#what the actaul fuck was all that?
beaniebitch69 · 10 months
i have unresolved issues that make me attracted to italians
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blingblong55 · 9 months
Mistake -141
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Based on a request:
I've got a request for you! I got lost in my thoughts and thought of a prompt so sorry if it's a bit jumbled lol So it's like a wrong place wrong time kind of thing where the reader is mistaken for an enemy, and taken to the base. Maybe interrogated a bit before the 141 are told they have the actaul enemy on they way to them and they're like 'then who tf is this....oh shit....'
GN!Reader, angst, civilian!reader, mentions of torture.
141, one of the best military groups the British military has. As always, they have a target to chase after, this time it's in a small town. Their informant let them know it would be a person dressed in a completely different attire than they were used to. You happened to be walking back from your boring job when you passed their location.
"Bravo 0-6, we have eyes on the target," Gaz said over the radio. "Roger that," Price responded, Within seconds you felt as if someone was chasing you. And having that you watched a crime documentary the night before, you quickly thought of a way out. You walked normally but stayed in well-lit areas. The men thought you were just trying to play along with your facade. "Don't let 'em get away," Soap said from his location, his snipe pointed at you. You grabbed your pocket knife and held it in your hand. You walked faster towards a more public road. "Quick, Ghost!" Price ordered. You heard footsteps getting closer and closer.
You ran away, not daring to look back once. You took many detours until you were close to a nearby church, Church service had started but before you could even reach it, Ghost tackled you. "Don't hurt me!" you told him, your hands held high. He took your knife away and pointed his gun at your head, "Why the hell were you running?" You tried to stay calm but two other men approached you, Gaz and Price with their own guns pointed at you. "Soap, you got visual?" Price asked over the radio. "Yes, Sir" was the response, a red dot on your chest. You panicked.
"No please, you are mistaken." your desperate voice pleaded. "That's what they all say." Price growls and Gaz and Ghost drag you back to their temporary base. The entire way there, you cried and begged to be let go. "You have the wrong person, please I'm innocent!" you cried. Soap aggressively cupped your face, "Yer shut the fuck up, ye hear me?"
At base, they threw you to a mattress in an empty room. Wrists tied to the other, ankles tied as well. Your teary face looking at them. Your body is littered with lacerations. Limbs are weak but they wouldn't stop hitting you. You cry, "Please...I beg of you...please stop this" You receive another punch to the abdomen. "Don't you understand we will keep this up, you fucking killer." Gaz held a knife to you. Over the radio, the Delta team came on. "Bravo six, this is Delta 0-5, how copy?"
"This is Bravo six," Price said, his eyes piercing yours. "We found 'em, and are on our way back to base." Ghost gave Price a questioning look. Both men stepped outside of the room, leaving the two sergeants with you. "What do you mean you have the person with you, Delta Five?"
"All features you told us to look for, this person has it and they have admitted to being the subject."
"Fuckin' 'ell." Ghost murmured and rushed inside. "Sergeants, step away." He commanded. "Ghost they are talking now."
"Step away from the civilian, Soap," he advises and approaches you with caution. He kneels in front of you and unties you, "Are you alright?" He asks you with a soft tone. You were too weak to move, all you could do was stare. Whimpers of pain filled the room once Price walked back in and took a look at the injuries they had caused. "C'mon, we have to rush them to the medics." Your vision blurred. In all his years of being a soldier, Price had a day he regretted the most. And that was today, hurting an innocent, treating them as if they were the scum of the Earth. What fucked him up the most? The fact you died on the bed of the medical tent. Your body is weak, blood on the floor and how you died innocent and young, a poor civilian taken hostage, begging to be let out and no one heard.
That day, Task Force 141 lost another piece of their sanity, another stitch with emotions and another shattered glass to the oath they took to protect civilians. Ghost added you to his book of names, the list of all those he lost to war, by his hands, or by the cruelty his job brought. Another soul that Gaz ripped away because of orders, ones he always followed without question. Soap, the one who had the most blood on his hands, now regretted not listening to his instincts.
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the-entitie · 9 months
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COD Men x K-9 Unit reader (WIP)
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《《 Part 1 | Part 2
Reader works with a K-9 unit, and his partner is called Mutt, who is a mix breed of Alaskan Akita and Doberman(Mutt is also a service dog as reader has paranoia and C-PTSD). Readers call sign is Riot. The 141 boys needed help tracing a terrorist and John called in some favors to bring Riot and Mutt into the field. He helped the Los Vaqueros as well.
After the mission back at base, reader interacts with the men, and they end up interacting with reader.
Reader is referred to as you or Riot.
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Mentions of panic attacks, anxiety attacks, C-PTSD, war, and / or war related violence. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, past trauma. Death of a family member. Torture, scars, and flashbacks.
