#what a delightful tea server
saltmeana · 1 year
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he’s so happy on his first day
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reblog-house · 4 months
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A Little Catching Up
Written for Hermit-a-day-May, day 12: Friends of Hermits. Or: Lizzie! ALSO written for @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt 252, "Spill The Tea"
Wc: 1000
Ao3: Here!
It’d been a while since Lizzie last saw her husband in person, since he joined Hermitcraft. Good. That meant she was able to focus on other stuff that was on her mind. And it’s not like they never spoke, anyway.
At first, they called every day, but now it was every week or so, and every time she did, he had another story to tell. Apparently, there was something about… clones of himself? A murder mystery? A murder mystery about the clones of himself? Honestly, she stopped trying to disentangle that thing. She was happy not understanding and just hearing her husband ramble.
And then, Joel got the idea of traveling together in his brain — ‘To get some inspiration for my base, Lizzie’ — and she was more than willing to indulge him.
It was nice, getting to catch up properly, to spend some time together, before they each had to go to their respective servers. It was a much needed trip, and they got to see some very wonderful builds. She may not be pulling inspiration from it for her own creations, but she’d be lying if she said seeing all the views didn’t revitalize her a little.
It’d been less than a week since they parted ways and Lizzie was boiling a pot of tea when her phone rang. It was Joel.
“Hey babe,” she greeted, bringing the phone to her ear.
“Hey Lizzie, what are you doing right now?” He spoke very fast. “Because I want to tell you something weird and don’t want you to break something.”
“Eh, nothing special,” she said, and with her phone now supported by her shoulder, she picked up the kettle before it could whistle. “Hit me with it.”
“Remember how I told you Etho was obsessed with me?”
“Uh, duh.” She began pouring the liquid into her cup.
“Well, apparently there’s someone worse.”
“That’s possible?” She asked sarcastically. “Wow.”
“Lizzie. I came back to like seven love letters addressed to me, Lizzie. Seven anonymous love letters!”
Lizzie choked and her grip on the kettle got unsteady. It spilled a bit around the cup. “Oh, crap.” It could’ve fallen on her.
“I know, what the hell! And the worst part is, he was convinced we had something going on, because someone left a sign on his base pretending to be me!”
She openly laughed now, and set the kettle with a clank before the boiling water could drop on her. He continued his pleas.
“I’m married, Lizzie! To you! And when I told him I didn’t want anything to do with him that way, he sent me a poem. A poem, Lizzie!”
Lizzie was delighted. She picked the mug with both hands and walked to the living room with it as he spoke.
“Did he, now?” She sat back onto her favorite armchair and set the mug on the side table.
“And now!” He was quickly growing agitated. Not in a negative way. Joels needed some agitation for enrichment. An agitated Joel was a sign of a healthy husband. “The context is too complicated to explain, but now I’m stuck having to make an armor stand –”
“Oh, armor stands! Your shrine for me was adorable. And little you! Oh I could just squish his cheeks.”
“...Thank you Lizzie. Right. Now I have to make an armor stand of myself professing my love to him or whatever so he leaves me alone.”
“Ha! Oh Joel, only you.”
“Only me? Lizzie, have some compassion. I’m dying over here!”
“I don’t know…” She brought the mug to her face and checked the color. Still a couple more minutes before she could drink it. “That seems like a Joel problem to me.”
He groaned, and she could just imagine him covering his face with his hands in frustration. She loved seeing him suffer.
“Right, the worst wife. She doesn’t listen to my suffering. I’m doomed. I’m in pain and she doesn’t empathize.”
She laughed again. “Well, if I’m so horrible of a wife, I think it’s time to go, now! My tea will be ready any minute now.” And with the most cheerful of tones. “Bye Joel! Good luck with the number one fan!”
There was a little moment of silence, and when Joel spoke again, it was like he was a different person. All the acceleration left his voice and who remained was the man she’d know for most of her life, who she would take strolls along the beach with, who proposed to her, who she spent a wonderful time with on their most recent trip. 
“Bye babe. It was nice talking to you. It’s… it’s been a strange few days. I think the trip made me realize how much I missed you.”
She melted a little and didn’t try to hide it in her voice. “Oh, Joel. I can imagine. I miss you too. It’s been three months now, since you joined. Can you believe that?”
“And yet it sometimes feels like the first week. Like I’m still very new to it all. It’s so strange. How has time passed that fast but also so slow?”
“Something only the ruler of Stratos would know.”
“What- that… doesn’t make any sense. Why would I from-”
“I love you Joel.”
“Love you too, Lizzie. Right, I have some projects to be working on. Not the stupid statue. I’ll postpone that as much as possible. Maybe one day I can sneak you in so you could see how my base is coming along. See how the trip has helped me”
“I would like that. Just be careful of Xisuma noticing me!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring you in when he’s offline. Okay, bye now.”
And like that, she ended the call.
It truly was nice to see him having fun on his new server and making new friends. If unwanted love letters counted as a new friend. She chuckled to herself. The situations that man got himself into, sometimes…
But she loved him all the same.
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thewitcheslibrary · 4 months
Looking for some witchy friends?
Welcome to Witches Corner! 🔮
Are you seeking a magical sanctuary in the bustling world of Discord? Look no further!
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✨ Here's what awaits you in our bewitching realm:
🫖 Tea Party Events: Step into our virtual tea room and join our monthly Tea Party Events, where we gather to discuss all things magical over a cup of our favorite brews.
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Don't miss out on the magic! Join us at Witches Corner and discover a world where every corner is filled with wonder and possibility. 🔮
🌙 Embrace the mystery. Join Witches Corner today! 🌙
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crushedsweets · 5 months
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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snapeaddict · 11 months
Snapetober Day 17 - Apple
Loosely referencing previous snippets - a tradition of apple harvesting, and my own headcanon that Severus is a wonderful cook and baker.
Minerva had dropped by unexpectantly, a matter of paperwork which had rapidly transformed into idle chatter. She was still here when Severus knocked on the door for their traditional Saturday game of chess: not that it was unusual for her to join them, but she had originally planned an afternoon of marking.
"Ah, Severus, please come in", Albus said warmly, gesturing towards his usual seat.
It was a gorgeous afternoon in June, and the window, beside his desk, was wide open. Outside Fawkes was flying happily, using the light breeze to carry himself for a while, then flying back to an acceptable height and repeating the process. Severus closed the door behind him. He was carrying something with his left hand - Minerva raised an eyebrow.
"What do you have here, my boy?" the headmaster asked, half-rising to clear some space on his desk.
It proved to be difficult: many parchment scrolls fell on the floor, and only Minerva's quick reflexes avoided a catastrophe of spilt ink.
"You know tidying up is an option, right, Albus?" she asked, getting up to put a set of quills away.
"Don't bother, Minerva," Severus replied drily. "Such activity is apparently beyond the headmaster's capabilities."
He put down his burden onto the desk. It looked like a tart mould covered with a white cloth.
"This smells divine", Albus said, purposely changing the subject. "Did you bake for us, Severus?"
Minerva rolled her eyes and cleared the reminder of the desk with her wand.
"An apple pie. There were some fruits left in the cellars - I needed a break from the dunderheads' exams. You would not believe the number of spelling mistakes this year…"
"Why do you think I am here?" Minerva interrupted jokingly.
Gently, Albus put away the cloth, revealing a beautiful, golden pie. It was elegantly ornated with braids of puff pastry, and both Gryffindors could not help but exclaim in admiration.
"Severus! You must really cook for us more often. You know how much I love your cuisine - your apple pies are a particular favourite of mine."
"You do not pay me nearly enough for me to cook on top of teaching, Albus", the younger man replied ironically, but Minerva discerned a slight blush on his cheeks.
She smiled, taking her eyes off him before he would notice her.
"And why were you in the cellars?" she asked, summoning three plates, a knife and a pie server.
"I was attempting to finish my lunch without the house elves pestering me."
"Do not be so hard on them, Severus. They are merely happy to see you eat."
The headmaster set out to cut the pie, and Minerva watched as their younger colleague made no reply. Albus, clearly, was completely oblivious to Severus' obvious lie.
The man rarely baked, and when he did, it was always when prompted to by Albus - he brewed to clear his mind, he did not cook.
She whispered her thanks when the headmaster handed her a plate with a neatly cut slice of pie and lifted her cup of tea to her lips. From the corner of her eye, she watched as Severus glanced rapidly at the headmaster, an almost imperceptible look of contentment gracing his face when the old man let out another expression of delight.
The pie was, indeed, delicious.
Sitting back in her chair comfortably, she gazed at Fawkes who was flying once more towards the sun, purposely breaking a formation of wild geese in the process. Would Albus think this was perfectly innocent?
Sometimes, too, her eyes drifted to the calendar pinned to the wall next to the window and she smiled quietly to herself - it was Father's Day.
