#what is unique I feel is how Tony reacts to it
daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #14
#ooh we got Johnny Craig as a guest penciler this issue and I really liked his work#anyway the nature of these ongoing superhero comics is that bad things have to continually happen to the main character#and to the people in their life#I’ve found Betty Ross’ position in the Hulk comics I’ve read so far to be really interesting#I would say her life is inherently worse than the lives of the supporting characters of these Iron Man comics I’m reading#due to the fact that the Hulk is a particularly tragic character#but also that because the Hulk has such a poor memory and wanders from place to place in what are oftentimes unconnected stories#the feeling of progression of an overarching plot comes from what’s going on with the side characters#typically meaning that once one crisis ends in Betty’s life then another one has to begin immediately#and then there’s that as a female character she’s limited in the kind of important actions she can take#so it’s largely just her being negatively impacted and having to react to what’s going on with the men in her life#which she’s questioned before if she’s somehow the problem that’s making everything a disaster all the time#this page here distills how Tony Stark as a character has interpreted all this#the idea that the main character is to blame for things being bad for the side characters isn’t really unique#what is unique I feel is how Tony reacts to it#he takes pushing people away to such an extreme that he wants to reject his own humanity#and of course the unique danger element of him not just doing dangerous work but having a weak heart throughout it all#which of course Tony takes to mean that he doesn’t deserve close relationships#because he’s got to approach everything with whatever’s worse for himself lol#marvel#tony stark#janice cord#happy hogan#pepper potts#my posts#comic panels
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maggie-004 · 11 months
(Un-) Lucky coincidence – 11
Jenna Ortega x Fem reader
Summary: Jenna and Y/N's night of music, laughter, and cultural exploration leads to a heartwarming collaboration with Y/N's best friend, Toni. As the sun rises, their deepening connection blossoms into a passionate and tender moment, sealing the magic of their newfound love.
Warnings: Fluff
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As we drove off, there was a subtle sense of tension in the air, perhaps lingering from the earlier paparazzi encounter. However, that tension quickly dissipated when the catchy beats of Fergie's "Glamorous" started to fill the car. Jenna couldn't help but be affected by the infectious rhythm, and in no time, she had transformed the somber atmosphere into a lively one with her impromptu performance. I couldn't hold back my laughter as I watched Jenna's playful rendition, showcasing her natural talent for entertainment. Feeling the positive energy emanating from her, I decided to join in on the fun. Together, we sang and danced along to the music, our carefree spirits intertwining like the melodies. However, Jenna's playfulness didn't stop there. She suddenly turned to me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and said, "Hey, why don't you show me something in German from Austria, like what do you listen to? I grinned at the challenge she posed, delighted that she wanted to explore my cultural background through music. I quickly scrolled through my playlist, the one for the getting ready for going out to party, when we already are drunk, everything sounds good when you’re Drunk, I personally don’t listen to much Austrian stuff, but still trying to find the perfect Austrian gem to share with her. "Alright, brace yourself," I teased, before pressing play on a song by an Andreas Gabalier, his songs always brought back fond memories of home. The upbeat folk-pop tune filled the car, its catchy chorus and cheerful melodies reflecting the spirit of my Austrian roots, we listened to “Hulapalu” I couldn’t play marching music, I can’t already lose my girlfriend because of culture shook. Jenna seemed intrigued by the foreign sounds, and as the song progressed, she couldn't help but tap her foot to the rhythm. "This is so cool! I love how music can connect us to different cultures," she remarked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. We spent the rest of the car ride exploring various Austrian songs and discussing their unique styles and influences. Jenna's enthusiasm for experiencing something new was contagious, and it brought us even closer together, bridging the gap between our different backgrounds. As the kilometers passed by, we continued to bond over music, exchanging favorite tracks from our respective countries. It was a beautiful reminder that despite the differences in our lives, music had the incredible power to unite us, transcending language and borders. By the time we reached home, the initial heaviness in the air had completely evaporated, replaced by a shared sense of joy and connection.
As Jenna headed for a quick shower, I retreated to my studio, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness as I prepared for my upcoming streaming session. This would be the first time I'd be showing my face on my social media platforms, a step that felt like a significant leap of faith for my career as a DJ and content creator. Sitting in front of my computer, I took a deep breath and reminded myself of the countless hours I had spent honing my craft, perfecting my DJ sets, and building a loyal online community. But despite my confidence in my skills, there was still that nagging voice of doubt that questioned whether my audience would embrace the person behind the music. As I started putting together a new playlist for the stream, my thoughts kept drifting to Jenna, who was just a room away. Her presence had already brought a newfound sense of joy and inspiration into my life, and I couldn't help but wonder how she might react to seeing me live on camera. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the time passing until Jenna emerged from the shower, a towel wrapped around her and her hair dripping with water. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, but I quickly composed myself, trying not to show my momentary distraction. "Feeling better?" I asked, hoping to keep the conversation light while internally trying to quell my nerves about the upcoming stream. "Definitely," Jenna replied with a smile, reaching for her clothes and starting to get dressed. "Your shower is amazing, by the way, you could have told me like two or three days ago that you have an rain shower." "I'm glad you enjoyed it. By the way, if you want, you can join me later for my Twitch stream. It would be really cool to have you there." Jenna's eyes lit up with excitement, and she nodded eagerly. "I'd love that! It'll be a first for me too, watching you in action, you know first stream without mask and hoodie. You're such a talented DJ, and I can't wait to see you in your element again." Her encouraging words meant the world to me, and I felt a renewed sense of determination. With Jenna's support, I knew I could face the challenge of streaming with confidence. “OH yeah by the way if you want to you still can borrow some of my clothes, even though you have your suitcase, ok?, “Awesome thank you, I really love your clothes” she said blushing a little. She gave me peck on the lips and left my studio again. As the day progressed, we continued our separate preparations. While Jenna decided to relax and catch up on some reading, I immersed myself in the creative process, fine-tuning my playlist and setting up my streaming equipment. I even decided to incorporate some of the Austrian songs I had shared with Jenna earlier, a way of connecting my love for my heritage with my passion for music.
As the evening approached, nerves and excitement battled within me, but having Jenna by my side gave me the reassurance I needed. With a final glance at myself in the mirror, I took a deep breath and clicked the "Go Live" button on Twitch. “Hello Guys, I know, I know, I said I will never show my face but I guess never say never is still a thing. Anyways let’s get this started” The next few hours passed like a whirlwind, as I played my carefully curated tracks, interacted with my viewers, and let my passion for music shine through. Jenna was there with me, cheering me on, and her presence brought an extra layer of joy to the experience. In the end, the stream was a resounding success, and the positive feedback from my audience overwhelmed me with gratitude. It was a night I would cherish forever, not only for the milestone it represented in my career but also for the connection it strengthened with Jenna.
As we wrapped up the stream, the excitement of the evening lingered, and I couldn't wait to introduce Jenna to my best friend, Toni. With a playful grin, I asked Jenna if she'd be interested in meeting Toni and potentially recording a video together. Jenna's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she replied, "I'd really love that! I have an off day tomorrow, so we can stay up the whole night if needed. I don't mind at all; I simply love listening to the magic you two produce together." With our plans set, Jenna and I settled in front of my PC, and I dialed Toni on Discord. As the call connected, I quickly muted myself and winked at Jenna, instructing her to step out of the frame for a brief moment. The anticipation of Toni's reaction was almost too much to contain, and we both giggled like mischievous schoolgirls.
"Hellooo, how are you?" Toni's cheerful voice greeted me as her face appeared on the screen.
"Thanks, I'm really, really good," I replied with a sense of satisfaction.
“Hey I’m also really good thanks”, Jenna casually walked back into the frame and took a seat next to me.
Toni's eyes widened in utter shock and amazement. "Oh my god. You are Jenna Ortega. How did you end up at Y/N's?" she blurted out, clearly starstruck."Oh, hold on, let me guess. Somehow, she helped you with her nursing skills. I bet that's it." The playful tone in Toni’s voice infectious grin on Jenna’s face.
"You're a hundred percent right!" Jenna exclaimed, clapping her hands with excitement. "
Y/N has a way of helping everyone she meets; she's got such a big heart." Toni chuckled.
With introductions made, Jenna and Toni quickly hit it off, exchanging stories and jokes as if they were old friends catching up after years apart. I couldn't help but feel a surge of joy seeing the instant connection between two important people in my life. The idea of collaborating on a video together quickly became a reality, and we brainstormed hilarious and creative content ideas, well we ended up on doing what we always do, DJing for 45 minutes for the video, but with an little extra on the end, Jenna got supervised by me an Toni as she did 15 minutes of DJing towards the end of the video, Jenna had to make sure that her management was okay with her being in a YouTube video, they were super happy with the idea of Janna showing her interest in other stuff than acting and reading so it wasn’t a problem and Toni and I were allowed to upload it with Jenna in each video. It was is called “Jenna Ortega learns how to be an DJ?” The camaraderie and genuine laughter in that virtual room were beyond infectious, and we knew this collaboration was going to be something special. As the hours passed, the initial awkwardness of meeting a celebrity slowly melted away, and the three of us felt like a tight-knit team. Jenna shared some behind-the-scenes stories from her acting career, leaving us in awe of her talent and dedication. As the sun started to rise, we decided to call it a night, but not before exchanging heartfelt promises to meet again soon. Jenna expressed her genuine gratitude for the warm welcome she received from Toni, we assured her that she was always welcome in our little creative haven.
As the clock struck 6:40 a.m., the sky outside began to softly illuminate with the first rays of dawn. Jenna and I had been up all night, filled with excitement, laughter, and creative energy. But now, fatigue was catching up to us, and we decided it was finally time to call it a night. I told Jenna I needed a quick shower before we hit the bed, and as I stepped into the bathroom, I couldn't resist turning on some music to keep the energy alive. The sound of music filled the air, echoing through the apartment, and I imagined Jenna sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting patiently for me. As the warm water cascaded over my body, I felt a sense of rejuvenation, washing away the weariness of the night. I couldn't help but smile, realizing how incredible this day had turned out to be The steam enveloped the bathroom, creating an almost dream-like atmosphere. I took my time, savoring the last few moments of solitude before rejoining Jenna in the bedroom. The music continued to play in the background, providing a soundtrack to my thoughts.
As I stepped out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a fluffy towel, feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the comfort of my bed. With my heart still fluttering from the events of the night, I walked into the bedroom to find Jenna exactly where I had imagined her – sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes heavy with exhaustion, but her smile still radiant. "Hey, you took your time in there," Jenna said playfully, patting the spot beside her. "But I enjoyed the music you left me with." I chuckled, joining her on the bed, my damp hair sticking to the pillow. "I'm glad you did. I needed a little extra pep in my step after such an eventful night." Jenna's hand found mine, and our fingers interlocked effortlessly. "It really was an incredible night, wasn't it?" she murmured, her gaze locked on our joined hands. "I never expected to meet your best friend and collaborate on a video together." "Life has its way of surprising us," I replied, leaning my head on her shoulder. "But I'm so glad it brought us all together. You and Toni hit it off so well." "Yeah, Toni is amazing. I felt so comfortable with her, like we've known each other forever," Jenna said, a touch of gratitude in her voice. "She's got that effect on people, just like you do too" I said with a smile. "She's genuine, kind, and has a heart of gold, just like you." Jenna blushed, but her smile widened. "You both are incredible people, and I feel so lucky to have met you." The music in the background slowly faded into a soothing melody, and I felt the weight of the night's excitement finally settling on my eyelids. Jenna must have felt it too, as she gently suggested, "I think it's time to get some rest now." I nodded, snuggling closer to her, finding comfort in her presence. "Yeah, you're right. I'm exhausted, but in the best way possible.” And with that shred thought Jenna lifted up her head, with a soft smile, Jenna leaned in, and our lips met once again, igniting a fire of passion and tenderness. The music continued to play softly in the background, providing the perfect backdrop to our intimate moment. Her kiss was both passionate and pure, conveying a depth of emotion that words could never capture. It was a beautiful dance of love and desire, and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by the warm feeling of comfort and connection that spread through my body. As we finally pulled away from the kiss, I found myself nestled in Jenna's arms, my heart beating wildly in my chest. Her touch was gentle, and I felt safe and cherished in her embrace. "Good night, my love," Jenna whispered, her voice barely audible, but it resonated deeply within me. My heart skipped a beat, and I blushed at the endearment. "Good night, Jen," I replied softly, a fond smile tugging at my lips. I could see the glimmer of delight in her eyes at the nickname, and I couldn't help but feel a wave of affection for this incredible woman lying beside me. As we drifted off into a peaceful slumber, wrapped in each other's arms, I couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of contentment and happiness that enveloped me. It was as if all the stars had aligned to bring us together, and I marveled at the beauty of this unexpected connection. In the gentle embrace of the morning, our breathing synchronized, and I could feel the rise and fall of Jenna's chest against mine.
