#when characters meet as kids you know the drill
robthegoodfellow · 6 months
I'm Glad My Dad Died
mungrove | slightly expanded version of fic written for @strangerthingscharityzine | ao3
Billy had a secret: he was glad his dad was dead. So glad that even when his mom sold their house in Ocean Beach and moved them to Hawkins, Indiana, uprooting him from his friends and the sea and everything Billy loved, he still wouldn’t go back to the way things were. Given the options—California, dad alive; or Indiana, dad dead—he’d pick the second every time.
He would, even though Hawkins was its own hell. Learned the hard way that among prepubescent country bumpkins, embroidered roses on your shirt and hair like Shirley Temple bought you a one-way ticket to Loserville.
It was the fall of 1979. Disco was dying and former flower children were gearing up to vote for Reagan. Kumbaya over, time to make America great again.
So, yeah—sixth grade sucked, but stuff at home was world’s better. They were living with Aunt Doris—because San Diego was too expensive, his mom said, and wouldn’t it be nice to get a fresh start?
Mom was really into the whole fresh start thing—which Billy suspected was fueled by guilt and determination to be the kind of mother she hadn’t been before. And… he appreciated that. He did.
But—he wished she would stop? Put down the pen, step away from the extracurricular sign-up sheets.
Because if the outfit put a target on his back, swim team aimed the bow, and band fired the arrow. 
You’ll miss the water, honey. And you love music! 
She wasn’t wrong. He did love those things—but not enough to willingly wear a Speedo in public or blunder through some Beethoven on the flute. Also in public.
Oh—why the flute? Because she’d fed him a steady diet of hippie tunes from the cradle and knew how much he dug Jethro Tull. Perfectly reasonable explanation—his peers would definitely understand.
Here lies Billy Hargrove, innocent victim of social homicide. 
The bullying was relentless, but Billy figured he could take it. No middle school bully could come close to the one he’d lived with all his life. 
You know, the one he was glad was dead.
Billy hadn’t wanted to attend the talent show, but Mom insisted it was important to support his friends. By which she meant her friends—women she’d been palling around with who had kids in said show.
Kids she’d been aggressively arranging playdates with like Billy was five. 
Patrick’s talent was making twenty free-throw shots in a row. Robin’s was singing “This Land is Your Land” in four different languages. His mom and Mrs. Buckley had laughed about keeping the less than patriotic lyrics, assuming the Spanish rendition would fly over people’s heads.
Billy felt bad even thinking it, but he did wonder if his mom pushing these particular friends at him was part of her fresh start campaign.
Pat was black. Robin was a girl. And his dad had a habit of muttering snide remarks about anyone who wasn’t a WASP packing a sizable stinger—who wasn’t a clone of Neil Hargrove, basically.
And look, Pat and Robin were—fine. But he knew and they knew that they were only hanging out because their moms wanted them to, which was awkward as hell. Made his palms sweat whenever they were together or whenever they said hi at school despite him being a fairy freak according to kids whose opinions mattered. 
They were nice, but it felt like pity. Embarrassing in a way that made him shrivel up inside.
So he wasn’t in the best mood, slumped in the auditorium between his mother and Doris, praying no one pelted him with shit from behind. Mom felt crappy enough about all those years with Neil—Billy didn’t need her kicking herself for scooping him out of the fire and into a frying pan.
Pat set a record—28 in a row—and Billy clapped. Robin sang her song wearing a daisy crown, and Billy clapped. Dully, he watched as stagehands set up the next act, hauling out a drum kit.
Gareth, this shrimpy sixth grader, sat at the drums. Then an eighth grader came out, followed by a couple kids in seventh, the former bearing an electric guitar, one of the latter a bass. The guitarist waved, leaned into the mic—skinny guy with a buzzcut, eyes big and dark as an alien. 
We are Corroded Coffin—paused as a contingent of the audience went nuts—and this song is called Paranoid.
In the next row, a kid whispered, excited: Think they’ll make Coleman pull the plug again?
Gareth banged his drumsticks, counting them off. 
The opening riffs were like nothing Billy had heard before—this grind of chords that rattled teeth, thrummed in the chest. He straightened, compelled forward, a fishing line hooked deep.
Buzzcut was bent over the strings so low that all you could see was the top of his head, a fuzzy cue ball. Then Gareth kicked in, and the front man wailed the first verse, this nasal staccato, sort of speak-singing.
Billy scrambled to decipher the rapidfire—caught bits of the first verses. Then the bridge begged for help, and the rest landed loud and clear.
I need someone to show me The things in life that I can't find I can't see the things that make       true happiness I must be blind
The words were meant for him—just for Billy. It’s me. The guitarist leapt, plunged into a driving solo. The song’s about me.
Make a joke and I will sigh And you will laugh and I will cry Happiness I cannot feel And love to me is so unreal
Helpless, Billy turned to his mom, who grinned, whispering they’re great, aren’t they? He could only nod, swinging back to the guitarist, riveted until the final blaring note.
For Christmas, Billy unwrapped the smallest package under the tree—a cassette. It was all he’d asked for: Black Sabbath’s greatest hits album.
Because that night of the talent show, he sold his soul for rock n’ roll.
More specifically, for heavy metal.
More secretly, for the boy with the big brown eyes.
Eddie, he’d found out at school the next day, gossip overheard at lunch. The boy was Eddie.
Eddie Munson.
And whenever Billy caught a glimpse of him, the rest of that year, he thrummed like an electric guitar.
Unfortunately, his passion for headbanging and powerchords did not meaningfully improve the remainder of middle school, and by the time he walked the stage at eighth grade graduation, Billy resolved to make a change—give himself a fresh start on his terms.
First, he mowed endless lawns and bought a new wardrobe: bootcut jeans with matching boots, which lent him some height and a certain swagger; button downs in dark colors worn open to his sternum and white tees like the crew from Outsiders; a bitchin’ leather jacket.
His hair had progressed from Shirley Temple to Farrah Fawcett, so he trotted to the barber for a Bon Jovi bi-level. Almost chickened out at the mall when he got his ear pierced, but loved the way the earring swung from his left lobe… though the right would’ve been more accurate. 
He quit band and swim. Thought maybe he’d try basketball instead, and enlisted Pat to help him practice.
They were actual buddies by then.
Lastly, he took up smoking. Marlboro Reds, because they were badass. Soldiered through the pack all summer, suppressing a gag on every pull till he was puffing like a chimney.
August before ninth grade, Pat’s brother let them tag along to a party at the quarry; if Billy got in good with upperclassmen, it could pave the way to social acceptance—maybe even… popularity?
Total pipe dream, but then… it worked.
That night was one for the record books: first time smoking dope, shot-gunning a beer… first time a girl went down on him.
First time he’d seen Eddie in two years. Wouldn’t even have recognized him, except the eyes hadn’t changed. Eddie was a junior and looked it: taller, wild dark hair to his shoulders, tattoos peeking from his sleeves. He made a brief appearance and vanished—there to sell some supply, not socialize.
Billy wished he’d stayed. Admitted then what he was most excited about for high school: the chance to see Eddie Munson again.
Ironically, the object of Billy’s obsession had suffered a fall from grace in the transition to the big leagues: swirling rumors swore he was a Satan-worshiping anarchist and a burnout to boot. A weirdo who played geeky games with his loser friends.
Except—unlike Billy, Eddie didn’t give a fuck. While Billy strutted around vaguely unsettled, ill at ease with his costume, this immersive performance for the foreseeable future, Eddie had unveiled his freak flag—reveled in it, let it fly.
Regret gnawed at him, grew in Billy’s gut—knew if he were a little braver, he could trash this cool kid stuff and… 
End of Eddie’s senior year, Billy was sick at heart. Knew he’d missed his shot.
So imagine his confusion, surprise—his hidden euphoric delight—when Billy spotted that dark mop atop a wiry frame loping across the parking lot on the first day of eleventh grade.
Eddie should have graduated, but for whatever reason… hadn’t.
Thus, a new resolution: seize this chance. Be Eddie’s friend.
By second semester, Billy had worked his way up to casual chit chat and also, incidentally, was a raging pothead—so much so that his mother was worried, and she had spent the 60s stoned out of her gourd.
Let him experiment, Doris advised, winking at Billy over dinner. His grades are fine. What’s the harm?
The following evening, Doris showed him her special cookies stashed in the freezer, cautioning him to only ever take one bite and be patient. Billy asked if he could give one to his friend.
Top tier moment, right up there with Dad dying. Eddie’s eyes lit up all starry, demanded Billy come hang so they could make like Keebler—try the old elfin magic—and Billy was blessed to learn that Loaded Eddie = Handsy Eddie.
Blessed and cursed, because Eddie learned that Blazed Billy = Honest Billy. Tell me a secret, Eddie said, tickling. Tell me a secret.
Nothing happened. Eddie was just… affectionate. Bit of a snuggler. Who now knew he was the reason Billy was such a metalhead. 
And that Billy was glad—about his dad.
Eddie was held back again, and suddenly math and history were Billy’s favorite classes because Eddie sat next to him in the back row. Seemed to do decently with Billy there egging him on.
Thus, his final resolution: graduate with Eddie. Drag him across the finish line if necessary. Billy held study sessions he didn’t need at the library after school, invited Eddie to join—and Eddie did.
Eddie invited Billy to come see his band play at a local bar on Tuesdays—and Billy did.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said one weekend, when they were sharing a bowl, and Billy snorted, gazed into bloodshot eyes. Glad you got held back. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing this. Eddie smirked, soft. Getting high? Billy laughed. Hanging out.
Billy turned eighteen that March, and the Buckleys and McKinneys came over to celebrate, as usual. Unusual was the doorbell as they were about to eat, Eddie and Wayne trooping in, sorry for being late.
Robin picked up on something that night—cornered him in the bathroom. Are you and Eddie…? Billy went tight, and she rushed to reassure. It’s okay if you are. I am, too. So Billy breathed, calmed. I am. I dunno if he is. Robin arched her brow. From where I’m sitting, odds are good.
Billy spent weeks yanking hope by the roots.
Come May, they walked in green cap and gown—hugged in the milling crowd, Eddie cackling wet in his ear, a clinging koala. Didn’t think I could do it.
Billy brought him along to Robin’s graduation party. In the backyard, her old childhood treehouse beckoned, and they heeded the call.
Tell me a secret, Eddie said, sitting back against mossy boards. They weren’t even high. He flicked Billy’s earring—set his heart swinging. That should be on the other side, Billy said, and stared until Eddie flushed red, understood. I got a secret, he said, and Billy didn’t dare to know but did. 
Eddie said it: I’ve wanted to kiss you all year.
A click as Billy swallowed, bone dry. Then do it.
And Eddie did.
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bruciemilf · 1 month
“Jean is team mom” “Ororo is team mom” SILENCE. Enough of you reducing women to maternal archetypes because you can’t be bothered to explore deeper meanings to their character.
LOGAN is team mom.
“Logan, can you buy us—“ “no” (buys the thing anyway)
Is constantly scolding his kids students for putting themselves in danger
Plans fun activities (life threatening danger room drills)
Handles the rebellious phases. You think Scott has the mental strength to deal with the fury of a teenage girl who can throw fireworks when she’s mad? I think not.
Hank can barely convince Jubilee to do her homework. Charles mentally checked out a long time ago.
Takes Jubilee, Kitty and Laura shopping. If he doesn’t like something, he’ll give them the blankets ‘that’s cute. I wouldn’t buy it.’ In the world
“What do you think, I’m made of money? We’re getting milk and that’s it.” — leaves with half the store
Is the kid’s emergency contact AND attends everyone’s PTA meetings.
No, ELIZABETH, He won’t be staying up all night cooking vegan cupcakes for your precious angel. He’s gonna buy them like a normal person.
Mom Stare (tm) that can turn you to stone
Will assign kids chores, complain they don’t do it correctly, proceeds to do it himself, then says no one helps around.
“You’re EXACTLY like your father” “…Are you talking about Scott—“ “of course I’m talking about Scott!”
Kitty wants to learn how to drive. He’s holding that safety handle till his hands get purple. “Check the mirror CHECK THE MIRROR—“ “it’s CHECKED :(( “ “CHECK SOME MORE”
Laura is his baby. Holds her everywhere. Will talk about her 24/7.
“Logan, do you know Bobby’s birthday? I need it for—“ “June 28th, Tuesday, 10:34:03 AM, blood type A, his nurse’s name was Susan, —“
Is in charge of birthday cakes. No one else.
If the kids feel down, or need someone to talk to, he’s got a 6th sense for it. Knocks on their door, Leland’s against the frame with his arm crossed, ‘wanna talk about it’ on his face.
