#which there’s obviously nothing wrong with
piichuu · 3 days
WARNINGS: writing is a mess idk what’s going on, fluff, gn!reader
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“hey, what’s wrong?” you look towards your boyfriend who has just come home from football practice. he dropped his bag onto the floor before sitting down on a kitchen chair, sighing loudly while you’re busy cooking dinner for the both of you.
he looks down towards his foot that you can now see is bandaged, and seeing this causes you to stop your movements as you stir the pot of food. rin has obviously been injured, this meaning that he won’t be able to play football for weeks if not months, and you’re well aware that this will have effects on his mental health.
you turn the stove off and sit down beside him, intertwining your fingers with his. “does it hurt?” you ask, noticing how he looks down, not daring to meet your eyes. “a little, but coach won’t let me play for at least a month now,” rin says and closes his eyes, seemingly keeping a few tears in.
this has happened before, and that period of time was horrible. he kept practicing at home even if he wasn’t allowed to which lead to plenty of fights between the two of you. football is his life, you know that, but he will never be able to play again if he keeps moving around which will make the injury worse.
“it’s okay, rin,” you whisper while wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a hug. rin sniffles as soon as he feels your arms around him and leans his head against your shoulder, pulling you closer as he puts his arms around your waist. “have you been to the hospital already?”
he nods and allows you to wipe the tears off his face, then cup his cheeks. “you’ll come back better than ever after this, i promise. all you need to do is rest, nothing else. don’t overthink it, please?” you smile softly and rin sniffles once again, playing with the hem of your shirt for more comfort. “i’ll try,” he mumbles, trying to reflect your smile.
you place a kiss to his cheek and stroke his arm. “it’s gonna be fine,” you try your best to comfort him even though there isn’t much that can help his low mood right now. “can i help you cook?” he asks, a little out of the blue. “fine, if you stand on one leg so you don’t injure your foot more.” “shut up.”
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unhinged-waterlilly · 5 hours
Something about @/demigod-jack-hearth
Something I wanna say about this post (with my reblog on it). I wanna give a side of a story. Mine to be exact.
They were one of the first people I talked to outside of rp. They were a close friend. But that fades.
Tw: sa, strong language, I'm a little bitch, please please please read at your own risk
When start this by saying Jack worries me. I've seen so many post, rp or otherwise, where they bring up extremely triggering comments...just randomly. This has happened to me too. I don't get bothered by them I've been lucky enough to not deal with most and be comfortable with what I have dealt with. I think he needs professional help. Or to talk to someone that is an adult. This is difficult for some people. But there are free therapy websites out there. I have seen them. I have participated in them. The people on the other line aren't professionals but they are people willing to listen. And adults.
It started with when I saw an rp they had with camp Sky. I can't give screenshots of that but I do have some of confronting them.
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Now all good right? Yeah! I thought so too. Untill an anon confronts em.
Posts here and here
Oh...kay? What's wrong about this?
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Actively calling out anon
Now mind me I thought they had buried this au deep deep into the ground. Wasn't until I opened Circe's blog that I realised they didn't. I was pissed. I had every reason to be. We have so few stories of male victims as it is and this 'au' was blatantly disrespectful to victims of all genders. I felt really fucking disrespected that's for sure.
Unfortunately I don't confront them. But I do vent.
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Now I feel bad for this. Maybe this was dirty laundry I shouldn't have aired out. But I was just so angry I couldn't think properly. I didn't mention Jack in this post, but friends figured it out. I won't say who these friends are for obvious reasons. Also, this is a bit wrong. They thought Odysseus cheated with only Circe, and Calyspo was SA. I got that wrong, and I admit it. I only remembered that when I scrolled up our dm to take a screenshot of it.
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Now I wanted to leave that convo because I wasn't in the mood for arguing, and I've learned to give people what they want, which makes em and yourself stop. My fault again.
Things happen. It leads to the apology. Now, obviously, I can't tell if an apology is genuine through a screen, and I am most certainly a pessimist. So, like, I don't think it is. Also, I'm almost certain that most was written by whoever the friend was who 'helped' em.
Sure, people can change, but not enough times do they actually. Just look on the Internet. And real life. A person like Jack, well, they've talked to me enough to know it is most likely not the case. If they were so angry at a piece of good criticism, then I don't have much hope.
Am I an angry person ? Yes. Do I think I have the right to be? Yes. Am I also a logical person? I believe so. The people I've asked think so, too. I don't dislike something for no reason. But I do dislike things. What I do like is reasons for my dislikes. With me so far?
Good. Moving on.
After the apology and after I finally got my thoughts in order, I sent them a message because they tagged me. A lot.
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This is what I sent. It's emotional, but in my opinion, it also makes sense. I was mad they lied to me. I was mad they twisted the story so. Fucking. Much. Odysseus isn't a rapist and Circe isn't an innocent flower. That is not what an AU is. What was their reaction to this? Nothing. To me at least.
A mutual friend told me they sent the last half of my messages and told them that they were angry I. Didn't. Thank. Them. For. The. Apology. Take that for what you will.
Now they made another post replying to the first anon who criticized them. I've read it. And when I tell you it is so fulled with self-pity-
I haven't collected my thoughts properly about this so this is bad and more emotion than the above. but this is the basic things behind it.
1) never directly addressing what he did and constantly tell em to read the apology. Don't wanna repeat yourself. How much time is it gonna take out of your day exactly?
2) not acknowledging the fact the male sa victim. At all. They don't say anything about it. No 'my condolences'. No 'I'm so sorry that happened to you' . Not acknowledging how terrible of a thing that is. At all.
3)says they aren't gonna defend themself... and defend themselves
4) have yet to tell us who these people are. Which is just bad cuz there are people out there who are okay with this. If they were IRL friends just say that.
5) it felt just fucking dull
Maybe this isn't right. Maybe you disagree with these points. But do not tell me you disagree with the rest.
I wanna end this by saying I am victim of SA. Did I tell him this? No. Maybe I should've. I don't feel comfortable sharing it. Because remembring fucking hurts. Remembering means crying and opening the lights and either sitting or laying down on my back because I can still. Fucking. Feel. It. And I was nine.
I don't want your pity on this. I don't want you to say sorry. The people you should be saying sorry to are the people who are not believed when this happens. Feel sorry for the people who cannot report this stuff because they don't trust the people who are supposed to protect them. Feel sorry for the people who think it was their fault and they actually wanted it when they didn't. 63% of rape are not reported in females. Only 12% of child rapes are reported.
I can't find a clear fucking statistics on males.
Do you know how difficult it is for males to have any representation at all? How many male victims do you see online? Even Odysseus being regonized as one is recent. Fucking. Stop. This is more than a made up story. It means the world to some people. So this actually happen. It might mean everything. This was taken away from them from so many retellings. And a stupid fucking au.
If you want to talk about SA, wanna make a character out of it, learn about it first.
So I'm not going to forgive and I am definitely not going to forget. You can. If you want. I don't care if you do. But I ask you not to forget. Please.