A/N: I am incredibly intrigued by the unfolding of this story; I honestly have no idea which direction it will take, as I let my thoughts flow freely onto the page. Just to let you know, English is not my first language, but I hope you still enjoy the narrative as I do my best to express the enchanting connection between Jenna and Y/N.
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girljeremystrong · 3 months
i’ve been reading a lot of essays recently and i was wondering if you have any that you’ve really enjoyed? i love digging through your book recs and you would love to know your thoughts<3
hiiiii <3 okay so first of all i admit i don't read a lot of essays! but here are some collections that i read and loved:
miami + slouching towards bethlehem + south and west + let me tell you what i mean by joan didion are all really good. joan didion's style is unique and reading her writing never gets boring. love all about these.
intimations by zadie smith is a little tiny collection of essays she wrote during the pandemic and the various quarantines, and i think zadie smith is a brilliant writer and i really enjoyed this.
what white people can do next by emma dabiri because i am a white person who wants to be better and this little book is filled with very well written and interesting essays.
the fire next time by james baldwin technically consists of two "letters" about racism and how americans (and all people) need to react to it and deal with it.
carry by toni jensen is a sort of memoir sort of collection of essays about her life as an indigenous woman in america and about race and police brutality and gun violence.
we are never meeting in real life + wow no thank you + quietly hostile by samantha irby are collections of very funny essays about her life and pop culture and they're light hearted and great.
little weirds by jenniy slate which has whimsical little essays as well as stories, i think she has a really delicate way of telling her point of view (really looking forward to her second book coming out later this year!)
minor feelings by cathy park hong is a very interesting and important collection of essays slash memoir about race and her experience as an asian american.
the collected schizophrenias by esmé weijun wang i first picked up because there's history of schizophrenia in my family and this book absolutely allowed me to see the issue from a very different perspective. it's very interesting and offers a unique point of view on chronic illness and mental health.
calypso + me talk pretty one day by david sedaris were very entertaining to me. sorry i like david sedaris! i really do think he's funny!
these precious days by ann patchett is a gorgeous collection of essays about writing and books and life and death by another one of my favorite authors. i think this one is so great.
genuinely though i would love it if you told me some of your favorites because i think i need to be reading more!!! hope you can find something you like among these and i hope you're having a great day!!!!!! 💖
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wolfrunner25 · 1 year
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I posted 266 times in 2022
That's 66 more posts than 2021!
246 posts created (92%)
20 posts reblogged (8%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 253 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#good morning - 178 posts
#goodmorning - 61 posts
#keepmovingforward - 17 posts
#mentalwellness - 14 posts
#keep going - 13 posts
#be kind - 13 posts
#life - 11 posts
#mental health - 11 posts
#keep working on you - 11 posts
#change - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 40 characters
#dont take things out on the wrong people
My Top Posts in 2022:
3 Oct 22
Good Morning! “We're taught to be ashamed of confusion, anger, fear and sadness, and to me they're of equal value to happiness, excitement and inspiration.” - Alanis Morissette
We are taught that certain emotions are bad and others are good but that is not true. Emotions are just emotions, not good or bad. ALL emotions are valid, the question is this; is that emotion valid for the current experience. It can be hard for someone who has been afraid for so long, who uses anger as an armor to hide that fear to let it all go. Never feel bad for having emotions. Every single human has them. When you feel an emotion that might not be appropriate for the situation then you must ask yourself, 'Is this correct for the situation and what am I going to do with it?' Also, never judge yourself for feeling something and don't judge the emotion itself because again it is not good or bad, its just what you are feeling. Remember that emotions are like waves on the ocean, they come and they go and when they go let them go. So my wish for each of you today is this, if you are feeling an emotion, then feel it as it happens then as it fades away you let it go. Have a good day my friends.
2 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
10 Jan 22
Good morning! “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” - Charles R. Swindoll
I once worked with a guy, that when something happened at work that he didn't like then everything sucked and he called the place a “shit show”. I always wanted to tell him, “No, you are making it a shit show with your attitude.” There is always going to be things that happen that you don't like but how you respond to those things can make all the difference in the world. So I hope you have a good day and can roll with the punches life gives you.
2 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
15 Apr 22
Good morning. “Life is too short to not have fun; we are only here for a short time compared to the sun and the moon and all that.” - Coolio
Make time in your life for fun. Fun with family or friends is what you remember. You won't remember all the work you did. It will be the fun, joyous moments that you will remember. So get out and find something fun to do this weekend. I hope each of you has a good day.
2 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
5 Aug 22
Good morning. “Perhaps nothing is so fraught with significance as the human hand.” - Jane Addams
Our hands are amazing, we can do labor, we can hold a child, we can communicate. I was sitting here this morning thinking about my hands and how they grip items which led me to think about all the good they can do and unfortunately the evil that we can use them for. Everyone's hands are different, shape, length, width, age, or texture. None of us will grip or hold something exactly like someone else. Just like our hands, our own journey thought this life is different then someone else. Even if two people experience an same exact moment, their lives up to that point will influence how they see and remember that moment. One person may think of the beautiful day it was, but the other might see into the shadows. Our life experiences shape the world as we see it, just like our hands can shape the world around us. The beauty of this is that we are all different but we are the same. There are small differences that make us unique, but we are all human, with eyes, ears, hands, feet. Let's remember just because we might have different views from our life experience, we can come together and help one another. Together we can shape this world around us into a better place. I wish each of you a good day.
2 notes - Posted August 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Good Morning. I'm going to do something a little different this morning.
Memorial Day, formerly Decoration Day, in the United States, holiday (last Monday in May) honoring those who have died in the nation’s wars. It originated during the American Civil War when citizens placed flowers on the graves of those who had been killed in battle.
After World War I, as the day came to be observed in honor of those who had died in all U.S. wars, its name changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day. Since 1971 Memorial Day has been observed on the last Monday in May.
This weekend may, for some, signal the start of summer but you better believe that I will remember the reason we have this holiday. We as Americans owe a deep debt to those who gave their lives for this country. We are flawed and at times divided, but I believe that it doesn't matter your political beliefs on this subject. So thank you to each and every soldier, sailor, airman and others who have died for the USA. To the rest of us, say a prayer or whatever it is you do for these men and women to give thanks, then have your cookout.
21 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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moontheoretist · 3 years
You know. I have this unique approach to “Tony was selling weapons” issue in which I know it was a legal business and in America it was basically seen as a-ok thing to do, because military propaganda is strong and Tony was basically raised not only in that propaganda, but also in a family which fortune was build on selling those very weapons. On the other hand, I also know that regardless of how legal it is, it was also a war profiteering business which destroyed lives. And on a third hand, because to me Tony is coded as an autistic person with ADHD, I can see how he had issues for so many years to see that the system is broken and cannot be trusted.
Let me explain.
You may call it an excuse or projecting, but when I was younger, I couldn’t process that things I was taught about at school don’t actually work as the textbook claims it does in real life. Meaning that when a paper page in my school book said or a teacher said or someone from my family or anybody who was an authority to me said that democracy is the best system ever and has no flaws, I did believe it and never questioned it. To start questioning it, I needed an outside force to knock the idea that the system is indeed broken into my brain, hard. It’s really hard to accept that the world around you doesn’t work the way you thought it was working on paper, and therefore we as humans tend to delude ourselves that if we cannot see it happen, then it doesn’t exist (though in my case the delusion wasn’t even conscious enough that I could say I was deluding myself, I just was unable to see any issues till they were shoved in my face). So only when we see, and sometimes personally feel that happen to us, we are finally able to let go of that delusion and open our eyes.
Press Reporter #1: Mr. Stark, what happened over there?
Stark: I had my eyes opened.
So to me, the whole Afghanistan incident is this to Tony. To me, it feels logical that he would not be able to compute that weapons are bad and selling them is bad if he was all his life taught that weapons are good and that he helps people by selling them until he was personally smacked with them in the face, because sometimes people saying things to your face (like media, specifically Christine Everheart definitely were doing) is not enough to truly realize something (I also think that Howard and Stane taught Tony how to ignore all the media and what they say to him when he was groomed as SI’s heir, so it didn’t have that much of an effect on him before Afghanistan as it does after it), and you need that smack instead.
It’s a very strong incentive which shakes your whole world, and it is strong enough to make our stubborn autistic brains (mine and Tony’s, I don’t want to insinuate that all autistic people have this issue) to start questioning the status quo.
So, when Tony gets hit by his own weapon and feels on his own skin what it does, sees terrorists use his weapons to target American military (young soldiers who were there mostly because American system is broken and exploits the young, so they would join) and kill them, then has to live with a shrapnel in the cave, learns that Ho Yinsen’s family was also killed by his own weapons, and then when he is free again and continues to live with the shrapnel and sees innocent people in Middle East losing loved ones, it finally starts to compute that weapons are bad, that everything he did till now was bad, that he is the one responsible for this suffering and that his weapons shouldn’t be given to people who cannot be trusted with them (i.e. his own company, America and American military).
It is also in character for him to assume, that if he is the one whose eyes were opened, he should be the one using his own weapons (i.e. Iron Man, which doubles for prostetic too) for good, though it was not his first thought (you remember when he went to Air Force base to talk to Rhodey? It is possible he wanted Rhodey to be his Iron Man pilot instead and when he was rejected and saw that Rhodey believes in the system he doesn’t, he had to take it upon himself, because in his head he was the only one who saw it was wrong).
I think that if Wanda was actually done right (meaning that if Joss Whedon was not antislavic piece of shit and her trauma and suffering were properly represented in AoU instead of being sold as just a low bar villain motivation), the thing which happened to her family when Tony was already a CEO and probably approved of selling the weapons to the military shortly before or long before NATO used them in Yugoslavia to bomb tons of civilians (I am of the mind that military could use the weapons they bought from Tony’s company long ago, and that it didn’t have to specifically be a new contract crafted just to deal with the Slobodan Milošević issue), it would only reinforce the idea that weapons are bad in Tony’s head.
I think that as much as he is not to blame for Wanda’s parents deaths, because he didn’t fire those weapons himself (and possibly was not even that much interested in the conflicts abroad the American army used his weapons for, because he assumed they will use them responsibly, only against enemy soldiers and will not use them on civilians - this is an error born from assuming that war is just and only happens on the battlefield, while a lot of countries since I dunno even how long literally doesn’t adhere to the rules of war (that you can only fight on battlefields with no civilians in sight) and fights wherever they want, not caring about civilians and sometimes even purposefully drop weapons on them like NATO did in Yugoslavia, committing war crimes left and right, making war unjust), I think he bears some responsibility for what happened and has a right to feel guilty over the deaths which happened due to those bombings.
And later on, when he finally switches and does mostly defensive stuff, like making a technology which can remove mines from minefields without any of them exploding, or when he makes his company pursue clean energy instead, and he joins the Avengers, because he truly believes they are good for the world, he is again smacked in the face by the fact that something in which he believed was not good, that it was doing more harm than good. That’s why, in my opinion, he reacted to Mrs. Spencer’s accusations. Because he again let himself believe in something indiscriminately, without doubt, and was again smacked in the face with facts. And the facts were that Avengers were not operating well, and their recklessness and half-cooked last minute plans were the reason why more people died than it would if they actually worked well as superheroes.
To a lot of people, it looks like Tony is motivated by personal hurt and guilt. But to me, it always looks like him being violently shaken into acknowledging reality of something he thought was flawless.
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mosswillow · 3 years
Simple Silver - Dark!Stephen Strange x Reader
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Summary: You’ve been given a gift, one not many Omegas get. A bracelet that when worn by an Omega changes their scent ever so slightly. All you need to do is keep the bracelet on and he can’t find you.
Warnings: 18+ adult content, dark!, ABO (no mentions of knots, heat, or rutt.), general misogyny, noncon/dubcon, smut, vaginal fingering, oral (male receiving), violence, orgasm delay/denial, kidnapping (kinda), she spits in his face in this, possessive behavior.
