#where the bb fam
cecexheart · 1 year
with the downfall of twitter coming, I’m coming back here
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thebookbutterfly · 2 months
Hey there! Could you possibly write a Sandor Clegane x gender neutral reader where Sandor has a soft spot for reader and reader feels the same? He tries to hide it but one day reader get’s hurt and he patches them up and maybe confessions come out?
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🦋 Little Bird— Sandor Clegane x gn!Reader
Summary: You get injured in an ambush. Sandor carries you to safety and takes care of you.
Tags: #so much hurt/comfort, #a teensy bit of angst, #fluffy ending, #potentially OOC Sandor Clegane but personally I think he is pretty baby girl, #request
Warnings: Gender Neutral, no use of Y/N, descriptions of blood and injury, mentions of death, cannon compliant threats of violence, no beta and no ‘ragrets' [1,371 words]
AN: This is a request by @agender-wolfie. I really hope that this is what you were looking for! It came out a bit longer than I intended, but I am such a sucker for hurt/comfort tropes I really shouldn’t be surprised lmao. I wrote this all in one sitting and I haven’t done any editing so please excuse any errors. Happy reading! 🦋 Love BB
If you like this work my requests are currently open! So please give me your ideas ;)
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You hissed a curse, gravelly and threadbare, as Sandor sidestepped another fallen tree.
A jumble of vulgar expressions that barely registered to you as they left your mouth. Almost all of them taught to you by the giant man holding you to his chest. The hound cradled you surprisingly gently, but his tension was evident. It was written all over him.
His scarred face, which you so rarely got the opportunity to study, was pulled into a broken grimace. The rest of him taut like a wire ready to snap beneath his armour. If you weren’t bleeding all over him, you might have reached up to prod the furrow of his brow. A silly attempt to smooth away Sandor’s permanent scowl.
The thought shattered as another wave pain tore through your ribs. Every bump in the path sowing fresh agony in the ruined skin and muscle.
Sandor ran a calloused thumb over the side of your knee in apology. Uttering clumsy noises of comfort as he picked up the pace.
“We’re almost there. Hold on just a bit longer, little bird.”
His gruff voice was cut with a noticeable amount of panic. Your brow scrunched at the unusual sound. You had gotten used to many things about Sandor as you travelled North with him. His rough sense of humour, bitter attitude, scarred face and huge stature were familiar to you by now. Underneath those things, his kindness and his softheartedness had become apparent to you too.
All the vulnerable pieces of himself that he smothered and choked beneath layers of vulgar humour and recklessness, had been presented to you in glimpses as you got to know him. But panic? Panic was new to you.
The farmhouse that Sandor had marked out in the distance finally drew into view. Up close it was a measly grey thing. The stone masonry looked haphazard at best but its chimney puffed with life. Behind it a barn lay with its doors open and rattling in the freezing wind.
You expected Sandor to head straight for the shelter of the barn but instead he strode to the front door. The family of four, seated around the dining room table inside, scrambled back as he slammed open the door with his usual subtlety. Which was to say— none at all.
You groaned as the sudden movement jostled your wound. Normally you would have chastised him for being so rude but your head was swimming. Too weak to lift your hand, you focused your energy on your eyes. Willing them to stay open, if not for your sake then for the sake of your worried companion.
An old man stepped forward to speak but Sandor cut him off, “One of you better be a healer, because if they die I will mount all of your heads outside on sticks.”
It was an ugly threat and they paled. The youngest boy whimpered looking suddenly ill. A younger woman with dark hair and a generous smattering of freckles stepped forward. She gestured a slightly shaky hand towards the table before him, before turning to her family.
“Clear the table, quickly. We can lay them down here,” her attention shifted back to the massive man standing in the doorway, “I’m not a healer by profession but I’ll do everything I can.”
Sandor seemed pleased enough by this answer. The rest of the family had been wise enough not to put up a fight and so Sandor stepped forward. He eased his grip and lay you down on the hastily cleared surface.
He moved to step away and let this stranger do her work but you whimpered. Fingertips clutching at air until he shifted back into reach.
A leather belt was stuffed between your teeth as your tunic was torn up the side. Unfamiliar hands grasped at your arms and legs. Holding you down with a bruising grip. All the while, Sandor brushed his bloodied fingers over your forehead and through your hair. The warmth of his skin a small consolation for the pain you were about to endure.
The woman lifted a needle and thread. With a glance at Sandor and his affirming nod she began to count down and you closed your eyes, unable to look.
Fire. Your body was on fire. You arched off the table. Trying to escape the agony, the needle slowly piecing your flesh back together. The table shook as you thrashed but the hands holding you down didn’t falter. Sandor’s gravely words of comfort were the last things ringing in your ears as the world went black.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first thing that you noticed when you woke up was the lack of pain. Your side still ached, the wound tender, but it was a dull throbbing now. No longer, the screaming torture it was as Sandor carried you away from where you were ambushed.
The second was the warmth. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been this warm since you and Sandor had journeyed across the border into the North. Sandor.
You opened your eyes slowly. The lighting was dim but from what you could tell you were inside the barn. The door was closed now though and soft orange candlelight illuminated the space.
You lay on your good side underneath a thick layer of blankets, and next to you lay the man your eyes sought for. His arm tucked you to him, large calloused hand resting somewhere on your lower back.
His heart thudded rhythmically beneath where your head lay on his chest. His even breathing and faint snores filled the quiet. Despite your inner protests it was the most comfortable you had been in years.
You gazed up at him, not wanting to wake him just yet. Sandor didn’t sleep nearly enough and you were content to watch the way the candlelight danced across his skin. It caught on his scarred cheek. Shadows flickering on the panes of his face.
Unable to resist you lifted a hand to his cheek. Your touch was featherlight but his eyes snapped open. Sandor’s gaze flicked to you immediately. Scanning you for distress and finding none, his body relaxed.
“Seven Hells, I thought you were going to die. Never do that again,” he said gruffly. His cheeks were flushed but he made no move to shift away from you.
Your voice was cracked from screaming but you still managed to mumble, “M’Sorry.”
Sandor sighed, “It wasn’t your fault, little bird.” He reached into his pack and pulled out a water-skein. Unscrewing the top he held it out towards you.
“Here, drink. Then you can go back to sleep,” he said.
“Thank you.”
The moisture eased the pain in your throat and soon you were snuggled back up under Sandor’s arm. The wind howled through the rafters and you both sat in silence for a little while.
Your thoughts broke the quiet, “Thank you for carrying me here. Thank you for staying.”
Sandor’s eyes met yours, they were unguarded and soft in a way that seemed reserved for you. Reserved for these conversations in the dark.
His voice was low as he replied, “I would have carried you to the ends of the earth, little bird.”
You studied him, the scars that mottled his skin, the cut on his brow and the curl of his mouth. Something deep within you settled, like a cat stretching out on a rug.
“You’re a good man, Sandor Clegane,” you said.
The conviction in your voice hit him harder than any blow on the battlefield ever had. The tidal wave of emotions that followed threatened to take him under but he swallowed them down.
You pretended not to notice his watery eyes and he lifted his spare hand to stroke your head. “Go to sleep, I’ll keep you safe.”
You nodded sleepily, too tired to fight it off any longer. A few seconds pass before you feel it. The soft press of his lips on your forehead. They linger there for a while before he pulls back, the warmth that they leave behind searing like a brand on your skin. You smile as you drift off, lulled to sleep by his warm embrace and steady breathing.
“Goodnight, little bird.”
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misshoneyimhome · 7 months
GIRL this Willy content is going to drive me mad I swear! I am needing a lil fic about maybe you meeting the fam for the first time on this international trip and you’re so excited, but also nervous because in Toronto he’s a star but in Sweden he’s the fucking sun!! And he looks so happy and fucking good that he’s willing to take you just about anywhere he can find to take away the nerves and get you to loosen up and enjoy yourself😭😭💀💀
Oh bb! Your wish is my command! ❤️ bc let’s be honest, this kind of scenario has definitely been on my mind a lot as well! 
I might have been a little too excited about the idea, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes and errors 😅
・✶ 。゚
We are Family
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One hour.
In just one more hour, the plane would land in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. And as the minutes ticked by, you could sense your breaths becoming uneven, and your leg trembling with anticipation.
The reason for your anticipation? This journey wasn’t just about the destination itself; no, it held a lot more significant to it. It was the other place on earth your boyfriend, William Nylander, called his home.
Willy, your boyfriend of about six months, or maybe a bit longer or shorter - the dating phase and the decision to commit had been a bit of a whirlwind, so you weren’t entirely sure, for exactly how long you’d been together.
You'd first met William a couple of months before the playoffs and hit it off immediately. His energy yet calm and confident demeanour was unlike many others you’d ever dated, and you were captured in an instant.
But dating an NHL player during the playoffs, was close to the impossible and it had been nothing but challenging. However, somehow, amid the chaos of that time William had made his way directly to your heart, and he had found comfort in having you around. You’d quickly become his anchor throughout the tumultuous period.
Then, during the off-season, both of you felt the need for some space. Not that there were any issues between you; it was simply a desire for some individual journeys and some time to think and breath apart. So, William had travelled across Europe with friends and family, while you pursued your own adventures with some girlfriends.