Written in response to this amazing prompt by anon:
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password-door-lock · 7 months
Ray has narrowed it down to four potential candidates to infiltrate the RFA: the first two are office workers; the days that he spent trailing each of them consisted largely of sitting around outside, occasionally passing through the lobbies of their respective buildings, until whoever he was studying that afternoon was ready to go home. The third candidate is a full-time university student with no other notable obligations— when he followed them, Ray sat in the back row of a few large lectures, but found, to his disappointment, that many of their classes were far too small for a stranger to slip in unnoticed. So Ray has been pleased today to discover that your job at a restaurant allows him ample time to study you— and study you he does.
He's already very familiar with your routine, of course; he's been keeping track of that for months now. He even has a vague idea of what your job is like, thanks to the CCTV footage which was left practically undefended on your employer's servers. But now that he's here, he's certain of it— nothing can compare to the real thing.
Ray has spent the entire day at the back of the dining room, pretending to be busy with something on his laptop screen. He's dressed inconspicuously, all in black, protecting his identity with a hat and mask. When he arranges his bangs the right way under the beanie— something he never thought he'd wear, even as part of one of the Savior's plans— he finds that they obscure the color of his eyes quite well. Of course, it's not such good news for his vision, but that's a risk that Ray is willing to take in the name of the Mint Eye.
His initial plan was not to order anything, but... well. Ray has been very busy for the past few days— it's been a long while since he's been able to have anything sweet. Besides, he reasons, it would look strange if he came here and sat around without ordering anything. He doesn't want anything to drink— the coffee would only upset his stomach, and he doesn't trust any teas manufactured outside of Magenta— but Ray figures it wouldn't hurt to get a pastry of some kind. After some deliberation, he selects a strawberry-flavored muffin, which looks more like a cupcake, at least in his opinion. “Would you like that warmed up?” Your coworker asks, avoiding Ray's eyes in favor of the cash register.
“Yes, please,” Ray replies politely. He doesn’t feel entirely comfortable in this environment, but he can be brave if it means getting to spend a moment with you, even in a roundabout way.
“MC,” the coworker calls, and Ray finds himself biting his lip under his mask. It's not safe to call your name like that in public— somebody could be lurking nearby, trying to glean sensitive information about you. It would be one thing to call you that way at Magenta, but here... anybody could be listening, with any motive in the world. “Can you warm up a strawberry muffin?”
“I'd better be able to,” you quip, more under your breath than directly to your colleague, “Do you have any idea how long I’ve worked here?” Two years, three months, and 27 days, according to your official employment records, but Ray gets the feeling that this question was not meant for him to answer. 
Ray tries not to watch you as you insert his pastry into the oven. Instead, he focuses on paying for the treat. Although, much to his delight, he finds that he has no trouble tapping a credit card on a reader while also staring in your direction. Evidently, he wasn’t thinking very clearly when he made this plan.“You'll be number 187,” the stranger declares, passing Ray a paper receipt.
“Thank you,” Ray remembers to say. He also remembers not to pay too much attention to you as he makes his way over to a slightly more discreet corner where he can wait for his food.
You, too, appear to be waiting— you're leaning against the wall beside the small oven while Ray's muffin toasts inside. He's sure it's going to taste delicious, just because you're the one who handled it. After all, you're so different from the other people he has followed— they would do well, Ray supposes, as anybody would at Magenta, but you... you make him feel all warm inside, like there's a candle burning in his chest. He felt that tug a little bit when he looked at you in pictures, but now that he's actually in the same room as you, Ray knows.
He scrolls through the settings on his phone so that it looks as though he's doing something when you remove the muffin from the oven and slide it into a brown paper bag. “Number 187?” Ray is obsessed with the way your voice rises at the end of the question.
He knows he can't let you hear his voice in return, however. If you recognize him when he calls, you might not want to come with him... Ray knows you're smart, so you'd be cautious. If only you knew just what kind of paradise is waiting for you at Magenta— but now is not the time to ponder such things. Instead of thanking you, as he so desperately wants to, Ray nods at you and reaches out to grab the bag.
His hands are trembling as he does so. “Here you go.” You're wearing a mask, too— of course you are, so clever, so considerate, so perfect— but he can tell you're smiling under it. You're smiling at him.
The thought is almost too much for Ray to handle— he knows he has to take that muffin and get away from you as fast as possible before he forgets himself. There are any number of things that he might do that could alarm you, and that's the last thing he wants— no, his only real desire is to make you feel as happy as you make him when he sees that smile in your eyes. So, knowing that every step he takes away from you will pain him, Ray snatches the bag and begins to move as quickly as he can in the other direction.
You release a soft little, “Huh?” And Ray thinks, as he retreats, hands still trembling, that you are beyond adorable. You're too good for him, too good for the world, and just perfect for Mint Eye.
When he gets back to his table, Ray's heart is pounding and he's breathing heavily. He can't believe he actually did that— he got so close to you, and you smiled at him. You spoke to him. It was like meeting an angel, even better than when the Savior deigned to shine her light upon Ray for the first time— no, no, he corrects himself frantically. Nothing could be better than the Savior, of course. Thinking that would be an act of disloyalty to the Mint Eye, and Ray would never betray the paradise, not in a million years. But he can absolve for his mistake later— right now, he has other, more pressing matters to consider. 
After the brief moment that he takes to pull himself together, it occurs to Ray that he is holding onto more than just the paper bag, which he is clutching with a vice grip. Caught between his hand and the flimsy surface of the bag is a clear plastic glove, clearly designed for food service workers to wear. Did he somehow… steal it from you?
Ray glances back up at the counter, and he feels the heat rising to his cheeks at the sound of your voice as you address your coworker. “... took my glove!” But you don't sound angry. You sound... pleased, perhaps, and you're grinning. “That's so funny! It's like a fairy tale or something! Do you think my prince will come back here just to return my glove? That'd be romantic, don’t you think? Okay, okay, you’ve gotta cover for me— I guess I have to go wash my hands and get new gloves now, even though the other one is still perfectly good.” You giggle, waving your gloved hand in the air as if to demonstrate your point, and Ray’s heart melts. He wants to make you laugh like that again. 
Obviously, you don't know that anybody is listening in on your conversation— you're clearly trying to talk quietly, though Ray is thankful that the sound of your beautiful voice has carried across the room to him. Regardless, he needs to get out of here as soon as possible— he’s genuinely concerned that he might faint if you call him your prince again. Indeed, he's beginning to feel dizzy as he delicately removes himself from the establishment, staring down at the disposable glove still clutched in his hand.
This is a sign, he realizes, stopping in his tracks just outside the door of your cafe. Ray was almost certain before, but now, he knows for sure— it has to be you. It could only ever be you. You'll be the one to help him, and in the end, he'll show you how a fairy tale romance plays out in real life.
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sophiacloud28 · 1 month
I feel like 17. “Cereal is soup” would work with 2012 Mikey, but I don’t think you write for them, so it might work with Rise Leo. Reader could be visiting them and starts to not feel well, so Donnie or Raph say they need soup and Leo brings cereal because it’s what he can get quickly.
... This is going to be an interesting prompt to work with. Rise Leo, huh? I'm afraid I'm not in the mood for silliness, sorry in advance, but I think I can make this fluffy. Is that okay?
One-shot, fluffy, Rise Leonardo
He hates this.
"I said soup!"
"Well, technically –"
He despises it.
"No, Leo! She's sick!"
"Oh, come on, big bro. Lighten –"
"If you finish that –!"
And he loathes the fact that he's grateful for your timing.
You'd arrived here with a fever. The night was all it took for things to get worse. And with Mikey having been sent on a mission, it was very much not going great.
He wishes he knew how to cook. That he could actually figure it out. But if the whole incident with Mikey years back taught him anything, he's more of a server than a cook and while that is incredibly helpful, it's also... incredibly unhelpful, considering the circumstances.
"How about some tea, instead?"
Which is why he hates this, even if you are trying to help.
As he goes back upstairs.
"Oh, come on, Raph. Don't be like that. And he is, technically, right. Cereal is soup."
He can't help but be grateful you're here.
... He hates this.
He sniffles. He coughs. He tries to breathe. He whines as you try to move him, but is grateful when it frees up his mouth and one of his nostrils. He can also feel the medicine he ingested start working, and the warmth from the soup he ate spreading all over him like a blanket.
He hates it.
But, as he looks up at you after you put a hand on his head.
"You were wrong."
"Cereal isn't soup."
And laugh in a way that absolutely delights him.
"You were trying."
"Doesn't make it right."
He can't help but be grateful.
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rinnelovebot · 1 year
idk if i'm late to the tea prompts but!! if not, can i ask for rinne + earl grey tea and chamomile tea? i hope it's not too much, take care!
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A/N: sigh. he’s so delightful. also I knooow I said I changed my mind and was limiting the prompts to one, but rinne has my autism on his side. lastly, I had to ask my discord server to explain what courting meant
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*ೃ༄ rinne amagi + earl grey & chamomile
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⤷ earl grey tea: how did they court their s/o?