The most insane lore you’ve ever heard
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pantherxrogers · 4 months
after the game - wooyoung x fem!reader (18+)
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⚾️ pairing: wooyoung x fem!reader
⚾️ warnings: pure smut (18+), no plot lmao, daddy kink, heavy breeding kink, housewife kink, explicit language, gentle dom vibes, hint of sub reader, not proofread 👀
⚾️ summary: after seeing his wife interact with the kids at the baseball game, wooyoung wants one of his own.
⚾️ a/n: still trying out the lowercase text! this is puuuuure smut with no plot, so i hope you guys are okay with that lmao. also, i am madly in love with wooyoung and that baseball game did not help 😮‍💨
my masterlist
This is a work of fiction and is not meant to represent real events or the actual personalities of any K-pop idols mentioned. All characters and situations are purely imaginary. This story is created for entertainment purposes only, and no harm or disrespect is intended toward the idols or their fans. Enjoy!
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it all started with a baseball game.
now, wooyoung’s black jersey and pants are strewn on your bedroom floor, along with your sundress and thong. the pair of you barely made it to the bedroom, bodies intertwined as soon as you got home.
he’s still slightly sweaty from the heat, refusing to shower until he’s had his fill of you. he’s been hard for hours, and he’s not stopping until you both get your fix.
all you can do now is pant beneath him, his thick cock stretching you to the brink. the fringe of his grown-out hair hangs over his hooded eyes, which are focused on your sopping cunt.
he bites his lip at the sight, fascinated by your wetness coating his shaft. your steady moans keep him going, like music to his ears.
“that feel good, baby?” he teases, pushing further into you, knowing that you’re on cloud 9. you can feel every ridge of his cock, the closeness sending a shudder down your spine.
“sh-, shit, yes,” you huff, “feels so good, woo,” you whine, lifting up to meet his lips.
it’s sloppy and wet, both of you focused on the intense pleasure. the way his tongue delves into your mouth makes your pussy even wetter. he’s like a starved man, ravaging your body for whatever you can give him.
“fuck, this pussy is so damn tight,” he groans, breaking the kiss. the sight of him wetting his fingers makes your eyes roll back. when he starts rubbing tight circles on your clit, you know you won’t be able to hold back for long.
“uh, woo, please,” you whine, unsure of what you’re actually asking for. you’re so close, but you don’t want this to end. he lets out a cocky laugh, carrying above the slick sounds of his sharp thrusts.
“i know, baby, i know.” he slows down a bit, making sure you feel all of him. he loves the way your face contorts, getting off on your pleasure.
“h-harder, please,” you beg, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts. you moan out when he leans down, slower thrusts allowing him to grind against your clit.
you let out a gasp, hands suddenly pinned to the mattress beneath you. he’s staring at you intently, wanting to see the moment you fall apart.
“look at me when i’m fucking you.” his serious tone makes your pussy throb. when you meet his eyes, you’re enthralled by his beauty.
his tanned cheeks are flushed, brows furrowed in concentration. his full bottom lip is between his teeth, another sign of the harsh way he drills into your pussy. a warm shiver spreads over your body, further turned on by the hungry look in his eyes.
“there’s my pretty girl,” he hums, love-filled smile briefly breaking through his dominant demeanor. you whine when he pulls his cock out, sitting up to find out why he stopped.
you sweep your eyes over his body, appreciating the beauty of your husband. his lean body before you, muscular thighs bent at the knee, sitting back on his heels.
his veiny hand grips the base of his cock, tapping it on your clit. he makes a show off stroking himself, loving the way to stare at him. your thighs quiver, the sight of him making your pussy clench around nothing.
he pants, rolling his head back at the way your wetness clings to his tip. each tap of his sensitive head against your clit drives him wild.
“woo, please,” your voice cuts through to him, breaking his trance. with one last drag from your clit to your opening, he nestles his cock into you, the squelch filling the quiet of your bedroom.
“fuck, gonna cum soon,” he grunts, his thighs slapping against your thick ones.
“me too,” you squeal, feeling more of your wetness leak onto his hard cock. lifting up, you trace your tongue along the vein in his neck, the sensation making his cock jump inside of you.
“gonna cum in this pussy, make you a proper housewife,” your eyes roll back at his words, excited by the mention of his breeding kink.
“y-yes, please,” you squeal, bringing your hips up, matching the pace of his thrusts.
“want me to fill you up?” he huffs, pinning your wrists again. “maybe i should just cum in this pussy and get you pregnant, hm?”
“f-fuck woo! i’m cumming!” you squeal, eyes shutting at the immense pleasure. he keeps fucking you through your orgasm, rolling his hips into your clit, prolonging your pleasure.
“that’s right baby, cum for daddy,” he groans, thrusts getting sloppy at the sight of your fucked out expression. your pussy feels even wetter around him, the lewd noise pushing him further to the edge. your hand comes up to tweak his nipple, before running your manicured nails down his abs.
“you look so pretty for me, woo,” you hum, turning your head to press a kiss to his flexed arm.
“shit, i’m close,” he whines, hips losing their rhythm. you wrap your arms around his neck, meeting him with a sweet kiss before you pull away.
“wanna feel you cum inside me, woo,” you purr, looking up at him with doe eyes. “wanna feel you in me all night,” you look straight into his eyes, already seeing his orgasm wash over him.
“fuuuuuuuck,” he pants, warm spurts of cum flooding your wrecked pussy. you soothe him during his orgasm, stroking every part of him you can get your hands on.
when you’ve both come down, wooyoung is quick to hop up, much to your dismay.
“wooooooo,” you whine out, missing his warmth already.
“i know, baby, it’s okay,” he coos, running into the bathroom to grab a washcloth for you. when he comes back, he’s very gentle, carefully cleaning your sensitive folds. he finishes off with a soft kiss to your thigh, finally taking his place beside you again.
he pulls you into him, your sweaty bodies cuddled together beneath the sheets. your little yawn makes him chuckle, heart full of love at your cuteness.
“did i tire my baby out?” he teases, lifting your chin so he can see those pretty brown eyes. your smile is bashful, always feeling a little shy after a particularly strong orgasm. he smothers you kisses, unable to contain his love for you.
“speaking of babies,” you murmur, now causing a blush to spread across his face. “hello, mr. breeding kink,” you tease him, having fun with his embarrassment.
“you just looked so sweet today with all the kids. it made me start thinking about our future kids,” he confesses, tracing his finger along your cheek. you feel your heart skip at his confession, trying to fight back the sudden tears in your eyes.
“jagi, what’s wrong?” he hums, brows furrowing at your tears. he’s afraid for a second, hoping his confession hasn’t made you uncomfortable.
“nothing baby, i was thinking the same thing today,” you pout, so in love with the man in front of you.
you share a kiss so sweet it almost makes your heart burst. wooyoung’s lips are soft against yours, setting a slow pace. you both savor the feeling, never tiring of sharing your affection.
you’re both breathless when you pull away, giggling under the sheets like teenagers.
“so, maybe we should keep practicing,” he smirks, covering your body with his own. it’ll be a while until the both of you leave the bedroom again.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Things Are Changing (Part 14)
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Jason waited at the bar, tapping his fingers on a pint of beer he was too nervous to actually drink. Danny had gone out with the birds of prey tonight to either look after, or make a mess of, crime alley in his absence. He’d find out which one in the morning, though he trusted Danny to keep most of the Chaos under control since he loved their home almost as much as Jason did. 
He wasn’t nervous about what they were doing, he was nervous about meeting Roy again. Which was probably why he was early for the meeting, early enough to get a beer that was no longer as cold as it had been. He sighed at himself and took a sip. 
“Hey buddy,” Roy greeted, biting back a chuckle at the way Jason jumped. 
“Damn you and your light steps. You'd think after growing so much you'd make a little more noise,” Jason sighed, taking another sip from his beer before getting up and hugging Roy so tightly it made him wheeze. “It's good to see you too.”
“Damn, you got strong,” Roy gasped, patting Jason's back awkwardly. “You were such a scrawny kid too.”
“Ya,” Jason chuckled, putting Roy down again. He stepped back a little while Roy ordered a beer and glanced around for a more secluded table where they could talk a little more openly. Once Roy had his beer Jason jerked his chin towards the table, Roy nodded so Jason led the way over to it and they sat together. “It was from being malnourished as a kid, but a dunk in the pits seems to have repaired a bunch of that shit and I absolutely shot up! 
“It was kinda weird because for the first… year there I was barely conscious so when I finally came back to myself it was already to a body that was so much larger than the one I was used to. The LOA had been drilling me on techniques and shit so unconsciously I knew my new size and strength but anytime I tried to do something and thought even a little to hard about it I’d be so fucking clumsy! And you wouldn’t believe how many doorways I hit my head on before I got used to this height,” Jason chuckled, and Roy laughed along with him.
“Damn that's crazy, but also I totally get it. I was kept unconscious by Cadmus for years, when I finally got out of that fucking tube I’d lost my arm,” he held up his prosthetic, which was so good Jason had barely noticed it before. “And my muscles were so atrophied moving around felt nothing like it used to. I didn’t grow That much but it still… it was so fucking weird.” He sighed and took a bigger gulp of his beer, it clearly wasn’t easy to think about still.
“That’s fucked up,” Jason sighed, patting Roy’s shoulder. “Cadmus are a bunch of bastards. If you ever want help blowing up any of their shit let me know. I’m pretty good with explosives and guns now, and Danny would help too, and let me tell you,” Jason whistled softly and gave an almost feral grin. 
“Both you and Dick always go for the powerful ones huh?” Roy cackled, elbowing him.
“Hey! To be fair to me I didn’t know he was this powerful when we got together! I knew that he had a healing factor but that was all I knew until after we moved in together.” Jason said with a dramatic pout. 
“Still, I bet you picked up on the vibe,” He said and Jason sighed because he couldn’t refute that.
“What about you though? You said Lian’s mom is in prison now but who was she?” Jason asked, he figured it was fair game after the teasing about his own relationship, though he second guessed himself when he saw Roy sigh and slump a little.
“Cheshire,” he murmured, tracing the lip of his glass with a finger. 
“No shit!” Jason breathed, shocked but at the same… she was an interesting character, Jason knew she wasn’t all bad, and she was pretty.
“Ya, and she’s a good mom. She adores Lian, but you know how she and Artemis grew up right? They never really had a chance. I tried for years to keep her with us, but I don’t think she can get out of the life for real when she doesn’t know anything else. I can’t keep waiting for her, me and Lian, we gotta move on and make the best of things you know?”
“Ya, I get that, Do you have anyone else in your life now though? Since I’m assuming you and Cheshire aren’t really a thing anymore?” Jason asked curiously. 
“No I haven’t,” Roy said with a little shrug. “I tried at first you know? Especially since people kept saying Lian would need a mom, but dating with a kid is hard. I’d rather just focus on her then try to chase any skirt. Artemiss lives with us off and on so it’s not like Lian doesn’t have a female role model, me and Artemiss just don’t fit together. We tried to kiss one and it felt so fucking wrong! She’s like my sister.”
“I’m glad you’ve got support, and you’re doing great. If you ever need any help I can give, just let me know okay? Maybe it’s kinda sad to say since we haven’t talked in years, but you’re still my best friend.” Jason admitted, shifting awkwardly in his seat.
“Nah, it’s not that weird, you might still be my best friend too,” Roy said with a wry little smile and a shrug. “Sad… maybe, but honestly I’d say we’re both pretty fucking sad already.”
“Well, you’re not wrong, so cheers to that,” Jason laughed and they clinked their glasses together, giving each other sardonic smiles. 
They were quiet for a moment, just drinking their beers before Roy put down his drink and cleared his throat. “So, I assume Danny is your boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” 
“Ya, that’s him. He’s been with me a long time, even before we started dating. He’s… He’s absolutely amazing Roy, I’m not sure I deserve him,” Jason sighed.
“Oh come on now, of course you do, you-” Roy started but Jason was shaking his head and biting the inside of his cheek.
“There’s a real power imbalance Roy, and you wouldn’t think so given how physically powerful he is, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters more is he worked for me before we got together, and he’s so fucking broken after everything he’s been through. And I’m not kidding Roy, what he’s been through makes what happened to both of us look like a vacation. He sees me as his saviour, he’s said multiple times that he would do anything for me and he means it. 
“Roy…” Jason bit his lip, he hadn’t admitted this to anyone, hadn’t talked about it with anyone. Suddenly he was nervous as hell someone would overhear. “Do you mind if we go back to one of my safehouses to talk about this actually?”