Word count: 2.7k
A/N: This fic is a request from @leniram1890. Seriously, thank you so much. It’s everything I love to write and read and you just dropped it in my lap. Now that it’s done I want more…
by clicking keep reading you confirm that you are over the age of 18 and consent to reading mature content.
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You’re infatuated with him. He stands tall, you guess at least six feet, and his smell; he smells like no Alpha you've ever encountered. There’s this look to him, unequivocally attractive but in a unique and confusing way that draws you in. His eyebrows lift slightly making his otherwise small and ordinary eyes the focal point of his face. He looks around the room with a focus and intensity that feels inhuman. You finger the small bracelet that holds your secret and walk behind him, your Omega instincts telling you to get close. You suddenly recognize where you are and what you’re doing. looking down to your hands, you stare horrified at the bracelet that was taken off without your noticing. you put it back on and sprint out of the building, not stopping until you’re behind the safety of your padlocked apartment door.
Your phone goes off and you answer, making up an excuse about food poisoning and promising to be in early the next day.
Your Alpha, it had to be him.
You’ve wondered what it would be like to meet your Alpha, if you would feel bad about hiding from them. You don’t feel bad, only upset with yourself for losing control. You almost gave up your whole life in one stupid moment.
The simple silver bracelet that sits on your wrist feels heavy and you look at it. It’s a chain that suppresses your true self and one that sets you free. It’s one you choose to wear because the alternative is a life looking over your shoulder; waiting for your Alpha to find and claim you. Your parents gave it to you the day you presented and it’s given you opportunities not many Omegas get. It changes your scent just enough to let you hide, giving you the ability to decide for yourself how you feel about your Alpha, to choose a life with him or to keep the life you’ve built for yourself.  
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Your coworkers don’t waste time the next morning. One is already at your desk and two more walk up as you sit down.
“Ok, what did I miss?” you ask.
“Right when you left this scary looking Alpha started raging. Stark had to call in the avengers to get him to calm down.”
You act surprised, knitting your brows and leaning forward in fake interest.
“What happened?”
“Apparently He smelled his Omega but couldn’t find them.”
“Crazy.” you say, opening up your email and scrolling through.
Coworkers start dispercing and you let out a held breath. You get to work, having extra from the day before and lose yourself for several hours.
“That’s him.” whispers a voice and you look up at your coworker before following their eyes.
It’s him, your Alpha, and he’s walking straight toward you.
You try your best to stay focused on work and not give away the slight shaking of your hands as his scent hits your nose. He stops at your desk and you look up at his chest avoiding eye contact.
“What can I do for you mr…”
“Dr. Strange,” he pauses. “I’m sure you know what happened yesterday.”
“I don’t judge sir.”
He looks at you and leans on your desk.
“Ah, but you are judging. Spit it out then.”
You take your hands off of your keyboard and fold them over your chest.
“Omegas don’t have lives after they mate, I guess it doesn’t doesn’t feel fair to me.”
“What makes you think my Omega wouldn’t have a life?”
“You would let your Omega Work? Travel by themselves? Have their own bank account?”
He thrums his fingers on your desk.
“My Omega will have a good life, they need to know their place though. When I finally find them they won’t even be allowed to leave the house without permission.”
You bristle. “Well then, I’m glad you weren’t able to find them.”
He leans farther over your desk, his demeanor shifting into one of intimidation. You do everything you can not to cower back as his aggressive scent washes over you.
“You don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
“Maybe your Omega is hiding from you, that’s what I would do if I was an Omega.” You finally make eye contact, staring into the stormy grey abyss of his irises and he leans forward even more.
“They better not be.”
“What would you do if you found out they were?”
His fist clenches and you can’t help but push your chair back a few inches. You see Tony walking toward you from the corner of your eye and stand up, pushing your pointer finger against his forehead.
“You sir, are one of the most obnoxious people I’ve ever met, and I work for Tony Stark,” you say.
His mouth opens in surprise and he stands up.
Tony makes it to you at just the right moment. “Hey now, stop harassing my assistant. We’re not having a repeat of yesterday, thank you.”
Strange narrows his eyes at you but doesn’t say anything as he follows Tony into his office.
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You walk to the back of the grocery store, picking up a pint of icecream and hurrying to pay for it. Your day was long and the only thing you can think about is a hot bath. You don’t notice him until it’s too late. His smug face takes in your slightly messy appearance as you try to pass by him.
“Dinner, I assume. Your questionable behavior before is starting to make sense.”
You stare at him unsure how to respond and he tilts his head and smirks.
“I’m insinuating, dear, that your disrespectful behavior this morning was caused by a lack of adequate nutrition.”  
You readjust your shirt and let out a huff.
“I wonder,” you pause and smile sweetly. “How much shit did you have to consume in your ‘diet’ to become such an asshole?”
You pull out a pair of earphones and stick them in your ears, turning on your heel to pay for your dinner. He grabs your arm, pulling you close and tears out your headphones with his other hand.
“I’ve never met anyone who gets under my skin so easily, why do you make me so angry?” he sneers.
“Your anger is your responsibility,” you pull away, shaking slightly and holding back tears.
You can feel his eyes watching you as you jump into a self checkout line to pay.  As soon as you reach your apartment you let the tears fall. You hate him. You hate his stupid face and egotistical personality. You hate that you react to him, that your nature makes your knees go weak when you’re around him. You hug your bracelet against your chest and let out a shaky breath. As long as the bracelet stays on you’re safe. You just need to keep it on, that’s it.
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You stand in Tony’s office staring at a folder.
“Send a courier or another employee, I don’t want to do it.”
Tony raises his eyebrows in shock at your sudden and uncharacteristic outburst.
“I need someone I trust to drop them off, Is there some reason you can’t do it?”
“I just don’t get along with Dr. Strange.”
“You’re dropping off a file, not going on a date,” he quips.
You take a deep breath and remind yourself that you love your job. It’s just a quick trip, drop it off and you’re done. It’s been a week since you saw him last, he doesn’t know who you are or he would already have come for you. Just a quick drop off, that’s it.
“I’m sorry sir. You’re right, I’m being unprofessional. I can do it.”
He waves you out and you call an uber riding it to what Tony described only as “The Sanctum”.  
You walk in and look around the large entry room, searching for someone who can help. It’s eerily quiet and you walk up a huge set of stars, wandering and looking at various museum-like displays until you’re on the top floor. The room is dark, the only light coming from a large round window. A stranger walks up and looks at you with a surprised expression.
“I’m sorry, I’m looking for Dr. Strange? I’m just dropping something off from Mr. Stark.”
“Ah of course, I’m Wong.” He says holding out his hand.
You reach out and take his hand and he looks at your wrist, grabbing onto your bracelet and pulling it off.
“I haven't seen one of these in a long time.” he examines the bracelet closely.
“That’s mine, give it back please.”
“Not until you tell me why you’re hiding your designation.”
“My Alpha is a cruel man, please give it back. I need it now.” you say urgently.
“Hey, nobody will hurt you here. Who is this Alpha?”
You start shaking and reach out again trying to take the bracelet back from him.
“Wong, I… Oh no, not you again,” Stephen says from an open doorway, his face turning into a scowl.
You grab the bracelet and push it on your wrist. It’s too late though, Stephens eyes widen in recognition as your scent hits him.
You bolt. You know you won’t make it out so you pull at the first door you find, slamming it closed and locking it.
The banging starts almost immediately.  “OMEGA, OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!” he yells.
“Don’t do this, please. I don’t want this. I need more time. Don’t force me, please,” you cry.
Sparks start flying in a circle in front of your eyes and your Alpha is suddenly walking through a portal. You look around, seeing a second door and yanking it open. Something catches your leg and you’re pulled backwards by what looks like a glowing rope.
“You knew I was your Alpha the whole time.” he says, moving his body to sit on your middle.
You bite your tongue and glare at him.
“Answer me!” He yells, grabbing your arms and pushing them above you.
His face is only inches from your own and you spit without thinking. He lets go of your hands and sits back, wiping the wetness from his face before staring at his wet hand.
“This explains everything, catching your scent, the extreme annoyance at your lack of respect, the anger I felt at the thought of you not eating like you should.”
He grabs your shirt, ripping it down the middle and causing buttons to fly through the air. Goosebumps appear over your skin and you shiver from both fear and the cold. He flips you over roughly, pulling off your shirt all the way. His hand roams to your mating gland. He leans over and breathes in, kissing it gently.
“Fuck you,” you say through clenched teeth.
He stops and waits until you’re done shaking.
“Why aren’t you biting me?” you whisper.
“You said you wanted time.”
He stands, pulling you up with him and makes a circle with his finger, opening up a portal in front of you. His hand is on your back pushing you through and when you turn around you're alone in what looks like a bedroom. Immediately, you run and try the door, opening it and sprinting out. The breath is knocked out of you as someone promptly slams you into a wall. You start coughing as the pain radiates through your body, then you’re falling onto a soft bed in the same room as before. After a few minutes of coughing you stand and run again, trying the window this time and just like before you’re caught and pushed through a portal back to the same room. You keep trying until you’re completely out of places to run, until your energy, both emotional and physical, is depleted.
The moment you finally give up a portal opens on your right and Stephen walks through.
It would have been easier if he had just bitten and fucked you right away. Letting you run over and over just to squash your hope is even more cruel, like a sick joke where he is the only person privy to the punchline. You stand in the middle of the room with your eyes down and wait for the inevitable.
He walks around you slowly and with each methodical step your anxiety grows until your knees buckle and you drop to the ground, crying into your hands. He stops and crouches in front of you, putting his finger under your chin and raising it slowly until you look him in the face. He lets go and keeps eye contact as he reaches between your legs and almost too gently runs his finger over your pussy. His eyes bore into you as his hand slowly becomes more and more noticeable above your clothes.
“I hate you.” you whisper as he pushes your legs apart.
He slides his hand into your pants and continues to rub over your clit, now making quick circles. His finger dips in your heat and you whimper involuntarily. You close your eyes as the sensations start to build and when you’re about to go over the line he stops. Your eyes shoot open and he smirks.
“It’s important you understand a few things.”
You aren’t expecting it, for him to suddenly pull his hand back and slap you across the face. You’re not prepared for the force behind his hand. How it makes your entire face sting, the pain radiating down your neck and shoulder. You grasp your cheek and bite your lip to avoid crying.
“I own you.” He slides his hand down to your pussy again.
“I own your pleasure.” He slides his hand up to your breast, pushing your bra down and pinching your nipple harshly. “And your pain.”
He backs away and crosses his arms, motioning with his head at the remaining clothes on your body. You slowly rise and remove your pants and underwear, standing in front of him fully naked.
His hand roams to your neck and he holds it gently.
“Hate me all you want.”
His hand constricts slightly around your throat.
“But don’t you dare run from me.”
His hand tightens again.
“Or hide.”
He keeps his hand on your throat and pushes you back to the bed until you’re lying on your back with him above you. His other hand reaches to your legs and taps between them gently. He puts his cheek against yours when you don’t move.
“Open Omega, and don’t you dare close those legs.”
He lets go of your neck when you relax your legs, backing away and unbuckling his pants.
“You don’t even like me,” you remark.
“I didn’t like who you were pretending to be.”
He walks over so that his sizable dick sits in front of your face.
“Suck,” he commands.
You suck on the tip without complaint and he grabs the back of your head and thrusts a few times before pulling out and patting your cheek.
“A much better use for your sharp tongue.”
You bite back a retort and look away as he positions himself in between your legs and pushes himself in with one forceful thrust. You let out a whimper and reach out your arms around him in response. He grabs your shoulders and ruts into you.
“This is where you belong Omega,” he wipes a tear from your cheek, a stark contrast to the painful pace of his thrusts.
“You.” he thrusts. “Belong,” The force starts to push you up on the bed. “ To me!”
He flips you suddenly and fucks you again from behind, gripping your hips tight enough to bruise. A warm hand brushes over your mating gland and you feel his breath against your back. Stars appear before your eyes as he bites, your entire body consumed with the conflicting sensations of pain and pleasure. It pushes you into an intense orgasm that leaves you shaking from the adrenaline.
You nod and he slides into bed next to you and kisses between your shoulder blades. You look over at his discarded clothes, noticing the gleam of your bracelet poking out of a pocket.
“Were you serious when you said you wouldn’t let your Omega out of the house?”
“Now that you mention it, I’ve actually had a change of heart.”
He peppers kisses across your neck and back.
“You, my adventurous Omega, won’t even leave this room without me by your side.”