There was a lot of flirtatious build-up. He’d often joke about getting eloped and running away together — but despite the teasing, sarcastic nature of those comments, he would’ve absolutely dropped everything to be with you if you had seriously said yes. It took a while for him to confess to you for real, but afterwards, moving into a relationship with him felt smooth and relaxed; with him, there’s no rush, and you feel comfortable knowing you can take your time to just enjoy one another.
⤷ chamomile tea: what is their sleep schedule like? does it change around their s/o?
Rinne tends to sleep whenever he feels tired — typically around midnight; but if he’s had a long day, he doesn’t have any qualms with hitting the hay as soon as he gets home. If he doesn’t have work in the morning, he’ll sleep in for a bit, ideally with you in his arms! If you like to head to sleep early, he’ll cuddle up to you and scroll on his phone while you rest against him. On the opposite end, if you like to head to sleep late, he’ll chit-chat with you until his eyes refuse to stay open. Regardless, he’s quite flexible.
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artzychic27 · 10 months
Something I’ve always wondered was how did King Marc and Nath of Hearts meet? I just love this couple so much-
Once Upon A Time…
On the night of a crescent moon, shaped like the smile of the Cheshire Cat, in the magical and quite odd, yet wonderous kingdom of Wonderland, the King and Queen of Hearts were blessed with a darling young Prince they named, Nathaniel. They showered their son with so much love and affection, doted on him every few seconds, and yet… Their praise and adoration for the young Prince of Hearts didn’t have the effect they expected.
Whenever given a knife at dinner, he’d nearly stabbed one of the servers. The Card Guards swore they had seen a gleeful look in his eyes when the King mentioned executing a traitor. The most gruesome of jokes only seemed to get a laugh out of the redhead.
The King and Queen were in denial for so long. They knew Nathaniel could be a bit of a wild card, but they were certain he’d grow out of it. He’d be their sweet Prince of Hearts, learn how to run the Kingdom when the time came, and stop treating the croquet hedgehogs better than he treats others.
Thirteen years had passed. Nathaniel’s violent tendencies have not vanished, and the King and Queen could no longer deny that. What had been concerning them the most lately was their son’s recent fascination with weapons, specifically swords, axes, and daggers. He would never go anywhere without his favorite dagger, explaining, “I would lose the element of surprise if I had an ax or sword strapped to my back, now wouldn’t I?”
The Kingdom was growing wary. They refused to have such a… A mad young man grow up to become their King. And yet, no one dared to speak out against the Prince of Hearts, not unless they would like to feel the cool steel of his dagger pressed against their necks. The King and Queen of Hearts also dreaded the day he would come of age and rise to power, most likely ruling Wonderland with an iron fist and executing all those who defied his rules, all 613 of what he had already written so far. They aren’t sure what more they can do at this point. Nothing could calm Nathaniel down apart from Tea Time and when he spent time with the hedgehogs. And even those weren’t enough to cool his infamous temper.
But, the more they thought it over, the King and Queen of Hearts wondered if maybe, just maybe, if instead of something, their Prince needed someone to quell his behavior. All it would take was the right connection with another young Royal or anyone really to divert his attention towards… Other interests.
With that in mind, a ball was thrown. All eligible Royals around the age of the Prince of Hearts were in attendance, yet, none were willing to even make eye contact with the dreaded Mad Prince of Wonderland. It would appear that the rumors spread to other Kingdoms, not that Nathaniel cared. The thought of ever co-ruling his future Kingdom sickened him. He’s not one to compromise. All ways are his way, and it will stay that way.
When his parents informed him prior to the ball that they would be finding suitors for him, Nathaniel wanted nothing more than to finally have their heads in his grasp. While they have done so much for him over the years, it was about time for a new ruler to take control of Wonderland and command the respect of all. But, he couldn’t exactly become King until he turned eighteen or his parents died. And he refused to wait five more years. But it just never seemed like the right moment to behead them. Usurping the throne was a fine reason, but he craved more than that. He was just unsure of what, but it needed to be the reason that really drove him to behead those kindhearted fools.
Having grown bored of the ball, the Prince of Hearts was about to make his way into the rose garden when his parents called him over. He scowled at the sight of their delighted faces. What could they possibly be so thrilled about? And then he saw… Him. The sickingly sweet Prince of a neighboring Kingdom, Emani White. Unlike the rest of the cowardly royals, he was not deterred by the behavior of the Prince of Hearts and believed he was… Kind deep down. Well, if the guards hadn’t confiscated his dagger, he would have beheaded the fool then and there. And if not for acting so familiar and having the audacity to rest a hand on his shoulder, then for attracting those verminous doves with that high-pitched warbling.
If the King and Queen of Hearts believed such a miserable excuse for a Prince would deter him from succeeding them before he turned eighteen, then they were positively… Mad. But, he enjoyed a game or two, so he played along, whisked the ditzy young Prince away into the hedge maze, and allowed his parents to believe Emani could be the one to “calm his temper.”
How he regretted it when the damned Prince just would not shut up about the forest, his animal friends, the dwarves he had met, or his step-cousin! Still, Nathaniel remained cordial and resisted every urge in his body to strangle Emani. After all, killing someone with your bare hands is simply uncouth and barbaric, and he would not stoop to such levels, no matter how much Emani irritated him.
However, it seemed he would consider when the heathen dared to pick up and hold one of his hedgehogs. Everyone in the Kingdom knew Rule #47: Never hold a hedgehog belonging to the Prince of Hearts. Well, all but Emani. But, Nathaniel was more than happy to teach him the consequences of such a felony. He ripped one of the vines off of the hedges and checked to make sure it was sturdy. Before he could go through with his act, though, a lone figure emerged from the shadows and sent a chill down Emani's spine. The coward backed away as the figure made themself known under the glow of the moonlight. Nathaniel felt his heart stop. There, standing before him had to be the most breathtaking vision of beauty to ever grace his Kingdom.
His eyes were a toxic green and his lips were painted a beautiful blood-red.
So stupefied, the Prince of Hearts didn't flinch when the newcomer whipped out a dagger. He stalked toward Emani White with a sinister smile. "Emani," he crooned. "My dear, naive cousin; I believe I instructed you not to leave my sight."
Emani murmured several apologies, but the green-eyed newcomer only held the dagger closer to him. "Off you go, now," he said as if speaking to a child. "We will discuss your punishment afterward."
"Y... Yes, Marc; I apologize." Setting the hedgehog down, Emani scurries out of the hedge maze. Though, the Prince of Hearts is certain it will be hours before he finds his way out. Immediately, he turns his attention to... Marc, and once again finds himself captivated by his poison green eyes. He wanted him and only him, and not one of those pathetic excuses for royals his parents had lined up for him.
All he wanted was his Poison Prince. And he'll have him by any means necessary...
The End
@msweebyness @imsparky2002
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box-architecture · 9 months
"Well aren't you pretty like this," Philza laughed, lifting a leg and throwing it over his shoulder. Dream squirmed on the forest floor, trying to recover his breath.
"You're- what?"
"I was hoping the signals I was sending were getting through," Philza half sighed, half grumbled. "but I s'pose we're not quite at that level of synced yet."
Dream sputtered as Philza leaned forward- bending his leg in a incredibly revealing position, oh god- to plant a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.
"That should probably make my intentions clear." He smiled.
Philza compliments him and cuddles him and sighs each time he sinks a little deeper on Dream’s cock, while Dream is torn between gripping his hips and the grass beneath him.
I think Philza is used to being around people he knows and understands so well that they can just Move and Say A Word and he'll understand, and he struggles with Starting At The Beginning Again with Dream, trying to memorize his ticks and movements and what every little tone means.
And Dream can predict people like a master until it has anything to do with affection towards him, because surely it doesn't mean that much to other people, every touch every kiss every little piece of softness. It's At Dream but not For Dream. And now it's for Him and he can't even recognize it.
Philza is desperately trying to flirt with a man who no longer Sees It
And it fucks them over a couple of times because Philza has a habit of making assumptions in the beginning that Dream gets that Philza is trying for a relationship and not as a server powerplay, not as a way to let off steam, not because he's bored and not because of any other reason Dream could possibly come up with.
But only a couple of times. Philza is a quick learner and he's studying Dream, he won't make the same mistakes twice if he can help it.
Dream melts so easily when Philza covers him with his wings. Can be coaxed to set the mask down and just lie down in bed for cuddles, cooling tea on the end table
When Dream can finally bring himself around to the idea that maybe this is a relationship and not a powerplay, he becomes more comfortable with PDA, cracking jokes at Philza’s height, his age, his ridiculousness. Philza takes the entire thing with delight.
More openness, more flirting, more Dream telling Philza about how he became an admin and flushing because "It's probably not as interesting as it was for you" but Philza brushes a wing down his side and looks enthralled, urging him to continue. He wants to know everything about Dream.
And eventually Dream, before prison, says "we have to not see each other anymore," and of course Philza, who has carefully put to memory every tell Dream has ever shown, pries out even just the vaguest hint of the plan and says Absolutely Not I'm Digging My Claws Into You And Never Letting Go
And he succeeds for maybe a Week before Dream goes out And Does It Anyway
With a note to please respect his wishes, he promises that it isn't a big deal and that everything is better like this
And Philza, who killed his son because Wilbur Asked, listens. He begrudgingly listens. He is the most grumpy about it. Techno makes fun of him for it.
