#which is understandable but I’m gonna spend like at least two hours tomorrow just driving around!
victory-cookies · 9 months
everyone in my life just needs me for my car :(
0 notes
Feeling like a family
Summary: Y/n visits Harry during his lunch break, letting him in on the relationship both her and Milo have with Xavier. Then they go to the zoo and have a little family day :) 
warning/ disclaimers: swearing, family issues. 
Things have been going amazing with Harry and Y/n. Ever since their date a couple weeks ago they have been seeing each other more and more. Harry has been coming into her bookshop while she’s working when he can. Just to surprise her and make her day a little better, sometimes he brings her lunch on the weekends and she visits him when he is spending hours after school hours grading art work and setting projects up for his students. 
It’s been new and exciting, and extremely fun. Not to mention the kissing has definitely been a plus. They went to have coffee with each other a couple days after their date, spending a good portion of the morning together. They have basically been inseparable since, Harry even invited Y/n and Milo over for dinner so they could all get to know each other better. Loralie was just excited to have guests that weren't family, and also to see a friend from school outside of school. She had a great time with Milo, they played together while Harry and Y/n cleaned up dinner together and snuck kisses in the kitchen. 
It's another Wednesday. Harry had Loralie and Milo's class now and he is letting them finger paint. It’s mainly been a calm class, he didn’t have to deal with much usually and if a kid did have a melt down the teacher and/or teachers assistant would deal with it instead of making Harry deal with it. “Looks great, Lora,” Harry says, kissing the top of Loralies head before scooting past her and walking over to his messy desk. He has papers, projects, markers, paints, all over his desk, even with all the time he spends after school he feels like he may never get it organized. 
“My mummy likes your daddy.” He hears, looking up to see Milo and Loralie talking. His cheeks turn crimson when he hears it, did they really give it away that easy? Their children now caught onto the fact that the two were dating? That was just embarrassing. “My daddy likes your mummy.” But that was more embarrassing. 
Harry ignores it (and the burning in his cheeks) and just hopes that the teacher will hush the class. He busies himself with cleaning his desk, trying to shove the papers into the drawers and file folders that they belong to but his mind is still distracted. He’s gonna have to tell Y/n that their kids know. The bell rings and he looks up from his desk. “Okay, you can leave your paintings where they are. I'll put them on the drying rack and you’ll get them tomorrow!” Harry sings, moving over to Loralie to kiss her cheeks and say a goodbye until he sees her at lunch time. “Bye daddy” she says, waving to him after kissing his cheek and joining her class. 
Harry laughs, letting out a sigh and putting the messy finger paintings on one of his many drying racks. It’s his lunch time now. He has to supervise lunch so he gets his break before everyone else. 
He wanders around his class room, doing random things and cleaning up his messes that he’s made from the two days of the week before him. He didn’t have plans for lunch, he would probably just have an extra big dinner. He’s happy to find Y/n cured his rumbling tummy when he sees her walking through his classroom. He smiles, chuckling at her big dramatic smile that was obvious teasing. “Hi, darling.” He says, leaning over his desk to press a kiss to her lips. 
She sits on the art table in front of his desk, setting two to-go boxes down. “Hi,” she says back, handing him one of the to-go boxes. “No sitting on the tables.” Harry teases while he reaches out to take the white Styrofoam box in his hands, quickly thanking her. “Suck it up.” She shrugs, her feet setting in the chair that was once tucked under the art table. “I just got you a sub and fries.” She says, plucking a chip from her box and taking a bite out of it. 
“Why Are you here? Not that I’m not happy to see you, of course.” He smiles, reaching over and giving her hand a squeeze. She shrugs, tapping her shoes down on the chair while she pulls her food into her lap. “I forgot to put Milo's' lunch box in his backpack so I had to drop it off.” She says, making Harry smile. So he thought she would have lunch with him? She’s adorable. “So how’s your week been, babe?” Harry sings, sitting back in his big office hair and relaxing into it while he eats. 
“Fine. Milo's dad visited.” What?! Since when did he come around? And since when was he “Milo's dad” and not “Xavier”? Harry knits his brows, gulping down his food before he responds, a little nervous. Harry and Milo are best buds, they have grown closer and he’s tried to pay him more attention when he sees him in class as well, he doesn’t want their friendship to be ruined now, even though what he is thinking is selfish. Milo deserves a good daddy. 
“Since when does he come around?” He asks, Y/n rolling her eyes at his tone. “He’s a photographer so he’s always traveling the world. I mean he pays child support, he’s not a shit dad. I just have my own issues with him.” She says, her tone heavy with annoyance. Harry was under the impression that he was a horrible dad and didn’t even try to care for Milo, but now he hears he pays child support and visits? 
“I just thought he didn’t care.” 
“Well… he’s trying. Like I said he’s traveling the world so he can’t always see him but he pays child support and he’s trying to come around more. He did come over and take some cute photos of Milo though.” Y/n smiles, remembering how her baby posed so well for the camera. He was shy at first but then they found a stray kitty out on a walk and he was more than willing to pose with it. 
Harry nods, taking a bite out of his sub. He finishes his bite and wipes his mouth with the brown paper napkins, “Is he gonna take Milo for the night or something like that?” Harry questions. Y/n is happy that Xavier is trying to see him more but she doesn’t think she would be able to be away for a night, especially when he doesn’t see Milo that much anyways. “I don’t think I would be comfortable enough to let Milo stay with him, for now at least. But he’s flying off and leaving Friday so I don’t have to worry.” Y/n confesses, taking a bite of her sub while she waits for Harry’s response. 
“Yeah, I understand that.” 
They eat together before Y/n deems it time for her to go. Giving him a hug and a kiss goodbye before she heads out and opens the book shop back up, letting Harry finish out his day. 
Harry and Y/n had made plans to take their little ones to the zoo. Y/n told Harry that Milo had been going on and on about lions so it was the perfect time for them to go. Harry has packed up Loralies stroller, putting snacks, his wallet, and her diaper bag in the bottom carrier. Luckily (but also unluckily) Milo is at the age where he does not want to be in a stroller, every time Y/n tries to put him in it while they are out he complains and tries to get out of it the whole time. 
Harry had picked them up, driving about an hour to the zoo. Milo and Loralie babbled to each other the whole ride which made their parents happy- meanwhile they were just humming to the radio and making small talk the whole ride. 
“Are you ready to see the lions?” Y/n coos to Milo, pulling him out of his car seat and setting him on the ground, holding his hand so he doesn’t run off in the car park. Harry pulls Loralie out, pulling out her stroller from the back, preparing to put her in it. “No! I walk today.” Loralie says with a bit of aggression in her voice. Harry hands with his hand up defensively, “okay, but you're gonna want it after walking in the heat for hours.” Harry takes her stroller despite her not wanting to be in it, she takes Harry's hand instead, walking next to Milo. 
Their first stop is the stingrays, getting the food from the people who work there then getting down in front of the large pond to pet their slimy skin. Milo and Loralie giggle the whole time, pulling their hands away as soon as they feel like slimy stingray and making dramatic gross faces that make their parents laugh. The kids definitely had fun feeding them and petting them but Harry and Y/n instantly shipped them off to the bathroom so they could wash their hands. 
Next is the walk through aquarium, “come on, it's this way.” Y/n says, cooing down at Milo and fast walking toward the cave shaped aquarium. When they walk inside it's lit up blue. They look all around them and they see lots of fish, big whales, all different things. “Woah!” Loralie exclaims, making Harry laugh, kissing her cheeks. All of a sudden Milo breaks out in loud giggles, pulling at the length of her mom jeans. “Mama, Look!” Milo giggles, pointing to a fish sticking to the aquarium glass, looking like it's making a silly face at everyone. Y/n laughs, squatting down and wrapping her arm around Milo, resting a hand on his belly. “Let's go see them” Y/n says, pulling him up on her hip and kissing over his cheeks. She takes him over to the silly fish while Harry lets Loralie look around, staring above her at the large fish swimming by until she stumbles back. Harry catches her, standing her back up and taking her over where Milo and Y/n are, showing her the fish that Milo was trying to touch through the glass. 
“He's so cute.” Harry compliments, laughing at how Milo's is so obsessed with the silly looking fish. Y/n turns to look at Harry, thanking him cockily- taking all the credits for his adorableness. Harry bumps his nose with hers in a butterfly kiss while their kids are looking straight ahead. He gives her a peck while the kids are still distracted then he turns back to the fish. “Okay, it's time to go look at the animals!” Harry cheer, pulling Loralie off of the ledge she was standing on. 
They walk through the entrance of all the animals, seeing some monkeys. Loralie and Milo start to imitate the monkeys, giggling at each other and the animals. They move onto koalas, waving at the cuddly animals before they get to see the lions- this is what Milo has been waiting for. “ROAR!” Milo yells, trying to climb on the wooden fence between the people and lions. Y/n giggles at him, pulling him off the fence and on her hip. “You’re a baby lion, aren’t you?” Y/n coos, kissing his forehead. Milo nods before she pulls him in her hands, extending him out. “Nants ingonyama bagithi Baba!” She sings, making the boy giggle, roaring again before she pulls him back in, kissing all over his face, making him squeal and push away. 
Meanwhile Loralie wants to pet the real baby lions. She’s got a frustrated face on since Harry didn’t let her climb over the fencing and pet the furry lions. Harry can’t help but laugh at her. They walk a bit more, walking for a while until they go to their next exhibit. 
It’s all calm until Milo starts screaming. He sees a bird wandering free, it was a large blue bird with huge feathers framing its head. Y/n knew that the peacock was harmless, they wouldn't let it wander free if it was, but Milo was gonna be scared of it regardless. “No, no!” He yells, backing away from the bird, trying to scold it for just walking around. Y/n laughs while Milo grips onto her leg, wagging his finger at the bird and yelling at it for scaring him. “It’s not gonna get you, bubba.” She laughs, pulling him into her hip while they get to the penguin house. 
They walk into the cold penguin house, their noses instantly crinkling from the smell. “Brrr” Loralie says, running her arms up and does while her teeth chatter. Harry laughs, tossing her little jacket over her shoulder to warm her up. “Look at the baby penguin.” Harry coos to Loralie, holding her up to the glass so she can wave at the little puffins. “Tiny!” She squeals, waving at the baby penguins. 
“Yeah,” Harry laughs at her. “They are tiny, Lora.” He agrees with her, giving the back of her head a kiss before settling her back down on the ground, letting her wander off a few feet away to look around at the penguins a bit more before they leave and look at the polar bears. 
After the polar bears, they head to the gift shop, Loralie gets a purple bucket hat with a blue monkey on it and a stuffed penguin she named “tiny”. Milo got a shirt of the name of the zoo and a matching stuffed penguin that he couldn’t choose a name for just yet. 
They head back to the car, Loralie’s legs are tired on the walk but she refuses to go in her stroller, instead Harry holds her while they take the long walk back, one arm holding Loralie up to his hip and the other latched with Y/n’s hand while her other hand holds Milo's. Once they get to the car Loralie and Milo get buckled up in their car seats, sure to fall asleep soon. 
Harry and Y/n get into the front seats, their hands instantly finding the others. “I had a nice day with you.” Harry smiles, his face only inches from hers. Y/n blushes, giving his hand a squeeze. “Yeah, I had a lot of fun.” She says, focusing on Harry’s thumb rubbing at the back of her hand. They hear little whispers and giggles, turning their heads back to their little ones. “Kiss, kiss, kiss!” They whisper- chant. Their parents' cheeks instantly burn, looking back to each other with big cheesy smiles on their faces. 
“Well?” Harry shrugs, leaning in and pressing his lips to her. She giggles on his lips, both of the kids in the back yelling. “Ew!” Loralie says. “Gross!” Milo agrees. 
The parents laugh, pressing one last peck to each other's lips before Harry starts up the car. They had a good day together. Harry got closer to Milo and Y/n got closer to Loralie. It kinda feels like they are becoming a little family.
Hii!! if you liked this please reblog and tell me what you thought of it!! please let me know if you would like to be on my tag list!! and please make sure you have read the first two parts :) 
tag list: @romionefp @iaalien @hopeyoustaythenight @evanjh
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lacharcutiere · 3 years
give me one night [nsfw 18+, sawamura daichi]
1,2k words
masterlist | next ➪
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part one of i'm gone i'm gone i'm gone miniseries. high school graduation is a very bad time to realize you're in love with one of your closest childhood friends.
lol just to clarify, JST means "japanese standard time". i'll also be using EST later on, meaning "eastern standard time" (aka the time zone new york is in). JST is 13 hours ahead of EST !
tings // briefly referenced alcohol consumption, v soft n loving sex :) , a lil angst // i swear this søng is abøut eating øut my best friend's pussy - cøzybøy // dm, ask or comment to be added to the taglist ! minors dni.
— AFTER-GRAD PARTY: 27TH MARCH, 2021. 22:37 JST.
daichi’s always hated obligatory picture-taking, but he doesn’t mind it so much now. maybe it’s because of the thoughts about how these are your last few months together, the questions about whether he’ll see you again after it’s over. it’s been only hours since he realized he loved you, watching you walk across the stage, dazzling smile on your face as you received your diploma. he’s got one arm around your shoulders (and the other around kōshi’s) as parents and friends stand around you guys, snapping picture after picture until he’s sure he’s about to go blind from the flash.
out of nowhere, you pull the brim of his graduation cap down over his face, and he laughs. he loves you. and it’s a terrible time to realize that, because you’ll be leaving for new york by august. he’s lucky, at least, that he won’t be headed off to college until then either; he doesn’t know what he’d do if he didn’t get to see you again before you leave.
your voice, glittery with laughter, startles him out of his thoughts: “dude, y’okay?”
“oh, ha, yeah. i’m fine.” he notices a group of your other friends waving you over, nudges you toward them with a little laugh. “hey, i think you're needed elsewhere.”
you’re like magic, making him smile as he watches you laugh with your friends, exchange hugs, take a thousand more photos.
you are like magic. he doesn’t drink often, but hey, kōshi tells him, we graduated, have some fun, man, and a few beers—just enough to blur the line between want and need—in you’re drawing him to you; he literally cannot stay away. he’s going to tell you he loves you. he has to. he absolutely cannot keep it a secret. he cannot keep you a childhood friend and nothing more. he thinks he might implode if he does.
somehow you’re in his bed, he doesn’t know how you got there, not because he’s intoxicated but because all he can focus on is you. you, as you giggle and press his shoulders back into the pillows, kneeling on his mattress and trapping him between your thighs; you, as you ghost your lips down his throat and allow him to undo the zip on the back of your dress; you, as you stand and let it fall to the floor, leaving him in heaven and the presence of a goddess.
he can’t even fathom how complete he feels when he’s inside you, your arms around his shoulders, tugging at his hair and scratching into his back. he doesn’t understand how there can possibly exist a sound as beautiful as you when you cum, whining and shivering and clinging even tighter to him. he loves the way you say his name, soft, breathless whispers of daichi, daichi, fuuuck, loves the way your lips part when you do, soft and pink as he brings them back to his own.
— 07:43 JST.
was it all a dream? it must have been; there’s no one else in his bed. but there are cumstains on the sheets which prove otherwise. he’s almost afraid to text you.
— 16:31 JST.
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he arrives to pick you up a couple minutes early, sending you a simple I’m here text and leaning against the hood of his car as he stands outside and waits for you. when you step out the door, his breath catches. the smile you meet him with is mesmerizing.
“so… what now?” you ask him over half-finished bowls of udon. after nearly an hour of avoiding it, it’s probably best to address what the two of you came here for in the first place.
daichi sighs, trying to balance rationality with the fact that he’s definitely in love with you. he realizes he still hasn’t asked you what your feelings are, and although he’s almost scared to know, he counters with a question of his own. “what do you want to do?”
“i dunno, what do you think—“
“no,” he says. “forget about what we should do, for now. i wanna know what you want first.”
his eyes don’t leave you as you avert your own, staring down into your soba and thinking. your cheeks flush and he swears he can feel his pulse speed up. when you look back up at him, your expression is soft and almost sad.
“i kinda want this,” you say, and suddenly everything stops except you. “i do want this.”
“okay…” he nods, urging you on vaguely aware of where this is going.
“but. new york. columbia. i already accepted their offer. and, i don’t know…”
“hm?” his tone is gentle.
“i don’t… i don’t think i could do long distance.” you pause to try and collect your thoughts; he waits for you to continue. “i don’t think that would be a good idea. because i don’t even know how often i’m gonna get to come back home. and, um, i don’t know—i mean, like, if we were actually together—i don’t think i’d be able to just not see you, you know?”
you’re right, he knows you’re right. he tells you this.
“but i do really want this,” you say quietly.
“me too.”
“so what do i do?”
“tell me your plans after college again.”
you shrug. “get my master’s, i guess? get a job in sendai or something?”
“okay,” he says. “okay. i’ll wait.”
“i’ll wait,” he repeats simply. “i mean, if you’re okay with it, too.”
“what do you mean, you’ll wait?”
“we can, like, just keep things the way they've always been until we can make it work? until we’re both done undergrad, at least.” he stops, realizing he might be going too far too fast. “sorry.” and then quieter, almost shyly, he asks, “i— uh, sorry, i— how much do you want this?”
you shake your head at him, and there’s a tiny smile playing on your lips. “i’ll wait.”
— PRE-DEPARTURE: 20TH AUGUST, 2021. 18:32 JST.
somehow he’s managed to convince your parents to let him drive you to the airport separately tomorrow morning. they probably assume there’s something going on between the two of you already; you hadn’t hung out nearly this much since elementary school, when they’d still been the ones arranging your play dates. no one really minds, though; your families were always close and anyway, it really is just a matter of time.
he’s just finished dinner with your family when he nudges his knee against yours under the table. “spend the night at mine?” he says quietly, although he knows your parents will still hear. it’s fine; they love him. he watches you look to them in question, half surprised when your mother nods and allows you to go.
on the walk back to his—just a few streets down, actually, he catches you thinking out loud. “is this a good idea?”
“is what?”
“you know... to, like, stay over. at yours.”
he laughs. “we won’t do anything, promise. friends for now, remember?”
— 23:32 JST.
you’ve fallen asleep next to him, in his bed, midway through the second movie of the night. he notices almost immediately, shuts his laptop and turns out the light. he pulls you into his chest, arms firmly around you. just this night. just for one night, he doesn’t have to let go.
taglist: @sakruisin-thru @softetsurou @oligbia
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nonagesimus · 4 years
(Fic) if you think it’s love (it is) - Sastiel ~2.5k
(AO3 Link)
Sam decides it’s time Cas finally gets that date. Happy Valentine’s Day, sastielers!
It was three days after the grace-extracting experiment. They had been quiet. Researching, looking for cases. Sam had calmed after the spell failed - for about a day. Since then Castiel had caught him staring in quiet moments, hovering over books with his gaze in middle distance instead of on the pages, chewing his fingernails. When he’d asked was was bothering him, Sam had said nothing. So, he waited. If Sam wanted to tell him something, he would. Eventually. Apparently three days was that eventually.
“I- I’m sorry if this is weird,” was an auspicious start, as he stepped into the library, but Castiel just waited for him to continue. “Dean told me - just mentioned, really - that while you were human you had kind of a… date that wasn’t.”
Which, yes, it probably was a little weird. Castiel was still unsure of what social cues he’d missed or ignored in that particular situation. But none of that was Sam’s fault. “I did,” he confirmed, neutrally.
“So, did you ever get a date?” Sam seemed to be very focused on carefully placing his coffee mug on the table without spilling anything. “A real one?”
“No,” Castiel said. “I think I’m ok without one, though.”
“No!” Sam’s voice came out a little strangled. “No, you- let me take you out.”
Castiel took his attention completely off the book he’d been scanning to fix his gaze to Sam, who at least had looked up at him now. Wide-eyed and a little paler than normal. “You want to take me on a date?”
That made Sam’s gaze skitter back to the table. “I just feel like you should have one.”
Castiel’s instinct was to push. Past the nerves, and the averted eyes, and the skip he could hear in Sam’s heartbeat. If he pushed, he thought, that might make Sam back off. “Ok,” he said, instead.
“Ok?” The word seemed like it rushed out of Sam’s chest involuntarily, breathy and relieved. “Ok. Great. Would- uh. How about the day after tomorrow?”
It wasn’t like Castiel had plans.
If he had, he would’ve cancelled them.
“How do I know you know what you’re talking about?” he asked Sam the next day, while he was watching him eat breakfast. “What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?”
Sam, to his surprise, flushed a little. “Ok, uh. There was this date I went on at Stanford. And- so you gotta understand it’s like a six hour drive from Palo Alto to LA,” he said, smile already curling the corners of his lips. “And Jess said she wanted to make a trip down, and I wasn’t sure. Twelve hours in a car is a long time, unless we wanted to get a motel or somewhere down there, but she was really into the idea, so… We go. We’d been together, like. Six months? I think.” His eyes had softened, looking into his memories. “Turns out she wanted to drag me to this bookstore she’d gone to with her family. They’d visited her Freshman year, taken a trip down to see the sights and…” He trailed off.
“And?” Castiel prompted.
“It’s called The Last Bookstore,” Sam said, focusing in on Castiel again. “It’s this huge place downtown. Bottoms floor is new books, top floor is all secondhand. Themed rooms, art features, the lot.”
“Sounds like your kind of place,” Castiel said.
“It was,” Sam said. His smile went distant again. “It took me an hour to realise that Jess liked it, sure, she thought it was a great bookstore. But it wasn’t six-hour-drive worth it to her. She just knew it would be to me.”
Castiel nodded, considering it. “That does sound nice.”
“We were so tired driving back I almost crashed the car,” Sam said. “But yeah.”
The next day, to Castiel’s surprise, they started early. Sam drove, did not tell Castiel where they were going. He’d packed a backpack, and didn’t protest when Castiel inspected it - it contained food. sandwiches, fruit, and carrot sticks, a thermos of coffee. Enough for Sam for the day.
“I’m guessing we’ll be out for a while,” he said, zipping it back up.
“Yeah,” Sam said. “Unless- if you’re not having a good time just tell me. We can always go back.”