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Rodolfo “Rudy” Parra (657 words)
-Growing up alone, with only his mother. He adored the way you worked with Mutt. Sure, seeing the hulking mass of pure muscle and fur that was your partner is its own kind of scar, but he still adores how smooth you two are when out on a mission. -That fear is cemented when you suddenly whistle sharp and turn almost slaminginto him. Only for a hostile to drop under your hound who tackled them. Holding the enemy soldier down with snarls and jaw snapping in an obvious threat. He leans the cues you give that insight a violent recation, just a show or an actaul attack. All so he can predict the behavior. Not liking the scar. -The way you and Mutt act outside of the field had confused him. Why the hound was still so focused on you, why were you so reliant on Mutt. It's only the years he spent in hostile land that gives him a clue. You survived something. Mutt helps deal with the leftover pain it caused. -Rudy only sees that pain later, finding you down on the floor with Mutt desprerate to get you calm. He's seen how Alejandro deals with this kind of thing, but he didn't want to leave you here. Just to wallow in the panic. Making sure you heard him approach, to mutter. "What's, Oh, mierda. Hey. Hey, Riot?" He'll kneel down beside you when he knows you've noticed him. Making sure to keep his voice calm and quiet. "What, come on, que puedo. How can I help you?" "Talk. Please, just. I can't be in my own head right now. Talk to me. háblame. [Talk to me]" "Ok, ok. Did I. Or have you ever heard how Ale and me met?" "No- no. I don't thin-nk?" "Silencio ahora [quiet now], I'll talk. We met..." -You start seeking him out and learns Mutts call for him. He sees how much that takes out of you and when your drousy and half passed out? That's when you start talking to Mutt. Growling, yips, whines, and just going back and forth with each other. -Its the times he growls back at you, that you snap awake. He'll laugh it off, but after he sees how much fun it is for both of you? He'll growl at you just to tease you or walk up behind you just to growl a breath away from you. He loves it, sees you jump only to recognize it as him, them chase him down across the base. Even in the field, you also play along. On the days when it's quiet and you two need to hunker down for a sand storm. It becomes a norm of you scaring him so bad, he'll jump a foot in the air. -Rudy will start ruff housing with you as well. Even helping Mutt shove you around when you both get the free time to be home. It started small, little shoves and shoulder checks escalating to wrestling. He still growls at you. Hell, he even laughs at you and Mutt, yapping at each other when the two of you ruff house. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he enjoys the quiet, too. Not nearly as much as the adrenaline of chasing you or you chasing him down, but it's still comfort. -The darker nights for you, the flashbacks, the way Mutt will help with it, he learns it. He slowly starts to ask, saying. "You can tell me fuck off Roit, but. Quiero saber como ayudar [I want to help you]. I need the story to do that." "Ok, well. It ain't una bonita historia [a pretty story], but you asked so nicely so. Yeah. I'll tell you," -After that, he becomes as much of a guard dog as Mutt is for you. Rudy will become the caregiver his mother raised him to be. What he became for her.
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick: (742 words)
-His first impressions of you and Mutt were nothing to write home about. You were sent in to help get him out of the hostile area after he was surrounded on a search and rescue effort. He was warned beforehand sure, but nothing will ever prepare him for when you came bursting in with a bloodied hound and a flustered Soap on your tail. Following you out as Mutt killed as many men as Soap shot. To Say it took him a minute to comprehend the level of 'fuck all of that' would be an under statement. He came around to Mutt, but it took a while. -You took him with you to the training grounds. After how shocked he was to see you and your K-9 partner, you asked if he wanted to learn how you both worked. If that could make him feel safer around Mutt. And yes. Maybe just maybe you showed off more than you explained, but you did explain how most of your commands were mixed words from several languages. "Wait, so they'll just drop?" "It's called recall training, so sort of." "Recall? Like controlling how far they go?" "Yip, watch." The whole having perfect control over Mutt took Gaz a bit to accept but watching the hound bolt down a fucking run way before you whistle sharp and Mutt suddenly skids to a stop, and then continue at that break neck pace only to come right back to you at a single call. -Gaz, seeing both of you still moving so fluidly outside of the field just felt like a side effect of working together so long. He doesn't think about the layers of scar tissue over your throat. He doesn't care that you disappear every now and gain. Why would he? Is what he wanted to think until the late nights spent on quiet runs through old hostile infested land. When you start talking him through the pain, ebbing from the through and through bullet hole. Holding down on the slow pump of blood, asking him stupid dad jokes. Hoping the mere spite of saying what cap. Price would is keeping him awake. "It'll be fine... just" "How does dark Vader like his toast?" "No. Roit. Please stop." Gaz begs with a breathless chuckle. "~on the dark side~" Full on laughing now, he half snorts. "I said stop!" -He almost chalks the echoing howl that bounced back and forth as a hallucination from blood loss, but considering that the team found you both as quickly as they did? It can't be. Gaz corners you when you both have nowhere to be and are off duty. It's almost embarrassing to sit down and explain that yes, you howled to Mutt, and yes, that's how you find you K-9 amist all that open land. Now Gaz will ask what else you can copy because damn was that awesome to hear. -Becoming more and more comfortable around each other, he gets to hear you howl more often. Even being there when Mutt first tackled you only to growl. It turned into ruff housing quick, both you and your hound growling back and forth. So, who cares that he also likes wrestling with you. He doesn't, and he sure as hell doesn't tell you how stupidly cute it is that you growl at him when he even gets the upper hand. Never will he let you know how fucken adorable he finds you and Mutt. -Gaz owes his life to you. If not, when he was shot , then definitely when Mutt would have his back as you had to crack down a lock. He's not at all as scared as before, he adores how the hound you work with. He enjoys the dumb sad jokes you two shoot off back and forth, over global coms just to annoy Price. But he loves, likes the way you sound exactly like Mutt. Yes, he will go 'grr' at you sometimes, but the sounds of you and Mutt trying to locate each other over the dark field will always be his favorite. Means, you're still alive. It means he can still fight to pay you back later. Not right now, but when that day comes, he won't be the one to let you die. And don't you dare force him to be a fucking lier.