And this is fine up until he learns that Dream's been imprisoned and Technos visit ends up happening Super Early because Philza said he wouldn't interfere but that doesn't mean he isn't going to be underhanded and find every loophole he can
So Dream gets broken out before Quackity Torture. Because Sam was still cutting his meals and abusing him and Philza has a Syndicate he can politely ask to do his dirty work for him.
Philza is going to scold him and then fuck him senseless while Dream argues the whole damn way. Dream is being bent over a table and fucked sideways. He has come twice. Philza has left claw marks in the table to prevent leaving them in Dream while Dream is still healing.
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lupgangs-fiat · 2 years
May I politely ask for the lupin the gang and zenigata celebrating readers birthday?
One for all of them platonically,
And then maybe individually for their partners?
Celebrating your b-day with the lupgang and the inspectors!! :]
I’ll probably write one for them all platonically at a later date! I didn’t want this one getting any longer than it already was lmAO
-WILL GO ALL OUT!! It’s your special day and he’s going to spoil you
-Breakfast in bed! Makes the best kinds of food he can for you!! Although he did eat some of it while cooking- so if you’re missing a croissant or your strawberries are missing, he ate them
-croissant with chocolate, your favourite expensive tea that is usually reserved for special occasions, crepes with all your favourite fillings/toppings
-he 100% begged Goemon and Jigen to help make your breakfast. They gave in when he busted out The Puppy Dog Eyes.
-spoils you with his riches from heists
-buys you that super special something you had been eyeing for a while but never got it for whatever reason
-he wants to take you everywhere, just glad to be with you and probably takes you to a special place to show you the best view of the city you’re in or somewhere to see the landscape
-fancy dinner!! Zenigata is actually the server, Lupin ‘bribed’ him to help out on your special day :)
-he’s really really REALLY cheesy about it, pulls out your chair for you, jokes about the wine (“mhm.. I’m quite sure this is… *swirls wine and smells it* yup, this is wine!) because he wants to make you smile and laugh :)
-pretty chill about your bday
-but that’s what he WANTS you to think
-he actually wants to spoil you but doesn’t want to overwhelm you because y’know, he likes being mellow
-so you’ll get nice surprises throughout the day!
-‘simple’ breakfast in bed, he made you cinnamon rolls, fresh cut fruit and hand squeezed orange juice
-chocolates and roses :)
-y’all probably nap on the couch together !!! And it’s sweet !!! [[Fujiko took a picture of it, prepare to be teased by Lupin and Fujiko]]
-Jigen drives you everywhere on your bday, he’s your personal chauffeur
-he takes you out to a really fancy dinner and makes sure his tie matches your outfit
-but if you’d prefer a picnic or something, he will gladly get the food and take you to a park to have a picnic on the hill at sunset in your fancy clothes
-dancing!! on the grass together!!
-he makes the BEST breakfast in bed
-like MAN!!! This is a five star meal in your bed served by ‘the coolest samurai you know’ (he knows he’s the only samurai you know but he appreciates the sentiment)
-omurice, orange juice, grilled fish, miso soup and pickled radishes (if you don’t want the radishes, he will happily sit with you and eat them)
-museum date? Museum date.
-would mostly just follow you around in the museum, holding hands ofc, as he admires you rather than the history and art around him
-he definitely carves a little statue of your favourite animal with his zantetsuken
-which he is delighted to show you because he had been practicing to carve the perfect little figurine for you
-when the sun starts setting, he starts getting visibly excited because that means it’s dinner time!
-the two of you go on a quick lil hike, one you haven’t been on before
-you end up near a stunning waterfall and small pond where Goemon has a small dinner laid out on a picnic blanket with little lanterns to light the place up :)
-picnic dinner under the stars as he points out constellations and tells you the stories behind them all
-literally the queen of planning when it comes to your birthday
-prepare to be spoiled and teased all day because there’s no escape from Fujiko’s plans for you
-wakes you up by throwing a pillow at you and pulling you out of bed to get the day started
-she will do your make up regardless of your gender. Heavy makeup? She’s got ya. Light makeup? You bet! You’re going to look STUNNING no matter what and it’s gonna be fantastic
-shopping spree [she paid for it by stealing some of Lupin’s heist money]
-she makes you try on outfits she puts together just for you and she made some SNAZZY outfits for you, like she tailored them all to your style and preferences
-after shopping and dropping off the spoils of your mall victory, she takes you on a motorcycle ride around the city and the outskirts of town
-Spa!!! Day!!! She’s gonna take you to this spa that’s low key unheard of BUT it’s one of the best spas that she knows
-wine and champagne over a fancy dinner and a show is how the night ends
-since he’s almost always awake before you, breakfast in bed was a breeze
-which is what he WANTED to say.
-buuuttttt he kinda burnt the toast… and the eggs, and the bacon- but he means well!!! He just got distracted and then panicked when the first try of toast caught on fire
-wants to be very gentlemanly for you!! Extra effort to open/hold doors for you, carrying your bag at work, pulling out chairs, the whole kit n kaboodle
-probably the kind of guy to make a show of it being your b-day!! Makes you wear the silly birthday hat and little streamer poppers!! You and Zeni will have confetti in your hair for days
-he makes sure you have a lighter workload at work so that you can have a more chill day :)
-tries to make your Cup Ramen fancier when he makes a snack for the two of you and draws a smiley face on the lid to make you smile
-leaves little snacks and a cute/silly note for you when he has to leave to do something
-the two of you go on a nice long drive when the end of the day nears. It’s simple, but it’s one of his favourite past times
-intended on making you breakfast in bed but forgot to get up early enough to do that. Instead, he’s still wrapped around you in bed as the big spoon, still snoozing away with you
-he leaves little post it notes all over the place for you to find, each has little hearts or smiley faces doodled into the corners
-gets you your fave flowers and plenty of chocolates, leaves them on your desk as a surprise at work
-can and WILL run around with you on his back to make you laugh
-[he did it at work, got lightly scolded but Zenigata thought it was sweet and funny]
-dancing!!! in the kitchen!!! while he makes you a birthday cake!!!
-you both may or may not have flour handprints all over each other (you do. You both do. So many silly hand prints.)
-he’s definitely not the kind of guy to be super fancy in general but he puts extra effort in to be a bit fancier for your b-day
-makes you lunch and dinner :) he makes a really cute bento box lunch and one of the best dinners you’ve ever had
-definitely got you a stuffed animal that reminded him of you!!
-at the end of the day, you both end up falling asleep on the couch together under a blanket as the TV continues to play some show or movie
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bluiex · 1 year
i put it in google docs to check the word count it’s a bit over 1000 words so that’s fun, but without further ado, i present:
funny things i have read in smut:
“Then he hit the bundle of nerves that fanfic readers are all too familiar with.”
“Luckily he is also a slippery motherfucker.”
“inexperienced in the art of giving giant people hand jobs.”
“Getting cock blocked my a church!”
“I’m not a food (name)”
“unsure why (name) was treating him like he was at the dentist”
“Also when they arrived (name) threw a plushie at them, hitting (name) square in the face.”
“I-uh I wh-uhm I”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!”
“(name) smiled “sure just don’t kill me””
“(name) would probably just scold them and then offer some advice and (name) would probably just laugh and offer to punch (name)’s stomach or some bullshit. “
“She then sauntered her way back to the over-eager man laying in an idiotic position on the bed, probably trying to be mock-seductive.”
“"What? Don't you like what you see?"”
“he let out a shaky breath and stood up straight(gay)”
“(name) finds out where all the missing orphans went, and no, it’s not Technoblade.”
“(very unimaginative for a nonhuman, what were his parents thinking?)”
“it was at that moment that (name) had internally asked himself three questions: am I really considering sex with a dragon? Is this really what my life has come to? Dragon fucking?”
“" Sorry gang I have to take the fattest piss in the whole year."”
“"I just don't think you are gonna be screaming pickles in the middle of fucking-"”
“Angry at (name) for even having the audacity to be alive and breathing.”
““Look, I’m your chambermaid not your chambertherapist,””
““I saw a man purchasing cocaine from another man.” He mentioned offhandedly.”
“"Fuck you" he responded, lowering himself to lay on the monsters chest and stomach.
'That's what your doing'”
“Author: Am eating cucumber”
“(name” smirked with delight, reaching down to poke at his cloaca”
“he got so many new experiences (yes, even beans on toast)”
“”did you just.. call me dude in a romantic way?”
““Were you expecting me to say ‘it’s dishonourable to attack when not ready!’?””
“(names) hands are shaking so much that he might actually shoot one of them in the foot. Which would seriously kill the mood.”
“Is he not also deserving of being a sexy pirate with huge tits?”
“He doesn’t know what he’ll do if (name) pulls away and starts talking again. Cry, probably.”
“sorry i was possessed by an evil spirit called homosexuality writing this”
“im normal *paces around my cage*”
“i need to fuck this himbo.”