I am tagging Jack's taglist
@zariahthewitch @thegroovydaughterofhestia @if-chaos-was-a-boy @the-gods-strange-children @silena-daughterofaphrodite @fabulousdaughterofhecate @weakest-son-of-sun @chaos-pers0nified @neoptolemus-achilles-son @bast-the-best26 @goddess-of-bubblegum @hispanic-child-of-hermes @gaygirldoodles @luck-is-crucial @reyna4ever @vicious-daughter-of-zeus @feral-hermes-child @oopsies-i-did-a-thing @unfortunate-daughter-of-hestia @that-girl-cupid @ariathemortal @love-lightning-forethought @emdabitchass @kaiaalwayswins @champion-of-revenge @zoe-aura-of-d3ath @itsyourboyezra @lunar-eklipso-r @pink-koi-lovejoy @that-daughter-of-athena @sleepy-as-a-song @smileyalater @gellyhelio @daughter-ofthe-moontitan @demeters-daughter-is-done @the-smart-and-the-dumb-one @trinket-snatcher @creature-under-ur-bed @burnt-out-bitxhes @cloak-of-ares @heraaaaaaaa @unproblematic-hestia @i-was-never-sane
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itsabouttimex2 · 23 hours
I hope this isn't an odd question
But, do you think Wukong or Macaque would act or treat different their "cub" if they genders were swapped or being a female version? This is also for a Yan behavior
I don't know too much about how is the raising of a monkey from the father and mother so I was curious with this since they're both mystical demons
I was thinking about this when I saw some fanarts from the artist @/car_nimbus on Twitter, they made a neat versions of the characters with another gender
Monkey Mama
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(Hmm okay let me build a hypothetical OG “Female Monkey King” to work off of here and then I’ll try to translate that into LMK’s SWK. Also, I’ll probably make a second variation of this afterwards with other characters, haha. This got a little long to do both SWK and Mac!)
Sun Wukong as a character is already heavily defined by rebellion and personal choice, so I think that making him a girl only really compounds that layer of his character.
In many older narratives, female characters are often expected to be more obedient or modest than men, and very frequently only exist as prizes or, more rarely, villains. A female Sun Wukong; assuming she plays the same role as her original incarnation, defies the expectations of how “traditional” women should behave, shirking the demure and passive “ideal” and adding another layer of rebellion to her character.
(JTTW is actually pretty great in terms of female representation, with characters ranging from the perpetually good Quanyin, the eventually repentant Princess Iron Fan, and the straight up evil White Bone Spirit. I’m a big fan of how the women aren’t slid into any one “role” throughout the story.)
I think: in story, she’d likely be viewed as a sort of “anomaly”—a woman too strong, too outspoken, and too unwilling to conform to typical feminine ideals. Her defiance and arrogance might be viewed as even more scandalous by the Celestial Realm.
Instead of being made a “stable-keeper”, I think probably she’s sent to whatever Heavenly Scullery exists in that divine realm, and put to work very quickly. She would treat this “job” with indifference or even amusement at first-after all, physical labor or menial tasks don't diminish her self-worth or confidence! She’s had a life of hard work, leading an army of Yaoguai, cultivating Flower Fruit Mountain,
So she’s fine with this… at first. Then it turns out that the food she makes with her fellow low-class workers isn’t distributed amongst the people making it, but plated up nice and pretty for a bunch of “stuffy old gods” who didn’t lift a finger! Bullshit!
So obviously, the prideful Monkey Queen goes on a destructive rampage in regards to the unfair disparity of treatment, then storms back down to Earth to throw a “feel-better” party with her fellow Yaogaui.
(Which isn’t just a party, but a symbolic reclaiming of joy and community, with her monkey tribe representing the freedom she craves and the earthly bonds she prefers over heavenly authority. It's not just an escape, but a statement of independence.)
After an extensive set of repairs, the Court sends down someone to drag her back, because, you know, the local super-powered monkey is back on the loose, and that’s not exactly great for them. This time, they offer her a “better” role- she gets to become an official Peach Maiden, lucky her!
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Of course, it’s just another form of entrapment, but within a prettier cage. Even though she's given a cushier position, it's a veneer- she's still being silenced, controlled, and stripped of her freedom. The role played by a Peach Maiden is an inversion of Wukong's essence, as these women are happily serving the role of passive caretakers, nurturing with gentle smiles—a direct contrast to the free-willed, brash nature of the Monkey Queen.
(And while there’s nothing wrong with being demure, passive, and feminine, having people try to force her into that role is where Sun Wukong draws her line.)
Here, she is expected to watch in silence as others revel in the freedom and power denied to her. It's a different kind of prison, one that quietly erodes her spirit. When the Celestial Court tries to reintegrate her as a Peach Maiden, they are once again attempting to place her into a docile, decorative role, one that strips away her power and independence. Those immortal peach orchards, a symbol of immortality and divine favor, becomes a prison for her.
Surrounded by "ideal" women who embody the quiet, submissive role she despises, the Monkey Queen finds herself chafing under the pressure of conformity. Her energy, once boundless and chaotic, is now caged, and the simmering resentment builds.
The buildup to her inevitable rebellion after being made a Peach Maiden, then, becomes a very sympathetic moment because it's not just a rejection of the role forced on her, but a rejection of the very system that tries to diminish who she is at her core. Her rebellion isn’t about anger and shame- it’s about reclaiming her true self after having been suffocated by the expectations of the Celestial Court. Her rampage becomes an assertion of her identity as something that can't be confined by heavenly rules or social mores.
The Court, in its attempt to “contain" her, only fuels her defiance further, leading her once again to rebel.
It was never going to end well. But it ends all the same, and punishment is to be levied to the Queen, just the same as any other rebellious rule-breaker... actually, probably harsher.
There’s “you broke our rules and tried to lead a coup”, then there’s “you did all that, and we also find your very person to be wrong on a fundamental level”, and then she gets the book thrown at her twice over.
But! Then she meets Tang Sanzang, who sees something in her that neither the Celestial Realm nor her own band of Sworn Brothers saw. Not a heretic simian savaging a holy realm. Not a Queen to rally behind for their own gain.
But a lost soul in need of guidance.
And from there the Great Monk works on building Sun Wukong up as a person instead of leading her astray or trying to cut massive chunks of her personality out? And talks to her about the things she cares about? And teaches her about all the things she missed after spending five hundred years under a rock?
And then she meets Zhu Baije, who starts out a little too happy and carefree about having a beautiful woman around, but eventually comes to smash open heads when Wukong is disrespected, because that’s not just a hot woman, that’s his sister?
Or Sha Wujing, who helps her with even the smallest things, from trimming her claws to cutting her wild hair to preparing meals for the monk? And lets her perch on his shoulders and head so the queen can get some skinship in?
Then Ao Lie, who is every bit the “disappointment to the world at large” that she was considered? And they take turns braiding each other’s hair and wiping the mess from the other’s face, and sleeping in the same tent and same bedroom because it’s less effort?
She gets a dad and three little brothers?
She gets a family.
And then loses it and is alone again for several hundred years more.
So if we go with this theoretical “My natural existence has been rejected for being seen as ‘improper’ by a court of stuffy traditional assholes” and then “I dearly love/miss my dead found family” angle, I think she’d be portrayed as a very different sort of character in LMK.