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Keegan p. Russ: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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Character Name: (000 words)
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finchisinanest · 7 months
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(btw for some reason the only images used are clive and I think part of the gardens/pop it academy)
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oliverwolfboy · 10 months
Where are my bsd tma crossovers and aus!? Like what the fuck are you guys doing this has so much unexplored potential. I don't care if you do it with abilities or without, I just want my bsd tma au fics, and not just trying to make the bsd characters into the archive staff, or just having the bsd characters show up in the archive and beat everythings ass including the entities somehow even though the entities can't be beat EVEN with gravity, because Oh mY gOD sO sTroNg. No no no no I want to see them struggle, I want to see one of them get trapped, taken by the buried, went to the circus of the other and never come out, or something that is new and not one of the avatars from the og podcast, just something, even better don't have Ranpo figuring it out immediately, because number 1) that is just unrealistic even by Ranpo standereds, Ranpo is a man of logic, even if he does make some lapses in logic, but those lapses are possible to the world they are in, and we only really take them as lapses because we can't see Ranpo's process of thought, if we could see his thoughts then these lapses would probably make sense, however metaphysical entities (or possibly just one entity with a lot of variation) made of the fear of all living beings is nowhere near logical even in a world with abilites, which is another problem for Ranpo, because any avatars or weird shit could be blamed on abilites, of course it can't just be blamed on abilites forever, there are archives after all (archives and not archive because in the canon of tma there are shown to be multiple archives, which also brings up the possiblity of multiple archivists at the same time, which is something i chose to believe in) and there wouldn't be archives or at least not to the public, if none thought what they saw was supernatural. Ranpo also wouldn't have access to the actual archive only the library where there is barely anything of actaul note, which brings me to number 2) it could make Ranpo an eye avatar, now why isn't Ranpo already an eye avatar? Because he's never actually had to try, he always figures it out in just a few seconds so he's never really felt that drive to know, never had that feeling of curiosity or the need to know even if it kills you, because he has always known, but now he doesn't, there is to much missing, he can try and find solutions that might work but none of them feel right, like there is some missing puzzle piece that he can't for the life wrap his head around, this has never happend before even with Dazai, though he struggle figured out most of it at least, not this time, this time he has nothing, no idea of what is going on, he is stuck in a desert and ever time he thinks he sees water, or just some kind of salvation it turns out to be a hallucination, a concoction from the mind of a desperate man, and this is where shame sets in, because if he can't solve something so simple then could he really call the greatest detective, and this shame transforms into that need, that need to know even if it kills him. Now there is a lot of places you can take this idea, will Ranpo go to his local spooky eye place? Will he be a freelancer? Well it is almost a guarantee that he will drive away the other members of the detective agency with his obsession. Of course you can come up with your own ideas. This is just one of many ideas i have, and i am probably also going to post some of them too. Now onto a real question how are avatars going to attack ability users, well the entities are very adaptable, in the og podcast they just had to deal with normal humans, now however since there are gifted they are most likely going to make stronger avatars, plus because of gifted the avatars will have to be smarter about how they go about their hunting, also there are probably also going to be gifted avatars, but case and point the entities and avatars are going to adapt, so they will always be at the top of the good chain. Also Hunt avatar bram gooo bruh
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wonik1ss · 7 months
JAY & Y/n | entry 18 : let’s meet + fully written
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SYNOPSIS : two people with complete different life’s learn about each other with the help of a small little read book
As you pressed ignore on your phone for the third time you finally jolted up when you finally remembered what day it was. After weeks of writing to your little starboy they would finally get to meet. You smiled from ear to ear as you got ready. Truth be told, you were starting to crush on starboy.
He liked all your favorite books and movies. He shamelessly complimented you and made your cheeks turn red. What was there not to like about him? This mystery man made her feel so many things and you couldn’t wait to meet him.
So as you applied her lip gloss you didn’t even bother to look at her phone which had just lit up. ‘Ima be a little busy today see you later babe’. You chuckled as you glanced at the text. You and Jay were quickly becoming friends and you loved it.
The boy flirted with you any chance he got and even when something fell flat he still smiled at you. As you put down your phone and took one last chance to look at the mirror you tilted your head.
You didn’t put on that much blush right? You shrugged and got your stuff as you kissed your Mom goodbye and promised your brother to get him some ‘actaul food’. To which your Mom slapped him playfully.
As you walked to the park you started to daydream. What if you got together and you both just clicked? You would be the girlfriend of an extremely flirtatious jock you really liked. You would yearn to be in his touch every day. As you continued to say dream instead a a blurry faced jock Jay appeared in your dream.