“You’re the one who wanted to take me out, Sam,” Castiel said, calmly. “I’m trusting you to do it.”
But Sam was nervous. Clear in the tension of his hands on the steering wheel, the set of his jaw. That, more than anything else, contributed to a quiet drive. Not uncomfortably - Sam had spent enough of his life on long car rides, and Castiel had certainly learned to bear them since he lost his wings. Sam took occasional sips from the thermos, they listened to local radio stations fade in and out, and watched the Kansas greenery go by. Until, a little before ten in the morning, Sam guided him into a small museum surrounded by short hiking trails.
And it was guided - Sam kept opening doors for him, kept hovering his hand near Castiel’s lower back, watching him out of the corner of his eye. They made it through three rooms - full of life-size dioramas, and informative placards, and really big rocks - before they spoke.
It wasn’t that it wasn’t interesting. A level of information the hovered in-between the levels that Castiel did know -  the macro of heaven and the extreme micro of the world he now lived in with the Winchesters. As well as the displays, he watched Sam out of the corner of his eye. He had wondered if he’d linger close the whole time, that hand near the small of his back, a steady presence at his side. But, no, Sam orbits. Sometimes looking at the same displays as Castiel, sometimes across the room. Always aware of him, it seemed.
“So,” Castiel said the next time they felt themselves side by side, looking at a series of miniature log cabins, each in different stages of completion. “If this is supposed to be a bookshop moment, like Jess gave you, why here?”
Sam worried at his lip, cheeks a little flushed. “I don’t know if this is that special, but - and do correct me if I’m wrong, but I hope I’m not - you’ve experienced so much of history from the outside. Just through heaven’s point of view. And then you came down, and you fought with us, and you stayed with us. It made me think you might be a little interested in seeing more things from our perspective.”
“Oh.” Because of course models and dioramas were not just models and dioramas.
“Besides,” Sam said, with a little more confidence. “After the whole molecules discussion it was pretty obvious dinner was a bad idea.” He flashed a quick grin.
Castiel wished he’d brought a flower, like he had when he’d been wrong about it. For some reason it felt like it might’ve jinxed it. Was that a holdover from being human or just from spending so much time with the humans he was with? The same result either way.
Two hours had gone by, spent in equal contemplation of the exhibits and the man who had brought him to see them, when Sam suggested they head back to the car.
“The museum is open until five,” Castiel pointed out.
“We’ve got a location two,” Sam said, “And they close at five as well. We leave now we’ll have a couple of hours once we get there.”
Another three-ish hour drive then. “Using all your ideas on one day?” Castiel asked, moving with Sam towards the exit regardless. “There’s time.”
Sam laughed. “When have you known us to have this many days off in a row?”
It was true. Not just in the always-an-impending-catastrophe way, either. Castiel had been able to tell there was energy building up in Sam when they were in the bunker. That he was healing, but that also meant that a growing part of him was yearning to work again. Maybe planning this had partially been a way to burn off some of that.
Sam pulled open the passenger side door for him.
The set out again. Sam ate some of the food he’d packed for himself one handed - Castiel busied himself helping open and close containers, pouring from the thermos. Watching Sam drive. A shorter drive, but only slightly.
“This is,” Sam said, guiding Castiel towards the entrance, “The Cosmosphere.”
This one - this one Castiel liked better. There was something endearing, something comforting, something familiar about how hard humans strived for flight. And he understood, now, the lack of it. This was something that was too often missed, in heaven. They’d watched humanity grow, obviously, but they ignored how much of it had been under their own power. That the ‘hairless apes’ had taken stone, and steel, and fire, and built themselves wings.
He was staring up an a model of Saturn V when he noticed how closely Sam was watching him.
There was anxiety in his eyes, but also a fondness. A warmth.
Castiel’s chest was warm, too.
They lingered right up until closing time, walking so close as they left that it was easy for Castiel to brush their shoulders together, watch Sam duck his head and smile.
And he’d known. He’d known, as soon as he heard the way Sam’s heart skipped when he’d asked if he could take him out, at every door he’d opened, how he’d been watching Castiel closer than any of the exhibits. Sam opened the door of the car for him again, and Castiel stopped to grip his arm, feel it solid and warm under his palm.
“Thank you for this, Sam,” he said.
Sam’s answering smile was bright, and open, and felt a little like sunshine. “There’s, uh. There’s one more thing. If you want to do it.”
Castiel tilted his head. “Oh?”
“Suns gonna be down in about an hour,” Sam said. “I thought… If you wanted to I thought we could stop and stargaze for a while.”
It sounded romantic.
It was cold, in the December air, but Sam had managed to stow blankets in the car without Castiel noticing. He draped one over the hood, and piled the others on top of them. He didn’t feel the cold, not like Sam did, but the blankets were an excuse to sit closer that completely necessary. Shoulders pressed in together. One ankle thrown over one of Sam’s. They talked, a little. Mostly they stared up at the sky. Sam finished the lukewarm coffee left in the thermos. Castiel listened to him breath, to the beat of his heart.
After a long time, Sam made a slightly apologetic noise, sliding off the hood of the car. “This isn’t great date talk, he said, “but we should get going, and I really need to take a leak before we drive home.” Then he tramped off into the undergrowth off the side of the road.
There weren’t any roses nearby, but Castiel could smell wildflowers still somehow hanging on in the cold. Quietly, he made his way into the dark to pick one, carefully selecting a bloom that had no crushed petals, wasn’t too close to wilting. A brief thought to Dean’s advice, and he removed his tie, opened an extra button on his shirt.
It felt a little ridiculous but when they got inside the car, and the interior light turned on, Sam’s eyes flickered down to the newly exposed skin.
Castiel held out the flower towards him.
Sam took it, hand soft and reverant, grin blooming on his face. “What’s this?”
“For you,” Castiel said. “You took me out, the least I could do is get flowers.”
Sam flushed, gently tucked the flower into one of the buttonholes in his shirt. “Thanks,” he said, so soft it was almost whispered.
They drove.
Sam was clearly exhausted by the time they got back to the bunker, yawning so wide his jaw cracked and then looking shame-faced. “Sorry,” he said.
“Hm,” Castiel said. “Maybe next time it could be one trip out per date, not a marathon.”
He cracked a grin at that. And, after all this time, it was nice to see an exhaustion that felt pleased. Satisfied, not just harrowed. “I’ll keep that in mind, Cas.”
“So.” Castiel paused at the corridor that lead towards the bedrooms, turned to face Sam. Wondered if he should be pushing this far. “There’s a proper way to end a good date, correct?”
Sam’s eyes flickered instantly to Castiel’s lips, which made him feel unaccountably pleased. “That’s ok, Cas,” he said, instead of leaning in. “That’s- that’s more for proper dates, not. This.”
So there was the line. Driving a total of nine hours across Kansas, carefully selected locations that he’d thought Cas would like, sitting shoulders pressed together on the hood of the car. Standing right up against it, but Sam had drawn a line, and this was it.
“This meant something to you,” Castiel said, stepping one foot over. “More than just doing something nice for me.”
“Cas,” Sam said, shaking his head, gaze down, self-deprecating smile. “You don’t have to-“
“I would like it,” Castiel interrupted, stepping closer, second foot over the line, and taking Sam’s hand, “If you let it mean something to me too.”
Sam’s eyes met his, expression disbelieving, almost scared. But he didn’t pull away, didn’t shift as Cas leaned closer. Not all the way. He was sure, he was so sure but- but if he was wrong.
He wasn’t wrong. Sam, breath unsteady, hand tightening around Castiel’s, closed the last of the distance. As kisses went it was gentle. Chaste. All too brief. As Sam drew back a noise of protest slipped out of Castiel’s throat involuntarily; he shifted with him. Sam’s free hand moved to his jaw, guided him into a second kiss, slower and deeper, and that, that was what Castiel wanted. He let his hand splay at Sam’s lower back, drew him in closer, opened his mouth so they could taste each other.
They broke apart eventually, Sam’s thumb stroking up and down the side of Castiel’s hand.
“So,” Castiel said, “Next time, I’m taking you out. Give me some time to plan it.”
Sam ducked his head, but not far enough Castiel couldn’t see his smile. “Ok.”
“I’m going to kiss you again,” he said. “If that’s alright.”
Sam’s smile brightened, and leaned in to meet him.
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ohmyitsfaith · 4 years
50 days of learning love/Part 2
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Reader
Summary: You and Five try to get along, but now that Delores is in the picture too... well it’s harder.
Warnings: Language, slight angst and probably not accurate facts about the post-apocalyptic world.
Word count: 3k
A/N: Long again, but you guys seemed to enjoy the last one, so decided to write it as quickly as I could! Also happy birthday to our beautiful, amazing and talented baby boy, who’s now 17! Yay! Enjoy!
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After surviving so many things together, you felt safer with Five. Sure, he could be an asshole, but like... understandable. Living in a post-apocalyptic world with literally no food other than bugs and not too much water... for five years... yes. It was awful. But being alone does weird things with the mind...
“Seriously, when will you stop talking with that mannequin and start talking to the one living thing in this world? Me!” you asked, slightly irritated when he didn’t do anything else than talking to that stupid thing he named ‘Delores’.
“Excuse me, but-” Five started, but you cut in.
“Yes, excuse you! Five, that mannequin doesn’t understand you, nor can it think!” you said. “You talked more to it, than you ever did to me! We spent 5 days together and the most you talked to me was when you were arguing with me.”
“Well, she’s my friend! And could you stop calling her ‘it’?” he looked at you.
“Sorry, she!” you said sarcastically. “She, is not alive! She, does not understand you! She, can’t be your friend, because she, is not alive!”
“Well, rude!”
“Me? Rude?! Come on Five, look in the mirror!”
“See, you’re arguing again!”
“Jesus, you know what? Keep talking to your ‘friend’. I’m gonna escape, before you drive me mad! Ugh!” you exclaimed, truly furious.
“What’s the point anyway? We’re stuck!” he shouted after you, but you just flipped him off. Asshole...
So you started walking, hoping to clear your mind. You knew you couldn’t go far, because the night was close and you needed to get back before its fall. You didn’t know where to go. Everything looked the same. There was only destruction wherever you looked. But at least you allowed your thoughts to calm down.
You spent the next few hours to just walk around, wondering why was Five the way he is. And why did you get so mad... But then you noticed, that the sun was going down. And you were too far from your place, that you wouldn’t get back in time.
“Better find a safe place...” you sighed and started on your journey for a place to sleep in.
You were scared. Without a doubt. Somehow after 5 days of having someone next to you made you forget how scary the night was. There was no moon to keep you light. The stars were there, but they weren’t as bright.
And so went the sixth day and night.
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Waking up, you felt the hot sun on your skin. You slowly opened your eyes and sat up. Looking around in the apocalypse, you saw nothing. You sighed as you got up. You knew that you needed to get back to Five, but to be honest, you didn’t really remember where you came from. So after you got your stuff, you decided to go west. Maybe that was the right path...
Meanwhile, our dear Five was a mess. Guilt ate at him for chasing you, the only other human being, away. On the other hand, you insulted Delores, therefore you insulted him. But still... he was worried when you didn’t show up even after the sun went down. And he was even more nervous when you weren’t there when he woke up.
“Stupid! Why did they go?? Why did they not stay here? Now they’re probably lost... Tell me Delores, why??” he looked at the mannequin. “Of course it’s not my fault!” he grumbled. “Fine, maybe a bit. But still. They insulted you!” the mannequin stared back dumbly. “Well, it’s not my fault they got lost!” he got a bit angrier. “Delores, don’t start. You know that... fine. We’ll search for them” he sighed.
He put the mannequin into his trunk and then started on his journey to find you. Both of you walked for hours. Both in different paths, that would not cross the other if you went on it, straight, without turns. But you are humans, so you made occasional turns. So you were beyond happy when you saw the slim, dark haired boy coming towards you. You remembered, the conversation you had before you made your escape, but frankly, you didn’t really care. Until you saw the mannequin.
“You’re an idiot. You’re an idiot and kinda crazy” you started when you reached the boy.
“You’re also an idiot and crazy. But do you expect anything else after 5 years in the apocalypse while going trough puberty?” he asked, raising his eyebrow.
“You’re right” you nodded. “But you were an asshole.”
“Always have been. But I’d rather fight with you than be alone.” he said. “Well, with Delores.”
“Fine. But we have to make some rules” you put your pinkie up.
“You really expect me to make a pinky promise with you?” he asked, but you just looked at him seriously, so he sighed and intertwined his pinkie with yours.
“You have to swear, that you’ll talk to me not only Delores” you started.
“Oh, so now you’re going to refer to her by her name?” he smirked.
“Fine, I swear. You have to swear not to go full crazy lady on me” he added.
“Deal” you sighed and you both put down your pinkies. “Now that that’s out of the way, we’ll need to go back.”
Five nodded as a sign that he agrees. As you headed back, he started a conversation, which surprised you.
“Tomorrow we’ll need to move.”
“Has it been a week already?” you asked, furrowing your brows.
“Yeah and we should move to another side of the town” he nodded.
“Okay, cool. At least we won’t die of boredom” you sighed.
“I’m not so sure about it” he rolled his eyes. “It’s been five years, without any kind of activity that we were used to.”
“Okay, but like now we have each other! We can play games that we did when we were young.”
“I didn’t play games. We were training and learning every day. We had half hours to spend with games on Saturdays” he told you.
“Wait, really?” you turned to him. “That’s horrible!”
“Yeah, well, when you’re part of the Umbrella Academy that’s what you get” he sighed.
“Well, then I’ll teach you some! I know a bunch!” you smiled at him.
“Y/n, no offence, but I really don’t want to. I just really want to get out of here and for that, I need to work on the equation.”
“Fine” you sighed.
For the rest of the walk, you stayed quiet. And you stayed quiet when you arrived back, and while he worked. It was kinda a quiet day. But as you went to sleep, you both wished the other a good night.
And so went the seventh day and night.
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The eighth day came and went with you guys just walking to find a safe spot to spend the next seven days. Or fourteen. Depends.
Five was mostly talking to Delores or just staring ahead, while you were in silence, kinda amused when he was having an argument with Delores. Or... well himself. Being alone does strange things to the mind. Although you can’t really blame him, since all those years alone had its toll on you too. Just in a different way.
“Hey, Five?” you called the boy’s name.
“Hm?” he looked at you.
“You ever thought about the fact that there could be others, still alive?” you asked.
“Yeah, kind of, I guess. But after five years, I was losing hope. Then you came along” he said, thinking.
“Yeah. Same here. But now that I met you... what if there are? What if there are people like you. I mean with power” you said.
“I don’t know. It’s a possibility” he shrugged.
You nodded, then went back to being silent. You were in deep thought and Five was the one who pulled you out of it, when he literally pulled you aside.
“Watch you step!” he said.
You looked back to the place you were walking and you saw a hole in the ground.
“Thanks” you looked at him.
Five nodded, but watched you for a bit, in thought. But then he shrugged and let it go. As you continued on your way to find a place, the sun was climbing up its way to the top and soon, you were left with extreme warmth. But it wasn’t exactly only warmth. Some weird cold stuff came too. Like the wind, but it wasn’t that.
You looked around the sky, but saw nothing. Five noticed it too, but he quickly realized what it was.
“A storm is coming” he said.
“Oh, okay” you nodded. “It’s been a while since one was here.”
“Yeah. Well at least it’ll freshen the air and also gave us some water. Hopefully” he agreed.
“Hopefully” you sighed.
For hours you walked in silence, but by the time, the sun was beginning to lower, you noticed the dark clouds as well. From then, the storm came quicker than expected as the winds picked up. You both knew that you need to hurry when you saw the first lightning strike. So you were looking for a place more desperately. But you weren’t quick enough and a lightning struck right beside you, blinding you both for a bit and also separated you two.
“Five!” you shouted when the ringing in your ear stopped.
A small fire rose from where the lightning struck and behind the flames, you saw an unconscious Five. You were scared for him and his well-being and without a thought you walked trough the fire. It didn’t burn you or your clothes and you probably would’ve been shocked, if the sight of Five didn’t send you in a shock before.
“Come on, Five!” you kneeled down next to the boy and put your ear to his chest, and when you heard his heartbeat, you calmed down a bit.
You struggled with lifting him up, but you did none the less and carried him to the hole you saw between ruins.
“Oh, God. You’re so heavy” you grunted as you pushed into the hole and put him down.
You sat next to him, panting. You weren’t used to carrying such heavy things as the boy beside you. You were tired, but you were scared to go asleep in case something happened to Five. So you stayed awake, checking on him every now and then.
And so went the eighth day and night.
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You woke up to Five grunting as he moved.
“Five?” you sat up and looked at him.
“What the hell just happened?” he asked holding his head.
“A lightning struck beside us and we both fell back. I guess you hit your head” you said. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I was hit in the head with a rock... four times” he said.
“Thank God, you’re okay” you let out the breath you’ve been holding.
“Yeah, well other than my head, I’m okay” he looked up. “Where are we?”
“I brought you here after the lightning. I didn’t want to risk anything” you said.
“Thanks” he looked at you. “For saving me.”
“I would say, anytime, but I don’t want you hurt anymore” you sighed.
“Well I don’t want another time either” he tried to stand up, but almost fell back.
“Hey, slowly, bud. Keep it slow and simple” you said, holding the boy.
“I’m fine” he said.
“Clearly not! Just... let me help. Please” you plead to the boy.
Five looked at you for a bit, but then nodded. You stood up and put your arm around his middle and then looked at him.
“Is this okay?” you asked as you felt him stiffen.
He didn’t answer for a bit and let out a shaky breath.
“Yeah” he said closing his eyes for a bit. “Yeah, let’s go.”
You nodded then slowly started walking. You made sure to look at Five every now and then to make sure he was okay. But he seemed okay, so you continued.
“If I get heavy, just let me know” he said quietly.
“You’re not heavy. I’m stronger than I look” you smiled at him warmly and he surprised you with a soft smile of his own.
He was truly a beautiful sight when he smiled. You only spent like 8 days with him, but you knew that that was a rare occasion. When you reached your stuff that you left there, you grabbed the trunk and pulled it after you.
You walked for hours until you both got hungry, so you first sat Five down, then sat next to him. You offered him the box, which he took out a few from and started to eat. After eating a bit, you drank a bit of water and then just laid back a bit and stared at the sky.
“Hey Y/n?” he started.
“Yes?” you looked at him.
“Do you think it will happen?” he asked.
“What?” you asked back.
“That we’ll get back to the original timeline?” he looked at you.
“Well... I believe in you. I believe that you can actually do it. So... yeah. I do think it will happen” you smiled.
He nodded, then stood up slowly. He slowly went to the trunk and you watched him. He lifted up the mannequin and took out something from underneath it. He slowly sat back next to you and that’s when you saw the picture.
“You miss them?” you asked.
“Every second. Don’t tell them, I said that” he looked at you and you nodded. “But yeah. I miss them like crazy. It’s just... everything happened so fast.”
“I know” you put a hand on his shoulder and he stiffened again, so you pulled it away.
“We should go” he said and you nodded, getting up.
You helped him up and you continued your way. After some hours you found a place and while Five sat (you didn’t let him help), you put everything in its place and set up your camp for the week.
And so went the ninth day and night.
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When you woke up, you finally had time to realize what the fuck you did when the lightning struck. Well after. You walked through fucking fire! That’s like... crazy! At least to you. Probably not so much for Five... if he knew about it. But he didn’t.
“Hey Five?” you turned to him sometime that day.
“Hm?” he looked up from his conversation with Delores.
“Sorry... to interrupt your conversation, but... you know how I was there when the apocalypse happened?” you asked looking at your hands.
“Yeah?” he furrowed his brows.
“Well... Imighthaveanexplanation?” you spit the whole sentence out.
“What?” he asked.
“I... might have an explanation...” you looked at him, worried.
“Yeah... well... a day ago, when I rescued you from the... storm... I... um... kinda walked trough fire without getting burned?” you said, but it sounded like a question, like even you weren’t sure about it.
“Wait, really?” he put down Delores, signaling that his whole attention was on you.
“Yeah” you nodded.
“Well... that would make sense” he said. “Since everything was on fire.”
“Yeah” you nodded.
“It’s a possible lead. If anything else happens, you can come to me and tell me, okay?” he asked and you smiled at him.
You guys spent the rest of the day just relaxing. Five was talking to Delores mostly, and you were drawing in the dust. Shapes, which turned into different words, then you decided to draw faces. There was different characters from tv shows and movies, and people you knew before the apocalypse. You spent a great day living out your creativity and enjoyed drawing. When the sun went down, you noticed Five looking at your drawing of a character from a tv show.
“You’re quite good at drawing” he said.
“Thank you” you smiled.
“Hm... I wouldn’t have guessed” he looked at you.
“Why?” you asked.
“You just didn’t strike me as a person who does such things” he shrugged.
“O-okay?” you furrowed your brows.
But he didn’t say anything and you put down the stick.
“Would you like to play something?” you asked.
“What?” it was his turn to furrow his brows.
“Um... I don’t know. We could start with two truths and a lie.”
“Do you want me to start?” you asked as you layed down.
“Sure” he said as he layed down too.
“Okay. One... I used to pretend to have powers just like yours and would just run up and down pretending to be a hero. Two, I had a bunch of superhero figurines. And three I drew myself tattoos.”
“I would say the first one” he said looking up at the sky.
“No I actually did that. Your powers are cool. I’m not smart enough for them, but they’re definitely cool. But I never had any superhero figurines.”
“Neither did I. But I guess my first is... I used to sneak out with my siblings to have a little fun. Two, I was the first one to learn everything, not my siblings. And three I hate ice-cream.”
“Three. You can’t hate ice-cream!” you said confidently.
“I actually really do. It’s cold and bad for my throat. Frankly, not very healthy.”
“Wait, then which one is the lie? Because I’m 100% sure that you were the smartest out of all your siblings. So... you never snuck out?” you turned towads him.
“No” he replied simply.
“Oh... Well...” but you couldn’t think of anything to say.
He was looking up, but you could see the sadness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry” you put your hand on his, but he quickly pulled away, like you burned him.