“am I saying that gay sex is the solution to relationship problems? Absolutel- *dies*”
“and precisely nothing changes between Pearl and Scott.”
“the real fantasy here is having a shower that's big enough for more than one person lmao”
“not like he was thinking of boneing (name) or (name) anytime soon.”
“(name) has eaten (name) out (wow that's really a sentence I just typed)”
“Tea anon *shakes you like a maraca*”
“because holy hell (name) has got to have some absolutely incredible thighs”
“I know that we all universally agree that (name) has the biggest dick on the server”
“I just think they should fuck and it would solve all their problems. Or make them worse, but at least they’d have fucked <3”
““tiddies plz? May I have a face full of them?””
“(especially after he's been fucked into the next century by her-)”
“When he is satisfyied and (name) is a right mess and a little hard- (name) just leaves lmao”
“You have my utmost respect and love person who suggested it I will give you a handshake”
“Hi I have a headache the size of Texas but that doesn’t stop the Headcanons from plaguing me like visions.”
“(name) just walkin around butt ass naked, dick out :sobs: /pos”
“getting the fucked and bred into the next century-“
“"he's a fucking dumbass jesus christ i want to bear his children"”
“(name) lingered, because he was a simple man, and couldn’t turn down a chance to look at (name)’s ass. In his defence, it was not a bad choice. Man.”
“Not that burying his face in (name)’s tits was a bad time,”
“(name) slurred out a grumbling complaint, so far from any word that (name) was almost impressed.”
“(name), I am going to set you on fire, please.”
“(name) raised his eyebrows at (name)’ choice to not wear underwear. The man was truly feral sometimes.”
“This goes even harder (hehe)”
“Why do school work when imaginary men can fuck in our heads *gets run over*”
“Unfortunately, it covered all of (name)’s actual ass,”
“his eyes relaxing and focusing in on the much nicer view of (name)’s chest.”
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?””
“little panting sounds as he tried to remember how to breathe.”
“He needed to scream into a pillow, like, now. And then do other things with that pillow”
“She could talk to him however the fuck she wanted after riding him like that.”
“And my god if anyone saw his back they'd think he got attacked by a bear or something “
“(name)’s sense of time is a little – hah! – fucked right now.”
“resisted that dang mouth”
“(name) has two tits!”
“a worker is giving him a weird look for clearly having boner while staring at some bell peppers.”
“He really was a friend shaped nugget”
““If it's not a booty call I'm not interested,” “
“(name) bussy canonically has the power to unlock peoples closeted inner fruit”
“the glass was so fragile that gay sex was enough to shatter it”
“just waiting for (name) to calm down. (name) also waits for (name) to calm down.”
“and enjoy the ride””
“nor does (name) actually get off on being commanded to fuck. (well, he might. i've never asked.)”
““I’m at a vulnerable time in my species transition and you’re making sex slave jokes?””
““Well, stop being horny for five seconds and let me finish explaining.””
“Gotta have a weird gay thing going with at least one of your friends at all times.””
““Oh no, your dick is broken! I’m prescribing you blow jobs~””
“trying to look calm and collected. like a cucumber.”
“giving it the sloppiest toppy he could in his state.”
“Breed! Breed! Breed! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I felt that. LOL
““Are you saying that to me, or my boobs?”” FAVE FAVE FAVE
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quinloki · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 3: Sand Trap
"Ah... no, it's f-fine." Your face goes red, and your body tries to disappear in on itself.
There's an amused note in his voice when he speaks. "It seems sixty days of conversation is evaporating right before my eyes."
You flinch, feeling guilty. "Sorry! Sorry, I uh..." You cover your face with your hands. "Of all the statistical possibilities, I wasn't prepared for this."
He chuckles, it's a warm sound that seems to stay in his chest. "Understandably. I do hope you'll decide to stay, at least."
"I... yes." You relax. You'd been having really great conversations with him for the last two months, and it wouldn't be fair to just leave.
More pointedly, would you survive, if you just walked out on a Freakin' WARLORD?!
"Try not to think of me as your boss, Miss?"
"My boss' boss' boss." You correct, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. "And it's (Y/N). (Y/N)(L/N), uh... sir."
"If you're not comfortable saying my name in public, you can call me Sunawani." He offers, picking up a menu and looking it over.
"Mmhm. It's just a different language from what's used in the Metro." He clarifies, looking up from the menu to glance at you. "What do you think?"
"Uh, I think I can use that more easily." You admit, grabbing a menu as well, and unproductively reading over it. The words on the menu swim around with one another and nothing makes sense to you. Your nerves are killing you. When you had started talking with him over the website you had assumed that he had like, something physically wrong with him. It was a terrible assumption to make, but he was educated, and charismatic and understanding in every word that had come across your screen.
You hadn't figured the reason behind him having a hard time finding someone trustworthy was because he was a FREAKING HOT SUCCESSFUL WARLORD. You never mentioned the Underground while you had spoken, you hadn't even shared opinions on marines or the government.
Oh no how were you going to tell Alvida? What were you going to tell Buggy! Wait, why did you need to tell anyone anything? You got stood up. Plain and simple. This never happened. It was a delightful afternoon, and the food was really good, you could recommend the café, but that was it.
Your decision helped you refocus on the menu, and you were finally starting to sort out what was being offered.
Shortly after, Vivi came over and introduced herself.
"I'm Vivi, I'll be your server today." She says cheerfully. You could tell she was happy for you. "Have you decided what you'll have today, or do you need a few more minutes?"
"I know what I'd like, but I think my companion may need a few more moments." Crocodile offers, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Oh, uh, no – no, I can sort out what I want by the time you're done ordering." You assure him. Please gods just get the food out here and give you something to distract yourself with.
"Very well. I'll have the flank steak and eggs then. Medium rare, eggs sunny side up, and I believe your house blend coffee to drink." His voice drifts around almost lazily. There was no CEO or Warlord sitting across from you, but a half-asleep man who was probably missing his cigar. If you were half as relaxed as he sounded you'd be in a coma.
"And you, miss?" Vivi prompts after a moment.
"You know, what he ordered sounds delicious. I'll have the same, but uh, maybe some green tea instead of coffee."
"Same prep for the steak and eggs?"
"Oh yes, thank you."
Vivi takes your menus and excuses herself. You look around the table, wanting something to materialize in front of you so you could focus on it. The golden amber gaze from the other side of the table was drilling a hole into your soul, and he wasn't even staring rudely.
"If you can tell me what has you so nervous, Miss (Y/N), I can help alleviate it." He assures you coolly. His tone of voice and cadence make you feel like you could admit that you know he's a warlord and he wouldn't be at all bothered by it.
You laugh nervously, open your mouth a couple times only to close it. Putting your hand over your mouth and take in a breath, and when you finally speak you, voice is very small. "I did not expect you to be hot." You finally manage, looking up from between your fingers. He has the same relaxed, near-sleepy look on his face that you had seen earlier, but now with a slight smile tugging at his lips; which only makes him look better.
"Second to that I am worried about how this impacts work." You admit, after he doesn't say anything to your first point. "I've never dated a coworker, let alone..."
"Your boss' boss' boss."
"Yeah, that." Your face is pink, and you can feel the heat in your ears.
"I sense a third point," he says softly, catching your gaze for a moment.
"Ah... yeah, I'd rather not say yet." You admit honestly.
His eyes seem to search you for a moment, despite their half-lidded and relaxed appearance you feel like they're fully focused.
"Well, working two out of three concerns should be enough to start." He acquiesces after a moment's consideration. "Thank you for your compliment earlier."
"Compliment? Oh, yeah, you're welcome." You keep trying to will your face from turning any redder.
Vivi comes by with your drinks and sets them down with a smile. You're glad to have something to distract yourself with and cup your cup of green tea between your hands like it could save you.
"Food will be just a few more minutes." She assures you both and sets down glasses of ice water to go with your warm drinks.
"Thank you," Crocodile says, his eyes still on you and you just nod, not sure you can trust your voice right now.
"Would this be easier for you if I were ugly?" He questions, amusement just under the surface of his smooth voice after Vivi leaves.
You nearly choke on your tea.
"Nnngh, yes maybe?" You laugh a little at yourself, feeling some of the tension ease. "If you were like... normal levels of, uh, looking." You falter, not wanting to add a qualifier that would just be another way of calling him hot. "That would, uh, help."
"Perhaps I shouldn't have tried to cover up my scar." He muses.
It's a trap, and you walk right into it. "I've seen your scar; it just makes it worse."
"Yeah, it, uh..." You flush brightly, realizing what you've muttered yourself into, trying to disappear into your teacup. "Makes... you... look... hotter."
You chug the rest of your tea, trying to ignore the very pointed, very pleased, gaze across the table from you. With the teacup empty you reach for one of the glasses of water.
Phrasing! Yes! Dammit! Thoughts rush through your head and you stop yourself mid-move to take a drink.
"Ah, sorry." You say, not really sure what exactly you're apologizing for.