“Sure, you got one nearby? We almost should have started there honestly,” Roy agreed, already pushing himself away from the table. 
“Ya, probably,” Jason chuckled awkwardly, putting down some money for their drinks and following Roy out. “There’s one in walking distance.” 
Neither of them spoke again until they were inside and settled on the beat up couch. “So, what were you going to say?” Roy prompted and Jason groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“I’ve had some serious anger issues since coming back, the Lazarus pit really did a number on my temper and my self control. Danny never defends himself. He’ll defend other people if he thinks I’m going overboard. But I don’t know if he has any self worth beyond what he thinks he can do for me you know? I love him, and he loves me and I love how devoted he is, but he’s almost too devoted you know?” Jason said, having thought better of actually admitting to beating Danny.
“Oh shit man, ya, that’s… complicated,” Roy said with a sympathetic frown. “I’ve never had to deal with anything like that, I don’t really know what to tell you, except I guess, encouraging him to make his own friends and shit, and try to be worth his loyalty?” 
“Ya, I’ve been trying,” Jason sighed, rubbing his face again and ruffling up his hair. “I can’t push him away, both because I love him and I don’t want to, and because he’s explicitly told me losing me would break him, like actually kill him.”
“That’s fucked up,” Roy agreed uncertainly. 
“Ya… But I mean other than that things are great. And He’s hot as hell,” Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood again after all that. It wasn’t fair to have Roy to have any actual advice, this situation was so far outside the realm of the normal.
“Ya? I believe you, the crazy ones usually are,” Roy joked back, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. “But pics or it didn’t happen.”
Jason laughed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the pictures he had of Danny, and of Danny and himself. Most of the pictures on the camera were of Danny honestly, and not all of them were fully appropriate. Danny liked to feel watched during sex and the camera would do.
“Damn, he is hot,” Roy agreed with a low whistle and punched Jason’s shoulder lightly. “Good for you dude.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him, you’re going to love him I’m sure. And hey, if you do like him, we like sharing,” Jason said with a meaningful little smirk that made Roy blush and choke. Jason laughed softly at him and switched apps to text Danny he was good to come join them now when he was ready too.
Danny was having fun running with the birds of Prey, they were busting up a trafficking ring Seline had found and doing a damn good job of it too he’d say! The girls were responding better to the ladies and Danny’s obviously queer self than they might have to the bats, and none of the traffickers had stood a chance against them!
Once it was done they went their separate ways, Harley and Salena wanted to make sure the girls got to a trusted shelter safely, and Ivy wasn’t really a people person so without her girlfriend there to help she left quickly too. Danny didn’t mind, he was just waiting for Jason to text him it was alright to come back, it shouldn’t be that much longer. He had already gotten a text that the visit was going well, which made him smile and eased his worry. 
He was just gazing up and the smog covered sky, considering going for a fly to see the stars when he heard a thump on the roof behind him. Danny had a bad feeling about who that was, since either of the brothers would have texted him before showing up. He sighed heavily and turned around seeing Batman looming on the other side of the rooftop. Though maybe it was Danny’s imagination that his posture was more uncertain then it had been before?
“What do you want?” Danny drawled, looking back up at the sky.
“I just want to talk,” Batman said, and Danny definitely wasn’t imagining that his voice sounded softer and less rough. “I… misjudged you at first, I couldn’t accept what Jason is capable of now and you were an easy scapegoat. I understand now that… Well, that it’s not your fault.”
“Huh,” Danny sounded, blinking in surprise and looking back at Batman consideringly. That hadn’t been what he expected. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Constantine thinks he knows what you are.”
Danny barked a laugh and leaned back a little. “So what’s the old magician’s theory?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with a knowing little smirk. 
“He says you're a halfa, the first one in thousands of years,” Batman shared, and Danny froze for a moment. 
“Huh, I hadn’t expected him to get it right,” He sighed sitting down on the edge of the roof and propped his elbows on his knees. 
After a moment of hesitation Batman came closer and sat down next to Danny, still out of arm's reach, which he appreciated. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, truly. And I’m sorry about what my colleagues said, whether the beings of the Infinite Realms are threats or not, it was an incredibly inappropriate response.”  
“If you just came to apologize, then apology accepted, and you can go now,” Danny said, giving Bruce a suspicious look. 
“No, that’s not all,” Bruce said, steepling his fingers and leaning forward on his knees. “Constantine told me that according to legends Halfas were creatures of balance, guardians of sorts. Do you have any way to learn about your… cultural heritage?” 
“Some of the ancients lived when halfas were still around. Frostbite and Clockwork have told me some. I’m still very young, I’ve been dead less than 6 years-” He noticed Batman wince slightly but ignored it- “It’ll take me a long time to grow into whatever it is I’m supposed to be.  Don’t you hold your breath when I do though. Balance and Justice aren't the same things after all. If I do ascend I’ll be fighting against you as often as I’m on your side I expect,” he chuckled.
“Right,” Bruce sighed. The disappointment in his voice made Danny cackle, though he muffled it with a hand since Batman was playing nice. “Well, the Justice League have a few supernatural consultants on call if you need to talk to someone. And if you need any help, really, let me know.” He stood up and held out a card. “Not that you need it with how close you are with both my-... All of my sons, but if you need any help. Call me. Being alone isn’t easy.”
“I absolutely won’t, but thank you,” Danny said, but after a moment of hesitation he slid the card into one of his pants pockets. Batman seemed satisfied with that, nodded to him. “And I’m not alone, I have Jason.” 
Batman froze for a moment, looking at Danny with wide eyes before Danny realized how that had sounded. He shook his head with a laugh. “No, Jason isn’t a halfa. His resurrection was under completely different circumstances! He’s got a bit of the Realms in him, but it doesn’t flow through him like it does me. He’s still, like, 85% human.”
“That… That’s good,” Batman sighed, his shoulders slumping a little.
“Did you have any more questions?” Danny prompted, cocking his head. 
“You offered help with any Realms beings. Do you expect we’ll have any trouble?” Batman asked, cocking his head a little. 
“Maybe,” Danny said with a little shrug. “It depends if the GIW still has an active portal somewhere, and how good their security is on it. Must be better than my parents used to be or we’d already be up to our eyeballs in confused ghosts, but it’s always a possibility.” He noticed the considering look Batman was giving him and gave a crackling laugh; “I haven’t been back to the realms in years. If anything’s going on there I don’t know about it. Though I’m sure Clockwork knows where I am if they really need me.” 
“Right, thank you for the offer,” Batman sighed and stood up. “And just think about my offer alright? If you need help, or protection, call. Not just from the GIW.”
Batman hesitated, opened his mouth to say something else and then sighed and shook his head. Whatever it was he seemed to have thought better of it as he turned away with a swish of his cape and grappled away. Dramatic bastard. 
Danny chuckled and shook his head at the older hero’s behaviour and pulled his phone out again. He had a text from Jason, telling him which safe house he and Roy were hanging out at and that he should come. And maybe… if he wanted to, to bring lube and the three of them could have some fun. 
Danny grinned sharply and licked his lips beneath his muzzle, well he’d just swing by their nest on the way over then! He texted Jason he would be there soon, and asked if they’d need condoms too.
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yokohamapound · 1 year
hi uh 😍😍 may I pretty please have more HCs for biting chuuyas neck during sex and how he'd act cause LORD
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Yes, yes, you may. I have many many thoughts on this topic~
Characters: Nakahara Chuuya, Chuuya's pretty neck, Chuuya's choker
Contents: NSFW, biting, scratching
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Nakahara Chuuya
Have you ever taken a good long look at Chuuya's neck? Who am I kidding, of course you have. Bro has that pretty, slender neck and sharp jawline, all of it accentuated by his bright orange wavy hair. He's like a goddamn Renaissance painting.
And then he goes and accentuates that shit with the black belt choker?
He's practically begging for you to bite his neck.
Kissing his neck is like getting an express ticket to making Chuuya horny. His breath stutters when you wind your fingers in his hair and tug his head to the side or back, baring the long line of his throat.
He's usually wearing some kind of cologne—he takes a lot of care over his appearance, and Koyou wouldn't let him neglect having a signature scent—so he smells amazing when you bury your face against his neck.
The skin is sensitive, all the way from his collarbones to the underside of his jaw. Go nuts, it's the perfect way to make the man squirm and curse. It's better if you start off with light kisses, just brushing your lips against his skin. Little tingles shoot down his spine and it's not long before things get hot and heavy.
This effect is basically doubled during intimate moments. Let's say you're riding him, the kisses are hungry, heavy, barely able to meet his lips because he's bouncing you in his lap... All you've gotta do is lean down and sink your teeth into his pretty neck.
It's like flipping a switch in his brain. Those little jolts of pain combined with the pleasure he's already feeling? Like pairing a fine red wine with a perfectly-cooked steak.
It's partially physical, partially mental. The fact that he's making you feel so good you literally feel the need to bite him, that you want him so much you want him between your teeth. It's carnal and a little possessive of you and it stomps his simp switch.
Expect Chuuya to cuss you out, call you his "little beast", and throw you down on the bed. Your legs are going in the air and there's gonna be bruises on your hips from where he's holding you so tight to drill into you.
If you keep biting at him, you'll be able to feel his groans and curses vibrating against your lips, the throb of his pulse against your tongue. If you combine this with dragging your nails down his back, he just goes buck wild. Like headboard slamming against the wall.
He'll have to go the next few days with lovebites on his neck and scratches down the back, but you know he's feeling smug as fuck.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 5 months
i was feeling shiratorizawa + semiten and kawashira hcs so y'all know the drill LET'S GO
goshiki has 100% forgotten that he sleeps in a bottom bunk bed and consequently has shot up awake at the sound of his alarm only to bang his head on the underside of the top bunk bed
or the ceiling if he has the top bunk it's the same either way
also for some random reason i really enjoy thinking about semi and peach green tea. idk he feels like such a peach green tea person
fun fact when i first got into hq i made a list in my notes app where i could keep track of what i thought EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER (organized by team) would order at a boba shop/cafe so i could reference it for fics. i just looked at it for the first time in years. i apparently put down strawberry black tea for semi which still remains a pretty good choice i think
you know what. semi can be a strawberry black tea AND a peach green tea person. he goes for peach green tea when he feels like straying from his usual strawberry black tea. there i fixed the problem we're back on track
tendou uses the excuse of going on boba runs for the team to get alone time with semi. he'll be like "haha i can't get ALL the drinks by myself!! eita come with me :3" and semi just sighs but is honestly secretly really pleased that tendou would choose him out of everyone to run errands with
the greatest love language of all: running errands together
i actually think that, all things considered, semi was probably a little bit insecure and a little bit shy when it came to performing
like yeah he doesn't mind BEING in the spotlight. but he had to work on thinking he was good enough for it at first if that makes sense??? and i think being benched for shirabu probably exacerbates that
he's not used to showing other people his songs and his music!!! he's not used to being vulnerable!! he's not used to believing that he's skilled!!! because obviously that didn't work out in volleyball!! what if semi isn't actually as good at music as he thought himself to be?
tendou of course is determined to make him throw all these thoughts out the window
furudate please give us the secret cultural festival arc where semi gets a chance to shine because of his musical talents . . .
actually since shiratorizawa is a bunch of rich kids i wonder if yamagata has a smartphone bc i just think that'd make him constantly losing it 100x funnier
yamagata: "can everyone shut the fuck up for like five minutes i lost my phone and need help listening for the vibrations"
honestly why do i feel like half the times yamagata has "lost" his phone was really just tendou messing with him
like he's in the foreground running around looking for it while tendou is in the background snapping selfies with it or whatever
reon, ushijima, and yamagata like to go jogging together early in the morning. semi tried it once and then promptly decided never again
i actually think soft quiet early mornings are reon's favorite time of day!! he gets some peace to himself and he gets to see the sunrise bleed into the sky and he gets that crisp sweet air of fresh dew in the dawn and it's so so comforting to him
god i don't know how he does it i could never be that much of a morning person
however this does also mean reon goes to bed at like nine pm at the latest which tendou is personally offended by
reon the early bird riser who probably does yoga or some shit before meeting ushijima and yamagata vs tendou the night owl who stays up til three reading manga in the dark
genuinely how is tendou functioning at practice he probably stays up til three like four out of seven days of the week
(sorry i know i'm dunking on tendou a lot i'll stop now)
kawanishi will never admit it but he is so incredibly fond of the height difference between him and shirabu
it allows shirabu to fit his head perfectly in the crook of kawanishi's neck during bus rides and such and it makes kawanishi's heart flutter every time
but also kawanishi is MISERABLE during spring because shirabu can't comfortably do that when kawanishi is prone to sneezing like every five minutes
shirabu, teacher's pet that he is, is really good friends with the school librarian
oh my god . . . kawashira blue sky complex au . . . i would actually cry . . .