“What the...” he looked at your hands. “You burned me...”
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to! I...” you sat up quickly and looked at him.
“It’s... nothing” he shook his head and slowly touched your hands.
You both gasped. Him, because it was still hot, and you because his hands felt cold.
“Okay... well, we have this to deal with too” he said.
“I’m sorry” you said.
“Don’t be” a hint of a smile run through his face, but then disappeared altogether. “Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Five” you whispered.
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Overwhelmed. John B x Sarah
Request: Hi! How about a college related drabble? Sarah is super overwhelmed with exams coming up and calls John B starting to panic. He comes to see her and plans a whole night to distract her and comfort her 🥰
Word Count: 1.7K
A/N: I know that I didn’t QUITE follow the whole request on this, but it was getting a bit long, so I hope that makes up for it! I wrote this after I wrote the 500 words of pure angst for these two, so I apologize if it’s a little too angsty. Also, I’m still trying to get comfortable writing the comedic/banter parts of a lot of the pogues relationships. (I’m just not naturally witty so I really have to try!) Anyways, I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think!
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Heroes and Villains of the Middle Ages was not a class that Sarah Cameron would have ever taken for fun. But when it satisfied one of her General Education requirements, it's not like she really had much of a choice in the matter. The fact that the professor was about as fascinating as the girls from high school that messaged her saying she'd be a "perfect fit" for joining their pyramid marketing business didn't help. So having to write an essay on 4 chapters of her "textbook" (each chapter ranging anywhere between 30-50+ pages long) was grating her brain, as she legitimately has zero desire to complete it.
An hour into her attempt to read the assigned chapters had her overwhelmed. She couldn't even pretend to find the content interesting, she had no clue how she was going to write a 1,000 word essay on it, and to put the icing on the cake: this was one of four that needed to be completed in the next two weeks as part of her final exam. Exasperated at the thought, she throws the book half way across the room as she finished the second chapter. Making it halfway through warrants a break, right?
She scrolls through instagram to allow her brain to run on auto-pilot for awhile. She scrolls past a photo JJ posted 43 minutes ago, of him, John B, and Kie hanging out at the Chateau. JJ snapped the photo, Kie leaning into him, laughing, while John B is in the background making a "you-caught-me-doing-something-I-shouldn't-have" face, no doubt saying something resulting in the laughs from the other two.
The picture makes her smile. Not just because it's of her friends, but also because between John B and JJ, they'll do just about anything to make their friends laugh. It causes her heart to flutter, and she decides to call him to further distract herself.
It doesn't take long for him to pick up, but it's not John B who answers the phone, it's JJ. "Hey Princess! How's college treatin' ya?!"
"Busy, boring, and yet still somehow not captivating enough to keep me from missing you."
"Oh, so you do miss me."
She rolled her eyes, "of course I do JJ."
"Not as much as you miss JB though, I'm sure." There's a pause, but before she can respond he's rushing out the words: "Oh, speaking of! Okay, Here's John B, I'll talk to you later, love you bye!"
She can tell John B is pulling the phone away from him by the decrescendo of his voice as he gets farther from the microphone. However, the sound of her boyfriends voice filling the speaker at her ear makes her smile even more.
"Hey Val." He greets, and she can tell he's smiling.
"Vlad. I must say it is nice to know that JJ misses me. Even though he won't admit it in as many words."
"Yeah, I think it's safe to say we all do."
"Is Kie still there?"
"Nah, she has to work tomorrow so she went home about 20 minutes ago. How did you know she was over?"
"I saw the picture JJ posted on instagram."
"Ahhh, yeah, that would explain it." She heard him walking around, saying goodnight to JJ before closing what she assumed was the door to his bedroom.
"Did y'all have fun?"
"We did- JJ what the hell, I just told you goodnight." He must have opened the door to John B's room.
Sarah could hear JJ say, "yeah but I didn't say goodnight to Princess! Night Princess!" He calls louder, making sure she can hear him.
"Goodnight JJ!" She calls back, knowing she was more than likely on speaker phone.
"Night Birdshit!" is the last thing she hears before she hears the door slam.
John B is back on the phone in an instant. "I swear, I might actually kill him tonight."
She laughs at their antics, and a bittersweet feeling settles in her chest as she realizes just how much she misses her friends.
"So," John B starts again, "How's your homework coming?"
Sarah scoffs. "Don't remind me."
"That bad?"
"It's just this class is so boring!" He's heard her rant about it a million times, but he lets her do it again. "I mean, it's a 400 level class. And I understand those are the more difficult ones, but--fuck--this is hard, and it's not even interesting in the slightest!"
"Which makes it only about a million times worse."
"It does!" She agrees, thankful that he's empathetic to her suffering. "And I have my Chemistry final next week, and my English 102 research paper due the week after. Nevermind the final project for my Geology, and Quantitative Reasoning class that I've only just started on--" She's ranting, and she knows it.
"Woah. Easy there, Val." He chuckles despite her. "You'll work yourself up."
"I am worked up!" The more she talks, the more overwhelmed she gets, and soon she realizes she's pacing her small room. "I just want to come home." The confession almost stuns her as she's catapoulted into a sea of homesickness, and even the knowledge that she'll be home for the summer in two weeks time doesn't even begin to calm the waves.
"You'll be home in a couple weeks, babe. Just 2 more, and then you're mine for the summer."
She knows he's trying to change her perspective, but she's not in the mood tonight. She's sad, and wants the space to allow herself to be sad. A half-hearted "yeah" is all she manages.
"Hey," John B doesn't miss the dejected tone of her voice, realizing how upset she truly is. "It's gonna be alright, Val. 2 more weeks is a piece of cake after the past seven months."
They'd seen each other since she started college, of course, but even then, the last time they were together was when she came home for Wheezie's lacrosse game 5 weeks ago. And after spending almost every day of last summer together, the distance began to do it's damage. Not on their relationship, no, their relationship was still so, so good. It was just on nights like tonight, when she was so overwhelmed that no matter what she thought of, it only made the drowning feeling three times worse.
She feels her throat tighten and before it even registers that she's getting emotional, she feels the gentle pricks behind her eyes indicating it won't be long and she'll be crying. "It's just really hard right now." She confesses, annoyed with how her voice is full of emotion, which is going to cause John B to go into his protective, "I'll-be-your-hero-and-fix-everything" mode.
And sure as shit, his tone becomes softer, and he's building her up. "I know it is, Sarah, but you're doing so well. I know this has been an adjustment for you, and for us, and it hasn't been easy, but you've been doing so well. You're killing it at college, and you only have these last two weeks, these last exams and projects and then you're home for the summer."
She nods, knowing that he's speaking truth, but still feeling discouraged. "It's just, everything's happening at once right now, and I'm just so overwhelmed, and there's just so much pressure riding on these last projects, and--I just want you."
"What do you mean?" She can tell he's laughing at her rambling confession.
"I mean I just want you. I miss you, John B." Great, that broke the dam, and now she's really crying. "I miss hugging you, and kissing you, and just being next to you. Because at least when I was home and busy, we were still together. Now I have to do all of this by myself, and I just feel so alone, and I just want to come home." She didn't intend to share all of these subconscious thoughts and feelings when she called him on the phone. She had initially just called for a distraction, and to see how JJ and Kie were doing. But sometimes the breakdowns come when you least expect them.
"What are you doing tomorrow?" The question is not how she expected him to respond.
She sniffs, thinking through what her Saturday plans were. "I'm- going to finish this essay, probably work on my projects, and study?" She phrases it like a question, even though she's answering his. After hearing silence for a little too long, she adds, "Why?"
"I'm on my way."
"What?" If she wasn't expecting him to ask what she was doing tomorrow, she REALLY doesn't expect him to say he's coming to see her at 10pm on a Friday.
"What do you mean you're on your way."
"I'm coming to see you." He answers as if it's the simplest thing in the world. She can hear his smile as he talks, probably patting himself on the back for being the hopeless romantic, her knight in shining armor, coming to distract her from her scholarly obligations.
"John B, you don't have to do that." Of course, she wants him to. But it's a ways to drive, and she knows his van isn't cheap to fill with gas.
"Shut up Val." He laughs. "I'm going to spend the weekend with you. But on one condition." He thinks, and then doubles back. "Okay, two conditions."
She rolls her eyes, always thinking there's no way she can be more in love with this man, and then he does stuff like this to prove her wrong. "And what are your conditions?"
"One. You have to write your essay. And I'm going to help you study. You don't just get a 'get out of jail free' card just because your man is coming to see you." He gets her to laugh with that one.
"My man?"
"Yes. That is what I am, isn't it? Your man?"
"Sure. And what's the second condition?"
"You have to buy me my own bag of Skinny Pop." Her eyes automatically roll for probably the 15th time tonight. "Okay, agreed. I will go to the store, and buy you your own bag of Skinny Pop."
"And you can't have any of it." He ammends.
"Alright, fine. And I won't have any of it." She grudgingly agrees.
"That settles it then! I'm on my way!"
"Drive safe, loser."
"I love you, Sarah."
She smiles to herself. "I love you too, John B."
"I'm serious though, don't eat my Skinny Pop before I get there."
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bellasweetwriting · 4 years
Jess Mariano x f.Reader
(not my gif)
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requests:  “omg please please PLEASE do a jess mariano x reader with the enemies to lovers prompt that says “ive accepted my feelings now accept yours” i can’t remember the number lol but hope that helps!” -- holiwould
“ okay bet. jess mariano x reader except the reader feels like jess is kinda slipping out of control and away from her and she can’t keep fixing his mistakes and they maybe break up or something? idk ab the ending that up to you ” - holiwould
note: this is a mix between the two requests, the song Miss You by Louis Tomlinson, and When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars. If you haven’t heard them listen to them while you read
warnings: yelling, some trauma, most angst, kissing
word count: 2,3k
He was staring at your picture. Your hair was a little bit shorter than it is now. You were wearing this wine tone of lipstick that the employee of Sephora recommended to you. He remembered that time you kissed his cheek as he said goodbye just for him to walk six blocks with your lips marked on his face,
Damn, he missed you.
He missed your laughter, your suggestions for movie nights that always involved either Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling. So much you loved them, and he knew that; he was jealous of them even.
Could he drink his memories away? Damn it, he needed to erase you from his thoughts. Everything reminded him of you. Every song on the radio was about you. 
His pride, his ego, his arrogance, caused you to walk away from him the moment he needed you the most. 
"Jess!" You exclaimed as he lifted you up and threw you to the pool, jumping next. "Why did you do that?"
You were both staying at Jess's friend's house after a celebration party for your new book, which was just published. You and Jess went outside to the backyard and walked around the swimming pool when he decided it would be funny to throw you to the water. 
After seeing you battle to get to the surface, he jumped too, holding his laughter until his head was above the water, staring at you with a big cocky smile. 
You threw water and him while you took off your favorite shirt since you didn't want the chemicals of the pool to ruin it. You left it by the side of the swimming pool where just a few seconds ago you were standing unaware that you would end up in the water.
Jess glanced at you, not being able to ignore that your shirt was gone and your bra was visible. He smiled foolishly, not being able to help it. 
"Stop looking at me, you horn dog," you exclaimed laughing, as you splashed him, Jess tossing water back at you. "Was this your master plan? To throw me to the pool in the middle of the night and froze me to death just to see my underwear?" He laughed even louder, and you couldn't help to join him, letting out a giggle. "You have no game, Mariano."
"You look just so darn cute when you are mad, Y/N," he said with that tone of his. His deep voice stumbled in your brain as you sat down on the edge of the swimming pool. He swam quickly in your direction, impulsing himself out of the water and sitting next to her. "Did the cold pass?"
"No, I'm just trying a new blue tone in my lips. Does it suit me?" You sarcastically asked as he stretched his arm and grabbed his jean jacket, covering your shoulders with it. "Oh, what a gentleman. Is this your new move, because I'm falling for it. I want you, I need you. Oh, baby, oh, baby." Jess chuckled as you simply rolled your eyes, putting on Jess's jacket correctly. "Aren't you cold, Cry-Baby Walker?" 
"I've been worst. Those cold nights in New York City, only covered by a blanket and the constant screaming of the adults in the room at the end of the hall, were the coldest nights and roughest nights," he murmured before looking at you. You were shooked as you listened to him, but soonly upset when he started laughing. "You sometimes say a joke and never know if it is trauma until you see the look on people's faces."
"Asshole," you mumbled.
"Pretty," he replied, making you look at him. He slowly leaned in until he was close to your lips before whispering next to them, "I know a way to warm up." And with that, he kissed you gently, running his fingers through your wet hair, instantly warming you up.
"Hey, Jess!" Yelled some guy, grabbing the guy's attention.
Suddenly, he wasn't at that swimming pool anymore. He was at the bar again, filled with these stupid friends he made in this new city. If you saw him right now, you wouldn't even recognize him.
He was wearing a leather jacket and some old jeans, with an edition of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand on his pocket, a book he wasn't able to finish yet. He had in his hands your photograph next to that old vintage restaurant three blocks away from where you work. You described it as that colorful coffee shop with strawberry smoothies and a cute place to read a book or spend time with people you care about.
"Mariano," his friend called him again, appearing with two glasses of beer and sitting next to the writer. "What are you doing crying over here? We are having a party in your honor, man. It is not an everyday thing that your books get a review on the Washington Post, and make it to the Best-Sellers list. What's up with you?"
"Today is her birthday." His friend looked at him, confused. The clock had just marked midnight. "It's her birthday, and I'm in fucking New York City, getting drunk with people I met three weeks ago and staring at a picture that was taken a year ago."
No matter what this strange guy that he calls friend just to lie at himself to hide that he is, in reality, alone would say. He missed you.
"Don't make so much noise, Mariano!" You yelled at him in a whisper, both of you watching their steps as they enter his apartment. "Your neighbors are trying to sleep."
"I feel so sorry for them already," was the reply you got from Jess as he closed the door behind him and started kissing you, leading your way to the couch. "Who could say that I would be making out little Y/N someday?"
"Did you just call me «little Y/N»?" You questioned, laughing between kisses. "Hey, so I was thinking..."
"Think, no talk," he interrupted you as both of you sat on the couch.
"Wait, it is important," you said again, making him give up and listen to you. "Ok, so tomorrow, as you know, is my birthday..."
"What?" Jess exclaimed. "You never told me it was your birthday tomorrow! Now, I'll have to cancel my plans. Wait a sec..."
You looked at him, confused. Plans?
"Jess, I told you tomorrow was my birthday, like five times. With whom did you make plans tomorrow?"
"Wel, Jack, Fred, and Gabs. We were going out to the movies or some. Let me call Fred and tell him."
"Gabs as in Gabriella? Your ex?" He nodded. "You could've told me."
"Why? She's ancient history, and you aren't my girlfriend."
You quickly stood up, making him look over his cellphone to you. You didn't look happy, you seemed really upset.
"What are we doing here, Jess?"
"What do you mean?"
"For how long have we been hooking up? A month? Six weeks?" He knew where this was going. "At what are we playing here?"
"I don't know. You want to be something serious, I don't understand."
"That is precisely the thing I'm talking about, Jess. You never know anything. You never communicate! You have no idea how to express yourself or even how to treat a person that cares about you."
Jess sighed.
"What do you want from me, Y/N, huh?"
"I want you to care for someone at least once, Jess! I want you to remember things like my birthday or my favorite things or the way I like my coffee because you want to remember; because you care about me. We aren't teenagers anymore, Jess! You are grown enough to know that relationships are built by communication."
The writer quickly stood up, ready to discuss. 
"I care about you, Y/N!"
"No, you don't..." she whispered. "You can't even admit that you like me. That what you feel for me is more than making out because of boredom." He looked over to the big window with the view of Philadelphia. "Your birthday is on March 9th. You tend to forget to carry a pencil with you, and surprisingly, you are always in need of one, so I always carry one in my bag. When you meet someone, you stay extremely quiet while they talk and don't even say goodbye to them when you leave, and I've always told you that that is extremely rude, but you don't listen, you change the subject." 
His eyes met yours, and he noticed the tears that were threatening to leave your eyes. 
"You like french toasts," you continued, "but not with your coffee, so I always serve you orange juice when I make them for breakfast. Your eyes shine every time your uncle calls to tell you that he is doing fine because even if you don't admit it, you love him and appreciate him so much. And I remember all of those little details because I care about you, Jess. Hell, call me idiotic and girl for even thinking that maybe... I'm in love with you. But I'm worth more than this, Jess, I am. And if you can't see it, then it is no my problem. I am done trying just to release I am doing it alone. I've accepted my feelings, now accept yours. Bye, Jess."
And with that, you left.
"Then what are you doing here?" The guy asked Jess, dragging him away from his memories.
"What do you mean?" Jess asked.
"You are clearly not over this chick, you don't want to be in this party even though it is kinda in your honor, and it's her birthday. So, just leave. Go get her.
"How would I be certain she'll receive me with open arms?"
"You don't, man, that's the thing about love: you never know what is going to happen until you take the leap of faith."
He was right. He has always been scared of making the big jump. He has always been insecure about if anyone is going to be waiting to catch him. He couldn't keep making the same mistake over and over, he had to accept his feelings.
"I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the party, man."
Jess Mariano has never been more sure about something that what he was about to do. It was absurd. He was going to drive for an hour and a half in the middle of the night to Philadelphia. Yeah, sounded insane, but everything was about taking that leap of faith he was always scared to make.
But as soon as he hit the road, the doubts and questions hit his head like a train. What was he going to do? How would it end?
He was a writer. Every time he had an idea, the next thing that he knew was how it was going to end. You can't write a story without knowing the ending. But apparently, that was the only way of living it.
While he was driving to Philadelphia, you were sitting on your kitchen island, staring at that red velvet cupcake that held your single birthday candle. You were all alone, the same way you were your last birthday. You couldn't believe a year has passed since the last time you saw him.
You read that his book made the best-sellers list of the week. As soon as you read his name, the memories came back, as they have never left, they were just hiding inside a locked box waiting to come out.
Jess Mariano messed with your life in a way you could have never imagined. You were in love with him, and he never prooved you, he felt the same way with you. Jess wasn't even slipping away from you, you knew Jess always had a footstep out of the door, and you tried to ignore it, but it was almost impossible. Once he was in your life, he was in your life forever.
You blew the little candle, ate your cupcake, and went to sleep, not knowing that two hours later, you'll wake up by the sound of the doorbell. Who could be at two am in the morning? Your friends were going to come to prepare you breakfast, but a seven-hours head start was too much, even for them. 
"What's going on?" You sleepily asked as you opened the door, looking at Jess standing there. "Mariano? What are you doing here?"
"Your headaches are provoked by strong smells. You ran away from home at 18, but I've seen you call your parents from now and then to check on them. Your eyes light up at the mention of sugar. You have this Victoria Secret perfume that you stole from your aunt, and you never used it, you just like to spray it on the air and inhale it, because she smelled like that and you miss her. You used to be addicted to gum, so much that your mom had prohibited you from ever buying it. You love watching people renovate their houses on HGTV, and you make plans on how you are going to remodel your place. You love strawberries covered in chocolate, and you cry at the movies. And I remember all of these, even if it has been a year because I care about you, Y/N. And I couldn't say it back then because I was scared, but now I'm not. Now, I am the guy for you. I know how much you are worth it, I knew since the day I met you." He took a deep breath. "Please, Y/N, let me prove it to you that I can be the guy you need."
What would you say if Jess Mariano was standing in your doorstep, begging for a second chance? I'm honestly asking.
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goodlucktkachuk · 4 years
Frantic -- Matthew Tkachuk (Pt.4)
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a/n: finally here with part 4!! it’s been a busy few days but I hope you guys enjoy! i think ths story has two or three parts left in it.
Part One   Part Two   Part Three
“Y/N hurry up! We’re gonna be late!” Emily screamed across the apartment as you were frantically throwing whatever clean clothes you could find into your open suitcase. It was creeping up to 8am and you guys were supposed to leave at 7:45 for your 10am flight. You weren’t completely unprepared, you had packed a few jerseys and a less than innocent red set to live underneath them but the past few days had been so busy you forgot to pack the rest.
The team was back on the road but this time to the west coast. Fortunately, you and Emily had just started your reading weeks so it only made sense you finally got to join the boys on at least part of their trip. Emily had never gotten to see Alberta before so it was the perfect opportunity to do some exploring. You were meeting the boys in Calgary for their day off and the Flames game then when they were off to Edmonton the two of you were off to explore. Mitch offered all the time to fly you guys wherever they were but you never wanted to impose. He was pleasantly surprised when you finally asked him for two plane tickets.
Barging into your room extremely pissed off, a look of horror crossed your roommate's face as she watched you scramble. She sighed loudly as she grabbed your hips and placed you in a chair in the corner of your room. She made quick work of your messy packing skills and threw in an extra hoodie and jeans in addition to socks which you had forgotten about entirely. You went to thank her but she pressed her finger to your lips, shushing you.
“The Ubers waiting lets, go.” If looks could kill you would’ve been a goner twenty minutes ago.
The drive to the airport was quiet. Emily had her head in her phone texting Nick while you stared at the city flashing past you. The past few weeks had been crazy. School was in full swing and was taking most of your energy. Spending ten hours a day in the studio left you little time to see anyone let alone keep up with what was going on outside of your bubble. You felt bad because you hadn’t been giving Matt as much attention lately. The two of you called and facetimed when you could but it didn’t feel like enough. He knew you were busy and was more than supportive but the guilt still pang in your chest and the thought of him losing interest ran wild through your mind. This trip couldn't have came at a better time, you figured surprising him was the best way to make up for the distance between you two lately.
Emily, still mad at your last minute lifestyle, kept to herself for the wait in the airport and most of the flight but she started to gush the closer you two got to your destination. You were so used to traveling growing up that it was sweet getting to see someone get so excited.
After collecting your bags it was a short drive back to the hotel. As you guys approached the entrance you noticed a group of girls probably about 15 or 16 in Leafs jerseys. When you walked past they got quiet and you could hear the whispers.
