#which is not the vibe I want. But I usually wear long sleeves so I don’t think it’d be THAT weird
I’m honestly getting the lyrics
“a wise woman said i’m alive, nobody’s ever told her she’s wrong”
tattooed on my arm, I have never felt more like doing it before.
But it just fits like a glove, honestly I never really thought about getting a tattoo before but this would be the only one I get honestly.
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loliflwrs · 4 months
Band AU! Call of Duty Headcanons
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Hello! Sorry I haven’t been on here in a while but I needed to get this out, its been stuck in my head for so long but I’ve been a little nervous to post/write about it, credits to @threehuskiesinatrenchcoat because I used their post for this!! enjoyyy 😘
(Characters Included: Phillip Graves, Alejandro Vargas, Valeria Garza, Rodolfo Parra)
Phillip Graves
Graves is going to be the bands lead vocalist. His country accent gives their music a catchy vibe, his voice really makes you want to turn the music all the way up and sing along the whole way through. During performances you can see him wearing a cowboy hat, ripped jeans with a brown belt and some cowboy boots. He may take off his white or gray wife-beater during the last few songs. He can get quite sweaty..
He loves his fans dearly and loves to receive their gifts. His favorite would probably be a decorated cowboy hat with his initials and a sweet note handwritten on the inside.
Alejandro Vargas
Alejandro plays bass guitar. He’s like the backbone paired with the band’s drummer and maintains a steady rhythm. He’s very skilled with his hands and his fans don’t hesitate to say so, it gets a good laugh out of him. His usual attire during performances can be a dark red t-shirt, jeans and boots. He usually won’t wear anything additional like hats, he says it kind of affects his focus when he’s trying to play. Although, on his wrists he wears some bracelets he’s received from fans.
During a world tour, the band played in Las Almas and received a large Mexican flag. The flag was signed by many fans and had some words of encouragement to every member as well. He has it set up in the band’s usual practice room.
Valeria Garza
Valeria is the drummer. She moves fast, skillfully, and hard. The tattoos on her strong arms receive a lot of attention. She wears her usual bandana around her neck, a dark gray tank top, some cargo pants and black boots. She’ll have at least one or two hair ties on her wrists, although she has about nothing to tie up. She’ll find the edits made of her online amusing, she won’t hesitate to favorite one or repost it. Valeria does those drumstick tricks, she’ll throw one up during a pause, catch it, and keep it going.
Her hairstyles change occasionally, a fan favorite is her hair braided on one side of her head with the other side let loose. The fans would love to see her in a long sleeved black turtleneck with her gold chain again but, she got way too hot the last time. What a sight to see..
Rodolfo Parra
Rudy is the lead guitarist, he plays the electric guitar. Not unusual for him to have a band-aid or two on his hands. He absolutely shreds on his guitar, he has some back ups incase something happens to his during a performance. He likes to wear a white t-shirt, light jeans and maybe some adidas sneakers too. His hands can get quite cold too, it’s a slight shock to a fan when they get a high-five or something..
He likes to decorate his guitar and he lets the fans join in on it, they bring in cute stickers for him. Back to having backup guitars, Rodolfo usually posts a story on the band’s Instagram to let their fans vote on which guitar he should use that night.
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crystallizsch · 5 months
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these are my two yuu ocs (in different yuuniverses for different purposes but things about them might overlap and be similar)
(used game assets from alchemivich for the references!!)
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Quick Notes about Yuusha:
I have her set in an AU where where NRC is more like a university (so everyone is at least 18).
I made Grim more cat-like in this yuuniverse just for fun :3
She existed solely for oc x canon ship art hfjjdjd
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[💜|| 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐀 (she/they) ━━━━━━━━━━━━✦
Forcibly brought to Night Raven College by the black carriage for unknown reasons. She is enrolled as a student with a feline monster named Grim as her “familiar” — her magical half to compensate for her own lack of magical ability — and was appointed the prefect of Ramshackle dorm.
Yuusha is the witty and sarcastic prefect who is not afraid to be open and blunt with people depending on the situation (which sometimes lands her in trouble). Despite having purely platonic affections with her relationships, she also has a pretty flirtatious personality. However, that facade usually fails her.
Grade: Freshman Class: Class A (No. 9) Age: 18 Height: 5'8 ft / 172 cm Dominant Hand: Right Homeland: Modern Earth Club: None Best Subject: Music Hobbies: Sketching Pet Peeves: Touching anything that feels filthy Favorite Food: Noodles Least Favorite Food: Garlic Talent: Playing instruments
Coffee addict™ and refuses to sleep unless necessary.
Can be very affectionate with people whenever she starts to vibe with them.
Her memory is abysmal when it comes to small things so she makes little notes to remind herself of things.
Yuusha is very fond of Grim. Treats him more than a "familiar".
Often gets her food from Scarabia as long as she helps to cook, and is totally not an excuse to hang out with the Scarabia duo.
Works part-time in Mostro Lounge, a desperate choice to earn some income.
Gets anxious during formal events despite her attempting to keep a straight face. This especially happens during ceremonies in the dark mirror. They remind her of orientation which was really not the best memory.
She generally remembers bits and pieces of her past life but could not remember the specific moment before she got taken by the black carriage.
Extremely homesick despite the hazy memories.
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Quick Notes about Yuuna:
Yuuna is my first Yuu OC!
I initially took a lot of "canon Yuu" inspirations for this one but eventually they somewhat became their own thing :D
I made Yuuna into kind of a "blank slate" so I can be more flexible with them when it comes to just random stuff.
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[🩷|| 𝐘𝐮𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐀 (they/them) ━━━━━━━━━━✦
Night Raven College’s sole magicless student and the prefect of Ramshackle Dorm. They live on campus with their only dorm member, Grim, a direbeast who wants to become a "Great Mage”, who they are also enrolled with as a single student as a package deal.
Yuuna is the flamboyant prefect who wears their heart on their sleeve, always choosing to be kind unless there’s a rare circumstance that it’s no longer a better option. They are generally unfazed by everything and is able to keep their head on their shoulder when necessary.
Dorm: Ramshackle Grade: Freshman Class: Class A (No. 9) Age: 17 Height: 5'6 ft / 168 cm Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Homeland: ??? Club: Gastronomy Club Best Subject: Master Chef Hobbies: Taking photos Pet Peeves: Being reminded of being magicless Favorite Food: Anything with chocolate Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy Talent: Fast-learner
Have zero memories of their home world. 
They share Grim's appetite. And they are very protective of him because he is basically like family to Yuuna.
Generally prefers to avoid conflict but would pick a fight when necessary, especially when it comes to their friends.
It is easy for Yuuna to grow attached to others and befriend them.
Yuuna only grew to like taking photos after being given the Ghost Camera, taking photos of everyone and everything.
Yuuna considers Heartslabyul their second home in NRC. They love everyone there.
Because Yuuna can't remember anything, they and the freshmen decided that NRC's (EN) founding day would also be the same as their birthday.
Even if Yuuna preferred gender-neutral terms, they are apathetic to how others refer to them. They also like to express themself as more feminine.
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(thank you if you've decided to read this far ♡)
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flymmsy · 7 months
Bad Taste in Clothes
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■■ Pairing: Enver Gortash/The Dark Urge ■■ Genre: smut (Explicit) ■■ Word Count: 4.7k ■■ Tags: EXPLICIT SMUT, durge-typical mentions of violence, rough sex, dom/sub, switchy vibes but mostly dom gortash when it comes to the sex, the gauntlet stays on, mentions of blood, striptease, FEELINGS, dirty talk, choking, spanking, fingers in mouth, angst, brief ethical non-monogamy, vaginal sex, wine shower, blowjobs, non-con mention/threat but not really, brief suicidal thoughts.  ■■ Author's Note: This was inspired by this masterpiece by zeppersart. For reference, in this piece Durge is AFAB, uses she/her pronouns, and her name is Lyra. Race is left ambiguous. ■■ Read it on AO3
“Are you going to come out now?” He ran a hand through his hair as he made his way into the center of the sitting room, setting the wine bottle upon a nearby table. When she did not immediately respond, he gave a huff of annoyance, “I’m hardly in the mood for games this evening.” “Shame,” Lyra took the moment to pounce, stepping from the shadows to kick him square in the chest, sending the lord tumbling backwards into a high-backed chair, “I have so much fun playing with you.” Pain and genuine anger flickered across his face before he looked up at her, able to see her for the first time that evening. His face immediately smoothed into something much closer to hunger. “You’re wearing the dress I sent.”
Enver Gortash had the worst taste in clothes, as far as Lyra was concerned. Her nose scrunched up in disgust as she looked over the garment that he had sent along with her messenger. The color was fine – deep red that matched the grooves of blood flowing through the floor of her room – but the fabric? An extravagantly heavy cloth woven with glittering beads and adorned with gold embellishments. And the cut - she could feel the laced back squeeze into her ribcage just from looking at the thing. The dress was restrictive in every sense except for the neckline: long, tight sleeves running up to a sharp square front which would push her breasts forward, no doubt. She assumed this was meant to provide the perfect canvas for the ridiculously large ruby necklace that had accompanied the dress.
Certainly very Banite. He was throwing a party, he had told her one evening when they lay in his bed, exhausted from another of their increasingly frequent liaisons. He had asked if she would attend, and despite his best efforts, Lyra had heard the lilt of hope in his voice. Eager to choke the sentimentality down, Lyra had laughed, proclaiming that she couldn’t possibly attend such a lavish event as she did not have anything to wear that would be worthy of the grand occasion. She ran her fingers over a cut she had left earlier on his chest, hoping the matter had been deflected. She was unprepared when he had put his hand over her own, a triumphant smile spreading across his face as he insisted he would see to her needs.
She had tentatively agreed in the moment, but his choice revealed itself to be an atrocity. She threw the dress atop her bed and crossed the room to her desk, pulling out parchment and ink.
“Lord Gortash,” The letter began, Lyra scratching across the page. She had come to only use his title when she was angry or wanted something, or perhaps both.
Lord Gortash, I received your gift. I can safely say it is the most hideous thing I have ever laid eyes on. Does your god demand such gaudiness from all his followers? I will not be wearing this dress, and I will not be attending your party. In fact, it is truly such a horror that I am reconsidering our association. I will let you know my verdict, pray that it is favorable. -L
Annoyingly, she had not received any response to her letter. She had expected their usual dance – her sharp words eliciting a snarky retort from him, volleying until one of them won. The silence had been unnervingly deafening, and when the night of the party arrived without a letter from the tyrant, Lyra decided to take matters into her own hands.
She slipped into the dress, finding the fit snug but not as much of an imprisonment as she had expected. She wrapped a cloak around herself and left the temple, hastily making her way to her associate’s manor in the Upper City. It had been hours since the party had officially begun, but Lyra could still hear the revelry well underway as she approached.
It was, as always, too easy to slip past his guards and climb her way up to the balcony of his private chambers. What do you pay them for? She had once snapped, displeased with the quality of their services after she herself had found a would-be assailant lurking in his garden. He had waved her concerns off, coolly replying that his guards were perfectly adequate, she was just faster.
Though, she never did see the guards that had been on duty that day again.
She found the balcony door unlocked, undoubtedly a result of his exasperation with her constant lockpicking. She stashed her cloak behind a potted plant on the balcony and stepped into his sitting room. His chambers were not necessarily large, but just like everything else about Lord Enver Gortash, they were certainly lavish – all elegant rugs, fine silks, and expensive paintings. His domain consisted of four rooms: to the left of the sitting room was his study and to the right was his bedchamber, off of which resided the most indulgent washroom she had ever seen. At its center was an enormous bath, which the infuriating genius had somehow managed to supply with running water even this deep into the city. She had spent many nights in that bath, watching the water darken as blood ran off of her skin, sometimes even allowing strong hands to glide soft cloth over her body.
Lyra chided herself for enjoying the comfort, ripping herself from the memory. The Child of Bhaal did not need such things, she would be satisfied with bathing in the blood itself. And yet…
Footsteps, and then – a woman’s laughter? Lyra moved to conceal herself from a place in the study where she could keep watch as the doors to the sitting room swung open. A patriar, or so Lyra guessed from the woman’s extravagant dress, glided into the room and laughed again as she spun around to face the doorway. A moment later, Gortash entered and swiftly closed the doors behind him, turning to the patriar with a hungry look. It was one Lyra herself knew quite well – he was stalking his prey.
She watched as Gortash grabbed the hips of the patriar, maneuvering the woman up against the door in an instant. His mouth fiercely claimed that of his guest’s, burying the woman’s surprised gasp of ‘Lord Gortash!’ with his tongue. A sinking feeling hit Lyra in her stomach, but she was quick to smother it down. This was all fine, of course. Whatever existed between Gortash and herself, they had made it explicit that they indulged in other lovers. She knew it was a particularly useful tool for the tyrant in his negotiations.
Yet, as Lyra watched them grind into each other, she could not deny the sickening fire that churned inside her.
The blood rushing through her ears drowned out Gortash’s words to his companion as he stepped back and gestured for the woman to take a seat. He turned towards the study, and Lyra sank deeper into the shadows of the room. She eyed him as he crossed the threshold and headed for his wine cabinet, as Lyra expected he would – ever the gracious host.
She took the soft clink of his gauntlet around a bottle as her cue. In an instant, her knife was at his throat, her body pressed against his back, drinking in the way he tensed.
“Well what do we have here?” She whispered, lips fluttering over his ear, “a whore at work?”
She watched the smirk spread across the side of his race in recognition. His body notably relaxed, which elicited a small snarl from Lyra. He should not be relieved it was her, he should be terrified. She tightened her grip on the knife as she pressed it further into his neck. He tensed again, which brought a smile back to Lyra’s face.
“I didn’t think—” he began in an attempt to ease her displeasure.
“You often don’t.”
He gave a restrained laugh and Lyra watched his throat bob against her knife, “We both know that’s not true.”
Brilliant bastard. She hated him, hated how his words and his voice could be so disarming. She slid her free hand down his front, running her hand over his cock. She gripped it tightly, relishing the surprised huff that escaped his throat.
“Already hard for her? Are you really that easy, Lord Gortash?”
“Lyra,” he growled in warning.
“Get rid of her,” she pressed her knife in further to his throat, enough to cut this time, “Or I will.”
She released him, immediately stepping back into the shadows. He turned to look at her, but her superior stealth left him without purchase. Bottle in hand, he returned to the expectant patriar.