He kissed your cheek and then pulled a coin from behind your ear and then made one of his stupid dad jokes. You shrugged the dream off as you finally came to your destination. The old willow tree in the park.
You both decided to meet up there since the park was gonna be pretty crowded because a field trip the freshman were taking. As of right on queue Haneul and Sheon frantically waved at you as they followed their group.
You waved back and then went back to looking for starboy. What if he was that boy in the red cap? Or the really short guy with the glasses? To bad it wouldn’t matter because starboy otherwise known as Jay wouldn’t even make it to the park.
As Jay opened his door he saw Lia. She smiled as she walked pass him into his living room.
“Why the fuck are yo-“
“She doesn’t like you. Your little book friend I mean”. Lia smiled as Jay rolled his eyes.
“You don’t know what yo-“
“Her names Rei she does this for a living.. She gets guys all happy and shit and then embraces them when they finally meet.. She ends up not coming to the meeting spot and telling everyone about the person she tricked and they make a big foul out of themself”. Lia expression quickly changed from smiling to a ‘worried one’.
“Im telling you this because I don’t want you to get hurt Jay..”. Jay didn’t noticed it until Lia started to touch his cheek but he was crying. Lia licked her lips and went to whisper in his ear.
“I can make it all go away though”. The girl smiled as she put Jay’s hand on her waist. The two started to make out as tears fell from Jay’s face as Lia guided him to his room.
Soon enough the two were undressed and on his bed. It was now eight, Lia was asleep but Jay just couldn’t. He let his heart be someone else’s and now it’s broken…
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entry 18 : let’s meet + fully written
masterlist | entry 19 !
taglist ! OPEN for now you can ask anytime to be added, by commenting or asking :)
@bilagee @a-yn-wannabe @kittyhaerin1 @muhwaa @pchaebro @1luvkarina @wandering-gigi @haehyuv98 @yelenabelovasgf @winieter
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
Deontay Wilder Knocks Out Internet Troll Charlie Zelenoff In Real Life
 this sums up my feelings about the whole sam hyde simmons thing, in case you are unfamiliar thats charlie selenoff and hes not a fucking “troll” its been actaul fucking years since ive seen troll used correctly, it makes me fucking cringe for some reason, anyway this guy has some kind of SERIOUS mental disability, what he does is go to gyms like planet fitness and go up to strangers asking if theyd like to do some “light sparring” and the moment they put their gloves on he just unloads on them, catching them completely unaware and then he claims it as another win in his “three hundred and O” boxing record or whatever the fuck. thats clearly not fucking cool at all and the guy is a menace, but again he CLEARLY has a serious developmental disability, the man hes fighting is a fucking former heavyweight UFC champion who has too much of a smooth ape brain to realize that fighting this guy makes him look like a fucking idiot. Zelenoff NO DOUBT brought this on himself by calling his daughter the n word and god knows what else, but again hes a FUCKING FORMER UFC HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, he should be so far above this that he doesnt even know charlies name, he OUGHT to be humiliated by this but frankly hes just too low IQ to understand why this is wrong, and i say that to his credit im sure hes actually a decent man but i dont think hes bright. sam on the other hand is bright enough to know that its not fuckin cool to bully an autist just because you can make him look like hes a pedophile based on snippets of his book out of context or edgy instagram jokes that dont land, thats literally what severe social autism is, and if medical books were honest one of the main symptoms would be “seems a bit like a sex pest” they dont have the ability to socially filter what they are saying or more they dont know how what they are saying is gonna be recieved that IS autism. im not saying the dude isnt a creep, its just fucking mega lame to see sam and frank bully some little shrimp dick autist over fucking nothing. if they believed he actually posed a threat to kids its their fucking duty to do something about it, not talk about it and mock him like fucking women. shameful display
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queeranesearch · 3 years
Sorry i only draw one character do you still think I'm hot :(
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mangaien · 4 years
*me smells the smell of boil grated potatoes and flour formed into a ball and boiled* this is what dreams are made of !!!
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butterppretzel · 6 years
the mood for this weekend lads
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impaladolan · 4 years
Control Freak - Grayson Dolan
summary: showing up to work is a bit different, and Grayson Dolan is a totally different person than y/n had initially thought..
warnings: swearing & fluff :)
a/n: for the sweet anon 💕 sorry it took so long!
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It was never a choice, always a demand.
He didn't ask you to dinner, he only told you the time you needed to be ready on the following Friday of your "hookup". He's a very captivating man, you thought, but it was tremendously difficult to do your job for the next four days.
He gave you absurd tasks to do everyday, like you were his secretary, and barely acknowledged your existence. It almost made you question whether you like Mr. Kidman better or not. He was particularly nice with all your other coworkers and employees, he just didn't bat an eyelash at you. Not that you were mad or anything, because when you run through the events that had happened in his office only days ago, it's extremely difficult not to feel ashamed.
Fucking your boss upon the very first day of meeting him is a little much, yeah?
Whatever it was that went through your head that day, you internally knew that it was a big mistake. Office romance never really works out, and Grayson Dolan seems like an asshole. Well, to you anyway. You weren't sure if that was his type of "love language" with women. Fucking the daylights out of them and then ignoring their presence. Who knows, he's a man with needs.