However, upon returning to Toronto and meeting up again, there was no doubt: you both wanted to be together, romantically committed and all that came with it. William, as unbothered as ever, wasn't really one to overthink it, but you had had your doubts whether he truly meant it, or if you were just another fling. But then just like that, all your concerns were suddenly gone, as William asked you to join the Global Series tour, where the Leafs would play two regular season games in Sweden.
He had practically pleaded for you to come along, now that you'd officially been together for months, and he was eager to introduce you to his family. Which, for the record, and in your opinion, was a monumental step for your relationship, considering how much his family meant to him. And to top it off, you’d be meeting them in what he referred to as his home country.
As you knew he was a bloody star in Toronto – in Sweden, he was the fucking sun. He was a walking monument within the sport, and though you were used to the attention in the Canadian city, it was nothing compared to his status in the Swedish hockey world.
So, as the vibrant city came into view, your nerves were on edge, and your excitement beaming. You were longing to see William, and soon you’d be in his arms again.
After landing, you wasted no time grabbing your luggage and swiftly hopped onto the Arlanda Express, a quick 20-minute ride that placed you right in the heart of Stockholm. Here, William welcomed you with the most radiant smile on his wonderful face, pulling you into a deep, affectionate kiss. Despite the lingering effects of jet lag, you couldn't care less.
The team, naturally, had travelled together and arrived a few days earlier to tackle their own jet lag a head of the games. They went for team meetings before heading out to dine together, embracing the finest Swedish customs. And all the Swedish players were even invited to a premiere of the Börje Salming tribute movie, accompanied by family and friends – which had been a truly special occasion. And amidst hockey training and probably a fair share of media engagements, William had planned to devote his time to you.
So, on the following day, once you'd somewhat adjusted to a more normal state of mind, William took you out. Sensing your nerves, he made every effort to keep you distracted and calm, showcasing the most splendid places and attractions in Stockholm and introducing you to the renowned concept of Fika, Swedish style.
You could sense his pride in sharing this part of his life with you, and despite the dull, grey weather, the time spent together in his "home" city was what mattered most. And eventually, you found yourself completely at ease in his presence.
Up until the next crucial moment: meeting his family.
William loved his family very much. He cherished every single one of his relatives deeply, and to put it mildly, there were quite a lot of them. And naturally, he had invited the whole clan to the major hockey event.
"Hey," he spoke in a gentle voice as the two of you were getting ready in the hotel room. "Baby, please try to relax," his soft chuckle filled the room, but his words didn't immediately ease your nerves.
"Willy, I’m trying… but I'm meeting your parents," you replied with worried brows. You could feel how your nerves were showing, despite your best attempts to stay calm and confident by wearing your favourite outfit.
"I know, and I get that you're nervous. But there's really nothing for you to worry about."
"Are you sure?"
"Of course! Besides, I'm just really happy that you're here.” He stepped a little closer, and gently wrapped his arms around your waist. “This means the world to me. You're finally meeting my parents, and I'm just so excited, you know…"
There was no falsehood in his words. His eyes shone like bright Christmas lights, and his smile was wider than you’d ever seen before.
"I know, I'm excited too – I just really hope they’ll like me… I know how much your family means to you. The worst thing would be if we couldn’t be together, because they didn't approve of me, and then, you'd have to choose, which would be even worse, since-"
William interrupted your ramble with a kiss.
"They'll definitely like you, don't worry," he almost whispered, keeping your faces close while his arms enveloped you. It was a gentle, heartfelt moment as the two of you stood motionless in the serene room. Only the sound of your synchronized breaths filled the small space between you, his rhythm guiding yours.
And gazing into his eyes, a realization began to dawn. William wouldn't have you meet his family if he wasn't absolutely certain it would go well.
And so, you made your way out of the hotel, heading towards the restaurant where you'd meet a part of his closest family, both of you unable to contain wide smiles. His hand tightly held yours, providing the reassurance you sought. And with each step towards the door, all you felt was joy, simply being by his side.
"Hey!" a group of incredibly good-looking Swedes exclaimed as you headed towards the back of the restaurant, where William had ensured there was enough space for everyone and allowing a degree of privacy.
"Hej," William addressed his parents as they approached, exchanging hugs and kisses. "Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, y/n."
"Hello, y/n," the two tall Swedes smiled, extending their hands for you to shake, which you accepted eagerly before speaking.
"Hej, hur mår du? Det är verkligen trevligt att träffa er båda," (Hey, how are you? It’s really nice to neet toy both), you greeted as confident as possible, earning astonished wide eyes from your boyfriend, leaving him completely baffled. This he had not expected.
"Vi är mycket bra, tack. Det är fantastiskt att träffa dig också," (We’re very good, thanks. It’s really wonderful to meet you too), his mother replied with a beautiful smile, and you couldn't help but chuckle as William stood stunned beside you.
"When did you learn that?" he exclaimed with a laugh.
"What?" you innocently asked. "I just wanted to pick up a few phrases… you know, to impress you." You flashed him a sweet smile, while his parents responded with hearty laughter. "Besides, all that effort to see that look on your face? Totally worth it."
"Oh, I like this one," his father Michael remarked, before all of you continued to join the rest of the company.
William was genuinely impressed. Mission accomplished. And so were his parents. Bonus points.
You had practised a few sentences just for fun, aiming to make an impression and show how much you were in fact interested in getting to know this part of your boyfriend better. And it seemed your plan had worked.
Although following along with the Swedish conversations was challenging, William, his parents, and sisters made an incredibly sweet effort to involve you in everything. They were exceedingly kind and welcoming, and it didn't take long for you to feel like a part of the family. What a relief.
"You know, y/n, Willy couldn’t stop talking about you all summer," Stephanie chuckled.
"Oh, come on, let's not go into that," William almost whined.
"Oh, we're definitely going there, big brother," Jacqueline chimed in with a grin, before adding, "He was glued to his phone, waiting for you to text or call..."
"Why hasn't she called me?" Stephanie playfully mimicked her brother's whiny voice, prompting Jacqueline to continue.
"Should I call her?"
"What if she doesn't pick up?"
"What if she does pick up?"
His sisters teasingly taunted him, recalling how much William had talked about you during the off-season. And amidst their banter, there was nothing but laughter from your end. Despite William's potential embarrassment in that moment, or as much as he could show, you found yourself incredibly happy. Not only was his family immensely sweet, but you also discovered that he had been thinking about you as much as you had been thinking about him. Furthermore, he had even shared details about you with his family.
"Alright, enough," William chuckled. "Just because I'm finally in love and happy, doesn't mean you get to give me a hard time."
And with smiles and laughter, the girls relented from their teasing.
For you, however, your heart skipped a beat. Warmth filled your entire being as you absorbed his words. In love.
After a delightful evening of dinner, conversation, and mingling, you and William found yourselves back in your hotel room. A serene silence enveloped the room as both of you slowly unwound, enjoying the relaxed atmosphere.
"Hey, are you okay?" your boyfriend inquired as you were about to join him on the bed.
"Of course," you reassured him with a soft smile.
"You're just unusually quiet... Was tonight not okay?" he probed, a hint of concern in his voice.
With a smile slowly spreading across your face, you knelt on the bed in front of him, lightly pressing your lips together before speaking.
"Willy, tonight was perfect. Your family is wonderful, and I've never seen you this happy," you said with genuine sincerity. "Not even when the team made it into the second round."
William chuckled in response, but he could read you too well, and he sensed there was more. "So, there's nothing else on your mind?"
Once more, you pursed your lips, briefly glanced down, then locked eyes with his once more.
"Did you truly mean it?"
"Mean what?" he asked, curiosity dancing in his eyes.
"That you're in love with me?"
William's smile widened at your question as he leaned closer, gently cupping your cheek with a hand.
"Absolutely, y/n/n," his voice tender and soft. "In fact, I think I love you."
With your heart overflowing with affection for this man, you closed the distance between you in a heartfelt kiss, before pulling back just a tad.
"I love you too, Willy."