“Darling,” Lyra heard him begin, tone laced with false apology, “I’m afraid I forgot about an early meeting in the morning. We’ll have to continue this another time.”
“My lord-” the woman began in protest, but a gauntleted hand against her cheek and an easy smile assured her all would be well.
“I will make it up to you, I swear,” Gortash gently took the woman’s hand in his own, supplying her with the wine bottle he had selected, “please, enjoy this for me this evening.”
The patriar looked at him for a moment before pushing the bottle back to him, her fingers lingering on his chest. Lyra wondered what it would be like to slice those fingers off one by one, how pretty they would look.
“We’ll enjoy it together when you make it up to me,” the woman leaned forward to place a kiss to his lips, comparatively chaste to the one they shared against the door. Gortash smiled and gave a warm laugh in response. Lyra hated that laugh. It was his fake laugh, one he fabricated into a weapon to match his charm. His real laugh was something callous and echoing and beautiful.
“As you wish,” Gortash guided the woman to the door with a hand against the small of her back. He bade her a goodnight and shut the door in her wake. Still concealed, Lyra moved from the study back into the sitting room, watching as Gortash listened to the patriar’s footsteps recede. After a moment, he turned and spoke to the air.
“Are you going to come out now?” He ran a hand through his hair as he made his way into the center of the sitting room, setting the wine bottle upon a nearby table. When she did not immediately respond, he gave a huff of annoyance, “I’m hardly in the mood for games this evening.”
“Shame,” Lyra took the moment to pounce, stepping from the shadows to kick him square in the chest, sending the lord tumbling backwards into a high-backed chair, “I have so much fun playing with you.”
Pain and genuine anger flickered across his face before he looked up at her, able to see her for the first time that evening. His face immediately smoothed into something much closer to hunger.
“You’re wearing the dress I sent,” a pleased hum escaped his throat as he leaned forward in the chair, moving to stand.
“Stay,” Lyra halted him with a glare. A silent battle took place between the two, as it so often did, both parties overly proud and wielding near-indomitable will. Finally, Gortash relinquished out of curiosity, sinking further into the chair.
“Good boy,” Lyra taunted, and Gortash’s glare was sharp in response. He hated being played with, or so he claimed. Lyra knew how hard his cock became when she riled him up, and she intended to have him particularly aggravated this evening.
She turned her back to him and began cutting the laces on the back of her dress one by one with the knife she had held to his throat earlier. When they had all been sliced open, she set the knife on the nearby table next to the discarded wine bottle. She swayed her hips, encouraging the dress to languidly slide off of her body, slowly revealing the expanse of her back and her ass covered only in her smallclothes, before finally cascading down her legs to pool at her feet.
She stepped back to move out of the dress, bending over to pick up the fabric. Glancing over her shoulder, she caught Gortash’s eyes glued to her ass, his mouth open slightly in heavy, quick breaths. She smirked as she tossed the dress behind her to land on him before turning her head back forward, laughing as she heard his growl and the flutter of fabric as he threw it once again to the floor. Any annoyance he may have had melted when she immediately slipped her fingers inside the band of her smallclothes, pulling them over her hips ever so slightly but not fully revealing herself. Not yet.
“Touch yourself,” she commanded, still playing with the fabric at her hips. She felt the air electrify, immediately filling with tension as her audience fought between seeking release and obeying the command of another. She sweetened the deal, bending over once again to remove her smallclothes and fully reveal her ass to him. She swayed her hips for a moment, bending even further forward to flash her cunt, which was already beginning to glisten.
“Lyra-“ he delivered his best attempt at a warning, though it was heavily marred by the strain in his voice.
“Touch. Yourself.” She commanded again, straightening up and looking back over her shoulder. This time, he obeyed, slipping a hand under his waistband. She watched just long enough to see his cock come free before turning forward again, satisfied. Her hands came up to tangle in her hair, slowly undoing the bun atop her head before it gave way to a beautiful waterfall.
Finally, she turned to face him.
Gortash was a man destroyed. He had sunk even further into the chair, hair a wreck from sliding against the back. His eyes were dark, and his mouth still hung open in heavy pants that matched the rapid rise and fall of his hair-dusted chest, even more exposed now from the loosened laces of his shirt. One hand fiercely gripped the arm of the chair, while his other gauntleted hand wrapped tightly around his heavy, thick cock. He stroked himself slowly, with as much restraint as possible, but his glistening tip betrayed his urgent need.
Lyra wanted to sink to her knees before him, to take him in her mouth and swirl her tongue over every last drop of that need. She wanted to let him fill her and fuck her throat raw, wanted to be buried against the trail of hair on his stomach while she gagged around his cock, her nails digging crescents into his hips as her vision darkened. She wanted to suck at his heavy sack and service every inch of him – to run her tongue along his shaft, kiss up his stomach, splay her fingers across that wonderful chest. Beautiful. He was absolutely beautiful, and she wanted to be completely lost in those deep, black eyes.
His eyes. She snapped out of her fantasy when she realized she had been staring – completely lost in his gaze. It was crushingly intimate, holding his stare while he worked himself, her body laid completely bare to him, both of them imagining what was to come. Too intimate, and her fantasies of submission and admiration had Lyra scrambling for a moment. She sought escape, breaking their eye contact to turn her head to the table next to her, where her knife still rested next to the wine bottle.
Seeking to distract herself, and perhaps ease her nerves, she swiftly opened the wine bottle with her knife and brought the rim to her lips, drinking deeply. Her eyes flashed back to Gortash, who still watched her, entranced. She smirked, a delicious thought swimming into her mind as she allowed some wine to spill from her mouth, staining her neck as the liquid ran towards her breasts. Enjoying the sensation, she tilted the bottle further, spilling more down her body. A lewd moan escaped the lord’s lips as her eyes fluttered shut.
The wine was warm and sticky, and it was easy to imagine that it was his blood. She reveled in the image of her skin streaking red with him. She wanted to be stained by him, to empty his veins and douse herself in his life. She released the bottle without thinking and it fell to the floor with a shatter. Unphased, she began running her hands all over her body, one smoothly relishing the liquid while the other dragged the tip of her knife over her skin. She would cut him and bleed him and hold him close, allowing him to empty himself onto her. She would plunge her knife into her own body, opening it wide so that he may spill inside. They would be closer than any mortals could ever be, drinking from each other to forever become one before the darkness consumed them eternally.
She gasped as her knife cut into her skin just below her collarbone, the sensation bringing her back to reality. A bolt of panic momentarily shot through her as she snapped her eyes open in search of the lord, fearful that her dreaded daydream may have been all too real. She met his stare, but instead of relief, she was filled with surprise. His face was soft, brows lightly furrowed, eyes wide and excruciatingly sincere. He gazed at her in absolute reverence.
And then, he did something truly wretched and unforgivable.
“Lyra,” he called her name like a prayer.
She was on him in an instant. She straddled him, grinding her cunt against the length of his cock as their mouths met in a desperately furious kiss, hoping the violence of it could drown their worship of each other. His hands came to rest on her thighs, holding her in place as if he was scared she would run away. He had no idea how completely she belonged to him in that moment, and for once, she did not care if she was answering his prayer with her own or if she was smothering his cry, the gods could reprimand her another day.
She sank her knife into the back of the chair just above his head, the sound of slicing fabric grabbing his attention and momentarily halting their kiss. Her hands floated down to gently cup his face as she whispered softly against his lips.
“Make it hurt.”
And he did. His gauntlets immediately dug into her as his mouth crashed back onto hers, forcing his way inside and claiming her with his tongue. He bit at her lip as she felt the tips of his talons break her skin, the delicious sensation running down her thighs in his wake. She frowned as the pressure of one hand disappeared, only to moan against him when she felt him line himself up with her entrance.
He wasted no time plunging his cock inside her, both of them already wet with need. He set a brutal pace, using his grip on her thighs to bounce her atop him, taking all of him again and again. She gasped each time he bottomed out, indulging in the delicious drag of his head against her walls.
His mouth dipped to latch onto her neck, sucking the tender skin underneath her jaw until it was sore. The rivers of wine that still streaked down her body led him lower, his tongue hungrily following their path until he stopped at her collarbone where she had cut herself. Here, he flattened his tongue further and lapped at the cut savagely, drinking in the heady mix of blood and wine. She moaned at the sensation and felt a satisfied growl leave him in response.
“You sound like a whore,” his low, rumbling voice sent vibrations across her collarbone. She breathed in sharply to collect herself, opening her mouth to quip back at him.
Her words died in her throat, replaced by a choked cry as one of his hands came harshly down on her ass. His other hand grasped the back of her neck, forcefully holding her in place as he brought them back face-to-face. His mouth hovered just in front of her own.
“You sound like a whore,” he repeated as he slapped her ass again, the sound echoing in the room, “so I’ll fuck you like one.”
She whimpered and strained against his grasp in an attempt to kiss him again, which only earned her another stinging strike. Another cry left her mouth, and she noticed his parted lips eager to drink in her sounds, collecting them after their journey across the small gap between their bodies.
She gasped into his mouth as another slap fell across her ass, and she could feel welts rising. She brought her hands to rest atop his chest for balance against the force of his strikes, which he allowed. Her fingers snaked through the loose laces of his shirt, brushing against the hair on his solid chest. She wanted his shirt off, wanted to drag her nails across his chest and feel him arch into her touch.
She whined to communicate her need, but he swiftly turned it into another cry with one last slap against her ass.  She felt his fingers curl into her raw skin as he fucked up into her with renewed vigor. Her own hands fisted into balls, grasping at his shirt. He chuckled breathlessly as the hand on the back of her neck came to roughly grab her jaw.
“Does my whore need something?” he taunted as he continued his thrusts. She whimpered as she further tightened her firsts around the fabric of his shirt.
“Have you been struck dumb? Use your words,” he cruelly commanded with a shake of her jaw, but his own pace betrayed him, hips beginning to stutter. A smirk spread across Lyra’s face faster than he could react.
“I didn’t think you’d finish so quickly, my lord,” she whispered dangerously. A thrill sparked within her when his hand left her jaw to slap her across her face, eliciting exactly the response she wanted.
In an instant, he lifted her off his cock and shoved her to the ground, her head hitting the floor with a blissful crack that turned her vision dark for a moment.
“Ungrateful beast,” his voice was harsh, but when her eyes flickered back to him, he was hastily removing his clothes until all that remained was his gauntlet. He was quick to lean over her, that same gauntleted hand wrapping around her throat and squeezing.
“You scorn my invitation and then disrupt my evening,” he sneered, “You came here tonight like a pathetic bitch in heat, desperately crawling for my cock. So, you will take what I give you, and you will be thankful. Do you understand?”
She smiled smugly, and he squeezed harder. Instinctively, both of her hands came to wrap around his wrist.
“Continue this, go right ahead,” he learned in to speak against her ear, “I’ll keep squeezing until you go limp. You’ll be much more pleasant then.”
The idea of letting Enver Gortash drain the life from her set her ablaze. He so rarely indulged his wrath nowadays, preferring to scheme and trap and lead his enemies to their untimely demise. More befitting of a lord, he had explained once. But his hands were far from clean - strong and rough from a lifetime that had been at odds with his current station, decorated with scars from his inventions. Lyra had known him long enough to have the privilege of witnessing a few rare, cherished moments where he had snapped, someone having elicited enough of his ire to make him dirty his own hands with pleasure.
She wished he would now. He was the only person in the world she trusted to destroy her. In truth, Lyra was exhausted from a lifetime of being wielded as her father’s weapon, and her twisted heart found solace in the fantasy of release. She yearned for the lord to end her before she had to end him.
But today was not that day.
She rolled her hips up into him in a sign of compliance, unable to speak due to the pressure on her neck. He smirked.
“There now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he slid his hand from her neck to trail down her body. Both hands came to her legs, slowly spreading her apart to allow him to drink in the sight of her cunt.
He let out a shaky breath as his cock twitched. He glided himself through her folds once, twice, before finally sinking back into her, leaning over to reclaim her lips with his own. Their tongues danced with each other, matching the roll of his hips as their joining became increasingly more frantic.
“Hells,” he broke their kiss with a snarl, burying his face in her neck as he picked up his pace. She raked her nails down his back and hiked her legs up higher, allowing him to sink even deeper and ripping an appreciative groan from his throat.
“That’s my woman,” he growled, biting and sucking at her pulse. The intimate, possessive praise made her shudder, her mind threatening to go white. One of her hands ran down to grab his ass as he pounded into her, silently begging him to go harder, to claim her.
The new angle was heavenly, repeatedly making him hit the sweet spot inside her, his balls slapping against her ass. She was smothered under his weight as he drilled into her, his hand coming back up to shove two fingers into her mouth. She sucked on them happily, salivating at the thought of biting them off and drawing sweet screams from his lips.
No – no. She did not want him to scream. In truth, she did not want to hurt him at all, and wasn’t that just the beginning and end of everything? Her Urge was lulled by the rock of his body, and her eyes closed as she allowed herself sanctuary in the only place she could ever forget herself.  
Here, she was not a weapon. Here, underneath him, she was free to indulge in the pleasures of life, not death. The way his breath quickened, the aching throb of her heightened pulse, the rough drag of his chest against her own. His hot breath on her neck, the stretch of her cunt around his cock, his soft sounds of pleasure against her skin as he sought his release.
Gods be damned, she was his.
He must have sensed her tightening coil, pulling his fingers from her mouth and bringing them to rub firm circles against her clit. She gasped, body arching into his as her hand left his ass to tangle in his hair. He hissed as she tightened her grasp, clinging to him for purchase as her body tightened in ecstasy.  
She trembled, and she distantly heard him curse as he fucked her through her climax. She felt him raise himself up on his arms just enough to look at her as his hips began to falter. Her eyes fluttered open to meet his, raw and desperate. Perhaps foolishly, she allowed herself to give him a moment of softness, sliding her hand down from his hair to caress his cheek.
His forehead met her own as he came with a gasp, spilling into her cunt. He shuddered over her, powerful aftershocks rocking them both. In his own betrayal of intimacy, he pressed a kiss to her forehead before catching himself, moving to capture her lips in a sloppy kiss. He collapsed on top of her, spent, and moved to bury his face into her neck again as their breathing slowly regulated.
Lyra stared at the ceiling as she traced circles against his back, a new pang settling deep within her. She wanted to guide his hands as he cracked her chest open and let him tear out her heart. It was already his, and it would destroy her.