“Oh my god is that Mitch’s sister?” “That's definitely Nick's girlfriend!” “Ugh! This isn’t fair! She’s not even pretty enough for him!”
You reached and squeezed Emily’s hand as you kept walking. Just like the guys, you knew better then to respond to people because in the long run it hurts their career and relationships. It was nothing she hadn’t heard from others or hadn’t seen on social media but you knew it still hurt her just a little.
Dropping your bags with a thud, you hurled yourself at the nearest bed and let out a massive sigh of relief as you let the softness envelop your body. Emily’s laughter filled the room as she placed her bags down next to your and sat on the edge of your bed. You let out a small grunt as she shook your leg, trying to get you to sit up.
“Mini!” her voice was more stern then usually. “Come on, we didn’t come all this way for you to lay in bed. Let's do something!”
“But bed.” You pouted into the sheets.
She aggressively grabbed your arm, pulled you up and headed for the door. You wanted to protest but you knew it wasn’t worth it. It was a cold day so you both agreed that shopping was the best way to fill your time before you had to go meet the boys for dinner.
Matthew checked his phone a lot more these days. He was never really one to care if people had answered him or to be obsessed with social media but since you entered his life he was constantly looking. At first Johnny and Noah were really digging into him but they soon realized how important this girl was to Matt. She was known as the Rat Queen through the locker room because Tkachuk refused to reveal her identity but wanted to gush about how talented she was. Noah was the only one who knew who you were.
He supported Matt but he reminded his friend on multiple occasions that he has to be careful. Between tight inner circles and the looming presence of fans and press. You could never be too careful.
It was killing Matt just a little bit that he hadn’t seen you in so long but he knew you needed to be in Toronto. He dragged Noah with him CrossIron Mills to help pick out things to send to you in a care package. He had gotten the idea from his brothers girlfriend because she had sent Brady one while they were home for the summer in St. Louis. Back in his apartment he had a box with a few snacks and some of his old T-shirts and sweaters. All sprayed with his cologne.
He was on the hunt today for something special but he wasn’t quite sure what that was. The two boys had wandered into a record store and were just mindlessly looking to see if anything would catch their eye.
You were still empty handed after a few hours of walking around and you were ready to call it quits but Emily pulled you into Sunshine Records for one last stop. You parted ways and you made your way to the back of the store. Once again not paying attention to where you were going you smacked into someones back.
“I am so sor-” You looked up and were met with the same piercing blue eyes from a few weeks ago but this time he looked a lot happier to be crashed into. Picking you up, he spun you around and placed a soft kiss on your lips. Fireworks exploded in your stomach but before you could react it was over.
“What are you doing here?!” He exclaimed as he set you down, keeping his arms wrapped around your neck.
“I’m looking for the new Niall Horan vinyl babe.” You giggled.
“Not in the store Y/N! Why are you HERE?” He lets go of you and starts waving in hand in every direction, “In Calgary!”
“Ohh right. I was going to surprise you at your game tomorrow.”
“Well as much as that’s sweet I’m glad you ruined the surprise.” He pulled you in for another sweet kiss, making you melt even further. You both heard a cough and turned to see Emily and Noah standing a few feet away. The two of you pulled away and returned to your respective best friend. Noah extended his hand to you and the grip of his handshake is firm but welcoming.
“So you’re the famous Y/N that Chucky never stops talking about.” That comment earned Noah a swift smack to the back of the head from Matt.
You laughed slightly as you responded, “That's me. I hope it's all good things Chucky.” You sent him a teasing glance while you spoke.
“Oh trust me he is, you really got him wrapped around your finger. There was this one time-” Noah was forcefully cut off by Matt.
“Ah Ah Ah, that’s enough! I am so sorry to cut this story short but we have a team dinner to get ready for.” He started pushing Noah towards the exit as you and Emily followed.
“Calm down buddy.” His phone went off in his hand and said “It was lovely to meet you guys.” before rushing away to answer. Emily stepped away at the same time for the same reason leaving you and Matt alone.
He pulled you into another hug and he smiled as he felt you relax completely into his arms. He looked down at you and marveled at your face before he spoke.
“So if you’re coming to my game does that mean your finally gonna finally wear my jersey babe?”
“Awh sorry love, accidentally brought my Talbot jersey. Maybe next time.” A smirk covering your face. He frowned at you.
“You’re a monster.” Joking tone in his voice.
You pushed up on your toes and planted another kiss on his lips.
“Yeah but I’m your monster.”
“Yes, yes you are.”  you both stared aimlessly into eachothers eyes. Your moment was cut short by Emily’s return.
“Hey Y/n… That was my mom, I have to head home after the game tomorrow. There’s some family stuff I have to be there for. I’m really sorry.”
You pulled away from Matt and gave her a hug, tracing small circles on her spine to calm her down.
“It’s okay. Do you want me to come back with you?”
“No, no it’s okay, Nicks gonna come with me.” Her eyes were full of disappointment.
“Okay hun. Tonight we’ll reschedule all our hotels and come back out in May. How does that sound?”
“Sounds good but what are you going to do the rest of the week then?”
Piping up from behind them, Matt enthusiastically said “Come stay with me.”
“That’s very sweet of you Matts but I don’t wanna impose and how would I explain that to Mitch?” You knew Mitch would understand if you told him about you and Matt but you weren’t ready to take that step yet. Especially becuase you guys weren’t anything offical yet.
“We play Ottawa later this week so the family’s coming down to see it. Just tell him you're staying in town to see Taryn.” You thought about it for a minute because he had a good point. You hadn’t seen Taryn in about two years plus it technically wouldn’t be lying to Mitch.
“Yay!”  Matthew mauled you with a quick hug and kissed your forehead. He gave you a quick goodbye and headed off to find his teammate. You and Emily finished shopping and headed back to the hotel to get ready for your night. 
Even though the mall was pretty empty there's always someone around to see things. You guess someone saw you and Matt together today and tweeted about seeing the two of you. Adding insult to injury, Matt liked the tweet sending twitter into a tailspin of rumours. He really was a pest on and off the ice.
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senacal · 4 years
A Perfect Disaster
Request: Not a request
Pairing: Hank McCoy x Reader
Prompt:  Imagine Hank McCoy wants to spice up his and (Y/N)'s romance life and tries all sorts of cheesy tactics such as candlelit dinners, bringing fruit and whipped cream into the bedroom, sexy underwear... whether they fail or not in their romancing is another question...
Warnings: Fluff, undertones to sex, cursing, slight angst? speculations of cheating
Author’s Note: I wanted to write at least one thing for each character I write for and I stumbled on this prompt and thought of how awkward Hank would be, so here you go!
Requests are open! 
(Gif not mine)
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Lately (Y/N) has noticed that Hank has been acting kind of odd. (Y/N) was trying to figure out why that was, so they’ve been subtly asking around. And by subtly, that meant flat out asking what the fuck was up with Hank McCoy. When (Y/N) asked Charles, the telepath who was sure to know everything, he had refused to look into Hank’s mind. Which (Y/N) found frustrating because now they had to go asking more people what they thought. All their answers matched, “Ask Charles.” Yeah, no shit! But Charles was being pretty mindful of this. The one time (Y/N) asks him to abuse his power, Charles refuses. That left (Y/N) only one option. Ask Hank what was going on.
It wasn’t such a surprise to find Hank below the mansion in the lab he had built, so that’s exactly where (Y/N) had gone to look. But what was strange was to find him spending his time shopping. C’mon, Hank McCoy willingly shopping? He hated most social interactions and crowds. So when (Y/N) went looking for him only to be told he was at the mall of all places was beyond confusing to them. (Y/N) was used to the late nights and sometimes, all-nighters, that Hank pulled. He was the resident genius so he was always on call. (Y/N) could deal with that. But a whole week? A week of ignored phone calls, a week of late nights, a week of canceled plans. What was so important that Hank had left (Y/N) all by themselves for a whole week? (Y/N) knew there were no current missions. Hell, they were apart of the X-Men for crying out loud so they were sure to know if a mission was happening or not.
And now Hank was shopping? What the hell was happening?
(Y/N) was sitting in their shared bedroom, waiting for his arrival. He had been gone approximately three hours now. (Y/N) was watching the clock, counting the minutes. Hank’s new habits were driving them crazy. What if he was cheating on them? That could explain why Hank was never around anymore. It would explain why Charles wouldn’t tell (Y/N) what Hank was thinking. Then again Charles could actually want to give them the privacy everyone needed. Fuck, it all sucked. Especially the not knowing part of all this. (Y/N) always knew what people were doing. They were always one step ahead of everyone else. So the fact that (Y/N) didn’t know what Hank was doing, was driving them crazy.
“Hey babe, I’m back,” Hank walked into their shared room and deposited his bags in their shared closet. “Sorry I took so long, the mall was packed. I can’t believe people go there to hang out,” Hank shuddered.
“Right… Can I ask why you were there?” (Y/N) wondered.
“I was buying a few things,” Hank shut the closet door and sat on the bed right next to (Y/N).  He placed a small kiss on their cheek, “I know I haven’t been around much recently, but I want to make that up to you. Make sure your schedule is free tomorrow because it's gonna be me and you all day,” He promised.
“A day dedicated to us? You’re sure some projects won’t need you?” (Y/N) asked somewhat bitterly. They didn’t mean to sound so petulant, but a week without Hank was kinda grating. They slept in the same room and (Y/N) still hardly saw him.
“Of course not, that’s why I was down there for so long. I wanted to finish ahead of time. Otherwise, we’d still be going through the same routine,” Hank furrowed his brows confused. “Didn’t I tell you I would be especially busy this week?”
“It must have slipped your mind,” (Y/N) shrugged. “It’s fine though,” (Y/N) perked up and sat up straighter, “So you have plans for us for tomorrow?”
Hank grinned and nodded, “I do, but it’s a surprise so you can’t know anything about it, so no cheating okay? Don’t ask Charles or the others about it and don’t try to use your powers to glimpse into the future.”
(Y/N) furrowed their brows, “Okay… can I ask why?”
“No, you may not,” Hank kissed (Y/N) on the nose, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to set some things up for tomorrow, Love you!” Hank stood up and almost ran out the door.
The rest of the night was spent with Raven, the both of you speculating what Hank had planned. Raven was saying that Hank was going to do something that would be simple because he wasn’t one to draw attention to himself. (Y/N) had to agree, that was very much like Hank, but with the way he has been acting lately, they thought this time would be different too. By the end of the night, Hank was actually in bed at a reasonable hour and (Y/N) got to fall asleep in his arms. Even if the next day turned out horrible for whatever reason, (Y/N) at least had that moment in Hank’s arms.
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up alone. It wasn’t too unusual, but they were wondering where Hank had run off to. He had promised a full day for the two of them. (Y/N) sat up in bed and stretched their arms overhead. It was kind of hard to force themselves out of bed most days but for once (Y/N) had gotten the best night’s sleep in over a week. They were just about to get up when the bedroom door burst open. (Y/N) would have been startled if it weren’t for the fact that it was Hank who had come barrelling in with what looked like breakfast. 
“Sorry, I didn’t wake you did I?” He winced.
(Y/N) shook their head with an amused smile, “You need help?”
“No, I’ve got it, you just sit back and relax,” Hank kicked the door closed with his foot and met (Y/N) on the bed, “I made us some pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns,” he beamed proudly. Despite Hank’s advantageous feet, he was pretty clumsy, especially in the kitchen.
“You cooked?” (Y/N) asked surprised.
“Well, Raven cooked, but I did learn a few tricks!” He spoke happily. 
(Y/N) too their plate from Hank with a grateful smile, “Well, I’ll have to thank her,” they leaned over and kissed Hank’s cheek, “Thank you, my love.”
Henry blushed despite himself. He had thought he’d be used to affection by now, but in truth, he was still as flustered as the first time (Y/N) had shown him any form of affection. Hank was used to being alone in his lab, or alone with his teammates. He never thought he’d meet someone who would make his whole world bright. 
Breakfast was delicious and (Y/N) vowed to thank Raven once again. They knew Raven could cook, but damn! (Y/N) sat back and pat their stomach, “That was wonderful, thank you, Hank.”
“It was nothing, really. Wait till you see what else I have planned,” He grinned. He had made sure to set a schedule that was sure to be successful. He awoke early that morning to ensure everything was bulletproof, figuratively speaking of course. 
“I can’t wait,” (Y/N) moved their plate aside to get up, “For now, I’d like to shower, care to join me?”
Hank was up in an instant, he could afford to be distracted at least a little bit, right? Everything was sure to turn out successful in the end.
Everything was not successful. Hank couldn’t understand what had happened! One minute he was taking (Y/N) apart inch by inch in the shower, the next, (Y/N) had slipped and hit their head thus killing the mood. This was why he never indulged in shower sex! Well, he also never had the opportunity, but (Y/N) hurt their head! They had a major headache for a couple of hours after that so Hank had to cancel a few plans, like the training in the Danger Room, the horseback riding reservation, and the movie date. 
(Y/N) had apologized repeatedly because they felt as if it were their fault, but Hank was sure to shoot down each apology. Hank should have been more careful, at least that’s what he had said each time (Y/N) apologized. 
“Are you sure you’re feeling better? We can skip the picnic if you’re still hurting,” Hank softly spoke.
“No, we are not canceling any more plans. You put so much thought into today and I already ruined a good portion of it,” (Y/N) put up a finger to silence Hank, “Don’t say that I didn’t because we both know if it weren’t for my headache we’d be exhausted physically by now.”
Hank sighed, “I should have been careful, if we’re blaming someone, then it’s on me,” Hank stood up from their shared bed and straightened his clothes, “If you really want to do this, then I’ll make sure the basket is ready to go.” Even though Henry had checked everything over that morning, he desperately needed to make sure everything was ready to go now. 
“I do want to do this. I’ll meet you downstairs, okay?” (Y/N) stood up and shooed Hank away.
Once Hank had left, (Y/N) opened their top drawer to their dresser and pulled out an Advil bottle, just in case. 
When (Y/N) finally emerged downstairs, Hank was holding a blanket, a basket, and an umbrella. “Ready (Your nickname)?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” (Y/N) held out their hand to take something, anything from Hank who resembled a packed mule. Hank sighed gratefully and handed the umbrella to them. Once Hank’s hand was free, (Y/N) used the advantage to lace their fingers together. They loved to see Hank’s cheeks flush anytime they did something simple with their affection. 
Together, Hank and (Y/N) walked down the path of the gardens to find a good spot for their picnic. Despite the happenings of the morning, (Y/N) was enjoying their day. Sure they hurt their head, but Hank was there to take care of them. Hank was there to cuddle and he was there to dote over (Y/N). The mere presence of the other mutant was enough to ease (Y/N)’s pain. They were looking forward to the rest of the day, whether it’s ruined by some unfortunate event or not. As long as Hank was with them, nothing else mattered.
To Hank’s surprise and delight, the picnic was a huge success. Not only did their simple meal suffice, but the sparkling cider was also chilled perfectly. The flowers in the garden were in full bloom and even though there were a few bees, the bees managed to keep away from them, though Hank suspected (Y/N) had to do with that. (Y/N) had the ability to interact with animals, big, small, aquatic, land, etc. Alex used to tease them both that (Y/N) managed to snag Hank’s love and affection because (Y/N)’s mutant powers tamed the beast within him. He wasn’t too far off, but it had nothing to do with the powers (Y/N) possessed and everything to do with their personality and who they were.
Now that the picnic was finished, Hank took ahold of (Y/N)’s hand, and together they walked around the grounds of the mansion. It was truly beautiful. Charles managed to create the most beautiful school and they couldn’t have asked for better scenery. 
Once the sun began to set, Hank escorted (Y/N) back to their room for dessert. When Hank suggested dessert, he did a godawful wink that either Charles or Alex had shown him. (Y/N) thought it was adorable and followed him inside nonetheless. 
“You head on up and I’ll meet you there, okay?” Hank kissed (Y/N)’s temple and lightly pushed them in the direction of the stairs.
“Alright, don’t keep me waiting or I’ll get started without you,” (Y/N) teased.
Hank couldn’t help the grin that formed on his lips as he watched (Y/N) walk up the stairs. In spite of it all, their day was the perfect disaster and Hank wouldn’t have changed anything in the end.
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lochrannn · 3 years
Fanfic: Premiere Threads
Read on AO3
Thanks @pepperf for the prompt “You look amazing tonight”!
I also snuck in “Dance with me.” which came in with a choice of prompts from @ohrackham. Thanks as well!
The Hargreeves + Lila head to LA for a film premiere.
Low-level hijinks ensue.
Lila gets off her plane at LAX after sitting in the damn metal tube for nearly eight hours. It was only supposed to be a six hour flight but they were delayed on the runway and sat around for nearly an hour with nothing happening. Lila will admit that she's not the most patient of people at the best of times and she had got used to travelling by briefcase, taking her anywhere in an instant. On top of that, she is just absolutely over the vastness of this country. Having to fly six hours to get from one coast to the other is just excessive.
Yeah, she's not in the best of moods when she lifts her heavy bag and then her rolling suitcase off the luggage belt, but does take a little bit of satisfaction from the fact she accidentally (no really, she didn't mean to) hits the guy who roughly pushed past her to get to the belt first in the knee with the corner of her suitcase.
It doesn't take Lila too long to get from baggage collection to the arrival terminal and when she walks out through the sliding doors, she's a little surprised that she can't spot Diego right away waiting for her.
She'd texted him about the delay and he had her flight number, so she wonders why he's not around yet, she doubts he'd be willing to spend any more time than necessary in an airport. In fact, knowing that, she'd told him it wouldn't be necessary for him to pick her up, she could just got a taxi to their hotel, but he had insisted again when she talked to him on the phone yesterday.
He has been in a weird mood these past few days and with the upcoming premiere of the widely anticipated documentary about The Umbrella Academy, she can understand why.
Diego flew out to LA together with Klaus a few days before Lila as she had a job to finish up, but Klaus and Diego wanted some time to spend with Allison and Claire as they've become deeply fond of their little niece.
Luther, Vanya, and Five are scheduled to arrive tomorrow only just making it in time for the premiere. Vanya is tied up with some orchestra thing and both Luther and Five offered to travel with her. Lila was relieved that nobody asked why she wouldn't travel with the others. She loves her new family, she really does, but being trapped on a plain with all of them and having to go through airports and security checks with the three oddballs would have tested her admittedly limited patience a little too much.
As she's annoyingly too short to effectively look over the crowd that's caused a throng just outside the arrivals door, she starts to wander about weaving past hugging families and drivers with signs held up for their clients, and finally spots Diego sitting on a chair at the side of the hall.
She immediately notices three things about him. The first are the large, square, plastic-y orange rimmed sunglasses, which absolutely clash with the grey t-shirt and black jeans he's wearing. The second are the people with him; Klaus on the outside lounging in his chair, also wearing sunglasses, between the two brothers someone who can only be Allison, also in sunglasses, but the actress has apparently wisely decided to make herself as unrecognisable as possible and is wearing a big sweatshirt with a hood up over her head. The third thing Lila notices are the large take-away coffee cups they're all holding and she comes to the conclusion that they must be desperately hung-over.
The three of them spot her before she gets to them and get up, throw away their cups, while Klaus picks up a take-away tray with what must be a fourth coffee they got for Lila, and start making their way over to her. That's when she notices the thing she should have probably spotted right away.
There's an obvious difference to Diego and she feels her jaw drop a little when she notices. He's a little unkempt and his usual designer stubble could do with some tidying up, but all that is inconsequential compared to the glinting flashes that catch her eye on both his earlobes.
He's wearing earrings.
She's about to comment on that, but then she's swallowed up in their madness.
Allison and Klaus are arguing good-naturedly as they come up to her. Allison takes the rolling suitcase from Lila, Diego takes her bag and swings it over his shoulder before heavily putting his free arm around her shoulders and tucking her into his side, while Klaus takes one of her now free hands, kisses it dramatically and then fills it with the remaining cardboard coffee cup.
All the while they do not stop squabbling to properly greet her, instead Diego has now got involved, siding with whoever he seems to think is winning.
“Long night?” she eventually directs at Diego, as the four of them make their way out to the taxi rank.
“Ugh, don't ask!” Diego answers with an exasperated chuckle.
“No, I'm definitely going to!” Lila counters with a pointed look at the side of his head.
“Fair,” Diego says as he lets go of her to put her bag in the taxi they've caught.
Once all her luggage is in the boot, they squeeze into the cab, Diego, Allison and herself on the back bench and Klaus in the front next to the driver.
Allison calls out an address that sounds vaguely familiar to Lila and they drive off.
“Where are we headed?” she asks no one in particular.
“My place,” Allison answers and then Diego adds, “All my stuff is still there.”
Lila nods at that and is about to say something else, when Klaus turns around in his seat and looks at her with a sly smirk, eyes peaking over the rim of his shades, and says teasingly, “So you're not gonna ask about the...?”, he flicks his own earlobe by way of explanation, and then waggles his eyebrows at Diego.
“Why? 's anything different?” Lila deadpans and hears Diego huff next to her, though whether it's in amusement or indignation she's not quite sure.
“Aw, we thought you'd have at least some opinion on the makeover we gave Crocodile Dundee over here. He's been fidgety all morning, wondering what you'll make of it!” Klaus almost whines and earns himself a grumbled “Fuck off, Klaus!” from Diego, “I think he looks dashing. Like a pirate!” Klaus chuckles and earns himself a more emphatic, “Fuck off, Klaus!” and “Leave him alone!” from Allison.
Lila decides that, firstly, there's no point in even attempting to match their energy, so she lets go of the idea and relaxes a little at the thought that she can just let herself be swept along as she's far too tired to come up with a better plan herself, and secondly, she's going to ask the only halfway rational adult in this cab, bar herself and hopefully the driver, to explain the situation. So she turns to Allison and asks, “You gave him the earring?”
Allison takes off her sunglasses, revealing dark shadows under her eyes, and Lila ends up feeling sympathetic even though she knows that tired look is very much self-inflicted.