"You have nothing to apologize for, if anything I should apologize for teasing you." He admits, a sly smile pulling at his lips. "But you seem to have relaxed a little."
You sigh a little, since you can't argue, "Just... ah, if you could assure me... promise, maybe?"
"Nothing that happens between us will negatively effect your job." He states easily.
"Or positively." You prompt.
That one eyebrow goes up again as he takes a sip of coffee. "Naïve, but admiral. Very well, neither positive nor negative impacts at work due to whatever may happen between us, I promise."
You release a breath you didn't realize you were holding, and your shoulders relax. Vivi arrives with your lunches and gets you a refill of green tea. Conversation tapers off a little as you eat, but the food and the tea were helping you relax the rest of the way. Granted, most of your relaxation came from knowing you weren't going to lose your job if this was the last date you shared with him.
Point three was kind of big, and you weren't sure if it was safe to even admit to it. He seemed sure he could smooth over any of your concerns, but Warlord was a bit larger than anything else. You couldn't imagine he'd walk away from that life for you, and you were certain you couldn't live within that life without dying to the stress. Assuming you survived long enough to die to something as gentle as stress.
The conversation afterward was casual and easy. Crocodile seemed more awake after some coffee, and while he still looked sleepy and relaxed, there was more energy in his words.
"I would like to continue doing this," the words slip from him before you can muster up the courage to thank him for his time and leave. His fingers brush against yours, and you couldn't move your hand away. Warm, large fingers slip over yours with more confidence and he's practically holding your hand when he speaks again. "I can promise you discretion, Miss (Y/N). I simply don't wish to let every joy you've brought me the last couple of months crumble to dust so easily."
That guilty feeling throbs within you again. It's obvious that someone in his situation would find it hard to connect with anyone the way you two had the last two months. The man you knew from the last two months was kind, attentive, intelligent, and even tempered. He was a good person, even if things had caused him to live in a way that was, admittedly, kind of terrifying to you.
Warlords were at least backed by the Government. They had been assigned specifically to create a barrier around the growing territories of the Emperors, allowing the government to press the four emperors from both sides. The well defended holy zone in the middle of the Metro, and the sprawling rural and suburban areas beyond the Warlords' territory. The Emperors, stuck between the two, had to follow certain rules if they wanted to continue to receive supplies.
It was an uneasy balance of power between the three groups.
"No one would know." You say softly.
"No one."
"I just... I don't want to see my picture in the paper without warning." Your excuse is a little weak, but no less true.
"No picture would make it to print." He promises, and there's a dark and nearly terrifying weight to that promise.
You chew the bottom of your lip lightly, trying to decide. He tightens his grip on your hand just a little, lifting it up and kissing one of your fingers gently. Your face flushes, and your mind is already trying to decide what his kisses must feel like.
"Once more, just decide that for now. You can think on things between now and the next occasion. I can promise you won't regret doing this once more."
Once more. Once more couldn't hurt. Once more, maybe even twice more. Enough to assuage your own guilt, maybe even get over your own fears. Once more. Just enough time to learn what that forbidden kiss tastes like. Once more. Enough time to know what this warm hand feels like, brushing across skin more needy than a few fingers.
"Once more." You agree, your face flushing to your ears, you pull your hand back and his expression falters just ever so slightly. "P-perhaps twice." You admit softly, and see a soft sly smile curl at the edges of his lips.
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Heya, Ri! Could I request something fluffy for the BTAS Hatter hedge maze date? I can’t stop thinking about it after the conversation in the server. :’D
Hope you’re having a lovely day! 💚
A/N: AAAAHHHHH YES YOU ABSOLUTELY CAN. I’ve been so excited to get a request from you hehe, if that’s not too weird to say lmao. I love doing requests for my mutuals and I’ve always wanted to fulfill a request for you! And for it to be such an adorable idea…I couldn’t say no…omg this is so cute, I haven’t stopped thinking about the scenario in my head either lmao (also this is a x reader, but like Jervis mostly refers to y'all as March Hare, more so in spirit of Marchie hehehe but it still works!)
Also, also still working on header stuff don’t mind me rip, but I am still stupid proud of this screengrab I took of Jervis from that character shot in The Worry Men episode.
Trigger Warnings: just an obtuse amount of fluffy sweetness
Word Count: 1.6 k
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BTAS Mad Hatter x Reader - Maze Date Craze
There truly was never a dull moment with Jervis. 
Even if you too fancy a night in and some reading or watching a film, he somehow still managed to make you laugh until your sides hurt or he made you think somehow outside of the box.
The same especially went for dates when you were out on the town. 
“Where are you taking me, Jervis?” You giggled, confused but excited all the same. 
“It’s a surprise, my dear. You’ll know what it is soon enough.” He chuckled at your enthusiasm. 
You looked up as you two passed the opened gates to Gotham City Gardens. You gasped when you two approached the entrance to a large hedge maze. 
“I-Is…is this a maze?” 
“Indeed it is. Would you like to uhh…perhaps explore it with me?” He took off his hat and slightly bowed to the side, allowing you to enter first. 
You beamed happily, always ever the gentleman. You hooked your arm through the one that was tucked behind him and slightly dragged him with you through the maze opening. 
“I’d love nothing more, Jervis! Let’s do it!” 
You don’t think you could ever do a maze by yourself. You could maybe count on one hand a few people you could depend on to complete a maze with. 
One of the main people being Jervis, but then again, you wished you could spend every and any waking moment with him anyway. Aside from just that, he was the best with these whimsical mazes and puzzles. They always sort of spoke to him in a way…especially to a certain theme.
"Oh Jervis, this is perfect, it's like the maze was made for us! It's designed like Wonderland!" 
It truly was Wonderland inspired. Every now and then down a certain passage there were portraits of iconic Wonderland characters. 
Alice, Queen of Hearts, the Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Walrus, and Carpenter…
"Look, it's you!" You giggled.
The iconic pencil illustration of the Mad Tea Party was displayed in front of you. Your finger pointed at the Mad Hatter on the far right. 
Jervis came up behind you and smiled warmly. He put his hands on your shoulders and leaned his head down beside your ear. He pointed over to the March Hare. 
"And there's you, darling." 
You snuggled your head closer to his as you giggled in delight. 
"Although, I must say," you grabbed his hands and turned around to face him. 
You pulled him in closer to you, hands strongly clasped together. Your faces were inches apart. You leaned in close, pressing your nose against Jervis'. 
"My Hatter is far more handsome." You sealed the compliment by softly rubbing your nose side to side against his; a bunny kiss. 
Jervis didn't think he could ever fall in love with you more, but yet you continue to make him fall deeper and deeper, time and time again. 
He absolutely adored you, and he hoped he was able to show it every day…and especially today. 
You two continued through the maze hand in hand. Along with portraits and decorations of Wonderland strewn about. There were also little cards that stood out from the hedges.
"I don't recall collecting things as part of mazes…" You pondered as you looked at the card. They felt oddly thicker than most cards but you figured it was to make them last through the environs. 
"Well perhaps this isn't an ordinary maze…we should collect more of them," Jervis suggested and you ultimately agreed.
It'd be a neat little momento if anything else. 
Jervis helped hold the cards for you in his suit jacket pocket for the meantime. Your hands should be busy holding his hand anyway.
You were adamantly by Jervis' side as you depended on him to reach the end. However, after a couple twists and turns you couldn't help but feel certain plants and bushes looked oddly familiar. 
"Yes, darling?" 
"I feel like we're going in circles…?" 
"Huh, really?"
"Yes…I…I recognize that red rose bush…and that broken hole in the bush.." You look up at him. 
Jervis was sheepishly looking off to the side. Eyes moving every which way but at you.
"Jervis..have you been taking us around in circles?" You asked lightheartedly. 
He bit his lip slightly, before ultimately sighing. "I'm afraid so, darling." He chuckled embarrassingly. 
"But why?" You asked, more confused than upset. 
He hummed. "I am guilty of slightly leading us astray but…only because I just…" his face started getting redder now. 
You put your hand on his warm cheek, bringing his eyes to look at your own. You smile up at him but don't say anything, silently encouraging him to continue. 
"...I just wanted to spend more time with you alone…lost and alone with you…holding my hand." He muttered his confession. 
Your heart skipped a beat, as if this man couldn't be anymore endearing. 
"You could've just told me, Jervis! I would love to stroll through the maze with you." You smiled sweetly as you tightened your arms around him. 
"Oh, if it were up to me it would never end, but there is another…surprise to come for you at the end…"
"But Jervis this maze was a lovely surprise enough…how can there be more?" 
He grabbed your hand that was on his face and kissed the palm of it. "There's always a possibility for more when it comes to you, my love." 
This time when Jervis took your hand and took the lead, you actually started making headway. 
This made you realize something else…
“Wait, Jervis!” 
You knew he was good at these kinds of puzzles, but not…not this good. 
“All will make sense soon, my beloved. Just follow me!” 
Curiouser and curiouser. 
You continued to follow him until you finally reached the end. When the two of you exited the maze, you noticed a quaint little round table with a red cloth over it. On the table a teapot, saucers, cups, and tiny finger delicacies were strewn about. The table was set for two. 