She was torn from her thoughts by the tickle of words against her skin, pulling a surprised laugh from her.
“What?” she angled her head down to speak to the menace at her throat. She could feel his smug smile before she saw it as he lifted himself back up on his arms, pausing to first brush a strand of hair from her face.
“I said, I knew you’d look good in that dress.”
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ryuichirou · 10 months
What do you like about Idia?
I got so excited when I got your ask, Anon. And now it’s your problem because I’m probably going to talk a lot lol Thank you very much for asking and giving me an excuse to shower Idia with compliments.
And sorry for replying so late.
To be honest, Idia feels scarily close to being a perfect character for my liking, he kinda has all the qualities that I usually fall for + somehow manages to (unintentionally) incorporate vibes of so many other characters that I like. A friend that got us into twst knew that I’d instantly get invested, it’s almost embarrassing, to be honest lol
So the easy answer would be that I kinda like everything about Idia, but I am annoying, so here are some categories:
Idia’s design is so damn cute. I really like the combination of him being a lanky scrawny creature with bad posture and being almost “moe” level of adorable. His creepy smile and silly giggles and dark aura works very well with his pretty face with dark lips and this almost… pathetic regular expression. I think his face is what I like about him the most, both the expressiveness and the way it’s drawn in general.
His hair, obviously, are also a big part of it. It’s so unique. One of the first things I said when I started drawing Idia regularly was “oh I’m going to miss drawing his hair so much when we move on from twst” lol Because there is really no other character like that (well, there’s also Ortho, but you get what I mean). The shape, the physics behind it, the fact that it expresses Idia’s emotional state so nicely not only in colour (which is very pretty btw, both the blue and the pink hues, and the orange ones as well), but also in how it “acts”.  
Also, Idia’s overall silhouette is great. It’s just… his clothing choices are so fun. His long moe sleeves in his PE uniform, his striped shirt that he wears under his uniform, and of course the huge bell-shaped hooded jacket that hides his body. For some reason it’s, I don’t know, especially cartoony? In a good way, of course.
And lastly, his body language. I love how awkward he is and how much he tries to take as little space as possible when he is stressed out or scared.
So yeah, as someone who draws, I really enjoy Idia. I always have fun with him, and it’s a huge part of why I’m so into him.
He is so annoying 😔 … and I love every second of it lol
I love the fact that Idia isn’t just a lovable hikki otaku guy, and he has a lot of unpleasant qualities: he is an elitist, he is stubborn, he is rude sometimes, he makes assumptions about other people (well, he’s surprisingly perceptive so he’s usually right BUT). He likes to tease and to get on the other person’s nerves, and whenever he feels threatened, it’s not unusual for him to attack with negativity first or just to take a dig at his opponent. He is both self-deprecating and self-loving at the same time. But honestly this is what makes him so great. I usually draw him being freaked out by others, but in fact I really really love it when Idia is insufferable.
Because it a) makes sense considering his background; b) is written in a way that is very fun to read; c) is balanced out very well.
Idia isn’t malicious; he’s just socially inept and genuinely scared of others. He is an asshole, but in reality it is due to the fact that he doesn’t know how to connect with others and doesn’t want to seem desperate, plus gets overwhelmed by others very easily. In fact, I think he is much more empathetic than Azul, for example, but I won’t talk about it this time.
I always think about that line that Idia said when he was roasting Riddle for not knowing how to play videogames. I don’t remember the exact line, but it was something similar to “I’ve never seen anyone who is as much of a noob as you lmao but I’m a fucking loser with no friends so yeah makes sense”. I think it describes Idia’s view on others and himself quite nicely: torn between “everyone is shit” and “I am shit”. “I am a genius and everyone is wrong” and… you know.
I also love that Idia drowns himself in his coping mechanisms, but he is still surprisingly realistic about what’s going on in his life. He did create a robot to resemble and act as his diseased younger brother, but he never allowed himself to forget that it is indeed a robot. He doesn’t want to forgive himself, but he also is tired of feeling pain and doesn’t know how to cope with it. So his solution is extreme escapism, but also hyper-awareness about his own faults and never-ending state of excruciating guilt.
So yeah, he’s such a fun character to dive deeper into psychology-wise.
Love his serious moments, love his silly moments, love his complaints, love his emotional rants, love that he’s passionate about stuff that he likes, love that he critiques society in the pettiest ways possible, love his giggles, everything.
(He also reminds me of Katsu in a lot of ways so I am biased lol)
Oh I’ve talked about how much I loved Ch6 a lot, so I won’t write another essay (physically stopping myself).
I’ll be brief and just say that I honestly would have loved Idia even without learning his backstory, because he is just that entertaining, but knowing it made me appreciate him on a whole other level. I love how much depth his character has, how nuanced it is and how beautifully his chapter ended. Seeing him getting closure was very satisfying, and I love that it didn’t change his character drastically overnight.
His love towards Ortho is a beautiful thing, ship-wise or not.
So yeah I kinda just blacked out at some point, I think lol I can talk about Idia forever. He is just an extremely enjoyable character to both read and write.
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captain-mj · 1 year
Ghost goes off on a solo mission and comes back different, darker
(Monsterfucker pls and thank you)
Since you didn't specify any specific one, using a homebrew one I have called Alpies!!
Consensual. Knotting. Pheromone use. Overstimulation.
Soap noticed it straight away. Ghost had come back from that mission and something felt... off. Not in the way he acted towards Johnny. It was still the fun banter. But it was how he moved.
Ghost was always rather graceful, even in gear. But now, he moved like smoke across water. The way cats move when hunting. He also acted differently around everyone else. It was only when he hadn't noticed Johnny yet, which were moments very far apart and Soap usually had to get lucky, that he'd stare at them like he was tearing them to shreds. Something there where previously, Ghost had only emptiness.
One time, Ghost flickered his eyes towards him in those moments. His pupils were too large, leaving the faintest ring of white. They slowly changed, back to normal.
Soap's heart was beating hard and he swore Ghost looked at his chest where it rest. Before slowly, Ghost looked back up at him and he blinked slowly.
Ghost didn't look away. Neither did Soap. Soon, someone else caught Soap's attention and he slowly dragged his gaze away to talk to him.
A weight appeared behind him. Definitely a weight, because no heat came off Ghost. Normally, he'd blame it on the tactical gear, but Ghost wasn't wearing any. If Soap leaned back, he'd be pressed right against his chest.
The recruit he was talking to, looked up and visibly paled. They started to stammer before running off, almost tripping over themselves. Soap quickly glanced around to see who else he could talk to and... when did the room empty?
"Johnny." Ghost spoke. It sounded like him. But Soap knew something was wrong. Felt it in his damn bones.
"Lieutenant." Soap's voice shook.
"We using titles now? You wound me." Ghost's voice rattled in his brain. It echoed unnaturally.
"Can I help you, sir?"
"You see anything odd lately?"
He was fucking baiting him. Soap's breath came quicker and that was more of an answer than anything he could've said.
"We're going to keep this between us, Johnny. Understood?"
"What happened to you out there?" Soap started to turn around but hands caught him, forcing him to stay facing away from Ghost. He noticed that the bulk pressed against him had started to shift, something brushed against his sides and touched his hair. Like Ghost had curled around him somehow, a snake before strangling a mouse.
Ghost laughed. Cold and sweet. Like decay. "Someone is going to come in soon. I don't want them to catch us. Come to my room tonight after the lights go out, yeah?"
"Or what?"
"Nothing. I would never force you to do anything you don't want to." Something about that tone was downright foreboding. "Never give you more than you can handle either. So come to my room."
"Yes, sir." Ghost pulled back and Soap quickly turned around. He was normal again. Long sleeved shirt and gloves. Joggers. Every inch of skin covered.
Someone came in and Soap shuddered.
Ghost never intimidated him before. Even now, Ghost himself didn't. But whatever was going on, it scared the hell out of him. Despite what he said, he considered ditching. He doubted Ghost would punish him for it and if he was being honest, he was pretty sure Ghost wouldn't even bring it up.
Soap took a shower and scrubbed himself clean. He replayed the events over and over. The eyes especially. His body... reacted. Heart palpitating, breath quickening, palms going clammy.
And he started getting hard.
Soap knew he was a freak. His porn history was something he'd definitely struggle explaining to Saint Peter at the heavenly gates.
"Yeah, I looked up werewolf pack rails red riding hood. MLM version. Yes I watched an absurd amount of tentacle porn. What of it?"
He had liked Ghost's masks. The way he gave off vibes of being inhuman even before whatever happened on this mission. It wasn't the only thing he found attractive about Ghost of course, but it was up there.
It was stupid, but maybe he did clean up a little extra. You know. In case something happened.
Ghost was going to make sure something happened.
Soap got dressed slowly and right as the lights went off in the base, the signal they should all go to bed, he went straight to Ghost's room. His heartbeat hadn't slowed at all.
Ghost let him in before he even knocked and dragged him in, shoving him inside.
"You'd keep a secret for me, right Johnny?" Ghost started to walk closer to him. Soap instinctively backed up. Fear, fresh and intensely cold, ran through his veins.
"Yes, sir."
"You'd be good for me, right?"
Johnny choked a bit this time. "Yes, sir." An instinct screamed at him. Told him to shove him away and run. It was the same one that told him to stand Ghost up.
The fact that this didn't flag his erection at all probably spoke a lot to how fucked up he was in the head.
"You want this." It wasn't a question, but somehow, despite the fact that he couldn't see Ghost's eyes at all, he could still tell he was staring directly at the growing bulge in his pants.
Soap nodded, not able to speak. Ghost pulled his gloves off.
Claws. It took a moment. The room only had one light and it had been covered with a sheet to keep it dim. But Ghost had claws. The skin darkening until it reached his nails that ended in tight points.
"Johnny. Undress for me, yeah?"
Soap had never followed an order so quickly in his damn life. The clothes ended up in a heap at his feet. Shivers wracked him, primal fear and lust and the nervousness of having that gaze on his naked body all mixing together.
"Like I told you, I would never give you anything you couldn't handle. I can hear your heartbeat right now. It's so fast. Are you scared?" Ghost unzipped his hoodie, not wearing anything underneath. His eyes never left Johnny's body.
"No." Johnny wouldn't admit to it. Ghost dropped his pants. No boxers either. Fuck he was big. The mask. "Take it off."
"Simon, please." Soap pleaded, feeling very self conscious all of sudden. "Seen ye before." Ghost took a step forward and Soap had to steel himself not to step further back.
Feathers. Soft ones along Ghost's arms and down his back. They curled like fresh down.
"Just worried you'll get scared." Ghost said softly. "Don't look too different. Don't worry." He slipped it off slowly. Tufts of what looked like feathers poked out from his hair, but that wasn't what drew his attention. His mouth opened slightly, dark lips opening to a darker mouth.
Teeth. Cat like, intensely sharp. Ghost grinned and Soap fought the urge to look away. Those dark eyes made his features look even more unnerving.
"Lay down, Soap. I want to see something, okay?"
Soap listened, laying Ghost's bed. It was bigger than the standard beds they got. Ghost must've pulled some strings to get it.
A kiss was planted on his inner thigh. Soap gasped, not even hearing Ghost move.
"What are you?"
"Don't know. Didn't ask the bastard that scratched me. Don't even know if that's what did it." He licked up his thigh, getting closer to his cock.
"Can't believe I am saying this, but please don't suck my dick."
Ghost laughed. Full, boisterous laughter. "Don't worry. Don't want to risk my teeth. I'm a little upset I won't be able to sink my teeth into you. Always wanted to bite you." Soap's cock twitched.
"Been wanting me a while, huh, LT?"
Ghost nuzzled his cock, making Soap tense. His tongue, long and so cold, licked over him before pushing it slowly down. And down.
"Ghost?" Soap whimpered. "What are you doing?"
Ghost shoved his tongue deep into him, not giving him a moment to think. It was far longer than it should've been and it eased further and further into him. His tongue was rough like his fucking gloves, the texture so deep inside his body doing funny things to Soap's brain.
Soap started to whimper, legs twitching, but Ghost's hands were like steel. He didn't move an inch, completely at his mercy. The pleasure rolled through him and Ghost's tongue writhed inside him. Soap felt like the air was punched out of him.
"Simon. Simon..." Soap couldn't think. He wasn't usually this worked up this quickly, but this was Ghost and this was completely new. The sensations made everything seem fuzzy around the edges.
Ghost suddenly made a displeased noise and yanked away from him. Soap bit his wrist to keep from screaming, clenching around the aching emptiness. He panted harshly, feeling raw from it.
Ghost yanked one of Soap's hands to his hole. "Finger yourself. Get yourself nice and open for me, yeah?" He grabbed the lube for him and Soap made quick work of it, trying to work himself open as quickly as possible.
"Don't hurt yourself, Johnny." Ghost looked all over his body, staring so deep into him. "God you're fucking gorgeous."
Soap flushed. "Can I touch you?"
"Careful with the feathers. And don't touch my face."
Soap nodded immediately and ran the hand not furiously fingering himself over Ghost's body. He reached up, running his hands through his hair. Ghost purred as the tufts poked back up, twisting like an owl.
Soap decided he had enough. He wanted Ghost now.
"Alright, done."
"You sure?" Ghost was already lining up, moving Soap's body how he wanted. Soap liked his men bigger than him, but he had never been so easily handled. It was like he weighed nothing to him.
Ghost shoved into him, splitting him open. The stretch was borderline unbearable and Soap's head fell back. It didn't stop until Ghost had bottomed out and fuck, Soap had never been with someone quite this big.
Ghost went to move and Soap grabbed him, shaking his head. "Need just a moment." Soap closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath.
"You alright?"
"Yeah. You're just... a lot." Soap ran his hands down Ghost's back, feeling the soft feathers. Ghost shivered at the touch and keened, accidentally exposing his neck to Soap's mouth. "Were you this size before?"
"Fucking hell." Soap rolled his hips and groaned. Ghost shoved him down by his shoulder and adjusted their positions. He started insistently rolling his hips, not giving Soap a break.
Soap took deep breaths and held on tight to the blankets above him. The feeling was necessarily painful now, just intense. It felt like all of his senses were on overdrive and it was hitting him now that Ghost was probably the cause. Purposely or not, every brush of their skin was such an intense feeling. Was it the instincts? The fight or flight that did that? Or the fact that he was inhuman? A pheromone that made him sensitive?