“I know I shouldn't say this but he was asking for it. Like actually, literally!” Allison begins explaining with an exasperated sigh. “He said he'd always wanted earrings, that the only thing holding him back was his fear of needles, and we were pretty drunk already and you know Diego, he's a lightweight, so when he passed out on the couch, we thought we'd do him a favor...” she trails off a little sheepishly.
“All we needed was alcohol and some ice, which we had plenty of, a needle, and a potato!” Klaus counted off the items on his fingers with a flourish.
“That sounds unsanitary,” was all Lila could think to say.
“You're one to talk,” Diego finally piped up, “you cauterized my stab wound with a soldering iron and then rode me the next day...” but he doesn't get much further as he is interrupted by Lila slapping him in the chest, Allison mumbling “gross” and Klaus cackling delightedly.
“So this is how a bunch of unsupervised thirty-two year olds behave?” Lila asks the occupants of the cab at large, mostly to steer the conversation away from her sex life, to which Allison corrects her “I'm thirty-four.” and Klaus chimes in more or less at the same time, “I'm thirty-six, actually!”
“Great roll models to your little brother, then,” Lila teases with a big grin and pointedly ignores Diego's indignant “Hey!”.
They spend the rest of the taxi ride with much the same amount of back and forth arguing, but somewhere within that is Diego's explanation that really he'd always wanted to get earrings but went for his piercing first as any kind of jewelry outside of a uniform would not have fit police academy regulation and then he had never got up the courage to go anywhere close to a needle again. He hardly wants to admit it, but he is apparently kind of grateful to his siblings for taking matters into their own hands.
Lila takes this information in in her stride. It's his body and the earrings suit him, so she tells him as much and has mixed feelings about the way he visibly relaxes next to her when she says that. It has it's perks that he's so desperate for her approval, but sometimes it makes her a little concerned.
They end up having lunch delivered at Allison's and by late afternoon everybody is exhausted, so Lila and Diego take their luggage and get a taxi to the hotel Diego was meant to check in to three days ago, but he had ended up crashing with his sister instead. Lila hopes they will have a room available.
They do, and the two of them barely manage to drop their bags on the floor before they tumble on to the bed, not even bothering to pull back the sheets, only stripping off the top cover that Lila is always a little suspicious of in hotels, and falling asleep fully dressed.
The next day is mostly a whirl and Lila is glad that herself and Diego basically only had a quiet dinner the night before after their nap and then went straight back to bed, as she thinks they would be having a hell of a shitty time if they'd been sleep-deprived.
It's not that the day isn't enjoyable, it's just a lot.
Luther, Vanya, and Five arrive in LA and the siblings all congregate at Allison's.
Lila is fascinated to see the amount of work that goes into just maintaining a brand for something as simple as a documentary premiere, as there are also half a dozen professional make-up artists and stylists on the scene who are wrangling the Hargreeves siblings with impressive authority. Lila is offered a very elaborate evening gown but decides on a colourful mini-dress with high neckline and exposed shoulders, and by the time they head out to the theatre where the premiere and a subsequent Q+A session is going to take place – they've decided that only Allison, Vanya, and Klaus should be involved in that, as Luther would feel to awkward up on stage, Diego had to admit that he was quite certain he wouldn't get a word out anyway, and Five wasn't part of the film as he is still officially missing – they are all dressed to the nines.
At the afterparty there's still press milling around and some photographers get the Hargreeves sans Five lined up to take a bunch of pictures while Lila and Five watch from a bit of a distance.
“You feel left out, little man?” Lila asks Five.
He looks at her pointedly and then back at his siblings being arranged into good poses by Allison and unconvincingly says, “Not really.” Then he turns back to Lila and asks her, “Do you?”
“Nah,” she replies with the same lack of conviction Five had managed. Then she picks up her whiskey soda and switches it with the ginger ale that's in front of Five, as she knows he hasn't been able to get anything more boozy than apple cider – a non-alcoholic drink in this part of the world, Lila has learnt from an irate Five when she didn't quite understand his complaint – and receives a grateful nod from Five for her efforts.
Before he can even take a sip, they are called over by Allison, who explains that she's wrangled one of the photographers who she has a good working relationship with into taking pictures of all of them – not to publish, just for their own use.
Lila squeezes in between Allison and Klaus and doesn't mind that Five subsequently squeezes in between Klaus and herself. They've come a long way from trying to tear each other to shreds in the sixties.
When they finally disperse to go enjoy the party, Lila feels a hand wrap around her arm and Diego whisper in her ear, his breath ghosting over her exposed shoulder, “Dance with me.”
She doesn't answer, instead she takes his hand and pulls him along to the small dance floor near the DJ. She swivels around and lets herself be pulled in close by Diego and they start dancing to the lively music.
When she gets a chance, she leans close to his ear and tries not to shout, but says loud enough to be heard over the music, “You look amazing tonight!”
And he does. He's wearing a terra-cotta coloured suit with a white vest underneath and Lila really likes the changeup from his usual blacks and greys. But her favourite detail is the heavy chain that one of the stylists, in a stroke of genius, got Diego to put around his neck, and the combination of the vest's low neck-line exposing his chest hair and the cold metal is really doing a number on her sanity.
“Yeah?” Diego asks a little breathlessly. She barely hears him, rather guesses what he says from his open and slightly bashful expression.
She nods at him with a smile, then wraps her fingers around the chain and uses it to pull his face down towards hers and kisses him soundly.
When she pulls away there's a hungry look in his eyes and so Lila decides to make things worse by pulling on the chain a little harder now so she can get to Diego's ear without having to get up on tip-toes, and says evenly, “I think I could get quite the good use out of this,” and jerks the chain once more for emphasis.
To her delight her antics get the desired response as Diego growls at her words, bites her lightly on the jaw, which makes Lila yelp, and then surprises her by dipping her deeply, and with his nose touching hers, says in a low rumble that sends a shiver down Lila's spine, “You should know better, babe, than to say shit like that if you're not going to follow through with it!”
To Lila's annoyance he doesn't kiss her but rather pulls her back upright and spins her out, and Lila's reminded that they're technically still dancing. When she comes back close to him she drags a finger down his chest and says into his ear in the most sultry voice she can manage, “Oh, I'll follow through with it, don't you worry!”
They spend the rest of the night dancing and flirting with each other and drinking with the rest of the Hargreeves.
And when they get back to their hotel room, Lila makes good on her promise.
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leverage-ot3 · 4 years
notable moments from The Rundown Job
leverage 5.09
the HEART EYES in parker and eliot’s eyes as they watch hardison crack the code of the vault is my religion
- - - - -
Hardison: Kiss for luck?
Parker: Who needs luck?
confident baby
- - - - -
(Parker begins doing elaborate moves and turns to get through the lasers, quickly reaching the far wall)
Hardison: I never get tired of that
- - - - -
Parker (opens a case to reveal it is full of diamonds): Oh! Bup-bup.
(Eliot snaps at Parker to get her attention)
Hardison: Eight new schools. Okay, take care, sister Agnes. (hangs up)
(Parker closes the case and gives it to Eliot for mailing as Hardison dials the phone)
Hardison: Hey, Nate, we’re done in D.C. We’re flying back tomorrow. See you.
Parker: They’re so shiny. Couldn’t I have just kept one?
Hardison: Road to redemption, Parker. Just think how good it’s gonna feel when you get that Christmas card from those orphans. Hell, we may even get Eliot to smile.
parker deserves all the shiny things
“the road to redemption” THEY CHANGE TOGETHER
- - - - -
Riley: Why’d you quit, anyway? (pushes button again)
Eliot: Started running with some different people...
(Riley pushes button again but it doesn’t seem to be working)
Eliot: Like a hacker...
(Hardison enters room and nods. Riley pulls a gun from his drawer and shoots toward Eliot, but the gun is empty)
Eliot: And a thief.
(Parker taps on Riley’s head. He turns. She is holding the clip and a bullet from his gun)
Parker: Click. (tosses clip and bullet on table)
eliot “I started running with some different people” spencer loves his partners and I adore that with my whole (whole) heart
- - - - -
Eliot: Good night.
(Parker stuns Riley, who slumps on the desk)
I’m glad they’re enabling her tasering obsession
- - - - -
Eliot (checks his watch): I’m gonna keep her alive. You guys find a way to get her out of here.
Hardison: With what? I…
Eliot (walks away): You stole a Michelangelo with tinfoil and chewing gum. Figure it out!
eliot is like bitch please you’re smarter than this
- - - - -
the way the three of them back up to each other, covering their backs ,,,
- - - - -
Hardison: This is a violation of my constitutional rights.
Vance: You’re Alec Hardison. You cracked the Pentagon servers when you were 12. N.S.A. has a file on you a mile long.
Hardison: Do they? What do they say about me? I hope they gave me a cool nickname.
Vance: Parker here... No file on you, which is...
(Parker appears to be sleeping)
Vance: Is she asleep?
Eliot: She bores easy. What do you got on us?
hardison probably does have a cool nickname
also I LOVE how they still have no clue about parker
eliot being like “she bored easy” 🤷🏼‍♀️ the MARRIEDNESS
- - - - -
Hardison: Y-you’re talking about stopping a terrorist attack in an afternoon. We’d need all your intel.
Vance: That truck back at the crime scene... It’s an N.S.A. Mobile response intelligence unit–
Hardison: With the Schneier cryptography system and the j-dam satellite uplink? That... I know nothing about, ‘cause that would be treason and wrong. (to Vance) Are you for real
hardison: I wouldn’t know anything about that because that wouLd Be TrEaSoN
- - - - -
Vance: So, you grab the truck... (moves to sit by Eliot) Hell... Your girlfriend’s already out of her cuffs.
(Parker sits up holding the handcuffs and tosses them to Vance)
...they didn’t deny that parker was eliot’s girlfriend. they didn’t bother to correct him because it is, in fact, true that she is both their girlfriends. in this essay I will-
- - - - -
Agent: No, I can’t let you in the truck.
Hardison: A gigabyte gone... your job, gone.
Agent: Security clearances.
Hardison: You’re not gonna let who...
Eliot: What are we, terrorists? Okay, that was my plan was to come here, show you a real badge that I somehow got, and then bring somebody crazy to break into a secure vehicle? We’re gonna move this down the block. He’s gonna spend about an hour doing spot-checks on databases. I showed you my badge. Man, here, take my badge. (tosses it to Agent) Call it in. I got to deal with this guy
it’s funny because it’s true
- - - - -
Hardison: It’s got every database... N.S.A., CIA, FBI. It’s got hard backdoors into most commercial systems, live feeds into every security camera on the grid. Man, if this wasn’t such a gross violation of our civil liberties, I would be in love right now.
they never stop calling out the government and I’m Here For It™
- - - - -
Parker: Where do we start?
Eliot: We start with getting you two on a plane out of here. You didn’t sign up for this. Trust me.
Hardison: And you? You’re going to handle this by yourself? Come on, she’s a lady, man. She needs the right touch. What you gonna do with your big punching hands... Punch the screens? No.
Parker: We agreed we all change. Better or worse, we change together.
Eliot (after a moment): What do they got on the gunman?
also,,, for better or worse, we change together??? BITCH THOSE ARE WEDDING VOWS
- - - - -
Parker: Do you know why you bring a cooler full of ice to a robbery? No? I do. Everything we need to know is in that basement. I’ll drive.
Hardison: Hold on.
Eliot: Exactly.
Hardison: No, hold on. (holds on to table)
Eliot: Oh, you... oh, hell, man (sits down in chair across from Hardison. the van horn honks twice and eliot looks around, fumbling) No seat belts up in this thing- (looks at Hardison) d-do you got a seat belt?
Hardison: No, uh-uh, hold the wall (holds the wall)
eliot and hardison being exhausted boyfriends at parker’s reckless driving, I love this song
- - - - -
Parker: How do you lose track of a whole laboratory?
Eliot: There’s over 200 tons of uranium missing from the United States nuclear storage.
Hardison: The air force lost a hydrogen bomb off the coast of Georgia.
Eliot: Countries are big things, Parker. A lot of secrets slip through the cracks.
wow I love knowing these things and having to live with it
- - - - -
Hardison: The Spanish flu killed 50 million people during World War I, and now somebody’s got it. (opens door)
Parker: Look, we can do this. Just treat it like any another job.
Hardison: This isn’t just any other job.
Eliot: All right, all right. Stay focused.
Hardison: I focused! That bug in there killed 50 million people! 50! And that was when the population was lower.
Parker: Now?
Hardison: Now? 150 million people. 150 million dead. Hey, we’re thieves, man, and we’re good at what we do, but this is way, way out of our league. And you expect us to go catch some psycho with a city killer? A country killer?
Eliot: You scared?
Hardison: You’re damn right.
(Hardison turns to enter the truck but Eliot grabs his wrist, holding him back)
Eliot: I’m not. I got the best thief And the smartest guy I know chasing this guy.
(Hardison looks at Parker, but Eliot grabs his head and pulls him back)
Eliot: Hey, listen to me. You’re smartest man I’ve ever known, Hardison. I need that brain to get me to him. ‘Cause you know if I lay my hands on him, it’s done. Get me to him. (lets Hardison go)
tHe WaY hE gRaBs HaRdiSoN’S fACE
eliot knows hardison is spiraling but he also knows how to get him out of it because he knows hardison like the back of his hand and knows how to get through to him
- - - - -
there are so many good ot3 shots in this episode it brings me so much joy
- - - - -
parker climbs hardison like a T R E E to turn off that detonator as eliot provides counterbalance
- - - - -
Eliot: Did it work?
Hardison: I... I don’t know. I’m trying to get the phone speaker.
Vance (on phone): Move, move, move! Get to cover! Pull everyone back to the perimeter!
Eliot: Ohh! My boy! (hugs Hardison) That is what I’m talking about!
tHe HuG, yOuR hOnOR
- - - - -
they really be playing grand theft auto in this one
- - - - -
(Udall fires toward the trio and they dive for cover. Eliot and Parker look at each other and nod. Parker looks at Hardison)
Parker: For luck.
(Parker kisses Hardison, then she and Eliot nod at each other. Parker grabs the briefcase and runs off the train while Eliot runs toward Udall. Hardison goes after Parker, and Udall shoots Eliot in the leg. Eliot reaches Udall and punches him, knocking him out. Hardison continues after Parker, who stops and opens the briefcase)
also high key the look parker and eliot share? it had the same vibes as “we do the things that they can’t, won’t”
parker high key kissing hardison “for luck” but also kissing him because eliot can’t
- - - - -
Hardison: Yeah. Yeah, that’ll do... that’ll do it. (he pulls her into his arms) Don’t do that to me. I can’t lose you. Do you understand? I can’t lose you. Don’t scare me like that.
Parker: Yeah.
Hardison: I can’t
he loves her so, so much
- - - - -
Vance: Promise you’ll at least consider working with us again.
Eliot: I work with them now.
Vance: Honor among thieves?
Eliot: Something like that. (walks away)
something like that,,, HE LOVES THEM, YOUR HONOR
- - - - -
Vance: World can always use some more good guys.
Parker: Yeah, well, too bad we’re the bad guys
smh, “sometimes the bad guys are the best good guys”
- - - - -
Parker: You’re shot. You should go to the hospital.
Eliot: I don’t do hospitals. (drops crutch)
Hardison: I told you. He takes getting shot very lightly
he drops his crutch to lean on parker and hardison THIS IS NOT A DRILL
- - - - -
after watching this episode, I agree with y’all wholeheartedly that this was an ot3 GOLDMINE
edit: also, notice how much is written in pink (the colorcode for ot3 notes and meta). like, more than half of it. because LITERALLY ALL OF THIS IS OT3 MATERIAL
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lovelyirony · 4 years
my cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme (And All Of My Peaches)
@peachy-keener to the best of the best ;), and @angxlsgrxce, the extension of the prompt that she filled! the prompt was not taken quite literally: set during fall...but i think that it makes the best of it 
Harley had grown up going to his grandparents’ house on his Dad’s side for years. He had grown up chasing his cousins around, Grams chastising him for being skinny as a bean pole. 
“You’re just like your Papa,” she’d say, stirring the cider at the stove as Harley “helped.” (Ate most of the cranberries.) 
“Good,” he’d say, mouth stained a brilliant purple. 
“Not good,” Dad would say, swinging his son into his arms and peppering him with kisses all over his cheek. “That means I have two insomniacs.” 
“But you also have a Pepper at your disposal,” Papa said, coming in from behind. “Hey Mama, thanks for letting our little bambino steal berries from you.” 
“It’s why I buy extra,” she says with a wink. 
As Harley grew up, he’d seen near-about-everything that happened. He’d heard all the stories, but his favorite was about the year Tony finally got to visit. 
“They thought we wouldn’t know,” Grandpa said, cutting up the ham with a laugh. “My damn fool son thought that I wouldn’t notice when he was gone on somebody.” 
“Language, dad,” he would say, and Harley would grin up at his dad. 
“He doesn’t need a lesson in what not to say,” Grandpa would say. “And you’re ruining the story. Anyways, here they are, cuddled up in a blanket...” 
Harley wants that. He wants to find someone he loves so much to bring home. He wants to dance with them in the kitchen when they’re supposed to be on clean-up, crooning to scratchy old records that made it past college dorm rooms. 
He wants to look across the table and smile fondly, and hold hands with whoever it is. 
His parents tell him it’ll be soon. 
“Before you know it, my mad scientist,” Dad says, grinning. “You’ll find someone that you’ll take their breath away.” 
“And hopefully it’s not because they’re asthmatic,” Papa quips. 
Harley giggles. 
“Goodnight bambino,” Tony tells his son. “Get good rest and wake up happy tomorrow.” 
“I promise,” Harley says sleepily. “Mostly.” 
Tony and Rhodey leave his room, and they smile at each other. 
“It’ll be too soon,” Rhodey says to his husband. “And then he will grow up.” 
“And we will be there for all of it,” Tony says, pressing a kiss to his husband’s forehead. “Besides, I can’t wait to see who Harley finds.” 
Harley meets a boy from Queens who talks a bit more than necessary, accidentally slapped him in the face while emphasizing his point about Jurassic Park during lunch, and has the most brilliant smile he’s ever seen. 
He can’t believe he knows him. 
Also, that they work together. Kind of. It’s an internship, but they also take most of the time to discuss conspiracy theories and challenge Ned with different programming games. 
“What do you think about adding some extra web spots on the sides?” Peter asks him. 
Harley is staring. A lot. 
Peter is wearing a good shirt. Funny pun. He is the funniest. And the cutest. He has these laughter lines by his eyes that always come up when he’s laughing really hard, and it’s so cute, and--
“Uh...Harley? You okay?” 
He shakes his head. 
“Um. Yeah. I’m all good. You were saying about side-lining your webslingers? Why?” 
“No, moving some to the side,” Peter says. “Like this.” 
Harley frowns at the diagram. 
“No, you splay out your hands too much when you’re Spidey. Web gets caught, you end up getting thrown at a ninety-degree angle or something. Skip it.” 
“How do I never think about the most obvious things,” Peter mutters. 
Harley has it on the tip of his tongue to mention that he is completely gone on him, and everyone knows it. Including his parents, which he isn’t exactly a fan of. 
Especially since Rhodey has been behind Peter at his work desk, mock-batting his eyelashes and throwing hearts up on any single display screen that Friday has control of. (She essentially staged a coup, and Jarvis let her.) 
“Dad,” Harley hisses out. “Stop.” 
“Stop what?” Peter asks, grin on his face. “What are you guys doing?” 
“Oh, nothing much,” Dad says. “But, that does remind me that I need to be doing something, and that is discussing Thanksgiving. We’re leaving for Grams’ early, around eight.” 
“Then cider!” Harley says, grinning. He turns towards Peter. “What about you, what plans you got?” 
“Oh, I think I’m going to attempt to make myself a mean turkey sandwich while May’s out,” Peter says. “Had to be on-duty for this year, but she gets Christmas off this year.” 
“What?” Harley says. “You’re not going over to Ned’s or anything?” 
“Ned’s visiting with Betty’s family, and MJ...I don’t know what she’s doing, but it’s something with family. She’s been sending me depressing poetry for half-an-hour.” 
Harley snorts. 
“Well that sucks, Peter. Sorry to hear that.” 
“It’ll be okay!” Peter says. “Just means I get to watch Star Wars with no complaints from you or Ned about my choices.” 
"I will find a way to have you avoid watching the prequels, they all suck.” 
“Sure they do,” Peter says. “That’s why everyone still watches them.” 
“It’s because everyone likes to make fun of them, not because they’re quality.” 
Peter laughs. 
“Maybe you’re right. But I gotta get going, Aunt May is trying to cook again.” 
Rhodey winces. 
“You want me to call Vietnamese food to-go ahead of time?” 
“I’ll see if I can help her any.” 
Harley waves goodbye, telling him to text when he got home. 
“I’m Spidey, I know how to get home safely,” Peter says, smiling anyways. “But I will. Anyway. Just to humor you.” 
“You have run into a telephone pole as Spidey before, you truly still think I have faith in you?” 
“I think a little bit of faith. Maybe a tad.” 
Harley rolls his eyes. 
“Go home before May successfully burns down the apartment complex this time.” 
“Will do!” 
Peter smiles one last time before exiting. 
“You, my dear son, are in love,” Rhodey announces. 
“Dad!” Rhodey snickers. 
“You did not learn subtlety from me, you learned it from your Papa, which is to say: you have learned no subtlety. It’s not my fault you’re entertaining.” 
But Harley keeps thinking about Peter. 
He knows that Peter is going to hate being alone, no matter how much he would actually watch the prequels. Peter hates being alone anyways. He’s always at least with someone, can’t stand being by himself. 
And on a holiday? One that’s usually spent with family of some kind? 
Well...it shouldn’t be that way. 
So at dinner, as Dad and Papa are talking about some sort of update on a phone, and Harley says it. 
“Can I invite Peter to Thanksgiving?” 
Dad and Papa stop. 
“I’m sure he’d love that,” Papa says softly, grinning. “I’m assuming it’s because he told you that May is on duty for that day?” 
“Yeah. I don’t think...I don’t want him to spend it alone.” 
His parents share a look, a look that they’ve shared a million times, one filled with soft understanding and so much love. 