She’s quicker to lash out and defend herself, and much less willing to sit around and let the world pass her by- because that’s what was demanded of her by the Celestial Realm.
Be good. Be quiet. Be demure. Be obedient. Be anything except you.
I don’t think she’d be as willing to “rest on her laurels” as her canon counterpart, given that a “quiet boring life” was what she had fought so very hard to escape in the first place, so instead of isolating herself from the world in the first place, she probably sets up a little “souvenir shop” at the foot of Flower Fruit Mountain, taking a human form to sell little knick-knacks that herald to the journey she undertook with her old friends.
In part, this is how Wukong works to honor them. To spread their legacy. To ensure that they aren’t forgotten, left as a footnote in the annals of history. To remember them.
In part, it’s how she justifies all the mistakes she’s made and the suffering she’s been through. Settling in to a pointlessly relaxed life is exactly what she fought against, after all. She’s heavily fallen into the “sunk-cost fallacy”, where giving up and settling in, to her, means “losing”. It means “everything I went through was all for nothing”. So she keeps at this little store instead of just retiring and isolating herself from the world, even though she’d be happier to ditch it and lounge about.
So when MK and his eccentric bunch of friends comes around with their boundless energy and mischief, she immediately goes, “Oh, okay! This is what I wanted!”
(It’s not. All she’s ever wanted is her friends back. How could there be anything else?)
The Monkie Kids are vibrant, eccentric, and full of qualities that immediately resonate with Wukong. They remind her of the energy, camaraderie, and sense of adventure that she once shared with her old companions. She sees MK's arrival not just as a chance to teach someone a few of her old tricks, but as an echo of her own life—a life she hasn't been able to truly let go of.
So she starts projecting- on the surface, MK is very much like her. He's spirited, good-natured, and curious- and reckless. Just like she was. Wukong latches onto this quickly, sort of using the kid as a proxy for herself. After all, if she can't go back to her old life, why not embrace a new one that feels close enough? In some ways, this marks her refusal to accept the passage of time, a desperate clinging to the hope that, through MK, she can rekindle the connections she once cherished.
However, underneath that initial enthusiasm is the repressed understanding that MK, despite his similarities to her younger self, cannot truly replace what she lost. The friends she fought beside, the battles they waged together, and the lessons they learned are unique, irreplaceable moments in her life. No matter how much MK’s gang reminds her of the past, he and his friends a stand-in for the companions she still longs for. But her deep desire to reconnect with her old friends clouds her ability to see MK for who he truly is: his own person, on his own journey.
It takes her a while to get to that point, though. So she’s more doting and affectionate, in a way that somewhat stifles her student’s training because she wants to be both her old carefree self and also a good mentor, and the two just get jumbled.
Sidenote: I think with the difference in actions and behavior, MK would be more open to viewing Fem!Wukong as a parental figure than the OG, especially since he doesn’t really have someone to fulfill that “mom” role.
For their dynamic, I think something like this would be the outcome:
The afternoon sun hangs low in the sky, painting the landscape in hues of varied orange and blue. With a tired hand, MK wipes the sweat from his brow.
He’s perched on one of the rocky spires dotting Flower Fruit Mountain, gazing at the view with a small smile of accomplishment. Training had been intense lately… if only because he had been doubling down on the time he spent practicing, without giving as much care to rest or aftercare.
After all, even though his powers were blooming steadily… his enemies also were growing in power and quantity, leading to the ever-creeping edge of fear that anything less than a constant one-hundred percent just wouldn’t be “enough”.
And right as he reaches back to grab the golden staff he has inherited from the Monkey Queen-
“MK! I told you to take a break, not run off to do more training!”
Her voice, uncharacteristically sharp, cuts through the formerly tranquil air, causing MK to jump. He turns just in time to see Sun Wukong strolling toward him, her hands on her hips and a look of mock annoyance on her face.
MK grinned sheepishly, shifting his grass-stained boots against the dirt. “I was just, you know… checking out the view.”
She raised an eyebrow, the corner of her mouth twitching in amusement as her eyes narrowed in annoyance. This kid... “Uh-huh. Checking out the view or sneaking in some practice when I wasn’t looking?”
Caught fast in his lie, MK rubbed the back of his neck, face scrunching up in embarrassment. “Maybe a little of both?”
In spite of herself, Sun Wukong quietly laughs, the sound echoing like a chiming bell through the mountain. Her long, golden hair flowed behind her in the wind, each strand catching the light like molten fire. Despite her legendary status- the rebellious warrior who’d fought the heavens and nearly won!- there was a warmth to her that MK had come to cherish.
“All work and no play, MK,” she said, sitting beside him on the rock and ruffling his hair with a fondness that always made him feel like a little kid again. “You’ll burn out before you get anywhere.”
He looked at her, eyes shining with admiration. “But you never stop training. You’ve been at this for centuries! I just…”
A pause, as his chest turns over, unsettled by the notion of opening up. But… it’s the Monkey Queen. So it.. should be okay, right?
“I want to make you proud.”
Sun Wukong’s expression softens, and she wraps an arm around his shoulders, pulling the boy close in a tight embrace. “You already make me proud, kid. You don’t have to prove anything.”
MK leaned into the touch, feeling a wave of comfort wash over him. Even from the start she’d been like this with him- protective, nurturing… and maybe a bit overbearing at times. But he didn’t mind. It made him feel safe, like no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wasn’t alone.
MK chuckled, turning his face up to meet his idol’s eyes.” I’ll keep up,” he triumphantly declares, pumping a fist.” I promise.”
“Good.” Wukong shifted, her clawed hand lightly missing his spiked locks. “Now, how about we head back to the shop and grab something to eat? You’ve earned it.”
MK’s stomach growled at the mention of food, and he nodded so eagerly that she wondered if his head wouldn’t ache from the motion. “You know, I won’t say no to a good meal.”
The Monkey Queen stood up, dusting off her mentee’s clothes before offering him a hand. “Of course you won’t. C’mon, my treat.”
Now, to answer your question about how she acts in regards to her own cub… in general I think she’s much more doting than the OG, willing to express herself through constant displays of physical affection, in ways that are far more varied.
Constant forehead smooching, cuddles, grooming sessions, all of it! Mama Wukong never wants to let go of her baby! Sit down and let her paint your nails! Let her comb and braid your hair! Let her make you a nice lunch (loaded with mystical drugs to keep you nice and sleepy for extra cuddles), or at least a filling snack! Let her pepper your face with kisses as she spins you in her powerful arms!
Lots and lots of indulgent fluffy days of binging unhealthy foods and watching cozy reruns of old shows, your head in her lap as she hums and does up your hair with her lazy hands.
Lots of reminiscing about old suitors as she considers the quietest and quickest ways to kill anyone who makes the futile attempt to pursue you in the same way.
Despite her obsessive behavior, Wukong struggles with conflicting feelings about wanting her child to be strong and independent, just like her! She pushes you to train hard and become powerful, but when you inevitably seek their own freedom or autonomy, she’d experience a mix of pride and heartbreak, pushing her deeper into possessive tendencies.