Whatever it was, Soap felt like just this was driving him insane and he could feel Ghost starting to speed up, pulling out just a little before pushing back in instead of just rolling his hips.
This was going to wreck him.
God, he hoped it did.
"You're good to move more." Soap said softly and Ghost pulled out to the last inch before slamming into him. Pleasure ripped through him, so intense it hurt and he already felt addicted to it. He tugged gently at the feathers and it spurred Ghost on, picking his hips up on the bed to more easily fuck into him.
Soap's back arched and his nails dragged down Ghost's chest, wanting to mark him however he could.
"Been wanting this since I got back. Everyone else, I imagine their blood in my teeth, but you?" Ghost slammed into his sweet spot and Soap's eyes rolled back. "Been wanting you like this. Wanting to take advantage of you. Knew you'd let me do some experimenting."
Soap didn't have the brain capacity at the moment to consider what he could possibly mean by that. He just knew that he didn't want Ghost to stop. Ghost was merciless, hitting the spot over and over again and he was holding onto him so tightly. Hopefully his skin would bruise.
He could feel himself getting closer to his peak and he wrapped his legs around Ghost.
"Simon, Simon, please." Soap felt weak. He'd beg though. Wasn't above it.
"What do you need?" Ghost sounded completely unaffected, looking down at him like they were sparring and he had just won. Cold fucking bastard.
Soap closed his eyes and came all over himself, wincing. Overstimulation started fast but he couldn't find it in himself to ask him to stop. It felt so good and he just now noticed he was crying from it.
Ghost gently brushed his tears away, those vicious claws so close to his face.
"Johnny, you trust me, yeah?"
"Yes." Soap answered without hesitation.
Ghost buried himself deep in Soap's body, kissing him gently. Soap was muffled, but still definitely moaning as Ghost knotted him. He scratched at Ghost's shoulders desperately, eventually going limp at the feeling. He came inside Soap when he was done, sighing softly.
"Ah. It doesn't hurt with a partner. Just as I was expecting." Ghost looked down at Soap who he couldn't tell if this was heaven or hell yet. "You okay?"
Soap let out a choked moan, body clenching around the thick knot currently right inside his hole. Ghost purred. Like a fucking cat.
"Calm down, darling. Like I said, won't give you more than you could handle." Ghost was careful not to move, a little worried about Soap. "You just relax as long as you need. Plan on keeping you here all night anyway. Need to make up for this, yeah?"
Soap whimpered and slowly tilted his head back, gently pulling Ghost down. Ghost made several hickeys, but he made sure to keep them where they could be covered.
"Good boy, yeah?" Soap whimpered harder.
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Hi!! I just wanted to say first off that this is such a cute idea! I don’t usually do a lot of requests/asks but i could not pass this up!
-My name is Lara Lowry, I use she/her pronouns!
-I’m short (like 5’1”) and I have dark brown curly hair. i’m half irish and half nigerian so i look kinda mixed. i have really dark brown eyes that kinda just look black unless you’re really close or in the sunlight lol. i have olive skin, im kind of pale rn cause it’s winter!
- I am an ENFP-A and my enneagram is 2 if i remember correctly. i love very hard and get attached very quickly! my love languages are quality time and physical touch i think. I am somewhat outgoing but i love to be at home a lot too. I’m a cancer so im very emotionally charged and i wear my heart on my sleeve.
-i play the flute and piano, im in the wind symphony and orchestra at my university and i love it, but i also love to draw so im an art major! i enjoy theatre and singing. i love to write as well, i just wish i could be more motivated to do so. one of my dreams is to be a mother honestly and make a beautiful/loving home for my family!
-i really love a partner that is sort of grounding for me, like someone who can be my rock. (i am very codependent which is bad ik but definitely one of my flaws.) i love someone who is classy and gentleman like! i think chivalry is very attractive! i can be a little crazy sometimes cause i have ADHD so i also like someone who can be my calm counterpart but also be fun and crazy with me sometimes! ok this is very telling but i LUV gingers, they’ve always been my type. i also love me some scrawny white men lol.
-my b.o.b faves are definitely winters, liebgott, guarnere, webster… in that order :) so i would love to be shipped with any of them but honestly i love them all so i don’t mind!
i’m so excited for this and thanks! :D
Aaaaaa thank you so much for the request love!! 😁🥰
I ship you with…
Joe Liebgott!
Tumblr media
A song from my liked songs that reminds me of y’all - I Was Born to Love You by Queen
How y’all met
Ok so you were in Paris studying art and one day you were just vibing in an outdoor cafe doing some sketching
Liebgott was out with Luz and Webster just vibing on their weekend passes
Turns out they were at the same cafe!!
So you noticed the three of them hanging out and being Adorable so of course it’s sketchy sketchy time
You do this gorgeous picture of the three of them that just really captures the playful energy and happy vibes they were giving off
But Joe noticed you looking over and immediately is like wow she’s heckin cute
So he tries to catch your eyes every time you look up and he does a couple of times and just gives you THAT SMIRK YOU KNOW WHICH ONE and he can see you blush from his table and just thinks you’re SO CUTE
Joe decides to excuse himself for a second and saunters over to you, like, he needs to talk to you or else he’s gonna explode
“Couldn’t help but notice your pretty eyes kept looking over” he smooth talks as he takes the empty seat at your table
Before you can respond he sees your drawing and is just like
Jaw drop
Joe just drops all of his flirty smooth talking and in a sweet, honest voice, “you drew that? …that's how you saw me?”
Sweet boy just goes kinda quiet while staring at your drawing but he quickly snaps back to his senses, albeit a little frazzled
“Um, I’m Joe,” he says politely, stretching out a hand to you
Long story short he got a weekend pass to Paris any time he could and wrote to you every day
Lowkey you’d always put a little doodle on your letters back to him and he’d never admit it but all week he’d be looking forward to your letter and see what you drew this time
How he knew he loves you
So it’s one of the times when he got a weekend pass and y’all are having a picnic in the park just vibing and having a lovely time
All of a sudden a baseball comes rolling over to y’all and you notice a couple of itty bitty kids have started running over
You pick up the baseball and hand it to them and they start to apologize but you’re so sweet and they’re so stinking cute they just laugh and say thank you before running back to their game
Joe was sitting back watching the interaction and all he could see was you with a bunch of little Liebgotts
It just kind of hit him, he doesn’t want anybody else, you’re his person
As you’re coming back to sit down he takes your hand and just pulls you into his lap
Before you can protest he plants a soft, sweet kiss on your lips
“I’m in love with you, doll”
You can barely hear it but it still brings tears to your eyes
And you knew you found your person
A conflict and how y’all resolved it
So it’s after the war and you were back at home doing some sketches
It’s around the time Joe is supposed to be home but he’s still not home??
Finally you’re about to go to bed and Joe walks in the door
“Hey love! Long day at work?” you say, trying to mask your worry/relief as you give him a welcome home hug
“Yeah, something like that,” he replies half-heartedly as y’all go back and get ready for bed
This happens three more times in the week
You never get to see Joe, and when you do see him he’s too tired to talk
Not to mention the Intrusive Thoughts start happening
He can’t be seeing someone else…right?
So it’s finally the weekend and Joe has the day off
Or so you thought
You’re up and making coffee when Joe makes his way out
“Hey babydoll I’m gonna go try and get a few fares in,” he says casually, about to give you a goodbye peck on the cheek
Except all the worry and loneliness just kinda boils out of you
“Joey I haven’t seen you all week and now you’re picking up cab shifts on Saturday!?”
“Well I was just trying to make us some extra cash…”
“We’ve already paid our bills this month! Besides you could at least take today to be at home!”
The air is heavy while the two of you just stand there quietly
Joe has an anxious look in his eyes, looking everywhere but you as his hand comes up to the back of his neck
You notice and tears start welling up
“Tell me there isn’t someone else,” you’re barely able to make out without a sob accompanying your words
Suddenly Joe’s expression completely changes
His eyes immediately meet yours with shock and concern
“Baby is that why you think I’ve been out every night?”
You stay quiet and look down at the floor, unsure if you feel silly, embarrassed, frustrated, or some combination of the three
“Oh sweetheart…” Joe immediately comes over and wraps you up in a warm, tight hug
You let a few sobs escape as you melt into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him
“You know I’d never do that to you love, shit there’s no one out there that even begins to compare to you,” Joe tells you in a quiet, sincere voice
“Then why have you been going out so much?”
Joe pulls away from the hug and looks down at the floor, almost appearing embarrassed
“I wanted to surprise you… I’m saving up for your birthday present.”
And you just ???? “What could you be getting that could need you to work so much?”
“I just always saw how you looked at pictures of Ireland and how you always say you’d like to go somewhere on a vacation…”
“Joey, are you saving up to take me there?”
“... I was saving up so we could fly first class and get a nice fancy hotel, you deserve the best…”
Now you start sobbing again but for a whole new reason
Joe looks at you again with concern when he hears you start crying again but you just take his face in your hands and give him the biggest kiss ever
“You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met, you know that?”
He winds up staying home that day ❤️
Your Happily Ever After
So y’all get married after the war and you move to San Francisco with your mans
You have twin girls who you both love to the moon and back
Your family is just as you pictured it and so much more - like it's so clear to everyone how much all four of you love each other
Every weekend you, Joe, and your girls are in the park trying something new
One weekend Joe is teaching them to ride bikes and helping them up when they fall
The next weekend they’re showing you the flowers that they drew cuz they wanna be artists like you
At the end of each day after you put the girls to bed you just sit on your couch with Joe and lean your head on his shoulder and life couldn’t be more perfect
A silly headcanon about your relationship
Y’all always do family costumes for Halloween and it’s the best thing ever
One year you were superheroes
You and Joe were Superman and Wonder Woman and the twins were Batman and Robin
Another year you were Cruella and the three of them dressed as dalmatians
Nothing compares though to when the Easy Company Reunion fell on Halloween Weekend
So, unbeknownst to Joe, the three of you dressed as his friends for Halloween
Of course you dressed up as Webster
And the girls just begged to go as Uncle George and Uncle Joe
The only ones smiling bigger than Joe were Luz and Toye when they saw their mini me's
Joe keeps the picture from that Halloween in his wallet and another copy in his cab visor
aaaaaaaa this was so much fun to write!!! Thank you again for the ask Lara and for your patience 🫠 !!!!
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hybbart · 1 year
i love your art and the distinction between all the characters in shapes and colors. is there a specific reason you dont fill in the whites of pearls eyes why you draw her? it always gives her a sleepy look, which i think is neat.
That's exactly why! It started with Grian, who I gave small black beady eyes as many Grian designs have, and half the time his eyes are half-lidded to give him that mischievous/annoyed mood is is often in, and I decided not to give him whites.
When I went to design Pearl, honestly that design aspect was already in my head it was my first instinct to give her these droopy sleepy eyes that fit with her chill vibes and sleepy aesthetic, and it went well with the fluffy straight bangs. I accidentally tried it with whites one time when I forgot who I was drawing and it just did not look right at all. It makes her match Grian, too, which is nice. (She looks just a bit like both her brothers.)
(I started rambling about the rest of her design below oops)
Honestly MOST of Pearl's design was first draft instinct and it just ended up basically exactly what I wanted. The black legs/leggings and the long hip-length sweater that match Griand and Jimmy's legs/clothing lines, but in her own style. The more urban style that I thought went well with her alien base, and the sleeves that have thumb holes cause she feels like she needs to have her hands in pockets even when they aren't.
In particular there was a piece of double life 'welcome home cheaters' art where she looked exactly like a college stoner and especially with the beanie I love that vibe for her. The other aesthetic inspiration I pulled from was a picture of her (and the rest of boatem) jacked in sleeveless tops. It's probably just a muscle lady appreciator in me but she goes well with the industrial age streetbrawler/lesbian lumberjack vibe too, so even though she usually looks skinny she's also very fit and well muscled. (I put more heavy muscle on False, Stress, and Katherine, I simply cannot help myself)
I knew I wanted her to have a human design first and foremost unlike Grian and Jimmy, for reasons that I don't get to draw often- I really wanted to give her big chunky overly-detailed shoes. There's a specific style of anime girl that is quite small and wears simple urban fashion and then will emphasize these brand sneakers that look big and stompy on them, and for some reason I really liked that vibe for her with hold long and skinny she is. (problem is I don't draw her feet very often lol)
I also made her tall because, well, Pearl is tall, irl and fanon, and I'll take any excuse to make a lady tower over literally everyone else. The only person whose (base design) is taller than her is Mumbo. (And sometimes Lizzie, because I decided Lizzie can be whatever height she vibes with in the individual picture)
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ven10 · 6 months
hello :D! i'm curious that with the quagmires being your favorite characters, do you have headcanons for them, pre and/or post canon?
Hiya! :) I have SO MANY hcs about them so thanks for asking!!!! :D
Pre-canon relationship dynamic:
Quigley was closer to Isadora than to Duncan before the fire although he still was really close to Duncan too. I mainly think this bc in ‘The Slippery Slope’ Quigley mentioned Isadora on her own a few times, even quoting a couplet she wrote, whereas he only mentioned Duncan when talking about both of his siblings.
In order of most to least mischievous growing up I feel like it’d go Quigley, then Isadora and lastly Duncan.
Games/How the triplets would play when they were young:
Duncan: Would grab any random object of *aproximately* the right size (could be one of his mother’s shoes or it could be a spatula) and pretend it was a microphone. He’d follow people around “reporting” (more so narrating,really) what they were doing. This would REALLY annoy Isadora bc the worst thing when having writer’s block would be to have someone right beside you describing how you “stare blankly at a page in anguish. No inspiration detected for at least another treacherous week”.
Quigley: Strikes me as the kind of guy to climb trees, regardless of age tbh. He just has the vibe.
He would build forts at EVERY opportunity. Duncan once challenged him to build one in every room of the mansion and he almost did, with the exception of his parents’ office which was always locked.
He’d also draw loads. His drawing of a cave in TSS was described as an “elegant rendering” so I imagine he started doing art young. He’d get too passionate with a box of crayons and end up snapping most of them though. For his sixth birthday he’s gifted one of those pencils with multiple colours in the led and somehow angles it so that all the purple is used up first.
Isadora: She’d write plays for her+her siblings to perform for their parents+their parents’ friends that had surprisingly dark plot lines, especially for a 7 year old. Oh, and all the lines would rhyme, of course. She’d get annoyed when people read the script and asked if it was all one long song rather that the masterpiece of poetry she intended it to be perceived as.