“Y-You did all of this, Jervis? H-How? When?” You slowly approached the table, almost uncertain whether or not to disturb the beautiful set-up. 
Jervis followed closely behind you as you took it all in. “I did…well with some…uhh…outside assistance.”
Surely mind control for non-illegal purposes wasn’t a crime? 
Jervis quickly went around you, and pulled out one of the seats for you to take a seat. You gratefully accepted as you still tried to wrap your mind around this revelation. 
“So…the maze, the pictures…and the cards..”
“Oh yes,” he got down on one knee in front of you and handed the cards to you. “They’re envelopes, open them…”
That explains their weird thickness.
You gasped when you opened the first card, you were close to tears as you kept opening the next few. They were all pictures either of you or you and Jervis together. Smiling, kissing, laughing, you remember the exact moment each of these was taken.
“Oh my goodness, Jervis…this is the sweetest—” 
You put the pictures down on the table to embrace him, but you were speechless at what you saw next. 
Sitting there in his palm, was a diamond ring. 
You tried to gulp down the nerves and the tears that were starting to rise. “J-Jervis…”
He chuckled sheepishly, removing his top hat. “A-All my life, I’ve been waiting for someone…to love me for me. For the longest time I thought I was incapable of finding that someone…that like Wonderland…it was all a hopeless fantasy…” 
The tears began to slowly creep out from your eyelids, as your hand covered your mouth, taking in every word he said, waiting for your moment to answer him. 
“...but I found you, and I’m so grateful every day that I get to spend another day with you. Every day I get to love you, my darling March Hare, is a day I believe more and more that my Wonderland doesn’t have to be a fantasy…it can be a reality but only if you’re in it…will you join me? W-Will you marry me?” 
“Yes! Yes, Jervis yes!” You hoped he made out your answer in between your excited squealing. You jumped out of your seat and embraced him tightly as you knocked him off his knees. 
Jervis laughed fullheartedly, as he wrapped his arms around you. He took a deep sigh of relief, although he knew deep down you wouldn’t say no…he was always aware of that possibility. 
Even when you let up on your embrace, it wasn’t enough. You were so overcome with love and affection for him, you weren’t sure what action to do next. Jervis took the moment of pause to slip the ring onto your finger. 
You looked down on it and smiled widely. “It’s perfect…” You looked back up at Jervis. “You’re perfect, Jervis…this was…I-I can’t even begin to describe it all…” 
Jervis kissed your temple. “You don’t need to say anything, beloved. Your reactions speak louder than any words. And your darling smile is worth more than any compliment.” 
Jervis propped himself up off the ground, but not without offering your hand up as well. You happily took his hand, but not without grabbing his top hat as well for your ascension.
You gently placed the hat back on his head, tentatively turning it backwards and forwards, left and right to make sure it was back in it’s proper place. He chuckled softly as he grabbed your hands back down in front of his face and kissed along your knuckles. 
You giggled at the sensation as you leaned your face closer to his. He met your face halfway as your lips finally met in a deep sweet kiss. 
After years of lonesome solitude, and almost giving up on the possibility…The Mad Hatter had finally found his March Hare. 
Wonderland was no longer just a fleeting fantasy, it was a glorious, loving, and sweet reality for the both of you.  
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sir-sunawani · 1 year
Fem Reader x Sir Crocodile
20 Chapters - 46,838 words
Read it on Ao3 or Wattpad
CW: Language, violence, blood, moral ambiguity, murder, sexual themes and situations, yandere, angst with a happy ending, a referenced instance of physical abuse. 18+ only
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Chapter 3: Sand Trap
"Ah... no, it's f-fine." Your face goes red, and your body tries to disappear in on itself.
There's an amused note in his voice when he speaks. "It seems sixty days of conversation is evaporating right before my eyes."
You flinch, feeling guilty. "Sorry! Sorry, I uh..." You cover your face with your hands. "Of all the statistical possibilities, I wasn't prepared for this."
He chuckles, it's a warm sound that seems to stay in his chest. "Understandably. I do hope you'll decide to stay, at least."
"I... yes." You relax. You'd been having really great conversations with him for the last two months, and it wouldn't be fair to just leave.
More pointedly, would you survive, if you just walked out on a Freakin' WARLORD?!
"Try not to think of me as your boss, Miss?"
"My boss' boss' boss." You correct, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. "And it's (Y/N). (Y/N)(L/N), uh... sir."
"If you're not comfortable saying my name in public, you can call me Sunawani." He offers, picking up a menu and looking it over.
"Mmhm. It's just a different language from what's used in the Metro." He clarifies, looking up from the menu to glance at you. "What do you think?"
"Uh, I think I can use that more easily." You admit, grabbing a menu as well, and unproductively reading over it. The words on the menu swim around with one another and nothing makes sense to you. Your nerves are killing you. When you had started talking with him over the website you had assumed that he had like, something physically wrong with him. It was a terrible assumption to make, but he was educated, and charismatic and understanding in every word that had come across your screen.
You hadn't figured the reason behind him having a hard time finding someone trustworthy was because he was a FREAKING HOT SUCCESSFUL WARLORD. You never mentioned the Underground while you had spoken, you hadn't even shared opinions on marines or the government.
Oh no how were you going to tell Alvida? What were you going to tell Buggy! Wait, why did you need to tell anyone anything? You got stood up. Plain and simple. This never happened. It was a delightful afternoon, and the food was really good, you could recommend the café, but that was it.
Your decision helped you refocus on the menu, and you were finally starting to sort out what was being offered.
Shortly after, Vivi came over and introduced herself.
"I'm Vivi, I'll be your server today." She says cheerfully. You could tell she was happy for you. "Have you decided what you'll have today, or do you need a few more minutes?"
"I know what I'd like, but I think my companion may need a few more moments." Crocodile offers, raising an inquisitive eyebrow.
"Oh, uh, no – no, I can sort out what I want by the time you're done ordering." You assure him. Please gods just get the food out here and give you something to distract yourself with.
"Very well. I'll have the flank steak and eggs then. Medium rare, eggs sunny side up, and I believe your house blend coffee to drink." His voice drifts around almost lazily. There was no CEO or Warlord sitting across from you, but a half-asleep man who was probably missing his cigar. If you were half as relaxed as he sounded you'd be in a coma.
"And you, miss?" Vivi prompts after a moment.
"You know, what he ordered sounds delicious. I'll have the same, but uh, maybe some green tea instead of coffee."
"Same prep for the steak and eggs?"
"Oh yes, thank you."
Vivi takes your menus and excuses herself. You look around the table, wanting something to materialize in front of you so you could focus on it. The golden amber gaze from the other side of the table was drilling a hole into your soul, and he wasn't even staring rudely.
"If you can tell me what has you so nervous, Miss (Y/N), I can help alleviate it." He assures you coolly. His tone of voice and cadence make you feel like you could admit that you know he's a warlord and he wouldn't be at all bothered by it.
You laugh nervously, open your mouth a couple times only to close it. Putting your hand over your mouth and take in a breath, and when you finally speak you, voice is very small. "I did not expect you to be hot." You finally manage, looking up from between your fingers. He has the same relaxed, near-sleepy look on his face that you had seen earlier, but now with a slight smile tugging at his lips; which only makes him look better.
"Second to that I am worried about how this impacts work." You admit, after he doesn't say anything to your first point. "I've never dated a coworker, let alone..."
"Your boss' boss' boss."
"Yeah, that." Your face is pink, and you can feel the heat in your ears.
"I sense a third point," he says softly, catching your gaze for a moment.
"Ah... yeah, I'd rather not say yet." You admit honestly.
His eyes seem to search you for a moment, despite their half-lidded and relaxed appearance you feel like they're fully focused.
"Well, working two out of three concerns should be enough to start." He acquiesces after a moment's consideration. "Thank you for your compliment earlier."
"Compliment? Oh, yeah, you're welcome." You keep trying to will your face from turning any redder.
Vivi comes by with your drinks and sets them down with a smile. You're glad to have something to distract yourself with and cup your cup of green tea between your hands like it could save you.
"Food will be just a few more minutes." She assures you both and sets down glasses of ice water to go with your warm drinks.
"Thank you," Crocodile says, his eyes still on you and you just nod, not sure you can trust your voice right now.
"Would this be easier for you if I were ugly?" He questions, amusement just under the surface of his smooth voice after Vivi leaves.
You nearly choke on your tea.
"Nnngh, yes maybe?" You laugh a little at yourself, feeling some of the tension ease. "If you were like... normal levels of, uh, looking." You falter, not wanting to add a qualifier that would just be another way of calling him hot. "That would, uh, help."
"Perhaps I shouldn't have tried to cover up my scar." He muses.
It's a trap, and you walk right into it. "I've seen your scar; it just makes it worse."
"Yeah, it, uh..." You flush brightly, realizing what you've muttered yourself into, trying to disappear into your teacup. "Makes... you... look... hotter."