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shijiujun · 9 months
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Anyway the novel is kinda cool cuz you can turn the cover around so Ai Di and Chen Yi are on the cover and BZY and FZR are on the inside instead too hahahahahaha
Fan Zherui is just pretending to have amnesia because he knew he couldn’t fight against his grandpa and he works with his younger brother, the younger brother who he spoke about in Ep 7 who is set to become the heir of the Fan family, and his younger brother hides it from him while still feeding him info about Bai Zongyi and helps FZR lie in wait because they both need to remove his grandpa from his position and power - and that turns into a four year wait
BAI ZONGYI POOR BB?! He remembers everything too but he has issues with short-term memory after the knock to the head ie he needs to write things down to remember it hence the notebook and this why he can’t ever be a doctor again because he struggles to remember stuff if he doesn’t note them down - he remembers everything and he decided to open a pastry shop and doesn’t dare go look for FZR because he feels like he’s nothing and so far away from FZR now in terms of status
The person who helps them to meet is FZR’s younger brother 🥲 FZR’s brother is someone who sees pretty clearly lmao and GUESS WHAT DIS BIJ BE GAY TOO
SUPER ANNOYING THAT AI DI AND CHEN YI ARE NOT IN THE AFTER-FOUR YEARS SEGMENT IN THE NOVEL?! We don’t get Chen Yi Ai Di ending or extras wts are they chopped liver BUT I AM SURE the drama will do them justice
Ai Di only went to jail for a year so BZY was in there for three years before Ai Di went in I STILL DONT KNOW FOR WHAT I was speed reading need to go back and have a look
BZY opens the pastry shop and all the pastries there are items he said he would make for FZR
Since BZY went into jail, FZR would use medication to sedate himself and fall asleep so he could dream of BZY
It was also the Fan family who ordered for BZY to be hurt/killed in jail and FZR in the end gets to revenge - and argh the grandpa is seriously such a scumbag like the only reason he wants FZR back in the fam is so he can be used by FZR’s brother, cuz grandpa discovered the info web that FZR created for the gang but who knew FZR’s brother was kinda on FZR’s side hahahaha
Literally there’s nothing on Zhang Teng and that mysterious snitch and they just frickin disappear from the plot like WHAT EVEN WAS THE POINT and DILFs also didn’t get more screen time excuse me WHAT IS LIFE
Differences I can see between novel and drama right now by skimming briefly:
The beginning scene where Ai Di and BZY are in front of the gates of the jail, Ai Di is cursing up a storm because they turned back and it’s taboo to look back to prison cuz it means you’re gonna go back LOL
Ai Di didn’t fall out with Chen Yi because he’s talking to him and he scolded Chen Yi for not coming to fetch him in a sedan car because he specifically told him to pick up BOTH HIM AND BAI ZONGYI, to which Chen Yi said that it’s better for BZY to not be seen with them
Chen Dongyang only told BZY to go to jail on FZR’s behalf because he owed grandpa Fan a favour and had no choice but to return the favour in this way as requested. He hates it and said that it was a despicable and cowardly way of him to return this favour and in doing so, he ruined BZY’s future - at least he knows it?! Chen Yi chased after him to say that he would make amends and CDY said “remember that it’s your fault that he has to go to jail. it is yours and mine that his future has been ruined and we will forever owe it to BZY till the day we die.”
BZY actually meets grandpa, mom and brother Fan in the hospital after FZR is admitted and he actually scold FZR’s mom for being a shitty mom and then after he goes to jail
Will go and look for some other iconic lines and stuff later but OOMPH I don’t know if it’ll be different from the drama itself but considering there’s only four eps left I am in favour of following the above JUST GIVE ME details on Chen Yi Ai Di and DILFs please. I forgot how brief and loophole-y Lin Peiyu’s plots were 😂😂😂
But this makes perfect sense judging from the teaser for Ep 9 because both BZY and FZR looked way too burdened for people who had complete amnesia LOL, but of course disclaimer that the drama MAYBE?? May not follow??? The novel?? But it should more or less
And it also makes sense for the distribution of episodes remaining too. All the above was revealed in the last two chapters of the novel plus two super short extras.
Basically a lot of smexy scenes LOL
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theladyofshalott1989 · 5 months
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Damien Andrew Evans (My OC/MC from the Like Moths to a Flame series)
*I modeled his character off of a young Garrett Hedlund. Here are some photos of Garrett (one with his hair down long - LMtaF Damien - and one with his hair short - BB Damien):
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I wrote this in a frenzy last night (referencing my already copious notes from the past… hmm… eleven months??? WHAT), so I apologize if it reads like word-vomit (LMAO). BUT, without further ado, here is my Damien info-dump. Damien is my OC from my series, Like Moths to a Flame, which I started on Wattpad in March 2023. Check it out if you are so inclined (AO3 link because AO3 is better…please don’t hate me, Wattpad police haha).
General Info:
Born and raised in London
Lives in a huge estate in Mayfair
Father’s family comes from old money
Birthday: 13th December 1874 
Mother: Mary REDACTED Evans (yes, redacted because it’s a spoiler for Burning Bright)
Died shortly after Damien turned two 
Father: Andrew Robert Evans
Magistrate in London
Workaholic, doesn’t interact much with his son, leaves him to his own devices the majority of the time (he is very lucky Damien is a good boy; the shenanigans Damien could have gotten up to if he was so inclined…lmao) 
Half-blood (only found this out after he came to Hogwarts; his mother never shared this information with his father)
Only child
ENFP (apparently) (thanks Myers-Briggs test!) Fueled by interaction with others (being an only child and spending most of his time alone during the summer holidays deeply damaged him)
Attracted to the same sex (and has known this for as long as he can remember)
Alas, he is super self-conscious about his sexual orientation, having grown up in Muggle London, where being gay is a crime. He is also quite secretive because of it; he wants to open up more to people (it’s in his nature) but is hesitant until he feels he can trust them fully. This can take a while. 
Nearly everything he does, he always has this nagging thought in the back of his mind (it follows him literally everywhere): Would my mother be proud of me? (He has never told anyone this; it also haunts him immensely)
Highly intuitive
Very forgiving (arguably to a fault) of anyone he grows to love and trust
Feels very deeply, but, again, he tries his best to hide it. Something must be terribly wrong or extremely upsetting for him to cry in a public setting. 
Not very organized (also has a problem with tardiness), EXCEPT when he is at home. He doesn’t want to make a mess for the servants, so he is extremely meticulous and clean when he’s home for the summer. Any other time, he couldn’t care less (LMAO). Physical Description:
Very unique brown eyes with golden flecks in them (Seb is absolutely obsessed)
Taller than average (a little taller than Sebastian, much to Sebastian’s chagrin)
Long blonde hair (just past his shoulders) that he keeps tied back in a low bun (his preferred style)
Sebastian would much rather he wear it down and loose (he is quite vocal about this), but he eventually is like fine…you do you, fam
In Burning Bright, Damien has to cut his hair short so his father isn’t suspicious. He has a cute little tuft at the top of his head that sometimes cascades across his face, which Sebastian is enamored with
(Eton, the all-boys boarding school Damien attended before Hogwarts, has strict uniform and hygiene protocols and would never permit him to wear his hair long; Damien’s father thinks he is still attending Eton so he must keep up appearances)
Lithe but muscular, a testament to how active he is when he arrives at Hogwarts. His go-to when he’s not in classes is to ride his broom around the Scottish Highlands and complete Merlin Trials. He is obsessed with finding and completing them all. (What a Ravenclaw…)
Ample arse though (LMAO) which Sebastian loves… (Seb is an arse-man; you’re welcome HAHAHAHA)
Tan from being outdoors most of the time
Sharp jawline, broad neck and chest, prominent collarbone (he is quite thin), very angular features
Light spoiler for stories post-Burning Bright: Older Damien is a bit heavier in adulthood (and Seb loves this development)
Magic Reveal:
Damien never had one of those “oh shit what just happened???” magical moments, so when Fig showed up on his doorstep with his Hogwarts letter at the very beginning of the summer in 1890, Damien thought it was a joke. When Fig did some magic for him to convince him, Damien lost his goddamn mind. He was thrilled, but also terrified. Fig told him not to worry, that he could stay with him over the summer to prepare Damien for the school year. 
Damien’s father was (unsurprisingly) not home when Fig arrived. Damien also asked Fig not to say anything to his father. Fig sensed there was some tension between Damien and his father and agreed (for the time being). Eventually, once Fig got to know Damien better, he decided Damien was right and it was for the best that his father didn’t know about his magic. This was the moment when Damien realized he could fully trust Fig. Surrogate father/son bond activated <3
Their backstory (if Damien’s father asked) for why Damien was gone over the summer was that he was traveling with a friend from Eton. Damien’s father was hella neglectful and didn’t even bother to ask, which to be fair, made things super easy for Damien and Fig (LMAO). 
The color green
Flying (he loves how freeing it is and the feeling of the wind in his hair)
DADA is his favorite class (his early dueling wins probably played a factor; poor Damien didn’t have a lot of wins in his life prior to coming to Hogwarts, well…besides being rich AF LOL)
CATS (dude adores cats to the EXTREME; he would love to adopt all of the ones he finds wandering around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade; I even have a headcanon that very early on in his time at Hogwarts he smuggles a cat into his room - a room which he shares with Amit, Everett, and Andrew, mind you. Unfortunately, Amit is allergic, so that plan goes to hell in a handbasket rather quickly.)
Magic (obviiiiiii); he still can’t believe his luck that he’s at Hogwarts
The Wizarding World and how accepting it is of all forms of love. He cannot believe his lucky stars that he can be openly affectionate with Sebastian. It even takes him a while to realize this because no one straight up told him and Sebastian at first wants to keep their relationship on the down low since he’s still trying to figure out if Damien feels as strongly about Sebastian as Sebastian feels about Damien. Silly boys #idiotsinlove
Herbology (he SUCKS at it; Sebastian and Damien have this in common, but Damien is much, much worse. He never uses magical plants in his duels because he is bitter about how bad he is at growing them and doesn’t want to spend money buying them at the Magic Neep hahaha)
Close-minded people (which is why he is understandably upset and confused by Sebastian’s very vocal hatred of goblins; it nearly ends any potential of a relationship from that point forward, but Seb does eventually apologize more than once *PHEW*)
Dark Mongrels, and to a certain extent dogs (le sigh) (light spoiler for Burning Bright so I won’t go into detail about it)
Interactions with Other Characters:
Fig -
Fig was the father Damien always wanted. Supportive, understanding, a wealth of knowledge. Losing him was absolutely devastating; it nearly broke Damien. 
