#what was i supposed to DO?
theroundbartable · 1 month
Here I was, out in the wild (the grocery store) and there were two dogs sitting there in the sun.
(Both wore scarfs, indicating they weren't strays, they weren't put on leash and the owner was nowhere to be seen. )
Me: *looks at one of the dogs*
Me: *internally*: do not approach, might be service dog. Maybe he's on the job and waiting for owner to come out of store. Do not approach. The dog could be full of flees. Do not approach! Maybe the owner would not allow this. Do NOT approach! You're not supposed to pet stranger's dogs without permission, do NOT-
Dog: *approaches*
Me: oh, you sick son of a bitch
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years
Peter: Uranium has about 18 billion calories per gram so eating a gram of Uranium is technically enough food for last you for the rest of your life
Harley: that is correct in more than one way
Tony: ...I shouldn't need to say this but please don't eat any Uranium
Tony: Or anything that isn't food
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thelreads · 10 months
My sister is bullying me because The Tower told me to kneel and I did it and according to my sister I "clicked the option way too fucking fast" help
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mintaikk · 5 months
Anyways I'm gonna start shipping Andrealphus & Vassago
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kirythestitchwitch · 7 months
Klaroline WIP Wed - Freaky Friday Time Travel AU - Klaus is a Master Baiter
It's been a while since put some of this out but i've been working on my plot issues and writing so here is some FFTT! as always @galvanizedfriend your tag!
Part One here Part Two here Part Three here Part Four here Part Five here
Pulling down a pink jacket, she wondered as she slipped it on if she’d be breaking any time laws if she brought it home with her. Shoes on, she went in search of Klaus.
The bedroom opened on a hallway lined with paintings with two closed doors and a staircase at the end, which curved around down to the landing. A living room was through one doorway, a kitchen and dining room through another. Klaus’ voice, sharp in tone, came from behind a door to the left that was cracked a smidge, and she padded quietly to the door to listen.
She needn’t have bothered, first off, he was speaking a language she wasn’t familiar with, and secondly, the moment she got within range of the door, he called out to her. “Caroline, do come in, love.”
Only slightly annoyed, she pushed the door open. The room was some kind of study or office, with a desk in the middle of the room and a couch over by the window and a corner fireplace, currently lit and casting patterns of light on the built-ins filled with books and small trinkets. A tumbler of some amber liquid in one hand, Klaus gave her a small smile, a phone held to one ear. It sounded like he was speaking maybe Icelandic or oh! probably Old Norse. She caught Kol's name flung out with irritation before he switched to English.
“I aim to enjoy time with my wife after that mess with the ifrit in Tehran that you elected not to join us for.” Klaus gestured to her to make herself comfortable, and trying not to think about how many times her future self had probably fucked Klaus on it, she sat down on the couch. Really tried not to think about it.
Looking at the firelight playing across Klaus' body, the jumble of necklaces tumbling over the neck of his shirt, Caroline very privately had to guess it was a lot of times for the couch. 'Stop that,' she told herself, 'You're with Tyler, and none of this has happened yet. You could make it all not happen.'
Kol's voice, heard by Caroline only once or twice before this, came through the phone clear to her hearing. "I knew you had it in hand, Nik. What's one teeny little fire spirit to the Original Hybrid?" His tone was mocking of Klaus' self-aggrandized title, and Caroline had to admit she was starting to see a future where maybe they could be friends, she and this nutjob brother of Klaus'.
"I don't suppose any of the Bennett witch's books happened to mention they're eight feet tall? Hmm?“ Klaus' voice was the epitome of murderous intent; he calmly took a drink, the corner of his mouth curling mischievously into a dimple that spoke volumes about how much he was enjoying leading his brother on.
”Uh. Eight feet? Really, they uh. Made them seem kind of... tiny.” Kol finished lamely. “We're at the Greek house for the month, don't have all the grimoires, you see.”
“So you've mentioned. I'll be sure to inform Caroline of your incompetence, little brother.”
“Caroline?” Kol's voice turned a little sharp. “She's okay, right? Nothing... happened?”
“Caroline's fine.” Klaus' voice was terrible and final, and for once Caroline thought he was speaking from the heart, like he was saying she would be fine because he willed it so.
“Nik, now just—”
“Like I said.” Klaus did a good impression of gathering himself. “I'd like to indulge in my wife without the family making a nuisance of themselves. Stay out of Brazil for the next month if you know what's good for you.” He hung up the phone.
“We're going to Brazil?” Caroline asked. She wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. The part of her that desperately wanted to see the world was thrilled. The other part of her that was already freaking out from being in Paris didn't know if going to a second location was a good idea.
Klaus smiled. “No, we're going to the library. Kol is going to Brazil.” Beckoning with one hand, he pulled her to her feet. Pinching the edge of the fabric between two fingers, he gave her jacket a small tug. “Excellent choice, will blend you in nicely, and you look lovely.”
Caroline beamed at him, and he licked his lips, sighed almost regretfully, and then turned away, draining his glass and setting it on the desk. Tapping a touchscreen in the corner of it, the fire went out, and Klaus waved at her to follow him. Feeling a little off-kilter, she did.
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greyias · 1 year
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Now. Go give her a kiss.
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sephirthoughts · 4 months
sorry the chapter is late, i was listening to one-winged angel while i wrote the action scene and it became about 10,000 times more epic than i had planned
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kidneystheallpowerful · 5 months
I got into the Eltingville Club all because of Josh and now here I am
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daisywords · 7 months
just planned out/very hastily storyboarded basically an entire animatic. do I know how to animate? no. do I know how to make videos? also no. do I have an audience for my contextless silly little oc story content? also no. am I going to try and make it anyway? well
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therwriter · 2 months
*walking down the corridor in Rhodes Island"
"Oh hey Rosmontis, how's it going? O-oh, your E2 promotion? Oh, I'm sorry kiddo, we just don't have the resources right now! But as soon as we do, you'll be first in line!"
*Ray walks past, E2 medal prominently on display*
"...You know, it's really because I don't approve of you fighti-" *I am obliterated by a chunk of bulkhead moving at mach 10*
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silcoitus · 4 months
I know from experience that the Silco merch at the 18+ con this weekend will be few and far between.
But hoooo boy am I hoping this con season brings me some Cooper Howard/Ghoul merch. Pretty please. Pretty pretty please with sugar bombs on top!
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hey-scully-itsme · 1 year
buying more books when I don’t have shelf space or the time to read them like
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thatstargazingaquarius · 11 months
Spoilers for Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo cuz I need to scream rq
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mewtatedbunnies · 11 months
Random Woman: *complains about not being able to buy a Githyanki egg*
Me: *holds out the owlbear egg to her*
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hannah-heartstrings · 2 years
Apparently if a guard attacks you in the Skingrad Mage's Guild they all gang up on and kill him, which makes me wonder about them, especially since they're the ones who called the guard on me in the first place.
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oasis1022 · 1 year
@theeretblr uh… sorry for the 15 minute conversation about kneecaps i caused in your chat?
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