You chug the rest of your tea, trying to ignore the very pointed, very pleased, gaze across the table from you. With the teacup empty you reach for one of the glasses of water.
Phrasing! Yes! Dammit! Thoughts rush through your head and you stop yourself mid-move to take a drink.
"Ah, sorry." You say, not really sure what exactly you're apologizing for.
"You have nothing to apologize for, if anything I should apologize for teasing you." He admits, a sly smile pulling at his lips. "But you seem to have relaxed a little."
You sigh a little, since you can't argue, "Just... ah, if you could assure me... promise, maybe?"
"Nothing that happens between us will negatively effect your job." He states easily.
"Or positively." You prompt.
That one eyebrow goes up again as he takes a sip of coffee. "Naïve, but admiral. Very well, neither positive nor negative impacts at work due to whatever may happen between us, I promise."
You release a breath you didn't realize you were holding, and your shoulders relax. Vivi arrives with your lunches and gets you a refill of green tea. Conversation tapers off a little as you eat, but the food and the tea were helping you relax the rest of the way. Granted, most of your relaxation came from knowing you weren't going to lose your job if this was the last date you shared with him.
Point three was kind of big, and you weren't sure if it was safe to even admit to it. He seemed sure he could smooth over any of your concerns, but Warlord was a bit larger than anything else. You couldn't imagine he'd walk away from that life for you, and you were certain you couldn't live within that life without dying to the stress. Assuming you survived long enough to die to something as gentle as stress.
The conversation afterward was casual and easy. Crocodile seemed more awake after some coffee, and while he still looked sleepy and relaxed, there was more energy in his words.
"I would like to continue doing this," the words slip from him before you can muster up the courage to thank him for his time and leave. His fingers brush against yours, and you couldn't move your hand away. Warm, large fingers slip over yours with more confidence and he's practically holding your hand when he speaks again. "I can promise you discretion, Miss (Y/N). I simply don't wish to let every joy you've brought me the last couple of months crumble to dust so easily."
That guilty feeling throbs within you again. It's obvious that someone in his situation would find it hard to connect with anyone the way you two had the last two months. The man you knew from the last two months was kind, attentive, intelligent, and even tempered. He was a good person, even if things had caused him to live in a way that was, admittedly, kind of terrifying to you.
Warlords were at least backed by the Government. They had been assigned specifically to create a barrier around the growing territories of the Emperors, allowing the government to press the four emperors from both sides. The well defended holy zone in the middle of the Metro, and the sprawling rural and suburban areas beyond the Warlords' territory. The Emperors, stuck between the two, had to follow certain rules if they wanted to continue to receive supplies.
It was an uneasy balance of power between the three groups.
"No one would know." You say softly.
"No one."
"I just... I don't want to see my picture in the paper without warning." Your excuse is a little weak, but no less true.
"No picture would make it to print." He promises, and there's a dark and nearly terrifying weight to that promise.
You chew the bottom of your lip lightly, trying to decide. He tightens his grip on your hand just a little, lifting it up and kissing one of your fingers gently. Your face flushes, and your mind is already trying to decide what his kisses must feel like.
"Once more, just decide that for now. You can think on things between now and the next occasion. I can promise you won't regret doing this once more."
Once more. Once more couldn't hurt. Once more, maybe even twice more. Enough to assuage your own guilt, maybe even get over your own fears. Once more. Just enough time to learn what that forbidden kiss tastes like. Once more. Enough time to know what this warm hand feels like, brushing across skin more needy than a few fingers.
"Once more." You agree, your face flushing to your ears, you pull your hand back and his expression falters just ever so slightly. "P-perhaps twice." You admit softly, and see a soft sly smile curl at the edges of his lips.
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soursvgar · 2 years
Levi (is being the stan culture unofficial bf you may or may not have always wanted and) drags you to an adventure in the human world, you drag satan into this and yall end up wet ?! not clickbait
gn! reader, once again with the poly, a short fluffy fluff
"I can't believe you talked me into this." you grumble, nestling deeper inside your thick coat. Leviathan had convinced you to accompany him on a trip to the human world because he just had to be the first to score concert tickets of his favorite human world idol girl group, and who knows better about the human world antics other than you? Albeit the adoration of your expertise in how to socialize with your own species, Leviathan had forgotten to mention one tiny detail. You had to line up outside the entrance of the store along with other fans, in minus some degrees. Something your fragile human body wasn't too used to, specifically not after spending a good couple of months in the very depths of hell.
"Hey, it's not like I'm enjoying being out of my room either. If I could do that online, I would. But their fans crashed the servers on the day of the online sale, so this is our only option." Leviathan shrugged, unbothered by the low temperatures. After all, being a supernatural entity comes with its own perks, having a hardy body is only one of many.
"Your only option." You corrected, your shivering becoming more unbearable by the hour.
"What I can't understand is-" Satan unwraps his scarf from around his neck and gently ties it to yours, supplying you with at least some degree of comfort. "What am I doing here?" He heaves a sigh, kicking a pebble on the ground. Satan was promised a delightful trip to a famous cat cafe in the area, with plenty of fuzzy felines to pamper. Not camping in the cold weather with a bunch of strangers- and Levi.
"Well... I needed a responsible adult in case Levi gets approached by a human and says something weird, or decide to attack them over polarized opinions about their favorite member of the group." You fumble with the ends of the scarf, nuzzling your face into the soft fabric.
"And you thought Satan of all demons will be your guy?" Leviathan sneers, earning an exasperated look from his younger brother.
"He was the easiest to convince... with the exception of paying Mammon, but I feel like it would've been even more chaotic with him around." The two of them look at each other and then at you, defeated. They definitely have no argument to contradict that statement. "And I did mean to go to the cat cafe! I just didn't know we will have to be standing here for hours before we can get those tickets."
And then without a warning, the deafening rolling of a thunder booms and the heavy droplets are not late to follow. The rain is pouring cats and dogs (but not literally, to Satan's disappointment), drenching the three of you from head to toe. The shop owner announces the delay of the sale, requiring the now displeased attendees to leave the premises.
"This is so unfair! Who cares about a small drizzle? I need my tickets or I will simply combust." Leviathan whines at the failed attempt.
"It looks like a big storm is approaching, we should find a shelter." Satan exclaims and grabs your arm to lead you away while Leviathan trudges behind the two of you. You pass a few full cafes before stumbling upon a small, cozy looking book cafe. "This will do!" Satan asserts, definitely without a bias. You wriggle your way inside the cafe through the crowd of umbrellas, finally able to take the soaked garment off of you.
"This might not be a cat cafe, but it has heating for our shivering human so I guess that's good enough." Satan offers you an apologetic half smile. "I'll go get us some hot tea; you find us a place to settle down."
"Well, I always thought about the human world but you know, the devildom isn't exactly the worst." You return the smile, hoping to lighten up the mood.
"I mean... a place for us to sit, y/n. But I will take note of that comment." Satan chuckles, appreciating the sentiment. You then scope your surrounding in hopes to find a vacant table, spotting a fireplace across the room. Naturally, you walk over and place your hands in front of it to regain back some of your body warmth.
In the meantime, the shadow of one particular loner is quietly following your footsteps all the way to the fireplace, waiting until the two of you are secluded from the rest- and from a certain blonde haired demon. Leviathan practically clings to your arm to stop you from advancing any further.
"Hey, aren't you forgetting something? I mean, I know it's just me and I'm not worthy of anyone's attention but... your exchange is making me feel kind of... disposable." He gushes all at once. "I'm sorry if I made it look like the tickets were more important than your health, it isn't!! not to me! it's just that I've been wanting to watch their concert for so long and since it's a human world group it's not like I can see them whenever I want- augh, my point is, I'm really sorry. Please don't be mad, you're my best friend in the whole three worlds except Henry and-"
You peek at him, his cheeks are flushing as he keeps slurring his words incoherently, obviously too nervous for his own good.
"Levi!!! calm down. I'm not mad." You respond loudly enough to halt his word vomit.
"Woah what a reli-" And before he manage to complete his sentence, you pull him close, squeezing him in a tight hug. He would blame it on the heat omitted from the fireplace, but the sole reason behind his rosy cheeks is the heat of your body enclosing on his own.
Still jittery, he pulls away when he hears a cough. Satan had returned with three cups of green tea, placing the tray in front of you.
"I see you two were having fun... are you all nice and toasty by now, y/n?" He hums, sitting near you. Despite his nonchalant attitude, you sense the pang of jealousy in his voice, knowing you'll be trapped in a sticky situation if you make the avatar of wrath angry- or the avatar of envy, envious. Most definitely if it takes place in a small cafe in the middle of the human world. You decide to act quick, switching to sit in the space between the both of them.
"Hey Satan, I'm sorry we didn't get to go to the cat cafe... but at the very least, there is a cute cat in this cafe."
"Where??" Satan looks around frantically, is it possible he had missed such a majestic creature laying around this wee lodging? Laughing, you reach your hand to tuck a loose lock of gold behind his ear, lightly scratching behind it before you place a fleeting kiss to his forehead.
"Right here."
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