“I’ll let Grams know we have an extra guest,” Tony says. “After all, it is my turn.” 
Dad snorts. 
“Sure it is, honey. Alright, Harley, call him up.” 
Harley grins, practically giddy. He’s excited to share this with Peter, to have him in this life. 
(And yeah, he’s hoping that it’s like the stories that Dad tells him at night, the ones over iced water and quiet reassurances late at night.) 
He presses the contact information, smiles as Peter answers on the second ring. 
“Harley, did I forget something?” 
“I don’t think so, no. But I wanted to ask you something.” 
“W-what did you want to ask me?” Peter asks. His voice sounds faint, almost nervous. 
“You sound weird. You okay?” 
“Yes. I am more than okay. I am perfection.” 
“Okay loser, don’t tell me. But I wanted to invite you to Thanksgiving with us.” 
“Yeah. No one should be alone.” 
“I mean, I don’t want to trouble you. I can be fine on my own.” 
“Peter, you are a terrible liar. You hate being alone. Besides, you’ve never had Grams’s cider before, and that clearly needs to be fixed.” 
“You don’t have to twist my arm,” Peter says, laughing. “What do I need to bring?” 
“A blanket and maybe a sleeping bag if you got one. If not, no big deal, we just usually stay the night since it can be a bit of a drive.” 
“You sure you still want me coming?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?” 
“Um...it’s family time?” 
“You’re close to me, Peter,” Harley says. “And I want you around all the time. I’m just glad you wanna come. You’re gonna love Grams.” 
“Okay. What time should I swing around Stark Tower?” 
“Uh...lemme ask.” 
Harley hops off his bed, phone at his shoulder. 
“Papa, what time do you want Peter over for the ride?” 
“Seven-thirty!” Tony says. “Unless you two want to canoodle before you’re stuck in the car with us geezers or something.” 
“Stop!” Harley hisses, glaring at his father as he snickers. “Uh, Peter, did you hear any of that?” 
“Something your Papa said made you yell, but nothing else?” 
“Okay, get here by seven-thirty in the morning, if that’s okay.” 
“I’ll set my alarms.” 
“Well, I don’t wake up that easily.” 
“And here I thought Spidey-Sense was real.” 
Harley decides he’s made either the worst decision of his life or the best, and it all depends on if Papa catches him staring so blatantly at Peter. 
He’s cute when he’s sleepy. He leans against the kitchen counter, and he’s still in an over-sized sweater with a scarf lazily wrapped around his neck. Harley really wants to fix it, just reach out. It’d be so easy, so cute 
“Harley I swear to god, please get your bag in the car before it becomes like the worst-family-picture-event,” Papa says. 
Peter seems to perk up at that. 
Of course. 
“What would the worst family picture be?” 
Rhodey already has his phone out. 
“Harley forgot his bag, which had all of his clothes. Only a Wal-Mart was open, and...” 
Head-to-toe sports neon. It was bad. Harley was frowning with his brows lowered in an obviously-frustrated expression while Tony and Rhodey sandwiched him, obviously bemused by the happenings of the holiday. 
Peter laughs. 
“Aw, you were so cute when you were little,” he says, smiling. “Really cute.” 
“Even in neon?” 
“Well, you’re cute in anything. Even neon.” 
Harley nearly spills his coffee. 
The ride there is mostly quiet. Tony hums along to the music, smiling slowly at some as Dad explains how Papa was the worst dancer on earth. 
“Not as bad as Peter,” Harley pipes up. 
“Oh come on, it’s cute,” he teases. “The way your arms flail like spaghetti is endearing.” 
“See if you get a sandwich from Delmar again.” 
“Oh the tragedy,” Harley moans. “No sandwich from Delmar!” 
Peter laughs. 
“You two get some sleep, Mama isn’t gonna stop bothering you two,” Tony decides moments later. “Come on.” 
Getting to sleep is...not easy. Especially when you’re supposed to. But Peter smiles. 
“Share a playlist with me?” 
Peter’s music taste is amazing. Seriously. Harley usually sticks with what Papa plays, although occasionally he’ll foray into some of what MJ plays. 
Peter’s music is relaxing. It’s light, easy. There are undercurrents of a deeper meaning, and what the memories make it be. 
The current song reminds him of the end of the summer that year, when they had an end-of-summer-picnic and he fell into the pond, and Peter couldn’t stop laughing and took about a million pictures of Harley actually in the water. 
"You remembering that time I fell?” Harley says, grinning at Peter. 
“I’m remembering how good my photos turned out,” Peter says, although he smiles. “You made a fantastic model. You always do.” 
Harley turns red. 
“Um, thanks. I always have a great photographer, wouldn’t you know it?” 
This time, Peter turns red. 
“I’m gonna try to take a nap,” he says. “Mind if I use your blanket?” 
“Not at all.” 
And Peter settles against his shoulder. 
It’s uncomfortable, but hell if Harley minds it. He smells good, and he’s so soft. He probably needs sleep. Knowing Peter, he probably stayed up half the night with homework, or something that had been a project for SI. 
Rhodey catches his son’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He doesn’t say anything, just smiles and nods. 
After all, there’ll be more than enough questioning when they get to Mama’s. 
Harley gently jostles Peter awake as they pull into the driveway. It looks like some cousins are already there, and Mama is already halfway out the door, most likely intent on attacking her son-in-law in kisses and hugs, and seeing how tall Harley has grown. (One inch, but now he’s taller than Tony.) 
“My baby!” she declares, attacking Harley in kisses. 
“Grams,” Harley whines. “I need to help Peter out of the car.” 
“Oh let me see him,” she says, grinning widely. 
“Don’t make him scared of us.” 
“Why would we be scary?” 
“I’m not mentioning the incident of 2011.” 
“That was one time!” 
And then Peter is out the car, grinning. His cheeks are flushed from warmth, and he’s already helping take out the luggage and the dishes from the car. 
“You must be Mrs. Rhodes, it’s good to meet you.” 
“Call me Grams, young man,” she says, eyes sparkling as she turns to Tony. “He reminds me of you at this age.” 
“I was not nearly so scrawny,” Tony says with a wink. “I was charming and devastatingly handsome.” 
“Oh yes, because nothing says devastatingly handsome like train tracks for a mouth,” Rhodey deadpans. 
“And yet what did we do in your room? As I recall, you--” 
“Tony!” Grams admonishes. “Not in front of the kids, and not in front of me.” 
Tony smiles sheepishly. 
“What can I say? I have wormed my way into your heart.” 
“Unfortunately,” Rhodey says. “Peter, watch out for Tony. He can get away with anything, he’s Mama’s favorite. Even though I’m her son.” 
“Well when you fix a finicky Ford in freezing weather, tell me immediately.” 
Harley drags Peter, holding his hand. 
“Come on, you have to meet everyone still.” 
Peter is just a bit overwhelmed, but mostly laughing as Harley takes him around the house. 
He meets Grams and Grandpa and hears all about Harley’s embarrassing stories, and he thinks it is rather nice, the dusting of red that Harley gets on his cheekbones. 
It’s a bit odd. Usually, he and May just watch Seinfeld reruns on the couch, or sometimes May has a friend’s apartment that they go to. 
They’ve given up on ever fixing an Official Thanksgiving Dinner after Ben, and maybe it’s too bittersweet a memory, or maybe it’s because when Ben died, there went the last of the talented Parkers in the kitchen. 
So Peter is surprised when Harley leads him to the kitchen to help him prepare the potatoes. 
“I make the best roasted potatoes,” Harley says. “It’s from the family cookbook, but I always add a little extra.” 
He leans in conspiratorially, and Peter catches a whiff of his cologne. 
“It’s extra onion. Don’t tell Papa-Tony-he’s been trying to get it for forever.” 
“I shall promise,” Peter says solemnly, saluting. “Scout’s honor.” 
“Were you ever in the program?” 
“For a year. I dropped out after I accidentally almost became a missing persons case.” 
“Please tell me it was because you chased a butterfly.” 
“How did you-?” Peter splutters. “How did you guess?!” 
“It’s a you thing, and I know you,” Harley says, poking his shoulder. “Now come on, help me peel potatoes before Grams makes you set dishes with Aunt Lola. She’s nice, but...talks a lot.” 
“I gathered.” 
It’s peaceful, almost. Peter works easily, handing peeled potatoes to Harley, and when they’re all done, helping chop them. 
“Thanks for inviting me,” he says quietly. 
“You don’t need to thank me,” Harley says. “I, um. I wanted you here.” 
“You...you did?” 
“You’re the best person in my life,” Harley says softly. “And I, well, I--” 
“Harley!” comes a yell. 
He seems frustrated to Peter’s eyes. 
“What, Dad?” 
“Come here and help me with an air mattress for your cousin Vince!” 
“Why can’t he help?” 
“He’s supervising your Aunt Jeannie at the store!” 
“Why does she need supervision?” 
“She watched Chopped!” 
Peter laughs as Harley huffs. 
“Well, we’ll come back to it,” he says softly. “Don’t worry.” 
Peter finishes with the potatoes, and moves onto the onions. He looks at the stained page in front of him, and sees a small addition in Harley’s unmistakable engineer-block-writing about more onions. 
He smiles. 
He wonders if when he grows up, they’ll have a-- 
Well. It’s not exactly a surprising thought. He’s been in love with Harley since freshman year of high school, after their second week of gym when Harley dramatically decided to pass out and shorten the class by about twenty minutes.
When Harley looked back and grinned at Peter, right at him, it was then and there that he fell.  
(MJ called him “the most love-struck boy in the world”.) 
Harley bounds down the stairs, grinning as he sees Peter at the table, helping Grams with the cider. 
“You’re trusting someone to help you after all this time?” 
“You finally bringing someone after all this time?” 
“Grams, I’m still young.” 
Her eyes sparkle as she pushes some cranberries towards Harley. 
“Picked out some extra. And I remember when your Dad was your age, don’t think I don’t have the guts to tell the stories.” 
She gets up from the table. 
“You know the recipe by heart, love. Help your guy with it.” 
Harley slides into her seat, grinning softly at her. 
“Thanks Grams.” 
“I’ll come and see your results in a bit.” She smiles fondly. 
Peter and Harley are alone. 
Harley turns red. 
“So, um. Is it okay if I’m awkward for a minute? And I don’t know how you’ll feel about it, but I think it’ll be okay.” 
“You’re always awkward,” Peter says softly. He’s stopped cutting up the oranges, knife laid to the side. 
“Well. Um. Yeah.” 
“Harley,” Peter starts out. “You can tell me anything. I promise you that it will be okay.” 
Harley looks at him. And really looks at him. 
“Can I...can I dance with you?” 
Peter’s eyes widen. 
It’s getting late, the night already dark for hours. The family is quieting down, and most have retired to their respective rooms. 
“Yeah, really.” 
Harley drops a record on the old player, smiling as the familiar croonings of Bing Crosby lift over the house. It’s a favorite of his dads: Only Forever. 
Peter stills as he hears the lyrics: 
Do I want to be with you as the years come and go? Only forever, if you care to know...
“You mean...?” 
“I mean it all, darling. I mean it all.” 
Peter smiles and there’s almost a tear in his eye as he leans his head on Harley’s shoulder. 
“I love you, Harley Keener.” 
They sway like that for a moment, and all is well. Harley breathes out, and he listens to Peter’s heartbeat slow down. It’s a good moment. 
For their wedding album, Tony surprises them with a picture of their first dance. The real one.
Harley absolutely does not cry and if anyone says that they saw him, they are lying liars who have received uninformed news. 
(No matter what his husband tells them.) 
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easyobsession · 4 years
Somewhere Only We Know
“You’re gonna get pissed.” He warns.
“Seriously, Justin, just tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine,” He pauses again, this time so long Kat is about to lose it, when he finally blurts, “We could get married.”
A Spinning Out fic.
A/N: A few things to get straight: what little knowledge I have about the Olympics, the Village, and ice skating in general is very limited and based solely on what I can find online. Please go easy on me; I’m new to this world. Most of my research for Beijing’s Games is speculation based on past Winter Olympics combined with me also making some of it up.
Also, as we know, we only got one season of this amazing show. While I have done my fair share of research (aka watched every Katstin scene an embarrassing amount of times), if you don’t remember some of the smaller details I mention it’s quite possibly because I made them up. Bare with me and go with it. I’m doing my best.
She’s been staring at the ceiling for nearly two hours. She knows this because in those two hours, Kat Baker has looked at the clock more times than she can count. But she’s done her best to stay still and focus on sleep, because if ever a good reason to need a solid night’s rest, this is it. Plus, she isn’t alone.
But it’s been nearly two hours. And after feeling her bedmate shift for the third time in less than ten minutes, she can’t help herself.
“Are you awake?” she speaks softly in case she’s wrong.
“Yes.” Justin’s voice comes so instantaneously it’s obvious he has been for a while. He rolls over onto his side to face her, clearly fed up with the charade. “I know we’re supposed to be too excited to sleep or whatever, but I figured jet lag and exhaustion would kick in eventually.”
Kat sighs. “I don’t think I can lay here anymore.”
“Screw it. Let’s go walk around or something. Get some food. I don’t know,” He shrugs, “Everything is open 24/7 here. Might as well take advantage of it.”
Kat bites at her lip. They have practice tomorrow at 9am sharp and Dasha will kill them if they’re stumbling around exhausted, but she’s so stir crazy right now she can’t bring herself to care.
“Alright, let’s go.”
They both dress quickly and head for the door, remembering to grab their ID badges from the nightstand and doing their best to remain silent as they slip through the common room. Their hands find each other in the elevator as they depart from the ninth floor, and they both give a courteous nod to security as they exit the dorm.
February in Beijing is beautiful, and despite being nothing more than a glorified college campus, the Olympic Village somehow still manages to blow both Kat and Justin’s minds. With a large handful of sky-high dormitories divided up by country, the Village is filled with basic amenities like a post office, bank, laundry facility, a convenience store, several gyms, and a huge cafeteria containing cuisine from around the world at every hour of the day.
Kat and Justin have been here for eight days so far. The first two days were spent getting settled with the other Team USA skaters and personnel, the third day they participated in the Opening Ceremony, and the remaining time has been spent using their allotted practice sessions, hitting the gym for light workouts, and enjoying the experience. They’ve also seen a few events, which is a highlight, and done a couple interviews (Dasha promises there are more to come- super) and some press work.
Mostly though, they’ve been staying close and trying to remain in a good headspace. Their competition begins in three days and their families arrive tomorrow, so for the most part they’re taking Dasha’s advice and focusing on each other.
“This is yours to lose,” she’d said. “Don’t over-think anything. Just stick together and enjoy it.”
This probably isn’t what she meant, but whatever.
After leaving the dorms behind, the duo makes the short walk into the heart of the Village, the nightlife scene far more alive than some might expect. The Village is open 24 hours a day for a reason. Some athletes prefer to train in the later hours, jetlag affecting a large amount, and some seem to need an escape to rid themselves of the jitters. One thing is clear though: everyone is tense. It’s like a university during finals- the pressure is on and everyone is feeling it.
“We should probably skip the caffeine, but how ‘bout hot chocolate?” Justin proposes, their linked hands swaying between them as they approach the commissary.
Kat nods. As much as a huge cup of coffee sounds appealing right now, he’s right. With any luck they’ll hopefully be able to manage at least a few hours of shuteye after this little excursion and a latte screams bad call.
After getting two steaming cups of cocoa (caramel in hers- she’d agreed to forgo the caffeine, not the sugar) they find an empty bench just far enough off the main pathway for a bit of privacy. So far it’s been a blast meeting and getting to know the other athletes from around the world, including several of Kat and Justin’s personal idols, but two AM just isn’t the hour preferred for socializing.
For a while they sit in silence, enjoying the peace and tranquility and the rare chance to people-watch the night owls between sips from their respective biodegradable cups.
“Feeling any sleepier?” Justin questions finally, causing the brunette under his arm to sigh.
“Will you judge me if I say that I’m even more awake than before?”
Justin lets out a curse. “I was hoping it was just me.”
“Gotta love Olympic life,” she ruses, “Well, I’m not going to the gym.”
“Fuck that,” he agrees. They’ve been practicing nonstop as it is. Neither of them is in the mood to ruin what little free time they do have, especially since Dasha never shuts up about the importance of not overdoing it.
“I don’t know. Nothing sounds appealing.” Kat continues, “But I don’t want to just sit here all night.”
For a moment silence falls again until Justin begins to fidget, shifting in his seat and catching her attention.
“What?” she demands, the look in his eye giving him away just like always.
“Nothing.” He quickly dismisses, shaking his head. “Never mind. I’m an idiot. Forget it.”
Kat rolls her eyes. “I know you’re an idiot,” she teases, “You’re my idiot though, which means I’m privy to all of your idiocy.”
“Seriously Kat, drop it. It was a dumbass thought. Let it go.”
“Hey,” the change of tone in his voice causes her to pull back, finding his eyes. Clearly he’s getting upset about something. “Talk to me.”
Justin stares at her for a minute. “You’re gonna get pissed.” He warns.
“Seriously, Justin, just tell me what’s going on.”
“Fine,” He pauses again, this time so long Kat is about to lose it, when he finally blurts, “We could get married.”
“What?” It takes all of Kat’s strength not to screech the word. “Are you- what?”
“I said it was dumb!”
“It’s the middle of the night.” she sputters. “Our families aren’t here. We’ve only been together-”
“What feels like forever sometimes,”
Kat gives him a dirty look. “Really? You’re choosing now to fuck around?”
He raises his hands in defense.
“Look, it was just something that popped in my head.”
“Of all the possibilities, this was the random thought you had?”
Justin glances toward the ground, causing her eyes to go wide.
“This isn’t the first time?” Kat pauses, her voice finally falling back down to its regular decibel. “You’ve thought about this before?”
“Have I thought about marrying you?” Justin snorts, giving up on his hesitance as the insanity of the situation triggers brutal honesty. “I’m 25, Kat, and I’ve been in love with you longer than the two years we’ve been together. Yes, I’ve thought about it.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He says quickly. “I don’t have a binder filled with details or anything. It’s just something I’ve thought about, that’s all.”
This seems to catch her attention.
“Like what?”
“Like… I don’t know.” He shrugs. “You probably don’t want something too big or flashy. Which is awesome, because while my dad will lose his shit and it’ll drive Mandy nuts, I’m actually on board with small and simple. And I know you’ll kill me if I spend too much on the ring, which is the one thing I already have covered-”
“You have it covered?” she interrupts. “Like what, you’ve already bought it?”
He pauses for a minute, staring at her before letting out a sigh.
“I don’t want to freak you out.”
“Justin, seriously, I swear to fucking god-”
“Fine!” he holds up his hands in surrender. “Just give me ten minutes. Stay here.”
“Stay here? Where are you going?” she wants to hit him when he rises from the bench. “Are you kidding me right now?”
“Stay here!” He repeats.
“Fuck off!” she cries, yet for some reason her ass remains glued to her seat.
The following ten minutes pass in a slow blur, because what the actual fuck? Ironically it isn’t their relationship, but the fact that they’re skating for Olympic medals in three days that assures her he wouldn’t just leave her sitting in the middle of the Village like a moron, when Justin returns with his hands in his pockets, looking even more nervous than when he left. (Which is understandable, because there’s at least a 50% chance this could lead to his death.)
He lets out a breath as he sits back down next to her, finally revealing his hands and holding up a respectably sized (but not too gaudy) ruby in a band of gold. He places the ring in the palm of her hand, giving a small shrug.
“It was my mom’s.” he explains quietly. “I’ve had it since she died. Dad said she planned on giving it to me eventually.”
“Look, it was a dumb idea. And I didn’t mean to freak you out, especially when literally the biggest event of our lives is in three days, but… I don’t know.” He shrugs again. “I just started talking and you didn’t stop me. So here we are.”
“So what, you just carry this with you everywhere you go?”
“Fuck you. It’s called being prepared, Baker.”
Kat goes quiet for a minute, her eyes falling from his understandably stressed face to the ring still perched in her palm. This is quite literally the last thing she ever would’ve expected, and yet for some reason the idea of turning him down isn’t her gut reaction. It’s crazy, yeah, but she does love him and they’ve been together for a while. Hell, practically everyone and their brother has brought it up, so it’s not like she hasn’t thought about it, and at the end of the day she could think of a lot worse ways to live her life than spending it with Justin.
“Your mom must’ve had small hands too. Although… I guess we won’t really know if it fits unless you put it on me.” She murmurs finally, causing his head to snap up.
“I mean, I won’t be able to wear it on the ice, obviously,” she continues, “And we should probably wait until after the Games to tell anyone, because it’ll only be more pressure if we’re labeled the American Newlywed team. Plus, our families are no question going to kill us- Dasha at the front of the line. We’ll probably have to have some sort of party to make it up to them. Especially Mandy.”
“Are you saying yes?” he asks breathlessly, still unsure if he’s in a daze or acquired brain damage from the cold.
A small grin breaks out on Kat’s face. “I must be crazier than we thought.”
“You’re saying yes!” he surges forward to kiss her, hoping all of his joy can be transmitted through the pressure of his lips. “Holy shit.”
“Does it count if you never put the ring on me?” she questions through a giggle, causing him to let out a laugh of his own as he takes the ring and slides it onto her finger with shaking hands.
“Perfect fit.” He observes, part of him not even surprised because fate is just on their side tonight apparently, before leaning in to kiss her again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” She grins. “Mr. Baker,”
Justin laughs. “You joke, but I really could not care less.” He pauses for a second. “Hey, look, I’m sorry this isn’t something better. I mean, I wasn’t planning on renting out the Eiffel Tower or anything, but I wanted to at least make a speech or something. Most of all I know it’s something I planned to talk to you about beforehand.”
Kat shrugs. “Might as well have this be just as weird and dysfunctional as everything else about our lives, right?” She says with a dry laugh. “Besides, you can save the speech for your vows.”
Justin stares at her for a second. “You seriously want to get married at 3AM in a foreign country, in secret, three days before the biggest competition of our careers?”
“Are you getting cold feet already?”
He laughs. “I’m just making sure I’m not dreaming.” He says honestly.