If you ever tried to leave or even just start to break away, Wukong’s worst traits would bubble up like hellfire. Just as she fought against an entire realm’s authority, she would absolutely wage a war to keep her child close, all while justifying her actions as love.
The Monkey Queen is also more willing to take routes outside of brute force if it means securing extra protection for Y/N. If Macaque or maybe Azure (or someone else like Erlang Shen) wants to try and play “suitor”, well, she’s not too interested… until the thought arises that having him around makes you extra safe! And then she’s willing to think on it.
(That’s assuming that you aren’t one of their biological kids to begin with, in which case there might be a sort of “yandere triangle”. Azure/Macaque/Erlang Shen doing his damndest to reclaim his wife, before he learns that she’s had a child while he was gone... or maybe Pigsy and Tang decided that MK needs his mentor in a more ‘accessible’ position, and plot to drag her to Megapolis…)
Lots of potential monkey mama shenanigans, basically!
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Mariona was being a hypocrite when she said things would be worth the pain when she agreed to go back to the National Team. Now she's saying nothing has changed, so which is it?
sigh, okay, i'll bite. mariona made the statement: "obviamente. yo creo que todo el mundo ha sufrido mucho y han sido meses muy difíciles. y, al final, pues, si acabas ganando el mundial, supongo que podremos decir que ha merecido la pena" ("obviously, i think everyone has suffered a lot and it's been a very difficult few months. and in the end, well, if you end up winning the world cup, i guess we can say it was worth it") on 11 august 2023. this was after spain beat the netherlands and before spain won the world cup.
fast forward to spain winning the world cup, the players returned to liga f (which mind you started two weeks later because of a player strike) and literally nothing has changed in spain or in the league.
now the spanish players saw what happened in england after the euro. so wouldn't it be logical for mariona and others like aitana to think that there would be substantial progress and improvement in spain after winning the world cup? and when that didn't happen, isn't it logical for the players to question and complain about that?
how is that hypocritical? obviously the players returned to the selection because they thought 1) there were enough changes made to tolerate it and 2) winning the world cup would lead to massive change in spain. when that didn't happen, then players started speaking up.
and let's talk about what cosmetic changes were made for spanish players to return to the selection in the first place (remember the bar was sooo low):
players now flying business class on long haul flights
no more overnight bus rides to matches but players now flying between cities
nutritionist was added to staff
more physiotherapists added to staff
coaching drills that were connected to tactics instead of doing the same types of drills that sub-17 players did
family reconciliation plan that allowed immediate family members (wife/kids) to stay with players and organise accommodations and activities for visiting family
no more mandatory supervised free time. players are allowed to enjoy free time without staff present
and after vilda was ousted:
no more keeping doors open in player rooms and vilda checking in on players late at night
no more checking shopping bags of players if they decided to go shopping
no more micromanagement of players' time if they had events to attend during camps
now i don't think it's hypocritical for mariona to say all the pain was worth it because that's genuinely what she thought: 1) winning the world cup is the ultimate dream for any footballer 2) winning the world cup is the only pathway to create change and improve conditions. heck, the most successful team in the world (uswnt) had to win the world cup to have equal pay taken seriously.
but now we know that didn't really happen for spain. yes, vilda and rubiales are gone, but more rfef cronies are in their place. and liga f continues to lose talent to other leagues and top teams (levante) slash the budget of their women's programs. i don't think it's hypocritical for mariona to have thought and said differently.
so tl;dr, don't speak without knowing the history. because you are so wrong.
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that's exactly what they are doing. and yes, like i said above, 100% players are allowed to change their opinions on things that are happening in real time!
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icarusredwings · 12 hours
This post may not be suitable for littles or people who get uncomfy with mentions of baby making stuff. IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK THO I SWEAR!!!!
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Thinking about how much Wade loves babies when he's small.
He's holding Logan's hand down the street as they're running errands, and he's being so good, like SUPER good. Not running away, litsening to instructions, using his words in a way Kitty can understand.
He doesn't even have Fluffy with him either, so he's doing all of this with minimal emotional support, just his chewy star necklace and one of Logans big hoodies. He's in some colorful leggings, though, and in his pocket is nothing but a snack. Not even his cup.
Bro is raw dogging the adult outdoors as his small self with practically nothing. He's still wearing his dog tags, though, just in case he gets lost, they're used as a source of identification.
Ealier, when Wade wanted to pet a stray cat instead of just running off, he gasped and pointed to it. "Kitty!" Which is obviously code for "Look! A cool thing!" So when Logan looked, he saw how polite Wade was behaving.
"Be gentle, okay? Sometimes, they don't like humans." He tells him, carefully walking him over in which Wade just squats down to pet the cat very nicely. You would think 'yeah no duh he wouldn't hurt it,' and you would be correct, though sometimes he pets them too rough or moves too quickly so they get scared and scratch him.
Right now, he's bored, leaning on his shoulder and starting to get fussy because paying bills is boring, and he wants to go home. Chewing on his star, he stops, and his eyes light up, seeing a stoller.
Wade loves strollers. Because where there is a pram- Theres a babe. And babies were great. (Unless they were screaming, and then they were not)
He tugs a bit on Logan, but he's ignored because he's trying to ask the internet service people why they charged them 15 extra this month when nothing changed. "Kitty!" He points, looking at him for consent to go see the baby. Frustrated, confused, and not looking, Logan assumes that he sees another cat and waves a hand. "Yeah, sure. Be gentle."
So, being given the okay, Wade practically skips over to the stroller and crouches down to see a chunky cheeked baby boy. His mum is busy on the phone, so she doesn't even notice a grown man cooing over the child.
Giggling to the baby, he lets him grab his finger and nibble on it. Tickling his cheeks and stuff, you know. Baby stuff. So when he takes off his hood to let the baby play with his necklace, the baby gets upset and starts to cry.
I think we would all cry if we saw a glowy yellow eyed man smiling at us like that with such unfarmiliar skin. You have to remember, babies only know what they're shown, and I doubt it's ever seen anything like this before.
Of course, it cries. And the crying alerts the mom. "Ooh shh, Steven, you're al- Ahh!! Who are you! Get away from my baby, you freak!"
Getting shooed away, he whines, unsure of what he did wrong. Was it bad to play with babies? His head said No.
"What is wrong with you!?"
"I-i... but.." he dosn't know what to say, tries to explain that he didn't do anything bad and that he was sorry but she dosn't seem to care about his words. This is New York afterall. Kids are stolen all the time here.
The yelling, of course, makes Logan think "Great some idiot made the baby cry," only to pause and wonder where Wade went. "OH SHIT that's MY idiot." He thinks and instantly becomes protective, growling as he gives in and throws the extra money at the tiller. Coming outside, he steps in front of Wade. Sure, Wade is a weirdo, but he wouldn't do anything to the baby. Right??
"What's your deal lady!?"
"He tried to take my son!!" She says, assuming the worst.
Logan gives a glance to Wade, who's already crying and shakes his head, unable to get any words out, but "I'm good!" Seeing as various times today, Logan has praised him for behaving. "You're being so good today, kid."