You try to move but he holds you close, effectively chaining you to him. You blink back a tear and shift closer to him, letting yourself relax into his arms.
“There you go, let go and accept it.”
“Never,” you say between choked sobs.
His hand roams up your body, exploring every bit.
“We’ll see.”
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kingexpl0sionmurder · 3 years
Date The Hell Out Of You - Kaminari Denki
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Author: @kingexpl0sionmurder​ Pairing: Kaminari Denki/F!Reader Rating: 16+ (Fluff) Words:  1,575 Warnings: I have opinions about comic books so don’t come at me. I think it’s a very mild argument anyway so it shouldn’t be a big deal, but if you feel offended pls know it wasn’t my intention to bash on Batman lol. AN: Hellooo here is my contribution to this months bnharem collab! The theme is Co-Workers and I just wanted Denki and a bookstore so you get this short and fluffy little thing. You’re welcome! Please check the masterlist below for everyone else’s works and heed each pieces warnings before you dive in!
Collab Masterlist My Masterlist My Ko-Fi
“You cannot sit there and tell me that you think Batman is better than Iron Man. I refuse to believe it.” You huffed, crossing your arms across your chest and glaring daggers at his best friend.
This had become like a routine to Kaminari, ever since he’d started working at the bookstore, which had been almost a year ago.
He took his lunch break at the same time most days, anxiously hoping you had a break at the same time as well. It wasn’t because he thought you were cute (he totally did, honestly), he just enjoyed your company. You had some loud and unique opinions on a lot of things, and he was thoroughly entertained when you went off like this. 
“Well they’re both billionaires with no special powers, just a lot of cool gadgets, right?” Sero pointed out, leaning back in his chair with his arms folded behind his head, his bento sitting forgotten on the table.
“You’re right. But Tony Stark has a sense of humor. Batman is such a stick in the mud.” You made a face from your spot across from them, your chopsticks resting over your cup noodles, the utensil keeping the lid closed so they would cook. 
“Yeah, but in terms of physical strength, Bruce Wayne has got Tony beat.” Sero sat forward, picking up his chopsticks again. “Tony relies on his tech. In a hand to hand fight, Batman wins every time.”
“Tony is smarter, though.” You sighed. “Look, do I need to direct you to read the Civil War series? It’s only like 7 issues. I can lend them to you.”
“It’s got Spider-Man in it.” Kaminari supplied helpfully. “He’s your favorite.”
Sero chuckled. “Yeah, okay. Maybe it’ll change my mind.”
“Trust me. Batman is lame, he’s got some interesting villains though.” You finally moved to eat your ramen. “What about you, Kaminari? Any opinions?”
Shrugging, he finished off the last bit of rice in his bento. “I don’t know, I’m not huge into comic books. I like Deadpool, though.”
“That’s so on brand.” Sero chuckled. “He’s a ridiculous dumbass, just like you.”
“Listen, Deadpool is probably one of the funniest antiheroes. He breaks the fourth wall so often, it’s my favorite thing.” You grinned at him. “I think it’s a perfect choice.”
Kaminari could feel the blush creeping up his neck at your words. You thought he was funny. “Thanks, Y/N.”
Clearing his throat, Sero stood up. “My break’s over. Can you check on the YA section when you’re back on, Kami? Some kids were in here earlier and I think they moved all the Twilight books around.” His teasing grin told him that Sero had not missed the way he’d reacted to what you’d said to him. 
“Sure thing, boss.” He gave him a salute. “I’ve got like 10 minutes left.”
Sero packed up his bento and shoved it back in the breakroom fridge and left, leaving Kaminari alone with you. 
Kaminari opened his mouth, spitting out the first thing that came to his mind. “But here’s the real question.” He pointed at you with his chopsticks. “Team Edward or Team Jacob?”
Kaminari was crouching down, putting the last copies of ‘Breaking Dawn’ back on the shelf when someone walked up to him.  
“If she’s Team Edward you’re going to have to call up Aoyama and ask him to hook you up with some body glitter.” 
He glanced towards his right, smiling at the scuffed black boots belonging to his other best friend, Shinsou.
Kaminari stood, staring at the cat sticker stuck to the side of the reusable coffee cup that his perpetually tired friend always had with him. His gaze then flicked to his face, his customary grin back on his lips. “You think he can help?”
Rolling his eyes, the purple haired man shifted on his feet. “Of course. He works for some makeup place, I bet they have loads of glittery shit.” 
Humming, Denki let his gaze move back to the shelf, making sure everything looked okay. He threw his arm around Shinsou and began walking back to his own section (he was in charge of The Classics, okay?) leaning into the taller man. “I’ll pick you up some black eyeliner while I’m at it.”
“Please do, I’m almost out.” He snarked, before his smirk fell and he sighed. “Look, you need to do something about this crush you have on Y/N.”
“I do not have to do a thing, my friend. I am happily content sitting over here and pining away quietly.” Kaminari threw his arm out dramatically. “Leave me be.”
“Quietly?” Shinsou snorted. “Look, man, I just mean, I’ve been seeing Monoma hanging around her a lot, I just don’t want you to miss your chance.”
Kaminari stopped walking. “Monoma? But he works in the reference section, where they sell those ‘for dummies’ books!”
“Maybe he read ‘Flirting for Dummies’ and now he has a clue. You should look into it yourself.” Shinsou’s raised eyebrow caused Kaminari’s frown to deepen. 
“I know how to flirt, Shinsou.” Huffing, he crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t you need to go back to Science Fiction and get some work done?”
Sipping his coffee, he fixed Kaminari with a look. “Since I am such a wonderful friend, you’re going to swap me on Saturday and work my section, which is conveniently right next to Manga and Comics, where Y/N will be. You are going to make a move or so help me, I am going to beat you over the head with a copy of ‘Wuthering Heights’.”
“Why that one? Why not something longer, like ‘Don Quixote’?”
“Do you want it to hurt?” Shinsou asked, looking entirely done with his shit. “You’re ridiculous. Just do something, otherwise Monoma might get a date before you do.”
Kaminari cursed under his breath. The thought of you laughing and smiling at Monoma’s terrible jokes rubbed him the wrong way. “Fine. I’ll think of something.”
Seemingly satisfied, Shinsou patted him on the shoulder. “I believe in you.”
“How come you and Sero always have these fancy looking bentos for lunch?” You asked, sliding into the seat across from him.
Kaminari paused with his rice halfway to his mouth and looked up. “Our roommate. He’s like a mother hen, he always packs us lunch.”  
Looking impressed, you raised an eyebrow. “He sounds like a keeper.”
Chuckling, Kaminari sat back in his chair. “Yeah, he’s a handful, but under his extremely aggressive exterior he’s a good guy.” He gestured to your ramen. “Maybe I can get him to make you one. All I have to do is tell him you eat cup noodles for lunch every day and he’ll have a heart attack.”
“I like my ramen, okay? It makes me feel like Naruto.” You raised your arms and grinned. “Believe it!”
Rolling his eyes fondly, he turned back to his lunch, poking at his tamagoyaki. He’d been working in the section beside you all day, listening to you gush over the newest shipment of manga you’d received, shoving books at him and making recommendations. He’d been trying to work up the courage all day to get off his ass and ask you out, and he was failing spectacularly.
“You know, if you want to be like Naruto, you should be eating tonkatsu miso with the little narutomaki in it.”
You blinked at him, looking surprised. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”
This was it. His chance. “We should go get the real thing sometime.” He swallowed thickly, his palms sweating. “Like, maybe tomorrow night?” He closed his eyes, waiting for you to respond.
“Kaminari, are you asking me on a date?”
The fondness in your tone had him opening his eyes to see your expression. You were blushing, biting on your bottom lip as you stared at him.
“I mean, yeah. A date. If you want to, I mean.”
He was seconds away from backpedaling, his heart climbing up his throat and on the verge of escaping his body. The anticipation was killing him. 
His nervousness and fear of rejection was all for naught. Your face lit up, a genuine smile gracing your lips. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
“I would love that.”
A breath he didn’t realize he was holding escaped his lips. “Yeah, okay. Awesome.”
You giggled, leaning your elbow on the table, resting your cheek against your palm. “Did you think I’d say no?”
Feeling a little ridiculous, he blushed and nodded. “I was worried you might. I’m an idiot and you’re...you.”
You scoffed, kicking him under the table lightly. “You’re not an idiot, Kaminari. To be honest, I thought you’d never ask. I guess Shinsou wasn’t lying.”
“About what?” He sat up straight, frowning. “I’m going to kick his ass. What did he say?”
Snorting, you shook your head. “He might have mentioned that you liked me. I wasn’t sure though.”
“Are you kidding? Was I not being obvious enough?”
“You flirt with everyone, I didn’t think I was special.” You teased. “I’m glad he was right, though.” You turned back to your noodles.
“You are though. At least you are to me.” Grinning, he nudged your foot with his. “I’m going to date the hell out of you, Y/N. Just wait and see.”
His heart swooped in his chest when you looked back at him across the table. “I’m looking forward to it.”
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dorianne77 · 2 years
Hi! I live for your story! I usually don't read OC characters but I found you're so well developed and unique!
I saw in your last ask that you based characters around music. So may I ask what song/music genre inspired Bibin??? Or if he doesn't have a song, what theme song would you give him?? I just love Bibin and love the way you described him!!!
Hi there, thank you so much for your kind words, I’m really happy that you’re enjoying my story! :)
‘Fake it’ by Seether and ‘Born For This’ by The Score were used as inspiration to Bibin’s backstory, which will likely never make it into the fic itself but I just really want to put it out there, so here’s a summary:
Bibin’s fur is not actually supposed to be pink. His race is born with bluish-purple fur, but Bibin’s body doesn’t produce blue pigment due to a rare genetic disorder, which makes his coat pink.
His peers never really took any issues with his appearance, but growing up, Bibin was still painfully aware of how the lack of blue made him look sickly, and he could never quite shake the feeling that his people were looking at him with pity.
By the time he started dating, his insecurities drove him to dye his coat purple, much to the dismay of his family. Not liking to see her son unhappy, Bibin’s mom suggested he should go and “see a bit of the world out there” when their planet joined the Communia, and that’s how Bibin ended up in Grilia. Seeing little kids react favorably to his fur made him start a career as a teacher, and a few centuries later, he still secretly loves the attention his once hated appearance gets him outside of his home planet (no matter how grumpy he acts when people try to pet him;)).
How he went from being a teacher to being a soldier is a too long story for tumblr, but my muse is not done rambling so just in case you're not sufficiently regretting this ask yet, here’s a drabble (and thank you for the ask, I really enjoyed writing this):
“Not enough s’mores on this planet, Mr. Stark.”
Bibin doesn’t even grace Tony with a second glance before returning to his task, chopping up another handful of the blue potatoes that – no matter what the aliens claim – are not fruit.
“There’s more to Earth than just s’mores, you know. We have poptarts too, have you tried those? They have an excellent track record with aliens— oh, hey, I think they even offer s’mores as a poptart flavor, how about that?”
Tony’s offer gets no response.
“Okay, what’s it gonna take? Chocolate? Flowers? A new car? The happy tears of grateful children? Come on, Lotso, there must be something you want, work with me here!”
Bibin continues to ignore Tony’s rambling, but the inventor doesn’t miss the twitch at the corner of the man’s mouth, no matter how quick Bibin is to cover it up with a severe expression.
“Oooh, I see how it is. Alright, I’ll bite, what is it? You must have something in mind already if you’re playing hard to get.”
The twitch at the corner of Bibin’s mouth returns with a vengeance, and Tony has to suppress his own smirk at the way the man overplays his nonchalance. It’s like Bibin took acting lessons from Peter, of all people.
“Well, there's this place I’ve heard quite a lot about…”
A place, huh? Interesting.
“…your children insist I would really like it…”
Aaand this is getting less reassuring by the minute.
“…supposed to have people like me, with actual fur…”
Oh no, they didn’t.
“…something called…”
They wouldn’t dare… would they?
Harley and Peter are dead kids walking. Harley especially. Tony just knows this was his idea.
“Fine,” he sighs, already dreading the lecture he’s going to get from Pepper for this one. Possibly from Clarke too. “One trip to the ninth circle of hell for you and your buddies, and you let people pet you for ten minutes at my charity ball.”
“Twenty seconds.”
“Eight minutes.”
“Thirty seconds.”
“Disneyland has more sweets than the rest of our country combined, Snagglepuss.”