Natty -
Besides Sebastian, Damien’s second kindred spirit. When Sebastian and Damien aren’t on good terms for a large swathe of Like Moths to a Flame, they are joined at the hip. Sebastian even worries that they might be a couple at one point and is very jelly. (C’mon Seb, read the freaking room!)
Poppy - 
Damien likes Poppy but is a bit intimidated by her. He still really enjoys her company, just in moderation. Ominis -
Damien willfully ignored him before they officially met. He didn’t realize it at the time, but eventually comes to the conclusion that he was jealous that Ominis was best friends with Sebastian. Notably, he easily sensed that Ominis wasn’t into Sebastian romantically, so that was a relief at the very least. Damien was super annoyed by Ominis after the encounter post-Undercroft. He couldn’t understand how someone could lose their temper so easily. Eventually, they do bond… hilariously, it’s Ominis that makes the effort to get to know Damien better. (Of course Ominis knows that Seb and Damien are snogging; he’s ~scary~ perceptive; at first Ominis is just vetting Damien in a protective “I need to make sure you’re a good person for my best friend” kind of way, but then he eventually realizes he enjoys being in Damien’s company. Likewise Damien to Ominis. They eventually also bond over classic music (Ominis lets Damien borrow his gramophone every so often and they sometimes even listen to it together.) 
Amit, Everett, and Andrew - 
Damien’s roomies! He likes Amit and Everett a lot, but definitely has more in common with Everett since they are both obsessed with flying. Damien even buys Everett a broom so he can stop using a school one. Damien finds Amit a bit awkward, but in an endearing way. He would beat someone up for realsies though if he ever overheard anyone make fun of him. 
Andrew and Damien don’t really care about each other either way. Andrew hangs out in different crowds. They don’t talk much. 
And yes, I realize that Duncan Hobhouse is also in Ravenclaw, but I've decided he has his own room. Damien finds him annoying, even though Everett is friends with him for some reason lmao.
Sebastian - HOOOO BOY HERE WE GO Damien fell for Sebastian HARD almost immediately after meeting him (their dialogue after the match in DADA was such a turn-on hahaha). He really struggled to play it cool that entire exchange though. He does succeed (sigh), but later… um… goes back to his room and yeah, in my headcanon he furiously does what you would expect lmao.
Sebastian immediately found Damien intriguing BUT he was not sure why. He had always appreciated the beauty of both genders, but he had only ever been with a girl so it never even crossed his mind that he could be romantically interested in Damien. He didn’t realize until <BIG SPOILER FOR LIKE MOTHS TO A FLAME> Damien asked Seb to kiss him in the Undercroft. Once their lips touched, Sebastian had one of those *connect the dots <Charlie from It’s Always Sunny at the blackboard scribbling nonsense> moments* and is like… OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And then he just rolled with it. Doesn’t question it at all he’s so confident in what happened. Damien is immediately his. MINE MINE MINE seagulls from Finding Nemo gif. 
Unfortunately, Dark Magic was a HUGE cockblock (*sad face*) and their budding relationship combusted to the extreme. Damien was devastated but would NEVER admit it so he lost himself in his other friendships (thank you for being there Natty, you QUEEN). As we all know, Sebastian sucks at expressing himself (LMAO say it louder for those in the back), so he avoided Damien like the plague and stewed in his anger. But he is confused and upset and just a turmoil of emotions and it plagues him. A proverbial storm cloud follows him everywhere he goes. 
And then all hell breaks loose with the relic (DAMN YOU RELIC), BUT Damien and his strong intuition senses something is up and realizes that Seb is not himself. He activates stealth mode and becomes Seb’s shadow without Seb realizing, following him around and making sure he is okay. After the catacomb ~incident~, Damien won’t let him out of his sight and refuses to permit him to head back to the castle alone. In fact, it scares him so much that once they make it back to the castle, Damien has an OH SHIT I LOVE HIM BUT HE JUST MURDERED SOMEONE moment and he is so lost in his thoughts that Sebastian runs off. This haunts Damien immensely because he is so worried that Sebastian is going to hurt himself. And then, of course, he gets all caught up in the repository / goblin invasion stuff that he is distracted, but he still follows Sebastian around when he can. #sneakyDamien
And I’m not going to go into further detail because massive spoilers for the end of Like Moths to a Flame hahahaha.
So, that’s my Damien. He is my ~goodest~ boy. And he has definitely stolen my heart. <3
21 notes · View notes
waitmyturtles · 9 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: Last Twilight In Phuket and I Promised You The Moon Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I conclude my thoughts on Nadao Bangkok's trio of shows, from I Told Sunset About You, to Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You The Moon.]
Whew! I needed to take a quick break from the OGMMTVC slate of reviews to live life: I moved domiciles, and took myself on a therapeutic journey of rewatching the very long and intense series that is Until We Meet Again (I therapize in weird ways, fam), but anyway! Ya girl is BACK on her bullshit, and I am finally reviewing (heads-up, dear @shortpplfedup!) the utterly wonderful Last Twilight in Phuket and I Promised You the Moon, ending the Nadao Bangkok section of this project that started with I Told Sunset About You.
Just to take a quick 10,000-foot-look at these three shows together: repeating myself from my ITSAY review, we know that ITSAY, LTIP, and IPYTM are on the OGMMTVC list as THE prestige BLs of Thailand -- the BL dramas that likely cost the most money to make, and that took the most solid cinematic turn of any of the BLs on this list. And they are centered and cemented by the mindblowing performances of PP Krit and Billkin Putthipong, who were both up for the very remarkable challenge of making theater-level content in two short series and one special episode. (For my tastes? We don't see this level of acting again until Bad Buddy -- but I'm a BBS girlie and thus very biased. But anyway!)
Forgive me as I pen this review a little differently from my previous ones where I lay out an outline, because the dominant thought I have about LTIP and IPYTM was that I will forever respect Nadao Bangkok for going in totally different directions with each piece in the ITSAY framework.
I spent a great amount of time in my ITSAY review celebrating the show's very intentional conversation about place by way of Phuket, and how the history of immigration and the demographic landscape of Phuket so very deeply influenced the layers of meaning in that show (and I thank the WONDERFUL @telomeke once more for spending so much time with me talking about this!).
As we needed a bridge from Phuket to Bangkok: I just love that Boss Naruebet, the main screenwriter and director for both ITSAY and Last Twilight in Phuket, took the time to create a singular episode in LTIP about place, and centering place for the sake of our two beloved leads, Teh and Oh-aew, in order to hammer home ever more deeply what Phuket meant to them, to Boss, and what Phuket should mean to us as the viewers.
Besides the gorgeous celebration of the spaces that meant so much to Teh and Oh-aew -- of course, what we also saw in LTIP was how time can change places. How the boys couldn't get to their special beach spot anymore because the entrance was boarded up. How their tutoring school had closed.
And that theme of change -- and the ache of change -- is, of course, what takes us right to the doorstep of I Promised You The Moon.
But before I go to Bangkok to unwind on IPYTM, I have one last thought on LTIP. In my ITSAY review, I felt the need to unwind and celebrate ITSAY's homage to Phuket as a melting pot, the meeting place of so many cultures (Thai, Chinese, Malay, Peranakan), because to me: Phuket, as a singular place, represented change at home, change from within the home and external to home. Teh's tremendous emotional outburst at the incredibly chaotic decision he made to give up his university spot for Oh-aew -- that devolvement happened literally inside of his home, a traditional Chinese-Peranakan home in multicultural Phuket.
Phuket itself represented a place where Teh could change himself, because the cultural fabric of the place of Phuket changed and changes with the nature of the people that live and breathe within Phuket. That's how immigration and migration change a place -- that's how time changes a place. I posited in my ITSAY review that that was exactly what Phuket was meant to represent as a place of home for Teh and Oh-aew: that a place that was historically and inherently built on change could sustain this very modern relationship between two young men, at least one of them (Teh) raised in an otherwise very traditional and old-fashioned Peranakan culture.
As LTIP unwound (gosh, the name cards of the places they visited, listing place names in English, just made me swoon), and we saw the boys SEEING the change of THEIR place happen before their eyes, I felt that what I was seeing was such an empathic metaphor for the steps of adulthood that they were both about to take. I totally remember taking IN the place where I grew up, one last time, before I hit the road for college. I think I was too young in that moment to put the following into words, but: I knew that the place I was leaving was never going to be the same.... in large part because the way I would see that place called home would change, as well as the place itself actually changing, and getting older itself.
From those steps of change, do we go to Bangkok and to I Promised You the Moon.
The most obvious structural change that separates IPYTM from ITSAY and LTIP is the change in the main screenwriter and director: Boss Naruebet is replaced by Meen Tossaphon.
Now -- oh man. I gotta get my thoughts together on IPYTM.
This is likely going to be controversial! There were many parts of IPYTM that I ended up loving more than ITSAY. Lemme get into it.
If you have been a regular around this blog, you might be able to surmise why I loved IPYTM. IPYTM did not beat around any bush -- it did not ignore the bullshit of everyday life in a relationship.
My very favorite BL of all time, What Did You Eat Yesterday?, deals with two middle-aged men in a long-established relationship. We meet them in the middle of their time together. We get all their origin material well within the series.