okay anyways shirabu kenjirou is really good friends with the school librarian and that's how he finds out that the school librarian used to know ushijima's dad
wouldn't that be crazy tho????? i'm thinking it was either the same librarian that utsui had or it was a close friend of utsui's who became the school librarian after they graduated and stuff. i'm kind of leaning towards the second one bc i feel like that makes more sense
i just. can you imagine how alone ushijima had to feel. can you imagine how suffocating it had to be. like there's plenty of reason to assume that his mom's side (and perhaps the mom herself) ended up disliking utsui and i wouldn't be surprised if they tried to scrub him out of ushijima's life
new idea guys utsui comes back and gets with the shiratorizawa librarian
honestly i just think this scenario would really show off how much shirabu and ushijima mean to each other because i think that gets underestimated a lot
they trust each other!!! they respect each other!!!! they understand each other!!! ushijima who knows that he is to be used for his pure raw strength and that that's all shirabu wants to do for him and shirabu who wants to bring out the best in ushijima and thinks of himself as someone who serves ushijima!!!!! shirabu and ushijima who both think they're being used by the other but they don't care because that works best for them!!!! it's their way of showing respect!!! by handing the reigns over!!!!
okay that's a really serious oversimplification of what i'm actually thinking but i got like five hours of sleep and i'm running on two mugs of some strong ass lotus green tea i trust you guys y'all get what i mean
like idk i think ushijima wouldn't really know what to do with shirabu when they first meet in their second and first years. quiet upperclassman who is occasionally a jerk but mostly does not mean to be and his equally quiet underclassman who IS a jerk and DOES mean to be. they'd be so fucking funny together. they back each other up in ways they don't even realize. they could leave entire crowds in tears on accident
actually . . . the poor third years back then who had to deal with this first year they thought was quiet and composed and unassuming and totally chill. but was, in fact, completely unchill
shirabu's gone to bat for every single member of the team at some point btw. soekawa ushijima reon yamagata semi tendou etc etc. none of them have ever witnessed it though word just gets passed around to them like shirabu is some honor-defending ninja who only works in the shadows
and then it really surprises shirabu when they come to bat for HIM
i mean i just. i think shirabu is really used to being independent. is used to doing things by himself. he's not used to other people sticking up for him or other people trying to guide him (which could be another reason why he clashes with semi). it's not that he thinks he's perfect but like. he's never had people who wanted to do that for him before!!
but now he's got goshiki who WANTS compliments from him and he's got kawanishi who loves him for whatever reason and he's got the upperclassmen who ruffle his hair and swing an arm around his shoulders and tell him ot text when he needs help and he's just like ???? like a system error.
give it up for shirabu kenjirou everyone i love him
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My redneck neighbor Doug on the Jedi in 'The Clone Wars'
Y'all have asked, and Dr. Meat Muffin might be a disgruntled old hag that chugs too much Trader Joe’s bourbon and doodles too much subpar art, but she keeps her promises!
Just so y’all know, if you’re a major character (Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc) you keep your name, because it was drilled into Doug’s head over 8 seasons of Clone Wars and the movies. Everyone else, though, Doug gave up and created his own catchphrases for them.
CW: This one's not as spicy as Doug's previous rants regarding Star Wars, but y'all know if y'all know. "It'll all come out in the wash."
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Plo Koon: Ah, Shrimp Daddy. He looks like a shrimp that’s been boiled and left in the sun after a potluck. But my wife LOVES him, she says he has the nicest voice and she wishes he’d narrate some books. I loved him too, he was my favorite. That scene where he tells his clone boys in space that they’re important to him? Ah great. They should have him lead HR meetings. 
Aayla Secura: Babe-the-Blue-Jedi. They sent her away from the Temple because Yoda didn’t want that hotness distracting everyone. Is she and Miguel (Bly?!) dating? They are, right? 
Kit Fisto: Reggae Swamp Thing. Tell me that boy don't look like he lives in the Atchafalaya and bangs on the steel drums all day. I wonder if he stole those shorts from Michael Phelps. He’s cool but does he need to have a tank to swim in on his ship? Does he have gills? I need more info on this guy. 
Adi Gallia: Storm’s Cousin. Doesn’t this chick look like her? She does, right? Maybe she's a Jedi cause she can't control the weather. Didn’t Maul’s brother Saul impale her on his horns and that’s how she died?* Why didn’t Maul do that to Obi-Wan? Maul was obsessed with Obi-Wan, do you think it’s because he had a crush on him after he sliced him in half?
(Doug also ships Obi-Wan with Maul now? IS THERE ANYONE WHO DOUG DOESN'T SHIP OBI-WAN WITH?!)
Shaak-Ti: Ahsoka’s Aunt. They’re totally related. (“No, they’re not.” “Says who?” “Um, EVERYONE?!”) She’s cool, nice to the clone boys. I like her horns. 
Saesee Tiin : Angry Bull Boy. He looks like a minotaur whose daddy left him at a Wal-Mart instead of the Labyrinth after drinking too much.
Deepa Billaba: My Coworker Anu. Seriously! She looks JUST LIKE HER. I even texted her a screenshot, and she used that as her Slack Channel picture for the longest time. Nice lady, she's a good master to Lil Kanan. Hm, Lil Kanan sounds like a rap person my niece would listen to.
Ki-Adi-Mundi: Mutant-Mall-Santa. Look me dead ass in the eye and tell me the man don’t look like he was supposed to hand out presents and ask kids what they want for Christmas and ended up hanging out in toxic waste instead. He's a snotty asshole, I don't like him, he thinks the sun comes up just to hear him crow.
Luminara Undali: Lady-in-Drape. She’s a green lady, and she wears a drape. Meat Muffin, I'm tired and it's about to snow.
Barriss Offee: Little Lady-in-Drape. Man, she was awful, but she had good points, ya know? Kind of like Darth Maul. Do you think Darth Maul and Obi-Wan ever dated? Or would Obi-Wan’s boyfriend get jealous? 
Quinlan Voss: College-Hippie-Boy. Doesn’t he just look like one of those goofs that fart around with hackysacks all day long? I'd buy weed from him if he was selling, he looks like an exporter and consumer, if you know what I mean.
Even Piall: Dobby the House Jedi. Man he looks like he was on his way to help Harry Potter or something and ended up in a bathrobe with a light saber. Ah well. 
*= Savage is ‘Saul’ and Feral is ‘Paul’. So it’s Maul, Saul, and Paul. I strained a muscle laughing when I got this. 
Tagging my Redneck Doug stans here! @amalthiaph @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @thecoffeelorian @merkitty49 @megmca @skellymomam I missing anyone?
Let me know if I missed any Jedi, those were the ones that came up that Doug didn't immediately recognize.
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"Stop touching me!" - "I'm not touching you!"
@summer-of-bad-batch week 13 main prompt
Fandom: The Bad Batch/The Clone Wars Characters: Echo, Fives Set after season 3 when everyone is living happily on Pabu and Fives is alive and reunited with Echo, obviously Word Count: ~1100 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: After a lifetime fearing the roiling ocean dark of Kamino, Fives has his first encounter with the shallow, tropical sea of Pabu
I have put precisely zero thought into the questions 'How did Fives live?', 'How did Fives meet the Batch?' or 'How did Fives and Echo reunite?' These are unimportant considerations. What is important is that Fives and Echo are together again, happy on Pabu :)
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“And you’re sure it’s safe?”
“It’s perfectly safe, Fives,” said Echo, a hum of amusement softening his usually gruff tone. “It’s just water.”
Fives looked at him askance, and then turned his sceptical gaze back to the gently lapping waves before them.
“We grew up on the same Kamino, right? What, Techno Union drill the ocean-safety lectures right out of your head?”
Echo only grinned good-naturedly, giving his brother a shove.
“If you’re afraid of this little… puddle,” he said, gesturing to the expanse of glittering sea stretching to the horizon, “you can stay on the beach. I’m sure no-one will be surprised that an Arc Trooper is too scared to go paddling with the little kids.”
Grumbling, Fives’ hand found Echo’s and clamped around it.
“Fine,” he muttered, taking a deep breath and then a deliberate step forwards. “But you’re coming with me!”
“I’m not the one who’s scared of the water, tubie,” Echo laughed, but squeezed Fives’ hand reassuringly all the same.
They ventured down to the water’s edge, Fives squealing and shuffling backwards as an unexpected wave rushed up and doused his toes. In moments Echo was pulling him further in, until he was up to his ankles, up to his shins, up to his knees, in warm, undulating water.
“There,” said Echo teasingly, “that’s not so bad, is it?”
Fives made a wordless, disparaging noise, swinging their hands gently between them.
“S’pose not,” he offered eventually, wriggling his toes to dig them into the damp sand that formed the seabed underfoot. “Didn’t expect it to be warm.”
“Want to go in a bit deeper?”
“Yeah… sure.”
They sloshed slowly through the waves, Echo giving a shudder when they reached a depth where the water finally lapped against his skin, above the join of his prostheses. Fives noticed and nudged their shoulders together, a single raised eyebrow asking the question for him, but Echo smiled his reassurance and carried on.
“I’m waterproof, you know. You don’t need to worry about me.”
“Always going to worry about you, Echo,” breathed Fives, eyes on the studded metal implants either side of his brother’s pale, knobbly spine.
Sensing the turn in his mood, Echo freed his hand and dashed a sweeping arm across the surface of the water, sending a cascade of droplets arcing in the sun. They spattered Fives’ chest, drawing an indignant squark from him.
By the time they were waist height in the water, Echo tipped to his front, swimming forwards a few feet and waving back over his shoulder with his scomp arm to encourage Fives to join him.
Fives shook his head firmly. “Nuh-uh. I am not going out of my depth.”
“It’s still shallow,” called Echo, tipping back to his feet. The water lapped against the metal plate that replaced his sternum. “The sea-bed here goes out on a very gentle slope.”
Under his feet, Fives felt the seabed change from sand to rock as he ventured further from the shore. He glanced back nervously at the island, moaning softly at how distant it seemed to be, before coming to stand beside Echo.
“Happy?” he said with a mock glare, letting his arms float atop the water whilst he bobbed on his toes.
“Happy,” confirmed Echo with a smile.
For a while they simply stood, waves bobbing against their chests, watching the whirl of seabirds and the track of wispy clouds across the horizon.
All of a sudden Fives flinched, convulsing and flailing at the water.
“Ugh! Echo, stop touching me! Your duraplast feet are cold and slimy!”
“Huh?” Echo looked nonplussed, brows knitting in a frown. “I’m not touching you.”
“Yes you are,” moaned Fives, standing on one leg to rub at his calf. “Running your foot down my leg, it feels weird. Leave me alone.”
Echo shook his head, and at his genuine puzzlement a look of horror dawned on Fives.
“What is touching me in the water?”
“I don’t know,” said Echo unhelpfully. Then, with a grin, “Duraplast legs, remember? Can’t feel anything.”
The brothers locked eyes, Fives’s dark brown searching Echo’s mischievously glinting amber for any hint of reassurance. Then he convulsed again, letting out an almighty shriek.
“It touched me again! Echo!”
In moments he had clawed his way into his brother’s arms, legs wrapped tightly round Echo’s waist and arms all but smothering his face. Echo staggered under his weight, even with the water to support them, trying to steady Fives with his left arm whilst he rubbed the side of his scomp along his side soothingly.
“Hey, Fives!” he said, unable to keep the laughter from his voice. “I’m sure it’s nothing. Kriff, let up before you choke me…”
“Take me back to shore, Echo!” howled Fives, and Echo could never tell how much was genuine and how much was drama in Fives’ penchant for overreacting. “I don’t like it out here!”
Echo peeled Fives’ limbs from his torso, shoving him away. Fives yelped as he ducked briefly under the waves, then bobbed back to the surface, treading water.
Taking a breath, Echo ducked under too, blinking back the salt-sting against his open eyes. When he surfaced again he was grinning, holding up a handful of long, leathery kelp.
“It’s just seaweed, Fives,” he crowed, gently mocking. “It can’t hurt you!”
“It felt gross,” lamented Fives, still frantically pedalling to keep himself afloat. “Let’s go back, Echo. I don’t want to be in the water any more!”
With a wicked grin, Echo slung the seaweed at Fives, laughing at the wet slap it made as it hit his skin. Fives groaned, flailing as he brushed it off, before he swam back towards Echo.