Quigley would really enjoy acting in her plays+pour his heart and soul into the performance. Duncan would get really excited about it and do great when practicing with just the three of them but when it came to the actual performance he’d get shy+back out meaning Quigley or Isadora have to fill in for his role.
🎃 Halloween:
For Halloween one year, Isadora thought it’d be an amazing idea to dress up as Evelyn the conjoined twin bc she loved the song ‘Evelyn Evelyn’ based on her but Quigley found their story too depressing and Duncan didn’t like that it meant one of the triplets would get left out. Quigley suggests ‘Alvin and the chipmunks’ as a group costume earning instant “no”s from his siblings. They end up dressing in individual costumes based off historical figures (A poet, an investigative journalist and an explorer) but create their own story involving time-travel that connects the 3 characters.
Isadora loves Halloween as she is a goth(headcannon) so it really goes with her vibe. Quigley takes information about monsters/spooky creatures like vampires or werewolves and uses it to decide on which part of the world would be best for them to inhabit. Duncan then uses Quigley’s theories to research newspaper articles from the area, searching for any sign of the creatures.
Style/Fashion sense 🌟🧥
Duncan 📰:
Comfy green jumpers/sweaters or sweater-vests, white short-sleeved dress shirts and dress trousers/pants. (Pre-canon)
Comfy green polo-neck jumpers and (usually brown) corduroy pants/trousers and either dark green or white high top shoes. (Post-canon) Occasionally wears neatly applied eyeliner. The slight change in style is bc Duncan doesn’t want to wear clothes that feel so similar to a school uniform after spending so much time with those as his only clothes at Prufrock. He’ll occasionally wear hoodies but not if he’s to be seen in public.
Owns a few T-shirts with Dorothy Parker quotes which he cherishes and wears daily, even if they can’t be seen under the jumper/sweater. One quote he’d have is: “The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue”
Isadora+Quigley once bought him a quirky reporter’s hat with a feather in it as a joke but Duncan ended up adoring it; convincing himself it gave him an extra boost of inspiration when writing articles. 🪶
Has a Polaroid camera looped round his neck 📸
Quigley 🗺:
Initially, he struck me as a rucksack guy but I was reading over TSS yesterday and discovered he canonically uses a totebag, “I was putting an atlas in a totebag I found”-Quigley Quagmire (‘The Slippery Slope’ Chapter 8, page 148) so technically that’s a canon not a headcanon but oh well 🙃
Wears clothes more so for practicality than for style, although if he has a choice he’ll get things in dark purple.
He’d wear cargo pants bc of all the pockets; this would inspire Isadora to write a poem titled ‘Two and a half’ about a scientist who was trying to clone someone twice but messed up, resulting in one of the copies (Quigley) having no legs.
He would also wear a jacket with tonnes of pockets bc it’s practical for the explorer’s life he leads plus it looks cool. Although, it looks a little less cool when he stitches on a hood with fabric that doesn’t even match.
He drew maps on a couple of T-shirts and wears those, unfortunately he has to redraw them every time they get washed.
Wears exclusively boots bc of their grip+durability, one boot would have purple laces and the boot on the other foot would have black laces bc the original lace got stuck in a thorn bush so he stole borrowed one of Isadora’s.
As for accessories; a compass on string looped round his neck, clips shoved in at random to keep hair from falling in his face as he climbs, a hat/beanie with pins on it
Also: Frayed fingerless gloves!!! I saw this in one of Quill’s art pieces of Quigley and like the idea immensely ( @lemonysnicket ) :))
Always has the most RANDOM items in his pockets; will reach in looking for a packet of gum and come out with binoculars.
Isadora 📜:
Wears almost exclusively black: Black boots or high top converse (with doodles on the white toe bit in sharpie),
Wore black nail polish pre-canon. At Prufrock she improvises using black markers+pens on her nails. She once tried the same trick for mimicking eyeliner…it did not turn out well and Duncan brings it up at the WORST times.
Wears winged black eyeliner, smudged under the eyes.
Likes long swishy skirts (midi skirts). They’re sometimes a bit impractical but if she’s just spending the day writing poetry it’s fine. Otherwise she likes cuffed shorts with leggings underneath.
Violet once bought fishnet gloves bc she liked how they looked but gave them to Isa after they kept getting caught in her inventions. Isadora loves them even more bc they’re from Violet.
Has a really cool leather jacket but doesn’t wear it much bc she secretly worries that she isn’t cool enough for the jacket.
Has a T-shirt with all of Sappho’s poems printed out really small and arranged into a picture of Sappho herself. Quigley owns a similar one but his contains the bee-movie script.
Cooking abilities ranked🍳:
1: Quigley 🗺- he’s the best bc he had to cook for himself while “dead”. Granted, he did just eat canned peaches, toasted marshmallows, almonds and carrots but he had to find his own food anyway so that’s a start.
2: Isadora 📜- Her meals at Prufrock were cooked for her but it’s possible she had to cook for Duncan and herself at previous guardians. This task would fall on her as Duncan used to be afraid of stoves for a while after the fire
‘ “For a long time,” Duncan admitted, “I was afraid of any kind of fire. I didn’t even like to look at stoves.”’ -The Austere Academy, Chapter 3, page 47.
3: Duncan 📰- For the reason above and also bc he seems like the kind of guy who would mess up simple dishes by trying to apply extra information, “I read in a news article once about a famous chef who’d put mozzarella in porridge for extra flavour, let’s try that!” (Made-up quote)
Choice of stationary 🖊
Isadora: Fountain pen ✒️ bc it makes her poetry look fancy
Duncan: Biro bc it doesn’t smudge easily and he needs to writes down a lot of info quickly for his journalism 🖊
Quigley: Coloured biros bc they make maps easily decipherable+they don’t smudge easily which is useful for accuracy
In a modern AU Quigley has a 6 hour screen time average and it is ENTIRELY Google maps. Duncan listens to podcasts. Isadora’s Pinterest is made up completely of quotes.
Books/Literature 📚:
Apart from atlases, Quigley reads fantasy books with maps. He would adore books in the Grishaverse bc of this, especially obsessing over the canal system of Ketterdam which can be seen in detail in a map in ‘Crooked Kingdom’ by Leigh Bardugo. 📚 🧙‍♀️ However, with the Grisha triology (Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm + Ruin and Rising) he would be disappointed by how little the cartographer/ex-cartographer protagonist mentions maps.
Duncan would enjoy the ‘A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder’ series due to the strategic, organised layout alongside Pip-the protagonist- ‘s note-taking skills. As Duncan aspires to be an investigative journalist he’d be enthralled by the investigations that are central in these books. He would annotate the books as he reads them; filling them with his own theories as well as highlighting important information.
The poem ‘Long Distance II’ by Tony Harrison doesn’t consist of rhyming couplets but I think Isadora would find its portrayal of grief powerful regardless of whether it’s in her preferred poetic format. Especially as it’s about the loss of family members.
Quigley would create his own fantasy map using tea-stained paper with rice spilled on it, drawing around the rice to get the outline of a country. He’d be really strategic about the details he draws though; having mountains before rivers so the water runs off of them etc. 🗺
Favourite Colours 🎨:
Isadora: Pitch black 🖤
Duncan: Dark green 💚
Quigley: Dark purple💜
(Bc of their notebooks 📓)
Thanks for the ask!! :) <3
I wasn’t sure what to include so I wrote quite a bit, this was me restraining myself tho. I think about the Quagmire triplets a LOT :). This is only the tip of the iceberg ;)! :) I also have kind of detailed hcs about injuries the triplets would have after the eagle fight if u want to hear about that.
Please send more asks if you like! You can be as specific as you like, especially if it’s about the Quagmires! :D
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chemicalarospec · 8 months
My Death Note Playlists (prt 1 of my fav lyrics)
They're basically all "emo" btw.
I have two: the full playlist
and the "canon compliant" version -- which does NOT mean the songs support a canon-compliant interpretation, but that they were released before 2010. Canon timeline, you see, ignoring the 9/11 thing. (I'm a little more picky with this one in general.)
Okay now I'm just going to highlight my favorite lyrics that I blorbo brain all over (predominantly Light, and lots of Lawlight ranging from platonic murder to romantic lovers to romantic murder). It will be long, so here's a cut!
I'll pick out songs going down "full playlist" in order.
"Liar (It Takes One to Know One)" by Taking Back Sunday
Obvious, but "we're all choir boys at best" deserves attention. "It takes one to know one" shouted at the end -- all of Light and L knowing each other better than anyone.
"Juneau" by Funeral for a Friend
"I'm nothing more than a line in your book." Hey, I didn't say all these connections were good.
"Spin" by Taking Back Sunday
The whole thing is very Light to L.
"Looking for a Tornado" by Chiodos
Maybe I got a little lost while searching for my faith stuck to your cross You set fire to everything around [...] Do I believe in love; do I believe in heaven? (At the sound of church bells, they come running) All my clocks stuck on eleven; afraid if I hit my knees, I might get nothing
^ Lawlight /romantic intent /sexual intent
This is the sound of your savior running in need of anything to save you from nothing
^ bonus God/savior complex Light
"Always and Never" by Silverstein - "Don't have a heart attack"
"War Crimes" by Waterparks
kinda Light and Misa. "I wear a smile that's about a mile wide" lol. and "My death will be the fandom [sic]" for L.
"The Words 'Best Friend' Become Redefined" by Chiodos
The title as their fake-friendship-with-murderous-intent. Lyrics as romantic dying Lawlight. +"To hide from our twisted ways/I've been hiding in this bed"
"Fist Wrapped in Blood" by Silverstein
I love toxic couples. Cannibalism couples. Violence couples. (Some tntduo vibes in this one too, xoxo tntduo, still kinda my OTP.) "A Midwestern State Of Emergency" for similar reasons (we got the wild line "Bound and gagged but I enjoy it") + "Your saving grace, my final rites"
"One Day All Women Will Become Monsters" by Chiodos <3
That title but also "Always being the blind villain" -> Blind Lady Justice Light Yagami!!! + "Rip the haunting smirk from his face"
"Thank You for the Venom" by My Chemical Romance
Now I want to listen to Three Cheers looking for Death Note songs. (If I wasn't still finishing tntduo demolition lovers, Death Note demolition lovers would be sooo in.) Anyways: "I keep a gun on the book you gave me."
"Hard to Breathe" by Hawthorne Heights
"I spent my whole life lying/I just got caught." This one gets a big heading b/c that line is still the working title for my Light fic (yeah, it'll get posted. one day).
"There's no Penguins in Alaska" by Chiodos is a rare Misa moment on the playlist.
"Timberwolves at New Jersey" by Taking Back Sunday
"Literate and stylish/kissable and quiet/that's what girls' dreams are made of" and "This is you trying hard to make sure that you're seen/With a girl on your arm and your heart on your sleeve" = Light. Plus, the "me at my worst (committing murder)" theme of second half of the song
"Where Can I Stab Myself in the Ears" by Hawthorn Heights - "This is the ending, here's my surrender" & the complementing each other bridge theme. and lying.
"Why the Munsters Matter" by Chiodos
"I don't want to fit into your world/your heart/I hope I scare you"!!!!! It's NOT what happens in Death Note but it IS what Light and L are about IN MY HEAD.
"Ole Fishlips is Dead Now" is another rare Misa song. The "she's in love with herself" line but the subject is Light.
"Goldmine" by Paper Tigers
(link leads to song b/c the band is pretty indie)
Maybe that's something I admire Maybe you've made another enemy of me ... You goldmine Every little thing that you say It blows away my mind ... They say that pride proceeds the fall And that the sword is weaker than the pen
rare L to Light song on the playlist
"Your Sword Versus My Dagger" by Silverstein
Another Discovering the Waterfront track. "I'm cutting through, you're bleeding out/And I would tell the truth, but I can't help myself" + "I wasn't asking for the world" as another Light inverse/lying line (or kinda Misa) + "And I can see your face, and I can hear your name" in reference to Death Note rules lol.
"Is it Progression If A Cannibal Uses A Fork?" by Chiodos
"Listen up, sweetie!/We all know that you're a beautiful girl in this horrible world." - Light lol
"The solemn tolling of the funeral bells. I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours where everyday's a Bone Palace Ballet."
"Divine Intervention" by Taking Back Sunday
rare soft song -- cutesy by Lawlight standards
Despondent, distracted You're vicious and romantic These are a few of my favorite things ... Something real, make it timeless An act of God and nothing less will be accepted ... We're stubborn and melodramatic A real class act
~a little skipping ahead to songs I wrote up out of order... part two will probably come next week!~
"The Brothers Karamazov" by The Used
all of it. but especially "I'm more than just my father's son" as an inverse of Light who is so little more than the son of a cop, "I see myself in everything I hate about you/I shut my mouth to stop myself from sounding like you" as him and L, and "Take me away from who I could become" as the conflict between Light and the influence of the Death Note.
"Chemicals" by Armor for Sleep
Lyrics about "you" dying ("I can picture your coffin"!!!) and the general vibe and:
And I’m on my back, on your floor. Tell me how you fooled the world again, I like how you laugh when you tell it
^ both L and Misa work. Light's evil laugh.
Play dead, cause I’ll be playing dead with you. I’ll play you when you’re dead in a year or two.
^ Light pretending to be L after he's dead.
"Three Simple Words" by Finch
"My hand's around your throat/who will stop me now?" !!! throwback to "Until the Day I Die", which I didn't highlight but also has "hands at your throat". I like the aggressive & repetitive usage in this song better. Light to L, of course.
Tune in next week for more of the same! (btw I had a lot going on so it's still not up but will edit this when I do it)
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You didn’t ask me…
Pairing: Jackson Marchettie x black female reader
Warnings: Smut. (18+) Dirty talk, Angst, praise kink.
The plot: You go to a party to get over Jackson but you didn’t know it would be at his house….
Hey y’all long time no see😊 here’s a imagine for y’all I know it’s random but I was inspired this morning to write it.
Now y’all…This one is nasty
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Oh my god, you know what's terrible? Have a callus test I didn’t study for said Aimee as she yelled at me with her breath, wreaking off whatever concoction was in the punch. “Right, well, I’m pretty sure you meant calculus, and don’t worry, Mr. Brown, postpone it till Monday,” I said, yelling over the loud music. Mave and Aimee said I have been more distant than usual. This is true between studying, my job after school and trying to forget about him…I’ve been occupied. So they decided to drag me out on a school night to a party, and they also decided to dress me and this dress, oh don’t get me started on the dress. OH Y/N, Mave says, running over giggly, “that guy over there keeps looking at you, and I overheard him say something about you, the dress being well fit.”