The wonderful @bengiyo often writes, in his Stray Thoughts posts and elsewhere, how refreshing it often is to see an established queer couple managing the quirks of their relationship as it happens. We so often watch shows that center relationships that start in a series with a queer revelation. The very high majority of our shows are about the chase, a confession, a fleeting sexual moment or two, that first kiss.
I think we were so lucky to get Teh and Oh-aew in their young adulthood, in their four years in university in IPYTM, to see a full life stage -- how AMAZING is that -- complete before our eyes.
But before I go on to talk about why I LOVED IPYTM, and why I think it's important for the OGMMTVC project, I want to explain why there were many parts of IPYTM that I liked more than ITSAY.
ITSAY had explosive emotional moments. They shook me so hardcore that I had to stop multitasking while watching the episodes, and nothing usually slows me down.
@neuroticbookworm and I have spoken, as two South Asians, about the nature of the depictions of these explosive emotional moments on the part of Teh in ITSAY. I've talked before (most recently in my review of The Love of Siam) about how important it is that Western viewers understand that while the interaction that Asian directors and screenwriters have had with Western and Western queer content is important and present (Jojo Tichakorn is revealing himself on this almost weekly as Only Friends airs) -- that there is a VERY long history of Asian content featuring non-happy endings and/or open-ended endings.
Why am I talking about non-HEAs with Teh? Because @neuroticbookworm and I both posit that ITSAY could have ended very authentically -- for the story itself, and for the region from which ITSAY comes -- if Teh and Oh-aew did not get together, especially considering the absolutely torturous emotional breakdowns that Teh was having about his attraction to and love for Oh-aew.
But they DID get together, and it was a triumph for prestige Asian queer content. ITSAY may very well have been talking to the heartbreaking ending of The Love of Siam.
I compare those emotional volcanoes to IPYTM's narrative process. We don't get those emotional volcanoes. Instead, we see a much more established couple (maybe not necessarily more mature, but at least established), two years into their relationship, about to start a new chapter in their lives as much as they can be together. And I think, without those emotional volcanoes: we were able, in IPYTM, to get more into tonally quieter, but still incredibly emotional and heart-wrenching details about Teh and Oh-aew's relationship that deserved time and the spotlight to work through -- such as Teh's slow falling for Jai.
To the point that their maturity is in question: give me a series about a developing relationship, and I will give you my heart. I want to see more and more shows about dudes working on their shit in a relationship. I want to see queer dudes experiencing the highs and lows of living a mundane life together, à la What Did You Eat Yesterday?
As we saw in ITSAY: Teh has a thing about change. Change is really, really, really hard for him. He had to change his mindset about the kind of person he was falling in love with in ITSAY. He was falling in love with a fellow young man, and it sent him off the rails.
Teh continues to be chaotic as fuck in IPYTM -- and that's all happening in the context of him watching, and being with Oh-aew, as Oh changes himself over time.
And: OH!!! MY. BOY. OH-AEW. CLAP EMOJIS. FIND YOURSELF! OMG. Oh-aew's trajectory in IPYTM stole my heart. Oh FOUND HIMSELF, AND found his community. The hair color change? The wardrobe change? The glistening legs? (PP KRIT.) The tattoo? Quitting acting -- which, of course, made Teh sooooo superior-feeling -- to find a career that he LIKED, and was GOOD AT?
Oh-aew was my boy in IPYTM. He was such a LIGHT against the continued darkness that Teh lived in. And Oh-aew knew it, and my god: Oh learned a lot about self-preservation in the time they had in college together.
As I wrote about in my Theory of Love review, I am a true sucker for behavioral change stories in dramas. Oh-aew gave me tons of that, in SUCH an empathic, well-lit way. Teh also gave us a change story, with the delightful essence of the kind of fucked-up chaos that only Teh, and Billkin as an actor, can muster.
Repeating myself from my ITSAY review: Teh, for me, is a reflection of my very favorite chaos boy, Fuse from Make It Right. In the second season of Make It Right, Fuse continues to date his girlfriend, Jean, while his attraction to his same-sex lover, Tee, continues to grow.
Teh watches Oh-aew change. Teh questions why Oh-aew got the teacup tattoo. Teh sees Oh-aew hang out with Oh's cadre of queer friends. Teh sees so much of LIFE happen through Oh-aew: that Oh is indicating a permanence to their relationship vis à vis the tattoo. Teh sees that Oh is comfortable in his own skin, in his growing, strong identity as a queer man. Oh-aew, to me, is truly reflective of the internal change that can happen when one leaves home, when one leaves a place to go to another place -- a tremendous journey.
Teh...... oh, Teh. Teh is not on that same journey. He goes to a more fucked-up place. He, idiotically, falls for Jai -- literally, verbally, visually, right in front of Oh-aew -- all while Teh increasingly becomes unmoored in his relationship with Oh.
Now, let me clarify something. I LOVE CHAOS BOYS. I needed @lurkingshan to check me as I was unwinding on Teh and Teh's cheating: Shan had to yell at me, "TURTLES, TEH WAS CHEATING!!!" lol.
Because! Because I actually sympathized with Teh a bit. Teh acted like a total fucking jackass, an idiot of the highest order. But I sympathized with him.
I sympathized with him because, unlike Oh-aew, Teh came from a more old-fashioned background. Of course, he learned early in IPYTM that his mother knew about his relationship with Oh-aew. That should have given Teh comfort to live his authentic life in Bangkok, and I think it did, to some extent. But, Teh was such a brilliantly written character as to have not actually be able to shed EVERYTHING about his past life, his past identity, his past values coming from an old-fashioned culture, in fast time.
That's what happens in fantasies, and it doesn't always happen that way in real life. Not to say that IPYTM is real life -- but I think Teh's path towards change and maturity reflected a different and difficult style of realistic growth that I am glad the show did not shy away from.
I understand that there are a lot of people that either don't like, or didn't watch, IPYTM because of the cheating plot. Let me just say, as an #old -- cheating happens.
Teh felt disconnected from Oh and Oh's change journey, his growth. Teh found an outlet for his misplaced emotional yearnings in Jai. Jai took total advantage of the moment to extract a performance out of Teh. Teh was used. Teh was dumb enough to not recognize this. And he jeopardized his relationship with Oh-aew. And to Oh-aew's damn credit, Oh said -- fuck THAT, and walked.
All of that? Waving my hand in a circle and clinching my fingers, all of that? REAL SHIT. Real talk. Man, do I LOVE IPYTM for going there.
I knew -- of course I knew, the gifs are everywhere -- that Teh and Oh-aew would get together by the end of IPYTM. But to see that their relationship NEEDED to take a very healthy break, and that Teh NEEDED to be faced with very real consequences of his unthoughtful, chaotic behavior, was a demonstration of accountability of the highest order in a drama that I heartily welcomed. It was mature AF, and it established Oh's boundaries and feelings in such a gorgeous, respectful way for a young queer man to represent. God. I'm clutching my hands. It gives me the same good feelings as Pharm setting his boundaries in UWMA.
I think, if this kind of growth story bores people (?) -- I unfortunately have to say that I think this is where more and more BLs are going, on this route, on the WDYEY route, on the Love In Translation route that my friends @lurkingshan, @bengiyo, and @neuroticbookworm are telling me about right now.
And to take this route in a prestige, cinematic BL. To take the route of demonstrating growth, maturity, accountability, and responsibility in a BL of the highest quality order, means a lot to me as an #old, who is fascinated by internal change over the course of time. Which.... is also the story of Phuket, the story of Bangkok, the story of the queer community in Bangkok, the story of the continued growing strength of the LGBTQ+ community in Thailand and globally.
And to tie this all together: in IPYTM, I did not question the ending. I LOVED THE ENDING. It was a happy ending for the romantics. It was an open-ended ending for the realists like myself. Oh-aew said: I don't know if things are gonna work, homeboy. But you're my man. You will be my man. (When Oh-aew wakes up in bed and sees a vision of Teh before they got together for the last time? Oh yes, I screamed. Asian family pain, baby.)
And Teh says: deal. And almost immediately commits another crime of chaos with that Instagram post. But, as I wrote in my notes as the show ended: he was now engaging in external chaos, not internal chaos. Teh will make the commitment to WORK on his chaos WITH Oh-aew, IN the context of a relationship. No more holding it in. If Teh takes risks, he'll take Oh-aew with him, together, because that's what being in a bonded relationship is about.
I felt unsettled when ITSAY ended. I felt that Teh's emotional peaks weren't fully resolved. I was so right about this when I went through IPYTM. And IPTYM closed that for me. IPYTM gave me the very authentic emotional journey and process of change that had been hinted at in ITSAY, the journey that, I think, could NOT have ended with ONLY ITSAY. IPYTM showed me that Teh was going to continue fucking up, because I knew it would happen with where he was in ITSAY. Man. And IPYTM sewed it up convincingly.
Nadao Bangkok, I think, took a HUGE risk to demonstrate this VERY sophisticated change journey in a prestige BL. And they did it of the highest order. It was a celebration of Bangkok, of finding your communities, of finding your friends, your love, yourself, and -- my head is spinning at how WELL it was filmed, and how well the story was told. I love ITSAY, but IPYTM will be my baby. I desperately want Thailand to go to this level again, and I believe they will.