“…Five minutes, and you never call me that again.”
Tony grins at the man, offering a hand.
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persephonesinfernos · 3 years
ignoti nulla cupido | part three.
summary: natasha finds you once again to be able to keep her an tony’s promise to keep you safe, but how would they react when they’ll learn about the little dirty secret you have been keeping since you left bucky’s side?  
word count: 1173.
pairing: bucky barnes x reader.
author’s note: shit starts to get real so be prepared.
ignoti nulla cupido series | masterlist.
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A week has passed since the little impromptu road trip started, it seemed that Nat had all the time of the world to get to the Avenger’s Compound. Something that really stroke a nerve within (Y/N) because, if there was an imminent danger, why would she take so long to get there?
After all, she had made her come out in the clear after three years. (Y/N) was now in the real world, the safety that the bubble the town she was living in provided no longer existed. Both mother and child were out in the clear, a much bright and scary world than what she remembered.
There had been multiple stops along the way to the west coast: dinners, museums, amusement parks, Nat took care of all. She and James became friends surprisingly fast earning the aunt tittle in a matter of days.
It astounded (Y/N) how good Nat was with her son giving the fact that his father and her sometimes didn’t even look at each other’s way, or at least that was how it was back then.  Seeing her with James did bring back thoughts she’d pushed back to the deepest corners of her mind.
How would it be like if she had returned when she found out she was pregnant? Would that have changed anything between Bucky and her? Maybe it could, maybe if (Y/N) had come back Bucky would have loved her again, lots of maybes running wildly through her restless mind.
But what (Y/N) did know for sure was that she couldn’t force anything into Bucky, that she wouldn’t let a kid fix them both. No, she had seen that before, how parents got together again if they were expecting and that never ended up well. After all, she has been that child once in her life and she would not put that burden upon her baby’s shoulders.
Natasha stopped the car near a wood breaking her course of though. (Y/N) looked through the window, it didn’t look very welcoming. “Where are we at Nat?”
“We’re spending the night here, there’s a cabin just at the shore’s lake. Maybe do some fishing, a campfire, get the whole camping in the woods experience?” She stated jovially looking at Jay that couldn’t look more delighted.
“Okay” She just responded as she got off the car getting to James. “You and I are gonna have a talk, real talk Russian redhead once he’s out in bed” (Y/N) whispered to Natasha as her son ran to the cabin.
“Okay mamma” She chuckled “I see you master that motherly tone (Y/N/N) and it just makes you even scarier than before.”
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“What’s going on? For real this time, so don’t you dare give me a fucking excuse this time” (Y/N) spat back to Nat when she was sure her son was deeply asleep inside the cabin.
“Nothing’s going on, I just want to spend some quality time with my best friend. The best friend I haven’t seen in almost four years and get to know her son before we get to the Compound and all hell breaks loose.” She said back nonchalantly but(Y/N) didn’t buy it, she was nervous. She seemed to be on alert as if she was expecting something to happen at any given moment.
“Nat, if you don’t tell me right now was goin…” (Y/N) couldn’t finish as an explosion was heard and both of them were thrown a few miles ago due to the blast.
(Y/N) couldn’t hear anything, but she stood up and ran to the cabin screaming her only son’s name. She didn’t see Nat running behind her as she pulled out a gun but she did felt her hand grabbing her wrist as she was about to enter the house.
“(Y/N), stop. You can’t go in there, it could be a trap” Everything sounded distorted and distant.
“My son is in there Nat, what the hell?” She said trying to break free, but she was stronger than her. All those years without training had their effects on (Y/N).
“Dammit, this was supposed to be a safe location” She let go of her as she surveyed the area. “Okay, I’m gonna get in there with you. I hope you’re not rusty because I got a feeling that your abilities are going to be very much needed.” She handed her a gun and smiled softly to her, motioning to get into the cabin.
Everything was clear, no sign of James. (Y/N)  started to panic, she couldn’t breathe, her son was gone. She did this, she let Nat dragged both of them off of their perfect plain and boring life and she was paying the consequences now.
“Mom” (Y/N) heard James cry out for help, making both of them bolt towards the sound.
“Shut up stupid boy” A man said as he slapped James across his cheek as his tears became to grow in size.
“Don’t touch him or you will die” A gun was pointed towards his head.
“Oh, (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Finally, I get to see you, you’re looking good” An evil smirk forming in his face. “Natasha, thank you so much for bringing them to me. I really thought you were better than this, a better agent, a better spy but looks like you screwed it up.”
Nat launched herself forwards this man but she was knocked out in a matter of seconds, (Y/N)’s eyes widened in fear not knowing how he achieve that.
“What do you want? Just leave him out of this, he’s just a kid.” She smiled at Jay while she walked towards them. “Take me instead, I’ll do anything you want me to.” (Y/N) could feel it inside of her, how it was bubbling in her chest, the feeling foreign to her after much time.
“Sorry doll, not happening” The nickname made her gag as she realized it, he was HYDRA. “I want him, his DNA is a perfect and unique combination of what you’re able to do and what we did to his father. He’ll be a fantastic new fist of HYDRA when he’ll grow up.”
James stopped crying when the man mentioned his father and looked between both of them. It broke her heart, she had never told him anything about Bucky.
“Over my dead body” (Y/N) said between clenched teeth as the water from the lake began to rise and form a mass.
“Well, if you insist” The man was suddenly behind her, taking advantage of this he hit her in the head making her fell to the dirty ground, blood dripping from her forehead.
(Y/N)  pulled all her strength and crawled to where Jay was still but the man grabbed her hair and tossed her around. “Bye doll, send my dearest regards to the Winter Soldier.” He demanded as his foot covered in a military boot made contact with (Y/N)’s head followed by a blade inserted near her heart.
The last thing (Y/N) heard was her son, her three-year-old son yelling desperately for her to take him home.
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denimbex1986 · 3 years
Highlights From The #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier Press Conference
“This is the second one coming out on disney plus, it was the first one that got started. It ended up working out very well, it was meant to prove to everyone that just because a show is on TV it will not be as big as it can be on TV. The first episode really starts off w/ a bang.”
"It was an opportunity to really go deep, we really learn how these characters are." - Kevin Feige
“I approached it like a film, this is a 6 hour film. We did a lot of looking at shows that was in our paradigm. We have a buddy cop relationship really going. I look to other shows that have influences me. I looked at Midnight Cowboy but it will be uniquely signature to Marvel.”
“The buddy cop- genre for the show what we love about them. The show will showcase the range, it can be gritty and funny, in-between. It allows Bucky and Sam to do their thing but it also allows us to touch upon much larger issues.”
"Sam Wilson has always evolved in the Marvel of the comic books and now he will evolve in the cinematic universe. Everyone will see the new and improved Sam Wilson." - Anthony Mackie
10 years with Bucky Barnes has allowed me to grow and evolve with the character and with myself. We hone in on his sense of humor and getting therapy. We will marry the two: mental health and humor. He's now on a quest of identity, reeducating himself about the world he is now in.” - Sebastian Stan
"The great thing about the show is you can't find 2 people further opposite than Bucky and Sam but there is a mutual respect & understanding. We learn and teach each other a great deal. We are friends and that's not a term we use lightly. We allow ourselves to be our best selves."
"It's about the tone, we are trying to make sure this comes across as real & we tackle very real issues. I turn to Anthony for guidance for that" - Sebastian Stan
"The idea of Sam Wilson and the evolution of the Falcon diving into his family, his issues and the complications he faces, we have to introduce these characters to the audience. It's always great to learn more and give more about your character." - Anthony Mackie
"As everyone knows PTSD is not something that goes away. It's something we have to learn with and grow better with and deal with. PTSD will ground these characters and cause them to come together." - Sebastian Stan
"We really did approach the show like we did the movies, if we have a season 2 with #WandaVision they will go back and forth between Disney+ and theatrical." Different characters can show up in any format." - Kevin Feige
“It the pain & the idea of not being able to go on these mission & to not be able to be with his friends, you don't want to see Steve Rogers/Captain America go away. That's why he says the shield feels like someone's else because he was a fan like everyone else. Sam is just a guy.”
“I've been calling the movies the snack & this is the meal. We are able to dive into each character with the TV show. The movies are immersed in a world saving event but on a series you're able 2 get inside the lives of our characters. I love the space of being able to world build.”
“Sam and Bucky's love-hate bromance has not changed, it's gone into a further divide. Steve is missing and they deal with the consequences of that, but they are in a similar place in terms of the questions they're asking." - Sebastian Stan
"I don't look at what people want vs want people need" However there are moments that turn into a new thing...like people expecting a certain engineer in WandaVision" - Kevin Feige
What cameos can we expect? "No more surprises." - Kevin Feige "You can expect many surprises." - Anthony Mackie
“The great thing about what we were able to do with nothing was water-down in the stunts because of that the stunts are amazing. There's more physical and hand-to-hand combat,. We utilize our natural strengths. We did a lot of stunt training and some of the stuff you see is us.”
"We are working on 10+ series and this is what excited us about Disney+" - Kevin Feige
"We started with this story & we had to react to what's happening in the world but we were able to proceed as normal. As the world was changing, we were able to sharpen our focus on the show. It didn't change anything, it helped us focus. I'm so thrilled #WandaVision did so well. “
“Tony Stark dealt with his PTSD. This [show] will ground us in the emotions of our characters. There has been A LOT of trauma for our characters over the years. We think about what if we were these character, mentally there would be horrific elements/consequences.”
Sebastian Stan wants to work with "Knight Moon (lol). I heard that story and it's going to be amazing.” Anthony Mackie wants to "spend some time in Blade world. They were shooting Spider-Man in Harlem on 125th street and I was a HUGE Tobey Maguire fan."
"The characters of Bucky and Sam are essential to the MCU and whatever they go through WILL have an impact on the MCU. It is hard to navigate every fan theory that will pop up but there can be character shifts that have massive implications on the MCU down the line" - Kevin Feige
"We always take our lead from the comics about SHIELD, HYDRA, SWORD. There's always an inherit need for shadowy organizations in the MCU" - Kevin Feige
"The past is prologue, the clues are everywhere in what has lead to this moment, sometimes it's just a name but we do pull from the lineage from the comics and tweek it. Stay tuned over the course of the series." - Kevin Feige
"Endgame was a monumental shift of the universe. The scoop of the film is larger than what anyone could have imaged. Our goal was to not have messed it up. We didn't want to be the first crappy Marvel show. Steve Rogers will be proud our show does not suck." - Anthony Mackie
"Loki better not suck" - Anthony Mackie
"Thank you to everyone for making this the show that doesn't suck" - Kevin Fiege
Information/updates courtesy of Dana @sagesurge on Twitter. 
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unsettledink · 3 years
Inestimable - Fluffuary Day 12
Prompt: Omega jewelry
Word Count: 962
Summary: Peter, wearing every last piece of his bonding set and not a single other thing is enough to make Tony nearly dizzy with want.
“God, Peter,” Tony mutters as he walks into the bedroom. “It has been a day, let me tell you, and—”
Peter turns over on the bed, and all of Tony’s words fly right out of his brain. 
He’s wearing his bonding set. 
Tony stares and doesn’t care at all; Peter looks gorgeous in it. All those delicate gold chains and dark red diamonds; maybe it sounds tacky, like Tony can’t help marking Peter with the same colors as his armor. But they suit him. 
Besides, Peter’s wearing more than the armor’s worth. 
Peter turns his head toward Tony when he sits on the bed, the heavy dangling stone of his earring resting against his cheek. His collar slips to the side a little as well, the thick mesh of it glimmering when Peter swallows. He blinks, slow and lazy, as Tony touches him, drags his hand down Peter’s chest to the ring in his nipple, to the stone suspended from it. Piercings are tricky with Peter, but they’ve found ways to adapt. 
And Peter doesn’t mind redoing them very much at all.
“Don’t you look pretty today,” Tony says, curling his finger under Peter’s hip chain, all the swags and dangles clinking faintly together. Tugs, very lightly, and Peter arches his back, following the pull on the navel ring attached to it. 
“I always look pretty,” Peter says, but he’s grinning, obviously feeling playful. 
“No,” Tony says. “You always look stunning,” he adds before Peter has the chance to pout. “But this, this is pretty.” And it is; there’s something about an omega wearing a set like this that just… hooks right into all those old fantasies, those teenage daydreams about having an omega accept the gift, wear it. Those hours spent pouring over the trendy pieces and what the celebrities were wearing, the debating if it was better to go with popular or unique; with pieces practical enough to wear every day, anywhere, or extravagant, meant for skin and nothing else, maybe even a little kinky. 