But as soon as it was Friday and you stepped foot onto your office floor, it was an entirely different ball game. There was no one around. All the desks were empty and all the laptops and towers were off. Even the lights weren't on and there wasn't a coffee brewing aroma spilling from the break room.
Did you really come in on a Saturday?
When you looked at the date, it surely said Friday on it, but it sure didn't look like it. Even with your doubts, you continue down the room, heading towards your desk that was near the end, where Mr. Dolans office was. You were frightened when you saw what could only be your boss sat in your office chair, his feet up on your desk and his back turned to you as his hand held a framed picture. "This your boyfriend?" His low morning voice asked as he analyzed the picture, pulling his feet off and turning in the chair. Every single time you lock eyes with him, your breath would get locked in your throat and your cheeks would burn a dark red. But even if your body reacted hotly to him, your mind really does have a twisted mind of its own.
At first, you were going to admit that the man in the picture was your beloved brother, but something deep inside you made you lie; “No, that’s my husband, Mr. Dolan.” You cockily raised an eyebrow, seating yourself on your desktop and crossing your legs. “M’hm, so you’re married to your brother? That’s a bit weird, huh?” His brows furrowed as he slowly set the picture back where you had had it in the first place. In reaction, you just blandly roll your eyes, chewing on your bottom lip in anticipation. “That’s a terrible habit, you know.” He sighs as he gets up from your chair, towering you with his might and power. “What, biting my lip?” You met his harsh stare after doing a little browse of body, starting at the bottom with his shiny shoes of course. “Rolling your eyes, darling. It’ll get you into some trouble one of these days.” He explained in a deeper voice than his usual, unpocketing his hands and planting them on either sides of you as his face becomes level with your own. “Well unless you feel like doing something about it, I don’t see the reason to stop. I find it as a great alternative, honestly.” You sigh, looking down sheepishly at your nails, instead of his handsome face.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll figure something out to do about it. That’ll have to be solved later though, because we have a few plans for today.” He said as he stood back up properly and reached his hand out to you. You were going to decline it, but you were curious so you took it anyway, letting his strength pull you back up towards him. You settled your hand against his surprisingly soft chest, looking upward at him with a small smile. He smiled too, making your heart skip a beat and your cheeks flush a little more. “What sort of plans, if I may ask?” You question as you watch him pull away and softly interlock your hand with his own.
“Well, instead of just a nice little dinner I figured we could hit up some of my favorite food shops around the city and talk about some things.” He explained as he began to walk, holding your hand close to his body as his other hand was stuffed into his pocket. Your mind processed his words as the two of you near the elevator, exchanging a few glances here and there. You’re the first to push the button this time, snickering as you did so until you both enter the tiny room. When you looked at all the buttons that had the floors labeled on it, your stomach began to rumble with butterflies. You both mutually looked at each other, and the moment the sliding metal doors were shut, you attacked.
Your hand untangled from his own and slipped up to his cheeks, his own hands resting on your hips that he had only been grabbing at days ago. You slammed your lips against his soft ones and shut your eyes tightly. Apparently he had the same awakening as you, because he had had the exact same thing in mind ever since you had pressed that button. The two of you had your lips attached to each other, combing your bodies and running your hands along the entirely of your beings. At one point, you gained enough strength to run your hand down his chest and onto the front of his nicely tight pants, essentially palming him through the layers. Though you firstly thought it’d be funny for him to have a hard-on while the two of you walked around the city, he put an end to your suggestive actions quickly. “Not right now.” He sharply demanded against your lips as you “innocently” giggled, breaking away from his grasp and fixing yourself back to normal before the elevator hit the ground floor.
Once the doors slid open, you led the way through the large lobby and out of the circular exit doors with a funny smirk. He eventually caught up to you down the sidewalk and reattached his hand to yours again, swinging them this time as you let a cheesy smile take over your face. “So where are we going first?” You asked, resetting the mood and focusing on him.
The two of you walked around the large city for six almost seven hours, talking and laughing, eating delicious food from all different shops and markets and just having a good old time in each other’s presences. You even showed him a few of your own regular places. You had noticed that his actaul personality was entirely different from his work one. He was truly a hilarious person, who made you laugh until your stomach hurt and had you crying like a baby. It was honestly an upgrade, considering you thought he was an asshole a couple hours ago. After you had visited almost every possible spot by walking, the two of your decided on stopping at one of your favorite low volume bars for a drink or two before the night ends, instead of parting ways. After ordering your choices, you popped the question you had been waiting to ask him the whole day; “Why were you being a serious asshole towards me all week? I mean, I don’t feel that way as of now, but I’m curious to know.” You asked with a bit of nervousness in your voice, fidgeting with your drink as your swish the melting ice around. He took a deep breath and sighed, tapping his finger on the tabletop.