[Alright! I am indeed back on my bullshit and crushing through 55:15 Never Too Late, for its macro BL storyline featuring Khaotung Thanawat and an EarthMix cameo.
Next week, we have my review of Not Me, which I personally loved, but I will not shy away from offering some quibbles about the quality of the storytelling.
A quick note on the list below, as I've made some additions! I've added a rewatch of The Eclipse, in part to compare issues-based series between TE and Not Me. And, on the high recommendation of @lurkingshan and @bengiyo, I am retracting a vow I made to never watch another MAME show again, and am adding Wedding Plan. Shan and Ben have remarked that this show represents a 180-degree turnaround from what I think of as MAME's basis of passive and aggressive bigotry in her work. Maybe she's learned that equity sells. In any case: I'm giving this show a shot to see if the turn is indeed an honest one.
But for now, the OGMMTVC weekly slate of reviews will pause for at least a couple weeks, as I rewatch Bad Buddy. I have a few ideas for a couple of pieces, as really: Bad Buddy is the reason I'm doing this project. To learn about the history of Thai BLs, the tropes, the styles, everything -- reaching the BBS rewatch is a touch of a culmination, as I undertook this project in large part to understand what Bad Buddy was built off of. I can't wait, I CANNOT WAIT, and I have been engaging with lots of friends over the past few weeks about our mutual love and respect for BBS, and I just can't wait to put some of our thoughts into reverent words.
Here's the status of the list; this list has been jacked by Tumblr's new web editor, so for a more up-to-date version, please click here!
1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (re-review here) 27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review here) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (review coming) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) (watching) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For the Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 37) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 38) The Eclipse OGMMTVC Rewatch For the Sake of Re-Analyzing an Politics-Focused Show After Not Me 39) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 40) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 41) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 42) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults) 43) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 44) Wedding Plan (2023) (Recommended as an important trajectory in the course of MAME’s work and influence from TharnType) 45) Only Friends (2023)]
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
can i get something w george where like reader is famous and kind of has been for a while now like since her and george were teens and before they got together george was like a huge fan? right ok so here’s what i’m thinking. it’s a holiday or something maybe christmas or his bday and she goes to his childhood home w him for the holiday and spends time in his bedroom and lmao he has like posters of he in his room that he used to totally fangirl over and just him like internally freaking out in realization that she’s actually there in his bedroom idk i just want to feel fangirled over by a hot man rn hope this makes sense
Obsessed - George Daniel Instagram AU
As we spoke about... I made this into a Instagram AU. Hope everyone enjoys, I used charli xcx as a face claim just because she's fit af and the have some spicy photos with each other
Hope you like it :)
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yourinstagram new songs coming soon, watch this space
Liked by bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 789,829 others
yourbestfriend fit af 🥵 p.s George from the 1975 has a crush on you
-> yourinstagram thanks bb and shut up
bedforddanes75 Jesus 😍
-> yourbestfriend told you
-> yourinstagram @yourbestfriend you need to stop. Hi @bedforddanes
-> bedforddanes75 hi 😳
Tumblr media
yourinstagram I heard a famous man in a cool band fancied me and I think he's fit so I wrote a song about it.
Liked by bedforddanes75, trumanblack, yourbestfriend and 789,094 others
bedforddanes75 I don't just fancy you, I'm obsessed 😍
-> yourinstagram good to know
trumanblack this man has been obsessed with you since he was 16
-> yourinstagram thank you for that information
fan2 imagine someone as famous as y/n saying she fancies you over Instagram
-> fan3 i mean he is also famous
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fanaccount Y/n and George Daniel from the 1975 spotted looking loved-up in London yesterday
fan1 ever thought about their privacy? na? cool
fan2 omg but how cute do they look
fan3 this happened quick
-> fanaccount tbf think they started flirting over instagram like 6 months ago so its been a while now
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bedforddanes75 going home for my birthday, introducing the fam to my love @yourinstagram
Liked by yourinstagram, trumanblack and 81,873 others
yourinstagram we cute bby
-> bedforddanes thats all you bby
-> yourinstagram shhh let me love on you
yourbestfriend CONFIRMED?
-> yourinstagram CONFIRMED!
-> yourbestfriend thank fuck, i couldnt keep it secret anymore
trumanblack my parents
-> bedforddanes weirdo
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yourinstagram as spotted in George Daniels room
Liked by bedforddanes, rass1975 and 758,189 others
bedforddanes75 you absolute menace
-> yourinstagram shouldn't have trusted me in your childhood room
rass1975 always thought it was weird
-> yourinstagram it's hot dont deny it
-> bedforddanes oi @rass1975 fuck off
Tumblr media
bedforddanes75 used to dream about grabbing your tit and now I can do it whenever I want
Liked by yourinstagram, jamieoborne and 56,819 others
yourinstagram you are an absolute nightmare
-> bedforddanes75 but you love it
-> yourinstagram absolutely ♥️
trumanblack how did you find the one girl who is not freaked out by your obsession
-> bedforddanes75 im great in bed what can i say?
-> yourinstagram true
Tumblr media
yourinstagram get someone who is obsessed with you @bedforddanes75
Liked by bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 674,000 others
bedforddanes75 i love you sweetheart
-> yourinstagram i love you more
yourbestfriend help me find one please
-> yourinstagram i know someone who is single @trumanblack
-> yourbestfriend fuck off
yourinstagram stories:
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124 notes · View notes
Current Tsum Event Thoughts
It's been a while since I did a thoughts about an event kind of post. 🫣
No thoughts, only phat smol bean borgar tsum
seriously they look so squishy and so cute and soo soooooo HRGJGJHRGJGDJ
Kalim tsum tackling Kalim made my day fr
LILIA TSUM SMACKING AZUL ON THE HEAD that tsum knows what is the right thing to do 😌
oh and yes this event is a sequel to the previous tsum event because Lilia narrates about Sebek's tsum and how Sebek took great care of him
anyway Azul being like "owemji we should take care of the tsums 🥰🥰🥰 they need compassion 🥰🥰🥰 hey Lilia and Kalim if you need help in taking care of your tsums, I can take care of them for free !!!" time to wait for the mostsum lounge announcement ig
Crowley voice) these tsums a g a i n but i am b u s y
TSUM DEUCE IS SO CUTE ALFSKFLAFMAKLSFLA some Savanaclaw mob students were bullying Deuce. Deuce restrains but the tsum .. . .. .
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became a big boi 😭 and then went to bulli the mob students. And then Deuce tries to stop his tsum by threatening to drop a cauldron on him if he doesn't let go of the mob students
istg tsum Deuce singlehandedly has the funniest story now
Ortho tsum is so cute, Idia now has two caretakers
tsum Lilia jumpscared Sebek and ngl that was so cute
Sebek not knowing how to address tsum Lilia JLSJDKFS you can see him going "tsum Lilia... sama??" AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
now tsum Lilia and Lilia are gonna cause further chaos
ok consider though that we are getting this event in the middle of the chapter 7 run. now reread Lilia's story with that in mind. B)
of all the plots they chose to take for Jade and tsum Jade, it had to be tsum Jade massaging Leona in the garden
IT WAS FUNNY THOUGH they're just talking and then they woke up Leona and then they encounter him and then tsum Jade just ?? massages Leona ??? and manages to put him back to sleep????
can I just say though Leona still calls Jade as "Azul's henchman #1" that is actually pretty funny
it's also something really interesting because Leona obviously knows Jade's name but chooses to refer to him not by name but by something like Azul's henchman. Like, I always wondered why he calls him that ever since Halloween 2 when we see him calling Jade that for the first time, and knowing that he is a pretty smart guy, is it because he can tell a nickname like that can annoy Jade? it's food for thought yknow
Rook naming his tsum: u are now monsieur tsum
yes what a wonderful name
Rook story is just your national geographic documentary and the creature being examined is a fat smol bb tsum
no because
so Floyd goes "hey Azul, how can you differentiate Jade's tsum from my tsum, you know, our tsums are so identical if you glance at them"
then Azul goes "well as a businessman, I have to get a grasp of people's characteristics, so it's not really a big deal for him"
then Floyd's like sureeeee let's go with that
Floyd does care a lot about his individuality, you will see this in his R school uniform where Riddle compares him to Jade and he gets pretty pissy about that. so think about that. (anyway, new post idea//???? if I don't get busy??????)
anyway Azul's gonna profit off of his tsum and he even made his tsum sign a contract to work in Mostro Lounge and that has to be the most ridiculous but most Azul core thing ever
anyway honestly overall this tsum event has been tiring because I had been trying to complete all the missions because yes we are gonna speed B) but also it has been good to me, we have been getting proper FOOD
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mj0702 · 14 days
The last couple of parts really made me feel for Lucy, which I wasn't expecting:
That interaction w Kiera when Kiera said their love was never meant to be forever - when they'd grown up together and Lucy had embdedded Kiera with the Bronze fam (case and point little Bronze). Hearing that from someone I'd been with for the better part of a decade would have broken me even if we'd been broken up ngl.
Not seeing little Bronze come full circle with the football. It would have made me second guess if I was good for her, or if i was holding her back / keeping her from recovering.
Anyway little ramble over - thank you so much for the beautiful writing <3
Hi anon...