Howard had given him a Stark family set for the sort of omega Tony was supposed to find, heavy and old fashioned, but they’d looked bland on Peter. He needs something that catches the eye, something delicate to contrast how he’s built, now. 
A piece or two on Peter is enough to make Tony want to purr; the three—or even a visible four, flashy and exorbitant—Peter tends to wear at events are guaranteed to make Tony keep his hand on Peter’s back the whole time, to have him on Peter the second they’re home. 
The full set? Every single last piece and not a single other thing? 
It makes Tony dizzy. 
Peter reaches up with the hand he’s put the wrist piece on, wide around his arm and barely visible over the back of his hand, dozens of whisper thin chains crossing each other and linking the rings on his middle finger, pinky, and thumb. He’s careful when he tugs Tony’s head down and kisses him, because Tony’s had to repair it twice after getting caught in his hair. He doesn’t mind, but it makes Peter mad.
It’s a perfect match to the one on Peter’s foot, wrapped around his ankle, but that one’s never broken. Never been worn in public either. 
“What’s the occasion?” Tony asks after the kiss. “Did I do something very good?” Has something upset you? he wants to ask, but if Peter didn’t put these on for comfort he doesn’t want to bring it up. He doesn’t smell like preheat, just sharp and good and playful.
“Mmm,” Peter says and sits up. “I just felt like it.” Crawls into Tony’s lap and ends up knocking him over, flat on his back with Peter looming over him. “I like to remember how you spoil me sometimes.”
“And,” he adds, breath catching as Tony gets a hand on his cock, “I like the way you react.” 
Tony traces a finger up the length of Peter’s cock, so hard, for who knows how long, kept there by the ring around the base, two fine chains attaching it to the curved barbel through his slit. He barely touches the heavy, teardrop shaped gem dangling from that, and then flicks it, Peter gasping, hips snapping forward. He’s meant to be fucked like this, bred, his cock nothing more than another decoration. 
“I bet you do,” Tony says. “Got me wrapped around your finger, don’t you.”
“Want your fingers, that’s for sure,” Peter says, and Tony grins at him. Slides his hand lower and— 
“Someone was planning ahead,” he says, slowly pulling out the plug as Peter squirms. Tosses it aside without a second look, as pretty as it is; it’s made to match, but it isn’t technically a part of the set. 
“Tony,” Peter whines, “Tony, please— oh, fuck, yes,” as Tony presses his fingers into Peter, already open and ready for his cock. Moans, shuddering, when Tony hooks his thumb in the ring between Peter’s legs, behind his balls, and ends up tugging on it with every thrust of his fingers. There’s already precome dripping down his cock piercing, marring the shine of it and sticking to the chains; Tony urges Peter up, keeping at him until he’s right over Tony’s mouth, until Tony can lean up and lick it off. 
Peter might have kept himself ready for Tony to fuck him, but that doesn’t mean Tony’s not going to make him wait. Doesn’t mean he’s not going to take his time and enjoy every inch of Peter wrapped up in his gifts, made with his own hands, offered and accepted. 
Accepted and cherished, just like everything else Tony’s ever given him. Everything, even the less visible things. 
Everything, even Tony himself.
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dashonkelley · 3 years
What do you think of all the girls on the wilds? Fatin is totally the best but I’ll always love my baby Nora too no matter what anyone says
Uhm I’m so glad you asked, buckle in
I agree, fatin is totally the best. Her character is so interesting and fights a lot of stereotypes. She also has the best timing with one liners but it feels so natural. And she has such unique and sweet relationships with each girl on the island, she kinda holds them all together in that way (I feel like she was the best acted as well)
Dot is the unofficial fearless leader, and they would all have been dead in a day without her. Her backstory is so heartbreaking and unexpected (like all of theirs I guess lol). She is def the most underrated out of the group I think
Oh toni. I want her but mostly want to be her, she’s so cool. Her relationship with Martha is so sweet and helps you see her softer side next to her angry outbursts, which are very understandable with her upbringing
Martha... definitely the sweet and innocent one, although her character arc with that was an interesting one, and I liked that they showed more depth to her while staying true to her personality
Shelby my bby, is my favorite for now. A rough start for her but I actually liked her anyways. Her backstory resonated the most with me personally and I really felt for her. We can see that the island changes her the most probably, so I can’t wait for the rest of her story. And such a cutie. Her tension/relationship with toni was the cherry on top
Rachel was probably my least favorite personally out of the group, which honestly isn’t saying that much since I loved them all. She was just super intense for sure. As a character though, she was very well written and adds a dynamic to the group that is needed. Like everyone, her backstory was rough and she’s gone through a lot to make some of her reactions more understandable
I thought I knew what Nora was all about but through the whole season they kept adding angles to her that I wasn’t expecting. She has such a good heart and wants the best for her sister, and I’m very intrigued about her in season two
And Leah, the most controversial character apparently. She’s caught a lot of hate for being boring/annoying/typical, but honestly I really liked her character. I feel like her story wasn’t represented as it could have been. While she seems to be overreacting, paranoid, and heartbroken over a guy... I see a girl who was manipulated by an adult and obviously has some undiagnosed mental health issues (ocd/bpd?). I actually really understand all that so maybe it’s just my experience that I relate to. Anyways, she’s not my fav but I still love her
Each character was so interesting, unique, well written, and important to the story and group dynamic. I am so excited to see how they all react and change in season two!!!
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eyesforjade · 3 years
Chapter 1: prologue
Summary: Tony Stark's life changes dramatically after a trip to South Korea, where a one-night stand ends up generating a life, the billionaire never imagined being prepared to be a father, until he held his little girl in his arms, where he knew for sure, that child had his heart at his fingertips and didn't even know it.
Word count: 1914 words.
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Tony Stark never imagined that his life would change dramatically. Of course, he was used to all the perks of having a public life, being a billionaire and a philanthropist, Stark Industries was going well in sales, and he always had the help of Pepper Potts and James Rhodes with his personal life, which added with the help of Obadiah Stane in the Industries, he held most of the loose ends they could have.
He knew he was prepared for everything, until the day he heard the news. Tony will never forget March 3, 2001, which he thought would be just another affair with a model, through a trip in the behest of Stark Industries. He remembers exactly the nine months before that date, when Obadiah got a perfect opportunity to purchase materials for the manufacture of weapons, which would benefit everything they were doing, and all Tony needed to do was to attend that event and give a speech.
Tony always approached in subtle forms when it came to women, with Nyree Choi it wasn’t different. The New Zealander model caught his attention as soon as she stepped on the scene, he knew it was a unique opportunity, since from what the news said, the woman lived in South Korea, even though she was born in New Zealand, Tony had to take advantage of that opportunity. The night was fast, and he didn't have Pepper to get rid of her the next day, so for the first time, he stayed in bed all night.
The next morning, they said goodbye and it was as if they hadn't even met. Tony didn't think much of it, usually he was the one who pretended that nothing had happened, and it was this factor that made future encounters with a certain woman so strange, and these were the ones he regretted leaving like that. However, with Nyree it wasn’t like he was used, the woman escaped his fingers like water, and she never needed to give satisfaction to him.
The absence of the women in the media, shocked many gossip magazines. And Tony always knew deep down, but he never wanted to admit it until 3th of March in 2001, when Pepper got that call, the redhead didn't know how to react when she heard the other woman on the phone, Malibu was a trip away from South Korea, Tony wouldn’t arrive in time for the birth of his daughter, but would arrive long enough to decide what to do with the girl.
Pepper ran that day, as fast as she could, to Tony's workshop on the floor below the house. She typed her access code with shaking hands and was almost pale when she faced the man, Tony vividly remembers what it was like, and how much he feared for what the woman was going to say, Pepper was with him long enough for him to know that the woman it wasn’t easy to shake, so at that moment, he smiled, and released one of his typical comments when he saw her.
"It looks like you saw a ghost, Miss Potts." His smile remained on his face, even though the woman's reaction in front of him only got worse. "Unfortunately, Stark Industries doesn’t yet manufacture weapons for non-existent beings."
"Tony, you... Hm..." Pepper takes a deep breath, staring at the man. "I advise you to pack your things, I already called Happy, and he's already outside, waiting for you with a car".
"And what is the occasion?"
"Nyree Choi just went into labor". The little sentence was enough for Tony's heart to wake up and speed up, he never expected to hear those words, and if he did, he hoped it was about someone that he had a better relationship, Nyree had been a one-night stand, and now, it was apparently a one-night stand that generated a life. "She disappeared for a few months, Happy and I were keeping up with the news, when she called me… Well, I did the math”. Tony had already got up and was walking towards the door. “Exactly nine months since that night, Tony. I’m not wanting to bet on hypotheses, but...”
"This has to be wrong." When the two went upstairs, Happy Hogan was at the entrance of the house, the door open behind him, and a look of despair followed his worried eyes towards Tony, who didn't even bother to pack a suitcase, he just left the house going towards the car, entering without saying a word.
Pepper followed behind, facing Happy without knowing what to do. Tony Stark was many things, but neither of them ever thought of adding “father” to the bottom of that list. The trip to the Stark Industries heliport was silent, Tony had his head in his hands, and his heart didn't even beat in his chest, or he couldn't feel it right, his mind flew between a thousand possibilities, like how he was going to have a child with a person he doesn't even keep in touch with?
The unexpected arrival of the three at the heliport made Obadiah question the reasons. Not that one of the three responded, they just walked towards the jet that Happy had booked and ordered the pilot to get out of there as quickly as possible, which caused Stane's numerous calls that ended up being ignored. Tony had no head to talk to the man who helped him run his company, to be quite honest, Stark had no head for anything.
The only thing he remembers in that jet, was looking at Pepper Potts and whispering a simple "I'm not ready for this", and he will never forget the smile she gave him, and the words of comfort that were said in his direction. Pepper Potts was always his salvation, no matter the moment, it was her, it was always her.
When he arrived in South Korea, his mind was a mess, and his heart yearned for his arrival at the hospital. Everything to have that moment, the first time he held the little girl in his arms, he knew, she was his little girl, that child had his heart at her fingertips and wasn’t even aware of it. All possible DNA tests were done during that week, and Tony could be sure that the girl he held for days was really his.
And that was when the most difficult decision was made. He had to hear from Choi the cruelest words that a man — newly discovered father — could hear. Elisabeth Stark Choi, as they had decided, wouldn’t be part of Tony Stark's public world, Nyree was famous too, but being a model would never endanger her little girl's life, the weapons creation business that Tony followed, it wasn’t the right world for his newborn daughter, and even if it hurt, Tony knew it was true.
He followed the girl's growth for five years. They had a good relationship, and every week, Tony visited or called her, the child was a genius, something the man already expected, she was a Stark, she was his little girl, and Tony saw that every day that it passed, she became smarter, but just like her father, Elisabeth had to discover that people couldn't always get what they wanted.
At some point in her life, Nyree decided that her career had been damaged since the birth of her daughter. At the same time that the woman loved her, she felt that she had been left out when she got pregnant, she was only 27 years old when she had her, and even so, she thought she would never be able to chase the lost time, it was when she came into contact with Pepper about the papers of the full guard to Tony.
It was when Happy traveled to Australia, where Nyree had recently moved, it was also where he met with her and the full guard papers already signed. Elisabeth wasn’t so excited about the news, it was a strange feeling to be losing her mother like that, she was too young to understand the woman's motives, and was too scared to know what her life in Malibu would be like, everything she could feel it was sadness for the possible loss in one side, but happiness for being able to spend more time with her father.
The trip with Happy was exciting, she showed all the things she had to the man, and talked about all the things she liked, and the man couldn't be more impressed. The little girl in front of him knew many things, including two different languages, not that she knew how to speak everything perfectly, but to know that Nyree was teaching the girl how to speak English and Korean, due to the time that the two stayed between the two countries, it made Happy’s day, even if the woman didn't want to be in contact with Lisa anymore, a part of her would always be with the girl, her origins would always be there.
Happy knew at the same time, that the little girl would be everyone's doom, and that Tony was lucky enough to have something so precious in his life, maybe he would even take it easy and open his eyes to the woman he already had in his life. Pepper received them with a huge smile on her face, and while Happy unloaded the girl's bags, the woman told stories about what her life would be like in Malibu, the woman knew they wouldn’t be able to hide the girl for too long, the media already suspected a possible daughter between the model and the billionaire, and that made Pepper's mind go everywhere with the intention of protecting the girl from that world.