“Carry me back to shore,” he demanded, grabbing round his neck with both arms once more.
Echo linked his arms under Fives, scomp across his back, left arm hooked under his knees.
“You’re such a tubie,” he grinned affectionately, squeezing him tightly as he began to wade back to shallower water. “I can’t believe you’re scared of the seaweed.”
“You can’t feel it,” Fives moaned, lolling his head back dramatically. “It was horrible.”
“I’m gonna put it in your bed.”
“Do that, and I’ll disown you.”
“You’d never do that.”
Fives huffed an unimpressed noise. “Don’t be so sure.”
Echo held him close as the water dropped away from their bodies, sloshing round his thighs as Fives shivered in the air.
“We’ll see,” he murmured, lowering Fives to his feet when they were no more than knee deep once more.
Then, with a shove that sent Fives staggering into the waves, “Race you to the shore!”
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Hi I love your Self-awarebsd au wanted to know if I can Request a scenario that the reader Loves acting and singing And enter the character who is acting (example: from victim to villain, a boss) the reader is sweet but likes to play pranks.
Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, my first language is not English 😅
Finished. I hope, you like it. Reader, who is an actor and need some help from BSD characters for their performance.
Self-Aware! Mori Ogai x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Strictly Platonic! Elise
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Description: You are a part of a little troupe of actors. Soon, you have a concert. Unfortunately, two actors have fallen ill right before the performance. Thankfully, you have someone to help you.
Set after BSD gang got into your world.
Fluff. Reader are a volunteer. They perform to the kids.
Warning: OOC. English is my second language.
Breakfast almost ended, when the doorbell rings.
Goncharov, who already finished eating, hurry to open the front door. After a minute or two, all of you head the sound of footsteps. And jingle of little bells. Suddenly, you flinch.
"My senses are tingling, and my back is killing me," mumble you and stand up. You quickly went into the kitchen.
Right after you walked away, Goncharov was back. Behind him were standing two people. Man and woman.
The tall and curvy woman has light blue eyes and curly, brown hair. She was wearing a bright summer dress.
Short and plump, the man has brown eyes and short black hair. He was wearing a Hawaiian shirt, shorts and scarf, that was decorated with small bells, that was juggling with every step.
Both of them looked calm and slightly curious.
Goncharov clears his throat.
"Where is [Y/N]? They have guests."
Like you were summoned, you walked from the kitchen, back to the dinning room. You had two glasses of water in your hands. You smile.
"Good morning, miss Glover. Good morning, mister Wilson"
Hana Glover, a middle-aged woman, smiles in return.
"[Y/N], long time no see, dear. I see, live has been treating you well"
You nodded and give the miss Glover a glass of water.
"You bet. Here, Miss Glover, have some water. Today is awfully hot outside."
After Hana takes the glass from you, you turn towards Mr. Wilson.
Zack Wilson, a middle-aged man, take the glass from you.
"Thanks, [Y/N], Good morning to you too."
After he made the first sip of water, he coughs.
"Lemon juice, really?"
You chuckle.
"Yes, really"
Hana glares at her old friend.
"Zack, be glad that it just small pranks. Do you remember, what happened, when the whole thing happened?"
Mr. Wilson huffs, but stay quiet. Yosano looked at the three of you and asked.
"[Y/N], who are..."
You interpreted her, before she can finish.
"Okay, everyone, meet Hana Glover and Zack Wilson, directors and founders of "The Volunteer Troupe of Amateur Actors", a small charity organization. They perform in hospitals, orphanages, retirement houses and even on the streets. All money they earn during performance are donated."
Everyone takes a moment to let the information sink in. Elise eyes shine.
"I remember! [Y/N] were talking about a group of volunteers they are a part of. They were talking about you."
Miss Glover chuckled.
"Yes, they were talking about us. [Y/N], in two weeks we are going to arrange a concert for children. You and other actors will perform. Sing some songs and act some fairy tales, you know the drill."
You hum, showing, that you are listening.
Miss Glover take a small box from her purse, opened the lid, and hold the box towards you.
"Here, take two"
You take three folded pieces of paper from the box. You open them.
1. Try everything;
2. Goldilocks and three bears (narrator).
You show the papers to Hana and Zack.
"Here, I will sing and be a narrator. Not a heaver, you see it, Mister Wilson?"
Mr. Wilson looked away, visibly embarrassed.
Miss Glover rolls her eyes, and grabs Zacks by the elbow.
"Good, it's done. See you in two weeks, [Y/N]."
With thanks, Hana and Zack left.
"What with the heaver? And with this man scarf?" asked Naomi. You rub your neck.
"Well, you see..."
"Mr. Wilson, what do you mean, that we have to be heavers and help with moving these planks? Yes, we understand, that other workers aren't working today, then, maybe, let's not touch the planks? Tomorrow, workers will do their job."
"We are not laughing at hard work"
"Mr. Wilson, it will be impossible for us, actors, to carry all this planks. We have a performance right now."
"What? Carry them while we're performing? But!"
"It will be an interesting version of 'Romeo and Juliet'".
"Finally, the last plank... WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'IT'S TIME TO CARRY SAND'?!"
"Five broken backs, six sprains, thirty splinters..."
"At the end Mr Wilson not only paid for our recovery, but also agree to wear this silly scarf to show, that he was an idiot. Also, allows us to prank him."
You finished your tale. BSD gang, for the most part, looked, somehow, amused and sad at the same time.
"And with papers?" Asked Naomi once again.
"Lottery. That's how we are choosing, what we are going to perform. Okay, I need to start rehearsing, see you later."
You left the dining room.
Three days before the performance
"Okay, I understand. Hope you and Anna will be better soon."
You finish the call and groan. Currently, you were talking with Port Mafia members about future movie night (They want to see "The God Father"), when Max, your co-actor, called.
"Two of our actors are sick. Anna, who played Goldilocks, and Max, who played Papa Bear. It means, no fairy tale."
Kouyou tilts her head.
"Can't someone preform instead of them?"
You shake your head.
"No. We are short on stuff. Many of our actors still angry at Mr Wilson for making us carry all that stuff. And I know, that he paid for our recovery, but some people got serious injuries."
Help came from the one, you didn't expect.
Elise grabs your hand and proclaims.
"I will help! I can be a Goldilocks!"
You open your mouth and wanted to say something. But Mori grabbed your other hand.
"And I can be a Papa Bear. I can't let my Dear Elise-chan and My Dear Light [Y/N] to be on a stage all alone. What if mad fans will hurt you two?"
Well... one time you almost were trampled by the children who ran to get their gifts...
"You two aren't kidding, right?" You look at Mori, then at Elise, then at Mori again.
Mori squeeze your hand.
"I am serious, [Y/N]."
Elise looked at you with big puppy eyes.
Why not?
"I will discuss it with Hana and Zack"
The day of the performance
The square before the open-air theater was full of people.
Children, Parents, BSD gang...
You, Elise and Mori were at the backstage.
Elise were wearing simple white dress. Mori were wearing a stereotypical farmer clothes and a pair of fake bear ears on his head.
"The performance will start in five minutes! Singers, be ready!" shout Zack.
You take a deep breath. Mori patted you on the back reassuringly.
"Don't worry, [Y/N], everything will be alright"
You smile. It's time.
The sounds of happy beat.
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh"
You were singing on the stage. Kids in the audience were clapping.
"I messed up tonight, I lost another fight
Lost to myself, but I'll just start again
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground
I always get up now, see what's next"
Atsushi's eyes glow. Akutagawa hide his smirk behind his hand.
"Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without gettin' it wrong"
"Go, Birdy!"
"Gogol, where did you get glowing sticks?"
I won't give up, no, I won't give in
'Til I reach the end, and then I'll start again
No, I won't leave, I wanna try everything
I wanna try even though I could fail
Despite dancing and singing, you were full of energy and your breath was normal.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Try everything
When you finish singing, the audience start clapping and cheering.
It was great!
The happiness, the emotions of audience.
That's why you liked performing.
You hope, that the fairy tale will also be performed as it should.
Apparently, not only Goldilocks and Papa Bear were recast. Mama Bear and Baby Bear were also recast.
New actors were Sam and Mary, brother and sister. And Mary was trying to find a boyfriend.
When she saw Mori... She forgot, that she was performing for kids.
At first, Mama Bear decide to flirt with Papa Bear. Mori-Bear immediately asked for divorce.
When you tried to do your job as a narrator, and return the back to what it should be, Mama Bear, with 'Don't stand in the way of my happiness', try to kick you down from the stage.
Thankfully, you manage to stay on your feet.
Before Mary can do something else, Mori glared at her. With His Famous Glare.
Everyone on stage, and in the audience, gulped.
Mori puts a hand on your head.
"Sorry, Narrator, we can continue"
After getting back on track, you tried to stay calm.
Finally, bears have gone for a walk.
The scene in Goldilocks'house and in the empty house of Three Bears were fine. Elise were natural, she enjoyed playing on stage.
But then the bears were back.
Mary-Bear was holding Mori's hand in an iron grip. Sam-Bear was trying to intimidate Mori into dating Mary. Mori was angry.
The whole scene was tense.
And then, Baby Bear find Goldilocks.
Sam grabbed Elise, that startled her, and she accidentally slap him on the face.
Sam got angry. She picked Elise up, you immediately run towards them.
"Sam! Stop, she is just a child"
But Sam were always ill-tempered. He pushed Elise right at you. You and Elise both fell from the stage.
You were ready for an impact, but you feel, that your fall stopped. You open your eyes. Elise was levitating. She was holding you and wasn't letting you fall down.
Elise growl.
"While I don't like, when Rintarou take control over me so suddenly, it was for the best. You alright, [Y/N]?"
"Yea. Hey, Elise, I have an idea, how to safe the performance. Can you, please, follow my narration?"
Elise nodded.
The story of characters hating the narrator and narrator punishing them, became quite popular. (Thanks to you, Mori and Elise).
You two manage to pretend, that as Narrator, you have a power to gain characters power. So, you, Elise and Mori spend five minutes, chasing Sam and Mary.
Halfway through the chase, someone put a music from Benny Hill show on.
The show was a success.
At the end, you, Mori and Elise didn't get into trouble. Zack and Hana understand, that Sam and Mary were to blame.
Sam and Mary apologize. But, there were rumors about a ghost (a blond one, in a red dress), that hunts their house and wax the floors (It was discovered, that Mary can sit on a twine).
The Gang is waiting for your next performance. They knew, It would be fun. Maybe, this time, others also will have a chance to be with you on the stage.
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violetswritingg · 21 days
Tyler Owens x OFC!
Description: When cowgirl meets cowboy after a year of no-contact and chaos ensues during storm season!
Rating: M (Mentions of blood and death in Tornadoes and storms alike, angst and loss of loved ones, car accidents, Tornado aftermath, and injury to characters, slight age gap (5 years))
Want to read the other chapters?
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A few seconds later......
"I'm just fine, you're the one who almost had a house drop on them." His words bit at her exposed nerve endings. Filling Riley with regret for even stopping to check on him, her stomach twisting in knots.
"Right. Okay then." Riley was tired, she was hungry, but also still nauseous, her head hurt and now her chest felt tight hearing the sharp tone that had left Tyler's lips. Something so familiar but so distant in her memory. It was how he always sounded when he was upset with her for doing something dangerous.
Or, at least, stupidly dangerous.
Riley turned on her heel and made it a grand total of two steps before the sound of skin against skin and a quiet yelp made her turn back around. Witnessing Tyler, holding his shoulder, glare at the dark-haired man beside him, who had appeared out of nowhere. Having been around the back of the house-turned-debris they were poking around. The new face simply raised his brows and put his hands on his hips, coffee eyes drilling expectantly into Tyler. His ever-present smile never really leaving his face, even present now, a slight curl to them as he nodded his head in Riley's direction.
Tyler glanced her way looking like a kicked puppy, barely meeting her slightly amused-mostly shocked expression and round eyes.
"Sorry" Tyler sighed, "I didn't mean that."
"Kinda felt like you did." Riley swallowed hard, eyes squinting as the sun started to shift positions in the sky, having to raise a hand to block the rays from fully blinding her. "I'm uh- I'm gonna go." She started to walk, Tyler's voice calling after her. His boots crunching against the ground in quick strides.
"No, wait, really, I'm sorry. I'm just still pissed off about that shit with Kate-"
"It's fine Owens. You don't owe me any-" She had barely turned around, desperate for Tyler to not see the hurt she was feeling, because she had no right. But also wanted to just drop everything and apologize and fall into his arms. After her day she knew a single hug from him, if they were still in good standing with each other, would probably make her feel like it would all be okay. Truly. If even only for a couple minutes.