“Not to upset you or anything, but I think someone might’ve saw us y’know.. fucking in my office.” He spoke up, taking a gulp of his beverage shortly after. “So instead of being all “lovey dovey” and shit, I decided that if I acted like a dick towards you, then whoever was spying wouldn’t report anything. It was mainly an act, I’ll let you know. I’m not an actual fucking asshole.” He scoffed as a look of terror contorted your face. “Someone fucking saw us?!” You whisper loudly, your eyes widening and the grip you had on the glass tightening.
“I think so, but I could possibly be wrong.” He shrugs, watching as you settle your fingertips upon your forehead, rubbing them back and forth with concern. “Grayson, do you know what that means? I could actually lose my fucking job!” With a frustrated sigh, you let your eyes become watery. You knew you wouldn’t cry, but your heart did sink into your chest and your mind began to scramble. “Y/N, I’ll take care of it. I have people that can help me fix this situation, and you won’t lose your job in the process. Trust me, I have everything under control.” He soothes you, rubbing his hand up and down your back nicely. You trusted his words, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit stressed. For some relief, you picked up your drink and directed the bottom of the cup to the ceiling, setting it down a bit roughly when you had finished it and took a deep breath. “Lets just forget about this for now, we can talk about it later.” You say before waving for the bartender, asking for a shot for the two of you.
In that moment, you hadn’t planned on getting wasted or even plastered. But by the time Grayson could get you to get out of that seat at the bar, you were a pretty good mix of both. Yes, you were seeing a foggy double of most things and the ground looked a lot farther down than it had before. You didn’t even realize the amount you drank, you just noticed that Grayson took a lot slower pace than you did.
Maybe the news that he had admitted had made you all the sudden want to waste the night away and forget what he had said; or you just wanted to relax because being with Grayson all day was exhausting. Not that he was a nuisance or anything, he was just extremely intimidating and you didn’t want to make a fool of yourself. Whatever it was, you sure had drank all the worries away, and became the stupid drunk that everyone finds annoying. Yep, you could name about every attribute of a young college girl wasted at some kind of frat party and you’d be the exact match. Being very loud and obnoxious, spilling many truths that you probably shouldn’t of, being a little too handsy in public, and just pure honesty about everything. Luckily you hadn’t thrown up at all, or that would’ve made everything worse.
You hadn’t noticed until the morning after, but Grayson had been very nurturing about everything. You were a bit embarrassing, but he truly didn’t show a care. Instead of taking you straight home, he let you have your fun, knowing you probably needed some sort of a stress reliever after what he had just revealed to you. He knew when enough was enough for you and politely pulled you from the building before you could become uncontrollable. He helped you wobble up the sidewalk until a taxi was available, to which he hailed and as careful as he could, loaded you into it. It was a short ride to his place, you only remember that because the story you were telling him had continued all the way until you were both alone in his beautiful penthouse. You thought it was very clean for a man, but suggested that all stereotypes aren’t true.
Once he had taken his coat off and set his things on the countertop in his kitchen, he helped you remove your shoes and basically carried you to a nice little room. He took your jacket off for you and helped settle your tired self into bed. “Thank you, Grayson.” Was the last thing you remembered before all the lights went out.
“You’re welcome.”
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whitworth-waldo · 4 years
Here's the second part to my loceit fic, but a quick warning:
Something Deceit was always jealous of, was the fact that every other side could show their emotions. It was considered natural for them, but whenever he did it, everyone thought he was trying to manipulate them. At times he really hated that he was in charge of Thomas’ dishonesty.
All the other sides had people there to comfort them when they were feeling bad. He didn’t have anyone, as edgy as it sounds. Whenever he was upset he buried it. He pushed it deep down into his brain so that it would never resurface. But it always did.
No matter how hard he tried, he could never just ignore things. He had feelings that could be hurt, and he other sides didn't seem to understand that. It hurt when Virgil called him useless. He felt bad for saying the things he did to Virgil and Patton, but he couldn’t apologize now. If he did, they would think he was just trying to use them.
Deceit was balled up with his head on his knees and his arms wrapped around his shins. He had a single tear running down his cheek. He slowly got up and wiped his face clean of any tears left over.
“Why do I even care?! It’s not like they do. I don’t fucking care anymore!”
Deceit stomped out of his room and down the stairs. Virgil was in the kitchen, so Deceit gave him a death glare whenever Virgil looked at him.
“Got a fucking priblem?”
Roman had stepped into the kitchen, and was being protective of Virgil.
“Yeah. I do. Not like you’ll listen anyway though, because every fucking time I express actaul emotion you take it as me being minipulative. So don’t fucking ask if you’re not even gonna listen to me.���
Roman and Virgil looked taken aback. Deceit shook his head, he filled a cup with hot tea. He needed the warmth from the tea to actually warm up, while he wasn’t entirely cold-blooded, he didn't have a lot of body heat. 
“Why are you even a side? What do you do, besides lie, that is?”
Deceit shook his head.
“You’ll figure that out in the next week jackass. And you wonder why I haven’t shared my name yet.”
Virgil spoke up.
“They don’t know it yet?”
Deceit’s head shot up and he gave Virgil a death glare, Virgil just smirked.
“His name is Janice.”
Roman burst out laughing.
“Janice?! What are you? A middle school librarian!”
Deceit, or Janice, hissed. Roman wrapped an arm around Virgil's waist and Virgil kept smirking. Logan walked into the kitchen just then.