Obadiah Stane was a complicated person at first. He thought it was crazy for Tony to assume his daughter, and held Happy and Pepper at the heliport before they were able to go to Tony's house, Stane believed that being with a daughter for 24 hours a day would be too much responsibility, and that Tony alone wouldn’t give so much attention to Industries and feared for the time that he would reserve with a child. Happy took over the situation, and reassured Obadiah that Tony's routine would change drastically, but he would still meet all the company's deadlines, and with that the three left without giving the man any more opportunities.
That day, Pepper assumed the role of a maternal figure. She knew she was far from being the mother of that little girl, but she knew she would be there at all times of difficulty, at all times that Tony was a difficult person to deal with, she would be there, just as she was now, holding her hand, and walking towards the house. That day, she presented the huge house to Elisabeth, the girl was 5 years old when she went down to that workshop for the first time, she remembers opening a huge smile, with the various possibilities she would have learned alongside her father.
Tony's eyes met Pepper's, and then they looked down, seeing the woman holding the delicate little hand of a little girl he knew well. Her hair went just about her shoulders, brown and with tired brown eyes, he knew in that moment, that his life would change for the better, and he knew in that moment that no matter what happened, he would be with her.
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ornamental-coral · 3 years
Do you have houses combos you love besides Snake Bird ?
Hi sorry it’s take me so long to get to you ‘nonnie human you. I promise if anyone sends me questions, I will get to them eventually! It just takes a while for me thinking about them, researching about them (doing Birdy Bird things with even a one-sentence question...), forgetting I have a sort-hat-chats centered tumblr account (which is... can sort of a Bird thing but also a me thing), and then coming back so we are here (there. somewhere)
I myself am a Snake-Bird. I think I’m pretty neat. Birds are usually very good at entertaining themselves. I think. And I’m lucky I like myself enough because I spend a lot of time with me haha.
I’m a little in love with a remarkable amount of Lion primaries, Snake secondaries and Bird primaries (especially with a Snake secondary to make them extra hard to hold onto *rolls eyes) and apparently I love writing Badger Primaries? I guess I find the challenge of building an “ideal” society that is willing to address the current failings of our timeline a worthwhile challenge and my ink-children rise from the ether to meet me.
I’ve expanded below bar because this is actually a really interesting concept to me - how does a particular house combination react to the others. Below is just my meandering through how specifically My Snake Primary Bird secondary might react on a surface level to the other house types. This doesn’t mean I’m right. There are as many ways of acting within the house system as there are human beings and keep in mind, this is all in good fun.
The Idealism of the Lion Primary is something that I find admirable. I posted a more extended musing on the position of Snake Birds within media here. I think the Snake in me understands that when you pick up a person the way Snakes do, you pick up a lot of their wants and regrets too. Snakes pick up People, so that means the whole package. A Lion with a worthy cause can be a very attractive thing to a Snake, who will follow and support them in a very specific kind of way. 
With Double Lions, and Lion Snakes there’s that urge to run after them with a fire-extinguisher in one hand and a big stick in the other - one to put out the fires a Double Lion inevitably lights and the Lion Snake may try purposefully to stoke, and the other to beat off anyone who dares to tell your Lion that they cannot Be A Lion. That’s something only the Snake can do, and that’s only because no matter what the Snake says, the Lion is still Their Person warts and all and the Snake Bird knows damn well what they were getting into, or at least thought they did.
Lion Birds house-match secondaries with Snake Birds but can have explosively different moral codes, largely because they method match. I personally find some Lion Bird characters a little grating because as the audience, I feel I’m getting the same information as the Lion, but as a Snake I have a little too much self-preservation to imagine myself doing anything much about it - at least not the way a majority of Lion Bird characters act - or I come to different conclusion. I also hate conspiracy theories because they require leaps of logic the my Bird model typically just can’t tolerate but the felt-house Lion will participate in. However, Lion Birds can also be the hard-boiled PIs, the Best-at-their-Job secret agents (hi Agent Coulson), the one who has Seen the World and Still Believes It Can Be Saved. So that’s admirable and fun.
Lion Badgers are sweet but my Snake Bird goes “fires, fires everywhere”. And like, not the kind your Lion Snake might think is funny when the Snake Bird tries to put them out. Think Steve Rodgers. MCU Steve has a really strong Snake Performance though when it comes to Bucky which MY Snake finds really confusing because it is So Strong I’d be willing to be money he would have at least tried to find a better way to get rid of the Tesseract if Bucky hadn’t fallen from that train and been declared KIA. I think that particular type of Snake performance also confuses Tony, which is part of why Civil War was the way it was.
But yeah, a fire that a Lion Badger wants to light? it’s not going to go out. For a Snake, having that as Your Person means you either really ride or die for them - and might actually literally have to die, or you are keeping them from burning themselves out before they accomplish whatever they’re doing. For a Snake Bird? this is alarming as hell and it’s a fight between the Secondaries to make sure the Lion takes care of themselves as part of the Lion’s “hard work” Badger, if they’re your person.
Bird primaries will “build” the people they love into the way they see the world. As a Snake, I think this is just really appealing to me? Snakes are loyal, and older Snakes have the life experience to realize that - painful as it is - this loyalty will not always be reciprocated in the way you hope for (this is the stereotypical bone of contention between Lions, Badgers and Snakes. Lions are focused on their cause and if the Snake’s protective instincts get in the way of that, that causes problems It also hurts when a Lion’s mission supersedes their affection for their Snake people. Badgers’ concerns are for their communities and the split of attention can drive the individually focused Snake crazy). If you get built into the Bird’s world, that always felt like something special and something that took hard work, which made it all the more valuable.
My Snake Birds also likes to imagine it’s equipped to learn to the things that a Bird variety believes in and address those things. It’s the kind of relationship that has the potential to go very wrong, and I do realize that. I think Snake Birds have the tendency to want to be everything for Their Person (or people) and our powers of observation mean that we take it a little personally when we’ve missed something. I’m tempted to call Kaz Brekker of Six of Crows a Snake Bird and it drives him to distraction that he can’t be everything, everywhere, all at once to the handful of a people he truly and deeply cares about.
The Bird Snake in particular house matches in a way that can be particularly challenging and attractive to a Snake Bird? A Snake Bird’s tool is, well, the Bird, and the whole persona can feel ridiculously pleased by being able to “pin down” the Bird Snake, which does not necessarily lend itself to being pinned. There’s also this strong urge to understand the Bird Snake. 
So there’s the Snake secondary who delights in finding new ways to be, and a Bird Secondary delights in learning new things. The discovery element in that relationship can, as long as the Bird Secondary is not stifled by the Snake Primary’s concern, actually be really rewarding. Birds, and Bird Snakes in particular are also often really unique. They think differently, act differently, can be off putting to certain types of house combinations because their moral code can come off is so blue-orange, and is Built on top of that. Snakes take great pride in being very “this is my Person and their brand of weirdness is just another thing I love about them. And on top of that, I Know them.” with their people in any situation, and if a Snake can eventually prove to their Bird Primary that that feeling is unwavering, that’s a relationship that becomes central to both Snake and Bird.
That isn’t to say Birds can’t go dark, but usually they learn to be that way given Birds are evidence-gatherers. Unfortunately, this means I love them too because people of my generation and all generations before and hence have a thing for characters with trauma (see Loki, greasy prince extraordinaire).  It’s -- it’s never not been a thing. Take a look at freaking Gilgamesh, which is the oldest things that we know of, look at Enkidu, and tell me he wasn’t your favorite. Gilgamesh is kind an arschloch of highest proportions. As a more palatable example of this Bird-villain thing, I sort of suspect Bucky Barnes is a Bird of some flavor. If he killed one person as the Winter Soldier, he’d feel bad but probably admit it was the brain washing - but he did it dozens of times. He wonders what does this say about him? He is possibly a Badger, but even pre-winter-soldier he doesn’t seem to care on as wide a scale as a Badger typically does. Steve is Built into the fabric of his world, and he doesn’t react to Steve’s death the way I expect a Snake to either. Maybe a really Old Seasoned Snake and I mean technically he’s old? but the cryogenics thing sort of means he’s not old enough to just let it go. He also doesn’t follow the boy from Brooklyn for reasons I would expect from a fellow Snake but I guess the new show might give more insight on that once I actually watch it.
Okay, I like writing Badgers. [Leans back on chaise lounge] this probably has something to do with my mother.
Really though. I model Badger because my mother, although I love her and I’m really lucky to have her, is a teeny tiny bit horrified by Snake tendencies and drilled into me the morality that it is okay and it is above all Good to care about other people (for other Snakes, read Yes Even Strangers). To be fair, the prioritizing that Snakes do (which can get as focused as ”My people first, even if someone else far away is in trouble and I am acutely aware of it”) can seem pretty horrific to a Badger. They don’t necessarily get how you could believe everyone is a person and just... not care. And it’s hard to convince a Badger (for whom not acting can = they are not worth it) that you know exactly what you’re doing but are also aware that if you try to help everyone your head will explode because you can’t keep that many People up there. It’s why Snakes have their rings of caring.
But the result is that for me, Badgers are usually the ones left standing at the end of the story. If they’re done dirty, I like to try and fix it.
I don’t like how media treats Badger primaries generally though? There’s often something “goofy” or the Badger is treated as soft in a really unpalatable way. I mean, and to be fair this directly comes from the way a Snake can sort of be flummoxed with the way Badgers just do things for strangers, yes Badgers irl may be considered gentle. On an individual level, they are often the hearts and hearths of groups and homes.  But there’s this weird place where The State is supposed to be a Badger-shaped institution, so that uneasy balance comes out in weird ways.
I don’t remember who said it, but the difference with Badgers and Snakes is that, with a Snake, you start out at Zero. You’re human, but you’re not the Snake’s human, so I will treat you like a human, but there are My People above you. And with a Badger, you sort of start out at like 85-100%? At least this is my perception. Badgers need-base and that off-balances Snakes.
A Snake with a Badger in my opinion needs to be “eyes open” in a different way than even a Snake with a Bird does, because the Snake needs to understand that the Badger is going to look and act similar - until they don’t, and then the Snake needs to be able to put aside the part of them that was attracted to the mirrored morality and actually work with the Badger to figure out what the Snake needs and how the Snake can in turn support the Badger.
Anyways though, I’m writing a thing where a Badger Bird-modeling-Badger is the last woman standing, committed to fixing a broken type of organization that her Snake, Bird, and Lion companions are Tired of. Lady Badger is nothing if not resilient. I’m writing another thing where a really really Burnt Badger man gets a safe place to learn to be part of a community that is meant to be mutually protective again (he dies because this is a fan work and that’s what happened in cannon, and this is arguably because he’s still unburning at that stage and doesn’t Have a proper community, but I hope to show him having at least Some happy times because in the sh**show show he didn’t have any at all). I’ve got a slightly less developed thing where a number of Badger performing princes learn to work together to fix their kingdom and unbury the history that created it. 
Aaand It’s nearing midnight, I have clearly lost the thread of the thread or whatever
Goodniiight to all my houses. Love you all even if I didn’t write about you here.
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lokidrabbles · 4 years
Pleasure Control (Loki x Reader)
Reader misses Loki and things get very heated.
A/N: Another short, stand alone oneshot! This one didn’t have much direction, I do apologize, but just to get me into the grove of things again. Thank you all for your likes and reblogs, I hope these stories bring some enjoyment to you all! As always, Gender Neutral Reader!
Warnings: Suggested smut, horny reader in general
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You swore time began to move much more slower. You eyes remained glued on the clock on your laptop, waiting for an excruciating minute until you could finally clock out. You were restless. It had been a grueling week, which is a lot to say for working under Tony Stark.
The weekend was just at your fingertips, and you could almost foresee yourself lounging at home, phone tossed to the side, completely forgetting about your career for a moment. You ached for the time off for your own personal care, but also because an itch had been begging at you the entire week. This was one of the months where the Asgardian brothers would frequent in New York, and you were more than eager to meet up with Loki.
You missed him when he was away. You admitted your relationship with him was unorthodox, and gratifying at times, but you were genuine with your yearning for his company. Conveniently enough, your desk had become riddled with reports needing to all be documented and processed ASAP, preventing you from even saying a hello to him.