"Please don't call me that." Riley stopped, angled away from the blonde man, shoulders raised. Tyler's voice barely carrying, but it was enough. A lead weight dropping onto Riley's chest. "Just..." The man looked around for a second, "This isn't your fault ya know?" Tyler's abrupt change, turning it on her, shouldn't have thrown her. Not after her experience with it firsthand. But she is.
"Easy for you to say," She sputtered, "It's easy for you, all you do is run around and shoot fireworks up into tornados or god knows whatever else your followers ask you to do next. But for me?" She should stop, She knew that, but once she had started it was like a single crack had suddenly blown open and the dam was crumbling more and more with every word that left her mouth unfiltered, "Every time I fail, it's a town that's hit. Family homes ripped from the ground. Torn to shreds. Parents without kids and kids without parents. So, thank you for saying that, but it is. I could have prevented this Tyler. I could have." She didn't know who she was begging to believe her. Him or herself. "But I fucked up. As per usual."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Tyler scoffed, eye wide as he stared her down, hating how Riley's face dropped, her eyes losing any spark they had, but confused more than anything. She couldn't think-
"I'm not my dad. He was always so good at this, I'm sure he'd have it all figured out by now." Riley shrugged, small, pitiful little bubbles of semi-laughter popped up and out of her lips as she shook her head. Gaze eventually falling to her feet as her arms wrapped around her stomach.
She looked so small.
"Maybe..." Tyler started off gently, "but you can't know that. And I'm sorry, but have you met you? You are exactly like him, in a good way." Tyler points at her quickly as she went to open her mouth. "You are not a fuck up Riley. You're working harder than any other chaser I know to actually find answers, help people. But Jesus Christ Riley," He chuckled, beside himself, worry glazing over his eyes, "when is it going to be enough? You almost let yourself get crushed by a house! A couple hours ago! And then you just walked away like it was no big deal." Tyler couldn't stop more incredulous laughter from tumbling past his lips like missiles aiming right at her open wounds.
"So that a family could lay one of its members to rest intact!" Riley bit, chewing through every word. Nails digging into her palms.
The word hit him like a punch to the gut and flashes of that moment. Seeing Nathan's body, Riley sobbing under his weight and covered in her fathers blood. The woman, now grown, in front of him and lacking the rust-colored stains as the one in his memory.
"Ty, I'm sorry-" She wanted to kick herself. Screaming why?! Over and over and over. Tyler didn't let her finish though. Riley taking a step back at the shift in his posture, his shoulders slumping forward as his jaw dropped, quick breaths puffing in and out of his lungs.
"What about you? Is it me that's going to have to pull your body out of a house so I can bury you intact? Like I pulled you out of that truck?"
It felt like she had been dealt a physical blow, the way all the air left her body, as if punched in the stomach. That's what she would equate it to. That sounded right. Shit. Her eyes started to burn, still locked on Tyler's now wide-open orbs. His own shock painted so clearly in the blue-green waves, followed by guilt, and lastly, panic.
For the first time in a very long while, she was met with the familiar feeling of losing something she didn't think she ever would. But that was her fault, as per usual. It was all her fault.
"Ri, there you are. I have been looking everywhere for you!" Riley was broken out of the fog she didn't even realize she had fallen into by the sudden jolt of a hand clapping her on the shoulder. Shaking her gently a bit before pulling her into his side.
"Daniel." She muttered, leaning more into his hold as exhaustion swept over her like a storm cloud on an April day in Oklahoma. Knees feeling like Jello all of a sudden.
"Hey there boss lady, we need your help with something." His arm over her shoulder anchored her, her hand coming up to grab his as he started to shift them away from the blonde man who looked like he was about to lose his mind.
"Wait- we were in the middle of something. Riley, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it- Not like that-"
Tyler stops in his tracks, having followed behind a couple step without hesitation, as Daniel whipped his head around with a far nastier glare than Tyler ever though such a baby face could make. His breaths felt heavy in his chest, Pulling away from Boone as he felt hands on his shoulder and back. Dragging a hand down his mouth and shaking his head as he could only watch Daniel take Riley away.
"We were worried you had found yourself buried under some other little old ladies house, Sarah, Jenny, and I at least." His voice was gentle, but still joking. Trying to bring the old Riley back, the one who would hang out the Warlock's window in the middle of a storm. Their Riley. Their fearless leader and most looked up to person. Their hero. "You're welcome for the assist, by the way. I take payment in affection and head pats." The 20-year-old grinned down at Riley and the slightly older young adult shook her head. Slowly coming back to herself. Her grin practiced, not meeting her eyes, having almost perfected it after pushing herself to meet their expectations – everyone's expectations – for years.
"Can it Casanova, save it for girls your own age." Riley could see the pure relief sink into Daniel's face and her head ached.
"What if I don't like girls my own age? What if I don't like girls?" He grinned brightly, still supporting her but bouncing up and down as best he could.
"Then why you looking at me like that, huh?" Riley elbowed his side a bit, wincing when her body ached, her side stinging at the movement.
"This is just how I look at people Riley. What are you talking about?"
"You are really pushing your luck kid."
"Ooh. It hurts, I may never recover!" He pretended to sputter and keel over, almost taking Riley with him. Daniel trying to keep his laughter at bay, conscious of their surroundings even when goofing off. While Riley forced hers to cover the shot of pain that went through her side at the sudden jolt.
Daniel gasped and clapped a hand over his chest as he straightened up. Riley audibly groaning and gripping her side as he pulled her up with him.
“Thanks Sam.” Riley grunted as she tried not to flinch away from the feel of the needle going through skin. Fixing her ripped stitch. “You’re a lifesaver, knew it was a good decision to bring on a med student.”
“Ex-Pre-med student. You’re just lucky I watched way too much youtube way too early on in life with no parental controls in place.” Sam finished off the stitch and pressed a clean bandage over the area gently. Dead silence filling the room as three sets of eyes drilled into his head.
“I’m sorry what?” Riley breathed through clenched teeth.
“You said you knew how!” Sarah gasped, “You said-”
“I said I knew how, you never asked from where!” Sam defended himself, taking off his gloves and throwing his hands up.
“I thought it was obvious why I was asking you! The med student!”
“I was pre-med. For like six months!”
“Oh my god.” Riley muttered, falling back onto the motel mattress, her shirt falling back down as she threw her arm over her eyes.
“We trusted you!” Daniel chimed in, definitely not as angry as he was pretending to be. If anything, just based on his voice alone Riley could tell he was holding back laughter and she couldn’t help but think this was an incredibly stupid thing to be experiencing right now. And so she started laughing.
Then Daniel cracked, which triggered Sam, Sarah being the last to break. Actors.
It had been a couple hours since the whole youtube doctor incident, Daniel and Sam made pretty quick exits once it was confirmed she wasn’t going to die. Sarah stuck around a little longer, flouncing around the way she does when she’s worried and didn’t want to leave Riley alone.
The blonde managed to convince the brunette she was fine and was probably going to turn in early. No storms on radar, not ones that looked like they would produce anything till late tomorrow at the earliest. If not dissipate before anything could even really happen. Tomorrow would most likely be just a inventory and restock day. A day for data analysis and writing a couple more chapters of her thesis that needed to be turned in by the end of next week.
Riley’s mood had slightly increased but she still couldn’t seem to shake the lingering feeling of Tyler’s words. How they clung to her skin and ridges of her brain, the hurt. It brought up a lot of other unresolved feelings that then made her restless.
Trying to turn on the Tv for some white noise didn’t even help like it normally did, not when it was immediately on a local news channel. The broadcast showing footage from the wreckage at Crystal Lake. She knew it was torture to make herself watch it when she spent all day in it, having only washed it off her skin and hair before Sam fixed her stitches. But the feeling of debris dust and dirt and dried blood would always be a sensation that would never leave her mind or her skin. Lingering guilt hanging like a sword.
What is the saying? Heavy is the head that lies the crown.
All the damage played out in front of her as dollar signs flashed at the top, how much can an estimation of the face value even really touch the priceless thing those people had just lost? The feeling of home. Everything they once had, shattered. It can’t be tallied. It’s impossible.
But they still try. It’s absurd.
Quiet knocks at her door cut through the Tv. Riley rolling her eyes and huffing, pushing herself off the mattress slowly, “I’m fine Sarah! You don’t need to tuck me in,” Her hand gripped the door handle, pulling it open, “I’m a big girl I-”
“Hey.” Tyler really tried to tamper down his grin, but he knew he was caught. He never could hide from her.
His laughter wasn’t out loud, but she could see it, and it made her want to shrivel up and die on the spot. Honestly hoping for a hole to open in the ground and swallow her whole. They were in the wrong state for that unfortunately.
“I uh- I heard through the grape vine you and your child army had moved out by the rodeo, and I uh thought you might be hungry. You always forget to eat after a bad chase…” Tyler kept going until it was almost physically painful, until he simply, awkwardly, held up the pizza box in his grip. Like a kid giving his first ever date to the school dance her corsage. It was like a shock to her system, how disarmed she could be for him when he was like this. No bravado, no smirk or cowboy hat. Hair a little messy and not all put together. When he was Ty.
Time to go. Is what her brain was screaming at her.
So she took the pizza, gave him a flash of what she hope passed as a grin and shut the door. His face turning down at every corner as the door clicked in place. Riley, as if made of metal walked over to her bed, sat down, opened the pizza, and looked down.
Pepperoni, sausage, and olives. Her favorite.
Her hands were finding the door before she could really think about what she was doing. Her eyes meeting Tyler’s in an instant, the man’s shoulders rolling back as he stood taller. At attention, waiting for her next move.
Riley opened the door a bit more, leaning on it, hand gently placed over her right side, “Find the dog?” she asked softly, head leaning against the door now as well.
He just looked at her, eyebrows raising.
“Of course you did, what am I thinking?” She answers her own question with a pitiful chuckle. Head dipping down as her eyes went to her socked feet.
“I’m sorry Riley. I feel like I’m saying that a lot lately, I just- there isn’t really an excuse for it. I’ve been an ass, and I apologize.” Tyler burst out after taking a breath, dipping his head down to try and meet Riley’s eye. He hated when she was like this, especially when she was like this because in part of something he said.
“Thank you.”
“How are you doing after all that?” Tyler swallowed, tucking his chin a bit and stuffing his hands in his pockets. Leaning against the door frame, but giving Riley her space. Mentally telling himself to pull it together.
Riley just shrugged, “You know me, can handle the storm but never the aftermath.” Not after becoming the aftermath. It was never the same after that.
“I thought that you might want to see something good after all that today.” He held out his hand. “I wanna take you somewhere, might help take your mind off things for a bit.” His grin was hopeful, but cautious. His gaze soft.
Earlier had been bad, as bad as it gets with them, but this feeling. That look. It always left her stomach filled with proverbial butterflies, made her think that as long as Tyler Owens cared about her enough to look at her like that, that everything would be okay. And it would be, because he would make it okay, because he cared.
It was a look she didn’t think he would ever give her again after last chase seasons dramatic, heartbreaking close. So, she takes his hand, gives it a quick squeeze. He turned it over and sees the blistering and cuts that dotted her palms. Wounds she hadn’t even realized were there until they got to the new motel. Her breath got caught in her throat and she pulled away out of instinct. Tyler looked crushed and that was just too much for her conscience to bear. Her mouth moves before she knows it is. 
“Give me a minute? I need to get changed.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’ll be out here.” Tyler grinned, a slight bounce in his step as he backed away from the doorway and moved back to the railing surrounding the walkway around the second floor looking into the parking lot and across the street. Riley waiting till the door was closed to let her smile slip, something feeling like it was sliding back into place and locking in. Like she had finally found the next correct piece of a jigsaw puzzle.
It was a nice feeling. Like something was going right for once.
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xo-zozo · 5 months
Could you write like super depressing tig characters hcs? Thanks
yes but first, some notes that i have on this are, 1. if you ever have bad feelings, please know it's okay to ask for help 2. @mafiasliege had a request similar to this so that will kinda be included in this 3. a lot of people have been doing this idea so if i repeat something that has already been said i'm sorryyyy 4. there are not gonna be a lot of these because it made me sad writing this lol
jameson would wonder around hawthorne house when he was younger looking for someone to talk
people would tell avery "kys" in school for literally no reason and sometimes she thought about taking it seriously
xander would be the kid to always try and draw things for his mom but because she sucks she wouldn't pay attention so him :(
kinda bittersweet but avery likes it when jameson plays with her hair and stuff because it reminds her of what her mom used to do
not a headcannon but i'm just saying that libby committing sh is definitely overlooked so much
all of the hawthorne brothers had nightmares in their childhood about various things but jameson and grayson were the ones whos nightmares kept coming back
when he was younger xander had a harder time making friends because tobias had drilled into his head that people were just using him
avery has ocd in my head
libby is a very anxious person and she surprisingly gets really nervous meeting new people
someone has said this before but jameson barely beleives anyone who tells him that they love him
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freefromthecocoon · 1 year
"L'ame Perdue" Thoughts
I really liked this first episode. I am gonna put my thoughts below the line...you know the drill, lol.