“Hey, Logan! Want to know Deceit’s name?”
Logan shrugged.
“Sure, I guess.”
Roman laughed.
“Our dear scaley reptilian rapscallion here, his name is Janice!”
Logan hummed.
“As in the Roman God? J-a-n-u-s? Or J-a-n-i-c-e, which is much less probable. J-a-n-i-c-e is usually a name reserved for females.”
Deceit smiled.
“My name is spelled J-a-n-u-s, like the God. Logan is correct.”
“I usually am.”
Virgil frowned.
“Roman God? What?”
Logan nodded.
“Janus is the Roman God of beginnings, as well as transitions. He is depicted with two heads, as he was always looking into the future and the past. Oddly, he is one of the only Roman Gods who doesn’t have a Greek counterpart.”
Logan sat on the counter and Deceit took a sip of his tea and looked at Virgil.
“See what you get when you try to be a dick?”
Logan tilted his head.
“I infer that Virgil was being rude. What was he doing?”
“First off, he told others my name when I wasn't ready. And secondly, he was making fun of it.”
Virgil looked away and Roman held him closer.
“Can you blame him? You’re constantly lying, and trying to get Thomas to do unethical things.”
Logan made a face of confusion.
“Can you blame him for his own actions? Yes, yes you can.”
Deceit chuckled.
“Plus, I only want what’s best for Thomas! How many times do I have to say that?! I think by now I’ve said it at least 5 times.”
Janus shook his head and walked back to his room. He walked back into the kitchen wrapped in a yellow blanket. He plopped himself onto the floor and sipped his tea. Virgil and Roman had left, so Janus assumed they went into Virgil’s room.
“Hey, I just wanted to thank you for earlier. In that nasty fight, you didn’t have to agree with me.”
Logan hummed.
“Well, you were right. I’m not going to agree with people who aren’t right just because they aren’t well liked.”
Deceit smiled, he leaned back onto a cupboard and snuggled into his blanket. Janus had always liked that Logan seemed to be unbiased most of the time. Logan and him were labelled the brain cells of the group by the fans, and they weren’t necessarily wrong, or Janus didn’t think so at least.
Logan stayed in the kitchen for a while with Janus. They didn’t really talk, it was just a comfortable silence. Then after like, half an hour Logan got curious.
“Why do you always wear a coat and gloves?”
“I don’t produce much body heat, the whole reptile thing. So I wear heavier clothes to keep warm.”
“I always assumed it was just a fashion choice.”
Janus chuckled.
“No, although, it is rather stylish. I’m just always freezing.”
Logan smiled and nodded.
“I know this is a kinda stupid question, but have the others ever, like, ranted about me before? Specifically Virgil.”
Logan had to think back a while,but he did remember Virgil being really upset when Janus made his first appearance on Sanders Sides.
“Yeah, Virgil was really mad when you first showed up.”
Janus nodded.
“Sorry for impersonating you, second nature ya know.”
Logan shrugged.
“Not the worst thing that’s happened before.”
“That’s good. Anyway, what did Virgil say?”
“He said that he couldn't believe we were listening to a darkside.”
Janus rolled his eyes.
“Quite hypocritical, don’t you think?”
Logan nodded, he was finding this moment peaceful. He was also happy that Janus was being what Logan assumed to be himself. He wasn’t trying to be this evil tough side.
“Very. He also said that the D-Day example was a stretch.”
“Completely untrue. The allies set up fake tanks and everything!”
Logan nodded again. Deceit always knew what he was talking about, even when impersonating other sides, that was another thing Logan liked about Janus.
Remus walked into the kitchen about an hour into Janus and Logan talking in the kitchen.Logan was still on the counter and Janus was sitting on the floor wrapped up right next to Logan’s leg. He just got a cup of Orange juice and walked out.
“They’re SO gonna get together.”
Remus was out of earshot of both the sides, Virgil was passing him and looked confused.
“Dee and Logan. They’re still in the kitchen, just talking.”
Virgil scrunched up his face.
“Logan wouldn’t like him.”
Remus just shook his head.
Back in the kitchen, Janus and Logan were talking about true crime stuff.
“Would you prefer to be called Janus or Deceit?”
Janus shrugged.
“You could call me Dee, or Jan. Doesn’t really matter anymore, since Virgil kinda outed me.”
Logan frowned.
“You still get a preference for what you want people to call you.”
Janus smiled.
“Dee is fine. You know, you and Remus are the only two who have asked me that.”
“Hm, that’s kinda strange.”
Deceit nodded.
“Guess it’s because the others don't like me too much, do they?”
Logan shook his head.
“Don’t know why though. I find your company quite pleasant.”
Janus smiled, he felt a small blush creep upon his cheeks.
“Thanks. I have to say, I think you’re also nice to be around. It’s peaceful, and when we disagree it's just a simple debate. No shouting or offensive things said.”
Logan smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, that’s always nice.”
Janus closed his eyes for a couple minutes, he only opened them when he heard footsteps.
“You guys are still out here? It’s literally been two hours.”
Janus opened his eyes and saw Roman at the fridge.