Even though those are words every teenager would love to hear at a party, not me, I was forced to come here and listen to music. I’m not particularly eager to tolerate people wreaking liquor, weed, and body fluid poring through their pores. “Lucky me,” I responded cheaply. “You know you got to get out of this rut. I understand you and- before Mave could finish the sentence, I cut her off. “Look, I told you I didn’t wanna come tonight, I told you I wasn’t ready, and the fact that I went to this party knowing it was going to be in his house makes me, even more, the bitter, okay” I said with a snappy and tight voice. Mave looked at me with sadness in her eyes “oh y/n we didn’t even think about that” she said looking at Aimee for a confirmation. “It’s fine, speaking of Calculus,” I told Aimee. “I need to go get something.”
As I make my way upstairs, away from all the drunk bodies and loud music, I feel a calming sensation run over me. I know exactly where I’m going. I’ve been here enough time to know which room is his. “Once u get upstairs, it's the second door down to your right,” was the instructions now engraved in my head. As I approached the door, I expected a lot of things. I expect him to be on the other side cause I haven’t seen him at his party. I expect to go in there and cry from memories that serve my heart no purpose. I also expect the door to be locked cause it is a party happening. But no, as I opened the door, I saw his room in typical shape, not too clean but also not too dirty signifies that someone is living there and using this room. The space was empty, so I decided to be quick about what I would do.
Walking over to his backpack, I picked up his bag, and Doug through it, looking for my Calculus book. I found it in my red notebook with the word I hate math written on top. And his drawing of a smiley face. I let him borrow the notebook two weeks before we split. Now I’m regretting it cause I have to cram and study for a test cause I haven’t asked for the notebook back. As soon as I turned to leave, I heard, “You know you just could’ve asked me, right.” This made me freeze. “I just needed my book to study, and I have nothing to say to you,” I said, trying to walk past him and avoid eye contact. “Nice dress. It’s not your vibe, though, is it?” He said, leaning against the doorway with a calm voice. I wore a long fitted dress that stopped at my ankles, with lace in it, and a slit that stopped mid-thigh. I will admit this dress is charming and did compliment my figure well. It just wasn’t my speed; I preferred sweaters and skirts and loafers. Mave made me wear it, but we comprise, and I put a white short-sleeved top under it.
“Wanted to try something different,” I said, still not looking at him. I feel him staring at me, though, soaking me up for everything that I am. “Y/n can we talk, please,” he said. I snapped my eyes up at him furiously, finally looking him in the face and looking him in the eyes those grayish brown eyes that I’ve looked at a thousand times before. “Talk about what, Jackson,” I say, his name with so much stiffness. I haven’t said his word or looked at him in weeks. When I’m at school, I avoid him and every spot I know he’ll be at.
“We have nothing to talk about. You told me that you needed time for yourself, that you felt like you were moving too fast and didn’t feel well, and how can I be mad at that? At least you were honest, and I understand that the last two years were rough on you, so I get that. So how can I be mad? How? I said words vomiting my feelings, my chest tightening and my voice shaking. I knew it was time to go before I started crying.
“It's okay to be mad at me, y/n” replied. Jackson, “you aren’t perfect, and I’m not perfect, and if this situation were simple, we wouldn’t be arguing right now,” said Jackson. With every word he says, he’s getting closer to me as I stand in the middle of the room, clenching my book for dear life. “I told you I wasn’t ready because I’m not,” he said with a quick breath. “Because when I still have these panic attacks, and I still find myself wanting to be isolated when it all becomes too much, so I’m not ready for someone like you who is strong and patient and willing. It would be wrong of me to ask you to endure that with me,” Jackson said, searching your eyes with his glossed over, hoping you would understand, and you know Jackson better than most. “The problem is you didn’t even ask me,” said y/n knowing that those words were as robust and one of the scariest things she could say. She was saying that she would take on his heartaches, and his burdens, while also being there to support him through his happiness and his celebrations.
Before y/n could even process the emotions she saw on his face, she felt a hand meet the back of her head, and his soft lips touched her. He was kissing her so softly, like he was afraid she would run away from her. But y/n had more to fear at this moment. She knew Jackson felt more scared than ever. Right now Jackson was like Bambi. He felt small and skittish. So y/n grabbed his wrist and kissed him back deeply. The kiss was soft and strategic, and they poured confirmations into each other without saying anything. Before she knew it, y/n panties were on the floor her dress was rising as the back of her knees connected with Jackson's bed. Jackson was now on top of y/n, taking his hands from her knee to her hip and bunging her dress up to her hips.
“Y/n,” Jackson said, nipping at her neck and hearing a moan release from Y/n. “Jackson,” she moaned as she felt everything around her slowly becoming undone. Her dress was now scrunched up on her hips her shirt and bra were somehow removed. “Jackson, Jackson, Jackson”where all that she thought could, which was linger his name as she felt herself come undone like a button. Her core was getting wetter and wetter and was throbbing. Her dress now not covering anything on her body but her waist and her breast exposed to the air in his room. Jackson stood up and undressed himself. At that moment, all y/n could do was admire him. How beautiful and rigid he looked and soft all at the same time. Once fully undressed, y/n grabbed him and pulled him back onto the bed. He spoke No words, but Jackson knew what he wanted to do. He put her on her back and connected his hips to her nipple while teasing her fold with his thumbs. He moved his finger to her clit. He wasted no time running it back and forth. This ignited something in y/n, making her gasp and arch her back while she had one of her hands grabbing his hair and the other one holding the sheets.
“Don’t hold back on me, okay” he said with his voice a little rougher than usual. He starts to finger her, not wasting any time spoiling her and her cunt. Going in and out of her making her body tense up. Y/n could feel herself being invaded, her wetness pooling onto his hands, the stickiness between her thighs. She couldn’t help but moan. Uh, she moaned, grabbing his wrist and making him go deeper she could feel his fingers inside her, his knuckle grazing the outer side and his finger curving to her insides. Oh fuck please she said, her hips tensing up. While her hand held his wrist, helping him with the motion, she enjoyed it so much. Jackson was in awe. He loved seeing her fuck herself by using him. His dick was hard against the bed, but he could wait cause this wasn’t about him right now.
Curving his two fingers just a Lil more, she moved his wrist faster. He felt her jerk. He grazed it, that spot. Before he knew it, he grabbed his wrist with his other hand and pinned it down, and started to go back and forth, hitting that spot. From his view, it was Lovely seeing her cunt swell and her getting wetter and the build-up of her cum on her thighs and it dripping from her. He was in absolute paradise. “Oh fuck please she said, her mouth gapped open, her hips spasming while her legs were wide open for him. As y/n felt herself coming undone again. She felt the feeling building in her core. “Let it go, my love,” Jackson said as he started to suck on your clit while fingering you. Your body was in overdrive now and was sensitive. You jerked at the feeling. “Oh fuck” you said. Jackson held you down with one hand on your lower stomach. You don’t know precisely what it did. You don’t know if it was the fingers, the sucking, or the pressure, but you came. The release left your body, and you were shaking.
As Jackson rose from his position, his chin glistened and his dick hard panting. “Here, let me help you get yourself back together he said, trying to find your bra. Over…this isn’t over. It’s his turn now. You suddenly realize that you are still in his house, and a party is still going on downstairs with over 100 occupied bodies. Even though you were weak, your body was eating the high. You crawled to the edge of the bed and said, turning to grab his dick, causing Jackson to moan, “Y/n wait” Before you could register, you stopped. “Are you sure your body has been through a lot and”-Fuck that You thought, grabbing his dick and licking his head made Jackson's knees buckle.
As you took him in, as far as you could, you started to play with his balls. You noticed that Jackson now had his hands on your shoulder, squeezing them tightly as you sat on the edge of the bed. You look up to see him with his head back, Addams apple Bobbing. Realsing my mouth from his base, I tasted the salty pre-crum swelling at the head. I worked my way down to his balls and licked and teased them as my hand grabbed his base, and my wrist engaged in the motion, causing his body to cleanse and his grip on my should to tighten. This made me giggle. I grabbed his hands and put them on the back of my head. Jackson looked down at me and shook my head. He held his dick and placed it on my lips, waiting for me to open my mouth.
As I opened my mouth, I felt his hand grab the back of my head and push me down slowly. As I look up, he’s looking at me in all my glory, titties out, mouth stuffed, and my lips moving back and forth on his shaft. He let out a strangled moan “shit, y/n, we can’t be up here all night,” he said breathlessly. His statement made me suck harder cause, yes, we can. His eye snapped open, and his hand started moving my head faster. I feel his vein throbbing on my challenging I see his stomach tightening. The saliva and pre cum are all over his dick, glistening. As he moves his hips in my mouth, words and moans fall from his lips. “You make me feel so good, and I’m sorry for- the words were interrupted by a deep and rough moan due to me playing with his balls and sucking harder. I don’t want to hear any sorry I want you to come undone.
His hip where now moving erratically, his hip moving more sloppily now his dick was wet and covered and cum, and the vein that was throbbing on my tongue was now realizing the salty/sweet taste in my mouth and down my throat. His dick left my mouth with a pop. And his body flopped on the bed. He was lying beside me, breathless, tired. I laid back on the bed beside him and looked at the ceiling, and said, “I know you're sorry, but when I said that your pain is my pain as well as your joys and pleasures, I meant that” as I turned to him on the bed looking him in his eyes, his eyes low and his breathing slowed. “ I forgive you,” I said, looking into his eyes, making sure he understood me. “Now,” I said, standing up, fixing my dress, disregarding my undergarments, and placing the dress back on me nicely while checking myself in the mirror and throwing Jackson his underwear. “Let’s get back to the party.”
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wantbytaemin · 10 months
Hey ana what are your favorite taemin looks of all time?
OOOOOF that’s literally such a loaded question esp bc that IS my baby and every look of his is my favorite always 🩵 also usually my favorite form of taemin is the current one so i must say the long blond extensions and freckles x orange blush he’s been doing for hard IS my absolute favorite thing in the world like that’s my babygirl. mostly i LOVE opulence on him esp when he looks either holy (see ngda mother mary vibe) or otherworldly (see move mask x gold silk shirt). as a contrast to that i gotta say i did really love view era purple hair and the way they’d style him with the asymmetric pants tucked into one sock and the vans and everything. he was a sk8r boi kind of vibe which i really enjoyed on him hehe. i also really really love any look where he’s giving gender, like his genderqueer croptop from hard promo or the advice extensions and the iconic supreme rumoured sports bra x cropped hoodie look, and i LOVE asymmetry in any form but most of all when he’s wearing like a beautiful tailored suit but it’s a little edgy bc it’s got like one short sleeve and he’s wearing one glove with it and such (see almost any want stage fit). i just think he is SUCH a beautiful prettyface who can rock so many different looks and anything he envisions turns into gold so here’s some pics that might show you what i mean (no way are these in any order and i’m 100% forgetting a lot of my faves)
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zombubble · 3 months
Hiya! Ascension au sounds veryyyyy interesting……..can I ask what wwx’s design as a god looks like? (For possible fanart purposes………..)
alskdjf omg alright okay yeah!
So Wei Wuxian's godly design is very much a sort of fusion of his Yiling Laozu looks (primarily black with red and grey/silver) and some elements of TGCF's general godly character design (mostly the manhua and the in-book art. I love the donghua's character design but they're very much made for simplicity and I think the gods are ostentatious enough to want a bit More to their looks, usually.) with just a splash of Jiang aesthetics because he's got a fondness for lotus.
I imagine his robes are a deep black with silver embroidery on the outside. His inner robes are, of course, red, and the inner robe sleeves are narrow and long enough to tuck into his bracers. The black outer robes, with as many layers as you like, are long, but the sleeves are typically only half-sleeves because at the start of the story his main thing is archery. (Similar to donghua Pei Ming's sleeves). (He has a black mulberry bow with silver inlay, red leather around the handle, and a string made partially out of his own hair aslkdjf. Quiver is a black and silver back quiver of some sort and the arrows are fletched with black, with red and silver strings. They're very fancy and come back to him, so he made them look good (literally made them, he spent two years making this spiritual weapon).)
Black trousers and boots, and silver armor with smoke designs on his chest, bracers, and pauldrons (shoulder covers). The armor's not overly elaborate or bulky, and fits his form well.
Wide belt. Silver and/or red accents, black if there's leather.
He has. Dark red eyes, because gods and funky eye colors are my jam, and they glow red when he's really using big power. He also has long hair he wears half-up (A topknot like cql!Wei Ying, but better and also longer, maybe a little wavy. I'm fond of his having bangs, too, so it's not ALL pulled back), and on his head is a silver lotus crown on fire. Very tall flames. Pointy at the top.
Because I like being extra and therefore he does, too, he's taken a few aesthetic tips from Hua Cheng and participates in a bit of hair-braiding up top, nail-painting, and some makeup around the eyes, and he's got some sort of dangly silver earrings I think.
When he's really going for dramatics, he has a whole-ass black cloak on that swishes Very Nicely.
All of this sounds very specific, but it's really more about the Vibes. He has multiple outfits, so if you do end up creating something and have a Different Idea, then by all means roll with it! The Palace of Yiling's colors are black, red, and silver primarily (as he's still the Yiling Laozu) and he does keep his goth kid tendencies, even in the Celestial Court.
His magic is red and gold uwu until he re-learns how to manage using guidao when his body is literally made of divinity, in which case it's red and black when he's using that.
Thank you for giving me an opportunity to talk about god!Xian uwu.
I love him so much and he's been cooking for so long in my brain. Of course he wears simpler clothing than this in the mortal realm, but his Godly Look is definitely something I've had a lot of fun coming up with.
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Miyoshi Kazunari - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Kazunari: Lookie, lookie. I’ve changed! How is it?
Muku: Wow, it feels strange to think you’re wearing my clothes. You give off a different vibe than usual. It’s cute! …Hm? Kazu-kun, are the sleeves too long for you?
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Kazunari: Good eye! I kinda have sweater paws, right~! Your arms might be longer than mine!
Muku: Hah! It looks like there’s room to spare in your pants too… M-maybe I have thick legs!? I have to go on a diet…!
Kazunari: What, no! You used to do track and field, so you just have more muscle on your legs than me! Seriously, don’t even worry about it!