Norman gives a very nuanced performance and some reviewers obviously lack the ability to see those nuances. There are subtle differences, but nothing that changes him from the Daryl we love.
He comes across a pair, a young woman and a man who wind up stealing from him and then some military types show up and Daryl's spear is used to kill one of them. Then the man knocks Daryl out and steals things from him. This is how he winds up getting back to the abbey/convent.
He is clearly dreaming of those he loves back home, Carol and Judith and I feel this will be a common thread throughout the series. It is a definite flashback to their final scene.
Thus far, everything going on between Daryl and Isabelle is clearly him making deals to get back home. Daryl is very cautious in what he tells them and from my standpoint, the hype over the bath scene was very much overblown. I know I won't change many minds on this....but it did not feel shippy at all. And again it was a brief scene. Daryl is being cautious with what he tells them.
I REALLY liked the scene between Laurent and Daryl. I know that some were upset that Daryl seemingly denied having a wife or kids, but it's obvious in the context of the scene that Laurent knows Daryl is telling a half-truth here. Laurent clearly "sees" through the front that Daryl is putting up which is made very obvious by something Laurent says to him... see @mcbride's latest gifset for context on this! (This scene in particular is where Norman's ability to play nuance is so very well displayed. He knows this character and he knows what Daryl's heart's desire is and that is Carol my friends)
We are being led to believe that Laurent can see things that are not clear to others. In another scene, Isabelle believes that he will save humanity. She calls him a messiah, (which I did not like this choice of words) but Daryl clearly does not like this either. He quickly becomes an advocate for Laurent. I know some don't like Laurent and let's face it...he has lived a sheltered life in the abbey and he is definitely a TWDU kid, but I can't help but love the little dude who is VERY impressed with Daryl from the moment they meet. Louis and Norman have a really good chemistry in their scenes.
Daryl most definitely is doing everything he can to get back home and even leaves the convent/abbey alone, but he notices Codron and the gang showing up at the convent looking for Daryl. (They found the pair Daryl met walking on the road and killed the man and made the woman go with them to show them were they found Daryl. Codron sees the walker with Daryl's spear and then he is instantly in revenge mode after he puts down his walker brother). Anyway...Daryl goes back to help the nuns with the military dudes and most of the nuns have been killed. He helps them bury their dead and makes a deal to help deliver Laurent to Paris if they will help him to get the port so he can return home. (Please keep in mind, I am leaving out the smaller details of the episode, I am just trying to show that Daryl is 100% trying to get back to Carol)
We do get a basic outline of how Daryl wound up in France and there is a scene at the end involving the cargo ship that was seen in the trailer. Any TWD: World Beyond fans will want to pay attention to this as the dialogue lends itself to that series. I doubt much else will crossover but I did like the idea that it could.
They also aired a preview for the season that showed Daryl speaking by a radio/phone device to someone about returning back. He mentions being in Maine. I wonder who he could been talking to....GRINS MANIACALLY!
I hope that I have given you all better insight into what to expect and I am genuinely excited to go on this journey with Daryl and experience the jubilation that will be felt when he and Carol are reunited!
Caryl on my peeps!
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theskeleton117 · 3 months
You know the drill soooooo
-alz, i am expanding
Ok so this'll be one long post lmao. I'll be combining every post and Discord message about the main storyline of the fic I've already sent into one for this
Ok so let's start with some important info about the fic. So first of all, I'm gonna explain how Lamb regeneration works, since it's an important piece of worlbuilding that comes up many times
Basically, when a lamb is dying, they begin to go through this process that allowes them to cheat death, but their body and personality change, though leaving their memories intact. If you've ever watched Doctor Who, it's almost the same thing as the regeneration in that. There are ways to kill lambs without having them regenerate, but I haven't written exactly how just yet, so just note whenever lambs are killed during the mass execution, they're doing something specific to kill them
Also, one last thing about the lambs, when they actually do die, they typically don't get afterlives. What I mean by this is their soul lingers outside their body for a sec as it slowly fades away. This causes some issues with the actual Lamb's revival
And now here's how demigods work. Demigods usually are formed when someone without a crown experiences extreme emotion. Usually this only works with people who have been around gods incredibly often
Now, on with the characters that I need to mention
So the fic actually starts off in the pre-game. Let's start by establishing the relationship between the 2 most important bishops in this fic. I would put the other bishops, but this post needs something to shorten it lmao
Narinder and Shamura are kinda like the main two we follow in the pre-game. Despite how often Narinder recklessly goes against Shamura’s orders when he doesn't agree with them, Narinder seems to be basically Shamura’s favorite, though they'd never tell the other bishops that. Narinder was the first bishop other than Shamura, so it does make some sense that Shamura favors Narinder
Now, onto the plot. We actually start off by seeing Shamura finding the other bishops. One of their parents had been the former god of war, and since both their parents died, they inherited the crown for theirself. After some...issues with the old gods I'd rather save for another post, Shamura decided they need to seek out new gods to replace some of the dead ones, and they especially needed to find a god of death fast, since the world practically falls the hell apart without one. Luckily, they find one fast. Narinder had been abandoned by his parents at a young age because of his possession of the red crown, which they were basically sworn enemies of, and they thought Narinder having it for just a second made him basically Satan in their eyes. So anyways, this how Shamura found him, and now they decided that since he does have the crown, and it's incredibly difficult to pry away the crown from someone it's already bonded to, as well as not wanted to just leave an abandoned kid outside, they decided to let him stay there at their temple and train him. Years later, when they're both a bit older and more experienced, they got a letter from some wealthy family down in Anchordeep. The letter was about how the parents in this family recently discovered that their son, Kallamar, had found the Blue Crown, and how they were willing to pay to let him be trained by Shamura in how to use it, and to meet them in Anchordeep if they're interested in the offer. Of course, Shamura and Narinder both head off to Anchordeep, where they met with the family, negotiated on the price, which consisted of Shamura trying to highball them as hard as possible because at this point despite also being born into wealth, running their cult was still a bit pricy. They settled on a price eventually and Shamura, Narinder, and Kallamar head back to the temple and Shamura begins to train Kallamar, Narinder occasionally helping with it too since he learned a lot of the stuff. Once again time jump a few years (btw all these time jumps would be a little less jarring in the actual fic likely lmao) and Shamura, Narinder, and Kallamar where on a crusade in Anura. Kallamar decided to take a bit too close of a look at some of the mushrooms, even taking samples for later study, and because of this, he was suddenly suddenly attacked by someone. It was clear whoever it was happened to be an amazing fighter, likely one of the frogs due to the fact that this was frog territory, but Kallamar wasn't really paying attention to his attacker, instead panicking to have them not kill him. Shamura and Narinder hear the commotion and check to see what's happening. Turns out Kallamar was being beat the hell up by a young frog girl (The frogs in this fic are trained in combat from an incredibly young age, including the women, as the frogs are practically bred for combat, having only other species do the other jobs for them)
Narinder couldn't help but laugh at Kallamar for getting beat up by a child, right up until said child tried to beat him up, doing a decent enough job of it. After watching all this, Shamura noticed that said child was wearing the yellow crown. Shamura decided to challenge the child to fight them next, and despite having wrecked the other two, halfly because of their lack of expectation, she lost to Shamura, who then asked about her crown. They talked for a moment and she told Shamura that her name was Heket, and Shamura offered to train her to use the crown better, as well as better combat training since she mostly was banking off of nobody expecting her to be this good. She went off to ask her parents first st the local frog encampment, and since the frogs are really big into combat, they said agreed to someone as skilled as Shamura training Heket in a heartbeat. This time there's less of a time gap here, but jump maybe a few months and one day Shamura just finds this bagworm kid with the green crown, just kinda there at the cult. They attempted to find any sort of parent, but after a search, they just decided to take this kid in without asking anyone since there was nobody to ask. The kid didn't actually know his own name, so he was just given the name Leshy by Shamura and it stuck
Alright, so that's the bishop's origins, now for some extra info before we move on from this abridged description of the pre-game. At some point, Shamura gave Narinder an apprentice in the hopes that it would make Narinder choose the less reckless options in most situations due to having someone less experienced there. What actually ended up happening is Narinder made them reckless too. This apprentice was a lamb named Osiris, usually referred to as Si by Narinder and others. They would later go on to be the Lamb we see in the main game. By this point, Narinder also had a small group formed of himself, Ratau, and Forneus. Lamb wasn't immediately welcomed into the group by Narinder, but Narinder quickly warmed up to them, later developing into some romantic feelings towards them. Ratau and Forneus, however, were immediately welcoming, as opposed to Narinder who took time for that
Now, eventually, Narinder decided to experiment with resurrection, which was a big mistake. Shamura had experience with what revival could do, and warned Narinder that what he was doing was wrong, but Narinder wanted to continue experimenting with it. Eventually things heated up in such a way where Narinder made an entire undead army and splitting off from the bishops. Narinder, however, figured out why Shamura warned him, but deemed it too far now to go back, though in reality, Shamura would've likely forgiven him. See, when someone is revived over and over again in such a way that they fully and completely die (A way around this is found for the Lamb later, but in this I mean complete death and revival) parts of their soul start to chip off, and they eventually become mindless murder machines who just do what they're told and have no personality, and at some point, don't even have a soul of their own, usually having to be soulbound to someone else to stay alive (soulbinding basically keeps them alive until the person they're bound to dies), eventually, Narinder is chained up in his realm, and the bishops put in the command to execute the lambs as there had been a prophecy that they would free Narinder. Now, the lambs in my foc aren't just gonna die off without a fight. The only problem is a good portion of them died rather quickly as not a moment before, they had all trusted the Old Faith. For a good amount of time, they had fended off the Old Faith, but then the witnesses came in. The witnesses were a set of 4 soldiers, one soulbound to each bishop, that had originally been people that Narinder revived over and over again, but had now been taken by the bishops. These witnesses ruthlessly executed a majority of the lambs right there. Osiris didn't take this all too well. They had been present to fight the entire time and couldn't bear to watch this happen. Once a majority of the lambs were dead, they couldn't keep their anger in. There's a pretty good reason I described what a demigod was at the start of this, and that's because Osiris did in fact form demigod powers in this moment, powerful enough to basically throw the witnesses out of the lamb kingdom. Sadly, by this time, it was already too late and there were only a small few lambs left. Over time, every lamb in hiding had been caught eventually, Osiris even having brought the fight to the Old Faith when getting caught
Now, the Red Crown had been passed through a few vessels at this point, Forneus being the first, then Ratau, but now it was Osiris' turn...sorta. Their revival had been a little messy, causing most of their memories to be a blur and they don't remember much, not even Narinder, and not even their own name, which leads them to now go by just Lamb. They also act completely differently, since they also kinda regenerated in a way, now not having their memories to base how they act on. Narinder knew this, leading to him never trying to reference their previous encounters unless they ask, leading to the first death of NariLamb in my fic
Skipping through a lot of the main game here since I'd like to save the details for the actual fic on this since y'all already know the plot here, Lamb at some point goes to this Old Faith town in disguise, with like a mask and hood and shit, which sounds odd but I guess is normal there, since they needed to get resources that they couldn't find anywhere else. While they were there, there was this festival going on, and they stopped by it to grab a drink because they totally needed a drink after dealing with their followers, since they hadn't been used to that yet, and he basically ended up talking to and making friends with this cat named Ruri (The one from the Mashed short lmao) and every time he stopped by that town, they met with Ruri and eventually he started to develop feelings for her. Eventually, he ends up having a masked assassin trying to kill him, and eventually he knocks of their mask, and realizes that it was Ruri, however Ruri didn't know this was Lamb she'd been talking to all this time. After some talk, Ruri switched sides and joined Lamb's cult, later on becoming his spouse. Again skipping a bit because I wanna spoil as little of the main game and post game as possible, but after Lamb defeated the Bishops and took them into his cult, he also ended up with kinda a slow burn with Heket (Lamb and Ruri are polu btw). And then after the slow burn, Ruri and Heket met since Lamb was introducing Heket to her since y'know, Heket should know his other spouse and vice versa, and Heket and Ruri were a lot less slow of a burn with each other, the burn happened significantly faster
Anyways, that's all for now, I might explain more at some point, but these are the basics so far
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Sleuths & Syndicates
Part 2
Detective! Aizawa x fem!reader
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˚✧₊⁎ find Part 1, Part 3 & Part 4 here ⁎⁺˳✧༚
Detective!Aizawa who is checking out an armful of children’s books from the small library you work at when you meet him for the first time. He’s got his messy hair tied back in a knot and a dark V-neck on that shows off just how well-muscled he is, rolled up sleeves revealing sinewy forearms, and you’re so caught off guard by this rugged, handsome stranger that you almost forget to scan the books before handing them to him. You want to talk to him, but he’s probably married with kids judging by the books. Plus, he barely even looks at you before walking off.