As a motivator, your thoughts were focused on finishing every single task in the most efficient and adequate manner, all for the sake of slamming your laptop close and skipping off to see your Asgardian lover. Your mind began to conjure a plan of how to spend the weekend with him, mostly involving some fancy wine, expensive sweets and a midnight stroll. The images in your head soon turned into another direction, one not so sweetly romantic or innocent. This was midweek, and you struggled with containing the lewd thoughts at bay. It was a piercing heat, distracting you frequently throughout the intensity of the office.
Your memory began to work double, drawing back to the moments when both you and Loki were explicitly intimate. The first time you had both laid with one another became one of your most cherished memories of him. It was completely unexpected but you certainly did not object at his advances. It was curious to even think Loki would have some type of sexual drive, he always appeared very reserved and aloof about the subject to you. However, you soon figured it was just a matter of feeling extremely comfortable around you, and then he would unleash something even you wouldn’t be able to control for long periods.
Now he could go for much, much longer than you had been used to, again, not that you were complaining. It was during this when you finally got a good understanding at just how strong he actually was. He wasn’t as muscular as his brother per say, but he could maneuver you around willingly without breaking a sweat. At times, he would suspend you in the air whilst having his way with you, providing you with an awesome and unique experience. His kisses would become much slower and tender, peppering you all over your body and in places where you had never been kissed before. He was very quiet during all of it, every now and then muttering things about how you’d look and how hard you had made him. It seemed sex was an experience he took much time and appreciation with. Certainly he wasn’t the type to look for some quick fun on the spot.
Your favorite sensation was his hands grasping tightly at your thighs and ass, as if to say these belonged to him. Another spine tingling behavior of his was his playful teasing over your neck. He seemed to have a sick enjoyment of watching you twitch and quiver as he laid fluttering kisses on your collarbone, all the way up to your jaw. You’d become so weak when he would then whisper terrible, sultry things into your ear. You often wondered if his magic would cause you to become so blissfully content under his touch, almost needing to beg at times to slow down when it would become intense. You knew he loved it all, being in control and having that dominance over you and you loved all the attention you’d receive.
You took many restroom breaks by the end of the work week, often splashing cold water on your face in an effort to both physically and mentally cool down. You chastised yourself, ashamed at the poor control you had over your thoughts, perceiving Loki as nothing but a piece of meat. You liked him for more than just his appeal, that was certain. But perhaps your innate human sexuality was asking for more than that, maybe as a way to de-stress from the long week.
The minute soon came to an end, prompting you to hastily clock out. You messily gathered your belongings, quickly waving good bye to your coworkers and practically sprinted out of the department.
Your eyes darted back and forth all over the facility, on the search for that familiar, grumpy Asgardian in green. Your heart began to beat faster as the adrenaline began to kick in. The excitement was tantalizing, and you knew you had failed at keeping your itch at bay. You were well intending to jump all over him and allow you body to do the talking despite knowing he’d push you off in an instant.
Your instinct guided you towards a lower floor, where the employee kitchen and lounge area for the I.T. department was. For whatever reason, the area was often empty, and you’d sneak a couple of lunch breaks here when your floor’s lounge area was full. Naturally, you’d let Loki know about the barren area, knowing he wasn’t one for large crowds as well. You briefly thought of the possibilities of what could transpire in such a place, and your lips quivered uncontrollably.
The planets must have been aligned. The corner of your eye quickly caught onto the tinge of forest green that would always decorate Loki’s attire. He was leaning against one of the counters in the lounge room, flipping mindlessly through a magazine of sorts. It was never an easy feat to sneak up to Loki and he immediately perked his head upwards to catch you stepping towards him.
“I was beginning to wonder if you had forgotten about me.” He said teasingly, putting down the reading material. “It has been a bore meandering around-”
His words failed to register in your head. An uncontrollable desire guided your instincts and you practically jumped onto him, wrapping your arms tightly around his shoulders and neck, bringing him close to a messy, crooked kiss. You were lucky to have Loki react instantly. His hands landed on your waist, gripping whilst holding you up and making sure you didn’t tumble downwards. It must have just lasted for a few seconds, as the Asgardian prince promptly pulled away from your pursed lips. He held onto your waist still, your legs dangling slightly above the floor.
You looked up, concerned as to why he physically pulled you away from him. He looked disheveled. Several strands of hair hung delicately over his face, and the only way you could describe his expression was a charming mixture of embarrassment and disbelief.
“Would you mind not doing that out in the open?” He asked aggressively between gritted teeth.
“There’s literally no one around us, stop being like that.” You retorted, an unknowing pout forming on your lips. “Don’t you realize how long its been since I’ve been able to see you?”
“You were going to see me eventually.” He said bluntly, lowering you gently on the floor. “And I’d rather not have anyone walk in on something like that, lest you’d enjoy a very taxing conversation among your employer.”
“You’re killing me here Loki.” You said while crossing your arms around your chest. “It’s a huge bummer to see you’re clearly not as enthusiastic about this.”
“Don’t put words into my mouth mortal, I never said that.”
You squinted at him. “You sure are showing it though.”
He sighed in defeat, pushing his hair away from his face. “Yes, I missed you. Very dearly. Are you content?”
You jumped on him again, this time high enough to wrap your legs around his waist. Loki almost toppled to the side, again holding you upwards towards him. His hands landed almost purposefully on your thighs, fluttering just slightly over your rear. Your lips met his once more, but you could feel his struggle in wanting to give in, maintaining his balance, and fearing someone would walk in on the both of you.
“Y/N.” He said your name through the corner of his mouth, as much as he could before it became covered in a sloppy kiss. “Y/N. Get off.”
“Come on Loki.” You whispered at him. “I’ve been waiting a really, really long time.”
He raised an eyebrow, noticing the very hazy look in your eyes. “Wait. Norns. You’re in heat, aren’t you?”
You bit your lip, your eyes shifting to the side to avoid his own. You inched close to his ear and began to whisper all of the lewd and inappropriate thoughts you were having of him. You told him how much you had missed his touch on your skin and how it was making you unbelievably crazy the entirety of the week.   You felt his grip tighten on your thighs as you went over detailed accounts of what you to do to him, and what you wanted him to do to you.
“It’s worse than I thought.” Was all he could say, but even you noticed how dry his lips had become.
“Unless, you don’t want to. Then that’s all you have to say.” You said, a part of you knowing it would be hard for him to even resist the temptation.
“Stupid of you to even assume such a thing.” He answered immediately. “You’re heading to your home, are you not?”
You nodded. “I am, but I was thinking, since no one is around here...” Your voice trailed off, nudging your neck at the empty space all around the both of you.
“Come on, you didn’t even think about it!”
“I don’t need to. We’ll do it, but not here.” He pulled you off from him again, placing you promptly on your feet. “I’d rather not do my business with you inside this facility, and within this area where everyone has their meals.”
“You’re not at all as adventurous about this as I thought you’d be.” You responded with yet another pout.
“If this is what adventurous means to you, then we both have very different ideals. Besides, I wouldn’t want to tarnish bedding you in such a way.”
“Hmm?“ You hummed, your ears perked up. “You mean, it’s something you really like doing with me?”
“Of course I do.” He responded genuinely, taking you a bit by surprise. “And because it’s something so important to me, I’d rather do it somewhere more private, more intimate. If that doesn’t satisfy you, then perhaps we shouldn’t do it at all then.”
“No, no no!” You interjected, waving your hands at him. “It’s not that at all! Jesus, don’t scare me like that. I’m totally cool doing it at home too, I love it.”
He smirked, a low chuckle coming from his chest. “I’ll admit, it does stroke my ego a bit to hear you day dream about me in such a way.”
“Stop talking and let’s go home. Now.” You urged at him, tugging at his forearm.
“Though it does beg the question at what other things you are into.” He pondered as he padded along with you. “ I didn’t think you were such an erotic human.”
“Keep talking like that and I’m gonna have to shove you in that broom closet.”
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☕ kurt hummel
You and I both know how dangerous this is. A few notes before I get into this, I respect Chris himself. I have no issues with him or who he is. This is solely about the character. Alright, let’s go.
1. I don’t like him... in fact it very clearly verges on hate most of the time. I think he’s selfish and rude and oftentimes just a shitty person. He feels entitled to a lot of things and, when they don’t go his way, he always links it to his sexuality despite there being no correlation. (Season 2 when Burt told him to ask permission before having a bit stay over - the same rules applied to Finn and girls, for example)
2. He was a pretty terrible boyfriend most of the time. He was jealous constantly, had no respect for Blaine’s choices at points and thought he knew best. Some of the worst moments were 2x14 when Blaine is questioning, 5x16 when Blaine was watching porn because he felt like shit and instead of helping anything Kurt made him feel worse. (Look, it’s porn. It’s not a big thing. 99% of the time, watching porn means nothing to a person except a way to get off.)
3. I just didn’t like his fashion sense.
4. He could be a pretty awful friend as well. The way he treated Mercedes when he and Blaine started getting close, telling her that she just needed to get a boyfriend. I’m not a hummelberry fan because they’re both insufferable but the way he treated Rachel was pretty unfair sometimes.
5. The Chandler debacle. I understand that it can be considered cheating and that it can be considered not cheating. I’m very much of the opinion on the former. I think that when Rachel Berry is telling you you’re doing something wrong, you should rethink things. He didn’t tell Chandler he had a boyfriend (countering Blaine telling Sebastian about Kurt almost straight away), he didn’t tell Blaine about it and, as far as I could see, the messages were more romantic than they should’ve been.
6. In his defence, his is the only reaction to Brody that I can kind of stand. Finn, Santana and Rachel all treated him awfully when they discovered that he was a sex worker. So kudos to him for not beating him up, offering him money or confronting him with a song at his school for no reason.
7. Him at Dalton. From what we saw, he only befriended Blaine. He abandoned them as soon as they lost a competition. He had very little respect for their traditions (I get that he wanted some individuality but they were an acapella group. Teamwork is important there, uniformity is key. I understand that the way the new directions and the warblers worked was very different but he didn’t respect the Warblers at all).
8. The disrespect for Unique’s pronouns. Most of the characters were very guilty of this but, even in season 3, Kurt and Mercedes were really bad about it. There was no respect there. I just... couldn’t stand it.
9. NYADA admission. His audition was better than Rachel’s - I’ll give him that. But Rachel had so many extracurriculars on her application that Kurt didn’t have. He didn’t even consider it until the last minute and that’s probably a big part of why he didn’t get in the first time.
10. Kurt vs Sebastian. Anyone that follows my blog knows that I am a Seblaine shipper and a Sebastian Smythe stan. I’ve made no secret of it. But that’s not what this is about. Kurts treatment of Sebastian was pretty bad. I’m not going to defend Sebastian because he was a dick (I love him but let’s be honest). However, I do think some of the things Kurt said/did when Sebastian was around sucked. His possessiveness when it came to Blaine and Sebastian, his instant assumption that Blaine cheated with Sebastian, but especially his subtle slut shaming of Sebastian. We see it when he’s talking to Santana in 3x11 (and she’s just as guilty there) especially. I just think he had no right to say those things.
11. Klaine in New York. A fair bit of it wasn’t healthy. When Blaine first moved in, he wanted his own space, just something small so he could feel like he lived there as well, and Kurt shit all over it. I already spoke about Blaine’s weight gain. Blaine having to move in with Mercedes was what it took for their relationship to be okay - which shouldn’t be okay.
12. Blaine at McKinley. It started with Kurts constant questions about transferring and then after he had it was “I don’t want you to regret this” (which really should’ve been a point beforehand). Then it was Finn treating Blaine like shit for 8 episodes. And West Side Story was a whole thing but I’m sorry if when I think of the role of Tony, I don’t think of Kurt Hummel. Artie and Beiste and Emma were right - it just wasn’t there when it came to Kurt and playing Tony. There’s the argument in 3x17 over “sitting on stools” and watching Blaine perform. There was just a lot there.
13. Blainofsky. I firmly believe he had no right to react the way he did. Blaine owed him absolutely nothing - kurt broke off the engagement after being a pretty shitty fiancé - and Blaine was happy for the first time in a long time. Blaine is also in the wrong in 6x07 for kissing Kurt but Kurt made it so they sang that duet. I think Kurt just liked to manipulate things in his favour when it came to Blaine’s other relationships and I don’t like that.
There’s probably a lot more I could say about Kurt Hummel and some of it could be positive but probably not. This was just a bunch of word vomit so I’m sorry. But there you go.
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