing other people, he didn’t know you were leading him on and he surely didn’t know how smart you actually are.
He would boast to his brother how he still had you stuck to his side, after sleeping with countless other people and Rindou would laugh, not even pitying you. “What an idiot.” were his exact words after seeing you go on another date with his older brother. It was going on so well in both of their eyes. Ran even made jokes with Izana and other members of the gang he was in, how successful his unfaithful relationship was. He showed them pictures of your beautiful face and they all agreed that you were extremely good looking. But brainless. Because, how did you not notice the lipstick on Ran’s clothes? The hickeys? The dates he ditched just to see someone else? He was a filthy cheater, but deep inside he knew that you had him hooked. He never met anyone like you.
Now what none of them expected was to see you, holding onto someone else’s hand. Walking besides them, with your pretty red lipstick on and oh.. those black iconic high heels. Ran watched you kiss the guy goodbye as he walked off to what Ran guessed was his work place. What else he didn’t expect, was for you to notice him standing not too far away from you. He also didn’t expect for you to, instead of crying and apologising, just give him a huge smirk, blow him an air kiss and to wink at him, and his friends. He marched up to you, demanding for an explanation on what was going on. But you just grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and looked at the hickeys he hid “oh so well”.
“Aww..” you batted your eyes at him, fake tears going down your face. “I can’t believe you, Ran.. I really, really liked you.” You then wiped off your tears and smirked at him, the same way he would smirk at you. “Well. Now that you figured me out. We’re over, Haitani. You were kinda boring anyways.”
Ran watched your figure get smaller, after you walked off. But instead of hurt, his eyes were shining with interest. You were better than he imagined and he had to have you again.
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splitting, barely fitting; show a smile, we’re rather bored, nothing lines up anymore!
hihi so this is. longer. so i cut the chapter in half. yea :] ima go sleep now
relationships: shadow/vio, red/blue, blue & red & vio & green, mentioned past green/vio
ao3 link; x
“So, let me get this straight..”Red paused, her eyes still fixed onto Vio’s face. “You’ve been living in the fire temple since Shadow’s death—a death you claim was your fault—and had an accident which resulted in you losing your hand last week. Oh, and let’s not talk about your unhealthy eating habits during that time. Is that right?” Vio winced, sheepishly nodding. “That…is correct, yes.” “Okay,”Red took a breath, shutting her eyes before they snapped back open. “Why in the world didn’t you contact us?” “Um…well, for a while, I assumed you all still hated my guts, so there’s that.”Vio stated simply, playing with the cloth on the table. “I thought you all…wished that you’d never see me again.” “Oh, Vio—we looked for you for months..”Red frowned gently. “We didn’t even want to stop but we had to.” “...yeah. Green mentioned that.”Vio sighed, glancing up at Red. “I’m sorry.” “You disappear on us, for a long time, let us believe you’re dead, lose a hand, and you say you’re sorry?”Red deadpanned, clearly unimpressed. “...yes?”Vio winced, a nervous grin on their face. The response was met by three sighs from their companions. “..was…that the wrong answer?” “Yes, you idiot. What happened to you being smart?” “I’m still smarter than you lot.” “That isn’t exactly a challenge.”Blue shrugged loosely. “We’re fucking dumbasses.” “I’ll drink to that.”Vio laughed softly. “So…um. Should we head home?”Red smiled. Blue nodded slightly, glancing at Green. “Are you coming with, or going back to the castle?” “I probably need to tell Zelda that Vio isn’t actually dead.” “Oh, yeah, I forgot you all thought I was dead.” A beat of silence before, “Vio, we were talking about it less than five minutes ago.” “Oh, really?” “Yeah.” “..oh.” Red frowned, then shook her head and stood up, blowing the candles out. “Well, let’s go! Greenie, are you fine with Vivi using your bed til we get one for them?” “I never use it anyways.”Green shrugged as he got up. “Hey, make sure Vio bandages that up.” “We know what to do, Green.”Blue deadpanned, locking the bakery door behind them as the four of them stepped outside. “By ‘make sure’, I mean force the fucker.”Green clarified bluntly, and Blue nodded along. “Ah, got it.” Red sighed gently, grabbing Vio’s hand and walking ahead of the other two. “It’s nice to have you back, Vivi. We’ve got a lot to catch up on.”She smiled, to which Vio faintly returned the gesture. “Hey, Red, um…”Vio began, trailing off as they struggled to find words. “I have a question.” “And I probably have an answer!”Red laughed, swinging their arms. “Why…why do you care that I’m not dead? You’ve done well for yourself…all I did was cause problems. I’ll probably just make more problems for people to hate me for, anyways. Why not just let me go back to the fire temple?” “O..kay, so, that was more than one