"No he didn't! Now take your ugly pup and get!"
A bit more of arguing, and she finally goes on her way, complaining about New York Weirdos.
After that, he starts asking Wade why he was touching a random baby and honestly just running his mouth that he knows better and shouldn't do that, etc.
Almost instantly, it stops, though, because he's already crying. He lets out this huge sigh. "Fine... Im sorry.. I know you like babies. How about I give you a baby. Would you like that?"
Logan doesn't mean it in the way Wade thinks, obviously, as his eyes widden, sniffling. "You're gonna give me a baby!?"
"Yeah, sure-"
"We're gonna have a baby!!!??"
"WAIT- No! Not like that!"
He squeals and excitedly flaps his hands, continuing to go on about how 'Mommy tried to give him a baby, but it didn't work'
Slapping his hand over his face, he's so embarrassed, blushing all the way down his neck and up his ears. He shakes his head and growls. "SHHH!!! That's not what I meant!! We can't even have a baby moron!" I mean, who wouldn't be embarrassed about their partner OPENLY talking about their past relations in public?
So- He does what every person does when their partner is obsessed with babies by can't have any.
He takes him to the thrift store to pick one out.
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queerprayers · 2 days
I’m unemployed dropped out of school before I reached high school and am unbaptised. Does God care about someone like that
Welcome, beloved, to the blog of a high school dropout who walks dogs (but has never actually been employed anywhere), and was baptized as a baby and so did not have any choice in the matter! God cares about both of us, and has given us ways to serve Them in our own lives, as we are now.
Your employment status can obviously matter quite a bit in terms of survival, because of the world we live in, but itself has no bearing on your relationship with God. Whatever the reason you don't have a job, you have a life worthy of care, from those around you and from God. Being employed has never been a Christian focus--devoting your life to God has. Capitalism has changed so much, but please know that the ways the system (and those misled by it) shames you do not reflect the will of God. No human system can decide your worth.
Your level of education, similarly, doesn't say anything about you that God cares about. I dropped out of school for health reasons--whatever yours are, even if you don't feel they're good, whatever! High school was invented like 200 years ago, and has nothing to do with God's care for you. Education is holy--reading, talking to different kinds of people, learning about history and the natural world, thinking about God. This knowledge is in schools but it's also everywhere else. I'm not telling everyone reading this to drop out of high school, but I am saying that there are so many beautiful paths without it. I would also point out that in many places, there is support for people who left schooling early--my city, for instance, has free GED (high school equivalency diploma) programs. If that's something you want to change (of your own volition, not because God will care about you any differently), it's very possible that you can.
Baptism is the most easily changed thing on this list, if you seek it. Most churches require some discussion beforehand, maybe a class to learn about the denomination, but there aren't huge barriers (and there is no test of worthiness). If it's not in your future, for whatever reason, I can still tell you God cares about you, fully, as you are. Baptism is lots of things for lots of people--a symbol, a physical manifestation of grace, a welcoming into a Christian community, a sealing of a covenant--but it has never been the first moment of care from God. That has already passed--it was the first moment you existed. To say you need to be baptized for God to care about you is to say that God doesn't care about anyone from any other religion, or about those who die before baptism--what a sad life that would be. What a limiting belief.
I don't know you, but I have faith you treat others well. I have faith you wouldn't tell me God didn't care about me because of my job or schooling. So don't do that to yourself. I hate to break it to you, but you have no say in the matter. It doesn't matter how worthy you are, or how much you're succeeding by our current society's standards. God is love, a love which keeps no record of wrongs, a love which does not weigh with the measures of this world, a love which cannot be contained in the rituals of an institutional church, a love which does not require knowledge or action or belief to surround us. We are saved by this love, not by a diploma or paycheck or a pastor's words.
Go in peace, beloved. Glorify God with your life, not with someone else's. And anyone who tells you that there are limits on God's care is not talking about the God of the Bible--who works through the underdog, who turns any idea of worthiness on its head, who picks the younger son and the tax collector, the unwed mother and the poor father. God comes to where we are, and takes us by the hand.
<3 Johanna
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aftercamlann · 2 days
ACBB 2024 Masterlist
Thank you to all our wonderful writers, artists and beta readers who participated in this years After Camlann Big Bang! We hope you will consider participating again this year!
Below is the final masterlist for After Camlann 2024:
Title: We Are Bruised But Whole Together Author: Tansyuduri Artist: GYRHS Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin. (Arthur Merlin and Freya) Rating: Explicit Word count: 46,999 Summary: Arthur wakes up in modern Glastonbury and to his unfathomable relief finds Merlin. But nothing is simple. Everything he knew is gone, for one. He wonders what of his achievements were actually his own, and not just Merlin's magic, for another. Arthur also has to face the fact that he kept the ban on magic going. Was he ever truly a good king?
There is also the “I love you” he mouthed to Merlin before dying. Something he cannot afford to focus on, because, as Merlin tells him, Albion’s time of greatest need is upon them.
Then comes the unthinkable. Merlin’s magic, which has been growing over the last thousand years, is suddenly too strong for the sorcerer's human body to handle. Faced with the prospect of losing Merlin, feelings suddenly come out and Arthur realizes that if he can save the man he loves and the land of Albion, he might be able to forgive himself for his mistakes and everything he is not.
The question is, can he?
Expect fluff, angst, humor, banter, hurt/comfort, whump, and lots of Merthur!
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: running back home Author: sourw0lfs Artist: kokoshka67 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 25,126 Summary: With another growl, the monster surges forward, pressing its full weight into Arthur and toppling his footing. They both go down hard with just the damaged sword as a barrier between them. Arthur’s arms shake with the effort to keep it that way, pressing upwards with all the strength he can muster to free himself. The monster barely budges, lips pulling back in a snarl that reveals a mouthful of half-sharp, half-dull teeth. Through his panic, Arthur finally realizes why this monster seems so different from the attacks in the past. His gaze trails from the jagged teeth snapping angrily at him to the side of the creature’s face that isn’t covered in scales, to the side that’s so obviously and glaringly human. Because the monster isn’t a monster at all. It’s something else entirely, some kind of cursed hybrid never before seen. Worst of all, though, Arthur finds that he recognizes the human face beyond the scales and fangs. “Merlin?”
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: london fog and technicolour strobe lights Author: demigodbeautiies Artist: LikeAPaperPlane Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur (main); Gwen/Lancelot (side); Gen Merlin & Various Characters (side) Rating: Mature Word count: 39,822 Summary:he magic in the membrane of the night around them as they duck out into the world is thick and perfectly marvellous, reminding him that he is here, young, and alive, and that’s pretty alright. Nighttime is always better, anyway. When Merlin left his village ten years ago, he really didn't think he'd end up fucking people for money. He still doesn't know what he expected to happen, exactly, but wishes he could figure it out a little bit faster. Then a run of the mill gig goes wrong and changes the course of Merlin's life - just, not in any of the ways he expected it to. That's the funny thing about a summer in London, though: it is utterly impossible to tell what the hell will happen next. Escort Merlin AU, featuring love, lust, and the London Underground. Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: It's Not in the Stars to Hold Author: Storybelle Artist: Summ3rSolstic3 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, one-sided Gwaine/Merlin, previous mentioned Gwen/Arthur Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 31,707 Summary: Their friendship hasn't exactly been smooth — since that first day on the train when Arthur had heard about the famed Merlin, to their first potions lesson, their fight in the Great Hall, and every strange, dangerous adventure they've had since then, part of Merlin being the chosen one, the most powerful wizard to ever exist. Arthur's letter didn't come with warnings of Sidhe, or lamia or changelings.