Muku: …Right, I have muscles. I have been running again these days, so I guess that makes sense.
Kazunari: Yep, exactly! Anywho, I’m gonna become you now~!
Muku: Sure! I can’t wait to watch…!
Kazunari: “Itadakimasu! *Nom, nom*… today’s meal was delicious.”
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Muku: (Is this me when I’m eating food…? The way he eats is so similar.)
Kazunari: “Hm, what’s wrong, Tenma-kun? Ah, are there carrots in here?” “Is there really that much? No worries, I’ll eat those carrots for you.”
Muku: (Ah! Wait, could this be me doing my three good deeds a day?)
Kazunari: “Thanks for the food. …Eh, the carrots just now? They tasted great. Ehehe, I’m glad you’re happy, Tenma-kun.”
Muku: (Wahh, I'm happy to have a scene where I'm doing something nice acted out. But it feels kind of embarrassing.)
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Kazunari: “…Mhm. Bookstores are so much fun, aren’t they!”
Muku: (Ah. The scene changed. I wonder what side of me is next?)
Kazunari: “Ah! Sorry, Kazu-kun. Please wait a moment.” “Excuse me, what seems to be the matter? …Oh, I see. Do you know the name of the theatre?”
Muku: (This is what happened with the old man the other day…!)
Kazunari: “I’ll hold your bags. Are these presents for your grandchild?” “I knew it! I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.”
Muku: (Kazu-kun’s been acting with a smile on his face the whole time. Does that mean I’m always smiling like that?)
Kazunari: “I’m glad we were able to guide you! It would’ve been sad if you couldn’t watch your grandchild’s debut stage. You came all the way here, after all.” “Please enjoy the play!” That’s all for my Mukkun skit! How was it?
Muku: I thought the way you acted when you were eating happily or when you were flustered were just like me! I realized that you’re watching me closely.
Kazunari: Ahaha, great! I’m stoked to hear the man himself say I nailed it!
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Muku: But I thought you were going to act like me when I talk about shoujo manga. That was a bit surprising. I never thought it would be my three good deeds a day… I felt a bit embarrassed.
Kazunari: Ahh… Actually, I was also considering the times you go off about your shoujo manga. I was kinda torn. But this time, I thought I wanted to show and convey the “kindness” that you have in you, Mukkun. I wanted you to get another chance to see all the good things about yourself.
Muku: Kazu-kun…
Kazunari: Weeell, at the end of the day, maybe I just wanted to show off those scenes since I love how you’re kind enough to be able to help others out like that.
Muku: Ehehe… I’m overjoyed to hear you say that, Kazu-kun. Thank you.
Kazunari: Alright, let’s take the polaroid and we’re done! A lot of Mukkun poses come to mind. Which one should I do…
Muku: I can’t wait to see what you choose.
Kazunari: Ah! Forget about the pose. Taking it with your bestie William would be better! Hint, hint, Mukkun. Will you let me have William?
Muku: Yeah, sure thing!
Kazunari: Thanks, fam!
Muku: Okay, I’m taking it. 3, 2, 1… say cheese!
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Kazunari: Ooh, killer shot!
Muku: William looks happy too!
Kazunari: Man, aren’t you pro at taking polaroids?
Muku: Ehehe, you think so?
Kazunari: Alright, let’s take a polaroid selfie with that big smile of yours!
Muku: Eh!? But what if Sakyo-san gets mad about us wasting the film…?
Kazunari: Mm… There’s still lots left. What he doesn’t know won’t kill him! ‘Kay, I’m taking it! Say cheese!
😭 ROOM 202 😭
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HEY @kyliebyelie I had a weird couplea weeks but I did say I would yell about Nureyev and Vespa some more so *launches enrichment pumpkins*
also OG post thread for anyone who wants context it was just getting a little unwieldy
First off! re: Nureyev still being willing to bet on the hope that Juno would still vouch for him – I’ve also been thinking about how he had to be willing to bet that it wouldn’t backfire on Juno. Like, ‘you have no idea how much I did to keep the Kanagawas off you’. The fact that tying Juno’s name to his own work could have very easily painted a target on him. Even if he couldn’t have known that Buddy and Jet were going to pull a ‘come with me if you want to live’, the fact that he put Juno on their radar suggests that he trusted Buddy to begin with. To not threaten Juno, or to use Juno to threaten Nureyev. Jet talks about how the criminal reputation informs a potential employer that their prospective is reliable, but it also must work in reverse – that a potential boss won’t screw you over.
re: Nureyev being a fan is something I think about A Normal Amount
You’ve absolutely nailed the whole vibe of their communication styles, the chain reaction of politeness/rudeness → perception of emotions and control → measurement of honesty → how that exacerbates the friction, like that is such a good breakdown goddamn.
to add to that since I am constantly frothing like the cappuccino about the concept of 'solid coping mechanisms that backfire in the wrong situations' so for your consideration: one of those pesky little first rules of thieving being 'don’t rise to the bait’. Oh it was intended for Being In Situations with weird rich people or standoffs with other criminals, but when it's his default setting for responding to things, it's just gonna just drive the wedge that much further every time Vespa questions his integrity and he doesn't show where he keeps his Give A Damn. (And it's probably even harder to untangle as a 'no that's for jobs not your personal life' thing when it still has its legitimate applications in his personal life, bc Juno’s own survival reflex MO is ‘how fast can I piss somebody off to find out what I need to know’ and that ability to stay focused and letting him know when that's uncalled for is probably extremely necessary for the both of them)
‘Vespa is terrifying’ – okay so funnily enough! i'd been telling @one-joe-spoopy (pssst hey come look I've got enrichment pumpkins!) about my headcanon of 'ranked order of members of the Carte Blanche crew by how much they scare him and why number one hands down goes to Rita,' which is a whole post in itself but long story short, I think out of everybody he gets the most sense of security around Vespa (though she probably still does terrify him, like, a normal amount and for the exact reasons you described, especially pre/during Man In Glass.)
Basically the concept I’ve been toying with (and I think moreso in a later, probably post-Cyberbots context given some time to settle in) is that her opinion of him is decided and earning her approval under the circumstances is What We Call A Non-Starter. When he's reflexively trying to manage everyone's expectations and invested in their approval, and realizes in no uncertain terms that he can't win Vespa over as long as the name thing is a going concern, the pressure’s off a bit there. Though not in the healthiest of ways, necessarily, if he’s just more comfortable with letting her believe what she wants about him because that’s how he usually deals with people.
And another aspect of this sense of security dovetails with your previous points about how Vespa and Juno are more reactive than performative, how they wear their principles on their sleeves and others recognize them as genuine. I bet Nureyev absolutely knows better than to make the comparison in her earshot, but I can see him just sorta unable to help liking her for the same reasons he’s drawn to Juno – he can brush off a little belligerence from someone whose integrity speaks for itself. Vespa abides by her own codes as well as visibly aligning herself with Buddy’s – she’s pissed about not knowing his name but won’t coerce it out of him even when the requisite leverage is right there – and like you said, she would be insulted by the idea of using underhanded means to get him fired. He knows where he stands and possibly figures that trying too hard to fix it is just going to piss her off further. And it's not like he's gonna stop being dramatic and making his gay little jokes and smooching Juno in the mess hall, he just needs to focus on comporting himself as a reliable crewmember and establishing himself the hard way with time and Buddy's family bonding activities (and yeag he wants to Get A Good Grade In Crewmate which is Normal To Want and Possible To Achieve).
oooh also I’m a little fucked up on the idea of him on bedrest with his broken leg and getting filled in on what he missed during Shadows, realizing that Vespa thinks he’s got it in for her right around the same time he’s having an epiphany that he trusts her to keep him alive and patched up even if she never likes him as a person and that the shapeshifting robot impostors don't stand a chance with her around. like not only is she not the thief she was twenty years ago, she's even tougher and smarter and cooler and doing it all with the brain horrors on top.
ALSO in light of Next Page I now think about ‘hey what if he’s Inherently Suspicious of Medical Personnel due to The Trauma and did he spend a bunch of his broken leg recovery time fretting that she was going to try to wring his name out of him while he was on painkillers only she never does??’ (god there’s this one fic where he and Juno get MacGuffined into kids and she’s like. ‘well shit. yeah I could find it out but goddamn. that’s a line I just can’t cross. Not Looking At It I Do Not See It’)
gah it's just. Nureyev's trust issues are so goddamn multifaceted, like. local baby boy too trusting, gets his only security ripped out from under him, tanks his shot at happiness bc the trauma gave him suspicion, becomes the suavest charlatan in the galaxy so he doesn't get taken advantage of again, craves genuine connection but hasn't actually had a chance in the last two decades to figure out what he's like around other people for any stretch of time, also still literally paying the price for the last time and can hardly bear the thought of confiding in his new connections because there's nowhere truly safe in the galaxy he's terrified of putting a target on them.
But I think about his little 'much more so than usual these days' to Juno's sarcastic 'happy now??' and that maybe he was a lot closer to an honest version of himself on the Carte Blanche. That he was getting places, that he was trusting them with as much as he could. something something 'Peter Ransom' wasn't intended for putting at least half the truth under their noses the whole time but he kinda let it turn into that the moment he let Buddy start calling him Pete.
Handful of miscellaneous thoughts on things they have in common:
- the debts thing. Vespa of all people is the most painfully, intimately aware of what it feels like to have a life that isn't one's own, so the way she approaches Nureyev being in massive scary debt with suspicion made me go huh. so I've been thinking about that one and tbh given how she internalizes shit and doesn't entirely trust herself (and god I have to imagine that she's really messed up about how close she came to killing Buddy in Time Gone By), I think seeing her situation in Nureyev's wouldn't engender sympathy because is that because she also knows exactly what she was prepared to do to get out from under it. and is just expected to tolerate the fact that they're taking their goddamn chances on him. there's this sense of 'even if he cares. even if he thinks this is real. even if he tells himself he wants to be a part of this. who's he gonna be when push comes to shove. probably not even Steel is safe.'
- They are both extremely functional under pressure and in more in their element in full on crisis mode, and are probably spending S3 figuring out what the hell to do now that they have access to things like reliable meals. privacy. affection. (pretty sure Juno is also experiencing a similar kind of 'things... getting better? after being. really bad all the time???' and having a lot of midmorning scuffles about it)
- Also they both have their shitty dads living in their brains rent-free!! and they are never ever going to talk about it but one (1) time Nureyev hears Vespa yell 'shut the hell up old man!' from another room and. sometimes thinks that very hard in her voice when Mag's advice is being unhelpful
re: feral kittens in towels - I want them to get into it that day after Heart of It All where Juno isn't getting out of bed and isn't there to get all protective, and for once she's in a half-decent place brainwise and he's riddled with eight kinds of guilt and half on the edge of a nervous breakdown and having all of his defenses shot is actually a good thing for him because she's not actually going to do anything with the upper hand except cuss him out a little bit. Like 'I was gonna cut your throat without hesitation yesterday and you're all fine and dandy about being in the wedding party? no shut up I'm not saying you can't. it's whatever. Bud thought it would be nice and I'm not against it. I am saying. the fuck is wrong with you.' hurt can sniff out hurt in-fucking-deed. I am dying inside like the fact that Nureyev himself would prevent any closure we might have gotten between him and the Lighthouse Crew after S4 is very him and also it hurts me and I need to pick it all apart with a seam ripper and see what spills out
likewise it’s hard to picture them ever reaching an actual rapport but I can’t even tell you how many times I pictured the prison break with all of them converging before Clean Break aired, where it’s like finally sunk in that he’s on their side and she goes ‘Ransom watch my goddamn back I need to kiss my wife’
also. does anybody want. some fic? I have some job interview/Man In Glass missing scenes where i am gnawing on this at all times
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mrsaguapapi · 1 year
Ch 1 
Chapter 2
Critical Hit
The Vibe:
She's a Rainbow-The Rolling Stones
I lie awake in bed, on my back and limbs sprawled out like a starfish; thinking about last night's strange series of events.
Fucking sorcerers. They're just damn wizards without hats.
"Strange people," I say out loud to myself, "Yukio, we're gonna go into the city today," I say out loud waiting for her to come to me. I feel her jump up on me and rest in my lap; I pet her and continue, "We'll go for a walk, maybe stop at our favorite ice cream shop. How does that sound?" Yukio wiggles her tale and licks my hand in excitement.
I get up and begin my morning routine feed Yukio, eat 2 bananas, shower, brush my teeth, and throw some loose curls in my hair. The great thing about Japan's winter months is that I can wear my hair down without frizz-altering humidity. I'll throw some box braid in a few months to prepare for the summer heat.
I walk to my closet and hold my hand out feeling for the tags on my hung-up outfits. Each outfit is put together and hung in garment bags along with a shoe that matches; Each bag has a permanent tag written in brail so I can tell which is which. I have a personal shopper who specializes in helping the blind; she comes in and organizes my closet every once in a while, occasionally swapping out old outfits for new ones.
I find the label of one outfit,
Chunky black leather ankle boots| Stone-washed, high-waisted capri jeans Forest green knitted long-sleeve halter tank top Long black overcoat
I'm 25 now and it's been about 10 years since I lost my sight, I can barely remember what colors look like, and my memories have faded a bit. I told my shopper to pick whatever and that,
'I'm blind but I still wanna look hot
I get dressed and grab my sling bag with my essentials, wallet, keys, and my foldable cane and pack my bag; as well as leash up Yukio and begin our walk. We do our usual stroll in the city walking past several markets and shops and listening to people laugh and gossip like no one is listening. It was a nice little hour and a half of constant eavesdropping; some people watch the Kardashians I go and ear hustle the streets.
We stop at the ice cream shop and I decided to just get a vanilla milkshake and grab Yukio a puppy cone to enjoy. We sit outside the shop on a bench enjoying our cold treats when my phone vibrates and begins to speak a text to me,
Hey boss, can you stop by and sign for delivery? They are refusing to release our product until the owner signs off.
"Yes," I say
"I'm about a 10 min walk away, be there asap"
"Yes" I reply
I put my phone back in my bag and stand up, "Come on Yukio gotta stop by work real quick" I say to her as we navigate to my restaurant.
When I arrive I hear Kai arguing with the delivery boy in the foyer of the restaurant.
"I'm sorry it's a part of our new policy," the boy says
"You think you could have notified us first? Our owner is blind she needs to know these things ahead of time"
"Kai," I say, "Thank you, I can take it from here. Wait out here with Yukio for me?