I thought I'd give lucy a little.... serious side too...
to 1. it's just how relationships go sometimes... you notice along the way that things change... like career wise or in your life personally and that you just drift apart - they're still good friends (in real life and in the story even more - they have still shared custody of bb 😉😉) ...
to 2. I ASSUME you talking about Lucy overthinking her way with dealing with bbs injury... bb slowly gets back into it and there will be a moment where Lucy realizes that she's exactly is what her baby sister needs...
and I'm all for the rambles ♥️ please come back and ramble some more ❤️❤️
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"the church on ruby road" thoughts + reactions
(tumblr is broken so i cant delete this space without breaking the post :))
"you saw a ladder in the sky and you thought, yeah, ill give that a go, babes" rose tyler CALL OUT
"what's the problem with hanging on? it's all the friction and the weight and the burns. so i got rid of that" and that's why u are still Fucked Up doc. this is NOT how u do rehab!!!
"learn the lenguage" eyes emoji "coincidence is what makes the baby tasty" EYES EMOJI
"it sitches you in. it weaves you into the day. you become all complicated and knotted and vivid"
"it's like a tapestry, it's gorgeous" self congratulating ur own writing, russel? sldkfjsdlkfj
"like the best, like wow" 13 and ‘fam’ walked so 15 could run
"a screwdriver needs screws" (so whenever the screwdriver works it, it works by resonating articulations and undoing binding agents, but it cannot do “untangling”)
VENTILAITON SHAFTS!!!! (my "this new era is the cartoon era" meta is born)
"amazing!" "no it's not" nothing changes lol
this feels *so* wilderness years (positive)
the MASTER knot you say....………………………...
"i've got no one" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
"it's not magic, it's a lenguage, like a different form of physics" he’s coping about the “little” salt mistake still...
damn 15/ruby chemistry is so good….. can't wait for it all to go up in flames. And tragedy. Flaming tragedy.
"but only one of them stayed" mirror...? QUICK someone count how many companions have there been and if it's 33?????
im having sm emotions wtf
honestly ppl thinking rtd would retcon this were so hilariously off-base lol as if there's anything more of a catnip-plot for a soap opera writer than a “figure out parental origins” plotline
follow the crack... the crack in time and space...
it bothered me that in the special they used so much contemporary colorful theatrical lighting, that didnt fit the "grounded" doctordonna era at al, but it works much better here in that we're properly in the color ncuti era
"dont say that" aggggggggggggg
(ppl forgeting about ruby feels kinda clara coded / foreshadowing?)
"then why are you crying?" im going feral
"i will fix this" rtd voice: he will make it worse
oohh, the hubris in this ep was the arrogance of the doctor saying "they are NOT time travellers" sdklfj
baby catching... xena coded
blue / gold motif my beloved!!!
its a wonderful life~
"everything i do just makes it happen" -> "maybe im the bad luck"
"where are you goin now?" nbd just ruby going to buy some bread at the same store as yaz
this was so wholesome t.t i really enjoyed that!! it has some lore implications and long-run stuff but mostly i’m really glad to finally get some new stories/a new vibe. I really enjoyed the glimpse we got of ruby’s family world and also love that both mine and 15’s reactions was “i’ve only had ruby for half an hour but if something happened to her i’d murder everyone here and then myself probably”. her wardrobe is beyond iconic.
besides the “biggest family in the world” parallel, the bb photos in the fridge give me like… TTC’s o"ther lost incarnations are their siblings vibe". Or, every "other time lord is technically the doctor’s children" vibe.
aesthetically, i really enjoyed this one. Specially The Big Scene (13-era blue/gold motif my beloved). This is one i see myself rewatching in the future just for the feel-good feel of it. the goblin number was fun! a clever parody of how much of pop uses “baby” and sweets-related metaphors for the sake of romance and here it becomes all for the sake of cannibalism lol (big brown eyes, caramelise~). 15/ruby being *so in* tune is cute+fun (and slightly sus). promising start to the new era.
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Hey, what if that assassin clone(I legit thought he was Crosshair at first) wasn't doing that of his own choice and had some extreme conditioning to make him willing to do all that and commit suicide for it, like, Rex did say some of the problematic ones disappear instead of get killed, so, what if that's what happens to them.
And then my mind immediately went to Echo, he's more on his own now, less protected and with all that interfacing cybernetics, he could be easier to reprogram like this
You know where I'm going from here
He gets sent after bad batch and they have to fight him now and a, kill him themselved, b, let him commit suicide, or c, somehow get the suicide thing out and find a way to fix it.
AndAnd I just had a really sad scene play out in my head where Omega had to kill Echo cause he was about to kill all of them, or had, and she was the only one left standing and after she shot him he thanked her cause it's over and I legit cried.
The reprogam send after bb could also work with Crosshair or Cody, but yeah, my mind went to Echo.
Also anyone else keep thinking of cute purple cats with Riyo's new hairstyle? The little ponytail was like a tail and the other bits were cute ears. I also loved Omega's I'm gonna bite you face to rampart.
🤞Echo stays okay and the bad batch can all join up together and be a big happy family and no one fucking dies because nooooooo! Let there be some happiness in Star Wars, just 1 happy space fam, that's all I ask!
You're welcome for the new nightmares!
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blakebow · 10 months
I bet Sun's attitude towards bb will be almost line for line the same as Mako's reaction to Korrasami. He will say they're perfect for each other. Freeing bb fans of any potential guilt while shaming any remaining blacksun fans because "See? Sun is happy for them too." Y'all just a bunch of bigots!
If he's not at least a little bit heartbroken/confused at where the fuck bees came from, i'll be disappointed.
sun would NOT support bees 100% off the bat. he should be RIGHTFULLY heartbroken. he LOVED Blake. you don't just get over that *overnight*, fam. that's not how that works.
that said, i can unfortunately probably agree with that being a more likely scenario because crwby are POS and don't actually give any fucks about their fans or good storytelling whatsoever.
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celestie0 · 3 months
heyyy girl i was curious about something totally unrelated. but i’m currently living in socal too and i’m a second year in college. tbh i need some advice on looking for apartments cuz i’m broke😭. my school lets us house on campus all four years so i may do that next year, but where did you look to find ur apartments, like what websites? also how many roommates did you need to get?
if you don’t feel comfortable answering that’s totally okay!!! ❤️
omg hi bb yaaay i have a socal follower 🥺💕 we’re so close hehe
and oof finding apartments was toughh ik that on campus housing can be super expensive 😭 so if you’re looking to move out for your next few years that’s totally valid
as for searching, tbh there were quite a few apt complexes near my campus that are known for student housing (not mandatory to be students in order to house, but ofc a lot of them ended up being students) so the BIGGEST thing is just researching when they start opening leases n then contact their offices right away (it was always first come first serve in my experience)
there was no specific website that i used tbh it’s moreso just check out the geographic area n also maybe ask some upperclassmen where they’ve chosen to live
other places you can try looking are facebook, also ppl leave flyers for housing sometimes on campus bulletin boards bahah but remember to keep ur safety in mind too. even if it’s cheap rent, if it seems like a dangerous area, then DO NOT live there
as for roommates i have three (so it’s a four bedroom apt), but obv if you think that’d be too crowded or claustrophobic then you could have less but it’d be more expensive
i mean im only at my apt bc i was stupid n signed my lease again since i thought i’d need it. my fam lives ab 30 mins away in much more spacious house so i spend half my week w them anyways 💀 but for reference my rent is about $750 a month!
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moonjxsung · 3 months
pls brain either keep doing mini skz fics in my dreams or stop altogether bc every time i wake up from one i can’t think straight😪
and frrr with religious trauma!! my religious trauma doesn’t even revolve around my fam forcing religion on me but like everyone else around me. my mother in law is super catholic and im not baptized so for like a year or two in our relationship she was trying to get me to get baptized. and in a way i’ve always thought of doing it bc of my guilt but i don’t want to do it by force, yk?
so yeah i guiltily love stories that contain blasphemous aspects!! (juno has an anon that wrote priest!hyune🛐). so almost having sex with changbin at a church was top tier. i still think about it all the time. i also dreamt that i dryhumped jeongin at a church once at minho’s orders🛐🛐🛐.
and let’s be honest!!! jisung would love blasphemous sex bc bro is the biggest freak (idk if he’s religious or not bc he’s made like references about jesus and has a jesus shirt) so it’s either a humor thing or religious but either way he’d love it but maybe with a lil guilt too. i think you’d write a fantastic blasphemous sexy story but i get the apprehension as well.
past lives is so good! im so glad your mom enjoyed it! i cried sooooo much as well. it’s such an interesting story. and so beautifully written and directed too. (my bf spent the whole movie saying yoo teo looks like an older version of taehyung and i cannot unsee it).
and i am also so keeping up with 🦢🧡🌙 and star drama and im living for it. my fav long-term storytelling.
the fact that you said that you’d read a dissertation from me, im crying. ilysm bb💜
No I totally get that! It should be on your terms and whenever you feel ready!