But if it's for Merlin, he'll follow him anywhere, something that proves to be very complicated when he joins Merlin's family for Christmas.
A HogwartsxMerlin mashup
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: A chance encounter Artist: Pinklunamoth Pairings/Characters: Rating: Gen Word count: N/A Summary: Merlin and Arthut have an unexpected reunion
Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Resurrecting Magic Author: Sage_Owl Artist: wistfulVulpine Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Balinor/Hunith, Ygraine/Uther, Gaius, Morgause, Nimueh, Mordred, Geoffrey, Freya, Tristan, Isolde, Lasy Helen Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 25,041 Summary: Thirty years ago, magic disappeared. Now, a whole generation- including best friends Merlin and Arthur- have grown up without it, only hearing the occasional rumor.
Merlin decides to put his film degree to good use by starting a ghost-hunting show with Arthur, but things quickly go awry. An attempt on Arthur's life leads to Merlin reading a spell that slows down time...but magic is gone, isn't it?
From there, the two friends begin to unravel the conspiracy that destroyed magic, and the prophecy involving their family names that promises to bring it back. Featuring ghosts, arson, solariums, pining, chalk dragons, and definitive proof that even from beyond the grave, Uther Pendragon is an asshole.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: As One We Stand Author: BGN_846 Artist: Malus_sieversii Pairings/Characters: Merlin & Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 70,022 Summary: Canon era, canon divergent featuring BAMF!Merlin, irritatingly confusing Kilgharrah, mentally exhausted Arthur, and a very impatient Morgause. Growing up in isolation with his father and a handful of druids, Merlin has been trained in the arts of magic and self-defense. He's also good with a sword, knows how to evade the enemy and is quite literally dying of boredom. NOTHING exciting ever happens aside from the stories his father tells him of days long past about the evils of the outside world. All this changes when a chance encounter leads Merlin to save Arthur Pendragon’s life. He soon discovers he's got a shared destiny with the pratty prince. (who does not like his magic, not one bit) Merlin thought his life was boring before, now he's not sure what to think. In a matter of a few weeks, he's met a dragon, promised to set him free, and may or may not have been tasked with usurping the king! He's managed on his own for this long, what's the worst that could happen? He spends the rest of his life alone, that's what!
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Let me see you stripped down to the bone Author: where_the_kissing_never_stops Artist: icebreak1010 Pairings/Characters: Gwaine/Percival, background Merlin/Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 50,027 Summary: Leeds, March 1986.
They're off to a strip night, and Gwaine has no idea how much it will change his life.
He falls head over heels for one of the dancers, and a random encounter lets them meet properly, and Gwaine realises it isn't just Percival's body he likes. Slowly, they become an irreplaceable part of each other's lives. However, Percival's job starts to get in between them, and Gwaine's insecurities grow.
Will they make it together?
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: What Was I Made For? Author: tomatopudding/JetGirl1832 Artist: rasseyanost Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Kara/Lena, Gwen/Lancelot, Arthur Pendragon, Merlin, Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Alex Danvers, Morgause, Uther Pendragon, Gwen, Lancelot, J’onn J’onzz, Brainy, Nia Nal, Florence Abbott
Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 63,019 Summary: Merlin had made his peace with his lonely existence, wandering the world waiting for his king to rise again. Then he saw Morgana on the cover of a magazine. Morgause didn't remember being dead but now she's suddenly alive again with only one thought on her mind: find her sister. Lena couldn't help but think that coming to terms with her magic was a lot less confusing before this whole reincarnation thing.
Story is here | Art is here here | Reblog on Tumblr here ***
Title: The Challenge of the Fey Court Author: thenerdyindividual Artist: pyjamacyrptid Pairings/Characters:  Merlin/Arthur, Merlin/Gwaine, Arthur/Gwaine, Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine Rating: Explicit Word count: 97,104 Summary: Balinor meets Hunith and falls madly in love with her. When Ealdor experiences a terrible famine, Balinor takes it upon himself to save them. He makes an agreement with the King of the Seelie (Uther); thirty years of good harvest in exchange for Balinor's first born.
Balinor leaves Hunith with the intention of never having a child with her or any other woman. the problem? Hunith is already with child.
Twenty years later, Merlin is fulfilling Balinor's end of the bargain. He just hopes that his fey husband isn't a complete prat, and that things goes smoothly.
Things do not go smoothly.
Merlin was not expecting to have to complete seven courtship challenges before being allowed to wed. Nor was he expecting his future husband to already be in love with someone else.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: The Oracle Machine Author: Aro_Tarot Artist: Coconut_head3000 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon Rating: General Word count: 33,752 Summary: While traveling to Ealdor, the Merchant, Arthur, stumbles across Merlin being picked on by a group. This chance meeting changes everything when he goes against the Mark on his forearm to help him. Merlin ends up coming back with him to Camelot, a place without magic or choices. The lives of every citizen, Marked by a symbol on their forearm and determined by the Oracle Machine.
Story and Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: the beginning & what follows Author: egeria Artist: myoonmii Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Nimueh, Ygraine, Uther, Morgana, Gaius, Hunith Rating: Explicit Word count: 34,948 Summary: When Nimueh saves Ygraine's life, she couldn't have imagined the far-reaching consequences. Really, the consequences might've been worse, if only a little peasant boy hadn't been born.
or: Merlin is raised knowing who he is and all of Albion looks a bit different as a result.
Story and Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: it wasn't the crash that made us, but the debris Author: SlantedKnitting Artist: LFB72 Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, past Merlin/Lance, Morgana, Leon, Gwen Rating: Explicit Word count: 25,037 Summary: When Arthur buys a new flat, it should mean that everything in his life is slotting into place. Instead, he can’t stop going on bad dates, his sister won’t get off his back about mental health, and the cupboard doors keep mysteriously falling open.
When the ghost who haunts the flat reveals himself, Arthur decides to help him finish whatever unresolved business he has that’s keeping him from properly passing on. Once Arthur gets rid of this ghostly Merlin figure, he can go back to getting his own life in order.
Of course Merlin has a poor memory, and as Arthur tries to dig into Merlin’s life, he gets used to having a ghost around his home.
Story is here | Art is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Right where you left me Author: Brechtjeeatscheese Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur Morgana/Mordred Gwaine& Arthur Rating: Mature Word count: 28,797 Summary: It’s the year 2024 and Arthur and his pack live in a nice town where nothing ever happens. That is, until a long lost love from the past shows up again, Merlin, his former crush now turned enemy.