question. However! I have your answers. We care because we love you, you’re our friend. The fire temple isn’t a good place to live in, Vivi, you could get sick or worse! Plus, we want you here with us.” “Oh.” “Oh?” “...I didn’t expect that,”Vio admitted, shrugging loosely. “I mean—I obviously know the fire temple was a terrible decision for a place to stay for an extended period of time, but…I didn’t expect you guys to want me here. After all I’ve done..” “Well…we all do dumb things when we like someone.”Red whistled lowly, giggling when Vio’s face lit up. “Did you think we didn’t know?” “Know what?”Vio coughed, looking away nervously. “You liked Shadow. Maybe you still do…but we did notice it. He seemed to like you back, too!” “I sure hope so.”Vio muttered under their breath. “Um…thanks for not…acting like I’m insane. I’m sure everyone else would if they knew.” “People thought me and Blue were weird too, everyone was convinced we were all siblings.” “We aren’t even related, though?” “Yeah, people seem to struggle with that. Anyways! We’d never act like you’re insane.” “It wouldn’t really be acting anyways.”Blue piped up, grinning when Vio laughed at the comment. “You think I’m insane?” “No,”Blue paused, humming. “I know you are.” “Blue—”Red huffed, but fell quiet when Vio continued to laugh. She missed seeing Vio, and seeing them smile is nice. “Because Vio is laughing, I won’t get mad at you for that.”Red sighed. Vio smiled faintly, letting out a breath once they’d calmed down. “Well, you are talking to the idiot who cut their own hand off.”Vio mumbled, wincing when Red and Blue both froze up. “That's how you lost it?!” “...oops, did I not say that originally?” “No, Vi, you said there was an accident. Not that you cut it off yourself.”Blue deadpanned. “What the fuck?” “Oh. I thought I’d said it was myself…my bad, then.”Vio laughed, shrugging. “I cut it off myself, in a poor attempt to revive Shadow. I had read that, to bring someone back from the dead, a part of my body would aid in it. Maybe I did it wrong..” “Hold on—you do necromancy now too?”Red frowned, staring at Vio. “I…yes, I’ve been practising it for a while now.”Vio paused. “Is…is that weird?” “A little, yeah.” “Oh. Okay.”Vio hummed, heading into the house after Red and Blue unlocked the door and went in. “I can make you a new hand, if you want.”Blue glanced at Vio, wincing when Red pinched his cheek. “You won’t be doing anything until your wrist is healed!” “Well no shit, Red.”Blue rolled his eyes, sighing. “When I can get back to work, I’ll make it. You might have to come to the shop with me, though, so I can make it right.” “Oh, okay..”Vio nodded, glancing around the home. It’s relatively small, but it’s not claustrophobic. It’s actually a comfortable kind of small. …if that makes any sense. The walls are a standard beige, and the floorboards are dark oak, but there’s a few rugs scattered around. The rugs were all in all four of their colours—the purple ones were no doubt gifts from Zelda, as purple is very expensive and only nobles and royals even had permission to purchase such a colour—and they were in various different shapes and sizes. “Green said you can take his bed, but…are you comfortable with that?” Vio paused, eyes trailing to Blue and they winced once they saw Blue’s knowing look. “You knew.” “I’m not a complete idiot, Vi.” “Are you sure about that?”Vio grinned, poking Blue’s side teasingly. “Ay—” Vio snorted softly, then sighed. “To answer your question, I’m comfortable with it.” “You sure?” “Mhm! I’m sure.” Red blinked, grabbing the med kit as she made Vio sit on the couch. “Do you two know something I don’t?” “How could you not know? I know you’re not the sharpest blade in the shop, but c’mon Red.”Blue sighed, shaking his head. “Vio and Green had a thing before Vio’s fake-betrayal.” “Oh…”Red blinked, then gasped. “Oh!! That makes so much sense now!” “It’s why Green was so—”Blue paused, glancing at Red. “Permission to swear?” “...hesitantly granted.” “Thanks. It’s why Green was so pissed when he saw Vio with Shadow.” “He did seem a little mad.” “A little? He was more than a little mad. He chose the violence route.” “Ha. Violence.”Vio grinned, their grin widening when Red laughed and Blue cracked a smile. “You’re fucking weird,” “And I embrace it.” Red giggled softly, carefully bandaging Vio’s wrist up. “It’s good to have you back. It’s tough having the braincell, can you take it back now?”She pouted, and Vio nodded. “Of course. Thank you for keeping it away from dumb and dumber.” Red stood back up when she’d finished her work, pulling Vio up. “C’mon! Um, if you don’t like the fact the covers are green, we have some blankets you can put over it. They’re white, but better than nothing! We’ll probably have to ask Zellie for purple themed things, but she loves us so she’d agree.” Vio nodded along, following her into the bedroom. The house is a one-bedroom house, so the beds are in the same room, but Vio doesn’t mind. In the far corner is a single bed with mint green sheets and sage green covers. It looks untouched. On the other side of the room is a double bed with red and blue patterned covers, along with a simple white bed sheet. “Yeah