“Oh, you’re awake. And it’s too late to back out now, Davis.” She holds up her left hand where the ring sparkles, looking, Justin can’t help but notice, like it’s always belonged there. “I’ve already got the hardware.”
Justin grins. “Guess I’m stuck then.”
“Looks like it.”
“Huh.” He stands up from the bench and offers her his hand. “Then let’s go get married.”
Part 2 Coming Soon. ;)
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iwritesickfic · 4 years
not if it’s you
Bo knew that calling out sick for a day would mean he’d see Dell at some point after he was done with whatever he had to do. Part of him is hoping that Dell doesn’t know why he has the day off, but Dell isn’t an idiot. 
Part of Bo’s reasoning is that even though he probably could work, he really shouldn’t. He’s told Dell enough times to not wait until it’s so awful he can’t get out of bed to get some rest, so he’s partially taking his own advice. That said, he feels pretty terrible. Whatever this virus is, it’s absolutely vicious. His sinuses feel like they’re full of concrete, his nose won’t stop streaming and most aggravatingly, he’s sneezing. Maybe for some people sneezing is the least of their worries, but with the aching in his swollen sinuses it makes it feel like someone’s driving a stake between his eyes. 
The final reason is that Bo never really gets sick, and if he does it’s always mild, so he can’t imagine how Dell, who’s genuinely miserable with what others would call a cold, could handle this. The chances are pretty good he’s going to catch it even with Bo taking a day off, but it’s worth a try. Which is why he’s hoping Dell won’t show up at his door tonight, even though he knows it’s inevitable. 
And just as he expected, at 8 PM there’s a knock on the door. Bo takes a deep breath and spends a moment in front of the mirror trying to look less shitty than he feels before opening the door. 
“Hi,” he says, and Dell smiles. Even feeling like this it makes Bo’s heart melt. 
“Hi. You’re sick,” he says, and it’s not really a question but Bo nods. 
“You shouldn’t be here.” All he wants is to be held right now, to be taken care of and looked after and loved but it’s selfish to ask those things of Dell, even if he’s offering them.
“I’ll be fine,” he says, and Bo sighs. His head is really starting to ache from being upright. Dell starts to lean in, and Bo has to put a hand on his chest.
“I really don’t want you to catch this.” Dell tucks a bit of hair behind his ear, and Bo can feel his fingertips brush his temple.
“C’mon, you’re breaking my heart.” His voice is so hard to resist, he’s too damn charming. “Probably caught it already anyway.”
“Well you’re definitely going to if you come in.” A few sneezes catch him off gaurd, and though he’s able to catch them in his sleeve, his head throbs and it’s so bad he’s swaying on his feet. Then, he feels steady arms pull him close, his aching head against Dell’s chest. It feels incredible, being held, and he lets out a shaky breath.
They stay like that for a while in silence, one of Dell’s hands rubbing his back.
“You’re running a fever,” he finally says, and Bo hums in response. There’s another long pause before he speaks again. “Listen, I’ll make you a deal. I’ll go, but you have to take tomorrow off and you have to text me, ok?” Bo breathes a sigh of relief and nods against Dell’s chest. “Alright. One more thing.”
They pull apart, and immediately Bo is disappointed, the steady comfort is gone as quick as it came.
“What?” He asks, and without warning, Dell presses a lingering kiss to his forehead. Clever of him not to ask first, as Bo definitely would’ve said no, but it feels so nice he doesn’t complain.
“I’ll see you the day after tomorrow,” he says, and Bo nods, forcing a little smile. “Good.” He smirks. “Now go get some sleep you look like hell.”
Two days later the illness is almost completely gone, the only remnant the odd sniffle here or there and the soreness of his nose from being rubbed raw with tissues. 
He’s glad they’ll be working - it takes care of the whole no-kissing thing without Bo having to actively decline, which is good because he’s pretty sure he’d give in just seeing his smile.
He’s hyper focused on Dell throughout the day, and luckily it seems like he’s feeling fine. He has small tells that Bo’s learned to recognize, but nothing seems off. Usually after work they’d have dinner, but Bo decides it’s best if he doesn’t risk it.
But, the next morning, he sees Dell and his heart immediately sinks. He definitely hasn’t slept well, and he’s touching his septum with his knuckle which nine times out of ten means he’s coming down with something.
“We should take the day off,” he says, and Dell sighs.
“I’m fine. Really.” Bo bites his lip. “Promise. If I feel bad I’ll let you know.” Bo must still look skeptical because Dell puts a hand on his shoulder. “Trust me, I’d love to take a break every time I feel like shit but I have responsibilities. The world’s not gonna stop for me.”
Bo wants to argue but he knows Dell’s right, at least partially. Now of all times it’d be hardest to get a break. He’s still in the process of transitioning into his new role which originally was supposed to be king, but is now just taking over all of the policy his mother doesn’t want to handle. The royal titles are mostly symbolic, but their family still wields considerable political power.
While there’s always tension between Dell and his mother, lately it’s been more pronounced than ever. Things are moving fast and he can’t afford to stumble.
 “Promise you’ll tell me if you need to slow down.” Dell smiles.
“I promise. You’re really cute when you’re worried.” That manages to draw out a laugh, and Dell seems pleased.
The rest of the day goes smoothly, but Bo can tell he’s feeling worse and worse. By the end of the day, Bo’s already trying to see how possible it’d be to cancel their day tomorrow. Better to get a jump on the inevitable.
He’s relieved when they’ve finally reached the end of the day, but almost immediately there’s a new problem.
“Why wasn’t it on the agenda?” Bo asks, and Dell sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose like he does when he has a headache.
“It’s a family thing, I thought you knew about it. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a dinner.” It’s not just a dinner, Bo knows that. They’ll be entertaining some group of politicians for most of the night, then he’ll have to spend at least a few hours with his family and Emilia. But there’s really nothing to be done. Family commitments are non-negotiable. “I feel ok, really. I’ll see you tomorrow morning, ok?”
Bo takes a deep breath and nods.
“Tomorrow morning.”
The minute he doesn’t see Dell at 6:30 the next morning in the front driveway, waiting for the car, he knows something is definitely wrong. Dell’s never late. Ever. Still, he waits 15 minutes. When he doesn’t show by 6:45, Bo makes his way upstairs and through the maze of hallways to Dell’s apartment. 
He knocks once, twice, three times, all to no response. Finally, he just opens the door. The room is dark, and for a moment Bo thinks maybe he’s not here, when he hears a few muffled sneezes.
He flips on the lights, walking over to the bed where he now sees a lump underneath the comforter.
“Hey,” he says, trying to keep his voice low. If he caught what Bo had he’s probably got a pretty bad headache. When he gets close enough he finally sees Dell curled up under the heavy blanket all the way up to his nose, eyes red rimmed and unfocused. Carefully, Bo sits on the edge of the bed, and Dell lets out a soft little moan. He tries to be gentle, but even pressing his palm to his forehead draws out another half-moan half-whimper.
He’s incredibly warm, but that’s not really a surprise.
“Fuck, did I sleep in?” he mumbles, voice thick with congestion.
“No, you’re fine,” Bo says, not wanting to make him feel any worse. Normally Dell’s sharp enough to tell when Bo’s bullshitting, but now he just accepts the information without complaint. He just lays still while Bo runs his fingers through his hair. “Tell me what’s going on.”
“Head fuckin hurts. A lot.” Bo can tell. Dell doesn’t offer anything more, so Bo lets his thumb run back and forth against his hot temple.
“Migraine?” he prompts, and Dell makes a small sound from the back of his throat. “That’s a yes?”
“I don’t know, Bo. I just feel awful.” His voice sounds unsteady, like he might cry, which ratchets Bo’s anxiety up a notch. That and the fact he’s actually admitting to feeling terrible. Usually statements like that are followed by “but i’m alright,” or “but it’s not so bad.” He starts to sit up, and his face immediately goes pale. Bo guides him the rest of the way so he’s upright, but lets him rest his weight against his chest. His head is tucked into the crook of Bo’s neck. His breathing is strained.
“Hey, it’s alright, just relax, ok?” Dell shakes his head, and Bo sighs. “What’s wrong with that?”
“I have to get up.”
“I promise you don’t.”
“I’ll take an ibuprofen, it’ll be fine.” He’s shaking, but Bo’s not sure if it’s from exhaustion or the fever. 
“Hate to rain on the parade but you can barely sit up. I’m not just telling you to stay in bed, I -”
“Yes you are,” Dell argues back weakly. Bo almost wants to let it happen. For Dell to get up and pass out  just so he’ll understand what’s going on. 
“It’s not an opinion, i swear, i’m being objective here. You’re just too sick.” Dell lets out a small huff and tries to sit up straight. He manages, and somehow gets his legs over the edge of the bed. Bo sighs.
And of course, just as he anticipated, the minute Dell tries to stand on his own his knees go weak. Luckily Bo’s able to catch him and get him stable again pretty quickly, but the damage is done. The shaking is even worse now, and with every exhale there’s a little pained sound. 
“Fuck,” he finally says, and Bo presses a kiss to his temple.
“Just relax, ok?” He says, and Dell nods. Just as he’s pulling away, he lets out a harsh sneeze, followed by what can only be described as a moan. Two more come soon after, and it’s abundantly clear they’re worsening the pain in his head. He sniffles, which draws out another soft moan.
Bo pulls far enough away so his hands rest on Dell’s flushed cheeks, and experimentally, he presses his thumb into the space under his eye and to the side of his nose. Immediately he lets out a choked sob, and Bo frowns. His sinuses are so swollen Bo can tell from that one touch alone he’s got a sinus infection, and a bad one at that. It’s no wonder his headache is so awful. He remembers his own bout with this and how terribly his own head ached. He can’t imagine how Dell must feel. 
“I am so sorry,” he whispers, and Dell shakes his head.
“It’s not your fault,” he says, and Bo sighs. “M’gonna lay back down, ok?” he mumbles, and Bo nods.
“Yeah, definitely. I’m gonna grab some stuff, I’ll be right back.” He nods, and Bo gets up. In the bathroom cabinet he finds a few things that might help, but he’s not totally sure. He has the thermometer, obviously, and at first he considers something cold to help the fever but decides something warm is probably better to help the ache. He remembers an old trick he used to use in university when he ran track, a quick way to make a hot compress.
He brings the supplies he’s got so far back to the bedside table and slips the thermometer under his tongue, before going to the closet and grabbing a sock. It takes him a minute to find the right drawer, but when he does he heads into the kitchen. It takes another minute to find the rice, but when he does he fills the sock about halfway and ties the end, then sticks it in the microwave. It’s sort of strange, but if it works it works. 
When he finally gets back to Dell, the thermometer’s long done. 102.4. Bad, but not catastrophic. Yet. He takes the hot pack and lays it over Dell’s closed eyes, and he lets out a little gasp.
“Does it hurt?” he asks, panicked for a moment.
“No. Feels good,” he mumbles, and Bo is about to reply when his phone starts to ring. Loudly. Dell’s expression tightens, and Bo fumbles to answer the call. He gets up, walking over to the couch.
“Bo, shit, what’s going on?” It’s one of the family’s other assistants, Marina.
“Dell’s sick. I was just about to call.”
“So when will he be ready?” Bo braces himself.
“He can’t get out of bed.”
“When did you become a doctor?!” She snaps.
“Mari, I’m serious.”
“I’m serious too!”
“He almost passed out trying to stand up, there’s no way he’s going anywhere. Even doped up on whatever, it’s not happening.” There’s a long silence.
“Well...” she trails off. “Shit. You’re sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Alright.” She sighs. “I’ll clear everything today and tomorrow, and I’ll put in a med assist request. You better not be exaggerating. This totally fucks the entire week.”
“Why would I -”
“Because he has you wrapped around his finger, Bo.”
“I’m not gonna talk about this with you. Just text me about the med assist and let me know if I need to make any calls.”
“Alright. Talk later.”
“Thanks.” When he hangs up he lets out a heavy sigh, and Dell’s weak fever slurred voice pipes up from the bed.
“Who was it?” 
Bo shoves his phone in his pocket and heads back over to where he was sitting on the edge of the mattress.
“Just Mari.” 
“Why? You said we’re not late.” Bo goes back to playing with his hair, hoping the touch is comforting.
“Everything’s cancelled.” Dell still looks confused.
“Why?” Bo considers his options. He could just tell him the truth - it’s because he’s too sick to even get out of bed - but that might just stress him out more. Knowing that he’s the reason everything’s been rearranged will just make him feel worse.
“She didn’t say.” Luckily, he seems to accept that answer without question, but Bo can tell there’s something more bothering him. “Was everything ok last night?” Dell sniffles, and Bo hands him a tissue from the almost-empty box on the nightstand. He takes the now room temperature compress and puts it on the bedside table.
“No, I didn’t sleep good.”
“I mean with the dinner and everything.” 
“Oh. Uh, it wasn’t great. Just family drama.” He pauses. “No one gives a shit about me, Bo.” Immediately Bo’s hand goes to cup his cheek.
“That’s not true.” Usually Dell doesn’t discuss any of his family issues, even when it’s just the two of them. He’s always diplomatic and vague, never really expressing any opinion. Bo gives a soft smile. “I do, right?”
“Not you, that’s not what I meant,” he says, and Bo sighs.
“Well what makes you say that?” Dell looks lost, his mind cloudy with fever, so Bo resates. “That no one gives a shit about you. What would make you think that?”
“I was so fucking sick last night.” He ends the sentence there but Bo can infer the rest of the meaning. And no one cared. 
“To be fair, you’re very good at looking perfectly fine when you feel like shit.” Bo offers, but Dell’s expression doesn’t change.
“ I can’t...it’s hard to explain it.”
“It’s alright, I understand.” He doesn’t, but the conversation is clearly only making Dell more upset. “Can I get you to eat something?” He asks, and Dell sighs.
“I guess. I don’t know. Can you ask Mari why everything’s cancelled? That doesn’t make sense.” Bo bites his lip. 
“Yeah, I can ask her.” He’s wondering how he’ll even begin to think of a believable lie when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He opens his texts. 
medical got denied. Bo frowns, typing back quickly.
what? why?
She texts back almost immediately.
they didn’t say. schedule is clear though, so that’s something at least.
The frustration must show on his face because Dell speaks up.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s nothing, just give me a second,” he says, and types back.
he needs the med assist
Another message comes through.
relax. he gets sick all the time its not a big deal 
Bo closes his phone and shoves it into his pocket, trying not to look as angry as he feels. 
“What?” Dell asks, and Bo sighs, brushing some of the hair off his forehead. 
“Just Mari giving me shit, it’s fine.” Dell frowns.
“What did she say about the schedule?” He asks, voice distorted by congestion and fever. Bo takes a deep breath.
“Today and tomorrow everything’s cancelled.” Dell still looks confused.
“Why though?” Bo is really having to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of being truthful. If he lies, Dell might feel better for the moment, but he’s eventually going to find out the reality. But if he is honest - that he told Mari he was too sick to get out of bed - it’ll cause some more immediate problems. Bo decides that he’s going to keep an even keel, and cross the truth-bridge when they get there.
“I think someone last night noticed you weren’t feeling well.” Dell doesn’t look totally satisfied with that answer. “Your mom maybe?” Dell’s expression immediately shifts to one of almost childlike disbelief, and Bo immediately feels guilty. 
“Yeah?” he asks softly, and a lump forms in Bo’s throat. Would it be so terrible to lie if it’d make him feel so much better? He’s so sick he might not even remember their conversation.
“Mmhmm.” He’s really digging himself a hole here. Dell’s going to be devastated when he finds out it’s not true, but for now if it’s what’s going to keep him in bed that’s probably the most important thing. For most people the worst outcome of not getting proper rest with something this bad would be a prolonged recovery, which isn’t great, but it’s much better than what he knows Dell’s experienced twice - sepsis. When a normal infection gets into the bloodstream and wrecks absolute havoc. Insane fever, every nerve screaming, heart racing -
He hasn’t witnessed it himself, just heard the second-hand accounts from some of the other staff, but he knows enough. The awful immune system, the scar on his sternum, the nightmares and panic attacks - that’s where they all come from. One bout after pneumonia went untreated for two weeks when he was 15, the second from a kidney infection when he was 22. And Bo swears it’ll be over his dead body before it happens a third time. 
So maybe he is overreacting, but he’d rather overreact than have to see Dell go through anything like that. Which is all the more reason Dell needs the med assist. 
“Just when I thought she finally, fully, 100% hated my guts...” Dell mumbles, and Bo bites his lip. He types a text to Mari.
who denied medical?
He slips the phone back into his pocket, and goes back to stroking Dell’s hair. He seems so content, like he’s ready to fall asleep.
“Wait, take these first,” Bo says, and hands him two ibuprofen. He downs them quickly, and wastes no time curling back up under the comforter. Bo’s phone vibrates in his pocket.
who do you think? Bo sighs. Another text comes in.
could definitely change though. she’s trying to set some meetings back up, without him obviously, so she might want him distracted
“You keep looking at your phone like that. What does that mean?” Dell mumbles, and Bo rubs his eyes. 
“It’s just Mari, it’s fine.” He slides it back into his pocket and tries to process everything that’s happening. Dell pouts.
“She’s being mean to you?” He almost smiles, but the look on Dell’s face is earnest. He tests the blonde’s forehead. Definitely a little warmer. Once a fever starts getting into the neighborhood of 103, Dell is a little less...filtered. 
“I can’t talk shit about her, especially not to you,” Bo says, and Dell tries to roll his eyes, but his face screws up in pain. Bo smirks. “What’s up?”
“My entire face fucking hurts.” He takes a deep breath, and Bo’s glad it sounds like his lungs are doing fine. He presses the heels of his palms against his eyes and groans. “My teeth hurt, Bo. My teeth. They’re bones.” Bo can’t suppress a laugh. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Dell looks at him like he’s an idiot.
“Bones are like...rocks.”
“They are 100% not like rocks. Why do you think it hurts when you break something?”
“Because there’s stuff around it - whatever.” He takes another deep breath and sneezes wetly into his elbow, followed by a soft moan. “Mari sucks. Why can’t we talk about Mari?” he mumbles, and Bo is surprised he remembers the beginning of the conversation. That said, he’s still clearly operating under the fever - he’d never be so candid if he was in his right mind.
“Because it’d be unprofessional,” Bo says, and Dell laughs.
“How does fucking me fit into unprofessionalism?” He asks, and Bo’s a little relieved he seems to have enough mental wherewithal to be sarcastic. 
“Ok, yeah. You’re right.” Bo’s hand has stopped playing with Dell’s hair. “She just said something about me being wrapped around your finger.” Dell opens his eyes wearily.
“More please,” he mumbles, and Bo furrows his brow. “Your hand. Do more.” Bo cracks a smile and continues his ministrations, carefully running his fingertips through the gold-blonde curls.
“I think she was right,” he says, and Dell frowns.
“Bout what?” 
“I’m wrapped around your finger.”
“No, it’s uh...the snakes. Around that thing,” he says and sniffles again. Bo hands him a tissue.
“I’m not following,” Bo says, catching himself before pulling his hand away from his hair. 
“It’s like...two snakes. Around a thing. It’s on a bunch of stuff...” he says, trailing off, and Bo racks his brain.
“Can you give me...literally anything a little more specific?” Bo asks, and although he’s joking, feverish Dell doesn’t seem to get it.
“I’m trying, my head hurts,” he says, sounding genuinely dismayed, and Bo runs a thumb over his hot temple.
“I know, I’m just teasing.” The image suddenly pops into Bo’s head. “Caduceus! The staff with the two snakes, right?”
“Yeah, I guess. They’re like...they’re wrapped around each other. That’s you and me. Wrapped around each other.” Dell closes his eyes, finally seeming content now that he’s gotten a thought across. 
After that, Dell falls asleep for real, which gives Bo a little time to handle everything else that’s going on.
He walks into the kitchen and closes the door before calling Mari.
“Hey,” she says. “Good news. You’ve got your medical but bad news is I don’t think you’re gonna like it.”
“Why wouldn’t I like it?”
“I’m pretty sure the plan is to have a doctor deem him physically unfit for any sort of real political office.” Bo feels a spike of anger in his chest. “It’s kind of bullshit but it might be better in the long run. With everything going on the past few months, he hasn’t been this bad since college. Or so I’m told. It’s what Will says, anyway.” Will’s been working PR for the royals about 10 years now. “He said stress makes it worse. And you know things have been pretty fucking stressful.” 
Bo doesn’t know where to begin. There’s too much he wants to say.
“You there?” She asks, and Bo sighs.
“Yeah. Unfortunately.” 
“They said they wanted the people there asap, so I’d keep a lookout.”
It’s then that Bo hears voices from the other room.
“I’ve gotta go,” he says, and hangs up before hearing her reply. He walks back into the main living area and sees Dell sitting up against the headboard, a young man and two young women are huddled around him. Bo clears his throat, and they turn.
“Bowen, correct?” the man asks, and Bo nods. “Seeing as Mr. Hagen won’t be needing your services for the rest of the day, you’re free to leave.”
“Bo stays,” Dell says before Bo can even open his mouth. The man nods.
“Alright.” One of the women is pulling out some medical tools, the other seems to be prepping a blood draw. The man doesn’t bother introducing himself to Bo, just continues on his conversation with Dell. Bo can’t be sure what’s already been said, but it’s safe to assume Dell downplayed the severity. 
One of the women, Bo guesses they must be nurses, takes Dell’s temperature with an over the forehead reader. Bo braces himself for the reading.
“100.3. Low grade,” she says, and Dell shoots him a look. Either the fever’s miraculously broken in the five minutes Bo’s been gone, or Dell knows how to cheat the thermometer. The nurse taking his blood pressure frowns.
“That’s odd, he’s very warm. Do we have the tympanic?” The other nurse nods, and grabs an ear thermometer from the bag. Dell’s face has fallen. She puts it in his ear and and he sighs. It beeps, and she pulls it back.
“That’s more like it. 103.1.”
“Fuck,” Dell breathes, and the nurse rubs his shoulder.
“It’s alright, just your body fighting to get well.”