Merlin quickly brings danger to Arthur and his werewolf pack, but things aren’t quite what they seem. Arthur is forced to reevaluate everything he thought about Merlin and vampires before. And he needs to do it fast, otherwise Merlin’s life can very well be forfeit….
Story is here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Pas De Deux Author: lavender_spice Artist: Mirayla Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Gwen/Lancelot, Elyan, Annis, Will, Gwaine, Uther, Morgana Rating: Teen and Up Word count: 51,105 Summary: When due to a lucky coincidence, ballet dancer Merlin gets the chance play the the role of White and Black Swan in Swan Lake, he is beyond elated. That is until he realises he will be dancing alongside the golden boy of Camelot Ballet, Arthur Pendragon - an arrogant twat and Merlin's personal nemesis. Can they overcome their differences, or will their mutual animosity destroy the production and their career?
Story and Art are here | Reblog on Tumblr here *** Title: Sugar Sweet Serendipities Author: chaosgenes Artist: sunfall_ennien Pairings/Characters: Merlin/Arthur, Leon/Morgana Rating: Explicit Word count: 48,851 Summary: Arthur Du Bois, CEO of The RoundTable, is a stubborn, self-made man and comfortably well off. Yet, after a few encounters with a certain stranger, he unexpectedly lands himself a sugar daddy. Merlin is twelve years his senior, a modern gentleman, the last of the great Emryson family line, and unimaginably rich.
Coincidences bring them together and love blooms, but each holds a secret that may very well end their budding romance. What they don't know is that it both involves PD Corp’s CEO, Uther Pendragon.
Story and Art are here | Reblog on Tumblr here
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freakenomenon · 2 days
Just gonna put this out there.
I just don't like nimdok because he's a nazi. Point blank period. I shouldn't have to explain that but I'm going to anyway just to do it. I just. I don't feel like it's entirely my place to speak on him. Like obviously nazis didn't just kill Jewish people they did the same with a lot of minorities including black people but their inpact was the most devastating to the jews and i just 😓 don't want to disrespect that?
And I just don't feel comfortable with nimdok because unlike ellens or teds or bennys or gorristers. His can't be shoved in a box of just fictional portrayals of dark subjects that came out wrong.
like sure. Ellens portrayal may harm sexual assault victims. Of course. In that sense it effects reality. Fiction does effect reality. But nothing of ellens psychodrama actually happened. It's not a real documented rape case. It's meant to replicate something like that. Which is why it's easier for me to tackle what went wrong with it as a sexual assault victim and what they couldve done better to represent a victim of assault in a less hurtful and odd way to give a more effective outlook on victims to their audience.
But with nimdok. The holocaust. Is an actual documented attempt at genocide through the monstrous bigoted lense of a bloodthirsty sickening dictator. And thats HORRIFIC. it's just. Wrong. I don't want to mock anything like that. I don't want to draw fanart or be a fan of a character that is meant to represent a horrible perpetrator of an ethnic-religious group within history. Especially with the references to the VERY REAL DR MENGELE. it's just. Not okay. Or comfortable at all for me.
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cuckaracha · 1 day
Ohhh please give Ace opinions. I love seeing people yap about Ace
With pleasure ^_^!
V spoilers talk! V
Most of my opinions were revealed to be sort of true on the last episode so it wouldn't surprise me if this is one-to-one what everyone believes now: Ace to me seems like an extremely love starved person, like, its so painfully obvious that he's faced some sort of neglect in his life. So much so to the point that he keeps himself guarded all the time to avoid falling for the trap of liking someone and then they immediately turn on him. Hence what he said to Levi during the trial. Ace is feels too much. He's well aware of his surroundings and how shitty he acts, but if he doesn't feel anger or fear, the loneliness kicks in. It's a toxic cycle of self-hatred, low self-esteem and cynicism. Though I do believe that it's mostly the situation making his bad habits shine more brightly, because during the prologue/chapter1, Ace is kind of just a bratty jock. He cracks jokes, he hangs out with everyone and he seems to not be plagued as much by his fear unless you breach the topic.
Hence why I personally think that there's no other person like Levi to be used as foil for him. Regardless of how you think on their relationship, be it romantic or platonic or whatever, it's nothing new that their attitudes clash so much, it comes back around to them covering each other's weakness very well. A little guy that feels to much and is scared of giving out of fear of being hurt, and a big guy that feels too little that gives to others out of necessity. So when taken to their natural extreme, they would very obviously have problems, specially under the circumstances that they're both in. Ace, tragically believing the one thing he knew he shouldn't have, and Levi hopelessly attempting to fix what he inadvertently broke. It's peak toxic yaoi imo.
(which also, at least in my opinion, makes Levi the one true Ace lover. None of the other boys have as much of their nuance intrinsically mangle with Ace's as him. But again, that's just me. Ship this little freak with however boy you want. Fuck it. Make him a slut even.)
The other thing that has popped in my mind a lot is his family situation. I know with my take of his family, he's like a middle child or whatever, but that was just me wanting to be contrarian to the obvious, more solid interpretation of Ace being the eldest of the 9 brothers. Because when you think about, him being forced into jockeying by his family to maintain them economically makes sense. He hates it, but if he doesn't do it, he'll be the loser everyone knows him to be. He'd be disposed of by his family, believing that they only care about him for his talent and the money that comes from it. And if he doesn't do it, the job might fall to one of his younger siblings. Something he can't morally do. Because as much of a stupid little shithead as he is, he's not an idiot. Ace knows what's right and what's wrong. He understands the cruelty of the world to an extent. And as such. He's forced into being the breadmaker for his big ass family until the day he either retires or dies.
All this to say. I love Ace Markey. He's such a silly little goofball full of depression and anxiety that is one fart away from going insane. Like I haven't even touched on my thoughts on Taylor (which I also got right on my earlier theory) and how that affects the Ace economy. I relate so much to this guy it's fucking unreal. I don't think I've ever hyperfixated on a character this much. Like. So much so that I even got a fucking custom plushie made out of him and am constantly drawing him.
Anyways thanks for listening to my old man ramble, have an Ace my friend Fennex made.