“Aren’t you and Virgil still accompanying each other?”
Roman looked at Logan weirdly.
“Yeah, but we’re a couple.”
Janus blushed, but he hid it by snuggling even further in his blanket. Roman still probably saw it.
“Do I like him? Why am I blushing? He compared us to a couple! What’s going on? Am I ok?! I’m fine, it’s probably just a crush. Right? Yeah. It’ll go away in a few days.”
Janus was spacing out.
“Yo, Janus, you good?”
He looked up and saw Roman staring at him.
“I’m fine.”
Roman shook his head and left.
“Are you ok?”
Janus tilted his head.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”
Logan shook his head.
“No, I mean actually. Are you emotionally healthy?”
Janus froze.
“It’s ok if you aren’t, Dee. I’ve noticed that the others don’t necessarily take your emotions into consideration. If you want to talk about it, you could talk to me at any time. I might not be a very emotional person, but I could give advice.”
Janus nodded.
“Thanks, that means a lot.”
Janus rested his head on the cupboard behind him and closed his eyes, only this time, when he opened them he was in his bed.
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cupidcatlyst · 4 years
I should of probably actaul thought of what I'm planning to go for Halloween cause currently i just kinda look alt with bear claws.
Also it's fucking freezing outside and all my cool clothes are either leather or too thin to wear like my cloak for example.
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slowlydyingsilently · 3 years
Lol what a question. Like if u answered with I'm a republican they probably would have chewed u out calling u names and they u followed u. So sad how people go by what side ur on and not what type of person u are now a days. I'm a republican but I'm for gay marriage I believe in equity not equality. It seems the left is taking over the government GOD help us all in america. Idk how they r getting all these votes when they where calling what those rioters where doing in the city's burning the stores, looting, destroying privet property. Even beating the shit out of people that where just trying to protect there small stores from being destroyed. Y would u support people that would do that? Y would u vote for a party that was started by people who didn't vote for women having the right to vote or to give the blacks the right to vote. The REPUBLICAN party was STARTED BY FREE SMART BLACK MEN. They knew the government had to much power. They knew that the American people no matter the color or sex should have the right to freedom and not to be told what u can and can't do or say by the government on anything. The Republican party is about less government, more money for the people cause they want people to have jobs, own there own business, we believe in family. Not all are against gay marriage that's just stupid if to people want to get married then go for it no matter what is between ur legs. We are not transphobic we don't give two shits about ur sexual organs or who u fuck. We just dont want it thrown in our face ever damn chance u get. And the obortion thing there are people who believe if ur going to have unprotected sex and get pregnant then u should stay pregnant and then if u dont want the baby give it up for adoption. I believe a women has the right to an abortion up to 8 weeks after that u keep till u can put up for adoption. Cause I know shit can happen. Just there are so many ways to not get pregnant. And if u wait till that baby has a heart beat or could survive out of the womb to terminate the pregnancy then that's murder. I was believe on lower taxes less government, less laws, term limits on all people in office. I don't believe in life long politics. Like biden he has been in power for close to 50 years that's wrong cause he doesn't have anything to show for. I believe the American people shouldn't be told what drugs they can or can't have. I don't believe in the war on opioids. There are actaul humans that need them to get by everyday be it work or even just getting around. The Human body sucks and it can be extremely painful. And telling us well because people us them to get high and some die you can't have any is fucking messed up.people smoke weed, take crack, acid, mdma to get high. Who the fuck cares. The damn government pro idea places and free needles for drug users the even give them free methadone. So Why is it the governments right to tell me I can't take something that will help my chronic pain so I can get around and do my job cause other people die off it. U know almost every drug out there can kill u if u take to much. U could take to much aspirin and die. So to sum this up I fucking hate the government and think we need a new haul of everyone.
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harryfeatgaga · 5 years
fuck!!! him eating u out just to give u a lil relief ya know? Especially in a bathroom where ur professional acquaintances are right out the door? and he’s pushing ur legs apart further and ur really just trying to be as quiet as u can but he’s making that rather hard and when ur all finished he comes up from between ur legs smiling and gives u a kiss “feel better now?” u nod “yeah.” he repeats “yeah?” and then asks “have I got anything on my mouth” before going in for another lil kiss 😋😋
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
Abelard — Meta Valley [Music Video]
“troon” is a cia forced meme designed to give dissaffected right wing young men a completely declawed pejorative that totally misses the people actually responsible for this mess (namely the so called jews), im sure of it, im less sure about “gooning” and “booba” being forced cia memes but i just have a feeling that they are, they never felt organic to me. while its true that discord servers full of trannies conducted raid after raid on 4chan, this is similar to what it replaced, namely blaming the chinese for all the shilling, and i mean all of it not just on 4chan, it was absurd to me because for everything the chinese are i dont think anyone believed they had the capacity to infiltrate western websites in a subtle way, not to say it never happens but obviously the biggest shills were and are based in western nations, due to the perfect english and sometimes naunced understanding of memes and the cultural zeitgeist, blah blah blah, an actaul chinese shill would be spotted fucking immediatley, can you even imagine? “troons” are scapegoats for jewish power like gays before them and blacks before them etc etc. 
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