“I know,” he whispers. He looks like he might cry. He doesn’t so much as blink when the other nurse starts taking his blood.
“So we’ve gone over how you’re feeling today...” the man says, flipping through pages in a file. “You said mild headache, upper respiratory congestion?” Dell nods. “We’ll add the fever in, and your blood pressure is low...” He draws out his words as he scribbles things down onto the paper. “Obviously I’m just the RN, and Dr. Jones -”
“Dr. Jones?” Dell interrupts.
“That’s who was requested, right?” Dell frowns.
“I didn’t re- where’s Dr. Hansen?” He asks, and the RN looks surprised but not confused. He looks down at the sheet and presses his lips into a line.
“Alright, uh, I see the problem. Dr. Hansen’s -”
“Don’t tell me he’s busy. He’s not busy. He gets paid to be on call, it’s his job to not be busy,” Dell snaps, and Bo’s a little taken aback. He’s never heard Dell demand anything before. “I know what’s going on here, ok? I’m not an idiot.”
“I think your temp-” one of the nurses starts, and he cuts her off.
“I’m not mad because I have a fever, ok? I’m mad because I’m 24 years old and I’m being treated like a child.” He sighs and rubs his eyes. “I apologize, I’m just very frustrated,” he says, and it’s odd to hear him all of a sudden using his professional voice. “I know it’s not...I’m sorry, this is just your job.” He takes a long pause. “My mother made this request -”
“Oh, no. We were told it was uh...your assistant?” He turns to Bo, “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”
“Bowen,” Dell says, voice flat.
“Right. Bowen spoke with Marina, and communicated to her that you were too ill to leave bed. Marina in turn put in a medical assistance request.” 
Dell pinches the bridge of his nose and closes his eyes. 
“Ok, whatever.” He sighs, and when he opens his eyes he looks completely exhausted. “What I mean to say is Dr. Jones reports to my mother, and Dr. Hansen is the doctor with whom I have a confidentiality agreement, so if I’m going to be seen by somebody, I need it to be him. And additionally I’d appreciate it if the vitals were reported exclusively to Dr. Hansen.” 
The RN seems to have no problem with this, looking almost relieved that he hasn’t done something wrong.
“Alright, sounds good. Will do. Is there anything else I should tell him?” His pen is hovering over the paper.
“You can tell Dr. Jones I did a thousand pushups. And to go fuck himself.” The RN laughs nervously, but Dell’s face is blank. “Apologies for my language I’m fuck-” he catches himself and lets out a shuddering breath. “I’m really not feeling well.”
“Right, speaking of that,” the RN seems to be relieved the non-medical part of the conversation has ended, “Like I said I’m not Dr. - I’m not the one who makes the diagnosis, but with a fever that high I’m surprised you don’t feel worse.” He flips back a few pages. “From what you described I’d guess a common cold but it doesn’t square with your vitals.”
“Can I be frank with you?” Dell asks, and the RN twirls his pen nervously.
“Of course, sir.”
“I’m exhausted. If you have what you need -” The RN stands up immediately, and motions for the nurses to grab the bags.
“Yes, of course. Absolutely.” The hurriedly pack their things, and are gone without a trace in under a minute. Dell’s still sitting upright, leaning back against the headboard, eyes closed. Bo sits down on the edge of the mattress. Carefully, he runs his fingers through Dell’s hair.
“I’m not mad at you,” he whispers, but Bo doesn’t reply, just keeps playing with his hair. “You’re just worried about me, you don’t...” he sighs shakily. “You don’t know how fucked up everything is.”
Bo feels tears start to well up in his eyes, and a lump form in his throat.
“hey, hey, it’s alright,” Dell says, and Bo shakes his head.
“I hate seeing you in pain. I fucking hate it. And this is my fault. All of it.” He chokes back and sob and rubs his eyes. “And now I’m crying, and you’re comforting me which is ridiculous, and you’re still burning up and you still have that headache because I can see that crease between your eyebrows, and -”
“Relax.” He grabs Bo’s hand gently. His hot thumb runs back and forth over Bo’s knuckles. “Just relax.” Bo tries, and Dell gives him a sad little smile. “Trying to take care of me is...it’s like trying to build a house of cards in a hurricane. It’s rotten work.”
Bo looks down at their intertwined hands, then back up to Dell’s eyes. He tries to keep his gaze steady.
“Not to me. Not if it’s you.”
23 notes · View notes
Shopping p.3
AN: so we’re just not gonna talk about how i was gone for a year, but I’m back and finna write up a storm. BIG ups to @chaneajoyyy​ for proof reading dis shit! 
pairing: m’baku x reader
warnings: cursing i think thats it lol.
word count: 2312
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Courting with M’baku was a.... interesting process to say the least. Every morning you awoke he was on your mind, you felt the ghost of his hands wrapped around your waist possessively as you slept and the same kisses that he peppered all over your face to wake you up as you walked around your small house. By the time that you walked out of your house you always practically tripped over the guard that he had stationed outside who was charged with protecting you. 
“You know” You said as you made your way outside of your house the guard following close behind you. “If we’re going to be spending so much time together it’s only fair that we know each other's name.”
You heard the man chuckle behind you.
“Eamon” he said following you on your walk.
“Eamon” You toyed with the name in your mouth “I like that name, you know I have a thing about names. I don’t understand how people end up with ugly names, it’s the simplest thing yet somehow overlooked.” You hit a quick left turn, you wanted to teach m’baku a lesson about sending guards to your house. You weren’t some frail flower that he had to protect at all costs. 
“Are we taking a detour today or are you trying to lose me again?” Eamon asked matching your quickening pace.
“We’re taking the scenic route to work today Eamon, stop assuming the worst about me” You smiled back at him but you were greeted with nothing but cold eyes.
“y/n lets go your shop is the opposite way we’re not doing this again.” 
“Fine” You pouted turning around “I don’t need to be watched, you do know that right? I’ve run my shop and walked from my house to it and back everyday since I was 18. You don’t need to protect me”
Eamon laughed to himself, “You think this is about you? I’m here because my king requested that I protect the woman that has stolen his heart and I serve his majesty. This has nothing to do with what I want to do it’s all up to him.”
The rest of the walk to your shop you spent in silence reflecting on your subtle realization, M’baku wanted to protect you, he wanted to make sure that no one in the entire world would be able to mess with his girl. And he wanted you to know that. While your mind wandered astray your feet had taken you to the street that your shop was on. A bouquet of roses sat on your step, the bright red in bright contrast with the blank white snow that surrounded them. You smiled to yourself, he’d been sending you gifts all week  and today’s gift had been roses. You picked up the bouquet and pulled out your keys unlocking your shops door. You hummed to yourself as you held the door open for Eamon to walk in behind you, he took his normal seat next to the door and pulled out his phone, no doubt informing m’baku that you had arrived at your shop and had started your work. You picked the note off of the flowers.
My dearest y/n,
       Roses today, diamonds tomorrow.
       Nothing is too good for you.
           See you tonight my love.
                       ~ M’baku
You smiled at his sweet note and felt a rush of happiness seep into your system, the blush redding your cheeks. Deciding to busy yourself you placed a pot of water onto a small burner.
“What are we feeling today Eamon?” You asked pulling out the rectangular tin that held your teas.
“What are my options again?” Eamon asked rising from his seat to walk over to your counter.
“Jasmine, ginger, green tea or this herbal blend that my mom gave me” you looked up at Eamon for his decision and he looked puzzled.
“You can pick this time y/n, I’ve tried all of them I don’t know which one I like the most” Eamon said as he returned to his seat at the front of the store.
“Ginger tea it is then.” You said grabbing the two tea bags and placing the top back on the tin and sliding it back into its place. While the water boiled you moved around your shop turning on your machines, you ran your hands over your records settling on the miseducation of Lauryn Hill. You popped the record out of its sleeve and placed it on the record player, intro played through the speaker on the record player, as you walked around your shop your mind flashed back to the last time you’d seen m’baku it’d been far too long...
“Why must you be so stubborn isithandwa?” M’baku asked. It was the third day that he had come to visit you since you agreed to let M’baku court you. He’d drop by around closing time and talk to you while you cleaned up your work for the day. He would walk you up to your parents house and talk to your Mom and Dad for a few hours before you fell asleep (with one of his arms wrapped around your shoulder and your back pressing up against his torso no doubt) he’d try to gently wake you up before deciding it would be easier to just call a car to come pick the both of you up and drive you back to your home. He’d open your front door and walk you back to your bedroom with you in his arms bridal style and plop you onto your bed, first he’d start by pulling all of your outside furs off leaving you in whatever pair of sweatpants or leggings you wore to work that day and a matching t-shirt. Next it was onto your hair most of the time your hair was pulled up into a puff so he would remove the hair tie that had kept it up, always earning a groan from you. Next he would throw on whatever bonnet he found laying closest to your bed making sure your head was on the silk pillows. Finally he would pull all the furs onto you that he could find. The first night that he had taken you home and wrapped you up in furs he looked down at his handy work and was immediately disappointed . “How is she still cold, she’s under 12 furs” he murmured to himself. He debated climbing into bed with you but he didn't want to overstep his boundaries. You whined pulling the covers up onto your back, M’baku noticed you start to shiver. He couldn’t leave you cold and alone in your house “Fuck it” he said as he started shedding his outer layer of clothing and climbing into bed next to you, wrapping  his arm around your waist pulling your body against his own.
“M’baku” you would whine out his warm body instantly sending blood flowing through your entire body.
“Ssh ssh ssh my love” he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Sleep now, sleep”
This night was no different M’baku sat on your counter his long legs touched the floor, his coat long forgotten hanging on coat rack along with most of his protection from the cold outdoors.
“I’m not being stubborn m’baku! I don’t need to be followed around!” you retorted back at him.
“He won’t be following you he’s just there for your protection. He will be seen and not heard I promise” M’baku stood up and walked over to you as you turned off the record player.
“I don’t need protection M’baku! What would I even need protection from? I work in a weapons shop for hanuman’s sake!” you turned back to face him.
“I don’t know y/n protection from anyone or anything, I just want to know that you’re safe!” M’baku came back at you with a fire you hadn’t seen in him before. “I-“ he paused, his voice had gotten softer and his hand had found its way to his forehead and started massaging his temples. “I just want to make sure that you’re safe y/n that’s it.”
You paused for a moment and looked M’baku up and down scanning his body for any sign that what he just said was a lie. You wrapped your arms around M’baku and placed your head into his chest. “I’m sorry” you said quietly into his chest.
M’baku took a deep breath in. “No i’m sorry isithandwa, I shouldn’t have pushed you. You said you didn’t want the guard and that should of been the end of it. Do you forgive me?” 
You pulled your head out of M’baku’s chest “Of course I forgive you M’baku, do you forgive me for being so stubborn?”
M’baku lifted your chin up and brought his lips down to deliver a sweet and tender kiss.
“One guard” you said after the kiss “One guard, not seen AND not heard” you saw the smile form on M’baku’s face. He lifted you up off the ground as his hand found your thighs.
“M’baku stop!” you exclaimed laughing with him as he spun the two of you around “You’re gonna drop me! ”
That made m’baku stop spinning “Eh? you think I'm gonna drop the wife that hauman gave me? what am I crazy!”
The shrill scream of the teapot snapped you out of your dream like trance. You walked over and grabbed two handmade mugs and poured hot water into each mug.
“Are you sure you want ginger Eamon, this is your last chance?” you looked over to see eamon gazing out of the window, he turned his attention to you. As the steam hit you, you flashed back to another time  M’baku had spent the night at your house.
You awoke to the shower running in your bathroom, no doubt M’baku had decided to shower at your place tonight. You looked over at the clock on your bedside table it shone bright with 1:38 am. The shower turned off and within a few moments the bathroom door opened and a wave of steam hit your face. M’baku emerged from the bathroom and his eyes met yours. 
“See something you like isithandwa?” M’baku smirked at you adjusting the towel around his waist.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about M’baku” you said plastering an innocent smile across your face.
“You looked me up and down like you wanted to pounce on me. Is that what it is? You want me?” M’baku cooed at you as you sat up in bed.
“Don’t test me m’baku, I’m following your customs by withstanding from sex with you until marriage. If it were up to me i would of been showering with you just now” you said crossing your arms and pushing your bottom lip out into a pout.  
M’baku walked over to you and placed a kiss on your lips. “I appreciate you and thank you little one, i know it’s not easy for you but trust me once we get together I will make it worth the wait”
“Yea it better be m’baku, hurry up and put some clothes on I wanna cuddle, I’m cold!”
Eamon’s words snapped you back to reality “Eh ginger is fine” 
You hummed along to ex-factor as you dunked the ginger tea bag into eamon’s drink and then one into your own drink. You walked over to Eamon and handed him his drink. 
“Thanks” he muttered focusing back outside the window after a few sips.
“I'm gonna get started I've got three jobs on back order so I might not be able to hear you with all the machines running”
You turned on your heels and walked into the back of your store and started on your work for the day.
Around 6 hours later you were done with two out of three of your orders and wanted to finish the third one tonight. You were blasting music so loud it blurred out your own thoughts, just how you liked it. You hummed along to your music as you grabbed the knife out of the ice bucket and turned around to set it on the tray.
“M’baku shit!” you dropped the knife you’d been working on to the floor. M’baku just smiled up at you from a chair sitting in your studio. You cut your eyes at him before you walked over to your speakers and turned it down so you could hear him.
“You really shouldn’t keep your music up that loud love” M’baku said to you as he watched you pick up the knife and survey it for damage.
“You really shouldn’t tell a woman with a knife in her hand what to do.” you said back to him. “How long have you been sitting there?”
“I don't know isithandwa it’s hard to remember I was so enchanted with watching you move and sing as you worked” M’baku chuckled making a mental note to remember this conversation.
“M’baku I'm serious! When did you walk in?” you whined out still facing him toying with the knife in your hand.
“ An hour isithandwa at max I swear!” he lied through his teeth he’d been there for at least two. You turned you back to him as you set the blade down on the counter and went back to your work. You heard M’baku stand up and walk towards you, you felt warm arms wrap around your waist with ease and his breath down your neck.
“Come with me today” M’baku mused in your ear, giving it a little nibble.
You felt your entire body relax into his arms and you let out a deep exhale releasing all of your pent up stress from today. “Go with you where?” you asked
“Come home with me today, let me take you to my home” he corrected himself “Our home”
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wordsandshawn · 5 years
Summary: Y/n has a long day at work and Shawn cancels his plans because he knows she needs him.
Just some regular fluff/comfort!shawn/boyfriend!shawn
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By the time you get into your car at the end of the long workday, you can’t help but feel like you’ve lived four days in the last eleven hours. Since starting this job a few months ago, you’ve been told so many times that you’ll have to learn to not take your work home with you. However, with your personality and the nature of your job, it’s much harder to leave it all behind at the end of the day than it seems like it would be. You know you can’t carry the weight of the world for all of your clients. It’s neither possible nor plausible, but you’re just starting your career and you haven’t quite learned how to not take your work home with you. There are some people that just stay with you. No matter how hard or how much you try to put it down, to leave it at the office, there are some cases that you just can’t. Today, you happened to have a lot more than the normal amount of cases that weigh heavy on your mind, the kind of cases that are hard to put down and put out of your mind at the end of the day. 
After sitting in your car for a solid five minutes, just sitting there, the weight from the day weighing heavy on your shoulders, you finally take a deep breath and pull out your phone to text Shawn to let him know you’re heading home. You technically get off at 5pm, but there are days you don’t get actually leave until 9 or 10 at night or even later depending on what happens that day. Other days, you get off at five on the dot. Shawn knows that and he’s more than understanding, something you’re grateful for. If there’s one thing he understands more than anyone else, its long hours and hard work.
You haven’t even looked at your personal phone since lunchtime your work phone has constantly been going off for various reasons, so every time you had a free second, you were on that. You see that you have a few messages from Shawn, but you’re not worried, knowing that if it was something urgent, Shawn would know to text your work phone. He has the number and knows that you check that one way more often when you are at work.
The last text he sent was a half-hour ago, at 6:30 pm, an hour and a half after your 5pm end time. Shawn texted to let you know that some of his friends were at his place to watch the hockey game. He was just checking in about what time you thought you might be done and letting you know that he had bought pizza for dinner for everyone.
You have your own place about twenty minutes from Shawn’s condo in Toronto, but most times that Shawn’s home, you basically live there with him, which is why he anticipated that you’d go there after work. On any other night, you would, but tonight, after the day you’ve had, you’re just not feeling a hockey game and overly energetic boys yelling at a tv screen. You love Shawn, but you’ll see him tomorrow. He deserves to spend time with his friends. That’s what you tell yourself as you text him back. I’m just gonna head home. I love you. Have fun with your friends. You send the message before putting your phone on the side and turning on your car to begin your commute home.
Only a few minutes later, your phone starts ringing, Shawn’s contact on the screen. You click accept, turning your attention back to the road, “Hello?”
“Hey baby, are you okay?” He questions, sounding more concerned than you expected. You thought he’d just reply with a text, maybe asking if you were sure about going home or trying to convince you to go over to his place.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You respond, trying your best to not let on about the day you had. “I’m just tired.” It’s not a complete lie, but its also not the whole truth.
“Are you sure?” He clearly isn’t buying what you’re saying, but you really just need to go home and wash the day off of you, trying your best to put the stress on hold, at least until you go into work again tomorrow. 
“How was work?” He questions, choosing to take a different route of questioning, but you’re well aware of his end goal because he doesn’t believe that everything’s fine, and he’s right not to.
“It was fine.” You purposely keep your answer short.
“Can I come over?” He asks now.
“Your friends are over.” You respond, even though it’s not an answer. The truth is you want nothing more than to just spend the evening with Shawn, but you feel like it’s selfish to pull him away from his friends.
“They won’t even notice I’m gone. They’re here for the big tv and the free food.” This causes you to laugh. The lightweight feeling is foreign to you after the long day you’ve had. Shawn takes your laugh as an answer. He says, “I’ll come over. I’ll bring food and ice cream and you can tell me about your day, or not tell me about your day, whatever you want.” In moments like these, you’re struck by Shawn’s innate ability to know what you need even when you don’t tell him. Even when you’re trying to hide that you need him at all. 
Him coming over and bringing food is exactly what you want and need, but you try giving him one last out because you still feel bad about needing him and pulling him away from his friends. “Babe, I won’t be any fun. Are you sure you don’t want to just stay with your friends?”
“They’ve already been here all afternoon. I want to see you more than I want to stay with them. I promise.” He offers the reassurance you needed to help you feel okay about having him come over. “I’ll meet you at your place, okay? Drive safely.”
“I love you, Shawn.”
“Love you too baby, I’ll see you soon.” He responds before ending the call. 
Just talking to Shawn for those two minutes already made you feel better. And now you know you’ll have the rest of the evening to spend with him. When you get home, you head straight for the shower, knowing Shawn has a key and can let himself in when he gets there.
Twenty minutes later, your wet hair is wrapped up in a towel and you’re just wearing yoga pants and an old t-shirt. Shawn is watching tv on your couch. He smiles when he sees you enter the room. “Hey,” He says.
“Hi,” You respond back, quickly closing the space between the two of you and plopping down next to him on the couch. You immediately lean into his side and he wraps his arm around you, kissing your forehead as you fold yourself against his body.
“You smell good.” He says, a smile pulling at his lips as he looks at you in that same way that still makes you feel like a teenager who can’t believe she somehow got the best guy in school to fall for her. Even after all these years, that look makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
“I should. I just got out of the shower.”
“I know, but you always smell good.” He responds, causing you to shake your head at his reasoning, but you still smile nonetheless. “You wanna tell me about your day?” He questions, opening up the topic, but leaving you the space to share or not share.
“It was long and exhausting, and I don’t really want to talk about it.” You admit, closing your eyes and leaning against him. 
Instead of answering right away, he leans down, kissing you gently. Your body responds automatically to his kiss, and when he pulls away, you can’t help but lean in again. He finally pulls away and stands up from the couch despite your disappointed protests. “I brought you dinner.” He says, going to the kitchen.
You let him go, thinking it’ll just take a second to grab the leftover pizza. You grab the tv remote. “Can I change it?” You shout to Shawn who’s now out of eyesight.
“Yeah, go ahead.” He calls back, so you open up Netflix and start searching for something to watch. You’re in the middle of searching for a horror movie you haven’t seen before when Shawn walks back in. He’s holding a plate of food that is definitely not pizza. As you look closer at the food, you notice that it’s from one of your favorite restaurants, but Shawn took the time to put it on a regular plate. And he also has a glass of wine for you. 
“When did you get that? I thought you were bringing pizza.” You respond, confused.
“You sounded sad on the phone, so I picked it up on the way. I figured it would cheer you up more than pizza would.” He explains shrugging as though it’s no big deal. 
He knows you better than anyone else in the world. “Thank you, Shawn.”
“You’re welcome.” He responds, putting it down on the table before looking at the tv. “Oh, it’s that kind of night.” He comments when he sees the various horror movies you’re scrolling through. He knows your habits just like he knows your favorite foods. You want to watch a horror movie because you need a good distraction from real life. 
“Unless you want to watch the game instead?” You offer, knowing that’s what he was going to be doing with his friends.
“No, I’m fine with this. Here,” He holds out his hand for the remote, “I know one you’ll like.” He says with a smile. 
You hand over the remote and start digging into your food while Shawn types a movie name into the search box. Five minutes later, you’re eating your favorite food seated beside your boyfriend on the couch as the opening scene of the movie plays on the screen. There is nowhere else in the world you’d rather be right now, and nothing else that can take your mind off the stress from the day quite like this.
You’re grateful that Shawn is home in Toronto tonight, and you’re even more grateful that he knew you needed him even when you wouldn’t admit it and that he chose you over his friends even though you would never ask him to. Sometimes more is said without words, and sometimes gestures speak louder than words ever can. You take his hand and intertwine your fingers. His eyes leave the tv screen briefly looking down at you. You just stare back at him and smile as you squeeze his hand gently. He turns back to the tv without saying anything as he squeezes in response. 
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