"Yes ma'am," he says before taking Yukio's leash
I walk into the building and throw my customer service voice on, "Hi how can I help you?" I ask
"Are you the owner?" he asks
"I am"
"I thought the owner was blind"
"Well, that was incredibly ignorant." I say pulling out my cane for a little bit of flair, "Is this better?"
The delivery boy clears his throat and hands me a clipboard and a pen, "I'm sorry ma'am, can you please sign for this?"
"Yes," I say taking the pen and board, "Can you guide me where to sign?" he takes my hand with the pen and places it on the board prompting me to sign there.
"Where should I unload these?"
"Take them to the kitchen, Kai will guide you, and for now on Kai can sign off on these. Thank you" I say before walking out "All taken Care of, you now have the authorization to sign off," I say holding my hand out for Yukio's leash.
Kai places the leash in my hand, "Thank you, boss, sorry for the inconvenience"
"It's no problem, honestly. The delivery boy is going to unload in the kitchen, you got it from here?"
"Yes ma'am! Have a great day!" he says before walking away inside
I let out a long sigh, before turning around and beginning to walk away.
I hear someone clear their throat from my side, "Excuse me Miss" a man says causing me to stop in my tracks and look at him, "Kiyotaka Ijichi. Gojo sent me to pick you up for your interview"
"Um?... What interview?" I ask
"The interview for the Combat Specialist position," he says a little nervous
Not this shit again
"I already turned down his little offer. The answer is no"
"Ma'am I-"
"You know what, call him please?" I politely demand
"Yes Ma'am" he obliges rather quickly.
The phone rings twice before Gojo Answers, "Gojo Mrs. Himari-"
I quickly take the phone from his and put it to my ear, "Gojo what the hell man"
"Heyyyy! Ari, what's up?"
"Don't play dumb, what weird shit is this? Why is there a man waiting for me outside my business, I could have sworn I told you no, did I not? "
"You did. Come on, at least come to the interview and check it out."
"Why? Why would I do that? I don't need a job"
"Because It'll be fun. You seem like you could use a little fun. I saw the way you fought it was natural for you, even with being blind. You can't tell me you aren't a little bored with your mundane life? I have a feeling you weren't always this 'humdrum'"
I scoff, "Oh whatever, don't pretend you know me, asshole."
"Come on, will it kill you to humor me?"
I hold my head back and rub my brow bone in frustration, "If I say yes will you leave me alone?"
"Yes," he says rather quickly
"Was that a lie?" I follow up
"Yes" he laughs
"Goodbye Gojo," I say before handing Ijichi the phone, "Hang up on his ass"
"Yes Ma'am"
"Take me to this damn interview" I sigh and check my attitude, "Please" I add
"Right away Ma'am," he says before opening a car door
"Yukio you first," I say. I hear her climb into the car and follow her.
Ijichi closes the door for me and climbs into the front seat, "Jujustu High is in the outskirts of Tokyo, we'll be about 20 min okay Ma'am"
"Okay, thank you," I lean my head on the cool window pain and relax for the short car ride.
----------------------------------------------- When we arrived I could smell the blossoming trees and fresh air. We must be near tons of trees and greenery. Ijichi leads me and Yukio through the halls of this supposed school; after a few more turns we stop and Ijichi opens up a door, "I have been instructed to go only this far. Please navigate yourself to your seat the principal will be with you shortly"
I bend down and unleash Yukio as well as pull out my cane, to help with the walk, "Thank you" I say before walking forward through this big room and eventually making my way into a seat with Yukio sitting beside me on the floor. There we wait for about 10min before I hear a large man walk through the room and sit behind the desk that rests in front of me.
"Himari Sanada?" he asks
"In the flesh" I dryly respond
"Principal Yaga, nice to meet you," he says, "Gojo says you're a natural fighter"
"I suppose, I am"
"How open are you to sparring with some of us?"
"You want me to fight you?"
"Yes, no point in getting further into the conversation until after I see your skills. The position is for combat not speech"
"Well, I'd really rather not. I have warded off senseless violence, Unless absolutely necessary."
"Is that because of your previous occupation?"
"Okay, so not only have I been stalked at my place of work, but you've also looked into my past. Don't get it twisted just because of what you read, you still know shit about me" I say showing my frustration
"I know you're the adopted daughter of former Yakuza boss Tonaka, at the ripe age of 6 you began training with your father, and by age 11 you were running point on missions for him, I know you lost sight due to a degenerative optic nerve condition at the age of 15 and that somehow you came out from that horrible fate stronger than ever. They called you Kokushibyō, the Black Death. You were a career criminal, an assassin"
"What are you getting at?" I dryly ask
"Mrs. Senada, every day these cursed spirits get worse and worse and jujutsu sorcerers are becoming even more of a rare breed. Last year the Night Parade of a Hundred Demons, we lost nearly a hundred of our Sorcerers in that battle. As we raise the next class of fighters I see that they are lacking in hand-to-hand combat and weapons proficiency. Our children are dying, we need help."
I breathe in and cross my arms while rubbing my neck.
"I was almost hopeless and then I hear of a blind girl who was able to not only navigate her way through a curses pocket dimension but then went to kill said curse that she couldn't even see. You didn't have a cursed tool, which leads me to believe you have mounds of cursed energy within you. You seem like you want to live a good life, like a good person, and that you don't want to hurt anyone anymore and I want that for you but why let your skills waste away when you make good use of them?"
I sigh loudly and roll my eyes, "Fuck you for making me feel" I say in disgust, "If I agree, we do it my way, How many students?"
"Nine total, but we want you to focus on the first years for now; Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, & Nobara Kugisaki "
"Okay, who's currently in charge of teaching them?"
"Kento Nanami part-time grade 1 sorcerer, from time to time teaches hand to hand; took the time to personally train Yuji Itadori, who is probably the most skilled out of the three of them. As for weapons, Atsuya Kusakabe grade 1 sorcerer, and teacher here; skilled swordsman but no honor, he would 100% leave you behind if it meant saving his own skin."
"Noted." I stand up and dust my pants off and grab my cane, "Well if we are gonna do this, I'd like to fight the first years as well as Mr. Nanami."
"Why not Atsuya as well?" he asks
"Well from what you just told me, I've got a clear understanding of what kind of fighter and man he is. A coward and cowards are shit fighters" I respond. Yaga says nothing but laughs under his breath as stands leading me out of his office.
He leads Yukio and me outside to what I assume is an open field by the feel of the grass under my feet. Eventually, we come to a stop and I hear a few familiar voices, "ARI!!!" I hear Gojo yell, "Are you ready to tussle?" He asks.
"Are you ready to shut the hell up?" I snarkily say. Next to him, I hear the smallest most hidden chuckle coming from Gojo's side.
"Ouch right in the heart, why don't you like me?" he asks fawning sweetness
"Because you're annoying" I laugh at him
"She's right," Nanami says, he must have been the one who chuckled
"Ari, glad you came!" Yuji says before hugging me
Fucking golden retriever
"Down boy." I laugh
"Sup," Nobara says, "You can't see him but our black cat is next to me. Say hi Megumi"
"Hi" The boy plainly says, "Is that your dog?" he says with a hint of excitement
"Hey, girl, nice to meet you Megumi, yes this is Yukio" I respond, "You can pet her". Megumi quickly takes me up and that offer and kneels down and pets her head.
I listen around me a little further and hear that there are a few other people there whose voices I don't recognize.
Principal Yaga speaks up, "Fushigoru, Itadori, & Mrs. Kugisaki front and center." he commands. The three take their time making their way to the center of the field near Yaga. "You three one at a time will fight Mrs. Senada. The match will be over once one of you are unable to continue."
"No need for one at a time, all at once is fine" I chime in folding my cane away and taking off my coat, and placing them on the ground with my sling bag; I begin to approach the others, stopping when I stand in front of the first years.
"Okay, then you heard her," Yaga says walking away, "You may begin"
"Umm this doesn't seem fair," Megumi says a little unsure, "You're blind and it's three against one"
"Worry about yourself," I say, "attack when you're ready"
The Vibe:
Swamp Bitches-Doechii, Rico Nasty
We all stand there for a few minutes, I hear them contemplate and whisper amongst themselves
"Itadori, you bulldoze and rush ahead, you've got the strength for it, Kugisaki and I all will come around the sides"
I'm sure they think I can't hear them.
"On the count of the 3. 1..2..3!"
Itadori quickly approaches throwing several punches, I manage to bob and weave between his attempts and block his last hit with my forearm, which hurt like hell; he's definitely got the strength and the speed but he's sloppy as hell. While blocking his hit with my arm I take my free hand and punch him in the side causing Itadori to topple over in pain; I finish him off with a right hook and he falls to the ground.
Finally making her move, I feel Kugisaki come up behind me and try to restrain my wrists; while she was focused on my hands I took the opportunity to knock my head back hitting her in the face. She let go suddenly in pain and I swiftly back kicked her in the stomach.
I hear Fushigoru rush toward me and decide to run towards him head-on; just as we were about to meet I used the momentum from the dash to drop kick him in the chest knocking him back to the ground. From the force of my kick, I fall down too but quickly recover rolling back and making my way to my feet.
Taking a second to assess the situation, I listen and hear Itadori sound asleep, I must have knocked him out. Kugisaki is on the ground trying to stand back up but not finding the strength in her legs. Lastly, I focus on Fushigoru and hear him coughing and gasping for air.
"Your reflexes are shit," I say out loud, "Your sight is a privilege that you take advantage of and you underestimated my strength. Lots to learn," I say that last bit under my breath. I go over to Fushigoru and bend down to him, he still wheezing, I put my hand on his chest, "Calm yourself and Breathe" I say as I breathe in deeply and out slowly encouraging him to do it with me. He does and eventually, he calms down a bit, "You and Nobara most likely have bruised ribs, take it easy and go help her up" I say standing up and holding my hand out to help him up. He walks away holding his chest.
I make my way to Yuji and bend down to make sure he's okay, he's still fast asleep, "Yuji wake up" I said shaking him. After a few seconds of this, I give up, "Gojo come get your kid" I speak up a little louder, "He's not waking up any time soon; honestly, they all should go to an infirmary" I say
"I see why they called you the Black Death, quick and painful" Gojo says
That stings, I hate that fucking name
I think Yaga notices my uncomfortablity and quickly speaks up, "Gojo take your students to Shoko"
"WHAT! Why do I have to go, it's getting so good" Gojo protests
"Kugisaki and Fushigoru can't take Itadori to shoko they are clearly injured. Go and be responsible for once" Yaga plainly states
"Fine" Gojo says defeated before he basically throws Yuji over his shoulder and begins walking, "Come on you two" he says to Megumi and Nobara who follow behind.
"I thought we were friends Ari" Nobara says as she walks away
"We still are" I laugh and yell behind her.
"Alright Mr. Nanami, you're next" Yaga says
I hear him take a deep long sigh as he makes his way to the center of the field, "Lets make this quick, you know how I feel about overtime"
I softly laugh at his demeanor as I take my position on the field, "This should be good, You can start whenever" Yaga says
We stand there for several minutes sizing each other up and planning our first move, "I am a VERY patient girl and I promise you I'm not moving first 'Mr Overtime'." I say taunting him.
"Teasing me won't work. Considering one of my only friends is Gojo, I have HIGH threshold for nonsense." he quips back, "I want to go home so I suppose I'll I make the first move" He says before suddenly throwing a punch
I quickly block him but he's fast, he manages to sucker punch me in the stomach knocking me back a bit.
Fuck, he's got some strength
I hear Yukio begin to bark and growl, she thinks this is a real fight , "Yukio Stay" I command. Swiftly I recover not allowing myself to feel that pain. I advance towards him and throw a series of punches at him, starting with two at his stomach, two at his chest, and a upper cut to his face now knocking him back. I hear him grunt as he quickly regains his stance throwing a left hook in my side and his right to my face knocking me to the ground
Jesus fucking christ that hurts; I think he broke my nose, Clearly he's got speed and brute force. I need to be more agile and quick on my feet to keep up.
While down, I take the opportunity fuck with his head, "Oh god" I wine and moan, "You broke my nose you asshole; what the fuck" I begin to cry real tears (Low key does really fucking hurt).
Nanami instantly regrets his actions and comes near me to offer a helping hand, "Shit are you okay? I knew we shouldn't have done this; i was afraid you would get hur-" he says before I punch him in throat cutting him off. He instinctively grabs his neck gasping for air; I stand up over him and side kick him in the face knocking him down to the ground.
I feel my nose bleeding down my face, so i back up a few paces and swipe the blood off my face and wipe my hands in the grass, "Get up" I say before I take my hands and placing them on both sides of my nose before I quickly break my nose back in place, "Fuck me that hurts" I yell.
I hear Nanami groan and struggle to get back up, eventually he stands back and begins to speak, "That was a shitty cheap trick" he says with a raspy voice
"That was shitty is that you came into this fight thinking it was an easy win. I'm a fighter in my own right treat me like one." I say holding my hands up a defensive position.
Nanami rushes me and throws a few more punches, this time with less focus; he is pissed, "Your anger is making you sloppy" I say before grabbing his punch and twisting his wrist as I swing my legs around his neck using my weight and his to pull us down hard to the ground. I soften my land with body and quickly crawl up him resting my legs on his upper arms pinning him down and for extra measure I have a hand around his neck and my other ready to knock him unconscious if he moves, "Do you concede?" I ask. He says nothing but uses what mobility he can and taps my leg with his hand.
I take the hint and release him and roll off of him and eventually stand up. I offer a hand to him to help him up; I can tell he's hesitating, so I gesture again for him to take my hand and eventually he does. I help him stand up, this is the first time I've been this close to him and actually let myself be aware of his height and how he towers over me.
He smells so nice, like evergreen trees and lemons
"Good fight" he says to me bringing me back from my inner thoughts. Eventually he lets go of my hand and for some reason I'm a little saddened by that. Yukio makes her way to me and begs at my feet. I bend down and pick her up and reassuring that i'm okay.
"I've seen enough" Yaga says pulling both of our attentions, "You've got the job if you want it"
"I'll take it" I say, "You have me Mondays and Wenesdays for hand to hand training. Fridays for weapons and Sundays will be open to staff who want extra training. I own a restaurant so my Tuesdays and Thursdays will be dedicated to that unless discussed beforehand and Saturdays are for me."
"Deal" Yaga says, "Welcome to Jujustu High"
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