Detective!Aizawa who comes in again next week to exchange the books for new ones. This time, he seeks you out and asks you for advice. He doesn’t need to – knows everything about kids’ books from his research but he’s been beating himself up all week for not talking to you and is grateful for an excuse. Remembering what his partner Hizashi had drilled into him, he makes sure to casually mention how the books aren’t for his kid – not that he has one. He only means, well, he’s not – that is – he doesn’t have a family, or a girlfriend. Not that you asked... He’s suddenly irritated at himself for messing up, almost resolving to turn and leave. And maybe he would have, had you not given him the most dazzlingly beautiful smile he’s ever seen and told him it was alright…that it was “good to know”.
Detective!Aizawa who doesn’t ask you out till over a month since you met because he’s not sure how, and whether you’d even be interested. He visits the library more and more often even though Eri has read all the books they’ve got for her age group. He’s only there on days you’re working. He’s taken up reading for himself now, indulging in the odd murder mystery that he’ll read during his five-minute breaks at work. You’ll talk at length about it, dissecting the plot, the characters, sharing snippets of your own lives. All your co-workers have caught on. You’re wide open, but Shota never makes a move. Having had enough of it, you cut him off one day with an exasperated sigh and ask if he’ll take you out for a beer when your shift ends in half an hour.   
Detective!Aizawa who gives you a wonderful evening, making you laugh and opening up to you, but losing himself to endless worry on his drive home. His line of work makes having a life complicated. It’s hard enough to care for Eri and keep her safe. Does he have time for a relationship? Would he even be able to make you happy? Give you all that you deserve? He’s almost convinced you’re better off without him. But the next day, you send him a text – just a short, sweet thank you and a picture of you with your cat (as promised, you write). It’s a normal selfie, with you in an oversized t-shirt lying on a couch, your cat perched like a loaf on your chest. You’re not trying to be cute or sexy but you just are. It does something to him. Your eyes, your smile, stir something inside him that he can’t suppress. And he knows he can’t stay away even if he wanted to.
Detective!Aizawa who’s had to cancel your first-date plans twice because the case he’s working on might have a breakthrough any day now and he’s needed out in the field more than usual. When he stops by your apartment during his lunch break to apologise in person, he’s surprised to find you almost in tears. You realise you barely even know each other, but you’re smitten. You thought that he liked you, too, but are growing less sure of it every day. You’d been telling him everything was fine, that you understood when he had to cancel. You put on a brave face but you were tired of acting like it didn’t break your heart every time he blew you off. Even telling him this, you felt like an insecure little girl. He wasn’t even your boyfriend and here you were, already crying.
Detective!Aizawa who cradles your face in his hands and lowers his lips onto yours, kissing you tenderly, whispering apologies against your mouth, your cheeks, along your jaw.
“’m sorry,” he murmurs against the shell of your ear, holding you against his chest and swaying slowly side to side. “’m so sorry. I want you to know that I care about you – deeply. And that I don’t take your time for granted.” He hates that he’s already let you down, but he’ll be damned if he doesn’t move mountains to make it up to you.
The next time he kisses you, it’s in your apartment where you’ve invited him after your date at a riverside restaurant that you’ve always wanted to go to, and it’s significantly less tender. Three months have passed since your first meeting and neither of you has it in you to wait a second longer.
Detective!Aizawa who, despite your impatient protests, makes you cum on his long fingers and then against his mouth before finally letting you climb onto his lap and lower yourself onto his thick, weeping cock. Even just the flushed tip stretches your pussy so deliciously. His smooth shaft gets even thicker in the middle, and you’re a moaning mess, walls fluttering around him before he’s even bottomed out. Seeing you like this has him absolutely feral.
Before you can register what’s happened, he has your head tucked into the crook of his neck, large hands easily lifting your ass and holding it up as he fucks up into you at a brutal pace. He’s not a very vocal man but the way your pussy milks him tears loud, guttural moans from deep in his chest. He’s panting curses into your ear and telling you what a good girl you are for taking him so well, all the while you’re rendered speechless by how his cock slams into you over and over again, directly into that spot that makes you see stars and has your toes curling in searing pleasure.  
Detective!Aizawa who falls asleep spooning you, strong warm hand holding you tight against him by your belly. Work will remain tricky for a while, with two rival gangs encroaching on each others’ turf in the city. But he’ll do everything he can to make time for you amidst the chaos. He’d whisk you away and move you in with him and Eri in a heartbeat, if you’d let him. But he's pragmatic, patiently waiting for the relationship to reach a point of unquestionable stability and assurance that it's what you truly desire.
Detective!Aizawa who loses his mind with worry one fateful evening when his calls to you go unanswered. He can sense something is very wrong even before he checks in with your colleagues the next day, and the next, and they haven’t seen you either. By the time you're officially reported missing, and an investigation begins, Aizawa is barely holding onto his composure. Nothing is amiss in your apartment, apart from the things you might have left with on a short trip out – phone, purse, keys. Your bicycle was found in a park some dozen blocks away, but no one has seen you or anything suspicious at all. It’s like you just vanished from the face of the earth.
Detective!Aizawa is burdened with an investigation that strikes too close to home.
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kolcheksluver · 1 month
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characters mention: Adam Barrett, Ana Lucia Cruz, Caleb Cruz
overview: When he poked his head out of the kitchen he was met with an approximately thirteen year old boy who looked like an almost smaller version of Joey.
Joey, who was standing behind the boy, had a look on her face that clearly read to watch his mouth. No fucking promises. She gestured towards the former cop with a tight smile on her face, “Caleb this is … my boyfriend, Fr — Adam.” Labels were still weird with them. But instead he just nodded at the kid. He could barely talk to his own kid, how the fuck would he talk to hers? Caleb nodded in return, an equally as tight smile. God he was just like his fucking mother.
Joey could have fucking facepalmed.
words: 656
warnings: None its just some silly stakeshipping writing, shout out to @actually-adambarrett for giving me the idea🙏🏻writing under the cut yk the drill
Every sense of good conscience was telling Joey that no, this was a bad idea. It wasn’t that Joey didn’t trust Frank around her son, it was moreso that she didn’t know if this would make this already rocky relationship weird. Her and her son have been very low contact; waiting for Caleb to come to her, visiting when he wants, etc. All contact has been through Caleb’s initiative and he’s aware of the fact that she’s been seeing someone for the better part of the past year, and has expressed wanting to meet him, but it didn’t make her any less anxious.
She wrung her hands as she paced around the house, muttering to herself quietly. Her mind was going about a million miles a minute thinking about all the things that could possibly go wrong. Frank put a hand on her shoulder gently as if an attempt to bring her out of her spiraling thoughts. “Ana,” the use of her real name was enough to bring her out. She looked up at him, eyebrows knitting together. They rarely referred to each other as anything but Frank and Joey despite knowing they didn’t need to anymore.
“Just … relax,” it was easier said than done. His attempts to calm her down were appreciated, but if they were working was another thing entirely. She checked the time and pursed her lips, “I need to go pick him up.” She got herself out of his uncharacteristically gentle hold to grab her keys. Before she left the house, she turned to face him. “So help me Adam Barrett if a single swear word in front of my kid leaves your mouth you’re not gonna be seeing him for a while.” Frank rolled his eyes and waved a hand dismissively.
“Yeah, yeah, just go get the fuckin’ kid.”
“I’m sorry!” No he wasn’t.
Joey let out an exasperated sigh as she left. About an hour later Frank, who was in the kitchen fixing himself a totally non - alcoholic drink, heard the door unlock and some shuffling, as well as two voices in a somewhat awkward conversation. It was clear they were still trying to get used to one another. When he poked his head out of the kitchen he was met with an approximately thirteen year old boy who looked like an almost smaller version of Joey.
Joey, who was standing behind the boy, had a look on her face that clearly read to watch his mouth. No fucking promises. She gestured towards the former cop with a tight smile on her face, “Caleb this is … my boyfriend, Fr — Adam.” Labels were still weird with them. But instead he just nodded at the kid. He could barely talk to his own fucking kid, how the fuck would he talk to hers? Caleb nodded in return, an equally as tight smile. God he was just like his fucking mother.
Joey could have fucking facepalmed. At least he’s not swearing, she thought to herself. Joey cleared her throat and just pat Caleb’s shoulder, “Why don’t you set your stuff down in your room? Dinner should be … quick.” She had no fucking idea what to make. When Caleb went upstairs, she sighed.
“I got dinner handled, Ana.”
She looked in the kitchen and there was a pot boiling on the stove with miscellaneous types of pasta in it. He shrugged halfheartedly, “Didn’t know what the kid liked so … I just grabbed a shit ton of different ones.” She couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, leaning up slightly to kiss him; it was quick, like it almost always is. Just enough but it never lasts long.
“So you do have a heart. I’m a bit surprised,” she teased.
“Yeah don’t fuckin’ mention it.”
“The kid isn’t gonna hear from upstairs.”
She snorted in amusement as she pulled away from her lover to check on the pasta.
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bubybubsters · 1 year
Left Behind (Lucien x reader)
a/n: I’m mostly winging it but thanks to a comment I have the general gist! Y/n is from the Dawn court btw (I’m in love with the Dawn court).
slight summary: Lucien left y/n for Elain 15 years ago Elain who still gave him the cold shoulder. His life was just getting back on track when he meets a girl age 14 with red hair and russet eyes.
⚠️: nah, ya know the drill, angst!
masterlist part 2 part 3 epilogue
Lucien’s POV
Lucien Vanserra had no idea why every night dreams of her haunted him. Why his thoughts swirled around her. He’d left her 15 years ago and yet she haunted his every breath. Everywhere he went was tainted by the memory of her except the night court. But in the night court Elain was constantly giving him the cold shoulder and he couldn’t stay there. He didn’t have a purpose there.
That was why Lucien was currently standing outside Julian and Vassa’s manor. He stared at the manor, hoping she wasn’t here before barging in and sending out a flair of magic to alert them of his presence.
Jurian came running and hugged him tight murmuring, “you’re an idiot.” Lucien smiled, happy to be home. Jurian led him to the dining room before smirking at him. “Finally come to join us Fierling?” Lucien sighed.
“Well-” he was cut off by a loud banging on the door and a voice that sounded vaguely familiar.
“Open up you prick, my moms going to kill me.” Lucien glanced at Jurian who had gone an interesting shade of white and raised a brow. Jurian gave him a look that probably said stay here and shut the hell up before he went to open the door.
Lucien hesitated before moving on silent feet to listen in.
“I’ll kill him, mom’s trained me.”
“No, Alex, he’s stronger, besides your mom would kill me for letting you try.” Jurian sounded vaguely panicked and was trying not to raise his voice.
“At least let me meet him, see what my mom saw in him. See if he would have been a good father. See if he’s worth fighting for.”
a long pause followed the girls words and Lucien thought of what he’d heard. See if he would have been a good father? What did that mean? Was he a father? That thought excited him, he loved kids. Who was that girl and why did her voice sound so familiar? Before he could try to answer those questions, footsteps echoed down the hall and Lucien quickly moved back to his seat.
Jurian and the girl, Alex, appeared in the doorway and Lucien’s breath caught in his throat. She looked like him, the same shoulder length red hair (I have no idea how long Lucien’s hair is) and same russet eyes. But in subtler ways, Alex looked like her. Y/n. The same nose and mouth but Lucien’s eyes caught on the white Peregryn wings that were unmistakably from the Dawn Court. And most damning of all was her age, Alex looked about 14 probably born a few months after Lucien had left y/n.
Alex stared at him in awe before an indifferent mask settled over her face and her russet eyes became unbearably cold. Lucien finally found his voice.
“you- you’re my daughter.”
A/n: part two anyone? Alex’s character is loosely based off my younger self. If you want to be tagged in part two just say so.
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