TW below the cut: long blurb about my impending religious trauma 🫶 (seriously if anyone struggles with religious trauma please proceed with caution lol)
I struggle so bad with religious ocd which is strange because I grew up attending church and I was baptized AND confirmed into my church so I was a very active participant and my parents never forced anything on me, but in college when I began questioning specifics and taking lots of science courses I became like a raging atheist and I would get so annoyed whenever religion was brought up and I just shut it out completely. Navigating my sexuality and just being a young adult and not understanding religion/feeling very detached from it was super difficult. And then in sophomore year of college was when I began getting really bad religious themed intrusive thoughts (I won’t bore you with the details) but basically I began developing ocd rituals that began to take a toll on my physical health and I was hospitalized twice for it and put on medication for about 5 years (I stopped about one year ago now!) and I felt like it was God punishing me in a sense. For 2 years straight I could hardly leave my house without feeling like I was under the watchful eye of a higher power and I would keep a BIBLE in my purse, it got so bad that I quit my job and almost took a year off college just to to engage in my ocd rituals 😭 luckily I had a really good support system so I got intensive therapy and I was really close to a writing professor of mine who was very understanding about it and encouraged me to write about what I was feeling so I have notebooks full of my 5 year struggle with religion and it was just…….. not fun LOL
Luckily I’m much better now (I still struggle with it, just not to a debilitating extent!) and I think that’s where a lot of the attraction to blasphemy comes from, because I already have been funneling my religious guilt into writing for so long and I already write smut after being so sexually repressed as a result of my medication (and fear that god was going to punish me for exploring my sexuality) so I think combining the two would be a fairly easy task. I’m always just worried that if I spiral again I’m going to equate it to my writing and blame myself 😭 BUT if you guys ever see themes of religious guilt in my writing, that’s a little backstory to it because it’s a huge part of my personal identity and I think it’s going to follow me around forever. ALSO THE JISUNG BIT…… I could so see him in a blasphemy themed story, he so gives off church crush vibes 😭😭😭😭 my brain is FUZZY I may very well have to write something about it 👼
I still need to get around to watching Past Lives BUT it seems so good and tragic from what I’ve heard!! I personally love media with sad endings too, it just scratches an itch on my brain 😭
Also thank you for keeping up with 🧡🌙🦢 drama we are a chaotic MESS right now……. I think I’m technically cheating on so many of my virtual partners right now (I still love u all) but their silly little messages keep me going fr
I love u so much pookie!!!! Also of COURSE I would read a dissertation by you it would be FANTASTIC like all your messages always are 👼💓🩷💕 I hope you’re having the best day ily ily
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stuffydollband · 1 year
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Hey, are you into D&D? Metal and punk music? Well fam, do I have a thing for you!
I made a band for a D&D campaign I run, and I couldn’t help but whip them up a few songs and their own Bandcamp! So I introduce to you:
The band members are as follows:
BB Flay- Vocals; Goblin (she/her)
Jacky Knuckles- Guitar; Orc (he/him)
Harmon Dewm- Drums; Centaur (he/they)
Pierre LeChomp- Keys&Horns; Lizardfolk (he/him)
Jaspurr Rho- Bass; Tabaxi (he/him)
Check out their Bandcamp where they currently have 2 songs, “Unnatural One” and “Undead Fortitude”, with more definitely on the way!
And hey, these characters are part of the Sons of Wyn K’Moji universe, but feel free to include them in your own campaigns and use the music to set the stage!
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
This is VERY UNLIKE ME, but here's some incredibly fast, EXTREMELY late-night meta on two dramas (Dangerous Romance and I Feel You Linger in the Air) from this TIRED mama, all before Only Friends later today!
(Y'all. I've missed being around this week! Moving and unpacking... I'll tell ya. It gets harder as I get older. Mostly because I/we have more stuff, and the BRAINS I need to figure out where this stuff should go is like, as mentally draining as it is physically draining to open boxes, unpack 'em, go up and down stairs -- damn. I have been COLLAPSING at night. Friends have been sending me meta to read -- @ranchthoughts, I see you, boo! <3 <3 The little peeks and breaks I've been getting have been giving me energy. I'm a little back on my bullshit now, and I can't wait to give Only Friends the full treatment tomorrow. But for now, quick notes!)
1) Dangerous Romance, episode 4: Listen, the friends covered a lot (here, here, and here -- @neuroticbookworm, @lurkingshan, @wen-kexing-apologist, all clowning correctly). WKA also notes that this show was written by Pratchaya Thavornthummarut and Bee Pongsate, two of the three writers of some of the best BLs ever -- Bad Buddy, My School President, Dark Blue Kiss, etc. When Bee and Pratchaya write WITHOUT Au Kornprom, as they did in BBS, MSP, and DBK -- things go a touch awry (cc @chickenstrangers, as we've talked about this before). Bee and Pratchaya, for instance, wrote Vice Versa, which I haven't watched, but I know the fam is mid on. (Remember when Aof Noppharnach had to come in to save 2gether by making Still 2gether? 2gether was written by Bee and Pratchaya -- Aof and Au joined in on the Still 2gether correction.)
ANYWAY, ALL OF THIS IS TO SAY that I should have been smarter about this show when I started in on it. It's directed in part by Lit Phadung, formerly of SOTUS, which is a fine show by nostalgia's standards! But like, not the height of drahmah.
So there's a lot of mid kinda swirling around here, and god, honestly, I'm kicking myself, because I should have been more sus. I should have been more sus!
Perth and Chimon are too good for this show. Not that I hate it! I don't hate the show, per se. It's just -- the first episode was so intense, so very issues-based, as all the dear friends noted, that to swerve towards a SUCH a gloopy romance plot was just... man, even SOTUS was WAY more clear in its plot than DR. (Dudes, I was chatting with @neuroticbookworm while I was watching this, and I was like, LOVE SICK HAD A MORE CONVINCING ROMANCE PACE THAN THIS. LOVE SICK!!!) DR is moving WAY too quickly towards the cheesiest of tropes, without the beef to back it up.
Anyway, from the energy vibes that Perth and Chimon are giving off, they should either 1) be making out by now, and/or 2) doing it by now, because like, WHOA, lots of staring, boys! LOTS of staring. And lemme tell ya, someone's staring at me like that, like in the clurb or something, and I'm like, yep, make-out time, right?! RIGHT?!
I am now officially watching this show, as I noted to @neuroticbookworm, literally to watch all the dear GMMTV celebs in here try to avoid a dumpster fire. (Where the hell is June?!) (At least Marc and Pawin are funny for like, the 10 seconds we see them.)
OH, ALSO?! What's the difference in Sailom becoming a sex worker vs. being bought out as a live-in tutor? Were we supposed to judge Sailom becoming an escort? Are we intentionally ignoring bias in socioeconomic gaps, writers? TOO MUCH TO ASK, TEAM! Too. much. to. ask.
I luv you, Perth and Chimon, I LUV YOU, BUT WHY. ANYWAY. MOVING ON.
2) I haven't written anything about I Feel You Linger in the Air yet because of LIFE (see above), and I was very wibbly about it when I started it, because you, your mother, MY mother, and MY MOTHER'S MOTHER all know about how sus I am on Tee Bundit (but I finally watched Lovely Writer and LOVED IT, so I am a touch less sus).
ANYWAY, thanks to the convincing of @lurkingshan and @neuroticbookworm to look past the slow pace of the first episode as accurate for a historical drama, I kept at it with IFYLITA. And I'm glad I did.
Now this? THIS IS A BL, BABY!
We got sexy typewriter scenes! Drawings of cutie widdle pigwets! Drunk falls! Red cheeks! Reading out loud! POETRY! FLOWERS! ENEMIES AND INTRIGUE! (I'm not happy about the marital rape, but unfortunately, I am thinking that is accurate for the time being portrayed.)
Admittedly -- god, Tee, the episodes are still a little long, my homey. A little long. BUT.
This show, as so many have noted, is just beyond gorgeous. The plumerias. I LOVE Ming and Maey. I LOVE THAT WE MAY HAVE A SAPPHIC SUB-PLOT.
But I also appreciate that only four episodes in, we haven't forgotten that this is a time travel show, in the midst of the budding romance. My thinking on that out-of-body experience on Jom's part was Jom flirting with consciousness after the present-day car crash. But who knows.
I like that Jom is making the connections with those drawings he found in that chest -- and that, lol, he was asking Prik questions about the architecture. Even though Yai's dad seems like a bad dude, I have faith that Tee Bundit is going to keep Nu Surasak going as a good BL dad/dude -- fingers crossed.
I am just -- I am loving where this show is going to go. The house is worried about Yai. I like the way the scent about Yai's preferences is a lot more muted in 1920s Thailand than it would be as set in the present-day. I just think that's totally accurate for what I would call an "old-fashioned" Asian perspective now. I'm very intrigued to see how a historical drama like this will wrestle with homophobia, as this is my first period BL, and -- I'm just excited to see where it'll go.
The acting is GREAT, the pace of the romance is GREAT, the pace of the filming is still slow, but I can't believe I'm saying this -- I'll continue to forgive it for now. Tee, please, PLEASE don't fail us, because you have something GREAT going on here. Yai, head over HEEEELLLLSSS for Jom, is just -- it's a wonder to see, and I am fully on this roller coaster palanquin ride.
(Also, hey, TWO DRAMAS where dudes were PAID to live with their crushes. K!)
(Oh, also, definitely, next time I'm at a clurb, in like, 20 years, I am definitely ordering an URN of liquor with a ladle. Like a baijiu urn. Fuck yeah. What a LOOK.)
(Okay, that's it, good night, see you for Only Friends!)
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