we’re…looking to get a bigger house. Even more reason to now that we’re all together again, right?”Red smiled. “Where does Green sleep if not here?”Vio mumbled, an eyebrow slightly raised. “Oh! In the castle.” “His job requires it,”Blue added with a loose shrug. “He’s never here long enough.” “Ah.”Vio nodded, sitting down on the bed quietly. They haven’t been in a real bed for so long…they forgot how comfortable they are. If it could, their back would be thanking them for finally sleeping in a bed. “Vio, why do you look like you’ve never been on a mattress before?”Blue snorted, snapping the other out of their daze. “I..uh. Well, there wasn’t,,,exactly a bed in the fire temple—well, there was, but it was Shadow’s and it felt wrong for me to sleep in his bed—and, well, basically, I haven’t really been in a bed or on a mattress for months.” “Oh, that’s so sad.”Red pouted, rushing over and pulling Vio into a hug. “Why didn’t you take the bed? I know Shadow was…important to you, but he wouldn’t have minded.” “I know he wouldn’t have, it's just…he’s gone, Red. It felt wrong, especially because of what I did to him..” “You did what you had to. And Shadow chose to do what he did, that isn’t on you.” “...it feels like it is. I should’ve—maybe I could have convinced him to work with us, in a way that didn’t involve me abandoning you three..” “Oh, Vio…” “He liked drawing. Maybe if I’d convinced him, he coulda been a professional. He was good enough to be.” “He liked drawing?”Blue hummed, subtly asking Vio to elaborate. Vio nodded and quietly grabbed Shadow’s sketchbook from their bag, opening it once Red and Blue sat on the bed on both sides of them. “He did it in the little free time we got. He uh…had a preference.”Vio mumbled, embarrassed as they flipped the pages, encountering a few drawings of the violet hero pretty quickly. Quite a lot of them were drawn when Vio was asleep—looking peaceful, which is the rarest state for Vio to be in—but there were the odd few drawn when Vio was awake. The one they were looking at right now…Vio loves it, in a weird way. It was from one of their dates—one Vio chose, which also means there was no arson involved—and it appeared to have been drawn when Vio was talking about something. Their head was tilted back, seemingly staring up at something. Now, the drawing wasn’t coloured, but Shadow can make something really detailed only using various blacks, greys and whites. Somehow, Shadow had made Vio’s eyes seem to shine, and he seemed to be observant, if the small details were anything to go by. Vio was smiling in the drawing, and Shadow had remembered to add their dimple, along with freckles scattered across the hylians face. If you looked close enough, he’d even caught Vio’s slightly crooked teeth. They’re not really an obvious thing—you have to really look to see it—but also Shadow did have his tongue in their mouth a lot so maybe he felt that they weren’t straight. Vio let out a breathy laugh, thumb tracing over the little heart in the corner. They had a lot of time these past few months, and they’d looked at this sketchbook many times. The hearts were only on pages with Vio drawn on them. It was sweet, really. …Shadow loved them. He—He said it once, but Vio hadn’t wanted to believe it, knowing what they had to do. So they told him to shut up. They told him not to say it, and Shadow listened. Vio wishes they could hear it again. Just one more time. “Vivi?”Red frowned, shaking the other slightly. “Are you okay? You zoned out…” “Oh.”Vio frowned, then shrugged. “Got lost thinkin. He’s a great artist, ain’t he?” “He was, yeah.”Blue hummed. “It’s super detailed. Shit, Vi, he noticed your teeth.” “You notice it too?”Vio winced, glancing at Blue, who quickly shook his head. “No, Vi. It’s not obvious, promise.”He reassured, continuing when Vio seemed less anxious. “All four of us have slightly crooked teeth, Vi. Link had ‘em.” “Really..? I never noticed.”Red blinked, tilting her head. “Yeah. All of us have it, but nobody usually notices. The fact Shadow did…” “He liked looking at me.”Vio mumbled quietly with a soft sigh. “It was one of his favourite things. He’d let me talk and just—watch me. Not enough to be creepy or uncomfortable, but enough that he noticed little things about me. Fuck, he noticed a lot—did you know my left ear is shorter than my right ear?” “Is it?”The two blinked, clearly surprised by this. “I didn’t…know that.” “I didn’t either! Shadow was the one who pointed it out to me. He noticed my ears, my dimple, my teeth…he noticed everything except the fact I was lying to him.” “Well it’s…it’s good he didn’t notice that, right?” A silence. “My plan failed anyways,”Vio shrugged. “Guess I forgot he knows my sleep pattern and that he’s clingy.” “Um…Vivi? You keep…talking about Shadow like he’s still here, I think…” “You should get some rest, maybe? You’ve had one hell of a night.” Vio sighed, nodding and placing the sketchbook on a shelf, slipping into Green’s—their?—bed as Red and Blue headed over to their own. “Hey Vi?” “Mhm?” “It’s good to have you back.” Vio cracked a smile, staring up at the ceiling as they waited for sleep to take them.
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