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kevinsdsy · 28 days
i need to know which one of the backliners was shadowing kevin during their match so bad bc i want to know who decided to just sit down to shake their hands 😭😭😭😭
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I think a really underrated character duo in gravity falls is Dipper and Stan. Like one, I think they are way more similar than people give them credit for. Like Dipper is definitely the one who feels like the ‘inferior’ twin (internally on his part), something reflected in Stan. Also Dipper is generally pretty cunning and willing to throw punches in a Stan-way, you can see Stan rubbing off on him as the show progresses. Dipper in the Stan costume, and that one scene where Stan and Dipper both cross their fingers at the same time for the same promise, both live in my head rent free. In my heart of hearts I think Dipper picks up a bit of Stans con-man tricks in the future (and Mabel goes on some bonding missions w/ Ford, but this post isn’t abt them). Also I just want to say I bet Dipper reminded Stan of a young Ford and that informed some of their early dynamic. Anyway bye just needed this brainworm out
#gravity falls#dipper pines#Stan pines#stanley pines#That one scene in Dreascapers where Stan talks abt how he sees himself in Dipper and that’s why he’s hard on him?#yeah#look the twins can obviously be put into their easy Mabel-Stan Dipper-Ford parallels#BUT I think it’s interesting to do it teh other way too#because Mabel and Ford are the weird twins of their pairs!!! they’re the outcasts who get picked on for being strange!#Also while I don’t think Mabel is Selfish (I love Mabel) she can be a little self-centered which is a good parallel to Ford who#is also kinda self centered#again I say this with love- Mabel did nothing wrong#similarly- Dipper can be mapped to the ‘Screw up twin’ (in his mind) the way Stan can#Dipper is a nerd but he’s not a super-genius like Ford was- so next to mabel he feels inferior#(I feel like he said something like this somewhere? the journal?)#anyway Stan is the same way#Also the way Dipper would fuck anyone up for hurting his family- even going as far to THREATEN bill in BOB#Tbf mabel does this too but it’s way less serious#anyway have this#gravity falls dipper#gravity falls stanley#wait I’m not over this actually#Mabel getting tricked by Bill pretending to be someone she trusted can be a Ford paralell actually#you know how bill sees himself in Ford despite the fact he’s WAYYY more like Stan??? that but mabel the opposite way. do you see the vision?#also the fact the two pines bill hates are Dipper and Stan. I win again#THE BILL-MABEL-FORD PARALELLE BUBBLE MIGHT NEED ITS OWN POST BC I HAVE THOUGHTS
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carriesthewind · 14 days
#putting this in the tags because my notifications are already nonsense enough#and I'm not interested in directing harassment anyone's way#and so#my good dudes#please learn how to read#I've been accused of 'piss poor reading comprehension' multiple times because I quoted the article saying 'outage'#and then described the attitude of the article toward the library closures as 'outrage'#and apparently the only reason I could come to this conclusion is by misreading 'outage' as 'outrage'#which.#just.#please learn how to read more than the literal meaning of words#reading the literal words is good 101 reading comprehension#please strive to reach 102#and some 'oh i did a a pd clinic in law school and then was advised not to pursue it b/c i'm just *so virtuous* and *so moral* asshole'#who is responding to my post about the IA's justification post insisting that I'm apparently insisting that law = morality#and#which#just#please#dear god#learn to read#but also#it's kind of fascinating#how the criticism of the IA's actions that people are responding to#(aside from saying I'm misreading their outrage toward library closures)#is primarily the idea that their 'emergency library' stole from authors & that such stealing was wrong#and in particular#nothing at all about how IA recklessly completely destroyed themselves by so obviously violating the law#(literally - it's all just been 'but the law was bad')#(and I guess if they see someone saying 'this is a stupid way to challenge the law' they can only read that as meaning 'this law is good'??
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transmascutena · 6 months
thinking about how akio sees his younger self in utena and wondering if there's any fondness there. doesn't change the horror of what he does to her obviously but i do wonder
#akio and utena#m#long ramble in the tags sorry:#the thing about akio is that he's so evil bit he's also so human#he has feelings. i just don't know what they are (if anything) toward his victims#he loves anthy at the very least i'm sure of that. even if he hates her too. just like she loves and hates him. the lines are blurry.#and i just. i have to wonder whether any of that extends to utena at all. we know anthy at times feels similarly about utena and dios#(and akio by extension.) the simultanious love and resentment. so it's not too unlikely i think.#like. even though he never had anything but bad intentions in getting close to her#i'm not sure it's possible to do everything he did and feel nothing#not that he has any meaningful amount of guilt or remorse for it. i don't think that.#and i obviously don't think he “loved” her in any of the ways she might have thought he did#but did he not care at all? did he not feel any kind of fondness or sympathy or just. idk. pity? for her?#whatever the case it wasn't enough to reconsider having her killed so you know. how much does that actually matter anyway#idk. i think about it a lot. how abusers are rarely entirely indifferent toward their victims#the role he's playing in her life is so fucked up but it IS a role he's playing and i wonder how much he you know... internalizes it?#how much does he believe the illusion of family that he invites her into? because akio DOES often buy into his own illusions.#(similarly i think it's possible that akio is fond of touga too. their mentor-protégé relationship is horrible and abusive#but that doesn't make it less real. you know? maybe real is the wrong word.)#when he talks in episode 25 about wanting utena and anthy closer that's obviously so he can continue to groom her#but is there something genuine there too? i don't know.#again. it obviously does not make anything he does better or even different. but it is interesting to think about to me.#on the other side of that coin does seeing his own past youth and naivete and desire to do good that he (maybe) once had#reflected back at him through her mean anything?#is there resentment there? that she is what he couldn't be? or more likely he just thinks that idealism is stupid.#either way it's something he wants to take from her. anyway ramble over.#i talk a lot about utena's feelings toward akio (familial vs romantic love and the way the two are intertwined in fucked up ways)#but not much the other way around. probably because utena is actually a sympathetic character whose feelings the show very clearly#wants you to analyze and think about.#which is... less true for akio i think. though he's still a complex character with complex motives. he's just harder to get a grasp on.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 1 month
well. did you fucking miss me.
#random thoughts#apologies for sounding in such a sour mood. life is fucked as of late.#scheduled post. i made this on 10.08.2024.#everything has just gone to shit. so far i've been eating less than ever. feels like my stomach is eating itself augh (':#(technically the so-called relapse started on 24.12.2023. but we are not unpacking that today or ever.)#and i am filled with this desperate urge to cut myself. really really deep. not sure how to cope with it#i also?? hate how i look??#and yet i spend all my time?? in this dark dark room?? taking pictures of my face?????#i'm not killing myself off just yet don't worry. i considered it but it won't be happening any time soon.#i originally planned on disappearing for twelve days. partly to make my friends feel bad because i'm awful#which. obviously didn't work. as i don't think anyone noticed or cared particularly.#but mostly because i can't fucking handle it. it being everything. my future feels so uncertain#i am barely alive. i love all the people in my life. but they're too far away physically and emotionally.#but yeah. back finally. although ciel disappears for a lot longer than me and if you know hym my absence would be a small stint.#ciel if you're here when i post this i love you please come back. ):#this place is so scary to come back to. i'm not sure why. i'm just. scared.#i'm not even sure if i want to return really. i'm having second thoughts now. i haven't gotten worse enough#and i can't say what that means. because in theory there's nothing wrong with me that's been speculated upon. so.#i don't think anyone would care if i disappeared for longer than this.#but being away is torture. and then again being here also sort of is. it's scary#fuck.#i can't get out of bed without feeling like shit. i don't know if i can come back. i'm so sick of everything.#if you're seeing this i'm so sorry.#I NEED TO CUT MYSELF I NEED TO CUT MYSELF NOW. I NEED TO. I MADE SO MANY PROMISES BUT I NEED TO DO IT NOW#I'VE GOT THE SCISSORS I NEED TO DO IT#I NEED TO DO IT RIGHT THE FUCK NOW#(<- tags canceled for now)
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Kingdom Hearts is so complicated" "Nomura made it up as he went along" "KH makes no sense" Have you considered that Riku is 15 and autistic and gay bc if you do I think itll change things
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